#there’s also beckendorf
Luke being Percy’s bi awakening is starting to make more and more sense cause why did Percy compare every attractive man he met to him 😭
He met Apollo and Hermes, two very attractive gods and went “You know who you look like! Luke Castellan!”
He was missing his memories, homeless, didn’t even KNOW who Luke was and when he met Octavian he was like “mhm, your a kinda cute pale white boy with blonde hair. Wait! You remind me of someone…”
Like Percy idk man maybe all that hate for Luke stems from somewhere else
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aroaceleovaldez · 8 months
i love that the fandom has collectively agreed that Mrs. O'Leary is equally if not more Nico's dog than Percy's, but we should also totally do more with how Beckendorf also helped take care of Mrs. O'Leary after Daedalus' soul passed.
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noahmullariii · 2 months
the way Percy's friend group is literally -
4 monsters:
half-goat who's technically twice his age
one-eyed brother who's technically half his age
surprisingly lovely giant dog from hell
strangely devoted flying horse who can talk
and an odd assortment of people:
his mama
immortal lesbian who was a tree for a few years
scary buff girl who bullied him a little
autistic kid who radiates death and had a crush on him
nicest demigod ever whom he had a crush on before he... died
allegedly normal girl who now randomly tells the future
autistic girl who tried her absolute hardest to hate him then promptly fell in love with him. now they're soulmates
goddess of hearth
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Pjo fans who wish the worldbuilding was more Ancient Greece because it would've been 'cooler' have the same energy as old time-y american media fans who wish things were still like they were back then for the aesthetic.You get what i mean right
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artemx746 · 2 months
Honestly hate how Annabeth doesn't get to keep majority of her items (ie. Daedalus' laptop)
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lyralee333 · 2 months
Uncle Rick really missed an opportunity to create the greatest enemies to lover's story of all time. All he had to do was age up Percy and the internet would have SPAWNED thousands of Luke x Percy fics and TickTok edits in SECONDS.
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modawg · 2 months
everyday i wake up and think abt how tragic it would’ve been if percy had died like literally at any point after pjo have it be bc of the prophecy have it be during hoo have it be in tartarus
just absolutely horrific
bc they did everything right !! and by they i mean percabeth
they did everything the gods told them to do they went on every quest they killed every monster they saved as many people as they could they fought in wars they put themselves aside for so long waiting to be free just for it to never happen (and for it to canonically still never really happen)
it just makes me think of charlie and selina
they were supposed to go to college :(
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anotherpjofan · 1 year
I hate the fact that Percy is sometimes reduced to an oblivious dork in fanon. Like a lot of people forget that this guy killed people. Teenagers. Who's only fault was joining the losing side cause they were sick of being unwanted. Yeah he tried to warn people on the cruise but really how many people jumped off the ship? How many would have survived the brutal ocean? And the eventual war too. Half the casualties are probably teenagers. Percy may not be an adult but never forget that he's first and foremost a soldier.
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Riordanverse Suicides
Halcyon Green
Luke Castellan
Charles Beckendorf
Silena Beauregard
Percy Jackson (failed)
Leo Valdez (failed)
Apollo (failed)
Let me know if I'm missing any since I haven't read TOA or TSATS.
Edit: added apollo and silena.
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I was off my phone yesterday so I took the time to read the entire battle of the labyrinth book and HOLY SHIT WHEN MINOS SAID HE WAS THE GHOST KING AND NICO JUST SAID "no i am" WHEN I TELL YOU I SCREAMED
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thestarstoasun · 2 months
I think so much about the minor characters of PJOverse. Specifically in CHB. There are so many dynamics and friendship possibilities. Plus, as a multishipper, my brain hardly sleeps on those possibilities either. I just wish we had more canonical ages for other campers 😭😭.
Clarisse & Will's friendship is severely underrated, in my opinion. It's not talked about nearly enough. I like to think they met when Will was a relatively new camper. He started his training to see what he was good at, leading people to speculate who his godly parent was, and he started off sucking at most things, which was extremely shocking to most demigods there. No one probably meant to be rude, but it's a camp full of pre-teens & teens, so they definitely talked about it.
