#half of this is a joke half of this isn’t
moonstruckme · 3 days
summary: when James moves into your apartment, you need a bit of an adjustment period
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 1k words
You go downstairs the way a meerkat pokes its head out of its burrow. Cautious, watchful. When you spot James standing over a sizzling pan in the kitchen, it’s a bit of effort not to sigh, but you go anyway, hunger temporarily taking priority over solitude. It’s just going to have to be another quick meal.
“Hey.” James looks up from a recipe he’s reading on his phone, grinning at you. 
You press your lips together in a smile of response. The girl who’d occupied James’ room before him wouldn’t have bothered to acknowledge you, and frankly, you’d liked her for that. You’d had a mutually ambivalent relationship; you’d both paid your rent, ignored the other’s food in the fridge, and gone about your days as if you each had the apartment to yourself. She had to move out because the maintenance crew tattled on her for having a pet, and though James only moved in a week ago, he’s invited you to hang out with his friends every time they’ve come over. Which is often. (He’s at least considerate enough to always ask first, and you always say yes. Partially because they don’t make huge messes and partially because you don’t know how to reply to a yes/no question any other way.) 
You go to the fridge, tearing the aluminum foil off a half-empty can of beans and shaking it into a bowl. You put it in the microwave. James reaches to turn down the stove, and, like a frightened animal, you flinch away from him. He doesn’t seem to notice, only retreating to the opposite counter to give you more room. 
“How’s your day going?” he asks, leaning back on his forearms. 
“Not bad,” you say. Another thing about James is that in addition to his relentless geniality, he’s ferociously attractive. It takes all of your willpower not to let your eyes dip from his face to where his short sleeves conform to his biceps when he leans that way, but your face heats regardless. “Yours?” 
“Pretty good, actually.” He smiles easily. “It’s gorgeous out, have you felt the weather?” 
You shake your head. “I haven’t been out yet.” 
James nods like he knows this already, humming noncommittally. You think you spy a bit of judgment in his look, but you can’t be sure. “So,” he says, “I have something to ask you.” 
You tense. “Okay…” 
“I know you value your privacy, and I totally respect that, but I feel like as your roommate it’s my responsibility to at least ask.” 
You feel your eyes narrowing as you nod for him to continue. 
James schools his face into seriousness, a frown on his lips that looks like it doesn’t belong. “Do you not eat?” 
You laugh, relieved and bemused. “Of course I eat.”
The smile he gives you is strained, clearly for your benefit rather than his. “You sure about that? Because this morning I just saw you have one—one—piece of toast for breakfast, and then for lunch you had…what?” 
You shy, more because of his notice than anything else. The microwave beeps and you use it as an excuse to turn around. “Some cheese and crackers.” 
When you pivot with the steaming bowl, James is looking at you incredulously.
“They’re really filling!” 
“That’s a snack, love, not a meal. Both of those are snacks. Did you have anything else?” 
You hold up the bowl in your hand. “I’m about to have some beans.” 
His laugh is monosyllabic. Appalled. “You’re not serious.” 
You roll your eyes at him even as your face heats. “Listen, it’s not my most nutritious day, but I’ve been in a rush, and…” You were going to say more, but decide against it. “Anyway, there’s protein in the beans, so.” 
James isn’t having it. “And what?” 
“Something.” He raises his eyebrows at you. “C’mon, spill, or I’m going to call your mum and tell her about your big day of—“ He draws quotes in the air, full lips curving he does “—beans and crackers.” 
“And toast,” you joke. James’ smile is small and short-lived. Does he really have your mum’s phone number? He can’t possibly. 
You sigh. “Okay, it’s nothing to do with you, but I…I’m a bit weird about being in the kitchen at the same time.” James’ thick eyebrows meet in the middle, and your shoulders hunch instinctively but you force yourself to finish explaining. “I just want to grab whatever is quickest and go before I make things awkward, or something. But I know it’s stupid.” You shake your head. You could burn the apartment to cinders with the heat from your face. “I don’t own the kitchen. You have every right to be here, and I’ll get used to it eventually. It’s just that you’re new to me right now.” 
James' expression clears. “Oh, you’re shy.” 
You must look even more embarrassed at that, because he hurries to say, “That’s alright, it’s good to know how you feel about things. And now I don’t have to call your mum.” He grins, and it widens when you make a tiny effort to reciprocate. “I don’t mind stepping out of the kitchen so you can cook every now and then.”
“You really don’t have to.” 
