#they placed fourth their first year i think then everything went to shit
dear-ao3 · 8 months
ok seeng your haas commentary is killing me bc I grew up with nascar and Stewart-Haas Racing (SHR) which gene founded with tony, its a whole story, was a powerhouse pain in the ass problem causing team and then their european cousin is the poorest little meow meow i fucking love it
haas f1 forgot to tighten the bolts on their tires in australia in 2019 after qualifying the highest they ever had and then it all went downhill from there
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oneofthetorturedpoets · 2 months
Can you write a Melissa Schemmenti x reader, which Melissa writes like secret like cute notes to us but like we don't know it's from her and it being like all fluff and stuff please also maneater was sooooo good ❤️😭
melissa schemmenti x reader
(not proofread please ignore any errors 😭)
old fashioned lover.
“i just wish some things were still old fashioned, everything’s online now” you comment as you open the break room fridge “like buy me flowers, write me letters, something real” Janine nods along.
little do you know, melissa is taking mental notes of everything you say.
the first note you got, you thought it was from a student.
you walk into your class room, seeing a folded white sheet of paper on your desk. you opened the little note up.
'you are an amazing teacher, when you first came to abbott, I could tell you were going to make this place better than it has ever been'
you slide the paper into your drawer, smiling at the kind words.
the second note made you assume you had a secret admirer. there was a bouquet of beautiful flowers with the note inside.
'your smile lights up any room you walk into. just seeing you makes my day'
you grab the flowers, bringing them up to your nose to smell them. Barbara walks up to the door.
"you got yourself a special someone?" she asks, knowing very well who sent them.
you turn around, smiling. "yes, apparently. but I have no idea who it is, they aren't giving me anything to go off of"
she smirks. "don't worry, time will tell" her words only confusing you more.
the third note gave you a little hint at who it was.
'the night when we all went to the bar after the last school year ended is forever burned into my mind. your hair was perfectly curled, the outfit you wore bringing out your eyes. every time you looked over at me, my heart jumped out of my chest. it's impossible to not fall in love with you.'
you remember that night, you and the entire abbott crew went out for drinks after completing yet another school year. your secret admirer is between Jacob, Ava, Barbara, Melissa, Gregory, and Janine. there is no way its any of them, Jacob is gay, Ava and Janine are straight, Barbara is married, Melissa is messing around with that firefighter, and Gregory is still in love with Janine.
who the hell is it?
the fourth note made you even more confused.
'I've tried to move on from you, I even got into a serious relationship thinking if I tried to ignore my feelings for you, they would go away. I was so wrong. I felt like a shitty person because I kept comparing them to you. I learned then that no one can compare to you.'
in the break room, you're showing Janine the note. "it has to be someone in our group." she says, you nod. "could it be Melissa? she has been the only one who was in a serious relationship and broke it off?"
you laugh. "no way, she wouldn't feel that way about me. plus she has that one guy. bob? rob? I don't know, I just know she is way out of my league... I wish though, you know how long i've liked her" Janine shrugs.
Melissa, who is right outside the door, heard everything. you liked her back?
it's 8pm on friday, you're on your couch in your pajamas, watching your latest obsession when there is a bunch of loud persistent knocks on your door. "Jesus! I'm coming!"
you get up, running to your door. you open it, revealing an out of breath Melissa. "Melissa? are you okay?" she nods, trying to catch her breath.
"i'm sorry, I just need to get this out. I heard what you said in the break room about your feelings for me-" you cut her off.
"shit. I didn't mean for-"
"don't. let me get this out, y/n. I've been writing those notes for you. I wasn't sure what I was going to do if you found out it was me, I just wanted to make sure you knew there was someone out there who loved you. I never thought you would feel the same about me. Ever since I laid eyes on you, I've loved you." your eyes go wide. not sure what to say, you pull her into you. looking into her eyes for permission. she gives you a little nod. you gently press into her, her lips soft against your.
you pull away. "what about your firefighter guy? weren't you seeing him?"
she shakes her head. "it was one night, just for fun and I hated every second of it." she pulls you in again.
taglist: @natashamaximoff-69 @allamanamedearl @ricejucie @marvels--slut
to join my taglist, send in an ask!!
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babygirl-riley · 9 months
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You go through the motions after the break up with Simon
“I don’t know what I’m suppose to do, haunted by the ghost of you.”
Warnings: angst, PURE DEPRESSION, swearing, toxic relationship, break ups, small smut mention, smoking, alcohol consumption, mentions of suicide
simon x reader guide
simon x reader fluff/angst list
Next Part
“You know if I was mistaken I would think you are about to rob this place.” You said placing your whiskey next to his.
The masked man sighed, amusement in his eyes. “What if I was?”
“Well it could be easy to stop you, since you are in your fourth drink in.”
He chuckled. “It’s take a lot than four drinks sweethear’.”
You sat there smoking the last cigarette from your pack. You were fucking pissed, you swore underneath your breath about tonight, even was pissed about thinking about that night, about Simon. Simon fucking Riley, you hated him. LOATHED him. But you fucking love him. OBSESSED with him. Both of you are so opposite yet similar at the same time.
You have been sitting on this god forsaken car for hours. Alone. Packed up with your shit. He was the one to throw his shit into your car yelling at you to leave. Over stupid dinner.
You closed your eyes shaking your head. He wasn’t the only who would over react. You remembered that you threw a glass his way when you were drunk. Both of you broke up that night, then two days later back together. You promised to stop drinking to move passed it. And you did!
Simon and you were together 5 years after that. Slowly it started to deteriorate, he would get home from deployment and straight into the room. While you sat at the table by yourself, with the cold dinner. You didn’t know what would happen on those missions. What he had done.
When you would approach him he would avoid you or fuck you senseless. That’s when you started to slowly pull away too. Going out more. Not being home when he was home as much as possible. It broke your heart to feel the tension built. Simon stopped touching you, kissing you, no attention besides a look and barely after that.
It lasted for 6 months until tonight. Tonight he waited until you got home, in your tight short dress. You did want one thing however you couldn’t your heart was for Simon Riley. So you blew every man off at the club.
“How many drinks can you get for you to take me home?” You asked boldly.
He smirked, you watched his mouth form, his stubble chin, the small scar on his lip. “Not a lot.”
You smirked licking your lips subtly but enough for him to see it. “Good.”
You didn’t know that Simon that night was packing up your things. You didn’t know that pulling away was having him pushing you away. Both of you not being able to express the feelings that you had. That it wasn’t towards you. It wasn’t towards him. Just two broken people not knowing how to express.
“What the hell are you doing?” You yelled as he threw clothes in your suit case.
He didn’t say anything as he continued. You scoffed. “Alright you want help?”
2 years later went by after the bar, he pinned you into the mattress. Rolling his hips into yours. He came back from his job after a couple of months. “I fucking missed you.” He whispered into your ear as his cock hit that spot.
You gasped holding onto him like he would disappear. He made you feel so good, your body, your thoughts, your emotions. “I-.” You let out a long moan couldn’t finish as he picked up the pace.
“You’re mine,” He mumbled, wrapping his arm from under your head as he wrapped you close. “All fucking mine. No one can make you feel this good.”
You nodded quickly as you wrapped your legs around him so he could go even deeper inside. “I love you,” He mumbled again. “Fuck-I love you.”
You went to the bathroom with a new bag grabbing everything in sight that was yours. It shocked Simon at first, that you weren’t fighting back with him. So you were already done? How long have you been feeling that way?
“Don’t forget the living room I don’t want that bloody vase anymore.” He yelled for you.
You rolled your eyes, of course deep down he hated it. “Don’t worry I will be just a distant memory or better yet a fucking ghost,” You tried to keep down the bile. “Like I have been living with the whole time.”
Simon walked into the bathroom making you snap your head at him. “Like YOU have been living with,” his voice was lower, usually it would make your body tingle but this time all you saw was fucking red. “I have been living with a ghost the whole time.”
You scoffed rolling your eyes. “Alright okay,” You pushed passed him as he followed you. “Says the one that has the fucking name, might as well act it out right? Leave me high and dry. Acting like we are fucking roommates.”
You didn’t realize that he stopped in his tracks. His thoughts going back to you stating that his name was already “Ghost.” Which is true but it was out of malice. “Well at least I am not spreadin’ my legs open every fucking Saturday night.”
That made you stop turning sharply towards him, making your way to him. You didn’t mean to, you never have done this before. You tried to stop your hand but it never did. Tears came out as you stepped back placing both of your hands on your mouth. Simon didn’t move his position for a moment.
“I would never hurt you.” You mumbled as Simon was curled into your legs. You rubbed through his scalp, neatly, and smoothly. He was at first shaking an hour ago but it has calmed. His breathing not in ragged quick breaths.
Simon hated waking you up from them, you would wake up and slowly edge him awake before he would swing up. The first time he did it he made your nose bleed. You didn’t understand that night terrors, you were right above him as he swung up. At first he thought he broke your nose since the blood didn’t stop.
Simon hated to notice that the nightmares were getting worse. Seeing his dad and the missions that went wrong. Being a failure in every aspect. He hoped that you didn’t notice those things, his behavior change.
You did notice that the nightmares were becoming more intense and frequent. It was sometimes his dad. Or people he has killed. You knew of both of those things. Simon Riley never had a fair life. “I know my sweets.”
He looked at you, he tried to hold in any emotion that he felt. Simon was shocked. Hurt. He knew he basically called you a whore but he didn’t think you would hit him. Memories flashed back to his father. He turned away from you slamming his boots on and grabbed his jacket.
“You better be out of here by the time I get back. Everythin’.” That’s when the door slammed.
You inhaled the smoke once more. Watching the rain patter on the window, you wanted to die after that. You never wanted to do that, you never wanted to hurt him. Your family didn’t live anywhere near you, let alone want to be around you, so now you sat in your car alone. You lost everyone that loved you. The one man that treated you like loyalty. You leaned back more into your seat thinking about everything that was good. That you wished that you could go back, to how it was, how happy you both were.
All the times you giggled at his dumb jokes to the yelling and screaming at each other. You gripped the cigarette as you started to sob. How did it come to this? All the fighting and distance? You used to love each other. He would never have called you a whore, used to lay men flat that did. But you also never thought you would lay a hand on him.
You looked over at the whiskey you bought two hours ago then at the pills you had for a painkiller years ago. They laid on the dashboard beckoning you. You were already drunk. Empty bottles in the back, your car stationed to no one to find you. Alone. You couldn’t live with the memories, the ghost that would haunt you. The demon that laid inside of you. You sighed throwing the cigarette out the window.
Only if you could go back to that night you met. Restart everything. Maybe in another life.
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“Well, well, well.  Lookie here.  When I heard that there was a faggot in the woods behind the rest area shithouse taking load after load in the early morning, I didn’t give it a second thought.  I figured it was one of those San Francisco flag waving faggots passing through.  It wasn’t until my truck driving buddy sent me a video of you getting plowed by this farmer looking guy and you were begging him to breed you right after you took my buddy’s load in your cunt and he pissed in your face.  I had to see for myself.  And here you are….
