#yeah i'm just learning my silly little words for my silly little interests what of it
guillemelgat · 2 years
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Tentative challenge topic schedule for the 30 Days of Vocab challenge!
Music instruments
Music theory
Animal husbandry
Gardening tools
Dungeons & Dragons
Board games
I’m going to try to do Catalan, Basque AND Welsh; we’ll see how that goes. A lot of these will probably be very silly lists, but I’m excited for them either way. Feel free to tag me in your guys’ posts, and let’s learn some vocab!
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diagonal-queen · 2 months
HELLO!! i keep requesting them sotty im obsessed but what about hunting dogs with a s/o who has a child😅😅i got silly again
Hunting Dogs with your child
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♡ pairing: Fukuchi Ouchi, Jouno Saigiku, Tecchou Suehiro, Teruko Okura (platonic), Tachihara Michizou x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How do these goofballs fare as stepdads? (or, in Teruko's case, fun auntie?)
♡ cw: Swearing, unofficial stepfathering, unrealistically good stepfathering, reader's ex situation is not established but it's assumed that their baby momma/daddy is not in the picture (Tachihara), mentions of violence
note: I just haven't written anything in ages, and for that I apologise. Wow, being in university is time consuming! I've had block for months and it's been an absolute pain in the arse but I'm back babey! Keep your requests coming anon- I am the Hunting Dogs whisperer and I will write them till I die. Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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My dude is so so so enthusiastic. You mean to tell him that he gets a beautiful loving partner AND a new little guy to hang out with?? Sign him tf up
This man buys your kid so many presents it's genuinely concerning. Your child is spoilt to hell and back by Fukuchi. You need to discourage him from this behaviour STAT
He constantly uses dad words like 'buddy' and 'pal' and 'kiddo' to refer to your kid and they eventually start responding to these nicknames lol
He would totally also do dad stances and just embrace the fatherly aura that is slowly overtaking him day by day (bro starts falling asleep on the couch while the game's on at 9pm)
He's actually surprisingly gentle with your child. If they cry he'll pick them up and comfort them very well. He's like a whole different person when your kid is scared or sad- it's the cutest thing ever
If your child ever gets him a Fathers' Day present he'll probably cry like old man tears of joy. In fact if your child ever does anything nice for him he'll be incredibly touched. Kinda reminds him what he's doing his job for :')
Tells your child great exaggerated (CHILD FRIENDLY) stories about his heroic achievements as a soldier before bed. It's genuinely super cute you guys
If the kid ever runs up to him in excitement when he arrives home in the evening he returns the energy and is like 'omg there they are! that's my kiddo! how have you been??' and picks them up and AUGH they're so cute
Your child is probably scared of him at first. Within their first meeting he probably makes them cry.
Sorry y'all 😭 but he doesn't exactly come off as much of a teddy bear...and nor does he really act like one with anyone else other than you in private
Jouno just isn't good with kids. Not in the sense that he's scared of them but that he doesn't really know how to interact with them without being intimidating or otherwise just detached
But he really loves you, and he wants to be a good parental figure to your kid, so he tries to warm them up to him by getting them a gift. That probably helps- he might not know much about kids but he's right to assume that they fucking love receiving gifts
Whatever your child's hobbies/interests are, Jouno genuinely does try to connect with them over it, and after a while it does work.
Soon enough your child and Jouno are inseparable and your child is spewing sadistic military rhetoric and oh dear god you've made a terrible mistake introducing the two of them
Yeah, Jouno probably teaches your kid all KINDS of horrible things. He will tell your child stories about times he's tortured suspects, or slaughtered gangs, and just stuff that is not family friendly. You have to nip that behaviour in the bud or else...
He's generally pretty good at taking care of your child, but like, if your kid cried because they were scared there was a monster under the bed, Jouno would probably be like "Yeah. There is. Good luck." and then turn off the lights and leave 💀
Just give him time. He'll learn how to be an emotionally available parent at SOME point
He's not the step dad. He's the dad that stepped up
Tecchou is definitely very aloof and awkward around your child- like, he knows how to interact with you, but children are different. Children are frightening. And they are his biggest fear maybe
In spite of this, he is fiercely protective of your kid. He will make sure that child is as safe and calm as possible at all times, and he certainly prefers to show that he cares through actions rather than words.
He usually wouldn't initiate physical contact with your child but if they hugged him he would hug back, if they gave him a hi-five he would do it back, etc etc. he will never let your kid down
If your child likes make belief, you can bet you'd walk into a room and find your kid all dressed up, off their rocker in full theatre mode, while Tecchou is sitting on the floor, also dressed up, but looking more depressed than ever before
Save him from your baby. They are taking YEARS off his life
He probably accidentally sends your kid to hospital at some point because he cooked for them. Damnit Tecchou, how don't you realise that a child's stomach wouldn't be able to handle a combination of chocolate and beef
It's okay though, he does learn from this. Plus, he takes care of your child and buys them presents and hangs out with them until they're better <3
He might not join your child in the ball pit, but he would watch them swim around in there with the softest, faintest, most affectionate smile on his face. And that is all that matters folks
Teruko (platonic):
The funnest, meanest, coolest auntie ever
Teruko will lead your child down a dreadful path. Limit their visits to holidays and birthdays for your own sake and the sake of your young one
She's really more than happy to negatively influence look after your child if you need her to though, and they love her because she's super chill and lets them get away with all kinds of things (that aren't violent crimes against humanity)
Your parent says one cookie after dinner? Screw it, have six. I won't tell if you won't. - Teruko, probably
She uses her ability to entertain your kid sometimes- usually she'll decrease her age so she can join them in things like building pillow forts and playing on jungle gyms
I'm just picturing them playing at the park and some concerned parent coming up to them asking where their guardian is and Teruko just fucking transforms into a grown woman on the spot and goes 'WHO'S ASKING' 😭
Teruko is a super cool fun aunt. But she is very wise, and she really will give your kid good life advice on occasion.
She'll also cheer them up when they're feeling down, and if they're feeling scared she helps them step out of their comfort zones and confront their fears (in a safe way!!)
If your kid is like, getting picked on at school or something, Teruko will nag you to phone their school about it. If you don't, she does. If they don't do anything about it, she does. Bottom line is NOBODY fucks with your kid when Teruko is around
I guess technically she really is scary dog privilege lmao
Help he's so nervous at first? Tachihara this is a child, not a wise sage- you can be normal around them
He just wants to make a good impression on the child okay he's doing his best
But (obviously) your kid immediately loves him, and thinks he's the coolest guy ever, and wants to hang out with him all the time
Tachihara has a bit of a concern that the kid will think that he's trying to replace their other parent, which is fair, but it's unfounded because your child absolutely adores him and does not care about that at all
If your child ever calls him 'Dad' watch his soul fucking transcend to a new plane, he's so surprised and honoured that this beautiful person's child would consider him their parent
Your kid has Tachihara wrapped around their tiny finger. He will oblige them with anything- if you've got a toddler who likes uppies and piggybacks, say your prayers for Tachihara's upper arm and back muscles because he will carry them for hours
You really need him to stop leaving weaponry around the house, though- the absolute HEART ATTACK you had when you saw your precious baby carrying around an unloaded pistol
Doesn't really ever talk about his job(s) with your kid, all they know is that he 'kills bad guys', and they think that's cool as fuck
He's not perfect, sure. But he is trying so hard to be The Perfect Parent™ and, more importantly, he loves your child to bits
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl, @kokoenjiandco, @pinkiipeachiikeen
of course, thank you to anon for this req!
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angels-fantasy · 2 months
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Top Secret Fiction Ch. 3
Grass Talks (Literally)
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Description: After meeting the one and only pro hero Dynamight on a dating app, you two begin to see each other. Because of the dangers that come with his hero work, you both promise to be completely honest with each other from the beginning; though you can't help but keep one big secret from him.
You write fan fiction, mostly about him.
Chapter Details: Soft, lowkey ooc Bakugou but thats bc I imagine him to be a lot more mellow as an adult. Little bit of a serious talk, but nothing crazy. Readers quirk is also mentioned
Word Count: 1k
previous chapter
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The date had been going well so far, and the sun was even beginning to set since now it was almost 7:00 pm.
You two were currently lying on your backs together, looking up at the sky filled with clouds, stomachs full of yummy food.
"That one looks like a giraffe, or something else with a long neck." You said point up at a cloud.
Bakugou hummed, "Nah, I think it's a flower or something. Don't you see the stem? And there's even petals around it."
Tilting your head at a different angle, you tried to see what he saw.
"I don't see it! I thought I would, since I'm used to seeing flowers all the time..." You said while still looking up in wonder.
Bakugou sat up and rested his elbows on his knees, "That's right. You're a florist ain't you? What made you wanna do that?"
You stayed lying down and answered him, "Yeah, I've been a florist for a few years now. I chose it because of my quirk."
"What is your quirk anyways? Is it something with plants and all that crap?"
"Yep. I can talk to plants, so taking care of them is much easier and I love being able to help others that are struggling with their own plants."
Bakugou rubbed his hand along the grass, "So me doing this... is it hurting the grass?"
You closed your eyes and listened, hearing the grass ask what it was that was rubbing all over them.
"It's not hurting them, but they can feel it."
He pulled his hand away. "What about walking on the grass. Does that hurt 'em?"
"Sometimes it can. If you're walking normally, then no. But if you're stomping all over them, then yes it does hurt them." You said, finally sitting up and facing him.
You leaned over and ran your hand along the top of the grass very lightly, hearing the voice of the grass sigh at the feeling. You learned early on after developing your quirk that most plants actually enjoy being pet, if you can call it that.
"They like it when you do this to them. Just make sure you do it really gently." You said while showing him how to pet the grass.
He followed your directions with a grunt and did the same motion as you.
You laughed lightly, "Petting grass is kind of silly now that I think about it. I guess it's different since I know that the grass likes it."
He shook his head and pulled his hand away, "It's not. I think it's interesting. I have some plants at home, now I'm wonderin' if they're happy with me."
You giggled at that, "I'm sure they are. But thank you. I always felt like my quirk wasn't super useful since I couldn't be a hero, y'know?"
"You don't gotta be a hero to have a useful quirk. Everyone can find a way to use their quirk, trust me."
You smiled softly, "You know what, you're really sweet. You don't portray yourself like that on the media at all."
"I ain't sweet." He said looking away shyly.
"If you say soooo." You cooed.
He smirked lightly and looked at you, "Thanks for uh, being genuine by the way."
You furrowed your eyebrows, "What do you mean? Why wouldn't I be genuine?"
"I mean like, almost everyone I've met just wants to be with me because I'm a hero. It just makes dating a lot harder, I guess."
You frowned at his words. You knew there were people who were out for money, but to play with someone's feelings like that? That was just heartless. You knew Bakugou was a grown man and fully capable of handling himself, but you couldn't help but feel bad.
You place on of your hands on top of his and said, "I understand what you mean, and I want to let you know that I don't have any bad intentions at all."
"I won't lie and say I'm not a fan of you as a hero," You continued, "but right now I'm getting to know you as Bakugou. So I hope you'll continue to allow me to."
Bakugou genuinely smiled. No smirk, or sly remark following it. Just a smile.
"Thanks. That means more than you know. But on that same topic, I also wanted to talk to you about a boundary I have if we're going to continue seeing each other." He said seriously.
You nodded your head and listened attentively.
"Because of my line of work, I just ask that you be honest with me about things. I fuckin' hate liars in general, but I really need you to understand that I can't have someone around if they're gonna be keepin' secrets and shit." He said frowning, almost as if he was thinking of a particular person when speaking about liars.
You nodded and smiled. "I promise, I'll be completely honest with you. I really wanna keep seeing you and if that's all it takes then I'm willing to do it."
He grunted. "Good. Let's clean up now, I'll take you home."
Just as you were about to start cleaning up, your phone went off. You picked it up quickly and saw that it was an email, a notification from the site you write fan fiction on.
