#wounded masculine energy
cooki3face · 6 months
wounded feminine energy vs wounded masculine energy:
Wounded feminine will struggle primarily with feelings of unworthiness that will present itself in a lot of different ways but wounded feminine energy may include things like:
issues with control and manipulation : stepping outside of her feminine energy and her home energy of recieving and trying to push and pull things into fruition or to go in the direction she sees fit and often for personal gain. This may present in her relationships with others, manipulating her friends, manipulating her partners, manipulating strangers. May be dishonest, deceitful, or deceptive.
low self worth & self esteem: she’s unable to make good decisions on who she chooses to be around and what she allows, may fall into a habit of people pleasing, may struggle with internalized misogyny, may be boy crazy or blow her entire life up for male validation or male presence, may constantly speak negatively upon herself and upon others. May victimize herself often or be prone to feeling “sorry” for herself, may also be heavily emotionally unstable or consumed by her emotions to the point where she’s constantly at high points of emotional distress. She has no boundaries, she’s desperate for love, she’s obsessive in a way where it comes from a place of lack or a void.
Vindictive,bitter, and jealous: falls right in hand with low self worth and self esteem, projecting all her fears and jealousy onto others especially other women. Always out to get someone, always picking on someone, always attempting to humiliate or tear someone apart.
over-giving: falls right into people pleasing but a feminine who may be over giving may not know how to or be unable to protect her energy, her power, her divinity and her “soft feminine”, she may become over-giving, over nurturing, overly empathetic to the point where she pours too much of herself (from a raw and authentic pool of her energy) into others. this comes hand in hand with my post about a feminine needing a divine counterpart who is conducive to her energy and is safe and giving so that when she’s in her most vulnerable state her energy won’t go to waste.
Shame and guilt: ashamed of her body, ashamed of her sensuality, ashamed of her femininity, ashamed of what it takes to protect herself from others, guilty for putting herself first, guilty for being in her power, guilty for recieving what she rightfully deserves, etc. etc. falls hand in hand with what I spoke about briefly about how purity culture and certain aspects of culture and life may supress one’s feminine nature and identity and ability to connect with self.
Intuitive and expressive: she’s in touch with her intuition, she’s strong and in tune, truth is clear and she lives in her truth. She lives an honest life, is honest with herself and with honors, shows up as an authentic version of herself in spirit. She’s creative, she inspires others instead of picking them apart or leading them astray.
Consumed by emotions: she’s angry, she’s aggressive, she’s emotionally consumed or disturbed, she’s violent, always fighting people, doesn’t have effective problem solving or communication skills outside of violence or conflict. Is always involved in conflict, is always involved in drama, befriends people with the intention of constantly being in the center of an issue or being aware of an issue, nosy and cunning. If she’s jealous and bitter she expresses it heavily.
Wounded masculine will struggle primarily with how he sees himself, honoring his heart space, and what it means to be masculine or a man. This is not a new issue, it’s as old as time, wounded masculine may exude behaviors like:
overly competitive and combative: masculine may have a tendency to try to out compete others, regardless of sex or gender. He competes with women, he competes with men. He used envy and insecurity to fuel these urges to compete with others. He wants to be the biggest all the time, he wants to be the most successful, the most important, the most looked at, etc. etc. there’s nothing wrong with these desires when they come from a place of self love and growth, there is an issue when they come from the ego and his desire is to push others out of their rightful place or consume the energy of others to make himself larger. Or he needs to be right and he’s argumentative. He may be prone to having narcissistic traits or a narcissistic personality type, he may have an inflated ego or sense of importance. Constant inner and outer conflict, he’s displeased with himself, he’s displeased with what there’s, he’s always fighting, always arguing, always involved in some sort of altercation.
Abusive and angry: he has a tendency to communicate with physical violence or is unable to solve problems effectively. He has a desire to hurt others to make himself feel stronger or more powerful or feel validated and respected. Constant inner and outer conflict, he’s displeased with himself, he’s displeased with what there’s, he’s always fighting, always arguing, always involved in some sort of altercation.
controlling and/or possessive: controlling in plenty of areas, in his relationships, in career, in life. Reflects a masculine whose not confident in his ability to be loved and admired, not confident in his ability to make a difference or take action that will push things forward or into fruition in a genuine and meaningful manner. A possessive masculine is a masculine who has a strong desire to consume things rather than enjoy them and allow them to flourish. Especially in his relationships, he may attempt to “squash” his partner, keep them from stepping into their power, keep them from doing well, he may have a tendency to view his partners and counterparts as objects to be had or to be owned rather than to be appreciated or as an energy that is complimentary and adds to his value or divinity. This goes hand and hand with what I spoke about briefly about men in relationships with successful women who try to trap them with pregnancy at the height of their careers or try to minimize their success. He’s overly critical of others and overly critical of himself on an internal level. May be prone to picking up misogynistic tendencies and views, he picks on women, he degrades them, he feels the need to tell them what to do and what’s acceptable.
Manipulative: again. A masculine who doesn’t think he’s truly capable of making an impact, a masculine who doesn’t believe he’s capable of truly being loved or doesn’t believe he has enough value to be stayed with in his relationships. A masculine who may have a tendency to see others as below him or as pawns.
over-preforming or overcompensating: am i man enough? Am I doing enough? Will they look at me or admire me enough? He tries too hard to be “masculine”, is afraid to stray away from masculine stereotypes, bullies and takes out aggression towards men who don’t fit the mold that he’s been conditioned to believe is what masculinity or being a real man looks like. Leads him to being controlling, resentful, aggressive and violent in a lot of cases. Resents others who live in their truth and live authentically despite judgment and rejection, tries to squash or push down others who go against what he’s been conditioned to believe is right or wrong, ends up pushing people away or ruining a lot of his relationships and his connections because he’s unable to find the courage to be who he is from an authentic stand point and he’s angry because he always feels like he has to preform and conform. And bro is definitely the lgbtq police and the “that’s gay asf” guy in the back who nobody asked an opinion from. He’s overly critical of others and overly critical of himself on an internal level. May be prone to picking up misogynistic tendencies and views, he picks on women, he degrades them, he feels the need to tell them what to do and what’s acceptable.
Unable to feel emotions/disconnected from self: unable to communicate and communicate effectively, he doesn’t understand himself and therefore can’t understand others, has a tendency to resort to anger or shutting down or running from things when he’s feeling triggered or being coaxed out of his shelf or is required to open up and be vulnerable. He’s guarded and closed off, he’s defensive, he struggles with an avoidant attatchment style, he’s afraid of being seen, he’s afraid of true intimacy, he’s afraid of being perceived in general and perceived as being soft or emotional. He doesn’t want to talk about his feelings because he’s conditioned not to and it’s difficult. He’s stagnant, he’s unable to grow, he’s unable to learn hard emotional lessons. Repressed his feminine energy or actively represses it and this goes hand and hand with overcompensating and over preforming.
Unstable: unstable, unsupportive, unsafe physically and emotionally. He can’t create a safe space for you, for others, or himself emotionally or physically and he will not.
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theawakenedstate · 2 months
What is Divine Masculine Energy?
Curious about divine masculine energy? When it comes to understanding the divine masculine, this is a different playing field than the divine feminine. Let’s explore the Role that the divine masculine energy has in relationship to Spiritual Awakening so you can gain a deeper understanding of how to practically use divine Masculine energy in your own life.
Divine Masculine Energy is About Maturing the Ego
The Divine masculine is about Ego Awareness and Conscious Awareness. It’s the place where we mature our ego. Also, it’s connected to The solar plexus chakra because the solar plexus chakra is all about your divine will. Most importantly, the divine masculine teaches us about how we take action.
So when we are in a place of our divine masculine, it’s often about really being the conscious giver. The Conscious Giver of Energy back to the world. It’s basically like being a giver, but not over-giving to the point of Over-doing it(If you think about this with baking, you understand – don’t burn the cake!) The Divine Feminine is often about Receiving energy but the Divine Masculine is about giving that energy back to the world in the form of action, affirmations, making things happen, and support in relationships.
The Conscious Warrior
I always like to say when it comes to archetypes, this is all about being the warrior, the manifesting warrior, because the manifesting warrior knows to let go and let God fill in the gaps, but the warrior will not stay on the couch. He will get his ass up and go because in this energy of :
if I know I am led & guided, I will know the right actions to take. I will move forward anyway. Choosing to truly be in that energy of confidence, assertiveness and initiation, but I’m not going to get bogged down by my ego.I’m not going to be in the victim mindset about this. I’m not going to be in that energy and instead, I’m going to take the action I need to take.
