#beginner writer
urnumber1star · 1 month
That moment when the unrelated scenes you've been writing for two weeks both somehow connect (i have no idea how this happened)
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writingwithfolklore · 2 months
10 Tips for New Writers
Find people to write with (another beginner writing buddy, critique groups for beginners, a mentor or teacher, online writer groups that you trust)
Accept all feedback, but you ultimately decide what changes to make
If you want to traditionally publish your writing—don’t post it online. Anywhere.
Be choosey with who you share your writing with
Rejection does not determine your writing’s worth.
First drafts are meant to be bad—you can’t edit a blank page
Write as much and as often as makes you happy
Try out lots of different techniques until you find the one that really works for you
Write what interests you—not what you think others will be interested in
Ultimately, writing is supposed to be fun—don’t be afraid to have fun with it!
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zxmickeyzx · 10 months
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Miles has always had an interest in fashion. It was another way for him to express himself, so he took a lot of pride in his appearance. There's a reason why Ganke keeps trying to steal not only his shoes but other clothes. Miles was definitely a trendsetter when it came to looks. He also loved to help out and model for the local fashion students, and in return sometimes he got to keep original work. 
His fashion even showed up in his everyday crime fighting side. It didn't take long for the media to catch on to his fashion looks. There were media blogs that were dedicated to catching all his styles. He couldn't take all the credit for his fashion on his Spiderman side. Most of the credit went to Kenneth Kingston. They were a student at Mile’s school who got bullied at his school for being non-binary. They met while he was patrolling the city and heard them crying after getting bullied so bad at school that day. He decided to sit down with them and talk to them. Turns out they both really loved fashion, and that was the start of their friendship. As Spiderman he would always check up on them and talk to them about fashion which led to Kenneth creating some fashion pieces for his Spidersona. At school Miles slowly became friends with them, which was a bit hard since they were a senior and their schedules were vastly different but eventually they made it work. 
Miles encouraged them to apply for fashion school and even volunteered to be their model as both Spiderman and his everyday self. Kenneth eventually put two and two together and found out his identity over a model schedule mix-up. They appreciated Miles' effort in being a good friend to them and making them feel accepted. From there on Kenneth became Spiderman's personal stylist, but Miles still had a lot of say in what his suits looked like and even still made some of his own with Kenneth’s inputs. Kenneth eventually got a scholarship to his dream fashion school in the city. But they still hung out at fashion shows where Miles would model. 
Currently Miles was wearing black baggy techwear cargo pants with red outlines on the pockets and red straps with buckles that ran along the pants. He also was wearing his classic red Jordans that Ganke loved to steal. He had a black Hoodie with a red line that was on top of his arm instead of inside it. The hoodie has a long turtle neck that works as a mask. Today was supposed to be his day off where he would attend the student work fashion show with Ganke later at night, but his best friend canceled on him at the last second. He wasn't supposed to be patrolling as Spiderman til later after the fashion show so he had time to kill before the fashion. So he decided to walk around the area while listening to his music, eventually he found himself walking past an alleyway filled with art when he senses a presence behind him. 
Miles turned behind him to see Hobie, Gwen, Pavitr, and Margo with a portal behind them in civilian clothing. Currently the alley was empty so there was no worries about anyone seeing them. Miles raises his eyebrow in confusion. He didn't know they would be coming and hasn't gotten a message from HQ about any emergency backups needed for missions. 
“Hey guys, what brings you guys here?”
The Spider Gang takes a bit to respond to him, staring at his outfit and really taking it in. They don't usually see him in his element, most of the time they see him in his spiderman suit, school uniform or his jacket and jeans which he uses as a quick outfit when he is running outta time or he is rushing to get outta the house. Patitr was the first to break the silence.
“Dude! What are you wearing?!” He exclaims gesturing to his outfit.
Miles tilts his head confused with their reaction to his outfit.
“Just some streetwear. Why? Does it look bad?” Miles starts to look down on his outfit. He thought it looked okay, he even got some compliments from some people he walked by. One girl even asked where he got his hoodie from. Did he embarrass himself again? 
“No! You look great!” Pativr walks closer to Miles to get a closer look at his outfit. “You have your own spider merch? It looks sick! I want my own merch”
Miles just chuckles and shakes his head.
“What brings you guys here? Do I need to come to HQ?”
There was a pause before someone responded.
“Nah Mate, we came cause we got done with a mission early and wanted to hang out with you”  Hobie answered. “Pav’s right you look good.”
Miles got a bit shy and felt his cheeks heat up a bit from the complement.
  “Yeah! We were just a bit surprised by your outfit, we’ve never seen you wear anything like this.” Gwen adds.
“It does look really cool!” Margo says walking closer to Miles to also get a better look at his outfit.
“Thanks, I usually like wearing things like this but I'm always in a rush and never have time to put an outfit together that I am actually proud of. I’ve been getting better at it though. I guess you guys always catch me when I’m at school or in my Spider suit.” Miles grins, he is glad that it got their stamp of approval unlike his spider suit with “bleeding armpits”. 
“Were you going to anything today cause we did come by to hang out. We can leave if you're busy.” Gwen rubs their arm a bit. They did come last minute and didn't want to interrupt whatever Miles had going on. 
“Nah you guys are alright! I was just wasting time before the student fashion show my friend is gonna be in. Not sure if it's your scene but you guys can join me if you want. Ganke just canceled on me so I was going to go alone.”
There was a smile of relief that showed on Gwen’s face. 
“I’d love to join! I have yet to see a fashion show unless you count any thats been attacked!” Pativr answers first.
“I also would love to see it!” Margo says right after.
“Me too!” Gwen finally answers.
“Sure mate, I haven't been to one in awhile. I wanna see what this place has to offer in the fashion sense.” Hobie walks up to miles and wraps his arm around his shoulders. Miles felt his cheeks heating up again at the action. He is glad you can't see red easily with his skin color. 
“Great! Let's go a bit early so we can sit together!”
