#ugh best disney movie of all time FOR A REASON
miraculouslycool · 1 year
sometimes i just think about how, eugene fitzherbert, most wanted thief in the kingdom, in danger of being caught at any moment because of several wanted posters hanging everywhere, walked up to a food stall directly and bought rapunzel some bread and cheese with actual good-to-honest money instead of stealing it and i scream
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crash476 · 9 months
Alright, I just got up and I go to the Peggy Carter tag to see some hate thrown her way about the HYDRA/SHIELD shit and who's responsible for what and guys...
I think we all know the difference between a Watsonian and Doylist explanation, and honestly, finding a diegetic answer is a lost cause. There is no diegetic answer.
The Iron Man and Avengers scripts imply that SHIELD is a fairly new organization - likely birthed after 9/11 like the Department of Homeland Security - which gets contradicted by the Agent Carter short, which itself is practically no longer canon by the Agent Carter show, which itself is barely canon due to Endgame. She's confirmed to be director of SHIELD in Agents of SHIELD - which itself is shunted to a separate universe because the film side of Marvel wasn't talking to the pre-Disney+ TV, particularly the AoS team. Like they were begging for scraps about Winter Soldier so they could account for HYDRA. They may as well have gotten nothing because the infiltration was completely dropped from the movie story line. You'd think it would be a bigger plot point in Age of Ultron, right? While there was some consequences in Civil War, the HYDRA infiltration comes off as a minor inconvenience at best.
Seriously, there's next to no discussion of it in universe following Winter Soldier. The only place it had an impact was AoS, which the movie side seemed determined to kill. It's like someone or a bunch of people up top got spooked about the HYDRA reveal and wanted to bury it deep in the past. Hell, the whole Captain Carter thing seems to be Marvel's attempt to wipe the slate clean with Peggy. One of the reasons I bounced hard off of What If was because the Captain Carter episode felt like the execs were jangling keys in front of me like I was a baby.
"Forget about Agent Carter and the dark implications we accidently put into her story because we didn't think these retcons through, look at this shiny new character! "
I remember reading something or hearing a rumour that Winter Soldier was the lone Marvel-Disney film that didn't get Pentagon money. The Pentagon shells out a shit ton of money and aid to films as long as they tow the propaganda line and Winter Soldier was too critical of the US security state for their liking. Part of me thinks if that's true, then Disney got scared and dropped HYDRA very quickly. I mean, Baron Strucker was killed off unceremoniously in Age of Ultron and he's one of Cap's biggest villains. Whatever decisions were made, it results in the main timeline Peggy being all but erased. The implications are bad for Steve's main love interest. I don't even think it's about Peggy Carter herself, it's all about crafting Steve's perfect girlfriend.
Because of some poorly thought out retcons, her time as SHIELD director makes her come off as either a figure-head, incompetent, or corrupt. Giving her Alzheimer's at the end of her life all for the tragedy of Steve's situation stripped Peggy of her voice! Ever notice that we only hear of Peggy's time as SHIELD director second hand? We get one interview from (maybe) the late 50s where she's talking about Steve and moving on with her life, and a few scattered scenes in other movies. That's it. But almost everything set after Agent Carter season 2 is coming filtered through other people. Both in and out of universe, the main timeline MCU Peggy is a cypher. And I feel like various people at Marvel are more concerned about keeping her Steve's perfect girlfriend.
I doubt we'll ever see anything about SHIELD, HYDRA, or Peggy's time as director. Marvel, at least from my perspective, wants all of that forgotten because it's messy like all history is.
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gingerjunhan · 9 months
movie nights with xdinary heroes
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☆彡 the fabled movie night fic is here!! I hope you all enjoy! :D
word count: 968 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: all caps w/ Ode (sorry I got excited), lmk if I missed any!
goo gunil
you’re watching: horror
this is 100% a ploy to make you scared so he can swoop in to help
something tells me that Gunil would also be super scared
he tries his best to be brave for you but it doesn’t work
but it’s okay because you love him so you find it endearing
his ego would shoot through the roof if you turned to him for comfort
let's say a really scary part happened and you turned to him to hide your face in his chest
or you scooted closer to him on the couch, clutching his hand
he would feel so strong 💪🏻
he just wants to protect you from everything!
even if it is a horror movie demon!
after the movie ends, Gunil is secretly very happy that you two share a bed
because whether he showed his fear out-worldly or not it was definitely still there
he holds you so tight as you both try to fall asleep
“It wasn’t that scary,” you’d argue
“I’m just making sure you’re safe,” he’d argue back
kim jungsu
you’re watching: rom-com
Jungsu gives me BIG rom-com energy!!!!
I feel like Jungsu just loves seeing other people in love :’) ugh he's the sweetest
if you choose a cheesy “chick flick” he literally will not complain
he wants you both to have fun together
as long as he’s with you he doesn’t care what you guys do
if the lead roles in the movie kiss I feel like he would jokingly cover your eyes
if he was feeling bold he would use this movie as an opportunity
the lead roles are kissing in the rain and he hits you with the, “we should try that sometime”
he would absolutely find the movie funnier than you would
if he finds out the movie is a part of a series????
get ready to binge
nothing beats watching people fall in love with the one that he loves!
kwak jiseok
you’re watching: comedy
this is his lighthearted fun time with you where he doesn’t have to think about work or stress so he’s here to have FUN
nothing will be taken seriously between the two of you for the entire length of the film
you’re laughing at the jokes in the movie
making your own jokes about the movie and laughing even harder at each other
I can 100% picture Gaon tossing a piece of popcorn into the air and trying to catch it in his mouth and missing
I also feel like Gaon would purposely like to watch bad movies
“This movie is terrible!”
“I know! It has a 32% on Rotten Tomatoes!”
in his head, the worse the movie = the funnier it is
imagine the two of you watch a movie that’s absolutely TERRIBLE
yet because of the two of you laughing and joking about it so much you just end up loving it
Gaon can absolutely make any situation funny and movie nights with him prove that
oh seungmin
you’re watching: romance
sorry I got carried away for a second
but picture it!
with all the dramas he watches and his general flirtatious nature, Ode is always down to watch a romance
he takes note of the cliches and pockets them for later
his eyes frequently wander to you during the length of the movie
seeing which parts make you blush the hardest
it’s information he uses against you at a later date
imagine him kissing you every time the lead roles kiss WNDKWJSK
can you tell he’s been bias wrecking me lately??
Ode also strikes me as the type to love love
seeing people fall in love never fails to give him butterflies
especially after getting to experience it himself with you
han hyeongjun
you’re watching: something animated
Jun Han strikes me as an animated movie lover for obvious reasons
you could recommend Disney, Ghibli, Pixar, anything!
he would be down to watch it
animated movies are typically light hearted, but let's break some things down:
if there’s a duet, you better make him sing it!!
bonus points if it’s a princess movie and he sings the princess part
if the movie gets unexpectedly sad?
it’s over for both of you
you would turn to Jun Han with tears in your eyes
and he would have tears in his eyes
and you would both either laugh at each other for crying or you would just sit there and cry together
once you finish the movie, I can imagine you and Jun Han talking about the animation itself
(is this me projecting as an art kid? maybe yes)
I just feel like Jun Han would have a high appreciation for good art/ animation!
you can never go wrong with an animated movie, so be prepared to frequent them with Jun Han
lee jooyeon
you’re watching: comedy
I feel like Jooyeon would NOT be able to handle a sad movie AT ALL
so the happier the movie the better 👍🏻
you would take turns picking the movie
he would always jokingly complain about the movie you pick but then he would end up loving it
Jooyeon would have you wrapped in his arms the whole time
pulled tightly to his chest
so you can feel his laughter right up against your back :’)
you two would be laughing so hard together that everything else around you would seem like it wouldn’t exist for a little while
it’s just the two of you in your own little bubble
unlike Gaon, Jooyeon doesn’t watch bad movies for fun
if a movie has a dumb ending I can totally picture him booing at the TV screen 💀
which just makes you both laugh in the end
Jooyeon loves shared laughter, so he’s glad he can experience it with you!
