#unfortunately grooming is much more likely to happen to kids who’s parents don’t treat them like people
Please report @/ssmore-wurst. They’re a minor putting themselves (and others) in serious danger. Their pinned post says they’re a minor seeking out adults to be with (“AAM4MAP”) and they’re pro-contact. It sickens me to see this, because it’s very clearly a child that has been groomed into thinking these things are okay, and one that will be traumatized from this shit when they’re older. Keeping them and kids like them off the platform will help prevent predators from contacting them.
@staff You seriously need to ban the radqueer tags, because this is what happens when you don’t. Kids are getting hurt. Children are being groomed.
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azrielsribbon · 3 years
Alternatively, Asli finished the book in like six hours and has many, many thoughts.
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holy shit. this is a lot.
She has grown so much, and I mean that by the little things.
I love that sjm didn’t make it so she was addicted to the wine and sex
Okay I understand Nesta was frustrating sometimes because she really was stubborn but some of the shit Cassian said was really out of line. Especially when he screamed that no one like fucking liked her.
Cassian was down so bad this entire book and I knew that the moment he said he hadn’t bed a female in two years. He was STARVINGGG
Her determination in getting down those stairs, I probably wouldve tested myself down a window or something.
I liked how she bonded with the House. It was a refreshing, different take on loneliness and finding a friend.
The House and how it looked after her. It was the biggest thing in her journey.
One theme I see in Nesta a lot is self sabotage, especially when it means the safety of others. She’s ready to throw herself in front of them.
Her banter with Cassian was really nice to read.
Cassian and his backstory was rip. It was really sad thinking about how little kid Cass really regretted some of the things that even he couldn’t control.
sjm did not disappoint with inner thoughts. Those were really refreshing.
She wasn’t vividly jealous or furious at Mor and Cassian’s friendship and I really liked that take.
Cassian’s silent jealously when Helion tries to flirt with Nesta and she dodged it LMAOOO
When Cassian kisses her in front of their family to help her get out of the map
Her silent bond with Az! That kept me going honestly. He was a sly bastard sometimes.
Sometimes I really questioned somethings, like those fast smut scenes but that’s just my preference.
Her marching down to Amren’s after she finds out they voted against her having the weapons she Made
Not to mention how she told Feyre about the baby and the labor risk out of anger, that really hurt both of them and me.
When she stayed silent during her punishment hike with Cassian. Each thought tore me apart.
When he warned her about falling and she was glad he didn’t see the expression on her face. How she didn’t mind if she fell down and how it would better.
When she cried after all those days of silence and finally told him how she felt underneath all that.
He softened up fast too and blamed himself for not realizing all this time why she hated the fire.
Can we talk about that dancing scene with Eris? And how Cassian was secretly exploding on the side as he remembered her mother wanted her to marry a Prince just like Eris.
The Solstice scene had my heart. The gift Az got Nesta and how she hugged him after he told her about it. How Cassian smiled at the sight.
They really kept shit away from each other till it exploded in an argument and that’s a reoccurring theme with this book couple.
The topic of mates was RUSHED. Like I mean really rushed. First they argue, he says shackled and then the next time they get to speak (after the forced Blood Rite and labor scene) they accept it? I dont know, it didn’t sit with me.
I wish Nesta would elaborate on why she didn’t believe in Mates even more and Cassian would actually listen for once. Again, rushed.
The ending was fast paced in my opinion. We could’ve really had more to go off of, I needed more domestic Nessian.
I am obsessed with Gwyn, Emerie and their friendship with Nesta.
I love how Gwyn and Nesta started, both gritting their teeth and still appreciating that aspect of each other.
How Nesta raced to help her with a book even when their first encounter wasn’t the friendliest.
Gwyn being persistent in paying back her small debt. I love her.
When Gwyn applied to defense lessons after Nesta defended them from the scholar priestess.
Emerie, my homegirl. I love her to death. The way she easily befriends Nesta, how Nesta stands up for her when her cousin comes to bother her.
I don’t know if it was just me, but Emerie and Mor might possibly be something. Either good friends or interested lovers.
Gwyn helping Nesta with her research on Valkyries. Muah.
Gwyn and Az, I feel like something might happen here and if it does, I do not want any Elriel drama getting dragged in, MY GIRL GWYN HAS BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH OKAY
Gwyn thinking she doesn’t deserve the purity jewel the other priestesses wear and her backstory honestly just broke me. She endured so much.
Emerie and everything she lost. Her mother, her brother, her wings and any dreams she had of flying. How she distracts herself with work and gardening to keep that off her mind.
The way the girls all developed inside jokes, jokingly hanged up on Cassian at training and always had Nesta’s back.
The way they were dedicated to each other even during the Rite when they couldve let one another behind and won.
Fey-ruh was pregoooo she and Rhys raw dogged it
I felt really really bad when no one fucking told her she would die because the baby had wings and she wasn’t fit to give birth like that. Like. What.
Can we talk about how they fucked when Feyre was in her Illyrian form and didn’t think the thing through?
Rhys, I can’t stand the guy. First he wants to make a bargain with his mate that they die together and then he wants to keep it from her that she can die when giving birth to their kid.
I think what pissed me off the most was when he was trying to help Cassian get Nesta out of a nightmare/power “episode” and had to experience what she did with the Cauldron and seeing Elain and Cassian hurt. He said he knew she was feeling something but seeing and feeling it yourself was different. Yeah, what else did you think smartass.
Rhys has a habit of keeping important shit secret, Amren is no better either. I think that’s what pissed me off the most. They sometimes kept the too important shit away.
As much as Nesta grew, so did Feyre. They both developed pretty good in my mind, I don’t hate her as much as I despise Rhys sometimes. All and all I love how she and Nesta ended up.
Amren....I get her point about Nesta using and abusing their friendship. At the same time, sometimes she was too harsh.
Elain, darling old cottage core aesthetic Elain. I found her to be a little insufferable sometimes. How she showed up unexpectedly at the Library to talk to Nesta and they got into an argument was funny to me since Nesta pulled out some stuff on her.
Elain and Lucien is some fucked up shit. I understand how she doesn’t want to acknowledge the fact that they’re mates and all that but you can atleast thank the guy when he gives you a gift on Solstice.
I feel bad for Lucien because as sweet as Elain might show to be, she’s really hurting him and could just reject him if she really doesn’t want him.
Az when he cockblocks is the best thing. Do it more often.
Az and Nesta’s bond is something I want to see more, as well as how she literally thought about a threesome with him and Cassian.
Morriiiiigan. Everyone mentions her beauty and how she’s like the sun walking and I admire that. She wasn’t as annoying as I thought she’d be on the topic of Nesta and Cassian being an item.
She also wasn’t in the book as much which made sense since she was in Vallahan. I did like how she accepted Nessian towards the end.
The long awaited Mrs Archeron. Some of my theories about her proved true! About how she groomed her daughters into marriage ideologies at the worst age. 12 and 11? What the fuck?
The way she called Elain a pretty thing with no ambition at 11, no wonder Nesta and Elain have no proper knowledge of survival like Feyre did. She was set on making sure Nesta married someone who would treat her well, Elain married someone rich since her beauty was beyond all three of them.
Literally Mrs Archeron was not okay LMAOOO why are you telling your daughters this when they haven’t even bled yet damn CHILL
I felt bad since she didn’t care for Feyre and only their father doted on Elain and Feyre. Nesta was kept all to her mother to feed off Mrs Archeron’s narcissism.
Not to mention she died a year later
I found it funny Elain mentioned how at 15, Nesta even had their dad fearing her. Like it’s your daughter, wdym you fear her
The backstory on how Nesta treated him and how she feels now looking back. It was saddening and I unfortunately know the regret of not doing somethings. It must eat her alive.
I enjoyed reading this book, even if I wasn’t content with the ending. I tabbed a LOT of things so you’ll probably catch me editing and adding more to this in the morning. Thank you for reading all the way down here! 🤍
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tokimihyachi · 3 years
BC Christmas One Shots (#1)
Pairing: William Vangeance X Reader
Warnings: None
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To say that I was tired was an understatement. Our squad, the Golden Dawn, has been receiving much work since Christmas is near which I don’t understand. Don’t these burglars have any plans this holiday other than stealing and giving us extra work?
“Y/N!” turning the heel of my shoes, to the voice that called me as our eyes met.
Mimosa came running towards me with a smile planted on her face. “Klaus-san, Yuno and I were talking about going on a little shopping trup before we get back to the base. And we were wondering if you’d like to come with us?” she asked, her voice a little too hopeful that I would tag along.
I smiled and nodded at the young Vermillion and she dragged me back to the group happily. 
~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
When Mimosa said that we had to go shopping, of course I knew they would buy presents for others, but even I never expected the amount of things in front of my very  eyes.
As my eyes squinted at the sight, I looked over at the black-haired boy who looks as if he was smirking, “Uhm, Yuno?” I called out as he looked at me questioningly.
“Why did you buy everything in the toy shop?” he blinks at least four times before smiling softly, the kind of smile the three of us did not fathom to have existed in his vocabulary, “I’m sending them back home. Let’s go.” After realizing that he was smiling, he dismisses this and walks ahead of us with the pile being tied to a rope following him.
“Did he just smile?” Mimosa asked no one in particular. “Oh my God, he just smiled!” she cheered.
“Yuno come back here!!!” Klaus yelled and ran after Yuno and the two kept demanding to see the boy smile again like complete idiots. 
Painting my own face with a grin, I started walking towards their direction before hearing a few boxes move to my right down an alleyway. Once my eyes landed on the stack of the said item, they moved again. Not another thief hiding incredulously in garbage.
Mimosa looked back, “Y/N-chan? Are you alright?” she asked. “Uhhh, you guys go ahead. I have something I need to take care of!” I yelled back as they nodded and left.
I begrudgingly went near it, and prepared my grimoire, but when the culprit went out, I was surprised to see a ginger cat with blue eyes purring softly as it laid down its make-believe-house out of the carton.
Though I was not a fan of cats, seeing this one abandones at this time of the year, out in the cold with no one to help him or her somewhat made feel sorry for it. 
So, in the end, I fixed his little house made out of the scrap materials present in the area, as well as bought it food and even a scarf that served as its warm comforter while placing a blanket above its abode for extra warmth.
“I’ll be back, little one.” I whispered and left.
~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
Ever since that fateful encounter with the cat, I constantly came back to check-up on her. After reading a few books about cats, which I had to look for in a local library since books about them in our own base went missing, I found out that the cat is a girl and so, I named it Cielo. Well, the captain did.
“Captain Vangeance!” I yelled before he exited the room where the meeting was held earlier. “Yes?” he asked as I gulped down.
Well, it’s now or never I guess… “Do you happen to know any language besides our own?” he looked confused for a moment before answering, “As a matter of fact, I do. Why do you ask?” sighing as I did not embarass myself I placed a hand on my chin and snapped my finger after remembering what I wanted to ask,
“Can you give me different translations of the word ‘Sky’?”
“Yes, Captain. Sky.”
“I can, but why so?”
“I-I,… can’t say it.”
“Shall I write it down on paper for you?”
“Yes please! Thank you, Captain Vangeance!” I sang happily as he amiably smiled at me before turning around and signalling me to follow him his office.
And so this little girl is named Cielol Latin for sky as her eyes reminded me of the ever radiant horizons during the summer.
I thanked the vendor near the alleyway where I always bought Cielo’s food. Due to the amount of missions I had, I was only given the chance to visit her early in the morning. 
Prancing my way towards Cielo’s place, an unfamiliar scent welcomed me. When I took a closer look, I found the little kitten with a pair of mittens on her hands and a nicely knitted outfit just the right size for her with a bowl of milk beside it.
Huh? I don’t remember giving her any of this…
Despite the coldness of tyhe ground, I sat on the floor and patted Cielo before taking out her food to which she purrs at me with a look that if one were to know her, she would be saying: Thank you.
20 minutes came by and after venting all my frustrations to her, I stood up and bid her goodbye. The sweater she wore looked nice.
~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
Quietly eating breakfast to myself, Mimosa, Klaus, and Yuno were talking to themselves about, my nose picked up a familiar scent. Chamomile…
Cielo has been smelling like Chamomile for the past few days so my eyes immediately wandered around as my nose tried to pinpoint the exact location of the smell. 
Could it be David? Maybe. I heard from the others that he had a well-groomed cat at hime.
Letoile? Oh, I think she’s allergic to them.
Alecd— No. Definitely not. His attention and eyes are all for the Captain after all…
“Y/N!” shaking my head, I looked at Klaus who seemed frustrated and gave him a peace sign. 
“Hmp. I was asking whether you had plans on Saturday night. The Golden Dawn is having their annual Christmas Party. Oh,… I forgot about that. “Ofcourse! I’ll just probably be a few minutes late.” seeing that I was awkward about it, Klaus thankfully pressed on the issue any more.
Still, whose scent does that belong to?
~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
On the night of our Christmas Party, I went to Cielo’s place first as I failed to give her, her treats in the morning since Mimosa asked help in decorating the Tree in the base.
Today’s food was special since it was Christmas Eve. Cielo respectfully listened to all my rants about Vice- Captain Langris’ snoring— he ignored the claim several times when I brought it up— so this was the least I could do.
Unfortunately, Cielo wasn’t in the box or anywhere else for that matter. I panicked and ran to different places and she was nowhere to be found. Crestfallen, I decided to at least place the trinkets on her house to honor her loving memory only to find a silhouette present there while my kitten was backing to the corner.
I opened my grimoire and only a split second before attacking the person, a feather was seen in the light. Wait, feathers!? “Y/N? What are you doing here?” Captain Vangeance asked me, walking towards my place where I could view his outfit. Cute.
Shaking my head I answered him, “Giving Cielo these.” I began, showing him the bag of things, “How about you, Sir?” he looked at me, the bag, then back to the ginger cat, who was happily cheering for a reason I cannot understand, before chuckling to himself.
“Uhh, Captain Vangeance?”
“Pardon me. I was simply delighted that I was correct.” he replied, eyes locking with my own.
“H-Huh?” the slow minded woman that I am couldn’t comprehend what he just uttered.
“You see, I’ve always wondered why on Clover Kingdom must you always sneak out an hour early before breakfast. I tried following you to see of your whereabouts but I lost you on your third turn. Then I found her.” he told me, pointing at Cielo.
“You know she’s a girl too?” I asked. The Captain seemed amused with my first question at him after finding out about who the other person taking care of Cielo is before he hummed in reply.
“The books about cats going missing in the library, the scent of Chamomile during breakfast back in the base, the pretty outfit, and of course, you! The animal lover! That was all you?” He nodded at me before I scratched my head.
I’m such an idiot.
“Oh, but I have to ask, Sir.” he looked at me, awaiting my question.
“Why were you following me?” Did he… just blush!? Though it was barely visible because of his mask, you can see a little of it just slightly above his nose!!! 
The Captain coughs before answering, “Well, I’ve been trying to find the right time to confess something to you, but we’ve been far too busy the past few weeks.” he said. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.
“And that is?” I asked, biting my inner lip and preventing myself from squealing.
“Would you… like to be my p-partner this Winter Ball?” he asked, looking away to conceal his embarassment.
“L-Like a da-date?” I stuttered.
“You can reject the idea of it being a date if you’re uncomfortable. And If you wish to decline then you have all the reasons—”
“Are you kidding me? I’d love to go on a date with you! Plus it’s a ball! That’d make it hella romantic.” I cheered, not realizing the words I’ve spilled.