That is the energy of divine masculine. I will not get bogged down by my ego. I will take the action anyway. That is what it means to step into the warrior consciousness because this energy is about owning your personal power.
It’s not about receptivity at all, waiting, or staying still. It is about having an awareness of owning your personal power by making conscious Movement forward. This energy is all about intuitive Confidence in who you are and that is what will drive you forward to take the actions you need to take.
Wounded Masculine Energy feels like burning out
Now, when it comes to being in a place of wounded masculine energy, it might be where you are burning out and becoming a workaholic without realizing it.
Have you ever felt on the verge of burnout before? it’s happened to me quite a few times over the years…one time resulting in a big emotional breakdown where things HAD to change. 
It can be a bad habit, a slippery slope, and often…it can happen unconsciously to our proper awareness. Sometimes it can sneak up on us before we realize it…
It also can have a crazy effect on our mental health and capacity to take action. This is one of the hugest reasons why we might have imbalanced or wounded Masculine Energy. 
We have reached the point of pushing too hard where we never stop, let go and detach.
Inevitably we end up – neglecting ourselves or losing ourselves. 
This isn’t a fun place to be, it can be sneaky too. 
If you’ve ever had thoughts of  “well, i’ll just do this for one more hour…” “I can handle it anyway”  “I feel exhausted but I’ll just workout anyway despite that”  ” let me just keep going” and things keep slipping through the cracks…
and so forth. 
Wounded Masculine Energy turns into symptoms and signs of: 
Not listening to your body
Not hearing your intuition
Neglecting your Emotional Needs despite that they are screaming at you 
Escapism in the form of drugs or alcohol 
Pushing beyond your limits in an unhealthy way…
Getting sick more often to your body’s physiological reaction to stress
and this wounded masculine energy, most importantly neglects our Divine Feminine energy so we’re cutting off listening to spirit…. So we burn out, get sick or mentally break down.  Deep breaths, I know – If this is happening to you or you’re feeling this way,  It’s awful and unfortunately way too common than it should be.
You may be feeling, How do we understand this part of ourselves? What does it even mean to have a wounded masculine energy vs a healthy divine masculine energy? 
And How does this Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine ultimately connect to Kundalini?  And what does THAT mean in relationship to ‘being Balanced?” 
That’s what we’re exploring this week on the podcast, 
Want to Know what the heck is Masculine Energy and how to start practically using it ? 
Catch the full Episode on the Youtube or Season 3 of the Podcast on sunday 
Do you struggle with burnout, pushing too hard or forgetting self-care? This might be coming from a Wounded Masculine energy. However we can learn how to properly heal this by balancing our masculine and feminine energy.
Share your experience in the comments so we can help support you or  share your story in our Awakened Network community Here (we’re building off of social media)
P.S.  Are you Ready for Divine Feminine Rising?
Balancing our Divine Masculine and Feminine Energy within is a practice and skill. 
However It’s important to learn so that you can have more balance and Spiritual alignment in your life – 
Where you learn how to get results easier through understanding your relationship with giving and Receiving. 
Join us on an Important timely conversation in the membership where we’re going to break down the How to Get Started with the Practical Tools & Action Steps to help you balance Your Feminine and Masculine Energy Are you curious on How the Membership works? 
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What is Divine Masculine Energy?
Curious about divine masculine energy? When it comes to understanding the divine masculine, this is a different playing field than the divine feminine. Let’s explore the Role that the divine masculine energy has in relationship to Spiritual Awakening so you can gain a deeper understanding of how to practically use divine Masculine energy in your […]
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feminineenergylife · 2 days
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"Never depend on a man" is wounded feminine energy. 💔
Go heal so you can attract your masculine provider. ✨
More on YouTube
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striddums · 1 year
if i see/hear one more person refer to taurus as a “masculine sign” or “the masculine side of venus” i am going to explode into a thousand pieces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!! LITERALLY OBJECTIVELY INCORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS AN EARTH SIGN RULED BY VENUS AND THE PLACE OF EXALTATION FOR THE MOON IT IS MOTHER GAIA IT IS LITERALLY THE FIRST FEMININE SIGN OF THE ZODIAC WHEEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your perception of what femininity means has become so warped and rotten due to social conditioning!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to be sturdy and stable and stubborn in your ways and to have a strong desire to care for and pamper yourself and fill your own cup FIRST so you can nourish others RESPONSIBLY & SUFFICIENTLY and to have a practical approach to your nurturing nature and to be blunt with your boundaries and to be STRONG IS SUCH AN INTEGRAL PART OF WHAT IT MEANS TO BE FEMININE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM BEGGING YOU TO REALISE THIS PLEASE
it really truly does have the same connotations to it as when people nowadays call fat women / hairy women “unfeminine” (which is obviously untrue), when this was absolutely not at all how people viewed womanhood in history, and stems from a much more ‘modern’ mindset that’s a direct result of our current social climate. fat + having volume to one’s body used to be seen as a clear indicator of good health and feminine fertility (nourishment => a very taurian trait!) and body hair was literally just so normal (being natural => another trait heavily linked to taurus!!!)
taurus, and every single one of the characteristics connected to the sign/archetype, is feminine >:I
#it used to make me feel so insecure whenever people would imply this because i've struggled with my femininity a lot & i'm a triple taurus#but my struggle with it was definitely caused by my aquarian ascendant... cause i've always FELT very feminine#but constantly worried that i didn't look the part... i used to get bullied very frequently as a kid for being 'unconventional' (aquarius)#which often translated to my physique (being tall & sticking out didn't help) so i had a very unhealthy relationship with my appearance#but i've done a lot of inner work and tended to those wounds for years ;o; and i feel a lot more comfortable in my skin now!!!!#(getting back to a healthy weight definitely helped as well ;w;)#so now whenever i hear people say this stuff i just feel kinda PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!#it's never coming from professional well-educated astrologers either it's always pop culture twitter users and such >:|#''masculine side of venus'' LIBRA!!!! THAT'S LIBRA!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HATE TO HEAR IT YOU REFUSE TO SEE IT BUT IT'S LIBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#LIBRA IS AN AIR SIGN!!!!!!!!!! AND IT'S EVEN REPRESENTED BY THE SCALES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD IT CANNOT BE ''HYPER FEMININE''#AND YOU KNOW WHO GENERALLY NATURALLY AGREE WITH ME ON THIS?????? TAUREANS /AND/ LIBRANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#IT'S ONLY SHALLOW OUTSIDERS LOOKING IN WHO GENERALLY PREACH THE ''TAURUS = MASC & LIBRA = FEM'' BS#PPL WHO MOST OFTEN HAVE VERY BIASED & TAINTED VIEWS OF THE SIGNS DUE TO THEIR OWN EXPERIENCES WITH SOMEONE OF THAT SUN SIGN#AND WHO ARE ALSO INCAPABLE OF DIFFERENTIATING BETWEEN ''FEMININE + MASCULINE ENERGY'' AND ''GENDER IDENTITY'' (BAD!!! BAD & INCORRECT!!!!!)#WHO'S STEREOTYPICAL VIEW OF FEMININITY EQUALS ''FRAIL & PASSIVE & (SOLELY) RELATIONSHIP-ORIENTED & MARTYRDOM & FRAIL BOUNDARIES''#I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#personal#rant#astrology is very dear to me i'm sorry for venting so much ;v; please excuse the excessive use of capslock as well#i promise it is not my ''extremely AGGRESSIVE and MASCULINE'' taurus placements' fault......................it's the mercury in aries HAHA#edit: i just realised the moon moved into aquarius literally a few hours ago LMFAOOOO EXPLAINS A LOT#of course i'd be going off with this transit
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capellla · 8 days
Who is your future spouse? - Pac reading
In this reading you are going to see who is your future spouse . Choose the one you feel attracted to.
