#yikes sorry this took a minute
1, 6, 7, 15, B, D, & H for the uncommon asks?
[uncommon character asks]
1 What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
I think it would depend on her current mental state. If she's in a real "can't do anything but stare into the middle distance" funk, I'd say an hour or two of that before she manages to shake it off. In a more manic state of mind, I think it'd be down to minutes before she'd start bouncing a leg, pacing, or playing with her hair.
6. Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
Nora considers law flexible, in that she believes more in the spirit of the law than the letter of it, and it's the spirit she tries to uphold during her time as a lawyer. (That doesn't always go so well, or earn her many friends.) She believes that circumstances do affect whether something is right or wrong, and takes things on a case-by-case basis rather than believing morality is black and white.
After the War she has certain standards of morality she tries to stick to, and for a while falls into the habit of asking Nick, Piper, or her other friends what they think the best way forward is. The Commonwealth being what it is, she also occasionally just resorts to violence to get the outcome she wants (and then struggles with herself over whether that was really the only/best way forward). She's not convinced she should have the authority to make those kinds of decisions.
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Taste and smell is a big one for her. Favorite foods she had before the War (tamales and lemonade are the main one) tend to make her feel nostalgic for family (especially her grandmother, whose tamale recipe Nora uses and tries to replicate once she's in the Commonwealth). Whether that's a happy thing or a sad thing depends on the day, so once she knows something will elicit that feeling, she's careful about triggering it.
15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
Nora usually thinks through what she says, or prevaricates if she can't come up with something on the spot. She gets lax about this if she's around people she trusts, being more willing to say what pops into her head or ask questions she might otherwise be expected to know already. After waking up in the Commonwealth, it takes her a while to become comfortable asking stuff that she perceives might be common knowledge, because she doesn't want to appear naive or easy to manipulate.
B. What inspired you to create them?
I talked a bit about this in this post under the "milky way" question, but I originally started playing FO4 as the male sole survivor and didn't think of Nora past being a background character in his story. It's why when her husband is referred to, he's named Dana instead of Nate, and Nora has the default name. I just got sick of hearing about all the other characters' dead wives and decided to un-fridge the one I had narrative control over.
Rest in peace, Dana. (...I have a few sketches of a very self-indulgent AU where he and Nora both survive. It's significantly more comedic than the fic I'm writing.)
D. Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
Nora's general appearance has stayed the same, yes. I've edited her in game more times than I can count--her hair especially I haven't managed to get right with the mod options available to me, but I think I've finally settled on a face for her. Also, here's some old art showing some of my first sketches of her (~2020) to more recent stuff.
H. What trait do you admire most?
Probably her ability to keep outwardly calm under pressure, so that even if she's feeling anxious it doesn't show. It's a skill she honed both during her childhood and her time as a lawyer.
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insomniacirl · 4 months
A bitch said 'My kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder' and he was so real for that but also ik you've got a man and stuff and he'd probably save you from the underworld because he thinks he's better than Orpheus; but sweetheart what if I couldn't help but look back? What if I fulfilled the myth because I couldn't go on any longer without knowing you were there, I just couldn't stand it.
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
mildly frustrated at the ppl in my tiny little french class who're like "okay I'm done,, man that was sooo easy" when they literally lived in france for multiple years. like yes i imagine this wouldn't be very difficult when you're fluent in the language. the hell
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amtrak12 · 1 year
@ anyone else who also watches far too many YouTubers: Do the pros and hobbyists in your niches also give far too many disclaimers and do too much hand-holding in their videos? Because my god, both the Sims and tarot communities do so much fucking hand-holding that it is grating on me. Like it’s becoming an active pet peeve of mine.
Example: “Now when I say I didn’t like the deck, I don’t mean it’s a bad deck or the art is bad. I just mean it doesn’t serve my purpose.” -- I know???? Especially when you say it in every video you make? Like unless you say “this art sucks”, I don’t assume you want to badmouth the artist? Art is subjective. I understand that.
Or this Simmer’s build challenge: “Now I don’t want you to come away from this thinking you suck as a builder :( Please! I just want you to be inspired and have fun!” -- Hun, if people are going to get pissy about their build skills from seeing other people’s builds and take it out on you in the comments, then 1) they shouldn’t be watching build vids on YouTube and 2) block them. It’s okay. I know you’re a professional gamer, but you know what? You can still block people for more than hate speech. Make people accountable for their own experiences. It’s not your job to hold their hand.
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kisses4reid · 3 months
convenient pt. 2 | ·˚ ༘ spencer reid ,,
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pt. 1 (you cannot read part 2 with no context).
summary - he totally just cares if you pass your exams, nothing else. there is no other reason he keeps coming back to your convenience store.
genre - fluff, fem!college!reader x early season!spencer
warnings - school work, incorrect science stuff bc i’m just a girl
a/n - thank you all for the love on the first part!!! it was so surprising, especially since it was the first fic i’ve uploaded on this blog, i love y’all so much 🫶 thank you to those who suggested to make this a series, i would’ve totally made this a oneshot if not for y’all.
“you got any plans tonight spencer?”, morgan asked, taking his jacket off the back of his chair, passing spencer’s clean desk.
“uh, yeah actually.”
“really?” morgan stopped beside him, looking over his shoulder, a smirk crawling up, “with who?”
“moby dick.” spencer lied, morgan rolled his eyes.
“you’re no fun man.”
the doorbell rang, but after not seeing a certain skinny man for two nights, you’re mind starting to reset into the ‘studying grind mode’ it had been on before meeting spencer. stop thinking about spencer, keep studying.
three ladies dressed in short skirts, a white man with dreads (yikes), and a boy around 8 years old checked out with various items before a 3 minute cannelloni, bag of coffee, and an apple landed in front of you. before you could look up he spoke,
“how did your assignment go?” you jumped in your seat, nearly punching the man in the face before you placed a hand over your heart and sighed,
“good lord, you need to learn how to walk louder.”
spencer grinned. you scanned the cannelloni, he glanced at your hand still over your heart.
“bless you?”
“the unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat.” you glanced up and saw him looking at your hand with a thin lipped awkward smile. you quickly put your hand down and continued scanning, pushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“we all know words. like… vellichor.” you spoke, packing his things in the same plastic bag he brought just little of a week ago. he tilted his head,
“the love of used bookstores?”
“i saw old books in your car.”
“you were looking in my car?” he put his hands in his pockets, as he looked out the window to his parked vehicle, not planning to pick up his bag of ‘groceries’ anytime soon. only then did you notice his tie was askew, his hair a little disheveled, his eyes a little sunken. the doorbell rung, a middle-aged balding man walking in behind spencer.
“i’m observant. $12.98.” he whipped out a slim wallet from his back pocket, flicking through some notes to pull out a $20. you ruffled through the register for his change as he remarked,
“you didn’t even look at the register.”
“don’t need to, you’re predictable.” you reply with a sneaky smile, causing spencer to copy reluctantly.
there was an awkward cough from behind him, the middle-aged man. spencer turned back to you after realising that he was in fact in a convenience store, and you were in fact the only worker there. “sorry sir, um. bye.” he took his bag, the thin lipped smile becoming nearly as predictable as his late-night groceries.
the tall, awkward, superbly smart man who smelt like wood didn’t show up for 5 nights. you thought there were only three possibilities at his absence: sickness, death, or he’s learnt how to cook.
you thought the next time you saw him you would ask more about him. in between studying, classes, and working, there wasn’t much time for a social life in your day to day. or maybe you wouldn’t. maybe he wasn’t showing up because he wasn’t really a regular, just a guy who needed quick meals, coffee, and apples on those specific nights. that’s insane, you are insane, get back to studying.
you almost didn’t recognise him the next night. same clothes, same height, same cologne, different face. dark circles under his eyes, permanent lines between his eyebrows, and a purple bruise on his left cheek. it was silent, he was the only customer at 11:30pm. you both made eye contact while you scanned his items, (same things plus a travel first aid kit) silently observing his expectant expression before you broke the silence.
“i’m not going to ask.”
“i got hit with the butt of a gun.” he said matter of factly.
you halted, coffee bag in hand, and stared at him, squinting. “…okay. actually i am gonna ask. who would hit a librarian with the butt of a gun?”
he scrunched his eyebrows and tilted his head, blinking, “i’m not a librarian. why do you think i’m a librarian?”
you packed his things, “smart, dressed posh, just general mysterious good looking librarian vibe,” he handed you a $20, “you remind me of a pipe cleaner with eyes.”
he raised an eyebrow, breaking eye contact, “not the first time i’ve heard that.”
you laughed, thinking it was a joke. his shoulders relaxed, the lines between his eyebrows softening. he grabbed his things, “bye, y/n.”
