#+ living hair that lets her safely grab people and gently place them on the ground
bee-snail · 1 year
Moonrise Rapunzel would be an incredible firefighter.
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roseofdarknessblog · 7 months
Family gathering (Postwar!Levi Ackerman x Reader)
Word count: 3 140
Disclaimer: english is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any mistakes
Summary: You and Levi finally introduce your baby to the rest of the family.
This story can be read on its own or as a part of my little post-war series: Learn to live again
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Family gathering
Being back in the tea shop after giving birth felt even better than you expected. Even if you only came to visit Levi for short periods of time. But it was enough time to make sure that he really had everything under control even without your help. At least for a couple more weeks.
Being new parents wasn't easy, not even the slightest, but you were adjusting. Learning every single day, that having a tiny little human living under your roof was about changing or adjusting one too many things.
Despite that, Levi and you couldn't be happier. In your newborn daughter, you saw the reason why you fought so hard all those years. She truly was a beautiful representation of the future you wanted humanity to have.
„I think they know something is up,“ Falco said, when he walked into the kitchen, that was at the back of the tea shop. Here, you used to bake many of your sweet and savory goods, which were then sold alongside the best tea in the whole town.
„Yeah, probably. But that's fine, something really is up,“ you said, smiling at the boy.
Until now, only he, Gabi, Onyankopon, and Yelena knew about the little Ackerman baby you and Levi welcomed into this world seven weeks ago. Nobody else from your friends knew you gave birth, or even that you were pregnant in the first place. You and Levi decided, that it would be better not to tell anyone and let things unfold on their own.
However, now it was finally time to introduce your precious little miracle to the rest of your family. To all your beloved friends, who fought alongside you these past few years. To the people, who helped you create a safe world to bring your daughter into.
„Is everybody here already?“
Falco nodded, gently taking your daughter's hand. She loved him so much and lately always smiled when they were together. „Yeah, they're talking, having tea and sweets but you can definitely tell they suspect something. Mainly because you're not there.“
„I think we should go see them, right?“ you asked your daughter in a sweet voice, stroking her chubby little cheeks. In some way, they very much reminded you of Levi's. Just like her silky black hair, her blue-grey eyes, or her cute little nose. She was the sweetest little copy of your husband in the cutest ways possible. „You're gonna love them, darling. And they're gonna love you.“
When the little girl looked at Falco and smiled, both of you smiled right back at her with so much love. The boy truly loved her as if she was his little sister.
„Hey, Y/N! Come and join us finally!“ Jean screamed for you from the tea shop, making you chuckle and kiss the top of your daughter's head, who tried grabbing the collar of your shirt.
„I'm coming, settle down. All of you!“ you called back, taking one last deep breath. Falco walked back to the shop before you, giving you one more moment alone.
The moment felt almost surreal. Holding your baby and getting ready to introduce her to so many important people. Not even that long ago, you would never even dream about doing something so magical.
„Now, I have a very special surprise for all of you. Can you close your eyes?“ you asked them before opening the door.
When you walked into the main part of the shop, everyone was there – Armin, Connie, Jean and Mikasa. Even Reiner, Annie, and Pieck came, along with Gabi, Yelena, and Onyankopon who didn't even need to close their eyes. Together with Falco and your husband, who was smiling at you ever so slightly.
„What do you think? What is this big surprise?“ you asked them excitedly. But before anybody said a word, your daughter let out a loud cry to get everyone's attention, before she smiled up at you. Almost as if she knew what was happening. „Okay, I guess it's not a surprise anymore. Open your eyes,“ you said, smiling happily at them.
The awe on everyone's face was so worth keeping this whole thing private until now. Connie and Armin looked at you as if they'd never seen a baby in their life before. But that was probably because of their last visit when you were five months along and still barely showing. Under the right pieces of clothing, they had zero chance of noticing anything. And now, half a year later, you were standing in front of them with a baby in your arms.
„So... we called you all here today, because we wanted you to meet someone very special,“ you said, looking over at Levi. With a slightly pained expression, he stood up from his wheelchair and walked a few steps to stand next to you. „She'll be two months old in a couple of days. I hope you can forgive us that we kept such a big thing a secret until now. It was...“
„We wanted to make sure everything will turn out okay,“ Levi said when you couldn't find the right words. „And then we wanted to soak up every little moment with her. Just the three of us,“ he added, wrapping one of his arms around your waist. It was a gesture full of love and also a way to help him stand more securely because of his leg.
It almost seemed that everybody was too shocked to speak. The first one to stand up and come up to you was Jean. He smiled, looking at both you and Levi. Then his soft light-brown eyes wandered to your baby, looking her over very carefully. He offered her one of his fingers, which the little girl took with such excitement, seeming happy that she was seeing a new face.
„She's beautiful, Captain, Y/N,“ he said proudly and with a happy smile.
„Oi, where did you get that baby, Y/N? When me and Armin were here a few months back, you surely weren't pregnant,“ Connie shouted, hurrying to you as well.
„I can assure you, that I was pregnant at the time. Five months pregnant, to be more specific. I just hid it too well,“ you chuckled, stroking your baby's hair. Her eyes were wide open with curiosity while her tiny hands were playing with Jean's fingers.
„Was she, Captain?“ Connie asked Levi, not wanting to believe you.
„Where do you think we got a baby that looks like me if she didn't give birth to it?“ Levi questioned him, his brows furrowed. He may looked annoyed with all the commotion, but by the tone of his voice, it was obvious, that he was enjoying having them all here.
„She really does look like you, Captain,“ Armin said, coming to stand between Jean and Connie.
Behind him, Mikasa followed a little shily. You gave her a warm smile and motioned to her, to come even closer. „Would you like to hold her? You're blood-related, after all,“ you said to her, looking over at Levi, who nodded at your words.
She seemed a little hesitant but eventually nodded in agreement. After showing her, how to safely hold the baby, she took her from you and carefully cradled your daughter against her chest. The little girl looked confused when she first looked up at Mikasa, but after she grabbed a strand of her hair everything was okay.
„She's adorable, congratulations to you both,“ Mikasa said, smiling at both you and Levi warmly. You've barely seen her since the Rumbling, because she went back to Paradis, so her presence right now was even more precious. „What's her name?“
You knew this question would come. And you were preparing yourself to answer it without too much emotion. But suddenly... when they were all here, standing around you and waiting for your answer... it felt almost impossible to explain the meaning of your daughter's name without making everybody way too emotional.
She got her name after a person, who was very dear to you and Levi. And to all of the 104th as well. It was a person, who was supposed to be here today with all of you as well. And also the person, thanks to who you got one more chance to fight the Rumbling and win.
„We named her after Hange,“ Levi said in a calm voice, seeing you struggling a little. „Zoe. Zoe Ackerman.“
„The meaning of her name is... life,“ you added in a quiet voice, reaching out your hand and stroking your baby's back. „I guess it's more than fitting, don't you think?“ Feeling your eyes welling up with tears, you looked at your friends. A wild range of emotions was seen on their faces – sadness, surprise, and also happiness.
Armin was the first one to speak up, leaning closer to Mikasa and taking the baby's hand, shaking it very gently. Such a sweet gesture made all of you chuckle. „It's more than fitting,“ he smiled at her warmly. „Nice to meet you, Zoe. I'm sure we'll be very good friends once you grow up a little.“
The sweet tone in which Armin talked to your baby melted your heart completely. Feeling unimaginable happiness, you looked over at Levi and kissed his cheek. The way he was watching the scene right in front of you, was more than beautiful. His expression was relaxed, almost completely pain-free. The look in his eyes was soft and loving towards all the people standing around you and introducing themselves to your baby in the funniest, yet most adorable way possible. She was all smiles, while she was looking around and taking in all the new people.
So despite looking so much like Levi, she surely didn't get her personality from him.
Connie was the one, who made her the most excited. Mainly, when he held her in a way that she was able to pull Jean's hair. But he truly couldn't be angry with her for even a second.
„Hey, you three. Come on, don't be shy,“ you said to Reiner, Annie, and Pieck who were still standing a little to the side, only watching the others happily fuss around your baby, who was making a lot of loud excited noises.
Once they were your enemies, they wanted you dead. Now they were here amongst your closest friends and family. In a way, you forgave them for almost everything. After having a couple of difficult talks, mainly with Reiner, you gained a new perspective of them all. And through that, things between you and them started changing. Gabi and Falco also helped a bunch, too.
„It's okay, we wanted you here and we're happy that you came,“ you said to them, stroking Reiner's arm and smiling at the girls.
„In a twisted kind of way, but we're all here thanks to you, too,“ Levi said to them, his grip around your waist tightening. His knee was starting to trouble him after standing by your side for a few minutes.
So after you made sure, that your baby was truly in good hands, you helped Levi walk outside the tea shop and sit down on a bench right next to the door. A heavy sigh escaped his mouth when he finally sat down and took the weight off his left leg.
„Good? Are you okay?“ you asked a bit worriedly, sitting down next to him. While your left hand started rubbing his back comfortingly, you leaned closer and kissed his cheek.
„Yeah, sure,“ he mumbled, taking a couple of deep breaths to ease the pain.
„It went well, didn't it? They were all so surprised and happy,“ you chuckled, resting your head against his. The voices and laughter from inside were heard pretty clearly, so you didn't have to worry. „And right now, they have probably a couple of minutes before she starts crying. Either because she'll be hungry or because she won't be able to find us.“
Levi smirked, wrapping his arm around your waist again, to keep you close. Despite the pain, he still seemed relaxed and content with the way today turned out. Everybody's reaction made it certain, that you and Levi did the best thing when you kept your pregnancy private.
„It's all so bittersweet. Having so many of them here and still missing a bunch of people,“ Levi said, his fingers gently stroking your side.
„They are here with us. In a different kind of way, but still.“
You could see all of your fallen friends and comrades in your baby's eyes and in her every smile. All the things they did and for what they sacrificed their lives, made it possible for little Zoe to be born. You and Levi were grateful to them every single day. For their bravery, resilience, and determination to make the world a better place.
Hange, Erwin, Sasha, Miche, Nanaba, Nifa, Furlan, Isabel, Moblit, Petra, Eld, Oluo, Gunther... Eren...
All of them and many, many more gave their lives a long time ago, so you and your friends could have this life. In one way or another. Looking back, there probably wasn't a way to save them. To spare them from death. All you could do was continue living your best life and honor them by being happy.
„Who would have thought, really? That we would make it here all the way from the Underground,“ you sighed, running your fingers through Levi's hair lovingly.
„We made it far, that's true. And...“ he shrugged, smirking at his own words, „I'm kind of excited to see what's next, now that we have our little girl. She's going to turn our lives upside down so many times.“
„That's what parenthood is about, right?“ you chuckled, grabbing his free hand and holding it tight. „We're doing good. Learning and making mistakes. I'm so glad that everything worked out in the end and that we have her.“ Having a baby was an adventure like no other. In the end, all the sleepless nights were worth it, when you saw your little angel smile at you, with her eyes full of innocence and pure love.
„Just wait until she starts walking and running around. That's gonna be a disaster.“
„We'll just have to keep up with her.“ You gently took Levi's chin and turned his head, so you could see his face.
He was still very handsome, no scars or a missing eye could change that. For you, he was the one and only. Since you were a teenager to this very day. All those years, it was Levi. And you were more than sure, that it would stay like this for the rest of your life. Nothing and nobody would be able to change your mind, because Levi was all you'll ever need – with all of his disabilities, which sometimes still made him feel a little self-conscious or worried, that he wasn't good enough for you. He was more than enough and you never failed to remind him that. A day never went by without you reminding him, just how thankful you were for his love and his presence in your life.
„I love you,“ Levi said, leaning in for a kiss. His soft lips pressed against yours, making you forget about everything else.
„That's really good to know because I love you too.“ With a smile, you brushed a few strands of hair from his forehead and kissed the tip of his nose. „I'm proud to call you mine and be yours.“
His sweet little smile had a very strong effect on you every single time you got the chance to see it. Mainly, when said smile reached his eyes and made him look so carefree and young. Seeing him like that, nobody would be able to tell how many horrors he had to suffer through.
Levi rested his forehead against yours, reaching for your left hand. He brushed his thumb over your wedding band, finding your lips in another sweet and love-filled kiss. Time seemed to stop around you at that moment.
But only until you heard a loud cry from inside the tea shop. Just moments later, Connie hurried outside, eagerly trying to return your baby into your arms. „Guess she doesn't like when someone pinches her cheeks. But they're so adorable and chubby, I couldn't resist.“
„They remind me of someone else's cheeks,“ Mikasa added, standing in the open door, her eyes focused on Levi with a playful smirk. You bit down on your lower lip, trying not to laugh, while Connie was grinning so hard, he had to turn away.
Levi, a little flustered, shook his head upon them and took his crying daughter into his arms. You watched him gently cradle her against his chest, planting a couple of kisses on the top of her head, while he rubbed her back.
„The brats made you cry, huh? Don't worry, you'll get used to them,“ he said to the baby, looking back at Connie. „And you'll have them wrapped around your finger in no time,“ Levi added and kissed her forehead in the hopes of stopping her from crying more. But little Zoe knew exactly what she wanted and cried until Levi didn't hide her in his embrace from the rest of the world, while he lovingly started scratching the back of her head. Lately, this has become the most efficient way to calm her down.  „There, sweetie. That's better, right? No need to cry.“
Connie chuckled at the sight. „Well, Captain. Seems you're already wrapped around her finger. I've never heard you talk so sweetly to anyone, not even to Y/N.“
Jean and Armin came to stand by Mikasa, all of them watching the sweet sight of Humanity's Strongest being a completely different person when it came to his own daughter. All of them changed so much during the past few years. But when you looked at them in that moment, you still saw the kids they were, when they joined the Scouts. The kids you grew to love and swore to protect. The kids, who became your family long before such a peaceful life was even a possibility for all of you.
What a shame not all of them made it this far.
Not having Sasha and Eren here felt strange and painful. It felt like you failed a little. But just until you looked back at your daughter. Her cheeks were still wet from tears, while she was so adorably clinging to Levi. In her still teary eyes, you saw Sasha's dedication and Eren's bravery.
And that was what mattered the most.
Having your family here with you and showing them just how much they meant to you. How much you loved them and how happy it made you, that they came here today to meet little Zoe Ackerman.
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scottpilgrim-kgl · 4 months
Word Count: 2,856
19 people—other than Scott Pilgrim—exactly how Gideon described it.
Other than the mandatory attire, there were cocktail drinks being handed out by butlers left and right. Of course, Wallace Wells and his friend, the Other Scott, as people called him, had run off to chase down just about every butler he could find to get more drinks once the ones they were currently drinking had run out. Scott’s gaze ran from one person to the other, naming off each of them in his head.
Kim Pine, Stephen Stills, and Young Neil were all back up against one of the walls, idly talking to each other. Knives Chau was snagging food from the small buffet and pushing it into her mouth while having a conversation with Ramona Flowers. Envy Adams—oh God, why did she have to be here—was trying to coax Todd Ingram into dancing with her, but he was too busy trying to find wherever Wallace was running off to. Julie Powers, with no one to shit–talk to, sat alone on the living room couch, taking gentle sips of her cocktail. Scott’s younger sister, Stacey Pilgrim, had just walked over to Kim, Stephen, and Neil to join their conversation. Lucas Wilson and Joel Macmillan were sneaking off into the backyard—most likely to get high off of whatever weed they managed to smuggle in. Jimmy Monet was also near the buffet, glaring enviously at Wallace as Other Scott followed him around the first floor. The rest of the five previous evil exes—Roxie Ritcher, Lucas Lee, Matthew Patel, and the Katayanagi twins—were all talking to each other on the other end of the living room.
Why did Gideon Graves invite him—Scott—in the first place? Didn’t he hate him? Or at least he’s supposed to hate him. But now that the League is disbanded, he wasn’t sure anymore. But what if this was just some elaborate plan to—
“Maybe you should stop overthinking and enjoy the party while you’re here, guy.”
Scott whipped his head around, eyes meeting the source of the sudden voice. “Wallace? When did you get over here?”
“I saw you just staring off into space from across the room.” His roommate explained, cheeks flushed, gently rocking from one foot to the other, and another drink in hand. It was safe to say that he’d already gotten drunk. “You gotta stop worrying! Who cares if it was hosted by Gideon? He’s throwing this awesome party for us… so… like… enjoy it. And if he comes out and tries to kill you or… something… then you’re allowed to tell me ‘I told you so’.”
Scott furrowed his brows, the corners of his lips angling in a similar fashion. After some silent contemplating, he decided that he should probably listen to Wallace. “I guess… maybe you’re right.” He sighed in defeat.
“I’m always right.” Wallace gave Scott a gentle shoulder pat. “Now, do you wanna raid the upstairs with me while Gideon isn’t here?”
“I’ll only go to make sure you don’t throw up on his shit.” Scott mumbled, hand already being grabbed as he was weaved through the first floor.
“I can control my stomach a lot better than you can, Pilgrim.” Wallace explains as the two of them reach the bottom of the staircase. As the first step was taken up the stairs, another step was taken down, from the top of them.
“Sorry, guys, upstairs is off limits for now!” The man himself, Gideon Graves, descended the staircase, fumbling his staff in his hand.
“Boooooo, we were totally gonna raid your stuff.” Wallace called, stepping aside to let the other raven–haired man through. Scott also took a step to the side, but kept his lips sealed as he did. Despite the quietness that came from the tawny–haired male, the daggers he glared were deafening. The music came to a stop—as if on command—and 18 other heads turned towards the stairs.
“Sorry it took me so long to get down here, I had to do a couple of last minute preparations.” Gideon explained, passing the two and entering the crowd.
“Preparations for what?” Scott asks, however his question was not met with an answer, which just let his suspicions grow. The other’s sudden appearance even got Crash and Joel to come back inside—albeit eyes red. Now, with everyone’s attention, Gideon ordered for everyone to gather in the family room, and that he had a special announcement to make before the party “really started to get going”. Just more red flags that began to show up in Scott’s field of vision. How was no one else seeing this? Or at least mentioning it, if they are? And people tell Scott that he’s the oblivious one. Or maybe he’s just reading too much into it, like Wallace said… he sighed, taking a seat on the wide couch right next to the aforementioned raven–haired male. Gideon stood before them all, right below the television that hung up on the wall. People crowded into the living room, trying not to knock over the expensive prized possessions Gideon had displayed on just about every flat surface.