You bit your lip and thought about what Bakugou just said. Deciding to ignore the notification, you just continued to clean up.
After Bakugou had dropped you off back at home, you quickly changed into your pajamas and got comfortable.
You said goodnight to Cheerios and your plants, who said goodnight back.
When you got in bed, you looked through your emails and at the notifications from HeroFiction.com that you had received earlier.
You began to think about Bakugou's words again.
"I fuckin' hate liars."
You shook your head and tried to rid away any negative thoughts you had. This secret wasn't that big of a deal, and it was probably for the better that he didn't know.
Keeping one secret wouldn't hurt, right?
next chapter
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authors note
i had fun writing this chapter :) i hope you liked it! i also hope you liked softer bakugou here, hehe.
taglist: @doumadono @54fangirl @andysdrafts @dagger-dragger @lovra974 @l4rsun1vrrse @emmab3mma @littlkittenfan @tatiquichi @cloudxluv @seonne @shonen-brainrot @the2ndl @gold24fish @cxp1d @rv19
(those in pink are not able to be tagged unfortunately)
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 8 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: A lazy Sunday at the park with you and Everett has Bradley wondering why he ever thought this wasn’t what he wanted. When work keeps you away from practice during the week, he’s desperate to see you and get you alone for a proper date.
Warnings: Fluff, angst and swearing (eventually 18+)
Length: 3500 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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Bradley texted you on Sunday morning, asking for your address, insisting he come pick you and Everett up. He could have just looked it up in the coaching portal online, but he wanted you to send it to him instead.
When he pulled up in front of your house, he saw Everett come running out the front door. "Hey, kiddo," Bradley called as he got out of the Bronco.
"Coach! I have my glove all ready, and my mom is finishing her makeup, because she said she wants to look nice today!"
Bradley grinned and let Everett take him by the hand. "I kind of think your mom always looks nice," Bradley mumbled, and then there you were, stepping out onto your front porch with a bright smile. 
You were wearing a cropped tee shirt and black leggings, and Bradley's mind took him back to making out with you yesterday. 
"Hi, Coach," you said, wiggling your fingers at him as you walked down the steps.
Suddenly he had no idea what to do. Was he supposed to refrain from calling you Kitten? Did you really expect him to keep his lips away from you right now? 
"I missed you," he told you, and even though he hadn't meant to say it, it was true. 
"I saw you yesterday," you said with a soft laugh. "We spent a lot of time together in the kitchen."
"Not enough."
Bradley noticed Everett was looking between the two of you with curious interest. "Did you really bring Gatorade? Can we ride in your car?" Everett asked. 
"Yeah, I really brought Gatorade. And yes, we can ride in my car."
"We'd have to put the booster seat in the back?" you asked cautiously. 
So Bradley ended up with a car seat in the back of his Bronco, something he never imagined would have ever been happening. And then he drove all three of you to the park. 
When he reached across the seat and let his hand settle on top of yours, you bit your lip, and turned your hand palm side up, lacing your fingers with his.
"Hey, Kitten?" he asked softly as he pulled into the park. You turned to face him right away, your eyes unguarded. "Thanks for letting me do this."
Bradley parked and climbed out of the Bronco before helping you and then Everett out as well.
"Okay, your mom's got a lot to learn today," Bradley told Everett, handing him a bag of gear. "Think we can help her out? She doesn't even know what a catcher's mitt is."
Everett laughed and tossed his head back. "She doesn't know what a slider is either. She just didn't want to tell you that."
"Ev, I'm standing right here," you told your son, running your fingers along his hair. But you were looking at Bradley and smirking. "And I do know what a slider is, because I watched a video on YouTube."
"Aww, come on, Kitten. You're killing me," Bradley said, handing you three bottles of cold Gatorade. "YouTube? You need some first hand experience, and Ev and I are your guys."
You weren't sure how to feel about Bradley calling you Kitten in front of your son, but every time he said it, you felt a little silly. 
"Is this the catcher's mitt?" you asked, picking up a dusty, brown thing and holding it up.
"Sure it. Go ahead and put it on." Bradley said as he got a regular baseball glove on Everett's hand.
You thought it was too big for your hand, but you put it on anyway, waving the mitt at them. "Okay, I'm ready!"
Bradley handed Everett a baseball and jogged over to where you were standing. "Hell no, you're not, Kitten. Gotta protect that pretty face." He bent down and rummaged in the bag a little more, pulling out a weird looking mask and another Phillies cap.
"You're going to make me wear that?" you asked with a smile as he approached you. 
Bradley turned to look over his shoulder to where Everett was tossing the ball into the air and catching it a few feet away. Then he turned back and kissed your lips softly. "Told you I wouldn't let you get hurt. I meant it."
He looked serious now, and you wondered if his words had a dual meaning. 
"Now, let's get this cap on you first," he said, pushing your hair back behind your ears and setting it backwards on your head. "Oh, what do you know... you look cute with a backwards hat, too."
You scrunched up your nose in embarrassment, but he laughed and eased the catcher's mask over your head, securing it in place. "Perfect."
"Ready?" Everett called, starting to sound impatient. Meanwhile you wanted Bradley to keep touching you and telling you about your pretty face. 
"Yeah, kiddo," Bradley called. "Just getting your mom in position." He looked down at you, wrapping both hands around your hips and guiding you back a few steps. 
"Here?" you asked softly when he stopped moving you around. 
"Yep," he whispered, squeezing you through your leggings. "Now, squat down like this." 
You tried to imitate what he was doing, but you were getting distracted by the way his thighs looked as his gym shorts rode up higher on his legs.
"That's good," he told you before he stood up again. "Now do your best to catch them," Bradley said, grabbing a few more balls from his gear bag. "Everett and I will go easy on you. Won't we, kiddo?"
Your heart swelled as you watched Everett grin up at Bradley and laugh. "Yeah, but only at first mom!" he called out to you.
"Oh great, thanks a lot." But they weren't even listening to you. And now you could only focus on Bradley as demonstrated the correct pitching posture a few times for Everett. He was all flexing muscles and rippling biceps, and meanwhile your thighs were already starting to hurt. 
"Here comes your first pitch!" he warned, winding up and sending the baseball directly into the mitt on your hand.
You jumped up in shock, still holding it. "I caught it!"
Everett was cheering, and Bradley winked at you. "Nice one, Kitten."
After you caught a few more and tossed them back, you were feeling so confident. Then you managed to catch most of the pitches that Everett threw as well, even though you had to really reach for some of them. 
"So, which one do you like better? The slider or the curveball?" Bradley asked Everett after a while, and you stood up, barely even able to feel your thighs now. 
"Me too," Bradley agreed, getting a high five from Everett. "And guess what. That's the harder one to throw, so you're already advanced."
"No way!"
As you watched them interacting with each other, you wished you could have this in your life every Sunday. Maybe a late breakfast after lounging in bed with Bradley while Everett watched cartoons. Some time at the park, and then dinner.
All the things you never quite got to have with Danny felt somehow more attainable with Bradley. Which was really scary to you.
You cleared your throat and tossed the catcher's mitt toward the bag before trying to remove the mask, but Bradley was already on his way over to help you. 
"Will you let Ev and I treat you to some ice cream as a thank you?" 
He swiped his fingers along your jaw when he removed the mask, but he left his backwards hat on your head. "I would love that."
The ice cream shop was packed with people out enjoying the perfect San Diego spring day, but Bradley didn't mind waiting. You were standing in front of him while Everett bounced around a bit and kept asking questions.
"Will you pitch balls with me again?" Everett asked, looking up at Bradley.
"Of course, little man. You've gotta practice if you want to keep getting better." Bradley felt you lean back against him slightly, and he let his hand rest just above your ass. He was stroking the soft skin of your lower back with his thumb and running his fingers along your leggings. You turned and briefly rubbed your cheek against his chest, just like a kitten, and he wrapped his arm around you a little tighter. 
"And can you show me a fastball too? And a changeup?" Everett asked, just before it was time to order.
"Not my strongest pitches, but for you, sure, kiddo. I would love to embarrass myself in front of your mom."
Everett was glancing between the two of you again as you said, "Have you forgotten that I had to watch YouTube videos about pitches? You think I'm going to know the difference?" You were looking up at Bradley and laughing, and he wanted more than anything to kiss you. 
"You looked like a world class catcher today. Could have fooled me, Kitten."
Bradley tried to pay for the three ice cream cones, but you had Everett drag him away to a small bench while you paid. He sat side by side on the bench with Everett, waiting for you. 
"Hey Coach, do you think my mom is pretty?"
Bradley froze with his ice cream cone halfway to his mouth and watched Everett try to eat his strawberry scoop before it melted. 
"I think your mom is beautiful."
"Do you like her? I told you she was cool."
Bradley nodded as he watched you make your way over with your own cone. "She's the coolest, kiddo. Here, make some room for her to sit with us." Bradley picked Everett up with one arm and plopped him down on his thigh, and then you eased into the spot next to him.
"Thanks for the ice cream," Bradley told you softly. 
You grinned at him and Everett on his lap. "Any time you want to treat Ev and I to a day in the park, I'll be more than happy to treat you to some ice cream, Coach."
Bradley finished his cone and then let Everett ask him a bunch of baseball related questions while his strawberry scoop melted. He watched it drip on his jeans, but he didn't really care. 
"Ev, eat faster! It's melting onto Coach," you scolded, jumping up to get some napkins.
Bradley tried to stop you, telling you it would come out in the laundry, but you insisted on wiping up the ice cream which landed basically right where his dick was. So he slid Everett into the spot you vacated while you bent down and tried your best to clean him up.
"Kitten," he rasped. "Please. It's okay." If you kept rubbing him, he was going to get hard. On a bench. In front of your son.
"Are you sure?" you asked, and your hand paused on his thigh as he nodded at you. "Danny would have had a living fit."
Bradley took your hand and rubbed it with his thumb. "Yeah, well, I'm not Danny."
You looked at him as you stood up tall again. "Ain't that the truth," you mumbled, but your eyes stayed on his. 
When Bradley walked you and Everett up to your porch, you watched Ev hug him tight. "See you at practice tomorrow?"
"Yep, see you tomorrow," Bradley replied, messing up his hair before Everett went inside. 
"Thanks for today," you whispered as Bradley's big hands settled on your hips. "That meant a lot to him."
"I had fun," Bradley said with a smile as he pulled you a little closer to him. You let your hands rest on his broad chest, and a little gasp escaped your lips before you were even kissing him. But then you were, and it felt so good. His lips were gentle, and his hands were firm, and your body wanted more.
"Can't wait to see which sexy pantsuit you wear to practice tomorrow, Kitten," he mumbled against your neck, prickling you with his mustache. 
You giggled as his lips made their way down to the top of your shirt. "I'm not going to be there tomorrow."
He paused and asked, "Why not?"
"I have a late meeting. Molly is going to take him to practice. And speaking of Molly..."
"Yeah?" Bradley asked, looking at you with a small grin. "What did your reliable sister who is more than willing to watch Everett for you have to say?"
You started giggling again, and Bradley pulled you so your body was flush with his. You knew you were on your front porch, and you knew Ev could pop back outside at any time. But you let Bradley hold you, because you wanted him to. 
"Molly said she can watch him on Friday night. If you feel like going out?"
"Fuck, yes," he said, kissing your cheek. "I have it all planned. Let me know when to pick you up."
You felt warm inside for the rest of the evening, because Bradley would be yours on Friday night. No sharing him with Everett or Sandra or Coach Bob or the other kids on the team. All yours.
Bradley really missed you at Monday's practice. He had nobody to look at on the bleachers. The few times he glanced over, his heart skipped a beat, because Molly did look quite a bit like you. But then he just sighed in disappointment. 
He did, however, notice that Bob was looking toward your sister with some frequency. That was interesting. He would definitely have to ask Bob about that later on. 
Bradley wasn't even surprised when Bob suddenly joined him to walk Everett and Molly to the parking lot when practice ended. Bradley ended up trailing behind the two of them with Everett on his shoulders, watching them chat the whole way. 
