#“hey so i cut off your brother's arm but it was years ago and he forgave me + he likes his prosthetic more”
the-grin--reaper · 4 months
Nah but imagining Jai Long if he hadn't died like. His girlfriend's brother is the literal Empty Ghost and he was the one that cut off Lindon's arm in the first place and Lindon doesn't really approve of the relationship. Poor boy would be sweating
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initialchains · 4 months
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teenage dirtbag, baby! | luke castellan
pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader
summary: there is nothing more exhausting than being known as the picture perfect daughter of aphrodite… luckily, camp half-blood’s resident teenage dirtbag luke castellan can’t relate at all. fake dating him to piss off your siblings and mother could never go wrong, right? (based on 18 by anarbor)
wc: 6.5k
warnings: smoking, mentions of drinking, mentions of drugs, mentions of sex, implied sexual content, drew tanaka being a bitch, and kinda ooc luke bcs hes meant to be well … a teenage dirtbag.
a/n: its still valentine’s day for me sooo happy valentines 💌💗 !! in mexico valentine’s day is also known as the day of friendship so this one is dedicated to my favorite people ever: @emiliehornby @love-that-we-were-in and @kestisvrse <3 !! hope you enjoy it mwah !!
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The sounds of campers laughing and gossiping in the dining pavilion are drowned out by your siblings and their annoyingly loud whispers about the allegedly cute (you’d beg to differ) son of Ares who joined camp less than twelve hours ago. Sure, he seemed like a nice guy even though he's a child of the god of war, but you were certain the only reason they kept bringing him up was because they wanted to set you up with him.
“And his arms, oh my gods! Have you seen them?” one of your brothers chimed in, trying to get you to agree with him, but all you could come up with was a hum and a polite smile. 
It pissed you off a bit, the knowledge of you never being able to go against your siblings' wishes.. the fear of disappointing them and your mother being all-consuming and blinding you with fear.
There were times you’d think about it if you’re being honest. Times where you would let yourself dream of doing something so stupidly reckless for once. Something that would stop your siblings from walking all over you and treating you like their personal lapdog. 
Not only was it tiring but it was also humiliating to a certain point. You were older than most of them and you were pretty sure you were the only one that took being a demigod seriously, even taking your time to strategize for Capture The Flag with Clarisse, and yet… you rejected Chiron when he asked you to be a counselor and told him to ask Silena instead. 
And you loved your family—you really did, but it was getting exhausting. Always having to be perfect was draining you and you were afraid of the kind of person you’d become if you allowed this to keep going. 
“He totally wants to ask you out,” Silena’s voice snapped you out of the daze you were trapped in. You turned your head to the right, facing your half-sister with a small frown on your face.
“You really think so?” you replied, trying your best to sound excited. 
“Oh, I know so,” she answered before going on a whole rant about how cute you’d look with the newly claimed son of Ares. A son of Ares—that you badly wanted to remind her—had only been in camp for less than twelve hours and you knew nothing about. 
You stayed in the dining pavilion with your siblings until you found the strength to tell them you were tired and wanted to go to sleep (an incredibly blatant lie but it didn’t look like they cared) and stood up, brushing the dust off your jeans.
“Wait, I’ll go with you!” Silena said with a smile, standing up and moving closer to you. 
“You don’t have to. You can stay with them if you want to, really—“ you were cut off by your half-sister with an exasperated sigh.
“I want to go with you. Plus, I can walk back here once I drop you off at the cabin,” she stated with a playful roll of her eyes.
The two of you walked back to the Aphrodite cabin in a comfortable silence. You liked being with Silena, she was a few years younger than you but she carried herself with so much grace and love it was hard to feel uncomfortable or weird whenever you hung out with her.
You kept your gaze on the sky, noticing that the moon was out by now. “Hey,” Silena whispered, trying to get your attention.
“You okay?” you answered. Your mind was practically hardwired to always look after your siblings, so your brain was unwillingly making you think of the worst-case scenario.
“What? Yeah, I am okay,” Silena was quick to reassure you, “I just wanted to talk to you about—“
“I swear to all the gods, Silena. If this is about that camper..” you replied with a small sigh. The two of you stopped walking when you reached your cabin, deciding to continue the conversation outside.
“He’s not that bad! He is a nice guy and the two of you would look really cute together,” she insisted.
“You don’t even know him.”
“Ugh, fine. Good thing is there are other cute campers we can introduce you to. I met one of Charlie’s brothers a few weeks ago and I think he’d—“
“I can’t do this tonight,” you replied in an exhausted tone.
“Wow, okay. No need to be mean about it,” Silena muttered.
“I’m sorry?”
“I’ve been trying to help you find a boyfriend for months now and you always shut me down. It was fine at first but now you’re just being mean,” she explained.
“Mean? Silena, you said it yourself. I’ve always shut you down because I’m not interested in getting one.”
“Whatever,” she replied bitterly before turning around and walking back to the dining pavilion, leaving you alone outside of your cabin. 
You stared at her back as she walked away, going through the last few minutes over and over in your head. Were you being mean? All you did was stick up for yourself. You didn’t understand why you were feeling bad for standing up against your siblings just for once.
A snort made you realize you weren’t alone. You turned your head towards the noise just to be met with.. oh.
Luke Castellan was leaning against the side of your cabin, carefully hidden under the darkness of the night and the shadows of the trees, he had a cigarette in his right hand and an obnoxious smirk adorning his even more obnoxious face. 
“Hope you enjoyed the show, Castellan.”
Luke raised his hands as if he had been caught and blew the smoke away, “I’m on your side, she was being a fucking bitch.”
“Don’t call her that, she’s just a kid.”
Luke raised a brow before taking another drag of his cigarette, “Do not call your sister a bitch after seeing her.. be a bitch to you?” he shook his head. “Oh, princess, you need to work on getting rid of that altruism.”
“Do you even know what that word means?” you snapped, not being in the mood to indulge in whatever it was he wanted to talk about.
“Why? You want to teach me?” He said with a smirk.
“Don’t even start with your annoying stuff, Castellan,” you muttered, running a hand down your face, clearly overwhelmed with everything that had happened. 
“Because you know you won’t want me to stop?” he pressed, but after a moment of silence his smirk fell and a frown took over his features. 
“Uh.. you want to...” he trailed off and cleared his throat, “you want to talk about it or something?” 
You squinted at him before eventually letting out a sigh and walking over to Luke, standing next to him with your back pressed against the wooden walls of your cabin. Luke extended his arm away from you to keep the smoke far from your face. 
“So, um... Silena wants to set me up with that new camper,” you started.
“Fuck. The Ares one?” Luke interrupted.
“Right, sorry. Please continue, princess.”
You decided to ignore the insufferable pet name he gave you and continued, “The thing is I do want a boyfriend, just not… him.”
Luke hummed before bringing the cigarette to his lips again and inhaling the smoke in, he kept his mouth closed as he thought of something decent to say before slightly tilting his head away from you and blowing out the smoke upwards. 
“Alright, and have you tried telling her to stop?” he cut himself off and shook his head. “Nope that was shitty advice, have you tried maybe describing your type or whatever it is you Aphrodite people say to describe the people you’re attracted to.” 
“My type?” you replied, almost offended by the statement.
“Yeah?” Luke answered as if it was the most obvious thing to do, “Just describe the type of guys you’re into and I’m sure that cult of yours you like to call siblings will be happy to help…” he trailed off when he noticed your gaze set on his right hand and your bottom lip in between your teeth as he flicked the cigarette, causing the ashes to fall into the ground. 
He looked up from his hand and burst out into laughter, shaking his head before whispering an amused fuck. 
“Oh?” Luke said with a bright smile and raised brows, “You find this attractive, angel?” 
“That thing is going to kill you,” you explained, “I’m not attracted to people that like to slowly kill themselves.” 
“Fucking bummer. I wanted to see you take a drag, that would’ve been really hot,” he said, his smile not wavering. “Next thing you’re going to tell me is that you don’t drink, right?”
“No, I don’t.”
“Look at you, being such a good girl,” Luke teased before throwing the rest of his cigarette to the ground and stepping on it. 
“Also, that thing you said about Silena being just a kid was really fucking stupid. She’s almost the same age as Annabeth and she doesn’t act like an asshole, I’m pretty sure your sweet little sister is just a bitch.” 
Annabeth. You forgot that even though Luke is an annoyance most of the time and prefers to stick to himself.. he still has a soft spot for the twelve year old daughter of Athena. It was kind of endearing. 
“Annabeth is a daughter of Athena, you can’t expect her to act—“
“You didn’t act like Silena when you were fourteen. You need to stop giving her excuses and allow yourself to get mad at her.” 
“I’d rather have my siblings get mad at me and just stop perceiving me as this perfect and weak person, maybe once that happens they’ll stop trying to mess with my life,” you explained, your gaze set towards the ground. 
Luke was about to open his mouth and try to come up with a funny one-liner to make you feel better, but he didn’t get to because you were quick to look up at him with a gasp and wide eyes.
“The fuck? Are you okay?” 
“I need you.”
“Shit, angel. Most girls say that after a few dates but I’m not against the idea,” he said with an amused look in his eyes. 
“Ew, no. I mean, I need to date you—fake date you.”
“I’m uh... not for sale?” Luke answered, clearly confused by the plan you were trying to explain.
“No, Castellan. Listen to me. My siblings despise you, I’m sure they’d set my bed on fire as a way of cleansing my soul from you if they find out we’re dating.”
Luke’s eyes got bright and his smile widened (if that was even possible), “Set your bed on fire? And what would we do in your bed for them to feel disgusted by its existence?”
“You’re disgusting. Anyway, if we fake date I’ll get to stop being perceived as their perfect sister and you’ll have bragging rights for dating an Aphrodite kid,” you said, moving your hands as you spoke. 
“I’m pretty sure Drew started the rumors about me having lice and smuggling coke into camp, are you sure you want to fake date me of all people?” Luke asked carefully, trying to make you think about what was at stake. He didn’t give a shit about staining his already nonexistent reputation, but he couldn’t have you ruin yours. 
“I am so sure, Castellan,” you reassured him. 
“You know, for a good girl I’m extremely surprised you never say please.”
“Please, Castellan. Could you please be my fake boyfriend so I can finally stop being seen as my siblings' personal toy?” you said with a fake smile while bringing your hands together as an exaggerated way of begging Luke to say yes. 
“You’re so cute when you beg. But you need to prove to me you’re serious about this fake dating thing. Meet me tomorrow at the bonfire, no bullshit.” 
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
You had been on edge the entire day. Silena seemed to be past the argument, which made you feel better to an extent, but that didn’t seem to shake the uneasy feeling that settled in your gut because throughout the day you could feel someone staring at you. You could feel Luke staring at you.  
You were walking past the sword fighting arena with Katie Gardner from the Demeter Cabin the first time it happened. The feeling of a pair of eyes completely set on you. You turned your head to the right just to be met with Luke’s exhausted figure, he was sweating and panting, but that didn’t stop him from running his eyes up and down your figure and smiling at you. 
To say Katie was disgusted would be an understatement. A “Castellan is a dick, you should stay away from him,” was enough to stop you from staring at him and turning your head back to Katie. She went on to explain how Luke was a “real shitty person” and only hooked up with her as a way of getting her to grow weed in the back of the stables. 
It happened around eight times in the last two hours (not that you were counting) and it only got worse when the moon came up and everyone was making their way to the bonfire. You were walking next to Michael Yew when you felt a hand on your lower back. 
Luke’s hand on your lower back, to be exact. He left it there as he walked past you, only turning his head back to say “It’s adorable to see you together, are you two a couple?” 
You had to hold yourself back from strangling him when you heard his irritating laugh after he saw Michael’s reaction to his statement. Michael tried his best to be polite and tell him he was wrong, that there was nothing going on between the two of you. 
But his reply only seemed to fuel Luke’s actions even more because all he did was answer with a cocky “Oh, I know. Our princess here is only into... what was it? People that like to slowly kill themselves with cigarettes?” before walking away.
You were going to kill him.
Michael left your side as soon as you arrived, moving to sit with his siblings from the Apollo Cabin… leaving you with two choices: sitting with your siblings or sitting next to Luke (who for some reason always sat alone and spent the entire time listening to the music coming from the MP3 player he somehow managed to get into camp). 
So this is what Luke meant, you thought. This was the only way you could prove to him and everyone that you were serious about dating him—fake dating him—but it's not like they would ever know the truth.
You dragged your feet as you walked towards Luke, clearly having second thoughts about your plan, but there was no turning back now. You tried to ignore the confused look Drew was giving you and the gasps you could hear coming from your siblings. 
“I’m pretty sure Drew started the rumors about me having lice and smuggling coke into camp, are you sure you want to fake date me of all people?” You weren't so sure anymore but that didn’t stop you from taking a seat next to Luke Castellan, who took one of his earphones off and looked at you with a smile. 
“Happy now? I just proved how serious I am about this,” you whispered to him, trying your best to not let anyone hear you.
Luke nodded before saying, “You could’ve done better, but I’ll take it.”
“Done better? I just sat next to you in front of the entire camp, isn’t this good enough for you?” you asked, indignation evident in your tone. 
“Promise not to beat me up?” Luke said before pulling your arm and manhandling your body so you were on top of him, sitting on his lap. He placed his hands on your hips and looked up at you with stars in his eyes.
“Wow, Castellan. How scandalous, I’m sitting on your lap,” you deadpanned. 
He chuckled, bringing you closer to him and pressing his lips against yours. Luke’s hands felt like fire against your skin, all you could feel was a heat taking all over your body as he continued to kiss you, only pulling away to catch his breath before bringing you in for another one, this time he kissed you deeper and faster. 
Luke dragged you closer to him by pressing your hips against his and all you could do was melt into him and the feeling of his lips against yours. In the distance, you could hear gasps and people gagging, and you were pretty sure the campers from the Ares Cabin were cheering and whistling, but all your thoughts were on Luke Castellan and how good of a kisser he is.
You pulled away first this time, trying to steady your breathing as you looked into his eyes. He licked his lips before whispering “We should go.”
Your eyes widened as soon as he said that, the implications of what the sentence meant making you feel nervous. Luke was quick to reassure you, “If we leave, your siblings will be even more outraged. We don’t have to do anything, but they’ll think we are doing…some stuff. Just come to the woods with me for a little while.” 
You nodded and grabbed his hand as he guided you through the woods. You could hear Silena calling out your name and warning you about the consequences of your actions, but her voice was drowned out by the loud cheers coming from Clarisse.
Once the two of you were far enough from the rest of the campers, Luke let go of your hand and sat down by the lake, nodding his head as a way of asking you to join him.
You sat in silence for a few minutes until Luke spoke first. “How long do you think we should keep this thing up?”
“Valentina and Drew will want us to be over by tonight,” you said with a smile, a laugh escaping your lips. You didn’t notice how Luke’s eyes got brighter when he heard your laugh or how the melody that came out of your lips went straight through his heart and made him feel more alive.
“But I think a week should be enough. We can say we’ve been secretly dating for like... five months? That way it won’t be weird if we break up in a week,” you explained while your fingers played with your camp necklace. 
Luke nodded before going silent again, staring at the lake with a look you couldn’t quite comprehend. Your gaze was set on him, your eyes traveling from his toned arms, all the way to the scar that sat right below his right eye. 
“I know it’s awful, I can feel you staring at it,” he murmured. You could physically feel your heart sinking when he said it. You cleared your throat, “No, I… I think it’s beautiful. I think you’re—” Luke turned his head to face you, an inquisitive look in his eyes. “I think you’re really brave, Luke.” 
“Beautiful?” Luke asked, confusion written all over his face. “You should hear what your siblings say about it, then. I’m sure your opinion would change in a second.” 
“Being an Aphrodite kid means you see beauty everywhere,” you explained, “And I think your scar must be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Luke stared at you with an unreadable expression, making your heart almost beat out of your chest. 
“Are you flirting with me, angel?”
“Of course, you’d ruin the moment. Screw you, man.” You rolled your eyes. 
Luke threw his head back in a fit of laughter, it made you want to strangle him… again. “Did you just say screw you? Gods, princess, saying fuck won’t kill you.” 
“I don’t like to curse, thank you for pointing it out, Castellan,” you said, playfully shoving him, making him fake a gasp. 
“You went from trying to seduce me to trying to kill me, you’re so interesting, angel,” he said before letting out a sigh. “It, uh… It was really hard at first, getting used to the scar.”
“Having people call it all sorts of names, and looking at me with nothing but pity in their eyes was not easy to get used to. But after some time you just… stop caring. I mean, I’m not that big of an asshole to hold a grudge over a fucking scar, it even looks sick. But yeah, when it gets hard again all I can do is snort a line and move on.
“The coke smuggling was real?” you gasped, only focusing on the last sentence he said. Luke tried to keep a straight face but his facade fell the moment he noticed your wide eyes. Luke Castellan has the type of laugh that makes everything get fuzzy and makes you feel lightheaded, and all you wanted to do was to come up with bad jokes just for the sole reason of hearing him do it again. 
“Fuck, you really believe anything, huh?”
“Shut up, Castellan. I’ll literally stab you and let you slowly bleed to death,” you threatened, standing up from your place next to him. Luke followed you as you walked back to the cabins.
“You do know I’m the best swordsman in the last 300 years, right? Do you even know how to wield a sword?” he asked, matching your pace and walking next to you. 
“Low blow, just because I don’t like to indulge in violence it doesn’t mean I don’t know how to wield a sword,” you retorted. 
Luke snorted a laugh, “You don’t know, do you?”
“No, I don’t. Will you shut up now?”
“I only will if you accept to let me teach you how to fight tomorrow,” Luke said with a tilt to his head. He didn’t even give you a chance to answer because he walked away from you while saying a loud “Meet me tomorrow morning in the sword fighting arena.” 
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
You were sure you were seconds away from passing out. It's been around two hours of sparring with Luke and your arms and legs were about to give out. The sun was starting to come out, which meant this torture was nearly over. At least that’s what Luke promised. “We’ll stop as soon as the other campers wake up, that way you won’t have to be embarrassed if they see your… skills.”
The two of you circled each other, your swords were raised and Luke’s blade was pointing straight at you. Luke took a second to study your stance before lunging forward, his sword meeting yours as you quickly blocked his attack. “Not too bad, huh?” Luke teased before trying to get another hit, his moves becoming more calculated the longer you kept blocking his advances. Proving he wasn’t called the best swordsman at camp for nothing. 
With a disarming maneuver you weren’t aware of, Luke was quick to throw your sword to the ground and have you stumbling back, not being able to regain your footing. Luke gave you a smirk when your body hit the ground with a small thud, “That was easy,” he said, “We should do this more often.” 
“Nope, this is a one-time thing, Castellan,” Luke rolled his eyes before bringing the blade of his sword closer to you, reaching for your chin with a glint in his eyes. The blade met your chin and Luke lifted it, making you meet his gaze as he slowly made you stand up by raising his sword even higher. 
The two of you stood still, staring intently into each other’s eyes until you heard it—the sound of the Ares Cabin making their way to the arena. Luke let out a surprised shit, dropped his sword to the ground, and walked closer to you, cupping your jaw with his right hand and kissing you. 
