#<- me watching the every main character dies on screen show that I've been watching since i was like 10: sure hope nothing bad happens
mwagneto · 30 days
15 revealing that apparently the bigeneration was hugely traumatic and not something he could survive again is already insane but especially considering that when he was with 14 neither of them acted like it was anything other than amazing which makes me think 15 was the only one who felt that it was something incredibly damaging but he didn't wanna tell 14 coz he wanted at least one of them to be happy which is sooo.. ough....
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mendeshoney · 8 months
hiiii i just want to say thank you for giving us all these stories, like it really makes my day seeing it on my feed. can you please write something about barzy being the readers boyfriend but also bsf so he gets all the tea every time lol
"You are never going to believe what I just found out."
The door closes and locks behind you at the same time that Mat's head whips around, his wireless headset falling from the force of the turn, and his character dies on the screen.
Faintly, you can hear the protests of his teammates through his headphones, and Mat's immediately scrambling, pulling the headset on and rushing out a quick goodbye. He turns off the game and tosses his headset onto the couch beside him, his whole body turning toward you.
"At 'The Debrief?'" Mat asks. If he were a dog, you would swear his ears would be perked all the way up and his tail would be wagging.
You nod, an excited smile on your face as you head to the fridge and grab the already open bottle of champagne, and when Mat sees it, he flies over the back of the couch and scrambles to grab the glasses from the cabinet.
"No fucking way," he says as he moves, just as excited, placing the glasses down on the kitchen counter in front of you.
"Do you want to guess who it involves? Or should I just tell you?" You ask, pouring the champagne in the glass first, and Mat tops it off with the orange juice he grabbed from the fridge.
"Just tell me," Mat insists. "I've been waiting for this since you left."
This had become a tradition between the two of you over the last six months.
Every two weeks, on a Sunday, you and your best friends gather at a bistro or café and catch up on everything going on in the others lives. You'd been friends with them since you were kids, lasting throughout high school and college combined, and now that you're all adults with your own lives, it's the main way to ensure you keep in touch.
Mat had gone to one of them when you first started dating. You forgot that you'd made plans with him on the same Sunday as what you and your friends liked to call "The Debrief," and your friends had been so excited to meet him that they encouraged you to bring him along.
Needless to say, Mat had never had so much fun being involved in gossip in his life.
"You hear things being on the team," he had told you after you'd left that day. "But none of them are that exciting. It's like watching a reality show unfold in real life."
Since then, he'd begged to go with you each time, but you always had to let him down to remind him that "The Debrief" is a closed event, and that he can't always tag along just because. But he'd been so sad about being told he couldn't be involved, you came up with this compromise.
After every day you went to "The Debrief," you'd come home to him and start what he dubbed as "The Mimosa Memo," where you'd summarize what you learned that morning and Mat could still feel like he was involved.
You take a swig of the mimosa, then lean your elbows on the counter and blurt out "Drea's older sister is pregnant."
Mat's mouth drops open, genuine disbelief on his face. "No! Alyssa? Is the dad the married fin tech dude?"
"Yep," you confirm, and Mat groans out loud.
"She's keeping the baby?!" He exclaims, and when you nod, he takes a swig of his own mimosa, shaking his head. "Andrea needs to talk some sense into her."
"Oh, she tried," you admit, recounting your friend's frustrated face. "I don't think I've ever seen Drea so mad before. Lyss even told Drea she was convinced that this would mean he would leave his wife for good."
Mat scoffs. "Yeah, alright."
"That's not even the best part," you insist after taking another sip.
You laugh as Mat's eyeballs bug out again, and he makes a 'hurry up' gesture with his hands. "Spit it out, I'm dying over here!"
"Fin tech bro?" You begin dramatically, feeling excitement when the anticipation is all over Mat's face. "His wife just found out she's pregnant too."
The gasp that leaves Mat's mouth is both vindicating and hilarious, and you can't help but laugh at his reaction. "Does Alyssa know?"
You shake your head. "We just found out at brunch. We Instagram stalked him, found his wife's account, and she posted a picture celebrating the end of her first trimester literally two days after Lyss found out she was pregnant."
Mat shakes his head, completely flabbergasted. He takes another large swig of his mimosa, and sighs, like he's exhausted by the drama that isn't even his. "What did Lyss say when Drea told her?"
You shrug, and Mat stares at you. "Drea said she was going to tell her when she got home."
"Are you kidding me?!" He pouts. "You're telling me I have to wait another two weeks to find out?"
You smirk, hiding behind the rim of your glass. "Guess so."
His nostrils flare, and his shoulders sag. "If Drea texts you before then you have to tell me about it."
You raise a brow at him. Usually he's eager, but not this eager. "Why?"
A slight flush creeps up his cheeks. "No reason."
"Mathew." You deadpan. "What did you do?"
He stares at his glass like it's the most interesting thing the entire world. "I.....may or may not have told a few people a couple of things I learned from 'The Debrief' and 'The Mimosa Memo' and they may or may not also want updates."
You stare at him blankly. "So you told Tito, Tyson, and Ethan."
"And Lianna," he clarifies. "But that's it."
A groan leaves your lips, and you tip back the rest of your mimosa. "See, this is why you're not allowed at 'The Debrief,' you've got loose lips."
"You're the one telling me stuff!"
"I'm allowed to! The rules extend to significant others, but not beyond that!"
Mat frowns. "So if I can't tell the guys about Drea's sister?"
You roll your eyes, pouring more champagne and head straight to your bathroom to run a bubble bath, ignoring Mat's cries of protests as you retreat.
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this-is-krikkit · 2 months
Hii! If you're taking prompts then can you plz do some levihan on this:
'I've been born in the wrong timeline and the wrong gender!'
'And you realized that after sixteen years?'
hello! you're the first anon i don't feel i have to apologize to for taking too long to reply to a prompt lmao, hope you'll enjoy this!
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of swords and crushes (1.4k words)
tags: levihan, modern AU (coffee shop AU if you squint), game of thrones references but you don't need to be a big fan to get em, GOT-typical violence mentioned
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“I’m telling you, I was born in the wrong timeline and the wrong sex!” Hange exclaims, trading their branded apron for their civilian coat and giving a last minute check to the coffee shop for any obvious task they might have forgotten.
Levi clicks his tongue at them, not for the first time that day, and gestures for them to leave out the front door with him.
“And you only realized that after sixteen years, while watching a blockbuster series about sword fights and magic?”
“Yes! No? I don’t know, I just know I want to be a knight!” they whine, using the tone they know their coworker can hardly stand.
“You want to be a knight, or you want to do one of them?”
“Levi! How dare you put your dirty thoughts into my pure and innocent mind!”
“I may not watch that shit show myself, shitty glasses, but I’ve seen enough screen caps and memes to know no one innocent watches it. Not with those casting choices anyway.”
Hange’s glasses reflect the setting sun and hide their eyes even as they grin devilishly at him, and he groans at his own slip up.
“Oh, you’ve seen enough screen caps to have an opinion then? Tell me, which one strikes your fancy, Neat Freak? The sadist bastard who tortures people into becoming his slaves, or the annoyingly rich golden boy who had three kids with his own sister?”
He just stares at them for a minute, then shakes his head as he locks the front door.
“I swear this show gets worse every time I hear about it,” he mumbles under his breath. “Either way, the one I like best has green eyes, and I think his father was in Lord of The Rings or something?”
“Oh… You mean, Robb Stark?”
Levi glares their way, because how the fuck would he know, again? But Hange, as always immune to his stink eye, just pulls their phone out and hands it over after a quick search.
“Here, is that him? Oh my God, you’re blushing, it’s totally him!” they squeal before Levi can even confirm it with words.
“Shut up and help me pull this down,” he requests, gesturing to the iron shutter they have to secure before leaving. “He is cute,” he still feels the need to argue defensively as Hange complies.
They chuckle and bump their shoulder to his when they squat down to help him with the heavy padlock that secures the system in place.
“He is,” they agree with a reassuring smile, before letting a sigh out. “Shame that he dies in season three though.”
“What? I thought he was, like, the main character!”
“Well, he is, until, you know... he gets his throat slit at his cousin’s wedding, right after he sees his pregnant wife getting stabbed straight into her belly.”