Pick an Image
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This is a person who is free of most of his karma and has probably learned many of the lessons he should have learned from his previous relationships. I sense that he/she lives further away from you. Not another country but another city. Even though you have some small differences in physical matters, you are the same spiritually. This person approaches life very calmly and comfortably. He must be a very mature and wise person because his energy is quite stable. I can't say that they are in a very good position materially, it's more average, but you will definitely have a peaceful life with this person. Because your love and affection will be deep. There will be many peaceful nights where you sleep hugging each other and you will understand each other deeply. His/her energy will calm you down even when you disagree. I feel like this person is calling you right at the moment you read this. The only thing missing in his life right now is you, and he's worried he won't find you. This person is not an introvert, but he is not someone who is noisy and has a large circle of friends. Although he is mature, he is not old. If you are in your twenties or younger, they will be in late twenties. If you're in your thirties, they will be in thirties. This person likes to read about different subjects, for some especially science. This person will be very warm and a very good parent. You should feel his/her energy, he/she is so reliable and soothing. He will always talk about you to his circle of friends and will remain loyal to you. I think this person used to be a flirtatious and had a lot of relationships, but over time he/she matured and is not the same anymore. His family either lives far away from him or he lost them because I can't feel their energy much. They have deep connection with this subjects in its either touchy for them either they dont care about it at all. This person may live by the sea, or they have a sea-like energy and are very attractive. It is impossible not to be impressed by him when you meet him. He also has a characteristic face like a movie character.
This person is unlike image 1 has very unstable energy. He/she has a lot of karma and scars, but don't let that scare you. It also has a dreamy side. It's very impressive and it will be impossible for you to escape it. This person's life is upside down, but when you enter his life, everything will change. Don't think that everything will suddenly become better, but this person will make the decision to correct himself and get in order as a result. There will be many moments when you won't get along with this person and you will want to give up, but truly giving up will never even cross your mind. You will love each other in all poverty and difficulty. Your wounds will make each other bleed and there will be moments when you hurt each other. This person needs to wake up and realize something. At least to make this relationship work or there will be a lot of heartbreak. This person has one or two friends whom he trusts very much. He may be indifferent about his family. Either his parents are divorced or they don't have very good relationships. He is in a good position regarding his job. For some of you she/he might be goth or dress like we see on pinterest. He is quite quarrelsome and sharp-tongued. But he's very protective when it comes to you. This person may not get along with your family immediately, but they will warm up to each other over time. If they are masculine they have muscular body. If they are feminine they have petite body. You will visit many different natural places with this person. I see many parks and greens. You will experience many passionate moments. They will blow your mind. And no matter what, you will keep your love and relationship alive.
This person is very hardworking and has a good position. For some of you, I might even call him/her rich, with a pretty good income. This person is passionate and does not give up easily. He won't give up on you easily either. But I think it will be mostly you chasing this person. He has too many suitors. This person will give you a lot of gifts, and their love language may be giving gifts. He will constantly surprise you with surprises. You will have so many photos and memories with this person. I'm getting an 1850s vibe from this person. This person will be reliable and have a lot of friends. I see you going to many parties with him. I see that you will have a child as soon as you meet this person. Your relationship will progress very quickly. This person will be exactly what your family is looking for and they will get along well. This person will also help you in your career. He has a very bright personality. He may be writing as a hobby. He is very well-read and cultured. He also has a childish side. It will make you laugh so hard. I see 777 while writing this. Maybe this is a sign you will often see before meeting this person. This person definitely has a good sense of humor. This person has a careless side towards hatreds and jealousy. Maybe you may have different perspectives in terms of politics and worldview. But if you work at it, it won't be a bad thing. Maybe one of you will even change the other's mind over time and both of you will passionately defend the same idea. This person will take you to museums, libraries and historical places. And of course to vacation. Wherever you want. You will not have any problems with money.
This person has a childlike personality. Just like the little prince. It is curious and has its own charm. He/she will be thinking and questioning things that you cannot understand. Someone who looks at the world from a very different perspective. Stubborn and creative, also determined and not giving up easily. It may take time for you to understand his world, but he is quite open about it. He will look at you like you are a princess or prince. I see her combing your hair and making you a cake. It is very joyful and will make you experience emotions you have never experienced. It's like you'll step into a very different world. You will feel very lucky to have met someone like him. This person may have difficulty being understood by the people around him. But you will be his best friend and probably his first love. This person has a strong soul underneath his childish side. He can do whatever it takes for you and for anything he truly loves. They will be loyal to you for life and you will take care of each other when necessary. He will teach you to trust the universe and its timing. Also he is very lucky and blessed. You will chat with him all night long and you will never get bored of each other. There will be an emotional side to him and you will be a shoulder to him whenever he cries and vice versa. I'm not sure if he want to bring a child into this world, but this will not be a difficult issue.
This person will be like a mentor, I see him/her giving good advice to many people around him and helping many people in difficult times. This person will teach you a lot about life. He is a mature, intelligent, experienced person. It's possible he's bigger than you. But still, I don't sense much age difference, you will be equal in many respects. This person may be teaching as a career, because besides the mentor I got another card called teacher, he may also be interested in art. He will give you many remedies in your difficult days. I see hot chocolate and tea. He will do many sweet little thoughtful things to make you feel safe and good. I also find this person to be very well-groomed and attractive. Just because it's mature doesn't mean it looks mature. This person is not childish, but he does not look old either. He's quite charming. He may have a flirtatious side. He will help you in many matters, especially in the future, he will teach your children a lot of things (if you want children) and he will be a very good parent. Sometimes there can be a confused aspect and your children may feel misunderstood. But this is a sweet side of him and you will balance that side. He has a surprising but also careful quality. His perspective on life, especially his perspective on art, is unique. He may also be interested in philosophy. He will also have a humorous side. He will be pure and clean like a child. I see that he will be serious most of the time, but you will see this playful side of him, not often, but at unexpected moments. This person may also be a musician or write more lyrics for some of you. He will also write you letters sometimes at special times. While feeling his energy, I suddenly had the desire to write a romantic article. I sense that he will be romantic and careful, especially in bed.This person's love language will most likely be giving gifts. I think that the earth and air elements will be dominant in this person. Most of the time he will communicate with you to understand you better because he is not someone who is very close with his emotions.
This person has had a lot of toxic habits and a difficult past, but by the time you meet them they have overcome it all and will be a completely different person. He/she is the warmest person you will ever meet. He is such a sweet soul. And there's something exciting about it, too. You will feel like a little child next to him. He will always tell you interesting stories. You will make many jokes together and entertain people. He has average looks but he will be the best looking person in the world for you. John Legend - All of Me is playing in my head. You can listen to that song for more clues. He will make you feel very special and will take very good care of you. You will fall in love with him so much. He is a very special person and always understanding and kind. He won't be able to raise his voice at you even when he's angry. He may act a little shy and funny when he first meets your family. You will have many children with this person. Even if you think you don't want it, be ready because you will want to have a child with this person. He will make you experience something in a relationship that you have never experienced after all your poor relationships. He has an extroverted personality and is not shy usually when people. But can have a clumsy side that will make you laugh a lot.
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daportalpractitioner · 2 months
aries degrees in the natal chart (1°, 13°, 25°)
1° = initiator. pioneer. noob. impulsive. stepping into leadership. issues with taking action. fear. immaturity. sheltered. deemed as incapable. taking unprecedented action. changing the algorithm. nu ventures. ancestral support. struggles with discipline + following thru. craziest ideas. misunderstood. a need to self-validate your actions. curiosity with action triggers development. risk taker. passion doesn't last long. innocent. doesn't think before acting. fleeting emotions + attraction. gets bored easily.
13° = warrior innerG. struggles to get out of survival mode. selfish. wounded masculine energy. narcissism. unprocessed anger. hella opps/haters. imposter syndrome. power struggles. narcissistic parent(s). overcoming people pleasing. boundary pusher. learning to be more considerate. gets physically hurt easily. abusive relationships. anger management class. dark feminine innerG. rebel. challenges inequality. deals with people trying to shut you down. moody. intolerable. struggles with inflammation. headaches/migraines. sensitive crown chakra. identity crisis.
25° = breaking free from parents. not giving a fuck what anybody thinks. learning how to honor your sacred rage. obtaining freedom. cannot be controlled. pro manifestor. learning how to honor + respect boundaries. a need to develop a secure attachment style. a need to balance your yin/yang energy. you have to give to receive. strong relationships. lover and a fighter. makes a great leader. learn to be a confident decision maker. desires marriage. honors the importance of freedom. dealing with people tryna gaslight you. strong identity. entrepreneur vibes. gets what you want without any force. very confident. honest.
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icyg4l · 30 days
PAC: How Does Your Higher Self Define Womanhood?
