#yandere criminal minds x reader
Criminal Minds Masterlist:
Aaron “Hotch” Hotchner:
There’s nothing here?
Please check again later or request something!
Derek Morgan:
There’s nothing here?
Please check again later or request something!
Penelope Garcia:
There’s nothing here?
Please check again later or request something!
Jennifer “JJ” Jareau:
There’s nothing here?
Please check again later or request something!
Emily Prentiss:
There’s nothing here?
Please check again later or request something!
Spencer Reid:
There’s nothing here?
Please check again later or request something!
Other notable characters:
There’s nothing here?
Please check again later or request something!
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Bau x reader , where the reader is in an abusive relationship
Warnings: abusive relationship , blood , slightly yandere bau , gn reader , could be perceived as a poly bau
Summary: you are in an abusive relationship and when you call Hotch crying , they all rush to your side
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The people in this team are smart and their job is literally to be observing
They obviously notice your change of behavior the moment you step out of the elevator the day you had met him/her
The energy you gave of , the way you talked and even your choice of clothes made them assume you had met someone. They totally DIDNT feel jealous at all
But you seemed happy and they had no control over you
Penelope was the one to ask and learn about the charming kind man you just met.
So the was the one who informed the others
She stalked all of his accounts and pulled out his criminal records (that were clean) his financial state and everything about him
Not even two weeks after you entered the building with a new air on you
You were shining in happiness
Everyone could feel It and everyone knew
Morgan definitely did not do an extra harsh box training that evening with Enily
And Spencer obviously did not complain to Hotch about it all day
And hotch certainly didn't almost tear apart a book in frustation
Also Penelope did not cry on JJ s shoulder and neither did the opposite happen
Then , one day exactly one month later you were gloomy
The team almost held an interrogation to find out why
Turns out your boyfriend and you had just had a super intense fight that ended up in yelling
They were quick to offer you to spent the night with one of them
Or they could book a hotel room for you
You declined saying you need to solve this out
This went on for a long of time
The weather became worst day by day and you were the first one on the team to wear a long sleeved shirt
They didn't think much of it
Your mood was drastically changing , your once bubbly and happy personality disappearing
They were all extremely worried but they didn't know what could have caused it
' Do you think it's that boyfriend of theirs?'
Morgan asked once . They all appeared worried at the thought
JJ was sent to ask you about your relationship but you quite convincingly talked in excitement and contempt about it
They were obviously worried sick ,but could do nothing about it , since they had no idea what the problem was
When they were all out together , Hotch received a call by you
You were crying and stuttering your words
' Hotch' you breathed out
' y/n? Where are you?what has happened?'
He asked and all the others gazes fell on him , their faces twisting in confusion
' I -uhhh I am on my apartment. He has left but I'm hurting a lot. Please come help'
You had said. Calling Hotch was a conscious decision since he was definitely a safe person to you and the whole team.
While Morgan could beat someone up easier and Emily was a very violent person when needed , Aaron just had this energy that he gave off.
He could protect you and you knew it
They all hoped In two cars and were to your in no time.
You were lying on the floor sobbing , with blood around you
Spencer was the one to check up on you , covering your wounds
While JJ called the police
Morgan along with Penelope were frozen on the doorway
And Aaron was right by your side pushing your hair out of your face and whispering in your ear
You were badly hurt
The paramedics arrived and Spencer rode the ambulance with you.
Penelope and Aaron followed with their car while the other three remained on your apartment
They decided to clean it up, JJ bringing the chemicals to remove the blood , while Morgan angrily scrubbed the floor
' How could he? '
Whispered Emily enraged
Then they heard keys on the door
' Honey I am so sorry for what happened, but look I brought you flo-'
A man entered the apartment and appeared shocked to find your colleagues there
Morgan had risen up staring at the man with deep hatred in his eyes
Let's say that the man returned to his house with a lot of bruises , a bunch of threats and two days later his computer caught a virus
You were in the hospital, getting better
Penelope was in the chair besides your bed working something on her computer
Once you were woken up and not high, you received a lot of hugs and sweet words
When you could finally return home they all sat you down . You knew this conversation was coming
' We want you to feel comfortable telling us about things that are going wrong in your life '
Hotch had said his voice and characteristics unnaturally soft.
' Why didn't you tell us?'
JJ wondered and you had no acceptable answer
The day ended in a lot of tears and hugs.
You quickly returned to your workplace where you were greeted with a cake that had wobbly written on it ' welcome back'
Thay would always remind you to be careful in the field for at least a month.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 month
Yandere Spencer Reid Headcanons (General)
"I promise to keep you safe." — Spencer Reid.
❝ 🕵 — lady l: It's been a while since I wrote a general hc, so I don't know if it's good, but I did my best! I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes. 🤎
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, stalking, invasion of privacy, breaking the law (?) and very implicit murder.
❝🕵pairing: yandere!spencer reid x gender neutral!reader.
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Spencer Reid is a genius, in every sense of the word. He is not only intelligent but a true genius, someone who hunts criminals with pure skill, and you, his obsession, his darling, even if you are not a criminal, will be hunted by him. He will have you in every meaning because you belong to him, just as he belongs to you.
He is known for his brilliant mind and his exceptional ability to analyze complex patterns. His eidetic memory allows him to retain vast amounts of information, making him an invaluable asset to the FBI team. Too bad for his darling, however, because he will use his skills and resources to get you at the end of it all.
Spencer is fully aware that his thoughts about you are disturbing, to say the least. But is it so wrong to love someone? He believes not. Maybe the graphic and explicit violence he thinks when someone hurts you isn't exactly healthy but he doesn't care as much as he should.
You are like an enigma that he wants more than anything to decipher, to unravel all your mysteries. If he could, Spencer would read your mind to know all of your thoughts, even the most intimate ones. His insatiable curiosity would drive him to explore every corner of your mind, seeking to understand every thought, every emotion and every facet of your personality.
Spencer is driven by his desire for curiosity and his obsession with you. He values ​​his work at the FBI and his friends but he values ​​you even more. You became an extra motivation for what he does; hunt down criminals to keep the world safe so you can live in it.
He would be disturbingly uncomfortable at the thought of losing you, and his analytical mind could lead him to investigate and monitor your activities closely, perhaps even crossing some ethical lines in the process. Spencer can and probably will become a meticulous and highly effective stalker, watching your social media, searching anyone who was/is close to you.
Spencer doesn't know the word "privacy" when it comes to you, he will look up everything he can about you. He can't bear the thought of not knowing everything about you, he hates the thought of you keeping some kind of secret from him. His willingness to cross boundaries and violate other people's privacy shows how far he is willing to go to maintain his control over you.
He would love to be able to read your mind, just to know what you're thinking and if you're thinking about him because Spencer is always thinking about you. His thoughts are always about you, about how he can make you happy, how he can make the world a better place for you to live. Everything is about you and always will be.
Spencer is extremely possessive of you and it becomes evident very quickly. He is not the master of hiding his feelings for you, including the most dangerous ones. He will stare with hatred evident in his eyes and make strange expressions when someone gets too close to you.
He doesn't want to be controlling and he isn't, but Spencer gets jealous very quickly due to the fact that he's insecure about your love for him. He won't kill someone out of jealousy, he's from the FBI and knows better than to do that, but he can become more aggressive, and bitter if you don't show that you just care about him.