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tending-the-hearth · 5 months
why hadestown was literally one of the best shows i've ever seen
so i saw hadestown this past saturday for the first time ever and when i tell you i have never been so emotionally wrecked by a broadway show before
so i've compiled a little list of my favorite things from the show!!
act 1:
orpheus doing the stomping cues for the opening with hermes... that's his mom your honor!!!
short king orpheus and tall wife eurydice supremacy
jordan fisher was SUCH a sweet and silly orpheus, like he was fully tripping over himself around eurydice the entire first act
LOVE the chorus so so much
eurydice being so cynical until she sees what orpheus can do and then immediately falling for him
they're the definition of "he fell first, she fell harder"
also during "wedding song", orpheus continues to reach out to eurydice, and then during "all i've ever known", the way she reaches out to him but it's so hesitant and awkward, but orpheus just beams and immediately holds onto her 😭
hades and persephone were playing dominoes up on their little balcony and they actually looked so in love until orpheus started the epic, such good bg character acting
lillias white and betty who said mama bears hermes and persephone supremacy!!!
persephone #1 wingwoman she wants these two idiots to get married immediately
the entirety of "way down hadestown" with eurydice and orpheus being giggly and in love!! they're so so oblivious and focused on each other, just the most innocent love
adding onto the fact that jordan is shorter than both solea and phillip the moment where he jumps between them at the end of the song was so silly
i really love the detail that orpheus stays on stage for "a gathering storm" and the rest of the act, he's so focused on his work and doesn't notice anything
i was worried "wait for me" wouldn't live up to the hype but OH MY GOD OH MY GODDDDDDDD
the little details between hades and persephone, with them shifting from how they were acting in the balcony to persephone barely being able to reach out to hades
act 2:
love that eurydice is naive like orpheus, but in a cynical way
holy SHIT solea my beloved "flowers" was actually godlike
what if i lost my mind at how gentle orpheus was when he found eurydice... what if...
the way eurydice drew back when hades told orpheus that she went with him willingly, like she was ready for him to be angry at her... the way he went right back to her and was checking to make sure she was okay
literally started sobbing during "if it's true", the way orpheus gets angry in a way we haven't seen, and the chorus + eurydice join with him
when the chorus removed their caps and became people again... i was a wreck for the rest of the act ngl
"epic 3" or as i like to call it the "hey look at how hard i can cry" song
orpheus comparing himself to hades, and it being so emotional because we see how innocent and happy he is, how he loves so much, and has so much hope, and seeing how hades had become, and knowing that without eurydice, that's how orpheus becomes, giving up on love and life until he's killed
jordan and solea were just... the most amazing orpheus and eurydice. they just had such sweet chemistry, and "wait for me" reprise with them reaching for each other UGH
the way you could hear orpheus quietly crying as hermes began to sing the "road to hell" reprise somebody sedate me
the only reason i didn't completely decompose is because the knowledge that in the myth, when orpheus dies, hades gives orpheus and eurydice their memories back, and they get to be together, happily, in the underworld.
anyways if i had the money and it was possible i'd fully go see hadestown over and over and over again because it just was so beautiful and impactful plus i'm a sucker for good greek mythology retellings
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alegator · 2 months
hiii everyone :D i miss tumblr so bad and the ability to make long form blog posts ugh twitter is not the same plus the site and app are literally so shit. even though the tumblr app is not much better sometimes!! ive decided i want to post more on here to continue my little virtual diary…. I love the tagging system and most of all, love being able to look back and read my own updates!!! it’s crazy how it can help me recall the exact feeling of that moment… it feels special :) Twitter is great for quick fleeting thoughts so i wanna make lengthy life posts on here as a little time capsule, so i can have fun looking back and reading all my posts 10 years from now (if this site still exists. but i joined in 2011 and its still here so who knows). plus ive been posting my entire life on here for YEARS so who cares i will be vulnerable and over share and shit!!!!!! as is tumblr tradition… fuck it if youre my cousin on my homestuck side you can have my SSN.
moving on, here are fun life updates:
- celebrated my 11th anniversary on Feb 14th with the love of my life, Tenma!!!! i have been affectionately calling it the 7/11 anniversary since it’s been 11 years together, but also 7 years married 🤯 it actually fucks me up so bad that 2017 was 7 years ago like. genuinely lol FUCKKK HOOWWW 2017 should’ve been like 3 years ago. we choose to get married on the same day Tenma asked me out, which is also Valentine’s Day, and it was the best decision of all time for SO many reasons. maybe i will make a fun big post detailing those thoughts that another time!! we spent our anniversary day trying out a new coffee spot (so cute and SO pink omg), taking photo booth pictures at a new spot, exploring cute shops, and having an insanely delicious set menu i think maybe 6 courses? at a very fancy restaurant. i think 3 years ago we tried a new restaurant on our anniversary w their set Valentine’s Day menu course and it was so good, fun, and the best way to try out new foods so we’ve kept it going and i LOVE IT!!!!! i am already excited to see what tenma picks out for next year lol. finished the night by watching In The Mood For Love at our favorite local movie theater and i LOVED the movie, the whole end until bedtime we were just talking about it and dissecting it together. i love our life!!!!!!!!!
-tenma and i went to disneyland at the end of February for our anniversary trip!! ive gone before but they haven’t. IT WAS SO FUCKING FUN i am not a Disney fan at all but i love disneyland idk it’s just fun as fuck… um my feet were fucked afterwards lol but so worth it. one day at disneyland and the next at California aventure i wanna go back already but most importantly, tenma was already talking about wanting to go back and that makes me so happy bc it means they really enjoyed it!!! yay!!!! they even went on rides they thought were really scary just so we could try them together just once and that filled my heart with joy. then we also got to meet my online friend and had hotpot together. DELICIOUS i want to go back and explore LA next time and see more friends!!!! we are maybe planning a trip to San Fran in a few months though as the consulate is there to get my passport so that will take priority over any other trips☝🏼
-I GOT MY GREENCARD YEAGHHRHRHFJF!!!!!!!! ok actually i got it last year lol i wasn’t sure if i should put that on here but actually im so happy so fuck it!!! and then we celebrated by having a fancy dinner and I shared the news w the waiter who said he also did the same process w his wife! and yes i cried when i got my greencard idc i am HAPPY! crazy bc i got DACA for the first time in 2013 and then in 2023 i got my greencard… it’s been a fucking rollercoaster. and tenmas been there literally every step of the way…. Tenma is my rock I love them so much im crying typing this bc of how much i love them and how much they always support me and augnfngnfmg
-concerts this year have been Sonic symphony, kikuo/bo en/gus, Hannah Diamond, and hatsune miku (mikuexpo 2024)!!!!!!!! i loved all of the concerts genuinely so fun and next month i am taking my youngest sibling to a concert of a guy I don’t know but they love him so we will go and have a blast 🫡 idk if I’ll buy more tickets to more concerts but even if I don’t, it’s been a really really good year concert wise and i got to experience so many fun shows i never thought i would see live before!!