Levi picks up his jaw from the floor and turns to face his coworker, waiting to see if there’s any chance they could be trying to pull one on him —they don’t usually have a strong enough poker face to actually trick him, but they’ve surprised him before in the year they’ve been sharing shifts on this shitty part time job.
“She dies too, of course! Along with everyone who was with them then,” Hange adds right away, like that’s somehow reassuring.
“Why the fuck do you watch this shit, Four Eyes?” he asks, genuinely confused about it all.
“Ah, sorry, I know you’re weird about this stuff. We can talk about something else if you want,” they offer with a sheepish smile, scratching the back of their neck in discomfort.
“I’m not weird about it,” Levi corrects, dismissing their concern with a wave of his hand, “and it’s fine to discuss. I just don’t like violence for the sake of violence, or for shock value. Feels lazy to me.”
“That’s not all there is to it!”
He gives them a pointed glance, and Hange has the decency to blush a little.
“Okay, it’s probably a big part of it… But the plot does justify it most of the time so far, and some characters are really interesting and fun to try to figure out, I think you’d enjoy it! Besides, the fighting scenes are so badass, Levi!”
They launch into a mock choreography of what he can only assume is one of those scenes, and Levi doesn’t bother holding back a chuckle as he walks alongside them. He ignores the puzzled looks from people who pass them by, throwing a glare or two whenever someone dares to stare for too long with judging eyes.
“How do you have so much energy after the shift you just pulled on top of a day in class, for fuck's sake? I really feel like I’m the older one here sometimes.”
And alright, Levi does have another, early and demanding job to go to while other kids his age are in school, which might explain his own state of tiredness. But Hange truly is something else, stamina-wise.
“That’s because you’re an old soul, Levi, whereas I’m brand new and enthusiastic about what the world has to offer! And about swords!”
“Yeah, right. Why don’t you sign up to fencing lessons and get it out of your system for good?”
“Sure, let me give up this side job I only took for the fun of it, ask my imaginary butler to fetch my thousand dollars allowance from my billionaire parents and I’ll do just that!”
He bites the inside of his cheek to prevent his smile from stretching too wide, even though he knows Hange will be able to tell they got him with that one anyway.
“Point taken,” he gives in.
The walk back to their subway station is silent, a little less comfortable than usual when they’re both painfully aware that Hange’s now thinking about their own financial issues —the unfortunate reason they even took this job and met Levi in the first place.
He looks around the industrial neighborhood they’re walking, and spots two long rusty metal pipes hanging out from a bin nearby. In a fit of renewed energy he didn’t suspect he could have, he rushes over there, grabs them —heavier than they look, but he knows they can both handle it— and throws one at Hange’s feet.
“Here you go, Sir Hange Zoë,” he declares, feeling absolutely ridiculous as he stands in what he hopes looks like a sword fighting position —he sure hopes Hange will give him a break, it’s not like he has a wide frame of reference for this. “Fight me.”
They chortle, the sound immediately brightening the mood —and Levi’s day.
“You don’t have to do this, Levi. You were right, it’s kind of childish.”
He frowns and charges, hitting their shin lightly with his shabby weapon. Hange’s eyebrows shoot up on their forehead, and he can tell they’re slowly giving in.
“Levi! You can’t attack a defenseless maiden, that’s not gentleman-y at all!”
“You’re not a maiden, dumbass. And who said I’m a gentleman?”
Next time he lunges, they block the blow thanks to their own pipe and send him stumbling back —with a force that would surprise anyone else considering how lanky they look in their baggy clothes, and a fire in their eyes that would no doubt freak them out too. Levi, however, has known for months now that the tall nerdy weirdo look is only a mask hiding a fierce, passionate kid who might just be the strongest person he’s ever met —in more ways than one.
Sadly, they’re also much more —how did they put it again? Oh, right— enthusiastic about the whole fighting thing than he’d foreseen, and he soon finds himself having an actual hard time holding them off. One of their well placed hits shatters the pipe he was holding in his hold, and he thanks his lucky star that the combat has to end as he puts both hands up.
“Alright, I yield! You’re right, Four Eyes, you would have made a great knight.”
“Thank you!” they reply with a wink and a graceless curtsy.
Hange throws their pipe back into the trash can, before holding out their hand to ask for the some of the hand gel Levi’s already rubbing on his palms. He throws them a disapproving look, more for show than anything else, and gives them some —really, he’s kind of excited that they’re finally getting some of his neat freak habits, as they always call them.
“So, I won, right?” they ask him when they start walking again.
“Tch, I guess you did,” he grants them, not up to point out how questionable that statement is when really, breaking your opponent’s weapon has to be against the rules, right?
“Then my prize is... that you have to watch the next season with me!”
He spends the rest of the walk and the three subway stations they share trying to get out of that commitment.
(He fails.)
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mylittleredgirl · 2 months
Least favorite Star Trek character in each series?
i love all my children equally how could you do this to me!!!!
slightly more rational answer: i have been thinking about this since yesterday when i got the ask and it's like every time i think i have an answer i immediately go "oh but i love them for XYZ" and they move up in the ranks. ultimately most treks are ensemble shows and removing anybody from the ensemble makes it all fall apart!
gun to my head, though, bearing in mind that i love all of them:
tos: gun to my head it's chapel i'm afraid and i feel bad about it. she doesn't really get to grow much and the other most-static character is probably chekov and i had a massive crush on him. in 1967 when they went "you know this show should add a mop top for the teenyboppers out there" they were talking specifically about me 30 years later.
tng: i would take the bullet for real.
ds9: man i'm going through main characters and then secondary characters and then tertiary characters and how are they all so essential and good????? literally i have gone thru a list of characters and a list of episodes and am coming up blank. even the villains are fantastic. eddington is annoying but he's supposed to be and his episodes are all great. sloan himself is fun it's just what section 31 did to star trek in general that sucks. like????? there's not a single name that shows up in the credits that doesn't make me go YEAHHHHHH.
voy: if we can count recurring characters i'm saying barclay. i liked him a lot as a character in tng and but go "for fuck's sake" whenever i see "guest star dwight schultz" on the voyager credits. i dislike pretty much every earth-contact episode after "message in a bottle" so maybe i don't like voyager-barclay because he just happens to be there?? for main cast it'd be neelix shut up shut up i love him in the ensemble but sometimes when they give him his own episode it's too much.
ent: sorry malcolm lovers this was the only show that was an easy choice. like we SHOULD dig into the fact that essentially his greatest wish is to sacrifice himself and he won't be happy until he dies on the job. klingon behavior but not at all for the fun and glory of it just because he kind of just doesn't enjoy being alive???? archer is terrible in so many ways but he's also much more enjoyable to watch being terrible.
disco: this is actually a very weird show to even know who to choose from. the cast changes every year! we barely even know the bridge crew! who is interesting enough to count as a main character?? of the main title cast i'm kind of hot and cold with adira. i like them but the sheer amount of anxiety radiating off them at all times makes me tense up whenever they come on screen. (i just realized it's kind of ironic to say adira because they're basically a mix of wesley and ezri, who would probably make this list for most other trekkies but are two of my absolute faves.) (i will think long and hard about this)
snw: i don't know that i have enough of a read on any of them? i still haven't finished it. chapel (again?? oh no) is the one i had the hardest time warming up to early on because she seemed the most wink-y and out of place in a franchise that usually takes silly things very seriously, but i did warm up to her!
lower decks: if we can go with guest characters i hate badgey (only one on here that gathers the "hate" rating!!). i don't find him (it??) funny and i know i SHOULD find it funny which means whenever it shows up i am both not having a good time and feel bad about not having a good time. the main characters are all brilliant. gun to my head it's boims but it's a close one i love them all.
i don't even know what other shows we have i've run out of steam???
oh right picard. captain shaw??? why is such a large subset of fandom so horny for him??? and shipping him with seven of nine of all things???? is it just White Guy With Trauma because there are like. a lot of other white guys with trauma in this franchise to choose from.
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En Del Av Dig thoughts! (spoiler notes will be below the cut)
4/5 stars from me. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but some of the pacing could have been better.
- holy fucking shit Felicia is amazing. I’ve been a fan of her for a long time, I watched Heartbeats, I watched Avgrunden, I’ve obviously watched Royals, but this is next level. Her acting is incredible. It’s the kind of acting that makes you have a visceral reaction. The emotional moments made me take pause and her little micro expressions through the whole movie were so amazing. I don’t know how to describe how difficult it is to act like you’re acting, but she did it seamlessly.
