#yes i am drawing art of a fic chapter that is not even out yet. i speak in riddles you could be even understand
cowboysorceror · 1 year
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a sneak preview from chapter seven of "straight on 'til morning" by @mamawasatesttube 💖 happy valentine's day! ID in alt text.
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flymetosnarryland · 6 months
A little progress.
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I'm working on "Infraction." My precious baby, uh. This art is part of it in a way. Eileen Prince and Tobias Snape. When people are falling in love everything seems easy, but then life happen.
(I'd like to talk about how things are going with Infraction.)
I'm back on it since couple of weeks and working on it is intense (my brain is literally boiling). I don't think I ever planned a story for that long. The first idea has born 6th January this year. I was writing down (like crazy) everything I wanted to be in this fic. During first months it was chaotic and messy, but brought me so much joy. When I've had everything that (I thought) I needed, I wrote first chapters, yeah. And then shared them, because was so excited about all of it and just couldn't wait. Gosh.
Now I... hm... well, maybe not "regret" it, but I think, I totally should have wait. Why is that? First thing first, this story is not ready yet for being written in, you know, final version. It's too fat, lol.
I may want too much from it. There is a lot, like, seriously, A LOT of things to cover. First notes took me around 80 pages and it had many gaps in it (too much if you ask me). Things I needed to figure out and fill in, in the same time making everything work together. Because this Snarry is not sprinkled with crime. It's filled with murder, political shenanigans, family shiteshow and tough, not always appropriate, love. There are secrets and lies, blackmails and history that matter. Backstory of many people, whose actions over the years supposed to bring us to the point where we are now. And, you know, all of it gives me the thrill. First time in my life I feel like a true Puppet Master.
So, couple weeks ago I started to write a proper outline, if I can call it like that. To put everything in order and, going from the very beginning, to fill all the gaps. To answer all the questions I was asking myself in notes. To figure out the missing clues, some details without I couldn't go further and with that - to find out how characters will change facing new situations. How they will grow (I really love this part). Sometimes I think, "why am I even doing it?" I could just write some cosy, little fic where Harry and Severus' silly problems would be the main goal of the story. Like, focusing on them should be enough, right? Why am I going for all the other things, if I just want them to shag and have their happy end after all? 😂
Well, if it's not for fun, I don't know the other reason. The level of excitement is just incredible. I don't know, if what I'm writing is good or bad. If it really has sense, because I've always seen myself rather as a potato, not as a great mastermind who can plot some good shite, you know. That said, "Infraction" feels even more challenging that I ever thought it will be. But I feel deep inside that I can do it. Going step by step where the main plan leads and... it just feels good.
I've started in October 1989. Now I'm in January 2011. It means that I managed to finish everything that happen before the fic starts, lol. And, actually, I almost covered the first part of the book. So, two more to go? Hehe. It'll take time, yes. It's crazy how much I want to continue writing the main chapters, not only swim in the plan-phase. Drawing the series of "Muggle London" art helped me a lot with easing this itch. However, it's still there. I know, though, that I have to finish it. The whole outline, I mean. Without it, things can go south.
That said, I can't tell how long it will take. Couple weeks? Maybe months. This is really... a lot of work and I want to be proud of it. Even more so, because this fic means a lot to me. I know it may not be, you know, mind blowing or something. But I hope that giving it all my love, it could be, you know, not that bad for reading, hehe.
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nrdmssgs · 7 months
How to not motivate your favorite author to write
So recently this happened to a very dear friend of mine. And then this happened. I'm not tagging her deliberately, to not drag her name into any shitshow. I love her dearly and will fight with tooth and claw for this person.
I will be referring to my personal experience not because I want to make this 'a story about precious me', but because I can guarantee, that overall pattern of creative process will go along with these examples, and I don't want to torture others with interviews on their particular creative process examples.
I want to address that anon and talk a bit about how creative processes work. I am not a writer, but I have two art degrees, so I just happen to know a thing or two about creativity and its ways in human brains.
How creative process differs from creative outcome
Imagine a situation: you roam around your favorite network and find this one cool author, that seems to create something especially for you. I like their characters, their storyline, their ways with the language and overall scenery. You and them seems like a match made in heavens. There is only one 'but': you crave more.
You find your perfect fic, you read every chapter and end on a painful cliffhanger, poor you? But what if I tell you, that to complete this chapter, your favorite author had to process a ton of information, their own suggestions, 'what ifs', questions around every single detail, different dialogue and action options? What you see is a perfectly cut ice cube, but it took a freaking iceberg to make it. By the way, the same goes for illustrations. Remember this short comix?
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Well, it took a day to create it, and actually drawing it took only 4 hours. Another 8 hours were spent on concept. Here are just 2 pages of my ideas, and I have like 8 pages of this.
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And sometimes authors don't even write down their draft thoughts, but it doesn't mean, these thoughts doesn't exist. We are thinking about our stories while going for groceries, driving a car, doing laundry, taking shower and so on.
So if you read something, that is one-page long - it doesn't mean, that your favorite author spent an average 'fill one page with text' time interval to create it. You are reading an outcome, while the author went through the entire creative process!
How creating one thing may help you to create another thing
Sometimes you need to practice, just to get to know a new character/situation.
I had such difficulties, writing Nikto, that I wrote this and this just to bring this marvelous character to the latest part of my ongoing series. Yes, it took me a month to figure out this character, but it was worth it. So please, bear with an author, that makes little attempts, before going back to their magnum opus. Sketches and renders can and will help them evaluate the story, that you`ve fallen in love with in the first place!
Sometimes you need a break.
If you thought, reading some angst was not easy - just know, that writing it was also not easy. Sometimes authors speak on deeply personal topics, sometimes they express their negative emotions through hard and draining scenes and stories.
And before you say 'oh, but the author knew in advance what is yet to happen' - let me remind you, that the author relieves everything, their characters go through.
Creating something completely knew helps author to gain powers, to take a step further, to breathe and calm down.
Sometimes you just feel like shit.
You wake up, revisit, what you wrote yesterday, and you hate it. And you hate yourself for setting the bar so low. And a very right thing to do at this moment is to get yourself distracted by something completely new. Or even to force yourself to not go back to creating for a bit, so that your 'creativity muscles' get some rest.
So please don't be disappointed by your favorite creator for paying attention to other media/fandom/story/character. It may be their way (long and complicated) to go back to that very work, you liked so much.
What doesn't motivate authors
Punching them with 'hey, stop whatever you're doing and go back to that thing, I LIKED'. This will only make your fave creator freeze in a cycle of self-hate, diffidence, art blocks.
Comparison of their works. "Your Ghost fics are top, so stop writing about Gaz and turn into a full time Ghost praiser". Again, this won't motivate your fave to change their writing habits or preferences, this will make them fill guilty every single time they create something against your preferences. That 10-30-50 sketches with Gaz will eventually help them go back and write something for Ghost!
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Muse (Part 4)
ROTTMNT Leo x GN/Rabbit Yokai!Reader
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Warnings: Fluff, Embarrassment, Aged-up Turtles
Synopsis: You've been visiting Run Of The Mill Pizza maybe a little too often just to see the blue clad turtle of your affections and draw him. You're pretty sure he hasn't noticed you at all, bad news for you, he has and he is far too curious about why you watch him.
A/N: Hey all, just letting you know I am so sorry It has been a while since I wrote anything for this fic. I’ve just been super busy and stressed from job hunting,  so I haven’t had the time and also just…. I haven’t been in the mindset to do anything but drink coffee and stay up way later than I should doing nothing but staring at a ceiling lol- but I digress. This is a repost from my old side blog since I wanted to make a main blog for this stuff. This is maybe going to be the second last chapter (that’s up for debate lmao). Now that all that is out of the way, shall we?
Fidgeting nervously as you stop walking for what feels like the first time in hours, you pull your phone from your jacket pocket and click it on, going back and checking your last few messages with Leo.
Cobalt Blue: Hey, just a reminder, meet me at the brick store
Cobalt Blue: Shit, sorry, had voice to text on 🙄
Cobalt Blue: Is that even a thing?
You: Does Home Hardware count?
Cobalt Blue: Donnie says no. I say yes.
You: Gotcha… Where am I meeting you then, if not the BRICK STORE.
Cobalt Blue: Central Park, the popcorn cart.
You: There’s a popcorn cart called Central Park? 🤔
You: I jest. I’ll meet you there.
Cobalt Blue: Awesome! 4:00?
You: Four o’clock.
Cobalt Blue: See you then!!!
Tucking your phone back away after you reconfirm the location you were meeting each other, you look around the area you’re in, wondering if you were close to the popcorn cart at all, giving the air a subtle sniff to see if you could even smell it, thankfully, due to your improved sense of smell, you catch the faintest hint of butter and fresh popcorn, swiftly heading in the direction it had come from.
Once you’re on the path, it doesn’t take too long to get there, and, as luck would have it, you got there before Leo did- or at least that was what you thought before you heard him offer a bemused chuckle to your right. Startled, you look over to the opposite side of the cart and blink in surprise at the turtle who is dressed in distressed black jeans with matching black undershirt that is form fitted to his torso and then to top it all off a fur lined brown leather jacket and a beanie. He looked… amazing. You could feel your fingers twitch with the desire to draw. You resist the urge to pull your sketchbook out of your messenger bag.
Leo beams at you and makes quick work of crossing over to where you were stood, dumbfounded. “What a pleasure it is for you to join me.” He offers teasingly, lightly nudging you with his elbow as a cocksure grin spreads across his face. “And only— twenty minutes late.” He tutted, completely pulling that number out of thin air, and yet you still nearly check your phone- the action causing his expression to become even more smug.
