#who gave darry the letter?
midmodmar · 2 years
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My little postwoman. Based off a Rockwell painting.
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matilyntheweirdo · 4 days
Out of curiosity- How much do you know abt ur fav character in The Outsiders?? My fav is Dallas, who was the sixth character to be introduced by pony in the book- hence my blog name lol
Dally’s full name was Dallas Tucker Winston (as we know)
was 17 (also as we know) and died just two months short of his birthday, which is November 9th, meaning the book begins in September on a Friday
got his disc memorized- you know the drill with him so I’ll keep it shortish: described as tow-headed with an elvish face, with high cheekbones and a sharp chin, small sharp animal like teeth and ears like a lynx, his hair was almost white it was so long, but he didn’t like haircuts or hairpins either so it went over his forehead in wisps and kicked out in the back in tufts along the nape of his neck and curled behind his ears. The shade difference between a greaser and a hood wasn’t present in Dally, he was a wild as a brumly boys, like Tim Shepard’s gang. He had pale icy blue eyes, cold with a hatred for the whole world- he didn’t have anything specific to hate. (So much for short- Read it 217 times since 7th grade)
gave pony the letter from soda and didn’t want to get beat tf up by Darry for giving pony the money and the gun
bought pony and Johnny food at Darry Queen :D
he showed up to the rumble with his arm burnt tf up and fought anyhow
Took Ponyboy to see Johnny because he knew he was dying in the hospital and wanted pony to seem him one last time too
he was born in 1948- since the book was finished in ‘65, I just subtracted 17 from there- so he would’ve been 76 this year :,(
on a lighter note, S.E. Hinton confirmed that he was most likely out of the gang to be scared of spiders- had me rolling 🤣
Lmao it got to the point where I gaslit myself into thinking he lived and Johnny lived based on a fic I read years ago and when I reread it this past month my whole reality with him shattered- please send help I can’t be the only one obsessed with a character to this degree🫠
Wow I think you’re more obsessed with this book than me 😭 HOW HAVE YOU READ IT 217 TIMES? I’m on my 3rd reread in the past 8 months or so.
But seriously wow! I’m glad I found someone who is as obsessed - if not more than me lol. Dallas is probably my 3rd favorite character (ik don’t come and find me lol) behind 2. Johnny and 1. Darry
Darry has always been my favorite character ever since I read the book for the first time. He just stuck out to me and I love his character so much. He also is played by Patrick Swayze and he is the finest man to ever walk the earth sooo. (Like seriously I’m obsessed with this man I’ve watched almost every movie he’s in please send help)
Even though Darry’s my favorite character I don’t know everything about him off hand lol. I’m just gonna make a list of everything I know off the top of my head about my favorite character (yes out of every book I’ve read he’s my favorite character, secondly being Katniss Everdeen if you would like to know lol)
• He’s 20 years old
• His full name is Darrel Shayne Curtis Jr (I say this at least twice a day idk don’t ask why)
• Don’t quote me on this but I think he was introduced last in the book
• He works as a roof repair man person
• His birthday is January 5th
• He’s the oldest brother (obviously)
• He is said to not be a greaser if it weren’t for his brothers and the rest of the gang
• Darry was a MESS when Johnny and Pony were at the church (DARREL STAYS UP ALL NIGHT LONG, TILL HE FINALLY FALLS ASLEEP BY THE TELEPHONEEE - Sodas Letter from the musical)
• Also he was the football captain in high school and was voted boy of the year
• Don’t ask me how I know this offhand (I need a hobby) but in the book Darry is one of the tallest if not the tallest greaser but Patrick Swayze isn’t crazy tall so in some of the photos you can see him standing on bricks to make him look taller lol
Okay that’s all I remember right now but I know more will come to me later lol. And also I sincerely believe also that the events in the book are fictional (well no shit) but like FICTIONAL in a FICTIONAL way. Like Ponyboy definitely just needed a good grade so made up a bs story lmao. I really have tricked myself into thinking both Johnny and Dally are alive and well and the gang is still partying in Tulsa.
ALSO thank you for this ask it was really fun to do!
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hi i am re-entering into my outsiders era a bit so i have a lil request - the gang being friends w an art kid? like drawing and painting and sculpting and stuff
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The boys with an art kid reader
A/N: i know the second req said hcs but i really wanted to write a little piece for this! also i’m in that mid-year phase where i want it to be christmas already so this is set at christmas. Y/N and Two-Bit are a bit of a thing cause i love two bit and i wanna write cute things with him so shush
Tags: fluff
Warnings: none!
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It was Christmas eve at the Curtis house, the gang had a tradition of doing their gift-giving then rather than Christmas day so everyone could spend the day with their families, though they normally met up later in the day anyway. “Woah Y/N this is amazing!” ponyboy stared in awe of the bookmark y/n made for him with a sunset painted on it with watercolour. “I’m glad you like it.” Y/N gave Pony a warm smile and handed a bigger package to Darry. He opened it and smiled to himself. “A new baking bowl! just what i needed!” Soda laughed. “Grandma Dar and his baking.” Darry set the bowl down carefully far away from them so it wouldn’t get broken before pulling Sodapop into a headlock. “i won’t make you cookies no more then, see how you like that!” The two wrestled on the ground before Soda gave up. Y/N laughed and handed presents to the rest of the gang.
Johnny gasped when he opened his present. Dally looked over at him and could’ve sworn he was close to tears. “Y/N this is beautiful.” He looked at the small piece of paper in his hand. it was a pencil drawing of all the gang together, it was small enough to fit into a wallet, which y/n knew johnny carried around because all the gang had pitched in to buy it for his birthday. Y/N smiled but was interrupted before they could say anything by soda stomping his feet. Y/N had made him a watercolour painting of a horse, he recognised who it was right away. it was his horse, mickey mouse. “Y/N how did you get this!!” He was also close to tears but he was smiling from ear to ear. “well it’s a long story, yknow the way my parents own a ranch? well they somehow knew who bought mickey mouse all those years ago and i got in contact with them. i went to their ranch about 4 hours drive away. obviously i didn’t have the money to buy him off the rancher but i got a picture and painted it, that way you’ll always have him.” Y/N smiled. in reality mickey mouse had died about two years ago and that was just a picture the farmer had but Sodapop didn’t have to know that.
Dally opened his gift. “what is it?” Dally looked confused. Y/N laughed. “They’re fingerless gloves, crocheted. that way your hands might be slightly warmer than ice like they normally are, but you can still have full use of your hands cause let’s be honest the fingers are always annoying in gloves.” Dally smiled, he’d never admit it, but he appreciated the thought. “Y/N! This is so cool!” Y/N looked at him and smiled. Steve held up a sleeveless denim jacket with the back panel painted black with “you can’t handle the randle” painted on in big red letters and fire painted at the bottom. The front had little embroideries on it too. all things that meant something to Steve. “Glad you like it!”
“You’re so talented Y/N! But uh- where’s my present?” Two-Bit chuckled, he’d been surprisingly quiet up until now. Y/N gasped “Oh shit. i forgot your present.” They laughed about it and Y/N promised to give it to him the next day. After a while Two-Bit went out to the front porch to smoke a cigarette and Y/N followed him a few minutes later. Once they knew the two of them were alone they turned to Two-Bit. “I didn’t forget your present, i just wanted to give it to you away from the others.” They pulled a small box out of their pocket. it had red wrapping paper and black ribbon on it. Two-Bit took it from them and opened it carefully. Inside was a ring with ‘i love you’ engraved on the inside. On the outside intricate patterns were also engraved, but it didn’t look too busy or cluttered, just pretty and detailed. “i didn’t make this one, but i designed it” Two-Bit put it on and when he rubbed his thumb along the surface he realised it could spin. he played with it for a moment before Y/N spoke again. “it helps to calm you down or distract you when, y’know-” Two-Bit nodded. Y/N knew he struggled with anxiety, all the gang did to a degree, but he had it the worst by far. “it’s beautiful darlin, it really is. Thank you.” Two-Bit hugged Y/N before looking around to see if anyone was there. when he was sure there wasn’t he gave them a quick kiss. none of the boys knew about the two of them, and they don’t want any of them finding out this way. “Happy christmas my love.” Y/N whispered. “Happy christmas.” Two replied, smiling to himself.
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sophie-i-guess13 · 2 years
Lol what if I gave you a request?
Darry and Soda angst au where Ponyboy dies? 👀
I might have to go clean up shingles in a minute so this is gonna be really short
Really nothing brings people together like loss. I think back to the night Mom and Dad died more than I should, but I can’t forget the way the gang stuck by our side for as long as we needed. Whether it was bringing by food from the Dingo, or just taking up room so the house didn’t feel as empty, they did it for us.
Darry works six and a half days a week now, barely coming home to do anything more than eat, sleep, shower, and grieve.
I tried going back to work not too long ago, but it’s a lot harder than it looks. ‘Specially when your favourite cigarettes are at the front of the shop. Steve says he doesn’t mind. Socs don’t come by as much as they used to, and they’re a lot slower to start fights now, but that doesn’t mean they don’t blame us grease for what happened to Bob.
Johnny’s still on trial, they won’t let him accept any letters, either. It’s driving Dally up the wall. Sylvia swung by the other day — the third time she has this week. She says Buck packed a bag and thought it might do Dally some good to get out of town for a while.
Curly gets out of reform this month. Tim says it’ll be a hassle to keep him in line when he hears about what happened to you.
A fourteen-year-old kid drowned in a fountain, his murderer stabbed and left for dead nine feet away.
Darry’s sorry about what happened. What happened to you is exactly what he was afraid of happening in the first place. Now, you aren’t even around to hear him apologize to the mirror ever night he comes home.
The bed feels so much bigger now that you aren’t in it, too. Not in a good way. I haven’t been getting much sleep in it now. I guess you helped me just as much as I helped you after the accident.
I know you used to think that the gang didn’t really care about you, that they only kept you around because you were our baby brother. But watching the amount of people who came to your funeral — even through teary eyes, it’s obvious you were so much more. To everyone.
I’m sorry you can’t be here to see it, Ponyboy.
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hellsfanatic · 2 years
darry’s birthday :)
characters: darry, pony, tim (mentions of others like parents and curly)
words: 985
I’ve always kept the letters I was sent. Letting go of something someone spent time to send to me or even just to give me wasn’t right. You wouldn’t toss a beautiful drawing your sister sent you after glancing over it would you? No, you wouldn’t. So I kept each one I got.
They sat in a box up at the corner of my closet, collecting dust until Christmas or my birthday came around and a couple new additions would be added. Usually it was just Grandma and Grandpa, plus whatever my parents gave me. They wouldn’t be giving me a card this year. On birthdays there was a chance you’d get one from a friend, so hope wasn’t at all lost of using that box. Plus, Pony usually threw a handmade one together. Just a piece of paper folded in half with whatever he wanted to say.
So one of those days came along. My birthday. A pretty average day now, my childhood was long gone and it took those parties and time set aside for gifts with it. I didn’t mind much, really. I woke up, got ready, grabbed something to eat, and was on my way to work. Just like any other day. Work came and went. Just like any other day. I came home to chatter in the house. Just like any other day.
Two of the Shepard’s stopped by, not unusual by any means, just not a day to day thing. Curly’s voice paired with Pony’s conversation from the small crack left in his bedroom door. A little more usual. Tim didn’t look like he’d been around the house very long, he was just looking around. Maybe he was checking on his brother. Beats me.
“Darry,” he said with a grin, turning to face the door—and me. “Happy birthday babe.” He tugged me to his side with an arm around my shoulder.
Leaning in a bit more, I let myself smile. I didn’t even remember when he would’ve found out my birthday. At a time he’d care enough to remember at least. “Thanks Tim.”
Most people had gone elsewhere by 10:30 tonight, they’d given some happy birthdays and we hung around for a while, but they had other things to do too. My brothers and the two Shepard’s were left, and Tim was making his way to the door. He’d said his goodbyes to me and said something to his brother, who was still in Pony’s room and was staying.
Once the door shut and Tim was gone, Pony’s door opened. His eyes darted around the room, landing on me just before he started coming towards me.
