#they’re so slimy what great villains
stxrry-dxys · 3 months
thinking about how edward strives very hard to be different and better and smarter than christopher was, and yet when it comes to manipulating a child who has a romantic interest in you in order for them to do what you want, only to discard them as soon as you’re done, he and anthony sure did form the same plan.
he can try and escape christopher’s shadow all he wants, but edward is still very much following behind in anthony’s footsteps
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slashingdisneypasta · 10 months
Disney Villains x Clueless!Reader || Excerpts
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Plot: You had absolutely no idea about their villainous deeds… until you walked in. Part 1??
Characters Included: Cruella De Vil, Hades, Jafar, Lots-O’-Huggin Bear
Warnings: Angst. Also kidnapping, hypnosis, and attempted gas lighting/manipulation.
Tagging: @asperol-with-izzy , @disney-android-foundation , @lady-love88 , @marinerainbow , @miss_understood , @moxiiscool , @ryantryan6969 , and @yesthetrashbin . Hey y'all! Have some drama with your August. xo
Cruella De Vil:
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When you walked into Cruella’s house, using your own key (You were meant to surprise her. It was supposed to be nice!), and heard her talking to Le Pelt on the phone in her office, you were so shocked. And so was she, when she left her office and saw you there in the hallway with a horrified look on your face.
Cruella is non-too-happy about your surprise, that is for sure. As soon as she lays eyes on you and realises what you just heard, she is so frustrated. Now you’re going to make this a thing, damnit. You’re probably going to try to leave her- all because you acted stupid and tried to surprise her. Ugh! … now darling, don’t lose your little head over this, they’re just some puppies, after all- When you immediately turn and storm back towards the front door again, chucking your key at a hallway table, Cruella wouldn’t move. She wouldn’t run after you; She’s not the type. But the frustration in her voice would build and she’d give up trying to be calm and careful with you, yelling after your retreating form. Wait right there! Y/N! Turn around. You walk out that door and you’ll never work in this- or any industry, ever again! I promise you that!-
When you slam the door behind you, she will not follow you.
… But never fret, she does care… and she’ll have her admirers Le Pelt and Alonzo abduct you in the middle of the night.
Good, put the nitwit in the truck, now. Gently, you fools. Y/N- you didnt think it would be that easy, did you?? Ha! We're taking the train to Paris, soon. You've always wanted to go- so keep quiet and enjoy the ride...
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When you walked into the throne room and saw Hades holding Meg up off the ground precariously by her throat, and you heard him say something about taking over Olympus and Hercules- and Hades noticed you standing there horrified and disgusted- everything stopped.
Hades would know immediately that he fucked up. That you would have a hard time forgiving him- if you ever did at all. He would know.
Hades would be desperate. He’d be pathetic, true slimy used-cars-salesman style; Following you as you storm out of the room and down the hall to your room and begging you all the way. Offering you things which fast develop from foot rubs and chocolate coated strawberries to being Master of the Gods- Master of the World- Master of whatever you want! He tries to convince you that this is a good thing, that he’s doing it for you, so you two can be happy together.
This is all while you’re grabbing your most important things and throwing them into a sack, throwing him poisonous glares because how dare he even look at you right now that make him flinch and be quiet. If only for a second. Overall, the man cannot stop talking.
I love you, babe, you can’t- No, no, you’re not leaving. I’m not gonna just allow-
Okay okay okay, I get it! I get it, I shouldn’t threaten you right now, I get it. I’m sorry. You- you probably need some time to cool off, yeah?? Hey, that makes sense!! I would be the same, yeah?? You know what? Take a week- two! Take two weeks… take all the time y’like. And then when you’re ready, you’ll call me, and we’ll talk! I’ll set out a nice cheese platter, some wine,.. we’ll make it a picnic! It’ll be great! Ba- Babe, you’ll understand, you’ll agree, I promise! This is- this is the best thing for the both of us! I promise! I- I’m only thinking of you, sweetheart, of us. I promise! Baby- after I do this, we’ll have everything! I swear! Everything we ever wanted; You can get that house on the mountainside you had your eye on, doesn’t that sound fabulous??
And Zeus?!
 Zeus?! Zeus, is a needle brained moron who doesn’t deserve- Okay okay! I’m sorry! You’re right, you’re absolutely right, baby how are you always so right about everything?? We'll set him up with a nice cottage on the coast. What??? That’s a good deal! Coconuts, babes in bikinis, the sky- he'll love it! Come on-
The man would end up on his knees, reaching for you, but you just slip out of his way, flashing another terrible glare. He has talked a lot while you packed but you've said barely two words. And its terrifying to him.
Baby… sweetheart, where’re you gonna be? You- you’re comin back, right?
… Just tell me if you’re coming back, please. Gimmie something-
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When you walked in and heard Jafar and Iago cackling about marrying the princess and hurting the poor Sultan, and they saw you standing there, Iago immediately flew off leaving more matted feathers on Jafar’s shoulder than usual from the force he used to get away so fast.
Jafar groans, brushing the feathers off him and muttering. Meanwhile you’re horrified, disgusted, creeped out- and about a million other awful emotions all at once, but you stand your ground. You lift your chin and you focus on him. You ask, really? Is that true?? Are you- Are you going to do that??? Is that the plan!?
… an eye roll, is the response you get and that make you feel even sicker. How could you??? As Jafar starts to cross the throne room, at his leisure, towards you- you start to completely lose your composure; Panic building. The- The sultan is a good man! He’s been kind. He’s your friend! I- I- I don’t understand! Jafar, I- Please, explain!
He sighs at that idea and rolls his eyes deeply, getting closer, leading with his snake staff as he always does. I already tried that.
Wh- What?
You heard me, Y/N. Now stay still.
You don’t know what he means by that, but you don’t like it, it- he, scares you. So quickly you try to turn and leave the room, leave him, but he’s too close now and his fingers are surprisingly strong; Holding you forcefully right where you are. That staff’s pushed right in front of your face, the snake’s eyes beginning to glow and burn into yours. This won’t hurt at all, my dear…
… This isn’t the first time you’ve walked in, before.
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When you walked into the library, seeing one of the new toys tied to the ‘time out’ chair that Lotso told you (No, no. Swore to you) was a joke, you were shocked. And it was dark, so Lotso didn’t see you at first.
Twitch did. But by that point you’d heard too much, eyes wide and furious. Uh… boss?
Uhuh what Twitch? I’m kinda in the middle of something here-
Your uh… your Keeper’s, here.          
Wha- my- Oh, honey! At first, Lotso tries to act like you don’t even see what’s right in front of you. Like you’re blind. Like you’re stupid. Like he can wash it all away with some papa bear charm and a kind smile- but there is something darker behind it that you see, now. What are you doin’ outta bed, sweetheart?? Its so late! You’ve had a long day. I’ll be with you in just a second, I just… When he realises that your canyon-deep glare isn’t getting any lighter, he lets it go. He lets it all go; All the sweetness and the charm that you knew him for and all that is left is… something cruel. He looks at you in a full deadpan, a cruel and disappointed deadpan that makes you actually feel cold. Physically. Alright, honey, what’d you see?
And what do you plan t’do about it, huh?
I, I…
That’s right sweetpea, there aint nothin’ you can do! This is my shop, now. C’mon, come with me, I’ll explain it all to ya, and you’ll see that this is the best thing for everybo-
I’ll leave.
When you say that, all the warmth in the room is sucked out- some of the other toys like Twitch and Ken look to eachother slightly wide eyed behind Lotso’s back. The look on his face turns from patronising to hard, mean, mad.
He can’t accept that. … Grab ‘em, boys.
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Disclaimer: This post is going to be Anti Moffat for anyone who’s reading and is a fan you’ve been warned.  
S7E2 is Dinosaurs on a Spaceship and I actually really liked it.
It’s been 10 months for the Ponds not to mention all the other episodes it’s been mentioned that plenty of time passes for them before they see the Doctor again. I could have never imagined Nine or Ten being willing to let so much of their companions lives pass them by, it’s very fascinating that they aren’t full time honestly and it’s a very selfless gesture on the Doctor’s part when it’s obvious it’s difficult for him. The conversation referring to Amy’s death seemed very reminiscent of the one with Rose in School Reunion, it’s always sad to see the Doctor having to be reminded of that. 
I know Chris Chibnall was the showrunner for Thirteen, and that she has many companions at the same time so it was interesting to see he’d already tested out that concept here. I liked that the others were people from different time periods, but I feel like taking Queen Nefertiti is reckless of the Doctor-- she’s an important historical figure! Chibnall and Moffat have both done so or at least Moffat wanted to take Reinette traveling, what if they die before accomplishing what they’re supposed to? 
I loved Brian and I desperately wish we’d seen more of the Ponds families in S5 and S6. Rory’s interactions with him were really nice to see, Brian was very helpful in his own way, he had his own arc in just one episode and him eating his sandwich was the most precious thing I’ve seen. 
This is the best Amy’s been written tbh I loved that she had her own companions and that she’s such a seasoned companion she can comfortably assume the role of the Doctor. I just wish she’d gotten to do more but there were far too many people, this would have been a good two-parter to flesh everyone out more. 
Solomon was a great villain too, super slimy and horrible, and very dark that the Doctor let him die I didn’t think he would actually. I have to admit the plotline was absolutely ridiculous but I also found this episode to be fun so I suppose there’s a point for Chibnall haha. Personally I thought there were some really great lines in this one especially for Eleven and the robots so I’m tentatively optimistic I’ll like Chibnall’s era when it comes. 