-spent time with lovely friends and celebrated old friendships and new ones yaaaay i love my friends and im blessed to have a good support system and I can’t wait to see what new friends I make in the future….
-I have a cold rn and took nighttime meds and unfortunately they are starting to hit so it’s time to say goodnight to tumblr…
If you read this far ummm ok weirdo… lol just kidding but i will try and post my lil life updates and pics more often so that not all my posts are like. months worth of writing… or maybe I won’t and the next time I make a post will be in a year idk!!!! this site is full of so many memories both good and bad and it’s dear to my lil heart, even if the feel isn’t the same since everyone mass migrated to Twitter, I want to come back here more often and make new memories whenever I can. goodnight 💤
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luna-rainbow · 2 years
https://www.cbr.com/bucky-barnes-most-significant-mcu-role-thunderbolts/ what do you think of this thunderbolts article?
Thanks Nonnie!
I actually saw that article yesterday and stopped reading halfway when I realised it was purely speculative, so I've gone and read the whole thing again.
He's taking a surprisingly friendly view towards Bucky's morality, which is refreshing to see particularly since chapter 5 of Sentinel of Liberty came out (ugh). I'm not sure I agree with the comment "The film's focus on antiheroes opens up the chance to tell a story that explores Bucky's complex moral character" because what we've seen so far doesn't suggest that his moral character is complicated. I'm going to make a big distinction here that Bucky's character is indeed complex because of his life experience, but Bucky's moral character has never been shown to be complicated because apart from some stupid plot devices, he's always gravitated to making the choice that helps others. Zemo's and Walker's moral characters are complex, because they are neither good nor purely bad, and they are driven both by some deranged idealism as well as an egocentric need to prove themselves.
This person also takes the view that the other antagonists are not as morally good as Bucky. I think it can work. Yelena, Antonia and Ava were all recruited at a young age and either groomed or brainwashed into doing what they did. They are victims, but it is possible that they need some time to get their head around morality and what normal people live like.
But do I see it happening? Not really.
To position Bucky, the reluctant recruit, as a moral contrast to Walker, a product of military indoctrination, is a level of criticism of the military that I cannot see the MCU be willing to commit to.
There are also a couple other reasons I don't think the Thunderbolts will center Bucky. Firstly, there are way too many characters in this movie and all of them have had complex lives. I have very little confidence that the writer can pull it off with nuance. Secondly, from a commercial point of view, it makes more sense to invest in and bolster a new character who can live in the MCU for another 10-15 years. In Disney's eyes, Bucky's already had his run, and I suspect the Thunderbolts will be used to highlight Yelena. Thirdly, regardless of whether it's performative, I think it would be a bad look to center Bucky in a movie that has at least four major female characters.
Fourth...when SOL5 came out, a male commenter said it was the best thing to happen to Bucky because doing something morally reprehensible that went against his long friendship with Steve made him interesting. I suspect this view is not rare amongst male fans (and by extension, writers). They only remember Bucky as Steve's companion, and the most interesting thing about him had been when he went head to head against Steve. They don't see his trauma or his recovery as interesting, they don't see him choosing to be good as interesting because it aligns him back with Steve (or Sam). They want him to be morally "complicated" because goodness isn't interesting anymore, and because irreconcilable moral conflicts between friends is apparently...just friends things (à la Civil War). It didn't help that TFATWS severely nerfed his fighting capabilities which reinforced the impression that if you're morally good, you're boring to watch. Unlike CATWS, where they were still able to make Steve kickass and act morally good.
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immagoudaboi · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Kung Fu Panda?
MWAH MWAH smooches and more smooches!!!
I was putting off answering this because I wanted to fully communicate to you how much I LOVE KUNG FU PANDA!!!!
I have absolutely no training in any form of martial arts except for that one camp I went to for a week, where my instructor told me if we knocked down a cylindrical punching structure he’d pay for a trip to Disney world, and I almost! ALMOST knocked it down!!! So for a few years I thought I’d squandered a trip to Disney world but came to the sorrowing conclusion that he would’ve never bought me a ticket to Disney world even if I had indeed knocked it over— ANYWAY TANGENT ASIDE, I can’t answer to the accuracy of any techniques these plushy anthropomorphic animals use hehe
Kung fu panda (and How to train your dragon) are some of my FAVORITE tween classics. If I have kids, they will watch these trilogies, and they WILL love them as much as I do >:)
This may be a hot take, but my fav of the 3 movies is the 2nd one….
SPOILERS FOR ALL 3 KUNG FU PANDA MOVIES! (Haven’t watched any of the shows so I can’t comment on them)
1st movie: absolute cinematic master piece. Loved the animation, loved the story, adored the music/score, loved everything about it. I’ve watched dozens of analysis videos on this trilogy, and I can say with the greatest of confidence that it was phenomenal. It asked a great question (one I did not pick up for about a decade lol) . Who am I? (As Po)
As a child I never put 2 and 2 together to figure out that Ping the goose, adopted Po LOL I just thought yup this goose materialized this panda yup that’s natural.
Tai Lung is one of my favorite villains of all time and his connection with Shifu is so crucial and heartbreaking. Loved how Po learned about discipline yet never lost what made him special and unique. The designs are great and Ping is the best father up there with STOICK THE VAST 💪
2nd movie: great example of growing with the audience— it takes a much darker tone to the first one. Hans Zimmer is a literal music genius and his scores are just MNGH. This movie forces Po to confront his tragic past, and asks him who he was. Personally very touching, as the lesson was that your past is a part of you but does not solely define you. Watching Po come to terms with the death of his people was harrowing, yet satisfying as he finds his inner piece. The entire color palette changes to red, black, white, and gold and it’s absolutely gorgeous.
Love Po and Tigris’ relationship and seeing how the furious 5 come to accept him and trust him as their new leader and friend. Also Ping is the best.
3rd movie: haven’t watched it in a while, and definitely the weakest of the 3, but wow it’s still amazing. I don’t have many thoughts since I’ve watched this only 2 or 3 times, but I love all the pandas 🐼 loved dim and sum and all the food names pandas. A very slight nitpick was how Po’s bio father was depicted in the flashback of the 2nd movie vs how he is in the 3rd movie, but all can be forgiven. The animation is stellar in this movie tho and the color palette is such a vibrant green and fresh feel! Ugh loved these all. I was absolutely mortified when the ox did villain (I forgot his name) destroyed Oogway’s statue. Oh, man, I was HOT with FURY!
General thoughts:
I think I like the 2nd movie better is because of the personal connection Shen has with Po.
Tai lung was connected to Shifu and the ox dude was connected to Oogway, but Shen was the direct reason why Po’s mother was killed and why his village was destroyed. Also. GARY OLDMAN. EXCUSE ME! The animation of the Shen as the peacock is just. I cannot take my eyes off the screen. The voice acting is everything.
I’m definitely forgetting things but this is all I can remember right now. UGH I LOVE THESE MOVIES!