Clarisse found Will with a practice sword after curfew swinging it with angry tears in his eyes because he just wasn't good at it. She was impressed he managed to get passed the curfew harpies all on his own and watched him for a few minutes before confronting him. I think this would be where Will's distaste for his healing being his primary talent would stem as well due to the gossip mill of his early CHB days.
Clarisse ends up glaring at anyone who brings it up, and the gossip mill picks up on some other news, leaving Will's less than savory fighting abilities alone. No one really understands why she is protective of him, but Will ends up befriending her. It's even more of a shock when he gets claimed by Apollo due to the natural rivalry of the Apollo and Ares kids (fueled by Michael Yew).
After getting claimed, Will tries to mediate the best he can between his siblings and the Ares kids. I fully think the first person he came out as bisexual to was Lee Fletcher, but then he went and told Clarisse since she was his biggest support outside of his family. Obviously he was scared, but she told him he was pretty brave coming out, even if she doubted anyone would judge him, after all they were at a Greek camp for demigods.
I hc Clarisse as bisexual as well (you don't have to agree w/ me, just be respectful), so i think it's another thing they bonded over. If anyone ever said anything homophobic towards him, she would be there in record time.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
headcanon that Charles Beckendorf had a camera and would document life at camp and take photos with every camper he could, if not a whole video of them introducing themself, so that there would be some physical evidence they were there and that they would be known.
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tending-the-hearth · 4 months
god i'm thinking about how "the stolen chariot" takes place post-"titan's curse" and how that's a turning point for percy and clarisse's relationship, and how clarisse probably saw straight through percy's facade and saw exactly how he was treated during that time at camp and how sad and lonely he probably was because grover was tripping over himself around the hunters and chiron was so focused on thalia and annabeth was gone
and that leads me into thinking about the head counselors again and how maybe, in their own ways, they gave percy little things to show their support. moments of help, little gifts.
silena sitting in the pegasus stables with percy, holding onto his arm and being a big sister presence to him. not talking, just being there for him, giving him some semblence of stability
beckendorf dragging percy off to test new weapons he made in the arena, turning it into a game that had a smile spreading over percy's face for the first time in days
travis and connor sneaking coke and candy into camp for their honorary brother, leaving it in the poseidon cabin with little cards that had the corniest jokes written on them
clarisse spars with percy more, pulling him to the arena when she sees the stormy look in his eyes, when he can't think about anything else but how frustrated he is
lee pulls percy into the medical tent to test his healing abilities with water, because it's been an obsession for the apollo cabin since percy arrived, and he can't help but make percy laugh with his eagerness
castor and pollux convince their father to let up on percy, just a little bit, to let him have a looser curfew, letting him sit out by the lake for as long as he needs, sometimes sitting with him in the quiet
katie leaving little plants in the poseidon cabin, little succulents and flowers that are easy to care for, something small that makes percy's eyes light up every time he gets a new one, and he lines the windows of the cabin with them
malcolm, bless him, is so aware of his sister and percy's crushes on each other, and takes it upon himself to make sure that his sister's best friend doesn't waste away, and he's the one who makes sure percy eats and sleeps and stays healthy.
and clarisse will deny it until the day she dies, but percy knows that she's the one setting everything up. it was her suggestion, though the other counselors know they'll get fried if they say anything.
and he doesn't say anything, not until after "the stolen chariot", when he and clarisse are sitting down for a burger, and he brings it up quietly. and clarisse just huffs and rolls her eyes, and percy's heart warms so much at the fact that, despite the winter being the worst one of his life, he was surrounded by people who loved him and supported him.
(annabeth definitely gives hugs to all the head counselors when malcolm tells her, because they kept her seaweed brain going)
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Sometimes i think maybeeee me calling Luke(Pjo)a fascist is going too far but at the same time,what else do you call an adult who gr00med a literal army's worth of children into becoming soldiers for him to turn society into his extremely white cishet male idea of a utopia?
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thaliasthunder · 1 year
whatever u do don't think about nico & piper bonding over their trauma of losing people they love. don't think of nico giving piper advices to overcome the pain. don't think of nico & piper having a teary hug over jason. don't think of nico & piper giving each other comfort. don't think of nico & piper starting to genuinely care for each other. and whatever, whatever you do don't think of nico & piper being friends.
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deadangelos · 2 years
Hey Drew and Will! If you don't mind me asking, how did you guys become friends?
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