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minimoefoe · 2 years
Thirteen Era Rewatch: Survivors of the Flux
I'm re-watching Thirteen's era in lead up to the Centenary and since this is likely going to be my last full re-watch for a while I thought I'd do a post on each ep where I just go over all the things I love, hate or just have some general thoughts on.
When S13 aired I made a posts similar to this after re-watching each ep before the next one came out. The Survivors of the Flux post can be found HERE.
Idc that the angel thing was over quick and idk why ppl get annoyed about it. They explain they did it to transport her and bc it was fun, that’s a good enough explanation for me. Tbh looking back I think ppl (including me) going on about how she’s gonna escape and if the ep was gonna be Doctor-lite was clown behaviour.
I love seeing how much travelling with the Doctor has changed companions and I also love Dan and Jericho being there to show the difference in a companion who’s been with the Doctor for ages and ppl who’ve only just joined
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Low-key I think ppl overreact to this scene. Clearly it’s worded bad bc so many ppl have take it badly but when I first watched it I really didn’t see an issue tbh. Maybe 13 coulda clarified that sure, some creatures will peacefully be looking for a home but a lot of creatures won’t be peaceful and that’s who Yaz should be looking out for. I think the idea that 13 specifically is saying ‘Yeah all refugees are bad’ is insane, bc obviously the Doctor wouldn’t believe that. It’s just a case of the writers not thinking about how they worded something
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I love the hologram scene like the idea that 13 probs left that hologram for Yaz in part bc she had info to tell her but also bc she knew how Yaz was last time she was left for a long stretch of time is my fave thing ever
I wonder if Dan and Jericho happened to be done with the body just as Yaz got done watching the hologram or if they stood outside the door waiting for her to be done
Tecteun is such a bitch and I hate her but also she’s so great and her and 13 have a 10/10 vibe, they’re so interesting to watch. I know a lot of their part in this ep is literally just them talking but I like it a lot
The ood looks kinda weird like it’s not slimy enough and it’s eyes feel to cartoony
The way 13 reacts here fucks me up idek
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Like mother like daughter I guess..
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Lol at Jericho getting a beard out of nowhere
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Also lol at how Yaz and Jericho swap waistcoats midway through the scene? When they first start painting Jericho is in a green waistcoat, Yaz is in a beige one. And then literally the shot after the ss of Yaz in beige is Jericho in beige and then we see Yaz in green
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Tecteun having the Doctor’s fob-watch of memories just like, on display is so sinister to me idk
The way Tectuen just dies instantly like that simultaneously makes sense bc like, Swarm and Azure defo would be motivated to just kill her off, but also seeing her just be gone so quickly feels weird. But then also also, part of me doesn’t even feel like she’s THAT important anyways, like obviously who she is is a big deal, but what use is there for her? Other than the fact she set up the Flux and let Swarm out, I couldn’t ever see her becoming like a recurring villain. I wouldn’t want her to become a recurring villain. She might as well just be dead
I don’t know what’s going on with the Grand Master ngl. Like I know he’s infiltrated UNIT or something and has killed a bunch of ppl with his scarf snake and Kate is like I’m onto you bro but idk why he’s doing it or why he needs to be part of the series other than his shit with Vinder in 13.03. Maybe I just wasn’t paying enough attention but idk. After 13.06 I’m literally gonna read his wiki page so I can fully understand the point in him but I still feel like I’m gonna come to the conclusion that he didn’t need to exist
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izusun · 3 years
Alright more patented Goblin AU ramblings~~~
My mind is HYPERFIXATED on quirkless vigilante Izuku somehow adopting Eri, and balancing that sweet vigilante life (instant ramen, a coffee addiction, and stealing from criminals to pay rent) while trying to raise Eri semi-normally.
Like he's a disaster on his own but add onto the fact that now he's trying to care for Eri?
Dadzawa notices that he's become more tired on patrols (which is saying A LOT) and is now even more on the *must adopt* train.
(yes Izuku has a gun in this one too, I'm a sucker im sorrryy)
Izuku works very hard to try and keep his vigilante persona away from Eri, which often means hiding stab/bullet wounds. Also he spoils her constantly, but they don't get a lot of money anyways, which mostly means him either DIYing stuff or skipping meals to get her another candy apple.
(don't ask where Inko is idk man, she's just gone, you can decide)
Just: Disaster Izuku trying to raise Eri while dealing with his own baggage WHILE Dadtective Tsukauchi and Dadzawa try to bring him in so they can finally adopt him
ALSO ALSO: The pro heroes who are sent to try and catch him all independantly decide to try and adopt him, which leads to a custody battle when they do finally catch Izuku (and Eri making it v clear that she loves her brother/papa and is just as fiercely protective and attached as Izuku is to her even after only a few months/a year makes me feel things)
- Goblin anon
OMG I LOVE THIS GOBLIN!!!! midoriya collecting dads like they’re pokemon cards <3
midoriya’s running away from busting another villain organization, lethargic and slow. he’s sporting two broken ribs and one nasty gash to the thigh. but aizawa’s on his tail and police cars are blaring their sirens from below, obviously following aizawa in his pursuit.
“problem child goddamn it just stand down!” aizawa yells, but does not erase their vigilante’s quirk (no one knows midoriya’s quirkless and right now, aizawa can clearly see that midoriya’s hurt so he doesn’t want to risk midoriya’s safety by erasing his quirk.)
midoriya doesn’t respond and it sends more warning blares to aizawa because their vigilante is never quiet.
“kid?” aizawa asks, ramping up his speed to catch up on midoriya but midoriya’s good at parkour and keeps running away, far from aizawa’s reach. aizawa curses, swings his weight using his capture weapon to give himself leverage but-
“OW!” midoriya yelps, hitting himself from a stray metal beam and aizawa watched in horror as their vigilante kid falls.
“KID!” aizawa’s voice was rough, unused to screaming, as he bolts towards edge of the building’s rooftop, peering down to check at midoriya. he hisses in anger because, as usual, midoriya’s gone.
he reports this incident to tsukauchi and they both try to trace midoriya’s steps, but like an actual ghost, there is never a trace. with aizawa’s agreement, they both add more heroes in their case, never failing to impart that the priority is not to capture but to ensure midoriya’s safety.
of course the heroes love midoriya when they realize that this vigilante boy is adorable, kind, respectful, and cheeky in all the good ways.
things finally change when one night, midoriya crashes to the police station, vigilante outfit intact but bloody. tsukauchi and aizawa are there to meet him, both worried because midoriya will never do this. he was as slimy as all vigilantes were, and always backed his wayward heroism with efficient street fight and honed martial arts, plus the incredible heights of his wisdom. so this? midoriya walking willingly to a police station? this means trouble.
“eri’s taken,” midoriya says, voice quiet and tired but so so scared. they don’t even know who eri was or what were her connections with midoriya, but both aizawa and tsukauchi are moving up to assist midoriya in his plans.
turns out eri’s their kid’s sister/daughter...what?
but she was captured by low ranking LoV members (not official LoV, but more like their underlings.) it took great effort from both aizawa and tsukauchi to stop their kid from setting the villains on fire.
so with eri saved and the LoV underlings captured, they all had to acknowledge that midoriya must be taken to custody.
“look kid-” tsukauchi begins, but midoriya cuts him off.
“after what happened today, i think i rather be taken away than have eri be taken by villains again. look, just promise me that eri would have a good education and good family, ok? and a good house. the one with vast gardens because her quirk is a blessing and she loves to make flowers bloom and i swear to god if you guys do any less for eri, i will personally escape any hole you put me into and cut off your-”
“KID! damn you talk so much, you know that?” aizawa asks, huffing loudly but the way his lips crinkle in a suppressed smile shows that he’s not mad but amused, “we’re not taking you away.”
a heartbeat. “what?” midoriya croaks out, hands embracing eri a little tighter. eri, bless her, is quiet as she watches her extra two dads(?) talk to her brother.
tsukauchi sighs but smiles kindly. “kid– midoriya-kun, we’re not locking you up. there are many laws that could send you to juvenile detention centres, but the fact that you’re quirkless kind of protects you from that. what we’re offering though, for both you and your sister, is protection,” he explains.
“and family,” aizawa grunts from beside him.
tsukauchi nods at that. “and family.”
“...excuse me but what?”
aizawa chuckles lowly, shaking his head at midoriya. “midoriya, i’m offering you to be my kids.”
“well i mean i had to beat fukukado, but yeah.”
all the while, eri giggles at her brother’s expense.
