#which I know is also fucking stupid but Neil said I could so I should give it a try right?? Right????
virgo-dream · 1 year
Unsure if anyone is waiting for updates on things I write but I like feeling like I have an audience I’m speaking to so, be ready for a lil venting from here on:
I reeeeeeally really really want to write but Covid has wrecked my brain and I have like… maybe 50% of the focus and energy to do any sort of creative work (or any work at all, which sucks because I do work in a creative field lol) I have many ideas sitting around in my brain and I do want to try them out but… the idea machine and the do work machine are not working compatibly rn.
Fanfic has given me space to reeeeeally experiment with writing in a way I never felt I was allowed to before, and I know that if I spend too long without writing my brain will just go “oh so you gave up right? We’re never doing that again. Okay!” And I’ll feel guilty for cultivating something only to let it die so quickly and… well, I think y’all can see how this thought process works.
This is just to say I want to write, and hopefully I’ll be able to do it again soon. But Covid brain has really made everything so difficult that I’m just constantly disappointing myself with things I wish I’d done and didn’t.
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the sunshine court notes
first things first riko needed to be brutally beaten to death, a shot was too quick
renee talked like a fortune cookie and it was pissing me off
i wish we got more of Wymack and Jean, it was very nice of him to get on the plane with Jean
jean immediately getting annoyed with basic life is really funny
jean is also really sassy and hilarious
also something weird happened in jeremeys house
my personally theory is that he had a sibling who died and his family thinks its his fault
like maybe an accident or maybe the sibling overheard something that they weren't supposed to and his sibling had to die as a result
whatever happened the butler knows about it and is trying to protect him
and whatever happened had to be bad because the act of dying his hair had his family ban him from the dinner table
neil believing his relationship with andrew as a strength his really good for his character, considering his mom was so keen on him not forming any connections
the fact that jean actually considered reaching out to his sister, only for him to learn that she was dead breaks me every time
and neil using her to force him into a belief that he doesn't deserve to belong to anyone but himself was a necessary cruelty.
i also like that Jeremey was the one who telling him about Rikos death was good
jean has no agency in the entire 1st act of the book, he is taken from the nest and basically held captive, then he is forced to go to the sunshine court, which he doesn't like but has to
the foxes all hide info from jean for his own good
and jeremey being the one to tell him is nice because jeremey is his first taste of freedom
jean talking about his abuse in such a casual manner is horrifying bc he thinks its so normal and its horrifying
" i didn't ask" broke me in so many ways because Jean doesn't particularly trust jeremey at the time, nor did it slip out while he was angry, he just said it so casually like it was normal
At first i felt bad for Lucas, but not so much anymore.
he was a sympathetic character who was trying to straddle a thin line of having faith in his captain and who he belives is a violent stranger and his brother who is not the same boy he know
but bringing Greyson to jean was soo fucking stupid it pisses me off
and the fact that jean wasn't even really fighting back, just trying to protect himself is upsetting
also the imagery of him punching the keypad over and over again just trying to get out is gutting
jean isn't a dog who bites, he's a dog who puts his foot to the fire because he believes that he is supposed to do
the water scene was sad as well because he was trying so hard to behave but physically could not
also Jeremey and really most people on the team meet his violence with unflinching kindness is really sweet
i also appreciate how jeremey doesn't force jean to talk about his trauma or even takes the notes from him, jean has had little to no control in his life since he was 15 and forcing him to talk about it when he wasn't ready would have made it worse
and jean asking jeremey to pretend was sweet and what was even sweeter when he did
jean learning to cook is nice as well because he needs life skills
theory for book 2: jeremey buys jean his freedom and jean becomes an exy coach ( more of a pipe dream i guess)
i also think Greyson will kill lucas
jeremeys saving grace being the thought of his sister deserving better is horrifying
i wish we got more of his relationship with Zane
neil is a real one because Jean compared Greyson to drake once, and Neil took care of it for him
jean being afraid of sleeping alone is so sad because he's basically been trained to sleep next to someone
and the fact that he has nighmares, but they are hardly mentioned, and jeremey is the one to bring it up is so sad
also kevin should have tried harder to reach out to jean
jean pushed away the foxes because he knew they would eventually leave him too
jean being steadfast in the idea that if he plays a good game he will have momentary peace is heartbreaking
jean holding onto his talent despite people thinking he slept his way to the top is also upsetting
i hope we get a zane and jean reunion bc i think they truly cared for each other
maybe kevin sends jean a postcard and a magnet and they can reconnect
also him realizing his very limited possesions have been destroyed made me almost cry
and the magnet scene with jeremey is very sad, but him realizing the magnets are broken make him realize that he is
kevin and jean still both being afraid of riko is telling bc riko is dead
let me know what yall thought... always willing to talk about all for the game.
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inahallucination · 2 years
anderperry au where todd asks neil out first hehe 
now with a part 2 (neil’s pov)
todd knows who neil is but they dont room together
he only knows neil through their numerous classes together and he may have an itsy bitsy crush
neil’s fucking pretty - todd’s known this since the first time he saw him laughing with his group of friends and almost tripped over his feet
luckily no one noticed
anyway neil’s fucking pretty but he’s completely different from todd and wayy out of his league so obviously todd doesnt have a crush
of course then on the second day of classes a teacher asks a question and looks at todd and he panics and neil’s behind him and he must notice because he answers in todd’s stead
and then when todd gets a little lost trying to find where the soccer practice was neil’s the one who finds him and walks him to practice
and neil’s on the team and he’s so fucking hot when he gets competitive and if todd himself wasnt playing todd knows he’d be distracted - luckily having an older brother has ensured that todd is nothing less than fiercely competitive in things he knows he’s good at
that doesnt mean that when practice ends he doesnt hurriedly walk away, pretending he doesnt notice neil approaching, to calm himself down and prepare himself to face post soccer neil
he volunteers to help clean up solely so he doesnt have to see neil
neil doesn't get the hint and stays back to help 
todd spends more time doodling neil’s name on his notebook than homework that night and thats when he realizes that his small teeny tiny crush may be not so small nor teeny tiny
and at first todd is very very very determined to ignore it
he stops himself from glancing back at neil or somehow finding him everywhere
he erases all his neil perry themed doodles
but neil doesn’t stop being pretty, the absolute asshole
nor kind nor sweet
and everytime he notices todd is alone (which is always) he comes to sit next to him - he invites him to study with his friends - he answers questions directed at todd in class
honestly he’s a fucking asshole ( theres no way he doesn’t know that he’s gorgeous and sweet and like a dream come alive and there’s no way he’s not using his evil powers to make sure todd thinks about him way more than he should )
and in the end todd’s half in love with him
ignoring his feelings dont work so the only thing todd has is to stop liking him
so he starts watching neil more because surely he cant be completely perfect surely he’ll have one habit that will be something todd hates - maybe he’s a sweater hater
neil is not a sweater hater - and he looks really cute in his stupid sweaters turns out
he’s also actually perfect
he’s kind, friendly, funny - he helps people, he wrinkles his nose when he’s concentrating, he runs his hands through his hair when he’s frustrated
and todd should be furious but now he’s just resigned
the perfect idea actually comes from neil’s friends in the end
todd’s there studying, minding his own business, trying to pretend that neil coming over earlier and asking if he wants to sit with his friends didn’t send his poor poor heart on fire practically
he overhears two of them - charlie and knox he thinks their names are - talking about how one of them (knox) fell in love too quickly and said one of them (knox) replies that actually “i didn’t fall in love with Nancy, Charlie” “yeah because she shot you down before you could”
its genius
todd just has to ask neil out 
a tiny part of todd, that he immediately ignores, wonders what it would be like if neil shot him a sweet smile and said “yes i’d love to be your boyfriend” 
“woah who’s got you smiling like that?” neil’s voice comes, breaking his neil being hopelessly in not quite love - because todd was not in love - with todd daydreams
neil laughs when todd stares at him wide eyed and points out that he’d left his pen here and that todd had been supporting a very sappy look - in nicer words
todd feels heat rush to his face and he shakes his head denying that he was thinking of anyone neil doesn’t look like he believes him but he nods and todd remembers his new genius plan
ask neil out and get rejected and thus fall out of not quite love with him
todd also ignores the part of his brain that tells him heartbreak is a vicious thing because of course his heart wont break he’s not in love
“H-hey Neil?” Todd asks quietly as Neil moves to go back to his friends.
“Yeah? What’s up?” Neil replies immediately, turning back to face Todd with his bright smile. Todd glances around making sure no one’s looking.
“Um.. this weekend... do you maybe wanna go somewhere...? W-with me, I mean.” Oh, sorry Todd. I already have plans. Maybe you could join my friends and me instead? I’d love to be your friend. 
Todd’s waiting for those words to spill out of Neil’s rather kissable looking mouth. For Neil to kindly let him down and state that he only wants to be-
“Y-yeah, I’d love to.” Neil’s smile is blinding and that combined with the pink on his cheeks makes Todd want to reach over and see if his mouth is actually as kissable as it looks. He doesn’t do that. Instead he gapes unattractively because did Neil just agree? Did Neil just-
Well that didn’t go as planned.
But Todd can’t bring himself to be disappointed because the small part of Todd that had hoped Neil would like him back is singing. He’s helpless to do anything but smile back at Neil as Neil’s friends call him back and he leaves. 
He watches, still not a hundred percent processing that Neil had agreed to go on a date with him, as Neil leans in and whispers something frantically to his friends, his smile still there. His friends whoop and clap him on the back and Charlie catches Todd looking and smirks at him and Todd realizes that Neil must be telling them about their date.
He ducks his head down, wondering if Neil’s friends reaction meant that Neil might have had a bit of a crush on Todd too. And though he can’t understand why he would when he’s so out of Todd’s league, he can’t help but be pleased by it.
Todd stares at his half done math homework and then flips to a clean page in his notebook and starts writing.
He has a date to plan out.
All thoughts of how to get over Neil leave his mind as he debates whether dinner and a movie is too basic. Instead, plans on how to properly woo Neil start to form.
He may be a teeny tiny bit in love.
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broodpuff · 4 months
are you seriously saying under a post about genocide how much you love media that glorifies genocide? you're evil
no, you foul fucking dipshit. maybe it didn’t come across clearly as to what i meant; that franchise was extremely important to me growing up as a kid and I was devastated once it was unveiled that it was created by zionists and israeli apologists. I denounced my support of naughty dog as a whole amongst any remaining supporters aware of the fact.
I’m heavily involved in any way I can in terms of supporting the end of the genocide, donating to
just as anyone with spare change should contribute towards, as well as inquiring about any brands who are in support of Israel, my method is using the following:
in summary of what i meant through my tags:
the game meant the world to me > found out that naughty dog is filled with zionists > denounced any support towards anything to do with naughty dog > literally just want to know if Ashley Johnson is also a zionist because i haven’t heard a thing about her involvement because i adore(d) her and need to know if i need to denounce her because it’s not her fault she’s been involved with something that’s only just been brought to light has actual evil contributors after Oct. 7th to my knowledge.
I really hope you see this anon and recognize how unsettled i am to even be misconstrued as anything other than a supporter of the end of the genocide in Palestine.
Literally all I want to know is who tf to stop supporting, who is delusional enough to support trigger happy, demented, corrupt murderers.
Don’t ever, EVER accuse me of being anything other than a supporter of Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Yemen, etc.
If you have an issue with something I’ve said or feel as though I’ve done something wrong in the future, don’t start hurling insults at me, try speaking to me first.
If you need anything clarified, if I’ve left anything out or need to be made aware of anything further that I might’ve missed, especially because I’ve needed to take a break from twitter due to every single post being nothing but dead palestinian children, so i’ve probably missed a few integral updates over the past week or so.
In case it needs to be reiterated, Fuck Israel and anyone who’s been stupid enough to blind themselves into believing they’re doing any of this in defense while they cheer when shooting a civilian a mile away with a sniper and then making jokes about it…. And fuck you, anon, I’m real pissed at the accusation while a Palestine pendent hangs from my neck, the proceeds of which went straight to Gaza relief aid. Eat a dick.
edit: It’s come to mind that i saw a post a while back saying that tlou2 came to fruition through Neil’s despise towards Palestine, which I never saw firsthand so I can’t source it and I wondered if that’s what you meant by the glorifying part, i’m not certain that that’s true, if I could be linked, that’d be great and whether it’s true or not, it doesn’t take away from anything said above or at all about Druckmann’s role in all of this, he’s still a despicable zionist. Just wanted to include this whether it’s true or not.
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The recap made me realise, none of the coterie are together. That is not good! They're strongest together.
So wait there werent assassins after Neil? It was his sire??
Neil wanting to please his sire like you want to an abusive parent. 😭😭
What does he want? I don't trust it.
No stop! How dare you make Neil doubt his place in the coterie!!! That is illegal!!
Uhoh daddy is mad! I don't like Neil's sire.
Britta did not reject Neil! Stop talking with your stupid face.
No. NOOOOOOOOOO We cannot go from that directly to Britta. I cannot handle this!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I AM SORRY BUT NO! THIS IS AGAINST THE LAW! And if it's not it should be. "I've decided I want you. Come in." like bitch no! Please go to Ashville so Dan can lecture you over fucking consent my dude!
Noooooo and now we are going back to Neil! And he's thinking about when he killed Marcos!
Wait he runs??? What does that mean??? It's almost light?!!
And back to Britta???. Akskfjdjsj I'm getting whiplash.
Okay so wait. I know this is totally random but anyone know of vampires can produce come? What's the deal there? Elinqyiring minds need to know.
Stop! I can't. 😂 Lex describing Pendragon's body and mentioning the V and his amazing muscles.
STOPPPP 😂😂😂 I cannot handle this!!! He's a better guy than Upton because he isn't bloodbonding?? He summoned her twice, threatened to kill her multiple times, spied on her, stockholmed her??? But oh no bloodbond so it's all good?!?
Goddamnit why is he so fucking charming???
Biting her lower lip?! Thank god Britta is trying to talk to him.
Okay guys let's press pauze here for a second. And let me point out that in this scene, which is obviously very tense as characters, but must also be as players. Lex instead of deciding whether Britta still had the towel gave control of this back to Rebecca so she could decide what she wanted for this scene. That is an amazing storyteller. Okay on with the all caps.
From toxic masculinity to toxic by Britney Spears is just *chef's kiss*
Britta needs to be wrapped in a blanket, a soft toy, and the blood equivalent of hot chocolate and a cuddle pile with the rest of the coterie.
Not him getting rejected and disguising it by going on washing himself. 😂😂😂
Mother bitch, do I have to respect this guy now because he said the right thing consentwise? Yeah I guess I do, at least a little.
lmao so all Pendragon had to do is not even reject her but give the illusion of rejection for her to kind of want him.