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sparrowsabre7 · 1 year
Best of 2022
Tagged by @summerhomeineskew
Will do my best to include at least one 2022 thing for each but if I don't have any it will just have to be "x I experienced for the first time this year".
Been awful with books this year, only read three and I don't even remember which three. One was a re-read as well. Therefore I'll cheat and add one I finished at the very end of last year, maybe finished on New Year's Day 2022 so sorta counts: Death's End by Cixin Liu, the final installment of the Remembrance of Earth's Past Trilogy (aka the Three Body Problem trilogy). It's hard sci-fi with some incredible storytelling and world building. It feels effortlessly real despite incredibly big ideas and a storyline that spans centuries. I don't wish to summarise, not necessarily for spoiler reasons, but because written in synopsis it doesn't sound all that interesting, but in reading it it is one of the most immersive and thrilling reading experiences I have had in a very long time.
Ugh, I feel shamed that the only films I've seen in the cinema this year were superhero movies. And I love superhero movies don't get me wrong, but I really wish I could give my patronage to worthier fare, but having limited time and a small child means you need to be reasonably certain you're going to at least partially like the movie you watch.
I saw "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness", "Thor Love and Thunder", and "Black Adam". All entertaining in their own way, Doctor Strange probably my favourite of the three, but the film I saw this year and enjoyed the most was probably "The Matrix Resurrections". I actually really liked a lot of things Lana Wachowski did with the storyline, even if it did feel like it was being wrung from her against her will with some pretty on the nose metatextual moments. Nonetheless, she refused to make "another Matrix" be what the studio and audience probably expected and wanted and instead went full George Lucas (and I mean that as a compliment) made the Matrix she wanted to make. I felt it was handled surprisingly deftly and although Weaving and Fishburne are SORELY missed, their replacements hold their own well.
Ugh, I out myself very clearly as a basic cishet white man here and say, honestly? My favourite songs this year were from Taylor Swift and a Disney movie respectively. I really like "Anti-Hero" and "Surface Pressure" the latter especially for articulating the kind of struggle I think most people (women especially) deal with daily that is rarely acknowledged, let alone fully discussed in children's entertainment.
A lot of old games this year bith new to me and recisted. The only 2022 game this year was "Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga" and it is so much fun, if overwhelmingly large. There's like a thousand bricks to collect this time as opposed to the usual low hundred or so. The number of characters is impressive though andnthe updated mechanics makes it play unlike any other Lego game does.
Honourable mentions of games I played for the first time this year:
Lethal league - Really fun sports game meets fighting game, sort of dodgebaseball, frenetic fun
Exo One - A chill game with satisfying mechanics, pilot an unusual spacecraft through numerous planets
Halo 5 - I don't much like Halo as a series but I do like some of the individual games, as a result the "lore butchery" didn't bother me at all and I actually felt it was making some bold story choices that Inwould not have expected
Ghost of Tsushima - Beautiful looking and expertly crafted ninja/samurai game. Ubisoft wishes they could make AC this good again.
Honestly here is where I lay out my unabashed love for "Obi-wan Kenobi". When it was announced I knew I was going to love it no matter what and whilst there are some flaws in the narrative that leave some gaping plot holes or confusing character choices, the overall experience was so much more than I ever dared dream, we got Obi-wan vs Vader twice. We got Hayden and Ewan back giving a much more layeed performance, we got some really heartfelt moments between Obi-wan and Leia and I actually liked Reva as a character, even if her decision in the final episode made little sense.
"House of the Dragon" also surpassed expectations, even as someone who was satisfied with GOTs ending. Special mention also to Ms. Marvel for giving a refreshing take on teen heroes and a standout turn from newcomer Iman Vellani, and pour one out for "Legends of Tomorrow", the show that dared to be stupid.
So many new ones with a small child but best has to be first snow with him in an idyllic cottage in the countryside with my wife and in laws. Also built my first snowman at 32 and used one of my son's veggie straw crisps for its nose.
*added because I love video games more than music so a better metric for me
I tag @unseeliefaerie and @cryptobotanical should they wish to partake (no need to do so if you don't want to though =))
Edit: OMG I forgot "Glass Onion" was the best film of 2022. Got in just under the wire on NYE. Funny and entertaining, not quite as good as "Knives Out" and imo a less interesting supporting cast that wasted some of its talents (Leslie Odom Jr and Kathryn Hahn to name two) but Janelle Monae was terrific and Daniel Craig got more to chew on this time; still a very fun time.
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the-plot-blog-thing · 2 years
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(Originally published on 7/24/20)
Hoo boy, where to start with this one...
This is the shortest movie we’ve watched thus far, and I honestly think it could’ve been shorter. There’s enough story here for maybe 20 minutes of film if we’re being generous. There’s a LOT of filler, and it feels egregiously bad here.
The ending also feels really abrupt, like they wrote themselves into a corner and then everything just magically resolves itself in the span of about a minute and a half.
First, the good: the animation is great. Probably the best thus far. The Pink Elephants sequence is great, and still holds uo today. “Baby Mine” is a great song.....that’s about it for the good.
Next, the bad. I already mentioned that this already short movie felt too long. But I also dislike pretty much all of the characters. Timothy is fine? But he really does nothing for the plot. Dumbo himself only works because he’s cute and mute.
The other elephants are terrible, the humans are bad, and this cacophony of awful comes to a head with...*sigh* the crows.
The crows are, as many people know, blatant racial stereotypes. And boy howdy, is it EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE TO WATCH!
This movie is just racist for the sake of it. I really can’t think of any reason for the tent building sequence to exist other than to waste time and not age well.
There were rumblings that Disney+ would censor the crows out of the movie, and while I would understand and respect that decision if they went through with it, it would unfortunately make the movie make no sense. They’re pretty much integral to the plot.
Ugh...this was a bad one. I can appreciate its place in animation history, but I won’t be counting down the days until I see it again... 
3/10: Too Racist and Too Long
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wrightfamily · 2 years
hi! what's your favorite disney world in kingdom hearts (across all games)?
oh this is hard because i think im one of 10 people who genuinely really loves them too... i think i'll just answer one per game to the best of my ability (skipping the ones i dont remember as well OTL)
either neverland, halloween town, or monstro. but i also feel like i must defend deep jungle from the haters (even though i 100% understand where it comes from)
i really think timeless river is just so so fun. but i also think beasts castle has such a rad atmosphere and great music, love that the field music is literally called "waltz of the damned" + belle does some violence! AND HALLOWEEN TOWN TOO I LOVE especially in final mix!! i just really like christmas stuff. sorry. but i also have to be defensive of atlantica because of music rythm game. sorry to the rest of you but darling poopsies come to my rescue will always make me laugh. maybe if u had some finny fun.
this one is probably the easiest for me to answer its DEFINITELY enchanted dominion i love the atmosphere and the music in it. plus i just really like sleeping beauty. though i do love disneytown for feeling very nostalgic for me (i loved toontown the game when i was little and the old toontown area at disney world!) and i think it has a great version of neverland (i need to replay days though to properly judge it)
dream drop distance
THIS ONES THE HARDEST FOR ME I LOVE ALL OF THEM SO MUCH. ugh i just think ddd really nailed atmosphere so well like i love how all the levels are designed, but i might have to go with country of the musketeers because ive always adored that movie and never expected it to come up in anything again especially not kingdom hearts!!! it was the world i was most excited for before the game came out and idc if it makes no sense im so glad that it's there. that being said pranksters paradise (especially on sora's side) and symphony of sorcery are also extremely good, i really like that your attacks in that world make instrument noises.
well i think some people disliked it but i did enjoy the wreck it ralph world because i always liked the first movie! it has a special place in my heart for reasons i wont get into right now. also glad that this version of beasts castle actually had gaston
this ones also hard because they put a lot of love into these worlds... i love monstropolis and toy box and olympus and corona though. i do wish they did more with the hundred acre woods though (especially because my favorite pooh character, lumpy, was there!!!) and san fransokyo (bh6 is also special to me tbh). i did also enjoy the caribbean but uh, i kinda had to rush through my first play through because i had to go back to college so the crab and boat thing really frustrated me at the time, but i can at least separate the party member from his actor LOL
sorry this is definitely a longer answer than you were expecting i just have a lot of thoughts about kh and each kh world OTL ive been playing these games for as long as i can remember so its hard to have favorite anythings...