“I just wanted to start off by thanking you all for showing up!” The other raven–haired male in glasses began. “There were a few others I sent invites to, but I guess they didn’t make it. A shame, really, but we’ll just have lots of fun without them!”
Scott gave Wallace a worried glance out of the corner of his eye. Wallace notices this and returns with a look of tiredness. Scott sees this as the other silently telling him to stop worrying, and glances back forward without a response.
“I never really… decided on an ending time for this party…” Gideon continued, fumbling with his cane. “When do you guys think it should end? In a few hours… midnight… tomorrow morning?”
The crowd was quiet, but they shared confused glances, as if some of them were genuinely contemplating an answer to the question.
“Or how about…” He quickly fished into one of his suit pockets, and pulled out a small remote. “Never?” His thumb landed on one of the buttons and pressed it down against the plastic remote, and sudden rumbling could be heard from outside. That’s when everyone else’s faces dropped. Everyone else’s… besides Wallace. He wasn’t buying any of this.
“What?” Piped up Lucas Lee, brows furrowing over brown eyes.
“I KNEW IT!” Shouted Scott, angrily leaping off of the sofa, which turned everyone’s shocked and confused gazes towards him.
Gideon’s eyebrow arched upwards. “You knew what?”
“You’re—” The ginger stuttered, immediately losing his confidence, “you gathered us—me—here… for… something!”
“Yeah, he gathered us here for a party.” Wallace spoke, condescendingly.
“Oh, no, he’s right!” Gideon hummed. “About my true intentions, that is. You really thought that I just gathered you all here for a party? Maybe Scott is the smarter one afterall.”
That’s when Wallace’s face finally dropped. “Okay, I’m with Lucas on this one. What?”
“Y’know how parties have games?” The other explained. “Well, I’ve always wanted to host a murder mystery!” Gideon snapped a finger, and a handful of butlers flooded into the living room and handed each house guest a small tablet with the three-G logo they all knew too well engraved on the back of them. “These G-Pads—G-Handbooks—whatever you want to call them, will be a major helping hand!”
“That’s a stupid name for them.” Kim called out, green-hazel eyes narrowed into an unamused glare.
“Oh?” The party’s host turns his attention towards the girl in the suit with the red bob. “Would you like to be our first example of why we follow the rules on those tablets? And keep your mouth shut when your host is trying to speak?”
Kim snorted out a chuckle. “You wouldn’t actually hurt us just for some party game.”
Gideon glared back, pressing another button on the remote in his hand without even giving it a glance. That was when a small portion of the back wall opened, and a mechanical claw flew out of it. The claw latched onto Kim’s arm, tightened its grip, and yanked her off of the couch and placed her next to Gideon. With the wind practically knocked out of her, the redhead tried to pull out of the claw’s grasp, but failed. Another claw emerged from the wall, this one holding a long blade. The claw pressed the blade up against Kim’s arm.
“I wouldn’t?” Gideon threatened. “Keep talking then, and see where that gets you.”
The redhead parted her lips to say one more snappy remark, but decided that it wasn’t the smartest option, and opted to stay silent, and pieced her lips back together. The claw let go of her arm, and she stomped back over to take her spot on the couch, gently rubbing at the spot on her arm that started to form a bruise.
“And before you guys look for an escape route, the button I pressed just a couple of minutes ago unleashed a giant dome around the entire property! You can take a look for yourselves!” It was almost like it was instinct, everyone got up all at once and rushed outside. Calmly, the game’s host followed them all.
He was right about the dome. It surrounded the entire property of the mansion, which luckily still included the yard around the building itself, so they had places to roam, but it was still quite cramped. The front courtyard was still accessible, and the roundabout with the fountain in the center, but beyond that was past the walls of the dome. Scott secretly hoped that the pool was still inside the dome… from the looks of it, it was a really nice one that he wanted to take a swim in sooner or later…
No, what on earth was he talking about? He just learned that he was trapped here inside of this dome with all of his friends—and Gideon Graves. The pool didn’t matter, unless it was going to help them all escape. He needed to find a way out of here, and fast.
“The only true way you guys are able to escape is if you kill one of the other House Guests and get away with it! I suggest you all start getting settled in and look around, because you’ll be here… forever, basically!” Gideon piped up, as if he was reading Scott’s mind. He probably was, too, Scott thought angrily.
“Your dinner’s at 6:30 PM, meet in the dining hall when the time comes! And read through the manual in the handbook. It’ll tell you everything you need to know about this place! Your first killing motive will be presented tomorrow morning! I’ll wake you all up bright and early for that! But you have most of the rest of the evening to explore, by most means. Certain areas will be locked for obvious reasons, though.” And with that, he had walked off. There was a thick cloud of silence that hung over everyone’s heads for about 40 seconds. A mixture of feelings arose amongst the crowd. Disbelief, shock, and fear were the most prominent.
“This—… This isn’t real. Right? Gideon’s just… playing a prank. An early April Fool’s prank. Yeah. Totally.” Stephen Stills anxiously broke the cloud of silence, face already covered in sweat, crossing his arms uncomfortably over his chest.
“Two months early? Would he really be that dedicated?” Wallace commented back, tone still lighthearted despite the situation they’re in.
“Wallace, this isn’t the time for your one liners.” Ramona Flowers said, gaze landing on the slender dark haired man. “Our lives are at stake here.”
“Please. You really believe that this is real? Yeah, Gideon’s a douchebag but he wouldn’t go this far.” Wallace argues back.
“I think we should at least listen to what he said… about investigating.” Scott interrupted the two before a proper argument could break out. “Why don’t we break each other up into groups and take different areas… and then… regroup for dinner and tell each other what we found?”
The group fell silent for another moment.
“Let’s… read the handbook first though, yeah? It might have some important information we’d need for investigating.” Stephen suggests afterwards. “Maybe there’s a map or something? Then we can settle on where everyone should look.”
They all agreed, some silently, others muttering “okay’s” and “right’s”. They all opened up the handbooks, finding the button on the sides of them and holding it down until the handbooks lit up. The same logo that was engraved on the back of them was shown on the screen once they were turned on.
“Oh, yeah, there’s a map, Stephen was right.” Neil mumbled, clicking on the tab and opening it, as everyone did the same once they had also found it.
“The fourth floor is… locked? Why?” Scott questioned.
“It’s probably where all of Gideon’s personal stuff is, like… his bedroom and stuff.” Todd replied, quietly, mostly glancing over towards Wallace in search of a praising reply for the minimum effort he put into answering Scott’s question. With no response, he glanced back down at the tablet, brows furrowed in annoyance.
“Oh, yeah, that makes sense.” Instead, Scott just responded back, then began to separate everyone into scouting groups. “Okay so… me, Wallace, Stephen, Neil, and…—” Scott paused, eyes casting towards whoever was left. After a few beats of quiet, someone volunteered.
“I’ll—uh… I’ll go.”
It was Matthew Patel, awkwardly picking at his fingernails with a flickering gaze. He wasn’t really sure where this sudden confidence came from either, but this was good right? He wanted to help.
“And Matthew. Sure. We’ll all investigate the… first floor.” The tawny–haired male gave a slow nod. “Kim, Ramona, Envy, Julie, Knives, and Stacey. You’re on the second floor. Todd, Lucas, Ken and Kyle, and Roxie, third floor. And that leaves Crash, Joel, Other Scott, and Jimmy to investigate the… surprisingly big basement, and the outside of the mansion. Front and back.”
“And who made you leader, Pilgrim?” Envy spat, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Do you see anyone else trying to lead?” Stephen spoke back, irritation slipping into his voice, and hands shoving into his pant pockets.
“Yeah, Envy, I agree with them, for once. Let’s just go investigate. Maybe we’ll find a way out, without the guys, too.” Julie tried to coax the tall redhead, the last part coming out in a mutter.
Stephen was about to snap back another scolding statement, but he found his words entangled and knotted up in his throat, unable to come out. He clamped his jaw shut, settling for giving the brunette a disappointed, annoyed stare, letting his words untangle. Now that he was able to properly speak, he parted his lips once more. “We’re all stuck here together, Julie. So we’ll find a way out together.”
“We’ll see about that.” She said, avoiding eye contact, and silently gesturing for the other people she was assigned with to follow her.
The first floor group had only just noticed that not only the second floor group, but the other groups had already departed while they were talking. “Oh, okay. Everyone’s gone.” Scott informed the others, as if they weren’t there, also seeing that everyone else was gone.
“First floor, you said?” Matthew asked in confirmation. “The floors are pretty big, should we split up? Three of us take one side, two of us take the other?”
At that, Neil shuffled closer to Stephen, and grabbed his hand. Stephen flashed him a smile, and squeezed his hand in return. However, knowing that Wallace and Scott probably wouldn’t want Matthew to tag along with them, the scruffy brunette took this chance to try and befriend the former Evil Ex, at least. “You can come with Neil and me, Matt.” He offered, beckoning him over.
“It looks like the Dining room, Kitchen, Laundry room, and a bathroom are off to the left, and the Living room, two more bathrooms, two of our bedrooms, and a Study room off to the right…” Neil says, still staring down at the map in his handbook.
“Scott and I will take the right, you guys take the left.” Wallace says, giving his roommate a soft pat on the shoulder. “Come on, Scotty, I’ll prove to you that this is all fake.” The jet–haired male said, his calm and cool composure still shining through, standing out against everyone else’s panicked states. He then walked off, back into the house.
Scott gave Wallace a cold glare as he walked off. How was he still so relaxed about this? This could be entirely serious, and he wasn’t taking it that way at—...
He paused. As his glare lingered, his eyes made a mishap and slipped down Wallace’s body as he walked away. Watching him walk in that dress just furthered his glare as his eyes flickered back up. This wasn’t the time to think about that. Their lives were at stake here, and they had to find a way out of here. Scott let out a breathy scoff as he followed the other back into the mansion.
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linkemon · 9 months
Showing affection headcanons 2
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
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✧ Clingy with the need of attention - this is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about him.
✧ He has a tendency to act like a child. He is everywhere and needs attention.
Have you seen what is happening in the market? No? You both have to go there now!
Were you watching me doing that trick? Well, see it now!
Are you listening to me at all? That day...
If he has your attention, he feels loved. Therefore, he gets jealous. More for show than for real but guys around you should be aware because he'll give stare at them or he'll just grab your hand and take you away without explanation.
✧ Venti likes to use the wind to pick you up. He'll make your hair look bad in a funny way or lift your skirt for if you wear it (within the limits of decency of course, almost...).
✧ He will sing for you any time of the day or night. Whether it's a private concert or a drunken shanty at Angel's Share, he'll take out his lyre and charm you and others present with his voice.
✧ He often takes you to the big tree in Windrise. Then he gets more serious and instead of quick kisses, before you expect it, he lays his head on your shoulder, reminiscing about older times. Then he also honestly talks about how much he appreciates you and what you have changed in his life.
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✧ Master of remembering details. The little things you shared with him, even long ago, turn into something special. Whether it's a gift or a place you wanted to see.
✧ His way of showing affection is to support and care for you. If you're having a bad day at a restaurant, he'll always gently ask how you're feeling. If you want to tell him, he'll listen, if not, he's got plenty of stories to distract you from your problems. Traditionally, he will make tea and then cover you with a blanket and you will sit together.
✧ Zhongli is a person who is used to showing affection more in private than in public but if you like walking around the city hand in hand, he doesn't mind.
✧ He loves to cuddle. You always feel safe in his arms.
✧ When you offered to comb his hair, he agreed and he must admit that he liked it a lot more than he thought. Now he often lets you do it or braid it.
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✧ If he's happy, his tail starts wagging. This is especially common with you. You can easily tell his emotions by his ears. Ever since a rumor spread among his people that his ears were lucky, you started petting them for fun. Embarrassed, he admitted that he liked it very much.
✧ Since the war in Inazuma ended, you have more time for each other. He especially appreciates being with you. Even if it's just paperwork, he doesn't mind. However, he especially encourages you to climb with him. He will always check the equipment several times and whether you are well fastened. He wants to be sure of your safety.
✧ He often brings you small gifts. Especially shells from the beach or pearls from Watatsumi. At some point it occurred to him that you probably had many of them before, after all, you lived on this island since childhood. He flattened his ears and started promising bringing something else but you assured him that the presents were beautiful and made a necklace out of them. Several people have complained that it looks childish but you don't care.
✧ You are a hero in his eyes since you learned how to cleverly save him from Yae Miko's clutches. The first time he yelled that you were so gorgeous he could kiss you. When you said you may do it, he got so embarrassed that you didn't bring it up again. He's not ready for it yet.
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Barbara Pegg
✧ If there's one thing you can be sure of, it's that Barbara will let you know that she loves you. Even if she gets embarrassed sometimes, she is so open that the words I love you are not a problem for her.
✧ Dressing your wounds is also an expression of affection for her. She will always help you when you have an accident or monsters attack you around Mondstadt. Barbara likes to apply bandages and tie mini bows on them. She also used to draw hearts on your cast.
✧ She loves to give you goodbye kisses on the cheek. You, on the other hand, love kissing her forehead. She considers it a very tender and caring gesture.
✧ She composed some love songs for you. You happened to find them by accident in her things. She's only sung one for you so far because she says the rest aren't finished. You have to wait until your birthday.
✧ Whether or not you believe in Barbatos she prays to him for your health and prosperity in all matters.
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daydreamingleclerc · 1 year
‘tis the damn season - pierre gasly
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in which, on coming back home for the holiday season you bump into an old flame and it reignites.
warnings: angsty… exes to lovers, swearing, alcohol, driving over the limit (do not do that it is illegal), charles being an agony aunt, unprotected sex, oral (m,f), fingering, i think that’s it. not been proofread, switches between 1st and 3rd person. she is a LONG one so grab a snack & buckle up.
based on the song ‘tis the damn season by taylor swift
there was a little cafe in your hometown that you visited frequently when you returned. it was warm and cosy in the winter, with a little fireplace in the back corner and a huge bookshelf for a wall that had everything from brontë to shakespeare to harry potter. they seemed to be the favored books judging by the spines.
it was all decked out in christmas decorations this time, with tinsel hanging from every possible surface, jolly notes on all of the mirrors, christmas music playing from the speakers across the floor and the smell of gingerbread wafting through the cafe constantly. there was even a christmas tree in the back corner where people could place presents for people less fortunate than them; it was a kind gesture that didn’t go unnoticed.
Y/N was hasten to admit that she spent most of her time here when she was back at home. she only came back for the occasional birthday and the holidays — after living here for almost twenty one years of her life, she didn’t want to spend more time here than she had to.
she was always working, writing out the next chapter of her book, or she read when she needed an escape from her own fantasies. thriller books were an endless supply of exciting when she read them throughout her life, but writing them seemed to be a little bit more difficult.
everything was spread out on the small table in front of her, and as the world moved around her — kids with that excited christmas buzz, parents who couldn’t wait for school to re-start, the elderly who just needed company over the christmas period — she tucked her legs under her bum and continued reading.
“wuthering heights always used to be one of your favorites.”
she paused momentarily, her eyes lifting from the pages of the book only slightly, not enough to take in the stature of the man standing opposite her. she tried not to let the look on her face change, she tried to act like she couldn’t tell who it was just by the breath that left his mouth, but it was too late.
“what copy is that one now? probably the fifth, sixth, even.”
“what’re you doing here, pierre?”
she didn’t mean to come off as brash, or snappy, but those things happened when she thought about him. that was the first time she’d looked at him since leaving, and she was stunned by the way he’d matured. his hair was neat, dark brunette now compared to the long, messy blonde it was when she last saw him. his eyes were still blue, cheekbones still defined. the facial hair really stood out to her, she’d never seen him so rugged before.
“the same as you,” he replied, “back for the holidays.”
“your parents don’t live down this end of town,” you scrunched your up your nose and folded the page down on the book.
“they moved,” he stated plainly, “they live next to charles’ mom now.”
you nodded, the tension among you was painfully awkward, and you found yourself wishing pierre would just leave. he rocked back and forth on his heels gently as he waited patiently for his order to be made; he’d drifted away from the counter and so he knew they’d have to shout it over to him eventually.
“that’s nice,” you replied, filling the silence with words you thought fitting. kids ran past the table with crayons and colouring sheets as they sang along to the song on the speakers, their christmas buzz effortlessly innocent. a drastic difference to the pair of you.
“my mom said she saw your books out in the local bookshop, apparently they were the front window display,” he said, unsure if he should pull up a chair or stay standing; safe to say he chose the latter. you’d been cold with him for almost two years now, he couldn’t blame you. “she said she almost bought one, but she wasn’t sure if she was allowed.”
a little flicker of a smile rose on your face, but it quickly faded when someone walked past with a tray of drinks. it was as if you didn’t want to be seen talking to him; which once again, he couldn’t blame you for.
“of course she’s allowed, my problem’s not with your mom,” you realised quickly that the sentence didn’t quite land the way it was supposed to. you placed the book down on the counter. “shit, that’s, uh.. i didn’t mean it like that.”
pierre shook his head sternly, as if telling her to forget about it. he looked down at the table in front of you and saw proofs of what looked like a new manuscript, with jots and doodles labeled all along the margins.
“are you writing a new one?”
“mhm,” was all you managed to say, and you looked up at him for a short second, “murder mystery.”
the fireplace beside you crackled and that was the first time pierre noticed it was even burning, “my favourite,” he chuckled dryly, choking back his adam’s apple as he thought desperately of things to say.
“you probably can’t say what it’s about, can you?”
“i don’t really think—”
“—pumpkin spice cappuccino with an extra shot and a chocolate hazelnut croissant to go?” the barista shouted pierre’s order, and he turned around and waved. it was frantic, and you weren’t really sure why or how you lurched out to spoke to him; it just happened like clockwork.
“it’s about a woman called estelle who goes missing, if there’s no body there’s no crime,” pierre smiled as you spoke, and for a fleeting second it felt like you were teenagers again. he took the drink and the small paper bag from the barista and looked over at you once more, “and this is my sixth copy of wuthering heights.”
charles’ mom’s annual christmas get together was the last place she wanted to be. y/n wanted to be tucked up in bed with a hot chocolate, surrounded by yet more proofs of her next chapter which she would undoubtedly be editing until the early hours.
yet, there she was. in charles’ mom’s front room, surrounded by the people she grew up with; including pierre.
he glanced at her with a watchful eye all evening, sipping at his red wine until the glass emptied and the process repeated. she’d hardly noticed she’d drank almost two bottles of white to herself, until she went to pour herself another glass only to find that it was dripping out into the glass after about 50ml poured out.