“It’s no trouble.” He waves you off. “Honestly, it’s too small for both of us to comfortably use at the same time anyway. Careful by the way, that pan’s hot.” 
You glance behind you, and you’ve backed yourself nearly into the stove. You move away, squeaking out a thanks. 
James’ smile softens. “I do hope you're right about getting used to me eventually, though.” He gives you a kind look, and you have no idea how he can maintain eye contact with that much sincerity in his big brown eyes. You envy the skill. “I’d like to get to be friends, but we’ve got time for that.” 
You’ve no clue how to respond, some deer-in-the-headlights instinct taking ahold of you, but James doesn’t seem to be expecting one. He reaches out to squeeze your shoulder, taking back his place at the stove. You take that as your cue to go.
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yanderenightmare · 20 hours
TW: noncon, bullying, angst, unwanted pregnancy
fem reader
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You were a real ugly duckling story when you were young. Pushed around and bullied for nothing, then drooled after the moment you grew tits. Kids are so quick to change at that age. You started hating them for it early on.
You’d keep to yourself most of the time after switching schools—wanting none of the previous to follow you. Still, you’d attend a party or two when you felt like drinking for free. You’d watch the boys act like fools and the girls act like whores with eyes lazy and drunken. But you couldn’t say you weren’t one of them—in your little black dress reaching just beneath the curve of your ass, low in the dip between your tits. 
None of you should have been drinking. You were all still too young for any of it, and none of you knew how to hold yourselves. But a part of your angsty heart romanticized it when you were puking up your stomach in the bathroom—both arms resting on the toilet seat with your head lying cheek-down against the soft and sticky flesh.
You still remember the smell and how you’d imagined the bacteria cling to your sweaty skin like a coat of grime. Something about it was so movie-esque, you couldn’t help but feel like the self-destructive lead in some bad teen drama.
A rude banging on the door had taken you away from the thought—a boy. 
“Oi! Open up—need’a piss!” he’d yelled. Audibly drunk. Not that you judged him with what you’d poured down your throat now in the toilet bowl—just clear spirits with a few suds of spit.
You sighed, lifting your head with a soft blink. Getting up slowly, you’d flushed your vomit and pulled your dress back down before sauntering over to the locked door. You’d twisted the key, and the guy behind it had barged in before you’d even opened it up. Pushing past you, he had his dick out and aimed at the bowl with a heavy groan with you still in the room, throwing his head back in acute relief.
Suppose you’d been just as drunk as he was, looking at him while he took a piss—no, rather… you were a little preemptive because of the shock. 
It was him. The reason you switched schools.
The memories leave you cold as a corpse as they flood you.
You had such a big girly crush on him back when you were kids. You were so embarrassing—following him around with pink love letters and chocolate, practicing writing a thousand Mr. and Mrs. in all your notebooks.
He was your Prince Charming. You thought he was just the coolest, smartest, most handsome boy you’d ever met, and dreaming of being his girlfriend made you kick your feet and scream into your pillow.
But then that dream kicked you in the stomach.
Turned out, he found you dumb and annoying. Actually, he found all girls dumb and annoying, but youespecially—following him around like a lost puppy, being so pathetic it made him cringe at the sight of you, staring at him always like you were expecting him to pull the sun down and gift it to you. You were a fuckingplague.
And he’d made sure to spread that sentiment. 
Soon, you’d become a social piranha—no one dared stay your friend much longer. You were an outcast—a loser—laughed at when walking the hallways, and no stranger to a half-empty milk carton being thrown your way—tripped and pushed and hair-pulled—people would steal your things or throw them in the pond or even try flushing them down the toilets. The only safe place became behind the locks in the bathroom stalls, but even there, it was hard to find peace with all the things people would write on the walls about you—the same nasty things written on your locker and desk and internet… 
The hopeless romantic within you died—and all your fantasies about Prince Charming did the same.
Bumping into him at that party after changing schools was only a twist of fate, as though making a cruel joke.
“What?” he’d bit out, his head lazily slanted sideways to give you a look, but then his eyebrow lifted in late recognition you’d wished hadn’t come. “Tch—why, if it isn’t little miss love hearts.”
He’d shaken off and zipped himself back up—didn’t bother flushing or washing his hands. Instead, he’d gone straight to you, and you’d stood there—still—eyes wider than they’d been for a long time. You’d have been more surprised he even remembered you, but in the oncoming of dread, you were a little too numb to feel much of anything except slightly hung up. 