“bye, spencer.”
you were so close to finding out more about him. how the hell does a man that looks like that get into so much trouble?
you finish your shift, packing your textbooks and now flat laptop, locking everything up and turning the lights off. it was 1am. and, spencer was asleep in his car.
you looked around and put your jacket around your shoulders before jogging up to his driver’s window. his head was lulled to one side, mouth closed, chest rising softly. you knocked, and suddenly he was wide-eyed and searching for something.
“spencer? what are you still doing here?” you speak just loud enough for him to hear behind the window, which he promptly put down. you had a split second realisation how crazy this was. checking in on a regular, watching a regular sleep, feeling safe enough to approach a man’s car just because he buys the same thing every night he comes to the convenience store.
“sorry, i didn’t mean to fall asleep. i- uh,” he wiped his face, “sorry.”
you look at him with concern, “it’s okay, just.. try not to look like you were waiting for me to finish my shift to kidnap me next time, okay?”
he sighed and nodded. waving goodbye, you started down the street, your apartment only being a block away. over the music now playing in your ears, you heard a car drive away, mixing with your confused thoughts about who this regular really is and what he does for a living. and how does he look that good.
he was back the next night, same black slacks, with a purple sweater a shade darker than your own.
“hey spencer, before i scan your 3 minute bolognese, coffee and bag of apples-“
“how did you get that perfectly-“
“i’m going to ask this and you’re going to answer, okay?”
you know nothing about this man, but talking to him like a good friend felt natural now. though, you still tried to avoid over stepping it.
“-though you don’t actually have to answer it. you are a customer and i can’t force customers to do anything but- seeing as though you know i’m a college student and that i work at this convenience store and that i sort of suck at biology- sorry i’m rambling,” you take a breath, “where do you work?” you finish, spencer smiling slightly. you were surprised he didn’t cut you off to stop you, like everyone else did. he didn’t answer at first, the squeak of your shoe against the floor displayed your anxious tell.
“i can’t tell you.”
you sighed, rolling your eyes and packing his stuff, he already had a $20 ready in his hand. you took it, fingers brushing slightly against his. “you suck, and your so suspicious. i should just call security.”
he looked around, fiddling his fingers together, “you don’t have security.”
you pointed to a dead cockroach outside underneath the warm street light. “yes we do. why do you think he’s twitching? he’s insane, he’ll hurt you.”
he chuckled, the sound bringing a shade of pink to your cheeks. “you don’t work on weekends.”
you squinted, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and maybe a bit of fear. “what.”
“i came in on a weekend and a man was here.” he explained as you nodded.
“yeah, no i don’t. why?”
spencer gulped, taking his bag, and smiling awkwardly, “nothing, bye!”
you waved, confused. also stressed, you hadn’t worked on your psychology assignment while waiting for him to show up.
pt. 3
taglist- @jeffswh0re @hypotheticallyspeakingwitch @wannabewolf @evysian @trashmonstersara
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napakmahal · 7 months
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The amount of writers block go burrrrr
Your very close friendship with Tadashi is not exactly a friendship. Granted you two were friends, obviously but it wasn’t just that. Not exactly with benefits, but there was always something there. And everyone knew it.
Like the time Hiro had caught you doing Tadashi’s makeup in their shared bedrooms bathroom. Now, that alone seems innocent enough but what really started ringing alarms was that he was standing, encasing your lower body with his arms. And you were sat on the cool porcelain countertop with your legs hooked around his hips. Suspicious and very compromising.
Or when Tadashi had snuck you into his personal lab at school because you were bored and he was lonely. You’d brought him food and a fruit punch energy drink to keep him focused and energized. However, Gogo had decided to walk into his lab at the very moment he was sitting in front of his computor coding system with you hunched over behind him, with your arms around his shoulders. Yikes.
You two would constantly say that you weren’t dating, and the response you got every time you said it was “What a load of shit.”
But its not like anyone was crazy shocked at all the time you called each other love or hun, or anything like that. It was a common occurrence and even then they were still waiting for you two to get a grip on reality that traditionally, you don’t call you friends bae while sitting on their laps and playing with their hair.
“How did this even happen?” You aksed while heating up a sharp sewing needle on the stove.
Tadashi had nicked himself in the nail with a drill gun and gave himself a hematoma. AKA: The skin under his nail was bleeding and his nails was causing pressure to build up in his finger. It had doubled in size and his nail was turning an ugly blue-purple-green-ish color. Everything was going smoothly as he worked and you did your own homework when all of a sudden you heard a loud “AH SHIT!” And then saw him crouched over in his chair holding his hand.
Tadashi blew on his finger to aid the stinging, “I was distracted.”
“You.” he said in a fake angelic voice, followed by a laugh.
You took the needle off the heat and propped his hand up with a while towel, “Ew, never say that again.”
For the next few minutes, you tapped the searing hot needle into his nail and watched the blood escape through the hole. Tadashi had his head on the table, sucking in air through his teeth at the searing pain. With the occasional kiss on his hand and ‘I know, I’m sorry hunny.’ keeping him from actually crying.
Eventually, you had squeezed out all the blood, put numbing cream on his finger, wrapped it, and iced it. Where was Baymax during all of this? Being a victim of grand theft, stolen by Hiro to do god knows what.
You two sat on the floor with Tadashi’s head on your shoulder and hand in yours.
“You’re such a baby.” You teased.
He brought his good finger up to his lips and shushed you. “Quiet, I’m in pain.”
“Aww, I know I’m sorry my prince. I’ll never call you that again.” You joked, kissing his hand all over.
Soon, those hand kisses turned to arm kisses, and from his arms, you had pecked his neck and jawline a few times. Till he turned to you and looked up with his coffee-brown eyes. It’s not like you two hadn’t ever kissed before, it’s just you were in his living room, on the floor, where just about anyone could walk in.
I hope nobody catch us, But I kinda hope they catch us, anyway.
Regardless, he leaned in and kissed you. With his one remaining hand, he brought you closer to him, your legs straddling his lap and hands flicking through his hair. He’d forgotten about the pain. You made the pain go away.
You pulled away just for a split second and began laughing. His forehead pressed against yours as he kissed the side of your mouth while you laughed.
“Why,” peck “Are,” peck “You,” peck “Laughing!”
He smiled into your neck and let you down onto the floor while one of his arms had trapped you beneath him. He’d stopped kissing you just ot playfully interrogate you.
“Why are you laughing?”
You zipped you lips shut shook your head as the laughs were suppressed by your mouth.
“Huh? Why?” He kissed all over your face, which just made you laugh harder and squeal.
Tadashi did stop after a time and you were left on the floor, looking up at him. He leaned down, nose to nose and breathily said “You’re so beautiful.”
Just like that, you placed your hands on his face and brought you closer to your face. Pressing your lips and against him impatiently. Both of you were an absolute mess and so into it you didn’t eaven hear the backdoor open or the sets of footsteps walking closer and closer to you two. It wasn’t until you’d heard someone clear their throat extremely loudly that you jumped and propped yourself up with your elbows.
“Ah- fuck!” You cursed under your breath at the sight of Hiro, Baymax, and Wasabi.
Hiro looked like he was going to pass out with his face contorting with disgust. Baymax was just…Baymax and Wasabi was blank staring at the two of you, not a single thought behind his eyes.
“W-what’s up?” Tadashi covered his mouth with the back of his hand as if that would do anything.
Wasabi dug through his back pocket and pulled out Tadashi’s school ID that he’d left in the community laboratory. “Y-you forgot this.”
“Oh thanks man, umm you can just put it on the mantle.”
Without another word, Wasabi left and Hiro had to be carried up to their room by Baymax due to his inability to erase the image from his mind.
“Poor Hiro.” You said breathlessly. Still in shock from the events that just happened.
Tadashi shook his head and looked down at you. “Poor Hiro? No, poor us. We didn’t get to finish.”
You playfully slapped his shoulder and stood up from the floor and found it best just to leave and go home. By the time dinner had come around, Aunt Cass couldn’t figure out why neither of her nephews were speaking and why Hiro looked like he’d just seen a ghost. There’s just some things that make you see people in a different light. Watching his older brother chew on a girl he swore wasn’t his girlfriends face was definitely one of those things.
Tadashi didn’t know if Wasabi had told anyone about what he saw because when he gets ready for bed, he doesn’t bring his phone with him and leaves it to charge on his nightstand. But when he got out, he could hear the dinging of all his notifications all the way from the bathroom door. When he flipped his phone over from case up to screen up and was welcomed with 114 messages from his groupchat with his friends and two missed facetime calls from you.
“Oh shit.”
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greenunoreversecard · 3 months
Plsss do another part to the fic ‘A koala and it’s tree’ the concept is so cool!!
a/n:I had at least half written and then my phone fucking deleted the draft I want to cry so hard I'm in mourning. Also sorry it Took me a minute to comr up eitheir a idea for the plot of it
Teaching a old Dog new tricks (task failed succesfully) ->Alastor x teen!platonic! Reader
(Pt.2 of a koala and its tree)
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You sigh, dragging yourself along behind Alastor and Rosie. You don't understand much of what their saying, as their speaking like it's the early 20th century. Which, to be fair, they are from then.