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tommybaholland · 3 years
Can I request deku, bakugo, shoto, kiri, & shinso with an s/o that has a quirk like megumi’s cursed technique? Thanks & I hope you have a great day!
s/o with a shikigami quirk
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featuring: midoriya, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, and shinso
this request! love that kiri is included! love jjk inspiration! thank you and enjoy! x
midoriya was a little intimidated but intrigued by your quirk. he’s always watching others and taking notes on their abilities but yours requires a little more intuition than pure observation. there’s so much to know about it but luckily, he’s dating you and not all because of your power. he does, however, take advantage of asking you all about your power and how you create the shadows with your hands. he’s amazed at how much trial and error this ability requires but you seem to have it under a lot of control. his favorite animal that you can conjure are the divine dogs. even though they’re a little scary, they’re as loyal as any real dog would be. overall, he thinks you have an amazing power and he’s so lucky that you’re his s/o.
bakugo thought that your power left you vulnerable, as it seemed to only be useful at mid to long range. also, who the hell cares about animals made from a shadow? he thought you’d be pretty easy to beat until you pulled a weapon out of midair and smacked him like a baseball. of course an annoying idiot like you would hide weapons in your shadow. he wouldn’t admit it out loud, but he hugely underestimated you. on the contrary, he will make it known that you’re capable of a lot. sometimes you’ll feel like you can’t always do enough to help with your quirk but he would disagree entirely. you may be an irritating dumbass but you’re anything but weak and less then. that also doesn’t make you any less than a cute idiot that he can call his s/o.
todoroki liked how quickly you could think with your quirk in certain situations. he knew that your shikigami each had their own limits, as one does with any quirk. however, you’re keen enough to know when they’re close to being completely destroyed and will release them before their demise. you’re also smart enough to use them when they’re about to give, purely for distraction and you can call them back just as quickly as you conjure them. he likes the frogs the best, despite being grossed out when you had one catch him with its tongue and hold him in its slimy mouth. nevertheless, they’re still super useful for capture and rescue situations without compromising you or anyone else. he believes that you share a special bond with the shikigami which he finds beautiful and what sets you apart from others. 
kirishima was fascinated by the versatility of your quirk and its overall ‘flashiness.’ what could be cooler than conjuring animals from your shadow? he did think that the downsides to your quirk were pretty harsh. he probably would never use that quirk if it meant putting something in danger. one shadow getting completely destroyed must be tough but the compensation is always there. he admires that you have a lot of trust in yourself and the shadow animals. his favorite would be the elephant because it’s big and strong and looks manly. the one time he got to ride on it with you, he felt super powerful and like he could take any villain. it takes a lot of your energy to conjure and command though so he makes sure you’re not pushing yourself to an overwhelming brink. 
shinso admired the immense about of control you possessed with your quirk. he’s seen you conjure three shikigami at one time and you were able to keep tabs on all of them while in combat. he likes when you two are alone together at night and you show him all the shadow puppets you can make and the ones you’ve yet to learn. he thinks the snake shikigami is cool with how sneaky it can be with its attacks. he likes the rabbits too because he thinks they’re cute which is what makes their distraction abilities so effective. your quirk actually inspires him to further his own ability by adding animal sounds to his artificial vocal cords and fool people to think it was one of your shikigami. you told him you’d try to work on conjuring a cat shikigami but he’d rather raise a normal cat with you so you’d have something to share together.
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having fun on this bnha night? requests are here and ready..
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celestialmango · 3 years
Unwilling prey, homebrew humanoid mimic pred, fear play, soft vore, safe vore, fatal implied (for your party), reader insert, DnD type setting
Your heart pounds in your chest and you're gasping for breath as you lean against the cave wall and collapse, breathing hard you can help but think how stupid you were to agree to follow your group members as they wandered off from the main group and from the designated trail to explore, you're lvl ones, it's bad enough you guys got literally sucked into the campaign you were playing, DM included, then they wanted to split the party, but they wouldn't listen to you when you expressed how bad of an idea it was to explore an unknown dungeon if you split the party. Unlucky for you that had them decide that nobody was gonna pair up with you and now you're in this mess.
You had bumped into one of the DM's homebrew monster races a fucking humanoid mimic based on your DM's idea of "ok how about a mimic but this type of mimic is sexy and can be born from other races though still be full mimic but they at first they look completely normal and can shapeshift only the lower half of their body and ears with only minor changes to the appearance of their torso like if they try to turn into a fully scaled mer they're successful with their ears and tail but only get a few scales on their face and chest, and like, they take the abilities of the creatures they turn into and they can be any alignment"
And then your remember what else your dm said "I'm going to use them in vore campaign as a pred" a predator species, this is the vore campaign, what the fuck do you do now?
Your palm covers your mouth as you inhale sharply, your DM still controls certain aspects, you still have to role against the DM though they're trapped with the villain of the campaign they can still tell you when to roll and you can still tell them your role with some form of dice telepathy you don't really understand.
when the party split the DM made you make stealth checks when you entered the dungeon, you failed and as a bard the DM had you playing music which you asked if you were at least going to play well, you rolled a Nat 20 for that, and the DM told you if you lost the dice and didn't roll when you needed to you may end up screwed. the mimic ate yours. How? Well.
You failed a perception check and sat on the random chest you found, you heard and voice tell you it sounded nice, you react by immediately jumping off it as it opens your dice bag fell to the ground with one of the mimic's hand snatching it off the ground, their crossed arms resting on the rim of the chest and propping their chin up with a mischievous grin on their face they address you," oy, why ya stop playin?" Failing to get a response out of your stunned form they push themselves up before they toss the bag in the air a few times, they dangle the bag in front of them " ya need this aye?" You nod feeling tense, the mimic grins, opens their mouth and tossing your dice bag in their gaping maw before snapping it shut as you stare in horror at the disappearing bulge of your dice as the mimic swallows them.
"Phooo,how bout ya come n get em? Go on n reach in." they place their elbows on the rim of the chest and prop their head up their maw gaping open once more while they look at you deviously, you turn tail and run.
You grimace, if you don't get those dice back then...., taking a deep breath you turn around and walk back into the room, they're still waiting and grinning at you while you approach, "change ya mind?" They open their mouth again, you kneel and slowly shove your hand down their throat,their throat is relaxed, it feels like you're shoving your arm into a slimy tube lined with balloons, you reach in all the way to your shoulder you should have reached the dice by now, it's then you remember what else your DM said
"they'll have like six stomachs, and like four are bigger on the inside, 2 are not connected and are just filled with treasure n shit then there's and with the other four only 2 are digestive and the digestive ones are connected to each other and vise versa with the non-digestive ones, the top ones are stretchy and durable enough to hold a god damn chimera without much trouble but their stomach would look about half the size of what they ate because bigger on the inside and the bottom ones are like hammer space, once something is in you wouldn't even see a bulge, the friendly acting ones like to trick their targets into feeding themselves to them, only-"shit, oh fuck.
Your face goes pale and your eyes widen , you jerk your arm out to your elbow before the mimic's throat captures it in a vice grip, they grab your other arm and shove it in too gulping thickly you're pulled back in up to your shoulders, you stare at their face in terror, their eyes tell you all you need to know, they're going to eat you, there's no escape.
They grab the back of your head and shove your face into their salivating maw swallowing harshly, you're cries are muffled by the slick flesh pressed against your face, they grab your belt and pull , a sharp gulp forcing you in up to your hips, the mimic shifts their shape as they heft your kicking legs in the air giving themselves legs as they stand lifting themselves up and grasping your kicking legs in the air, they swallow and as your thighs pass their lips your hands push through a ring of flesh. Squish tight by thick muscles pulling you down you try to think of anything that might help you in this moment, a few more swallow your head enters the chamber.
Shit you can't think of anything, it's only a few more rounds before you're forced to curl up inside their gut, from the outside it looks as if they had swallowed a beach ball,you feel something hard under you and you grasp it, pulling it out from under you, you discover your dice bag, you roll to while you attempt an escape, you don't meet the DC, the only thing that escapes is air as the mimic let's out a belch loud enough to echo for several seconds.
They slap their hand on their stomach,"Ur-up, oy now, ya don really think tha would work did ya? Once I swallow something it ain't comin out easy, feel free ta keep tryin tho, ya squirmin feels great." Shit, you roll to persuade them to let you go as you struggle, kicking and pushing at their stomach wall, you tell them you didn't come in here alone, that your party will no doubt come investigate where that echo came from.
You fail once more,you can't see the wild and vicious looking grin that forms on their face, "a meal an a fight, sounds great ta me"shhiiiiit they're one of those types, you feel them move around a bit, you try to remember the last thing your dm said about the humanoid mimic's race, only, only what? "Only thing that can save you at that point is making it appealing to keep you alive as one of their many items they swallow, like give them something no one else can do" something no one else can do, the homebrew spells you chosen.
'what if I told you I had the ability to summon food and drink?' you feel them stop "I'd say ya were bullshitin me." 'but what if I can prove it?' You feel a hand slam down on your back and wince "then prove it, how bout ya summon me a beer?" 'i will need you to press a waterskin against your stomach.' "oh?" 'it's not a long range spell,' you feel them press something again their stomach and cast the spell hoping it will work through flesh, the mimic looks at the waterskin sceptically as it fills, they uncork it and lift the spout to their nose, they take a sniff and don't find anything off about the liquid so they take a swig, then proceed to down it.
You tense hearing them gulp and get ready to become drenched in alcohol...but it never happens,no drink comes raining down on you, you're confused they said a meal and a fight, you, weren't you the meal? What's going on?
"Ah, tha's some good stuff." They pat their gut, "was jus gonna take ya in for yur bounty but now I changed ma mind-" 'I have a bounty?' You interrupt, the mimic scoffs "wha ya didn know?" 'no, why do I have a bounty on me?' "oh yur serious, ya know tha group uh nobles ya pranked a tha had ya run out uh towns a while back?" 'oh them......I regret nothing...but wait, you said a fight and a meal after I told you about my party, what did you mean by that?' you ask apprehensive, "what ya think I meant?"
Oh, oh no, you shift uneasy, 'you're planning to fight and eat my companions aren't you?' "maybe I am,wha ya gonna do bout it." ....well the DM did say that it appears even if you end up dying here you can always roll-up a new character and come back as long as someone from the original group is still alive but you won't remember how you died.
