#the grand king of all dorks
katiekatdragon27 · 1 month
Guuuyyyyyyys? Can we all just agree that this is canon noowwwwwww?
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These two have been eating at my brain all night it’s chronic.
Every fandom I'm in has that one straight-passing ship that I make my personality for a couple weeks lol. This is that straight-passing ship for Rayman lol.
A buncha ideas and progress below cut:
Teensy Ray Thoughts:
Teensy Ray (who's name is probably Raymond I haven't decided yet) is the kind and soft-spoken leader of the Rayman Fan-Club. He is the go-to person for all things Rayman, and has basically turned his house into a makeshift shrine museum for the guy.
He DIYed his entire cosplay of Rayman. He cut up his cloak and altered it to look more like a "hoodie", even wrapping his arms with bandages to represent Rayman's "limbless-ness." The thing he struggled with most was the hair.
Speaking of the hair, the "implant" that Polokus talks about in Origins was actually a little bird creature he found one day. Its tail feathers stick up like Rayman's two hair strands and can whirl around in a haircopter style.
The creature is also a kind-of wing man for TR. It can read how he feels and will move its tail accordingly.
The reason why TR started the Rayman Fan-Club and dresses as him a ton was because way back in the day, he was directly saved by Rayman (like Rayman hauled his ass out of danger manually kinda saving). He feels like the club is the least he could do to repay his hero
Also he and Ray are pen-pals lol (but Rayman takes decades to respond)
Teensy Ray is a hopeless romantic. Any sort of romantic gesture, no matter how small, sweeps him off his feet.
He was originally Teensy Queen's "safe date." He was down for it, both because she was incredibly pretty and because she let him go on super long rambles about Rayman.
When she eventually fell for him, he fell for her almost instantly, and things have been going smoothly ever since lol.
The "How Did You Bag A Baddie?" audio.
Teensy Queen Thoughts:
Queen Teensy (honestly might name her Quincy lol) is the bad bitch teensy of the Glade. She has the heart of an adventurer, constantly running away from the boring royal duties to practice her magic and fighting skills.
She will run off, kick ass by halting a nightmare invasion of some rural town, then return just in time for her royal duties.
She loves fighting almost as much as she loves Rayman lol.
Queen had a mega crush on Rayman and was desperate to get with him. However, Rayman (the aroace king he is) took no interest in her whatsoever.
She decided to settle for TR as a sort of "substitute" for Rayman at first. She was constantly heckled by her family for never giving any man a chance, so she retaliated by grabbing the teensy who looked the most like Rayman and basically fake-dating him.
After a couple months or so of just being safe-date buddies, she started to gain actual feelings for TR, to which he reciprocated. She was in a lot of denial about it though for a while.
She be like "I don't date dorks!" then ends up with this mf.
Teensy Queen is Grand Romantic Gestures in teensy form. She will go out of her way to create large displays for the people she loves and cares about.
That's all I have rn. Expect more art of these guys cuz they're gonna be so everything to me for like two months lol.
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Thanks for indulging in my delusion lol. Have a lovely day :)
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radley-writes · 1 year
Tell me! About the new wip! Yell things! Plz!
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mundus transit et concupiscentia eius
Age range: MG or YA (haven't yet decided the MCs' ages...) Genre: urban fantasy, high school fantasy, light horror Main characters: Zack, white British bi trans boy, 13-15, absolute coward and proud of it. Sour and sneaky, he doesn't know how to do this whole friend thing and doesn't intend to start. Reacts to kindness like a feral kitten to strokes; would lie about getting bitten in a zombie apocalypse. Zoe, Pakistani-British hijabi bi cis girl, 13-15. Fun-loving and adventurous, she's the sunshine to Zack's scowl. In fact, she's a little too eager to throw herself into danger. She has all the self-preservation instinct of a gingernut biscuit and (worse yet, if you ask Zack) a deep-seated desire to do the right thing. Vanderloss, Black British disabled Ehlers-Danlos enbie, 26-ish. An overpowered disaster of a teacher. Despite caring deeply for all xer little brats, xe remains an extremely distractable dork. Has lost children on school trips. Will do it again. I love xem anyway. <3
Every night in Cambridge, the Time Eater clock strikes twelve.
Then it strikes thirteen.
And the monsters come out.
Reality and Dream: two worlds in a locked orbit, converging only at their furthest-flung edges. During the thirteenth hour, when time traps mortals like flies in tree sap, nightmares seep into our realm and devour human minds. They leave comatose victims in their wake, lost to the deadly Sleeping Sickness, as well as a constant, palpable undercurrent of fear.
But the nightmares should be frightened, too.
Beneath the grand Gothic vaults of Trinity and Kings lies another world of academia - one far more ancient, devoted to the arcane. Every year, a hundred humans are born a step outside of time, able to walk through the inverted lightscape of the Thirteenth Hour as if they too are spun not from substance, but surreality. The Sandman Academy gathers these youths, grants them their hourglasses - containing solidified granules of sunlight, the only effective weapon against dreams - and trains them to fight for all humanity.
And to die.
Torn apart by their worst nightmares.
So, when Zack Strange is chosen as one of humanity's guardians, you can see why his reaction is no way in hell. Allergic to risk-taking, conflict, things that go boo in the night (and, some would say, fun) Zack just wants to restart his nice, normal life at his nice, normal school, under his new name. And to find a binder that's comfy for PE class. Is that really too much to ask?
In contrast, when Zoe Ansari received a giant hourglass and was told she would train to slay nightmares, her only question was when do we start? Zoe quickly falls in love with the warped Escher-world of the Thirteenth Hour. She knows no fear. She knows no danger. She knows, if you ask Zack, far less than she thinks she does, and is likely to get herself and everyone in a ten-mile radius dead - which makes it a crying shame that he's her training partner.
Zack grudgingly joins the Sandmen in the hopes that they can save his grandma, who is in hospital after having her mind stolen by a dream. But shadowed secrets lurk in the heart of their new school. When Zack and Zoe discover a dangerous truth about the Sleeping Sickness, they will be forced to question their loyalty to the school and each other, and what it truly means to be brave.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Aqua time :D I’m watching H’s vod
The calm before the storm is worse, 100% agree. The event is amazing but the wait before and after the end are such low lows
H and Dave just vibing :))
“False is here too?! Surely something must’ve been scheduled” I love H so much
“It’s been 1,217 days since I’ve won MCC, but who’s counting?” “… You?” I think I’ve seen a grand total of one Dave Krtzyy video but between finding out they’re nonbinary, this joke, and the raw vibes??? I love him
Talking about how the npc cat is thick AND smarter than all of them combined is killing me
Dave saying they hope sands of time “will do from my enemy to my lover” 😭
False is so funny she doesn’t get enough credit
Parkour Tag
Cub cracked????
False did such a good job hunting we need to talk about it
I got so startled by Beky getting H I slammed my elbow into my desk lol
Rocket Spleef
Dave Krtzy having banger opinions left and right, good for them
He really is just saying stuff and all of its iconic, from “the rare true democracy” to “channel your inner elytra”
People taking the time to type during rocket spleef will never not be funny to me
Everyone hitting Jimmy is so Jimmy of him
False top 5 :))
Dave top 10 after getting 35th??? We love that improvement
Phil is never not an icon
Unfortunate minecraft physics, rip
H and Dave being 19th and 20th is so funny because I was like “buddies :D” and H said “I’m beating you, suck it”
H affectionately bullying Dave is my new favorite thing, actually
Sands of Time
“I uh don’t have the best track record at uh…. being good at sands of time” Dave 😭
“Hi HBomb!!” from H and his teammates is so sweet
I love the calm vibes, no frantic strategizing, just clarifying and communicating
“Dave I’m gonna be pestering and annoying the hell out of you” “As you should” I love them
H: “Has anyone seen the blue pathway” also H: *is currently in the blue pathway* my streamer’s oblivious /lh
False 9th and everyone hyping her up :D
Sky Battle
I love skybattle I swear but I was zoned out like the entire time
H killing Sniff :( my boys :((
Dave was so sad when they fell, it’s okay dude <333
Good plays in round 3!!!
Ace Race
Merely vibing
H popped off and didn’t even think anything of it, the raw power
Battle Box
Aw don’t love that slump where everyone stops listening to each other. It happens with most teams, it’s not their fault, people just get too in their own heads
False literally said it was their side like three times :(
That round was clean
The final round coming down to Purpled on 2 health vs Dave on 1 was such a good final fight, holy crap
Grid Runners
Best game time :D
They’re improving every round, I love that for them
I don’t think I properly appreciated how fast cyan’s crafting grove was before just now
They slayed waterfall lamps tho
H’s mind, man
I love when people who are historically more withdrawn take charge without hesitation, MCC has done so much for H’s confidence <3
Omg they got first????
“God, our minds are so huge compared to these dorks” “MASSIVE!!”
Own that confidence kings!! Love that for them <33
H is such a cool guy, he’s genuinely enthusiastic about how they’re 2nd without a top 10 individual. He just thinks it’s neat. He’s a top player who doesn’t care about stats but experience, and that’s what makes him the epitome of MCC :)
H saying “if another team goes nutty and gets a massive amount of fruitberries points or whatever then they deserve it, they can take our spot” WHAT DID I JUST SAY?? We stan one (1) cishet white guy here and it’s HBomb94
Dave’s speech <333 I love them
I felt H’s stress there, that was so intense but he popped off
Dave doing an AMAZING speed bridge and then complimenting H’s strat, they’re so supportive I love them sm
“Sorry Dave, I’m gonna lower your points for things like that, cause you could’ve gotten first in that” “No, I do not care about that, I care about that sweet, succulent coin… that was a weird way to describe it”
The new finalist announcement is so suspenseful only to ruin it with a bubble sound effect lol
They’re so excited to get Dave their first win since MCC1 :))
They find it so cool that they got here without any top 10 individuals “purely balanced”
“Last time I was in dodgebolt I was a wee lad […] I was freshly 21, now I’m like 48 or something”
INSTANT he/they on he/they violence by Dave Krtzy lol
Aqua’s accuracy is wild, goodness!!!!
Their coms are so clean
H snatching that arrow!! I don’t even remember that from watching cyan
False calming asserting that she knows what she needs, not them, will never not be iconic
False saying that she’s down next arrow only for all her team to talk over eachother about how she’s got this and they believe in her <3
Dave winning the first events of seasons 1 and 3 my beloved
“False, that was insane, you 1v3’d that” “WHAT THE HECK WAS I DOING??” “You we WINNING, that’s what you were doing, you fool”
“1,217 days, bro” “It’s zero, it’s zero now!!” I love them
This team <33333
The most well-rounded team of all time, I love them.
Or as False puts it: “we weren’t cracked, we were just solid”
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
2x05, part 1.
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I'm here for them ONLY.
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I'm a bit surprised they continue with flashbacks. But then I remembered Kaz should fall into the water & I'm very intrigued. Maybe Kaz calling Jesper "Jordie" is still gonna be there? Please? Pretty please? I like seeing this. One thing is to read about his trauma and another is to actually see it. I'm glad it's in the show. So far it might be the only thing they got right for the crows this season.
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Hey Jes... if you slept with the boss, that would've been a bit easier. :) You wouldn't need Wylan, either, lol. I'm full in my Kazper mode now. Since they ruined Wesper in the show, I don't care at all. Have it your way.
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He. Him. Who does THAT to his hair this season though? Where is all the volume, like in s1?
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Flashback to s1 with "You alright, Boss?" — "No." Once again I have ideas for gifs and no energy to make them *sigh*
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I've been fed. ;___; Genyalina tag lives on. ;_; Alina keeps hugging her and hugging some more. <3 And Genya leans into her embrace.
The more I see of Wylan, the more I dislike the casting. He's too... doe-eyed? Timid? Kinda logical, considering years of abuse, but he had character and personality in the book. In here he just... stares, his mouth often open? Also partially logical bc he can't read and is often presented with the need to read, but often it's unnecessary. I really need more of his personality. What a way to waste such an amazing character.
