#which im thankful for considering the implications
thedevilsrain · 4 months
on a lighter note while i was waiting like 20 minutes in line for an appointment that didn't happen i was thinking about writing my malynera geography analysis post so there's that
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palebloodpresence · 1 year
what if i said my genuine opinion of "rom the vacuous spider" is that she's actually not like, peaceful because she's stupid, she's just extremely fucking chill bc she's so enlightened. like she WILL defend herself but really she just wants to hide in her cool lake world and hide dark rituals
#idk i have crazy amount of thoughts on rom lately (makes a post thats half tags) (im sorry in advance)#like that she was blessed by kos.... now how you interpret HER and her relationship w the fishing hamlet may vary but like#kos strikes me as sympathetic towards humans (who are not hunters. it is the HUNTERS nightmare. though ive always wondered)#(why are there research patients there? what did THEY do?)#(anyway. idk i like to think that rom was very kind (if a bit. dumb maybe? but like tbh thats so subjective.) and thats why kos blessed her#thats extremely cheesy and sappy for bloodborne ikik but like. ye#though ive also seen other theories on how she might have ascended that ARENT related to kos giving her eyes#or ones that focus on the cut content abt kos being ebrietas's name at one point in development#which has VERY different implications (+ tbh? more likely#ebrietas has a more confirmed affinity for helping humans and also the whole 'altar of despair' grieving#(which re the character model: tbh i think its MEANT to be rom#but they didnt design it very accurately)#anyway thats all thank u for coming to my impromptu ted talk#OH WAIT edit i forgot to add i think we should consider WHO is calling her vacuous. the brygenwerth scholars? we know SO little about#1. who she was#and 2. where she earned this title. for fucks sake shes not even that spider shaped. whos to say this moniker is accurate?#not trying to start shit. i would love her even if no thoughts head empty#but like i hc her as niceys idk
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majorproblems77 · 3 months
Linked maze updated which means I'm back! :D
Hello Linked Maze fans! :D
Linked Maze returns with scent pt10, which means I am back to ramble about the small details in the comic because I enjoy it!
If you dont know what Linked Maze is, It's a links meet comic. About the links in a maze.... Self-explanatory really, but trust me it's amazing and I love it. It's great! But also for more mature audiences, so do take care and heed the creator's warnings before going in!
Importantly - Linked Maze and all the art belongs to @linked-maze and its artist @frulleboi, this chapter also had a guest artist, so the second page's art is done by @marenwithanm. And thanks again for the permission to do this! I really enjoy making them!
With that out of the way, My timer is set, grab some snacks and a drink of your choice! And lets get started! :D
We begin with the small bean
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He looks so happy, okay, I love him
Aww four, just wanted his sword back. Also here to straight up appreciate the detail with the little ticktacktoe on the scabbard of his sword i love him dearly.
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Wolfie looks both Done and worried at the same time.
Also, them discovering Sky's sailcloth! I'm so excited about this okay I want these two groups to find each other so bad.
Also, I was interested cause I dont think we've seen the sailcloth in the story yet. So it's fascinating that it's here. I blame Angel, she has shenanigans that I think work for this. Like imagine when we see Sky and he's like the fuck why do you have my sailcloth I've not seen it since I got here, type thing.
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Wind taking charge as he should be.
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There's a bunch to unpack here, so just give me a moment.
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That's not Sky's sword.
That's Twilight's sword.
The wrappings on the blade and the markings we see on it later match Twilight's sword. (From the character reference sheets.)
Do you have any idea how excited I was when I saw this? Then saw Wolfie's face like
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Why the fuck is that there?
I think this tells us two things.
Twilight/wolfie is now able to be armed. So he's got the capability to fight without the wolf form now. So he might transform soon!
Angel/ djævel are using the hero items to bring the groups together for some reason.
But now im considering the implications of having these specific items here. Like, Thats an item from a character from some of the major groups that we know off right now.
Twilight's sword(Twilight, wind) / Sky's sailcloth (Sky,wild,Time) / Four's sword (four, warrior)
Was the idea for them to find it, or for just one of the groups to find it so that they could find the others.
Something to think about.
Moving on!
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Me too four... me too
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Yes it does. He's sat about five feet from you
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Look at his guilty face, he know's but he can't say and he's sad about it.
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Warrior looks worried, you think he's thinking of war stuff right now?
A sword planted into the ground with an important item beside it... a sword who they dont know its owner. Its owner who to them could be dead?
Twilight is the only one who know's his sword after all.
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Good call Mr. Captain Warrior sir!
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Again with the sad wolfie ears, they give me life okay I love him.
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Good on Wind for being the one to lead the charge, we need a good vibe like Wind to get us through the shenanigans that I'm sure are going to ensue.
Again Twilight is looking towards his sword. When you think he would be looking towards Wind at this point. But his eyes appear to be looking towards the markings on the sword.
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I love his shocked face. He's like
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I can't track myself...
Totally not me going to be using this reaction when someone asks me to do something.
Wolfie is the real MVP of this chapter let me tell you right now.
I love this lot they are wonderful
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Yes, you look to your sword and think about what you've done.
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Sniff sniff out the cinnamon roll wolfie, find him!
Oh man, this update was fun, I got so unbelievably excited about the sword like it's great to basically have a confirmation about something that's been rotating around in my brain since we saw it before.
Thanks again for listening to me ramble my way through another comic update! :D
And thank you again @linked-maze for letting me do this, i will be continuing them (as long as you let me:) ) cause this was so much fun!
Thats me done for this update tho, so I'll be headed out!
Have a great night! :D
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roughdaysandart · 1 month
Rough Day Comic 0-1 "Other Talents"
Rough Day original by @no-droids
SERIES GEN WARNINGS: blood, violence, light language, light nudity, implications of trauma (Blood, depression, anxiety, bullying, sexual), typos and general lore errors possible (plz lmk if you find any I enjoy accuracy)
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Up Next: CH 0-2: "Rules and Habits"
"And yet, only when she was absolutely certain he wouldn't see ...shed let that nagging curiosity goet the better of her, make an exception...and-"
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Well, this is the moment we've all been waiting for, sickos! I'm so proud of what Ive learned and been to accomplish these past few weeks (digital-art and writing in general), and have so much gratitude for all of the wonderful people who have followed along and encouraged me thus far. Most of all, thank you to the wonderful @no-droids for creating the fic in the first place. I cant wait to continue posting what's in store these next few (probably) years.