“Hey Pone,” I looked up at him from my spot on the couch.
He handed a card to me. “Happy birthday Dar.” He sat down next to me, watching as I parted the folded paper and skimmed the words. The front of the card was awful pretty too. He didn’t like a big blank page as an opener, he never left it empty. There was this gorgeous scene on a snowy and iced-over winter lake on this one. The prettiest shades of blue scattered across the page and grays paired with them.
I showed a smile, looking to him from the card. “How long did you spend on this Pony?”
He shrugged, “I don’t know. I worked on it when I was bored. Do you like it?”
“Yeah, thanks bud.”
And he was off to his room again. I had another card for the box.
I pulled the box down later on in the night when everyone was asleep, or at least was away in their rooms until morning. Cards from last year’s birthday—the one from Mom and Dad specifically—laid on the top. God, that was really the last one. I didn’t even know it at the time.
Letting out a breath, I sat on the edge of my bed and picked up the card from the box. I stared at the cover, probably longer than I had to, before I was ready to look back into the past with them. Mom’s cursive letters covered the white background, telling me all about how proud she and Dad were and how they loved me. She told me about my sixth birthday and all the memories she had with me on it. She said she hoped that birthday was just as good and that she already couldn’t wait for the next. She’d have to wait an eternity before she could even think about spending any day with us. The last thing, at the bottom corner, their signatures. The whole card was Mom’s writing, but that little mark from Dad brought it all together.
Small trembles from my hand made it harder and harder for me to reread the card. I hated remembering all of it. I hated how it hurt. I hated that I couldn’t have these two people love their son like they did while they wrote that card. I hated that they couldn’t love me anymore. Not in any way I’d know.
I poured the box out on my bed, picking up each one and remembering more. Hating more. Loving more. I read them all. Over and over and over. All until the tears threatening my eyes weren’t threatening anymore but rather going freely in hard, silent sobs. Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, some old friends that would hate who I am now. Memories from when I was someone I would hate now. They were all written in ink, lead, hell even some in wax from crayons. I wanted to keep reading until dawn, I wanted to read until the sun burned into my still-sobbing eyes, I wanted to read until they felt real. No amount of looking back could bring them here for next year, but that wouldn’t stop me from trying to make it feel like they were here.
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agentrouka-blog · 3 years
I often read that Robb making mistake by marrying Jeyne W which leads to his lords left him and breaking of oath with Freys is what leads to his death. But Lannisters, Roose and Freys were also responsible for breaking guest rights to kill him and his mother. What do you think about actual Robb failure which made him doomed and how starks will learn from it?
Hi there!!
I'm not immersed enough in the warfare aspect of the stories to answer this with confidence. Many factors combined to doom Robb.
But the underlying reason was trust placed in those who had been forced into submission in the past. The Ironborn. Theon. The Boltons. Historically, the Starks conquered much of their territory and as recently as a decade ago held a child hostage to force their father to comply. Bad karma. Incidentally, Robb places his trust in just these people. That's the self-inflicted doom.
I am fairly certain that Roose Bolton was mentally ready to turn on the Starks the moment Ned went South, certainly by the time Ned was arrested. He married Fat Walda almost immediately after the Battle at the Green Fork, if I'm not mistaken, creating his own separate bond with Walder, while Ramsay began messing around in the North, and he was certainly aware of what the Karstark disruption was doing to the Northern political landscape, as well, making sure to send Harrion into the same doomed battle that saw Tallheart killed and Glover captured, paving the way for Alys Karstark's planned forced marriage to her corrupt uncle. A significant part of Robb's army is destroyed at the nonsensical attack on Duskendale.
This is ordered before the news of Robb's Wedding ever arrived. Duskendale is already a done deal. Darry burning is a done deal, paving the way for Amerei Frey (of Darry heritage) and Lancel taking over, a match likely planned before the Blackwater and made official after his full recovery in AFFC. All this is done in collusion with Tywin. Those important letters are happening even before Jeyne Westerling. We know Tywin was in touch with Sybell Spicer and she gave Jeyne moon tea from the start. Tywin had a long reach. Robb was unmatched in battle but surrounded by treachery. Or "treachery", because what does Sybell owe a guy who invaded her castle? Nothing.
Ramsay cleaned up after Theon in the North and by capturing him held a key to negotiate with the Ironborn at Moat Cailin. By that point the Jeyne incident only tipped over the Freys. I think.
Anyway, Robb was doomed by his ancestors' forceful submission of the North, in a way. When the Starks were weak, Ironborn and Boltons struck. This is a fair mirror to the Targaryens, and it is emphasized in the story of the Rape of the Sisters later on. The Starks are not unproblematic angels. None of the Northerners are, if you consider the fate of Lady Hornwood or Jeyne Poole.
Narratively, Robb pays for this as much as he pays for submitting to his society's sexism. Disregarding Cat's advice, discounting the value of his sisters, refusing to prioritize family and peace over warfare, at the cost of the peasants who are plundered, raped and murdered on either side. Independence is a worthy cause, but Torrhen Stark chose peace to save lives. Robb refused peace. Understandably so, the Lannisters killed Ned, but his own house was not in order, so to speak, and it ended up strangling him. You cannot resist oppression on a throne that was errected on oppression. (Contrast Dorne!)
When the North is done with its internal strife, they will be ready again for kingship based on the kind of unity that is earned, not conquered. Jon earns Alys' support. The Manderlys are loyal because of past generosity. The Liddle is appreciative of the peace in the land that the Starks worked to uphold. That sort of thing. Asha was negotiating with Lady Glover for resettlement, which would create a true peaceful coexistence, just like with the wildlings at the Wall and in the future in the Gift. Long-term, peaceful, well-built ties. Not force.
The final hurdle will be the sexism in the North. Sansa the elder could not rule in her own right as a girl. She needed to marry her uncle Jonnel who became Lord Stark. (Whatever their personal relationship was, the political one is bathed in sexism.) I think this wrinkle will be adressed strongly in the Northern succession arc coming up in TWOW and in ADOS. And not by a marriage of convenience. That would be marrying Sansa for her claim. (Currently prevented by her marriage to Tyrion anyway.)
For true balance, Sansa needs to be crowned in her own right, independent of marriage. In a North decimated of many of its male heirs, succession through the female line looks like it could win some much overdue legal recognition for all the nobility, not just the crown.
Basically, in order to restore what was destroyed, the Starklings need to revamp the whole enterprise of what it means to rule in the North. I made a post a while ago about this, called "House Stark Redemption Arc". I still stand by that.
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Lost Boy
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Sodapop Curtis x Reader
Words: 4305
Summary: 16 years of never belonging and you’ve finally had enough. You move in with your outcast sister in Tulsa and meet a group of boys who finally make you feel like you’re where you’re supposed to be. Inspired by the song Lost Boy by Ruth B.
Notes: Peter Pan is one of my all time favorite stories and I love this song. I thought it could bring a whimsical, yet still angsty feel to a Sodapop imagine so I hope you guys enjoy! 
Warnings: Mentions of abuse
Sodapop and more: HERE
There was a time, when I was alone
Nowhere to go and no place to call home
You always wanted to know what it was like to fly. To soar above the clouds, too far away to hear your parent’s screaming. Watching the world zoom by through the car window was the closest you’d ever felt to flying. You were free.
Pulling up to the little shack of a house, your sister, Beth, gave you a small smile.
“It's not much. You’ll be sleeping on the couch until we can clean out the attic.” She rambled. Beth rambled when she was nervous. “We were going to have you stay in the boys’ room, but Michael has a fever so he’s had to stay in bed-”
“Beth,” You gave her the biggest smile you could. You hadn’t smiled like that in a long time. “It’s perfect.” There was a loud racket coming from the house at the end of the block and three rowdy boys came bounding down the street. 
“Hey Mrs. Austin.” One greeted as you both got out of the car. Your sister waved and he grinned. You never knew a boy could have a smile as nice as he had. 
“Steve, my engine is making that sound again.” Beth said to one of the other boys. 
“I’ll look at it as soon as we get back.” He said and the three took off down the street again. The one with the nice smile looked back at you and for a second you thought he might have winked. 
“Who was that?” You asked, turning your attention back to your sister as she helped you unpack. You didn’t have much. Just some clothes and a couple books. 
“The one I was talking to is Steve Randal. He’s been helping me keep this piece of junk rolling.” Beth patted the hood of the car. “The others are two of the Curtis boys. They live with their big brother Darryl down the block.” She pointed to the house the boys had come out of. “Nice kids.”  
You watched them walk for a moment longer before taking your things inside. Your brother in law greeted you with a suffocating hug and one of your nephews wrapped around your leg. 
“John.” Beth laughed, prying him off of you. John was six-years-old and Michael was four. They were two of the sweetest and silliest boys you’d ever met. 
“Look at how big you’ve gotten,” You said, feeling a twinge of guilt. You hadn’t seen the boys since Michaels first birthday. You were lucky if your parents let you write Beth letters. 
Beth was your age when she got pregnant with John. Your parents kicked her out of the house and told her never to come back. Her and Jack got married and moved here, to Tulsa. Two years later, she had Michael. They were happy, which was more than you could say for your parents. But you’d never have to worry about them again. 
After you settled in a little, you decided to find a quiet place in the neighborhood to read. You’d lost count how many times you had read Peter Pan, but you never got tired of it. The idea of a place like Neverland got you through every fight, every tear filled night, and every cigar burn. 
You walked around for a while before you found a nice spot in the big empty lot. There were a couple of logs to lean on and a spot where a fire had been. With winter break coming to its end, the January air made you shiver. You didn’t mind. You were too happy to even notice. 
Just as you opened to the first page, you saw a figure approaching. He was hunched over with his hands shoved in his pockets. He didn’t even notice you until he reached where you were sitting. This must be his usual spot. 
“Hey, who are you?” He spat, though it was hard to be intimidated by his quivering voice. 
“My name is Y/N,” You said calmly, setting your book aside. “I just moved here.”
“Yeah, well you better beat it.” He ducked his head like he was trying to hide his face from you. “There are some real creeps around here at night and you don’t look like no greaser girl.” 
“I’m usually pretty good at handling myself.” You stood, not to scare him, but to show that you weren’t scared. “What’s your name?” 
“What’s it to you?”
“Well, if we’re going to be friends, I’d like to know your name.”
“Who said I wanted to be friends?” 
You sighed and tucked your book under your arm.
“Suit yourself.” You walked past him, bumping his shoulder as you went. 
“Wait.” He squeaked. You turned around. “What… what are you reading?” A little surprised, you lifted up the cover so he could see it.
“It’s my favorite. I’ve read it so many times, but I never get tired of it.” You beamed as he read of the gold lettering on the cover, worn from years of being very well loved. You could see his face now and you held back a gasp. His cheek was red and swollen and his lip was split. He caught you staring and quickly turned away. 
“Like I said, you better get out of here.” He huffed. Without thinking, you put a hand on his shoulder. 
“My dad hit me too.” You didn’t know how you knew, but you did. At first, he seemed angry and jerked his shoulder away. But his face softened and he looked at the ground. 
“My name’s Johnny.”
“Now was that so hard?” You playfully nudged his arm to try and ease the tension. He even smiled a little. 
“Johnny!” Another figure appeared across the lot, barreling towards you like a steam engine. You were worried that it might be his dad, but as he got closer, you saw how young he was. He looked Beth’s age, maybe younger. 
“Hey Darry.” Johnny greeted, his voice still quiet. 
“I thought that was you I saw slinkin 'over here.” the man crossed his arms disapprovingly. “The hell are you doin out here? You’re gonna freeze to death.” Darry saw the signs of violence on the boy’s face and sighed. “Come on home with me and I'll fix you something to eat.”
“Thanks Darry.” Johnny muttered. Darry’s stare landed on you. 
“Haven’t seen you before.”
“I just moved here today.” You meant to sound tougher, but your voice came out as a squeak. Man, he was scary. After giving you a once over and figuring you weren’t trouble, his hard stared turned a little more welcoming. 
“You must be Beth Austin’s kid sister.”
“Yes, sir.” 
“No need for that, now.” He chuckled. “You can call me Darry, same as everybody else. Your sister told me to watch out for you.”
