insanelyhilarious · 1 year
When they ask what a dream home is, my answer used to be different. It would be clean living rooms with slanting rooftops. I'd say it would have a swimming pool, gardens and a balcony, There'd be framed painting everywhere and my room would look like royalty.
If they asked me who I'd invite inside, my answer would be everyone.  Whoever felt suffocated could easily live with me in mine. I'd give them a spare room and tell them it's their home too, I'd show them a better world, something gorgeous and new. 
Now if they ask me what my dream home is, my answer is completely abstract.  I'll tell them it's my safe haven, a messy room with food supplies. There'd be puns and posters, chocolate wrappers and tickets for roller coasters. There will be enough space for me to scurry and scuttle.
I'd let them in but I'd make sure that they didn't kill my peace, I'd put myself before others in my home, guilt and fear would be in decrease, I'd still show them a better world, but I'd also offer them to stay in mine. If they did, then they'd need to know, this home will always be where I choose to shine. 
My home will never be bound by four walls, it's with myself and my people,  They'll always support me, they'll always treat me like an equal. They'll teach me to be brave and bold, smart and outspoken, I will never have to be alone, because company is what I seek at home.
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insanelyhilarious · 1 year
Life has three rules: Paradox, Humor, and Change. - Paradox: Life is a mystery; don't waste your time trying to figure it out. - Humor: Keep a sense of humor, especially about yourself. It is a strength beyond all measure - Change: Know that nothing ever stays the same. — Dan Millman
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insanelyhilarious · 1 year
My Thoughts at Midnight
Wandering through the windows, Roaming in the cold. Running through the meadows, Never in my hold.
Sailing through the oceans, Flying through the clouds. Coursing through emotions, Beating through too loud.
Flying all alone, only flesh and bone, Moving away afar, consisting no tone. Walking in the moonlight, Ignoring all my plight.
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insanelyhilarious · 1 year
Away from Yourself
Traipsing through the valleys, Not knowing the way. Looking through the mountains, Searching for a bay.
Forgetting your worries, Time has no hurries. Regrets are to be buried, The snow there has flurried.
Wandering through the cliffs, Nobody there to hear your sniffs. Trying to escape your mind, Nature there is nothing but kind.
Escape this world for now, Try to explain how, What you need is important, Let your heart be the informant.
The temperature may be cold, In a mysterious way, things may unfold. In a compartment of your thoughts. Originality will be brought.
When your mind gets cleared, Nothing much is feared. Your heart won't be burdened. Your happiness will be awakened.
Walk alone, you will learn, Everything will have its turn. A week or a month, Your hatred will be burnt.
Your thoughts cannot be touched, You don't have to be rushed. Take your time, but please be fine, Your thoughts will eventually come in a line.
Look through the mountains, Full of joy, there are fountains. Until you are certain, You're your heart's captain.
In your sweet, little heart, There has been a depart, Your thoughts are like an art, They have done their part.
In my heart, I have a feeling, One I know I won't be forgoing. It tells me to be careful, Of people when I get back.
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insanelyhilarious · 2 years
Writing help, please!
Hello to everyone reading this. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. I'm here to ask for help with an assignment. It's about writing a story and while that would have been easy, the word limit is 150 words. It starts in this way, "It was raining heavily, the street lights had gone off and I was returning..." Can anyone give me ideas for continuing this? I want to write it on my own but I've never written a short story before. I have to turn it in by Tuesday. Can anyone give me an idea on what to write? Thank you and regardless of whether you help me out, I hope you have a fantastic week ahead.
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insanelyhilarious · 2 years
Out Of My Reach
I spent hours dreaming away
hoping I would 
see it one day.
When all my hope perished
it would keep me awake.
I went away just to find it.
I pushed myself further to hold it
but it just seemed to drift farther away.
I yearned for it even in my dreams.
Then I stopped but I realized something.
Searching for it made me change
in a way I never wanted to.
It hit me that I gave up everything.
All that I wanted was gone,
so were the things I could have enjoyed.
Running behind it was all in vain
but then i had lost my whole life for it.
i tried to rebuild but it didn't stand
after all the base was broken.
I then understood I had been searching 
for something out of my reach.
By: InsanelyHilarious
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insanelyhilarious · 2 years
Angel Infancy
Don't you ever wonder,
what happened to the child whose eyes were full of innocence?
What happened to those turquoise skies?
That relished in zero blunders?
Don't you ever wonder,
To where the wildflowers disappeared?
What happened to the little child?
Whose words helped you get over what you feared?
Don't you ever wonder.
Why the little child never went back to those gardens?
Was it tiresome or was she simply tired,
Of waiting for those hearts to soften?
Don't you ever wonder,
Why tomorrow is arriving so soon?
Why yesterday feels like a memory,
And that child's darling heart was stronger than the thunder?
When you sit down to take a breath,
Don't you ever wonder?
To which wonderland the child vanished,
And when she returns, will she be, to herself, fonder?
By: InsanelyHilarious
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insanelyhilarious · 2 years
A help with this question, please.
Hi, I'm currently trying to write something and I've tried some stories in both first and third point of view. The problem is I can't figure out which one is good because none of my WIPs are complete. And both of those POVs inconvenience me in multiple ways. So, does anyone have an idea on what to do?
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insanelyhilarious · 2 years
Line Prompt
"Why can't you trust yourself? You act so confident."
"When I was a child, I'd say that adults who can look you in the eye and lie to you are not worth trusting. Now I'm the adult, and every time I look in the mirror, I tell myself, it'll all be okay. How can I trust a liar?"
"Because you're worth trusting. Because everyone who's here for you right now is here because you're worth trusting."
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insanelyhilarious · 2 years
Don't you just have a moment where you want someone to not leave the room? Sit here for one more second. Speak one more word to me. Spare one more glance at me. Think another thought about me. Can we stop being shadows to each other? Can we stop being ghosts of memories anymore? Can we not be so estranged? Can't you give me another second of your day? Can't you talk to me about how your day was, rather than pretend I don't exist? Now, that I'm not in use for you, why do you I have to not be considered? Why am I not a person? Why am I just someone who is a memory?
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insanelyhilarious · 2 years
A home isn't a place with four walls,
Or where you and your family lives,
It's a place to go to when you are tired,
A home is a place where you have everything you desired.
It doesn't have to be a building,
Or a place with a set location.
It's where you go when you feel exhausted,
It's a beautiful place which doesn't feel confining.
It's a relaxing mental landscape,
It's a place to where you can escape.
A home is there for a comfort dose,
When hell breaks loose and there is no hope.
Always and forever, a home is to be happy,
A place where you can be selfish and heartless,
A home is a place where our story begins,
And ultimately meets our end.
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