Miles leads the gang to where the show is being hosted. It was in the auditorium of the school Kenneth attended. Once they got to the door they saw a long line to get in. The gang except Miles look nervous that they wouldn't be able to sit together. Miles just walks past the line and goes around the corner where there didn't seem to be a line, only a person near the backdoor. The person's face lights up with recognition and opens the door for Miles and the gang which confused the gang a bit.
As soon as the door opened, they were greeted with the scene of busy fashion students and models making quick last minute edits to their designs. Most not really bothering to look at the crew. Those who did greet Miles, and Miles greeted back. 
Pavitr walks close to miles and whispers to his ear. 
“Dude! I didn't know you were so popular!”
Miles smiles.
“Nah man, I just come here often cause of my friend. I’m gonna say hi to them before we go find some seats. They designed my merch maybe they can for you too”
“Wait, they know?!” 
“Yeah, they found out a year ago” Miles says nonchalantly.
“Dude! Why haven't we meet them yet?! We met Ganke.” Pavitr says in disbelief 
  “They’re just very busy with school. Fashion students work hard man” Miles answers. 
Before Pavitr could respond again someone shouted Miles name.
“Miles! Thank god you're here man!!!”
A person with light brown curly hair wearing a gorgeous red turtleneck dress that reached to the ground with a flowy bottom. They wore gold dangling earrings and gold bangles on their wrists. They had a lanyard with their photo Id with a nonbinary flag sticker in the corner. They make their way to the group and grabbed miles a bit away from the group. 
“You're in time! I need you and Ganke to model! I know he hates it but two of our models called out.”
“Kenneth man, you know that I will, but Ganke canceled on me. But maybe one of my friends can?” Miles gestures towards the gang. 
“Oh my god! How rude of me! Are these your friends from that spider place?” Kenneth whispers the last bit. 
Gwen is the first to hop on the situation quickly. 
“Hi! I’m Gwen! This is Hobie, Pavitr, and Margo! It's so nice to meet you!” She gestures for a handshake and Kenneth takes it.
“Its nice to finally meet you guys in person!!! Im Kenneth, they/them pronouns. Im sorry to ask this last minute but can one of you guys model with Miles? The outfits are meant to be matching outfits.” 
Before any of the spider gang responds, Hobie answers.
“I was briefly a runway model.”
The spider gang was shocked that Hobie volunteered first.  
“Perfect! Jenny! We got two models!” Kenneth call out.
“Good! We can do your segment now.”
“Before we start let's get Miles' friends to the VIP seats!”
“We get VIP seats?!” Pavitr was practically jumping in the air. He was just too excited to see his first fashion show that would include his friends.
“I’ll record and send it to Peter B!” Margo smiles.
“And maybe Jess!” Gwen adds. “Miguel will probably see it too.”
Hobie seemed unbothered by that but Miles was a bit nervous because they have never seen him model before so he was a bit nervous.
“You guys are in for a treat. Miles is a great model, you see him solo, the audience loves him. Sadly its pair and last minute so it will have to be a normal walk.” 
“You ain't seen nothing, me and Miles have chemistry” Hobie grins looking down at Miles. Miles couldn't look him directly in the eye, a bit nervous about the situation. 
“I look forward to it, but enough talking, Jenny have someone take Miles' friends to the VIP. We need to get you guys ready.”
The gang went their separate ways. Kenneth started getting Miles ready. Miles has some new black cargo shorts with oversized pockets and black straps. He had an oversized short sleeved black t-shirt with gray flannel long sleeves under the shirt. He had on chunky black and white converse. It's definitely a different aesthetic that miles didn't usually wear but could get behind. Miles glanced at Hobies outfit. As usual he looked amazing. 
Hobie has on long black cross earrings. His free locks were tied up, he still had all his piercings on. Kenneth said it really added to his look. Hobie had on a smaller but still loose fitting t-shirt except it was cut short with a wide belt with his high waisted black cargo pants with also grayish straps. He had white long sleeve under shirt and wore gray combat boots.  Miles didn't realize how long he was staring at Hobie, but Hobie did and gave Miles a smirk. It caused Miles to have a mini panic. 
Hobie was really cool to Miles, and he never forgot how much Hobie helped him out during the incident before the chase, and how he helped Miles after the whole thing with spot happened. Hobie was just a good friend and Miles just really appreciated him. He didn't like like Hobie that way.
That may be a lie, but he can deny it. 
The fashion show was starting soon, Miles and Hobie only had to sub in for one part luckily. It was the matching outfits section which could be seen as couples or as best friends wearing them. Miles assumed they would be doing the best friends version. He was a bit nervous since this would be his first time subbing as a duo, when it's just him he can do different tricks to please the audience but he doesn't know what to do with Hobie on stage.
Hobie could sense Miles being nervous.
“Don't worry about a thing, you’ll be great out there. Just walk how you usually do and leave everything on the stage.” Hobie smiles. “Just do you Miles and I’ll do me”
It was a nice thing for him to say which made him a little less nervous. He just needs to keep reminding himself to leave it all on the stage. 
After what felt like eternity, it was their turn to walk on the stage. Behind the side curtains of the stage Hobie and Miles were on opposite sides. Miles on the right and Hobie on the left. Miles looks at Hobie and sees him mouthing the word breathe.  
And that's what he does. ‘Leave it all on the stage Miles. You can do this!”
The last duo returned backstage and now it was their turn. As soon as the lights hit his face he got into his groove of doing the walk and showing out Kenneth's outfit. He wasn't sure what Hobie was doing, but Miles focused on the audience. It was all good til he felt Hobie’s hand pulled him and twirled him close to him . 
Miles was startled at first. He finally took a look at Hobie who just smiled and winked at him. Miles wasn't really sure what was going on but at that moment he just fully let go. Hobie and were now waltzing the stage, switching sides and twirling each other around. Miles couldn't help but smile brightly. He was having fun dancing with Hobie.
When they get to the front of the stage Hobie takes the opportunity to dip Miles with his right hand holding Miles waist from the back and his left hand holding Miles right leg from underneath the knee.  
 Hobbies eyes look into his eyes without breaking contact. For a second it was just him and Hobie. He wanted the moment to last longer.
