#the colours will heal/set slightly differently
cloudprincesslady · 6 months
got my first tattoo ever yesterday 😄
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I've thought for a long time that I either have an exceptionally good pain tolerance or incredibly bad. my new theory is that I feel pain very intensely but I tolerate it well anyway?
but yes in case it's not obvious: the three symbols represent Laura Bailey's characters in the three main campaigns of critical role! blue arrow for vex (beloved), pink lollipop for jester (beloved), and purple lightning for imogen (beloved)
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wheeboo · 3 months
dandelion | boo seungkwan
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SYNOPSIS. in which healing is a treacherous process, but when it's with you, seungkwan knows he will be okay. PAIRING. boo seungkwan x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, hurt/comfort (we comfort boo), established relationship WARNINGS. kissing, terms of endearment, lil talk abt marriage at the end WORD COUNT. 1.7k
notes: wanted to write a lil something for him after he released dandelion and it only took a v small crying sesh for me to finally write it 😭😭
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It's the first time in a long time you wake up without your boyfriend right next to you.
A few groggy groans escapes your lips, followed by a sharp gasp at the sudden rush of cool air meeting your skin when you sit up in bed. Your fingers curl tightly around the blanket, blinking away the dryness to your eyelids as you turn to peer outside the bedroom window.
The world still seems wrapped in a cloak of sleep, yet you spot a faint, ethereal glow peaking through the curtain of morning. A mix of a soft lavender and the faintest blush of a rose pink bleeds across the horizon, gently pushing back the remaining shadows of the night. It's a heartwarming sight to wake up to, but the warmth doesn't seep into your bones as much as it does when Seungkwan is right next to you.
Where had he gone anyway? He didn't text you if he had went anywhere, and it was still too early for him to be going to work.
Letting out a sigh, you swing your legs over, hissing slightly when the cold floor meets your bare feet, while still clutching the blanket around you like a makeshift cape. You pad across the wooden floor and head out of the bedroom, your mind still clutching to the hands of sleep as a yawn leaves you.
The living room is bathed in a soft, early morning light, its usual vibrancy appearing mute. The silence felt too heavy, devoid of the gentle snores and soft murmurs of endearment that usually accompanied your mornings. It's been like this for some time, and you don't really mind the quietness, but it does feel different.
As your feet drag you in the direction of the kitchen, you spot some movement in the corner of your eye. Your gaze trails towards the sliding door that led out to the apartment balcony, and that's where you spot him𑁋Seungkwan, bundled up in a comfortable set of baby blue pyjamas and hoodie, his back facing you with his phone held up high towards the sky. As you watch him for a few moments, you see the way he tilts his head slightly, trying to capture the picturesque sky on his phone screen.
The sight of him brings a familiar warmth to bloom inside your chest, chasing away the remnants of the chill that had settled on your skin. You quietly approach the door, lingering contemplatively for a few moments to simply watch your boyfriend. Seungkwan appears caught in a spell at the sight of the sky, his brow furrowed in concentration, and a hint of colour nipping at his cheeks from the cold, yet his shoulders seem relaxed for the first time in weeks.
Hesitantly, you slowly slide the door open, wincing at the cold that immediately gnaws at whatever exposed skin you had. When you fully step onto the balcony, you close the door behind you, wrapping the blanket tighter around your shoulders.
"Kwannie?" You call out sleepily.
Seungkwan jumps slightly at the sound of your voice, his phone coming back down to his side as he turns around with widened eyes. The soft morning light bathes his face, highlighting the remnants of sleep and a hint of lingering worry in his features. However, as his eyes wash over the sight of you all bundled cutely and sleepily in your blanket, it brings a flicker of warmth to his lips.
"What are you doing out here so early?" You ask softly, approaching him cautiously.
An embarrassed flush creeps up his neck as he mumbles under his breath, "Couldn't sleep."
A faint, understanding smile crosses your face, the worry in your heart dissipating slightly.
"I'm sorry, love," You reply, gesturing towards the balcony railing. "Mind if I join you?"
Seungkwan only nods, his gaze flickering back to the breathtaking canvas of colours spread across the sky. You step closer, keeping a respectful distance, and lean against the railing beside him. The silence returns, but this time it's not heavy, seemingly carrying a quiet hope for the new day dawning ahead.
"I wanted to try something new," he starts tentatively. "and I heard that watching the sunrise and getting fresh air could help clear your head, so I thought... maybe it would help me, too."
You turn towards him, tilting your head slightly, admiring the way the thin threads of sunlight catches in his hair, like there's a halo of soft gold surrounding him.
"Has it been working so far?" You ask gently, voice barely a whisper.
Seungkwan chuckles quietly and turns to meet your eyes. Admittedly, it's been helping so far; somehow, his mind feels a lot more clearer, his heart a bit lighter, but it's especially apparent when he gets to share these moments with you. Maybe you're secretly part of the reason that the sunrise feels so hopeful right now, or that the world feels a little brighter this morning. Then again, when do you not have that power?
