#untitled cat cartoon
sir-sunny · 6 months
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can i offer u the tiniest most ittiest little guy
bobby for scale
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ruby-thursda7 · 7 months
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axel-draws · 2 years
Since my senior thesis film is still pending approval for some festivals, I’ve lined up a series of Untitled Villains Project content to tide us all over. First off, here’s Vex!
One of my chief inspirations is music. So, of course, every character of mine has their own. Here’s Vex’s Spotify playlist, and a YouTube mirror upload in case you don’t have Spotify.
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disneytva · 7 months
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Development Art and Animatic for a Untitled Disney TVA Variety Sketch Comedy Series created by Audie Harrison (Cartoon Network Studios "Uncle Grandpa" and "Sunshine Brownstone").
The series would have featured the characters Chip 'n Dale ,Lilo & Stitch, Tigger from Winnie The Pooh & Cheshire Cat from Alice In Wonderland on different variety sketches ala Warner Bros Animation "MAD" and "Right Now Kapow".
Watch the full pilot here
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New Introduction [Searching for Moots]
Good timezone, my lovely dreamers!
It's been a long while since last I'd been active in tumblr, but I figured getting to meet new people would be worthwhile as I've made my comeback!
To start, I answer to many names but primarily- you can call me Clay or Danny. I hoard names like a possessive dragon (/lh), but that's also in part due to my kin-list and I carry their names around proudly. (And also the fact I'm a system)
I'm bodily an adult, 23 years old to be exact and counting! I use they/them pronouns, though neos are fair game at times (such as pup/pupself and ghost-themed pronouns).
Now, I am a multi-fandom blogger and enthusiast of neurodivergent content- especially as I connect to a lot of characters.
Fun Things About Me
✦ I'm bilingual, knowing both English and Spanish
✦ I'm a fanfic writer. Mostly specializing in AU's, angst themes, and recently- working on two crossover projects
✦ I have multiple disorders (auDHD, suspected BPD and DID, and diagnosed with MDD)
✦ Current Fixations are Teenage Superhero Cartoons
✦ I'm a roleplayer! (I can be a bit picky with who I roleplay with, and maybe further down the line- I can send out a request)
✦ Profound animal lover. I don't claim to be an expert-
✦ I kin hard.
Fandoms I Am a Part Of
[Key - ♡ (Active Fixations), ✩ (Dormant Fixations/Will Talk About Them if Asked), ➶ (Casual Interests)]
♡ Danny Phantom
♡ American Dragon: Jake Long
♡ Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
♡ Kim Possible
♡ My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
✩ Gravity Falls
✩ Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus/Riordanverse
✩ Laika Films (Coraline, Paranorman)
✩ Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
✩ Doctor Who
✩ Anime (Mob Psycho 100, My Hero Academia, The Promised Neverland, Hetalia, Death Note, Disastrous Life of Saiki Kusuo, Fruits Basket, Black Butler, Wolf Children, Studio Ghibli)
➶ Warrior Cats
➶ Supernatural
➶ Merlin
➶ Sherlock
➶ K-Dramas
➶ The Owl House
➶ She-Ra: Princesses of Power
[Ask if there might be others I've missed!]
Current Projects
Independent Fanfics
✦ tell me atlas, what is heavier (the world or its people's hearts?): Danny Phantom - [Canon Divergent Timeline] -Angst/Whump Trope. The Guys in White manage to capture and detain Danny Phantom, alongside kidnapping securing Tucker, and what follows- well, it's only a matter of time before the truth spills out. - Work in Progress (Unpublished)
✦ DannyMay 2024 - Danny Phantom. A series of one-shots surrounding the fandom Danny Phantom. - Work in Progress (tag: dannymay2024, personal tag: PENDING)
✦ Bad Things Happen Bingo - Fandom One-Shots. A series of angst-filled prompts based on the Bad Things Happen Bingo card. - Work in Progress (tag: PENDING)
Crossover Fanfics
✦ Unlocked Doors AU (Mystery Kids AU) - Danny Phantom, Coraline, Paranorman, and Gravity Falls. Two years have passed since the fated summer trip to Gravity Falls, Oregon, and well- now Dipper and Mabel are returning for the new summer. When a group of untimely teens also end up spending their summer in the seemingly quaint town, nothing will ever be the same. - Work in Progress (Unpublished)
✦ [UNTITLED] (Secret Trio AU) - Danny Phantom, Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja, and American Dragon: Jake Long. A sudden, unexpected turn of events leads to three teenaged superheroes meeting. It goes about as well as you could expect. - Work in Progress (Unpublished)
✦ [UNTITLED] (Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons) - Rise of the Guardians, Brave, Tangled, How to Train Your Dragon. A new threat has presented itself across the world, and somehow- it leads to a group of young adults coming to cross paths. - Work in Progress (Unpublished)
[A rules/guidelines of my blog will be posted separately!]
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Untitled toon kidnapping story sneak peek
At night time in Universal Pictures, it was pretty quiet on the lot. Security was tighter than the rear-end of a duck that it seemed no one can get in or out. However, a group of figures in black full-body suits, masks and goggles were stealthily jumping from roof to roof of each building on the lot, managing not to make a sound. They then reached one particular huge set building.