But you could barely understand a word being said, due to missing ao much previous knowledge about slang and terms and shit. And you were so bored and
What if-
Oh ho ho! Bingo!
A wonderful idea indeed.
You sigh loudly, feet hurting from all the walking you've done today and plop down on the couch next to Angel Dust, and alastor sits on a arm chair across from the both of you. You smirk, setting your plan into action. You make sure your loud enough for Alastor to hear you.
" did you see that new video? No Cap I'm going to be for real it's lowkey giving try hard you know like? I'm just being real like I really don't vib3, like girls not giving main character.. and like, Miss ma'am you are not slaying you are not giving it is not the vibe like, twas not a glow up but a glow down. But it is kinda sus how she treated Kim like, big yikes. Not loving the energy. And That outfit did not understand the assignment. It was basic and it sent me"
Angel looks at you wide eyed for a moment, you nudge him and side eye Alastor hoping he gets the cue. He does.
"I for real was just thinking that, like bitch be deadass with me you did not leave your house like that. But that tea was piping hot and bussing. And the fact Jennie had no rizz? Bitch please, you acting all that and ended up capping, highkey a flop."
You glance at Alastor, who's wide eyed and with a strained smile. If you could guess it would probably be a mix between strange curiosity and slight horror.
"I- pardon?"
You smirk. Mission accomplished.
A week later you sat Alastor down, explained some simpler slang words and terms to him.
He didn't didn't to get it, bit when he told angel "Bitches be slaying, queen" you think he got some of it, but not the way he was supposed you.
You almost coughed a lung up from the amount of laughing you did, and vowed from thst day forward you were never going to correct his usage if it meant funny shit like this happened again.
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kmt123whatsthetea · 3 months
The brother’s wingmen
Ron Weasley x reader
Requested by: @technicallyfreephilosopher
You have attracted the attention of Ron, the younger brother of your bosses.
Note: This is a one off fic. If anyone requests a character that is not on the list, I will not write it
A/N: I agreed to write this to set myself a challenge of writing for someone else. I want to start writing for others (those on the list). I incorporated two of my favourite things. Fred Weasley and George Weasley. I'm also sorry that this took so long. My motivation just plummeted. I’m also sorry to the requester who’s username isn’t letting me tag
T/W: Ron not being good with the ladies, Twins acting as wingmen (yikes), Unprotected sex, riding, Ron being dominated a little,
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Ron had always been proud of his brothers.
Being related to the best pranksters at Hogwarts was a blessing more than a curse. People knew you and your name was synonymous with mischief (and Ginger hair). Nobody in the family was shocked when Fred and George opened a joke shop, it was the one thing that they were the best at.
The smell of plastic and fresh paint filled the store on the day of the grand opening. There were even journalists with the Daily Prophet to document the opening of a new store in Diagon Alley. Everyone wandered around the shop in awe at the various colours, sights, and smells. Fred and George were as pleased as punch at their blooming business.
Ron found his way to the small shelf of sweets and bartered with his older brothers for a discount, and then trudged to the counter after being charged double. So much for family discount.
Every situation has a good and a bad side. For Ron, the bad bit was being charged double for something that would last him 5 minutes. The good, however, was the cashier. She was stunning.
Ron put the box onto the counter and stared at the woman. His blush was almost as bright as his ginger locks. The cashier rang the item up on the till and smiled at his expression.
Remember the different sides to every situation? A new negative side was that Ron was being watched by his older brothers…
…Who had caught onto his little crush on their employee.
Fred and George were mischievous, and that didn't change when it came to their younger siblings.
Fred slid up to the cashier and gave Ron an evil smirk.
“So Ronny, what do you think of the new store? Everything’s looking pretty good, don't you think?”
George sauntered over to stand next to Ron on the other side of the counter.
“If you want to give anything here a try, you just have to ask”
Ron was mortified. He looked over at you and saw your face. You didn’t know that the twins were implying anything. They were your mischievous bosses, this was natural.
Ron just turned and walked quickly out of the store, leaving behind an oblivious cashier and his annoying older brothers.
A few days later, Ron came back when you were just finishing work. You noticed him tucked away in the corner, like he was hiding from you.
As if, like magic, one of your employers appeared behind you.
“You know, Ron could really use your help. He wanted to show you something upstairs in the flat”
You were a good employee, and if your boss’s brother wanted something, you were happy to help. Fred called Ron over and whispered something to him about you wanting to show him something upstairs.
So the both of you made your way up to the flat, believing that the other had something to show.
The twins knew what they were doing, that's why they lit some candles and covered the floor with rose petals before telling you to finish up your shift. They would be their brothers wingmen.
But where they saw themselves as Cupids, Ron saw them as winged pests. Both you and Ron were beyond surprised at the romantic display. But it all started to make sense when the front door lock clicked behind you both.
Ron panicked and tried pulling the door, getting angry when he heard his brothers laughing from the other side. Ron pulled his wand out, but then it dawned on him. This was his chance. Maybe he could try and pick up line or two and hope for the best.
He turned back to face you and found you sat on the sofa, a rose petal in your hand. He sat beside you and cleared his throat.
“You know, roses smell pretty, but they don’t smell as good as you do”
His mouth had taken over before his brain could.
“W..What I mean is…you smell great. Not that I know how you smell! You look as good as a rose, but..but better…”
It took him a minute to realise that the reason his words weren’t coming out anymore was because your lips had sealed his. His whole face went as red as the rose petals littering the carpet. His hands found your waist as his lips danced with yours. The longer the kiss went on, the hotter the room seemed.
When you both pulled away for air, your leg was draped over his leg and hand had moved higher up your back to your bra clasp.
In a flash, your hands were fumbling with his belt clasp, surprising Ron with your eagerness. But he didn't mind, he liked that you were taking what you wanted. When his belt was open and his trousers unzipped, he helped you to pull his cock out from his underwear.
You straddled his waist before reaching under your uniform skirt to pull your underwear to the side. Ron spat on his hand and stroked his cock, lubing it up before helping you to sink down onto him, impaling yourself.
Your hand had to cover his mouth to stop the loud moan that left his lips. If his brothers were shrill listening in, they'd have a field day with teasing Ron. You kept your hand over his mouth as you lifted your hips, keeping the pace steady. Ron tried to get you to move faster by squeezing your hips and bucking up into you, but you stopped him.
Every time he tried to take control of you, you took it from him with a manner so sweet it didn't feel like a surrender. Eventually, he gave you the reins and sat back. His hands on your waist to hold you close, not to urge your movements. You kept your bouncing light, as if any harsh movement would break the man beneath you. His breath was hot and heavy against your palm, his cock pulsed inside of you signalling how close he was.
You kept your eyes on his, giving him gentle words through unspoken words. And that's when he let go.
His cum painted your insides while his muffled moans and groans barely escaping from behind your hand. You could hear his whimpers slowly getting louder while you used him to get off. He tried pleading, begging for you to cum to stop the overstimulation that you were putting him through.
Your walls squeezed his cock, causing his eyelids to flutter. Your juices coated his thighs, leaving a sticky reminder of the evening. Your body collapsed onto his, your hand finally leaving his mouth. The air is filled with the sound of heavy panting, until there was a bang at the door from the twins.
“Are you two love birds finished yet?”
Maybe one more round wouldn't hurt.
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raeofsunrise · 5 months
skate to me
pairing: clapton davis x gn!reader
summary: !BASED OFF A REQUEST I FORGOT TO ATTACH THIS TO! clapton was absolutely astonished when he saw that the person who skated right by him in the hallway was right here, next to him, in his science class.
warnings: light cursing, i think?? i’m not fucking sure at this point
word count: 1.0k
author’s note: so sorry it took me like a whole month to get back! 😭this has been crazy ass couple of months, and i just couldn’t get anything out if i tried. i honestly think that i might take a break on writing for clapton and characters like mike, simply because i don’t think i have any motivation to write for them. i don’t wanna let you guys down, but i also don’t wanna write crappy fics, either. i’ll say on a separate post who i’ll be writing for. thanks so much for your guys support! and with that, enjoy ☆
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clapton thought he was the only one who skated through the hallways of grizzly lake highschool. it wasn’t like he gatekeeped it or anything, but it was his thing. and everyone knew that.
so when he felt you brush against him in the hallway this morning, he barely got a glimpse of your shoes and purple hoodie before you skated away. it frustrated him—
wait, skated?
he thought he was crazy. he had to have hallucinated those rollerskates. but the sound when you rushed by him, those had to have been rollerskates. but nobody else but him did that. that was his thing. besides his ego being a bit affected, he was more excited than anything. maybe he could make a new friend. he’d never met anyone else who skated, especially at school. but where did you go? no, more importantly, what class were you in? clapton was not famous for being patient, so this would be difficult.