Thanks so much for reading! I hope you'll consider checking out my homepage for updates, sneek peeks, more depravity, the star wars mega-pinterest boards, and the unofficial soundtrack! 💗
Next chapter coming.....whenever its ready...in-person school is aboutta start and im going to pace myself and figure out how to balance going in person for the first time in a year...workin' and well...life, which includes this depravity and you all 💗!!!
Cheers, Sweet Girls. 💗
-M (@roughdaysandart)
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Credit to @saradika-graphics for the amazing dividers!
Credit to all of the talented artists making covers of the songs I link!
Credit to Brittany Broski for introducing me to RD/Ao3 this late in my life
Credit to...anyone else my mushy brain forgot (lmk ya'll)
credit to my drug-induced psychosis?
On page 5, Din is supposed to be laying in the cockpit's main compartment listening to the closed door, not in the mini hall where the ladder resides.
on page 9, there is a spelling error (talens--> talents)
on the page beginning with "to say the least", the mini-halls' roof is suppposed to have a window. Therefore, the lighting of the space is somewhat innacurate.
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rongzhi · 1 year
hi, i apologize if this is weird for me to ask, but do you have any resources that could help a foreigner with naming chinese original characters? im a white american who's writing a story that has southern chinese characters, and i want to make sure im properly naming my characters and not giving them nonsensical names. any criticism and advice is appreciated. thank you ♡
hmm with regards to naming Chinese OCs, I think if you are going into it with very little experience with Chinese names, it's best to first take a look at popular names based on year and gender, and then go from there.
Assuming your characters are Han Chinese/have Han Chinese names, check out these articles about naming trends:
What can we tell from the evolution of Han Chinese names?
Most Popular Chinese Names (trends in 2023 and across the decades)
Looking at appropriate names by generation is a good starting point just so you don't end up picking a name that sounds like the Chinese equivalent of naming a zoomer "Agatha" or "Gertrude" or something like that. This is a good method of quickly naming minor characters.
Beyond that, a lot can honestly be explained away by character back story/the intentions of the parents (although note: Chinese people are never named directly after senior relatives, as this is taboo). One thing to consider is that, sure, some people are just named after pretty words or whatever, but there can also be significant qualities/traits that give meaning to a name. So don't be afraid to choose characters that describe invisible/intangible qualities, because if it's just fluff, that can sound ridiculous too (my mom still laughs at all the ugly flower name suggestions my nainai came up with for me and my sibling, for example).
As the articles mention, some names have more feminine or masculine implications than others, but in general, Chinese names are gender neutral. If a girl has a more 'masculine' name, one could easily assume it's because the parents wanted to imbue her with certain traits. This is why it's worthwhile to consider which characters make up the names you choose, even if you never have anyone mention it.
Another thing I'd say is, while not a rule of thumb, I tend to give less important characters in stories monosyllabic names. No need to break out the Ruijie or Bairuo or whatever for a throwaway character.
If your characters are from southern China somewhere, then another thing to consider if how they are nicknamed; southerners more often give people nicknames like Ah-[syllable from given name], so this would be a clearer indicator to the reader as to where they are (similarly, how they address family members may offer these clues as well). For region specific names, you should also look to surnames based on regional prevalence, as certain names are more common in some provinces due to migration patterns as well as sinicization of non Han surnames throughout history.
Chinese Surnames wikipedia
Hundred Family Surnames wikipedia
Tangential but interesting article about the history of Chinese family names
Hopefully that helps a bit or maybe it's just treading over things you already know. If worst comes to worst, just ask someone you trust what they think about the names you've come up with.
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ludinusdaleth · 12 days
i'm not interested in finishing watching c2 (first 10 episodes bored me to death) and i only know c3, so what's the deal with essek? did he have a bad redemption arc? did he have a good one? do people just not like him for some reason? because i keep seeing his fans say the only reason c3 fans are saying his redemption arc sucked is to defend imogen and her mom and that seems too shallow to be the real reason.
first of all thank you for trusting in me to give a nuanced answer. ill do my best. essek is one of my favorite characters, but also so historically loved by fandom it has led to altercations and the drowning out of pretty much any other character in fandom spaces. ill try to explain. im sorry for how long this will be.
he was already deeply beloved as an npc for a long while before campaign 2 episode 97 dropped the fact that he was working with ludinus. he had taken luxon beacons (the object ludinus used to power the malleus key, what made opal & ted, what's in ashtons head) from his people in the dynasty - these objects were considered completely sacred to them, and the realization the empire had them, and the dynasty retaliating to get them, led to the war of ash and light which permeates much of c2's plot. so, functionally, essek's action led to war. essek was also at times in charge of or allowed to run interrogations on dynasty prisoners including nott/veth's husband yeza. to keep suspicion off of him, essek shifted blame onto a man in the dynasty who he had a petty grudge against, changed his memory, and set the dynasty onto him - this man was later given to the empire in a peace negotiation, so ludinus then had all control over knowledge on essek's involvement (bar the m9).
his remorse began with the m9, and how their lives had been effected by war and what the empire had done, and there is some implication that essek realized he was perhaps groomed by ludinus (and to a lesser degree made uncomfortable by his cohort trent) - though i should note essek was a (young) adult in government when he gave his people's artifacts away. essek hated the fact that his people were religious in regards to the luxon and did not wish to research it, and thought the cerberus assembly would be able to learn more about it.
essek's arc has been long praised as a very good one, and i think it mostly is. while i cant say we really see his kindness & newly brimming empathy fully extended, he does learn to see others as more than tools. he is still smug over his peoples religion vs his knowledge of the luxon, but learns to respect his culture enough that ludinus probably would not be able to sway him from it by insulting it now. he fights at the m9's side during the last arc, defends caleb from trent & the vollstreckers, helps fix caduceus's home. he is loyal to them forever and not just a traitor any longer. i definitely see some holes in it as he doesnt show much care to anyone but the m9, it is relatively quick how he descends into self hate about his actions that hes generally comforted for, and i worry at times he sinks too much into the soft hot boy flanderization due to everyone even the cast pushing it onto him (yes, softness & being too harsh exist in his characterization and are disliked at once, i know they are opposite traits). but i think it's good when a character is still an ass after redemption and matt clearly wants to avoid him being a soft boi in c3 whilst also maintaining that he has learned humanity & love.