Hobie then brings Miles close to him, letting his right leg down and slowly taking his right hand into his left without letting go of his waist with his other hand. After a couple of seconds Hobie twirls to the left side and holds up their hands for a bow which Miles follows. 
Thinking that the moment was over Miles was about to walk down the stage back to the changing rooms, but Hobie had other plans. 
He dragged Miles and jumped off the stage and ran through and out the auditorium. Ofc Hobie wouldn't finish the actual runway. He wondered if they ruined the runway but at that moment he didn't care. It felt exhilarating. 
Hobie was laughing and smiling and Miles couldn't help but join him. After a bit Hobie stops running at an alleyway, not really knowing where he was. Miles is catching his breath for a bit and looks up at him still holding his hand. Hobie smirks.
“Fun wasn't it?”
“...Yeah it was fun” Miles answers. “But I think we should head back before Kenneth comes for us for running away with their designs.”
Hobie shrugs.
“It will be fine, we are giving them more publicity.” 
Miles shakes his head.
“You're amazing, you know that?”
“Nah, but you are though, but you're right we should head back soon”
Miles looks at their hands, and Hobie looks down as well.They both look at each other in silence for a bit.
Then Hobie lifts Miles' hand to his mouth.
“Or maybe we should stay here till the show ends?”
Miles smiles, his cheeks hurting from his smile.
“I’d like that”
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Dead Bunny
short poem i wrote about a dead bunny i saw
There's a dead bunny on the side of the road
Lying on its side; not resting
Left hind bone bloody and exposed
Crimson trail leading to the body
Crossing the border of asphalt and earth
Maybe death feels better when it feels like home
im very new to writing so criticism and tips are greatly appreciated ^_^
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p0opyppii99 · 2 months
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ᯓ★((stranger !!Yuta! Teasing !Reader!)) -beginner :P - (made some mistakes mb)
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.
Yuta, who might be perceived as: shy, kind and possibly easy to be around to say the least. That was your first impression of the man who is now teasing your abused cunt. It had only been around thirty minutes since you had first met each other through your best friend Maki. Since then, you couldn't help but notice the way his eyes linger on you ever so perfectly. It made your heart flutter as you noticed the special grade student attempting to make his move. "Hey! My names Yuta and you are?", he said blushing obnoxiously "Oh hey! I'm Y/n" as you were speaking to him your gaze quickly averted to the growing beast that was practically begging to be freed in the tightness of his own pants. One thing led to another and due to the fact that you both lacked self control and craved each other you found yourself straddling on the dark haired man's lap. Yuta had kept a firm grip on your waist, guiding you through the act. "My god your just so beautiful its gonna be the death of me", he murmured as he planted a wet kiss on your neck. This earned a slight whimper from you as you began to straddle his lap more as you were searching to earn some friction to please yourself. Yuta couldn't help but notice your desperation which made him kiss you. At first, it was a soft, gentle, delicate kiss. The kiss soon escalated into him dominating your mouth with his smooth tongue as he would also bite your lower lip occasionally. He then parted your lips in order to breathe he then noticed the string of saliva connecting the two of you in which had provoked him to kiss you again as he sucked up all the saliva connecting the two of you which resulted in you to whine profusely. He was RUTHLESS and somewhat disgusting. You were also ashamed to admit that his animalic behavior contributed to your arousal. You wouldn't have expected this from him. Not in a million years. You assumed he had none erotic experiences because he seemed too shy or nervous to be THIS good at it, you were almost intimidated of how skilled he was at this. You even went to lengths as feeling vulnerable in the situation as he was clearly in charge. "Yuta?" you murmured under your breath "Yes darling?", he muttered as he gave you a warm smile. "Do you think we can" you stopped mid sentence as you knew what you meant. What you wanted. But him being the tease that he is; he demanded you to be more 'forward' as to what you were referring to. You refused to, as you were nervous. Five minutes had passed but he felt the urge to give in which he did in almost a fraction of a second. His hands made its way to unclip your bra and he had tossed it across the room. Yuta then wasted no time and sucked on your hard nipple like a starved man. He gave you no mercy whatsoever earning multiple whimpers, moans and cries from you. "Yuta, I cant I just met you. This is so wrong". you said letting out an exasperated sigh "You sure? don't assume I haven't noticed you pressing your thighs shut against each other". Fuck, he was so right and his attention to detail was almost over whelming its as if he's taking note of your every move yet, he seemed rather confident in his actions when he's alone with uits as if he had no shame. You then got bold as you were experimenting and had decided to gently stroke his clothed girth. "Changed your mind so quickly?". Within a fraction of a second he had kept your soft legs on his shoulders and started to lap your folds and suck on your swollen clit as if he was desperate to get a taste of your sweet juices. "g-g-give yourself a bre-break!! Can you even breathe", you said in exasperated moans and cries. Little did you know this made matters worse and had only provoked him to suck harshly. Within ten minutes you had lost track of the amount of times that you had cum. But he wasn't done with you. Not yet. Without warning, his inhumanely large cock was placed in front of your heat, using his flushed tip that dripped in pre-cum to tease your folds in circular motions. It drove you insane. He was a stranger you met not too long ago yet he knew you so well?
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pap3rcherry · 14 days
hallooo ^_^/
engel x reader fluff perhaps? can be oneshot or headcanons :D
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Engel x reader
A/N: FUCK YEAAA!!! Engel!!! hes the air i breath, this one was being made before the requests got closed, but since i was feeling a little burnt out i closed it before i got to post it, so decided to just finish it with my last string of motivation<3
TW: nothing, just slight mentions of bullying.
Type: Headcanons, romantic, HCS, fluff.
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୨୧ Its portrayed that Engel looks very mature and polite, so expect this boy to be a total gentleman to you, gifts, hand made or buyed, compliments and quality time, my brain told me to HC Engel to be rich (for some reason) so i think you would get smothered by gifts.
୨୧ Engel would help you in anything you need, especially studies, hes probably very smart too so, theres no problems in helping you in certain subject, you can trust him with anything, secrets wont be ever revealed, his mouth is a tomb.