Along with his possessiveness comes absolute overprotection. Spencer is suffocating and ruthless when it comes to protecting you. He will go to great lengths to take care of you, being your own armed escort or having the FBI protect you. When it comes to your safety, he doesn't mess around.
He wouldn't be the type to kidnap you that quickly, no, it would take a lot of motivation for him to take you like that. Maybe you kept rejecting him or you were in a situation where you could have died, in both situations, Spencer would know that he would have to increase your protection. And the best way would be for you to move in with him, without your prior consent however.
Spencer Reid isn't the worst yandere to have, he's just very overprotective and a determined stalker. He will never hurt you, not on purpose at least, and he will make sure you are always well taken care of. He can become very smothering when he is jealous but he means well. Just don't hide anything from him and everything will be fine because Spencer can't stand the idea of ​​not knowing everything about you.
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The Tortured Poet's Department
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lyrics as relationships with various character
anon: hiii! this is my first official post and I'm kinda anxious. This is actually a result of my procrastination regarding my final exam, which I'm kind of stressed about. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this post and please don't mind my writing too much. English isn't my first language (or my second). By the way, a big thank you to @dr-felitas. for helping me with assigning characters.
"And I love you, it's ruining my life" - Fortnight
"You're ruining my life, dear."
He wasn't exactly glaring at you when he saw you wearing that red dress. After he watched you descend the stairs, he felt as though his whole world had stopped. It took him some time to compose himself again and fake a devastated expression. His feelings for you were no joke. Whatever goals and principles he had were all thrown out of the window when he noticed you.
Throughout his life, he thought he was a rational man, not caring about sentimental things like friends, family, or love. Nevertheless, this changed when he experienced your smile for the first time. Like a tornado, you changed his perception of life and the world. At that moment, he thanked God for your entrance into his life and prayed for you to remain there. He would make sure you would be with him, happy and healthy, because that was all he desired in life.
NANAMI (jjk), GOJO (jjk), Choso (jjk), SAE, Chigiri, Nagi, RIN (bllk), LEVI (aot) , Shotou (mha), Reiner (aot), Zoro, Iwazumi, Tsukishima (haikyuu!)
"You swore that you loved me, but where were the clues? / I died on the altar waiting for the proof." - So Long, London
He said to keep it under cover. He loved you, but the two of you couldn't tell anyone about your relationship or it would cause unwanted stress. Your man is a superstar, a god, even some might say. Whenever he enters a room, people turn their heads and fawn over him. Every street in the city is plastered with his gorgeous physique.
In comparison to him, you seem ordinary. Too ordinary. Although he had assured you that you were the one for him, the differences between you wouldn't matter to him. So why did you feel so insecure in your relationship? You weren't sure of his feelings after years of being with him. You were unable to read him, to see true expressions of his love.
Year after year, anniversary after anniversary, you still wondered when he would pop the question to prove his love and commit fully to a life with you. Even the media and those close to him began questioning the lack of progress in your relationship. This leads to you confronting him. In the middle of the fight, you broke down. While you were sobbing and begging him to love you, his face remained stoic.
"I do love you, I just can't see myself marrying you."
You left with a broken heart. Waiting for him to change his mind would only waste your time. You regretted loving him for a long time. Through the view of the media, he seemed unaffected by your loss, maybe even happier.
"I do."
Albeit he may regret never putting a ring on your finger when he saw you the first time after your breakup. You were happy on the altar with your husband. A man that wasn't him, but could have been if only he had appreciated you more.
USHIJIMA (haikyuu!), Atsumu, Gojo (jjk) Getou (jjk), Megumi (jjk), Rin, Michael (bllk), Hawks (mha)
"They shake their heads, saying 'God, help her' when I tell 'em he's my man" - I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
"He isn't right for you."
Your parents didn't approve of him. Actually, no one in your circle did. They all deemed him too reckless and ruthless, without any convincing achievements in his life. In their eyes, he wasn't worthy of you and your love.
Their worries weren't unfounded, to be honest; they were reasonable. He was the epitome of a walking red flag: a raging alcoholic with a history of illegal records. His temper and frequent visits to the pub often led to fights. But he promised to tone down the aggression whenever you patched up his wounds.
"You make me a better man. I love you."
Nevertheless, all his imperfections didn't matter to you, not when he held you in bed and promised to always cherish you. According to him, you were calming his raging soul and bringing out the best in him. You were the shining light in his life, and he was the healthy amount of darkness in yours.
No matter what the people around you both said, you couldn't imagine yourself having a happy life without him. You were adamant about fixing his flaws, even if it meant drowning yourself in the process.
TOJI (jjk), SUKUNA (jjk), UVOGIN (hxh), PHINKS (hxh), Sasuke (naruto), Dabi, Katsuki (mha), Eren (aot), NAYOA (jjk),
"And it kills me. I just don't understand how you don't miss me."- The Black Dog
Just a few weeks ago, the two of you were dining together. He was laughing at your sweet antics and grimaces as you struggled with the chopsticks, and you were enjoying being the reason for his happiness. Then the atmosphere changed when the waiter made a slightly flirty comment towards you. This sparked an argument between the two of you. He accused you of flirting back, and you declared him delusional. In the heat of the moment, he packed his belongings and left the apartment. And he never came back.
The heartbreak hit you a few days later when you realized he wasn't coming back. You were miserable, laying in bed, crying, stuffing your mouth full of ice cream, and watching your comfort shows. It was as if a part of your happiness had left with him. Only when your friends forced you to dress up and dragged you to the nearest club did you feel like living again.
Your smile dropped when you saw him. He was sitting at the bar with a woman on his lap. His hands were on her barely covered thighs, and her lips were pressing on his neck. Your heart sank, and all the noise around you seemed muted.
"Only three weeks after you both broke up? What an ass!"
Your friends tried to comfort you as you could only nod. Why was it that you were suffering without him while he seemed to feel no pain? This caused you to doubt your former relationship. Had he ever really loved you as you did him? Or were you the one who always loved him more? You couldn't bear the sight any longer when you heard his raspy laugh, a laugh he only had with you. With a quick goodbye, you stormed outside as fast as you could.
Unbeknownst to you, he watched longingly as you left the bar.
SUKUNA (jjk), TOJI (jjk), Oikawa (haikyuu!), Hisoka (hxh), Michael (bllk), Oliver, Sae, Katsuki (mha),
"You know how to ball, I know Aristotle"- So High School
Both of you couldn't be any more contrasting. You are the shy girl who loves to hide behind her novels but still excels at the top of her class. He was the cocky, loud football champion of the school. No one would have ever thought to see you interact, but this changed when you were assigned to tutor him.
How could he stop himself from falling for you when you were so endearing? Blushing whenever he complimented you and laughing at his jokes. Not long after your study sessions, he confessed his feelings and asked you to be his girlfriend. To no one's surprise, you agreed.
"Will you watch me during my practice?"
He grinned at you with a cocky smile. Or maybe it wasn't cocky; it could also be considered charming in your eyes. He loved seeing you sitting on the bleachers, reading your book and looking adorable doing it. And you loved being there, watching him during his passion and supporting him in your own introverted way.
