#well i respect you for wanting something better for her but that's quite literally not the current situation.
anmaries · 1 month
I think another reason why I prefer rogue’s hair to be huge and untamed is because I think it fits her a lot more personality wise. rogue might be southern, but she’s never fit into that southern belle type of box. she was born into a cult, and then she was raised by terrorists, and that made a major impact on the way she deals with her feelings and surroundings. rogue can be incredibly violent and aggressive. whether it be threatening remarks or just actual violence she struggles a lot with having a proper response to certain situations. she has very extreme reactions, like her commitment to being self sacrificial to those who show her kindness, or the fact that a small disagreement can lead to her beating the shit out of someone
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ratgirlcopia · 5 months
on all levels, copia is the satanic version of a homeschooled christian girl.
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danveration · 4 months
Sleep well, amour.
Parings: Alastor x reader
Summary: You’ve been very intrested in Alastor ever since you met him. He invites you to see his recording studio, which you accept. Then you ask if you can stay and listen to him host! While listening, you fall asleep. How does he react?
Word count: 2844
Warnings: Ummm not really much? Alastor being Alastor! One mention of not being able to sleep sometimes, mention of seeing people in hell doing dr*gs, k*lling eachother, and fighting, mention of reader having bad social skills (?)
part two
A/N: UM!! this is my first time writing for alastor, so apologies if it isn’t the best. Please give me any feedback you want, I’d love to hear it! Also sorry for any spelling mistakes. I hope you enjoy :’)
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Alastor the radio demon. You know of the things he’s done, you know that people are quite literally terrified of him. But for some reason... you feel a certain way towards him that you can’t describe, but it’s surely not fear.
You’ve had a some-what odd admiration of him since you landed in hell, only a few months ago. You got spotted by Charlie when you first got to hell. She noticed you looking around nervously and lost, and put two and two together that you must be new. She very kindly introduced herself which was refreshing because.. well.. it’s hell. Everywhere you looked people were fighting, doing drugs, and even killing each other. You were glad there were kind people even down here.
“Hi, you! Uh, you lost?” Charlie smiled you and waved.
“Um yeah! I’m guessing this is hell, huh?” You awkwardly chuckle. Social skills weren’t ever your thing, it seems they haven’t got better after you died, either.
“Yep! This is hell! You must be new? I’m Charlie! Charlie Morningstar. It’s so nice to meet you.” She smiled and stuck out her hand for you to shake.
“Nice to meet you, Charlie! My names Y/n.” You politely smiled back and shook her hand.
After that meeting, Charlie showed you to the hotel in which you eagerly accepted to stay at, her being the only sane thing you’ve seen down here. It was a pretty nice place, no 5 star hotel like back on earth, but it was something you’re very grateful for. Who knows what would’ve happened to you if you haven’t met her.
While she was showing you around, someone caught your eye. He was a tall man, very polite and respectful looking. He was dressed head to toe in old fashioned attire, with a cane to suit his charming look. He was smiling in a way that made you look at him like he was something you wanted to inspect under a magnifying glass.
He glanced at you and smiled larger, stepping over to you and Charlie.
“My, my! What do we have here? Charlie! You didn’t tell me that we’ve got more guests? It’s a pleasure to meet you, my dear! The names Alastor!” He spoke politely.
His voice was sort of.. Radio-like? You found it soothing.
“Haha yeah! I found them wandering around on the street this morning! They’re a newcomer, their name is Y/n.” She spoke back, excited to introduce you.
“Y/n! Well, my, my. That’s quite a lovely name!” He said. “Say.. do you listen to radio? I host a brilliant radio broadcast that’ll give you some real insight on this place!” He said enthusiastically.
“Oh.. haha thank you” You smile. “I do actually! I love radio shows.” You immediately feel drawn towads him. You cant tell if it’s just the new scenery or what.. but you want to just sit and chat with him for hours.
Alastor perks up at that. “Oh you do, do you?” He smiled more.
“Yeah! Back when I was.. uhm.. alive, I actually had a whole playlist of them! What do you do your show about?” You ask.
Alastor is delighted to have you take interest in his show. “Well, dear, I do all sorts of things on there! Yes, yes, you think of it and I’ve most probably done it! Most commonly known is the souls I entrap and prison, as I broadcast their screams of horror all over this horrible place and people get to hear the noises of their never-ending torture and demise. But! I also just made a wonderful segment on my mother’s Jambalaya recipe!” He stated.
While part of those sentences gave you chills, you still seemed to take interest in him.
“Well,” you chuckle. “I will certainly check it out!” You smile.
“Ah! Wonderful news, my dear.” He said while he twirled his cane.
Charlie was watching you interact with him and noticed how you looked at him, as if admiring. She smile and said, “well! We better finish the tour.”
She motions for you to follow her and you do, waving Alastor goodbye.
He waves back and yells, “goodbye, sweetheart! Lovely to have met you.”
After that, you wanted absolutely everything to do with him. You’ve also got to know the other people staying at the hotel. Angel, Vaggie, Husk, Niffty, and Sir Pentious. They were overall kind people. Husk found your interest in Alastor to be no good.
“Yeah, no. That, whatever thing you have created in your mind about him, isn’t true. He’s vile, Y/n. Trust me on that.” He grunts.
Angel thought you had some kind of kink towards “scary, creepy men.” Which wasn’t true because you didn’t even find him scary. You found him charming.
“Ah.. Alastor? Fucking sexy weirdo if I do say so myself. He’s got some reaaal problems but hey, if you’re into that-“ You cut him off by saying it wasn’t like that & that you don’t think anything sexual towards him.
One day, you were talking to Sir Pentious about his “crush” on Cherry Bomb. He completely denied it but you could tell from his blush and his nervous demeanour that he was very interested in her.
You were caught off guard when you heard that radio voice coming up from behind you.
“Y/n, my dear! I have a question for you.” Alastor came and stood beside you, looking down from where you’re sitting.
“Al! Hey, what’s up?” You ask, containing your excitement.
Sir Pentious excused himself quickly, seeing one of his “egg boys” were being played with by Niffty. She isn’t one to be gentle.
“So, I know how you’ve been listening to my radio show as of late, and I was wondering if you’d like to see where the magic happens!” He states.
“R-really? I’d be honoured!” You say, smiling.
“Ah! Lovely. Come now, this way.”
You get up and he locks arms with you and chats about his new microphone that he got.
Once you guys arrive, you’re shocked. It looks very professional and comfortable. It suits him heavily. There’s a big open window, a desk, some chairs and sofas, a bunch of technical stuff on the desk along with his new mic that you recognize from his descriptions, and a deer coat hanger?
“Wow, Alastor. This place is so actually so sick. I love it. And the new microphone suits you!” You say. “Thank you for showing me, really.”
Typically, Alastor would never show someone something personal of his, including his studio, but you are an exception. He isn’t sure what it is about you but he doesn’t seem to hate you as much as he does with anyone else. At first he was weirded out, but now he just embraces it. He also feels protective of you. He doesn’t know exactly why you’re even down here. For as far is he can tell, you’re an angel. Always being kind even to those who aren’t kind to you, always saying “please” and “thank you,” all that jazz. Jazz! You even like jazz music, his favourite. He told you that he lived on earth the time jazz music was popular. The 20’s and 30’s. That explains his vocabulary and how he dresses. You just find it more interesting and take time to ask questions about what it was like in that time.
“Why of course, my dear! If I’d want to show anyone here, it would be you.” He says, giving you his iconic smile.
You have a thought. “Hey, Al? Would it be alright if the next time you do a show, I could stay and listen?”
You hope he doesn’t think this is odd.
Alastor raises a brow. “Why would you want to do that?” He asks.
You panic, thinking you went too far by asking and now he’s going to cut you off or something.
“Ha! Kidding, sweetheart! Of course you can. I love when my broadcast is wanted to be listened to. Though I love it as well when they don’t want to.” He says.
You’re relieved, a bit scared, but still relieved.
“Say!” He says. “I was going to make one tonight talking about this silly technology box that thinks he is better than me! You know, expose all his lies and secrets to my listeners, and unwilling listeners. Maybe broadcast it all throughout hell!” He starts laughing manically. Then calms down and stares at you.
“Would you want to stay and listen, hm? I can do it now! I didn’t have any plans today going forward and well, getting it out sooner is better than later, I always say.” He asks.
You know he’s talking about Vox when he mentioned the technology box. Him and Vox have a sort of rivalry going on. Though Alastor seems to not care much about him, Vox is sure obsessed. He’s even gone so far as to making posters about him. Which areee.. not much of a resemblance.
This offer strikes you and you immediately perk up. “Yes! I’d love to.” You say.
You don’t think Alastor knows this but whenever you’re struggling to sleep, you put on his radio show and his voice comforts you to sleep. You’re sure if you told him, he would find it weird.
Little did you know, Alastor already knew. He walked past your room one night and heard static sounds coming from your quarters. He immediately was intrigued and put his ear close to your door to hear his voice. He was surprised, but not weirded out. He found it delightful that you found comfort in his voice. It’s not everyday someone does. Usually it invokes terror and anxiety on anyone who hears. This was new, and he didn’t hate it.
“Lovely! Let me get all set up. You can sit wherever you feel the most comfortable!” He says, adjusting his mic and pressing a buttons on his table.
You find a spot and sit down. Feeling honored to even be in the same room as him, let alone HIS room.
“Ahem! Welcome ladies and gentlemen-“ He goes off into his introduction, before winking at you and starting.
After about 20 minutes, you begin to feel tired and put your head on the side of the wall, still listening but with your eyes closed.
Alastor immediately notices and smirks, knowing how his voice effects you. He continues on and after about another 20 minutes, he finishes up. You’re asleep, slightly smiling.
He walks over to you and looks down.
“My, my. You really are an interesting one, aren’t you?” He whispers. He smiles more softly than he usually does and looks around to find a purple blanket hanging on his deer coat hanger, and gently places it on you.
He feels his heart fluttering while looking down at you and he immediately shrugs it off.
“Mm well, my dear.. I guess you can stay here. I’ll just be over there, transferring my broadcast to the other radios around town.” He says and points to his table.
“Sleep well, amour.” He speaks softly.
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a-hazbin-reader · 3 months
Just had a fun idea but like, what about hcs on how the others would react upon realizing s/o has feelings for Alastor? Like out of everyone they could've fallen for of it HAD to be him kjbgbkjs
Thanks for the consideration and take care of yourself op! Drink water, eat food, and know ur favs adore you!
Everyone finding out that wifey is married to Alastor??? 👀 That's what I heard-
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: A little suggestive in the middle bit? Angel helps wifey buy lingerie
Description: ☝️⬆️
You meet everyone at the hotel separately from your husband, so they never make the connection until they actually see you two together
Except Niffty, Alastor just had her trailing behind him one day
"Niffty! This is my darling wife! She is the lady of the house!"
"Neat! I'm gonna go find some bugs!"
"...she's cute, Alastor."
"She's a menace in disguise, my dear~"
When you first met Husker, you were playing cards when he suddenly saddled himself next to you with the kind of confidence that only an overlord has
Luckily, the game was only for fun, the two of you competing against each other in friendly competition
It's a good time between the two of you, you're charming and witty, Husk just eats it up and keeps asking you to play another game
"You're pretty good at this aren't you, beautiful? Do you gamble often?"
You simply hum and politely sip your drink, carefully thinking about how you're going to turn down the overlord
"I don't tend to frequent these sorts of places but my darling husband and I are celebrating so it's a special occasion~"
"Oh, he's harmless! A real romantic...~"
He deflates a little at the mention of your husband but moves on like nothing happened and that's the last you see of him for a couple of months
That is until Alastor comes home one day looking exceptionally pleased with himself as he sweeps you up into an impromptu dance
"Alastor~! What's gotten into you~?"
"Another victory under my belt, my dear~! You know how you've been saying you always wanted a cat?"
"Well, I went out and got you one!"
You barely have time to ask him what he means when suddenly Husk is standing in front of you, looking shocked
"Oh Alastor...tell me you didn't go after him just because he flirted with me a little.."
"Of course not, darling~! I did it beca-he did what now?"
Husk looks around in bewilderment before his eyes land on you wrapped in your husband's arms, pointing at you accusingly
"HE'S YOUR HUSBAND!? You need to look up the definition of HARMLESS cause he ain't harmless!"
You meet Charlie because she quite literally runs into you, tears in her eyes and obviously upset
"I'm so so SO sorry! I-"
"Hey hey...what are you sorry for? Are you okay, my dear?"
You can't help but mother her, wiping away her tears as she tries to excuse her tears as nothing serious
"Would you like to talk about it? I can't just leave you crying out in the street like a lost baby, now can I?"
She sniffles pathetically and nods, letting you guide her somewhere more private
"Y-yes please..."
"Come now, we'll make some hot tea and you can tell me what's got you so worked up..."
You two grow attached to each other after that and make time to meet with each other at least a few times a month
She gets anxious when she hasn't heard from you in a while and calls you whenever she's upset about something, seeking your opinion
You listen to Charlie's problems and try to offer her advice or do what you can to help her feel better, sometimes she just needs a motherly hug
She tells you about her hotel and whether you believe in her dream or not, you support her because she obviously needs it
Other times, you two talk about your respective partners and gossip
"Your husband sounds so sweet! I've got to meet him one day! When he comes back, of course..."
You laugh at her enthusiasm, gently patting her hand to calm the excitable young woman down a little and trying to quell the sadness of his absence
"And this girlfriend of yours sounds like she really cares about you, I'd love to meet her."
You feel compelled to look after her, and Charlie sees you as a source of comfort if not a mother figure to her
So she eventually introduces Vaggie to you because you've been asking to meet her, Vaggie is just excited to meet the famous Y/N
She's heard so much about you from Charlie that she had to see if you were genuine, she had to make sure you weren't using her girlfriend
Only to be taken aback by just how much she ends up liking you, looking to you for advice just as Charlie does
She's geared up, ready to fight, when one day you two are suddenly cornered by thugs out on the street, only to be baffled when you take them out with ease
Just how powerful are you?
"Wait wait wait-how did you pull off that move? I've been trying to learn how to do that for months!"
You're casually fixing your clothes and rubbing your wrist, completely unfazed by the ambush
"It's just a little something I learned from my husband~ Would you like me to teach you?"
"Y-yes! Please!"
She readily accepts, and soon she's just as attached to you as Charlie is, looking forward to the times you agree to spar with her
Her and Charlie talk about how much they love you one night before they go to bed
"So....she's great right?"
"Charlie, I fucking love her."
You meet Angel at a clothing store, the two of you shopping in the same section when you catch him staring hard at the gloves
"You should try this one, the color compliments you really well, and they're made from a good material."
He jumps in surprise, obviously startled by your sudden arrival, but does genuinely seem to look at the pair of gloves you're pointing out
Angel picks them up and tries them on, seemingly more than pleased with your picks, whatever thoughts that were weighing on his mind momentarily forgotten
"Thanks..! Uh, maybe I can help you pick something out?"
He gestures to the many different lingerie in your basket, you're obviously having a hard time deciding which one to get
You have the decency to at least look a little embarrassed, a soft blush taking over your features and making you look innocent
"Would you? My husband is back, and I just want to show him how much I've missed him..."
Angel guides you to the fitting rooms, obviously excited to be of help, he could be saving a marriage for all he knows!
"Sure thing, doll! You put on each one, and Angel Dust here will tell you which one will knock your man off his feet! If I know anything! It's how to turn a man on!"
Normally, you wouldn't even THINK about showing another man your body in lingerie, but hearing that and having an inkling of who Angel is, you trust him
And it's surprisingly fun! Angel helps you narrow it down to three favorites that are sexy and comfortable, it never once feels creepy or uncomfortable
"Now pose like this when he comes in! Yes! Just like that! Your hubby is gonna lose his mind when he sees you!"
You can't help but laugh, not at all feeling ridiculous but enjoying Angel's antics and enthusiasm
"Thank you, Angel. We should go clothes shopping together again sometime, I had a good time today."
He winks and holds out his phone to get your number before walking away, no longer seeming so...depressed
"And you'll have an even better time tonight! See you later, doll~!"
You two shop together on the regular after that, greeting each other with air kisses and judging people together
"Ugh, do you see the hair on that gal? What an absolute wreck!"
"That hairstyle wasn't even popular when my husband and I were alive...ugh..."
"When am I gonna meet this man of yours anyways?"
"When he stops going to a tailor and agrees to come shopping with me~"
You're laying in bed with Alastor one night, nuzzled under his chin and cuddling in his arms when he suddenly speaks
"You know that little...project I've been working on?"
You're nearly asleep, the feeling of his thumb rubbing your arm soothing you more than he realizes
"Well, I was thinking maybe I could take you with me tomorrow...everyone there has been dying to meet you."
You open your eyes to look at your husband, smiling at him as you lean up to kiss him softly
"More people who don't believe that you have a wife? I'll be happy to set the record straight~"
He chuckles and rolls you two over so that he's on top of you, kissing down your neck as his hands push up your nightgown
"I can't wait to show you off to everyone~"
The next day, Alastor takes your arm in his and leads you inside, you're more than a little surprised to see that his project is a hotel
You're a bit shocked to see so many familiar faces in front of you, Niffty running up to hug your leg and Husk giving you a lazy wave
Charlie, Vaggie and Angel are all staring you like you're a ghost, eyes slowly moving from Alastor to you over and over again
Charlie drops her tray of snacks in surprise, rushing up to give you a bone crushing hug while Vaggie stands in front of Alastor as if to protect you
"Y/N! What are you doing here!? Are you here to give redemption a try? Oh, I knew you would come around!!"