"I think so. It's... really healing being out here," he replies with a hint of a smile, gaze lingering on you for a moment before returning to the sunrise. His voice is quiet when he adds on, "Especially now that you're here."
Your eyes widen slightly at his words, the warmth in your chest blooming even further. The silence between you remains comfortable, punctuated only by the soft chirping of birds waking up and stirring in the distance. You steal another glance at Seungkwan, noticing the way his eyes are glued to the sky, yet the corners of his lips are turned upward. He's so beautiful.
Stepping closer to him, you wrap your blanket around his shoulders as well and pull him lightly into your side. Seungkwan lets out a gasp of surprise, a wave of concern seeping into his face.
"You're cold, honey," he points out worriedly.
"It's okay," You interrupt, voice soft but firm as you adjust yourself so that you're standing behind him, letting your arms wrap around his waist comfortably. "I don't mind sharing."
The corners of Seungkwan's lips tug upwards when you snuggle closer to him. He leans back slightly, his head finding a comfortable resting place nestled against yours. A sigh of contentment escapes him, the sound warming you more than any blanket could.
"You didn't... have to come all the way out here for me," Seungkwan mutters quietly, voice tinged with regret. "I'm sorry for making you worried and keeping you up."
You rest your head atop his shoulder, closing your eyes and taking in his familiar scent of closeness.
"You know I can't fall asleep without you," You whisper reassuringly, fingers absently tracing patterns on his hoodie. "But I'd rather be out here with you than warm and cozy inside without you. And worrying about you... it's kind of my job, isn't it?"
A low hum of agreement leaves him, vibrating soundly against your embrace.
There's a certain pressure that Seungkwan feels in his chest, but it doesn't feel suffocating like all the days before. Perhaps it's the weight of the world, or maybe it's just the comfort of having you so close that fills up his heart to the brink of overflowing. It's almost as if he can breathe, like he can float without worrying about falling because you'll be there to catch him. Whatever it is, it feels right𑁋it always has when it's with you.
He can feel your heart beating steadily against his back, with each breath that you take a gentle reassurance that you're there, and that you're real. And with the world still half-asleep as the colours of dawn paint the sky, Seungkwan finds himself feeling more alive than he has in a long time, like a dandelion freely dispersing its seeds into the vastness of the sky.
"Do you want me to leave you alone now?" You ask a bit hesitantly, softly, knowing that he also needs his own space to think as well. "I can go cook some breakfast for us and make some coffee for you? I know you're working later."
The thought of work makes Seungkwan's shoulders slump in slight disappointment, but he knows he should be going back and adjust back into his regular rhythm of life. He turns his head to look at you, a grateful look to his face despite the fatigue lingering in his eyes.
"Yeah, okay," he mutters, yet as you uncurl your arms from around him, he stops you. "Wait. Can I..."
He stops mid-sentence, finding himself just standing there as you peer at him, waiting for him to continue. Gosh, he doesn't know why or how you always seem to make him so nervous, so small, even though you're the one wrapped up in blankets looking all adorable and pretty yourself.
He feels his cheeks burn at the stupid question swirling around him. So instead of just asking, he steps forward, closing the short distance between the two of you. Your eyes widen in surprise, but before you can utter a word, he leans in, his lips brushing softly against yours.
It's brief and quick, but enough to send a jolt of warmth coursing through both of you. And when Seungkwan pulls back, you catch the way his head drops to the floor, and a smirk makes its way onto your face.
"Boo Seungkwan," You call out his name almost dramatically. "Were you just about to ask to kiss me?"
Seungkwan just shrugs, fighting the embarrassment crawling up his neck. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"We've been together for literal years, and you still get shy about asking for a kiss?" You tease, letting a finger playfully tap his nose.
Seungkwan playfully bats your finger away, a genuine laugh escaping his lips for the first time that morning, and it brings a jump to your heart.
"Well, I..." He scratches the back of his neck bashfully. "I don't think I'll ever not be shy around you, you know..."
If it's possible for your heart to burst, then that's what probably sends that giddy feeling to course up your veins and a grin so wide it threatens to split your face in two.
"You're so damn cute," You say, leaning back in and placing another kiss to his lips. "When we get married, I'm writing in my vows that I promise to always tease you about this until the day I die."
Seungkwan lets out a choked laugh. "Marriage? Is that what I think you just said?"
A playful smile dances on your lips.
"Maybe," You drawl simply, enjoying the way his expression seems to fluster up even more. "But that's a conversation for another day, isn't it?"
Seungkwan blinks in surprise. He opens his mouth to respond, but the words seem to escape him as he searches your eyes and the silly grin to your face for any hint of a joke. When he finds none, he lets out a nervous chuckle, his heart racing with a mix of excitement and anticipation.
"Yeah," he murmurs shyly. "It is."
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Violets and Verbena
Word Count: 3k
Themes: fluff
Summary: Two years have passed since the events in Hogwarts Legacy, in which Y/N has drifted away from Sebastian. What happens when she has to spend some time in the hospital wing and he comes to visit?