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
Hey Callie!
It’s Birdy! 🦜💛 I’ve actually been communicating with you out of anon so I like kinda forgot I hadn’t responded back yet 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣 Now I’m wondering…would it be weirder to stay on anon or weirder to come off anon?? 🤔
But anyway! Yeah I wasn’t sure if people named themselves so I was like eh I’ll just call myself Birdy 😁
When I wrote that, I hadn’t realized you hadn’t seen Inside Lleywn Davis yet. Good thing I didn’t say anything else 😬 Tell me when you’ve seen it because I think I figured out why it hit too close to home for me but I can’t say without bringing up a major plot point.
Totally not trying to be creepy but just thinking that we’re in the same time zone and in another post you were complaining about the heat and going to Disney world….I’m assuming you live in a southern state? Obviously you don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to! I live in one as well and thought it’d be funny if we lived in the same state. 🌴🌞🍊
Also came across a post you made about almost calling a patient Oscar?? I work in healthcare so something else we perhaps have in common? Lol Couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of us working in the same building everyday, our heads in the clouds daydreaming about Poe Dameron and having NO idea there’s a fellow closet fangirl who’s a coworker 😂 I doubt you work in the same place, I just thought it’d be hilarious 😁💕
Omgosh I used to love to travel before I got busy with work too. Of course I only ever flew up north to visit family but I used to love being in the airport and on the planes…me and my best friend used to drive to Orlando all the time but life has gotten in the way recently. Where would you like to travel to next?? Like realistically, not like fantasy vacation ☺️
I like cooking too but I tend to pick the most complicated recipes for some reason 🤣 my mom always looks at me so exasperated like why can’t you cook something simple?? Lol I actually tried to cook a Guatemalan dish (do I really have to explain why 😆) called tapado the other night and it was SO GOOD. Omgosh it was like this seafood stew but it had bananas? Got the recipe from Pinterest lol But I almost sliced my freakin finger off trying to peel a yucca root. My mom and I were laughing our asses off (hey it’s either laugh or faint) because we were like (you have to whack the shit out of it to even cut it) “what kind of Tarzan shit is this?? Why can’t you just cook chicken?? Are you too good for just plain chicken now?? Who’s out in Guatemala looking at this tree trunk thinking CAN I EAT IT THOUGH?? You know you’re never going to actually cook for Oscar Isaac right??” I almost peed myself I was laughing so hard!!🤣🤣🤣 Other LESS DANGEROUS hobbies I have are drawing, junk journaling, singing, writing poetry, and editing videos. I have a vlog channel on YouTube that I don’t pay nearly enough attention to but I love editing my home movies for my family ☺️💕💜
Can’t wait to hear back from you! Big hugs!! 💕🌸🌼🌺🤗
—Birdy 🦜💛💚
P.S. I watched Dune last week. Have you seen it yet? Cuz UGJSOENBEOWJLWODIDHEBO DEJSJSNDCIWODJR
heyooo birdy 💚🧡💚
omg we’ve been communicating off anon?? *tries remembering all of the blogs i’ve been interacting with in the past few days* this lowkey reminds me of a movie which i cannot for the life of me recall the title lolol. but it’s definitely up to you if you wanna stay anon or not! as long as we’re chatting, i like it either way :)))
ahh not creepy at all haha! i actually live in the northeast! yeah it’s hot here but you guys down there??? idk how y’all do it,,, the heat there is another level 😭 the only place i’ve visited in the south is florida and i was not vibing with the weather there at all skskksk. i prefer cooler temps like those in autumn/spring tbh. i hate sweating 😵‍💫 and yeeees!!! i work in healthcare too!!!! wow isn’t this crazy lmao. but ugh that would be so funny tho if we’re working together not knowing how big of a simp we are for the same man 🥲 my coworkers don’t get the whole simping culture unfortunately. must be nice not being hyper fixated on someone :////
as for where i wanna travel next, i’ve been planning a road trip to montreal some time this summer 😭😭😭 idek if it’s going to happen tho bc i can only go during weekends and it’s hard for the others to take off on those days. i would head there by myself but im not strong enough to drive the entire six hours LOLOL. i’ve been to toronto and the length of the ride was brutal i cant imagine driving there on my own.
HSJDJDBJDKSJJ HEY OSCAR WOULD BE SO PROUD OF YOU FOR COOKING GUATEMALAN FOOD HAHAHA. okay now im hungry after reading what you said and it’s only 8am ;-; i haven’t even gotten out of bed yet lmfaoao. but i wanna try this recipe out one day 👀 the only thing ive been cooking lately is pasta and chicken dishes since they’re easy and don’t take too long to cook ahjsjsjsj. also oOo a vlog channel :oo ohmigosh when i was younger i was obsessed with yt vloggers and vlogging in general. i even created a beauty channel but was too afraid to post lmaoao.
ahhH i havent watched dune yet 🤭 but ohhh goshh ive seen the gifs. im not ready to see oscar in his dilfiest role yet. i’ll let you know once i get to it plus llewyn davis!!! im still on a star wars high right now and mentally preparing myself for the mandolorian 💀
anywaaayyy love you birdyyy. you’re always a hoot to talk to :))) see you in my inbox hopefully soon 💕
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fanboys-anonymous · 1 year
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Could you write a Logince sickfic with a very delirious loopy Princey?
Domestic Sick Days
Word Count: 904
Rating: gen+
Pairing: Logince (obvi)
Warning: there is one swear word at the end which is what the plus means, but I didn’t have it in me to actually rate this as teen. Also one minor teeny tiny allusion to sex, but it’s literally a quote from an episode soooo
The kettle had just come to a boil when a loud crash came from the bedroom. Logan froze for exactly one second before reacting.
“Roman!” He called apprehensively, already making his way back to the bedroom. “Are you alright?”
He opened the door to find his husband, face down on the floor, struggling to free himself from the comforter that he had insisted on being cocooned in before Logan left to make him tea.
“I’m late for school!” Cried Roman, struggling harder. “I have a project due! And Remus is going to tell Logan I have a crush on him if I’m not there to stop him! And I gotta… I gotta…”
“Roman, you are thirty-seven years old, you are not late for school, you do not go to school,” Logan corrected him gently.
Roman had finally managed to at least free his upper body from the blanket and was now staring up at Logan like he’d seen a god. Logan stared back at him, bemused.
