#you guys are heroes and make such beautiful work
donutwatches · 11 hours
MHA Movie 1- Two Heroes (Two Gay Dads) - part 1/3
I said I wasn't going to make full posts about the movie, because it will take too much overwhelming work. But, well...you know me, I can't help myself.
My first thought is, why did no one tell me how gay this movie is? It can't possibly just be me seeing this vision through rainbow tinted sunglasses.
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Hello, handsome old 'friend' from college. So the movie opens with gorgeous bigger budget animation, and my eyes were drinking it in. The same way that Dave's eyes are drinking in the sight of his lover hero shining in the sun.
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This can only be described as the beginning of a beautiful gay love story. The whole movie is a romance between these two, that is occasionally interrupted by the class 1A and some random villains, and I can not be convinced otherwise.
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Oh my god, shut up! All might invited Deku on a plus-one trip with him, that is so precious! The way Midoriya is basically fishing for confirmation that All Might sees him as family is so sweet.
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They are father and son for real. I refuse to get teary eyed this early in the movie.
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Hey guys, new Queen just dropped, and she calls All Might UNCLE. Just like the adopted daughter of a single gay man might call her Dad's 'partner'. If you know what I mean.
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"SOMEONE YOU LOVE, PAPA." - I could not make this sh!t up. This is not fan fiction, people, this is the real deal.
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And are those feeling one sided? Hell no they are not, Dave's got our big buff hero, "SHAKING WITH EMOTION".
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NOT IN PUBLIC! Melissa looks so pleased, lol, the girl set this up! I can't believe the plot of this movie is single gay father's daughter noticed her Dad was lonely, so she staged a reunion with his old college days flame. This is incredible.
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They are going to be such a happy family. <3 Midoriya can use all of the Dad's he can get.
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No one told me motherfking GODZILLA made a cameo in this movie. The mere presence of Godzilla makes any movie an instant 10/10. The implication that Godzilla is a guy with a quirk is wild.
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Why did they frame this like the girls caught Deku red-handed having an affair? This cracked me up.
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Is it gay to stare longingly at picture of your old college buddy on your phone? Is it gay to do that when said buddy was just in the same room talking to you not .5 seconds ago?
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Guys, guys, guys...is it gay for the picture on your phone to trigger a flashback of the one time your buddy's shirt fell off, and you checked out his nipples?
Part 2 coming soon!
@setfiretotheshadows, @bicheetopuff, @hyperfixations-and-cringe
@champion-prism, @blackaquokat, @jessiedead, @granny-griffin
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janeyre · 2 years
17 for the Doctor Who asks :)
oh hello!
17. do you read dw fanfic? if so, do you have any recommendations?
oh my GOODNESS okay wowowowow. well, first of all, i have 470 doctor who fics bookmarked on ao3. so. i have a few favorites. genuinely if i like anything i'll bookmark it. easy beans. then when i want stuff to read later..... i have sum.
first of all i want to say that it was almost impossible for me to put together a list of my top faves because there are SO many that i absolutely ADORE. so this list, i have decided, will be JUST the ones that i have read over and over and over again. if these fics were physical books, the spine would be cracked and there would be pages falling out from how well-loved and well-read they are.
second of all, i wanted to give a shoutout to some of my favourite authors, because it seems unfair to only list some works when i feel like every single thing they write is a true work of art. my faves are: @loupettes @lastbluetardis @chocolatequeennk, among many others, and i would first recommend everything by them before recommending something specifically.
buuuuuuut due to the nature of the ask i will get it together and list a few faves here (they are all doctorrose because i am Like That):
one crowded hour by @allegoricalrose: absolute favorite fic of all time. holy toledo. i have read it countless times and i am thinking about it always. truly one of the best pieces of writing i've ever read, regardless of fanfication status! it's beautiful prose and evokes such strong emotion. forever a legend.
dreams of another life by @veritascara : i have read this one countless times. the YEARNING. the fight against hope. i'm absolutely obsessed with it.
the bonds of love by @lastbluetardis : LOVE a bond fic, LOVE a doomsday fixit, LOVE that for once the doctor isn't the one who has to suffer.
the lame shall enter first by @lastbluetardis : a CLASSIC. a mastery of love and hope and hurt/comfort. this work has 8.7k hits and i am 8.6 of them
to bring them home by @chocolatequeennk: the tragedy! the heartache! the yearning! and then, when it's all fixed !!!!!
to make much of time by @chocolatequeennk: another fandom classic, and for such good reason. one of my all-time favorites. (if i ever did a ranking, this would probably be second or third). i reread it every year or so and every year or so it's worth it. SO GOOD.
2.09.01 by @loupettes: everything loupettes writes is beautiful, and to me this is one of the prime examples. a sheer delight to read. so incredibly warm and fuzzy.
marylebone to king's cross by @loupettes: so touching. the best part of loup's writing is how she masters the banter between the two of them while still making it so deeply meaningful and heartfelt is just.... everything.
you know what..... i'm just going to link my bookmarks page on ao3 because i have so many fics that i love and they all deserve recognition. i could talk for hours about all of them. maybe this is a sign i should put together a rec list...?
EDIT: one that i just possibly couldn’t ignore is no touch, which was only posted as a secret santa in 2016 but is one i have reread so so so many times because it is just so precious. i had to come back to add it because i wasn’t sure how popular it was, but it deserves to be another fandom classic!
thank you for this ask, nonny! i hope you find something you enjoy :)
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Would you be willing to write a Miguel x Spider!Reader oneshot where they’re arguing over something the reader did on a mission. And in the heat of an argument, Miguel yells “Because I love you!” at the perfectly wrong time, revealing why he cares about the reader’s safety.
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‘What the hell was that back there. You could’ve jeopardised the whole mission with that reckless stunt you pulled back there!’ Miguel barked, ripping off mask the first moment moment he could; Hellfire were setting ablaze to his beautiful scarlet eyes that were zeroed in on you as the anger, the frustration upon his face became prominent the more he closed the distance between you.
‘When will you let this go, Miguel. When we became Spider-Man we knew the risks that we were running with-‘ ‘so you thought it’d be better to take a running head start by taking the leap and then diving headfirst into them?!’ Miguel cuts you off and with an indignant huff he adds, ‘you don’t get extra points for being reckless, this isn’t some little game that you can just come back to when you feel like it. No, what we do is a full time commitment with no room for last minute deviations just because you were feeling more heroic.’
You grit your teeth. You respected Miguel, you truly did and at one point in time you wanted to do right by his little rule book of how to be a great hero. However you soon learned that it’s better to play by your own rules rather then it was to play by those made by others and slowly but surly found a method that worked for you. For no two methods were the same when it came to protecting and saving people but if they both end in the same conclusion, then no one should be able to raise an issue with it. At the end of the day you and Miguel saved people from a much bigger problem if left unchecked; so why was it that all of a sudden he had an issue with your methods?
It never upset him this much before, so why now. Did he think you as incapable? As unreliable? As untrustworthy to fully let you handle a situation on your own? Whatever it was it only proved in pissing you off despite your semi-injured state; you didn’t care that you’ve gotten hurt, you’ve gotten hurt plenty of times before and he never once batted an eye or exemplified his emotions as he did as of right now. You could barely get a read on the guy as he stood mere feet away, chest heaving even though he wasn’t out of breath, eyes wide and his hair slightly disheveled from the way he had torn off his mask earlier.
And yet you couldn’t help but find him beautiful in his anger, for it was like witnessing the makings of a Greek tragedy; beautifully written, yet so heartbreakingly tragic.
‘Why does it matter?’ You spat, getting up, despite your injured leg’s desire to buckle beneath the weight of not only you but the situation at hand. You saw the briefest movements of Miguel’s arms almost stretch out to instinctively catch you but stopping midway through the motion before going slack at his sides once more; as though remembering why he was mad at you in the first place. ‘It never mattered before, so why does it matter now? You don’t hound the others for doing it so why is it me that’s getting shit on for doing the same when I ain’t the first to do so!’
‘Because I love you!’ Miguel exclaimed.
The silence afterwards was almost deafening. Miguel’s outburst quieted you quickly as a thousand and one thoughts raced in your head; how long? why now? Was this merely a ruse to silence you so he could badger on at you for your supposed mistake? You didn’t know what to make of anything anymore now that he said that. You didn’t want to believe it for starters on the basis that not once had he ever shown interest in you, if anything he made it apparent to push you away or avoid you entirely from any and all interaction, and even when he did it was comprised of short responses that left the attempts at conversation to die as an overwhelming awkwardness forced you into leaving him be.
‘I love you.’ Miguel repeated, softer this time.
‘I get that but why-‘ ‘haven’t I shown it until now? As stupid as it sounds but I didn’t want you to get hurt because of me and look where you are,’ he gestured to your injured state, ‘hurt because of me.’ He adds defeatedly. You were about to open your mouth when Miguel raised a hand, indicating that he wasn’t finished, ‘I know I haven’t given you any reason to believe me when I say that I love you. I avoid you like the plague and I push you away whenever I see you starting to get too close and respond in a clipped tone of voice so that you’d loose interest and move on to talk to someone else.’
He stopped talking to move in closer to you, grasping you by arms with a firm grip as all the anger in his face seemingly having been melted away. The raging hellfire that once consumed his scarlet eyes in their entirety had been diminished to that of dying ambers, unveiling his admiration, his worry, his guilt and most importantly, his love; the sneer now long gone was replaced by a softer more tender expression that didn’t hide away the worry lines that were deeply etched into his skin. ‘I don’t deserve you, I’m not worth having you because sooner or later you’ll see me the way I’ve always seen myself and I’d rather you be as far away as possible when that happens.’ Miguel said, making sure he was maintaining eye contact with you the entire time to prove that he was being wholeheartedly genuine, not wanting to lie to you about something as personal as his feelings; He’s done that for long enough, Miguel knew his breaking point was upon the incline and seeing you act the way you did during the mission only fast forward it.
‘Yet for some inexplicable reason I can’t stop myself for wanting to protect you, to make sure you’re safe, to make sure that you never come to harm. At first I thought it was because I was looking out for a teammate, making sure you didn’t slip up and cause more potential problems for the rest of us, making sure that you didn’t let a single perpetrator slip but soon I learnt it was far more then just simply looking after a teammate...’ Miguel paused to blink away the images regarding of the nightmares he’d get concerning you, which were few and far between but those times were enough to suffocate him with fear. ‘It was something more and I grew scared, I grew scared because I know what it’s like to loose it all but for some reason I also knew that loosing you would just be the nail in the coffin for me.’
Miguel admits as he presses his forehead against your own, his hands trailing from up your arms until they’re caressing the skin of either side of your neck between calloused thumbs. He closing his eyes and allows himself to breath you in, reminding himself that you were here and that he managed to get to you before anything else could, that he kept you safe, not from all harm but at least from some of it and that was good enough but he knew deep down that he needed the do better. ‘Don’t make me imagine a life without you,’ he whispers, pressing his forehead against yours just that tiny bit harder as his fingertips found their home where your pulse points were to remind him that you weren’t gone completely from his grasp, ‘for I don’t think I’m strong enough to withstand that reality.’
‘You don’t have to.’ You told him softly, lifting your hands to caresses the skin of his cheeks and feeling him effectively melt within your hold. ‘Not anymore.’
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moominsuki · 1 year
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✎ᝰ BAKUGOU KATSUKI ; — bakugou hates feeling jealous. but you make it worthwhile.
࿄ ! warnings — f!reader. absolutely none. sfw. / note. katsuki is a cutie patootie.
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jealous bakugou is something else. he doesn’t think he’s all that possessive of you at all - he doesn’t care if your outfit is skimpy or if you have guy friends. bakugou regards himself as very secure in his relationship with you.
until he hears what guys have to say about you. then he gets a little crazy.
it’s an open day where he’s helping a group of lackies and hero interns with integrating into his agency and it’s pretty innocent at first. kiri and deku are doing most of the heavy lifting with talking with the prospective sidekicks and heroes (katsuki is very content with the extras he has already). he’s already kind of distracted by seeing you this morning - you offered to lift a hand and do some extra work around his agency for today due to the unusual amount of people scoping his place out and why would he pass on an offer to see you around his agency all day?
unfortunately for katsuki, it means that he’s being increasingly more distant than he usually is and the interns can feel the disgusted energy emitting from every fibre in his body. it’s not like he’s trying to hide it though - what a waste to have you come to his workplace and only catch glimpses of your hair and your scent.