Instinctively, you punch him gently in the arm, rolling your eyes before offering him a faint smile. “It’s ten to four,  you ass.” You chuckle. “I’m punctual.” You insist. “And you’re a lot earlier than I thought you would be— I didn’t strike you for showing up early to things-“ You muse, noting how he had started walking already so you quickly catch up with him, intrigue painting your features since all you knew about this evening was that you were to meet here.
“I’m early when it’s important to me…” He offers nonchalantly, refusing to meet your eyes, even when you stop moving again, he simply stops and waits for you to catch up. When you do, he already has his bravado back up and that stupid smug grin again. “So, I was thinking, maybe we walk around here a bit, then go to the art exhibit? I hear they’re staying open later than usual today?” 
“Leo-“ you begin, stuck on him calling this important to himself. You furrow your brow, lightly brushing your hand over his shoulder. To get him to at least look at you. You hardly register that he is still listing off different things the two of you could be doing today. “Leo.” You try again, noting how he seems to only scramble for more things to list off.
“We could go try out the coffee at the new cafe that just opened up? Go to the art store? I’ll get you any one item you waaaant? Something in the hidden city- we could watch the Battle nexus? You know I won that with my dad once- we were up against Kraken Tom and the Evil Six. No? Yeah, I knew that wasn’t your thing… We could-“
This time you cut him off by walking in front of him, having had to do a quick jog to do so, and then you gently grasp him by his shoulders, forcing him to stay in place. He still refuses to look at you, his eyes locked on the ground between you both. Hesitating, you step a little closer, shifting your weight onto your toes so you can stand a little taller, nudging his face up with your hand so you can look at him. For the first time you see a nervous edge to him and even despite his efforts to keep his eyes from meeting yours, it’s inevitable. You swallow thickly, taking in a sharp breath. “What has gotten into you, Leo?” You inquire, tilting your head again. “I’ve never seen you get like this before- you’re usually “mister cool”.“ You try to explain, wondering just why it seemed like him calling this whole meet up “important” to him, seemed to be the catalyst for his suddenly jumpy behaviour.
Instead of explaining, he offers a weak chuckle. “Answer hazy, try back again later?” He offers the magic eight ball quote casually. The moment Leo sees you frown, he sighs. “Sorry.”
Shaking your head, you lightly brush your thumb along his cheek pausing when you see him lean into the action. You stop the simple motion and let him press his cheek firmly into your soft hand. “What did you mean when you said this was important to you? And why all of the jumpy behaviour?” You ask, noting that since you’ve stopped in the middle of the pathway there are people giving you annoyed looks. Taking that into account, you do your best to guide Leo with you onto the grass, trying not to break contact with him.
“I dunno.” He shrugs, trying instantly to force a smile. You respond with a serious expression and he instantly lets the expression drop as he pulls back and crosses his arms, taking a step away to try and centre himself for the conversation. It takes a moment, but soon he is facing you again. “Look, I just… really enjoy being around you- I can’t help it if I got excited and jumped the gun on showing up.” He offers, and, well, it wasn’t exactly the response you expected, nor did it entirely make sense, but it was close enough for now. “Aaaaand, I’m not being “jumpy” that’s your job. You’re the rabbit, here.” He sticks his tongue out.
Offering a light chuckle, you sigh. Clearly, you won’t be getting the real answer right now, but, to be fair you still had never answered his question about your sketchbook, though in the time you had gotten to know him, you were painfully aware of how observant he was, so the idea that he somehow DIDN’T know, and was just waiting for you to be open about it was almost hard to believe now. You still let yourself believe it though. “I’ll let it slide this time.” You muse, gently nuzzling your cheek against his shoulder in a lighthearted fashion. “Now, you said something about buying me “any one item” from the art store?” You reminded, smirking at the way his expression went from relief at you dropping the topic to instant surprise.
Chuckling timidly and rubbing the back of his neck, Leo gives you a crooked grin and murmurs, “IIIIIII didn’t think you were paying attention-“ blowing out a small breath of air, he shakes his head. “Art store it is?” He inquires, watching you with a gentle fondness as you carefully adjust how your ears are sitting under your own beanie- carefully drawn back to almost mimic medium length hair.
You link arms with him, allowing yourself to be cheerful about the evening ahead of you again, you hum in reply, having gotten your ears situated to your liking. “I think they actually closed a few minutes ago- if I’m remembering correctly. You can buy me a coffee though? You said a new cafe opened?” You muse, knowing full well the store hadn’t closed, but you would honestly rather sit with him drinking coffee over anything else right now. Just getting to sit and talk together would be nice.
Leo nods, already guiding you back onto the pathway to walk with him. “I can definitely do that, it’s not too far away actually-“
“Almost like you planned it.” You tease, casting him a playful look. “Or like you knew how much I love coffee and would never say no to getting some.” You add sweetly, batting your lashes up at him.
Laughing whole heartedly, Leo gently squeezes the arm you have locked with his and shakes his head. “Maybe the last option, I don’t normally plan things too far ahead- that’s Donnie’s whole shtik.” He muses, splaying his fingers out and wiggling them slightly to emphasize his words.  The moment you start giggling, he can’t help but lean towards you, using his free hand to gently squeeze the shoulder not pressed against his plastron as he chuckles along with you. He releases you pretty quickly, but it isn’t sudden, it’s more that he was satisfied with the length of the makeshift hug- plus the awkward position. “So are we playing guess the coffee?” He inquires.
“You bet your ass we are!”
The author isn’t good at writing walking exposition so time skip baybeeee
This was it. Your chance to stump Leo. Stepping up to the counter first while Leo stood off to the side so he couldn’t overhear you, (his order for you already in hand) you lock eyes with the barista who nearly backs up at the intensity of your gaze, having never experienced it’s intensity before like the employees at your favourite coffee shop normally had. “Medium hazelnut latte with a shot of vanilla and a shot of espresso.” You state as if it weren’t even a question.
The woman nods, dipping her head slightly as she attempts and succeeds to input your order before looking at you. “Anything else?” She inquires, voice a little too low for most people to hear, but for you it was easy.
“Yes, two cake pops. One strawberry, one chocolate.” You insist, watching her input that as well before she lists off the price and then instantly nudges the payment terminal over to you once you had pulled out your card to show it to her. You tap it against the chip reader and then fish out a five dollar bill, putting it into the tip jar for her with a calmer smile that seemingly throws her off. “Thank you!” You muse, accepting the order ticket as well as the  bag of cake pops she had promptly handed you before stepping to the side to wait for the drink.
You glance at where Leo is leaned up against a wall, and gave him a thumbs up which he returns enthusiastically. Turning your attention to your bag, you dug your hand into one of the front pouches and pull out a sharpie so that you can cross out what the order was on the sticker once you receive the coffee.
While you wait, you look around. The walls are decorated with a rich terracotta wallpaper, the floors a deep, almost chocolate brown, wood alternating parquet. There were potted plants strewn about the room, some hanging from the ceiling, others neatly decorating windowsills where enough light poured through to reach them. There were a few bookshelves that matched the colour of the floor and were set up to divide the space- they were filled with books and magazines. It was all in all a very cozy space and all you could think was that it would make the perfect place to come every morning and relax- maybe do some art studies.
“-order number 317?”
You glance at the ticket in your hand, snapping yourself out of your thoughts and then perk, walking over and thanking the person who had made the coffee before stepping aside and scratching out the order on the sticker and throwing out your receipt. Wandering over to Leo, you noticed he seemed to be doing what you had just moments before. “It’s really cozy in here. Great location, Leo.” You comment, nudging his hand gently to let him know you were ready to swap drinks.
Perking, Leo nods in agreement, gesturing to the nearest empty table which was settled near the back of the cafe, tucked into a corner next to the window. “We swap over there, that way you can put your stuff down and we can get comfy— wait, did you get us a snack too??” He inquires, tone drastically shifting to pure excitement by the end of his sentence.
You nod, letting him practically herd you to the table. You laugh, noticing some of the amused stares and chuckles you got from other patrons, deciding to humour them by shrugging and grinning. “He’s food motivated.” You offer playfully, earning a bit more laughter. “Like a puppy.” You hum, glancing at the turtle in question as you sit down in the chair he had pulled out for you.
“M’rabbit.” He offers, trying to sound suave, but grimacing almost immediately. “That doesn’t sound as flow-y as “m’lady” he mused, scrunching his face up in displeasure before backtracking to what you had offhandedly said, “the cutest puppy though.” He grins, sitting in the chair across from you and setting down the brown takeaway cup in front of you while you did the same with the one you had.
You nod sagely to his statement, noting how haphazardly he had scratched out what his order had been with a pen he had no doubt asked to borrow from the barista. “Something like that.” You muse with a half smirk, pulling out both cake pops with flare. “Chocolate or strawberry?” You offer, noting the way he seemed to contemplate before answering.
“Chocolate, of course.”
“Strawberry, got it.”
“Exactly. See? You get it.”
“Mhmm, I know you so well.”
Grinning, Leo accepts the chocolate cake pop you hold out to him, observing it for a moment before- in contrast to your own actions- shoving the whole thing into his mouth at once, and almost looking like he regretted that decision instantly.
Taking the time to eat yours calmly in two bites instead of one as your counterpart had done, you have less of a struggle. “You’re such a goober.” You claim, a fond note to your voice as you observe him trying to get the cake pop down. Deciding to be nice, you get up for a moment, walking to the counter where there is a self serve water jug, filling two glasses before returning, handing one over to Leo before you set yours down.