୨୧ i Hc that he loves going on picnic dates, so if you organized a surprise picnic date he would be over the moon! he would be kissing you in the cheek or lips almost all the time since Engel was really happy<3
୨୧ Engel would defend you at any time possible, if Oliver picked up on you, Engel would NOT take it lightly, so expect some insults here and there, Engel may be smart and mature, but he will get angry if someone messes with people he loves, probably would get into a fight for you. (i mean, we saw how Engel defended Claire in the fpe video)
୨୧ He cares so much for you, if you ever felt bad or got into a hard moment, if you look for comfort with him, he will drop everything and stay with as much as you need to, will hug you if you ask to, he just wants you to be okay</3
୨୧ Engel would come over to your house on a weekly basis, so yeah, he might just pop into your house whenever, but if you dont want him doing that he will gladly leave and ask before coming, he may be silly sometimes.
୨୧ Engel is hopeless romantic so he would gift you bouquets with your favorite flowers with romantic cards like: "A flower to another flower" and cheesy romantic things like that, he is so cute<3
୨୧ I think he kiss you alot, in the cheek or your lips, doesnt matter, whenever hes got the chance to he will give a little smooch, sometimes you get caught off guard and gets kissed whenever you are talking to him, but dont worry, it just means he was admiring you the whole time 🥹
୨୧ “do you think we are lovers in every universe?" “gosh, i hope so”
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bubblegumfanfictions · 4 months
Perfect to Me |Astarion x Fem!Plus-sized! Reader|
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Fandom- Baldurs Gate 3
Ship- Astarion/Fem!Plus-sized! Reader
Warning(s)- fatphobia, negative thoughts about weight, mentions of Cazador, Swearing
Summary- Reader is upset after a rough day in Baldurs Gate, but Astarion proves that she doesn't need to be.
Word Count- 1,700
A/N- Sorry if this isn't perfect, it has been a while. But merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! (I also changed the name of the fic)
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After a long and perilous journey through the Shadow Cursed Lands, The Underdark, and the Mountain Pass to gain allies you finally made your way to Baldurs Gate. The bustling streets and lively atmosphere was almost alien to you after so much time surrounded by nature.
The faces of your companions tell you all you need to know about how they feel at present. Disgust, Excitement, and Fear. You felt for Astarion, it must be terrifying returning to your old hunting grounds after so long, seeing the families of people he had condemned, but that wasn’t who he was now. You felt a fleeting sense of pride that your friend had promised the Gur he would help take down Cazador and find out what happened to their children– Whether they were alive or not is a whole different story.
Karlach on the other hand looked positively elated at being here. Her excitement was certainly infectious, You pause your thoughts and look over at the disgust on Lae’zel’s face, Well maybe not totally infectious. Although you did take note of a glint in Lae’zel’s eyes, she was interested but hid it well.
But even with Karlach’s excitement, you were nervous as all hells. You knew from experience that Baldurs Gate wasn’t a fan of people with your particular build (Well, unless you work in brothels or Burlesque shows but that is a different story.) Knowing what you know about Baldurs Gate you had prepared yourself before you left to expect some comments, looks and even some shoves.
You thought you had managed to keep your anxieties under control and to yourself but that wasn’t the case. Unbeknownst to you, while you were hyperanalysing everything out of nervousness, Astarion was keeping an eye on you. He’d never seen you so nervous- That might not even be the right word, terrified seemed to be the better term.
He didn’t know why you were so scared of everything. He had seen you take down an Orthon just so he could have the information that Raphael promised him. You didn’t have to do that but you did. When he asked you why you simply smiled and said “Because it was important to you.” So he didn’t understand your fears at all. Are you scared of big crowds? Of the idea that someone could jump you? No, thats not it, you’d look more alert than anything, not dazed.
After a few hours of walking around Astarion finally spotted what it was that was scaring you so much. He noticed the glares and whispers being sent in your direction. He was happy that you weren’t an elf because you wouldn't have liked the things he was hearing. He was physically restraining himself from ripping out these peoples throat. You were beautiful. Why couldn't they see that? Why couldn't you see that?
“Isn't she ashamed of coming out here?” Just breathe, Astarion. You'll be no good to the group in prison.
“She's much too big to be in with that lot.” Astarion kept his rage to himself, but he was sure the rest of his group noticed. After all you were connected by those wriggling parasites.
Eventually you all made your way to The Elfsong Tavern when the Emperor decided to reminisce about his time working with Duke Stalemane. Astarion didn't care though, not after noticing how vulnerable you looked, how upset and withdrawn you were.
He wondered if maybe you could hear some of the comments. Or if you were so used to the treatment that you knew what they were going to say.
Karlach barrels into the Tavern with all the grace of… well- Karlach. Finally getting to sleep in a proper bed for the night. Everyone was excited for it. After the trials they had all been through they deserved some much needed rest, even just for the day.
Karlach decided to go down into the Tavern to spend her night eating and drinking, Lae'zel went to the courtyard to practice. The group had discovered a temple with a link to Mystra and naturally relayed this to Gale so that's where he probably is. As for the others? You had no idea.
You took it upon yourself to kick your shoes off and practically face planted one of the beds in the room you rented, barely taking any notice of Astarion's eyes watching your every move.
The energy it took you to not burst out into tears in the streets had taken its toll on you, you were just ready to sleep.
Astarion moved over to you cautiously, for once he was lost for words. He didn't know what to say to you, should he acknowledge the elephant in the room or ignore it?
“Astarion? Are you okay?” You lift your heavy head to look at the handsome Pale Elf that was watching you. His eyes dance with uncertainty. He seemed deep in thought. “Astarion?” You say his name a second time and manage to catch his attention.
He shook himself from his thoughts “Oh, yes, Darling? What were you saying?” He thought his recovery was smooth but his discomfort still showed on his face.
You sit up and pat the spot next to you. Astarion smiled absentmindedly, even burdened by the thoughts of horrible people you were still thinking of others first.
Astarion sits next to you, “I'm fine, but are you. Don't think I didnt notice the way people were looking at you.” He paused, not knowing if he should let on that he heard what they were saying. “Or how they were… talking about you.”