you can see how that would be compelling, along with his general personality and good looks. this made him so compelling that his fans got, uh.... interesting. and that is probably the base problem that sets this discourse. (be aware my experience of his fans is primarily on twitter and in chats.)
folk would get mad and call the show unwatchable without his presence as if every other character was disgusting & boring to them (as if calebs character arc is not. literally. a parralel to esseks). they only cared about shadowgast (but only cared about essek within it, not caleb) and would be furious these two deeply aloof traumatized men didnt fuck on screen after 6 episodes knowing each other, called caleb abusive for not messaging him after a few episodes, called liam (who is iirc bi) homo/biphobic and abusive to matt for not kissing essek at one point or another. when caleb & essek did bond at the end of c2 and it was said they got together for a time that was not enough for fans, who claimed it homophobic (this magically mostly disappeared when folk saw other mlm stories did and do continue to play out in cr, which they only realized when orym existed and was a gold star gay - i, as a gay man, do not care on the scale they do lol). astrid was completely slammed into the mud by essek fans for being his mirror but a woman (they magically did not hate wulf, the last mirror in this scenario, a man, as much). people were furious essek did not have merch at the point where not even many pcs did yet and said it was homophobic (this magically stopped when he eventually got a portrait and chibi). a few learned he was ace/demi and called it a cop out, or otherwise ignored any nuance of it because they were horny about wizard yaoi (im aware ace/demi folks do have sex, but sometimes folk use that as a justification for ignoring the ace spectrum part of an identity). from personal experience, essek fans can be..... very disturbing, predatory individuals with no regard for who they are deeply sexual around, but that is just who i met and i do not want to go into that experience. in short, a lot of c2 era fandom has BEEF with them. i cannot say it is unjustified.
so with all that context, where does that leave the character and why do people compare him to liliana & imogen?
it is my genuine opinion from observation a lot of fandom on here & twitter that essek/shadowgast/caleb fans can be.... sexist. it does not go unnoticed to me that imogen has an extremely similar moral arc to caleb and yet is called evil when caleb is called traumatized & struggling with demons but a good man. caleb was part of the vollstrecker (assassins for the empire) as a youth but broke, and ran, after killing his parents, and had to learn he was more than dirt, and learn to love again. imogen began easily jealous & in turmoil about herself and her mother, but has grown to be one of the most empathetic people who is constantly struggling between sacrifice and her simple wish to live with laudna, that it seems the universe wants to fight. both are aware they could be or are seen as living shit for their youth or conception and accept it. both dont really know how to find a way out of that. i think both are incredible characters. i notice when fans only acknowledge the hero's journey of one.
as for liliana & essek..... look, essek has a very defined character arc that we have seen come to fruition and end in redemption. liliana (and by extension bor'dor and other ruby vanguard folk) have not yet. essek was framed as neutral at first and liliana was framed as ludinus's ally. i get it. but it is impossible to me to not see liliana in the steps of essek at the beginning of his own arc. if anything i think her intentions (if not actions) are infinitely less selfish than esseks, as she wished to do this to save her daughter. ludinus has caught so many in his web, and essek got out, and liliana just realized she's in the webbing. whats interesting is how we see clear as day every conversation they have that liliana has been brainwashed into cult mentality & justification, and yet only had one or two conversations vaguely indicating this about essek, and yet essek is always praised as a survivor where liliana is not. bor'dor is very clearly like essek in being an oppressed young man who sees a calling made by a powerful older man, but entire breakdowns of how men of color are recruited into the far right have been written about essek where bor'dor (actual man of color) is despised by the same people. the tldr on this is i do think some folk can be so drunk on Hating Essek juice they swing too far in their assumptions, but the pattern of his fans misinterpreting everyone else to elevate him is based on precendent thats happened for years, and i think it is deeply.... disappointing? to watch such a nuanced story play out in c3 and refuse to engage with it whilst claiming anyone who wishes to analyze the way a cult breaks your brain is misandrist.
im so sorry this is so long, but i really do not know how else to describe all this without its nuance. i hope i wrote something that made sense.
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notfloyd · 14 days
an incoherent ramblimg on my grievences with peoples interpretations of aroace characters mainly saiki k
saiki k continues to reinforce my belief that to establish an identity for a character, u NEED to use a term because tell me how saiki k can say i am the definition of aromantic and people still say its not confirmed. like he says, he finds romantic love entirely pointless, and people still say he isn't aromantic. Imagine a male character said "i exclusively like other men" and people tried to claim he wasnt gay. and some of the reasons people give as to why are borderline aphobic with the most common being "well he hasnt felt romance YET but ge still could" but like thats basically just saying well you havent met the right person yet which is just i want to say disgusting but i think unnerving fits better. this shit makes me uncomfortable because these people would definitely treat real aro people like this i know my mother was very much on the "that will change when you meat the right person" when i came out to her. some people will probably think its just a character who cares and the answer is people who feel seen by saiki k and dont like having there identities invalidated by shippers there is so litte aro and ace rep already why is it that when there is an aro or ace character people rush to ship them. another example is alastor from hazbin hotel now i have my grievances with hazbin hotel as rep but it was stated outside the show that alastor is aroace which to me is worthless but then in the show they call him "an ace in the whole" which is confirmation of asexuality and heavy implications of aromantism considering that it was said in the context of romance but people still flock to ship alastor and say that he was never confirmed in show and a personal least favourite remark of "aroace people can still date" and my response is " not all of them" because its important to have characters who are openly aro or ace or aroace and to have that be respected. these attitudes extend to real people aswell i personally have experienced my identity be invalidated under the you havent met the right person and ive seen real people get shipped and have there identities invalidated on the basis of it getting in the way of a ship and theres the inverse of people outraging of over aro headcanons because "MAHHH SHIIIP". theres a tiktok that ive linked and specifically the first part is relavent because i think thats genuinely how aroace characters are going to need to because subtly went out the window when saiki was denied but im genuinely not sure if saying aromantic would even help anymore. if you made it to the end of this thank you seriously this could not have been a pleasant read.