"Hey, Everett," Bradley asked. "Does your Aunt Molly have a boyfriend?"
"Not anymore," Everett replied. "She told me she had to break up with Casey because he was tiny, but I don't really get it because he was really tall."
Bradley had to bite his lip to prevent himself from laughing out loud. "Oh, okay. Poor Casey," Bradley muttered. 
Bradley helped get Everett settled in Molly's car before heading to his Bronco to text you. He noticed that Bob was still hanging out with Molly after he had walked away, and he could occasionally hear Molly's laughter. Lord, she thought he was funny! Hopefully he was bigger than Casey. 
Bradley thought about mentioning Bob and Molly to you, but he thought better of it. 
Kitten, I missed you today. Are you still in your meeting? Are you coming to practice on Thursday?
Bradley watched Molly pull out of the parking lot, waving to Bob as she went. "Bob! Come here!" Bradley called out his open window. He watched his friend turn around and head his way.
"What's up?" Bob asked him, leaning against the side of the Bronco. Bradley just smirked at him, and almost instantly, Bob started blushing. Bradley smirked harder, and Bob adjusted his glasses and rubbed the back of his neck. "I noticed her when she came to practice last time, too. Are you going to make fun of me for having a crush on her?"
Bradley started laughing. "Not at all. She's really nice. And Everett said his Aunt Molly is single."
"Is she really?" Bob asked softly as a grin spread across his face. 
"Yep. The kid is a wealth of information."
Bob just mumbled something and walked away with a wave, leaving Bradley alone as you texted him back.
You sent a selfie of you smiling in what Bradley assumed was your office. He could see your cream colored lace top peeking out of your gray suit coat.
Kitten. I should not find your business attire this sexy, baby.
Once again, instead of responding with text, you send him another photo, one in which you had removed your suit coat. Bradley was staring at your tits straining against your lacy tank top, nipples peaked against the delicate looking fabric. You were smirking at him. 
Fuck, his mind took him to your office, you sitting in your chair with his face buried in your pussy. He'd eat you until you were screaming. 
It's not nice to tease, Kitten.
He was now sitting in the parking lot at the ballfield with an erection, and he wasn't even surprised. He started up the Bronco and drove home where he could take care of himself. 
By Thursday, when he laid eyes on you at tee ball practice, it was like he finally felt his body relax. Everett bounded over to him as usual before going to greet Bob, but Bradley was watching you try to change into your old sneakers while you walked through the grass. You were wearing your tight, black skirt again, and your hair was pulled up off of your neck.
"Jesus," he mumbled before fielding some questions from Sandra and the other moms about the upcoming schedule.
When you were seated on the bleachers, and practice was about to begin, Bradley debated heading your way and giving you a kiss on your cheek, but Bob was already blowing his whistle to start practice. 
Bradley watched you raise your hand from your lap and wiggle your fingers at him, moutching, "Hi, Coach," while you smirked.
Alone. He'd get you alone tomorrow. He loved Everett, but he was antsy to really get to be with you. But he could wait one more day to kiss you and taste your skin. So he just winked and joined Bob near home plate. 
Practice was pretty typical on Thursday, except now your body was humming the whole time. You knew exactly what Coach Bradley's lips tasted like. You know how heavy his hands felt on your hips. You knew how he smelled and sounded when he was right in front of you, teasing your body.
"Tara, I can't stop thinking about the swim party last weekend. Both coaches shirtless? A literal dream come true."
"Same. And I'm one thousand percent sure Coach Bradley flirted with me when I was getting a slice of pizza."
You wanted to snort. You were standing five feet away from him the entire time he'd been in the clubhouse getting pizza, and neither of those moms had been anywhere near him. 
But it didn't matter, because as soon as practice ended and you were helping Everett change out of his cleats, Bradley made his way over to both of you, right in front of everyone just like he always did. 
"Nice hustle today, kiddo," he told Everett, earning him a high five. 
You looked up at Bradley over your shoulder as you tucked Everett's cleats into his gear bag. He reached down to help you stand, and his other hand brushed along your butt. 
"I expect a nice hustle out of you tomorrow night," you told him, giggling as his eyes went wide. "It's going to be our first date and all."
He just shook his head, walking up to the parking lot with Everett between you both. "Nope. It's our third," he said.
"What? No, our first!" you insisted, trying to keep the conversation vague for your son's ears. You still weren't convinced that going out with his tee ball coach was your best move, but you couldn't stop yourself now. 
"Snack bar was our first. Now, I wasn't on my best game, but you did come back for round two with baseball in the park."
You were cracking up now. He considered soft pretzels and an outing with Everett to be dates? Oh, you were going to melt. You'd never make it. He was a single mom's dream date.
"So you don't mind that sometimes there's a tagalong?" you ask, nearing your car where it was parked next to his Bronco. 
Bradley opened the back door for Everett, gave him a fit bump and then closed it as Everett got himself buckled in. 
"I don't mind. As long as I can get Kitten alone on occasion. Really want to see your claws again."
You grabbed at his jersey, and Bradley immediately had you pushed back against your car door with his lips on yours. It was broad daylight, there were still some people in the parking lot, and Everett was in the backseat. But Bradley's hands were grabbing at your hips, and you could feel him through his thin athletic shorts as you moaned his name.
"Fuck," he gasped against your lips, kissing you hard one more time. "Get in your car, Kitten. Before I embarrass myself. I'll pick you up tomorrow night."
Kitten and Ev plus Coach. It just makes sense! Fair warning, the next part will be for ages 18+. Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Trans buggy is my lifeblood and I am SO HAPPY YOU LOVE HER TOO and I'm feral I'm shaking the bars of my cage FUCK I LOVE WOMEN
Like. Yes. Absolutely, Shanks and Buggy have little bits and pieces of ALL their parents, specifically Ray and Roger but No Adult Was Safe From Their Assimilated Found Family, Alright?
Shanks does this one movement when he's showing off and being SILLY about it that he picked up from Oden. Buggy uses chopsticks more easily than forks and spoons, which is mind boggling to those who know her and how clutzy she is.
Crocus was the KING of unexpected and frankly terrifying threats, something Buggy learned like a damned religion. Shanks got his penchant for Gay Uncle On Holiday clothes and patterns from him.
A lot of Shanks' attacks and swordplay was taught to him by Roger and Rayleigh, so his style is a mix of their own with a TWIST that's all him. Buggy wasn't as interested in swordsmanship, but she certainly isn't a novice at it. The forms and katas to her are meditative, and she can't really sit still for normal meditation ((AuDHD Buggy my beloved)) so THIS is her way of grounding. Her knife fighting is also derived from Ray's style, with quick, devasting blow that focus more on backlash damage, Haki and agility.
Buggy and Shanks both have Roger's grin, and when Rayleigh sees them, grown and side by side and beaming and greeting him so warmly, part of him breaks and heals and splinters and oozes love. He of course will not show weakness and instead teases them, as is his love language.
Also consider Cross Guild adopting the Seraphims. Stuff's normal at first until they give the kids some children's books. Cue "what is a dad? What is a mom?" questions. The adults answer them, and the kids simply nod before wandering off again.
Then, a few hours later, Buggy feels a tiny hand tug-tug at her pants. It's two little dark haired tykes, big saffron and violet eyes staring up at her. She blinks. "What's up, munchkins?"
"Mother, we want a snack and fathers are busy."
"Oh. Yeah, sure thing, sweeties, let me ju- WAITWHAT-?!"
Shanks is frothing, seething, crying in the window like a Victorian woman betrayed when he gets word that Buggy and the other two have "sons". He then proposes they have a baby too, to be fair.
Then the kids call him uncle or father twice removed and he is suddenly living his best life wdym he's gonna be the BEST uncle ever, hey kids wanna go harass people-?
Buggy is BEYOND flustered but she's also.... really flattered? Shanks wants a baby? With HER?? Like a real, whole ass baby. Wow. And she already has two sons! Maybe. Her little Birdie seems a tad unphased by the concept of gender anyway, so she won't push. She has two kids. And Shanks wants a third. Wow. Wow~ ♡
And then Crocodile has to go and ruin it by suggesting the kids stay with "auntie Al" for the weekend, while the guys see if they can get that baby idea rolling~
Buggy proceeds to blush so hard she's STEAMING and promptly faints.
Both of them having traits of all their parents and role models and keeping them with them forever,, When Rayleigh sees them again he's so fond of their little gestures and :(( He loves them so so much.
Also, the whole thing about Cross Guild adopting the Seraphims is just so so cute. And them calling Buggy 'mom'??????? Crying and sobbing, idk. Cute family that is not dysfunctional but pretty much not normal my beloved.
Honestly, Buggy as a mom just feels so right. But especially as an adoptive mom, you know? She just keeps seeing outcasts and understanding them so well and wanting to take care of them. Tbh, Shanks and Buggy should just,, Find a kid in a treasure chest and keep the baby.
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lyrring · 6 months
Do you have any tips for a young artist?
okay GOOD QUESTION so I'm gonna just start typing about some things I wish I had known as a young artist and keep adding to the draft of this answer as I think of things. LOL.
Advice I'm definitely qualified to give young artists:
1) If you are primarily an artist that draws humans or humanoid characters, I need you to internalize this very important fact: There is NO race, shape, type of body, etc. that you are 'unable' to draw. Y'all it is 2023 and Twitter is a cesspool of idiots running around INSISTING that they simply "can't draw black people", "can't color dark skin", or that "black people don't fit into my style."
But you, young artist anon, YOU know better now! Go tell all your friends! Spread the good news! There is no fundamental inability to include diversity in the subjects of your art--there is only unwillingness to learn.
Because that's the thing--a lot of people who say these kinds of silly things will also say that the don't want to 'get it wrong' (I typed and deleted a whole other tangent here. lol). The important thing about approaching diversity in your art is that you are earnestly trying, respectful, and open to being corrected. Hard to go wrong that way! There are tutorials abound--research is your friend!
2) Related: encourage yourself to explore and celebrate variety as you cultivate your unique style. and DON'T SKIMP ON THE FUNDAMENTALS! DO NOT!
I'm going to talk a little bit about what it was like for me when I started "really" drawing at like. 9 or 10. (cont'd.)
I got really into drawing because some friends of mine liked to draw anime in their free time in class. I centered my early drawing life around emulating a style that was strictly anime. Drawing realism or semi-realism seemed so ugly to me! I had no interest in it.
In addition, I came away with a message that harmed my self-esteem greatly, even if I didn't know it at the time: black people don't look good in an anime style. You just can't do it!
So I never tried to. I had a narrow focus, and I was reluctant to explore outside of it. If I'm being honest with myself, I hamstrung myself pretty hard by not being open to exploring a variety of styles. I also thought that the fundamentals of art (principles of lighting, color, shape, and the human figure, etc.) were a waste of time for me to study up on. I knew what I wanted my art to look like--pretty anime pictures! Lol.
All of the above is why I don't think I actually started to get "good" at art until September of 2019, roughly a trillion years after I started to draw. I know that because of those art summary memes, lol. Here, for reference:
Tumblr media
tumblr compressed the image to shit, so you'll have to take my word for it, but yeah! lol.
Anyways, the point is this:
You will go through many stylistic phases in your life as an artist. This is normal, and honestly, I'd celebrate it! Be open to any number of unlikely stylistic influences. They may take your artistic sensibilities in a direction you'd never expect. All in service of developing your unique artistic voice.
If you want to be good at what you do, you will need to create a strong base of knowledge for yourself. This is what intentional study of the fundamentals does. Get that shit in your brain while you're young!!! You will be planting the seedling of your artistic prowess in much nicer soil, and future you will thank you for it.
3) Developing artistic skill is NOT A RACE! You will hear this advice a lot, but I'd like to talk about a specific nuance that I think is important.
There are a number of reasons why it would make sense for you to think that it is, in fact, a race. For instance, there are roughly a kajillion other artists in your age range. A lot of them are on social media, cultivating a following. A lot of them will be "better" than you.