Hello, beautiful people. Today marks the last post of the Women’s History Month series & one of two posts made today! I am excited to continue to create content for you guys. And I am even more grateful for the support I have received as of lately. Because of this, I will continue to post creative tarot readings. So, without further ado, please pick your pile.
Left-to-Right: (1-4)
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Pile 1: Pile One, your story reminds me of the Miss Congeniality plot. Basically, Sandra Bullock plays a detective that goes undercover as a beauty pageant contestant. At first, she rejects the ideas of what it means to be a “girly girl” but eventually conforms to the standards. She viewed femininity as a sign of weakness and did not like being around other women because she felt that she had to prove herself to be tough. But she gained respect for the girls who worked in these pageants as she worked undercover because she began to acknowledge the hard work it takes to be in the pageants. By the end, she is closer to her womanhood. You have a similar story. I doubt that you’re a detective reading this but I feel as though you may have the tendency to thoroughly investigate any piece of information. To your higher self, womanhood means constantly being on the search for answers to placate the inner child wounds that lie within you. I feel like when you were younger, you may have been an outcast or a tomboy, maybe both. Because of this, you have set a lifelong quest to figure out what being a woman means to you whether it is intentional or not. Your higher self wants you to know that being a woman comes with all types of trauma, but remembering that you do not have to face it alone. You do not have to carry the burdens alone. You see, women are conditioned to be demure for the sake of keeping the peace but that’s not what works for you. Embrace the messy parts of yourself because if you don’t, life will get boring. Part of your mission is being aware of your multifaceted nature; reject conformity, embrace the abnormal, babe.
Cards Used: The Sun, 4 of Cups, 4 of Swords, 5 of Wands, Ace of Cups, The Magician, 5 of Cups, 3 of Cups, 3 of Swords.
Signs: Aquarius, Libra, Leo, Sagittarius.
extras: money getter. cash grabs. “low hanging fruit.” airhead. wallpaper. phineas and ferb. “sharon.” beetles. s.o.s. by rihanna. “tinge of an accent.” sweet. mirrors. coconut trees. hawaii. stubborn. radioactive.
Pile 2: Pile Two, there is a similar vibe that you have to Pile One, except I don’t think that you have problems with accepting your femininity. I think that you have problems with how masculines function in society. I am sensing a Lori Harvey type of energy here. This is likely related to the way that you operate when it comes to love. People tend to want to possess you so that they can show you off like a trophy. But your higher self wants you to know the difference between users and the genuine thing. I feel like you’ve developed this flighty persona to protect yourself from harm. While experiencing the many tribulations of womanhood, you have adopted the “flights over feelings” type of mindset. How has that been working out for you? No, really. Is it actually working or have you convinced yourself that it has. As a woman, your higher self thinks that womanhood is finding love in a loveless world. This isn’t necessarily about romance, but it’s just a mindset that you should adopt. It will save you from falling victim to the cycles of toxicity that plague society. It’s a cold world out here, babe but it doesn’t mean that you have to be as cold as the world. Part of your mission is forgiving yourself and those who hurt you so that you can see the beauty in the world. With this newfound sight of beauty, there comes true inner power.
Cards Used: The Devil, 7 of Discs (RX), 8 of Wands, The Hierophant, 3 of Swords, 3 of Cups, 10 of Discs, The Star, 10 of Cups (RX).
Signs: Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Virgo.
extras: two can play that game. all about love by bell hooks. renegade. open arms. country music lover. tony montana. archer (2009). “logan.” phoenix rising. “marcus.” ashy. corny. cerebellum. stupendous.
Pile 3: Pile Three, your higher self defines womanhood as something that is both sweet and sour. It is something that she takes for granted but it is also something that she takes pride in. It’s a strength but also a weakness. I feel like I am talking to someone who has an ingenue/youthful spirit. I channeled the character Darla from The Little Rascals but I also channeled Charlotte from Princess and the Frog. You seem to be very in tune with your inner child and there is nothing wrong with that. Your inner child is heavily protected by the teenaged version of yourself, which seems very angry. These different versions of yourself often clash with one another, which can lead to bouts of depression and confusion. Your higher self is a woman who pours into herself through movement and self-expression. You need to channel these negative energies into creativity or else you will be stifled by your own thoughts. You honestly need to get out of your head. Your higher self feels as though there is a flip side to every coin that you get. For example, if you are having period pains, it may hurt but at least you’re not pregnant! Looking on the brighter side of life is how you can be closer to your higher self.
Cards Used: 5 of Swords, 6 of Swords, Page of Swords, Justice, 4 of Cups, Ace of Cups, Ace of Discs, 5 of Wands, The Hanged Man.
Signs: Leo, Pisces, Aries, Gemini.
extras: janet jackson. “i’m da man.” we will rock you. parties. diva. elle magazine. shapely. “how’d you figure?” honest answers only. maya angelou. glorilla. lola bunny. fatigue. body aches. deodorant. small bowls. annual. prayers. mark on the cheek. boot camp. “your highness.” shredded cheese. livelihood.
Pile 4: And last but not least, Pile Four. I feel like you are well sought after in the most lusty way possible. This has its perks, but lately, you feel like it has more cons than anything. I feel like you’re someone who always seems to feel isolated because of this. As a result, your higher self views womanhood as foreign. The amount of power that you hold as a woman is beyond explanation. There are so many ways that you can present yourself, Pile Four. I don’t think you have realized your true potential. Yes, you have gone through trauma because people assumed that you could handle the weight of the world but this means nothing to your spirit. Wake up! Don’t you realize how unique you are? Pile Four, womanhood can really only be defined by you, not by anyone else. The prioritization of yourself will help you make a name for yourself. You could be in your 20s, tired and just wanting a change. Well, your higher self wants you to know that change will come once you begin to change the narrative yourself. If you believe something about yourself that was told to you by someone else, then it means that you’re easily moldable. Being a woman means rising to the top even through the facings of opposition. You are a fighter. So the question is: when are you going to jump in the ring and fight for your sense of self, Pile Four.
Cards Used: Ace of Cups, Queen of Wands, 3 of Discs, Knight of Discs, Ten of Swords, 4 of Discs, The Hermit, Queen of Swords, 9 of Discs.
Signs: Gemini, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo.
extras: “tart.” “fresh out the shower.” burgundy. melons. net worth. SWer. dollar bills. illegal documents. molly. friendless. stoned. be your own boss. cake baker. sister, sister. wiseman. silly goose. fall. saturn.
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moonastro · 5 months
ASTROLOGY notes Pt.1
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ✶ random notes and observations ✶ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
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❥ what i realised from observing celebrity charts, Chiron conjunct MC may bring fame but in exchange fans may know a lot about your wounded areas or generally may know a lot about the individual ( including a lot of transformative area of their lives). They become almost like a mentor in the eyes of their fans. The individual with Chiron conjunct MC may be a comfort person to a lot of people.
❥ lord of your Vedic 5th bouse determines how you'll act when becoming a parent.
For example, in 2nd house, individual may gain wealth through having children. Children may be valued, may find sudden fulfilment through becoming a parent.
In 6th house, may bring a lot of health issues to the parent or the child as it is seen as a hard house in Vedic astrology. It can bring unexpected bills to the parent after having children also.
In 12th house, may bring mental health issues to the parent or child, also isolation can be a big issue here. Is also seen as a difficult house to have 5th lord in. May be some confusion when communicating to the child.
❥ Planets near the MC line (if no planets check the IC) can determine and help to figure what career path may be best for you.
-For example, individuals with Moon near the MC line (or IC) can be seen working as a marine, cooks, nurses, working with women, travelling (flight attendant), restaurants.
-With Venus near the MC line, something to do with beauty, music, entertainment, hotels, luxuries, art, pleasures.
-Mars near MC line may suggest working with metal, construction, police, surgeons, engineers, vehicles, a lot of energy, weapons, soldiers.
❥ If no planets near MC or IC line in natal chart, observe where there is a cluster in a particular house with multiple of planets.
-For example, if most planets are in fifth house, expect your work to do something with politics, religious rituals, entertainment, authorship, stockbrokers.
-Planets clustered in 11th house, individuals may work as accountants, in group work, trade and business, financial institution.
-In first, may be self employed, working with the body(like gym, health club, model etc.) politics, publicity.
❥ ALSOOO. The sign in which the cluster of planets are occurring at may also be significant.
