#you aren't always going to get along with people in life but sometimes you see that they are more than what you originally thought and mayb
the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
I’m so soft how wukong, bajie, and wujin really feel like brothers. Sanzang is like the dad friend but sometimes I feel like wukong sees them as equals too. Their dynamic is hard to pin down.
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THEY CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER A LOT OKAY! I know people always judge them at first glance BUT THEY HAVE EACH OTHER BACKS!
I know it’s hard to pin down how they feel about each other because they have gone through a lot and have been shits to one another on more than one occasion at the same point it’s kind of that “everyone pointing fingers at everyone” until they realize that all in the same boat.
Like sure none of them find the journey a walk in the park let alone a vacation. It’s hard work.. and it’s EIGHTY-ONE trials!! They are here because it starts off as coworkers to get back to their previous positions. Bajie and Wujing and BaiLong want to get back to their high positions, Wukong wants to get out of the mountain, and Sanzang is wanting to focus only on the mission. It a mutual cooperation where they just have to be civil to one another at LEAST and bear with each at MOST.
But that isn’t the case. They bicker, the complain, they fuck with one another almost daily cause they are either bored and looking for a good laugh. And they could have kept that up if they didn’t start relying on one another. How with each fight and each demon they couldn’t just keep each other at arms length is they want to survive. They have to start working together. It’s always fighting for their lives and always having to be suspicious and be on edge with not knowing who can be a friend or foe. And I think it really creates a kind of, “normally I would never speak to these kinds of people, but due to circumstances I have grown to know them and care for them as I would my own limbs.” Like they have a dynamic to rely on one another and shoulder the other because while they know they can’t do this without any one of them missing they also grew to feel they don’t WANT to.
They go from strangers to coworkers to brothers in arms…
I think this is why the Three Daoist arc is one of my favorites because it has this one single moment that always sticks with me and it’s a detail I don’t get to see often and I’m just glad that it is still there after all this time.
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They just genuinely enjoying each others company… they cause trouble sure eating offerings but they are doing it together.
And honestly, Sanzang is the dad friend. Another detail I always feel like people overlook is that he is actually a very cautious person and always worries if Wukong, Bajie, or Wujing have to go fight. If they enter a valley that is clearly demon-infested he’s usually the one to say it first “maybe we should go around to avoid trouble” but Wukong or Bajie would always assume they can handle it or that going around is even LONGER. Like they are gods and yes they do get caught up in mischief but in the end there is no length they would go whether it bothering heaven or breaking down hell's gates to get the assistance they need to save each other asses.
It actually reminds me of the idea of soldiers, and how that kind of comradeship is built not only through hardship, but knowing that there was something at the end of that hardship that they are fighting for. Like Wujing and Bajie experienced soldiers and Wukong a warlord they have all seen the fair show fighting but it’s in a United front that they game through each battle and overuse of constant protecting and defending and even in the quiet moments of living and enjoying each other company do they start to see each other as a family.
And Wukong and Sanzang I feel start off with really not trusting one another to even being scared or hating one another. Wukong just saw Sanzang as an obstacle in his path and tried to kill him and Sanzang didn’t trust Wukong AT ALL after seeing how he treats both humans and demons. But it’s only slowly through time that Sanzang has to realize that he was wrong all along. That people can change and Wukong is one of them, and that it isn’t fair to judge him as irredeemable just cause his first instinct is to attack first and ask questions later. And Wukong was wrong about Sanzang as well. He grew to not care about anybody weaker than him that wasn't his monkeys to care about Sanzang so much. He goes from telling Sanzang to shut up and stop crying to being the one to cry when he gets kidnapped. He throws himself in his studies so much to learn about Buddism, rivaling Sanzang himself that they talk to each other equally when it comes to the scriptures. Wukongs goals slowly change from trying to repay Sanzang to wanting to get the scriptures himself, to get the ripe fruit he wants as well. And they end up both as Buddhas in the end, another highlight of how they both came to a common conclusion, how they started at each other throats but ended in the same place with the same goal and on the same level at the end.
They really start to see each other as their family, not just cause of being disciples but cause they have those dynamics. Sanzang always worries and tries to offer advice and listen even though he doesn’t know how to help beyond that, Wukong pranks them all while still being the first to defend cause ONLY HE gets to fuck with these guys, Bajie just gives off such middle-child energy honestly always wants attention and special privileges, Wujing being the favorite but also underestimate every single time despite giving words of wisdom and encouragement, and BaiLong always there but never offers any input kind of friend. Quiet but he is appreciated.
I feel like they didn’t get along for the longest time, even years, but that they still stuck with one another through each trial made a kind of bond that can’t be just “friend” or even “comrade”.
At least that’s how I like to see it…
… fuck this is such a good story.
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eskumii · 3 months
❝ TROPHY WIFE ❞ — yandere!uzui tengen/wives + you're his first wife
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SYNOPSIS: suppose you're uzui tengen's very first wife, the one that slipped through the cracks of your unwanted arranged marriage with him. along with your disappearance went his heart, and now you must bear the consequences of a man who loves his wife far beyond her understanding—so much so that he would kill for her, die for her, and do anything to make her stay. — navi.
NOTES: mdni! (cw: non-con) this is an arranged/forced marriage au. it's meant to be one-sided. it took me quite literally forever to finish this lol ,,
PAIRING: yandere!uzui tengen x wife!reader
CHARACTERS: uzui tengen (19-23), reader (18-22), suma (19), makio (20), hinatsuru (21)
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imagine being uzui tengen's very first wife.
your hand in marriage was promised to him by your parents, who owned a tax-collecting business that was often the target of hostility from the impoverished people of your hometown. tengen routinely passed through your village on demon slayer business, so your parents could always rest assured knowing he would take care of the violent stragglers that sometimes loitered outside.
ironically being poor themselves, they had little to offer the hashira as payment for his noble duties; well, that "little" didn't exclude you of course, their only daughter who's failed to find a husband far past the age of when other girls were normally wed. you're still young, fertile, and moderately attractive, but your strong disinterest in potential suitors often drove any chances of a wealthy marriage away.
however, after being introduced to tengen, the man you'll be forced to marry out of obligation, you begin to regret being so stubborn after all.
admittedly, tengen found you to be pretty plain at first. you're poor so you can't exactly dress flashy, and you come from a no-name family with little legacy. your parents swore up and down on your domestic efficiency—hardworking, great cook, a tame disposition—and, well, at least you're kind of cute, too. tengen is intrigued by your potential the most.
your parents force you to do whatever you can to get close to him. the truth is, though, you don't really have to do anything with the way he seeks you out himself. he often shows up at your door asking for you, and your parents have no qualms about dragging you out of your room to make you go out with him.
he takes you to the nicer parts of town and pays for dinner or buys you flowers and little trinkets from the shop vendors that line the streets. it doesn't help that the elderly people running the stands egg you on, saying things like "what a lovely young couple" or "your children would be so beautiful!" tengen simply smiles with ease, accepting their praise as if it's second nature. you get rather embarrassed by his shameless indulgence.
there's small talk but you find it incredibly stifling. tengen does a majority of the dialoguing but most of the time your dates get interrupted by his kasugai crow, who squawks at him whenever a demon shows up nearby. he always looks annoyed and promises to make it up to you, leaning down to pat your head like you're his pet dog or something. you hate it and him too, probably.
"i'll be back before you know it, darling," his smile is charming but not to you. "you'll stay right here for me, won't you?"
regardless of your somewhat obvious hesitance to accept his advances, tengen gets attached to you like it was meant to be. the idea of having a pretty little housewife for him to come home to after his draining missions becomes increasingly attractive, and the more time he spends with you, the more he sees the appeal of your being. it must be a miracle that no man has taken you as his wife yet; surely you were saving yourself for a man like him.
unfortunately, though, you don't want to marry tengen.
an arranged marriage? it's simply not the kind of life you envision for yourself. you aren't willing to bet the rest of your days on a man whom you have a slim chance of falling in love with, all for the sake of financial security. but what else can you do? your parents already made it very clear they would disown you if you refuse, and tengen is pressuring you to your death with his sweet words and annoyingly thoughtful presents. you're stuck.
eventually, the incessant nagging from your parents and weeks of endless courting from tengen sway you so sooner. you fold like a cheap hand fan and succumb to your fate, to a future you knew from the very beginning that you would come to despise.
he's the only suitor you have at this point. it's not like you have a choice. and the one choice you do have just so happens to be him, a man who is the nearest thing to a perfect match as you're ever gonna get. you should be happy. thankful. he'll give you the world if you just give him a chance.
at least, that's what he told you.
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your parents are so happy to send you off.
they're completely honored that their letdown of an only daughter is finally getting married—to a well-known and wealthy shinobi at that. it's the only time they've shown any pride in you, yet it really only leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
after your brief introduction to the head of tengen's clan, everything moves so quickly. just a couple weeks later, you're already signing a marriage contract in which you and tengen become official newlyweds. and before you know it, you're packing what little belongings you have to your name and moving in with him, begrudgingly and regretfully so.
the day you arrive, he shows you around his overwhelmingly gigantic residence; the courtyard full of cherry blossoms and koi ponds, the huge kitchen, and the bedroom where he'll eventually fully claim you. there's lots of other rooms too, but they're either empty or reserved for his weapons and training gear. he tries to hide it but he's obviously so over the moon that you're his wife now. he doesn't even notice your misery through his elated delusion of love.
in hindsight, you didn't realize how difficult it can be to share a space with someone you hardly know. you find everything awkward but tengen doesn't, like always. to him, you're so obedient and polite— such a good girl. you take whatever he gives you; kisses, hugs, subtle gropes here and there, and all of his sweet compliments and gifts. you don't argue with him or raise your voice, you fret over his injuries and make his favorite foods. you're observant, collected, and mature.
he didn't have a type before he met you—you're all he can ask for in a woman, really.
tengen is unexpectedly romantic. he constantly boasts about his strength and fighting skills in order to impress you, and he never stops mouthing off about how he'll prioritize you over himself. he puts consistent effort in getting to know you: what you like, don't like, your favorite color, and any other inkling of your personality that he can manage to wrestle out of you. he seems to have gotten the impression that you're shy or something.
flowers are a constant and you're spoiled with fancy, expensive kimonos and jewelry. had you married tengen under literally any other circumstance, you'd find his advances on you endearing but, unfortunately, he just comes off as clingy and unbearable. any woman would die to be in your place yet you can't even find it in you to want to be in your own place.
what do you think of him, though? well, he's handsome, you'll give him that. you don't deny the appeal of his good looks and flashy, fitted clothing. he's strong, established, and knows what he wants. despite your obvious distaste towards his gifts and grandiose personality, it's not to say you're ungrateful that the man you're stuck with is exceedingly well-off and capable of protecting you. you can't say he's a bad guy.
however, he's a moron.
he fell for you fast. a couple months have already passed since coming to live in his residence. tengen requests to have picnics whenever you go with him to visit his siblings' graves on his off days. of course you have no reason to refuse; as much as you dislike him, you're not heartless. they're important days, so you swallow your pride and pack a bento spread you know he'll like.
tengen will confide in you about the memories of his late siblings, his parents, and his life before becoming a hashira. it's a depressing and heavy weight to shoulder, but you still play your role of the loving, supportive wife with your lingering touches and comforting words. you use these outings as opportunities to gain his trust by being vulnerable.
except, this time, the effect you seem to have on tengen is magnified to the point of no return.
he pulls you into his lap and you're suddenly flush against his rock hard chest, trapped in a suffocating hug. you don't know what prompted his sudden affection; perhaps it was the warm atmosphere you crafted or the intimacy of the moment, but the way tengen holds you so close is telling. he's about to say something you've been dreading since the day you met him.
"i love you." tengen confesses, nuzzling his face into your neck and sighing as if he'd just released the weight of the world off of his shoulders.
you knew it. it's the first time he's ever said it to you and you'll never forget the wave of nausea that hit you as you glanced up to see him staring back at you expectantly. your heart is pumping out of your chest and your face is flustered—not because you're flattered but because you're ashamed. you feel his hands squeeze your shoulders, almost like a warning, and his grip begins to feel claustrophobic after your prolonged silence.
you have no choice but to reciprocate.