Do not get attached to the idea of being a brilliant young artist. You will not be young forever. If your idea of skill is entwined with your identity as a young person, what happens as you get older? I'll tell you: You start to see more and more people who are way more talented than you, and at least five years younger, and it can really really hurt you because you have not been set up for success with the right mindset. Your pride and joy was not being a creator--it was being a young creator.
Being an artist, especially in the age of social media (jesus, i sound so old) is an emotional investment as well as a practical, skill-based one. If you do not take care of yourself emotionally, if you do not approach creating art and posting it online with the right mindset, you will destroy yourself. Worst case, you end up bitter and hating art altogether.
If you are able to remain reasonably detached from social media response in general--great! That bodes well for you. But that's a skill, like anything else, so it's much more likely that the way your art is received on social media will affect you.
If you are very young, say, in your teens, and your art is exemplary, you will probably receive a lot of comments about this! They might be astonished that you, at so young an age, are so advanced in your skill. It is GREAT to be proud of yourself for accomplishing so much at a young age, don't get me wrong. Feels nice! But just like you will be advised not to let mean comments go to your head, you need to be thoughtful about how you receive comments that praise you for your age specifically. You need to be firm in the understanding that your age is not what makes your art exceptional. Your art is exceptional because YOU made it and because YOU honed your skills!
Beyond that, stuff that you probably already know: comparison to your artistic peers can be very encouraging and motivating; conversely, it can also be stressful and lead to unfortunate emotional spirals. You know yourself best--engage with or steer clear of comparison according to your comfort. You're not on your friend's artistic journey. You're on your own one. This is a very cursory thought on the topic of comparison, but I don't think I could offer you anything you don't already know about it, y'know?
4) This one... I'm gonna try to get across a very specific point. My point is this: Know what success looks like to you, and be honest with yourself.
The definition of 'success' may evolve for you as you develop, but I don't think it's ever too early to have a frank conversation with yourself about what it means for you, specifically, to be a successful artist.
Do you want to develop the skill to draw or create a specific idea in particular? Do you want a kajillion followers on instagram? Do you want to build a portfolio that will get you into a specific creative industry? Do you want to cultivate a steady stream of commissioners? Do you just want to relax and get ideas out of your head? And any other infinite goals.
Obviously I'm saying this without placing a value judgement on anyone's definition of artistic success. This is a highly personal sort of thing.
The reason I encourage this is because it can provide additional direction to a young artist, for whom the world is an oyster. Different enduring goals will require slightly different approaches to art as a field. This goal may inform what you draw, what medium you use, your higher education & career plans, where you choose to post your art (if at all), how much effort you must invest in building a brand for yourself, the role of social media in your life as an artist, the kinds of artists you devote energy to being peers with, etc. Hope that makes sense!
Anyways, I hope this advice is helpful. I'm always happy to answer other questions related to this sort of thing. Go forth, young artiste--I believe in you!
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angelbambisworld · 2 months
I finally did it. I sought out Gene's sex tape despite everyone's warning not to. Here are my following thoughts(In no particular order)
1. Why does my silly little pookie bear have everything off except for his shirt? He's so silly 🥰 Show us your tits, damn it!🤬
Also his pants were still around his ankles but that's pretty small potatoes compared to all the other shit.
2. I don't know why the tape is in black and white. I wanna see Gene blow that girls back out in glorious technicolor, goddamnit!
3. People clown on Gene for doing that girl while Foreigner's "I Wanna Know What Love Is" played in the background but idk. There's something oddly adorable about a guy who hypes himself up as this nefarious hot daddy sex god and he's fucking someone to a slow and sweet love song. What a fucking goofball. We have to stan (People still say words like "Stan" in 2024 right?)
4. Yeah the sex was kinda mid but like what did people expect. I think Gene was like in his 50s or 60s when the tape came out. Old people just fuck differently than young people. That's just how it is sometimes. Luckily they make dick pills for just such troubles, I think 🤔 Unfortunately I still am in good faith that he could get me off. It's Gene, after all 😅
5. That rockstar dick list wasn't lying, Gene is of average size and I want that thing in my mouth so so bad😭. It seriously looks mouthwatering delicious to me(But maybe thats just the insomnia talking rn. I've been up all night 🥲 When i could be going Uh! All Night with Gene instead😂🤣😭)
I swear the only way out of my obsession with him is through euthanization
6. At one point Gene tries to kiss the girl but she keeps turning away from him(See this is why it should've been me he was fucking. He would've walked out of that room COVERED in lipstick marks.)
7. I'm shocked there was no pussy eating at any point. Disappointed!
8. Even back then, Gene's ass was fat and jiggly. And I pray it continues to stay that way forever 😤🙏🙏
9. Gene's dad bod has me going positively bonkers as usual🥵
Overall, I thought it was...Interesting, to say the very least. Its definitely not as disgusting as everyone hypes it up to be, in my eyes. But now I know what sex with Gene Simmons is like and the worst part is???
All this new information I've learned only makes me want him MORE!!!😭😭😭
I truly am Gene's nastiest fangirl.
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infoglitch · 7 months
Moment of bliss
(so as much I'd like to make a whiteknight series I ain't the greatest when it comes to ideas, maybe I am just a Lancaster shipper at heart plus I'm batshit terrified of messing up characterization)
Regardless, enjoy rat bastards.
WARNING: mentions and showing of alcohol. If you got a problem with that skip this.
Also I am VERY bad at writing .
Jaune felt a lump in his throat as he was mentally shitting himself silly as he stood infront of a large apartment, the temporary home of one icy heiress or as she was actually named. Weiss schnee.
Jaune tried to calm himself down as he was thinking to himself.
Jaune: come on jaune, you were in a war with a immortal being surely a little date shouldn't be freaking you out.
Jaune: oh but what if I mess up and shes still holding a grudge against me for everything I did in beacon? Oh gods what if there's karaoke and she thinks I picked it because I wanted to sing-
"ENOUGH". That word rang through head as he took a deep breath and exhaled.
Jaune: get ahold of yourself. You got this. Just knock and ask her out. It's not like she's gonna freeze you as soon you ask. Hopefully not... Maybe..
Jaune raised his hand and was about to knock on the door before the door opened as one ice queen was standing in front of him as she frowned as she was on the scroll with someone.
Weiss: i keep telling you, I don't care if this could help with raising the SDC up, im not going to take that deal. Now please stop calling me.
Weiss hung up as she seemed pissed before finally noticing jaune.
Weiss: oh. Uh hello jaune, I was just coming out to get some air, what did you need?
Jaune just looked at her as he seemed a tad worried.
Jaune: business troubles?
Weiss just sighed before nodding as she put her scroll away.
Weiss: one of my father's old business partners are trying to stay a part of the board of executives and tried to suggest we partner with some rival company, galaw dust manufacturing I think was its name. Regardless, once again, what do you need?
Jaune: oh well I wanted to know if you wanted to hangout with me and ruby at the hall of huntsmen.
Jaune: liar. Just say the damn truth, don't wrap more of your friends up in the potential humiliation
Weiss looked at him before sighing. She looked away before shaking her head and redirecting her gaze.
Weiss: apologies jaune but I'll have to decline. I think I've had my fair share of ruby fangirling over the huntsmen and huntresses of old.
Jaune: oh. Ok well I'll see you around then.
Jaune turned and began walking away before Weiss spoke
Weiss: very well, and jaune. Your terrible at lying.
Jaune stopped in his tracks as his face went pale before looking at a smug Weiss.
Weiss: I've been around fake faces throughout my childhood, I can tell when someone lies to me. I have some coffee brewing if your interested.
Jaunes brain was still processing the fact that Weiss called out him on his very bad lie. Until the rest of what she said hit him as his face was redder than Ruby's cloak with a stupid smile plastered his face.
Jaune: welp. Might not got a date but we still get to hang out with her.
We cut to a cup of coffee with the schnee family crest on it, with jaune looking in aw.
Jaune: how did a coffee brewer make this? I'm used to the basic settings for designs.
Weiss: it didn't, I did. Besides it's a simple design.
Jaune: wait, when did you learn to make coffee?
Weiss: turns out, Blake is an incredible barista, though considering how long she reads her... Filth I'm not surprised she makes coffee.
Jaune: oh. That's neat, and thinking about it, it makes sense, also wait did you just say Blake reads po-
Weiss: POINT is, yes I can make coffee, so don't act like it's a miracle.
Jaune: right yeah, sorry.
Weiss: now, onto a lighter subject, I have a game for both of us, however it does involve alcohol so if we do play you'll be here for night. For obvious reasons.
Jaune: understood snow angel. Whats the game?
Weiss: two truths, one lie. With the new rule of if whoever spot 10 lies in a row the loser has to tell an embarrassing secret that they would normally take to their grave. Make sense?
Jaune nodded as Weiss smirked, she got up and soon came with a bottle of whiskey and wine as well as with two shot glasses.
Weiss: one last thing. If one of us gets it wrong, we have to take a shot so pick your poison jaune.
Jaune nodded before taking a long look. Before eventually grabbing the whiskey bottle and shaking it a bit. Weiss just nodded and pushed the wine aside.
Weiss: round one. I'll start easy. I never had a pet, I had a ton of stuffed animals, and I hated my brother for being a suckup.
Jaune: uh the second one.
Weiss nodded as jaune smiled.
Jaune: now my turn. I'll increase the difficulty a little. I wanted to fight Neptune when I first saw him. I faked my transcripts and I sniffed my pet dog Shelby's ass once.
Weiss thought about it for a few moments as she seemed to find her answer as she seemed confident in it.
Weiss: you may have been a dolt but theres no way you faked your transcripts.
Jaune nervously chuckled at that before clearing his throat.
Jaune: I... Did fake my transcripts.
Weiss went quiet before her eye twitched.
Weiss: you mean. You faked your transcripts to get into beacon, w-why?!
Jaune: i never got any training from my dad and wasn't allowed to go to any combat schools, so I never got a letter of recommendation or the chance to actually get an authentic transcript. So I uh.. faked mine.
Weiss went quiet again as she simply poured herself a glass. As she looked at him.
Weiss: are you sure you faked your transcripts and you aren't just lying to yourself?
Jaune: I'm sure Weiss.
Weiss:so what was the lie?
jaune: I did have a dog named Shelby, but I never once sniffed her ass.
Weiss:... I can't believe I had enough faith that you were trained
Weiss takes a swig before placing down the glass as her face had a tinge of pink.
Weiss: m-my turn. I can hold my liquor more than my mother. I thought Neptune was the ideal guy for awhile and Im Really sexually repressed, like if I could i'd try every position and understandable kink, atleast once.
Jaune: as much as I wish the last one is a lie, your already blushing after oneshot. Your a lightweight Weiss.
Weiss:... I hate this game now.
Jaune: you suggested it. Here if you want I can get the next one wrong on purp-
Weiss: don't even FINISH that thought. If we're doing this... We're playing fair... Even if its BULLSHIT how you already have TWO in a ROW.
Jaune just nodded and chuckled softly at the heiress's aggravation.
Jaune: ok. My turn. I met ruby after you and her had the... Incident, yang for some reason was my wing woman during beacon, and i could beat pyrrha in a arm wrestling contest.
Weiss just looked at him and narrowed her eyes.
Weiss: no way on the gods green grass you could beat pyrrha at arm wrestling.
Jaune: yep. Anytime we did she'd always win.
Weiss: figured. No offense but during beacon you were a noodle compared to the rest of us
Jaune: no offense taken. I definitely was a noodle during beacon. Though technically I still am
Weiss: not really. You have gotten a lot more definition to your body.
There was a small pause as Weiss went red as she looked away.
Weiss: f-from the surface level atleast.
Jaune smiled softly and the night continued on as the two would talk and drink. Enjoying this moment of bliss. Who knows what fate will have for them but whatever comes.. these moments will always be priceless.
Ofcourse theres also you dear reader, what might you find in looking into this single night? That depends on what you want to see.