“She did?” You knew Beth was protective, but she didn’t have to alert the neighborhood.
“Probably wants you to stay away from us greasers.” Johnny said and Darry tousled his hair. 
“You can come over for dinner too, if you want.” He offered. You would have declined, but your stomach started growling something awful. Darry motioned for you to follow him. 
“That’s Darry for you.” Johnny whispered with a small smirk. “He’s got a habit of takin’ in strays.” 
He came to me with the sweetest smile
Told me he wanted to talk for a while
It was kinda funny how well you fit in at a table full of boys. Darry was still fixing dinner and Johnny was talking to the youngest Curtis, Ponyboy. It only took a little convincing from Johnny for Ponyboy to get comfortable with you being there. 
“Damnit, where is that boy?” Darry exclaimed, throwing down a dish towel. 
“He probably got caught up talking to all those girls that come to see him.” Ponyboy said, sounding a little jealous. 
“Yeah, well if he wants dinner, he better get his butt back here.”
“Who are we waiting or?” You asked Johnny in a low voice. 
“Oh, they’re just goin’ on about Sodapop. He’s the middle one.”
“His name is Sodapop?” You wondered. You didn’t laugh like other girls sometimes did. You were actually curious. 
“Sure is. Our dad liked unique names.” Ponyboy beamed. “And Soda’s as unique as they come.”
“That’s one word for it.” Darry laughed, shaking his head. As if he heard his name, the middle Curtis burst through the front door, an excited grin lighting up his face.
“You shoulda seen her, Darry.” He howled. “Prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”
“You say that about every girl.” His older brother scoffed. 
“Well this time, I mean it. And she’s just down the street!” Sodapop leaned against the fridge with a dreamy expression. Darry cleared his throat, jerking his head towards the dinner table. Ponyboy and Johnny were ready to burst from laughter. As soon as Sodapop’s eyes landed on you, he nearly fell over, his face turning a very cute shade of pink.
“You must be Sodapop.” You tried your best to hide the nervousness in your voice, not to mention the furious blush lighting up your face. You had never been called pretty before. Maybe he wasn’t talking about you. After all, he only saw you for a second. 
“Yes ma’am.” He straightened himself out and smiled. Lord, that smile. “You-uh-you’re the girl I saw with Mrs. Austin.” 
“What’re you calling her ‘ma’am’ for?” Johnny exclaimed. Ponyboy elbowed him in the side. “Ow! What? She’s just one of us!” You laughed at the two, but kept your eyes on Soda.
“That’s me alright. Beth’s my big sister. I’m gonna live with her now.” You said proudly. 
“Where are your folks?” The youngest boy wondered. 
“Ponyboy,” Darry scolded sharply. He knew that the story probably wasn’t a nice one. In this neighborhood, they never were. You didn’t seem upset by the younger boy’s question. 
“They’re still in Chicago. Be glad you’ll never have to meet them.” You shrugged, your gaze returning to Sodapop. His blue eyes were bright with curiosity. He sat down across from you and Darry put down a plate of sandwiches. 
It was the liveliest dinner you’d ever had. Darry and Ponyboy squabbled back and forth while Johnny scarfed down his sandwich. 
“Whatcha reading?” Sodapop asked, eyeing the book you had set on the table. 
“Oh, um, you’ll probably think it’s silly.” You quickly pulled the book into your lap. His lips fell into a pout. 
“I promise I won’t.” His voice was so sweet that you knew he wasn’t going to make fun of you. You slid the worn down and well loved book across to him. “Peter Pan?” He read. “I remember that Disney movie when we were kids. Never thought about reading the book.”
“That’s cause you don’t read.” Ponyboy snickered. There was a thud and Ponyboy cried out, rubbing his now sore shin. 
“Is it any good?” Soda asked. 
“Oh it’s my favorite.” You beamed. “I guess the idea of flying away to a place where you never have to grow up was a nice thought when I was with my parents and all their yelling.”
You felt the tone of the table change. Ponyboy and Johnny looked at each other, Darry clasped his hands together on the table and Soda gave you a sympathetic smile. The grim shift made you think of home. 
“Alright, enough with the long faces.” You exclaimed, leaning across to playfully shove Ponyboy’s shoulder. “That’s all over now.” You looked at each boy with the brightest smile they’d ever seen. Your gaze landed on Sodapop and his lips returned your grin. “This is Neverland.”
Smiles returned to the boys’ faces and Darry even chuckled. You and Soda just kept looking at each other. 
“You clearly haven’t been in Tulsa long enough.” A new voice sneered. Everybody looked at the boy standing in the doorway. He had a hard stare and a mean look about him, but you didn’t let that scare you. You’d seen meaner. 
“Anywhere is better than where I was before.” You replied calmly. The boy narrowed his eyes and looked you over. 
“Is there something you need, Dally?” Darry asked sternly. 
“Little bird told me there was a new girl in the neighborhood. Didn’t think she’d be slumming with us greasers already.” Dally kept his mean glare on you until Sodapop stood up. 
“Come on, Y/N. Why don’t I walk you home?”
“Soda must think you need protecting.” He smirked. “I think you look like you can handle a guy like me.”
“Cut it out, Dallas.” Darry’s voice was a warning now.
“It’s alright. I should be getting back anyway to help Beth get the boys in bed.” You pushed away from the table, thanking Darry for dinner and saying goodnight to everyone. Lastly, you turned to Dally as you and Soda passed him. “It was nice meeting you, Dallas.”
You could feel his stare burning into the back of your head as you stepped out into the cool night air. 
“Sorry about him.” Sodapop said, shoving his hands in the back pockets of his jeans as he walked. “Dally’s really not so bad. He’s just acting like that cause he don’t know you yet.”
“Don’t worry about it.” You shrugged. “I knew plenty of boys like that back in Chicago, only I didn’t have a tough guy like Darry or a sweet one like you to stand up to them, so Dallas is right.”
“About what?”
“I can handle guys like him.” You bumped his shoulder with yours and laughed. “I appreciate you walking with me, though. Beth would kill me if she thought I was out here by myself at night.”
“Has she always been protective like that?”
“I guess.” You thought for a moment. “When we were kids, she was always sticking up for me to our old man. She never let him lay a hand on me as long as she was around.” You found a pebble on the sidewalk and nudged it with your toe. “When she got pregnant, she didn't have a choice but leave. I think she just still sees me as that scrawny 10-year-old.” 
You walked together in silence for a moment. You stopped suddenly, looking up at the sky. Stars stared back down at you with their bright faces. You liked to think they were smiling. Soda was a few steps away before he noticed that you had stopped. 
“What’re you looking at?” He asked, walking back to join you. He tilted his head upward, trying to find whatever had caught your attention. 
“The sky’s a lot prettier out here.” You mused. “In Chicago, it’s all lights and smog. But here, you can really see the stars.” That feeling of flying was back, taking you up into the air just like the book. 
“You’re a different kinda girl, you know that?” Sodapop laughed. You spun around with your arms extended. 
“You have to be different to survive, Sodapop Curtis.” When you looked at him, he could have sworn that your eyes twinkled like the stars. 
I am a Lost Boy, from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
“They were not nearly so elegant as Peter, they could not help kicking a little, but their heads were bobbing against the ceiling and there is almost nothing so delicious as that.” You read in a clear voice so that all the boys could hear you. It was strangely nice out and the afternoon had turned into a kind of gathering at the park. You were sitting underneath the jungle gym with Johnny and Ponyboy sprawled out across from you. Sodapop and Steve had their knees hooked on the bars to see who could hang upside down the longest. 
“Do you think this counts as flying?” Soda grinned down at you. Even upside down, it was the sweetest smile you’d ever seen. 
“Only until you hit the ground.” Steve swung out his arm to try and knock him down, but Soda was quicker than that and Steve was the one that ended up in the dirt. Everybody laughed and Steve was only angry for a minute. 
“Let her keep going.” Johnny whined. He seemed less skittish than he had last night. Ponyboy waited until Steve wasn’t looking to nod eagerly in agreement. 
“Pony, don’t you have studying to do?” Soda climbed down and gave his brother a pleading look. It didn’t take long for Ponyboy to catch on. He made a face and got up, nudging Johnny to join him. 
“Don’t be too late, Soda else Darry’ll take it out on me.” He grumbled, thanking you for the story before taking off back to the house. Steve also came up with an excuse to ditch, leaving just you and Sodapop, who tried to look surprised.
“Is this how you pick up all your girls? Cornering them in parks?” You scoffed, putting your book back in your bag. Man, his face turned red. 
“I don’t know what- um- I’m not… no.” He stammered, kicking the toe of his boot into the dirt. You laughed. 
“Relax, Soda, I’m just teasin’ you.” You shoved him playfully and slung your bag over your shoulder. The wind picked up a little and you shivered. 
“Don’t you have a coat or something?” Soda asked, watching the goosebumps appear on your arms. You’d picked one of your short sleeve shirts since it was so nice, but now the weather seemed to remember what month it was. “Here.”
Soda wrapped an arm around your shoulders, rubbing your skin to help warm you up. His hands were softer than you thought they’d be with him working at the gas station and all. Being so close brought a pleasant pink color to your cheeks. Before you knew it, you were inching closer and closer until he kissed you. 
His lips were gentle and soft and perfect. You both forgot to breathe for a while, but that didn’t bother you. When you did finally pull away, you both had the biggest grins on your faces. 
“Maybe I should walk you home.” Soda said breathlessly. You nodded and, with a rush of courage you laced your fingers together as you walked. 
By the time you got home, you felt like you were floating. It wasn’t the same as flying. This wasn’t rushed or heart-pounding. It was quieter and sweet. You couldn’t help but give him another kiss goodnight. When he was walking back to his house, he seemed to have a skip in his step. 
You swung the front door open with a wide smile, giggling to yourself like a little kid. But that happy feeling washed away when you saw who Beth was sitting with. 
Run, run Lost Boy, they say to me
Away from all of reality
You ran until your lungs felt like they’d burst. All you heard were three terrifying words and you got out of there as fast as you could “Takin’ you home.” You were home. That bastard wasn’t taking you anywhere. 
You took the back way to the Curtis house, ducking your way through other people’s back yards so that your father wouldn’t be able to follow you. You were too afraid to go around front, so you found a low window and knocked on the glass. 
“Darry!” You whisper-shouted. “Soda, Pony, is anybody in there? Sodapop?”
The curtains were pulled aside and an irritated looking Darry peaked out at you. He lifted up the window pane all the way so he could lean out and get a better look at you. 
“The hell are you doing here, Y/N?” He asked. “Soda said he just dropped you off at home a few minutes ago.”
“I couldn’t go around front, Darry, he might see me.” You sniffed, wiping your nose on your sleeve. You must have been crying cause your face was all wet. “Could you help me in?”
He nodded and pulled you up by the arms. As you climbed in the window, Ponyboy appeared behind Darry with big eyes. You must have looked worse than you thought from climbing all those fences and cutting through yards. 
“What happened to you?” 
“Pony, go get her a glass of water. And where’s that other kid brother of mine?” Darry shouted before turning back to you. “Jeez, kiddo, you’re shaking like a leaf.”
“Yeah, Darry?” Soda popped his head into the room. His eyes went as wide as Pony’s had when he saw you. “Hey, Y/N, what’s the matter?” Darry grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him forward. 
“Sodapop Patrick Curtis, if you hurt his girl, I’m gonna-”
“It wasn’t Soda.” You blurted. You crossed your arms over your chest and stared down at the floor. “It’s my dad. He’s come to take me back to Chicago.” You jerked your chin up, trying to look tougher than you felt. “But I’m not gonna let him.” 
“I thought they let Beth bring you here.” Darry closed the window and grabbed you a blanket from the bed. It was then that you realized you must have climbed into Darry’s room. There was a pair of work boots on the floor and an old, beat-up football on the shelf. 
“They did.” You glowered. Soda gently wrapped the blanket around your shoulders. “Guess they missed having something to scream at besides each other.”
“Well you can just stay here til he goes away, right Darry?” Soda said, not losing his sunny optimism for a second. Before Darry could respond, a series of loud bangs came from the front door. 