-For example, lots of planets in libra, may suggest jobs to do with artists, fashion, advertising, interior design, receptionists, judges, cosmetics, prostitutes.
-Multiple planets in the sign of Scorpio, may relate to drugs, chemicals, scientists, liquids, doctors, nurses, police, occult, insurance.
-In Capricorn, may manifest mining, raw materials, lumber, extraction and processing.
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images are not mine
❥ Mars in 7th house individuals loveee to argue, they find it really entertaining.
❥ moon in Scorpio individuals tend to have a missing relationship with masculine figures. its more of an on and off relationship.
❥ what i have learned from Vedic astrology is that planets have cast spell aspects.
-For example Saturn has three aspects and they are 3rd, 7th and 10th house away from itself.
-So say you have saturn in the 5th house. saturn will also have influence on the 7th, 11th and 2nd house in your chart. so if you are studying saturn in your chart, these aspects will also be important.
❥ Virgo placements like to touch but don't necessarily liked to be touched by other people. For example, they might love to massage your head with their fingers or like to carefully stroke your palm and so on.
❥ so saturn rules restrictions, limitations, longevity and so on. so what house saturn is in will determine what will take longer for you to master in your life.
-For example, saturn in 10th house individuals may struggle to find a job at a young age.
-saturn in 7th house people may have difficulty with relationships and may not date until they actually get married.
-saturn in 11th house, this may bring tension and problems relating to social groups and friends. the individual may have difficulty with friendships and may be unfamiliar with big group setting.
⤷ don't forget that overtime saturn matures in your chart and brings LONGEVITY and success in that house its in. Of course aspects are really important as well.
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That is it everyonee!! ❣
I hope you enjoyed this post. 🌠
Thank you for reading and once again don't be shy to give feedback as i would really appreciate it. 🌝
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natalchartnurtures · 20 days
PAC: A quick and dirty guide to surviving the eclipse season~
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(pile 1 to 3- left to right)
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How is the eclipse affecting you?
I immediately heard 'they don't really care about what others think anymore.' I'm getting that this eclipse really helped you step back into your authenticity in a powerful way. You might've had to revise and purge old wounds that had their roots in childhood. Any addictions of yours (if you have/had any) have been addressed because of this grand 'purging of the old and unwanted.' It's like your defense mechanisms have taken a backseat because of your inner work around the root of your addictions (maybe your addictions were part of your defense mechanisms). You might've had to live with a certain darkness looming in the background, no matter what you did in your life or where you went in life, and it seems like you've really had to look the root of this darkness in the eye. The eclipse didn't really give you an option; you simply had to. Let's talk about this darkness a little, shall we? It seems to me like you had a stark lack of a healthy masculine figure as well as a lack of a healthy feminine figure in your life. You didn't have much support as a result of this, you to felt or still sre felling disempowered in your life as a whole. THIS is what the eclipse helped you to wake up to. Through the chaos that you're experiencing right now, you'll find exactly what you need to nurture yourself (maybe for the first time ever, for some of you). I feel like you guys might end up tending to the health of your root chakra as a result of this inner work.
Your guide to getting through it like a soldier-
-Care for your anxiety. By that, I simply mean don't deny or suppress your anxiety; see where it's coming from, feel into it, and really sit in it because what you feel, you heal.
-Use EFT (emotional freedom techniques) to help yourself really sit in difficult emotions and/or anxiety.
-ALONE TIME is a need!
-Find ways to 'throw up' emotionally. Like, for example, have a hardcore dance session by yourself at 3 am to angry songs if you have been feeling angry lately. OR you could write all your emotions down onto a paper and tear that paper up and then have a big cry session. Whatever allows you to FEEL your emotions, go do it.
-After your heavy 'purge sessions,' seek things that bring you comfort. Indulge in some TLC if and when you can 😊
Some resources to help you get started-
How to Get Rid of Anxiety (A Natural Cure for Anxiety) - Teal Swan
Learn how to experience your emotions fully
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
How To Open Your Root Chakra
Hope this helped! That was your reading, pile 1. Love, light, and support!
PILE 2 :
How is the eclipse affecting you?
As soon as I tapped into your energy, I felt extremely light and airy, as if I turned into a cloud of cotton candy floating away into a bright blue sky. Wow, this tells me one very CLEAR thing - you've done your inner work diligently this eclipse season! You've taken the eclipse energies on actively and worked WITH it, absolutely in sync with the universe. Now all that's left for you is welcoming a brand new energy into your life.
How can you do exactly that?
-Actively schedule in things that bring you joy ✨️
-Every now and then when you feel like heavy emotions are rising to the surface, allow them to pass. Let your emotional intelligence shine, sweetheart.
-After you've felt your emotions, it's time to take care of you! TLC all the way, baby. Think long bubble baths, move slower than usual, enjoy yummy foods, wrap yourself in your favorite blankie. Drink some soul-healing soup. You get the vibe.
-Ground yourself. Listen to grounding frequencies whenever you feel like your thoughts carry you away.
-Mother yourself. By that, I simply mean - feed yourself well, allow yourself a consistent sleep cycle, find ways to make your life easier, support yourself in whatever little ways you can 😊
Some resources to help you get started-
Learn how to experience your emotions fully
How to Stop Expecting The Worst (Catastrophizing) -Teal Swan
That was your reading, dear sweet pile 2!
Hope it helped.
Love, light, and support!
PILE 3 :
How is the eclipse affecting you?
You're going to have a 'real awakening' this eclipse season 😬 So, apparently, you've been going through your life blissfully unaware of your wounds and how they were blocking you from living a far better life. You operated under the impression that your life as it is right now was good just the way it is and honestly… a reflection of your full potential. But you couldn't possibly be further from the truth. It's like this eclipse was a rude awakening for you to realize just how limited of a life you were leading. Must've been a difficult thing to process? Yes? Since your old cycles have been blowing up in your face lately, you've been in a process of empowering yourself and are slowly opening up to new aspects of yourself that you previously weren't aware existed, the parts of you that are deeply emotional and intuitive. Doing this will really boost your strength and resilience in general. But there's some good news I have for you. You're on your way to feeling much more satisfied in your life, sprinkled in with great relationships all around you. It's like you're headed to a more aligned life. It's beautiful to be honest. It's obviously going to come after this intense period of awakening ripples out into a plateau though after a period of internal discomfort.
So, how can you survive this period to get to where you wanna be?
-Slow. Tf. down. Take your breaks and pace yourself. Easier said than done but pacing yourself will really help you through the chaotic energy floating around right now. Walk slower than usual, eat slower than usual, stare up at the sky and daydream when you're on a bus or something. Do romantic stuff (not necessarily with a partner, simply for yourself).
-Take some time on a regular basis to tune into your emotions. Learn how to feel again. It's really important for you right now and also doing this will greatly expedite your journey as well
-Replace some of your social time with alone time. Use it to reflect on yourself (this might feel way out of your comfort zone by the way).
-Do abundance affirmations (or all areas of life) and affirmations for forward movement.
-listen to subliminals that bring you a sense of abundance in all areas of your life.
-Find ways to feel active in your own life. Dabble in main character (MC) energy. See what it means for you.
Some resources to help you get started-
How To Feel (Learn How to Start Feeling) - Teal Swan
Learn how to experience your emotions fully
Abundance subliminal
Subliminals for positive growth and forward movement
That was your reading, dear sweet pile 3!
Hope it helped.
Love, light and support!
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cooki3face · 6 months
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I’d like to talk about these people. Two women who could be in their power but are being held stagnant and stuck by a man attatched to their fucking hip whose main goal is to dog them out, keep them stuck, and keep them against one another and arguing. I love women there is nothing more divine and beautiful on this entire planet. Bless. But, I see them on the internet using their art, using their words, using their beauty as weapons towards one another because the man they share has narcissistic tendencies, likes to keep his women on back and call. These women are sacrificing their wombs for him, stepping outside of their feminine energy to defend themselves from one another and from the media when they shouldn’t have to do any of that. This is a primary example of what it looks like for women who could be in their power and could be so great not reaching full potential because they’ve let a man whom is not half their caliber put together, who is out of alignment within himself, whose primary focus is to not be left alone and have to stand on his own, pull them down under or keep them tethered to him.
He weaponizes their trauma and their connection to him through unhealed trauma, he weaponizes their femininity and their intention to love and be loved against them, he weaponizes their ability to rise and be powerful against them, he’s weaponized their influence and magnetic energy against them and has made himself the center of a powerful argument between two women who to some extent are a force all on their own.
