vixen1587-blog · 2 months
Seeing as there was no new Daily Show segment this week, its time to bring this back.
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vixen1587-blog · 3 months
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I will never let this go.
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vixen1587-blog · 3 months
I’m actually gonna be pretty disappointed if they do Jake dirty whenever MCU Moon Knight returns. I hope they don’t & seeing as Oscar Isaac was so dedicated & determined to take DID seriously & not fantasise the condition I doubt he’d be ok with it. I assume that’s why he took an executive producing role in the show so he’d have some sway over it. People forget he only agreed to do the show in the first place as a CHARACTER STUDY of the person behind Moon Knight rather than a bland punchy superhero show. (Which I know some people would have preferred sadly)
But back to Jake. His role seems to be simply keeping the system alive (I imagine the amount of times Jake has saved them from near death scenarios is probably in uncomfortable numbers) but just because that is his role doesn’t mean he necessarily enjoys or wants to do it. After all, he wasn’t the one who assigned him that job.
And I absolutely feel that is something Khonshu completely takes advantage of. Jake gets rid of the bad guys. Of cors he would. They are fucking awful people & the world is better off without them. But Khonshu THANKS him for it. Jake feels useful. KNOWS he’s useful. He’s validated for being good at it. But this does not make him a unsympathetic psychopathic murderer. He simply has no moral debate about getting rid of people like Harrow. (Whether he’s right or wrong is not really the point here)
But outside of this, does he know who he is? Has he allowed himself just a moment to stop for himself? Out of all of them he is absolutely the one who has been aware the longest, is probably the loneliest & desires connection the most but is fully aware of how his alters see him. & honestly that must feel awful. Especially after seeing Steven & Marc come together so quickly. I can’t even imagine how it must have felt to know that they chose not to open his Sarcophagus. Because they were SCARED. Ugh.
I 100% believe it’s him in the asylum, & I believe it’s no coincidence (&foreshadowing for future stories) when Harrow says “…could break down the walls between you & Steven & we might finally understand” “understand what?”
Stevens role is to protect Marc. But Jakes is to protect them. All of them. They’d be dead without him & they all know it. It’s just gonna take a bit to reconcile that fact.
In terms of the MCU, Steven is the focus of the system & I absolutely believe Steven will find Jake. & hopefully bring him home.
I love seeing Jake being a tender guy who cares for others and things. Like he is an avid part of the community and nonprofit organizations.
He helps with homeless shelters and feeding those who can’t get a meal.
He picks up litter on the streets even though it’s not his trash.
He volunteers at animal rescues and helps with the animals’ food or medicine and is THE foster dad and has adopted many.
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vixen1587-blog · 10 months
Good Omens Season 3 Theory (Minor Spoiler)
A lot was made of the fact that Crowley & Aziraphale are incredibly powerful together. As well as the particular emphasis on Crowley themselves being very powerful on their own & being very high up in Heaven before the fall (not that I truly believe it matters who they were before they fell & I think Aziraphale who is now ‘Supreme Archangel’ will realise this too)
So, my simple &rather pathetic season3 theory.
At the end of Season 1, Crowley mentions that he believes the big war is still coming.
Heaven & Hell Against Earth.
The end of the world DOES in fact happen. Crowley & Aziraphale bring it back. TOGETHER.
They can’t prevent the end but maybe together they can restart something new (much like their relationship)
That’s it. That’s the theory.
Also, I despise the coffee theory. Everything Aziraphale does in the finale is totally in character. The coffee theory takes away the agency in his decisions. Even if we think (&know) the decisions are shitty.
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vixen1587-blog · 2 years
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This campaign defies censorship in social media to raise awareness for early detection of breast cancer
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vixen1587-blog · 2 years
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i’m still salty
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vixen1587-blog · 2 years
Chill people! Sambucky are gonna be fine.