“You’re gorgeous,” Roman told him, it took everything Logan had not to laugh outright.
“Thank you,” he chuckled. “You are very attractive as well.”
Roman preened at the compliment as he seemingly forgot that his legs were still trapped underneath a blanket.
“Now, how about you get back into bed, and I’ll be right back with your tea.”
“Nooo! I hafta… hafta… ugh!” Roman began struggling against the blanket again, though for some reason he seemed to have forgotten that his arms were completely free, and would be able to untangle the blankets much more easily than the unhinged flopping method he was currently deploying.
Logan chose not to point it out to him, not yet anyway. Roman’s illogical behavior just proved further that he was unfit to get up — though his 102° temperature was truly all the proof Logan had needed.
“Logan!” Roman whined, giving up his struggle to instead lay helplessly, sending Logan his best puppy dog eyes.
“Are you ready to get back into bed?”
“I hafta get to work! They’re expecting me!”
“They are not,” Logan corrected. “I have already called Virgil and informed him of your illness, no one is expecting you to come in today.”
Roman continued to pout, but Logan just gave him an unamused look until he finally gave in.
“Fiiine,” he sighed dramatically. “Can we watch Disney?”
“Of course.” Logan leaned down to help his husband free himself before guiding him back to the bed and handing him the remote for the TV. “You pick something out; I’ll go get the tea.”
“I love you!”
“I love you too.”
Roman fell asleep during the first movie (Big Hero Six), so Logan turned the volume down, and used the opportunity to grade some exams.
Normally, Logan liked to use the bed just for sleeping… and one other thing. Things like grading or other work would be best done in his office — or the living room when he wanted to spend some quiet time with Roman. This system allowed him to fall asleep more easily at night. He hadn’t even wanted to have a television in their room at all, but Roman had insisted (and Logan couldn’t deny him anything he wanted), and it was nice for times like these when one of them was sick.
Luckily, today was a Tuesday, and Logan did not teach on Tuesdays. He normally held office hours, but he’d emailed his students as soon as he’d realized that Roman was sick, and informed them that he would be holding extra office hours on Thursday and Friday, and would be reachable by email for any questions that couldn’t wait.
By noon, he’d received two emails from students with questions about the o-chem homework that was due next week, and had gotten through half of the exams for his gen-chem classes. Roman was still asleep, so Logan turned on Tangled, and carefully made his way out of the bedroom to prepare lunch — chicken noodle soup for Roman, and a ham and cheese sandwich for himself.
Roman was awake and blinking at the screen when Logan came back.
“Ah, I see you’re awake. I’ve brought you lunch.”
Roman continued to blink owlishly, so Logan set the soup tray down on the bedside table and took it upon himself to help Roman sit up.
“Her dress is pretty,” Roman told him, matter-of-factly, pointing at Rapunzel’s dress on the screen. “I want a pretty dress.”
“Roman, you have a pretty dress — many in fact,” Logan informed him while he propped Roman up against a mound of pillows.
“I want to wear a dress!” Decided Roman.
Logan rolled his eyes. “You’re sick, you would be more comfortable in your sleep clothes.”
Roman pouted as Logan placed the soup tray on his lap. “Please?”
“Fine,” Logan sighed. “Eat your soup, then I’ll help you change.”
“Yay!” Roman cheered, nearly spilling his soup. Logan glared at him, but he grinned back, unabashed. “Love you, specs!”
Logan sighed again. “Yes, I love you too, Princey.”
Roman began eating his soup, pausing only to sing along with “I’ve Got A Dream”.
“Logan?” Roman asked several minutes later. Logan glanced at him quizzically, waiting for him to continue. “Did Remus tell you I had a crush on you in high school?”
Logan couldn’t stop himself from snorting. What a ridiculous thing to be concerned about after twenty years and one marriage.
“Yes, he did.”
I was trying to write all the requests in order, that plan has been thoroughly scrapped, they come out in whatever order I finish them in. I have six more left, two are almost done, one is like half-done, one is started but it’s clearly gonna take me a while, and two of them are 0% done
General taglist:
@pixelated-pineapple @royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @knight-shives
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vixen1587-blog · 3 years
MCU Queer, Deaf & Dad Representation
A pointless post about my personal thoughts on MCU representation for the things that matter to me. Being queer, being hard of hearing and positive representation of fathers. 
Lets get this out of the way first. Disney is not your friend. Any representation (particularly in terms of LGBTQ+ & non-white characters) is going to be breadcrumbs at best & token at worst. Sometimes it can be better but its not the norm and it probably never will be no matter how hard we wish it. I hope I am wrong. 
As a woman who is extremely hard of hearing, seeing Makkari on screen was an absolute fucking delight. No terrible explanation or ‘reason’ for her being deaf, she just is. It was not a hindrance. Ugh. Everything about her was just fantastic. The actress was simply amazing & so freaking charismatic I may have swooned a little, her fight scenes were incredible & characters just using sign language on screen so casually was honestly just really freakin’ great. Being deaf is not a sob story. Gives me hope that Echo will be done just as well & I legit screamed at my computer when I saw they finally gave Hawkeye his hearing aids. 
SO HYPED FOR HAWKEYE. More so than Spiderman NWH.
Side note: Eternals was weird for me, I enjoyed it but honestly I want a movie just with Makkari, Phastos, Druig & Gilgamesh. (I refuse to acknowledge his death) They were just so much more interesting. I love Gemma Chan but by the end I sort of didn’t really care about Cersi/Ikaris or Sprite  
Speaking of previously mentioned token representation. LOKI. Fuck this show. Personal bias, I have never really cared about Loki as a character in the MCU so didn’t have any real expectations for that show but holy mother fucking banana cow was it a struggle to get through. (Except Classic Loki. Bring back Classic Loki. I need a whole show about Classic Loki yesterday. Please thank you) But the bisexual ‘coming out’ scene was honestly so pitiful it actually made me laugh. For the people out there struggling with their sexual identity and felt this scene really helped them, kudos to you & I take nothing away from your enjoyment of that but I also feel deep sorrow for you that you think that is all you deserve. That was NOT good representation no mater how you spin it. But that is not the worst of it. To those of you who identify as gender-fluid, I am still angry on your behalf. I am not gender-fluid, I don’t have any friends that are gender-fluid but fuck that show and you deserve so much better. You ARE better. That was not representation, that was an insult. 
I’m also not going to address queer coded characters or queerbaiting in this post (mainly referring to Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes) but I do have many thoughts about it. Maybe Ill do another post about it if I think anyone would read it. I actually have a post about Sambucky & musical identity coming up.
Moving On.
Phastos. How many times does Phastos acknowledge out loud that he is gay in the movie? Lets count. None. That’s right. None. And it was fucking glorious. That’s how low the bar is for queer representation is right now. It wasn’t mentioned. It was just his normal. The only exceptional thing about it was he mentioned that he found someone who he loved enough (& who loved him back) that it restored his faith in humanity. So much so that Phastos didn’t hide that has was an Eternal from him. To trust him enough to have a kid together. To just be normal. Phastos’ faith in humanity was restored because he happened to do the most normal human thing ever. He fell in love. It just happened to be with a man. 