“Speechless, huh? Still crushin’ on me?” he’d drawled awfully with a sloppy grin, resting his weighty body with a hand on the doorframe, shadowing you as you stood on the threshold. 
You hadn’t been the only one who’d grown up quickly. He was taller, bigger, stronger. In a tight black tee, you’d spotted the rich lines of his muscles. It made him look a little older than kids your age should. But you suppose it was the same with you with your push-up bras and G-strings and high-heels and smokey eyes.
“Barely recognized yah—lookin’ a little better since droppin’ out—or d’yah switch to another crummy school?” His hand had reached out, and your breath had stilled—throat tightening to a choke as he fiddled with a lock of your hair. He’d let out a laugh, entirely dismissive of the trepidation you’d felt stuck. “Guess that’s my fault huh? Since breakin’ your wittle heart~”
You’d wanted to say something snide, walk away casually once and for all. But more than that, you’d wanted to run. You wish you had. But none of the sorts happened. You’d just ended up standing there silently as if someone were capturing the look of pure anxiety in a portrait.
“Tch—since you’ve already had yer wet dreams come true, seein’ my dick—maybe you’d like to touch it too, hm?”
With a breathy hitch in your voice, you only managed to whisper out a weak, “No thanks.” Turning on your heels with wobbly knees with a single blaring thought on repeat in your head—just get out of there, just get out of there, just get out.
You wish you had, but fate had other plans for you that night.
“Oi.” His callused palm had wrapped itself around your arm and stopped you dead in your tracks. “Fuck’s that about, huh?”
Pushed up against the spine of the doorframe, you’d winced but felt too stunted to do much else. “Let go.”
“Tch—that’s not how it works.” He’d snickered again, breath soaked with beer and vodka and smoke while it wafted across your face in the damp heat of his words. “Dress like an open invitation—you can’t turn down the ones who come knockin’, slut.”
You shudder when your memories of the next events start playing. You’d suppressed it for years, but seeing his face and hearing his voice brought it all back. Standing before you, years later, on your doorstep, rubbing his hands together nervously while searching for the right words to say.
“Uhm…” He swallowed thickly. “Don’t—uhm—know if you remember me.” That’s a stupid thing to say. He scolded himself but stayed committed to it anyway. “It’s me… from middle school.” 
He made himself cringe—barely able to look you in the eye where you stood, unreadable expression donning your face. He doesn’t know what compelled him to track you down again after all this time, nor what he hoped to achieve by coming here—all he knew is that in between days of endless drinking and living his best but mostly empty life, the only part of his heart that still bothered feeling something real was hung-up on his memories of you. You, who could have offered him so much more if only he’d had the balls to take it.
 “I—I know this is—uhm—fucked up,” he excused himself in the same fashion a boy up for arrest would. “But I…” Swallowing thickly, he took a deep breath, hung his head, then let it go. “I did something unforgivable to you five years ago, and I’ve regretted it ever since.”
He looked up to see your features hadn’t changed.
“I’ve tried forgetting—‘cause it’s been eatin’ me up inside, but—this is fuckin’ selfish—but… I needed to let you know how sorry I—”
“Mommy! Who is it?”  The boy had broken everything off. He came running with stomping steps to attack your leg, peering around it to look up at the man standing there.
“Oh! It’s just a salesman, honey,” you excused—your smile a bit too tight to be called natural as you stroked the top of the boy’s familiar hair. “Mommy will be done real soon, okay? Wait for me inside, yeah? You can watch whatever you want until I’m done.”
The boy hadn’t noticed your discomfort, too blinded by the offer. 
“Really?! Score!” is all he squealed out before bolting back inside.
Old Prince Charming blinked. Once, maybe twice, maybe a dozen times rapidly. “Is that—"
“No,” you interrupted, closing the door once the man reached his hand out. Already having taken a step as though he planned on rushing after the kid, he stopped short when you placed yourself in front of the door, blocking him.
He breathed. Once, maybe twice, maybe a dozen times rapidly. “Shit—” Swallowing thickly, he combed both hands through his hair while staggering back. “It is, isn’t it?” He met the metal railing behind him with a clank. “I need to sit down—” Slipping down it until he’d dropped to the floor with a thud—still holding his head. “Fuck—”
“There’s no need for any of that,” you spat coldly. “He’s mine and wants nothing to do with you, so get lost before I call the cops.”
“That’s my son—” he objected, but he hadn’t a complete grip on the situation—voice an overwhelmed and weak excuse, something you easily stepped on and snuffed out like a spent cigarette bud.