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Lmaooo. Lovers' tiffs are harmless :) I know he calls him that ironically, but I can't help but smile.
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Lmaooo. Those dorks. <3
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THERE we go. A very important part of Wylan. Wylan Van Sunshine.
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I think I understood the first time I tried to read the book why people like him. I couldn't get past the beginning of the book, but I'm glad to see the real him is okay. I kinda like him. He didn't continue blaming Genya when Alina explained it, and he was quick to protect her from his mother. "I apologize on behalf of all of Ravka for all that you've indured." He really is going to be a good king. Not that it's going to take away years of abuse Genya went through, but it's something.
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Another reason why Kazper just WORKS. They make me giggle at times, these two. Such a great pair.
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Awww. David. :( That's the sweetest thing that I didn't expect to encounter. that's really, really nice. "You don't need fixing." He does care about her.
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"It was Baghra. She amplified me. To seek out familiar heartbeat." 😭 I don't even ship them, but they got me with that.
I don't remember at what part of the book that was, but seeing how Kaz and Jesper fall ON THE FUCKING TABLE DURING A GRAND DINNER would've been a blessing, lmaoo. I remembered that scene and if it doesn't make into the show, it's a robbery in the daylight.
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Nina: a foodie.
Kaz: none of that nonsense.
The funny thing is that none of his usual responses would work on her. She sees right through him & she's more powerful than him. Their relationship in the book is a blessing, yet I still couldn't get enough.
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fontasticcrablettes · 2 years
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And so at last we have come to the end, and our final farewell. Zelos expected to at least have company on his trip home, but both Gaius and Peony are moving on to the Grand Finale, so he'll have to find someone else to irritate.
With Zelos' parting, we have at least reached our grand finale, of Gaius vs Peony vs Eizen!
The Road So Far
[Carry on my Wayward Son plays]
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First, we have Gaius, King of Auj Oule, a major antagonist in Tales of Xillia but a party member in its sequel. He's powerful, he's determined, he doesn't know how to use a cell phone because he's such a dork help.
Gaius started out strong with a decisive victory against Duke, followed by taking the crown among antagonists in our Tales Villain Hot or Not? poll. 14% of respondents nominated him as the Sexiest Tales Villain! But perhaps those early victories made him overconfident, because he was very nearly sent home in the second gauntlet during a tough competition with Vicious, and scraped through with only 10 votes more than his competitor. Luckily or him, Gaius achieved a solid victory against Dohalim to earn his spot in the semifinal. Then, when facing off against his rival monarch, they had a tie!
Gaius may be the sexiest villain, but how will he fare against these two characters who weren't eligible for the villain poll?
Eizen is the only contestant left who's not royal. He's a sexy pirate, an earth malakh who spends all his time at sea, and an absolute badass who's also a huge dork about it (I'm sensing a theme here).
Eizen was a strong competitor right out of the gate, with nearly 80% of the vote in his first match-up against Dezel. In his next match, he went up against Jade, a fandom favourite for years. Although Jade's name was occasionally put forward as a possible winner of the whole tournament, Eizen came out on top in order to face Vholran. As a character from the newest game, Vholran was a bit of a wildcard, smashing up the status quo of the long established line-up of sexy characters.
But wearing eyeliner isn't enough when Eizen is also rocking that look, and Eizen made it to the semifinals. Eizen continually faced hard matches, as Zelos is both beloved and from a hugely popular game. But even Zelos' charms weren't enough, and the Reaper smashed his way into the grand finale. He's faced many difficult opponents before... but can he beat two at once this time?
And then there's Peony, the only character left who is never playable. Peony is not a party member, and he's not even a boss! Peony was an underdog from the start of this bracket, with only 7 write-in votes to secure his spot (the fewest of any write-in contestant).
Peony entered the tourney with the fewest pictures to choose from, and relied on his charm as a level headed man who loves his pets and will treat you right.
Peony had an early win with his defeat of Yuan, one of the more popular write-in contestants, and perhaps it was momentum from this victory that propelled him through the most riveting match-up yet: Yuri Lowell. Yuri, a man so popular that Bamco had to ban him from polls because people couldn't stop voting for him. Nobody expected Peony to win that match, but he turned the competition upside down with a firm victory that left the community reeling.
After that, there was no slowing down this underdog. He faced against his own countryman, Guy, another hugely popular character and once again came out on top. In a bonus poll, Peony was voted as the hottest among his childhood friends, Jade and Dist. When this dark horse of an NPC faced off against Sexiest Tales Villain Gaius, it looked like it might finally be the end of the road, only for him to pull out an unexpected tie.
Every Peony victory has been a little bit surprising. Will his momentum carry through, or can a charming smile and a cute rappig to pose with only get him so far?
Three beautiful men stand before me... but only one can be Tales' Next Top Sexyman
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shinxeysartgallery · 2 years
Holy shit you have a lot of ocs! I wanna know names and how you came up with them! I bet you can’t remember them all!
Challenge accepted.
This is going to be really long, so details under the cut.
So the first OCs I made that I still use are probably my dragon OCs. I got the idea for them based on all of the RPGs I played when I was younger and had the thought “you know, we spend the entire game killing dragons, so what if there was an RPG about dragons?” I wanted to make it into an actual game at one point, but my art skill was non-existent back then and I still can’t code, so lol Since I couldn’t make it into a game like I had wanted, I instead turned the thing into a story. Maybe I will post about it more if people are interested? I’ve got a handful of dragons there. There’s my main cast Blazefire (I was like 8, I know the name is kinda dumb sounding lol), Shade, Valerie, and Bruno. Then I have my secondary cast, Aqua, Shelly, Breezy, Cube, Ember, Flora, Volt, and Wendy. Then we have all the dragon royalty, eight of them in total. They don’t technically have names, just titles, so it’s not like “Randy, the Fire King” or whatever, it’s just “King of Fire Dragons”. And then Blaze and Shade have a son named Draco in the future. :) There’s also the main villain whose name is a spoiler and he is the only focused on character that is not a dragon (he is a human). And there’s also a magic wind beast that you could technically count. So that’s 21 dragon OCs, the wind creature, and the one human dude for a grand total of 23 from this thing alone.
Fairly recently, I came up with this other idea for a story that’s about a futuristic world where people can get robotic limbs that allow them to basically upload their consciousness into cyberspace and dork around there. It was based off this weird dream I had once that might have been partially inspired by Meta Runner, since I was really obsessing over it during the time I had this dream. lmao I only have technically three characters for that: Angel, Raven, and Hunter. (Whee, so now we’re up to a total of 26 OCs!)
And the rest of my OCs (save for one that I will come back to) are all Sonic OCs! The first one I made was my main OC, Cynthia. I honestly don’t really remember why I wanted to make a Sonic OC to begin with, but after I did, I had a ton of fun and the rest is history. lmao I’ve had her since 2010, so she’s been here for quite a while now. At the time, I was also super big into MLP (not so much anymore though) and that’s where I got the idea to make her a horse in particular (since I also at the time didn’t know of any official horse characters, so it added to the unique factor). And then I made this dumb crossover thing to explain her origins where she was basically originally from Equestria (the MLP world) and got sent to Mobius where she now stays. Kinda cringe, but I kept it as a part of her backstory to explain where the special horse breeds (pegasi, unicorns, etc) came from because from a story standpoint, it was interesting. Then I later gave her an older sister named Hannah, but I don’t remember why I wanted to do that. Then came their parents (that I still haven’t named lole). And the rest just kinda came in when I had ideas for them. I didn’t have a ton of OCs until around 2015 when I joined this RP my friend made on another site that was basically about normal civilian Sonic characters and what they got up to while the heroes were out harassing Eggman. I had made a few characters for that RP, namely Cashmere (a child’s clothing model), Debbie (a librarian in-training), Downy (a clothing model and Cashmere’s best friend), Sabrina (originally just a normal person and Cynthia’s best friend), Tootsie (a candy shop owner and waitress), and Whopper (a coffee shop owner). There were some slight changes made to a few of those characters as time went on but they mostly stayed the same. -Sabrina’s backstory changed when Sonic Forces came out. When the list of animals you could make your avatar got leaked, I got excited because wolf was on the list and they’re my favorite animals, so I had already decided that when the game got released I would pick that animal and worry about a design later. Well, the game came out and I still didn’t have an idea for a design, but then I remembered I had Sabrina, who was a wolf, already created and just inserted her into that position for that reason. She ended up really fitting the role, so I changed her backstory to reflect that. I also added two currently unnamed dalmatian twins who were antagonists in Sabrina’s childhood (although I’m debating naming them Spot and Oreo, so they may not stay unnamed for a whole lot longer lol). -Tootsie and Whopper got married and combined their businesses. They also had a daughter named Taffy. And I later also gave Whopper a sister named Caramel.
Still around 2015, I also thought I had way too many female OCs and wanted to balance it out a bit by adding more male OCs. And that prompted me to make a handful of more OCs. Talon (Cynthia’s bf), Aaron (Talon’s dad), Flare (Talon’s mom), Greg (Hannah’s bf), Kevin (Greg’s brother), Greg and Kevin’s unnamed mother, Tyler (Cynthia and Hannah’s younger brother), and Ava (Tyler’s gf). And then around this same time I had this stupid idea for like an arc set in the future where all the couples had kids and it focused on the new generation (though I still haven’t really done anything with that), and that consisted of Trixie and Darren (Hannah and Greg’s kids), Lucas and Niamh (Cynthia and Talon’s kids), and Xena (Tyler and Ava’s daughter). I’m sure you’ve all also noticed how all the horse family OCs have “normal” names as opposed to most Sonic characters/OCs being named after some sort of trait of theirs. Well, I liked the name Cynthia and that’s why she was named the way she was, but then I decided to make a trend out of everyone in her family having a “normal” name because it was funny due to it being somewhat out of place. Also around this time I got another stupid idea of a parallel dimension where Cynthia was evil, in a nutshell. Her counterpart from there was named Eva (because saying it out loud kinda sounds like “evil” and it was haha funny). Oh, and speaking of counterparts, she also has a robotic clone simply named Mecha Cynthia that totally isn’t a Metal Sonic ripoff in a way. All of the other OCs I came up with from random ideas like “oh I kinda wanna make a snake character!” or “this is a cute name, what can I do with it?” Not in order, because I don’t remember the order of all of them, but we’ve got: -Amber and Zero, snake twins. They came from an idea I had where a pyrokinetic and a cryokinetic work together to see what they can accomplish with their powers (thought it was a neat twist having a mix of fire and ice powers). And I picked snakes in particular due to the severe lack of official reptiles and the fact that I love snakes. -Scar and Archie. Their idea was based on this dream I had once where some of my OCs went on a mission to the arctic and found a dinosaur character trapped in ice, who they thawed and revived and then tried to introduce them into modern society. I thought that would be an interesting thing to write about, so I went with it. It was originally only Scar, but I got the idea for Archie when I was thinking of a name for him. I picked a Utahraptor in particular because that’s my favorite dinosaur. When I was thinking of a name for Scar, someone suggested Archie, which I didn’t think fit him, but then I was like “oh that would be a cute name for an archaeopteryx though!” and then Archie was born. -Then more recently, one of my friends gave me the idea to write about how Scar got his scar and that prompted me to make three more dinosaur OCs, Tina Rex (a T-Rex and physical embodiment of a spoiled rich kid), Peter Dactyl (a pterodactyl and primative scientist of sorts), and Rémy Rhynchus (a ramphorhynchus who was abandoned by his family and adopted as an unofficial little brother to Peter).  -Then there’s Barry, a mouse. I thought it would be interesting to write about basically a fanboy of the Freedom Fighters, which is pretty much what he is. lmao -There’s Biscuit and Butterscotch, dachshund siblings. They’re just there to fill background slots, but I wanted to make a miniature dachshund character so now they exist. -Bubbles, a seahorse. Felt the need to make more sealife characters so why not a seahorse? -Carol and Noel, reindeer twins. I saw a comment on a YouTube video (don’t remember what it said or on what video) by someone named Carol and I was like “oh that would be a really cute name for a reindeer!” And then as I’m thinking of Carol’s design, I was like “the word ‘carol’ makes me think of Christmas. But you know, there’s another word that also makes me think of Christmas: ‘noel’.” and the idea for her sister arrived. -Ramona, Dot, and Kelsi, two normal folk and a news reporter, respectively. Had the ideas for them all right around the same time, and it was basically “I want a kiwi character”, “I want a chinchilla”, and “there’s not many insect characters, so I choose a ladybug!” -Evelyn, a lawyer. I wanted a fish character and I also hadn’t made an attorney yet, so why not? -Fresh, a snail salesman who also cleans up after the heroes because, as he puts it, “who else is gonna do it?”. He started off as a joke OC based off this thing some friends and I did, but I thought it would be funny to make him an actual character, so I did. -Julian, a jewel dragonfly. I wanted a dragonfly character. -Nutmeg, a squirrel nut farmer. I thought the name Nutmeg sounded cute, and I thought about what would fit that name and decided that a squirrel would be best. -Pinchy, a scorpion bandit. Probably one of my favorite OCs, ngl. Again, not many insect characters exist (even though scorpions aren’t technically insects) and I LOVE scorpions, so he was the first bug I made. I haven’t even seen very many scorpion OCs, so I struggled a bit thinking of how he should be designed, but I think I did a pretty good job with it. -Sandy, a harbor seal and member of the girl scouts. I think she’s the newest addition the le old OC list, too. She harasses people with cookie sales, and her name is based off a type of cookie, too. -Umbra, a mischievous cat. He is the embodiment of “cats are assholes”, to put it bluntly. -And finally, Zoe, a beagle art critic. I was doing a huge disservice to myself to not include my favorite dog breed, so I made one. Her outfit was based off this coat thingy I saw in an ad once and thought looked nice, but it also gave a bit of the ol’ hipster vibe, which is where the idea for “art critic” came from.
