#you deserve good things
she deserves midnight dances, playlists about how she makes you feel, neck kisses, trips to classic museum, and heartfelt conversation, the world
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dumblr · 1 year
I hope you find the kind of love that makes you a softer person. The kind of love that makes you want to be a better man or woman, the kind of love that believes in you and supports you, that stands by your side. I hope you find someone who quickly becomes your favourite thing someone who makes the fall less fearful, someone you can't help but choose every single day. Hope you find someone who shows you just how deeply you can feel, just how deeply you can love. I hope you find something real, because nothing is more beautiful than loving someone who loves you back. Nothing is more beautiful than loving someone who builds you a home in their heart.
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positivelypositive · 1 month
send this to someone...
...who needs to know their value in your life.
the one who helps you keep going. the one you're grateful for. the one who's your unpaid therapist. their presence in your life has only made it brighter.
you're amazed by them, everyday and hope you can bring some light to them too ✨
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akindplace · 1 year
Just because you could tolerate discomfort doesn't mean you should. Resist the urge to deny yourself your basic needs because you think you are undeserving of anything good. You don't need to love yourself to know that you are no different from other people and that you should have the same level of comfort as they have in their lives. You don't have to earn anything. Even if you feel undeserving, give yourself what you need, even if it's hard going against the anxiety that tells you to deprive yourself. Because the more you neglect yourself, the more your needs get bigger, the more your anxiety grows. Even if you fulfill one small need today, or if you can't fulfill any of them, know I am proud of you for still trying, for still being here and know that I believe you are deserving of good things. We are all human, and we are all equally deserving of happiness and comfort, and that can be a hard thing to learn as we overcome our feeling of worthlessness. Even if you don't believe you are worthy, I do believe you are, and I'm cheering for you.
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typelikeagirl · 2 years
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batwynn · 1 year
Hey, friend/mutual/stranger.
I love you and I want better things for you.
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demonic-shadowlucifer · 7 months
Let's talk about Online Grooming
(TRIGGER WARNING: As the title suggests, this post talks about grooming and sexual abuse. Reader discretion *HEAVILY* advised). I'm sure most of you already know about this (Especially if you're involved in gaming), but for those who don't or are just finding out (like me lol), YandereDev- yes, *THAT* YandereDev, was recently outed as a predator, and was revealed to have groomed a minor. Now, I've seen multiple conflicting posts on this, so I won't be getting too deep into it. If you'd like more info on it, I advise checking out this video from callimara. However, one thing I do want to point out regarding this subject, is the victim continuously defending her abuser, which has unfortunately resulted in victim blaming from multiple of YanDev's supporters. And that's actually why I'm making this post in the first place. While grooming can be done both online and offline, this mostly focuses on online grooming, as well as E-CSA, which is something I don't see talked about often at all. This gets pretty triggering, so if you don't have the stomach to handle this, go back now. Lastly, YanDev defenders and 'Narc Abuse' believers do NOT fucking touch this. You WILL be blocked on sight.
What is Grooming?
Grooming is a series of abusive behaviors that are used by abusers as a means to establish a relationship with their victim to eventually exploit. While it can be used with any form of abuse, the most common is sexual abuse, particularly towards children. What is E-CSA? E-CSA is the use of technology or the internet to sexually abuse children. This can be done in many ways, and one of the most common forms of E-CSA is grooming. How grooming occurs.
Predators will usually pretend that they are a minor themselves in order to get with their victim, which can make it difficult to identify a predator. Offenders will usually try to develop a bond with their victim, typically using the promise of gifts or something else. Disturbingly, offenders might resort to threats, or manipulate their victim into accepting their behavior. Once the victim is vulnerable, the offender may make an advance onto their victim. The offender may also try to isolate their victims from their friends and family, making the abuse worse. When called out on their abuse, some offenders might also deflect their blame on the victim, making it harder for the victim to seek justice (Does "Colleen Ballinger" ring a bell to some of you?) Why might victims defend their abusers? Unfortunately, a lot of victims tend to defend their abusers as well. To make it clear: This does NOT make the abuse okay nor does it mean the victim was at fault. There are multiple reasons why abuse victims, grooming victims or otherwise, will defend their abusers, the most common reasons being: -The victim might be thinking the abuse was normal, and are in denial that they were abused. -The victim is being threatened by the abuser. -The victim might have developed a genuine bond with their abuser. This is what's known as "Stockholm Syndrome" or "Trauma Bonding". Victims with disabilities such as autism might also have trouble realizing that they were abused. The victim's environment can also have an impact. Signs of grooming: -Heavy age gaps. This one depends on how old two folks were when they met. -Sexualized behavior, especially if that person is a minor. -Isolation. -Being secretive. And so much more. What to do if you have been groomed: -If you can, cut off contact with the abuser and contact authorities. -Remind yourself that it's not your fault. -If you can afford it, consider getting a therapist to check in with your mental health. -If you have met up with the groomer and have had sexual contact with them, get a STD test just to be safe. STDs can result from sexual abuse. -Additionally, if you are someone who can get pregnant, get a pregnancy test. Additionally, if you know someone who has been groomed, tell them any of the above. My Experiences: Unfortunately, I myself was groomed online many times by different people. However, the experience I'm sharing is the one that impacted me the most. The abuse happened on Discord and at times DeviantArt and Hangouts, but mostly Discord (Sidenote: If I see you making a "Discord Mod" or "Discord kitten" joke, you'll be blocked /srs. I hate that I even have to say this). I was 10, and he was 16 at the time. The abuse first started via roleplay, which was normal at first, but then it started to become sexual. And me, being the naive fucker I was, didn't even notice it was wrong. And I thought it was okay because we were both minors. (There is also the chance he could've been lying about being 16, however I have no intentions on digging that up). People were quick to catch what was happening, however, instead of helping me, most folks got mad at me for it and I ended up banned from a server as a result (The reason for the ban was "NSFW"- even though I wasn't the only person posting such). This also resulted in a series of harassment which has negatively impacted my mental health. The harassment has since stopped, but it still hurts me to this day.