“You are handcuffed, naked, on your knees, head bowed, and crying like a total bitch.  You know something’s up when I didn’t bring you in to the station, but rather took you here.  You have been kneeling in that position for twenty minutes processing what’s going to happen to you.  Well, let me tell you.
“Normally, had you been one of those faggots from the city, your ass would have been hauled in.  But you are local, granted from the other side of the mountain pass. Yeah, I grabbed your clothes including your ID after I handcuffed you and placed you naked in the back of my squad car.  After a quick search through my systems and then some independent internet searches I see you are a 52-year-old divorced father of four, three of which are on their own and the fourth lives with your ex-wife across the state.  Being 6’ 4”, it’s obvious from the pile of hairy beef kneeling in front of me that your 320-pounds mostly comes from a long history of working as foreman at Hilbert construction after twelve years as a Sargent in the Marine Corps. Your ID says your name is Doyle Allen Delong, but I see you like to go by Allen or even more informally your initials, DAD to your crew.
“I did find that twenty years ago you were arrested for public sexual indecency at a public bathroom outside San Diego, but that charge got dropped.  Interesting.
“Now I bet due to the torrential rain last night and the rain forecasted for this afternoon, construction has come to a halt today.  That gave you the opportunity to be a cumdump for truck drivers beginning their day, and you made a bee line here.  Now did I get any of that wrong?...
“Your silence speaks volumes.  And I am assuming you are invoking your right to remain silent.  Well let me address your rights here.  You have none.  You ain’t being arrested…. 
“Well that changed your demeanor.  Look up.  Look at me.  Yeah, I figured as much.  You are still hungry for cock, and you are salivating staring at my cock.  Well bitch, you are going to get it.  This isn’t some random spot I pulled you out of my cruiser.  This is the backside of my property.  Behind you and over the hill is my stable, and then another hill to my home.  Since your work day went to shit, you have the entire day to spend buck naked in my stable like a beast that needs to be broken.
“I don’t need to ask your permission; your hard on tells me everything I need to know.  Damn!  That is one giant pecker you have there.  Too bad it’s going to be ignored for the rest of the day.  When I approached you spread over that fallen tree, I saw you had your cock and balls tucked under your belly so no one can see.  I bet you did that so that no one would pay attention to it.   I don’t think you can fit into my biggest cock cage.  Fuck, you are leaking. 
“Damn, this is some slimy leak.  So you like being naked on your knees, hands cuffed behind you, your dick betraying an idea of you being any type of alpha male.  I bet it kills you to be a foreman, bossing your men around knowing they are more of a man than you.  I bet you fantasize about them pulling a train on you.  I was a First Lieutenant in the Army.  I know that you Marines are all alike.  Either you are a sadistic bastard or the most depraved cumdump animal.  Either you want to control, or you want to be controlled.  There’s hardly a middle ground.
“You haven’t said one damned thing yet.  You know it’s true.  You know you want to be under the control of a natural superior, one who will put you in your place and expect you to remain there.
“I assume you have no plans for this weekend.  If you do, you will be canceling them.  You are going to be my beast, my animal.  I’ll lock a hood on you, and a remote-controlled shock collar made explicitly to control animals.  I have about 8 to 10 guys that I will invite over to use you.  Your cunt and toilet mouth will be used continually throughout the weekend. 
“So will your cock.  I think I'm changing what I said earlier. There is no way that baseball bat is going to be ignored.  I’m in control of it.  There will probably be slaves over; their owners will want to see them get fucked by a beast like you.  The thing is beasts don’t show mercy when they fuck, neither will you.  The more savage the better.
“What you say, you want to be my beast, my animal for the weekend?
“…Are you cumming?  Jesus Christ!  You are.  Fuck!  Let it go.  Damn!  I've never seen a no handed eruption like that. That’s an impressive load.  I hope you can remain hard throughout this weekend, if not, there are injections to keep you hard. 
“I don’t care if you lose interest.  You will be expected to perform continually.  As you can tell, I am horned up.  My dick needs attention, and you ass is going to provide it.
“Jesus!  Now that is a fuckable ass if ever I saw one.  Here lean forward, let me guide you down.  Get that cunt up in the air.  My driver friend said you were a sloppy fuck.
“And he was right.  How many loads are up here?...  Shut up!  Animals don’t fucking speak.  Grunt your answer.  Four?  It feels like a lot more.  Fuck!  After I dump my load in you, I’ll plug you up.  Then tonight, I’ll have you dump the cum stew on the concrete in front of everybody.  Then I will have you lick it up so they can see what kind of disgusting animal you are.
“Oh fuck, I’m getting close here.  Clamp down.  Jesus!  You aren’t all stretched out.  Here it comes.  Uh! Uh! Ahhhhh!  Ah!  Fuck!
“Fucking hell.  Clamp down further; I’m pulling out.  There.  You made a fucking mess on my trousers.  I’m going to have to change them.  Let me get you over on your back. 
“You’re a fucking mess.  You are probably thirsty.  Open up that toilet mouth, and drink what you can.  Ahh….
“Damn, you are one beefy beast.  Normally I shave my slaves, but there is no way in hell I am going to touch one hair on you.  Your chest is perfect.  Your nips look a bit soft.  Titty clamps will be in your future, angry ones.
“Close your mouth.  We need to get you collared, hooded, plugged, chained up, and installed in the stable to start this weekend.  Is there anyone we need to notify?  I need to call a guy to get your work truck here. 
“If you work out this weekend, you may be spending a lot more time here than you did at that rest stop.
“Grunt me your ‘Thank you SIR’…  Atta cunt!”
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devils-dares · 1 year
The Key You Wear
summary: you get a voicemail from your ex, who is very much not well. you visit him the next day to make sure all is well (spoiler alert: it's not)
pairing: matt murdock x gn!reader
warnings: angst, blood, injuries, depressive episode, mentions of a breakup, crying, kissing
wordcount: 1864
a/n: i vote we start a "dev needs a hug" campaign because the way life has shitted on me recently is preposterous, lmk if there's any errors, i'm still sleep deprived and also it was like 2am when i finished this
Exhaustion had a way of creeping into the depths of your body, and finding a home within the ache of your bones. Matt and exhaustion were long time acquaintances, with the mental portion setting in throughout his day job and the physical aspect at night.
He slipped up. Majorly. He didn’t notice the fourth guy, not until he was already overpowered by the first three, and he had, to put it lightly, been beaten to a pulp. He could count about four broken ribs and a fractured wrist, among a concussion and a few other things.
He didn’t go out tonight, he hasn’t gone out for a few nights, his apartment is a mess of take-out boxes and empty gauze wrappers. There’s empty beer bottles placed on his coffee table, another open one in his hand.
He’s tired, so tired. The minutes are bleeding together from the perpetual state of intoxication he’s allowed himself, and he hasn’t shown up to work in three days, which he brushed off as healing and meditation time.
Matt’s phone dangles between his fingers, his hand hanging off the couch just over where the most recent pile-up of containers are. He thinks, searches his mind for what went wrong. Clearly he’s drunk, because his mind wanders to you. It’s three in the morning, and he finds himself sitting up on his couch and crying because you’re not here.
It was his fault, just like everything else, he thinks. You’d asked him just for a few days off of the night shift, and he disagreed, raising his voice at you. It wasn’t until you walked in on him in a state quite close to this one where you realized it was out of your control, and you couldn’t take it anymore.
That was a year ago, when you’d emptied out the drawer in his dresser he’d reserved for you and walked out. The dresser was still empty, he remembers, as deft fingers scroll through his phone, pausing when the voice-to-text reads your name.
He shouldn’t have done it. He really shouldn’t have, but he clicks the call button before his mind can catch up with his actions, and his heart sinks a little when you don’t pick up. Then again, it’s three in the morning on a Friday night, you weren’t going to pick up anyways. He leaves a half-assed voicemail, slurring voice mixing with tears as he tells you exactly what he thinks, and he’s sure his sober self would slap him silly if he could hear how pathetic the message sounded.
He shut the phone off and chugged the rest of his drink. He turned over, groaning out when he lay directly on a few fractured ribs, and he doesn’t remember anything after that.
When he wakes, the smell of fresh air greets him. There’s no longer a stench of days old food, or the collection of empty bottles on his coffee table. He can hear movement in the kitchen, quiet humming. There’s a certain scent in the air from whatever’s cooking, and he sits up slowly, praying he isn’t imagining you right now.
You look over and see Matt’s head peek over the back of the couch, his hand braced on his side. Grabbing a glass of water and some painkillers, you make your way over to him.
“Take these, it’ll help with the inflammation too.” You say, and he takes them gratefully. After taking a sip of water and allowing the throbbing in his head to grow to its peak, he finally speaks.
“You’re here.” He says, dumb comment, but he meant to phrase it like a question.
“Yeah, I heard your message this morning. Sounded serious, so I thought I’d stop by.”
“And you’re still here because…?” You sigh, rubbing your forehead.
“As much as we might be over, I still care for you, Matt. And I couldn’t stand to see you like that. Speaking of, you need a shower.” He nods.
“What time is it?” He asks as he rises to his feet.
“One in the afternoon. I did your laundry, by the way, clean clothes are put away.”
Matt’s floored. Not because he’s confused on why you bothered to come or still care, but you cleaned up for him, you’re taking care of him and he doesn’t know what to do or how to cope other than to get that fluttering in his stomach again.
“I’ll- I’m gonna go shower, thanks for doing the laundry.” He walks away as quick as he can, admittedly not that fast, so he doesn’t hear your response.
You hear the shower start, and it’s almost automatic that the tears flood your eyes. God, you love him, you still do. It hurt you immensely to see Matt down in the dumps, not a care in the world about himself or his life. You wish you could shake him out of this trance, wrap him up in a hug and not let go until you get the man you fell in love with back. You gave yourself this break, let your tears flow knowing that Matt would probably smell the salt in the air as soon as he got out.
He’d forgotten what panic he felt whenever he sensed your tears. It’d been so long, and the last time you’d cried he was the cause. He rubbed out the water from his hair with a towel as quickly as he could after throwing his clothes on, and he threw the bathroom door open to find you sniffling and scrubbing relentlessly at the kitchen counters.
Matt walks over to you, taking the dishcloth out of your hands. You glance up at him, he looks so much fresher and so much like your Matt that you’re thrown for a second. He’d trimmed his beard to its usual stubbly length, and the dried blood on his face was gone.
“Why were you crying?” He asks, and his voice is impossibly soft coupled with the hand that comes up to cup your cheek makes tears burn at your eyes again.
“Just been a while, missed you a little.” He hums.
“Would it be okay if I asked for a hug?” You nod at his request, and he pulls you into his arms just before the first tear rolls down your cheek. You ball his shirt up in your fists, and you’re very aware of how embarrassing the situation is, crying in your ex’s arms. His hands rub your back, and you aren’t sure how long he holds you until you separate, but the ache in your chest makes it very clear that you wish he held on for just a little longer.
“Thank you for coming.” Matt says, his hand resting on your bicep and you’re sure he can feel the absurd amount of heat that just flushed you.