he begrudgingly made his way to science class, upset that he might not see you until passing period, where the hallway would be filled with what felt like thousands upon thousands of people. no way he was gonna see you during that. and if he tried to find you during lunch? he’d definitely look like a total creep. so this was a lose lose situation. he’d never be able to talk to the stranger with the skates.
this made clapton’s walk to class even more frustrating. throughout the whole day, all he could hope for was to hear your skates against the ground. but he didn’t. not once. it was the end of the day, and he was heading to his last class. clapton was just about done with everything when he saw a pair of skates next to a desk. and just above that desk was a purple hoodie. and even more above that was probably the most gorgeous person he’d ever seen.
he was practically just standing and staring in the doorway. of course you weren’t staring back at him, he thought. you were busy listening to music and getting ready for class, getting your notebooks and everything.
clapton didn’t move until another student shoved him out of the way so they couldd get through, muttering something under their breath in the process. clapton couldn’t care less, though. because there was an open seat next to you and what perfect timing was it that he was the only person who hadn’t sat down yet? this coincidence made him believe that maybe there was a god. maybe it was you.
his mood an entire 180 from how it was less than 2 minutes ago, he sat down right next to you, waiting for you to notice him like an excited child.
not noticing someone had sat next to you, you weren’t expecting someone to be right next to you. normally, as far as first days go, people liked to haze the new kid. so someone looking eager to talk to you was not a good sign.
“hi,” you say slowly, going to look at him.
“hey there, gorgeous.” he said. as soon as that came out of his mouth he knew that was a big yikes. (ayo?? 😟)
your eyes widened. what the hell was his problem?
“woah, coming off a little strong there, aren’t we?” you ask.
how could he save this already trainwreck of a conversation? if he could even call it that.
“sorry, don’t know why i said that. i just, uh,”
shit, shit, shit! think of something clapton!
“you skate, right? that’s pretty cool. i do, too.” he held up his skate board.
still suspicious and not at all buying this “no ill-intentions” act, you pull your skates closer to your desk.
“yeah, i do.”
he continues, “well i just thought that since we both skate we could—“
but he was cut off, as class had apparently started while you two were conversing and your teacher was not happy with either of you.
clapton heard the teacher say both of your last names, followed by a very stern “detention!”
this wasn’t anything surprising to him, but one look at you told him that this was not how you were expecting your first day to go.
you rolled your eyes and shot him a dirty look.
“thanks a lot, davis.”
so instead of a trainwreck, his attempt to talk to you was a total and complete fuck-up.
the end of class came painstakingly slow, and he saw you hurrying to head out so you didn’t have to walk to detention with him. i mean, could he blame you. he practically screwed over your entire day.
clapton always took himself as an optimist, so maybe he could still save this. right?
as you put on your skates, unaware that this might land you in even more trouble, you felt someone tap you on your shoulder.
there was nobody else left in the classroom besides you and the person who you did not wanna see. so you turn around, and with no surprise, there was the douche who landed you in detention.
“oh, are you here to get me suspended, too?” you ask.
he couldn’t help but laugh a bit.
“yeah, i deserve that. sorry about all…this, by the way. i really didn’t mean for you to get in trouble.” he said.
damn, you thought. he’s not a bad actor.
you smiled a not-so-friendly smile back at him. “sure, you didn’t.”
you try to skate away and out of the classroom, but he catches up to you on his skateboard.
“no, seriously! i just wanted to talk to you. i’ve never met anyone who also skates, and i just thought you were really cool and pretty and—“
you stopped skating ahead of him a while ago, but he didn’t notice that, so he kept skateboarding right into an open locker’s door.
you let out a laugh that definitely let every teacher in the vicinity know you weren’t where you were supposed to be right now, but you couldn’t help it.
clapton got up, rubbing the side of his face.
you walk up to him and pat him on the cheek.
“okay, i believe you.” you say, crossing your arms afterwards.
he lets out a smile that you’re pretty sure you’re gonna have to get used to.
“anything i can do to make it up to you?” he asks.
you take off your backpack and shove it in his arms.
“carry this for me?” you say.
“that’s the least i can do.”
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noyatv · 7 months
𝙨𝙩𝙮𝞘𝙚━ 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝞘𝙚𝙨 𝞘𝙚𝙘𝞘𝙚𝙧𝙘
"ᴡᴇ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ɢᴏ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏғ sᴛʏʟᴇ!"
warning: jack & yn act like siblings, cheating (both yn and charles)
part 2→ is it over now?
im not commenting on this
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liked by f1gossip, wagcloset and 134,976 others deuxmoi f1 driver charles leclerc spotted kissing someone who looks identical to his popstar girlfriend, yn
f1gossip yikes user1 silly szn hasn't even started ↳user2 a literal shitshow
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liked by jackantonoff, pierregasly, isahernaez and 1,256,845 others ynln june dump w/@isahernaez & @jackantonoff
isahernaez she fell down the stairs ↳ynln lies
jackantonoff wonder who took the photos?? ↳ynln if the producing gig doesn't work out you have photography as a backup ↳jackantonoff kys
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Time blurred; 11:56. Another 3 minutes pass. A sign of life shows at the end of the road, the street lamps lighting the pathway. It stopped only a few feet ahead. The window rolled down.
"Get in."
"You drive cars for a living, do you not know what headlights are?"
"Shut up."
The lights in the apartment were turned off, a rustling sound emerging from behind me as Charles took his coat off.
"Heard you been out with some other girl."
"It's true," he paused. "But I can't stop thinking about you and I."
"I've been there too a few times."
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liked by f1gossip, formulagossip, and 547,278 others deuxmoi Pierre Gasly spotted cozying up next to an unknown woman in southern France
user1 that ain't an "unknown woman" THATS YN ↳user2 wish i was as delulu as you
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liked by pierregasly, lilymhe, jackantonoff, and 14,526,348 others ynln wish i announced this sooner, but its out, style (and the rest of 1998) is yours! special thanks to @jackantonoff for helping me produce it and @lilymhe & @alex_albon for listening to me complain abt my love life!
lilymhe THATS MY WIFE ↳ynln I LOVE YOU POOKIE ↳alex_albon 😐 ↳ynln whomp whomp (im sorry pls don't take lily away)
mercedesamgf1 playing 1998 on repeat, boss man is concerned, especially when he who i won't name walks by ↳ynln ily admin, more than 12 yo me loved jenson button
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baileypie-writes · 6 months
i need a male reader with veneer asap i dont care what happends but im desperate atp🛐🛐🙏🙏
A/N ~ Sure! I hope you enjoy like the story I picked out!
~I’ll Take Care of You!~
(Part 2 here!)
Veneer x Male!Sick!Reader
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Reader: Male
Relationship: Romantic
Synopsis: You’re sick, and Veneer insists on taking care of you.
Warnings: Reader having a cold, Veneer being a bit protective, cringe
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You felt yourself being pulled out of your dreamless sleep by your ringtone. Rolling over with a groan and a dry cough, you checked your phone to see who was calling you: Veneer. Of course.
You answered his call. “Hey, Veneer.” Your voice was raspy.
“Hey babe. Did you just wake up?”
“Yeah.” You coughed again.
“Woah, you feeling okay?” Veneer asked, concern in his voice. As you were now fully wake, you came to the realization that, no, you in fact were not feeling okay. Your throat was really sore.
“No, not really. I got a sore throat.” Before you could say anything else, a dramatic gasp came from your phone.
“Oh no, are you sick? I’m coming over!” His words came out very fast, making his concern more obvious.
“That’s okay Veneer, I can take care of myself.” You tried to calm him down. While you loved your boyfriend, you didn’t want do deal with him hovering over you all day. You just wanted to sleep. But your attempt was proven to be a failure, because you could hear him zipping up his jacket, and grabbing his car keys.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be there soon!” Said Veneer, clearly not hearing what you said. “Love you, bye!” He hung up. You flopped onto your back and let out a long sigh.
“Well, at least I can stay in bed all day.”
About ten minutes later, you heard a car pull into your driveway. You knew who it was, and knew he had a key to your house, so you didn’t bother getting up. You heard the door unlock and open, followed by Veneer calling your name.
“I’m in here!” You called hoarsely. You heard quick footsteps approaching your room, then your bedroom door swung open.
“Hey! How you doing?” Veneer asked, clearly still worried. He walked towards you bed. You shimmied out your covers to sit up.
“Not any better than I was ten minutes ago.”
Veneer gave you a sad look, then put his hand to your forehead. “Yikes, you’re pretty warm. Do you have a thermometer?”
“I’m pretty sure I do. It should be in the cabinet to the right of the stove.” Veneer nodded, then zipped out of the room. You heard some digging around in the kitchen, then the sound of the cabinet closing. Your boyfriend came back a few seconds later, thermometer in hand. He held it in front of your face, so you put it under your tongue.