Likely scenarios are probably various combinations of the following:
1. The Events of TFATWS meant Bucky might have unintentionally violated or broken whatever remains of his Parole rulings after John Walker got demoted. (Walker just magicked them away but i’m assuming it did not stay that way) Or they will just find a way to SAY Bucky broke his Parole rulings because they still deem him a danger. Val (or someone) probably uses this as an opportunity to sneak in and recruit him the same way she did with US AGENT (EVEN THOUGH HE SHOULD DEFFO BE IN PRISON/NO WHERE NEAR BEING USED IN THIS CAPACITY)  
2. Less likely but also possible is that Bucky is there technically undercover/ gather intel/ keep an eye on Walker etc for someone (?) plus seeing the Thunderbolts/Val long term intentions. He is fine to do missions like this solo now as he no longer has trigger words, currently not working for anyone and seems on the road to being much more secure in himself after the events of TFATWS.
3. (If Thunderbolts takes place after CA:NWO) Maybe because of the events of Captain America: New World Order, working for a team like this becomes a thing he needs to do, not wants to? No Idea. 
4. ITS HEALTHY TO WANT TO DO SOME THINGS SEPARATE FROM EACH OTHER. They clearly love each other deeply (I mean as family but with these two honestly take it however you see fit) but Sam has just accepted the mantle of Captain America. He needs to figure out how he is Captain America, get comfortable with all the responsibility & bullshit that will throw his way and Joaquin has his back.(Fuck those two are going to be so great together, I’m literally screaming) Bucky is still figuring out who he wants to be & maybe some time away from being Captain America’s sidekick yet again is nothing but a good thing. 
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vixen1587-blog · 2 years
Edit: Actually the only thing I really need is to see Samcap, Moon Knight/Mr Knight, Scarlet Scarab, War Machine & Sorcerer Supreme Wong kill a bunch of enemies with the power of their combined sass alone but this will do. 
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vixen1587-blog · 2 years
I seriously love this first iteration of the Falcon Suit purely because it encapsulates the dangerous, adrenaline chasing, reckless side of Sam Wilson.
No Armour. Just 3 straps & a propulsion pack kicking an assassin in the face with nothing but the godly power of his helicopter downing thighs. Dudes a maniac. & I love it. 
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vixen1587-blog · 2 years
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Not a perfect soldier, but a good man.
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vixen1587-blog · 2 years
oh but I adore how everyone in this stupid pirate show is just a guy
I haven't seen ppl talk about it much but. the absolute lack of shredded abs. people show tummy and cleavage and there's not the barest hint of muscle definition anywhere
obviously some of them are very fit but it never leaves "works a physically demanding job and happens to be naturally thin" territory
and guys are fat! guys have bellies and rounded shoulders and chubby cheeks and imperfect teeth and thinning hair and are styled weirdly (that's a whole different post but the crew especially look so unprofessional styled it's great)
and they are still all hot! they are hot and desirable and find each other hot and desirable and I love that
I love to see it! nobody in this show looks like they had a personal trainer. and not just the side characters, not just a token fat guy - obv Taika Waititi is the most beautiful man you've ever seen and that little bit of tummy pudge spilling out of his crop top made us all lose our collective minds. but it's everyone else too; and it's not the extend of it either. no other show would have let black pete within 10 feet of a romance arc, much less been this sweet and sincere about it
this show is so comfortable with the human body in all it's glorious imperfection and I am in love with it
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vixen1587-blog · 2 years
Sam Wilson is the freakin’ best
Its coming up to a year since Falcon & the Winter Soldier first aired & I just wanted to add my voice about why I loved the show & why Sam Wilson is my favourite MCU character. 
This moment right here. 
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This scene emphasizes the whole ethos behind Sam Wilson Captain America. 
He cannot prevent things from falling, but he can always lift them back up. 
"...what would be the point of all the pain & sacrifice if I wasn't willing to stand up & keep fighting?"  
Whether it be metaphorical or physical, Sam Wilson will ALWAYS try to catch you. 
From even before his first introduction to us 'till now becoming Captain America, Sam's arc has been knowing that whatever you do, you cannot truly prevent everything. And Sam’s difficulty in wanting to accept this. Whether that's not being able to save Riley, stopping the accords or even Thanos. 
So what do you do when you have no control over anything? You fight the hardest for the things that remain. 