“Y/N, i’ve not seen you drink this much in years,” charles nudged his friend, sitting back, “what’s up?”
she glanced back over at pierre, who’s gaze averted hers almost immediately after she looked over. “i saw him today for the first time in… i don’t know? however long it’s been since i left, and i just…” she took a minute to compose herself, placing the glass on the floor so she didn’t spill whatever was in there, “it just brought everything back about everything that happened between us and it reminded me why i left in the first place.”
charles’ arm wrapped around her shoulders, his drunken state seemed to dim in the airing of Y/N’s feelings. she felt bad bringing up old wounds, especially about bitching to charles over a relationship that spanned four years and ended almost three years ago.
“i’m not expecting you to take sides, charles,” you patted his leg, “i know he’s your best friend and i know you’re racing together now, it’s unfair of me to offload on you but—”
“—i always said what he did to you was fucking stupid, Y/N,” charles rested his back against his mothers sofa and Y/N followed suite. “and if truth be told i’ve never let him live it down, you have every right to feel how you feel, and you have every right to vent out how you feel, but have you told him?”
Y/N looked between charles and pierre. her ex-boyfriend scowled over at the pair, an irritated knot between his eyebrows. she knew he was trying to decipher what they were talking about, whispers of his name could be seen tumbling out of their lips and it made his ears stand to attention. charles had that soft, doe-eyed look on his face, the one that begged Y/N to be his friend all those years ago when they were at school together.
“of course i haven’t, i can barely look at him charles,” she muttered, fiddling with the hem of her skirt, “i’m pretty pissed off that he’s still hot, he could’ve gone back to the haircut he had when we started dating, maybe then i wouldn’t be so mad.”
she thought about their first date at the movies, with pierre’s stupid long, justin bieber-esque hair with blonde tips. it was so stupid, and he cut it off soon after they started to date.
“i’m sure he’s just as pissed off as you are,” charles’ eyebrows furrowed as he fumbled for the words to say, “i mean… because, well… leaving this town was… it did great things for you.”
“that was really hard for you, wasn’t it?”
pierre’s eyes got thinner when he caught the pair of you laughing. he was jealous, he wanted you all to himself even though he had no right to be jealous.
“i just mean that going away really changed you in the best way,” he nudged you again, “i think you ought to tell him.”
charles was right. Y/N knew he was right and she knew she should tell pierre, at least if not for herself so she could move on with her life. the réalisation suddenly dawned on her that she’d hardly dated in the last two years, and as a twenty four year old woman, that was embarrassing.
“okay fine,” she huffed. “but first, let’s get drunk.”
several hours passed, and Y/N’s vision was going blotchy. she didn’t intend to drink as much as she did in such a short amount of time, but every time she thought about opening up to pierre, she ended up with another drink in her hand.
pascale’s liquor cupboard was almost completely raided, but she didn’t mind. she insisted that ‘this is exactly what her parties were for!’ and so, Y/N used that to her advantage. even arthur struggled to keep up with her, and he was the youngest out of the bunch.
“no, charles, it’s late,” Y/N’s words were slurred as she fumbled with her jacket in order to get ready to leave, “you already have half the party staying with you. my car isn’t far away.”
“no, no way, Y/N, you’re not driving.”
“charles, i’m fine,” she whined, but her breath said otherwise. his face twisted at the smell of her alcoholic breath, “please let me go home.”
“i’ll call you a taxi,” he snatched her car keys from her hand.
“no need, i can drive her home.”
pierre’s voice came into earshot, and Y/N grumbled. she wanted another drink. charles turned to face his friend, a raised eyebrow. “are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“charles, i had two glasses of red wine three hours ago, i’m fine.”
charles shook his head and pulled pierre over to one side, “no, i mean… are you sure it’s a good idea driving Y/N home?”
pierre looked over at Y/N, and he couldn’t leave her to get a taxi or walk home on her own, and he was the only person leaving the party at the same time; everyone else was crashing.
“charles, i’m sorry but i’m not leaving her, she’s not safe on her own.”
“can you two girls stop gossiping and tell me what’s going on?”
charles snickered and pierre smirked softly. your sarcasm when drunk was one of their favourite things about you.
“pierre’s gonna drive you home,” charles handed the keys to pierre, and much to Y/N’s disgust, she didn’t have another option. “he’ll make sure you get there safely. you know that.”
Y/N wrapped her arms around charles’ shoulders and gave him a cuddle, before stumbling out of his front door into the chilly december air. pierre caught up to her, keeping an eye on her stumbling as she walked in her suede boots, trying to make sure she didn’t trip over and break her ankle.
“how far away is your car, Y/N?”
“parked it between the methodist church and the high school,” she said, slurring her words even more now she was out in the cold air. “it’s not that far of a walk.”
“slow down,” pierre reached out for Y/N, wrapping his hand around her clothed arm as she walked. she immediately slowed, and they walked side by side now. “you’re gonna break a bone or something silly and christmas will be ruined.”
she let out a little laugh. “sorry, this was the last way i intended to spend my evening, no offense.”
“none taken,” he held up his free hand. he could see the road between the church and the school, and the sparse row of cars lining it, “i just couldn’t let you get in a taxi on your own… and i also didn’t want you to get arrested for drunk driving.”
“how romantic,” Y/N replied sarcastically. they crossed the road and she patted the boot of her car to let pierre know it was hers. he realised then that being an author paid rather well, seeing as the car was almost brand new. “i’d appreciate it if you stopped drooling over my rear plates and take me home.”
“Y/N Y/L/N drinking all night and not asking for a pitstop at mcdonald’s?” he questioned, unlocking the car doors with the press of a button and slipping inside, “maybe you really have changed.”
“shut up, pierre,” Y/N grumbled, trying not to show the look of amusement on her face, “just take me home.”
he helped Y/N buckle in her seatbelt and made sure she was safely strapped in before hitting the road. he wasn’t as much of a reckless driver as she remembered; but he got a kick out of driving stupidly thanks to his day job now.
as he continued to drive, Y/N began to rummage around the globe compartments. “are you looking for something?”
“thirsty,” she muttered, “i had a bottle of water in here earlier but i don’t know where i — ow!”
as Y/N rose from her curved back position only to hit her head on the sun visor and trapped her finger in the glove compartment.
“are you okay?”
“fine,” she muttered, soothing her sore finger and throbbing head. “just want some water.”
despite being less than five minutes from Y/N’s house, pierre pulled over at the nearest petrol station. he could’ve waited, drove her home and got her water when she was there, but he knew how she got when she was drunk. she would break every glass in that cupboard to find the one she wanted.
“stay there, Y/N.” he said, unstrapping himself and locking the door behind him. Y/N sighed to herself, alternating between sucking on her finger now and rubbing her head. she couldn’t nurse both minor injuries at once or else she got nauseous and overstimulated.
“here, drink this,” he handed her a cold bottle of water and she took it in her hands, the temperature sending tingles up her arms. as pierre strapped in, he threw some things into the back seat. “got you some food and painkillers, too.”
Y/N smiled at him, a genuine smile that warmed his body from the bottom to the top. “thank you.”
“don’t mention it,” he smiled back at her, and the two were lost in a moment before he snapped out of it and reignited the engine. “right, let’s get you home.”
they pulled up in Y/N’s parents driveway, and pierre grabbed the snacks from the back seat and got Y/N to hook her arm through his so she didn’t stumble off and break anything. he fumbled with the keys as she told him which was the one for her parents house, until eventually the door swung open.
pierre was unsure where to go from here. he didn’t want to leave her, she needed to sober up a bit before he felt safe to leave, but he’d done what he said he was going to do; and there was almost no way he expected to stay.
“come in, then,” she whispered, “you’re letting the cold in and my parents’ll be pissed off.”
“i don’t know if that’s a good idea, Y/N,” pierre took a step back. “i’ll just hand you your things and i’ll walk back to my mom’s.”
“no,” she grabbed out for his arm and squeezed the flesh, “please, stay. i, uh… it’s almost two in the morning and i would really appreciate the help in preventing an awful hangover.”
he entered the house, the scent familiar, a part of his history he’d kept locked away in the back of his mind for so long. the place hadn’t changed since he last saw it, and for that he was relieved.
pierre helped Y/N up the stairs and to her bedroom, easing her bum down on the mattress and she sighed in content. “how’s your finger?”
“sore,” she said, allowing him to hold it in his hands and inspect the flesh. “do you think it’s broken?”
“no, probably just bruised.” he deciphered.
the two sat in silence for a minute, the only sounds filling the room being their heartbeats and breathing. pierre wasn’t sure where to go next, he didn’t want to bring up ancient history and upset Y/N, but he also didn’t want to act as if it was never there. she felt the same.
“i was speaking to charles at the party,” she hummed, realizing that tonight was probably the only chance she was ever going to get to speak to him about what happened, and she had to use it to her advantages. “i was airing out my frustrations over you, and he said the only way i was going to get over them is if i expressed them to you.”
“i don’t think i need to state the obvious and say that what you did really hurt me,” she continued, “but for what it’s worth it did, but i’m sure you of all people know that. i just need to do this so i get closure, so i can move on from that situation without it hanging over my head like a bad omen. does that make sense?”
pierre nodded his head. Y/N had been more articulate and spoken more to him in the last 90 seconds than she had in the last two years.
“completely,” he gave her a soft smile, “i’m sorry. i want you to know that. it was the stupidest, most immature thing i’ve ever done and charles still hasn’t let me forget it.”
“it’s nice to know that he keeps you in check.”
the pair of you shared a laugh, and after finishing the bottle of water and knocking back a few preemptive painkillers, you felt so much better.
“i should get ready for bed.” you hummed. pierre nodded and shot up from the bed, walking to the door.
“right, yeah, i’ll uh… i’ll get some blankets and a pillow, sleep on the sofa.”
Y/N wasn’t sure where it came from, in fact, she couldn’t stop the words from tumbling out of her mouth. they just did.
“pierre, wait.” the man did as she asked, halting just by the knob of the door and turning to face her. what she did next was something not even he expected.
she shrugged off her jacket and slowly began to one by one undo the buttons on her blouse, her eyes never leaving pierre’s face as she did so. “stay, just for a little longer.”
pierre knew better than to be enticed. he knew better than to get lured into this wicked game, than to give into the devilish temptation that would undoubtedly split open a can of worms and create more harm than good. but then again…
his feet had a mind of their own and walked towards her, lips finding hers in the most effortless of ways. he pushed the blouse off of her shoulders, the warmth of her skin against his was a sensation he’d missed dearly.
her hands wrapped around his neck and tugged at the tufts of hair along the back. she seemed unable to break away from the kiss, fighting her urges to pull away for air until she absolutely had to. pierre’s hands were chilly on her waist, igniting goosebumps on the warm flesh. there was no need for words, and so they didn’t fill the air with useless breath.
Y/N’s hands trailed underneath the cotton of pierre’s white shirt, the heat of his abdomen leaving little to her imagination. pierre’s lips dropped down to Y/N’s neck as his hands moved up to the clasp on her bra, and he admired her chest for a moment before working his way down towards it.
“god, i was so fuckin’ stupid,” one of his lips attached to a nipple, and you stood there with a half open mouth, attempting to push off his shirt as he worked against them.
“mhm,” you breathed. “so stupid.”
his fingers curled into the waistband of your skirt and tights, and carefully he pushed them down your legs until they pooled at your ankles, the only thing covering you from him now was just your underwear.
you successfully managed to push his shirt off of him, and he got you to lay back across your bed, and slung your legs up over his shoulders.
your underwear was lace, and so as he ripped a the stitches one by one until it eventually broke apart, and you were left unable to complain because the feeling of his tongue roaming your pussy was simply too good.
you’d missed feeling his tongue all over you, and oh god, had he gotten better. his mouth worked on your clit relentlessly, and with every flick of the sensitive bud you cried out, desperate to keep quiet so your parents didn’t wake up.
y/n’s hands found pierre‘s hair and she tugged on it exactly like she used to all those years ago whenever they found themselves in this position. her mouth fell open into an O, and she found herself lost for breath and moaning pierre’s name over again.
“ssh,” he whispered, pulling his lips away from her clit momentarily, “we don’t wanna wake the house, do we?”
she shook her head and he continued to work on her clit, using new and old techniques alike to bring her to a mind-numbing, leg shaking orgasm.
she bit down on her lip so hard that she drew blood, a moan of pierre’s name leaving her lips. he pulled away, and instead of wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he leaned down and kissed you, just the way you used to love it.
“fucking hell,” she breathed, and when his fingers curled inside her, the breath that was half out caught at the back of her throat. “your fingers… they feel so…”
Y/N couldn’t finish the sentence, too caught up in the way pierre’s fingers worked at her g-spot, alternating between hitting it and his thumb circling the clit. her legs were still thrown over his shoulders, and as he inched further and further up, the angle got deeper and deeper.
“oh… fuck, pierre,” she whined, “please… please don’t… fuck, don’t stop.”
“i won’t, babe,” he kissed along her thighs, “you’re doing so well for me, hm? gonna cum for me again?”
she nodded, breathless and squirming as pierre’s fingers sped up, the alternation of his fingers becoming shorter and faster. she gripped at the sheets with one hand and tugged at his hair with the other, unable to hold back a string of moans and profanities as her second orgasm washed over her.
“need you,” was all she could say. her voice was feeble and embarrassing; she was well aware that she’d spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to get over pierre, and she’d spend so long avoiding it that what she really needed now was to feel him buried inside of her once again.
“i know baby, i know,” he cooed, unbuckling his belt and ridding himself of the clothing covering his bottom half. your face flushed when you saw him naked, as if you’d never seen him like that before. “do you have anything?”
Y/N froze in that moment — of course she didn’t. this is not how she intended to spend her christmas holiday. “shit,” her head fell to her hands, “i don’t have anything, do you?”
pierre shook his head.
“i’m on the pill,” she said after a moment of silence. “it’ll be fine, p.”
his mouth turned up at the name she always used to say to him. “we don’t have to if you don’t want to, no pressure.”
“i want to.”
she was sure, affirmative. pierre nodded, leaning over her and pressing a long, hot kiss to her lips. he made sure she was comfortable, placing her legs up so her knees were facing the ceiling and her feet were planted firmly on the ground.
it felt like a dream when he slipped inside of her, to both of them. she was the perfect mixture of stimulated that he found it easy to drag along her walls, and she was also clenching around him like a vice. he was the perfect potion of slow and needy, as if he desperately wanted to feel her encapsulating around him, but he knew his limits.
pierre’s breathing fell ragged, and he was left with a hitch in his throat. his forehead fell against hers and already she could feel the beads of sweat lining it as his eyes fluttered open and shut in a repeat cycle.
“oh, you’re so tight,” he groaned, lips nipping at her chin before coming to lock around hers, “so warm.”
she nodded, too caught up in the feeling of it all to even speak. she let her legs drop, her feet turning inwards and her knees poking out to the sides, leaving the angle wider so pierre could hit deeper.
she wrapped a hand around the back of his neck and arched up her back, “oh my… oh…” was all she said, small moans tumbling from her lips in sweet moments of bliss.
“you are so beautiful,” he whispered, admiring the way her eyes rolled back as he outstretched one of her legs, “do you know that?”
“mhm,” was all she could say, a blush creeping it’s way up her cheeks.
pierre changed his angle slightly and soon enough his pace quickened, leaving Y/N on the brink of her third orgasm. it wouldn’t be long, and she knew it wouldn’t be long before she was moaning and clenching around him as if her life depended on it; pierre probably knew too, but he wanted to watch her unfold while he fucked her.
his lips found her neck, sucking on the soft flesh until a red mark blossomed. Y/N couldn’t hold herself back. “pierre, i’m gonna cum,” she fought back a cry as her back arched again. he fucked her through the orgasm, lips finding hers as she moaned and cried into his mouth to muffle the sound.
her orgasm left him teetering on the edge, but he knew better than to allow himself to cum inside her when there was no barrier between them, and so, he pulled out. Y/N poured at the lack of fullness inside of her, but she soon got onto her shaking hands and knees to help pierre out.
he laid flat down on the bed, head almost dangling off the edge, while she situated herself between his legs. hers were awfully shaky, and she knew she needed to hold onto him for stability while she got him off. he didn’t mind.
her lips wrapped around his head instinctively, and she used her free hand for what she couldn’t fit in her mouth. pierre desperately tried to fight off moans and groans, allowing the odd one to slip through his lips as he stroked at her hair.
she was better than he had remembered her to be, but after that long apart he should’ve expected it to be better. Y/N’s head bobbed and her tongue twirled and flicked at his head, until pierre could feel the knot in his stomach.
he sat up, arising to his knees while she made sure to stay level with his cock, tongue splayed out underneath it. his hand tugged at the flesh until he came, hot white cum spraying over her face.
he came with a groan, allowing himself to enjoy the moment as much as he could while it lasted.
he helped Y/N clean her face with paper towels, and when the pair were done, she lay down with her head in the pillows while he stayed in a sitting position.
“this was nice,” she hummed, “amazing, actually.”
“i know it was babe,” he kissed her cheek, pushing the hair from her face. he paused momentarily to check the time on the clock behind Y/N on her bedside table; 3:04. “i should really get going.”
Y/N’s eyes trailed to the clock where she checked the time too, and her hand outstretched into pierre’s. “no, it’s late,” she smiled softly, “please, stay.”
“right,” he nodded, half expecting her to shun him out at the first chance she got. “i’ll go and get some blankets, sleep on the floor.”
“no,” she said, grabbing his hand again. “you can sleep in here — in bed, i mean — with me, if you want.”
pierre smiled.
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theworldofotps · 5 months
Cold, and Tissues (Drabble)
Pairing: Tyler Breeze x OC Olivia Word Counter: 752 Description: Tyler goes to pick up his best friend who's sick.
@biforrollynch I hope you like this love! ________ Tag list: @omg-im-such-a-masochist @melissahausen​ @new-zealand-chic @writtingrose​ @99hook @sjwrites22​ @sassymox​ @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex​ @biforrollynch @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch​ @demonqueen29​ @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91​ @rebellious-desires ​ @claymorexpunisher @letsgivethisonemoreshot @ava-valerie​ @shortyiceheart​ @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal​ @thatnerdwriter​ @wrestlersownmyheart​ @vebner37​ @auburnwrites​ @aews-four-pillars​ @seeingstarks​ @whenimakeitshine1234​ @legit9thlunaticwarrior​ @blaquekitty​ @ironshamelessyouth​ @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @ripleyswhore @moonrosekk @xbreezymeadowsx @elevennbloom @melblacc @alliwant456  @mcreignsera 
If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. ______ “Oliviaaaa, open the damn door it’s freezing out here.” Tyler called knocking on his best friend’s door trying to get out of the cold December air, he had sent her a text that he was on his way over and hadn’t heard anything back. Grabbing his spare key, Tyler huffed having to set down his hot drink. Unlocking the door, he quickly stepped inside and shook the snow from his hair.