The two of you sat in awkward silence for about twenty seconds. Then the thermometer let out a beep, signaling that it was done taking your temperature. You took it out of your mouth, and looked at the tiny screen.
“Damn, 100.2 degrees.”
“Oh no, that’s high! I’m so sorry! Can I get you anything? Are you hungry? I can make you something-” There he went again. Nervous rambling.
“I would really appreciate it if you got me some medicine and some soup.”
“You got it! Just sit back, and let your amazing boyfriend, Veneer, take care of you!” Once again, he ran to the kitchen. You sighed, and layed back down. Before you could fully fall back asleep though, a question popped up in your brain.
“Does Veneer even know how to cook?”
The question worried you for a second, but you decided that you were too tired to care. You just let yourself fall back asleep, fully trusting Veneer to take care of you.
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genericpuff · 23 hours
Rachel did a live Q&A in the LO Discord server and gave some news about the Animated Series, it’s still happening! (Surprisingly) Any thoughts on that or things you’d like to see from it?
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Right, like every other time she's said it's "still happening" with no evidence to actually support it. That's always been the issue and still is.
Sorry, that's not me being snarky at you, I'm more so frustrated and absolutely fucking done with all the empty promises and platitudes.
Best case scenario with what was said during the Q&A was that she said "it's still happening" (worst case was that she didn't address it at all).
Like, how is this:
"I can say that… we are currently doing work on it… and it is going well.. and that it looks really cool and that I wish everyone could see what we’ve done because it looks really really really cool, and it’s happening, but that’s all I can say at this point… I can say, making tv shows takes a really long time, it takes so long" (last night's Q&A)
Any different than this:
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Any different than this:
“Um, it’s been really interesting. It’s been educational for me. So, what I—what has been done so far is beautiful. Like, if I could share it, I would. But I can’t. Because it’s very naughty.” - Girl Wonder SDCC (July 2023)
She's been saying this for the last two years since people started getting suspicious it wasn't happening in the first place, and despite all the reassurances that "it's still happening", it doesn't seem to have anything to show for itself. Cast list? Nope. Director? Nope. Writers? Nah. Just a showrunner whose bio still says "TBA" and who, despite having a whole ass 40 minute long interview with Girl Wonder, still didn't have anything to show for what's to come, just more empty promises that it's "still happening" (and a lot of banter about Stephanie's life, rather than her involvement with LO).
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In fact, most of what Stephanie talks about in the podcast concerning LO is pitching it, not developing it. And this interview happened just a few months ago. Go listen to it yourself if you don't believe me.
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So at this point, I see "it's still happening" as "don't panic" corporate speak for "we're still pitching it and trying to find a network for it so we can actually move onto development." Yes, animation takes a long time, even Hazbin Hotel took about three and a half years to finally release after Prime bought the rights to it in 2020. But LO, again, clearly hasn't even started the animation process yet. And while we're comparing it to Hazbin, note that HH actually had LOADS to show for itself along the way of being developed and did a much, MUCH better job at staying relevant and pulling in new people and hyping it up. Even people who never watched Hazbin before in its indie days on Youtube were hearing about it, it made an active effort to sell itself to new viewers and break out of its bubble on Youtube. Is LO doing that? No, not really. Most of the people who know about it are diehard fans who refuse to read anything that isn't shown directly to them on Webtoons, and diehard haters who are tired of the garbage that gets advertised on Webtoons. Ask anyone who doesn't use Webtoons, and best case, they'll know someone who reads LO, worst case, they won't even know what a webtoon is.
Shit, even the new upcoming Zelda movie has names attached to it, including Avi Arad, Wes Ball, and Derek Connolly. And my god, it's gonna SUCK DICK with that bad of a line-up (the guy who ruined the OG Spiderman trilogy and created Morbius, the guy who directed the Maze Runner films, and one of the leading storywriters behind Rise of Skywalker, fucking YIKES) but hey, at least it has more than one name attached to it.
But okay, if we're gonna play the comparison game, let's be fair and compare LO to some other works in its own lane. Let's Play announced last year that it would be getting an animated adaption, and it already has a studio backing it that is FAR more suited for it than JHC is to LO - OLM, the same studio whose animated for massive franchises like Pokemon, Yo-Kai, and Gudetama. JHC meanwhile has animated... motion capture kid shows like Word Party. Because that's the only kind of animation they actually specialize in when it comes to their in-house services. Sure, they also have Harriet the Spy, but that wasn't animated by them, that was animated by Titmouse Inc (heh sorry).
I'm the Grim Reaper recently had its own animated adaption announced, and who's in charge of it? Oh, only SAM FUCKING RAIMI-
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And look, maybe the Let's Play and I'm the Grim Reaper adaptions won't happen either. I just think it's ironic that they both have more to show for themselves in terms of credible names attached to them than what LO has managed to scrape up after five years of promising that it's "still happening" (especially when one of those series is nowhere near as big as LO and the one that WAS as big as LO walked away from Webtoons entirely). For Webtoons' own "worldwide phenomenon", they sure have given LO the shit end of the stick by pairing it with a family-with-kids-under-10 production studio that doesn't specialize in animation and a showrunner who got her start with the Cosmopolitan (weird how LO has so many plugs with Cosmo, huh? Why is JHC producing the show again?)
At the end of the day, nothing's changed. It's still just the ole' "it's still happening" record on a loop, while the comic itself falls further out of favor with people. And it's likely gonna be going behind DailyPass soon, so just think about what that's gonna do to its relevancy after it gets sent away to the equivalent of the Webtoons graveyard.
As I've said countless times before every time this topic comes up, at best, if it is still happening, and I'm wrong about all of this, they are doing the worst job I've ever seen at hyping people up and keeping them informed. It is NOT a good thing that people have to keep asking Rachel if it's still happening.
As for worst case... you wanna know what other projects come to my mind that have fallen into the same state of development hell and decay as LO's TV show? YandereSim and Cryamore. What do you think the popular opinion is about those works and their creators now? Because if you don't know either of those names and are about to google them, let me give you a heads up warning - it's not positive.
If it happens, it happens. It will hopefully be before I get all the therapy I need to undo what LO has done to my brain so that I don't have to make repeat visits LOL But if it's after, hey, maybe the show will be good! Assuming Rachel doesn't, y'know, E.L. James the whole thing. Because frankly, the show will need to cut and rework a LOT of stuff to be any good IMO and I don't think that will be possible if Rachel gets directly involved. But I'm not even hoping for that scenario because there's literally NOTHING to give me that hope, "it's still happening" is nothing more than "don't panic" corporate speak to me at this point. It's cynical, but I just can't waste my energy caring about it anymore.
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Oooo, what about how The Bad Batch would react to catching you singing to yourself? I feel like that would be cute.
(The Bad Batch) He Catches You Singing
Author's Note: In celebration of season 2 starting, here we go! I'm sooooo excited!!!! No worries, though! There are no spoilers here!
Hunter: He was seated in his chair, eyes scrunched shut as he mulled over the most recent mission.  It was a habit.  He thought about everything that went right, everything that went wrong, and everything that went downright ugly.
The Bad Batch made a quick getaway, thanks to Tech’s rather chaotic but skilled piloting.  Things were quieting down aboard the Marauder as it flew through hyperspace.
Hunter let out a sigh, leaning farther back in his seat.
A small sound caught his attention.  The way it rose and fell in a pleasant, rhythmic way was unmistakably a song.  Hunter held his breath and focused.  It was you.
You were singing a song to yourself as you moseyed down the hall.
It was such a simple thing, but the small act of joy brought a smile to his face.  He rested his head against the back of the chair and just listened, the lines of his features smoothing out as the tension began to leave him.
If there was an opportune moment later, he’d ask about it and chuckle at your sheepish reaction.
Wrecker: He rounded a corner aboard the Marauder, hearing the barely-audible sound grow louder as he entered the space where you were doing routine tasks and singing to yourself.  You were so in the zone that you didn’t notice his approach.
It wasn’t often that Wrecker’s presence went unnoticed, so he took advantage of the moment to just hang back.  A soft lopsided grin adorned his face as he admired the way you swayed back and forth, just enjoying a second in your own little world.
So cute, he thought.
Then, after he had the precious moment of appreciation, he couldn’t help but join in.  He waited for the right moment when you hit the chorus and burst into the room with a huge smile.  Was he singing off-key?  A little.  Did either of you care?  Not one bit.
Tech:  “Vital functions of the ship seem to be operating suitably,” he said aloud to himself.  His nose was buried in a data pad as he walked down the exit ramp.  Just in time, too.  It was only a matter of letting Hunter know so he could assemble the team and get them onboard.
His boots landed on grass, and Tech turned every which way in hopes of spotting the sergeant, or any of his teammates for that matter.  He felt a rush of familiarity at the sight of you waiting patiently a little ways away from the ship.  A breeze swept through, carrying your voice to his ears.  Tech adjusted his goggles while he listened, the corner of his lips turning up in a soft smile only reserved for you.  Eventually, you turned around to see him standing there, and you suddenly felt embarrassed.