Warnings: Potential spoilers for HL
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Noreen Blainey, hospital matron at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, stood in front of the two witches, holding the curtain partition open slightly and blocking the view of the hospital cot and its owner.
“Someone’s here to see me?” Y/N shared a confused look with Poppy, who sat next to her bedside. “Do you know who it might be?”
“Natty and Garreth both have Charms right now,” she shook her head in confusion. “Maybe it's Amit or Adelaide?”
“I’ll see them,” Y/N agreed, still sounding uncertain. Nurse Blainey nodded once and left, the curtain fluttering closed behind her once more. “I wonder who it could be.”
“Maybe it’s Imelda, come to apologise for knocking you off your broom,” Poppy suggested. Y/N let out a quiet laugh and shook her head. 
“You know it was an accident, and she’s already apologised more than enough.”
“Chocolates make for a good apology.”
“I don’t come bearing sweets, but I could come back with some, if you want?” a deep, masculine voice came from the other end of the partition, before Sebastian stepped into view. He fiddled with his robes nervously and gave them both a small smile. “Hi, Y/N…Poppy.”
“Sebastian?” Y/N’s eyebrows shot up slightly in surprise. After everything that had happened in their fifth year Y/N and Sebastian had drifted and stopped talking to one another, with the exception of the occasional hello as they passed each other in the halls. She still spoke to Ominis at times, but they didn’t spend as much time together as they used to. She knew he missed the man that stood in front of her, but wasn’t sure how to approach him after the death of Solomon Sallow. “You know you needn’t bring anything,” she shook her head with a small smile and gestured to the seat next to Poppy. “Come and sit.”
“So there was no need for me to stop and steal these from the gardens?” He produced a small bouquet of wildflowers from behind his back, and Y/N picked out some violets and different colours of verbena clusters among the bunch that would definitely get him into trouble with Mr Moon. Poppy jumped up to get a vase for them, shooting a look at Y/N behind Sebastian’s back as she went.
“These are beautiful, Sebastian. Thank you,” Y/N reached over to squeeze his hand in gratitude as Poppy returned and set them by her bedside. “Are these forget-me-nots? A happy coincidence, or…?” Y/N trailed off slowly and picked out the different flowers she could see. 
“You told me they were your favourite once, I hoped they would help cheer you up.”
“How thoughtful of you Sebastian,” Poppy commented lightly. She turned the vase slowly as she took note of the flowers scattered within the bouquet. “Did you know one of the meanings for verbena is protection and healing?” Poppy touched the petals, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she looked over at Sebastian. “Amongst other things.” A faint pink dusted his cheeks and he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Yes, well. The quicker Y/N gets back on her feet, the quicker she can get to doing better than me in almost every class,” he played it off with a nervous chuckle and avoided Y/N’s gaze. “It's getting a little boring being on top.”
“It’s been three lessons,” Y/N laughed quietly and turned to look back at him. “I didn’t think you would miss me so much, Sallow.” Sebastian didn’t have a response to this, and went silent. Y/N couldn’t read the look on his face; another testament to how long it had been since they really spoke. Ominis once joked she was a Legilimens, because she could practically read Sebastian’s mind and predict what he was going to say before he actually said it.
“Is that the time?” Poppy jumped up from her seat and grabbed her bag. “I’m going to be late for Potions, Professor Sharp is not going to care that I was on the opposite end of the castle.” She dug into her bag and pulled out a herbology book before handing it to Y/N. “Here’s the book I said I would lend you, you’ll find what you need in chapter seven.” With a quick wave at a confused Y/N and a still-quiet Sebastian, Poppy turned and left.
Y/N took a moment to study Sebastian, who didn’t seem to be in a rush to get to class. He had always been attractive, that much Y/N would admit to herself only, but he had really grown up in the past two years. The last of the baby fat had disappeared from his cheeks, and his jawline had become far more pronounced. His muscles had filled out as well. He had once mentioned to her, shortly after the death of his uncle and Anne had left Feldcroft, that he had taken to fixing up the house and garden there, and she couldn’t help but appreciate how he looked.
“You’re staring,” he murmured, breaking Y/N out of her train of thought. She felt her cheeks heat up and looked away from him as if he could read her thoughts plainly on her face. 
“Don’t you have class to get to?”
“Not one I care to attend,” he moved to the chair closer to her, the one Poppy had been occupying and leant back to stretch. “Not without you, anyway.” He shot her a cheeky grin and crossed his arms across his chest. 
“I didn’t realise you would miss me so much,” Y/N let out a quiet chuckle to mask the strange feeling in her chest. This was the Sebastian she remembered, the one who made her constantly question if he was flirting or not. “It’s not even been a day.”
“It’s been longer than that, Y/N,” he said seriously. “Far too long.”
“Sebastian, I’m so - ”
“You better not be about to apologise to me,” he shook his head with a dry laugh. “Not after everything I put you through.”