All scenes of them on screen together felt very real & I am so glad they did not shy away from the fact that there was obviously so much love between the two of them. Even the kiss was beautiful. Not one of those desperate passionate Hollywood kisses, but a kiss of real love & it was center screen. Just them. This was representation. It felt familiar. It felt real. Being gay was not his defining characteristic. Being gay wasn't even mentioned. There was no mocking or teasing & they didn't try to hide their love & adoration.
Hollywood has a long way to go but for a main stream superhero movie? This is a much better start.
And still speaking of Phastos...
Media is absolutely shit to dads. Dads/step-dads/father figures are fucking amazing & not second class parents. And weirdly this is an area the MCU has actually seemed to take stance against, particularly recently. And I am all here for it. 
You see Phastos & his husband Ben being the pinnacle of adorable dads for their son Jack? Fixing bicycles, panicking about other superheros babysitting? Just all so wholesome & positive I might cry.  
Scott Lang trying his absolute hardest to be the best dad to Cassie? One of the hardest blows from Endgame for me was not allowing Scott to see her grow up. He deserved that. But they have time now. And holy fuck the healthy & loving relationship he has on screen with his ex-wife & her new husband? No jealousy, understanding and yes, step-dads are fucking awesome too. Just so fucking great.  
Sam Wilson (my beloved) being the best uncle/ father figure to his two adorable nephews? Clearly he’s devastated at not being around to see them grow up as well but that shot of Sam holding the shield and his nephew just looking up at him in awe? Legit tears. More please. 
(please MCU, Stop hurting Sam Wilson, get him into therapy and make Bucky earn his goddamn trust. Sam deserves it. Actually Sam Wilson deserves every fucking thing.) 
Even a shout out to Shang Chi’s dad. Before everything went south, he loved his children desperately. I’d argue even as much after, but he was just blinded by grief. Not a bad dad, but a misguided one. 
*I would actually like to make a brief mention of the Aquaman movie here. The relationship between Arthur & his father was fucking great and unashamedly healthy, loving & full of adoration & respect. I know its DC and not really relevant to this post but I feel it needs to be acknowledged.* 
That’s it. Rant over. 
(Reference/context for clarity’s sake to avoid misunderstandings in this post)
-I am a late 30′s British white woman. I have not spoken about the significance of Phastos being a positive black gay role model. I am not qualified to speak about race/racism. The closet experience I have to this is being half polish and getting called ‘a bloody foreigner’ by pompous ladies in Cambridge who are somehow too old to die every time I leave the Polish deli. 
-I am pansexual. In my teens I used to classify myself as bisexual until I got older & understood myself better. I lost my wife 8 years ago to ALS & am now happily existing with my outstanding 6ft cuddlebug builder rob & our two adopted cat children. We are very proud. 
-I am 70% deaf. Born that way. Small tubes. Extremely sensitive to pressure changes, my ears don’t pop, I can’t ride a bike, I cannot go under water or on airplanes. Will eventually lose all ability to hear. On the plus side, I am incapable of getting travel sick and can live on rollercoasters FOREVER. 
-I lost my dad to stomach cancer in 2003. I wasn’t even 18 and had a younger sister to look after. I remember him as a hard working, hilarious & generous man. I wish I would have known him better. 6 Month after this my mother went to prison for fraud. 
Be kind to each other. Its really not that fucking hard. 
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Maybe something to do with another coops live stream they’re hilarious😂
These livestreams are basically my favorite fics to write and I’m so glad you all enjoy them! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
“Hey, Instagram, we’re back!” Sirius smiled so wide his dimples appeared as Remus sat down and wrapped an arm around his waist. “It’s been a while since we did a livestream and we’ve been looking forward to it for a while, so let’s get started.”
“First question,” Remus said, leaning forward a bit. “Who kills the spiders? I do.”
Sirius wrinkled his nose. “We tried to do a catch and release policy, but they always end up coming back. Who is the better dancer? I don’t know, honey, who is the better dancer?”
Remus rolled his eyes and gave him a playful nudge. “Rub it in, why don’t you.”
“It’s me,” Sirius said with a smug grin. “Lionsfan65 wants to know if being married to your best friend is like having a 24/ 7 sleepover.”
“Oh, that’s a good one.” Remus bit his lip. “Yeah, I think so. I mean, some nights we stay up late to watch movies and other nights we stay up late doing taxes, but it’s awesome.”
“That’s so accurate,” Sirius laughed. “We should build a taxes pillow fort sometime.”
“We totally should. That would make it so much more bearable.”
“We could have popcorn!”
“Hell yeah!” They high-fived, and Remus turned back to the phone. “Do waiters ever ask if we’re splitting the check?”
Sirius groaned. “All the time. We were on our honeymoon and literally holding hands over the table, and the waitress asked if we were on a ‘guys’ trip’.”
“She also said that our wives must be glad to have the weekend to themselves,” Remus added with a grimace. “It was one of those awkward ‘thanks, but that’s my husband’ moments.”
Sirius scrolled through the incoming questions, then burst out laughing. “Oh, fuck, I knew I missed doing these for a reason.”
“What? Which one is it?”
He took another moment to catch his breath before tapping the screen. “To Sirius: no offense, but your husband is really hot. Why would I take offense to that, fernbaby? It’s true!”
“Who sent that in? Thank you, fernbaby, that’s so nice!” Remus blushed a bit, but his smile turned to confusion as he read the next one. “Who wears the pants?”
“Right now, both of us. On a really good day, neither of us,” Sirius said easily. “Honey, someone thinks I’m an ‘alpha’.”
Remus tilted his head. “A what?”
“An ‘alpha’, whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean.”
“Seeing as we’re not werewolves, neither of us are an ‘alpha’.” Remus did air quotes around the word and raised an eyebrow. “Plus, the guy that originally coined those terms for wolf packs later came forward and said his experiment was unreliable and that he had proved wolves work in hierarchies based on age.”
“That’s science, bitches,” Sirius said with a grin. “Aw, this one is sweet! What are our nicknames for each other?”
“I call you ‘baby’ all the time, but ‘honey’ is a close second.”
“Yeah, there aren’t a lot of nicknames for my name. Um, I call you ‘sweetheart’, ‘mon loup’, ‘mon amour’, ‘Re’…now that I think about it, I can’t remember the last time I called you by your full name.”
“I hope not,” Remus laughed. “You only do that when I’m in trouble.”
“True. Oh, this one is for you.”
Remus scooted closer to him. “To Remus: what’s the hardest part about moving from PT to player? Ugh, everything. If I had to choose one thing, it would be having to step back from helping the guys when they get hurt in a game. Hestia still has to remind me to let her do her job sometimes, even though she’s the most amazing PT in the world and I have total trust in her. It’s pretty tough seeing your friends in pain and not being allowed to help them anymore.”
There was a beat of quiet. “Well, that got morbid fast,” Sirius said drily, making Remus snort. “This is promising: pick a Disney princess you each identify with.”
“Should we switch, and each say each other’s?”
Sirius gave him a look. “Do you even know mine?”
“Of course I know yours!” Remus said indignantly. “It’s Rapunzel!”
“It totally is! You have a crush on Flynn Rider and her chameleon is named Pascal!”
Sirius hesitated, then nodded slowly. “Okay, fair. I was going to say Elsa. Yours is easy, though.”
“Are you sure?”
“If it’s not Belle, you’re lying to yourself.”