“Hi,” he chuckled.
Echo:  Singing?  At this hour?  Echo couldn’t understand how you could be so cheerful, but he’d be lying if he said it didn’t lift his mood even a tiny bit first thing in the morning.  He even held back his usual grumbles and complaints to whoever was listening, just so he could hear you from down the hall a little clearer.
Before long, he was smiling.  You had that effect on him, he noticed.  He’d find himself smiling at the strangest of times, and it always felt weird.  It felt like ages since the days he’d smile for no reason.
He followed the sound of your voice, pausing at the entryway to observe you putting on a concert for yourself.  You’d pause every few minutes or so to sip your caf before resuming the tune.  It was very endearing to see you so content.  When you finally noticed him standing there, you clamped your mouth shut, giving him an apologetic look.
“Sorry, Echo.  Am I bothering you?”
He shifted his stance, folding his arms.  “Not at all.”  Humor crept into his tone.  “Please, don’t stop on my account. ”
Crosshair:  When he first heard your voice through the wall, he just about rolled his eyes, but not out of disdain.  You and your unbridled joy.  It was actually quite endearing, even if the way you expressed it was very different from how he would.  It fascinated him.
He lingered in the hall a while longer, enveloped in shadow, as you began singing a different tune entirely.  It was softer, slower.  Crosshair didn’t realize just how intently he was listening until you rounded the corner and nearly bumped into him.
“Oh, Crosshair,” you said in surprise.
He knew that you were still nervous around him.  Seeing you all flustered, he couldn’t resist having a little fun with it.
“What were you doing?”
“Nothing.  Just- nothing.”
He smirked before thinking twice.  You’d just started to warm up to him, and he realized just how much he wanted that to continue.  So, he wiped the infuriating smirk and flickered his eyes down to meet yours.
“You have a nice voice.”
And with that, he walked away.
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cybersteal · 29 days
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨: 𝕍𝕚𝕔𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕪
Tagged by @dreamskug and subsequently ripped off inspired by his, @lokiina’s, @nightcityace’s & @arcandoria’s creative take on it.
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V: Hey, sorry I’m- Interviewer: Late? V: Only by thirty minutes, can't be that big of a deal. Interviewer: Maybe it is-
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V: Okay, well, I'm here now, on a Friday night, instead of drinking myself stupid like I wish I was. Go ahead and ask your questions.
V: V. Interviewer: That’s it? V: Yup.
V: Male.
ꜱᴛᴀʀ ꜱɪɢɴ:
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V: Six feet. Interviewer: Actually? V: Does this look like a face that would lie to you?
V: You first. Interviewer: Excuse me? V: Hah! Relax, choom, just trying to lighten the mood! Jeez. I’m Pan. Equal opportunity for all. Mostly me.
ɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ / ᴇᴛʜɴɪᴄɪᴛʏ:
V: I was born in SoCal, but my parents are both from Mexico. I have a…complicated relationship with my Latino heritage, since it wasn’t really somethin’ that my parents took the time to share with me in detail, or my siblings. Never had the chance to ask why, but after comin’ to Night City, I realized I kinda missed out on a lot growing up.
ᴅᴏɢ ᴏʀ ᴄᴀᴛ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ:
V: Well, I have a cat at home. One of those hairless ones. But I did always want a dog. Interviewer: Oh? What kind? V: Xoloitzcuintli.
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ꜰᴀᴠᴇ ꜰʀᴜɪᴛ, ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ, ꜰʟᴏᴡᴇʀ, ꜱᴄᴇɴᴛ:
V: Whoa, whoa, slow down, Jesus. Uhh…first one was-? Interviewer: Fruit. V: Right. I like grapes. The purple ones. Interviewer: Why purple? V: Shit, I dunno. They taste better? Interviewer: Heh. Yeah, fair enough. Season? V: I love summer. Life slows down a little, people take more time to relax. I don’t mind the heat, neither, ‘cause I can just go for a swim whenever, or go for a drive with the windows down. Cools me just fine. Interviewer: Preem. V: I like those orange poppy’s that grow all over the Badlands. California poppy’s I think they’re called.
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Interviewer: And for your favorite scent? V: Right – probably amber. I've used the same brand of amber-heavy cologne for years. Oh, and I really like that one specific brand of tobacco my mom smoked. Interviewer: What brand was that? V: Can’t recall. Somethin’ imported.
ᴄᴏꜰꜰᴇᴇ, ᴛᴇᴀ ᴏʀ ʜᴏᴛ ᴄʜᴏᴄᴏʟᴀᴛᴇ:
V: Coffee. Double shot. Sometimes triple, if I’m doin’ a long gig. Interviewer: Christ. V: Hey, merc work ain’t easy. It’s that or synthcoke. Interviewer: I’m scared to ask the next question…
ᴀᴠᴇʀᴀɢᴇ ʜᴏᴜʀꜱ ᴏꜰ ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘ:
V: Yikes…like 5? If I’m lucky. Interviewer: I’m not at all surprised. V: The fuck is that supposed to mean?
ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ʙʟᴀɴᴋᴇᴛꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ:
V: No, no. Hold on. I wanna know why you’re not surprised. Do I got bags under my eyes or somethin’? Interviewer: Actually, no. V: Nova. Interviewer: You got suitcases.
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V: You’re fine, choom. I appreciate the banter. I don’t need to sleep with any blankets though. Interviewer: Really? Why not?
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V: Sub-dermal armor. Got a bunch of other stuff you can’t see as well – keeps me runnin' hot, all the time.
ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴛʀɪᴘ:
V: Aw, shit. There’s so many places. If I had to pick, I guess…Havana. Interviewer: Cuba. You into history? V: Nah, choom. Beaches.
ꜰᴀᴠᴇ ꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ:
V: Mad Max. Interviewer: You don’t think that’s a little…stereotypical? V: Does it look like I care? Me and my sister used to pretend we were members of the MFP and annoy the hell out of our brother. I called him nothin' but Toecutter for two years. He hated it.
ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ꜰᴀᴄᴛ:
V: If you lick a person’s elbow when they’re not looking, they won’t feel it. Interviewer: …huh. Misty: Oh, V… V: It was the first thing that popped into my head, okay, I panicked-
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This was a lot of fun to make tbqh. He's such a gonk - that ADHD brain keeps him moving around and fidgeting 24/7 even without the help of caffeine or stims and boosters, and he can talk about himself for hours, the narcissistic dickhead.
Shoutout to my bestest choombatta @klept0kid you deserve to have your name attached to your masterpiece lmao.
tags: @chooh2 @pinkyjulien @meltingangels @ouroboros-hideout @ne0n-rust @netripper @wilxfyre @klept0kid @glitchinginthegarden @nightcxty @shimmer-like-agirl @noirapocalypto @katsigian @wanderingaldecaldo @cyberpunkaddict @elvenbeard @wraithsoutlaws
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hunieday · 11 months
Momo - Idol Star Prince Stage Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access it, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Yuki: Momo, I’m coming over with Okarin right now.
Yuki: I think we'll be there in about 10 minutes.
Yuki: Momo?
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Momo: Roger that~~!!
Momo: Sorry for replying late 😭 I was taking a nap!
Yuki: I got scared.
Yuki: You always contact me first, so
Yuki: Were you up late last night?
Momo: Yeah 🥺
I had the morning off today, so I went for drinks with Mitsuki and got carried away 😆🍻
Momo: Sorry for worrying you ( ;∀;)
Yuki: If it's Mitsuki-kun, it's fine.
Yuki: As long as it’s not a suspicious person who came from who-knows-where to lure you away from me
Momo: Eek! Yuki...! Your handsome levels are so high that I’m fully alert and awake now 🤩💫
Yuki: Sometimes I could be the one who wakes you up. Not bad.
Momo: Then can Momo-chan pretend to be asleep tomorrow morning so you’d wake me up with your super handsome move? 🫶✨
Yuki: Hmm?
Yuki: Your text is too small for some reason. I can’t read it.
Momo: You’re hitting it aren’t you lololololol
Momo: How about we wake up early together once in a while ~(*´艸`)
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Momo: Ah! ! You're distracting me with a sticker!
Momo: I’ll have pull all the tricks i have under my sleeves to wake you up 😤
Yuki: I was really surprised when I got shoved into the car in my futon.
Momo: That’s the day I couldn’t come and wake you up right? because I had to go to another job. Okarin took drastic measures lolololol
Yuki: Isn’t Okarin too strong?
Momo: I heard that Maneko-chan was teaching him some good muscle training methods 😤
Yuki: You’re telling me that the cute Okarin is buff under those clothes? i hate it
Momo: It's funny when you imagine it so stop it lolol
Momo: Oh right!!! That day Okarin and I bombarded you with a demonic amount of rabbichats, but you didn’t wake up at all. And even after Okarin came and woke you up, you ignored my messages completely!