“The light of your life is here where are you?”
He called out looking around the festively decorated house in search of his friend, hearing a cough from the living room he made his when inside. Spotting a bundle of blankets on the couch he walked over shaking it lightly.
“Liv you under there?”
“Yes but I’m ill so go away.”
“I did not drive here in the snow and cold just to be sent away, I came to see if you wanted to go to the movies. But I see that’s not an option now.”
His spoke as his gaze fell on the small trash can with tissues piled high, her cough medicine on the table along with some vicks.
“Guess I’m just going to have to take care of you then, come on get your feet dressed I’m taking you to my place. I know how much you love being there besides yours smells like sick people.”
He pretended to gag as Olivia carefully pushed the blankets off her, Tyler frowned seeing her flushed cheeks and glassy eyes. Deciding the last thing his friend needed in that moment was to be teased he helped pull her from the couch. Aiding her to the door Tyler bent down putting her shoes on for her followed by her coat, making sure she was bundled up tight.
“Alright Liv lets get out of her.”
“But what about my medicine?”
“Don’t worry I have some stuff you can take back at the house.”
Locking her door Tyler helped her over to his car tucking her in the seat then getting behind the wheel and blasting the heater.
“Buckle up, I know I haven’t been here for very long but my tire tracks are already covered by fresh snow.”
Tyler said as he backed out of her driveway feeling thankful he had thought ahead to get snow tires for his car. The drive back to his place was made in silence apart from the wipers on the windshield and the sound of the heaters. He wanted to get out of the weather and to get Olivia to start feeling better again.
“Olivia wake up we’re here.”
Gently shaking her arm as he got out of the car, going and unlocking his front door then making his way back to the car for her. Olivia was thankful when they were safe inside his house, the bad weather was shut out as he placed her on the couch so she could see his Christmas tree.
“You kept the star I made you.”
She smiled blowing her nose into a tissue she grabbed from the coffee table, it looked like a little minute pharmacy. He had medicine set out for her, tissues, vicks and anything else he thought would help. Tyler looked up at the tree topper smiling, it was a paper star she’d made him later year a picture of the two of them glued to the front.
“It’s special to me of course I kept it.”’
Giving her some medicine and making sure he was comfortable Tyler went to get her favorite hot drink from the kitchen. Olivia wrapped the large blanket on the back of his couch around her and snuggled into the couch feeling her body relax. She always felt safe and happy being in his house, sitting up when he brought her the mug and thanking him.
“Why are you so good to me?”
She asked as he helped her sit up so she could have a drink Tyler looked at her for a moment before smiling with a shrug.
“Because I’m in love with you Liv I figured by now it was obvious.”
Olivia froze. Her eyes searching his face for any sign that he was messing with her but all she saw was sincerity.
“I’m in love with you too.”
She whispered softly as he grinned pressing a kiss to the top of her head, getting her settled against the cushion again Tyler couldn’t help but feel his heart skip at the idea that his best friend loved him too.
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acciomorningstar · 1 year
Scarred (Poppy Sweeting x MC angst)
Was in the mood to write some angst, so here’s some angst. After the final battle, MC is struggling with survivor’s guilt, and Poppy is there to console them.
Poppy knew pain.
Having borne the scars of her poacher upbringing for most of her young life, she knew what it was like to live in shame of herself, to feel like nothing but a burden on the shoulders of people whose respect she didn’t deserve. It had taken her a long time to learn to love herself again, though she would never forget the memory of searing guilt and self-loathing.
Which was why the sight of the love of her life being consumed by it broke her heart into a thousand pieces.
MC had never really discussed what happened after they had gone down to the last repository with Professor Fig, but she knew for a fact that a different person had emerged after. The little sparks in their eyes had been extinguished, leaving cold emptiness in their place. They would still flash her a smile every once in a while, but it always looked broken, nothing like the mischievous grin she’d fallen in love with.
The nightmares were the worst. MC would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night, screaming and bathing in cold sweat as their hands frantically searched for the little frame of their Hufflepuff beside them. Most of the time they wouldn’t calm down until Poppy had wrapped her arms tightly around them and the familiar scent of her hair had brought them back to the world of the living, soothing words in their ear assuring them that they were safe and nothing could hurt them now. They would always apologise for waking her up after, but she didn’t want to hear a word about it.
Though, if she were honest, seeing MC struggle in physical ways weighed the heaviest on her mind. Maybe it was a loss of confidence in themselves on account of their failure to save Professor Fig, or maybe it had been the overexertion to contain the ancient magic (or perhaps both), but the events seemed to have drained MC of most of their magic, leaving them incapable of even performing the simplest of spells. Obviously, this only led them to become more irritate and hot-tempered. They would quickly grow impatient with themselves and although they did their best to maintain their composure when Poppy was around, she just knew they were secretly blaming and chastising themselves, and it left her feeling horrified.
One day, she decided to take MC out to the beast pens in a good-hearted attempt to cheer them up. For a short while, MC genuinely seemed rejuvenated, even letting slip a smile as they petted the Mooncalves and cuddled with the Nifflers. Perhaps it was just that small glimpse of old MC that gave Poppy a false sense of hope and left her briefly off guard when she left them alone to grab some new food pellets – but then she returned to a heartbreaking sight.
MC’s brow was furrowed in a pained expression, their cheeks flushed from exertion as they fixated on a brush laying still on the table. They were clutching their wand with both hands, knuckles white from the pressure. Poppy walked up to them and softly took their trembling hands in her own. “Please, stop that – you’re just straining yourself.”
MC lowered their wand with a deep, shivering sigh. “It’s hopeless. What good am I when I can’t even do a simple levitation spell?”
“It will come back to you, eventually.” Poppy assured them, slowly rubbing their palms with her thumbs. “You just need to give it time.”
“Stop trying to console me.” MC’s voice broke; at that moment she wanted nothing more than to somehow reach inside of them and take away all the pain, all the guilt that gnawed at their pure heart. “He… he died because of me, Poppy. I f-failed him, just as I am failing y-you now.”
She moved her hands up and gently cupped their tear-streaked cheeks. “But you haven’t failed me. You were there for me when no one else was. You protected me when I needed it the most. And when all those lives at Hogwarts were in danger, you never hesitated for a moment to risk your own to protect them. MC, you’re easily the bravest soul I know.”
She put a finger to their chin and lifted it; behind a mist of tears, MC’s pained eyes looked into hers. “You’ve more than proven yourself to be a hero,” she said. “Now, allow me to take care of you.”
It was barely visible, but then there it was; the tiniest of nods, a simple sign of trust. Poppy wiped the tears from the corners of MC’s eyes. Their path to healing would be long, and painful – though she would be there to help them, walking by their side every step of the way.
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mydarllinglover · 11 months
Alone || Home Invasion
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When they had made it back, passed the burnt and collapsed buildings, a large truck was sat outside the gates, that was where the horn was coming from.
In Alexandria, it was an even worse sight, bodies were layed across the streets, blood caked the roads and pavements, and surviving people cried and wept.
Heath rushed Scott to the infirmary as Natalia and Michonne took in what had happened to their home.
Tobin and some of his old crew helped gather the people, laying them in a pile to be buried.
"Natty!" A voice cried out.
Evie was running towards her, she looked terrified and obviously was crying.
Natalia's eyes welled up as she bent down, accepting the hug as the little girl rushed into her arms, sobbing into the woman's shoulder.
Natalia held her up, petting her blonde hair as they both cried.
She felt a sense of relief that the girl was okay, she was alive, but she dreaded for what she had to tell her.
Michonne let them be, walking towards Maggie and Rosita who the girl had been with, they knew she was important to Natalia, and they understood she was part of their family now, as well.
"What happened, sweet girl?" Natalia asked her.
"Bad people, they came in and they... they...they killed them." She sobbed as she retold what had happened. "Daddy wasn't here, and you weren't here, I was so scared, but Carl took me inside, him and Enid said I had to help them protect the baby, I did, I tried my hardest." She threw her head back on Natalia's shoulder, as she rubbed her back.
"I know, I know. I'm so sorry." Natalia gently lifted her head, her palm cupped the girls small face, wiping away her tears. "But I need to tell you something, okay?"
"Where's Daddy?" She looked past the woman, not taking in what she said as she searched for her father, but he was nowhere in sight.
"Evie, listen, I'm so sorry, I'm so, sorry." She held the girls waist as she reached into her pocket, bringing out the chain.
Evie's eyes widened at the sight, she hadn't seen her dad without it since her mom had passed.
"He's gone...?" Her voice cracked. "He's with Mommy, isn't he?" She began sobbing again.
"I'm so sorry, Evie." Natalia confirmed, hugging the girl tighter. "He wanted you to know he loved you so, so, so, so much, and you're beautiful and kind, and sweet and talented, okay, and that he was so proud of you, incredibly proud of you."
"He's gone, he's gone, he's gone." She cried, wiping at her eyes, as her face puffed up, turning red. "He's dead!"
The people around them stared at the sight, feeling for the little girl.
"He loved you so much, I'm so sorry, he wanted me to take care of you, and I will, I promise."
"Open the gate!" Ricks voice boomed from outside the walls. "Open the gate! Open the gate, now!"
Natalia held on to Evie, tightly as Michonne and Maggie ripped the gate open, Rick was running towards them, the herd that he was supposed to be steering away, was following his trail.
As he ran in, the gate was quickly closed, walkers reached him, grabbing at air as they set their sights on the people inside.
Evie screamed as she watched, Natalia tried to shield her from it.
Tobin and his crew placed support beams along the walls, making sure that it would hold, especially with the herd outside.
Alexandrians watched as they accepted their lives were over.
"You can hear it." Rick said, pacing towards the fence. "Some of you saw it. They got back here, half of them. Still enough to surround us 20 deep. Look, I know you're scared. You haven't seen anything like this. You haven't been through anything like this. But we're safe for now." He looked around at the scared people.
Natalia listened to Rick, Evie was stood in front of her, her face blotchy from all the crying, she sniffled as she thought about her parents, scared about the wall, too, Natalia was holding onto her shoulders tightly, she didn't tell the woman she was hurting her.
"The panel the truck hit seems intact. We reinforced it just in case. Either way, the wall's gonna hold together. Can you?" He asked the people. "The others, they're gonna be back."
"They're gonna be back." Rosita repeated.
Natalia bent back down, letting the girl hide In the part between her neck and shoulder, as she began to sob, they weren't all coming back.
"Daryl, Abraham, Sasha, they have vehicles. They're gonna lead 'em away, just like the others. And Glenn, and Nicholas are gonna walk back through the gate after. They know what they're doing. And we know what to do." Rick said. "We keep noise to a minimum. Pull our blinds at night. Even better, keep the lights out. We'll try to make this place as quiet as a graveyard, see if they move on."
"This place is a graveyard." Francine spoke up.
Natalia glared at her, as she rubbed the small girls back.
"The quarry broke open and those walkers were heading this way." Aaron walked forward. "All of them. The plan that Rick put into place stopped that from happening. He got half of them away. I was out there, recruiting with Daryl and Natalia." He gestured to the woman. "I wanted to try to get into a cannery and scavenge, and they wanted to keep looking for people." Natalia looked down, feeling eyes on her. "We did what I wanted... and we wound up in a trap set by those people. And I lost my pack. They must've followed our tracks. Those people who attacked us... they found their way back here because of me."
Deanna walked away, shaking her head.
"There'll be more to talk about." Rick told the people.
"Deanna?" Tobin asked the woman. "Deanna."
She ignored him as she continued to walk.
People soon enough went back to their homes, or whatever they were doing before Rick showed up.
"Would you like to write your dads name on the wall?" Natalia asked the girl, pulling hair away from her face.
They had lost too many people, there was no bodies to burry, one of the ladies had begun painting the names on a wall panel.
She nodded weakly, stifling a yawn, all the emotions and crying had drained the young girl.
Natalia picked her up, carrying her towards the memorial.
"Hey, is it okay if Evie writes her dads name?" Natalia asked the woman.
"Yes, of course, here." She handed the brush to her.
Natalia accepted it, nudging Evie to sit up, she'd guide her hand to make the big letters.
After they wrote his name, and more tears streamed down the girls cheeks, Natalia looked up at the wall, seeing all the names.
Glenn's was also there, she didn't believe he was gone, or maybe she just didn't want to.
Seeing as she was stuck in Alexandria, and couldn't go and find him, like she said she would, Natalia would have to put all her focus into making sure Evie was okay.
"I think its time for bed." She murmured. "Yeah?"
Evie nodded, her face in a constant pout as she wiped at her tired eyes, again.
"Can I stay with you?" She asked, her voice was quiet.
"Of course, we'll have a sleepover, with Sully."
"Okay." She couldn't even manage a smile at something that would normally have her over the moon.
Natalia walked in the direction of her house, Rick was stood by, outside, watching the people, he had just been helping move bodies.
"Rick, do you need anything, or jobs need doing, Evie needs to be put to bed, but I don't wanna leave her right now." She told the man, as Evie was falling asleep in her arms, her fathers necklace was intwined in her little fingers.
"No, you go ahead." He told her, cupping the woman's head. "I'm sorry, truly, about what happened, we're all gonna be here for her, she's family now."
"I know." Natalia nodded. "It's not your fault, if it weren't for you we would of all been dead a long time ago, I would've probably died in that house." She scoffed. "Thank you." She smiled at the man, leaning in slightly as she pecked his cheek. "Anyone has anything different to say, you send them my way."
"Got it." He grimaced, patting her shoulder.
Natalia left, walking up the porch steps and heading inside her shared home.
Sully was waiting for her at the door, stepping back as she entered.
He was cautious of the little girl, following as he sniffed the pair as she headed up the stairs, towards her bedroom. 
Only when they were tucked under the covers, Evie was out like a light, snuggled up against the girl, hugging the rabbit that Sully had dropped beside her, as he layed on the bottom of the bed, did Natalia let her mind wander to this morning, and what had happened at the quarry, between her and Daryl.
She didn't know what she was feeling, something had changed a while ago, but she refused to give it attention.
She was up for the whole night, dwelling on her feelings for the man, seeming to notice him in a different light as she thought about their memories together, and their friendship.
She knew he was protective of her, sometimes she thought it was overkill, but that was just Daryl, he was like that with everyone, right?
But what about Harry? She couldn't let him go, he ruined her life, but she still loved him, the father of her children, the children she had lost because of him. She felt as though she were cheating, as she thought about the archer, but Harry had been dead for nearly 17 months, maybe it was time to move on, but what if she couldn't?
Daryl had a tendency to put everyone before himself, if someone had to die, he'd choose himself in a heartbeat, she'd just be setting herself up, once again. Natalia couldn't go through that again, she barely survived the first time, almost losing herself beyond no return, until she met Rick and his people, they saved her, brought her back to who she was, only as a better version, a stronger version.
Her head hurt by the morning, his name felt fake to her, she wasn't entirely sure if she had imagined him this whole time, but she felt a whole lot of confusion, and something else... the most she understood was that she missed him, and imagined every scenario he could be going through as time ticked by whilst he was out there.
The next day, Rick wanted to hold a talk with Morgan, her, Carol and Michonne.
Evie sat on the couch in their living room, still, staring ahead and waiting for Natalia to get back.
"What's going on?" Morgan asked, looking around the table, smiling gently.
"When I was coming back..." Rick cleared his throat, before continuing. "I tried to cut off the herd with the RV. Lead the walkers away. But five of those people with the W's in their foreheads, they stopped me. They tried to kill me, shot up the RV. Now Carol says she saw you. That you wouldn't kill those people."
"Did you let any of them go?" Carol asked.
"Yes, I did." Morgan answered.
Natalia looked up from the table at the man, her fist clenching.
"I didn't want to kill five people I didn't have to kill."
"They burned people alive." Carol gritted through her teeth, she was seething at the man. "That little girl in there, on the couch, they killed her only living parent, those people you didn't have to kill did that.."
"Yeah." He nodded at Carols point. He hesitated before asking his own question. "Why didn't you kill me Rick, back in King County? Pulled a knife on you. I stabbed you. So why didn't you kill me? Was it 'cause I saved you after the hospital?"
"'Cause I knew you who you were." Rick told him.
"Back there, I would have killed you as soon as I took a look at you. And I tried. But you, you let me live, and then I was there to help, Aaron, Natalia and Daryl." He pointed at her. She wished, right now, that he hadn't. "See, If I wasn't there... if they died, if you died" He looked at her now, she met his gaze, staring at him with a blank expression, but anger was swimming in her own eyes. "Maybe those wolves wouldn't have been able to come back here. I don't know what's right anymore. 'Cause I did want to kill those men. I seen what they did, what they would've keep doing. I knew I could end it. But I also know people can change."
"Not them." Natalia sniffed.
"They can, because everyone sitting here, has. All life is precious. And that idea, that idea changed me.  it brought me back, and it keeps me living."
"I just don't think it can be that easy." Michonne shook her head.
"Its not easy." He told her.
"I wasn't saying..."
"I know." Morgan cut her off. "And I've thought about letting that idea go. But I don't want to."
"You may have to. Things aren't as simple as four words. I don't think they ever were."
"Do you think I don't belong here?" He asked Rick.
"Making it now, do you really think you can do that without getting blood on your hands?" Rick responded.
"I don't know."
"You have a lot of nerve to preach your little spiritual journey after what happened yesterday, after the amount of names that were wrote on that wall, all because of those people who you deem as precious." Natalia told him. "All life is precious, but those people weren't living. When we were out there, me, Aaron and Daryl, before we reached the cannery, we found a body in the woods, except it wasn't just a dead body, it was everything but his torso and head, they had taken it with them, then we found a naked girl, tied to a tree, her body had been ripped apart, eaten, whilst she was mostly likely still alive, not being able to even fight against it, that's what your precious people did." She hit the table, standing up so abruptly, almost knocking her chair back, before leaving out the back door, standing on the porch.
Rick and Michonne had followed her out a moment after.