“You didn’t - ”
“I crucio’d you,” he interrupted once more, near hissing the word out as he leant forward. Y/N sucked in a breath at the sudden reminder of the excruciating pain. “Not to mention the path I started to lead you down. My uncle…” he trailed off, his eyes going glassy. “I didn’t - and still don’t - deserve your kindness. Anyone else would have reported me and let them send me to Azkaban.”
“Sebastian…” Y/N reached forward hesitantly and took his hands in hers. “I forgive you. I forgave you before you even raised your wand. I told you to cast the spell on me.”
“You have to mean it to cast an unforgivable, Y/N. It wouldn’t have worked - I wouldn’t have been able to hurt you if I didn’t mean it.”
“If you hadn’t we would have been dead a long time ago. You, me and Ominis. You did what you had to in order to get us out.”
“How can you still defend me after everything that I’ve done?” his grip tightened before he let go and leant back in his seat once more. “I came here to make sure you were alright and here you are, making sure I’m alright.” He let out another humourless chuckle and looked at the cards and chocolates by the bedside. “Looks like our whole house has stopped by to see you.”
“Sebastian…” Y/N trailed off, unsure what to say to him. His sudden change in topic signalled he didn’t wish to continue the previous conversation, but she couldn’t let him keep blaming himself for everything that happened.  
“Has Imelda stopped by?” He continued as if she hadn’t spoken and plucked one of the cards from the table. 
“Between you and Poppy you would think Imelda tried to actively kill me,” Y/N rolled her eyes and settled back against her pillows. “It was an accident, and she did stop by. The hamper is from her.” She gestured to the largest present on the table, a giant basket from Honeydukes. 
“Maybe I should let Reyes knock me off my broom, if that’s how she says sorry,” Sebastian let out a low whistle and picked up another card. “Is this from Ominis?” his eyebrows shot up in surprise. “I didn’t realise you two still spoke.”
“Not as often as I’d like, but we chat occasionally when paired together in class.” She watched as he read the message on the card and cocked her head to the side slightly. “Have…have you spoken to him recently?”
“No. Not in a way that matters, anyway.” He sighed and placed the card back down. “I wouldn’t know what to say to him.”
“I find hello is always a good place to start,” Y/N offered. Sebastian laughed, a real laugh and leant forward once more so his elbows rested on his knees. “He misses you, you know.”
“I know. I miss him too. I miss you both. But like I said, I didn’t know how to approach you both.”
“All it took was me falling fifty feet to get us here,” she remarked dryly. “I missed you too. More than I realised.”
“More than you realised, eh?” he raised a single eyebrow and there was a coy smile playing on his lips. “Old feelings resurfacing?” he teased. Y/N’s jaw fell open and her face flamed.
“What? No,” she spluttered. “I never - I don’t - did Ominis say something?”
“No…but you did. Just now,” he grinned widely and took in her red face. “Did you used to have feelings for me, Y/L/N?”
“Shut up, Sallow,” she muttered, feeling utterly embarrassed. “You can go now.”
“No, don’t,” he laughed quietly and reached out to squeeze her hand gently. “Believe it or not, I used to have feelings for you too.”
“No you didn’t,” Y/N scoffed and pulled her hand out of his. Her heart leapt at the confession, even though she refused to believe he wasn’t just saying that to make her feel better.
“Yes I did. I thought I was so obvious about it. Ominis used to joke about how he was glad he couldn’t see because he didn’t have to watch me pine after you.”
“You’re not serious.”
“Y/N,” he sighed, but there was still a small smile on his face. “You’re hopeless. Give me that book Poppy passed you.”
“The herbology book. I recognised it immediately. Turn to chapter seven like she said.” He set the book between them and let her flip through until she reached the right page. The chapter was titled Flowers and their meanings. “Do you recognise any of them?” he nodded towards the bouquet he had given her earlier as she pulled the book closer. 
“Some. The Forget-Me-Nots, verbena, dwarf sunflowers…” Y/N trailed off as she made her way down the page in front of her, reading the meanings behind the flowers he had picked for her.
“Now, I will admit, the forget-me-nots were because they are your favourite, but that doesn’t mean I respect you any less,” he leant forward, face tinged pink as he read respect and true love next to a picture of the small blue flowers. 
“I didn’t think…I thought you had just given me whatever you could grab from the gardens.”
“You didn't think I would put effort into something I gave you?” He gave her a teasing smile and watched as she found verbena on the list. Admiration and respect next to an image of the red clusters that sat in the vase next to them. 
“I’m sensing a recurring theme here.” That strange feeling had returned to Y/N’s chest in full force, the one she thought had disappeared with time and distance. Dwarf sunflowers, adoration & admiration. “Sebastian…” She looked up at him, catching sight of a flicker of emotions across his face. “Are these…do you still…?” Y/N wasn’t sure how to finish the question. 