- ZARA LARSSON CAN ACT. I’m gonna be honest, when I saw they cast her, especially for such a vital role, I didn’t know how it was gonna work out. It worked out amazing. She is a triple threat, my friends. Another performance that gave me a visceral reaction. THE LAYERS OF HER CHARACTER YALL
- Zara and Felicia together was otherworldly. They played so well off each other and the way they were able to act together and look alike in their mannerisms made me have to pause and second guess which one of them was about to be on screen more than once.
- the real main character was blue eyeshadow
- every song i've heard in the last 24 hours can be an En del av dig edit song if I try hard enough.
- The fight between Agnes and Noel was insane. Incredible and visceral and I won't stop thinking about it for a long long time. "What, you can't sleep with me if I remind you of her?" and "Do you want me to say she's coming back? She's not. She's dead, Agnes. She's fucking dead." HOLY SHIT.
- Julia was surprisingly deep. Her struggles coming out in the last half hour was wild, but I wish they would have spent more time on it instead of just "oh she might have killed herself on purpose maybe"
- I simply could not take the green contacts seriously. I love Edvin but he looked like a cullen wannabe in that one scene.
- If there's one thing I'll fall for every single time, it's the gay pining best friend trope.
- Actually started screaming "BREATHE. YOU NEED TO COME UP FOR AIR, KIDS" and I choose not to elaborate. iykyk
- I'm really glad that they established that Agnes was into Noel before Julia died. It makes you root for them a little more, knowing there was something there before they lost Julia. They were already playful with each other, Anges was already down bad, and Noel already felt protective over her.
- That however does not excuse the next point which is: I need a full psychological study on Noel because what the hell? Sir? Not one of those decisions was correct. We cannot sister hop after one dies, we cannot leave after sex because of our own poor decisions coming back to haunt us, we cannot undo all the poor decisions by showing up with a single flower. SIR-
- Felicia's acting in the scenes between Agnes and her mother was incredible and, once again, something I will be thinking about for a long time.
- The play and Agnes' monologue tying in throughout the story was really beautiful and even though you could see it coming, it was a really impactful ending.
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boredwritergirl · 1 month
Day 11 - A Midnight Goose
Hey everyone, this is an edit of an old short story I found. I had initially written it a few years ago and believed it to be lost when my hard drive died, but apparently google docs had a copy. So, since I really don't have the time today, I've decided to just edit this story and count that for the challenge. I was a VERY different person when I first wrote this, but it still brings back good memories, hope you enjoy.
A Midnight Goose
Another day, another unpaid overnight shift. Each night I came home stumbling around the tenement, too tired to focus but too restless to fall asleep. 
This night was no different than any of the others, sitting on the floor with a beer in one hand and a controller in the other. The sole illumination of the tv flooding my pigsty of a living room. I knew I should clean it, but I never had the energy to do anything. All I wanted to do was sit-back, take my mind off things and beat up some virtual baddies to the serene sound of crickets.
Unfortunately, I wouldn’t get my crickets. Through the apartment walls that damn middle aged couple was arguing again. It wouldn’t bother me so much if either knew how to shut the fuck up. As much as I wanted to tell them off, I know all too well that’ll only make a longer and louder argument.
There was only one thing I could do, put in my headphones, turn up the music and focus on landing ten string combos in Tekken. I figured It helped get me through my parents divorce, so it would help me again here.
Time flew by as I mindlessly practiced the same few combos over and over again, only stopping when I heard a strange sound. Piercing through the rockin’ tunes of The Protomen, was something that sounded like a sick, twisted hybrid of screeches and screams. I took off my headphones and looked around, only to be met by silence. 
After an awkward silence, I started to put my headphones back on but stopped as I faintly heard something moving in the shared hallway. I put the headphones back down as I turned my head towards my door. The door slowly creeped open;, it felt like my heart was beating twice for every centimeter the door moved. 
With the bottom half of the door obscured by stacks of old boxes and piles of dirty clothes, all I could hear was the waddling of little webbed feet. A brisk cold shivered down my spine as I felt like I was being watched. My heart took a vacation to the bottom of my stomach as I met the creature’s beady little eyes.
The goose let out a mighty declaration of its arrival, a loud, hoarse honk that could’ve woken up the dead. My eyes went dull and my jaw made sweet love to the floor. I sat there motionless as a wild animal started roaming around my four story apartment. The shock induced numbness I felt could only have been matched by the curiosity that the goose must have felt as it started sticking its beak into every little thing I owned. 
My uninvited guest then proceeded to stick its head right into a pile of clothes next to the tv. It pulled and it pulled;, obviously it had either gotten stuck or gotten a hold on something too big for it. 
After a big tug, it managed to pull out a controller from the pile. To my surprise, the goose immediately pressed the “on” button with its beak, connecting it to my console. Does the goose want to play? I thought, still too dumbfounded to speak.
The goose then waved both of its wings at me, challenging me.
I could tell, this goose was ready to rumble. 
I loaded up VS MODE, sending us to the character select screen. I wasn’t going to show this goose any mercy; I immediately picked my main, Kazuya. ‘We’ll see how cocky this goose is after taking a couple of Electric Wind God Fists up the ass,.’ I thought.
To my utter shock and horror, the goose immediately picked one of the most overpowered characters in Tekken 7. A mainstay in the tournament scene and overall pain in the ass,  Geese Howard. 
‘Why did he have to pick that character? Why couldn’t he have picked one of the shitty guest characters like Noctis or Negan? Actually, something about a post-apocalyptic brute with a baseball bat is oddly fitting for a goose now that I think about it,.’ I thought. ‘Actually, I should be fine. Geese Howard is an SNK character, meaning that all of his inputs are crazy hard. If they’re that hard for the human hand, then that goose has no chance of doing any of his special moves.’ I foolishly laughed internally.
When the game finally loaded up, I immediately went for the Mishima style signature move, the electric wind god fist. My jaw had another sudden meeting with the floor as the goose countered my attack. This is impossible, how the fuck can a goose even press ←↙↓↘→1+3!!! This thought echoed through my head as poor Kazuya Mishima was picked up by Geese Howard, juggling my character in the air. As the fight continued, the goose dragged my virtual self across the stage and through the many walls of the Howard Estate until it achieved a perfect victory. 
I dropped my controller at the realization that I lost the first round to a goose without even managing to hit him once. I was too shocked to even pick my controller back up for round two. By the time I regained my senses, I had lost the match.
The goose rapidly flapped its wings again. No doubt, it was mocking me.
The goose suddenly rushed at me. In a panic I got up and started running away. The damn thing actually chased me out of my apartment, closing the door behind me as I dashed out the door.
‘This is ridiculous, I guess now’s as good a time as any to ask the neighbors if any of them own a goose,’ I thought, right before knocking on the door of my noisy neighbors from before. 
Not long after I started knocking, the door flew open and my neighbor's body fell out the door frame. Her body was covered in cuts and bruises, her mouth was stuffed with eggs. By the look of things, the eggs went all the way down her throat. Naturally, I could only think of those classic three words. What the fuck?
Her body began to shake violently as the eggs suddenly started hatching. I could only watch in terror as little geese started popping out of her mouth. The baby geese deeper in the body were forcing themselves through, creating a massive hole in her chest as they tried to escape. 
As I slowly started to back away from the body, the doors opened from all across the long apartment complex hallway. Flocks of geese were flooding through the halls. I tried my damndest to run away, but my body was swallowed into the ocean of geese. Each goose that surrounded me, taking a bite or two until I was dead.
Soon after my demise, the geese flooded through the city streets. It didn’t take long for the geese to spread. All over the world, Geese were committing mass genocide as part of a ritual to ressurect their ancient gods; Honkthulu, Honkatalth, Nyarlathogoose, ShubHonkaroth, The Goose in Yellow and many more antedelivuan horrors.
“So shall it be at the end of the world, Thy Honks consumed.”
Sir Honkington The Third 13:11
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episodeoftv · 10 months
Prelims, BoJack Horseman
The top 2 results will move on to the main bracket
propaganda and summaries are under the cut (May include spoilers)
1.11 Downer ending
BoJack embarks on a project in his typically gonzo style, leading to a drug-fueled revelation.