One of the figures, a rather bulky looking one, pressed a button on their headset and said, "We've reached the set."
A warped voice on the other end spoke, "Excellent. Now remember the plan."
"Right, when the gorilla dad and his boys appear, we kill the power. And you sure you don't want any of the others?"
"I'm absolutely sure."
With that, the call was ended. One of the figures got out a laptop they had, activated it and it reached a program with the set's power grid's inner workings. This would give them the ability to hack into the power and turn it on or off. Once checking in, the figure with the laptop signaled the other figures to make their move. So they soon got down from the roof with the use of their ropes. Once reaching the entrance, the security guards there kept watch until they yelped as the intruders snuck up from behind and put them in a sleeper hold, rendering them unconscious.
After disposing of the guards, the intruders in black had quietly made their way inside with the help of the guards' security card keys. They made sure not to be seen by anyone in this gigantic set. This set was big enough to hold both big rooms for the scene of the film that was being shot. The film was Sing 2, and the scene being shot was the scene where Porsha Crystal performs "Could Have Been Me" while Big Daddy and his boys attack Crystal and his security guards.
The director called out in a megaphone, "And switch to the lobby attack!"
On cue, Jimmy Crystal, Jerry, Suki Lane, and the cheetah and wolf thug ran down the lobby's stairs, to find Big Daddy, Stan and Barry standing there, looking stern and blocking Jimmy's way.
Jimmy demanded to the gorillas, as the script requires, "Hey, who the heck are you? Where's my security?"
Big Daddy smirked to the wolf in defiance, "We're security now, mate."
Before there could be any butt-kicking, everything went dark, causing the entire cartoon cast and live-action crew to shout in panic, confusion and frustration.
"What the bloody deuce?!" shouted Big Daddy in the dark.
"CUT!" the director shouted.
"The power getting cut? That's not in the script!" Buster's voice exclaimed.
"Right, this isn't your theater," agreed the voice of Johnny.
Porsha's voice exclaimed in frustration, "Great, now I don't get to finish my song!"
The next sounds we hear are those of a dart being shot in a woman's neck with said woman yelping before making woozy noises and dropping to the ground. That's not all though. We also hear the sounds of fist fighting and shouting coming from Big Daddy's gang, Jimmy, Jerry, and the former's bodyguards.
Soon, when the power returned, the filmmakers saw that the gorilla trio, wolves, cat and cheetah were lying on the ground, battered.
The director called out via megaphone, "Okay, the power's back, let's start the scene over." However, they noticed something else was against the film's script. "Hey, wait a minute, where's Suki?"
The beaten animals looked, and just as the director said, the talent scout Saluki was no longer there. In her place was a little sheet of paper.
On the other half of the set, the Moon Troupe were still recovering from the sudden power outage.
The koala instructed everyone, "Okay, temporary setback, gang. Let's just take Porsha's scene from the top."
But before anyone could do anything, Jerry came rushing in, panting as he held the paper left.
"Everyone, Suki's gone!" Jerry shouted in panic.
"What?!" Most shouted in shock.
"And this paper was left here."
The koala took the paper and began to read the whole message, which appeared as any ransom letter would, with letters cut out from various film logos, "We'll be taking the useless dead weight Saluki off your paws. Signed, the U.V.G." He flipped the paper, seeing another part of the message, "'P.S. the Minions and Pets suck!'?", followed by a drawn taunting face and 'l for loser' signal.
The cast and crew were utterly perplexed, well most of them were. Darius, being the guy who was always in his own little world, was confused about what Saluki they were talking about. Yeah, the guy was never good with names. Meanwhile, Kevin the Minion, Max and Gidget, who were on the set watching, scowled at the side-note.
So what does everyone think so far? If there's anything you feel
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mar64ds · 1 year
can you go in-depth about every untitled story idea featuring your OCs you have?
Oh my god!! Thank you so much for asking! I love to talk about them!
I’ve just talked a little bit about ‘A Loving House’ so I will talk about the others, I have other 4 main stories! Maybe 5… I’m still thinking about it. One of them does have a name but yeah the others still don’t have titles. Warning: this is very very long and I’ll probably not express all my ideas really well lol
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-The Big Bad Bird: So this story does have a title! The title is a bit essential to the story, even if it just seems like the bird version of ‘the big bad wolf’, there is a bit more meaning to it…
This is a story about two arch nemesis, an evil supervillain wolf and a fun even if rather chaotic bird. The idea of the story is that they are a very typical hero and villain duo: villain tries to kill hero, hero outsmarts villain, hero wins, and this repeats again and again in every episode. But the thing is, at some point these two characters realize that they have formed a strong bond, that when they are alone and upset the person that is always there for them is the other, even if it’s to annoy or to fight to death, they are there. It’s a found family kind of relationship, Wolf becomes some sort of parental figure to Bird.
