People who Follow me and are Waiting for Chapters of Series!!
Hello people! So my chaotic brain is in the process of making three series and even more one-shots and all sorts of things. Things might come out slow, please do not rush me. I’m just a very chaotic person, I’m writing three series while on top of that I have to deal with horrible wonders of high-school and Covid-19 as well as having to battle mental issues and am also in the process of making my own original story which I’m hoping to try to get published in a year or so by a real publisher and shit. 
I put this so you all know why chapters might come out slow, as well as I haven’t even finished the first chapter on my series “ Blue Jay.” I’m trying my best to get it out just haven’t had inspriration to write that that one. But I will get back to it soon. So yeaaaaaaa. I will slowly get the stuff out. 
Enjoy this chaotic announcement, and my other works that are published and will hopefully be published in the future. 
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A Prophecy Fullfilled
Character List
Aphrodite - Reader
Apollo - Clint
Ares - Bucky
Artemis - Natasha
Dionysus - Sam
Hades - Loki
Hebe - Wanda
Hephaestus - Tony
Hercules - Steve
Hermes - Pietro
Poseidon - Scott
Zeus - Thor
Jane - Hera
Pepper -  AGLAEA
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A Prophecy Fullfilled Chapter 2
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(Moodboard made by @buckysmischief​)’
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(Moodboard created by me)
Fandom: Marvel
AU: Greek Gods AU
Pairing: Hades!Loki x Aphrodite!Reader / (Eventual) Ares!Bucky x Aphrodite!Reader  
Part of a series: Yes or No
Warnings: Cussing, Talks of sex, Words cock and pussy being used, Heartbreak, cheating, Angst, Asshole Loki, Slight asshole reader(not much though just her being angry and heart broken), Ares being a bitch but a lovesick fool, Your name in this is Aphrodite and it’s said a lot but it’s supposed to be you, mentions of seduction and manipulating
Disclaimer: GIFS are not mine! Pictures are not mine! Marvel is not mine! The Marvel characters are not mine! The First Moodboard is not mine! The First chapter and the idea of the series was not mine! The First Moodboard, the First chapter and the idea for it all belongs to @buckysmischief!
A/n: Hi!! So this series is all based off of @buckysmischief's one shot " A Prophecy Fulfilled." And I just loved it so much and really wanted to make it a series. As well as I like to think the time zone is back in B.C time era in Greece where Greek gods was the religion back then. Anywhooo, I hope all of you like thisss!!! I have great ideas for where this could go!
@buckysmischief​‘s Summary;
The journey to finding your true love is said to be long and difficult- well then it’s a good thing you’re Aphrodite, the goddess of love. You might know their names, but their stories are very different. Will it end in love, or will it be just another Greek tragedy? Or that one time Hades thought he could pull one over on the Goddess of Love.
Which gods are who list -> Here (List made by @buckysmischief)
Which gods are who list(Same list but with more people) -> Here
Chapter One (Chapter made by @buckysmischief)
“ Your like, a goddess.” Another, Lovesick mortal said as Aphrodite smiled sweetly at him before picking up her small white shawl flung over the chair and left. Just like she was never there. Leaving yet another mortal with memories of her, of the one night they shared together. A night they will never relive as she disappears.
It was 4 weeks since she disappeared from Olympus, since anybody has seen her. She disappeared two weeks after she found Hades with a nymph. Now she wondered the mortals world, luring the weaker men into bed and then leaving them, lovesick and wishing for just one more night. She was so heart broken that she even went after the men who had wives. Wanting someone else to feel the pain she felt. Feeling the same heart broken feelings she had to feel.
She had a routine now. She wondered around, not really staying within one place. And once a night, she would go out, meet a nice man and lure him to bed. Whether he was married or not.
There were events that led up to Aphrodite’s disappearance. That made her choose the decision to leave and live among mortals. Praying and seducing the weaker willed men, using them as she pleased. She hoped maybe that would heal her heart that was broken by Hades.
He tried to make her listen, tried to explain himself. But all he had done was make it worse.
Two Days After the Party
“ Dite, please listen to me.” Hades spoke softly, trying to gain her attention. Something Aphrodite would always easily give to him. But now, she wouldn’t give it. She would not give him the satisfaction. It was two days after the party, after the incident, and she made her way to the underworld being taken there by Pietro. Who stood to the side for when it was time to take off. The goddess was only there to get the things she had there. It was few things but they were things she wanted and needed. She tried to sneak in and out but Hades knew. Hades knew she would be there. So he tried, he tried to make her listen, but she wouldn’t, she would not give him that when he just torn her apart in only one night and one glance.
Everything happened so quick. Her heart shattered then she was taken away by Scott. That night she sat on Scott’s bed while Scott held her trying his best to comfort the broken goddess while she just stared at the floor trying to comprehend everything. Loki, her Loki, cheating with a nymph. She was angry, and everyone knows when Aphrodite gets angry no one wins. Love and beauty is everything she is, so seeing anger was rare. Only seen when she was jealous or right now, feeling the devastation of being, cheated on. But not only was she seeing anger, she felt so so sad and empty. And she hated it, she never felt this way. No one dared to ever make her feel like that. Aphrodite is the goddess that is filled with love and so so beautiful, no one dared to make her feel otherwise. To make her feel empty and like she was just something that could be easily discarded.
And she’d be damned if she were to let the man who made her feel this way to get what he wanted. Which at the moment, was her attention. So she ignored him while she picked up her things. And it was oh so hard, she so badly wanted to look at him. See that long black silky hair of his and those green eyes she’d fallen in love with. The eyes you now compared to as a black hole that you fell into.
“ Dite, look at me.” She continued to ignore him.
“ Dite, listen to me. Look at me.” She didn’t move at all, the only movement she made was continuing to pack up her belongings.
“ Aphrodite! I said to look at me!” She spun around and looked at him, and Hades knew he made a mistake right then and there. He could see the angry flames in her eyes, how the anger was trying to not creep up onto her facial features, and he didn’t miss the tears that were welling up.
All she said was, “ No..”
It was a single word but it was enough, enough to make Loki see that he can’t tell her to do anything. Not anymore. Because she wasn’t his anymore. Because he fucked up. But he needed to try when he saw her turn away from him once more finally grabbing everything and walking right pass him and asking Pietro to take her away from there.
2 Weeks After Visit at Underworld
“ What do you think your doing there Hades.” Scott said, seeing Hades banging on Aphrodite’s door obviously trying to get her to open it and listen to him. He could hear how Hades sounded so, desperate. And Scott felt a little bad. But then he remembered what he did to deserve such treatment from her. His little goddess.
Loki looked at him, and Scott could see how the situation was taking it’s toll on the god. His hair was knotted and he could see the bags under his eyes. His outfit entire was perfect as always but if you really looked and observed you could see two buttons of his white button up where unbuttoned and his pants had wrinkles. It had been two weeks since she had been in the underworld and grabbed her belongings. He didn’t try anything after than night for a week an a half. And now he was here, at her home once again. Either being dragged away by Pietro, or one of the other gods and surprisingly even Ares at one point in time. It had been 4 days of him trying, coming to Olympus, coming to her home.
“ Little Brother, I’m not in the mood to deal with your insolence.” He spoke, harsh but Scott could hear the tiredness in his voice.
“ I don’t think you should be here Hades.”
“ Well that’s not your place to tell me that. Is it?”
“ Well as the one who had to comfort her after you cheated on her then I say I have a right to tell you to leave her the fuck alone before I throw you in the god damn ocean.”
“ Little brother, you are messing with the wrong god.” Loki said turning around slowly.
“ No brother, I think you are the one messing with the wrong god.” Scott spoke, as both brother’s slowly made their ways to each other. Both in their faces as they continue to make jabs at one another. Loki, trying to intimidate the younger god while Scott tried his best to be the most annoying hoping the god will just give up and leave the goddess alone. But little did they know, she had cracked open the door just a little bit to peak and hear the conversation outside going on outside. And that's when she heard Scott say, “ You don’t love her Hades, we all know it and see it. You only use her to have a pretty thing on your arm and a pussy to fuck. How many times have you cheated on her while she was away? How many times Hades?”