(feel free to continue on with this. It's always nice seeing others interpretation)
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take-taker-taken · 4 months
Hi.... I've been backreading your blog since my old interest in WWE has been reignited and I love your writing and your enthusiasm for these wrestlers (they're my favourites ^-^) I've never requested fic before so I'm not sure what the etiquette is, but if you would be willing, I'd love to see a fic with Early 90s!Undertaker x a trans man!reader, maybe with the reader being a novice wrestler. Thank you and have a lovely day/night etc
Hi, Anon! Thank you for the lovely comments 😊 Here’s your fic - hope you enjoy! I have no idea whether ‘Cyclone’ is a genuine wrestler’s name anywhere and I didn’t google so I hope there are no hideous unintentional clashes with anything.
Learning Curve
You pace nervously around the canvas, giving the occasional glance over to the curtained off doorway that sits around 60 feet away. You were told to be here by noon to get some more ring time in, and that they’d send someone down to work with you. Your heart nearly stops when the curtain is flipped to one side and a giant appears - the shaggy, russet-coloured hair is unmistakeable. There’s no hat or long coat, but he’s wearing the rest of his ring gear - black tights and a black shirt with short, ragged sleeves. This can’t be who they’ve sent… you take an involuntary step back.
The giant walks slowly down the walk way before stopping a few feet from the apron.
“Cyclone, right?” Your first thought is that his voice isn’t quite as deep as you’ve heard in his promos. You nod dumbly and he does a quick step that brings him right up to the edge and then he’s climbing through the ropes. “I’m Undertaker,” he says, holding out his hand. You meet the handshake and swallow as your hand disappears into his huge paw.
“Good to meet you, sir.” You manage not to stutter as you stare up at his face, taking in the sharp, green eyes and the scruffy red beard. He cocks his head and you see his eyes flick over your chest as he takes you in. You’re used to that, and you know that there’s an understanding around the locker room of your history and so you just tighten up your grip a little on his hand before you release each other.
“They said you wanted to get some ring time, and work on a few things?” He stands with his hands on his hips, all business.
You nod again and then silently curse your current lack of vocal ability. Damn, he really is cute without all that purple-coloured make up under his eyes. He looks vaguely amused at your unintentional guppy impersonation and reaches out, slapping you lightly on the arm.
“So what do you want to work on? Holds? Offence and defence? I’m thinking lifts might be out just now.” He quirks an eyebrow as he mentions lifts and you laugh a little and shrug.
“Yeah… I don’t think I could lift you. Could we… could I try some takedowns?” You feel kind of silly asking, but at the same time there’s not much you can do without his say so. To your relief he nods and takes a few steps back.
“Sure - come at me with it and we’ll check your technique.”
You back off to the ropes and brace yourself to charge forward and then stop. “Umm, are you going to defend, or…”
“Naw, we’ll keep it straightforward and work on how you deal with a defence against it later. Now, hit it.”
You take a deep breath and launch yourself towards the waiting giant and into the move, amazed when he drops back so easily and then you’re left straddling him, your hands resting on his stomach. You’re nearly overwhelmed with a desire to just lean forward the rest of the way and kiss across those massive shoulders but you give your head a shake and then roll off him.
Still on his back, he turns his head lazily to one side and nods at you. “That was good. No messing around or acting like your opponent’s gonna break.”
You smile, delighted at the praise and shift on to your knees. “Thanks. It felt really good - never thought you’d go down so easily.” As soon as the words are out, you blush at the completely unintended double entendre. He doesn’t seem to pay it any mind though, and then you both get back to your feet.
“OK, again.” He beckons you on and so you repeat the move and again he falls to the canvas. You do it a third time and then on the fourth he counters but doesn’t give it his all so you’re able to recover quickly. Warmed up now and with the adrenaline starting to flow, you bounce on your toes and then he steps up and ruffles your hair with one big hand.
“Alright, boy - I think it’s time you were on your back for a while. Hit the ropes one, two, three and then when you come off the last time, I’m gonna give you a clothesline.”
You push the image he’s just conjured out of your mind and nod enthusiastically before doing as he’s said with the rope work. You even manage not to flinch as you approach his outstretched oak branch of an arm. You drop on to your back and then close your eyes as he follows you down, pinning you with his body weight. He leans across you, elbow propped on the canvas as he smirks.
“Yeah, this is much better. Think you can kick out?” He leans over a little more as he says it and you know there isn’t a hope in hell of being able to get your shoulder up off the floor.
You shake your head. “Nope.” You’re breathing hard from the slam to the floor. “You got me.”
“I do, don’t I?” He lowers his head until his lips are just a few inches from yours. “How you feeling down there?”
Your heart pounds as you contemplate this latest double entendre and notice that those green eyes are sparkling. “Down here?” You reply, shrugging as best you can before adding, “Or down there?”
You can see that you’ve caught him off guard just a bit when he pauses and then chuckles. “Yeah, that’s real cute, boy. You’ve got a smart mouth.” He moves an inch closer. “A smart, pretty mouth.”
You take a breath in order to reply and then he’s closed the gap and his lips are pressed to yours. Only for a couple of seconds, as he draws back to look you over one last time. “This OK?”
In answer, you take your turn to close the gap but he quickly retakes control and you happily capitulate, parting your lips to allow his tongue entrance. He tastes fresh and clean and as he thoroughly kisses you into oblivion your hips twitch as his other hand wanders down over your hip and between your legs. He strokes repeatedly over your inner thigh and then you almost feel the effort of will as he backs off and ends the kiss.
“We can’t do this here.” He dips back down for another quick peck to your lips before he moves his arm and lets you up. “Let’s go get showered up.” You get to your feet and must have puppy dog eyes as you see the tenting in his tights, as smile pulls at the corner of his mouth and he ruffles your hair again.
“If there’s nobody -”
“If there’s nobody in there then you’re mine, boy. Ain’t waiting any longer than I have to.” He steps to the side of the ring and ever the gentleman, pushes down the middle rope to give you room to easily scoot out before he follows you on to the apron and down. You head back up the ramp and shout in surprise as he smacks your ass. “Let’s hurry it up - I need to speak to the office - make sure that your match tomorrow is against me.”
That stops you in your tracks and you look up at him. “For real?”
He laughs and shakes his head. “Damn right. There’s a hell of a lot of ways for me to get my hands on you during a match. Think I’m letting anyone else get there first, then you got another think comin’, boy - so move it.”
You grin up at him nod. “You haven’t seen my high flying yet… I can already think of one novel way of getting my legs around you…”
“It’s cute how you talk like we’re on a level playing field.” He steals one last kiss before you get too close to the curtain to risk it, adding in a quick bite to your neck that nearly makes your legs give out and then you follow him through, never more intent on getting out of your gear…
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amoneki-ramblings · 5 months
003 for the ask: which Kaneki is your favorite to ship with Amon?
Oooh that's an interesting ask (I was gonna answer this earlier but I kinda forgot, oop-) let's go !!
Does this one count?? I feel like this could just be categorized under Shironeki; I'm not really sure if this counts as A Kaneki it's just A State he's in sometimes, but I also can't deny how horribly ill any scenario with Amon and Centipede Kakuja Kaneki makes me. Maybe it's because any situation involving this would probably be a given for angst and/or hurt/comfort but like hear me out (about to spew the most Incomprehensible nonsense at you). Something something bringing back someone from the Brink. Something something trusting someone to have not lost himself completely even after he stares you straight in the eye like he doesn't recognize you at all. There's this one detail in the scene at Kanou's lab where you don't see Kaneki's 'human' eye for (i think) the entire time he's on his rampage except for when he tries to remember Amon and when he tries to remember "this world is wrong" and I just think that's a little fucked up (also the way Amon says "yeah" and almost-smiles because he trusted and knew all along when Kaneki admits he doesn't actually want to kill and eat, guh. and-) and Wow I really need to stop before I end up with another hundred word analysis about that scene okay moving on
Shironeki !! - Peak Amoneki era right there. Ironically I don't have a lot to say, they're just Good (also probably because I dumped a lot of my thoughts on them already with one of the previous asks). They're The Classics yknow ?? You can do whatever you want and it's great, guy who's chasing after another guy who's always just out of his reach, guys who are kindred spirits, guys with the Best Dynamic Ever it's hard to go wrong, really
Haise :)) - While they're different I still want to fit Haise on here because God. They should've interacted. I could've been so insane about them if Amon stayed in the CCG In my heart he's tied on this scale with Shironeki but alas canon couldn't even let Haise see Amon. Haise trying to learn about Amon (with the bonus Live Kaneki Reactions) was very interesting though, I think he would've absolutely Loved him if he got to know him as a colleague. I have that whole au just for that. I just think the blend of silliness and them getting to know each other with the pain of. Haise. And the conflict of trying to separate him from Eyepatch/Kaneki just makes it very well-rounded. Wait what do you mean they never Actually interacted and I just made all that up? What do you mean I had to make an au for all that?? (also sidenote but Amonhaise and Amoneki at the same time is also a really funny dynamic imo )
Kuroneki - It's hard to imagine how their dynamic would be before. Everything, though I suppose them seeing each other after their first encounter but pre-torture could be very interesting. Amon sees the ghoul who basically leapt into the air to tear a chunk out of his shoulder and he's just Some Guy. Internally Kuroneki is like "oh God it's the investigator he's going to kill me I'm the reason his partner died this is it" and Amon's just confused like "this is the really the same guy??? but he's??" That actually reminds me I read a really good tumblr drabble once of Kuro-amoneki that's genuinely pretty great I recommend it :)
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tazzmanien · 4 months
I fell for the trap. A few months ago I stumbled upon the title Little Mushroom and thought that sounds cute, let's read it one day when I'm into fluff. You all seemed to write positive stuff about it, so I naively didn't do my due diligence.
I mean, who calls a novel Little Mushroom and proceeds to break your heart and mind on so many levels, that I fear they will never heal again? I should have known better, after all it's a Chinese novel.
In short, I'm devastated in the most positive way. I mean it!
The story is so depressing with all the despair, loss and drama, that one cannot read it without falling in a deep pit of existential crisis. What makes us humans? What would I do in such a scenario? What is love? Is it all worth fighting for?
And yet I love the story exactly for all the hurtful feelings it evokes. I love that a silly little mushroom, which seems fundamentally detached from all the human feelings and thoughts, gets to show us humans how beautiful and ugly we actually are. The compassion this lil dude gives us is so pure and eye-opening. I wish we could all learn a little from it.
Overall the characters are all quite interesting. However, a word of caution, don't get too attached to any side character. I warned you.
It has a main pair that finally didn't bother me, by one being seemingly too weak and the other too strong. I wrote seemingly because they both ended up to be way more than what's shown on the surface. I love them both so much!! (Not relevant to the review, but green eyes.... amirite? Like wow yeah you know yeah... Little Mushroom I get it....) Their love story somehow seemed like a first love, without the immature childish stuff that usually comes with first loves. Kinda fresh in that sense. Made me happy as I'm bored of teenagers falling in love.
The world building was detailed enough, however it left so much open for imagination that it could have turned out confusing, but it didn't. Don't ask me why. It was the perfect ratio for me, even though I'm usually the first to complain when things are not described fully.
While I'm at the word confusing, lots of natural science gets mentioned at some points. I haven't verified if it all was correct or just fantasy. If you, like me, forgot all you've learned it might distract you from the reading flow. However, at the same time it was necessary to make the story more plausible. So even though I sometimes didn't really follow all the science stuff (not out of lacking intelligence, but because I simply didn't focus) I still needed the information to believe what was happening.
All in all I would recommend this novel to everyone, even to those who are not into love stories and BLs. But be prepared with a bunch of tissues and some decompression time after finishing it. You'll need it and well you know, life must go on after you read it.
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thepearlyone · 11 months
Genital Contact Not Necessary
[A story I ended up writing from stuff I learned at Beguiled! Including the title. Please enjoy.]
