#this is a fanfic in itself
orcboxer · 10 months
those first couple weeks after escaping a time loop have gotta be disorienting as all fuck. all those little cues that used to tell you what's about to happen are now triggers that cause you to brace for something that isn't coming. you have to relearn the permanence of death -- hell, you have reacquaint yourself with the entire concept of finality altogether. everything keeps changing but it never changes back and you keep having to remind yourself that this is normal. "it won't reset anymore," you echo to yourself, over and over and over, like a broken record, like you're still trapped in a loop, like someone who escaped the time loop but was doomed to bring it into the future with them
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lyxthen-reblogs · 4 months
Desirée: I feel in love with my Ronnie at first sight because he came to defend me and he saved me even though he was a stranger.
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eirianerisdar · 3 months
Most of the Charlos Bahrain GP car ride has been clipped already but the really angsty stuff actually is an overlooked section around 3:50 into the vid:
Carlos at this point looks a bit damp-eyed as he teases Charles and says Charles is going to look at Carlos' onboards later:
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Charles starts laughing and looks at Carlos:
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Only to realise that Carlos has actual tears in his eyes so he makes a what the hell is wrong with this guy motion and looks away:
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They're both looking away from each other now, despite the laughter. Both their eyes are visibly damp:
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But of course they can't leave it at that so Carlos pats Charles's shoulder. "Don't worry," Carlos says:
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talaok · 4 months
Until now
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
summary: It's Valentine's day morning, and your husband Joel is telling you all about what he's planned for the day, only he doesn't know you have a surprise of your own.
warnings: smut| oral sex (f receiving), edging if you squint, allusion to baby-making sex, and so much fluff you could drown in it. (No-outbreak!Joel but Sarah doesn't exist in this universe)
a/n: guys this is a lil cringe at times but i was listening to a real hero on repeat while i wrote it so forgive me but a bitch was feeling it
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The first thing you felt were lips on your neck, his lips
then came the rest,
his arm wrapped around you, his body pressed to your back, his breath fanning over your neck, his beard stroking your skin, and when you opened your eyes, the soft glow of the morning sun shining through the curtains.
"morning beautiful" 
his voice was hoarse with sleep, muffled by your neck.
"good morning" you smiled, turning your head to look at him, at your handsome, caring, perfect husband who was the only person able to make you smile in the morning.
His deep brown eyes looked up to yours, and the moment they did, his lips turned upwards into a grin as he drank the image before him.
How you looked so beautiful just awake was only one of the many mysteries about you.
"Slept well?" he asked, leaning closer to ghost your lips
"very" You were miraculously able to mumble before he was kissing you like it was the last time he ever could.
His tongue explored and savored every inch of you with the same eagerness and need of teenagers making out for the first time, until a soft giggle climbed your throat, and he leaned away, his hunger satiated ever so little.
"I see someone's wide awake" You bit down a chuckle, repositioning your ass just to ever so slightly grind against the hardness probing from his boxers
he groaned in pleasure before his usual smug smirk took over "that?" he hummed, rubbing his cock against your backside and forcing a little gasp out of your throat "that's jus' what you do to me, sweetheart"
Although you were smiling, you rolled your eyes at that, but before you knew it he was kissing you again, his arm pushing you even closer to him, before he rolled you onto your back, and climbed on top of you.
"happy valentines day" he murmured, another quick peck landing on your lips.
"happy valentines day baby" 
He smiled then, like only you could make him, that same silly smile he didn't know he even had in him before he met you, before you opened his eyes to how amazing life could be, if you only let it.
He hummed as he started descending down your body, worshipping every inch of it with his lips, his tongue, his hands- while you squirmed underneath him, biting down every whimper that begged to be voiced.
"So are you finally gonna tell me what you've planned, mr. romantic?" you asked, your voice breathy as his face traveled to "his favorite place on earth" as he always liked to put it, alternatively called between your thighs.
"mhh" he hummed, licking the inside of your right thigh, making you moan out loud this time "first" he started, continuing to tease you, getting closer and closer to your core, but never really there, "first we're going to the bookstore" he murmured, softly kissing your mound, as a silly smile erupted on your face
"the one that just opened?" you asked, propping yourself on your elbows to get a better look at him
"of course" he smirked, chuckling softly at your reaction "I think you just got wetter"
"shut up" you laughed, but before you could say anything more, his tongue had started tasting you already.
"oh my god" 
"and you can buy as many books as you want" he continued explaining, as you panted beneath him, his mouth alternating between latching to your clit and exploring your slick slit "with no spending limit"
A louder moan spilled from your lips at that, and he smiled, amused.
"a-and then?" you inquired, your hand going to his locks, as you forced yourself to look at him, at your pretty husband bringing heaven to you with his mouth.
"and then we're going to the movie theater" he muttered between laps "They're showing a bunch of those god-awful rom-coms you like"
You giggled through the pleasure, through the happiness.
"You like them too Miller" you teased
"Mhh" he mocked, "Sure I do sugar"
Again, a laugh, the same one he'd never get tired of hearing
"You're a bad liar baby"
He didn't answer, he only started sucking your clit, and all your ability to form coherent sentences dissipated into thin air
"'m not so bad at everything at least" he smirked, slowing down again to torture you just a little longer.
"j-joel" you whined
"don't you wanna know the rest of my plan?"
"yes but later works too"
"agree to disagree," he said, licking your core again and again, until you were soaking the sheets "And then" he resumed from where he left off "we're going to dinner, but where is a surprise"
You were smiling like an idiot.
