#{ Two steps from business ( Queue )}
frozcnlight · 2 months
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@ever-winter asked: 036, a masquerade ball. - Dottore set the scene - always accepting
A grand masquerade in honor of the Tsaritsa. Miran stood since hours close to the drinks, rather than mingling with the people who ever had came here. Had she not wished to visit it after all. However, she could not leave her older sister alone - at least if she heeded the words of their father. Her gaze searched for the other, slightly taller woman. However, she had already lost sight of her as soon as they had entered the grand ballroom, running off to some people she disclaimed she knew. However, with how little they went outside, Miran liked to question such a thing in her mind.
Were they after all only here, so the older one could perhaps somebody who’d catch her eye. A suitor, that would one day ask for her hand. The blonde grimaced at such thought. Though in age herself and therefore knowing that she would one day have to face the same fate, she did not wish to do so. Marrying, bearing somebody’s children one day? No. It did not appeal to her at all.
The blonde took a sip of the glass she had taken from the table that now stood behind her, after taking a step forward. She watched silently, until there was movement beside her. Nothing unusual, as many came here - mostly with friends, their partner or whoever. Men and women alike sometimes also were alone, sent to bring drinks to the group they stood at and talked with. However, something caught her attention there.
“Am I standing in the way?”, she asked, her tone a tad too impolite for her own taste, when it had been her who should be sneered at after all. She was the one blocking some of the glasses after all. However, the fact that she had to look up so high to see the man’s face - he was way too tall - was upsetting to her. Why couldn’t she have grown as tall as her sister?
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“Pardon, I make way if you wish so, sir.”.
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shoyudon · 27 days
when their baby doesn't recognize them after they come home from a long mission.
starring. gojo satoru, geto suguru, toji fushiguro x fem! reader
heads up. pure fluff, your child with toji is baby gumi :D
note. this is how everything should have been :< anyways, just an information, my blog now runs on queue so, i'm grind writing before i get too busy for everything since my finals are coming up! chap 259 leaks got me on my knees and telling my friends i needed a whole ass break, gege when i catch u gege.
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──────〃★ 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔
"i'm home!" gojo's cheery voice rings out throughout his warm home, despite his fatigue catching up with him. he drops a few crown colored paper bags on top of the kitchen counter — his nostrils twitching at the smell of your home cooked meal that he's grown to miss a lot during his mission.
trotting down the hall, he could vividly hear the distinct voices of both you and his daughter's loud laughter, with a big smile he grips onto the door handle of his daughter's nursery and pulls it down eagerly, "daddy's home!"
you looked at the door in surprise, not hearing his call just a few minutes ago, "satoru? you're home!" you marvel out, happily. nose scrunching in just slightly — your daughter sat on the play mat, eyebrows furrowed and she shows no signs of happiness or excitement like you did.
gojo went in and engulfed you into a tight hug, "hi sweetie," he whispers, kissing your temple — his slender fingers squeezing your hips, "i missed you both so much, y'know?"
returning the hug, you inhaled his scent, "we missed you too, 'toru, i was wondering when you'd be home," gojo cupped your face, pecking your lips multiple times.
"'m home now, baby," his vague whispers enters your ear.
gojo's head turns to see his daughter, who has strands of white hair just like his along with her deep blue eyes, staring back at him in worry — and a tinge of suspicion glazing over them. she babbles in concern, pointing at you as a signal to come for her.
instead of you, gojo stepped towards her little figure, resulting in an erupt of loud wail. he flinched at the loud cry and got on his knees, slipping his big hands under his daughter's pits to pull her closer, "hey, hey . . . why're you crying, baby?"
her wails got worse along with a few kicks here and there, gojo turns to look at you in concern, wondering what was wrong with her, his deep blue eyes silently begging for help, "hey, shh. 'ts okay, daddy's here," he cooed in panic.
chuckling softly, you gently grabbed her away from him, "i think she might have forgotten you, 'toru. you've been gone for too long, y'know?" instantly, your daughter calms down, feeling your familiar grip on her, teary doe eyes suspiciously eyeing gojo up and down.
gojo's face fell, "babies have short term memory? i was gone for two weeks," he softly whispers.
you caressed his face, "'ts okay, love. it takes time, she'll eventually remember her daddy, won't you, princess?" your daughter swiveled her face away into your neck, peeking at gojo curiously every now and then.
"can i hold her, please?" he questions, almost desperately. he was gone for more than two weeks — and all he wanted was to coddle his wife and daughter, and yet, here he was; a stranger to his own five month old daughter.
you nodded, "mhm, take it slow, she'll remember you . . ."
gojo gently grabs her from your grip, cooing softly at her as she squirms a bit, crunching her short and chubby legs up. she wasn't crying, yet. but her blue eyes were staring into gojo deeply, as if she was assessing everything, "bwa!"
she began kicking her legs happily. the corner of gojo's lips tugged upwards slowly, "do you remember me now? hm? you remember daddy now?" he cooed, shaking his head gently before nuzzling his nose into her belly.
the interaction made you smile warmly. gojo who was once exhausted with fatigue chasing his tail, now all freshened up with a fatherly smile on his face, "made me all sad for a second, you silly bean," he chuckles, cradling her in his arms.
as he cooed, you could see your daughter giggling loudly, her body reacting to his words as if she understood them. all she saw was his smile and she's a laughing matter. brushing your fingers through gojo's hair, you whisper, "go shower, you're stinky, 'toru."
"mama's being mean, isn't she? daddy don't stink, right?" gojo jokes, "isn't it supposed to be her bed time now?"
you nodded, "i wanted her to see you, at least for a bit," gojo smiled at your thoughtfulness and pressed your daughter to his hip, using his free hand to pull you closer — he wrapped an arm around you, moving side-to-side slowly and without realizing; the slight movement made the baby drowsy, her eyelids drooping down slowly.
and before the both of you know, her soft snores resounded, cheek leaned onto gojo's shoulder as her arms went limp by her side. you chuckled, kissing her other cheek, "i leave you to lay her down in the crib then."
──────〃★ 𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐔
"baby, why is he staring at me like that?" geto questions softly, pinching the bridge of his nose as he looks back into his six month old son's (eye color) eyes in exhaustion.
just fifteen minutes ago, he had gotten back home after almost a three week mission — dropping his bags onto the couch, he greets you with a tight hug and a kiss on the lips, like he usually does every other day. on the other hand, greeting his not-so newborn son was a different experience, geto had his palm on the baby's head who was sitting on the his feeding chair. squatting down, all he got was an odd stare.
"you've been gone for almost a month, sugu'. he probably has a foggy memory of you," you explain, brushing your index finger over the baby's chubby cheek as his stare never bailed on getos' sitting figure across the table.
geto sighs, nodding his head, "if i get close, he won't cry, right?" he wouldn't say it out loud — but he often feared that this would happen at some point, his own son forgetting about him after a mission. given his job as a sorcerer, he'd have to go out on missions often, and some of them . . . don't exactly finish in a short amount of time. like this one.
"'m not sure, baby. why don't you come here and stop acting like you're our enemy?" you smiled at him, wiping the corner of your baby's stained lips, "'m pretty sure he's trying to remember your face! isn't that right, love? you won't forget your papa, will you?"
geto ascended from the chair, slowly stepping closer to both you and your son. he squats down in front of your son momentarily, "hi buddy," he gave out a small tired smile.
your son scrunched his face up slightly, eyes narrowing. you almost chuckled at the sight of geto's puckered lips, "you don't remember papa? 'm sad, y'know?" his voice softly cooed out, his finger reaching out to trace his baby's small button like nose.
as if your son realized that this was his father upon the soft touch on his nose, his face was no longer scrunched up, eyes returning back to normal — the difference? his toothless grin pops up, raspy laughter escaping his throat. geto smiles back in response, "yes, you do remember me, my baby boy."
geto stands up, carrying your son up from his feeding chair; not even caring about the mess on his son's tiny little bib. at this point, geto just wanted to hold his own flesh and blood, "papa missed you so much, y'know?" he whispers, pressing gentle kisses onto the baby's head.
your lips formed a smile in reflex, "see? he was just trying to remember you," geto chuckles out softly, nodding his head.
the then house that was filled with loud babbles and gargles of a baby refusing to eat, is now filled with euphoric laughter — it just felt magical. and watching your husband cradle your baby just felt like home, all you could do was stare at them both with much affection.
"bwaa! bababa!"
"mhm, that's right—" geto acknowledged calmly, rocking your son back and forth gently, "you're eating well, aren't you? look at the mess you made for mama. don't give her a tough time when papa's not home, 'lright?"
your son kicked his little legs downwards in response, his giggles loud and clear. geto took that as a yes to his question and nodded proudly, placing another gentle kiss to the baby's forehead.
toji's job is a little questionable. all his life, he's never thought of settling in with a woman, marrying her, and having a son of his own — it all happened so fast. but toji has never really thought of it as a bad thing in the first place. he has a wife waiting for him everyday at home with his son to welcome him, it all felt unreal.
"hey," he mumbles out, leaning down to let you press a kiss on his cheek like you always do — once you did, toji returns the kiss on your lips, "missed you."
you leaned your forehead into his, "i missed you too, toji."
"ma!" a high-pitched voice attracted both of your attention, craning your neck to the side, you saw your one year old son peeking from behind the wall, timidly eyeing the stranger beside you — speaking of toji, by the way.
"gumi, come here," you beckoned him to come over, but the toddler stays in his spot, his little fingers grasping onto the corner of the wall as his eyes pierced onto toji's large figure. sensing his discomfort, you pulled yourself away from toji to approach megumi.
"what's wrong, baby?" you squat down to his eye level, gently grabbing him by his waist, "is something bothering you?" your questions went unanswered — but you figured it had to do something with toji as megumi's eyes never left him.
"baby, that's daddy. your daddy," you can't help but to chuckle softly, carrying the toddler into your arms; pressed to your hip. megumi didn't falter back or trashed, already accustomed to your touch. although you felt his little body tremble when you walked back over to toji, "don't you miss daddy? he's back!"
"dada?" megumi exclaims in a confused tone, patting your cheeks with his chubby little fingers, his toddler mind in a swirl of turmoil. still unconvinced at the fact that this big and tall stranger is his father, despite the same identical hair.
"mhm, that's dada," you point at toji, who has been awkwardly standing a in the same spot now — toji sighs and strides over to you, making megumi narrow his eyes in reflex, "dada, dada's home."
toji extended his finger and poked megumi's cheek teasingly with a straight face, "y' don't even remember your old man, huh?"
megumi scowls deeply, his nose scrunching; resulting in toji's satisfied smirk — the older man prompted to do the same thing again, poking megumi's cheek once more, like he always does to mess with him, "i made you, you little punk," toji rolls his eyes.
"dada!" megumi yells out in frustration, as if he now remembered that his father — toji, the same person who would always mess with him is now right back beyond his eyes, "dada dada!"
toji closened his index finger to megumi's face, and megumi instinctively wrapped his little fingers around toji's index finger, as if saying 'no!'
toji's face warmed up at the sight, and so he curled his finger to bring megumi's hand into his large one, "y'r old man missed you, y'know?" he mutters out gruffly, brushing megumi's cheek gently; so gently he's managed to surprise himself a couple of times.
"aww, he remembers you now, toji."
toji scoffs lightly, a small smile gracing his lips, "guess he does remember."
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© shoyudon 2024 . no copying or reposting allowed !
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reiderwriter · 4 months
♡ Girls Just Wanna Have Fun ♡
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Week 5 of my Playlist Series ♡
Summary: Spencer isn't used to clubs, but when duty calls, he's made to feel a little bit more welcome by a girl who seems to know him better than a stranger should.
Warnings: Smut 18+ Minors DNI!! Hotchner!Reader (Reader is Hotch's sister), semi-public sex (x2 oops), oral sex (m receiving), fingering, dry humping, hand job, cum play, dirty talk, degradation and name calling (slut only), use of daddy/sir even though this is like solidly season 1 Spencer lmao, corruption kink, loss of virginity (surprisingly the readers)
A/N: Every single intrusive thought I've ever had about s1 Reid tied up in a nice little bow masquerading as a song fic. It is finished, and now I feel flushed. Please expect only fluff from me until my next intrusive thought (maybe half an hour, probably no longer).
Masterlist || Spotify Playlist
Flashing lights and the scent of dried up alcohol stains weren't usually signs of Spencer Reid's presence. He'd managed to get through college - two degrees and three PhDs - without stepping foot into a nightclub. But now that he'd joined the BAU, it seemed to be an unavoidable occurrence. 
“The unsub hunts at this nightclub, I get that, I do. But why am I the one going in? He's targeting women,” he panicked as his older team member helped adjust his clothes to conceal the weapon he carried. 
“Because, pretty boy, it's student night, and you're the only one here who can pass for a 21 year old. I guess late puberty has some benefits.” Derek smacked his arm playfully, leaving the younger man wincing slightly. 
“But I'm not a woman.” 
“Yes, but you'll be able to walk around and note any suspicious behaviour, and then we can tail suspects you flag,” Hotch explained to him again. 
“Just act natural, kid, it's not like it's your first time in a club.” 
“It is.” His warnings fell on deaf ears though, as they pushed him out of the van and into the crowd of students queueing to enter. 
It didn't take you long to notice him after you arrived at the club.
The sweater vest was enough to make him stand apart slightly, as much as he was trying his best to blend in. A slight tingle of familiarity raced up your spine as his eyes awkwardly met yours, his scan of the room stopping short as he flushed and turned his eyes down. 
Pushing slightly to the crowd, you leaned over the counter next to him and tried to get the bartenders attention. It was loud and busy, but catching attention and keeping it was a skill you'd mastered early, a skill that you were thankful for as you realised the man's eyes were guiltily flicking between your ass and the crowd once again. 
“Are you going to stare, or are you going to introduce yourself,” you giggled, sliding closer to his perch at the bar, as he panicked, standing straighter. 
“I wasn't, um… your dress, there's a rip at the edge of your skirt, I was trying to figure out if it was part of the design because I know some clothes these days have damage built into the design, or if it was in need of some emergency… sewing.” His hands gesticulating awkwardly throughout his explanation, as if anxious to show you the jumble in his brain was entirely pure and innocent, even as the flush on his face said otherwise. 
“And your name is?” 
“I-.... Spencer. My name is Spencer.” 
You stood a little straighter hearing the name, that familiarity warming you more. Spencer. Spencer. Spencer. You turned the name over in your head but took another step closer as the crowd shifted in a wave, feeling the heat coming off his body. 
“Well, Spencer,” your tongue made the decision to act for your brain, the words coming out before you could stop them. “What conclusion did you draw? Do you think the rip was intentional or not?” 
Gently, you grabbed his hand and led it to the fabric. The skirt wasn't scandalously short, but short enough to suit the dark heated atmosphere of the club at least, but as his fingers grazed the back of your thighs, still hesitant in his actions, you found yourself wishing it were just that bit higher, so his hands would have to reach further up. 
With a gaze over your shoulder at the crowd, Spencer found himself at an impass. He'd already noted a few people of interest, loiterers, men getting a bit rough and aggressive in the club, people on the outskirts (like him, he supposed) that could possibly be their unsub. 
He'd been given the all clear to disengage and leave the club as effortlessly as he could  bit something in your initial gaze had pinned him to place at the bar, and refused still to let him see reason. 
“I think it's a design feature. To draw attention to…” he swallowed hard, but you weren't sure if he was just being delicate about his words or if he was reacting to the hand that was now on him, dragging nails up from his abdomen to his chest. 
“Good observation, Spencer.” 
“Your name. You didn't tell me what your name was.” He said, grabbing your hand to stop its progress and breathing deeply as if to clear his head. 
“Y/N. We should dance.” Without giving him time to react, you abandoned your drink on the counter and pulled his arm around your waist, dragging him out to the crush of people in the middle of the dance floor. 
His protests were lost in the pulse of the music, as you kept your back to him and began grinding and swaying against him. His hands tightened on your hips as he gently started moving with you, and you threw your head back to catch his eye again. 
Spencer didn't know what he'd gotten himself into. He knew that very little actually dancing actually went on at a club, that this was just a more polite socially acceptable form of foreplay, but he didn't know that it would have such an effect on him. 
A mess of sweaty, intoxicated people spilling drinks and other fluids, and he thought he'd stay there forever if it kept your hips torturing his cock like that. 
When you glanced up at him, he was a man lost to his senses, lust clouding his eyes, mouth slightly open in a pant, you reached up to his neck and pulled his lips down to meet yours. 
You were surprised when it was his to guess to reach out first, his hand that trailed under your shirt without tours guiding it. You'd picked up a fairly innocent man at the bar and turned him into a pervert in the space of one dance. It felt like the club was watching you, how his hands grazed the skin under your breasts and caused the shiver up your spine, how your back arched to press deeper against his election. 
You may have tempted him into taking this risk, but he was the one gleefully nosediving into his fall from grace. 
“Spencer,” you whispered as he came up for air, lips resting at your ear. “I think we should get some fresh air.” 
Something in that seemed logical. It was colder outside. Maybe it would cool off whatever had lit him up like a pyre on the dance floor. Maybe the fresh air would clear his head. Or maybe just the open space would help him detangle his hands from you, would lead his thoughts away from burying himself deep in you. 
He would gladly take you outside, bid you farewell, and return to his job and his life. It was a solid exit for his first cover - who was going to question the young lovers leaving together. 
You had a feeling that the idea of outside would have Spencer pulling away from you, but you hadn't had your fill of fun just yet. 
So just as you led him onto the dancefloor, you kept a hand over his, around your waist, and you guided him out of the club, down the street a few paces, and into a darkened alleyway. 
“Y/N, we shouldn't be-” he tried to stutter out as you pulled him in for another kiss. His brain was trying to protest, but his hands were already back on your ass, pulling you up and closer to him. 
“What was that?” You said between kisses, his mouth launching an assault against each inch of your skin. 
He gasped for breath and pulled back, realising that he'd lifted and pinned you to the cold brick wall of the alley in his haste to feel you pressed against him. 
“Y/N… I don't want to take advantage of you, I'm not-” 
“I'm taking advantage of you, Spencer,” you said, nipping at his neck slowly raking your hands into his shoulders. “Am I allowed to do that? Can I take all of you, Spencer?” 
His eyes rolled back in his head as he let put a groan of pleasure, your lips sucking at the tender flesh of his nape. 
“I-I'm not a student, and-” 
“I know, but you are such a pretty boy that I decided I wanted to have some fun with you.” 
His resolve broke in half as you uttered your compliments, and his lips met yours in a moan as his hands pushed your skirt up around your waist. 
His finger trailed between your hips and his, using the wall to balance you as he pushed aside your panties and began slowly stroking your sex. 
Your hips pitched forward to press more of his slender fingers against you,  desperate to feel him stretch your cunt open first with one, then two, then however many he decided was good enough for you. 
Leaving one hand on his shoulder, you let one trail down his pants, stepping one foot down to allow you access to his zipper. 
He pauses Again for a second as you manage to get his pants open, your hand pulling his cock free from the constraint of his clothing. Spitting on your hand, you wrap around it firmly and slowly pump up and down, looking him directly in the eye as you watch the pleasure pour over him. 
His forehead rests against yours as he melts into your touch, so desperate, needing to cum so badly that he's willing to let it happen in this dark dirty alley. 
“Spencer, I want to have a lot of fun with you. Will you let me?” 
“Yes, fuck Y/N.” He nods, his hips rocking into your hand with each slow stroke you give him. 
“Spencer,” you say, rocking your hips forward and pushing your panties further to the side once again. “Spencer, please fuck me. Take my virginity, Spencer, please.” 
His mind whirled at the sentence, the pleas dropping from your lips. Virginity. You were a virgin. 
You'd had him cock stiff after three minutes of conversation  had pulled him into an alleyway and lost him in a fog of pleasure, and you were still innocent. Untouched. 
You wanted to have your fun with him. You'd chosen him. 
He couldn't articulate the lust that coated his tongue, so he simply pushed it into your mouth  grabbed his cock from your hands, lined himself up with your drippy cunt and pushed in with a single thrust. 
You gasped and let out a moan, not quite fully pleasurable. Your hands again found his shouldend, his back, but your nails were sharper this time, digging in further, almost piercing skin. 
“Fuck, Spencer, yes,” you said, breathing shakily as you slowly started moving around his cock. 
“Did it hurt?” 
“It doesn't hurt anymore. Now, please Spencer, fuck me and don't hold back. It's more fun that way.” 
He pulled your hips closer, moaning as you tightened around him. Pressing one hand against the wall and keeping another hand gripped so hard around your hip you knew it'd bruise, he began moving. 
He began slow, trying not to lose himself in the feel of your unused, tight hole. But with each small moan, each scratch against his back, he lost a little bit more of that control he was begging for. 
With his hands engaged, his brows furrowed I'm frustration that he couldn't stroke your bundle of nerves, he couldn't force you to cum on his cock as quickly as he wanted to. 
“Y/N, look at me.” You opened your eyes at the words, unaware that they'd closed tight as you emptied all other senses to just feel him. 
“Touch yourself. Right there, that's it,” he watched your fingers rub delicately against your skin, spoke little words of encouragement, and told you to increase your speed and pleasure. 
“That's it. That's it, now it's time for you to cum, Y/N. Cum on my cock, rub your little clit for me and cum around my big cock, Y/N.” 
“Shit… shit, shit, shit, Spencer, oh my god.” Your hands shook, and your hips twitched, and with a cry, you reached that high you'd been craving since you met his eyes earlier. 
He pulled out of you, slowly pulling you off the wall, as he held you up, letting your legs regain their strength. His cock was still hard, still coated in your arousal as he took care of you. 
You caught your breath fast, regained tour strength quicker as you noticed he didn't plan on getting himself off anymore. He let you have your fun with him and was happy to end it all there. 
You weren't. 
“Spencer,” you sang again, wrapping a hand once again around his erection as he tried to straighten out your now slightly more ripped skirt. “Spencer, it's more fun of we both cum. I want you to make a mess of my hand, can you do that for me?” 
You stroked his cock with a firmer grip than before, your arousal lubricating each stroke, his pre-cum mingling with it to aid you further. You suddenly wondered what he would taste like, but knew your legs would be too weak to do everything your heart desired today. 
There was always tomorrow. 
He leaned his weight back on the wall behind you, forcing you back as well as you pumped him quickly so desperate to hear him moan your name as he spilt his seed. 
“Y/N,” he moaned, and you were triumphant. His hips jerked once, then twice, then a third time, and he stilled, heaving breaths as he buried his head in your shoulder. 
He swallowed and regained his breath, and as he pulled away, you pulled your fingers to your lips and lapped up the final drops of cum that he left there. 
Most of it had his the wall, dripped to the floor, but you enjoyed these few drops and smiled brightly at him, pulling a handkerchief that you knew would be in his pocket out and cleaning the two of you up. 
He flushed again as he came back to his senses, especially as you attempted to put his clothed to rights, stepping back to replace his softening cock in his pants.
“Well,” you said after setting yourself to rights, “Thank you for the fun night, Spencer. See you tomorrow.” 
You skipped off quickly before he had a second to even process your words. 
The next day at the local precinct was a blur for Spencer as he tried to drag himself from the drug induced haze of meeting you. He'd stroked himself to completion two more times in bed after he returned to his motel room, reliving the sound of you begging him to take you, the words ‘pretty boy’ on your lips as you spread your legs. 
It'd taken his entire brain, or what was left of it, to not jump out of his skin every time Morgan had teased him with the words that morning.
“Now how did you like your first club experience, pretty boy? Did any college cuties throw themselves at you?” 
He spat up his coffee, choosing that moment to choke, and begging god for this to just be the end of Spencer Reid entirely. 
Because there was no way Morgan would actually believe that that was exactly what had happened. 
“Morgan, Gideon wants you in the interrogation room, and- wow, Spencer, you should change your shirt. What are you, 5? You can't drink coffee properly?” Elle said, chuckling slightly.
“I choked,” he frowned, but it fell on deaf ears as his teammates walked away quickly to get back to their jobs. 
He wished he could recover so quickly, even now the image of you having your fun with him the night before playing like a movie in his head. 
Looking down, he realised Elle was right, and he really did need to change his shirt. Hotch always had a few spare on hand, even for cases out of the office. He grabbed some tissues, dabbing against the mess of coffee on his shirt, suddenly thankful for lukewarm police precinct coffee, and started making his way towards Hotch. 
“Hey, Hotch-” he made it three steps before your voice cried out. 
“Ronnie!!” You shouted, throwing your hands around your elder brother as he caught you in a hug. 
“Y/N, we're at a police station. If you're going to come see me, you have to at least call me Aaron.” 
“And not take the chance to embarrass you in front of your peers and coworkers? Not a chance, Ronnie. Not a chance.” He chuckled fondly, brushing away his complaints quickly as he turned to introduce you to JJ first, then Elle and then the frozen statue that had replaced Spencer. 
“And, Y/N, this is Dr. Spencer Reid. Spencer, this is my sister, Y/N. She's a student at the university.” 
You held out your hand with a triumphant grin as Spencer stared in wide-eyed horror at the apparition in front of him. 
“Hello, Spencer. It's very nice to finally meet you. My brother has told me a lot about you, and I'm very excited to pick your brains.” 
The air seemed to explode around Spencer as each breath became deliriously hot, filling his lungs with fire. It was moments before he realised that he wasn't actually breathing at all, and the air was actually quite normal. 
Your hand remained out, ready to greet him, and to the surprise of his coworkers, he took it in his for a short shake. 
“Y/N. Hotch's sister, Y/N. Nice to meet you, Y/N Hotchner, Hotch's sister.” 
He could practically hear the audible sound of Elle and JJ smacking a hand against their faces in horror at his stupidly obvious reaction to the woman in front of him. If he wasn't careful, he'd be spouting confessions of desire soon, and knowing that Aaron Hotchner carried two guns on his person even now did nothing to calm his thoughts. 
“Okay, well, Y/N, I'm busy with some interrogations now, but I can drive you back to your apartment in half an hour if you're okay to wait with JJ?” 
“Are you busy, Spencer?” You asked instead, keeping her eyes locked on the man who still weakly shook her hand, unaware of when the right time to stop would be. 
“I was serious when I said I wanted to pick your brain, my brother said you had a PhD in Engineering and I'm struggling through a class right now that I need some guidance in if you can spare five minutes?” 
Spencer stared between Hotch and you, looking for the right answer to please present itself before he imploded right there. 
“Yes. PhD, I have a PhD. Three actually, but whose counting? Me. I just counted them. One of them is in mathematics, actually, so I guess I'm always counting.” He finally dropped your hand, and you gave him a wider smile that dropped his heart to his stomach. “I am free, unless you needed me for something else, Hotch?” 
His gaze was pleading, though he wasn't sure if he was begging for his life, five more minutes alone with you or the power to extricate himself from this situation entirely, but Hotch nodded his acceptance quickly and let you lead Spencer off to the small, empty visitors room at the opposite side of the precinct. 
You shut the door behind you when you walked in, leaning over to close the blinds as well before you turned back to Spencer. 
“Your shirt is wet. You should probably take it off,” you giggled as you trailed a hand up his arm once again. 
His hand grabbed yours before you could do any more damage to his tender nerves than you'd already managed that morning. 
“You knew the entire time? Who I was?” 
“I walked over because you seemed familiar, but I only figured it out when you said your name. My brother does talk about you a lot.”
“Hotch is going to kill me,” he said, slumping down into the chair behind him. “Y/N, your brother was outside the club. He could've seen us leave.” 
You climbed into his lap, and his eyes finally met yours again, his tongue stopping its hopeless tirade as you relaxed into his chest. 
“I have two older brothers, Spencer. Do you know how often they've been able to tell me what to do?” Your hands started down his shirt, making quick work of the buttons as he stared up, enthralled. 
“Not once have they been able to stop me from doing something I wanted.” 
He scoffed quickly, unable to help himself. Your hands gripped either side of his face and lifted his head to meet your gaze again. 
“And right now, Spencer, I really want you.” A roll of your hips was enough to have him hissing and grabbing your hips. You started steadily rocking into him, eyes still locked with his. 
“Y/N, please let's be sensible.” 
“I don't want to be sensible, I want to have fun. I want to suck your dick right here, and let you cum in my mouth. I want to scream your name and let everyone know who is giving me pleasure. Can't I do that, Spencer?” 
“No,” he groaned, his eyes screwed shut as you dry humped him, trying to get yourself off on his lap, his.cock rising with each of your quiet moans. 
“Spencer, please. I want your big, hard cock back inside me. Please, please, please. I'll be a good girl, I promise.” 
His eyes shot open in incredulity as he watched you use his body as you saw fit. 
“Good girls don't lose their virginities in alleyways, Y/N. Good girls don't throw themselves at their brothers' coworkers. Good girls listen when they're told no, and don't try to suck cock in public, like little sluts.” He spat each word at you, bit you enjoyed each insult he hurled your way, enjoyed the way his body recoiled as he finally called you a slut. 
He seemed slightly shocked by his anger himself, but you didn't seem to care. It took you only seconds after to push your lips against his again and have your hands on his cock once again, pulling him out of his pants as his hands explored you just as eagerly. 
“Yeah, Spencer, your little slut. I'm such a little slut for you, please fuck me.” 
He buried a hand in your hair, tipping your head back so his tongue could probe deeper, his other hand already under your shirt and teasing one nipple. You lifted your hips and sunk down onto his cock, neither of you stopping to think again about your actions as you began to rode him. 
“30 minutes, Y/N, by now we have 24 minutes and 17 seconds. Can you manage that, Y/N?” 