You stayed silent, looking down at your hands. Like Astarion earlier you didn't know what to say. “You noticed that?”
He looked baffled, almost offended that you thought he didn't. “Of course I did! Why wouldn't I? This is you we are talking about Darling, it's so hard for me to not notice you.” He places his hand on top of yours.
The coolness from his hand is a stark contrast to the warmth of his words to you. “Tell me, why do you allow a few rotten apples to treat you so poorly.” He uses his other hand to brush some hair from your face that had fallen when your head lowered with sadness.
“Because its true. I'm nothing special, no one will ever love me the way I want them too. I'll be alone… forever.”
Astarion's heart shattered, he knew what it was like to feel so vulnerable, so self-conscious. He hated that your life in Baldurs Gate made you feel the same.
“Oh, Darling. I wish I could show you just how wrong you are. These people? This group that you brought together, they adore you, I adore you.”
“But why? I feel hideous.” Tears well up in the corner of your eyes, prompting Astarion to lift you chin with one hand and wipe your tears with the other.
“You are far from hideous my gorgeous gorgeous girl, I think you are beautiful, a walking piece of art. You do not deserve to be treated the way you are just because you don't fit in with their callous beauty standards.” The mixture of Astarion's kind words, the nasty glares, and your exhaustion caused you to break down, tears streaming down your cheeks.
Without missing a beat Astarion wrapped his arms around you in a clumsy hug. He could feel your shoulders shake as the tears (sadly) soaked his new doublet.
“You think I'm beautiful?” You sniffled, pulling your head away from his chest but maintaining contact. He may not be physically warm but his actions and words warmed you through.
“Of course I do. Why wouldn't I? I'm not blind, Sweetheart.” A soft smile painted on his lips. Astarion could tell that his words weren't really getting through to you, he knew that it would take a long time for you to finally feel good about yourself, but he can damn well try his best.
“But-” you attempted to say before Astarion shushed you, a finger gently pressed to your lips.
“No buts. I have been around for a long time, I have bedded more men and women than I can count. But you are by far the most beautiful being I have ever laid eyes on. You are so incredibly and unapologetically you and I would do anything in my power for you to see yourself the way I do.”
“But I'm not thin like other people, how can you say I'm beautiful when I look like this? ” He moved his finger down to your chin so he could tilt your head up.
“Because you are. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, you're the best person for me. I don't want to imagine a life with anyone other than you in it. I adore you darling. I love you and I want you to be happy and I would love for it to be with me.”
Astarion could see your expression change to a more hopeful one. “You love me?”
“I do.” He responds, his eyes darting down to your lips and back to your own again. “Can I kiss you?” The question slipped from his mouth before he could think. You nod your head, still shocked by the sudden confession.
He slowly closed the gap between your lips, when they finally touched Astarion could sense all of your worries melt away. His free hand squeezing the thickness of your thigh as you shared a loving kiss. Astarions fangs brushing against your lips and occasionally nipping them as the kiss deepened.
“Fuck yes! Finally!” You both turned your heads, seeing Karlach stood in the doorway watching as the two of you kissed.
“Man Gale is going to be PISSED. He owes me 60 gold.” She senses the awkwardness she had just caused with her entrance and sheepishly backed away “Don't let me stop you, I was just leaving.”
She slams the door behind her but you could hear her yelling that she was going to be a rich woman and that she knew she had an eye for romance.
The two of you just laughed. This was perfect.
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cutiepielounge · 4 months
Relationship with a “Class of ‘09” student consists of…
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Let’s be honest, she wouldn’t really give you much thought even during the relationship.
You’d be ordered to do all her tasks constantly.
Occasional kisses are a thing
Affection in public is practically forbidden.
In private some acts of affection are allowed (but she would just roll her eyes if you want to cuddle or do anything similar to whatever sappy couples do)
She doesn’t treat you much differently from everyone else.
Every time you piss her off she removes a letter from your name in her contacts, once all the letters are gone you’re blocked.
Expect a lot of cringy nicknames…
Lots of affection both in public and private
Isn’t afraid to talk about her relationship with others.
LOTS of cheek kisses
In the beginning of the relationship she’s very shy.
With time she’s a lot more open with you and her desires.
Why would you even date him…?!
He’s incredibly loud and shows you off at any given moment.
You always have to keep an eye on him, it’s a nightmare really.
He’d constantly be trying something with you.
Really basic nicknames.
Definitely set your name on his phone as “my bitch 😍”
Constantly having to scold him for his misogynistic views. (Buddy does not listen to you and calls you a whore every time you do.)
He would legit be attached to your hip, never leaves you alone.
Forced to watch anime with him.
You basically know all of his secrets.
He’s really touchy but awkward about it.
Literally doodles you on whatever worksheet he’s assigned.
There are lots of drawings of you with hearts around them.
Keeps pathetically trying to be your “shining armor”.
He willingly does all your schoolwork without complaint.
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This was my first time ever writing so uh, sorry if it’s dog-shit like ong … plus English isn’t my first language!
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insect-library · 19 days
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@peophonia 's poob design fanart:333
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hannahxhoney · 9 months
we don't talk anymore - e. munson
eddie munson x female!reader
summary: after years of not talking, you see eddie at a party and things get heated. i suck at writing these lol
warnings: kinda angsty, a little bit of asshole!eddie, cursing, use of y/n, and arguements
fic is kind of inspired by the song “we don’t talk anymore” by selena gomez and charlie puth
also this was written on mobile so sorry if the formatting is off! thank you for reading!!!
You and Eddie have always been friends. Ever since you were kids, you and him were inseparable. Long days at the trailer park during the summer, being outside and playing make believe with him. Cold nights in the winter where you would make hot cocoa and watch Christmas movies on your family's beat up couch together. Everyday you spent with him, was always your favorite. Him being about two years older than you meant that all the other kids at school your age would leave you alone, since you were always hanging out with the older kids like Eddie. But you wouldn't have it any other way. Eddie was fun, kind, and so brave that sometimes you felt that his courage would get him in trouble one day. He was your best friend and you were his. There wasn't a day that went by when you wouldn't see Eddie and his goofy smile.