“He’s my son.” You’d raised a strict pointer finger at his face in warning—like a sharpened knife aimed right between his wide eyes. A fierce scowl warped your face, huffing stiff breaths through a flared nose—lips in a prim line as you glowered at him in unfaltering disdain.
And his head was in such a state of turmoil that, for the first time in his life, no words could make it out on his tongue to refute it—remaining at a complete loss.
“You came here to apologize, right? Or whatever the fuck you call all that mumbling you just did,” you questioned in the gap of his silence, taking a step back while straightening yourself, looking down your nose at him—jaded with a voice just as cold—void of all emotion, as though you had none whatsoever to spare him. “Apology accepted if you go away and never show your face here again.”
And with that final sentiment, you turned your back and opened the door. 
You didn’t slam it, but you might as well have.
The metal grid he sat on began eating into his flesh, and the bars behind would soon make his back ache—and still, he remained sitting there for a while. Thinking of all the ways he’d ruined your life…
As well as all the ways you were going to complete his.
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BNHA – Bakugou, Dabi, Hawks
JJK – Sukuna, Geto, Gojo, Naoya, Toji
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"Dun ya got better things to do than followin' me around out here?" Daryl asked, but you saw his eyes crinkled at the corners in a smile.
"Oh, absolutely not," you shot back. "You saved my life back in Atlanta, so now you're stuck with me for all eternity.'
Daryl let out a low rumble of a laugh and turned to give you an amused look. "Ain't the idea s'posed to be 'ya saved my life and now I owe ya a debt'?"
"Nope. Other way around. You saved my life, so now I'm your problem," you said with a grin. "If you don't like it, then kill me."
Daryl rolled his eyes and shook his head, but he was still smiling. "Christ, if I'd known ya'd be this much trouble I might'a thought twice..." he joked.
"Oh, please. We both know that's a lie. You knew immediately that you wanted me practically attached to your hip, didn't you?"
He gave you a half-smile that had your heart jumping. "I dunno 'bout attached—"
"Tough luck, Dixon. You're stuck with me."
Prompt: "Isn't the idea supposed to be 'you saved my life and now I owe you a debt'?" / "Nope. Other way around. You saved my life, so now I'm your problem. If you don't like it, then kill me."
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milkywayes · 2 days
okay so happy pride month or whatever, no one asked but here’s my garrus vakarian dating history headcanon:
he has had 5 casual hookups pre-normandy, which isn’t a big number compared to his peers, and you’d think it’s because he’s an obsessive little freak who’s bad at being a turian, which evens out his good looks and swagger (and for some it does - cue some very frustrated crushes being forcibly stamped out because ‘really? that guy? he yelled at our superior last week in full view of the entire canteen’) but really he just didn’t notice half the advances made at him and the other half he turned down because he was busy thinking about important stuff (like gun mods, or cases, or math) and after careful consideration and weighing the pros and cons decided his time was better spent elsewhere. two of the 5 were with men, the other three with women, all turians. no repeats. he has had zero relationships pre-shepard if you don’t count the homoerotically-charged friendship he had as a teenager, one year before and one year into boot camp, before their very different abilities got them postings on opposing ends of the galaxy (read: elite sniper units on stealth patrol ships vs guy that assists the guy that fixes the lights in a backwater colony). he thinks no one knew about this, but his whole family did know and just tactfully didn’t bring it up. during the archangel years he has 1 hookup mostly because everyone tells him he’s so high-strung and needs to get laid more than he needs oxygen, but he bows out early on because his depression isn’t really conductive to the proceedings (read: she came but he didn’t.) this somehow ends up adding to the archangel urban myth, a true hero of the people asking for nothing in return, wink nudge, which makes him the butt of his team’s jokes quite literally until they all die bloody. he has never been in love until shepard, is initially unable to even categorize the feeling, and unfortunately for him, dealing with uncertainties and gray stuff and undefined parameters are about the only thing he’s actually bad at (besides the whole model turian stuff, if you count that as a skill). so basically his skill tree gets inverted as soon as he catches feelings. previous hookups would have described him as a gallantly attentive but emotionally unavailable, doesn’t save your omni-tool address but remembers your name kind of guy, which he mentions once to shepard. doing so is a faux-pas, though she doesn’t point this out and instead laughs uproariously because just that day he dented his newly-polished armor in his attempt to hold the elevator for her
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rayan12sworld · 2 days
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💠💙From the Future for the Past
Silent flaps of butterfly wings.