He drinks it almost immediately, the liquid helping to break down the snack and then he is gasping for air. “You are a life saver,” he insists, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. After a moment he murmurs something about being too warm, and slips his jacket off, laying it over the back of his chair. This, of course, leaves his muscular arms exposed for your viewing pleasure, not something he had considered, but its obvious that he notices your gaze lingering a little too long. He smirks. “Are you checking me out?” He inquires, playfully wiggling his brow before striking a few poses.
An instant laugh leaves you at his actions, though you can’t help but feel your face heat up from being caught red handed. “No! I just didn’t realize how ripped you are! It’s a little startling!” You muse, starting to play with one of your ears by running your hands down it to smooth the fur there. “I mean— I know you’re strong, you’d have to be to have beaten Kraken Tom and such, but it’s still a little startling.”
“So you heard EVERYTHING I was rambling earlier?!” He inquires in disbelief.
“I listen when it’s important.” You counter, noting the moment it takes for him to process what you had said and how you had somewhat turned his earlier words back on him. “And everything you say is important to me.” With that said, you pull the plastic splash pick from the opening of your cup and put it into the paper bag your cake pops had been in. Taking a moment to carefully swirl your coffee just in case it hadn’t been mixed properly (something you had dealt with from multiple coffee shops in the past) you focus your attention on finally trying the drink. Sipping tentatively at it for fear that it was still too hot, you took a moment to savour the flavour, setting the cup down again.
Leo watches you with a flushed face, your words still ringing in his tympani. He cast his gaze towards his own coffee, following suit in swirling it around to mix it and then removing the pick from his own cup and discarding it much the same as you had done with your own. He seems to think for a moment before speaking up with a more amused tone than you would have expected, “everything I say?” He inquires mischievously.
Pausing, you narrow your eyes at him, realizing you had perhaps made a mistake by saying that. 
“What about if I said applesauce belongs on dino nuggies?”
“I’m going to kick you.”
“Do it, coward. You won’t.”
Instantly you straightened in your seat, making direct eye contact with the slider as you gently kick him in the shin. Afterwards, you level your expression to a bemused and almost mocking grin. “What was that about me not doing it?” You chime in a sickeningly sweet tone.
The slider narrows his eyes back, watching you sip your drink and waiting for you to set it back down before he returns the gentle kick. “Ohoho, you’ve done it now.” He retorts with no malice at all behind his words.
It only takes a moment longer for the battle of gentle kicks to come to full effect and neither of you seem to care that your legs will be bruised after this. You’re having a little too much fun despite everything, but after a few minutes more, the kicks begin to stop, and without even realizing it, your actions become more gentle and more along the lines of playing footsies with each other, your foot brushing lightly over his ankle and his gently nudging you in return.
It’s only when you’ve been staring far too intently at each other, that you move to reign yourself in, face heating with a warm blush as you quickly cease your actions and sip your coffee again. “So- um… I definitely taste cinnamon in here-“ you begin, forcing yourself to focus on deciphering this instead of focusing on how absolutely smitten Leo looks.
Blinking himself out of his stupor, Leo clears his throat and stretches by rolling his shoulders before leaning back on the table, his arms crossed as he watched you. “Hmm? Oh- oh. Yeah. Cinnamon.” He nods, glancing down at his cup again before returning his gaze to you as he waits for you to decipher the drink.
“Cinnamon chai latte with whip?” You inquire, forcing your brain to stay on track. When did it get this hard to focus on anything but him? Seriously. You knew you liked him, but you needed to control yourself, lest you spring forward and kiss him right then and there.
Leo nods, humming in a way that seems somewhat forced and yet resolute. “I don’t get how you’re so good at this. How did you guess that? I didn’t think chai tea would be that obvious.” He asks, curiosity bubbling in him despite the obvious lack of focus he currently seems to have.
You shrug, resting your elbows on the wooden table top and twining your fingers together so that you can rest your chin on them. “I noticed the slight flavour of pepper and ginger— it has that sort of bite to it that lines up with chai.” You inform, pausing to chuckle slightly. “Also when you say “chai tea” you’re technically saying “tea tea”. Just a fun fact.”
Snorting in amusement, Leo stares at you in bewilderment. “I will never understand how you fit so much smarts into that head of yours.” He sips his own drink momentarily, looking contemplative before quickly speaking again. “So you’d just call it chai then?” He inquired, watching you nod to confirm before he is sampling his drink again. “Tastes a bit nutty- so thinking about the kinds they normally use to make drinks…. Hazelnut?”
“Mhmmm-“ You hum openly, inviting him to continue his train of thought.
He takes another sip, really trying to get a feel for it, even closing his eyes as he does. “I’m also getting—“ He brings the cup to his nose and gives it a few sniffs. “Vanilla?” He looks to you for confirmation, and once he has it he gets right back to work.  “Hazelnut and vanilla… mhmm. M’kay. M’kay- espresso-?” Leo is incredibly focused, and the expression he makes while trying to figure it out is so cute you almost cave and pull your sketchbook out to draw it, but you hold yourself back as he finally seems to come to a conclusion. “Hazelnut latte with espresso and vanilla?”
You smile gently and clap for him. “You got it!” The confirmation causes him to light up as he opens his eyes again, locking gazes with you as one of his hands reaches out and firmly squeezes yours for a second before he pulls it back.
After the game is over, you both fall into comfortable silence with each other, both of you leaving one hand on the table in silent invitation to the other as you pick your different methods of filling up time when you’re not quietly chatting.
Leo surfs his phone, you take to absently drawing on your napkin with a pen you had fished out of your bag, not wanting to risk using your sketchbook here and now. It’s calm, relaxing, and you can’t help but smile every time the slider gets excited over something he sees and quickly shows you it.
It’s during one of those moments when he rests his hand over your free one to get your attention, that he notices that you’re drawing a little picture of him and things start fully connecting in his head, but he says nothing, focusing on the task at hand and redirecting his gaze to your face just in time to catch you looking at him inquisitively. “Did you know there’s a breed of goat that faint whenever they hear a loud noise? Just-“ he makes a big open gesture with his arms, breaking contact with you as he speaks, “-BAM! Goat down!” He grins.
Smiling instantly, you can’t help but chuckle at his theatrics. “I didn’t know that, that’s pretty funny though. Is there a video?” You inquire, tilting your head and then nearly squeaking in surprise at the sudden speed he uses to get up and stand directly beside you. You nearly miss the way he excitedly mumbles something about being “so glad you asked”.
The moment he is properly situated behind you, he rests his head on your shoulder and slips his arms around you so he can hold his phone on the table in front of you both. You don’t mention how you could hold the phone for him, too caught up in his warmth. He glides his thumb across the screen, hunting down what you assume is the video at the top of the article, and then once he has it, he clicks play.
The video is short, less than a minute long but it shows a man clapping and the goat fainting which causes the both of you to laugh at first, and then the questions start springing forth.
“Do you think it hurts them to faint like that?” You begin. “What causes it to happen?” You ask, leaning yourself back against Leo’s plastron until he finally pulls away, presumably to pull up the information you’re looking for. He doesn’t move far, just sort of adjusts his position so he can easily lean against your chair with one hand and hold his phone in the other, typing the question in quickly.
After a moment of waiting for the results to load, he hums and starts reading, “the Tennessee fainting goat breed has a hereditary condition called myotonia congenita—“ he begins, grumbling to himself a bit as he tries to focus on reading the sentence before finally shaking his head and handing you the phone so you can read it. “I keep wanting to read the same thing over and over-“
You nod in understanding, taking his phone carefully as he settles back in behind you, this time using your head as a chin rest. “The Tennessee fainting goat breed has a hereditary condition called myotonia congenita, a disorder that affects the skeletal muscles, which are used for movement.” You read calmly, pausing to frown and click something else related to that. “Many people wonder if it hurts the goat to faint, but rest assured, they’re not in pain. However their condition does have the potential to distress them because it can keep them from running away from things that frighten them. So avoid frightening them just to see them faint.” By the time you’re done reading, the both of you are frowning. “I feel like an asshole for laughing now-“
Leo nods in agreement. “Yeah… but, I mean- If it helps, we had no idea until we looked it up. In reality the guy that made the video is the asshole.”
You hum in response, still frowning. Leo pockets his phone and then brings you into a big hug and almost instantly you’re filled with a sense of comfort and calming. You find yourself leaning back into him heavily, just like earlier. “Thanks.” You mumble.
Leo nods, giving you one more big squeeze before he moves to sit back down. “Anything for you.” He replies without missing a beat, polishing his coffee off before resting his hand on yours again to still provide reassurance.
“Cheeseball.” You reply lightheartedly, turning your hand to softly squeeze his in response.
Leo smiles and dips his head in half bow, quickly glancing up at you. “The cheesiest.” He insists, thumb tracing gentle patterns over your knuckles. Pausing, the slider frowns, his phone beginning to buzz. Glancing down at the device with disdain, he checks the caller ID and sighs, giving you an apologetic look only for you to shake your head and gesture for him to answer it, assuming it’s probably one of his siblings.
He frowns a bit more, but gives in and nods, picking his phone up and answering the call, stepping away somewhat before he starts talking.
You can’t help but listen in after a few minutes, having noticed the exasperated l pinch to Leo’s face as he talks to whoever it was. You feel a little guilty, but you chalk your nosiness up to concern about his emotional wellbeing.