“I know she’s in there you little punks!”
“Oh god, it’s him.” You hid yourself in Soda’s embrace and Darry went to answer the door. 
“Come out now you-” Your father’s shouting stopped abruptly. Darry, though half his age, towered over him. He didn’t look so confident anymore. “Where’s my girl.”
You held Soda tighter. Your old man must have really hurt you because Soda knew you were one tough girl. You stood up to Dallas. 
“You need to leave.” You could just see through to the living room since Darry’s bedroom door was slightly open. Darry was fully blocking your father’s view of the house.
“I’m not leaving without that little brat.” He snarled, his cockiness returning. “An’ if you don’t bring her out here, I’ll call the cops. That wouldn’t end too well for you, would it son?”
“I said leave.” Darry growled again, his muscles tensing. You knew what could happen if the cops came. So you broke away from Soda.  
“I’m right here, so you can leave these boys alone.” You snapped, stepping out before Darry or Soda could grab you. 
“Thought you could run around with these bums and I wouldn’t come for you?”
“How did you even know where to find me?”
“Those brats of Beth’s started hollarin’ as soon as I raised a hand at her.” He smiled cruelly. 
If you hadn’t been standing there, Darry would have slugged him. You just wanted to get this over with. 
“Are we going or not?” You frowned, defeated. 
“Y/N, you can’t go with him!” Soda cried, trying to reach for you, but you jerked away. Tears pricked at your eyes again. 
“I have to, Sodapop.” 
“I don’t think so.” A new, hard voice joined the scene. You looked over your dad’s shoulder and saw the rest of the boys circling the house; Two-Big, Steve, Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dallas. Dally was the one talking. “You know something, fellas? I don’t like old me. And I really don’t like old, stinkin’ drunk men hanging around my neighborhood. Especially one that yells in my buddy’s face.”
“I ain’t afraid of a bunch of rats from Oklahoma.” Your father spat, but you could tell he was a little shaken. Dally pulled out a blade. 
“How about a New York rat?” He hissed, getting real close to his face. Your dad’s eyes went wide, shifting from the blade to the circle of tough looking boys around him. Then he looked at you. 
“You ain’t worth the trouble.” He decided, carefully moving around Dally and walking into the night.
The whole group gathered around, hollering and cheering over their success. Soda pulled you into a tight hug and kissed you right there in front of everybody. One of them, probably Two-Bit, whistled. 
“Ponyboy, where the hell have you been?” Darry asked, ruffling his youngest brother’s hair. Pony just shrugged. 
“I saw that mean old guy standing out here, so I ran and got Johnny and then we got everybody else.”
You pulled away from Soda and glanced around at the other boys. 
“You all came here… for me?” You gasped, a different kind of tears now welling in your eyes. 
“As soon as I heard Soda’s girl was in trouble, I got the hell over here.” Two-Bit said and Steve nodded in agreement. You felt your heart swell. Soda’s girl. 
You looked at Dally. Without him, it might not have worked. He just shrugged coolly and lit a cigarette. 
“I had nothin’ better to do.” But you could tell that, underneath, it was more than that. Johnny gave you a small smile. 
“You’re one of us now.” 
“And we stick together.” Ponyboy added. And they were right. 
“Alright, I’d better call Beth and tell her everything is gonna be fine.” Darry announced. “You all get in here. I’m sure we’ve got more chocolate cake somewhere.” This was followed by more cheers and stampeding feet as the gang rushed inside. 
Sodapop gave you the biggest, bright smile yet, taking your hand and following the boys to the kitchen. 
Neverland is home, to Lost Boys like me
And Lost Boys like me are free.
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks
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open-three-inches · 4 years
ponyboy’s coming of age headcannons🤍🤍
when he’s fourteen his favourite songs are my generation by the who and don’t think twice it’s alright by bob dylan
 the gang tease the hell out of him for liking bob dylan
 they call him a hippie
 this changes when he first hears led zeppelin on the radio in the late 60s, his soul literally ascends from his body when he hears robert plants voice for the first time 
 he shoots up in height at around fourteen and half
 by 15 he’s taller than Soda
 Soda hates it lmao
 grows to be about 6′1
 is terrified of spiders
 soda always gets rid of them for him
 but soda will also chase ponyboy around the whole house with the spider
 ponyboy once gave soda a black eye after he got a spider thrown on him
 he says in was an accident but honestly didn’t feel guilty about it lmao
 darry thought him how to drive
 sodapop came for ‘entertainment purposes’
ponyboy did eventually learn how to drive but it cost him almost losing his life
not from almost crashing or anything, just from darry almost strangling him out of frustration
also has a real dirty mouth
like cursing
he's the worst out of the whole gang for it 
he is such a pretty boy and has most of Tulsa in love with him
he’s pretty dumb and doesn’t realise how good looking he is though
 for example curly flirting with him for years before they got together
 disaster bisexual omfg
 lowkey a hopeless romantic too
 will think nonstop about the boy who held the door open for him or the girl who served him in a restaurant lmaooo
imagine the sass of eric forman, harry potter and jess mariano all rolled into one
that’s ponyboy
everyone thinks he’s really nice but then he’ll hit someone with a roast that is so fuckin good that they will cry for the person who was insulted 
its steve getting roasted most of the time
 he’s really really witty
 becomes a lot more outspoken as he gets older
 very talented at hot wiring cars
still hates fighting but has and will break anyone’s nose if he feels the need to
 has his first kiss at 14 with a girl named betty
 he dated her for a while 
 he dated a good few people in his teenage years
 once he went skinny dipping with his then boyfriend and got caught by police and was brought home in a cop car
 darry hit the roof 
 steve claims the greatest moment of his life was ponyboy being led into the curtis house by a policeman soaking wet and half naked
 never really fell madly in love with anyone he dated though
 until his junior year when he suddenly couldn’t get curly shepard out his  head
 loves animals
 darry wont let them get a pet but ponyboy feeds stray dogs and cats around tulsa
 he has a name for every single one
he considers them his pets.
 in 1967 he cuts school to listen to sgt pepper by the beatles 
 he figures its the greatest album ever made
but he’s really stubborn and won’t admit for months that he likes the beatles after all the shit talking he did about them.
 he gets high for the first time with curly and they listen to the album again
 a stoner. 100%
 he cuts back on smoking cigarettes but gets high all the fucking time 
 has a stash under his mattress for when darry or steve are really pissing him off
has a really good group of friends 
they’re the same age as pony so it’s different to the curtis gang
he considers them brothers anyway so they don’t count
 they get into a lot of shit together
 soda thinks all the stuff they get up to is hilarious 
 darry is tired
 his best friend is a girl named juliet
 lesbian + bi duo
 juliet has common sense, something which ponyboy lacks, so they work well together.
 they talk about girls together
 juliet has a girlfriend named flo and they’re very much in love <3
 ponyboy will third wheel them sometimes lmao
 like he did with johnny and dal
him and curly finally start dating when ponyboy’s 16 going on 17
it surprises him how quickly he fell in love with curly
they’re both absolutely whipped for each other
darry and soda don’t really like curly but pony makes it clear they have to just put up with him
curly doesn’t exactly help, pissing darry and soda off seems to be his favourite pastime
they open up to each other about everything 
pony tells curly all about windrixville
 he thinks about johnny and dally a lot still
 he still has johnny’s letter inside the gone with the wind
 it’s really important to him, it comes with him to college.
 speaking of which, he goes to columbia university in new york
 full scholarship bby
 wasn’t going to go due to the fact it was so far from home, and he didn’t want to be that far from his family
 darry found out and almost killed him
 they had a talk about it though
 it was sweet and it helped pony feel better about leaving tulsa
 he also graduated from high school top of his class
 sodapop bawled at his graduation and two-bit made a poster for him
 he went to see his parents after his grad
 he really did wish they had been there for it
 curly didn’t see him graduate either which really hurt ponyboy
 they had gotten into a big fight a week or so before
 the reality of ponyboy leaving tulsa had been the elephant in the room for a while, but both of them were just avoiding it
 eventually tensions rise and both of their emotions explode
 they say things they regret and curly storms away from ponyboy
 curly later gets hauled in for getting into a bar fight
 so he misses ponyboy’s graduation
ponyboy loves curly more than anything and he knows curly loves him just as much
but he also knows it won’t work
so he visits curly in jail 
he keeps his emotions under control while he’s there like he always has had to do living on the east side
he tells curly that he’s leaving in a few weeks 
curly, who has always been closed off about his emotions, pleads with ponyboy to stay through tears
ponyboy loves curly but he can’t stay in this town anymore
and curly can’t seem to bring himself to leave it
so they break up
he cries himself to sleep most nights after
sodapop helps him through it 
he tries not to think about it though, making himself busy with packing and getting ready to leave for new york
he sees curly once more before he leaves
he’s out with his friends for the last time before he leaves when he sees curly, fresh out of jail, with some of the shepard gang
their eyes meet and they hold each others gaze for a few moments
ponyboy breaks it
he can’t quite find the strength to talk to curly
he finds himself wondering for months after what would have happened if he had just talked to curly that night
ponyboy can’t help but hope that curly will show up the day he’s meant to leave for college and everything will be okay again
he doesn’t
both of them are to stubborn for their own good
he leaves new york just after his 18th birthday
his brothers hug him tighter than ever and ponyboy almost changes his mind about leaving right there and then
sodapop, through his tears, swears that if ponyboy doesn’t call them everyday he’ll hunt him down in new york and kick his ass
steve wishes him well and looks almost misty eyed
ponyboy of course makes a smart comment about this which leads to steve rolling his eyes instead
not in a mean way though, almost sentimental, like he’ll actually miss ponyboy 
he drives around the town one more time before he leaves taking in everything and the memories, good and bad, he associated with his home
it’s a bittersweet feeling to leave behind his childhood but ponyboy thinks he’s ready
he almost drives to curlys just to see him one last time
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cowardnthief · 3 years
Alright, I am curious. Why is Jonny Cade queercoded and what queer subtext was there in their relationship with Ponyboys? 👀
TW: mentions of abuse, violence, death, murder
also spoilers for the outsiders!! (i mean it is a 60 year old book, but still)
(In all honesty, I could probably do a whole essay on this, but I'll keep it brief-ish.)
Bit of background on The Outsiders: It's a book written in the early 60s that focuses on the class divide between the rich Socs (Socials) and the working-class greasers (like, "hoods", criminals), or rather the people within each of those groups who don't feel like they fit into the binary.
Ponyboy is the protagonist of the novel. He and Johnny are both greasers and part of a gang with a few others, including Ponyboy's two older brothers and three other boys.
Let's start with Johnny. Johnny is extremely queer-coded in his own right. He's described early on as timid, shy, weak and maybe a little feminine. He's seen as the gang's "pet" and the youngest, despite being sixteen to Ponyboy's fourteen. His friends are very fond and protective of him. A lot of this behaviour comes from his trauma, being abused by his parents as well as beaten nearly to death by a Soc named Bob. However, it also falls into an archetype of stereotypical queer characters. Writing male characters in this way is a way of subtly telling an audience that they are queer. This probably wasn't done intentionally, but should be kept in mind.
Johnny's character development involves him becoming more masculine, almost. The final important act he does in the book is save children from a burning building. Ponyboy comments on the fact that he seemed braver, louder etc in that moment, all traits associated with masculinity, which is 1) a strange reaction to the situation, especially for Johnny, and 2) exactly the kind of narrative standpoint one would take to show that femininity (or queerness) is bad.
Now for Ponyboy - his queer-coding is more subtle at times, and a little different. He isn't timid or shy or scared or feminine like Johnny. (However, he does once say that he "didn't care too much for girls yet", but that his brother said he would grow out of it. This is particularly strange, considering he is fourteen already.) Early on, it's established that he feels like an outsider within his own group. He doesn't really feel like a greaser, or act like one. He likes things that greasers don't like. He watches movies, he reads, he likes to see the sunset. He considers himself different, or "other", and he feels as if he can't talk about it. His friends just wouldn't get it.