“Yes, sir.” You said, feeling his dick twitch as you rode him. “Oh did you like that? You liked me calling you, sir?” His hips pressed up again, his body answering more honestly than his tongue. 
“What else can I call you? Spencer… sir….daddy?” 
He broke away from his place buried in your neck to push the two of you down to the floor, the new angle had you gasping as a hand covered your mouth stifling any screams you could make before you made them. 
“Be quiet and cum on my cock, Y/N,” he whispered and picked up his pace, one hand gagging you while the other pulled painfully at your nipple, pinching it between two hands and using it to lift your entire chest so your body was arched toward him, letting him go deeper. 
“Yes, Daddy,” you whispered again, against his fingers, tempted to wrap your lips around one and suck it into your mouth. 
“Fuck, just call me Spencer, Y/N.” 
But you couldn't respond, suddenly overcome with the numbness of you orgasm washing over you as you bit back a choked cry. 
“That's it, good job, Y/N. You listen so well, good job.” He rubbed soothing circles into your chest as his hips slowed, working you through your orgasm as he withdrew once again. 
This time though, he didn't try to pull away and leave himself hard, but sat himself up, and lifted you once again too, putting slight pressure at the back of your head until you were on your knees and letting your head fall down, down, down as your lips wrapped around his wet cock. 
You took him in your mouth, and tasted the bitter, salty flavor of your illicit activities, lapping every last bit of your joint pleasure up as he pushed your hair up and down his cock. 
It didn't take long for his hips to press up into your mouth slightly harder than before, his hands holding you steady as he came down your throat. He held your head there for a minute two, as you tried your best to breathe and stay there, taking as much of his cum down your throat as you could. He pulled your head off him and you swallowed the rest, smiling brightly at him as you did so. 
“Thank you for the fun, Spencer,” You said again, grabbing your phone and checking the time. 
Standing up, you pulled your clothes back in place, pulling your skirt down and your panties up, smoothing out the tangles in your hair. 
“Let me go get you that spare shirt, Doctor Reid,” you said, opening the door. “I'm very grateful for your help with my class load, sir.” 
His head fell back into his hands as you closed the door, leaving him to wonder just what the hell he'd got himself in for. 
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bat-boys · 3 months
a healer's touch
pairing: Azriel x fem reader
word count: 5.8k
warnings: mentions of injury and blood, a small amount of angst, lots of fluff
summary: as a healer you meet many people as part of your profession but when you are asked to heal a certain spymaster you are unprepared for the connection that comes with it.
a/n: hello, I'm new here! I had this in my head so needed to write to down. I hope you enjoy.
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It had been a regular, if somewhat busy, morning at the healer's centre in Velaris. There had been a steady queue of people coming in and out to collect medicine, ask about a rash that concerned them or even pop in to express their thanks for healing a family member. You hummed a soft, familiar tune as you mixed herbs to create a salve for one of your regular patients whose old, aching bones continuously bothered them. 
It was days like this that reminded you of why you loved being a healer so much.
"Girl! Come with me. We're needed at the House of Wind." The calmness that had settled over the room was banished as Madja, the head healer, your mentor and distant aunt on your mother's side, bustled into the workroom to grab her box of salves, potions and herbs she kept on hand for moments like this.
"T-the House of Wind?" You squeaked as you set down your mortar and pestle, absentmindedly brushing your suddenly sweaty hands on your apron. 
"Yes," Madja sighed, "I curse the day I gave Rhysand permission to call for me personally anytime any of his friends get themselves into trouble." The words may have been harsh, but there was a warm fondness to her tone, and you knew she fussed over the Inner Circle like they were her own children.
"But me? Are you sure?" You may have been apprenticing under Madja for nearly a century at this point, but she, your peers, and the people of Velaris consider you a skilled healer in your own right. However, this was new and somewhat scary. You had never set foot into the House of Wind and barely interacted with the Inner Circle, whom you revered and respected for the future they were building across Prythian. You knew it was irrational, but you were terrified of attending to them and your healer skills fleeing at the very moment you needed them most. 
Madja stopped fussing and turned towards you, understanding flickering across her features as she took in your hands, wringing nervously in front of you. 
"Y/N, you are my best student, my successor - you are ready for this." Her voice was firm in her conviction, but her smile was soft as she fondly brushed a stray strand of hair clinging to your sweaty forehead, "Now come, get your things; I dread to think what they've gotten up to up there!"
The following five minutes passed in a blur as you shucked off your apron, grabbed your bag similar to the one Madja carried and met the two Illyrian lieutenants who bundled you up in their arms and flew you to the House. 
From the entryway alone, you knew the House of Wind was the most beautiful home you had ever stepped foot in. Madja chuckled beside you and didn't give you time to appreciate the room's beauty before she walked ahead of you and gestured for you to follow. Your heart was thumping rapidly in your chest as you swung your head from left to right and walked through the lovely hallways, trying to capture every ornate detail that decorated the walls. You must have been staring wide-eyed because Madja gently bumped her shoulder into yours, reminding you to remain professional. 
It wasn't long before she led you up a series of stairs and stepped outside into the sun's warm rays. For a moment, you let your head tip back slightly, closing your eyes to let the rays dance along your face. Down in the city, you very rarely got to feel the sun on your skin like this. There was always the long shadow of a building to obscure the sun, or you were simply too busy rushing from patient to patient to fully enjoy it. 
You used the moment to centre yourself, reminding yourself of your extensive training and ability and capability to heal almost any wound. You were the head healer-in-training, and you could do this.  You let your eyes adjust to the scene before you as you took in the outside training centre. The floor was covered in what you assumed was red dust, coating the hem of your dress and clinging to the brown leather of your slippers. Racks of weapons lined the walls, a ring was set up in the centre clearly for sparring, and ropes and punch bags were littered across the space, too. You could see that the training session was still ongoing, and you could hear people shouting suggestions to each other over the sound of swords clashing, but your attention snagged on the two males you saw grumbling next to each other. You knew who they were immediately and swallowed thickly as you realised it was them you had been summoned to heal. 
"What trouble have you two found yourself in now?" Madja called as she walked towards the pair of them. 
"It isn't our fault!" The one you immediately recognised as Cassian exclaimed.
"It never is." Madja teased back.
"We saw the guards in the Summer Court using a new training technique, and we decided to try it out…it didn't go well." 
"Evidently not. You tend to Azriel, I'll take this one." Madja sighed, already moving away from you to deal with Cassian. 
You faintly heard Cassian make a witty comment behind you before it was cut off with a hiss as Madja laid a hand on the cut slicing his chest. However, you were distracted as you turned to face the other Illyrian sporting a nasty injury, and made direct eye contact with those beautiful, disconcerting, ice-cold hazel eyes. Swallowing around the lump in your throat, you made your way over to him, your heart slamming into your chest.
"Hi, I'm Y/N." You cursed yourself for sounding breathless and for the blush that no doubt was creeping up your neck.
"I'm Azriel." His deep baritone voice sent a shiver of delight down your spine and knocked the rest of your breath from you. 
"I know." You smiled at him, and he smiled very faintly back, a soft huff leaving his lips as you set your bag down and reached out your hand to him, "May I take a look?"
Early on in your training, you discovered that if your patient was conscious and capable of answering questions, you would ask consent to touch them and walk them through anything you were about to do. You found this calmed them down and created a sense of trust.
Azriel blinked at the question, not used to someone with such a soft demeanour looking after him. He didn't respond but simply extended his arm towards you. Gently, like he could bolt at any moment, you held his wrist in your hand and slowly tilted his arm to get a look at the gash you could see through his leathers. 
A soft hum escaped your lips as you saw the slash in his leathers and the blood leaking through the cut to his skin. It didn't look too deep but would undoubtedly need healing if he needed to use any of his weapons anytime soon. 
"I'm going to remove your leathers. Is that ok?" You asked, forcing yourself to make eye contact with him again, ready for the way his gaze knocked the breath out of you again. He simply nodded, and you smiled at him before you bent your head back to the task at hand. 
Azriel barely breathed as he watched you unbuckle the strap at his wrists and then push the leathers off his arm. He had never experienced such softness from a healer or anyone before. He allowed himself to look at you, to let his eyes roam over your beautiful face. His eyes snagged on that strand of hair that had fallen from the bun that rested above the nape of your neck, and he had to physically stop himself from reaching out and discovering how soft your hair felt between his scarred fingers. He almost gasped when your fingers finally touched his bare skin, and a jolt of electricity zipped through his body at the contact. 
"Oh, this doesn't look too deep; that's good!" you mumbled as you gently sponged away the blood from around the cut to get a better look at it. "Ok, I'm going to close the cut. You probably know this, but it may tingle." 
The shadowsinger watched as your brows furrowed, and the hand that wasn't clutching his wrist hovered above the cut on his arm. Warmth spread down that cut, turning into a delightful tingle reverberating around his body. He had always hated this moment of being healed, cringing at the way his skin would knit together before him, almost against his will. However, he didn't feel anything as he watched the cut on his arm disappear and marvelled at the almost pleasant way your magic brushed against his. 
"Thank you." Azriel sounded breathless.
"You are most welcome." He watched, unable to move, as your hands slipped from his forearm to gently trace the scars around his hand. Azriel was often jumpy around his hands, hating the way they looked, but he couldn't help marvelling at the way you touched them as if you weren't afraid or sad—merely curious: "Do your hands get stiff at all?"
"Sometimes after a long day of training or when it's cold." You could feel his eyes on you as you continued to examine his hands. You had noticed them when you had first looked at his injury, having heard of them through various whispers and rumours that filtered through Velaris. What you hadn't been prepared for was how beautiful they were. To you, the scars that had been left behind, were a testament to his strength. 
"Hmmm, I thought as much," you said, looking up from his hands to meet his gaze. "I have a salve that will help if you would like it?"
"I would like that very much." His answer was very soft, and it caused the breath to escape your lungs once again. 
"Pop down to the clinic when you're next in the city. I'll have it ready to collect from tomorrow. Or just send word, and I will ask a courier to deliver it to you. I know how busy you are!" You could tell you were rambling now, and from the quirk of his lips, you were also blushing furiously. 
"I'll collect it myself, Y/N, I wouldn't want to trouble you."
"It's no trouble at all." You whispered. 
"Y/N! Can you also check over this Valkyrie once you're done with the spymaster, please?" Madja's voice broke through the peaceful silence you and the spymaster were enjoying—both of you shocked but not displeased by this steady connection you seemed to have. 
"Of course, I'll be right there!" You turned back to Azriel with an apologetic smile, "I'd best go; it was lovely to meet you, Azriel."
He watched as you gathered your supplies, brushing that strand of hair behind your ears, "And you, Y/N. I'll see you in the clinic."
As you walked away to tend to one of the young females who was smiling sheepishly at you, you couldn't help the butterflies that flew about in your stomach at the thought of seeing Azriel again. 
You hadn't expected to see him walking through the door to the healer's centre the next day. So when you heard the soft tinkle of the bell above the door and turned around to greet whoever had walked through, your heart leapt into your throat, and your breath left your lungs as you beheld the Illyrian warrior who had wandered into your sanctum. 
"Azriel." You whispered, similar shy smiles falling on both of your lips. 
"I hope this is a good time? I wasn't sure when would be best to pop in."
"Oh no! This is great. I finished your salve an hour ago, so it's ready for you to take home." You grabbed the small bottle you had filled not long ago off the counter and passed it over to him, "Rub this liberally over your hands when they are stiff. You can also use it as a preventative measure on days you know you might need it. Let me know if you need any more and how you get on, and we can adjust some of the ingredients."
"Thank you again, Y/N," You had to hold your body incredibly still to avoid the shiver that wanted to wander down your spine at the sound of your name rolling off Azriel's tongue. 
The pair of you stared at each other as silence once again settled over the room—a comfortable silence, one you didn't feel the need to fill. It was refreshing to feel that with someone, not having to say something to fill an awkward void. It was peaceful, and it surprised you to feel that with someone like Azriel, someone who was feared in every Court across Prythian, whose stories were used by parents to get their children to behave. 
"When do you finish your shift?" He finally asked, breaking that comfortable silence. 
"Oh! I actually finished ten minutes ago - you caught me as I was closing up." 
"In that case, can I get you dinner? To say thank you for the healing yesterday and the salve." Azriel looked almost shy as he shifted on his feet, having to clear his throat a couple of times. 
"Oh, you don't have to do that!" You were sure a vibrant blush was sweeping up your neck, and along your cheeks, at the soft smile the spymaster was giving you. 
"I'd like to." His soft voice made your heart melt, and in that moment, you knew you'd give anything to spend even a second more in his presence. 
"I would like that. I know a restaurant just a few minutes away that I've been meaning to try?"
His lips turned up into a broad smile, "Perfect. Lead the way."
If you had told yourself when you had joined the healer's centre all those years ago that it would lead to a friendship with your High Lord's spymaster, you would have laughed till you were hoarse. But that lovely meal you shared with Azriel in that charming restaurant along the Sidra was not the last. 
Azriel had taken it upon himself a couple of times a week to drop by the centre - either just as you were about to take your lunch break or just as you were finishing up for the evening - to take you out for a meal. Together, you had explored almost every cafe, restaurant, and picnic spot on this side of the city, and each time, you had left beaming ear to ear.
He had also taken it upon himself to either call down to the centre or request you come to the House of Wind to personally attend to the injuries he received from training or whilst away on missions. You had started to suspect that he called you even for injuries he could heal himself, and you blushed furiously every time you thought about it but refused to call him out on it, even jokingly. You lived every day for those visits, for those moments between the two of you, the times after the healing when you would sit together and talk, and the easy companionship you found in Azriel. 
Madja and Cassian had caught on to it, and both just smiled knowing looks when you told them you were off to the House of Wind or when you passed them in the hallway. Your frequent visits also meant that you had been introduced to Azriel's family, the Inner Circle of the Night Court. Slowly, over the months, you and Azriel developed your friendship, and you also began to cultivate friendships with the others, particularly Feyre, Rhys, and Cassian. 
Cassian made you laugh with his jokes, Rhys and you bonded over your shared ambition for the future you both so desperately wanted to create, and Feyre had become a dear friend who sometimes winnowed into your small apartment in the city to have girls' nights. 
You couldn't believe your luck at how your life had pivoted in the last couple of months, the happiness you now felt. All thanks to one person.
And one evening, after healing a nasty gash on Az's leg, you sat on the sofa next to him with the rest of his family scattered around you, a glass of wine in your hand and Az's wing hovering behind you to block out the cool breeze coming in through the open window you realised just much you loved him. 
"How many times a day do I use it?" the elderly patient in front of you asked again. You gave them a soft smile before reaching for a scrap of paper and pen beside you and scribbling the instructions down for them.
"Twice a day, once when you wake up and then again before you go to bed," you handed the piece of paper over to them, and they offered you a very grateful smile. "If you see no improvements within three days, come back, and we'll try something else."
"Thank you, Y/N, truly thank you." You waved them off with a fond smile as they shuffled out of the centre.
You were just turning to offer a smile and welcome to the next person who stood in line at the large counter in the centre of the room when the main door to the centre burst open, and Cassian stood in the doorway. Immediately, you knew something was wrong. His body was heaving, and he was out of breath as if he had rushed to find you.
"It's Azriel," he thundered. Your blood ran cold, and your heart stopped dead in your chest before starting up at a thunderous pace. Immediately, you allowed your calm healer's mind to take over, silencing the roaring in your ears and the panic clawing up your throat.
"Marta! I need you to take over at the counter. If it's urgent and you can't help, call for Sara. If it's something that can wait, take note of their name and where they live, and I will personally visit them in the next couple of days. Is that ok?" You didn't wait for a reply, throwing the apron off your body and grabbing the box of supplies you always kept by your feet when on counter duty in case you needed to rush off to a patient before diving around the counter towards Cassian. 
He threw an arm over your shoulder in greeting and comfort and to steer you through the crowd to a section of the street that was less occupied so he could fly you both up the House of Wind. 
"How bad is it?" You mumbled as you felt his strong hands cup underneath your knees and around your back, your arms reaching up to loop around his neck. 
"Bad," he grunted as he soared into the air. Being in Cassian's arms as he flew was so different from being in Azriel's. He was warm like the spymaster, but the desire to explore the air with the male wasn't there. The joy you often took in this short journey was missing. 
Cassian landed heavily on the tiled floor of the entryway, back where you had stood all those months ago when you had first been summoned. The House was deathly quiet as you made the familiar walk through hallways you barely acknowledged towards the bedroom Azriel always occupied. 
“Y/N.” Rhys breathed your name as you strolled towards him, and you noticed how Feyre, Mor and Nesta stood around the open door, each looking more nervous than the last. 
"Rhys," you acknowledged your High Lord, someone who had become your friend in the last couple of months, "is he in there?" You asked, his head dipping in a single nod as you slipped past him into the room. 
A sob almost wrenched itself from your throat as your eyes finally landed on Azriel. He was deathly pale, his body sprawled atop the covers of his bed, his wings flared out beneath him. You stared at him for a second, silently willing his chest to rise and fall with breath, and when it did, you almost screamed to whichever God would listen. A part of you couldn't help but acknowledge that he still looked handsome in this state, the proud line of his nose, the sensual curve of his lips - even as blood dripped from the huge wound in his chest and pooled on the bedsheets underneath him. 
"Where is Madja?" Rhys quietly asked as you stepped into the room and dropped your supplies by the side of the bed, your hands shaking as you began to raise them to assess Azriel's condition. 
"Away tending to a terminally ill family member." You tightly replied. 
"Shit." Shit, indeed, you wanted to grumble, but you were also suddenly, unspeakably angry. 
"With all due respect, Rhys, I have been trained personally by Madja for over a century, and I have been tending to this male's wounds personally for the last couple of months. I know his body and how it heals better than I know my own. I will take a look, and if it is beyond my capabilities, we will call for Madja, but I promise you now I will heal him." Everyone froze in the wake of your outburst, but you kept your eyes locked on the High Lord of the Night Court, a male you had grown increasingly fond of as you spent more time with Az and his family. He simply looked at you, a beat of understanding flashing in his eyes before he turned to his mate standing beside him, reaching out to take her hand and smiling softly at her before turning back to you.
"My apologies, Y/N. Please, do what you do best." His words were soft and apologetic, and you simply nodded at him before turning back to the male sprawled on the bed before you. 
Your heart broke to see him in such a state, the man you had grown to love. 
"What do you need?" Feyre softly asked behind you. Suddenly, you were incredibly grateful that Az had friends who cared about him so deeply and honoured that he had introduced you to them, too, and brought you into the lovely warmth of friendship. 
"Two bowls of water—one warm and the other cool—and some rags, please, Fey. I also need someone to help me get him out of his leathers. Can someone close all of the curtains and drapes in this room and get some faelights in here, please?" Immediately, Cassian was in front of you, starting at the buckles on his wrists, ankles, and chest. 
"Why?" Someone asked behind you, you thought it was Mor. 
"His shadows. They'll help heal him, but we need to create the environment in which they thrive best: darkness." Both you and Az had tested the theory over the last couple of months and you had found he was stronger and healed quicker when his shadows were around. It was something you so desperately wanted to study further but didn't want to overstep a boundary. 
Finally, between you and his best friend, you managed to wrangle Azriel out of his leathers, careful not to jostle him too much to not irritate his wound. 
"How bad is it?" Cassian asked, parroting back to you the question you had asked him not ten minutes ago but what felt like hours. You ignored him for a second, taking a look at the hole in Az's chest, punched just above his heart and cutting through those beautiful Illriyan tattoos before reaching your hand out to hover over the wound to get a better feel of it.
"Bad," you mumbled, "but easily enough to heal." A series of sighs cut through the tension in the room as every member of the Inner Circle let out a breath they had all been collectively holding. "He was stabbed from the front with a blade tipped with an ash arrow, I believe. He pulled the blade from his body, but it has left some splinters behind, draining his powers and stopping him from healing. Infection has set in so I think this happened a couple of days ago, he must have gained enough strength to winnow back here before passing out."
"Do what you need to, Y/N." Rhys's voice was soft but had the undercurrent of a High Lord's command—heal my friend, he commanded. You nodded once before rolling up your sleeves and turning back to Azriel.
For hours, you worked at healing Az, praying to the Mother throughout it all that he would pull through - if only so you could tell him how much you loved him.
There was nothing gentle about the way Azriel surfaced to consciousness. One moment he was swimming in darkness, and the next, his eyes shot open, and he sucked in a huge faltering breath. After years of meticulous training, his senses immediately began to take in his surroundings, and his brain was already calculating his escape route. It was only when he took in the soft bed beneath him, the familiar decorations in the room, and the female sat curled up in a chair beside him that he could recognise that he was home. That he was safe.
He felt the twinge in his chest. He knew the moment he moved, a biting pain would radiate throughout his body, so for the moment, he just lay there. His eyes stayed focused on you, on the way you had clearly pushed a chair as close as you could to his bedside. Your hair piled up in a messy bun on the top of your head—tendrils escaping and framing your beautiful face—and a damp rag hung limply from your hand.
His shadows flitted around him, whispering your name to him in a fond way he had never heard them speak of another before. They told him how you had rushed to his side, commanded the room, and stood up for yourself and your capabilities. How you had spent hours upon hours pulling splinters out of the wound and then encouraging his skin to knit together, to heal. How you had nearly spent your entire magic to save him and had then stayed and made sure he battled the infection, sponging cool water onto his skin, talking to him as if he was conscious. 
“Y/N.” He whispered, his voice hoarse from misuse and lack of water. Immediately, your eyelashes fluttered and opened, scanning the room before landing on his awake form. Now that your beautiful eyes were open, he could see the smudge of purple underneath each one, and a pang vibrated through his chest at the thought of this incredible female staying by his side even when you were exhausted. 
"Az." You whispered back, tears begin to shimmer in your eyes as you took in the shadowsinger finally awake. Still pale and far from healed entirely, but awake. 
He winced slightly as he reached out and hesitated somewhat before gently cupping your jaw, stroking his thumb along your cheek and catching the tears slipping free.
"Thank you." You knew his shadows had whispered to him that you had almost depleted yourself for him and risked yourself to heal him. 
"You scared me." His face crumpled at your words as he saw in your eyes the terror you went through for those hours you weren't sure he would make it through. Guilt ate at him for not spotting the trap that had been laid for him.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I was ambushed." He continued to brush his thumb over your skin, and you let the feeling ground you and reassure you that he was here and alive.
"I don't need to know," he heard what you were saying, that you didn't want to know, "do you want to sit up?" 
"Yes, please." You moved swiftly and efficiently, having done this for so many patients before Az. You gently scooped under his arms and lifted his weight so he could move to a sitting position. He winced as the movement tugged on his newly stitched-together skin, but with your expert handling, he wasn't in too much pain. "How long was I out for?"
"A day and a half."
"Shit. I need to debrief with Rhys." He made to sit up further, to swing his legs over the side of his bed, but your hand was instantly there on his shoulder - softly but firmly pushing back. 
"Later. Once you've had some water and food, and I've had a chance to assess your wound again."
"Yes, ma'am." He smirked and gently took the hand that was on his shoulder, intertwining your fingers and running his thumb comfortingly over your knuckles. 
Another soft silence settled over you both, and Azriel found himself glancing down at your connected hands, "That day we met was the first time someone had dared to look closely at my hands. It was also the first time I saw someone examine them and not flinch."
"Your hands are beautiful, Az." Your voice was soft, still shaky from crying. 
"You don't need to say that Y/N." 
"No, I'm serious," you frowned, "your hands are beautiful, and they are strong - just like you." You both watched as you trailed your fingers across the back of his hands, tracing the lines of scar tissue. "I was so scared when Cassian burst into the centre, but that didn't match the terror when I saw you unconscious, and I didn't know if I would get a chance to tell you how much you mean to me." He could hear the emotion building in your voice again. 
"Come here, sweetheart." His face was soft as he held his arm out and motioned for you to come closer. A sob lodged itself from your throat as you shifted, taking care of his wings and injury, to slip onto the bed and move into the warm space of Azriel's body. Immediately, you curled into his side, carefully slipping a hand around his waist to hold him closer. Az curled his arm around you, and the feeling of being in his arms, being held by him, had your heart soaring in your chest. 
"Did it snap in place for you?" he asked softly, and you knew what he was asking—he was tugging at that soft thread that now sat between you. 
"When I saw you lying there unconscious. You?" That moment when your eyes had landed on Azriel on his bed, true terror had speared through you as that bond had snapped into place, and you had realised it was your mate lying there in the space between life and death. 
"That first day, when you held my hands so gently and offered me that salve." His voice held so much emotion, and you felt warmth trickle down that thread and disperse throughout your body as you both acknowledged the bond. 
"Az." He closed his eyes at the sound of his name on your tongue, and he could never get tired of hearing the way you said it as you propped yourself up to look at him. 
"We can talk about it later, about what you want to do and how we move forward. You don't have to make any decisions now." His hand stroked the skin on your exposed arm, the other finally brushing that strand of hair out of your eyes. A frown fell on your face at his words.
"I hope you are talking about how we accept the mating bond and not whether I want to accept it in the first place. I am honoured to be your mate, Azriel, and to get the chance to love you for the rest of our lives." He was sure he had stopped breathing, convinced he was still dreaming. That you would be willing to spend the rest of your life with him, to love him the way he loved you so fiercely. 
"Are you sure?" His voice sounded small, and you couldn't help the smile that danced on your lips. 
"I have never been more sure of something in my life, Az. You deserve this type of love. Let me give it to you." You whispered as you closed the space between you two. Your eyes scanned his face, ready to pull away if he gave the signal that he wasn't ready. But as his breath fanned your lips, your eyes locked, and the hand that had brushed your hair aside cupped your jaw firmly in his large palm, as he surged forward to capture your lips in his. 
Immediately, fireworks erupted behind your eyes at the delicious feeling of his lips moving against yours, wave after wave of pleasure rolling down your spine as you tilted your head back to give him more access. A soft moan slipped past your lips when Azriel gently nibbled on your bottom lip, causing a gasp, which he swallowed expertly with his mouth. You felt Azriel's hand slip from your jaw to cup the back of your neck, holding you firmly as the kiss transformed from something sweet into something else, something more wonton, something close to fire. 
Far too quickly for your liking, Azriel pulled away, gasping for air. Your eyes fluttered open as he rested his forehead against yours, a soft grin dancing on both of your lips as you made eye contact and saw the emotion swimming in both of your eyes. Azriel watched, entranced, as he swiped his thumb over your swollen bottom lip. Your eyelids fluttered as a soft moan escaped again between your lips; Azriel wondered if that was the sweetest sound he had ever heard.  
"My mate. I have waited for over five hundred years for you." He whispered into the heated air between you. 
"I hope I was worth the wait." You joked. Azriel couldn't help but close the space again at your words to press his lips to yours again in a soft kiss this time.
"You definitely are." Your toes curled at his tone, and as his lips still brushed against yours as he spoke. 
"The healer and the spymaster… there's a story there, I think." You grinned as you brushed his hair back off his forehead, wanting to take in every inch of emotion that he was freely displaying on his face. 
"And we will write it together," he promised, and you couldn't help the matching grins on your faces as you leant forward again to join your lips together in another spectacular kiss—knowing that for the rest of your very long life, you would never get tired of kissing Azriel, your mate. 
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⚘ Miguel x fem!reader
⚘ fluff
⚘ I don’t think there are any warnings?
⚘ summary: Y/n spends all her time with Spidercat, causing Miguel to feel little jelous.
⚘ wc: 960
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“Sorry, Miguel, Spider-cat is back from a mission. Gotta go!” Y/n states, giving Miguel a quick peck on the cheek before swigging off the monitor platform and out of the room.
Recently Y/n had made a new friend amongst the spider crowd, Spider-cat, and this cat had her wrapped around his furry paw. Miguel sighs, not wanting to admit to himself that his girlfriend is spending more time with a cat than him and that he is jealous.
As Y/n roams around looking for her furry friend, she spots him down the hall, and she quickens her pace. “My baby!” she calls out, holding her arms open for the cat to jump into, “how was the mission?” Y/n inquires, getting a content meow in response. “I’m glad to hear it,” she nods, setting down Spider-cat so he can walk beside her.
Y/n and Spider-cat step out of the orange portal, now on Y/n’s earth. In their downtime, the two would go for swings around their Earths for as long as they could before having to go on a mission. Today was no different.
“Ready to go?” Y/n asks, looking down at the cat, who replies with a happy meow.
With that, the two swing off the fire escape they were previously on and begin their swing around the city. They were showing off their tricks and finding interesting new locations around the city. A while into their adventure, Y/n notices a hologram of a certain someone show up on her watch, causing her to pull over to the roof of the nearest building. Spider-cat follows suit, making himself comfortable, and begins making biscuits on Y/n’s lap once she sits down.
“Yes, Miguel?” she prompts, not too happy about her time with Spider-cat getting cut short.
“Are you busy?” Miguel asks, knowing she’s probably with the cat.
“Kinda off...” Y/n trails off, holding Spider-cat up for him to see. 
“I-” he starts, almost at a loss for words, “I’ll just get someone else to do it.”
Before Y/n could even say anything, the hologram disappeared. With a sigh, she looks down at the cat, who’s looking back up at her. 
“I guess that’s my queue to leave,” she gets a disappointed meow in response.
“Yeah, I wanted to keep swinging too. But I have to spend some time with my boyfriend now,” she explains, standing up and opening a portal for her and Spider-cat to go back to headquarters.