“It’s nothing.”
“It is, you had no reason to come back here, not after… not after how I treated you.”
“It was a year ago. We’re both adults, Matt, and you’ve already apologized.” He hums his agreement.
“How’d you get in, by the way?” The question causes a blush to flush your face, and Matt’s interest in the answer increases tenfold.
“Do you remember when we had that conversation about moving in? I really wanted to but my lease wasn’t up yet so you gave me a key to your place anyways? The night I left, I forgot to leave it here, and then I just didn’t have the heart to return it.” You fish your necklace out from underneath your shirt, his key dangling from it.
His heart breaks into a million pieces, and his only solace is the fact that you kept it. He remembered both of those events like it was yesterday. You couldn’t stop smiling when he gave you the key, and he rubbed at the back of his neck, unsure of what to do until you threw your arms around him and tugged him into you for a kiss. He’d never had a relationship that made him yearn for the future until you.
“I guess I can leave it here today, yeah?” You say with a laugh, but your voice is deeply rooted in sadness, and Matt knows that if you leave without that hunk of metal with you, it closes the door on whatever past and future sits in the thick tension between the two of you.
“You should keep it, for emergencies, you know.”
“For emergencies?” You laugh, looking confused.
“Yeah! Anything happens, pipe bursts or you need a beer or whatever,” he’s rambling, turning red, and you can’t help but get the same flutters he was feeling earlier unbeknownst to you, “you can always come here.”
“That’s what I have friends for, Matthew.” You sass back.
“They don’t have shitty beer.”
“Neither do you, seeing as you drank yourself out of your stock.” Your hand slaps over your mouth.
“I’m sorry, that was so mean.” But Matt’s already shaking in silent laughter.
“Yeah, it was mean. Well deserved, but definitely mean.” He smiles down at you, a full grin, and you take a few moments to appreciate how happy he looks, his developing crow’s feet making you unbelievably happy that he’s getting laugh lines.
“I missed you too, you know.” He takes a step forward, bringing both of his hands to rest on your body.
“How much?”
“My life fell apart.”
“That was happening with me here anyways.” His smile falls, and you wince at your quick quip comeback.
“Ouch.” He says, withdrawing his hands.
“Sorry, I just-”
“No, it’s the truth. It’s okay.”
“Matty,” his breath hitches when the nickname slips from your mouth, “you’re a good person, and sometimes humans are complicated and we get angry about things we’re passionate about. Look, that night, it was a year ago, and I’m ready to move past it if you are.”
“I’m not ready to move past you.” You’re pretty sure you stop breathing for a few seconds.
“Just listen to me for a minute, okay? There hasn’t been anyone after you, and there won’t be. You are the one I want to spend my life with, and it’s okay that you don’t want to. I just need you to know where my head is at.”
“Are you done?” You ask, he nods, and suddenly he’s gasping as the collar of his shirt is yanked in a tight grip and- oh. Your lips are on his and his hands are on your hips and your hands are in his hair and he’s been dreaming about this moment since the day you left. He pulls you close, your body flush with his, and he tries his best to convey all his emotions into this one kiss.
You pull away first, chest heaving for air, and the smile on your face matches that of the one on Matt’s.
“Well, that was something.” You say.
“That it was.” That’s all he says before kissing you again.
The talks about the future and the complications this causes can happen later, but for now you’ve got Matt back in more ways than one, and he’s never letting you go again.
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zzzennin · 2 years
would've, could've, should've.
I haven't written anything in so long I just type vomited here, so no beta read. English is not my first language. Heavily inspired by this song.
TW: alcohol consumption, mentions of infidelity, abuse, age gap (you 18 and endeavor on his 40's) , depression, mention death a couple times too, very indecent relationship, power abuse, virginity loss, Endeavor is the bad guy, he is taking advantage of the reader. lmk if I forgot something.
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You were way too drunk to be speaking like this, always being quiet and so private about your life, maybe the silence caught up on you. Maybe was seeing that stupid post on Facebook from that friend from your mom praising that perverted old man for being such an inspiration for the younger generations, a role model as a hero, as a husband, as a father.
If they only knew what a piece of shit Endeavor was.
Fresh 18, your first job was an internship actually but who cares, you were so excited about not only making some cash so you could afford your own place when college started but maybe if you're lucky you could even get a date with that new hero Hawks he was so cute and charming. A hero did actually put their eyes on you, just not the one you expected.
Now, at 27 all those memories feel like weapons pointed at your head, land mines in random places that when you forget about them they explode you back to your younger self, stupid and naive. You would be lying if you said that getting his attention didn1t make you feel important and seen. He was so charming with small smiles and little chocolates he left at your desk, the post-shift he stayed with you when you have to do tons of photocopies Endeavor made you laugh and carried all that paper for your little arms.
He walked you home, he was a hero after all just couldn't let his inter go home by herself the city is so dangerous when the sun goes down. So he took his big fancy car and drove you home listening to soft love songs, he was so handsome. Took you to the diner the first time cause you worked so hard, deserved a belly full of good food, he'll pay. On the way home, he put his big hand on your tight. Your core pulsed.
He's married, older than you, maybe is an old man thing? you thought to yourself.
But soon enough it got clear that he was, in fact, hitting on you, silly you got so happy blushing like a school girl, you were just two years older than his younger son. You wish now that you tasted like poison on his lips every time he kissed you so passionately, he would spit you out and never speak on it again. But you were sweet, a honeypot he couldn't get enough of.
So he started to consume your days, nights and all your thoughts were about him, how to please him, become better for him. And Endeavor loved that shit, the adoration on your eyes. How he got to corrupt you slowly in every single way. You begged for his time, for a drop of love and attention, and got you hooked on him. His smell, his skin, lips, dick and he fucked you so good.
Endeavor was your first, to clear the tears from your face as you lay under him in a love hotel by the beach, your parents think you went with some school friends, but you were in that dirty hotel in a faraway city with a married man taking your virginity.
If there's lucidity in death why this just doesn't die already? He broke you so many years ago and you still mourn the person who you were before him, you still fight him in your sleep in your restless nights. You still regret him all the time. Every second he happens to cross your mind.
He used, abused you, and trowed away like you never existed in the first place.
Many years later you sat in a dirty bar with bloodshot eyes while your fourth drink is in your hand and you just spilled everything out to the random person who happened to sit near you, he didn't know you anyway.
"What a fucker" his deep voice replies and for the first time in what feels like hours you get your head up and look at the man the eyes, bright blue eyes, and dark hair, half his face is burned and you are pretty sure you saw him on the news the other day. You are too tired to care, if he kills you tonight maybe this could be a closure, not a satisfactory one, but still. "you know, I live by one philosophy, think you gonna like it".
He takes a sip from his drink.
"Don't get sad. Get even"
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lovesickfoolwp · 2 years
emails i can't send — conrad fisher
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pairing : conrad fisher x fem!reader
summary : after being apart for so long, your dad comes to the fourth of july party in cousins beach being convinced by your mother. everything turns into a complete shit show and you end it up crying into conrad's arms.
word count : 2k
while you, belly and jeremiah were trying to follow victoria's recipe for making pomegranate margaritas, with a twist added by belly, conrad entered the room. seeing the enthusiasm on your faces, he also wanted to participate, coming up with the idea of using the better blender.
while you were remembering the time when belly and jeremiah, led by you, made a whole mess a few years ago trying to make some drinks for yourselves, a unpleasant surprise appeared in the kitchen.
"y/n?" your dad's voice, which you could have sworn you've forgot over the years, was heard from behind you.
your smile gradually disappeared and your lifelong friends were watching you intently, ready to intervene if you needed any kind of help.
you turned, slowly, on your heel toward him, swallowing hard when you realized that not much had changed in his appearance. probably just the white hair and a few wrinkles. otherwise, it was just like you remembered him and you hated that.
"dad?" you replied, using the word you hadn't used in years. more precisely, since he failed to be the person you would've looked up to.
he had the audacity to approach you and to try to hug into his arms, but conrad stopped him. extending his arm in front of you, thus blocking his access.
your father shot him a threatening look, and before he could say anything, your mother appeared in the room through the back door. seeing the look on your face and how everyone was tense, she realized that maybe this was not her best choice.
"well," she approached you and put her hand on your shoulder to draw your attention, smiling sincerely with regret. "sorry, sweetie, for not telling you earlier about this. now i notice that a mistake may have been made."
"how is this a mistake?" your father asked her, but everyone ignored him.
"you should have asked my opinion first, mom."
this was probably the first time you were really disappointed in her.
"y/n," your father tried to come to you again, but conrad's hand was in the same place. "can we talk a little?"
conrad's eyes turned to you, but instead he met your mother's gaze, which beckoned him to withdraw.
"please, y/n, let me explain!" he insisted when conrad withdrew his hand, but you continued to stay silent.
you gave up, sighing, and accepted. everyone in the room, especially conrad, were asking you if you were sure. you weren't. but, for the sake of your mother, you were at least able to listen to him.
so you went to your room to have total peace. you were sitting on your bed, and your father was standing in front of you.
"i don't understand, y/n, why you let what happened between you and your mother affect our relationship. we were so close before, and now you don't answer my phone either. i'm not even mentioning that you don't want to visit me."
"because it affects me too!"
he snorted in disbelief.
"how could it affect you if the divorce was by mutual agreement?"
you fake laughed and put your head in the hands you were now resting on your knees. "mutual agreement? is that what it's called now when you're cheating on your wife?" you said more for yourself, but he heard you.
"do you hear yourself?" he asked reproachfully.
"yeah, actually, i really do." you answered and looked up again, even if the eye contact grinded all your thinking. you could no longer look him in the eye. "it would have been a step forward if you had even acknowledged what you did. you cheated on my mother and destroyed my all of my trust in you. i can't forgive you as easily as she did."
tears began to appear in the corner of your eye, and he noticed this and sat down next to you, making the bear minimum to keep a considerable distance between you two.
"how this has affected you, y/n?"
he asked you and this time you felt a trace of sincere curiosity in his voice.
"i can't trust the boys anymore, dad. i can't love a boy without making thousands of negative thoughts when he doesn't respond immediately to my text." you sighed and thinking about conrad, you continued. "i know that he's a good person, but i can't get out of my head the idea that one day he might hurt me as much as you hurt mom. you gave me trust issues and you destroyed my expectations of a relationship."
he listened to every word you said, memorizing everything. so when you' were done, he leaned over to you and put his hand over your hand, which was shaking on your knee. "i wish i could fix this, sweet pie."
at the nickname he used to use when you were little, when he was still a model for you, and you felt his touch again, you retreated like his touch burnt you, standing upright by the door.
he stood up too, looking at you as if you were about to break down at any given moment and that's was it.
you approached him, raising your index finger to him and with tears starting to run down your cheeks, you addressed him for the last time. "i'm going to leave the room and when i get back, you'll be anywhere, just not near this house."
and with that being said, you came out of the room like a tornado, ignoring the fact that conrad was a few doors away, listening to everything. and ignoring the fact that conrad called name continuously, following in your footsteps.
you didn't stop until you reached the beach, you sat on the sand and you felt the sea breeze at your feet. you continued to cry, sniffing through the fresh air, watching through the tears as the waves broke.
you felt a warm touch on your shoulder and you knew who that was before he sat down next to you.