With most of them, my idea was just “I want this animal” or “I like this name” and I’ll come up with a backstory/design for them later. Which is also partly why I still have some characters that don’t have a name.
So that gives us a grand total of 53 Sonic OCs, for an even bigger total of 79 OCs. Although now after participating in the 31 Days of Sonic challenge, Day 11 has given me another idea that I am struggling to not act on. I did a species swap with Sonic and Cynthia and the design I made for hedgehog Cynthia looks too adorable and I am debating taking the design and basically giving it a new color palette and outfit and making it into its own character. And I have a feeling that I am going to be doing that, since I’ve already in my head decided that if I were to do that, that she would be named Quill. I’ve already had a name idea, it’s over boys and boysn’ts. lol It’s only a matter of time now before that number officially grows to 54/80. 
Oh yeah and before I forget, I mentioned a MLP crossover at the beginning of the Sonic OC section. I got rid of most of the MLP OCs from around that time, but I did end up keeping one of them because I still liked her design. That and her connection to Cynthia’s backstory are the only things that saved her from also being scrapped. I named her Skystrike and she was a pegasus that got roboticized. :(
Well, I think that’s all of them! Hope you enjoyed me rambling about my OCs for like an hour. lmao
Also feel free to send an ask about any of them if you want more info!
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Hi! Great blog, your thoughts are on point and I love the gifs you use! :) I think of Oikawa as a contradiction, the clever airhead. We've been exposed to so many aspects of his character (through himself but also his best friend, fellow 3rd years, teammates, nephew, all the ladies, and the quality rivals be it Ushijima or Kageyama). An amazing setter but his reckless training and jealous attitude give him extra depth. If you could, I'd love to see your list of Oikawa's Top 5 character traits :)
Hi! Thank you so much for the ask, and sorry it’s taken me a while to answer this. I really loved reading how you saw Oikawa’s character portrayal - I think in terms of Oikawa and his personality traits, it’s quite tough to decide when he is such a multifaceted character. But without further ado:
5. The fact that he still came to watch the shiratorizawa vs karasuno match despite his self-proclaimed ‘hatred’ of both teams
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In all honesty, he just really cares about volleyball and I think deep down he was rooting for kageyama and hinata despite being all tsuntsun about it (also megane oikawa)
4. His amazing leadership as captain of the aobajousai
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Not only does everyone in the team look up to him during the matches, they also place their complete trust and faith in him. He knows when to be serious and when to be an utter troll (esp with iwachan :P)
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but I really respect how he can go from above to below; what a legend.
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3. Despite being two years older, the fact that he is such a child with kageyama and hinata XD
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2. The fact that he is so hardworking and willing to push himself to improve so much even though he is already an amazing player 
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Despite his aloof demeanor that he likes to put up in front of people, he’s actually extremely serious when it comes to volleyball, and I think that’s what makes him such a brilliant player. This scene was one of my favourites of Oikawa because we see that moment when all his years of practicing and volleyball instinct that he’s built up as a result, allow him to make that perfect toss to his ace.
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OKOK so maybe you all expected this because of the nature of this blog, but I mean how can I not?? He is literally the grand king of dorks in this series!!
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Look at him
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He’s just a gigantic alien-loving nerd at heart, and I love him for it. :D
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xaeneron · 5 years
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“Welcome home.”
Full view helps a lot >< Channeling the inner Hanuman for that missing piece of (NA server) Team India. Just have to find him Sita now. 
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The Brothers and Side Characters Go on a Road Trip!
So, Diavolo, Lord of the Devildom, wants to go on a road trip for reasons unknown. You know what? Screw it, the reason is because Dia wants to do a fun human thing because MC brought it up during tea time. No one can defy the king, so TIME FOR A ROAD TRIP!
He was going to turn that car around. That’s it, he was going to leave. Someone else drive.
I hope your MC likes staticky traffic updates because that’s what Lucifer constantly had on the radio.
Obviously, some of the brothers complained, so Lucifer put on Beethoven’s Symphony no. 9. HELL YEAH TURN IT UP DJ!
Lol JK no one can car-dance to classical music. Just go back to the staticky traffic updates…
Lucifer would have preferred it if MC or Barbatos were riding shotgun next to him, but Diavolo ended up getting it. Dia is constantly asking Lucifer to stop so he can take pictures of the most mundane shit.
Lucifer stopped stopping after the first fifteen requests.
“I’m not stopping at McDonalds- hang on. Hi McDonald’s employee, one black coffee please.”
In true father fashion, Lucifer got lost and REFUSED to ask for directions. They were lost for five hours before Diavolo finally asked:
“Lucifer, you can turn on the GPS right?”
“Yes, but I don’t trust it.”
Everyone screamed in frustration and were all fully prepared to abandon Lucifer at the side of the road.
Please… can someone else drive? Anyone else…
Are We There Yeeeet..? (Mammon)
Okay, so, Mammon was one of two ways on that road trip. One: complete ADHD daydream zoned out. Or type Two: AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRREEEEE WEEEEEEEE THEEEEEEEEERRRRRREEEE YEEEEEEET???!
He wanted to stop and go to all the tourist traps, by the end of the road trip Mammon wanted to open his own.
The Avatar of Greed loves driving, problem is, he’s used to driving off into the sunset as a lone bachelor, not with his friends and brothers in the car as well.
He only got to drive once, and it was awful. 0/10 would not recommend. Luke thought MC was driving and called shotgun…
Mammon just turns on the radio for music and hopes something good is on at least ONE channel.
Not all of Mammon’s time driving was bad, the combined powers of Luke and Mammon meant that everyone stopped at a petting zoo at the side of the road. Everyone had a good time, even though when they got back into the car they all smelled like a farm.
Did anyone else hear that oinking in the car-
*Vibes to Music in the Backseat* (Levi)
After being cruelly dragged from his room and placed in this stupid van… he just climbed into the backseat and put on his headphones.
Maybe anime openings could drown out this problem…
Levi only drove for fifteen minutes, it was the most terrifying fifteen minutes of everyone’s lives.
Mario Kart is not a substitute for proper driving school!
Listen- Levi actually saved the entire trip, after stopping at a gas station everyone noticed that Levi never complained about what was on the radio because he was wearing headphones, so everyone bought their own pair and the car trip was so much more pleasant…
No matter how many times Lucifer told Levi to get his feet off the seat, he wouldn’t listen, he was GAMING and they took him away from his gaming chair! HE NEEDED TO SCRUNCH HIMSELF UP LIKE A GOBLIN TO FOCUS DAMMIT!
Whenever the car would stop so everyone could get out and take a picture or look at something, Levi had to be practically dragged out of the car and manually posed for the pictures.
“Is this one of those vans with TVs in them? I brought the first five volumes of TSL on DVD!”
While Satan was driving they stopped at a lake, and Levi burst out of the car and made friends with all the lake fish.
He was still soaking wet when they had to leave.
I’m a Responsible Driver- IS THAT AN OLD BOOKSTORE?! (Satan)
Satan, we believed in you…
Our favourite nerd wanted to stop at any and all historical spots or cool looking bookstores he saw.
When everyone went to buy headphones, he got a pair with cat-ears on them! Because obviously!
Satan’s a responsible driver, and he’s not as prone to road rage as one might think. He has patience, remember in the Jobs event when he worked in customer service? Those kinds of jobs take a godlike amount of self control to do.
Asmo called shotgun and Satan got to have the wonderful experience of having his ear chatted off by his dear brother.
Satan was not about to have fast food for the eighth time in four days, if everyone wanted food, he’d stop at a restaurant.
He was terribly sorry to anyone who needed to use the restroom, but they should have gone at the last rest stop.
When Satan stopped at the lake, he gave everyone a long lecture on the historical significance of the place, then noticed that Levi was being crowned king of the lake and decided he should cut his history lesson short before Levi abandoned his family to chill with the fish forever.
I wanted Satan to be the normal chill one with the radio… I really did… but deep in my subconscious I feel like Satan would put on one of those language learning DVDs so he can learn another language on the go like a total dork.
Road Rage (Asmodeus)
No one saw this coming but- Asmo gets some B A D road rage. Someone cuts him off? “Hi hello dear, WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO SHOVE MY FOOT UP YOUR ASS?!” Someone doesn’t use a turn signal? “YOU BRAIN DEAD MORON! LEARN TO DRIVE!” Someone just pisses him off? “*prolonged horn sound*”
It’s just… the car trip was so taxing on the poor Avatar of Lust… he was crammed into the middle seat for the majority of the trip… he had to give his sleeping mask to Belphie… Beel was getting crumbs all over him and he couldn’t move over… just so tragic…
Solomon called shotgun and it was the greatest couple of hours of his life. He got a front row seat to Lucifer and Barbatos dragging Asmo back into the car because he tried to pick a fight with another driver.
Asmo wasn’t having a good time…
He didn’t want to stop for any gas station food or go through a drive-thru so it was another expensive restaurant trip. Rest In Peace to the gang’s wallets.
When he wasn’t driving, Asmo was loudly talking with MC or talking on the phone. It was a blessing in disguise when they went through an area with bad phone reception and Asmo finally had to shut up.
Oh well… at least he got a few nice pictures for Devilgram.
We all know Beel is massive, right? His head is touching the ceiling and every speed-bump hurt.
He’s the one begging to stop at every gas station or fast food place they pass by.
Beel’s section in the car was covered in empty bags of Doritos by the end of the trip.
When Beel got to drive, Belphie got shotgun! Hell yeah dream team!
Poor Beel, he got distracted and ended up somehow popping a tire. He pulled over next to a farm, changed the tire, then got back in the car and kept driving.
Uh… there was an awful lack of snoring next to Beel- OH FUCK THEY LEFT BELPHIE!