Momo: Just as you were worried about me because I responded late just now, at that time I was worried too !!!!
Yuki: Is that so?
Momo: Yes!! Go reread the rabbichat!!
Yuki: I don't remember when it happened so I can't find it
Momo: Try searching for "bird-brain" 💥
Yuki: Bird-brain
Yuki: It's true, you got angry
Yuki: I probably answered you out loud
Momo: But I couldn’t hear you obviously ?! ヾ(o゚Д゚o)ノ
Momo: I got angry because Okarin sent me a report about your maintenance being over, but you yourself didn't inform me about it!
Yuki: What even is the end of maintenance?
Momo: A report from Okarin saying that Yuki has started service again (see: he’s awake) 😤
Momo: I can stay calm until the regular maintenance is over, but an unexpected emergency maintenance is troublesome cuz I don’t anticipate it 😤😤
Yuki: Somehow that sounds tough
Momo: A formidable enemy even😤‼️
Momo: By the way, hear me out…
Momo: Even my bedhead is too much of a formidable enemy today!!
Yuki: That’s hilarious
Momo: It looks like a japanese top knot 😆
Yuki: We’ll be there in about five minutes.
Momo: yikes~ lololol this is the kind of hair that would break even a makeup artist's spirit lolol
Yuki: Well then, today I'll wear my hair in a japanese top knot so we’d be matching.
Momo: Huhhh !? We’re not filming a variety show today, we have the Idol Star pamphlet shoot?!
Yuki: If we match, you wouldn’t feel lonely, right?
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Momo: Yuki, so handsome,,,😭 Coming up with the concept of a japanese top knot prince out of nowhere😭
Yuki: I just proposed the idea to Okarin and he immediately rejected it.
Yuki: Are you changing Idol Star’s concept into one of a lord?, he said.
Yuki: Aren't lords and princes the same thing?
Momo: You’re right lololol
Momo: But I think Yuki can become a handsome prince even with a japanese top knot! ! (*'ω'*)
Yuki: Really? You were angry at me earlier, did you calm down?
Momo: What?! You were actually worried about that?! I’m not mad at all !!!!!
Momo: Even if you’re a sleepyhead, even if you reply out loud to a rabbit chat, Yuki really is a super handsome super darling prince ‼️😭🫶
Yuki: The super handsome super darling prince will soon arrive at your house, Okarin is parking the car.
Momo: Yay‼️
Momo: I'll roll out the red carpet and wait (*ノωノ)
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writing-blog-iguess · 10 months
Online Matchup 4
Summery: Y/N makes a trip back home last minute, ruining Jason's plan for a breakfast date, but that won't stop him from coming up with a different plan.
Warning: swearing, talk of surgery, Jason's being a sweetheart, fluff
A/n: this is becoming one of my comfort fics to write, and I can't be mad about it. I'm glad you guys are enjoying it. Feedbacks always welcome
Words: 3097
Ao3 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5
October 8
Jason (6:40am) Good morning How are you this beautiful morning?
Y/N Why in the everloving fuck are you awake at six in the morning?
Jason Aren’t you a potty mouth in the early mornings Someone should teach you a lesson
Y/N It’s to early for anything right now
Jason’s May I remind you, that you’re awake this early too
Y/N My sister decided it was the perfect time to call me Apparently it couldn’t wait until I was awake enough to call her back And now I can’t sleep
Jason Everything okay?
Y/N Define okay?
Jason It’s your dad isn’t it?
Y/N Yeah I don’t know, I don’t want to talk about it
Jason Fair enough
Y/N Now answer my question
Jason Demanding Wanted to know how you were doing after last night
Y/N Better now that I’ve slept I wish I could sleep longer tho Though my eyes hurt and it feels like I have a hangover
Jason Consequences of crying before bed
Y/N Make it go away
Jason Wanna meet for breakfast? Y/N?
Y/N (8:35am) Oh, sorry I fell asleep
Jason Uh huh It has nothing to do with the fact that I asked if you wanted to go for breakfast
Y/n Mm don’t know what you’re talking about And isn’t there a rule where a guy has to wait a least three days Before you ask the girl out again
Jason Apparently My brother advised me the same thing But since I could care less what he thinks about my relationship I have decided to ignore him and take the plunge and ask you anyways Besides he barely listens to his own advice So to each their own I guess
Y/N Why do I get the feeling that you ignore your brother a lot
Jason Couldn’t tell you So, breakfast?
Y/N Uh, wish I could But I have a train to catch 
Jason Where’s it going?
Y/N Metropolis 
Jason You're going home? Why so sudden?
Y/n The call with my sister? Apparently my dad is having surgery and my mom wants everyone there until he’s done Don’t know why I have to go, by the time I’m there it’ll probably be over
Jason Yikes What’s the surgery for?
Y/N Dunno, something to do with something? I’m not sure, I was half asleep when she called And she used that to her advantage and got me to agree to go home today
Jason Don’t you have class tomorrow?
Y/N Not until the afternoon
Jason Work?
Y/n Not until Tuesday 
Jason Huh
Y/n Yup tbh I rather spend my Sunday with you then go home But it’s family and I can’t say no to my sister
Jason I get that family’s first But I would choose you over my family
Y/n … You can’t just say that!
Jason But flustering you is becoming my favourite past time
Y/n Get a new one!
Jason Nah, don’t think I will Okay, so no breakfast How about I drop you off at the station?
Y/N Tempting But if you do, then I’ll miss the train Because I wanna kiss your stupid face And besides, I’m almost there
Jason My face isn’t stupid … You wanna kiss me? Colour me flattered
Y/n I rescind my statement 
Jason Can’t do that, it’s in writing Hold on, when you said you were sleeping You were actually packing, weren’t you?
Y/N Guilty I’m sorry I’ve spent thirty minutes debating on whether or not to ditch my family for you
Jason But in the end you’re ditching me Feels like your running from something I see how it is
Y/N I’m sorry D: I’m not running away or anything 
Jason It’s okay, really I’m not mad or anything Okay, maybe a little disappointed But he’s your dad and you don’t know when’s the next time you see him So it’s okay, don’t feel bad I’ll wait around until your back And I know your not, I just took the joke too far and I’m sorry
Y/n I’m still sorry
Jason Can I call you?
Y/N Uhhhhhhh Give me a minute 
Jason Take as much time as you need I can wait
Y/n Sweet of you But I needed to find a seat first And then my headphones
Jason So You’re good now?
Y/n Yup
It didn’t take more than a second before your phone rang after you sent the message.
“I thought you wanted to call?” you answered, moving your phone so Jason could see your face. He shrugged, shooting you a smile.
“Wanted to see your pretty face is all,” he said, and you could feel your face heat up at the compliment. Averting your eyes, you sink in your seat, trying to hide your face in your sweater. “Awe, is this what you look like when you get flustered? There’s no way I can't stop flustering you now. If this is what your reaction is going to be every time I do.”
“I’m hanging up now,” you mumbled into your sweater, and wondered if he heard that. Judging by the smile he gave you, he did.
“Nah, I don’t think so. You called my face pretty and you wanted to kiss it,” he said. That made you come out of your sweater and glared at him.
“I think I said stupid face,” you corrected, “you have a stupid face.”
“That you want to kiss,” Jason pointed out with a smile. You stuck out your tongue at him, making him laugh. “How’s the train ride?”
You shrugged, shifting in your seat trying to get comfortable. “A train ride I guess. We just left the station and it’ll be two hours until we get to Metropolis? My butts gonna hurt once I get there.”
“Gotta walk around once in a while,” Jason reminded, “did you bring anything for the ride?”
“Yeah, homework I still need to finish, my sketchbook and some books I’ve been meaning to read.”
“Sounds like a party,” Jason joked. You huffed out a laugh.
“Oh yeah, real life of the party over here.” 
Before either of you could continue, you faintly heard a door slamming open and closing before hearing a faint call of Jason! You promised me breakfast! From what you could make out, it was a female voice and you pushed down the bout of jealousy that came from nowhere. You didn’t have the right to be jealous. Jason wasn’t yours, he was his own person and you two weren’t seeing each other officially. He was free to do what he pleased. Still, you couldn’t lie and say that it didn’t hurt.
You watched as Jason scowled, and turned towards the voice. “Yeah, give me a minute I’m on the phone.”
You schooled your features and raised an eyebrow as he turned back to his phone. “You already had breakfast plans, yet you still tried to make them with me? Wow Jason, didn’t know you had that in you.”
“Okay, first of all, I’m not a two timing bitch,” he clarified and you blanched at the statement. Damn, and you thought you hid it well. “And like I said before, I’d ditch my family for you any day of the week without question.”
“Aw Jason, you’d ditch your own sister! I see how it is,” the female voice said. Jason made a face as a blond haired girl came into frame, hanging off of Jason’s shoulders. Her nose pressed into his cheek and she smiled. “Tell me how you really feel, Jason.”