'I'm in your magic damage resistant stomach, I don't think there's anything I can do except offer to summon food so you won't eat them.' they pat their bulging gut, "nice try but I ain't a bout ta give up on a fight an a squirmin meal, as fur wha I'm gonna do with ya now" you hear a groan beneath you and their gut clenches pressing down on you as you begin to slip through to the stomach connect to this one you hear them say "can na have ya givin me way, so I'll have ta swallow ya deeper."
You take a small plummet before landing in something soft and wet, you quickly cast dancing lights, you see you landed in a bunch of fabrics and other soft items, you think you see a few pillows and you have a bit more room despite being shoulder deep in fabrics and pillows, the sphincter above you looks twice your size now, damn you think, they really are bigger on the inside.
You sigh feeling a bit bad knowing you accidentally sent what is most likely a very high level mimic after your party, but hey, you did warn them splitting the party was a bad idea, you can't hear much now except the groans of their organs around you, knowing your not actually in any danger now you lift your arm out of the fabric and slam a fist against one of the fleshy walls surrounding you in frustration, their stomach jostles and you clap your hands over your ears at sound of their booming laugh "still got sum fight in ya ey? An after I made ya all nice n comfy, gave ya my bes room, could a put ya with all the gol n weapons after all." They joke, and you sigh again and rub their gut wall, "tha's better. I'm gonna enjoy having ya round,"
That sounds like they're still not going to let you go....fuck maybe you shouldn't have let them know you could be a source of free food and booze, on the other hand the nobles probably would have did you in for the embarrassment you caused them, guess you're stuck with a mimic bounty hunter, by the time they get here again from the starting point you're sure the mimic will be long gone and they won't be able to find you.
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courtneysmovieblog · 2 years
“Cyrano,” or I ❤️ Peter Dinklage
Finally watched it and in general I loved it.
I can’t help feeling annoyed that one of the biggest criticisms of this movie is that it was not only a musical, but also that wasn’t advertised as a musical—coming from people that obviously don’t like musicals. 
My take: so what? Cyrano is the kind of romantic tragicomedy that is MADE to be a musical. Granted, the songs in this movie aren’t standouts, but they’re good enough. Director Joe Wright’s tendency for slow motion sequences is inserted into the dreamlike ballet choreography, which comes off as a hit or miss, depending on how it’s used.
But let’s be honest. We didn’t see this movie for the music. We saw this for one reason only: Peter fucking Dinklage.
Everyone that gripes about reimagining Cyrano with dwarfism instead of a big nose: SHUT UP. Dinklage’s witty and heartbreakingly brilliant performance proves that once and for all that the character never needed the nose to be memorable. Both Dinklage and the script make it crystal clear that Cyrano’s worst enemy was never his appearance, it was his pride and insecurity. The nose was always irrelevant, so it’s more than fine to replace that with any kind of physical difference.
Regarding, the singing…well, opinion seems to be split on Dinklage’s voice. Is it perfect? No. But it’s soulful, and in my opinion, it works. 
Hailey Bennett is luminous as Roxanne, and easily the best singer in the movie. She has such good chemistry with Dinklage, which makes the outcome of the story more tragic. Kelvin Harrison Jr. makes Christian sweet and endearing—one can’t help feeling sorry for him as well as Cyrano. If Cyrano’s tragic flaw is his pride, then Roxanne’s tragic flaw is that she’s so set on her romantic ideals that she fails to recognize what a great guy the real Christian is, as well as the depth of Cyrano’s feelings. 
It would be enough to let this be the main conflict without there being an actual villain. Ben Mendelsohn’s slimy De Guiche almost seems unnecessary, yet he fills the role well enough. That doesn’t mean he needed his own song though.
While Cyrano had its flaws, the performances make it shine. The play purists can either take it or leave it, but if you’re open-minded to a different version and don’t mind musicals, it’s worth a watch. Let’s hope this is only the first in many leading film roles for Peter Dinklage. Only next time, let’s make it one with a happy ending? Please?
8 out of 10
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sepublic · 3 years
I was trying to avoid as much of Metroid Dread as possible to be surprised... But then I learned KRAID is back, in glorious HD as part of a mainline game and...
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Oh, he’s beautiful!
Seriously, I’ve always wanted to see more of Kraid! Dude was one of the OG Space Pirates alongside Mother Brain and Ridley, who are present throughout the series; And as someone who is apparently Ridley’s Brother-in-Arms, I’m just really curious on what he could be like?
I doubt we’ll get much if anything in terms of personality, but that’s how Metroid games work anyway! Hopefully we get more lore on Kraid, how is he still alive? Does he have regenerative abilities, is he just really incredibly durable? An X-parasite imitation? Fake Kraid has grown up and this is Sclayd? Did the Chozo clone him, maybe even somehow resurrect him from a dead body, or even the afterlife considering their borderline mystical abilities???
Either way, that’s clever of the designers to have Kraid be restrained, as a meta explanation as to why he doesn’t just charge forward- Thus allowing the developers to start off with a traditional take on the Kraid fight... But since he manages to break an arm free in the trailer, the fight might progress and get more deadly, as Kraid becomes more free.
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His neck brace will probably be the last to go, to show a sort of natural transition from the traditional style of Kraid fights, to a more modernized take and I am all FOR it! Everyone’s wondering if Ridley will return, but Kraid alone would MORE than make up for his absence, especially since Ridley is already so prevalent while Kraid has only gotten bread crumbs and the Brinstar Depths stage in recent years!
This is like a dream come true... And obviously Kraid is set up to fight Samus, but it’d be kind of neat to see an arc where him and Samus recognize a mutual enemy in the Chozo, and work with each other over it? Probably not, but I feel this would be more plausible than Samus and Ridley working together; A fun thought exercise I’d always entertained, but there really isn’t that personal vitriol between Samus and Kraid.
...I mean, there COULD be if Kraid takes Ridley’s death personally, but who knows, he might hold off on revenge just long enough for a practical escape! Regardless, I utterly adore just how gnarly and twisted this guy looks, it reminds me of Ridley’s Smash Ultimate renders that really modernize his look, breathe a new and alien life to it while still being the same! And the added, slimy body horror, borderline insectoid, like Smash Ridley!
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But yes, I appreciate Metroid Dread taking the opportunity to be new, instead of trying to cater to the mainstream audience as an official return to pull them back, especially since we already had Samus Returns do that, especially with Proteus Ridley being thrown in! And with how Proteus was by far the best Ridley fight in the series, I can’t WAIT to see how Mercury Steam gives a new action to a Kraid boss battle!
And it looks like there might be a passageway behind Kraid that he’s guarding... Kind of like his previous appearances, I love Kraid being a giant guard dog- His girth and weight alone makes him an impenetrable wall! Plus he gives immovable object vibes, VS Ridley as an Unstoppable Force.
Ridley moves fast and aggressively leads the charge, while Kraid is less mobile, can’t even fit through most passageways; But holds down the fort and line of defense, tanking damage and shrugging it off compared to someone who heals from it!
Seriously, this is great seeing this under appreciated Space Pirate represented! I’ve always been salty about Meta Kraid being left out of Metroid Prime... And Kraid’s got a distinct identity of his own as one of the biggest bosses in the entire series by a long shot!
His big, colossal, green and chunky frame, that brutishness to Kraid, the size and brawn- It’s a nice contrast and foil to Ridley’ who is memetically huge in general, but from a relative standpoint averagely-sized as a boss, and MUCH scrawnier than the Awakened Behemoth; But he makes up for it wit speed and agility, flight, etc.!
Plus the concept of taking on a full-on Kaiju of the series, Metroid’s Godzilla... I always felt like there was a wasted potential to Kraid and how he stood out as a counterpart to Ridley’ more of the lumbering mountain to scale compared to the acrobatic Cunning God of Death! His Kaiju size, the way the ground could easily tremble from each footstep like Jurassic Park...
If Ridley is a Xenomorph, make Kraid into Godzilla and Rexy and every giant monster whose sheer scale inspires a horror based in awe, one that is huge and grandiose and demands attention and seizes all of it, gloriously basking in full view, in contrast to the more stealthy and subtle Ridley!
They’re both reptilian Space Pirates who debuted with the franchise, serve Mother Brain alongside one another as the two guardians to Tourian. And just like Ridley taking one of the recurring boss themes from Super Metroid and adopting it as HIS theme, Kraid seems to have done the same by Zero Mission!
Plus, Brinstar Depths, AKA Kraid’s Lair, is SUCH a metal soundtrack! It doesn’t necessarily apply to Kraid himself, but I feel like there’s an enigmatic personality hinted with the eerie, melodic tune of this theme... So as someone who’s tried to write him, mostly in my head;
What kind of person is Kraid? What archetypes and roles would he fit? As a more casual type of arch-nemesis, compared to the personal intensity of Ridley? A dumb brute, or smart in his own way? What personality and vibes would make Kraid’s Lair fit as a theme for him?
At the very least, I wonder if we’ll get Space Pirate lore, maybe even origins as to Kraid and Ridley’s species? They’re both huge dragons who took over Zebes... Could there be a connection between Ridley’s species and the Chozo? Will we get a bit of sympathy for Kraid, seeing him captured like an animal by the Chozo, perhaps to test experiments upon and clone?