You laugh and hug her back while patting her head, gently prying her arms off of you so you can pet Niffty
"It's good to see you too, my dear princess, though I'm here with my husband."
Vaggie's jaw drops, and she whips around to look at you, jabbing a finger at Alastor as you see her trying to digest the truth in front of her
"You! A-and him!? The Radio Demon?!"
Alastor takes the opportunity to pull you back to his side, a loving arm around your waist as you happily lean on him, hand on his chest
"Everyone! This is Y/N, my lovely wife~! Y/N, please tell them all that you're here of your own volition and that you are happily married to the most wonderful demon in all of hell!"
You hear Angel trying to hold in his laughter, obviously flashing back to the many conversations he's had with you about your mysterious husband
"Yes yes, I'm happily married to him and I'm not under any mind control or deal or anything else like that~"
You can hear Vaggie's soul leave her body, Charlie's delighted squeal and Angel's uncontrollable laughter at the sight of you and Alastor rubbing noses in an obnoxiously cute manner
"This is the guy you've been buyin' all those sexy clothes for!? Oh my fuck!! This is too good!"
"I can't believe Alastor was your husband this whole time!! I knew he was secretly a big softie! Oh my gosh! You should hear how he talks about you it's so cute!!"
"...I don't get what you see in him..."
"I don't either, you know that when I first met her, she called him HARMLESS? She's delusional."
"He's a bad boy and she LIKES IT~!"
Your husband looks at you in confusion, gently stroking your cheek
"All this time I spent singing your praises to earn you a decent reputation around here was for nothing? I should've known you'd have stolen their hearts already~"
You smile and kiss Alastor's palm sweetly, earning a chorus of cooing and disgusted noises from your audience
"Actually, I've met everyone here before, darling... it seems we've been unintentionally been keeping our a marriage a secret from everyone!"
Charlie is just so enamored with the way you two interact as a couple, her eyes sparkling whenever she watches you two together
Vaggie is just disappointed in your taste in men and shakes her head whenever you two are affectionate, secretly she thinks it's cute
Angel gets a kick out bugging Alastor about the clothes he helped you pick out, always asking him if he liked the lingerie
Husk is just thankful for the distraction you prove to be for Alastor because then he has more time to himself, encourages you two to go on a lot of dates
Niffty is just crazy as always 😜 She likes you two together though and will stab anyone who tries to separate you two
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This one took so long!! I hope you like it!!
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winterarmyy · 4 months
Kiss It Better
A series of random Bucky Drabbles that I can't let go but don't have the brain to make the whole complete plot of. 
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Summary: In which the reader refused to let Bucky go down on her lately because she's embarrassed of the chafing marks on her inner thighs.
Pairing: avenger!bucky x female!reader
Words: 3.2k++
Warnings: 18+ contents, no minors allowed, nsfw, cunnilingus, cum eating, soft fluff, not much of angst but there's sprinkles of feels, body insecurities, bucky is in love and in heat tbh, i think he is particularly unhinged and filthy in this one but hey, you tell me. idk if i need to remind y'all about this but english is not my first language so my grammar are prolly fucked. Anyway--
Inspiration: Guess who felt a little soft and decided to wear a skirt to work? Yup, that would be me. No, because I commute to work (or basically anywhere) and there is quite a distance of walking in between the journey. Note that your girl here walk fast asf (basically running at this point).  And because them inner thighs ain't got no gap between them, so i got myself some blisters/chafing :') then i fell into a self-deprecating despair for the whole day and it hurts whenever i walk, at that time i just want Bucky to kiss it better. Fast forward a few days later, here we are.
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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She could feel it. His burning gaze following her every move. Observing, calculating. And she knew that must not show any signs of discomfort; not on her face nor from the slightest jolts of her hips. She must not gave him a reason to question her.
She can't.
So she continue walking around their room, back and forth from the bathroom to the wardrobe, as if every step she took was followed by a burning sensation on her skin. She momentarily stood in front of the row of clothes hanging on the rack, her back facing the bed where Bucky had been sprawling on since she went in for a shower.
Honestly, she was standing there suspiciously 'too long', as if she was choosing an outfit for a date night, when clearly she was just getting ready for bed. When she realized that, she quickly pulled out a clean set of pyjamas and walk back into the bathroom.
Bucky's eagle eyes followed her figure, disappearing behind the locked door. His lips pursed as his cogs of thoughts spins around, trying to find answer a question that his lover keeps avoiding but it was useless.
He can't think straight. Especially when he was undeniably famished. He had not got a taste of her his sweet pussy for about 2 weeks now and he was quite literally about lose his fucking mind. 
When his sweetgirl refuses to go further than kissing and making out, of course he obliged. She has every right to 'no' and he respects her wishes. Then it happened again the next day. And the next. Then again, and again. 
Normally, people would've assumed that maybe she was on her period, and she is not comfortable having any sexual intimacy when menstruating. But, Bucky can tell that, that was not it. Because first of all, it was way too early for that time of the month, he knows her schedule.l very well. Second of all, he would've smell the blood if she was on her period.
Most of his senses are enhanced after all.
So, why was she avoiding it?
Bucky's is completely fine if sex was not something she wanted to do, but not even letting him eat her out? Now that's concerning. At least for him.
Because he needs her. He needs to suck on that needy little clit of hers, make it wet and swollen. He needs to lap on that sweet juices when she cums on his tongue.
Fuck. He's getting all work up now, thinking about it.
He swore that if this keeps going on, one of these days he might just spread his legs and fuck his fist on their bed while she's tied on a chair on the other side of the room. Maybe forcing her; seducing her, to watch his desperate cock become wet and messy would give her a clue of what he is feeling now.
Absolutely needy and deprived of that pretty little cunt of hers.
He was quite distracted with the filfthy thoughts until he heard the clicking sound of the bathroom door unlocked.
As she walked towards the bed, Bucky felt like his lungs stopped providing oxygen through his body, "Pretty." His eyes sparkled affection as the voice in his head echoed his thoughts. It wasn't that he have not seen her in those pyjamas before, he had. Many times in fact. The very same lavender set with tiny little cartoon cats printed all over the fabric.
The same ones that she wore when she came rushing to his side on one of those sleepless night. The time when she hold him close, distracting him away from the nightmare by asking the most random question of "You know, Bucky... These cats supposedly have the same expression, except for one. Do want to try and find it?"
He found it. It was near the hem of her right sleeve. And by that time, his nightmare was no where near his mind, the next thing he knew, he fell right back to sleep with her in his arms. It was his favourite pair of pyjamas that she ever worn.  Nothing compares.
A loving smile unconsciously appeared on his face when his lady threw a sweet smile at him as she walked toward the bed, "My baby's so pretty." He thought.
The grin on his lips lasted, but not for long. Especially when he saw the tiny frown on her face, the faltered steps and when he heard that brief sound of a painful hiss slipped out of her lips.
So the moment she sat down on her side of the bed, Bucky already had his hands on her. Arms instantaneously wrapped around her waist, before effortlessly pulling her back onto his sturdy chest.
She giggled gleefully from his sudden rush of affection  and that surely managed to trigger a chuckle out of Bucky. He hums and proceed to purr in crook of her neck, "What's wrong, baby?"
She could feel his throat rumbling at the back of her neck, "Did he notice it?". Her heart beat ever so slightly picked up its' pace but she planned to act like opposite of it, "Hmm? What do mean 'what's wrong'?" She asked.
Bucky can hear the change tempo coming from within her ribcage, he knew something was wrong, "I just want to know how are you feeling."  He pressed a long and tender kiss on the shoulder.
The warmth of his breath tickled her skin, "Now? Hmm. I feel very loved." She smiled dreamily as she closes her eyes.
Bucky left out a brief laugh at her response, this cheeky little bunny, "That's true, but how are you really feeling, hmm? Like physically?" He urges softly.
She thought about it for awhile; contemplating whether she should just tell him the truth or proceed to act like she okay. Well, she chose the latter, "Hmmm physically. In this position? Very comfy." She wiggled her body back into him, closing the non-existent gap between their bodies and gripping Bucky's arms around her a little tight.
Though her plushy ass was rubbing against his crotch just nicely, but the former winter soldier was not going to let that distract him from his mission. He needs to know what she's hiding behind that sweet smile, "Doll..." his voice was stern and she knew he was not having it.
His calling was only met with silence when she didn't reply verbally. Since she was looking down, Bucky cannot see the frown on face and the wobbling worries in her eyes. But he did picked up on the anxiousness of her heart; beating faster by the second.
"I..." her voice cracked at the first word she said, and Bucky knew he fucked up. He swiftly maneuvered her body to sit on his lap, facing him. His metal hand craddled her soft cheek, and his flesh ones gently caresses her back, "Hey hey hey, doll, what's wrong? Shit. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pressure you." His voice was laced with panic.
When she only had her gaze down, Bucky tenderly coaxed her, "Bunny, look at me." His hand guided her by the chin and when they made eye contact, he apologized again, "I'm sorry. I just want you to feel better. Forgive me." He leaned in a planted a kiss on her forehead. Then, her nose. And her cheeks, all over her face, muttering his words of apology.
She felt bad that Bucky apologized for something that was clearly not his fault. She's the problem in this situation. Her negativity, her insecurity was what drove her away from Bucky for the past 2 weeks. She knew that. And she knew it wasn't fair to him.
Knowing Bucky, he's probably blaming himself for her actions. And she didn't want that. She decided to tell him the truth, "I just..." Anxiety runs through her veins when she thought about it again. Would she be able to handle it if Bucky reacted negatively to her truth? Probably, not. "Just... promise that you won't be disgusted by it... Or get the ick from it."
Bucky frowned in confusion, "I don't even know what 'get the ick' means but I promise." He swore.
She let out a short laugh at his comment, causing him to smile along. Seeing how loving his gaze was, it gave her the strength to confess. She started with explaining how she had been busy at work this month. With launch of the new product, and her being one of th product manager, she was obligated to visit the branches around New York.
Bucky listened to words attentively, at first he thought maybe she was trying to say that she's been stressed lately. But then she started to explained about how she had been wearing skirts to work most of the days, because it was one of the their campaign's rules and Bucky does not think that 'stress' was what this would conclude to.
Nevertheless, he didn't lose his attention.
"But basically what I'm trying to say is..." She took a deep breath before continuing, "It's just... My inner thighs are chafed..." her voice was barely audible at the end of the sentence but Bucky caught it perfectly.
He thought about it for awhile before asking, "So, you mean to say that you got blisters on your inner thighs?" He wanted to confirm that his understanding was accurate.
She looked down in shame as she nodded to his question.
Bucky responded by pulling her closer, and kissed her forehead, "Aww doll. Is this why you've been avoiding me? Because it hurts? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I could've helped you. I mean I could help apply some meds or--"
Horrified at the idea of him seeing marks; the literal reminder of how fat she is caused her to blurt, "No!" She pushed Bucky away, eyes widen in horrid.
"No?" Bucky frowned quizzically at her intense reaction.
Realizing what she just had just done,  she composed herself, and spoke, "It's... it's not a pretty sight. And I don't want to show it to you. Plus, if my thighs are a little thinner than they are now. Then, this wouldn't happen. If only these thighs are not like... fucking fat as they are we wouldn't have to go through this. And you wouldn't need to hear all this. You wouldn't---"
Bucky knew that once she was in the state of insecurity, she self-deprecate herself like she was less worthy than the goddesss that she is. So, instead of arguing with her, he simply intercepted her rambling, "Show me."
She stopped the seemingly endless word-vomit, and titled her head to the side, "Huh? No. Bucky I just said--"
Bucky grabbed her by the waist and effortlessly lifted her off his lap and onto the bed, caging her  below him, "And I said... Show. Me." His tone was more like an order rather than a request.
She didn't dare to defy him, when his gaze was as rigid as they were now, so pulled her pants off; slowly, reluctantly. When the pants was at the last inches before it's completely off, Bucky took control and quite literally ripped it off from her.
The sudden action resulted to her body needing to hide itself from his darken eyes. Her thighs clammed together as a whine slipped from her lips. The friction of her wounds brushing against each other was burning her delicate skin.
Bucky quickly softens when he heard her pained voice,  he pushed himself off from her and kneeled on the bed before her. "Doll, please..." His hands gently squeezes the side of her thighs as he pleads, "...Let me see."
Slowly spreading her thighs apart, Bucky's eyes are now focusing on the red marks on her skin. His thumbs absentmindedly traces the area around the broken skin. He was so concentrated that he didn't say a word. And that only triggered her insecurity that she started to rambled something about how she will start going in a diet and she'll add more intense leg workout in her routine.
But her voice was only a muffled strings of incoherent sounds in Bucky's ears when he finally processed everything that happened from 2 weeks ago until now.
The realization hit him like a high speed train with a broken break system. Did she really turned him down because of this? Did she really starve him out because of this? Bucky let out a growl of disapproval when he abruptly pulled her by her calves, forcing her hips to lift from the bed. She yelped in surprised but she saw the look on his face,  "You..." he rasped.
Bucky placed her legs on his shoulders, letting it daggle on his back as he palmed sides of her thighs. He then, proceed to leave trails of kiss on her inner thigh, avoiding the irritating wounds on her skin, "You deprived me of my sweet little pussy because you think this..." he flattened his tongue and nibble on her softness of her inner thighs, "...would turn me off? That these thick, soft thighs that I love so much would bother me?"
He planted a delicate kiss on the marks before, "Well, guess what bunny?. You're absolute wrong. In fact, it's quite the opposite." His lips travelled upwards until it found her core. Bucky's nose flared at the scent of her arousal, "And oh my sweet babydoll, I'm going to eat your pussy until understand that. Then, I'm gonna do it some more because I am fucking starving." He pressed a firm kiss on her clothed pussy, causing the cotton to soak the juices that leaks from her hole.
"Look at that. Does your needy pussy wants some pampering too, hmm?" She could see the lust dripping down his ocean blues; the same ones that were usually bright but now were now noticeably darker.
Bucky's finger traces the slit of her pussy, rubbing her over the fabric of her panties, making patch of wetness spread even more. "Yeah? Does she want me to kiss it better? Make her feel good?"
She moaned softly to his touch, "Please."
That was all it took for Bucky to rip her panties apart as if it was made out of paper.  "Fuck, there she is. My sweet pussy." He brought his fingers over, widened the folds of her pussy. Even with minimal lighting, it was enough to show him the glistening pink flesh of leaking cunt, twitching and needing his tongue to explore her insides.
He was hungry of course, just simply looking at her pussy had made his mouth water and impossible for him to resist the urge of putting his mouth on the pretty little thing. "Hmm,," a sharp cry escaped from her lips as he blew on her little twitching nub. There was this glint in his eyes as he watched her try to buck up, cunt helplessly clenching around nothing.
Before she could beg for him, Bucky's tongue dipped in between folds. Pointed at first, from the entrance of her pussy up to her clit. The tip of his tongue swirl around the aching nub. A breath caught in her throat when Bucky repeat the same move but this time he flattened his tongue.
And then he does it again and again.
Bucky, is generally the larger man compared to anyone. He is tall and beefy. But he is especially big when he's in between her legs, gently devouring her wet pussy. Slow and long licks were his favorite, it allowed him to savor the taste of her. Always so sweet and he couldn't get enough of it.
With every flick Bucky's tongue assulting to her swollen bud, she couldn’t help but pull on sheets behind her, needy moans leaves her lips every time he explored her, teases her. Her body cannot stay still when the pleasure was taking her higher. But it was not a problem for Bucky to control. Whenever she tries to close her thighs together, he stopped her. He didn't want to irritate her wounds or cause any pain, so he kept pushing her thigh open as he nuzzle his face into her pussy.
"Ahhh fuck ,, that feels so good, Bucky!" She moaned his name as the overwhelming feeling of his wet and soft tongue gliding and rubbing on her core, guiding her to heaven.
And the salacious squelching noises to fill the room as Bucky laps and sucks on her clit. She was so wet that he could just shove his fingers up in her hole but he didn't. He won't. After so many days not tasting her, he want to only use his mouth.
Though the man barely spoke during these times, he’d much rather keep his mouth occupied with drinking up her juices or suckling on her cute little clit. But when he does. Fuck. Does he spill the most unholy things.
Bucky momentarily detached himself from her and rasped, "Gonna cum, babydoll? Come on, give it to me. Let me drink and lick your cum after." His metal fingers quickly finds her clit, swiftly started to deliciously rub it; just the way he knew she liked it. It felt so good that her tongued lolled out her mouth out of pure pleasure.
"Yeah, bunny. You're gonna let me clean you up with tongue so nice, so that you can make the same mess again and again. Cum in mouth, babydoll. Cum for me"
He delved right back where is mouth belongs, licking her clit into his mouth just to wrap his lips around the pretty pink bundle of nerves sucking it harshly.  She whined needily her hips started to move on its own accord, searching for more friction of his tongue, “ahh ahh! hmmmm,, s-so fucking good! ahhh,, So close!” she was seeing stars in her hazy vision from how good and dirty she felt.
Bucky's eyes almost rolled back when let out a groan of satisaction against her spread out cunt; he can feel that she was going to cum and want her to do it with his mouth latched on her.
And cum she did, moments after she couldn’t help but squeal as her back arched from the bed, grinding herself on his tongue. Bucky growled at the streams of cream squirting out of her throbbing cunt right into his mouth, down to his throat.
So sweet and warm and addictive.
While her whole body was still shaking from the aftermath of the mindblowing orgasm, Bucky continued to lick and lap on her leaking pussy, slurping and suckling every bit of cream she had blessed him with.
Yet he was still hungry.