Yet he supported you too. Whenever you were nervous before an upcoming exam, he would encourage you while also making sure you took care of yourself. He would boast about your relationship and you in front of everyone he knew and met. If someone dared to comment on you or your relationship negatively, he would confront them and make them regret their words.
"You're my smart girl."
No one would have thought the two of you could be such a match, but seeing the two of you together was proof enough that opposites attract and complement each other.
Bokuto (haikyuu!!) , REO (bllk), YUJI (jjk), GOJO (jjk), GON (hxh), Rin (bllk), Michael (bllk), Deku (mha), PERCY JACKSON (pjo), Ace, HINATA (haikyuu!), Kuroo (haikyuu!) , Luffy
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jokingmisfit · 1 year
Not A Child And Not My Job
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Yandere BAU x reader
Warning- Delusional BAU, Gaslighting, Yelling, Drugging, allusions to stalking if you squint, forced regression if you squint, couldn’t do much with Penelope cause she doesn’t come to the other places with the team, didn’t add elle
(I tried something new towards the end, the writing gets sloppy to signify the readers thoughts being blurred by the drugs please let me know what you think about that)
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. My job was supposed to be a therapist. I was meant to help keep them sane and calm. To help them through tough times. This isn’t my job.
I feel more like a pet than anything. I feel like all I’ve done is thrown them deeper into this demented mind set. And it’s not like I can do anything about it. No one would believe that it’s weird. The Bau was always filled with ‘outcasts’ as they put it.
Recently I’ve had to put my feelings about it on hold. The team began slipping up on cases. They were rushing through and making mistakes. Penelope said it was because they wanted to get back to me, so I convinced the big bosses to let me go with them on cases.
That's how I ended up here. On the way back to Washington. Sat directly in the lap of Chief Hotchner. No one was directly paying me mind, they were talking about the case, however they still stared.
I didn’t listen to the conversation. My job was a therapist for the agents not to be an agent. I don’t like thinking of people in a negative light.
I kept my eyes on the book Spencer gave me. He was adamant that I read it. Last time I tried to deny a gift from one of them it was from Penelope. The look in all of their eyes when I tried to say I didn’t need an extra laptop was terrifying.
I shouldn’t be so surprised. I’ve read through a few of the files that they’ve worked on. The grisly scenes and horrific events, it’s no wonder they’ve all become twisted in their own ways.
Aarons arm rested loosely around my hip, his hand resting lightly on my thigh. The warmth of his palm should be calming, but it only serves as a reminder that they all have developed an inappropriate dependency on my presence. The thought alone makes me shift uncomfortably.
Dereks the first to respond. “Aww poor baby~ you must be tired, huh? Waking up so early only to get shoved on a plane.” 
His voice sounded genuine, but it feels more like I’m being mocked. I’m not a child.
“Why don’t we get you snuggled up on the couch hm?” JJ asked.
I’m not a child.
Frowning, I respond. “I’m fine. Just needed to move a little.”
“But, you're pouting, there's stiffness in your shoulders too, your hold on your book has loosened, and your eyes have bags under them. All of this is most likely caused by your lack of sleep. Statistically speaking 15 to 20 percent of people with insomnia develop a form of depression.” Spencer argued back at me.
Fine, if they want me to keep ignoring the truth I will put it out on the table where they can’t ignore it.
“I’m not depressed, Spencer. I’m uncomfortable, because the whole team treats me like a child.” Derek scoffs when I say this. “You all act like I’m fragile. I found you’ve all developed a dependency on me in the form of my presence.” I feel Aarons grip tighten and I lay the book on the small table. “You want to take care of me even though I don’t need it, because it gives you a sense of purpose outside the BAU.” JJ frowns and shifts where she stands. “I’ve shown you all a kindness that’s not in the form of family or friendship. You’ve all seen and experienced terrible things and as a result you warp what I am into an innocence that in reality isn’t there.”
Jason looks me in the eyes. “Alright, I think that’s enough.”
Ignoring him I continue. “Your minds are using me as a way to cope rather than handling the problems properly. Since you’ve never had someone there to listen and share with rather than each other none of you know how to properly react.” Spencer looks defiantly upset. “I’m not blaming you for not knowing how to respond, but it’s making me feel unsafe and honestly some of it is insulting.”
The plane was quiet after I stop. I try to move off of Aarons lap but he holds me in place.
“Let me go… Please.” I whisper.
His arm doesn’t move. No, his other arm comes and holds me tighter against him. My breath feels more shallow. I should’ve waited. God, this is a twelve hour flight. I feel all of their eyes on me.
I struggle more against him. “Aaron, I said let me go!” I try to pry his arms off but my hands are shaking and he’s stronger than me.
“Look you can’t even get out of his lap, and you think you can take care of yourself?” Derek said with derision.
I freeze in anger and glare at Derek. “That is completely different! I may not be able to fight people off but I can discern when I need to eat and sleep and I can sure as hell sit in a damn chair like a normal person!”
I’m startled by a slamming sound on the table in front of me. Jason looks at me with a disgruntled look. “I think we have all had enough of your tantrum.” He says sternly.
“It’s not a tantrum, it's me trying to show you the damn truth and you acting irrational!” I screamed at him.
I heard a sigh behind my ear, before Aaron said, “I knew it was a bad idea for her to come along, her little mind just  can’t wrap around everything and it’s making her act out.”
Are you kidding me?!
Tears flood my eyes in frustration. “That is not what's happening! God, how more delusional can you all become?!”
Joining in again, JJ comes over to me and wipes the tears away. “Guys, don’t be so rough on her, like Hotch said she’s too little to understand.”
This is so much worse than it should have ever been.
I writhe in Aarons grip. Screaming and moaning out, begging him to let go of me. Through the chaos of my screaming I can hear Jason say something. I continue to try and get away, but I can hear them talking to each other over it.
I feel a hand graze the side of my face. I try to move away but he grabs my face. Making my head stay still I can see Spencer's concentrated face staring at my neck. 
My neck hurts. It felt cold too. Spencer's face was also a bit blurry. He was eye level somehow. Was he crouching? When did he start smiling so sweetly at me? Is he saying something? Am I moving?
I try to speak but all that comes from me are whines. I feel like I’m freezing. I’m dizzy. 
Where’d Spencee go? Why I was so sad before? Where is I? Why I wanna cry? Where is that cooing coming from?
I’m overwhelmed by a scent like pine and, and, I don’t know. They feel soft. Feels warm. I bury my face in the warm. Is their wearing cotton? Sounds like a pool. Huh?
“You- k- we- you-”
Whas that mean? So tired gotta sleep.
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kining-the-evil · 1 month
Imagine spencer and derek being yandere over the same person 👀
Oh my god yes please! I want them both obsessed with me!
Derek would definitely take it as a challenge on who could win your heart, he immediately sees Spencer as the enemy when he realizes he likes you.
Spencer on the other hand would come up with an idea to share you. It makes sense to him, he and Derek get along well and they both care about you. Plus, imagine how much safer you’d be with two FBI agents watching over you. He would definitely be able to get Derek to agree to this, and the two of them would basically scheme together, the brains and the muscle 
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authorred · 1 year
Yandere Spencer Reid heacanons because I was inspired |Part 1|
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Preface: It’s hard to imagine the upstanding, moral Spencer Reid as an obsessive, compulsive lover who would do anything and everything for your love. Lucky for you, I’m here to help you imagine.