Will Dread encapsulate the realization of just how much of a bigger scope villain the True Chozo are, experimenting on Kraid the way the Galactic Federation did with Ridley’s clone, another parallel between them? Will we explore the dark past of the Chozo, and a potential tragic look into Kraid’s species- So Samus has a better understanding of how her people have been terrible in many ways, even if that doesn’t at all justify Kraid the person’s actions?
Just... Imagine a storyline where Samus realizes that Kraid was made by the Chozo, or his species was, or they were genetically augmented or massacred, or something like that. Just a twisted moment of realization that explains but doesn’t justify. Which could lead to Samus and Kraid teaming up for a prison breakout at a pivotal moment, Kraid’s girth would make him a helpful ally.
Perhaps Samus could weaponize Kraid in the background to take the brunt of the True Chozo’s attacks, while she takes on the leader? Could he help with environmental terrain, blind to the background as a colossal feature of the environment, a kaiju briefly on your side?
Could we get a Kraid fight where he attacks from the background, instead of to the right? Will he ultimately die helping Samus- More for his own gain and revenge, but still? Maybe even leading to a reluctant salute from Samus as she recognizes them both as people captured, as experimented upon by the Chozo? Apologies for all of the fanon conjecture, my mind is racing...!
I think there’s SO much potential with Kraid and seeing him full, unadulterated HD glory... It’s glorious. It’s magnificent! This is a dream come true, and I hope Kraid finally starts to get the recognition he deserves! Even if he’s just A boss fight, I’m already sated and content here- And I can only imagine the new wave of fan content that will spawn for Kraid, as he’s recognized a defining moment of Dread!
Plus, I’d love to see people characterize and give lore to Kraid... All in all I am LIVING and in triumph here!!! I know I keep using this meme but
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Literally this alone, just these shots... Are ALL I really want and need, in the end! Bless you Mercury Steam for this food, for breathing new life into this franchise while renovating what really needs it! I don’t even care if Kraid’s return is never really explained, I’m incredibly happy here!
This new design... It just FITS and works as a new, evergreen design for Kraid honestly! Compared to Ridley who is a lot more varied and arguably inconsistent, even with his Smash render... THIS is the new and definitive Kraid for me, now! I am having the time of my LIFE here!
Ridley the Cunning God has cheated death... is Kraid the Behemoth has reawakened!
(With the idea of Prime Kraid being reused for Metroid Prime 4... I’m wondering if we’ll begin to see an all new Kraid renaissance? 👀 More frequent content as Nintendo starts giving him and more appearances and attention, including in other media and advertising, alongside Ridley???)
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How good JJK villains are at hugging (part 1)
Mahito - he’s the best on this list by FAR. his ability??? that just means he change himself to literally whatever the hell you desire in a hug he can be real big and holding you or more down to your size and closer to you or he can be squishy or not and also he’s a manipulative prick so he’d probs be able to catch on when you need a hug vs when you need space and can probably tell you all the little things you wanna hear or simply remain silent or whatever the hell u want. Even if he’s just doing it to manipulate u its a damn good hug I’d take it. Be careful tho he may give u a bad hug on purpose JUST to annoy u.
Jogo - honestly??? he’s pretty good he’s super duper warm which is GREAT in the winter and the only downsides is that he’d shove you away or kill you OR would be super awkward bc hes probably never had a hug before. But still if he hugged you?? it’d be pretty cool ig.
Dagon - im sorry but its a 1 outta 10 for me man. Dagon just??? cold and wet and it feels almost little slimy and uncomfortable. They’re enthusiastic though, so at least there’s that.
Haruta - congratulations !!! you’ve just earned yourself one (1) parasite !! now that you’ve started hugging him he’s never letting go he’s latched on he hugs on tighter if you try to leave or push him away and despite what u may think hes surprisngly strong smh he is a fighter and stuff after all. He just holds u close and squeezes u tightly maybe buries his head in your shoulder idk. No amount of convincing gets him to let go. He might agree to let go if u offer to hold his hand or something instead though but then he’d drag you around everywhere maybe
Eso - its a good hug !! once you get the hang of it, at least. You’ve gotta be reaaal careful with his back bc he doesnt tend to like it being touched so like yknow you might be the only one getting hugged or you may have to just veery carefully figure out where is safe to put your hands. but in the end its a real good hug!! he’s pretty gentle because he tries not to hurt you or anything.
Hanami - it’s a little awkward at first bc first of all there’s Hanami’s arm wrap and then second of all Hanami hasn’t much experience with hugs. Although I can imagine Dagon may have hugged them sometimes so maybe not. Either way though it’s a nice hug and you can’t help but to feel calmed by it they just project an aura of peace and both of you could just stay like that for a while.
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The Batman
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Me: I’m sick of superhero movies. They’re all the same and I don’t want to watch any more
Also me: Watches The Batman opening week.
Batman is an interesting property, one that seems to transcend mere genre. Yes, it belongs to the superhero category by default, but it would appear to have become so much more. Batman is a character that audiences keep coming back to again and again. This film is the third iteration of the character in a decade, and fifth film featuring the character in as many years. There’s something about the mythos of the character that keeps us hungry for more. Eager to see what new interpretation this particular creative team can conjure up for this iconic hero.
And safe to say, The Batman does not disappoint in the slightest. Being a DC fan, I am more than accustomed to disappointment. It will never fail to break my heart how often the studios squander the endless potential in these characters. Therefore it equally makes my heart soar when they get them right. There are so many things done well in this film, and the more I think about it the more I like it.
Let’s start with the basics: The world building in this film is really fantastic. This felt like Gotham. The slimy, grotty, seemingly irredeemable city Bruce Wayne calls home. The criminals here are established: you truly get the sense they have been doing business here for years. And more hopelessly, you also understand how the system itself is corrupt from within. This movie more than ever exposes that, making Batman’s mission all the more insurmountable.
The gloomy atmosphere of this film is made all the more apparent in the great lighting choices done here. From the opening title, there is a great use of red, which carries throughout the film, and some really terrific choices are made with light -particularly red light- that lend well to building the feel of this world.
Almost any review of this film will mention just how fantastic the score by Michael Giacchino is. He brings something new to this character that has been on screen for decades that somehow feels organic. It feels like this has always been Batman’s theme. The instrumentals are both haunting in the dark moments and thrilling in the tense ones. I absolutely loved it, even as it further immersed me into this dark, twisted world.
Now a hero is only as interesting as his villain. Along with the majority of Batman fans, I am a huge admirer of the Joker. However after the fantastic 2019 film, I feel like I need a bit of a break from the character. So I was so thrilled to see this film decide to use a different, yet equally brilliant Batman villain. There is no villain’s gallery more iconic than Batman’s (Spiderman fans don’t @ me) and I am so glad that more of these villains are getting a chance to shine.
The Riddler was beyond fantastic in this film. Both spine chilling and unhinged, you truly never knew what he would do next. His schemes and tricks were equal parts smart and gruesome enough to make your stomach turn. I couldn’t stop watching, despite how horrifying his crimes became.
I am a strong believer that good thriller/horror films are less focused on blood and gore and more on psychological warfare. And the Riddler was a perfect blend of both here. The moments without him on screen were that much paler in comparison. Paul Dano spent most of this role with his face covered up, but that didn’t lessen his impact in this film. He gave it his all, and it truly showed. Every scene with him was horrifying and memorable. He finally gave the Riddler his due on the big screen.
What was so brilliant about this character was how he used social media to amass a group of followers to his cause. It was a great decision by the writers and an organic way to use modern technology in the film without it seeming tacky or forced. These kinds of radical movements exist online today, so watching that take place in the movie was all the more terrifying.
The plot of this film was also quite well done. I appreciated that the film treated its audience with respect. It didn’t waste time re-treading ground we all knew already. Rather it jumps right into the narrative and we are just along for the ride. Director and Co-writer Matt Reeves intelligently weaves aspects of Batman’s origin story into the film without over emphasising the point. It also brings a fresh perspective into the tragedy of Batman, revealing that every thing may not always be as it seems.
Now I know what you’re thinking. That’s all well and good but what about THE Batman? We’ve all been curious how Robert Pattinson would take to this role, especially considering the earlier roles he has been known for. I’m impressed to report that Pattinson disappeared in this film. A quarter way through, I realised that I wasn’t seeing the actor. I was only seeing the character. He was Batman. The voice, the action, the detective skills, Pattinson embodied everything we associate with this character so flawlessly. So much so that I’m certain we will look back on him as one of the best actors to portray this character. I really loved this performance.
Catwoman was also well done by Zoe Kravitz. The character was given a justifiable reason for being there and had her fair share of moral conflict and struggle to face.
Colin Farrell was truly unrecognisable as The Penguin, but fit so well in this world. He was both dark and had edges of humour. Despite the Riddler’s presence in this film, it never felt overwhelmed with villains. They each had a place in the ecosystem of evil reining over Gotham.
All of this is not to say the film is without flaws. At almost 3 hours long, it did feel quite long around the ¾ mark. And the plot didn’t seem to have a truly satisfying ending. However, one could argue that is difficult to achieve in a place as twisted as Gotham.
I noticed while watching this movie that it was pretty light on action for a “superhero film”. Instead the film decides to focus on mystery and thrill. I personally loved that choice. It’s a sure-fire way to keep your audience thinking and talking about your movie for a long time to come.
Which I’m certain we will.