A shiver went up my spine due to the coldness of the weather as the Captain placed his cloak around me, “We should get going. The party is about to start.” I nodded at him before taking his hand and gently squeezing it.
“Thank you, Captain Vangeance.” I said, making him stop in his tracks, looking over at me then to our hands clasped together before he brought my hands closer to his lips and kissing the back of my palm gently, caressing it with much caution afterwards.
“William. Just William.” smiling in reply, the two of us looked back at Cielo, who was happy just as much as were that her parents finally met, while looking up the sky as dozens of snowflakes continued to fall, inviting people to spend their days inside their homes and enjoy the festive evening with their family and loved ones.
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butterflyinthewell · 3 years
Adult fandom antis scare me.
You know how the most violently homophobic people end up being gay themselves?
That’s why I’m immediately suspicious of any 20+ adult fandom anti who uses the same rhetoric as 15 year olds and presents themselves as a “safe adult”.
There’s no way they’re safe, they’re using the rhetoric to deflect suspicion off themselves and they’re probably saying and doing really gross shit to kids in private.
Just imagine how they could find the kid that’s the most on the fringes, make them feel special, reel them in more, get them to share nudes, and then threaten to take away all that friendship and turn everyone against them if they tell anyone what happened. Imagine how scared that kid will feel when they see this monster, feel disgusting and deflect all that terror and guilt into telling people to stop being alive over Loli artwork.
Predators are slick like that. They’ll hide in plain sight if it means accessing their chosen prey.
That’s why people need to educate minors about what grooming can really look like, cuz I promise it’s not icky artwork just existing on a server somewhere.
Being groomed is never the child’s fault, blame always lies on the predator. Always.
I looked up info about online grooming warning signs and here’s what I found. This may be triggering for survivors.
The Steps of Grooming
Any person of any age, gender, sexual identity or ethnicity can groom someone for the purpose of abuse. That person may be someone you know or someone you don’t know. Children and teens are not the only victims of grooming, but this guide focuses on young people.
Grooming was first recognized in abuse cases where the abuser knew their victim in person, like Ariana Kukors, a US Olympic swimmer who was abused by her coach. Kukors has spoken publicly about the role grooming played in her story, and how the manipulation kept her under the control of her abusive coach for years. In addition to in person grooming, online grooming has become equally dangerous, prevalent and damaging. More and more of our lives are lived online, which is why we need to think more and more about our safety online.
1. Targeting a victim
Unfortunately, any young person is at risk of online grooming. Abusers typically look for someone who is more vulnerable or in a vulnerable situation, like someone living in foster care or someone with a disability. Online, abusive people look for teens who are lonely or expressing sexual curiosity. Sometimes online abusers pretend to be teenagers themselves, but more often they are adults trying to play the role of an older boyfriend or a mentor who can “teach” the victim about love or sex.
2. Gaining access
Sexual abuse is most often committed by someone that you already know, and this is because the abuser usually needs to be in your circle of acquaintances to get access to you. They want to be nearby and to have opportunities to be alone.
This is often not the case with online abuse, because the internet provides that access. Instead of being in the same city or neighborhood, abusers can meet potential victims on social media, in games, chatrooms, or anywhere that users correspond. Online platforms also allow anonymity, which works in the abuser’s favor. It can be difficult to determine who a person is and their intentions.
3. Building trust
A key part of grooming for sexual abuse is building trust with the victim. In person or online, abusers try to fill a need. You may be lonely, feel unpopular, isolated or bored, and the abuser will pretend to become a friend you can confide in and who can listen. They may act sympathetic, always take your side, and portray themselves as the only person who understands your problems. Their goal is to become your main emotional support. They may also try to make you feel special by treating you like an adult and commenting on your maturity. They may quickly look for a favor they can do for you to make you feel indebted and more likely to do something for them return. This stage is particularly damaging because it closely mimics a positive relationship.
4. Isolation and risk assessment
When an abuser thinks they have established trust, they test that bond. They may try to isolate you from family or friends, sometimes to the point of you becoming very emotionally or otherwise dependent on them. With online grooming, they may ask if your parents check your phone or if you are home alone. They may also start asking you to keep secrets, either about conversations or gifts they send. This is one way the abuser assesses whether they can move to the next step and you will stay silent.
5. Sexualization of the relationship
The final step occurs when the abuser believes they have built sufficient trust that you will do what they request and keep everything secret. They may commit sexual assault in or request sexual images or videos, often increasingly explicit in nature.
While in person and online grooming both follow these steps, abusers work at different rates. For example, Ariana Kukors swim coach began grooming her when she was 13 years old and the physical sexual abuse began when she was 15. Online abuse can occur faster, sometimes in even less than one hour.
Red Flags and Warning Signs
It is not reasonable to say that you should avoid the internet if you don’t want to be abused. The responsibility and blame always lies with an abuser, not someone they victimize who is simply engaging in modern life online. We believe it is possible for you to still have fun online, meet new friends, and stay safe. The key is awareness. It may be difficult to identify a step in the grooming process in real time, but there are red flags and warning signs that you can recognize, especially if they start to accumulate. They can help you protect yourself when sexual requests slide into your DMs.
It can feel nice to be noticed. Lots of likes and comments on your social media can feel good, but excessive compliments from a stranger can be a warning sign, particularly sexualized comments about your appearance. Flattery is one way online abusers gain access to their victims and begin building a relationship. “Wow, you should be a model,” may seem harmless, but it often isn’t. You have the power. Just because someone gives you a compliment does not mean you have to continue the conversation.
Online groomers might send video game currency, cash, electronic devices, or other gifts to you to ingratiate themselves. This is a clear red flag. There is no reason why an adult should be sending gifts to a minor they met online, nor is it typical teen behavior to send gifts if the abuser is posing as a younger person. In actuality, gifts are one way abusers assess risk. They may ask you to not tell your parents about the gift to test how much you trust them and if you will stay silent after sexual abuse.
Asking for personal information
It is safest to avoid sharing personal and identifying information about yourself online or with those you don’t know. If you are playing video games, chatting, or sharing photos for fun, there is no need for personal questions about where you live or go to school. Do your parents read your messages? What is a secret no one knows about you? Abusers want to know as much as they can about their victims so they can better manipulate them.
Secret conversations
Secrets work in the abuser’s favor in two different ways. To build trust, they may confide in you by telling real or made up secrets to try to make you feel special. Abusers also use secrets to test that trust before escalating to sexual abuse. If someone asks you to keep a conversation secret, ask yourself why? Is the conversation inappropriate, or is it dangerous?
Sending sexually explicit photos
In the online dating world, it is almost assumed you will receive sexual photos whether you asked for them or not. Sexting is considered normal, but still has risks and consequences, particularly if you are under 18. Unfortunately, abusers rely on the normalization of sexting. They expect you to dismiss or think nothing of an explicit image, but in reality, abusers send explicit imagery to try and desensitize their victim to future abuse. It is a priming tactic. Keep in mind, that in many countries it is illegal for an adult to send an underage person pornographic material,nor is it lawful to send nude photos as a minor to another person. In any online exchange, it is not okay for anyone to send unsolicited explicit photos. This is poor etiquette and ultimately a nonconsensual act and red flag no matter what.
Requesting sexual photos
Online abusers sexualize the relationship by sending and requesting explicit photos and videos, explicit letters or phone calls, or asking detailed questions about your sexual history or experience. They may begin with a seemingly harmless request, like a photo of you fully clothed, before asking for increasingly sexual images. Others brazenly ask for explicit material straight away and even demand live webcam performances. Remember that after you send an image, you no longer have control over what a person does with that image. Ask yourself how well you know the receiver. Did you meet in person or online? Do you know their real identity and their intentions? How does the request make you feel? Many young people enjoy the attention that comes from the potential of a new relationship, but requests to send nudes can still feel like unwanted pressure.
After the abuser receives one or multiple sexual images, they may try to blackmail you into sending more images of increasing exploitative nature. They may send threats that they will release the images online or send them to your family or school. This is a kind of extortion, or rather sextortion, and is another form of sexual abuse. You do not need to respond or give in, despite how terrifying the threats may seem. An abuser does not want to put themselves at risk by exposing the relationship, so the threats may be a bluff. Seek immediate help.
Next Steps
If you feel uncomfortable about an online conversation, the next thing you should do may be the hardest. Reach out for help and support. Telling a parent, guardian, teacher or someone else can be daunting because you can’t know for sure how they will react, but confiding in someone with some power who you can trust and who won’t blame you for the abuse is key to moving forward. Alternatively, you can call a helpline which allows you to remain anonymous and get accurate advice about your situation.
An online conversation with someone abusive can spiral out of control quickly. You may feel ashamed or embarrassed, but if there is anything you should take away from this guide, it is this: it is never your fault. The blame is not yours to bear.
—source: Scarleteen website.
My advice: keep receipts. Take screenshots, save emails, save photos or videos if it’s safe/legal to do so (ie they’re not another minor sending sexually explicit stuff, saving that might be cited as CSEM possession), and document whatever you can. It will help you expose the person to either law enforcement or in a callout post if a callout is necessary.
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harrylee94 · 3 years
The Tournament - Chapter 2
You can find this on AO3!
Summary: “You doubt my skills, ser?”
“I doubt your attention,” came the reply. “Boys like you don’t deserve the privilege of serving men like me, you should be stepped on, like the dirt you are.”
Notes: I can't believe I wrote this in one day... This never happens, I swear.
Chapter 1
"Shall I take care of your horse, ser?" - Cobb
“Stable boy! Come tend my horse!”
Cobb paused in his sweeping, hands curling tighter around the handle of his broom as the voice barged through the stalls and disturbed some of the other inhabitants. He knew that voice. He knew it far better than he’d ever wanted to. It belonged to a so-called knight, one who was of a similar age to himself; Ser Jaonar. Ser Jaonar the Bold, if you believed him, but Cobb didn’t trust a single word out of his mouth.
The knight had been born into money, given the best education it could buy, the best horse, the best armour, and the best stick up his ass. The saying ‘save the rod, spoil the child’ came to mind when you spoke of this man-child. Cobb didn’t believe in corporal punishment, but boy did he wish to whack some sense into that thick, aristocratic blonde head of his. And maybe some manners too while he was at it.
“Stable boy! Don’t make me fetch you!”
‘Boy’. He hadn’t been a boy since he was twelve years old, and even less so when his hair started turning grey decades before its time. However, sometimes he wished he was still a boy, just so he could do more than just grit and bear the humiliation of having to serve this upper class idiot. Well, he could now if he so chose, but then that would mean having to leave and never seeing--
He set the broom aside and headed out of the stall.
“Ah, there you are!” The shining tin can was stood at the door, a familiar smirk on his face as he looked down his nose at him, which was admittedly a little impressive considering he was half a foot shorter than Cobb. “Slacking off again, were you? I’ll have to tell the head groom.”
Cobb bit his tongue. Jaonar threatened this every time, and every time his senior would have to come to him and tell him to try not to antagonise the Lords, like it was his fault this prick decided he was a perfect target to practise being a dick to.
He looked past him to where his squire -- was that a new kid? That had to be the third one in as many months -- was holding the reins to Jaonar’s thoroughbred, head deeply bowed in reverence, respect, or more likely fear. The horse himself, a beautiful chestnut gelding by the name of Parjai, was still saddled, the straps not loosened in any way to give him any comfort, and the bit between his teeth. It only made him detest the primped up lordling more.
“Shall I take care of your horse, ser?” he asked before he could chew through his own cheek.
The knight huffed through his nose with a sneer. “I don’t know if I should trust my steed to a layabout. Who knows what you’ll do to him in your neglect?”
Cobb made a point not to shy away from his gaze; looking away would only confirm the guilt Jaorar wanted to find, and he was not going to let himself be beaten. Bowing was a sign of respect, and this man deserved none. “You doubt my skills, ser?”
“I doubt your attention,” came the reply. “Boys like you don’t deserve the privilege of serving men like me, you should be stepped on, like the dirt you are.” He sighed, as though he was disappointed in the very air he breathed. “Unfortunately, it seems that this is the best this castle can offer though.”
Cobb drew his shoulders back. To insult him was one thing, but to insult their host, the Witch King themself, was something he could not abide. It had been her who had given him his role in the castle after he'd run to the castle for safety, and it was to her that his loyalty lay. This was an unfamiliar target for the knight to take, and it made him feel off-balanced.
“No, of course, you’re right,” the knight said, stepping further into the stables at a sedate, leisurely pace. “How could it be her fault when she’s on her deathbed?”
The squire grew tense beside him, ducking her head further as she pressed closer to Parjai’s side.
“If you dare insult our Prince-”
“What will you do, boy? What could you do against me??” Ser Jaonar came to a stop within arm’s reach of him, and Cobb had to clench his fists to his sides to keep himself from punching him in his smug mouth. “What kind of future King doesn’t see to the needs of his people? The ones of import I mean, of course. He’s been neglecting us just as much as his mother has.”
There was a look in his eyes that Cobb didn’t like, one that promised despicable things, and he glared at him.
“Would you like me to pack your things then, ser?” he asked, uncaring of his insubordinate tone or the smirk on his lips. “Perhaps you will find better accommodation to your expectations elsewhere.”
The knight did nothing for a moment, his smile frozen and his eyes cold, and then the sting of a gauntleted hand sliced across his cheek. He stumbled a few steps, tongue tasting blood from a split lip, but he turned back to the knight with his head held high.
Ser Jaonar was sneering at him, his eyes full of disdain and hate. It made Cobb feel a little proud of himself for managing to bring out his true face.
“Know your place boy ,” he spat. “Be glad I don’t step on you now. It would be better than you deserved.” With that he turned around, no doubt trying for an air of superiority, but that was beautifully ruined when he stepped straight into a small pile of shit he’d failed to notice. “Perhaps the crowned Prince would make better choices without all this shit! Girl! We’re leaving.”
The squire bowed even lower than she had been already and scrambled to follow him, leaving Parjai at the door.
Cobb chuckled after them as he headed towards the abandoned horse. He hadn’t had a victory like that in months, and it tasted sweet, even if his jaw stung from the blow. It was worth it.
“Hey there, beautiful,” he said softly, brushing his fingers over Parjai’s nose and receiving a lick and firm nuzzle in greeting. “You feel okay? That monster didn’t hurt you again, did he?” He wandered around his flank and loosened the strap for the saddle. Parjai moved from side to side and whickered, a sign of relief if ever he’d seen one, and he could see the marks from where the strap had been pressed too hard against him. “It’s okay. I’ve got you now.”
Taking the reins, he led the poor thing towards his stall, stopping outside and tying him to the post so he could clean his hooves without ruining the fresh bed of hay. He removed the saddle, and replaced the bridle with a rope, simply to keep Parjai in place while he carefully scraped the muck from his hooves. Brushing out his coat was soothing for both of them, but seeing the marks still left from the bridle and saddle still had his blood boiling.
It was as he was leaving the stall, heading for the corner where all the brooms and forks were kept after washing the blood from his lip in a bucket of water, that his eyes drifted to the window.
Din Djarin, Prince of Mandalore, looked back at him as he stood atop the parapet, his cloak and hair buffeted by the wind behind him. It made him look like a great hero, someone the bards would write songs of, who children would beg their parents to tell them tales of around the fire, but Cobb could see the weariness in his face, the droop of his shoulders, and he knew that if this were a tale, it would be a tragedy.
In days gone by, the Prince had spoken to him. Not as a superior, like so many of his station would have and did, but as an equal; a peer. In those days he would smile at Cobb's stories and listen to his thoughts, his attention never wavering as he treated this lowly stable hand as well as he would one of the Lords of his kingdom. It made him feel wanted and appreciated, like he was needed, and it had made him strive to be the best he could be.