So Sam Wilson Captain America might not always be there to prevent you falling off that bridge/building/plane but he's damn well going to be there to catch you after you fall. 
The struggle for Sam going forward is the knowledge that some people will not want him too. 
“...I’ll do my best”
                               “That’s why it’s yours”
This is just a short piece but I do have an entire character study for Sam that I hope to put out before the one year anniversary of the finale. Mainly focusing on Sam’s struggle with his stubbornness to deal with his own trauma & how it defines him as Captain America. Just as Steve’s lost years defined his tenure.
Steve's biggest hurdle was not letting go & being complicated by the past. Whether that's Bucky or Peggy, there was always a sense that he would have given it up to get back what he lost & this proves to eventually be right. 
Sam's biggest hurdle is his recklessness & his determination to believe in human discourse. And unless he finally resolves his tightly held trauma & accepts his life is worth just as much as those he chooses to save, its going to get him killed.
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vixen1587-blog · 2 years
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Drifting a bit from Black Panther, Sam Wilson/Anthony Mackie.
Sam is my very favorite of the Marvel bunch.  Like, Steve is great and I love him, but he’s partly motivated by personal baggage.  Sam just… chose to care.
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vixen1587-blog · 2 years
Remember: Disney and LucasFilm are NOT responsible for the amazing cultural representation in Book of Boba Fett. Temuera Morrison is. He asked for cultural elements to be added to his character and story. There are multiple interviews from both parties stating that Temuera specifically asked for these elements. Disney wouldn’t have added them if he didn’t ask.
Temuera Morrison deserves the praise for the amazing representation we’re getting.
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vixen1587-blog · 2 years
When sprite says
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In my mind is
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Literal angel
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vixen1587-blog · 2 years
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On your left
Captain America fanart by @rahalarts
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vixen1587-blog · 3 years
MCU Queer, Deaf & Dad Representation
A pointless post about my personal thoughts on MCU representation for the things that matter to me. Being queer, being hard of hearing and positive representation of fathers. 
Lets get this out of the way first. Disney is not your friend. Any representation (particularly in terms of LGBTQ+ & non-white characters) is going to be breadcrumbs at best & token at worst. Sometimes it can be better but its not the norm and it probably never will be no matter how hard we wish it. I hope I am wrong. 
As a woman who is extremely hard of hearing, seeing Makkari on screen was an absolute fucking delight. No terrible explanation or ‘reason’ for her being deaf, she just is. It was not a hindrance. Ugh. Everything about her was just fantastic. The actress was simply amazing & so freaking charismatic I may have swooned a little, her fight scenes were incredible & characters just using sign language on screen so casually was honestly just really freakin’ great. Being deaf is not a sob story. Gives me hope that Echo will be done just as well & I legit screamed at my computer when I saw they finally gave Hawkeye his hearing aids. 
SO HYPED FOR HAWKEYE. More so than Spiderman NWH.
Side note: Eternals was weird for me, I enjoyed it but honestly I want a movie just with Makkari, Phastos, Druig & Gilgamesh. (I refuse to acknowledge his death) They were just so much more interesting. I love Gemma Chan but by the end I sort of didn’t really care about Cersi/Ikaris or Sprite  
Speaking of previously mentioned token representation. LOKI. Fuck this show. Personal bias, I have never really cared about Loki as a character in the MCU so didn’t have any real expectations for that show but holy mother fucking banana cow was it a struggle to get through. (Except Classic Loki. Bring back Classic Loki. I need a whole show about Classic Loki yesterday. Please thank you) But the bisexual ‘coming out’ scene was honestly so pitiful it actually made me laugh. For the people out there struggling with their sexual identity and felt this scene really helped them, kudos to you & I take nothing away from your enjoyment of that but I also feel deep sorrow for you that you think that is all you deserve. That was NOT good representation no mater how you spin it. But that is not the worst of it. To those of you who identify as gender-fluid, I am still angry on your behalf. I am not gender-fluid, I don’t have any friends that are gender-fluid but fuck that show and you deserve so much better. You ARE better. That was not representation, that was an insult. 