Your lips met in a hurried collision, causing the same fire from yesterday to set in your stomach. Your hands moved to Luke’s hair, softly pulling it as the kiss got heated. You knew this was fake, you knew this kiss meant nothing to him… but you didn’t want him to stop. “Holy fuck, are you two always sucking each other’s faces?” Clarisse’s voice cut through the moment, causing you to pull away from Luke, unable to meet his gaze. 
“Yeah, that’s what being in a relationship entails. I don’t think you’d know much about it, La Rue,” Luke breathes out.
“Don’t you have weed to sell or a cheap bottle of vodka to down, Castellan?” 
“Aw, you know me so well,” Luke answered before picking up both of your swords and grabbing your hand, walking away from the arena. 
The following days were (and you hated to admit it) filled with the most fun you’ve ever had. Luke would come up with some insane idea for a fake date and it would always end with one of you lying about seeing a camper or hearing Silena’s voice as an excuse to make out with each other. 
There was this one time the two of you were having a picnic by the strawberry fields and the day ended with the two of you hiding in the empty forge while making out, running your hands over each other’s bodies, and doing the normal stuff fake couples always do… it all happened because Luke swore he heard Valentina’s voice near the fields. (You were sure Valentina had been on the stables that entire day because she had cleaning duty, but why wouldn’t you play along with something you also wanted to do?)  
It was Sunday–the last day of your fake relationship–when Silena finally found the guts to talk to you about Luke. You even felt slightly bad for the girl because she was so nervous when she sat next to you in the dining pavilion. 
“I..um... I just wanted to say I’m sorry,” she began, “Well, there are lots of things for me to apologize for, but I think it’s pretty obvious what the main problem is.” 
“The way I’ve been treating you is not okay and I’m really ashamed of it. You shouldn’t have to feel pressured to be the person we want you to be, I used to see you as someone who couldn’t do things on her own and always needed someone to push her and help her handle everything… and now I see I was wrong,” Silena explained, running a hand through her hair. 
“It’s fine, Silena. I don’t mind.”
“Well, I do. You’re strong and more than capable of doing things on your own, and you don’t need me to try and help you or fix you.” She took a deep breath. “I didn't know you were dating Luke, and to be honest I didn’t even know he was your type. He is so… weird and I never would’ve guessed you were dating. I mean, Drew told me he does cocaine and—”
“He doesn’t,” you interrupted.
Silena raised a brow before continuing, “Anyway, I’m sorry if I ever made you feel bad for just... existing. And you always look so happy after hanging out with Luke, I truly hope the two of you stay together for a long time.” 
You didn’t even know how to explain the situation so you just blurted out “I broke up with him.” 
Silena looked shocked for a few seconds before letting out a deep breath, “Oh, thank the gods. Just because we trust you it doesn’t mean we trust him,” she spat the him with so much disgust it made you feel sick. “You deserve so much better.” 
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This is probably the first time you have ever felt ill at the thought of seeing Luke. Sure, you used to be annoyed by his presence before the whole fake dating situation even started, but at least you were a strange type of friends back then. Not really close but also not complete strangers. There were times you’d catch him hiding his secret stash of weed behind the stables and didn’t tell anyone, and he’d always pay you back by lying to Chiron about you practicing your sword skills with him. (You had only used a sword once and it was years ago when you were still a new camper, you had no idea why Chiron would ever believe him.)
Luke was sitting in his usual spot by the lake, a cigarette in his hand. It had become a tradition for the two of you to always meet up by the lake before curfew to talk about your day and practice your kissing so it wouldn’t look fake. 
“Hey,” you said, taking a seat next to him. Luke threw his cigarette to the ground, stepped on it, and almost instinctively wrapped an arm around your waist, kissing your temple. “Blink-182?” you asked, nodding at the MP3 he had on his lap. 
“The Smashing Pumpkins,” Luke answered, taking his earphones off. “Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness is one of the best albums ever made.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I’ll take your word for it,” you said. Luke smiled and poked your side. 
“So, there’s something I need to talk to you about,” you began, but Luke held up his hand as a way to get you to stop.
“Can I say something first?” he asked, looking shy for probably the first time since the day you met him. 
You nodded and let him take the lead of the conversation. “Alright, so… I’m kind of shit with words so I’m sorry if this doesn’t make any sense but this past week has probably been the best week of my life. And I’m not even fucking around, I don’t have many friends–apart from Annabeth, and getting to be with you is the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
“Being your friend is the greatest gift the gods have ever given me, and sometimes I feel like I don’t even deserve it. I’m a mess of a person, and you’re well… you’re you,” Luke stared deeply into your eyes, “And I just wanted to let you know that—”
Luke didn’t get to finish his sentence because this time it was you who cut him off with a kiss. You could taste the cigarette on his lips as he brought you closer to him, running a hand down your back and deepening the kiss before pulling away and moving to kiss your neck. 
Luke began to trail kisses down your throat and only stopped to whisper a low “Look at you, what would Aphrodite say? I’m sure she’d be proud.”
You pushed him away the moment you remembered your mother. “Silena apologized. We can stop pretending now.”
Luke was silent and just stared at you, his fingers moving to fidget with the wire of his earphones. “Oh, right,” he cleared his throat. “It’s Sunday, I forgot.”
You knew he didn’t.
“Yup, so we can go back to normal now,” you said, looking away from his eyes because you knew it would only take one look into them for you to kiss him again.
“Good,” Luke stood up, not daring to even shoot you a glance, and walked away. Leaving you alone by the lake with the lingering smell of his cheap stolen cologne mixed with the cigarette he was smoking. 
It didn’t help that you were welcomed into your cabin with hugs and your siblings congratulating you for breaking up with the son of Hermes. Sure, you weren’t the perfect sister anymore because you dated Luke Friendless-Freak Castellan, but knowing they liked you just because you were with him and then broke his heart made you want to set the cabin on fire. 
The main rule of the Aphrodite Cabin was something your siblings were extremely proud of, but the thought of its existence made you want to storm into Mount Olympus by yourself and yell at your mother for putting all these useless ideas into their heads. 
For a child of Aphrodite to prove themselves, they must make someone fall in love with them and then break that someone's heart. 
Is it possible for the rule to backfire? For the child of Aphrodite to accidentally fall in love with someone and then break their own heart because of it? You didn’t even know if that was an option, but you were sure that’s exactly what you were going through right now. 
It was hard for you to go to sleep that night because your mind kept replaying the past week on a loop. Your conversation with Luke by your cabin. The night of the bonfire. The conversation by the lake about his scar. Sparring with him. Going on a million fake dates. The night on the forge. Your last conversation with him. 
“Look at you, what would Aphrodite say? I’m sure she’d be proud.” 
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
You could feel Luke staring at you. Again. 
You were helping Annabeth strategize for Capture The Flag, because she had the brilliant idea to have the Athena cabin team up with Hermes and Aphrodite. You didn’t know much about fighting and spent most of the time sitting with your sisters during the game, but that didn’t mean you didn’t enjoy helping them come up with new plans. 
Once the three of you were done, Annabeth excused herself with an awkward “I think Malcolm wanted me to help him go through some maps. You two have fun… chatting!” and left as fast as she could, leaving you alone with Luke. 
You watched her leave the amphitheater and turned around to face Luke, “I can see why you like her. She’s so much like you.”
“Yeah, she’s like my little sister.”
The silence was so uncomfortable you almost broke down crying. You nodded and turned around, not being strong enough to face him, and walked away. You could hear him behind you, following you.
“Can we talk?” he pleaded.
You were about to open your mouth when Drew’s voice made you turn your head. “Gods, Castellan. It’s so embarrassing to still be hung up on your ex.” 
Luke sighed, “Hello to you too, Tanaka.” 
“Can you leave her alone? She doesn’t want to talk to you,” Drew said through a fake smile. 
“Oh, really? Did she tell you that?” Luke answered, tilting his head as he spoke and making eye contact with you. Wordlessly begging you to please talk to him. 
You stayed silent and looked away from him. Luke let out an incredulous laugh before nodding his head. “Good to know you’re back to being their little pet.” 
Drew rolled her eyes and walked away, shoving Luke as she walked past him. “So? You’re just not going to say anything?” Luke said. 
“What do you want me to say, Castellan?” 
“Tell me that last week didn’t mean anything to you,” Luke answered, his voice trembling. 
“Why do you care? I thought I was nothing but Drew’s little pet,” you replied, trying your best to not look weak in front of him.
Luke ran a hand through his hair and stepped closer to you, “I’m sure you’re thinking the exact same thing about yourself.” 
You hated that he was right.
The truth made your blood boil. “I don’t want any of your shit,” Luke let out a genuine laugh this time, a mocking look in his eyes. “Oh, so now she can curse?” 
You hated him for seeing the real you. You hated him for knowing the truth. You hated yourself for loving him.
“Fuck you, Castellan,” Luke hummed before stepping even closer to you and placing a hand on your waist, leaning to whisper in your ear. “I’m sure you’d love to do that again, right?” Luke’s smell was taking all over your senses and making your knees go weak. He continued, “Because even if we do it in the darkness of the Forge… it is still two friends fake dating because your mother might be watching.” 
You found the strength to press your hands against his chest and push him away, “Don’t talk to me ever again.” 
You spent the rest of the day with your siblings and friends, too afraid to leave their side because you didn’t trust yourself. Because you knew that if you were left alone for a second—you’d run straight to him. 
You sat next to Silena in the dining pavilion. Helped Katie and the Dyonisus cabin grow more strawberries by keeping them company. Walked with Michael to the bonfire, and stayed with Drew throughout the entire singalong. 
As always, Luke was sitting by himself, his MP3 player in his hand and his eyes were set on you. 
You walked back to your cabin when the singalong was over and helped your siblings get ready for bed. You were about to go to sleep when Valentina whispered your name, saying she had something for you.
“We found it last night under your bed, Drew wanted to give it to the harpies but I managed to take it away from her,” a frown made its way to your face.”What do you mean?”
“We found this,” She pulled out a badly wrapped gift from under her pillows. You were confused until she told you to open it.
 It was a bright pink MP3 player. 
“Oh,” you whispered, your hands shook as you stared at it. “I’ve got to—”
“It’s okay,” Valentina whispered. “He’s probably by the lake.”
You gave your half-sister a hug before running out of your cabin, and making your way to the lake. You could see Luke’s silhouette in the distance, and the sight only made you run faster.
You took a moment to catch your breath before saying, “The Smashing Pumpkins?”
Luke turned around at the sound of your voice. “Blink-182” he answered with a small smirk.
“Uh, of course,” you said as you walked closer to him. “Alright, listen. You were right.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.”
“Oh, fuck off,” you continued with a smile. “So, it turns out I may or may not be in love with this certain guy, and he may or may not be my type or whatever it is my siblings say.”
Luke took a step closer to you. “There’s a chance this guy thinks I’m going through a phase and only fake dated him to piss off my siblings and mother but the truth is… I don’t even care about them whenever I’m with him.” 
His hand moved to caress your cheek, “That’s cute and all but how does this guy know you truly mean that?” 
“I’m not going to make out with him at the bonfire, so I guess all he needs to do is believe me,” you whispered, your eyes moving from Luke’s eyes to his lips.
Luke smiled before answering, “Believe you? That’s alright with me,” and pressing his lips to yours.
Luke was right. Aphrodite would be proud. 
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norrisleclercf1 · 11 months
New Addition
Pairing: Lando x Reader
Rating: PG
Requested: Yes/No
Words: 1.2K
Warnings: None, just fluff
Mini Lando Series Masterlist / Mini Lando
A/N: Ya'll get to meet the new addition to the Mini Lando Series
Synopsis: Caleb Maxemillian Norris, is born and Aiden doesn't know how to feel about it, Lando is grateful for his life to be this way
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"He's ugly." Lando turns quickly so you don't see him laughing at his now eldest son. "Aiden." You sigh, exhausted from giving birth 5 days ago.
Aiden looks up at you, those infamous Norris eyes boring into your face. "But, he is." Aiden whines looking back down at the baby lying in your arms. "Lando." Your husband straightens up hearing his name, the laughter gone.
"Aiden…..that's not nice to call your brother ugly." Lando chastises. Aiden makes a noise, dropping his head at his father's words. "But…daddy." Lando cuts him a glare that has Aiden go silent.
"Do you want to know his name?" You ask, seeing how your 3-year-old was ramping up a tantrum. "Yes, mummy," Aiden whispers, stepping closer to you. "His name is Caleb. Caleb, this is your big brother Aiden." Aiden stares at the baby, still thinking how ugly he looks.
"Daddy?" Lando kneels down, rubbing his hand through those curls he got from him. "Yeah, buddy?" Aiden climbs off the couch, staring down at his feet. "Can I go play now?" Lando sighs, hating that this wasn't going better.
"Yeah, go play. I'll join you once I get mummy and the baby settled." Lando promises, watching Aiden rush down the hall to his room, leaving the door open like he should.
"Lando." You whimper, your emotions are still high, and you want to cry seeing your baby like that. "Oh, oh no, she. It's okay." He moves quickly, wrapping his arms around you and Caleb. "He hates him." You whisper, finger tracing Caleb's little brow.
"You heard what the doctor said; it's normal for toddlers to react this way. He's not used to the baby; it's changed." Lando comforts you, kissing your temple. "I know, I'm being stupid." You lean into Lando's hold.
"You're not being stupid, love. You're a mother who loves her children, and it hurts you to see that Aiden doesn't like this new addition to the family. Give him some time." Kissing you again, he leans down, giving Caleb a phantom kiss on his forehead.
Caleb's face scrunches up at the feeling. Standing slowly, Lando is right there, helping you to the bedroom. He heads toward Aiden's room when he gets you settled, ensuring you have everything. He stops at the door, Aiden playing with his building blocks in silence.
"Hey, can I join?" Lando asks, stepping into the room and sitting down behind Aiden. His son leans back instantly, resting himself on his chest.
Lando feels his throat tighten, unable to stop thinking about the first time they brought Aiden home. "Is the new baby staying here?" Chuckling, Lando's fingers comb through Aiden's wild curls. "Yes, buddy, he's your brother. He's going to live here with us." Aiden huffs, going back to the building with his blocks.
"Daddy?" Fingers stop as Lando lies down on his side, facing his son. "Aiden?" Lando asks back, smiling as his son looks at him. "Can I go live with Uncle Los?" Taken aback, Lando sits up. "What? Aiden, why do you want to go live with Uncle Los?" Aiden stops playing with his blocks.
"The new baby, you don't need me anymore," Lando swore at that moment, his heart shattered. Lando was told that some toddlers feel like being replaced when a new child comes into the picture, but he never once thought that Aiden would be like that.
"Aiden." Lando takes a deep breath, grabs his little hands, and pulls him into his lap, holding him close. "You're not going anywhere, do you hear me? Mummy and I still love you, but now we love Caleb too. That doesn't mean you just leave, baby. You are still my mini-me, my baby, my firstborn. You will always have a place in my heart." Lando rocks back and forth as Aiden cuddles into his daddy's arms.
"Daddy?" Aiden's tiny voice was muffled by Lando's shirt. "I want to give something to the baby." Lando lets Aiden go as the boy rushes into his closet. Standing, Aiden runs past Lando's legs, darting to the bedroom.
Sitting up, you see the door pushed open, but nobody until a head full of curls appears before you. "For the baby." Grabbing it, you stop seeing what Aiden was giving you. It was his favorite bunny stuffie.
Lando had bought it when Aiden was born; it was a bunny holding a more petite bunny. Aiden refuses to sleep without it, as it smells like his daddy. "Aiden, bubs, this is Wubby. Are you sure?" Lando comes in behind, lifting Aiden so he can sit on the bed.
"What is it?" Your husband asks, climbing on the bed, pulling Aiden into his hold. "He wants to give Wubby to Caleb." You explain seeing Lando's shocked face; you know that he didn't put him up to this.
"Aiden, you love Wubby. You keep him." Sitting up slowly, still sore from everything. "Wubby helps me sleep; it'll help the baby," Aiden explains, staring at Wubby, not wanting to part with his bunny, but he was big brother now. Besides, Uncle Carlos said his job now was to protect his new brother.
"Aiden, that's so sweet of you. Come here." You hold your arms out, Aiden crawling off Lando and into your arms. Smiling as Aiden moves around, he settles into your side. "Mummy, I love you." Aiden mumbles. As your heart grows, you try hard not to cry at your little boy. "Mummy loves you too, baby." You choke out, holding him closer.
Lando smiles as he watches the two of you fall asleep. Caleb grows fussy, with Lando reaching into the bassinet and picking him up. Walking down the hall, Lando hums softly, staring at the little boy and how much he looks like you.
"You are so loved; Aiden is quiet and shy, like me. But if you're anything like your mother, I know you'll be the one to look after everyone. Aiden loves Wubby, so we're gonna let him keep it. God……I don't know how to explain it to you. I love you and your brother." Lando takes a deep breath trying to control the tears gripping his throat.
"You're my air; I don't know what I would do if anything ever happened to you two. Just promise me this; don't grow up so fast. Always rely on me, I promise; even when I'm mad, I'm right there by your side." Lando whispers, staring down at Caleb.
"You two….are my greatest achievements in life; nothing will ever stop me from being proud." Lando presses his head against Caleb's, who scrunches his face before grabbing Lando's finger and sucking on it. "Just like your mother." Chuckling, he heads back down the hall, stopping as he stares at the 2 of the 3 greatest loves of his life.
"I don't know what I did to deserve this life, but…I never want it to end." Smiling to himself, Lando lays Caleb down, ensuring he is safe. He joins you and Aiden in bed.
You whine when you feel your body move, but a soft whisper of 'it's me' calms you down, Lando's cologne wrapping around you. "I love you; thank you for giving me this life." Smiling softly, you drift off to sleep, Lando holding you and Aiden close.
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Your older brother Suguru always brought his idiotic best friend from the basketball team around after school. 
He would always get on your nerves. Not only was he loud and annoying, but he was also stupidly attractive. Whenever Satoru was around, you knew that you would not be getting any work done at home.
He somehow knew what effect he had on you. He would wink or blow you kisses when he saw you around the house, but always behind Suguru’s back. If Suguru knew that Satoru was flirting with his younger sister, he would lose his mind. 
Unfortunately for you, procrastination decided to be a real pain and you had a lengthy essay that was due tomorrow morning. 
It was time to fully lock in. The blinds were drawn, your phone was hidden from arms reach and your noise cancelling headphones were in. You were ready for battle.
You could barely hear the knock on your door. You turned around, saying “come in!”
Your older brother peeked his head through the door. “Hey sis. Just letting you know that-“
You nodded, brushing him off. He always gave you a heads up when Satoru was visiting. Satoru was always hanging out with Suguru in his room, almost every day of the week. 
It was a common occurance now, so you didn’t bat an eye when Suguru notified you of someone coming over.
For the next eight hours you were in full focus. Your noise cancelling headphones were expensive, but boy were they a good investment. You couldn’t hear Satoru’s pitchy voice, or his raucous laughter. 