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softer-ua · 3 years
When you used to say that All Might only cared about Bkg in relation to his relationship with Dk I was like "hmmm, nah, he also cares about his growth" but now after the recent events (if he really left UA without explaining anything to Bkg despited knowing how much talking to Dk means to him) then i'll have no other option but to surrender and accept the truth. How did you know before us
I know because you don’t watch a child get blamed for their own kidnapping and your retirement(that you very well knew was already in the making) and not say shit until they fight your protégé
All Might was ready from day 1 to let Bakugo commit attempted second degree murder just so Deku could have some growth
Actually from day 1 he was ready to watch Bakugo’s public execution and only moved because Deku did
Also he keeps comparing him to Endeavor while knowing what Bakugo’s opinion of that man is, and his big speech to him really boils down to “You care about Midoriya, you’re trying to atone, Midoriya doesn’t see it, someday you’ll be able to use your big boy words with him.” Like very low key kinda condescending
So I’ve concluded that All Might would sell Bakugo to the Devil for a corn chip with almost complete indifference if he thought it’d help Deku 
The saddest part is that that’s the attitude we’ve seen from just about every hero in relation to Bakugo
Aizawa was at that home visit and didn’t say anything, which leaves me feeling like him standing up for Bakugo against those reporters was just for pr not genuine care
Mic. was the announcer at the sports fest and should have been more careful to not paint a child in a villainous light(the crowd had predominantly turned on Bakugo long before he got chained up)
Midnight was active in his getting chained up, as was Cementoss, and everyone else was complicit in it
Best Jeanest really thinks the best way to reach an angry closed off child is to just repeatedly shit on him
Gang Orca wasn’t shown to be very hands on helpful, more of a “I set you up to find your own success” type which is good for teaching but he does call Bakugo fishpoo
Endeavors one of the better individuals towards Bakugo but that’s heavily tainted by everything Bakugo knows about his sliminess and All Might comparing him to him(I would bleach like drift wood if anyone compared me to Endeavor, I can’t imagine Bakugo feels much better)
It’s been a pretty solid role reversal for them, in the beginning we see their middle school teacher purposely pit Bakugo against Deku because they see no value in Deku and see a bright future for Bakugo
Now that they’re surrounded by professionals who can recognize that heroic nature in Deku that Bakugo has always seen and was terrified of. Its like all of Bakugo’s worst fears are coming true in continuously worse ways, Dekus getting hurt and he’s getting left behind
The hero’s recognize that Deku has that something that makes a hero more than just great and it makes them want to be more invested in his progress, because Deku has the skills that are almost impossible to teach.
You can teach fighting, beef them up, train their safety skills, and everything else. You will struggle a lot more to teach genuine compassion for others, the desire to not just save but to make others feel safe, and the ability to cooperate with grace
Deku is the only person, including Bakugo, who already sees those traits already in his Kacchan.
I think Deku correctly sees Katsukis growth as peeling the rotten carpet off beautiful intact hardwood floors, and others see Katsuki as house still being built which they debate wether it’s worth the time and resources to continue
That’s why Deku doesn’t see the atonement, to him this is who Kacchan was always destined to be and he’s too selfless to notice the special treatment towards him is because it’s him not because of OFA
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shimmershae · 3 years
My thoughts on Episode 7--Promises Broken
Placed behind a cut for those of you that would rather escape my babbling, lol.  You’re welcome.  
The episode opens with Maggie, Elijah, Father Gabe, and Negan.  
Right away I can’t help feeling disappointed because the emotional core of last episode (Kelly and Connie’s reunion and the aftermath) seems like it’s being ignored and punted further down the road so we can waste another hour getting piece meal progress on the Reaper front, but I’m going to try to push my misgivings away and enjoy this episode for what it is, so.  
“Daryl just told us to go home.”  
And save your hides and keep the rest of the community safe?  I can’t argue that Negan might have an actual point here, lol.  But Maggie sure can.  
Not gonna lie.  When Negan came back with “I think he was being subtle. He said they were armed with lookouts” I had to LOL.  
“We will never be even.”  I mean.  Maggie been frustrating me with her stubbornness in this suicide mission, true.  But she right.  They will never, ever be even.  
“Ya’ll know Blackbeard, too?”  I admit it.  I laughed.  A little.  
Okay.  I don’t know if this bodes well for this episode or not, but the cold opening in this episode?  Was the most underwhelming cold open of this season.  
At least the opening credits still give me that old familiar rush of the heyday of TWD.  
Fake Stephanie and Eugene are on Walker clean up duty.  Hmm.  I think I’m going to refer to Fake Stephanie as Fifi until she gets a real name for brevity’s sake.  
Fifi handles herself surprisingly well with the Walkers.  Is she one of Mercer’s stormtroopers working undercover maybe?  
Somehow I doubt it’s true that our friends can trust “Lance” but whatever, lol.  
I hate to admit it but I’m already kind of bored with this episode.  We’re barely over 6 minutes in.  
I didn’t recognize Princess without her fluffy pink coat!  
Zeke is definitely struggling.  
I do like that these two  have been paired up.  They have taken to each other quickly and already have a good rapport.  There’s something endearing about their scenes together.  
“Never been afraid of hard work.  Kinda anti-friends who die from stubbornness.”  Have I mentioned lately how much I love Princess?  Because I really, really do.  
So it’s been days.  Has it been days that Maggie and Negan and Co. have been outrunning the Reapers?  I’m talking since they left the safe house.  Does that mean that it’s also been days since Kelly and Connie’s reunion?  This timeline is so slow and yet they keep telling us it’s been days and making me think we’ve been missing time.  Like I can’t even.  
You know Carol’s “Pookie is in danger” senses have to be big-time tingling by now if it’s been DAYS.  
Also?  Alden almost certainly has to be dead.  
But I digress.  They obviously don’t want us getting hung up on the apparent time warp between ASZ, Meridian, and the Commonwealth.  It’s like the Bermuda Triangle of the ZA.  
“A person with your pedigree...”  
Okay then.  Commonwealth is full of uppity assholes.  Good to know.  
Yumiko looks classy!  I say that in my best Princess voice, lol.  
Well.  At least they’ve given Daryl Dog back.  Has Dog come to his senses though?  That is the question.  
Daryl sharing a smoke with the enemy to gain some intel.  Or maybe just the keys to food storage.  
So.  Another redshirt (Elijah’s sister’s friend) we don’t know bites the dust.  Meh.  Including that tidbit in the trailer was purposefully misleading, lol.  Not that I want people to die, but still.  
“But the one?  He’s mine.”  Let’s take bets.  Was it Carver Elijah has a beef with because it just seems like it was.  Could also be that his name is the only one I know, lol.  
Where is Maggie sending our hobbled Father G?  
“I kept my mask for practical and sentimental reasons.”  Negan?  You almost had me.  He really can’t help his inherent asshole-ishness can he?  
But seriously.  Yuck at what they about to do because I assume Alpha and Co. at least cured the nasty skins.  
I wish I could say I give a damn that they’re attempting to give Leah some more likeable layers but it’s a cheap cheat so naw.  
There’s that damn river that symbolizes the great divide between Daryl and his love and his family.  At least it’s pretty.  
I’m with Daryl.  Is Pope just looking to cleanse the earth of those he doesn’t feel belong or what?  Wheedle the truth out of her, Daryl.  
“You never needed anyone to make you strong.”  
Think our guy has ever said this to his real girl?  
It’s kinda funny that the Whisperer flunkie is now the herding Whisperer tutor.  
Is that the Reaper’s version of a priest?  Sorry.  I swear.  I’ve been trying to pay attention during their scenes.  But my mind wanders because it feels like Woodbury and the Sanctuary all over again.  The Whisperers at least were elevated by Samantha Morton, Ryan Hurst, Thora Birch, and yes, Jeffrey Dean Morgan.  Like I love Norman Reedus and the character he’s crafted in Daryl but he’s not enough to have me enthralled with Leah and these dudes.  I don’t care if they were all Calendar pinups before the ZA.  
Truly.  A+ casting with Yumiko’s brother.  
Yeah.  Something’s definitely fishy about Tomi’s reluctance to go back to his old life in the Commonwealth, but the desire for a slower, less stressful existence is definitely relatable so I’m not going to hold that part against him at all.  
What did Maggie say after Elijah asked if Negan had changed?  Because I replayed it a handful of times and still don’t know.  
This Lancy Hornsby dude reeks of slimy politician.  
Too much one on one Daryl and Leah in this episode.  Without any kind of chemistry at least these two drag each other and their parts of the episode down.  Leah’s character is a fail for me and it has nothing to do with shipping reasons.  She’s just not believable or authentic to her role as a mercenary.  
“If I could do it all over again, I’d have killed every single one of you.”  Damn.  Well.  He’s being true to himself, I guess.  Unapologetically Negan.  
Again.  I can’t say Negan’s wrong exactly but shit does he deliver some uncomfortable truths.  
Princess’s childlike delight over treats is <3.  
Look at Eugene running toward danger!  OG Eugene would never.  Abe would be so proud.  
Eugene and Fifi actually work pretty good together but it all feels so staged.  I feel sorry for our guy.  
“This guy was being, well, an asshole.”  LMAO @ Josh’s delivery. The asshole definitely deserved that punch and his date deserved to be eaten.  
Real Stephanie is so pretty.  
Aww.  She’s concerned about Eugene.  
Oh shit.  Eugene punched Pamela Milton’s little entitled prick of a son.  This feels like the ASZ Monroes all over again.  Sorry.  I can’t remember their names.  
Poor Eugene.  Have I said that already?  