"...I love you too." your voice is quiet, hesitant, and tengen gently teases you about being shy when you refuse to look at him anymore. he's not right but it's true that lying invokes shame.
he almost seems overwhelmed by your response, as if he hadn't just nonverbally threatened it out of you. you don't dare to sneak even a glance at him. he tightens his embrace around you and goes back to burying his face abashedly into your neck, mumbling sweet words against your skin. his body wraps around you like a vice, trapping you in the prison that is his dreadful existence.
you decide, in that very moment, that there was nothing in the world you wanted to do more than run away.
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one fateful day, you catch wind of the news that tengen is being assigned on a mission quite far away, somewhere down in the southwest. 
you're so lucked out that you thought it was a trap at first—a ploy to catch you in your undying desire to leave your husband for good. but when the day of departure arrives and tengen peppers your face with last minute kisses, you know for sure that there's no chance he's caught on to your resentment towards him, nor the plan of escape you've been devising all along.
your eyes are teary when tengen releases you from the last of his spine-crushing hugs and he cooes at your cute crying face. honestly, you're tearing up out of joy because your one and only chance to escape has literally fallen into your lap in a pleated handbasket, but you'll let him believe otherwise. you at least owe him the courtesy. 
you already know you don't stand a chance against tengen, at least physically. he can overpower you like nothing and he's so tall that he towers over you, constantly caging you between those muscled arms of his. there's almost nothing you could do against a man like him—well, unless you count poisoning, but you were above murder when it came to getting what you wanted. 
as soon as tengen passes through the looming gates of the residence and disappears down the winding road, you scramble to gather a few belongings before making your way out through the back. there's a twinge of fear that grips your gut but you press on, determined to put as much space between you and that wretched place you were expected to call home. 
the moment you escaped, you flipped your identity. chopped your hair off, powdered your face in white make-up, and wore headscarves wherever you went. you fled as far as your feet would take you, only stopping to rest in a small village when your aching body could take you no further. you hardly spoke to anyone and left nothing behind that could possibly be traced back to you or be used to pursue you. 
it's obvious you can't go back to your parents; they hated you when you lived with them, and they'd hate you more if you returned. they'd sell you out to tengen in two seconds flat, then ruthlessly shame you for running away from a marriage you wanted no part in. the only option left for you is to create a new life for yourself somewhere far, far away. 
and that's exactly what you do. you find a little town on the outskirts of the red light district, where business is booming and it's easy to disguise yourself beneath the constant foot traffic. you go undercover as a seamstress, working in a homely tailor shop under the supervision of the owners, who are a kind older couple that are quick to regard of you as one of their own. 
time marches on and the jarring memories of tengen do as well. you makes friends with the regulars that come by the store often. you've learned the valuable trade of mending clothing and sewing traditional patterns. you've even developed a crush on one of the men that come by often to repair his work uniform.
your life is finally the way you've always wanted it to be. 
meanwhile, tengen copes—barely. days pass. weeks. months. you're still yet to be found, even with the help of all the hashira and the shinobi of his clan. it's as if you disappeared off the face of the planet. he's completely devastated. did you run away because he was gone for so long? were you feeling neglected? did you just want his attention? surely you wouldn't just up and leave when he'd been so loving; he truly couldn't think of anything that would prompt such an extreme reaction. 
as expected, he doesn't come up with a justification for your disappearance. how could he? you could be dead by now with the amount of demon uprisings that have been happening lately. or you could even be halfway across the world right now, laughing at how easily you had fooled him. eventually, his sadness melts into anger. you may be gone now, but it won't be for long. 
wherever you are, he'll find you. 
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in the following years, tengen's next three wives are chosen specifically by the head of his clan.
and, in the head of the clan's words: "the sound hashira's decision-making must be incredibly poor if he chose a wife who would dare flee from him." the statement only fans the flames of his growing wrath for you. 
however, his new wives—suma, makio, and hinatsuru—are all beautiful and talented kunoichi who admire him to their very cores. as ungrateful as it sounds, there isn't a day where tengen wishes one of them were you. they've worked so hard to try and fill the gaping hole in his existence that was left by you, but it hasn't really been working. he needs you.
they're kind, caring, nurturing and most of all, strong. they've trained all their lives to be kunoichi. he knows he shouldn't complain but they just don't cook like you, look like you... aren't you. of course he loves them, but he could never forget the way his heart shattered the day he returned home to find you nowhere in sight. your disappearance left him in utter shambles. did you ever think about that when you left? you're so unbelievably selfish—is that the kind of woman you turned out to be? 
his wives constantly question his lovesick behavior. tengen never hides anything from them; in fact, he'll sometimes go on long, borderline maniacal rambles about "the wife who got away." to suma, makio, and hinatsuru, you're an enigma that's broken the heart of their husband, and they're not sure what it was about you that makes him act this way. jealousy sparks—if there's a way to get you back to make tengen happy, they would do it, but maybe you're better off gone after all. 
and it's not like tengen didn't search for you. oh no, he looked everywhere within reason. his duties as a hashira kept him chained to his missions near the demon slayers' headquarters, but that never stopped him from interrogating people when he got the chance. any woman that looked even remotely similar to you was sure to be stopped in the middle of the street for further investigation. 
master kagaya is exceedingly understanding of the situation, and he bears obvious concern for his beloved sound hashira. while he's sympathetic of the loss of his wife—it's no matter to be taken lightly, of course—tengen must first be loyal to his occupation as a hashira, and that means going on missions in spite of his mourning. 
and his newest missions leads him to the red light district. 
so tengen goes. he knows his place when it comes to master kagaya, so he has no reason or authority to deny orders. regardless, it's a harrowing and tedious task. drunk concubines practically throw themselves into tengen's arms as he strolls past the many underground sex clubs that line the filthy streets. he has zero interest in any of the debauchery that goes on here, and he especially feels nothing when shoving them away from him with excessive force. 
he scours the area for anyplace that looks decent enough to step foot in, as well as a place where he won't get immediately harassed by ran through harlots. turning down a quieter side street where some storefronts have been shuttered, he happens upon a small seamstress shop sandwiched between two restaurants that look as if they've closed early for the evening. 
shrugging, tengen wearily thinks it's as good of a place as any to begin his intel gathering on the upper moons' whereabouts. he saunters towards the front entrance and a young woman dressed in traditional geisha wear passes him on the sparsely populated road, her wooden sandals clacking against the ground. he can't help but think her hair looked similar to yours and his heart twists painfully in his chest. 
tengen seems to be constantly haunted by the thought of you, forming an obsession in his mind that won't go away until he has you back. until he knows your safe, with him, just like you were meant to be. until he sees you. 
no, literally, tengen sees you, right in front of him. 
through the window of the upscale seamstress shop, he sees you conversing with a man at the front counter, laughing heartily at a joke he must have made. tengen quickly crouches beneath the display window to spy on you, his heart pounding out of his chest at the events that are currently unfolding. he must be mistaken. 
he peeks above the lip of the window to catch a glance and, sure enough, it is you. you're alive and well, almost glowing beneath the low, intimate lighting inside the shop. 
he finally found you! he can't believe it. the grin that's stretching across his face is so broad. he'd recognize your face anywhere, even if it's caked in geisha makeup and your hair elaborately styled. you’re beautiful and he’s captivated by your beauty just as he was the day that he met you. 
he's so unbelievably ecstatic with the way his hands are clamming up, his feet shuffling in the dirt and... 
creeping over the ledge of the display window once again, tengen's eyes immediately grow dark. there's a man there. talking to you. his wife. 
in the midst of your conversation, your eyes absently float over to the window. it's there that your gaze clashes with his, and a blood-curdling look of terror overtakes your features. is that… tengen? 
there's a shift in the air. what happens next, tengen doesn't recall, but when he comes to there's blood on his hands and your hair is bundled up in his fist as he drags you past the threshold the of the shop’s entrance. he looks over his shoulder and on the floor, spread eagle, lies the man without his head. the scene is gruesome.
he killed him. 
tengen looks down at you with a solemn gaze. for some reason, he doesn't even care. the emotions running through him are almost too much to bear. do you know how much your disappearance has destroyed him? do you know how much he's suffered because of you? do you even care? 
he doesn't understand why you're crying. it seems like you were happy enough to whore around with other men in his absence. the thought drives him to the brink of insanity. how much longer do you plan on humiliating him? 
there's too much to be said. tengen's mouth is agape and he's so upset at you that he can't find the right words to express himself. instead, he collapses to the floor beside you and embraces you in his longing arms. he smells your hair and feels how your body shrinks against his—it's all exactly how it used to be. it's exactly as he remembered, as he dreamed of. 
and now, as tengen scoops you up into his arms to take you back home, another dream of his will be fulfilled tonight. he knows exactly what kind of punishment is befit for you. 
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"tengen-sama! you're ba-" 
a woman with colored bangs and a ponytail attempts to greet tengen as he enters, but she's cut off by not only the expression on his face but also the strange, disheveled woman he's hauling behind him. 
he drags you across the cold, laminated wood floors into the bedroom by your hair and peels the delicate, silken layers of your yukata back, exposing soft flesh and ample curves. tengen is so starved of your touch—of your voice, your scent, you. he'll make you pay for what you put him through. he'll make you stay this time. 
you can't even fight back. you're so afraid of what's going to happen that your body refuses to move, to speak. and even if you could, there was no way you would win against a hashira, of all people. 
tengen starts by pushing you to your knees. when his hands begin the hasty work of undoing the belt of his kimono, you already know where this is going and it makes your stomach churn in volatile sickness. he eagerly slides his under pants down and from the top of its elastic band springs his semi-hard cock, which nearly hits you in the face. you gasp at the sheer size of it; that is not gonna fit inside of you.
"don't look at me like that, [name]. clearly i was too lenient with you back then. i should've disciplined you..." he trails off as he stares into your pleading eyes. he smiles but, in it, is no mercy.
"c'mon, baby. you'll be a good girl and open your mouth for me, won't you?" 
you refuse. no, you wouldn't even dream of it. you've never done anything sexual with a man before and you certainly aren't going to wi—
tengen suddenly reaches down and grabs ahold of your now tangled hair with one of his large hands. it takes barely any pressure before your mouth is pried open by the force of his fingers alone, and his now engorged cock head is being stuffed into your warm, unyielding mouth. 
you can only let out a choked cry at the vile intrusion. 
"that's it, baby, good girl.." he praises, stroking your head with his thumb as he slowly inches his pulsing cock down your throat. 
your screams are completely muffled. tengen begins to pick up the pace, letting your drool be the lubricant that allows his giant dick to slide in and out of your tight throat. it hurts so bad that you try to bite down and free yourself from this act of vulgarity, but tengen doesn't allow it. he instead tugs your head back by the grip he has on your hair, forces his cock all the way in, and holds you there until you decide to behave yourself. 
you can hardly breath. lewd, wet noises fill the room as tengen gags you almost to the point of unconsciousness. the vibrations from your screaming must have been making him feel good, though, because it takes just a few minutes before he's shuddering in orgasm as he bottoms out and cums, which you have no choice but to swallow. 
he pulls out of your mouth and you're mortified, but even more so when you see how he's still hard. his cock is covered in a thick layer of your saliva and his cum drips onto your exposed chest in globs that make you cringe in disgust. you think you're going to throw up. 
and you almost do, if it weren't for tengen picking you up from under your arms and tossing you onto the plush bedding. your legs are forced open and tengen slides his twitching cock against your pussy, slowly and teasingly. you begin to fight against him but he easily pins you down long enough to push his fat cock head into your tight pussy. 
tengen pounds you into the plush cushion of the futon all night long. you've given up struggling and crying, only mewling in pain as the brutish man stretches your virgin pussy wide. he ruthlessly kneads your breasts with his calloused palms and overstimulates your clit with his fingers until you cream and squirt repeatedly all over his dick. you can do nothing but lay there as he roughly moves your body into various positions and fills your womb with his seed—there's no way you won't be pregnant after this. 
all the pent up rage that tengen was forced to weather after your disappearance is released in that very room. he sounds like a crazy man with the way he lapses in and out of fits of rage where he's cursing at you with his hands around your throat, then slipping into pleasure induced "i love you's" as he dumps yet another load of cum deep inside of you. 