"do you want to talk about it?” conrad asked, continuing to look at you intently.
you looked up at him, and your eyes and wet cheeks shattered his heart. he couldn't stand seeing you in this situation.
"could you hold me in your arms for a moment, without saying anything?" your voice trembled when you asked him that and he agreed immediately.
you got up from the position you were in earlier, put your thighs around his legs, and lowered your head into the hollow of your neck, continuing to sigh as he stroked your back.
"yeah, but only for a few moments. we're going to have to talk about this at some point." he said in a reassuring tone and realizing that you would listen to his voice for a lifetime and not get bored, you nodded.
his touch along with your two favorite sounds combined, his breathing and the sound of the ocean, calmed you in a few minutes, becoming soft in his arms.
when your peace had begun to unsettle him because he had begun to overthinking everything, he began to draw circles on your back with his finger to get your attention.
the tears had stopped and the sighs were gone, but you weren't ready to see you with the swollen face from so much crying.
"y/n?" he called your name lightly, beginning to wonder if you had fallen asleep.
you murmured softly something that was not understood and when he tried to move you away enough to see your face by putting his hands on your hips, you clung into his neck like a little kitten that refuses to let you go when you want to let him down from your arms.
he giggled and you felt a flock of butterflies that flew in your stomach, managing to put a lazy smile on your face. when he felt your smile on the skin of his neck, he tried to move you away for a second time and with you being taken unprepared, he succeeded.
no matter how much it hurt him to see you cry, your face afer crying seemed a very beautiful thing, and somehow peaceful, to him because he could've sworn that you were always shining.
"when were you going to tell me you liked me too?" he asked you in a serious tone, but in the end he touched you on the nose teasingly.
"what are you talking about?"
"we both know that i have shown you many times, through my specific methods, that i care a lot about you and what you said to your father today made me believe that was about me. i might be wrong though."
you stood for a second, remembering what you said and you hit him playfully in the shoulder. "were you eavesdropping?"
he laughed lightly in response and then he returned to being seriously, his grip around your waist becoming tighter. "seriously, y/n, i can understand you better than anyone about everything you've said. and if that's all that stops you from telling me what i've wanted to hear for so long, go ahead. because i promise i understand you."
"how can you understand?" you asked him frustrated and you leaned your head on his shoulder, looking at the ocean.
he sighed before he said "because, between us, me and jere are going through the same thing, only he doesn't know it yet. i haven't told him yet. and no one but you, not even our parents, knows i found out."
at that moment you withdrew so that you could study his face. he had no reaction on his face, but the grip around you told you enough.
"your parents are divorcing?"
you couldn't believe it. susannah and adam seemed to be the perfect couple. but so did your parents. that was until your father gave up everything in one selfish night.
there was silence between you for a while, and conrad's fingers on his waist were the only thing holding you to reality. you went through your mind again the words you said to your father and now you knew that conrad had heard them. at the moment you managed to think you were ready, so you cleared your throat and his eyes immediately met yours.
he removed his hands from your waist, and if it had not seemed to you that you were exceeding a limit imposed by your conscience, you would have sighed at that lack of contact.
"what's wrong?" he asked you and put one of his now free hands on your cheek, stroking it with his thumb.
you didn't know how to say it, so you threw the words straight in front of him in one breath. "i like you too."
he thought he was dreaming.
"say it again." he challenged you to repeat it.
you raised your eyebrow and looked at him for a second, then did as he told you to. "i like you too, conrad."
you thought that if you said his name this way, in this sentence, it would make him feel assured of your feelings and you succeeded.
it was his turn to bury his face in the curvature of your neck, squeezing your waist in his arms as if he didn't give you a chance to change your mind and leave.
it was clear. his hands on your waist already felt like home after today.
he barely managed to retreat, being too vulnerable now and wanting to keep hugging you. but he need to say a few more words.
you watched him intently, waiting for him to start talking, but his hands found yours and he began to play anxiously with your fingers as he spoke "believe me, y/n, that after all i've been through in the last few months, i wouldn't want to believe that we'll just be friends again. i want to be around you, i want to be able to hug and kiss you." his fingers found their place, intertwining with your fingers as he continued. "and most importantly, i want to help you build your trust in me."
at that moment, you could have cried again. this time because of happiness. but the grimace on his face when he heard you sighing worried you and you abstained for his sake. "sure."
that was the only word you managed to say, but to him it meant everything.
his lips met yours and he swore to protect you from whatever was needed. even from his own demons.
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Hi, any Recs for slutty and unhinged Draco or Harry?
Oh I do love myself some unhinged smut, we like our men slutty and unbalanced here 🤌🏼 I went for a bit of everything here, from light humor to dark angst. Enjoy!
Return to Sender: Harry J. Potter by @vukovich (E, 2.5k)
The first time Draco slides into bed, smelling of another man, the only glass left intact at 12 Grimmauld is a pair of spectacles. The sixth time, it's the flash-bang mushroom cloud realization that this isn't the sixth time by a long shot. The last time, it's 10 PM, and it's dittany, camphor, wormwood, valerian root, and the Healers' platitudes.
Options by @mintawasalreadytaken (E, 2.6k)
Harry's looking for company; Draco fits the bill.
Mens Rea by @lqtraintracks (E, 3k)
Mens Rea: the mental element of a person's intention to commit a crime; or knowledge that one's action or lack of action would cause a crime to be committed. “Draco Malfoy, how do you plead?” “I’m super fucking guilty.”
Luckiest Fucking Size Queen Alive by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (E, 6k)
Potter escorts me home, presses me into my front door and kisses me with a ferocity that’s exhilarating. And then Potter asks me, in a growl that makes my cock throw a wet tantrum in my pants, how many more dates I would deem mandatory before I let him fuck me. I drag Potter to bed.
What’s My Age Again? by @lazywonderlvnd (E, 12k)
Harry Potter has had enough of pleasing the public, and his reckless tendencies are finally getting out of hand. The Quidditch World Cup is only a week away; as Captain of the English National Team, Hermione has assured him that his immaturity won’t be tolerated by the Ministry.
you look so fine by michi_thekiller (E, 16k)
In which Draco is a Veela and Harry is his mate. Dark!Humor or Crack!Horror, you decide.
Famous by @fw00shy (E, 24k)
It's a couple of years after the war, and Harry's bored of models now, the same way he's bored of Ron's constant nagging, bored of his Weasley monogram knitwear, bored of the same fucking grin that greets him when he hands his fire-truck red Bugatti over to the valet every night. He wants to find—well, he isn't sure what he wants. Anything but models.
The Good Guys by Frayach (E, 26k)
The Second Voldemort War is limping into its fourth year, and the Forces of Shining Light are slowly turning into the Forces of Expedient Grey. When Draco Malfoy is captured red-handed trying to sell an illegal potion to a clerk at Borgin & Burkes, he is handed over to the Department of Essential and Necessary Truth’s newest interrogator.
Fearful Trill by @vukovich (E, 29k)
Harry should have come out and met someone when he was younger. He should have seen a doctor about the pain in his hip while youth was still on his side. Now, he's made his peace with dying young, but maybe not with dying alone.
He Who Must Not Be Normal by lettered (E, 41k)
Potter has fame and fortune and posh clothes and all he wants is a simple life. Draco has a flat and a cat and a steady job and all he wants is a complicated life. Which makes you think this story has something exciting like body-swapping, but it doesn’t.
Harry Potter Gives a Shit by talithan (E, 59k)
“Where are you headed?” “No place special,” Draco fumbled, and flushed further. But then: “I can change that,” said Harry Potter.
Super Rich Kids by trishjames (E, 81k)
Draco Malfoy has become disillusioned by the glitz and glamour of the scandalous lives of the Post-Second Wizarding War Pureblood Elite. Enter: one existential crisis, one group of thieving cynical friends, and several terrible, terrible decisions.
I Am Not Who I Became by mab_di (E, 93k)
Draco left England after the trials and has travelled the world meeting wizards and Muggles from different cultures and with vastly different relationships to magic, each other, and the natural world. Now he's a fisherman in Finland on commercial vessels.
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smolbeanie1221 · 4 months
Being aroace spec can be so confusing
My first relationship was with a girl, and I kinda just went along with what she wanted to do bc I figured, well she’s enjoying it so I must be enjoying this too… I didn’t mind anything we did, I just didn’t care or think about it.
Second relationship was with a guy, and at this point my mom had made me feel incredibly guilty for having been with a girl before, joys of being afab in a religious family and the first person you date is a girl. And he was… definitely pushy. Again tho, I just went along with it bc I figured, well he wants to do this and I just have to be bi so there’s a chance I’ll be a normal girl and end up with a guy someday so I have to be enjoying this too… Yeah I definitely was feeling a lot of pressure there.
At this point, I had not felt actual sexual attraction towards anyone, and I don’t think I was ever romantically in love with either of those people.
Third relationship was with a guy who was also one of my best friends. We were kinda dating for a summer and it was a better relationship than the previous, but in the end we went back to just being friends and it was better that way.
At this point, I’m very confused, but I discover this wonderful thing called ASEXUALITY. And everything suddenly made sense. Except for one small thing.
Fourth relationship that never actually became a relationship. I was in some type of love with a different best friend, I would say demi/sapio-romantic (romantically attracted because of both an emotional and mind connection basically). But he was definitely aromantic, but allosexual. I was romantically attracted to him, but asexual… right??? For years I was confused because I wanted an actual official relationship and I would’ve been more than okay with sleeping with him. But… that can’t be sexual attraction?? I’m ace?? Right?? Ahhhhhh. Yeah so I was very confused around him. Turns out, I’m actually demi-ace, but I didn’t realize that until years later after I lost contact with him, and I’ve been too scared to reach out to him lol. Anyways I have a gf now anyways. And that’s been the only time that the demi part of my ace-ness has come out, pun intended lol.
Actual fourth relationship. Definitely romantic and completely non-sexual. Really good relationship for over a year, and that partner helped me become more comfortable with my gender identity and we both were ace and it was really good for a while. It just wasn’t a relationship that was built to grow, so eventually we drifted apart.
Fifth relationship. A non-romantic and non-sexual relationship. Lasted less than a year, but made me realize that I was also aro spec bc being in a relationship that did not have romantic or sexual expectations felt so comfortable and right.
Sixth relationship. The one that broke my heart. My other best friend in that time frame, we were incredibly close and bonded over everything, from our mental health struggles to books to sheetz runs to everything. Eventually we officially were boyfriends in a qpr. They were my number one person for so long, my life partner. There was never anything romantic or sexual, but we loved each other deeply. Until life happened and they changed and I had to break up with them and got my heart broken.