I say all the time I hope the two of them grow, I hope the two of them step into their power and see how much they’re worth at the end of the day, and I sincerely hope they take all his mf money.
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kalki-tarot · 7 months
Your Future spouse's First Impression of you
˚₊‧꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Pick a pile <3
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1 - 2 - 3
4 - 5 - 6
Disclaimer — The images I used to select a pile were sourced from Pinterest, I hope the reading will resonate with you. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make in your life from my readings. I'm just a beginner and these readings are just for fun.
Check masterlist for more !
Pile 1
Wheel of fortune, 9 of cups, two of cups, king of wands, ace of swords, king of pentacles, the emperor, bottom of deck 3 of swords.
When this person sees you for the first time, they'll feel an instant connection with you.
This person sees you as their wish come true. They might feel that you are someone who's in a stable position in life. Your calm face and demeanour stands out the most to them.
You are a balanced person in their eyes. They might want to partner up with you.
I'm sensing masculine energy within you, regardless of gender. You seem confident and firm to them.
They see you have a lot of clarity in life. You are someone who has fresh ideas and perspectives about things in life.
They might also see you as someone financially independent, who stands on their own feet.
They can sense your dominating aura. They may also see you as a family oriented person. The provider in the family.
Regardless of what you show outside, you also have a side of you which dwells in pain and longs for understanding. They do notice that. And will be very understanding and patient with you.
Pile 2
10 of cups, 8 of wands, death, 10 of swords rx, two of swords, the hermit, 7 of swords, the lovers
They wanna start a family with you instantly the moment they see you because you provide them emotional fulfillment in some way.
They might be struggling with some betrayal or ex cheated on them or something painful like that. But they are moving on / have move on from that situation or thing in their life. They are recovering from their wounds.
They might be indecisive whether to move forward with your or not. They might second guess things with you due to their past heartbreaks.
They need some deep, introspective time for themselves to reflect within.
They are still hurt from what went wrong in their past so they have trust issues and might not even trust you in the beginning.
They will act strategically with you. They don't wanna hurt themselves again.
Don't worry the lovers came out right now as I clarified things. They would want a romantic relationship with you. They would like to offer you things. They do see you as a marriage material.
They are walking away from the things that don't serve them anymore.
Pile 3
Temperance, the magician, 9 of pentacles, king of pentacles, the hanged man, 10 of swords, 3 of swords, 2 of pentacles
They will think that you are so balanced. A perfect balance of everything. Like you can be the cutest and the sexiest both.
They would be tempted by you, of course, and they will surely start manifesting you after you meet.
The 9 and king of pentacles tells me that either they are very rich and abundant or they'll find you rich and abundant in your lives.
Maybe they noticed your branded purse or something.
They'd be stuck by your beauty like they won't be able to take their eyes off you. Whoever chose this pile is very gorgeous for sure!
They might be stuck at some past heartbreak or betrayal the time they meet you.
They might be in a painful situation that's getting on their nerves constantly. Maybe it's due to finances?
They would see you someone who manages a lot of things or has a lot of responsibilities at a time.
They notice you juggling between things but still not losing your balance.
Pile 4
They'd see you as a powerful combination of ambition and practicality. They'd think you are a successful yet peacful person. Quite occupied in your own business, not really involved in other's drama.
They would also see you someone who is very creative and spontaneous. Very passionate to create new things.
They themselves would feel inspired or intimidated by you and your bold and direct personality.
They'd think that you are someone who was wronged in the past which led to you being all broken and shattered. But you got yourself up on your feet and now you are reaping the benefits of your own hardwork and patience. You are a self made queen / king in their eyes.
They'd be shy or hesitant to approach you first but the divine will do justice to you both.
The divine timing and play is at action and you two will eventually get dating or in a relationship.
They see you as someone they can spend their whole life with.
Pile 5
You both are divinely connected to eachother, on a deeper soul level.
They'll notice your need of balance in life. It feels as if they can see right through you. They give me psychic vibes or you are one.
I can sense a feeling of being trapped and limiting thoughts and actions. Both of you were heartbroken in the past. There were some situations out of you both's hands.
But you need to face pain to undergo some realizations about yourself, your divine purpose and connection.
It feels as if they can sense your heartbreak. They feel as if you've gone through a big transformation in life.
They feel you know a lot about life, you've gone through a lot of things in life.
They see you as someone brave who's fought through life's circumstances and has become what you are now!
They see you as a wife/husband material but also someone they can start a business with.
You have that business and logical mind as well as your intuition with you.
They dont want to load you up with a lot of responsibility as you already have much though.
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sunkissedchld · 6 months
𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒔 𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
the piles go from left to right. therefore, pile one is the photo with the love seat, pile two is the heart shaped-potions room without an entrance, and so on and so forth.
take your time to use your intuition to choose the pile that will best resonate with you. lastly, please don’t be afraid to say if the message resonated or not. it helps me in determining if my interpretations are correct or not, and i appreciate any sort of feedback - even if it’s “bad”.
good luck to you, reader 💘
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photos courtesy of @poisonnightmares
WARNING: pile iii has a little 18+ mention, but it's nothing graphic nor is it explained in detail
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"Dive Into You" by NCT Dream
"Last Night" by Dani Leigh
"TMT" by Stray Kids
The Bachelor, The Rose Ceremony, Nine of Rings (Influencer), The Cocktail Party, Knight of Roses (Frontrunner)
Your next romantic partner may like how structured and stable you are as a person. You could be a good leader or have heavy masculine energy; you might even embody the traits of "The Emperor" as a tarot card. They may feel as if you're good at making decisions and as if they can trust you with anything. You may have a way of gaining your next romantic partner's attention  very easily - you may have Venusian qualities or placements in your chart. Your own beauty may cause your next romantic partner to feel very stunned; you might even leave them speechless often or make them feel as if they need to "step up their game" when being with you. 
I also get the feeling your outlook on love or how you operate when you're in love gives your next romantic partner hope in terms of romance. They may have been apprehensive when approaching relationships beforehand, but being with you makes them think that love can exist or that healthy relationships aren't too far-fetched to ask for. You may be someone who is very into love - maybe you're a daydreamer in that sense or a hopeless romantic, and instead of only dreaming of the type of love you want - you make it happen. This might be something that makes your partner addicted to you because it could feel like an everlasting honeymoon phase or because it makes them open their heart in a way they're not used to. 
In short, your next romantic partner may be addicted to you because of the authenticity and passion with which you approach love; you may spark in them an appreciation for romance and healthy relationship expectations.
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"Let Me Love You" by Mario
"I'm Ready" by Nakala
"Twinkle" by Girls' Generation
Queen of Flutes (The Caregiver) [Rx], Seven of Mirrors (For the Wrong Reasons) [Rx], Six of Flutes (Butterflies), Ace of Flutes (First Kiss) [Rx], Four of Mirrors (Reassuring Rose)
Those who chose this pile may be a little closed off when it comes to romance and love. You might be the type of person who plays hard to get and "doesn't really want to get into relationships", or you feel very jaded because of past relationships. I'm kind of getting the energy of you being a person in distress when it comes to romance. Your next romantic partner will actually like this energy about you! They'll like "the chase" so to speak. They're the type of person that likes engaging with people who are hurt because they like nurturing and healing others. They will find your wounded energy addicting because it makes it easy for them to be the nurturing person they are. 
Obviously being aware, some people do like seeking out vulnerable individuals in order to have dominance over them and to create unsafe and unhealthy situations, but that won't be the case for most of you who choose this pile. This person does not have bad intentions; fulfilling this caregiver/healer role is something they just enjoy doing. Your next romantic partner will like being able to change your point of view and show you that a more innocent, maybe even fairytale-like view of love does exist. They're not trying to show you what it's like being in a relationship for the first time, but they are trying to show you what love and relationships can be like going forward - with or without them. They are all about easing your worries. 
Overall, your next romantic partner will find your reluctance to love addicting. They will like the idea of having to work hard to make you open up your heart in order to feel more relief when it comes to dating. They find needing to work for your validation and happiness addicting.