It was now nearly midnight, and you were starving. You made your way to the kitchen, noise cancelling headphones playing music from your phone, when you sensed a pair of eyes staring at you from the living room.
Rather, multiple pairs of eyes. 
You failed to notice that Suguru had invited his entire basketball team over today, instead of just Satoru. 
You startled and dropped a glass cup of water, the entire thing breaking in two in what felt like the loudest possible way.
You were suddenly conscious of the comfortable form fitting shorts that you had outgrown years ago, and the tank top that dipped a little bit too low for comfort that you were wearing. It was even worse now that you were blushing beet red and bending over to scoop the glass up.
Where was your brother when you needed him? He was nowhere to be seen!
“Don’t do that.” Satoru now stood crouching in front of you, his broad shoulders covering you from his teamates veiw. “You’ll hurt yourself.” He swept the shattered glass into a dustpan and brush. After he was done, he gently held your wrists and inspected your hands. “You’re lucky you didn’t cut yourself.” His blue eyes pierced yours. Suddenly his gaze dipped downwards, onto what you were wearing. You felt the colour return to your cheeks immediately. “I-I’m fine.” You snatched your arms out of his grasp. You stood up immediately and he did too, casually trying to cover you up.
“Suguru never told me that his little sister was hot.” Naoya, the captain of the basketball team commented. “If I knew that I’d have hosted more get togethers here.” The rest of the basketball team snickered, and white hot rage turned Satoru’s blue eyes into a stormy grey. “Shut the f*ck up Naoya.” His voice was lethally low, the complete opposite of his usual pitchy keen.
Naoya whistled. “Sorry. I didn’t know she was taken.” 
Satoru glared in silence.
“I-Is she actually your girlfriend?” Naoya bursted into laughter. Condescending, rude laughter that sounded like forks scratching against plates. “So what if she is?” All the anger had dissipated from Satoru’s face. There was now a cool mask of indifference with a hint of playfulness. 
“Seriously? The school playboy Satoru Gojo is dating her?” 
“You say it like it’s a bad thing.” He challenged.
You stood there, face whipping back and forth between Satoru and Naoya. “Hey Satoru!”
Your voice sounded unnaturally stiff. “Why don’t we continue watching The Office in my room? We still haven’t finished off the episode we were on!” Your voice cracked at the word ‘still’, and it looked like Satoru was fighting tremendously hard to keep himself from laughing.
“Sure thing sweetie.”
“Okay why the f*ck am i only now hearing from Naoya, f*cking Naoya that you’re dating my sister?”
Suguru was angry.
Murderously, terrifyingly angry.
*planning on making this a fake dating kinda thing, part 2 coming...*
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moonlightspencie · 1 year
Wrong Time
Description: Dean doesn’t know how to act right. Sam doesn’t get the animosity. Reader is just trying to live life. Otherwise known as Mutual Pining: the Fanfic.
Pairing: jealous!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader, platonic!Sam Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: jealous dean :), minor angst, spells and other supernatural things, plenty of fluff
Word Count: 6.6k
A/N: originally posted on tumblr like 3 years ago (rip in peace to the like 3k notes it had). then posted to ao3. now it’s back on tumblr.
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I walked into the bunker after Sam and Dean, throwing my bag down as soon as my feet hit the floor. I shuffled into the library, noticing Castiel at a table on a laptop.
“How was the hunt?” He looked up at me.
“It was crap,” Dean answered gruffly. I took a chance look at him, and he shot me a glare that could kill. “I’m taking a shower.”
Sam watched his brother stalk past. “I— it was… Fine. I mean, something almost went wrong, but we all ended up okay.”
Cas nodded slowly. Then he noticed my expression. “Are you okay, (Y/N)? You look unwell.”
“It was my fault.”
“(Y/N)—” Sam started.
“No, Sam, I mean— I was stupid. I almost got myself killed. I would have been if Dean didn’t find me first.”
“Still wasn’t your fault, we all make mistakes.”
“What do you mean you almost got killed?” Cas interjected.
I huffed a sigh, sitting next to him. Sam took a seat across from me.
“Well, we walked into the vamp nest, and started going to town. It seemed like it’d be pretty easy to take care of, but then I heard a boy crying. I went to go look for him, and— and I saw him. He was in another room, probably about 15, 16 years old. I didn’t think anything of it and went to go help him, but he… I was wrong. He was turned, just trying to get his prey to come to him, apparently.”
Cas furrowed his brow. “What happened? Are you alright?”
I absentmindedly scratched at the table.
“I am now, I guess. I set down my machete like a fricken idiot, letting my guard down, and he jumped me. I tried grabbing it to fight him off, but he kicked it out of my grip. I thought it was the end of the line until Dean came barging in and got him off me. I was so stupid, he’s pissed.”
Sam reached across, brushing his thumb over the knuckles of my now-closed fist. “Hey, don’t worry about it. We got out okay. It was just a mistake.”
“And Dean—,” Cas began, “He is… It will be alright.”
He gave a kind smile as he said this. I tried one back at him before standing up and giving a quick goodnight. As I walked to my room, I hovered by Dean’s door before thinking better of it. I hated when he was angry with me, but figured I better not upset him more by barging in on his alone time. I hated when any of the boys acted coldly towards me, but Dean’s always cut the deepest for some reason. I wouldn’t let myself think on why that is for more than a few seconds, though. I walked to my room, changing into an oversized t-shirt and flopping onto my bed, essentially passing out.
I woke up in a cold sweat, tears wetting my face. I sat straight up, trying to catch my breath. My fingers gripped the sheets as I tried to keep my cool, but to no avail. I got out of bed, walking out of my room, and heading a few doors down. I knocked quietly before entering.
“Hello?” I spoke, voice wavering. I walked towards the sleeping figure, gently nudging his shoulder. “Sam?”
He rolled over, slowly opening his eyes. “(Y/N)? What’s going on?”
I wrung my hands.
“I— I had a nightmare. I can’t be alone right now,” I said, trying to hold back tears.
“Oh. Oh, okay, yeah, come here,” He replied, sitting up and scooting over. I sat next to him, pulling the covers over my legs as he threw an arm around me. “You alright?”
“I don’t know.” I leaned into him. “It was about the hunt. Except, it wasn’t me. I mean, I still went and found the boy, but, um, when Dean came in this time he— the kid knew somehow, and attacked. I tried helping, but I couldn’t move, and then… Then they, they got him. And it was my fault. He died.”
I noticed a few tears had escaped my eyes, and I rubbed at them quickly.
Sam hugged me into his side. “I’m sorry. That’s really tough.”
I nodded.
He continued, “But, you know, it was just a dream. We all got out, we’re all okay.”
“I know, but what if we didn’t? It would’ve been on me, it would be my fault.”
“There is always a “what if” when we do the things we do, and focusing on that is only going to cause you pain. Don’t do that to yourself,” Sam sighed, laying down and taking me with him. “Dean just needs to let this go, don’t let his attitude make you feel stupid.”
I nodded again. “Thanks, Sammy.”
“Anytime, kiddo. Now, let’s go to sleep. C’mere.”
He pulled me into his chest, letting the hand that wasn’t around my shoulder rest near my rib cage. I closed my eyes, and the next thing I knew I was waking to Sam’s snoring in my ear. We’d separated during the night, but my head was still against his arm, our legs still caught up together. This put me in a predicament as I tried to move away from him without waking him. I somehow managed to wiggle out of bed, and land on my feet; thankfully Sam was a surprisingly deep sleeper. I tiptoed to the door, slowly and carefully opening it and backing out. I shut it as quietly as I could, and turned around to see Dean walking towards me, looking down at his phone, only a few feet off.
“Morning,” I greeted him.
His steps faltered slightly as he looked up. “Morning.”
His expression changed from tiredness to confusion in an instant. He furrowed his brow, looking at me, then to the door I had just stepped out from.
“I’m making pancakes. If you want some, they’ll be ready in twenty.”
I smiled, nodding a thank you before he squeezed past me towards the kitchen.
‘He’s not mad at me!’ I thought to myself.
I went into the bathroom, taking a quick shower. I wrapped a towel around myself, and headed towards my room to get dressed. We had a day in, so I decided on a fresh pair of pajama shorts and another t-shirt. The smell of pancakes drifted through the bunker, and as soon as I stepped out of my door that smell carried me all the way to the kitchen. I stopped in the entrance, watching Dean for a moment. He stood at the stovetop, watching and flipping the pancakes as necessary. I watched the way his arms and shoulders moved until his simple gray tee, and how delicately his hands held the spatula. Then he turned and noticed me.
“Hey,” he said, taking the plate-full to the counter.
He was getting a little scruffy, having not yet shaved since a couple mornings ago. He looked tired, but peaceful. He looked handsome. I chewed my bottom lip, finally stepping into the small room.
“Hey. That smells amazing.”
I walked near him as he grabbed two plates, throwing a few pancakes on each. He handed me one, and we both went to work preparing them with with butter and syrup. I was about to take mine to the table, when his hand shot in front of mine.
“I’ll take these if you want to grab the coffee pot.”
He looked down at me, the sides of his lips just barely tilting up into a smile, and I felt a familiar flutter in my heart.
“Yeah, of course,” I said, then turned quickly to grab the coffee and two mugs, trying to push down that feeling as far as it could go.
I shuffled closer to him as he sat at one side of the table. I placed the mugs in front of the plates, filling each of them and setting the pot at the end of the table. I sat across from Dean, digging in immediately.
“Okay, wow.” I shoved another forkful in my mouth. “These… These are genuinely amazing. You shook cook more often.”
He laughed. “Yeah, I got a few tricks up my sleeve. What about you, though? Anytime you bake anything I lose my mind.”
“Guess I just have that effect on people,” I shrugged laughing.
“Yeah, you’re not kidding.” He smirked and glanced up, locking eyes with me for a moment that felt like forever. I looked away first.
“Um— about… About yesterday, Dean, I—”
He cut me off, throwing a hand up. “Just— Let’s just drop it. Okay?”
I nodded, looking down. “Okay. I’m sorry.”
He took in a deep breath before things went silent for a while. We both were nearly finished when Sam came in the room, as much a morning person as ever.
“Morning, guys!” He smiled.
I couldn’t help but let out half a laugh at his cheerfulness. “You are way too excited in the mornings.”
He smiled my way.
Dean got up abruptly. “I’m gonna go work on Baby.”
As soon as he was out of the room, Sam raised an eyebrow at me. “He always goes out there when he’s upset. Did something happen? You two looked fine when I came in.”
I shook my head. “I tried talking to him about yesterday. Guess that was a mistake.”
Sam’s lips tightened. “Yikes, I’m sorry.”
I shrugged. “It’s fine. At least he let me eat his pancakes.” I smiled.
Sam laughed, “Yeah, guess that’s a start.”
We went about our day as usual; Sam worked out and looked up cases, Cas helped with case searches, Dean spent most of his day in the garage, and I decided on a movie marathon. Before long, it was later than I realized and I heard a knock on the door.
“Come in!”
Sam poked his head around the door. “What’s up? You’ve been in your room all day.”
“Oh, no worries. Just a movie marathon. Harry Potter, wanna join?”
He shrugged. “Sure.”
He stepped inside, closing the door behind him, and fell belly-down on the bed next to me. We watched about half of the 6th movie before we stopped watching altogether. We talked and laughed all night long until we were passed out together. This time, I woke up again to Sam’s gentle snoring, but we were much closer. His right arm was once again under my head, but his left was wrapped tightly around me, and his chest pressed into my back. Admittedly, it was a bit strange, but on a cold morning, not unwelcome. I gently rubbed his forearm, trying to wake him.
“Sammy, get up. You’re trapping me here, pal.”
He groaned sleepily, hugging me just a little tighter before he opened his eyes and realized what he was doing. “Oh crap, I’m sorry.”
I laughed, “Dont worry about it. You were keeping me warm.”
He hummed, “Well in that case, you wanna go back to sleep for a little bit?”
“Fine. Five more minutes and then we get up.”
I giggled as he pulled me back in, nearly squeezing the life out of me for a moment.
“You know, as weird as this is, it feels nice to have a cuddle-buddy,” Sam breathed out.
“Hey, at least it’s nothing too scandalous,” I chuckled, eyes closed.
Then I heard a knock at the door.
“Who is it?”
“It’s me,” Castiel’s voice rang through the closed door.
“What do ya need?” I answered back. Then I heard the door open, and looked up.
He started stepping in, but stopped dead in his tracks. “I, uh— Oh. Pardon me, I seem to be interrupting.”
“Cas—” I tried getting his attention but he’d already showed himself out the door. “Crap.”
Sam chuckled, I felt it in his chest. “That’s gonna be a fun one to explain.”
I sighed. “Hopefully he doesn’t go running his mouth so it’s an easy one to explain.”
I laid with him for a few minutes longer before my bladder called for release. “Sam, we gotta get up, man. I gotta pee.”
He groaned. “I don’t want to.”
“Whoa, what happened to happy-go-lucky, I-love-being-up-in-the-mornings Sam?” I half laughed.
“He’s tired,” he grunted out, rolling over.
I flipped to my back as he stole his arm from beneath my head, and sat up. I looked over to see him struggling to get up himself, but my urgency for the bathroom left no time for me to help him up. I bolted out the door to the bathroom and relieved myself, thinking of how to explain to Cas that what he saw was not at all what he thought it was. I ended up back in my room, finding Sam staring into space still sitting on the edge of my bed.
“You alright, Sammy?” I suppressed a smile.
His head shot up. “Oh, yeah. Sorry, I was zoning out.”
I nodded, throwing a thumb over my shoulder. “You wanna go grab breakfast?”
“That sounds great.”
We left the room together, chatting on our way to the kitchen. Then, I nearly lost balance running into Cas.
“Oh, hey! We wanted to talk to you,” Sam said, tapping Cas’s arm with the back of his hand
He put his hands up, defensively. “No worries. I understand.”
I dragged my hand on the side of my face. “No, but you don’t. I know you caught us looking a little precarious, but trust me, we just fell asleep together. We were watching Harry Potter and passed out.”
His eyes widened. “Oh, okay. I was sure you two were sleeping together.”
I laughed, “Yeah, no. Not by a long shot, man.”
“Alright, well that definitely clears things up for me. I will see you later.”
“Seeya, don’t get into any trouble.”
“I don’t think you have to worry about me,” he smiled, walking past.
Sam and I entered the kitchen soon after, finding Dean alone with a cup of coffee and a computer.
“Morning, sunshine.” Sam joked.
I walked over to him, leaning an arm on the table next to him, peering at the screen. “Found a case?”
He nodded silently, not looking up.
“Well?” Sam pressed, peeling a banana. “Care to enlighten us?”
Deans jaw ticked for a moment before he spoke gruffly, “Looks like a ghost. Strange, but similar, deaths happening at an old motel. So far three of ‘em.”
I took the seat next to him. “Where at?”
He pointed at the screen. “Plainfield, Wisconsin.”
I perked up, grabbing his arm for a moment. “Hey, that’s where Ed Gein committed all his murders!”
“Dude, yeah!” Sam joined in. “That guy was messed up.”
Dean huffed. “Well aren’t you two just perfect for each other. Be ready in half an hour.”
He got up, slamming the laptop shut and stalking out of the room.
I looked to Sam, confused. “What the hell is his problem?”
He shook his head, “No clue.”
I shook my head, slightly irritated. “Guess we gotta go get ready now.”
I walked out of the kitchen, going in the direction of my room. I stepped inside, pulling a duffel bad from my closet and throwing in at least enough clothes for a week, not knowing how long we’d be gone. After I was packed, I decided on a quick shower. I put my hair up into a topknot so I wouldn’t have to wash and dry it, and took the fastest shower I could. I finished getting ready a few minutes early, and grabbed all my things. I was going to throw it all in the car and wait for the boys, until my irritation got the best of me. I walked to Dean’s room, knocking on the door.
He answered harshly, “What.”
“It’s me, can I come in.”
“I guess.”
I flung the door open to find Dean standing there in the midst of getting dresssed. He was at his closet, so far only having his jeans and a tight-fit tee on, and I would be lying if I didn’t say that I couldn’t catch my breath for a moment. How in the world could he look so good rocking the simplest of things?
He pulled a flannel of a hanger, the deep red one that I liked. “What do you need?”
“I want to know what’s wrong.”
He turned to face me, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. “Nothing. Is that all?”
I crossed my arms. “You may do a lot of lying for the job, but you’re kind of the worst at it sometimes.”
He shot me a glance, unenthused. “Nothing is wrong. Let’s move on. We got stuff to do.”
“(Y/N),” he shot back, staring for a second before going about his business.
I clenched my jaw. “I’m gonna find out sooner or later.”
He huffed out, almost a laugh, as he threw things into his bag. “Yeah. Sure.”
I turned on my heel, leaving the room, everything in me fighting against my urge to slam the door behind me. He really knew how to push my buttons, more than anyone else sometimes. The boys were finally ready and came out into the garage where I was waiting. I pushed myself off the side of the impala, getting in the car. Dean flew out of the garage, heading straight for the highway. Most of the car ride was silent, only the faint sounds of Dean’s music over the speakers. Then he had to open his mouth.
“So, you two are sleeping together now, huh?”
I almost choked, head whipping to the side to look at Sam. He did the same, glancing at me, confusion set in his face.
“What? Dean, no, why—”
“You two seemed to be getting pretty cozy the past couple nights,” he answered back, staring straight at the road.
I scoffed. “Excuse me?”
“I saw you coming out of his room yesterday morning, (Y/N), don’t act dumb. And Cas told me he walked in on you all over each other this morning.”
“That was not what was happening. We saw him this morning and explained it all. We just fell asleep watching a movie together.”
“And the night before?”
Sam spoke up, “(Y/N) had a nightmare, Dean. She couldn’t be alone.”
“What, so you slept together?” His hands held tightly to the steering wheel.
“Yes, and that’s all we did. Sleep. Nothing more, we don’t feel like that about each other.”
He bitterly laughed. “Doesn’t seem like it.”
“Dean, seriously.”
“Fine. We’ll drop it.”
I huffed out a breath. “Thank you.”
The rest of the ride was quiet. We only made one or two stops for gas and bathroom breaks. It took us about 10 hours before we arrived in Plainfield and searched for a place to stay the night. We finally found a little motel just outside of town, and booked a room. Luckily, a pull-out couch was included so I wouldn’t have to give Dean more ideas about Sam and I, and I wouldn’t have to spend the night beside someone who was pissed at me for no reason. I walked in the room to find it perfectly adequate. and I threw my bag down on the floor, beginning to open up the pull-out.
“What are you doing?” Sam asked as he came inside. “I can take that, don’t worry about it.”
“I’m not making you take the couch, Sam.”
“It pulls out into a bed at least. And you aren’t making me if I’m offering. Now, move your crap.”
He nodded at my duffel.
I sighed as dramatically as I could, “Fine.”
“So dramatic.” He chuckled.
“Yeah, I gotta be sometimes. Thank you, though.”
I pulled my bag away, walking to the far bed as throwing it down. I began unzipping it when I heard the thud of Dean’s duffel hitting the second bed behind me. I turned.