There he was, your husband telling you all about the day he'd planned just for you.
"You like my plan?"
"I love it baby" you beamed
"yeah?" he grinned, clearly happy "not as much as you're gonna like this"
And then, then in just a few moments, he had pushed you over the edge.
Because he knew your body better than you at this point.
You gripped his hair, nearly ripping them off of him, as you cried out his name over and over until your neighbors probably decided to write you another passive-aggressive note about the "obscene noises" you caused.
You were breathing heavily while he leaned up to cage your entire body with his, your eyes droopy and a sickly sweet beam on your lips matching his.
God what a fool you'd been when you thought you knew what love was. This- this is what love really is. Him. Joel Miller. He's true love.
He kissed you then, pulling you out of your own thoughts as he let you taste all of yourself on his tongue.
"I have a surprise for you too, you know?" you said, your hand on his cheek, softly stroking his beard.
"'s that right?" he smirked
"yup" you nodded, smiling although some tension was taking over your body 
But then again, when you looked into his eyes... at all the love and care in them... it all faded away.
"well first, I'm gonna make you breakfast mister" you murmured, your other hand on his back drawing soft circles "Heart-shaped pancakes and all"
"mhh how romantic" he hummed, kissing your forehead "Thank you sugar"
"and second..." you bit your lip, swallowing thickly 
"what?" he asked, noticing the shift in your demeanor
"I've stopped taking the pill Joel" you murmured "I want to start trying"
And just then, when you saw a spark ignite in his eyes and his mouth fall slack, you knew you didn't have any reason to worry.
You knew he wanted it,
he told you so, but you weren't ready yet, and as always, he had understood, never bringing it up again, until the moment you'd be ready too... until now
"A-Are you-"
"yes" you smiled, watching as slowly, his lips curled more and more into the biggest smile he ever smiled "I'm sure" you promised "I want to have a baby. I want to have your baby, Joel"
"I-" he didn't know what to say, he didn't know if he was dreaming, if he was still alive, he didn't know anything, anything except one thing:
"I love you" he breathed, his eyes blown wide with shock, with joy, with love "I love you so fucking much"
"i love you t-"
But you couldn't end the sentence because his lips were already devouring yours
"I'm gonna make you the pretties mama the world has ever seen darlin'"
Tears were pooling in your eyes as you answered
"better get to work then" you smiled "'cause I know this baby can't wait to meet his daddy"
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xuxudio · 1 year
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i'm glad no one was home because i screamed when i realized just who grabbed each bouquet
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somerandomdudelmao · 7 months
Besides the movie (if there is), was there anything else that made you create this amazing comic?
Actually..ahahfjgj aCTUally, the movie wasn't what inspired this comic at all.
Fanfics and comics, however....
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valninja · 2 years
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“Then keep me instead... I’d love to see your nation.”
“You can’t come down there in that.”
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riacte · 6 months
Dear CCs: if you really want a fanfic to react to, the only correct response is the modern masterpiece mangobaII
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"You don't get to tell me about sad."
~ Taylor Swift (Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?) (Nonromantic)Pairing: Black Brothers Angst- Rating: T
"C'mon, Reggie! Merlin, it killed me to leave! You know that!" Sirius cried, tears streaming down his face.
But Regulus couldn't even look at him. Couldn't find an ounce of pity in his bones for the brother who'd abandoned him. Couldn't even keep a straight face.
He laughed derisively, a manic grin on his face. "Killed you?"
After a beat, he looked up, face contorting with rage, slamming a fist on the table. "Sirius, you got to leave! Forgive me if I don't feel bad for you for being able to spend your summers with the Potters and their manor and their bloody perfect life! Meanwhile, I-" he cut himself off, thinking of those years without Sirius. The stifling summers filled with anguish and pain and loneliness.
"You don't get to tell me about your pain," Regulus nearly growled, advancing on his brother, who looked almost scared. "Not when you chose to walk away from mine."
Then he stood there, chest heaving, staring at his brother and begging him in his head:
Apologize. Please. Come back to me. Save me. I don't want this.
But Sirius, nothing if not consistent, just nodded and turned wordlessly. Leaving again.
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annegrey · 9 days
Two for the price of one
Kelly x fem!Reader x Max
Summary: While you loved both of them, Kelly was the only one you've slept with. And she wants to help you to finally enjoy Max' company. (I kinda suck at summaries.)
Let me know what you think! Without critisism one can't get better! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Your breath was labored, your hands were clutching the sheets to your sides, and there was a soft warmth along your back. A soft chuckle sounded, and a hand grabbed yours. You couldn’t be sure whose hand it was, with the blindfolds, but instead of making you even more nervous, they helped you calm down.
A soft kiss was placed on your neck, then your cheek. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, he knows what to do. I trained him well”, Kelly whispered, and another chuckle sounded, this time from between your legs. “That she did.”
Knowing that Max saw you like that, all spread out and your most intimate parts right in front of his face, made you squirm. And with your right hand clutched in Kellys, you knew the soft touch on your right thigh was Max. And while you loved that man to bits, it still made you suck in a deep breath.
While he had been nothing but considerate, you have always been more nervous when it came to sex with men. You didn’t know why, but while you found men and women equally attractive, you felt more comfortable about yourself and those little flaws that made you human around other women. And Kelly had made it her mission to show you that you had nothing to fear from Max.
Because even though you have been in a relationship with both of them for quite some time, this was the first time Max was included in your erotic endeavors. Simply because you were too concerned with his judgement, which was completely ridiculous. He loved you, you knew that, but that didn’t shut that small voice in your head up.