The harassment from others led to me getting closer with my abuser, which resulted in the grooming continuing for atleast two more years. It was only after someone intervened (via even more traumatic methods, but I'll spare you the details) in which the roleplay stopped. However, thanks to a friend (Who had recently been promoted to mod within the same community the abuse occured in) who eventually enlightened me on what actually happened, I was able to cut off contact with him for good. I will admit, I still feel guilty for letting this happen, though I am working on it! At this time, I don't plan on reporting my abuser to authorities, nor will I be able to since I unfortunately lost most screenshots of the abuse (That, and this individual isn't in the same US state, so it'd be kinda difficult to do so).
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navybrat817 · 1 year
I hope you lovelies all have a great morning/afternoon/evening.
If you aren't, I hope your favorite fictional character can drag you away from whatever is bothering you and rail you until you stop thinking about what was wrong in the first place. 😇😈
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dumblr · 1 year
A soul-to-soul connection is worth the wait. Your soulmate will recognize you, befriend you and love you. They will be your best friend, lover and safe space. They will grow with you mentally, emotionally and physically. They will want to evolve with you in every dimension & level up.
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dyspunktional-revan · 4 months
Reminder: neurology is not morality.
Non-ADHDers getting rewards from their brain for doing tasks, and ADHDers functioning better with external rewards, does not mean that you have to deserve good things by doing something.
Good things do not have to be rewards. They do not require “deserving”.
And rewards are, basically, compensation for the effort plus some extra. Everyone should have as much good things as they want, not just compensation for the effort plus some extra.
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akindplace · 2 years
You shouldn't be told that you have to earn the right to live a good life. You deserve it because you're alive. You were born deserving of good things, and I am sorry you feel like you have to constantly prove yourself to be considered perfect so you can have a nice life. Those things shouldn't be conditional: you deserve to be happy because you are alive. You deserve comfort, kindness, joy, food, housing, healthcare because you are a person, and the fact that you exist is enough to make you matter. You shouldn't have to feel like you can only have your basic needs met if you are perfect, and no one should ever tell you that. I hope you find the peaceful life you are looking for without ever needing to prove yourself as perfect and worthy to other people ever again.
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martymcflown · 9 months
I can't believe Good Omens season 2 has me in this headspace, but...
If you're in a relationship/circumstance where you feel taken for granted, where you feel like you're giving your all and the other party just takes from you, where you feel controlled--then really ask yourself "am I staying because I'm happy, or do I just believe this is all I deserve?"
And I may not know you, but I think you deserve to be happy.
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flibbertiigibbet · 1 year
Tiktok becoming old tumblr 2.0 is kinda sad
The amounts of teens once again publicly romanticizing their EDs, SH and mental illnesses in general is so dangerous and sad, almost infuriating tbh because not only does it affect them, it affects younger kids on the app and other teens that doesn't feel like they're "sick enough" to purposely make themselves worse
Tiktok is insanely anti-recovery and I despise "mental illness" tiktok because of it
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blckgrlthoughts · 2 years
Train your mind to not only become familiar with kind treatment, genuine support, and respect but learn how to react to it as something you already know you deserve and not something you’re lucky to have experienced. When we become so used to mistreatment and false love our first reaction to genuine care, love, and affection is praise.
I’m only saying to remind yourself that despite being around or in unhealthy relationships you still deserve emotional security, thoughtfulness, and kindness. It is not something you stumble across by luck. And while being treated correctly is something we can acknowledge and be happy about it is in fact the bare minimum.
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calmmyfears · 9 months
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Blueberry cake & dirty chai oat latte - a little treat for myself ♡
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