So I see that some other Bojack episodes have submitted AND THEY ARE ALL BANGERS TOO. But I think this one is a bit underrated when it comes to great episodes of Bojack Horseman. A lot of season 1 gets underrated because it starts off sort of hard to watch & the later seasons get so good that it's easy to forget. But Downer Ending really takes my breath away every time I watch it and leaves me with this feeling of despair and unease. And, unlike the later episodes, I have not gotten that despair fatigue that sets in at season 6 (not dissing it! Still a great season.)
4.02 The Old Sugarman Place
BoJack goes off the grid and winds up at his grandparents' dilapidated home in Michigan where he reflects on his family legacy and befriends another soul haunted by the past.
A clever, contained, sharp look at generational trauma and grief. Uses flashbacks but also lets events overlap on screen so that BoJack's family are literally haunting the narrative. Eddie is an excellent single episode character - his duet across time with Honey is properly heart wrenching. It's also very funny. He said his name was Hambone Fakenamington.
4.11 Time's Arrow
In 1963, young socialite Beatrice Sugarman meets the rebellious Butterscotch Horseman at her debutante party.
incredible portrayal of memory and dementia, adds depth to a character who'd previously just been a fairly one dimensional bad mother but becomes a fully realised person over the course of just twenty minutes, some of the best creative use of animation and visuals in an adult animated series
5.06 Free Churro
BoJack delivers a eulogy at a funeral.
The whole episode is one 20 minute monologue delivered by a cartoon horse and it's one of the most compelling things I've ever seen in my life.
6.15 The View From Halfway Down
BoJack reconnects with faces from his past.
Listen... Bojack has a lot of THAT EPISODE episodes, but this one just takes the cake. It's the penultimate episode of the show, in which the main character (SPOILERS) attends a dinner party inside his own mind with every character who has died over the course of the show. They all have deeply philisophical discussions about what it means to live a selfless, morale life, the value of sacrifice, the role of religion in personal fulfillment. Every background detail is packed with so much symbolism, the shape of a chair, the bridge the characters take a smoke break on. It's got an amazing dream-like quality, every small detail like a wire phone stretching too far, things getting misplaced, characters get older and no one comments on it, ect. But this is also the episode that just RIPS into Bojack as a character (which the show is already pretty famous for) but he's forced to face EVERY mistake, and watch all the people he's lost fade into the darkness (all in ways that mirror how they actually died) while trying to confront his own mortality, and coming to the realisation that - he's dying. He's drowning in the pool and this is all happening inside his own head. Everything everyone tells him, the ways they're acting in this episode, that's not who they actually are, those nice things aren't things they'd actually say, it's just what he WANTS them to be like. And at the end he has to stop running from the darkness that's already taken everyone around him, and just let it take him. Stop fighting, just let go. And then, rather than the usual end credits song, we just hear a flatline that runs throughout the credits. It fucks you up so bad.
Takes place entirely in the main character's mind while he's on the brink of death, genuinely terrifying especially considering the rest of the show is a dramedy, some of the greatest voice acting work I've ever heard, the titular poem performed in the episode is incredibly haunting
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alexilulu · 11 months
OK I need to post about Gundam Witch From Mercury or I'm going to just be weird for a few days
It's a fucking crime this didnt get a full order. it's tied with G-Reco for shortest main series (not counting OVAs like 08th MS team, etc or Build which is...it's own weird thing) Gundam show ever produced. fucking AGE got 49 episodes and this got 24.
I also have a lot of problems with the way that season 2 feels like, insanely abrupt. In like...a dozen ways! It's kind of insane how much it feels like they just had to cut entire lengths the story was going to go to. This isn't to be like...hating, necessarily. I enjoyed the ending we got, it was a Gundam-ass Gundam ending in almost every way I can think of, and it's still fun.
But man...I just look at the bones of what they had and it makes me feel like there was another show that didn't get to be made here. With Shaddiq and earth, the mercs, Suletta never once finding out the man who killed her father (sorta, kinda, not really, but also yeah) is the cool fat dude with the side shave, or what in god's name is going on with "war partitioning" or the corporate governance apparatus and everything else. I'd have KILLED for one powerpoint to pop up in here!!!!
People talk a lot of mess about IBO season 2's quality (and they're wrong, but i'm not getting into that) but the fact that it had it at all meant that season 1 got to fucking breathe! 24 episodes going from earth to mars and theres like 8 plots that happen getting there that are pure character time, just great stuff to keep putting shotguns on the mantelpiece about! Every seed of the downfall of Tekkadan in season 2 is almost directly foreshadowed in season 1! I know Mikazuki, the most bizarre, taciturn gundam protagonist in the world, like the back of my hand by the end of season 1, because i watched that dude go through hell!
I don't want to get down on GWitch for pacing because it's really fucking hard to make anime in 2023, i've seen the shit studios go through to put it out right now, but season 2 is where it becomes extremely obvious to me that some more of these motherfuckers should have died in season 1. There's so much shit that happens that just eats screen time for ensemble storytelling like it has time for it, but it absolutely does not. It slays me.
Ultimately, I'm glad we had such a well-received gundam out right now, and I love a great deal about it (elan 5, you're my special guy) but...fuck.
What could have been.
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thebingequeen · 9 months
blue beetle brain rot
no bc as a chicana myself, watching blue beetle was so refreshing. First off, the cast being a reflection of what it is like in an actual mexican house was INSANE. Like most of the time, sure they claim a character is mexican, but this? This was absolutely everything. For one of the first times, even for a moment despite Jaime being a superhero, I could see my family and even nuances that I hardly ever thing about just be on a screen. Front and center. The bonus of it all really was that the writer for the movie, the main one, is a Mexican himself. It reflects so much. The spanglish, the actual use of proper slang and the mix that's actually spoken between the family members who immigrated to the first two generations of Chicanx. It was so pleasing. Fuck, even the way they swore was the way I've grown up speaking. I loved every minute of it. Additionally the food!! Made me hungry lmfdfsgkjhdg The way the family interacted and treasured each other was a joy. it was nice to see just how they shared everything which is very accurate. Also seeing them just band together and do things as a unit was so loving. they were written with a knowing love. & Grandma just having random skills that have never been explained before?? Literally so real. AND THE MUSIC!!!! Ohmygod the music added to it so much.
Personally I cried like 3 times. When his dad dies and he's dragged away. Two when his dad meets him in the afterlife to tell him what his purpose was. When Ignacio got his memories unlocked. However I adored the moments that really highlight the experience I've had with my own tíos being smart but it's not as acknowledged because they don't have a degree or work blue collar jobs. So seeing Jaime's Uncle Rudy be able to show that he can just create something so complex and use technical terms while also reverting to slang & layman's terms, giving the tech a good ol' kick was so good. Made me laugh when he kicked the Beetle's board to get it to turn on, too. AND THEIR TRENZAS. I was so happy seeing his sister's and abuela's hair, too. Goodness the movie is so good.
There's so much more to say but also this feels like it fits for how I feel now.
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hi i see you finally watched wednesday how was it?? tell me everything
Hello, Riri! ❤️
I am so sorry I took so long to answer this...things have just been very busy, and I haven't had enough enough energy in the last few weeks to be able to form a single coherent thought. But here I am, at long last.
I feel like I was the last person to watch it because everyone was already talking about it akfjangkajdjaf I had filtered the tag, though. So I managed to avoid spoilers. ✨
My cousins were over, so we watched 1.5 episodes one night, and then the next night, we stayed up till 3 am to finish it. 💀
It was such a fun show. I have only seen one The Addams Family film, and that was nearly 13 years ago. So I didn't really have much idea going in. (I am, however, embarrassed to admit that I did not realise Christina Ricci was playing Thronhill akfjajnfja I had a shock when I found out) But I had a great time watching it!
The pacing was good, the characters were fun to follow, the plot was interesting, and I think they did a great job with dialogue writing too. Plus all the little callbacks to the other Addams family media that I've seen being talked about were a nice touch.