A large part of the book, in my opinion, is Ponyboy finding other "outsiders", like Cherry and Johnny. (Cherry being a Soc while Johnny is another greaser.) All three of them talked once, while at a drive-in, Ponyboy finding a particular connection with Cherry despite her not being the only girl there. They all have the same sense of feeling “other”, and not being able to talk about it for fear of being judged.
Now for Johnny and Ponyboy’s relationship, which...oh boy. Some of it is just scenes like this, which feel very queer, outright:
“‘Guess I look okay now, huh, Johnny?’
He was studying me. ‘You know, you look an awful lot like Sodapop, the way you’ve got your hair and everything. I mean, except your eyes are green.’
‘They ain’t green, they’re gray,’ I said, reddening. ‘And I look about as much like Soda as you do.’ I got to my feet. ‘He’s good-looking.’
‘Shoot,’ Johnny said with a grin, ‘you are, too.’”
Not to mention the whole chapter they spend literally just acting like a domestic gay couple while they’re on the run, just the two of them, from the police. There’s also this conversation they have while watching the sunrise in this chapter (which I’ll talk more about later once I get to the symbolism), in which they talk about being outsiders. Here are a few quotes from that:
“‘You know,’ Johnny said slowly, ‘I never noticed colors and clouds and stuff until you kept reminding me about them. It seems like they were never there before.’”
“‘Well, Soda kinda looks like your mother did, but he acts just exactly like your father. And Darry is the spittin' image of your father, but he ain't wild and laughing all the time like he was. He acts like your mother. And you [Ponyboy] don't act like either one.’”
“‘You [Johnny] ain't like any of the gang. I mean, I couldn't tell Two-Bit or Steve or even Darry about the sunrise and clouds and stuff. I couldn't even remember that poem around them. I mean, they just don't dig. Just you and Sodapop. And maybe Cherry Valance.’
Johnny shrugged. ‘Yeah,’ he said with a sigh. ‘I guess we're different.’
‘Shoot,’ I said, blowing a perfect smoke ring, ‘maybe they are.’”
(Honestly, can my whole argument just be that one quote? “I guess we’re different.” // “Shoot. Maybe they are.” Queer stuff, huh?)
Later in the book, when Johnny is in the hospital, Ponyboy stresses again and again that he can’t think about him dying, that he can’t fathom a life without him. Everyone in the group is fond of Johnny, but Ponyboy acts like Johnny’s death would destroy him.
When Johnny is dying, he asks to see Ponyboy. His last words are to Ponyboy, despite Dally also being in the room. One of the other last things he does is write a letter to Ponyboy.
Johnny is also the first person Ponyboy runs to when his older brother hits him early in the book.
When Johnny dies, Ponyboy falls into denial, pretending and convincing himself that Johnny isn’t dead, because he couldn’t handle the grief. He says the reason that he doesn’t go insane with it, like Dally does, is because Johnny isn’t the only thing he loves.
This isn’t nearly all of it, but this post is already long as fuck, and I want to talk about some of the metaphors and symbols too.
Symbol #1: The hair
The is a more obvious one, as the author clearly intended it to be a metaphor, although probably not for something queer. When Johnny and Ponyboy go on the run after Johnny killed a Soc in self-defence, the two of them have to cut off their hair. This is obviously a big deal to them, especially Ponyboy, because they’re proud of their hair - it’s a symbol of the greasers, of rebellion, and it’s one of the last things they have that tie them with their gang back in the city. However, having Johnny and Ponyboy specifically cut off their hair feels like more of a symbol of them severing their ties to the greasers. They feel like outsiders within their own group already, and this is a way of showing that they’re leaving it behind, or starting to. (Shedding symbols of comphet, you know.)
Symbol #2: Sunrises and sunsets
Johnny, Cherry and Ponyboy, three characters who are outsiders within their own community, all spend time watching sunrises or sunsets. It’s one of the things that Ponyboy and Cherry bond over and talk about. Johnny and Ponyboy also watch a sunrise while they’re on the run. It’s a small thing that unites the three of them and becomes almost a symbol of their “otherness”, and thus, queercoding enters the chat. Also, the sunrise that Ponyboy and Johnny watch can symbolise the “beginning” of their relationship, as they start to see each other in a different light. 
Symbol #3: Gone with the Wind
When Johnny and Ponyboy are on the run, Ponyboy buys the book Gone with the Wind from a corner store. They read it together. The book is an idealised story of the southern, free, country life. Johnny makes comments about how the men in the book are charming and gallant and he admires them. The book symbolises both what Ponyboy and Johnny wish they could be, like happy and free and rich (and straight and masculine), and what they are, or what they’re starting to find with each other while in the countryside. When Johnny is in the hospital, he asks for a copy of the book to read. It’s one of his last requests. In my opinion, he asked for it both to remember Ponyboy and to escape to a reality where he wasn’t young and dying, to one where he was still with Ponyboy on the run, or one like in the book where none of this happened at all. The book is integral to their relationship.
Symbol #4: The poem
When Ponyboy and Johnny are watching the sunrise in the church, Ponyboy recites a poem by Robert Frost:
Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold,
Her early leaf’s a flower,
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
And Eden sank to grief.
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
At the time, the two of them both say that they don’t understand the poem. When Johnny dies later in the book, his last words to Ponyboy are to “stay gold”. In the letter he wrote for Ponyboy, which Ponyboy reads later, he says that he now understands the poem.
“I’ve been thinking about it, and that poem, that guy that wrote it, he meant you’re gold when you’re a kid, like green. When you’re a kid, everything’s new, dawn. It’s just when you get used to everything that it’s day. Like the way you dig sunsets, Pony. That’s gold. Keep that way, it’s a good way to be.”
Oh boy, there’s a lot to say about this poem.
First of all, the poem symbolises what Ponyboy gave Johnny - a new outlook on life. A lens with which to see more beautiful things. Johnny said that he hadn’t really appreciated sunsets or clouds before Ponyboy pointed them out to him.
Secondly, the meaning of the poem. When you consider Johnny’s interpretation, also taking into account what sunsets and sunrises etc. mean in this book, it’s possible that the “gold” phase is Ponyboy’s acceptance of himself. Ponyboy loves Johnny. He knows he’s different, and while he doesn’t shout it from the rooftops, he’s happy with it in his own way. He finds other people like him, queer, like Cherry and Johnny.
However, the poem’s whole meaning is that nothing gold can stay. That’s the message we’re left with, even with Johnny’s insistence of “staying gold”. It could honestly be referring to an array of things - perhaps Johnny himself, or life in general (given the amount of death in this book), or youth. Obviously, this whole post is about the queer undertones in the outsiders, so one could argue that it’s about a queer youth experience, especially in the past - finding someone like you, someone you love, but it not lasting forever, and it being especially difficult to find again, given the circumstances.
In the end, Johnny dies, but he leaves Ponyboy with all the things that remind him of him - sunsets, sunrises, Gone with the Wind, stargazing. And ultimately, I think that’s the “gold” that the book is referring to.
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analisam05 · 3 years
To the writers who raised me
Here it goes.
This is a letter,
a letter to the classics that raised me,
The classics where its the Soc's versus the Greasers,
Sharks versus the Jets,
The stories where Tony and Maria are just a modern day Romeo and Juliet,
a Ponyboy who struggles to stay gold and true,
To kill a mockingbird who let me see that not everyone is brought to justice but there are some who will lose themselves trying to do the right thing,
To of mice and men that taught me that not all endings are happy, but it's okay to dream and escape reality,
The greek myths that taught me to daydream and wonder,
To Call Me Maria who allowed me to reconcile my feelings of isolation from my culture,
The characters that I so deeply allowed my subconscious to fall in love with,
The true emotions that these books have evoked from me is unspeakable,
From crying over the death of Dallas Winston at the hands of S.E. Hintons pen,
To being angry at the fact that Tony and Maria had to accept their lives because "That's just the way it is",
To being confused when George had accepted Lennie's fate and that it was no longer his job to protect him,
Thank you to the classics that have watched me grow up,
The ones that taught me more that the real world ever could,
The ones that gave me a world to daydream in and fall in love with,
As I have grown up it is these classics that have held my hand and told me it was all going to be okay,
If it were not for them I wouldn't see each and every being as multi- faceted and as complex as the characters I read about,
Thank you to the writers who spend their lives putting their thoughts to paper,
If it were not for you I would not have blossomed into the young lady I am today,
Thank you for giving me Ponyboy,
Maria's and Tony,
Dally, Darry, and Sodapop,
Two-bit, Steve. and Johnny,
Atticus and Scout finch,
to look up to,
to relate to,
to learn from,
to fall in love with,
to cry over,
and most of all grow up with,
- Sincerely your utmost average teenage girl
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alaskaramos · 3 years
Ponyboy Curtis Headcanons
• He gets jumped by a group of Socs.
• He almost gets drowned by one of the Socs.
• Johnny kills Bob.
• Johnny Cade is his best friend.
• He and Johnny end up running away from home to hide in a abandoned church.
• Ponyboy loses his virginity to Johnny.
• One day Dally visits them.
• After Dally took them to eat at Dairy Queen, there is a fire at the church.
• Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally saves the kids from the fire in the church.
• When Ponyboy and Dally visit Johnny in the hospital after the rumble, Johnny is on the brink of death.
• Before Johnny dies, Ponyboy sings him a childhood lullaby, “ You Are My Sunshine”.
• Ponyboy kisses Johnny on the lips and tell him he loves him before Johnny dies.
• Before he dies Johnny tell Ponyboy, “ Stay Gold Ponyboy, Stay Gold”.
• Johnny dies of the burns and injuries he suffered from the fire.
• Dally commits suicide by cop.
• Ponyboy faints as he sees Dally get shot to death by the cops.
• He has a mental breakdown after the series of events.
• Due to the trauma he had experienced, he becomes selectively mute and succumbs to a deep depression.
• He develops depression, anxiety, ptsd, bulimia and suicidal ideation, self-harm, and a drug addiction due to the trauma he experienced.
• He gets bullied at school for his involvement in the death of Robert Sheldon who tried killing him.
• He becomes self-destructive by self medicating to numb the pain.
• He parties at night and is sexually promiscuous with both men and women.
• He is bisexual.
• His hair grows back long again very quickly however he keeps on dying his hair blonde.
• He dated Tim and Curly Shepard once.
• He secretly dated Angela.
• He attempts suicide several times.
• He drifts away from the gang because hanging around them reminds him of Johnny and Dallas too much.
• He falls in love with M&M Carlson.
• Ponyboy falls in love with M&M because he reminds him of Johnny and because he’s innocent.
• They begin on dating.
• Ponyboy takes away M&M’s virginity.
• He starts crying when he visits M&M in the hospital after M&M overdoses on LSD because he’s scared that M&M will die just like Johnny.
•M&M’s father comforts Ponyboy as he’s crying in his arms.
• Shortly after M&M recovers from his accidental drug overdose, M&M breaks up with Ponyboy.
• Ponyboy is devastated when M&M breaks up with him.
• Ponyboy dates M&M’s older sister Cathy to spite him.
• He regrets dating Cathy so much.
• After Sodapop and Steve get drafted to the Vietnam war, he moves out to live at Buck Merrel’s place.
• On the anniversary of Johnny and Dally’s death, he visits the cemetery that they are laying at.
• When he’s at the cemetery, he sees Bryon Douglas.
• Bryon is visiting his dead friend Charlie to thank him for saving his life.
• They comfort each other and becomes friends.
• After Sodapop’s death, that was the absolute last straw for him.
• Ponyboy packs his belongs with him a suitcase, and runs away from home after Sodapop’s death and never comes back.
• Ponyboy calls Tim Shepard to tell him he’s running away and never coming back and to not have people look for him.
• On the day Ponyboy runs away from home, Darry comes home to find him gone and Ponyboy’s room clean and empty.
• On the kitchen table, Ponyboy left a letter for Darry to read.
• In the letter, he stated,
“ Dear Darry,
I’m going away for a while. I’ve decided to leave because I absolutely can’t take it anymore living here. Sodapop’s death was the absolute straw for me. I’m sorry that I left you like this. I’ve cleaned my room and took everything with me. I told Tim Shepard about where I was going. I’ve decided to rebuild my life and start over again in New York City. I’m going to miss you a lot”,
Yours Truly,
• Darry cried after he read the letter.