Given the chance, he will gladly change the past—or making new branch on the road, Lan Wangji isn’t picky. But looking at his awkward fifteen-year-old self trying to come to terms with his feeling is kind of fun. He… might understand a little why his husband is so fond of teasing him.
Bonus Chapter, Wei Wuxian's side:
Please give back Wei Wuxian’s husband. He is three years old and he wants kisses.
One moment, Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen are instructing the junior disciple on Lan Sect sword form with Hanguang-jun watching from afar. The next second, there is a bright light and a man dressed in black appearing in the middle of field, brandishing a pitch black dizi with red tassel like a weapon. “GIVE ME BACK MY HUSBAND!” he shouts as he blindly tries to kick Lan Qiren. There is chaos—Jiang Cheng shouting ‘what the fuck, what the fuck’, Nie Huaisang screeching in horror, Lan Qiren trying to outshout everyone, and Lan Xichen trying to bring order—which is broken by a huff and a sound of laughter from Hanguang-jun. The unknown man, hair tied in half high ponytail with red ribbon, whips his head to the source of laughter. When he sees Hanguang-jun, everyone can see the rapid change of his emotion from anger to astonishment to a besotted one. “Er-gege!” the man cheers, leaving the chaos he has made to run to Hanguang-jun who has already opened his arms. “Er-gege! You laugh! Your poor husband has missed you so!” “Husband,” Hanguang-jun answers, catching the man who has thrown himself at the older Lan Wangji’s embrace without any shame. “I miss you too.” “!!! Lan Zhan! I told you to give me warning before speaking like that! Your husband’s heart can’t take it!”
Lan Qiren coughs out blood as he points at the shameless couple with a shaky finger. “Y-you! The pig that touches my nephew! What did you said your name again?” he shouts in anger, wiping the blood that drops on his chin with his other hand. The man in black stops kissing Hanguang-jun just to laugh again. But, after he seemingly understands that he needs to explain and can’t keep playing around, he detaches himself from the older Lan Wangji—who quickly wraps an arm around the other man’s waist—and bows low to Lan Qiren’s direction. “This humble one is your worst student, Wei Ying!” he greets cheerfully. “Courtesy name Wei Wuxian, of Gusu Lan Sect… I have a forehead ribbon and all! Do you want to see, Uncle?” the man begins rummaging the lapel of his robes before pulling a Cloud Patterned forehead ribbon with triumph. “You are not Wei Wuxian!” Jiang Cheng snaps, pulling his shixiong to stand behind him. “The fuck, you look nothing like him! What kind of joke is it?!” “The joke is I died once and got offered a body—aw, Lan Zhan, don’t look like that!” Wei Wuxian—the older one—smiles gently at the stunned and pale-faced younger Lan Wangji who loses all the color on his face at the word ‘I died’. “I am alright.”
.“STOP TRYING TO MOLEST EACH OTHER IN THE OPEN!” Uncle Qiren roars, pointing his disciplinary ruler at Hanguang-jun who has his husband pinned on the magnolia tree, lips red and swollen and forehead ribbon crooked. During the last few days of the stay for Hanguang-jun and Wei Wuxian (in Mo Xuanyu’s body)—to build an array to go back to their time, to kill Wen Rouhan when they are on it—Lan Qiren and the rest of Cloud Recesses have to endure the public display of affection from the loving married couples. They have been separated for too many weeks. They are so shameless that even Wei Wuxian can’t look at any of them at their eyes—even if one of them is still him. Wei Wuxian can’t imagine him and Lan Zhan being that shameless. Especially Lan Zhan. Oh, he really is a bad influence on Lan Wangji. “Er-gege!” he cries, throwing himself on his Lan Wangji when he realizes that he truly is a pig who has stolen Lan Qiren’s prized cabbage. “Please don’t throw me away because I am a bad influence!”
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awwfur · 2 days
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If I had a nickel for every time I drew a character in an upside down pose with an arm outstretched, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it’s happened twice.
Jokes aside, BEHOLD Floyd! he’s doing Floyd things
Not my first time drawing him or his Mer-form (I’ve drawn him literally twice before and that was a half body and head shot) this was meant to be a later mermay thing but I finished him at midnight sooooooo ^^”
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Version without the layer of blue
anatomy is hard.