There were no smiles today though, and if the rumours were true, then smiles were not what he needed. Cobb had lost his own parents young, but he knew the hurt well. He would support his Prince in any way he could, even if it was only from a distance.
He bowed his head to the man he would call king, and watched in awe as the Prince nodded at him in return before turning away.
He stood there, watching as the Prince descended, but soon shook himself from it and continued with his plan. He moved the various handles of shovels and such aside and pulled out the well worn pole from within. It had once been the sturdy handle to one of the shovels, but then the blade had snapped one winter and Cobb repurposed the handle once the shovel had been replaced. The weight of it rivalled that of the sword he had purchased with his savings, a sword that no one knew about, hidden away in the small room he called his own. He couldn't bring such a weapon to the stable, but no one looked twice at the broken handle of a shovel.
He practised with it every day, for hours at a time sometimes, whenever he had the chance. He watched the Knights practice in their yard when he could, and he would try to copy them later. He knew he was doing things wrong, or not right at the very least, but he'd been practicing for years, and the muscles that had once burned in pain were now used to the efforts.
He swung the makeshift weapon in the air a few times, making sure he still knew the weight and balance of it, before pulling out a stack of hay bales. Using the post so close to Parjai after he'd spent the day with Ser Jaonar would scare the poor thing, but the hay would muffle it enough that it would be disguised. That thought alone made his anger flare, and he swung faster and harder, the only sounds he made being ones of exertion so as not to draw attention.
Parjai deserved so much better than that disrespectful, stuck up asshole.
He stopped after an hour, returning to the horses and taking care of their needs. Crest, the Prince's riding horse, tended to enjoy his company and followed him around the stall, even though it meant she got in his way. He spent a lot of time in the silver mare's company, having to take her out for exercise more than the others in his care
He'd been there when she'd been born, just over two years ago, and had watched her bond with her rider from the fences, but as more duties were piled upon the Prince's shoulders the less time he had to train his steed. Cobb had taken care of Crest whenever the Prince could not, but he knew that Din would forever be her master.
Once he had taken care of each of the horses and their stalls cleaned, he returned to his practise swinging the shovel handle in more precise and careful swings rather than just to cool his rage this time, though he did use the embers that were left still smouldering within him to give him strength.
It was only as the sun began to set that he ceased, his body covered in sweat and his chest heaving for breath. His anger was spent, beaten into the depths of the dried hay, and he set the handle aside with a tired huff. Parjai's whinny drew his attention, and he smirked when he saw the horse leaning his head out of his stall.
"You hungry?" he asked and nodded to himself as he heaved the topmost bale into the grate for the gelding to feed from. "Yeah, me too."
Dipping his head into the water trough, he took a few moments to cool down, shaking his head to get rid of the excess water and reached for the next bale of hay.
Just as he touched it, the first bell rang. And then a second joined. And a third.
His blood ran cold.
The Witch King was dead. Mand'alor the Beloved had breathed her last, her mantel to be taken up by her son, and the kingdom would mourn her. Tears were already coming to his eyes for the loss, and for the hurt it must have caused the Prince. It would be a heavy burden to bear, but he could do it. Him and…
The Protector. A new Protector needed to be chosen, and knights from across Mandalore would be vying for the role, including Ser Jaonar. A man like that had the skill, but he lacked in every other area. A man like that could win the position and no one could do anything about it.
Cobb couldn't let that happen.
Mando'a Translations:
Parjai - Victory
Link to Chapter 3
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itsbebachan · 4 years
Unfortunate Soul Chapter 5
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Hello my lovelies, I'm back again. I'm sorry for the wait but it is what it is. Works got me busy and to make things worse they have me working on Thanksgiving, but even with everything that is going on I still find some time to write. Again, thanks to everyone that has commented and given me kudos. I do read all my comments and respond to them. It might take me a while but I will write back. I hope you enjoy this new chapter and I will see you all soon.  
Gif From hahae-ichihara
Arriving at our home Tenga came running out. As soon as I stepped foot outside, he bombarded me with a million questions. "Are you ok? Is the baby alright? Do you need anything?" He looked out of sorts. His well-groomed hair was disheveled, his clothes all wrinkled, and he had heavy bags under his eyes.
"I'm ok; Ten, so is the baby. It was just a slight scare. But the better question is if your feeling well. I'm sorry to say this, bro, but you look like shit." I caressed his face trying to put him at ease. I worry that the stress of my situation was too much for my kind-hearted brother.
"I'm fine, I promise. I'm more concerned with what the doctors had to say." He looked at my parents expectantly, then turn his gaze back at me, expecting an answer. I just stared at him, realizing that I had no idea what had happened.
"I'm not sure." I was at a loss.
My dad got out of the car, approaching us both.  "It was due to high blood pressure caused by stress. He needs to get plenty of rest and follow the doctor's instructions. Damn, Katsuki almost killed them both! I swear that kid will not get away with the trouble he has caused to our family." Blue lighting was coursing through his arm, the anger in his eyes evident.
"Toshi, come down. This anger is not suitable for your heart. Please, baby, let's take a deep breath and calm down." Mom embraced him and kept speaking in soft tones. My mom's scent clearly washed away the stress and anger that my dad was feeling. "Tenya, please bring Izuku's thing in the house where we continue this conversation." With that, he led my dad inside our home, caressing his back and saying comforting words.
"Are you sure your ok?" Tenya asked one more time to make sure that I wasn't hiding anything from him.
"Yes, TenTen. I promise to let you know if anything has changed."
We followed my parents into our home, where I continued to my room. I wanted to get settled before having this conversation. My nerves were still a bit shaken up after my ordeal. Laying down on my bed, I closed my eyes, letting the silents of the room calm me. I still couldn't wrap my head around the thought that I needed to decide soon which of my three potential mates I should meet first. I wanted to make a well-informed decision by getting to know each of them, but my heart was still torn. I felt like I was cheating on Kacchan just by having their profiles, let alone going out on dates with them. I was so scared of what Katsuki would do if he found out I was even considering meeting them, but a part of me knew that he wouldn't care.
I reached into my bag and pulled out the folders wanting to give them one more read before deciding. A knock on my door let me know that I had a visitor, but with the destressing scent coming through the door, I know it was Tenya. "Come in, Tenya."
"Hey, I just wanted to see if you needed anything."  He replays as he walks into my room, closing the door behind him. "Nope, just about to go through these files one more time before telling mom which guy I want to meet first." My voice was low and tired. I just wanted everything to go back to normal. I didn't want to have to go through this pregnancy alone, and the fact that Katsuki didn't give a crap about me made the whole situation worse.
The scent of fear and sadness was unmistakable in the air. Tenya put his arm around me, pulling me to his side, scenting me in the process. "Hey, honey, don't worry about it. I'm sure everything will turn out ok. I know that this is all overwhelming, but it will all turn out fine in the end. "How do you even know that, Tenya. I'm an 18 yr old Uke, unwed and pregnant. My child's father wants nothing to do with us, and now I have to go out and meet this Seme that God only knows why they would even waste their time with a used Uke, like me.  I hate all of this. I just want my life back. I just wish that this had never happened to me in the first place."
I could feel new tears at the corner of my eyes, but I would not let them fall. I was tired of all this crying. I had to try and get through this.
"I know, Zuku. But the truth of the matter is that this is the right thing to do. I don't want you to go through hardship, and we both know that being a single mom in this new society is the worst-case scenario. Back before the pandemic, being a single mom was empowering, but now it just means that you were not good enough as a Uke. Society would treat you like a stain in our newfound utopia. They would see you and your kid as the scum of the Earth. We don't want that for you, honey." He says as he rubs my shoulders and released his calming scent.
"Can I look over the profile?" Tenya asked, pointing at the files that were on my lap. "Sure, they all seem like nice guys. I just wish I know why they would even want to settle with someone like me." I frown as I pass him the files.
"Don't say that, Izuku. There is nothing wrong with you. You are a wonderful person. Any of these guys would be lucky to have you as his mate." His smile was genuine and sweet.
"Well, he looks like a great guy and handsome too." He points at Todoroki's photo, and I smile. I have to admit that Todoroki was extremely handsome. His exotic features were captivating, and the fact that he was so close to his mother was a plus in my books.
"Yeah, I think he might be a nice guy too. Do you think I should tell mom to set up a meeting with him? I'm really nervous about meeting any of them." My hands were shaking, and  I'm sure that Tenya notices.
Placing my hands in his own, Tenya gave them a small squeeze to reassure me that this was the right thing to do. "I promise everything is going to be okay. If it doesn't work out with him, you still have two more guys to check out." He smiled, lifting all my doubts. "Now that that is settled, let's go and talk to mom and find out what the doctors had to say." Patting my knee, we left my room in search of our parents.
Entering the living room, we heard my dad talking very animatedly on the phone. I sat next to mom and asked who he was talking to. He informed me that my dad was on the phone with Katsuki's parents.
"Why would he do that?" I couldn't believe that he would call them. I was done with all of this bullshit. There is no point in getting them involved anymore. Katsuki has made it perfectly clear that he wants nothing to do with me. Why can't dad just let it be?
"Honey, he is only looking out for you." He pats my knee with a look of concern. "I understand, ma, but can't we just let it go. I just want to go on with my life. One of the reasons why I came downstairs was to ask you to get the matchmaker to set up a meeting with Shoto Todorokoi." I was so tired of all of this. My anxiety was through the roof.
"Sweetheart, I'm glad to hear that you have chosen to meet with him. But you have to understand that Katsuki's irresponsibility has affected this family. He needs to be made aware. We almost lost you." He hugged me, trying to calm his nerves. "I was so scared, Zuku. I truly believed that you weren't going to make it. If he would just accept the situation and stop acting like a child, we could have avoided all of this." I stayed in his warm embrace for a couple more minutes until my dad came to sit in front of us.
"Mitsuki is heartbroken. She feels so helpless in this situation. Of course, she demanded that Katsuki takes responsibility, but that boy is as stubborn as she is. He is adamant that he is not the father, and no matter what she says, he will not budge." He placed his head between his hands and sighed.
"Toshi, honey. Izuku has decided to meet with Shoto Todororoki. Why don't we just leave this situation alone with Katsuki and just move forward? Who knows, maybe one of these suitors can make our son happy. This whole situation has been such a tiring ordeal that I'm sure we all just want to leave it behind us." He says with a small smile.
"If that is the case, call Madama Midnight to set up the meeting. I hope you are considering giving each one of these gentlemen a chance to get to know you. I know that we are running out of time, and I would hate for people to start speaking unfavorably about you. But you can not take this decision lightly; the choice is essentially yours to make willingly and wisely."
"I understand, dad; I promise I will give this my all." I know that no matter what decision I make or who I choose in the end, it will be someone who will genuinely want me, and I can't ask for anything more.
A week had gone by, and things were pretty much the same. Katsuki once again had a new guy by his side, and poor Yuga was a shell of his formal self. The poor guy no longer wears his fabulous fashion nor his radiant smile. Now he just walked around like a zombie. I feel for the poor kid. He's such a nice guy to have around, and everyone in our school honestly seems to like him. It infuriates me to see him this way. Sure, we don't hang around the same friend group, but that doesn't mean that he deserved what Katsuki put him through.
My friends and Tenya have genuinely been my rock. Eijiro and Denki have been nothing but supportive and understanding. I've even have caught Eijiro giving me some extra helping of food during lunch unconsciously. I'm sure that his actions were driven by his "Seme's"  need to care for a Uke in distress, and Denki seemed to understand that it's just in his nature to help and not that Eijiro was trying to court me. As all four of us were making our way to the front gate, I happened to see a tall guy in uniform waiting by the entrance. At first, I didn't think anything of it until we came closer, and I realize that I had seen his face before.
"Oh my God, Tenya. Is that Mirio Togata? What in the world is he doing here?" I was shocked to see him here; I was not mentally prepared to meet him yet. I had every intention of meeting him, but I wasn't expecting this. After I got home from the hospital, my mom had called Madama Midnight the following morning to set up a meeting with Shoto. We were to meet in a couple of days.
"Izuku; you don't have to go, say hello. It seems as he hasn't seen you yet. We can just go back to school and wait for him to leave." I could see that Tenya was anxious, and he would prefer for us to leave.
"Listen, Zuku. Why don't Denki and I go and ask why he is here. Neither one of us knows each other, so it won't seem out of place to ask. That way, you don't have to interact with him until you are ready.”
I appreciate the concern Eijiro was showing for my situation, but I know that I couldn't keep relying on my friends to solve my problems. Besides, it's not like I wasn't curious to see what he wanted.
"I'm ok, guys. I'm just going to go and see what he wants. Besides, I would have to meet the guy eventually, and why not by saying hello." I smiled at my friends and started making my way to Mirio.
"Zuku, wait." I turned around to see Tenya running towards me. "Hey, I'm gonna stay close by just in case you need me, ok. I don't like the idea of leaving you alone with his guy." He seems determined to make sure that nothing happens to me. My brother is so caring and loving any Uke will be so lucky to have him.
"Ok, but really Ten. Don't worry so much. I'm gonna be ok."
As I made my way to the entrance, I could see that Mirio look nervous. He kept looking around as if he had lost something. I made my way to him; my anxiety was making me feel out of breath. "Um, excuse me. Is there anything I can help you with?" My voice was so small; it's a miracle that he even heard me."
He turned around, and his eyes became wild. "I can't believe that it's really you. Hi, my name is Togata Mirio. I'm sorry if I scared you by coming to your school unannounced. But I was on my way home from school, and I realized that your school was very close to mine. I know that you might not be interested in meeting me, but I just had to get to know you. Is there any way that I can walk you home?" His smile as he said his last word was so unbelievably genuine that I found my head bobbing up and down.
"Um, hi. I guess you already know my name. I'm Midoriya Izuku. I'm sorry if I gave off the impression that I was not interested in meeting you. I've just have had a couple of things pop up recently." I lowered my head and started fidgeting with the bottom of my shirt. I was so nervous. Here in front of me was one of my potential mates. Just standing next to him, smelling his intoxicating scent of morning dew and sunshine, was really doing a number on me.
"It's okay. I understand. I'm sorry I just showed up unannounced." He smiled again, and it just made me weak at the knee. Somehow this guy was doing things to me that I just couldn't understand.
"It's alright. Um, let me let my brother know that I will be walking home with you before leaving." I gave him a genuine smile and made my way to Tenya.
"Hey, he just wanted to know if he could walk me home to get to know me. I told him that I would. He seems like a nice guy. If anything happens, I will make sure to call you, ok."
Tenya looked upset, but he agreed with my decision.
"Listen, Zuku. You call me right away if you feel unsafe. You got it!" He was not taking no for an answer.
"I understand, please don't worry. I'll be ok." And with that, I started to make my way to Mirio.
Unbeknownst to me, Katsuki was watching our interaction. His white knocks were visible as he held his car door open, smoke coming out of his hands in small clouds. His eyes inflamed. He gets into his car, slamming the door, and drive away like the devil was chasing after him.