Yandere!Spencer Reid is chefs kiss. Exactly what I need (and want awooga)
Part 2 here Part 3 here
Warning(s): Mentions of violence, stalking, kidnapping, psychological abuse, (un)willing reader (depends on if you fw this imagine), spiral into pure criminality
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He is first horrified when he begins to feel the obsession or possession
When he first meets you is when he first begins to get those feelings
Tries his absolute hardest to logic his way out of it, or to control it, or to seek help
Tries his best to communicate to you as a healthy, normal person would, but he can’t help but find those thoughts creeping in again
He believes it’ll be better if you’re away from him, but his thoughts and feelings change to hardcore yearning
Knows it’s not love he’s feeling, and is potentially dangerous to you
Might spiral down into a breakdown (or a few) because of it
Will genuinely think of himself as a horrible person who thinks he can’t get help
If you try to help him he’ll vehemently decline it and will tell you it’s a bad idea
Others at the BAU try their hardest to help him, but the thoughts are still there
If Reid sees you interacting with someone who seems interested in you, his mind will implode
Will be constantly trying to justify the person’s ‘disappearance’ to himself for hours whilst alone
Will come up with the excuse that the person is dangerous to you, or has the potential to be (his calculations will be slightly skewed)
At first, he’ll ask Morgan or Hotch to help him ‘deal with’ the person, but since the person is literally innocent, they can’t do anything
He gets frustrated but brushes it off as paranoia
Spencer starts to find himself hovering near where your house is just to ‘check in’ on you to see if you’re alright
To him, he’s just being protective over you. He wants you safe
But he also knows if he springs all of his thoughts and worries on you, you’ll hate him
Whenever he thinks about you hating him he feels like he can’t breathe
He needs you to like him--love him, even
As weeks and months go by, he doesn’t fight his impulsive thoughts as much as before
Whenever you’re near, you have 100% of his attention. He barely looks away from you if you’re within his line of sight
He’s a nervous wreck when you talk
He’s scared he’ll mess up and say something that’ll fuck your friendship up
He’s not good at mincing words, so he has to carefully curate his sentences
When you smile or laugh at something he says, he feels high
When you mention someone who’s not a part of the BAU, that high disappears instantly
It’s replaced with a cold disinterest in whoever it is you’re speaking about
He tries to manipulate the conversation to see if he can pull more info out of you about the person
He takes advantage of his access to FBI equipment and software to find the person
He makes sure to cover his tracks thoroughly and will not rest until he’s sure any audit trail or history or whatever isn’t linked back to him
When he finds the person’s personal info, he finds himself ‘checking them out’
Will take walks in front of their house, or follow them
Does this for every person who’s not an overt threat
He will, however, drop whatever stalkerish shit he’s doing if you call or text him
If someone does ask you out, or you mention going on a date, or talking to a person of interest, haha
Someone’s going to die
Once Spencer gets the necessary information, he’ll stalk the person out
He might have a conversation with them, profile them, and then talk about their relationship to you
He’s more than likely not strong enough to physically overpower a person of above-average strength, but he’s got the brains to make the odds even
Will create an elaborate plan to get the person to come to him instead
Whenever he does manage to kidnap/isolate the person, he won’t kill them immediately
He’d have a genuine heart-to-heart with them
He’d say you’re his. He’ll say he’s yours, and whoever tries to take you away (be it romantically or otherwise) will be met with a steep response. He’ll say he loves you, and will do anything to be sure you’re with him, and only him
Probably kills the person by slitting their throat. A bullet is too easily identifiable
He’ll comfort you if you’re saddened by your date’s/person of interest’s disappearance
When you hug him, his entire body goes hot
He hugs you tightly (probably a bit too tight)
He verbally comforts you as best he can, and assures you you’ll go on other dates (hopefully with him)
He’ll gently rock you if you’re hugging for a long time
If you pull away first, he’ll try to keep you in the hug, but will let go if you push him away
He’ll let you sleep on him, and he’ll stare at you while you do
He’ll think to himself about how beautiful you are, and how you deserve everything, and how much you deserve him especially
He gets a lot pushier after that, especially when it comes to you getting close with others
Will physically hover closer to you
Will glower at anyone who looks at you a certain way
Will never let you privy to these thoughts and habits and behaviors of his until he’s sure you can handle/accept them
He will definitely try to gaslight you and/or emotionally manipulate you if he thought it’d make you like/trust him more
You’d trust him, most likely. He’s Spencer mf Reid, why wouldn’t you
He wouldn’t psychologically manipulate/abuse you that much, and wouldn’t physically put his hands on you unless he had to
He notices the obsessive and compulsive thoughts calm when he’s around you, so he wants you next to him almost 24/7
Gets very disenchanted and uninterested when you’re not around
The team believes him to be down bad
They think he’s a puppy in love with you and find it adorable
Will mention you often to get him engaged
Sometimes he’ll just push through a case due to the thought of seeing you after
If he gets injured on a case, his first and only thought would be his desire to not die and leave you behind. Anything else comes secondary
If you’re a mother figure, or give off ‘motherly’ vibes, that’ll make this worse
If you initiate any form of physical contact, he will beam
Literally treats you like an actual god(dess) (aside from the occasional emotional manipulation but yk)
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waywardsummoner46 · 1 year
Our Beautiful Girl
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Pairing: Yandere!BAU x Reader, Yandere!Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: “Do you understand, (Y/N)? You need only understand and you won’t ever have to think again! Wouldn’t that be nice? A life without ever needing to worry about a thing? No responsibilities, no problems, nothing to trouble you ever again.”
  Years of successful cases struck you as suspicious... so you began researching. You never thought your research would come to this. You never thought your life would come to this. If you managed to survive this... who would believe you?
Word Count: 2538
Warnings: obsessive behaaviour, coercion, slight infantilism, drugging, non-consensual kisses, non-consensual touching, manipulation, the BAU and their ideology in this is fucked up
IMPORTANT A/N: My mind is fucked up. Oh well. This isn’t my darkest fic but be warned it’s a bit disturbing. I will be more than willing to do a drabble series for this if people are interested or even more parts. I hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think!
DIvider by @firefly-graphics​
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Everyone had heard of the legendary BAU team. They were an extremely popular department of the FBI, being called consistently to multiple parts of America and the rest of the world on occasion. They never got a break and consequently never stopped helping people. 
  Every case they had they “found the bad guy” or “arrested the unsub” and all they ever got was praise and blind acceptance. 
  Surely you couldn’t have been the only one to think that their endless streak of success wasn’t perfectly innocent. Despite only being an agent in training at the time their popularity peaked, you shared your opinions only with your closest friends and that’s where they stayed. 
  As soon as you’d left high school, you knew that being a profiler for the FBI was exactly what you wanted to do, hearing of the legendary stories of how the BAU had yet again caught a psychotic serial killer or rapist or whatever the fuck humanity had spewed up. It was intriguing to say the least. 