Wolf is a distant, cold and grumpy wolf. Wolf is really not dumb, that’s not the kind of villain I’m trying to write with him, he does get frustrated and angry pretty easily and he can be petty, but he’s not stupid, you do believe he is a pretty capable supervillain. Wolf is most of all very theatrical, he likes to put on a good show
Bird is cheerful, positive and energetic but they are not exactly the nicest person ever, they pull pranks and are pretty chaotic and things like that, although it’s not out of malice, they just can come across as rude and mischievous
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The thing that is interesting about this ‘enemies to family’ dynamic is that it’s usually the villain who struggles to accept they care about the hero, and yeah Wolf does deny it at first but he’s quick to accept it, the one who really struggles with this is Bird. I won’t get into spoilers, but Bird is someone who has been rejected by so many people so many times that they have kind of gave up… so now they annoy people on purpose, because better to be hated than to be ignored, right? So they really don’t know how to… let someone care about them? They don’t like it! It’s strange! They are used to have fun annoying people because they have adapted well to not being cared for by anyone, what are they supposed to do now?!
The idea for this story is that it would be a… miniseries? It would be 10 chapters/episodes long. The first ones would follow a pretty episodic formula, Wolf tries to kill Bird, it doesn’t work, Bird wins. Then in episode 5 you start to see that maybe their relationship can be a bit more deep and complicated than just your typical saturday morning cartoon hero and villain. Bird seems to be more complex than it seems, Wolf seems to have a good side, things like that. So the next episodes are silly too but they have a bunch of a bit more serious and emotional scenes where they get to learn and understand each other better, and maybe even help. No spoilers for the last two episodes but oh boy……. I really like them, they are good I think.
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-Story about a demon cat and a normal dad mouse.
A mouse finds a little cat one day. It’s alone, hungry and hurt. He feels bad for it so he takes care of it and grows attached to it so he adopts the little cat. Of course, everyone has that worry in mind, won’t the cat want to eat mice at some point? Well, don’t worry! The cat grows up and it doesn’t seem like it wants to eat mice, or rats or anything like that! This is great news, and the cat is loved by all the mice and gets along with the other cats too, all seems to go well.
However, recently there has been news of a creature that is feeding on humans. Weird. There are news everywhere about this, the humans are scared and it worries the animals too. Just what the hell is this creature? Hahah it couldn’t possibly be-
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Yeah it’s the cat. You might have figured out that this is not a normal cat. This is in fact a demon… cat? So its origin story is very silly, but I wanted to capture a story with absurd comedy and a little bit of horror. The animals don’t talk in this story, only the humans that occasionally show up, but there are two humans that are important characters too! One is a scientist, who wanted to play god and bring a creature to live, the other one is her girlfriend, who is goth and wanted to try to summon a demon because her friends have done that before and she was feeling left out. So one day they find a dead cat and decide they could save it! Science wasn’t enough so they tried the demon thing and it worked! But the cat ran away. Well, as long as the cat was okay I guess it’s okay- oh god it’s eating people now. They have to find it now and look for a solution to this!
The little mouse guy… how is he doing? Well, not great. He slowly figures out his kid is the human-eating monster and it’s pretty pretty tense. And after he knows it’s even worse. What’s he supposed to do now? Despite eating humans the cat is… nice, it’s sweet, kind and it’s his kid, he loves it. If anyone finds out the cat is the monster they’ll take it away and maybe even hurt it
The girls and the mouse want what's best for the cat, it’s some of the other humans and the animals who they need to worry about, and maybe even the cat itself might become a bigger problem.
Perhaps there is a way for the cat to turn back to normal but if that works… would it want to eat mice?
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-Story about a group of minions that work for a supervillain. This is my favorite one aaaaagh!! I want a tv show about this, I would sell this idea and someone else could do it just so I could see it on tv, this is just ‘my favorite things ever’ the story
We have a bunch of stories from the point of view of the villains, but the formula of this story it’s a bit different: we only see these minions BEFORE or AFTER an evil plan. It’s not about the evil plan, it’s not about seeing them try to conquer the world or defeat the heroes, it’s about seeing their everyday lives. Living with co-workers, cleaning up after a tough battle, the consequences of an evil plan backfiring, the enthusiasm before executing an evil plan, work struggles, personal struggles, etc.
This is a story with a large number of characters, think of the muppets, like that, there are a lot of different muppets but there is also the main ones, that’s kind of where I’m going for with this story. But even if there are central characters, I do want the secondary or even background characters to shine at least once, think of ‘villain of the week’, but instead of said villain being an antagonist they are just the main focus. It also makes me think about ‘Ojamajo Doremi’ and how that show has a lot of episodes that focus on the different classmates Doremi has and not just on the main characters, I kind of want to do that.