Until now.
It was the summer before you started high school and Eddie was already going to be a Junior. You were excited to go into such an intimidating place already knowing someone. You knew Eddie would help you with whatever you needed, and would even let you sit with him and his friends during lunch. But as the summer went by in a blur, so did that excitement. You didn't see much of Eddie during that summer. He always said he was busy hanging out with his friends or planning his next campaign. You understood, but you still felt disappointed that you didn't get to hang out much during those two months. Before you knew it, it was already August and school was starting in three days. You were still excited that you wouldn't be completely alone going into it, but it all felt weird because you haven't really talked to nor seen Eddie in two weeks. He was never at his trailer when you went to see if he was free and he was ignoring your calls. On the off chance that you did see him, he was still regular Eddie. He was kind and always cracking jokes with you, but your conversations with him were always a quick "hi" and "bye" before he left. Because he always had something to do these days, other than hanging out with you. You started to think that maybe you did something wrong, or said something to upset him.
It was the Friday night before school started, and you were re-reading The Lord of the Rings for the third time, until you heard your mom calling and saying there was someone on the phone for you.
When you got to the phone you were a bit confused, because who would be wanting to talk to you this late at night? Until you heard his voice.
"Hey y/n."
You were surprised to hear from him right now, but happy that he called.
"Hey Eds! How are you?"
There was a beat of silence before he replied.
"I'm fine, but I wanted to talk to you about something."
You were confused what he wanted to say, since you haven't done much talking to him recently.
"Ok, what did you want to talk about Eddie?"
"I just wanted to tell you that I think it's best if we don't hang out anymore."
"Wait what-"
"I don't want to be friends with you anymore, y/n."
It felt like you got hit by a two ton semi truck in the heart when he said those words.
"What do you mean? What's wrong Eddie?"
"I mean that I don't want to be associated with some stupid freshman that follows me around like a lost puppy all the damn time. It's annoying y/n. You always want to hang out with me, but I thought you would get a clue by now since I've been ignoring you. We aren't kids anymore y/n. Yeah we were best friends at one point, but I don't want to be friends with you anymore."
"Eddie, I don't understand. What happened? Did I do something wrong? I-I don't know why you're changing all of a sudden?"
"Look y/n, please just leave me alone and stop trying to call me. I don't want to talk to you anymore."
"Eddie please I-"
"Goodbye y/n".
He hung up. He broke your heart and just hung up the phone, like it was nothing. I guess it was nothing, to him at least. You spent the weekend crying and trying to prepare yourself to see him on Monday morning. You always loved seeing him, but now every time you see his face you're reminded of the time you lost your bestfriend.
It was now your senior year, and Eddie's second. Freshman year felt like hell for you. Having to see his face everyday felt like pure torture, but by winter break you were starting to feel better about it each day. And as you entered your sophomore year, you had made some friends and joined the photography club at Hawkins Highschool. But now, sometimes it feels like you never knew him. He got taller, grew out his hair, and started growing into his rock star look. If you were any other girl, you would have a huge crush on him. But you're not, you know who he actually is. And sometimes you feel stupid that you ever fell for his act and actually liked him. But you grew up too. Puberty hit you hard the summer after freshman year, and you grew into yourself. You developed your own style, learned how to do your hair and the occasional makeup, and developed a wall of confidence that no one can break through. Not even him. You ended up becoming really good friends with Jonathan Byers through your shared love of photography. And when he started dating Nancy Wheeler, you guys got closer too. You would hang out them during and after school, and sometimes even Steve Harrington would join you guys. Since Nancy's little brother is in Hellfire club, you occasionally cross paths with Eddie. He always seems to ignore you, but every once in a while you catch him staring at you. You don’t understand why though, it was his decision to cut things off. Every now and then when it’s late you think of showing up at his door, to really ask him after all this time if he still feels good about that decision but you know that would be wrong. Of course he feels good about it, especially when he has his hands all over a girl at a random party.
Just like right now.
One of the popular jocks at the school - probably Jason Carver - is hosting the usual friday night party tonight and you, Jonathan, Nancy, and Steve all decided to go. Steve already found his girl to take home tonight, a pretty blonde girl who is putting it on pretty heavily by laughing at the jokes Steve is telling that you know aren’t funny. Nancy and Jonathan are outside talking about who knows what, but they always seem to be having fun with each other know matter what they’re doing. That’s why you’re alone in the corner of the room sipping on a mixed drink that is slowly making you feel that warm feeling through your veins. That is also why you catch Eddie’s eyes as he dances with some girl. She’s pretty, skinny, and her hair is dyed a dark blue color. A girl you would typically think Eddie would be attracted too. So why is he still staring at you, when his hands are on her? You don’t care enough to find out, so you walk away looking for something much better to do. To your surprise, you actually end up finding it. So now you’re the one dancing with a random guy. He’s cute, at least cute enough to distract you from whatever was happening between you and Eddie. Plus with the alcohol fairly well into your system by now, you’re even thinking of asking him if he wants to go upstairs. As you’re about to ask said question, you’re suddenly pulled away by the arm by a strong hand.
“What the fuck-“
It wasn’t till you got a look at the long curls of the person dragging you out of the house then you really lost it.
“Munson what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
Once you were outside, you pulled your arm away and faced the person that all your anger is directed at right now.
“What am I doing? What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Dancing? You’re mad at me for dancing at a party!?”
“No! I’m mad that you’re throwing yourself at some guy that asked me if I knew anyone that had coke at the party!”
Well you didn’t know that. But that doesn’t excuse what he’s doing right now.
“That isn’t any of your damn business anymore, Eddie! Or did you forget the fact that you haven’t spoken to me for years?”
He got quiet after that. You finally looked at him. Really looked at his face and how much he’s changed over the years. You never allowed yourself to really do this before, afraid that it would open up the wounds that took you so long to heal. Suddenly you were a kid again. Waiting on him to say something. You didn’t know how to describe the way he made you feel at the time. But now you do. He was like a drug. After every time you saw him, you wanted more. But then you overdosed.