“What are we doing first?”
He glanced up at me. “Thought we’d check out the murder scene early tomorrow.”
“Alright. All three of us need to get dressed up?”
“Whoever wants to go.” He shrugged.
“I think I’ll hang back and do some more research on the town and possible leads, if that’s okay with you guys,” Sam said, setting his laptop on the small table in the room.
“Okay,” Dean answered, pulling out his ‘FBI’ suit to hang.
We went to bed, all exhausted from the trip. I woke up at 7 the next morning to Dean’s alarm blaring. We all ate a quick breakfast before getting ready to leave. I grabbed my suit, heading to the bathroom to change, and kicking myself for not being the one to stay at the motel. I didn’t know how I’d handle being alone with Dean, especially when he was in a mood. I changed quickly, making sure I looked professional enough to fool whoever we’d have to get past. I stepped out to see that Dean had already left the room.
I looked to Sam who had already got his computer up and running. “Where’d he go?”
“Waiting by the car outside,” he said, not looking up.
I walked across the room, stepping outside. Dean stood leaning against ththe impala, his back to me as I made my way over.
He heard my footsteps and turned. “Took you long enough.”
I stopped for a moment. Wow, he looks amazing right now.
“Gonna get in?” He asked.
“Oh. Yeah.”
I shook my head, opening the passenger door and sliding inside. He started up the car, and took off out of the parking lot.
“So,” he started, “you’re not sleeping together?”
“Dean. Seriously?”
He shrugged. “Can’t blame me for thinking so, you two spend a lot of time together.”
I looked over at him. “Yeah, that’s kind of what friends do.”
“We don’t do that.” He shot me a quick glance, raising an eyebrow.
“Give me a time and place and we will, then.”
He tried to hide the smirk that appeared on his face. “Yeah, sure.”
“What? Don’t want rumors spreading about me and you?”
“Sweetheart, you don’t want those rumors.”
“Who said that?” I furrowed my brows, the corner of my mouth twitching upwards.
He smiled at me. Butterflies, again.
We drove a few more minutes into town before we reached our destination. I peered at the building through the windshield as we drove up. It was creepy. Caution tape everywhere, the old run-down motel, the cloudy skies; it looked straight out of a horror movie. Dean parked the car, and we got out, walking to the police officer that was waiting on his team inside. We flashed him our badges and he let us past.
“I’m surprised no murders happened here before this,” Dean said quietly, leaning in.
I laughed. “Yeah, not the nicest of places for sure.”
He hummed in agreement. “Let’s see if we got any Casper activity.”
He took out his EMF detector, walking around the room, being careful not to step in any of the dried blood. He took a lap; no readings.
“Huh. Nothing here.”
I glanced around. “What the hell would’ve done all of this though?”
“Dunno. Judging by how all of the blood left their bodies and ended up friggen everywhere else, I could’ve sworn it would be one of those suckers.”
I nodded. “Wanna try to hospital?”
He shrugged. “Sure.”
We spent the day gathering as many clues and evidence as we could, to no avail. By nightfall, we decided to call it a day and head back to our room. We got inside to find Sam taking a nap.
Dean whispered to me, “I’m gonna take a shower.”
I nodded. He went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I decided to get dressed in something more comfortable and landed on a pair of sweats and a plain t-shirt. Can’t get more laid back than that.
I sat on my bed for a moment before I heard Sam moving around. I looked his way as he opened his eyes.
“Hey, sleepyhead.” I said.
He smiled. “Hey. You guys find anything useful?”
“Figure it’s probably not a ghost. Other than that, nope.”
“Mm.” He sat up, stretching before he stood. He walked over to me, taking a seat by my side and swinging an arm over my shoulders. “I didn’t find anything either. Not even connections between the people who died.”
“So weird.”
He agreed, falling back on the bed and taking me down with him. “Yeah. I’m sure something will turn up, though. It has to.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
“You wanna go out tonight?”
“Thanks for the offer, but I’m beat. I didn’t get my nap today.” I laughed.
He snorted, squeezing my shoulder. “You’re no fun.”
Then we heard the door open, Dean stepped out.
“What about you? You wanna go out tonight?” Sam asked him.
“I’m good,” he said without so much as a glance our way.
Sam sat up. “Man, both of you? Since when am I the one to go out alone?”
I chuckled, sitting up next to him. “Since now, apparently. Go, though! Have fun enough for all of us.” I nudged his shoulder.
He shrugged getting up to get ready. Then I heard the tv switch on, and looked over to Dean. There he sat, on his bed, flipping through channels.
“What are you gonna watch?” I asked.
He stared silently at the tv and shrugged. Here we go again.
I heaved out a heavy sigh, pulling out my phone to fiddle on. Sam came out of the bathroom with a new shirt on, and what smelled like a little bit of cologne. I looked up from my device as he pulled his shoes on.
“Who are you trying to impress, sir?”
He smirked. “We’ll have to find out. I’ll see you guys later.”
He left the room, leaving me and Dean to ourselves. I looked over at him again as he settled on an old comedy. He noticed.
“What?” He asked, eyes still unmoving from the movie.
“Your attitude is what.”
“I don’t have an attitude.”
I scoffed. “Oh, sure. We were fine working the case today, and now you’re acting like I stole all of your leftovers or something.”
He shook his head. “It’s nothing.”
“Funny how you keep saying that, and then end up in the same crappy mood again. Why won’t you just talk to me about it?”
“I can’t.” He grew impatient.
“Yes, you can.”
He sat up, finally looking at me. “No. I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because, I just can’t. It’s stupid, you wouldn’t understand it.”
He stared at me.
“Maybe I would if you’d just talk to me!” My voice raised slightly.
“Why do you even care?” His voice raised to match mine.
“Why do you think? I care about you, and I hate it when you’re mad at me.”
He closed his eyes. “I’m not mad at you.”
“Then what is the problem?” I leaned forward, searching his face for an answer.
He sighed, voice lowering. “Can we— maybe we can talk about it tomorrow. Just— not tonight, please.”
I shrunk back. “Fine. Promise me.”
He tilted his head with a blank stare.
“I’m serious, Dean. Promise me.”
He let out a heavy breath. “Okay. I promise. You’re a pain, you know that?”
I shrugged. “You’ll get over it.”
He stared for a moment, my heart fluttering until he looked away again. He laid down, turning off the tv. I laid back too, turning off the lights.
“Goodnight,” he said, turning over.
I woke up to sunlight hitting my face through the window. I glanced towards the couch; no Sam. Then my eyes went to Dean. He was still sleeping. I watched him for a moment; he looked so at peace. The lines in his face were smoothed out, no worries were apparent on him. His eyelids began to move, but I couldn’t pull my gaze from his face. He looked handsome in the early morning hours, his eyelashes delicately fluttering until his eyes were opened. He noticed me and smiled.
“Way to be creepy, watching me sleep.”
His voice was deep and soft and full of sleep.
I smiled back, “You looked so peaceful, I couldn’t help it.”
“I bet you say that to all the guys.”
I laughed. “Nah, only the special ones.”
He rolled his eyes, chuckling. “I don’t want to beat up monsters today.”
“If we can’t find out what’s killing people, you might not have to.”
“That isn’t a good option either.”
“I know.” I yawned, stretching out. “Guess Sammy found a girl.”
Dean looked over his shoulder at the empty space. “Oh.”
“You still believe we’re together now?” I raised my eyebrows.
He looked back towards me. “I might, might, have been wrong there.”
“Told ya.”
He smirked, shaking his head. “We better get the day going.”
I agreed. We fully woke up and grabbed some breakfast from a cafe down the street. We went back to the motel to find Sam in the shower, and our day went on as normal from that point on, until we found the clues we needed to lead us to the killer.
“A witch? Oh, come on, I’m so sick of them,” I complained.
Sam shrugged. “Hey, we found hex bags in each of the rooms. Most likely the owner of the motel, or someone who works there.”
“Maybe a maid? It’s always the butler, so maybe it’s always the maid too,” Dean suggested with a sly smirk.
“That, as lame as it is, actually could be a really great place to start,” I responded. “Let’s pack up and find out who’s been cleaning the place up.”
We went and questioned the owner to find out which employees had been working when the murders took place, and landed on only one housekeeper: a man named Ken. We got his address and decided to do a little questioning. We arrived to his house, and Sam knocked loudly.
The door creaked open. “Hello?”
“Hello, we’re with the FBI, we have some questions to ask you,” Sam responded, flashing his badge.
The man behind the door, opened it a little wider. He grinned. “Yeah, I’m sure you are.”
He looked to me.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?”
Dean stepped halfway in front of me before I could say anything. “You might want to watch yourself, you’re suspect for the murders that took place the night you were working at the motel.”
The man’s eyes widened. “Oh? Why don’t you come inside, then.”
He stepped just inside and he shut the door behind us.
“Anyways,” he began, “I’ve always wanted to meet the Winchester’s.”
Before we knew what was happening, our bodies flew up against the wall and landed on the ground harshly. We all attempted to scramble up, but as I attempted to stand, I felt a hand wrap around my neck. Ken pulled me backwards into him.
“Let her go,” Dean boomed.
Ken chuckled. “See, that’s where you’re making your mistake. Your little protective act only lets me know that your little girlfriend, here, is valuable to you. So, you might not like it if I just—”
He dropped me, and I felt my legs give out. It felt like all the air had been pulled from my lungs— No, it felt like I didn’t have lungs. I couldn’t breathe.
“You son of a—”
Dean was slammed against the wall again. I watched from the ground where I lay as Sam attempted to go at him, but then it all went black.
I woke with a gasp, my body flying upwards in shock. I breathed heavily, finally catching my breath for the first time in what felt like eternity.
“Hey, hey, hey, calm down, you’re okay.”
I heard a voice, foggy. I turned my head quickly, finding Dean right next to me. Wait, no, he was holding me. We were someplace else, maybe in the house still? I heard distant voices. I felt tired.
“I… think I… need a nap,” I said, barely hearing myself speak.
“Whoa, no, no, don’t fall asleep, okay? Just— Here, just look at me. Look here, stay awake,” he spoke to me as I tried to listen.
My eyes still felt heavy.
“But— I’m tired. Just a… Just a nap.”
“No, (Y/N), don’t fall asleep yet, okay? We gotta make sure you’re alright.”
“What… Where are we?”
“In the house of a very bad witch.” I heard a woman’s voice. I looked up to see red hair. “I mean, come on now, I was able to fix you right up quite easily.”
“Yeah, thank you, by the way,” Sam said to Rowena, a tight smile accompanied his words. My vision began clearing.
“What are you doing here? What happened?” I cleared my throat, trying to sit up to find Dean’s chest hard against my back. I noticed his arms around me, too. I ran my fingers over one of his forearms, happy to be there. Then I realized there were two other staring at me, trying to communicate. I stopped and tried to listen.
“—and then, well, you’re lucky Sam had enough sense to call me when he realized what you’d be dealing with, otherwise, my dear, you’d be dead. Hmm.”
“Oh. How’d we get away, though?”
“It was really all me, of course.” She smiled, pleased with herself. “You’d have really been in trouble otherwise, too, with Dean letting his jealously get the best of him and punching someone in the face.”
“Yeah, well, the douche bag deserved it.” I felt him speak, the bass in his voice vibrating in his chest. “He was getting too handsy with her.”
“I would have gotten him away quicker if you hadn’t made him even more angry, Mr. Winchester,” Rowena sassed. “Anyways, I’ve got things to do more important than speaking with you two giants and the wee fuzzy-brained girl. Toodleloo.”
She picked up her dress and walked out of the house. I liked her.
“I like her,” I giggled.
I started feeling funny. Almost drunk, maybe more giddy.
“Can’t say I feel exactly the same,” Dean said.
“Regardless, she did save us there,” Sam responded.
I laughed, “Yeah, she’s fun.”
“I would’ve gotten him,” Dean continued his conversation with Sam.
“Dean, we all would’ve been in trouble if she wasn’t here. Even you’ve gotta admit to that.”
“Yeah, whatever.” He reached into his pocket for the keys, throwing them at Sam. “Here, go start the car.”
“Alright, hurry it up,” Sam said as he left.
I leaned my head up to look at Dean. “So, you were jealous, huh?”
“I am not. I just didn’t want his grimy hands on you, now come on, let’s get you back to the hotel.”
I felt movement as he began to move from behind me. I tried to stand up, but before I could, I felt his arms swing underneath me. He picked me up, and carried me out the door. I held onto his neck, enjoyed time in close proximity to him and wishing I could just tell him how I felt about him. If I could even figure it out for myself. He sat me in the backseat, helping me buckle in before we took off. Soon enough, we were back at the motel and Sam decided to go on a dinner-run. Dean and I entered the room alone, he helped me to walk until I could sit down.
“Here, just sit here,” he said, helping me to rest on the edge of his bed. He moved around me, squatting down between my legs and looking up at me. “Are you okay?”
I tilted my head, looking at him looking at me. “Yeah.”
He let out half a laugh. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
I shrugged, a contented smile on my face. “You’re cute.”
“I figured out why you’ve been so grumpy,” I cut him off, unable to stop from speaking.
He put his hands on the bed on either side of my legs. “Why’s that?”
“I think you didn’t like me and Sam.”
“I already told you I wasn’t mad at—”
“No, no, no. You didn’t like us together. You were being jealous. Like with the weird witch man. Rowena said so, and she’s smart.” I giggled.
He raised an eyebrow, gulping. “Uh, let me get you some water. Maybe that’ll help.”
“I’m right.”
“Now’s not the time to talk about this stuff, (Y/N), let’s just—”
“Uh uh. You said we’d talk about it today.”
“We can, later.”
He tried getting up, but I put my hands on his shoulders.
“But I like you, I wanna talk now.”
“This is just the spell wearing off, if you just—”
I sighed harshly. “No it’s not, stop it. I like you a lot. You’re so cute and you give me butterflies and make me nervous and make me smile a lot and all I can think about is you all the time.”
“(Y/N)…” he started, eyebrows knit together.
“I’m not saying it because of the spell, okay?” I started rambling. “I mean, I always feel that way, but I didn’t want to say anything. You know, I was kind of scared. Now, it kinda seems like maybe you feel the same way, and I just want to know, otherwise this is gonna be really awkward when I’m not feeling all weird and giddy and I jus—”
Before I knew what was happening I felt his lips on mine. I felt shocked. I took a moment to gather my wits, but I seemed to take a moment too long. He pulled away.
“I… I’m sorry, I didn’t want to force that on you, I thought you wanted…” He trailed off, a hand going to rub at his face. I reached out, pulling it away from his face. He looked up at me, apprehensive.
“Trust me, I wanted it,” I confirmed before leaning back in as quickly as I could.
His hands moved up to settle at my waist as he smiled into the kiss. I held his jaw in my hands, pulling him in as closely as I could. I never wanted that kiss to end, but it had to soon, as we needed air. Our foreheads rested against each other.
“I have wanted to do that for so long,” I whispered.
He laughed. “I’m just happy to know that Sam wasn’t the one doing it. Because you were so right, I was definitely jealous.”
“Knew it.” I giggled.
He hummed, pulling away from me. We looked at one another for a minute, taking it all in. I let my hand reach back up to his face, my thumb brushing against his cheek, looking at all the freckles that dusted his face.
I sighed, happy. “You wanna go again?”
He chuckled, a smile on his face. “Oh, for sure.”
I slapped the bed next to me, and he scrambled up, facing me. His arms immediately snaked around my middle, pulling me in tight. I held on to his neck, gazing up at him.
“You good?” He asked, a smile stuck on his face.
“More than.” I nodded, grinning.
He pressed his lips to mine, wasting no time. We stayed like that for several minutes, enjoying our time together and hoping it would never end. Until the door swung open.
“Whoa, walked in at the wrong time,” Sam exclaimed, closing the door as quickly as he shut it.
Dean and I looked at each other. He shrugged, “Whoops.”
I laughed, and he pulled me back in.
(EDIT: starting taglists now! let me know if you want to be on any!)
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 11 months
Stay With Me
Dean Winchester x sister!reader
Synopsis: Really just a lot of drabbles about reader growing up with big brother Dean.
Warnings: ANGST at the end, but with a happy ending (Because I’m a total coward that doesn’t believe in any other kind of ending, deal with it I’m never changing)
Author’s Note: Another one, really? Yeah I don’t know where they’re coming from, enjoy it while the obsession lasts!
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“Stay with Dean, ok?”
That was your earliest memory. John Winchester, covered in blood, placed you in the strong arms of your oldest brother, and ran off to go after the vampire that had killed your mother and injured you.
You had tried to follow him, thinking he would somehow lead you back to your mom, too young to understand that she was gone forever.
Dean had snatched you up, holding you in his lap even as you struggled and cried.
“Hey, hey, stay with me baby, stay with me.”
A chill in the air bit into your skin. You were bleeding from various vampire cuts. You were trembling, and the only parent you had ever known was gone forever. But all you had to do was look up into your big brother’s eyes, and you somehow knew that everything would be ok.
“Hey, stay with me.”
Your eyes snapped up to your big brother, who was gesturing for you to keep up.
“But I wanted to get a balloon from the clown!” Your six-year old self whined, pointing over at one of the carnival booths.
Dean’s eyes scanned the area, before he lifted you into his arms and gave a meaningful glance to Sam. Sam looked terrified, but you couldn’t understand why he seemed so scared of the nice clowns.
“We’re not here to play with the clowns. You gotta stay with me, understand?”
You sighed in annoyance, glancing over at the clown with the big balloon. You really wanted one of those.
You let out a whine and kicked your legs, trying in vain to get out of Dean’s arms, “But Dean!”
Dean just chuckled, “c’mon baby, I’ll get you a funnel cake if you’re good.”
That was enough to make you go from whining and squirming, to clapping and leaning your head against your brother’s shoulder.
“Ok Dean.”
“Good girl.”
“Stay with me.”
“But Sam said to split up, shouldn’t we-”
Dean cut you off with a- “Y/N look out!” as he tackled you sideways. You saw the ax bury itself right where your head had been a second ago, the spirit wielding it clearly angry at having missed.
You and Dean both scrambled to your feet as the spirit vanished into thin air. You reached out to your brother and gripped onto his arm, trying to control your breathing. Dean took a moment to pull you into his chest, which you appreciated since you knew he was also trying to focus on where the spirit went. But you were only thirteen, and it was one of your first hunts, so Dean was going to make sure you got through it both physically and emotionally whole.
“Ok, ok, I’ll stay with you.”
Dean’s chest rumbled as his low chuckle reached your ears.
“Good girl.”
“Stay…stay with me. Please?”
Never, not even on a hunt, had a night scared you as much as this one. Sam and dad had spent hours yelling at each other, before Sam had finally packed a bag and stormed out the door, college-bound. You had run into his room while he was frantically shoving clothes into a bag, and you had begged him not to go away. He had just smiled sadly, wrapped you into his arms, kissed your head, and said goodbye.