“Guys, I told you not to call me right now-“ he grunts, rolling his eyes as he listens in on what the person- or persons? Are saying in response. “No- you know  said today was important— No! I wasn’t joking. UGH. Raph- Raph, no.”
Quirking your brow ridge slightly, you can’t help but wish your hearing was better so you could have an even better grasp on this conversation— even if you know it’s probably not good to be listening in, in the first place. You try and distract yourself, going back to sketching to keep your attention in a more respectful place of not eavesdropping.
After a few minutes more, Leo comes back to the table and sits down again, grumbling as he sets his phone down after presumably putting it on ‘Do Not Disturb’. “Sorry about that- my brother’s forgot that I was going out tot day and were freaking out— and then they wouldn’t hang up.” He muses, noting that you were doodling again, this time around, though, he leans forward to get a good look. “Who are you drawing?” He inquires, still trying to get a better look.
Shaking your head, you let out a calm hum, nudging the napkin over to him so he can see. “Sounds like a chaotic time. I’m sure they were just worried though.” You muse, resting a hand under your chin as the calm washes over you again. “Just some characters I’ve been thinking up- silly really.” You shrug, finishing your coffee as you watch him pour over the drawings.
“Yeah, I know they were just worrying, but I wish they would listen when I tell them things sometimes- I mean… seriously… It’s not like I didn’t tell them I was going out. I did! Three times!” He huffs, getting frustrated for a moment before he shakes his head and dispels that energy, choosing to focus on what you had said about the drawing. “You thought these up? They’re so cute. They look like they could be in a children’s book.” He insists, tracing his fingers over one of the designs.
Sensing the first conversation wouldn’t be going anywhere further, you mostly set it aside, but not before saying gently, “I mean, you did say you guys never usually go too many places without each other, maybe they just assumed you hadn’t because they didn’t I don’t know- I can’t really speak for them since I don’t know much about them.” You chew the inside of your cheek gently, leg bouncing. “Anyway though— umm… yeah I actually want to make kids books, still in the starting part though.”
He nods, running a hand over his face, nearly shifting the blue eye mask out of place. “You’ve got a point, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.” He pouts, tapping his fingers on the table. “So, you should tell me about the book idea you have.” He points out, stretching his hand across the table to take your hand in his own again.
Biting your lip, you try and reign your thoughts in, looking at the tabletop for the time being until you begin to speak again, telling him all about your idea in as much detail as you can, though, for the moment, you mostly have details about the characters, and you can just tell by the look on Leo’s face that he is enthralled and enamoured with the idea which makes you feel a lot more confident about sharing this with him. You had been working on this for forever at this point and had never actually shared it with anyone. 
By the time you’re done speaking, Leo is practically bouncing. “I love the characters, especially Leaf! He’s so precious— and his favourite thing being stamp collecting?? It’s such a nerdy hobby, but its really cute to think about a leaf having a stamp collection! What if Shooting Star got him stamps from space!?” He gushes, visibly bouncing in his seat— it was almost like he was vibrating.
Giggling in response, you shake your head, smiling fondly and briefly glancing to the side at one of the potted plants by the counter in thought before you returned your gaze to the turtle. “I’m glad you enjoy it so far.” You begin, “maybe you’d want to help me with it a bit— you know, go over what I have eventually? I think any input you could give me would be really helpful.”
Leo blinks in surprise and then gets flustered, chuckling as he looks out the window at the people passing by. “I don’t know if I would be much help— art is more my brother Mikey’s thing, you know?” He admits. “But. I’m happy to look at everything!”
You roll your eyes and squeeze his hand gently. “I think you’d give me great advice, even if it’s not your strength, I mean just letting me know if you like it helps, or mentioning if something looks like it should be different- even if you don’t know what it is.” Tracing a small heart into the back of his hand absently, you shrug. “-but if you’re honestly not comfortable with that, I won’t force you.”
Mulling it over, he hums and returns the gentle gesture of squeezing your hand. “I mean, I guess I could, I mean the idea of being the only person looking it over is pretty cool!”
You’re about to speak when he suddenly nods and chimes in again.
“Yeah, you know what. I’ll do it. If it would make you happy, I’ll do it.”
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prophet-of-calamity · 14 days
Red & Spinel : AU Apocalypse SU Fanfic
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Beach City's destroyed, infested by it's newly transformed corrupted gems.
A new form of corruption, more powerful and dangerous than ever before.
Steven and the Crystal Gems are nowhere to be found.
Everybody else, either presumed dead, missing or corrupted, an apocalypse.
A dark past buried deep in history, threatening to uncover and upend everything we know about gemkind...
And a mysterious Red gem at the center of it all.
How can Spinel, and less than a handful of others can save the world and the people they love?
Credits to the amazing @zoe3py for making this wonderful art of Red and Spinel! You can find more of her works/follow her here:
Author's Note & Q/A's:
Hey there! My name's Mor, and welcome to my SU Fanfic of Spinel! I've made this blog as a way to post updates on my fic, post lovely art for SU, and as a way to interact with the fan base!
But mostly, to spread the word out for my fic bcuz it is my pride and joy and I want people to read it :3
I know it's been 4+ years since the show ended, but I think Spinel deserves her happily ever after>:) and I want to give her that, even if it is only in the realm of fanfic.
The show means a lot to me, and I'm sure most of you feel the same way with me when I say that Future season wasn't all that fulfilling. I just think that there are some storylines that haven't ended yet, like Spinel's, and some ships that are in need of development, like Lapidot. This fic aims to do that, and I hope you'll have fun reading it!
Q: What inspired you to write the fanfic?
Aside from the aforementioned reason of making it a better ending, the major reason would be a dream I had 2 years ago, specifically one scene with Spinel.
I don't wanna spoil, so let's just say I was so captivated to the point where I was sobbing in my sleep, screamed at the top of my lungs in my pillows, fist pumped in the air, celebrating in the bathroom as to not be embarrassed, grabbed a notebook, and spent the next 5 hours writing down every little detail of that dream to make sure that I don't miss anything, that I just HAD to make the fic. It's that amazing, and it is taking all of my willpower to not spoil every single one of you of the ending.
Q: Is it any good?
I'd like to be modest and say that I am NOT so good in writing. Literacy isn't my course, in fact it's quite the polar opposite really (Accounting) and my love for reading books and SU is HARD CARRYING this fic.
But I'll let you be the judge of my work :3 this is my first time in like, ever, writing something so commentary would be appreciated!
Q: What day do you release/how often?
Once every 15th/30th of the month.
... supposedly. I'm not very good with schedules lmao, but I'll be sure to update every so often! It all depends on the schedule of my classes, and whenever I have free days.
Q: Can I repost/draw fanart/write fanfic about your work?
Yes, absolutely, most definitely.
In fact, I implore you to interact with me, because my dumbass decided to get into the fan base long after the show had ended.
I crave interaction, hits and kudos are the lifeblood of an author, and you don't know how much joy a comment brings to an up-and-coming smalltime author.
So if your willing, please leave a like and repost this on your blogs! It would mean the world to me 🫶💟
(That's all for now! I'll probably add more stuff in the future if ever I forgot/the situation calls for it)
There's currently 3 chapters out as of now! So hey if you're still reading at this point, might I indulge you to read the actual fic, hmm? Thank you for your time ♥️ 🩷
Edit: An image description as requested:
(Image Description: A picture of two pink colored women side by side each other. On the left side, Red, wearing a pink and white fancy dress, makes a cute pose, her right hand next to her face showcasing her Red gem. Her red-pink ponytails point upwards, braided to shape like drills. She exudes an adorable aura, sparkles and roses float around her happy expression, a playful smile between her cheeks. On the right is Spinel, holding a scythe at her right arm, the scythe's blade made of light above their heads. She wears a jet black scarf covering her mouth, flowing to the bottom of the picture, enveloping them. She wears a dark pink coat, showing her upsidedown heart gem on her chest. Her dark pink ponytails are messy. Her pink eyes glow menacingly, black mascara tears flowing down her cheeks, a pink bloodstain streak across her cheek. Her face visibly darkens, having the look of a predator staring down at its prey intimidatingly. A princess and her dark knight.)
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wifiwuxians · 7 months
20 questions writer meme.
tagged by @heyholmesletsgo THANK YOUUU
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
not counting things i'd rather remained anonymous, 21!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
513,621 lol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mdzs, vaguely tgcf, hotline miami (though mostly past tense) and we'll see about the future
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Wei Wuxian's Super Special Super Secret Book Club still reigns supreme with 1229 kudos, and will most likely be my legacy despite it being the second fic i ever wrote for the fandom (i think?)
If You're Reading This, It's Too Late with 513, one would think i'd still be messing around with this AU but i'm happy to leave it where it is and just keep messing around with the crackship
Dawn Chorus, my most precious baby, at 251 by some miracle despite being oc/canon. you guys spoiled me with the love for this one tbh. none of my other xue yang centric works got anywhere near this close and i'm at peace with that because he's bonking my oc in this one and they have a kid.
