wizard101swiftie · 3 months
The admin of the discord server for a new app I have messaged me asking me if I wanted to be a mod because I was really active, but I really don’t think I’m the best for that job or that I have the mental energy for it so I had to decline. But like, just forming the message back was so anxiety inducing and took much longer than the actual message was, and I finally just decided to send it, but now I’m still anxious about how I came across, and the fact that I declined to begin with😭😭
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wizard101swiftie · 1 year
So I just found out that on Taylor’s first concert of this tour tonight she spoke just ONE LINE of seven and then skipped into invisible string.
Like no hate to invisible string, it’s a great song, but I just feel like the aroaces really lost tonight with her skipping over the childhood friendship song huh.
(Also, aphobes and “seven” romanticizers please DNI)
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wizard101swiftie · 1 year
I think the shuffle on my phone has it out for me.
I was just listening to my entire music library on shuffle, as you do — and Forever Winter by Taylor Swift started playing. Which okay, the songs before this have been pretty upbeat and happy sounding so, that’s fine. I can handle it.
But then! THE AUDACITY. It started playing Bigger Than The Whole Sky (also by Taylor Swift) immediately afterwards.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Are you trying to make me sob my eyes out or something?! That is literally the worst combination that shuffle could have come up with, ever.
Has anyone else had something like this happen before because like I feel attacked right now—
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wizard101swiftie · 1 year
It’s my 22nd birthday!! (And it’s 22:22 on 24 hour time)
You know the drill…😉
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wizard101swiftie · 2 years
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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wizard101swiftie · 2 years
Aquamarine 🤝 Frozen
Character needs to find love to solve the problem and assumes it needs to be romantic but then nonromantic love fixes the problem and the characters realize platonic/familial love is just as important/valuable
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wizard101swiftie · 2 years
Empathy is so weird guys. You could literally see/read an extremely embarrassing/mortifying scene in a show or book that in no way applies to you at all and could never even possibly happen to you and yet it still feels like it’s happening to you and it gives so so so much secondhand embarrassment that you just have to pause the show or put down the story in order to calm yourself down (maybe even shudder in discomfort) before continuing. Because you just know that if in some alternate universe this did ever happened to you, you would die on the spot.
(No this isn’t referring to a specific occurrence in my memory, why do you ask? /j)
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wizard101swiftie · 2 years
ALSO: this doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve said or done bigoted things to people before. You might’ve just held the belief in your head and not done anything about it. But to say that you've never had any prejudiced beliefs is ignorant.
Anyone who says they’ve never held bigoted beliefs is 100% a liar. We get older and we learn better and we grow more understanding of the world around us. Social justice is not a contest of perfection. It’s a process of growth. That has been completely lost on this community in the past two years.
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wizard101swiftie · 2 years
aroace culture is somone asking for your number and going "I'm the last person you should be asking that"
aroace culture
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wizard101swiftie · 3 years
My level 100+ wizard101 character? I’d lose so bad😂 irl I get winded just from going up and down the stairs quickly😹
(For comparison, think if an infant had to fight Batman. It’s a no brainer, right?)
you have to fistfight your tumblr pfp. do you think you'd win
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wizard101swiftie · 3 years
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I posted 40 times in 2021
14 posts created (35%)
26 posts reblogged (65%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.9 posts.
I added 74 tags in 2021
#aroace - 9 posts
#aromantic - 9 posts
#aro ace - 9 posts
#aphobes dni - 8 posts
#acearo - 8 posts
#ace aro - 8 posts
#asexual - 7 posts
#aromanticism - 6 posts
#ace - 5 posts
#aro - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 106 characters
#i have this pin with the aro and ace flag colours and an a with an arrow shooting through it in the middle
My Top Posts in 2021
My new music teacher actually knows what aro means- 🙌😄🥳
20 notes • Posted 2021-09-30 23:06:45 GMT
My ace and aromantic flags finally arrived!
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The aromantic one (on the right) is a bit crooked but I’m still so happy! And I got them for under $2 CAD altogether after coupons (originally they were about 3.15 each) so really I’d be stupid if I expected them to be absolutely perfect, still gets the job done!
~Purchased on the AliExpress app~
25 notes • Posted 2021-09-07 22:20:43 GMT
POV: 5-10 years in the future, a-spec identities are (hopefully) more widespread and better known, to the point where people know the aroace flag.
Someone walks into my room, and sees two flags on the wall — the ace and aromantic flags respectively.
Them: "How come you’re not just using the aroace flag?"
Me: "Well, I've been identifying with the individual ace and aromantic flags since before I even knew the aroace flag existed, and, I don’t like change, so... Voila."
(Ok but if a-spec ppl don't start getting more rep, it'll probably be more like: "wHaT aRe ThOsE fLaGs FoR??" Crawl out from under your rock, Cheryl. Please.)
36 notes • Posted 2021-08-08 04:56:10 GMT
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"WhY cAn’T iT jUsT bE fUn, WhY dOeS iT hAvE tO bE lOvE??"
[Photo description: the text at the top reads "which is more aromantic?". On the bottom left, you see the aromantic flag, labelled "being aromantic", On the bottom right, you see a photo of the character Jonah Beck from Andi Mack, labelled "whatever this guy had going on". There is a watermark near the bottom that reads "wizard101swiftie.tumblr.com"]
209 notes • Posted 2021-08-27 22:21:38 GMT
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I couldn’t find a template for this meme where the swear jar was empty so I made my own lol
Any other non-swearing aroaces here? 🙋🏼‍♀️
(Image ID is in alt text)
761 notes • Posted 2021-11-11 01:00:33 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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wizard101swiftie · 3 years
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wizard101swiftie · 3 years
Hey! So I’ve been making a playlist of self-introspection sad songs (because for some reason I just really like singing them even though they don’t relate to me) but I went through my entire library of nearly 700 songs and only found five….😐
So if you’d like to give me some suggestions I’d really appreciate it! Feminine voices only please, and no explicit songs. Here are some examples of the type of songs I’m looking for:
Exhale — Sabrina Carpenter
Granted — Olivia Rodrigo
How Do I Get There From Here (from A.N.T. Farm) — China Anne McClain
Inner Beauty — Connie Talbot
Nothing New — Taylor Swift
21st Century Girls (UNRELEASED) — Olivia Rodrigo
**purple = on my playlist, red = not on my playlist because unreleased
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wizard101swiftie · 3 years
You know what’s a great thing about having to wear masks in public? When listening to music I can mouth along to the lyrics without looking insane😻
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wizard101swiftie · 3 years
aroace culture is typing “crush” into your messages search bar and the only things that come up are Candy Crush (game) and Crush™ pop🤣
aroace culture
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wizard101swiftie · 3 years
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I couldn’t find a template for this meme where the swear jar was empty so I made my own lol
Any other non-swearing aroaces here? 🙋🏼‍♀️
(Image ID is in alt text)
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wizard101swiftie · 3 years
This was me with Harley from Stuck in the Middle :/ she didn’t have a love interest for so long and I was like finally! A main character w/o a love interest! But then all of a sudden season 3 throws in a new character and bam! They do the classic enemies to lovers, a.k.a. the worst trope ever. 🙄
Aroace culture is being disappointed when a character who didn't have a love interest gets a love interest. And being very against canon/headcanoned aroace characters being shipped.
aroace culture
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