“ That is none of your business.”
“ How many times Hades?”
“ I said, It’s none of your business.”
“ Then you won’t have a problem telling her right? Why don’t I go knock on the door right now and you can go tell her. Because it is her business.”
“ Poseidon, you are testing my patience.”
“ So you’d rather tell her I see?”
Loki was cornered, he felt cornered, he couldn’t tell her,“ It was more than once, happy?”
“ How many?”
“ Poseidon.”
“ How many times Hades?”
“ It wasn’t as many times as you think.” He said quietly.
“ Hades?”
“ It was more than 4 times. Either with the Nymph girl or another. I just felt so lonely without her, so I found warmth with another. I needed t-”  A small gasp left her lips as the small noise stopped Loki from speaking. Knowing he was caught saying words he didn’t want to speak to her. Scott slowly looked up at her at that moment. A sad, sympathetic look on his face as he looked at her. Loki looked around to see what Scott was looking at when he saw her, the absolute sorrow in her eyes. But he could see the fiery anger making its way onto her face. He was quick to start walking toward the goddess and this time she didn’t move away. He took her hands in his, staring at them as if he knew he would never be able to feel her hands in his ever again. And, he did. He knew he’d never have what again what they once had. 
“ Aphrodite, listen. It wasn’t that many times Sweetheart. I need you.” She did nothing but stare as Loki tried to explain himself, poorly. As she already heard his words, already heard those words that just stabbed into her heart and broke it even further.
“ Aphrodite, look. It meant nothing with them. It meant nothing. I didn’t feel anything. I always thought of you.” She continued to stare.
“ Please di-”
“ Do not call me Dite.” You said finally, yanking your hands from his.
“ You have sacrificed your right to use that name.” Loki stared at you, his need to be strong overpowering his need to be gentle. To lead her back to him.
“ I didn’t sacrifice anything. You are mine, we are meant to b-”
“ No we are not. Not anymore.” And Loki could see the tears starting to well up. Most people haven’t seen her rage. Aphrodite is a force to be reckon with when angry. Aphrodite was known for jealous rages. She would tear you down till you couldn’t get back up, make you feel as though you were inferior to her. She was the goddess of beauty, the goddess of love and sexual pleasure. If anyone made her feel like she wasn’t, made her feel like she was the opposite. That someone could just get someone else compared to her. A reason why jealousy was an emotion she held onto strongly. Because she is the image of beauty. And no one, could tell her otherwise, make her feel otherwise without feeling the backlash. She glared, trying her best not to lash out at the god before she quickly turned around and entered her home once again, locking the door behind her. And that was the last anyone saw of her at Olympus, disappearing  that night. Nobody knowing where she had went except that she would be living among mortals. Some say she was hiding, some say she wanted to take her anger out on the mortals. But nobody knew the true reason why she decided to live among the mortals. Why she left that night and not earlier. The only one to know, was her. 
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A Prophecy Fulfilled Masterlist
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(Moodboard Created by @buckysmischief)
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(Moodboard created by me)
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(Moodboard created by me)
Fandom: Marvel
AU: Greek Gods AU
Pairing: Hades!Loki x Aphrodite!Reader / (Eventual) Ares!Bucky x Aphrodite!Reader  
Part of a series: Yes or No
Warnings: Smut(Only in the first chapter), Some spicy wink wink stuff in other chapters but no full on smut, Heartbreak, cheating, angst, enemies to friend trope, lovers to enemies trope, (maybe)enemies to lover trope, Asshole Loki, Asshole Bucky, Slight asshole reader(not much though just her being angry and heart broken), Your name in this is Aphrodite and it’s said a lot but it’s supposed to be you
Disclaimer: GIFS are not mine! Pictures are not mine! Marvel is not mine! The Marvel characters are not mine! The First Moodboard is not mine! The First chapter and the idea of the series was not mine! The First Moodboard, the First chapter and the idea for it all belongs to @buckysmischief! 
A/n: Hi!! So this series is all based off of @buckysmischief's one shot " A Prophecy Fulfilled." And I just loved it so much and really wanted to make it a series. As well as I like to think the time zone is back in B.C time era in Greece where Greek gods was the religion back then. Anywhooo, I hope all of you like thisss!!! I have great ideas for where this could go! As well as I might change how my moodboards look later on as I can not change how they look now.
@buckysmischief​‘s Summary; 
The journey to finding your true love is said to be long and difficult- well then it’s a good thing you’re Aphrodite, the goddess of love. You might know their names, but their stories are very different. Will it end in love, or will it be just another Greek tragedy? Or that one time Hades thought he could pull one over on the Goddess of Love.
Which gods are who list -> Here (List made by @buckysmischief)
Which gods are who(My list with more people) -> Here
Chapter One (Chapter made by @buckysmischief) 
Chapter Two
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Get Away Driver
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Fandom: The Devil All The Time
Pairing: Arvin Russell x Reader
Part of a Series: Yes or No
Warnings: Spoilers! Don't read if you haven't watched the movie!/Lots of Angst/Some fluff/Mentions of death/Blood/Murder/Mentions of abuse/Mentions of Rape/Cussing/Gun Violence/Mentions of suicide/Mentions of baby death
Disclaimer: "The Devil All The Time" is not mine, Credit to lovely Creators. GIFS are not mine! Credit to owners! 
A/n: HI! I just watched the movie and it is fucking awesome! And I love Tom Holland and now I’m in love with another character he plays, Arvin Russel! Also, I don’t know if they gave a name to the cop who gave Arvin the news about Lenora being preggers but his name is Howard I’m pretty sure, I had looked it up. If I am wrong don’t come after me. Also I think he was in his very early Twenty’s and he was semi friends with Lenora, Arvin and Y/n. Please do not read if you haven’t watched the movie! I hope you like it! Thank you for reading!!
Summary: Y/n knew the young Russels all her life. She knew Lenora the day she was born, courtesy of both their mother’s being great friends. She met Arvin the day he moved there. Y/n loved Lenora like her own sister and Y/n loved Arvin. So when Lenora took her life and Arvin avenge her going on some type of murder spree, she went after him. To help him. 
Main Masterlist -> Here
Request List -> Here 
“ God damn-it Howard, just tell me what yah told the sheriff. Tell me where the fuck yah think he is. And don’t bullshit me either,” Y/n said staring the deputy down with a hard stare, trying to get much needed information out of him. To find her best friend’s brother, to find her friend, to find the stupid boy she was in love with. 
“ I can’t tell yah that Y/n, yah know that..”
“ And yah know me, and Arvin. And yah knew Lenora too. Arvin was only doing what he needed to do to protect ‘er, to avenge ‘er,” Y/n knew Howard had always liked Lenora but she was too wrapped up in god and running away from the boys that would torment her at school to notice. Sure, Y/n was using that to her advantage but she needed to use all that she had if she was gonna find Arvin. 
“ Don’t yah use that on me, look I care about yah guys. I know Arvin wouldn’t hurt nobody that didn’t deserve it. But I can’t tell yah where he is, and the Sheriff’s got it handled. He can take care of Arvin by himself, he don’t need a girl such as yourself getting in the middle.”
“ But he don’t know Arvin like I do. And that sheriff don’t use ever use his god damn head. I should know with how handled mah daddy,” Y/n and the Sheriff from Knockemstiff weren’t too friendly with one another. Back when Y/n was nothing but youngling, only 13 at the time, Sheriff Bodecker blew the head off her Daddy. Bedecker did protect her and her Mama that night. But Bodecker wasn’t there to help them. He was there for money her father owned him, and the man just wouldn’t give it up. So just seeing the man hit his daughter gave him enough reason to kill him and get his money. Y/n didn’t like how it went down, she’d seen the whole thing. All the yelling and the big shot gun. Got stricken across the face and then, her Daddy being shot. 
“ I just know that Sheriff is gonna do somethin’ to sent ‘im off and Arvin might do somethin’ he gonna regret. Please just tell me where yah think he is. I need to find ‘im Howard. I need to find him before he does somethin’ stupid again. Please.” 