The Book Club Extras at 232, which is hilarious when compared to the original but at least new readers will see there's more and maybe in the year 2055 i will publish them for fun
Frozen Pond with 156 at the end of the list, written for my friend @petitjams and taking place in a silly AU we made together (wen chao stays winning on here which is very funny)
i'm attributing the popularity of the first two to mostly being centered around super popular characters, because my later stuff is naturally better yet struggling haha
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
always unless they're like just emoji, because i like conversation! though i may also reply with a little heart hehe
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i wouldn't call it angstiest ending, it's bittersweet, but the threads that bind us is my top pick. and it also needs more readers so go read it. your hands and mine has a bit of an 'angsty' ending but only for song lan. xue yang had it coming :p 💖
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
excluding the two above, so far they all have a happy ending, or at least neutral??? i'd say Book Club, though, because that's the massive 'everybody lives!!' silly fixit fic
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope. i hope i didn't just jinx it. i get hate on art and through anon though! woo! (not anymore on here tho thank god)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do and i feel like it sucks so i almost always end up fading to black LMAO my actual explicit stuff remains private... it's like too embarrassing for me. i got judged for it as an 18 year old and 10 years later haven't gotten over it. i like bondage and bdsm though and that seems to crop up in private 😏
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i do on occasion! i love roleplaying them, but the only one i have out there is The Way To His Heart Is Through His Stomach (Oh God Please Don't Eat Me), which mixes mdzs and tgcf characters in a unique setting :3
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge, but i've had art stolen plenty so i wouldn't even be surprised
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, a few have been translated into russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
all time? jeez. somebody tell me why i always freeze up and go blank when asked these simple questions? it's like i forget who the fuck i am. i feel like i should also say songxiao? but they're relatively new so it doesn't seem correct. fuck it. my all time favorite ship is [DATA MISSING OR CORRUPTED-- PLEASE PROCEED TO NEXT QUESTION]
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
haha... (looks at my abandoned hlm fic with the seventh chapter halfway written) haha...
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'd definitely say dialog. it makes sense, since the stuff i'm most used to doing is drawing silly comics. i also like to ping-pong emotions around and feel like i'm pretty good at that too
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
using the same words over and over and feeling like i never write Enough, like everything is always light and never in depth. i don't like making scenes too heavy with padding but i also feel like i need to find a balance
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i'll do it only if it's a language i speak!!! this doesn't apply to peppering words like gege and stuff just for funsies. i think the best way to go about it is to just tell the audience what language they're speaking in that moment
19. First fandom you wrote for?
we're gonna have to go back to when i was 10 years old here lol... i think it was tokyo mew mew in terms of stuff i put online (oh god)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
it's hard to pick favorites, but i once again must say the threads that bind us in terms of work i'm most proud of.
i tag whoever sees it, plus @sugarapplebaby because ily
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spockandawe · 8 months
Awkward gap until next meeting. So. Things i COULD make on short notice
Software manual book(s): Easy. Mindless. Boring, but useful. I have at least two more targets in my sights, but i also have three half-finished books just waiting for cricut titles.
Long transformers essay: the formatting from pdf...... all the images........... but WHAT IF
Ylpeys ja ennakkoluulo: Needs learning time in Affinity, unsure how long formatting will take. Possible, also something likely to tank my sleep schedule.
Thousand Autumns: current doc has long stretches of half-edited mtl. That's. That would be a big compromise. I don't like it, I think I'd rather wait
Coming Up With A Villain Reformation Strategy: No proofread? It'd be fast. Unsure what commitment proofreading would be.
Peerless Immortal Surrounded By Demonic Disciples: Same issue.
Single-volume mxtx: Maybe. If I'm repeating myself i want something novel tho
Yuwu: Maybe? Same proofreading question, but this was a really good translation
Raksura fic: mmmmmmmmmmaybeeeeee. It's still actively updating though, it feels a little silly to commit a second time knowing it'll immediately be dated 🤣
PoF: maybe! Wouldn't be bad to at least format some pages for illumination practice even if I can't do much there yet.
New box????? Mysterious and vague, brut boxes make me happy
Raksura fic: I could :X Okay but this depends on me chipping at some short vignettes and either getting a full set done or being confident i have momentum to continue as i post chapters. Momentum is a gamble, especially since this is a destination wedding with vacation activities.
Bwx/xl: old wip, unsure how satisfied i am. But there was PROGRESS. I might be able to slam it out
Return to tlj shipping? No wips in progress, but he usually comes easily to me.
Brand new raksura fic: i have kink brainstorming i could try to leverage, but I really, really can't tell how well writing will go right now
Cronch fic: Oh.... That might work, ill have to look at that.
Ye olde svsss aus: restore diet bingge to second person, see if more scenes shake out. This is close to being something I'm willing to just post, but it's not QUITE got enough connective tissue. Finishing is probably outside the scope of "short notice" tho
Transcription. Also not short notice, but pleasing bite-sized chunks.
Other baby blanket: I'm.... Unmotivated. Crochet make hand hurty
Tardigrade: hand hurty is acceptable if the result is stuffed tardigrade. I need to find my safety eyes, though
Starscream cross-stitch: DEFINITELY not short notice, but very satisfying
Embroidery embroidery: Probably want to wait for better health, so I don't get frustrated.
Steering wheel cover: yes, probably, but that's a kit and won't scratch the sammmmme creative urges
Spinning: god, probably wait for better health and new house
Long furby: maybe do this BEFORE the move, tbh. But mystery time investment.
New applique quilt: also not short notice. Need a subject too. I feel like I'd had something in mind, but I'm drawing a blank.
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citrus-cactus · 5 months
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Howdy, all! I can't post my art summary quite yet because it contains part of someone's Secret Santa gift, so I thought I would fill out the fic summary template created by @reliablejoukido (see her original post here!). Even though I didn't publish (or finish!) much, I did start writing again this year, and that feels like a huge accomplishment, so it seemed like it would be fun to look back and talk a little bit about what I have in the works.
First, the finished fic!
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My er... grand return to writing (I wouldn't call it that, but I did have a lot of fun writing and drawing for it, even if it took 6+ months from start to finish ^^;). I love these three characters as a trio so much. It was really hard to pull out a quote I liked and have it make sense in context, so I put the summary in there... but since I brought it up in another post, I thought I'd share what one of my editing drafts looks like:
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(ok, so maybe not the tiniest font imaginable, but sometimes there are cross-outs to the cross-outs and sometimes I DO run out of room near troublesome paragraphs and in the margins!)
Now, onto WIPs!
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Hmm, well! That sure is a title, isn't it? ;) I wanted to write Junzumi and came up with this idea late last year, and finally started trying to figure it out. It's meant to be fun and flirty and a bit awkward, but the ultimate goal is to be kind to JP, because he (and his body) are given so little love overall. And even though JP and Zoe are not actually hooking up in this fic, it is meant to show the relationship between the two of them in college, and how they could start going from friendship to dating. There IS nudity, but it's meant to be tasteful and respectful, I promise!
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Oof. I haven't forgotten this fic, I swear (even though I published Chapter 4 three years ago!). I got really excited to work on it earlier this year (flush with success from actually publishing something, rotfl!) and then let it continue to languish (orz). Upon reflection, the reason it's been stalled is I was having a hard time figuring out the flow of action, but after re-outlining it in September I think I know now what Maki needs to be doing in order to experience the emotions I always meant her to be feeling in this chapter. And yes, she and Meiko meet (yay!).
Chapter 6 has been done for YEARS, and Chapter 7's probably pretty close to done as well, so it really is just this chapter being the hold-up.
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AKA, Garg Fic #1. Been mulling over ideas for fic for this fandom all summer, and finally decided to write one based on some minor characters from the SLG comics (that I didn't even read, and can't read now because they're out of print). But I AM reading the new Dark Ages comics, and I'm proving to be a really good guesser about certain details, so actually, I feel INCREDIBLY validated about my original vision and characterization, ahaha.
As you may be able to tell from the quote selection, this is not a happy story. But I believe it's a story worth telling. It's about preserving customs in the face of tragedy, and mourning, and extinction, and love.
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AKA, the thing that pulled me away from writing Garg Fic #1. I was possessed. I was writing something in my head about Macbeth's relationship with Demona this summer, and suddenly (VERY suddenly) it morphed into this. Dang, but they're fun to think about. This fic is weird, it will contain one MAJOR narrative trope/cliche, and it's definitely going to be NSFW if I end up getting that far. But I reeeeeeally like this paragraph I wrote for it XD
Thanks for the template Zuz, and thanks to everyone else for letting me ramble about writing! See you again for the art roundup!
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error-dream-was-found · 9 months
ooooh okay, for the fic writer thing! 1, 4, 14, 16, 33, 40 and uhhh 56? bonus of 39 (if you want)
Thank you for asking <3
1. "Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?"
I prefer multichaptered fics ... my last attempt to write one-shot turned into 160 000 words long fic (still updating btw)
4. "Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?"
Everywhere ... seriously, it´s a mix of shower thoughts, 3 Am ideas and random things I thought of while reading another fics. For example the 'enderchest torture' idea hit me while I was reading some fic where to get Dream out of Pandora they hide him in an enderchest and my brain just went "wait for how long was he there? What was it like for him? Would it even be possible?" And I moved from there. That one is one of my less developed ideas but it´s a good example of my thought process ig. Or fics like 'monsters don´t deserve hugs but you aren´t a monster' came from that single sentence. I thought about it while reading some fic where Dream went "I´m a monster I don´t deserve nice things and it spiraled from there.
14. "how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?"
It depends on my mood ig? If that makes sense. Sometimes I really get into it and even make myself cry. But sometimes I'll ruin these characters lives with zero care. I certainly draw from personal experience as much as I can. Although I don't really have much personal experience with the stuff I'm writing about so *shrugs*
16. "How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?"
*counts on fingers* ehm ... well if I count in the half-baked ideas and all that ... I think I could have roughly 15-20? (I wanna talk about them T-T)
You already know about the superhero one (although I have new trauma for blob!), so I'll say a bit about a different idea one of my dremon fics perhaps? I don't have a name yet but the mail story line pretty much goes like this: Dream is a demon - cruel creature feeding off humans emotions, mostly happiness. Demons in common are manipulative, heartless and selfish beings that prey on humans.