Belphie was found sleeping next to the cows on the farm they had stopped at earlier.
The cows didn’t want to give their sleepy god up so easily…
After that… Beel didn’t want to drive anymore…
“Look, cows.” (Belphie)
I really need to stop with the cow jokes but I CAN’T
Belphie’s crammed between Beel and MC for most of the trip and is probably drooling all over poor MC’s lap or shoulder.
Beware, he jolts up randomly and looks around in a panic before he realizes he’s in a car. This happens every three hours.
Belphie’s not allowed to drive, he’d fall asleep. But when Lucifer takes the wheel and puts on that fucking staticky radio, Belphie forms an idea.
“*ahem* four thousand bottles of beer on the wall, four thousand bottles of beer,”
Mission success, Lucifer wanted to tear his hair out.
Belphie ended up asking to stop when they get to a stretch of road with no streetlights, everyone got out of the and stared at the stars.
…listen, it’s a miracle no one got axe murdered but the stars were gorgeous.
Remember when I said Satan put on those language learning DVDs? Yeah uh…. Belphie woke up from his last nap of the trip almost fully fluent in Spanish. At least one person gained a new skill on this trip…
Oooo, Look at Thaaaaat! (Diavolo)
Even though the side characters were in a different car most of the time, sometimes people would switch to the other car if they met up at a gas station.
By the end of the road trip Dia looked like one of those tourist dads, Hawaiian shirt and all.
Dia can’t drive
He’s absorbing human culture… and human culture involves ordering everything at this random Wendy’s.
Diavolo’s camera roll is so unbelievably full by the end of the trip and he refuses to delete ANY of the pictures.
Most of the pictures are of really weird and boring stuff, like traffic signs and trees, but the picture he ends up printing out and putting in a picture frame is a picture of the whole group at the petting zoo having a grand old time.
He wanted to take home a baby goat but Barbatos said that wasn’t a good idea :(
Help. (Barbatos)
So, it could have been worse for Barbatos, he could have been stuck in the car with the brothers and MC.
Dia always had the seat up front, but when he left the car to go hang out with the dude-squad, Solomon got the passenger seat.
Solomon decided it would be a good idea to pester Barbatos to go faster and take weird shortcuts through (probably not legal) backroads and creepy forest paths.
Good thing Barbatos, Luke, and Simeon had functioning brain cells and knew that’s how horror movies began.
Barbatos stopped for fast food once and only once. It’s not healthy!
He’s the only driver to take suggestions for music, meaning that the side characters’ car was the best one of the two.
He’s just… he’s just trying his best not to vomit…
Simeon thought the car would be a good place to get some writing done while they drove down long stretches of road. Simeon was wrong in that assumption.
With his head down way too much while the car zoomed down the highway, Simeon felt himself getting *very* sick about four hours in.
He was worried he may have accidentally eaten something of Solomon’s… but nope. The angel was carsick.
Luke had the important job of patting Simeon on the back as he leaned over the barf-bag while Solomon dry heaved up front.
Hurry and open the windows before Solomon barfs too!!!!
Other than the car sickness, he had the job of making sure Luke was entertained, there was a good hour of eye-spy until they just got to a stretch of forest.
After that, Simeon realized that he could just give Luke free permission to ramble about whatever he wanted and that would keep the little guy entertained for HOURS.
What do You Mean I Can’t Legally Make This Turn?! (Solomon)
Shifty bastard can drive, problem is, he doesn’t care about the laws of the road.
He ended up getting pulled over after breaking approximately 11 traffic laws in less than ten minutes.
“License and registration.” “Yeah yeah yeah…” “…sir, this license expired in 1989.” “…shit.”
Solomon gunned it and managed to use his magic to hide the car and evade the very confused traffic cop.
Luke was completely aghast at the flagrant law breaking, but Solomon’s excuse was that the 80s were a lawless wasteland and he completely forgot he legally had to update his license.
He’s an equally obnoxious passenger as he is driver, but at least no one in the car is bored.
“You know, back in the day cars didn’t have seatbelts.” “Solomon put your seatbelt back on.”
…Can we keep it? (Luke)
He was against this from the start. A road trip? With those nasty demons? No! Never!
Okay fine… maybe he wanted to see some more of the human world… he agreed to go.
After helping Simeon through his car sickness, he misheard the other car say that MC would be driving, and Luke wanted to hang out with his third parent 🥺
That’s how he ended up riding shotgun next to Mammon. It started out rough, but when the two spotted the petting zoo it was all sunshine and rainbows.
Luke made friends with all the animals! He was like a little Disney Prince. He got especially attached to this one piglet, it was a surprise to Simeon that the goodbye wasn’t tearful.
Luke smuggled that piglet out of the petting zoo and they were all over fifty miles away before anyone noticed.
Of course, everyone was just shocked that Luke had stolen something, but he looked so cute holding the little piggy… awwww…
The bros obviously joked that Luke had gone to the dark side and was totally evil because he had taken the pig, much to the poor kid’s dismay.
Simeon tried to convince Luke that he needed to return the piglet but Luke was adamant that he could totally take good care of it.
Welp, time for Lucifer to fix this.
“Luke, you need to go put the pig back, it’s not yours.”
“No! I’ll take good care of it!”
“That doesn’t matter, you stole it. It’s not your property, do you want to end up a scummy thief like Mammon?”
“No not at all. Let’s go return the pig.”
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kuroos-moon · 3 years
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Valentine’s and Pretty Roses 
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☀︎︎ request: Hey loveee! Could I please have a hc request where Oikawa, akaashi and kuroo’s crush or s/o receives a valentines rose from them and are so happy Bc they never ever had gotten a rose from anyone for Valentine in her life.
☀︎︎ pairing: oikawa x reader, kuroo x reader, akaashi x reader
☀︎︎ genre: fluff
☀︎︎ warning/s: none
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Oikawa Tohru
he CAN’T just give you a rose without any extra cheesy stunts
he just can’t rlly
“y/n-chan, come see me at the gym straight after class, yeah?” he fondly smiles at you 
doesn’t care about the others trying to eavesdrop bc c’mon they wanna know how the grand king would treat his girl this very day 
had it so well-planned, literally poured his time and effort to make you feel special <33 
you’re speechless when you first bump into Kunimi on the way to the gym as he hands you a small folded piece of paper 
‘smile for me everyday,’ the note says
this went on the closer you got to the gym and you seriously wonder how he got the whole team to participate
your personal favorite message would be: “ever notice how our fingers perfectly lock into place? I do, hold on to me forever, love.”
when you enter the gym, Tohru stood alone at the center in a suit and tie while faint music was heard in the background 
you couldn’t even believe he’s done all this as he smiles back at your surprised figure
“happy day of love, my y/n-chan,” a literal prince, bends over to kiss your hand in his before he hands you a single red rose
he’s just so handsome??? and dashinng??? he literally put in effort to look even better as if he wasn’t already a god to you
romantic slow dancing, hours felt like seconds and he holds you so close and lovingly 🥺
“oy shittykawa we stalled the guard as much as we could but he really has to close up the gym now!” Iwaizumi calls off
Mattsun was expressionlessly taking pictures of both of you from the sidelines on different angles
you and the third years had to walk home together and they pretend to not know Tohru 
“how did you even get to look at him with a straight face y/n he totally went overboard,” Makki shudders, eyeing Tohru in his suit while he held your hand
“he practically threw an early prom,” Iwaizumi rolls his eyes
“shut up, he was cute” 
you look at him again bc he’s just so handsome yk but he was already looking at you <33 
was just so happy bc he knew you’ll treasure the rose he gave you
his mom asked him why he was in a suit once he got home
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Kuroo Tetsuro 
he’s sweet that’s no surprise 
but he’s a little shit sometimes too 
he purposely pays less attention to you during Valentine’s Day and you’re lowkey hurt
“Tetsu, it is Valentine’s and I don’t care about gifts let’s at least go on a date” 
“can’t, I’m studying chem later, kitten”
pretends he doesn’t hear you grumble that there was no upcoming test 
also knowingly smiles to himself as you sulk bc he has you fooled
“so he really didn’t get you anything?” Yaku and Lev ask you during lunch 
Yaku’s out to kick his ass when you shake your head while Lev just kinda snobs at him when they meet eyes
your stomach churns at literally every couple walking away hand in hand off to dates and whatnot 
meanwhile you couldn’t even find your dork of a boyfriend though you assume he’s in the chem lab studying 
you finally receive a text from him and you expectantly read his message
“what is it y/n? is he finally taking you out?” a friend asks 
nope, he just asked you to hand him his book he left on his desk 
you’re stunned when you enter the lab though because the lights were off and you’re kinda scared 
but he answers when you call out his name, “over here” 
“Geez, why didn’t you turn on the lights?”
you stand before his figure which you can’t really make out if it weren’t for his silent breaths 
“I’m kinda hurt y/n, you really thought I got you nothing?” 
from behind him, he finally pulls out the bouquet of bioluminescent roses as he watches your face light up from the glow 
you just look at him in surprise before it registers that he made them, so you throw yourself at him in a hug 
he had to bend a little of course, but he can’t help but chuckle as you litter him with kisses
“don’t worry there’re no thorns”
wounded himself time and time again in removing the thorns
you fall harder once he explains he grew white roses himself months ago and he failed a few times too 
also explains how he made the flowers bioluminescent and though he sounded kinda dorky you just keep on falling for him?? 
“you like them?” when you grin and nod, he was just so happy he’s pulled you into a hug again
as always, you felt so right against him and he can’t help letting an ‘I love you’ nonchalantly slip past his lips
definitely took you out on a date after that 
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Akaashi Keiji
remembers every single detail about you 
you said you’ve always liked white roses so of course he’s getting you them
he’s sweet but you doubt there was anything special for the day prolly bc of your lack in dating experiences too 
but oh, he does, he desperately wants to make your heart flutter more than any regular day together 
didn’t plan anything flashy, he was just treating you extra special today as he worked up the courage to give you a rose
saying you were breathtaking, holding your hand more and kissing your forehead at the most random times-
you assume it was his way of celebrating Valentine’s with you 
but his words and actions were sincere, he’d do them on any other day he was just not holding back as much now 
lowkey overthinking how he’ll give you the rose, what if you weren’t really into cheesy things? 
but he knew you appreciated the smallest gifts though he’s still anxious about it 
not to worry, Bokuto has shy Akaashi’s back
fr though he did kinda ruin Akaashi’s initial cooler plans 
Bokuto escorted you in the locker room with only Akaashi there
“AGAASHI HERE’S YOUR Y/N,” totally did not know how to read the room
the poor setter was in the middle of changing and was yet to put on a shirt 
“y/n I- Bokuto-san, not now please,” he now regrets telling Bokuto about the rose sitting on the upper shelf of his opened locker 
“but what about the rose you were gonna give to her?” 
“what rose? uh it’s fine, i’ll leave you to dress up Keiji,” you’re flustered, his chest was bare after all 
so the surprise is ruined he knew he had to give it to you now 
acts before fully thinking so he grabs you before pushing you lightly to the locker beside his and—
HE DOES THE KABEDON ON YOU, hand beside your hand as he leant close
you can’t breathe at this point- i mean- his eyes staring you down like that? girl, so lucky 
but he was lost in a thought process of what to do next 
still cooly manages to pull out the rose from inside his locker before he gives it to you with a soft smile, letting go of worries
“Happy Valentine’s, love. Uhm, I’ll do this cooler next year, and uh, with a shirt on” 
Bokuto covers his eyes when you both lean in for a kiss <33
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General Taglist [Open]: @noyasbitchh @dinablossom @haru-the-secret @strayczennies @lalisbitch @tinymidgetsstuff @animebs @astrealia @kittykitkatstrawberry @hajimesbbygrl @kellesvt @24hr7dysdizzy @arnxldss @elianetsantana @vicassa @floraraine @beanst0ck @leinnah @kageyamasgirl @deafeningart @minibobabottle @franko-pop @moonlightaangel @throughtheinterstices @micasaessakusa
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gpsoftun · 3 years
I just don't know anymore. The X-movies are so troubling rant-tacious. So many asinine, needless choices. Why can't I forget them? My kingdom for a telepath.