And now this. Now Dean was staring up at you, his eyes almost…almost…vulnerable. Lost, even. Asking you to stay like he thought you were about to run away like Sam. It scared you. Dean was never vulnerable, he was never weak, he never had to ask you for anything. Then, you realized. Maybe he was just as scared as you were. He and Sam had been more than inseparable, they had a bond that you had been so certain would never be broken. But now it was. 
You walked over to where Dean was leaning against the wall, and slid down next to him. He pulled you into his arms, and clung to you as though you were his anchor to the world. You reached your hand up and pulled his head against your shoulder. Even with Sam gone, you had never felt safer and more secure than you did right now in Dean’s arms.
“We’re gonna be ok,” your voice was quiet, but resolute. Impossibly, Dean’s arms got even tighter around you.
“I know we will, baby. As long as you stay with me.”
“No, no, stay with me, I’m right here baby, stay with me.”
You struggled to clear the fog clouding your mind, fighting your way back to the voice that was calling to you. You blinked your eyes open and saw Dean, his face hovering over yours, his eyes wide. Panicked. You felt something warm and wet against your hand, and you looked down to see that it was covered in dark red liquid that was pooling around a tear in your shirt.
The demon. It had attacked you, ripping open a gash in your face, your leg, then finally your stomach.
“Dean…” your voice croaked past the lump in your throat, and you reached a hand up towards your brother. He gripped your smaller hand in his, and you felt his other hand behind your head, holding you up.
“You’re ok,” Dean swallowed hard, and you felt a tear drop onto your nose. Dean was crying. “You’re ok baby, I’ve got you, I promise I’ve got you, just stay with me, please.”
You felt the ground beneath you shake, and it took you a moment to realize why. You were in Baby, the car driving dangerously fast. You craned your neck to see Sam at the wheel. You glanced back and forth between your brothers, confused.
“Dean…why’s Sam…”
Dean brushed your hair away from your face, cringing when his hand came away from your face covered in blood.
“Shh, shh N/N, don’t try to talk. Sam’s driving so I can be here, I’m not gonna leave you baby.”
“We’re almost there,” Sam called from the front seat, glancing to the back for a split second. “Dean, you’ve gotta keep her awake.”
Dean looked down at you, alarmed when he saw your eyes drooping.
“Hey, hey c’mon N/N. Stay with me, I know you can, I know you can, ok? I’m right here, stay with me, stay.”
You forced your eyes open, and focused all of your attention on the green of Dean’s eyes. It was a pretty color, you decided. You had never really noticed…
“Pretty eyes,” you murmured.
“What?” Dean propped your head up a little higher, trying to keep you awake.
“You have pretty eyes,” you smiled up at your big brother.
Dean laughed softly, blinking rapidly to push the tears away from the surface.
“Yeah, ok sweetheart. Look right here, look at my eyes, don’t you fall asleep ok?”
You gripped his free hand hard in yours, squeezing it to try to force yourself to feel something other than the numbness that was threatening to take over.
“Ok Dean.”
The second that Sam brought the car to a stop, Dean had you cradled in his arms and was rushing you inside the emergency room.
“Help! I need help!”
You felt like there was a weight chained to your legs, dragging you down, down, down. Deep into some black…thing. Something you didn’t understand. Something that scared you. You struggled, trying to…to what? To fly, you supposed. But you couldn’t do it. You were being dragged down, and nothing could…
Wait. There was…something. A voice? It was calling out to you. The voice made you feel weightless, and impossibly, you felt yourself drawn to it, lifting up and away from the black void that threatened to claim you.
The voice was deep. Soft. soothing.
The voice was home.
“You come back to me. You hear me? I need you to stay with me.”
You knew that voice…
“Dean?” you felt your eyes open, and you felt suddenly snapped back into reality. A sharp antiseptic smell accosted your nose, and a harsh beeping made your ears ring. A blinding light was above you, but then suddenly, it was blocked out. 
Replacing it was a pair of bright green eyes.
“Baby? Oh, baby…” Dean’s strong arms wrapped around you, and you let your body collapse into him. Your brain still felt foggy, but you understood enough to know that you had just come back from a very dangerous edge, one that you weren’t ready to fall down. And so you clung to the thing that had brought you back from that edge.
You clung to your big brother.
You felt tears dripping down your cheeks, soaking Dean’s shirt.
“I stayed with you,” you cried, clinging to the fabric of Dean’s shirt as he held you in his arms, one hand at the back of your head, holding you to him, while the other rubbed up and down your back.
“I know, I know you did, sweetheart. Baby you were so strong.” Dean’s voice came out thick, and a little higher than usual, and you knew he was crying too. “I know you stayed with me. And I’m never gonna let you go, ok? I’m never gonna let you go.”
You smiled against your brother’s warm embrace.
“Ok, Dean.”
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etheries1015 · 11 months
The Demon brothers w/ MC who has arachnophobia
Arachnophobia: the irrational and extreme fear of spiders
TW: Arachnophobia, panic attacks, vomit
Overview: The brothers decide to make a bet on who can find your fear, and when one hits home and they don’t get the reaction they were truly hoping for, they comfort you in your time of panic. 
Featuring: Lucifer, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Mammon, Satan
WARNING: I wrote this almost two years ago and it’s been just sitting inside of my drafts wasting away until I could find the motivation to write for the last couple of brothers. I did not find that motivation lol. So this has not been proofread, and I decided to just throw it into the pit of fire and share it anyway! Hope you like it nonetheless, but it definitely is not the best of my works. Please keep this in mind while reading.
Otherwise, take a look at my master list to see other works I do! 
Authors note: Based my reaction to real things I personally feel regarding arachnophobia . I can't even look at pictures of them without feeling sick to my stomach, so the reaction is truly how I would feel in this situation... Hope I'm not the only one with this extreme fear, and hopefully its a little relatable.
There weren't many things the MC is afraid of, so it seems.
"So...MC, tell me," Solomon started, "If being surrounded by all of these demons and magic doesn't shake you up, what DOES scare you?" He smiled gently, that mysterious smile. Around the dinner table were all of the brothers during a community dinner at the House of Lamentation, staring intently at MC who only shrunk down into their seats. Chuckling nervously, MC rolled their eyes in slight annoyance.
"That...is something I'm not going to share with you," a cheerful smile planted upon their lips.
That was the very sentence that brought us to our...current situation.
A week passed, the brothers tried everything from ghost stories to walks in the woods late at night. Pretty tame, don't you think? They had a list of different possible fears a normal human may have, since the typical situations the MC found themselves in the devildom seem to not leave a dent in their confidence or bravery. One night, during meal preparation, came their next plan.
"Spiders? Really, Mammon? Levi?" Asmodeus sassily crossed his arms shaking his head in disapproval, leaning against the countertop.
"Hey, trust me. I read this thing -"
"You, Reading?" Satan interrupted Mammon, causing the brothers to snicker.
"Shut it!" Mammon growled, taking a small plastic spider and setting it in the bowl of food meant for MC, "I'm sure ima win this one," he proudly proclaimed, "I looked up a buncha different human fears and this seemed to be a popular one."
"You guys are such kids..." Belphie yawned, trudging to the dining room, "Let’s go eat, Beel."
The red-headed twin looked back at the bowl with a worried expression before turning back on his heel to follow his brother. Each of them entered the dining room where MC sat waiting, along with the group from purgatory hall. A smile was planted on their lips as they joked with the angels and fellow human, thanking Mammon as he set their food in front of them.
"Ah..." MC looked up at Mammon with a confused look, "Thank...you? I could have dished up myself-"
Mammon cut them off saying something rushed and embarrassed along the lines of "I can be nice when I want to, don't get the wrong idea, though!" Before taking his own seat.
The brothers stared in anticipation, watching MC lead the spoon up to their lips
Looking back down at the bowl, MC froze in shock for a moment.
That was when they saw it.
Your reaction
With a shaking hand, you drop the spoon and covered your mouth with your hand, ready to throw up. You quickly pushed the chair back causing it to fall, running to the nearest garbage to throw up what you had eaten. At this point, you were now a shaking, sobbing mess. Your heart was beating so fast, the reveal of the spider in your meal replaying in your head. You couldn't even bring yourself to close your eyes to try and collect yourself, all you could see was that...wretched creature every time you saw darkness.
Their reaction:
He sensed the immense fear from you immediately and quickly took the initiative to remove the bowl from your grasp.
Though he had taken away the source, he could feel the buildup of fear continue.
He stared in shock for a moment, even though he took away the bowl, you still had reacted the way you did.
After getting over the moment of shock from your state, he had rushed to your side.
He had never seen you so shaken up, he wasn't sure if he should even touch you in fear of making it somehow worse.
Excused himself and you from the table to take you to the kitchen to breath, hugging you when he knew it was okay to do so. (We love consent here)
He thought it was silly, fearing something so small when you don't even struggle with CERBERUS, a literal giant demon dog.
"I don't fully understand the reasoning, but..." He cupped your cheeks with his long, slender fingers gently , looking you intently in the eyes, "I will not allow some little bug take away your smile from us. Or me."
Has the house deep cleaned for any cobwebs or reminders of spiders, he knows how it feels to be so afraid of something that any reminder of said fear is painful, no matter how little or big that fear may be.
Hung Mammon up for the entire idea
This man would protect you from anything, even from a small insect that he has no understanding the fear behind it.
Poor puppy had no idea what to do other than panic, color draining from his face the second he saw your shaking hand and the yelp of fear escape your lips.
Doesn't apologize at first with words, but with actions.
Runs to your side while you are doubled over in fear over the garbage can, wanted to pat your back but instead he just awkwardly waits for you to look at him once you're done throwing up.
Oh boy. He looks like a kicked puppy the second he saw the tears streaming down your face, shaking like crazy.
Wasn't sure what to say, so he just pulled you into his arms.
"I'm ....sorry," he mumbled, awkwardly patting your back in attempt to comfort you.
Will tease you after though, and brag that he won for finding out your fear.
Never did it again, and is secretly on the look out for any spiders around you or the house so he can rid of it before you see it.
He's weak for your tears <3
He doesn't even know what to do, when you start running to the garbage can he only stares in surprise.
Honestly , he probably isn't the type to actively comfort you right away, he's trying to think of what he could do to help later on instead.
Walks up to you while you're calming down, before asking if you are okay 
Genuinely doesn't understand the fear behind such a small creature, there are millions of other things much scarier in the games you play together.
He would give behind the scenes comfort, making sure his brothers don't bring anything regarding spiders up, and will make sure to proof watch/read manga, anime, and games to make sure it doesn't have anything to trigger your arachnophobia
"I know you think I'm just a weird gross otaku but... I care about these things too! I'll make sure you can enjoy all of our anime and gameplay nights without worrying about something like that!"
Cuddles and anime night with a comfort anime of your choice.
He definitely doesn't understand the reasoning behind such a fear, but he too, is willing to ignore that fact when it comes to you.
He doesn't LIKE them because they are unsightly, but for sure isn't AFRAID of them, and thought at first you were the same.
That was...until he saw the genuine fear in your eyes after he ran after you and patted your back as you vomited.
He doesn't do anything directly to help you avoid spiders, but will do anything to comfort you. Head rubs, movie nights in his room, he is more of a .... "Distract yourself from your problems and fears instead of face them" kind of demon.
"Look at me , into my eyes. Forget those awful little things," he gently grabs your hand and sets his forehead against yours, "they can't hurt you, darling. It'll be okay. If you're still scared, shall we sleep together tonight?" He giggles.
He loves you and tries very hard to make you feel better, since your being is (almost) more important than his own. But he isn't always the best at this, since loving others more than him is a bit of a new concept.
He's trying for you xoxo
He never thought he would ever see you break with something like this
But understands well enough, he had extended knowledge on different human fears, all the better for his class on manipulating humans...
The calm one, cleaning up the mess while the others panic to be by your side.
Angrily lectures all of the brothers on arachnophobia and the side effects and reactions you may have if this happened again.
Whispering sweet words of comfort as you sob and shake in his arms. Gently rubbing your back while glaring at the brothers. While they could sense your fear, Satan's anger was far greater.
Does blame himself a little bit, since he was aware of the plan but didn't particularly do anything to actively stop it. But makes up for it xoxo
"I know a good cat café near by, if you're up for it, I'll buy you whatever you want as an apology." He kissed your forehead gently.
Before suggesting any books to read, he proof reads them for any sign of spiders, pictures or in depth descriptions could be just as traumatizing! 
Since his room is always a constant mess of books, it’s bound to become dusty. Now, before you enter his room, he makes sure that even if his books are not cleaned up, that the cobwebs and dust is taken care of. 
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bellarkeselection · 5 months
Request yellowstone Lee dutton
Reader is drunk and she calls her friend jamie to come pick her up jamie tells his dad and brother reader calls and needs to be pick up at a bar so lee and jamie go when they gets there some guy was hitting on her and Lee saves her and jamie being a lawyer threatens him
Dutton Boys Got My Back
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Sitting up at the bar I downed another beer and added it to my section of ones I had finished in the few hours I have been here. Tonight I needed a release from having a fight with my mother over the fact that I had stuck around with the Dutton family. She wanted me to leave Montana but I felt like I belonged here and nowhere else. “Can I get another Liam?”
“Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” The bartender asked me.
Shaking my head I snapped back. “Nah I don’t think so. Now get me another before I call my buddies.”
“Okay don’t start a fight in my bar.” He warned me walking away to get another beer.
Taking my phone out of my pocket I scoffed scrolling through my contacts until I found Jaime’s cell. We had been close up until his daddy had sent him off to become a lawyer. Now I knew if I ever got in trouble he’d bail me out. Hitting he call button I finished the remainder of my beer. “Hey Jaime…you working on any big cases?”
“Not tonight. What are you doing?” He asked me.
Slurring my words the bartender came back giving me my new drink. “Just having some drinks after fighting with my mother again this year. That women don’t understand my life…”
“How many drinks have you had?” He questioned me.
Sitting my beer bottle down I answered him back. “It don’t matter, Jaime. Just enough to know….have we ever gone out dancing together. We should do that tonight. Come and pick me up.”
“I’ll be there in a few.” He responded ending the phone call.
I wasn’t sure how long I had been sitting there but it was long enough to know I should’ve probably left hours ago. Half the time I came out to the bar with Beth. The other times it was rare if I got Lee and Jaime out and off that ranch for the night. Lee and I always have something more going on then what we are actually comfortable to admit to ourselves. I’ve had a crush on him for years and I’d be married to him if my mother would allow it. “Dutton’s mean nothing but trouble.” She’d say to me during some of our arguments.
“What’s a pretty gal like you sitting up here all alone. Drowning your emotions in alcohol is no way to go.” A random guy came up to me but he nearly collapsed on top of the bar top telling me he was more drunk then I was.
Taking a sip from my beer I sent him a smirk. “That’s none of your business, buddy.”
“It kinda is a part of my business. I wanna….spend a round with you.” He gets up close to me pushing his Boyd up against mine nearly spilling his drink in my lap.
Glancing up at him I shook my head knowing exactly what he wanted tonight. He was one of the guys that think they can sleep with any girl that by herself. Beth taught me how to deal with men like this. Getting to my feet I stared into his eyes. “I have no interest in you.”
“You don’t have to lie to me.” The drunk man said back to me, quickly grabbing me by my hips bringing me close against his chest and I couldn’t move since my back was pressed to the bar top behind me. “You want this as much as I do.”
Gripping the bottle in my hand I throw it over his head and he stumbled backwards. “You little bitch!”
He moved forward grabbing me by my shoulders shoving me against the hard wood behind me. I grunted feeling my arms get some cuts on them from how hard he pushed me. He got in my face and I bared my teeth trying to fight him when he slipped a hand underneath my shirt. I screamed hitting his chest but he slapped me across the face. He would have done it a second time if someone hadn’t yanked him back by the collar of his jacket. “Why don’t you keep your hands off of her.”
“I wasn’t doing anything wrong.” The drunk guy grumbled to the guy.
Blinking my eyes I sniffed through some tears recognizing the cowboy that had stepped in and protected me. “Lee, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
“Why don’t you get your hands off of me, cowboy. I ain’t done anything wrong…because she enjoys being around me.” The stranger got up in the oldest Dutton’s face.
Lee glanced in my direction. “Why’d you hit him, darling?”
“Tried to get handsy after I told him I wasn’t interested.” Crossing my arms over my chest I answered his question.
“Did you hear that, brother?” Lee called over his shoulder allowing me the chance to see his brother Jaime come inside the bar. He was dressed in his suit and tie looking like he didn’t belong there. Yet either way I was happy to see my friend knowing he would fix this without anyone beer bottles to the head.
He nodded in agreement. “Sure did. I’ll take it from here. Who’s the more intoxicated one here?”
“He is. I told him I wasn’t interested and he still came on me.” Pointing my index finger at the drunk.
Jaime made a noise. “I’d suggest you leave this girl alone for the rest of the night. Unless you wish to be taken to court.”
“You can’t take me to court.” He says.
Lee and I glanced at one another with Jaime closing the gap between them almost completely. “I’d advise you choose your next words carefully. sir. My father owns the largest ranch in the state and this girl you think is here for some fun is a very close friend of ours. And I can smell alcohol and see some cuts on her arm’s meaning you could be filed for public intoxication. Like I said go home and avoid trouble.”
“So I was told you asked for a ride home. I’m here to pick ya up, darling.” Lee shrugged his shoulders at me once the drunk had stumbled off somewhere else making it just the three of us.
Grabbing my jacket I closed the gap between us leaning up on my toe’s taking him by surprise. “I appreciate it, Lee. Do me a favor and don’t think I’m doing this just because I’m a little tipsy. I….rather like you.” Leaning up on my toes I grabbed his collar drawing him down to me where I gave him a kiss rather quickly.
“What was that for?” He asked me turning a little red once we separated from each other.
Winking at him I walked through the door. “That’s a thank you for my Dutton boys coming to get me.”
“Take her to the truck and I’ll pay the tab.” Jaime told his brother at the same time that Lee scooped me up bridal style making me giggle at his actions. Wrapping my arms around his neck I laid my head on his chest.
Lee chuckled sitting his hat on top of my head carrying me outside to the truck. “If there’s more thank you’s like that one in the future I wouldn’t mind.”
“As long as your okay with my momma not liking you then we have a good chance.” I grinned at him where he helped me inside the passenger seat. He shut the door gently and kissed my forehead before I passed out waiting for Jaime to come outside so we could go home for the evening.
Lee brushed hair behind my ear he smiled lovingly. “We always come when somebody like you calls.” That was a very true statement since every time I called them they had come without a thought of hesitation because that is what family does for one another.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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octuscle · 9 months
Hey bro, whats up? My frat is pretty well known for some of the stuff we put our pledges through. This year we were thinking of using the chronivac to liven things up a bit. Got four eager pledges and we wanted to see if you had any presets or ideas for each of em. Was thinkin' of turning each of em into a different frat bro stereotype, but wanted to get your thoughts on it. Thanks man!
This year you guys need to recruit some of the smart lads. Your academic performance has been so poor the last few semesters that many of your alumni have threatened to cut your allowances. The nerds who applied all have IQs beyond 140, but if they moved into the frat house, they'd have to wear a paper bag on their head all day, they're that ugly. Let's see what we can do with Chronivac.