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prince-liest · 4 months
I was thinking a lot about how mimzy mentioned that "He [alsator] was the only one I knew who could pound back whiskey like a sailor, and then keep up with me on the dance floor!" Which, I adore, so much! Alastor used to dance?? Incredible
Now the reason I was thinking about this, was because we've seen that Vox also can dance! I'm not sure if this was intentional or not, but the move Vox and Val do where Vox is swung like a limp noodle, really reminded me of one of my favorite styles of swing dancing! The Lindy Hop! I know it first started around 1928, and gained popularity as time went on. It's super fun, if you want check out some videos of people dancing, even today people keep that crazy lively energy with it! Anyways sorry, I really like swing dancing. Back to the point, Vox died in the 1950s? Im not sure how old he was when he died, but what I do know is that he was at the very least middle aged. Which means he would have been born still right around the perfect time for him to at the very least know of that kind of dancing! Because the Lindy Hop entered the mainstream culture and the dance really took off a little after the 1930s.
I'm guessing the dancing mimzy did, since she made it sound like it was a challenge to keep up with her, was something similar to that style of dancing even though it was never mentioned in specifics tbh
My point is, considering that Vox and Ulstor used to know each other, and maybe worked together?? It is entirely possible for them both to have had an appreciation of swing dancing, and I love the idea of Alastor introducing Vox to Mimzy (I'm guessing she might still be a dancer/singer at older clubs in hell that might still do swing dancing because why else would that still be her whole bit?) And them dancing at her club (maybe together 👀👀)
I'm SO delighted you brought up the Lindy Hop specifically because I had a whole conversation about Alastor being into it the other day. I actually didn't realize it was officially established as a type of dance only around 1928, so I'm going to gratuitously smudge the timeline of reality (or just point to the fact that it was created as an evolution of different African American solo dances that existed and were performed in Alastor's time)!
BUT I think it fits Alastor really well! On top of being in-line with Mimzy's implications of dancing together being a challenge, being able to jump like 6 feet into the air like a deer seems like a basic skill requirement. The deer boy would thrive.
As for Vox: I just think it would be hilarious if he tried anything like that shortly after he first died or back when he and Alastor were on friendlier terms, and the giant TV head was just. A non-starter. Thank goodness he has a 10 foot tall boyfriend with stilts for legs for him to dive between now, HAH.
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autisticlio · 3 months
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I guess while I am rambling about Promare, here is some analysis I made regarding Lio in October.
Text vers under cut
in regards to promare stuff, I was editing the wiki page for the one burnish prison and kinda thought about how lio reacts to thyma waking up like the instant meis points it out, he hurries to her side and crouches next to her
like that tells me that lio is such a caring person cause he sees this poor woman and immediately hurries to comfort her
at this point, he doesn't even know her name. it's a similar thing with the kids where the instant he sees them, he is shocked at the implications of that and stops being annoyed at the guards
lio is so kind when he wants to be. it's just he doesn't show it that much cause how much he gets beaten up in the film and doesn't fully open up to Galo until the lio de galon fightlike he gathered all these burnish and made a little hideout for them to feel safe, he gets groceries himself for them, he plays with the kids in the art book. he is such a good leader figureik the kakusei scene everyone tends to focus on, but there's a lot of little details on how he treats the burnish that is filled with such love and kindnessobvs im not saying he's a big softie. it's more that so much of the film and outside media give these little bits of humanity he has
it's so nice to see these little details when he isn't doing his cold exterior cause he trusts the burnish fully, which is what gets him betrayed by the old man
plus after the cave scene, there's a bit where lio is leaning against the window in a truck in thought
the implication there is that he is thinking about what Galo said before about just fitting him. it could be that he tried before, or at least considered it, but knows it didn't work out that or it's a case of recalling that Galo attempted to save Thyma and Lio thinking 'hm, maybe he isn't as bad as i thought'
obvs we don't know the specific thoughts, but we know that something that Galo did has him contemplating to himself
he's also shown to be upset after trying to save Thyma. the other burnish are happy, thinking she is safe, but lio is upset likely knowing it wasn't enough
it's fun to look at these details and kinda see the gears ticking in his head cause unlike Galo, he doesn't always say what he's thinking cause he keeps to himself
people think the only way lio can be interesting if he's pissed all the time. in truth though, Lio is clever, passionate, caring, and emotive (maybe even moreso than Galo in some cases)
underneath his cold facade
the thing is Lio is only now letting himself get emotional
and it's likely thanks to the cave scene cause that scene had him open up to galo, someone non burnish for once and galo actually listened
galo willingly wanted to help save thyma knowing she's burnish
lio doesn't know that he went to confront Kray from what i recall, but he began to trust Galo so much that he's willing to protect him from kray
he is devastated when he thinks Kray managed to kill galo
i think it's so weird no one points that out
cause galo opened his eyes to letting himself be him, to take pride in himself, only to see him be flung off a mech and be shocked knowing he's likely next
like we know Galo will be fine, but lio doesn't
know if his flames were enough to protect him also like. lio also heard that kray tried to kill galo multiple times and also killed his family. he was in that scene too fjfjfn
like he heard kray rambling and was like 'wow i really hate this fucker even more'
like his story is about finding acceptance in those who care about you and letting yourself be true to yourself in a world that hates you no wonder i found out i was bi and trans because of him
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swearingcactus · 10 months
this is a long ass post so im putting it under the read more tag haha woops
Dani was 18 when the orphanage let them go for being of-age (in May 2014), About a month later in June 2014, they were drafted into the military. They stayed in the military for 3+ years, as evident from a letter of warning issued to them in 2017 because they were doing black market smuggling. (I wish they explored more on this instead of just putting it in as letters we can find because it would've answered Dani's perhaps overtly casualness in doing smuggling activities for Bembe.)
Speaking of Bembe, remember the boat that Alejo and Dani were supposed to ride on to get away from Yara? It turns out Bembe was the one who got them that spot in the boat, with a letter sent to Alejo to leave with his friend that night. Since Bembe and Dani didn't know each other before the events in-game, Alejo must have contacted Bembe alone. This makes his death (and his ghost blaming Dani for it) hit a lot harder, considering Alejo had done the heavy lifting to get them both out of Yara, and Dani still didn't manage to do so.
If you leave to find Libertad, but go back to the beach where Lita's body is still there, Dani will question Lita's opinion that what had happened was fate. (Before sadly and bitterly telling her to rest in peace.)
Despite this, a treasure hunt in El Este has Dani look for boats named after the Legends of '67. One of the boats is named Roja Victoria, to which Dani laughs at the name and says it's fate.