Grand.... Princess
ATG:..... Professor X?
Prof X: Yes, my dear, it is I.
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Did you really think we would allow you to spiral into the dark place alone, oh frustrated feline?
ATG: WHAT?! Magneto, you're here, too?!
Magneto: Alas, my inclination for a theatrical entrance makes my punctuality shy of your Professor's.
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Prof X: Your mind is much too troubled, dear girl.
ATG: I know, okay? I take these stupid movies too seriously.
Prof X: If only those behind the camera would do the same. No, you're troubled because you know the truth.
Magneto: We are not those cinematic caricatures that have smeared our names since the turn of the century.
Prof X: Magnus is no spineless serial predator.
Magneto: And it takes a fool's mind and a liar's tongue to decree Charles Xavier the villain of any story.
ATG: I know, right? I don't understand how hardly anyone gets how twisted these writers are.
Prof X: Because whatever talents you possess, the ability to turn off your brain is not one of them.
Magneto: Similarly, you cannot simply switch on your downstairs brain like certain other.... Zealous fanatics.
ATG: Oh, you mean the Wolverine action fanboys and the slash fangirls.
Magneto. Yes.... Are they aware I've fathered four children?
Prof X: Magnus, please do not reason why with the same people who all too giddily pair a teenage boy with his adult mentor if both are relatively attractive.
Magneto: How you retain hope for the current generation I'll never know.
Prof X: Don't you see what's really going on here?
Magneto: The disaster of days of future past, that abysmal apocalypse, that disrespectful dark phoenix. What- or whether who- is the common denominator?
ATG: Kinberg.
Prof X: Yes. Simon. Kinberg.
ATG: Simon Kin.... Whoa, wait.... Simon Kinberg is the Shadow King?! That untalented dork?
Magneto: No, the late great Stan Lee really did intend the X-Men as an allegory in favor of anarchy and the underlying irredeemable evil within all holocaust surv- of course he's the Shadow King, daff girl.
ATG: But.... What?! What was the point of any of this? They try to show white men as the villains, but they only wind up demonizing the so-called marginalized groups. And none of it even matters because nothing improves and the world ends horribly.
Prof X/Magneto: Exactly.
ATG: Come again?
Magneto: There is no profit to be had from peace. War is an economic boost, audiences soak up drama, and civil unrest keeps the propagandist media well fed.
ATG: That's worth ruining classic franchises, rioting, and stirring up decades-old hatred?
Magneto: Mere casualties in the grand scheme.
ATG: .... It's not going to get any better is it?
Professor X: Only much worse, I'm afraid. The cinema reflects it well. Haven't you noticed the pattern? The sprinkles of joy and promise in First Class and apocalypse, only to be followed up with unrelenting despair in days of future past, logan, and dark phoenix.
ATG: So, that's it? Hope is dead?
Professor X: No, but that is what they desperately want you to believe. Between the rapid rise of technology and the drastic decline in mental health, mass consumption and conformity are achieved with minute effort on the part of industry giants.
Magneto: They had you for a moment there, didn't they? Your chapter updates are practically nonexistent.
ATG: It's not like that. These last few years have been really busy-
Magneto: Exactly as you wanted it. You thought you could escape it through productivity. To the detriment of your body and mind.
ATG: Escape what?
Prof X: The pain, dear. First Class left you so dazzled, you wound up writing what may be your longest work. Building a community with all kinds of people from across the globe.
Magneto: Until the sequels arrived. Even prepared for the worst, you were nowhere near ready for the hurt they caused you. Even worse, seemingly the entire fandom gobbled it whole. Charles haters, misandry....
ATG: Okay, it is not that serious. They're just stupid movies.
Magneto: Recite that mantra until you're Mystique in the face, child. Maybe you'll eventually convince yourself.
ATG: Why are *you* even here? Don't you have an apologist to prey on?
Magneto: And there it is. What was done to Erik Lehnsherr was so wretched, you tried to push me, the real Magneto, away.
ATG: No, I didn't.
Magneto: Really? Where we first met, your beloved 90s series, you only very recently could bring yourself to revisit it after, what, five years or so?
ATG: So, you're the telepath now?
Magneto: Silly girl, we've been with you all along. You thought Michael Fassbender would be the fully realized version of me. He was supposed to set things right, wasn't he? Make amends. Protect Charles. Uplift you.
ATG: No! I don't care.
Magneto: Don't flatter my cinematic disgrace by mimicking his lies. He failed you, didn't he?
ATG: Yes.
Magneto: A wound you could not understand and most certainly not voice. Who would hear you out? Even if someone would, they wouldn't really care about your pitiful obsession. You didn't fit into this fandom. You still don't.
ATG: I'm not here to fit in. Mocking McKellen doesn't come with cool street cred.
Magneto: That Shakespearean ham wasn't fit to don my boots, let alone my helmet. Michael Fassbender didn't fail. The studio failed him. They don't have a clue as to who I really am. But you do. Ever since you were a little girl. Michael alone did not inspire hundreds of chapters from you.
ATG: How do you know?
Magneto: As if you don't already have the answer. Was I ever contemptuous towards Hank McCoy?
ATG: No. You tried to break him out of jail. You let him visit Asteroid M.
Magneto: Would I honestly prey on a woman? Choke them? Try to kill them?
ATG: Never. You loved your wife and your daughter. You helped Rogue, Storm, and Jubilee against the sentinels. You kept them safe. You were so happy to learn you had another daughter out there.
Magneto: How do I treat my fellow mutants?
ATG: With respect, even the ones you don't agree with. You'll fight them but never use excessive force. You were so good to them on Asteroid M.
Magneto: Would I publicly assassinate a politician or pull off another ridiculous spectacle to put mutants on government radar?
ATG: No way. If you believed a homo sapien death was necessary, you would do it in private. Reluctantly. You only went public to free the mutants and take them home to the asteroid.
Magneto: If given the opportunity, would I eliminate the entire human race?
ATG: Ha! You would never sacrifice the innocent along with the guilty. You got in Apocalypse's face on that one.
Magneto: My son?
ATG: He rejected you at first, but you stopped a major plan to go help save him. He went into your arms and you thanked God for him. You likely made up with Wanda, too.
Magneto: And what of your Professor? Am I his abuser? A parasite? Appear only once a decade to torment him?
ATG: That is such bull! You're opponents but respected colleagues; best friends; brothers. You'll drop anything to meet him in the middle of nowhere if he needs you and he'd do the same for you. If you can't save his life, you'll likely end your own trying.
Magneto: Precisely, Princess. You know the truth and you have all along.
Prof X: You thought you were pushing past your hurt feelings. But they only continued to build. You were too unwell to express them until recently. Now, all of that ill will is flowing straight to your fingertips. Your rants and musings, shared with the world without shame.
Magneto: As you identify with Charles and others with me, there are those who also absorb the real villains. There's many a shadow king plaguing the world.
ATG: Especially now. I'm just worried I can't keep this up. That I'll withdraw again.
Prof X: You won't heal entirely overnight. But you've already taken the first steps on the road to recovery. Don't allow your own mind to imprison you. Continue reaching out to others.
Magneto: We all have different gifts. However, none of us are permitted to horde them solely for ourselves. Write, ruminate, and write more.
Prof X: You articulated it well just the other night. If we must die, it will not be on our knees.
ATG: Thank you, Prof. Magneto- you're decent also.
Magneto: And you need to get posted then to bed.
Prof X: Let's aim a tad higher than four hours of sleep tonight, shall we?
Um..... Charles' Angels Unite 😇
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all-about-seggs · 4 years
Birthday Smash -
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Rating: 18+, Mature
Pairing : Timeskip! Birthday boy Kuroo x female reader.
Word count: 1.5 k
Warning's: Smut, Birthday sex, Thigh riding, face riding, blow job ( could be considered as bit of somnophilia but I'm not sure, everything is consentual tho), established relationship, the reader is on top but Kuroo still doms.
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You gazed at your wrist one more time before pushing the key card into the overpriced hotel suite your boyfriend was staying at. It was quarter to twelve, just fifteen minutes until his birthday. Even though you both were at the point of your relationship where you didn't have to make grand gestures for every occasion, you wanted to help him relax atleast on his special day.
Entering with a soft click, not wanting to be found out, you looked around the place, it was oddly romantic, the bedroom was seperate from the living space, most of the furniture having classy beige themes, beside the main couch, there was a little round table lined with scented candles. Atleast now you knew this place wasn't Kuroo's pick, although his company was the one providing for his lodgings, you still expected more of a business casual look but you didn't have time to complain considering you still had a surprise to pull off.
The last time you called Kuroo today was just after dinner, so if he wasn't working right now, he would most likely be either taking a bath or on his way to bed and both of the options gave you a good opportunity to ambush him. Putting your stuff on the nearby chair, you tiptoed your way into the bedroom to see your tired boyfriend stretched out in the huge king sized bed on the riser with two steps leading up to it.
His toned body peeking out from beneath his disheveled bathrobe ,indicating he just came from his bath. The large fluffy pillows, crisp white sheets and the light coming from the floor to ceiling windows next to the bed gave the room a picturesque view. He seemed half asleep, so you approached him carefully, now that you got a closer look you realised he wasn't wearing any underpants. You were going to wake him up anyway and the opportunity to make it the best wake up call just presented itself, dangling right in front of you, so it was in your best interest to grab it.
He was lying on his back, a position he only started to use after the two of you began dating, so that you could cuddle a little before sleeping. You crawled on the opposite side of the bed, slowly making you way towards his exposed legs, deciding it's best to just kneel beside him than over him. You pushed the last piece of the bathrobe covering his cock aside and started giving his tip small kitten licks. You wondered if would freak out, thinking you're some random women or maybe he wouldn't even wake up, thinking he's dreaming because let's face it, Kuroo can be a dork sometimes despite his natural cunning.
His previously soft member started to swell by the time you grabbed his shaft, stroking it gently. You didn't want him to wake up just yet, atleast not until he was throbbing in your mouth, his sleepy face just on the verge of cumming was a sight you wanted to see, but it's physically difficult for anyone to keep sleeping when they have someone mouth on their crotch so his legs soon started twitching. You lifted your head to check his face but his eyes were still closed, boy were gonna get teased like hell after he wakes up. You could imagine him saying stuff like," hooooo~ y/n chan.... If you were that thirsty for me that you could've just asked for my cum when I was awake." With that shit eating grin of his. He's nothing if not explicit with his teasings but that's wasn't enough to stop you from milking him till he was dry.
You picked up your pace, taking more of his cock in your mouth, using one of your other hand to massage his balls, you were doing if hard enough that it wouldn't surprise you if he woke up but there was no movement from his side. You kept on your ministrations until you felt him twitch in your mouth, he was close, you thought about stopping since you expected him to wake up before cumming but just as you were about to pull yourself up, you felt a hand on top of your head gently grabbing your hair.
"...what's wrong babe?.... aren't you gonna finish", his voice was a bit groggy as he propped himself on his elbows, staring at your cum smeared face, his hard cock still halfway in your mouth. The jerk must've been awake for a while now if he's able to talk so smoothly right of the bat or worst yet, wasn't asleep at all. It was annoying how he could keep a cool front all the time.
You squeezed his balls, hoping to get a reaction out of him but he kept on giving you his signature toothy grin. You started sucking on his tip while your hand pumped his shaft, knowing he was on the verge of cumming. He bucked his hips slightly, finally letting that string of moans you were waiting to hear. You pulled him out with a pop, focusing solely on stroking him, harder and harder untill he came all over his stomach and inner thighs.