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Inuyasha Sequel: a rant
Put this up this earlier on a post I re-blogged, tried to edit a part or two where I didn’t like the way I had phrased it, and ended up messing up the whole format I wrote this in. Luckily I wrote this as a draft earlier anyways! So I did a some fixing and now I’m just copy-pasting it again and making it a text post instead. This will be very long and a little nit-picky but I wanted to make a post ever since I heard about the upcoming sequel to Inuyasha, Hanyō no Yashahime. I did put a TLDR at the end for those who don’t want to read everything. Not sure how many people in the fandom still follow me and will see this, as it's been a long time since I was actually active in the fandom, but it's hands-down both my favorite manga and anime of all time and I’ve been feeling nostalgic lately so I had to post something. Before reading this be sure to read all of the translated character bios for Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha so that this makes sense.
When I first heard that Inuyasha would be getting a sequel I was excited! But after reading up on it, to be completely honest I'm not feeling this sequel anymore. I know it’s an unpopular opinion but hear me out. Firstly, it seems like Rumiko is mostly involved in the character design aspect and the writing is up to Katsuyuki Sumisawa. The music will be produced by Kaoru Wada which is great! And from what I’ve seen and read online a number of others who worked on the original series will reunite so hopefully the story will go well. However, knowing Rumiko isn't personally writing and not knowing how much input she has or will give makes me unsure about watching. The original Inuyasha anime followed and was based off of the events in the manga, and there was no manga prior to this for it to be based on. Depending on what happens this could be an alright sequel or a total miss. Unfortunately sequels in general are known to be disappointing in some way. 
Secondly, if I hear anything about Rin being the mother of Sesshomaru's twin daughters I'm out. This part will be a SUPER long and in depth explanation on why I think this way, feel free to skip if you're not interested. Please don't come for me on this, I'm here to explain my thoughts and feelings on the sequel and the theories around it so far, not start an argument. I'm more than aware that there's plenty of controversy out there on this pairing and personally I do not support it. I never saw their relationship as more than a friendship, or something akin to child and guardian as Sesshomaru and Jaken are basically Rin's caretakers up until she goes to live in the village with Kaede. He definitely cares for her deeply but I can't see it in a romantic way, being that Sesshomaru isn't even a character focused on romance to begin with. He learns compassion through Rin's second death but that doesn't mean he loves her romantically. As a reminder his main goal is to seek power and be powerful, and it's stated that he needed to learn compassion and grief in order to mature. It's what helped him learn to wield the Tenseiga at its full potential. In addition, she was really young when they first met and still was when she went to live with Kaede. The idea of Sesshomaru (an adult) having romantic feelings for a kid under ten years old (around eleven at the end of the series, and still a literal child in all ways) and waiting for her to age with the intention of marrying her sits totally wrong with me. Age wise I realize that Inuyasha is decades older than Kagome and that his father was much older than his mother, Izayoi, as well. The difference here is that Kagome was a teen when she met Inuyasha (who not just physically, but more importantly mentally was also a teen) and clearly Izayoi was old enough to conceive Inuyasha and give birth. As far as the audio dramas (more specifically "Asatte") go they're generally considered as an outtake reel and are essentially parodies, or a form of satire. Some will debate on this but realistically there’s plenty of reasons this is true, and those who take the time to properly check them out understand that. For me I've always had a headcanon that at some point in her teen years Rin would inevitably develop a one-sided crush on Sesshomaru and that he would ultimately set boundaries and reject her, seeing her as more of a close companion than a love interest and wanting her to live with someone she can grow old with. He gave her the choice to follow him and it's most likely that she would, but I think that once she began aging he would want her to have somewhere to settle, given that he enjoys roaming and seeking out other powerful beings to battle. It's strange to me that they decided to give Sesshomaru hanyō/half-demon children in general but based on the artwork we've seen it's fair to guess that they might have made Sesshomaru and Rin a pairing in this sequel.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I want to clarify that if you ship them together I'm not writing this here because I want to hate on your ship for no reason, or in order to create an argument on if the pairing makes sense, these are my thoughts and opinions on the matter and I’m voicing them because it’s what I believe. I already know that somebody won’t like this and will take it personally. People usually say that once Rin is an adult the pairing is acceptable but I disagree. I find it quite creepy that someone would think it would be alright for an adult to wait around for a kid to grow up with the intention to marry and/or sleep with them. Watching from a distance is the same exact thing, after making an impression on the child... let’s not normalize this. In this situation it would be grooming. We all have our own opinions when it comes to our ships and fandoms and I try to respect that but I can’t get behind this one.
Next we have the apparent lack of parental figures for the heroines. Where are the original Inuyasha characters at? Moroha's character bio says she barely knows her parents (Inuyasha and Kagome, our former main protagonists) and has been alone since she was young! It makes me think either something has happened to them or some kind of bizarre event separated them. And sorry, not related, but why does she transform by PUTTING LIPSTICK ON?? That part threw me for a loop.
When it comes to Setsuna and Towa their parents are absent too. I find it difficult to believe that Sesshomaru wouldn't keep track of his children given how he treats Rin and reacts to her going missing in any capacity. Especially if he happened to be fond of whoever their mother is. One daughter works as a taijiya/demon slayer for Kohaku and the other mysteriously transports to Kagome's era and is raised by Sota (I thought we had finished with the time jumps when the well closed but apparently not. When the Bone Eater's Well closed after Kagome's return it gave a sense of finality and closure to the story, and showed that Kagome had chosen where she was most happy and felt she belonged. I think that bringing the theme of time travel back into the sequel makes it feel repetitive, like something right out of a predictable fanfic. Props to Sota for taking in and raising a child who showed up out of nowhere though).
Another thing that came to mind when I read these character bios was why Inuyasha and Kagome's daughter and Sesshomaru's daughters are the exact same age. Of course there's nothing wrong with that. It only struck me as odd because suddenly everyone is having kids at the same time. And so far there's no mention of other characters like Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Jaken, Kaede, or Miroku or Sango's three children or where they are. One might expect that a story focused on the children of some of the original Inuyasha's main characters would feature appearances from those who had important roles in the previous series and their children. Which brings me around to wondering what made twin daughters a trend? Two sets of twin girls is a unique choice (Sango and Miroku's twin daughters. For such a small group of parental characters, what are the odds of two sets of twin girls? Where is the creativity and again why the repetition?).
Lastly, Sesshomaru's daughters lack some of the common yōkai/demon characteristics we see on Inuyasha and other characters. Their ears are human, and they have no markings or otherwise (that I noticed) with the exception of Setsuna's mokomoko/fur which is similar to Sesshomaru's. So perhaps they take more after their human mother? Given that Inuyasha seemed to inherit strong genes from his father it's interesting that they did not. Their ages also interest me as they appear to age the same way as humans do. Yōkai/demons are known to have a longer lifespan than humans and appear to slow down or almost stop aging at some point. Perhaps this confirms that the slowdown in aging occurs once they reach the equivalent of a human teen? 
Overall Inuyasha was a fantastic manga and great anime on its own, and I never got the feeling that it needed a sequel. As a stand-alone it was everything it needed to be. I thoroughly enjoyed both formats of the original, though I do have a tendency to disregard certain parts of the anime. I always preferred the manga more when the anime dragged out certain scenes (Shichinintai/Band of Seven arc for example) or straight-up excluded, changed, and added others. Taking that into consideration the sequel might end up being the same for me in that way, but rather than one scene that plays out for too long or an excluded, altered, or unnecessary added scene, if it’s not any good I’ll simply disregard it altogether. When the anime comes out I certainly plan to try watching it out of loyalty to the fandom, and due to the fact that it's "technically" canon (without Rumiko being the writer I don't necessarily consider it canon, much like how some folks do or do not consider the movies canon) but I get the feeling that I'll wind up giving up on it in disappointment.
TLDR; Overall I'm left questioning if the sequel is worth watching (for me) given what I've read and heard so far, but nonetheless I will give it an optimistic try! I'm currently wondering how much we'll see of the original Inuyasha characters, if we get to find out what happened to them, if the number one pairing I'm not fond of will make an appearance (and cause me to drop the whole thing), and questioning parts of the character backstories and designs (why is there a repetitive and recurring theme of time travel and does it end up hindering or ruining the story, why do the protagonists all lack parents, and why do the hanyō/half-demon characters lack common yōkai/demon traits and does it make them more human than demon?).
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agatharights · 4 years
Okay so the bastard warlord dads au. I just adore it? That's amazing! I just wanna hear more stuff about Star and Megs trying to be dads to Orion. How does that all go?
It’s actually part of an AU called Transformers: Toku, largely based off of tokuketsu tropes and stories, that I share with @drawma-king but the warlord dads were one of my contributions- a combination of the common trope where one of the protagonists turns out to have an Evil Dad (or two, in this case) and the fact that every so often I look at Optimus Prime and Starscream and remember that it’s funny they have the same color scheme.
(if there’s anything I re-use from this AU into others, it’ll probably be the warlord dads arrangements because *chef’s kiss*)
Also because I wanted to post it- here’s a little short story about Orion’s first “real” face to face meeting with Megatron and Starscream! It goes about as well as you’d think.
UNDER THE CUT because long. Sorry, mobile users.
As for how it goes...it goes well at times, poorly at others? They’re trying, but also the kind of people who look at conquering a world because they’ve decided they have the Divine Right of Kings are gonna have some issues from the get-go. After the supposed death of their kid, Megatron and Starscream decided very actively to never approach the concept of family again- it hurt terribly, neither of them have much emotional maturity, and they had a war to run. So unfortunately they don’t actually know how to deal with kids, having avoided them for so long.
Not to mention that Orion(at the time named Guiltaur)’s loss was overtly traumatic. A Decepticon fortress was hit in a surprise attack by Autobot forces that outright destroyed the entire structure and sent the high-ranking Decepticons who were holed up there scattered- it was a tremendous step in destabilizing the Decepticon empire for the Autobots, a good move tactically. The Autobots who were combing through the rubble afterwards were horrified to find a sparkling- miraculously unharmed, and ushered the child away in secret- in no small part to hide the fact that they’d operated on bad intelligence and attacked a building that was not just military, but apparently domestic as well.
Megatron and Starscream, believing that their child had died as a result of Autobot attack, kicked the war into high gear, and that’s when stuff started getting real interesting. Meanwhile, Orion’s past was scrubbed to keep him safe from both autobot retribution for his parentage, and to keep him hidden from Decepticons, and he was placed into the care of the Order Pax- a religious order that took in a lot of war orphans, and eventually he was taken in by Alpha Trion, an archivist looking for an apprentice who definitely didn’t fortell all of this happening that would be silly you’d have to be, like, a prophet or a prime to tell that stuff :)
Megatron struggles with treating Orion like a new recruit- he’s deeply impressed when Orion turns out to have excellent combat and self-defense skills for sparring (thanks to Orion’s secret life as Optimus Prime, Hero) and tries to bond with him through training- but inevitably pushes too hard because he can’t tone it down. On the flip side, Megatron’s preferred method of showing affection is just by giving people things, so a whole-ass lost library is an appropriate present for a kid, right? Right????
At the very least, Megatron gets that parental relationships are hard (given his own rocky family relationships) and isn’t really sure how to be attached to Orion. He feels like an interloper, and the fact that Orion is very clearly not interested in sticking around only makes it sting- but Megatron at least tries to convince Orion that sticking around is worth it. Sure, things are a little nasty right now, but wouldn’t you like to be crown prince of an empire? Wouldn’t you like to someday rule? We are from royal stock, and you carry the blood of kings.
Starscream instantly becomes attached. And covetous and overprotective. He hovers over Orion, and while Orion’s more or less okay dealing with it because he likes physical affection, Starscream is *very* touchy, literally. He’s constantly touching hugging him, touching his face and shoulders, kissing his helm or outright grooming him like he’s a youngling. Skywarp and Thundercracker are more casual, but still super affectionate towards Orion- especially since they basically become defacto babysitters for the most part, and Orion finds himself surrounded by a triad of very loud, broody birds a lot.
Starscream’s also a little disappointed that Orion’s favoring a grounder altmode, seeing as Orion also has the “genetics” more or less to become a Seeker as he’s still a youngling (I’ll probably post my lil thing about genetics in this setting) but is damn proud that Orion’s inherited a lot of his appearance- they both have longer faces and bright yellow optics/biolights, he has Starscream’s color and long legs and Orion even has little semi-thrusters on his heels (that give his truck altmode a jump-boost)!
Megatron is afraid of becoming attached, because losing those he loves is standard fare. Starscream is afraid of not being attached enough, as if raw love and want could keep Orion safe this time.
Orion would like to leave. This is terrifying- he’s been moonlighting as a power-armored hero fighting the Decepticons- including Megatron and Starscream themselves, and if they found out he’s pretty sure it would be catastrophic. Even without that, though, he’s an Autobot kid- he wants to be back in the Archives, with Alpha Trion and his friends. He’s been dragged out to basically a castle in the middle of nowhere, halfway across the planet from his home, and he can’t get out. It would wear on anyone’s nerves.
Megatron is terrifying and stern and way too eager to throw other people around literally, not to mention that Megatron is pretty intense in his growing megalomania, and Orion picks up on the fact that this dude legitimately believes it’s his divine right to rule and that’s not just a story to unite his forces. Seeing as Orion has interacted with the spirits of several ancient Primes at this point, he knows EXACTLY how that sort of thing usually goes down. It never goes down well. And then Starscream is overbearing and obsessive, treating him like literal treasure, but not toning down the inherent violence of his inclinations in the slightest, while still insisting on grooming him, touching up his paint, and constantly feeding him.
The part that freaks out and ultimately hurts Orion the most is that he can see how much they both desperately want this. He’s shown Megatron and Starscream not as monsters to fight on a battlefield, but as broken, wounded people who’ve turned their pain into brutality, but treat him like he’s made of precious crystal. He learns about grand-creators and family histories he never knew, he learns about Decepticon history and how these people all came together.
Worst of all, he learns that Megatron and Starscream love him.
And that love can truly sink some people to unspeakable depths.
Knowing that someone would do anything for you is a terrible curse, when that person is willing to literally turn people into mindless monsters to fight for their cause.
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#26)
5x03 here we are, Julie’s bad decisions are piling up! (I watched 5x04+5x05 too, just gotta edit all my ramblings into coherency.)
under the cut:
Wow the level of Lions pride there now is is truly amazing. It’s wild that Buddy now owns this East Dillon watering hole! Weirdly like...growth? Given how many different types of people are gathered to celebrate this team that was revitalized only a year ago? Wild.
Uh oh, why does Vince’s father getting out of prison seem like a bad thing. God things were finally going well for him!
Also love how I was equally as disturbed as Vince was by his mom cleaning, knew something was up!
Omg the video with Maura went viral! 2,000 hits. That’s like everyone their age right? 😬
“We didn’t do any of this crap when we were kids.” Tami’s look of “yeah right” made me lol
“You think maybe people change? You changed.” I was about to say it but then Vince did: “I don’t know. I ain’t gone to jail.” Bc the problem is — the prison system ensures that people remain in a permanent underclass once paroled, making it nearly impossible to escape the cycle. so unfortunately it seems very unlikely Vince’s dad changed for the better while in a prison, which is an inherently violent and traumatizing place to be, let alone for five years when he already had a track record for treating your mom like trash...oh babe.
Oh nooo Buddy Jr. is smoking weed. West coast, brother! Lol
Yikes this is really sad, Tami is like trying to subtly be like to Maura, ‘sooo did seeing a bunch of guys passing you around while drunk on video like...maybe traumatize you a bit?’ And Maura’s like ‘WE WERE HAVING FUN HAVE YOU EVER PARTIED.’ Hello, internalized misogyny and a need for therapy, plz honey. Seems like her parents are a lot angrier than she is!
“daddy issues.com, I feel you” is literally what I nervously sang out loud at Vince and his father reuniting.