Howard sighs, looking at the young girl in front of him. She was a good friend, he knew that much and he knew her since they were young. Arvin and him weren’t the best of friends, but they knew each other and that was enough. He knew Arvin cared for Lenora deeply and he’d do anything to protect her. And he knew Arvin loved Y/n, the two were so enamored in the other that they didn’t even know they held the same feelings. But with their feeling, he knew that Y/n was the best bet to help Arvin out of the hole he’s dug himself into. 
“ Alright, alright I’ll tell yah. But don’t get yerself killed, Kay?” Y/n nodded happily. 
“ We think he went back to Knockemstiff. Where he used to live as a kid, to his old house or somethin’... Now git, and don’t you tell nobody I to-” He was interrupted by the young girl hugging him tight. 
“Yah won’t regret this, thank you.” And then she ran to her truck and made her way to knockemstiff, hoping she wasn’t too late to stop Arvin from taking another life if he felt he had to. 
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Shit is a word that Arvin repeated over and over again in his head as the Sheriff pointed his shotgun at him, yelling like a mad man. I mean, Arvin would have done the same thing if his sister was killed and in a way he had when he killed the Preacher. The sick fuck had deserved to die. 
The Sheriff continued speaking, angry and drunk. Wanting so bad to kill the man who killed his sister. So when he finally found his hiding spot, he tried to shoot him wanting the bastard to die, wanting Arvin Russell to die. But sadly, he would not be getting his drunken revenge. The sheriff shot, trying to shoot the young boy only to shoot the fallen tree protecting Arvin and to get shot himself by the German Luger in Arvin’s hand. 
Arvin’s whole body felt shaky after he shot him, he hated the thought that he killed another person, another man. Someone who had family, who had a life unlike the other three he shot and killed. This man was a lawman, and the law would have his head for this. Arvin pulled out a small picture, it was of Sandy Bodecker holding a dead man in her arms. Arvin showed him, so that the Sheriff could see why he had to kill her because if he didn’t, he might’ve of been killed himself. So he sat there as the man died just a few minutes later even though it seemed like hours. Arvin stood up, exhausted and went to grab his Jacket to get ready to take off when he heard his name being shouted by a voice he knew all too well. It was Y/n. 
“ Arvin! Arvin Russel! I know yer out here!” Before Arvin could think, he scrambled behind the fallen tree, hoping she’d go away. He didn’t want to pull her into this, hell he’d left a letter for her too. Hoping his Grandmomma  would have given it to her. The letter was all about her staying away, but she couldn’t even do that. Arvin knew Y/n was too stubborn to listen when she had her mind set. Y/n never listened to reason when she got her mind set on something else. Which in this place was running after him after he said not to. 
“ Arvin please come out! I don’ts got a gun on me or anything. I have money and a truck, I even gots some clothes. I want to help yah. That ol’ sheriff is gonna be here any minute to get yah and I need yah to come with meh.” Arvin realized that she didn’t know the Sheriff already came, and that he shot him. He felt like shit that he was pulling her into this, that she was in this. This mess that he created. 
Arvin knew he couldn’t just sit there, expecting that she’d think he wasn’t there Y/n always knew. Arvin always suspected that she knew him better than she knew himself. He spoke, just wanting so badly for to leave him be so that maybe she could be safe,“ Y/n, I need yah to leave. I uh, I’ve done shit things and I don’t wanna pull yah down with me. Please don’t be stubborn for once in yer life and listen to meh.” He heard Y/n sigh, which meant she was close.
“ Arvin, I ain’t leaving. So get your ass up outta whatever place your hiding in before I make yah.” He sighed, he knew he wasn’t gonna be able to do anything to make her leave. He stood up slowly, time seemed to slow down as tears filled her eyes upon seeing him, running at him and hugging him tightly. Arvin wrapped his own arms around her and rested his head onto her shoulder. 
“ Yah big, dumb, idiot you...” She said quietly, hugging tightly like he might disappear if she lets go. Arvin sighs, feeling a strange sort of comfort in her arms. It reminded him of the comfort he used to have with mother, when she’d hold him or sing that old song ‘Bessie’. She pulled back before looking down to see the dead body, Sheriff Lee Bodecker. 
He heard her sigh,“ Where the Luger?” 
Arvin was surprised by how calm she was, seeing a dead body right in front of her. But then again, he knew Y/n. She’d seen things that even he hadn’t seen and he saw his pet dog being crucified and his Daddy taking his own life with a god damn pocket knife. Arvin looks down at the ground, where he buried his poor dog and his Daddy’s gun,“ I buried it.” 
“ Good, we don’t need nobody else dying cause yer trigger happy.” Arvin nods his head, not really having anything to say. 
“ ‘Kay, go git into the truck, I’ll be up there soon. I need a few minutes to send a few prayers for the man and such.” 
“ Look Y/n, yah don’t have to do thi-”
“ Go git in the truck Arvin. We’ll talk in a few. Just go git in the truck.” Arvin sighed, nodding before making his way up the hill to Y/n’s old black pickup. He opened the door and sat in the passengers seat. He knew he could’ve probably dipped out on her, tried to push her away so that she doesn’t get involved in this mess. But he knew no matter how hard he tried, she would just pop right back. Because she loved him, it was clear to him now that she loved him the same way he loved her. I mean, what kind of girl would drive all that way to knockemstiff just to pick up a boy she knew murdered several people. Girls in love.
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Arvin and Y/n sat in silence in the truck. Silence reminded Y/n of her Father. How her and him would sit in his black pickup truck, the same one she now drove in. They’d drive in complete silence, to a place where he could have his way with her when she was nothing but a child.
Y/n thoughts started to wonder, wondering if that's what the preacher did to Lenora, took her to a place in his car where he could get what he wanted, blinded by his sinful acts. She’s seen him do it to the Reaster Girl and he once tried to do with her. But she wasn’t stupid enough to get into a car with a man she just met, with a man that reminded her of a man she longed to forget but always stayed ingrained in her brain. 
Men like that are always blinded by sin, no matter how much they say they are a man of god, they are just the devil in disguise using god's name to cover up their tracks for what they do. She thought Lenora would've been safe, but that sadly wasn't god's plan. Arvin stared ahead, trying to keep awake as he tried to figure out something to say when Y/n spoke up," I do this cause I care about yah and yer all I have left. I donts got any family no more. At least nobody in coal creak. Your all I gots left.", the girl had started, causing Arvin to wake up a little. And he looked at her, watching as she gripped the steering wheel, so focused on the road but also focused on making Arvin know her reasons for helping him. For a helping a boy who's killed.
"We aren't blood related but we're friends, we're close enough to be family. Lenora was mah friend, but she was mah family. And what that preacher did, he deserved to die. That man reminded me too much of mah Daddy. I knew he was trouble from the start. I could see the way he did things, it was the same type of things mah daddy did. Those type of men, they always have a pattern. Mah Daddy did, and so did the preacher."
Y/n didn't speak of her father often, sometimes it was too painful to talk about. About the things he did to her and her mother. He'd beat them, and he'd use them in more ways than one. Using them to show off to the world what a man of god he was as the Father of a small Church. Or to use them as servants for his house to be picture perfect, not a thing out of place or there would be a price to pay. Or, he'd use them in the most sinful way of all, through lustful acts. And not just his wife, but his daughter too. Lenora had saved her most times, sneaking her into her home late at night or sometimes in early morning or during the day. And Y/n helped her with the boys at school, trying to get them to leave Lenora alone. It never worked, both Lenora trying to keep Y/n away from her Daddy and Y/n trying to keep Lenora away from the horrid boys at school. But they both tried, and for just that Y/n saw Lenora as family and Lenora saw her as family too.  
" Lenora didn’t deserve what happened to her. She was such a bright girl, she my best friend. She always helped, no matter if it was gonna hurt her in the end. She always helped.” Y/n paused, a small memory forming in her head and then into words.