The 6 in Dani's default outfit/baseball jersey might be a reference to them being the protag for far cry 6 (hurhur)
Dani's big dream after moving to Miami is to open a bodyshop called Huérfanos (orphans), (which is a weird ass branding for a business and I'm thankful that the evil ghost of Alejo talked shit about it 😭)
With two different voice actors (and surprisingly slightly different animations for cutscenes), there's a lot of differences on body language and how male and female dani talk with the other cast. Some notable differences are:
female dani tend to be calmer when talking to people, which makes her being the representative of Libertad trying to bridge communications a great choice. In comparison, male dani is more brash, but it fits with them being a nobody orphan from Esperanza with a Libertad armband that people are initially constantly hostile with.
when meeting espada, female dani caught espada's blade without flinching (badass). male dani pulled his head back as he caught it and was jittery after, which in reality would be more realistic.
male dani's character model is significantly more roughed up and bloodied during the torture scene in comparison to female dani's (booooo!!)
female dani sounded way nicer to diego, gently asking "and you won't be? 😔🥺" at diego's insistence that his father was only evil because he was brought up that way. male dani was straight up yelling the line "AND YOU WON'T BE ‼😤🤬" which makes the ensuing scene where diego almost shoot them hilarious with male dani's threat to shoot diego be much realer. that man was ready to throw hands with a 13 year old roblox player.
Also if you pay attention, Diego's screen during the hotel raid is a paused FPS game that kid is a #gamerrrr, and it's hilarious that the implication he's in the hotel suite is just because he wants to peacefully game. (also also Diego might just be the second canonical gamer in Far Cry, considering Jason's the first. Nick Rye from FC5 is also a gamer but he seems to only play arcade games. Vaas being a gamer with his knowledge of Silent Hill is debatable as the DLC may or may not be canon.)
back to male and female dani's differences, during the dinner scene where Antón was threatening to kill Clara and Juan was going to shoot Diego, f!Dani kept staring at Diego and quite obviously says "Juan." warningly, while m!Dani glances at Diego before closing his eyes and whispers Juan under his breath. (Personally m!Dani's approach to try and warn Juan without letting Antón know is more nuanced imo)
m!Dani panicked more when Clara was shot than f!Dani, but f!Dani panicked and yelled out "DIEGO, NO!" when Diego was shot in comparison to m!Dani's quiet horror
m!Dani has a more snappy/accusatory tone when talking to Clara when he was going to meet Máximas Matanzas, re:how a lot of people got hurt due to the riots that they caused in Esperanza. this makes his interaction with them a lot more interesting, since it's obvious Dani disagrees with plenty of their actions (Talia killing Marquessa, his initial annoyance at Bicho, Paolo killing that doctor after getting the intel, etc.)
Valle de Oro is the ONLY time in-game that Dani complains that they have done plenty of things for the faction and demanded them to do something (the rap show) in exchange.
this also makes Dani's relationship with Bembe interesting especially with how Dani doesn't deny Bembe's line about not lying to their friends. Dani was just saying what they needed to say and did what they needed to do to get Máximas Matanzas with Libertad, not because they actually actively like them. Dani possibly didn't kill Bembe because deep down they agree with him to a certain level.
This is a bit of a stretch, but I'd like to say that at the end of Máximas Matanzas's arc, Dani agrees with Juan that their music was no Pedro Torrero, and might hint that Dani (like Juan) dislikes their voice and takes on the revolution, as well as being another way to cement the whole 'Dani will wind up like Juan, an adrenaline junkie addicted to the revolution' narrative.
Another case in point, Dani's much friendlier with Espada and with La Moral's crew, having heartfelt calls with Espada and partying along with La Moral.
Máximas Matanzas suffers a lot as being the most disliked part of the game, if Dani did dislike them and it was made as part of the story, it would actually make the whole thing way more interesting.
Another way Máximas Matanzas arc could've been better executed is if they just explored Talia's POV & the True Yaran Academy storyline further. A big part of why people hate the arc is because of Talia's constant bitching and ordering of Dani around and absolutely no plan other than being loud. The important thing about Talia is: her anger is just covering for her fear. We see this when she's visibly nervous (and hiding it with anger that they WON'T stop the show even as the FND is raiding their location), and when she shrinks when Maria started berating her and Paolo's ideals, something that must have been drilled onto her in the academy. Talia eventually snaps and kills Maria, a very, VERY, bad decision that paints Libertad in a bad light-- but if we had an insight to how the brainwashing worked like what happened in FC5 with Faith's region? Or see shells of people like the Marshall in 5, who were successfully brainwashed and what Talia feared to become? I think the storyline would've went very differently. regardless of Dani's opinion of her and how it would still be a dumb decision, we'd still understand where she was coming from-- something most players don't in the current storyline.
When you kill El Doctor, when Dani was still hallucinating, if you wait long enough and let El Doctor mock Dani, saying that orphans make the best test subjects, Dani would frustratedly yell at him to shut up.
Other than being likened to Juan, Dani is also called similar to El Tigre (being the fist of the revolution/the hero) and also to Lobo. The latter is interesting, because there is a lot of similarity between Lobo-Santos and Dani-Clara. Santos/Clara is the educated politician with a squeaky clean public image who orders the previously nobody Lobo/Dani around to do the dirty work. the only difference between them is that Lobo eventually snapped and aimed to rule Yara tyrannically and was put down. its a good thing Dani seems to have zero ambition! haha :)
After El Tigre hugs Dani when they first meet, Dani angrily tells him to "never do that again." we see that he actually honors this request. the next time El Tigre congratulates Dani for successfully taking back the hotel for La Moral, he just settled for a very enthusiastic handshake and shoulder squeeze
Yelena is catholic, she makes a cross before talking to her boyfriend's grave. Most yarans seem to be catholic but it seems like from the main cast, she's the only one other than the Castillos who's explicitly religious
Dani is also religious but to the native religion of Yara: Triada.
The religion is banned and deemed as a savage practice, and Dani mentions that they haven't seen the Triada symbols around since they were a kid.
The only other person who seems to worship the Oluwas that is named is the father of Zenia Zayas, Elisio, a propaganda artist who became depressed after his divorce and then turned to work with the FND. He became obsessed with the Oluwas and seemed to become insane with his worship to Ida, the Oluwa for passion, fire and war.