Wait what's going on? Tremere? Councilor? Ira??? Rob is talking!?! What's happening???? Noooooo Neil ran this is he ran away???? 😭😭
"the coterie can be kind of dramatic" she doesn't even know the half of it! 😂
Jessica hugging Johnny and Johnny just freezing for a second before hugging her back and crying! 😭
Not Johnny wishing Neil was there, not knowing Neil ran away and they might never see him again.
Neil!!!! NEIL?!? Don't ay with my emotions like this!!
Okay so clearly I was wrong, we do see Neil again, we're seeing him right now. And he is gone again??? Noooooo
It's nice we still are getting a little bit of jokes in all of this.
What if Johnny or his daughter die before they can talk again? That would be so bad. 😈
"to see if he [Miles] isn't dead in the gutter because what else would he need him for?" what is going on??? That is not true Wynn!!!
Jesus. I don't like the coterie being seperated, it feels very lonely and not good.
Can we point out that Miles said our domain and not mine. I know it's the barest of the bare here but I'm desperate!
I get it now surprising people who do not want it with an appointment at court is Miles's love language!
It makes me sad that we get classic Miles and Wynn banter and all the while Wynn thinks Miles doesn't give a fuck about her.
What what what???? No Wynn!!!
Reiss isn't around? I hope that doesn't mean the coterie won't get the chance to kill him.
Part of me is kind of relieved I can go back to Ashville, I mean there is stress there too but this was insane.
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Chapter 1 and 2
Max and The Family Affair
Title - Max and The Family Affair
Fandom - Stranger Things
Rating - Teen and Up
Couples - Hargrove (Steve Billy)
Trigger warnings: mention of physical and mental abuse
Summary: When we moved to Hawkins my life got even stranger. I just hope Billy and I can find middle ground to survive what Hawkins throws at us
chapter 1: Big Brother
I will remember that day like it was yesterday.
It was a day off school and our parents had gone to work for the day.
Usually, I would just go and visit my friends but I just wanted to relax and without my parent's home, especially Neil, it was easier.
I was in my room when the knocking on the door started.
I knew that Billy was in the living room lifting weights because I could hear the tv on.
The knocking continued which meant two things, one, Billy couldn't hear it over his stupid program, or two he didn't care if someone was there.
Sighing I headed past the brute in the living room and went to front door where the unwelcome visitor was still pounding on the door.
I undid the lock and opened the door slightly unaware that Billy had stopped what he was doing and kept an eye on me.
The person on the other side shocked me. It was Jason Carver, a junior member of the high school basketball team and an all-around annoying jock.
“Can I help you?” I asked cautiously as I knew him and Billy were not friends. Billy had made that quite clear on our trips to and from school.
Jason smiled. “I am here to see you, of course beautiful,” he said and tried to push the door open.
Groaning, I leaned against the door and something glistened in the sunlight.
That's when I saw it. The gun resting in his side pocket and started freaking out on the inside while remaining calm on the outside.
“I know your shithead brother is in there, I saw his ugly ass car. Why doesn't he come and face me like a man” Jason said, his eyes flashing with anger.
Not knowing what to do so I asked “what did Billy do to piss you off?” Meanwhile, hoping that someone was on my side, I made a finger gun behind my back in all hopes that Billy would see and understand.
And to my surprise, he did because he was behind me in seconds, pulling me in close and protectively wrapping his arms around me and that's when I realized he had been supervising the whole time.
“What the fuck Carver? Bringing a weapon to my house and scaring my little sister. She could've been hurt if you started waving it around” he said, his arms still holding me tightly against his chest.
I watched as the ferocity in Jason's eyes intensified. “You come into town and suddenly they're talking like you should be captain for the rest of the season. I am just here to make sure you don't want the position” Jason said as he placed his left hand on the gun.
I thought for sure billy would move me and take a swing but he stood there calmly and replied “Carver the basketball team is all yours and King Harringtons’. I've got a sister and grades to focus on, not some hotshot jocks”.
My eyes probably bulged as big as Jason's who scoffed and turned around. Steve was walking up the path as he was leaving.
“What did he want?” Steve asked, confused by the whole scene in front of him.
“Aww he just wanted to threaten me about being on the basketball team Harrington, no biggie except he was packing and could've hurt Maxie here” Billy said literally making me confused and happy at the same time.
Billy finally let go and motioned for Steve to follow them in. They had secretly (basically everyone knew but stayed silent) been dating for a few weeks and we're working on a plan for them to come out without Neil killing Billy.
As Steve got to the doorway I motioned for him to stop for a minute. “What's up Max?” he asked worriedly.
“Not only did Billy take a protective and nonviolent stand against Jason, but he also called me Maxie which he hasn't done for years. I'm worried he's sick or something” I replied honestly.
Steve, smiled, ruffled my hair and said “You will never understand how much he truly loves and cares for you. I have been working with him on showing it more and hopefully, soon you will both be living with me”.
I watched as he headed in and Billy kissed him on the forehead. I wanted to cry with happiness but I took a deep breath and told myself I would save that if all of what Steve said comes to pass.
Chapter 2: Steve
The next day as I exited the middle school I saw my brother's prized Camaro.
He didn't normally pick me up at school, I usually met him at the high school.
I was even more shocked when I approached the driver's side and the driver's seat was empty.
Looking around I saw Steve talking to Dustin who must have a Steve radar because she didn't see him there at all.
Going over I saw the look Steve had and knew immediately something was really wrong especially since he had the keys to the Camaro in his hand.
“Where's Billy?” I asked the two guys. Steve came over when he heard me and guided me to the Camaro, Dustin following in tow.
He motioned for us to both get in. I climbed in the passenger seat and Dustin got in the back.
I turned and looked at Steve and said “explain now”.
Taking a deep breath Steve said “Billy and I had met at his car during lunch for a quick make-out session.
Of course, Neil decided to show up at the school for the first time ever for something and caught us.
He literally dragged Billy out by his hair, told me to stay away from his family and threw Billy into the front seat of his car.
Before he did though Billy tossed me the keys and said to make sure you don't get around them ever again.
I haven't heard from Billy since, so here I am. We will find him, Max”
I shrunk into my seat as Steve started the car and headed to his place.
My heart was racing and I couldn't stop the tears. Billy and I had finally started repairing the relationship that Neil had broke and now he was gone. Possibly forever.
I didn't even notice when we arrived back at Steve's place. It wasn't until I heard car doors opening that it even hit me.
Silently I got out and followed Steve and Dustin to the house. As we approached we saw sheriff Hopper and my heart dropped to the ground.
“They had found a body, I just know it,” I thought to myself as we finished the approach.
Hopper looked at me with the look of someone delivering horrible news.
“Just give it to me straight Hopper,” I said planting my feet and willing my body to stay right where it was instead of taking off.
Taking in a deep breath he said “we found Billy Max. He is in a psychiatric facility that specializes in “helping” people not be gay. We are working with law enforcement in Indianapolis right now to get him out but it could take a while and I don't know what shape he will be in”.
He was alive. That's all that mattered at that point. “He will get out you will see,” I said and ran up and gave Hopper a huge hug.
“As long as he's alive he will get out,” I said again and ran inside.
Later that night, after Dustin’s mom picked him up, Steve and I were sitting in the dining room having dinner when a loud knock sounded from the front door.
I must've gone pale with fear because Steve placed his hand on mine and said softly, “Neil is in jail he can't hurt you, Max”.
I nodded and both of us headed to the front door.
When we opened it there stood Billy, battered, bruised, bleeding but standing there.
“Can I come in or are you both going to just stare?” Billy asked, annoyed.
Steve threw his arms around him and gave him a big kiss. Billy grunted but didn't back away.
I just stood in the hallway with tears running down my face.
I felt his arms before I saw him. He was the one who was in pain but he was comforting me.
At that moment I realized my big brother was not going anywhere. I will always be safe.
Or so I thought.
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thenightlymirror · 8 months
Big Jim was hurt that I was so mad about getting stuck with working at two cemeteries at once, not that it was going to change his mind about it. It’s more that he sees me as a bit of relief, and that I don’t treat him like a boss. He hates to see me too serious, but also wants me to be more serious at the same time. I get it.
Because he’s so busy running all of Chicago, there’s a woman being trained to be the GM. She worked at a monument shop herself. Originally from the Philippines. She’s a bit quiet for Carlene’s taste. She came here to visit 25 years ago and never left. We sometimes eat lunch together and tell stories about our childhoods. I didn’t necessarily grow up on a concrete slab, but I did sometimes. She sits in Jim’s big office at a little desk in the corner, and sings lightly to the radio. She sounds a little like Neil Young. I mean that as a compliment. It’s nice. I heard her husband is a puppeteer and she listens to music so old it sounds haunted. My original theory was that she was secretly a lounge singer.
Harper is so angry all the time at the counselors. She’ll sit at her desk muttering to herself and you can hear some abusive parent rattling around still in her throat. She said she mentioned to her girlfriend how she gets, and she said, “That’s just sort of your personality.” And you could tell it hit her a bit.
Thursday, she got a call that her gf was getting laid off. Not a matter of if, but when. At first I thought she was taking it surprisingly well, then in the middle of me rambling on about some stupid thing, I looked over and her eyes had sunken and she looked deeply said. I stopped in the middle of my sentence and asked if she was okay. She wasn’t feeling well. I told her to go home. Jim’s door was closed and she said she’d wait, but I told her to go, and I’d explain it to him.
When his meeting was over, I told her Harper looked visibly very ill and I told her go home. So, on your own authority, you let her go? That’s right. Your empathy and compassion will get the better of you in the end. I hope so, Sir.
The next day, she thanked me. She said she would have just been miserable for two hours and wouldn’t have left on her own. I know.
Later, the engraver walked in and we chatted for a while. He asked, “So, you spend all day making sure she’s happy?” gesturing to Harper. I thought to myself, I see what he’s doing and it’s a bit uncomfortable and maybe I should draw a line, but I just said… That is correct. It’s the only thing that matters.
I thought maybe I was stepping in it, but she actually hid herself smiling. Our relationship at work is a little different than it was before. I want to say that it was a little fucked up, because we are two people that have so much in common, which is to say, our brains are broken the same way. We have rhyming wounds. And then it got awkward in the transition, and just wasn’t when I got back. Mercifully. I feel older, and she feels younger, and I mostly just try to be steady and protective.
I realize that I’m just older, and I have to be careful not for my sake, but hers. She and her gf have been together for most of their conscious lives, and when Harper scans her mind for things to talk about, she just talks about her. Because that is the overwhelming content of her life and mind. And despite the fact that I am equal parts monster and loser, a young person doesn’t necessarily see the whole picture. You have to see it for them.
People just love each other, and that’s a good thing. It is so, but I hope it can be so. People are just too fragile for all the good things we are given. Sometimes. In the future, what if the whole world shifts a few inches to the left, and suddenly it works exactly as it should? By all means it should. I hope it does.
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slasherbastard · 3 years
“I deserve to rot.” “It never mattered anyway.” And “You’re supposed to be yelling at me! And… and hitting me! Why aren’t you doing that?!” (Platonic) With a happy ending for a young-teen slasher reader? Billy and Stu plz 👉👈 love your storys
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Warnings: Angst, a little bit of violence,  Word count: 2950 Notes: Sorry this took forever to write also it’s the longest prompt i’ve written
You sat down beside Billy on Sidney's bed and tried to hand him a glass of water which he refused, you sighed and set the cup down. You were never close with Sidney Prescott despite her being in your "friend group" but you wanted to be there for your best friend Billy since his girlfriend was just murdered by a lunatic in a cheap Halloween costume. The two of you had been hiding in his ex-girlfriend's room since the two of you arrived at the wake, Billy spent almost the entire time silent while you sat beside him just trying to keep him company while he grieved.
You knew that he blamed himself for Sidney's death and you didn't know if being here would be good for him but he wanted to be here, to see her room one last time. You watched as he stood up and walked over to her desk and fumbled with something on it before muttering something you nearly didn't hear. "I deserve to rot."
Your expression softened as you looked up at him. "Billy, no you don't-"
"Yes I do." He raised his voice and turned to face you. "I'm the reason she died, I- I could've saved her." He stopped once he realised what he'd just said and covered his mouth as his eyes glossed over with tears and you quickly stood up and pulled him in for a hug, he cried into your shoulder as you rubbed his back and said nothing, just letting him let out his emotions before the door opened and Stu walked in.
"I thought I'd find you guys in here." Stu spoke quietly, he came over and sat on Billy's right side. "How're you holding up?"
"Well, my girlfriend is dead, and you couldn't have arrived any later." He scratched his eye and stepped away from you, looking at the two of you. "We should get going, I just want to get this over with." Billy grabbed his coat that was hanging over the chair at the desk and didn't wait for the two of you as he walked out to his car. Stu looked at you.
"What is it?" Stu asked, sitting down on the bed.
"He still blames himself for her death, you know?"
"Yeah, Sid really meant a lot to him but he'll be fine."
"I don't know, Stu. I'm just worried that he's going to do something regrettable."
Stu shook his head, you swore he tried to hide a smile. "He'll be fine,  trust me."
You just nodded in response and the two of you exited the house, finding Billy leaning against his car smoking. When he saw you he chucked his cigarette on the floor and stomped on it before getting into the car. The ride to the church was silent except for the sound of the radio playing quietly and Stu humming along in the backseat, the car slowed to a stop outside the church next to multiple news vans and other cars. People dressed in black filed into the church, Billy didn’t move. “Billy? We don’t have to go in if you don’t want to.”
“No I do it’s just that-” He ran a hand through his hair. “- I have to, I was her boyfriend. Uh, just, I’ll catch up with you guys, I’m just going to talk to daddy dearest.” He pointed at Mr. Loomis who was not so subtly eying the car, you and Stu stepped out of the car and began walking up to the church.
You turned your head to see Billy stepping out of the car and walking over to talk with his father before you and Stu entered the church and found a free row at the back and sat down, throwing your coat down in the space beside you for Billy. “I’ve never been to a funeral before.”
Stu looked at you. “Really? Well don't get too excited, someone just died." you rolled your eyes and scanned the room in the hopes you'd find someone who looked familiar but instead you just saw a bunch of your high school peers who you knew Sid never talked to, Stu caught onto this. "Yeah, I think about 10 people here actually knew Sid, the rest are just fans."
"Yeah, a lot of these people are just here so they can say 'hey, I went to Sidney Prescott's funeral', and then there's mostly people who idolise the guy who killed her because they think he's a hunk underneath that costume. There are people out there who actually think the killer's hot. I mean, how messed up is that?" Stu laughed and a few seconds later Billy slid into the seat beside you and thanked you.
"What did your father want?"
"Oh he asked me if I had prepared that eulogy for the funeral. . .which I didn't." Billy ran a hand through his hair and looked around as Mr. Loomis walked in, making eye contact with him for a few seconds before finding his own seat. You turned to Billy and gently touched his arm, he looked down at you and you went to talk but the sound of feedback filled the room. You looked forward and saw a woman apologising and holding a microphone.