Richard is the first. The questionnaire is filled out in handwriting, as if a little girl had applied. He has entered a dash for daily hours in the gym. You take over in the Chronivac times "two". The favorite place is the library. You change that to "Halfpipe". And he has entered a visit to the Vatican Library as his dream vacation. You change this to Nazaré.
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Quite a good start… Entrance exam passed. Ryder high-fives you and gets in the car to get his stuff. You are especially looking forward to his supply of first class weed.
Michael comes next. Fuck, he knits his own sweaters. And the dungarees look like they came from a department store. He also entered a dash at the gym classes. You take one. Favorite place is the big oak tree on campus. What a nerd! You'll change that to the men's department at Saks Fifth Avenue. And favorite vacation spot is no longer the Oregon woods. It's Florence for men's fashion week.
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You welcome Miles to your home. And give him the room in the frat house with the biggest closet.
After all, Frederick actually put down "one" in the daily gym classes. But the results of that one hour are well hidden under thick layers of fat. He needs at least two hours so you don't have to be ashamed of him. His favorite place until a few seconds ago was the pastry shop on the main street. How pathetic! You make it the swimming pool on campus in your file. And you turn a chocolatier class in Bruges as a favorite vacation into participation in the World Aquatics Open Water Swimming World Cup.
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Finn is not the emotional type. But you're sure he was happy to be accepted into the frat. Even if the movement of the corner of his mouth was barely visible.
Christian is by far the most intelligent of your pledges. Normally, you would chase him off the fraternity house grounds with water pistols. He tells you that he only applied because his father wanted him to. He thinks you are a miserable bunch of losers. He seriously filled in the questionnaire with hieroglyphics. The devil knows what he wanted to tell you. He sits across from you with his arms crossed in his stuffy clothes and doesn't say a word. Well, then, you just nurse Chronivac for the last new addition to the fraternity. Four hours in the gym, favorite place is his parents' hunting lodge on July 04, and his favorite vacation is Spring Break in South Beach.
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Chase is a hot candidate for fraternity newcomer speaker. A real smart cookie. But most importantly, a fraternity brother with a passion!
Bruhs, I hope you are happy with the new guys. I think they will all be an asset to your fraternity.
The pictures of the improved pledges I found at @stargazerguy, @richmuscly, @swimgod81-blog and @maxx-magnum
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
Hey, I love your writing 🫶
Please can you write an Eddie angst pleaseeeee.
The idea is that reader has been in love with Eddie for years and when he dies they’re distraught. The gang helps them through all the stages of mourning. Months later they wake up feeling really good so they go to one of the gangs house where they all will be hanging out. They all are acting really off and try to make them leave and then Eddie walks. Reader thinks they’re hallucinating until Eddie starts talking to one the kids and then it dawns on them that their best friends and the person they love have been lying all this time knowing the suffering they’ve endured. An argument and a confession follows, where they try to explain they did It to protect them but reader isn’t having any of it. All they want to do is hug Eddie but they can’t even look at him. They leave on bad terms with everyone. I can’t think of an ending heheh :))
I’m so sorry that request is so long. Thank you so much hope you have a lush day :))
In the back of my mind, you died
a/n: ANON I LOOOOOVEEEEEE THIS IDEA SO MUCH!!! YOUR BRAIN IS SO SMART FOR THIS!!!! i'm sorry it took so long my life has been hectic rn😭i'm not sure if i'll be writing a part two to this?? the ending might be fixed/changed cause idk how i feel about it,,anyways i hope you enjoy it and credit to the gif owner! <3
read part two here!
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Denial. That's all you've been doing is denying. Eddie didn't die, no. He's just decided to lay low until this whole "earthquake" shit and him being a murderer dies down. That's all he's doing you think to yourself, but that doesn't stop the nightmares of him dying in your arms. Every time you close your eyes you see the exact moment where the life leaves his eyes. You can't escape the horrible memory no matter what you do, you don't want to consider therapy cause how are you supposed to say that the love of your life died in the claws of bats from another dimension? Exactly, you can't.
You appreciate your friends, you do. You love them so much but you wish that they can leave you alone.
“I’m not broken, you know that right?”
Steve looks up from the magazine he's reading on your bed and smiles.
“I know that.”
“So why are you guys on babysitting duty with me?”
He sighs.
“Y/n, we're just worried. You've been ignoring the fact that Eddie-”
“Don't.” you cut him off.
“He's gone y/n. We're not rushing you to let him go, take all the time you need.” he stands up from his spot on the bed and crouches down to be eye level with you.
“But you're going to have to accept it sooner or later, and when you do we promise to all be here for you.”
Tears start to form and you throw your arms around him finally letting go of all the bottled-up emotions you have.
Anger. Pure anger is running through your veins when you see students gathered in front of Eddie's locker. Some are writing mean things, others are leaving sincere notes either way it pisses you off. Nobody in this school liked Eddie! It was always just you and hellfire who stuck up for him, so why the hell is everyone acting as if they care?!
“This is bullshit,” Gareth mumbles next to you.
You scoff. “Tell me about it. He's gone and suddenly the whole town loves him?”
“Like they weren't accusing him of murder weeks ago.”
If there was anyone you knew who was taking his death as hard as you, it was Gareth. Gareth knew Eddie his whole life, Eddie was practically his brother, and the fact that he doesn't even know what happened to him kills you.
“I fucking hate this town.” You whispered while shaking your head when the cheer team leaves a teddy bear in front of his locker.
Gareth chuckles, you take it as a sign of agreement.
“If I could I burn it to the fucking ground.”
You turn your head to look at him. His eyes are red and you're not sure if it's cause he's been crying, or because maybe rick gave him the hookup but you give him a soft smile. You've talked to Gareth before, and you consider him a friend. You glance down at the watch resting on your wrist and look back at Gareth.
“Do you wanna get out of here?”
“Hell yeah, let's go.”
You Gareth quickly exit the school and you both try to ignore the heartbreak you feel when you think of how happy Eddie would be knowing his best friends have someone to watch each other's backs.
Bargaining is something you find yourself frequently doing. You toss and turn through the night and look at your alarm clock. The bright red 1:00 taunting you. You let out a quiet tsk and decide enough is enough, quietly searching through your dresser you pick out the first pair of pants and grab the first shirt you see. You open your window making sure to leave it a crack open for you for whenever you sneak back in. You're not sure where you're going yet, your brain is not up to full speed with your body but soon you start recognizing that you're going to Eddie's trailer. Before you know it you're a good distance away from it but you stop in your tracks. Your heart is pounding and it's the first time you ask yourself what exactly are you doing here? We're planning on going to the upside down to find Eddie? Were you even looking for Eddie? Your thoughts are cut short when you see a familiar set of curls hidden under a hat exit the trailer quietly.
His body tenses and he turns around slowly to face you. He smiles at you nervously and waves as you take steps to get closer. You weren't supposed to be here, he hasn't even spoken a word to you and the guilt is already starting to eat him alive.
“Y/n! What are you uh, doing here?”
You cross your arms.
“I should ask you the same thing.”
Dustin stood frozen on the porch speechless, his eyes scanning your body trying to find any kind of clue as to why you're here. He wants to come clean and say it but he made a promise, and he was way too scared to break it. He narrows his eyes at you and something in his clicks when he sees the determined look on your face.
“Were you going back?”
“I-i think so? I don't know.”
Dustin mumbles out a Jesus Christ and stumbles over to you, dragging you away from the trailer.
“Are you insane?! What exactly were you gonna do?”
You stop walking, causing Dustin to look at you. His heart sinks when he sees tears falling down your cheeks as you stumble over your words.
“I just want him back Dustin.” you cry out.
Dustin wraps his arms around you and holds you as you cry, his brain is screaming for him to tell you. To just end all the pain you've been feeling but he made a promise. They all did.
He pulls away from you and gives you a sad smile.
“I miss him too, but y/n, you can't risk your life going back in there for something that's not even there.”
“We just left him there Dustin. His uncle never even got to see him.”
The both of you are crying now.
“And that's killing me, but there's nothing we can do.”
You look Dustin in the eyes and you have a strange feeling in your gut that he's hiding something but you're too exhausted to question him. You nod your head, wiping away the tears that fell down your face, and take a deep breath.
“Yeah. Yeah, you're right.”
“C'mon, let's go home. You can ride my bike, my leg is killing me.”
You hum knowing his leg is a bit more sensitive since the incident and agree to take him home.
“I'll walk home after I drop you off.”
“My mom thinks I'm at Lucas’.”
Silence is shared between the two of you as you slowly turn to look at Dustin.
“You mean the Lucas who's practically living at the hospital reading to Max?”
Dustin kicked a rock and mumbled out how it sounded better in his head. You shake your head and chuckle, throwing your leg around his bike and waiting till you felt his hands resting on your shoulders. While Dustin was getting on the bike you took a glance at the trailer that sat behind you two and you could be sworn you saw a figure that you knew all too well.
“You ready?” Dustin asked you. You looked at him then back at the trailer only to be met with nothing. You cleared your throat and nodded your head.
“Yeah, let's go.”
Everyone was worried about you the second Eddie was gone, but to their surprise, you were still up and moving. What they should have been worried about was the third month of his death. Depression hit you like a semi and you couldn't get out of bed to save your life. Everyone would stop by to drop off some food and water only to throw it out the next day when they saw it was untouched. They tried everything to get you out of bed but were unsuccessful every time.
It was midnight now, Nancy was sleeping on the couch in the living room as you rotted away in bed. They usually didn't spend the night but you haven't eaten in five days, to say your friends were worried about you was an understatement. You stared at the picture of you and Eddie laughing that rested on your nightstand when the familiar feeling of needing to use the restroom came back. For the first time in days, you slowly took the blanket off of you and began to sit up in bed. The room spun a little bit but now you were sitting up and looking at your bedroom door.
Go. You thought to yourself. Just go pee and then you can get back into bed. The thought of standing alone was enough to exhaust you, let alone use the restroom. You know you should get up, your bladder was starting to hurt from how long you haven't used the restroom but you couldn't move. You look down at your feet and see one of Eddie's shirts on the floor, it was his favorite, and now it's dirty. It's dirty, it's on the floor, and it was nearly forgotten about until now. The pain in your bladder was getting stronger but you didn't move, you stayed sat in bed looking at the shirt with tears streaming down your face.
Your thoughts are cut short when you feel a sudden pang of pain in your lower abdomen. You let out a gasp and quickly put pressure on it but it only makes things worse. I need to pee. Was the only thing running through your mind. You start to stand up but let out a small cry from how much it hurts.
“Y/n?” You heard Nancy call. You stayed quiet trying to steady your breathing. You take small steps toward your bedroom door, counting down how many you have left to go to the restroom when you fall to the ground. You hear Nancy start to run to you as you cry and clutch your side tightly.
“Jesus Christ, what happened?!” Nancy asks as she rushes over to you. You push her away determined to get yourself to the restroom. You know what she's thinking. You know she probably thinks you're insane at the fact that you could get a kidney infection trying to get to the restroom by yourself cause you're thinking the exact same thing. You curl into a fetal position on the floor, your breathing rapid as the pain gets worse with each passing minute. Nancy decides enough is enough and helps you up while whispering how you'll be okay. She helps you stand up and gently shushes you when you let out a whimper.
“It's okay, you're gonna be okay,” she whispers. She takes you toward the restroom and turns on the bath for you. She makes sure the water is warm before she looks at you, you have your shirt pulled over your legs as you sit on the toilet finally giving your bladder some ease.
“I uh, I'm running you a bath,” she says gently. “If you need help with anything, call me, okay?”
You nod your head and watch as she leaves the bathroom and closes the door, leaving it a little open.
You sigh and slowly get off the toilet, holding onto the wall for support as you flush it. You step into the bathtub with your shirt still on and sit in the warm water. Nancy knocks on the door and peeks her head in to check on you. You both make eye contact and you clear your throat.
“C-can you wash my hair?”
Nancy nods her head and rolls the sleeves of her pajama shirt up. She sits on the edge of the tub and gently strokes your hair as you rest your cheek on your knees.
“There's a cup in the cabinet. Eddie would bring the dog that lived next door and we’d give her a bath.
Nancy makes her way to the cabinet and grabs the small cup, filling it with water and counting down before she gently pours it onto your head. Comfortable silence is shared between you two before she drains the water and grabs a towel. She helps you stand, squeezing out as much water as she could from your shirt before you grab onto her hand.
“Thank you. F-for helping me.”
She gives you a sad smile and wraps the towel around your shoulders.
“I changed your sheets, and there are some clothes laid out for you.”
You hold onto her hand as she helps you out of the slippery tub and onto the cold tile floor. She leads you to her room, closing the door all the way so that you can change out of your wet clothes. You place the towel on the floor and toss the shirt on top of it knowing you'll take it out soon. You slip into the comfortable clothes and sit on the edge of your bed, your hands rubbing over the clean material of the new sheets Nancy changed for you.
Your eyes drift back to the picture that's on your nightstand and you swear that you can hear Eddie's voice in your head telling you to eat something. You hear three knocks on your bedroom door and you're guessing you told Nancy to come in cause now she's leaning up against your door and smiling at you.
“I know it's nearly one in the morning but are you hungry?”
You wanted to say no, you're too tired to eat anything and you just want to lay in bed and sleep until you feel better, but you don't. Instead, you slowly nod your head.
“I think there's still some pizza in the fridge from when Steve and Robin came over.”
Nancy gave you a genuine smile, happy that you finally decided to eat some food. She started to leave your room to reheat the pizza when she heard you call out for her.
“Thank you. Seriously, this whole…healing process hasn't been easy for me.” You clear your throat and send her a small smile. “So thank you, really. You've all helped me so much, I don't know what I would do without you guys."
Something in Nancy shifted, you could tell from the way her shoulders dropped and the small smile she gave you.
She wants to say it. She's seen you suffer enough and it's killing her not to tell you everything she knows. It's on the tip of her tongue, she's so close to saying it. You look at her with raised eyebrows.
“You never have to thank us. What are friends for?”
A few more months pass and little by little you start to feel okay, normal even. Is currently Friday, which is movie day at Steve's. It started as a way to get you out of the house but it's blossomed into something more now, you park the car in front of Steve's house and grab the snacks that are in the passenger seat of your car. You hum out a tune and gently kick at the door with your foot. Robin opens the door laughing but quickly stops when she sees it's you.
“Y/n! What are you doing here?”
“Haha, very funny.” you teased. “It’s movie day! Here grab the snacks so I can come in,” you say while dumping some snacks into her arms. She stumbles over words and her feet as you make your way into the house, you throw a hey to everyone and place the snacks onto Steve's counter.
“Geez, why is everyone quiet? Did you guys start the movie without me?” you chuckle out. You turn toward your friends who are sitting on the couch staring at you with wide eyes.
“Jesus, are you guys okay? It's like you've all seen a ghost or something.”
“Thanks for giving me my vest back Steve, I've been dying to see her again.”
Your body stiffens and your blood runs cold when you hear a voice that you've missed for far too long. Your eyes lock with Dustin and suddenly everything clicks. The night you found Dustin at Eddie’s trailer, the way everyone looked at you with guilty eyes, how everyone seemed like they were walking on eggshells when they were around you. They knew. They all knew.
“It's no problem man, I washed like three times- oh shit.”
This had to be a trick. You must've not been over his death yet and now your brain is making you hallucinate him. You slowly turn around to face him and tears instantly form in your eyes. Eddie feels himself freeze under your gaze, feeling like a criminal that's been caught. You shake your head and walk up to him, you raise your hand as if you're going to rest it on his shoulder but you freeze.
“You're not real.” You whisper while shaking your head. You let out a laugh like it's some kind of sick joke and turn toward your friends.
“Please tell me he's not real.”
The lack of answers confirmed it for you. You then turned toward Eddie with tears streaming down your face, but there was fire behind your eyes.
“How long have you been here?”
“Y/n, hear me out-”
“How long?!”
Eddie stays quiet and decides his shoes are much more interesting cause he can't bring his eyes to meet yours. You let out a scoff and look at your friends.
“Okay, since the fucking ghost doesn't want to talk I'll ask you guys. How long has he been back?”
“Ever since you caught me at his trailer,” Dustin spoke up.
You sniffled and nodded your head.
“So did you all know?”
Everyone on the couch nodded their head and Steve mumbled a quiet yeah.
“Was anyone going to tell me?”
“We wanted to,” Mike began.
“That's not what I asked. I asked if you were ever going to tell me.”
Everyone was silent once again and to be honest, you were getting fed up with it.
“you know what?” you chuckled out. “I think I'm done.”
“Done?” Nancy asked.
You grabbed your keys and started to walk toward the door.
“Yeah. With you guys.”
Everyone started to talk over each other and Eddie rushed to stand in front of the door, blocking you from leaving.
“Hey hot shot, just hear them out. Hear us out.” He begged.
For the first time in months, you look Eddie in the eyes, and it feels like you're back at the very beginning.
“Get out of my way Eddie, or else you'll wish you were dead.”
Defeated, he steps out of the way but chases you outside. The sun was no longer in the sky and the dam finally broke. Tears were streaming down your face and you felt arms wrap around you. You try your best to push him away but he's not letting you go.
“Get off of me!” you cry out.
“Sweetheart, please.”
“No! Do you know how fucking miserable I was Eddie?! Did you know that I considered going back to that hell hole to get you?!” you're pushing him now and you catch a glance of your former friends watching you from the window.
Eddie grabs your hands trying to stop you but you twist out of his grasp.
“For months people you love have suffered Eddie! This isn't even about me anymore! Does your uncle know you're back?! What about Gareth and the rest of the party?!”
Eddie shakes his head and tears are forming in his eyes.
“Really?! You're crying, Eddie?!”
“You weren't supposed to find out this way.”
“Then how? How the fuck was I supposed to find out Eddie? Were you going to come to my house with a bouquet of flowers? Were you gonna wait until I tried to go back to the upside-down again?”
Eddie stayed silent. He never really thought about how he was going to tell you, or how you would react. He knew that the more time dragged on the more difficult it would be, but he still had hope.
You saw a tear fall down Eddie's cheek and it took everything in you to not wipe it away. You've dreamt of this moment, you've even prayed for it but this isn't how it was supposed to happen. You were supposed to be happy he was alive, jump into his arms and finally kiss him as you've always wanted to do.
“You know,” you started as you walked to the driver's side of the car. “You may not be dead anymore Eddie,”
You start the car. “But you're dead to me.” you nod your head at everyone gathered by the window.
“They are too. I don't want to see any of you ever again.”
You drove off after that, you weren't sure where you were going, considering all your friends lied to you about something that big. Part of you wants to rationalize what they've done, and you can kinda understand why they did it but you would've never done that to them.
Your heart is pounding out of your chest as you walk up to the front door of the last person you should be seeing. You knock three times and wipe away the tears that are streaming down your face, you look like a mess right now you're sure of it but you don't care.
“Y/n?” Gareth asks with concern. “What's going on, why are you crying?”
“Eddie isn't dead.”