So, the three main minion characters are:
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-Primary and Hellmet. Primary is a drawing that came to life, doesn’t care that much about the evil plans, they mostly just want to have fun. She can break the laws of physics since she is a drawing after all. While pretty energetic, he also has some sort of sarcastic humor. He likes teasing others but not to the point of upsetting someone, they are a genuine good friend. They can be a bit insecure but don’t worry she hides it well (give her a hug please)
-Hellmet is a pretty powerful monster, like one of the strongest people you could have in a supervillain army. And the thing is, they love being a monster! But there is one problem, they don’t mind being a monster but they DON’T want to be like their parents, who were awful to them and others. So in a way, they want to improve themself, break the circle, but in their own strange clumsy way. For example, if they are fighting someone in a restaurant, the fight will be intense, but then before leaving they will tip the waiters, because it’s the nice thing to do. They seem pretty serious but they are genuinely trying to be nice to their coworkers all the time
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-He is a motivational speaker/life coach, who accepted this job as an employee on this supervillain base. He thinks that if anyone really needs motivation it’s the minions of a supervillain, who lose everyday over and over again, he feels bad for them and cares for them and is kind of impressed by them, so he sticks around. He can be kind of anxious but he has his feet on the ground. He is usually the person with the most common sense and that finds the solutions to stuff the fastest. He is pretty much Kermit the frog
I have some ideas so far for the secondary or background minion characters, here are a few but I need to think about a lot more of them, this is just the beginning:
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-Croak Frog. This OC is pretty old, he has a name. So the idea of this character is that he is actually on the side of the good guys, let me explain. Croak Frog is someone who is willing to play the role of a villain just so someone else can be the hero. He loves comic books, he knows a hero goes through a character development thanks to adversity, he wants to help people that way, find that inner hero everyone has inside of them and he will be the villain if he has to. Of course, he has to pretend he is a true villain with his coworkers, but some of them can tell what’s going on
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-A good guy that was captured by the villains, hoping that someone would try to rescue them and defeat them. But… no one showed up to save this guy. They felt so bad that they offered them any help, support, money or maybe they could even stayed with them. They now live here with the rest of the minions and they don’t really do much other than be sad, sarcastic and tired. They don’t really work for the boss, they are just here
Since this is a story that focuses a lot on the everyday life, we don’t see that much of the actual hero that defeats them. He always defeats them off-screen and is the person they always need to worry about, but he’s not a big focus. I imagine the hero as very similar to Super Mario, he is nice and simple, he probably has his own family and friends too. He does show up sometimes but he’s not a main character
So apart from the minions, the good guys we do focus on are the neighbors. The evil base they live in, well, they have regular neighbors living in regular houses. Three in particular:
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-Pink otter. She is a sweet, positive and loving girl that spreads kindness and positivity and cuteness everywhere. So… she’s pretty much the opposite of a super villain. Kind of similar to Wander over yonder, she’s just really nice and that can be the kryptonite of a bad guy, or maybe they just like her so much they just let her do whatever she wants even if they are in the ‘before or after’ of an evil plan. She believes in kindness but she’s not naïve, if you are being too much of a jerk she will call you out. She loves nerdy stuff and she is very creative (she loves drawing fanart and writing fanfics and things like that, but also her own personal art). She can be a bit insecure and socially anxious but she has good close friends that can take those insecurities away
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-Green bunny. She is pink otter’s best friend and roommate. Best way I can describe her is she is very similar to Pipimi from Pop Team Epic. She can easily emotionally destroy any bad guy at any second. But other than that she is very sweet and loyal to her friends, and she is overall really really cute. She struggles a bit with depression as well, but her close friends help with that too
-grumpy crocodile. I have the design in mind but I haven’t drawn it yet. Basically really similar to characters like Susie or Mad Rat, I just love grumpy or rude characters that are genuinely really nice people. This crocodile is very distant and doesn’t like to be bothered but they do care about others. They get mad pretty easily, but they can be very easy-going as well
A lot of times, the three neighbors are the ones that really stop the evil plan. For example, if the villains steal water for one of their plans, but grumpy crocodile wants to take a shower, they go to the castle to demand them to bring back the water or find a way to bring it back themself, not to play the hero, it’s just neighbor problems. Although sometimes if the plan is way too dangerous then yeah they need to play the hero even if they don’t really want to.
Speaking of heroes, the minions do have a boss, or other more powerful unkind individuals.
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This is their boss, he is a very powerful supervillain, and while yes there is a comedic side to him, he is a really good villain. Think of Bowser, he has his funny side and he always loses, but we all consider him a good antagonist!
Despite how serious and powerful he is, he is also a very very petty person that has a lot of drama in his personal life. From exes, to rivals, to friends, to family members, etc. He gets very consumed in his worries about his image and reputation, he can get distracted from his evil plans because of this. For example, his ex could be the mayor of a town that has just built a nice fountain. Well, he NEEDS to build an even nicer fountain now in his kingdom, forget all the other plans, his kingdom needs to be BETTER. Things like that
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Then there is this funny little creature. He has a VERY complicated long backstory, but basically, he is practically a god. He has infinite power and because of that, he is bored. He doesn’t try to do good or evil, he just wants to be entertained, and yeah that entertainment can be cruel sometimes. He only uses his powers to make things more entertaining, so you know, way more complicated. He bothers both villains and heroes
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At one point, he gets to know pink otter, and for the first time in a long time, he genuinely cares about someone. She is really nice, she is really sincere, she is really passionate, he really likes her. She loves fictional stories and in his own way he can relate because he finds real people drama’s entertaining. They have that sort of Molly McGee and Scratch dynamic
My idea of storytelling would be comics. This is a pretty episodic story but I do have storylines and character arcs in mind. It would be mostly comedic but it has a lot of sweet and emotional moments. This is NOT a mean-spirited series, I just can’t write things like that, even when they are mean they are pretty nice. Again, if I could, I’d let a tv studio steal this idea from me just so I could watch a tv show about this
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+ Story about a villain and a hero being roomates
So I’m not sure if I should include this one in the previous story, it works really well there too, but maybe I should just make it its on separate series.