She mewled when Bucky started to suck on her clit again and when she looked over at him, he momentarily pulled away, "oh doll, did you forget? I'm not going to stop any time soon. So just lay there, look pretty for me and let me enjoy this sweet little pussy."
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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A/N: Have you ever gotten your inner thighs chafed? Anyway, thanks for spending your time to reading my work! Leave your thoughts behind, I'd love to read them ♡
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pholla-jm · 2 months
Say My Name
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IMAGINE: SAY MY NAME~ LUFFY X READER GENRE: FLUFF cw: not proof read. use of (y/n). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Luffy has gone by many names.
 Monkey D. Luffy. 
Mugiwara. Strawhat Luffy. 
Luffy tarou.
Or simply Straw Hat. 
He doesn’t mind any of the names that he is called. 
However, that changed when you joined the crew. 
You always called him Captain, and he didn’t mind that. But he grew to hate. Why? Well it all started when he paid attention to how you interacted with the rest of the crew. 
“Hey Nami! Do you want to paint nails together?” You call out to her, holding out a new tube of nail polish. Nami smiles brightly at your requests and nods her head. 
Luffy first noticed that you called her by her name, and not by her title. 
“Zoro, can you move your weights please?” You call out to him. Since you were bored, you wanted to clean the area. But his weights were in the way. “Just clean around it.” 
Luffy watches the scene, head tilted. Wondering why you didn’t call him by his title. 
Later, when the crew was finished with dinner, you had stayed behind. So did Luffy, waiting to see if there was more food. 
“Hey, Sanji. Mind if I help with dishes?” You ask. “Oh no, my dear. You shouldn’t sully your hands. You should head to bed, get a good night's rest.” You smile fondly at the cook, “thank you. Goodnight.” 
You turn to see your Captain, “good night, captain.” “ night.” He responds, deep in thought. 
It went on like this for days, weeks, and almost months. Hearing you call out everyone’s names. “Robin” “Usopp.” “Chopper.” “Franky.” “Brook.” 
And yet. When it came to him, it was just Captain. Never Luffy, and he was getting quite frustrated at this point. He just wanted to hear his name from you at least once.
So when you were by yourself on night watch he decided to take the initiative. He stretches himself up onto the crows nest. 
Upon hearing the familiar sound of rubber stretching, you turn around to greet your Captain. 
“Hey Captain, what brings you here? Shouldn’t you be sleeping or something?” 
“Why don’t you ever say my name?” He got straight to the point. 
You stare at him in confusion, “What are you talking about? I do say it, captain.” The captain pouts his lips, “no. That’s not my name. It’s just a title.” 
“Well, yeah. And that title is your name.” “But you never call anyone else by their title.” “Hm, well I was just raised this way. You’re the captain and this is just how I’m showing my respect for you.” 
Luffy hums in response with a thoughtful look on his face. 
“As your captain, I want you to call me by my real name. Captain's orders.” He smiles at you like he just found the biggest loophole, “you have to respect that, ya know?” 
You just laugh and shake your head. “Fine, I'll start calling you by your real name.” 
He looks at you, waiting for you to mutter the simple word from your mouth. However, it is silent. And the both of you are just staring at each other. 
“Oh, you mean now?” 
Luffy nods his head. 
“Okay…. Luffy. I’ll start calling you by your name.” 
A huge grin breaks out on his face. He didn’t know that hearing his name from you would be so… addicting. The way you said it sounded so smooth and alluring. It drew him in, and he definitely wanted more. You had a slight accent so his name sounded a bit different. However, he still liked it. 
“Say it again.” 
“Huh?” You laugh, “why?” “Just say it again. Please.” 
“Okay, Luffy. I’ll say your name as many times as you want.” 
He took that quite literally. 
“Luffy.” “Again.” “Luffy.” 
Every time you would say his name he would get closer and closer to your face. Almost like if he got closer, he could somehow hear his name better. Every time he got closer, your face would get redder and redder. Your noses were basically touching, and you could feel his breath fan against your lips. 
“Uh, Luffy. What are you doing?” “I want to keep hearing you say my name forever.” 
You nervously laugh, afraid to even speak out loud since he was still so close. “Luffy, we have all the time in the world. You can hear it whenever you want.” You whisper.
He purses his lips and pulls back slightly. “You’re right. Just one more time, please?” “Okay, one more time. It’s time for you to go to bed, Luffy.” 
Luffy’s face turns into a smile, “okay. Thank you (y/n).” 
You don’t respond. You just smile at him and watch him departure for the crow’s nest.
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sweetiecutie · 9 months
Ok ok listen-
teacher!valeria x student!reader🫶🫶
(I imagen her and us having "study sessions" she calls us in her classroom to talk about our grades or she calls us in her classroom so she can "help" us with something that we didnt understand 😻😻and could reader be a fem?. if u dont want to do this is ok!!🫶❤️)
Pairing: Valeria Garza x fem! Reader
Warnings: NSFW, smut, university AU!, professor/student trope, age gap implied
A/n: this is literally so sexy, I’m about to cream my fucking pants😩
Okay, so this is a university au, in which Valeria is one of the professors. I have a feeling that she would be teaching something hard and complicated - let’s say math.
Professor Garza is very strict. She’s one of the people who value discipline and order over anything else, punishing everyone who dares disturbing it. Valeria wouldn’t think twice before giving out detentions and extra work for behavior she deems unacceptable within auditorium. Chatting during her lectures? - detention. Forgetting to do homework she gave? - detention and double the amount of exercises you had to be handed over to her due to 3 pm the next day.
Many students fear Miss Garza, many hate her, many like her; but every single one has some sort of respect for her cold and stoic demeanor. Valeria is strict and demanding , but she’s also one of the bestest - many students wish to be teached by her.
And even if it seems nearly impossible, Valeria does have favorites. Very few - 3-4 students in whole university, but boy are they privileged.
Valeria values conformity over anything else. She prefers students that are polite and well-behaved, never causing any commotion or fuss. And you happened to be just that - miss goody two shoes, one of the bestest in your year, never once failing ho hand in whatever assignment Valeria gave you, no matter how complicated or cumbersome the work was.
Garza quickly caught onto your skills, and by the end of first year she already valued you over the rest of your group. Not only the brilliance of your mind, which was capable of so many amazing thing, drew her in; you’re quite a sight for sore eye as well - clothes always neat and ironed, hair framing your pretty face perfectly no matter what, light makeup only highlighting your natural beauty. Valeria couldn’t help her eyes lingering on your soft thighs whenever you decided on wearing a skirt or a dress to uni, flooding her head with images of these exact thighs spread wide before her.
It was quite a challenge for Valeria to find any mistakes in your works. You were a smart little girl, she had no doubts about it at that point. But every time, with extreme effort, professor Garza managed to find all the little flaws in your works. They did seem ridiculous tho, something other math professors wouldn’t even deem as a mistake. So first time this happened you came up to the older woman, asking about your strangely low grade; and Valeria, voice softer with feigned sympathy, patiently explained why she had to grade you so lowly. “I hope you do better next time, hm?” She’d say with a small smile, dismissing you from her classroom. Oh how the sight of your pouting lips and teary eyes got her off
As semester drew nearer to its end your works didn’t seem to improve even a slightest bit. At this point you were convinced that it was something personal - that professor Garza simply disliked you (oh if only you knew). So it was a surprise when Valeria called out for you to stay behind as everyone was leaving after the end of her lecture. You obediently descended the stairs of high auditorium, coming to her desk, standing there patiently as all the students left.
Once alone in the room, Valeria turned to face you, one hip leaning onto the edge of her working desk. Her dark eyes gazed at you from above thin lenses of her reading glasses, arms crossed over her chest making her tits perk up teasingly from within two unmade buttons of her white blouse.
“Y/n, I wanted to talk to you about your grades” she said, her voice sounding a bit softer than usual - voice she used on you only. Your body tensed slightly at her words, your fingers gripping your books more tightly as you looked at her tentatively.
“I made a small research on your academic performance and it seems that you only struggle with my subject. Is there any particular reason to this?” She asked, concern lacing her words.
You bit your tongue, fighting back bitter words of indignation - it was Valeria’s fault only that your grades in math were so low. But you kept silent, gazing dully onto the floor under your feet. Professor Garza heaved a heavy sigh, her heart thrumming loudly within her chest at what she was about to do.
“Y/n, you’re a very smart girl, and I don’t want you to ruin your record because of arithmetics. I can give you some extra credit” she said calmly, your ears perking up at her words.
You looked up at the older woman, obviously surprised - Valeria never gave extra credit, no matter the circumstances. You blinked rapidly a few times - you won’t lose such an opportunity, you’d be a fool if you did.
“Sure, I’d be very grateful!” You said quickly, looking at Valeria with wide eager eyes.
She only smiled at your words, nodding for you to come closer. As you did, she took your books and notes out of your hands, placing them on the faraway side of her desk. “You won’t need these”
As you were going to ask what she meant her warm hand clasped around the back of your neck, slamming you against her desk. With a small squeak you were bent over the table, your cheek squished against some papers scattered on top of it. You felt Valeria’s hot chest pressing against your back, her free hand glided up and down the side of your hip as she whispered into your ear “Now I need you to be a good little girl and spread your legs wider”
And you did. Arousal pooled in the pit of your stomach, making your knees go weak as Valeria’s hand slipped in between your soft thighs - just like she always dreamed of, massaging your soft pussy through thin material of your panties.
Soon enough these same panties were shoved into your mouth to muffle all desperate cries tearing through your chest as to not disturb other professors in nearby auditoriums; three of Valeria’s long fingers fucked in and out of your drooling pussy with loud squelching sounds, her fingertips grazing that one spot deep within you, making your eyes roll and toes curl.
You exited professor Garza’s auditorium on trembling legs, your makeup and hair unnaturally messy, eyes unfocused and bleary but - most importantly - with impeccable record on arithmetics.
But to keep your math performance this way, you had to visit professor Garza some more for extracurricular activities <3
Likes, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated! Writers live off feedback, give us some love<3
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thehighladywrites · 4 months
- “if it is so wrong, why does it feel so good?”
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pairing: stalker/perv!azriel x reader, nesta, elain and feyre mentioned
summary: stalking and perving is azriel’s favorite activities. What happens when you finally drop the oblivious mask and confront him
warnings: dark content, stalking, perving (on literally everyone), breaking and entering, stealing panties, az having a darker side, getting turned on by your fear, az eating you out, reader being bold and hot as fuck omg,
amara’s note: okay this is very short bc it’s my first time writing a dark fic. Also i hope you like it and pls read the warnings.
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Azriel knows he is some sort of sick freak. He knows he should resist his sinful glances at Feyre when she's cozied up on Rhysand's lap. He flexes a little extra just to spark Nesta's desires, fully aware of her fantasies. And as for Elain, well, let's just say he's playing a forbidden game of spying while she bends over to plant her greens.
Azriel's is extremely aware he shouldn't be harboring forbidden desires or indulging in the secret pleasure of stalking someone as seemingly innocent as yourself.
Azriel, the ultimate mastermind, keeps everyone guessing. Who would suspect the quiet, brooding and publicly respected spymaster to be a closeted perv and sick stalker? It's his most guarded secret hidden beneath the intimidating exterior.
Little does Azriel know, you're fully aware of his perverse behavior—his wandering eyes and spying shadows. It surprises you that no one has figured him out yet; after all, it seems quite apparent, doesn't it?
You don’t miss his lurking shadows following you around for hours. A regular fae would’ve missed it but not you. You’ve grown accustomed to him and his ways. You know him better than anyone else and you definitely know of his stalker tendencies.
Azriel believes he's smooth, avoiding outright ogling. Instead, he strategically glances at you during training with Cassian and while sharpening his weapons, subtly appreciating the way your body moves.
Pervert azriel walks up to you, complimenting your form, claiming while it’s good there’s something you need to fix. You don’t mind if he needs to grab your waist while fixing your pose right? And of course you’ll excuse him if he accidentally brushes against your boobs and ass. I mean he just wants to help you perfect your form!
He watches you walking through Velaris from the shadows, always hiding one of his shadows with you. He tells himself that he does it for your safety. Who knows, you might be attacked and he needs to be ready.
He absolutely doesn’t want to hear how much of a hypocrite he is for also stalking you in the safety of your home aswell.
Azriel steals your panties, silently breaking into your room as he looks through your drawers, skimming through the collection of panties. He promises himself it’s the last time, though he’s made the same pledge seven times before.
Azriel's stalking tendencies lead him to roam through your belongings, touching everything to become familiar with your world. He goes to your vanity, picking up your perfumes, and indulges in the forbidden pleasure of smelling the one thing he desires most—you.
Lying in your bed, his head on your pillow, he starts shifting in the sheets, inhaling more of your scent. He revels in the trespass and wrongness of being in your bed, knowing that you might catch a hint of his own scent lingering there, a twisted thought crossing his mind that it could confuse, frighten, or even arouse you.
His cock swells at the thought of you scared, heart beating fast, trying to place who the scent belongs to.
He looks around and finds one of your shirts on the bed and picks it up to his nose.
Then he does the one thing he swore he would never stoop to. He pulls out his already hard cock and strokes it while inhaling your scent from the shirt.
He has timed you and learned your schedule hence why he now knows that you’ll be in the shower for the next twenty minutes, giving him the perfect opportunity for his perverse activities. He’ll pick up the laciest most intricate pair, keeping it in his room as some sort of trophy with the other stuff he has taken from you. No one can enter into his room anyways, it’s safe…
Pervert Azriel looks through the little crack in your door as you stand there posing infront of a mirror while wearing pretty much nothing. A lacy little lingerie set as you touch your body, hands traveling all over your tits, waist, ass then up through your hair as you spin around, admiring yourself.
You know Azriel is standing at your door, he isn’t really all that subtle with his hand down his pants as he jerks off at the sight of you.
It’s almost enough to make your eyes roll back into the back of your head, fucking gods, he’s pathetic.
You wanted to fuck him for the longest time. He could just ask you to fuck and you’d say yes yet here he is thinking he’s slick as he pervs on you. Even with all that in mind, there’s a sick, twisted adrenaline rush spreading through your body at the thought of the esteemed and highly respected spymaster doing something so dark and wrong like this.
“I know you're there, Az. Come out,” you say, a wicked smile forming on your face as you plot to utterly humiliate him.
His entire body freezes and Azriel cautiously emerges from the shadows, realizing he's been caught. You maintain that mischievous grin, ready to unleash your plan. The air thickens with anticipation as the confrontation unfolds.
He looks like he’s about to jump out of the nearest window as he looks at you through the mirror.
“Why are you such a disgusting little pervert? Here I am trying on some clothes and you’re just perving on me. How do you think that makes me feel? I mean I could be super afraid and you wouldn’t have any remorse? Who does something like that?”
Azriel's face heats up at the mocking question, flushing as he tries to respond.
“Az, I asked you a question,” you assert, walking over to him. His embarrassment is palpable as he apologizes, rambling about not knowing what came over him, begging you not to tell anyone.
You already know the answer, and a knowing smile plays on your lips as he seeks forgiveness.
“You’ve done a very bad thing, Azriel. Bad people deserve to be punished. You of all people understand that, right?”
Pushing him back onto one of the sofas in your room, you creep closer, leaning over to whisper. Looking down at him, you place your hand on his cheek, letting your nails dig in a little.
“I think you deserved to be punished.”
Azriel's heart raced, fearing exposure for his hidden activities. Was this it? Would you punish him by revealing his actions to everyone?
Before he could plead for forgiveness, you stood up, walking back to your bed and beckoning him over with two fingers.
As he approached, ready to sit, you extended your leg, placing your foot on his stomach, halting him in his tracks..
“Not so fast,” you assert, a wicked smile playing on your lips. “The bed is reserved for me. You can kneel on the floor.”
Azriel complies, gracefully sinking to his knees. His gaze meets yours, his beautiful eyes revealing a mixture of submission and desire.
“You’re going to eat my pussy. If you manage to make me cum, I won’t tell anyone about your disgusting behavior, understand?”
He couldn't believe what was unfolding. Was he really about to taste you? About to experience the fantasy he'd daydreamed about every single day? He nods, but a disapproving tsk follows.
“I need more than a nod, Azriel. Do you understand?”
A quick, “Yes, I understand,” escapes his lips.
You can't help but smile at the swiftness of his compliance.
“That’s good. Now, I’ll be taking off my bra and panties and they’re very expensive and new so they better not go missing.”
Azriel affirms his understanding and then proceeds to drool over the way you slowly strip infront of him before you spread your legs and tell him to start.
He grabs your thighs and pulls you closer to the edge as he dips his head down to run his tounge up and down your slit, tasting you before playing with your clit.
You gasp in pleasure, letting out moans as your hands find their way to his hair, urging him to keep going.
Azriel’s hands dig into your thighs that are currently smushing his head. He decides to let you continue, telling himself that if he dies like this, he'd go down as the happiest person in history.
“T-that’s it, right there.”
A breathy moan escapes your lips as you feel two of his fingers enter you. Your hands grab his dark soft hair as he started pumping his fingers, relishing at the way your soaking cunt is squelching and squeezing him.
You whimper at the way his thick fingers strecth you out then curl against that secret spot, making your eyes roll to the back of your head. You start to slowly fuck yourself on them, eager for more of him.
“You taste even better than I imagined, fuck.”
His desperate voice only spurred you on.
It doesn’t take much longer for that feeling to build up in your stomach, the tight cord eventually snapping. You squeeze and throb around his fingers as you cum hard, letting out whines and mumbles.
Azriel helps you ride out your high, memorizing every facial expression in case this is the last time you ever let him this close again.