"h-how does it feel, my love?" he groans, reaching over to caress your flushed face. "mm, you sound so cute making those noises. lemme hear you scream, darling."
and oh, you sure do scream. for him to stop, to get off of you. that you've had enough. that you hate him. over and over again you scream, you cry, and you struggle, but it does you no good. he only seems to thrust faster the more you beg. is he getting off to your desperation? he must be by the way his cock pulses at any form of physical resistance from you. 
you thought it would never end. he's almost insatiable. your tears have long dried up—for the most part, anyway—but the skin on your face feels raw from tengen "lovingly" wiping all your tears and snot away while simultaneously pounding a you-shaped hole into the futon. you feel disgusting. you don't even have the strength to make a sound when he spanks you for the hundredth time, moaning heatedly about how you've been such a bad, bad girl. 
when it seems like he's finally spent, he doesn't pull out. instead, he collapses on top of you with his cock still twitching inside your sloppy, ruined cunt while drawing you in for an unreciprocated kiss. he whispers praises in your ear and gently strokes your face, cooing at how much you're trembling against his much larger form. 
"i should've done this a long time ago. maybe you wouldn't have left if i dumped my kids into you sooner." 
eventually, his softened cock slips out of you and a gush of warmth runs down your legs; you can already feel a soreness settling in your pelvis. tengen sighs contentedly at the sopping squelch that sounds when you snap your legs shut in order to roll as far away from him as possible. he roughly wraps a muscled arm around your waist and pulls you back towards him as soon as he sees your attempt to create distance. 
"i missed you so much, darling," tengen mumbles against your skin breathily, offering a soft smile. "did you enjoy your welcome back?" 
he's making fun of you. you refuse to even look at him. it's to be expected, really, he can't imagine how bad it must feel to think you actually got away from him as you lay in his arms once again, right where you belong. you need to learn your place; no wife of his will disrespect him like you did ever again. if you have to be an example of that, then so be it—youput this on yourself, after all. 
leaving you with a final kiss, he gets up, wraps a towel around his waist, and goes to let his other wives into the room to help clean you up (they've been waiting patiently ever since you showed up, curious about the woman who supposedly "stole tengen's heart," as he put it). you're still naked and exposed with tengen's cum leaking down your thighs but you don't even have the mental capacity to care anymore. all three of the girls look shocked at the state you're in, but they don't comment and rush to get you in the bath. 
they're all very pretty, of course. when you emerge from your haze of disorientation, you're left reeling at the fact that tengen had amassed three whole wives in light of your absence. well, not that you have any right to be surprised considering your short lived emotional affair. you're still in mourning over what had happened to him. 
regardless of your fragile state, the three women swarm you with questions that prod at your past: who you are, where you're from, and how you met tengen. you don't even have half the mind to reply. you can only stare at your tear-stricken reflection in the soapy water, ready to burst into tears yet again at the horrible predicament you've found yourself in. 
what can you do now? sit around and get bred by tengen? rot away in this dreadful house for the rest of your life? the other wives seem to catch onto your unresponsiveness after a couple dozen of their questions go ignored, so they sit quietly and gently wash you clean. they look genuinely worried for you—not that their pity will undo the damage that's already been done. 
makio will scrub your back and grumble about how jealous she is while suma and hinatsuru fret over the small bruises that are now beginning to form around your hips from tengen's manhandling. suma washes your hair next, commenting on how beautiful it is, while the other two move onto rinsing the soap from your body. they wrap you up in a fluffy towel when it's over, and a shiver wracks your spine when their hands guide you to another room, down the hall, with a clean bed ready for you to rest in. 
you don't really know who they are but since they're dressed like kunoichi, it's obvious that they don't share the same mindset you do, or were forced to be wed to tengen like you were. you can't ask them to help you escape from this hell, not a chance. 
even as you lay in the criminally comfortable futon with new silken pajamas, a cup of cold water at your side, and a warm blanket, sleep doesn't find you. 
and with tengen around, you're certain it never will. 
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a few months later, your pregnancy symptoms are in full swing.
tengen is as protective as ever and the other wives have already grown attached to you despite your bitter and unforgiving attitude towards them. you learn quickly that they're all very... obsessive, constantly hovering over you and going to overbearing extremes to make sure you don't do anything that would physically strain yourself in any way.
hinatsuru and makio follow at your heels like guard dogs while suma takes charge of most of the cooking and cleaning. she keeps the peace most of the time and holds makio back when she's attempting to murder hinatsuru over something childish. you're never in the mood to talk to them, however, and they often try to bribe you with your favorite sweets (which is intel that they've gathered from tengen) in order to get you to participate in their activities.
unluckily for you, tengen had decided to completely retire from being a hashira following a particularily harrowing encounter with an upper moon demon (even after you tried to subtly guilt trip him into not doing so). he insisted that you and the baby were "more important." you know that it'd be difficult to escape with the other wives around but to add tengen on top of that makes it surely impossible. 
every morning, the dreadful man himself meets the four of you in the kitchen and will beam proudly at the sight of his adorable little harem. he goes down the line and gives affection to each of his wives individually, in the way they prefer, and saves you for last as you're his "greatest prize," or whatever he said. you're just completely exhausted and you resent them all from the deepest depths of your heart. the least you can do is make it obvious. 
tengen finds your rebellion adorable. everything about you is and even moreso now than when you left him all those years ago. he'll grab you by the jaw and force you into a quick one-sided kiss, pulling away with that fond smile of his. his fingers ghost over your swelling tummy but his very touch makes you feel so awfully sick. you'll roughly push him away and he's so out of his mind that he attributes your justified anger and moodiness to your "pregnancy hormones." regardless, he's happy. it's you who's going to bear his child. it's you who first said you loved him too. as long as you live, you're bound to him as his wife. nothing can come between a man and the woman he loves; uzui tengen certainly made sure of that, didn't he?
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astonmartingf · 2 months
— co-parenting with alonso has been smooth sailing, until he starts dropping hints that he wants to be with you again
amgf AAAAAAAAHHHH yay! congratulations to me on completing ybom, and to you for reading along with this story 😎 we have one special chapter and that's it!!!!! thank you for all your support, let's see each other on jense's story. as always, enjoy 👍
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Rushing out of the car, you grab Ales' hand with your right, pacing towards Fernando standing on the beach alone. Your mind immediately thinks back on the thought of Fernando retiring.
You've only watched him race again in the 2023 season, and the thought of him retiring never crossed your mind, it made your heart ache.
You've fully integrated his racing schedules with yours, taking breaks and watching his on-boards live and sometimes choosing certain races to go with him and Ales. It helped you bond, and make memories with Ales.
You take a glance at the surroundings, seeing as there were very few people on the beach. "Mama, you should go to papa first."
Your son's words only confirmed your thoughts, that Fernando was retiring. You walk into the gazebo, preparing yourself for the worst announcement of all. Lance said it would be good news, how is Fernando retiring good news for you?
You stand in silence, waiting for Fernando to say something while your head racks up a few words of consolation. What caught you off guard however was the soft piano playing in the background.
Turning to face you, Fernando gets down on one knee. "NO!"
Fernando stills, stopping himself from grabbing the ring box from his pocket, trying to hide the disappointment in his eyes.
"You're retiring aren't you? That's why you're proposing to me? No! You can't retire, racing is your life, I can wait a few more years to get married, is Aston Martin ditching you for the next season? You did so well scoring points, what is wrong with them letting you go. I'm going to talk to my uncle, there's no way this is happening."
You grab Fernando's hands, pulling him up from the sand, as you drag him away from the gazebo. Fat tears flowing from your eyes.
"Amor, I'm not retiring. Is that what you think is happening?"
You wipe the tears falling down your eyes, "Then why are you asking me to marry you? I don't want you to retire!"
Fernando laughs, wrapping his arms around you in a comforting hug. "So you don't want me to retire? Do you need more time, I can wait."
You shake your head, "I want to marry you, but I don't want you to choose between me and racing."
Fernando breaks the hug pressing a kiss on your forehead, "Can I not marry you and race?"
"I want that for us, I want to marry you, and watch you race with Ales, and spend my whole life with you."
Leaning in, you wrap your arms around Fernando— the smile on his face growing as you kiss him harder. "I want that for us too. Will you give me the honor of marrying you?"
You jump and cling to Fernando, shouting at the top of your lungs, "Yes! I do, I love you Fernando, and I won't have this any other way. I'm glad we saw each other through."
"FINALLY!" You jump watching Lance from the shore, with a wet Ales, sitting on his shoulders.
"Let's all wrap this up and go home! I'm sorry to be the one ruining your moment here, but Ales jumped into the water while you two were talking about retiring, I know we all waited for this moment— me especially but let's all wrap this up before Ales catches a cold."
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liked by lancestroll and 108 others
yourusername wouldn't have it any other way than with you fernandoalo_oficial
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fernandoalo_oficial te amo, mi amor
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yourusername 11/09/2025
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial and 83 others
yourusername I save lives, you saved mine. CONGRATULATIONS! CHAMPION OF THE WORLD 🍾🥂❤️
★ YOU'VE BEEN ON MY MIND — @namgification @nebarious @minkyungseokie @viennakarma @lxclerc @booksandflowrs @c-losur3 @lichterfee @moonyzsworld @e-nonsense @vicurious28 @dannyriccsupremacy @thearchieves @welovediaaxx @vogueprincess @mael1pastry @khaylin27 @whydowesleepeachnight @iridescent-sol @celemilii @lozzamez3 @callsignwidow @hrts4scarr
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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There would be NO DOUBT that they would ALL be HELLA OVERPROTECTIVE about you 
I mean, Masaru would be kinda chill actually compared to Mitsuki and Katsuki. He won't freak TF out if you talk to other people and have fun with your friends and he's the most lenient one in the family and he doesn't give a damn what you wear. He likes seeing you in all sorts of clothing and thinks his darling little daughter looks good in whatever she wears and won't force you to do anything 
But when it comes to the question of sleepovers and going to other people's houses WITHOUT EITHER one of the Bakugou's to accompany you is a big no go. They're worried that something might happen to you if you step out of the house and they half wish you'll stop trying to be apro hero. Why be a hero and put your life at risk while you have the big strong Ground Zero as your brother and 2 parents who are perfectly capable of protecting the youngest Bakugou?
Mitsuki, on the other hand will treat you like a child along with Katsuki. Everyone loves spoiling the shit outta you and Mitsuki likes dressing you up in cutesy cutesy little outfits. Mitsuki however will NEVER allow you to break rules like disobeying her when she says no to something and sneaking off with your friends. She simply will NOT tolerate rule breaking and even if you DO manage to sneak around her back, your brother Katsuki will always be there to 'get you on the right track' even if he has to use his quirk on you. They just want what's best for you after all
They are self aware yanderes and their relationship towards you is unhealthy and delusional and they KNOW it but they have to protect you from the horrors of the world. If you used to attend the UA, you bet Katsuki had something to do with why your mom suddenly wanted you to drop out and take a break for sometime and soon that 'break' turned into a never ending relaxing vacation at your home for you. You won't be working anytime soon while they're around that's for sure and while Masaru talks to you, Katsuki and Mitsuki will be busy preparing food for you guys to eat. They don't want you going in the kitchen, what if you accidentally hurt yourself or boil or burn yourself?
They'll love cuddling with you and making you feel safe and comfortable in their presence. They have NEVER hit you till date and never will either. And WHO expects parents to starve their own kids? Cuz, they aren't those types of parents
For punishments, they'll just restrict your usage of your favorite items but they won't leave you isolated or without food and water. They aren't THAT heartless psychopaths 
Katsuki is the world's MOST short tempered brother one can have and you BET he's gonna cling to you 24/7 and tell on you to your parents what you both did the entire day (This boi should come with a blabbermouth and a tattletale warning label). You can hate him all you want for it but he just wants what's best for his youngest sibling. He loves and cares about you too much and he won't cuss around you so much either since he actually rather enjoys your innocence. His blood will BOIL when you talk to other people ESPECIALLY other GUYS and he'll obviously threaten to blow them up, even if you talk to Kirishima
 Being in relationships is COMPELTELY off the table for you. They will NEVER allow you to date and if you are in a relationship in secret, oh... what a shocker, that scumbag broke up with you the next day? Well, you can BET your allowances your OWN family was behind it but they'll just comfort you as they get you and give you whatever you want
The house will be full of baby pictures of you and Katsuki and you all as a happy family. They'll have guests over a few times but they can't ever let someone try taking you away from them so they'll try limiting the time of the guest's stay in their household instead of maniacally killing them. They won't let pro heroes enter their house either and will come up with INFINITE excuses as to why they can't come in. They just don't want to lose you 
Just let them take care of you and everything will be all right after all, family ALWAYS knows what's best for you...