Now back at headquarters, Y/n makes her way to Miguel’s locations thinking as to how she can smooth things over. It’ll be fine; she says to herself as she arrives at the room.
“Heyy, spider-bae~,” Y/n says, dragging out her words as she walks toward the (painfully) slowly descending platform.
Miguel raises an eyebrow as he turns around to face Y/n, clearly unamused. She opens her mouth to defend herself but promptly stops. She opens her mouth once more to try again, but she stops. ”I have nothing to say.”
“Typical,” he deadpans, shaking his head and returning to his work.
“Aww, don’t be like that,” she pouts, taking a little swing onto the platform to stand next to him.
Y/n tunnels her way under Miguel’s arm so that his arm is over her shoulder. She leans into him, looking up with apologetic eyes, hoping he looks down at her. 
“Y’know you my boo thang, right, Miguel?” she says with a slowly spreading smile.
“Boo thang?” Miguel repeats, slightly amused, looking at Y/n.
“You heard me.”
Y/n moves from under his arm to in front of him, taking hold of his hand and leaning slightly against the control panel under the monitors. Looking up at him with a look that says, ‘I’m sorry.’
“I’ve missed you, mi amor,” Miguel voices, resting a hand on the side of Y/n’s face.
Leaning into his touch, the corner of her lips turns up slightly, “I’m sorry about ditching you for spider-cat.”
Miguel shakes his head a bit, chuckling softly, “It’s not your fault; he is pretty cute.”
“Yeah, but you’re cuter,” Y/n flirts tilting her head.
“I don’t know how I feel about getting called cute...”
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Thanks for reading!
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nouvellevqgue · 8 months
SPARKS FLY ★ ﹙ oscar piastri x reader﹚
SUMMARY: you are his childhood sweetheart, and also his best friend. he never told you he's in love with you, but has the spark changed after a long time beng separated?
₊˚⊹౨ৎ ⋆。✦˚‎
you and oscar used to be friends in school. he had a huge crush on you since you were a little kid, seeing each other coincidentally at the playground. and it's true when they said ‘love at the first sight lasts forever’.
the story begin when he was seven and you were five, in the playground near his house. and there he was; playing in the park and waiting for the queue to finally play on the swing. but there's you, beside him. swinging in the swing and looking as beautiful as ever.
hair flying in the air as you swung yourself on the swing. the twin pigtails and your pink chequered dress that he remembers.
he doesn't even know how he ended up looking at you like that, but he cannot take his eyes off you after that. it's like a sparks just fly to him everytime he's looking at you.
he finally he found his sparks. you.
and now he's a successful driver and you're a successful actress, your paths have diverged couple years ago, but when he sees you in a sidewalk café in italy, he decided to approach you.
when your friends were busy talking to other guests or their partner, someone pat you on your shoulder.
« may i get your autograph, miss? » oscar grinned as he came to approach you.
as you turned into the voice, a smile rose in your face. there he is, your best friend. and all of the sudden, a sparks that had lost a time long ago, just appear in a form of him.
and by that you realized, your lost sparks is him.
« oscar! i can't believe i have finally meet you. look at you champion! » he just laugh at your comment and hug you.
you hugged him back, ecstatic by seeing him after so long of seeing him only on tv.
« what are you doing here? » you smiled widely. and you're sure that you've never smiled this wide before, and oh the feeling of being with him is undescribable.
« seeing you, obviously! » oscar kissed you on your cheek and stepped back to look at you.
standing closer with him. too close for you to almost touched, and close enough for you to know what is on his mind.
« and who says i'm a champion already? »
« oh shut up you killjoy! » you chuckled.
« well, can i at least get your autograph? » oscar pulled a pen out of his pockets and handed you a paper.
« please write that im a champion, okay? »
you hummed as you pretend to think as you rubbed your chin to think, « oh, should i say to your mum to change your name from oscar piastri to oscar champion? » you grinned.
« oh cmon, i still like the oscar piastri name. »
« i thought you want your name to be champion, if i recall correctly. » you laugh, uncapping the pen and start to write down your autograph on his piece of white paper before giving it down to him.
he took the white paper and shove it down onto his jean's pocket. as he looked at you, he laughed and took your hand, and made you lean closer.
« you're funny, i still remember why i'm so attracted to you.. »
‹ he's a bad idea › your mind screams. he was your own past with your own fantasy about him, but you decided to ignore that.
« oh yeah? do tell. » you replied, already excited with his story.
he kissed the back of your hand and put it on his chest, smiling and nodding.
« you remember how much i loved you back then? »
you nodded, « yes, i do. i do remember your eyes when you looked at me. »
« it's different. your eyes, they're sparkling. » you describe.
oscar looked at you smiling, « maybe it's time that i tell you something. » he put his face close to yours, enough for you to know what's on his mind.
« those eyes you're looking at, they're always for you, i never really stopped loving you. »
you feel your heart just skipped a beat or two by his words. it makes you weak in the knees just by it. it felt surreal how the sparks could be flying all over when you're with him.
« and the words that i've said to the camera when i won all of the nominations and awards is for you. i've never really stopped thinking of you. » you breathed. and it feels like air just knocked out your lungs by now.
oscar looked at you deeply with a grin on his face, then he put his lips on yours and pulled you closer, kissing you deeply for some seconds.
« you know what's funny? » he looked at your lips as he still held you
« what? »
« i have the perfect life, im rich, im successful, i'm a champion, i race in the top tier series in the world, but... »
« but still, you're the most important thing to me. »
oscar put his arm around your waist and put on the biggest grin on his face.
you smiled at his word, fully ear to ear. you are just so lucky to have him by your side. and by this, you're probably going to embarrass yourself in front of the camera by being as red as a beet fruit.
oscar chuckled by seeing how you became red in front of him
« you look beautiful when you're blushing like this you know? » he asked.
« i look like a fruit! » you exclaimed, hands creeping to cover your blushing face.
« no you're not. you look cute! the cutest. » he said, while lowering your hands from covering your face as he put his hand on your chin and gave you another kiss on your lips.
people around you started to whisper and gossip about oscar piastri kissing a random woman in a public café.
« the headlines are going to be crazy about this. we shouldn't do this in public. » you shakes your head.
oscar laughed, and whispered in your ear,
« the only headline is me kissing my most important person in public, i hope you don't mind that. »
« oh pleeeasee... » you giggled at him.
oscar looked at you and smiled again, « besides... who cares about those journalists? »
« mmm... probably i care. » you grinned, and reached out to peck his lips.
oscar chuckled as you pulled out. as he put his hands around you and pulled you by your waist to kiss you again.
you both kissed passionately as cameras all took picture of you together. journalists were writing articles about oscar and his new girlfriend.
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liked by maxverstappen1, username and 158,441 more
enews formula 1 driver oscar piastri is seen shared a romantic kiss with actress y/n l/n at a sidewalk café in italy. fans and journalists who had seen them together said that they're reuniting after a long time of being separated.
click link in our bio for more details!
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username look how invested max with their relationship, he even liked this post.
username THEY'RE SO CUTE🥹🥹
username please respect their privacy.
landonorris finally
username oh they're sooooo
username it's giving taylor song
username i love mama and papa
username waiting for her paddock debut rn
username look at them kissing in public looking so in love with each other
username i want what they have
username omw sleeping on the train rail
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wishluc · 11 months
Oh god please elaborate on the Express Eatery thing! I love having Luocha as a customer
Going over this with Luocha, Yukong, Jing Yuan and Blade!
CW: yandere characters
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So you work at the Express Eatery, and you start to notice that Luocha comes in every day with a new menu item he wants to try out. While waiting for his order he asks about your time on the Express and the meals you like and how you're finding the Luofu so far. He refuses to elaborate on the coffin he carries around or on anything else about his job apart from the "traveling merchant" line, but you let it slide because he's nice enough otherwise. He also tips very generously, and leaves glowing reviews, which may or may not play a role in you liking him despite how suspicious he can be at times. After he's cycled through all the items, however, he starts asking for other things; snacks you like to eat, whatever you usually have for breakfast, a dessert you're craving for, etc. And he starts bringing in dishes that he likes, and asks for you to eat them with him during your break (even waits outside your stall until you take your break, if you try and lie your way out of it). And when the day comes that you have to pack up and leave your short-lived stall behind, you do so without informing your number 1 customer, which doesn't go across well.
But how were you to know Luocha had also met Dan Heng before, and would be visiting the Express the very next day?
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Other customers you meet include Yukong, who's sweet and has the most interesting stories for you. She offers to pilot a Starskiff for you (and promises that she's not a reckless driver anymore, unlike the stories of her youth she may have told you about), invites you to lively parties once you're done for the day, and even shows you around the Luofo herself. You do notice, however, that her eyes dim and her smile fades when you mention leaving the Luofo, even if you don't comment on it. Coming up to the days before you close the stall, she takes you on increasingly exciting trips around the Luofo, all the while assuring you that there is still much to see, as though to entice you into stay longer...
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There's also Jing Yuan, who stays for long periods whenever he stops by. He stands by your stall with a languid smile, talking to you while eating. He has a habit of distracting you with sudden questions when ever you notice just how long he's been standing around, asking you about your thoughts on a dish or how long you've been with the Crew. And while his exterior is perfectly relaxed with you, if anyone else dares approach while he's there, all it takes is one inquisitive look from him to send the intruder scurrying away. You've never thought the General to be that frightening, but you supposed his position warranted some extent of fear. Normally, you would be a little irritated about how he was obstructing business, but there was no doubt his pleasant conversation and generous hand made for far better company than a queue of customers in a rush to their next stop.
But a few days before you're set to close the stall, you get approached by a group of officials who warn you that doing business without a permit is illegal. Apparently, whatever documents March got for your little side business wasn't enough, and you were missing some important components. Fortunately, Jing Yuan steps in and offers to help you settle the problem at once, and as you gratefully accept his assistance (with a promise to treat him to a serving of Cosmic Fried Rice on the house sometime). To your surprise, however, you're told that you're required to stay and continue doing business on the Luofu for another few weeks before the license is granted, and you find yourself having no choice but to comply. At least, the General is here to keep you company, right?
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At first Blade stopped by only to pick up a serving or two before leaving right after, never indulging in conversation unlike your other patrons. Even his reviews were short and to the point, simply leaving a rating of 5 stars along with his moniker—but as long as it was a good review, you had no complaints. However, as time went by and you saw him increasingly more often (though you took note of the fact that he'd only ever come by when the shade fell across your stall just right and there were little to no other customers), he'd comment on your methods and packaging, with odd lines such as "The box didn't come apart even after a fight," and begin ordering in advance for the next day—he claimed this was a far more efficient system, and offered to pay extra as a booking fee.
He comes off a little strange at times, with his unnerving smile and his peculiar comments, but you think that Blade's one of your better customers. He's patient and his requests are simple, and he deals swiftly with any troublemakers around your stall. Surprisingly, him swinging around his sword threateningly doesn't discourage new customers from checking your stall out. So when the day comes that you have to inform him that there was no tomorrow for his order to be prepared in advance, Blade only regards you with a pensive look and the smallest of nods, before leaving. You would miss him, despite his oddities.
And then you're told that you have to accommodate for a temporary addition on the Astral Express, someone sent by Kafka, and who awaits you in the parlor car but Blade himself?
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all works © wishluc. do not copy, steal or repost my works on other platforms. (including translations)
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cloudcountry · 18 days
sneaking riddle out to a summer carnival!!!
SUMMARY: you take riddle to his first carnival!
COMMENTS: takes place post-overblot. honestly this can be read as heavy pining or established relationship LMAO also riddle wears heels outside of his housewarden's uniform shut UP
please be nice to me i am rusty i fear
TAGLIST: i'm going to be doing this again so let me know if you'd like to be tagged in stuff!!
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Riddle’s first instinct is to turn right on his heel and walk out of there, and if it wasn’t for your hopeful smile and bright eyes he probably would have. The bright flashing lights, the screaming, and oh Great Seven, the food were all things his mother would have screamed at him for participating in. He supposes that's why you brought him here.
Just the two of you. No Ace, no Deuce, not even Grim is here with you.
The smell of grease and sugar is in the air as your fingers intertwine with his. The action catches him off guard, and you use it to your advantage and drag him deeper into the carnival. He vaguely hears you ask for tickets, making small talk with the vendor as they exchange a handful of tickets for your thaumarks.
(Letting someone else pay for his activities would also be something his mother would yell at him for, he thinks. He’s too busy trying to figure out how safe the ferris wheel is to examine the thought further.)
He’s glad Grim isn’t here. The thought makes his mouth twist in displeasure at how immature he’s being, but deep down he knows the direbeast would be hogging all of your attention. It’s easy to dispel the thought when you grab his hand and lead him into the chaos that is the carnival.
“Which ride do you want to start first?” you ask, a bounce in your step as you turn back and smile at him.
Riddle eyes each one warily. They all look rather horrifying, and if he’s honest with you he’d say he doesn't want to ride any of them.
His eyes catch on the drop tower, and it’s at that moment that the tower drops, and Riddle watches with wide eyes as the people on the ride plunge to the bottom, screaming like they're going to be killed.
“It’s for fun! Adrenaline, you know?” you say hastily.
He’s certain he’s gaping at the ride like he’s seen a ghost.
“We could try some games...?”
Riddle takes a moment to compose himself, shaking himself out of his stupor. He’s never been so out of his element, but he knows for sure you’d never lead him astray. You never have.
“Which one is your favorite?” he asks, watching your face relax.
“I think we should start with the ferris wheel.” you smile softly, and he can't tell if you're dodging the question or if that is your favorite ride, “But you don’t have to if you don’t want to. It’s a good ride to start with when you’re nervous.”
He wants to thank you, but the words get stuck in his throat. He lets you chatter about each game and each ride as you pass them, the ground beneath you uneven and bumpy. Riddle is glad you told him to dress comfortably—as ridiculous as it would have been to wear a pair of his heels for a carnival, he’s struggling even in his dress shoes.
You should always look presentable. There is no use complaining.
He feels you squeeze his hand again. You’ve found yourselves in front of the ferris wheel, with the queue shorter than he imagined it’d be. He looks over to you with a question in his eyes, and you giggle.
“Sage Island isn’t that crowded around here, you know? It’s already pretty isolated from everywhere else.” you say, “Don’t worry about it, just let me take the reigns today, okay?”
You bump your hip against his playfully as the line starts to move, and Riddle stumbles after you as you squeeze into a cart. You bounce in your seat as the attendant shuts the door and sends you up into the sky.
Riddle has seen the movies, the cheesy ones were the cart was a little bit bigger and the view was a little bit brighter, but he never understood the appeal of sitting there and watching rides move with someone else.
Now he gets it.
Your hand is still touching his, and he swears if he focuses hard enough he can feel your pulse against the heel of his palm. Riddle spares a glance at you, only to find you looking at him with a hopeful smile.
“Isn’t it nice?” you ask, voice soft and sweet and kind.
“Yes.” he nods, choking on his words as the scent of your shampoo wafts towards him.
You’re both so close.
The ferris wheel starts moving again, and Riddle feels a stab of disappointment in his chest. You laugh at his pout, bumping shoulders with him.
“Don’t worry, we get to go again!” you say, and he perks right back up.
He loves the ferris wheel. He wants to go on it again sometime, if you’d let him.
It seems like only a few minutes before you’re off of the ride and you’re pulling him over to all the food stalls, The smile on your face is infectious as you rattle off the different types of carnival food, talking about the strawberry variants of each one. It fills his chest with butterflies to see you so attentive—truly, he feels spoiled when you buy him a strawberry funnel cake and a caramel apple and even strawberry flavored shaved ice. In return, Riddle insists he pay for your food, and you laugh before accepting.
“I just wanted to treat you.” you confess, sipping on the drink your ordered, “You worked so hard during exams and even worked with others to make sure they were doing okay. Deuce did really well because you inspired him to work hard. You’re amazing—and you deserve a day off every now and then.”
It takes him off guard, just how candid you can be, especially with someone like him. Maybe it’s because you’ve seen him at his most vulnerable, you’ve seen parts of his past only Trey knows, you took the time to get closer to him when everyone else kept their distance, He knows now that that distance was his own fault, which is yet another thing you helped him realize, and—
You’re still doing more for him, over and over again. It’s like a debt he’ll never be able to pay back.
So instead, he reaches over and grabs your hand, the pads of his fingertips pressing into your palm.
You look over at him.
His heart feels like it’s caught in his throat, but he forces the words out.
“Thank you for today.”
The smile that stretches across your face is the widest one yet. It’s triumphant, like his smile was the prize for winning a game you’d been playing for far too long.
“Of course, Riddle.” you scoot closer, “It’s no problem at all. I hope you’ll do this with me again sometime.”
He will. In a heartbeat, he will.
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yesimwriting · 3 months
can we get a felix angst where its not like felix causing the angst its the reader 😭 i dont know if I worded that correctly.but it’s always felix making the reader sad so maybe the other way around?
a/n we are giving felix a rough day >:)
i love queue,, i'm posting this and babysitting at the exact same time hehehe
Three songs. You've been sitting at the bar, undivided attention focused on a guy that walked up to you for three songs.
You place your elbow on the bar's surface, angling your head upwards so that it's easier to direct a grin at the stranger. The guy takes a partial step forward, his hand settling on the counter, about an inch away from your skin. Felix can feel some muscle in his law lock. Three and a half songs now.
"You okay?" Annabel's voice is warm against his skin, soft and yet still clear despite the heavy music.
Felix lets his eyes fall shut, his hand settling against Annabel's side. The odd, hollow feeling creating a pit in his stomach has to be a result of the influx of alcohol in his system. Or maybe he's over extended himself, one too many parties and social activities during a week in which he had to complete several, time consuming assignments.
Your distance isn't making these things easier, which is an okay thing to feel. It's even a fact he feels no shame admitting to himself. You're his friend--his best friend--and the two of you came here together. It's only natural for Felix to feel irritated at the thought of being so casually dismissed.
There's also the usual, completely understandable, worry. You're a girl...and while Felix knows you're capable, strong willed, and brilliant, he also understands how guys are.
Sure, Felix might not know that particular guy, but that doesn't mean Felix can't see right through him. Nice hair cut, confident stance, a familiarity in the way he looks at you...
Felix opens his eyes. "I'm fine." He gently squeezes Annabel's hip. "You need another drink?" His eyes land on you. You're giggling now. Beaming. "I'm getting one."
His hand drops back to his side. Annabel's lips pull into a frown. "Sure. I'll have whatever."
He nods once, the motion absentminded as he walks forward. The crowd is a mesh of enthusiastic bodies, packed together too tightly on a too small dance floor. They don't seem to mind, too distracted by the discounted drinks and the prospect of the long weekend the deal is meant to celebrate.
Felix approaches the side of the bar you're sitting at even though the bartender's closer to the other side. He has all night.
He doesn't need it. After a few seconds, there's the squeak of a shifting barstool and something warm touching his forearm. "Lex." Your name for him slips past your lips enthusiastically. You grin at him. "You're here."
Felix's irritation is still sharp enough to make him consider gently pulling his arm away from you, but your touch is so assured and oddly settling. He also likes the thought of you being so willing to hold onto him in front of that guy. "Needed a drink."
You briefly press your lips together, a hint of uncertainty tinging your expression. "I could've brought you one." You let your hand fall away from Felix before crossing your arms on your lap. "And Annabel--she's with you, right?"
There's something pressed between the syllables of your secondary comment that Felix doesn't get. You and Annabel seem to like each other well enough, chatting comfortably during group get togethers. And it's not like Felix was ignoring you to talk to her, you wandered away and Felix ran into Annabel. "You seemed busy."
Your eyebrows pinch together. "Oh, I'm being rude." You shake your head once in an attempt to dismiss any social missteps. "Felix, this is James..." You turn your head, smiling at the guy that's been patiently waiting for this. "And James, this is Felix."
James isn't the first guy to accidentally stumble onto you. They have enough in common to be interchangeable. They all look at you the same way, like you're something to take. They don't think to approach you until late enough in the night to assume that you've had a few. However, there's one thing that unites them more than anything else, and that's the way they react to Felix.
As soon as it's clear that you and Felix are friends, that you're close, they're doing all they can to silently promise that they meant to offense. That they didn't know. That their intentions were perfectly innocent and would have never manifested themselves as anything if they had known that they were treading on unsafe ground.
"James is in my anatomy class." So he already knows you. "And Felix is my friend."
"Best friend." That's the comment that usually does it.
Felix studies James's reaction. There should be something indicating some form of regret or inferiority. Instead, James straightens his spine and tilts his chin upwards a fraction of an inch. There's something determined in the look. "Felix. Nice to meet you. Your friend's talked a lot about you."
The pit in Felix's stomach expands into a chasm. He had never let himself consider the possibility that someone would take you away from him.
You're a relationship person. If this were to go further than a bar chat, it'd turn into more than that. James would fall for you, because who wouldn't? And that--that'd be it.
A boyfriend wouldn't let you sleep in his bed. A boyfriend wouldn't let you get away with a few just because kisses at the end of long night outs. A boyfriend wouldn't understand the two of you enough to let things stay the same.
"Yeah," Felix manages, "Nice to meet you, too." He straightens, his posture reaching a rigidness that's usually reserved for formal events back home. "Y'know she's never really mentioned you, and I'm around her enough to know."
You throw him a look. "We were just talking about how we haven't really talked much this semester."
"Not a lot of room for conversation between labs." James extends a hand, his fingers brushing against your arm. "Though you wouldn't know that watching this one." James tilts his head in your direction. There's a fondness in his expression that has Felix's stomach turning. "Want to see stable hands? Watch her dissect a cat."
Felix doesn't miss the way your expression instinctually sours. Anything that involves cutting into something that once was alive makes you a little nauseous. He's had to subtly comfort you after more involved labs, smoothing circles against your back and assuring you it was all for a good cause.
"Y'know the only reason she's fast is because cutting into animals makes her a little sick." You angle your head upwards to frown at him. The amount of heartache dissection based labs bring you has always embarrassed you. "But I know what you mean, steady hands."
You tilt your head, squinting your eyes slightly in confusion. Felix doesn't think he's said enough to upset you, but then again, who knows what kind of image you want James to hold onto?
There's no way James from intro to anatomy knows you the way Felix does. There's no way he ever could. Letting go of desired perceptions is at the heart of your friendship.
"Let's get a round."
You pull your arm away from the counter. "Lex, we can--"
"C'mon." Felix keeps his voice as harmless as possible. He places a hand on your shoulder, thumb instinctually dragging against the side of your collarbone. "Let me get to know your new friend, Lovie."
James taps his fingers against the edge of the bar. "Yeah," he mumbles, "We're all friendly."
You don't ease, but you also don't say anything or attempt to push Felix's hand away. He waves down a bartender, ordering something from the top shelf.
Felix briefly thinks of Annabel and his promise to bring her something. The bar's too crowded for him to wave her over without leaving, and if there's one thing that isn't an option now it's that. She'll find them if she feels like it, and either way, she's not the type to be bothered by that kind of thing.
James downs his shot with an ease that has Felix wanting to roll his eyes. You're fighting against a grimace, the way you usually do when drinking certain hard liquors without anything to follow. Despite his irritation, Felix still smooths circles against your back.
One round turns into another, which eventually turns into a third. James is chatty, comfortable and unflinching in his place by your side. Something about James's inability to take a hint makes it harder to keep the drinking lighthearted.
"'Nother round?"
You shake your head, the motion exaggerated and sluggish. "I'm out."
The reaction is too tired and genuine to be a sign of anything else besides you having a little more to drink than usual. Felix should take it as a sign to let any passive aggression go. You'll be crawling into his bed, in one of his T-shirts, by the end of the night. There won't be any reason to worry about James then, when he gets to smooth back your hair and brush his fingers against your skin without concern.
But rationality feels too distant for Felix to grasp onto, especially with that gnawing feeling still attacking his stomach. "Come on, Lovie, you don't want to tap out early in front of your new friend."
Leaning back into your seat, you look at Felix openly. For a fleeting moment, there's something unnervingly sober behind your eyes. He can feel you seeing right through him. "Are you okay?"
Felix blinks. "Why wouldn't I be?"
You prop your head up on an elbow, eyebrows pinching together. The haze of alcohol's pulling at you again. "You seem...weird."
He doesn't have a good response. There's no good way to describe the unease that's making it hard to just stand there. Maybe tonight should've been a dorm room night. The two of you could be reading together right now or listening to music or falling asleep to some movie.
"I'm tired."
You frown. "You want to go?"
The thought of leaving with you, of ending this interaction all together is more comforting than the thought of going to bed. "Think so."
You reach forward, not quite reaching Felix's hand but coming close enough for him to get the hint. He intertwines your fingers.
You turn your head to look over at James. He frowns, feeling the impending rejection. "Felix is all grown up, I think he can get back to his room by himself."
"We came here together." There's a sharpness to your voice that has Felix easing slightly, like the thought of ever leaving him to fend for himself is inherently ridiculous.
"Yeah." James presses his lips together into what isn't quite a smile. "I'll see you around."
Felix squeezes your hand. You push yourself to stand. "Yeah, I'll see you."
The two of you stumble out of the nightclub and into a much quieter, stiller world. The moon illuminates the street more than the few streetlights.
You two are walking so close together it's hard to tell who's supporting who. You're leaning against him, but Felix's hold on you is so tight he's not sure he'd be able to walk straight without you. He decides it doesn't matter.
Felix stops walking. It takes you a second to still. Even though you're only half a step ahead, you still turn around fully. Before you can say anything, Felix leans forward, pressing his lips against yours.
It takes you a moment to catch up with what's happening, but once you do, you lean into it. Felix pulls away slowly, his teeth dragging against your bottom lip.
"What was that about?"
Felix can feel the answer in his bones. He wanted to kiss you to prove to himself that he could, that nothing had changed. Instead of admitting that, he shrugs. "You, I guess."
You laugh, tugging on his arm to get him to start walking forward, "You're drunk."
"And you love me."
You roll your eyes. "Very much."
taglist; @vader-is-hot @spiritofbuddha @getosangie @freyafriggafrey @ilovehyperfixating @aryiannarae @willowpains @ker0senebunny @lilyrachelcassidy
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antiquarianfics · 9 months
Slow Down
An object in motion stays in motion until acted upon by an outside force. In this case, you’re the object and Bucky is the outside force.
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a/n: i’ve been so busy, so this is self indulgent. i work full time, am student teaching, and have my own classes. what’s a moment to breathe?
warnings: none! just your run of the mill unproofed comfort fic.
It had been a busy few months. You had been sent on mission after mission, had to fill out paperwork galore, had to attend a government gala on behalf of the Avengers, and had to fit training in when you weren’t doing all that. So, yeah. Busy.
You’re tired. So tired. It’s the kind of tired that you start to get comfortable with. It seeps into your bones, enters your blood stream, and enters your lungs like oxygen. It becomes apart of you, and you become accustomed to the exhaustion, become able to operate on 4, 5 hours of sleep.
You’re so tired because you’re going so fast, doing so much. You aren’t even aware of how your relationships begin to suffer, how your health begins to suffer. In fact, you don’t even slow down enough to get your bearings until someone stops you.
“Woah, hey, slow down!” Bucky exclaims, his left hand reaching out to grab your bicep.
You skid to a stop, a few steps past Bucky. You turn around a little frazzled.
“Oh, hey, babe! Almost didn’t see you!” You quickly lean up to press a chaste kiss to his lips. “I do have to go, though. I’ve gotta get a workout in before that press conference Fury organized.”
Bucky lets his hands fall to your waist, pulling you close and trapping you in his arms.
“Doll, when was the last time you just took a second to breathe?”
You scrunch your eyebrows together.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean,” Bucky says a little indignantly, “you’ve been busy—really busy. You’re barely sleeping and I don’t think I’ve seen you sit down to eat anything in weeks. I miss you, and I’m worried you’re going to burn yourself out.”
You stare into his face, taking in the worry etched in his brow, the concern in his eyes, and the downturn of his lips.
Then, you take a moment to consider his words. You know you’ve been busy, but have you really not been sleeping? Eating? In fact, when was the last time you really sat down next to Bucky outside of a quinjet? You’re not sure, and when you realize as much, it’s like the glass wall breaks. You feel the exhaustion that had seeped into your bones, your blood, your breath. You feel yourself sag, falling into your boyfriend’s arms.
You let out a deep breath as a few stray tears begin to fall from your eyes. You don’t know what to say, but you know Bucky is right. You’re tired, running on fumes, and now that you’ve acknowledged it, you feel it.
“I’m so tired, Buck,” you admit as he pulls you close against his chest, arms wrapping around you protectively.
“I know, Doll. I know. You’re allowed to rest. You deserve to rest. You don’t have to do everything for everyone all the time,” he assures.
“How about I tell Fury we won’t be at the press conference? There’ll be enough Avengers there; they won’t miss us. And we can watch a movie and order a pizza.”
You nod.
“Yeah, ok. That sounds nice.”
So, you do just that. Bucky cancels your appointments and orders food. He takes you back to your room, lets you shower, gets some warm pajamas for you to change into, queues up the movie, and finally cuddles up next to you on your bed. The two of you just sit together, enjoying each other’s company, making comments about the movie and sharing anecdotes with one another for as long as you feel like. Finally, towards the end of the movie, you feel your eyelids begin to get heavy.
“Bucky?” You call tiredly.
Bucky hums in response, letting his fingers play gently with your hair.
“Thank you.”