“ Remember how Lenora used to hide me from mah Daddy? She'd sneak me in the window and yah'd hear it and come running to tell us to shut up before we woke up Grandmomma. Then you’d proceed to act like yah didn’t want me there, only throw one of yer shirts at me telling me it wouldn’t be the greatest thing for meh sleep in mah day clothes,” Y/n spoke, a small smile and chuckle leaving her, Arvin watched it. Watched how a memory with not good things embedded into it made her smile. Arvin never understood how Y/n could get so happy just by a single memory. Even memories that weren’t the greatest. Arvin thought it was probably because she didn’t have many good memories, only a few but they always had some type of her hurt in them but she still cherished them as much as she could. Mostly, all memories she had was her trying to save herself and her depressed mother from her Daddy, so not too many were happy. And because of  all those no good memories, Arvin rarely ever did see her smile like that, smile with really happiness and not just something phony so no one will worry about her. But Arvin knew, he always did. 
He hears her sigh," I wished she would've recognized the signs of a man like that. Of a man like mah father, she knew ‘im, we both pledged to stay away from men like that. But sadly, they always tend to get us one way or another. No matter what their relation is to yah, they always get yah." She pauses, thinking about Lenora for a minute, thinking about how she didn’t deserve that kind of abuse, about how she didn’t deserve to die, to kill herself.
“ What I’m trying to say, is who yah killed, they deserved to die, not the other way around. And thats why I’m helping yah, because yah don’t deserve whatever’ punishment the law’s gonna inflict on yah. You were Lenora’s brother and in a way she was my sister. So I’m looking out for yah, for her.” 
Arvin looked down at his hands, the same ones that held a gun, his Daddy’s gun,“ But aren’t I like those men, aren’t I turning into them? I’ve killed, Y/n. Not just the preacher. I’ve killed another man and a women, I’ve killed the Sheriff.”
“ And why did you kill ‘em?”
“ They were gonna kill me. T-the man had a gun, so did his wife. I shot ’im before he could shoot me and I shot his wife too. I had begged her to put down the gun. B-but she wouldn’t. And the Sheriff, he was gonna kill me cause the wife was his sister. ”
“ See, yah only killed to get rid of the horrible people who only intend to hurt yah. Yah killed with reason, not just cause yah were blinded by sin. And that Sheriff, sure he was a lawman, but he was a bad one. He deserved it as much as his sister. So no, yah aren’t like ‘em. That’s why I love yah, stupid. Because yah aren’t like them.” Arvin looked at her, all she did was stare straight ahead, focusing on the road. Arvin knew she had hard times with saying love. Even just saying love to people who were just family or friends. Love scared her, he knew that. It scared him too. Love to kids like them was a scary thing, because it didn’t come often and when it did it was ripped away from them. Slowly Arvin put his hand on her leg, to give her at least some sort of comfort, some sort of touch and maybe he needed the touch as much as she did too. 
“ I love yah too, yah know.” He said as he looked out the window.
“ I know.”   
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“ Put these on.” Y/n spoke throwing a black t-shirt and Jeans at him, the clothes landing on his head.
“ Why?”
“ Cause, they already know what yer wearing. If yah wear something different it’ll be harder to find yah, plus it’ll be better for yah to wear somethin’ cleaner.” Arvin sighed grabbing the clothes Y/n threw at him.
“ Also, I got somethin’ for yah. Here.” She then throws a pack of cigarettes at him. The pack hitting him square in the face making Y/n laugh. 
“ Yah know, yah could always just hand me the stuff instead of throwing it at me.”
“ Well where would the fun be in that?” Y/n said with a smirk and wiggling her eyebrows in a goofy way. It was dark out and Arvin sat in the open back of the truck while Y/n threw stuff at him that she’d packed. Arvin was surprised about how prepared she was. She packed all the necessitates. Like blankets and clothing, even food and water and even money. Arvin was grateful and lucky Y/n came after him, he would’ve been completely lost without her. 
“ Now git dressed. I’ll look away, don’t yah worry.” Then made a show of slowly turning around and putting her hands over her eyes. It made Arvin chuckle, he liked when he saw Y/n like this, all goofy and just plain smiles. It reminded him of Lenora, it reminded him of his mother. 
“ So where did yah get these clothes anyway? They look like mine.”
“ Yeah, I raided yer drawers. Grandmomma helped me too.”
“ She knew yah were going after me?”
“ Yeah, she does. She wanted me to find yah and to make sure yer safe. She said I’d be the only one to keep yer ass in line out here.” There was a moment of silence between the two.
“ I’m done getting dressed.”
“ Finally, I need some well deserved sleep and you are taking up our bed for the night. We’ll find something better tomorrow though.” Y/n hopped on the makeshift bed with all the blankets she had piled onto one another to make it more comfortable than it was on the back of the pickup truck. She laid down and looked up at the sky, a small smile on her face. 
“ Yah aren’t gonna change either?”
“ Oh, uh I uh, I forgot to bring a change of clothes. I was so focused on getting shit for yah and finding yah. I forgot some clothes for myself. But it’s fine.”
“ No it ain’t. Here, wear one of my shirts yah brought, I bet wearing that dress isn’t too comfortable.” Y/n raised an eyebrow at him. 
“ Is this just yer way of getting me to wear yer clothes. Cause yah could always ask.” 
“ Oh shut up and put on the clothes.” Arvin said with a little red starting to creep up on his cheeks, he was thankful it was dark out so she couldn’t see. Y/n laughed as she grabbed one of Arvin’s shirts, it was his white button up church shirt. Y/n had always wanted to try it on, it seemed comfy to Y/n, and it was. When Arvin could finally look, his eyes wanted to pop out of his skull, and in a way they were. There she was, in just undergarments and his white button-up. Arvin always hated that shirt but right then, he loved it. 
“ Alrighty, now it’s time for sleep. We got a lot of driving to do tomorrow cause we are going all the way to Cincinnati.”
“ What’s in Cincinnati?” Arvin asked as Y/n climbed in the back and laid down. 
“ My Uncle lives out there. I gave him a call at one of the phones while you slept in the Truck. He’s gonna keep us for awhile, he’s got an extra room and he’s gonna let us stay until we are able to leave and make a life for ourselves without the cops coming after yah.” She laid down looking up at the sky as she spoke. She never saw her uncle anymore, the man used to live with her and her parents when she was young. But one fateful day at age 10 he moved to Cincinnati and never really kept in contact. Y/n knew his number, always wanted to call him. There were multiple times where she wanted to call and beg him to take her away from her small house in Coal Creak. But she never did. When she called, the man was ecstatic when he heard her voice. He offered her to stay with him before she could even ask. It made her wonder how a man who obviously wanted her to be in his life never kept contact for many years of her life. But she already knew it was probably cause of her Daddy. The man never liked how his brother looked at her Mama and how she looked at him. How he seemed to act like more of a father to Y/n then her own was. 
“ You have an Uncle?”, Arvin asked popping Y/n out of her thoughts as he propped up on his elbow so he could look at her. As he looked at her, he started thinking about how beautiful she was. Even in the dark and with the dirt and the few stray leaves in her hair and even wearing his horrid old church shirt. He still thought she was just plain beautiful. 
“ Yeah I do, he used to live with me when I was younger. He’s a good man.”
“ And does he know what I did?” Arvin asked nervously.
“ I told him, he said it wouldn’t be any different if yah were in the war. Don’t worry, we gonna have a place to go. Yer gonna be okay. We’re gonna be okay. I got it handled,” Arvin couldn't explain how he felt in that moment, as he stared at her, knowing how Y/n was always there. Even when they were just kids and he was just plain lonely and to now where she's helping him get away from the law after killing. But all he knew, in that moment, was that he loved her and he wanted to tell her in the best possible way. Love to kids like him and her was a rare thing, so he decided he was gonna act on it. So he kissed her. 
From his propped up position he was able to swoop down and touch his lips to hers as she laid there looking up at the stars. Y/n was surprised at first, not knowing what was happening when realization hit her. Arvin Russell, her best friend growing up, the boy she loved was kissing her. So she kissed him back. Their positions changed through the kiss. Y/n now straddled his lap and her arms circled around his neck, one hand running through the back of his hair. Arvin sat below her, one hand on her hip and the other grasping the side of her face gently. Both putting all their love and passion for one another into that one kiss. They both finally pull away, both of their lips being swollen but big smiles on both of their faces, even Arvin who rarely showed smiles. But that just made Y/n appreciate them that much more.