I would have liked the ending fight to last a bit longer, though...we had so much buildup to it, but then it was over so quickly....that, plus Weems' death was SO anti-climactic. Like, come on guys, you had Gwendolyn Christie, you can do her better.
and there were a few plotholes that I would like more resolution to, and more development on all their characters. (btw, this is not at all a plot hole, just something that's been bugging me...how did Rowan's mother make that drawing before she died 25 years ago, if he's 16-18, considering they're in high school? Did I hear it wrong?)
I was convinced from episode 2 that Thornhill was suspicious, and in episode 5, I was convinced she would be Laurel, but then they really managed to throw me off by making the therapist blonde lmao. Apparently, I forgot hair dyes exist 💀
I also had an inkling Tyler was the Hyde from episode 3, but man...he really managed to win me over, and I actively ignored all the signs 🤡
I still kind of ship him and Wednesday akndamnfnaj. But honestly, I won't be mad if we get Wenclair or aro/ace Wednesday either.
Btw, that hug at the end was EVERYTHING. 😩🤌
Oh, and for the characters...my ranking for the main group would be:
1) Thing (yes, a hand is my favourite character, what about it?)
2) Wednesday
3) Enid
4) Tyler
5) Bianca
6) Weems
7) Thornhill
8) Xavier (I wasn't going to include him at all, because of the very serious allegations on Percy Hynes-White right now, but because the character has a major role in the show, I will put him here. Maybe I would have put him about Weems before, but I can't bring myself to have any grace for him under this controversy.)
We haven't really had enough Morticia and Gomez (episodes 5 when we saw flashbacks of their time at Nevermore has me so hungry more of their past story) and Pugsley for me to rank then, and I would love for that to change. Gimme more of the family, please and thank you.
And on an ending note...I have never seen a Morticia that isn't just straught-up ethereal, and Catherine Zeta-Jones fits it so well. Every time she was on screen, I literally could not focus on anything else. The walk. THE WALK. Just...yes. that.
Anyway, I'm eagerly waiting for season 2!
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flootweed · 1 year
Top 10 BL Shows of 2022
I posted a lil mini review of all of the 2022 BLs I watched this year but I wanted to infodump about my favorites more. I'm counting shows that started airing in 2021 but ended airing in 2022 as 2022 shows (sorry I need to talk about Not Me & Bad Buddy).
First, though, I wanted to highlight some (dis)honorable mentions, aka shows that are objectively mediocre but I love anyway. Love Mechanics has a wild soap opera plot, but YinWar really make you feel for their characters with their incredible acting and chemistry. Also, I'm in love with War sorry he's just too beautiful. Coffee Melody was watched by 7 people and those that did watch it tend to call it boring. I had no idea this show existed until my recent obsession with the actor Benz led me to watching every show he has starred in (speaking of which... Call It What You Want 😨). The main leads had zero sexual chemistry but the romantic chemistry was SO GOOD. Some of the best flirting I've seen in a BL. The side couple was also amazing. The script was great at one moment and mindboggling at another; I actually skipped most of the C plot stuff about the music company. It's not high art but it's cute and sometimes that is enough. Secret Crush On You was a mess but it was my mess okay. Cringe culture is dead and this show is fucking fun. The mere existence of Daisy as a character puts this show leagues ahead of many others in terms of queer rep. More femme queers in BL please !! The writing is... not the best but BillySeng did the best they could with what they were given. I'm glad they have been getting more work.
10: The Eclipse
I am very picky with shows set in high school but this is a high school set BL that acts as an allegory for political protest in Thailand as a whole. Obviously I fucking loved it. I'm honestly surprised its not higher on my list but I felt myself losing interest towards the end of the show. It just didn't stick with me like I thought it would. I still appreciate it what it had to say as a social commentary, though. It was interesting how it showed the different ways in which people cope with their marginalization. First and Kaotung did great in their roles I love them (though I feel bad because I will always prefer First as Yok).
9: My Only 12%
I have always loved Cooheart but Santa really impressed me in this show. The story itself was a bit slow but SantaEarth kept it from being boring because they really sold the relationship with their chemistry. Looking back on the show though it doesn't really feel like a romance but more of Eiw's coming of age story. The ending also had some issues; they decided to turn the show into an anti-smoking psa at the end so thats fun. Some story threads were dropped and some were completely unnecessary (the siblings). Overall, still very good though.
8: Ghost Host Ghost House
This show was tragic and heartwarming. Such a charming story about grief and love and the effect we have on one another. Seenam and her story fucking broke me. Like I was in pieces, tears and snot running down my face. On a lighter note, congrats to Pluem and Kawin for winning the award for best intimate scene of the year (yes better than cutie pie and lita and kp). They had absolutely fantastic chemistry. Also I wasn't mad at the time skip at the end, you could tell how much they had matured in their time apart.
This show was delightful and I loved it but it is lower on the list because there were so many filming issues. Also I got very annoyed with the script sometimes because very important scenes would happen off screen and the we would just be told about it. Most of the problems I had with it were probably due to budget issues which is really unfortunate.
7: To My Star 2
This. Show. I actually wasn't a super big fan of To My Star. I liked it but I wasn't obsessed with it like some people. It was just lacking a little something. And apparently the thing it was lacking was angst because I absolutely loved the second season. The emotions, the drama, the intimacy, the longing. UGH so good. The loneliness was so visceral I cried twice. Everything about it was just so well done and I felt like I finally understand these characters.
6: Bad Buddy
From here on every show is a 10/10.
The love story of the ages. There's really not much more I can say that basically sums it up. Ohm and Nanon are absolute legends. Also, I will always love this show for giving us milklove. This show occupied my every waking moment while it was airing, like it was an issue. I love how we can already see new shows taking influence from Bad Buddy, its what she deserves.
5: Blueming
Oh Blueming. Oh this darling show. Its so pretty and so painful. The mom scene makes me cry every time, it just hits too close to home. Siwon my darling child. Daun was at risk of being a manic pixie dream boy but the ending came in clutch and showed he actually had flaws and complex feelings we love that. The show itself had the same vibes of the queer indie films I would watch as a baby gay back in the day. The back-lit love scene was just gorgeous the way they just flowed back and forth from one another. Such a beautiful physicality.
4: 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us
This is not a romance. Yet it has some of the best romantic and sexual chemistry of the year. Between two people who never even allowed themselves to touch each other. LIKE WHAT !!!??!!! This show is a literal masterpiece. The way it is written and shot is breathtaking; it feels like more of a stage play than a tv show. I just had a constant stream of tears for the entirety of the last episode. I still get so mad when people misinterpret this show or get mad that they don't kiss or it doesn't have a "happy" ending. Wang's actor was absolutely phenomenal I can't wait to see what he does in the future. This could honestly be even higher on my list but its not a romance so I don't really classify it as a BL.
3: Semantic Error
Sometimes you watch an autistic person and a person with adhd fall in love and it is one of the best things you've ever seen.
This is the definition of a well crafted show. I noticed this especially on my second watch; the script is just so tight. Well written, well shot, well acted. It was such a moment, like it literally singlehandedly saved the music career of Jaechan and his bandmates. I prefer my shows with a bit more grit, which is why it doesn't get the top slot but it is just so well done that it just had to be in the top 3.
2: Not Me
In contrast, this show is not perfect but has the grit I love. You could tell there were story threads that were dropped in the middle of the show and narrative threads that weren't followed through with. Yet this show is still god tier. I'm sorry but a show about a gang of gay anti-capitalists deserves all of my praise, even if the script is shaky at times.
Yok is my one true love, the light of my life, my favorite character of all time. First was so good as this character but Gun was definitely the standout actor in this series. Gun is an absolute powerhouse and he really showed his chops in Not Me.
I doubt this is the first time gay marriage is brought up in a BL but I feel like Not Me is really a turning point in allowing BL to be more explicitly political and queer. This show literally changed the game.
1: Triage !!!
Its a medical drama, its a time travel sci-fi, its an (almost) tragic romance. What more could you want. I try not to expect much from BLs with high concepts like this but damn this show blew me away. It takes a lot for me to have a strong emotional reaction to a show and yet I violently sobbed at least three separate times while watching this. Never has a show destroyed me so much emotionally. And it pains me every day that more people have not seen this show, though its understandable bc its so hard to watch for international fans (god bless dramacool). I highly HIGHLY recommend everyone try to get their hands on this show.