''Come on little firecracker, you'll look cute and adorable in that dress and I think we should CERTAINLY put up some pictures of the wall after this. What do you think Masaru?''
''Sure, our little angel looks nice in whatever they wear''
"Tch... you don't look THAT bad firefly..."
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lains-reality · 9 months
can you stop intellectualising everytime something 'bad' happens?
When unpleasant things happen in life, in an effort to understand it and find peace, we (our egos) often either try to find reason and understand why something happened/is so or immediately jump to conclusions and label it, often linking it to our identity like "oh it's because I am _____" or "it's because I did/thought/felt _____ which caused this, I shouldn't have done that!" or "This always happens to me ugh!!!" yet I find this habit ends up causing more harm than good and it is this self-identification that then ends up causing further spiralling and a pattern of similar events later in the future. - 4dkellysworld
maybe, it's all just happening. all you can do is deal with the problem or move on. you can leave things as they are and move on
thinking thoughts about the problem is not helping you, is it? so what do you have to lose if you stop thinking about it?
Fear is your roadblock. You're afraid that if you drop the body — you'll stop existing. You're afraid that if you drop your problem — the problem won't get fixed and you'll regret not having tried to control the situation. When you finally surrender to the realisation that things only exist as long as you are conscious of them, the idea of problems will become alien to you. - realisophie
please watch this. you are all making yourself insane and spiraling because you make everything about yourself.
ego is a bunch of memories held together by attachment. ego is a thought.
so you are relating everything to a memory. you are having thoughts, and are identifying as the mind, so you get swept along with them. and sometimes you think you're feelings are at fault too!
why? this is torture. please stop
if you're confused on where to start, then start by detaching from the past and future. stop relating every mishap or great day to some thing that you did 2 weeks ago. there's only now.
No need to identify with what happened yesterday or may happen tomorrow. Stand upright simply as you are today. -Nisargadatta Maharaj
just try and see what would happen if you stopped taking on the burden of the WORLD.
just stop taking it all on. aren't you tired. so please rest. be silent.
"how am i supposed to do all of egos activities??"
no one said to stop physically doing anything. it's a mental detachment that we're talking about.
do what you need to do. stay in the present moment. take things one step at a time.
it is hard detaching. but you won't get anywhere if you do not have basic mindfulness to see what you are doing to yourself right now
People try so hard to get rid of their negative behaviors and thoughts, and it doesn't work, or it only works for a short time. I didn't let go of my negative thoughts; I questioned them, and then they let go of me, and so did my addictions and depression. - Byron Katie
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fairytoge · 3 months
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dating headcanons ; k.choso, z.naoya
this only took me like,,, four months to complete this 😭 but i hope you enjoy!!
other parts ; n.kento, g.satoru, g.suguruㅤi.yuuji, f.megumiㅤi.toge, o.yuuta
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the loml choso (not including all the other lomls)!!
but anyway!!! choso is an absolute sweetheart, as long as you're not fighting against him in a battle or anything
he 10000% would do pretty much anything and everything to make you happy or to just make you smile
he loves you sm it makes other people cringe... you two are definitelyyy the couple people see in public and slightly grimace at because they're so in love
he'd probably do subtle pda but if you don't like that sort of stuff, he wouldn't do it!! he loves you too much to make you uncomfortable and push your boundaries
he's basically like a typical gentleman?? like when people say that men aren't like how they used to be, choso is their ideal man!!!
summary: he's so in love and whipped for you
but it's vvvvv endearing!!!
i think, as soon as you two begin officially seeing each other, he'll want to introduce you to his brothers and get their opinion on you too
they mean the world to him and he would probably love nothing more than for the people he loves most to also be friends!!
someone help me the older brother issues are realll
but yeah, he's just a sweetheart and would worship you like a god if you asked him to <3 (he does that without you asking 🤭)
choso would also go along with whatever you say 99% of the time!! the 1% off is when it endangers you lmao
if you call him some dumb nickname or do the trend where you call a s/o the most random things, he will genuinely take it as a compliment so seriously that it makes your heart hurt
he's a bitttt naive, but you love him!! and he definitely loves you omg
i hate his personality but he's hot 😔 so!! this is gonna be kind of ooc for him icl
dating naoya issss.... interesting? he's got a unique character for sure
realistically, you probably wouldn't see him that often assuming that he's a full-time sorcerer and you are a housewife (or househusband!!)
but, the times that you do see him, you are both so sappy and touchy with each other, no matter who or what is around
naoya is spoiled, so it doesn't come as a surprise to know that he has always been able to get what he wants, and that nothing has changed since he was a child
with this in mind, he would definitely not be shy about pda, unless you're both in a proper environment like a clan meeting i guess...
he probably wouldn't even let you in there though 😭 his superiority complex is off the charts
pleaseee start training him to not act like a creep
leading on from this!! naoya would treat you like a princess if you're both truly in love, and would stop at nothing to get you what you want!
you mentioned that you would like the garden to be redesigned so that you can plant more flowers? done! the kitchen isn't to your standards? it's gone before you can look at it for another second!
suddenly you understand why he is the way he is, because if this is the life he's been living, it's 100% worth it lmao
i also feel like naoya has tunnel vision for you!!
like, let's say that he's come home from exorcising a curse, or from a particularly hard mission, and being more impolite to the servants than normal as he literally hunts you down in your own home
he lowkey scares you but not in a bad way?? he's just kind of intimidating sometimes, without meaning to be!
overall, naoya would probably be a good s/o to have!! as long as he loves you 😭
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© fairytogeㅤ ꔫㅤ please do not copy, repost, translate, etc without my permission
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ghouljams · 4 months
Cyberpunk AU, Imagine if somehow Mech-Pilot!König was able to hide his “connection” with his mech from his handler tho…
König on his bed kicking his feet watching his little medic fuss over him his mech saying things like: “There we go big guy, all better!” Or “Woah there big boy, stay still for me, please.” Or even his favourite: “Aaand we’re done! Good boy!”
Like, I feel like his handler would be more formal and stoic with him as it’s what they’re trained to do but the humanisation of his mech comes out in the “privacy” of the repair dock. It’s there that König can see his handler in a much friendlier light. They’re always so tense when he’s around them, and while that’s definitely cute in it’s own way, seeing them happily humming along to a song they have playing in the background while they are in their element, making repairs and coding is just as charming. It really gives him a taste of domestic life. They look so small and fragile in “his” hands… smiling up at “him” so sweetly… it’s almost dysphoric being with them in his human body.
The dysphoria mech pilots must go through being connected to a being so much bigger than them, living at such great heights and then being made to fit back into their human bodies. König is a big guy but even he feels out of place. He reaches for things too far away, looks too far down to talk to people, feels the cavernous walls of the hanger closing in on him. He looks for circuits and ports in his skin, forgets to eat, forgets to sleep, he needs to recharge, needs a tune up, he forgets he's mostly human.
He slips between the mech and himself. Feels the mechanics like his first skin not his second. The implants he's been given to better mesh with the mech make it easy for him to keep communications open, make it easy for him to forget that its cameras aren't his eyes. Make it easy for him to trip when he's too focused on the way you tighten bolts along his joints.
At first it was just whispers, words that filtered through his perception, a voice he considered going to psych to have checked out. Soft praises that felt so alien he almost couldn't believe he was hallucinating them. No one coos at König, calls him a good boy, tells him how brave his is or what a good job he's doing, but it still makes him warm, makes something in is chest light up pleasantly. Then there are the phantom pains, the jerk in his shoulder, something being tightened suddenly before it melts into a gentle ache. Then comes the vision switches, the cameras clicking and focusing on your work, on the soldering iron in your hand as you fix tiny cracks along his fingers.
Mech pilots have a reputation for being strange, for caring too much about their machines, for seeming out of place in their own skin, for being too attached to their handlers. König is a trial run, his neural net is made to fully integrate with his mech. He gets lost sometimes in between his two halves. He gets lost around you, his handler, his keeper. (his mechanic, his doctor, his coder, his everything and anything)
It's strange interacting with you as a colonel. Bot Docs have their own reputation but the formality you afford him is startling when he knows how you treat his mechanical half. Is he really so different? He doesn't feel different. In fact König and the mech seem to hold the same feelings towards you, the same desires. It's just that holding their bodies and well being in your capable hands is only beneficial as long as König is controllable. And he's never been able to help pulling on his leash.
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onirique-amaranth · 1 year
⎮The magnificent bird and the golden cage⎮
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⏤ Including → 18+ content
⏤ Warnings → implied yandere's behaviour, protectiveness, mention of violence, implied manipulation, unhealthy relationship
⏤ Summary → Who is the magnificent bird in the gold cage, and who keeps him locked there.
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Part 1 → Alexis Ness, Michael Kaiser, Oliver Aiku & Julien Loki
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✖︎ You are the magnificent golden pheasant, and he's the falconer.
✷ Despite his angelic face, Alexis Ness is more twisted than you thought. He hates not being in control or being able to see what you're doing and with whom.
✷ He needs to know everything, so he can protect you, even though he is aware that you can defend yourself fairly well. You are his treasure, the most beautiful bird, and he's convinced that you can't survive in the wild without him.
✷ Alexis has the habit of keeping you close, whether it's having your hand in his, an arm around your waist, or simply holding your sleeve. To function properly, he needs to feel your presence near him.
✷ It is also the same reason why he goes everywhere with you, to all his matches, even if it's in another country, he threatens the coach to not play if you aren't here. Whenever he gets out, you are by his side, and the paparazzi are always excited to take new pictures of you two.  
✷ The staff and his teammates are used to his behaviour, but they can't help but have chills going down their spines when Alexis glares at them just because they manage to catch your attention.
✷ Don't get him wrong, though, he has been and always will be the sweetest and kindest with you. And he will never let you see his more twisted side of himself, you only see him as protective of you.
✷ Alexis absolutely adores you.
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✖︎ You locked yourselves together in a golden cage.
✷ Michael Kaiser has always been greedy and arrogant, along with being crazily possessive.
✷ It is what scared most of his past partners away, so he tried to keep it down when you got together. But one day, after someone tried to flirt with you in front of him, he snapped and did something unimaginable.
✷ He knew it was over between you from that moment, when he showed his true colours. And yet, you only smiled sweetly, helping him hide his mistake and continued on with your life. To say he was confused, was an understatement.
✷ Though, he understood why, not so long after. As he never imagined that you could be as bad, if not worse than him, especially when you almost bashed someone's head open publicly. Man did it gave him butterflies.
✷ You complete each other, he is on the aggressive side and takes his time, savouring it, while you are more manipulative and tend to end things quickly. He may have jokingly said in one of his interviews “we are a match made in hell”, the journalists far from knowing how true it was.
✷ Still, you keep a good appearance publicly, and many fans of his see you as the perfect couple. And Kaiser never misses an opportunity of showing you off, only making the fans love your dynamic even more.
✷ Everything will be fine for you, as long as nobody comes snooping around your shared house.
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✖︎ You are the wild bird who tamed his own falconer, and he ended up in the golden cage.
✷ Oliver Aiku has always been a womanizer, and never really cared about his past relationship. Despite his tendencies to flirt left and right, he never cheated in his life and promised himself to never do. As long as it stays a flirt, for him, it was alright.
✷ Until he starts to go out with you. Not only you had a strong personality, but you were such a good flirt that you managed to make him go out with you. Which, was an accomplishment for someone like him.
✷ Unfortunately for Oliver, you were a bit spiteful sometimes. And after telling him multiple times that you hated seeing him flirt with people in front of you, you started doing the same.
✷ The more he would do it, the less time you would spend with him and end up hanging out with other people. It didn't disturb him, or he never noticed, until he got out to buy something and saw you with another person, chuckling as they held your forearm, and boy, he lost his mind.