“ Arvin...,” Y/n started, looking at him with so much love.
“ I love you’ Y/n. And not just as a friend or any of that shit. I love yah, I love you as someone I want by me like my Daddy wanted my Mama.” Y/n looks at him as if he just moved the moon. 
“ I love yah too. Always have, always will,” She speaks, with lovey, dovey tone to her voice before leaning down and kissing him again. Both got aroused fast from their positions and soon they both had one of the best nights of their lives. The lost of both of their innocents. Both of them were each others first and will also be their last.   
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It was sunrise when Arvin woke up, Y/n laid upon his very shirtless chest as her naked body stayed hidden under the blankets. The memories of what happened last night circles around in his brain, making him smile. He and Y/n had both lost their innocence last night in the back of her Black pickup truck. Arvin couldn’t remember a time of being so happy and feeling so loved like he was last night. Both knew it was a sin in god’s eyes, but they both hoped he’d forgive them since even though it was before marriage, they were still in love and in their eyes its not any different.
 Arvin looked down at her, entranced by how beautiful she looked, how pure she looked just sleeping all sprawled out on his chest, her hair all messy and a light pink dashed across her cheeks from the cold. He sighed, wishing this type of peace could last forever. That the two could just stay like that in the middle of the woods in the back of the truck just enjoying one another’s company. But he knew thats not how life always worked. 
Y/n started to stir, her eyes starting to slowly open as she let out a small yawn. Her nose scrunched up as she yawn, it reminded Arvin of a small Kitten. She was his little kitten. 
“ Mornin’,” Arvin spoke in his deep southern voice as he looked at her. She looked up at him, a small smile gracing her face. 
“ Good Mornin’, so yah ready to take off for Cincinnati with meh? You know you ain’t getting rid of me now?” Arvin smiled, swooping down to give her a gentle and soft kiss the lips before pulling away. 
“ And I wouldn’t change it for the life of me, Darlin’.” 
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Main Masterlist
Request List ----> Here
[ Markiplier Universe ]
/ Darkiplier x Reader /
- 5 Years
[ Knives Out Movie ]
/ Ransom Drysdale x Reader /
- Blue Jay Series Masterlist 
[ Harry Potter Universe ]
/ Harry Potter x Reader x Draco Malfoy /
- A Bright Happiness { Part 1 }
[ The Devil All The Time ]
/ Arvin Russell x reader / 
- Get Away Driver
[ Marvel ]
/ Loki x reader x Bucky /
- A Prophecy Fulfilled Masterlist
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5 Years
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Fandom: Markiplier Universe
Paring: Dakiplier/Damien x Gender Neutral!Reader
Part of a Series: Yes or No 
A/n: Hello!! Before you read the story read this!! This is for anybody to read no matter if you are black or white or mixed or blue or pink or red or green. I do say something about being pale but I mean as in the color of the skin had depleted like how dark looks almost gray the reader looks like that, grayish. ALSO IF ANY OF Y’ALL HAVE LIKED IT I HAVE PUT UPDATES TO IT! CAUSE I WANTED TO MAKE IT BETTER!
Warnings: Mentions of Death, Mentions of Depression, Mentions of Cheating, Mentions of intoxication, Who Killed Markiplier spoilers, Cussing I think, Tons of flashbacks, TONS of angst, fluff
Summary: It was Five years later after the incident in Markiplier Manor. Everyone from that night was scared some way or another. Either if you went crazy and became murder. Or you lived when you were supposed to die. Or you tricked your friend out of their body only to be fused with another person within the same body to only become someone, completely different. Or to be tricked out of your own body by someone you thought was a friend. Everyone went their own ways, everyone leaved except one person who couldn’t leave, who was trapped there. And five years later they are visited by an old friend, by someone who was once in that same manor that very night.
Main Masterlist -> Here
Request List -> Here 
It was a a quiet day, just like every other day for 5 years. Horribly, horribly quiet. Not a sound was made. Not even when a ghost like figure roamed the halls. Making a point to not stare out the windows too long but they couldn’t help it as they saw the bright blue sky. Just calling to them. They stopped at the a window, a big window. The figure looked longingly at the sky, at the outside world. They were so enamored by the outside world they didn’t take note of the loud sigh coming from just outside the house.
A short, frustrated sigh had left a blue and red highlighted man’s vocals as he looked in front of him. At the very house that left him how he was now, filled with anger and pain. Slowly he walked forward, testing if he could really set foot inside. The figure continued to look out the window with that longing look in it’s eyes, but anger was gracing their features as their eyes stopped on the man red and blue highlighted man. He seemed, not of this world. Not anymore at least. He seemed confident, serious. But Y/n knew better, Y/n knew who this man was. Or who this man used to be. It was five years ago when Y/n was tricked out of their own body by a woman named Celine who worked with spirits and things of that nature and a man that they once considered a friend, maybe even more. It was five years ago when they had been all tricked by a man named Mark who sought out for his own kind of sick revenge who not only hurt the one he intended, he hurt the others as well. The innocents in all of the chaos. 
It had been a nice, sunny day when Y/n had arrived to the house. They were the assistant to Mayor Damien, an old friend from childhood, much like the host of the party of that fateful day, Mark. Y/n and Mark were great friends in high school, But Mark and Y/n soon lost contact as Mark became rich and famous and earned himself a wife. And Y/n went to college, and soon got a job working alongside the only person who had bothered to keep in contact with them, Damien. And after about a year of working alongside Damien the party came around. How Y/n regretted going, regretted taking those vacation days with Damien to “take a break.” It just one night, one day, that everything had changed. 
It was a long story, of what happened that night. 
Mark was dead, killed. Lighting struck for no reason when the word “murder” was spoken. Y/n became the partner for a detective who was invited to the party, an old friend of Mark’s. Damien seemed off, not like himself, kind of like he was a different person. They met a gardener who knew the house had spirits and a supernatural element. Celine busted through the door. Celine told everyone how the house had a supernatural element. A fight broke out between the Colonel and the detective. Secrets and things of the past came out in the heat of the fight. The words of the Colonel and Celine once having an affair on Mark. Colonel taking money from Mark for the sexual aspects of his relationship with Celine. The colonel shot the detective and Y/n was shot next. Y/n woke up in a dark space and saw ghostly version of Damien and Celine both highlighted in two different colors. Damien was blue, Celine was red. Y/n was told to trust them, that they’d be brought back to life, that it would all be okay. Y/n came back to life only for the colonel to go insane. To think it was all but a joke as he thought he had killed Y/n. The Colonel became a broken man that day. Y/n only wished they could have done more but before they could they were pushed out of their body by Damien and Celine who formed together to become something that scared even Y/n. And Y/n was trapped in the house, able to go from mirror to mirror outside of the house but no one could see them or hear them. Only the fusion of Damien and Celine could hear but he ignored them. Causing Y/n to only become angrier, to become detached from reality it’s self. 
The man highlighted in blue and red was Darkiplier, a shell of a man and woman he once was, Damien and Celine. Y/n broke their gaze from the window, from the bright blue sky lined with fluffy clouds.Y/n saw as Dark make his was through the halls until they saw him at the balcony. His back was turned to them as he gazed outside. It was the very same balcony where Y/n had almost confessed their love to him. But sadly it never happened. Y/n thought that maybe if they did, their fate could have been changed. But then again, Y/n was thankful they didn’t, because they knew deep down things would have still went the way they went, and Y/n would have only been left with a bigger hole in their heart. 
“ You know, I’ve thought about this day for years. Watched you through the mirrors. Trying to get you to acknowledge me. But then again how could I blame you. Nobody likes reminders of guilt, even you.”
Dark stared at the sky, he knew they would be there. But he didn’t want to look at them. He didn’t want to see them, how they’ve changed. It was when he ignored the broken whispers they spoke from the mirror. Oh how the whispers have taunted him. It was when a small whisper from the broken shell of person behind him, made him come back. 
“ It’s nice to see you too Y/n.”  
“ So what else have you been doing instead of avoiding me that is?” Dark scoffed at that as he continued to look in the opposite direction then Y/n. Making a point not look at them.  