“kacch- dynamight? what do you look for in a sidekick who wants to potentially join this agency,” asks izuku, pulling his friend out of his thoughts. katsuki looks at the crowd of young, probably high school kids and they basically cower under his gaze. he recognises a few of them from other, unimportant events he can’t seem to specifically recall. god, he wants to bite back at them but he shrugs in annoyance.
“don’t piss me off and do as you’re told. simple as but it seems like you lot would still f-”, deku quickly interjects katsuki and yells out, “okay! let’s take a quick 10 minute break! just have a look around and we’re free if you have any questions you want to ask!”
“what is with you today, kacchan? you’re more… insolent than usual,” asks izuku slowly, watching the expression on his blond’s face meld into a face of indifference.
“maybe it’s the fact that i don’t care about these idiots who’re just making a goddamn mess of the place. i don’t need more extras to fuck shit up f’me,” bakugou grumbles. kirishima pats his moody friends on the back and goes to speak when-
“well at least the rumours about dynamight are true. that guy is a fucking mood killer,” says some guy standing in the corner of the reception area, who looks to be a sidekick and is accompanied by other unknown up and coming ‘extras’ as Katsuki woukd put it.
“tell me about it. the guys here fucking suck. for once, i’m wishing that we were stuck with the female pros instead. have you seen uravity? she’s sexier in real life,” pipes up some other guy and the rest holler and hoot.
the three pros look at each other, with bakugou looking at kirishima and deku with knowing, smug eyes.
“i’m just going to interrupt their conversation-” says kirishima, attempting to walk over until another lackey pipes up.
“but have you seen y/h/n? what a woman. shame she’s not in her hero suit. what i would do for a woman like that,” grunts some pathetic looking guy. he’s spindly and limp and looks akin to a wet noodle.
it doesn’t stop katsuki from seething though.
kirishima and izuku slowly turn to look at their friend - who’s practically steaming in his hero uniform. all katsuki can see is red and violence - which isn’t really unlike from what he normally sees but it’s different this time. this time it’s about you.
he sees the group of gross, teenage boys point to where you’re standing: you’re leaning over the receptionist desk and just from the behind can katsuki appreciate how beautiful you are. you’re wearing a short black turtleneck dress with orange accents (you told him that you wanted to wear his colours to his agency) and in any other setting would katsuki run his hands over you and compliment and kiss you till you were shying away from him.
bakugou knew that you got unwanted attention, regardless if he was standing by you like a rabid guard dog - you were gorgeous and you knew that. he also knew that you could hold your own against a hoard of horny teenage losers and you would never look twice at them when you had him. still, that logic went out the window when he could see the same group of kids leering and pointing at where your thighs met the bottom of your dress and he wanted to kill them.
kirishima got wind of this just by looking at the blond’s expression, “please don’t blow up the place - they’re just dumb kids! think about how hard we worked for this agency,” pleads kirishima.
“he’s too far gone,” izuku sadly laments as they watch bakugou stride on over to you and ignore both the men’s pleas and bargains. he aggressively pushes past the disgusting collective of eyes and they break apart in shock at his intrusion through them.
you’re, however, too enamoured in your conversation with his assistant and mina- you’re looking at a pinterest board and he wants to bite you for being so cute in front of everyone. it makes him even angrier that those extras would ever think that you would give them more than a side eye and a polite wave.
you feel katsuki before you see him - his uniform-clad arm holds your waist between the desk as he slots himself into your conversation.
“so what’s this about? whatcha talking about?” katsuki asks and mina and his assistant giggle at his intrusion while you roll your eyes and turn yourself sideways to look at him.
“i would tell you but mina and akako might kill me,” you tell your boyfriend, resting a manicured hand on his chest. akako, bakugou’s assistant, laughs and nods her head:
“sorry, dynamight, our conversations are sacred. might i add your timetable tells me that you’re due to take the interns on a practice patrol in less than… 20 minutes?”
katsuki narrows his eyes at this and you chastise akako for poking at him, “leave him alone! i want him here,” before resting a hand on his stubbled jaw and scratching at his face. katsuki’s eyes close at the sensation and he opens them to take a good look at your face. the stupid kids are still a embittering thought in the back of his mind and in any given situation, he would never do this. but sometimes bakugou’s heart goes against his common sense and this was one of those times.
he leans down to slots his lips over yours and presses a gloved hand into the small of your back and you smile into the kiss while a few “awwhs,” emit in the background. bakugou opens an eye slightly to see in his peripheral vision that the gaggle of the limp-faced sidekicks are looking at him in a mixture of shock and fear and embarrassment. he also sees kirishima and izuku grab them up to guide them out of the room.
when you break from the kiss to brush at the hair on the nape of his head, he mumbles, “have i told you how much i love that dress on you?”
you giggle a little and lean up to kiss the corner of his mouth, “a few times. but you can keep telling me if you want. ‘s not like i’ll get tired of hearing it,” you whisper to him and it’s like you’re the only people in the room. he’ll tell you about what spurned this on another day. in the meanwhile, he bask in your attention until he has to go and entertain those useless jerks. it’s not like he’s going to employ any of them.
bakugou would say this is a mission accomplished in his book. yeah, he’s a little jealous and possessive. but with the way you look at him, he finds himself caring less and less about what others have to say about you.
doesn’t mean he won’t try knock them in the side of their head if the time calls for it.
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࿄ ! — all rights reserved © moominsuki. please do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend my work outside of tumblr. this is strictly prohibited.
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skipper19 · 9 months
Imagine this..
Alpha!Keigo, who always made sure his mate was well taken care of. There was never anything that you would ever need or want because you already have it, so there's no need to long for it any longer. Keigo keeps his feathers hidden around the house, and a not so hidden one wrapped around your neck as a courting gift. These feathers will always let him know when his little omega is in need of something.
Alpha!Keigo put that specific feather on a necklace because it was the very last courting gift he provided to you before he asked you to be his mate, officially. Not that it was necessary. Keigo always made sure it was obvious to the people around you both that you belonged to him, bond mark or not. Not to mention the stench of nothing but Takami Keigo wafting off of you most times. Which was totally not intentional.
Alpha!Keigo was so twisted with his own emotions the first time another Alpha approached you. One one hand, Keigo knew you were his loyal omega, and you would politely reject the other Alpha, but on the other hand, Keigo wanted nothing more than to hold you so close that his scent was permanently marked into you. He wanted to growl and prowl at the other Alpha, maybe even show off your bond mark that he so happily gave to you when your relationship became official. Thank God Keigo had a reputation as the number two hero to upkeep because if he didn't, he may have actually taken the second option.
Alpha!Keigo became so flustered and nervous on the inside that the media found out about his omega mate. No one would leave you alone. Either it be asking questions about you during an interview or trying to take a picture of you as you walk down the street. Keigo hated when the reporters would spot you on the street when he wasn't there. You always come home smelling of anxiety and nervousness. Keigo, the adoring Alpha that he is, always made sure to calm your nerves on these occasions. Fortunately, you grew accustomed to the press after some time, and you easily avoided them.
Alpha!Keigo notices a rather large bruise on your arm one day, and after further investigation, he discovered it to be a hand mark. Keigo persuaded you (made you cum until you were a crying, blubbering, mess) until you finally revealed that a reporter had spotted you on the road today. You were walking home from work. The male reporter thought it would be a good idea to corner you so he could ask questions. You, rightfully so, attempted to just walk away like you always do. But this guy, alpha no less, grabbed your arm so you couldn't leave. Keigo was seeing red.
Alpha!Keigo calms down enough after a few hours. He lulls you to sleep and watches you dream away so peacefully before he pulls out his phone and makes a call.
Alpha!Keigo doesn't hesitate to let you build a nest in his office. None of his coworkers nor workers are allowed in his office after you do. Of course, they can come close to the door and knock, but they are forbidden from entering. Even when Keigo/you isn't there, they still are not allowed in his office. Your nest is too precious to even be seen by anyone else. Keigo teared up when you said you wanted to build a nest in his office and his room at his house. You trusted him enough to do that. He could only hold you close, wrapped up in his beautiful red wings, as he praises you and thanks you.
Alpha!Keigo, who hates it when you switch your shampoo. You always claim that you never cared for what shampoo you grabbed, as long as it wasn't conditioner, but he hated that you switched it up every time. Your scent just changed too much, and nothing ever smelt special for you, specifically. Finally, the night you both first made passionate love to one another for the first time. Keigos' back was lined with burning passion. His shoulders were tense, sweat dripping from his forhead, his wings jerking and relaxing every few seconds, not to mention you. Your body laid out beneath him, sweat lining your beautiful skin, hair sticking to the bed and your own face, hickies and dark bite marks scattered along your upper chest and neck, it was all perfect. What made it even more perfect was the smell that Keigo couldn't get enough of. After he had emptied his balls into you, he just laid on your chest. But Keigo didn't expect to smell the sweetest, most drooling scent he had ever smelt, pouring from your scent glands. Nothing covering or blocking you from openly releasing this scent if yours.Round two immediately started after that.
Alpha!Keigo protects you and loves you with everything he is. Man, hero, son (hopefully a daddy bird soon), you took it all when you stole his heart. Keigo would gladly put down his life for his omega, and he would put down someone else's life for you, too. Though he would say that allowed, he knows you're more sensitive about gore and killing than he is. But he doesn't care. As long as you stick by his side no matter what, he knows he will stick by yours.
And don't get be started on Alpha!Keigo becoming a father after impregnating his little omega.
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azaarchiive · 2 months
yk what i keep thinking about?
pro hero izuku that has changed a shit ton since middle school, you remember his shy demeanour and his cute personality. you had a little crush on him back then and helped him from bullies when you could since izuku really couldn’t defend himself back then.
after you both graduated, you never saw him face to face, sure you’ve seen him a little on TV but never payed that much attention to him. esp since you are a doctor now that literally on duty almost everyday so there wasn’t much time to ogle at your middle school crush
then, the hospital gets raided by villains and everyone gets held hostage, luckily dynamite, red crimson and deku are here to help!
you get carried out by deku, which is there where you get a better look at him and lord of mercy.
he looks roughed up and you never knew that was a thing you had until now.
looking at him, cuts on his face, his nose slightly bleeding, a serious expression on his face, his muscles literally begging to be released from his tight hero suit, his taller frame and beat of all, his head band to keep his hair out of his face.
you couldn’t… you really couldn’t.
he sets you down and unties you, asking if you’re ok but you can barely respond because when the fuck did his voice get so fucking deep??
he goes off, fights the villains and all you and your colleagues watch those heros defeat those villains in awe because those three together were a dangerous combination for single women.
those three come back and you all thank them tremendously.
izu gives a speech about how it’s just what they do or whatever, you really couldn’t concentrate because his smile is even more angelic and his freckles are just so beautiful.
your friend tells you it’s so obvious that you’re staring at him and to stop because the media is probably making a meme out of you but you don’t care. if you take your eyes off of him, it feels like he’s going to turn into a succubus at this point.
you take your shot and ask if you could heal him, your quirk enabling you to do this.
you take him to the ambulance van, away from prying eyes as you friends cheer you on and the two other hero’s teasing him.
you make some lie about how your quirk works better with skin to skin contact, he’s ever so understanding and takes off his suit to reveals the whole of torso.
and fuck me is he BUFF
scars littered everywhere across his body, freckles are adorning his body and your salivating at the mouth.
you quickly put your hands on him, longing out the process by feeling him up everywhere and muttering some random medical shit that you know he wouldn’t get.
he’s just looking at you skeptically, but you couldn’t see him anyways as your eyes are closed.
but he just allows you to have your moment.
you just keep going while he keeps looking at you and after a fat 2 mins of this, he just says your name
your surprised he remembers you so you just look at him just for him to say sum shit like
“if you want something else to feel, that can easily be done.” while leaning back and smirking so seductively
And you’re just shocked bc when the hell did he get this confidence??? like actually??
you’re getting hella flustered
and he’s just looking at you
and your like “fuck it sure”
after like 15 mins (head cannon that izu loves his quickies) you both come out and he’s like “thanks for healing me” and your like “no problem” playing it off in front of everyone
while literally everyone else is looking at you guys shocked because it’s not like you both were quiet (izuku made sure of that)
katsuki is hell bent on proving you both fucked but izu is a scarily good liar
so they go off and all your colleagues are literally begging for details about what happened but you don’t spill a thinggg
you feel something weird in your bra however and realised that izuku literally put his business card there, that’s sly bastard.
should i write this up? 😝
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peachsukii · 2 months
₊✩‧₊⇢  right person, wrong time?