She introduced herself as Sidney's aunt and Neil's sister, she was the first of many people to give their speeches about Sidney. Finally, after what seemed like forever, a family member finished their eulogy about Sidney and stood in front of the podium. "Now I would like Billy Loomis - Sidney's boyfriend - to come up, Billy?" Billy stood up and awkwardly walked up to the front of the hall and got behind the podium, pulling out a folded piece of paper and unfolding it and looking at the crowd of people.
"Sidney. Sidney, Sidney, Sidney, where do I start with you?" Billy sighed. "Alright, I have to admit that this is just a blank piece of paper." Billy held the paper up and flipped both sides to the audience sitting below him as if he was a magician, an awkward silence filled the room. Billy awkwardly coughed and stuffed the paper into one of the pockets on his suit and apologised before continuing. "Sidney would've laughed. She was truly something, you know she didn't deserve this. I just wish I could go back to that night and save her. It just- it repeats in my head over and over and it haunts me. All I can see is her face and her voice- oh, her voice. I'd give so much just to hear her voice one more time or hold her. I just miss her so much." Billy bit his lip as his eyes began to water, he recomposed himself and continued his speech. "Sidney was such a beautiful person. I remember this one time when we were together. We were watching this horror movie together and there's this part where one of the characters gets possessed and he's just being thrown around the room, but she pauses it and turns to me and she starts talking about how she wants a future with me." Billy paused as scattered sobs filled the audience. "She didn't deserve any of this and I mean this with all due respect but whoever kill you, Sids, I'm going to fucking-"
“Okay that’s enough, Mr. Loomis.” The person who announced him pulled him away from the podium and Billy joined you and Stu again in the back of the church as one of Sidney’s relatives stood up to give her speech. Billy sat down looking surprisingly calm despite his short outburst, some people were still turning back to offer judging and amusing glances at him.
"You okay?"
"Why wouldn't I be?" He looked forward for a few seconds then looked at you, speaking in a hushed voice. "Hey, wanna ditch this? Grab Stu and meet me outside." He didn't wait for a response before getting up and leaving. Stu looked really confused and was about to ask about what happened but you shut him up by grabbing his arm and pulling him up, practically dragging him out of the building.
You both caught up to Billy as he was getting into his car and you noticed that he was acting completely different from how his was this morning let alone just a few minutes ago, it was as if he'd forgotten what'd happened or maybe he didn't care. You and Stu got in and Billy turned the radio up as loud as he could and barely let you put on your seatbelt before driving.
To be honest you were worried and a bit too scared to ask him what was going on. You would've asked Stu but he was back to his old goofy self and encouraging Billy's reckless behaviour so you decided to keep quiet and let Billy take you guys to wherever pleased him. Eventually you guys just ended up at a 7/11 - you were expecting a cliff or maybe a ditch but you were glad that you were alive. The three of you got out and Billy threw his arms around yours and Stu's shoulders as the three of you walked in and got a few questioning looks from the other customers.
Stu broke apart from your little group and began hunting down snacks in the snack aisle while you and Billy went straight to the slushie machines. "Hey, Billy? What was all that before?"
"What'cha mean? Oh, Cola or Raspberry?"
"Raspberry. I mean, you were devastated and now we're here." he began filling up two plastic cups and waited until they were full before handing them both to you.
"Eh, it never mattered anyway. Hey, go hand this to Stu and make sure he's not being an idiot." you took them and went to find Stu who from over the shelves, looked like he was one wrong move away from dropping all the crap he was holding. Still you were very confused about Billy's reaction but you assumed he was just having a mood swing to cope with Sidney's death. You glanced back at him before walking into the snack aisle and laughing at how stupid Stu looked.
"A little help here?"
"Sorry, my hands are full." You held up the two slushies and Stu ended up dropping everything on the floor. "Jeez, let me put these on the counter then I'll come help you." You shook your head while biting back a smile and found the front counter and set the drinks down as Billy passed you holding another cup. "Stu's in trouble." You laughed as you followed him to see Stu trying to pick up all the stuff he dropped plus a few extra chocolate bars from the shelf.
"At least you didn't drop the soda. Fuck, the soda." Billy dumped all the stuff he was holding and went to grab a 24 pack of coca cola cans, Stu giving him an 'are you joking' look and rolling his eyes as he picked up the rest of the snacks.
You helped them clean up the mess and ended up only buying 3 bags of chips and 12 candy bars instead of 20 bags of chips and 17 candy bars like Stu had originally planned, paid for them all and left. You got into the car and threw all the bags of snacks into the back for Stu to 'guard' and took a sip of your drink as Stu and Billy stood outside and talked.
A few minutes later they both got into the car. "Y/N, do you want to stay over tonight"
"Yeah, sure." You nodded and noticed Billy and Stu grinning at each other through the rear view mirror, not thinking much of it as Billy started the car and pulled out of the gas station.
"Thanks for staying here tonight."
"Yeah it's good." You said as you caught a pillow Billy threw at you and dropped it on top of the spread out blankets on the couch. "Are you sure your dad's cool with me staying over?"
"Yeah, he's working late tonight anyways."
Stu dumped all the snacks on the coffee table and ran into the kitchen to grabbed 3 cans of cola and fell onto your makeshift bed. "Okay so what are we watching first? We got Day of the Dead, Re-animator, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, or The Funhouse." Billy threw you another pillow which you immediately whacked Stu with, causing him to fall off the couch, you dropped down onto the couch and grabbed a bag of chips but Stu grabbed it before you could open them. "These are for the movie marathon." He stuck a finger up at you to wave in your face but you just kicked in and grabbed the chips off him again and opened the bag.
Billy rolled his eyes and grabbed one of the movies off the table and stuck it into the tv and sat beside you as the movie loaded on screen while Stu pulled himself off the floor and grabbed one of the coca cola cans and popped it open, taking a sip.
About two movies into the marathon the three of you ended up passing out but you were the first to wake up. Checking the time it was only 10:31PM and you really needed to use the bathroom so you got up and jumped over Stu's body and walked upstairs and found the bathroom and did your business. You came out of the bathroom and was about to go back downstairs when you noticed that Billy's bedroom door was opened and your curiosity got the better of you as you peaked downstairs and saw that the two guys were still asleep and creeped into the bedroom.
Billy's room was exactly what you'd expected it to be, some band posters on the wall above his bed and a messy room. You don't know what you wanted to see, maybe a naughty magazine loosely hidden under his bed, maybe a bottle of alcohol. You shrugged and went to leave his room when you noticed something behind his door and opened it to see a small pile of black material.
You opened the door and stuck your head out again before closing it and picking up the material which you were certain was just a shirt he forgot to throw in with the rest of his dirty laundry, but instead a knife fell out. It made a semi-loud noise as it hit the hard wood floor and you covered your mouth and hoped that it didn't wake up Billy or Stu - Billy especially. You went to pick up the knife but then you felt something else hidden in the fabric and turned it over to see a white mask, this is a Father Death costume, the same one used in the Woodsboro murders.
This could mean one of two things, Billy was another one of those losers who terrorises random people for fun, or he actually killed Sidney, and you really hoped he was just a loser. You quickly dropped the costume on top of the knife and kicked it into the corner where you found it and exited the bedroom and you were about to go back downstairs but then you realised that you needed answers so you grabbed the costume and knife and hid it behind your back with one hand and headed downstairs.
Billy and Stu were still asleep. "Wake up." You half-yelled, Stu managed to wake up while Billy stayed still, lightly snoring. Stu rubbed his eyes and looked at you before realising that something was wrong. He tried to get up but you held your free hand up and he began hitting Billy's chest, waking him up after a few hits.
"What is time it?" The two of them were still trying to wake up when you bit your lip and held up the mess of black fabric and the knife and their faces both dropped and turned pale at the same time. You dropped the contents onto the floor and without skipping a beat you walked for the front door. You didn't get far before Billy grabbed you and forced you to look at him. "Y/N, I swear it's not what it looks like."
"You killed her." You said quietly, Billy let go of you but you didn't really react. He expected anything from screaming to attacking but you just stood there, confusing him.
"I don't understand, you’re supposed to be yelling at me! And… and hitting me! Why aren’t you doing that?”
"Well, I'm just trying to make this easy for you. If you want to kill me, then do it."
Now Stu had stood up and was watching the two of you, Billy bit the inside of his cheek. "We're not going to kill you, Y/N." He took a step closer to you and you took a step back. "Y/N, please. We have no reason to hurt you, think about that. I only killed Sid of her mother." He took another step towards you but this time you didn't move.
You didn't know what you wanted or if you could trust either of them. Billy got closer and gently pulled you in for a hug, slowly wrapping his arms around you and resting a hand in your hair and rubbing your back. "I don't know why but I trust you." You whispered just loud enough for him to hear and his grip on you slightly tightened - not in a claustrophobic way, but more comforting as you felt yourself melt into him. "Just don't kill me."
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pappydaddy · 3 years
Mashed Potatoes and Joel Hoekstra (b.h.)
 A/N: This is for the lovely anon who wanted a Billy x Byers!Reader. I was so excited to write this one, I loved this request (I am loving ALL requests, but I’ve been loving these Billy ones lately!). Definitely very fun to write this one so thank you so much for requesting doll! Hope you love it lovely anon💛!
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Fem!Byers!Reader
Show/Movie: Stranger Things
Warnings: Mean people, bullying, prejudice, the shits of the teenage years, but fluff in the end!
Remember guys! Your family name does not define you or someone else! It’s who they are that defines them, it’s who you are that defines you. It’s how you act, how you treat people, etc. Just like you don’t judge a book by it’s cover, you don’t judge a person by their name. If anyone tries to put you in a box simply because of a prejudice with your name, ignore them. I know it’s hard, I know - trust me, but they really don’t deserve your time. And if you feel trapped in a box because of your name, just know that you can break free from that box. My DMs are ALWAYS open if you lovelies need to talk💛!
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  “Billy,” Y/N’s soft voice broke the tranquil silence that had settled over the room. Her finger that had been tracing random shapes on his chest stopped moving, her eyes flicking around the darkroom as she waited for him to respond in some way. She knew he wasn’t asleep by the lack of snores lowly rumbling in his chest (which she also laid her head upon) and his breathing pattern. He hummed, the sound reverberating in his chest, his hand still stroking up and down along the dip in her back where her spine was. “We’ve been dating for a few months now-” 
  “Six months.” He interjected, pressing a warm kiss to the top of her head. 
  “Right, yeah, we’ve been dating for six months,” She nodded, her already tangled hair tangling a bit more. Her voice was nervous, not knowing how he would react to her bringing this up. “And I was just thinking that maybe it would be time for you to meet my family,” She asked, her voice pitching up towards the end. “Maybe. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but it’s just everyone else I’ve dated has met them by now, but then again, everyone else I’ve ever dated left a few weeks after meeting them so-”
  “You’re rambling again, Bug.” Billy cut her off gently, knowing that she rambled and rants when she’s nervous and scared. Her cheeks heated up, burning as she settled back down to cuddle into Billy’s bare chest. 
  “Sorry.” She whispered. 
  Billy pressed another kiss to her hair, knowing that her ex’s all harped on her about her nervous rambles, making her snap her mouth shut and sink into herself. “Nothing to be sorry for, Bug, you’re nervous.” He reassured her. 
  She took a deep breath, calming herself as Billy gave her the silent support she needed. “Back on track,” She nodded her tone calm once again. “I still think you should meet my family because they are really important to me and you’re really important to me and I just really would like it if you guys got along,” She expressed nervously. The room was silent as she waited impatiently for his response, her breath was hitched, her mind automatically assuming that he was going to leave her right here, right now because he didn’t want to meet her family or worse, not feel the same about her. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to; if you’re not there in the relationship, that’s fine, we can take a few steps back if you’d like-” She started to shrink away from him, her mind panicking as it continued to imagine him leaving her like the rest - like her father. 
  “No-” Billy interjected softly, gently pulling her back to be flush against him. “I’ll meet your family only if you get some sleep, it’s late and you’re exhausted. He bargained, suddenly feeling nervous and wanting her to go to sleep for her sake and his. 
  “Okay, deal.” She yawned, closing her eyes, snuggling her cheek farther into his chest, listening to the beating of his heart. Billy squeezed his eyes closed as he tried to control his heartbeat so he didn’t alert her to his sudden nervousness. 
  The next day was relaxed other than Billy’s increasing nervousness. He loved Y/N, he was at that place in the relationship where the only logical step would be to meet each other’s family, but he couldn’t help but feel a sense of doom. For one, meeting her family meant she would have to meet his family and he wanted to keep her as far away from Neil as possible. Secondly, the Byers family had a certain reputation around Hawkins High and Middle and Billy had heard all about it from his friends. Of course, he was stand-off-ish of Y/N before they started dating because of this reputation, but everything turned out fine with her so why wouldn’t her family be the same? 
  “What’s got you so quiet, Hargrove?” Tommy asked aggressively as they mulled around the locker room, changing after gym class. Billy jolted out of his thoughts as he just stood, staring into his locker. Looking back at Tommy, he blinked at him for a second before comprehending what his question was. 
  “Uh, nothing,” Billy shook his head, grabbing his shirt from his locker, slipping it on. “It’s just that Y/N invited me over to meet her family.” He had no idea why he was confessing this to Tommy and his other friends of all people, knowing how they feel about Y/N and the rest of her family. The words had tumbled out before he could even think about stopping them. 
  “Woah,” Tommy exclaimed, laughing as he pretended to back away from Billy as if he were carrying some sort of contagious disease. “Boys! Say good-bye to the Billy we all know because soon, he’s gonna be infected by the Weird-os.” His statement earned a chorus of laughs from the boys huddled around. 
  “Buzz off Tommy, they can’t be that bad. I mean, Y/N is great!” Billy said mostly to himself, closing his locker. 
  “Sure, she’s the most normal one,” Tommy shrugged. “But the rest of them man,” He shook his head as if telling some old wise tale. “They are complete basket cases. Completely messed in the head. Look at Jonathan for an example,” Tommy paused, walking over to Billy and slinging his arm over his shoulder. “Nobody talks to him, he sits in the back of the classes or in that stupid dark room, playing with his stupid little camera.” 
  “Y/N says that he’s quiet and works most of the time so he doesn’t have much time to hang out and the time he does have, he chooses to practice photography.” Billy pointed out, pushing Tommy’s arm off him. Tommy remained unfazed, leaning against the lockers as he continued.
  “Alright, if not Jonathan, then the younger one,” He paused, using his hands to set the scene. “He died, okay? Died and came back to life like in one of his freaky little movies he and his dork friends watch,” Billy glared at him, knowing full well that Max was one of his friends. “Much like his brother, he just sits there and colours and colours and colours. He’s in middle school and still colours like a pre-schooler.�� 
  “He’s pretty talented, I’ve seen some of his pictures in the car when Y/N has it.” 