Gareth wants to laugh, but he can't. He won't. The way you look right now, the shakiness in your voice. He wants to think you're joking but what kind of sick person would make a joke about this? He steps to the side and opens the door wide for you, silently asking you to come in. You step inside his home and stuff your hands into your pockets, not bothering to wipe away your tears anymore.
“You've got a lot of explaining to do.”
You let out a humorless chuckle. “How much time do you have?”
Gareth let's out a sigh and hugs you, his hand rubbing your back gently as you cry into his shoulder.
"I've got all the time in the world right now."
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Ohhh would you be able to do one with reader helping George (long term partner) at the shop. He witnesses how she is with younger kids and just ✨️baby fever✨️ . Queue Fred teasing him about it.
I love this so much! Thank you for requesting it!
Baby Fever
George stood enthralled at the sight of Y/N sitting cross-legged on the floor, helping a couple of the younger kids pick out some age-appropriate items. One of them had crawled into her lap and was giggling at something she'd said.
Y/N and George had gotten married a little over six months ago, after five years together. They both wanted children, but they also wanted to enjoy married life for a year or two before starting a family.
George was beginning to think that was far too long to wait.
"Hey Georgie," Fred walked up beside him. "Wanna join us back down here on earth?"
"Oh, yeah. Sure. Be right there," George mumbled, his eyes still glued to his wife, who now had both kids sitting on her lap, all three in the throes of uncontrollable giggling.
Unable to pull his gaze away from his wife, the only coherent thought in George's brain at that moment was how much he wanted to watch his wife doing this with their children. His heart was almost bursting just thinking about it.
"She's good with kids," Fred observed. "Ready to pop one in the oven, yeah?"
That caught George's attention. "Pop one in the--?? What are you talking about?"
"Business is kinda slow today, I could let you two have the rest of the afternoon off." Fred waggled his eyebrows.
George opened his mouth to retort but was cut off by a customer approaching Fred asking about Skiving Snack Boxes.
"Right over here, my friend," Fred replied, giving George a quick wink before guiding the customer away.
"I think someone in this room, who will remain nameless, has baby fever." Fred teased. The store was closed, and the twins were working on some paperwork in the office before calling it a night.
"I have no idea what you're babbling on about." George commented.
"Oh no, of course not. There's no reason for you getting all starry-eyed every time Y/N was helping the little ones."
"It's just cute, is all." George argued.
"Uh-huh," Fred replied, a devilish grin on his face. "I'm your twin, remember. You can't hide from me."
George sighed and put down his pen. "Ok, fine. Maybe a little."
"I knew it!" Fred laughed. "And it's more than just a little. You were wandering around like Mr. Dopey McDope Face half the day."
George looked at his twin but said nothing and attempted to go back to his paperwork.
But Fred had other plans.
"Hey, what's that muggle poem?" Fred asked. "You know the one. 'George and Y/N sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Georgie with a baby carriage.' "
"Who's got a baby carriage?" Y/N stepped through the doorway and headed straight to the safe to lock up the till.
"No one!" George answered just a little too quickly, earning a momentary cock of the eyebrow from his wife.
As soon as she turned her back, Fred put his arms together and began rocking them back and forth in a cradling motion, humming a wizarding lullaby.
"Shut up!" George hissed, slapping his brother in the arm.
"What's going on with you two?" Y/N turned around to take in the twins.
"Nothing," said George, his ears tinged pink.
"That's right," Fred concurred. "Nothing going on here."
"Right..." Y/N replied, absolutely certain there was something going on here. But whatever. She'd find out eventually. George couldn't keep a secret from her if his life depended on it. "I'm gonna go see if Verity needs any help and leave the two of you to continue doing nothing."
George watched his wife sleeping, the moonlight shining through the window, highlighting her soft features, making them almost dreamlike. He couldn't help but smile at that. From the moment they met, Y/N was like a dream he never wanted to wake up from.
Scooting closer, he pulled her into his arms. She mummered something but didn't wake up. George kissed the top of her head, then rested his cheek against it, thinking about what Fred had said.
His twin was right. George had baby fever, and he had it bad. All throughout dinner, he was silently picking out names, his mind swirling with thoughts of lullabies and diapers and his baby's laughter mingling with his and Y/N's.
He couldn’t envision a life more perfect.
Now, all he had to do now was find the right moment to tell Y/N that he was ready to start a family.
The house smelled divine when she woke up the next morning. George was already up and making his self-proclaimed "world famous" waffles. Y/N had been craving them for a while, and he'd promised to make them for her on their next day off.
"Anything in particular you'd like to do today, love?" George asked over breakfast.
"Well, I need to go shopping for a gift for Anna's baby shower."
"Ooh, that sounds fun!" George grinned. "Mind if I tag along?"
"Of course!" Y/N smiled at his unexpected enthusiasm. "I love your company."
It was the most fun Y/N'd had on a shopping excursion in quite a while. They looked at all the cribs and bassinets and talked about which ones they liked best, tried out different rocking chairs, and gushed over all the cute clothes and toys. It was almost as if they were the ones having the baby. Y/N left the store feeling hopeful that George might be ready to start a family.
Because that could be happening far sooner than either one had expected or intended.
Her period was late.
Very late.
She'd already bought several pregnancy tests and was just waiting for the right time to tell George.
Maybe tonight was the night.
George had put Y/N into a lovely bubble bath as soon as they got home, knowing she would soak for a long while, giving him time to think. Or panic.
After spending half the day looking at baby things, his baby fever had kicked in to overdrive. He knew before they even left the store that he was telling her tonight.
Pacing from one end of the living room to the other, George tried to figure out the best way to say what he needed to say.
"Y/N, I'm ready to start a family."
"I want to start a family, love."
"How do you feel about having a baby sooner than we planned?"
"If you're not ready, it's ok--"
"Georgie," Y/N's soft voice called to him from her bath.
As soon as George had left her to soak, Y/N quietly got out of the tub and grabbed the pregnancy test she'd snuck in.
On the way home, she'd decided it'd be best to take the test first to see she even needed to broach the subject.
After doing the deed, she slipped back into the bath, placing the test on the little table next to the tub, and attempted to relax for fifteen minutes.
It was the longest fifteen minutes of her life.
"Whatcha need, love?" George asked, coming into the bathroom.
"Can we talk? I have a bit of a surprise for you."
"Of course, darling. As it happens, I need to talk to you too," he said before he lost his nerve.
George sat next to the tub. "Which one of us should go first?"
"Umm, I don't know," Y/N began. "Maybe we can do it like they do in the movies. Say it at the same time."
"Ok," George said. "On the count of three?"
Y/N nodded.
"I'm pregnant."
"I'm ready to start a family."
"You want to--"
Y/N nodded as a wave of relief rolled through her.
"You're--" George repeated.
"Yes!" Y/N couldn't stop smiling.
"I--I'm gonna be a dad? And--and you're gonna be a mom?"
"Yes, Georgie," she giggled. "We're going to have a baby."
Before she realized what was happening, George had climbed into the bath, fully clothed, and pulled her into a bear hug.
After a few moments, he leaned back, his hands going straight to her belly. "We're gonna have a baby," he said again, his voice shaky, tears wetting his cheeks. "How long have you known?"
"Only a few minutes." She handed him the positive test.
"This is a dream come true, Y/N. I love you so much, sweetheart," he said as he pulled her into a kiss.
Seconds later, he suddenly broke away, eyes wide. "We've got to tell mum and dad and Fred and--"
Y/N silenced him with a kiss, finishing what they started.
"There's plenty of time for that, my love" she said when they pulled away. "But for now, why don't you get undressed and then get back in here with me. I want us to savor this moment, just you and me for a little while first."
George looked down at himself as if he just realized he was still fully clothed. "Oops," he said with a snort. "Got a little excited."
Y/N giggled affectionately. "I noticed."
Her husband stepped out of the bath and undressed, using his wand to magically clean up the mess before sliding back in behind Y/N.
"I love your idea, babe. Let's wait and tell everyone tomorrow. Tonight will be just for us. All three of us," he said, encompassing her belly with his large hands.
@princess-paramour @milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley
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heart4reigns · 1 year
hey! could i request something for jimmy uso where they're kind of in a situationship and while they're secretly spending time together in the tour bus reader asks "what are we" and you can choose how it ends whether it's angsty or wholesome!
FACES, jimmy uso.
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warnings: curse words, alcohol, implied sexual activities, pet names, slight age gap, mostly texts, inaccurate events
tags: ooo be prepared... i hate situationships tbh like damn it's so scary to think about it maybe it's not my cup of tea
"MY brother been asking about you." jey said as he poured himself a cup of coffee from the pantry. "solo? i was just gonna see him after this." "no, jimmy. i'll tell you later, gotta bounce." he continued. you were left confused with your coffee. jimmy has been asking for me? you thought. it was weird. as you took a walk back to the locker room you were left with questions inside your mind.
the jimmy uso that you once liked had been asking for you. see, you knew him from years ago. the two of you immediately hit it off when you first met. it was an intense interaction, but one day, he decided to get himself a girlfriend and it wasn't you. so you backed away, staying as friends. after your return from the long hiatus you took, you reconnected with him and his brothers. this time, you were closer to his brothers.
although your relation with him wasn't as strong as before; you two were still kind of friends, exchanging greetings and farewells every time you saw each other. you learned that he recently broke up with his girlfriend. it was definitely hard to get back on the dating scene after a long-term relationship, so it was weird hearing that sentence coming out of his twin. you sighed in frustration, entering the locker room with a confused expression.
"you're oddly quiet." your thoughts were cut off by your best friend. "dom!" your eyes lit up in excitement. "what's in your mind, (y/n)?" you shook your head. "nothing." you tried to convince him to no avail. "i've known you since you were on babysitter duty trying to keep me out of the roof. i know if you have something your mind." you decided to tell him the interaction you had with jey earlier.
"damn, this is new." dominik responded, still trying to tie his shoelaces. "i know! i can't even talk to jey since he's performing." you huffed out the air out of frustration. "well, there's nothing you can do about it... although you two make a good couple though." dominik joked. "come on, don't think about it too much! i'm sure it's gonna be alright. we have a big match tonight! cheer up!"
work ended for you, you were back in the locker room. you didn't see dominik since he was riding on a different bus. "yo!" jey greeted you with a huge smile. "ay, you're riding with me right?" you nodded. "come on, hurry up. or else we won't get the back seat. it's just gonna be solo slumping over taking up all of the seats." you chuckled at his sentence. "okay then fuck off, i'm gonna change first."
"are you sitting with me today?" cody asked as soon as you stepped inside the bus. "nah man, she's sitting with me. we have something to talk about." before you could answer, jey dragged you to the back of the bus. you passed your friends, greeting them with a smile. a certain face was spotted several seats in front of you. jimmy uso. you waved at him and he returned the gesture.
the drive back to the hotel was long due to the chicago traffic. everyone was knocked out cold. "hey, you awake?" jey nudged your arm. you took off your earphones and faced him. "what's up?" you asked. "about the thing i said earlier," he paused a second. "so, like. i know y'all are friends or so and we know that we're in practically different group of friends, but he asked if you were single." you furrowed your eyebrows. that's weird, you thought. "huh, really?" you asked. "yeah dawg, i think he's interested. you up for it?"
"oh, you know i'm down for anything. don't really mind if we talk or something." jey smiled at your respond. "i'll make sure to tell him about it." you shrugged your shoulders. "we're still partying next week right?" you rested your head on his shoulder. "course, who do you think i am, bailing out? roman reigns?" he burst out laughing at your sentence, waking up several people on the bus. "shut up jey, we're trying to get some sleep!" "sorry!"
as soon as you jumped into your soft hotel bed, you received a notification.
jimmy: hows ur knee? heard u got the entire crowd worried
it was kind of weird for him to suddenly message you but you remembered the conversation you had with jey earlier. the devil works fast, but jey fucking uso works faster.
(y/n): bruised and ready to get checked tomorrow!!
jimmy: sounds awful
(y/n): it is!
jimmy: so u not coming to the party next week?
(y/n): i am after i checked this huge-ass bruise
jimmy: dopeeeee
jimmy: was gonna ask if u want me to drive u to the doctors but i got a meeting w marketings tmrw
you giggled as you read his messages.
(y/n): too bad we could've had an amazing hospital trip
jimmy: maybe next time
jimmy: actually nah
jimmy: maybe never
the conversation went on until you realized that it was 3 am and you had a doctor's appointment at 8. it felt good talking to him again since the two of you don't really talk anymore before this. you woke up with a stinging pain on your bruised knee. "goddamn." you muttered, trying to get up from the bed. you looked at your phone and you had notifications from different people.
dominik (41): wake up please dont miss ur appointment
jey (2): a 'thank you joshua samuel fatu for your service' would be nice
jimmy (3): dawg this marketing meeting is so boring who the fuck holds a meeting at 7 am in the morning
you immediately replied to his messages.
(y/n): poor u, just woke up btw getting ready for the doctors! pray for me!
in a second, you received a reply.
jimmy: always do, keep me updated, beautiful
days went by and the two of you got closer. you were thankful that you didn't have to defend your title at work today, only cutting a promo. "what's goooood?" jey immediately followed you into the hallways. "hey!" you greeted him. "so, how's it going?" you rolled your eyes. "what do you mean how's it going? my knee? it was only inflamm-" "i meant with my bro." he cut you off mid sentence. "oh," you paused a second, cheeks heating up. "we're still talking... if that's what you want to know."
"well, he can't stop talking about you. all those 'god, i'm thankful we're talking again'. even solo gets tired of him." jey wrapped his hand with his tape. "y- you're shitting me?" "nah, i'm being for real. let's just see how he is tonight." everyone was getting hyped for the party, especially you and jimmy. you haven't seen him since last week, due to your schedules clashing.
"looking fresh as hell for what? who you seducing tonight?" dominik pulled up in front of your house. "your dad." you joked, getting inside the car. "fuck off." he rolled his eyes and started driving.
jimmy: where u at?
(y/n): calm down i'm on my wayyyyy
jimmy: aight see u!
you smiled at his response, causing dominik to groan. "swear to god you both are like high schoolers." he complained. "shut up, i am having fun." you slapped his shoulders. "yeah, yeah whatever you say." soon, the two of you arrived at the club. it was going to be a fun night, you thought. you deserved this night out because you just had your ass beat a week ago. "let's do this!" dom chuckled, entering the club.
the club was packed with people and you were ecstatic to let loose. you spotted your group of friends and immediately went to their table. "here comes the champs." montez greeted you and dom. "shut up, loser." you joked. they passed you a shot glass and you quickly took it. "fuck." you muttered, feeling the alcohol down your throat.
jimmy: think i spotted u
(y/n): can't see u where are uu
jimmy: somewhere on the dance floor
"have any of you seen jimmy?" you asked the table to no avail. "he's sharing a table with his brothers! i think they're near the dance floor." bianca replied, voice louder than usual due to the raging music on the background. "okay!" you took another shot. "dom, do you wanna dance?" you asked your best friend. "nah i think i'm good, i'll watch your bag from here." "any of you wanna go to the dance floor?"
just like the tables, the dance floor was packed with intoxicated people. you were with your group of friends, enjoying the time of your life, until you felt a tap on your shoulders. "(Y/N)!" you turned around and saw him, with a smile plastered on his face. "jimmy! hi!" you said, hugging him. "you're so hard to find." he groaned. "sorry, sorry." the music was loud and you were trying your best to focus on him as the alcohol was getting on you.
you didn't know what it was but he looked so damn good with his outfit right now. the dance floor got crowded and you couldn't hear what he was saying. "what?" "i said, let's go to the back! i can't hear you!" you nodded at him as he practically dragged you to the back of the club. the back of the club was quieter, only a couple of people chatting and smoking their brains out.
"so, how's your knee?" you chuckled at his question. "why does everyone keep on asking about my knee?" jimmy smiled. "well i don't know girl, because i think you got a bad match last week." he took a sip of his drink. "it's not like i'm heavily injured or so, just another rough match." you continued. "yeah, watched it. you did amazing tho, like usual." you grinned in reply. "oooh, like usual? that means you've been watching me?"
"of course! god, i really want to fight you some day." you furrowed your eyebrows. "not in a bad way, in a good way! i think we can work it out." he quickly backtracked. "i know, i know." for some reason, you couldn't stop smiling. "i have to say you look so pretty tonight." jimmy winked at you, causing you to blush. you forgot how flirty he was when you used to talk to him. "t- thank you. you look pretty too." "is that a compliment?" you immediately nodded. "then i feel the prettiest tonight."
the night went on and still, you couldn't really stop smiling. it was always fun talking to him as he was one of the funniest and nicest person in the current roster. the two of you abandoned your drinks, clearly more interested in each other than the thought of getting drunk. the area was getting crowded and you were starting to get kind of bored with the place. "you wanna bounce?" he suddenly asked, noticing your absent gaze.
"let's go."
and thus, you spent the night with him, in a way that you could never imagine. jimmy uso was one charming bastard, you thought. the morning after wasn't a mess, surprisingly. you didn't wake up alone this time. you had someone clinging on to your body, not wanting to let you go. "good morning, let me shower and i'll take you home." he muttered, still having his eyes closed. "morning." you chuckled. "or let's just shower together, to save time." "oh, we're saving the planet too."
after that day, the two of you became closer. first dates turned to second dates and the dates went on and on until you were sure that you really liked him. he was the first to initiate the conversation about liking each other. it was a cold night, somewhere in new york. the two of you were having a bagel in a random park, enjoying your trip before your showtime tomorrow. "i can't keep this any longer." he blurted out, facing you. "huh?" you muttered, with a mouth full of bagel. "i really like you, (y/n)." jimmy admitted. "i know, it's pretty obvious that i like you too, isn't it?" you shrugged your shoulders.
"really?" his tone was dripped with excitement. "really, jimmy. i like you. do you want me to prove it to you?" he nodded, confusion plastered on his face. you moved closer to him, kissing him to an extent that he dropped his food. the two of you were giggling like high schoolers, enjoying the moment. "god damn, i'm so thankful we're talking again. i can't keep my mind out of you, baby."
situationship. that was what you would use to describe your relationship with jimmy. feelings were involved but the two of you weren't official. people were rooting for you and they weren't surprised to see the two of you being together. see, this was your first situationship–you were still getting used to it. it was weird, you thought. if the two of you liked each other, why not make it official? you asked yourself. but hell, you wouldn't trade this with anything.
it was a smooth journey, for now. he still took you on dates, you would sleep in his house (you practically lived there now). but you started to notice something different as days went by. your feelings for him gre stronger as you were waiting for him to ask you out. the day never came. some days, you were ignored–being left alone with your own thoughts. does he hate me? does he think i'm clingy and annoying? is this over? you kept on doubting yourself. other days, you were showered with love. never-ending text messages when he wasn't around, surprise visits, flowers, and all of that sappy couple stuff.
you were conflicted with your current relationship. "you know i still like you?" you reminded him. "oh, yeah." he replied, eyes still glueing on the monitor in front of him. you wanted to cry but to no avail. at this point, you didn't know what to do. he was giving you mixed signals and your best friend–dom–told you that mixed signals meant no. you should stop this before you fell harder.
but it was too late. you couldn't stop thinking about him, about what went wrong to have him ignore you for days, popping up every once in a while to talk and then disappear again. you had to ask him about this, so you let your guard down and confronted him. "hey." you greeted him. "hey." he replied. the excited tone wasn't there like before. "you wanna walk to the bus with me?" jimmy nodded, still not facing you. "yeah, wait a bit. i need to get my charger from kevin."
tension was there and the two of you noticed it. he wasn't holding your hand and you weren't laughing your ass off, things were different. as soon as you got to the bus, the two of you sat at the back–gaining privacy.