『 ෆ k.bakugo x fem!reader 』 ⋆ ˚ʚɞ — repost; after more discussions, i decided to delete the follow up on the original post thread & re-post separately. i don't wanna be accused of stealing someone's idea after already apologizing for it. this'll be the last i talk about it.
Bakugo’s loved you since high school. You always pushed him to work hard, never took his shit without giving it back tenfold, and was a pillar of support through some of the toughest times in his life. Even so, he’s convinced himself you’d never feel the same, that he has no shot with you.
Because you’re quirkless.
You’re part of the 20% without one, and he told himself he can’t get in your way of your life. Bakugo can’t stand the thought of being the reason why you don’t chase after your own dreams. He knows you too well - you’d put your happiness aside to support him the second he asked. You’d put your life on hold if it meant for him to succeed as a pro hero.
But he can’t do that. You’re the one thing he can’t seem to bring himself to be selfish about.
So Bakugo sits idly by, for years, as your best friend. The one you’d do anything for, no matter the time or place. He watches you date shitty guys and picks up the pieces they leave you in. Buys you your favorite foods when you have a bad day, surprises you with “just thinking of you” gifts, and drops whatever he’s doing the second you need him.
He’s attempted dating, desperately tried to get you out of his heart and make room for someone else - he fails each time. Miserably.
So tonight, that all changes.
You’re attending the annual Hero Gala together tonight, just like you have for the last four years. Bakugo always asks you to be his plus one as it keeps people away from him and he gets to spend time with you…rather, gets to see you dressed to the nines and have you on his arm all night long. It’s the one day a year he gets to pretend you’re his.
You’ve recently gotten a huge promotion in your line of work and he’s broken the top 10 of the hero charts - what better time than now to shoot his shot? He’s waited long enough, run through every excuse in the book why not to tell you how he feels.
The night winds down and the two of you get back into his car, sitting in silence for the ride home. That’s not uncommon for you two, but Bakugo’s reading too much into it tonight. It makes his hands tremble on the wheel, white knuckling the pleather from nerves. Once he pulls up to your apartment complex, he turns the car off and gets out to open your door for you.
To his surprise, you invite him in.
“I have a surprise for you!”
Bakugo’s whole body is tense at this point. What could you have for him?
“Here, open it.” You hand him a small box wrapped in orange paper. “It’s not much and a little cheesy, but congratulations on breaking the top 10!”
He opens the package to find a golden bracelet in a box with the inscription “plus ultra, dynamight!” on the underside of it.
“Ya didn’t have to get me shit, but thank you. I love it.”
He hugs you immediately, scooping you into a loving embrace and relishing in the excuse to have skin contact with you.
“I, uh, actually have somethin’ for you, too.” His voice waivers while he fiddles with his jacket pocket. You raise an eyebrow while waiting for him to present…whatever it is he had.
Bakugo pulls out a small box of his own, handing over the velvet jewelry case. You gingerly take it from his palm and can’t help but notice he’s shaking like a leaf.
“Are you okay, Kat? You’re shaking.”
“Just…open it.”
And you do - revealing a beautiful rose gold locket inside. It’s in the shape of a heart, dainty yet big enough to fit a minuscule picture. Before you open it, he stops you by gently touching your hand. He’s trying to hold eye contact with you, but keeps darting between your gaze and the ceiling.
“I’m sorry if this seems outta nowhere, but it’s been eatin’ me alive for years. And if it’s too much, we can forget it ever happened.”
You tilt your head at him in confusion. “What are you talking about?”
Oh. The locket.
Time crawls to a halt as you pry open the locket, peering into the small enclosure to see two things - a picture of the two of you on the left and a small handwritten phrase on the right.
‘I love you. -Kats’
The silence in the apartment is deafening. Bakugo’s vibrating out of his skin while awaiting a semblance of a response to his confession. You’re normally easy to read, but in the moment, he’s struggling to observe how you could be feeling. It’s driving him fucking insane. He starts to feel regret, embarrassment settling in his bones as he bites his lip.
He just ruined everything. The precious friendship you two had - gone. He knew that locket was a stupid idea.
Bakugo’s preparing himself for your rejection. The tears are building and the lump in his throat solidifies. He attempts to keep himself together as he begins to croak out an apology.
“Look, I shoulda—”
“Say it.”
Bewilderment is an understatement as he recoils at your demand. He blinks the stray tears away, all the breath he had being stolen away by your words. He swallows thickly, never thinking he’d get this far in the conversation. He was fully prepared to high tail it outta there, not…stay.
“Tell me you love me.”
This can’t be real.
Bakugo’s body moves on its own, closing the gap between you two in under the dim light of your entry way. He cradles your jaw, thumbing over the apple of your cheek and studying your eyes as he takes a deep breath. This is the moment he’s been waiting for - the one he’s been yearning over. The opportunity to tell you exactly how he feels, how much you mean to him.
Four words is all he needs.
“I fucking love you.”
You can’t help but laugh, maybe a little too loudly as Bakugo’s cheeks turn strawberry in color.
“It’s about damn time. I love you too.”
His heart pounds, his legs feel like jello, his muscles stiffen. And yet, he powers through it all.
Your lips meet for the first time - the kiss is soft, sweet, careful.
When you part, his vision blurs a bit, overwhelmed by the emotions swelling in his chest. His lips are slightly parted behind heavy breaths, taking in the moment he was so graciously given.
“I didn’t wanna get in your way.”
You laugh. “Then don’t be in my way, come with me.”
God, he was such an idiot. A lovesick fool blinded by his own infatuation to see that his best friend loved him, too.
You hand the locket to Bakugo and spin around while holding up your hair. He tenderly places the chain around your neck and secures the clasp, letting the metal fall to your collarbone.
“I’m all yours, Katsuki.”
You always have been.
thanks to everyone who sent in a message & encouraged me to keep this up. we're all just trying to have a good time together on this site and share our feelings about characters we love. there's no need to talk down or discourage others from expressing themselves.
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baby-tini · 20 days
In yandere DabiHawks poly fics, reader is always clinging to Hawks.. I mean it's understandable. Hawks is friendlier, more open, outwardly affectionate and he's something Dabi struggles with... he's caring. But putting that aside, what if reader clung to Dabi instead 🤔
Dabi has always been intense, cerulean eyes that stare into your soul, big hands that like to grab at your throat- pull at your hair, the power to wield the brightest, bluest flames you've ever seen- and oh oh don't forget, he's not skinny and scrawny, he's packing quite a bit of muscle under his clothes. Everything about him screams, "STAY AWAY" and "RUN." But you obviously don't see the warning signs that are so blatantly there or you just really don't care, Dabi's not sure yet. Hawks despises it though, he's the hero, the good guy- he protects civilians from people like Dabi for fucks sake, so why do you cling to Dabi so fucking much, hm? Anytime they both come home Hawks hugs you and while you do reciprocate, it's half-assed. Giving him a loose hug before twisting out of his grip to run towards Dabi and jump on him, basically making out with him while Hawks has too watch and sneer. "Hey babydoll, you miss me, hm? You nod at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him, fisting at Dabis hair to keep him close. Dabi chuckles, slipping his tongue into your mouth as he opens his eyes to stare at Hawks, the ladder scoffs and walks away. At first, when Hawks and Dabi come to the agreement to share you and had taken you away, brought you to Hawks nice penthouse with a beautiful overlook of the city, Hawks was so sure you would favor him. It had taken you a little while to even warm up to them but for you to cling to Dabi when he was so mean to you at first pisses Hawks off and you make it so obvious you prefer Dabi. You don't even kiss Hawks, just a peck before he leaves for work and then you're bouncing over to Dabi with a gleam in your eye, plopping down on his lap as Hawks leaves more irritated then before. Hawks couldn't even explain how many times he's come home from an exhausting day of hero work to see you riding Dabi, grinding down on his cock as you whine like a bitch in heat, screaming Dabis name, begging to cum on Dabis cock.. but no, no, never Hawks. The only reason you let him kiss you is because you're so cock drunk on Dabi that you don't notice. Head thrown back as you whine, eyes screwed shut tightly with your nails making pretty red lines on Dabis chest. That's one of the only times Hawks can kiss you and even then, Dabi still smirks in his face, cause he knows, he knows you don't really like Hawks and he uses that. Dabi will fuck you over the kitchen table, timing your orgasm to when Hawks walks through the door. Just for him to scowl as you scream for Dabi. For the months you've been here, Hawks has never fucked you by himself, Dabi is always in the room or even inside you. You don't make a fuss when Hawks makes out with your pussy only because Dabi has you occupied with his tongue in your mouth and a hand around your throat. "There you go baby, letting the little hero eat your pretty pussy, huh?" Hawks glances up at you from his place between your legs, you nod at Dabi, not looking away from him as you continue to kiss him, licking at his tongue. That. That shit pisses off Hawks, he's taking the time out of his day to make your pretty pussy cum for and you don't even look at him. That won't fly with Hawks and he makes sure you know that as he slaps your clit a couple times. It has you keening backwards, into Dabis chest, whining out as you attempt to arch away. "You disrespectful bitch, I'm eating your pussy, making you cum in my mouth and all you can say is Dabi.. are you fuckin serious slut?" He pushes himself up from his stomach, grabbing you by your throat to pull you towards him. "You're so far up his fucking ass you won't even kiss me, won't tell me you love me or even hug me.. but you'll do all that and more for that prick, won't you bitch?" You try to thrash around, reaching towards Dabi and whining for him but that just pisses Hawks off more. Hawks pulls you towards the edge of the bed and pins you down. "You'll learn to love me angel, I'll make sure of that."
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fatkish · 14 days
Would you please write for some of the Pro Heroes in a situation where their s/o (reader) gets out of surgery and is so absolutely zooted that they don't recognize their partner, but flirt aggressively with them. Basically like that video of the guy who wakes up from surgery and starts hitting on his wife and then is thrilled to learn that they're actually married.
Pro Heroes x Reader Headcannons
Drugged Confessions
You had been in surgery and had finally gotten out of it. When you had woken up, you were still under the affects of the anesthesia and were a little loopy. You saw a handsome man/beautiful woman sitting in a chair next to your bed. You knew you couldn’t pass up the chance to ask them out so you tried your best to flirt with them. Here’s how each Pro Heroes interaction goes.
Reader: hi handsome
Aizawa: hi (y/n)
Reader: *gasp* you know my name?
Aizawa: of course I do
Reader: did you sit on a pile of sugar, cause you’ve got a sweet ass
Aizawa: *chuckles* you’re cute, go back to sleep
Reader: only if you sleep with me
Aizawa: alright *climbs into the bed with you*
All Might:
Toshinori: darling, you’re awake
Reader: hello
Toshinori: hi
Reader: are you butt dialing, cause I swear that ass is calling me
Toshinori: *spits out blood* (y/n)!
Reader: what’s the chance I can get in your pants?
Toshinori: (y/n) please now is not the time for this
Present Mic:
Hizashi: good afternoon darling
Reader: hello handsome
Hizashi: why thank you beautiful
Reader: there’s something wrong with my bed, you’re not in it
Hizashi: well then let’s fix that *crawls in bed with you*
Best Jeanist:
Best Jeanist: you’re awake, how are you feeling?
Reader: I’m good
Best Jeanist: that’s good to hear
Reader: nice shirt, can I talk you out of it?
Best Jeanist: when we get home maybe, but not right now
Reader: then take me home
Reader: are you an angel?
Hawks: no
Reader: I think you might be my angel
Hawks: aww you’re still loopy, I’m so gonna record this *takes out phone and starts recording you*
Reader: do you have any streaming services? Cause I wanna Netflix and chill, Hulu and do you, IMAX and climax, Amazon Prime and nasty time
Hawks: *laughing* oh? Tell me more.
Reader: I’m not a baker, but I’ll stay up late with you to make a cream pie
Hawks: well beautiful, your face is a work of art, we should frame it with my legs
Reader: *blushes* yes
Nemuri: I see you’re awake
Reader: I am now gorgeous
Nemuri: we’ll aren’t you sweet
Reader: I’d like to use your thighs as earmuffs
Nemuri: once you’re better you can
Reader: who are you, pretty lady?
Ryukyu: did you forget who I am?
Reader: no… I know that four plus four equals eight, but you plus me equals fate.
Ryukyu: That’s cute sweetie
Reader: nooo… you’re cute
Ryukyu: well I’m already taken, sorry
Reader: noooooo… by who
Ryukyu: by you
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azzo0 · 4 months
His World
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Summary: Bakugo's teenage daughter has been acting suspicious for a while. He keeps shrugging it off until he finds her cuddled up on the couch with another boy. Let's just say he's less than happy to find out his daughter is dating Kaminari's son.