• Darry cried after he read the letter because he realizes Pony’s gone for good and will most likely never see him again.
• Darry regrets being too harsh on him.
• Ponyboy gave the middle finger to the window as he was on the bus to New York.
• As Ponyboy arrives to New York City he meets a male taxi driver by the name of Kurt.
• Kurt gives him a free ride to the big Apple and gives Ponyboy money to eat at a diner.
• Ponyboy kisses Kurt’s cheek after he leaves the car.
• He meets a female waitress named Ashley and stays at her place for a few days.
• He becomes attached to Ashley quickly.
• One morning, he wakes up to a green apple and a letter by his side.
• He notices Ashley is gone.
• He reads the letter from Ashley stating this
“ Dear Ponyboy,
I went away for a while. Get some snaps. Stay here for as long as you want. It was nice knowing you.
• Ponyboy cries as he takes a bite out of the green apple.
• He leaves the apartment and runs down the streets of New York for unapparent reason. * cue Hometown Glory by Adele plays as he runs through the streets*.
• He ends up becoming homeless.
• He meets another runway teenage boy named Brandy and they live in a abandoned building together.
•Ponyboy discovers he has a talent for singing and Brandy can play the guitar and drums.
• They perform at a cafe for money.
• They meet two other runaway teenage boys and form a boy band together.
• They end up becoming rich, famous, and successful.
• Ponyboy ends up becoming a famous actor and stars in a show with Paul Newman.
• In his late teens, he stars in a movie with Steve McQueen portraying the role of his troubled angsty rebellious teenage son former model recovering drug addict whose mother is in a coma from a boat- racing accident.
• He wins several awards for that role.
• He ends up becoming a supermodel as well.
• He gets a tattoo of “ Stay Gold Ponyboy, Stay Gold”, on his right arm in memory of Johnny.
• He gets a tattoo of “ Get tough like me and you don’t get hurt”, on his left arm in memory of Dally.
• Once a year on the death of their anniversary, Ponyboy travels back to Tulsa to lay flowers at their tombstones.
• He ends up getting a tattoo of Paul Newman and Steve McQueen when they die.
• He gets a tattoo of his parents and Sodapop’s names on his back in memory of them.
• He marries an older rich man for his money.
• After his husband dies, his two children commit suicide.
• He gets a tattoo of his husband and his children’s names on his right arm.
• Ponyboy suffers from a mental breakdown and Darry moves back in with him in New York.
• Darry and Ponyboy build a life together.
• People think that they are married only for Ponyboy to explain that they are siblings.
• Ponyboy lives by himself after Darry dies.
• Ponyboy dies peacefully from old age in his sleep at 100 years old.
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fanficsloth · 4 years
Meet Me In The Pale Moonlight
****​After being rejected by Sandy, the gang tried to cheer Soda up with a night out, but little did he know that he would be running into someone he used to know really well.
Songs: Go Go Dancer- Lana Del Rey
Sodapop asked his girl Sandy to get married.
He was so excited, he was so excited to start a new life with Sandy.
Get married, start a family, live the dream he always wanted, especially with the woman he loved to the moon and back.
Sadly, Sandy said no and broke things up with him.  
"Soda, I can't. I messed up. I two-timed you with a Soc. I'm having his baby. My parents are shipping me off to my grandmother's. I'm so sorry Soda." she sighed before leaving him with his own thoughts.
She was moving to Florida, and she was pregnant with someone else's child. Her words were playing like a record on a loop in his brain on his walk of shame to his home.
That broke the swooning boy's heart in half.
He stormed into the Curtis house, slamming the door and slouched on the couch while having everyone in the gang looking at him.
"Well? What happened?" Ponyboy asked his older brother while looking up from the cards he was playing with Johnny. Soda just looked at him with his blue eyes and shook his head before letting out a sigh while rubbing his face.
"Well that doesn't sound too good. I told you she wasn't the one, she was a broad." Darry chimed up giving  his brother a small sympathy smile.
"I don't get it, I thought we were okay. I love her. I love her more than Steve loves chocolate cake he eats every damn day. I was a good man, I worked hard for that ring and she says no? What did I do wrong? Just to have her sleep with some other man." Soda cried, leaving wet marks down his perfect skin not caring that they see him cry.
"Man forget about these broads, Soda you can get any woman you want. But you always go for these flakes of women. They're nothing but trouble. You're still young, you'll find your woman soon. She'll be madly in love with you as you are with her. " his older brother added.
"Speaking of trouble, since our man here is single again, and we should cheer him up we should go to a Go-Go. One in particular. Someone big is going to be preforming tonight." Dally spoke while lighting up a cancer stick.
"Man, I ain't going to no Go-go, did you forget that I just got dumped, and my heart stabbed by a knife a thousand times?" Soda scrunched his face to even thinking about laying eyes on someone when the love of his life just stepped on his heart and spit on it.
"Come on Soda, it'll be fun. We'll all go. It beats going to the ratty movies we've seen five times a week." Steve nodded his head.
"Plus maybe we'll see some Betty's tonight, with some big knockers and stacked up" Dally held his hands out motioning to his chest to what he fantasized the women's chest to look like, making the boys laugh but only receiving an eye roll from Soda.
"Fine, but it's not going to fix anything." Soda rolled his eyes before following the boys out saying goodbye to Pony and Johnny.
The billboard showed everyone's name who was preforming, and the large lettering shinned Firecracker.
"We picked the right night to come here, that Firecracker chick is  biggest dancer that came from here. From our hometown how crazy is that?" Dally yelled over the loud music that was blasting.
The women came out all looked the same, same moves, similar clothing  but that didn't stop all the boys throwing their money on the dance floor with their beer in their hands.
Which bored Soda. He didn't know why he even came, he just wanted to be alone and distract himself with work, not a club where all the women are the same.
"I'm going to get something to drink. I'll be back." Soda told Steve before heading to the bar.
"Can I have a Pepsi-Cola please." he spoke to the bartender while slicking his hair back, "I'll have the same Jerry." a familiar happy voice spoke next to him.
He looked to his right and saw a woman standing there with long dark hair, with the perfect side profile.
"Hey Soda." her soft voice let out before turning to him, her green eyes were dark but lit up by the flashing lights from the club.
"(Y/N). I haven't seen you in ages. How've ya been (Y/NN) ?" Soda asked tongue tied.  
He hasn't seen his childhood friend for ages, you heard once her father died she split leaving her cruel mother behind. Not telling anyone anything. She just picked up and left.
He never thought in a million years he'd see her face ever again.
"I've been good. Wouldn't expect a gentleman like you being in a joint like this." her red lips twitched up into a smile while she laughed, it sounded like music to ears.
"Long story. Dally brought me here. Everyone's here tonight except Ponyboy. Well obviously, he's still a young buck", he explained to to her, she nodded before someone came over and whispered in her ear while she nodded her head pushing her dark hair exposing her perfect porcelain skin.
"Well nice seeing you Soda. I'll be home for a while, maybe we'll catch up soon? Enjoy the shows these women really work hard." her red lips gave him a smile and pat him on the shoulder while grabbing her Pepsi before following the man who came up to her.
Soda ran his hand over his face watching her leave his sight.  
Just remembering she was just this young innocent girl running around without a care in the world. Cared about everyone, was always there for him when he needed her.  
Now she's all grown up and beautiful.
He snuck his way back to the gang.
"You came just in time, Firecracker is coming out next. Look at that get up." Dally pointed to the stage with a cancer stick in his fingers.
Soda looked up at the stage with the blue velvet with gold ropes hung from the stage. He's never seen anything like this before, it had elegance not like these other broads used. He's always seen terrible shows. But nothing like this.
The music started playing, all the men cheered, they were all on the edge of their seat waiting for this mysterious woman to come out.
Then a leg with black fishnets, with black high heels  appeared from the slit from the curtain, then a hand with black gloves with fancy rings on her slender fingers.
"This is gonna get wild!" Steve cheered while jumping out of his seat, punching Two-Bit in the shoulder just in time when the curtain lifted showing the figure of a goddess.
All the men whistled already throwing money, jewelry and some flowers on the stage.
The gang just stood there in awe, as were the other men.
The (Y/H/C) with red feathers in some strands, the corset one piece was red and black with a black boa  just topping it all off.
Then the voice started singing and she was moving in such a way that has never been done or seen by the gang.
She goes to the pole before moving seductively down, "I can't wait till she turns around, she's gonna be stacked up I just know it." Dally smiled while nudging his head at the guys.
Soda just rolled his blue eyes before watching the woman preform, with her voice sounding like butter to him.
She was a knock out, perfect body, voice, can dance not like these other dancers who just lazily dance and all look the same. And he hasn't even seen her face yet, and he was already buzzing about this woman.
"They call me Firecracker,  'Cause ain't nobody faster. I'm your go-go dancer. Midnight answer, jukebox sweetheart, queen of the night."
And just like that all the gangs jaws were on the floor.
As the woman spun around, whipping her (Y/H/C) hair around showing her face, her (Y/E/C) eyes shinned like they all just remembered.
But now she was this whole different person.
"Is that-" Two-Bit , "(Y/N)" Darry nodded his head before turning around not wanting to see the girl he knew when she was a young girl.
"Holy shit." Dally muttered.
Soda was just bug-eyed the whole time.
Watching her move her mature body, walking up to the men, sitting on their laps, taking their hats and downing their half empty glasses of hard liquor while they placed money on her garter belt.
He was in shock.
"When the hell did this happen?  Wasn't she just 15?" Darry spoke while his back was turned to the men.
She owned the stage, she walked in front of the stage where the gang was, she winked and smiled at them but couldn't help but let out a giggle when she saw Darry turned around which made all the men cheer but left them shocked some more.
They all looked how she would expect.
Mostly Sodapop he was always dreamy to her.
"She looks like she's having fun though." Soda laughed while watching all their reactions after it finally settled into him that she made a name for herself for the most part.
She crawled up on her knees to Soda while stealing his Pepsi, winking at him and lifting up the drink to cheers.
She finished her song before bowing and blowing kisses at all the men.
"Thank you all for this amazing turn up in my hometown. I'm so glad to be back." she scrunched up her button nose with a smile.
Her (Y/E/C) eyes lit up the whole room.
All eyes were on her while hers were locked on Sodapop's blue eyes.
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sapphicgreaser · 4 years
Moving On | Ponyboy X Reader
Words: 1,754
Summary: After your boyfriend Johnny died he wanted you to move on
Pairing(s): Johnny X Reader, Ponyboy X Reader at the end
A/N: I feel like this is kinda cheesy but I’m kinda proud of it so whatever. I’m also considering writing a part two of just Pony’s relationship with the reader.
“Stay Gold.” Johnny’s last breath left him in tandem with the words. You watched as his heart rate monitor flat lined.
“Please, please Johnny no! Don’t leave me!” You sobbed, giving his body one last hug as the nurse walked in. Dally had already left, leaving you and Pony to watch as the nurse pulled a sheet over his head.
“I’m so sorry for your loss.” The nurse placed a hand on your shoulder as you cried,
“What were you to him? His sister?” She questioned,
“His girlfriend..” You sniffled,
“Oh, I’m sorry.” She apologised, you just nodded at her reassuringly, too upset to force another word out. She headed to a little side table beside Johnny’s bed and pulled two envelopes out of the drawer,
“He had me write these letters for when he passed. They’re for..” She looked down at the envelopes to check the names, “Y/N and Pony. Could you two get these to them?”
“That’s us.” Pony informed her,
“Oh well then, these are for you.” She passed the envelopes to you and Pony.
“We should probably go Y/N. We need to tell the others.”
“Would you mind if I just had a minute alone with him before we go?” You asked the nurse,
“Of course, take as long as you need.” Her and Pony walked out of the room, shutting the door behind them. You weren’t sure if you were allowed to take the sheet off of his head but you did anyway. You say on the chair next to his bed and took his hand in yours, you could feel that his body was beginning to lose the warmth that you were familiar with.