The rest of the characters are mostly demon hunters (not sure on all members yet but Sapnap, George, Sam and Quackity are certainly there).
The plot basically begins when the hunters catch Dream. He's not very strong and thus not considered a serious threat. Instead of killing him immediately they decide to experiment on him (to learn more about demons), the problem is - Dream is the sweetest person ever. He's nothing like the other demons they've met and well it's kinda hard to dissect someone alive while they rant about the adorable cat that lives in the backstreet behind the convenience store ... (sry for ranting)
33. "Do you want to be published some day?"
Yes but unfortunately I'm not too good with creating original stories and my writing style isn't really good so .... maybe one day ... (until then the closest I'll get is printing my own stories ... that is also a way to practice book binding lol)
40. "If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?"
Honestly? I have no idea. There're just so many scenes I love and I'd absolutely love to see drawn. But if anyone ever were to make a fanart of my fic I'd be over the roof about it, I wouldn't care what scene it is I'd just be so damn happy that they liked the story enough to go through the trouble of creating the art. And any scene they'd pick would be perfect because then I'd know which scene they liked the most.
56. "What's something about your writing that you pride yourself on?"
... I'll be honest I don't think my writing is anything special, there are a few scenes I'm happy with but overall .... *shrugs*
But if there's something I'm really proud of it's probably the fact that I was able to write a story that many people enjoyed. When I started writing 2 years ago I never thought I'll have this many people not only reading my story but also liking it. Sure, it's not that much but it's a lot more than I ever expected! It blows my mind because I know that there are much better fic out there, yet people still decided to read something I wrote. It´s really crazy
39. "Share a snippet from a WIP"
daamn this is getting too long ... Imma sharing a snipped anyway! But what snipped .... I'm feeling like doing an villain arc today so I´m gonna post something from a story I haven't published yet and probably won´t be able to publish for at least few months:
Note: this story is still sitting in my drafts so the grammar check wasn't done yet, therefore there are extra grammar errors which I apologize for
He tripped over something. The tiny sharp rocks covering the forest floor dug painfully into his palms as he tried to slow down his fall and the pain shooting from his scraped knees pushed a new tears into his eyes. He just wanted to stay there on the floor and cry but hte monsters were getting closer. He can´t let them get him, he can´t! Desperately trying to wipe the tears out of his eyes, Dream stood up, only taking a second to glance back at the thing he tripped over. It looked like a fence … looking forward again, the blonde saw a tall dilapidated building. 
It was looming over him in the dead of night like something right out of a scary story his mom would tell him on these good nights when instead of yelling at him she'd put him to bed and if he was lucky she´d tell him a story. He wanted to ran away from the half collapsed building but as scary as it was the monsters were scarier. That building would provide him at least some cover and he needed that desperately. He won´t be able to run all night and the air was already heavily filled with the smell of rain. It was just a question of time till the storm begins. Encouraged by the hisses and groans from behind Dream ran inside. 
It took his eyes a moment to adjust to darkness that was even more prominent now. Once he did he realized he was in what seems to be an abandoned Prime church. He looked around nervously. The place gave him chills. It was clear that no one worshiped Prime here for years, maybe even decades and the place now had a sinister atmosphere to it. As everything holy did when it was forgotten for too long. The cracked, faded paintings of Prime´s angels looked down on him, it felt as if they were watching him, following his every mood. The wooden floors cracked under his weight and from the altar a soft clinging of chains could be heard as the incense swung in the light breeze. 
But the worst of all was the terrible feeling that he's not alone. That there´s something watching him. Someone. No, no he was just being dumb, this place is clearly abandoned. Maybe it's just an animal that settled here. Or these dumb angles. Yeah it must be the angles. It's dark and he's tired, he's just imagining their eyes moving to follow him. 
The first drops of rain hit the ground and a wind whistles through the abandoned church. Goosebumps raised to the surface and Dream shivered. It's just cold, it's just cold, it's just cold. The rain got heavier in just a few minutes. A lightning flashed through the sky and a thunder shook the whole building, just as a voice from somewhere in the shadows spoke up.
“Won't you look at that … a human. What a treat”
The question of who's there froze on Dream’s tongue as another lighting illuminated the inside of the church and the body less shadow floating in front of him. It had a distinct shape of human but none of its features could be seen other than two glowing eyes. It dived for him.
Dream screamed.
- story name: Sweet Little Nightmares (I'm more than willing to talk about this story :)
Sakra nechala som sa uniesť. Dúfám, že som ťa neunudila k smrti a gratulujem ak si sa dostala až sem ;)
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morimakesfanart · 1 year
quick question so for the one shots will u take request?
Yes. I am taking requests and suggestions. Patrons on patreon will get priority with suggestions. It's taking me a while to get the first ones done. I like to have at least 3 "chapters" done when I start posting a series.
The request list so far: -Reverse Isekai AU with Sinbad & all 8 Generals -Mori turned into a 6 or 7 y/o -Mori shrunk down small enough to fit in Sin's pocket -Many requests for Adventures AU so I'll be testing a bunch of set ups until I figure out what I want to do for a full fic
I do have some ideas of my own that I'll be doing too. One of which is already written with one art done, but I can't start this series with a NSFW one shot since I can't post most of it on tumblr I want to have at least 2 requests done before I post one that one.
I have the Reverse Isekai AU drafted but I'm not happy with it yet. I'm struggling with keeping it light hearted since I will suddenly have to support 9 more people which will absolutely make us live paycheck to paycheck even if some of them can find work. I do have this some drawings I did while trying to figure it out what would be actually enjoyable for the AU:
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EDITED TO ADD: If you have any suggestions for things you want to see in the isekai AU please send them to me or DM them (whichever). One Anon sent an idea of Sin messing with Snapchat filters and it definitely helped!
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cosmic-navel-gazin · 6 months
"About the Blogger" Meme by @razielim
Haven't seen one of these in forever; I'm being the change I want to see. (You're encouraged to adapt/remove questions or add new ones to better suit yourself.)
Favorite Pseud: Cosmic is the new hotness but my indecisive ass has had a billion! Alas-poor-yorick! is an old one I'm still fond of because my child self really went and saw Hamlet and thought: "YES! THE SKULL OF THE DEAD JESTER! THAT'S WHO I WANNA BE!"
Time Zone: GMT
Star Sign(s): the one that's a COSMIC RAM! 🐏🌠✨
Favorite Holidays: every holiday is always tinged with just a tad of existential dread, a pang reminding me of the time that's already gone by, that I'm one day closer to death , I guess the ones during Spring and Summer, just because of the weather and that the days are longer
Last Meal: Soup and a piece of bread with olive oil (and olives)
Current Favorite Musician: my dear friend who plays the piano^^ (whom I hope never finds out about this blog and reads this or I'll never hear the end of it). Not sure if current, but I've listened to a lot of it regularly so, shout-out to Jordi Savall and his Hespèrion XXI group *gnaws on their many variations of the spanish Folías*
Last Music Listened To: Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Is In) · Kenny Rogers & The First Edition
Last Movie Watched: Saw X and The Lobster
Last TV Show Watched: The Bear
Last Book/Fic Finished: Can't remember what was the last book so I'm going with: One of only two in existence A Field In England fics on AO3 😳
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: Kafka's The Trial (not abandoned, I just wanted to finish the ones I had started first before continuing because I know this one's gonna hurt for sure)
Currently Reading: Solaris by Stanisław Lem
Books/Shows/Movies/etc. You Want to Get Around To: For Films I have some listed on this ask. For books I got some Strugatskys to get to, some Terry Pratchett, some Kafka, some Horus Heresy, my sister got me Foundation *looks at bookshelf and ignores the dozens of others that have been sitting there for years, waiting for me*
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: Wild boars! Boarzinhos if you will.
Last Eureka, Breakthrough, or Neat Fact/Concept Learned: Have learned nothing and remain a fool.
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: I don't think I've ever been in a Fandom™ per se. It's usually just, sitting in my dark lair and enjoying a thing with a handful of other people. But, if it counts since it's the closest to interacting with Fandom I've had: these past (4?) years on tumblr in general. From the months-long (sometimes years-long) discussions about this or that piece of media and the insightful observations traded, the juicy meta, the joy and privilege of people sending you unfinished pieces of their art and writing through DMs (the trust and intimacy of it all!!!), sending each other memes and posts we think the other might enjoy, the nice messages, etc... all of it really.
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: Am baby and haven't really experienced this yet.
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: I literally can't choose because almost everything I love is some flavour of weird-ass-obscure thing! But uhmmm, *flips through enormous tome of interests* : Here! Rule of Rose ! I was starving for psychological horror games after the Silent Hill series and this is the closest I've ever seen to them while also not being just a rip off/clone of SH, and telling its own beautifully tragic story (the combat is broken and there's other issues but everything else, maaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn).
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: I will draw Rumata and Budach's Conversation™ from chapter 8 in full, in comic form, skill to pull it off and do it justice or not, EVEN IF IT KILLS ME!
Tempting Project You're 100% Going to Undertake: It involves sandcastles and the joys of creation... but it needs to *gasp!* actually be written and not just daydreamed about.