419 notes · View notes
frozcnlight · 2 months
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@diverse-hearts-ocs asked: “No, I don’t think any of my bones are broken, or anything like that. Just bad bruises.” - Garth
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An audible sigh of relief could be heard from the female. Without much of a thought her hands just had roamed over his body, fingers gently brushing over said bruises but they seemed - just as he said - just that. Bruises. “You scared me for a moment there.”, she admitted quietly, finally dinstancing her hand from Garth.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you like this. I…”, she started to mutter, gaze avoiding to linger on him - so she instead looked at the wall of the infirmary, “...I don’t know what got over me.”. It wasn’t truly a lie, just a twist of the truth - not wanting to admit that it was caused by a rush of panic that suddenly arose. How this came to be however was beyond her.
“Are you really alright?”.
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moonchildstyles · 11 months
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rosemary part two: y/n made harry want to try, even if he didn't always believe he deserved the chance
wordcount: 11.5k+
The spring-inspired logo of The Flour Pot gleamed in the Sunday morning sunshine, the front window crystal clear and streak free. With this week's trip being later in the morning after Harry managed to sleep some, the bakery wasn't quite as busy as he'd seen it in the past. He released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding in. 
While many of those initial anxieties he'd felt that first time he dared even stepping onto the sidewalk had melted away like butter in a croissant, there was still a part of him that braced himself when approaching those front doors. The butterflies were an enemy he had control over currently, but they always got bold whenever he was too close to (Y/N). He still kept his hands clenched in his pockets. 
Peering through the glass doors, he saw only a pair of patrons sitting at one of the tables, a set of pastries between them with only one fork to share. Both of the women looked content sharing those bites. Slipping inside, the bakery lacked the kind of noise he'd begun to associate with the space. The queue to the front register was only two people long. 
But, (Y/N) wasn't there.
The same dark-haired girl he'd seen the last time he traveled through was there along with the boy darting through the pastry case, but there was no bouncing bow or arms laden with heaps of bread. There was a part of him that deflated at that. He knew it was a bit later in the morning than his previous visits, but he figured that she'd still be here. He was only a couple of hours late. 
Hands stuffed in his pockets, Harry felt extremely out of place in the shop. Without (Y/N) there, there wasn't much of a reason for him to be there—even if the pastries were delicious. Toeing at the ground, he wanted to inch towards the exit, leave before anyone could really notice, but it wasn't busy enough to make an exit without feeling eyes on him.
Before he had a chance to make any plan, dark brown eyes of the attendant behind the register landed on him. She brightened at the sight, flicking her attention back and forth between him and the customer she was helping at the desk. She recognized him. 
Just as the next client stepped up to order, the other waiting off to the side for their order, Harry saw her ask for a moment. She told the customer that she would be right with him, she just needed to take care of something super quick.
With that, her long ponytail brushing her back, she disappeared through the cafe doors. True to her word, she was back in a moment, a smile shot in Harry's direction. She was right back to helping her client, apologizing for the delay. 
It was a beat later that (Y/N) emerged. 
Her cheeks were stretched into a smile, and eyes bright as she spotted him almost immediately. Her plastic gloves were quickly stripped from her hands as she approached him, her hair lacking a bow in favor of a sparkling clip. 
"Harry!" she beamed, looping around the counter to meet him where he stood in the middle of the shop. 
Harry swallowed down the smile that wanted to take over his features. No one had been excited to see him in years. 
"Hi, (Y/N)." His heart skipped a beat when her smile grew that much larger at his greeting. 
He followed her lead as she stepped off to the side, out of the way of anyone should the line grow and other patrons enter. She stood with her hip popped, discarded gloves bunched between her hands. "Did you just get off work?" 
Shaking his head, he allowed his gaze to take a trip down her form. Flour spotted her top, soft leggings conforming to the shape of her legs and well-worn shoes on her feet. "No, I went home and slept a little before coming in." 
(He slept for a little over an hour, but that was better than nothing). 
"When did you get off?" she asked, shifting her weight on her feet. 
Pulling one of his hands from his pocket, he brushed the tip of his nose with his knuckle. "I usually get off around four or six depending on what time 'm schedule to go in." 
"In the morning?" she blanched, stretching her neck with a furrow in her brow. 
Harry hummed a confirmation. 
"Oh," she sounded, her eyes wide, "I knew you worked late shifts, but I guess I never thought you worked all night. I don't know how you do it; I hate getting up before the sun is up, I don't think I could work like that." 
Shrugging, Harry brought his hand up and repeated the brush against his nose to conceal his mouth. The tiniest of curls touched the corner of his mouth, the closest thing to a smile he'd given to another in a long while. The bubbliest non-morning person he'd ever met, he thought. 
"Y'get used to it."
"Well, I'm happy you could come in today because I have some stuff for you." Her voice was something like a song, lilting around her words as she rocked on her heels. 
Harry wasn't sure if it was his lungs or his heart that squeezed at the sound of that. "Yeah?" 
"Mhmm," she hummed, "Go sit down and I'll go get everything. I'll take my break right now too so we can talk a little." 
Before he could say much else, she was scooting back to the kitchen, her bound back hair being the last thing he saw before the cafe doors closed behind her. From the corner of his eye, he saw the dark-haired cashier glance at him, a short smile on her lips as she continued to wipe down the counters. 
Harry took a spot towards the back, a few places away behind the couple who paid no other patrons any mind. His restless hands did what they do best as he began to pick at his cuticles, the beds still raw from the last time he plucked at the frayed skin.
By the time (Y/N) was strolling out of the kitchen, the waiting patrons had exited, leaving only he and the other couple filling the lobby. The dark-haired girl behind the desk had huddled into the corner shielded by the pastry case, her phone in her hands as she took advantage of the lull in clientele. (Y/N) had a ramekin with a puffy pastry she was carefully holding in one hand while the other had a plain, square Tupperware case. 
She hopped on the high stool in front of him, that table bracing her weight as she carefully shifted with her gifts. With the duo laid out in front of him, a spoon balanced on the top of the Tupperware, she gave him a giddy smile. 
"I know it's closer to lunch than breakfast at this point, but I did make you one of those soufflés I was telling you about." As she spoke, she pushed the ramekin towards him, the lightweight top of the soufflé puffed and golden brown. "I also made focaccia last night, and saved you a square if you wanted to try." 
"Focaccia?" he posed, grabbing the spoon from her outstretched hand. 
"It's a kind of bread," she laughed, the sound light and airy, "You can make it a whole bunch of different ways, but last night I made it with black pepper, basil, and a little bit of parmesan. Have you ever tried it?" 
"Maybe?" he shrugged. (There was a period of time back when his sister was distracted with her boyfriend a lot, that his mother didn't know what to do with herself and decided to try her hand at bread making. He could never and would never tell her, but she wasn't very good, so there was a high chance that he'd tried a version of whatever bread (Y/N) was talking about, just a very bad version that he didn't give more than a nibble to). 
"Try the soufflé first while it's still warm from the oven, and then I'll show you the bread," (Y/N) decided.
While there was something a bit awkward knowing that (Y/N) was going to watch him eat and wait for a reaction to something she made with him in mind, there was no universe in which Harry was going to say no to homemade food. After being accustomed to frozen meals and canned foods, things like this with real flavor were things Harry cherished more than what was probably normal. 
He kept his eyes on his hands as he poked the spoon through the eggy top layer of the treat, strings of cheese clinging to the utensil as he scooped out a bite. A plume of fragrant steam lifted through the air, holding notes of rosemary and thyme with the bite of a salty cheese. Popping it in his mouth, Harry felt that pressure to give her a good reaction disappearing. He wouldn't have to make anything up when he swallowed it down, the praise was going to come naturally. 
The bite was custardy and warm, while being entirely light and airy. Hints of the different cheeses were sprinkled throughout, still warm and melty from the steam that had collected in the middle of the pastry. Ribbons of spinach added a bitter bite that cut through the cheese and egg, adding to the fresh herbs that were sprinkled across the top of (Y/N)'s creation. It was perfect—better than the scone even, but Harry had a feeling that anything he ate of her's, he would decide it was better than the last. 
As much as he wanted to tell her how well she did, he couldn't wait that long to take another bite. Maybe he was a bit frantic, eager to try another shoveled bite, but the only reason Harry figured as much was because of the huffed laugh that (Y/N) let out. He could still feel her eyes on him, though now he only felt the warmth, not the weight. 
"(Y/N)," he started after finally pulling the spoon away from the treat, "This is... I didn't think y'could make anything better than the scone, but this is amazing. Really." He hoped she understood how much he meant what he was saying, even if he held onto his stoic mask. 
The booming smile that took over her features had something close to pride sitting in the back of Harry's chest. He liked knowing that he could put a smile like that on her face, even if there was a valid argument he could make stating he didn't deserve it. 
"I'm so happy you like it!" Her voice bubbled bright and giddy as she spoke. "They're one of my favorite things to make, even if they're a little hard to deal with sometimes. If you ever want one and it's not Friday, just let me know before you come in and I can put one aside for you." 
Having been unable to stop himself from taking another bite, Harry had to rush to swallow it down by the time she stopped speaking. He nodded to her, taking down the eggy, cheesy, salty bite in a heady swallow. "Thank you," he told her again, "That's really nice, (Y/N)." 
He didn't know how, but her bright smile seemed to grow wider as she watched him take another heaping bite. Her cheek was smushed against the palm of her hand she had splayed over the side of her face, her elbow propped onto the table. 
"You don't have to finish it if you don't want, though. I know it's pretty heavy, and we still have the bread I wanted to share with you," she said, though she didn't make any attempt to stop him when he shook his head. 
"I'll finish it," he told her bluntly, a little too invested in the soufflé to care about the huffed laugh she let out at his reaction. A beat passed while she tried to hide how happy she was to see him scarf down her food before Harry began to savor the bites once he made it to the bottom of the cup. "How much do I owe you?" he asked, having almost forgot about the price of the treat. 
A knit pinched her brows together though her eyes remained bright. "What do you mean?" 
"For this." His own expression mimicked hers with his brows drawing together in the middle. 
"Oh," she sounded, the word coming out on a breath, "Don't worry about it. I got it covered." 
That had him pausing on the last couple of bites left of the soufflé. "No. How much do I owe you?" 
Something stubborn had her eyes hardened when she looked at him across the small table. "You're not paying for this, Harry. It was a gift from me, don't worry." 
"'M not taking free food from you, (Y/N). That's not fair after all the work y'did and everything," he argued. 
"You are," she countered, a surprisingly firm edge to her voice, "I don't care. I wanted to do this for you, so I think it's perfectly fair. Now finish it so we can have some of the bread before I have to get back to work." 
She didn't let him get very far before he was cut off, "Harry." 
As much as he knew she was trying to tell him that he would be in trouble with her if he pushed the issue further, he liked seeing her get a little stern. It was cute seeing her go from the chirping, bubbly tone she used almost exclusively to putting her foot down over something so trivial. He thought she looked rather pretty like this. 
He decided, looking at her trying to be stern in her Flour Pot uniform and shimmering nails, that he'd make it up to her somehow, this free breakfast. 
Looking all too smug when he didn't argue back, (Y/N) brightened up when she saw him take the last bite. 
"Thank you again, (Y/N)," he told her, wiping his face with one of the napkins in the holder on the table.
"Of course, Harry," she beamed at him, practically bouncing in her spot, "I'm just happy you liked it. I was getting nervous because I think I talked it up a little, so I didn't want to disappoint you." 
He wanted to tell her that he was almost completely sure that there wasn't any way she could disappoint him. He kept his mouth shut. 
She pushed the Tupperware towards him, the lip of the lid grasped between her fingers. "Do you think you still have room to try?" 
Peeling back the lid, a square of dimpled bread was revealed to him. Basil leaves were pressed into the surface of the bread, crisped and preserved under a layer of crusty cheese. Flakes of black pepper could be seen throughout the dough and sprinkled over the top. The bread perfumed the air with spicy black pepper notes and the warmth of the cheese and basil. A small section of the container was cupped off, holding a creamy dip, tinted a golden yellow. 
"I definitely have some room," he decided, his eyes growing to the size of his stomach with all the food being offered to him.
Fresh bread and a warm breakfast all in one day. She was spoiling him. 
"Is it okay if I have a little with you? I made sure there would be enough for the both of us if you're okay with sharing." 
"'S your food, 'course I don't mind," he told her, his lips turning into a frown. She was sharing with him, not the other way around. 
Harry waited for her to take her first bite, fingers plucking off a corner with a basil leaf imprinted into the top. The bread was light and airy when he took his turn, chewy and soft when he pinched it between his fingers. He watched as she dipped into the condiment she had told him was a garlic aioli. One of her favorites; both to make and eat.
Just as he went to take his first dip into the sauce, (Y/N) had the same idea. Their fingers bumped, (Y/N) pulling back immediately with a soft sound exiting her lips. He hadn't realized he was holding his breath until his lungs began to ache. 
"Sorry," he said first, jerking his chin, "You first." 
(Y/N) hesitated for only a second, her eyes on him before she blinked in a flutter of long lashes. "Thanks," she chirped out, recovering as she dipped her next bite into the aioli. 
When it was Harry's turn, he almost felt bad to be eating so much of her food when it should be celebrated from the rooftops for everyone to see and try. The crust on top was warm and crunchy, salty with the help of the parmesan she had spread across, while the middle was light and chewy. A bite was given to each taste with the help of the black pepper.
In an unsurprising turn of events, Harry wanted to say this was his favorite thing she'd ever made before. 
"This might be my favorite," Harry settled on, waiting his turn before he plucked off another bite, the warm oil drizzled atop the bread shimmering on his fingers. "I know I keep saying it, but this is really amazing (Y/N). It's been a really long time since I've had anything like this, but you're really amazing at this." 
He knew he was rambling, a habit he wasn't familiar with as his tongue fumbled around the words before he had a chance to stop them. He only managed to quit when he shoved another bite of the focaccia into his mouth, the bread all but melting over his tongue. 
Her smile was ever-present as she spoke, "Thank you. I haven't been making bread like this for very long, on my own at home and all. I'm not super great at it yet, but it's been really fun and I think I'm getting better. It's more fun than the baguettes and sourdoughs I make here, I think. I get to make it however I want." 
"You're very talented, (Y/N)." The compliment felt lame falling from his lips but it was the best he could do before he started going off again, possibly telling her how amazing she was once more.
She chirped her gratitude out, all but glowing under his praise. He liked knowing he could make her feel like that, give her the sunshine look that warmed her features. 
The bread between them slowly dwindled to small chunks the longer they sat across from one another. (Y/N) told him more about the bakery and the people she worked with, what she liked making at home and what she preferred to keep at work. She didn't make him talk for more than a few hums here and there, allowing him to soak in her presence and settle into her without worrying about what he could share with her and what would be better to keep to himself. 
The longer they sat, more and more patrons flitted into the shop. It started as a trickle, the groups small enough to be attended to before another would step up. The line didn't reach longer than a pair of people. Until the lunch rush came in. 
(Y/N) cut herself off when a large group made their way in. Her eyes scanned the growing line and the pastry case that was getting picked through with every person that placed their order. 
"I should probably get back to work. I definitely took longer than fifteen minutes with you," she said, looking more than a little reluctant to hop off her stool, "But you can stay as long as you want, eat however much you want." Just as she turned on her heel, a goodbye on her lips and wave on her fingers, he saw her stop in her tracks, turning back to face him. "Thank you for coming in, by the way. My days are always a little nicer when I get to see you." 
Harry's hand clenched around the napkin he had been using to wipe his fingers and clean his face, the paper crumbling in his grip. His throat was dry, tongue too big for his mouth as he took in what she saw. How was he supposed to respond to something like that, when he almost wondered if he knew any words at all? Those butterflies were sabotaging him. 
Even with Harry's lack of response, (Y/N) didn't look perturbed at all. She gave him that glowing smile once more—bright but only for him. "I'll see you later?" 
"Y-Yeah," he stuttered out, a disjointed nod accompanying the word. 
That was all she needed to hear before she was turning back to the kitchen. She waved at him, tossing that smile over her shoulder. "Bye, Harry." 
"Bye, (Y/N)." 
By the time Harry felt as though he needed to leave, he felt relaxed enough he could sleep some of the day away. He doubted a nightmare could enter his brain after a moment like this—the vision of (Y/N) in his brain, scented with soft bread and pastries made with only him in mind. 
It was a habit now for Harry to park in the same spot by the bakery every time he went into town. Even if he had no intention of sneaking inside and getting a glimpse of a fluttering bow and a whiff of rosemary, he always took his place across the street from The Flour Pot. The fresh air and the extra steps were good for him, anyway.
Getting out of his car, library books at his side, he couldn't help but to glance at the building. He cast a lingering look through the glass, eyes scanning through the pane in hopes of seeing a familiar face. It was an old instinct coming to the surface after so long of burying it underneath his hopes of a different life; he used to do the same, checking on his mother and sister to ensure they were safe and none of his mistakes had found them. The same habit was beginning to form for (Y/N). 
Through the window pane, he saw her standing behind the pastry case, her profile to him as she spoke to the dark-haired girl he now knew to be her friend Sabrina. (Y/N) gesticulated as she talked, hands held out with her fingers spread out, emphasizing whatever story she was telling that had Sabrina holding back her laugh behind her own hand. 
Harry had to drop his gaze, stitching his gaze to his feet as he walked to keep the smile from creeping onto his features. 
Heading towards the library, Harry created a rhythm as he counted the cracks in the sidewalk with loose pieces of pavement kicking up with every step. It was on the sixteenth crack that he heard his name being called out behind him. 
He knew that voice. 
The plastic covering on his library book crackled when he tightened his grip on the spine. Looking over his shoulder, there was that smiling face framed by those stray strands of hair that escaped her ribboned bun. She beamed at him where she stood across the intersection from him, the dark pavement separating them. 
"Wait up!" she called, looking both ways before scampering over the painted crosswalk to meet him. She slowed to a stop in front of him, the straps of her bag sliding off her shoulder. "Hi," she chirped out.
"Hi," he answered, his voice sounding decidedly less excitable than her own even if his chest was thumping, 
"How are you?" she asked, "Today's your day off, right?" 
"Yeah," he mumbled out, nodding his head, "I jus' woke up, so 's going alright so far." 
"Long night last night?" she continued, getting comfortable in the conversation even if it was nothing more than small talk. 
Harry recalled the twitch that had started in his eye now that Theo and the others had started trying to chat with him during the overnight shifts since Harry had accidentally opened the floodgates with his questions about (Y/N). "A little bit," he settled on, holding back a sigh, "But 's alright. How about you?" 
Casting her gaze behind her to the bakery she'd just run out of, she only shrugged before looking back at him. "I don't like doing mids so they're always long, but I'm done for the day at least," she smiled at him, glancing at the book at his side, "Are you going to the library?" 
Shifting his weight on his feet, Harry felt a little more exposed than he felt comfortable with. He always felt much more at ease when (Y/N) spoke of herself or he was able center questions around her. 
Swallowing, Harry nodded.
(Y/N) perked up at his answer, almost bouncing in her spot. "I didn't know you went to the library and everything," she started, "I just finished at the bakery for the day, would it be alright if I tagged along?" 
Another invitation, but one that he was to extend to her. 
It felt personal in an odd way to invite her to accompany him, to see him pick out different novels and how he interacted with people that aren't her. The universe around them seemed to only extend to The Flour Pot and the grocery store—the only places where he was allowed to exist around her. 
But, if this was their universe, then she was the center star. She beamed up at him, the kind of sun a creature like him would warm himself under, trailing pathetically behind. How he is supposed to say no to that? 
"Sure," he mumbled out, "A-Are y'sure y'don't want to go home?" If it were him, after a long shift, he wouldn't even entertain the idea of doing anything other than heading home right away. 
"I have too much energy to go home," she bubbled, inching closer to him to match his route to the library, "I had coffee this morning, so I'm all over the place. I'm worried about what I would do to my living room if I go home right now; I'd probably rearrange everything and decide to redecorate with money I don't have." 
Dropping his gaze to his feet, Harry hid the twitch that tugged at the corner of his lips. 
He fell into step beside her, slowing his paces as they trekked down the sidewalk to the library on the corner. She tugged on the strap of her bag, the lengths seemingly constantly falling from her shoulder. 
"When did you get home last night?" (Y/N) asked, her voice floating over the sound of the cracked concrete under their feet.
Harry shrugged, shifting his books into the opposite hand leaving the one closest to her swinging at his side. "I stayed a little late and made it home by four." 
(Y/N) shook her head, fixing the strap of her bag once more. "I'm starting to think you're a vampire, Harry," she chided, "I don't know how you do it. I like to stay up late and everything too, but I only like the nighttime because I have nothing I need to do." 
"You get used to it," he told her. Harry could feel his features softening at her bubbly remarks. 
"Sure," she said, lilting her voice into a tease, "Anyway, what are we looking for at the library today?" 
Bringing his hand up to brush a knuckle under the tip of his nose, Harry felt that exposure again. "Jus' returning these, and probably check out a few more." 
"What are your favorite kinds of books?" (Y/N) bounced in her steps beside him, glancing up at him with that sunshine face. "I didn't know you liked to read so much." 
Just as Harry brought in a heavy breath through his nose, the steps to the library doors were in front of them. The proverbial bell that save him, he decided. Instead of giving her any kind of answers he was able to grab the stainless steel door handle and pull it open. "After you," he murmured to (Y/N).
The laugh that fell from her lips was enough to keep his chest from constricting so tightly. He hadn't even meant to make her laugh, but he'd take it whenever she was willing to give it. 
(Y/N) waited just inside for him, only stepping towards the front desk when Harry was beside her. Ms. Klarke looked at them over the green frames of her glasses, brows rising with her eyes widening for only a moment before she fell back into that same pleasant expression she always greeted Harry with. 
"Hello, Mr. Styles," she started, something in her eyes flashing before she moved onto his companion, "and Ms. (Y/N)." 
"Hi, Ms. Klarke," (Y/N) chirped. 
Harry felt out of place for a moment, listening to them speak to each other with the kind of familiarity he hadn't been invited into for years now. He only offered a small wave to the librarian in greeting, "Hi." 
"How can I help you two today?"
(Y/N) looked to him immediately. Harry's hand started sweating around the plastic covering of his borrowed book. "Jus' here to return these and get something new," he mumbled once he reached the wooden desk. 
"Already?" Ms. Klarke asked, "I'm going to run out of books for you soon, if you keep this up." She swiped his books off the counter, tapping away at her computer before swiping them under the scanner. "Lucky for you, though," she continued, "I did get some new ones I put out yesterday on your shelves if you wanted to look there first." 
"Thank you," Harry said, feeling shy now that he had someone at his side. He hadn't had anyone there to run errands with in years. 
"By the way," (Y/N) piped up, her eyes on the librarian, "We're bringing back some of those special croissants at the bakery, Ms. Klarke. This Sunday we'll have some of the currant ones and the fig sandwich ones, if you want to come by." 
Ms. Klarke's expression brightened like Harry had never seen before, a hand landing on her hip as she looked at (Y/N). "Thank you, dear! That's so exciting, thank you for letting me know." 
"Of course," (Y/N) beamed, offering up extra information to Ms. Klarke while Harry kept his eyes on the grains of the wooden desk. 
He felt like a potted plant, standing in the middle of the interaction. At least this was saving him time before (Y/N) would follow him into the shelves and watch as he picked out new books to try. 
Soon enough, the conversation ended with Ms. Klarke prompting them to look around, (Y/N) looked to Harry to lead the way. 
"Where to first?" Her gaze dropped down the opposing wings of the library, each end marked with flags showing off different genres. 
The shelves were packed with books, some visibly old with cracked spines and barcodes that had been replaced more than once, while others were vibrantly bright with fresh packaging. Spaces were left here and there for new arrivals to make a home, but it seemed like a place like this wouldn't ever run out of space no matter how many volumes were shoved into the empty spaces. 
"This way," he said, shoving his now empty hand into his pocket. 
Harry trailed through the shelves, not even bothering to look up at the markers as he went. He knew where he was going, even if he took slow steps as if contemplating where to go next.
The mystery section was the last one to amble through before reaching Harry's destination. The dark spines with words like murder and cold case. He didn't bother to look too close at the editions. Mystery wasn't a genre he enjoyed anymore, not since many of the subjects became the things he was trying to run from not escape into. 
Bypassing the space, Harry led them to the shelves just an aisle over. The romance section. 
Among the stacks were the stereotypical shirtless covers with overtly sexual titles, the kind of books that would have been on the roster of a women's wine and book club. Interspersed through were the bright covers Harry was more familiar with, blocky titles with drawn covers and bestselling authors. 
He could hear (Y/N)'s footsteps behind him, following him into the section he took his time getting to. The pat of her feet stopped just beside him. 
"You like romance books?" 
Swallowing, Harry feigned an attempt to get a closer look at a book as he crouched down. He didn't want to see her face if she had any other thoughts about his selection. "It's easy to read," he told her, eyeing a volume with gold lettering over a dark blue cover, constellations decorating the binding, "Happy endings and all that." 
"That's why I like them, too," she said after a beat, her voice soft to match the ambiance of the library, "There's always so much going on, it's nice to read something happy and soft instead of focusing on all the bad." 
An invisible pressure that had been pressing on his chest waned at her words. While there wasn't much opportunity to share his preferred book genre with others, Harry hadn't ever wanted to. He always figured it was a little embarrassing to admit to reading kissing books. Of course (Y/N) wouldn't have any kind of problem with it, though. He should have figured. 
The static of her presence shifted as she began her own perusal of the shelves. A beat of silence settled between the two of them, only the whisper of another patron heard down the aisle. 
Swallowing, Harry felt his heartbeat in his chest. "I also like to read fantasy stuff sometimes," he told her, feeling all too nervous to be sharing something so trivial about himself. 
Her response came in the form of a small hum, "Really? What kind do you like?" 
Distracting his restless hands, Harry plucked the blue book from the shelf, the plastic covering crackling under his fingers. "Kind of like Dracula and those kinds of things," he mumbled, pretending as if he didn't feel her eyes on him, "They're hard to read sometimes, jus' because the language is hard to understand, but I think they're pretty interesting." 
"I don't know if I could read any of those monster books, honestly," she said, huffing out a laugh, "I think I would give myself nightmares if I read them after dark, but they do sound really interesting. I want to know if it's still as scary now as it was back then." 
The thought of (Y/N), perky and bright as she was, sitting down with a book like Dracula or one of the other great gothic horrors, had Harry almost breaking into a smile while looking at the book in his hand. He'd be interested to see her reaction to something that dark. 
A process Harry was far too familiar with started then: the seemingly endless browsing of library shelves. Even after picking out the trio of books that would keep him busy for the week, he didn't find any kind of rush to head out immediately after. (Y/N) meandered with him, finding her own interesting reads before restocking them on the shelf. Harry could hear her mumbling something about needing to get a library card. 
"So this is what you do on your days off?" she asked once they reconvened around a shelf of autobiographies. 
Nodding, Harry had his eyes forward as he spoke. "Usually. I visit you, the library, and sleep. Nothing exciting." 
"That sounds so nice, though," she all but melted, "I feel like I'm so busy all the time, even when I'm not at work. I know I'm lucky to be doing a hobby of mine for work, but it does take out some of the fun of baking for myself, you know? And it used to be a kind of stress reliever, but now it just feels like I'm doing my work again." 
"I'm sorry," he told her, brows knitting in the middle at the explanation. He'd never really thought about it like that, if he was being honest. He always figured that if you're doing something you love, you never work—or whatever it was that quote said. "I've never thought about it like that." 
"I didn't either before I started," she shared, "But, it's okay, really. I still enjoy baking and my job is easy because of that, I just don't have the urge to bake in my free time like I used to." 
"As long as you're happy," he murmured. He felt as though it was a secret he was sharing with her between the stacks, that he thought at all about her happiness. 
Her finger paused on the spine of the book she was tracing over, a falter in her route. Looking up at her, he saw the ghost of a smile on her lips. 
"Do you bake or cook or anything like that?" she asked once she seemingly recovered, her attention now placed on the autobiography of an eighties songwriter. 
Taking in a deep breath, he kept himself from drawing his gaze over her profile. His attention was forcefully placed on what looked like a memoir of a philosopher. "Not really. Baking is too scientific for me; all the measuring makes me feel like I'll mess it up," he offered, "And, I don't really cook anymore." 
It was an innocent question. The wording he used was something anyone would pick up on, so he wasn't sure why he felt nervous knowing that she picked up on it. He swallowed, throat bobbing around the building words. 
"Yeah, I don't cook much anymore but when I lived with my—um—my mum we used to cook together a lot." Though it was little more than a sentence, this was the most he'd talked about his past to anyone in over a handful of years. He just hoped she didn't ask about his mom. 
"That's really sweet," she said, looking up from where she was reading the back description of one of her books, "What did you like to cook?" 
Relief touched his chest at the new subject matter. It didn't matter how long it's been since he and his family had to scatter themselves around, it was still hard to speak on them when he never got to process the grief over losing them. This was easier, speaking about her indirectly, even if he could still feel that well of emotion growing heavier in his stomach. 
"We liked to make this soup together a lot; it had rice and chicken sometimes and other little things. I think I was too young to really pay attention to what she was putting in before she had me doing something else. It was that and a lot of grilled cheeses, and Sunday dinners, and just... things she knew I liked." 
Harry felt himself shutting down when he started uncovering more and more memories in the kitchen with his mother. Those moments were what they had left up until things changed, her always having him help even when he was old enough to do more than wash the produce and stir the pot. His defense mechanism of shutting down kicked in, shutting him out of his own memories and own recollection of those days. 