✷ Suddenly, he was all over you, by your side all the time, never looking at anyone else but now. The more he pays attention to you, the more he would get rewarded with love and affection. You had him wrapped around your fingers.
✷ And then, it became uncontrollable. He needed and desired with all his heart for you to be his one and only, going as far as taking care of the ones standing in his way. This calm and calculative man turned into a much more dangerous character. He would do anything if it means that you will be his, and no one else's.
✷ He would purposely mix up your clothes, steal some of your accessories, send messages to you when he knew that you were with friends, and delete contacts on your phone or pictures from people he found too close to you. The only person you needed to be close to, was him.
✷ He couldn't live without you anymore.
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✖︎ You are the falconer, and he is the tamed eagle.
✷ Julien Loki is the sweetest man you have ever met.
✷ He is kind and caring, so soft and delicate with you, whatever he's doing. Despite being rather demanding with his teammates, he never shouted or ordered anything in your presence.
✷ To say Julien Loki was a sweetheart is an understatement.
✷ Everyone, teammates, staff, and fans were always admiring your relationship, seeming so perfect. Yet, it was far from the truth, on the common norms, standards, and expectations at least.
✷ While Julien was considered perfect, you were the complete opposite. Aggressive, manipulative, perfectionist and intimidating, most traits that a person shouldn't have, or not to this extent, at least. And yet, Julien was head over heels for you.
✷ He knew how you were when he started dating you, you have been honest about it, and told him that choosing you would be the worst decision of his life. But he never regretted it. For him, this relationship was his safe space, only filled with joy and bliss.
✷ With you, he loved not being in charge, not being seen as a prodigy, he was just a normal human being. Leaving everything to you, he trusts you immensely and knows better than to disobey. He follows you around like a puppy, trusts you with his diet, and lets you take care of him whenever he is sick or injured.
✷ Despite how unhealthy it is, as he knows that if you ever decide to, you could cut him off from the world completely. He relishes in this peace he found, and never would go back on his words, that you were the best decision of his life.
✷ If one day, you do decide to hide him from the world, he won't complain. He only needs you.
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⏤ Thank you for reading! I wish you a great day.
⏤ here is my masterlist & ko-fi ⏤
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Meet Me Halfway
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AN: Whewww buckle up!
Synopsis: He's a hopeless romantic, but you can't for the life of you understand why he won't commit. He's attached to you and doesn't want to be around anyone else. Doubts start to creep into your mind and now you're left feeling like you aren't good enough.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Requested by: @kentuckyboyharlow 🥰
Jack Harlow Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
“That’s my good girl, you better take this shit and act like you want it.” Jack said while hovering above you while you were in the midst of getting your back blown out by him for the sixth time this week.
All it took was a few new outfits from Givenchy and three pairs of Louboutins to have you at his mercy.
But this was the usual thing.
You definitely didn’t need him, there was no doubt in your mind surrounding that.
But you wanted him.
You were successful in your own right having graduated from the top of your class at Harvard and following in your parents footsteps of being a business owner. You had always had an eye for fashion, so that was your go to. High end boutiques that you owned which could only be found in Paris, London, New York, Tampa, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and Atlanta. 
The two of you met when he had ventured into one of your boutiques when you had happened to be there and he was infatuated by you from the first glance. 
And everyone was able to tell. 
This entire friends with benefits situation had been going on for a year and a half, and as much as you didn’t want to admit it, it was now starting to bother you.
Bottom line is that you knew that you deserved better, but you wanted for the better to come from him.
As far fetched as that idea was. 
Jack would tell you all the time how he longed to be in a relationship with someone that would see him for the person that he was and not just what his job entailed.
Well, that was you.
He would admit that you were one of the few people who still treated him like a person and separated him from what his job description entailed. 
He would go to you about everything and sometimes more often than not, you would know things before even his best friend Urban did.
Jack would always tell you how much he trusted you and how much he valued having you in his life, however it didn’t quite feel like it sometimes.
Being that you signed an NDA, there really was no one that you could talk to about your relationship issues and didn’t want the risk of you accidentally letting his name slip from your lips when you were addressing the topic. 
So, you suffered in silence.
But, you honestly didn’t know how much longer you could take. 
Jack literally did everything for you that a boyfriend would do in a relationship, there just wasn’t a title to go along with it. 
As you were both coming down from your high, Jack took the opportunity to pepper kisses all along your skin, before finally reaching your face and kissing the side of your mouth before pressing his lips to yours. 
He slowly slipped out of you making you wince before laying down next to you on his back and pulling you on top of him.
Jack noticed that you had been unusually quiet for the past three days.
He bought the gifts in hope that it would put you in a better mood, but truth be told nothing had changed.
That’s when the thought of him losing you crept into his mind no matter how much he tried to block it out.
You meant a lot to him and when an opportunity arose for him to tell you, he took it.
He loved you and was in love with you but probably would never say it to your face. He was scared that he would either run you off or mess up a good thing and that was honestly the last thing that he wanted to do.
You were his safe place and his safe haven. 
“Babe, why are you so quiet? Did something happen? You haven’t been yourself for these past few days.”
“I’m fine, I promise.” You answered, not bothering to pick your head up from his chest to look at him and you knew that he was going to continue to push until he got an answer that he was satisfied with.
“You know better than to lie to me. You can tell me anything. I want to help you fix what’s wrong if I can.”
Oh, he definitely could,alright, if he would just admit his feelings and stop being scared all the time.
That was the only reason that you could think of as to why he hasn’t said anything to you yet.
“Can we just drop it? It’s not something that I want to think about right now. You asked me to come see you and I did and that’s all I want to focus on before I have to fly back home.”
“We can drop it for now, but before you leave I want an answer.”
“It’s nothing, just work things.”
“That’s bullshit and you know by now that I can see right through you.”
“Damn, we on government basis now?” Jack asked as he looked down at you and the two of you finally made eye contact.
You were quiet and simply looked at him. 
When he didn’t get an answer from you all he did was sigh before kissing the top of your head.
“Fine, I’ll let it go for now. Maybe it’ll take your mind off things when we go to see my parents and Clay later.”
“I thought you said that we weren’t leaving this bed when I got here?”
“Well more or less. We’ve been going at it for six days anyway, one night away won’t hurt. And they miss you anyway. I told them that you were coming and they got excited.”
This obviously wasn’t the first time that you had met Jack’s parents. You actually knew them really well. He always introduced you as his friend when meeting someone new and every time Maggie saw you she would ask if her oldest had asked for you to be his girlfriend yet.
Because she honestly didn’t know what the hold up was either.
She would always tell you the way that Jack talked about you and how he would literally light up and get excited. He didn’t do that with anyone else.
Not to mention that when the two of you met, he literally cut off everyone that to him would be seen as a distraction and would take his attention off of you.
You were the shiny new toy that he was infatuated by and as many times as you wanted to walk away from the situation, he kept reeling you back in. 
“So, what do you think of the house?” Jack asked you quickly changing the subject before you had an opportunity to say no.
You had been the first person that he confided in about wanting to buy a house and he wanted for you to go house hunting with him in Louisville, however, your schedule just didn’t allow it. But you promised him you would come and see it as soon as you could.
When he made the purchase, he immediately flew you out to see it, hence, why you were there now.
He still had some decorating to do for him to get it exactly how he wanted it, but the basics were there.
You were the first person to step foot in it besides him and the realtor and you admit that you loved that he confided in you so much because he valued your opinion on different things.
“I like it, it suits you.”
“I got an extra key made for you too.” Jack said while reaching over to the bedside table to grab it and then placing it in your hands.
“No, I want you to have it. You’re my person and if at any time you need me, you know that I’ll be here and there’s no need to hesitate. I’m always going to be here for you no matter what. If you want to hop on a plane in the middle of the night to come see me, then you can. You keep me grounded and the last thing that I would ever want to do is lose you.”
“Okay.” You said as you reached over to put it to the side of you making a mental note to put it on your keys later.
“Can I be real with you for a minute?” Jack asked you and you simply nodded your head.
“Of course you can, I’m never going to tell you no.”
And truth be told that’s what your problem was, never being able to tell him no.
“I just think about how I can’t wait to settle down and have kids. I highly doubt that I’m going to meet my wife in a club somewhere, but you never know I guess. I want for them to want for nothing and that’s why I work so hard now.”
Luckily you weren’t facing Jack as he told you this because you immediately rolled your eyes.
He always did this shit and made you feel as if you were just a placeholder even if that wasn't his intention. Keeping his wife’s spot warm for when he actually did meet her and then what? He would probably kick you to the curb and would probably have to give him the house key back.
When that happened, you planned on cutting him off for good.
And you weren’t going to run back to him no matter how hard that it might end up being.
Because how in the world would you be able to compete with somebody’s wife?
“I don’t know if that’s what I want in life or if that’s the type of life for me.” You quietly answered and Jack did a double take.
Honestly, you wanted for it to be with him, but the thought of that went out the window a long time ago. 
What Jack wouldn’t admit to your face is that the only person he saw that future with was you.
“Since when? From the moment we met you said that you always wanted a family.”
“Well things can change.” You replied while shrugging. 
“Any man would be lucky to have you and he wouldn’t want for nothing because of how amazing of a person you are. Anyone is able to see that. Especially me."
“I.. just don’t know if I’m cut out to be someone’s wife.”
“You’re definitely more than capable. Just look at the way you take care and do things for me.”
You so badly wanted at that moment to get up and walk out the door and never speak to him again, but of course it wasn’t that easy.
You were too far in and down bad and you knew it. 
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Jack placed another kiss to your temple and this time you couldn't help but to smile.
“Now let me eat you out before we have to get ready.”
It was now around 8 PM and Maggie had cornered you with a glass of red wine for you to update her about everything that had been going on in your life in the backyard since she ordered out for dinner not having the energy to cook anything.
I guess it was fair seeing as the last time you saw her was a month ago.
You truly adored his parents and looked up to them as they were yours right along with Clay.
“Okay miss lady, spill it!” Maggie said while sitting next to you and handing you the wine.
“Nothing is really going on!” You said while laughing and taking a small sip.
“Nothing? Nothing at all? Including with my oldest child?” 
“Definitely nothing there. We’re friends, that’s all.”
“But the way that he looks at you tells me otherwise. I know that look because that is how Brian looks at me.”
“Mama Maggie….”
“What?! I’m just saying! I know what love looks like when I see it and I definitely see it between the two of you no matter how much either of you wants to deny it, Mama knows best.”
“I’m not saying that you’re wrong but….”
“But what?”
“I just don’t think I’m the perfect fit for him.”
“And that is utter bullshit, excuse my French. You two fit together like two puzzle pieces and not the ones that you have to force together.”
“We’re friends and the last thing I want to do is ruin that.”
“But my question is, what if you don’t ruin it and it turns into something more? Then what? You’re never going to know unless you try.”
Just then Jack made his way over to the two of you and Maggie simply eyed him.
“You two were just talking about me, weren’t you?” He asked while looking between both of you.
“Oh, just telling Y/N how I’m waiting for you to ask her on a proper date. Nothing more or nothing less.”
“MOM!” Jack exclaimed while turning beet red and all you could do was stifle a laugh.
“What? What’d I say? You obviously want me to be honest with you right?”
“I… I should have never asked. Anyway, Y/N, you ready?”
“But we’re only one glass in, don’t tell me you’re stealing her from me already.”
“She has an early flight mom, so yes I am stealing her from you.”
“Fine, Y/N, just remember what I told you and don’t take so long to come back and see me.”
“I promise I won’t.”
The two of you simply rode in silence back to his house and once there, you immediately went upstairs to begin packing.
“Hey, you okay? I seriously want you to tell me what’s wrong. I didn’t forget.” Jack asked while coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around you and placing a kiss on your cheek.
"I promise I'm okay. I just don't want you to worry about me.'
"But I always worry about you. Can't help it. If it was left up to me, you would be around me all the time."
"I know I would." You said while laughing and Jack turned you around so that you were now facing him.
He was simply looking at you with that famous smile of his and you could feel your face starting to get hot.
"Oh my gosh, stop!"
"Stop what? I didn't even do anything!"