So Kelly came up with an idea: you just didn’t see him. The solution was just as ridiculous as the problem, but it worked. After Kelly had tied the silk around your head, you had felt yourself relax more and more, the longer everything went on. Even when the second pair of hands and lips joined Kellys, you were able to concentrate on the feeling instead of your fears. You weren’t sure how or why it worked, but that didn’t matter.
 And even now, all spread out, all it needed was some kisses from Kelly on your neck and her free hand massaging your breast, and you were relaxing once again. Just to be surprised when you felt a tongue swipe through your folds. A moan was ripped from your throat, and you leaned your head on Kellys shoulder, sighing and whimpering while Max truly started to eat you out.
Two hands, slightly rough, grabbed your hips to keep you still, and only then you realised that you had pushing them towards Max’ face. Your unhappy huff just made your two lovers laugh, and Kelly kissed your cheek again, before her second hand joined her other with massaging your tits. It wasn’t the first time with her, so she knew exactly how to pinch and twist your nipples to make you keen and arch your back.
At the same time she was softly biting your neck, slowly working her way to that one spot that almost instantly made you come apart at your seams. While you were a moaner, making your pleasure known, tonight you were almost screaming with pleasure. Kelly knew exactly which spots to hit, and Max was really, really good at eating a woman out, so it didn’t take you long to feel your climax approach.
“I’m… I’m close”, you gasped, and both of them slowed down for a bit. “You think you got a second one in you? Do you need a break?”, Kelly asked, while one hand was slowly stroking your arm. This was one of the reasons you loved her. She was always so considerate and made sure you were on board with everything before acting. Just like she sat you down not long ago and explained her idea with the blindfold. And right now, she was asking, not truly if you wanted to cum, but if you wanted to continue afterwards. You took a few breaths, you owed it to her, to them, to think about this. And if you were honest…
You didn’t want to stop. You wanted them to make a crying mess out of you, until the silky blindfold was soaking wet and you were to exhausted to move even a finger. So you took another breath, swallowed, and whispered “No, make me cum. Please, I can take it. I need you. Both of you.”
“You’re such a good girl”, Kelly whispered, while Max just moaned and continued to eat you out as if you were his last meal. You gripped the sheets in your hands, not even sparing a thought of maybe ripping them with how hard you were pulling on them and bucked your hips against Max’ hold on them. Kelly even snuck a hand down to your pussy and started to rub your clit, causing your orgasm to crash over you. You didn’t even notice that one of your hands had grabbed Max’ hair and pulled him closer to your core while you rode out your climax.
Only when you were breathing hard, slowly coming down from your high, you felt someone carefully pulling it out. You mumbled a quiet sorry, but Max just kissed your knuckles. At the same time, you felt Kellys lips on your temple, and a hand on your blindfold. “What do you think, should we get rid of it?” You knew what she was asking. Were you feeling comfortable enough to look at Max for the remainder of the evening. Chewing on your lips for a bit, you nodded. “Yes, please.”
@amberpanda99 (told you I would inform you xD) @sassymillenialscorpio
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xviruserrorx · 2 months
Something that The Amazing Devil does so beautiful is that even though a lot of their songs are very wordy they don't rush or skip over the rests in-between. And my favorite examples of this are Elsa's Song and Old Witch Sleep/Good Man Grace, because in old with/good man the beggining is so nice because they put so much pauses between each phrase and even parts like the "Sleep now, oh, she said" there is this smallest rest between the "Now" and "Oh" and it's so subtle but if you don't do that rest it's very very noticeable because your just slurring these two (almost) very short phrases of their own. Then in Elsa's Song l love how the tempo and when they come in, is almost dragging, they are coming in at the very last second of the beat and it makes the tone of the song so so so good
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hotdogcabbagesausage · 4 months
the way i actually have to write my fic for it to be written is crazy
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
Adopt a Jock Part Four  / Part Five P 1 YOU ARE HERE / Part Five P 2 
As always I own my soul to @chalkysgarbagefire and Hayley for helpin out with this one! 
The problem with D&D games was that the drama room was only available on specific days.
As in, the days Hellfire was scheduled as a club for, much to said club’s distress. 
This led directly into the second issue Hellfire faced--finding a place to host them all when they wanted to do something as a group outside of the main campaign they played. 
(At least anything D&D related, with all of the screaming, ranting, and frantic dice rolling that came with it.) 
Gareth knew Eddie had been lying through his teeth when he'd try to pitch Steve's house as a Hellfire hangout. Accepted that they’d never get to use all the sweet, sweet space Steve was known to have as much as he’d accepted Steve himself. 
It was a lot, after all. Particularly when Eddie’s one-shots were known to last a good chunk of the day. 
Once again, Steve had proved them all wrong. 
(“We can use my house.” were five words not a single person at the table had ever expected to hear out of Harrington’s mouth, and it showed in the shocked silence that followed when he actually spoke them. 
“What?” Steve asked, as six pairs of eyes stared at him. “Space is the problem right? So my house is the perfect solution.” 
“Are you sure dude?” Grant asked hesitantly. “You know this one-shot isn’t gonna be a like, two hour thing, right?” 
To their surprise Steve just gave him a flat, almost dead-eyed stare in return. “I’ve hosted the kids at my place before. Believe me, I am well aware.” 
“As long as you’re absolutely sure…” Jeff had added, and could only roll his eyes when he got a sassy response from Steve. 