"Haaa....that was mean y/n chan.....I thought you were really thirsty with the way you jumped on me in my sleep", he said grabbing you by your hair once again, giving his hold a slight pull untill your face was in front of him," but here you are wasting it all". There it was, his dirty mouth you are so used to and his lust filled bedroom eyes urging you make a comeback of your own.
" You knew I'd come didn't you", giving him a stink eye you were hoping he'd fess up. It all made sense, from the oddly huge and romantic suite to his overly sexy getup, he was luring you in all along waiting for his 'surprise'.
" I just knew you wanted to please you hardworking boyfriend~", you had to roll your eyes at that, but he was right about you wanting to please him. He kissed you softly, knowing full well that your night was just beginning. You quickly pulled the skirt of your dress up reveling your uncovered pussy, Kuroo raised an eyebrow at that.
" Well I am a woman on a mission you know", with a smirk you shifted until your wet nether lips were hovering just above his thick muscular thighs. You kissed him again, hard, as he grabbed your hips to pull you on his thigh. The feeling of your sloppy cunt against him made his thigh clench in anticipation, you began rubbing your pussy the sturdy surface he provided. Your movements brought pressure on the soft nub of your cunt, which sent shivers across your body, causing it to heat up.
He pulled his face back, you looked so cute to him, enjoying yourself so much on just his thighs, he had to be an ass, " so y/n, where's my present.....", His tone was joking but you wanted to shut him up for good this time, not wasting another second, you pushed him down the bed roughly and a few seconds later your cunt was straddling his face.
"Here it is.....your 'present' honey~", you cooed sarcastically above him as you braced yourself on the headboard.
" Is this what you meant when you say you'd take me to an all you can eat buffet, cuz if it is, then it's cringey", he said with a laugh, complaining halfheartedly, he grabbed your thighs to position himself, taking a moment to admire your puffed up pussy drenched in your juices. " Spread yourself for me babe, I atleast deserve a good view", something about his talkative nature in bed made you nervous no matter how many times to have fuck. You did as you were told, bringing two of your fingers near your pussy, you spread your glistening lips to until your entire cunt was in display.
With a hum and his typical "good girl", Kuroo went straight for your clit, not touching any other part until you were overstimulated. He gave your sex a long lick, twirling his tongue around your entrance as his hands kept massaging your inner thighs. Your voice begain cracking form his ministrations and It wasn't soon before you felt your orgasm approach, his movements were steady, relentless in their teasing. Your clit was throbbing and your pussy kept on getting wetter until you were certain your juices were dripping down your boyfriend's face which he devoured with a hum. You arched your back pushing yourself further down his face and moaning uncontrollably as your hips bucked to match Kuroo's rhythmic actions.
You came with a loud moan, calling his name till your orgasm passed. You lied in top of him as you both panted to catch your breaths. Turning around, you saw his bedside clock, reveling its way past 12. But the disappointed was overwritten with the blissful afterglow so you just settled for staring lovingly at his sweat slicked, cum smeared face.
"Ready for round two", his voice regained its challenging tone but this time all you could feel was gentle adoration towards your tricky faced boyfriend. With all its ups and downs you keep yourself connected to each other in so many ways, you had to show your appreciation somehow. You took his face in your hands, rubbing soft circles across his cheeks as you leaned in,
"Happy birthday my love".
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carnelianns · 4 years
(Ikesen and Ikevamp) Sorry if this has been asked before. But how about an MC who went back to her own time only to find out she was pregnant. How would the boys reaxt if she comes back somehow a few years later but with a young child she says is theirs.
im sorry for keeping u waiting this long anon huhu,, i only did the vamps but, if my askbox allows, i’ll come back to do the sen boys too ! i didn’t have a specific gender for their children so jus imagine the lil rascal any way u want
Napoleon Bonaparte
When you come back through that door with a fascinated child holding your hand, it’s him you meet first again, and the tears are already glossing his eyes over before you can say anything.
He literally has no words when you smile gently, saying it’s his. Napoleon swallows the bump in his throat before making his way to the both of you, holding the two of you in his arms for only god knows how long.
“I.. can’t wait to live my life with you both, nununche,” he mumbles into your hair, ears slightly tinged, only causing you to laugh at his adorable antics.
As a father, he isn’t very strict, and he isn’t all that good in child-rearing, either. But he tries — you have to keep reminding yourself of this when you catch them in a compromising position, usually when you see your child holding a foil with a goofy smile.
“Nunuche.. I can explain,” Napoleon says calmly when you first find the two of them — well, three; it seems Jean was in on this little practice, though he quickly bolted when he saw you — parading around the training room with the foils.
“Mamma, papa said he was the King! He teached me how to be King!” Your child exclaims, flailing the weapon around excitedly as your gaze only darkens.
“Well, you see, I meant emperor, but—” his words die down when he sees your unimpressed face practically dripping with the murderous intent he’s so used to fighting against on the battle field
Slowly kneeling down to meet your child’s eyes, you see him whispering something incoherent before the little one nods seriously, slowly putting down the foil.
Then, as if counting down ‘3, 2, 1′, Napoleon immediately hoists your child up in his arms, running out of the room as both his laughter and your child’s squeals echo throughout the halls.
“Napoleone di Buonaparte, get your ass back here right now!” You scream, running after them.
“3, 2, 1 — Vive L’Empereur!” The two of them scream back, before bursting into laughter. They’re always in sync. It’s exasperating.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
“That child is.. mine?” He asks, slightly jaw-slacked, pointing at the child that undeniably looks like him, if the identical beauty mark or violet eyes are anything to go by.
“Do you.. not want—”
“I never said that,” he instantly cuts you off, going over to kneel at the confused child. With a slight smile, in an attempt to hold his tears back, he manages, “So.. how was spending time with that clumsy mother of yours?”
Mozart doesn’t really know how to spend time with his child, though he’s clearly not opposed to carrying the little rascal around on his shoulders, or dragging the child clinging onto his leg around when stubbornness bites.
You often don’t know what he’s thinking whenever he spends time with your child, or the whole situation, but rest assured, he wouldn’t change it for the world, despite how he may look.
A clear example of this is when you once walked into the piano room only to see your little darling on top of the grand white piano itself, snoozing on top of a small comforter whilst your lover plays the soft tunes you’ve grown to love.
Shock holds you captive as you stare at the lovely sight, before finally trailing off, “Mozart..”
Without so much as glancing at you, he replies, voice hushed in a soft tone you don’t hear so often. The blissful smile on his face speaks thousands of words.
“I thought you were the only one foolish enough to let your guard down in front of me… It seems I was wrong.”
Leonardo da Vinci
He had an inkling the moment he saw the child sporting caramel eyes so similar to his own, tawny gaze regarding the large mansion with wonder.
And when you did reveal that the child is actually his, he only pulled you close to his chest, hoisting the little one up with his other arm.
“Papa has a lot of time to make up to you, doesn’t he?”
Leonardo is good with children, if it isn’t obvious. Not in your conventional dad way wherein he brings the child to school — in fact, he probably fell asleep in the hallway just when the two were about to leave — but he's awfully good at keeping his child entertained.
Running around the mansions, creating new inventions, learning a new language — sometimes, you have to remind yourself that this child’s father is literally Leonardo da Vinci.
A position you often see them in, however, is snoozing on the floor, probably near the library, your child a small ball curled into Leonardo’s arms and head in the crook of his neck.
“Again? Really?” You can only huff, though that doesn’t stop the small smile from spreading on your face as you brush the locks of hair out of your lover’s face.
“Cara mia,” he rasps out, cracking a bleary eye open and gripping your wrist softly. Then, he smiles, all sorts of soft and lovely and.. unguarded.
“You two.. are the best things that have happened to me.”
Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur tries swallowing back the lump in his throat when he sees you standing in front of that damned door, though to no avail as a tear slips.
He starts full-on crying when you say that you’re back for good and that the child is his, and he’ll have to be comforted by yours and your child’s tiny arms before he even plans to stop.
“Ah, crying like that on our first meeting… Don’t you think your fath — I’m a bit embarrassing?” He asks, sniffling as he musters a smile.
Your child giggles, blue eyes crinkling. “No! Mommy told me a whooooole lot about you, daddy!”
He has to stop himself from sobbing again.
Arthur wastes no time in making up for what he’s missed, and every single day is one you’d find the two of them either in town or messing about at home.
If not, then they’re probably just chilling in the comforts of his room, doing god knows what. The day you peek in to see what exactly they were up to was a blessed day.
Maneuvering yourself in a way that lets you see through the tiny crack of the open door, your jaw drops at the adorable sight of your child in a tiny deerstalker and trench coat far too big for his form, Arthur nodding with a serious look on his face.
“So, Watson, do you think crepes make mummy happier?” Your child asks, holding his magnifying glass up — one you’re sure is from Leonardo — like a mic in front of Arthur’s face.
He strokes his chin for a moment, before answering, “Seeing her reaction when we gave her the ones we bought yesterday, I deduce they do, Sherlock.”
“Good dedoo – deduck – deduction, Watson! I thought so too.”
Your heart literally melts. The two are far too cute for you, you having to calm yourself before walking in with the widest smile on your face. Dorks. 
Vincent van Gogh
When you meet those familiar, cerulean eyes from your place in front of the door, they’re already glossy in seconds, a flurry of emotions clear on Vincent’s face, though his smile says it all.
“Is it too much to say I’ve been waiting for you this whole time?”
Vincent would be practically wallowing in regret that he wasn’t able to be a part of his child’s life for the first few years, leading him to do any and everything that will cause his child to smile. In simpler terms, he’s basically wrapped around the little one’s finger.
He’s so adorable and happy that he’s blessed with your lovely child, and there’s an immediate smile on his face when he so much as thinks about the little blondie.
He literally makes the other residents question whether or not they want a child too.
Their bonding time is painting and, more often than not, it ends up with all three of you cramped in the shower, scrubbing furiously at the sticky paint on their skin.
“I’m sorry for having you do this all the time,” Vincent’s soft voice only makes you sigh in relaxation as he massages your shoulders from behind you, causing your fingers to halt in their journey of rubbing some blue paint off your child.
“It’ll take more than that if you wanna make it up to me,” you hum, leaning back into his chest and looking up into his bright eyes.
Your lips were just about to meet, when —
“Mam, I’m not clean yet!”
You groan, Vincent only laughing as you meet the crossed arms of your child pouting child.
“Don’t give your mammie too much of a hard time, okay?” He never forgets to take care of you above all, of course.
Theodorus van Gogh
When he first sees you after years with a child, his child, grasping your hand, Theo has to literally disappear to cool his head off because he’s angry.
Not at you, no, never, but at himself. That he wasn’t there for his child, for you, and god, even if he were, would he have been a good father?
“Hon — Schatje,” he starts, running his fingers through his already messy hair and staring at you with eyes that practically bleed insecurity, his voice breaking. “How am I supposed to take care of a child when I couldn’t even take care of you?”
After many reassuring words and gentle touches, Theo’s finally okay, holding up and scrutinising your child much like how he does a painting. He’s, well, awkward.
Theo is surprisingly very gentle with your child because he honestly doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing.
He’s also very grounded and doesn’t fall for cute little tricks that much either, so out of the residents, he’d be one of the better fathers.
“Nee.” “Papje, pleaaase?” “No. Non. Nee.”
Your lover’s fixed refusal causes you to peek your head into a lovely picture. Theo was holding a chocolate bar high above his head, steely gaze fixed on your young child with his puppy dog eyes in full view.
“Je mama said no chocolate, right?” Your heart warms when you realise he remembered your scoldings, though you can’t help but to feel bad for your whining baby.
“Theo,” you say, both their heads turning towards you. “How about you give the little baby some chocolate and we all enjoy some pancakes, yeah?”
The way both their eyes shine almost identically is adorable.