"That's really cute," (Y/N) murmured, looking at him with something in her eyes that looked entirely too soft to be directed at him. Her gaze lingered before it dropped back to the book in her hands. "I've always been okay at cooking, but before I started at the bakery, I used to make cupcakes all the time." 
Cupcakes. That was much easier to focus on. He almost wanted to thank her for changing the subject. 
"Mhm," she hummed, sliding the book back into place on the shelf, "I used to try all kinds of weird flavors with different frostings and little designs in all different colors. It was so fun, but now the idea of doing something like that after I get home from work makes my hands hurt before I've even started." 
A furrow pinched at Harry's brows. That same instinct he had that urged him to check on her earlier piped up once again. "Do your hands hurt a lot from work?" 
"Sometimes," she shrugged, facing him with the tendrils of her bow fluttering behind her, "If I'm working on the bread case that day, then yeah. All of the yeast stuff that needs me to really work with it and everything, that hurts my hands the worst, but it usually depends on the prep." 
It was the way her face dropped when she said the word prep and how quickly she pulled out her phone afterwards that had that concerned instinct flaring once more. Even as she tapped away at whatever it was that lived in her phone, her attention stitched elsewhere, he still squared his shoulders as if to show her he could help. "What's wrong?" 
"I almost completely forgot I have to go in for an overnight this weekend. Sabrina was supposed to, but she has a concert that night she doesn't want to miss," she sighed, finishing whatever it was that was on her screen before putting her phone back into her bag, "It's basically just a prep shift while we're closed so the opener is ready to put things in the oven. I haven't done one in so long; I don't want to." 
"You can't get out of it?" Harry pressed, feeling worried over how much she didn't want to do it. 
Was there more he needed to be concerned about? Was she hiding from something? Was someone making her do this? How was he supposed to help her if she didn't tell him what was going on?
"It's honestly not that bad, I'm just being dramatic," she smiled at him, relaxing some under the intensity of his gaze, "These are the kinds of shifts that hurt my hands the most, but it's nice going on when everything is closed. I don't have to be in uniform, and I can just listen to music and be by myself for a little while." 
By myself. That pinged in Harry's head a little too loudly. He understood what she was getting at—the kind of solitude that had him gravitating towards his own overnight shift—, but that didn't ease him into the idea of her being alone overnight in the bakery. 
"I'll be like you that day," she told him, kicking her toe lightly against his own Vans, "A vampire getting up before the sun is up, and everything." 
He wanted to lighten up, especially at the small touch she offered him without reason, but he still was working overtime in his head. "You'll be alone? No one else is coming in with you?" 
"Yeah, but it's not so bad," she said, inching out the aisle with Harry following her lead, "I'll see one of the other girls when I come in after we close, but after that it's just me." He was sure she could tell he wasn't completely eased at the new centimeter of information. "I promise it's not as bad as I was acting. I don't even think I'll need to drive that day, so I won't need to worry about parking or anything either." 
Though Harry knew she was trying to reference back to when she told him that she wasn't very good at parking and always made herself nervous when she had to pick a spot in the overflow lot by the bakery, he was focusing too much on the fact she wasn't planning on driving at all. 
"What do y'mean?" 
"I think I'm going to walk to work that day since it'll be so quiet, anyway. It'll help me relax a little afterwards, I think." 
Harry almost stopped in his tracks. She planned on walking to her overnight shift. The shift that exclusively deals in dark nights and little to no light? The one that encourages those that feel too comfortable in the dark to come out and mess with someone like her? The spines of his chosen books crackled at his tightening grip. 
"You're going to walk?" 
"I live in a townhouse a few blocks over, so it's not a long walk or anything. I would do it more often, I just hate usually have things to do afterwards that I need to drive for." 
"What time do y'get off?" The question rolled off his tongue before he had even decided he was going to ask as much. He hoped he wasn't coming off as creepy as he sounded. 
"I think I'm scheduled until two, but I usually stay a little longer just to make sure everything is resting well before I leave." The information was offered to him with no fight. Another red flag to Harry's too cautious brain. Worst case scenarios began to brew in his brain with villains who made sure to exploit her trusting nature. 
He brushed a knuckle against the tip of his nose, taking in a deep breath. "If you're willing to wait a little until I get off, I can walk y'home." 
It was (Y/N)'s turn for her steps to falling in the meandering trail they were curating through the stacks. She looked at him with an incredulous look on her face, brows raised and eyes wide. "Really?" 
A determined set had his features in hard lines. A furrow scrunched Harry's brows, mouth set into a hard line with a jaw to match, gaze stitched to her own. He didn't waver even when he faltered over his words. "I...I don't like the idea of y'walking alone in the dark." 
The incredulous mold of her features melted away to something much more shy and flustered. A small smile curled her lips, her eyes softening as she looked up at him through a flutter of lashes. She was the closest thing to the human embodiment of the butterflies that made their home in Harry's stomach. 
"You don't mind after working all night?" 
Her smile grew some at his simple answer. "I think I'd like that, then. Thank you, Harry." 
Harry only dropped her gaze to keep her from spotting the small curl of his lips over the sound of her voice wrapping around his name like silk. 
Harry had his eyes glued to the clock stationed above the computer in the stock room. The second the hands thunked into position, detailing out three o'clock, he was punching out. Not a minute later. He wasn't going to be late with someone waiting on him.
He promised (Y/N)'d he'd be there to walk her home, and he wasn't going to be a second late. 
It was barely 3:02 a.m. when he stepped out into the rain-soaked parking lot, scaling the length to his car. All night had felt like a countdown, Harry near constantly checking the time on his phone to ensure he would finish with his boxes in time to clock out right away when the time struck. Other than a wave over his shoulders, he didn't waste time playing into the chatty goodbyes of his coworkers. (Even on regular nights, he didn't understand how they could be so eager to socialize at three in the morning after a full shift). 
After pulling out of the parking lot, the drive to her bakery felt like five minutes with the way he was driving. He especially didn't want her to wait long enough for (Y/N) to get any wild ideas about waiting outside the front doors for him. But, as he pulled up to the building, The Flour Pot sign darkened, there was no one there. 
Peering through the windows after he picked his usual parking space across the street, he saw only a tiny light. Knowing what he knew of the layout, it looked as if it could be one the light to the kitchen or a back office, but the shine could easily be mistaken for a glare from oncoming traffic. 
That was where (Y/N) was. Safe inside. 
The drumming in his chest settled at the knowledge. He hadn't realized he had given so much weight to the scenario where he would pull up to her already walking home without him, some faceless entity trailing her, opening its maw to reveal sharpened fangs before swallowing her whole. (He'd been thinking about checking out Dracula again since their conversation in the library, but after this he figured his imagination was a little too active for something like that). 
Now it was his turn to wait. She had warned him that she would be later than her scheduled time of two o'clock, and he had no qualms about waiting it out for her. He was a patient person, a virtue Harry and learned in his old life, but this was one of the first times he felt content to wait for someone. As long as she didn't leave without him. 
Harry settled into his seat, soft music filtering through the speakers. 
Almost an hour later, from the corner of his eye, Harry saw movement from inside the bakery. The light in the back had been flicked off moments before he saw a comfy dressed figure slipping out of the front door.
(Y/N) had her hair pulled back, a loose shirt on with soft leggings and her ever-present Vans on her feet. Her bag was slung over her shoulder, hands full of her keys and her phone. She took her time locking the front doors.
Through that hour of waiting, fatigue had settled in Harry's bones, making his movements much more lethargic than normal as he readied to meet her on the sidewalk. Until he saw her pull out a pair of headphones from her bag, slipping the buds into her ears before turning in the opposite direction of the shop. 
Though he didn't want to scare her, Harry had to quicken his pace and catch up with her as soon as he could. She didn't seem to hear the thud of his feet over the pavement and splashing through rain puddles until he was close enough to call her name. (Any kind of creature could have snuck up on her with her being so distracted like that. The thought sent a frigid chill down Harry's spine). 
At the call of her name, Harry's hand inches away from grazing her arm, (Y/N) spun around, hand to her neck with a squeaking scream clogging her throat. Realization came a moment later, her widened eyes and startled stature melting away when she took him in. 
"Jeez, Harry, you scared me," she breathed out. 
"Sorry," he told her, hand dropping back to her side, "I didn't want y'to leave without me."
"That's right, oh my god," she bubbled off, replacing her headphones back into the pod carrier, "I almost completely forgot you're walking with me. I'm sorry, tonight's been a really long night."
"'S okay," he said, stepping that much closer to her over the cracked concrete. "At least y'didn't get too far before I caught you." 
"Yeah," she smiled at him, nudging her shoulder to keep the straps of her bag up, "Thank you again. Even though I almost forgot, it means a lot." 
Harry only nodded his head, that odd feeling of a smile twitching at the corner of his mouth returning at her words. It wasn't something he'd experienced in a long while, but (Y/N) seemed to be the only one that could pull it from him. 
Falling into step beside her as they started on the couple block walk to her home, he saw as she flexed her fingers as her sides, her phone being discarded to float in her bag instead of in her grasp. "Are your hands okay?" 
Flexing her hands out in front of her, (Y/N)'s joints were visibly stiff with spots of flour decorating the hem of her sleeves. "Yeah, they're not too bad, actually. I've definitely had worse." She ran the pad of her thumb over the meaty part of the other. "I'm really only sore right here, but I'll be fine." 
Her voice was like a melody over the sounds of the night. Rain showers had cleansed the town earlier in the night, leaving their footsteps to be complimented by the stick of raindrops clinging to the rubber soles of their shoes. Leaves rustled around them as drops slid down the surface, arcing down every leaf until joining a puddle created on the concrete around them. Everything smelled wet and fresh; clear. (Y/N)'s refreshing presence fit in perfectly. 
"'M happy you're alright," he said, his own hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans. Peering at her at his side, he saw her looking to the sky. He slowed his steps to not leave her behind. "Am I allowed to know what y'made today?" 
"Of course," she laughed, looking at him with the same kind of wonder she was giving to the starry sky, "I prepped a lot of shortbread tonight, so Sabrina can make them into tulips later, and even more croissants. I did a few other little things for the bread case but I think the croissants got me the worst today." 
"Yeah? Why do you think that?" 
"It's all the layers," she started, leading him in taking a left out of the main town, "It's a lot of rolling it out and making sure I get it all done before the butter starts melting in between. I've gotten a lot better at the timing since I've started, but it's still a lot to work on all at once." 
"I didn't know that. 'M sorry." He now suddenly felt bad for enjoying any of her treats. He didn't like the idea of her hurting just for a sweet to start his morning. 
"Don't be sorry, it's okay. Someone has to do it," she chirped out, mimicking the birds that were beginning to wake up around them, "How was your night, though? Did you just get off?" 
Harry shrugged. He didn't really feel like telling her he'd been waiting for over an hour outside the bakery for her. "I got off a little earlier, but yeah. It was an easy night, jus' boring. Longer than I thought it would be." 
Her bag bounced against her hip as they walked, her eyes like the starlight when she looked at him. "Unpack anything fun?" 
Dropping his head, he brushed his knuckle against the tip of his nose to conceal the small twitch on the corner of his mouth. He knew what she was getting at. "I mean, I did unpack some cookies tonight." 
(Y/N) had them cross the street before turning into a suburban area, full of small houses. It was like a gingerbread house community Harry thought, everything similar but distinctly different with the way every inhabitant decorated the outside. 
"What kind of cookies?" 
He had to look the other way this time to keep her from seeing that smile. He didn't know why, but he wasn't sure if he wanted her to see him like that; as if she would call him out, like even she would know he wasn't supposed to be happy like that. 
With a shrug and his composure in place, Harry told her with a flat tease, "This raspberry kind with white chocolate, I think? And one of the other guys unpacked some fancy cheeses, too. At least I heard anyway." 
She was silent beside him for a moment. "I can't tell if you're making fun of me, or if you really forgot that those are two of my favorite things right now." 
"Are they?" 
That had a peal of laughter falling from (Y/N)'s lips. She drifted close enough then to bump his hip with her own, looking up at him with faux offense. "You think you're so funny, don't you?" 
Looking at his feet, the puddles he disrupted with his steps and the clinging wetness that filled the cracks in the pavement. Peering at her from the corner of his eye, he spotted her still looking at him, a smile crumbling her facade. 
"A little." 
(Y/N) only laughed and shook her head, bumping his hip once more. She mumbled something under her breath about how of course he did. 
Straying from her path, (Y/N) bumped Harry's hip once more, her bag pressing into his side. His steps never faltered, eyes forward and a twitch in his lips. He forgot what it was like to be teased and have fun with someone. 
The silence that fell between them was filled with the clear, dewy slick of the rain under their feet. The gingerbread neighbourhood he'd seen down the street was now around them in their cookie cutter shapes and frosting decor. Short white picket fences outlined the perimeters of the small front yards, the houses stacked side by side behind. 
(Y/N) stopped in front of a row of three units. A set of pastel colored curtains in the window of the one bookending the building gave away exactly who lived there. A dull cream paint was brushed over the panels with a muted blue trim and front door. It was a complete replica of every other townhouse on the block. 
The personal touches came in the form of a sunshine yellow bird house hung on her small porch, leaves and twigs poking out of the front hole. A welcome mat was placed in front of her door, the pattern one of daisies and strawberries though the colors had now been muddied and dull from every time a pair of feet wiped themselves off on the fibers. Around the side was a window with a flowerbed hung underneath. Instead of blooms and bright petals, Harry spotted brown leaves and wilted stems. She tried her best to keep those plants alive, he was sure. 
"This is mine," she said, looking up at him with starry eyes. For the first time since he picked her up, he saw those lines of fatigue around her irises, exhaustion tugging at her features. 
"I'll see you soon, then?" he asked. He didn't mean to sound so abrupt, but he wanted her to get some rest. As much as a part of him wanted her to linger outside with him, to spend some of these usually lonely hours with him, it wasn't fair to keep her from sleeping. She wasn't like him. 
Nonetheless, a soft smile touched her chapped lips. "Definitely." 
Despite the pause that would allow her to head inside and end her night, (Y/N) lingered for a beat longer. Reaching a hand up to press those stray baby hairs out of her eyes, she looked at him through the fan of her lashes. 
He swallowed. "Hm?" 
She looked sheepish in that moment, struggling to meet his eyes with a shy smile on her lips. "You can tell me if this is too much, but I was wondering if I could have your number, maybe?" 
Harry's voice stuck in his throat when he processed what she said. His hand clenched in his pocket, his phone suddenly heavy in his back pocket. 
A nervous hand pushed back hair that wasn't in her face when the silence stretched on a little too long for comfort. "I don't know, I'm sorry, I just think it might be nice to know when I'll see you again, instead of just waiting? And, I'm really bad at remembering to tell you about the things I see that make me think of you or things I think you'd like and all, so it would be cool to tell you before I forget." 
Standing there in the clean air after rainfall, a dew touching his skin with birds beginning to sing around him, Harry felt frozen. His heartbeat didn't quicken, his blood didn't rush, his hands didn't shake. He had been plunged into ice, stopping him in his spot with a breath of air stuck in his lungs. 
(Y/N) wasn't supposed to ask him that. She wasn't supposed to want to see him, to find things in the world that made her think of him—she wasn't supposed to think of him at all, really. How did he get here? 
How had he tricked her into seeing anything more than a standoffish man who didn't need anyone but himself? Even with these stolen moments together, he couldn't imagine he would enter her mind in the same way she had been able to do to him. 
A shuttering blink had Harry's eyes clearing by the time he opened them to find her still standing there. In a millisecond, words tumbled out of his throat, his hand fumbling for his back pocket. "Y-Yeah, of course." 
In clumsy fingers, he held his phone out towards her. The device had a hairline crack along the side of the screen, a case that had seen more wear-and-tear he figured most people would allow, and a generic Lock Screen. He didn't bother opening it up and taking her to the needed app. There was no security to get through on there, nothing for him to hide in his squeaky-clean existence. 
"Thank you," she said, looking up at him with a shy smile on her lips. She was bashful under his gaze, gingerly taking his phone and swiping through the screens and tapping on what she needed, a short tremor touching at her fingers. "Is it okay if I text myself from your phone so I have your number too?" 
Swallowing, Harry nodded his head, stuffing his hands back into his pockets before he had a chance to pluck at his cuticles again. "Maybe—um—y'can let me know the next time y'have a shift like this, and I can walk y'home again. Maybe." 
A breathy laugh fell from her lips at his stumbling words, her gaze flicking from the phone to him. "Definitely, I'll let you know. I don't get scheduled for these often anymore, but you'll be the first to know if that changes." 
Harry couldn't remember the last time his body reacted this way—the frozen limbs, the waking heart, the stunted lungs. Definitely never under such sweet circumstances, he knew that. 
Though he felt like he could have been standing there long enough to see the sunrise then set again, it only took a moment for the text she sent to herself to go through. She took her own phone out then, surely looking at the text and saying Harry's number for herself. There was something especially bright in her gaze when she looked up at him to return his own device, her phone being wrung between both of her hands.
"I'll see you again soon, then?" she asked, toeing at the ground. She didn't attempt to fix the sliding strap of her bag. 
"Yeah," he sounded in the quiet of the slow morning, a nod of his head. 
He expected her to then spin on her heel and head inside, a goodbye said over her shoulder before he would trace his path back alone. Instead, (Y/N) lingered, her hands growing busier on her phone, playing with the corners of her phone case. That nervous pinch in her brows returned. 
"C-Can I hug you?" she asked, voice almost as small as the dew drops on the grass of her yard, "It's okay if you're not a hugger or anything, though, I just thought I'd ask 'cause..." 
She trailed off before any real explanation could be given, a sheepish shrug in its place. 
If he thought he had been plunged into ice water before, Harry swore he was frozen under the throes of an avalanche now. 
"No—um—y'can. 'M okay with it." His voice felt thick in his throat, smearing over his tongue before falling out for her to taste too. 
(Y/N) brightened like he had given her something sweet, a treat she couldn't have made herself. 
Harry couldn't remember the lead up or any of the details before she had folded her arms around him. She had reached up, looping her arms around his neck while Harry's settled around her middle. His hands spanned the planes of her back, ducking down with his nose touching the crown of her head, ruffled strands of hair tickling him. 
From the outside, there was nothing special. She didn't squeeze him particularly hard or press her whole body to his, she didn't spill any secrets into the column of his neck. But, this had to be one of the most profound moments in Harry's recent life. 
The last time someone hugged him, he had to have been a teenager. He'd forgotten what it felt like to feel that kind of gentle touch. 
She didn't linger for too long, drawing away after she had cradled him for long enough. The absence of her form left a ghost of heat on Harry's body. He almost wanted to clutch at it like it was really her. He'd settle for the warmth of her gaze. 
"Thank you for walking me home and everything, Harry." Her smile grew as she spoke. "It made my night." 
He could have crumbled then. Whatever was happening to his body and his brain, he wasn't sure. It felt good, though. 
"Goodnight, (Y/N)," he murmured as she took her slow steps back to her front door. His hand tightly clutched his phone in his pocket. "I-I'll text y'when I get home?" 
It was like the sunrise occurred right in front of him the way she perked up. "Yes, please! I might be asleep, but I want to make sure you made it home okay." That bubbly smile was tacked onto her lips as she absently fiddled with the doorknob. "Goodnight." 
Harry stayed on the concrete until she was safely inside, a wave being thrown over her shoulder to him before the door was sealed shut behind her. It was then when he was alone that he allowed a smile to break out over his features. 
Though only the ground under his feet saw it, the smile was for (Y/N), only.
His phone was warm in his palm when he pulled it out, something he was willing to convince himself was still from (Y/N). Sliding open the lock screen, the message thread she had started was still up. 
Up top, her name was punctuated with a lotus flower and a croissant. The one message she sent to herself was a heart emoji. Though he hadn't been the one to press send, seeing the text in the blue bubble on his side the screen, made his heart tick. It was easy to pretend he was the one that sent it in the first place. 
The whole walk back to his care he couldn't wipe the smile from his face.
hyssop represents purification and hope; letting go of the past and allowing a better future
eepppp! super excited to show you some different parts of rosemary h! patreon is now a little more than halfway through the story now, so if you cant wait you can def sign up there and get to know more of their story! thank you soooooo much for reading and following along! so sorry if theres any mistakes but please let me know if you have any fun ideas or requests or predictions!
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zombiewhor3 · 1 year
carl grimes x fem reader
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WARNINGS: mentions of character death (Abraham & Glenn), mentions of gore, traumatic events, mentions of amputation, begging, mentions of pregnancy (Maggie's), Negan, unedited work.
A/N: sorry for the long break, i've been so busy with a lot of things but i have a few scrap drafts i might put together and post so i'll try my best to update my queue this week.
a long night of violence is how she could describe it, a long night of tears pouring down everyone's faces as they watched a cruel man bash in two of their friends heads without even such an ounce of mercy for their poor souls in his mind.
the night felt like the eternity but as the sun had risen and the night faded it was still like a fever dream, like this wasn't all real and she was going to have to wake up soon from this nightmare.
except this was all real, Abraham and Glenn's dead bodies with their heads smashed in that was real, all of the blood splattered on y/n's face from the slinging of Negan's bat that was real.
she watched as Rick was tossed back out onto the gravel, his hands reaching to stop himself as he followed the man's forceful orders to get on all fours while he kneeled down to him.
"i'm giving you a choice Rick and this is your grand prize, what you do next will decide whether it becomes just those twos bad day or the rest of these lovely men and women sitting in front of us"
he gestured with his hands for his men to point guns at the back of their heads and y/n could feel the barrel pressed against the back of her head making her swallow harshly.
her knees started to ache from the rocks that pressed against them, the blood of a father figure had dried on her face and she could almost feel like it had been sinking into the pores of her skin.
she felt gross to have the blood on her, she felt sick each time she even looked at the dead man who was next to her, she felt sick knowing his pregnant wife was a sobbing wreck just a few feet away.
and Carl had hated to see her cry with each strike from Negan's bat that pounded into Glenn's head like he wasn't a person but yet just a piece of meat Negan used as his beating ground.
she watched as Negan had approached Carl making her heart sink as he rested his bat against his shoulder and she watched as some of the blood smeared out onto his leather.
he held out a hand to Carl who cocked his head hesitantly as he tried to ignore the gesture but Negan smiled and cleared his throat before speaking up "take my hand kid" he spoke bitterly watching as the teen finally gave in and took the man's hand.
he was stood up and Negan had waved his arm out to the side to where the boy's father rested on the ground, blood on his face, eye bags and his eyes red as his eye were still looking like they had been watering again, like they were on the brim of tears.
he pointed at the spot empty next to his father as Carl took a few steps watching as Negan stood in front of him taking a quite consideration to the gauze over his missing eye.
"you a south paw?" he asked watching as Carl looked clearly confused by a phrase he never heard before and it made Negan re-phrase his question to him, "you a lefty?" he watched as Carl shook his head while Negan pulled out a belt and un-raveled it.
he tied a belt against the boy's arm, "that hurt?" Negan remarked watching as the boy in the hat snapped back a quick 'no' before looking down at the leather tightened on his arm.
"on the ground next to Daddy and don't forget to spread your wings boy" Negan spoke as he watched Carl lay flat on the ground, his head turning in the direction to where he could see y/n and his father.
he could see the terror on his girlfriends face, the fear stuck in her eyes as her palms were flat and sinking into the same gravel the soft flesh of his cheek had now been resting against.
he could hear the crunching of Negan's boots against the rocks, and it stopped once he could see him crouch next to him thanking Simon for the pen that was given to him,
he himself was scared of what he had planned for him, what Negan had planned to do to Carl especially in front of his father and his girlfriend who had more tears pouring down her face.
he marked Carl's arm and apologized in such an sarcastic way that Carl had never even heard a human being sound so derisive in that way, even in the apocalypse.
he could hear his father start to beg as his girlfriend looked down at the ground using the back of her hand to cover up her sniffles, to cover up the rapid breathing spilling out from her.
he could see the harsh way her body rattled as she tried to manage to stay quiet in the fear that someone else would die, in fear that maybe it'd be her or even Carl that'd be next.
the word please was pouring like a continuous river in his head, the word his father kept repeating over and over as he begged Negan to show his son some mercy, to show he himself some mercy.
"don't beg me because i ain't the one doing shit" Negan spoke roughly patting Rick against the back before he gave his next order at the quite obvious traumatized man who was on all fours before him.
"Rick pick up your ax," he paused licking his chapped lips clean before continuing what he wanted Rick to do, "and cut off your son's left arm, now i know you're gonna have to process that for a second and believe me that makes sense so i'll give you a minute"
a loud gasp of air had erupted from y/n's mouth as she closed her eyes at the feeling of the barrel pressing even harder against the back of her head making her lip shake and her eyes flood.
he stood up and rubbed his hands on the denim of his pants watching as Rick's expression turn into now an even stronger pleading one, like it was just the ocean color of his eyes and the quiver of his lip giving off all the true emotion even more than his words that were spilled in such a babble of emotion.
"i am still gonna need you to do it though or all these people are going to die, then Carl dies, then the people back at your home die, and i'm gonna keep you living for a few years just so you can think about the decision you make right now"
Negan looked around at the men and women all lined up, and yet one had the courage to speak up, y/n to be exact only had the courage to speak up because it was her boyfriends life on the line.
"you d-don't have to do t-this, We understand! please we u-understand!" she looked down at her boyfriend who almost had a few tears slipping of his own as he looked at her,
as he looked at the shaking and sobbing mess this man had turned her into, he watched the sorrow tearing through her like a walker who was hungry for flesh.
he seemed to like the fear that ran though all of them, he liked the idea of watching them all tremble while they payed the price of wiping out one of his out posts because something about the pity and the terror gave him power, it gave him control.
"I'm not so sure Rick does. So i'm gonna need a clean cut right there on that line i drew out for you! now believe me this is a screwed up thing to ask, trust me i know but it's gonna have to be clean nothing messy so our doctors can fold something over."
he watched Rick tremble as he kneeled and continued to spew out his words, "we have great doctors the kid'll be fine, probably. and Rick we're in a time frame so this needs to happen now or i will crush this fella's head in myself"
"please i can take his place" Rick begged over and over as his throat felt sore and his mouth dry while his eyes ached and his head started to pound at the idea of hurting his son.
"please Negan please" Rick begged again watching as the man ran over some stubble of his beard and shook his head with a 'no' to answer Rick's pleas for it to be him instead.
"this is the only way, not making this decision is a big decision. Do you want to see everyone in front of you die? because if you don't pick up that ax you will, and you will see everything"
Rick cleared his throat as his hands remained planted in the rocks still in a pity of confusion from the whole situation, and now Negan had started to count loudly and once he got to one Rick had his ax raised while Carl was yelling at him to go through with it.
Y/n sobbed into her hands as she could hear her boyfriend cry out for his own father to cut off his arm, and when she could hear the soft chuckle of Negan and the soft gasping of Rick and not even a subtle yell or scream from Carl but yet she still buried her face.
Negan had taken the ax away from Rick's raised arm and he reached up a hand to pull Carl up from the ground, "you answer to me, you provide for me, you belong to me" and Rick nodded his head and agreed to the fact that he had now belonged to Negan and his men.
"see that look is the look i wanted to see! and man we did it, even those dead guys with the smashed in brains get a participation award for sure" he sighed as he tossed his bat over his shoulder.
"i hope for everyone's sake you understand how things work around here, things change and right about now they've changed whatever you had going for you is over, now i'll be back in a week Rick so use the truck i'll leave to gather my shit or someone else dies."
"I can't look, I can't, Carl please"
she mumbled feeling as someone in front of her had tugged on her hands softly, but she still held them against her face in fear she would see other blood being shed that she didn't want to see.
"look at me y/n, look at me"
he spoke finally being able to pull her hands away from her face once she realized that it was Carl and he had both of his arms, he furrowed his brows softly watching as she quivered and couldn't keep her eyes away from the line that he had drawn out onto his arm.
once he and his men had left y/n tried to stand but she could only drop back on her knees as she looked over at the dead man on the ground next to her, she gasped as her knees felt weak.
and it was Carl who lifted her up, it was Carl's arms that wrapped around her while he gave her the comfort of burying her face into the soft fabric of his flannel to shield herself from the damage and the violence that had been done to her friend.
she sobbed so hard that she could feel it shake both of their bodies, Carl stroked over her hair and watched as she shook under his grasp, she shook so hard her body started to wobble.
she couldn't speak because every time she tried to get a word out it was just a rush of tears, a rush of gasps for air, a rush of mutters that weren't even comprehensible to him or her.
her vision seemed blurry and her head was pounding so hard and her heart beat so fast she felt like she was dying, she felt like the world had been slipping away from her finger tips.
the only word that had been able to be heard was a loud gasp of 'no' as she looked at the line still on his arm, the line where Negan wanted Rick to chop off his arm, the line that now told trembling stories.
she squeezed her hand on it so tight that even the belt hadn't cut off that much circulation to his arm, she clung to his shirt as she could hear the sound of someone's shoes crunching against the gravel.
she could hear Maggie's cries and Rick who whispered something to his son who held out onto the shaking y/n, Sasha and Rosita frozen in such a terror and disbelief, Eugene still crying softly, Aaron and Michonne who were sitting in such a pity of silence.
and the two bodies around them.
y/n had slipped to her knees and Carl had let her, he let her bury her face into the ground and he rubbed her back as he tried to stop her from hyper ventilating at the shock around her but it was no use because it felt a ton of bricks were pressing against her chest.