  “Now, let’s talk about the mother. She works at a general store, she dated that geek from Radio Shack, her husband left her, she had a meltdown in the middle of the street, she bought all the fucking lights in Hawkins because she thought her dead son was talking to her through them,” He paused. Billy opened his mouth to defend Joyce, but Tommy cut him off. “They are weird, Hargrove. They are completely nuts and you better prepare to be just as nuts because I am pretty sure it’s contagious.” 
  “Just look at Harrington and Wheeler,” Another guy piped up, making Billy look towards him. “They started to hang around with the Byers and look at them, they turned just as crazy. Constantly looking over their shoulders, Harrington only hangs around kids now, always having hushed conversations with them and Wheeler only talks to Jonathan now.” 
  “That’s not-” 
  ‘That’s not the same,” Tommy cut Billy off with a question. “It is exactly the same. Meeting the Byers is like the kiss of death. Kills your social life and makes you crazy-” 
  “Billy,” Y/N’s voice called into the locker room from the door she held slightly open. “Are you in here, we should really be getting to lunch, I’m starving!” 
  “Yeah, be out in a second!” He called to her, the door softly closing in response. He nervously looked at the door as Tommy clicked his tongue. 
  “It’s your choice, Hargrove, it’s your grave you’re digging.” Billy glared at him, shrugging on his jean jacket and leaving the locker room. His eyes met Y/N easily, seeing her talking to Steve excitedly. Though Billy still didn’t like Steve, he didn’t have the mental or emotional capacity at that given time to deal with his fluffy-haired nemesis, too busy fretting about what to do about meeting Y/N’s family. 
  “There you are, I was worried that you accidentally slammed your head in the locker or something,” She joked, not realizing that Billy was actually considering it. He didn’t want to make her think that he wasn’t ready to take the next step in the relationship, but I also was scared now. As much as he wanted to admit that he didn’t trust Tommy H and all the other guys, he really did want to say that he let their warnings roll off his back, but he couldn’t. “Come on, I want to eat, see you, Steve!” She grabbed Billy’s hand, pulling him out of the gym and into the halls. 
  “What were you talking to Harrington about?” He asked, hoping that it was completely unrelated to her having him over for dinner. 
  “About you meeting my family,” She chirped happily. Billy wanted to deflate right there. Of course it had to be about that. It couldn’t have been about anything else. Anything to take his mind off something so anxiety inducing. “He thinks it’s a great idea! He said that you would love my family and I really hope he’s right.” 
  “I really hope so too-” He muttered under his breath. 
  “What was that?” She asked, her brows furrowing as she leaned in closer. 
  “Nothing, Bug.” He told her, hoping she would buy it. She pulled a face, shrugging before regaining her giddy mood. 
  “Must have just been hearing things,” She chalked it up. “Anyway, I was thinking that you should come round to my place at seven? My mom is off today so she’s been prepping for this since nine this morning!” 
  “Yeah, about that,” Billy spoke slowly, dreading what he was about to do. He really didn’t want to do it, but he needed to buy himself sometime so he could figure out his next move. Find a way to keep Y/N while not having to meet her family. “I’m feeling a little sick to my stomach, Bug. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to go tonight.” 
  “Oh no,” She gasped, her hand squeezing his affectionately as she stopped in the hallway. “You might have overdone it in gym today, especially when I accidentally kicked that soccer ball right into your stomach, sorry about that by the way.” 
  “No, it wasn’t that, but you do have one hell of a kick on you,” He shook his head, not wanting her to blame herself. “I just think I’m coming down with something and I really don’t want to infect your family.” He lied through his teeth. 
  She awed, her hand coming up to cup his cheek sweetly. “That’s so sweet,” She cooed. Her hand slid from his face as disappointment flashed across her face, but it was gone as soon as it came, or at least she tried to fake it. Billy could see the disappointment she tried to bury, his heart pulling at the sight of it, knowing that he was the one who caused it. “It’s alright, I want you to worry about your health first. I’ll just go call my mom and tell her that there was a change of plans-” She paused, looking for a quarter as she tried to ignore the worry bubbling up once again. “Could I borrow a quarter? I think I spent mine calling her earlier to check up.” She asked, extending her flat palm, waiting for him to drop a quarter in it. 
  Billy tucked his bottom lip between his teeth. He could tell she was thinking that he was trying to avoid meeting her family because he just didn’t want to. While there was some truth to that, he couldn’t let her feel like he was pulling away from her. “You know what,” He pushed her hand back down to her side. “I’m going to go to the nurse and see if she can help me. I’ll see you before next period and update you, Bug.” He pressed a quick kiss to her forehead before running off down the hall. 
  “Okay-” She breathed out, shocked. She watched him run past Tommy and his gaggle of idiots, the group watching him run - laughing. 
  “Oh, the crazy is already starting to rub off on you, Hargrove!” Tommy yelled, but Billy either ignored it or didn’t hear it. Y/N eyed Tommy oddly before eyeing Billy’s retreating form. 
  The fact that Billy stood at the front door of the Byers’ house was a miracle in itself, considering how many times Billy considered swerving hard right into a tree in order to escape this night, but he pushed forward, knowing that Y/N was worth it. He tightened his grip on the bouquet of flowers, the thorns digging into his hand making him wince. Groaning, he switched holds, shaking his stinging hand out. He felt constricted in his clean cut clothes, his button-up buttoned more than usual, only the first two buttons being undone. The slacks itched his legs and made him feel like he was heading to a Sunday service. 
  Taking a deep breath, he raised his close fist, hitting his knuckles against the door twice in rapid succession. He could hear a scuffle from behind the door and Y/N’s distinctive voice pleading with her mother to let her answer it. The door was jerked open, revealing a breathless woman and a blushing Y/N standing in the back looking defeated. “You must be Y/N’s sister.” Billy used his normal line that worked wonders on mothers, but he was so off his game that he sounded a bit nervous, spitting the line out a few moments too late. The woman didn’t seem to mind, taking the compliment easily.  
  “Oh, stop it,” She flicked her hand, a wide smile nearly breaking her face as she laughed. “You must be Billy,” She continued to giggle, the laughter making her look youthful. If Billy hadn’t known that she had two teenagers and a pre-teen, then Billy would have thought she was much younger. “I’m Joyce, come on in, you must be cold,” She ushered him in hurriedly, her hand guiding him into the warm, cozy house as it rested on his upper back. “Standing out there in only a shirt in this fall weather.” She shook her head, closing the door behind him. 
  “Mom-” Y/N whined, embarrassed by her mother’s fussing. Joyce gave her a look, silencing the whine. 
  “You stop that and get this poor boy a drink,” Joyce insisted, leading Billy over to one of the couches. With a small groan in protest, Y/N ducked into the kitchen and out of Billy’s sight, sending him right on edge again. He sat on the couch, his clammy hands running over his slacks as his eyes watched Joyce. She was fairly gentle and normal looking for someone everyone called insane. “Will, go grab Jonathan from the shed, supper is going to be in a few minutes.” Joyce told the small looking boy who worked at setting the table for five, a mismatched chair added to the four that looked like they normally surround the table.
  “You have a lovely home Ms. Byers, thank you for having me.” He extended the pleasantry, seeing Y/N coming into the room with a glass of water. 
  “Please, call me Joyce,” She told him, waving him off once again. “And it’s no problem, Hunny. We’re glad to have you. You’re welcome anytime!” She reassured him, thinking that his nerves were from the donating task of meeting the family for the first time. 
  “Will do.” Billy nodded, gulping down his water. Y/N sat next to him on the couch, her hand naturally falling to his knee. Though his nerves lifted with each passing second he spends with them, he couldn’t seem to get Tommy’s warnings out of his head. 
  “You know, my mom was so excited for you to get here, she side-checked me out of the way to get the door,” Y/N told him, giggling. That seemed normal enough, they all seemed to have a good relationship with each other. It was more functional than his family and they were deemed normal. “And I definitely think you made her entire night with your comment.” 
  “Kids, dinner is ready,” Joyce called from the kitchen. Y/N patted Billy’s leg, standing up. Billy swallowed thickly, feeling like he was walking to his death as he neared the table filled with loads of dishes full of a beautiful home-cooked meal. “Billy, dear, you’re the guest so you can sit here,” Joyce patted the chair at the head of the table, before pointing to the chair next to it that sat between the wall and the table. “Y/N, you sit there.” She instructed her daughter. 
  “So, Billy,” Will spoke up, taking his place beside Y/N, looking directly at the blonde as he scooted his chair in. “Max tells me you like rock music. What’s your favourite band?” He posed the question, grabbing the pitcher of water and filling his glass up. 
  “Uh- I’ve been listening to a lot of Whitesnake lately, but I would say the Scorpions are my favourite band I guess.” Billy answered him, his hands nervously hovering over his plate, not sure what he should be doing. 
  “That’s cool, I like The Clash the most personally, but I like watching the Whitesnake videos, their hair is really cool-” Will nodded, accepting Billy’s answer. 
  “And where have you been watching Whitesnake videos, young man?“ Joyce perked in eyebrow at the youngest, making him shrink back slightly, but Billy could tell it was all playful banter. 
  “At Dustin’s.” He admitted, making Y/N laugh and nod as if it were to suspected. 
  “That was probably Steve’s doing, no doubt.” Y/N pointed out, filling up her own water before filling Billy’s glass automatically.
  “Yeah, it was Steve, he turned MTV on while he was watching us play D&D,” Will perked up at the mention of Steve. Looking right at Billy, he excitedly spoke. “I drew Joel Hoekstra a few months ago, but I made fire shoot out the end of the neck of his guitar. It’s insanely cool.” 
  “Billy, you haven’t gotten any food yet! Go on, you get some first.” Joyce noticed, holding a bowl of mashed potatoes to him. He looked at the bowl of potatoes, perfectly whipped. To anyone else at the table, it was just a bowl of starch and butter, but to Billy, it was the sign that they weren’t crazy. They were just not fitting into the box that everyone says you have to fit in. Looking at the bowl, he felt every bit of nervousness and apprehensiveness leave his body. Smiling, he gently took the bowl, scooping some out onto his plate, causing everyone to start putting food on their plates. 
  “Hey, Will,” Billy spoke up, causing everyone to look at him nervously. Jonathan eyed him, not trusting him yet. “Maybe after dinner, you could show me that drawing? Joel Hoekstra is my favourite member of Whitesnake.” He suggested, causing the boy to light up. Y/N smiled gently, her hand laying over Billy’s gratefully. Who knew that some mashed potatoes and Joel Hoekstra was all it took to see the Byers for who they were.
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willowbird · 3 years
Aah I need more smiling and laughing Andrew from you now please!!! I'll be happy with anything you want to do with that! 💜💜
We ALL need more smiling and laughing Andrew in our lives. It's just too purr. 😉
I hope you enjoy!
(Also, I’m like -- SUPER sorry this took so long to finish even though it’s just a lil drabble. I hope it was worth the wait!!)
Dan checked her watch for the third time and frowned. "Jesus, where the hell are those two? We're gonna miss our reservation if we have to wait for them much longer."
Their family had been spread to the winds for years at this point, but they still managed to get together once a year for some sort of a reunion. This year they were back in Palmetto the week before Christmas (something they tried to do every other year around the holidays). Half of them had arrived in town last night and the rest only this morning, but they’d spent most of the day itself imposing on Wymack and Abby (who had finally moved in together). 
It had been a good time and though Abby had offered to cook for them, Dan had insisted that the whole team treat Abby and Wymack to dinner at a nice restaurant. Considering how many of them there were, the celebratory nature of the visit, and the general rowdiness of their group, it had been decided that the lot of them would carpool with Neil, Renee, and Kevin as the DDs. 
Renee and Kevin had already driven off with their allotted passengers, so now Dan and Matt were left waiting for Andrew and Neil to finish getting ready or whatever the fuck they were doing. 
“We won’t miss our reservation,” Matt assured with a chuckle, nudging her. “Miss out on the breadsticks? Well, that’s more likely...”
“Fuck that.” Dan was not missing out on breadsticks so that Andrew and Neil could get in a quickie before dinner. With that decided, she whirled on her heel and charged back into the house. She instinctively angled for the hallway that lead down to the guest bedrooms, intending to make as much noise as possible as she tromped down the hallway so as to alert them of her approach. She was less concerned about getting stabbed these days as she was about seeing parts of her friends that she really, really did not need to see. 
Not that Andrew and Neil were grossly all over each other now or anything, but the years seemed to have softened the both of them. It was no longer shocking to see them holding hands or leaning casually against each other. They traded easy, casual kisses in greeting and simple affection just like the rest of the couples -- though there was still this... weight to every interaction between Andrew and Neil that spoke of how hard-earned those simple, casual expressions of affection were for the pair. 
Dan didn’t begrudge them that. On the contrary, it warmed her heart every single time she caught one of those tiny actions of easy love and affection out of the corner of her eye. 
Accidentally walking into the wrong guest room and catching Andrew pinning Neil against the wall, both of them barely dressed, was an entirely other matter and Dan was never going to be able to scrub that image or the sound of the way Neil was fucking moaning out of her damn mind. 
Yeah. She was officially scarred for life. 
So, while she was done waiting for them she was also not willing to add more trauma to her already considerable payload. She took a deep breath and prepared to start shouting and stomping when soft sounds coming from the den caught her attention. Now, if it had only been the little meows and scrabbles of kittens playing that would not have made her pause. After all -- the whole team had spent about four hours straight this afternoon going positively gaga over the adorable little fuzzballs. Nancy, Abby and Wymack’s recent rescue cat turned out to be pregnant when they adopted her -- which they hadn’t realized at the time. Now they had a little bundle of kittens taking up space in the living room. Wymack had already tried to pass them out like candy to the rest of the team but no one had bitten. 
Well, that wasn’t true -- Nicky had wanted to take the whole litter, but Erik had kindly and calmly told him ‘no’ in such an effective way Nicky had dropped the subject with little more than a bit of pouting. 
So if it were just that, she wouldn’t have paused. 
No, it was the quiet murmuring that bubbled over the kitten sounds that drew her attention. Dan cut off her shout before she could utter it and pivoted smoothly, heading instead for the den. She slowed her steps as she approached, holding her breath so the sound of her breathing wouldn’t smother what she could now make out to be words.
“We have plenty of space.”
“Drew, while you aren’t wrong -- I don’t think that five kittens is the best way to start a family.”
“Because you are such an expert.”
A sigh. “Three then.”
“What, not going to try for four?”
Andrew -- because it had to be Andrew, even though Dan was struggling to compute this particular conversation with Andrew ‘The Monster’ Minyard -- snorted in affront. “And leave just one all by itself? Don’t be stupid.”
Neil, because again -- it had to be Neil -- chuckled. “We are not taking three kittens home with us, Drew.”