“I love you Johnny, I always will. I know you were the person I was meant to be with, it’s a shame we got such a short time together but I’ll never forget you. You’ll always be with me in my heart, I love you so much.” You kissed his forehead one last time before putting the sheet back over him and walked out to meet Pony.
The walk back to Pony’s house was quiet, neither of you knew what to say and you were struggling not to cry. Pony noticed this,
“You can cry if you want, you don’t have to hide it from me.” He reassured you and that was all you needed for the floodgates to open. Pony pulled you into a hug, something he’d never done before, and rubbed your back as you cried,
“Everything will be ok, it’ll take a while to feel ok again but trust me you’ll go back to some sort of normal eventually.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever move on Pony, I wanted to marry Johnny and now I’ll never get to.”
“And you don’t have to move on if you don’t want to, but I think Johnny would want you to.”
“I know you’re probably right but I can’t imagine a future with anyone else!” You both stood in silence for about a minute before Pony spoke again,
“It’s getting dark, we really should get home.” You nodded and you both started walking again.
Darry took one look at your tear stained face and knew what had happened.
“Johnny’s dead.” Pony confirmed and you started crying again, those words just cementing the fact that this wasn’t just a dream, Johnny was really dead. Everyone’s faces dropped at Pony’s words, nobody knew how to react. Darry’s first instinct was to hug you and Pony so that’s what he did whereas everyone else just stared at each other in shock.
Johnny had a very small funeral, his parents didn’t want to spend a lot of money on it but you and the guys tried to make it the best you could. Johnny’s parents weren’t involved much in the planning of the funeral so it was mostly left to you and Darry who had stepped up to do it. The other guys helped out too and Pony spoke at the funeral. You spoke at the funeral too, just telling one or two little stories about the time you and Johnny spent together.
It was about two months after Johnny died that you finally felt ok enough to open the letter Johnny had left for you, Pony had read his already but he wouldn’t tell you what it said which was understandable. With shaky hands you tore open the envelope being careful not to rip it up too badly so you could keep it afterwards. There was one page inside the envelope, you analysed it for a minute, building up the courage to read it. The writing was in cursive, very different from the big printed letters Johnny actually wrote in but you didn’t mind that much. You took a deep breath and started reading.
My dearest Y/N,
I’m sorry I have to leave you like this, I’ve reluctantly come to terms with the fact that I’ll never get to see you walk down the aisle, start a family with you, or simply just grow old with you. I’m sorry for causing you so much pain but I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if I hadn’t have at least tried to save those kids.
I want you to know I love you, you know I’m not good with words but even if I was I don’t think I’d have the words to explain how much I love you. I know you loved me too but I want you to try to move on, live the life we always dreamed about with someone else. I don’t want you to be alone your whole life and I don’t want you to think I’ll be upset if you move on. I’m so sorry our time together was so brief but just remember that I loved you until my last breath.
Forever yours,
Johnny ♡
It took you a second to take in what you had read. Pony was right the night Johnny died, he did want you to move on but you didn’t know if you could. Your heart would always belong to Johnny.
*Four years after Johnny’s death*
You and Pony were sitting on his couch. You’d both become a lot closer since Johnny passed and even though it had been four years not a day passed that you didn’t think about him. Johnny’s birthday had just passed so he was on everyone’s minds more than usual.
“Did you ever read that letter Johnny left you?” Pony asked suddenly, breaking the silence,
“I did, I think it was about two months after he died.”
“Do you mind me asking what it said or do you not want to talk about it? I’ve been thinking about what he wrote to me a lot lately.” He started to mess with the sleeve of his hoodie in an attempt to avoid eye contact with you.
“He was basically just telling me that he loved me and that he wanted me to move on.” A stray tear fell down your cheek which you quickly wiped away before a Pony could notice.
“Do you want to talk about what yours said?” You asked,
“Well he asked me to look after you first of all.. and then he was just telling me to stay the way I am and taking about a poem I told him in Windrixville.”
“He asked you to look after me?” Pony nodded,
“He told me to make sure you moved on because he didn’t want you to be lonely.”
Silence filled the room for the next few minutes as you thought about what you’ve done since Johnny died. The sound of you sniffling alerted Pony to the fact that you were crying and he started to panic a bit, he was never good at comforting people.
“Why are you crying?”
“I haven’t even tried to move on, I haven’t done the one thing he wanted me to!” You sobbed,
“He meant to move on when you feel ready Y/N, if you don’t feel ready yet that’s fine! He wouldn’t be upset, I promise you.” He put an arm around your shoulder,
“Johnny wanted you to be happy and if, for now, you’re happy to be single then Johnny would be happy too.”
“You promise?” You looked at him with teary eyes,
“I promise.”
Neither you or Pony brought up that conversation for another few months but you’d been thinking about what Johnny said in the letters. Maybe it was around time you started looking for someone? So you started going on some dates. After one of these dates you met up with Pony at the lot to talk about how it went.
“So, how was it?” Pony questioned,
“I don’t think I’ll go on another date with him. He was nice and all I just didn’t feel a connection, you know?” Pony nodded,
“I guess it’s only natural that it’ll be difficult for you to feel a connection with someone new. Are you sure you’re ready to start dating again?”
“It’s what Johnny wanted.”
“But he wanted you to do it when you were ready to.”
“I don’t know Pony, if I don’t start now I’m afraid I’ll never be able to fall in love again.”
“Don’t be silly! Of course you’ll be able to fall in love again but it’ll take a while to happen.” You gave him a hug,
“Thanks for helping me through this. I know you miss Johnny too and it must be hard for you too but thanks for putting up with me.” Pony chuckled slightly,
“It’s no problem honestly. I promised Johnny I’d look after you so that’s what I’m doing.”
“I just had a bit of a weird idea but just hear me out, ok?” You said, Pony shooting you a look of confusion in response,
“If you don’t want to or you don’t think it’s a good idea just tell me but, what would you think about us maybe trying out a relationship? You’re the only person I feel close to anymore and I don’t know, I just think it might work out because we understand each other so much.” You felt your face flush as you waited for him to respond,
“Honestly Y/N, I’d be honoured to and we’d both be keeping our promises to Johnny so I don’t see why we can’t give it a go.”
“Then.. do you wanna go get milkshakes? I have some money left over cause that guy paid for dinner.”
“Let’s go!”
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heathermcnamara3628 · 3 years
There's also this
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Late Night Talks
Pony's POV
     I jolted upward from my very unrestful slumber. I had just had a nightmare. Desperately, I looked around for Soda. After a little bit, I came to a realization. Sodapop wasn't here anymore. He was dead. He died in action. But he couldn't be dead. He was alive. He was alive and fighting and trying to get home. He wasn't dead. But he was. He was dead, and it was Darry's fault. Darry let him leave. Darry got my big brother killed.
     I felt something wet on my cheek, and that's when I realized that I was crying. I quickly got up out of bed, going over to the closet. After digging through it for what seemed like forever, I found what I was looking for. Soda's old flannels. I grabbed one and wrapped it around me, taking in the slowly fading smell that used to be my brothers. It took a few minutes, but I started to calm down. After I'd convinced myself that everything was okay, I quietly walked across the small room and to the door.
     I put a shaky hand on the knob, turning it slowly to keep the noise down, then opened the door up. I was thankful that the hinges hadn't made their usual loud squeak, or else Darry would be coming over to yell at me to go back to bed. I quietly crept out down the hall and into the kitchen, grabbing one of the cups from the cupboard. I turned the cold handle of the sink just a bit, so that the water would come out in a small trickle, then filled the cup.
     Once my cup was filled, I turned the water off, then started the small trek back the my room. As I got closer to the bathroom, I realized that the shower was running. I froze where I stood, watching. I couldn't help but hope that Soda would walk out of the bathroom, asking me where his shirt or pants were as soon as he saw me. He never yelled at me. It was almost like Soda couldn't yell at me. I could get in trouble with the cops, and all he'd do was tell me that I should've been more careful, keeping his voice soft. If Darry heard that I had a fuzz run in, he'd be damn near tempted to beat me.
     The bathroom door suddenly opened, and instead of Soda, it was Darry. As soon as I saw him, I backed up and hoped that he didn't see me. Sadly, he did. He saw me real well too.
     "Morning little buddy," he said. I was in shock, and not just because he only ever really called Soda that, so the nickname 'little buddy' hadn't been used in a while, but because he didn't seem angry with me. He jus seemed calm.
     "Morning Dar..." I replied, obviously somewhat shaken.
     He gave me a soft, tired smile, then went into the kitchen. I followed him slowly behind, trying to be as quiet as I could. Darry didn't bother looking back at me. Instead, he went and grabbed a carton of eggs and went to work on breakfast. I watched from a little ways away as he cooked, sipping my water every so often. For the first time since we'd received the letter saying Soda was dead, Darry and I were in the same room, and at peace. I could just barely picture Soda looking down on us with mom and dad, a small smile on his face, eyes lit up, proud at Darry and I for getting along. Proud at the gang for building what small bit was left of it back up. Proud of everything. Hell, even though I didn't wanna think about it too much, he was probably proud of Sandy too.
     The last time I saw Sandy was at Soda's funeral. Darry had let her come, but only because he knew that Soda would've wanted her to. It was weird to see her again. This time though, she wasn't the Sandy who had lived in Tulsa. She wasn't Soda's girl. She was a single mother who'd come to visit only to find out that the man she wanted to say sorry to was dead in a trench somewhere. The one she'd kept a child for, was gone. He was gone before she could say goodbye. Gone before she could apologize for leaving him. Gone before she could tell him that she wanted him back. She had cried a lot that day. The worse part though, was seeing her after. She was still crying a bit, even though she didn't need to be, and her tears and lack of being able to pull herself together, prevented her from explaining to the small, almost two year old girl, why she was crying.
     A loud noise snapped me out of memory lane, and I looked up to see Darry grabbing plates. He had what looked to be a worried expression on his face, though I couldn't really tell, and he seemed more tense then he was before. I brushed it off, watching as he got some food on a plate. He then turned, handing the plate to me. I took it and went to sit at the table. Darry followed shortly after.
     Once I'd started eating, Darry looked at me from across the table, a serious look on his face. I looked back at him, chewing a bit slower then I was before, thinking that the look he was giving me was just because he thought I was going to choke if I kept chewing so fast. For the second time tonight, I was wrong. Very wrong.
     "Alright Ponyboy, you've got some explaining to do," he told me. "It's one o'clock in the morning, on a school night of all things, and it's also four hours until my paper comes, yet here we are."
     I looked down at my food, picking at it with my fork. "I had a nightmare and couldn't fall back asleep," I mumbled. I looked back up to see that Darry's eyes had gone soft, and that he had a sympathetic look on his face.
     He nodded a bit, then said, "I suppose that's better then 'I haven't slept', or 'I feel sick'."
     "Yeah... I guess it is huh?" I was talking quietly, just because I had no clue if Darry would want me to raise my voice even the slightest. I didn't wanna risk it.
     He let out a long, exasperated sigh, then took a small bite of his food. I finally swallowed mine, then excused myself for a bit to go get more water. I could tell that Darry was watching me, or that he was about to say something. He was always the first to break silences that didn't need to be, or that didn't want to be broken.
     "Well Pone, since you're up, I guess I might as well talk to you about a thing or two." I nodded quietly, not wanting to talk. My mind was continuously wandering back to thoughts of Soda, Johnny, and sometimes even Dally. It made me wanna cry, but I knew that that was something I just couldn't do in front of Darry.
     Once I sat back down, he opened his mouth again, ready to speak. "I just wanted to let you know that I understand that things have been hard for you lately. I can't even imagine how awful this must be on you, having lost three people in the span of not even two years. I really do feel your pain. I know that I don't act like I do, but that's because I have ti be the strong one.
     "It's just as hard for me as it is for you. But I can however say with an honest heart, that Soda would want you to move on. He would want you to try and live a happy life again, even if that means forgetting about him for a bit. He cared a whole lot about you Pone. You need to let him know that he can rest easy." I nodded a bit, and the tears started flowing.
     Shoving my breakfast away from me, I got up. Darry looked up at me, seeming surprised. "I'm gonna go back to bed Dar. Also, I hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna go see Curly tomorrow." I didn't even let him answer, just went back to bed with a clear conscious, hoping that now, maybe sleeping would come easy.