Dani is special in their devotion to the Oluwas because it seems that they did gain special favor from the gods, being able to get into the deepest magical caves and was deemed worthy by Oluso, the guardian. This makes Dani similar to Ajay in how they are somewhat chosen ones that doesn't go insane even with their proximity to supernatural powers like normal humans do (Ajay's being his multiple travels to Shangri La and visions as Kalinag that he brushes off like a whole chad.)
This is not a new detail but I'm gonna put it here since it's not mentioned anywhere in the wiki. The Triada features 3 Oluwas: Ida (a male Oluwa for passion, fire and war), Oku (a female Oluwa of water, life, and justice) and Mimo Abosi (Oluwa of wind, trickery, and luck).
There seems to be a lot of concept art re: dark magic rituals that didnt make the final cut except as easter eggs:
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last but not least: dani is canonically short :)
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finedinereception · 7 months
Why is Sirius on your brain SO much?
Explain in Mario terms
make my brain go -flag pole noise-
haha okay but actually here we go. this is disorganized and more me vomiting my thoughts out and making you look at him but yknow.
the black hole server: the most soul sucking and messed up place to live since america
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thanks for the insightful commentary, buddy
so sirius lives the life of the average True Gamer, in a dark hole full of anime figurines and merchandise or whatever. he likes adding to that collection and then fucking around with it because bloodsport really never died to him. who cares what ign had to say.
unfortunately, like all gamers, his home is not hospitable to most life.
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weaker em beings apparently “enervate and die” within the server. thats delightfully fucked up, and honestly, a vast empty, dark, cold space that sucks the life out of pretty much everything around it and is only truly habitable to one lifeform is an insanely cool idea that i always love.
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uh…. roche limit????
obviously, with such an unfriendly gamer den, sirius himself does not get a lot of company.
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we’ll come back to this next section.
but basically the black hole server is a really cool idea and location that really serves to emphasize what an outside-context issue sirius is. he feels very “other” in this world, in part thanks to where hes made his home.
with friends like these, who needs mega man?
sirius has some… interesting ideas about what is good and reasonable for people. or what constitutes a healthy platonic relationship. actually just relationships in general.
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i think its interesting he jumped straight to this with mega man, when he also harbored apollo flame, who was pretty damn open about his intentions to eventually usurp and subjugate sirius
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apollo flame! oh, you, always on about taking over the universe!
this is weird to say, with what we know about sirius in general and his personality (which we’ll be getting to soon) but… theres this pervasive sense that he views the Rs as a mix between pawns and, like, his perverse version of “friends”
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the use of “our” here is interesting, along with the implication that sirius shares more information with them than he actually needs to
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and the fact that sirius has the tendency to start talking to himself in the middle of a conversation…
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and the fact that he enforces a friendly relationship between those who dont get along…
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theres just a weird sense of sirius “playing” with dynamics, and while its certainly useful to him, its easy to imagine a hint of curiousity in there. the exploration of one of the only things that cant be taken by force.
of course you have blue skin and pronouns
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look at him. look at him. hes based on a squid. hes got that squid drip. i think sirius would be into deep sea life. im choosing to view this as an in-character choice. he likes squid now, okay?
i also dont know where else to mention this, but hey what was up with mu metal. is he tied to mu. what was that about lmao. bro got pica.
he has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most public spaces
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he is so fucking stupid😭
the main, and final, thing i want to bring up is his extreme case of blue and orange morality. because being rude is worse than destroying a planet to him.
from here on out ill be using direct quotes since i actually have access to these and writing and ive hit image limit. what can i say theres so much i want you to look at.
Sirius: ... I don't need that rude EM being for my collection. 
Sirius: I was hoping to enjoy watching everyone on the planet panic for a bit... But I suppose destroying it outright would be fun too. 
back to back is an interesting display of standards. but id go further and argue that… sirius doesnt really act with malice.
MegaMan: Peoples lives... Planets... They aren't toys for you to play with. Have you even considered the pain you are putting all those people down there though? Sirius: Everything here will cease to exist. A black hole has no need for such things as emotions. You should... be happy. You will live forever within the darkness. You will be mine. MegaMan: I wouldn't call that living! I'd rather not exist! Sirius: ...I see. Do you think that you might change your mind? Stopping you without causing you any injury would be a bit of a nuisance to me. It will be hard for us to play together with you injured.
and you could argue that this is an attempt at persuasion… except that sirius doesnt really need that. hes pretty confident in his ability to win a fight, so id argue this is genuinely just how he thinks. his fascination with destroying things is processed not with malicious intent but the same perverse curiosity that drives a child to pour water on an ant hill.
mean spirited? yeah, but its all in good fun to him.
hes the living version of all those jokes about a person who never talks to other people or goes outside or anything. hes had his own little bubble to develop the most deranged moral compass and interal narrative of all time.
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seaquestions · 14 days
i'm totally enamored with your FHL oc's! would you be willing to elaborate on the relationship chart dynamics btw emil and lucas (esp. emil's "totally oblivious to the fact that he contributed to lucas' destroyed self-esteem")? the implications are so devastating
eeheheee can i just say first of all this super made my day thank youuu im so happy u like my FHL ocs its my darling little pet project 💙💙💙 and yes yes im very willing to elaborate. bear in mind though that this isnt entirely concrete yet, i take kind of a vibes-first approach lol. tbh i like having the tension between emil and lucas stay within the realm of Devastating Implications in-canon but. you caught me. i cant resist talking abt my ocs :3
had to put a readmore cut here cos this got kinda long omg. also tw for mention of bullying & ed.
but yeah so emil and lucas… they had been playing hockey together since they were 10 basically. they’re childhood friends, besties by default, bonded over a shared love of hockey & also for being considered ‘weird’ kids yknow. but they’ve also hurt each other a lot in little ways that never went addressed cos emil is too non-confrontational to make a fuss and lucas is too proud to admit when something’s genuinely fucking with him. but for the most part, they were besties. it’s only when they both started taking hockey more seriously as a possible career option that like, the relationship started to turn sour. lucas used to be a forward actually. he was also subject to a lot of pretty awful comments about his body from his peers (and from adults in his life too lbr). and also, homophobic comments, stuff stemming from his closeness to emil. something that hurt was the fact that emil never stood up for him but, well, even then lucas was willing to overlook that cos its not like he ever really fought back himself. just brushed that shit off, laughed it off, yknow, never let them know that what they say actually hurts you. he didnt wanna like. punch anyone over the stuff they said. especially since he started to Really internalise it. mostly the fat-shaming. its not just shitty teenagers right? its everything. it’s hockey. and the homophobic stuff well… i mean did he have a crush on emil? kinda yeah. just part and parcel of the whole codependent besties thing.