There was a long silence and Dan risked peaking around the edge of the doorframe. Andrew Minyard was sitting on the floor with his back against the armchair, mostly facing away from the door and absolutely covered with kittens. One was on his shoulder, two were wrestling between his folded legs, and he was holding the other two against his chest, his face turned down as he nuzzled the little fuzzballs, all while glaring at Neil over the top of their furry heads. Well, Dan assumed he was glaring. She couldn’t actually see enough of his face to gauge his expression, but even covered with kittens this was still Andrew ‘I Wear Fucking Knives Everywhere’ Minyard, so she felt it was a safe enough assumption. 
Then again, she could see most of Neil’s face, and he was looking at Andrew with an expression that Dan had no other description for other than “abject adoration”. So who knew, maybe Andrew was smiling gently and...
Yeah, no probably not.
Neil sighed, and Dan knew that sound. It was the sound of a man too much in love to say ‘no’ to whatever his partner wanted. Of a person too much in love to say ‘no’ to their love’s request, actually -- because she knew that she’d made that sound more than once regarding Matt. 
“Alright, fine. But not three. Two. Two kittens. That way they won’t be alone and might be somewhat manageable.”
Dan thought that Neil was in for a rude awakening if he really thought that any number of cats were ‘manageable’, but she’d let him figure that out for himself. She could tell that Andrew was debating an argument, but he ultimately shrugged -- which she supposed was an agreement. Then he handed one of the kittens in his hands to Neil and gently scooped the one off his shoulder and added it to the squirming fluff-pile in his lap. 
Neil held up the kitten and studied it, then his face broke into a wide, bright smile as the little black poof reached out and batted at his nose with the sweetest little squeak. The sound must have drawn the attention of the other kittens because they suddenly all turned their attention to Neil and launched a less-than-coordinated assault, even the one in Andrew’s hands squirming free to jump onto Neil. Neil barked out a laugh in surprise and jumped, ending up on his back as the kittens overran him and took him for their own. 
With a sound that Dan didn’t really understand, Andrew pushed up to his knees and crawled around to be able to lean over Neil’s head as the kittens tussled and romped all over his partner. This change in angle allowed Dan to see Andrew’s face, and then her brain sort of caught up with her ears and she realized that she did know that sound -- because Andrew was making it again. He was laughing. It wasn’t a big laugh, not bright or rapid or voluminous. It was small, and soft, but there was a rich, deep quality to it that sang with genuine affection as he smiled down at Neil. 
“See? I still say we should take all five. They are already a well-formed strike team.” Andrew. It was Andrew ‘I Eat Strikers For Breakfast’ Minyard saying those words. Smiling softly down at Neil. Chuckling as he reached out and brushed just his thumb over the tiny head of a fuzzy black and gray kitten. 
“Two,” Neil said again, but Dan wondered exactly how firm he was going to be able to remain on that point with the way he was looking up at Andrew. “We can convince Aaron to take the other three then set up play-dates.”
Andrew laughed again, a quiet dance of sound between barely-curved lips. His eyes were still on the kittens. “Aaron would not know what to do with a cat.”
“Neither do I.”
Andrew looked down at Neil then and his expression lost the smile but became... so much more intimate that Dan almost looked away. “No,” he said. “But you have me.”
Dan’s chest tightened and she had to physically lift a hand to cover her mouth. She could feel the imprint of her own smile against her fingertips.
“Yes or no, Drew?”
Dan turned away as Andrew leaned down to kiss Neil, slipping quietly down the hall to rejoin Matt. Maybe they could afford to be a little late to dinner.
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simonsrosebud · 4 years
the one where someone doesn’t know who kevin day is, pt. 4
part one two three five
extra content linked at the bottom!!
the cousins are all on the bus.  they’re the first ones there, but kevin hangs behind to wait for dalton.  apparently it’s obvious.
nicky hangs out the open bus door.  “he meet wymack yet?”  and goes bug eyed when kevin shakes his head.  “you haven’t introduced your boyfriend to your dad yet?!  this is the first time they’re meeting?!”
and jesus, he didn’t think it was a big deal.  it’s just the banquet.  but he also knows he’s never had a father before.  or a boyfriend, really.
“is... should i have done that before?  why- it’s not some big deal.”
nicky shrugs.  “first impressions are important.”  and goes in the bus.
and now kevin’s trying not to get overwhelmed.
abby’s in charge of the headcount, but wymack still climbs out of the bus when the dates get there.  dalton is the first one. 
he goes right to kevin- still waiting outside the bus, and gives him a quick kiss before grabbing his hand and continuing on his way to wymack.
he sticks his hand right out.  “i’m dalton.  it’s nice to meet you, mr. wymack.”
wymack nods.  “you as well.  heard good things.”  kevin hasn’t really said things about dalton, but he lets it go.  probably just being polite.
“hell, hope i can live up to them.”  he laughs.  “i would’ve made it a point to introduce myself before, i apologize.  i feel like i’ve been grading finals for weeks, now.”
wymack gets talking, and kevin honestly feels like a third wheel.  dalton was doing a better job at talking with his father than he did sometimes.
kevin sends dalton onto the bus eventually, and wymack holds him back.  “you told him shit?”
“yes.  not the yakuza.”
“but he knows you’re kinda fucked in the head?”  kevin almost frowns.  he’s not wrong.  wymack adds as a second thought, “not to say the rest of those idiots aren’t.”
“he knows.”  he normally wouldn’t care to mention it, but he really wants wymack to like dalton.  “he helped me with a panic attack a little bit ago.”
“riko?”  he nods.  every time it happens it makes wymack look beaten down.  kevin almost regrets telling him, but wymack purses his lips and after a moment shoves his shoulder towards the bus.  “he’s a good kid. stop your worrying and get your ass on the bus.”
it’s as good as a compliment as he’d hoped for, honestly.
this years banquet is in virginia.  it’s a six hour drive, and kevin had already explained why they don’t fly if they don’t have to, so dalton’s kind of made it his mission to get along with some of the foxes.
kevin would rather he not.  it’s not like the last time dalton spent time with the foxes they spilled his life faults in front of his new boyfriend.
that would be insane.
matt, dan, and dalton talk the most on the ride.  renee joins the conversation at some point and matt and dan butt out.
kevin’s busy talking to wymack about exy, and horror sets in his eyes when he sees neil talking to his boyfriend.  “we’re three hours in, kevin, he’s made it this far.”  as in, neil won’t break him.  but kevin’s nervous anyway.
until he hears what they’re talking about.
“that’s disgusting.”  kevin leans back in his seat and watches them talk.
renee smiles.  “you’re dating him.”
the foxes are sat on the opposite side of the court of the ravens, as has become routine ever since neil and riko’s encounter.  instead they’re sat with the trojans and jeremy, jean, and alvarez sit across from them.  kevin smiles when jeremy comes around to say hi, but he smiles just a bit wider when introducing dalton.
jean and kevin have this thing.  they don’t talk often, but when they do it’s more of a check up.  so when jean asks him in french how he is, dalton grins.  “do all exy players just speak french?”  it’s more of a remark to jeremy, who laughs and tells him jean said he taught kevin french when they both lived at edgar allen together, which makes dalton feel a little bad.  kevin had told him how he knew jean, and about living at edgar allen with riko’s abuse.
later, dalton grabs his hand under the table.  “is french triggering for you?”  and, what?  “jeremy said jean taught you french, and you’ve told me about your time with jean.” oh.
dalton was a graduate student, sure, but he was more intuitive than kevin thought.  “french was an escape because no one but us understood it.  i like speaking french to you, because you like it.  it helps to take away the meaning behind why i learned it in the first place, i think.”
“okay... can i kiss you?  would you be okay with that?”
kevin raises a brow.  “i mean, jesus, i came out for a reason.”  he starts to turn away with fake annoyance, but dalton snorts and turns his chin back before he gets away.  it’s just a small peck, but it’s enough to make dalton smile so kevin doesn’t care.
jeremy circles back.  “volleyball, guys?”
dalton snaps his head back to kevin.  “oh, i’m going to dominate you.”  and takes off.
“be on my team!”
normally they’d drive back that night.  the first banquet after the disastrous one last year was the fall one (which kevin went to with renee because he was still scared to introduce dalton), and they’d gone back that night since it was only a two hour drive.
wymack wasn’t sold on it at first, but after getting multiple confirmations from everyone that it’d be okay, he booked rooms so they could drive back sunday morning instead.
the foxes are all drunk- save for renee, andrew, neil, kevin and dalton.
they gather in matt and dan’s room for hours.  at one point, kevin’s so out of it and tired that he doesn’t notice dalton leave for a moment.
it’s because of andrew.
but all must go well because dalton makes it back alive and unfazed.  he settles behind kevin and kisses his cheek.  “wanna head back?”  he drops his head into the crook of his neck.  “you look really good, baby.”
that’s a new nickname.  he thinks he likes it.
ahaha.  aha.  you know what happens.
dalton asks kevin if he would want to come to maryland, his home, for a few days during winter break.  kevin says sure before he realizes that it probably includes him meeting dalton’s family.
kevin does a google search once he’s settled back in his bed at palmetto.
when do people normally say i love you in a relationship?
he deletes it almost as soon as he searches it.  it’s a stupid thing to search.
dalton sends him a text.  a funny twitter post, and a message under it.
the banquet was so much fun, i’m so glad you asked me to go w you❤️❤️
kevin sends a heart back.
ALL EXTRA CONTENT ALL HERE BABEY (aka a dalton/kevin directory so i don’t have to keep updating on this post hehe)
there’s so much extra content and it just keeps coming so keep an eye out for updates on that link^^
dalton finds out how famous kevin really is
dalton/kevin at pride
what does dalton look like?
first fight aha
what did andrew say to dalton?
dalton & wymack’s perspective of meeting each other
kevin meeting dalton’s friends
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sinnergetreadymp3 · 3 years
Uhhhhh I feel like I should give this a title but I have no idea what to call so uh, nevermind !!
Anyways,I finally finished the fic I said I was writing like,a month ago lol. All my Chameron stans out there this one's for u,I rlly hope at least one person enjoys this,I rlly enjoyed writing it !! Ok sappy stuff outta the way,here it is:
As rain pounded against the window Charlie sent what was probably the thousandth crumpled ball of paper across the room.
"Jesus Charlie,is your arm not getting tired?"
Charlie smirked at that, clearly preparing to make a dirty minded joke,but a thoroughly exhausted Richard Cameron was already one step ahead.
"You know what,forget I asked, you're gross."
Getting up from the seat at his desk and ignoring an indignant retort from Charlie, Cameron thought of the rest of his friends,out for the weekend. Todd and Neil celebrating their one year anniversary, Meeks and Pitts embarking on a two day road trip,for what they still claimed to be, entirely platonic reasons (although the rest of the poets were all too aware of the almost palpable romantic tension between them). Even Knox had found something to do with himself on this miserable Friday night.
And here Cameron was,stuck in his dorm with nothing but stacks of extra homework and his obnoxious roommate to keep him company.
Speaking of that obnoxious roommate, "Oh come on Cam,you're not seriously going to bed already,it's barely eight!"
"Shut up Dalton,I'm tired."
Refusing to admit defeat, Charlie sprung from his own bed into Cameron's, attempting to wrestle the poor boy from his comfortable position.
"Charlie,get off you psycho!" Cameron managed to get out, already laughter threatening to give away just how welcome his friend's childish antics were.
After a few more minutes of "fooling around" as Charlie insisted on calling it (mostly because of how profusely it made Cameron blush),the two boys lay breathless beside each other,trying desperately to think of something else to do that would ward off impending boredom.
After a few moments of comfortable silence,Charlie suggested,looking expectantly towards the ginger, "Wanna go to the cave?"
With extreme,mind numbing boredom as motivation, it was inevitable that Cameron would say yes. It certainly helped that Charlie was gazing at him with those oh-so convincing doe eyes of his. Charlie Dalton and his stupid,gorgeous eyes. And his stupid,gorgeous smile,which Cameron was abso definitely not thinking about as he got up and grabbed his coat.
The two boys trudged through the woods,bickering lightly when Cameron complained of the cold that Charlie apparently couldnt feel at all,but always with an unusually friendly air between them. Before long they were sat together in the middle of the cave,sharing an apple that Cameron had managed to salvage from somewhere (a feat Dalton was of course impressed by),and trading stories of girls and parties galore. In Cameron's case, the stories of girls were few and the parties were from years long before even middle school,so Charlie did most of the talking.
After a while though,the boys came to discussing their friends,and the luck they all seemed to have in finding each other so easily. Charlie, ever the romantic,made no waste of his extensive vocabulary,tediously lamenting on all the opportunities of love he had missed and the everlasting loneliness he was doomed to,all because his dashing knight in shining armour would never come to find him and-
"Why dont *you* just find somebody?"
Charlie,still sprawled dramatically over a rock ,and mildly offended at the interruption,indignantly questioned "What do you mean?"
"What I said? You dont just have to wait around for somebody to come find you and fall madly in love. Why don't *you* just find somebody?"
He thought for a moment,taken aback by the ginger's harsh words,but eventually decided to humout him for a moment.
"And where exactly do you suggest I find him then, hm?"
Cameron shifted in his seat,not expecting to be taken seriously and certainly not prepared to be giving advice. Especially not *this* kind of advice. Especially not to *charlie*.
"Well,uh," he looked up to see the other boy looking at him expectantly,with that ever-present smirk on his face that, oddly enough,made Cameron feel a little more comfortable.
"Maybe,you could,I don't know, consider that the guy you're looking for has been here the whole time?"
"Wow Cam,Pittsie and Meeks' radio must've really gotten to you. All those love songs have turned you into a big softie." Charlie joked,grinning and nudging Cameron playfully.
Through a soft laugh,Cameron continued, "No I'm serious man,I think you're making this whole love thing way harder for yourself. I mean- and be honest with me, what's actually wrong with the guys at our school?"
"Other than the fact that about three quarters of them are raging heterosexuals?"
Laughing again,Cameron replied "yeah,other than that."
After about zero seconds of careful consideration,he had come to a conclusion, "Well,I guess nothing,but I dont know? Cameron, I don't see how this changes-"
"It *changes* things because clearly you don't anything about half the guys at our school. And you can't write off people you don't even know." At some point, Cameron had gotten up and started pacing around,but with the end of this triumphant speech,he finally sat down,a little closer to the other boy than he had been before.
Charlie looked across at Cameron and was suddenly met with a wave of fondness. Weird,how all it took was to sit and talk for a while before someone you thought you near hated,started to feel like your favorite person in the world. And,was he going completely crazy or Cameron at his most comfortable, without the fear of a teacher lurking nearby,without the stress of constantly trying to prove himself,was he... A little..... attractive??
All at once,Charlie made a decision,partly to try and prove himself wrong,but also because hey,if Richard Cameron was the surprise love of his life,what better time to figure it out than right now?