"What are we going to do about the herd, we have no idea if they're even going to come back." Natalia asked, hoping to distract them so that they would forget about her temper tantrum just now.
Rick sighed, copying Michonne as she stood beside Natalia leaning on the banister.
"They're coming back." Michonne told her, no room in her tone for argument.
"If we can somehow get outside the walls" Rick started. "Get back to our cars at the quarry. We could use them to draw them away."
"We'll set up more watch points." Michonne said. "Coordinate the shooting of guns and flares so we could pull them out in even directions."
"We need to get all our people on it." Rick agreed. "Carl, Tara, Rosita, Carol."
"What about everyone else?" Michonne asked.
"A lot still blame Rick, Aarons speech only worked on some, but they like him more than they like us." Natalia sniffed, staring ahead.
"Nat's right, lets just keep this to our own for now."
"Look, if we had the time to bring the people along, sure. But we haven't had a chance to catch our breath."
"Really?" Michonne stared at him. "We're in here, together. We're catching our breath right now. Anything else is just excuses."
The three were silent, before footsteps could be heard behind them.
"Deanna?" Rick asked the older woman.
"Rick." She smiled as she approached them.
"What's that?" He asked, nodding at the large rolled up paper in her hand. 
"Plans for the expansion."
Natalia furrowed her brows, expansion? They couldn't even leave the walls.
"We got a few other things on our plate right now." He told her, Natalia jutted her lip, he spoke her exact thoughts.
"I know." She said in an obvious tone, Michonne held her hand out, as Deanna placed it in her palm. "These are for what Alexandria can be after this. Because one way or another, there's gonna be an after this."
Carol was making lunch, she had practically forced Evie to help her, in the nicest way possible, Natalia had decided to go to Milo's and Evie's house, picking up a few things for the girl, to help her for the meantime, and follow what Milo had told her about learning about the young girl from the documents her mother had made him keep safe, Natalia had shared with Carol that she didn't want to bring Evie for the moment, thinking it best if she wasn't around it so soon, this was before confiding in her that she had no idea how to raise a kid, Carol knew she was good with babies and small toddlers, but she never had a kid to care for, especially a six year old, a difficult age range to parent, it was a lot to throw on someone with no experience, especially someone under 30. She was willing to support and help out the woman in any way she could.
Michonne had helped Natalia at the house.
"Mich." Natalia started, as the pair packed up some things in Evie's room, including a teddy and a small throw blanket that looked like it had been around as long as the little girl had, that layed on the princess quilted bedspread.
"Yeah?" She responded
"Have you ever thought about dating, now?"
"Why?" Michonne looked at her suspiciously. "Have you."
Natalia shrugged.
"Sort of, but every time I find myself thinking about, I get this guilty feeling, like I'm emotionally cheating or something."
"On who?"
They had talked before about their boyfriends, neither revealed about the children they had lost, so far, the only people who knew, were a person each, the two other people Natalia had shared her secret with, were dead, she was beginning to think it was a curse.
"Harry?" Michonne guessed.
Natalia didn't answer, flicking through the pages of The Lion, The witch and the wardrobe, By C.S. Lewis, there was a bookmark in between the pages, only a quarter of the book remained to be read, Milo must've read it to her for bed time. She found the page with the bookmark, it was one of those photobooth strips, of Evie and a woman she guessed was her mom, in the first picture, they smiled nicely at the camera, the next, they were pulling faces at the camera, the third, her mom was kissing her cheek, and the last one, Evie was kissing her mom's cheek.
Evie looked about four or five in the photo's, It must've been just before the outbreak.
"Nat, it's not cheating to think about moving on." Michonne interrupted her thumbing at the strip.
Natalia placed it back in, closing the book and placing it in the bag.
"Then why do I feel bad about it?"
"It's a tough situation. But you can't go your whole life staying loyal to a man who's not here, what he did, it was horrible, and I'm sorry he did that to you, the way he did, without giving you a goodbye or just talking to you, ending it after an argument, is the lowest blow." It meant a lot to hear that from her friend, if anyone knew what it was like to feel betrayed by their partner, it was Michonne. "Is there any reason in particular you're asking? Or person."
"No..." Natalia avoided her gaze like the plague, or the virus.
"Natalia, is this about Da-"
"Do you like Rick?" Natalia asked her, before she got to finish the name.
"What?" Michonne laughed.
"If you tell me, I'll tell you." Natalia didn't care if she sounded like a middle schooler.
Michonne thought about it for a second.
"No." She decided to her ultimatum.
"Good, I was just wondering because I was thinking about Harry a bit" Lie. "Because of Milo and his wife, was just thinking about it, and he confessed to me y'know..."
"Do you still love him?"
"Of course I do, yeah, I think so." Natalia furrowed her brows as she thought about her answer.
"But are you still in love with him."
Natalia pondered this for a moment, thinking hard, was she? She didn't really take notice when she had stopped, she hadn't mulled it over before, it never occurred to her if she was in love with him since or if she could even fall out of love with him... she sort of forgot what it felt like to be in love in the first place.
Gunshots came from outside, breaking her out of her train of thought.
The two women dropped the belongings, grabbing their weapons and heading outside.
Rick and Tobin were stood on one of the watch posts, trying to pull a rope up from outside the wall, both struggling, then they turned their heads to see Tara was hanging onto the wall, shooting at walkers.
Michonne and Natalia ran for the post Tara was hanging from, as Eugene ran down the road, sounding like he was hyperventilating.
Tara was still shooting when they reached her, but she had ran out of bullets.
Getting on top of the watch post, Natalia was able to see Spencer hanging onto the rope, struggling to climb up it as walkers grabbed at him from below, he was also missing a shoe.
"Grab on!" Michonne told Tara, as her and Natalia helped the woman up and over the wall.
Morgan had joined Rick and Tobin, finally helping him up and over, onto the watch point where they were stood.
"Tara!" Rick shouted. "You almost died once for these people."
"What?" She leaned forward, confused why he was mad at her.
"What the hell were you doing?!"
Tara responded in flipping him off.
He then turned on Spencer, interrogating him.
"You alright?" Natalia asked Tara.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She looked away from Rick, her frown disappearing as she met the eyes of Natalia, offering a kind smile.
When they had got back down to the ground, Michonne and Natalia went back to the house, Natalia had found the paperwork.
The pair sat on the porch steps as Natalia read through everything about Evie, learning about her, just like her dad asked, so she could get a better understanding and raise her.
Michonne had a hold of Deanna's plans still, opening it up and taking a look, beside her friend.
"Evelyn Ruth Baker. Born fourteenth of April, 2005." Natalia read out loud to Michonne. "Blood type; A+"
"We have a birthdate, that's a month a half from now, give or take." Michonne told her.
"I can't do this." Natalia sighed, looking down as she dropped the birth certificate back in the small box. "Why me, why would he ask me, she's been here since the start, there's so many people he could've asked, I don't know what I'm doing, I can't take care of her."
"Hey." Michonne stopped her spiral. "Stop, right now. He trusted you, yeah, you didn't know each other that long, but you didn't need to, that kid loves you, and you're the best person for her, so you're gonna have to accept that, but doubting yourself and freaking out isn't going to help her or yourself. You've saved so many lives, mine, Carl's, Ricks, Daryl's, without even thinking about it, if she's safe in the hands of anyone, it's you."
A large groaning sound came from above, the two women looked away from each other, at the tall white building, half of it burnt down.
They watched as if it was a slow-mo, as it fell forward, towards them.
Michonne and Natalia jumped up from the steps, away from the house as the building hit the ground, knocking out the wall it was against.
A thick cloud of dust fell over Alexandria, and that's when the familiar violent snarls and groans of what the wall was keeping out, trailed in.
The pair brought out their weapons, ready for attack.
"Carl!" Natalia called to the boy, who was with another his age, she assumed was the son of the woman Rick was friends with, Pete's wife, she didn't really talk to many of the Alexandrians unless there was reason to. 
Michonne and her ran towards them.
"Come on, let's go! I see Rick." Michonne spotted him, as he ran with Deanna.
Gabriel soon joined them as well.
"Rick!" Michonne called as the growing group caught up to the man and injured woman.
"Good, you're safe. Come on." Rick looked back, seeing his family, they fought off walkers as they ran, Natalia shot down any getting too close, even though she was against guns on walkers, wanting to safe her bullets for the real problem, but she didn't have a choice.
"There." Deanna pointed as Michonne slashed a walker down, Natalia shot at a walker that got too close to Carl, for comfort, before twisting and stabbing her knife into the one who lunged at her from behind.
A line of walkers blocked them off from the houses, Deanna continued to cry out.
Shots from behind them sounded, taking down walkers, creating a path, Pete's wife was stood with a gun, in front of her house.
"Come on, I have Judith and Evie!" She screamed. Why the hell did this random woman have her kid? Natalia thought to herself as they ran up the porch.
Michonne was the last in, shutting the door and locking it.
"Put her on the couch." Rick said, getting a better hold on Deanna, carrying her as she cried in pain.
"Evie?" Natalia called. "Where's Evie?!" She turned to the woman.
"Upstairs first one on the left!" The blonde woman answered Rick, seeming to not hear Natalia in the chaos. "Come on."
They all ran upstairs.
"Where?" Rick asked her.
"This one on the right."
"Which room?"
"Go in there!" She pointed at a door down the hallway.
Michonne and Natalia helped Rick carry Deanna to the room, laying her on the bed.
They helped her get comfortable as Pete's wife talked to her younger son.
Evie ran out the room she was in with Judith.
"Natty!" She cried.
"Oh, god!" Natalia stood up, jogging towards the girl.
Judith was hysterically crying in Carls arms.
"Are you okay, are you hurt?" She asked Evie, who stared at Deanna as Michonne helped her.
"What's happening, is she going to die?" She looked back up at Natalia, wide eyed as they pooled.
The door they were stood in front of, closed, the blond boy hiding away.
"No, no,  it's okay, she's going to be fine, okay, it's alright" Natalia told her, hurriedly. "Let's go with Carl okay, and we'll play with the baby, it's gonna be all okay, you're safe." She followed the way Carl had gone.
"Carl, can you watch her, I need to check on Deanna. Help Michonne if she needs it."
Carl and the other boy were in the room with Judith, they were boarding up the windows.
"Yeah, sure." He looked over his shoulder at her.
"Hey, Evie, you're gonna play with Carl and..." Natalia looked up at the boy.
"Ron." He muttered.
"Yeah, you're gonna play with Carl, Ron and Judith okay, they're turning the room into a fort, I'm going to be just down the hall, okay, me and Michonne are going to be helping Deanna, make her better, I need you to stay in here and help the boys, can you do that?"
She nodded sadly, before hugging Natalia.
"You're brave okay, you are so brave, and you're going to be safe, I pinkie promise." She pulled away, cupping the girls face, putting out her pinkie, which the little girl entwined her own with, as they kissed  their fists. "Stay here." She kissed the girls head. "Thanks, Carl" Then she went back to the room Michonne and Deanna were in, Rick was with Ron's mom.
Michonne was sat beside Deanna's side when she entered.
"All patched up?" Natalia asked, entering the room, trying to catch her breath from all the rushing around.
Michonne looked at her, discreetly shaking her head before looking down.
"Shit." Natalia muttered, eying the patch of blood on her blue shirt, before looking at the older woman.
"Shit, indeed." Deanna grimaced. "Take a seat." She nodded to beside where she was laying, Natalia did as told.
A moment of awkward silence passed between the three women.
"The plans you gave Rick." Michonne started. "I, we've been looking them over." She included Natalia only because she had been right beside her, even if she was looking at her own thing.
Though Natalia still looked at her, confused, she hadn't seen the plans, she hoped Deanna wasn't going to ask what she was most excited about.
But when Deanna looked over at her, she smiled and nodded.
"I get it." Michonne continued. "They could work."
"Even now?" Deanna asked.
"Even now."
"We're gonna get through this" Natalia told her. "Everyone here has worked too hard for this place to let it go now, we'll get it back."
Deanna smiled at her, patting her hand.
"The Latin in the margins, what was that?" Michonne asked.
Deanna chuckled.
"It was something Reg used to say when things went really, really, really badly. I'm lucky." she told them. "Working with my family towards a better future is... it's all I've ever wanted. That's what I got. I got to do what I wanted... right up to the end. What do you want?"
"Cheese." Natalia mumbled, the second thing she wanted.
Deanna laughed at her answer.
"I want this place to work." Michonne told Deanna, a response Natalia wished she had picked when Michonne side eyed her.
"Yes, but what does that mean for you?" Deanna asked the woman. "What do you want for you?"
Natalia looked at her friend, wondering what she would say.
"I don't know." Michonne said.
"You better. Natalia does." She nodded at the brunette.
Tags : @fallenkitten
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"Give me your hand!"
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Aaron x Fem reader
Requested by: @sunnysidesidra thank you for requesting ❤️
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood, Aaron (cuz why not!?), Brief spice.
A/n: I got some negative comments when I posted up what I like to call an ask board. It's where I put pictures of characters and and ask which one you'd like. Aaron was on one of my TWD ask boards and someone didn't like the fact that I was only writing him with a Fem reader. Im not Gay nor do I have any insight on the matter. I do not wish to offend anyone if I get something wrong. For that I've been called Homophobic, call me what you will. Im not hostile towards the LGBTQ+ community, nor do I wish them to be hostile to me. Ross Marquand isn't gay, so I'm not writing him with a male character. Enjoy the story ❤️
"Rick!" Y/n yelled from the porch. "Aaron and I are going on a run! We'll be back before sun down, alright!?"
"You two be safe!" Rick yelled back from his place on the roof.
Aaron and Y/n met at the gate, where Jesus let them out. Saying their goodbyes and stay safes and don't be too longs, they took off down the the road. Aaron took y/n's hand and gently swung her arm back and forth, she let out a giggle and began to skip.
"Are you gonna start singing We're off to see the wizard?" He asked.
She let out a laugh. looking up at the clouds above, she watched a bird fly overhead and land in a nearby tree.
"What were you like before all this?" He asked.
"I was on my fifth year of collage, I was studying architectural design. I had five years left when this all went to shit. I was a little timid, I got pretty nervous around people I didn't know. I didn't have a boyfriend, I lived in Springfield Illinois but I went down to Atlanta for vacation then the world got fucked up the ass, and I met Rick in a tank in the middle of the city."
"A tank?" He asked, sounding shocked.
"Yeah. Then Glenn had to save our asses. That Korean was a good guy. Can you believe he was delivering pizzas before all this?"
"Christ." Aaron cursed.
The two walked in silence for a good 20 mins, just enjoying the sound of the birds and the sound of each other's footsteps. The peaceful moment ended when they heard rather aggressive voices nearby.
"Y/n, get down!" He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her behind a building.
He had her caged against the wall, she could feel his breath on her neck. The voices got louder as the men entered the house they were currently hiding behind.
"Aaron, what do we do? They don't sound very friendly." She said.
Meanwhile they could hear one of the men grunting and bitching at the other side of the wall.
"Why can't there be women around here?" The man yelled to the others. "I haven't see a woman in months!"
"No shit! You think they'd come around you with your skunk smellin self!?"
There was a slam that sounded right behind Y/n's head, making her yelp. Aaron clamped his hand over her mouth and shushed her.
There was silence at the other side of the wall, Aaron attempted to calm Y/n down by gently stoking her hair back.
"It's okay." He whispered.
"Did you guys hear that? Or am I just fuckin crazy?"
"Hear what?"
"I don't fuckin know! I hit the wall and I heard a scared screech come from outside."
"Go check it out."
Aaron then grabbed Y/n's arm and ran as fast as he could away from the house. They stopped for a breather when they got far enough away.
"Holy shit!" Y/n said, gasping for breath. "That was close!"
"Come on, the place is about a mile or two from here." He yelled to her as he began trudging up the road.
They made it to what looked like a broken down shack. Y/n stood out front obviously not impressed.
"Oh! Wow! It's a fuckin mansion!" She gave Aaron a look that said "Wtf is this?"
"Hey, honey. Just give it a chance." He said putting his hands up.
They went inside and Y/n headed for the kitchen, she took off her back pack and set it down on the counter. She start to raid the cupboards while Aaron was marveling the woodwork in the living room.
"You gonna help?" She asked.
He walked in and started looking through the large cabinet next to the fridge, he grabbed out some cans of food and a case of water. Y/n stopped when she heard a walker in the next room.
"There's dead in here." She whispered.
"We'll get them when we go into that room."
He tossed her a can of Campbell's chicken soup and winked at her.
"So, what was all that?"
"What was all what?" He asked.
"You know, getting me up against the house wall instead of running."
Aaron smirked and slowly walked over to her, trapping her against that counter. He leaned closer and whispered in her ear.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh but I think you do." She ran her hands up his chest, pressing her lips to his. Aaron began kissing down her neck, slowly unbuttoning her top as he did."
A walker entered the kitchen making Aaron stop what he was doing and stab it in the head, sending blood gush all over the right side of y/n.
"Oh! Yummy! I love that for me!" She yelled.
"Maybe we should finish this at home, huh?"
"Yeah, that'd be best."
They walked down the hallway and entered what used to be the master bedroom. The floor was creaking and the sound of the dead came from below.
"I hear them."
Y/n took a step back but the floor boards broke in half, she looked up at him with fear in her eyes.
"Y/n, it's okay. Just give me your hand."
She reached out for him but one more creak sounded before the boards beneath her caved in.
Aaron ran to where she fell and knelt down next to the hole. Y/n was hanging onto a pipe that was just barely wanting to hold her.
She looked underneath her, about seven or eight walkers were below and the basement was filled with water.
"Hold on!" He yelled.
A walker grabbed her foot and attempted to bite her ankle but she pulled away and kicked it in the head.
The sudden movement made one of the braces holding the pipe snap, her grip was slipping and she was ready to fall.
Aaron reached out to her, his arm out stretched. Another walker tried to bite at her legs but she pulled away again. Making her slip further down the pipe.
"AH! Aaron!"
"Give me your hand!"
She reached out for him, their fingers finally grazed when the boards creaked again and Aaron fell through, bringing the whole floor down with him. (him and his fat ass 🤣 jk)
They both landed into the water with a splash. Aaron came back up immediately, attacking the walkers that surrounded them. He took them all down with ease, looking around through the clouded water y/n was no where to be seen. He then spotted something red over in the corner of the basement, it was floating to the surface of the water. He went over to inspect.....blood.