“Do I still…?” he repeated quietly. His fingers brushed against the back of her hand gently and Y/N felt her heart stutter in her chest. “Have feelings for you? Yes.” He admitted, finally catching her gaze. “Unless you don’t think you could feel the same after everything that happened. Then no.” He added quickly. Y/N let out a breathless laugh, one that seemed to relax him. “I thought they went away some time last year, but when I heard you fell today…” he stopped and grimaced. “I felt like my own heart had stopped inside my chest. I couldn’t breathe until I heard from Poppy that you were okay.”
“It seems everyone knows how I felt - feel - about you. Except for you of course,” he paused to laugh and shake his head. “I thought you were meant to be smart.”
“When did you…how long?” To say Y/N was surprised was an understatement. She never would have thought Sebastian saw her as more than just a friend. To find out he returned her feelings from before - that he still felt the same - had left her speechless.
“I’m assuming you’re oh-so-eloquently asking when I first started to have feelings for you?” his eyes sparkled with more life than Y/N had seen in a long time, and she felt her heart swell for him. “I’ll only answer if you do as well and if you go first. I can’t keep putting my heart on the line without knowing anything in return.” His fingers brushed her hand again, a little more firmly as he gained confidence. 
“That night in the library. When you took the fall for me.” Y/N watched as he gave her a surprised look. 
“That soon?”
“You didn’t know me,” she defended her decision. “You had no need to get yourself into trouble and lie for me like that. I didn’t realise it until later, but that was the catalyst.” He mulled over her words for a few moments before standing and sitting on the bed, turning so he could face her.
“If I’m being fully honest, from the moment you walked in late to your own sorting I was intrigued. I needed to get to know you.”
“Is that why you were so snappy the first night in the common room when I introduced myself?”
“Not my finest moment, I’m sure we can agree,” he looked abashed. “I feel it's safe to assume I made up for it, though?” He watched as she nodded in agreement, a breathtaking smile coming over his face. “Looking back I started to fall for you when you beat me in our first duel in class. I didn't realise until later though, like you.”
“What do you think would have happened if we told each other back then?”
“Honestly, I don’t think it would have ended well. I think I needed to do some growing to become worthy of you.”
“You were always worthy,” Y/N took his hand in hers again and laced their fingers together. Her heart jumped as he squeezed her hand affectionately. “We both needed to do some growing, I think.”
“You still haven’t answered the most important question.”
“What’s that?”
“Are old feelings resurfacing? Can you get past everything I’ve done?”
“Sebastian,” Y/N used her free hand to gently cup his face, her thumb running over his cheekbone. “I already told you, I forgave you a long time ago.”
“That doesn’t answer my question, Y/L/N. If it's alright with you, I would love nothing more than to kiss you right now, but I won’t unless I know you feel the same.” He turned his head to kiss the palm of her hand and leant towards her slightly. “And if you consent, of course.” His eyes darted to her lips briefly before locking back with hers. Y/N felt her heart stutter in her chest as her hand slipped from his face to rest on the back of his neck. It wasn’t even a question she needed to think about. She thought her feelings for the man in front of her had disappeared, but if her thundering pulse was any indication, they had just lay dormant until now. 
“It's okay with me,” she said quietly. He muttered a quick thank Merlin under his breath and let go of her hand to reach up and cup her face in his hand. He closed the gap between them slowly, giving her more than enough time to pull away if she wanted to, and paused right before his lips met hers. She looked into his eyes and saw he was already staring at her, a small smile playing on his features. “What?” 
“Nothing,” he shook his head gently, his nose bumping hers. “I just…I adore you,” he said quietly, before leaning in and pressing his lips to hers gently. Y/N felt her heart leap out of her chest and wound her hand into the hair at the back of his head as he kissed her sweetly. He was right earlier, she realised, when he said they wouldn’t have lasted had they started seeing each other in their fifth year. They both had to go through some much needed growing. It hadn’t been their time back then, and as he pulled away from their kiss, Y/N could only hope that now was. 
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bedoballoons · 6 months
My friend got sick with a bad cold, but because of school I couldn't help her get better, so, can I ask a headcanon where the reader takes care of sick anemo children? (I have too much affection and I don't know who to give it to)
If you don't like it's okay!
Hope you and the other anons are ok! - 🍄anon
Sorry it took so long for me to write this! I hope she's doing better now and I also hope you don't mind but you didn't say who you'd like to be included so I just picked some anemo boys! Thank you for your request and I hope you enjoy!! <3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎄𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎄
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CW: Mentions of sickly children, lots of fluff. (Pet names: Kazuha: Dear,
(Includes: Venti, Kazuha, Xiao, Wanderer and Heizou!)
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You sat down next to one of the children, covering them up with a blanket as music filled the room and the once cold air evaporated into a warm comforting breeze. The power of the anemo archon was truly something...and listening to him as he played the lyre was healing for the soul, it was no wonder the children liked him so much and the medical staff often asked him to perform.
"May every boy and every girl, sleep well tucked in tonight. Have no fear and feel no fright, for the anemo archon will keep shining down bright upon you." Venti sang out, chuckling sweetly as the children sang along, in that moment you fell deeper in love with him and everytime his eyes met yours during his performance...he fell harder for you too.