Omg they’re forcing the girls alone to listen to a really boring lecture on alcohol? This just doesn’t seem effective.
Holy shit two of the football players were making fun of the video.....? Disgusting. Rape culture is the fact that people are making fun of a girl being passed around like a rag doll!
The TA giving Julie a C- bc he’s “spent time with her” and “knows she can do better” is super manipulative and creepy and oh boy I hate this harmful dynamic. He’s literally GRADING HER PAPERS. Nope nope nope.
oh god not the ol “weekly salon for promising students the professor just so happens to host” trope! OH GOD
Ooooh making Jess equipment manager??? Tami is the best. Aw Jess is so excited! I’m so glad that within five seasons they included a character like her who is a girl who also grew up with football and loves it more than some of the guys on this show do!
Ooooh they’re doing shirts and ties instead of jerseys on game days and community outreach. Mmhmm ok revive your image
Vince is losing his confidence and motivation as a captain now his dad’s home noooooo
Lol I knew Buddy was gonna blame the weed on “that hippie Kevin.” So predictable.
“You know maybe it’s not about you and it’s not about Pam, it’s about your son, who happens to need you.” YES ERIC TELL HIM
“Nobody said being a dad’s gonna be easy.” OOH OOH Eric give my dad one of these talks next
“Girls in locker rooms are bad ideas.” I can’t. Lol Tami got lil toddler Grace to say “think about it, daddy!!” She doesn’t play nice.
LMAO I have never related to Vince more than in this moment: “did you talk to your dad?” “Yep.” “how did it go?” *sprints away without answering*
Okay here we are, douchey assholes at the ~salon~ and Julie with a glass of champagne and a devious smile looks like she’s on a mission.
“You must be so proud to have such a distinguished wife.” Oh Jesus TA’s wife’s away on a “sabbatical in Boston.” I see where this illicit romance is going and THANKS I HATE IT
Oh geez Vince doesn’t like Jess being equipment manager? She looks so cute and excited!
Oh boy, Maura is clearly going through some shit, she is relishing in being caught. I know that Tami is judging making out in a supply closet as a concept, but it can be hot—however, in this particular case, i have to agree on not romantic.
“Everyone thinks that I’m married but I don’t feel like I am.” Lines men say before they cheat on their wife with an underage student under their tutelage they shouldn’t be pursuing even if they’re single.
“You’re an awesome girl, Julie Taylor.” Key word ‘GIRL.’ Now he’s saying he feels “comfortable with her” and “if it were a different time and a different place.” This is what grooming sounds like.
Oh noooo Julie you’ve been in college for like five minutes and you’ve already fucked a married TA. Oh honey NO.
Poor Vince. So much trauma between his mom and his dad.
Wowwww the transition from Vince fighting with his parents to walking in suit and tie past all the fans with signs 😭
Yes Eric reiterating he’s proud of Vince and so are his teammates after he goes off — I love how he can like tell something is off with him. He shuts the door and gets Vince to explain the home situation in like five mins.
“He never taught me how to better! How am I supposed to be better?” Omg yessss I feel you babe 😭
Oh god is Vince’s dad showing up gonna cost them this game
NOPE he just did an INSANE touchdown instead!!! Go Vince! “They call that the Tinker shuffle. They get a flag for excessive celebrating and who can blame them?”
“That was a hell of an effort. That’s character, Vince.” Awwww Eric’s so proud of him. His dad is sad. Welp, no thanks to you.
Omg their 3 and 0 East Side cheer at the bar sounds so much like the cheers our predominantly Black football team would do at our pep rallies I love it. This team has so much more heart and soul than the Panthers.
Omg Buddy Jr. is coming back to town???? Intrigue.
TA apologized and and acknowledged he knew it was wrong for teacher-student reasons! Yikes! Bc you know it’s gonna happen again!
“Only 17 years old and you’re already better than I ever was.” Damn Vince’s dad apologizing for not asking to move in after seeing him shine at the game, #growth
“Tonight for the first time in my life I knew what pride felt like. I mean, boy, that was crazy out there. You the man for real.” OMGGGG VINCE IS CRYING wow 🥺
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 4 years
Chap3 secret baby
Touya has cemented the fact that he’s keeping this baby. With or without Hawks he’s keeping this baby. Single parents raise kids all the time, he can do the same with his baby.
Hawks wanted to meet up the next morning and had suggested a time that just happened to be before Touya had to be in school. Did he know? Or was it a lucky guess? It was hard to tell. It was made even harder because Touya is bitterly aware that he knows next to nothing about Hawks, or how much Hawks knows about him.  He doesn’t know what he may have told him during their drunk hookups. And that… that’s the important part, really. 
He’s distracted on the train, almost missing the stop where Hawks had told him his agency is near. He’s not going to Hawks’ agency, but a news station. Hawks hadn’t wanted to meet him at his agency… Shame? Or just being smart?
Can his pregnancy hormones be fucking with his head? Touya swears he isn’t this paranoid before, it’s just…  He’s not looking out for just himself anymore. Even his siblings, who depended on him and Fuyumi more than either of their ‘parents’ won’t need him as much as the kid in his stomach is going to. He’s gotta put the kid first, has to choose to be better than what he was given.
And what does he really know about Hawks? Not much. 
He doesn’t even know Hawks’ real name. He has no idea how Hawks will treat him, will treat the life in his stomach. A few good fucks doesn’t tell him shit.
He truly doesn’t know anything about him… That's… 
Fuck. That’s dangerous. That’s every bit as stupid as his mo– as REI accused him of being. That Enji sneered at him across a training room.
“Touya!” He’s greeted at the front door by Hawks. Hawks wraps him up in a hug as soon as he gets close enough. He tucks his nose into Hawks neck and inhales the scent of his alpha. Warm, and safe. Spicy and the familiar softness of his jacket. He wouldn’t do that if he was mean right? People like his father don’t go around hugging people. 
He hasn’t ever seen Enji inhale Rei’s scent after a bad day like Hawks always seems to do with him. That couldn’t be an act. It couldn’t … right?
“I was worried about you,” Hawks mumbles. He’s got his own nose tucked into Touya’s neck and is breathing in Touya’s own faint scent, diluted by scent blockers. If it bothers him, he doesn’t say. He just presses closer for a moment. It’s hard to remember his fears, when everything in him says Hawks is safe. But Rei thought that too, didn’t she? There were pictures, with her eyes shy and hopeful, as she gazed upon her flaming groom. Look how that turned out. 
“I’m sorry, Hawks.” Touya clings to Hawks as he pulls back, arms strangely reluctant to relinquish their grip on the warm material of the coat, letting go feels almost like a physical blow to his instincts. Demanding him to keep his alpha close while he’s distressed.
“You okay?” Hawks asks and pulls back to give Touya a kiss and looks him in the eyes. His eyes are searching again, and Touya normally doesn’t mind the scrutiny but he feels too exposed right now. 
“Yeah, let’s just go inside. I don’t really want to talk about it out here ” Or anywhere. Definitely not out here.
They head inside and down a hall, until Hawks’ dressing room is to their left. Hawks lets Touya get comfortable while he gets ready for his interview, excitement and nerves making his movements sharp, birdlike. It's… cute. Touya can focus on the cute instead of his gut, a knot of tension heavy and churning. He can focus on Hawks making kissy faces at him in the mirror as he finishes his makeup. Hawks must have kicked the cosmetologist he normally has out for him. Again Touya questions if its because of the shame a young pregnant omega will add to his reputation. What if he just wants a chance to pay him to keep their relationship and baby secret and not a chance to work something out? Hawks never had mentioned taking him to meet his family and they only talked about dating once. Hawks had probably just wanted a easy lay. Touya is alright with that, afterall he had just wanted a good lay too. Also if Hawks doesn’t want anything Touya has only himself to blame, he’s the one who blocked the alpha out of nowhere and then expected him to drop everything and pick him back up again. Who’s to say Hawks hasn’t already found a better omega and was dating them?
“If you want you can watch from in here, when I get back we can talk.”  Hawks gets pulled out of the room, bare seconds to turn and offer the quick sentence, feathers fluffed despite a harried attendant attempting to smooth them down with a stiff bristled brush. 
Touya turns on the screen in the room and watches Hawks get interviewed, filing away the precious little information he can glean from the smiling hostess and Hawks’ own easy grin. It  would be a good cover too… if they didn’t notice the hand on his pants, knuckles white from the force they’re exerting.
“I saw you worked with Endeavor on this last project. What did you think of the property damage he’s done? It seems like he lost his temper with that last villain?”
Hawks gave an easy going smile to the reporter and leaned back against the couch, hand still tightly fisted but his rustling wings neatly capturing the camera’s focus. Touya knows how to do that too, distract the cameras, the teachers, nurses. Hawks look more real though.
“I loved working alongside side Endeavor. Although, I didn’t get to talk to him much unfortunately. He did what he had to do and I’m sure the property damage isn’t as bad as you say. The villain in question was an omega mouthing off pretty hard to him. He’s an alpha,Endeavor just let his instincts as an alpha get the better of him.”
He what?
What little of Touya’s stomach left unknotted quickly turns to ice. Ice, for all it burns, that freezes him in place, one hand slowly covering his stomach, like he can shield his unborn child from that man. From… from it all. 
“You’re saying that it’s completely fine to smack omegas around?” The hostess has a smile like a shark, and there’s blood in the water. She adjusts herself in the chair, leaning forward and the microphone dipping closer to Hawks, waiting for his response with bated breath. She’s not the only one, Touya couldn’t breathe if paid to do so. 
Hawks’ eyes widen and he sits up a little straighter. “Absolutely not, The omega in question was a villain resisting arrest. Heroes have the right to use excessive force to bring criminals in.“ 
It could be a lie… He doesn’t know. He doesn’t know. He can't… No. He has to. Has to protect his kid. However he can. Right now it doesn’t matter that Hawks doesn’t know. He’s basically saying that talking back, something Touya excels at, means omegas and children deserve to get slapped.
“No need to get so defensive, young Hawks. I’m just saying Endeavor is not very approachable and he’s always had bad popularity ratings due to how much he seems to just hate children. He’s got an attitude problem and we hear that he wouldn’t work beside you due to your inexperience” she smirks and waits for Hawks to agree with her.
“Well, I can’t do much about my inexperience. Yes I’m young and newer to the job. But I would definitely entrust things to Endeavor. He’s the number two hero! I’ve always looked up to him. ”
Touya doesn’t remember the rest of the interview. He knows the woman repeatedly tries to go after Hawks’ young age and inexperience.
When Hawks does come back in the room he’s frustrated and starts speaking right away.
“I just don’t get what everyone’s problem with Endeavor is!” He paces back and forth across the room.
“I don’t like how angry he is. I wouldn’t trust our kid around him.” Touya is tense back on the couch but Hawks doesn’t seem to notice.
“He’s a dick who shouldnt be around children,” he flinches back into the couch on reflection when Hawks whips around.
“He’s great with kids! I would have no problem with him looking after our kid. He’s just grumpy! I don’t know what you want to do about our baby yet but if we keep them then I’m asking him to babysit and be their godfather.”
Touya’s stomach drops. He can’t breath for a moment and has both hands locked around his stomach.
Enji is never going to know this kid even exists.
He opens his mouth to say so and to explain exactly how he knows how horrible Enji can be when Hawks turns around and his large spread out wing sends everything on table flying.
Touya flinches and Hawks curses as he starts picking it up.
The scent of anger and frustration heavy in the room.
“I want an abortion.”
Hawks freezes and looks at Touya.
“You don’t want to keep the baby?” He asks shocked.
“No, I don’t.“ Touya thinks about how careful Hawks has been to keep him out of sight and adds on another lie. If he’s going to raise this baby alone then he’s going to need more money than he currently has stashed away.
“And you’re going to pay for it. And for me to keep it quiet. Otherwise I walk out of here right now and tell that woman I’ve got a story for her.” Touya stands up off the couch and stares Hawks down. He can do this for his baby. He can keep them safe.
“You came here to blackmail me?” Hawks looks absolutely furious and Touya lets his face go blank. Not a single emotion to be read off it.
“Yeah, I did. We’re not anything, Hawks. I don’t know why you thought a baby would change that.”
“Who do you think you are that you can just blackmail me?” Hawks growls. A low angry alpha growl. If Touya wasn’t so used to Endeavour pulling the same shit he would have backed down.
“Todoroki Touya. Unless you want to explain to Endeavor you knocked up his only omega son without even the decency to court him or ask for permission to court me , he’s old fashioned like that, then I suggest we get talking numbers.”
Maybe Hawks was just that embarrassed of Touya but he buys the lies Touya is selling and Touya leaves unharmed and several thousand dollars richer.
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bubbelpop2 · 4 years
Expanding on Nazi Grooming Tactics, and How to Actively Combat them to Protect Youth
This is highlighting the mindset of the young recruits that are in the most danger as they’re being converted. I have some spies in nazi groups, and this is what they’ve gathered that nazis are doing: They’re brainwashing and using abuse tactics to gather more support. 
First: the person is confused, upset, and don’t know whats going on. They’re likely too stressed with home life and school life to know up from down, or what opinions to have. The nazi targets this person, and acts as a mentor and guide to this person. Then they introduce ideas. Offensive jokes here and there, offensive memes, and then it escalates. The youth clings onto the nazi as their elder and mentor.
This is the perfect time for people to intervene and make sure that this person doesn’t become a nazi, but instead, I’ll tell you how everyone actually HELPS this person become a nazi.
Most people on here and twitter, in response to someone who says an opinion that they disagree with, or in response to rumors about a person being racist, often times make a callout post about that person, or attack them DIRECTLY with anons or arguments online.
This puts the Nazi Fledgling in a state of panic, and makes them feel unsafe. What happens, is they view the person that’s arguing with them as someone who doesn’t care about their best interest. They feel attacked, crowded, and trapped. They go to their mentor. Their mentor consoles them. This happens again and again and again until the fledgling is CONVINCED that the only family that they have are nazis, and their enemy are the awful bad horrible sjw people on tumblr.
By the last step, their redemption is far too much trouble than it’s worth. They would cause a scene, and openly talk about being a nazi, and expose minorities to their grossness. People would get the idea that it’s okay to be a nazi in public, when it’s absolutely not. To prevent this entire scenario from ever happening take these steps:
Warn your friends, and tell your friends to warn their friends. 
That’s all you need to do. But if you want to actively fight nazis, do it better:
Now that you know how nazis are manipulating us and kids and people with mental illnesses, it’s about time that we actually be proactive to help the movement.
We need to let them know that we think they’re emotionally intelligent, capable individuals, and that they deserve to know the truth. Tell them that, before anything else. Kids WANT to be good people. Kids WANT to help others. 
Which is why when we need to tell them that everyone, including us, thinks that young people, especially depressed people, are only thought of as cattle by these abhorrent and disgusting racists. We respect them like the nazis and terfs and pedophiles don’t: like people.
Every day you see parents constantly treating their children like they’re objects to be owned. Like they aren’t capable of being smart. They are, but nobody else lets them be because “they’re just kids”. But the truth is, the fate of the world depends on them. And I know it’s unfair, and I know that kids shouldn’t have to deal with that pressure and stress, but the unfortunate truth is that almost nobody else is going to to it, which is why going in-depth into warning them
The adults that got manipulated as kids are too far-gone, and the adults on our side are doing the best that they can to help fight for our freedom, but thing is: all of the adults have already made up their minds on the matter. The adults already picked a side. They’re either racist, or they’re not. But you can’t win wars if both sides have the same amount of people, and you’re not likely to convert people from the other side, so you need the unaffiliated. The people who haven’t formed their opinions yet. You need the youth. They’re the only ones that can help us now.