“It is, don’t worry,” Remus laughed. “Everyone in the comment section guessed that. Great job, guys! This is an easy one: what was our last fight about?”
“Which Disney princess I relate to more. Do we have the same taste in men?” Sirius stifled a laugh. “I think this one answers itself.”
Remus gestured vaguely. “Seeing as we look completely different, no. I’m into tall, athletic, heart of gold types.”
Sirius put his best poker face on. “Librarians are really my thing.”
“Okay, you know what—”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” he laughed, tugging Remus closer to kiss his cheek despite the mock-scowl on his face. The phone screen lit up with multicolored hearts and they turned back to it after a chaste kiss on the lips. “Your turn.”
“Librarian,” Remus scoffed around a smile. “Why did we keep our wedding a secret? Well, we didn’t. Everyone knew it was happening.”
“We didn’t tell the media the details for a few reasons. Number one, we wanted a small ceremony with just friends and family. Number two, both of us are tired of people’s noses in our business. Number three, it was really, really funny watching them speculate.” He counted down on his fingers, looking rather self-satisfied. “And it worked. It was perfect.”
“Plus, we planned it in, like, six weeks. There weren’t a lot of concrete details to actually give people. Someone asked one for you, baby.”
“To me…do I get along with Re’s parents? Oh, I adore them. They’re amazing people and I love seeing them when they visit.”
A slow grin spread over Remus’ face. “Oh, I love this next question. Loops, we all know you’re weak for the French accent—you’re not wrong—but Cap, do you like his accent, too?”
Sirius lit up. “I do! It’s so cute! It comes out when he’s tired or excited and I just—” He smiled and drummed his hands on his knees, going a bit pink. “I dunno. It’s cute. Alright, let’s move on before I embarrass myself even more. Who’s the better cook or baker?”
“You are adorable,” Remus said, his cheeks vibrant red. “To answer the question, I’m the better cook, but I can’t bake for shit. Sirius makes brownies like you’ve never tasted before, though.”
“I’m practicing.”
“What’s the best prank I’ve ever pulled on Sirius?” Remus laughed under his breath. “Sirius and Pots teamed up to fuck with my gear one practice, so I spent the next day and a half playing the circus theme song whenever they walked into a room together.”
“Ah, fuck, I forgot about that,” Sirius muttered. “And then you got Finn to sing it, too.”
“I didn’t do anything, he started that himself.”
“He’s so annoying,” Sirius said fondly. “Alright, last question. Remus, was it hard to adjust to having more disposable income?”
Remus hummed in thought for a moment, resting his chin on his hand. “Definitely. I am so, so grateful to have this opportunity, but it’s always the little things that remind me. Like, plane tickets to go see my family in Wisconsin don’t have to be a big expense anymore. It’s been a really interesting adjustment for sure. Is that all we have time for?”
“I think so.” They waved to the camera one last time. “Thanks for joining us, and thanks for the great questions! Go Lions!”
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hezuart · 2 years
....I miss the days when we had good cartoons and good stories or actual role models on TV, like Last Airbender and Teen Titans. Miraculous Ladybug. No. It's not that good, and the role model part, hell no. Like, You have Marinette, who is supposed to be the main protagonist, and she has friends AND her parent's approval of stalking him! Only one episode did someone find this weird and who may that person be? Alix in the episode where the baby is super tall and a giant, and then Rose said it was romantic. Like no! No! That is not okay! Stalking someone and calling it romantic! It's freakin Twilight all over again. A stalker vampire who is manipulative and a***ive, and then there is the werewolf who doesn't know boundaries. I liked Marinette in the episode Origins, where we got to know the character, OUTSIDE of her stalking. That was when she was likable and actually had some character outside of Adrien and stalking.
Adrien, he was a bit interesting, back in that episode, he wanted to go to school and make friends, while his dad was locking him up, unable to make friends after the death of his wife. But then...now we have stalking Maricreep and a cardboard cutout.
Oh! Oh! The icing on this crap cake of a show is the creator. I won't tell everything, but...I'll list a few things he's done - Claimed he and his team make better designs than Pixar( Way to insult the studio that pioneered the very form of animation Miraculous Ladybug uses today, Astruc, and he makes a huge risk, considering Disney is airing his show) -Deemed Chloe irredeemable, even though there is PLENTY of time to redeem her!
-He criticized Wonder Woman 1984, for having things that happened in the show, End of the movie, was exactly the same thing that happened at the end of Season 3.
There is much more, but their sensitive things involve horrible things, and I don't want to list them all. I can't watch this show, without getting mad. I'll laugh a bit because it's so stupid and their stories are laughable. Like nothing in the show matters, and the plot is so inconsistent. The things that made it interesting and had unique premises, like you said. But now...ugh. This show is leaving me with a bad taste in my mouth, I wanna rant about Kingdom Hearts again, and how it doesn't make sense lol
I don't know about Marinette being a role model, but the writing of her character is certainly... not great.
I've heard some things about the creator of the series myself, none of which were very good.
Honestly though, aside from writing, there's several other reasons why ML is a mess. It all involves the production of it.
It has like... three animation studios behind it which explains the inconsistent animation and jumbled airdates. It's a "joint effort by France's Zagtoon and Method Animation Studios with Toei Animation of Japan and SAMG Animation of South Korea."
So right off the bat there's going to be translation issues and inconsistency.
Miraculous Ladybug was originally pitched in 2D
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The main characters were "Bridgette" and "Felix". The creators realized that Felix is too cold hearted / uninterested in Bridgette which doesn't make sense why she would crush on him. His Chat Noir personality was fine though. As to why Felix was cold hearted is most likely because of how he grew up with his father, isolated and unwanted. While I agree Felix needs more spark to him for Bridgette's crush to be believable, instead, the creators completely erased him and replaced him with a cardboard cut-out of a boy named Adrien who just lets his dad abuse him and doesn't see anything wrong with it and still loves him. While the Felix in the pilot already realizes his relationship with his dad is a lost cause.
The pilot was a completely different, but balanced dynamic.
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Bridgette was actually super open about her feelings. Felix found her constant stalking/crushing annoying and did his best to ignore her, just like Ladybug does to his Chat Noir personality.
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So it wasn't like Felix was the bad guy here, their level of interest was the same! Their dynamics were the same!
Instead, in the 3D version, Adrien, instead of not being interested in Marinette, he is indifferent to her / ignorant of her crush / thinks of her as just a friend / does not realize she has feelings for him. It is so obvious to everyone except for him that she likes him, and he doesn't find her annoying in the slightest, meanwhile, Ladybug gets to think Chat Noir Is annoying all she wants. It's unbalanced.
So Felix was completely replaced.
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that's not weird or confusing at all!! The hell?? Why is this even necessary? He's even more of a jerk in the canon series!
On top of that, the early versions of ML renders were superior.
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Marinette initially had black hair for her 3D render but the show runners were like "no make it a weird blue" and we got this
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On top of that, allegedly there's a cinematic movie in the works with a DOZEN leaks
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Meanwhile there's another project the studio has been working on called "Pixie Girl" (which may or may not have been considered an ML spin off or gotten a crossover at some point) that was set to release in 2019, but three years later there's been no news.
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Also I'm in love with this Witch boy and if they change his design I will die
Yeah so in conclusion the entire production of ML has been hell and it certainly doesn't help that the initial superior ideas and concept art are overwritten by bad writers
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