Gareth of course, caught the way Steve kept seeking out Eddie’s eyes, as if hoping to make their oldest friend smile simply by offering up his house. 
He didn’t even need to look to know it was working.) 
It had taken some creative thinking (and a few wild excuses) to finangle things so that he could show up to Steve's literal castle of a home before anyone else without alerting Eddie but he'd managed it.
It was in fact, looking to be the highlight of Gareth's month. 
Possibly the year, if they managed to pull off the little plot he had cooked up. 
“I still don’t get how this is a prank.” Steve said, as Gareth prepped him before the others arrived.
"Trust me. If Eddie is anything, it's a jealous bitch." Gareth replied, seated on one of the countertops. "We dethrone him and he's gonna make an ass of himself for the next week. It'll be hilarious." 
"I fail to see how that's different than usual." Steve grumbled as he bustled about. 
Upon arrival Gareth had found him elbow deep into making cookies and what appeared to be  themed cocktails, among several other bowls full of snacks of all kinds. 
There was even little finger sandwiches, the kind that absolutely looked homemade, and Gareth would have teased him about that except he’d instantly stuffed two in his mouth.  
("I won't be able to host since I'm playing, so I just want everything done before anyone comes over." Was Steve's explanation, when Gareth did manage to get out a few teasing quips.  
With the proud lack of manners so many teenage boys possessed, Gareth talked right through his mouth of food. "God you’re a dork. How the hell did you get popular?"
"Shut up Emerson, you're wearing two jackets." Steve snipped in response, as if he didn’t look like the poster boy for Nordstrom.) 
"Don't bring logic into this." Gareth continued, as he tried to snag some cookie dough. 
 Steve smacked the back of his hand with a spoon. 
"Get a bowl and a spoon if you're going to eat the dough!" Steve grumbled at him, already bustling to get said bowl and spoon himself. “God you’re worse than Eddie. And the kids!” 
Gareth waited until Steve turned before he stuck his tongue out at him. "Whatever you say, mom." 
He got an over exaggerated eye roll in response. 
 "Anyway, the point is you're gonna witness something we'll get to tease Eddie about for years." Gareth said, as he watched Steve dole out some dough. 
"You get to watch the little hamster on the wheel that powers Eddie's brain lose its shit and cause him to do something really stupid.” He made grabby hands for the bowl and spoon, and tucking in delightfully the second Steve handed them over. 
Steve himself treated the entire exchange like he was feeding a particularly vicious and wild animal, making a show of yanking his hands back like Gareth might just go for his fingers. "I just don't understand why the thing you wanna fight about is cuddling."
"Bragging rights. The jokes we can make. The fact that your thighs look like they were made out of clouds, take your pick man.” Gareth counted off, in-between bites of dough. 
"Clouds?" Steve asked, tilting his head. 
“Big muscley clouds, Harrington. Also Grant’s here.” 
Steve blinked. “How do you-” He asked, right before the sound of a car with an engine far too loud pulled into his driveway. 
“He drives an absolute piece of crap. You ride in that thing one time and you’ll be able to hear it coming for the rest of your life.” Gareth explained, as Steve peered out the kitchen and down to his front doors. 
(Plural, because he had two.
Gareth had never felt more judged by slabs of wood in his life than he had when he’d walked through them.) 
"Last chance to bail, Stevie.” Gareth teased. “I won't hold it against you if you call it off mid-show though." 
Steve didn’t answer for a moment, too busy disrobing from his baking apron—a bright yellow and red garment that practically swallowed him whole, complete with an embroidered ‘Claudia Henderson’ over the right breast. The embroidery gave rise to a few questions but Gareth decided to save them for later. 
"No, something this fucking weird has to have a story behind it and I want to witness the fallout.” Steve finally replied, before rushing out of the kitchen. 
He ripped open his front door, right after a knock echoed loudly throughout the house. 
“Shit! What the hell man, were you just waiting to do that!?” Stewart yelped, prompting Gareth to snicker quietly and Steve to apologize. 
Like the wealthy housewife he’d been no doubt raised by, Steve went through a whole spiel as he ushered Stewart and Grant in, pointing out bathrooms, letting them know where the game was going to take place (the giant fuck off table that looked like it should be hosting some kind of high-stakes negotiation instead of a bunch of nerds) and where they could put their things (into a closet dedicated to just guests.) 
The trio of Eddie, Tiffany and Jeff arrived next, the latter two having been roped into helping Eddie haul his “D&D To Go” bags around. 
Steve started his little host speech over, much to Gareth’s amusement, fluttering about and entirely forgetting about his cookies until the oven dinged, causing him to swear and rush back into the kitchen. 
“Dude, breathe.” Gareth told him, almost done with his bowl. “It’s a D&D game, you don’t gotta go full out for us.” 
“I just want to make sure everyone has a good time.“ Steve said with a shrug. Like none of the effort he’d gone to, was a big deal. 
“Careful Harrington, say stuff like that again and we’re going to start thinking you enjoy hosting us.” 
“Shut up Gary.” Steve said, setting his cookies on a cooling rack. “And put that bowl in the sink!” 
Gareth jumped off the counter, trying his best to remove the shit eating from his face.
He failed entirely. 
As far as pranks went, this one required quite the set up. 
They couldn’t do it in the beginning of the D&D game--too obvious, and too easy for Eddie to call bullshit. 
Doing it at the end wouldn’t work either. Eddie would know they were trying to rile him up and would no doubt find a way to ruin it. 