So to all of the white kids seeing this: choose to help us. Reblog this post, boost minority voices, and most of all: remember that you’re a good kid. Not very many people may be appreciating the work that you’re doing right now, but I am. Keep helping, keep boosting, keep posting. The nazi menace is far from dead. 
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calliecat93 · 4 years
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It’s the final RWBY Chapter of the year folks! Heck, last of the decade infact! And wouldn’t you know it? We’re gonna spend some time with the Schnee’s! Just in time for the holidays! With the growing Mantle problems, Ironwood losing it even more, and the fact that Weiss and Winter have to go back to their abusive home, it’s… gonna be one heck of a drama-filled night. So… what kind of party are we in for? Will they finally show us mercy and let things end on a mostly nice note? Or should we expect the RWBY equivalent of the Red Wedding? Well, lets get on our fancy duds and find out.
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RWBY and Oscar are talking about the upcoming party. It seems via reports that all Jaques wants to do is talk/moderate, which should be good since they need Ironwood to talk to these people. But Oscar points out that he’s making this all be under his terms which isn’t good for anyone. Weiss is also still suspicious about her father, with Yang even asking if she thinks that he’s aligned with Salem. Weiss isn’t sure, but she knows that Jaques would do anything to win. Ruby though decides that if that’s the case, they should do the same. As such, they form a plan for Weiss to sneak through the Schnee Manor to see if she can find any kind of dirt on her father and his involvement.
Party Night arrives with RWBY, JNR, Qrow, Oscar, Ace-Ops, and of course Ironwood and his soldiers there. Winter is less than thrilled to be there, with Weiss feeling the same way. They are greeted at the door… by Whitley. Weiss is confused and asks about Klein, but we learn that as we feared, Klein was let go due to his part in letting Weiss escape. Something that Weiss is visibly gutted by. Nevertheless, everyone is let in and Whitley takes Ironwood, Winter, Penny, and Clover to the Dining Room to meet with the Council. Qrow goes to snoop around the grounds to avoid being tempted by alcohol, with Marrow leaving since… well, he’s a Faunus in the house of a well-known bigoted, descrimanitng jerk. Do I need to explain why? Harriet instructs the kids to behave… and of course, they have no intention to do so XD
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Weiss starts to head for the stairs… only to be cut off by Whitley, who claims to want to catch up. Back in the Dining Room, Ironwood is greeted by Jaques, Councilman Sleet, Councilwoman Camilla, and to his surprise, Robyn. Yep, Jaques invited her as well. Why? We’ll talk about that in the review. For now, Jaques is skeptical of Penny being there due to the recent incident, but Ironwood says that she’s under his control. Make note of that specific phrasing people, it’ll be important later. But yeah, the topic of control. The reason that the meeting was called to begin with. Back with the others, JNR tries to cause some chaos to get Whitley messed up so that he’ll get out of Weiss’ way… but they hit another woman instead. Good thing that she spills her wine over him, haha!
The Council is unhappy with Ironwood’s recent string of decisions and lack of transparency. The closed borders have worsened relations with the other kingdoms. Resources are being used for projects that none of them know about, a fact that surprises Robyn. They still haven’t found the ones framing Ironwood, even with Clover pointing out that it’s still an open investigation. The people of Atlas are suffering due to all of this, and they should know why. So far, any efforts to downplay the situation fall on deaf ears. Jaques even outright asks how they can trust him. Throughout all of this, Winter has clearly been growing agitated, and this topic makes her snap, saying that Jaques can’t just buy trust like everything else. He has to earn it. Unfortunately, this was /exactly/ what Jaques wanted to hear, as he twists the knife deeper by pointing out all of the failures under Ironwood’s belt (Vale, the recent murders, etc) and asks how they can continue to trust him. Winter tries to take it back, but Ironwood stops her, which provokes her to leave the room.
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Weiss continues to make her way through the Manor, with only one of the workers so far seeing her. She plays it off though and soon makes it to her father’s office with no problems. But… someone else is already there. Weiss is greeted by Willow Schnee, her mother. Yes folks, after over three volumes, Mama Schnee has arrived. Before we see more of that though, we cut back to Winter with Penny going to see if she’s okay. Winter tries to play it off, saying that Penny wouldn’t understand. This noticeably hurts Penny, but WInter seems to realize her wording and explains how despite trying to keep herself in line, she let her emotions get the better of her. Penny is confused about why this is a bad thing since Winter was just speaking from the heart, but Winter only says that she should be able to keep herself in check. Penny leaves her, agreeing that she indeed doesn’t understand. Ouch.
Back in the study, Willow apologizes for not being at the party due to not feeling well. She is clearly drinking vodka, with Weiss playing it off and saying that she came to get something that he left. Willow sinks back into a stupor at this as Weiss says that she needs to use her father’s computer due to him doing something bad. WIllow comments that this isn’t new, only for Weiss to reply that someone is actually doing something about it. Willow sips straight out of the bottle, which makes Weiss noticeably uncomfortable, before revealing that the computer is locked… but she has a Chevok’s Gun. As it turns out, Willow set up cameras everywhere just in case she needed to act and recounting this makes her go quiet. She asks if Weiss is there to stay, and of course, Weiss says no. WIllow… is relieved to hear this, giving Weiss her Scroll and telling her of the meeting with Watts. As she leaves, she asks Weiss to not forget about Whitley. Weiss points out that Whitley hates her… but Willow says “Of course he does, you left him here alone… with us.”. Willow leaves and Weiss seems to be processing the words before turning to the Scroll…
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Meanwhile, down in Mantle, it’s another rainy night. Watts is standing along the rooftops, and he sets off the next phase of his plan. Now that he has access to Atlas’ networks, he uses it to hack into Mantle’s heating lines and shuts them off. The rain stops and he drops his umbrella… as snow begins to slowly fall. A young kid sees from the window and is excited because… well, snow! Good, right? Haha… nope! The snow continues to fall harder and if you recall Weiss’ words about how the tundra can kill regular people in a matter of hours… it paints a very bleak picture. And thus, the decade’s final RWBY episode closes as the snow continues to fall. A chilling ending, indeed.
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This was a shorter episode than the past few, but it was just as jam-packed as ever. 
We were expecting Schnee Family Drama all volume… and ho boy did we get it. We all know how horrible Jaques is. We’ve seen for ourselves how he treated Weiss and how his abuse directly affected her. But now? We really get to see how it affected everyone in the family. We were told things before, like WIllow being a drunk and we saw that Whitley feared Jaques both in V4 and this volume. But now we’ve seen all four in person, and it creates a very depressing image.
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First, we have Whitley. He is still a smug little brat, but it’s much more clear now why that is. Whitley fears his father. He’s seen what happens when you disobey. He’s been groomed all his life by him and raised to either obey or else. I did a whole Whitley Analysis a while ago, but his attitude is clearly a facade. And it’s not even one that he can use as often because Weiss left him. Weiss was pretty much all that he had, despite his poor attitude towards her. It’s half because it’s all that he knows, and maybe because he resents Weiss. Resents her for escaping. Reents her for leaving him. Now we all know why Weiss left, and she was 100% justified especially since Whitley only made her feel worse. But to him, it felt like Weiss abandoned him. Twice.
I don’t 100% like the implication that Weiss should feel bad for leaving Whitley behind. He gave her no reason to think that he wanted help, let alone from her. From his attitude, he made it sound like he got everything he wanted. Do I think that he hates Weiss? No. I think that on some level, he cares for her, but he feels abandoned by her and left with an asshole dad and an absentee mom. He’s focusing his resentment onto her, hence why he has no qualms in bragging about his position to her in V4 and here. Will Willow’s words to Weiss be the push needed to get her to reconcile with Whitley? It’s hard to say. It ultimately depends on how much Whitley wants help, and while I could see him losing his composure if Weiss pushes anything, I don’t know if he’s ready to turn against his father.
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Then we have Willow. Oh God, Willow. We’ve been told for a while about her drunken state, but now that we see it? Man, it’s just… it’s just painful. Willow is a broken woman. You only have to take one look at her, and you can see how depressed and tired she is from her facial expression alone. Her demeanor is quiet and uncertain, not knowing how to talk to Weiss. Willow clearly knows how bad of a parent that she’s been. How she became so detached. How her kids suffered due to it. It’s so clear when she brings up the cameras, where she goes quiet when explaining the original intention, and when Weiss says that she is trying to do something. That line gets her to drink straight from the bottle. Willow knows how badly she’s done… but is so broken and likely guilt-stricken that she won’t try to better herself. This is what Jaques has done to her. He has broken her so badly that she feels undeserving of getting help or even helping herself. It is just… depressing to watch.
Still, we do have Willow give Weiss her Scroll and therefore the camera footage. I feel that this is her way of trying to make things up to Weiss. It doesn't fix it whatsoever, but this is her one act in showing her daughter support and digging her husband into a hole. Maybe Weiss getting out and confirming her defiance helped inspire just one little spark in her. It’s hard to say, but it does show that Willow does love her daughter. Very least, I feel much more sympathetic and understanding of her actions compared to say… Raven. As for her push regarding Whitley, I don’t think that she was trying to guilt Weiss. It was heavy-handed, but Willow clearly wants all of her kids to get out. As I said, Whitley is unlikely to do so on his own accord. Winter is unavailable, so Weiss is the only one in any position to give him a push. Willow can’t, and she knows it. But Weiss can. No, it isn’t Weiss’ responsibility. No, Weiss shouldn’t feel guilty about leaving Whitley especially with how he treated her. But he too is a victim who is in a similar place that she was before Beacon. Whitley has hope still, and I think that Willow wants her to see it and give him the push that he needs. Will it work? Only time will tell.
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Finally, we have Winter. This is the first time that she’s been home in so long, and in her father’s presence. She had long since cut her ties, even saying that doing so was the best thing that she ever did. We saw her hide in the military van in V4 just to avoid facing Jaques. She signed up for the military just to get away and embraced the strict lifestyle full-heartedly. The Atlas Military was home for her. A safe haven. So much that even with the revelation that Ironwood groomed her whole career, she’s accepting of it and hopes to make the Maiden legacy her own. It’s admirable, but it’s so clear that she’s in a similar place that she would have been if she stayed with Jaques, and that makes it so bittersweet.
Here, we see Winter try to conceal her emotions. To be quiet and show as little expression as possible. But she can’t. Just by watching her in the Dining Room scene, tapping at the table faster and faster until she finally explodes tells us everything. This place has very bad memories for her. Her way of coping with it… well… how did Frozen put it? “Conceal. Don’t feel. Don’t let it show.” Winter feels that he has to keep a collected demeanor where she doesn't show any emotion. She has had this demeanor since we met her, only dropping it when either provoked as Qrow did in V3, and showing a warmer side to Weiss. But even with Weiss, she was introduced with this cold, stern persona and it’s still very much present even with her warmer moments. That is what she has embraced because it is what the military taught her. Because it’s what Jaques’s abuse forced her into.
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This… is a dangerous mindset. It’s funny though. Winter is a young woman who is shutting off all of her emotions. In this volume alone we’ve seen her stick by Ironwood’s decisions, despite clearly knowing that it’s wrong, and feels that she must be in control of herself at every moment. Like Ironwood himself, she is shoving aside her humanity. Meanwhile, you have Penny. An actual robot. But she is arguably the most expressive of the current cast. She’s bright and joyful, and in cases like now sad and anxious. You can feel the feelings radiating off of her, especially with moments like Ironwood’s ‘under my control’ line and Winter initially rejecting her under the guise of her not understanding. To Penny, emotion is a beautiful thing and she can't understand why Winter would want to conceal it. On the one hand, Winter not wanting to have an outburst like she did especially with how her father twisted the words is understandable. But it’s just as bad to just shove it aside and she did just speak from the heart. There is no shame in that. It really highlights the difference between these two girls, and just how much everything is wearing them both down.
But speaking of Penny… Ironwood… it is getting so, so much harder for me to keep giving you the benefit of the doubt. I still think that Ironwood is a good man who keeps making all the wrong decisions, but Dear God that keeps dying with each new chapter. His comments regarding Penny were bad enough, but then there’s the Council talk. As much as I hate, hate to say it and I mean REALLY hate to say it… Jaques isn’t wrong. Ironwood is failing. He is worsening things for the Kingdom. He is giving the Council zero reason to trust him. He won’t be transparent about Amity. We all know why this is, but there is no denying that it is causing issues and it’s at a boiling point. Mind you, Jaques only cares about getting profit again so he still sucks, but Robyn is correct about the people suffering. It’s why she’s there, just so they can have someone to further twist the knife into Ironwood’s back but since she has no actual power, she can’t actually do anything hence why Jaques is fine with her being there. Still, it is suffering that Ironwood continues to cause, but do little to nothing about. I mean last episode we saw him not only ban public gatherings but consider martial law and I fear that if his seats are this much in jeopardy, he’s going to go through with it. That’ll shove away the last bit of humanity he has, and he may just be a lost cause. Which is going to make everything for everyone so much worse.
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And of course on the topic of things getting worse, that ending. That was… well, cold. Very cold. Now it may not seem like a big deal, it’s just snow, right? Well… think about it. Watts shut off the heating grid. IDK if this is due to having access to Atlas’ network or not, but that isn’t important right now. He shut off the heating. He’s made Mantle vulnerable to the cold. Remember, Solitas is pretty much the Remnant equivalent of Antarctica. Weiss outright said in Chapter 3 that if you cannot protect an Aura, you will die within hours if you’re out in the tundra. Hours. Right now, everyone is at the dinner party, including Hometown Hero Robyn Hill. No one is there to defend Mantle. No one is there to correct the shutdown. While people indoors might be safe if they can make a fire or something, the people who are homeless like those kids we frequently see? They are going to freeze to death. Watts is about to kill dozens of people by this simple act, and that is terrifying. What a way to end before the Holiday Break.
This chapter, while not as strong as the past two, was excellently done. It has a very good showcase of all the Schnee’s and you feel bad for four of them and want to kick Jaques off a cliff. Which that may be too good for him at this point. It has an excellent balance of political drama with Ironwood’s decisions really coming back to bite him, and emotional drama with the Schnee women. Even just small things like Qrow turning away wine or Marrow’s apparent disgust of being in the Manor are such great things that add so much character. The ending isn’t the cruelest cliffhanger we’ve ever gotten… but it was still harsh. But fortunately, with Weiss having Willow’s Scroll, they’re going to discover Watts very soon. Hopefully, they can stop him now, but that all depends on how much worse Ironwood gets. Regardless, another very well-done episode that I thoroughly enjoyed. 
Chapter Nine Predictions
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This is gonna go one of two ways. Either we’re going to resume at the Dinner Party with Weiss informing the others of the new discovery and shenanigans happen. After all, the Council hasn't reached a decision yet and any of the others could still be called in as witnesses. But IDK how much more they need of the Dinner Party unless something big happens. So the other possibility is we begin sometime later with everyone back at Atlas discussing this and hopefully everything else like Robyn and the Relic. Because we really, REALLY  need to see everyone just talk about everything, especially with the end so close.
Regardless though, we’ll likely see the damage that Watt called. Will it be in time to do anything? Or will it be too late? Maybe our heroes go down to try and help, and of course face multiple problems doing so. Maybe this will be the breaking point for people like Nora who can’t stand seeing the suffering/Ironwood’s inactivity anymore. Maybe this will be Robyn’s breaking point since she wasn’t there to do anything, though she is clearly now aware that there’s more going on. There is so much in the air about all of this, but if there’s anything guaranteed, it’s gonna be rough. For everyone.