“Y/n I-
“I don’t want to hear it, Eddie. You were the one who cut things off. You were the one who left me hanging. You don’t get to care about me or stop me from dancing or doing anything with anyone.”
“I just wanted to stop you from doing something you’ll regret. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“I don’t understand why you even care, Eddie. We’re not friends, and we haven’t been for years. It’s your fault. You’re the reason why we don’t talk anymore.”
authors note: i know the ending is kind of bad but I just wanted to write something. If you read it all, thank you so much!!! I appreciate you all <3
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Hi! Are you comfortable with angsty topics?
If you are, what do you think about the brothers (or just Lucifer) coming to terms with the fact that the time with us (or MC) is running out (be it sickness, health, life exchange, etc)? Can it be gn please?
Thank you so much!!
Lucifer was drowning in paperwork, slumped over by his desk when he saw the time. The decades spent with him were taking a slow but aching toll on your human body. It was a realization that suddenly occurred to him, your graying hair, and your increasing amount of wrinkles. Your pained smiles as moving became harder worried him, he tried every remedy he could think of, but eventually came to the conclusion that this was meant to happen. Although he made sure to cherish you even on your deathbed, it still lingered that there wasn't much time left.
Expanded Version
Mammon was listening to some RnB music while looking through his old photoshoots when a vintage song came on. The release date of the song reminded him about your first date together, and although he looked as young as ever, you were aging along with time. He never admitted his worry, but it was as plain as day to the average observer, His frantic internet searches as he realized your death was inevitable. The aches in your muscles, the sagging of your face, your smile lines. He held your face in his palms, kissing you softly and letting death gently take you away.
Expanded Version
The characters flashed around on Leviathan's screen with hilarious dialogue, an action-packed roguelike from the 90s. His retro game system crashed again, as he noticed his first save file. It was a game he'd played with you a few times. As he looked back on those fond memories, he thought about you now. He loved you now just as much as before but grew concerned. It hurt him to see your pained back, dark circles and thin lips. He noticed your fatigue after concerts and competitions. Knowing you wouldn't be around for eternity, he put special care into your last moments, showering you with love.
Expanded Version
While studying the arts of the human world, Satan was amazed by the Mona Lisa. The colors and the historical value all appealed to him, however when researching, he couldn't help but ponder upon your own end. He remembers exploring old museums and educating himself on the realms, but as his knowledge traveled through time so did you. He observed your smile, ever-so-radiant, wrinkles holding onto the edges, the spots on your skin, the pains that weren't there before. He started watching you more, holding you while he could.
Expanded Version
Every stroke of the nail polish was beneficial, complimenting his youthful signature look. Asmodeus painted every last bit of fingernail, carefully inspecting his work he proudly showed off his work. He started applying makeup to your face, savoring every smile line and wrinkle you had, every special and unique mole. Although he used to hate aging, he appreciated your natural beauty, highlighting it. He knew you would eventually pass, so he did things he normally wouldn't do, going out of his way, being extra affectionate, making sure you had a peaceful rest surrounded by the man you love.
Expanded Version
As Beelzebub ate five Hell's burgers blissfully, he reminisced on the times you spent at restaurants together. He tasted every bit, nibbling to show it care. This was much unusual from his typical pace, ravaging through meals, he savored it for you, knowing what burgers can do to a human body, knowing it wouldn't last long. He began cooking more for you, noticing that your body was becoming weaker day by day. Even in your weakest moments, he held you and quietly shed tears.
Belphegor was listening to relaxing piano music as he slept in bed with you, holding on tightly. His snores filled the room as you woke. Usually a heavy sleeper, Belphegor jolted to the unexpected sound of your joints creaking and popping. He cuddled closer, knowing you couldn't hug him forever. Even when he hated humans, he knew how easily they could die, be killed off. And although he knew this was going to happen, he didn't want it now. He let you rest, awoke early in the morning to do laundry, to attend class. You slept on his lap when you passed, cementing his favorite human's death as a peaceful one, one that he couldn't get over.
This is my first angst attempt, so feedback is appreciated!
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urnumber1star · 1 month
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That awkward moment when you're writing in public and that one person is reading your work over your shoulder and you just have to look at them like "I'm not psychotic I promise"
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writingwithfolklore · 3 months
A Note for New Writers
                When I started this blog, one of my goals was to compile advice that I hadn’t really seen online anywhere. Stuff a little bit beyond the foundations I was already very familiar with. I took university courses and different approaches to writing combined with my own experience and lessons from the mentors and teachers around me, and began to write it all down to share with you.
                The idea was never that you would start writing your first character with Character is Plot say. However, I noticed there are a lot of new, beginner, or learning writers on here, and there’s a great value in really nailing the foundations, so here marks the start of a short series of foundational advice for you new writers (or for writers who have been around the block and may need a refresher. I know I do!)
                I see a lot of new writers in the tags looking down on yourselves or your ability. Stuff like, ‘why can’t I seem to do this’ or ‘if only I could actually follow this advice’. My posts were never meant to make you feel like you aren’t good enough. It was written with over a decade of experience behind it. It takes time to build those instincts in knowing what to do. Unfortunately you can’t just build writing skill by reading and collecting articles—they can be a guide, but they aren’t meant to instantly come naturally to you “if only you were a good writer.”
No one can automatically learn how to write just from reading some advice because writing skill isn’t about the knowing, it’s about the practicing.
                And it takes a hell of a lot of practice.
                Writing is mostly intuition—we practice certain skills to get them to a place where we can just do them without really thinking about it. It’s kind of like when you were learning to type, and you had to constantly remind yourself to put periods at the ends of your sentences. Then, over time and a million reminders, you started to just do it on instinct without really thinking about it.
                It’s muscle memory, it’s trying again and again, it’s a lot of struggling and tears and feedback and more tears and a million and one false starts and unfinished drafts and finished drafts that are really bad and lost contests and rejections. I have been through it all. I’m still going through it all. Only recently have I been published—it took me over a decade of practice to get there. Oh, and in the same month one of my pieces was published, another was rejected.