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kkaatzchen · 3 days
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MerMay Special! : Mer!Gaz x Diver!Soap
Cw/Tags: Smut/nsfw, badly written Scottish accent, trans Soap, mer stuff, possessive Gaz kind of, Gaz has two dicks, eggs/oviposition, they get it on in the water, dubious consent but only because Soap isn’t aware of what he’s getting into, he agrees though, kind of rushed writing, not beta read because I have no beta reader 😔, help I still don’t know how to tag
/// NSFW under cut ///
John was tasked with another dive that day. He’d been inspecting a reef a few miles out from the coast. There’d been a recent chemical spill that affected the habitat, but it had been cleaned up and the reef was beginning to flourish again. Color was returning along with fish and a few mers. Mers had become a regular sighting for the diver, and he was no longer very scared of them as he was at first. 
There was one mer that seemed to stick around the reef fairly often, but would dash off when it saw John coming near. The more often he visited, though, the mer realized that he wasn’t a threat and was there to help the reef flourish. It would linger around the reef for a few moments while John did his inspection, then slowly swim off. That morphed into hanging around the entire time John was there. That morphed into John trying to spark up a conversation.
“Name’s Johnny,” he introduced himself. His voice was a bit garbled through the mask he wore under water, but he was at least understandable.
The mer peeked out from a coral fan and blinked once, slowly. “Gaz” the mer replied. 
Johnny took his time now to get a good look at the mer. He’d seen it no, him before, but never took the time to really look at him. See if he could determine what fish he was crossed with. Glossy dark skin, a shimmery black tail with white and blue markings in circular patterning, and long dark hair twisted into thick locks and embellished with various shiny things and pieces of coral.
An emperor angelfish. Those markings gave it away.
“I’ve started seein’ ye around often here,” the diver said. “Startin’ to like me?”
“Something like that..” Gaz replied, approaching him a bit more.
“I was wondering’ where all yer friends went off to. They never seem to visit.?”
Fuck. So the diver had noticed that Gaz was now the only mer hanging around the reef.
“Oh.. I guess they must have found a different reef,” the mer suggested, knowing full damn well he chased them off.
“If I ever see you around this reef with that diver, you’re good as dead!” He’d growled at the last mer that had stuck around despite his earlier threats. “That’s my fuckin’ human. And it seems to be his favorite reef, so it’s his.”
“Ah, could’ve been.” Johnny accepted the answer as truth.
The rest of his inspection of the reef went by smoothly. It was recovering very nicely. The steady conversation with Gaz kept him even longer than usual, and the hour and a half in his air tank had dwindled to only 35 minutes left.
“I best be goin’,” John spoke up. The mer waved him off. “It was nice to finally get to know ya.”
To say Gaz was happy or excited was a sick understatement. He wanted that diver, Johnny he now knew, ever since he caught sight of him. He wanted that human. And he wanted him even more now that spring was here and he would have eggs to deposit.
It was a while after that Johnny visited the reef again. Since it was doing so much better, it didn’t need to be checked on as often. Of course, he saw his new favorite mer there.
“Hey, Gaz,” he greeted. “This is goin to be one of my last times checkin’ in on yer reef..” he said bittersweetly. He was glad the reef was doing so well, but he’d miss his new friend. “I’ll be here two more times, once a month..”
The wave of disappointment that washed over the mer was I describable. He felt cold. He knew he’d only have a limited time to claim him, then.
“Well then.. I want to show you somewhere special,” Gaz said hopefully.
“A’m probably not supposed t’ drift off with mers on the job,” Jonny joked, “but I’ll agree.”
After his once-over of the reef, John was led by Gaz to a small cove near the shore. John recognized it as not too far from the dock he’d come from for each reef inspection. There was a hollow that opened into a very short cave. Cracks in the top let in a bit of light, but there was a string of solar powered lights inside as well. Johnny briefly wondered if someone had known about this spot and put the light in themself.
“... I decorated it a bit. I hoped you might like it,” Gaz spoke up.
Johnny had lifted himself up into the opening, sitting on a ledge. The space was nicely dry, even now at high tide.
“For me.?” John asked curiously. Gaz nodded after a moment.
“I was maybe hoping… that you’d like to be my human.” The mer admitted.
Johnny was slightly taken aback, but now that he knew Gaz wanted him to be his, it made sense why he’d been the only mer around the reef. The only mer around *him*, Johnny realized.
“It wouldn’t hurt, would it?” The human grinned in reply. Johnny wasn’t the most educated about mers, that was apparent. Not a whole lot of people were, so it wasn’t too surprising. Gaz sure as hell wasn’t going to second guess his acceptance, though.