  You’d seen pictures of the team in pictures and read about them individually in interviews. They acted as your inspiration for the job during your early years; whenever you found something to be extensively difficult you merely reminded yourself that struggle is only a step closer to becoming as amazing as them. This became a regular technique for you, often thinking and dreaming about when you’d finally qualify and be able to explore the world and help people in your own unique way alongside the current greats of the BAU. 
  The friends you’d made shared your opinions and ultimately boosted that attitude, mirroring it actually. 
  Everything was going great! Until it wasn’t… 
  The first seed of doubt was planted in your head when you decided to do a little personal research. You looked through the archives of past cases (even though you weren’t supposed to and miraculously had access to it) and counted how many they’d solved in total. After an hour of counting and three hundred successful cases in a row, your restless hands finally slumped against the many case files piled around you on the floor and you regarded them with a raised brow and slightly pursed lips. 
  Surely there must’ve been at least one case they’d failed? Or at the very least, not caught the bad guy or charged the wrong guy? 
  Apparently not if the information from the daunting files in front of you had anything to do with it. 
  The logical thing to do was to accept it and resume your life as it had been and continue to aspire to be like this clearly flawless team yet there was something nagging you in the back of your mind just to delve a little deeper. Search a little more. 
  …no one’s gonna notice three hundred files missing right? No, surely not. Alright they would but ten or twenty at a time wouldn’t hurt and they were just begging to have some action. 
   So that day you neatly reorganised the files and put them back where they belonged but remembering to come back for a few at the end of the day. 
  After a long day of training, it finally got to home time and as you waved your friend goodbye, under the pretence that you desperately had to go to the toilet, you made your way back to the archives only to stop short at the neat pile resting on top of one of the cabinets. Did you forget to put the ones you were going tonight to take away? Surely you didn’t. 
  Then again you were tired and a bit forgetful the past few days so the situation was more plausible than not.  Deciding to reluctantly shrug it off, you reached for the files after looking around to see nobody was watching you and stuffing them into your satchel bag, crammed alongside all of your other things. 
   Letting out a shaky breath of relief, you left the room and made your way quickly out of the building, walking quickly, quickly, quickly-
  Into someone else’s body. You glanced up with an apology on your tongue only to stop short at the sight of Doctor Reid. Instead of the smooth apology flying out of your mouth, you stood their gaping like a fish struggling to form a sentence. 
  He brushed off his shirt and straightened his tie before looking up at you, eyes widening slightly when they met yours. 
  “I am so sorry, Doctor Reid! I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going and didn’t see you! I am so, so sorry, I-“ you rambled and we’re cut off by him raising a kind hand to dismiss you. 
  “Actually the collision was both of our faults. Statistics show we’re more likely to bump into another person or thing when feeling rushed or anxious than when not.” He said it with such fluidity and confidence that you had to close your eyes and swallow to compose yourself. “On the bright side, at least neither one of us are hurt.” 
  You looked back up at him and smiled shyly under his easygoing gaze. Out of habit, your hands came up to the strap of your satchel and began fidgeting with it, “I’m sorry again, Doctor. Are you alright?” 
   “I’m alright, thank you. Are you alright, Miss (Y/L/N)?” He knew your name? 
  You nodded in confirmation, missing how he glanced at your bag, noticing the bulge and allowing his lips to quirk momentarily, as you silently pondered over how he knew your name. 
  When your eyes met again you realised that you’d been standing there in silence for a while. “Unfortunately I should really leave now. It was nice speaking to you and again, I’m sorry for bumping into you,” you stated as you began turning to the exit. 
  “It’s no problem, we actually evaded the high chance of one of us getting hurt during the collision so I’d say that it wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been. Take care, Miss (Y/L\N),” he said and waved goodbye, leaving out a separate door. 
  You walked over to your car, opened it and plopped down onto the seat, sighing heavily and looking uneasily at the bag on the passenger seat, wondering what exactly you were about to do. Was it really a good idea? You’d just met Doctor Reid formally for the first time and he seemed like a genuinely good person, your developing profiling skills contributing to your evaluations, so you felt mildly guilty second guessing his and his team’s sense of justice. 
  Biting your lip, you sat in silence for a good minute plotting the pros and cons of your idea. 
  No one would know you’d taken them, surely. No one has any need for them, they’re old files for god's sake! 
  Well, no one has any need for them, bar you of course. 
  With a determined nod, you put your keys in the ignition and drove home, knowing you had a long night of reading ahead of you. 
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It had been two weeks since you’d taken those files home. And it was nearly the end of endless files you’d found in the archives, considering how you’ve had no luck since beginning then you were starting to think that this entire escapade had been a mistake. 
  Tireless efforts lasting overnight were slowly catching up on you, you were overwhelmed by the graphic images taken and the details in some of the cases were downright horrific. Child pornography, rape, homicide, torture… there was nothing not on that list. The amount of bile and vomit that had been flushed down your toilet was insane. You’d concluded that maybe you’re more cut out for the action aspect of the job and not the analysis of dead, mutilated bodies. 
  Despite that your mind couldn’t help but dwell on your encounter with Doctor Reid. He’d been extremely charming and you’d been itching to just speak to him again. You had no idea why but there was something about him that was just so interesting to you - something that needed a little prodding. 
  Wrenching yourself out of your thoughts, you once again tried and failed to focus on the piece of work in front of you. It was an exercise to teach and prepare you to conclude a case therefore summarising and going into detail about every aspect. Without the thrill of an actual case you found this activity to be a complete drag and elected to ignore the work until an hour before the deadline which was next week if memory serves correct. Which gave you enough time to finish the last ten files in your satchel.  
  You’d decided to stay at the BAU late that night, coming to the conclusion that the work place would increase your productivity and reduce your exhaustion. Apart from the odd agent, there was nothing that distracted you from your work.
  Each and every picture from each and every file seemed to be ingrained into your memory; the horrors not something you’d forget so easily. It made you wonder though, how exactly did the current BAU seem so… at ease with everything they’ve seen?
  Of course, they’re not not unscarred but there always seems to be some undertone of something whenever they discuss previous cases. After all, that very undertone was what encouraged you to be breaking practically every rule of your training because something was just not right.
  About an hour had passed and you were finally on the last case file. Nothing struck you immediately (apart from a disheartening disappointment), all sections and pictures just as bad as the others. Nothing was out of the ordinary… except just one thing. 
  Anyone who wasn’t studying it as vigorously as you would’ve missed it. There was a… note, of some sort, at the end of the medical examination section. 
    Do you understand now, (Y/N)?
 “Oh, (Y/N)! I didn’t expect to see you here. Is everything okay? You look a bit… sick,” the voice of Spencer Reid made you jump from your shaken stupor. Seeing your wide, teary eyes must’ve been concerning for him. He immediately rushed over to you and began soothing you, stroking the tears from your cheeks.
  “Hey now, what’s gotten you so upset?” 
  You couldn’t do anything between your tears and quivering lips so you only pointed to the case notes, not caring at all what you’d be admitting to. His lips pursed as he looked at it.
  An eyebrow raised, he said, “Yes, this does seem quite concerning. I do have one question though…” Even through your terror, you recognised that this was where all of your years of hard work would come to an end; you pushed through your crippling fear and pleaded for forgiveness one last time.