"jimmy, what are we?" it felt like the right time to ask him that question. he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, stumbling for words. "what do you mean what are we?" he asked. "i mean, you take me out on dates, you shower me with affection, and then other days you act like i don't exist, ignoring me for days. what are we, jimmy?" you were thankful that no one was on the bus yet.
quiet. it was quiet. "is this not enough?" jimmy asked once again. "no, it's not that... i'm just confused with our relationship." you confessed. "(y/n)," he paused for a second, forming an answer inside his mind. "if you want to take this in a serious matter... i don't think i can do that. i think we're moving too fast." you felt a pang on your chest. you didn't know how to respond. "thought we were okay with what we have now, but i think you got too attached, huh? i'm not planning to be in a relationship." he added.
you didn't know what to do. the bus was filled with your coworkers and jimmy acted like nothing happened. he greeted them with a smile and laughed at their jokes. it was true that he fell first, but you fell harder–but you didn't fall in love with this jimmy, you fell in love with the version of him you created in your head; a loving partner, a boyfriend, a husband, a person that you could grow old with. maybe you shouldn't hold any expectations and just let it go. "you okay there?" he asked. "oh, i'm fine."
after that talk on the bus, the two of you never talk anymore. he fell first, he wanted you first–but of course, you fell harder. now, he was just one of those faces you see at work. a stranger again.
a/n: sorryyyy if this was long overdue... having a writer's block moment. but i hope you enjoyed it!!! feedbacks are highly appreciated <3
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clevenhq · 2 months
my apology for taking so long to get new chapters out!!
this takes place in the 80s-90s — around the same time as top gun
John makes his way through the crowd, searching for at least one face that he could recognize. It’s shore leave for the holidays, a whole month. John could usually wait to see his family, but it’s been well over a year since he’s seen them so he can’t help but be ecstatic. He grins widely when he spots his mother with his younger sister near the back of the families welcoming their friends and family with open arms.
“Mom?” he calls out over the buzzing people. His mother’s head snapped towards him, making eye contact. John waves and pushes through the crowd, smiling all the way. He sees his mom grab his sister’s arm and pull her into the crowd with him, he laughs to himself at the sight of Lily rolling her eyes and trying to pull herself away.
Before he can even look at his family, Jonn is met with a bone crushing hug from both his mother and sister. “John!” Lily yells into his chest.
“Hey, guys. Good to see you, too,” John chuckles as Lily’s arms grow tighter around him before he starts wheezing.
His mom lets go, “C’mon, Lily. Let Johnny breathe.”
The teenager sighs and lets go of her brother, mumbling something under her breath. John snickers and looks around, “Is anyone else—” he cuts himself off. Over his mother’s shoulder, he spots Gale, walking away from the crowd of excited families, alone.
“What, Jonn?” Lily asks, confused.
“Hold this, I’ll be right back.” Jonn shoves his bag into his sister’s arms and jogs over to Gale, his siblings watch.
“Hey, Buck,” John says once he catches up to him, the man in question turns to him.
“Yeah, Bucky?”
“Don’t you have anyone picking you up?” He questions, his eyebrows furrowing.
Gale sighs, “No, I don’t. My dad is somewhere… No idea where, but I’m not important enough for him to pick me up.” John feels horrible when Gale only shrugs at the fact.
Jonn looks at him sympathetically. “I’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere.” Gale nods.
Jonn strides back over to his sister and mother with an idea. “Okay, so, would it be alright if I bring someone?”
His mom raises an eyebrow at him. “Who?” John points a thumb over his shoulder at his best friend who is standing awkwardly behind them with his duffle bag in hand.
Lily looks around John’s body and squints in the blackness of the night. “It’s too dark, I can’t see him.”
John rolls his eyes and turns around, “Hey, Buck! Come over here!”
Galw blinks. He slowly starts to saunter over to them cautiously, slinging his bag around his shoulder while doing so. “My God, he takes so long,” John says under his breath.
“Yeah, Bucky?” Gale peers at him looking puzzled but still smiling with his shining teeth, his gaze shifts between him and his family, who look quite similar to him. All with brunette mops of curls atop their heads and long legs. Lily looks up at him then quickly looks down at the ground.
“Okay. Mom, Lily, this is my best friend; Buck Cleven, or Gale, I guess. Buck, this is my mom and sister, Wendy and Lily,” John introduces them. John’s mother smiles brightly at Gale and shakes his hand, he then nudges Lily.
She looks up with a shy smile. “Nice to meet you.” John rolls his eyes fondly at her.
Gale grins down at her with a welcoming curve of his full lips, “You too.”
“Anyways, would that be okay, Mom? Would you mind?” John pleads his mom, who grins and nods excitedly.
“I think it would be lovely to host your friend!”
i wrote this so long ago i actually forgot it existed
i have lots of these unfinished drabbles in my docs!!
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captainpains · 6 months
Carol of the Cookies (Captain Rex x reader)
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For @diviluscorner in the @cloneficgiftexchange. I had so much fun writing this and I hope y'all enjoy it ❤️
Prompt: Baking Cookies
Warnings: F reader, kids, family bonding, fluffy, domesticity, everyone lives au, not explicitly holiday but has the vibes
“Buir! Buir!”
Rex stopped taking off his snow boots and looked down the hallway to see his little girl, Mariel,  running towards him at full speed. She jumped into his arms, giggling when he caught her. He smiled at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“What have you been up to my little trooper?” He asked her, attempting to remove his snow gear while still holding her.
“We went to the library and mama let us pick out some books!” The 6 year old ecstatically explained.
“Really? I hope you picked out something you really liked.” Rex hummed as he took off his scarf and hat.
“I did. I picked a book about stars!” 
“That sounds great sweetie. Hey, how about you go to mama while I finish taking off my boots?”
Mariel nodded before jumping down and taking off down the hall towards the kitchen. Rex finished taking off his boots as promised, then shrugged off his jacket. He took a moment to look at a picture hung on the wall, a picture of his family, something that he thought that he never had. He then moved down the hall, toward the kitchen, toward you.
You were like a saving grace for him.
 He’d met you at a bar called 79s one blurry night so long ago. You were working the bar and had somehow found his drunk flirting charming enough to give him your com. He remembered sending you an apology the day after, the embarrassment he felt when his brothers recounted what happened was soul crushing. He felt less bad about it when you ended up inviting him for a cup of caf. And the rest, as they say, was history.
The war ended, and he proposed. The two of you moved to Saleucami and got a small farm, trading the food you grew at the market. Then little Mariel was born. 
Rex walked into the kitchen and smiled at what he saw. You were trying to keep Mariel from eating the cookie dough that you were making. He watched as you gently pushed her hand away from the bowl, scolding her for trying to eat it. Rex went over and reached into the, taking just a little bit of the cookie dough and eating it.
“That is not for you either.” You playfully glared at him.
“Well then why is it so delicious?” Mariel refuted, arms crossed and face pouting.
“You can’t eat all the raw cookie dough, sweetie. Or there won’t be anything to decorate, later.” You told her as you took the bowl of cookie dough to another counter to roll it out.
Your daughter gave a gasp at the realization. Rex chuckled at it. It would be absolutely devastating if there were no cookies to decorate. 
“How about you go get your new book to show me?” Rex suggested to her.
“Okay!” Mariel rushed out of the kitchen.
“She was so happy to get that book.” You told your husband as you rolled out the cookie dough.
“I bet.” Rex grinned, then wrapped his arms around you. “So, how was your day?”
“Fine. She was very hyperactive after her nap. How was your trip to the market?”
“Good. Got a great price for those meilooruns.”
You hummed in response. Rex tightened his arms, resting his head on your shoulder. He watched as you rolled the dough, then grabbed one of the many cookie cutters on the counter. 
“I missed you while I was gone, cyare.” Your husband admitted, then placed a kiss on your cheek.
“You were only gone for a few hours, dear.” You mused, cutting a few cookies in the shape of a snowman.
“Yeah, but I still missed you and Mariel.”
“Well, we missed you too.” You smiled and turned your head, giving him a small kiss on the lips before returning to your task.
Mariel came running into the kitchen, her book in hand. She excitedly held it up for her father to see. Rex peeled himself off of you to attend to your daughter. She happily took her father to the living room, where they sat on the couch and she read the book to him. You finished cutting the cookies and put them in the oven. You smiled to yourself as you thought about how
You went to the living room and smiled when you saw your daughter sitting on the sofa reading her book to her father. Rex was paying all his attention to her as she read. He was patient and encouraging as she read, making sure she pronounced every word correctly. You decided to let them have this moment of bonding, going back into the kitchen to start some dishes while Rex kept the little one entertained. 
After around 15 minutes, the cookies were done. Mariel came running in when the timer went off. She pouted when you told she had to wait until the cookies cooled off to decorate them.
“You can decorate the cookies later. Now, how about you get your favorite pajamas on and then you pick out a holo movie to watch. When that’s done, the cookies will be ready to decorate.” You suggested to the 6 year old. 
She seemed content with the idea. She ran off to her room. Rex went into the kitchen to help with the dishes while you set up the holoscreen for Mariel to pick a holomovie to watch. Mariel came back rather quickly, dressed in her blue pajamas. She excitedly picked a film about a magic tooka, then ran to the kitchen to decorate cookies.
You helped her when she wanted it, but all in all left her to her vision of what the snowman should look like. You and your husband decorated about four cookies each, while your daughter decorated the majority of them. She made a colorful mess with the icing but was so happy with how the cookies turned out. 
“Buir! Momma! You have to try one!” Mariel insisted, handing a cookie to each of you. You took a bite, while Rex (with his massive sweet tooth) shoved the whole thing into his mouth.
You praised your daughter for how good the cookies looked and tasted. Rex watched and smiled to himself.
He wouldn’t trade this for anything. 
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yoursecrett · 2 years
I love you
MattheoRiddle x NottReader
Summary: Mattheo never let his guard down, he was never shown love, he didn’t know what it felt like… that was until Y/n came along
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You were never the one to stay up late especially when you had lessons early the next morning, you were always asleep by at least 10:30pm at the latest… but tonight was different you couldn’t sleep it was already 12:45am, your bed was not comfortable, your pillow was too warm, you just couldn’t seem to stop tossing and turning.
You had even read one of your favourite books before settling into bed and you were sure that would always make you fall asleep, but there was just something in the back of your mind and you didn’t know what it was.
You were cut from your thoughts when you heard a soft knock on your door, you were luckily to have your own dorm being the Slytherin prefect had its pros ‘who the hell is coming to my dorm at 1am’ you thought to yourself before standing up rapping your robe around your body before opening your door slowly.
You were shocked to say the least when your saw your boyfriend of 9months standing at your door.
Let’s get this straight Mattheo was scared of relationships, he didn’t even know what one was until 5th year, he would always sleep around he claimed “it’s more fun”, he would run at the slightest bit of love being thrown at him… just like he had done 2 days prior.
~~~~~~~Flashback 2 days ago~~~~~~~~~~
Today was finally the day, you were going to tell Mattheo you loved him, you had been thinking about it for a while and today you finally plucked up the courage to do it.
Nervous was an understatement of what you were truly feeling, how will Mattheo react? Will he say it back? Questions constantly running through your mind.
You had spotted him sitting up in a tree smoking with Draco and your twin brother Theo, you slowly made your way towards them before stopping in front of the tree.
“Mattheo” you say gaining his attention, you saw a slight smile on his face when he saw you… Mattheo would never one to show emotion, he rarely ever smiled, laughed… he was emotionless.
“Hey Y/n/n” he says jumping down the tree stopping in front of you “I’ll see use later” he says to the two boys who were as high as the clouds on some muggle weed they bought, Mattheo raps his arm around you before walking inside the castle.
“Can we talk” you say quickly spinning around so you were in front of him, you saw a confused look on his before he nodded leaning against the wall watching you like a hawk.
“Mattheo we have been dating for 9 months now and that is quite a long time, and I guess what I am trying to say is that I love” you couldn’t finish your sentence before he cut you off with one word that broke your heart on the spot.
“No” he mutters standing up straight “no Y/n” he says shaking his head before walking away from you, you felt as though the world had slowed down around you.
~~~~~~~~Flashback over ~~~~~~~~~~~
It had been exactly 2 days since you last saw him he didn’t come to any meals you knew Draco was taking him food back, Theo didn’t talk to Mattheo, you knew he would take your side over anyone and once you told him what happened you had to make him swear he wouldn’t do or say anything.
And now here stands Mattheo at 1am, you felt a sour mood travel through your body “what” you say a harsh glare worn on your face, you could tell he tended slightly from the tone on your voice.
“I’m sorry” was the only thing he said, you couldn’t help but scoff “2 days too late Mattheo, now excuse me it’s 1am and I’m tired” you say beginning to close the door but felt his hand push it back open.
“Y/n/n I’m sorry baby okay, please forgive me, you know what I am like when it comes to stuff like that, I can’t handle it” he mutters rubbing his hand over his face, you felt back you knew how he felt, he had explained it to you many times before.
“I have been miserable the last couple days, I’m sorry please forgiven me” he says walking towards you pulling you into a tight hug muttering “I’m sorry” consistently into your ear.
“It’s okay Mattheo, we can talk in the morning” you say moving away from him laying back in your bed, he watched you unsure what to do “close the door Mattheo and come to bed” you said softly.
You had never seen him move so fast, he laid beside you the darkness covering most of his face, the only thing lighting you both up was the moonlight, you traced his face softly with your finger, as he closed his eyes and relaxed under his touch.
“Can you say it again” he questions his eyes still shut as though he was afraid to show you emotion “say what again Mattheo” you say softly “you know what Y/n/n” he replied still refusing to open his eyes
“I love you Mattheo” you whisper softly into his ear kissing his temple softly before laying back down, you were shocked when you heard sniffling coming from him.
“You know how I feel about you Y/n, but I just cannot say it back to you I’m sorry” he says opening his eyes, you saw tears in them, you had never seen him try his entire Hogwarts years and now here he was in the 7th year showing emotion to you.
“It’s okay, it’s okay” you say hugging him tightly, running your fingers through his hair “it’s okay” you muttered.
Even though you said it was okay, you couldn’t help but wish maybe one day he could say those three words to you…
((Hope you all enjoy this little Mattheo Riddle Fanfic))
Any request I’m always open to listening to them :))
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chososchalupa · 2 months
wish that it was me
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The last person you wanted to see at this meeting was your older brother. The same brother who left you in the hands of Chuuya Nakahara and the Port Mafia years ago, but all you can see now are the pleading eyes of Osamu Dazai begging for forgiveness.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Chapter five - Come get me
wc - 816
cw - self harm mentioned, not proofread
chapter six
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Chuuya looked disappointed with your words as he walked towards the door. 
“You guys just need to talk” He whispered as he reached for the door handle.
You shook your head, “there's nothing i need or want to say to him, Chuuya”
Chuuya just shook his head as he opened the door, revealing Dazai standing outside. His cheeks red and eyes watery, 
His usual confident voice shook as he spoke to you, “I just want to explain myself” he continued as he walked into Chuuyas home. You couldn’t find it in you to feel bad for him, not when he's left you in that exact state many times before. 
“There is nothing to talk about” You replied, turning away from him to look back at your phone.
Chuuya whispered something to Dazai before you heard the two walk into the kitchen. You glanced up quickly to make sure they had actually left before going to message Akutagawa.
“He came to Chuuyas” You wrote
Akutagawa was quick to reply, “Dazai?”
“Yeah, said he wanted to explain himself”
“Are you okay?”
You reread the text several times, realizing quickly that you were in fact not okay. You hadn't realized the tightness in your chest or the fact that your hands were shaking while you were holding your phone. You swallowed hard, closing your eyes trying to relax until you heard the two men walk into the living room.
“Hey, Can we talk?” Dazai asked, sitting in the chair beside the couch.
You glanced back at the text Akutagawa sent before locking your phone and looking up at your brother.
“You left me. You left Akutagawa and Chuuya. You seem so much happier now than you were with us” You spoke, your voice cracking as you held back tears.
“I am happier now, but-”
Those words were all you needed to hear before the tears fell. Your breathing became quicker as you glanced over to Chuuya who just mouthed, “Listen” at you. 
“You didn’t even apologize. You didn’t even care to check up on me” You cried
“I did care and that's why I didn't check in. I knew Chuuya would take care of you. I left to protect you.”
“Protect me from what, Osamu? Because ever since you left, the only person I needed protecting from was myself” You rolled up your sleeves, revealing fresh and old scars. You watched as Dazai held his breath, looking over your arms slowly. 
“Are you seriously asking ‘why’? I felt so unworthy of anything since my own brother didn’t want to be around me. Akutagawa felt the same! He tried so hard to-”
Dazai was quick to cut you off, “I don’t care about Akutagawa, I care about you.”
You scoffed, “You destroyed us. In different ways, sure. But it hurts all the same”
Dazai was silent, he glanced over to Chuuya for help but Chuuyas eyes were glued to you as you stood up.
“I need to go to the bathroom” You whispered, walking quickly down the hall.
Once inside the bathroom, you locked the door and sat on the floor keeping your back pressed to the wall closest to the living room so you could hear them speak. 
“-brought her with me but i couldn't” You heard Dazai whisper, “I wasn’t fit to watch over her. I knew you’d keep her safe. I would’ve just ruined her”
Chuuya scoffed lightly, “You ruined her either way”
You continued listening until you finally got some of the story. Dazai left after Oda’s death, his mental illness getting worse and worse by the day. He wanted to keep you safe from himself, he didn’t realize that keeping you apart would hurt you just as bad. You finally checked your phone to see several messages from Akutagawa. 
“Please respond soon. I am worried”
You wiped your tears as you clicked on his contact, the phone ringing as you pressed it to your ear. 
Akutagawa answered quickly, “Hello? Are you okay?” 
You sniffled softly, “I’m okay. Can you come get me from Chuuyas? I can’t be here right now”
“Gin and I are on our way. Be there soon”
“Thank you, Aku” You replied before hanging up the phone.
You looked in the mirror wiping the trails of mascara off your face before walking back to the living room. 
“Akutagawa is coming to get me, I’m going to be staying the night with him and Gin.” You spoke, 
Dazai opened his mouth but you kept talking, “and I heard you guys. Osamu, I would have been there to help you when it got bad. What you did hurt us more than you’ll ever understand”
You finished speaking and walked out the door, exiting quickly before Dazai or Chuuya could respond. You sat on the steps of Chuuyas home, breathing in the fresh air as you waited for Akutagawa to come.
@lacunaanonymoused @decaf-nosebleed @till-we-become-monsters
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