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"Burn" by Andra Day
"You Can't Win" by Michael Jackson
"Too Loud" by G-Eazy (feat. Nef the Pharaoh)
Knight of Roses (The Frontrunner), Two of Mirrors (Two on One) [Rx], The Bachelor, The Villain, Three of Mirrors (Red Flags), Eight of Mirrors (In Your Head)
Some of the people who chose this pile might also be attracted to pile one; I feel like it'll be very few of you though. This pile feels like the first one in a different font and context. There's a lot of Mirrors energy, so there's a focus on communication and your way of thinking. Your next romantic partner may be addicted to you because you're a very passionate, go-getter who knows when to get confrontational. You could be someone who is a little detached from their emotions, or who knows how to use them to your advantage. You know how to get whatever it is you want - including your next romantic partner. 
I'm kind of getting "bad bitch" energy. Your energy and way of living may naturally draw people to you, and your next partner may be someone who falls under your spell. The addicting part of you is very heavy in this reading - more so than the other piles. Your next romantic partner might even find how mean you are to them addicting. This could be in an 18+ way in that they like degradation or having you be dominant; it could also be this person likes how you're able to be mean to others. Going back to what was said before, you may be the type of person who knows when conflict is needed, and you could have no problem arguing with or even fighting people who you deem "deserve it". They really like your assertiveness! 
 For the most part, your next romantic partner will like your mean and/or abrasive personality. They'll like the way you stand up for yourself, and they could really enjoy it when you show off your dominance.
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"Are you That Somebody" by Aaliyah 
"Waiting" by Woodz
"Good Girls" by 5 Seconds of Summer
King of Roses (The Executive Producer) [Rx], Eight of Rings (Camera Guy), The Moon, Five of Flutes (I Fucked Up) [Rx]
Your next romantic partner finds your cautionary attitude addicting. I'm intuitively reminded of the song, "Wait For It" from Hamilton the Musical. You may be the type of person who comes off a little mysterious; you could be the type of person who is always waiting for "the perfect timing" or find yourself holding back because you want to be sure you're doing everything right. You may like playing it safe and following the expectations that others place on you. I'm also reminded of "Good Girls" by Five Seconds of Summer, although this reading isn't gendered in any way! They like that you are predictable and reliable in a sense. 
They may also like that you're always paying attention to your surroundings and people around you. You could be an empath or someone who is just great at picking up on other people's emotions and feelings, whether they show it blatantly or not; you could be very in tune with your intuition. They also adore how you're always able to move on from things and never hold grudges against others or towards yourself. I get the sense your next romantic partner might feel like people treat you like a doormat or a pushover, and they like your willingness to (almost) never get upset about that, but it also kind of irritates them. They could like how they feel they almost need to step up for you in a way. It could be that your next partner is very assertive and quick when doing things in their life, but you're the total opposite in that you can be a little passive and slow about what you do in your life; they like this opposite dynamic!
In general, your next romantic partner will like the "opposites attract" type of dynamic you two will have. They like that you're a little more apprehensive about the choices you make, and they adore your willingness to assume the best of people.
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sunkissedchldrecon · 9 months
𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 ��𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒔 𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
the piles go from left to right. therefore, pile one is the photo with the love seat, pile two is the heart shaped-potions room without an entrance, and so on and so forth.
WARNING: pile iii has a little 18+ mention, but it's nothing graphic nor is it explained in detail
take your time to use your intuition to choose the pile that will best resonate with you. lastly, please don’t be afraid to say if the message resonated or not. it helps me in determining if my interpretations are correct or not, and i appreciate any sort of feedback - even if it’s “bad”.
good luck to you, reader 💘
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photos courtesy of @poisonnightmares
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"Dive Into You" by NCT Dream
"Last Night" by Dani Leigh
"TMT" by Stray Kids
The Bachelor, The Rose Ceremony, Nine of Rings (Influencer), The Cocktail Party, Knight of Roses (Frontrunner)
Your next romantic partner may like how structured and stable you are as a person. You could be a good leader or have heavy masculine energy; you might even embody the traits of "The Emperor" as a tarot card. They may feel as if you're good at making decisions and as if they can trust you with anything. You may have a way of gaining your next romantic partner's attention  very easily - you may have Venusian qualities or placements in your chart. Your own beauty may cause your next romantic partner to feel very stunned; you might even leave them speechless often or make them feel as if they need to "step up their game" when being with you. 
I also get the feeling your outlook on love or how you operate when you're in love gives your next romantic partner hope in terms of romance. They may have been apprehensive when approaching relationships beforehand, but being with you makes them think that love can exist or that healthy relationships aren't too far-fetched to ask for. You may be someone who is very into love - maybe you're a daydreamer in that sense or a hopeless romantic, and instead of only dreaming of the type of love you want - you make it happen. This might be something that makes your partner addicted to you because it could feel like an everlasting honeymoon phase or because it makes them open their heart in a way they're not used to. 
In short, your next romantic partner may be addicted to you because of the authenticity and passion with which you approach love; you may spark in them an appreciation for romance and healthy relationship expectations.
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"Let Me Love You" by Mario
"I'm Ready" by Nakala
"Twinkle" by Girls' Generation
Queen of Flutes (The Caregiver) [Rx], Seven of Mirrors (For the Wrong Reasons) [Rx], Six of Flutes (Butterflies), Ace of Flutes (First Kiss) [Rx], Four of Mirrors (Reassuring Rose)
Those who chose this pile may be a little closed off when it comes to romance and love. You might be the type of person who plays hard to get and "doesn't really want to get into relationships", or you feel very jaded because of past relationships. I'm kind of getting the energy of you being a person in distress when it comes to romance. Your next romantic partner will actually like this energy about you! They'll like "the chase" so to speak. They're the type of person that likes engaging with people who are hurt because they like nurturing and healing others. They will find your wounded energy addicting because it makes it easy for them to be the nurturing person they are. 
Obviously being aware, some people do like seeking out vulnerable individuals in order to have dominance over them and to create unsafe and unhealthy situations, but that won't be the case for most of you who choose this pile. This person does not have bad intentions; fulfilling this caregiver/healer role is something they just enjoy doing. Your next romantic partner will like being able to change your point of view and show you that a more innocent, maybe even fairytale-like view of love does exist. They're not trying to show you what it's like being in a relationship for the first time, but they are trying to show you what love and relationships can be like going forward - with or without them. They are all about easing your worries. 
Overall, your next romantic partner will find your reluctance to love addicting. They will like the idea of having to work hard to make you open up your heart in order to feel more relief when it comes to dating. They find needing to work for your validation and happiness addicting.
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"Burn" by Andra Day
"You Can't Win" by Michael Jackson
"Too Loud" by G-Eazy (feat. Nef the Pharaoh)
Knight of Roses (The Frontrunner), Two of Mirrors (Two on One) [Rx], The Bachelor, The Villain, Three of Mirrors (Red Flags), Eight of Mirrors (In Your Head)
Some of the people who chose this pile might also be attracted to pile one; I feel like it'll be very few of you though. This pile feels like the first one in a different font and context. There's a lot of Mirrors energy, so there's a focus on communication and your way of thinking. Your next romantic partner may be addicted to you because you're a very passionate, go-getter who knows when to get confrontational. You could be someone who is a little detached from their emotions, or who knows how to use them to your advantage. You know how to get whatever it is you want - including your next romantic partner. 
I'm kind of getting "bad bitch" energy. Your energy and way of living may naturally draw people to you, and your next partner may be someone who falls under your spell. The addicting part of you is very heavy in this reading - more so than the other piles. Your next romantic partner might even find how mean you are to them addicting. This could be in an 18+ way in that they like degradation or having you be dominant; it could also be this person likes how you're able to be mean to others. Going back to what was said before, you may be the type of person who knows when conflict is needed, and you could have no problem arguing with or even fighting people who you deem "deserve it". They really like your assertiveness! 
 For the most part, your next romantic partner will like your mean and/or abrasive personality. They'll like the way you stand up for yourself, and they could really enjoy it when you show off your dominance.
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"Are you That Somebody" by Aaliyah 
"Waiting" by Woodz
"Good Girls" by 5 Seconds of Summer
King of Roses (The Executive Producer) [Rx], Eight of Rings (Camera Guy), The Moon, Five of Flutes (I Fucked Up) [Rx]
Your next romantic partner finds your cautionary attitude addicting. I'm intuitively reminded of the song, "Wait For It" from Hamilton the Musical. You may be the type of person who comes off a little mysterious; you could be the type of person who is always waiting for "the perfect timing" or find yourself holding back because you want to be sure you're doing everything right. You may like playing it safe and following the expectations that others place on you. I'm also reminded of "Good Girls" by Five Seconds of Summer, although this reading isn't gendered in any way! They like that you are predictable and reliable in a sense. 
