hyperreader24 · 1 year
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How To Hide A Body - Prologue (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/371482144-how-to-hide-a-body-prologue?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Ashes024&wp_originator=HYOXx%2B9BYbjamshoojtNVi6fKs9WuJhBpNX5IbS5oXjQM973ozDf%2BtClVsL8WqfZLAU%2BFPSH7v3f10EqvNk3DBK9V5T3T6VY2Ds9TnEcjE2ejJFpuhaQizjvJat26Lj9 Solange Southwood is a professional criminal. It runs in the family. She's helped countless notorious criminals and has only been in jail once. However, suddenly there are new rules to a game she didn't know she had been playing. Someone blackmails her. In order to preserve her identity and save the ones she loves, she must complete a set of tasks, all of which are outrageous. Will she succeed? Cover credits: @SilverBluinse
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melissaateez · 2 years
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Um serial Killer em Minha Vida (Krisoo) (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/198768106-um-serial-killer-em-minha-vida-krisoo?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=MelNakamoto&wp_originator=HNAR8gwdeUvrSZahwAg6EEJx39oYDhCtn1BvQoVB7ok%2FiKEbmOOLXVgeUA1Q%2Fj0iTdfVzpIbRcNnl6DRmtBrmb8lEXm%2FYngsWly5uFXvi3VAPC1PgyK1yXA7Vx%2FN%2BhKS D.O. e um hacker quando criança ele era excluído da família o que o tornou frio atualmente Kris e um serial killer muito frio que foi abandonado pela sua família com o passar do tempo ele arrumou trabalho e depois de uns meses foi pra outro país e chegando nesse país ele começou a matar por diversão
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karamel0111 · 8 months
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Finding Our Way Back Home Can/Sanem - ?Chapter Twenty-Seven? (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/752624670-finding-our-way-back-home-can-sanem-chapter-twenty?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=slza98&wp_originator=bPSZp1fIPLJbDmXvYM879zG4J6Xvy9GfsR54Z93FPCwR6yPZStV6EAWpea1Co4J%2BMCX3jBL9il0aGNj20GCbRAao1ZIxe6b6r%2FRhypziBFTP83UXp2nR8MzmL8pOU8VB Book 2 (Completed) Continuation of 'Heartbreak'.....After leaving Istanbul. Sanem's life takes a dramatic change...success comes in her writing and her perfume and cream business. However there's still a void in her life....Can's had he's fare shares of up and downs and its not over yet. With misunderstangs that lead to secrets between them...they lose each other. They say home is where the heart is.... home for both Can and Sanem is in one place...that's with each other. Can they overcome the odds and let their love live and find their way back to each other.
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imad200 · 1 year
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Enamorada del...ENEMIGO?! [TERMINADA] - Capitulo 36 🥵🔥 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/872133864-enamorada-del-enemigo-terminada-capitulo-36-%F0%9F%A5%B5%F0%9F%94%A5?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_originator=bti0o%2FR%2BKFYBhn2g%2FDRdmGY5fO3LhX5bWB7fwfNS54TYMaVPEzxGTv1pnWqgmcsezYsh7xhz3Z6mwsj3M5EiBIx1b3q3fcVQnJhtYZi2XNzIwqum5wCxzHrlucEYsifU Una chica de familia mafiosa tiene un grupo rival pero un día algo cambia...
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hg-johnston · 1 year
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Reckless Abandon (Part 1) (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/207767096-reckless-abandon-part-1?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Hannahgrace_tm&wp_originator=FBmiHlZrTha146wI4D81TkBUJzmqUDrSSzeIzm3%2F5KlO9IhSQT%2FripLWr0GVXHTPB0mPAd6ZchUcqOn4FPzXnxY4uZRgfR1XjZGmbN8jZ8ZFXFcnhzNmoesnMz%2BsaHcr Just one more year. One more year and I would be out of this place, safe, no longer in danger. That is, if I even made it to graduation. Hope wasn't even a thing on my radar until a stranger with bright blue eyes called my name at the bottom of a hill. He was kind, warm and he acted like he might actually care about me, the problem was...he was my teacher. How could I push him away when all he wanted to do was help me live? Can I believe what he says? Can I trust him? Or is my fate of dying before I get my diploma sealed in the stars? Here's to senior year.