"So how,sir Richard Cameron,do you propose I get to know all these charming suitors?"
Cameron, completely in the dark about Dalton's recent epiphany,was still stubbornly trying to explain how much easier Charlie's love life could be,if only he would let it.
"Well,maybe by actually talking to them? Y'know,kind of like,What we're doing right now."
"So,what you're saying is,*you* could be my knight in shining armor," he said with a smirk.
"Well,that's not what-"
"No,no it's fine,as long as we're talking about this version of you. Regular Cameron is kind of a buzzkill but Cave Cam is actually a kind of.... And I can't believe I'm saying this but,in here,like this...well. You're actually a little hot."
After this, overwhelmingly romantic confession, Charlie was certain he had completely stuffed it,and sure enough,
"Gee Charlie,thanks. Really makes me wanna ride into the sunset with you." To say Cam's ego had been hit was an understatement,but before he could make a swift exit from the cave and lock himself,alone,in his dorm for the rest of the weekend,of course Dalton kept talking.
"God,I'm sorry,that was, I have no idea why I said that. I thought I was being funny but out loud- god I'm so sorry," while he had initially been mad,seeing Charlie fucking Dalton blush (and because of *him* no less) was rather funny. And sure,a little cute. So Cameron decided to hear him out.
"Can I start over? You're not saying anything so I'm gonna start over. I,uh, I really do think you're hot. Like really hot. And not just right now,all the time,like that time we were at rowing practice and I started pushing you around and we ended up on the floor and I saw like,a single sliver of skin because your sweater had ridden up,and I couldn't stop thinking about it all day,which I thought was a little weird but then-"
"Uh,I think I get it,Charlie." Now Cameron was the one blushing.
"Uh,sorry. What I meant was,that I *do* think you're hot l-"
"As you've said"
"Yeah,yeah,but it's more than that. Like,when I realized we'd basically be spending the whole weekend alone together,I was actually sorta excited for that,even though I knew I'd just be sitting by you while you did homework the whole time,I like,wanted to do that. And tonight,I haven't talked like this with anyone who isn't Neil like,ever. What I mean is,I guess,is that,I think that uh,"
Deciding to lighten the mood,Cameron tried for a little sarcasm, "Wow,Dalton, stuttering? I must be superman or something."
"I'm trying to be romantic here Carrot top," Charlie said with a grin,
"Listen,I don't really know what I'm doing here,but I think it might be kinda nice if we tried having a little romantic weekend of our own. Just to try it. If it totally sucks we can pretend it never happened and the others don't have to know about it and-"
"Relax," Cameron said with yet another laugh ,he didn't think he laughed like this since... Well,he couldn't even remember.
So with a radiant smile on his face,he said,"A romantic weekend of our own sounds amazing. Gotta warn you tho I'm not a great kisser."
"Well, lucky for you I am a great teacher," Charlie replied,with a somehow even bigger smile on his face than Cameron's,
"Why are you laughing,I *am* a great teacher!" Unfortunately for Charlie,his indignance only made Cameron laugh harder.
"I'll believe that when I see it."
"If you shut up and stop laughing,maybe you'll get to." After this was all it took to get the ginger to sober up, the look on his face pushed Charlie to make his final,but (in his opinion) most important decision of the night.It was high time he flirt with Cameron way more often (which was *very* difficult to explain to the other poets,at least the first time).
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chapter 1: Big Brother
I will remember that day like it was yesterday.
It was a day off school and our parents had gone to work for the day.
Usually, I would just go and visit my friends but I just wanted to relax and without my parent's home, especially Neil, it was easier.
I was in my room when the knocking on the door started.
I knew that Billy was in the living room lifting weights because I could hear the tv on.
The knocking continued which meant two things, one, Billy couldn't hear it over his stupid program, or two he didn't care if someone was there.
Sighing I headed past the brute in the living room and went to front door where the unwelcome visitor was still pounding on the door.
I undid the lock and opened the door slightly unaware that Billy had stopped what he was doing and kept an eye on me.
The person on the other side shocked me. It was Jason Carver, a junior member of the high school basketball team and an all-around annoying jock.
“Can I help you?” I asked cautiously as I knew him and Billy were not friends. Billy had made that quite clear on our trips to and from school.
Jason smiled. “I am here to see you, of course beautiful,” he said and tried to push the door open.
Groaning, I leaned against the door and something glistened in the sunlight.
That's when I saw it. The gun resting in his side pocket and started freaking out on the inside while remaining calm on the outside.
“I know your shithead brother is in there, I saw his ugly ass car. Why doesn't he come and face me like a man” Jason said, his eyes flashing with anger.
Not knowing what to do so I asked “what did Billy do to piss you off?” Meanwhile, hoping that someone was on my side, I made a finger gun behind my back in all hopes that Billy would see and understand.
And to my surprise, he did because he was behind me in seconds, pulling me in close and protectively wrapping his arms around me and that's when I realized he had been supervising the whole time.
“What the fuck Carver? Bringing a weapon to my house and scaring my little sister. She could've been hurt if you started waving it around” he said, his arms still holding me tightly against his chest.
I watched as the ferocity in Jason's eyes intensified. “You come into town and suddenly they're talking like you should be captain for the rest of the season. I am just here to make sure you don't want the position” Jason said as he placed his left hand on the gun.
I thought for sure billy would move me and take a swing but he stood there calmly and replied “Carver the basketball team is all yours and King Harringtons’. I've got a sister and grades to focus on, not some hotshot jocks”.
My eyes probably bulged as big as Jason's who scoffed and turned around. Steve was walking up the path as he was leaving.
“What did he want?” Steve asked, confused by the whole scene in front of him.
“Aww he just wanted to threaten me about being on the basketball team Harrington, no biggie except he was packing and could've hurt Maxie here” Billy said literally making me confused and happy at the same time.
Billy finally let go and motioned for Steve to follow them in. They had secretly (basically everyone knew but stayed silent) been dating for a few weeks and we're working on a plan for them to come out without Neil killing Billy.
As Steve got to the doorway I motioned for him to stop for a minute. “What's up Max?” he asked worriedly.
“Not only did Billy take a protective and nonviolent stand against Jason, but he also called me Maxie which he hasn't done for years. I'm worried he's sick or something” I replied honestly.
Steve, smiled, ruffled my hair and said “You will never understand how much he truly loves and cares for you. I have been working with him on showing it more and hopefully, soon you will both be living with me”.
I watched as he headed in and Billy kissed him on the forehead. I wanted to cry with happiness but I took a deep breath and told myself I would save that if all of what Steve said comes to pass.
Chapter 2: Steve
The next day as I exited the middle school I saw my brother's prized Camaro.
He didn't normally pick me up at school, I usually met him at the high school.
I was even more shocked when I approached the driver's side and the driver's seat was empty.
Looking around I saw Steve talking to Dustin who must have a Steve radar because she didn't see him there at all.
Going over I saw the look Steve had and knew immediately something was really wrong especially since he had the keys to the Camaro in his hand.
“Where's Billy?” I asked the two guys. Steve came over when he heard me and guided me to the Camaro, Dustin following in tow.
He motioned for us to both get in. I climbed in the passenger seat and Dustin got in the back.
I turned and looked at Steve and said “explain now”.
Taking a deep breath Steve said “Billy and I had met at his car during lunch for a quick make-out session.
Of course, Neil decided to show up at the school for the first time ever for something and caught us.
He literally dragged Billy out by his hair, told me to stay away from his family and threw Billy into the front seat of his car.
Before he did though Billy tossed me the keys and said to make sure you don't get around them ever again.
I haven't heard from Billy since, so here I am. We will find him, Max”
I shrunk into my seat as Steve started the car and headed to his place.
My heart was racing and I couldn't stop the tears. Billy and I had finally started repairing the relationship that Neil had broke and now he was gone. Possibly forever.
I didn't even notice when we arrived back at Steve's place. It wasn't until I heard car doors opening that it even hit me.
Silently I got out and followed Steve and Dustin to the house. As we approached we saw sheriff Hopper and my heart dropped to the ground.
“They had found a body, I just know it,” I thought to myself as we finished the approach.
Hopper looked at me with the look of someone delivering horrible news.
“Just give it to me straight Hopper,” I said planting my feet and willing my body to stay right where it was instead of taking off.
Taking in a deep breath he said “we found Billy Max. He is in a psychiatric facility that specializes in “helping” people not be gay. We are working with law enforcement in Indianapolis right now to get him out but it could take a while and I don't know what shape he will be in”.
He was alive. That's all that mattered at that point. “He will get out you will see,” I said and ran up and gave Hopper a huge hug.
“As long as he's alive he will get out,” I said again and ran inside.
Later that night, after Dustin’s mom picked him up, Steve and I were sitting in the dining room having dinner when a loud knock sounded from the front door.
I must've gone pale with fear because Steve placed his hand on mine and said softly, “Neil is in jail he can't hurt you, Max”.
I nodded and both of us headed to the front door.
When we opened it there stood Billy, battered, bruised, bleeding but standing there.
“Can I come in or are you both going to just stare?” Billy asked, annoyed.
Steve threw his arms around him and gave him a big kiss. Billy grunted but didn't back away.
I just stood in the hallway with tears running down my face.
I felt his arms before I saw him. He was the one who was in pain but he was comforting me.
At that moment I realized my big brother was not going anywhere. I will always be safe.
Or so I thought.
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phantaloon-books · 3 years
Alright I got a couple comments asking for a continuation so here's part 2 of neil finding out the feds were onto smth when they recommended witness protection program
part 1
(Also thank you so much, I genuinely didn't expect such a good reception, everything I write is purely self indulgent)
Andrew is gonna fucking lose it. It's been over three weeks and not a single word from Neil fucking Josten. He's never hated him more, and this time he means it when he says hate. Actually he's not sure he hates himself or Neil more, but he feels hatred and rage and that's what matters. But of course the rabbit just left. Once a rabbit, always a rabbit.
He wanted so desperately to believe that, that Neil chose to run, that he chose to leave him them and keep running because that's what he knows best. Even if believing Neil chose to leave hurts him more than he'll ever admit, it's the best thing to believe. It's best to believe that Neil left than to believe something happened. It's best to believe Neil grew tired and bored of him them than to listen to the worry and dread Andrew's been feeling for months. It's best to believe Neil didn't want him than to let himself think of worst case scenarios.
But he can't make himself think that Neil left willingly and because he wanted to (and not it's not because he wants to believe that Neil wouldn't leave him). Neil would never run without his things, not without his stupid binder and money and contacts, not without clothes or any resources. If he ran away he would do it properly. He wouldn't leave with running clothes and his stupid flip phone. And most importantly Andrew knows that Neil has been restless lately. He's seen the way Neil checks every corner or every place, observes the people, looks for threats. He'd left those habits behind, so something has to have happened. Neil didn't just leave him.
The best thing is the other foxes aren't convinced Neil would run either. He had no one to run from, and he had a family now. And even if he was feeling overwhelmed or anxious, he would have come back. He wouldn't have taken three weeks. So they know, they know, Neil didn't leave because he wanted or needed to. And they're all anxious as hell about that bc if he didn't leave where is he?
They narrow it down eventually, and conclude that he got in a fight and is dead in a ditch somewhere, he had an accident in a coma in a hospital somewhere, he somehow got lost and/or lost his memory, someone killed him accidentally or not and his body is buried somewhere far away, or he's been taken. And Andrew cannot take the stress that he doesn't know where the fuck Neil is any longer.
He almost killed Kevin and several federal agents when Neil went missing for a few hours. This time, he hasn't tried to kill anyone yet but that hasn't stopped him from tearing every dorm apart and the stadium and the police station and the hospital and getting in fights with the FBI. He's desperate enough that he called Browning, hell, he's desperate enough that he contacted the Moriyamas, which wasn't a pleasant experience, but Ichirou had promised Neil protection and this definitely called for mafia intervention. So far neither the FBI or the Moriyamas had helped - yes they had, they informed him regularly that they were looking for Neil, but they had nothing, no clues no trails, and Andrew couldn't believe their incompetence, like for fucks sake the Moriyamas were yakuza, they ought to know what could have happened to one of their most valuable assets. And anyway if he ran, and wasn't taken, they for sure would be behind him, looking to kill him of course, but they still couldn't find him.
Andrew hasn't tried to kill anyone yet but he will soon if he doesn't find Neil, and he's sure he will start with himself. He can't remember the last time he slept or ate well, or went to exy practice, but he doesn't care. He can't care until he knows something. The lack of knowledge is driving him crazy. At this point knowing that Neil is dead and has been rotting in the countryside of Poland would be better than not knowing anything.
He hates this so much. He hates Neil for disappearing. He hates whoever went and got him. He hates the Moriyamas for not being able to find him and not keeping him safe in the first place. He hates himself for becoming so attached. He should have known better. He knew better. He knew it was a bad idea to feel all the things he feels for Neil, especially because it's Neil, the unpredictable rabbit. But he fell for the fake hope that they would make it, that he wouldn't be hurt again, that Neil would stay. He knew letting someone in again could kill him. He knows that if they don't find him, it will. He can't keep going like this. He was stupid enough to feel hopeful, but he won't be able to live once the hope dies.
He's laying in Neil's bed. He knows it's pathetic, but frankly he doesn't care. Everyday is worse than the last one. He's slipping and when he falls it's game over, he's going to make sure of that. If Neil genuinely cared, he'd be pissed at Andrew for even thinking about this. No he'd be upset, but not pissed, about the fact that he's considering taking his life over this. But he opened the door to feelings, and he won't be able to cope with them and he won't be able to close that door again. He's giving up.
Faint buzzing interrumps his thoughts. Someone's calling him. He couldn't stomach the runaway song that matched with Neil's but he couldn't stomach changing it either, so he leaves in on vibrate now. He looks at his screen. It's an unknown number. Most likely the FBI or the Moriyamas or a random police station ready to take him out of his misery and just tell him they found Neil's body. The code says it's from Minnesota. He considers not answering, but he might as well get over it.
He flips the phone open, "I only care about this if you are from the FBI or the literal mafia, so if you aren't from either, feel free to hang up." The other line stays silent for a few seconds, but when he looks at his phone, it's still going. The person didn't hang up. He doesn't have the patience for this. "I'm just gonna hang up then-"
"Andrew, wait." It's barely a hesitant whisper. The voice is absolutely shattered, rough and hoarse and very painful-sounding. There's wheezing too and labored breaths. But god. No matter how wrecked he sounds, he'd recognize that voice anywhere. In half a second he's up and falling from the bed in his haste, alert at last. He can't believe it. He wants to but he doesn't want to believe the call is real.
"Neil? Neil is that you?" He hates how vulnerable he sounds, but the thought dies quickly. There's no way, no way this is real. A sob breaks through the line, and oh it sounds so full of pain and fear.