  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I never meant to! I just couldn’t help myself. I’m so-”
  “No, no, no. Breathe with me, (Y/N), you’re alright. It’s not that, it’s not.” Oh, that was a relief. What was it then? “It’s simple enough, so I’ll cut to the chase: do you? Understand, that is. It’s very important to us.”
  Slowly, you moved away from his hands and reached a trembling hand to the gun in your pocket. “What did you just say?” 
  A tight smile spread across his face at your actions. He huffed a sigh, “You can be so silly sometimes, (Y/N). My question was easy! I phrased it as comprehensively as I could! Just for you! Always, for you!”
  An obsessive, manic look took over his face, his entire body language. This was not the famous Doctor Spencer Reid. He looked too insane for that.
  “Doctor, I don’t understand what you’re saying…`’ Evidently, that was the wrong thing to say as he went from looking loopy to completely livid and then to a twisted sort of affectionate. Him settling on that sent shivers through you.
  He took a step forward and you took one back, another step forward, another step back. You carried on like this until your back regrettably hit a wall -  you were trapped. Drawing your gun, you warned him. “G-get back! Don’t come any closer, I will shoot!”
  Obediently, he paused and smiled warmly at you. “I suppose it was our fault. The likelihood of you understanding our motives was seventeen percent at best but we were hopeful. Admittedly, it was a risky gamble and what must happen now was entirely avoidable but oh well!” He was still unbearably charming even when he scared the living daylight out of you.
  Neither of you said anything for a while; him clearly enjoying watching you and you debating on whether or not to shoot him. The silence was unnerving to an extreme you were unfamiliar with.
  A lump in your throat had appeared and your grip on the gun was flimsy at best - you couldn’t help but feel that, despite how you were aiming a gun at him, he was the one with the power in the situation… if only you could figure out why. 
  “I can see your clever little brain working from over here. As adorable as it is, you need only understand and you won’t ever have to think again! Wouldn’t that be nice? A life without ever needing to worry about a thing? No responsibilities, no problems, nothing to trouble you ever again,” he was crazy, positively psychotic.
  “I don’t know what you’re talking about! I don’t understand, Doctor Reid! What are you saying?” Emotional exhaustion nearly overwhelmed you but you remained strong. All of your research and now his behaviour was making you even more aware that something was out of place but you couldn’t for the life of you figure out what.
  Too quick for you to realise, he’d strode towards you, grabbed your gun and forced your back to his chest - a hand calmly stroking your hair and one discarding the gun to the floor. You were screaming and sobbing like a feral beast and, answering your prayers, somebody heard you.
  Multiple somebodies as it seemed, the rest of Spencer’s team. Through your overwhelming distress, you didn’t notice the equally twisted fondness they looked at you with, only focusing on how other people were here to help. Reid’s next words made you realise the extent of the danger you were in:
  “We know, baby. That’s why we’re all here to help you!”
  We, he’d said. 
  All of the BAU were just as crazy as the others. Everything you’d ever suspected, ever hypothesised was true. This only reinforced it. 
  You felt a sharp prick on the side of your neck. Realising Spencer had injected you with some sort of sedative, you instantly began to struggle. His soothing words did anything but as you descended into an increasingly drowsy sense of panic. And as you finally succumbed to unconsciousness, you felt him place a kiss to your forehead, each of your eyelids and one lasting one to your lips
  “When you wake up, you’ll finally be home… and you won’t have to worry about anything ever again. Our beautiful little girl.”
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dearest-painter · 1 year
Ok listen y’all. Yandere platonic criminal minds x kidnapped trader x platonic Yandere spidervers. Reader is Miguel’s long lost child that went missing when they were 5. They were found when they were 17. They were tortured and all that and was terrified when the BAU found them. I feel like they would cling onto Derek more since he’s good with kids. How would Miguel feel after finding out that kid is alive??
Fuck..YES! Okay for tbis I feel like Derek adopted them and they were rescued when they turned 10, now Derek adopted Kidnnaped O’Hara!Reader because NO ONE could contact Miguel. They tried but he wasn’t picking up.
Miguel originally thought you died…he lost both of his little angels, first you then Gabrielle…he lost all hope for anything at all…when he sees you alive, older, and with a random man he feels happy to see you alive but why didn’t he find out earlier? He was your father he deserved to know that his dearest child was alive! When Miguel and the BUA met your hiding behind Derek confused until Derek sent you off to see Garcia.
A full on argument started between Derek and Miguel. You actually are friends with Hobie, Miles, and Pavitr so you left the BAU’s office and hang out with them instead.
It’s going to be a long wild ride now that your real dad sees your alive
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angelyuji · 1 year
love <3
aaron hotchner x reader warnings: toxic relationships, physical abuse, emotional abuse, misuse of tramua???, just abuse overall, yandere
“oh fuck you, aaron. you always twist my words.” you turn away, exasperated. you continue to cook the dinner you were making for the three of you. aaron had just changed from his suit to a tshirt and sweatpants, after coming home early.
“oh, so i’m the bad guy now? for wanting you to be safe?” your boyfriend grabs your shoulder, and turns you back to him.
rolling your eyes, “you know that’s not what i meant.” you grit out. aaron sighs.
“i’m not following.” he leans back against the kitchen counter, you see his shoulders tense as he raises a hand to rub his temples.
“all i said was that i wanted to start working again! summer’s over, so jack is back in school, so there is no reason for me to stay at home and do nothing all day!” you throw your hands up in the air, exhausted.
aaron stays silent, arms crossed. he stares at you as you go back to cooking dinner. “my answer is still no.”
bright anger burns through your veins, “no?” your eyes widen, dinner abandoned, you turn back to your boyfriend.
“that is what i said.” aaron turns around to grab a water bottle from the fridge.
“why.” you keep your anger buried, wanting to know why exactly your boyfriend had suddenly started acting like a raging dick.
“because me and jack need you here.” aaron starts to chug his water bottle, ignoring you.
you feel your face heat up and tears well up in your eyes, raging, “aaron, i need to go back to work. i’m not some free babysitter for you, aaron. i took this summer off because you needed some extra help. that’s all. i’m your girlfriend, not your nanny or some maid! i literally cannot keep arguing with you about this.” your anger bubbles over and you feel tears stream down your face. you see aaron turn back to you, his face shows no sympathy.
“so what’re you going to do, huh? break up with me?” aaron scoffs. you don’t say anything, “no. no, no, no.” he starts to shake his head, laughing to himself, “i can’t talk to you when you’re being this overdramatic.” he starts to walk away.
you grab his arm, “I’M NOT BEING OVERDRAMATIC, AARON.” it felt like time slowed down when the pain came. you grab the handle of the fridge to catch yourself, as pain blossomed across your face. the room spun as you catch your breath. your ears ring as you squint and steady yourself.
“-NOT YELL AT ME IN MY OWN HOME. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME.” his face red, fury paints his face.
“what…” you mumble, clutching your face.
“you are jack’s mother. you are mine. you have no right to start yelling at me when all i’m doing is PROTECTING YOU.” you feel his hands grab you by the waist. he picks you up and places you on top of the kitchen counter, your ears won’t stop ringing. your vision clears as you feel something cold on your face. aaron’s face was kind once more, as you feel the ice pack resting against your burning face. you don’t respond. “i won’t let you get hurt. i won’t let what happened with hailey… happen again.” you nod.