"So, how do these exactly work?" Kate quizzically turned, facing the small mirror on the side of the hall. The simply furnished passage of Moira's apartment had a very plain side table for two, in between two chairs with white smooth tips on the bottom. On it, the aforementioned Pearls- two earrings of perfect roundness, about 20 mm in size- and which Moira had alluded to.
She idly picked one up, noticing the lack of earring post- instead placing it carefully on her ear, where it stayed precisely in the center. It didn't look too bad...
But it needed a friend- and her arm curiously darted for its twin.
"I mean, I get that I'm supposed to wear these as earrings-" She didn't quite spot the hands slinking behind her- catching her in a tight embrace, each one now keeping her shoulders still and straight, Moira's fingers expertly massaging them as she was pulled into a gentle yet inescapable embrace.
“Oh, those look lovely on you, Kate. I knew that you’d enjoy them…” Moira giggled, gently holding Kate still in her entryway. It hadn’t quite been her plan to start so suddenly, but Kate certainly had been curious about her involvement in the Legion.
Upon noticing her softly shut eyes, Moira purred-
"You know, if you want them to be there permanently, *WE* can make that happen."
Kate squealed, at both the astonishing mention of permanently wearing them, and picturing the perfect iridescent hemispheres now on display in her ears.
Moira paused for a moment to admire them as well, pulling her arms forward to idly rock Kate back and forth, her fingers now smoothly pressing against the smooth white surfaces of Kate's Pearls.
"Mmmmmm... whatever you're doing with your fingers is lovely..." It was nothing more than a slow rolling gasp, but it would suffice. The susurrant pleasure mixed and rolled, intertwining with Moira's gentle rocking. Kate began to smile, the feelings becoming much smoother to her...
"Lovely, isn't it? This is what's called stroking your Pearls. Of course, I'm stroking YOUR Pearls, not mine- so the wording's- okay, I think you understand." Moira eagerly giggled, getting a little too fixated on the idea.
"Mmm, okay. Stroking the Pearls..." Kate nodded, giggling back softly- mirroring what she'd heard.
"Yeah, they release a bunch of endorphins to make you feel good. They begin to mentally bond with you, forming a connection. It's.. hm. It's almost like making a conduit between two points, or connecting a junction box, or-"
Kate interrupted excitedly, pulling free of the grasp she'd been placed in with a slight twirl.
"Ooh! Or like connecting pipes, or like that water flow game! I love that one!"
Moira laughed openly as her dommey bubble was nerdily burst. Kate had expressed interest earlier in how she'd done that silly 'telekinesis' display, despite all of it just being simple Pearl manipulation that even first-month Legionnaire students were experts at. She reached out in her mind, her twin Pearl earrings glowing a soft seafoam green as she ‘pulled’ the chair forward.
"Exactly. These pretty little Pearls are what connect us Legionnaires to the rest of the Legion." Kate gasped, the chair very gently nudging at her calf- and she obligingly sat down, eyes wide with mystery.
"However," Moira continued, "they do filter a lot of their own strength, much like our pipes, so you don't get blasted with the full pressure all at once." Her hands gestured, pulling the table out of the way without touching it- just as she'd done with the chair.
"I.. see. And those do feel very good in, well, their own way." Kate blushed involuntarily, attempting to deflect what types of emotions she'd been feeling moments ago.
"My dear, you're welcome to express yourself- and yes, in any way you please." Moira chortled, using her hands to pull off an orange-purple-white scarf from the side table.
"If anything, that's what this meeting was about." Kate paused, letting the words hang in the air. Her eyebrows furled. Had it been that obvious this whole time?
"You were curious, and I thought that it would be best to introduce certain things... slowly. Most people I've chatted with about this topic don't tend to take certain aspects of myself or the Legion very seriously." Moira waited, ending the sentence with a wink.
Kate opened her mouth- but slowly shut it, letting the silence in between the cracks of the conversation. She nodded- some of it striking home. Her own thoughts had often been shot down, and she knew the pain of being unable to merely mention certain subjects out of the fear of ‘awkward’- much less the stigma of… whatever the Legion must feel like.
"That's enough of that, though. I'd like to hear your thoughts, what that all felt like. It's... delightful seeing a new potential Legionnaire enjoying herself." Moira winked with a grin, sitting down with her arms atop the back of the chair.
“O-oh.” Kate squirmed slightly, blinking a few times while collecting her thoughts- yet not wanting to take the Pearls off just yet.
They did feel so delightful, almost like there was a calming weight to them- though they weren’t burdensome. When she’d been wearing them, they felt weightless- along with her thoughts…
“Well… I really like how they make me feel. There’s a sort of relaxing quality to them, and if they’re like, magic? From everything you’ve said, including previous conversations, you always describe it as an enlightening feeling? And I’m not really sure how that tied into everything- but I’m glad they help you.”
She stammered out a response- meeting Moira’s wide knowing smile. Moira leaned in, petting aside her hair. The flawless iridescent spheres peeked through the forest of Kate’s hair, only for them to be fully put on display.
“And do you know how one makes them... permanent?” Kate blushed, shaking her head as Moira leaned in seductively. After all, the possibility was rather new to her- their chats about the Legion had mostly involved them being a book club- but come to think of it, all of them always had Pearls in their ears…
Moira continued after a pause. “While wearing them, you make a… pledge, of sorts. You orgasm- making a sort of pact with them. They pierce your ears, and make the connection so much stronger.”
Her voice was turning softer, more sensual- a tone of reverence sneaking into her voice. Moira paused, just for a moment- eyes locked on Kate to confirm their mutual interest.
“Not only that, but… you hear our Queen’s voice deep within your mind.”
“Oh.” Kate turned a bright red.
“I suppose you may not have realized this, but there’s an element of us Legionnaires being a hive mind to it as well.” At this point, Moira was very close by- and Kate had turned her head slightly away.
“But that isn’t a problem is it, dear?” Moira grinned, tilting Kate’s chin up as the subject trapped by societal convention- pinned by Moira’s gaze above her.
“N-no, actually… erm, these sorts of things are- well, you called them something like… unserious, before, right? Other people usually have issues with those topics?” Moira nodded slowly, as if observing Kate’s more obvious physical reactions while listening.
“I, erm. Like hypnosis. That’s how we met at that venue- there was a little hypnotist show off in the corner. It… was terrible, very poorly done, but I still really enjoyed it. And if I have to be explicit about it, in THAT kind of way.”
“Oh! An eager subject, are we?” The overly fake Domme voice Moira had previously used slipped back- causing Kate to giggle, blush, and squirm even more.
“Well, Kate- you probably would be fine with the assimilative aspects of the Pearl Legion in that case- welcoming you into our fold, providing optional brainwashing, the voice of the Pearl Queen in the back of your head, or sometimes very much in the forefront- basically, if you don’t have a problem with… well, explicit mind control for the betterment of humanity…” Moira trailed off, her eyebrows peaking slightly. Kate had picked up and was okay with far more than she’d thought- and it wasn’t entirely out of a need to tease her this time.
Kate paused, holding up her hand in an outstretched palm of ‘stop’.
“Moira. I’m going to lay this all out on the table.” She took a deep breath, closing her eyes.
“The way these Pearls make me feel is lovely, wonderful, exciting to think about, and simply splendid. They’re very tempting, but I’m not sure I’m ready for such a commitment yet. I want to be right for the Legion- and with our other discussions in mind, not yet. That’s still a maybe. On the other hand, I’m very much into hypnosis- and the idea of you trancing me is so fucking hot I really really want that if that’s on the table and sorry if it’s too forward of me for right now.”
Moira stared at Kate for a moment, eyes blinking suddenly. Well, the cute gal she’d managed to meet had enjoyed all of it. What a delight- but what a predicament!
“Are you okay with the more, uh, sexual advances happening?” Her voice faltered, asking just for confirmation.
“…I thought that’s why you’d been making them?” Kate now had her own eyebrows furrowed, energetically getting up from the table and crossing her arms.
It was Moira’s turn to go into the Gay Box of Not Realizing Someone’s Flirting In That Way.
“I can see that you’re going to need a moment, so I’m just going to say- yes.” Kate pinned her leather jacket to one of the hooks nearby, revealing the simple prideful stripe of a rainbow across her shirt- the look of which later reminded both of a recent season of a treasured TV show.
Moira stammered a few times, which Kate recognized as needing a moment.
“Would you be able to make us some tea, Moira? And we’ll discuss further then. Let’s just give a bit of space for both of us to breathe.”
Kate had since taken off the Pearls, admiring their carrying case. It was somewhat impractical for daily use, but since most of the Legionnaires ended up… well, orgasming for the Pearl Queen, and submitting to Her power, letting the Pearls connect permanently to them- it made sense that such a chunky wooden box would be made more for display than daily use. It was a simple wood exterior, reminding her of any typical jewelry box- if slightly bigger to allow both Pearls to fit in while angling up to meet the eyes of any potential Legionnaire.
“Moira. Are you ready to discuss some sort of consent agreement? Or perhaps… what we were discuss earlier?”
“Yes, now that I’ve had a bit of time to think about it.” She paused, taking a deep breath in between.
“From what I understand, Kate- you’d like to be hypnotized entirely using the Pearls as a focus. Am I to then assume you’ve been hypnotized before, and found the situation delightful?” The question was maybe equally prying as it was priming her subject-to-be, but it was acceptable to the lady across from her.
“That’s right- I really enjoyed the permanence talk earlier, but would like to veer away from that for right now. The swaying and stroking were fantastic too, so if there’s a way to incorporate those- and maybe steer clear of any sort of… hrm, nether regions talk?” Kate’s hand curled around her own hair, twisting with a hint of timidity and a splash of trepidation.
“That’s definitely something I could do- focusing on your arousal entirely independent of anything below your hips. It’s not too uncommon for many Legionnaires- the Pearls eventually become their own erogenous zones. As if they aren’t already!” Moira mused, cueing laughter from both of them.
“I think I’ve got something- if you’re ready, we could proceed to my bedroom?” She leaned forward into Kate, still towering over her- using her posture to communicate deeper understanding and submission.
Kate slipped her hand into Moira’s, which had not been offered previously and was just swaying by the side of her hip. This caused no end of blushing and stammering for both of them, before Kate finally led Moira back towards the bedroom.
“So you know how these work, then, don’t you?” Moira grinned, offering her the wooden box. This was where it all would begin.
Kate nodded, accepting it with open hands as she strolled towards the bed and sat down.
“Of course, but we’re not going into the more… intense aspects. Yet.” Her fingers popped open the lid, revealing the twin iridescent hemispheres.
“And because you know just how wonderful they feel, how relaxed they can help you feel- you know exactly what to do.” Kate blushed with a giggle- noticing how Moira’s tone was now much more seductive. She’d whispered so softly, and she was becoming captivated with its resonance.
“And you want to touch them, don’t you? Go ahead- feel free to answer.”
“Yes.” She smirked, one finger slipping towards them-
“Wait.” Kate’s fingers paused, the next words flowing out of Moira’s mouth.
“Say ‘Yes, Moira’.”
“Yes, Moira.”
“Good girl.” Moira’s big wide grin returned, her own finger beginning to stroke Kate’s shoulders soothingly- eliciting a slow sigh from her.
“And it feels so good to listen to my words, your curiosity being unable to stop you from gently touching the Pearls. You want so badly to just reach out and touch them, to slip your fingers around them and put them back on- right, Kate?”
“Yes, Moira.” Her eyes focused on the shimmering iridescent Pearls, idly tracing her fingers around their edges much like Moira had done.
“It would be oh so easy to just stroke them.. to just feel yourself relax enough to feel good about putting them on- and just imagine how your ears would look wearing them again. How pretty, how proper, how good they feel.”
“Yes, Moira…” Kate squirmed on the bed, shoulders beginning to slump forward while still staring at the box between her hands.
“See? Your body’s already beginning to relax, to let the Pearls feel so good, to let My words slip deeper into your mind. And you want to feel them- to wear them on your ears for Me.”