Is this Lance Hornsby guy the lesser of two evils or...”  
All the chances you’ve gotten, hmm?  Seems to me they’ve been set up for some failure too, though.  
Maggie and Negan leading a herd where?  Meridian?  
That poor woman.  Just wanting her family safe and spared of seeing her meet her maker.  
So Leah’s not completely cold.  Okay.  Doesn’t mean she’s able to be saved though.  
At this point, Kang is just  yanking Daryl’s chain and ours in the process.  
Even hidden behind that skin mask, Elijah made me tear up when he saw his sister.  
No previews?  What a copout.  
Not Kang correlating Maggie and Negan to child and coach, lol.  
The narrative they keep pushing about the villains having families and FEELINGS doesn’t change much for me, Angela.  Gracie was the only innocent in that outpost Team Family attacked.  I’m not saying they should have done it but stop trying to make the bad guys sympathetic.  It isn’t earned.  
Interesting how she mentions Gabe is trying so very hard to hold onto faith.  
If Leah’s the frog boiling in that pot?  They better be serving frog legs to the starving community she’s hunting.  Just saying.  
Overall impression of this episode?  
It was boring.  No seriously.  
I wish I could say I liked it better but it was just meh.  I can’t even muster up any words because I just feel blah about it and that’s not a good feeling to have going into the first final (mid?  half?  tri?  I don’t know what to call it) episode of the season.  
Withholding the previews further adds to the doldrums because what is there to actually be excited about here after that episode?  At least try to pique our interest, Angela.  
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dorki-c · 3 years
My Guardian Demon |Chapter 1, Part 2: Two Dreams
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Relationship: Izuku Midoriya X (Reader)
Rating: 16+
A/N: Hey! Hey! Hey! Everybody! I just wanted to let you all know that in the beginning of this series like prologue story arc wise, I will only be highlighting the main points of said story arc.
TW: Suffocation and depiction of injury!
[Masterlist] [<--- Previous| Next --->]
(Song reccomendation for this chapter: Feeling Good by Michael Bublé)
When leaving the school gates with a silent warning that he gave to (y/n), there were a few minor details bothering him when traversing through the empty streets leading home.
At least he was able to walk alone to clear the commotion of todays events.
Sure, Izuku was used to Bakugou’s harassment towards him. For the most part, his mind always filtered out the nasty phrases that were thrown at him for the longest time.
However, what Bakugou had said was completely out of line.
Telling Izuku to commit suicide? Wow, what a great friend he was (if you could even call him that…).
Though the green-haired boy could easily say that about (y/n) as well. Even though its him and his stupid demon against society.
Was he sure that something may happen today? No, absolutely not. Even when turning a corner of the semi-suburban area that was closest to Aldera Junior High school, Izuku isn’t clairvoyant to anything that involves him.
Nope, not at all.
Even when making his way under the dark tunnel (to which he ignores his demon trying to hold him back from going in there, saying something along the lines of “W-w-wait! I don’t want to go down this way…”), Izuku still holds his head up high and ventures down the tunnel.
Like I said before, the green-haired boy isn’t clairvoyant that involves around him.
Plus, that shouldn’t exempt him from being cautious about what might lurk in the shadows.
Until this point, (y/n) only spoke in short sentences, though the only thing that caught Izuku off guard was the shaky utterance of “Izuku…L-Look behind you!”
He regrets looking behind him; A thing manifesting as a large murky green glob, paired with two large eyes and razor layered teeth (that scarcely resembled shark teeth), loomed over the 14 year old’s body.
I-I-It’s a villain!
As soon as Izuku blinked, one moment he was free and scrambling to his feet (fearful of the sludge villain) and the next, his body was trapped in something slimy… The green sludge body dripped with viscous thick globs as it wrapped like a vice around the boy. With a waterfall of pleading cut short and shown through desperate green eyes as Izuku squirmed annoyingly to the villain, there was no chance of escaping because he would be dead “in a minute” tops.
In a vain attempt to free Izuku from the grasps of the villain, the demon’s futile attempts to scratch away at the slime, only resulted in their misty hands to pass through the slime like their hand was non-existent.
Fuck—If a damn hero isn’t going to save Izuku, then it has to be his demon’s duty to do so.
Though it’s quite challenging for (y/n) to grip Izuku’s shoulders and pull him forward, it doesn’t have enough energy to stall for time.
 Was fate cursing (y/n) again? The sun was up high in the sky, yet it always deceived the unguarded and weakest of them all. Didn’t it? If it wasn’t for the saving grace of a frisbee object hitting the villain in the eye, the sludge villain recoiled backwards and (thankfully) released its hostage, where the boy’s limp body met face first into the pavement.
Staying close to Izuku’s unconscious body, (y/n) watched as the pro-hero blatantly invaded their owner’s space and didn’t hear their screeching of something along the words of “DISGUSTING!!!” and “AAAAAAAH BEGONE! BEGONE! BEGONE!!” And the boy wasn’t woken up because of the cheek slaps, it was because of (y/n)’s obnoxious protests of the pro-hero’s cheek slaps.
Let’s not forget the loudest sigh released by the demon when one, Izuku (finally) woke himself up, and two, when that (god forsaken flimsy, annoying, outrageous) hero, was actually the number 1 hero, has retracted his hand from the demon’s owner.
(And (y/n) definitely called the number one hero “a filthy maggot that is followed by an equally filthy contra-” before they were tuned out of Izuku’s ears.)
“Ah! Thought we lost you there!” Announced the hero (to nobody in particular).
This, unfortunately, caused Izuku to pale- where it practically looked like his whole face lost all of its colour, including his eyes- and for (y/n) to think (if they even have thoughts in the first place…) that if there was a camera pointed straight at their face, it would show the most horrifying deadpanned expression on the demon’s non-existent face which would break the camera lens.
Screaming and scampering backwards, Izuku only managed to utter the words “C-C-CAN I HAVE AN AUTOGRAPH!!” before seeing his notebook (which was coincidently fish food a couple of minutes ago) signed by the hero and bowing to said hero out of gratefulness, although knowing their owner; (y/n) figured that Izuku would obviously cherish this autograph as a ‘family heirloom’.
(Izuku may or may not have blurted that out in the moment. Oh well. You can’t take everything you say back.)
“I have a question…” Murmured the green haired boy as the hero turned tail to “deliver this villain to the police station!” Sadly, the hero didn’t hear him and was about to leave the boy, where his demon was shaking their head in disappointment- “Why bother asking him?” Whispered (y/n), leaving the faint trace of their empty temperature to scarcely brush his cheek, “The man in front of you is a mere façade of bravery.” - it’s not like Izuku cares about his demon’s opinion.
Even when it’s in situations like this.
(And by situations, I mean when Izuku and his demon are clutching for dear life on the infamous hero’s legs when flying more than fifty feet above the ground.)
Looking below his feet, Izuku is always reminded that great power also has a greater price to it.
And well, All Might would probably agree (if it weren’t for being airborne).
Additionally, why did it look like you were enjoying him scream in fear for his life, when you know that if he dies, you die too.
(Was his demon secretly a sadist?!)
The landing was rocky and rough, but at least his feet managed to stand on their own after a few moments of wobbling and the small rub of your hand against his to beckon him to stand “tall and proud for being uniquely him”.
Glancing towards the hero, (y/n) scoffed in disgust at the retreating soldier whereas Izuku only begged him to “Wait,” continuing along with an unspoken prayer casted off to the sky and “one second!” to remain.
It’s typical of a hero to say that word, but situations like this aren’t.
“I don’t have any time.” --- “I have to know!” --- “Why do you bother with him, Izuku?”
The years of quirklessness weren’t new to him. Though he wanted more.
“Even if everyone thinks I’m useless…” Izuku wanted more fulfilment for himself.
“Despite what anybody thinks.” (Y/n) wanted freedom for themself.
“I need to know.” The two of them had dreams.
“Is It possible to become a hero, without a quirk?” Even with a fearless grin, the man before the aftermath was the symbol of peace.
Well to put it simply, the embodiment of peace was secretly a human coat hanger. Now, how would the murky red demon and green haired boy react to said human coat hanger?
Uh…Yeah, they’re both screaming; Izuku was doing it out of horror, (y/n) was doing it out of disgust.
(This is a typical occurrence.)
“WHERE’S ALLMIGHT?!” The worn-down skeleton of a man looked like a couple of popsicle sticks were stuck together with Elmer’s glue as the artist called it a day. Looking left to right, then again, and finally- just for good luck- glanced left and right, as society always said, “Third time is the charm”.
“You! You’re not him!” Izuku profoundly screeched, where in fact both his demon and scrawny adult rolled their eyes. “Izuku, you don’t even have his birth certificate to prove that he—” Though poor (y/n) got cut off by Allmight proclaiming “You know how guys at pools like to suck in their muscles and flex at the same time?” The flaxen haired male then said “I’m kind of like that…” which did nothing to soothe the teenager’s shock.
“What! No! Allmight isn’t some scrawny—old—depressed looking human being!” Oh boy, your owner was as stubborn as an old mule.
“Izuku, stop what your—” Again, (y/n) was cut off by another person, “All Might’s is a hero with a fearless grin who beats every obstacle!”
“Kid, there’s plenty of fear behind a smile. Don’t be fooled.” The rustling of a white shirt caught the attention of the demon and human alike. And what it revealed…well…it was pretty nauseating.
“Pretty gross, isn’t it?”