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space-blue · 1 year
1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 11
Great selection, this took me a long while to hunt down the answers! From the Fandom end of year ask.
favourite fandom you joined this year
Bit of a cheat because it's a 'sub' fandom, but I'll say Andor (star wars). Avatar is right there, yes, but it doesn't have the oomph of Andor. Avatar has a ton of missing character development, and if the world were more approchable, I'd see myself doing a lot of fix its and missing scenes. Andor is difficult on the other hand because it's so perfect. Hard to feel like I have anything to add to the fandom. But it's the one show I've been rewatching to death and having so much respect for.
favourite fic of the year 
This is basically impossible to piiiiick.
I'll mention Fathers & Daughters, even though it's my own, because you have to goddamn love a fic to spend more than a year slaving over it. And I dooo, and yes I AM working on the final chapter still, soz lol
The hottest smut I've read was Boundaries by Spiced, and well, I did nag about it when we discussed the idea, and it's a gift, but that doesn't change the fact it's the best :3 Very happy with it. It's hot by my ace standards. Basically very mindfuck focused. Fandom is Andor!
And then for multi chapter, I'm going to mention this absolutely insane and amazing FE3H complete fic To Those Who Are Never Going Home by MadameHyde. It's set after the game in an Empire win, where a lot of the Blue Lions find themselves teaching at Garrech Mach. I didn't read the tags so some reveals blew my little brain out of the water, it was amazing. Super prose, very character driven, really enjoyed it.
favourite fanart of the year
I thought this would be hard to answer, and then I realised it wouldn't be, actually, even if I'm cheating. BOTH these Maliketh fanarts have been my screen backgrounds for MONTHS. This one is on my phone and on my better Discord :
And this one is my laptop background :
They're dope and Maliketh is top pubber and I'm still obsessed with him. He's peak design and radiates blorbo energies. He's broken and I wanna fix him and pet him and--
favourite author of the year
@spicedrobot That one isn't too hard. I've read a LOT of their work this year, by vertue of doing a lot of beta swaps, and because they write some very delicious ships. They are responsible for 99% of my smut intake in 2022. Also I think it says a lot about an author that you can beta them every other day and never get tired of their unhinged content. They're just that good. (They are in a constant state of wrangling me over my terrible comma game, so they're also very patient and could have strangled me a long time ago, yet they didn't!)
favourite creator of the year
Very hard choice, especially when it's so broad and I've already struggled with the fanart one… But I'm going to go with :
@aromansoul. I just really love their art, and finding them through a shared Silco obsession was delightful. They have a very unique style, with colours that seem to float and come in and out of focus. You'll be staring at a super rendered area and it's perfect, and then you look elsewhere and realise half the drawing is just broad strokes… Absolutely tricks my mind, it's delightful. Also they have some fantastic unique designs of their own content that I think are dope.
favourite OC you met this year
Ah, finally an easy one! Meet Rain Drenched Mountain. He's @scuttlebuttin's Predator OC and he's very sweet. I love his design, his lore, and I think he has great taste. Very handsome lad and each time I see more art of him I feel like a little kid. I mean, Scuttlebuttin is a big favourite artist, and where they're not in a very very distressing blood-gore-clown period, I'm always thrilled to see what they post. Just check out their Odin fanart for the new God Of War, it's out of this world!!
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kays-kg-works · 1 year
General Update + ‘My Love, My Life’ Fic Announcement
Wanted to post a sort of update on my lack of activity as well as let anyone who used to follow my KakaGai fic series I was working on know what’s up with that. Putting everything below a cut to keep it from clogging up anyone’s dashboard, but the main points will be about this blog, my art, a little of what’s been keeping me away, and ‘My Love, My Life’.
Soooo obviously I haven’t been active almost at all on here, OR my side-blogs recently. A large part of that is due to all this health stuff I’ve had going on getting me down, but I’ve also recently started going back to school for the first time in seven years to continue pursuing my degree in 3D animation (currently taking 3 courses), and have two D&D campaigns I’m DMing for. Plus I think that for a while there I just lost my inspiration to write fic/draw fanart. Or to create in general, really.
I’ve still been hanging around, checking in from time to time, but overall I just haven’t really been motivated to work on any projects I had such big plans for. To the point where a lot of the ideas I’d had written down with the intention of writing them out or drawing at some point are now like, 2+ years old. I still love a great deal of the concepts, and would still really like to take the time to put them out there, but a couple things are starting to feel... not dated, necessarily, but I’ve had new thoughts.
That’s where we get to the stuff about my ‘My Love, My Life’ KakaGai fanfic series that I started... a little over three years ago now. And the last time I updated it was about 2 1/2 years ago. Since then, I’ve worked on it a little bit, but the next chapter isn’t even done. I’ve recently been going over the ‘outlines’ I had for what each chapter should be from start to finish (barely a few sentences for each in most cases) and found that...
I don’t really like the plot layout I had planned at the time anymore.
Not to say I’m gonna scrap it all - there were still some really cute ideas I had in there. But I’m looking to do... a full rework of the series from chapter seven (the one after the last published chapter) on. I’m talking about changing the number of chapters per fic, changing the titles I had planned for each chapter (thus changing the order of the playlist since every chapter is named after a song and I have new thoughts on that playlist’s contents). Possibly even changing the number of planned fics in the series.
As a bit of a peek into what that would mean at least for the first part, ‘All I Want’, I was originally planning on having that last 22 chapters and cover from Gai and Kakashi first meeting up to Rin’s death. It’s a lot of ground to cover in that amount of time, but I thought back then that it would be alright. I now think I either want to make it longer or split it up so the first fic is maybe from first meeting to Kakashi ending up on Minato’s team with Rin and Obito and the second part covering his time with that team up until some of the aftermath of Rin’s death?
That way, what was originally planned to be part 2, ‘Unravel’, would still start around the same place as I’d intended (Kakashi being considered for Anbu), while still giving me extra room to play around in the earlier parts of his life without having something that ends up being 50 chapters while every other part is like 20-25ish.
Yes this means that I am intending to continue the series. I know it’s been a long time, but I yet live (barely) and am not planning to ever truly give the series up. If I eventually find myself in my forties writing gay Naruto fanfic, so be it. I have a lot of love for the series, and for KakaGai as a ship still. It’s just a matter of reminding myself that every chapter doesn’t have to be perfect - it just has to be.
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evergardenwall · 1 year
The new Jason liker is back! Honestly-- maybeeee jasico is winning out after scrolling thru some blogs 👀👀👀
If you have a second, love to hear why you love the ship / what drew you to it
oooohh 👀 feel free to share more of your jason thoughts here! i would love to read them :^)
as for my jasico journey. well. there's how i was first drawn to the ship when i was younger, and there's how i actually joined the fanbase and read fics when i revisited my pjo/hoo phase in 2021....which makes not just one but two origin stories!
so. first of all, you need to know that when i first started reading heroes of olympus, i was already obsessed with nico from reading the pjo series before, and also related to him a lot re: the rejection he faced and his feelings of alienation from both camp half-blood and camp jupiter....it's actually mind-blowing to think abut how my eleven years-old baby queer (who didn't know they were not straight yet) self completely latched onto him, both had a crush and projected onto this character, would spend hours looking at fanart and have their friend drawing shippy art of them with him-- yes, this is a thing that happened (and yes, i was one of those younger nico fangirls back in 2014... kind of cringe, i know, but that's part of why i still am attached to him to this day! he is so important to me! and hey, i turned out not to be a girl so 👀). LIKE. hello. younger sam. i know what you are
and then, house of hades happened; the cupid scene and nico having a crush on percy and actually becoming canonically gay had a stupidly huge impact on me. like, yeah, heroes of olympus is objectively the least good series riordan has written in terms of writing quality, but i would not be the same person today if hadn't read it 😞 and it's my favorite rip
i remember reading hoh for the first time back in february 2014, after a day out in paris with my grandmother during which i had dragged her to a bookstore because it had just been published in france, and feeling shaken to my core -- in a good way --, so closely drawn to this character for a reason i could not articulate. and there was jason's reaction, the way he also was drawn to nico, and his support for hades' son, later sealed with the chalice scene in blood of olympus. which was probably one of the gayest jasico scenes. btw (in my opinion, at least. and frank's pov is so fucking funny). so i was like... 'oh my god. jason and nico. [cannot articulate why they love the later beginning of friendship they have going on so much]' and completely latched onto them, but without realising it nor sharing it with other fans this time! because i was too embarrassed!
i already liked jason as a character before the cupid scene, but his chapters in house of hades and blood of olympus as well as his whole identity crisis storyline, torn between greeks and romans, made me love this character even more. imo, his best scenes are in these two books (although after re-reading the lost hero, i have grown to appreciate this book's jason a lot... thinking about when he meets thalia and the moments with leo 🥺)-- and i loved his dynamic with nico. i didn't openly ship them, because i was too intimidated too explore non-canon pairings back then, until i got into jercy on wattpad (it was certainly another time wdxwshdjs). at this moment, not only reading these silly little fics made me more confident in being a jason fan who read him as bi (because i was 13-14 back then, and all my friends at the time thought he was lame and straight), but it inspired me to write a tiny jasico fic, which i never finished but hey, the passion was there :)
after that, i got into so.langelo for a couple of years-- i wasn't familiar with archive of our own, nor fluent in english, which didn't help me finding content besides from minuiko's work (i regularly stalked her blog despite not having a tumblr account) and amvs with stolen fanart on youtube, so i ended up continuing to keep my interest in jasico for myself. seeing nico having a canon boyfriend when toa started releasing had me very excited, although i didn't really care about will..... (whereas i strongly dislike so.langelo but have a lot of headcanons about will as an individual character now. lol.)
fast forward to 2021: for a reason i can't remember (perhaps the first pjo adaptation news? having met my cousin's girlfriend and talked about the books -- and jason! -- with her very enthusiastically? someone putting random fanart on my dash? the world will never know), i decided to start re-reading pjo for the first time in a while, and because i was finally on tumblr, i decided to look at the different tags to see if jasico had a fanbase... and fell into the rabbit hole! and here i am now, sharing conspiracy theories 😞 /j
more seriously, my 2021 obsession with jasico was the first time i actually gave coherent thought to this pairing besides from the Vibes i was getting when i was younger, and rediscovered the things that made me love each character when i was younger. and oh my god, jason... i projected onto jason so much.
it was very comforting, too, like reuniting with old friends, and somehow made me understand a new thing or two about myself. i love the parallels between jason and nico's storylines and how compelling their pairing is from a narrative viewpoint. like. it makes SENSE. on that topic, i will never stop linking this presentation because it analyses the whole thing so well and i wish i could be this articulate instead of just being like.... poetic cinema reaction picture dot jpg. (my mutuals are way smarter than me. go follow them 🔫)
but anyway, long story short: jasico is very Good and i'm glad to see it's kind of becoming relevant again? <- i am unsure of whether we're witnessing a renaissance or if it's just my dash having a mass hysteria event... but i *am* seeing jasico posts getting more notes than usual and it is intriguing so 👀
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annawayne · 11 months
Hello there, I am here for the ask game!!