He pulls out his fingers and lick them clean then goes back and licks your pussy clean.
You let out a giggle at the sight before you, casting him a look of fake sympathy as you pull yourself together.
“Well, look at that. Seems like I’ll be keeping your secret after all. I mean, what a shame to loose such a good little pussy eater, right? I might just keep you around.”
You beckon him to rise, tossing your underwear onto the sofa before heading to the bathroom to clean up.
Glancing back at his flushed face and heavy breathing, you offer a secret smile.
“Who knows, next time I might even let you fuck me.”
Turning around, you leave him to his thoughts as the shower starts.
Azriel stands there for a moment, his desire evident. Unable to resist, he takes your panties and bra, always craving something of yours.
He promises to himself that he won't do it for an eighth time before hurrying back to his room, to finally help himself
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🏷️ taglist: @stasiereads @clairebear08 @daycourtofficial @historiaxvanserra @rowaelinsdaughter @acourtofladydeath @acourtofwhatthefuck @redbleedingrose @danikamariewrites @readychilledwine @nocasdatsgay
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Summary: In which finding comfort in the arms of Bucky Barnes after Steve leaves turns into something more.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader, past relationship with Steve Rogers
Word count: 1.9k
Warning: Language, smut smut smut, unprotected sex, --18+
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Was it wrong to seek comfort in the arms of your ex boyfriend’s bestfriend?
Frankly, she knew it was. How wrong it looked in the eyes of others. She always questioned the choice she’d made all those months ago. The very conscious decision to kiss and find herself on top of Bucky Barnes whenever possible.
They both didn’t mean for it to happen. Y/N had found solace within Bucky after Steve just up and jumped into a time machine to live out his life with a woman he could never forget . Another decision that had been well thought out and conscious of the heartbreak and loss that it would ensue for those closest to him, especially the girl he’d told countless times he loved.
The person he’d shared more than a year with. It had been her who had been hurt the most, feeling blindsided as though she had meant nothing to him. As though she had not been enough for him to stay.
Now, she couldn’t really fathom to think of Steve Rogers much. Not when Bucky Barnes was on top of her. Not when she felt utterly consumed in his presence. And especially not when his metal arm was wrapped around her throat.
Fucking each other came so easy to them. The attraction had always been there, buried deep beneath the loyalty and respect they both had for Steve. But when the months passed and their paths crossed many times after that loss, it was quite impossible to not give into the longing looks.
God, it had really been impossible for them. Not when all she could focus on was the pink of his lips as he talked, her lashes fluttering as she tried so hard to keep her composure. Meeting his eyes didn’t make anything better because if she wasn’t staring at his lips, it was his eyes that really did it for her. The beautiful blue in them luring her in further into the attraction that once couldn’t be, and yet they both knew there was nothing stopping them any longer.
For Bucky, it was the same. The front of his pants tightened whenever he found himself in her presence. She was beautiful and he would’ve been lying to himself if he said he hadn’t found her attractive ever since the day they met. He’d never been a hopeless romantic nor did he believe in fairytales, but the tingles he felt when he first reached for her hand and she’d instead pulled him in for a friendly warm hug had literally made him shudder. He had laughed it off, still denying the feelings she’d lit inside him.
So when they both found themselves stumbling into her apartment after having met for dinner, it had been no surprise that their kiss sent tingles down each of their spines. It was needy, passionate and in the same way it felt like relief as well. Relief that they could give into something they had both yearned for a while and not feel any guilt as nothing was stopping them.
That had been months ago when they both succumbed to the fiery passion that had only been lit aflame with time. Now with a month of not having seen each other, it felt as though each of them were missing a little part of each other.
For Bucky, it was satisfaction that he felt too. To be able to feel the softness of her skin under his fingers, but most especially of his metal fingers on her bare skin and that she didn’t care, that she welcomed the cold of his prosthetic with breathy moans.
She breathed out, her eyes shadowed with pure admiration for the handsome man laying above her on the couch since they couldn’t even make it to the bedroom. It should’ve felt wrong, but it didn’t. It felt phenomenal to be wanted by someone like him. He was Bucky Barnes, who rarely showed his true emotions but with her and their common grief he’d been nothing but a light at the end of the dark tunnel she thought she’d never come out of.
“I missed you, Bucky.” She dared to say, voice soft yet laced with so much lust. It was simple to admit that she’d missed him. Every part of him. Him, his smile, his crinkly eyes. 
Just him.
Pretty lips so swollen and red, eyes wide and expectant as she looked at the handsome man above her. He couldn’t form a coherent response to her for a minute as he was on top of her, kissing those lips he’d had a craving for for too long.
“I missed you too, baby.”
She was addicting and he still couldn’t believe that he could touch her and she’d allow it, that she would visibly revel in his touch. That she wanted him just as much as he did, it was evident. Evident in the way she always kissed him, scratched at his back and moaned his name loudly into any room they found themselves wrapped up in each other.
His metal arm was cold against her skin, but despite this it didn’t bother her. The rest of his body radiated warmth and was enough to soothe her. His hands moved from being a tangled mess on her hair to her legs where he signaled for her to wrap them around his waist. She did so and felt every ridge of his strong body with her curious hands, from his hard stomach to his growing cock. Her hands swiftly unbuttoned his pants and slid her hands under his boxers. He was already rock hard and her nimble hands wrapped around the warm thick shaft, slightly squeezing him.
Their lips were still meshed together, unable to part from one another. Meanwhile his rough hand had pushed down the thin cotton pants she was wearing, showcasing her lavender panties and soft skin. His fingers pushed the delicate fabric aside and began to rub circles on her lips with his palm, while his fingers had arched down to work on her nub. At this, she pulled away from his lips to let out a breathy moan and her hand, too, had come to a halt in his boxers.  
He continued to rub his hands on her most sensitive area, building up what he could imagine would shatter her in the most beautiful way. His middle finger had slid inside her and his lips had attached to her neck sucking on her sweet skin. She smelled of honey and vanilla and tasted like it too and he’d be lying to himself if that didn’t make him harder. Y/N’s moans were music to his ears and he wanted to hear more of her, his body slowly moved downwards, kissing his traveling down and pushing her shirt up in the process so he could place wet kisses on her breasts and stomach.
Finally, he reached her most sensitive area and without hesitation, attached his lips on her clít. His tongue massaging the smooth area, lapping at her juices. Bucky’s metal arm had placed itself on her breasts, moving slowly against her nipple. The cold metal had made her shiver once but it brought another sense of excitement that she was unable to hold her head to keep watching him expertly lap at her clit. Her body was starting to shake at what Bucky was putting her through, it was a sweet sensation. Her stomach was starting to tighten, preparing her for what she knew would be a shattering orgasm. Feeling the slight shakes and whimpers from her, he quickly halted his movements.
“You’re gonna come when I’m inside you.” He said, voice laced with lust at the sight of her naked body sprawled on the large couch desperate for him to keep touching her. To get her to that finish line that made her mind and body swirl with incomprehensible joy. Her eyes were half closed, still in a high.
Her lips had attached to his, tasting her essence on his lips and tongue. It was exhilarating to her, being able to touch him and feel how warm he was. She broke free from him urging him to take his clothes off. With pure admiration in her face, she watched as he pulled his sweats along with his boxers down his legs. He was handsome and she was really about to fuck him yet again, she felt like the luckiest.
“Fuck me, Bucky. Please.”
He didn’t waste a single second before he was sinking his length inside her. Filling her to the hilt, until her nails met his back. The usual crescents forming on his back as she relished in the feeling of once again having Bucky inside her. Of being able to feel him and kiss him once again after months.
He felt so good fucking her. His hips already creating that same pattern that she’d come to love. Rough violent movements showing her how much he’d missed her. How much he’d missed the sweet taste of her, her juices in his mouth, the feel of her around him squeezing him.
“Baby you take me so fucking well.” He grunted as the girl below him could only moan in response. She felt delirious, entrapped in the feeling of being fucked into the cushion and enjoying every second of it. She loved it like this. So rough and loving all at once, hips slamming her and yet his hands still managed to carry their gentle touch. Running through her hair, caressing any part of her body where he felt she most needed it.
“You feel so good.”
With a bite of her lip, she fought against the roughness of his movements pushing her body upwards to meet the pistoning. She was more wet than she had ever been, the liquid a mess on her legs, on his, and on the cushion. She fucked him back knowing how much he loved that.
“I’ll never get tired of this.” Bucky said, voice low as though he didn’t want her to hear. But she did.
Their eyes met and all she could do when words failed her was to push her body up and take his lips between hers. Kissing him so fervently as he continued fucking her. She felt the same, she could never get tired of the man before her. She could never get tired of how their bodies molded so well together, how their lips met and suddenly everything was alright.
He was everything to her now. The past was just that now: the past. She didn’t think of Steve, not when she was with Bucky, not even when she was alone. Not when he appeared in magazines that still talked about captain america, of his trajectory, not when he came up in conversations as she walked by. That’s how she knew that she had truly moved on.
“Fuck Bucky, I’m gonna come.” She squealed as his metal hand began rubbing slight circles on her slick. The coldness of the prosthetic was just enough for the release her body needed. His dick was hitting her most sensitive spot inside her pushing her further and further from herself and within seconds, she was moaning his name into the room loudly.
Just that alone, seeing how he could get her to come so easily with his touch, Bucky began chasing his own release. She was wetter, pussy juices flowing down her legs and the slick noises of their skin slapping against one another.  Her walls spasming around him, constricting him so fervently that his release too followed within seconds of hers. Hips faltering and groans filling the room. In their own world, high off each other.
“I could never get tired of you either, Bucky.” She said against his chest moments later once they’d both came down of their high. Letting him know that she’d heard him and she felt the same. Chests still heaving, still tired and sweaty, but their hearts full yet again.
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I’m so rusty lol but hope you guys like it 🫣
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myfeetrcolddd · 5 months
Under the mistletoe
"And you're sure it'll only stop the two of them?" Draco asked, his eyes narrowed and skeptical of the curly haired Gryffindor.
"Yes, Malfoy, I'm sure." Hermione replied, annoyed at the Slytherin boys skeptics.
Theodore Nott and Y/N L/N were completely oblivious and deep in denial. The amount of times the two gushed to their respective friends about something the other did was far too many.
It was obvious that they liked each other. Everyone knew, but them it seemed, and it was unbearable. Especially for their friends who couldn't take the constant talks about how much one liked the other but 'It would never happen because he's way out of my league.' or 'She deserves better than me.'
So Harry did the unspeakable, he went and talked to Draco. The two groups came up with a plan.
It was the holidays, Theo and Y/n were already practically a couple, doing things together that no normal friends would, all they weren't doing was kissing or shagging.
The two groups knew there was no way of really forcing them to confess, but if they could get the two to kiss then they'd have to confront the obvious attraction they felt for the other, and surely they wouldn't be able to deny the face that the other liked them.
It was nearly fool proof. The just had to find a way to execute it.
"Mistletoe!" Blaise shouted, grinning as he ran into the room of requirement, the official meeting place for operation Kiss, as Blaise suggested, though no one else wanted to call it that there was no other options.
"What're you on about." Ron said, frowning.
"Mistletoe!" Blaise repeated, still grinning like a madman as he held up the tiny bundle of mistletoe, showing it to everyone in the room.
"Yeah, we get it, mistletoe." Mattheo mocked, "What about it?"
"This," He waved the thing around in his friends face, "Is how we get them to kiss!"
"Mate..." Harry said slowly, "Hate to break it to you, but they've gone under mistletoe before, the completely ignore it. Like literally everyone else does."
"Yeah, I know that." Blaise says, annoyed by the lack of enthusiasm in the room, "But what if we found a way that forced them to not ignore it!" He waited for someone to interrupt him, to say it was a dumb idea, but when no one didn't he went on, "Hear me out, what if when they both walked under it it somehow kept them there! So that they wouldn't be able to leave that spot until they kissed!"
Everyone stared at him, confused but intrigued.
"And how would we do that?"
Blaise rolled his eyes, "Well I don't know." He sassed, "I came up with the idea, you all can figure out how to do it." He huffed as he dropped himself onto one of the many sofas in the room.
As if they were all thinking the same thing they all turned towards Hermione, who looked startled by the attention, "I don't know why you're all looking at me." She frowned.
"Well you're the smartest one here..." Enzo said and the girl pressed her lips into a thin line before she rolled her eyes.
"Well, there probably is a way it's possible, we'd have to modify a potion or maybe even a spell, especially since we don't want to trap others under the mistletoe, so we'd have to find a way to keep it person specific..." Hermione then rattled on about all the ways they could go about it and soon they had a plan.
It took a week for things to be ready.
"Have your friends been acting weird lately?" Y/N asked Theo as they walked out of potions.
"More than usual actually." The boy replied and glanced down at the girl he was sure he wanted to marry.
"Same, and I swear I've seen Hermione talking with Draco so much this week."
"Maybe they're finally getting together." Theo smirked, "Salazar knows it's about time."
The girl laughed and shook her head, "Tell me about it. If they don't get together this year then I'm going to be out of ten galleons."
The pair went quiet for a moment and Y/N took the chance to look up at her best friend. He was beautiful, and quite possibly the love of her life. She had never planned on letting her feelings get this far.
It had only started as a small crush on a boy she was friendly with back in second year. But then they got closer, and the closer they got the harder she fell.
Now they're in their last year and she still hadn't confessed, she figured it was too late, and it was clear he didn't want anything other than friendship from her. He had had multiple girlfriends before, and none of them looked like her, they were quite the opposite actually.
Y/N was counting on losing feelings for him this year, it would be for the best.
As if he could feel her eyes on him Theo turned and looked at her, his green-blue eyes meeting hers. For a moment she felt her heart stop, she was lost in them and the swirling colors.
But then she shook her head and looked forward and started to rant about whatever came to mind. It was a good thing she always had at least one thing to rant about. Or she should say two, but it would be idiotic to rant to Theo about himself. It would also make her feelings for him obvious.
The two turned into a deserted hall and as they passed beneath an arch way they found that neither of them could take a step forward.
Their feet were stuck to the ground.
Y/N turned to Theo frantically, "What's going on?!"
"I dunno, I can't lift my feet off the ground."
"Neither can I..." She went silent and found that she could pivot. She looked around, and it wasn't until she looked up that she saw mistletoe hung from the high archway. But surely that had nothing to do with it, so she ignored it.
"Did the twins do this?" Theo started to ask but then remembered that the infamous pranksters had graduated. But that was all either of them could come up with, it was something the twins would do.
So maybe it was a Weasly.
The pair ended up staring at each other, the both of them ignoring the close proximity and the fact that their chests were touching.
After ten minutes Y/N had come up with an idea. It was a stupid one and she wasn't sure if it would even work. But Theo wouldn't stop staring at her and she was sure she looked like a tomato under the heat of his gaze.
"Theo." She said.
The girl took a deep breath before blurting the words, "Kiss me."
"W-what?" Theo stuttered, his heart beating ten times faster now and a light blush coating his cheeks. His eyes flicked down to the lips he dreamt about kissing, the plump lips he fantasized about at night. He swallowed thickly and met her eyes once more. "I- Why?"
"I'm just-" She paused, "Testing out a theory." She wanted to kiss him, but she didn't at the same time. She didn't want to kiss him under these circumstances, if she was going to kiss him she wanted him to know it was because she liked him.
"Okay..." Theo said slowly and Y/N looked up at him with determination in her eyes.
She took a deep breath and brought her hands up to the boys face, instinctually his hands found her waist, "I really really like Theodore Nott!" She blurted quickly before smashing her lips onto his.
Theo stood still for a moment before he realized she was kissing him, and he wasn't kissing her back. So he did.
The kiss was sloppy, and rushed, and there was passion and hunger in it. Both of them seemed t have forgotten what was happening, losing themselves in the kiss of their lives.
It was only when she tugged on the hairs at the back of Theos head and he let out a groan did Y/N realize what she was doing.
Horrified she pushed him off, and when he stumbled back a step she saw that her theory was right and she bolted off. Running far far away from the boy and her feelings.
Meanwhile Theo stood there, dazed and confused and impossible flustered, and all he could think about was that he had just kissed her. And he knew he was going to marry her.
"She likes me too." He mumbled, smiling to himself as his fingers brushed across his lips.
No clue how to go on from this. Might make part two ;3
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gangplanksorenji · 1 year
Do you think you’re forgiven?
Pairing: LE SSERAFIM Sakura x Male Reader
Word Count: 8720
A/N: Helloooo Orenjideul! I'm back with a Sakura fic and I think, this is my wildest one, yet or something idk ahhhh. I had fun writing this fic and it took me a quite while but I hope it all turned out well! Enjoy! <3
Also, thanking @kaedespicelatte for the idea on the anal scene ehehe <3
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“Aaaaand… Cut!”
Applause of multiple people can be heard around the room as the final minutes of shooting from their song has now come to an end. All the hard work and stress has finally paid off as subsequent radiant smiles paint their faces. 
They’re happy as much as you are, and it’s something all you can ask for and you love it. Thankfully, you could go to them as soon as the shooting ended as your heart beats rapidly in every step you take, closer to them. As you get closer, you notice them focused on monitoring themselves and their performance, so you wait it out in order to respect them yet not so long after it is done and you can already hear them blabbering and their laughter.
“It’s a bit hard to—wait, is that Oppa? I better call Kkura-unnie.”
“You better call, unnie, yes!”