Kazuha laughed softly as your words made the children around you giggle, he had no idea you were so good with kids...it was like the second you walked in all of them felt just the tiniest bit better and it amazed him. He could sit here and listen to you tell them jokes and read silly stories for hours and so could they.
"Can you read another?"
"Oh pretty pretty please tell us more jokes."
You glanced at Kazuha as the children around you asked for more, would he mind staying longer?
"I want to hear another too, please go on dear."
You glanced in Xiaos direction, blushing slightly as you watched him carefully make a paper lantern for the child next to him. He'd been doing this all day with you, helping the sickly children take part in lantern rite and giving them a chance they normally wouldn't have. You still couldn't believe this was his idea...it seemed so different than how he normally portrayed himself...it was a whole new side of him that you wish you could have met sooner.
Fireworks started to go off around you and you both hopped up as the kids hurried to release their lanterns. All of you watching together as the floated up into the sky, carrying dreams and memories along with them.
"Hmph" Wanderer sighed, trying to hide his flushed cheeks...how you'd managed to get him here...taking care of sick children and watching them as they played with his hat...who knows. That wasn't even the most surprising part of it either, he was genuinely enjoying it...he was enjoying watching you.
The children all looked up to you and you gave all of them attention, never leaving one out...hell you hadn't even left him out this entire time. It was unreal to him, how it felt like he had found his heart and it was you...
Heizou set out the crafts he had prepared, making sure each and every child had one, and of course you too. This idea he had was genius, he'd been planning it for weeks now and you just couldn't help but love him even more everytime he mentioned it. He was so proud and hopeful that it would make the kids feel better, if anyone could do it...you believed he could.
"Alright do all of the little detectives have their crafts?"
A chorus of yes's followed and as he explained the rules you watched the wonderful scene unfold. With a little help the children shaped out a magnifying glass out of paper and then poured different colours of paint into a sturdy see through bag, with this they could find shapes and make out different creatures or items in the mixing paint, like pointing out shapes in the clouds. In the end they would have a squishy to remember the moment and a paper magnifying glass to search for more beautiful things everyday.
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ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Merry Christmas~*⁠.⁠✧
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kitcat22 · 6 months
Turgon, Idril, Tuor, Earendil, and Elwing in Valinor together like ….
Turgon vibrating with fury watching the tapestries in the Halls as his great grand-babies get kidnapped by his evil ( at least seriously messed up) cousins.
Tuor holding Earendil while he cries over how he hasn’t seen his kids since they were six and he was in his thirties and how he’ll never see Elros again and doesn’t know if Elrond will ever sail.
Fearing your children are being tortured/abused/neglected because you chose to save the world and left them behind in doing do. Having to wear a constant reminder of that all the time.
Idril & Tuor & Earendil commiserating over possibly never meeting their grandchildren
Idril setting a place for her grandkids at every dinner because goddamn it she will not be caught unprepared (Turgon showed up unannounced at her house post re-embodiment and she had nothing ready for him. No she has not forgiven him for the lack of warning.)
Earendil and Elwing, after finding out Elrond and Elros lived through Sirion, keeping a closet full of valinor style clothes. Because their sons don’t have to wear passed down and re-use old clothing anymore (albeit fancy clothing, they are princes after all) clothes are not a commodity that is ever sparce in Valinor. ( they have clothes for kids, teenagers and adults )
Somehow Celebrimbor’s posessions get delivered to Valinor and among them is a sketchbook filled with a lot of Celebrimbor’s designs. Earendil and Elwing have a look through them and a collection of papers fall out with drawings, some painted and coloured, some not. They are filled with artworks of different people. There are some of Galadariel, Gil Galad, Erestor. One of them is of Elrond and Elros during the war of wrath both young looking, the equivalent to 16-ish. Elrond sits on a rock fully armoured sharpening his sword with his eyes slightly shut. Elros Standing beside him leaning on his sword, glaring at something not pictured with a harsh expression on his face. This piece is simply titled ‘War’. The other peace is of Elrond post war of wrath about 18-ish standing with a soft smile on his face while a young child offers him a flower. This piece is titled ‘Healing’. Earendil and Elwing both cry and are allowed to keep the artworks. They have never seen their sons older than 6. They cant even tell who is who in the first art work.
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gatorbites-imagines · 10 months
hey bestie :) would you mind giving us a full list of all your kryptonian headcannons? i'd love to hear what your ideas are for them. -LB
Kryptonian Headcanons
Theres quite a lot so i put it under the cut.
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Something akin to a Caste system or “alpha/beta/omega”. Meaning some are born a higher caste and their biology reflect that. This doesn’t mean anyone is too above anyone else, bodies or biology are just slightly different such as muscle mass or appearance. Meaning some might have wider shoulders or slimmer hips, or even sharp ears like a halfelf in a fantasy setting.
This shows through ones “aura”, or things like how one carries themselves or how the primal part of ones brain acts and thinks. Things like appearance doesn’t have much say, as anyone can be smaller or bigger, it can only really be noticed through things like scent or “aura” aka the vibe one gives off.