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novantinuum · 2 years
top 5 side characters (from anything at all)
Oooooh side characters... that's a good question... I think I'll pick my fav side character from my most recent fandoms, one from each.
5) (Doctor Who) Missy- This incarnation of the Master is always very fun to watch, because her actress Michelle Gomez absolutely spends every second chewing the scenery clear off the walls. I also always enjoyed how they gave her a clear character arc in the seasons she appeared in- plus, it was lovely to see an incarnation of the Master who wasn't clear-cut "evil" as past ones have been, but rather Chaotic Neutral, and just in the game for the benefit of herself.
4) (The Legend of Zelda) Revali. A lot of the gaming community drags on this one, but I think there's a ton of interesting threads one can pull from what little we get of him in BotW canon that lend towards a fascinating picture of an incredibly insecure young warrior who's lashing out against someone (Link) who he sees as gaining everything he ever wanted but never working a second for it, as opposed to his hard, years-long struggle in perfecting his special flying ability. It's sad, in the end- because had he realized that Link was burdened by his own destiny and worked just as hard as he had to himself feel "deserving" of it, I bet they might've been able to find something to connect over, and became friends.
3) (The Adventure Zone) Barry Bluejeans- Goddammnit, FUCK YOU BARRY BLUEJEANS for having such a stupid ass name and making me CRY over you in just one 5 minute prologue! I really, really love this NPC... there's such a deep tragedy to his story- losing his wife and his whole found family and not even being able to remember that they're gone while in human form- and yet, every time he dies and goes back into lich form and remembers it all, still he manages to pick himself up and try again. Work harder. Work smarter. Set himself up for success each time he clones himself and returns to his human form to make his plan work. He fights tirelessly for YEARS without an ounce of thanks just because he loves his family and the world they've entered so much that he wants to make sure they'll all be safe, in the end. What a man.
2) (Gravity Falls) Fiddleford McGucket- For such an otherwise funny but unremarkable joke character back in season 1, it was amazing how the writers were ultimately able to transform him into such a tragic figure, and utilize him to give context to why the whole town literally pays no heed to any of the weirdness going on all around them. He's the sort of character who gives the show amazing re-watch energy- at this point, when I go back through the show, every single appearance he has just makes me feel incredibly sad- AND a lot of his otherwise "random" or "quirky" characteristics start to make a lot more sense. He's a man who lives in the dump, but is capable of building incredibly complex machines?" He's a literal genius mechanic who's simply gone through severe memory slippage. Said memory slippage? Self-inflicted by a memory erasing device he invented himself. Said memory erasing device? Has been used in the years since to purge the town of their memories of the supernatural. His backstory blasts open a whole new door of lore possibilities in this show. Love him.
1) (Steven Universe) Connie Connie Connie Connie Connie- Connie, my LOVE- I feel like by the end of the show she's grown into more of a main character than just a side, but that shows perhaps just HOW much wonderful development she gets throughout her journey. She grew from a timid young girl unsure of herself and her place in the world around her, to a fierce teen who has purpose, ambitions, and has a whole constellation of connections and confidants ready to cheer her on. I'm really proud of her <3
Every single time she showed up on screen for a new episode I got like, indescribably happy and went "damn this is going to be a good one," and basically every single SU reactor I've seen has had the same experience, so I think that alone shows how beloved Connie is, and how well written a character she is too. It's always great to have such a grounded presence amidst characters living in a world of fantasy.
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communicationmyway · 1 year
Film Class Final Essay
Film class was a fun, rejuvenating class that I needed that allowed me to just write. I just needed an outlet that allowed me to write what I saw, get the juices flowing, and film class was great for it. By posting weekly discussion boards, I was able to overcome some of my anxiety by seeing my peers posting too: there was nothing to be embarrassed of! So, here is my final essay that I wrote and had quite a lot of fun doing!
The Exorcist vs The Ring Two
The Exorcist was made in 1973 and directed by William Friedkin. The opening scene is very dramatic, with chanting in Arabic and sunlight gleaming down on the sands. When finding something in the dessert, there is brief eerie music before a quick jump cut to a later time of the day, shown by the placement of the sun in the sky. There appears to be a very diverse cast of supporting roles. In the beginning, not much is said, but there is plenty of noises going on in every scene. All the jump cuts are very sudden, it's sort of off putting. The architecture everywhere is very well put together, setting the scene and placement of where the opening guy is. 
Everything about this movie in the opening is very sudden, as if to create a sort of scare. From the cuts of what's on screen, to sudden noises happening, it all goes into increasing anxiety for the viewer, as if they are too panicking. There's this sort of buzzing music noise they have in several parts as well that just adds to the eeriness. 
The color jump cut from the bright Arabian deserts to Georgetown is drastic, with Georgetown being bleak and urbanized. The sound effects turn slightly comical, as they do not sound realistic in this new setting. The diversity is gone, as it appears to be an all-white main cast now. The slow zoom in is an overrated film choice as well, to show the importance of a character. 
The music in the scene of the main female walking home is a nice touch, reminds you that you're watching a horror film. It's slow, creepy, picks up and the high-pitched noises increase some feelings in the person viewing. The home is nicely decorated, very homey with plants and a lot of antiques placed all over. The acting is okay, not the best. They overplay the relationship between the mother and daughter to show how close they are, but the fake laughter and everything is a bit much. 
One of the best lighting scenes I've seen so far is when a homeless man asks the Father for some change and a train passes by, casting quick shadows over his face, but you can still see his beady blue eyes as clear as day. The Father, dressed in all black, hasn't cracked a single smile yet, only a grim look on his face, as you continue to wonder his importance in the whole film. It appears to be a very diverse film in ways, having Arabic, English, and Greek dialogue. This is always a bright side, as it gives the viewer a chance to experience a nice difference.
The first real jumpscare is in the attic, when the mother is searching for the cause of these obscenely fake crashing noises. The candlelight flares and dies out as it's paired with a loud noise. Very classic jumpscare, sudden movements and loud noises. Besides that, it's all just been eeriness up to this point. The scenes have also gotten silent, which adds to the spookiness just as much as music does. It shows the Father boxing to release stress for no reason, with sudden jump cuts still. 
The sudden change in the daughter for no reason is a bit laughable, especially when she starts peeing. There was nothing leading up to her being sick, despite her mother saying that she was. They could've shown the daughter getting sick instead of the Father boxing. The mother then proceeds to jump on a shaking bed to hold her daughter instead of getting the daughter off it, make it make sense. 
The stylistic choice of having the Father speak directly to the camera was also a bit off putting, in that it breaks the connection that it has built up and creates a sense of awkwardness. The spasms that Reagan has is funny, even the cut to her eyes rolling back and her hitting the doctor. It's all comical, not even the least bit scary. 
They mention thematic elements of psychology. from the mother of the Father being put in a mad house to Reagan’s temporal lobe being out of whack, it attacks many things in regard to mental illnesses. They also do hypnosis and bring up the topic of possession and exorcism. They also swear a lot and use very vulgar words, such as 'cunting'. 
The most eerie part is having to stare directly into Reagan’s eyes while she's under hypnosis, she did a good job of making it seem soulless. And when the daughter's head turns around, it's great. It takes an hour and sixteen minutes for the Father to finally meet the mother. For such a fast-paced movie, it sure does go slow at some parts. The make-up and sound effects of the voice during possession were great, as well as the acting of Reagan. Overall, it was a very nicely put together movie. Very scary for its time, with the make-up and sound effects. The camera cuts could've been done better, but it added to the movie’s creepiness.
The Ring Two was made in 2005 and directed by Hideo Nakata. From the get-go you can tell it's newer by the high-quality shots they have of many bodies of water. The music is dramatic. It opens with the general storyline of The Ring, where you have to show someone else the VHS tape to pass off the evil spirit, so that they kill them in 7 days instead of you. The music is intense right off the bat, as the boy is in a panic and the girl reaches the tv. The classic haunting video shows, dramatic clips and eerie, high pitched noises. The effects are grand, showing a well and static, static encasing the surroundings of the boy as he is basically doomed to his death. 
All the colors are kind of dulled with a tone of blue and grey being the common theme. The movie doesn't make much sense off the get go if you have not seen the first one and know what has happened previously to Rachel and her son, but it's not hard to catch on. There has already been several jumpscares, and it's only 15 minutes in, with creepy images and loud music to bring the creepiness to life. 