"You're staring at me!'
"Well I can't help it if my girl is extremely gorgeous." Jack said while leaning down to kiss you and you eagerly kissed him back.
"Can't you stay for one more day?' He quietly asked and you immediately sighed.
"You know I can't."
"Yes you can, you're the CEO and can do whatever you want."
"You had me for a week already."
"And truth be told I need another one. Come on babe, please." Jack said while trying to subtly reach behind you in order to close your suitcase to put it back in his closet.
"I haven't seen you for an entire month. Everyone was suffering just ask Urb."
"Fine, one more day."
"Good, because I already went in your phone and changed your flight so this would have been real awkward if you had said no."
"What!? I missed you."
"I missed you too."
"See if you moved down here, I could see you every day and not have to miss you so much all the time."
"Now, Jackman.."
"Hey, it was just a thought!" 
Even though you promised Jack to stay another day, you still packed the majority of your things away so that it would be easier to get ready to leave and hopefully be at the airport on time. Jack had helped you finish and the two of you began to have a movie marathon before you fell asleep. 
Jack was still wide awake and peering down at you while you were asleep on his chest.
His thoughts were running rampant and he knew that you deserved better than this.
But truth be told, he was terrified.
Terrified of his feelings that he had for you.
He didn't really know why, seeing as he knew you like the back of his hand and he knew that you wouldn’t hurt him, but that thought still had residence in the back of his mind.
The biggest thing he had to separate is the fact that you weren't her.
The two of you had absolutely nothing in common and when Jack met you, it was like a breath of fresh air.
You were focused, had your goals, dreams, and aspirations set and he honestly wanted nothing more than to see you win and be by your side through all of it.
But what he didn't plan on was falling in love with you head first.
He wanted to tell you, he really did.
But the last thing he ever wanted to do was disappoint you or vice versa, you disappoint him.
However, the way that you showed him that you cared let him know that he wanted you in his life for the long run.
It was only a matter of time until you got fed up and he didn't know what he would do when that happened.
Just a little while longer and he'll tell you.
The wife that he would always mention that he wanted was you.
He saw a future with you and no one else.
Now all he needed was the courage to tell you.
You had been back home for about a week and a half and had been extremely busy getting new designs ready for fall. You admit that you hadn’t been answering your phone much or talking to Jack on a daily basis like you usually did, so it didn’t surprise you when your phone started ringing with his specific ringtone attached to it. 
"Hello?" You answered when you had finally found your phone that was buried underneath multiple fabrics that you were using for the dress you were designing.
"Babe! What took you so long to answer your phone!?"
"I'm working, Jackman. I need to work in order to buy things."
"My girl doesn't need to work when she knows I got her. Anything you ask me for, I get it without a second thought."
"I- cut it out."
"Just saying, but anyway, I got your assistant to clear your schedule for this weekend. Actually the whole week." 
"What the!?!? JACK!"
"My baby needs a much deserved break and I'm spending the entire week spoiling her. You'll thank me later."
"Where are we going?"
"Meet me on the tarmac at 6 am on Saturday to find out. Oh and bring that purple lingerie set that I like."
"What? I don't have a set that's purple." You answered, trying to think of all of the sets you had in your head.
"Yes you do since I got it delivered to your house earlier. It'll be waiting for you when you get there."
"What am I going to do with you?" You asked him while shaking your head.
"Nothing. Been stuck with me this long. And you know you can't get rid of me that easily."
"Jackman, get off my phone and let me finish so I can go home."
"So, is that a yes? That you'll go with me?"
"Well I didn't tell you no, did I?"
As promised it was around 5:45 in the morning when you pulled up to the airport to see Jack already waiting for you.
You had barely gotten any sleep the night before between how excited you were, how much you missed him, and worrying about finishing the designs for your boutique.
Once the car came to a complete stop, the driver opened the door for you and while he was getting your bags out of the trunk to load onto the plane, you ran full force into Jack with him catching you and your legs immediately went around his waist.
“Did someone miss me?” He curiously asked while kissing the top of your head.
“Ehh, I mean I guess I missed you.” You responded as he placed you back down on your feet and began to play with your braids. 
“Wait, you guess? After all that I went through to plan this shit for you? YOU GUESS?”
“Of course I missed you J, now where are we going?” You asked as you began to climb the steps of the private jet with him right behind you. 
“Did you bring what I asked you to bring?” Jack asked while eyeing you as the two of you were now seated next to each other.
“If it’s the purple lingerie set that we’re talking about, I’m actually wearing it right now.”
“Good girl. You’ll see when we get there.”
The two of you were now in Paris near the Eiffel tower having a candlelit dinner for your next to last night in Paris and you were in absolute awe of how much he went through to be able to do this for you and were thankful that he takes initiative to be able to spend as much time with you as he possibly can. 
Tonight had to be the night that he was going to do it.
It only made sense right?
He had to ask you to be his girlfriend at this point, because nothing else would make sense.
Him flying you to Paris?
Having dinner near the Eiffel tower?
Putting you in one of the most expensive hotels in the city?
And not to mention him fucking your brains out ever since the two of you touched down with no end in sight. 
The purple lingerie set definitely came in handy. 
I mean this was one hell of a first date if it could be considered one, but you were definitely convinced that it was.
“J, thank you for this.” You said while sipping on your red wine and he simply looked up at you and smiled.
“Anything for my girl, you know that. I know that this is one of your favorite places in the world and I remember you telling me how you really never get a chance to enjoy it because usually when you come here, you’re working so I decided to bring you when I knew for a fact you wouldn’t be working at all. Only work you’re allowed to put in is on this dick.”
“Way to ruin the mood, Jackman.”
“What?! I was just saying! And do you know that I don’t let anyone call me Jackman, but you? Besides my mom of course, but I just love the way my name sounds when you say it.”
“Really? I didn’t know that.”
“Well, yeah. You’re special to me.” Jack replied while shrugging and turning red at the same time. 
“And you’ve definitely shown that to me this week, and all the time really now that I think about it.”
“And I wanted to ask you something.”
“Of course, anything.” You answered as your heart started to race.
This had to be it, it just had to be. 
“I just don’t know how you’re going to take it.” Jack said while scratching the back of his neck, clearly nervous.
“Babe, just ask me.”
“Would you be in charge of designing my wardrobe when I go on tour?”
“Wait, what?”
“Only because I know you have so much to do already, but I wanted you to come on tour with me! I can’t go that long without seeing you or having you near me.”
“Oh.” You said in defeat and now decided to pick up your fork and play with your dessert and trying not to break down in tears in front of him.
“Just think about it, baby. No pressure, but I would love to have you with me. And you already know how much PG adores you.”
“I’ll think about it.” You quietly said and Jack immediately noticed a change in your demeanor.
“Okay, just let me know. Oh and one more thing.”
Jack simply pulled out a box that had Cartier written on it and placed it in front of you and all you did was stare at it.
“What are you waiting for baby? Go ahead and open it.”
You did as you were told and slowly opened it up to see that it was a bracelet.
But not just any bracelet.
It was THE bracelet that you had told Jack you had wanted, but never got around to actually buying it yourself.
“Do you like it? Here let me put it on for you.” He said while taking it from you to help you put it on.
It was taking everything in you in that moment to not rip it off and throw it into his face.
“You’re my person, Y/N, and don’t you ever forget that. You ready to get out of here?”
You forced a small smile and quickly nodded.
You needed to get away from him.
As soon as possible. 
This had gone on long enough and you were tired of feeling like you weren’t good enough for him.
The ride back to the hotel was awkwardly silent and Jack knew that there was something wrong, but he couldn’t quite pinpoint what it could actually be. 
He finally cornered you in the master bedroom of the suite that you two were staying in and wanted an answer.
“Babe? What’s wrong? Something’s off.”
“You just wouldn’t understand.”
“Why wouldn’t I understand? Where is this coming from?”
“Jack,  drop it and I mean it.”
“Something is wrong with my girl and I’m not dropping it until she tells me why.” He answered before turning you around to face him.
All you did was look down and Jack quickly put his finger under your chin for you to look up at him.
“I’m tired of not being good enough.” You quietly whispered not being able to hold it in any longer.
“What? What do you mean? Good enough for who? You are more than enough.”
“Obviously not for you.”
Jack wasn’t expecting that for an answer and was now looking at you confused.
“For me?”
“Don’t play dumb because I do not have the patience for it tonight.” You said while turning around and continuing to pack your bag.
“I’m not playing dumb, but why would you say that?!”
“Jackman, you literally do everything as if we’re in a relationship. Down to the gifts, you buying me a car no matter how much I wanted for you to return it, you fuck me whenever you feel like it, fly me out to wherever you are in the world and you literally just gave me a key to your house. And now apparently instead of flying me to Paris in order for you to ask me to be your girlfriend, I get a bracelet and you asking for me to go on tour with you instead. All while still not being able to call myself your girlfriend. You just take and take and take from me and I allow it! I follow you anywhere like a lost puppy! You don’t see any problem with that?”
“Where is this coming from because the last time I checked, you were okay with it.”
“When was the last time you checked? Because I honestly don’t ever remember you asking me.”
“And you’re just saying something now? We’ve known each other for almost TWO years!”
“And that’s all you have to say? You constantly make me feel like I’m not good enough and that I’m a placeholder for your actual wife because you even said it yourself.”
“Y/N.. just I can’t have a girlfriend right now.”
“But you can have me, who is basically your girlfriend without the title? I’VE MET YOUR PARENTS AND YOUR GRANDPARENTS. WHO DOES THAT FOR SOMEONE WHO THEY DON’T PLAN  ON BEING WITH?!”
“And now you don’t even have an answer because you never intended on making me your girlfriend in the first place. Even if you led me to believe that you were. You cut everyone off for me and it’s like for what? You might as well call them back because whatever this is, it’s over and done with. You’re not going to play me anymore.”
“No one is even playing you! You knew this shit from the beginning and how it would be!”
“Jack, you don’t have to worry about me so here’s your key back. And do me a favor. Don’t call me for the rest of your life and I hope that you find your wife wherever she may be.”
“Y/N… you don’t mean that. You…. don’t do this.”
“You don’t love me so why do you even care if I walk out of your life?”
“BUT NOT THE WAY THAT I FUCKING LOVE YOU SO I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT! I’M DONE, I’M DONE WITH THIS SHIT! I DESERVE BETTER!” You were now crying and Jack was trying to embrace you, but you immediately pushed him away.
“No, I’m not getting roped back in so don’t even touch me.”
“Y/N, you’re crying.”
“Y/N, I just need more time. We’ll do this, we’ll do it all. Be in a relationship and everyone will know about it.”
You simply wiped your eyes with the back of your hand even though they were still steadily streaming down your face.
“No, don’t try to save face now and try to make it right. I meant it when I said I was done. Don’t give me any handouts. I want someone to love me for me and love me outloud and not be afraid to show it. I have never seen someone so scared of commitment like you are. I’m not innocent in this either, however, I realized that I deserve more.” You said as you closed your suitcase and was making your way towards the door.
“You lived without me for 22 years. I’m sure you’ll find a way to fill the void.”
“Y/N please. I don’t know what I’m going to do if you walk out that door and never talk to me again.” Jack pleaded with you with actual tears in his eyes.
“You’re Jack Harlow. You’ll find another bitch to keep your bed warm at night.”
“But she won’t be you!”
“And you’re damn right about that. Maybe now I can actually look for my husband, wherever he may be.”
“Let’s just sleep on this and we’ll talk about it again in the morning.” Jack said while trying to come closer to you but you immediately backed up. 
“Jack, I made myself pretty clear. The answer is no.”