The basic idea is that a supervillain and a hero live together, so everyday they go to work, villain tries to conquer the world and kill hero, hero wins every single time… then you go home and you have to live together and have roommate problems. It’s like a sitcom
Now why would they live together? I have two possible answers. If this took place in the other story, they could be cursed to live together by the puppet character, you know, he has god powers and likes being entertained, of course he would do this. If this takes place in another universe, then it would just be a joke about how the economy is so terrible they just have to live together
If this is a separated story then it would be a series of episodic comics, there is no story in this one, maybe from time to time there could be an arc, but this would be a silly comedic comic
-Story about being aromantic lol
I don’t know much about this one, just a series of comics about a duo that talk about aro experiences
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Aaaand that's it! Thank you so much for giving me an excuse to rant about this, and if you have read all of this thanks again!
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cf56 · 2 years
WIP Quotes Tag Game
Never gonna pass up a chance to talk about my fics! This is another tag game I was tagged in by @metallideth01. Rules:
Include one character quote — of your choosing ⁠— from each chapter of your WIP (or as many chapters as you'd like).
Give absolutely no context, save for what's between two parts of an interrupted sentence, should that occur. You may mention who said it.
Have fun, no pressure!
Haha, imagine thinking I write more than one chapter at a time. I have two multichapter WIPs- one has two chapters written, one has one chapter written. I'll just scrounge up what quotes I can from all my WIPS (many of them are angsty, and all of them are Animaniacs):
One More Meeting
"Why can’t I do it? Why can’t I be a good big brother, like he was?" -Wakko
"Hey, I get it. I wish we could hug too. Uhhhhnfortunately, discount spirit Yakko is all you get today." - Yakko
Totally Insaney
"Goodnight Wakko. Goodnight Dot. Wherever you are." - Yakko
Untitled Christmas Fic (2021)
"Santa, can I tell you my super-secret Christmas wish this year? You can’t tell anybody." - Wakko
Untitled Coffee Fic
"History cartoon? Oh, you must mean Animaniacs. Yeah, I get mistaken for that Yakko guy all the time. We do share some features, I guess, but that’s all a coincidence." - Yakko
Untitled Mother's Day Fic (2021)
"I’m just confused. Were you trying to give a present to this mannequin?" - Yakko
Past the End
"Well sibs, looks like another great day for digging." - Yakko
Untitled Stargazing Fic
"You know mosquitoes don’t bite toons, right? They don’t like the taste of ink.” - Dot
Untitled Morning Fic
"Putting the ‘scared’ in ‘scaredy-cat’ this morning, I see." - Dot
I'm no fun, these games always end with me because I'm unwilling to tag anyone. But if you want to participate, feel free to do so. I'm tagging anyone who reads this.
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markistims · 2 months
Hello stimmers of Tumblr! I am Marki or just Mark from the Untitled system and I make stimboards!!
Requests are always open in the ask box or in DMs
I use literally any pronouns except for she/her
Main is @phantomhunt !
Do not mention/DNI if your blog has: politics, syscourse, nsft stuff, LGBTQ+phobia, ableism, racism, slurs
Masterlist by theme under the cut :]
sandersstims - stimboards related to Thomas Sanders (Sanders Sides, cartoon therapy, roleslaying with Roman, my roommate is Hades, etc)
butterflystims - butterfly stimboards/stimboards with butterflies
animalstims - animal stimboards/stimboards with animals
bluestims - blue stimboards
purplestims - purple stimboards
yellowstims - yellow stimboards
shinystims - stimboards focused on shiny GIFs/with shiny gifs
flowerstims - stimboards focused on flowers/with flower gifs
techstims - tech focused stimboards/stimboards with tech in them
Acestims - asexual focused stimboards/stimboards with asexual GIFs
Pridestims - pride stimboards/stimboards with pride GIFs
Catstims / kittystims - cat focused stimboards/stimboards with cats in them
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thefuzzballs · 4 years
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Has your cat been playing too much Untitled Goose Game?
Like ❤️ @thefuzzballs for more cuteness 😍
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brightstreetcity · 3 years
Untitled 160 - work in progress, “for Nick pt 2”
The heat was the same as it is now. Clear skies, hazy air.
The smell of blazing pavement and trees evaporating into the air we breathed.
The sun bleaching the blond heads of kids playing on the street, tanning shoulders, legs and knees.
Loud music escaping fenced in backyards, and cracked windows of cars,
the sound of bees, the trees sighing, in response to a humid breeze, clinging to the leaves.
It’s a heat wave in New York.
The state known for 6 ft of snow at Christmas and at least 6 inches of the same in April.
But the end of June is always a scorcher.
And this year is no different than the summer 3 years ago.
June 28, 2018, I remember we spoke for the last time. I told you it’s so hot and you laughed that it was nothing.
You promised we would hang out after your race and I reminded you about the heat.
It’s. Nothing. It’s nothing, you said. It’ll be okay.
I remember the day the heat came down, the way it covered the earth like a damp towel. Stifling. Suffocating.
Wrapped around your shoulders as you went up the mountain. The heat wrapped up the mountain; a craggy burrito.