They have quick jump cuts paired with intense music which pairs pretty nicely together and makes it slightly less disturbing. There was a cool fast panning scene of the street that made it look haunting as the tv flashed on to where you could hear water gurgling. This movie has made me terrified of static on my TV, in fear that Samara would come crawling out of it. 
Despite everything this young boy has been through, he still goes to the tv, too close for comfort and is trapped by Samara as she crawls out of the well. The water effects, tv, and music are plain creepy, especially as the boy is sucked into the tv. 
The acting of the boy is off-putting, not that well but he's supposed to appear a bit odd, so I guess it's fitting. He delivers his lines monotone and calls his mother by her name every other line. The music is to die for, perfectly fitting to the movie, as well as the sound effects which don't sound silly. There is never a perfectly sunny day, always cloudy or dreary. It adds to the color scheme very nicely.
The crescendo in music really aids to the panic as Rachel looks for Aidan, and the scenes with silence surrounding him adds to the creepiness of what you fear to happen next because there's so many cues that something is about to happen. There is a cheap jumpscare after a quick zoom into his camera, with a blinding white light, a clean Samara, and high-pitched scream. The CGI on the deer’s is too unrealistic, making it funny especially as Aidan starts to freak out. Could've been handled better in the animating. The glimpse of Aidan in the deer’s eye is also funny, as his face looks distorted, presumably meant to appear creepy. 
The glimpses of Samara are way too creepy and paired very nicely with sound effects and music. The acting could've been better at times, but it may just be the story and how the actors were told to handle themselves. The music, sound effects, and visual aspects all pair together very nicely to create an experience of fear for the viewer.
In all, the two movies are similar yet drastically different at the same time. The Exorcist relies heavily on makeup and sound- voices- to create an atmosphere causing uneasiness. A masterpiece for its time that dealt with many thematic elements. The Ring Two relies on makeup, CGI, music and jumpscares to create fear in the viewer. There is no doubt in my mind that if The Exorcist was made in later years, it would’ve been better, a more terrifying experience. But from the time it was made to now, it just appears to be comical, especially with the acting and events that happen within. The jump cuts were too much, too abrupt, and the movie was too slow paced and lacking important information. The Ring Two had a color scheme and stuck to it, from the get-go was creating fear in the viewer with jumpscares and creepy noises paired with scenes. The music was better, less out of place in some scenes, and the sound effects did not sound fake, like the crashing in The Exorcist. Over time, obviously, horror movies have become much better, much more willing to put fear into the viewer by creating atmospheres they can’t help but think about in the late of night when they are all alone in their dark room. 
Works Referenced
Friedkin, William, director. The Exorcist. HBO Max, Warner Bros. Pictures, 1973, https://play.hbomax.com/player/urn:hbo:feature:GXdu2RAwNtJuAuwEAADZy. Accessed 28 Nov. 2022.
Nakata, Hideo, director. The Ring Two. HBO Max, Dreamworks Pictures, 2005, https://play.hbomax.com/player/urn:hbo:feature:GXOQxMAjHY4DCwgEAAAAY. Accessed 28 Nov. 2022.
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princessfbi · 3 years
Something to think about...
I know the popular consensus is that Owen Strand's screen time and forefront position in the storylines is like the worst and believe me, I wholeheartedly understand. Give me all the Carlos Reyes, all the time.
But one thing I don't think we appreciate enough is how nuanced his main character storyline. Bear with me as I try to put it into words because I've been thinking about this all day. It came to me when the intervention scene was happening at one very specific point.
Owen survived 9/11 and was an active participate that day and the days that followed. I was only a kid that day but I can still remember how wide sweeping and jarring it was. I can remember it like it was yesterday and the days following as everyone was kind of reeling and witnessing life as we knew it, changed.
Owen's character watched a lot of people die including many of his friends in a little under three hours. He survived the event and then immediately went through another event of trying to rescue anyone who could've survived the collapse and then clean up afterwards.
Then he was asked to rebuild a firehouse.
See, Owen was traumatized and given almost no time at all to process that trauma. Because there wasn't time. Because there were thousands of people whose whole lives were upended and changed for forever. There wasn't time for him to deal with his own grief.
Because he was needed.
Remember in the intervention scene when everyone confronted him about being depressed and then TK wanted to know why he pushed the procedure? Remember what Owen said?
"I was needed."
Owen's entire motivation is based on his avoidance of dealing with trauma, of dealing with being alone once again, and his needing to feel needed. It's why his marriage ended with Gwyn. TK and Gwyn, in Owen's mind, weren't the ones who needed him the most. The NYFD needed him. His fire family needed him. And it had taken him years to start to relax that tight fisted grip on needing to feel that. It's why he didn't immediately jump at the chance to go fix the 126. Even with the cancer he was finally starting to accept that he didn't need to be needed anymore.
Until he was triggered again.
When he found TK on the floor of his apartment. When someone he cared, who needed him, nearly died again.
TK nearly dying sent him on a spiral that I don't think has ever stopped. Whenever he was needed, with TK or Michelle or Mateo or Gwyn or Buttercup or Judd... Whoever needed him, he was there. Solving a problem. Fixing things. He got TK out of the city and into therapy. He went and fought the guy who wouldn't help Michelle find her sister. He got Judd into counseling. He fought for his job so that the team wouldn't be fired.
But now we're seeing that he isn't needed as much anymore. For example, TK doesn't need him as much anymore. He's in a good place, in a healthy relationship, and making some positive changes in his life that doesn't include Owen. Cue Owen jumping at the chance to be a father again. Another distraction. Only that didn't pan out. So then Judd's accident crept up again.
"You take the punches. And the moment you stop, you go find some more."
Owen's been putting aside his own processing of trauma for so many years now that he's straight up in denial of even having them.
Everyone has their vice on this show. Everyone has their baggage. Owen is deeply traumatized by what he went through and just hasn't dealt with it.
Owen's trauma response is to find the person who needs him the most in that moment and try to fix them or solve their problems for them. It started with TK and it hasn't stopped since even though he isn't necessarily "needed" that way anymore and all that's left to do is to fix himself.
But he doesn't know how to do that. He was never given the chance.
He's an incredibly flawed individual. He's an asshole a lot of the times. I wish he wasn't at the center of every episode because as much as I love Rob Lowe's face, my eyes are elsewhere Carlos Reyes.
But as a writer... holy shit that's one hell of a subtle detail that they slipped in and I cannot wait to see how that develops.
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tortilla-of-courage · 3 years
Describing it as being like home is actually pretty accurate yeah.
And YES! I am totally willing to talk about my modern AU.
I've been calling it the Adoption AU because Time ends up adopting all of the boys. It mostly started as, I saw an edit for a tweet someone did with Wars and Wild that involved Taco Bell (cannot remember the blog or post for the life of me though), and so I wrote a thing about Warriors sneaking out of his university dorm to pick up Wild, who snuck out the window despite his broken arm, and then got extorted by Legend in exchange for silence at 3am.
This was followed by a fic where Groose decided spray painting a public building was a good idea and got himself and Sky arrested, set earlier in the timeline.
So then I made a timeline. Twilight is Time and Malon's biological son, and he found Wild on the side of the road one day (Wild's backstory involves a bad car wreck and an underground hospital, but no conspiracy bullshit. Yet). Wild has no memory, so they keep him. Wild brings home Legend, who was told his uncle died at school before a holiday. They then also keep Legend. Malon finds Four in her barn one morning for complicated reasons, and they keep him too. Twilight finds Warriors, who is in his class, hiding in an alley one day after he ran away from an abusive home and brings him home too. SS Impa (who I've nicknamed Shield because there are enough prominent Impas here that they should get nicknames too) is a social worker who's trying to find Sky a home and has run out of options, and turns to Time, who has a record of successfully housing 'unhousable' youths, and asks if he can take one more. He can. Wild finds Hyrule and brings him home because 'Rule needs a shower even more than Wild does. Hyrule stays. Wind's grandma ends up with Wind and his sister but can't financially take care of both and so Wind ends up with the boys and everyone is +1 Grandma.
Twilight has a fic detailing how he knows Midna and Dusk and I ended up shooting him (oops) but at least their social project gets handed in on time.