“ You know, avoiding things don’t help, Damien.” Dark continued to look at the sky. He ignored the use of his old name. He ignored the way their voice seemed broken. He didn’t want to think about it. He knew he shouldn’t have some back, but the hope that maybe he could get a little bit of his old self back filled him with the bravery to go back. But now, all he wanted to do was run. 
“ Look at me, Damien.” Dark didn’t speak. 
“ Damien, Look. At. Me.” Dark didn’t make any movement. 
Y/n grew angry and yelled,“ I SAID, LOOK AT ME DAMIEN!”  
Dark swung around and was met with the ghostly figure of one of Damien’s best friends, his companion, the one he loved but never got to tell them. Damien was Dark. Only half but that side of his mind still had control over him, he was still Damien, just changed and fused with a darker humanoid. 
 Dark never cried anymore, Dark never showed any type of emotion anymore except anger. Not since the week after that fateful night. But at that moment he wanted to cry. The guilt of what He/Damien and Celine did filled him. It was his Y/n, but it wasn’t. His Y/n was gone and in their place was the shell of what they once used to be, much like himself. Their skin turned pale, well paler than it used to be. The color seemed to be gone from them. Their eyes seemed empty except two emotions Dark often felt, sadness and anger. Their clothes seemed old and wrinkled and dirty.
“ Y/n…” He said, his tone was monotone but if you listened closely you could hear the heart break in his voice. And all Y/n did was listen anymore. 
“ I watch all of you, did you know that? Through those fucking mirrors! Nobody can see me or hear me. I’m just stuck. Stuck either watching people I once cared about living their lives while I’m stuck in a mirror or this god damn house. You know, Mark, he got no karma for what he did, he’s as happy as can fucking be. Just continuing on manipulating people to get what he whats. William is fucking insane, killing people left and right, going by Wilford and I can’t help but feel it’s partially my fault. The Detective well he survived that day, almost killed by William, but now he’s stuck in his own concocted hell-space within his own mind. And you, well lets just say your little game of ignoring my calls isn’t very fucking amusing.”
Dark glared at the ground as he gritted his teeth and lied, “ I wasn’t ignoring you, I simply just did not hear you.”
Dark looked up quickly at Y/n’s outburst. He was remembering how calm Y/n used to be, how they would never yell. They were always so calm, so soft, so pure. Now, they changed and it was all his fault and Dark couldn’t help but get angry. Sure he was angry at himself but Dark had the tendency to lash out on other people for his own mistakes.
“ SHUT UP, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT! I AM TO BE RESPECTED! AND MY NAME ISN’T DAMIEN RESPECT IT OR SO HELP ME YOU WILL REGRET IT!” He yelled angrily, frustrated, he gritted his teeth when he heard Y/n’s laughter fill the room, fill his ears. He remembered how he loved that laugh, how at any chance he’d get he launch at just to hear the sweet laughter of Y/n. But now, he wanted to cut damn his ears off. 
“ And what will you do if I don’t respect that Damien? You can’t do SHIT! I’m a ghost, a shell of a person I once was cause someone stole my body. AND BECAME A MONSTER! So no, I will not respect you because if saying an old name, one of the names you used to go by because I know Celine’s not anywhere in there, I will, if it’ll make you realize that you can’t just ignore me like all your other problems and expect them to go away then I will!” 
Dark didn’t know what to say, he breathed, trying to calm himself before he did something he’d regret. He knew coming back was a mistake but hearing that final whisper made him come back, “ I loved you Damien.”
“ What you said, was it true? That whisper that made me make the stupid choice of coming back. Or had it just been one of your whispers to just taunt me?”
Y/n softened, Dark could tell the difference. Y/n looked a lot like they used to look, still emptier, still with that sadness overwhelming them but they looked softer. 
“ Of course it was…” Y/n whispered before walking a little further, Y/n stood at the railing, looking out at the sky no longer looking at Dark.
“ Of course it was true. Sure I hit low at that point but I needed you to feel the guilt that you weren’t feeling. I needed you to acknowledge my presence. It was the last thing I could think of. And it worked.” 
“You really think I didn’t feel guilt?” Y/n looked over at him to see his fists clenched together and Y/n had watched him through the mirrors many times to know he was on the verge of a temper tantrum or a sob fest. Either one, Y/n hoped they’d finally be getting somewhere. Possibly closer to man they once fell in love with. 
“ Y/n, Of course I felt guilt, of course I want to ignore my mistakes and sadly that includes you! You were a mistake! What I did was a mistake but I don’t regret it! I am a stronger man than what I used to be. Who I was, was WEAK! And the sooner you understand that the sooner you will feel peace within yourself!” 
Y/n smiled, a small smile and Dark felt weird. He felt something he hadn’t felt in years. After that fateful day all Dark’s emotions seemed to have been ripped from him except anger and the rare sadness he had. He was left with a sadistic, angry version of himself. The anger of being betrayed and the supernatural forces of the house and being joined together with Celine changed him into a much stronger being, but a very dangerous and sad one. But now he felt what he would always feel when he saw Y/n smile, how he felt when he would hear them laugh, how he felt when they chose to spend time with him instead of taking time to themselves. He felt, happy. 
“ I know I am a mistake, but it’s nice to know you finally accept it. I did love you, and in a way I always will. What you did, I hate you for but I’ve accepted a long time ago that Mark is the villain in the story. Not you. I spoke to you because you were the only one who could hear me and I knew you’d be the only one to see me at this house because what you walk around in is my body. And in reality I was lonely and your finally back. Sure your different and your not the same man, but your the man I fell in love with and that’s gotta count for something, Darkiplier.” As Y/n spoke, they walked closer until they were so close their noses could touch. Y/n lifted a hand to his cheek, and surprising them both, he touched him. Y/n knew it was the connection between their body and they knew they could try to take it back, but they wouldn’t do that, not to the man they loved. 
“ I will always love Damien…”, They whispered, “ And I know, I’ll love you too, Darkiplier.” 
I really hope you like it!! I worked really hard on it!! 
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Calling Blue Jay Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x reader
Warnings: MAJOR SPOILERS! Mentions of sex, mentions of death, cussing, slight violence, drinking, mentions of age gaps( not between Ransom and reader), mentions of cheating, mentions of drugs, mentions of neglect, mention of depression, mentions of anxiety, lots of fluff, lots of angst, lots of fluffy angst
Summary: Ever since the age of 14, life was never easy knowing the Thrombeys. But hell, they were family, maybe not by blood but they were.It was never easy being best friends with Ransom Drysdale. Two of the most reckless of people turned into the most reckless pair of friends. The trust fund playboy and the sarcastic drunk. It gets even harder at age 30 when the main man passes away.The man that gave her a better life than what was given to her. And it gets even harder when his death becomes a murder investigation.
Disclaimer: GIFS aren't mine, Some dialogue is from the movie, that dialogue is not mine! Characters from the movie and the movie Knives out is not mine and all belongs to Rian Johnson
A/N: HELLO!! So I have made the masterlist so long ago and have not made any chapters yet! But I am working on it!! Sorry I am making you lovely people wait but I will get them out soon!! I’ve been busy with school and personal stuff and mental issues!! But I promise I will get them out as soon as I can!!!  
Chapter 1: Blue Jay
Chapter 2: Interrogation
Chapter 3: Don’t Make Me Kick Your Ass
Chapter 4: Memorial
Chapter 5: The Will
Chapter 6: Phone Call
Chapter 7: Last Time
Chapter 8: One Year later
Chapter 9: What would Harlan want?
Chapter 10: Hugh
Chapter 11: Get a Job
Chapter 12 Drunken Nights
Chapter 13: Old Friends
Chapter 14: Lazy Day
Chapter 15: I still hate you
Chapter 16: Drunken confessions
Chapter 17: Forgetful nights
Chapter 18: First Time 
Chapter 19: Linda?
Chapter 20: Party
Chapter 21: Fuck you
Chapter 22:  Flowers don’t fix shit
Chapter 23: Thanks Smartie
Chapter 24: About time
Chapter 25: Sometimes Flowers do fix things
If you wanna be on the taglist please tell me!!