All of these took place from late middle school to early college by the way. I went from, oh I’m a girl and I like girls! To, shit I can’t like girls so I have to like boys too bc I have to be bisexual at least. To, ohhhh so I can actually not want to sleep with people and that’s normal too?? So I’m nonbinary and asexual? That makes sense. To, why why if I’m ace would I be more than okay sleeping with him??? To, huh i think I’m aro spec too. To, okay I’m definitely aro spec, probably demi-aro technically and… probably demi-ace too? Yeah that’s probably right.
At the same time, I didn’t feel as tho romantic was necessarily the right word for me. I mean I’ve experienced romantic attraction I think, but it usually felt kinda forced by either my partner’s expectations or by society’s expectations. I think that’s why my non-romantic non-sexual relationships felt so comfortable to me, bc there wasn’t any of that expectation. I have no freaking idea what romantic attraction really feels like to me. I’ve experienced it I think (??), but for several reasons including outside expectations and general-emotional-processing-issues at those times, I have a hard time knowing any emotions I was feeling at that time in my life. The “butterflies” and “spacey eyed” and “gooey lovey” feelings I felt could’ve been romantic, sure. But they could’ve also been someone who was heavily emotionally repressed all their life just being happy to have someone that they loved who loved them back and getting excited over how cute they were and enjoying their rambles and just generally being happy with someone and also liking some physical contact like hugs and cuddles bc physical touch is their love language with everyone and they like hugs with everyone they care about, and it wasn’t necessarily romantic…..
I get a similar feeling to “butterflies” when I’m nervous about something or excited to see someone in my family I haven’t seen for a while bc I love them and am excited and happy. Not necessarily a “romantic indicator”. I get “spacey eyed” all the time, and usually it’s bc I’m obsessing over my latest fanfic idea. Again, not a “romantic indicator”. I get “gooey lovey” feelings when I see an adorable animal, when someone in my family or close friend group does something really sweet for me or I’m really happy to see them or I get a hug from anyone I love. Once again, not a “romantic indicator”.
Because of all this, I have settled on alterous as my general term for the type of attraction I have with people I have or wanted to date. Alterous to me means this: “I want to be with you and talk with you and do everything with you, I just don’t care how it looks for us or how we categorize ourselves.” I would also attach romance-inclined or sex-inclined as a prefix type thing when applicable. Fourth relationship that never actually happened? Sex and romance-inclined alterous. Fourth actual relationship? Romance-inclined alterous. This doesn’t actually mean that I will feel romantic or sexual attraction or interest or desire with someone, but I may be inclined to want aspects of that type of relationship and I might have those actual feelings from time to time.
The partner that I have now, seventh relationship for those counting lol. This relationship feels stronger and better than any that I’ve had in the past. There’s no pressure or expectation about sex, and she knows that I’m on the aro spectrum, so there’s no romantic pressure either. At the same time, I love the romantic type aspects we have, but I can’t with any certainty say that my feelings are romantic, or at least not romantic all the time. But I feel about her differently than I have about anyone else. There’s several possible reasons, but one main thing I think is that I’m now in a healthier place emotionally so I can better feel and process all my emotions, including my feelings towards her.
Anyways, at this point I would say I’m aroace spec. Demi-altrose (alterous, romantic, sexual).
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bakugokemkatsuki · 7 months
Dating at Last
Koshi Sugawara x (GN) Reader:
**Warning(s): season 2/3 spoilers, cussing, intro is kinda long (sorry)
**Note: this was kinda rushed and not proofread so sorry in advance for that!!this was also not my original intention for this story.
**Genre: Fluff ??
**Word Count: 420
Background: You’re a third year at Karasuno and in the same class as Sugawara. You met Sugawara at during second year and became close friends after working on a project together for class at the beginning of third year. This is taking place during the spring tournament qualifiers.
 You were biting your nails, nervous. Karasuno was playing Aoba Johsai battling it out for a spot in the finals. Last time they played Seijoh they gave it everything and still lost. You were hoping for the best for the team, but secretly you were hoping for everything this wouldn’t be Suga’s last game. You were close friends and you knew how much volleyball meant to him. He didn��t even mind that he was replaced with Kageyama and was on the bench most of the game. He just wanted to play.
As the match came to an end you went to meet the team before they got on there bus. They had won in the third set and were off to the finals against Shiratorizawa. You quickly met the team and congratulated the boys. Talking with the third years before going home. You had made a a go go Karasuno sign. Time flew by so fast yet so slow, before everyone knew it, it was time for the match. After quickly meeting up with Suga to wish him luck and help him calm down once you saw how nervous he was, you were off to your seat. The game seemed to go by slow at first until the fourth and fifth sets, which seemed to go by in an instant. There was the whistle and they had won the boys did it. They were going to nationals. Unable to control yourself you ran down to meet Suga and jumped into his arms. As he picked you up and spun you (which was a usual greeting for you to), you couldn’t help but lean down and kiss him. Shocked he almost dropped you. “Y/N, wha…. What was that for?” Suga stuttered out. “Shit. Sorry I was just so excited and I couldn’t contain it.” You were getting really flustered and nervous thinking you messed up your friendship. Laughing Suga says “I like you too Y/N”. “Really?” “Yea, I was just worried about ruining the friendship. But, now that I know that you feel the same. Will you be my significant other?” “Of Course!” Suga leans in and kisses you. This was the start to the relationship of a lifetime. A happily ever after.
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kursedmayo · 1 month
I like to think that Leo didn't lose his arm or a part of his arm because it got caught in something or was getting infected by the Kraang and had to be cut off.
I now offer an even worse reason: he used it to feed someone, maybe even several people.
(TW: Blood, death, starvation and implied cannibalism)
Picture this.
It's the fucking apocalypse. Food sources are running out everywhere.
You are Leo. You're young, handsome and inexperienced, but you're one of the most powerful people still alive to date. Leagues of people have put your lives in your hand, and you are trying your best to keep everything running smoothly.
You are on a rescue mission.
You were prepared. You accounted for every possible event and prepared for it. You were going to get survivors out of a recently discovered hidden shelter without alerting the Kraang, but the one thing you counted on never happening happened, and now everything went to shit.
Kraang discovered your team, shut down your ninpo, and destroyed your communication device. You lost one of your swords, people died, you got separated from your team, and the adults guarding the kids are missing.
You're fucked.
Day 1.
Isn't it hilarious? You were on a rescue mission, and now you're the one that needs rescuing.
You are still stuck in the shelter, underneath layers of concrete with scared children, all exits blocked. After almost being infected by Kraang, one of your arms isn't responding well to your commands. You suspect the nerves in it have been damaged somehow.
You try your best to assure the kids. It worked, naturally. They seem a bit more cheerful despite the situation.
Lying has always been your forte after all.
Day 2.
It's been 2 days. You don't know when you're going to get rescued, and the children are starving.
They are starving and have been starving for weeks, and now you're stuck with them, hungry and anxious. You've been told that despite the shelter's size and amount of rooms it wasn't supposed to hold this many people in the first place. The supplies are for maybe 6 people at most, enough for a family.
A rich family at that, perhaps, but it doesn't matter now.
What matters is that the supplies have long been running out. Scavenging can only do so much, and the people were counting on being rescued before they all died.
The youngest is five years old and looks thinner than they should ever be. The shelter is now quiet, the kids being too tired to cry.
Bored out of their minds, they just begin to talk- well, whisper more like it, about their dreams.
You keep quiet for now and listen.
One says they want to eat cake. Another says they want to play on the swings again. Someone pipes up and says they want to sleep on their own bed. A fourth kid says they wanna go back to school already.
Their friend jokes that not having to go to school was one of the only perks of being in the midst of an alien invasion.
They fight, you chuckle. Distracted, the shelter becomes a little more lively with discussions and discourse.
...An older kid wants to find their parents' bodies so they could give them a proper funeral.
A silence, but then it goes on.
They miss their brothers. They miss their sisters. They miss their aunts, uncle's, cousins, grandma's, grandpas- they miss the sun, they miss warm food, they miss fresh water, they miss the outside itself. They want to drink fresh water. They want to hug their grandma again. They miss being able to be loud and not have to worry about being found by the Kraang.
It's all "want". It's all "miss". Never "has", and if you fail, it might never be "will".
And guess what? It's all your fault. You dropped the key. You underestimated the Kraang. More than half of NYC is taken over already because of your mistake. It's all your fault.
...It's day 3.
The kids are getting desperate. You had to stop 4 kids from trying to eat chips of concrete, and some kids are so thirsty that they're biting their fingers and sucking on their own blood.
You have nothing to feed them. You have nothing to give them to drink. They're children, if this continues they're going to die hungry.
You can only hope help will arrive soon.
Day 4 arrives.
You can't even move your arm anymore. It's dead weight. What can the Medics back at the base even do? You don't even know why it stopped working. You're no technician, but you know enough to know Ultrasounds need energy that could be used somewhere else, and you sure as hell aren't worth the waste.
…You know Donnie would disagree.
Your entire family would.
You couldn't bring yourself to care.
Day 6.
You're desperate.
The shelter is deathly quiet. No one want to talk
anymore- or well, they can't. They have no energy left at this point.
They are definitely going to die of starvation if this continues.
You stare at your arm.
You stare at it hard.
You're desperate. They need to eat. They need to eat, now.
You don't need it anyways.
…But you shouldn't.
It's your right arm, there's still a chance the doctors can figure out a way to fix it. It's going to be awkward relearning how to fight with one arm. In a life of death situation, it's hard to be missing parts and even harder to make aids for it. Not to mention prions, and the whole being a mutant business, you don't know what will happen if a human ingests mutant flesh.
You stare at the kids in front of you, empty eyed, hopeless.
...You shouldn't.
But you do.
You pick up a sword, and slash through bone and flesh. Pain smothers your vision, blood drips down and pools on the cold ground.
There was a hoarse scream. You ignore it. You make a makeshift torniquete and pick it up.
Through the haze of blood loss, you try to remember where to go. You go to the shelter's kitchen and begin to cook.
You'll remember the smell of your own burning flesh for the rest of your life.
As fucked as it is…
It smells like relief.
They're going to live, you assure yourself, and for a while, it soothes your worries. This is the least you can do after all. This is the least you can do to atone.
For what it's worth, at the very least...
They're going to live.
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stranger-chads · 23 hours
I was the only guy in Big Skeleton to get a realization for Christmas,
and it wasn't even a big one.
It came to me in the loft of an abandoned barn; the one decaying at the edge of McIntosh's canola field. He was only growing the white stuff that season, so I'd guessed he wouldn't care that I was loitering there. After all, he wasn't using it, and I was.
The barn was part of a gap I was bridging: two weeks between my last exam and the start of next term. I wasn't going home again. I was making other arrangements, but I won't talk about them yet. I'm sure I don't need to tell you it was complicated. So here's what was important about December twenty-fourth, nineteen-eighty-five: I had been seventeen for two days, and I was angrier than I'd ever been in my entire life—more than I'd thought I was capable of holding inside me. Because of the precise way things were complicated. Not in general. Just for me.