In John’s head, accepting to be the mer’s human was simply a matter of visiting him often, maybe giving some gifts to convey affection. How wrong he was…
Johnny stopped by the little cove the next day and found Gaz there waiting for him. He smiled at seeing the mer, thinking it was nice of him to stay and wait for Johnny to arrive.
“Hey, Gaz,” he grinned.
“Johnny!” The mer grinned right back, pointed teeth and eyes bright with excitement. Johnny actually came.
The human was in his wetsuit already and slipped down into the water to get into the cove. He sat up on the edge of the rock again, just like last time. Gaz peeked out of the water just between his legs.
“Are you ready to become my human?” The mer asked with a smile.
“Ready as ever,” John replied. Though he wasn’t exactly sure what this meant, he agreed.
Gaz pulled him back down into the water and worked the zipper of his wetsuit down. It seemed like what was happening only just now dawned on the human. His face flushed slightly, not feeling the smartest. It should have been obvious that this was what I was getting into! He thought to himself. Nonetheless, he wasn’t going to back out now.
The water was cold on Johnny’s skin without the wetsuit. It had been discarded onto a dry ledge, thankfully, instead of the water. He looked down to see that two lengths protruded from a small slit on the mer’s front. To say it was intimidating was a drastic understatement for Johnny. He glanced up at Gaz with worry in his eyes, yet his body was reacting in its own way. A warmth built in his abdomen that was quickly generating wetness between his thighs.
“You’ll be okay,” Gaz assured him. The mer had nothing but desire in his gaze as he lined up both of his lengths with Johnny’s entrance and began easing them in.
Johnny’s hands rested on the mer’s shoulders, his nails digging into the skin at the burn of the stretch he was taking. He writhed, trying to get away at the same time he was trying to get closer.
It was a good few minutes of painful stretch and sweet words from the mer to calm him until John was able to take in both cocks to the hilt. He was more than impressed with himself.
“Good fuckin’ god, Gaz.. all mers got two o’ these things..?” Johnny panted, face flushed. Whole body flushed, really.
“Mhm,” Gaz nodded simply. The mer was more than lost in thought. He was trying his best not to wreck the man before him. He had waited for this moment for months now. He was just ready to get this human - his human, his Johnny - full of his eggs.
Gaz tried his best to start out slow for his human. Johnny had to tell him to slow down a few times, though, but he was trying his best regardless.
Meanwhile, Johnny’s thoughts were running wild. The stretch was definitely painful, yes, but it might have been just about the best thing he’d ever felt. And he could tell the mer was trying to be careful even with how eager he was. It wasn’t too long before the pain mellowed out to a dull burn, though. The cool water was soothing that sensation as well.
“Fuck..” John breathed out, lazily rolling his hips down against Gaz. The mer made a peculiar trilling noise and gave a quick thrust into him, eliciting a gasp from John. The pace slowly began picking up. The human was feeling a coil of heat build up in his stomach that seemed ready to snap at any moment.
While the sounds were lovely to Gaz’s ears, he wasn’t focused on Johnny’s noises of pleasure. He was focused on the four eggs that he could give to Johnny and how the human would carry them so well for him.
“Promise to keep comin’ back..?” Gaz murmured hopefully.
“Wouldn’t-… wouldn’t be lettin’ ya-.. do this if I planned.. t’ up an’ leave afterwards..” John replied breathlessly.
Heavily encouraged by this response, Gaz sped up his movements. It wasn’t long before he felt a subtle shifting inside of himself, and knew that it was the four eggs.
John felt another stretch at his entrance, but it passed. Odd, he thought. Maybe he imagined it. But when he felt something press at the barrier of his cervix, he knew he hadn’t imagined it. He gave a wince and a breathy noise of pain, but the thing squeezed past. Johnny’s eyes were wide with concern, but he was oddly aroused and somehow not freaking out about this.
“Gaz-… Gaz, what was that…?” He managed to ask, feeling another brief stretch to his entrance.
Gaz was confused. Didn’t Johnny know what he had agreed to? Wasn’t he aware that this would happen?
“It’s my eggs, you’re taking them. You’re taking them very well, too,” he told the human, praising him as well when the second was deposited.
The human relaxed for some reason, even though that thought didn’t make him feel much better. What was he going to do.? He didn’t know how to take care of mer young. He pushed the thought aside. That could be dealt with later. Now, the coil in his stomach was a second away from snapping.
