#shoutout to all of these incredible authors whose work i consume endlessly and am always grateful for
janeyre · 2 years
17 for the Doctor Who asks :)
oh hello!
17. do you read dw fanfic? if so, do you have any recommendations?
oh my GOODNESS okay wowowowow. well, first of all, i have 470 doctor who fics bookmarked on ao3. so. i have a few favorites. genuinely if i like anything i'll bookmark it. easy beans. then when i want stuff to read later..... i have sum.
first of all i want to say that it was almost impossible for me to put together a list of my top faves because there are SO many that i absolutely ADORE. so this list, i have decided, will be JUST the ones that i have read over and over and over again. if these fics were physical books, the spine would be cracked and there would be pages falling out from how well-loved and well-read they are.
second of all, i wanted to give a shoutout to some of my favourite authors, because it seems unfair to only list some works when i feel like every single thing they write is a true work of art. my faves are: @loupettes @lastbluetardis @chocolatequeennk, among many others, and i would first recommend everything by them before recommending something specifically.
buuuuuuut due to the nature of the ask i will get it together and list a few faves here (they are all doctorrose because i am Like That):
one crowded hour by @allegoricalrose: absolute favorite fic of all time. holy toledo. i have read it countless times and i am thinking about it always. truly one of the best pieces of writing i've ever read, regardless of fanfication status! it's beautiful prose and evokes such strong emotion. forever a legend.
dreams of another life by @veritascara : i have read this one countless times. the YEARNING. the fight against hope. i'm absolutely obsessed with it.
the bonds of love by @lastbluetardis : LOVE a bond fic, LOVE a doomsday fixit, LOVE that for once the doctor isn't the one who has to suffer.
the lame shall enter first by @lastbluetardis : a CLASSIC. a mastery of love and hope and hurt/comfort. this work has 8.7k hits and i am 8.6 of them
to bring them home by @chocolatequeennk: the tragedy! the heartache! the yearning! and then, when it's all fixed !!!!!
to make much of time by @chocolatequeennk: another fandom classic, and for such good reason. one of my all-time favorites. (if i ever did a ranking, this would probably be second or third). i reread it every year or so and every year or so it's worth it. SO GOOD.
2.09.01 by @loupettes: everything loupettes writes is beautiful, and to me this is one of the prime examples. a sheer delight to read. so incredibly warm and fuzzy.
marylebone to king's cross by @loupettes: so touching. the best part of loup's writing is how she masters the banter between the two of them while still making it so deeply meaningful and heartfelt is just.... everything.
you know what..... i'm just going to link my bookmarks page on ao3 because i have so many fics that i love and they all deserve recognition. i could talk for hours about all of them. maybe this is a sign i should put together a rec list...?
EDIT: one that i just possibly couldn’t ignore is no touch, which was only posted as a secret santa in 2016 but is one i have reread so so so many times because it is just so precious. i had to come back to add it because i wasn’t sure how popular it was, but it deserves to be another fandom classic!
thank you for this ask, nonny! i hope you find something you enjoy :)
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