She could feel a second hand on her back and she could tell it was Rick's by the wedding ring that she could feel through the cotton t-shirt she had been wearing,
"oh god, t-that c-could've been y-you" she sputtered out as she still felt like she could feel the specks of blood hitting her cheek with each and every strike from Negan's bat smashing into the pour mans head.
her body ached and it felt like her lungs had now finally collapsed in from the harsh beating her heart had pushed off, her bones ached from all the shaking and her cheeks were sore from the amount of tears that had been poured down them.
"i'm right here y/n, i'm right here" he had dropped to his knees and placed his hat down on the ground, he let his knees sink into the same rocks where the bodies laid.
where Maggie's tears had poured and where they knew the rest of the lives had just changed forever because they got the shit end of a deal they should've never even taken.
"Maggie" she managed to gasp out as she could feel her limp body being lifted up by not just Carl but his father, they had lifted her up so she could be taken to Maggie.
the widow's lungs gasped for air as she looked down at the ground, her knees ached and she felt sick even sicker than before, she could feel the teen reach out and place a soft but shaking hand a top of hers and to which she had finally spoken out.
"you need to go, you need to get everyone out of here Rick" Maggie spoke still sounding so brave, like she was keeping it all together when in reality she was spiraling in her mind.
spiraling at the fact her father, her sister and now her husband the father of her child had been killed in front of her, after they had begged and after they had tried their best to bargain.
"he's our family to, we'll do this together" Rick spoke watching as Maggie sniffled and the still distraught teen next to her had nodded along with the idea as her eyes filled with seeping tears.
"he's right we'll do it t-together because we're all family"
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theorphicangel · 5 months
“𝐚 𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.”
[ 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐨’𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ]
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tags: strangers to lovers, roommate au!, best friends brother, fluff, mutual pining, smut, 18+
synopsis: In a desperate search of a new roommate, you have little to no choice but to accept your best friend's / best barista in the world's offer of letting his older brother rent out the room, who just so happens to be conventionally attractive.
You swear nothing will happen between the two of you but one thing eventually leads to another and you find yourself in his bed, leading to an unofficial roommates with benefits situation.
You know deep down it's wrong and you're worried when you start catching feelings...but it's okay because it's only temporary, right?
séries | previous chapter | next chapter
chapter two: two turtle doves (that awkwardly get along)
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You were right about not expecting to receive a reply from Gabriel.
You had actually tried to call him a few times, yet it ended up going to voicemail. Your best bet would be that he actually turns up for work today.
On returning back to your apartment last night, you had tried the best you could to remind yourself that you were living in an empty space again. Remembering to not make a meal for two, remembering to switch off the lights, remembering not to turn your head searching for someone to listen to the random thought that had just popped up in your head. It was hard. You couldn’t lie about that.
But with it especially being the holiday season, you can’t help but feel the prickles of loneliness brush up at your skin as you skim through the shows and movies to watch, with all the recommended Christmas romance movies popping up on the home page. Being petty, you turned off the tv and decided to give yourself an early night.
In an attempt to distract yourself, you’ve decided to decorate your apartment this upcoming weekend for Christmas. Due to MJ’s moving you would’ve had it done all up last week, but instead you were focused on helping her pack during her last few days at the apartment.
Checking the time, it’s currently 8:15am and you’re on your way to O’Hara’s. As you stroll down the busy streets of New York city, you can’t help but cross your fingers and pray to the gods above that Gabriel is in for his shift today. You don’t think you could really stand another cup of terrible coffee, no matter how compassionate you’re feeling.
Stepping into O’hara’s, the familiar ding of the bell above the door announces your arrival. Once again, it’s a small queue and you can’t help but notice the familiar cheery tone of the barista which most certainly contrasts the rough, bored voice which you had heard yesterday.
A wave of relief fills your body as you move to the front of the queue, a smile spreading across your lips.
“Buenos días.” Gabriel greets with a smile, “Did ya’ miss me yesterday?”
“Pftttttt of course not.” you murmur. “It’s not like I’d much rather the new barista yesterday who had made the world’s worst cup of coffee word to man– I don’t even know if I can call that a coffee.” you grunt, pulling a disgusted face.
Gabriel lets out a loud laugh as he taps in your regular into the till without even asking you. “You must be talking about my brother, Miguel, m’sorry about that, he was called in as an emergency. We’re low on staff.”
Your face drops at Gabriel’s words. “Your brother?! Oh shit m’sorry—”
Gabriel waves his hand at you, stopping you mid sentence. “Don’t be, we all know he’s shit. Mama couldn’t find a replacement at the last minute so she was desperate.”
“And it was an emergency?” you repeat, crossing your arms as you look him up and down.
“It’s not my fault that I got forcefully dragged to a bar against my own free will!” He exclaims. “It was bottomless Wednesday!”
You hum in response not really believing him. “So that was really your brother then?” Grabiel nods.
At the sounds of footsteps behind him, Gabriel turns his head and then quickly turns back.
“Oh, speaking of the diablo.” He mutters before calling out to his brother. “Oi Miggy, no vas a creer lo que esta chica dijo de ti." [you won’t believe what this girl said about you]
“That you’re shit at making coffee.”
“If you’re gonna continue complaining about me then I’m not coming in to help you next time, Gabi.”
“I’ll tell mama.”
“Uh–huh.” Miguel hums in an unbelieving tone.
Now that you had Miguel standing next to his brother, you could really see their similarities and you almost wanted to kick yourself for not spotting it beforehand. They were almost the spitting image of each other, though Gabi was a little shorter and Miguel seemed to be like a total gym rat in comparison.
Miguel now looks at you, deadpanned as he was the previous day. “I’m sorry about the coffee yesterday—”
“Oh no worries, it was fine.” you lied.
“I mean, it would’ve been better if someone had actually taught me how to use the machines.” Miguel says.
“It’s common sense in my opinion.” Gabi replies hastily.
“Good thing no one asked you for your opinion.”
“Ay, callate.”
“Whatever.” Miguel trails off to the backrooms, tired of the conversation, muttering the excuse that more oat milk is needed.
“Ignore him. He’s a dick but you’ll get used to it once you’re around him more.”
“Is he working here permanently?” you ask, curious about the mysterious older brother, “You never spoke much about him, Gabi.”
“Yeah, well he wasn’t around a lot. He was at university doing his post-graduate degree at Stanford Uni–”
“Stanford?” you practically shout out the word, a few heads turn in the cafe to look at you.
“Hey, keep your voice down.” Gabi warns. “But yeah, yeah, studying genetics or whatever he’s obsessed with at the moment. He’s moved back in with us…in fact that’s what I wanted to tell you—”
“Hold on, hold on, you can’t just move away from the fact that your brother just graduated from one of the most prestigious universities in the country.”
“He got a funding grant–”
“A funding gran–”
You mouth the words, “fucking hell.” to yourself.
“Yep, he’s truly raising the standard for the family.” Gabriel awkwardly chuckles. “It’s weird having him around after being gone for so long but…” Gabriel looks back through the door to the backroom, there’s a sound of things falling and spanish curses which echo from the storage room. “I’m glad he’s back and so is mama, even if she doesn’t want to admit it.”
You hum along, your expression becoming soft. “Just make sure you teach him how to make good coffee now.” Gabriel chuckles loudly at your comment.
You turn your head and scan the cafe. Your eyes widen. Today, it seems will be a good day as your favorite spot in the corner is available today. Making your way over Gabriel doesn’t take long to come over with your drink.
“Anyways chica, I saw your missed calls and—”
“Oh, did you?” You say aloud sarcastically, playfully swatting him on the arm, “And you didn’t think to be bothered to reply to me? After three years of my loyal friendship this is how you repay me?”
“Okay, one: ow!” He pointed a finger at you. “And two: it wasn’t like that. It was bottomless Wednesday and don’t reprimand me because I’ve already had that from my mother and my brother.”
“Serves you right.” you snort.
“As I was saying, if you’d ever let me speak.” he says, still wincing. “I have good news and bad news regarding your roommate situation.”
“So, what do you want first, the good news or the bad?” Gabriel offers.
You take a sip of your coffee first as you debate.
“The good news first please.”
“I found you a roommate.”
“Really?!” you exclaimed, your face lighting up with excitement. “Are you fucking serious?!”
“As serious as I can be.” Gabriel wincing again as you hit his arm. “You really have to stop doing that to me.”
“Maybe I can forgive you for ignoring me yesterday.“ you mutter to yourself, a smile now tugging at your lips. “So what’s the bad news?” You’d think that after hearing that good news you can barely think how you would even be affected by the bad news now.
Gabriel points back to the counter, where Miguel stands serving another customer. His face is currently in a state of pure confusion, as his fingers aggressively tap at the till.
“That’s your new roommate.”
Your face dropped as Gabriel’s words sunk in.
“Are you–”
“Serious? Yes, yes I am.” He exhales. “But look, he really needs someone to cheer him up.” You raise a brow at his sentence.
“Listen, but you didn’t hear this from me so this stays between us, okay?” Gabriel held out his pinky finger in front of you.
“Okay.” your promise, not hesitating to join your own pinky finger with his. Gabriel twists a little, as if to seal the promise for definite.
“He wasn’t really meant to come back at all, not even for the Christmas period. It was just random. His roommate back in California moved out and he had no choice but to move back with us because the rent is so skyhigh over there— but anyways, his girlfriend also broke up with him and he never really said why but I just think she can’t be bothered going long distance. Buttttt to be honest who would? Miggy is so boring over text, like I don’t even think he can understand the meaning of emojis–”
“Wait, so he needs a place to stay?” You interrupt, your brain trying to process all this information.
Gabriel nods, “And for someone to cheer him up!” he adds. “Pleaseeeeee, you’d be doing a really big favor for me, it’s so awkward between him and my mom, they’ve barely spoken since he’s moved back in. In fact since he left for uni I’m not even sure that they spoke at all. But please get this tension away from me.”
“What makes you think that I’ll be able to cheer him up?”
Just from looking at him you could already tell that he's a grinch. Totally miserable. A total opposite to what you had with MJ.
“Because you’re you andddd it’s only temporary. That’s another piece of good news actually. By New Year's he’ll probably find a place of his own.”
You wince as you repeat the word. “Temporary.” Another roommate who’s ready to leave before even signing the lease.
“I know that he’s not the ideal roommate but it’s just something for now whilst you look for someone a little bit more permanent.”
You hum at him in agreement. It does take the stress of your back for now….what’s the worst that could happen?
“Por favor, ¿para mí, mi dulce mujer?” Gabriel pulls the one trick move that you can’t resist.
[please, for me, my sweet woman]
The puppy dog eyes.
You let out a sigh as he stares at you, curling his bottom lip which makes you roll your eyes even more.
“Don’t make me regret this.”
“Do you want help with that?”
You wince at Miguel carrying four large boxes in one hand. You can’t see his face, his large veiny hands gripping the bottom stack of the boxes.
“No, gracias.” he mumbles, managing to lug them all to his room without a struggle. You knew he was a…big guy, but you still felt uncomfortable at his refusal for your help. Miguel left you no choice but to stand in the corner awkwardly as you watched him make multiple journeys to and fro the apartment.
It had all happened so quickly. Once you had agreed to let him move in, Miguel agreed to sign the contract the next day, albeit it was only for one month. At least that gives you more time to look for a future tenant for next year.
Once he was all moved in, you both awkwardly waited for one another to speak. Thankfully, he began first.
“I guess I’ll go…tidy up my stuff.”
You nod apprehensively. “Right. Uhhh, dinner's at six if you want it.” Miguel nods along too, not adding anything more to the conversation and disappearing into his room.
At six, he didn’t emerge. You knocked on his door as a reminder and a muffled voice replied indicating that he was busy.
You know you shouldn’t take it personally, but it was hard to ignore the feeling of loneliness that surrounded you despite having a new roommate. You let out a deep exhale as you ate at the kitchen table alone.
This was going to be one long Christmas.
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taglist: lmk if you would like to be tagged!
@nakimushiohime @keidilla
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The Sweetest Thing
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Jake Lockley x GN!Reader • Rating: T •Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | requestinfo• MK Bingo 2024 Masterlist• ko-fi •
Summary: A heatwave hits London
🌛For @moonknight-events MK Bingo Spring 2024 Event🌜
A/N: Set in London.
Warnings: Just some fluffy fluff, swearing, reader isn't american so there's a little playful celsius vs fahrenheit moment, jokey mention of foot stuff (which I am blaming @romanarose for, for no other reason that they are the Foot Stuff gender neutral King.), over use of italics, typos, not beta read, railroad sentences, please let me know if I've missed a warning!
Word Count: 669
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You sigh heavily, shoulders slumped as you just stand in the chilled food section of sainsbury's. 
Despite it being a little after 8am London was so hot  it was like it was trying to rival the surface of the sun. 
And the humidity… disgusting. 
Why did you have to live in one of the seemingly dampest countries that still expected people to work and use public transport and just live without most buildings and businesses not having air conditioning. It was inhumane. 
Jake appeared at your side, grinning. Despite the oppressive heat (given that it was quite cool in the supermarket) he somehow managed to not melt into a puddle on the floor. 
“How are you not sweating?” You grumble and he laughs. 
“I sweat.” 
“You’re a fucking liar, you know that?” The smile in your voice made him laugh louder. 
“Sure, sure. Hmm, maybe it's secret moon god perks?” 
“Tell Khonshu I will be his foot of the night or whatever if it means I don’t feel sticky and gross.” 
“Foot?” He wheezes.
“Yeah, you’re his fisting of the night and-”
Jake spluttered as you both walked to the self service machines. 
“I’ll be the one that does the kicking.”
“So,” he scanned the tub of ice cream, glancing at you. Thankfully there were practically no queues at this time on a Tuesday morning. “I’m doing fisting? But you’re just doing kicking? Shouldn’t you be doing foot stuff at the very least.” 
You tried to give him a look and not laugh. You did not succeed. “Can’t he at least make a breeze or something?” 
Jake smiled and shook his head. 
“What kind of god can’t even do that?” You grumble.
Jake pays and takes his receipt, holding your hand as you walk towards the sliding doors. 
“What if we don’t go, what if we stay and live in here? It’s cool?” 
“Can’t do that baby.”
“Why?” You grumble, pouting a little. You know what you’re saying makes no sense but the heat has made you grumpy. 
Jake snorts. “You’re looking forward to it. You’ve been talking about it all week.” 
“Yeah, that was before London decided that 38c was a good temperature.”
Jake opens his mouth, a shit eating grin on his face. 
“I do not want to hear about fahrenheit. Or  how it was hotter in America when you were there.” 
He blows a kiss to you. “You know me too well.” 
“Hmm. You’re predictable more like.” 
He mock gasps. “I’m insulted.” 
“You love it.” 
He smiles again, squeezing your hand in his. He does love it. Loves that he’s put down roots. That you can guess what silly comment he’s going to make and tease him for it. 
The air outside of the nice cool supermarket hits you like the air of a just opened oven. Two steps out and you’re already sweating. 
Jake leads you to the brick wall slightly down the road, the one that is bathed in shade by an old magnolia tree and sits, encouraging you to do the same. 
He takes the lid of the ice cream carefully. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Eating ice cream.” He says matter of factly, “you want some?” 
“How you gonna eat that?” 
“Ahh,” he grins again and pulls out something from his pocket with a flourish. It takes you a moment to recognise it as a swiss army knife. “Glad I can still surprise you.” He flicks it open and shows you a small metal spoon. 
You laugh. “Very impressive.”
“As long as you don’t mind sharing my salvia.” 
You pull a pretend thinking face for a moment that amuses Jake no end. “Hmm, well considering some of the things we’ve done… I think I’m okay with it.” 
“Good.” He digs the spoon in and then holds it out to you, letting you have the first bite. 
You lean forward, but dart to the side at the last second and steal a soft kiss from his lips. He was the sweetest thing around anyway.                                            
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entername322 · 6 months
Happy ending(?)
Yuri (Izone) x Male Reader x Minju (Izone)
Length: 15876
Previous part
TW: Violence, A bit of gore, blood
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“So, let's talk”, You start fidgeting with your hand nervously as you read the anger that's painted all over your sister's face. “Did something happen?” Minju hugged me and extended her hand to pat Yuri's head. “Last night, her parents came to me and started berating me for no reason at all, so you better explain what happened”, Yuri just rested her head on your shoulder. “Alright, yesterday me and Yuri went to eat at her grandma's place……” You take the responsibility of retelling the story. “Fuck, now I'm caught up in it”, Eunbi is reconsidering about the vague blessing she has given you. “Yuri, I'm sorry but I'm sure things will work out one way or another”, Minju can immediately realise why Yuri is feeling down.
“Thanks Min”, Minju and you are trying to make a plan on how to cheer Yuri up. “What are you three planning to do now?” You do have a plan formulating. “Minju, why don't you take Yuri out on a date”, Which happens to be what Minju is planning. “Today? I want to stay with you”, Yuri frowned, “You should go out and take your minds off this whole thing for now”, Also you need to talk with her parents. “Fine then, when and where are we going Min?” Good, now just formulate a good speech that will win her parents heart. “I know a place, besides I know one thing that we have been putting off. I'm sure you'll like it”, Yuri took awhile to realise what Minju meant, “I see, let's finish that up today”, She needs some stress relief.
“Alright, let's get ready then, you can use my clothes”, The two get their farewell kiss from you before leaving. “So, things are going a bit rough”, You went and told Eunbi your date with Minju as well. “So, let me get this straight, your other girlfriend is one of the richest girls in Korea?” Your calm attitude only made her even more angry. “Do you have any idea how big of a deal that is”, Frankly no, “I mean her mom kinda gave me her blessings, although I'm not sure if it's a test I should talk to her”, How long would the queue for an appointment with her, 2 years? “You…. I can't, I can't deal with you”, Eunbi decided to just stand up and leave you alone. “So are you taking us to a double-ish dinner with your boyfriend or not?” At least, at the very least you hope that you can get your family approval.
“Your death, didn't they hate it when you start talking to other girls?” Wait, hold on, “What?” She laughed. “I lied bro, I don't have a boyfriend, I have a girlfriend”, Huh, wait a minute. “Didn't you offer me a condom once?” She shrugged before leaving, “Does she have a dick?” You didn't get any answer. Alright, planning time…… the plan is, Hail Mary this shit.
“You? Where's Yuri?” Yuri's mom answered the door, “She's out with Minju, can we talk?” She looked down at you with visible anger and disdain, but she stepped aside and let you in. “Honey, come down here”, She sat you down at the dinner table, there are only 2 instances where they pulled you here to have a serious talk. One when your parents died, one when you and Yuri get caught drinking some alcohol while being underage. Yuri's father came down, he had the silent disappointment on his face, he sat next to his wife. “So? What is there to talk about?”
While you were busy dealing with the in-laws, your girlfriends are having a relaxing shower, together of course. “Yuri, come on talk to me, I know what you're thinking and I don't want you to get drowned in anxiety and insecurity. Me and oppa won't abandon you”, The shower may hide her tears but Minju can still see that Yuri is crying. “I just don't know, okay? The one thing I had against you is that I have my parents' support. Now you have yours and I'm kicked out of the house”, Minju pulled Yuri to her embrace. “Listen, we're not competing anymore okay? Stop that, just leave it in the past. Oppa is right, we have a good thing going and I don't want to lose it. Frankly, I've been liking you a lot more recently. Not just as a friend, or a…… what do you call it? Sister wife? I like you too, okay Yuri, so I promise I will never talk oppa to leaving you. Oppa will never leave you and god forbid but if he wanted to I'll beat some sense into him”, The two looked at each other for a moment.
The heat from the shower seems to be covered with the sudden rise of sexual tension between them. Minju leaned in, seeing this, Yuri just closed her eyes bracing for impact. The two pairs of lips met each other, sending warm sensations that bloomed in between them. 
She's so warm, and tender. Is this how oppa felt when he kissed her? Is it the same when he kisses me?
She's so meek and scared, you poor thing. I can still taste oppa's white nectar on her, and even his smell. 
Slowly Minju’s tongue slipped into Yuri's mouth, the latter waited patiently for the former's move. Minju wrapped her tongue around Yuri's, unlike when she's with you, Minju can't get Yuri to match her aggressiveness. She likes taking control but it feels like Yuri is just being a helpless victim in her hand, which isn't bad, but it's such a different feeling with your animalistic behaviour when you're with Minju. One of Minju's hands travelled up to Yuri's boobs and pinched it. “Ahhhh, Min”, You were right, Yuri is too cute. “Sssshhh, let me show you how to pleasure a woman”, Minju's lips travelled down to Yuri's neck. “Ooohhhh, Min”, Her whimper is just a good fuel to Minju's hunger. 
“You know I'm kinda jealous with these”, Minju grabbed both of Yuri's tits making the latter moan. “Yours is nice too”, Minju smiled and wrapped her arm around to grab both of Yuri's asses. “Guess on this one we are matched”, Yuri nodded, her face all flushed now. “I haven't done this in a while now”, Minju buries her face between Yuri's tits and motorboat it a little bit. Then she bites the cleavage of the left one. “Oooohhhh, Min, not too rough”, Minju smiled before kissing her way to Yuri's nipple. Without a warning she bites on it, making Yuri gasp from the sudden pain and pleasure she's feeling. “Min, that's so….” There's no need to finish it. Minju smiled proudly and started sucking on Yuri's nipple and played around with it using her tongue.
The pleasure made Yuri lose control of her own body. She started swaying left and right, and sometimes tried to step back away from Minju. Minju's hands are firm so every time Yuri tries to move away her grips tighten on her ass and force her to stay in place and pull her back. “Min, it feels good”, Minju decided to have enough breast play and pushed Yuri to the wall, away from the overhead shower. Normally Yuri will feel the sudden chill and coldness of the wall but her body is too worked up right now.
Minju's hand travels down to Yuri's pussy, it's dripping, and the stickiness of the fluid days that it's not from the shower water. “Aaaahhhhhh, Min”, One finger went in, then two, then three, and then it started pumping in and out. “Do you like it, Yuri?” The meek girl nods, then her eyes travel down to Minju’s pussy and slowly, so does her hand. “Oh? Be gentle Yuri, follow my lead”, Yuri have masturbated before, it was only once or twice before you all started dating. However once you go out, during her sleepless nights without you she always gets so horny. Fingering her own pussy and another girl’s pussy feels different. She never noticed the squirms and constricting feelings when she finger herself, but when she tried to finger Minju every little movement it did enthralled her.
“Ooohhhh, you're pretty good at this aren't you?” The two smiled at each other before they delved into a passionate kiss. Yuri is still submissive, but she responded to Minju's advances which pleased Minju. “Fuck, I'm cumming”, Minju was too distracted with Yuri's hand that she didn't realise what the latter said. “Yuri”, “Minju”, The two had a simultaneous orgasm, Despite Yuri leaning to the wall her legs still become all wobbly so Minju had to hold her with her free hand. “Fuck, that was nice”, It was, unfortunately you weren't there, “Babe gonna be so mad when we tell him about this”, The two silently agreed they will make it up to you. “So, we're buying some lingerie after?” 
“I just don't understand how you think this will be a healthy relationship”, Whew, it's nice to know your girlfriends are having fun while you're trying to have a peace talk over here. “We are healthy, we compliment each other, help each other. And before you say anything about Minju and Yuri's relationship I should remind you that Minju was the one who proposed to have a date together”, Somehow, you don't feel those weird jealous feelings anymore.
“Yeah? And what if they leave you? You really think they're happy having to share you because of your indecisiveness? One day they'll wake up and find out there's so much more options out there for them to take”, She's right, there's a chance for that. “And they will leave, but I don't think you two understand Yuri, much less Minju. I'm not gonna be here so brazen and ask you to give us a chance if I didn't think this relationship will work. We have plans already to keep it on the down low for now. However after meeting Minju's mom we felt confident. We agreed that whatever we have is serious, and we will commit to it. You don't have to understand it, just accept it for now. Let us go through with this arrangement and we'll show you that we are not messing around. We'll show you that what we have, is something promising and beautiful”
Well, it was a decent speech, unfortunately it's not enough to convince them. “We really don't like it, not to mention that Minju girl is a chaebols that could ruin our life. Sorry kid but we are not approving this”, You tried, “Then I'm afraid, you have no other choice”, They'll come around, one day. “She's our daughter and we get-”, You just slam the door behind you not bothering to give them any courtesy. Now what?
“Fuck, this such a shit idea”, Nevertheless you just try it, who knows, maybe it works. You returned back to your house and went to take a shower. Going to Yuri's parents house reeking of sex was a conscious decision to show them that you and Yuri don't care about what they say. However now you should definitely make sure you present your best self. Looking at your suit from two days ago you realise you still haven't sent this to the dry cleaner. “Fuck, dad gotta have some suit”, Reluctantly you walk to their bedroom door, your heartbeat going crazy as flashes of that night came back to you. “Fuck, hope you have a good taste dad”, You swallow those memories down and walk into it.
Surprisingly, your dad does indeed have a good taste. It's a little big for you, but not that noticeable. His shirt is too formal, you don't want to look too desperate. Thankfully the girls have bought you some decent clothes, so you used your own shirt and a sweater over it, of course with the suit. A nice slim fit khaki pants and your dad's leather shoes, you think it's decent. “Looking good kid”, Minho also thinks it's decent, “So your dad will also be there?” He shook his head, “Dad will come for dinner, where your girlfriends will come. For now you go talk to mom first”, Well that's reassuring.
“So, are you gonna meet her too?” He shakes his head again, “I have lunch with my girlfriend, so good luck kid I'll be cheering for you”, Just like Minju, her mom has a very expensive taste when it comes to food. “You're here, take a seat kid”, You and her are in a private room of the restaurant, not even a waitress is here. “Good afternoon ma'am”, You bow before sitting in front of her. “I must say I'm surprised when Minho said you want to talk to me. Did you had a fight with Minju already?” It'll be very disappointing if you and her already break up before her mom gets to see a spectacle.
“No, first can I ask, did you mean it? The idea you gave me back then?” Oh, it seems you are going to put on a show for her. “Hmmmm, do I? Maybe, are you seriously considering it?” You nod, “Good, go ahead and do it. Minju deserves to get everything she wants, and if your girlfriend is as beautiful as she said then having her as an extra partner would make her very happy”, Minju talked to her about Yuri? “She told you about Yuri?” She nodded while smiling. “Well, then I have something to tell you”, Her mind immediately raced quickly while her eyes were picking up on every single little motion you made and any changes in emotions on your face.
“Oh my, you three are already dating, and you told me about Yuri the first time we met because you want to plant the idea that there's a love triangle happening here”, You're not really surprised she quickly grasped it, the woman deals with lots of rich people on a daily basis. Reading and deducting people's words are probably her specialty. “Now this is interesting, so why tell me now not then”, Of course she knows why, she just wants to hear you put it into words. “You'll find out eventually, I'm not a good liar, Minju is your daughter so she can't really keep secrets from you. Obviously telling it to you on the first day because it will set a bad first impression. We planned, well I did, to tell you about it back then and have you acknowledge her existence. The idea was to let our relationship ride for a few months and after that we go out and tell you everything. That way you know we've been going strong for a while and we have a higher confidence in defending our relationship”, Satisfying answer, she's happy with your reasoning and your eloquence.
“So why are you telling me now? Something happened right?” 
“Yes, Yuri's parents and I are very close, they practically take care of me ever since my parents death”
“I'm sorry about that”
“Thank you, I'm sure you already ran a background check on me”, She smiled and shrugged.
“Anyway, after how…… open you are to the idea Yuri wanted us to tell her parents. You have to understand, one other reason on why we haven't tell you yet was because there's still some insecurities between us”
“Of course, the three of you are scared to be left by the other two”
“Correct, Yuri is especially scared of Minju. Minju is richer and much more powerful than she can ever hope to be. The one thing she can brag about is how her parents has practically accept me as their son”
“I see, they didn't take the relationship well?”
“No, yesterday we had a talk with them and things turned sour. Today I asked Minju to take Yuri out on a date so I can talk to her parents alone”
“Did they want to meet us?”
“No, they doubles down and want to break our relationship”
“Hmmm, now this is interesting, you want some advice from me?”
“No, I thought you would be smarter than this?” *Smiles sarcastically*
“Oh? Go on, piss me off”, She really wants you to push the boundaries more. She finds this type of insubordination to be amusing, she got bored of all the people licking down her feets.
“Hehehe, I'll jab you again when you make an opening. Back to the topic, I want to tell you this so I can bring Yuri to our dinner and have your help in telling Minju's dad. I'm desperate to have an approvals at least from one of my parents-in-law”
“Oh, now that's surprising. I'm an open person and I don't mind giving you three chances if it looks promising. However my husband is different, and telling him so soon might not be a good idea”
“Then I won't come to the dinner with Minju. I know I have to come because the whole family wants to check me out. Minho would be neutral, taking the side that would lead to a much more hilarious outcome. So I need at least your blessing to make sure they didn't just flat out hunt my family down and send them to the bottom of the ocean”
“Ahhhhh, very perceptive. Now let's bargain then”
“What do you want me to do?”
“If things go well, I want you to marry Minju”, Not what you expect, but also, not what you want to do.
“I can't do that, I can't just marry her and leave out Yuri”
“We'll pay for the marriage and everything else. We'll make you rich”
“On the cost of Yuri's heart”
“Well have her marry Minju then”
“I don't think same sex marriage is allowed here yet”
“I can deal with it”
“Oh, right, rich people stuff”, How is that fair?