My realization was this: that rage, real rage, is a cold feeling. It's not how they draw it in cartoons with Wile E Coyote shooting steam out of his ears, hopping up and down on his hat or whatever. And yeah, I know that's a kid's show. But it's still inaccurate crap. I only watched it because Mandy wouldn’t watch anything serious, and it was practically Christmas, so I’d have been a total wad of a big brother to tell her no.
We were watching together on the living room floor when mom got home and started working dad into an ugly lather about something-or-other in the kitchen. Those thin walls were a blessing as much as a curse. We heard everything.
It was about money stuff. Or you'd think it was money stuff, but I’d learned when parents fight about money it’s never really about that. Money doesn’t care if there's not enough of it to go around. It didn’t care about the electricity bill or Bird’s eight new puppies or Christmas gifts. So in our house, money really meant Newt and Mandy.
I resented that, of course. And usually I had my own questions to hurl right back at them when they yelled at us for no good reason, but December twenty-fourth nineteen-eighty-five had several compounding factors that were making the whole thing unbearable. I’ll get back to them. First I had to get out of that house before I made Christmas any worse for Mandy. She didn't deserve that. I wrapped her in a blanket, said good night knowing she’d make the best, and slipped out the back door.
Usually I just trudged around the block until the worst had passed, but that time I didn’t. I went north. There was a barn I’d seen on a walk the summer before: a big, moldering dark-wood cairn weeping rust from rectangle eye sockets, and it had struck me as the perfect place to disappear. So I walked up that way, and as I went, I felt everything inside me freeze over, solid but brittle, like every next step might shatter me into ballistic icicle shards flying out and killing everyone in a fantastic sphere-radius. It wasn't the weather. It was everything.
Those compounding factors. I'd been eighteen for two days and I was pretty sure I'd been gay for both of them. What's worse, I suspected an investigation of the years prior would yield similar findings. It was possible I'd been that way forever.
Something else about me: I think too much. If you leave me alone I'll think myself into the craziest circles, my brain chasing its tail until it passes out on the floor of my skull, exhausted. But that works for me. I've never believed anything as much as I believe every problem has a solution if you think it through from start to finish. So that was my mission: I was going to think the shit through. I was going to figure out how to never go home again except to collect my things (once) and visit Mandy (sometimes). I was going to figure out how to stop being so angry all the time. And once I’d thawed that poison, paralytic ice enough to get moving, I was going to get the hell out of Big Skeleton, forever.
The loft was surprisingly insulated, despite the sagging wounds along the barn’s lower sides letting in the occasional frigid death rattle. I hugged my ribcage, tucking my red hands in my armpits. Loose hay was piled to the ceiling, damp heaving mounds like colossal wasp nests, swarms of field mice. Microtus pennsylvanicus. Easy one. A thousand jewel-sized eyes watched me from as many hiding places as I made my own hole in the hay to tremble in, keenly aware of what an interruption this must be. For them, I mean. The mice were shifting nervously, concerned fluffy citizens waiting for the giant anomaly to move past their metropolis. They had no concept of Christmas—December twenty-fourth was business-as-usual for rodents. Even so I was probably the worst Santa they’d ever received. Didn’t even have pocket crumbs for presents.
For some reason that made me sadder than anything else. I cried a bit. Then the wetness on my face froze and started feeling like it's own cruelty, so I stopped. I stared at the hay. I was already bored of my problems; bored of thinking about them. They dont tell you that about running away: the part where you're sat alone with the reasons why. Nothing was going to change tonight, but I couldn't think of anything else; my brain churning out soft-bodied schemes and agonies like premature eggs, popping them into the air before splattering them on the ground, slime-coating my shoes. I wiped some snot on my sleeve. Stupid and boring. Honestly I was about to get moving when I heard a man's voice.
“Hello? Occupé?”
I peeked from beneath my elbow. Heavy boots crunched the snow outside, getting closer. I just sat and listened, feeling numb. My breath had fogged my glasses, so I couldn’t see much as the guy muscled his way through the hole I’d found. I heard a board snap. He shouted again.
“Got a concerned call from one Mrs. McIntosh–” Good, deep voice. He had that milk-splash of drawl some rural folks get, though he didn't sound like a farmer. Not brash enough. Something self-conscious in his delivery, the dark amphitheater swallowing his volume like he wasn't used to filling a space entirely with himself.
I missed a bit of his tirade, thinking that. Tuning back into reality radio he was lecturing about miss granny smith or whatever not being liable for the tetanus shot I'd need if I got scraped up, yada yada. I sat up and watched the blurry man place his hands on his hips.
“I’ll take you back into town," he cajoled, "and you’re free to go, how’s that? Won't cause no fuss if you don’t either. Just come out.”
He's a cop, I realized, dumbly. She called the cops on me. With my lenses wiped I could finally make out the proud mountie's badge stapled to his breast pocket, his already imposing frame stacked even higher by his black-wool coat. His mustache devoured his mouth. He didn’t look unkind. Some small, stupid part of me wished it had been my parents who’d called him, terrified their kid was gone for good this time. I imagined them crying into the telephone, begging the dispatcher to hurry, please, he’s been gone for hours and he’s our only son, our eldest, our pride and joy— and I pictured that mustache bobbing up and down as he nodded seriously and headed out right away in his squad car, lights, sirens, every stop. How he’d deliver me half-dead and frost-bitten and I’d watch mom clutch the door frame, wailing on Christmas eve, no less! That’s the real crime here, officer— not trespassing!
I think too much. It was time to leave. I clambered across the loft to the ladder.
“Up here, sir.”
“You’re— Christ, son,” he tutted, “you’re really asking for it, playing around a place like this. Whole thing could collapse any minute.”
“Yeah,” I said. “Sorry.” I wiped my nose again. Guess I looked like hell cuz he didn’t bother telling me off past that. He ruffled my hair with his big hairy hand and nudged me back the way we’d come.
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wonik1ss · 2 months
౨ৎ The Office of IVE ! — an yujin [ 1.0k ]
000. an empty office [ fully written ] | masterlist
taglist : @takpayahtahu @dearyujimin @aeriniee @jinsoulinator @dollinin @minaripenguu @gayforalll @hyejuwu @tenjito @baewonlove @strawberrytoki
a/n : just a little background !
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“ok that is everything ! I hope you all have a great first day.. good luck”. for the first time in fourth minutes you actually paid attention. leaving the room with the other transfers. the blonde girl pointed all over the place and started leading people to their desks.
“you didn’t pay attention either.. right?”. your head whipped to the side.
“oh yeah.. I’ve been working here for a year or two so I’m fine”. the shorter girls eyes went wide.
“I’ve only been working for four months.. I just got transferred because my boss was sick of me”. you laughed.
“glasses following me”. the blonde girl didn’t even dare to look at you; she snapped her fingers and you waved good by to your new friend.
“this is your desk.. the post it note tells you what to do.. ask your boss if anything goes wrong for help..”. as you sat down, you looked up and the girl was already gone.
as you got to work you heard a small commotion.
“you heard that too?”. you jumped and the shorter girl yelled.
“oh I’m yeojin by the way..”. yeojin wheeled her chair around and you did too, you told her yours too. she shook your hand and then turned to face your bosses office.
“guess the glass was a bad decision then..”. you chuckled. a bunny looking girl threw papers at your boss and was coming your way. you and yeojin quickly went back to your cubicles.
“see ! one of your so called ‘workers’ are to busy.. shopping ! to even do there fucking job”. your mouth dropped open as the bunny girl pointed at you.
“you are so lucky your even here you know that..?”. the girl for closer and closer to you.
“your a little piece of shit in this b-“
“I think that’s enough nayeon”. your boss stepped infront of you and as she did nayeon shock her head and stormed out the office.
“ITS FUCKING MRS. IM TO TOU YUJIN”. you stared at the open door as nayeon tapped furiously on the elevator buttons.
“are you ok.. I understand if you want a day off.. I can-“. you waved your hands.
“oh no no I just got here I’m fine!”. that would be the first and last day you would see yujin show an once of cate until gaeul came. for a few days she always peered into yujin’s room. she never had much to do so you thought poor girl. which lead you to go up to her ever so often to start a conversation. the first one started with a freshly made coffee and muffin for her.
“oh your really didn’t need-“
“she won’t bite you..”. the girl scoffed.
“I.. I know that!”
“you don’t act like you do..!”. from their on your and gaeul joked about your scary boss. and every once in a while you would see yujin smile at you. next came rei. she came a few months later and took the cubicle right next to you.
she was shy like gaeul but anytime you tried to strike up a conversation she would shut it down real quick. that was until one day you saw her playing fortnite on her office computer.
the next day a few minutes before work was supposed to be over you and rei cornered her in her cubicle.
“we know you like fortnite..”. gaeul said arms crossed.
“so we wanted to know if you would go to a pc bang with us..”. rei’s ears perked up at your words.
“that is..”. gaeul laughed and then straightened up when she saw Rei was bewildered.
“a big place with computers.. like a at home gaming set times a million”. rei’s smile went from ear to ear.
next was wonyoung. she was special. since yujin actually talked to her like she was an actual person. multiple times you had saw the girl sitting on one of the multiple tables in her office while wonyoung rolled her eyes.
wonyoung was different, it was obvious she was smart but also obvious that she was hired halfy for her personality. you tilted your head at the lollipop sta on your keyboard.
“jinnie said you liked them”. you jumped as wonyoung popped her head into your cubicle.
“how does sh-“
“she.. she’s your boss.. I mean our boss ofcourse she knows”. from then on random sweets and knick nacks appeared in your cubicle. which confused liz the next new hire a few months later.
“who.. who leaves those?”. you turned to the girl to your left and smiled.
“oh my friend wonyoung.. wony for short”. the girl pulled out a yellow note pad, scribbled something down and then smiled at you. a few days later a bunch of random gifts showed up in everyone’s cubicles.
a week later, boxes of donuts were ordered for the office with small letter of encouragement. the way liz smiled at you all showed it could only be her who did this.
your smiled as you walked into work. you had max such wonderful friends over the-
“mrs. y/l/n please come to my office please”. you stopped daydreaming and fast walked to yujin’s office. your head tilted at the little girl sitting in the chair just at her door.
“sorry to bother you but.. we have afresh higher that I need you to.. show the ropes to..”
“it’s fine.. but weren’t the new huggers showed everything before work..?”. yujin nodded and but her lip.
“yes but.. lee.. this one didn’t get the email because she just got accepted.. as a six month intern”. you nodded.
“ok I’ll get right to it”. as you bowed and went to leave you saw yujin open her mouth and slowly close it. as you closed the door you turned to the girl.
“hi I’m-“
“y/n mrs. yujin told me”. you nodded.
“and your..”
“lee hyunseo !”. the girl sprung up from her seat and bowed. this not so empty office just got a new hire you were starting to grow really fond of.
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zap0ch0s · 4 months
Fugitives AU headcanons
So, remember this?
I wanted to do headcanons for this AU cuz I have nothing else to do, but well here you go
and well, disclaimer below
TW: blood, death, murderer, gore, hardcore topics, bad curses
please have discretion before reading
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Full HD image srry
Quick fun fact: Ryo is an OLD OC who had several facets in his character construction, first he was an older brother in a family of 7 or 8 brothers and then a guy with a harem of demon girls, time passed and I forgot this character, until the AU suddenly came up and I decided to use Ryo again for this AU.