and on emil’s end, he was mostly trying his best to be accepted by his peers (aka, masking 24/7 and going along with the awful shit they said to lucas. cos well, that shit’s normal right? lucas said he can take it anyway, he said it doesnt fuckin bother him so) and stand out with his skill in hockey. he was, notably, better than lucas, who at this point was still a forward. lucas didnt particularly. choose to be a goalie. at least not at first, he loves it now dw. but he loves it now in part because it isolated him a little bit. or at least just kept him in sort of, a separate category, in peoples minds. it kept him away from being compared to emil (even though really they shouldnt have. their skill sets and strengths were quite different. but yknow. they had put themselves together like that). and emil liked that too. he liked not having to compete with lucas over this, which is something lucas took more as emil not wanting to share the ice with him anymore. and it was also another example of lucas bending to external pressure with emil saying nothing against it, encouraging it even. it started to feel like emil didnt give a shit about him anymore—so lucas starts lashing out against him a little. calling him annoying and weird and loud and stupid and shit. the stuff that other ppl call emil that lucas never did. emil took That as lucas finally getting with the program. it hurt but. everybody said it. and he’s been saying the stuff everybody’s been saying about lucas too, and lucas said that shit doesnt bother him so it shouldnt bother emil either cos he has to be strong too and. this HAS to be okay. THIS HAS TO BE NORMAL.
but. yknow. it’s fine. theyre still best friends by default.
their friendship starts to really deteriorate when lucas starts forming unhealthy eating habits. or unhealthy lack of eating habits. frm my experience as a fat guy whos struggled w disordered eating ppl dont tend to notice it unless they see you actively suffer. in fact they might see it as a good thing esp if youre visibly losing weight. i imagine lucas woulda have it worse than i did bcos he also has the pressure of wanting to be a professional athlete and also way shitter peers than me. emil is already not the most perceptive guy and lucas is incredibly reticent so. yeah. kind of a wonder theyre still friends honestly but, yknow, theyve known each other this long. theyve loved each other this long. why wouldnt they still be friends, even after every little thing. this is the one that breaks it. this is the one time where emil not having his back Really fucks with lucas.
lucas’ new goalie coach is the one who lays it all out to him. he’s realising that oh, fuck, fucking fuck, he’s been such a shitty friend and so has emil. thats when he starts his recovery and part of that is also figuring out how to deal with his and emil’s failing friendship. lucas cant bring himself to blame emil at all. like its HIS lack of communication that led to this. he knows emil’s an oblivious guy, he’s always known that about him. so… fix it, right? just, communicate this time and things will be better. but lucas also just doesnt want to see him anymore. like. he just wants his life to change. he’s going to college, in a different city, he’s playing on a college hockey team while emil’s off in major junior league and like, he’s far enough away that he can just ignore emil’s calls most of the time and say he’s busy and get away with it and just let emil think the friendship is fading away organically and not bcos lucas straight up never wants to see him again because it would remind him of a time in his life he never wants to revisit. and meanwhile emil… emil just misses him. emil just misses lucas with all his heart and wonders why why why lucas doesn’t seem to like him as much anymore. i guess that’s just distance but like, EMIL doesn’t feel any less so??? is lucas making friends in college who are cooler, less annoying, better at hockey, better than emil? whatever man… by the time they get drafted by opposing teams, the bff-ship is pretty much dead but. well. emil will still text lucas congrats and happy birthday and sorry ur being sent down and hell yeah ur being sent up and. and lucas just says thanks. so yeah. that’s lucas and emil, at least at the start of the FHL storyline.
and yes….. they ARE using blake and conor respectively to replace their bestie…. :3 but its good for them actually. maybe by learning to be a good friend to this other guy they can eventually learn to be better friends with each other. emil in particular is out here walking on eggshells with conor who freaks out over every little thing and is like. umm. hey did lucas ever feel like how conor is feeling at the shit im saying to him cos. um.
anyway. who’s to say if the reconcile. certainly not me nuh-uh im just the vessel thru which these idiots speak their truth.
ANYWAY THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!!! fun mini project to chip into every time i can catch a little break at work 👍👍👍
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blorbocedes · 2 years
Hiii! Tumblr or my searching skills failed me so im coming to u bc u most likely know about this and i need to know too 😳 what's the deal with nico rosberg and michael schumacher? I think i've read sth about them that triggered all my alarmas. Is there some lore we should know? Thank you 🥺 ♥️
hahhaa you've come to the right place!
uhh quick background, nico was stuck in a shitty Williams for 4 years (George Russell coded ☹️) and got the merc offer -- where the implication was he was going to lead the team, and his teammate would be jenson button 😚
Instead it was 7 time world champion Michael Schumacher, who had just passed his fitness checks post Ferrari crash and signed a 3 year deal with Merc. Mercedes were still in their flop era and were trying to push the German car with German drivers angle. The news sent Nico spiralling cause like, what's he gonna do -- not accept a long term merc deal? But also how's he supposed to compete with the GOAT? He called him "godlike" and was afraid he'd manipulate the Merc team completely against him
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Schumacher, according to Nico, played a lot of mind games. Michael is famous for terrorising all 10 of his teammates and now he had a petite German twink. list of crimes include making Nico pee outside in a bucket right before quails, and being... really hot? showing his six pack and for some reason that intimidated nico (alpha pheromones 🤨📸)
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The comeuppance here is that all 3 years Nico beat Michael 😅 Mercedes actually even made an ad about it (to show they're cool with it)
Michael's German twink to mentor of choice was Seb who he adored (here's them pranking nico) -- there was always this underlying notion that Nico wasn't "German enough" (being half Finnish, and spending his whole life in monaco) Nico came into Merc bright eyed and hopeful, instead was met with a Michael who didnt particularly care for him, or thought much of him.
Nico also said he preferred Mika lolol to Michael, and considering he grew up around and was adored by Mika (finn4halffinn) it's not hard to see why
https://twitter.com/nicorosberg/status/723864441599614977?s=21&t=MshFwe5f1zRIbqcb7dPmww (here's Nico in 2016 posting the iconic Mika passing Schumi in spa)
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Most interestingly (to me), is this excerpt:
Clarkson: Did Michael live up to expectations?