I can hear your measured breaths in my head, I can picture the beads of sweat on your head. I can see how goddamn red that beard of yours was.
I can see it.
And just. Like. That. The darkness falls over my mind’s eye. The psychic visions of you collapsing crush against my skull. They break into pieces, shattered windshield glass at the moment of impact.
And as your breathing becomes shallow, I can feel mine slow too. Everything is dark and it’s like I’m inside you. It’s like I’m living in the tiny space between your brain and your eyelids.
I can hear the buzz of insects, the clamor and confusion. And it is so so cold.
I can taste your fear in my cotton-dry mouth. You’re trapped inside yourself, unable to shout.
I can feel them lift your body, and I can sense you trying to help them as you’re strapped in the gurney.
And as the sounds fade in echoed rounds, a choir of the damned only singing in the wailing sounds of sirens, beeps, whistles, sighs of machines. I can hold your panic in my hand. It’s tangible. You know where we are.
The smell of sweat and rubber clinging to the corners of everything. Nothing is here and yet the whole world exists in this moment.
A moment of darkness flickers in my line of sight and then there it is: the cliched slideshow of life, flashing before your eyes.
You’re 3, sitting on the floor of the living room, your sister’s laying on the couch. Saturday morning cartoons buzz on the tv. You’re 9, it’s the summer you’re turning 10, and boom, it’s recess on the lawn at Mount. It’s field day. Blue team wins. It’s Bobby’s birthday. It’s Adam and you riding bikes. It’s Beef wrapping you in a bonecrusher hug. It’s fighting with your brother and being told to knock it off. It’s the smell of your mama frying bacon on a Sunday and calling you guys to the table. It’s getting cut from the baseball team. It’s being shy in the back of class. It’s senior prom. It’s semester at sea. Beers. Girls. Parties. It’s becoming a vegan. It’s 4,761 hours of conversations with me. It’s Gepetto the dying cat on a cold December eve as you deliver newsday to the people. It’s your dad laughing on Christmas morning. It’s cheering for Kym at competitions. It’s the baseball opener. It’s summertime and Saratoga lake. You’re reminding me I’m not fat. It’s you kissing me on the cheek as I cry about another boy that broke my heart. It’s every girl you dated and fell in love with and lamented then left. It’s homeless in California, and every protest you marched in. It’s 10,000 miles of races that you graced with your name. It’s being obsessed with Rich Roll. It’s becoming sober. It’s getting accepted to go back to school and pursue your dream of becoming a doctor. It’s a hundred dreams and wishes you never got to fulfill. And then it’s you pinning your number before this race. And then the picture fades. It’s broken, hiccuping, skipping, and keeps flashing back to starting the race. And then it’s black.
And that’s when I wake up. Drenched in sweat and consumed in tears. And it’s real.
No matter how many times I’ve relived the nightmare, it never gets easier. The devastation of summer is a curse I carry forever.
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sir-sunny · 7 months
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shes ok :)
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ruby-thursda7 · 8 months
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miss untitled cat cartoon herself :3
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brightwanderer · 4 years
Untitled Stardew Omens Fic (32)
Winter 14
Crowley has learned a lot about snow in the last twenty-four hours, very little of it good. Who knew the stuff was so heavy and can soak through your shoes so easily? He blames the greetings card industry for making it look so marshmallow-soft and light and pleasant in all the seasonal artwork. Halfway to the farm and his feet are already wet through again, these shoes will never be the same, and his legs feel like lead from struggling through the knee-deep drifts.
And he doesn't care. Not when Aziraphale's arm is tucked through his and every time they lose their balance they cling to each other and laugh and one of them takes the opportunity to steal a kiss.
He understands now why Aziraphale wouldn't let him go home last night (possible ulterior motives aside). It sends a little shiver down the back of his neck, if he thinks about it too long. How many ways he could have got himself into serious trouble just because he never realised that there's a difference between a couple of inches of powder and an actual blizzard.
Good thing Aziraphale was there to save him from himself. And that makes him feel so warm and impossibly soft in the centre of his being that he has to stop and turn and kiss him again, even though neither of them has stumbled this time.
Aziraphale's so eager, every time, melting against him with a sigh and a smile. It makes Crowley feel weak at the knees. Mind you, he's not sure any part of him has recovered yet from waking up this morning with Aziraphale stroking his hair, and realising the night before hadn't been some sort of particularly vivid dream.
There's no way they're getting the gate open when they reach the farm, so they have to clamber over. Crowley makes short work of it, turns back to offer a hand to Aziraphale, who is perched on top looking thoughtful. After a moment he hands Crowley his bag, grins, and launches himself off the gate to belly-flop into a particularly deep drift. He doesn't quite leave a cookie-cutter hole like in a cartoon, but it's not far off, and Crowley explodes into laughter. Aziraphale's head pops up, minus its hat, his curls dusted with snow, and his bright eyes and smile take Crowley's breath away.
"That's not how you make a snow angel," Crowley manages after a moment.
"I know, but it looked so soft." Aziraphale retrieves his hat and scrambles out of the drift. "Bit chilly, though."
"Now who's trying to give themselves hypothermia?"