Then I started hashing out Time's backstory and suddenly this AU had plot. And organized crime. And a conspiracy. And secret societies.
The summarized version is that the gems from OoT are like, Idk what they do yet. Haven't gotten to a point where I need to figure that out yet. But they are Important and have to be carefully guarded. The Great Deku Tree (just called Deku because he's not a tree here) was Time's foster father before Ganondorf killed him. Also, Ganondorf is Deku's half brother. Because. However Time 'stole' the Emerald and he and Navi ran until OoT Impa (Sage) and Lullaby found them. So Time got adopted into Lullaby's family. Ruto inherited the Sapphire from her mother who also died from mysterious circumstances, and Darunia has the Ruby. Lullaby got the Ocarina from her late paternal grandmother.
Then Ganon finds them and tries to steal the Emerald from Time, so Lullaby goes looking for help and thus finds the sages. Saria is an anonymous hacker who uses the screen name 'Kokiri'. Time reveals he didn't steal the Emerald, he was Deku's heir, and then Navi goes missing. Time is home worried enough that he's physically sick, and Ganon decides to try and attack the home. Only Lullaby's family is Olde Money, and they live in a big, old manor, so Lullaby as Sheik decides to play 'Home Alone' with the secret passages in the walls and they piss off Ganon because when did that brat get a sheikah bodyguard??? Sage and Rottla (Lullaby's mother, who is fully sheikah as well) rush home from a thing and Kokiri is running a play by play watching the security cameras.
I pull in my headcanon that Time was killed in the Downfall Timeline by getting impaled on Ganon's tusk and Ganondorf stabs him with the tusk of a mounted boar head and then Sheik shows up to protect his brother, and then Mama gets home and is not happy to find this man in her home attacking her kids. Time is fine, but Navi stays missing. (She's alive tho.)
Also, Time's foster dad was the last leader of a secret society known as The Order of The Lost Woods, and Time learns this upon meeting Tatl, who gets him sucked into another event that would probably make a good action movie. I have thought too much about the Order and it's hierarchy, but what's important here is that Time ends up with a standing job offer and Tatl and he remain friends and we find out how I fit FD into this AU. It's not pretty. This is where Time loses his eye too.
The AoC came out and I added that Link in as Wild's twin brother and he shows up during the main plot.
Which starts with Twi getting kidnapped. (I'm not really meaner to him than the others, I swear, he's just the most logical choice to be Time's heir. Which he is. He doesn't know this though.)
So he's kidnapped by Ganondorf, who broke out of jail, Zant, who shot Twi in highschool, and Ghirahim, who has some history with Sky I haven't fleshed out yet and a very public rivalry with Warriors over twitter. About six weeks later Sage finds him in an abandoned warehouse (because of course) with a shackle on his left arm and a lot of new injuries. He ends up fine, but he tells Time later in the hospital what happened and he's both message and messenger and Time is this close to just committing murder. Tatl talks him down.
Somewhere here is the half finished fic where I introduce AoC Link as Luke/Knight, and this is as far as I've plotted thus far.
Other tidbits: Wild and Lullaby/Sheik are both genderfluid, Lullaby/Sheik married Ruto, Wild has a very popular YouTube channel, Twi does drag racing sometimes, Sky has a pet bird, Four has DID to explain how the Colours are here too, and Wolfie exists in the form of a random wolf-dog Wild found and brought home that Legend somehow convinced half the family was Twilight. Also, Warriors has somehow befriended an entire sorority and he doesn't know how this happened.
This... got long. As you can see I have a lot of thoughts about the Adoption AU. It's gotten a bit away from me, I'll admit. This went from 'Wild does stunts on his motorbike and keeps breaking bones but somehow not the bike' to 'Twilight got kidnapped and Time is the target of a mafia that Ganon runs and also maybe killed a man once' and I don't know how that happened. Also, this is the condensed version of the summary. My actual summary/outline is much, much longer than this. So if there's any detail you want more on, feel free to say so and I'll happily go into more detail (there are so many things I didn't even mention....)
And yes, Robbie having a bong is very important to my best friend, for some reason. He has one in a modern AU and he probably invented one in canon. I happen to agree that this makes sense for his character, if anyone would invent a bong in LoZ it's Robbie (this is such an anticlimactic end to this ask after the stuff about the modern AU...)
Also, sorry for the long ass ask. I genuinely don't know how to condense the Adoption Au down any further. There's a lot of important plot beats to cover, and I still skipped things.
oh my GOD???? if you ever write and post this somewhere id love to read it, the level of "crazy" conspiracy/action movie elements implemented sound sosososo cool, from Ganondorf being Deku's half brother to trying to "send a message" via Twi and- just- all of this is SO good.i sat here and reread this ask like 3 times as if that would magically spawn more info about it ahaha
there's so much to unpack here but it's honestly so worth it i love every single detail!!! i can imagine the actual outline being way longer, nad honestly that just makes me the more excited/curious about all that might be missing from this ask - i cant believe it started with Wild and Wars going to Taco Bell of all things
also i can totally see Robbie making a bong, no matter the setting or AU. fits him a lot I'd say
and dont worry about long asks!! i adore opening up my askbox to see one ask take over the entire thing, it makes me really happy aha
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castlesbyrs · 3 years
This is a bit of a rant but…let’s be realistic here: The MaveOtis hype died down significantly, there’s not reason to lie to each other. I saw it with my own eyes, the sex ed tag was literally just about them and still is, so is tiktok and IG, the public is about 70% on Ruby and Otis' side now, they literally got 6M views on a single YouTube video in less than 2 weeks and almost every tweet about them gets over 10k likes at least on Twitter. You can’t enter Twitter wiper seeing something about them or Mimi. There was a MaeveOtis "hate" tweet that got 45k likes, something that was rare before season 3. It’s not just R*tis shippers but locals in a huge capacity. And the problem has to do with the writing 100%, they ruined what could’ve been an iconic Netflix couple. Even a YouTuber that I know is a huge MaeveOtis shipper said they were becoming repetitive and boring and that he actually wanted to see more of Ruby and Otis. And sadly this is something I have seen from pretty much everyone that watched season 3, they speak about how uneventful they were and even some MaeveOtis fans.
I would say hardcore MaeveOtis shippers are the ones still commenting about them, I don’t think MaeveOtis ever got the level of attention RubyOtis are getting, probably on season 1 but that is long gone. Maeve is not even a fan favorite anymore. We cannot deny that a big mass of people started watching this season because of r*tis edits on Twitter and the fact that M!mi is blowing up on Twitter every day now, pictures of her get to over 20k in less than a day. And this is the writers fault because in just one season they managed to make the main leads the least favorites, I don’t think I have seen people massively dismiss Maeve this much before, it’s almost like she didn’t exist.
To be honest, I’m expecting the writers to fully give Ruby a lot of screen time next season (and R*tis by extension) and we will get Maeve and Otis being a couple in the very last episode. I could see since season 2 premiered that if the writers decided to make Ruby and Otis a thing it would be chaos and it happened. They are the typical couple a massive audience goes, mean girls are usually the favorites in teen shows and let’s add M!mi to the equation, they did this to themselves truly.
I love how you're hitting me up with the cold fact data, way to go anon. Yeah, I agree. That's all on the writers. Three years ago I wouldn't even have imagined people would grow tired of Maeve Wiley of all people. She was, I think, and along with Eric, the one that made us all fall in love with the show, with a profound character arc that was so beautifully handled, it was perfect.
Now... the show is collapsing under its own weight, I must sadly admit. People are falling in love with all the other characters -honestly that hasn't been the case for me but I've seen it as well- and it sucks because we all started watching for the main three, four including our king of everything, Jean Milburn, and now all of those characters are considered boring or ruined... lol... yeah, they ruined our ship as well.
I'm absolutely certain R*by will definitely have a major role next season, like that's not even a question anymore, and her sudden popularity will only increase that... I honestly don't think they will pair her up with Otis again but yeah...it's sad how much everything changed and it's interesting to see it changed in a subtle way, so much that most people loved this season, while others simply hated it. I find that incredibly interesting, and deeply depressing lol.
Anyways, it is a waste of wonderful actors such as Asa and Emma, but it is what it is, I suppose.
Thank you for the rant and you're welcome to do so anytime you want anon <3
Come talk Sex Education to me ✨
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