Pairing: Bakugo x f!reader
tw's: A lil angsty
Not proofread. Go easy on me <3
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You yawned, scratching your bedhead, as you walked into the kitchen to see your husband, Katsuki, already making breakfast. You walked up to him, wrapping your arms around his waist, "Good morning.~"
"Mornin', beautiful," He replied, flipping a pancake onto a plate. It was fluffy, just the way you and Mizuki liked it. He turned around and pressed a kiss to your lips. Your good morning kiss. You smiled, pecking his cheek. 
You took the plates with the pancakes out into the dining room, Katsuki following behind, holding a tray with cups of coffee. You put the dishes on the table and opened your mouth to call your seventeen-year-old daughter down for dinner but stopped when she entered the kitchen, hopping on one foot as she put on her socks. 
You raised your eyebrows in amusement. Surprisingly, Mizuki had been waking up early for a few weeks now. Previously, you had to turn off all her alarms for her and aggressively shake her awake. 
"Morning, mama, papa." She greeted as she pulled her long blonde hair into a ponytail, crimson eyes shifting up to you and Katsuki.
"Someone's wakin' up surprisingly early." Bakugo commented, "Now come on, food's runnin' cold."
"Oh. I have to be at school early today." Mizuki took her school bag from a chair, throwing it over her shoulder. Bakugo furrowed his eyebrows, watching his daughter run out of the room in a hurry. 
"Oi, get yer ass back here! You ain't leaving without breakfast!" He yelled, his head snapping at you, asking you to say something. You shook your head, raising your hands up. Only a Bakugo could tame a Bakugo. 
"I'll get somethin' from outside, chill!" Mizuki yelled from the front door. 
Bakugo looked at you, baffled, "She's got the time to eat from out but not to eat from home?!"
"Maybe she's not in the mood for pancakes." You replied, taking a seat at the dining table, pulling a plate towards yourself, and pushing another towards Katsuki. 
You smiled, watching him pout as he chewed. He was just like the Katsuki you met in high school, yet he was so different. His muscular arms and torso were littered with little scars, with one big scar on his chest. It was proof of years of hero work. His hair was slowly starting to grey. When he put his head in your lap, you liked moving his hair around, counting the little grey hair. 
"D'you think she doesn't like my cooking?" Bakugo asked. 
"You know that's not the case, Katsuki." You give him a pointed look, "You don't have to be upset about it."
"I'm not upset..." He huffed. You sighed, smiling at him. He clearly was upset. You were going to add that she might have met a special someone, so that could be one reason why she was in such a hurry, but decided to keep it to yourself since you knew the reaction your husband would have. He'd flip the table over. 
"What if she's seein' someone?" He narrowed his eyes, his fist clenching on the table. You reached over, putting your hand over his closed fist. His hand relaxed, lying flat underneath yours. 
"It's possible. She's growing up, it's expected." 
"I'm sure she's got better things to do than bothering with some lame-ass guy." He confidently shoved a piece of pancake in his mouth. A drop of sweat appeared on your forehead at his sudden change in demeanour. 
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Katsuki's suspicions of Mizuki going out with someone did not stop there. 
He'd just come home from patrol, sweaty and tired, hoping to take a nice long bath and then eat dinner and spend some time with his two favourite girls. He stepped inside the house, kicking his dirty boots off and padding into the living room. 
He found you on the couch, your face lighting up when you saw him. You hopped off the couch to give him a fat kiss on the cheek, "Hi, babe. How was work?"
You laughed, wiping a bit of grease from his cheek with a thumb, "I've already run the bath for you."
You caught a naughty glint in his eye when he turned you around, hugging you from the back, his chin on your head, stubble scratching your scalp, "Join me."
"Why the fuck not?"
"Mizuki's home, Katsuki." You rolled your eyes. 
"It's just a bath." He teased. 
You stepped away from him, giving his chest a playful push, "We both know it will end up being not just a bath." 
"Mama!" Mizuki rushed into the living room, holding a hairbrush in hand, wearing a pretty blue dress you got her a while back, "Mama, can you do my hair?" Her eyes fell on Bakugo standing behind you, brow arched skywards. She visibly froze. 
"Where are you going?" He asked, noting how she was dressed a little nicer than usual. 
"With friends, duh," Mizuki replied, handing you the hairbrush. You brushed her hair, putting up into a neat bun for her. 
"Thanks, Mum." 
"Oi, don't forget to leave your location on and-" Bakugo began but got cut off by Mizuki. 
"And don't forget to be home before ten, blah, blah, blah. I know. You need to stop worryin', Pops." Mizuki looked up at her father as she put her heels on. 
"I'd stop worrying if you weren't dressed like you're going on a damn date," Bakugo said.
Mizuki cleared her throat, rolling her eyes. "Well, I'm not. Can I leave now?"
Bakugo moved aside, letting her leave, eyes not moving from the door until it was slammed shut. "I'm tellin' ya, she's seein' someone. And I'm fuckin' finding out who it is-" He made a move to leave after her, stopping when you put a hand on his arm. 
"Let her go, Katsuki. If she finds out you're stalking her, she's not going to trust you with anything." 
"But what if-"
"You wouldn't want her sneaking out and lying to you, would you?" 
"No..." He mumbled. 
"Exactly. Now go hop in the bath, stinky." You smacked his arm. He gave you a devilish smirk and threw you over his shoulder.
"You're gettin' in with me. Mizu isn't home now."
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It was the weekend, and you were out doing groceries with Katsuki. You watched your items get scanned at the counter, making sure you guys had everything you needed. You reached to carry some of the grocery bags, getting your hand slapped away by Katsuki. He carried them all in one go, his muscles flexing in the process. 
Before going back home, he got Mizuki iced tea since he knew she liked it. He parked the car in the garage, helping you carry the grocery bags inside. 
"That's the last of it." He grunted, dropping a bag on the floor by the shoes. 
"I'll go ask Mizuki to help me put stuff in the fridge." You said, removing your shoes. You went into the living room, freezing when you saw Mizuki sound asleep on top of a boy you recognised. Kyoka and Denki's son, Ryuu. He had plum-coloured hair, just like Kyoka.
"Oi, Mizuki, come help ya ma with the groceries," Katsuki yelled, walking into the living room. He saw you standing by the couch and came to stand beside you, looking down to see Mizuki asleep with her head on Ryuu's chest. His yelling made Mizuki stir a little before she nuzzled into his neck and went back to sleep. 
You glanced at Bakugo, watching his jaw clench, his upper lip twitch in fury. You could swear you saw steam blowing out of his ears. Before you could stop him, he stomped up to the two, "WAKE THE FUCK UP!" He yelled.
Startled, Mizuki sat up upright, falling off the couch. Ryuu opened his eyes wide in confusion. He looked down at Mizuki and then at Dynamight towering over him with deadly crimson eyes that promised to skin him alive. Ryuu gulped, his face draining of colour. 
"Katsuki, don't-" 
Katsuki grabbed the boy's T-shirt, pulling him off the couch. Ryuu raised his hands defensively, trying to step away, but Katsuki had a death grip on his T-shirt, "Who the fuck do you think you are?!"
"Dad, leave him alone!" Mizuki tried pushing Katsuki's hand away. Katsuki ignored her, simply pulling Ryuu closer and narrowing his eyes at him. 
"What is your relationship with him, Mizuki?" He growled, still not looking at her, giving Ryuu a death glare instead. 
"Katsuki, leave him alone. How about we all sit and talk about it calmly-"
"I ain't talkin' calmly!" Bakugo yelled, scaring Ryuu. "Who the fuck does he think he is, trying to snuggle into Mizuki?!" 
"Dad, can you please stop?!" Mizuki gave her father a firm push. The push had little impact on him, given he was built like a tree, but the flash of hurt in his eyes did not go unnoticed by you. Mizuki freed Ryuu out of Katsuki's grip, standing in front of him almost protectively, her hand intertwined with his. "As for your question, he is my boyfriend. What are you going to do about it?" 
"Really, Mizuki. You're fuckin' joking." He glowered at Ryuu, his fists fuming, "You ain't datin' spark plug's son."
"Why do you have a problem with everything I do?!" Mizuki yelled, "I'm not a little girl anymore, Dad! You don't get to decide who I date and who I don't."
"You don't need to date some stupid boy. You know you're better than that!"
"Ryuu is not a stupid boy." Mizuki seethed through gritted teeth. She looked like she'd blast the house to bits if Katsuki said another word. 
"I-I'll take my leave so you guys can talk. I'm sorry for the trouble I caused..." Ryuu dared to pat Mizuki's shoulder and glance up timidly at Katsuki. Katsuki took a step towards him but got stopped by your arm.
"You're breaking up with him right fucking now," Katsuki ordered. 
"I am not!" Mizuki shouted, taking Ryuu's hand again, making him stay put. "What has he ever done to you?! Why do you have to act like he committed some crime? Ryuu is the most perfect and sweetest person I've met, unlike you. Why do you have a problem with everything?! When will you leave me be and stop pretending im five?! Gosh, I really fucking hate you."
Mizuki's chest moved up and down, tears threatening to spill from her eyes, staring at Katsuki, the air thick in between them. She glanced at you before she turned around with Ryuu, silently leaving the house with him.
Katsuki fell onto the couch, head thrown back, hand over his eyes. You silently sat beside him, putting a hand on his knee. He glanced down at his legs, a defeated look on his face. You cupped his cheek, making him look at you in the eye. You could see tears forming in his eyes, his nose red. 
"She said she hates me." His voice cracked. 
"Shh," you brought his face closer, kissing his eyebrow. "You know she doesn't mean it. She said it in the heat of the moment."
He let himself lay on top of you, nuzzling into your neck, arms wrapped around you. He wondered if this was karma for all the times he told his mother he hated her even though he didn't really mean it. He wondered if this was life slapping him in the face, pulling a reverse card on him. 
"You remember how old we were when we started dating, Katsuki?" You asked, running hour fingers in his hair. 
"Fifteen." He mumbled. 
"Hm. Mizu's way older and more mature than we were back then." 
"She's mature. Spark Plug's kid isn't" He propped up on his elbow, arguing back with you.  
"Are you doing this because he's Denki's kid? He's a good kid, Katsuki. He didn't even argue back when you got mad at him. He's rational, and from what I've seen when Mizu brings her friends over, he's really shy and sweet, too."
"What if he's not good enough for her. What if he breaks her heart?" He tried reasoning. You smiled, cradling his face.
"She's got her big strong papa if he breaks her heart." 
His head dipped low, pressing a long kiss onto your lips and then a little one in between your eyebrows. You switched positions, with you now lying on top of him, head on his chest, eyes shut. He kissed your hair, hand running up and down your back, deep in thought. 
As he lay there, he thought of the time when he held newborn Mizuki in his arms for the first time, immediately falling in love with his little girl. The moment Mizuki was in his arms, he swore he would protect his daughter with his life. He recalled her first footsteps and her first word, 'Da!' He thought of the time when she got her quirk, running into his legs, crying, overwhelmed by the loud noises and the recoil. 
He sighed, eyes drifting shut.
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When Katsuki's eyes snapped open, it was already midnight. He felt a blanket over you two. Mizuki was home. He skillfully slipped his arm out from under your head, getting up. He adjusted the blanket over you, kissing the tip of your nose. Light on his feet, he went upstairs, standing outside Mizuki's room. 
He cleared his throat, knocking on the door, "Hey, kid. Ya in there?" 
He was greeted by silence. He turned the knob, opening the door and peeking inside. There she was, lying with her back to the door, pretending to be asleep, blonde eyelashes fluttering on her cheeks. He crept up to her bed, taking a seat on the mattress, the bed sinking down with his weight. 
He leaned over, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear. He put his forehead on her head, "I'm sorry, Mizu. I know I was an ass." He murmured.
Mizuki lay on her back, crimson eyes shifting to her father. His eyes, the same colour as hers, almost pleaded with her to talk to him. She sat up straight, putting a hand behind her neck, looking down. 
"It's alright... I'm sorry, too. I didn't mean anything I said back then." She felt her father's arms wrap around her shoulders, pulling her closer. In his strong arms, she felt safe. Even though they often fought and argued, she adored him. He meant the world to her. 
"I'll break up with him." She said. 
Katsuki pulled away from the hug, shaking his head and taking her hands, "No. If he makes you happy, you can date him." 
"What's the point if you're not happy about it?" 