He took a dive and pulled Y/n out, her back was bleeding perfusely, he dragged her to the steps and carried her out of the house. He managed to stop the bleeding but her wound needed stitches, he was worried she wouldn't make it. On top of that the sun was going down.
It took him a while but he finally found a piece of shit car that sounded like it was in need for a mechanic. He set her in the passenger side seat and prayed the vehicle would start.
"Wake up....Y/n, honey." Aaron's voice sounded distant. She slowly opened her eyes and Aaron's, Rick's, Daryl's, and Carol's faces all came into view
Y/n kinda jumped at how close they were.
"Jesus Christ!" She said. "Could you get any closer there?"
"Your back in the land of the living." Gabriel said from across the room.
"What happened?" Y/n asked.
Aaron sat beside her while the others finally backed off.
"All in good time." Rick said.
Aaron gripped her hand like she was gonna disappear, he brought it up to his lips and planted a kiss on her knuckles.
"We nearly lost you. If I hadn't gotten that car to start, you wouldn't be here right now." He whispered.
Rick leaned against the bed post, squinted his eyes and furrowed his brows. (Ladies you know the face)
"What's the last thing you remember?" He asked.
"I remember Aaron trying to grab my hand to help me up, but the floor caved in and we both hit the water. I felt a splitting pain in my back and I blacked out."
Aaron nodded and wrapped an arm around her.
"I fought off the walkers and pulled you out of the basement."
Y/n rested her head on Aaron's shoulder, then looked over at Rick.
"I'm sorry I didn't make it back before sun down....dad!" She said sarcastically.
Rick shook his head and chuckled.
"That's it, Y/n! I won't stand for this anymore!"
Everyone in the room let out a couple of good hardy laughs. Rick slapped his hand down on her bed post and pointed at her.
"Get some rest."
Everyone but Aaron left, he stayed by her side holding her to him.
"I'm so sorry I let that happen." He whispered.
"It's not your fault. You tried to save me and you did." She pulled him in for a hug. "Im alive aren't I?"
"Then get over here and finish what we started in that house."
I hope you enjoyed
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
i swear to god im going to write real fic again eventually but in the meantime here’s 2k of even & doctor angst and regret
“Don’t look at me like that,” Even says, softly. They won’t cross his TARDIS, won’t come closer to him. He doesn’t notice until he takes the first step, and they mirror him, keeping the console and the humming engine between them. He can only just see half of their face around it. “You don’t get to be disappointed in me.”
“How can you tell it’s a disappointed face? It’s a new face. Could mean anything.” He keeps walking, as though they’ll give up and stop and let him near. He catches them touch the console gently as they circle it, then snap their hand away like they’ve been burned, up to their chest to squeeze at- Nothing. They find empty air, and for a moment, they do freeze in place long enough for him to see the whole of them before they press their hand down and seem comforted by whatever they feel through the fabric of their shirt.
“It’s your face,” they answer. They sound uncertain.
They also aren’t wrong.
“What happened to you?” he asks, in lieu of saying something worse when they’re finally not trying to retreat from him. He dares a step closer and watches them tense like a frightened animal, shoulders drawn tight to make themselves smaller. He’s pictured finding Even, if they were alive, a thousand times over. When he was kinder to himself, he used to imagine that they’d grab his hands, overexcited and begging permission to touch more without being able to ask. (A regeneration ago, and he knows he would have pulled them in tight, buried his nose in their hair and held on until someone else interrupted him. Now, he’s not so sure, but he knows he wouldn’t let go of their hand.)
“I followed the Master,” they say. Their eyes cast away from him.
“You seem to be doing that a lot these days.” Even crosses their arms.
“Where else could I go?” they ask, standing in the middle of his TARDIS. Somewhere within her, their room is still waiting, untouched since they left.
They left.
“Home,” he intones, seriously, “where you’re supposed to be.”
Their mouth opens slightly in surprise before it curls around a sudden, “I can’t go home! You broke me!” The Doctor stops. All of him, from mind to body. Even one of his hearts misses a beat and leaves him with an aftermath of vertigo before it falls back in line. Even hadn’t raised their voice, but what tore through the air between them had been so angry- And had they ever been angry with him before? Just once in all their time together?
He watches their brief outburst crumple back inwards. Even blinks rapidly, pawing at whatever is beneath their shirt like it can steady them.
“Back with Donna,” he says, much quieter than he intends. Even blinks again, eyes clearly watering despite their attempts to stop it. “Making sure she’s safe.” He hasn’t let himself say her name in a long time. As though locking away the names of the people he cares about could keep them with him.
“Oh,” Even says, “you meant-”
Pettily, he adds, “You promised.” Whatever vulnerable thing had lighted on Even’s face when they heard Donna’s name evaporates, and that, he knows, is his fault. The brief vindication of their guilt isn’t worth it.
“What did you want me to do?” they beg. “Lie to her forever? Live my whole life with my best friend without being able to talk about any of the things that made us friends?”
“Did anyone tell you it would be easy?” he snaps. “Yes! She would have been safe!” You would have been safe, he couldn’t bring himself to say. He wants to believe, has to believe, that Even had ended up somewhere okay. Their present choice in company said otherwise, but more than that… He wonders if they know he can tell that some of their fingers are the wrong length. He’d almost thought he was misremembering, but they’re more incongruent upon further inspection — the shade of their skin slightly changed and the way they move. And that’s the part of them that he’s noticed has been modified. If there are others, he’s starting to think he just hasn’t seen them yet, not that they aren’t there.
They did a good job not answering his question earlier.
“I couldn’t live like that!” Even cries, cheeks finally stained with their first escaped tears. They flinch from the feeling of them, scrunching their eyes shut and failing to stop more. “Not with people I- I-“ Even makes a terrible noise, choked. The Doctor takes an unconscious step towards them, though he can’t make himself reach out to help. Their hesitation is too familiar to him, and his mind fills with a horrible litany of don’t stop there, say you didn’t learn to stop there from me, that can’t be the one thing you learned from me you didn’t forget. “With people I-“ Even makes a valiant second attempt. They fail. “People I cared about,” they finish, their failure obvious to themself and weighing heavily. “Care,” they correct, “care about.”
The TARDIS gives a warning hum as she nears her destination. He and Even both look up with recognition when they hear it.
He looks back at them before they do him. They gaze up at the TARDIS, towards the followable source of the noise — though the true source is somewhere else, much deeper within her. Their cheeks are still wet and their eyes are slightly red and puffy, but for those few seconds, their expression is one he’s missed so much that his hearts ache seeing it again: all wonder and delight at the TARDIS bringing them somewhere new.
And then their smile falls into a confused frown. They look at the Doctor, and then, gaze jumping to focus just over his shoulder instead, ask, “Doctor. Where are you taking me?”
He doesn’t have to answer. It was obvious where he thought they were supposed to be.
He’s going to say something, though. Maybe about the rarity of second chances.
Even’s expression goes blank. Against the contrast of their continuing tears, it’s unnerving. Without a word, they scan the TARDIS console. He doesn’t realize they actually know what they’re looking for until they’ve found it and dragged one lever into place with a protesting squeak. The TARDIS groans as she brakes in time.
The Doctor’s vision narrows to Even’s hand on the console. He doesn’t realize what he’s doing until his own hand is outstretched, and he hears the smack like a gunshot. Even jumps back, their eyes wide before they duck their head and brought their hand up against their lips. His palm stings slightly. On the tip of his tongue is a reprimand that dies before escaping. He’s standing as close to Even as they’ve allowed him to this entire time, and they’re cradling the hand he’d slapped away from the TARDIS’s controls.
They’d drawn the TARDIS to a halt properly, too. Not a guess or a reckless grab at any random button to throw them off-course.
They let their hand fall. There was a little red mark on it where he’d made contact.
“No,” they say.
“No,” they repeat. It scrapes out like a sob from the back of their throat.
“Then come with me.” He reaches out to touch their shoulder, and they move it inches from the tips of his fingers. “There’s room for you. You’ll meet Clara. You’d like Clara.” He has to say something to fill the air, or he’s going to keep staring at that fading red mark on their hand, feeling the skin on his palm slowly stop tingling. “You do the same thing with your eyes when you’re upset. You’ll have me outnumbered.” He wants Even’s eyes to go wide again and their lip to tremble, if only so he can point it out, just how similar they look and how well Even would get along with Clara if they were ever in the same room.
But Even doesn’t. They look exhausted instead.
“I already have a TARDIS to go to,” they say.
“Yes. Mine,” he insists, like he can make them stop before they say what he knows is coming. He’s still trying, though. He has to try.
“Mine.” He chooses to believe they’re just echoing what he said. (He misses when they did that, their voice catching the last words of his sentences and chirping them back again. He misses being caught in the loop himself, tossing a phrase back and forth until they couldn’t keep from laughing too hard to continue.) He chooses to believe that up until they say, voice strangely light compared to the rest of this conversation, “Missy will kill me if I’m late.”
He does not let his face fall. He does not let anything cross it, not anger or bitterness or grief.
Nonetheless, Even tilts their head slightly, brows knit, and adds, “I really can’t live here. Your TARDIS bites,” almost like an apology.
“And hers doesn’t?” He grips the TARDIS console, the contact with her controls calming him from the cool metal beneath his palms to the brushes of her consciousness against his own. He watches the stalled engine vibrate.
Even eyes him for a moment and cautiously steps closer into the space beside him. When he doesn’t move, they lay their hands on the console as well, mirroring his own. They twitch, once, a preemptive flinch and then, rest. He can feel every inch between their shoulders. Ghosts of laughter muffled against his coat or surprised grabs at his arm for reassurance haunt him. Even’s fingers curl, and they bring their hands together rather than keeping them outstretched and flat.
“No, actually,” they answer. “I think she’s too grateful for when we found and fixed her.” The Doctor chances turning his head to peer down at them.
His eyes catch on a shock of color amid their more subdued attire. They shift, and the color is swallowed up, melting into metallic grey, and revealing itself again the next time they adjust their stance. It’s a necklace, he realizes, chain interlaced with… something else. He finds the other spots of color easily, neon greens and yellows and blues. They look familiar.
“She does sometimes land us too close to walls, though,” Even continues. He can hear them smiling. “Most of the time, Missy stops before she runs into them. Most of the time.” He smiles despite himself, only half-listening as he studies their necklace or what he can see of it before it disappears beneath their shirt.
They’re beads. The pieces soldered into the chain are cheap, plastic beads.
The Doctor’s wrist feels suddenly bare, despite this wrist never having worn what it misses.
Even meets his eyes. They worry their lip between their teeth as they do, their effort to maintain it clear, and for that reason, he doesn’t look away for their sake like he might have otherwise.
“Would you really let me come back?” they say, slowly and carefully.
The Doctor doesn’t answer.
And he doesn’t answer.
And he doesn’t answer.
And finally, he says, “Yes.”
Even exhales and looks away. They squeeze their eyes shut.
When they extend their hand, it’s the Doctor’s turn to try not to flinch. He thinks he does an okay job of it, and if not, they aren’t looking anyway. The feel of their fingers wrapping loosely around his wrist is both new and familiar. Their adjust their grip as they bring his hand towards them, getting used to the changes they should have been expecting but that he knows they still weren’t, despite hearing his new voice and looking at his new face and knowing it wasn’t even the first he’d had since they’d last touched him.
Even draws his hand close to their chest and hesitates. They squeeze it once and continue. They hold it to their chest. He finds the outline of something beneath their shirt. They press his hand closer, eyes shut. The Doctor feels out the edges of the hidden object, round and hard, with no give but its own heat, its own energy pulsing with a steady rhythm that Even must feel in their chest constantly with it so near their skin. He runs his thumb over it again.
“I can’t stay with you.” Another apology. Their other hand comes up to cover what’s left of his that the first didn’t.
The Doctor finally knows how he could convince them. He can read it in the way they hold on. He knows exactly what he has to say to make it impossible for them to leave.
“Keep me close,” he says instead. Even huffs a little laugh.
“I try.” They release his hand, and with his invitation gone, he doesn’t try to take more than they’ve allowed. They aren’t running from him anymore. He knows how hard that is.
When he puts the TARDIS in motion again, he does everything he can not to think of Even’s intended destination, where or what or who it is, and to exist in the few moments they have together.
(He finds the box tucked into a corner of his own room, though he knows he didn’t leave it there. The TARDIS wants him to have it back. He takes out cheap, stretchy plastic bands and multicolored beads and lays them in a dozen rows of different shades before he makes anything from them. It goes much slower when he’s the only one sorting them out.
He strings them together, one by one. He tries to remember the colors he saw. He remembers their original order, but some were lost along the way and what’s the point in a friendship bracelet that doesn’t match?
Clara comments on it when she sees it. She says it’s cute, with a quirk to her mouth and eyebrows that says she’s confused but humoring him.
The Doctor tries not to take it off again, for however long that might last. He hopes it’s at least until Even sees it.)
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the imprint or the blood singer | part 11.
Summary: Y/N Black. All about La Push. Shy girl unless you get to know her. Not one to make friends easily despite the fact that she very well could. Friends with her brother’s friends until one Bella Swan comes back to town.
Warnings for the Series: light violence, light smut
Pairing: Edward Cullen x reader, Embry Call x reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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The Cullens’ house fascinated you. How a place was so open and light when it could pose a risk to all of them. How they felt so safe in the woods that they let down all guards. It was a sunny day and the curtains were drawn up.
You were glad when Jacob wasn’t in the house when you awoke. With your dad at the docks and Jacob already with Bella you didn’t have to think of a lie in case someone asked where you were going.
You requested that Edward move the piano more into the light while you sat in the windowsill drawing him. You wanted to see how his skin glittered. It was something you heard of but didn’t get to see. Edward hated it until he saw himself through your thoughts. Alice smiled slowly seeing glimpses of you in her visions again. The more you and Edward connected, the more the wolf let Alice in.
Edward looked at the golden anklet that sparkled like his skin. He noticed it the first time you came over after ending it with Embry:
You carefully snuck out of the house. Jacob and your dad knew you were going shopping in Seattle, Angela wanted to redo her bedroom. Or at least that’s the lie the pack was told. Embry offered to come with but you told him next time, when you were shopping for your own bedroom.
You purposely stomped in the stream that separated Cullen and Quileute territory, whatever threw people off your scent. No one was supposed to be on a patrol the whole morning— it was a rest day— but you weren’t taking chances.
You rung the doorbell to the Cullen house. Edward opened, happy to see you. He honestly didn’t expect you back so soon.
“You cut your hair.” He took a strand between his fingers.
“Do you not like it?”
You rolled your eyes at your own question. You sounded just like Jake who had grown it out a little bit after Bella mused one day she liked it long. Sometimes the imprint made you sound more needy than you would like.
“It suits you. Would you like to come in?”
All the other Cullens were waiting in the living room. It felt nice to see the siblings you hadn’t seen since you became a wolf, as well as finally meet Edward’s adoptive mother Esme. Edward gave you a house tour. You ended at his room.
“You have quite the music collection.”
“I’ve had time to collect.”
One of Edward’s walls was lined with bookshelves filled with records and CDs. You picked out a record from your favorite artist and gently placed it on the record machine, moving the needle onto the vinyl. You sat down on the large bed as the music started. By the window, you spotted a minifridge— newly installed. If Edward could blush he would as you scrutinized every bit of his room.
“When are they expecting you back?”
“They’re not. They think I’m shopping with Angela in Seattle. I’m all yours today.”
You poked around the minifridge picking out a small container of raspberries and an iced coffee drink.
“That’s going to have food every time, right?” you asked as you walked back to the bed, where Edward had finally taken a seat.
Edward chuckled. “I’ll make sure it’s fully stocked.” He picked up a raspberry to feed you.
“What would happen if you ate real food? People food?” you asked after swallowing the fruit.
“It tastes like cardboard. Bland and with no nutrition. On people food alone I’d starve.”
You nodded in contemplation. Edward grabbed your hand, hot to the touch. Vampires were sensitive to heat, your high temperature a solid defense mechanism against them. Every touch was like liquid fire but he welcomed it. The same way you welcomed the chill to your bones wherever he touched your skin. Edward kissed your fingertips.
“Ed, stop looking at me and turn back to the piano,” you whined.
“I thought you already finished the sketch.”
“Your skin. The sparkles, I need you to stay still to catch the sunlight right… thank you, Esme.”
Esme had placed a salad in front of you on the windowsill. Edward turned his head back to the original position you asked him to. You smiled up at him as he started playing Debussy’s “Reverie”, the piece had briefly crossed your mind.
The Cullens wanted to preserve the scene of the two of you forever as they looked on from the living room. Carlisle was the happiest, all his children had found their mates. Maybe it was because they knew you before you shifted or just because you were Edward’s blood singer, but they didn’t even care that you were a wolf. You set down the marker and flipped the sketchbook around.
“Does my hair really look like that?”
“You use a lot of product.”
Edward smiled as he walked over to you. He fiddled at the anklet on your left foot. You let Edward flip through your sketchbook while you ate the salad. There were many different pictures of your friends, family, the pack in wolf form. Doodles and still life. Random swatches from when you were testing out how colors blended together. Edward kissed you, enjoying the stinging heat against his lips. He pulled you into his lap so he could kiss you deeper.
“Soooo, do you want us to leave?” Emmett interrupted.
You and Edward laughed against each other’s lips. Unenthusiastically you pulled away from him when your phone rang, answering it without really paying attention.
“(Y/N/N)? We still going to the beach?”
“Shoot, yeah we’re still going Embry. Sorry, had a late start today. Everything’s a bit behind.”
When you said Embry, Edward’s hands involuntarily gripped your hips tighter. The Cullens all snapped their heads in your direction.
“No problem,” Embry said. You could picture him shrugging his shoulders.
“I’m not at the house right now, um—”
“Yeah I know, I’m outside it right now. No one’s home. Do you need me to pick you up? Where are you?”
“No, no,” you said hurriedly.
“I’m at Jessica’s… yeah the one looking at colleges on the east coast. Yeah, said I’d help her sort through options so I took my car… mmm, she’s not super far. Give me thirty minutes? Cool, there’s a slightly discolored panel on the side of the garage door, do you see it… yeah? The spare key is taped to the other side if you just wiggle it a little. Wait in the garage, it’s nicer than the porch, and there’s snacks. I’ll see you in a bit. K, bye.”
You hung up the phone and looked back to a slightly disappointed Edward.
“You have to go now?”
“I promised Embry I’d go to the beach with him.”
“Is it really necessary? He doesn’t see you enough with the pack?”