“Shhh…” you hurriedly silent Yunjin and Kazuha with their advances towards calling Sakura as you wanted to surprise her by unexpectedly coming on their shooting. You also came to see the girls perform and their utmost efforts on really exerting all of their energy to give it all and that makes you flustered on how hard-working they are. You can't take your eyes off Sakura whenever she delivers every ounce of passion whenever she dances but you specifically take your eyes off her with this girl too. She’s been really stunning since the day you saw her and you stand by it. Who could it be? Well, it’s just Kim Chaewon with her usual bias-wrecking aura that can literally make you bias list in shambles! Every fan knows this and even though Sakura is where your heart belongs, you can’t help but be in awe whenever Chaewon is on the stage, and this is further proven when you can see them perform personally, with your own eyes.
Sneaking up to the two beautiful idols, clueless about your presence and—
“Ahhh!”, A startled Sakura meets your eyes as you both flirtatiously exchange smiles and smirks as Sakura playfully punches your shoulder on how you’re teasing her.
“Yah, what made you come here?”
“I just want to see you. How well you’re doing, that’s all…”
“Oh really? That’s so sweet of you…”
Those eyes. You swear to god, everytime she pleases her eyes, you just want to protect her from anything awful that happen—treasure her smile and her happiness because that’s what really matters.
“Yah, we’re still in the monitoring room, lovebirds.”, the nonchalant tone of the leader resonates around your ear as you apologized, earning a smile from the short-haired girl that’s brighter than any beam of light.
Gosh, she’s beautiful—you mutter to yourself as Chaewon’s beauty is way out of this world. All of them are stunning in every way possible, especially Sakura, but lately, Chaewon has been stealing the show ever since the comeback started. With this being said, you just hope to God that Sakura won’t be jealous of this, in any kind. Well, you wish…
All of you then went to the dressing room after the monitoring and shooting and with how hard they’ve been working for this comeback, you’ve thought of treating them a little bit, maybe with this little gift, they may feel rewarded as all of their hard work pays off.
“You all did so well! And, y’know, I’d thought of treating you guys so, yeah…”
“Wait, you really will, Oppa? Oh please, don’t bother anymore—”, Yunjin was interrupted with a buzz on the door as their manager delivered something in a plastic bag, full of delicious, mouth-watering food. 
“Oh thanks, manager-nim!”, says Chaewon who placed the plastic bag full of food into the table, equally distributing the tupperware for each member and including you.
“Aish, Chaewon-ssi, I’ll just go and distribute them, just chill on the couch.”
“”But Oppa, I want to—”
Chaewon was eager to help you and you’re just in awe of how she immediately took the initiative. You wanted to make her feel good by helping her but with the sudden hold of her hand because of your attempts to do the job instead, she can’t help but be flustered as the sudden contact made her blush.
“Chaewon-ah, I’ll do the rest, okay? Just relax…. I’ll equally distribute the food.”
Flashing a reassuring smile to her, she then sat on the couch as you equally distributed all of the food to them, and then delightfully thanked you as it flustered your heart. While all of this was happening—the blissful cheers and their boisterous laughter—you noticed Sakura uncannily being enervated and quiet. She’s just maybe tired from all of the things they did today, so, you just chose to not really mind it but seconds after, you approached her and asked her if she was okay.
“You good? You seem really down all of a sudden…”
“Yeah, I’m all good. It’s just that I feel a bit tired, that’s all.”
“Oh… Don’t worry, after this, I’ll bring you to your place then we’ll spend the night together, okay? Don't you want the food to get cold?”
You tucked her hair behind her ear, flashing a reassuring smile and with your alleviating tone, “We’ll take a rest later, okay?”
She nodded as her eyes ignited with anticipation, delighted after saying those few words that made her heart flutter. Despite all of this, you managed to reassure her and averted your attention onto eating the food with the rest of the members, as well as blabbering with them as the cherry on top.
It has been a delightful experience while chatting with this group and you couldn’t be any happier. Each member stands out for making any conversation funny, enjoyable and interesting, especially Chaewon. She’s been delivering such fun topics onto the table that the rest of you can’t get enough of it—everything just feels really alive when Chaewon brings the amusement amongst all of the other members, and you love it. You became so comfortable with them—moreso with Chaewon—to the point that you’re involuntarily complimenting them and confessing on how you liked Chaewon from the start.
“But honestly, Chaewon looks stunningly beautiful today.”
“Yah~ Oppa, you don’t have to say that.”, the cute, short-haired girl hides her face from your compliment as the rest of the members smile while Yunjin initiates another compliment. “But you look really stunning, unnie!”
“Aww, thanks… All of you look really stunning, right, Kkura-unnie?”
“H-Huh? Y-Yeah, you all do…”
Silence emanates the room as the awkwardness settles in. Sakura isn’t usually like this and you know it. If she’s just randomly sulking because of something, it’s a petulant excuse to have one and the soft-hearted part of you is thinking that she’s just tired from all they’ve done earlier. Yet that thought is clearly eliminated from what you’re seeing on the rest of the members; they’re lively and delightful as Sakura’s being the opposite. 
“Kkura-unnie, are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m just feeling *coos* really tired, sorry.”
Chaewon’s eyebrows furrowed as her tone emits thoughtfulness and concern to Sakura. She then asks her if she’s really alright as she feels a disturbance with the force—something feels off and it’s not looking good.
“Yeah, I’m alright! I’m just feeling tired! How many times do I need to say it!”
All are in shock as she unveils another side of hers which you never like about. Chaewon’s eyes were scared and confused as to why Sakura suddenly exclaimed what she’s feeling. She grew impatient from all of your motives, so with that, she hurriedly left the room as you followed right after. Before you even did that, you reassure Chaewon and the rest of the members that everything’s will be alright.
“Chaewon-ssi, there’s nothing wrong with what you did, okay? She’s maybe just not in the right mood today. We’ll fix this and everything will be fine. Just tell your manager that I’ll be taking Kkura home myself, okay?”
Chaewon nods as you thanked them for bringing such a wonderful bonding session as they thanked you too for treating them to some delicious food—albeit, their advances of still being too grateful and uttering the words: “You shouldn’t have bothered.”. You then hurriedly waved goodbye to them as Kazuha signals a thumbs-up from her hand, letting you know that you should go for Sakura and fix what has unfolded.
This will be one hell of a night, I guess…
Between the spotless marbling of the floor are hurried steps from the both of you as she runs away, you then, catching up to her and inevitably, you’ve reached her arms as you block her attempts of escaping, facing her and demanding an answer of her earlier attitude.
“What was that Kkura?”
“It’s just—tiring you know? I didn’t mean to provoke anyone. I’m just tired—you know what? J-Just take me home…”
You then sighed in relief as concern painted your face, worried that something may have unfolded that may turn out the worse for both worlds.
“Alright then, let's rest at your place.”
The both of you then coursed your way to the parking lot, finding your car as soon as possible because of the possible paparazzis that may have caught you with Sakura—and the last thing you want for you to happen on this planet is being on the headlines on Dispatch.
As soon as the both of you hopped in the car, you then texted Chaewon that you'll drive Sakura home to their dorm and an immediate reply of “thumbs-up” signals that they now know that you're driving Sakura home as relief coursed through your veins.
“We’re now here, Kkura.”, you said as you’re done parking the car onto the allotted parking spot that thankfully, no one occupies or you’ll be doomed to park your car awkwardly in the road.
“Oh, finally! I can rest!”, she cheerfully muttered as she hurriedly got out of the car and diverts herself towards the locked front door, unlocking it and letting you in.
“It’s not much though, we didn’t change anything that much…”
You’re now met with the same blue-ish, tranquil wall and the peaceful ambiance yet what really caught your eye are the organized set of clothes and things in which you didn’t see on your last visit here. You’re clearly feeling comfortable and impressed and teased Sakura about it.
“Wow, some organization! Glad y’all knew about that word.”
“Shut up…”
You then laughed as Sakura flashes a faint smile at your joke, and clearly, wasn’t offended by that. Not so long after,  she then rushed upstairs as you didn’t mind her, letting her rest for a while as you then slouch onto the couch, making yourself comfortable and then killing the time with the endless scrolling on social media.
It has been silent for quite awhile (maybe for like, half an hour) and you’ve never heard any hint of sound upstairs. It’s tranquil and you love it. On how everything seems uncannily silent, your curiosity sends you to check Sakura as you assume that she’s already sleeping and yeah, you half-expected this to happen.
“Hey, Kkura...”
A feeble attempt to avert her attention towards you and not to the game she’s playing (and yes, she’s playing a game) is all you can do. It’s not like she can hear you as she just chooses to ignore which you didn’t really like, to say the least.
“Kkura-yah~ Why are you—”
“Ahh! Fuc— What do you want???”
An aggravated tone reverberates around the compact automobile you’re in as Sakura is angry, infuriated over, maybe, a loss of her game she’s playing. She stares at you striking, like daggers towards your chest as you’re starting to get disappointed towards her as she completely (maybe unintentionally) ignores you, and that's something that you don't want her to do.
“Why are you so mad about, suddenly, huh? Is it because of the game?”
“Yes! And you just ruined everything!”
Shock. You're in complete shock. You've seen her like this before and it's her worse side, as always. You despise seeing her side of this—acting like a spoiled brat who loves attention-seeking and being sulky and would do every single thing just to suck your cock. It's not even fair at this point and you hate it. You get to adjust to her current mood and understand her even though her acts are nonetheless, in the most frivolous and annoying manner yet still, it feels like your acts aren't even making her get out of that ”mood” of hers.
“Hah, you, Kkura, losing your patience just because of a single mistake that you could re-do later—”
“Listen here, you little shit—” Sakura yelps out of her comfortable position, her face infuriated and filled with anger as she tugs the collar of your shirt, her face just inches away from yours as her sharp glare makes you flinch in confusion and maybe, even being nervous about her antics, “—this, is not just a game, do you understand? And you—fucking ruined this day because—”
“Because o-of what? Tell me, Kkura—what is it?” you fight back as you match the fire in her eyes that has been long ignited before.
“Aish—nevermind, argh!!”
She then turns back against you, yourself then anticipating her next move and now, this is most likely a surviving tactic to her possible aggressive antics. You then come to a realization that the possible switch of her mood is because of Chaewon. She may not know this  but you've been averting your eyes towards Sakura from time to time, on the right moment where she can't see you. You've noticed her personality being quiet and indeed, sulky rather than her usual bubbly and dorky self.
So… you did just point out that to her.
“Ahh, is it because of Chaewon? That I talked more often to her than you—”
“Just shut up! Shut your mouth!” Sakura pounces on you like a wolf, making you fall onto your stomach and her straddling your lap. She senses you, almost like a predator sensing the fear and anticipation beneath those sparkling eyes of yours as the prey falls into submission, giving in. She grabbed your wrists, further preventing you from retaliating—and it’s like you want to retaliate at this moment and to be honest, you’re even liking it. 
“You’re so annoying, don’t you know that? And I don’t care if you want to talk to Chaewon more than me. Pay more attention to her than me—I don’t care! Even if you fuck her brains out, I don’t give a fuck about it!”
She is furious and it’s all you’re doing. You know this but why would she act like this? So childish and so, out of the blue and this, almost feels like a fever dream. Even with her infuriated look, you can’t help but still be so attracted to it and it feels like she’s making you fall for her spell. You hide your true demeanor to her and act tough, trying to fight back but she easily overpowers you, Sakura now having control and the upper ground.
“W-Why are you like this? Get off of me, now.”
“Shut up. I won’t and I’ll make sure I’ll let you know who you fucking belong to.”
Without any time to waste, she started to latch her lips onto yours as the kiss was surprisingly, sloppy and fueled with intense fervor, which you eagerly reciprocated. The taste of her lips is really addicting, so, to further let her know how good of a kisser you are, you double the efforts on each little thing you do when kissing her: the way you caress her waist, the effort and small so-called “lovebites” on her lips and the way you moan between each sloppy kiss. Now, your tongues intertwined with each other as the volume of her moans now resonates around your ear, like a lustful chant that you could listen to all day. Sakura loves this, and even with this, she can submit herself into submission but even before she totally gave in to your control, she pulled out of you, gasping for oxygen as her cheeks and ears are now red from the intimate action you’ve done.
“I hate how good of a kisser you are.”
“You’ll never find someone who kisses you better than me, Kkura.”
“Shut the fuck up. You don’t get to talk! Arghh!” Still with her vicious glare, she takes full control of you pretty easily—even though you can put up a fight against her, you wouldn’t because you love it when she’s in control. 
“Oh wow, look at your little friend here!” Sakura averts her fingers playfully onto the tent on your pants as she grinds on it leisurely, you then moaning silently as her tease is enough to make you give in to the abyss of submission. 
“Fu—Fuck, Kkura. It feels good.”
She just ignores you and dry-humps your tent, causing her to be wetter than before and you can feel it. You feel yourself being at full mast as she stops after a few seconds after, causing you to be a little bit disappointed as you wanted more. 
“You think you can have more? Hah—you wish.” 
And, she’s still mad to you for no significant reason on why she’s like this. You wanted to work this out by just talking to her but on the way, Sakura is making this game a fun one as this turns you on even more than what you expected and you’re not complaining. Without any further reminders and time to waste, Sakura hastily unbuttons your pants as she yanks down your boxers in one swift motion, and not even caring if she hurted you or not. Now, with your almost fully-erect length, Sakura eyed it like it was just a piece of meat and was hiding the fact of being in awe and in drool whenever she sees your raging length.
“This?” Sakura leisurely stroked your length, you then groaned in half-pain, half-pleasure as the lack of lubrication isn't helping, yet, nonetheless, it's still pleasurable as hell. “This cock is mine. I'll get to do whatever I want to with this cock and there's nothing you can do about it.”
She then stopped stroking you and now, with full control of you, she didn't waste her time doing the thing she excels at: dominating you. 
“Now, you're lucky that I'm not really feeling that sensitive right now, or else, you could be sleeping outside right now, not with me.”
“I'm s-sorry, Kkura, b-but did I even do wrong?”
“You know what you fucking did.”
As she's about to lay down her face aligned with your shaft, a tingle in her brain says something that will make this experience a hundred times better than what it should be.
“Now, you know the drill, baby. Is it clear?”
“Wha—What? What drill, Kkura?”
Within that single word, the fire inside her ignited. The flame full of anger and lust ignited, and it became the worst in any possible situation. She is furious, suffocating your shaft with a vice grip as you wail in pain, then realizing what she's been implying and you quickly correct your mistake.
“Fuck—ahh! I'm sorry, mommy.”
Now loosening her vacuum-like grip on your shaft, you became complacent that everything is starting to calm down but with Sakura, that's not in her vocabulary.
“It's good you have a fucking mind to think then. Don't worry, you'll be all-spent after this and if you do good and follow my instructions, I'll forgive you."
Your eyes widen in anticipation, nervousness and excitement. It’s like rolling a dice full of emotions and wouldn’t know what to really feel and Sakura senses this, and further uses it as her advantage. With still a firm grip with your rock-hard shaft, she spit on your shaft a few times as the lubrication now felt better than before as you can see her beautiful, dainty fingers stroking your raging length leisurely. 
You moan in ecstasy and probably, that’s all you can do. The sudden strike of gratification can be felt throughout your body and you, immediately shudder as her wet, warm mouth envelops your raging length within a fraction of a second, and didn’t even notice it.
Sakura didn’t mind you moaning her name and the constant convulse of your hips as she focuses where she’s best at. With her slow bobs and her mouth wrapped onto your mushroom tip, you can’t help but become more aroused and you wouldn’t complain about this—maybe the only thing you’ll complain about is her anger towards you and you never liked it when she’s furious. Within a few seconds, she picks up the pace and involuntarily, you caress the silky black strands of her hair as an outlet to fight the pleasure, and you won't like what will happen next.
“Get your hands off me. Put it behind your back and just let me do my job, is that clear?”
You don’t speak, which ignites the flames inside her—
“Fucking answer me!—”
“Yes—y-yes, mommy! I’m s-sorry…”
The tremble on your voice puts a smile on her face, knowing that she, herself, is damn well in control over you. 
“Do that again and I won’t make you cum, alright?”
Another “yes” and another no. Simple articulated words coming from your mouth is enough to make her advances towards your glistening length once more, invading it with her oh-so pleasurable cavern which is her mouth. Her deprivation and her insatiability towards you is what fuels her to do this—and it’s like she’s not liking this and if she is, she’s absolutely lying and you can sense, by the way she looks into your eyes, you know damn well that she’s enjoying this.
If only you could tell her how much you love th—
“Don’t talk to me, okay? I’ll only give you permission if I say so, is that clear?”
You’re completely silent as you already followed her instructions (and with the clever mind she has, she knew that you’re taking the instruction too seriously), which she didn’t like.
“You piece of shit—not like that! Fucking answer me!”
“Y-Yes, mommy…”
“Good. I don’t want your joking ass to play around me ‘cause I’m fucking serious right now—”
She resumes her lustful antics onto your engorged head as she swirls her tongue around it, and you respond with an intimate moan as the sensitivity is way too much to handle, and so is the pleasure. Her constant slurps and her saliva running down her chin is one way to know how much she wants you, how she's so deprived of the taste of your cock and it's like a candy she can't get enough. 
“God, your cock tastes so good—fuck—”
And there she goes, again. Constant frantic bobbing ensues and the fondling of your balls—and it's really nothing new to your eyes yet the sight is nevertheless hot as fuck. Those large, doe eyes having eye contact with you as she blows you sloppily—oh gosh, you couldn't ask for anything more than to relive this moment and savor every second of her warm mouth enveloping your shaft.
Such copious amounts of that colorless liquid inevitably leaked out of your slit, which she delightfully consumed as if it cascaded like a waterfall—like a mouthful of a delicious entrée she couldn't get enough of. After such hypnotizing minutes of her sloppy blowjob, she pulled out of your shaft with a loud pop as she commended you for being so obedient to her.