Years of being Munson’s best friend had afforded Gareth the knowledge that this was going to have to be split in two parts, and the first part, the setup, started now. 
Slowly. Methodically. 
In a way that wouldn't spook Steve, or trigger Eddie's sense for trouble. 
Gareth began by selecting a seat as far away from Eddie as possible, knowing his lovestruck idiot friend would be pulling out all the stops tonight in order to impress Steve (and get him to keep playing, of course.) 
Sure enough, as soon as Eddie was done setting up he crooked a finger in Steve's direction.
“Harrington you’re here, next to me.” Eddie flashed him his most award winning grin, the one that said he was up to trouble in that charming, ‘aren’t I just a charming ol’ rogue?” sort of way. 
“I made you a human fighter, just to start you off." He continued, as Steve took the seat next to him. "You can always make your own character later if you don't like playing this class, but I made this set up as straightforward as possible.” 
“Human fighter huh?” Steve said, glancing down the sheet. “Okay.” 
“You have any questions, you just ask. I promise I won’t bite. Not for your first time anyway.” Eddie winked, dipping in and out of Steve's space as he did so. 
“Dude, I am begging you to please stop saying shit like that.” Jeff said with a long suffering sigh. 
“No.” Eddie replied promptly, sticking his tongue out. 
Steve just ducked his head to hide his smile. 
A harsh clap halted any further response, as Eddie settled back into his seat and dipped into his DM narrator voice. 
"Alright my little adventurers! Are we ready to begin?"  He looked around as everyone looked towards him, the energy shifting instantly in the room. 
Eddie grinned gleefully. "Perfect. You all wake up at an Inn, with no memory of how you got there…" 
A story was quickly spun, one of mysterious memory loss and a sense that the group needed to stay together. Introductions were given once everyone came into the tavern of the inn, cut short when they were interrupted by a lone barkeep.
“Is the barkeep a human?” Steve cut in. 
Eddie paused, temporarily thrown, but nodded encouragingly. “Yes, he is actually!” 
Grant and Jeff both went to open their mouths, no doubt to tease, but Harrington beat them to it. 
“Okay, I roll to fight him, or whatever.” Steve said.
“I--what?” Eddie asked. 
“I roll to fight him.” Steve repeated. “Oh and my character screams “Death to humans!” before he attacks.” 
He sat back with a smug little grin, and watched as Eddie froze in surprise, while Grant and Stewart's jaws promptly hit the floor. 
“Harrington, you menace.” Tiff cackled, delighted. 
Eddie just threw his head back and laughed. 
It set the tone quite nicely for the rest of the one-shot. 
“Grant, why are you looking at me through a fork?” Steve asked, about thirty minutes into the game. 
“I’m pretending you’re in jail.” 
Steve raised an eyebrow. “Why?”
Grant, whose character had to physically carry Steve's fighter out of two altercations he started,  just gave him a flat look.  “It’s spiritually healing.”
"Hey Jeff." Gareth asked quietly, as banter was traded. "I'm catching a hell of a draft over here." 
Jeff raised an eyebrow at him. "And what do you want me to do about it?" 
"Switch me seats?" 
Jeff rolled his eyes, but gave in easily enough. 
"Fine."  He said. 
Gareth did his best to keep his grin off his face. 
Step one, complete! 
"You come upon a door." Eddie said, sitting deep in his seat while steepling his fingers. "It's a normal door, unremarkable in every way except for two things." 
Groans filled the room, startling Steve. 
"Oh god, not again." Stewart moaned, raking his hands through his hair. "I can't do this again!" 
Eddie's grin merely grew. "The first odd thing you notice is that the door has been put into the wall at a tilt." 
"I'm gonna kill him." Tiff snarled, writing something frantically in her notes. "Munson is a dead man walking." 
"What is happening?" Steve asked, glancing around. 
"The second thing is that you recognize this door." Eddie's grin was Cheshire cat-esque, smug in the chaos he was causing among his friends. "It's the same door you saw at the beginning of this adventure, leading into the room the Innkeeper asked you to stay away from." 
"We're boned." Grant announced, throwing himself dramatically back against his chair. 
Gareth made his own dramatic, frustrated noise, banging his fist on the table. 
The full glass of soda next to him wobbled dangerously. 
With a cough, he made another loud "ugh!"  smacking his fist down a second time, closer to the glass. 
As intended, it spilled all over Tiffany. 
"Dude!" She exclaimed, shoving her chair backwards and jumping up. 
"Oh shit Tiff, I'm so sorry!" Gareth gasped. 
It was hard to keep a straight (albeit very sorry, least Tiffany hit him with her papers) face, but he managed. 
"You got my shirt wet you dick!"
"Here, switch it with this."  Gareth stood, unwrapping the red and black checkered sweater from his waist. He offered it up with an apologetic face as Tiff snatched it out of his hands with a glare. 
"I'll switch you seats too!" He called as she stormed off towards the bathroom. 
Jeff and Grant both stared at him with raised eyebrows as Gareth quickly shuffled his and Tiff's stuff around, taking her now sticky chair. 
"Maybe we should take a break?" He suggested, trying to act embarrassed when he was anything but. "This whole area needs to be wiped down."
"Five minutes." Eddie conceded. "I wanted one of Stevie's delicious cookies anyway." He stood, putting his arms up in a lazy stretch. 
Steve stood with him, leaning over to examine the mess Gareth had made. “We can wipe this down but this wood’s kinda funny, it’s gonna be wet for a bit no matter how much we dry it.” 
“Well shit.” Gareth said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m sorry about the table man.” 