Edward asked before he kissed you again. You didn’t have to be a mind-reader to know Edward felt a bit jealous. Embry needed quality time outside of the pack.
All imprints needed individual time to keep themselves strong and healthy. It’s why Jared visited Kim at college every now and then. Why after Paul imprinted on Rachel when she came to visit your family, he had to FaceTime her damn near every weekend.
“He’s my friend and it’s the beach. I’m his imprint, Edward.”
He frowned at your words even though he knew there was nothing he could do. He loved you unconditionally and he could hear it in all your thoughts that you felt the same. But he would always have to split his time with Embry. Edward felt selfish, he wanted them all to know so the two of you could be left alone. So you wouldn’t have to pull double duty. So he no longer had to think about you spending time with your wolf— who was trying his hardest to be what you wanted but wasn’t sure if he could. Alice didn’t like it because she couldn’t see you at all when you were with the wolves. You held your boyfriend’s face in your hands.
“And you’re mine. You know, Sam gave me a break from patrol for two days, I’ll come back after dinner. I’ll stay over.”
“They won’t look for you?”
“I’ll make something up. I really have to go now.” You pecked Edward on the forehead. “I need time to wash your stink off me.”
The Cullens all huffed out a laugh but Edward let you go.
You didn’t just tell Embry to wait in the garage because it was more comfortable than the porch. But because if he was in the garage he wouldn’t be able to see you pull up your car around the other side of your house and sneak in to change. You let out a breath in your room. The smell was gone now you just had to clear your mind of any thoughts of the Cullens. Embry popped up with a quickness when you appeared in front of the garage.
“I like the board shorts,” you joked.
Embry laughed as he locked up the garage and put the key back. It had been a week or two since the two of you were alone. The only thing that kept him in perfect condition were the few minutes when the pack was late showing up to Emily’s house and your feelings.
He had no clue what had your happiness on ten so much that he could feel it but he enjoyed it. Embry looked at the space between your hands. He desperately wanted to hold it but settled for placing both hands on your shoulders and leading you all the way to the beach.
You and Embry winked at each other before running full speed off of the tallest cliff at La Push’s First Beach. The water felt refreshing on impact. You both swam around, testing how long you could hold your breath underwater. When you got tired of swimming, you both laid out on towels on the sand. On the other side of the cliffs, you were hidden away from everyone. Embry and you talked about nothing and everything.
“Dinner, I was thinking we head down to Port Angeles. Catch a movie at that restaurant theater combo.”
“That’ll have us back home pretty late.”
“You have other plans?”
“No, I was just saying.”
“Hmm, you’re not wrong though. Just a suggestion and cause Bella asked.”
“Bella?” you turned your head to look at Embry who propped himself up on his elbows.
“Yeah, she and Jake are going there. She’s worried she’s taking too much time away from the wonder twins. You two used to do everything together.”
“I’m literally in that idiot’s head twenty-four seven. And we share a garage, I couldn’t escape Jacob if I wanted to.”
The two of you laughed. The incessant laughter made your stomach hurt and you both couldn’t stop until the wind blew by. You and Embry sat up, alert. The smell was undeniable. Vampire and not the good kind. You saw a flash of red hair fly by. Both you shifted. Embry howled to alert the pack. By the time you reached Emily’s everyone already knew what was happening.
When no one was paying attention, you ran back to the beach to grab your bag. You momentarily shifted back to text Edward what was happening and that you wouldn’t be over anymore. It didn’t matter that Bella wasn’t his mate. The Cullens had killed James for her. The wolves had killed Laurent. Victoria was coming for the Swan girl.
(Part 12)...
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panandinpain0 · 2 years
I would looove a second part to the Old D&D buddies with Munson. Maybe Ed and the reader meet up to talk about some of Eddie’s NPCs from the campaign? Sketching and fluff??
Sketches (Old D&D Buddies Part 2)
Part One
Requested by/people I want to @: @teplejtrouba @mistonk @bangfinch24
Eddie Munson x Male!Byers!Reader
Warnings: Swearing
I really hope this lives up to the first part, and I hope ya'll like it!
(also may or may not be restarting my other Eddie Munson series 👀)
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"Jonathan, (Y/N)?" Joyce shouted from down the hall.
"Yeah, Mom?" (Y/N) shouted back, Jonathan perking up from his spot on the couch in attention.
"Can one of you go pick up Will from school? I thought I'd be able to but I need to take this call!" Joyce shouted again.
Jonathan looked over the couch at (Y/N), waiting to see what he'd say. (Y/N) pulled his work bag over his shoulder and grabbed the keys from the table next to the door.
"I've got to run by work so I can pick him up and take him with me," (Y/N) responded, trying to be loud enough for her to hear.
"Thanks, honey!"
"No problem!"
Jonathan waved from his spot on the couch and (Y/N) smiled and nodded back.
"Bye Jonathan."
"Be safe."
"Always am." (Y/N) winked and left the house, getting into the car and making his way to the Hawkins High.
Driving up and slowly stopping behind some other parent's, (Y/N) rolled the windows down and turned up the music a little bit. He and Jonathan always did this when picking Will up as a sign that it wasn't their mom. Seeing as he had a little while, (Y/N) pulled out his sketchbook and pencil, adding some finishing touches to a character sketch he had made earlier.
It was one of Dustin's, and the character was a beefy Viking. As (Y/N) was making the thick curls under the helmet more dramatic, something knocked on the car roof right above him.
Jumping in fright, (Y/N) gasped and looked to the side with wide eyes. After seeing who it was he sighed and turned down the music a bit, turning back to the person.
"Hey, man. You scared the shit out of me," (Y/N) breathed out, laughing at it.
"I can see that!" Eddie nodded with a smirk, bending halfway to fit his arms and head through the window.
"What's up?" (Y/N) asked, tapping his pencil on the side of the paper in his lap.
"I saw you chillin' out here, thought I'd crash the party," Eddie explained, observing the interior of the car.
"Don't you have a few more minutes until school is out?" (Y/N) asked, checking his watch just to be sure.
"Yeah," Eddie confirmed, but he made no move to elaborate or walk away.
Raising an eyebrow at Eddie, (Y/N) let out an exasperated sigh.
"Well, come in, then." (Y/N) motioned to the passengers seat, soon to be Will's place.
Eddie smiled and bit his lip, walking around the car and sliding into the seat, playing with a piece of his hair. (Y/N) rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, revealing his forearms. Eddie couldn't tear his eyes from the movement, mesmerized. He was finally knocked out of his daze when (Y/N) shifted to sit closer to Eddie, bringing the sketchbook into the gaze.
"How's this for Dustin's?" (Y/N) asked, showing Eddie the sketchbook.
"Woah!" Eddie gasped and took the sketchbook into his own hands, running his finger gently over the graphite lines.
"Will and I will color it in later, I just bought these new colored pencils that are so high quality. I'm going to surprise him with them later," (Y/N) explained, chewing at his lip and gesturing to take it back.
Eddie laughed nervously and handed it back.
"Oh, don't be! Just, don't want any incidents like last time." (Y/N) laughed and nodded.
"About last time-"
"(Y/N)!" Will shouted, him and his friends waving to him. (Y/N) smiled and waved back, ducking his head down to see them all better.
"What were you saying?" (Y/N) asked as Eddie got out, allowing Will to climb in.
"Oh, nothing!" Eddie shrugged and smiled. "Hey, Byers-" both of them looked at Eddie- "if the other characters look like that I might just have to ask you to draw the NPC's too."
Will's eyes lit up and he smiled widely, "Thanks! (Y/N) did Dustin's and I'm working on Mike's right now. We have family night every Tuesday so we can work on it during that tonight, right?" Will turned to (Y/N) with that last question.
"Of course we can!" (Y/N) nodded and smiled at his brother and then Eddie. "We'll see you on Thursday, Eddie?"
Eddie's cheeks dusted pink, making him look at his feet and sway back a little.
"Of course. Bye, Byers'." He waved as the brother's drove off, Will basically buzzing as he listed off ideas to (Y/N).
Sighing, Eddie watched after the car, backpack still hung over his shoulder. Gareth came up behind him, clapping him on the shoulder.
"Man, you're just as smitten as Lorena is to Yorland," he teased, laughing at the reference he had made to their current love struck characters in the campaign.
Not responding, Eddie just let his smile grow, fiddling with the guitar pick around his neck.
Okay, this was short, but I'm going through a rut right now and wanted to get something for this done.
Hope it was okay?
I love coming up with fake campaign characters, I've gotta tell you-
-Author Max <3
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kayhi808 · 1 year
More Than Our Scars- Part 18
It's weird how the strings of Fate are woven. Days later, you still can't get the connection out of your head. Something that happened almost a year ago, would eventually lead you to Bill.
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How many lives did you have a hand at ruining? Blackmail made so much sense; you don't know why you never thought of it before. Granted, you never were sent out to seduce a target. The arrangements were all set up by Fisk or Wesley. If those men wanted to cheat, well, that's on them. They should have been faithful. Still, it sits like a stone in your belly because of the power Fisk now held over those men and what damage can be caused because of it.
Billy's going to a holiday party, representing Anvil tonight. He's a little nervous. It's his first time attending an event after his accident, but Frank will be with him. From what you made out, Bill attended a lot of these parties in the past. You had no doubt he was a popular guest. You saw the photo in his office and Bill had those Hollywood good looks, rich, he ran a sucessful business. He was quite the catch.
Bill walk out of the bedroom in a classic black tux, looking the handsomest you've ever seen him. You thought he looked good when he wore suits to work. "Wow!" Bill gives you a shy smile & tugs on your hair as he passes you to go to the kitchen. You get up off the couch to follow him. He pulls a bottle of water out of the fridge. "You look really good," frowning.
Billy cocks an eyebrow at you, "And that makes you mad."
"Yes. NO! No, I'm not mad." Billy places his hand around your throat & gently pulls you in for a kiss. "I'm jealous."
"Sweetheart, trust me. No one is going to be wanting this mug. I'm all yours," stroking your throat with is thumb.
"You under-estimate your appeal, Billy."
He huffs lightly, "I'd much rather stay home, here with you," grabbing your hand & distractedly playing with your fingers.
Realizing he's still nervous, "I was just giving you a hard time. It'll be fine. Everything will run smoothly," smiling up at him. "And if I hear of any woman trying to take you from me...I know where you keep your ka-bar."
Bill gives in to a hardy laugh & picks you up in a hug. "Message received, loud & clear. You know, you're kind of sexy when you threaten murder," wiggles his eyebrows at her.
"Put me down," tapping his arm. Bill release you, letting you slowly slide down his body. You shove him away, when you touch the ground. "Now you're just playing unfair," a blush coloring your cheeks.
"I'll be home by midnight." Kissing you again, "Earlier if i can swing it. I'll text you."
"Ok, be safe. Have fun."
"Love you."
"Love you, too."
Billy & Frank have been at his event for 2 hours and Bill's ready to crawl out of his skin. He now understands how you felt being out in Beacon. It got to be too much after a while. He can't imagine himself ever liking this shit. The stares. The whispers.
Frank subtly bumps him. There's a steely look in his eyes that has Bill on immediate alert. He follows Frank's gaze to see one of the most feared crime lords making his way to them. "Take it easy, Billy," mumbles Frank.
"Mr. Russo." Fisk holds out his hand, "Wilson Fisk."
It takes everything Bill has to calmly shake Fisk's hand. "My associate, Frank Castle."
"I've been meaning to have my people reach out to you. I've heard excellent things about Anvil. You've built quite the reputation for yourself."
Bill casually keeps his hands in his pocket so he doesn't use his concealed wrist blades & stab Kingpin in the throat. Shrugging off the compliment, "What can I do for you,  Mr. Fisk?"
"I'm looking to contract some private security for a couple of my properties. Anvil comes highly recommended."
"Really?" Billy rolls his shoulder, trying to loosen up an old injury. "You can submit a proposal & I can have my people put it at the top of the list." Frank nods in compliance. "Frankie here, will make sure it gets top priority."
"Some jobs are more of a sensative nature. I'd prefer more personalized attention. Maybe we can set something up to discuss it. It could be a lucrative deal, Bill. I can call you Bill, can't I?"
"Sure, Wilson." Bill notices a muscle tic as the casual use of his name. "You can set something up with my assistant." He nods at Frank & Fisk & walks away. Frank provides Kingpin with a business card & follows after Bill. Fisk does not look happy. He used to people groveling for his favor.
Billy heads to the bar, where Frank catches up to him. Billy's got that wild-eyed look that Frank hasn't seen in a while. "You did well. Calm the fuck down."
Billy pulls out his phone & calls you.
Releases his breath he didn't realize he was holding, "Babe, do me a favor & close the blinds to the loft. Try to stay away from the windows."
"What's going on? Are you ok?"
"Do what I say. I'm leaving now. It's just a precaution. I'll explain everything once I get home. And yes, I'm fine. I'll see you in a little bit." You don't answer, "Y/N?"
"Ok, I'll see you soon."
Bill drives home without incident, not that he expected it. He's sure Fisk researched him before approaching him. He just didn't want to put you in danger if The Loft was under surveilance. His loft is facing the river, but he didn't know how thorough Fisk was. He doesn't know if Fisk knew if he was living with someone, let alone you.
You hear the key in the lock and you hurry over to the door. It opens and Billy is talking to whom you assume to be one of his men. Bill enters looking as impecable as he left. "Bill, did you have a guard outside the door all this time?"
He kisses you and leads you to the bedroom, "No. Only after I got off the phone with you. It was just a precaution."
"Ok, now I'm worried."
"Fisk was at the event and he approached me. He wants to get together to discuss a job offer."
Bill changes out if his tux & removes his knives, "That's why I wanted you to close the blinds. In case he had people watching the loft. I'm sure he's done his reseach. But I don't know how thorough he'd be."
"You can't go through with this. What if he knows about the raid or...or Wesley??" You try to control your fear, but you're struggling.
"If he goes through with it, we can meet in a very public, neutral space. Then I can gauge what he knows and what he wants. He said he needed private security for his properties and some job he kept vague about."
"No, Bill. Please."
"This is what we needed. A way in and he invited us." You continue to shake your head no. "Babe, this is what I do for a living. I've gone up against worse people," he envelopes you in his arms.
You're upset but you don't want to fight with him, but now, he's just spouting bullshit. He has amnesia! He can't remember if he went up against worse people. You wrap your arm around him and don't let go.
@idaofinfinity @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @e-dubbc11
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 4 months
Sora x Tifa
Part 26
Part 25 below
- Let me grab my scissors. - Tifa said.
They were back home after closing the bar and she was really excited about what was going to happen.
- I'm no hairdresser. - she warned.
- That's ok, I think that if you make them shorter, they will be as messy and spiky as they were in the past.
To begin with, Tifa washed Sora's hair gently and dried them completely. Then she cut them one pod after another. Half an hour later she had to admit that he was right. There was no way to control his hair. The moment she made them shorter, they started to live on their own. Tifa stroke Sora's head and said:
- That's all I can do. You look exactly the way I remembered you.
- Like a 15 year old? Is that legal?
They both laughed. Sora stood up in front of her, thanked for her work and hugged her. Somehow he felt that his haircut was defining his mental state.
- I think there’s no reason to introduce myself as Rose anymore. - he said looking in the mirror.
- You still do that?
- Some people here heard that name.
Sudden screams from the outside broke the silence of the late evening.
- Help! Help!
They looked at each other and ran out to check what's going on. Sora's heart stopped when he saw a pack of Unversed surrounding a defenseless man. He acted before he thought: he summoned his Keyblade and attacked from above. This way his combos were way longer and powerful. First three enemies disappeared after three horizontal hits, next was slayed with an air front flip blow. Then Sora moved forward quickly, still in the air, spinning around and landed between four Unversed. He used a magnet spell to gather them in one place and ended the fight with a single downward slash.
- What was that?! - the rescued man was in shock.
- They're called Unversed. Being in your place I'd look for something to cherish. They're attracted with sadness. - Sora advised.
- What? What's that bullshit about?
- Believe it or not, that's the way it is.
The man looked like he still didn't believed him but eventually asked:
- How can I repay you?
- Just go home and stay safe.
- Right, right. Thank you, kind man.
He ran down the street.
- And what about your safety?
Sora quickly turned around to see who's talking. His eyes widened with surprise. It was Riku.
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starlight-vixen-emiko · 11 months
For the kiss ask game/thing, Lukanette with number 50. Out of love
Prompt from this list
Oh Smilely I am so happy to see you in my ask box. I just apologize that this may have a few grammar hiccups because I don't have Grammarly atm. But thank you for helping me flex my creative muscle.
The stakes were a thousand times higher now. 
Luka was used to being the civilian who lived in a world of turmoil with how Paris was the home of the Akuma menace.
But even if the world wasn’t perfect his life changed forever when he met Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She was one of the many things that helped him continue to play his song for the world even if some people demanded silence and order.
And Ladybug, the hero of Paris, made sure to fight so everyone had the freedom to sing and play music and be happy. She was an amazing girl and a great friend, but she was all so familiar. And then it all clicked!
Luka’s life also changed forever when he found out Marinette, his beloved melody, is the superhero Ladybug.
And he and Marinette were alone on the balcony. Cries of terror were heard and both of them could see the giant Akuma terrorizing Paris. Even if the odds were stacked against Marinette she clenched her fists and got ready to transform.
But Luka quickly took her hand and pulled her into a tight hug. Against all logic, Marinette couldn’t break free because Luka’s embrace always made her feel safe. If she could she’d take Luka away and just forget everything but she knew that wasn’t right. Even if she could feel Luka’s anxiety with the way he held her and stroked her hair.
“Marinette please don’t do this! I know the world needs you more than me but I’m just…” He breathed. “I’m just so scared that I might lose you!”
Marinette hugged Luka in return and both of them felt like they were about to start tearing up. But Marinette moved her other hand to gently cup Luka’s cheek. There was silence as they both looked each other in the eye and then Marinette planted a kiss on Luka’s lips.
Marinette cupped his face with both her hands to deepen the kiss as much as she could and for a moment it felt like the turmoil finally stopped, but Marinette needed to keep this brief. When she heard another crash she broke off the kiss and brushed her hands against Luka’s before stepping back. 
Luka’s heart broke having to see her leave like this, but Marinette’s devotion gave him the strength to let her go.
“I love you Luka. Being loved by someone like you has given me the strength to be the best hero I can be, and gives me all the more reason to never give up if it means protecting our home.” Marinette placed her hand on her heart as she began to transform.