His core tightened up, causing the third stretch to struggle past. The feeling of it against his walls was intoxicating, and the sensation alone made him forget about all of the complications he was stepping into. His nails dug into the mer’s shoulders again as he felt the egg press hard against his cervix, then push past. That was all he needed.
Johnny’s head lifted back with pleasure, his body tensing up as euphoria washed over him like water. Or maybe that was just his surroundings.
Gaz took this as a good sign, elated that he could make the human react like that. The last egg was pushed past, and suddenly John felt warm substance filling him up. The mer’s release, he figured, still coming down from his orgasm.
John missed the fullness when Gaz finally pulled out, but it was an immediate relief. Even in the water he could tell that a gush of fluid left his core following the mer’s retraction. He shuddered and leaned forward against Gaz’s body.
“Thank you, thank you Johnny,” the mer trilled. “My human now…” he seemed almost comforted by that fact. He hugged John against himself tenderly.
John felt on the verge of sleep, but too awake at the same time. It took him a moment to get himself back together.
Gaz slowly lifted the human up onto the stone ledge. Johnny situated himself, looking over his body. There was no physical evidence that he was carrying the mer’s eggs, but he could feel it.
“You’d better take a second to rest,” Gaz spoke up, breaking Johnny out of his thoughts, “and when you’re alright to get home, rest some more.”
“Yeah… yeah, I’ll do that..”
/// fin. ///
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Luke being Percy’s bi awakening is starting to make more and more sense cause why did Percy compare every attractive man he met to him 😭
He met Apollo and Hermes, two very attractive gods and went “You know who you look like! Luke Castellan!”
He was missing his memories, homeless, didn’t even KNOW who Luke was and when he met Octavian he was like “mhm, your a kinda cute pale white boy with blonde hair. Wait! You remind me of someone…”
Like Percy idk man maybe all that hate for Luke stems from somewhere else
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teehee-vibes · 17 days
Sometimes, I think I want Grizzly to put more gay men in Riptide.
Other times, I remember Dark Puckered Hole and reevaluate.
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jaylaraye47 · 2 months
Virginity was defined as a a ‘free woman’ who wasn’t dependent nor tied to any man. So no, Artemis was not the Greek goddess of lesbianism, but rather the lesbian girls.
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philzokman · 9 months
ao3’s down so i have to resort to medieval forms of gay smut (dostoevsky)
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sargeantsarmy · 8 months
Enjoy this that I made on a random Tuesday afternoon
Here’s mine:
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No I don’t take criticism
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stompandhollar · 7 months
i’ve literally just decided that the timeless child is the master & not the doctor. 🎀💗🌷like what’s chibnall gonna do i’m just choosing to live in the better timeline in my head and the man can’t stop me
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I’m not done but I am embarrassed taking a break, will probably work on it more tomorrow. This may be the sluttiest-feeling thing I’ve ever drawn. Maybe because the eye contact is absolutely killing me.
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thejadecount · 2 years
Rottmnt Headcanon: One time while playing a really competitive truth or dare game Leo dared Donnie to drink a shotglass of vanilla extract.
The next time they play it, Donnie is there. With the entire bottle.
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bubmyg · 13 days
writing this in the tags bc i need to articulate it somewhere that isn’t to my mother on the phone
#I work at a firm w seven (well. six.) partners#so they are all technically my bosses but I rlly only do work for two /maybe/ four of them#i was hired under the guise of being my one boss’ like. protege.#as in when he retires I’ll take over his practice. and also he’s so busy that i could help some of that now.#his area of practice is like. so complex and huge that it isn’t something u learn in months. maybe not even years.#but atp what happens is he meets directly w the clients and then i do literally everything else.#which is fine. except for two things.#1) he has now started joking about how he’s going to be ‘the face’ of it while i do everything#which wouldn’t bother me so much if he was Paying Me For It.#bc 2) he’s only allocating HALF. my hourly rate for those type of clients#I spend. idk prob 70% of my billable hours on his clients. and he’s only allocating half my hourly for them.#and im just like. I wasn’t hired to be ur assistant 😭 im an attorney too 😭 teach me???????????#some days when I really sit and think abt it it just makes me want to switch to directly report to my other boss#i looooove working for my other boss. and i rlly enjoy his area of practice too!!!!#and he like. has basic respect for me as an attorney 😭#anyway idk. it gets more frustrating the more responsibility i take on………….#thoughts inspired by good boss apologizing to me today for overstepping me while talking to a client#and referring to it as being like my bad boss 😭#not bad. he isn’t a bad boss. i just. idk KENFKWNFKSNDK
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