"I'll be happy about it as long as he keeps you happy." He held her face in his hands, looking into her eyes, "But the moment he breaks your heart, I'm breaking his legs, and you're not stopping me." 
He watched a shit-eating grin take over her face, scarily looking like him, "If it ever comes to that, I'll join you." 
"Atta girl." He smirked. Mizuki threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tight. Katsuki smiled, holding his daughter closer. 
"I love you, papa." She mumbled. 
Katsuki held himself from crying right there and then, "Love ya too, Mizu." 
Katsuki held Mizuki for a while longer, enjoying this rare moment of peace with his daughter, running his hand through her long hair. He felt a pair of eyes on him and glanced back to see you leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed across your chest, a soft smile on your face. He held an arm open for you to join him and Mizuki.
You crawled into bed, kissing Mizuki's cheek and then Katsuki's jaw. He pulled your head on his shoulder, his arms wrapped around you two. 
While you and Mizuki slept peacefully, Katsuki stayed awake, his heart brimming with love and bliss. Lying on the bed with his world in his arms, he wondered what he did to deserve you two. He considered himself the world's luckiest man. 
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batty-pham · 7 months
Ghost King Dann/ tech guy on the JLA space station. With JLA needing to summon the Ghost King only he has spell blocks in place to prevent being summoned while at work.
5 to 1 why the summoning failed and how Batman used a phone to get a hold of the ghost king
Danny learned his lesson with his steadily lowering grades in school after his half-death. As soon as he had his first Summoning in the middle of taking someone's over complicated coffee order, he ran to clockwork, asking if there was a way to make it so that never happened again. Danny needed the money, he needed the job to pay for college. He couldn't afford to constantly be pulled away from work for ghost bull shit like he was from school.
Clockwork was very happy to find a work around, as long as Danny was working, the summoning spell wouldn't work.
Danny no longer was working at that shitty coffee place, he had moved up in the world... literally. Caught in Earth's orbit, a beautiful view of the stars, helping out the heros while he no longer worried about being one.
Yeah, Danny loved working on the Watchtower.
Danny didn't think anything of it when he felt the slight pull of a summoning as he messed with some faulty wiring, he ignored it as he usually did when he worked, completely obvious to the increasing tension in the other room as the league waited for The King who never arrived.
Constantine was pissed, he was ordered to sit and wait at the currently opened doorway until he made an appearance. Batman stayed alongside him, not wanting to miss the appearance of an unknown entity in their base.
Hours went by.
Danny was getting more and more frustrated, the small problem ended up being several layers more complicated than it should be. He wanted to bang his head into a wall. Oh well. At least he'll get overtime, right?
It was well over 12 hours after the portal was initially opened before Danny finally clocked out, completely forgetting about the summoning.
It wasn't until he was engulfed in green smoke that he finally remembered. "Ah- fuck." He swore, mentally and physically exhausted, absolutely defeated. "What do you want?" He sighed, running his hand on his face, only to be met with the eyes of...Batman? What? Did he literally just get summoned to the other room?
"uh...is there a tech problem in here or...you could have just...called...me?" Danny looked around, baffled and confused. Some of the other heroes were in the room as well, asleep but in positions where it was clear they were trying to stay awake when they passed out.
"bloody hell- you were here the entire fucking time?!" Constantine exclaimed, causing a few heroes to jump awake.
"...yeah? I was working on-"
"... you're the ghost king?" Batman asked, cutting Danny off.
"I thought you guys knew? I mean you guys wouldn't just let anyone up here?"
Danny was met with silence.
"...guess not."
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roturo · 11 months
LIKE CRAZY - dick grayson x f!reader
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① NEW REQUEST FROM ANONYMOUS!: bestfriends into lovers.
→ summary: Being friends with a beautiful and smart guy like Dick had you like crazy. Plenty of girls would be asking for his number, or a date with him. But all of them got rejected by him, why? well, because he only had eyes for you.
→ warnings: SMUT. p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), use of nicknames (sweetheart, princess, baby, good girl, etc), teasing, jealous!dick, insecure reader, possessive behavior, reader is mentioned as part of the og titans, kinda of stalker/pervert behavior, size kink.
Being friends with Dick Grayson wasn't easy. You spent many nights of your life waiting for him to come back from patrol and heal any wound he came back with. As much you tried to stay away from any of the heroes things since the originals Titans dissolved, somehow he always found a way to make you follow him in every new adventure he found. Even if this meant to never becoming a normal person with a normal job, normal clothes, or normal dates.
Dick wouldn't describe himself as a pervert. Yeah, he has his... problems. But a pervert? Haha, no. Watching you from a distance through your windows from your apartment isn't being a pervert... a stalker? well...
He wouldn't lie he felt his bottom part of his suit getting tighter every time he saw you by accident, ACCIDENT, changing clothes, or going out after a shower in just some tiny panties looking for some shirt he left in your house to wear with no bra.
But this night? Oh this night was different. You were getting extra ready. Were you going to text him to go out? Come to your place?
And don't get him wrong, he's not in love with you. Possessive? Well, maybe. Someone had to keep an eye on you.
He's been quite busy getting the Titans together again in some way, taking care of Rachel, dealing whatever is going on with Kory, and well, Deathstroke.
And maybe he's a little upset and maybe mad at the fact you wouldn't come back to help him with Deathstroke, but he has the other Titans right? This was only part of one of his problems.
But you weren't as selfish as him, you get worried about your friends, and usually ask them how's everything going. And that also included a very descriptive situationship of Dick and Kory for your taste.
So he's finding someone new, that's okay! You can't deny every since you met Dick, you had a tiny whiny little crush on him. How couldn't you? You both have been friends since you were little kids, you were always together, had helped the other in the toughest situations...
So, what a other better way to move on than meeting someone new? This new guy was kind, funny, nice looking, maybe not as handsome as Dick, but passable, he might not be as intelligent as Dick, or as protective and fit as him, but knowing that your crush might get with someone prettier, stronger, than you, had you like crazy.
You can hear the voices in your head trying to get the pressure off you as quickly as possible in some bad ways, but you couldn't let yourself do something bad or that would affect Dick in some way.
New guy invited you to some new club in the city, you were getting ready to get lost in the lights and drunk in the dance, you got this new Cetacean blue tiny dress, which you called ¨nightwing blue¨ since it reminded you of him. Last touches of makeup and you were ready to go out. And just in time, your date knocked on the door.
When Dick saw you getting out of your room a little too excited for his liking, he got.. worried? jealous?... you were probably going out with some friends.
¨Oh¨ Were the words that left his mouth when he saw you opening the door and smiling to new guy. When did you met new guy? You never told him about him. Quickly he got his phone out and took a picture of new guy for some... future research. Right now he had another problem to deal with.
¨Sorry, wait for me a minute i'm going for my phone¨ You told him while going back to your room, but when you came back, you never expected seeing Dick coming out of your bathroom in some pajamas he probably left one day in your apartment, with a short glance before he closed the door you could see his suit somewhere in the floor of your bathroom.
¨Babe? Is this your new friend you talked me about? The gay one?¨ Were the first words he left while going close to the door and looking at your date, with a devil grin in his face he got behind you wrapping his arms in your waist in a possessive way. To say you were shocked was little, same to your now ex-date.
¨I'm sorry new friend, but me and my girlfriend have some things to talk and figure out. Maybe next time you can go out with her. If there´s a next time.¨ The last words were barely loud enough for you to hear when he closed the door extending his arm while not letting you go in a no so calm way.
What. The. Fuck.
¨Yeah, I should ask you that too¨ You didn't realized you said it out loud. ¨What are you doing here Dick?¨ Was your first of many questions, but to say the big bump you started feeling at the back of your low back wasn't making you giddy, had you wondering if all this was a dream.
¨Claiming what's mine.¨ He answered to your question, turning you around, looking at your small figure and doe eyes full of pure confusion had his pants getting tighter around his cock. ¨When you were telling me you had this new friend princess?¨ He said, moving his hand to your face, tilting your chin to a side with one of his fingers. ¨He's not a friend.¨ You told him, assuring him he's no longer a friend, knowing how Dick is, you recognized the darkness in his eyes, but also you think you're getting crazy because you swear you can see a pint of lust in his eyes. But you guess Dick didn't got your clarification as how you meant it, since he pushed you to the wall, caging you with his arms.
¨Oh, so he's not a friend? What is he then?¨ He looked at you, eyes now full of just lust, devouring every inch of your body, waiting for a word that would let him in and make you his. ¨He's nothing now.¨ you told him, locking eyes with him, is like he read your thoughts, both of you wanted it to happen and it did.
¨Good girl.¨ The last words that left his mouth when he started kissing you, it's like both of you were waiting for this moment to happen because the kiss was full of passion. You could feel his smile while kissing you, with a small bite of your lower lip that made you let out a small whine, he started kissing your neck, every time going lower and making sure to leave a bruise that will turn purple by tomorrow. ¨You don't know how much I missed you princess¨
His words made your legs weaker, and a wet feeling became stronger going down your thighs. His hand started going towards that place were you needed friction, and when you felt his fingers playing with your panties a small moan left your mouth. ¨Oh sweetheart... all wet for me. Just for me right?¨ He pinched your clit with his thumb and index finger making you squint and give small nods to him. ¨Words baby, I need words.¨ He started playing with your clit, his mouth not leaving your neck.
¨Dick... Please...¨ You said, putting each hand of yours in his shoulders for support. ¨What do you want princess?¨ His hands moving your underwear to the side, getting his fingers wet thanks to your fluids. ¨I need you Dick¨ You moaned at the movement of his fingers playing with your hole, clenching around nothing.
¨Where do you need me baby?... Here¨ He introduced one finger into your needy hole, making you leave a loud moan. ¨Here?¨ His finger moved towards your clit, playing with it. ¨Or... Here?¨ He introduced his wet finger into your mouth, making you taste yourself at which you gratefully sucked his finger. ¨Everywhere, I need you everywhere.¨
With no more words needed he unlaced his sweatpants, taking his cock out, an angry reddish tip needy for attention was leaking pre-cum, ready to be introduced to your as equal needy cunt.
He turned you around, with no care, he broke your panties in the need of freeing your cunt. Your hands looking for support got into the wall, the cold breeze of air feeling your cunt, got you needier. ¨Can you please just fuck me Dick?¨ You said, moving your hips backwards looking for some friction of any kind. ´´Greedy, aren't we?¨ He chuckled at you being this impatient for him. Never in a thousand times, he though he would have accepted his feelings for you. But almost loosing you to another man, had him like crazy.
So with no time wasted, he inserted himself into you, making you moan at the process, Dick threw all his self-control and started thrusting into you. All you could say was small mumbles of his name and words like ¨more¨ ¨faster¨ ¨harder¨
Like if the feeling of his cock inside of you wasn't enough one of his hands moved all the way down until he found your clit and started playing with it. You were sure the other hand who was supporting you by grabbing you by your hips was going to lease some bruise tomorrow.
¨This pussy is all mine. No one's else, all mine now love.¨The last four words were said each by one hard thrust into you, perfectly touching your g-spot with each one. ¨You´re all mine now sweetheart. I won't let anyone else have you.¨
His words and the sound of skins slapping made you dizzy enough for your vision to start turning blurry, the pleasure becoming too much for you, your climax came like a rollercoaster. But that didn't stopped him, it made him even more desirable of having you all for him. You didn't think his thrusts would become faster or harder but oh boy... the did.
And that didn't stopped you for coming again, clenching his cock with a loud moan when your liquids started going out of you. You squirted all over him and it felt so good. That brought Dick over the edge and made him cum. Giving some last hard thrusts into you to deposit all of him, he just smiled while giving you little pecks in your neck and back.
¨I love you.¨
He hugged you, ¨And i'm sorry this is the way you're finding out, but I couldn't stand seeing you getting ready for another man that isn't me¨ He turned you around, the lost of the feeling of him inside you made you whine.
Inserting his cock again into his pants, and adjusting your dress, he gave you another kiss, this one full of pure and sincere love, his eyes no longer full of lust but now full of passion.
¨So you were stalking me?¨ You said between a giggle, which turned into a small laugh when you saw his face turning into shock and his ears getting red. It's like you didn't know he was watching you almost everynight getting ready for bed, and maybe some nights you gave him a show of your naked body.
¨Uh...No?¨ Was all he could say before you kissed him again and laughed at his shyness of being discovered.
You were sure this guy was the love of your life.
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naddiesflower · 1 year
Flirting with them as a hero
Characters: Shigaraki, Dabi, Kai Chisaki, Mr. Compress
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You wouldn’t see each other often when you’d go out on patrols
But oh boy, when you did
Poor shigaraki bro
To a person who didn’t know either of you, it would like you are the one harassing shigaraki
“Can’t you go do hero stuff somewhere else?”