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littledemonlorne · 2 years
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Under His Thumb (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/232778233-under-his-thumb?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=mstiqueb4be&wp_originator=J7HMuf3rWRhsmqshz0twhB7RVaHI0d1hId%2FnS7%2FLUUNsyw1xP1C6WWAlzoiH55V3Rr0bdrRMEQbkbGsqFYpwKF4akHSmER%2FUYPvdvopf3%2FMQSPKejmSNPowx160SiHPd Coming home for the Holidays. Always a stressful time for anyone. But Frank was somewhat dreading this. As he and his Father weren't the best of friends anymore. But he couldn't entirely remember why. As he started spending time with him, he slowly remembered what made him stay away in the first place.
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El profesor Andree Alonso Vilchez Rabanal me ha informado que mi novela “Génesis. Crónica de una familia” (Editorial Arkabas) es consultada por alumnos de secundaria cajamarquinos para comprender mejor diversos aspectos de la Guerra del Pacífico y de la Reforma Agraria, en la provincia de San Marcos. 😊 Si desean leer de manera gratuita mi librito, solo tienen que ingresar a este enlace: https://www.wattpad.com/story/152244049-g%C3%A9nesis-wattys2020 (La foto corresponde a una biblioteca de la ciudad japonesa de Aisho-cho, prefectura de Shiga, donde también se encuentra mi libro) :D
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Touch Of The Poor [|✓Taekook✓|] - ⑫Yeah, You Seem Quite Worried (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/916149059-touch-of-the-poor-%E2%9C%93taekook%E2%9C%93-%E2%91%AByeah-you-seem-quite?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=xdirectioner6926x&wp_originator=XCI%2Bccl22K0LU82SGSOH6VFGVQwYZHH7AGiMtqzr16hKS%2ByHgJvZ3dHTMCF8BvMktKeLMfX1FPQj%2FPGWx5OZuWCCuZIk4Tmp%2BI0kUkxfMbhFqrmJjXY4qedqrNKoxk9N ●Where Taehyung is a poor, hardworking boy, trying his best to survive each day and Jeongguk is a rich CEO who only knows how to brag about his wealth and power. ●If you find any mistakes let me know so I can fix them. Release Date: July 2020
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gezegensiztilki · 3 years
çok mu şaşırırsın cehenneme kar yağdırsam?
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miryel89 · 3 years
I know isn't much, but my starker fic win the Italian Wattys 2020 ❤️ so, Starker community, we won!
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annasaweetie · 3 years
Tom Holland is so damn ... he's so beautiful
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meryemdlgar · 3 years
"Işıl ışıl parıldayan bir göküşağıydı. Gökyüzünde, özgürce parıldayan renklerden ibaretti."
- Sessiz
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solci-things · 3 years
alguien me recomienda algunos libros más sobre Ana y Mia en wattpad?
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enkazz-altindakiler · 3 years
Kamera tek tek yüzlerimizde dolaşırken ne tepki vereceğimi bilmiyordum.
"356, 482, 533, 747 ve 889." dediler bir kez daha.
O an anladım ki artık Kumru yoktu. Artık 889 vardı.
"Ve sana söz veriyorum 889," dedim kendi kendime, "Sana güzel bir hikaye yazacağım."
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ha-neul18 · 3 years
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MAGNATE ¹ || +18 [KOOKTAE] OMEGAVERSE✓ (en Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/215918269?utm_source=android&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=media_slideshow_button&wp_uname=PichulitaUwu18&wp_originator=T8uv3%2FLzdaufiWrzhSh7q8UJczHRI8%2BrKavWJQD3Uxna2k10wpEETqwzsUR6JhFvpxlqWh9cqZ%2FLaCwptW%2BtSgoSqtlPd63O62Roiwh%2B7ptyw60%2BDbZ%2BdkWiRcItsZS8 [YA NO ESTA DISPONIBLE ESTA HISTORIA PARA ADAPTACIONES]✓ "A veces, es necesario sentir dolor para poder ser feliz..." Jeon Jungkook un Alfa Magnate multi millonario, exitoso y famoso por lograr mucho a su corta edad. El hombre perfecto a los ojos de quién lo mire, pero con un gusto y oscuro secreto. Decide comprar un Omega para satisfacer sus …
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littledemonlorne · 2 years
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Under His Thumb (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/232778233-under-his-thumb?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=mstiqueb4be&wp_originator=%2BtLn3aAXoFLA1AIDHNjgIVzg6LGWHO1kzVaiZM%2BBZK6TmEE8Ed4c0KX9P8Xy0SkJxbvYz4gxNn4LSRlONRCkkFhW1esVoO0WnIRjbY062gfVnJPLAi7CZkPeBuYGxlyW Coming home for the Holidays. Always a stressful time for anyone. But Frank was somewhat dreading this. As he and his Father weren't the best of friends anymore. But he couldn't entirely remember why. As he started spending time with him, he slowly remembered what made him stay away in the first place.
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