“okay, i’m sorry.” you mumble, eyes wide, taking in everything at once.
“sorry for what.” he looks you in the eyes, expectantly.
“i’m sorry for asking to work, f-for wanting to b-break up,” you start to sob, heaving as you start understanding what happened. “i’m s-sorry for y-yelling at you. i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m-” aaron grabs you by your waist and pulls you into a hug, you bury your face into his shoulder.
“it’s okay, sweetheart, i know you just got a little confused.” he pulls away and cups your face, you wince. “i know you won’t pull anything like this again. you love me and you love jack, right?” he smiles and you see the man you love once more.
“right.” you sniffle.
a moment passes, “say it. say you love us. say you won’t leave.” you watch his face and see a shadow of the rage from before.
you feel your heart beating faster, “i love you and jack, and i promise, i will never ever leave.”
“good girl.” aaron smiles and pulls you into a kiss, you melt into the warmth of his love. gently pulling away, he rests his forehead against yours, “i won’t ever let you leave.”
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marshmallowdarling · 2 years
♡Saved (Spencer Reid-Criminal Minds)♡
Hey Bubs!!
This is a request from the lovely @pure-honeylamb !!! Sorry for the wait but I had to write this twice and I still don't 100% like it! I have so many thoughts though on this character even though I haven't watched Criminal Minds and have only read things and watched clips!! I deff wana write more of him (and yes I did listen to a Spencer playlist while writing this oop-) Reminder that my requests are open!!
✧1720 words ✧Spencer Reid x Reader ✧THEY/THEM Pronouns
Hope you enjoy Bubs! ~Mwah
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A loud crash followed by multiple profanities rings out in the small apartment. Stirring from their slumber, (H/C) locks peek out from a knitted blanket before their owner pulls the blanket up further to completely cocoon themself.  
Wiggling around a bit to try and go back to sleep, it turns futile and only angers (Y/N) as they grumble and begrudgingly sit up. The soft but thick blanket falls onto their lap as they rub at their (E/C) orbs, a bit too harsh, to try and rub the rest of their sleepiness away.
They sit there for a second, eyes half closed and sitting on a plush surface with warmth surrounding them as their mind disassociates from being yanked from dream land to the present. 
Finally, being able to function a bit more as their brains cog’s start to spin and warm up, they look around to see the familiar sight of small stacks of books and papers littered around the ground and any other surface. 
“Oh, did I wake you love?” Hearing an apologetic voice to their side, (Y/N) rolls their still foggy head to see a dishevelled Spencer Reid holding a half full sack of sugar.
(Y/N) can only manage some sort of noise, half grunt half groan, as they wave him off and eye the sugar. 
“Sorry.” He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. “I wanted to make some coffee, but there wasn’t any sugar left in the little bowl, so I tried to get the big packet we have stuffed in the back of the cupboard but then it got stuck and when I managed to yank it out- It… kinda… ripped and sugar spilt everywhere.”
Looking at the rambling man, it’s hard for (Y/N) to believe that this same mess of a man was the same one who had kidnapped them. 
Still half asleep, (Y/N)’s brain can only grasp half of what he’s saying. Not wanting him to keep rambling as it’s still way to early from them to be awake, and also not wanting to hear him ramble on about statistics that they 100% know he’s going to start to do. (Y/n) brings their blanket covered hands to grab his. 
Spencer stutters at the contact but (Y/N) just hauls their body up with the help of Spencer from the sofa they fell asleep on while watching their comfort series, which has now been turned off probably because of Reid himself, before wrapping the blanket around their shoulders and waddling to their room. 
(Y/N) debates getting ready with the warm blanket, but ultimately throws it onto their bed when they think of it getting wet and heavy in the process.
Stumbling into the bathroom with less grace than they would like, (Y/N) turns on the tap to start their morning routine. Brushing their teeth half asleep, washing their face which wakes them up a bit more, slapping whatever skin care they use and are bothered putting on that morning before finishing with moisturiser. 
Taking one look in the mirror, their lazy brain says to just leave their messy hair. Knotted from tossing and turning in their sleep, but the rational part of their brain reminds them that they will have to try to untangle those knots later when they’re worse. So, with distaste, they grab their brush and start the fight of brushing their (H/L) out.  
(Y/N)’s arms already feel sore from trying to move them while asleep, so they throw any thought of styling or putting their hair up in any way out the window as they walk out the bathroom door a bit more elegantly than before. 
Making sure to doge all the books and lose papers on the floor, (Y/N) walks into the kitchen to find Spencer putting the brightly coloured broom on the corner wall. There are two cups of coffee on the kitchen counter, one straight black in a plain dark navy mug, and another with just the correct ratio of milk and sugar that (Y/N) likes in a black mug with a printed white cat wearing a cowboy hat saying “Meow’dy”.
A (S/C) hand comes to pick the black cat mug by its body, (Y/N) seemingly unfazed by the scolding ceramic as they breathe in the warm scent of roasted beans to finally wake up their brain. 
Blowing onto the swirling milky liquid to cool it down, (Y/N) takes a tentative sip to make sure they don’t burn their mouth and they almost sag at the delicious taste. 
“You really know how to make good coffee.” (Y/N) mumbles, forcing themself not to gulp the liquid gold down as they remember the last time they had done that, they ended up with a burnt mouth as well as a scolding from Spencer. 
“Thank you love. Actually, it’s all in the temperature you use for the roasting.” Spencer replies trying not to go into a deep ramble about how he makes coffee, his heart swelling at the thought of his darling enjoying something he made. 
They both stand in comfortable silence, (Y/N) leaning their back onto the kitchen counter as the only sounds are blowing and sipping of coffee. 
Eyeing the window on the other side of the flat, (E/C) eyes gaze over to the window looking down on the busy streets of Washington DC. There’s a thin fog over the world as the sun starts to peak its rays out and (Y/N) suspects the outside smells like rain, but they can’t test that theory once their eyes glance down to the bolts on the window sill. 
It was hard to think about their life before this. To put it bluntly it was toxic and unbelievably draining, from their family and friends, to school and work, and god knows they only had a handful of people who gave them a lick of kindness in their life. It was draining every single day to the point of (Y/N) only having enough energy just to survive in their own body much less do the things they needed to do that day.
Taking another sip of coffee, their eyes roam over the man in front of them. 
Was this life so much better than their old life though? Being trapped in a house with a hyper intelligent, awkward man with no social skills who works for the FBI and is a potential psychopath.
Spencer sends (Y/N) a smile when he sees them looking at them, but they just cover their face by tilting their cup up higher than necessary to their lips. 
When (Y/N) was first kidnapped and brought here they were rightfully scared out of their mind, crying and bargaining and trying to get away from the person they thought were a friend. 
Spencer had tried to calm them down in his own round about kind of way, shushing them softly with promises of him never hurting them, trying to explain everything but ultimately getting into the logistics of everything and just setting off (Y/N) more because of the confusion and his psychotic rantings. 
Slowly though, (Y/N) started seeing that Reid wouldn’t hurt them, and they could now process the things he was rambling on about (mostly). 
He kidnapped them to keep them away from the bad things, from the pain of their day-to-day life. He just wants to keep them safe and loved (his words not theirs). 