They may also like that you're always paying attention to your surroundings and people around you. You could be an empath or someone who is just great at picking up on other people's emotions and feelings, whether they show it blatantly or not; you could be very in tune with your intuition. They also adore how you're always able to move on from things and never hold grudges against others or towards yourself. I get the sense your next romantic partner might feel like people treat you like a doormat or a pushover, and they like your willingness to (almost) never get upset about that, but it also kind of irritates them. They could like how they feel they almost need to step up for you in a way. It could be that your next partner is very assertive and quick when doing things in their life, but you're the total opposite in that you can be a little passive and slow about what you do in your life; they like this opposite dynamic!
In general, your next romantic partner will like the "opposites attract" type of dynamic you two will have. They like that you're a little more apprehensive about the choices you make, and they adore your willingness to assume the best of people.
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fishnapple · 15 days
CRYSTAL READING : What kind of people are you attracting into your life ? 🧲🎐🪸🫧
A little explanation of the method I used for reading
Lithomancy : I assigned a meaning for each stone (each stone represents a planet) and cast them on a circle divided into 12 parts, just like an astrology chart and do the reading
Pick a stone :
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Reading for each group below :
1. Coral fossil
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These people come into your life in a very fast or even quite forceful manner. They would feel random and foreign to you, but you are attracting them exactly because of that.
They will help you open up your mind and bring some changes to your routine and habits.
Talking with them would not be comfortable all the time. Sometimes, you would feel quite exposed or triggered by them. Their manner of communicating with you would be brutally honest and challenging to your ego. Because they would have a big ego too. They would give an image of a stern, serious and quite a coarse person with strong energy. Would be too much and a little in your face.
But through that, they help shedding some light on your deep-seated vulnerability and fears and propel you higher because they genuinely believe that you're capable of much more.
After some time, if you're able to get used to their way of talking with you, you will feel safe enough to open up more, maybe even adopt some of their fearless and authoritative traits. Be more relaxed and flow with them.
At times, they can also be more tender. Their words have deep impacts on you, making you feel more beautiful and more confident in yourself. Their compliments are true words, not laced with hidden motives. They understand what it's like to be vulnerable and wounded, and they've learned to be strong.
You would likely meet them when you are having fun, making something or going about with your daily life. Could be the people that you see regularly, like your colleagues, the people you are collaborating with. They could be foreigners and have different lifestyle from you.
2. Moss agate
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You are attracting quite a chaotic energy.
At first, you and them would click with each other very fast. Conversations will be fun and flow effortlessly. These people are quite quirky and moody, like the stereotype of artists. You guys would change subjects a lot while talking, having some random and private jokes that only you can understand.
They can make you feel taken care of with small and considerate gestures.
You would sense or feel that they are spiritual, mysterious, and sometimes lonely. That would be your subjective view. In reality, they may not be actually like that.
But being around them for too long would cause you to feel isolated from the world. They would wrap their care around you, blur out the mundane life, and give you a yearning for some ideal, more beautiful life elsewhere. At best, life would feel more magical to you. At worst, you would want to escape or forget your current surroundings.
Though they are kind, they have some well hidden anger and shadow aspects that want to have control over what they have. Including the connection with you. A fragile self-esteem and some insecurities would cause control issues. There could be some manipulative tendencies like making you feel vulnerable to bring you closer to them.
You will need to be more aware of your own feelings when being around them and try to see them in a more objective light.
The people you are attracting would be in a higher position than you, could be your boss, your mentor, teachers, or someone with more authority.
3. Carnelian
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The people that you are attracting are those needing more light and vibrancy in their life.
They have attractive energy, people would consider them to be conventionally good-looking or charming with an edge of passion. A balance between feminine and masculine energy.
They are confident and ambitious with concrete goals and helpful resources. Stoic and wilful. The kind that others have a lot of respect for.
They do everything with dedication.
But something is amiss. Right now, they have some confusions deep inside, lost, looking for a home. You could feel that through their words, their way of communicating. Their light is dimmer, something feels lacklustre. They may not even be aware of that about themself.
Subconsciously, they are looking for something new to learn, to feel excited and curious, to expand their mind. They could be quite established but feel stagnant, so they need a little shaking up. Their life seems a little cold and hard, so they are looking for some softer, more nurturing energy.
And maybe that's why they are attracted to you. They could see that you are embodying that energy quite well.
You could meet them when you are by yourself, being confident, express yourself openly, which is a kind of contrast to their more controlled and reserved nature.
4. Trolleite
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I see some strong bonds of friendship with the people that you are attracting.
They come into your life in the period that you may be feeling a little bored. You need something that can stir you.
You would meet them while studying for something new, maybe a foreign language so they could be foreigners too.
They have a kind of elevated and optimistic spirit. An ability to see beauty everywhere.
They would take you on exciting adventures, physically or mentally, like going to some places with different culture, taking a deep breath of fresh air in nature, and lying down to just talk about everything. They are not childish. In fact, they could be older than you, or their energy just seems mature, but something about them making people feel like a child again, something warm and open.
Oddly enough, even though their core self is always changing, erratic but their actions and sense of self are very solid and dependable. A dependable unpredictability, perhaps. And they would help you feel more grounded and firm in yourself.
You would form some connections that are light, fun yet long lasting, and nurturing.
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dondeeee911 · 22 days
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 “What about my dark feminine”!? 
what about it!?🫵🏽🫦🕷️
1> White bottle 2> Pink bottle 3> Clear bottle
Pile 1
In this pile, some of you are willing to go within and navigate what causes you to act out in your masculine energy. I’m getting the energy of a feminine person or someone wanting to be in this energy. Is someone impulsive or likes to jump into relationships without prior evaluations of who someone is? Yeah, take your time love. Slow down and think of what you’re doing and why you are doing it. Also, who you are doing it with?  It is time to relax your energy and be more receptive, let your desires or desired person come to you. Reflect on your past patterns and habits so you can align yourself with your divine lover. 
Channeled song: Drake x Liability 
Pile 2
You are the prize! aren’t you? Oh, that’s what I thought🤭 Look at the bright side, you went through some things you weren’t necessarily proud of and maybe you’re still making mistakes.  I feel that some of you here are transmuting your wounds into something beautiful, and new!  Self-affirmations, positive self-talk, motivational podcasts, or talks with a trusted person come to mind here. Rebirth after rebirth is on the cards! Constant ego deaths of themselves, by being aware of who they are not and who they want to be, making the proper steps and decisions will lead to a celebratory outcome.
Channeled song:  Beyoncé RENAISSANCE x PURE/HONEY
Pile 3
People around you could be deceptive or envious of the light you bring. You could be a hopeful person, radiating warmth and kindness, always looking forward to what’s next in life! It is a must that this feminine makes strong boundaries, not letting others or THEMSELVES cross them. Maybe you have a hard time asserting your wants and needs or fear confrontation, but it’s only going to make others walk over you more and we do not want that. The more you live and respectfully speak your truth, no one can stand in your way anymore! 
Channeled song: Tory Lanez x Midnight’s  Interlude 
Copyright © 2024 dondeeee911. All rights reserved.
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daportalpractitioner · 2 months
capricorn degrees in the natal chart (10°, 22°)
10° = daddy issues. awareness of your purpose. taking responsibility. abandonment wounds, especially from father. laziness. stagnancy. stuck in the "matrix". knew what you wanted to do since young age. eldest child syndrome. narcissism. trustworthy + reliable. responsibility projected onto you. try hard. working overtime. lack of feminine energy embodiment. need for time management. dealing with being overwhelmed. letting society run you. pick me energy. low self-esteem. a need to be disciplined. don't give up on yourself. no handouts. invest in your purpose. natural professional.
22° = trusting in your purpose. do or die. crucial accountability. overcoming imposter syndrome. denial. toxic masculinity. mastering discipline. a gateway to break free from the hell you created. self-sabotage. to kill or be killed. poverty consciousness. fear of failure. health issues due to stress levels. believe in your success. going in circles. taking responsibility over your own life + what you want for yourself. self-reliance. self-support. the devil card in tarot. learning to put your hard work into something meaningful. life will be shaping you up thru experience. dust yourself off and try again. longevity. breaking stubborn generational curses. ultimate warrior energy. unfuckwittable.
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