One tends to be able to feel another caste just from their vibe, though its typically first noticed through things like clothing, as different clans wear different colours or styles, though its nowhere near as stark and different like ancient times.
Kryptonians purr, but it tends to be at a frequency only those with special hearing or other kryptonians can hear. Kryptonian purring like cat purring has healing and relaxing properties. They can also growl and chuff but that too is at a volume only picked up by other kryptonians.
In ancient times it was common to find a mate perfect for you, who fit you in every sense. It led to things like “the hunt” which was a ritual where the one who wanted to stake their claim, would chase the other, catch them, and they would bond. When bonded a deep connection was created by the two of more members, and it became as deep as being able to feel one others’ emotion.
This urge is much more diluted nowadays. When you meet someone who is compatible kryptonians will still feel it inside themselves, and if ignored for too long it can grow into a burning need inside their bodies. Though it can be supressed and even fizzle out if it is not returned by the other party.
But if left out of check the need and want can become borderline maddening. If kryptonians are not taught by clan or family from a young age how to deal with their primal urges it can become maddening, so when they meet their compatible partner, it can have effects. This can lead to the two or more being incredibly drawn to each other, or even lead to a rivalry like situation, if the caste standing is unclear.
It wasn’t uncommon for those of higher caste to have multiple partners, akin to a harem in ancient times. Nowadays harems are looked down upon but polycules are accepted.
As kryptonians themselves don’t sweat all that much, scent can be very important to kryptonians. This is also why a kryptonian partner might go a little coocoo from their human partners sweat and musk, as its much more concentrated than the scent you’d find on another kryptonian.
If you’ve read my fics you know I hc kryptonians as more hung than humans and able to produce a large amount of any bodily fluid at this point. This headcanon exists solely for my own pleasure.
Kryptonians can be much older than humans, meaning that they reach sexual maturity at an older age than humans, striking them in about their late 30s, where after they’ll be in their prime to have children until their 80s or 90s. But the first couple of years are the strongest, as they gain influx of pheromones that weren’t there before.
Kryptonians possess organs that you won’t find in a human. Like an organ in their throat and chest that allows them to purr.
Or what I dubbed the “sunspot”. Its an organ placed where youll find the solar plexus on a human. Its an organ that takes in the access radiation from the sun that isn’t used by the body. Normally the sunspot isn’t anything special, but if touched or rubbed by a kryptonians partner, it’s very sensitive as it will leak the radiation within into the kryptonians body. This isn’t dangerous for any non kryptonian. partner, don’t worry.
In ancient time the clothes of Krypton reflected this organ, leaving open holes or wearing open fronted shirts or dresses to expose the organ to as much sunlight as possible. But it became out of fashion later on, as the sun weakened.
Any gender on krypton can become pregnant, but seeing as natural births were so incredibly rare later on, it was pretty much forgotten. Its not that you can just go ahead and get a male kryptonian pregnant though, it would need the kryptonian to be willing and very into the idea of it. Think how some women want to be pregnant so bad they show symptoms. That would be the same for a male kryptonian, who would develop the needed organs for it over a period of months to a year.
That’s all I can think of off the top of my head right now.
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trancylovecraft · 7 months
Previous Chapter ☆♡☆ Masterlist ☆♡☆ Next Chapter
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CHAPTER ELEVEN: "He changed a lot after that and that this story had-"
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In Chinese culture, A blue dragon is meant to represent new life, Healing, Peace, Growth and prosperity. A dragon representing the strength and wisdom.
The colour blue itself, While often associated with the sky and the seas can also mean the infinity. A never ending life, A new beginning and revival.
The smoke was pungent in the air.
The dark grey mist sizzled up into the star-speckled night sky like paper lanterns on the new years eve, Floating up into the sky and sizzling out in only a second.
There were hundreds of candles scattered about the forest clearing, The waxes wicks lit up with flickered embers and they burned with the hopes and dreams inscribed onto them. Not even the cold and unforgiving winds of the city could put them out.
The festival night was in full swing, Celebration games and market stalls were eagerly set up with the hopes of filling the wallets of their owners. The sweet yet savoury smell mixing with the smoke filled the noses of the girls entrapped within the city walls.
[F/N] held an unlit candle in her hands, The tinted wax was pristine and perfect amongst the molten of the clay surrounding them and the shrine they were dedicated to. Inari, The deity of foxes and industry, The most enshrined Shinto deity, They were the deity celebrated here tonight.
She watched as another local lighted a candle, The whisping ember combusting into a bright blaze of oranges and yellows within a second.
[F/N] scoffed under her breath as she did, The way the locals lit the wicks were without care and finesse unlike how she did it back in Aomori. It could burn down the nearby shrubbery or tufts of ferns growing from the cracks in the grass, And could especially burn the set-up altar.
She loathed it, She really did. Though the festival was bound to bring out reckless behaviour and attitude, [F/N] wished that they would at least respect the reason it was all happening in the first place.