“I- yes, Moira.” Kate wiggled even more, hand starting to bring them up to her ears.
“Attagirl. We both knew you couldn’t resist putting them back where they belong- they feel so nice, so soothing, so calming…” At this point, Moira had her trapped in a gentle swaying embrace, standing over her while massaging her shoulders.
”You might begin to feel even more and more relaxed, or you might begin to feel everything- all that stress, tension, drawing into the Pearls and concentrating there. Either way, you’re just right here, in My arms…”
“Yes, Moira.” She tapped Moira’s arm twice with one finger, following the guidelines they’d set out earlier.
“Is it the power of the Pearls? Or is it My words, drawing you deeper, helping you relax... drawing all that stress away…”
“Yes, Moira…” Kate’s arm trembled slightly, pressing the second Pearl in with a soft gasp. Both of them felt connected, pulsing softly with such blissful energy.
“It doesn’t matter- it only matters that you obey… that you say Yes, Moira- that you stroke your Pearls and relax…”
“Yes, Moira…” Kate could barely keep her eyes open amidst each soothing wave of iridescent perfection- she could feel Moira’s breaths as they slowly synced up… in, out, pushing any other thoughts away.
“Good girl. Such a good girl, wearing pretty Pearls for Me- letting those thoughts slip away…”
“mmmmm…” The soft moan was all that was left of her conscious mind, overwhelmed and subsumed by the pleasure.
“Attagirl.” Moira’s fingers danced atop their white surfaces, slowly and carefully tracing perfect circles on the Pearls in front of her.
“You’re being so good, giving in to the hypnosis- the powerful pretty Pearls in your ears drawing you deeper… helping you relax and submit.” Her arms were cradling Kate now, having slipped behind her.
“giving in… goooooood.” Moira giggled at the blissful remark from the dreamy headed gal in her arms.
“That’s right. It feels so good to give in to the hypnosis, to let that softness bring you deeper under the Pearls’ control for now.”
“give in.. control.”
“Very good. May I reward you with a kiss on the cheek? Say ‘Yes, Moira’ if I may, and one long tap if I may not.” Kate dazedly tapped twice, clearly just a little bit confused.
Moira leaned in and gently kissed her subject’s cheek. A gasp drew itself from Kate’s mouth, and Moira could see just how deep she’d become now- the Pearls were truly excellent assistants.
By this point, Kate could feel the Pearls softly pulsing with their rewarding pleasure- something that Moira felt all too intensely now that she was a full-blown Legionnaire.
“Very good, Kate- I’m sure you know what it feels like to relax. You’re very clearly enjoying this, I can tell. You’ve got the cutest trance-face.”
Kate giggled, a blissful smile wide across her face, eyes closed shut. It was like soaking in a bright pool, just on the top of it- only it was an iridescent smooth seafoam-glowing pool now.
“Would you like to tell Me what it feels like, Kate?”
“Yes, Moira…” The response was automatic, almost robotic- exciting Moira in a way she hadn’t expected before.
“feels… relaxing, calming, soothing.” Those were expected responses.
“Pearls very good. Want to keep wearing… feel wonderful, feel like…” Okay, those were pretty normal as well. Everyone who truly desired them *did* enjoy them deeply.
“slaaaaave…” The blissful exhalation was followed by Kate’s hips bucking, a clear show of the arousal she felt.
“Red.” Moira carefully hugged Kate.
All of a sudden, everything slowed for Kate- the soft pulsing from the Pearls reversed, pushing the thoughts and consciousness back into her head.
“Kate… That’s not something we’d discussed, but that’s also something I’m VERY eager and curious about. However, you’re not able to negotiate that right now- so I have to stop you right there.”
Another deep breath from the two of them, letting their minds relax and refresh- one coming back up from the deeply entranced state, the other coming off the high of such intimate control.
“Coming back up for me in three, two, and one-” Moira snapped her fingers, lifting them up off of Kate’s arm. Her other hand and posture supported Kate while she did so- but her subject’s finger indicated she wished to lie there for a few moments, so Moira withdrew slightly.
Kate silently lay back on the bed for a few moments. She’d been cognizant of what she was doing for a little while now, but it still felt so… real. When Moira pulled the Pearls away just for a bit, she’d felt her heart plunge for a few seconds- but it was a quick recovery. It made sense that people could enjoy them so deeply.
“Yes, Kate?” Moira was just behind her now, pulling her up into a soft embrace on her lap-
“Could we have more tea, and maybe discuss that? That might be something for… much later.”
“More tea would be lovely, dear.” She giggled, earrings glowing a soft seafoam green as her kettle was moved back into position from its resting point on the counter and switched on.
(adding a read more?)
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bi-turtle-enthusiast · 4 months
Hello.... Can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from MDZS? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Thanks if you want to answer....
yeah sure!
5. Lan Sizhui/Lan Jingyi I love their dynamic SO much. They're best friends who have clearly known each other for such a long time, and they're both really interesting characters in their own right! Lan Sizhui is so interesting, what with his Lan upbringing and his Wen heritage, and the fact that he's connecting to both by the end of the book. Lan Jingyi is Lan Sizhui's ride-or-die, protecting his best friend at every opportunity while having the best lines in the entire book, and he makes every scene he's in 100x better.
4. Wen Qing Medical malplractice queen!! But in all seriousness, there's something so viscerally powerful about the fact that she's willing to go against nature itself for her baby brother. She'd both die and kill for Wen Ning, and later for Wei Wuxian. I feel like her type of character (murderous older sister) is kind of rare and I really, really like her. I feel like The Untamed really fleshed out her character and I really appreciated her after I watched it. She's equally capable of nurturing and destroying—a force of nature herself.
3. Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian Fun fact: I hated Lan Wangji when I first read MDZS, and to be honest I'm still so-so on novel Lan Wangji. However, he was easily one of my favorite characters in The Untamed, and watching it made me see him in a whole different light. He doesn't communicate through his words, but through his actions. I think Wang Yibo was perfect casting because he NAILED Lan Wangji's micro-expressions and body language and really brought the character to life. Reading Lan Wangji as autistic also made me understand him a lot more. As for Wei Wuxian, I initially read him as a silly guy and... was right. Despite everything, he stays silly. I do find him a little insufferable pre-death, but I think that was intentional. He probably would have been higher on the list, but while I think he's a really compelling character (and ADHD personified, just like me fr), I'm also very frustrated by him and I don't like how he treats people sometimes. Still, I adore the way he looks after Jin Ling, refuses to let anyone blame Jiang Cheng for anything that happened to him, and takes care of Lan Wangji (towards the end, anyway).
2. Jin Ling Ok he probably would have been at the very top of this list but unfortunately jiang cheng brainrot is real. But CAN WE TALK ABOUT HIM. Over the course of the story, he finds out that his disgraced uncle who insulted him for not having a mom was actually Wei Wuxian reincarnated, then had to contend with the fact that Wei Wuxian was both the reason his parents and grandparents died AND the guy who protected him at every opportunity. Not to mention, he learned that Jin Guangyao, his beloved uncle who gifted him his beloved dog, had orchestrated his parents' death and was ready to kill him too. And what does he do at the end of the novel? He cries. He doesn't seek revenge, he doesn't get angry, he just cries, and he lets go. He chooses not to pursue revenge, because he's seen how the quest for revenge has destroyed everyone around him in one way or another. He's a little shit (because he's an edgy 15 year old) but he's a really intelligent and kind person who loves Jiang Cheng more than anything.
1. Jiang Cheng Some of y'all are going to disagree with me but it must be said. Jiang Cheng is the best MDZS character. Jiang Yanli's love and care taught him how to be loving and caring too. He loved Wei Wuxian, he loved Jin Ling, and he loved his sect. Jiang Cheng never stopped loving Wei Wuxian, even after everything that happened. He hated Wei Wuxian too—that's undeniable—but he also loved him. He kept his belongings intact, he never stopped believing he would come back, he literally gave up his golden core to protect Wei Wuxian. And Jin Ling! He loves Jin Ling so much! Despite having AWFUL parents himself, he was determined not to be that way towards Jin Ling. He did his best to break the generational trauma of his family because he wanted Jin Ling to have it better than he did. When Jin Ling becomes sect leader, he makes sure that he knows that if he EVER needs ANYTHING, he'll provide it to the best of his ability. I could go on for hours about this man. Best MDZS character. He's so full of resentment and hatred and vengeance, but in the end, the thing that always wins out over everything else is his unshakeable love.
Honorable mention: I loved MianMian in the Untamed and wish she got more time to shine in the novel
Favorite moments: 5. Literally anytime Lan Jingyi is in a scene. Every time he opens his mouth it's my favorite scene. He keeps Wei Wuxian humble in a way that only a teenager can. 4. The WangXian scene where Wei Wuxian hides porn in Lan Wangji's book. It starts off so genuinely nice—you can tell Lan Wangji isn't really serious anymore when he tells Wei Wuxian to stfu, and you get the feeling that Wei Wuxian is probably the closest thing Lan Wangji has to a friend. Wei Wuxian draws Lan Wangji a little portrait, and it's genuinely a sweet gesture. Lan Wangji thinks so too—he hasn't ever gotten something like this, and the fact that Wei Wuxian took the time to learn his appearance and commit it to paper makes him feel some type of way. And then, it turns out that everything was just a ruse so Wei Wuxian could prank Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji is,, understandably enraged. It feels cruel that Wei Wuxian would be so insincere just to do that. I kind of hated Wei Wuxian in this scene, but it's one of my favorites because it kind of shows the nature of their initial relationship—half-sincere, but never truly sincere. 3. Xuanwu cave scene. It's so funny and so painful and so sweet. We really see everyone's characters coming out—Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji being selfless protective, Jiang Cheng being capable and responsible, Jin Zixuan being brave and righteous, MianMian being the GOAT, Wang Lingjiao and Wen Chao deserving death, etc. 2. The umbrella scene in the Untamed. It was just so powerful. Lan Wangji putting down his umbrella, which represents the rules and morality of his sect, and just letting the rain mess up his perfect appearance. He doesn't know what's right and wrong anymore, because he loves Wei Wuxian, but everyone is telling him that's wrong. Wei Wuxian himself doesn't know what's right and wrong. Lan Wangji has been thinking in terms of black and white all this time, and for the first time, he finds himself in a gray area. It was just so powerful!! 1. The conversation between Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng after the temple scene at the end. It was just so beautiful. Go read/watch it.
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darksiders-junkie · 11 months
Hello! This is probably the earliest I've ever stumbled across a blog! Welcome!
As for requests, if the four had any human contacts on earth (pre or post apocalypse/rebirth of humanity) what sort of person do you think they'd go to for human-related questions? Like Death finds a mortician who's got hold of demonic remains and they establish a rapport or something like that? Thoughts? Head cannons? (Sorry if this comes across as oddly phrased, I've only just recently gotten over my fear of sending asks 😅)
Thank you dearie! I welcome you to this dumpster of a profile as my first request🎉🎉
It was a little oddly phrased but I believe I understand what you're asking for! And don't be afraid I will away send a question if I am confused, and if you dont get back to me you can always send another ask and ill redo it for you! Enjoy your little headcanons!
He had absolutely no contacts before the early brought apocalypse or humanities resurrection. Only after humanity was brought back and steadily on their feet did he show interest in them.
His contacts are all names, no nicknames. First names and if they have them last names.
Including his siblings, War would only have 5 contacts.
The first non sibling being a human in the army. He stumbled upon them when saving them from stray demons who hadn't accepted the war was over.
As a thanks, the man forced offered to buy him a drink. War had a better time than he thought he would, and when the man offered his number so they could do this again, he actually agreed.
They now regularly meet up, even just to watch silly human television shows or movies.
War will ask him questions about human items.
W: What is this? *sends picture of make up pallete*
H: Make up.
W: What?
H: It's to highlight a humans best feature. It's pretty much to make humans pretty.
W: Why? Are they trying to seduce their enemies?
H: Yeah I don't have time to unwrap that.