Dazai Osamu
When you showed up again with the child in hand, one he knows is his, his first thought, first wish, is that for that tiny thing to not be his. Because no one knows how harsh this world is more than the man who wished to end it all, so much more than once.
But Dazai makes up his mind when he sees you and your — his child staring up at him with those eyes that look so much like your own. He makes up his mind, despite his own continuous suffering, that he’ll never let this child go through what he had to.
“Was I staring too much?” He smiles, slightly sad and, well, empty. “I suppose it’s because the little one looks far too much like you.” Bright. Too bright for me.
As a father, he’s surprisingly really good with children? He quite enjoys seeing your child smile more than anything, and one way he knows how to do so is by perching the little one on his shoulders, running around the mansion as his hands intertwine with small, tiny fingers.
You don’t know whether to yell at him and his close-eyed grin, or simply laugh at the resonating giggles of your child. Probably both as you chase the two down the halls.
Dazai often zones out whenever he’s playing with your child, a look you can only describe as pure bliss on those handsome features of his. As you stare up at him, confusion clear on your features, you ask, “Hey, Dazai, why do you.. Zone out so much? Whenever you’re with, you know,” you motion to the snoozing one in between the both of you.
“Why do I zone out, you ask?” He gives you a smile, a real one this time, and gently pokes at the little ones cheeks. “I think.. I’ve found a wonderful reason to live, is all.”
Isaac Newton
“That’s… mine??” “That?” “... It?” “It?” “The.. child?”
Isaac is very flustered, for lack of better terms. He can barely manage the children he and Napoleon go see intermittently, but his own child? Lord, help him.
He gets awfully flushed whenever he’s carrying his child around the mansion because even then, he isn’t spared by Arthur and Dazai’s teasing remarks — in fact, it only seems to have gotten worse.
Isaac is surprisingly good at getting your rascal child to sleep with his bedtime stories, which are usually all his unsaid rambles.
“And did daddy get that bruise on his forehead because he slipped while chasing Uncle Dazai and Uncle Arthur?”
Your child nods, bright eyes sparkling and toothy grin showing. “Daddy also said, ‘Get back here, you devilish imbeciles!’”
Your accusatory gaze turns towards Isaac, who averts his eyes, holding an ice pack to his bruising forehead.
“I-In my defense, they were—”
“One more time, Isaac, and I’m changing this baby’s legal godfathers to the two imbeciles you love so much.”
Gaping, his eyes widen to the size of saucers, “You wouldn’t.”
“Try me.”
He is now a grumbling mess when the two are around his child, but the lack of chasing them around with a stick in hand can be counted as an upgrade.
Jean d’Arc
When you walk through that door once more, nervously telling your lover that this child is his, you’re afraid of his reaction — after all, Jean is, despite his vampiric aging, barely an adult himself.
His jaw drops and he can’t stop staring at you nor the child with his inky locks, and you have to help him sit and calm down.
“Papa?” Your child asks, staring up at the still slightly panicked Jean as you hold your breath.
He stares for a moment, mouth wide, before finally, finally smiling, albeit a little awkward and rough around the edges. “Yes, little one?”
He’s extremely unaccustomed to this whole parent thing and can barely do anything without asking you first, so he feels bad quite often for having to lean on you so much.
Although he barely knows how to handle a sobbing child, nor can he entertain the child very well, you find that the both of them are quite content in each other’s presence as is.
Jean, well, looks ethereal as the sun shines through the windows in his room, a gentle smile gracing his face as he stares at his sleeping child.
He utters your name, causing you to look up, only to find him tracing circles around your child’s soft skin.
“Is this.. how it’s like to be happy?”
William Shakespeare
When Shakespeare wakes up to the news that you are, in fact, back at the mansion with a little surprise, he’s already there in no time.
He didn’t expect the little surprise to be a little child that’s practically an identical copy of him. But he’s always been more of a shoot first, ask questions later type of guy, so he immediately whisks you off to his manor, much to the exasperation of the residents who were surprisingly enjoying their time with the little Shakespeare lookalike.
Except he doesn’t really need to ask questions, because he’s already figured everything out through your soft, slightly nervous gaze, and your lovely little mannerisms.
“Alas, it seems the Heavens were kind enough to grant my wish,” he says as he stares at your child, only smiling to meet your confused gaze. “For I only wished you weren’t too lonely without my presence.”
William is always with his child, whatever the circumstances. Though he quite enjoys showing off his child, he’s also keen on spending his every waking second with the little tyke because he knows how it feels like to grow up lonely, and he wouldn't bestow that upon his own little one.
“Darling, it appears I has’t gotten myself into a slight predicament.”
If you could, you would have snapped a picture of your smiling lover practically itching to get up, yet unable to do so due to the sleeping child in his lap.
“And how did you get yourself into this predicament, my love?” You tease, your own smile on your face. He has a habit of reading his writings aloud, and it seems the little one fell asleep to William’s gentle voice.
“My works seem to be but a mere bedtime story to this little one,” he motions to the child, his smile softening. “I wonder why it does not dishearten me.”
Comte de Saint-Germain
“I was hoping you’d be back, ma chérie.” His perfunctory smile betrays the inner flurry of emotions inside him as he glances towards the child. “With a lovely little thing in hand.”
“Your lovely little thing,” you say gently, and the surprise outlining his normally composed face is something you’d forever save in your mind.
Comte is wrapped around the little one’s finger, his rotten spoiling being the effect of not being in your child’s life for a good while, and, of course, his indispensable regret for having you come back to him.
Many times have you asked Sebastian the whereabouts of your lover and your child, only for him to give you the look, responding that they were out yet again, and are probably not coming back without a few shopping bags in hand.
Then, to finally put a stop to it all, you decided to conduct a harmless experiment.
Placing a few coins on one side of his desk, a toy in the middle, and a beloved fruit on the side. After explaining to him that it’s to see what your child’s fate would be — picking between fortune, fun, and, well, snacks, you think — he simply leans back, interest shining in those eyes of his.
Unsurprisingly for you, your child pushes all these away in a second, opting to hug the wide-eyed man on the soft armchair behind the desk.
“And what.. does this mean, ma chérie?” He asks, honest-to-god confused as his hands slowly wrap around your child’s form.
You smile softly, “Isn’t it obvious, silly? The little rascal loves you more than anything.”
His eyes are suspiciously glossy before he laughs it off, preparing for yet another shopping spree — you regret everything.
He only gives you a knowing smile when you pass through the door with a young child gripping your hand.
“So.. this is the little one, is it?” He asks, tone soft as he walks towards you, wrapping a sturdy arm around your waist and meeting eyes with his child. “I’m a strict father, mind you.”
“Sebastian!” “I was joking. Slightly.”
Despite being a father, Sebastian is as strict and precise as ever around the mansion, rarely having to leave either his work or his family unattended due to his impeccable time management skills.
And if he struggles with both, well, he just has to merge them into one task, doesn’t he? Many are the times wherein the residents catch Sebastian working, his little runt on his tail or on his hip.
“They’re at it again, you know,” Mozart says in passing, only causing you to groan.
“Sebastian! How many times have I told you not in the kitchen?” You exclaim, walking into the kitchen to find your lover and your child tackling yet another chore together.
It seemed to be baking this time, if the flour on both of their faces says anything.
“Mama!” Your child exclaims with powdered hands as Sebastian says blankly, “We’re doing chores.”
You merely roll your eyes, sighing as you walk out the room. Your apology comes later when a sloppy cupcake makes its way into your view.
Your eyes move up to your proud looking child, hair obviously patted down in an attempt to look presentable while your lover sports a tiny grin on his own face.
“We made this for you, mom! Papa said he wanted to make you reaaaally happy.”
Sebastian’s head instantly snaps down, eyes narrowing, “Hey.”
You can only laugh at your two babies, taking a bite of the surprisingly good and sweeter than an average cupcake.
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vagrantblvrd · 3 years
That time there are to be talks about Mandalore joining the New Republic and so will be on Couscant?
New Republic all in a tizzy over keeping the King of Mandalore safe because Plot Reasons and such? Have a whole meeting about it and Luke wanders in fifteen minutes late with caf and “Is this a bad time?” and everyone is like, yes, him, the Jedi. PERFECT.
Luke and Leia are like, “Did we not mention thing about the Ancient Enemies Thing?”
But Luke really should have thought about that before he didn’t get caf for the rest of the class, now be prepared to bodyguard the shit out of the King of Mandalore.
Meanwhile, back on Mandalore Din can no longer throw himself through windows in a bid to escape his fate as King of Mandalore as Bo-Katan and her people welded them shut.
He’s got his flamethrowers though, maybe he can melt the metal enough to escape? He can hear the Slave I outside, freedom awaits!!1!
But alas, it is not meant to be as Bo-Katan’s people - “You’re people, you ass!” - tackle him.
Bo-Katan looks at him, this mighty warrior who won the throne of Mandalore in single combat - and sighs.
“We’ve found you a Jedi,” she says, because the man is stubborn to a fault and has been on about finding a Jedi for his tiny green gremlin kid for forever. “He’ll be at the talks.”
And Din, okay, suspicious because the last Jedi he talked to was indeed very nice and honorable and gave him an awesome beskar spear, but she refused to teach Grogu.
What makes Bo-Katan so sure this Jedi will do it?
Bo-Katan is just, “You have realized Jedi are rather scarce, have you not?”
And Din, okay, he has noticed that. It’s inconvenient and can lead to Bad Things Happening such as being eaten alive by a krayt dragon.
Oh, it’s not important, forget he mentioned it.
But since Jedi are indeed scarce, Din take it upon himself to bodyguard the shit out of the Jedi, because the whole Grogu Thing.
Two awkward dorks with awkward flirting and the whatnot? Tours of the city and whatnot, happening across one another on a balcony or walkway at night when they can’t sleep.
One of them mentions missing seeing the stars, because planet-wide city and light pollution and they feel so out of place here. Startled looks and admissions of growing up on Tatooine or, uh, wherever Din grew up and so on.
Other small truths about themselves, and go their separate ways feeling a little less unsettled, and so on.
Grogu’s Grand Heist in which he pilfers, idk, cookies or some such from Din and ~flees the scene of the crime. Din being like oh, man, c’mon kid, no, not now because the man is tired, okay.
Dealt with double-talking politicians and the like all day and only a few of them are worth talking to in his opinion, and then the fanfare of it all and he’s tired, you know?
And yet he must chase after tiny green gremlin kid because potentially dangerous place and Grogu is trouble incarnate and anyway, Din literally runs into the Jedi in his haste.
Looking under benches or at some spot of greenery in  courtyard that he swears is giggling, and oh, hey, what do you know it’s the Jedi.
Who is holding a smug Grogu, cookie crumbs on his little face and all.
More awkward flirting and such and anyway, yes.
Assassination attempts in which the two of them do their best to bodyguard the other, only to be thwarted because Din jumps in front of a blaster for Luke and Luke mows down some knock-off Dark Troopers for Din.
Also, also, that time they had to hide in a tiny, tiny storage closet because Plot Reasons.
(Mainly avoiding Leia who is looking for them, why are they like this and there is a meeting they should be at!!1! but it’s honestly an unimportant meeting and anyway, it’s more fun playing hooky. More time for awkward flirting and all.)
Both of them doing their best to protect the other because Duty? And while it starts out like that, it’s because they went and caught FEELINGS for one another and now everything is full of Pining and complicated and the absolute worst.
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egelantier · 3 years
Tian Guan Ci Fu
where is it and what is it
it’s a chinese webnovel by mxtx, the same author who did untamed; it exists as a webnovel, finished and kindly translated here, the manhwa, the donghua (animated adaptation) happening right now, and there’s a live action adaptation in plans, directed by the same guy who did untamed. the donghua is gorgeous, the adaptation i’m unsure about but prepared to be hopeful, the manhwa seems to be very pretty. but all the adaptations only cover the very beginning of the novel for now, so i went ahead and read the novel, and i have no regrets. it helps that the translation is very good - not without awkward translatorese, but it has consistent and engaging flow and style, and it’s also pretty good at conveying mxtx’s humor without awkwardness. it reads pretty well.