I dare to answer every single one of them (or at least the ones you didn’t answer yet !!)
Hiii, thank you for asking, and OH MY! This is a challenge, but let's try it!
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
Oh, well, it's going to be in "Wasteland of (our) promises" with Armin being shy and red as a tomato and sneaky-teasing Jean, asking his friend about love affairs
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
The answer is here!
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Oh, it's that one in BMSS from chapter one, when Armin overhears the made-up (as it turns out) story from Annie, Pieck and Reiner. It was a real fun to write, and I giggled all the way.
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
No…t yet😚
✍️ Do you have a beta reader?
Yes! And I'm really grateful for their help and support with all my ideas, both in writing and drawing.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Both are also answered here :)
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
Oh well…I'm proud of you, Ann, that you keep going with your ideas and writing style even if you think it's TOO much and not good enough because it may be only your wrong point of view. But I already answered it here, hahah
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
ADORE THEM. But do you know what I love even more? Heh, the ✨second✨kiss that happens not right away after the first one.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
My answer is here!
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
Oh, this one is also here!
⛔️ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
No because I only have started to write and publish it, so all my WIPs will see the light because I intend to finish all of them!
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
Yep, and it's only one, but they really support me :)
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
I haven't written it yet😂 But I think one of my WIPs could be THE ONE.
🍷 Do you drink and write?
Oh, well, yes. 😅 Sometimes.
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
I do! The one that was Porn with Plot is Neverland of (our) desires, and this is the most popular one so far. But I think it may change.
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
Oh, I answered it here.
💖 What made you start writing?
And this one here, too!
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. I'm always tearing up when I receive so many kind words about my writing, and I can't even describe how happy I am to see comments, both short and long ones. Every kind word matters.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
I already answered it, and…my answer is the same, I don't know😅
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
It would be nice, I guess? And I would love to, but I'm not sure if my writing style could be suitable for such things.
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
The answer is here :)
🏆 What's your most popular fic?
Neverland of (our) desires so far.
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
I haven't written anything holiday related, but I think I will write one inspired by the Ukrainian "green" week in summer!
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
No, because nobody tried it yet, hahah.
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
I never received one but this is the most precious thing ever! To think that the person not only read my story but also was inspired enough to create something…this is one of the greatest compliments ever.
📈 How many fics do you have?
Only two, so far
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
Oh, my long answer is here!
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Oh, well, okay! So, I'm working on the sequel for "Neverland of (our) desires" called "Wasteland of (our) promises", and also it's going to be the three parts series with the last one called "Dreamland of (our) hopes". All of it is post-canon :)
Also, there's a fic in post-canon, non-related to the previous series, where Aruani didn't get together after the Rumbling, but, sure thing, have feelings for each other. But then during their Ambassadors trips Armin get sick, and, well…something is about to change 😏
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Not to be afraid! Just do it, write it what you want, how you want! Do it for yourself at the first place!
💞 Who's your comfort character?
Hmmm…Armin, I think.
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
I answered about Annie here :)
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Annie! Or Armin?🤔 Aaaah, both!
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
I shared two quite big snippets here!
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
Bury me in the shadows of spring… Just look at these tags...
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🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
I don't ask myself about such things because I think it's already successuful if it's written and published, and you have a lot of joy just from the fact that you've written it :)
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Oh, I already answered it!
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
It's an ambitious dream, but I would like to be published and to be able to illustrate my own book with my drawings!
⌛️ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
It all depends on chapter. Sometimes, I could write like 40% just in one evening, and sometimes I need the whole month just to outline the things. Now I'm quite slow due to my lack of energy, but I keep doing it because it's better slow than nothing at all.
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
I already answered it, and it's comedy. I just don't know how people write comedy, they're SUPERIOR.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
All my published fic broke my heart in their unique ways possible, hahah😂
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
It's all about how it's delivered. If I understand that the critisisim is not biased on the subject facts like "I don't like this trope, so your writing is shit", so I'm all ears. I welcome it when it's polite and have arguments.
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
Alongside (Author hates it) tag, it's also Hurt/Comfort because I think this is what all my writing is…
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
Oh, my answer is here!
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legolasghosty · 2 years
Hi Legolas, I'm about to be annoying and excessive again 💜
3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25 all for JATP
Hiiiii, thanks for the ask!
Okay... *cracks knuckles and does some stretches*... here we go.
3: What inspires you to keep creating fanworks?
Answered here!
4: What are your favorite types of fanworks to make?
The thing I do the most(and am probably the best at) is writing fanfics, mostly one shots and stuff cause I have a short attention span, lol! But I also love drawing when I have the time and ideas for it. It's so fun and occasionally turns out pretty!
6: What has been one of your favorite fandom experiences?
Okay, there's so many, but one thing that has been really special for me is that, pretty soon after I got into reading fics on AO3, I started betaing a long fic for @michelangelinden. It's called Between Chaos and Contentment(and a Little Creativity), and just... getting the chapters early and editing and screaming about them with him and just... the whole thing has been absolutely amazing!!! I love them and that fic so much!!! (everyone should go read it!)
8: Who are three fanwork creators (fic writers, gifmakers, artists, meta writers, etc.) that you love seeing on your dash?
Okay, these are in no particular order. First one has to be @latinposeidon. The headcanons and all the fun stuff he posts is amazing! @wr0temyway0ut is another lovely one that I love seeing around! His SMAUs my beloved!!! Last one I'll put here is @lyxchen! Her art is so pretty!!!! I love it so much!
9: What’s a fanwork that made you laugh?
Answered here! But also I have more so... One of yours that cracks me up every time is When the Moon Hits Your Eye Like a Big Pizza Pie, that's a Werewolf. Luke as a werewolf and just... doing weird stuff! I love it, it(and the whole series) makes me laugh every single time!
10: What’s a fanwork that made you cry?
Answered here!
11: What’s a fanwork that made you squeal?
Oh gosh... so many... Here's a good one! I'm Feeling Like I Missed You All This Time by Puddlesandparkinglots! Adorable Willex meeting and getting to know each other and getting together fic! I go back to this one when I need a pick-me-up <3
15: What three fanworks are you the proudest of making?
Answered here!
16: Are there fanworks in JatP that you’ve revisited multiple times?
Yes. Tons. I have a whole list in my head of Willex cuddle fics I go read when I'm feeling depresso. I am a chronic rewatcher/reader/listener. Everything I recommend in here or any other ask is probably something I've read at least three times. Well here's one from the list... Just Let Me Adore You by @julies-butterflies! So cute and soft, I love them so much!
18: What fanwork of yours would you like more fans to check out?
Oh. Um. Well, I don't think anyone should have to read any of my stuff, cause I don't think it's very good. I guess if I have to send you to any of mine, it would probably be You Are My Getaway. It's a cute little Willex fic that I wrote for Michelangelinden(tagged above on a previous question), and I think it turned out pretty cute!
19: What fanwork by someone else would you like more fans to check out?
Answered here! But also I have more so... Petals Under the Edges of my Skin by QueenoftheQuill. I just adore this fic so much and everyone should read it, even if you don't ship Julie and Bobby. It's just fricking gorgeous!
21: What is a recent fic you read for JatP that you enjoyed?
Geez, again with the hard questions? So many good ones! Just going through my AO3 history to the most recent one, We Can Lay Low by @curvesomesunsets. So cute!!!
22: Tag someone who brings great vibes to the JatP fandom!
Uhhh, all y'all? Wait, that's too many people... who haven't I tagged yet on here? @molinapattersons and @fandomscraziness22 both bring the lovely angst vibes that I could never have, so I deeply appreciate them both! I could go on for hours about their fics... and about other people here in the fandom! It's a good time here!
25: What unique thing do you think you bring to the JatP fandom?
... Am I allowed to say absolutely nothing? Like, I don't really... add much. I mostly enjoy everyone else's amazingness, rather than put in the stress and effort to put out my own stuff. I guess I'm a decent beta reader, so I help make other people's stuff better?
Whew, okay, that was a lot. Thank you so much for the ask, these were so fun!!!! Also, I'm so sorry to all the random people I tagged in here. Not trying to bother you, I promise! Just telling the humans how amazing you all are! Y'all are cool and deserve all the kudos and comments and screaming!
Send me some numbers from this list and I'll answer the questions!
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