Also it’s been SO LONG since I atcually started this. And I’m so terribly sorry for those of you that have been waiting but I’ma get them out VERY soon. 
And I will post a chapter or two once every one or two weeks maybe three. 
Taglist so far:
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Send me requests for x Readers!!
I write for any kind of reader!
I don’t write full on smut but I do write spicy things just not full on smut!
Dm me!
(GIFS ARE NOT MINE! Credit to their owners!)
I write for-
/ That 70′s Show / 
- Steven Hyde
/ Marvel / 
- Loki
- Peter Parker
- Dr. Strange
- Natasha Romanoff
- Tony Stark
- Clinton
- Thor
- Steve Rogers
- Scott Lang
- Bucky Barnes
/ Harry Potter / 
- Harry Potter
- Platonic!Ron Weasley
- Neville Longbottom
- Draco Malfoy
- Young Remus
- Young Sirius Black
- Young Snape
/ The Walking Dead / 
- Daryl Dixion
- Carl Grimes
- Michonne
- Glenn Rhee
- Prison!Negan
/ The Breakfast Club /
- John Bender
- Andrew Clark
/ Boy Meets World /
- Eric Matthews
- Shawn Hunter
/ Victorious /
- Beck Oliver
/ Maleficent /
- Diaval
- Borra
/ Fallout 4 /
- John Hancock
- Nick Valentine
- Deacon
/ Youtubers / 
- Markiplier(Egos)
- Jacksepticeye(Egos)
- Crankgameplays
- Pewdiepie
/ Actors /
- Tom Holland
- Harrison Osterfield
- Chris Evans 
/ Detroit: Become Human /
- Markus
- Connor
/ Knives out / 
- Ransom Drysdale
/ The Devil All The Time / 
- Arvin Russel 
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A Bright Happiness
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Fandom: Harry Potter Universe
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff! Reader x Harry Potter
Part of a series: Yes or No
Disclaimer: Not my GIF, Credit to creator! And I found the photo on the internet. I do not own any of the Characters, all characters except Y/n belong to J.K Rowling!
A/n: I got this idea based off how Snape was in love with Harry’s mother when they were younger because she was the only one nice to him. And he was pretty much a stalker but a low-key one. But Lilly had fallen in love with Harry’s father instead. So that’s where this idea had come from. I hope you enjoy it.       
Summary: The reader is very nice and kind to everybody around her. She is best friends with the trio. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are both in love with her. Harry is her best friend and Draco is just an acquaintance who has slowly fallen in love with her cause of the acts of kindness she had shown him.
A certain slytherin sat in the back of Professor Slughorn’s potions class as he gazed at a certain hufflepuff who sat in the front. A small, rare smile gracing his face as he saw her hand rise as she bounced up and down wanting to answer the question Slughorn had put on the board. Time seemed to pass by quickly as the bell rang, causing the students to start to pack up their things. Draco Malfoy, was the slytherin who was gazing at that one hufflepuff who bounced in her seat, the only hufflepuff who could make her way to his heart. His stare was held on her as she gathered her things and stood up. But the rare smile she had put on his face that class period, disappeared, being replaced with a frown as he saw the ‘chosen one’, Harry Potter lazily wrap an arm around her shoulders as they walked out the classroom. Her giggle making its way to his ears, a giggle that always made the butterflies in his stomach flutter and wish that it was him that caused the sound, but it wasn’t. He gathered his things and made his way out of the classroom, that same frown staying stuck on his face as he went to his next class. 
That hufflepuff in Slughorn’s potions class went by the name of Y/n. Who now walked along the halls with her best friends, the golden trio, as her all time best friend Harry Potter had an arm wrapped around her shoulders as they walked to class. Harry looked at her as she walked, seeming to be bouncing with energy as she ranted about a new potion she had learned. Harry felt a smile rise on his face, he knew he was in love with his best friend, everybody knew, except her. The two had met in first year when she had fallen into the trio’s train cubby by accident while she was trying to find a place to sit. And since then Harry, Ron, Y/n, and Hermonie have all been inseparable friends for 5 years, it now being 5th year. The 4 walked down the halls of Hogwarts as they all slowly went on their different ways to their classes. Harry constantly said he could take her to class but all she did was shake her head and push him into the direction of his class as she bounced the rest of her way to her own classroom. 
Time passed by quickly as it was just a few minutes before dinner and the two rivals, Harry and Draco got into another rebuttal. Draco’s eyes narrowed at the other boy across from him as both of their wands were drawn. Both were ready to strike until Y/n came bouncing down the hall on her way to dinner. She stopped in her tracks as she saw the two boys. Her eyes were wide with confusion as she slowly walked up to them, her eyes looking back and forth between the two boys.
“ What are you two doing?” She spoke with a chuckle that made both of the boys melt at the sound. Draco started to open his mouth to speak but Harry did before Draco could get a word out,“ Draco had started it, he wa-”
“ I don’t care.” She interrupted with a bright smile on her face. Both boys looked at her, eyes wide with shock. 
“ Harry, I do not know what happened. But all I know is fighting is not necessary. Draco same goes for you. Now both of you put your wands away.” Both boys glared at each other while Y/n waited expectantly. Soon both wands were put away and Y/n looked at them with a proud smile on her face. 
“ Okay, Harry, go to dinner, I’ll catch up in just a moment.” She spoke calmly.
“ But Y/n-”
“ No buts, go.” Harry sighed as he grabbed her hand silently pleading with her to come with him, scared of what Draco could do. Draco slowly felt rage build up inside of him as he saw the two hands linked together. He knew he could just leave at that moment, he didn’t have to stand there but for some reason he was stuck in that spot, frozen in place. All Y/n did was chuckle at Harry’s puppy dog eye look and give him a small shove in the direction of the dinner hall. She turned to Draco and said, “ I don’t know what happened…” She trailed off seeing Draco’s books scattered on the ground, she sighed as she started up again, “ Would you like some help picking up your stuff?” Draco stayed silent, not knowing what to say. 
Sighing she said,” Well I’m going to take your silence as a n-”
“ Yes.” Draco spoke bluntly, interrupting the girl. Not wanting her to leave just yet, she chuckled as both of them bent down to pick everything up. She handed him the papers she had in her hands and said,” I hope to see you again Draco.” And with that she jogged down the hall to Harry who was already halfway gone.
It was the next day, and all Draco could do the night before was think of Y/n. Thinking of how she risked talking to a slytherin who was known for rudeness just to help pick up his books. How could a hufflepuff, of all houses be that amazing? She really is something else, he pondered as he sat in Professor Snape’s classroom, Defense Against the Dark Arts. Y/n sat in front just like all classes they had together, her bouncing energy making their professor roll his eyes as he stood at the front of the class. 
“ Students, you will be writing an essay with a partner. Separate essays but together.” Draco saw as she looked back at Harry and they seemed to both be planning on working together when Snape continued his words, “ I will pick your partners.” 
Snape listed off all of the partnerships taking place and last was Draco Malfoy and Y/n L/n. Draco was surprised and nervous, he was never nervous but now he was. He didn't know how to react when he saw Y/n look at him with those shining eyes he always got lost in, time and time again. Y/n set a small wave his way right when the bell rang. He knew this was his chance to speak with her, so he stood up gathering his things and rushed to Y/n before she could leave the class. 
“ Y/n!” He spoke, getting her attention as she turned around with a smile. 
“ Ah Draco, Yes?” 
“ I was wondering if you’d like to work on the essay together?”
“ Of course, how about tonight at the library after dinner?” Draco gulped, trying to calm his nerves as he nodded, his mouth opening to speak when Potter came up, his arm taking it’s normal spot around her shoulders. 
“ Hey Y/n, what are two talking about?” Harry spoke as he looked over at the other boy. He had known Draco liked Y/n, the longing stares, the clenched fists whenever Harry showed affection. Y/n didn’t know, she was very oblivious to anybody having any sort of feelings for her, even his own.
“ Hiya Harry! Me and Draco were just discussing when we were going to work on our essay together!” She spoke, a bright smile on her face, Harry nodded as he turned to look at her. 
“ Well, are you ready to go?” 