“Okay, I will,” he said, shoving her off, “you’re an annoying little shit.” She laughed and turned towards the phone. She was pretty, you had to admit.
“Oh, Tim’s right. You are cute,” she said, and you pulled your sweater over your mouth, trying to keep a laugh in as Jason looked offended.
“Steph!” he yelled, shoving her face out of frame. “Go away.”
“No, you promised me breakfast last night, and I demand pancakes,” she said, coming back in, shoving Jason out of frame as she did so. She turned to you and smiled. “Hello, I’m Jason’s sister Stephanie. You must be Y/N, it’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard virtually nothing about you.”
“And I’m trying to keep it that way,” he grunted, pushing her away. The two fought until finally they settled with Stephanie leaning on his shoulder. “How’d you even know their name?”
“Tim,” she answered. You raised your eyebrow in question. “He gets bored when he has nothing to do. And he decided to snoop around Jason’s life.”
“Well I’ll try not to be offended,” you said, though you furrowed your brows in concern. “Should I be worried?”
“I don’t think so,” Stephanie hummed, “not unless you have something to hide.”
“Do you have something to hide?” Jason pressed, a teasing smile dancing on his lips. You puffed out your cheeks and looked away.
“Oooh you do,” Stephanie sang, “tell us before we find out from Tim.”
“Tim needs to mind his own fucking business,” you muttered to yourself, causing Jason to laugh. “And no, I have nothing to hide. Lived a pretty boring life.”
“Don’t know, you tried killing your sister once,” Jason mused. 
“I didn’t try on purpose! I pushed her off the deck into the lake,” you corrected, “and my dad got to her before anything could happen. Man, he was pissed. I feared for my life that day. I’ve never known fear until I saw the look he gave me.” You shuddered at the memory.
“How old were you?” Stephanie asked, worry laced in her words. You shrugged, staring at the corner of your phone, avoiding their gaze.
“Ten I think? Could be younger, I don’t know. Thought it would be funny, and it was until it wasn’t.”
“Did he hurt you?” Jason asked, you shook your head and moved your gaze to him.
“No. But the way he looked, he wanted to. If we were alone he probably would have. I booked it into the car and hid there until we went home. Then I hid in my room for the rest of the day.”
“Yikes. Why was he so mad? Bruce wouldn’t have been if we did something like that.”
“That’s because we knew how to take care of ourselves and we knew how to swim,” Jason pointed out.
“And he probably doesn’t have favourites,” you chimed in. You hummed in thought, ignoring the worried looks the two siblings were giving you. “But he doesn’t strike me as picking a favourite among his kids, unless he’s really good at hiding it. But no parent is that good at hiding that.”
“Have experience, do you?” Jason asked, you only hummed not wanting to elaborate. You aren’t sure how, but what was supposed to be a lighthearted conversation turned sour. You scrunched up your nose as a thought occurred to you. If it was this easy to talk to both Jason and Stephanie, you were afraid how the rest of his family would be. “Whatcha thinking about?”
“What you guys are having for breakfast,” you said instead of you voicing your thoughts.
“Ooh yes. I did come here for breakfast,” Stephanie said, as if she had forgotten the reason for being here. She turned to him and poked his cheek. “Make me pancakes with bacon and ham and eggs and everything.”
“How can you eat so much and not gain anything,” Jason grumbled as he moved off the couch and towards the kitchen. Stephanie shifted slightly so she was more centered to the camera.
“I work out,” she simply said with a shrug. Jason grumbled something, and since he was too far away you couldn’t hear what he said. “So, how’d you meet Jason anyways? Tim won’t say and Jason doesn’t want to talk about you when asked.”
“That’s because you pester me so much that I don’t want to talk about them,” Jason called, “and you don’t have to answer anything you want too, Y/N. Don’t let Stephanie bully you into answering questions.”
“It’s okay, Jason, I don’t mind. I know what it’s like to have siblings,” you said with a smile. “We met online. Started talking a few weeks back and haven’t stopped since.”
“Ah, you guys are still new,” Stephanie mused, “that means you can still back out before you guys get too serious.” You laughed at the same time Jason yelled hey! “Kidding, I’m kidding. I haven’t seen Jason happy in awhile. Please stick around, he’s more bearable when he’s happy.”
You watched as Jason stalked towards her, and plucked the phone from her. “If all you came here for was to make fun of me, you can go home without your food.”
“Noooo, Jason I’m sorry,” you heard Stephanie whine. And you couldn't be sure, but you saw Stephanie grovel a little bit on the floor. Although Stephanie couldn’t see Jason’s expression, you could and smiled at the little smile he shot you.
“Then go take a shower, you stink,” he said, and she was quick to race to the bathroom. “Your clothes are still here from last time!” he called and set the phone down so watch him as he prepared breakfast. “Sorry about her. I completely forgot she was coming over today.”
“No worries,” you dismissed, watching in awe as Jason cut up some vegetables with ease. “She was fun to talk to.”
“Prefer her over me, huh?”
“Nope. I like you more,” you said. “Where’d you learn how to cook?”
“Alfred taught me when I was young, and I kept going afterwards. Found it helped me when things got too stressed,” he explained. “Stress cooking is a lot healthier than other ways to deal.”
“I get that,” you mused, “I stress clean.”
“Nothing wrong with that,” he grunted. He stopped for a moment and looked towards you; eyes narrowed. “Did you have breakfast this morning?” You bit the top of your lip and avoided looking at him. “Y/N,” Jason said in warning.
“It was too early to eat!” you cracked, “I had a coffee and that was it.” Jason shook his head, going back to his food.
“I hope you eat something soon.”
“I packed some snacks. But they’re nothing compared to what you’re making for breakfast.”
 “Well next time actually eat something or else I’ll just have to come over and cook for you.”
“That a threat?”
“No, more like a promise.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” you said with a smile. 
“Stop flirting and cook me my food!” Stephanie yelled after the quickest shower you have ever seen someone take. 
“So fucking demanding,” Jason grunted as you laughed.
“I should let you go so you can focus on the food instead of getting distracted,” you mused.
“But you’re the only kind of distraction I’d like,” he said, and you heard Stephanie gag. Laughing, you shook your head, trying to keep from blushing. “Okay maybe you’re right. Or otherwise, I’m going to throw Steph out the window.”
“Ha! I would like to see you try!”
Jason rolled his eyes and flicked them towards you. “Let me know when you’re there?”
“I can do that.”
Y/N (11:30 am) Ugh, I hate train rides
Jason Could have flown
Y/N Yeah but train tickets are cheaper
Jason True Made it in one piece?
Y/N Yup Now I’m making my way to the hospital
Jason Someone picking you up?
Y/n Nah, I’m taking the bus Need the extra time before I get there
Jason I get that 
Y/n How was breakfast?
Jason Good Though it would be better if it was you
Y/n Stoooooooopppppppp
Jason Never I’m sorry about Steph, we can be a handful sometimes
Y/n No worries, I like her Is the rest of your family that energetic?
Jason Some yeah, the rest are just tamed
Y/n Sounds fun
Jason Oh yeah, the best
Y/n I can hear the sincerity from here 
Jason Almost to the hospital?
Y/n Yeah I gotta go
Jason Tell me how it goes
Y/N (2:40 pm) I shouldn’t have come Why did I say yes?
Jason Because you were sleep deprived and you can’t say no to your sister Also because your dads in the hospital 
Y/n Right He’s fine by they way, now he’s just recovering Doctors say they did what they could and he’ll be out of here in a couple of days
Jason Figured out what the surgery was about?
Y/N Nope and at this point I’m too afraid to ask
Jason Wow Why do you have regrets?
Y/n I don’t know how or why But somehow my sister figured out I was seeing someone Or at least talking to someone and kept pestering me until I told them I’ve been bamboozled 
Jason Guess I’m not your dirty little secret anymore huh
Y/n Guess it wasn’t meant to be Oh well can’t be helped
Jason So now that your dads fine, you coming home?
Y/n No Somehow I have been convinced to stay the night and take the morning train in the morning Which sucks, I already bought my ticket for tonight 
Jason That’s rough buddy
Y/n Can’t be helped I guess Now I get to play 20 questions 
Jason But at least you get to spend time with your family
Y/n True
Jason you know, if you want I can drive up there and take the train with you
Y/N That is very sweet of you and very tempting But you have work and I don’t want to inconvenience you
Jason You’re not an inconvenience If anything, you’d be doing me a favour I have the day off tomorrow and I’ve been meaning to do something I’m not very good at doing nothing
Y/N What about your bike?
Jason When I said drive, I meant the loosely I’d take the train or fly Or I can drive us back I have a car too, you know
Y/N Where would you stay?
Jason I have a friend living there that I’ve been meaning to visit Plus we can go for breakfast tomorrow before making the trip back
Y/N Very tempting But ultimately I’m not going to tell you what to do It’d be your choice
Jason See you in the morning then
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