✂He is not even human, he was created as a living voodoo doll in a satanic ritual with the ability to feel and think like a normal and ordinary human, but that took development, Ryo was molded as a male figure to camouflage his true appearance, his The creator constantly took him to the outside world so that he could understand it a little better. As time went by, Ryo began to understand his environment and understand humans, but his ability to feel needed to be reinforced, because the only thing Ryo felt in that world. stage of his life was curiosity.
✂Having said a little about his origin, let's talk about his past, Ryo was just curious about everything, so sometimes he ran away to interact with humans. By doing so, he began to feel happiness and began to make friends, but that happiness wouldn't last quite a long time, since his creator was a murderer without being caught, so one day he started using Ryo to kill people, even some of his friends, let's just say that Ryo's creator didn't treat him very well either, in fact He treated him like shit, if Ryo didn't obey his creator's orders, he was beaten immediately, if he didn't satisfy his interests, he cut off some limb and left him like that for a week or two, until Ryo got fed up and tried to kill his creator by setting fire to him and the place where they both lived and went to make him life independently, the fate of his creator is unknown.
✂Taking into account that he is a living voodoo doll, if Ryo harms himself, he harms another human being that Ryo can think of.
✂He doesn't have a specific age, mentally he is 25 years old, but his physical appearance does not help much, since he looks like a 17 year old teenager.
✂He's pretty smart, but he's very naive.
✂By being able to rebuild his life, Ryo became a happy and enthusiastic person, making new friends and experiencing both good and bad things.
✂Unfortunately, by living more bad experiences than good, he became a more shy and insecure person.
✂He is bisexual, but he is philophobic.
✂His philophobia is due to the fact that love hit him in the balls many times, 3 times with shitty friends and 5 times with love, he was in three groups of friends who treated him like shit, and in love he did worse, his first partner took advantage of Ryo's hospitality to steal money from him and buy drugs, the second partner cheated on him with his "best friend", the third partner was a manipulative and jealous person, the fourth partner took advantage of his kindness and abused Ryo on many occasions, physically and emotionally, and also, he only wanted him to satisfy his sexual desires (be careful, Ryo accepted only so as not to receive an insult or a beating), the fifth couple abandoned him when Ryo needed him most, and so Ryo promised himself that he would never fall in love or deepen a friendship again.
✂He doesn't like the cold or the heat.
✂He lives alone and only has a Siberian husky named "Juju" for company.
✂Work as a barista at a Starbucks.
✂He knows a lot about general culture and video game culture, which has caused people to call him a "freaky".
✂Although he is philophobic, he wishes with all his heart that someone truly loves him and loves him.
✂ahh, but if he feels like he's going to fall in love, he gets hysterical and rejects his emotions (who understands that poor guy?).
✂ Emotionally sensitive (quite a bit in fact...).
✂He ​​knows that sooner or later he must heal his emotional scars, but he's afraid.
Dolph Lazerhawk:
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It'll sound somewhat complicated or confusing, but since it is not known if there will be a second season of this series (yet), I had to put everything to my imagination to add the first three main characters of this series.
⚙He died? he survived? I don't know, the thing is that as you know at the end of the last episode Dolph is on a game over video game screen, BUT, with the detail that it gives you the "continue? yes or no?" screen. to which Dolph selects yes, which gives me the impression that Dolph could return, well, while we wait for the second season, let's assume that he did returned, as soon as he was able to escape from the Wasteland to rescue Bullfrog, his robotic arm was screwed and barely had any strength, luckily Bullfrog found him and took him away from the wasteland and a little to the outskirts of Eden.
⚙He still thinks about what could have happened to Marcus Holloway, but he still plans to one day destroy Sarah Fisher.
⚙He will look like he doesn't give a shit about everything, but deep down he genuinely cares about those people with whom he rarely empathizes.
⚙Gay 🏳‍🌈 (hell yeah💅).
⚙He likes drinks from other countries, especially if they are cocktails or alcoholic drinks.
⚙He still has a hard time trusting people, since after being betrayed twice, he doesn't easily trust anyone (except a little for Bullfrog).
⚙He is strong-willed, but can be a little emotional at times.
⚙To recover a little physically, he does a daily exercise routine.
⚙As the days went by, he learned to get over what happened with Alex.
⚙He tries to gain confidence in Ramón, since he still doesn't know that Ramón gave up on Eden after learning the truth.
⚙Also, he tries to get along with him only because Bullfrog trusts him completely.
⚙He is the strongest of the trio (that is, him, Ramón and Bullfrog).
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🐸It's like the emotional and moral support of the trio.
🐸His favorite flavor of juice is orange.
🐸He has tried to get Ramón to stop taking drugs, and so far it worked.
🐸He is the most agile and fastest of the trio.
🐸Desmond Miles was his mentor, but he was executed in live in the electric chair.
🐸He's still a little emotional about what happened to Peyj', Jade and Cody Rhodes, so he always tries to protect the only two people he has left by his side.
🐸Perhaps the kindest of the trio.
🐸He is quite understanding of his group and cares a lot about his comrades.
🐸Always tries to prevent Dolph and Ramon from starting to fight.
🐸Over the days, Bullfrog has begun to have feelings for Ramón.
🐸If there is something that hurts him, shits him, lascras him and excretes him, it is that you mess with him and his comrades, apart from making fun of him.
🐸Every time he thinks it's necessary to lighten the atmosphere, he puts some music.
🐸Bullfrog knows about Ramón's probable insomnia.
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💥Since they left Eden, Ramón is still a little mentally damaged.
💥Although he has stopped taking drugs at Bullfrog's request, he still cannot give up alcohol.
💥Emotionally vulnerable.
💥He is easily irritable.
💥Every time he bleaches his hair to a platinum yellow color so as not to show his natural blonde.
💥He is closer to Bullfrog since he was the only one who opened his eyes to the real Eden.
💥He is pessimistic.
💥His entire vision of the world is broken.
💥The only thing worth it to him is Bullfrog.
💥He still has hope that things can get better.
💥He has quite eyebags because he has trouble sleeping.
💥His eye color changes depending on his mood.
💥There are times he cries while he sleeps.
💥Even though Bullfrog always asks him to, he can't get along easily with Dolph and always wants to beat him up.
💥Over the days, he has started to have feelings for Bullfrog, but he doesn't know if Bullfrog feels the same way about him (don't worry buddy, I'm sure he does).
💥He is the strategist of the trio.
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Or raymesis, whatever you want to call it, but I call it Fakeman
Be careful that some data may change as the AU plot progresses (when it comes out, obviously 😳)
🎙Obviously he doesn't know that he is a mere clone of the original Rayman.
🎙He brushes his hair every moment to make sure it's "perfect."
🎙He is quite vanidous, or he always puts on perfume when going out, takes care of his hair with special creams or brushes his eyebrows or does all of them.
🎙He can be a damn diva when he puts his mind to it.
🎙He has no filter to speak.
🎙He's not that different from Rayman/Ramón, he drinks alcohol and smokes but in moderation, the only exceptions are that he doesn't take drugs and is not as violent.
🎙Like Ramón, he is unaware of Eden's shameless acts.
🎙He SURE hasresorted to s3x to reduce his stress, satisfy his desires or make a deal with dirty money while doing this gesture:
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The drawing belongs to @skronklpus
🎙Speaking of, always before starting the act, he always says "I hope you know how to please me correctly"
🎙He is usually a hypocrite with people, especially with "terrorists".
🎙He took over Ramón's apartment, first he cleaned it and remodeled it to his liking.
🎙His attitude in front of cameras divided the world, some see him as something with no importance, others feel intimidated by him and others don't give a shit about his existence.
🎙He's a tremendous motherfucker in every sense of the word (until now).
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Let's start with 9:
🌱He lived in a serene town in Washington, but his town had a certain rivalry with Eden because of his regime. Eden bombed the town because they had the necessary resources to overthrow Eden.
🌱9 is friendly, gentle and loving, but is a bit reserved.
🌱He believes in second chances and that the third time is always the charm.
🌱7 is her love interest as is 5 (a polyamorous love to be exact).
🌱Never looks for or creates problems.
🌱He lived with 2 in a nice house in a small neighborhood.
🌱He is quite interested in agriculture, in fact, he had crops of various fruits in his backyard.
🌱He loves children, that's why he did babysitting shifts 3 times.
🌱After the bombing and losing 2, 3 and 4, and 8, 9 was left with an enormous trauma, months later, 9 was adopted by a hopelessly alcoholic man who didn't work and constantly physically abused him.
🌱As a result of this abuse, 9 developed dissociative personality disorder (or multiple personality disorder for easier) and that's how Ottis emerged.
Now Ottis:
🔥Ottis killed his adoptive "Father" as revenge for those abuses.
🔥Unlike 9, Ottis is aggressive, vengeful, violent and perhaps a little malevolent.
🔥He is overprotective with 9, he thinks that 9 is very vulnerable, so he always tries to prevent him from fronting for too long.
🔥Ottis fronts almost all the time.
🔥Ottis has attacked and killed people to protect himself and 9.
🔥He has serious anger problems, so he can barely control his emotions.
🔥Lets 9 front only if they need to shop.
🔥Despite having a bad temper, he has a soft side, especially with children, in fact, he did babysitting at least once.
🔥He is very good at choreographing, since he has a little more body energy than 9.
🔥He is a pro at mathematics, especially if it involves mental calculation.
🔥He lives his life swearing to himself to kill the precursor of the bombing (Rayman) and Eden's cronies.
Fact about both: They're both like a combination of Wanda Maximoff (Marvel) and Kevin Wendel Crumb (Sliver), so 9/Ottis' powers are ALMOST the same, except Ottis breathes fire.
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💊He is quite insecure and shy.
💊He rarely gets angry with people.
💊He is madly in love with 9.
💊He studied medicine and served to treat wounds and injuries in the Red Cross 3 times.
💊He, along with 7, was the only one who survived the bombing of his town.
💊He's been trying to find 9 for several months.
💊He used to leave letters in his mailbox for 9 telling him hints that he likes him.
💊He confessed to 9 in a small park.
💊He doesn't know how to lie.
💊BUT, he knows how to cook pretty well.
💊Today, he's a part-shift doctor, but 5 can also be a bastard.
💊If he feels threatened or insulted, he injects fenthalin into your food.
💊It's very sensitive.
💊He gets panic attacks when he gets frustrated or if he's very scared.
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🔪She is kind, but also very temperamental.
🔪7 had an easier time confessing her feelings to 9.
🔪She practiced self-defense for 2 years, but what she liked most was practicing the use of a saber.
🔪In reference to that, she has a katana.
🔪She has a tough character, but she's also sentimental.
🔪She doesn't know how to lie either XD.
🔪She is more likely to attack someone out of self-defense or in case someone bothers her.
🔪She doesn't know how to drive a car.