“I could, but i wouldn’t be able to see you.”
Scratches his neck more often in your presence because, “they make me feel nasty inside”
It’s obvious you can’t see what he looks like under the hand he wears
And Shigaraki has curiously inquired a couple of times why you’re so flirty if you don’t know what he even looks like
Like clock work you always answer:
“Well i think you probably look cute under that hand.”
And cue Shigaraki trying to escape from you claiming that
“You’re weird and annoying.”
You’re one of the few heroes who come across Shigaraki so often
Its because he finds you so interesting and he semi-memorized your patrol schedule to bump into you more often 
Anyways, during one of your guys fight you somehow manage to knock the hand off his face and-
Oh wow
And he has a mole right by his mouth?? 
Omg how does he look good with a bloody nose
You recover from your short trance
“Looks like i was right about you being cute.”
You’re so glad you were able to knock off that bothersome hand off his face or else you would have never seen his reddening cheeks
You reach for a part on your hero suit and rip off a piece of fabric
You reach towards his face, Shigaraki surprisingly doesnt pull away from you, and wipe at his bleeding nose
Shigaraki only stares at you starstruck during this
After you deem your work satisfactory you toss the fabric to the floor and stand up and walk away 
You call out to Shigaraki
“That was a cute look on your face back there.”
Shigaraki just watches you walk away and out of the abandoned warehouse you guys were fighting in
Eventually he also walks away but not before picking up the discarded piece of your hero outfit, making sure he kept his pinky far away from the fabric
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Likes you cuz you’re not the cookie cutter type of hero and you’re actually fun
“A hot guy with a fire quirk, i don’t think it’s mere coincidence.”
You catch him off guard so hard 
He thought you would be an uptight kind of hero
The last thing he ever expected from you was to flirt with him
“You seem fun.”
And you did end up being fun
From then on the both of you would bump into each other more frequently
Dabi concluded that the more buildings he burned down, the more you would show up 🤭
“Why is it that your always on my tail?”
“Well maybe it’s because i want to see your face more often…also because you keep committing arson.”
Another thought that came to you is that fire really did suit Dabi
You would never admit out loud, but he did make chaos look like such a beautiful thing
“Hey what do you say, when i finally send you to the cellar how about we have a jailhouse date?”
“It’s a shame you’re a hero or else i would take you up on your offer”
Over time you’ve come to notice his disdain for heroes
Yeah villains normally hate heroes, but something was different about his hatred
But even with your position as a hero, Dabi was fond of you despite objecting this himself
“Join us, i’m sure we could offer you more than those crappy hero agencies.”
You pause and Dabi thinks for a second you might really consider his offer
But you murmur something he barely catches
“Maybe at an earlier point of my life i would have.”
You don't give him a chance to ponder on your statement before you’re charging to fight him
Something about that last encounter shifted something in yalls situationship
This was very evident when you had bumped into him in the most unexpected way
You were off duty and was walking down an abandoned alley way (because that’s totally normal)
But the sound of pained groans catch your attention and you snap quickly into hero mode, looking for what you assumed to be an injured samaritan
the injured part you guessed correctly
the Samaritan part not so much 
you stare at the bloodied form of Dabi huddled next to a garbage bin
Dabi finally takes notice of your presence and he immediately starts trying to burn you
"HEY! look im not going to hurt you!"
you bring your hands up in a surrender motion
Dabi only stops when he's aware that you're out of your hero uniform 
but he's still wary as he sneers at you
"You here to take advantage of me? finally put me behind bars like you wanted?"
"Shut up and let me help you asshole"
Dabi has no choice in the matter as you're already tending to his wounds
and quite frankly he's too tired to fight you
he stares at you and he can't help but think how much more attractive you looked up close 
and how stupid you were
You could have taken advantage of him in his weak time
But you’re here helping him
a villain
“Your kindness will be your downfall you know?”
“It is my job you know.”
when you're done you stand up with a huff and look like you want to say something but settle with
"go to a real doctor and get that thoroughly checked out."
Dabi watches you walk away and thinks
In another time maybe the both of you could have been partners in crime
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Absolutely despises you at first
He’s never seen a hero like you before (derogatory)
The first time you both met was during an undercover mission you were assigned to
Acting as a villain trying to work under Kai
You lead him down the alley way
“Sorry we had to meet in this dingy place, i’ve heard how much you despise dirty places.”
He’s almost impressed that you’d consider his ick
Almost, so the most he offers you is an acknowledging grunt
“It’s not the worst i’ve seen.”
And it truly isn’t
Just when he thinks people can’t any nastier they just somehow do
“Alright so what do you say about my proposition?”
Kai feigns thinking
He already knew who you were
And he thought you an idiot for trying to take him on your own
“I think you’re foolish.”
You hear your hero name being called through the earpiece you have
“You need to retreat right now!”
Thankfully your reflexes are fast or else you’d be reduced to nothing
You look up to where you were once standing and catch Kai’s eyes
They catch you off guard so hard you can barely hear the yelling in your ear piece
You just blurt out the first thing that comes to your mind
“Kai you have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen.”
“Another word and i’ll make you disappear”
“Not even when it’s singing your praises?”
“Sing them in the afterlife.”
Kai was never able to disintegrate you
And you got away mostly unscathed
You also got a serious tongue lashing from your company, but it’s whatever 🙄
His eyes still on your mind when you go to sleep that night
Kai’s mind is also plagued by that night 
He can’t stop thinking how idiotic you were
But his mind keeps replaying the compliment you said
He’s not great at feelings, but even he could feel the sincerity that oozed from your voice
He doesn't have to imagine about you often though
Because somehow you’re always able to sneak your way inside the hideout
He theorizes it has something to do with your quirk, since it was never explicitly stated to the public what it was
Which leads to a kind of back and forth between you guys
You usually sneak in to gather intel
But you mostly do it because you like to mess with Kai
You’ll never forget the time you had managed to get into his office
Which you weren’t aware of at the time until he walked, wide eyed upon seeing you
He’s not surprised to see you, only disappointed
Mostly in his men for letting you get past them
“What are you doing in my office?”
“Oh wow, no bird mask-? Wait, this is your office?”
You say as you spin around in his chair, you had just entered into the first room that you came across
A sly smile crosses your face
“I guess you could say it’s fate that we cross each other like this huh?”
At this point he’s used to your sugary words, but he can’t help the way his cheeks heat up, thankful for the mask he’s wearing right now
He doesn’t know why, but he feels like entertaining your shenanigans 
He walks over to his swivel chair and he can see the way you look at him
With apprehension, but mostly curiosity
He grabs the back of the chair, spins you to face him, and places both of his hands on the arms of the chair
Kai leans in, getting close to your face and manages the most sultry voice he can manage
“Fate? Or is it because you like me so much?”
He notices your expression start to change
And he’s so sure you’re going to be a flustered mess
What he doesn’t expect you do to is to hit him on the chest, effectively pushing him back, and start laughing
“What’s so funny?”
“Hahaha! No nothing- what you did was just cute.”
Honestly what he did made your heart race
And the way he looked at you omg-
Your laughing was out of nervousness, but he didn’t need to know that
Kai glares at you and huff, “get out of my office.”
Finally calming down, you stand up from the chair
“Yeah yeah, i need to get going anyways.”
You walk up to Kai and pull down his black face mask
Kai’s eyes widen and he flinches back the slightest
This causes you you smile a little bit and you lean in to give him a chaste kiss on the cheek
“I knew you would be handsome under that mask.”
With that you walk away from him and out the door all nonchalant
Kai stares at your form the entire way
He would have liked to meet you under different circumstances, but he knows that could never happen
And it never did
He’s apprehended not too long later and you knew it would eventually happen
But that still doesn’t stop the ache in your heart when you find out
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Will flirt back
“Oh you’re fun, you probably wear that mask to keep people from falling in love with you right?”
He immediately matches your energy
“Then should I take it off so you can do just that my dear?”
Compress usually has fun fighting against heroes, but not as much as he does with you
You’re like a breath of fresh air compared to the usually serious heroes he comes across
He looks forward to bumping in to you 
Him flirting back with you was an absolute surprise
It’s not that you flirt with every villain you fight, you had just assumed he would be some being filled to the brim with anger and rage
And you wanted to provoke him
Well he wasn’t one bit provoked and for once you had fun fighting
You both see each other a handful of times afterwards
But one of the meetings had stuck by your mind among the rest
You bump into compress during patrol
But this time he's not alone
He’s with a young blonde girl
You would have immediately thought the worst and jumped into fighting him if you hadn’t already been aware of the kid’s description in the League of Villains files
You can’t help but feel sad about her situation, society failing her and making her turn to unethical means to survive
You’d be sympathazing with her in your mind had she not interrupted your thoughts
And what she says catches you severely off guard
“Is that the hero you have a crush on compress? They’re so cute!”
Not once did her ever say he had a crush on you (though that doesn’t mean it wasn’t true)
He just mentioned your encounters off handedly to the group and it somehow led to Himiko gushing over one of your fansites whilst smacking his arms and saying, “look, look!”
Compress is half expecting you to be disgusted
��Is that so?” You look over to Compress and and raise an eyebrow
“Have you already fallen for me so quickly, though I can’t really blame you.”
You playfully flutter your eyelashes at him
“It would be hard not to fall for you my dear”
Himiko is squealing about how cute the entire thing is and Compress just can’t help but laugh
You begin to walk in their direction and pat Compresses’ shoulder
“Don’t make me work extra tonight.”
They weren’t doing anything yet, so you’d let them be
Before you walk away, Compress pulls a rose from one of his sleeves and hands it to you
You take it from him with a smile and walk away from the pair
Eventually you notice he’s gone for a while 
You would understand if he was making himself scarce from other heroes, but it’s like he straight up disappears
And you’re secretly kind of sad about it
But he was a villain and him disappearing should have never surprised you
But one day you spot him, funnily enough where you both met each other
You thought you might have been hallucinating because you had come to accept that he kicked the bucket
The first thing you notice is his left robotic arm
Concern flashes across your face, that surely had to have been the reason for his absence
Villains also had their own enemies, so you’re 100% it wasn’t some freak accident and someone did this to him 
You want to ask him if he’s okay, joke about it but the only thing that comes out of you is
“Who was it?
He looks at you questioningly, you’re usually so playful with him, but he likes seeing this new side of you
“Worrying over a villain my dear? I must say that’s not a very wise thing to do.”
That’s right, as much as you wanted to worry about him, your job wouldn’t allow that freedom
“I was only wondering who got to the mighty Mr. Compress before I could.”
Compress huffs out a laugh and walks towards you until he’s right in front of you
He takes of his mask
Your breath hitches, not expecting him to ever do such a thing
And then he removes the black fabric from his face
You’re too busy admiring how handsome he is to even notice him reaching for your hand and grabbing it
“Please,” he raises your hand and places a kiss to the back of it. 
“Call me Sako.”
You repeat his name, making sure to look into his eyes the entire time
You knew nothing could bloom between you two, but it wouldn’t hurt to keep playing this dangerous game
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highhhfiveee · 7 months
safety net (pornstar!mike schmidt x reader)
tags: fluff? angst? just exposition really. no mentions of porn or sex here! just mike being a hero and reader appreciating him errors in here as usual!
part two: 💸
you didn't really do dating.
you'd tried so many times before to no avail. things would start nicely, people making your laugh float into the air and your heart flutter, but it never got past that. anytime you start to think about these things seriously, the other party pulls away. you're always left in the dust, responsible for picking up the pieces of your heart, gluing them back together, and trying again.
it's exhausting and after your last failure, you're not sure you want to try again.
one chance encounter on a dating app changes your mind. you think it's so foolish how easily you fall into it, giggling and kicking your feet at yet another potential partner, but when your first date is coordinated successfully and the second and the third, you begin to feel safe enough to indulge.
for your fourth date, you've arrived at this fancy restaurant in the middle of the city. you're super done up, wearing a dress that you love but have to return in the morning and your tallest pair of heels. your hair is swept up just the way simon, your date, likes it. you never liked it this way, but he calls you "so beautiful" when he sees you like this, and it makes your blood rush in your ears so you wear it up any time you're around him.
simon was nice, but you didn't have much in common; he was a straight-edge tech guy. he went to bed at 10 every night and woke up at 6 every morning, planning his days out in five-minute increments (he'd excitedly showed you his planner and you had to pretend that you were very very interested 💔).
you, on the other hand, woke up at noon on days you didn't have to work, going to bed at 4 am the night before. you never knew what to do and your apartment was covered in sticky notes donning different tasks: "read book". "wash dishes". "mail off package".
you two managed nice, small talk-ish conversation and he made you feel pretty. the only thing you two had in common was your love for coffee.
you're seated at your table and all goes well up until you receive the check, although you're a little bored. you're picking at your dessert and wondering if the art on the walls is real as simon opens the billbook and slides a card in there.