"Andrew, I-I need you to stay safe. I don't know if they're coming for you, for the foxes. I need you to find a place where you're safe. Call Browning or Ich- the little Lord and make sure they can protect you guys for a while."
Okay that's definitely Neil even if he didn't answer the question. And Andrew's heart is going a thousand miles an hour, he doesn't feel his body anymore.
"Neil where are you? I'm coming to get you, I'll call Browning but where are you?"
"'Drew," another sob, and this one manages to break Andrew's walls more than than the whispered 'Drew', "promise me you'll stay safe, don't come looking for me, you can't take them down, please don't come looking for me."
The exhaustion and terror in his voice doesn't sit well with Andrew. The Neil he knows is not this. "For fucks sake Neil just tell me where in Minnesota you are, I'm coming to get you."
"No- no you're not, I'm not calling you because I want you to come. I just need you to promise you'll be safe."
"Neil who took you? Where are you? I can send the FBI or the japanese shits over, I swear to god I can send them to come get you if you just tell me where you are and who took you. I'll - I'll try my best to keep the others safe, but who took you?"
"I'm sorry, Andrew, I- I didn't mean to, please believe I didn't mean to leave, they- some of the Butcher's pals found me, I'm so sorry- I put all of you in danger again."
"Okay, that's something we can work with, now where are you Neil?"
"Andrew-" his breath hitches, he gasps and whimpers, "I'm so sorry, I have to go, I need to leave Andrew. Please stay safe. Look I- I love you okay? I'm sorry I didn't say it earlier."
"Neil wait don't hang up-"
And the line goes dead.
The world is falling apart, collapsing all around Andrew. He's numb but he feels encompassing terror. He can't feel a thing, he can't think. He was so close. It feels like Neil just slipped past his fingers, like he just let go of Neil and let him fall to the darkness. He thinks he may be falling too. He needs to call Browning. He does it instinctively, he doesn't register he has his phone to his ear until the FBI agents voice is calling to him. He also goes with what he's gonna say with the same instinct he pulled in Baltimore, knowing he can't mention certain mafia.
"Neil just called me, I have no idea from where, I have no idea how he got a hold of me, he didn't say a thing, he refused to say a thing other than we're in danger, the foxes, and that whoever took him will come for us- oh and apparently it's someone involved with the Butcher."
How he managed to be as apathetic and unattached to everything he said is beyond him. But whatever he says and whatever Browning says, FBI agents are now guarding them in the locker room of the Foxhole Court, with mattresses and mats laid down on the floor. and he doesn't know how they got here and he's cuffed all over again, but this time to Renee even if he doesn't remember being violent. Even the stupid rookies are here, looking extremely panicked and terrified despite most of them not giving a fuck that Neil was gone just hours ago. The other foxes - Neil's family - are pressing Andrew for answers, but he can't deal with anything at the moment.
He needs to call Ichirou too. That's the call that matters, because that's the call that can bring Neil home because he can't do that himself while cuffed to Renee and being guarded by the fucking FBI. He somehow convinces the agent to let him make a call, to his therapist he says, to grant him privacy even if that's utter bullshit. He's dragging Renee into the eye of the storm but oh well, why did they cuff him to her in the first place, it's not his fault. He calls the Moriyama representative he's been dealing with and thank Renee's god the woman answers.
"I need to talk to- to Lord Ichirou, it's about Neil Josten's whereabouts, I got important information about him." He can feel both the condescension from the other end of the line and poorly veiled shock from Renee. "I know where he is, I know about who's got him, I need to talk to Lord Moriyama."
He isn't sure how he managed it. He doesn't know how he convinced them to let them talk to their mafia boss, or how he's able to keep his cool for long enough to actually talk to the man himself. He thinks having Renee there, who asks no questions and keeps her hand on top of Andrew's with no hesitation, is part of the solution but he's not admitting that. Either or, he talks to Ichirou (he can't deny he's not terrified of messing up with the man who keeps Neil alive, but he's not admitting that either), reminds him of how Neil is important to the Moriyamas, both as an exy player and as a Wesninski, and how Neil, Kevin and Jean are loyal to the Moriyamas, hints at how Ichirou promised protection. He has perfect memory, but he will never remember how he convinced Ichirou Moriyama to send people to Minnesota and look for him all over the state and surrounding states, all he knows is that Ichirou stuck to his promise, all is good, he didn't fuck up.
Weeks pass again, nothing happens. There's no news from the Moriyamas, the FBI keeps telling him they're doing what they can. Andrew is done. No one came looking for them at least, which is nice bc they didn't die but it doesn't feel worth it when Neil wasn't back. He feels stupid for hoping he would come back safe and alive. The Moriyamas might as well have killed him for being such an inconvenience. Things are going to hell. Andrew was an idiot for falling so hard for Neil Josten. It was a mistake. He should have known better.
His anger is gone, and numbness has settled. It was becoming a habit for him to remain lying down most of the day. It was also becoming a habit for the foxes to take care of him when he did this. He can't even bother to shower if someone doesn't remind him every day, or eat, or drink water for that matter. He's a mess and he would be incredibly embarrassed if he cared a little, but he's slipping and he doesn't mind falling. Nothing is fine. Until it is.
It comes in the form of a text one morning, while he's lying on the couch in the living room. An unknown number again, New York code, and it only reads, "Threat has been dealt with - I". And what the fuck does that mean. It tells him absolutely nothing. If Ichirou bothered to text him he could at least be clear as to what the fuck that meant. Was Neil even alive? There is a soft knock at the door. Of course, someone bothers him when no other fox is at the dorm. They couldn't ditch every class to make sure Andrew didn't combust spontaneously.
He truly doesn't want to get up. He doesn't want to go answer the door. It's too much a bother. If it's someone important they'll either knock again aor shout for him to open up. He curls up in bed. He honestly wants to disappear. There's another knock, a little harder than the first. But there's no voice, no demand, no nothing. Maybe it's a Moriyama. Maybe he'll feel so disrespected or whatever he's gonna barge in and end his misery. Whatever. "Fuck off", he shouts from the couch, hoping for the best. There's another knock, for fuck's sake, can they just walk in already? Another, and he's up. Pissed and going for the door.
"Fucking hell, what do you want?" His anger is back with a passion, and he's practically stomping to the door, throwing it wide open, "Just barge through the fucking door, and get it over with-"
He has to stop exploding when people don't answer to him right away. Maybe he should work on his patience. Because frankly it has been working against him at the worst times. No it's not his fault. It's the idiot's fault for appearing at out nowhere and stealing his breath away. Everything is Neil Josten's fault.
"Hey Drew," said idiot's voice is impossibly more hoarse than when he called him before. Andrew can't tell if his heart is beating too fast or not at all. He thought he was a mess, but Neil looks like he's been through hell and back. Well, he's been through hell and back too many times before, but he's never looked this bad, and he was a mess after Evermore. His face is beaten so badly, so swollen, if he didn't know him and those stupidly blue eyes so well. Even his eyes are different, there's no spark, they're dull and hazy. He's wearing a large hoodie and sweatpants, so Andrew can't see the damage beyon his face, but at least his hands remain okay, there's no new damage. "Looks like I still have it in me to leave you speechless, huh."
Andrew takes a deep breath and he sighs. And his heart breaks. Neil. Neil. Neil is here. Andrew wants to craddle him and hold him and never let him go again. He doesn't care if it's soft, Neil is here. He raises his hands, frames Neil's face like he has before. He presses a hand to Neil's neck, looking for a pulse, and he finds it. He's alive.
"Neil," he breathes, and he feels. He feels. "You're alive, I thought, you-"
They're both silent. Andrew doesn't notice when Neil raises his hands, framing his own face. They've been here before.
"I'm not leaving you, I promised right? You're not getting rid of me that easily. "
He hates feeling this much, "You've got some explaining to do, but- it can wait."
"That's good yeah, because I'm not sure how much longer I can remain conscious and the Moriyamas weren't the best at patching everything up, so I'd really appreciate it if you call Abby."
He doesn't trust himself to open his mouth, so he guides Neil inside, holding on to his hand like a tether. Neil deflates, he grimaces as Andrew helps him to the couch. He's obviously hiding something below the clothes. Andrew stands to call Abby, but Neil grips his hand tightly. When Andrew looks up, he sees the fear and exhaustion he heard on the call weeks ago. Neil isn't able to keep up the act of being okay for long.
"Stay, pl- just," he looks away, and Andrew doesn't know how to feel about the pause, he didn't say the word, "can you stay?"
And he does. Things aren't fine. Neil is a mess. So is Andrew. They have to work through stuff. Andrew clearly has to work on the apparent dependancy issues. But they'll have time now. Neil is safe. He's alive and safe. He lost consciousness not long after he sat down, but Abby, Wymack and the foxes are on their way. They're not fine. But Neil is lying next to him, and he isn't gonna let him go again. They'll be fine.
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He didn't have a lot of friends. That required trust, and trust just wasn’t something Billy Hargrove did. Except with Steve Harrington, apparently. Steve was his friend, which was fine. Billy would have preferred a lot more, but that did not seem particularly likely. Not for lack of trying on Billy's part, honestly. At this point, Billy was so overtly flirty with Steve that he was worried he had overshot genuine interest and was fast approaching the realm of parody. He had spilled his beer on Steve no fewer than four times in the past several months in the hopes that Steve would go to change out of his wet clothes and realize halfway through that just...hanging out in his underwear would be totally fine. Instead, Steve always disappeared into Billy's bedroom, completely at home in Billy's space, and came back wearing Billy's clothes. And that was somehow worse?
And the thing was—the thing was!—Steve clearly wasn’t uninterested. He blushed when Billy teased him. His breath hitched when Billy touched him sometimes. His pupils went wide when Billy stretched or flexed or did that one thing with his tongue. And he didn’t avoid touching Billy, like just about everybody else did, or touch him like he was something fragile or broken. He touched Billy casually all the fucking time. He hugged him when he arrived, and fell asleep against his shoulder, and tucked his feet under Billy’s thigh on the couch, and kissed him on the cheek before he left. He even kissed him on the fucking forehead sometimes, which made Billy feel small and blushy and unbearably cared for.
Billy wondered sometimes if he should just be honest with Steve, but that was tricky, wasn’t it? Because in this particular case, he couldn’t be honest with Steve without betraying a little too much about himself. And it’s not like he had all that many secrets left. Neil was gone and his treatment of Billy was common knowledge, at least among the people who knew what had actually happened at the mall. So, the vast majority of the people Billy actually talked to anymore. It turned out that competent doctors could tell the difference between recent monster trauma and years of physical abuse, and Steve's little group of nerds and their various hangers-on were around enough and had overheard enough to put it together. The fact that Billy was not actually into girls was also common knowledge among that same subset of people, but only because Billy had been in a coma, so he hadn't been able to mention to Eleven that she might not want to share that little tidbit with her friends. Billy wasn’t mad—couldn’t be, not at her—and with Neil gone, he supposed he had a little less to fear on that front. Besides, it wasn’t like he was going to do anything about it, aside from continuing to flirt shamelessly with Steve. So he only really had the one big secret left.
Here's how it was: Billy Hargrove, at the time that he was impaled by a massive interdimensional flesh monster, did not have a whole lot to live for. He had a shitty father and a mother who had fucked off quite a while back and a stepsister who had not yet given up on him for some reason, but who was also probably better off without him. He had a hopeless crush on a gorgeous, oblivious straight boy; several delightful mental images of that same straight boy in a frankly pornographic sailor outfit that he somehow had to wear for work; and treasured memories of California, but not quite enough money or guts to fuck off back to the beach where he came from, with or without Steve Harrington. All of that stuff was good, and it got Billy through the day sometimes, but none of it was actually something to live for. Steve Harrington in that sailor outfit came the closest, but Billy was never going to get to take it off of him, so what was the fucking point?
And Billy knew, even though he didn't exactly remember it, that it had gotten pretty bad for him a few times as he was recovering. Like, 'they were sure they were going to lose him' bad. And people had said a lot of fucking stupid things to him, both while he was in the hospital and after he got out, about fate and love and redemption. About holding on for the sake of the people you cared about. About not knowing what you had until you lost it. About how he must feel so lucky to be alive. And Billy hated all of it so fucking much. He wasn't alive because he had had some big epiphany about how precious life was, or because fate had spared him, or because he thought anyone on the planet would spend more than about thirty seconds being sad if he died. What he did have, what had actually kept him going when it got bad, were these...well, they weren’t anywhere close to clear enough to be called memories.
They came from that long, hazy period when his body was gradually knitting itself back together. When the boundary between being asleep and being awake hadn't seemed real at all. When he had almost no visual memories, aside from brief flashes of fluorescent lights or the shadows of people moving around above him. He had a handful of half-remembered phrases in various voices: Max whispering sorry, El whispering I won't tell. And these...other sentences. These promises, in Steve Harrington’s low, husky voice.
Billy was in no way certain that they were real. He didn't know how much of anything from that time was real. What they were was meaningful, which made it fucking impossible to talk about them. Unlike all the bullshit about fate and family and redemption, they had helped him. Had helped a lot, actually. Had given him something tangible to live for when it would have been so much easier to just let it all slip away. But that was the other thing--they weren't exactly things that Steve Harrington would actually, conceivably say to him. They were things he would have killed to hear from Steve, would still kill to hear from Steve, but Steve was sweet. Goofy, affectionate, kind. Unfailingly supportive. An invaluable friend throughout Billy's recovery. An invaluable friend who consistently, gracefully deflected Billy’s obvious flirting. It hardly seemed possible that he had said those things, and Billy really didn’t want to find out that he hadn’t. It was too awful to contemplate. Because, shit, they still kept him going sometimes, a year and a half later.
The first one came to him from far away, like he was hearing it from the bottom of a well. “I swear to God, Billy, if you make it through this I’ll let you choke on my dick whenever you feel like it.” So, like, there was a fair amount to unpack there. First of all, Steve almost never actually called him Billy, even now. And secondly, literally everything else about that sentence. It wasn't possible that it was real. Billy had to have made it up, given himself a fucking reason not to move toward the light or whatever. And if that had been the only one, he would have dismissed it as an obvious fabrication of his own mind without a second thought. But it wasn’t.
The second one was a little clearer, though all of them were maddeningly hazy. Had he actually felt Steve’s breath against the shell of his ear while he'd said it? It was impossible to say. “Hey gorgeous, hang in there, ok? Wouldn’t want you to die before I get the chance to fuck you so hard you forget your own goddamn name.” It was true—he absolutely did not want to die before that happened. That one had gotten him through some bleak nights, even after he woke up. He still got half hard every time he thought about it.
The next one was maybe Billy’s favorite. Although, honestly they were all his favorite. He wasn't sure he had ever treasured anything more. The third time, he was almost sure he could feel the warmth radiating off of Steve’s body as Steve leaned in next to his ear. “Come on, tiger, you gotta get through this so you can show me absolutely everything you can do with that tongue.” A little less filthy, maybe, but no less motivating. He did want to do that, very much. He had thought about it quite a bit while he was in the hospital. He still thought about it just about every time Steve came over to his apartment, which was often.