“Such a good boy for mommy. As much as I want you to cum deep in my throat, I want to feel this dick inside me, right now.”
She then grinds onto your heated core as the neediness in her eyes says a lot, and you can’t wait to fulfill it.
“Strip me, baby. Get these stupid clothes out of me and don’t you fucking dare touch me until I say so.”
And you did just that. Untying her top slowly while she’s still straddling your lap, you felt your cock twitching at the sight of her handful breasts, those within and hand’s reach as you hurriedly unclasp her black bra, letting gravity do the work as it fell off her smooth, milky skin as her perky mounds are now within your sight. As much as you wanted to dive in and fondle her mounds, you wanted to follow her instructions as you don’t want to feel her wrath again. Now with just her pants on, she gave you an discontented look as you hurriedly did your job, unzipping her pants and letting the clothing fall off the ground smoothly alongside her panties on the way, letting her beautiful, hourglass figure on your sight as you drool in insatiability and need—Sakura herself exuding sexiness is always off the charts of what you always wanted and with her naked body onto your sight, you can’t help but feel so aroused to the point that you want to pull her and kiss her yet, as what she’d said earlier, you must be obedient so you’ll try and discipline yourself to do so.
“Fuck, she’s so perfect—her figure is so insane.”
Sakura then pushes you onto the bed with a loud thud as she pounces onto you like a wolf, her legs straddling your thighs and her warm hands caressing your chest and your abs, making you squirm in sensitivity. 
“You’re so fucking hot, baby. And—ooh, you’re squirming under my touch already? Oh, and I bet, you want to feel my pussy right now, don’t you, hm?”
You nod frantically as she grips your length, her hands almost clenching around your shaft as she lines her entrance towards you, teasing you as she brushes her clit onto your swollen head, making you moan in need as you wanted more but you know that she’s not going to give it to you—or is she?
Enough with the teasing as she dives onto your rod, her wet folds engulfing the entirety of your length as she fucks herself with it within as slow pace. You moaned her name softly as she’s exceptionally tight and so wet, and you noticed it on how much she’s dripping before she even entered.
She might be sexually frustrated considering how much both of your schedules are hectic as the both of you didn’t have the time to really invest into bonding sessions or even steamy ones and her frustration even ignited to the fact that she’s so jealous and you’re starting to feel bad. But you shouldn’t, because if your proposition is true, then you’re in the boat as her—you’re having the needs as hers to, and that maybe even explains on how she’s much tighter than the last time you’ve fucked her yet she’s always pleasurably tight, and it’s so pleasurable that you always wanted to hit the deepest spots inside her pussy if you can.
She rides you with a pace that’s moderate—you don’t really ask anything more than it and you can't, as it’s Sakura’s order to not interfere nor talk to her, so you’ll just shut your mouth as the gratification makes your brain go haywire. 
“Fuck—you're s-so big inside me—ahh! Fuck, this cock is so p-perfect! Thank god y-you have this perfect cock for me t-to fuck on—ahhh, fuck!”
Her hypnotic bounces onto your shaft sends ripple onto each other’s bodies as you can feel how she’s dripping wet, considering how she’s leaking between her bounces. In every thrust of herself onto your rod, her demeanor completely changed as her once stern, jealous-filled face is now filled with lust and need, her face distorted with the overwhelming pleasure she’s bringing herself into. Her pace suddenly becomes rapid, bounces within such a quick succession as she places her hands onto your chest for further stability. You realized that she’s struggling a little, so you supported her by pressing your hands firmly onto the side of her hips, which she didn't seem to mind.
“God, I fucking love t-this. I hate h-how you always s-stretch my pussy so well—ahh, fuck!”
She can’t really hide the satisfaction she’s feeling and she never will as she’s always vocal whenever she’s satisfied with something, even from the smallest things up to even some of the freakiest actions in bed. It’s also in her eyes and the way she’s leaking all over your length, and with those simple hints, you already know she’s in peak ecstasy.
“Y-Your cock is too good, baby. I’m gonna c-cum really soon!”
Now chasing her long-awaited orgasm, she rides you at a frantic pace, bounces and bounces in quick successions that make your mouth escape plethora of moans. All it takes is a single squeal as she announces her high, as she creams onto your cock, her nectar gushing out like a waterfall, dripping onto the bed sheets.
And you swear to god, you’re going to clean your bed whenever all of these sinful events are done.
She then pulled out of your slick shaft as it glistened with her juices, standing proud and hard as her body makes her the culprit for all of this. With a single motion, she switched positions with you and glared at you, straight right to your soul, seductively whispering, “Fuck me hard, baby. Don’t stop until you unload every single drop, in your balls, in me, do you understand?”
Another question. Another nod. Of course, it’s a must at this very moment as before you insert your stiffened member inside her, once again, she interrupted you with a suggestion in mind, benefiting herself and maybe even you.
“Before this, you gotta fuck me from behind. Fuck me hard until my legs give out, baby. Please mommy and I want you to impress me.”
And you wouldn’t disappoint her and you never will, because if you do, you’re fucked. Fuck her ‘til her legs give out—well, let’s see how this goes. 
With all your strength, you rotate her as the sudden swivel makes her anticipate more of what you can do. You then give her milky-white buttocks a gentle squeeze as you continue to whisper to yourself how insane Sakura’s figure is and how much you adore her passion on how she keeps on maintaining this physique.
“God, she’s so fucking hot…”
“W-Why are you teasing me? Fuck me now and I want that cock inside me.”
Her delirious and stern tone makes you anxious as you hurriedly insert your length into her entrance once again and oh—she’s still as tight as ever. Both of you gasp on the sudden spike of pleasure coursing down your veins as you fulfill her request immediately—by fucking her hard and pounding her until her she can’t feel her legs. No more teasing and slow build-ups as you immediately hammer yourself into her glistening cunt, relentless about the pace and not caring if she can’t take it or not—she wanted it rough, anyway. You place both of your hands on her hips, letting you caress and feel those soft mounds you always love and to further fuck her better as the grip and the control now is way better than before. The clashing of bodies resonates a series of sinful sounds that only reverberated around the room, which arouses you further and as well as the wet squelching of each thrust as the cherry on top.
“I s-said, fuck me harder, you piece of sh—I k-know you can do better than this…”
Upon her livid-filled request, you fulfilled it immediately by exerting more effort between your hammering thrusts into her leaking pussy. It's evident how much she's loving this even though her façade says the opposite—and you want to break it and let herself give out to you and you will. The wet squelching has been a common sound beneath your ear as it forms an orchestra of lustfully-composed sounds alongside her sultry moans that pushes you further on the edge. Sakura tries to compress her moans but with this sinful act being unfolded between her legs, it's impossible to really hold back as she fights for the bit of her dominance left.
“G-God, p-pull my hair, pound m-me faster, g-gosh—I know you can do be—”
Her further attempts of being unimpressed was interrupted by a sudden tug of her hair as your hips pursue an onslaught of hammering thrusts that makes Sakura scream your name, her cunt now glistening and leaking way more than before as you're finally getting the grip to make her fall onto submission. Yet you know her, how competitive she is and she's going to put up a fight in order to win and that's her goal, but the grass isn't getting any greener on the other side of victory and you're claiming to dethrone her. 
“God, mommy, y-you're so fucking tight—this pussy just feels to fucking good to be r-real!”
“You love mommy's pussy don't you? No wonder why you're throbbing so much i-inside me—fuck! Just shut the fuck up and pound me. I c-can still feel my legs…”
You nod as you continue the good pounding she always wants as not so long after, she's about to announce her second orgasm of the night.
“God, mommy's gonna c-cum so much! I'm so c-close! I—”
An ear-deafening shrill is all it takes as she gushes onto your cock like a waterfall, every stream staining the bedsheets. You continue to fuck her through her high yet your thrusts are way slower than before, allowing her to recover from her high. 
“Fuck me h-hard, baby. I know you're c-close. I can feel this cock throbbing inside my tight, wet cunt, ready to deposit all inside me.”
You swear to god, her dirty talks are instant buttons to push you onto your long-awaited orgasm and you love it. Thrust after thrust, moans reverberate around the air as within a few more seconds, you savor each moment being inside as the familiar knot onto your loins grows, signaling your near ecstasy.
With a single sentence escaping from Sakura's lips, it's just impossible to hold back—
“Cum for me.”
Ecstatic, blissful and lustful. Isn't it perfect? Yes it is and always it has been.
Unloading every ounce inside Sakura's perfect cunt is a must, so you did just that. Burying your length up to the hilt, you let it all out as series of thick shots of semen gets unloaded inside Sakura's tight cunt, her velvety walls hugging around your cock as she even savors the moment of your hot seed being deposited inside her, and, to no surprise, she loves it. You then pull out of her heated entrance and rest yourself onto the bed, feeling exhausted from a steamy session with this hot Japanese girl that just milked you, yet not enough to drain you entirely.
“God—” Scooping a sample from the semen that dripped out of her cunt, she tasted it and a satisfied hum lets you know that she liked it.
“Now that's not too bad, for you—hmm, I guess…”
For me? Didn't she just scream earlier like her life depended on it? And now, you know that she's trying to piss you off at this rate—not that you're disappointed and confused, yet maybe you are, yet you see this as a competition and you're willing to let her know who's going to be in control now.
“Hey, mommy’s not yet done with you, stay where the fuck you are and be my good little toy for the night.”
“B-But can’t you just let me re—”
“What the fuck did I say?”
“Sorry, mommy.”
Damn, she’s good. And it’s like you’re putting up a fight against that and you won’t, just yet…
Tugging your collar as she brings her herself close to you, she whispers seductively onto your ear, enough to tingle your senses and your eyes to widen as the simple words that came out of her mouth arouses you more than what you could ever expect in seconds, bringing your shaft to be in life again, rock-hard from her actions.
“I want you to pound my ass. I can still feel my legs and make sure that I won’t after we’re done.”
Oh… Fuck. 
Right from the start of your steamy sessions, she’s been talking about anal sex and you know that she’s into something like that yet, right at this moment, it feels like it’s way hotter than what it should be considering how dominant she is right now. Maybe it’s because of that or her just being vocal about it? Nevertheless, the thought of pounding Sakura’s puckered hole and gaping it open is an arousing sight and just by thinking of it can send you into overdrive—moreover, the drive of lust and the will to fuck her until you’ve fully deposited everything inside her tight asshole.
Letting your hands handle the side of your hips for stability, you didn't just go idle as you rub your cock into the rim of her puckered hole, making her squirm in the sudden spike of pleasure. You then spread your precum onto her hole, lathering it with the colorless liquid as not so long after, your fingers tease her ass as its only motive is to pry it open, make it gaped enough for the ease to pound her into oblivion.
“You're not fucking my ass without some lube, idiot. Go get the bottle from the cabinet near my desk.”
Yeah, and you're about to do that after you're done teasing her—yet, you said to yourself that she's maybe not liking you being a tease at this moment and prefers the real thing up in her ass, already. You would rather not answer her back for the flames not to worsen so you did just follow what she wanted and got the bottle of lube from the cabinet.
“Good. Now lather your cock with it. I wanna see your cock glisten among the ligh—”
A shocking squeal escapes her mouth as you shove the tip of the bottle from her puckered hole and her expressions changing within a millisecond once you squeezed the bottle as numerous amount of lube is being distributed inside her ass, making her moan in pleasure yet she still found it rather perplexed with how the cold liquid felt inside her snug asshole.
“W-What the fuck was that? Shit—it's so cold and weird yet it felt good but, what is th—ahh!”
A moan elicits from her as betweenher ragged breaths are her hard grip from the bed sheets as the sudden spike of pleasure was way too much to handle—and at this moment, she's nowhere near evincing a faux demeanor but rather, such expressions of lust and need, and, even though you can't see it, you can feel that she's genuine on what she's feeling. With how well-lubed the insides of her ass are, you’re not going to waste any time to shove your length in it and you did just that. You struggle to insert a few inches inside considering how incredibly tight the opening of her twitching hole is. You groan in pain and pleasure as you now manage to insert half of your raging length into it and thank god, you lubed her inside well and it wasn’t a pain thrusting into her snug walls. Your thrusts are slow and leisurely pleasurable and you want to really build up the pace from time to time yet Sakura didn’t like your thought of that.
“Enough of that slow stuff. Go and pound my ass harder than what you did in my pussy!”
As much as you wanna tease her, you can't help but feel the need of her walls enveloping your thick shaft as you pound her with a relentless pace. The feeling is mutual—you want her as much as she wants you, and you can't wait to bring an onslaught of thrusts inside her gaping hole.
“Oh god—yes! Pound me just like that! Don't y-you love how my walls clench around your shaft? Like how tight I am, hm?”
“I like h-how fucking tight you are, mommy—I really do. You make me feel so good—argh!”
Even though Sakura may feel a little flummoxed on how everything unfolded so fast, she can’t help but still feel so good as every thrust you did inside her sends shivers of pleasure up in her spine. You hammer into her tight asshole without any care, with abandon as she buries her face into the sheets as the gratification is way too much yet she always liked it no matter what. You pound her ass like there’s no tomorrow, balls deep in every thrust you do as it’s so hard that the wet claps of your balls onto her glistening cunt can be heard, as well as the clashing of your bodies. You can tell how good she’s feeling right now, considering the fact that she’s sneakily fingering her cunt in tandem with every thrust you make and the sight is just arousing as fuck. The lewd scene could not be any better and even with her muffled, compressed moans (thanks to herself burying her head onto the mattress), you could tell that she’s enjoying this as much as you do.
“N-Now, Kkura, look how you’re leaking from getting your ass fucked. You’ve thought of this multiple times, don’t you? You’re done being in control right now—because I have the high ground now, do you understand?”
Only a muffled scream can be heard as you deliver hard thrusts and harsh spanks onto her pristine, bubble butt. You wanted an answer—no, you demanded an answer immediately from her. So, without a time to waste, you pull her hair as her muffled moans are now clearly audible and ask her once again.
“I said, do you understand, Kkura?”
Silence emanates yet the wet clashing of bodies ensues, reverberating around the bedroom. If she’s playing tough and stubborn, then you’ll gladly play the game she's in.
“I said, do you fucking understand me, Kkura?!?”
“Y-Yes, daddy.”
“G-Good girl—oh fuck, Kkura! Your ass feels so good! God—I love fucking this ass, do you know that? I swear to god, if I have all the time on the world, I would literally spend hours fucking your ass.”
“Daddy—gahh! Too good! Too good! Please keep fucking me daddy—I’m going to cum so soon too!”
“Then cum for me, Kkura.”
With rough, hammering thrusts comes with a fast pace of fingering her pussy and with orgasm being chased, you wanted to help her out reach her high faster. You give her the last hammering thrusts she deserved as a blissful scream of ecstasy resonates around the room, announcing her peaked high as she squirts all over the bedsheets.
“Gosh—I—cumming, daddy! F-Fuck!!”
You didn't give her some time to recover as you resumed your frantic thrusts inside her snug hole, chasing your orgasm too as a pleading voice can be heard.
“Please c-cum, daddy. I know you're c-close too so please, j-just cum, anywhere you want…”
Even though with the fire she ignited earlier, you can't help but fulfill her desires as surprisingly, you pulled out of her tight hole, wanting to cum somewhere else that she would love.
“Get on your knees for me, Kkura. I wanna blow my load all over your pretty face.”
She obliges your command as she lewdly sticks her tongue out, anticipating your thick load that will cover the entirety of her face and with the furious strokes you're making, you can't hold on much longer as you wanted to be.
“F-Fuck, Kkura! Stick your tongue just like that! Gosh, you're so fucking hot—I'm c-cumming!!!”
A blissful, overpowering drive of lust can be felt as your reservoir breaks loose, unloading all of your semen on Sakura's enticingly seductive face as per thick shots of it, gains a hurried flinch from her by how much you're covering her. She tried to catch it all with her tongue but was deemed unsuccessful because of how much you've unloaded almost everything onto her: her face, nose, chin, lips and her forehead full of your pearly white cum.
“Fuck—it feels so warm, and so—d-delicious, daddy!”
You smiled faintly out of content yet you're still not done with her because you want to ruin her and you absolutely would.
“Do you think I'm still done with you, Kkura?”
You grip both of her arms as you face her, your lust-ignited eyes demanding an answer escaping on those lips from hers.
“That's right. I'm still not done with you. Now relax yourself, alright?.”
She quickly obliges as she wails in pleasure once you've brushed the tip of your cock onto her clit, making her weak on her knees and moaning profusely.
“Daddy—ahhh! Be gentle for me, just for now—I still feel so sensitive—”
“You don't get to say what I'll do, Kkura. Also, don't fucking worry, it won't be in your pussy.”
Catching her off-guard, you quickly shoved your length into her puckered hole again as you two moaned in unison—you moaned and groaned on how tight she still is, considering how much you've opened her from your harsh poundings from earlier.
“Gosh, Kkura—you're still tight as fuck.”
“And y-you're so big inside me, daddy! Pound me again!”
You really thank Sakura for squirting earlier as her nectar helps with the lubrication—other than the lube, of course—as it drips towards her puckered hole. You didn't get her a chance to prepare herself as you started off with harsh and frantic thrusts, sending ripples down her bubble butt as you pound her with abandon. With the clashing of bodies, you can’t help but moan in ecstasy as the scene is too fucking hot and it’s not hotter as both your lips clash onto each other. You kiss her with fervor that hasn’t been seen before, devouring her like it’s your last meal and getting the awkward taste of your own seed is surprisingly making the scene hotter.