Ladybug dutifully walked away but even she could only be so strong as she turned back to Luka and tried not to cry.
“I promise I will be back soon! I promise I won’t give up without a fight! I love you!”
When Marinette heard another crash she clenched her fists and cursed to herself as she ran and jumped off the balcony. Luka ran after her and stopped as his hands grabbed the railing and he watched Ladybug jump high in the air and hit the giant Akuma with a powerful kick.
Sure Luka felt his heart beat out of his chest from worry but Marinette as Ladybug was also so captivating. He was still getting used to how Marinette was an ordinary girl with a heart bigger than most but she was also an extraordinarily powerful superhero.
And even if he would never not worry for her safety, Luka had to have faith because, in all his time knowing both sides of Marinette, he knew she was more than capable.
“You can do it!!!” Luka cried loudly as he cupped his face with his hands.
While Ladybug was fighting she gasped at the sound of Luka’s voice and turned to see him cheering her on. 
She managed to smile and blow Luka a kiss before giving the giant Akuma a good satisfying punch.
“It’s time to de-evilize wicked Akuma!”
Ladybug summoned her army of magical little ladybugs that caused the giant Akuma to shrink as she slowly fell down.
Luka finally felt he could breathe again and when he saw Ladybug successfully dispel the Akuma he ran for the exit and ran down the staircases as fast as he could. Ladybug successfully turned another evil Akuma back into a gentle butterfly, and before she knew it the citizens of Paris gathered around to thank her for saving the day.
Ladybug blushed with all the adults praising her and all the children treating her like an elder sister and thinking she was the coolest person ever. But she kept this victory brief as she told everyone she needed to go. Ladybug used her yo-yo to swing back to the building where Luka was.
Luka sweated as he ran down each flight of stairs just to reach Ladybug. But before he even reached the ground floor Ladybug swung in through an open window as angelic sunlight caused her to shine. Luka’s heels skid as he saw Ladybug landing perfectly and smiling at him. She placed her hand on her heart and blushed.
“Hello Luka, I told you I would return.”
Luka said nothing as he ran for her and planted a kiss on her lips, and Ladybug hugged him in return as he kissed her harder than he ever did before. Ladybug comforted Luka by gently stroking his back as she made multiple pleased moans from his sweet kiss.
They both fell to the ground and continued kissing since they were the only ones in the room. After all that turmoil they can have a moment of quiet together.
But when the two of them broke for air Luka’s aqua-blue eyes sparkled as Ladybug gave him a reassuring smile and kissed him again.
Ladybug was so grateful she could give a kiss to Luka out of love rather than a kiss goodbye. She would always come back to him.
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jstarswrites · 2 years
A Friend In Need
Chapter 3 is here!
I hope you all enjoy!
The Outcasts Masterlist
You were explaining everything to Eddie, having moved into the house so you’d be more comfortable after you’d done a perimeter check to make sure no one was around. You were fairly sure you and Eddie were safe here. No one would think to check here unless they knew Eddie. And the only people looking for him were the idiots that took one look at the way he looked and assumed he was some kind of devil worshiper because they couldn’t be bothered to use their brains and think. 
And that said more about them than it did about Eddie, or even you.
You’d just finished explaining what really happened to Will when he went missing and ended up in the upside down. 
‘So, El is a superhero, then?’ Eddie asked from his position on the floor, sprawled out on a blanket you’d laid down for the both of you since the couch was questionable. You were sprawled next to him, sharing a cigarette as you were waiting on the others for a restock. Your grab bag didn’t contain food to last for days, just snacks and drinks to stay hydrated. But at least you were more comfortable here than in the boathouse.
‘Yeah, kinda. She has mind powers,’ you explained. ‘She kinda lost them after the fight with the Mindflayer last summer, though. Used too much, or got hurt too much. We’re not sure yet. And it’s not like we can take her to the doctor or something.’
Eddie nodded, looking thoughtful. ‘And she and the Byers moved to California?’
‘Yeah, after Hopper died. ‘Cause he adopted El.’ 
‘So how did you meet, Max? Was it?’
‘That was when Dustin found Dart, thinking he was a newt or something,’ you said, rolling your eyes at your little brother’s antics. ‘Turns out he was a Demodog and he ate our cat.’
‘Your cat…’
‘Yeah. It was a lot,’ you said, sighing. Eddie passed you the cigarette, your fingers brushing, making your cheeks heat as you realised how close he was. You took it gratefully, taking a few drags and finishing it off. ‘Dustin, Steve, and I lured Dart to the junkyard, and then Lucas and Max turned up to help. And we accidentally lured like a whole herd of the things.’
Eddie’s eyes went wide. ‘How’d you get out?’
‘The Mindflayer called them back. He was taking up residence in Will at the time and the scientists were looking into the tunnels Hopper had found, so he called them back.’
‘Wow. This is insane,’ he said, letting loose a long breath.
‘Yeah, tell me about it. I lived it.’
‘How did no one know this was happening?’ 
‘The government covered it all up, since they were the ones who opened the gate in the first place.’
‘Figures. No need for the truth as long as the sheep are happy eating lies,’ Eddie scoffed. 
You nodded. ‘And of course we were threatened with jail and other stuff to make sure we didn’t talk. Signed about a dozen NDA’s.’
‘Yep. So El closed the gate, and we thought that was the end of it.’ 
‘How do you kill one of those things, anyway? I figure it’s good to know in case they come back,’ Eddie asked, humming softly as you reached out to play with his hair absentmindedly. His curls were soft against your fingers, and though your face heated when you realised what you were doing, you didn’t stop. Eddie’s eyes had closed, and he looked peaceful for the first time in hours.
‘Well, everything from the upside down is connected,’ you explained. ‘It’s like a hive mind.’
‘The Mindflayer controls them?’
‘Exactly,’ you said, smiling. ‘I knew you’d get it. Try explaining this to Steve, who is great at hitting things and I trust him with Dustin, but some concepts just won’t process in his mind.’
‘Well, we do play D and D. The Mindflayer is exactly like the one in there,’ Eddie said, grinning at you. His heart was racing as your fingers gently carded through his curls, careful not to pull too hard. He wasn’t entirely sure how he’d got here; laying beside you as you played with his hair, but he wasn’t going to question it. Your touch sent thrills through him, and he was halfway to believing he’d died and gone to heaven already.
‘That’s why the kids named it the Mindflayer,’ you told him. 
‘So what hurts the Mindflayer hurts the Demodogs?’
‘Exactly. And he doesn’t like the heat. So fire works best against them.’
‘Noted. I will keep my lighter just in case.’
‘Good idea.’
You explained how the Mindflayer had taken others last summer, including Billy, and how Dustin had intercepted a Russian code, and he, Steve, Robin and Erica had infiltrated their base and discovered they’d opened another gate. Eddie chimed in once or twice with questions, but mostly he just listened, almost lulled to sleep by the soothing sound of your voice and your fingers in his hair. You were quite content laying there beside him and just talking. Eddie had a way of making you feel comfortable, almost safe somehow. 
Maybe because you knew he’d fight with you if something happened, no matter that he thought he was a coward for running away. You knew he wasn’t. What had happened to Chrissy was so out of the realm of normal that it would freak even the toughest person out. Hell, it had freaked you out from just his description. And he’d been alone. You’d probably have done the same in his shoes. And you were terrified that the kids were in danger. You didn’t know where Lucas was, and you were here with Eddie instead of with Dustin. 
‘You okay?’ Eddie asked softly, noticing you’d gone silent and becoming concerned. When he glanced over at you, he saw tears in your eyes.
You cleared your throat hurriedly. ‘Yeah, sorry.’
‘Nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart,’ he said gently, reaching for your hand and squeezing it. ‘I know this is probably hard to talk about.’
‘It’s- it’s not that,’ you murmured. ‘I mean, it is hard to talk about. But I’m worried about Dustin. And Max. And Lucas, I don’t even know where he is right now.’ You sighed.
‘You���re worried because you’re not with them?’
You nodded. ‘And that scares me. Objectively, I know they’ll be fine. Those kids are smart. And they have Steve and Robin, and I know they’ll protect them. But I just- god, it sounds so stupid…’
‘It’s not stupid. Dustin’s your brother. And the others, and Steve and Robin, they're family, right?’ Eddie said, wrapping an arm around you. You rested your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes for a moment.
‘Yeah. They’re my family, and I’m not with them and we don’t know what’s out there,’ you said, your voice cracking. 
‘I’m sorry,’ Eddie murmured. 
You sat up suddenly, making him jump and sit up too. You met his eyes and reached out tentatively to touch his cheek softly. His eyes closed and he let out a soft noise. 
‘I didn’t mean that you were taking me away from them. You know that, right?’ He nodded. You nudged him. ‘I need you to say it, Eddie.’
Eddie’s eyes opened at the sound of his name. ‘I’m keeping you from protecting Dustin. I- I love that kid, he’s a great kid, and I know how much you love him and I’m the one that’s-’
You clamped a hand over his mouth. Eddie stared at you. ‘Stop. Just stop. We get through this together, Eddie. Dustin is safe, I know that. My worrying is just part of the job, of being his big sister, and Max’s, and Lucas’s. That’s what I do. Worry. I’m pretty good at it.’ Eddie let out a muffled chuckle, and you smiled. ‘But my place is here, with you. There’s no way I’m leaving you alone. And there’s no way I’m letting you go through this by yourself. You hear me?’
Eddie nodded. And then he licked your hand. You jumped and yanked your hand back, and he laughed. You giggled, shaking your head at him. ‘I got you,’ he crowed. You shoved him playfully, and he rolled away, coming up and making finger guns with his hands, making you laugh harder.
‘We’re in this together, Eddie. That’s how we get through this. By sticking together,’ you said, smiling at him as he sat next to you again. 
‘And the others?’ He asked, knowing you were still worrying.
‘We’ll be back with them soon enough. And then you’ll have to put up with Dustin,’ you told him, snickering at the thought.
‘What, you think I can’t handle one freshman?’ Eddie asked, clutching his chest. ‘I’m wounded, truly, y/n. Wounded.’
You laughed at his dramatics. ‘It’s Dustin, Eddie. You know what he’s like. He’s a thousand times worse with this stuff.’
‘Noted. I will keep him humble. Don’t you worry, sweetheart,’ he said, winking at you and enjoying the way that you glowed and looked down at the term of endearment.
Around dinner time, the others showed up with more supplies. You and Eddie were playing poker for cigarettes, and neither of you was doing very well, making you both laugh. As soon as you heard the car, you both hid your game under a blanket and hurried to the windows. You let out a sigh of relief as you saw it was only Steve’s car. You and Eddie exchanged relieved glances, smiling at one another as you waited for the others. You opened the door as soon as Dustin gave the all clear on the radio.
‘Delivery!’ Dustin called, grinning widely at you both. You hugged Max and Robin, checking them both carefully, and pulled your little brother in for a hug. He squirmed, but accepted it.
‘Stop squirming, Squish! Let me love you,’ you told him, squeezing him tighter.
‘Y/N! Will you stop? I need to breathe!’
‘Nah, you’ll be fine.’
‘Seriously, can’t breathe…’
Laughing, you let him go, only to find Eddie watching you both. You raised an eyebrow at him.
‘Squish?’ He asked curiously, as he hugged Dustin. 
The others laughed while Dustin scowled. You explained. ‘Dustin is squishy. He’s always been squishy. But when he was born, he was very squishy, and I wasn’t allowed to hold him.’
‘So you called him Squish?’
‘Yes, and she still calls me that, even though I hate it,’ Dustin complained.
‘You don’t pick your nickname, kid,’ Steve pointed out, making you stick your tongue out at Dustin as you hugged Steve and checked him over.
‘Anyway,’ Robin said, moving everyone along as Eddie laughed and ruffled Dustin’s hair. ‘We brought supplies.’ 
You took the bags and unpacked them. They’d remembered your cigarettes and even brought beer for Eddie. You discussed what they’d found while you and Eddie snacked on the cereal they’d brought. Dustin had picked up the shirt you’d borrowed from Eddie, so once they were gone, you took a shower and changed. The others promised to keep you updated, and after another round of hugs and promises to be careful, they were gone. Eddie said he’d fix dinner, since you’d insisted you needed something better than cereal. 
When you reappeared after your shower, you found Eddie setting the table while something cooked on the hob. Smiling, you leaned against the doorframe and watched him for a moment. Tall and lean, covered in tattoos, with those beautiful curls and warm brown eyes, Eddie was nice to look at. And spending so much time with him in the last twenty-four hours had only cemented your respect and admiration for him. He was funny; he was always joking around and making you laugh. He was easy to talk to, and he made you feel comfortable. Sure, there were a few nervous butterflies, but you put that down to the sexual tension hanging around. 
Not that you could do anything about it right now. 
And there was another worry, though small. If you did something about that tension, would that be it? Because you weren’t sure you wanted that to be all there was. And that scared you, because you hadn’t wanted something like this in a very long time. 
Eddie turned around and caught you watching him. He raised an eyebrow and danced over to you, making you laugh. He stood watching you for a moment, his eyes roving over your face. He reached out and gently ran his fingers across your cheek and down your jaw. His touch made you shiver, and he smiled. 
‘You like watching me, sweetheart?’ He asked, as his hand moved to settle on your waist. His calloused fingers were warm and you could feel his body pressing against yours.
‘Maybe,’ you replied, shrugging. ‘Would it matter if I did?’
‘Of course it does,’ he said, grinning. ‘Means I can watch you.’
You smiled, shaking your head at him. ‘You can watch all you like, Munson. I don’t mind.’ 
‘Free pass to stare at you? Sold.’ Eddie chuckled, winking at you. He didn’t know when he’d got so bold. Maybe it was just that he’d turned around to find you watching him. And the way you looked at him as he touched your face, marvelling at how soft your skin was. You were still standing close to him, wearing his shirt, and that alone did things to him. But you were responding to his moves, and you seemed to have no intention of moving.
‘Mmhmm. You might want to check our dinner,’ you said, wrinkling your nose. ‘Something’s burning.’
Eddie dashed to the pot, giving it a quick stir as you giggled. He shot you a grin as you took a seat at the table, opening the beer he’d placed there earlier and lighting a cigarette. ‘It’s fine. Needs another few minutes.’ 
‘Nice save,’ you complimented him, grinning. 
‘Well, you can hardly blame me for getting distracted, can you?’ Eddie said, taking a seat opposite you and opening his own beer. 
‘Oh, I’m distracting?’ 
You smiled, looking down at your beer almost shyly. You hadn’t expected him to just admit he liked looking at you, or that he got distracted by you. You felt much the same, but it had been a long time since a guy had made you feel like this and you could feel the nerves in your stomach. When you glanced back at Eddie, he was watching you, something close to desire in his eyes making your breath hitch. When you took a swig of your beer and broke eye contact, he turned back to your dinner. 
‘It’s only some spaghettios, but I figured isn’t that just pasta?’ He dished out yours and then his, dumping the pot in the sink. 
‘Sure is, plus I think there are enough tomatoes in here to count as a vegetable,’ you replied, picking up your spoon. 
‘That’s what I tell myself when I’m too lazy to cook.’ You grinned at him. 
Eddie laughed.
You ate dinner, chatting about many things, from school to bands you liked and the Hellfire club and your plans for spring break - if you had any time once this was over. Talking with Eddie was easy, and you would swear you hadn’t laughed so much in weeks. After you’d cleaned up, you sat back down on your blanket and pulled out the cards for another round of poker. You and Eddie finished the beers and were giggling at your terrible ability, joking around and just goofing off. 
‘Ok, so if I win the next hand,’ Eddie mused. ‘What do I get?’
‘You want a present for winning?’ You asked, amused. You lit another cigarette and tossed the pack to Eddie, who lit one for himself. 
‘Well, sure. It’s not like either of us is any good at this. Maybe a little incentive will make us play better,’ he grinned.
You pouted in mock annoyance. ‘Are you saying I’m bad at poker?’
You laughed, throwing your head back as Eddie watched you, smiling. He loved your laugh. 
‘I am terrible at poker,’ you conceded, still giggling. ‘Alright, if I win, I keep your shirt.’
Eddie let out a gasp. ‘My Hellfire shirt? I dunno. I do love that shirt.’
‘You have another one,’ you said, waving him away.
Eddie’s eyes roved over your form, his eyes darkening as he took you in. ‘It does look better on you. Alright, deal.’
‘And what do you want?’ You asked, nudging him.
Eddie took a second to think. Did he dare ask for what he really wanted? Or was that too forward? Would you even say yes? You’d flirted back with him, sure, but did that mean you were interested? He didn’t know. And if he was honest with himself, he did not want whatever this was between you to be just a one-night thing. You were kind, and funny, and smart, and way too good for him, but that didn’t stop him from wanting you. From wanting you to be his girl. 
He summoned his courage, the little of it he had, and said what he wanted. ‘If I win, I get a kiss.’
Eddie’s words surprised you. Your eyes widened, and you looked down quickly, unable to look at him for a moment. But then you smiled. It was actually kind of hot for Eddie to just state what he wanted and not beat around the bush. 
You looked up at him and met his eyes. ‘Okay.’
Eddie seemed surprised. ‘Really?’
‘Well, I- okay, then,’ he said, grinning as he dealt another hand. 
You were neck and neck for most of the next game, but then Eddie went quiet and you couldn’t tell anymore. Nervously, you set down your cards. You weren’t nervous about losing. If you won, great, if you lost, also great. But the uncertainty of how this was going to play out was eating at your stomach. 
‘Full house,’ you said softly. 
And then Eddie smiled. A big shit-eating grin that had you giggling because he looked so adorable. ‘Straight Flush.’
‘You won,’ you said, smiling at him. 
‘I won!’ He clasped his hands to his head and laughed in sheer disbelief. He’d won. He got to his feet and did a victory lap, making finger guns and shooting them randomly. You almost fell over, you were laughing so hard. He stopped in front of you and held his hand out. You took it and let him pull you to your feet. You ended up standing close to him, and he reached out a hand to steady you. He slid it down to your waist as he stepped closer. You looked up at him, biting your lip. 
Eddie’s brown eyes were locked on yours, flicking back and forth to your lips. Your breathing was shallow, and as he reached a hand out to your chin, tilting it up, a shiver ran down your spine. A good shiver. Eddie leaned down slowly. 
A sudden noise had you both freezing.
‘What was that?’
‘I think it was a car.’
Taglist: @efvyqrs @gnnnne @smc777 @okilover02
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