Steve waved him off. “Don’t worry about it, the kids spill on it constantly. You are probably going to need a different chair though unless you’re fine with your ass getting wet.” 
“Do you have another chair somewhere, Stevie?” Eddie asked, making a show of looking around. “Cause I’m not seeing one. Not that I care if Gary-Berry sits on the floor.” 
Steve had several extra chairs in fact, but he and Gareth had hidden them all away before anyone else had arrived. 
“I used to, but Mike broke two.” Steve said, and Gareth found himself insanely impressed by the improv on display. 
He hadn’t thought Harrington had that level of acting in him. 
“If you’re okay with sharing though, the chair’s are big enough that we can kinda squish together.” Steve continued, completely ignoring the way Eddie’s eyes about bugged out of his head. 
“Only if you’re sure, man. I don’t want to be more of a bother.” Gareth put on his saddest, ‘I dun fucked up’ face, and shuffled his feet a little, just for dramatic effect. 
This was the performance of a lifetime and Gareth wanted his Grammy after it, because he and Steve had planned the entire thing right down to the shared chair bit. 
“You’re not, Dustin does this constantly.” Steve replied easily. 
“Or we could just put down a towel.” Jeff said, with a look on his face that said he thought everyone in the room was a fucking idiot. 
Gareth could’ve strangled him. 
“That’s probably a smarter idea.” Steve agreed, like the traitor he was. “I dunno if that’s gonna work for your papers and shit though, so you can just hedge into my space.” 
Which wasn’t what Gareth wanted, but he had to give Steve props for the quick thinking. 
At least it was just a minor setback. 
“I’ll get a towel.” Jeff continued, and at least they all got to witness the look that graced Eddie’s face upon realizing that Jeff of all people, knew where Steve kept his towels. 
"What the hell else can we do to try and open the door!?" Jeff snarled a while later, slamming his pencil down. 
They'd tried multiple different approaches and so far nothing had worked to set off whatever trap Eddie had set up. Something that made their DM absolutely delighted, while frustrating everyone else. 
"I still don't get why we can't just try to turn the knob." Steve complained, staring in confusion at the absolute riot Eddie's "completely normal" door had caused among the rest of his party. 
"Do not touch that door Harrington!" Grant bellowed, pointing at him. 
Steve raised his hands in the air placatingly. "Easy, easy, I was just making a suggestion." 
Gareth, wedged as close into Steve's space as he could get, tapped his fingers on the table twice. It was the little code he’d come up with to alert Steve that he was about to do something to piss off Eddie related to the prank (mostly, so Steve had a heads up Gareth was about to touch him, not that Gareth had spun it that way when he’d explained it) before patting Steve’s shoulder, hooking his elbow on it and leaning over. “Not gonna lie man, it’s not a bad idea. We’ve tried right about everything else.” 
He could feel Eddie's eyes burning a hole in his skull from here and he delighted in it. 
“Do not encourage him.” Grant said through gritted teeth. 
Gareth leaned his face on the arm perched on Harrington, his hair tickling Steve’s cheek as he tried to look as angelic as possible. “I couldn’t possibly know what you mean, Grantman.” 
He was flipped off in response. 
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” Stewart howled, and even Gareth’s jaw dropped when Steve finally gave in and tried to turn the knob--only to succeed and swing the door open. 
“Well Munson? What happens to him?” Tiff said, having refused to call Eddie anything but his last name since the door had first appeared. 
“Nothing.” Eddie practically purred. “I told you, it’s a totally normal door, and the only weird thing about it was that you recognized it and that it was put into the wall a little tilted.” 
“Fuck you dude.” Stewart practically growled, balling up the piece of paper he’d been doodling on and flinging it towards their DM. “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck. You!” 
“No thank you.” Eddie replied cheekily, twirling a finger in his hair. 
“We spent almost an hour trying to figure out how to open a regular door.” Jeff said, clearly processing. “An hour.” 
Eddie just shrugged, shit eating grin plastered across his face. 
Gareth once again tapped his fingers twice against the table, waited a moment, before banging his head gently against Steve’s shoulder. “I hate him.” He groaned. 
After a long moment, Steve gently, if not a little awkwardly, patted him on the head. 
“There, there, Gary. We defeated the door in the end.” He said calmly. 
Gareth laughed, absolutely delighted. His head jerked up and a grin crossed his face as he immediately looked to see what Eddie made of that. 
Pure murder, going by the face Eddie poorly tried to cover. 
“With his last few moves, Sir Carrington-” 
"I refuse to let that be my character's name.” Steve interjected, as he had every time Eddie brought up the name they’d apparently argued over. “If I have to figure out how to change it legally in your dumb game I fucking will."  
Eddie didn’t even look in his direction. 
“--Sir Carrington leaps into the air, swinging the sword of truth. It cleaves right through the Innkeeper, revealing him to be the dastardly villain you’ve heard so much about, Tareth the Trait. He’s gained an unusual amount of power after stealing the Inn from the former Innkeeper--” 
“Really bro?” Gareth said, sending Eddie a flat look. “Tareth the Trait?” 
“--With this final blow, Tareth collapses to the ground, dead. The Inn returns to its prior form, a safe haven for adventurers, instead of a trap.” 
“Shut up guys, we did it!” Stewart said, throwing his hands up in a victory pose. 
“Not gonna Eddie, I liked the twist.” Tiff complimented, a rare thing from her. 
“Thank you, thank you.” Eddie stood up, sweeping an arm across his chest as he bowed. “Give yourselves a round of applause as well, especially for our dear Steven, who just completed his first D&D game!”