                That’s how it goes. It’s not some switch that will one day flick where you’re ‘good enough’. And the timeline isn’t so set. While I was working on building up skill, I was also working on building up confidence. In the right publications, with enough confidence, I probably could’ve been published years ago. In the right place, and if you’re brave enough to submit, you probably could too.
                It’s about who sees it, very rarely does it really depend on how ‘good’ it is (and you can tell from all the published work that can’t possibly be better than your unpublished work, right?)
                TL;DR, writing isn’t about the knowing, it’s about time, patience, and practice. If you’re reading advice and don’t feel good enough to execute on it, just take a little bit more time and get a hundred thousand more words under your belt. One day, it will just become intuition.
You will get there.
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roabythecow · 9 days
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Now I know what you're thinking...
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I AGREE! 😃 But I assure you, this server is full of pretty chill people, and your typical discord drama is at the bare minimum. Some folks are even so desperate for their drama fix that they make it up when I ask her for a review! ✨️
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Thanks Finch, you're really helping our image... /silly
We also prioritize keeping the server small—90 members is our limit—so as not to be overwhelming. We're currently at 45 members (but surprisingly active 🤯), because we took a sit back from advertising since we were comfortable with the size and vibe of our server overall, but we're back at it, and guess what! Since we have a member limit, this is your
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"But OP!!! I want to know MORE about this server before joining!! 🥺" You may or may not be saying because you're just so damn impatient and want the link immediately 🙄 /silly
Well, my dear dear Tumblr user, our writing community is diverse, from poets to original authors to fanfiction writers of all genres! And our range of skill levels is just as wide. We have people just stepping foot into the writing scene to folks who've been stuck in the paragraphs for centuries. We chat about our stories, share our work, brainstorm, proofread, and do prompts and sprints. However, I would like to make it clear that our server is more of a writing community, so it isn't as writing-focused as other writing servers out there. I'd say it's 60% fun shenanigans and 40% writing-related. Aside from the writing akin, there's plenty of fandom talk, artwork sharing, fun as hell VCs, movie nights, and speechless music bot VCs if you're feeling extra introverted. /pos
We're also very queer and non-neurotypical up in here. It's a safe space for all races, disabilities, genders, sexualities, and identities. If you're not chill with that, you're not welcome here.
Here are some of our reviews! ✨️
(Please zoom in to read.)
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Now my precious ADHD Tumblrina, don't you scroll away just yet if the link doesn't work! You see, because we value a safe environment on our server, we shut down this link once we reach our max amount of members! So please, DM me for a link if necessary, and I'll let you in as soon as there's space! I DON'T BITE! What do you take me for, a horse?
😯 Oh, sorry, didn't see you there, our Tumblr famous server residential horse girl @penciled-palominos
What do you take me for, a toy playing kid?
😯 Oh, sorry, didn't see you there, our Tumblr famous server residential LPS enjoyer @lpsotd
What do you take me for, a crazy gay?
😯 Oh, sorry, didn't see you there, our Tumblr famous server residential men obsessor @lycanboybreakdowns
Crazy how I just bumped into all those famous people on our server... 🫢
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We can't wait to meet you!
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a poem i wrote about my biological dad. ive never posted something this personal online before haha so im very nervous to share it! the title is our initials lol
I don't know your birthday
I don't know your age
I don't know anything
Yet we share a name
I'm so mad at you I can't breathe
Your incompetence bequeathed
My tree forsook its only apple
And then left for NYC
Abandonment isn't an accident
Fatherhood isn't optional
It took you nearly a decade to try
How much of that was spent forgetting?
Your return hurts more than your absence
Our divide somehow grows farther
And if blood is thicker than water
Why weren't you there for your daughter?
Questioning and begging for answers from a brick wall
So much wasted breath on your name
My love for you feels like utter sin
Forever and always, Q.
the last line sounds a little better when i don't have to censor the name lol but this is a very emotional poem and mostly just me pouring my emotions so sorry if it's a little incohesive or inconsistent! criticism is always appreciated ^_^
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imsobabygiirl · 1 month
PROMT : *You finally gave Wally West a chance*
NOTES : Sooooo this is my first ever writing that I’ve posted and i know it’s probably not the best but I tried lol. Please like and leave a comment on your opinions on my writing or tips :)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
- You never liked him; you’ve said that for years. But ever since you joined the team, something in your gut goes against your everlasting words. You noticed Wally’s cute smile and started to admire his odd eating habits. Following the end of a long mission, you both find out that you were each other's soulmates. Now, Wally’s scared you'll hate him. It’s not his fault; the universe decided your souls were bound!
- “Hey, gorgeous,” Wally says, “you think about that date?” You rolled your eyes at his comment, trying to hide the small excitement in your stomach. “Yeah, right, like I’d give you a chance, West,” you say with a sassy tone. “I bet you could like me if you gave me a shot,” he continues, trying to keep his expression from falling. He’s always imagined his soulmate loving him, not this.
- You get up from the chair in which you were sitting in and walk up towards Wally. Finally, giving in you say, You have one shot, only one. And if you mess it up, then it’s on you.”
- “You really mean it?” he asks. You can tell he’s got it bad for you. He’s nervous as hell that you’ll hate him forever. Waiting for your response, he stands in front of you, hands in his pockets, eyes twinkling. You roll your eyes again at the anxious boy. "Seriously, Wally, does it look like I’m joking right now?” He blushes. “So, just... one date?” Wally shifts his weight. He’s not sure whether he should take this as an amazing deal—a date, no commitment—or if you’re just planning on tearing his heart out. To support your generous act, you say, “If you empress me, then it could be more.”
- “I think I can do that,” he says, a grin spreading from ear to ear. “No pressure. Are you free tonight?”
- “As long as bats don’t call us in for any missions, I’m free." You lightly smile at his excitement. Wally lets out a happy whistle. “Awesome. I’ll come get you at 8.”
- “Sounds perfect; I think you know where my room is by now.” You give Wally a small kiss on the cheek and start walking to your room. Wally blinks, his cheeks turning an adorable shade of red. “I... I do.”
- He watches you go back to your room, and he can’t contain his grin. A date with his soulmate. What could possibly go wrong?
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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