“Hehehe, you want us to pull some strings and allow polygamy”
“No, same sex marriage is a widely accepted, what's the correct word? Practice? Whatever, it already passed in a lot of countries, and many Koreans, a decent amount of them also already wanted it to be legalised here. Polygamy is heavily frowned upon in most places. On top of that the people that do want it to be legalised are not vocal at all, nowhere near the LGBTQ community. Passing that law out of nowhere will cause major spotlights. I'm sure there's not many people who are eager to get married to multiple wives. So there's a chance the three off us will be the first one to do it which will definitely get the media attention”
“Impressive, you're smarter than what I expected”
“Well, you don't really know me-, you checked my grades didn't you?”
“Such an underachiever”
“Anyway, can you cover for me tonight?”
“Well, that depends, why don't you tell me more about how you three came to be”, Quite a warm afternoon you have. Minju’s mom is thoroughly pleased hearing your story. It's been awhile since she found some intriguing love story, and yours being a real life experience made it a plus.
“You look good Yuri”, Yuri knows it, “I should keep my hair short from now on”, She's thrilled to surprise you later. “You don't want to get a new haircut?” Minju shakes her head, “I like it when oppa ran his hand through my head”, For a second they felt the fire of competition rise again. “Come on, let's move”, For now though, they have other matters to deal with first. 
The two were driven to a secluded warehouse out of the city. A place, perfect to release their stress and finish the job. There were 2 guys waiting by the door, and they led the girls inside, to find 5 guys tied up. “Oh, nice to see you guys”, The four of them felt their heartbeat rising seeing the two people that just walked in. Anger, frustration, and fear, it's overwhelming them. The last few weeks have been a downward spiral for their life. First they got kicked out of school, then their parents lost their jobs, and their house suddenly got an eviction notice. The police knocked on their door informing them of an investigation of assault and battery, alongside a civil lawsuit for beating a helpless kid. To top it all off, the police took them in and held them in the holding cell for a week. Now, they suddenly woke up yesterday in this foul dark room while being tied up.
The moment they see who walks in, they just snap. Their muffled scream and eyes full of anger seems to raise the sadistic side of the two girls. “Hey guys, it's so nice to see you here. Remember me?” Their screams only got louder, “Min, is this really okay?” Yuri wants nothing more than to break this guy's but he's still anxious about the two bodyguards around them. “Oh relax Yuri, they won't say anything. No one will know, not even babe”, Yuri made a mental note later to ask if Minju has done this before. “Now, let's get down to business okay? You four have committed a grave sin of hurting our boyfriend. So, obviously we are here to punish you. Your sentence is death. How do you plead?” They screamed again, “Understood, Yuri, would you like the first turn?”
Skip ahead if you dont want to read some torture
Yuri glanced at the all sorts of equipment they have on the table near them. “I'll be happy too”, A hammer, of course, what else would a brute like her use. “I remember that you punched oppa's cheek right? Oh how much I wish I could rip your cheek apart right now”, Yuri gently ran her hammer through the guy's cheek. “This one looks like it can do that”, Minju pulls out a thin looking knife. She saw this type of knife before, one that her chefs use to cut some thin slices of Jamon Iberico, maybe it can be used to make some thin slices of human skin as well.  “For now, let's do this first”, Yuri pulled up her hammer and swung it hard to the poor guy's face. A muffled *crack* could be heard followed by a pained scream.
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“Tckkk, this isn't fun when you get gagged”, Yuri stood up and took a small surgical knife from the table. “Now don't move, or I might accidentally cut you”, The guy is so preoccupied with the pain he had on his cheek that he didn't register the knife that's piercing through his other cheek. “FUCKKKK”, The sweet melody of suffering is invigorating for the girls. The guy tried to lunge at Yuri but the knife she’s holding just slipped upward. It penetrated his eyes making him scream even louder. As he instinctively pulled back, the knife got stuck on his eyes. Time moves slowly for Yuri, she can see how the guy's eye is being stretched like a rubber before the tension causes it to rip. Fascinating, Yuri keeps a close watch as the guy was squirming on the ground. “Your hand, they ruined my oppa's fragile body”, She picked up her hammer again, her legs stomped on his hand and held it to the ground. “Please, I'm sorry”, *crack*, “Aaaahhhhhh”, He can only watch as Yuri completely turned the bone in his hands to dust.
“This is kinda fun”, Yuri starts laughing as she stands up, “You're insane”, Oh yes, the last ditch effort to spat on her. “Should I end it fast? No, let's get your leg”, He tried to scurry away but Yuri kicked him on the head causing him to get dazed. “Now for this, I need a bigger hammer”, She took the two handed hammer that's almost as heavy as her body and returned to him. “Now, don't move”, The thrill of this torture is getting to her. She aligned her hammer on his knees before he swung up and stomped it to the ground. Unfortunately the guy moved his leg making her hit the concrete ground. “Haaaaa, you're such a rebel, just sit still and let me have fun”, Yuri used her leg to stomp on his thighs before stepping on it and used her other leg to stomp on his ankle. “Now, this feels awkward, but this should work”, Aligning her hammer to his knee again, he swung forwards before down to hit the knees between her legs.
Another *crack* can be heard, the impact of the hammer caused his leg to bend inward. His fibula broke and pierced through his skin sticking out of his leg. “Aaaaahhhh, please, just let me go”, He cries, every single cell in his body is screaming of pain, he wants to run, but deep down, he knows there's only one way this will end. “Alright, let me finish this”, Yuri walked up, having the guy's torso lay between his legs. Raising her hammer up, she's ready to destroy the guy's chest. In normal condition he would try to kick her and escape, however, the impending death is just too sickening for him. The hammer swung down, leaving a loud cracking noise, it left a crater on his chest and sent blood flying. The warm blood that splashed to Yuri's hand didn't even register for her, so she raised her hammer again and swung it down.
Over and over again she keeps swinging the hammer. Blood, bones, innards, they all fly all over the place. Every time Yuri raised her hammer over her head, blood and chunks of flesh or organ fell on to her. The realisation sinked in for the other victims, they are dead. The two bodyguards just stare at the show with no remorse nor disgust. Minju is getting horny, why does the sight of blood arouse her so much? “Aaaahhhhh, sorry Min, I got carried away, go on, your turn”, Minju smiled and helped clean some fleshy remains that caught up on Yuri's hair before she took a plier from the table.
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“One of you go hold his hand for me”, One of the bodyguards forcefully grabbed the next victim's hands. “I remembered you, it seems my oppa has caused some damage to you right?” Despite your pathetic attempt at fighting them, you did manage to claw some of them and leave scars. This one in particular got his lips scratched by your desperate attacks. “Haaaa, you ruin oppa's nails, and even dirty it”, Minju opened up her plier and grabbed his nails. “Naughty boy”, In one pull she ripped his nails out of his finger. “Hmmm, are you crying? Come on I just started”, Minju smiled and grabbed his other nails, the guy let out a muffled moan, “Please”, Minju pulled another nail out.
After taking all the nails out of his fingers, Minju grabbed a drill like equipment. “I've seen this in a movie before, let's see if it works the way I think it is”, The bodyguard turned him to the side, Minju put the drill on to his ears. “Well, I guess drill is just a drill anyway”, Slowly she turned the handle, “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH”, He could only scream as the drill slowly pierced through his ears, it was a slow and very painful experience. “Can I just pull this?” Minju pulled the drill back out, ripping its way through the man's ears. “Hmmmm, let's try this one”, Minju is experimenting through all the tools available. Skinning, cutting, penetrating, ripping his skin, all sorts of stuff. Unlike Yuri's victim, Minju’s just slowly die from all the pain and blood loss he gets. His body looks horrifying, Yuri's murder victim has his chest turned into a fleshy, bloody mess, Minju’s victim is very much intact, with hundreds of different injuries all over him. “Haaaa, your turn Yuri”
Their screams of horror and suffering echoes through the empty warehouse. It was a sight to behold, honestly you probably shouldn't. “Now, last one, let's team up, Yuri”, They left Jin for last. Out of everyone there, Jin betrayed you, hurt you emotionally. So for him, they took their sweet, sweet time. Slow and precise, inflict as much pain as they can without having him lose consciousness or die from blood loss. Once the sweet release of death was given to him, they still aren't satisfied. They continue to desecrate his body till it gets broken down to thousands of tiny pieces.
Violent part end
“Fuck, that felt good”, For a moment Yuri has forgotten about the problem with her parents. “Good to know, feeling better already?” Of course, Minju has to remind her. “Yes, thank you Minju”, The two exchanged a hug while bathed by the blood of their victims. “If things ever went wrong with your parents, we can always take care of it”, Yuri felt conflicted, only for a second. Something inside her has snapped and she has found her resolution, “If mom and dad gonna be a hindrance to our relationship. Then they're no better than these guys”, Minju cheered inside her mind.
That's right Yuri, nobody can get in our way. Let's hope they get their shits together before things get too far.
Sorry mom, sorry dad, but I can't let you stand in my way. I only have them from now on, hope you guys can come around soon.
Of course they can't get back in the car while dripping with blood. Thankfully there is a shower here for them to freshen up. “Minju, I'm not doing this again until I tell oppa”, Yuri moaned as Minju grabbed her tits. “I know, it's just…. I'm so horny after that. Fuck we should go home soon”, Yuri understand it, she is also itching to get filled by you. “You think we should put on those things to surprise him?” Minju would love to do that, “Haaaaa, oppa is tired after last night and two nights ago. Maybe tomorrow, but fuck, maybe he can finger and lick me tonight”, Yuri frowned hearing that, the itch was too much. “FUCK, fine, we should prepare something special to make it up to him for what we do today”, Let's hope your tank is already refuelled tomorrow.
“Miss Minju, your mother is expecting you at the family manor”, The driver's words cause Minju some anxiousness. “Why?” He shakes his head, “I do not know miss, I simply got contacted to bring you back home alongside with Miss Yuri”, Now that sounds super fishy. “Did you tell them about Yuri?” The driver is a loyal employee to Minju, however he's still her parents' subordinate. “I'm afraid not Miss, they asked if you're with anyone and I said no. However they told me to stop lying and bring the two of you to the family estate”, Yuri and Minju exchanged a glance for a moment. “Should we tell oppa?” They are contemplating the pros and cons from doing that.
“No, oppa would get worried, we should go there and go home quickly. Then we can tell him everything went well until mom asked me to meet her”, That way if you find them to be a little off they can blame it on Minju’s mom. “Very well, let's go then”, The two anxiously held each other's hands during the ride. “Your house is kinda big Min”, Yuri giggled nervously, Minju decided to not tell her that this is one of the smaller ones. “Ahhhh, Miss Minju, and Miss Yuri I presume. Please follow me, madam has been waiting for you”, The two followed the maid to Minju's mom’s office.
The moment they walked in their heart dropped seeing you sitting on the couch facing Minju’s mom. “Ahhhh, welcome, please have a seat”, The two just glanced at you, who's smiling innocently. They made their way to you, making sure you sit in the middle like usual. “Hahahah, you must be Yuri right? Your boyfriend has talked a lot about you”, The two start tapping their legs anxiously. Minju because she's scared what her mom will do if Yuri wasn't up to her standart, Yuri because she thinks Minju’s mom is gonna start acting like her own parents and break the relationship.
“Please don't be nervous, you saw me and her had a talk earlier today. Well actually today has been pretty long……..” You tell them about what you've been up to today. Yuri felt her heart being squeezed when she heard how you came to her parents yourself to get their approval. Minju felt really bad because while she and Yuri were busy having fun in her bathroom, you were having a fight with your in-laws. Then you told them that you and Minju's mom had lunch together where you told her everything in hope of tonight's dinner. “Oppa, you don't have to do that”, Maybe you don't, maybe you reacted to this whole thing too dramatically.
“So, I gathered you two here now to have a little chat. Minju, as you've already heard, everyone is coming to the dinner tonight. To make sure no war broke out on the table we should prepare the three of you for some questioning”
Minju's mom immediately dropped the friendly and warm attitude and turned back to her cold persona. Yuri felt suffocated by her aura alone, thankfully you were there to calm her nerves. “So, you think you can just play with my daughter's heart and get away with it?” She looks at you. “Well, I'm not playing anything. This whole thing is a group decision”, Too short. “Why are you not saying you love them?” Ooofffff, this is gonna be a hard interview.
“Out of character here for a moment, I love them, however I think it would be unwise if I just say we're in love”
“Why?” Good answer, Minju’s mom has decently high expectations from you after lunch earlier.
“Because I think everyone will condemn us as being teenagers getting high on our own hormones and not thinking logically. Again, before you say anything about what I said to you back in the party, it's a different situation. Two teenagers in love isn't that weird or unexpected, breaking it so early would hurt Minju so as long as I don't show any excessive red flags then I will be fine. Having a poly relationship is already questionable, even for adults, if the three of us use ‘love’ as our only foundation it would make it sounds like we are not completely sure about what we do”
“Hnmmm, impressive, next question then, you're trying to say that the two of them are willingly compromising with each other and get half of you simply because they wanted to?”
“Because they are scared that I might choose the other one. Honestly, the circumstances of how this started was shaky. We've been treading carefully between each other. As times goes on, we got more comfortable with this relationship and now we're going stronger and stronger everyday”
“You're playing them, out of character a bit as well, let's skip the part of you explaining about how this started. I think from our lunch earlier today you seem to be self aware and can handle yourself. Back to the question, you're playing them, they have to love you fully and you only love them with half of what you can. Are you open with the idea of them dating other guys then?”
“No, because they would be cheating”
“Hypocrite, and a swine”
“Who used swine for an insult? Also they would be cheating because the maths equation you have is wrong. I love them half each, and they love me also half each. They love each other too for the other half”
“What?” The two girls stayed quiet for some time, like 5 seconds, making you and Minju's mom feel a little irritated.
“That's right, today they went out on a date. As you've known, Minju is gay, although it turns out she's bi. So she also has some attraction with Yuri, while Yuri here is still confused about her feelings. They've been reacting to these feelings between them. Today the two of them just went out to a date together, without me”
“Is this true?”
“Yes, yes it's true. Yuri and I have some connections the same way we have with oppa. I noticed it wasn't just a physical attraction since earlier today when I felt hurt for her after hearing what happened with her”
“What happened yesterday?”
“Me and oppa had a talk with my parents. They've been taking care of oppa and his sister for awhile ever since their parents death. So we thought we needed to come clean sooner than later. It didn't work out”
“So you think it would work out today?”
“I hope so, out of character this is the part where I would tell them about what you told me back in the party”
“Very well, let's skip over that part. To be honest I'm not quite sure what's gonna happen after. On top of that Minho is too unpredictable so let's just end it here”
You feel like you did a decent job, “Well done you”, She also thinks so. “However for you two, I am disappointed, especially you Minju”, She turned to the two girls. “What? You're the one who keeps asking him not us”, Although that is true, Yuri still hasn't grasped the nature of the test. “And you didn't do anything when your boyfriend was being pressured. Remember this, my husband will not blame Minju by any means and seeing you he will realise you're too meek to corrupt Minju. Which leaves your boyfriend, he will be the one getting pressured relentlessly. So you two can either shut up and speak once you're spoken to or you can help him”
The two look at you with a guilty expression, “Come on now don't be sad, it's just an exercise. We got this”, The two exchanged glances for a second. Rock-paper-scissors, Yuri wins, she melts in your arms as you two kiss. Minju left a bite mark near your lips after her kiss which probably isn't a good idea. “I don't care, dad needs to find out that we are inseparable, whether he likes it or not”, Her mom nodded stoically. “How long till dinner?” One hour left, Minju's mom left the room for the three of you to catch up first.
“Baby, you don't need to do this okay?” Yuri feels so guilty she might just cry. “No baby, I know I might be overreacting to this whole thing. I just don't want you to brood at home when me and Minju go out for dinner, okay?” Yuri leaped into your embrace, her mind filled with guilt, anxiety, and most importantly, anger. 
Fuck, if mom and dad wasn't so fucking stubborn oppa wouldn't need to do this. I hate them, that's it I don't fucking care anymore.
Yuri shifted her gaze to Minju for a second, the latter immediately understood what Yuri wanted. Since you went so far for them they will have to do the same for you. One chance, that's what Yuri's parents are getting, either they take it or they'll be removed from Yuri's and your life forever.
The three of you simply cuddle up for an hour to gather your energy for the dinner. Although, there's something you didn't know yet, Minju’s mom is very slick. “So, this is Yuri?” You definitely didn't expect Minju's dad to suddenly come into the office with his wife holding his hand. “Dad?” Minju felt confused, and she eyed her dad for a moment, he doesn't seem mad, for now. “I've heard everything”, The two were confused by his words, but you immediately understand, that her mom has recorded the talk from before.
Hmmm, he noticed it? My, my, Minju, you've found yourself a diamond huh?
“I've recorded the conversation from earlier, and filled in about what we talked about this lunch”, She dragged him to sit in front of you. This sight of her smiling all cheerfully is very off putting. Silence lingered in the room for a while, “Dad, we are having a good thing going on here, and I don't want you to start looking at us like we're stupid kids who don't know what we're doing”, Minju opened. “You are stupid kid who doesn't know what they're doing”, Very good argument.
“Just give us a chance, please”, Yuri can't fuck this up, she has to make this work. “At least, tell us what we need to do to get a chance to prove ourselves”, He looked at you with calculating eyes. “What do you hope to gain from this?” Whew, another round of questioning. “What other people expect to gain from a relationship, a loving partner” He shakes his head, “You, in particular, what does it mean to date two girls”, Well he's right somewhat, you can't just treat them both as one. You stayed quiet for some time, which worries the two girls. Minju's father is somewhat pleased you didn't just answer immediately, although it is a bad thing if you still haven't asked yourself that question.
“I just want to make everyone happy”, That's the best you can come up with? Really? “Happy? Are you three truly happy?” Obviously yes, seeing the three of you nod in sync made Minju's mom smile happily. “Then what if a fight happens? Every relationship will have some disagreement and fights”, While the two are very confident that it will never happen, you try to be realistic. “There's three of us, so when an argument breaks between two the third one will be neutral, despite their alignment. If two of us keep fighting over and over then we need an intervention and talk things out”, Unfortunately for you, the middleman is always you.
“But we won't get into any fights”, Minju thinks she's helping, “We can always find a peaceful way before any fights happens”, Yuri thinks she's putting the closing statement. Minju's father is thoroughly unimpressed with the childish display of your two girlfriends. A nervous smile grew on your face, “You're right honey, he is not as dumb as the grades show him to be”, Oooffff, he also knows about that. “You would've known that when you heard your head of security report about the incident”, Of course, someone was listening to the conversation you had with that nameless idiot. “I will give you a chance”, Yuri and Minju are excited and a happy smile grows on their face, you on the other hand felt like you just narrowly dodged a bullet.
“I have my eyes on you”, Well, another bullet may be on the way, “Thank you sir, we won't waste this chance”, For now, you have passed the test with flying colours, he will keep a close eye on you. “Well now that's settled, let's break the news to the rest. Come on we have a dinner to attend to”
Third round, thankfully with the approval of the parents surely Minju’s siblings will accept this openly right? “Dad you can't be seriously considering this”, Not really, “Seojin-ah, mom and dad already questioned us and they think this relationship is worth a chance”, Thankfully Minju actually stepped up and shielded the three of you. “Minju, you can't seriously think this is healthy”, Seojin is the eldest of the siblings, he is huge, bigger than Minho, which makes his anger seem much more scary. “It is healthy, the three of us are still going strong despite all the problems that arose”, Well openly admitting problems have come your way isn't very smart.
“So you do know this thing attracts problems. Minju you have a lot of eyes on you, if words come around do you have any idea how much more problematic things will go”, God family drama has been feeding you too much. “So what?” Hey at least the food is insanely good, they said their private chef cooked this up, perhaps you should start learning how to cook. “Minju do-”, You can't take it anymore, “Seojin-hyung please, I've spent the whole day today having this kind of talk since morning. Whatever you want to ask us, I've already heard it a thousand times, and I've answered it a thousand times with different tweaks to the sentence each time. Minju's parents already gave us their blessing, at least a chance for us to let this ride for now. Please, can we have a light-hearted conversation for dinner? I promise I can answer all your questions next time”, Oohhh, very dominant of you.
“I'm not your Hyung”, He glared at you, “Very well Hyung”, Minho started laughing like a hyena or something. “Seojin, the boy is right, let them have a peaceful dinner will you? Let's talk about this later”, Minju’s mom covered for you. Seojin glared at you for a moment before drowning himself in his food. 
“So, Brutus, why do you come clean with mom? Something happened little guy?” Minho changed the topic, well somewhat changed the topic. The dinner went quite peacefully after that, Minju’s mom spent most of the time asking questions to the three of you to know more about this conversation and also to know more about you and Yuri. “So why Brutus though?” Well that topic is bound to come up sooner or later. “Well, in my last year in middle school, there was a school play. My class appointed me as one of the actors. They put me as Brutus, and I had like 5 lines. Then practice came around and I was pretty good so they adjusted to give a bit more line and character for me. Well I was performing really well in practice, since I was a loner people didn't really expect me to be able to actually perform. Of course the actual performance came and I nailed my part. However since I was a bit of an outcast at the time people didn't really know me well. So they just start referring to me as Brutus. It's really recent, on my first day in highschool I made some new friends and he called me Brutus so I was like, why not. Time to have some rebranding. I don't know, it felt like the new name was pretty silly but it does give me some extra confidence, especially to talk with Minju. Things just took off from there”
Minho was nodding, of course he investigated where you got that name from and got the recording of the performance. “I think it's cute”, Minju pinched your cheek, “I think it's pretty disrespectful of everyone at our school to not bother learning your name. Haaaaa, but since you like it I guess it's fine? I never used that name anyway”, Yuri ruffled your hair. “Both can be true, so you're a good actor then, Brutus?” Definitely not, “Hell yes, I got the recording mom, he was impeccable”, Again, you are questioning Minju's statement that her family is not the mafia. “Really? We should watch it after then”, Minju frowned, she really wants to go home and just spend the night away with you two. Yuri also frowned, because she remembered a very despicable scene from that drama.
“I really think we should do it later mom, we have a long day already and we have school tomorrow”, However her mom just shook her head, “You should just skip tomorrow, beside you three can spend the night here. You three are exhausted so the thin wall wouldn't really reveal anything”, You felt relieved, knowing these girls they will definitely try to get a few more rounds in after what you did for them today. “Mom we can't just skip school, also Yuri and oppa don't have any clothes here”, For now at least. “Just lend Yura your clothes and Brutus can use mine, come on eat faster we have a show to catch”, Minho really wants to see the girls reaction to your intimate scene with your in-drama-wife.
“Yeah, I guess we can spend the night here”, Oh no, the girls are pissed, they really, really, and by that they really do not want to spend any second longer with anyone else but you. “That settles it, come on chop, chop, we have a show to catch”, Despite that the girls decided to just follow what you want, they are loyal like that. The idea that you will be killed once that kissing scene came up never crossed your mind. Until the scene actually came up, and you feel both of your hands being crushed. “Oh my, very feisty”, Minju’s mom's commentary doesn't help you. She saw how Yuri and Minju were very angry and jealous. She wants to fan the fire even more. “Is that your ex Brutus? She's kinda beautiful you know, you plan to, you know”, Minho also likes to see you suffer, “No, and he will never talk to her again”, Yuri said while glaring at Minho. “I need to use the restroom”, Thankfully the two let you go, unfortunately Minju's sister was waiting for you once you got out of the bathroom.
“Oh, hello Noona”, She steps in your way, “Uhmmm, everything is fine?” From the looks on her face, it seems like no. “If you hurt Minju-” Jesus you're fed up with this, “Yes I get it, I've heard that a thousand time like I said earlier”, She is not entertained by your defiance, “Just because mom and dad-”, You are not in the mood for this, “Doesn't mean you give us your, I get it”, She's pissed off. For a moment she felt like you are an absolute threat to her, why is her ego so fragile? “I swear if you cut me-”, Challenge accepted, “Or what?” Thankfully as her anger rose her defence mechanism kicked in. She stares at you with cold calculating eyes, she deduces you're trying to piss her off on purpose. Of course you were just really tired and not giving a fuck.
“What's your name?” You feel offended, “You know my name already and you probably know about my whole history”, She for one actually didn't do a background check on you out of respect to Minju. After this exchange she will, you tried to walk but she moved in front of you. Stubborn as you are you just keep walking until your head bumped to her, “I need to go back to my girlfriends…. Please”, Your smile looks more like a shitty grin if anything. It's like a clash of the titans, your stubbornness is trying to push back against her calm anger. Being this close she picks up upon every little detail about you. Your awkwardly brushed hair as you still haven't figured out how to deal with this new haircut. Your worn out outer piece that doesn't mix very well with your new and pristine shirt and sweater. Your somewhat sweaty smell as you've been wearing this outfit the whole day. Your eyes, that screams aggravation and exhaustion. She noticed that you aren't a rebellious piece of shit, just tired from having this whole situation and wasn't really in the right mind. She took a deep breath and moved aside, the looks she gave you had changed but of course you didn't notice it. Without saying a word you move past her and get back to the girls.
He smells nice.
“Took you long enough”, Minju grumbled as she hugged you, “I feel tired”, Your exhausted voice turns the girls into panic mode. “Are you okay oppa”, Yuri grabbed your forehead afraid that you might catch a cold, “Yeah, I just want to sleep”, Minju turns to her mom, “Mom oppa is tired we're going to sleep for the night”, The performance was about to hit the climax, but they don't care. “That's a shame, go rest up then sweeties, good night”, It's still 7 PM.
Minju's bedroom was comically large, “Min, this room is bigger than my house”, She just smiled nervously. “Let's take a shower oppa, wait Min we need some clothes for him”, Minju ran off leaving you with Yuri. “Babe, don't act like that”, Yuri embraced you as she let out her frustration. “I'm really sorry oppa, I was useless. When I was out with Minju, having fun and winding down. You're out here trying to-”, Yuri hates this feeling for being so helpless. “It's okay babe, you know I hate it when you're feeling insecure like this. So drop it off, you'll do it for me”, At least she's not crying. “I know, I have to make it up to you”, Right now the only thing Yuri can do for you is offer you her body, which is a pretty sad way of viewing herself.
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“Here you go babe, come on let's get you cleaned”, Minju dropped the clothes on the bed before pulling me up. “You know, me and Yuri were having fun in the shower earlier today”, That sounds hot, “Shit, I should've come to take a shower with you guys”, The two are scrubbing your whole body while you just stand under the shower quietly. “Oppa you did take a shower before you talk to my parents right?” You just laughed and shook your head. “That's so ballsy babe, good”, Let's be honest here, you were also too lazy to take a shower. “Well, gotta show them that me and you two are a thing, whether they like it or not”, You glance to see Yuri is staring at Minju’s wound, the bite mark you left her.
“I want one”, She pulled out her cute pout, “Well, I don't think it's as hot as you think it is”, Needless to say you're still eager to give her one. You pushed her to the wall, one leg went in between hers. “I'll do it, if you promise me you won't call yourself useless again”, She nodded, you smiled before setting her hair aside. “I haven't got to say you look good with short hair babe”, Despite the shower running you can tell she's getting wet already. “Baby, don't tease me unless you want to fuck me”, You laughed before kissing her shoulder, making her shake gently. “Move aside babe”, Minju whispered in your ears. You see in a….. throuple? It's a buy one get one free, so Yuri wants your bite mark, she got Minju’s as well. 
“Fuckkkk”, Yuri whimpered, your hand slowly explored her body and squeezed her tits. “Oh yeah like that”, Your hand travelled down to her crotch to find Minju's hand is also travelling there as well. She pulled down yours to Yuri's pussy before her hand travelled through yours and hop off to continue pinching and massaging Yuri's tits. Your finger starts penetrating her making her moan even louder, the metallic taste of her blood touched your tongue so you let go of her shoulder. “Fucking hell”, It's so unfair for Yuri, seeing blood trickling down lips was too hot. “I'm cumming”, Your hand got even wilder as she started squirting all over the bathroom floor. “Holy shit, oh my god that was great”, Yuri forgot all about the depressing thought she had from earlier.
“Great that you like it babe, but now it's my turn”, Minju pulled Yuri's face to her shoulder. “This is so weirdly hot”, You laughed before you kissed Minju. This time Yuri got the job of fingering so your hand just cooperates with your mouth to pleasure Minju’s tits. Unlike Yuri, Minju can't last long, she's been very horny after the stress relief activities with Yuri earlier today. “I'm cumming babe”, Her hand latched onto you as she felt her body spasm out of control.
“Hehehehe, is it oppa's turn then?” Yuri looks up to you while cleaning her mouth. It was off putting, especially her crazy eyes but you don't really mind. “I really have no gas in my tanks now girls, and I might catch a cold. Let's finish up and you can do it later while we're in bed”, The two want to protest but their legs are very tired as well. “Well it's better to do it when we're laying down”, The shower finish up quickly and the three of you get on bed. Unlike on Yuri and Minju, your mark is on your neck. “Ahhhh fuck girls, do you really have to….. shit aggghhhh”, Your cries of pains is like music to their ears. Obviously they don't want to hurt you, but only threading lightly between the line of pain and pleasure. “You taste so good oppa”, Yeah, that's not creepy at all, “Yeah, I want to just eat you right up babe”, Very normal behaviour. 
“Girls, let's get some sleep, I'm tired as fuck today”, How thoughtful of them to drink up all your blood before giving you a good night kiss. “Should we clean this unnie?” Minju laughed and nodded, “You should call me unnie from now on, and let's get the band aids”, As the night continues peacefully you are unaware of the paranoia your friend Doyoung is going through. 