Now while (Y/N) doesn’t agree with his methods, it’s not all that bad. He gives them their own space, their own room to decorate with whatever and they are free to do the same with the shared living area and kitchen. They get their favourite foods and snacks without asking, anything to fuel their hobbies, a coded phone and laptop so they can’t get help from anyone but keep themselves entertained as well as a flat screen TV and any gaming console their heart might desire. With the cherry on top of having no normal life stresses, no toxic family or friends, no school or job to kill themselves working over.
The only thing (Y/N) has to do is stay in the apartment and maybe indulge Reid when he rants once in a while. Reid would never force (Y/N) to interact with him, all he wants them to do is to be staying healthy by eating and indulging themselves in what he gives to them, but slowly (Y/N) likes to listen to his ranting. How his mind jumps from one thing to another while he goes through all the statistics, and once when they saw him play with some cards and Spencer had asked if they wanted to play, they bonded over multiple card games even though they were a bit pouty when he kept winning. 
“I took today off; would you like to play cards over breakfast?” Spencer asks while moving over to the fridge to look over the contents. 
(Y/N) knows this is bad, this whole situation is wrong. Even though Spencer wanted to keep them safe, the way he did it was wrong and immoral and (Y/N) doesn’t think they will every fully get over it. 
But when they see him smile at them while they do something small, like thank him for food or listen to his ramblings or just come out of their room and indulge themself with the things he had bought to keep them occupied. (Y/N) lets themself just live in the moment. 
“Sure.” Hesitating for a second, their eyes shoot down to their cup to try and hide their embarrassment. “Thank you for the coffee.” (Y/N) says softly.
“Of course love.” Taking (Y/N)’s empty cup from their hands, Spencer smiles down at them.
“You know I love you right?” (Y/N) nods, they know that obviously, he says it constantly. “You don’t have to love me back; I just want you happy.” 
His brown eyes soften as he puts the cups down next to them and reaches up to cup their cheek, giving them enough time and space to avoid it but when they just stand there Spencers eyes turn wide in shock. 
“Let’s play crazy eights?” (Y/N) asks, tilting their head slightly into his palm.
(Y/N) wouldn’t really say, or admit really, that Spencer had ‘saved’ them from their old life like he puts it. 
But they would be okay, it would all be okay for them.
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Base Yandere Aaron Hotchner Headcanons: What Is Best (Criminal Minds)
[Hello My Sexy Readers I am here with base yandere Aaron Hotchner headcanons I hope that you all enjoy this chapter, my friends!]
-Base Headcanons With Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)-
.Hotch Is a Serious and determined man
.He falls for you right away
.He is a man that can become single-minded and obsessive over something.
.With you that is very likely.
.A Good amount of the time he is solely focused on you.
.He is a very protective type of yandere.
.But a little strict when it comes to your safety.
.He just wants you safe and sound
.When he gets close to you, you will see open a relaxed and more soft Hotch.
.He will be very relaxed around you but still on guard for rivals.
.He deals with Rivals by getting rid of them discreetly.
.No one even knows that he is getting rid of them.
.Or how he is getting rid of them.
.If someone is to hurt you?
.If it is on the job they are dead.
.If it is off the job?
.He will make them never be heard from again no one knows what happen to them.
.He is the protective caring yandere type.
.It is your job to love you and take care of you and keep you safe.
.No matter the cost.
.If you are to accept his love?
.Well you will be his spouse and parent to his child and future children with you
.If you are to say no?
.Well he would become a bit more stalkery and strict with you.
.His obsessive and Single mindedness increases at this point.
.How could you say no to him?
.Don't you know he needs to be with you to keep you safe?
."She will know, that I am just looking out for what is best for her, she will see. Then she Will Be MINE"
.He is a guiding hand.
.He is very protective of you willing to sacrifice his life to keep you close.
.Some would say he is overprotective and tries to keep you safe from EVERYTHING
.He does not trust anyone you date or want to date.
.One they could be up to something terrible.
.Two they could end up hurting you.
.He will eventually give in and let your date without trying to sabotage your dates.
.But he is doing a background check and sending a uniform cop to watch from afar.
.He is the type to sit in the office cleaning his gun.
.He may not be your father but sometimes he sure acts like it.
."You ever hurt her, just know, I know where you live. I have access to know wherever you go in the country. And I think like a serial killer." Cocks gun. "So I know how to kill you without anyone ever pinning it on me or finding your remains. So Do not Hurt (Name). Understand?"
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter done, I hope you all enjoyed this as well and stay sexy everyone!]
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Bau x reader headcanons
Warnings: yandere behavior , mentions of stalking, mentions of obsession, mentions of maybe a death or disappearance
Summary: you were in big trouble , somehow catching the teams attention like that
You joined the team when you had just finished university
When Aaron first saw you , box in hand , fixing your stuff in your new office , he knew
You had a bunch of cute stuff on your office and that's what first caught Penelope's eyes when entering the room
She had of course done an extensive search on you
Instantly and cheerily introduces herself
You greet her obviously matching her tone
The whole team is OBSESSED with protecting you
At like unhealthy levels
Penelope has hacked in all your social media and she is giving the other daily updates on you
Reid has studied all your habits so much that he knows if something is wrong by the way you walk or even turn a page
Aaron is your boss so that gives him easy access in your everyday life and a bit of control over it( that he doesn't overuse too much since he is a professional)
Emily has absolute banger real life stalking skills
Like she'd know all your program by heart and also inform the others of it , so they can check on you
She also let's Morgan know if someone has been annoying you too much or if they were flirting with you
And BOOM , that's how you never see that one attractive neighbor ever again
JJ is just perfect in making you talk
You seem a bit out of it and none of them can figure it out?
They sent her
The whole team is a bit paranoid , since they know how crazy people can get
They don't even realize they are obsessive and even if they did , theyd be ok with it , since it's you
You'd regularly finds things shipped on your door with little notes
Personal life? Never heard of her.
Your media presence is not safe , your diaries are not safe , your real life interactions are not safe
But I mean why would you ever want to hide anything from them right?
They are just acting like that because they want to protect you, you know. So be grateful
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hopelesswritergall · 1 year
hi! do you write for yandere criminal minds?
Yes I do!
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jokingmisfit · 1 year
So I've been receiving comments on Tumblr and Ao3 as well as messages asking to make a part 2 of Not a Child And Not my Job but I've been thinking of making it a series, so...
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kining-the-evil · 1 month
Okay your derek and spencer being yandere for the same person... i know this is a strange pairing but please give insight on penelope and spencer being yandere for the same person cus they are my fves 😭
Oh my god, Penelope and Spencer would lowkey be the best yanderes!!!!
First off, they are so sweet, and I just know they would be happy to share you.
They probably would be the most overbearing but in a fun way. Penelope loves to see you post fun things online- but she heavily monitors what you post and secretly has access to all your accounts. Including banking. Spencer loves to take you places- but he would always convince you to not go out without him or Penelope.
They would frame you having a job as your choice, but would heavily push you to just stay at home. They’re both fbi agents, they can afford to take care of you.
Lowkey, these messages about different members of the team all being yanderes kinda makes me want to write a fic about the whole team being Yandere. Should I?
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