A cheer went up, causing Steve to flush red. 
Gareth pretending to drum, knocking his shoulder into Steve’s much the way he had seen Eddie do as Steve sent an embarrassed smile around the room. 
“We should celebrate.” Jeff said, as the chaos finally died down. 
“I conquer, Jeff the Chef!” Eddie hollered, putting his foot on Steve’s chair. “Stevie-boy, you gotta have some good stuff around here for those big basketball wins!” 
“Get your foot off the chair, Eds.” Steve groaned, but stood up (forcing Gareth to get up as well considering how far he’d been leaning into Steve’s space.) “And yeah we can order like pizza.” 
“Pizza and beer?” Grant suggested.
“Oh my friend. I can do better than that.” Steve replied, a flash of his old, charming self coming through. “Allow me to raid my father’s liquor cabinet.” 
“Hell yes!” Grant yelled, pumping his fist. 
Tiffany rolled her eyes but didn’t protest, and neither Gareth noted, did anyone else. 
Which was exactly what he wanted, because he hadn’t managed to land the perfect ending he and Harrington had planned. 
Gareth would make it into Steve’s lap tonight, even if it killed him.  
(Or worse, even if Eddie got there first, a thing that may very well happen considering Eddie was clearly annoyed with how Gareth had been hogging Steve. 
Just as intended.) 
SOME NOTES: I don't play d&d so writing it always requires a lot of research. Several pieces here (like the human fighter bit) are based off of/stolen from memes, videos or stories I read. If I fucked it up thaaaan idk squint and pretend its right LOL. 
This one doesn’t have a bonus because I had to split Chapter Five into two parts. This is Part One, it’ll be one chapter on A03.  It just kept going.
Also Adopt a Jock is officially going up ON A03 so I will no longer be accepting tags ( Ch. One is already uploaded I’m just struggling with the summary lol. I will make a post and link it to my pinned post when it’s up.) I will still be updating here since I am only updating chapters on A03 as fast as I can edit them, which is not fast at all, so I imagine the next few chaps will be here before there but eventually shits gonna even out, so those who did not get onto the tag list can subscribe to the A03!  
Finally, Sorry this took so long, I have a prior ongoing medical issue and getting laid off fucked up my insurance. Had to cram in some procedures before it ran out. Long story short all I've done is sleep, go to a doctor or rant about one of the two lmao. Legit slept 18 hours yesterday ahaha k i l l m e 
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anghraine · 1 month
Okay, breaking my principles hiatus again for another fanfic rant despite my profound frustration w/ Tumblr currently:
I have another post and conversation on DW about this, but while pretty much my entire dash has zero patience with the overtly contemptuous Hot Fanfic Takes, I do pretty often see takes on Fanfiction's Limitations As A Form that are phrased more gently and/or academically but which rely on the same assumptions and make the same mistakes.
IMO even the gentlest, and/or most earnest, and/or most eruditely theorized takes on fanfiction as a form still suffer from one basic problem: the formal argument does not work.
I have never once seen a take on fanfiction as a form that could provide a coherent formal definition of what fanfiction is and what it is not (formal as in "related to its form" not as in "proper" or "stuffy"). Every argument I have ever seen on the strengths/weaknesses of fanfiction as a form vs original fiction relies to some extent on this lack of clarity.
Hence the inevitable "what about Shakespeare/Ovid/Wide Sargasso Sea/modern takes on ancient religious narratives/retold fairy tales/adaptation/expanded universes/etc" responses. The assumptions and assertions about fanfiction as a form in these arguments pretty much always should apply to other things based on the defining formal qualities of fanfic in these arguments ("fanfiction is fundamentally X because it re-purposes pre-existing characters and stories rather than inventing new ones" "fanfiction is fundamentally Y because it's often serialized" etc).
Yet the framing of the argument virtually always makes it clear that the generalizations about fanfic are not being applied to Real Literature. Nor can this argument account for original fics produced within a fandom context such as AO3 that are basically indistinguishable from fanfic in every way apart from lacking a canon source.
At the end of the day, I do not think fanfic is "the way it is" because of any fundamental formal qualities—after all, it shares these qualities with vast swaths of other human literature and art over thousands of years that most people would never consider fanfic. My view is that an argument about fanfic based purely on form must also apply to "non-fanfic" works that share the formal qualities brought up in the argument (these arguments never actually apply their theories to anything other than fanfic, though).
Alternately, the formal argument could provide a definition of fanfic (a formal one, not one based on judgment of merit or morality) that excludes these other kinds of works and genres. In that case, the argument would actually apply only to fanfic (as defined). But I have never seen this happen, either.
So ultimately, I think the whole formal argument about fanfic is unsalvageably flawed in practice.
Realistically, fanfiction is not the way it is because of something fundamentally derived from writing characters/settings etc you didn't originate (or serialization as some new-fangled form, lmao). Fanfiction as a category is an intrinsically modern concept resulting largely from similarly modern concepts of intellectual property and auteurship (legally and culturally) that have been so extremely normalized in many English-language media spaces (at the least) that many people do not realize these concepts are context-dependent and not universal truths.
Fanfic does not look like it does (or exist as a discrete category at all) without specifically modern legal practices (and assumptions about law that may or may not be true, like with many authorial & corporate attempts to use the possibility of legal threats to dictate terms of engagement w/ media to fandom, the Marion Zimmer Bradley myth, etc).