Episode Stats
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Favorite Character: Weiss and WIllow Schnee Favorite Scene: Weiss and Willow talk in the study Least Favorite Scene: JNR Chaos, I honestly did not find it funny at all even if I liked them causing chaos. Favorite Voice Actor: Caitlin Glass (Willow Schnee) Favorite Animation: Watts dropping his umbrella s the rain becomes snow Rating: 8.5/10
Final Thoughts
We were expecting a lot, and I’d say that they delivered. Lots of good Schnee drama. We finally meet Willow. We see everything for Ironwood falling apart. We have a chilling ending scene. This volume gets better and better with each chapter, and I am loving every second of it. This gave me everything that I was hoping for, and as such, I enjoyed it~ I’m grateful for the Holiday Break though cause BOY do I need a breather. Only five chapters left people. Get ready, it’s gonna be on Hell of a ride.
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butterflyinthewell · 4 years
I’m gonna lose followers. Oh well... a rant by me.
People who harass others about SHIPPING FICTIONAL CHARACTERS are irksome.
Preface: if you say you don’t want someone role playing a NOTP with you or sending asks about it, or you don’t want secret Santa stuff containing it, if you ask people not to suggest fics with that pairing for your fic collections, if you stay out of your NOTP’s pairing tags, if you choose not to interact with material related to your NOTP, if you blacklist the pairing tag and ask people not to tag your fanwork with your NOTP, if you heed warnings and don’t click something with material you don’t like, I do not have a problem with you.
But if you write novel long posts about why a ship is gross to you and tag the pairing so shippers see it, send people hate over their ships, reblog fanworks of your NOTP with nasty messages to the op of the post, if you make a blog all about hating that ship and anyone who ships it, claim it must be grooming, or if you call people pedophiles or abuse apologists because they wrote something morally heinous in fiction that they will most likely never do irl, I’m not gonna have much respect for you beyond you being a fellow person.
Guess what? Shit you hate is going to exist on the internet. If someone tags their work appropriately or tags with appropriate warnings, you should not be clicking on it and harassing them! They have done what is necessary to protect those pearls you want to clutch.
Banning all questionable material is not going to save people who are targeted by predators and criminals.
Calling people pedophiles because they ship a fictional minor with a fictional adult gives actual pedophiles who go after actual minors a hiding place. These days you can’t tell if someone is an actual pedo or got called one over a ship they ship. Pedos are totally banking on that.
Fiction is supposed to break rules and let people explore dark subjects that are morally messed up because you can close a book or close a website if it gets too weird for you. A child with a predator’s hands on them right this moment can’t click an x or close a book to stop it.
Think about that.
No one is forcing you to go read morally messed up stuff. Not clicking on someone’s creepy fic with your NOTP is nowhere in the same realm as turning a blind eye to actual predators predating on someone.
Running someone off a website because your ass is on fire about them writing a pairing you hate or whatever is not going to stop the bad shit happening in the real world.
Predators and criminals will use anything, so someone’s freaky babyfur smutfic that they wrote to troll a fan website in 1999 is hardly going to normalize bad behavior.
I swear some of you insult the intelligence of people with your moral abuse garbage.
Teaching people to recognize predatory behavior and what to do about it will actually help. Teaching people what is and isn’t a healthy relationship will help.
Remember how people called out Twilight for how unhealthy Edward’s behavior towards Bella was? I’m sure a lot of preteen and teen girls learned to open their eyes a bit more. And I’m sure others still enjoyed the books and movies anyway because it’s fiction. It is the job of parents and guardians to teach their children what is and isn’t healthy in a relationship, but the unfortunate problem there is that can fail if the parents aren’t in a healthy relationship.
That’s why there needs to be more discussions about “this is healthy, that might be fun in a story, but that is not healthy in the real world and anybody who treats you like that is waving abuse red flags” rather than attacking somebody by saying “you’re a monster for shipping that”.
The whole point of art in any form is to create an emotional reaction in the audience.
Fucked up fictional shit exists on the internet. Get over it. I think the fact that people get freaked out by weird stuff in fiction is a clear indicator that it’s not being normalized by that piece of fiction. Flailing about it is not helping anything except your ego. It’s not gonna help survivors who write messed up stuff to cope, it’s going to make them go more silent.
Imagine being someone with an abusive pedo parent who takes comfort in the SessRin ship and being called a pedophile for it, or seeing people in the tag call Sesshoumaru a pedophile. That’s triggering as fuck for somebody.
Imagine being a Starkster going through sexual abuse who takes comfort in the ship, and being called a pedophile for it. Imagine seeing people in the tag call Tony a pedophile. That’s triggering as fuck for somebody.
Imagine having the heinous thing that happened to you being turned onto you as an accusation by people on a moral high horse who forget what pedophile means. That is triggering as fuck for somebody.
Nobody owes you a trauma history in order to be ‘allowed’ to create and post morally messed up fanworks. It’s on YOU to check for warnings and keep scrolling if it’s so offensive to your sensibilities.
What’s better? Discussion of tropes that are harmful if done badly. That’s a place to start. Save the accusations for people who are knowingly doing harm to people and not caring that they’re doing harm.
Go after shit that is actually exploiting actual people right now instead of harassing creators whose trauma you don’t know. Tell pedos their attraction to kids is not a sexuality and they have no place in the LGBTQIA+ community. Warn minors away from MAPs/NOMAPs. Expose predators who have exploitative materials of actual real children. Teach people to recognize predatory behavior like grooming. Find ways to get people out of human trafficking. Question adults if you see them touching or treating a child in a way that doesn’t look right. If you’re a minor and somebody keeps sending you porn material or pictures of their genitalia after you said stop, remind them that you’re a minor and expose the shit out of them. If you’re an adult and know somebody is doing that to a minor you talk to online, help them expose that person. That’s not all you can do, but I can’t think of everything. There’s a lot you can do that will actually help people!
But telling someone not to create something questionable because a predator might misuse it is utter horseshit.
I can bet you anything that every single person who hounds others about their ships has a whole bunch of fucked up stuff they read and never talk about because they know it will get them run off by the same people they use as shields against scrutiny.
I’ve read fucked up shit that I enjoyed because it was done well, but I can grasp that it is not okay to do the same thing in the real world and I would be horrified if I saw somebody doing the same thing in the real world. I am able to experience that moment of being horrified, sit with it and see where the fanwork takes me with that feeling.
I say this after I have just read an awesome morally gray Inuyasha fanfic called “Devour Prometheus” by ladybattousai on AO3. It’s gorey, there is murder, there is abuse, there is exploitation, there are allusions to animal trade and it’s the darkest thing I ever laid eyes on. My stomach twisted several times. It’s a fantastic lens on society right now. (Sesshoumaru’s speech about “don’t hold me to your hypocritical human morality” was epic af.)
And some of you are going to think the author is some kind of violence glorifying freak based only on that.
I feel like a lot of anti shippers and antis in general can’t get past that horrified feeling. They yell that they can’t enjoy the fandom if the material makes a hated pairing canon, so it’s like they don’t want anyone else to enjoy the fandom or the pairing. It’s very immature and scorched earth, and it hurts everyone.
Hey, guess what? I have written pairings with hella huge age gaps. Oh, the horror!
OptimusxMikaela? I headcanon Optimus as being 10 billion + years old, and Mikaela was 18 when they hooked up. Mikaela ages as the stories carry on through the years as my Danceverse series, so she’s in her 30s currently. They fucked and still fuck explicitly.
UnicronxStarscream? Unicron is as old as the universe, so 13 billion + (headcanon), and Starscream is probably 11 million or so (headcanon). They fuck explicitly.
Whouffaldi? The 12th Doctor is 2000+ and Clara is in her 20s. They fuck explicitly.
BeastGojixMiki? Godzilla has been alive for probably close to 65 years in the story, but he acts more like he’s in his 20s and he looks to be in his 20s when he turns back into a human. Miki is 18. They fuck in the story, but it’s written non explicitly.
Bowser JrxOC? Cherry is an oc who is 19. I aged Junior up in that story to be about 20. Their ages aren’t specified, but they’re mentioned to be adults. They fuck in the story, but it’s written non explicitly.
I have written fanfics with rape, abuse, murder, manslaughter, bdsm, stuff that’s morally messed up, etc, and I’m not a murdering rapist who eats children now, am I?
No, because I have no desire to do those things in the real world (because some are not possible...cuz I would date Optimus 😛) and I can distinguish fiction from reality. I can grasp the concept that fiction / art is not always endorsement.
Now get a grip on yourselves, put the pitchforks down and stop policing people’s imaginations.
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douxreviews · 5 years
Roswell, New Mexico - ‘Pilot' Review
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Before we get started, let’s address the elephant in the room.  This is not a reboot of the 1999 WB show Roswell.
It is a show based on the same Roswell High books as the ‘99 show.  So yes, there are similarities.  And if you liked the show, you’ll probably enjoy this one too.  But if you thought a high school drama built around star-crossed lovers trying to hide the existence of aliens from the government and their parents was on the cheesy side, you may still want to give this a shot because while the themes of otherness and acceptance are still there, the characters and plots have all grown up.   And if you never saw the original but science fiction that’s heavy on alien metaphors with a side order of science is your jam,  you’re in for a treat.
I promise I will not spend every episode comparing the two versions.  Art is a product of its place and time.  The expectations viewers have for the shows they watch have changed. Therefore, each iteration must be judged on its own merits. What are they trying to say and how well do they achieve their narrative goals?  For all their similarities, these two shows are saying something very different.
In many respects, the original show’s focus on Liz and Max’s love story sucked up much of the narrative oxygen in the room.  The larger themes of alienation and acceptance,  when they occurred, were almost solely through the metaphor of the aliens on earth.  Here we address similar themes from multiple angles.  By embracing diversity, in terms of ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, immigration status, and, yes, human vs. alien, they hammer home the idea that being “other” doesn’t necessarily make us different.
The feelings of otherness are not limited to our alien friends.  Liz doesn’t fit in not only because of her father’s real, and her suspected, undocumented status but also due to the town’s residual hatred regarding her sister Rosa’s actions.  Alex is a military man from a military family in love with a man who despises authority and refuses to conform.  On paper, Kyle looks perfect.  He’s a good-looking doctor from a respected family but he’s so lonely he’s willing to have a romp with an ex in his car while knowing she’s using him.  Each of them is desperate to find a connection, and that desperation has the potential to lead down some dark paths.
Don’t get me wrong, at its heart this is still the love story of Liz and Max; two outsiders with an undeniable attraction for each other but separated by facts that would give Romeo and Juliet pause.  At least those two were both human.  Yet if not for Max’s love for Liz, we’d have no inciting incident.  Liz would have died in a random shooting and he, Isobel, and Michael would have quietly continued their existence in Roswell with no one the wiser.  Instead, Liz returns after a 10-year absence and Max refuses to lose her again.
His actions are not without repercussions.  Liz is no longer a half-smitten high school student.  She believed she was shot, her uniform had a bullet hole, there is a handprint on her chest, and no visible injury.  No self-respecting scientist would let that mystery go uninvestigated which only leads her to more questions.
Thanks to her aborted fling with Kyle, he knows something is up too.  Unfortunately, for all involved, Kyle goes to a far more dangerous source for answers.  Now the secret Max, Isobel, and Michael have been harboring for over 20 years, that they are the aliens from the 1947 crash, is in danger of coming out.
Add to this the mystery of Liz’s sister’s death.  As far as the residents of Roswell are concerned, Rosa, as her father put it, “took drugs, and she drove, and when she died, she took two innocent girls with her.”  We know that’s not true or at least not the whole truth.  Max, Isobel, and presumably Michael have something to do with Rosa’s death and whatever that truth is would spell an end to Liz and Max’s budding romance.  So, of course, she’s going to find out, right?
Regardless of whether the trio is responsible for Rosa’s death (and does anyone really believe Max and Company deliberately killed her?) their fears of exposure are both real and well-founded.  Sergeant Manes and Kyle’s dad were involved with Project Shepherd.  According to Manes, this project was created to protect humans from any threat that aliens might pose.  However, Manes has already made that determination.  And he isn’t subtle about his position on the monsters that landed in 1947 or the killers he believes they are.
What Have We Learned:  
For starters, we know that Max can heal, Michael can move objects with his mind and Isobel can affect people’s thoughts.  We also learned that Isobel used that ability ten years ago to send Liz away when she started reciprocating Max’s feelings for her.  And apparently, Max isn’t the only one who’s been carrying a torch since high school.  In Michael’s case, there was a lot more to the relationship than simply mooning over Alex from afar.
I happened to love the original show and I’ve always been skeptical of reboots.   So, I approached this with a healthy dose of curiosity and very low expectations.   However, the complexity of the characters, the adult themes, and the not-so-subtle commentary on the differing views on aliens of all stripes left me impressed.  Consider me all in.
4 out of 5 glowing handprints
Parting Thoughts:  
I loved the nods to the original, such as Crashdown’s waitress uniforms.
Project Shepherd is a military exercise, right?  Was Kyle’s dad in the military too?
Liz’s confession to Max regarding her mother and sister’s mental issues sounded like a legitimate plea for information and not just a line to get Max’s DNA.  Please tell me that’s going to get explained at some point.
While we’re on the theme of things they better address, Michael has a chemical similar to meth coming from his trailer.  Huh?
And what’s Maria’s story?  She got the short end of the stick as far as storylines go.  I want to know what’s with the fortune-telling?
Liz: “Every small town has a story, but my hometown has a legend.”
Arturo: “I like it here.  I like making milkshakes for tourists dressed like little green men.”
Max: “I’m not one of the bad guys, Liz.”
Max: “So, where you been?” Liz: “Denver, working on an experimental regenerative medicine study.  We were onto something special, but of course we lost funding because someone needs money for a wall.”
Kyle: “So, we could do the awkward exes small talk thing, but I’m guessing that’s not why you’re here.”
Valentin: “For God’s sake, Evans. Shave.” Max: “I heard you ranting about patriarchal dress codes and grooming standards last week. I’m just aligning myself with your feminist agenda, Sheriff.”
Hank: “Isn’t that the Ortecho girl?  I thought she went back to her own country.” Maria: “Uh-uh, Hank.  You’re not distracting me from my money with your thinly veiled racism.”
Isobel: “The good old days.  Just three happy kids who aren’t in danger of being dragged off to the Pentagon by men in hazmat suits because someone couldn’t keep his superhuman healing hands to himself.”
Isobel: “Fall in love with someone else, Max.  Anyone else.” Max: “It’s been ten years, Iz.  If I could have, I would have.”
Kyle: “This is probably a bad idea.” Liz: “I thought we were ignoring that in favor of the whole sex thing.”
Liz: “This is probably a bad idea.” Kyle: “If only someone said that earlier.”
Kyle: “If you see the handprint go to Manes.”
Liz: "Michael outscored me on every AP exam.  I thought he would get some scholarship, change the world.” Max: “I don’t think Michael likes the world enough to bother changing it.”
Max; “She can never know what happened to Rosa.”
Shari loves sci-fi, fantasy, supernatural, and anything with a cape.