"i have to go to the bathroom. be right back," he stands, craning his head down to place a kiss on your cheek, and then you're alone, finally tuning into the din of the restaurant. it's busier than you realized.
your waitress takes your bill and leaves to tender you out. simon is still using the bathroom, and at first, it's not worrying. you wouldn't be surprised if he got lost on the way there, but after ten minutes, you start to worry.
the waitress returns to your table and you think you're fine to leave, but she sets the billbook on the table, stating, "did you have another form of payment? it said this card was expired."
you shake your head, anxiously blinking your eyes. "expired?" you open the book to see the $400 total at the bottom of your receipt and simon's card tucked behind the plastic pouch. you take it out and inspect the expiration date. three years gone.
"i--i, uh," you begin to panic. you had no idea what to do. you didn't have $400 in your bank account, $405.72 less than that actually. you didn't have anyone to call to spot you; what normal person had a casual $400 to throw at a friend for dinner? if you called your mom, she would laugh over the receiver the whole time, hanging up on you.
the waitress is staring at you, expectantly, but you can't even meet her gaze. in your alarm, you scanned your eyes around the restaurant and caught simon, in his very noticeable purple suit jacket, speed-walking towards the entrance of the restaurant.
you shoot to your feet, taking off your heels, wrangling up your other belongings and dashing after him.
you hear the waitress shout, "ma'am!" behind you but there's no stopping you. what are you gonna do, pay for the meal?
you're pushing yourself in between other patrons, forgetting your manners. you're hyperfocused on simon, keeping track of his head bobbing through the throng of people.
he's made it outside just a little before you, using a brisk pace to walk down the sidewalk.
"simon!" you yell, watching him speed up a bit until he's a phantom around the corner. "simon!!!"
there are some stragglers outside, just a few eyes on the frantic girl holding her heels and screaming. you're sure they think you're drunk, but you don't care.
you scream simon's name one more time. it's shrill and blood-curdling and something you'd never expect to come out of you. you didn't get upset like this, and you know you're truly upset when you feel a tear hit your arm.
you rarely cried, but here you were, breaking down on the sidewalk outside one of the most expensive restaurants in the state. you take a despondent seat on a bench, trying to catch your breath and stop crying. you take your hair down childishly, and the thought of simon liking it sends you back into tears.
you're a blubbering, snot-covered mess when mike sees you. he's exiting the restaurant, asking for his car from valet when he notices you on the bench, staring blankly into the air.
you're beautiful, and he's unsure as to why you're sitting here in tears. no one else decides to check on you. he takes the initiative.
his hand reaches out to your shoulder and it makes you jump, shouting at him to back away from you. he holds up his hands, muttering, "hey, hey. i'm sorry, i don't want to hurt you. i just wanted to ask if you were okay."
you don't expect the voice that comes out of him. its suburban, syrupy tone doesn't quite match his look; his hair is freshly cut and it feels like there's not a single wrinkle in any of his clothes. they look quality, and expensive. the rings adorning most of his fingers give off the same vibe.
great. one of these guys.
"i'm fine," you snap, wiping at your congested nose with the back of your hand. "i don't need saving, especially not from a nice guy like you."
mike laughs, and you're embarrassed to admit to yourself that you like how it sounds.
"who said i was a nice guy? i just asked if you were okay." you shrink away, avoiding his eyes.
"it's not my fault that you give that off. sounds like a you problem."
mike doesn't stop talking to you, which is surprising. even with all the disrespect, he sits beside you and rummages along the inside of his jacket for something to give you.
you don't admit it, but you're thankful for the small plastic package of tissues. "everyone has problems. there seems to be one plaguing you right now," he leans into your shoulder, eyeing you intently. "wanna tell me what it is?"
you're still cleaning yourself up, taking another tissue out to wipe at your ruined makeup when the waitress marches out of the restaurant with two burly security guards behind her. she points to you with zeal, announcing, "that's her."
the security guards make their way over to you, disregarding mike as he asks, "woah, woah, what's going on?"
"this young lady tried to skip out on her bill." you shake your head irritably, standing to your feet. you're not even half the height of these dudes.
"i didn't, my date did. he put an expired card down to pay and then used the bathroom excuse to get out of it." mike shakes his head. in what world would someone try to escape a date with you?
"makes sense, but you still have to pay for the meal."
"how the fuck am i supposed to do that?" you screech, crossing your arms over your chest. "i don't have any money. i have to return this stupid fucking dress in the morning just so i can pay my rent."
the dress is nice. it's a black satin maxi dress with thin straps and a slit up the side. it's fairly simple, but mike can't deny how well it fits you, and how good you look in it.
"i don't know what you're going to do, but you better do something or we're going to have to call the police."
"fucking call them! i don't care," you retort, and so begins your back and forth with the security personnel.
"you don't care?"
"are you an idiot? you just don't care?"
"okay, one, i'm not an idiot and two, i really don't. this whole situation is fucking stupid. i can't pay the bill, okay? i don't know what to tell you."
"my mom always said that as a female, you should never be broke. maybe it's time for you to stand on that corner right there in that pretty dress and sell your---" the man is cut off by a sharp "hey, watch yourself. i'll fucking kill you." from mike. he steps to the security guards, who retreat a little when they realize he's not joking.
you don't know this man, not even his name, but he asked you if you were okay then and now, he's standing up for you, even after you accused him of being a nice guy. you make a mental note to apologize to him after all of this.
"i'll pay the fucking bill. how much is it?"
"it's $400, mr. schmidt," the waitress says, her face awash with red. Last name basis? How often did he come to this expensive ass restaurant?
mike looks at you and then back to the waitress, saying, "charge it to my tab. tip the bill." The waitress nods excitedly, echoing, "thank you, thank you, thank you" as she scurries back inside with the security guards. They give mike dirty looks the entire way back, giving up just before disappearing into oblivion.
mike faces you. He's a little disheveled in the eyes, the irritation he holds inside written all over his face. somehow, even his scowl is attractive.
you rub your hands over your goosebumped arms, the chill in the air wildly apparent. mike is instantly shrugging his jacket off and draping it over your shoulders, giving you a friendly smile. it's warm inside, and smells like the expensive department store colognes you snuck samples of as a kid. for some reason, you feel at ease.
"i'm sorry about your date. he sounds like a dickhead."
"yeah," you agree, biting at your cracked bottom lip. "i guess it's my fault. i really shouldn't have trusted a guy who planned his day by fives."
mike sucks air between his teeth, cringing at your words. "he sounds like a psychopath."
"maybe he was," you hum, using the lapels of mike's coat to pull it tighter around you. "dodged bullet."
"dodged bullet," he repeats, smirking down at you. his hazel eyes sparkle. you don't know why you feel so... positively unnerved yet tranquil in his presence. who was this man?
"mr. schmidt?" a valet worker in all white exits an expensive-looking, deep gray sports car. the interior looks like a spaceship, and you can't help but crane your neck a little further to get a better look.
you're not paying attention as the worker drops the keys into mike's hand and mike hands him a hundred-dollar bill he fished from his pocket. you're just focused on the car, wondering a million things. how much was it? how was its gas mileage? did it take premium gas or something more?
"do you need a ride home?" mike holds the keys up, jangling them in front of your face. you connect the dots and let out a loud belly laugh, completely blindsided.
"this is your car?"
"i...think so?" he teases, watching the happiness fall from your face. a ride home. why would you want to go home to be alone, once again collecting the jagged pieces of your broken heart from the floor?
mike instantly stiffens. "that was a joke," he clarifies, but you dismiss it with a raise of your hand.
"no no, it was fine, funny even. i just...i don't want to go home right now."
"do you want to come back to mine?" mike doesn't know if it's too forward, but it doesn't hurt to try. you needed company, and nothing would ever compel him to leave you here after everything. he catches the way your face twitches and raises his hands in defense again. "no funny business, i promise. just so you're safe, and not alone tonight."
you don't think over it very long. you'd been to plenty of strangers' houses, and this was only one night. you were sure you could trust this man. after your date from hell and nearly going to jail, what was the harm?
"okay, i'll come. thank you," you muse as mike leads you to the passenger side of his car. he opens the door for you, and you crane your head to him before you sit down. you're so close you can see the flecks in his hazel eyes, the freckles dusting the bridge of his nose, every single individual hair that peppers his jaw and mouth. it makes you forget your name.
"i'm y/n, by the way." he nods and smiles at you, wide and bright. suddenly, your legs feel like noodles.
"nice to meet you, y/n. i'm mike."
"mike," you repeat as you lower yourself into his car. "mike."
who knew where this would lead you?
been up all night writing this ayyeeeee, i write SO MUCH! going to work on writing blurbs, i promiseeeeeee. also this is very cute. i'm excited to delve into their story because it will be mostly pwp (for ficlets and blurbs) but definitely more structured for longer fics. can't wait to see where it goes!
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mcflymemes · 28 days
BARBIE (2023) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
i'm definitely not thinking about death anymore!
i've never seen this kind of malfunction.
am i being too technical?
if you ask me, you're responsible for this, too.
to be honest, when i found out the patriarchy wasn't just about horses, i lost interest.
i just gave you a choice so you could feel like you're in control!
how will i get back?
this happened once before.
i just don't want to leave!
you'll be such a hero to them!
i feel appreciated but not ogled.
i hate it when people think. i'm so bored.
the faster i figure this out, the faster we get home.
i'm not pretty anymore!
humans have only one ending. ideas live forever.
you're so beautiful.
how come you're so amazing!
i worked very hard, so... i deserve it!
you're the voice of a generation.
this makes me emotional, and i'm expressing it.
i got us both ice creams!
i think you have that the wrong way around.
how much of that did you see?
let's get you up on your feet.
you should heal up in no time.
this night is just perfect!
please call my mother.
i thought i might stay over tonight.
does the label "long-term long-distance low-commitment casual girlfriend" mean nothing to her?
i'm great at doing stuff.
it is literally impossible to be a woman.
we always have to be extraordinary, but somehow we're always doing it wrong.
never forget that the system is rigged.
find a way to acknowledge that, but also always be grateful.
it's too hard!
i'm just so tired of watching myself and every single other woman tie herself in knots so that people will like us.
i was arrested for tax evasion.
i smell like basement.
what are you doing here?
did you bring your rollerblades?
i literally go nowhere without them!
do you guys ever think about dying?
i'll play the guitar at you.
yeah, i'm... confused about that.
it's like i've been in a dream where i was really invested in the zack snyder cut of "justice league."
can i talk to a doctor?
i need a clicky pen.
somebody get security.
i've never seen the godfather.
every night is a boy's night.
i just don't know who i am without you.
i only exist within the warmth of your gaze.
i'm just a little blond guy who can't do flips.
you guys aren't doing patriarchy very well.
men hate women and women hate women. it's the one thing we can all agree on.
you don't have your license.
you can be brainwashed, or you can be ugly. there's nothing in between.
she's not dying, she's just having an existential crisis.
i'm sensing some kind of ententre here... and it appears to be double.
who am i to burst their bubble?
you use your imagination!
you can ask me any question you want.
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kquil · 1 year
SUM. : you thank your heroes with home made lunch at their work place, leaving with a temporary tattoo and three men wrapped around your little finger.
TAGS. : modern au ; muggle au ; tattoo artist sirius ; tattoo artist james ; piercer remus ; innocent reader ; all three are smitten with you ; all three also being casually dominant with you ; sweetheart reader x rough tough men is the trope! ; prepare to be as obsessed as i am over these men! ; marauders with tattoos and piercings are hot
LENGTH. : 2.6k
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“Well there’s a familiar face,” Remus greets with a smile as you step into the shop. You timidly smile back and wait for him to wave off a customer with their care kit before stepping forward with your heavy tote strung over your shoulder, “do you have an appointment for a tattoo or a piercing?” he asks, eyes trained on the tablet at the front desk. 