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what’s it about?
the world is split into two parts: mortals and various ghosts and demons and entities share the land, while ‘heaven officials’, aka gods, live in the heavenly kingdom in the sky. pretty much anybody can become a god if they do something really heroic or memorable and/or cultivate (meditation, training, virtuous behavior) really hard. when above, the gods rule their domains and fulfill their believers’ wishes; they work sort of like pratchettian gods, dependent on their followers’ beliefs and getting influenced by them. heavens are strictly hierarchical, with their own economy and pecking order, and the gods aren’t particularly sinless or benevolent; mostly it’s a question of scale.
our hero, xie lian, is a prince of a prosperous kingdom who’s been on a fast track to ascension for most of his very short life; he’s talented, he’s virtuous, he’s kind, he’s strong, and his only peculiar flaw is (somehow naive, but well-meaning) obsession with equality and value of human lives and so on. he becomes a god, unexpectedly, at seventeen, after slaying one especially dangerous god, and rises in heaven at the peak of his faith, influence and happiness.
…and then he finds out about drought and incipient trouble in his own kingdom, and, being a young and righteous god too close to his mortality, eschews heavens and returns to save everybody. it, to put it lightly, does not go well. at all. in fact, it goes catastrophically wrong, and, having lost everything, xie lian ascends again, only to get into a fight with the heavenly emperor, and get banished again, this time for good. he roams the mortal lands for next eight hundred of very lonely, luckless and hard years, technically immortal but not invincible, with his powers and his luck stripped away, and leans to make do, eking out a living as a scrap collector. his temples are desecrated, his name is forgotten, his kingdom is long gone, and - well. so it goes.
so it goes! until one day, to everybody’s great surprise, he ascends once again: a humble, gentle, immune to embarrassment, unflappable man, an embarrassment to heavens, a 'laughingstock of three realms’ who just wants to be left well enough alone. he’s Tired.
instead of rest, he gets sent to investigate a dangerous ghost stealing brides who pass through its mountain, and there, during the course of the interrogation, has his first (he thinks) meeting with a terrifying, old-powerful and vengeful ghost king named hua cheng, who likes to terrorize heavens from time to time. but said ghost king seems to be very benevolent and very interested in helping xie lian, and xie lian is pretty instantly smitten… with knowing what’s the cause of such interest.
…and meanwhile, in the beginning, there'was an unlucky boy, born under the worst stars, whom xie lian saved from falling once, while still mortal, and promptly lost track of. a lot of things happened to this boy, who wanted to be the most devoted worshipper to xie lian the god of the sword and the flower. as one does, you know.
that’s the beginning! from there on: investigations, heavenly secrets, old friends and enemies and acquaintances, thematic parallels, old tragedies, more pining than you can shake a stick at, grand acts of love.
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is it good?
it’s very, very good. it’s the first fantasy cnovel i read (aside from the hilarious one about a guy traveling back in his own timeline and becoming a sugar baby to a mafia boss, which was in a very different league), so i don’t know which things are baseline and which things are unique, but it had a very solid foundation: ambitious multilevel, multi-timeline plot coming together in the end both events- and emotions-wise, beautifully iddy main relationship, maybe multifaceted characters who change and grow and clash together in fun ways, a clear and heartfelt understanding of its own core themes.
it’s also, unexpectedly, very funny, in this visual, slapsticky, begs-to-be-adapted way - i found myself laughing out loud over it a lot of times, and it possesses this gift of swerve between understated but earnest emotions and all-out jokes that i associate with… a bit of prattchett and a bit of gintama, honestly. take it as you will.
(oh my god the mecha. i will laugh over this one until i die.)
it also made me cry several times; granted, it’s not like it’s this time, but those were very heartfelt tears.
and the main duo?
first let me say that xie lian was lifted out, wholesale, out of my deepest character preferences. he fell really, really far, and did some bad things, and some very horrible things were done to him, and by the time we meet him he went through everything and achieved this effortless kind of traumatized, humble, accepting, wryly self-deprecating, utterly competent chill that makes a character incredibly appealing to me. he’s kind, and he’s sweet, and he’s gotten any possible embarrassment at least a couple of centuries ago, and he kinda made peace with himself and kinda didn’t. i love him.
and, thankfully for me, hua cheng, the ghost king, loves him a whole damn lot, a ridiculous amount, an epic, over-the-lifetimes, life-shattering amount, and he’s a terrifying presence to everybody else and a shy, protective, sweet dork to xie lian, and every time they’re together on page my entire heart is just. it’s AMAZING. he’s a great combination of playing the obsessive protective yandere stalker-lover trope straight and putting it on its head, by making hua cheng not just revere but respect xie lian, in all his good and bad decisions.
they are just so - good for each other, holy shit. they get each other so well. they’re the best ever power team. i love them.
(the rest of canon is various character reenacting “really? in front of my salad?” meme at them. it’s hysterical, and it’s the best. everybody teams up to tell xie lian that his boyfriend is Problematic way, way before xie lian clues into the fact that he does have a boyfriend, and he’s having none of it. i love it.)
and the themes?
okay, so. roughly half of this novel is ridiculous iddy pining, and a fourth of it is various tropes (off the top of my head: soulbond, sex pollen, body switch, de-age, various shades of identity porn… crossdressing…) played very shamelessly. but it also really benefits from having an overarching set of ethical questions, and while it deals with them a bit shounen-style, it still deals with them, and it makes the whole text fresh, and sweet, and bold.
is it possible to save everybody? should you try to save everybody? if you lack the powers to back your convictions, does it make you complicit? when is it possible to stop the cycle of suffering, what can you do if you want to but can’t? if you tried and people you failed turned on you, whose fault it is, where does the blame stop?
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Detailed spoilers begin from here, and i would REALLY advise to stay unspoiled, because the domino reveals are very fun
i loved the various ways the novel sets all those pieces up and then overturns them and then returns to them. xie lian wanted to save everybody and it was arrogant naivete of an untried, untested, privileged young man who never had a real challenge before; his presence made things escalate quicker, and yet everybody around him pretended it was his attempt to make things better that ruined everything, and not a combination of factors outside of his control. and yet he accepts the blame, because it dovetails with his shame at not having enough powers to back his intent up; and yet his triumph over bai wuxian is that he doesn’t, after all, renege on his initial drive to help people.
my most favorite part of this novel is that its turning point, the lynchpin of the whole novel, the moment that keeps xie lian’s soul and safety intact, is not his personal purity and drive; it’s not even hua cheng’s devotion and sacrificial love. it’s just a moment of little, grudging, human kindness from a little, petty, rude man whom the history will sweep away soon. the bamboo hat in the rain. the rest of the plot keeps twisting and turning and coming back to itself, but this? this was unquestionably, beautifully clear, and i loved it. it’s never about the gods, it’s all down to - fallen human is human, ascended human is human, and human is not some state, virtuous or sinful, you get stuck with - it’s a multitude of choices, and there’s never a final one.
and incoherent spoilery screaming for people who read it already
oh my god i had SO MUCH FUN. i’ve been flailing on meme for days, because somebody just finished reading there too, and i’m still bursting with ALL THE FEELS. ruoye origins oh my god! that hat! jin wu’s backstory and ultimate end! e-ming’s praise kink! pei ming’s little shippery 'hoho’! hua cheng’s horribly handwritten stick and poke tattoo of xie lian’s name! the lanteeeeeeeeeeeeerns. feng xin and mu qing on the bridge, making up with each other and with xie lian! hua cheng trying to explain to xie lian that his habit of using himself as bait and pincushion at any given moment is deeply emotionally upsetting to him, and succeeding! banyue’s learning from xie lian to be a truly horrible cook! the entire deal with shi qingxuan and he xuan and the wind fan in the end. THE CAVE. THE GIANT MECHA. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and aaaaaaaaaaaaa and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and i am beset, beset by feelings. come scream with me.
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oikadori · 4 years
Oikawa x shy S/O
After match cuddles
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After winning a match, you wait for him down the stands. The team greet you “Heyyyy y/n!!!”, Makki and Mattsun smiled at you.  “You guys played amazing! Congratulations” Kunimi only nods and Kindaichi bows at you “T-Thank you y/n!!”.  Iwaizumi raises his hand at you, at first you were oblivious, but then you eagerly high-five it.
“Any reward for the captain?” Oikawa says with a smug look on his face, walking towards you confidently, he erases quickly the distance between both that you can even spot some sweat drops running down his neck. Your eyes widen for the proximity, you watch his chest go up and down still recovering from the match
Behind him were his fangirls as usual “Oikawa-kun!!! You did amazing!!!” You feel them staring at you as they gossip, The Grand King’s girlfriend. It is unwanted attention, that make you feel uncomfortable, and Oikawa knew it. He grabs your hand and makes soft circles over your knuckles. You blush under his touch
He examines your features with a tender look, he knows how you feel when his fangirls are around and that it is still hard for you to show affection in public…But with that tiny smile and reassurance look he gave you….I’m so weak for him, you lost it
Without thinking, you quickly lean on your tiptoes, and wrap your arms around his neck. Out of your character, you kiss him rough and deep. Oikawa doesn’t have time to process what is happening, after a few seconds he pulls you closer, still surprised by your intensity You break away the kiss gasping for air, Oikawa grunts a little, not ready to take away his lips over yours.
“Did you enjoy your prize?” you say not looking at him, still surprised by yourself. When you look at him, a small, proud grin appears on your lips 
Oikawa’s cheeks are tinted with red, and sparkles come from his eyes “What do I have to do to get more prizes like that?” he mumbles, wrapping his hands around your waist to hold you
His voice sounds vibrant close to your ear and his breath touches your neck . Suddenly you feel your cheeks boiling, and finally when you gather all your strength to answer before melting under his caresses“W-Well, you could... -”
“Oi, instead of standing in the middle of the  entrance, you can continue whatever you call that on the stands. Come on!!” Iwaizumi yells  at the two of you from the stairs. He is embarrassed because of you two tho he is happy for you as well “Iwa-chan!!” Oikawa pouts at him “ We will continue this upstairs, then” A smile forming on his lips confidently, as he grabs your hand to follow Iwaizumi
The rest of the afternoon Oikawa is laying with his back against your chest, the two of you fitting two seats so this dork can feel comfortable He holds your arms over his shoulders and plays with your fingers while he speaks about the ongoing matches. Every time you stroke his hair he softly sigh. From time to time he will just turn on his back to kiss you. 
After a while, he shifts a little so he can get a better look at your face, he stares at you for a minute.
 “What is it?...Is there something on my face??” you cock your eyebrows confused, and move your hands to your face, but Oikawa reaches out for them and giggles, still holding your small hands between his fingers.
“NO! Your face is beautiful as always... I’m just- I’m just so lucky to have you”, Oikawa says this without his usual cocky smile, you blink a few times, then he hugs you tightly and plant kisses al over your face
You desperately try to hide your burning cheeks with your hands, “Stop it Tooru!” , you whine at him unable to stop blushing even more “How can you be so cute???... I have to take a picture immediately!!!!” Oikawa shouts  laughing. “OIKAWA NOOOOO”
You are pouting, arms over your chest, when he quickly snuggles up close to your ear,  his voice turned hoarse. “Ohh, don’t get angry, I just want to have that cute face of yours saved for ME ONLY. After this you are not getting away from me....and maybe I get to see that wild side of yours, hmmm?” he whispers, resting his head on the croak of your neck. Your eyes go blank and you can’t stop thinking how Oikawa Tooru will be the death of you...
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Sorry I’m posting this again because honestly I felt it wasn’t ready
 oKAy SDDJJD so this is my second time writing stuff 🥴 , IDK what I’m doing. Hope you enjoy it tho!! :)
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