"I'm wearing five layers," Aziraphale replies serenely, "and anyway, your house is right there."
It is indeed, and Crowley has to admit that it looks pretty damn picturesque in all the snow. If he still wanted to sell it, he could do worse than take pictures right now. He doesn't even reach for his phone.
Freddie greets them at the door with a series of indignant squeaks that communicate exactly what he thinks of being left alone all night without a nice warm human to snuggle up to. Aziraphale scoops him up and fusses him while Crowley gets the fire going. The power's back on, but Aziraphale has brought a torch and some spare candles with him just in case Crowley needs them later. Crowley's not sure what else is in that bag, but he suspects that if it somehow ends up being too late for Aziraphale to walk back to town later, he'll turn out to be miraculously well equipped for an overnight stay.
The thought makes him feel so warm he has to move away from the fire. He finds his snow shovel and hefts it absently as he looks out of the window, trying to calculate the best way to clear a path to the gate and the chicken coop. There's no option that doesn't involve several hours' work, he realises with dismay.
"We'll take it in turns," Aziraphale says, reading his mind. "Lots of tea breaks."
"You sure this is how you want to spend your birthday?"
Aziraphale smiles a smile that does something unsanctioned to Crowley's heart. He puts the cat down, and comes over to slide into Crowley's arms as easily as if they've been doing this all their lives.
"I'm sure you'll make it worth my while," he murmurs against Crowley's lips.
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tonystarkbingo · 3 years
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TSB MIV Week 18 Roundup!
Go lavish some love on our wonderful creators!
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Title: Better Than McDonalds Collaborator: 27dragons Card Number: 4027 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S3 - Janet Van Dyne Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Past Abuse, friends helping friends, correcting dickish behavior Summary: For this prompt from the Winteriron Winter Stockings event: Bucky comes out from an abusive relationship. Tony is different, very different. But then, he also forgets dates, makes rash decisions and talks over Bucky. That’s okay. Tony, when he finds out, doesn’t think so and tries to change it. It’s slow going. But he will do everything to get Bucky to smile that smile more often! Word Count: 1210
Title: The Physics of Snowball Fights Collaborator: newnewyorker93 Card Number: 4042 Link: AO3 Square Filled: R5 - nerf/water gun war Ship: IronHusbands Rating: Gen Major Tags: Fluff and Humor, MIT Era, Snow Day, Snowball Fight, Kissing in the Snow Summary: Tony and Rhodey engage in some snow day shenanigans. For science. Word Count: 985
Title: Febuwhump Day 7: Poisoning | Tony & Morgan Collaborator: startrekkingaroundasgard Card Number: 4048 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K1 - Iron Dad Ship: Tony & Morgan Rating: Teen Major Tags: poisoning Summary: As they’re working in the lab together, Morgan comes over suddenly unwell. Tony realises she has been poisoned.  Word Count: 622
Title: Hel–loki–tty Collaborator: deehellcat Card Number: 4028 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S3 - Asgard Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: cross stitch Summary: Cross stitched Hello Kitty Loki, with the glowstick of destiny at hand and helmet (adapted for ears!) firmly in place
Title: I Just Need You Collaborator: JehBeeEh Card Number: 4058 Link: AO3 Square Filled: R1 - A Battle/Fight/Confrontation Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Breaking up and Making up Summary: Tony did the right thing. He really and truly believes he did the right thing. Steve deserved better. Even if it makes them both miserable. Word Count: 2508
Title: Captain America Shield Sachet Collaborator: newnewyorker93 Card Number: 4042 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: adopted square - vibranium Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: craft Summary: Captain America’s shield, made out of felt and filled with rice & a vanilla scent.
Title: On the Edge of Glory Collaborator: deehellcat Card Number: 4028 Link: AO3 Square Filled: A4 - kink: edging/orgasm denial Ship: Pepperony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Role-Play, Bondage, Tentacles, Consensual Non-Consent, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Kinky Tech, Desperation Play, Suspension, Gags, Predicament Bondage, Edging, Begging, Tie and Tease, much fluffier than you might expect, Couples, Loving Smut, Top Tony Stark, Bottom Pepper Potts, (at least for this playtime hehe), Enthusiastic Consentacles, (appearances notwithstanding) Summary: A stealthy intruder gets caught up in a reclusive genius’ kinky security system and is left hanging. Literally. Word Count: 4381
Title: itchy fingers Collaborator: feignedsobriquet Card Number: 4039 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S1 - Enemies and Lovers Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: art of hands
Title: Authenticity Collaborator: deehellcat Card Number: 4028 Link: AO3 Square Filled: R1 - mission sex Ship: Tony/unspecified partner Rating: Teen Major Tags: AU—spies, who’s the other party? Choose Your Own Ship, Mission Sex, Simulated Sex, Fake Dating, Inappropriate Arousal, Dialogue Only, SHIELD Agent Tony Stark Summary: Two agents reluctantly paired for a joint mission discover they are being surveilled, and decide to put on a show to maintain their cover…but is it just a show, or will true feelings be revealed? Word Count: 800
Title: ThunderIron Love Languages Collaborator: startrekkingaroundasgard Card Number: 4048 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T4 - Thor Ship: ThunderIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: love languages, gifset Summary: Gif set showing the different love languages of Tony and Thor
Title: The Wilds of New Atacama Collaborator: 27dragons Card Number: 4027 Link: AO3 Square Filled: T5 - AU: Dragon Rider Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: Crack, you have been warned, AU: Science Fiction, AU: Dragon Rider, this ain’t no pern Summary: Tony stood up in the saddle to let his gaze slide over the fluffy backs of the herd, counting idly. All present and accounted for, he settled back into his seat and patted JARVIS’ neck. JARVIS rumbled at him affectionately, and Tony made a mental note to round up an extra treat or two, when they made it back to camp. Word Count: 636
Title: untitled Collaborator: startrekkingaroundasgard Card Number: 4048 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S3 - Scott Lang Ship: Tony & Scott Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: Tony and Scott are forced to work together and neither is happy about it.