His second contact, believe it or not, is a barista (the love interest). Just some girl that makes coffee at a little shop and passes out pastries (totally found due to first contact).
He'd come by often, mostly fascinated in how it all works. Learning to say please and thank you to her and even learn to tip her from other costumers that came by or his first human friend.
He got her number from intimidating a very, uncomfortably flirty customer to scurry out of the shop.
She offered it with a shy smile and blush and he swore his heart almost stopped. No one is every like that to or around him and it was odd.
He asks her more emotional questions about humans.
W: A man just shouted at me for ten minutes for no reason. Why would he do that?
H: Oh no! I'm sorry, that's extremely shitty of him :(( Sometimes people are just mean. What happened?
W: I was walking and my armor accidently scrapped against his car and he started yelling.
H: Oh honey, those are expensive. You should be careful around cars in the future okay?
W: Okay.
Death much like War had no contacts before the premature apocalypse or humans resurrection. He infact only has 1 contact that isnt his siblings (the love interest)
He had everyone under their names, just as War has. But once that human friend taught him a bit about it, he did add a "💀" at the end of her name.
It was pure coincidence meeting a mortician. He just happened to bump into her multiple times to the point she offered her number.
He accepted just so he could move on with his day without having any problems. Humans tend to create problems over menial things.
But of course she continued to be persistent, texting him constantly. He would have blocked her if he knew how, but instead he gives short 1 word responses in hopes she'd get bored.
However when she sent a picture of herself smiling with a piece sign, and a dead body whoms face was covered he became intrigued.
Only to find out she was a mortician. His intriguement hadn't died though, it's quite fascinating that a human who works with death daily, would coincidently bump into him by pure chance multiple times.
And as the relationship grew, he often found himself asking her questions about humans when he was dumbfounded.
D: Why are their so many options for soaps? Wouldn't one do the job for everyone?
Human: Well some people have allergies, and other people have sensitive skin and can't do fragrance in the soaps. And everyone likes different smells.
D: Understood.
And when she came across demonic, or even angelic corpses he'd often give her the answer when she was clueless. Even popping in to give her a hand if need be.
Oh you know he had contacts before the premature apocalypse. He's the most friendly of them all after all.
But of course those contacts became useless afterwards. Even when the humans came back, they weren't guaranteed their old numbers.
And so he had to make new ooman friends. And that he did.
His contacts are insane, honestly I couldn't even give you a number on how many he has. You wouldn't be able to tell who was who with all the crazy names he comes up with either.
However his favorite contacts are
"Goofy Ass🤡"
Whom you guessed it, is a clown. An entertainment for kids, who also happens to do magic tricks and face painting.
He managed to bump into them on their way to a kids party. Effectively scattering their things.
Strife of course helped, but not without picking fun at them for their getup.
They got all defensive and angry which only spurred on his amusement.
He continued following them around afterward, asking questions upon questions as to why they look so ridiculous. Even if they answer never changed.
They had to beg him to leave when they got to the party, and in exchange for his departure Strife snagged their number.
And while they were annoying at first, Strife quickly grew on them. Even finding it enduring to answer the most basic, common sense questions.
S: Why do they call it Jay walking? My name isn't Jay.
Okay that one was most certainly annoying to type out, especially when they know he has Google.
His second favorite is "Mixer 🥃" (the love interest)
Which I'm sure you can guess is his bartender.
After meeting her, he only went to that bar.
Really spurcing up his flirting game, and never giving up no matter how many times she turned him down.
Eventually he gave up and settled as just friends.
And boy is he glad, she'll often open the bar up just for him after hours so he can drink to his hearts content and chat with her all night long.
He'll ask her every question under the sun. Even ones her knows the answer to just to get a response.
S: What's a 'horse'
H: Stfu I know you own a horse it is 3am leave me be to sleep
S: I own a horse? Oooooohhhh you mean Mayhem? He's a horse?
H: Strife I stfg I will murder you
Fury: She also had no contacts before the premature apocalypse.
Aside from her siblings she has a few contacts, all of which have their name and a little emoji to help her remember if she's been on a mission for a long ass while and can barely see straight
The first was her nail tech "💅"
She was the first human she want to to help her with her nails. And when she blew up over something small the little human fought back and even yelled at her. That really peaked her interest.
She continued to go back because of it, and eventually got her number.
Number 1 bestie, talks shit and gossips with her over text.
Her questions for the nail tech mostly have to do with self care.
F: Do you think this will work on my hair?
H: Babe.. your hair is a mystery to me. Idk what will work and what won't 🤷‍♀️
Her next contact is actually a geeky, nerdy guy "🤓" (Love interest, you can fight me on it)
She bumped into him and made him drop all his things. She proceeded to yell at him, even though she was at fault and he just sit there and took it.
She.. almost felt bad for the scrawny little man.
She ended up calming quickly (think of the meme "I almost lost my cool there") and apologizing for her outburst with gritted teeth and a frown.
Apologizing is most certainly not her strong suit.
He brushed it off saying it was fine, and since she felt so bad for the scrawny little man, she carried his items to his, what was it, "D'N'D" session?
Well one thing lead to another and she was telling real stories about scary monsters and by the end he had scored her number.
She'll ask him questions about geek things
F: Its broken.
H: Uh no.. you have to turn it on.
F: And how am I supposed to do that?
H: There's a little button on the pc.
F: There are a ton of buttons. Is it this? *sends picture*
H: That isn't a- You know what? I'll be there shortly. Just don't touch anything before you break it.
Posted: July 9th, 2023
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generalkenobee · 1 year
Okay, I've been thinking about something these days, a story in which the reader has been a student of Luke for some time and he realizes little by little that he is falling in love with her and panics for thinking that it may not be reciprocal (and also about all this shit of jedi code of not having attachment) Maybe something based on snow on the beach by taylor swift
Sorry if you got a little confused, english is not my first language
Honestly Padawan x master is so cute:')
Gn! Reader
Taylor Swift references...
I wore a Kylo Ren shirt while writing this btw
You were training with him, sweating and panting and it was so hard to focus. He was always just so focused, it was all so meticulous.
Luke was so beautiful when he trained "are you watching little one ?" His calm voice snapped you out of your fantasies
"yes master" he raised his eyebrows at you
"if you say so"
You were supposed to be watching a new form of lightsaber combat that your master was now demonstrating with a sick -
It sounds silly to be using a stick but Luke's always careful, he's a Jedi master after all.
"I don't want to hurt you" is all he had said.
However much you loved watching him, you did get bored after a bit you were a Jedi who loved to jump into it, and try new things. You were fearless and always spoke your mind.
"Lukeee! Let me join please! I won't get hurt and I'll be careful I promise!"
"(Y/N) No. You need to watch. You need to know what you're doing before just jumping in" He cared so much...
Luke laid in bed on his back thinking about you and the way you always looked up at him. He loved how you were always so eager to learn new things from him.
A knock interrupted his thoughts
"come in"
"master- I uhm.. I-" take your time he responded patting the spot next to him on his bed
"you didn't wake me" Luke said smiling
"you... You joined the dark side and you..you tried to kill me and then" you burst out crying "I'm sorry Luke, it's just that you're so important to me and if that ever happened -" you couldn't talk anymore because of your throat squeezing shut due to the tears
"hey, it's ok it was just a dream little one" Luke enclosed you in his arms "I would never hurt you..you mean so much to me" he paused "my perfect Padawan"
"you can sleep in here tonight yeah?" You only nodded your head
Luke's bed was soft and you felt like he was all around you. His aura was so calming, whenever you were around him you could always feel the force flowing through you, the force was like a friend to you and having the force be a part of Luke only made you love him more.
There was a huge gap between you two because it wasn't like you were sleeping together...more like you were sleeping in his bed for the night because he was your master, and it was his responsibility to care for and nurture you.
Luke didn't sleep that night. He stayed up thinking about his emotions and what they ment
'Jedis don't have close relationships, but they're your padawan of course you're going to love them, but do you love them or do you want them?'
Luke's thoughts ran wild thinking about what he wanted. Would he no longer be a part of the Jedi council? Would you look down upon him? What would Obi Wan have thought? And Yoda?!
He was in a huge fight with himself while you were sleeping soundly as ever
Your master looked back at your sleeping form and thought. He would tell you, he had to
"(Y/N), it's time to wake up little one" his voice was calm and soft as ever
You responded with a groan "noo"
Luke laughed to himself "you get to try the new technique todayyy" And holy shit he'd never seen you perk up so fast "really!?"
"really really"
"(Y/N).. I need to tell you something-" for the first time ever, Luke's voice wasn't calm. He sounded scared
"what is it?"
"I-I think I-"
"take your time" you said copying his words from last night
"I have interest in you... I want you to be mine"
His words hit you like a train and you couldn't respond at first due to shock. This wasn't protocol
"I didn't know if you felt the same. I've felt like this since I've met you and I know it's against the Jedi code but I can't care if it means I could have you..."
His words sent a chill up your spine
"Yes." It came out of your mouth so quickly he was surprised to say the least
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You don’t mind giving your opinions on this iteration (03) of the bros
My opinion on the 03 turtle bros? I don't mind at all!
Overall, 03 is definitely my 2nd favorite iteration, if not my 1st (it changes depending on my mood but its usually a close tie between 03 and Rise). The way they interact with each other reminds me so much of me and my siblings, in 03 specifically, they make jabs at each other but it never feels malicious.
I think it's a little unfair how much Donnie gets absolutely nerfed, always getting the shortest end of the stick, but I also think that it brings out something in their characters that really shows how much the care for each other, none of them really have this "the mission is more important than my family" attitude, and I love that they would drop anything just to save each other, no matter the cost.
They're so much of a team that they literally fall apart if one of them is gone (hence SAINW, that episode where Karai ambushed the lair while Leo was gone and decimated them, and the Good Genes arc, and possibly more, my brain just don't work rn) and as much of a fault as that may be, I also find it endearing. Sure they might not be able to win every battle even as a team, but they sure know how to put the word team in teamwork.
They have endless support for one another, and have each other's backs even if they aren't completely confident that they can protect one other, they sure as hell are going to try their best. I feel like I'm repeating myself, but yeah.
As individuals, well, I love them all, Donnie the most for sure, but these guys are all so lovable.
Mikey is so comfortable with himself and isn't afraid of being embarrassing, which is something that just comes with being a Mikey I think, and we love him for that, and he's always surprising everyone with his skills and how he uses his own special knowledge to solve situations that no one else can think of an answer for. (I named my dog after him, he's such a goofy little guy)
Donnie is smart, and also a total nerd, but no one makes fun of him for it (well, except Casey in that one episode, when they went up against the nanobots again, but even then that doesnt really count). He doesnt always have the answers and he's not afraid to admit that, and is always willing and eager to learn more. He's also chaotic and off his rocker, and he deserves to be a little insane sometimes as a treat, he's always busy being the sensible one, sometimes he's gotta get a little crazy too. His sass is off the charts, too, and his humor is just unmatched.
Raph isnt just some hothead and I'm here for it, I absolutely love it when he gets episodes that are just him being the most gentle and caring soul, and learning from his mistakes. He's like the opposite of Donnie in that sense, he's always doin the crazy stuff, he deserves to be calm and caring as a treat. I think that's why the two of them get along so well in this series (their dynamic is so focused on here and I love it)
And Leo- he's certainly a character, that's for sure, a very human, and relatable character, one that I think a lot of eldest siblings can relate to. I think just as Raph acts as the opposite to Donnie, Leo acts the opposite to Mikey, he's a motherly brother who gets a little silly sometimes, and is very trusting. He's quiet, palatable, and respectful, and I can really appreciate that about him, he's certainly not my absolute favorite turtle, and I feel bad for not having much to say about him, but he is one of my favorite Leo's, and is a very interesting character, nonetheless (I just clearly have a favorite 03 turtle)
I hope this is what you were expecting, I think I rambled a bit, but there's my opinion (I'm very biased- and the 03 theme song is just *chefs kiss*)
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