“What the fuck you mean they went missing”, He knows Minju gonna do some legal works to fuck up his friends life but he never expected this. “They went missing, when Jin's mom went to the police and asked to see her son, the police went and showed him that he's not there. They never arrested Jin and the others in the first place. She even told them the badge of the guys that took them but the badge wasn't even registered. Dude I'm telling you, that bitch is a mob”, Dear god, Minju would've loved to be here just to see Doyoung's face turned into horror and fear. “Fuck….. fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCKKKK. I don't know what to do, fuck this I'm not talking to them ever again. You all should fucking leave them alone as well if you know what's good for you”, They already did that, it's just Doyoung who is hellbent on having fun with teasing you. The news spreads like fire, everyone in your school finds a new fear to unlock. Ever since then, no one ever goes as far as stare in your general direction.
“Did something happen?” Seeing Doyoung fully committed to avoiding you weirded you out. “We just send some ultimatum to make sure everyone leaves us alone”, Minju sees the scared look everyone gave you which made her happy. From now on your high school life will be peaceful. “Oppa, I think we should skip art class today, I have a plan”, Yesterday you three skipped class and just spent the day cuddling on Minju's bed. Despite it being a very fun time for you, the girls feel like they are being edged by you. They are hungry. “Haaaaaa, fine”, You're also kinda horny after spending a full day being embraced by the two girls.
“Hehehe, let's go then, I know where you wanted to go Yuri”, Minju and Yuri have planned for some risky session in school, now they're gonna pull out one of them. The risky place is the gym equipment room. “This place feels…. Dangerous”, It's your hentai experience that's talking. “It's okay babe, go to the corner, me and Yuri have a surprise for you”, Minju shakes the bag she's bringing. Anticipation plastered your face before you turned around and just faced the wall. You heard the ruffling of clothes while waiting, every second seems to make you even more aroused. “We're ready”, You could start a tornado with how fast you turned.
The two are wearing some super slutty school outfits. A shirt that's being tied together that exposes their midriff, a red skirt that's short enough to expose their ass, and knee high white socks. You've seen these outfits in a lot of porn, but let's be real, things are different when you see them in real life. Especially when they are worn by your girlfriends, the two most beautiful women in the world.
“Do you like it oppa”, Yuri squeezed her hands together making her boobs almost pop out of her thought shirt. “We're kind of scared that this would be too basic”, Minju turned to the side and ran her hands up her thighs and pulled up her skirt exposing her pale round ass. “But seeing your reaction, I guess it's good enough”, You let out a little laugh as you walk towards them. Despite their effort to stun you with the outfit and their sex appeal, they ended up getting stunned instead. Your smirk and the whole aura you gave off as you walked towards them made them squirm in their place. “It's perfect”, You grabbed Minju by the waist using one hand and pulled her on to you. “Oppaaaa”, Yuri whined as you kissed Minju but it was short lived as your other hand grabbed her breast and squeezed it. “So wet already?” Your hand on Minju travelled down and went to her pussy. 
“Babe, ahhhh, right there”, You smiled and turned to Yuri who's biting her lip seductively. “Come here”, With one rough pull you ripped her shirt letting those melons fall out. You grab her by the waist as your head travels down to take her breast into your mouth. “Oooohhhh, oppa harder”, Your teeth dug deeper into her breast making her squeal. “Oh fuck Oppa, I'm gonna cum before you get to fuck me”, Minju moaned as your hand never stop fingering her. “Fucking hell, you first Min”, You pushed Minju to sit on, whatever that sturdy thing was, you're too distracted to analyse it. She spreads her leg showing off her eager pussy, you smile and take off your pants. 
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Aligning your cock with her pussy, you decided there's no time for teasing, with one quick thrust you buried your cock deep into her. “Fuck, baby you're still too big for me”, Thankfully your cock hasn't magically shrunk, yet. “Fucking hell Min, you're always so slutty”, Her walls clamped your cock, almost suffocating it with it's tightness. “Oppa, play with me too”, Yuri pulled your hand craving for your attention. You wrapped your hand around her and grabbed her ass as your mouth travelled to her tits. Biting on to it before sealing your lips around her nipples. You keep sucking on them so hard that it might start lactating soon, your hand was grabbing her ass so roughly it might get bruised.
“Babe, me to-”, Deciding not to deal with two needy women at the same time your other hand slapped her cheem. “Shut up”, The pain sends a thrill around Minju’s body, coupled with your stern eyes she feels her orgasm is drawing near. “Look at you Yuri, you might just cum from my hands, are you close baby?” You whispered in her ears, “Yeah oppa, fuck I'm so close”, Your hand let go of her. “We can't let that happen can we?” You laughed as she let out an angry whine. “Fuck baby I'm so close. Fill me up, fill me to the brim, breed me”, You smiled as your hand grabbed Minju’s waist. “Well, wait until I'm done then”, You picked up your pace and start fucking her rougher and faster. Every thrust made her body shake and jiggle roughly. Minju can feel your nails sinking on to her waist, the impact of your waist clashing on to hers, and most importantly, your cock that's splitting her apart. The pain…. It excites her.
“Oppa please, let me cum”, Hearing Minju's desperate plea you just smiled, “Be a good girl and shut up”, You know you're getting closer as well, but you want to see her break. You keep holding in your ejaculations while Minju is desperately trying to hold hers as well. She's falling hard, every thrust is a knock on her orgasm that keeps yelling to be let out. She can't just cum, she really wants to hold it in but she can't. Her tears run down her face as her mind is losing its sanity. “Oppa”, Seeing her so frail in your hand you can't hold it back anymore, “I'm cumming”, Your declaration was not needed as Minju is so sensitive she can feel the throbbing cock inside her. “Fuck babeeeee”, she screams as your cum paints her inside, oh yeah without those pills she will be pregnant by now. 
“Oppa”, Without giving you any time for recuperation Yuri starts whining. You look down to see her grinding on your leg desperately. “Get up”, She smiled and jumped up, then she turned her back on you as she picked up something from the bag. “Are you sure?” You said as she handed you a bottle of lube, “Yes, ruin me oppa”, She leaned down and rested her hand on whatever Minju was sitting on. “Ooohhh, Yuri is already so eager”, Minju was scooping out some of the cum on her vagina using her fingers before she started sucking on them. “Aaaahhhh”, Yuri said, the two then had fun trying to get your sperm out of Minju's pussy to share and drink.
You squirted some lube to your fingers and on Yuri's hole. Slowly your finger circles around the entrance before it pushes in. “Ahhhh”, Yuri moaned but it didn't stop her from using her tongue to explore Minju's pussy. One finger, then two, then three, well Yuri seems to be eager. “I'm going in babe”, Yuri immediately stopped eating Minju out and went back to the leaning position. “Well, at least I have some snacks”, Minju smiled as she continued her previous activities. “Slowly oppa”, Yuri whimpered, you raised your hand and slapped her ass, “I'll do what I want babe”, This only makes her asshole even more eager. You did start slow, first you pushed your tip in, and her asshole almost chopped it off with its tightness.
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“Oh fuck, you're so tight Yuri”, You let out a groan, unbeknownst to you, Yuri was sending a victory smile towards Minju. Albeit, the pain she's having made it look more like a winced than a smile. “Before you say anything you should try to take oppa's full lengths first”, Minju loves anal, and she knows if she's struggling to take you in her ass after all her toys, then Yuri is gonna be suffering. You slowly pushed deeper, making Yuri start flailing and shaking wildly. Never once that stopping you came across her mind, she will handle your size, even if it means splitting her ass apart. “Holy fuck this is too much”, You're still somewhat sensitive from Minju and now your cock is overly stimulated by Yuri, you might just cum any second now.
“Oh my god you love this don't you?” Minju grabbed both of Yuri's tits and pinched her nipples. “Ahhhhh, oppa, I'm coming”, Yuri moaned, “Fucking hell, you thrust into her, you can't keep it up anymore. “Ooohhhh, oppa”, Yuri moaned as you grabbed her waist and raised her up. With her leg dangling from the ground Yuri went through an orgasm in a helpless state, being held up by your cock and hands. “Fuck, oppa I can't stand anymore”, You gently put her down while holding her until she can try to hold herself up. Minju got off her seat and kneel underneath Yuri, “My treat”, Fuck it this is porn don't think about the hygiene.
“Min, If you really want some, you can take it from the tap”, You grabbed Minju's face before shoving your cock into her mouth. Minju loves it when you become so dominant like this, she relaxed her throat as your cock slowly pushed deeper. “Oppa, kiss me”, Yuri stand behind Minju while holding the latter’s head. “You're so fucking needy you know that?” You grabbed her chin and pulled her for a kiss. Your waist continues moving to fuck Minju while Yuri held her head to make sure she can't move anywhere. Minju was handling it pretty well….. for the first few minutes.
“Fuck, you okay Min?” You pulled out seeing Minju is struggling to breath. Minju felt relieved, but also a bit defeated as she felt she can't handle you. “I'm sorry”, You just laughed and patted her head, “It's okay babe”, Yuri then sat down next to Minju. “My turn”, Minju and you look at her with questioning eyes, “What? You two are so mean”, She frown. “Listen Yuri, why don't you use this assets of yours to pleasure babe. Let me help you”, Minju get the lube bottle back and smear it all over Yuri's tits. “Oh yeah”, You laughed seeing what's about to come, other than you that is.
“Come here babe”, You moved in front of Yuri. Minju kneeled behind Yuri and grabbed Yuri's tits from behind. As you put your cock in between her tits, Minju starts enveloping it with Yuri's soft melons. The squishy and warm feeling that your cock is feeling made you feel like in heaven. Top it off with the two girls looking at you with submissive and horny eyes, you might not last long. “Do you like it when my tits are wrapping you oppa?” You just smiled and groaned. “Babe definitely loves it, look at him, bathed in ecstasy, fighting against his orgasm that's building up”, Minju is right, the soft and warm feelings enveloping your cock are so different from what you're used to. Of course, it is just as good, the fight is still going and you're losing. “Fuck I'm coming”, This made Minju move even faster, “Cum for me oppa, cum all over my tits please”, Yuri helped by using her sweet voice and irresistible face. “Fuck, I'm cumming”, Despite already cumming twice your sperm is still flying all over the place coatings Yuri's tits and both of their face.
As your ejaculation passed, the two hungry jumped on each other's face trying to lick every drop. After that Minju got down and started sucking your sperm on Yuri's tits, the pleasure from Minju's mouth and tongues distracted Yuri from taking some for herself. Thankfully Minju is kind, “Open up, Yuri”, Yuri opened her mouth eagerly while Minju slowly dripped the mixture of your sperm and her saliva down to Yuri's mouth. As the last drop fell she leaned down and the two exchanged a passionate kiss. The mixture keeps exchanging places inside their mouth, coating every inch of their mouth. Their hands can't be kept to themselves so they start exploring each other’s body. You pick up a mattress from the corner of the room, checking it, smelling it, touching it, well it's clean enough. You drop it to the ground and just sit and watch the girls.
After 10 minutes of gripping and make out session the girls, ‘evenly’ split the cum before gulping it down. Then they turned to you, hungry for more, “Didn't we say we are only gonna skip art class?” You laughed as you lay down on the mattress, “We can skip it all”, You start reconsidering Minju's offer to do homeschooling. That can be talked about later, for now, it's round two.
“Why do you look so exhausted? What did you do back in school?” Eunbi somewhat guessed the answer already, “My girlfriends”, You are kind enough to confirm it. “You absolute idiot, just drop out already if you don't want to go to school. Where did you go in the last three days anyway?” Right, you haven't met her since Sunday morning. “Alright, that's….. you know what you do you, I really can't wrap my head around you, your girlfriends and those crazy families”, Eunbi would be lying if she said she's not concerned, but of course it's not like she can do anything to change your mind or keep you safe. “Thank you, the dinner tonight is cancelled or what?” She shakes her head, “My girlfriend is coming here at 7”, You never asked her actually. “Why didn't you tell me you have a girlfriend?” She rolled her eyes, “Because I want to prank you, and because you're a pervert”, You feel offended, of course you are a pervert but it still hurts you.
“Why am I a pervert?” She just frowned, “Your whole porn stash is just lesbian porn”, That's true but, “How do you know about that?” Do you even want to ask though? “When your laptop broke and I had to take it to the shop they told me there's too much porn in the storage that the memory has hard time finding space to keep temporary files”, Ah, that's why, “Did they think that was your laptop?” Her glare says yes. “Well, I should take a shower and call up the girls then”, Excusing yourself before she explodes has become a skill you developed this last year.
“She should be here any minute now”, Both of your girlfriends are anxiously waiting next to you. They don't like you meeting new girls, even if it's your sister's girlfriend. Not long, a knock on the door can be heard. Eunbi went to open it to reveal her girlfriend. Short hair, somewhat tall, well your sister is pretty short so it's not a fair comparison. She wore a black baggy t-shirt, red flannel and cargo pants, to top off the tomboy vibe she also wore a black hat and had a band aid on her cheek. “Good evening welcome to our humble abode”, She raised her eyebrow while following Eunbi to sit in front of you. “Thanks kid but I've been here a lot”, How the fuck would you not notice it? Oh right you were a shut in who blast music at full volume and stayed in your room 16 hours a day.
“The foods are still hot, so let's just eat”, Eunbi seems somewhat nervous, you're not sure if she's embarrassed of you or her girlfriend. “Name is Ryujin kid, I heard a lot about you. Although Eunbi said that we're having a double date dinner”, She eyed Minju and Yuri who just stared at her blankly. “We are”, Since when have you become so sassy? The girls immediately understood and took turns to kiss your cheek before scooping some of the rice for themselves. “Huh, that's unexpected”, There was a clear disapproval on her voice but she refrained for now.
“Eunbi never told you about this?” You just smile as you also fill your plate. “Nope, although I see why”, The cynical tone made the girls a little pissed. “Correct this is pretty complicated”, You find this amusing, “No, this is embarrassing”, Well, at least the girl doesn't have to be scared of you getting taken away by some college chick. Now they just have to worry on how to teach this girl a lesson. “Embarrassing because I can have two girlfriends while she and you only have one?” Maybe you should just copy Minho's physique and not his personality. “You're brave kid”, Eunbi slammed the table to silence us, “Stop antagonising him and you also stop acting like a bitch”, You just shrugged and started eating.
“So how do you two meet?” Oh Ryujin is definitely losing her respect to you by the seconds, “We're in the same major, she's my upperclassmen who help tutor me during my internship. Now stop this stupid display of yours”, Eunbi kicked you from below the table. “You're no fun, haaaaa where should we start girls?” Ryujin slowly went from disdain to confusion as you told her the story of how the three of you came together. “And yes, the two of them are fine with it, I'm getting tired of hearing that question and so are they”, You continued eating as Ryujin was digesting the food and information. “How about you let them speak first?” The girls just shrugged. “Oppa already said what needs to be said, and he can put it better than us”, Not convincing enough, “What else is there to be said, babe already put it nicely for us”, Definitely not convincing.
“Listen ma'am”, Eunbi stares at you telling you not to call her girlfriend that, “We had this conversation way too many times already during the course of this weekend. Can't blame us for being too tired to try and convince you. What's important is that my sister is convinced and you are aware about this”, Ryujin turned to Eunbi. “I was sceptical at first too, but after a while you will see they have a pretty strong bond. On top of that there's just no way to stop this so for now I'll just let them ride. Don't make any sex jokes”, Good call, you don't have any creative ones anyway.
Ryujin stares at you coldly for a while, which doesn't sit right with the girls. “Is there anything you want to say?” Yuri said angrily. “Babe, don't be rude”, You patted her head making her sigh, Minju pulled your hand as well, if Yuri gets one then she needs to have one as well. “Sorry about them, they get cranky when I'm around other girls”, You've come to terms with that already? “I expected a lot from you, Eunbi told me a lot about you. Even Yuna has some praises about you, but I never expected this”, On the topic of other girls, how does she know about Yuna?
“Who's Yuna?” Eunbi beat you to it, “My sister, and his ex”, Head pat faster bro, otherwise the girls might just snap. “What? You have an ex?” Even faster, “It was just a fling, right babe?” Is this gaslighting or threatening? “It was a while ago”, Should you pull your hands and piss the girls off or should you just leave it there with the risk of losing them. “She didn't talk like it was just a one time thing”, Ryujin picked up on the girls’ anger. “Really? What did Yuna say about our boyfriend?” Minju leaned in, “Well, he was romantic, kind and also very funny”, The two turned to you. “Come on girls you know I don't really know much about what Yuna thinks of me”, Immediately Ryujin’s view flipped. You're not a fuckboy who roped two innocent girls into this relationship, you were the one who got roped in, with chains and leash.
“It was a while ago, probably not long after she graduated”, Ryujin is pretty kind huh, “Yeah, I guess she does view it a little more fondly than me”, The crisis has been averted for now. The pity that Ryujin had for you and the gratitude you have for her smooth out the rest of the dinner. The three of you excused yourself, leaving the house for her and your sister. “Baby were you serious back then?” You tried to do some history lesson to remember what Minju is referring to. “What?” You failed, “Being homeschooled”, Right, you did mention it after school. “I don't know, I was a little scared that both of your families would find out and cause some trouble. Of course with your parents blessing and Yuri's out of the way maybe it wasn't a bad idea”, The two nod happily. “Good, we're leaving from tomorrow”, Not tomorrow but Yuri doesn't want to spend any more time in the school you're about to leave anyway. “Yeah, a new chapter”
The next day you told Eunbi the news which of course, doesn't faze her anymore. “Do what you want”, She can only pray that good things happen to you from now on. Yuri's parents don't budge for a second, “Yuri you're our only child, would you really do this to your own parents?” Her mom cried, “I really can't deal with this, just….. call me when you have a change of heart”, The three of you left them bawling their eyes out. Minju's parents don't mind, her mom happily let the three of you live in the house you had dinner with last Sunday. You have a sneaking suspicion that her dad is okay since it means he can monitor you more closely. Hopefully he doesn't mind hearing reports of all the sex you three gonna go through. “That is wise yes, you, you will learn under me”, Why is her sister so adamant on taking you under her wings. Your spidey senses are tingling and so do the girls. After hours of back and forth between them and Yoojin, the latter finally gives up, for now. “You will work under me, I need to keep an eye on you”, Her parting words left you with some sense of dread. “It's okay oppa, don't mind her”, Yuri kissed your cheek, “Yeah, now let's go shopping”, Minju the sugar mom of the relationship took you out on an outing.
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You were dreading this trip because you know your leg will be drying and your arms will fall off. However the fear seems to be prescient as an unexpected encounter happens when the girls went to the bathroom. “Beeeee?” A voice from the past causes chills to run down your spine. You turned to the source of the voice to see a face you wish to never see again. “It is you”, Yuna jumped to hug you, the memories all flashed in front of you, the smell of her shampoo, the tender hands she used to caress your head, the thin figure that you used to embrace.
“Hey Yun, didn't expect to see you hear”, If she notices your shivering dry voice, she doesn't show it. “Oh my god I missed you so much. Doyoung refused to say anything about you so I thought you got kidnapped too”, Too? What does she mean by too? “Oh? What happened?” She tilted their head in confusion while her face was filled with worry. “Right, you never care about anything. Some of our friends got kidnapped and went missing, Jin was one of them”, The chill in your spine turned into a sick twisted crunch as if Bane just snapped it in half with his knee. “Oh right, I heard, Jin went missing. Although I never heard the updates on them being kidnapped”
Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck.
Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck.
“Yeah, you be careful out there okay? Also I heard you got a girlfriend?” Right, talking about girlfriends, “Yuna? What are you doing here?” Yuri wrapped her arm around yours while staring at Yuna coldly. “Haaaaa, I knew it, you two will always end up together”, Thankfully Yuna is a bit of an airhead so she can be sweet to soften the anger Yuri is having. “So you're Yuna?” Minju wrapped your other arm, “Yes, and you are?” Yuna tilted her head to Minju, “I'm Minju, nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you”, Minju hid her animosity better. “Wait, what's happening here Beeeeee?” The name was just short for Brutus but the way she says it makes it sound way too cute.
“It's complicated, Yuna, this is Yuri you already know her, this is Minju, she transferred to our high school. They're my girlfriends”, Yuna raised her eyebrow before laughing. “Oh my god, little bee has grown up now? Catching girls' hearts left and right?” She ruffled your hair, with a hand that she will lose soon enough. “It's complicated, you should ask your sister, did you know she's dating mine?” She nodded, “Unnie said you were annoying, shit I should've asked her about your girlfriend. Well anyway nice to meet you two, it's good to see you step out of your cocoon Bee. I need to go, text me sometime okay?” 
Now that she's gone, let's try not to make it permanent. Like dead, not like you will see her again. “Girls, should we go home”, Ahhhhh the old clashing aura that you did not miss at all. “Yes, let's go home”, The two wrapped your arms like an anaconda, but with venoms ready to be injected into you. The ride was so quiet you could feel your heartbeat deafening you. You can also swear you hear them talking telepathically on ways to….. make Yuna disappear. Just the thought of it made you sick. You have to think this through.
“You're cheating on us? We left for five minutes and you let her slobber all over you”, First step is to calm them down, “Girls we just saw each other coincidentally, you know we're in the biggest mall downtown, it's not that weird or a coincidence”, Maybe your arguments are too specific. “She fucking stalks you didn't she oppa? That fucking bitch”, Okay what now? Hugssss, they always work. “Girls please, you know that's not what happened. Can you two please just leave this behind?” Definitely not. “We don't like her and we want you to cut her off”, Sacrifices need to be made. “How about this, I promise, I will never talk to her or any other girls when you two are not around. You can even delete her contact from my phone. Just leave her alone alright”, The term ‘leave her alone’ made Yuri and Minju realise that you had some suspicions towards them.
“Wait here”, The two left the bedroom making your anxiety raise sharply. The two waited outside the door as they converse about what they need to do. “He knows”, Minju nods, “She probably told him”, Yuri frowned. “If he's not mad, then he's okay with it?” Yuri shakes her head, “Oppa is scared, we make him scared”, The two feel guilty at least there's that. “Fuck, but what now?” The two stay quiet for a moment, “I think killing Yuna will make him even more scared. But fuck I hate her”, For you, they will compromise though. “He said he's willing to cut her off. Let's make a deal then, he will never talk to other girls as well as cutting Yuna out of his life. But if he does as much as make eye contact with her she is gone”, Yuri proposed quite a good deal. “From now on, he can't leave the house without our supervision”, Minju decided to add another clause to the deal. “Yes, we need to seal the deal first. I smell some of her shampoo on his shoulder earlier”, Yuna definitely didn't hug you long enough to leave a trace but the girls’ delusion speaks otherwise. “Yes, let's get him drained for the night”
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When the two came back, you were spoiled by the sight of two beauties wearing a sexy lingerie. Yuri wore a black one, Minju wore a white one, their body and perfect curves only get complimented by the lingeries. However you can't be horny right now, all you feel is worry and anxiousness. “Oppa, we decided to let you off, just this once”, Yuri walked to you and sat on one of your legs. “But only this once, you can never talk to her and we're deleting her contact after this”, Minju sat on the other one. “On top of that, you can never talk to other girls okay?” Yuri unbuttoned your shirt, “Or leave this house without us, okay babe?” You nod, somewhat relieved that you managed to save someone's life.
“Good, then for now, since you have cheated on us, you will have to make it up to us”, Minju unzipped your pants, “We want you to prove yourself to us, fuck us untill we can't walk tomorrow. That's okay right oppa?” Yuri kissed your cheek. “I love you two, now and forever”, The girls exchanged glances, the joy they felt was mutual, however the talk about marriage can be talked about later. “Lay down on the bed oppa”, You comply, the two immediately pull down your pants revealing your cock. “So hard already, I know you won't cheat on us on purpose”, Your horniness knows no bounds. “Fuck this feels so warm”, Minju pressed her head against it, her breath sends tickling sensation through your body. “Mwah, are you gonna start doing your job unnie?” Yuri kissed your tip making it shivered for a second. “Ooohhhhh, appetisers”, Yuri hungrily lick your leaking precum, “Fuck, I want some”, Yuri moved down to start kissing and suckling on your balls as Minju took her turns to drink your juice.
“Girls I'm still so fucking sensitive from last night”, Since the last day of school you three had sex 4 times out of the last 6 days. “You should hold it in then oppa”, Yuri laughed before she started sucking your balls since she found out that it's your weak spot. “Itadakimasu”, Minju gave another kiss to the tip before she swallowed your cock whole. The feeling of her tight little throat is too stimulating. Yuri's endless attack on your balls doesn't help either. “I swear I can feel your babies swimming around in here oppa”, Her dirty talk doesn't help either. “Haaaaa, haaaaa, haaaaa, Yuri your turn”, Minju travelled down to your balls as Yuri was taking your cock into her mouth. “You can cum when you want oppa, but we are not stopping until we are satisfied”, Minju smiled before she started worshipping your balls. 
You try to hold it in, the feelings of warmth enveloping your cock while kisses and licks keep attacking your balls trying to push your sperm out of its resting place. “Fuck unnie, I can't”, Thank fuck you have such a big cock that Yuri can't handle it. “Hehehehehe, then let's collaborate”, Minji started kissing the side of your tip while Yuri kissed the other side. Slowly they used your tongue to lick it like a popsicle, then their lips sandwiched it as they moved up and down in sync. The sandwich blowjob proves to be a bad matchup for you as you can't even hold it much longer. “Fuck I'm cumming”, Hearing your groan the two moves even faster and their tongue licks even more furiously, tracing their way through the veins all over your dick.
Like a fountain your sperm shoots up before falling down to the girls’ face. The two didn't stop, they got even more aggressive until your cock stopped throbbing. “So thick and warm, I want a taste”, The two take turns licking each other's face, cleaning every drop of cum from their faces. Once their face turned crystal clear, Minji climbed to be eye level with you. “You can sit back and relax, oppa, we'll take it from here”, She bit your ears as Yuri pulled her panties to the side before sitting on your cock. “Fuck, do you feel how wet I am for you oppa, do you like it?” If Yuri keeps grinding on it with her drenched pussy you might just cum right now.
“Are you gonna fuck him or should I take the first turn”, Yuri just frowned before she lifts up a little. She aligned her cock with her pussy before abruptly dropping down. “Fuck, oppa hold me”, Your hand raises up to help support her weight. “Baby, I'm here too”, Minju pulled you into a kiss. Her hand trails down to your newly formed abs sending some ticklish sensation. Your tongue had some wrestling action against hers as Yuri kept riding you. “Oppa, look at me, do you like my tits”, You broke off the kiss to see Yuri has pulled down her bra making her tits bounce alongside her. A mesmerising view before your attention was grabbed by the searing pain on your neck. “Fuck, I'm coming babe”, Yuri bite her lips and nodded, “I'm cumming too oppa. Ahhhhh your cock is pushing inside me, I can feel it squirm oppa. Fill me, fill me up inside with your love”, She dropped down on you as her thighs shook out of exhaustion and ecstasy. Her inner walls help milk your sperm out of your cock, somehow this batch is much thicker and higher volume than before. “Fuckkkk, I can feel it oppa, I can feel you right here”, Yuri rubbed her stomach as her orgasm passed away.
“You taste so good babe, every inch of your body and every drop of your bodily fluid is just nectar to me”, Minju had her fill of blood. “We should clean that latter”, Remember, do not think about the hygiene. “Fuck, my legs need some times oppa”, Yuri jumped to lay next to you while Minju took her spot. Minju faced away from you showing off her flawless back. “I can't wait anymore babe, hope you're ready”, Fuck her pussy just start milking you from the first penetration. “Oppa, kiss me as well”, Yuri jumped on you, sitting in your stomach making sure to get in Minju's way. Then she bent down and started making out with you. Your hand went around her and grabbed Minju's waist, grabbing her ass and thighs from time to time. Yuri grabbed your head using both of her hands as she aggressively made out with you. 
When she had enough of your saliva she travelled down to your neck, reinstating the fading wounds she left before. Knowing you probably can't hold any longer, your hand reaches out to let your finger trace down Minju’s spine, her weak spot. “Fuck, that's not fair oppa, I'm cumming”, Minju squealed. That means you can safely deliver your load inside her, just as much and just as thick as the one swimming inside Yuri right now. “Fuckkkkk, I can feel you oppa, I can feel them moving around me”, Minju pressed her stomach, the pressure her finger gave can be felt by you through her flesh. “Perfect, but we're not done yet oppa, we want more”
You are dead, congratulations, you've been freed from the mortal body. “That's amazing oppa”, Oh wait you're not, tough luck buddy. “It is great babe, sorry that we went all out. We're just pissed by that fucking bitch”, Minju and Yuri is comfortably nestling in your arms. “I know….. I just need a few days to cool down okay?” Detestable, but they expected nothing less. “Good, then we can delete that bitch contact tomorrow”, The two are just as exhausted as you are, after all you still have your fingers to pleasure them. Not your tongue though, you do not want to taste your own sperm on their vagina. “Yeah also don't forget about what you said earlier, now and forever. You weren't lying right oppa?” Of course you can't say yes to that, “No, I love you two, now and forever”, You hugged them tighter. “Good, then we can talk about marriage later as well”, Tomorrow problem, for tomorrow me, as the saying goes.
“I love you oppa”
“I love you babe”
“I love you two as well”
Maybe this isn't so bad. You have two heavenly beauties with irresistible sex appeal and jaw dropping looks that will always love you till the end of days. Maybe they love you a little too much, but that's okay. Right?
Yo, sorry for the wait, last part of the series. I will add some polls soon for the next series, hope you like it. Also please feel free to send any comments or critisism, this is the first time I start publishing my stories and I want to improve my skills. Hope you like it :)
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