Title: Challenging the Status Quo Collaborator: Politzania Card Number: 4007 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S4 - Sanctum Sanctorum Ship: Gen Rating: IronStrange Major Tags: Established Relationship, the Sanctum is Sentient Summary: Stephen brings Tony to the Sanctum for the first time. Word Count: 692
Title: what i know about you (would fill a thousand books) Collaborator: iam93percentstardust Card Number: 4012 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S4 - Sharon Carter Ship: Carter-Stark Cousins, Stony, Natsharon Rating: Gen Major Tags: Established Relationship, Past Abuse, Insomnia Summary: Here is what Tony knows about Sharon: she tells people she likes blueberry muffins because she thinks it makes her sound grown up, but she prefers chocolate donuts. She likes wildflowers and lilies and violets, but Queen Anne’s lace best of all and that’s what Natasha had brought her for their third date that had tipped her from liking this red-headed spy into loving her. On bad days, she curls up on the couch with the softest blanket she owns and watches old cartoons. Here is what Sharon knows about Tony: he used to love carrot cake but hasn’t touched it since the day his parents died while he and Sharon were out at dinner. He insists on always having her burner phone’s number when she’s a mission because the one time Fury told him he couldn’t have it, Sharon ended up with three broken ribs. He hates roses because they were what Tiberius always gave him after he did something like cheating on Tony or hitting him or mocking him in front of the press (Steve gives him blue poppies the same shade as the arc reactor and Sharon loves him for that). Word Count: 2284
Title: DUM-E's Drawings - Chapter 14: TON-E be my Valentine? Collaborator: LBibliophile Card Number: 4090 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A1 - use of symbolism Ship: Tony & DUM-E Rating: Gen Major Tags: Bot feels, Valentine’s card, arc reactor Summary: Dum-e knows that hearts are a key theme of Valentine’s day design, so that’s what he draws. But right.
Title: Safety Reset Collaborator: 27dragons Card Number: 4027 Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - Psychological Torture Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Established Relationship, post-battle angst, Insomnia, Guilt, Snuggles Summary: Bucky and Tony have both been fighting their brains a little too long. It’s time for a reset. Word Count: 834
Title: Purr In Your Pocket Collaborator: rebelmeg Card Number: 4034 Link: AO3 Square Filled: R5 - Image of Silver Fox Tony Ship: Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: pets, Tony collects cats, Pepper is exasperated and very fond, Tony's happy retirement Summary: Tony has attempted to smuggle another forbidden item into his menagerie. Pepper is not fooled, but darn it if her husband isn't really cute when he's doing something he shouldn't. Word Count: 1310
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I was tagged by @pretzelsketch
Rules: Answer the ten questions, write your own ten questions, tag ten people.
1. If you had to become a fictional character, who would you choose to be?
Star Lord
2. If you could have anything to eat right now, what would you choose?
3. How could I spot you in a crowd?
Look for my blond hair? 
4. Tell me about your current interest.
I’m trying to draw a comic book series about how religion would be affected if super powers came into existence MHA style. Check out some of my art over on @penofthewriter
5. What is something that you’re… not the best at?
Anything athletic
6. Favorite quote?
Don’t really have one so here’s the first one I thought of 
“Although my memory’s fading I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior” -John Newton
7. How have you personally been holding up through a world pandemic?
Pretty well. I’m not all that worried about it. I’m not thrilled about the government over reach or that everything is shut down, but I trust God to take care of everything.
8. If there is one thing that you would want me to learn from you, what is it?
See question 6
9. Do you snore?
How would I know?
10. What is something that makes you laugh?
Tim Hawkins
My questions. hmm...
1. What are your plans for your government stimulus check (even if you don’t get one)?
2. What would your wrestling stage name be?
3. What is your least favorite smell?
4. What is your unconventional pet of choice (i.e. not a dog or cat)?
5. What was your favorite show growing up?
6. Who would win in a fight, the Untitled Goose or Donald Duck?
7. You are put in charge of the planet. What is your first law?
8. Which cartoon character would you like to be friends with?
9. Would you rather explore space or the ocean?
10. How are you doing on toilet paper?
I tag @howgreatthou4rt @rabbits-of-negative-euphoria @babsbabbles @marshwiggle-01 @friendly-spoodermin @dangerously-human @woogwoo-wren @chief-of-restless-hearts @coffeeman777 @thecaroliner and if you want to do it consider yourself tagged
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