Rosberg: [inhaling] Well, no. He didn’t.
It's the disillusionment for me!!! To see a god shatter in your face!!!
We also can't talk about Michael and Nico without the iconic dankeshen ad, which includes a Mika cameo as well 😭 the crack 2010's ads were on..... we need it back
However their dynamic was, you cannot say they did not serve and slay. peak sugar baby/daddy looks
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I will say when Nico talks about Michael for the vast majority it is very complimentary and respectful, and he kept track of Mick's karting/feeder series career and rooted him on (probably could relate to being the son of a wc with a famous name)
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learnt many things from Michael, such as Monaco 2014 🫢
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olivieblake · 2 months
i’ve sent u a million of these but letting u know this tuesday that I am still turning over the philosophical implications of the atlas trilogy as I will be for a long time. todays thoughts are centered on Nothazai becoming the new caretaker and selling out and libby rhodes continually fucking over poc (belen, tristan, nico) who she expects unconditional allegiance from and then validating it using her own suffering (which is also sooo ironic considering her issues with ezra over his whole white knight thing, but of course it’s only an issue for her when it’s on the basis of gender) libby rhodes is the queen of white feminism but my problematic truth is that I still kinda love her im soooo sorry. maybe the others were right to bully her in the beginning but for the wrong reasons (not the bangs) ‼️
anyways thanks for the thought fodder and hope that people are being nice to you even after you broke all our hearts.
ah yes my fondness for undressing hypocrisy lol. that old chestnut!
libby, via her corruption arc, is certainly an allegory for conservative "feminism," which I assume you can tell is not something I hold in high regard, but in terms of craft, the spectrum of morality was always very important in this series—she's meant to feel familiar and sympathetic so that when she eventually grows comfortable with atrocity, her rationalization of her actions and choices feels like something you can half believe. the whole series is a thought experiment. what is a villain? what is a hero? what is power and what is exploitation? the tension built into the character of libby rhodes is meant to feel dynamic and conflicting, so that wherever you land on her as a character, I hope her arc is an interesting one to read
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keirawantstocry · 5 months
Ohhhh you take those prompts in your pinned!? Alrighty then!! No pressure, but Thomastair + sharing clothing?
i love you. i literally dropped everything i was doing to do this as soon as i saw it
thank you <3
anyway. i haven't written thomastair in a while so im hoping this sounds okay. i had thomas's voice down a few months ago but again im out of practice so hopefully i did him justice :)
-sharing clothes
Thomas had never quite considered that happiness like this could exist. He had known for years that he was not like other boys his age. Yet he never saw boys like him, ones with eyes that couldn’t care less for women, happy. He began to believe in it more when he found out about Matthew. When Anna began acting as her most authentic self. But Thomas was not Matthew and certainly was not Anna. He knew he was softer. They were made of deepslate and adamas while Thomas was made of puddy and wool. He never thought he would be brave enough to love in a world that was so opposed to his love. Surely he could never find a man willing to risk it all for him. 
So he never expected this moment. He stood at home, under his parent’s roof, in front of his lover. His family was downstairs. They loved him. They loved the man that he loved. Life was difficult as a Shadowhunter’s life often was but he had found the most beautiful man and that most beautiful man was, inexplicably, his.  
“Thomas,” Alastair said in that soft fond voice only used when they were alone. “What are you thinking about?” 
It brought him back to the present. To the beautiful man in front of him, drowning in one of Thomas’ shirts which was entirely too big on him but only made him look ever lovelier. It was all he wore as well. If there were less people in this house and Thomas was a bit braver he would have made advancements already but he kept his cool. “You,” he said. “How lucky I am to have you.” 
Crimson bloomed on Alastair’s cheeks, drawing attention to his elegant cheekbones. By the Angel, he was gorgeous. Thomas could hold himself back no longer. He strode forward and embraced his lover with a strong kiss, hands on his lower back. 
Alastair made a noise of surprise but kissed back eagerly before drawing back. “Now what was that for?” 
“You look good in my clothes,” Thomas said, head dizzy as he turned his hungry gaze down his body. 
Alastair smacked him lightly. “Don’t start what you can’t finish. Your family is literally waiting for us to come down to have breakfast. Don’t make your parents regret having us spend the night together already.” 
Thomas conceded with a sigh. “Fine.” He pulled back to grab a pair of old pants of his for Alastair. “But as soon as they leave for the markets this afternoon.” He shot a meaningful stare at Alastair whose jaw fell open at the implication. 
“Fine by me,” he said once he finally got his breath back. “That sounds perfect.” 
Thomas gave him a smug smile. “Good. Let’s go then.”
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nomapsupport · 7 days
"Nomap" is considered a fairly harmful term by the community because it implies that the default for maps is offending. The same way a normal person wouldn't call themselves a "non-rapist heterosexual," we shouldn't be expected to specify that we're not rapists. "Anti-contact (or just anti-c) map" is the preferred term.
i understand where youre coming from, but that comparison doesn't work because heterosexuals arent all viewed as rapists until otherwise specified. most people do think maps are offenders by default, & my preferred term is nomap. this blog isnt just for nomaps to find solace, it's also an educational blog for regular people. i want people to actually want to read what i say, & although many will still dismiss me because they dont believe maps can be non-offending, if the "no" part in "nomap" makes at least one person more willing to listen to me & rethink their biases, that's good enough for me.
& like i said in this post, map is a neutral term with no contact stance label, while nomap is the same term but with a contact stance label... which is practically the exact same thing as calling yourself an anti-contact map. clearly you dont like the implications of just "map" either otherwise you wouldnt be prefacing it with "anti-contact". if nomap implies maps are offenders by default, then anti-contact map implies maps are pro-contact by default. we're BOTH specifying that we don't want to act on our urges. it is literally the exact same thing.
plus i think "anti-contact map" has a blind spot: csem (child sexual exploitation material, aka child porn). anti-contact implies that one would never initiate sexual contact with a child, but it says nothing about consuming or distributing csem. "non-offending map" on the other hand covers both csa & csem as both are offenses.
you can use whatever terms you want for yourself, but im sticking with nomap, thanks. it's practically the exact same thing as what you're suggesting but covers more bases.
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