The fourth one changed it up a bit. “We’re going to sit there on the sand and watch the sun set over the ocean, and I’m going to make you cream your swim trunks right there on the beach.” And goddamn, that was quite the mental image. Fuck a bunch of holding on for the people you cared about; that was worth living for.
The fifth one was ragged, a little desperate. “You can’t die, baby. I’ve never let anybody put their dick in me before, and you have to live so you can do it.” That one came with the gentle sensation of a hand in his, the phantom press of lips to his temple. He was pretty sure he woke up just a few days after that one. And rightfully fucking so, honestly.
So yeah. He still had the one secret. And there was no fucking way to talk about it without revealing way too much about himself. So he didn't talk about it, and he was never going to talk about it, and he was going to go to his grave not knowing if any of it was real, and he was going to be fine with that because there weren't any other options. Until Steve slipped up.
It was far too early on a Saturday morning. Steve had arrived at an even more ungodly hour and had dragged Billy out of bed for some weekend trip. He wouldn't say where they were going, but he promised it was going to be great, and Billy could sleep in the car, and they were going to have the time of their lives. So Billy was slouched grumpily in the passenger seat, nursing an enormous coffee and periodically glaring at everything out the window for having the audacity to exist at this hour. He didn't glare at Steve. All of this was Steve's fault, but Billy couldn't be mad at him when he looked all sleepy and his hair was a mess and he was wearing his fucking glasses instead of his usual contacts. Billy couldn't be mad at him under any other circumstances either, but he deliberately didn't think too much about that, so it was fine.  
Billy watched out of the corner of his eye as Steve sipped his own coffee and stifled a yawn. Steve had spent the first half hour of the drive not talking at all, but the coffee was apparently kicking in, so now he was trying to get Billy excited about his mystery plan.
“Come on, tiger, you’re going to love it,” he finally said. Billy wasn’t fully awake, so it took a second for it to land. Come on, tiger. When it did, Billy’s head snapped up, eyes wide. It could easily have been a coincidence; Steve would have been fine if he had just played it off, but that's not what happened. When Billy looked up, Steve was staring intently out the windshield, resolutely not looking at him. But his shoulders were creeping up around his ears and his face had gone scarlet. Billy felt a grin spreading across his face. Suddenly, he was on top of the goddamn world; this was shaping up to be the best day of his life. He stared at Steve’s profile for a long moment as the flush from his face spread down his neck. The atmosphere in the car was electric. Billy took a deep breath and tried to get himself under control. Steve's entire demeanor had hope beating wildly in his chest, but there was still room for this to end in disappointment.
“Absolutely everything, huh?” Billy said it quietly, carefully, deliberately, and then he held his breath. Steve made a strangled noise in the back of his throat, and Billy felt giddy. Steve had been right--they had only been on the road for forty minutes, but Billy was already having the time of his life on this trip. Steve didn't say anything, but after a few long moments of silence, he pulled the car over onto the shoulder. After he carefully put the car in park and turned it off, he dropped his forehead to the steering wheel. He didn't lift his head when he spoke.
“I didn't think you remembered," he said slowly. Billy didn't say anything and after a moment, Steve gave a little sigh and continued, still talking mostly to the floor. "The first time, it was a fucking Hail Mary. You were declining fast and nothing was working, and I just...I had a hunch. So I waited until everyone else had left the room and I tried it." Billy was absolutely delighted picturing it, Steve flushed bright red, leaning down to whisper stuff about his dick into Billy's ear. "They kicked me out right after that, at about four am. They told me to go home and get some rest, and to be prepared for bad news. But when I got back to the hospital a few hours later, you were doing better.” Steve cleared his throat. “Apparently you started improving shortly after I left. I told myself it was probably a fucking coincidence, but part of me thought that maybe it had actually worked." He huffed out a laugh. "I could barely fucking believe that you weren’t dead; it was bad. And then a couple of weeks later, it got bad again. So I tried it again. And you started doing better again. And then it was like this secret that we had. That I had,” Steve corrected himself. He sat up and dropped his head back against the headrest, but he still wouldn't look at Billy. He stared out the windshield instead. His  face was still bright red. “And then you actually woke up. I didn’t know if you remembered any of it, and I didn’t want to be the kind of person who would come onto you while you were in a fucking coma and then act like you owed me something afterwards, so I kept my mouth shut.”
"Steve," Billy said softly. Steve rubbed his hands over his face.
"I'm sorry," he said, and Billy stopped breathing for a second.
"Don't," he said quietly. They sat in silence for a long moment, and then Billy decided that he had to know what exactly Steve was apologizing for. “Did you...” he started to ask, but he found that he couldn’t finish the sentence. Steve glanced at him and his face softened before his eyes shied away again.
“Mean it? Yes. Fuck yes. Every word.”
“Then what the fuck, Steve?” Billy had been beyond obvious for months. Steve sighed. His hands came back up to his face, and then he sat up straighter and squared his shoulders.
“You just...you went through something so awful, and it was like...your world got so small. You were trapped in the hospital, and now you're trapped in Hawkins until they clear you to leave." Steve glanced over again, and his voice got smaller. "I just...I really wanted you, but I didn't want you to do something you'd regret just because I was there, you know? And I still don't want you to feel trapped into something just because you can't leave this goddamn town. I would never want you to be with me just because you don't have any other choices."
Ok, so there was plenty to unpack there, and all of it was wrong. Except the part where Steve said he wanted Billy--that part was the best thing he had ever heard. Well, the sixth best thing he'd ever heard. There was a silence while Billy thought about what he wanted to say. He took a breath to psych himself up.
"The first thing you should probably know is that I was into you well before any of the Mindflayer stuff even happened. So there's that." Billy cleared his throat, watching Steve out of the corner of his eye. "And the second thing you should know is that I got cleared to leave Hawkins over a month ago." Steve's head whipped around, wide eyes on Billy's face.
"Then why..." Steve trailed off. Billy had considered leaving, but only briefly. He wanted to go back to the beach, he did, but not by himself. Not anymore.
"Steve," Billy said again, giving Steve a look. "You know why." After all, Billy had been the opposite of subtle about it. Steve just stared at him, eyes going impossibly wider as Billy deliberately took off his seatbelt and moved into Steve's space. "But fine, if you need me to spell it out, I'm definitely not in this car with you right now because I don't have any other options."
He leaned in and pressed his lips to Steve's. Steve responded immediately and enthusiastically, and something that had still been wound tight in Billy's chest eased. By the time they broke apart to breathe, Billy was practically in Steve's lap, both of his hands up under Steve's shirt. Steve had one hand at Billy's lower back and the other buried in his curls. They sat panting a little, their foreheads pressed together. Billy smiled wickedly.
"I would just like to point out that you made a lot of promises about what was going to happen if I didn't die, Harrington, and I held up my end of the bargain." Steve's answering smile was bright and just a little cocky.
"I'm looking forward to keeping every single one of those promises, Hargrove. We can start as soon as we get where we're going." Billy frowned at him.
"I survived being impaled by a giant flesh monster because you promised me--"
"My giant flesh monster?" Steve cut in, cracking up halfway through. Billy snorted, but did not further dignify that with a response.
"As I was saying," he said instead, "I am alive today because you have a really nice dick and a filthy mouth, and I have been waiting on both of them for months, and I am definitely not waiting three more hours to get started." He punctuated this declaration by reaching for the top button of Steve's pants. He had it and the next two buttons open before Steve reached out to stop him.
"Billy," he hissed, "we are parked on the side of the highway! We are not doing this here. Literally anyone could look over at any time and get a fantastic view of exactly what we're doing." Steve had a point, but Billy didn't have to like it.
He sighed and kissed Steve one more time, hard, before he reluctantly clambered back over to the passenger seat.
"Fine," he said. "We can compromise." He leaned over and grabbed Steve's wrist to look at his watch. Then he smiled at Steve, sharp and a little predatory. "I'm going to start sucking your dick in twenty minutes, if not before. We're still in fucking Indiana, so that should give you plenty of time to find some deserted back road somewhere." Steve was already starting the car.
He grinned over at Billy as he pulled back into traffic and made his way to the next exit.
"So you're going to start at the top and work your way through them, huh?"
"Maybe. We'll just have to see," Billy said. He paused. "I gotta say, pretty boy, I'm legitimately fuckin' impressed. I didn't know you had it in you." Steve smirked at him.
“Hey, give me some credit. I knew you well enough to know that if I had mentioned feelings, or called it making love, you would have immediately chosen the sweet embrace of death.” Billy laughed along with Steve because Steve was right: at one point, Billy absolutely would have done that.
Not anymore, though. Not if it was Steve. But he wasn't about to just blurt that out, so. He could still have one secret. For now, anyway.
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danwylds · 4 years
Right okay I never actually got myself to write this fic so have my notes for the fic except I haven’t read through them since June when I wrote them and I refuse to edit anything
Right is bakery au but not
Neil either turned down the offer of exy for the foxes or for coach whatever the fuck his name was
He got caught earlier tho which is . Unfortunate
Stuart still comes in
Maybe I’ll have him move back to Britain for a while? To avoid the moriyamas n stuff
He NEVER misses a match of the ravens/foxes tho
Which leads to him seeing the frankly sickening interview of Kevin and riko
Neil is like yo Stuart let me start smth
Stuart is like Neil the only reason you’d go back to the states right now is if you did smth that you could hide and you can’t do that for shit
So Neil is like yk what I’m gonna find a way bc I’m not letting this kid go through this (Andrews quite into this idea when it’s shared)
So he says yo. Stuart. Uncle. Sir. Let me open a bakery or something in the states
Stuart is like no you fucking idiot
And Neil is like but c o n s i d e r
You can get info or smth
Just have another business in the states yk
AND I’d get out of your hair
And Stuart is like hm okay but you’ve gotta live in a complex I choose for you
And Neil is all only if I can choose where it’s gonna be
It’s a deal
He (very obviously) chooses a place near palmetto
Stuart is tired but is like he’ll be under protection n shit so I guess??? And he’s not stupid enough to start something right. Right.
It’s a bakery that starts out kinda slow
But Neil finds he likes baking and Stuart pays for his nephew to have some sort of normal life so it doesn’t matter too much
Renee starts to frequent it
At first it’s to pick up sweets for Andrew
But eventually she starts bringing Allison on dates there bc they have a cute little seating area (figure where Seth fits in? I think he’ll survive?)
Uhhh what’s a timeline
I think this’ll be around the winter holidays (Jewish neil? Look into it)
So thanksgiving will have happened . I think Andrew agreed to go Not bc he particularly wanted to but bc he cares for Nicky and knows he’ll probably go anyways
Yeah so thanksgiving. h
Andrew JUST got off his drugs and he’s so damn protective of his own that he hardly even leaves their sides
Edens is a def no for em
Meanwhile Neil is tentative friends w Renee who has brought all the upperclassmen there a few times
Allison bullies him for his clothing but it’s okay he deserves it
Renee is sweet and stops em from doing anything too drastic which Neil appreciates
Matt,, my baby,, he’s so happy he just asks Neil about random stuff
Dan is sweet too!!
Seth kinda hates him but Neil hasn’t paid enough attention to return the favor
One day close to the winter banquet the upperclassmen are like yeah Neil we’re gonna go to this thing and it should be really fun!! Oh you know what? Our teammate Nicky needs a date and his cousin doesn’t really like anyone from his class and he’s super fucking crazy abt it so if that doesn’t deter you then you should totally join !
Neil is like oh chance to fuck up Riko? Absolutely I’ll go
when he and Allison emerge from the girls room Aaron is like Who is that
And Allison is “oh nickys date (:”
Andrew gets twitchy and holds a knife to her throat
Renee is like Andrew I stg get away from my gf and Seth is like manic pixie nightmare fuel I’m gonna beat the shit outta you
And Neil is just like same shit every day I guess
And he’s like so you’re Nicky then? COMPLETELY IGNORING YK. ALL THAT
Andrew is like “he is. Don’t touch him”
And Neil straight up says I don’t think you get to set boundaries for people, actually
And Neil has no idea what the effect is of that on Andrew but it’s enough to make him glare
Which is terrifying to everyone but Neil bc again. Dumbass
Anyways Neil very purposely hooks his arm through nickys and they head off to the bus
Dunno what happens there but I’ll figure it out
It’s glorious
Kevin and riko are like who the FUCK are you
And Neil is all wouldn’t you like to know weather boy
They relocate and they’re all like . Ah. That’s why you and Renee get along
It’s kinda funny ngl
Andrew doesn’t think so but fuck him
I think that they head back to the bus when this shit I’d over and wymack is like excuse me what the fuck
And Aaron in german is like thank god he never joined the team bc I could not handle more of that
And Neil in German is like would you believe me I’d I told you I was almost signed
And Andrew is like I fucking Knew it I hate it here
N e ways things go back to normal for the most part
The upperclassmen still show up
Seth has a bit of grudging respect for him
It’s later that all the foxes are getting drunk from a lose that Renee calls him and is like Neil please can I usher them inside for a bit I think they need a place to chill so we don’t get yelled at for being too loud in the dorms
And Neil is like uhh sure why not
It turns out it was not just the upperclassmen
He gives them all water bottles and whatever and lets them lounge around
Gives em some food which they pay for w the coachs card
Uhhh idk time passes and some of the foxes pass out so neil is like y’all can chill in the break room? They have couches
He stays out there bc the bakery is still open
Andrew comes out like hey fuck you but also can I get more of those pastries
Idk I want them to be in love already
Uhh yeah I think they don’t say anything until
“what happened to your face”
“A truth for a truth?”
“If you must insist”
“Fine, my father tried to kill me”
Andrew raises his eyebrow but neils like bitch you said a truth for a truth it’s your turn now
Neil asks him why he wears arm bands
We get the whole knives and scars
They’re quiet again
I don’t know man let them be in love
Uhhh okay
I think Andrew will tell neil like
“That’s the code for the court, Kevin practices at night.”
Neil is like how would you know I’d enjoy playing exy? And andrew is like dipshit that’s how we met
I’m running out of ideas oh no
Maybe they play a couple of night game things
Exchange a few more truths
sick okay! They start dating but since Baltimore happened earlier they never actually come out to the rest of the team
I like to think when they play against the ravens again neils like haha babe you can have as many sweets as you want if you shut down the goal
Also Neil says it’s hot which is like a big thing to persuade Andrew but shhhhh
Yeah the foxes win they celebrate by getting drunk and they all show up at neils like hello again (:
Same thing happens but this time andrew and Neil are together and basically are doing nothing but making out
At least the store is closed
Nicky comes out and just YELLS
Allison wins SO much money
Yeah idk how to end this but happily ever after :3
If you want me to turn this into a fic I will!
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