I’m also not going to address queer coded characters or queerbaiting in this post (mainly referring to Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes) but I do have many thoughts about it. Maybe Ill do another post about it if I think anyone would read it. I actually have a post about Sambucky & musical identity coming up.
Moving On.
Phastos. How many times does Phastos acknowledge out loud that he is gay in the movie? Lets count. None. That’s right. None. And it was fucking glorious. That’s how low the bar is for queer representation is right now. It wasn’t mentioned. It was just his normal. The only exceptional thing about it was he mentioned that he found someone who he loved enough (& who loved him back) that it restored his faith in humanity. So much so that Phastos didn’t hide that has was an Eternal from him. To trust him enough to have a kid together. To just be normal. Phastos’ faith in humanity was restored because he happened to do the most normal human thing ever. He fell in love. It just happened to be with a man. 
All scenes of them on screen together felt very real & I am so glad they did not shy away from the fact that there was obviously so much love between the two of them. Even the kiss was beautiful. Not one of those desperate passionate Hollywood kisses, but a kiss of real love & it was center screen. Just them. This was representation. It felt familiar. It felt real. Being gay was not his defining characteristic. Being gay wasn't even mentioned. There was no mocking or teasing & they didn't try to hide their love & adoration.
Hollywood has a long way to go but for a main stream superhero movie? This is a much better start.
And still speaking of Phastos...
Media is absolutely shit to dads. Dads/step-dads/father figures are fucking amazing & not second class parents. And weirdly this is an area the MCU has actually seemed to take stance against, particularly recently. And I am all here for it. 
You see Phastos & his husband Ben being the pinnacle of adorable dads for their son Jack? Fixing bicycles, panicking about other superheros babysitting? Just all so wholesome & positive I might cry.  
Scott Lang trying his absolute hardest to be the best dad to Cassie? One of the hardest blows from Endgame for me was not allowing Scott to see her grow up. He deserved that. But they have time now. And holy fuck the healthy & loving relationship he has on screen with his ex-wife & her new husband? No jealousy, understanding and yes, step-dads are fucking awesome too. Just so fucking great.  
Sam Wilson (my beloved) being the best uncle/ father figure to his two adorable nephews? Clearly he’s devastated at not being around to see them grow up as well but that shot of Sam holding the shield and his nephew just looking up at him in awe? Legit tears. More please. 
(please MCU, Stop hurting Sam Wilson, get him into therapy and make Bucky earn his goddamn trust. Sam deserves it. Actually Sam Wilson deserves every fucking thing.) 
Even a shout out to Shang Chi’s dad. Before everything went south, he loved his children desperately. I’d argue even as much after, but he was just blinded by grief. Not a bad dad, but a misguided one. 
*I would actually like to make a brief mention of the Aquaman movie here. The relationship between Arthur & his father was fucking great and unashamedly healthy, loving & full of adoration & respect. I know its DC and not really relevant to this post but I feel it needs to be acknowledged.* 
That’s it. Rant over. 
(Reference/context for clarity’s sake to avoid misunderstandings in this post)
-I am a late 30′s British white woman. I have not spoken about the significance of Phastos being a positive black gay role model. I am not qualified to speak about race/racism. The closet experience I have to this is being half polish and getting called ‘a bloody foreigner’ by pompous ladies in Cambridge who are somehow too old to die every time I leave the Polish deli. 
-I am pansexual. In my teens I used to classify myself as bisexual until I got older & understood myself better. I lost my wife 8 years ago to ALS & am now happily existing with my outstanding 6ft cuddlebug builder rob & our two adopted cat children. We are very proud. 
-I am 70% deaf. Born that way. Small tubes. Extremely sensitive to pressure changes, my ears don’t pop, I can’t ride a bike, I cannot go under water or on airplanes. Will eventually lose all ability to hear. On the plus side, I am incapable of getting travel sick and can live on rollercoasters FOREVER. 
-I lost my dad to stomach cancer in 2003. I wasn’t even 18 and had a younger sister to look after. I remember him as a hard working, hilarious & generous man. I wish I would have known him better. 6 Month after this my mother went to prison for fraud. 
Be kind to each other. Its really not that fucking hard. 
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