Nodding her head at Harry she looked to Draco and said,” I’ll see you after dinner Draco! I hope you have a nice rest of your day!” With that she took Harry’s arm off her shoulder as she grabbed his hand dragging him down the hall to their class as Harry gave a small chuckle. Draco’s eyebrows furrowed as he wished he was the one holding her hand, the one that made her smile that bright, the one who made her laugh and giggle. But sadly he wasn’t, it was his rival, Potter, who seemed to have everything he could ever want, and now, he might as well say that he had the girl he loved. He knew they weren’t dating, he wanted to think that, he didn’t know for sure but there was an obvious love connection between the two. He knew it was only a matter of time when they got together, it hurt him deeply but he knew that he couldn’t get butt hurt over this, he was a Malfoy. 
 The day passed by as Draco sat in the dinner hall, nervous of when it would be over, when he would be in the library with just Y/n, just the two of them, alone. He sat at the slytherin table and his small group of friends talked around him about random topics. But he wasn’t paying attention; he was thinking of the girl who had stolen his heart. 
Y/n sat at the Gryffindor table with the trio as she leaned into Harry as his arm was once again placed around her shoulders. She felt safe in his arms she felt happy, she knew she had feelings for him, but she had managed to convince herself that he didn't. Like she always had for boys she crushed on. Y/n felt like someone was staring at her so she looked around to find who it was and she saw Draco Malfoy. She wouldn't deny that she thought he was cute but her feelings for Harry over powered the ones she could feel herself having for the slytherin Prince. But she did see herself making a new friend that night.
Y/n walked down the halls to the library with Harry as he wouldn't let her go alone claiming that 'Draco is unpredictable'. But all she did was laugh at his words. The two stopped at the doors of the library as Harry turned to her grabbing her hand. Little did they both know another was on their way to the library and stopped seeing their figures. Draco wanted to just get to the library and stop whatever what was happening but he stood in the hall by the wall and heard the words they spoke.
" Y/n, I don't trust Draco. He could hurt you. " Harry spoke, worry lacing his voice. Harry didn't know what Draco could do. He could hurt her but he also was worried, because of Draco's affection toward her.
Y/n laughed at his words, " I doubt that Harry. "
" Look Y/n, be careful. He's not trust worthy, and he's powerful."
" I know that, and I will! I'm a big girl, I can defend myself! Even against you!" She spoke and proving her point playfully punched him in the arm causing him to laugh as he gave a playful punch back. Then he looked back at her, serious.
" Just, I know. Maybe I can work with you guys I'll just be there. I'll be qui-"
" Harry, you are such a worry wart! If your there we will get no work done and all the two of you will do is glare and make rude comments at each other. All he needs is a friend who actually cares about him. He's kind, he might not show it much but I can see it. He just hides it. Trust me. Please?" She said, giving her best cute, pouty face to the boy in front of her. Little did she know that the boy she spoke of smiled at her kind words.
Harry sighs, " Okay, I trust you. I'm still worried."
" Okay look, this is a spell my grandma showed me." Grabbing his wrist she tilted it to face both of them, pulling out her wand and tapped him saying the word 'iungo' and then doing the same to her own. She puts her wand away as she taps her wrist with her other hand. Harry rises an eyebrow at feeling the tap on his wrist.
" It's a spell that connects us. Or in this case our wrists. It’ll last for a few hours which should be plenty of time.You'll be able to feel whatever I feel on my wrist. Now you can tap your wrist whenever you want and give two taps to see if I'm okay if I give back two I'm fine, four then I need help. Okay?"
" Okay. " He said as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Looking at her lips then back to her eyes, she did the same. Both leaned in until they heard foot steps causing them to pull away and look up to see a familiar face, Draco Malfoy.
The boy in front of them seemingly uncomfortable with the action that could of happened spoke smooth but pain that he could only detect lace his words, " Hi Y/n, sorry if I was late at all. We can go work on our essay now. " He eyed Harry as he pushed past the doors to find a place to sit for the two of them. Draco’s eyes glared at the ground as he walked, his thoughts taking over his mind. Then he sighed, a frown taking form on his face. Not an angry frown, a sad frown. He wanted her to be his, he knew it won’t happen, but he was still going to hold on hope that he might make her a friend. 
Harry sighed, wishing Draco hadn’t ruined the moment. He saw as she looked up at him and say,” Well, I have to go. I don’t want Draco to have to wait long for me.” Giving a smile she starts to walk away when she turns back and gives him a small peck on the cheek and then disappears through the doors as Harry touches the place her lips had touched his cheek.
It was about an hour into the both of them studying. Her soft giggle filling the library as Draco gave a soft smile, because he knew that this time he was the one to cause the sweet sound. He watched her as she would chew on the bottom of her pencil as she focused and how her leg bounced feverishly up and down as her eyes traced the words that ran along the pages. 
The way she looked reminded him of the first time they met. Y/n had been on her way to class when she saw Draco sitting by himself trying to nurse his hand which had gotten cut when he had fallen after Harry and him got into another fight. Both boys ran off when a teacher could have been alerted. She knew her best friend and him were enemies but she couldn’t help herself from going over and helping the boy. At first he just tried to ignore but her persistence to help and even with the risk of her being late to class just to help him, made him turn his bleeding hand to her. The girl had bandages in her bag and tried to nurse his hand to the best of her ability. After that day he had seen more and more of her, and soon started noticing the classes they had together. And soon he realized he was falling for a girl he barley spoke to.   
The two kept working in silence until the memory brought up a question that’s been stuck on his mind ever since that day, “ Y/n, why are you so nice to me?”
Looking up, confused she said,“ What do you mean?” 
“ I mean, your friends hate me. And Harry definitely doesn’t like you talking to me. He’s made that quite obvious an-”
“ Look, I don’t care what my friends have to say. I am friends with whoever I want to be friends with. And I want to be friends with you.” 
Draco’s eyes went wide,” We’re friends?”
“ Well yes, are we not?”
“ No no, I just don’t know why you would want to be friends with me.”
“ Because, I can tell there’s more to you than you let everyone see.”
“ How?”
“ Well okay, you’re like a big nasty grizzly bear that is rumored to eat the heads of anybody who dares to challenge you. But underneath the big bear, there is a soft teddy bear that just wants love.” Her smile brightens as she talks about the animal.  
Draco raises an eyebrow at her comparison,“ I’m a bear?”
“ That’s all you got out of that?” 
“ I’m a teddy bear?”
“ Inside of a big grizzly bear, yes.” All the boy does is shake his head as they go back to their work. More time passes by as the two work on their essay when Y/n feels two taps on her wrist, knowing that it was Harry and taps back twice which makes Draco raises an eyebrow to ask why. 
“ Oh! Harry is such a worry wart! I showed him a spell my grandmother taught me. He was so worried you’d do something, he always worries about me. Our wrists our connected so that whenever he worries we can communicate a little so he doesn’t think I’m dead.” Draco looks at her with a certain sadness in his eyes. Harry Potter really thinks so less of me that I would hurt her, maybe he has a right to. Wait are they dating?
“ Are you and Harry together?”
“ Me and Harry?!” Eyes wide as boulders as she looked at Draco, was it obvious that she liked him?
“ Yeah, you guys seem really close. Also like you said, he’s always worried for you, a thing a boyfriend would do.”
“ No we aren’t dating, I wish.” The words she spoke filled him with hope but also filled him with hurt as her words showed that she did harbor some sort of feelings for the boy.
“ You like him?”
“ Maybe, and if you tell anybody Draco Malfoy I will beat you up!” She spoke, playfulness covering her voice as she gave out another laugh. The night passed by and soon it was time for them to part, Draco walked her to her house as they joked about different things until they reached their destination. Draco was surprised when the Hufflepuff launched at him with a big hug but returned it once he gained his balance. 
Once she pulled away she said with pure confidence but inside she was nervous he’d be rude, “ We are now friends! Don’t be afraid to say hi! And we are definitely hanging out in the library more!” And with that she walked into her house, leaving Draco with a smile as he just made friends with the girl he fell in love with He might not be the one she wants to be with but he sure will be a damn good friend.     
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