“F-Fuck, daddy. You kissed me so good and don’t you like the taste of your own cum?”
“Well, it’s a bit weird but I never thought I'd taste this sweet.”
You indulge into another blissful kiss with her, locking tongues and exchanging breaths is what made the hottest scene in the bedroom, maybe even way more scorching hot than anything you’ve done with Sakura. You pull onto her once again as you resume your frantic thrusts into her asshole, sending shivers down your spine on how well the pleasure is being delivered.
“Oh god—daddy! You fuck me so well! So so well—fuckk!!”
The same symphony of lewd moans can be heard all over again, and it’s the kind of music you want to listen to apart from their biggest hits. Maybe, in a way, you’ve helped Sakura to improve her vocals by how much you’ve made her scream, reach the highest of notes and how much she has taken you down her throat. 
As the frantic hammering ensues comes her melodic moans that ignites the lust inside you to keep going, not minding how sensitive you are as your only aim is to cream both of her holes and to watch how beautiful she can get after all of this. You slowed down your thrusts for a moment and pulled out right after, as you wanted to do something that Sakura will also love.
“Turn around for me, Kkura. I wanna pound you from behind.”
Again, she obliges immediately as she pounced on the bed with her ass up, ready for another set of harsh poundings. It’s still surprising how her legs are still functioning at this very moment but all you can say is that, you’ll pound her into oblivion to the point that she can’t walk until tomorrow and God knows where she’ll get an excuse to his manager on why she can’t be participating in further activities. Without any time to waste, you insert into her snug hole once again as you’re met with the tight hugging of her walls as you resume the onslaught of thrusts while spanking her pearly-white, bubble butt until it’s red from your handprints and your other hand pulling her hair, making a makeshift ponytail and in order to hear the plethora of moans .
“Is this what you’ve wanted a-all along, huh? To be fucked like an animal, especially in this tight ass? Don’t you f-fucking worry Kkura, you won’t gonna walk until tomorrow on how much I’m gonna pound you—oh! Use you, like a toy and you’re going to make a convincing excuse to your members and to your manager on why you suddenly can’t walk. Hah—you fucking slut—what a slut for my cock. Don’t worry, this w-will be anything you can ask for, Kkura and you’ll forever know that I’m yours and you’re all mine, do you understand?”
“Y-Yes daddy—ahhh! Please keep fucking me! I d-don’t care anymore—j-just explode in me!”
Really surprising—you whisper upon yourself as it is indeed surprising on how she can still articulate such words even though she’s being fucked like an animal—thrusts with its only aim is to rearrange her guts and ruin her, ultimately. You wished this won’t end but it soon will be, as you can feel the familiar knot in your loins, signaling your near orgasmic peak. You then give her ass the pounding it deserves as you bury the entirety of your shaft inside her asshole, filling her up to the hilt.
“I’m going to fucking c-cum, Sakura! I’m—cum—”
Your vision darkens as your tips spurt thick shots of cum inside her ass, her walls clenching hard around your shaft as the feeling of filling her ass is way too much to handle. The creampie wasn’t as good as the first one you did inside her pussy, but surely, this amount is enough for the both of you. You then lay down on the bed as the exhaustion comes in, exasperated breaths escaping your mouth as so does Sakura. You then take a look at her holes, fully creampied by you as the conglomeration of both your liquids can be seen on both snug holes. The earlier cacophony of moan, groans and screams are now filled with faint breaths as both bodies are exasperated from the earlier wild session.
“It feels—hahh… So—warm… God, y-you fucked me good and I—can’t feel my legs…”
Sakura then looks at you as you look back to her, exchanging smiles as Sakura leans closer to you, her disheveled hair all over her face but you can’t deny how beautiful she still looks even though she’s completely ruined.
“I’m—sorry about my earlier attitude… I didn’t r-really mean to sulk like that…”
You then caress her hair, fixing her messed up, cum-filled face to be in touch with her, better.
“It’s alright Kkura. I was just scared earlier and just next time, don’t be that oppressive, okay? I just talked with Chaewon and I’m pretty sorry that I didn’t really divert my attention towards you.”
“No, it’s clearly my fault. I’ll be a better girl, I swear.”, Sakura smiles in reassurance, but with a doubt that you’re still feeling that hint of disappointment so, she ensures something with you. “So, would you forgive me?”
Your eyes glistens upon the dim light as you maintain eye contact with her, uttering the next words that will sure make Sakura smile in delight.
“I do. I forgive you, Kkura…”
You then latch onto her lips one more time as all you can feel is love, and only that at this very moment.
“Wait—would you uhh… Help me clean up? I don’t think my legs are functioning right n-now.”
“Oh yeah, sure.”
You then rose up to the bed and helped Sakura by lifting her and assisting her to walk with your arm all over her shoulders.
“Well, you wanna shower with me?”
You’re just glad that you had clothes on your bag to spare for yourself—“Yeah, why not, Kkura.”
Well, this was a night to remember—and probably, good luck explaining the mess that happened in Sakura’s bedroom to the rest of the members, especially the leader, Kim Chaewon—
Kimssammu on 21:15 - “I want my turn next, anytime, Oppa… ;)”
But how did she know—
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mhsdatgo · 2 months
Alicent crowing aegon exposing her children to more risk than just letting rhaenyra became queen. Rhaenyra wanted that throne, there is no way she would have accepted those "terms", and alicent is 100% aware of this in the book and in the show as well. By crowning aegon she start a war and put her children DIRECTLY on the battlefield against people who were more experienced in war like daemon or ride dragon longer like rhaenyra and rhaenys amd consequently may control their dragon better. If you didn't want to consider a crash between two or more dragons, even if they were on a dragon against an army the danger is very high, look at rhaenys the conqueror or aemon the first son of jaehaerys, they were on dragon's back and yet both of them were killed by arrow. Not to mention that both in the book and in the show alicent spend years creating animosity with rhaenyra, If you TRULY believe that someone may hurt your children you do everything you can to maintain at least a civil relationship, and not constantly provoke them and then cry about how your children may be hurt by your stupidity. Because that what alicent has done in the book starting hating rhaenyra, pray viserys to name Aegon as heir and constantly share gossip to damage rhaenyra's image (with a 10 years old girl, meanwhile Alicent was a GROWN woman), and in the show the situation is not different. The truth is that alicent’s action were based on her own ambitious in the book and on her resentment to rhaenyra in the show, but NEVER in the interest of her children. In fact aegon never wanted to be king, he was forced by her and has to endure all the consequences while watching all of his family die
Ladies and gentlemen, here we have someone who quite literally didn't get a single thing about Fire and Blood.
See, anons like these are what makes my blood boil at the writers of HotD for making Rhaenyra appear like a saint which not only made most of the decisions she'll take from this moment onward out of (show) character (as far as character building and development goes) but also fucking boring.
I'm always one to listen to different points of view and interpretations of books as complicated as these, but something that has always bugged me is the way this fandom CANNOT DIGEST the type of tragedy that is just inevitable.
It was never about picking sides, it was never about sexism, it was always about kin torn apart by kin and their own flaws dragging them down. There was no way to ever avoid that and I cannot have a proper discussion about F&B with anyone who doesn't understand this first.
Moreover, just what do you think Alicent should've done? Shut up, be quiet, sit still and look pretty while Daemon's spies turned her children into bloody shreds? Allow them to be assassinated because of the threat they pose to Rhaenyra's claim? Does everything revolve around her? Is she some kind of Twilight Sparkle?
Let me tell you this: no woman would willingly step back and leave their children to their own devices when their own lives pose a threat to someone else's interests.
I have respect for Rhaenyra and her will to fight for what she believed was her birthright (although let's be honest, it was a feeling born out of nothing but the entitlement of a spoiled brat, it turned into a war of parents after one of each faction's children was killed) but I also have so much more respect for Alicent and her courage to bare teeth and claws and plan a coup to be allowed the upper hand and more possibilities of looking after her children if one of them is ruling. It's not "stupidity" it's awareness. And acting according to it.
It's true that Alicent has her own ambitions, but to say that they started growing in her when she was nothing but an 18 year old girl marrying a 30 year old man... Do you hear yourself? That's a girl getting graduated from high school. Oh shiver me timbers, we're scared of young adults here.
Everyone likes and loves and adores to talk about the way ALICENT was having beef with Rhaenyra as a 10 year old but nevermind Rhaenyra placing a bounty on two toddlers and one of them getting ripped apart because of it. Nevermind her refusing that bastard Corlys' advice to take Daeron as a hostage and demanding that he be killed instead. (Because this bitch was the #1 threat to her rule, but y'all aren't ready for that conversation)
She never "prayed" for Aegon to be named as heir, what she DID pray for was for him and Rhaenyra to be betrothed to one another. I hate Rhaegon personally, (no hate to any Rhaegon stan that reads this ♥️) but honestly this is the only marriage that could've MAYBE prevented the Dance. It started because there were two claimants to the throne. Just marry them to each other and the issue was solved. Both of them get crowned, no Dance, peace.
But noooooo, Viserys, the incompetent twat, as always had to act like an incompetent twat and be like "lol but they don't get along". IT WAS HIM WHO DOOMED HIS CHILDREN, EACH AND EVERY ONE OF HIS SONS AND DAUGHTERS. ALL. OF. THEM.
Everyone else acted as a consequence to the cluterfuck that the sick old man created. Namely, chaos. What else did you expect?
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winns-stuff · 6 months
Okay I’m back again and it’s only to say this.. The comments on the new fastpass are genuinely disgusting. I don’t care how you put it or feel about both characters it’s absolutely deranged to ship or want a redemption arc for a rapist, maybe I’m being too harsh but I can’t find soft words to use for this. The fact that there’s so many people girlbossing this entire situation as a “I got the entire lineage on my shoulders!!! I slept with the brothers and the father!!!!” thing is weird to me because these fans are all missing the point of Hera’s entire story and it makes no sense that as I’m ALWAYS saying these fans are quite literally shipping rapists with their victims when the entire point of Lore Olympus was to shed light and bring awareness to Sexual Assault that is not violent or gruesome in physical action.
And we all know why this is happening, Rachel doesn’t know how to properly handle this situation and it’s clear that that’s how this is coming across to her fans. They don’t see this as a rape survivor story they see this as another dark romance since she doesn’t bother on actually addressing the assault in a respectful and dignified way, every single time she adds another sexual assault in her story she’s always glamorizing it or diminishing it whenever she gets tired of writing about it and it’s infuriating. Your fans should know better than to ship victims with their abusers and you wanna know why? Because you pride your comic on healthy relationships and mental health talks, you use the sexual assault as some kind of badge to show everyone that you know what you’re talking about when it’s clear that you will abandon all real representation of a situation that affects millions of people around the world just for crappy fan service.
Lore Olympus fans are groomed to dismiss these arcs since they’re not even treated like they’re serious and it doesn’t seem like Rachel takes it serious as well, she’s never taken any advice from survivors who aren’t pleased with how she portrays SA and she completely ignores the feelings of those truly affected by the traumatic events that she shoves into her webcomic just so it’ll stay “interesting”. I’m tired of Rachel getting away with drawing absolute trauma porn and I’m sick of her sexualizing every single woman we come across, how many times do we have to continue this long and excruciating pattern of giving the women of your comic terrible consequences and make them suffer just for drama and nothing else. How many other situations are you willing to completely spit on just to look self aware?
This is honestly the last straw because there’s been so many people genuinely shipping Hera and Kronos and also saying borderline disgusting things just to defend stuff like that. Rachel needs to say something, you cannot just sit back and be quiet while your fans openly admit to wanting to see a rapist and his victim together for the sake of your own comic and “beloved” main character hell even for a lot of your fans you need to speak up about this and address it letting a mindset like that fester in a fandom probably filled with survivors of assault is a disservice to them and it’s a slap in the face to the comfort that your webtoon gave them.
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euaphoric · 1 year
“i can give you all the exact same things he can, but a million times better.”
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## pairing — haechan x f!reader / strangers to lovers ? ft. other nct members!
## warnings — smut, light angst, fluff, drinking/scenes involving alcohol, a whole lotta nasty stuff, approximately 3.3k words. did i base some of the conflict on real life events? possiblyyy.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
per usual, it was another weekend filled with back to back partying and going out. jaemin (your new boytoy for now) invited you out tonight so you pull up to the function wearing your sexiest little black dress, making all the heads turn soon as you walk in the club. even jaemin’s friends were eyeing you, they were all pretty hot too which didn’t make the situation any easier. it was your first time meeting all of them properly, you only really spoke to them through quick interactions between you coming and going out of jaemin’s room. they all knew you had a thing going on so they did their best to try and respect that.
“hey, you must be y/n right? i’m taeyong, i don’t think we’ve formally introduced ourselves. it’s nice finally talking to you!” a blonde man comes up to you, reaching his hand out for you to take. you happily accept and shook his hand, “yes, it’s so nice meeting you too!” all of the guys seemed really friendly, especially mark, he can get pretty handsy when there’s a bit of alcohol in his system. “oh so this is the girl i’ve been hearing all about?” mark stumbles his way over to you, already feeling drunk off a couple shots. “nice to meet ya, i’m mark!” you try and go for a handshake like you did previously with taeyong but that wasn’t his style. “pfftt, don’t try that with me, we hug around here!” he pulls you into a giant bear hug, almost embracing you like a longtime friend he’s known for years. you gave him a questionable look, wondering what kinds of things jaemin says about you to his friends. hopefully it was nothing too detailed or invasive, in which that case you’d be heated if he spilled all the tea about your sex lives.
“care to elaborate on what you heard about me…?” you ask skeptically, wondering if it’s something actually worth your time. “i mean.. nah, i probably shouldn’t— it’s like against bro code to disclose top secret info like that!” he recants, not wanting to be the main source of why you might get angry with jaemin. sigh, as much as you wanted to keep prying mark with more questions your vision gets blocked by jaemin who quite literally comes out of nowhere with another shot. “mark hyung i think that’s enough chitchatting for now, just keep drinking and dancing!” he proceeds to hand mark the glass filled with mystery liquid, mark gulped it down instantly and even asked for another. this was definitely gonna be a night full of catastrophic fun. well hopefully. you didn’t drink much so it felt nice being one of the only semi-sober people of the bunch, the club was pretty packed but you were on the upstairs level and near the outdoor patio which had a gorgeous view of the skyline. the DJ tonight was pretty decent too, he played most songs you knew and liked which was rare nowadays. you didn’t need lots of alcohol to let loose and have fun so you make your way to the dance floor with jaemin but not even 5 mins later he runs into a familiar face. “jaemin is that really you?!” a brunette woman comes up to him with the cheesiest smile on her face. “no way, giselle? long time no see!” he hugs her but that hug seems to be lasting way longer than it should.
it’s almost as if you completely didn’t exist anymore to jaemin. he told you he’d be “right back” but it’s been a good 15-20 minutes and he’s still over at the bar with giselle. he could’ve at least tried to hide the fact that he was flirtatious but he wasn’t even subtle when his eyes were glued to her massive rack the whole time she spoke. you know you aren’t dating this man but the disrespect of him to do that so blatantly in front of your face was crazy to you. he’s crossed the big no-no line for you and it’s only fair you give him a taste of his own medicine. you scan the room to look for a hot guy that would make the perfect candidate, settling your eyes on a very, ridiculously handsome man standing a few meters away from you. he seemed to be alone, his facial expression looking almost bored. you never thought white pants looked good on anyone, but on him? he was exquisite. he gave off 90’s skater vibes and looks like type that listens to cigarettes after sex. it intrigued you why such a good looking guy was here out by himself, just didn’t seem right.
you confidently walk up to him, tapping his shoulder to strike up a conversation. the blaring music would drown out your soft voice easily so you get closer to his ear, “hey, i’m just gonna put it out there right now, i think you’re hot and wanna dance with you!” you were bold for sure tonight. the man looks caught by surprise but doesn’t seem opposed by your advance. he whispers back in your ear “the feelings mutual, i’d love to!” within seconds, an array of ring clad fingers wrap around your waist to bring you to the center of the dance floor. you knew you had the full package but weren’t expecting to get this far so quickly, your backside was facing his front, swaying your hips to the beat of the music. a slow r&b song comes on so he rests his chin on your shoulder, “you look amazing in this dress might i add.” the unnamed man says in a raspy tone. “this definitely feels like fate ‘cause i’ve been eyeing you since i came in here.” you met this guy not even half an hour ago and you’re already ready to drop to your knees for him. “i didn’t try anything since i saw you with a guy earlier, that wasn’t your boyfriend right?” you laugh, scoffing at the idea of you ever dating jaemin. you’ll probably never want to see him again after this stunt he pulled. “no, not at all! he’s just some guy i was seeing, but he’s old news now!” “ah, i see. so then i’m allowed to claim you for the rest of the night?” “i’m all yours for the taking.”
the dance floor became a fuzzy obscure entity around you as your bodies collided. the way he danced so gracefully yet so sensual, his hands traveled down your body, admiring your curvy figure. it felt like a steamy movie scene where two hot strangers try and solve the thick tension between them. but your moment would soon be ruined by the constant vibrating of your phone. you tried ignoring it but it wouldn’t stop so you take it out your crossbody purse and look to see who’s been blowing it up. of course, the person who’s been trying to contact you was none other than jaemin. “sorry, s’cuse me i gotta look at this for a sec!” you break away momentarily to check the texts.
5 new notifications from- jaemin (sneaky link 💦)
[1:00 am]: wow..