🔪She gets frustrated very easily if a situation gets complicated.
🔪She has a forceful explosive disorder.
Wally darling:
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🍎He knows perfectly well about the Eden regime, so he infiltrated it and was hired to make a puppet show for children.
🍎Secretly, he plans to overthrow Eden.
🍎His reason? He knows that they send children to war and he wants to prevent it.
🍎He has a cult along with his other comrades, such as an Anti-Eden and Home cult.
🍎He has a look that penetrates the soul.
🍎His height remains the same as the canonical one, about 12 blocks high.
🍎He's surprisingly intimidating, despite his adorable appearance.
🍎Another canon thing that he will keep is that he eats with his eyes.
🍎This fact that is related to the previous one is that they can burst anything with their eyes apart from food, be it objects or even some part of your body.
🍎Although he lives in Eden, he lives almost on the outskirts of it with his group of friends.
🍎The DOES know how to lie.
🍎His attitude and monotonous voice usually make the people around him uncomfortable.
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My reason why she is here is very stupid and I don't know why I find it so funny since I put Pomni just for this image:
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This pic is so random but anyway, I use my strange imagination, but hey, let's continue:
-Just to be clear, that didn't happen, but for some reason it seemed like a good idea to include it with a traumatic context.
🎈Pomni has lived in Eden all her life.
🎈She watched the Rayman show when she was a kid, but she never became a "Rayman girl."
🎈By the time she became an adult, she worked for a circus, but her salary was low and she couldn't leave the place, also, the treatment towards her employees was shit, so Pomni hated that place and little by little she became crazy.
🎈She met Ragatha in that same circus and she was the only person he trusted.
🎈After a while, she became Ragatha's girlfriend.
🎈She doesn't like to be touched without her consent.
🎈The reason she became a fugitive is because she burned down the entire circus, and she and the other members separated to continue with their lives.
🎈She is very shy and paranoid, perhaps the paranoia is more notable since she is never off guard in case someone finds her and Ragatha.
🎈Use a giant mallet to defend herself.
🎈A canon fact that will remain is that she DOES NOT know how to cook.
🎈Pro in math x2.
🎈Another one who has no filter to speak.
🎈She likes seafood, especially salmon.
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The image is not mine.
❤Ragatha lived in Roanoke, Virginia since she was created, but later moved to Eden to look for a job.
❤She ended up working in the same circus as Pomni, that's where he met her and fell in love with her.
❤She participated in the circus fire and decided to make a life with Pomni.
❤A canon fact that will remain is that she's afraid of centipedes.
❤Ragatha is the only one who knows how to cook.
❤She hates drawing because she finds it complicated and tedious.
❤100% optimistic
❤She has a fantasy of riding a horse and riding through a quiet meadow outside of Eden's regime.
❤She's worried about Pomni's paranoia and always tells her that she shouldn't worry so much.
❤Another fact that will remain is that she plays the cello, that relaxes her.
❤Uses a butcher knife to defend herself.
So this is pt.1 AND for S1
See ya :)
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prttydolls · 2 years
— do you think your parents will hate me? ;; eddie munson x reader
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SUMMARY . . . eddie meets your parents for the first time.
WARNINGS . . . eddie being a nervous wreck, fluff. d/n= dad name, m/n = mom name
NOTES . . . ah, yes. my first time writing someone who isn't draco or peter, if you told a year ago that i would write someone who isnt draco ; i would have laugh in your face...
READER NOTES . . . she/her pronouns used, cheerleader!reader.
CREDITS . . . @stuffstrangee for the photos, check out their blog!, title credits : @dr4cosimp
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“baby? what if... i make a bad impression and they wont let me see you ever again?” eddie said, as he walked back and fourth across the trailer.
you sighed, "no eddie, they love you! i told them everything about you, like how much you like metal music, and d&d and—” eddie stopped his tracks. “you.. told them i liked metal music?! you do know typical strict parents hate metal music- oh god—”
you just sat there watching eddie go back, and fourth all over again. just rambling, and over thinking about what your parents would react to their perfect cheerleader, straight A student is dating a outcast and a nerd for a fantasy game.
“EDDIE! stop overthinking! if they wont approve of you well then ill break up with you.” you joked, but that made eddie even more worried.
"do you think your parents will hate me?” eddie quietly asked, “what? no ofcourse not! they will love you! now- stop it eddie, go get ready before we are late.” you giggle.
eddie looked at you dead in the eye, “shit your right! hold on let me find something!”
you saw eddie in his room running around like a chicken, looking for a decent shirt that didn't have any association with devils or anything that seems inappropriate.
it toom him 5 minutes running out of his room, with a pair of denim pants and a plain black t-shirt with a leather jacket, and obviously his shoes.
“do i look good?”
“eddie, baby you look amazing now cmon!” you dragged him outside and you both started to leave the trailer park.
not long after, you both arrived at your parents home. you saw eddie bouncing his leg he was nervous.
“baby, are you sure they'd like me?” he asked once more. you placed your hands on his cheeks “eds, they will love you so so so much! if they dont well i might have to disown my self just for you” you reassure him again.
he sighed and looked alittle more relieved. “oh, well okay then..”
when you finally convinced him to go out, he was shaking mentally but in the outside it seemed like he was tough
“hi! you must be eddie? our daughters boyfriend?” d/n greeted as he shook eddie's hand, d/n shot him a warm smile. “y-yes, i-i am..” he smiled nervously.
“oh! hii dear! your eddie right? come in, i just finished cooking dinner!” m/n happily greeted your brunette boyfriend.
“hi mr. and ms. y/l/n.” eddie got out a small peep, as you four walked through thr halls into the dinner table he saw all the pictures when you were younger, from winning a spelling bee contest, or you with your grandmother. he smiled in the inside, that you lived a happy life and you deserve.
"ah, now come sit sit!” m/n signalled.
so far, they weren't so scary afterall. he felt already comfortable like family. he spent only what? 2 hours with them, and he already felt contected to them. he learnt that d/n likes metal stuff, m/n was a total fantasy nerd.
another hour has passed, both you and eddie decided to leave. you bid your goodbyes to your parents, and went inside the car feeling relieved.
“see, i told you they wouldn't hate you.”
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whatevertheweather · 1 year
Thank you @you-remind-me-of-the-babe and @aristocratic-otter for the tags!
Not to say this every time I do a tag game, but I’m super late to this party. In fact so late that I wasn’t going to do it, but then I kept thinking about it, so hi everyone, here’s a throwback to when all of you did this a million years ago.
Rules: list your top 10 most kudos’d fics on AO3, followed by your own personal top 10.
AO3 Top 10:
1. Bite Me (M; 27.6k)
2. A Restless Mind (T; 21k)
3. Keep It Down (E; 5k; co-written with @fatalfangirl)
4. The Space In Between (M; 101k)
5. Caprine Attire (T; 18.4k)
6. For The Turtles (T; 17.9k)
7. Just A Prank (T; 5k)
8. The Definition of Platonic (T; 5.7k)
9. Archery 101 (M; 13k; co-written with @you-remind-me-of-the-babe)
10. Raining Cats and Dogs (Without the Cats) - (T; 4.9k)
My my. This is all going to get rather rearranged.
My Top 10:
1. The Space In Between: Surprising absolutely no one, TSIB is still my number one favorite thing I’ve written, and it will always be terribly dear to me. I cannot overstate the impact it had on my writing and my...overall joy. I’ve made an edited and formatted version to put on my Kindle and I reread it more than I should.
2. Bite Me: Okay we can all agree on this one apparently. There are several fics I’m struggling to pick between for spots 2 through 4, but this one earns this place for the amount of fun I had writing it. And posting it. The enthusiasm it received was wonderful and it made me feel wonderful.
3. Brazen (M; 10.9k): My least popular fic! I love it so. I also understand that it’s not for everyone, and that’s valid. I have in fact had a couple moments myself of, “Wow I. I really did write that huh.” But listen, over the past few months I have consumed no less than four separate pieces of (fairly popular) fiction that have all equally inspired me to say, “Yeah that’s fucked up. Brazen really ain’t shit huh.” So. Anyway, it’s so much fun to write them being feral, an excellent pastime, can’t recommend it enough. That’s why I’m writing more of it.
4. The Smokescreen (T; 18k): Surprising absolutely everyone, myself most of all, I’m actually putting my third least popular fic in fourth place! The surprise there is that not so long ago, this was number one for my least favorite of my fics. Now, to be fair to the fic (and Selkie, who did the wonderful art and gave the prompt for CORB), my problem with it was very much me and the state of my brain when I was working on it. Point being that by the time I posted, I was so sick of writing it that I never wanted to read it again. But many months passed, and I thought, “Fine, I’ll give it a try,” and I actually didn’t hate it. In fact I liked it. In fact I’m a little proud of it. In fact I think of it semi-regularly in a fond way. (It also gets bonus points for the tag “Antagonistic Flirting,” because that is Baz at his best.)
5. A Restless Mind: This one still makes me feel soft and warm because it’s soft and warm and also the first fic I ever wrote. I have a very vivid memory of pulling my laptop out one night, opening a blank document, typing “I,” and then saying “nope, nope, can’t do it” and closing everything. Several months after that, I was still thinking about it and decided I could do it if I went with third person. And I did. And now my Ao3 word count is 280,836. Whoops.
6. For The Turtles: This one makes me soft and fuzzy in a similar but slightly different way, because it’s silly and fun and it was the first fic I ever posted. Which also means it’s the first time I ever experienced the straight shot of endorphins that comes with reading a beta’s comments of laughter and positivity in a document I was super nervous about sharing. So thank you again, Jess.
7. Caprine Attire: Again with the nostalgic and happy elements of the two fics above this. This is a sequel to For The Turtles that was never meant to exist, but it insisted on existing before I even decided to post FTF. I had a lot of fun with it, it still makes me laugh, and I remember very clearly the moment I wrote “Simon (1:12 pm): is it tyrannus basilton grimm pitch the fifth? or tyrannus the fifth basilton grimm pitch?? tyrannus five: the empire strikes backilton grimm pitch???”, cackling, and then saying, “Oh fuck, I have to post the first one now.”
8: Just A Prank: Another I had good fun with. I wrote it in a night, so it’s bite-sized and full of pranks and uni boys being stupid and also kissing. Just a good time.
9. The Definition of Platonic: Sweet, fluff, domesticity, friends-to-lovers, it’s cozy and feel-good. I depleted my stores of cutesy romantic feelings for this, but they’re refilled now, so all is well and I can reread it without huffing.
10. Raining Cats and Dogs (Without the Cats): Again, I just had a lot of fun writing this, and it’s nice and sweet and carries a lot of fond memories for me of my dog and rain and all that good stuff. Also I will always stan liar!Simon.
Please note that the exclusion of co-written fics is not a reflection of my affection for them, but is rather, of course, for the fact that I didn’t write them alone <3
I’m pretty sure literally everyone has done this by now, but I don’t know who for sure so I’m tossing out some tags for @artsyunderstudy @martsonmars @bookish-bogwitch @urban-sith anyway and seeing what bites.
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