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aimorgbot · 5 years
Maybe it’s time for some real shit - not really petty anger or annoyance vent
I’m pretty fucking depressed, but the thing is is that it doesn’t feel like I’m depressed. I’m in the really light, shallow end of the pool. My feet are grounded and I feel fine, I feel safe, afloat; I feel grounded. Then the cliche type of fucking analogy comes in, where all of a sudden I realize, I’m in the deepest part of the pool, or ocean it feels like; bottomless. And I immediately lose all ground, all rational thought and feeling. I go under, I /am/ under. I’m trying my best to keep my head close enough to the surface so I can actually catch tiny breaths, the instinct to live. So, I don’t get hit with my depression until it really fucking hits. I’m fine, I’m happy, I’m good and then all of a sudden it’s just - I remember and /feel/ every bad thing that has happened to me my entire life, ALL at once. When it’s just that constant despair, when it’s the only thing you can feel and see, then you just lose all sense of yourself, of others.
I’ll tell you what it’s like being suicidal - You can’t think, you can’t imagine anything else except the one thing that you know will stop the thoughts, the feelings and overwhelming and crippling emotion. You can only think to end it all. It’s not rational, it’s a disconnect, so if you try to reason with it by being rational, you might as well be speaking Pig Latin to a person that doesn’t know ANY language. 
I don’t know why I’m necessarily suicidal, I remember being a happy kid. I know I’m a very forgiving, thoughtful, and happy person, most of the time. Life was never close to being easy, or good even. Maybe that’s why I want to die, maybe that’s why I’m so fucking depressed. Maybe just too much fucked up shit happened to me as a kid, and now that I don’t necessarily have conscious trauma, it’s just my subconscious processing it as “hey, you’re in a lot of pain. let’s end the pain. end the pain. end the pain. end the pain. end the pain. end the pain. end the fucking pain end the fucking pain, please god just end the fucking pain.”
I also think an attribute is just.. being alone. I unintentionally started watching documentaries about people who committed suicide, and the outcome and aftermath of it. With their family, their friends.. And because I can’t help it, I compared. I put myself in that situation, as selfish but completely inevitable it is, as the human brain is wired to compare and contrast, that’s just instinct.. it’s for our survival, for our evolution. anyways, i put myself in the shoes of that type of situation; what videos they’d play, what pictures they’d show, what would capture me best as a human being, when i was alive.. what my family, what my friends would say.. and I definitely didn’t fucking help my current emotional state, as it just made me feel worse because I realized that (if that were me) it’d most likely never be published or publicized. Because I don’t have anything, and I don’t have anyone. I never accomplished anything, I never made a significant impact on the people around me. I was depressed; I isolated myself, and the few times I showed emotion was either out of rage or just despair. I have a family, sure, but are they close or involved? Not at all. I don’t have a father, my mother is the only family that I really have, but even she doesn’t love me love me, it’s like a tolerance type of love. I’ve spent most of my life fighting her, and she hates me for that. She hates me because I’m a reminder of her mistakes, and her inabilities. There are certain types of people that should just never be parents in their life, and unfortunately my mother is one of them, in my opinion. Sorry Mom. But, I do have high (but realistic and absolutely achievable) expectations for being a parent in general; if your child isn’t going to be your priority, or feel more of a burden and a nuisance to you for the majority of time, then you should never be a parent. So.. To link this back to what I was saying, I just made myself more fucking sad and feel more worthless by comparing myself to these people that have all their friends, family members; people they’ve touched and influenced, have something extremely good to say about the person that passed. And that’s fantastic, that’s so beautiful, but in a tragic way of course. And I feel sorrow for them, I empathize. 
The whole thing just makes me wonder if I’m really fucking worth anything. People my entire life have taken advantage of me, treated me like a literal shit pile, and the entire time I’ve just tried, I’ve tried my best to battle my inner urge to off myself, and I did try, not very successfully, but I tried. Yet I also tried to do my best, but when I did try my best, it was always labelled and compared to another person’s “best.” That MY best wasn’t shit because someone else was excelling more than I was. Which fucking kills me (metaphorically, obviously, god I wish it killed me). It sunk me further. Being told that (as every fiber in my being was trying to survive and just do everything told) wasn’t at all exceptional, and to just do better, try harder you fucking lazy, worthless, dumb cunt. What are you, fucking retarded? She’s just being the typical moody teenager, god, you remember those days right? You’re so ungrateful, sure there are others that have it better, but you could have it so much worse. Look at the kids starving in Africa, do you want to switch lives with them? Then stop moping, do your homework, get good grades. 
To an extent, my mom wasn’t wrong when she said the latter. We do, unintentionally, take things for granted if we’ve never experienced not having it, because it’s just a norm to us. But depression or pain shouldn’t be ranked on a scale just because you’re unable to live another person’s life.What I am feeling is valid, and it should be treated as such. I’ve been physically beaten, I’ve been molested, I’ve been manipulated and abused mentally and emotionally. I’ve been groomed and guilt tripped into doing sexual favors when I didn’t want to. I haven’t been loved as much as I should’ve by the one person that should have loved me the most, my own fucking mother. These are all bad things, /that are bad/. They are ALL bad. Does this mean that because someone else may have had more or worse things happen to them make what happened to me disappear, and I’m invalid just because they’ve had it “worse”? Fucking no. Fuck off. The people with that mindset I can’t fucking stand. Everything is valid based on the person’s experience with good and bad. 
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shoto x fem reader. fem reader used to be part of the league of villains but ran away when she was nine. she has a huge fear of kurogiri and shirogaki and when the attack on the usj happens, her past with them is revealed
hmm~ these sort of reveal things seem popular and they’re cute to do~
You had been kidnapped shortly after you were born, your mother and father were rising star heroes and the people who kidnapped you wanted to have you in case you ended up with a useful quirk. Kurogiri was the one who took you from the hospital, everyone was scared and upset when you went missing, your mother and father never stopped searching for you. Unfortunately as soon as you started understanding things Kurogiri and Shigaraki started trying to groom you into thinking that heroes were very bad and horrible people. It mostly worked and once your quirk developed as they’d hoped it would; a combination of your parent’s quirks, they were thrilled and immediately made you start doing work for them. You did some pretty awful things for them, but these people were awful and horrible heroes! They didn’t deserve the mercy of the League of Villians that Kurogiri, Shigaraki, and their Master wanted to build.
However…during one of your intel missions, Endeavor appeared, he fought the ones who the League were using to take down this one little hero agency but also…saved the people who were being crushed under the rubble. It startled your nine year old brain, because weren’t heroes supposed to be bad? When you return that night you start secretly watching heroes do work and quickly realize no, you’re the bad one. There’s a measure of trust from Kurogiri and Shigaraki so you’re left alone at night and that same evening…you pack a small bag of your most precious belongings and escape the League. Kurogiri can never figure out your exact location or coordinates so it’s very easy to hide from them. Eventually though you realize how actually horribly Shigaraki and Kurogiri treated you and have developed a fear of them.
You’re nine and don’t really have anywhere to go so you end up living as a homeless person on the streets for a few months, before, in a twist of fate you hadn’t expected Endeavor; the hero you were a fan of, found you, “What are you doing kid?” He sounds a bit angrier than you thought he would, so you flinch and curl in on yourself, knees to your chest. “Don’t be a coward and speak up.”
The underlying anger is upsetting but you do finally answer him, “I…ran away from something bad…I don’t have anywhere to go.” He asks what your quirk is; an odd question but you hold up your hands as you explain, “A blend of electricity and wind abilities. It’s not really all that special, I can gather intel mostly. The wind can carry voices from fairly far away on it to my ears; my hearing is exceptional to help with this and electricity for jamming or enhancing cellsignals.” You blink up at Endeavor who’s staring at you now with…interest?
“The way you talk…kid what sort of organization did you run from?” You clam up then falling silent, you’re smart and know admitting you ran with a League of Villains will probably hinder whatever this number two hero was thinking about. “So some sort of villain organization then.” He guesses and then proceeds to pick you up with your bag and carry you with him. “You’ll make a report to the police and then you’re going to be fostered for awhile at my home. My son needs a good training partner, you should have some combative abilities if you ran with villains after all.” It doesn’t take much from there for things to be set in motion, you tell the police where you came from, you beg themnot to make any of this public though, doing so would reveal your coordinates and put you in danger of being taken again. So even though you’d like to find your parents, you decide, at nine years old to forego that situation and just let them decide where you should live. It was as Endeavor had said and they turned you over to his custody.
Months turn to years in no time, you’ve grown to hate Enji Todoroki as much as Shoto does, he’s always trying to make you two fight each other and never once refers to you as anything but ‘Shoto’s precious training partner’ even though you’ve been adopted by him. You and Shoto have never seen each other as siblings either, more like best friends who comfort each other from Enji’s wrath. Still, you can’t be wholly ungrateful, you’ve gained a lot of combative abilities and your sharp mind makes you an ideal training partner for anybody honestly. Both of you apply for UA, Shoto gets in on his dad’s recommendation but you have to do the practical exam. You wipe the floor with nearly every other score, you were trained by Endeavor after all; even if no one knew it. Your score even beats out Bakugo’s and he is very angry about it, when he finds out who you are…let’s say he often ignores Deku in order to torment you, he calls you “Air bag” a lot.
You and Shoto are close, everyone notices it, but neither of you mind, it’s only when, one lunch break you two have fallen asleep leaning against each other that your classmates start calling you the wonder couple. Shortly after the teasing starts Shoto sighs hanging his head and just sort of grabbing your hand, “That teasing made me realize something. You’re my best friend in this world but also mean more to me than that, only around you do I ever feel something aside from animosity. So…maybe we should start dating? I know my father adopted you but you refused our last name and I don’t know, you don’t feel like a sibling to me.”
You giggle, just a little because your smile is a rare thing since you started living with Enji Todoroki, “Right, I feel the same. We’ll have to keep it on the down-low from your father obviously but…well I won’t stop training with you just ‘cause you’re my boyfriend, we want to be heroes right?” He nods his agreement and you both walk home without talking much more, your relationship has always been more of a silent and powerful one.
The next day you and Shoto are teased relentlessly again but this time you both give your class just soft smiles, startling them into silence, because neither of you ever smile. The bus ride quickly becomes overwhelmed with their class teasing Bakugo into anger as they head to their rescue class. At the building; known as USJ, everything begins fine enough, until you notice a purple and black warp gate appear behind Aizawa-sensei…and just scream. It makes everyone jump and Aizawa spins on his heel to face the enemies. Nobody but Endeavor knew about your origins, you kept it secret because…who would trust you if they knew you used to be one of those fanatics? Your scream doesn’t go unnoticed however and Shigaraki’s eye focuses on you. “Hey! It’s our little intel gatherer! It’s been awhile~ How’s my favorite pawn been?” The way he says it makes it sound like you’re the one who turned traitor on the school and fed these villains the information.
“Shut up Tomura!” You screech, you’re overwhelmed by fear though and have immediately started to retreat into your own head, Aizawa jumps away with a stern warning directed at you and you flinch trying not to cry, because of course your past would catch up with you, you should have been up front from the beginning. “I’ll…become a hero, I will, no matter the price.” You hop back to your feet, knowing how fast Kurogiri is, “watch out! and don’t attack the warp guy’s mist it won’t hurt him!” In an instant there’s a purple warp gate behind you and Kurogiri is reaching for you.
“You’ll be coming back with us I think.” You scream never and dash forward, despite your earlier warning Bakugo and Kirishima do precisely what you told them not to. All of you are wrapped up in the gate, and you just pray that things will work out. You’re all teleported away and of all the people you get put with, your dropped next to Shoto. Immediately your nerves light up and you glance at Shoto who is staring around you guys hard, it’s then you realize you’re surrounded by enemies and you immediately put your back to his.
Shoto knows it’s a bad time for this but you’re the only one able to drag out his emotions, so as you two begin to fight, lightning wind and ice flying everywhere he yells at you, not angry but just sounding hurt, “Why didn’t you tell me? I thought we were closer than that!”
“I was scared okay? It’s not an easy thing to just bring up in conversation! ‘Oh right Shoto I used to run with a league of villains and I gave them intel on the people they fucking killed!’ Yeah it sounds real good doesn’t it? Would you have even gotten so close to me if you’d known?!” You yell back panting slightly because you’re heart was beating too fast thanks to your electric powers. “I’m jumping!” You yell and the moment your feet are off the ground Shoto freezes the rest of the villains with a massive ice burst covering every inch of them. When you land he is right in your face, nose to nose with you.
“You’ve never had any reason to be scared of me, I’ve never given you one. I wouldn’t have held it against you either, you became my best friend through adversity, I would have been way more messed up if you hadn’t been there. So don’t tell me you’d think I’d turn my back on you because you used to work for these people. You’re here now, part of UA and you got in on your own strength, you want to become a hero just like me.” He’s very quiet but he’s obviously very angry, not because you used to do villain work, but because you thought so little of him. You open your mouth to say something but he holds up a finger, “Hold on. They said something about killing All Might, I need to find out their plan.” He walks away from you, your mouth hanging open and approaches the villains, “You know…if you stay frozen like that your skin will start to rot and you’ll start to die of the frostbite, now I want to be a hero and that’s not what heroes do, but you’re going to have to tell me what you’re planning and how you’re supposed to kill All Might.” The crook instantly blabs and Shoto melts them before turning back to you. “We should hurry, come on. We’ll talk more later.”
Without another word you dash off after him, sort of staring at the ground, when you two arrive, in time for Shoto to freeze some weird creature with an exposed brain, you’re basically running on instinct and don’t really remember what happened. Aizawa grilled you, the other students watched with concerned gazes, the police explain your situation, since it’s common knowledge to them. They’d called your time with Enji rehabilitation before you’d been officially permanently placed in his care, now everyone knows that technically you and Shoto are family, but have never really acted in a familial way, just very close friends. You also explain to your classmates the situation and why you’ve not shown up in stories in newspapers and stuff, because of the warp gate villain Kurogiri, who had escaped with Tomura. One of the police officers pats your head, “It’ll be okay I’m sure, you’ve more than proven you won’t go back to the villains I think.”
Shoto walks up to you finally and places a hand on your head, asking if you want to talk now, “At home…” Is all you say and you stick to your word. “Apparently…I was stolen from a hospital. It was probably Kurogiri’s doing, he was a pretty patient guy and when I was really little I think I even saw him as my father because he’d practically raised me while Tomura was at the knees of our Master. My quirk, a perfect balance for intel gathering was just a pawn on their board, and an attempt to give Tomura a companion. He…wasn’t a nice boy however…and did some pretty awful things to me, I think I repressed some of it but either way, I was groomed to be their tool. Funny enough though…it was your dad and his hero work that made me finally notice that ‘wait are all heroes bad?’ I’d admired him as a hero for awhile and I ran away from the league, I was homeless for several months, had to steal food to eat when he happened to find me…and you know the rest.”
“Being with my father though…How did you not eventually go back to believing heroes were evil?” It was a surprising question, one you hadn’t expected and your whole face turns a brilliant red, you tell him it’s no big deal but…he smirks and grabs your hand, teasing you, “It can’t be that embarrassing, come on tell me.”
You cough and turn away from him, mumbling quietly your answer, “Because of you. Endeavor wasn’t nice but his son was amazing and powerful and sweet…and wanted to be a hero. So maybe…Endeavor is the outlier and Shoto is the majority.” You mumble it, knowing it’s childish logic but still it makes Shoto blush and feeling brave you kiss his cheek before knocking him over and cuddling up to his left side. “Listen…could you not leave until I fall asleep? I’m worried I’ll have nightmares.” He nods and pets your head settling next to you for awhile, though when you do fall asleep he’s not exactly inclined to leave.
I’m so sorry anon! TwT It suddenly got very long. Well I hope you enjoyed it anyway! I had fun doing it!
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