[1:03 am]: i leave and come back for only a couple mins just to see you with other guys?? you should feel shameful
[1:04 am]: can’t believe you’d do me like that fr
[1:10 am]: funny cause i was starting to have genuine feelings for you too but i guess you girls are all just the same so idc it’s your loss 🤷🏻‍♂️
[1:18 am]: wtv
the audacity of this man was astonishing. you cannot believe him of all people is actually getting mad at you for doing this. you know you’ll probably regret this tomorrow but you tell him off, it’s only right since he wants to pull the victim card now.
[1:25 am]: don’t make me laugh jae, you’re so self entitled that you can’t even see what YOU did wrong. i’m not going to explain myself and idgaf what you think of me after this, i’m thru with your sorry ass anyways. go have fun with your new bae giselle since you wanna mooch it up with her all night which was way more than “a couple mins” btw… you practically threw yourself at her like the manwhore you are and left me to fend for myself! you are the only one who should feel shameful here not me. so kindly go fuck yourself and have a nice day :)
it felt good to let it all out after sending that, you gave zero fucks at this point. you put your phone on do not disturb, put it back in your purse and bring your attention back to the man with groovy dance moves. “why don’t we get out of here?” your ask sounds more like a demand as you pull his arm away to leave the floor, making your way through the sea of people. you reach outside and you were finally able to talk normally, not having to scream over the music in order to understand each other. “my cars parked in that lot over there, we can go back to my place if you want.” he proposes, waiting for you to give him the approval.
usually you aren’t this lenient with just hooking with someone from the club but this guy was on another level, you had to see what he’s all about. “sure, but before i get into the car with a complete stranger, can we at least know our names? i’m y/n.” you finally introduce yourself properly. “yeah that would make sense, my name’s haechan. it’s an honor to have you accompany me tonight!” he brings your hand up to his lips, pressing a wet kiss to it. even the most minimal touch leaves you starstruck by him.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
once you got to haechan’s place, it started off with some wholesome fun. just talking and getting to know more about each other, haechan asked about jaemin again to make sure you were okay but you shrug it off saying you were fine. “trust me haechan, i’m not shedding a single tear over him so no need to keep asking. i’ll be fine, he was just someone i used as a booty call to be honest.” he nods to your response, “good, now i won’t feel like an asshole for saying what i was thinking.” “what were you thinking?” you wonder, raising your brow. “that i can give you all the exact same things he can, but a million times better.” his voice was laced with seduction as he spoke, “i don’t even mean to sound cocky but i’ll make it my personal goal to be the most memorable fuck you’ve ever had.” he presses his chest up against yours, “i’ll make sure you’ll never think about another man but me after i’m through with you princess.”
you nervously gulp, feeling yourself grow wetter by the minute. you’ve never had a man talk to you in such a way that could make you this easily aroused. “that’s a pretty bold claim you said there, you think you’ll be able to live up to it?” you tease, hoping he won’t take it too seriously. “oh i don’t think, i know. it’s 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back love— which will never happen.” he chuckles, snaking his hand to cup your chin and bringing it close to his lips. he stayed like that for what seemed like forever, staring at your petal lips, lightly squishing your cheeks together to turn them into a pout.
“so pretty…” he coos, inching closer to your lips now. he presents you with a deep kiss, sensing the raw passion through him as his hands tease the inners of your thighs. you get a fistful of his messy hair while sinking further down into the memory foam mattress, bringing him with you. he nibbles at your lower lip for entry and you immediately let him slide his tongue in, deliciously exploring each other, making you purr as he tastes the sweetness of you. you softly moan into the kiss, grinding your hips below him, bucking up pathetically to feel some action down there.
“god you’re so fuckin’ hot,” he groans, after breaking away from the kiss. “i’m gonna fuck you ‘til it’s morning baby.” that sounded more like a threat than a promise. “you gonna rail me so hard that i scream and call you daddy all night?” you playfully remark, something ignited in him once you called him that, the desire for you only becoming more irrational. “oh my beloved, you have no idea.” his breaths were heavy against your skin, pressing kisses to your jawline then trailing down to your neck to gently suck. he found a hypersensitive area to make you gasp, sending goosebumps all over your body. you feel a hand on your breast, cupping it tenderly whilst littering your neck with pretty purple and red hickeys. your legs squirm underneath from him rubbing your nipple through your dress, feeling it stiffen as he pinched and flicked at them. you were so horny for him at this point, your panties were a soaked up mess. you continued bucking into him for any bit of stimulation, whining to feel something. it’s been a while since you’ve been needy like this for a man… “if you want something darling just ask.” he props his head up to give you a shit eating smirk, wanting to hear you talk just as dirty as he was. “gimme cock, please! i’m so painfully wet right now i can’t take it anymore.. just need you to fill me up” you weakly surrender. drool peaked out from the corner of your mouth and haechan noticed so he licks it up, “that’s what i’ve been planning to do for hours sweetheart.”
haechan gives you a couple more small, fleeting kisses while lifting your dress up, caressing your plump thighs, running his index finger from your inner thigh to your damp clothed clit. “goddamn you weren’t lying, you’re crazy wet.” you blush at how embarrassingly wet he’s made you for someone you haven’t even known a full 24 hours yet. “i’m just gonna prep you bit with my fingers m’kay babe?” he pushes your panties to the side, sliding his digits along your folds to gather your slick. he entered two fingers in you while circling and stimulating your clit with his thumb, your moans echoed throughout the room just for him. he curls them inside you and your walls cinch around needily, arching your back and moaning with pleasure.
you were seemingly going to come undone just from haechan fingering you, all the wetness dripping onto his wrist only making him want you to cream on his fingers more. your legs feel unstable and you twitch as you feel yourself cumming for the first time of the night, your liquids pour out into his digits, coating them with the creamiest mess. your mouth is locked open as you reach your high, another harsh swipe to your clit was the last string that pulled you. feeling breathless at this point, he gave a twisted smile before taking his fingers out and placing them in your mouth to suck one by one, tasting your lovely essence. he rushed to take off his clothes; quickly removing his pants and boxers to reveal his freshly trimmed, hardened cock. your eyes widen at his length, he’s much bigger than you thought, you were figuring out how he’d be able to fit it all inside. he’ll make it fit one way or another.
there will be many more orgasms to come as the night progresses, you’ve lost count at this point as the duvet is now soaked with your juices. he was pounding you into the ground with his cock, producing hefty back shots to your ass while his hands rest on both sides of your waist. he hasn’t gotten tired of fucking your tight pussy since he’s started. “who’s pussy does this belong to?” he pants, hitting your walls precisely, “it’s all mine right? my cock’s better than jaemin’s right??” he growls, already showing his possessive side within just a few hours. a loud slap to your ass comes with full force, barely giving you any time to react. “r-right!! all yours, this pussy belongs to only you haechan!” you internally struggled to speak, feeling faint off of how many times he’s made you cum. you scream and yelp from pleasure that his dick is the best and how good he’s making you feel. he’s fucked your overstimulated cunt so many times but you still subconsciously tighten around him as he draws out and pumps back in. as soon as he’s close to cumming he finishes on your back, spreading his white seed onto you like the filthy cockwhore you were for him.
he had you like putty in his hands, arching into his touch as he digs his nails into your plush hips. you squirt like it was nothing with him, but with jaemin you could never do that. you couldn’t let this just be a one night stand, you have to get this guy’s number before you leave to do the walk of shame in the morning. speaking of morning; you can see a faint sliver of light through the curtains and you realize now that haechan kept his word from earlier. you never kept track of time though, only thing on your mind is hyuck’s cock filling you up repeatedly. his pace would get sloppier as he’s close to his ten thousandth orgasm, hearing a loud guttural groan escape his mouth. he pulls out again but this time he turns you over while manhandling you, pinning your arms to each side while he cums all on your folds, watching it slowly leak down your swollen pussy. he drags his fingers to your cunt to spread your lips open, biting his lip at the sight — he made such a beautiful mess.
with your clit already being overstimulated and sensitive, he flicks his tongue back to it while tightly holding onto your thigh. your whole body trembles as you cry out to him, pulling his hair as he brings you to tears. you don’t know how you’re still breathing right now, waves of ecstasy washing your brain from constant stimulus, you were in utopia and heaven combined. you weren’t sure how much more you’ll be able to endure, “haechan! haechan!” you’d scream at the top of your lungs, body growing weaker and weaker. he was tearing down every part of you like his life depends on it. he forms saliva with his mouth and spits on your already dripping, throbbing cunt; he’ll never get tired of doing this. “i make you feel the best don’t i?” he grunts, slapping your pussy “no one makes you feel as good as i do right baby girl?” “yes…” you whimper from the twinge of pain. eyes roll to the back of your head, that devilish gaze he had could snatch your soul in an instant.
he was completely right when he said no one’s ever made you feel this good, he was most definitely going to be the most memorable lay you’ve had in your life. jaemin didn’t even come close to haechan. you feel crazy for wanting to stay with him and ask him how he likes his eggs in the morning, his cock rewired your whole brain to think only of him, to be of service to his every want and need. he drove you truly, madly, deeply insane. “looks like the suns fully rising now,” he says looking over at the acute sunlight emitting from the window “my work here is done.” “can i just stay like this for a while? i can’t feel my legs..” you croak, unable to even build minimum strength to prop your head up. “of course you can” he murmurs, “i would never kick you out like that. i was gonna ask if you wanted to sleep here and cuddle, hm?” pressing slow, lazy kisses to your shaky thighs, tracing patterns into them. he was a force to be reckoned with earlier but has now turned into a ray of sunshine right after. “yes please, i’d love that. hold me in your arms forever and ever.”
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writers-potion · 8 days
No, you’re NOT a real reader. I’m so sick of all these people that think they’re readers. No, you’re not. Most of you are not even close to being readers. I see these people saying “I read over 52 books this year! That's one book a week. I'm so smart!” that’s nothing, most of us can easily read 176 books or more in a year. I see people who've only read Daniel Green and claim to be readers. Come talk to me when you pick up Atlas Shrugged, then maybe we can be friends. Also DEAR ALL WOMEN: Fantasy is not a real genre. Romance is not a real genre. Omegaverse is not a real genre. Forced Proximity is not a real genre. Romantasy is not a real genre. Coleen Hoover is NOT. A. REAL. WRITER. put down the baby books and read something that makes your brains hurt for once. Stephanie Meyer and Jane Austin don't count. :) Sincerely, all of the ACTUAL readers.
I don't know where to start, because you've called me out on too many occasions in this paragraph. Here are my (probably unpopular) thoughts on this:
Agreed that the sheer AMOUNT of books you read doesn't make you a good reader - it's what you understand/learn/feel about them that gives you the right to comment properly on a book.
Excuse me but fantasy and romance are genres??
Omegaverse, forced proximity and romantasy are subgenres/tropes in romance that I don't have anything against. If you don't like romance in general, well no wonder you don't like them.
Jane Austen was the author that got me into reading classics. What the hell do you mean when you say she doesn't count???!!
Stephanie Meyer - okay, the first book in the Twilight series wasn't bad, the rest went downhill....don't like her much but I can see why she's popular...
For me, as long as you read, you're a reader.
I believe the purpose of reading (apart from being entertained) is to expand our horizons, step into someone else's head and look into how others see the world. Throughout my reading journey, I've learnt to be better than to judge others on the honestly quite narrow subset of the human experience I've had.
Sure, not all books/genres are "helpful" per se. But novels are meant to allow readers to experience a diverse range of emotions that they otherwise wouldn't, and if reading give someone pleasure, why not? Even though I personally don't like romance too much, I can see the appeal of just wanting to read something for the fun of it. As long as they don't confuse reality with the six-packed, tall & rich billionaire heroes, I respect everyone's reading lists.
NOW, one last note:
Coleen Hoover IS TERRIBLE. Commercial success aside, I hate how to turns literal CRIMINALS into romantists (which doesn't even work).
COLEEN HOOVER IS NOT A REAL WRITER. I'll agree with you on that one.
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weird-is-life · 9 months
If you feel inspired could we mere mortals have some insecure remus thinking his crush would never like him, maybe he thinks they're into sirius or james but literally everyone else thinks he's stupid or blind because it's obvious they're embarrassingly smitten and absolutely infatuated with him. remus lupin just deserves unconditional love ❤
Hiii lovely, I am so so so sorry, this took me so long😭 I hope you will like this, tho. Warnings: pet words, too much affection, fluff (1.1k) and yes, Remus deserves all the love in the world🥺
"You're staring," James nudges Remus to his shoulder, looking amused towards the other side of the Great Hall.
"What...- Did you say something?" Remus asks, eyes averting from your figure for a few seconds.
"I said," he chuckles," that you are staring and it's quite obvious, may I add."
"Oh." There's no point in denying, that he likes you and that he is hopelessly in love with you to James, because James knows how big Remus's crush is on you. Too bad, Remus thinks, that you like his best mate Sirius and not him.
Suddenly Sirius appears at the table, sitting down next to them, "Moony, what got you so red, huh?" he joins James to tease him. Remus just ignores him, stirring absent-mindlessly the food on his plate.
"Don't look so grim, Remus. We were just joking," James pats him on the shoulder. "But I don't know why you won't ask her out, she likes you."
"Jamie, I know you are trying to make me feel better, but please don't," he sighs," we all know she likes Sirius, and I respect that."
"What? Moony, don't be stupid," Sirius groans in frustration over how blind his best friend is," we may flirt sometimes, but that's just that, nothing more. She very clearly likes you."
"That's just simply not true, is it? What would she like about me? I'm me and she is well, y/n," he says rather calmly," there's no chance she likes me like that." With that Remus gets up and leaves, his breakfast remaining untouched. 
Of course, James and Sirius can't have Remus being this self-conscious and miserable, so they decide right there to make a party tonight and invite you. They are hoping, that it will be enough to get you two idiots to make a move.
Later that day, you come to the party, all dressed up in your prettiest dress just for one person, Remus. But as you scan the room, you can't find him anywhere.
As the party goes by and he doesn't appear to be coming, you excuse yourself from your friends, lying about not feeling well.
And as you step out of the Gryffindor common room with a frown on your face, you stumble right into something or rather someone, nearly falling on the ground. Luckily, they are quick to react and save you from falling embarrassingly on your ass.
"Easy there, sweetheart, don't want you to hurt yourself," you recognise Remus, without even looking at him. His voice and scent familiar to you.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to run into you like that," you say sheepishly, cheeks flushed as your mind registers the pet name.
"It's okay," he smiles at you, altough it falters a little before he asks" are you leaving the party already?"
"I was on my way out, yeah...."
"I-is the party not enjoyable?"
"Not really, my friend wasn't here, i only came, because i thought he'd be here" you say and you can see, how Remus's smile drops.    
Remus didn't know, you were seeing somebody."Oh," he says and then hesitantly adds, "but i-it's definitely his loss."
"I think so too," you say, biting back a smile at Remus's not knowing, "are you just now joining the party?"
His cheeks go pink a bit, " ahh, yes. I was planning on being here on time, but I seemed to have lost a track of time in the library."
"Well, from my side, you didn't miss out on anything yet, the party has really just started."
"Then you should stay, too." Remus tells you, he hopes, that you can see, he wants you to stay.
"I should?" you tease.
"Yes, I'd lo...-like for you to stay," he shyly admits.
"I would love to, but-"
Remus's interrupts you before you even get a chance to finish, " oh, I understand. You probably want to go look for your friend."
"Not at all,"you smile sweetly at him,"I was about to say, that I'd love to stay, but only if you get me some better drink, than the disgusting beer there." He looks at you, clearly confused.
"B-but what about your friend?" he doesn't want to overstep, if you already have a date for tonight.
"Remus....," you whine and put your face in your hands, "I don't understand how can you be so so smart and at the same time be this oblivious idiot."
"What do you mean?" he frowns.
"Fuck, okay," you sigh," I like you Remus. I wasn't waiting for some other guy, I was waiting for you."
His mouth is wide open, Remus thinks that he might be dreaming, because this can't be real, there is just no way. " I- what? Y-you like me?"
"Yes, I've liked you since like forever," you nervously mumble.
"But why?"
"Why?" you look confused at him.
"Well yeah, I'm just me, boring guy that spends all of his time with books or with his 2 mates. Sirius is definitely much more better, much more fun," he shakes his head, he thinks he isn't good enough for you.
"Are you serious? I'm not interested in Sirius, I'm interested in you," you poke his chest," you make me laugh, you are always up for explaining me something when i don't understand it. You are kind and most importantly you have a good heart," you blurt it all out, " I don't want Sirius, I want you, only you Remus."
He looks stunned, at loss for words for a moment, but when he finally catches up to what is happening, he bashfully confesses to you, "that's good, because I really really like you, too. So much, that i might pass out if i don't get to kiss you right now"
"Can you just kiss me then already, Rem? Please?" You impatiently tell him. He doesn't waste any time, his soft lips are kissing you, making you dizzy in a matter of second. It is a sweet but short kiss, that has you chasing his lips for more as soon as his pulls away. Remus chuckles at that, "I will definitely kiss you some more, sweetheart. I just need to get you that drink you wanted and tell you all the lovely things I think about you."
"Fine, but only if I get to tell you as well."
"But you already did," he protests, he doesn't think his heart can take any more fond words.
"That wasn't enough, I need to tell you all of it. Especially how handsome you are," you kiss his cheek and drag him towards the party with a huge grin.
The whole night you and Remus basically take turns at being sickeningly affectionate with your words about each other, as James and Sirius watch you two in horror and delight. They are glad to see Remus receiving all the love, that he very much deserves, but they are not so looking forward to witnessing these endearments all the time from now on.
Although, they won't mind it that much, if it keeps Remus this happy and content.
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