495 notes · View notes
livelaughloveloak · 1 year
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⋆ pairing :: Lo'ak x human! reader
⋆ summary :: headcanons if Lo'ak was dating a human, so basically a lo'ak version of my neteyam headcanons
⋆ author's note :: y'all I'm writing this at 12 am on a school night and I'm literally sweating bullets from how hot it is so I'm sorry if there's any errors
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will bend down and kiss your nose every time you two see each other
you told him about the "demon time" aka 3 am that the people back on earth believed in. So now whenever Lo'ak wakes up at the middle of night he's paranoid and asks you to come with him to the bathroom cause he's scared
he traces his finger along the marks on your hands whenever he's anxious or upset after Jake scolds him
calls you "my heart" because you basically own his heart
your bed was way too small for him to fit on so you begged Norm for a bigger one. Lo'ak ends up always laying on your chest despite your complains about how he's crushing you
he'll stare at people if he catches them staring at you, he has no shame
runs up and hugs you like he hasn't seen you in forever but in reality you too saw each other yesterday
always asking you to sneak out with him during night time. don't worry though he won't let anything bad happen to you <3
will NOT let people make fun of you. if anyone makes fun of you he'll simply punch them
he's never uncomfortable around you so he'll talk and do random stuff cause he trusts you
he never says goodnight without adding an I love you with it
strict about the no going to sleep when we're both mad rule
he has a box filled with all the gifts and letters you gave him
"my love do you remember the letter you gave me when we first started dating? I still cherish it to this day."
secretly likes seeing you get along with his siblings
happy wife = happy life even though you two aren't technically "mated" yet
he'd definitely use your head as an arm rest because of the major height difference
begs his mom to teach him how to weave so that he could make a gift for you
let's you shave the side of his head whenever the hair starts growing again
he finds comfort in you and will come vent to you. please tell him that you love him :((
he gets insecure sometimes but cheers up again when you say that you only want him
loves learning about earth customs from you
just like neteyam he swore that he'd formally marry you one day like how sky people do
689 notes · View notes
So you want to write about a Jewish Ed Teach - a quick guide to writing a Jewish man of color, by a Jewish moc
Given Taika Waititi is Jewish, I am always so happy when I see fanfic authors writing about Ed being Jewish! We need more Jewish poc rep and I'm always happy to see it. That being said, I've also seen a lot of misunderstandings, so I wanted to to write up a few quick guidelines.
Disclaimer: I'm just one Jew with an opinion, and this is based on my own experiences! I'd love if other Jews, especially other Jews of color, in the fandom would like to chime in with their thoughts as well!
It is possible to be a Jewish athiest! Judaism is membership in a people, and belief in g-d is not required (and, in my community, it's even considered a very personal question!). Some of the most observant Jews I know are athiests; belief in g-d and level of Jewish observance are not directly correlated. Cannot overstate how common it is for Jews to not believe in g-d or go back and forth on the question.
On that note, there are different levels of Jewish observance. Every individual is different, but in general there's Orthodox (very strict), and then, way on the other side, there's Reform and Conservative (Conservative does not equal politically Conservative). Conservative and Reform are very similar, except the Conservative movement tends to be more observant of traditional Jewish law and uses a lot more Hebrew. If you live in an area without a lot of Jews (like where I live!), it's very common for Reform and Conservative movements to have a lot of overlap and collaborate on a lot of stuff together.
Not every Jew keeps Kosher, or keeps Kosher to the same level of strictness.
Synagogue services are not like Christian services, especially outside of holiday services. Ordinary Saturday morning services are often more like a group conversation as we try to work new meaning out of the Torah. The B'Nei Mitzvah, the big ceremony that marks a kid being old enough to participate fully in Jewish life, is more like "baby's first thesis defense" than anything else! There have literally been pauses in services I've attended before as someone ran to the temple library to check their sources.
Not all Jews speak Hebrew. Some Jews might not know any, some might be able to stumble through the more important prayers, some might be able to sight-read okay, some might only know religious words but not modern words, some might be fluent! Just about any level of proficiency is believable.
Ed's got a lot of tattoos! Tattoos are a big traditional Jewish no-no, but (again!) different movements and different Jews have their own opinions. I know a Conservative tattoo artist! It's not something that other Jews would comment on (unless they're just assholes) and it wouldn't make anyone kick him out of synagogue services (no joke, I read that in a fic once).
Hannukah is not the only (or even the most important) Jewish holiday; it's just the one most non-Jews know about. The two biggest holidays are Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. I think Ed's favorite holidays would be Purim (you get to wear costumes and put on plays!) and Passover (retelling of a story along with a big meal!).
Depending on the area and the Jewish demographic, Jews of color can sometimes feel uncomfortable in our own community, especially when other Jews automatically assume we must be converts. While this is a real issue, it is not something I want to read authors who aren't themselves Jews of color write about because it is a deeply inter-Jewish issue.
Depending on the community you grow up in, religious trauma isn't as common with queer Jews as it is with queer Christians. The Reform movement has been advocating for queer Jews since the 1960s (you read that right, yes). I'm not saying there are no queer Jews who have religious trauma, I'm just saing it's a lot less common, and I have always felt immediately accepted as queer in Jewish spaces.
The inverse is not true. Queer spaces are not always accepting of Jews (or of people of color, a double whammy!).
A few stereotypes to avoid: Jews are often stereotyped as being greedy and corrupt. Jewish kids are bullied by Christian kids because "we killed Jesus," when I was ten I had another kid ask to "see my horns." Always avoid comparing Ed directly to animals, especially rodents.
If you're a non-Jew looking to write about a Jewish Ed, I recommend doing some research. MyJewishLearning is a great website that's very accessible.
Every Jew interacts with our Judaism differently, so if you're writing a Jewish Ed, please take a moment to think about what it means for him! Membership in a community? Calming traditions that remind him of home, family, and community? A point of pride - we're a resilient lot! Even just a note in his background that he's not as connected to as he might like to be?
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gigidragonbbxxx · 3 months
feeling guilty about manifesting an sp?
I keep seeing tweets and reddit posts asking something along the lines of "Is it morally wrong to manifest an sp when they're in a relationship/is it wrong to manifest an sp to change their sexuality?"
a big fat NO.
if any of you have answered: yes it's wrong, YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE LAW OF ASSUMPTION.
to be quite plain, if you learn and believe in the Law of Assumption, it is within the same breath that you must acknowledge the infinite possibilities your life can take on = simultaneous different realities
when you decide that you and your sp are meant to be, you begin to experience the timeline where that is the reality. the same goes for sexuality. you begin to experience the reality where their sexuality is different, etc.
Reminder: You're constantly choosing a reality to experience over and over again each time you make a decision, each time you believe in something, etc.
People do this automatically, without knowing the law. There is no other way to experience the 3D going forward. Each thing that comes your way is a product of your assumptions. Even for everyday life. The difference with knowing the law is using it to your advantage.
Person A and B are both 16 and can drive. Their entire lives they have witnessed traffic, experienced traffic, heard their parents complain about traffic, seen traffic affect people's plans, witnessed traffic being used as an excuse for tardiness, watched it on screen, read about it on news or social media, etc.
Both Person A and B have a relatively high self-concept naturally.
Person A continues to go through life doing well but experiences traffic. Person A accepts that this is part of life and they are not an exception to experiencing traffic. They assume sometimes they're lucky or sometimes they aren't. They assume that this is normal.
Person B learns about the law and uses it to their advantage. They begin to affirm that they are always the exception. They assume that traffic exists but that they do not experience traffic. They assume every time they're warned about traffic, that it will be miraculously over with or fast-moving once they catch up to it. They assume that experiencing delays with travel does not happen to them. They assume they get everywhere on time. Person B always affirms that they are punctual and make good impressions.
The difference is what each person assumes and it creates their reality.
They are in the timeline where Person A doesn't manifest being the exception while Person B does.
Now, there's a timeline where both persons know the law and apply it. There's a timeline where neither of them know about the law.
so, to conclude: do not feel guilty about manifesting an SP
BUT DO NOT BE MESSY. Don't try to be their side chick or get up in their face while they're still with someone else. If you truly believe in your power, just let your SP come to you. Besides, why would you even acknowledge the 3P? You're about to enter a timeline where they're gone.
The only job you have is to change self.
xx, gigi
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saey707 · 8 months
*heavy breathing* pls, feed my thirst with a little heartsteel kayn pls I need him -I-I need to read some yandere heartsteel kayn *coughs* I can't breath I need him to be angry at me for his own feelings omg omg I need it I need the water
✿ Prompt: Kayn is a toxic boyfriend ✿
♡ champion focus: kayn ♡ tw: npd, yandere ♡ Gender-neutral reader
Author's Note: Your request made me laugh so hard that I had to respond as soon as possible LOLOL ૮꒰⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝꒱ა I'm always down for writing toxic yandere boys! So let's get into Kayn ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ Enjoy!
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Most days, you couldn't help but feel like you were trapped in a relationship with Kayn. Yes, you loved him, hell you even accepted him the way he was... But really, that was only because you feared what he could if you did try to speak up.
The warning signs were always there- People constantly reminding you... no, warning you that Kayn was toxic. But, you chose to ignore them. You wanted to believe there was some degree of good inside of Kayn. You wanted to love him like no one did before. You tried to convince yourself that you could even change him!
However, seeing Kayn in all his selfish, narcissistic colors made you realize far too late that you were stuck with him... and Kayn loved the power he had over you.
He loved having control over your shared relationship and felt like he could do as he pleased whenever he pleased. Time and time again Kayn would exercise unscrupulous control and influence over you. And you let him.
The control issues Kayn harbored at the beginning of your relationship were small. So much so, that you believed he was just obsessive-compulsive. He spoke devilish whispers that persuaded you to do things you would never do. He had you wrapped around his finger. He had you in his possession. His trap.
And as the devil's web unwound, it was only a matter of time before he was only just beginning to control every aspect of your life, from deciding what you wore out to events together to who you spoke to.
"I saw Aphelios looking at you the other day. You shouldn't trust him. You never know what the intentions of the quiet ones are..."
"I heard what Yone said to you the other day. You shouldn't listen to him... He has no idea how happy we are together!"
"I don't want you talking to Ezreal anymore!"
While the rest of the band felt it was wrong to enable Kayn, they kept quiet. They kept their distance when you all were alone. Because Kayn knew as much about them as he knew about you. And Kayn wasn't afraid to abuse the information he knew he sabotage all of them if they crossed him and his relationship.
The only sigh of relief you ever had was when the group performed interviews out of the country. Even though you could tag along, you chose not to. You made the excuse that you had work, and that saved you every time. Work was the only thing you had in your life that gave you some sense of control. Kayn couldn't take that away from you... yet, at least.
"Why aren't you texting me back? Are you listening to me?!" "Answer right now!!" "You're seriously going to put your phone on mute this long?! Who the hell do you think you are?!!" "Fine then. You did this to yourself. Keep that in mind." "LMAO" "When I get back you better hope that I'm fucking happy!!"
And he made sure to let the world know how frustrated he was.
"So Kayn, how is your relationship with your partner? You both are still together right?!" The interviewer happily questioned, your boyfriend playing the part, showing off that devilishly smug smile in front of his awestruck audience.
It made you feel sick to your stomach. It made you dread what he was about to say and what he could say.
"Oh, we are! Things between us are better than ever. We're both so happy..." His smile fell. "But..." He began to brood, looking off to the side for a moment. The audience ate up his vulnerability.
"They get so busy with work sometimes. I just wish they could respond to me sooner! Babe, if you're watching this, answer me!! Ahahaha!!" His smile returned, the others trying to hide their discomfort with joyful laughter.
"Well, I'm sure they'll be happy to see you when you get back Kayn. Don't be so discouraged!" The interviewer reassured him, Kayn rubbing the back of his neck, staring forward at the camera. Staring forward at you.
That was the telltale sign: That you were absolutely, most positively, fucked.
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cammys-imagines24 · 11 months
°•Taking Care of Injured Ellie•°
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Like most things in life, Ellie's first response is to try and deal with it herself. So, it stands to reason that that initial reaction stays the same even when she's hurt.
On more than one occasion you've walked in on her stitching a bloody gash up herself with a dirty needle and some janky knotted thread.
Other times, you've seen her wrap up a scrape using ductape. Just ductape. No gauze. No fabric.
There's a reason Ellie doesn't help out at Jackson's infirmary after all. If she did, many people would get even more hurt by her contaminated ministrations than if they were just left alone.
See, because of Ellie's immunity she's developed a poor way of managing her own health and hygienic practices when wounded.
Her seeming to think that being immune to the undead infected makes her not susceptible to other things too, like human bodily infections.
Also, because she's immune she often charges into danger with less caution than the average, not immune person would.
Hence why, she gets more hurt. Being reckless with her life. Going in head first.