“Oh, no no,” you bashfully stammer, “I’m not here for any of that, I’m scared of needles,” 
“That’s a shame,” Remus contemplates and you look up to see him leaning over with a thoughtful look, his elbows on the counter as one hand holds his chin up - he’s so handsome. He has several piercings decorating his ears and an eyebrow piercing to accentuate the angles of his brows. As he moves his chin off his palm to caress it in contemplation, he continues to take you in as you also take the opportunity to admire some of the tattoos on his arms. There are some phrases in different fonts, an impressive vision of a wolf with a full moon and a minimalist set of the moon phases alongside much more, “you’d look good with cute little piercings on your ears,” he finally comments, reaching out to point at your ear. 
“Th-thank you,” you subconsciously reach up and touch your ear, his statement making you briefly consider his suggestion.
“So what are you here for if not for a piercing or tattoo?” straightening up into his full height, Remus lets a light scowl take over his face, “Is that bastard troubling you again?”
“It’s alright, don’t worry, I told my manager and he’s been banned from the pub I work at so I haven’t had anymore bad encounters,” 
Remus smiles at your precious appearance, you really look adorable being all timid in front of him, “I’m glad,” his voice is warm and comforting, different to the roughness brought on by the ink on his arms. He was dressed in a white shirt under a sleeveless brown sweater vest, high-waisted, tailored pants with the bottoms just about reaching his Doc Martens - he’s a good balance of soft but edgy. It’s a unique charm of his, you gather.
“I-I just wanted to say thank you to you guys,” you gesture to your tote bag, “so I made you some lunch, I hope that’s okay…” 
“Free lunch, home cooked by the most beautiful lady I’ve ever seen?” Sirius interrupts, stealing your attention as he appears from a corridor to your left with a boyish grin. He reaches for your hand and brings your knuckles up to his lips for a soft kiss, “what an honour,”
Your cheeks heat up incredibly at the gesture, “it’s really nothing, you guys saved me last night, it’s the least I could do,”
Sirius smiles down at you and after sharing a look with Remus he begins to lead you down the same corridor he had just appeared from, “well, you have the most perfect timing, darling because it’s a slow day and almost our lunch break,”
“I’ll tell James and help him finish up with his last client for the day. We’ll see you in a bit,” Remus announces as he flips the sign at the door to ‘CLOSED’. You wanted to protest and say that you didn’t want to waste too much of their time but the mousy haired piercer smiled and that was enough reassurance for you to hold your tongue. 
“Let’s go love,” Sirius leads you down a corridor to a room with rock posters and varying pieces of art decorating the wall as sofas lined half of the walls with varying aesthetics, one was very much distressed but still cosy looking, as the other was of a sleek, black leather. Thankfully, there was a pretty large coffee table that you could set your tote bag on and slowly began to take out the food you had cooked. On the distressed sofa behind you, Sirius admired your tentative figure and appreciated your stark difference in aesthetic to the room around you. Your style fits close to Remus although more feminine and carefree. There was a cosy structure to Remus’s fashion but with your long flowing white skirt, chiffon blouse and delicate jewellery, you embodied a breath of fresh air under the summer sun, “what a beauty,” Sirius says to himself, arms resting along the back of the sofa as you finally settled down.
Thinking he meant the food in the tupperware, you smile, “you like the food already?”
“I’m talking about you, darling, although the food does look delicious,” Sirius chuckles under his breath as you timidly tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“Th-thank you but really, I hope you like the food,” 
“I’m sure I will,” silence slowly permeates the space between you as you wait for Remus and James but it was still comfortable, not awkward at all. In that time, you both take in each other’s appearance. Sirius wears a white tank that clings to his toned figure and ends just under his belly button, showcasing a majority of the tattoos that embellish his skin. He’s also in black jeans and a pair of worn combat boots. The tattoos on his arms and those that peak out from his torso and chest don’t have a visible theme but they all still go together somehow. There are many unknown symbols and long winded sentences written decoratively around said symbols and the occasional elaborate illustration. There are some doodles dedicated to music, some to inside jokes you would guess and you want to ask questions but you bite your tongue. You didn’t want to be rude. 
“Curious?” Sirius asks, having noticed your wandering eyes and smiling at your kitten-like interest. 
“A little bit…”
“Ask away,”
When James and Remus finally join the two of you a few minutes later, they see you fully turned towards Sirius on the sofa, eyes focused on a tattoo on his chest that he was explaining the meaning of, catching you in a trance with his voice. The tattoo artist has his tank top moved down and to the side as you absentmindedly reach your hand up to his tattoo, almost tracing the ink on his skin with your delicate fingers. From the grin on Sirius’s face and the love-eyes he was watching your face with, they could tell he was smitten with you, which was rare. Sirius was very much a ladies man but you’ve managed to rope him in with hardly any effort put in. Remus doesn’t blame his friend, though, you’re very captivating. 
The chuckle from both Remus and James pulls your attention away from Sirius who smirks up at them, unbothered by their interruption.  
“I heard a pretty lady was treating us to some home made lunch today,” James eagerly sits down in the space beside you as Remus sits atop the far right of the coffee table. 
“Y-yeah, I hope you like it, please dig in,”
“Don’t mind if I do!” James cheers and promptly consumes his share of food, giving the occasional groan of satisfaction from the taste in his mouth, “Sho good!”
“Don’t speak with your mouth full,” Remus corrects with an amused smile before turning to your with an appreciative grin, “Thank you, truly, (Y/N), I was getting tired of take out,”
“Home cooking is the best,” Sirius groans from your other side, already half way through his share, which makes you giggle in happiness. Your heart swells with joy knowing that you could properly thank your heroes. Speaking off, you finally get to admire James in better lighting than the street lamps. He isn’t nearly as decorated with ink as Sirius but there was a pretty illustration of a stag on his forearm that you admired. You hadn’t wanted to feel awkward so you brought some lunch for you too and ate alongside the trio, stealing secret glances at James who remained oblivious, too engrossed in his food. He’s in much cosier attire compared to Srius and Remus. Hanging from his broad shoulders was an oversized, faded shirt and washed-out jeans with the bottoms rolled up to showcase his high converse shoes. Framing his face was a charming pair of round glasses and, matched with his unruly curls and tattoos, made him a pictured balance of casual and wild that suits only him.
Lunch passes and James was the first to finish between the trio, quickly proceeding to pull puppy eyes at his two friends in a soft plea for them to surrender some of their food to him but they firmly decline. 
“I’m not letting you have some of my lunch just because you finished yours too quickly,” Sirius huffs, pulling his tupperware closer to him. 
“Sorry Prongs,” Remus laughs, “those puppy eyes aren’t going to work on me, our dove’s cooking is too good to share,”
Unable to resist James’s pouting face, you hold up a spoonful of your meal, “it’s okay James,” you bring your spare hand to sit under the spoon and move it to James’s lips, “here, say ‘ahh’,”   
With a boyish, golden-boy grin, James happily accepts the mouthful and moans in happiness, chewing away like a happy squirrel. Enjoying his glee so much, you happily feed him the rest of your lunch, saying that you were already far too full to eat any more so that Remus and Sirius didn’t scold James too much. It was partially true though because seeing James eating was enough to make you feel full already. 
Once done, you set aside the tupperware and was completely unprepared for when James kissed your cheek as thanks for feeding him the rest of your lunch, “you’re too kind, angel, thank you,” he whispers into your ear, his breath brushing against your sensitive skin and sending a shiver down your spine. You could only muster a timid nod in response. 
When lunch ended, casual conversations started which slowly divulged into the boys wanting to give you a temporary tattoo as thanks. You wanted to protest the redundancy of their actions but were quickly convinced by the verbal pleas of Sirius and James as Remus simply stared at you with interested eyes.
“What tattoo would you like, doll?” Sirius asks, smiling at your pondering face. You're far too cute for your own good.
“Surprise me!” you finally chirp, missing the roguish grin the three men share. 
Not too long after, you were brought into a room with a computer connected to a specialised printer against one wall of the room. Remus and Sirius immediately move to prepare the temporary tattoo on the screen and set up the printer while James leads you to the tattoo bed in the middle of the room. 
“This can fold into a chair but that’s a bit of a hassle right now, do you mind sitting on the bed instead?” James asks as you shake your head and reassure that it’s alright. He loves how compliant you are and watches for a moment as you struggle to get on the high bed before offering assistance, “May I?” his hands hesitates just before they reach your figure but you pay his touch no mind and nod, moving your hands to rest on his shoulders as he secures his hold on your waist. With a small countdown, James lifts you onto the tattoo table with hardly any effort. 
Shuffling back, you smile up at James who remains taller than you on the table as he stands between your thighs, “Thank you, James,” the tattoo artist smiles when you say his name but frowns at the distance you’re sitting at the table. 
“No worries sweetheart but you we need you a little closer than that,” without another word, James grips your thighs with his large hands and pulls you with some force to sit closer to the edge of the table, which also pulls a surprised squeal from your lips, “sorry sorry,” James chuckles softly his hands still on your thighs and shudders at your proximity when he looks down to see your skirt bundled up, accentuating how close your hips were to his. Stepping away, James tidies up your skirt as you giggle and thank him once more for his assistance. He smiles at you before being called over to the computer, trading places with Sirius. 
“Where would you like your temporary tattoo, love?” he asks gently, opening a packet of sanitising wipes as the sound of the printer starts and whirrs in the background. 
“Hmmm…even though it’s temporary I want it to be easily hidden,”
“Such a shy princess aren’t you?” Sirius comments with a smile, “it’s so cute,”
Ignoring his comment, you rush to think of the perfect place for the tattoo and distract from your racing heart, “how about here?” you point to your chest, just above your breasts and below your collarbone. Sirius immediately recognises the placement and raises an amused brow. 
“Like my tattoo?”
You timidly smile, “yes please,”
“Very good choice,” Sirius praises playfully as pride swells within his chest, “but we need to get to that spot first, love,” you look down at your blouse and curse under your breath. 
“Umm…” you try to pull down the collar but it was a small cut and the fabric resists. The temporary tattoo finishes printing and Remus approaches the table with James to see you struggling with your blouse.
“Where does she want it?” James asks as Remus carefully holds the small tattoo. 
“Where mine was,” Sirius points to just below his collar bone, “but her blouse is in the way,”
Remus nods and approaches you, “that blouse is going to have to come off, dove,” his brown eyes watches you gnaw at your lip, it’s a hesitance he’s familiar with so he knows what to do, “don’t worry, you have nothing to be scared of, okay?” he gives you a warm smile when you look up at him and soon feel assured enough to untuck your blouse and pull it over your head, “good girl,” he praises with the same soft tone. You feel silly, these men give tattoos and pierce people’s skin, you’re sure that they’ve seen plenty of shirtless women in only their bras. Remus especially…he’s an expert piercer and has probably been asked to pierce lady parts that weren’t…very common.
“I’ve got to prepare your skin, love,” Sirius holds up the wipe and once you confirm exactly where you wanted the tattoo again, he wipes the area clean. Your skin is soft and slightly bouncy as it leads down to your breasts that makes the tattoo artist wipe at your skin a little longer than normal. After Sirius finishes prepping your skin and letting it dry, Remus steps up and applies the tattoo as best as he can without wrinkles. He swipes over the tattoo with his fingers and smiles at the handiwork. Beside him, Sirius and James admire the temporary ink, all three internally screaming at what you had let them ink you with.   
“Wait a full hour before you peel off the applicator,” Remus gently instructs, “and try to avoid sweating or showering for the next 6 hours okay?” you nod and Remus pats your head in approval with a contented hum. You put your blouse back on and let James help you down, laughing brightly when he raises you up high and spins you in the air before he finally sets you down, laughing alongside you. 
The boys still have a business to run so you collect your empty tupperware and wave the three goodbye before hurrying home, excited to see what tattoo they had given you as they were adamant at keeping it a surprise from you. When you finally arrived home and got a hold of a mirror, you examined the tattoo with your blouse off and felt your cheeks gradually heat up as you trace the differing fonts of the three names decorating the space beneath your collarbone. 
Their names in their handwriting. James, Sirius, Remus.
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A/N : i'm becoming more and more obsessed with this au - i couldn't stop writing! if i'm going down, im bringing your darlings with me! no survivors allowed! maybe i'll make a part 3? i don't know yet. again, i've added additional tags of the people who have expressed interest in more parts for the timestamp. tell me your thoughts, lovelies!
TAGLIST : @melinajenkins ; @astonishment ; @until-i-found-you ; @goodoldfashionedluvergirl ; @tiensmamains ; @manical-heaven ; @ch3rry-pops ; @unholyhuntress ; @animeluvr99 ; @peppers-library ; @thepowerthismanhasoverme ; @buck-fics ; @bohemian-lavender-girl
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