The merged sickening stitching of skin pulled together in a makeshift attempt to preserve as the hero’s body, at the epicentre of the wound was a thick encircled glob of pink that seemed to allow an abundance of conjoined violet speckles to extend outwards in an attempt to infect the rest of his body.
“I got this in a fight around five years ago.” Relaxing his body, and moving the shirt downwards, the hero continued, “My respiratory system was destroyed, I lost my stomach, and the rest is history.” Even if his shitty joke didn’t lift the depressing tone of reality, all Izuku could do is stand there in shock—maybe a tad bit of horror— however he would’ve never thought that the one and only top hero of Japan had an injury!
(Izuku’s naïve thinking always rubbed his demon the wrong way sometimes.)
“W-wait! Does that mean Toxic Chainsaw gave you this injury!” Chuckling and turning his glance to the side, All Might shook his head. “I’m impressed, you know your stuff- however, that punk couldn’t land a couple hits on me, even if they wanted to.” “Most of the world wouldn’t have known about this fight, regardless of how much you dug through any news articles.”
(And most of the world would’ve never known about the deadly purple miasma growing on their precious hero’s body.) .
“This job isn’t easy, and to be nice—” At least Izuku would listen to All Might, whereas he ignored you at least 50% of the time, “—I think you would be better off picking a better profession, like a Police officer!”
“I mean he is right…” (Y/n) said to Izuku, as they continued their trek back home, with the boy loathful to agree at the red mist’s statement.
“Heroism isn’t easy.” Maybe he should give up his dream?
“You saw how disgusting his wound was.” He could be horribly injuried like All Might if he tries. “It’s practically oozing with miasma.” But Izuku can’t bring himself to give up his dream.
And if Izuku ever asked you to give up your dream of freedom, you would answer back with defiance.
“I know it isn’t easy (y/n).” 
 “I know I could die or get a wound like that.” 
“But I’m not giving up on my dream, if you aren’t going to give up on yours.”
Alas, the gloriously golden sun highlighted the features of the old dusk that was soon turning into their new dawn. 
(And might I say, if society got in their way, they will pay their dues the hard way.)
@glitterfreezed, @izukubabe​, @sweater-weather-seven, @nyanyabisjjj, @quietlegends, @dragonsdreamoffire​, @candybabey, @honeylavender13​​
All content and art used within this story belongs to their respective owners. PLAGARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!
Art credits: Dorki-C and @glitterfreezed​
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lucemferto · 3 years
If you could rank villain characters in dsmp, how would you rank them?
I will rank them by personal enjoyment, not by how well I think they're written.
1. JSchlatt: My beloved. My one and only. The best character on the Dream SMP, yes, I will stand by that!
2. Dream: Love him in Season 2. So slimy, so heinous, just a real vile guy. Not so sure about where his story is currently going. We'll have to wait and see. If it's redemption ... boy, do I hope they pull it off well ...
3. Quackity: I adore his current stuff. He was also the strongest part of the Butcher Army-storyline. Quackity just knows how to play that thin line between full-on villain and very dark morally grey.
4. Jack Manifold: Love me some comedic talent and Jack has it. I think it's great that he goes for more comedic in tone with his storyline, but with the option to diversify his acting and going more for straight drama.
5. Wilbur Soot: Wonderful fall from grace, though really more of an archetypical Tragic Hero rather than a villain. I'm not usually someone who enjoys straight drama, but Wilbur's storyline in Season 1 is very effective and well-written.
6. The Inbetween: I love me some Eldritch Location. Shares a lot of what I also love about Dream - especially this manipulative edge. Though, unlike Dream, the horror of the Inbetween is squarely supernatural. Would love to see more.
7. The Eggpire: Great concept and some good individual storylines hampered by an inconsistent storyline. I adore the Egg as a narrative device; BadBoyHalo's tragic story with Skeppy is emotionally gripping and in general I enjoy an evil group.
8. Eret: Placed low mostly because their turn as villain was mostly just a plot twist anbd afterwards they focused on redemption fairly quickly. I enjoy Eret's character on the whole, but as a villain they really didn't do much for me.
9. Niki Nihachu: I like Niki, but her villain-"arc" was just so inconsistent and had a bad case of tonal yoyoing. On the whole, her going full villain feels unnecessary when looking how easily and quickly it was resolved.
10. Technoblade: Again, barely counts as a villain. I like Technoblade quite a lot in S1, but from S2 onward I had some massive problems with his storylines as I've already written about countless times in excruciating detail.
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ooops-i-arted · 3 years
I'm dead mando episode killed me (would love to hear your thoughts on it from my grave)
I am dead with you IT WAS SO GOOD AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT.  My sister and I were literally bouncing on the couch and screaming at the tv.
Okay this is what I have wanted THE ENTIRE TIME.  Din & Baby bonding time, plot stuff is centered around Din & the baby, cameos are super cool but don’t overwhelm Din being the main character, preestablished characters unique to the show being used.  This.  Not Filoni making Yet Another Version Of His TCW Stuff.
The opening scene of Din and Baby was PRECIOUS.  They’re both clearly so reluctant to do this but Din has Promised and more importantly, he wants to do what’s best for his kid even if it means separating from him.  Prioritizing someone else’s needs over your wants is true love HE’S SUCH A GOOD DAD
Din being such a fucking dumbass in this episode damn.  Din ilu but where is your jetpack???  Why did you try to get through the Force barrier the exact same way THREE TIMES when you knew it wouldn’t work and after it had knocked you unconscious???
Protective Din fuck yeah
I’m actually thrilled with the kidnapping because it’s RAMPAGE TIME YAY
Cuz you know who it is and there was The Suspense!!! over whether they were working for Gideon or would they truly ally with Din
Although I was also laughing bc I’m pretty sure this is the first time we’ve ever seen him actually be a badass onscreen instead of just standing around looking cool
Yes I know he did more in Legends/EU content and probably in the 3D TCW but I’d never been interested in either of those or him as a character before, but okay NOW I see why people are into him
("Boba Fett?  Boba Fett?  WHERE” is still my favorite Boba moment tho, and a top favorite Han moment)
“I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe” AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
Also Jango has always been my favorite Fett so I was LIVING for him being acknowledged and especially by Boba
Fucking howling at Din apparently feeling he is the only person in the entire galaxy who can decide Who Gets Beskar
Like the SHEER GALL from a meta perspective of looking at Boba Fett, the Orignial Mandalorian of all of Star Wars, and saying “Yeah I’m not sure if you should have that armor”
Like Din will happily be chill with anyone he meets who doesn’t immediately kill him but if you have Mandalorian armor you need to bring out your receipts immediately lmao
This is what I wanted with other Mandalorian characters coming in though.  Contrasting and comparing others’ Mandalorian cultures/sects/whatever with his and Din having to reexamine his own beliefs with it.  With Bo-Katan we got like two lines about it but here it’s A Thing that’s discussed, plus some Boba background, and Din comes to face his own biases and ultimately decide that yes, Boba should get the armor even if he doesn’t follow the Creed the same way Din does.  Plus the contrast between Din and Boba’s Mandalorian Experiences but also the uniting thread of Mandalorians Really Love Dads.
Anyway the Fetts are Real Mandalorians again as far as I’m concerned.  I have spoken.
Fennec Shand!!  I couldn’t believe they WASTED Mulan herself in The Gunslinger and this made me so happy!!  She’s such a badass and an excellent side character and I loved seeing her again, and it’s really cool that she and Boba teamed up?  That’s a backstory I wouldn’t mind seeing in a tie-in comic or novel or something.
As a SWTOR fan I loved seeing Tython brought to life.  Since SWTOR was 3000 years ago it makes sense there’s little left, but the stone thing was cool.  I wonder what the runes mean?  Although my sister and I were laughing over how much Tython apparently looks like California.
I know I already said it but Din getting yeeted and trying to get through the barrier three times was great
Also why tf aren’t you shouting “Grogu!” instead of just “kid” after we know Grogu likes hearing his name???
We all know Din was crying under his helmet for at least 50% of this episode
Gideon is SUCH a good slimy villain, so creepy and chilling (and he got STYLE), I absolutely loved his villain monologue even if it’s delivered to.....a baby.  Even if we’re getting some hints that Grogu is possibly more developed than previously indicated by his behavior, Gideon’s still delivering his Evil Speech to a toddler which is amazing
Like usually he just has A Big Moment but this time he just goes buck wild with those poor troopers.  Plus we’re so used to seeing him little and innocent and cute so it was very jarring (in the best way)
Despite the seriousness of the situation I fucking lost it at the Baby Handcuffs.  Like who had to order those?  Which poor peon was ordered by Gideon CRAFT ME BABY HANDCUFFS?  Were they custom made?  They’re so tiny!!  Baby commits Baby Crimes and goes to Baby Jail
Mayfeld?????  Why?????  I really hope Din takes Cara along too.  I’m loving this Avengers Assemble thing again, although I definitely want Greef and Cara along as opposed to any of the other Guest Stars we met this season
(Frog Lady can come though, she’s cool)
Maybe Cara’s New Republic ties will help?  Not quite sure how but that’s a cool thread they could use.  Again since she’s a big secondary character on the show, and unique to the Mandalorian, she’s one I’d love to see more development with as well - what made her decide to rejoin the New Republic?  Will this cause conflict between her and Din in the future?  etc.
Like this is what I’ve been craving, it was so suspenseful and good, I cannot WAIT for what’s next!!!
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