Word count: 1426
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unforgettable-gold · 5 years
jally headcanon(s)
- dally stole a cadillac eldorado car from a soc that tried to jump him. he picked up johnny from school and rode around tulsa with some food from dairy queen. they had a good time that day.
- until the guy he knocked out reported him to the police. he got arrested a day later for stealing his car.
- johnny is always a little impatient whenever dally isn't behind bars anymore. he would always walk to the station to go see him.
- dally once offered johnny to move in with him instead of staying with his shitty parents.
- dallas gets so riled up whenever some broad decides to flirt with johnny. it's funny to two-bit and sodapop.
- dally is always paying for johnny's food, even when he tells him not to. it feels nive witness to receive dally's sudden acts of kindness these days.
- after a good rumble, dallas is always there to patch him up. johnny tells him that he'll sleep the pain off and dally just grows super pissed at him for saying that.
- dally and johnny sleeping together in the lot when dallas doesn't feel like crashing at anyone's place tonight. they talk about their feelings before going to sleep.
- johnny kisses his hand a lot when alone, it makes dally yank his hand away in "annoyance" (but he's just really surprised)
- and boy did johnny flip when dally did the same to him that one time they were in some dark alley running away from the police officers. it was completely random, but johnny didn't mind.
- the sad part was that he never did it again.
- somes dates are at sometimes at the dingo, just to watch fights and laugh.
- but they also go to the dairy queen and the drive-in theater.
- johnny and dallas were keeping their relationship on the down low. however, people like sodapop, darry, and steve are suspicious, the most suspicious out of the three is soda.
- dallas likes looking at sunsets, but he likes them more when it makes johnny look happier, golden, younger, and other things to describe just how relaxed and content he is. content to be around him.
- They talk about running away together, going to places they've never been to before, owning a stray dog find on the streets, and just.. a chance of getting away from tulsa. they talk about this often.
- The way johnny laughs at anything funny in general, it does something to dallas. he never admitted that to anybody, not even to johnny
- dallas gave johnny his silver christopher one morning after their first time from the other night. johnny held onto it ever since like some kind of golden medal.
- johnny likes to hold hands with dallas, or lay on his lap. it makes him less anxious whenever he shakes/fidgets/tensing up a lot. dallas doesn't bother shaking him off.
- dallas always gives johnny his last cigarette
- kisses are mostly soft and sensual, it confused johnny before it became something he learned to accept.
- national anthem/born to die by lana del rey
- whenever they have an argument, it's always about johnny telling dallas that he doesn't always need someone to protect him, while dally keeps on reminding johnny of his scar, that he should've been there to protect him, and that he'll need his help if another soc comes over and jump him good. they don't talk to each other for days afterwards.
- johnny can't seem to get through dallas, no matter how hard he tries. he's cold and ravenous to everyone and everything, and all johnny has is the higher ground to his heart. it's as if he lives in shades of blue, and johnny can't give him the colors he had yet to discover. soda and buck are always feeling bad for him when they're there to witness his attempts.
- dallas just holds johnny close late at night after a bad beating from johnny's parents. it makes johnny feel a lot more safer than his own house. when the morning comes, dallas acts as if he never held johnny at all.
- sandy and dallas will always have this little rivalry over who loves johnny the most. (sandy seeing him as her brother should've been canon)
- Ponyboy figured out they were a thing when johnny gave him that letter after him and dally died.
- johnny was afraid of loving dally. he was afraid of loving a criminal, a danger to tulsa, a guy who's relationships never last, a guy who lives for rumbles and freedom, a guy who is too proud of himself than others. Johnny fell in love with a guy who was heartless, a heartless, careless boy with no reason for his actions. johnny doesn't seem to care.
- and he still loves him, he loves him.
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nobody7102 · 5 years
Losers in Life- IT One-shot
Paring: Losers Club X Reader(Platonic other than Stan)
Requested by Anonymous 
Warning: Gore, suicide, swearing, bad spelling
Word Count: 1773
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Seated on the couch of their home she stared at the stairwell, watching as the paramedics transported Stanley’s body out of the house. Her hands were clammy and tears swelled in her eyes.
“Mrs. Uris…. I know this is hard right now, and a million things are probably going through your head but did your husband give you any reason to believe that he was going to kill himself?”
Her eyes darting from the now empty stairwell to the officer in front of her, she shook her head. She didn’t know what to do. Should she still be sitting? Should she stand? What should she do with her hands? 
“Ma’m?” The Officers snapped her out of her daze
“Sorry….” She shook her head once more wiping her eyes and nose “No ...he seemed fine, no issues at work, or with either of our families, or with us….we…..we had just planned a trip….”
“Did anything happen recently to him that could have caused him to think about suicide?” 
She thought for a moment before her mind went to the phone call he had gotten that caused him to retreat to his study then to the mailbox with a stack of letters,it did seem odd ...not to mention the fact that she had gotten a call moment after…. But Stan was an accountant after all and he liked to do things the old fashioned way when communicating with clients. 
“....I mean……..he had lost a client earlier this week……..” Lie
“...and that previous client had called earlier…” Another lie, she knew well enough to not lie to the police yet she did it anyways.
The officer nodded. 
“One last question Mrs. Uris then we’ll hopefully be out of your hair, and this is a standard question in general. Are you going anywhere or do you have any plans to go anywhere? We just want to make sure that you’re accounted for until the courier clears this as a suicide.” 
Rubbing her temples she thought for a moment.
“No we…well we had planned to...go to… our hometown early tomorrow……. Later today.” she corrected herself since it was well past midnight. 
“And when would you have left for that?” She looked at the clock on the wall, then back to the officer. “Within the next two hours….” 
“Are you still planning to go?” She nodded, “His family deserves to hear it from me.”
The officer nodded writing the answers down before he put the notepad away. 
“Well Mrs. Uris, I hope that you get their safely. I would advise that you leave a little later in the day but that choice if up to you, and I’m so sorry for your loss”
“Thank you…” as the officer started to leave she walked over to him catching him in the doorway. “Officer?”
He turned to her. “Yes?” “Do you think I could get his wedding ring off of him before they take him off?” her voice shook lightly as she spoke those words.
The officer looked between her and the ambulance. Motioning for her to give him a moment, he jogged over to the ambulance. Speaking to one of the EMTs she saw one of them disappear into the ambulance before re-emerging and talking to the officer. It took him a moment before returning to her.
“It took a minute for them to get it to me because they had to sanitize it but…” he held out a bag for her that held Stanley’s ring. 
Taking the bag the thanked the officer once more before she watched the officer and paramedics leave. Retreating back into the house she jogged upstairs grabbing a suitcase out of the closet. 
Throwing the suitcase onto the bed in what once was her shared bedroom but now it was…..just her’s. Going over to the dresser she started taking things out and throwing them in the direction of the suitcase. Before she started to re-dial the number that had called her before.
“Hello?” a voice came from the phone as she set it on speaker.
“Mike? Is that you?” she started to pack the suitcase. “I changed my mind I’m coming back.” “Are you sure? I thought we both agreed you staying put was the best option for your situation.” His voice strained.
“I know!...I know ...but the circumstances are different now, Mike … something happened today...and I know it was that fucken clowns fault...” with that she hung up the phone and continued to pack. 
Pausing for a moment she took Stan’s ring out of the bag butfor going over to her jewelry box, and taking out a chain with a small flower petal in it. 
Stan had gotten her a necklace for their third wedding anniversary, the petal was apart of her bouquet. Sliding the ring onto the chain, she placed it around her neck before she closed up the suitcase.
Finishing packing she changed her close before bringing her suitcase and purse out to the car. As she sat in the car she went over a checklist in her head. 
“House is locked ...Everything packed…. Phone and charger ...check all check…”
Pulling out of the driveway she set up her GPS for the one place she’s hoped she’d never have to return to. Seeing a message pop up on the screen of the car she glanced at it.
‘Returning home Y/N? Better make sure that you’re wearing your floaties, because I can’t wait to watch you float. Just. Like. Stan.’
Place her hazard lights on Y/N took her hand off the wheel tears pouring from her eyes, she punched the screen, letting out a scream. The glass didn't break, it didn’t even crack but her hand would be bruised the next day. Turning off her hazards she sobbed as she drove down the road. 
It took about two hours before she was fully able to stop crying, and by then she was about halfway to Derry from were she and Stan lived. So she decided it was as good a time as any to make a rest stop. Pulling into a gas station she turned off the ignition before unbuckling and slouching back in her seat. 
She covered her face letting out a sigh, pulling out her phone Y/N scrolled through her notifications seeing the message from the unknown number deleting the chat. She also noticed some more messages from Mike. 
‘I’ve got Bill here now, everyone else should be arriving the same time as you.’
 ‘Might be a little late took a rest stop.’ she sent back before she placed the phone back in her bag. Moving her y/h out of her face she hummed before starting the car and preparing to leave once more. 
As she looked up Stan stood in front of the car reaching out for Y/N. He was pale and bloodied, by how stiff his stance was he it looked like rigamortis had set in. 
Staring in horror Y/N froze watching him walk towards the her side of the car. Eyes still on Stan she shifted the gears of the car hearing an inhuman like laugh erupted from his throat. 
The tires screeched as the car ran out of parking lot.
Sobs left Y/N’s mouth as she barreled down the road.
It took another two hours till she reached Darry, plus the separate hour she took to calm herself down. 
Her car was parked outside of a chinese restaurant courtesy of MIke, and as she got out of the car she saw a group exit. All of them were shouting before two left the group which left four standing outside of the restaurant. Feeling her phone ring in her pocket, she noticed a redheaded girl holding a phone, and Y/N’s voice mail could be heard. 
‘Hey you’ve reached by voicemail please leave a message.’
“Hello Mrs. Uris, this is Beverly Marsh i’m an old friend of Stanley I was wondering-” the line dropped. “If you’re trying to reach me I’m right here.” Y/n now stood a few feet away from the group of four, and for the first time in the past few hours Y/N had let someone or in this case multiple someone's see how much of a mess she had been. Her Y/H was messy, eyes were red from lack of sleep and all of the crying she’d done, from first glance Y/N looked rough.
Mike separated from the group walking over to Y/N,
“Are you okay? You said something changed? What happ-”
“I’m sorry, but w-who are you?” Bill looked to between Mike and this women.
Mike took a few moments speaking with Y/N before he turned to was Losers remained in front of the restaurant.
“Ben, Bill, Bev… This is Y/N…. durring that summer she was...also one of Pennywize’s fear targets.”
“Mike called me, wanted me to come back…” Y/N crossed her arms shifting on her feet. “Originally I wasn’t gonna come but,” Her hand went to her necklace. “Things change.”
Ben stared at her before turning to the others, 
“You’re that girl that Bowers always harassed by the school? He got your hair caught in his car door and started to drive with you still stuck…” Ben’s voice got quiet towards the end 
“I also happen to be Stan’s wife…” she took out her phone playing Bev’s message.
“If you are Stan’s wi-w-wife” Bill’s voice was strained as he tried to get the words out then w-h-w-where is he?!”
Y/N looked to the warn tar road eye’s starting to well up with tears, she squeezed the necklace before clearing her throat and blinking back the tears.
“Stan’s de-.....” her voice dropped before she even got the word out, she covered her mouth taking a few breaths before just ripping the bandaid off. “Stan killed himself..” she choked a bit on her own words.
“Y/N” Bev slowly walked over to her placing a hand on her shoulder, “I know this is a hard question ...but it is essential that I know this answer. Where did Stan kill himself?” “He umm…. In our bathroom” “Bathroom.”
Y/N and Bev both spoke at the same time answers allining down to the last syllable.
Y/N eyed Bev horrified, no one new about Stan other than the first responders. Much less where he died. Before Y/N could speak Bev slowly continued.
“..You, you saw him an hour ago. But you knew it wasn’t him.”
Y/N’s knees gave out as Bev spoke. Tears pouring from her eyes, catching Y/N Bev slowly sank to the ground with her looking to the three who were still standing wondering what to do.
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