Because of the poor way Ellie patches herself up you've sort of become her own personal physician.
Even reading up on medical books in Jackson's library to better assist her.
And you being her nurse? Now she can't complain about that. Her always ready to make a joke about it.
"Hey, babe. Where's, uh, your sexy nurse costume?"
"Ellie, shut up. Tell me what's wrong. How badly hurt are you?"
"Yeah, I need some medical attention. I hurt myself pretty bad falling for you."
"Ellie, you're literally bleeding out onto the rug."
Being a bit touch starved (though she'd never admit it) she quite enjoys when you fuss over her and take care of her.
It reminds her that someone cares about her. That her life matters to the one she loves most of all.
Ellie may gripe whenever you tell her to rest and heal up (and she'll never agree to proper bedrest.)
She also may always downplay how hurt she is, cracking jokes and sugar coating gritty details as to how exactly she got so banged up.
Though she'll forever be grateful to you. For your gentle assistance and the soft, affirming words you say to her while cleaning her body up.
You sometimes catch her staring at you so intensely while you bandage her up.
Her green eyes piercing, unaffected by even the sting of the alcohol you rub into her raw wounds.
Ellie will still your treatment with a firm grip of her calloused hands and pull you close to her, fervent.
Crashing her lips against yours in a desperate attempt to make you understand how much you mean to her.
Hoping her eager mouth, parted and inviting, will make you feel her love beyond her lacking, stilted words.
You'll try to protest, your hands awkwardly searching to rest upon the parts of her body which aren't injured or bruised.
Ellie won't care.
Invading your mouth with her tongue and pulling your clothes up and aside to feel the warmth of your skin.
When overcome with need, the pang of a touched scrape or the press against a gash going completely unnoticed.
Ellie will bite your bottom lip and pull you beneath her. Her shirt already discarded from when you were cleaning the blood off her.
"E-Ellie, what about your injuries!?"
You'll squeak, her rough hands yanking your jeans down, slender pale digits finding purchase upon the flesh of your freshly bared thighs.
"I think this is more important, babygirl. Yeah?"
Ellie will rasp, sucking a no doubt vibrant mark along your neck.
What can she say? Whenever you play nurse for her it turns her on.
And though you worry about her wounds, it's not like you object for long.
Not when your beloved Ellie is alive and safe in your arms, cuts and all.
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phantom-of-the-501st · 3 months
Let's Talk About Tech (Or Not)
Tags for people who I feel like would have some interesting thoughts about this: @eriexplosion @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @inkstainedhandswithrings @saturn-sends-hugs @the-bi-space-ace
One of the most frequent comments I see about season 3 so far is the lack of discussion surrounding Tech and what happened, and I want to look at this from two angles: the personal aspect and the context within its position in the show. Because while we're all getting frustrated about it, I think it's something that definitely deserves a closer look.
The Personal Side
One of the biggest questions people have so far is why are the Batch not talking about Tech? Losing a brother is very significant for them and it seems like it would be something that they would talk about more. They discussed the issues they were having following Echo's departure from the group, so why are they not talking about Tech?
I think one of the key things to consider here is time. When we see the Batch talking about Echo, it is only a matter of hours if not days after he went. It would make sense for them to be getting to grips with the situation because they haven't really had time to process it. On the flip side, at the point when we see Wrecker and Hunter, it has been at least 150 rotations from Omega's capture and therefore around 3 months from Tech's fall. A lot of the discussions that they would probably be having about it have likely already happened.
3 months isn't really that long, but in the context of losing someone, and in the context of the lives of these characters specifically, it can be enough time to start moving on. Not to forget it, or to not have it affect them, but to not really discuss it anymore. While I've never lost a sibling, I have lost family members on more than one occasion, and it surprises me how little time it can take for things to go back to "normal". Not to not be thinking about it, or to be 100% okay, but to be able to live life without ever discussing it. This happens particularly when something else significant is going on.
When you have another goal to focus on (in this case, rescuing Omega), you can't always focus on the loss. It sounds stupidly harsh and very much like an arsehole thing to say, but realistically, that is what happens. When you lose someone, you want life to stop, you want everything to pause so that you have time to grieve before you go back to living again. But life doesn't work like that. Things keep moving and sometimes the only thing you can do is focus on the events happening now, not the ones that you have no control over.
I don't think the Batch are ignoring it, or have forgotten about it. I think they've simply started focusing on what they need to be doing: rescuing the people who are still here. They can't get Tech back (as far as they are aware), they can't change anything and so at some point they just have to accept it. They probably did talk about it, did cry about it, but we're 3 months along at this point and they've probably said all they can. And Wrecker and Hunter have only just reunited with Crosshair and Omega. They're not going to instantly jump on that discussion again.
And we don't necessarily need to see the discussions to see how it's affecting them either. Tech's death and Omega's capture have made Hunter more impulsive and reckless. He isn't thinking as clearly as he should and now Wrecker is having to step in as the mediator. Wrecker, who was always the one to jump into a mission and ignore the plan, is having to hold Hunter back from running headfirst into things without thinking. The situation has affected them and is still having lasting effects. Even if they aren't talking about it, it isn't like it's just been totally ignored in the show. Of course we'll have to see if this changes now that most of the Batch are together again, but this is already more than we got with a lot of the other clones (Fives never seeming any different following Echo's "death" for example).
And then there's the matter of Crosshair never questioning why Omega only talks about Wrecker and Hunter. This may be because he already knows about Tech. If Omega has been talking to him on Tantiss, he may already know that his brother is gone. But once again, we are watching the events happening 3 months on at this point. He may have had to compartmentalise that fact the same way that everyone else has. We're saw him and Omega briefly discussing Tech and how he made sure Omega memorised all of the plans. Sure, there was more softness there than sadness, but that's what happens sometimes. Sometimes reminiscing about someone that you lost doesn't make you cry, it makes you smile, because you're remembering the little quirks about them that you love. So no, Omega and Cross haven't been shown talking about Tech's death, but I wouldn't be surprised if he already knows.
In the Context of TV
And now onto the other matter. The fact that all of this is happening as part of a narrative.
I think this is where the lack of conversation about it becomes frustrating: not because it doesn't make sense in the context of the characters themselves, but the fact that we are watching this as part of a show. It doesn't feel right to have something that significant happen only for it to never be mentioned again. We can't really ignore the fact that that happened and move on because while the characters have had time to process things, we haven't seen that. That chunk of the story is missing to us and so it feels unfulfilling to have that turn of events not have enough closure.
Imagine if you lost someone in your life and then you automatically skipped to the point where you were starting to feel somewhat okay again, while removing the entire chunk in the middle where you actually processed things. That is effectively what has happened to us as an audience. Yes, we've had months between seasons, but we have this gap of narrative nothingness between the season 2 finale and the beginning of season 3 where the actual processing would have happened.
So our frustration is justified. Not because it doesn't make sense narratively, or that it doesn't seem right for the characters to be acting the way they are, but because we haven't been able to process the events in the same way that the characters have. The characters aren't discussing it because they don't necessarily need to at this point in time. But we need them to discuss it because that part is missing for us. We haven't seen that bit so we can't fully compute the events.
Yes, it's annoying. Not because it doesn't make sense in the story, but because it doesn't make sense to us. Because as an audience the context is different to that of the characters within the story we are watching.
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127luvr · 2 months
Hi can i ask for a male reader x doyoung, where they're both in school and they have an assignment to sing a duet, but doyoung just really chose m!r so that they can spend more time together. Then they kiss?
kiss ♫⋆。♪ ₊
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kim doyoung x male reader
doyoung had never questioned his life in music. he knew from a young age where he was headed--what path in life he wanted to pursue. he breathed music like it was his lifeline. it was the one thing in his life he never second-guessed. he knew he was good at it. at singing--at reading music--at conducting his class for an assignment--at teaching it when he became a student-teacher.
he was born for this.
you weren't as lucky.
the passion for music came from watching a performance of your school choir by chance. you were convinced that you were destined to pass by the auditorium at that very moment--destined to hear the way the ensemble blended their voices together so seamlessly--as if it was a body of water collectively sending waves to shore.
it was too late in the year to join the ensemble you heard, but you managed to squeeze in to one of the beginner classes. it was one of the things in life that you took seriously. staying after school for any extra help from upperclassmen. staying behind to see the rigorous practices that the advanced classes had. while you were graced with a natural talent for music, you still had so much to learn.
which is why you were the most excited when they assigned duets. the only strict rule being that it had to be someone that was in the choir program.
doyoung had taken a liking to you. watching you from the corner of his eye when you sat in one of their after-school practices. he watched the way your pencil followed along the sheet music as they sang, circling the dynamics on top--and underneath--the staff. he watched as your body followed the conductor's baton--watched as you sang along subconsciously to your voice part in the song. he knew without a doubt that he had to choose you for a duet.
he just wasn't entirely sure if it was for his own selfish reasons or for your raw talent.
"(y/n)?" you feel a light tap on your shoulder, the sudden sensation startling you. your binder slips out of your hands when you turn to doyoung, his nearness surprising you further. you can't help but gawk at him, ignoring the way your sheet music spills out of the binder on the floor. doyoung's eyes fall to the floor, his lips twitching slightly as he goes to pick it up for you. you are still watching him as he bends down, his long fingers quick with gathering your materials. you manage to look away as he straightens his posture again, holding his hands out to hand you your binder. "i know we aren't really familiar with each other, but did you want to team up for the duet assignment?"
he was one of the upperclassmen. one of the singers that stood out to you when you watched them practice. the critiques he received from directors were nitpick-y. always something about rounding out his vowels--looking more expressive. it was clear that they only picked on him for small things because they weren't able to find anything he was bad at. he didn't need to improve--but he did need to be pushed just like his classmates.
you quickly realize that doyoung isn't in it for the music. he knows the song inside and out from the get-go. leaving you to scramble and learn the song even when you're not practicing together. this only makes you wonder what he was in it for. why he chose you of all people?
your practices were usually done in the school practice rooms. preferably one with an old piano in it--sometimes you weren't as lucky. but you watched as doyoung's eyes moved faster than his fingers, reading the music as he played the black and white piano keys. you were almost jealous of his talents. envious of his ability to multitask so effortlessly but he interprets your gaze differently. patting the space on the bench next to him so you could sit--instead of standing with your back to the wall, stiff.
"i like to learn the notes by playing them and then singing them. makes it easier to correct. do you want to try?" your hands hover over the keys, scared to play any of them incorrectly. if you were being honest, you only knew the name of the notes on your phone, where the keys were labeled. "here, i'll show you."
you don't expect doyoung to put his hands on top of yours, guiding them to where he was previously playing. but the piano is the last thing on your mind. instead, thoughts of doyoung's soft skin and dainty fingers replace any and all rational thoughts from your brain.
"the note in between these black keys is d. if you look at the piano you will notice that the pattern repeats over and over again, so the notes only go a, b, c, d, e, f and g. and then back to a. the black keys are semitones--flat or sharp. it just depends on what key we're in, you know?" doyoung finally takes note of your flushed face, his hands immediately clammy on top of yours as he watches you chew your bottom lip anxiously. "(y/n)? did you get any of that?"
"is there a way for me to keep you concentrated?" your gaze drops down to his pouty lips, subconsciously licking your own as you stare them down. this doesn't go unnoticed by doyoung--who has been yearning for your affection since your practices together started. "kissing you?"
for a moment you thought you had shared your thoughts out loud--only to find that your lips were still shut. doyoung was the first to bring up a kiss. that could only mean that he wanted to. that it crossed his mind before it crossed yours. he leans in, with his hands still on top of yours. you're aware of his nearness. the way his cool breath hits your cupid's bow. the way he smells like baby powder--and a little bit like sweat from being in this room for so long. your eyes finally meet again which causes him to tilt his head, raising his eyebrows as if to ask you for a second time.
"here?" but you're the first one to close the gap, the first to meet your lips together. completely disregarding the glass door. completely disregarding that someone might walk by. but none of it matters--not when doyoung's lips feel heavenly. and he's drinking you up like you're a glass of iced tea on a hot summer day. you almost don't want to pull away. wanting to stay in his warmth even if the positioning was awkward. "we can practice at my place next time."
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