Fanfic does not look like it does without the broader fandom cultures and trends around it. It does not look like it does without the massive popularity of various romance genres and some very popular SF/F. It does not look like it does without any number of other social and cultural forces that are also extremely modern in the grand scheme of things.
The formal argument is just so completely ahistorical and obliviously presentist in its assumptions about art and generally incoherent that, sure, it's nicer when people present it politely, but it's still wrong.
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chronicowboy · 1 year
"Can I tell you something?"
Honestly, Eddie isn't sure where it comes from. One moment he's watching Buck trying and failing to bite through the long line of melted cheese stretching from his mouth to the slice of pizza held at arm's length, the next something scolding tears through his chest like a bullet from a sniper's rifle and Eddie's mouth falls open before he can think of what he's going to say.
"'Course," Buck mumbles through his mouthful of pizza, breathing around it because its still too hot of course. There's a smear of red sauce on his chin and the pizza is still held aloft about a foot away from his mouth, Eddie finds him desperately beautiful.
"In the truck, after I was shot," Eddie slides the plate under the pizza slice just as Buck drops it, "and after you told me you weren't hurt, there was one last moment that I fought to stay awake."
"Not for Christopher, not for you, but for myself." Eddie nods, eyes trained on the picture of Buck and Christopher on the fridge. "I just wanted to look at you. Just for one last moment. When I knew that you were okay, that you weren't hurt, that I didn't have to worry about you or Chris. I just wanted to look at you." Ironic, he thinks, that he can't look at Buck now. He sucks in a sharp breath and turns to meet Buck's dazed blue eyes. "I wanted you to be the last thing I saw." Buck swallows, that damn string of cheese still hanging from his lips. "And then I woke up to Ana sat next to me in the hospital, and I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in my life."
The loft hasn't been this silent since the morning after that one fateful night during quarantine when they'd thought it would be a good idea to get hammered and play truth or dare, and nobody could look each other in the eye over the several terrible secrets that had been revealed.
Its that same cloying silence now.
Not their usual silence. Not the comfortable silence Eddie revels in. Not the warm silence that greeted him when Eddie walked into the loft with a pizza after asking Buck to call him with an "emergency" to get out of a date with Pepa's latest "perfect woman".
"W-why are you telling me this?" Buck stutters out. "Why- Why now?"
"Because I've been on four dates since you died and none of them have felt remotely close to the night we scammed ten Porterhouses out of the Chief." Eddie shrugs, looking out to the red umbrella flapping in the wind on the balcony. He swings his gaze around to Buck. "Because you said you had the answers, and I'm hoping with everything in me that you have the answer to this question."
"W-what, um, what question is that? E-exactly?" Buck asks, voice breathy.
"If I told you that I'd been falling since that ambulance exploded," Eddie smiles, its a shaky thing full of fear, "would you catch me?"
"Always," Buck breathes without any hesitation, laying his big hand on Eddie's forearm. "Always, Eddie."
"And if I asked for your heart?" Eddie manages to choke out.
"You've had it the whole time, Eddie." Buck smiles, just as shaky as Eddie's had been, but bright and brilliant. "It only started beating again for you."
"One last question?" Eddie raises an eyebrow, his own smile beginning to ache in his cheeks.
"Anything," Buck promises.
"Will you kiss me?"
"Now, I'm not sure about that," Buck grins, all smug and self-assured despite the fucking cheese still on his fucking chin. "Don't I get a date first, Diaz?"
"What? Pizza and beer isn't good enough for you?" Eddie quirks an eyebrow, plan already forming in his head for a homecooked meal lit by candles in the kitchen at home, undoubtedly a panicked call to Bobby when the lasagne doesn't go to plan.
"I'd like to be wooed," Buck says haughtily. "I died, I won you steaks, I think I deserve a little wooing."
"Oh, you do, do you?"
"I do actually," Buck grins at him.
"How about you finish your pizza first," Eddie reaches up to cup Buck's cheek, uses his thumb to catch the string of cheese and gently pushes it past Buck's lips which open for him willingly, "and then we can circle back round to the wooing?"
Eddie pulls his thumb from Buck's mouth with a pop and watches Buck's pupils dilate until the blue of his irises is entirely eclipsed.
"Nope, wooed enough," Buck blurts out before grabbing Eddie's face and crashing their lips together clumsily.
Its the best first kiss of his life.
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
FYI, I have also locked all my fanfics down to registered users only because of the AI scraping on AO3. I'm one of many fan creators doing this right now and I know it stinks for users without an AO3 account, but it's the only option writers have available to us at the moment to stop our work from being scraped and stolen.
If this makes you mad, the Federal Register is currently open to comments on AI accountability until June 12th, 2023.
It only takes a second to leave a comment to ask for legislation that works used in AI creations or training MUST secure the express consent of the original creator before they can be used. If we can get protections for artists, writers, musicians and everyone who creates that their work cannot be used in AI without their permission, we can go back to making fanworks freely available without fear of them being misused. Until then, we're stuck playing defense until the courts catch up.
(If you're a fan creator looking to do this as well, AO3 has a tool to let you do all your fics at the same time in seconds. On your dashboard, go to Edit Works and you'll be able to change the status on everything at once.)
If you missed the context, AO3 recently found that the archive was scraped for use in AI services like ChatGPT and Sudowrite. While they put in protections in December 2022 to try to stop it from happening in the future, it's not foolproof and there is nothing they can do about works already swiped prior to that date. The archive is recommending fan creators restrict their works to registered users only to prevent against additional large scale scraping in the future.
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