Yet the saccharine smell of ambrosia was floating in the air was sweeter than the ripest of apples, It was something that flooded into her nose like a rushing tide and placated her venom if only for a moment.
"Sooo… What 'cha gonna wish for?" Mitsuri chimed in, Breaking [F/N]'s train of thought and the mindless gaze to the kitsune statues of andesite and rock laying about. [F/N] just shrugged as she looked at the candle, Only taking a brief glance at her friend.
"Don't know, There's a lot of stuff I could ask for you know.. Money, Strength, Power.. That sort of stuff" [F/N] replied to her as she examined the ebony string spouting from the wax, The clusters of people around her praying to the shrine didn't lead her focus astray from the wick in the slightest.
The people around her placed the inscribed candles of wax down onto the several altars surrounding the enshrinement. Each carried their own wishes of fortune and fame, Love and Lust to the wide spectrum of human desirum.
A tradition carried throughout the ages, A wish to the kami for good luck in the future and it was one the two girls participated in eagerly. One to practice her religion and the other in search of a fun time.
It was a struggle as Mitsuri leaned over to spot the contemplating stone of her friends face. Mitsuri could only huff lightly at her behaviour, Leave it to [F/N] to overcomplicate a simple task.
"How about all three then? I already lit mine and I asked for like.. A bajillion different things!" Mitsuri proclaimed as she pointed to the freshly placed candle sitting atop an andesite altar.
The wax was absolutely mangled with near a 'bajillion' roughly scribbled wishes onto it, [F/N] could barely make out the words 'Love' and 'Mochi' from the jumble of words. She chuckled slightly as her eyes turned up to look at Mitsuri.
"No, No.. I need to wish for one only, I can't be greedy with Inari, 'Tsuri.." [F/N] replied shortly as her brows furrowed. Her lips pursed into a tight frown, A sharp line that felt conflicted at the simple little candle cusped within her hands.
"Maybe I shouldn't wish for anything, I've not got really anything to wish for so it's fine.. I can just light the candle and go. Besides, Shinobu is waiting for us and we still need to slay that demon." [F/N] mumbled as she lowered the candle along with her frown, Putting it down onto the altar gently.
Mitsuri hummed, Tilting her head to the side as she pouted.
"Are ya' sure? We can leave it for now and come back later when you have an idea, You know?" Mitsuri offered, Resting a hand on [F/N]'s shoulder. The comfort of her body heat transferring over to the girl.
[F/N] shrugged.
"No, It's fine.. I just wanted to quickly pay my respects to Inari before heading out to slay the demon. You know, Just a quick thanks for everything.." [F/N] mumbled, A light raising of her shoulders signalled her shying away in embarrassment as she admitted it to Mitsuri.
Mitsuri in turn squealed, Red starting to powder her cheeks.
"Aaah! Cuuute!" She exclaimed with a dopey smile stretched upon her face, Her hands raising to squish her cheeks as an outlet for energy. "I love it when you look all shy like that! It really shows how dedicated you ar-"
Mitsuri's squeal however was cut off by the sudden covering of her mouth, [F/N]'s hands moved quickly to cover it entirely as she looked around as she suddenly became aware of her surroundings.
"Shh! Not so loud, 'Tsuri! People are gonna stare at us!" [F/N] said in a hushed whisper as she frantically looked back and forth at the groups surrounding them, Paranoid about their gazes and the possible scrutiny they could come under.
Mitsuri's hands raised up and gently wrapped around [F/N]'s wrist, A featherlight touch as she lowered [F/N]'s hold from her mouth to reveal a teasing smile.
"More than they already do?" Mitsuri giggled as she tossed a lock of watermelon coloured hair behind her, The brightly candy coloured kimono she wore danced in the breeze as her eyes looked kindly into [F/N]'s own.
[F/N]'s breath near slowed to a standstill as she dropped her arms to her side in defeat.
"Well.. Yeah, That's it. But you know it's just.. Actually, Never mind. It's fine, I'll just light the candle and we can go fight the demon, Can't keep Shinobu waiting. You know how she can be" [F/N] replied as she picked up the candle and tossed it up higher into her other hand with a half-hearted smile.
She tried to focus on the stained paper colour of the wax, A way to distract herself from her surroundings and the possible onlookers to the colourful sight. Among the watered crowd the two of them were like roses in a orchid bush.
From Mitsuri's strange yet seraphic waves of watermelon to the unwilling otherworldly appearance of [F/N]'s form they were both rather different to what you could call normal. It didn't help that their uniforms were designed to emphasise their already unusual get up.
[F/N] didn't enjoy the stares she got from it, She didn't like the way they would burn into her skin like charcoal and leave brandings like scars. [F/N] recalled back to a time where she didn't really care about it, And sometimes she questioned when that had changed.
Mitsuri suddenly gasped, Smile breaching the borders of her cheeks once more.
"That's what you can wish for! The mission's success!" She cheered as her hands rested on the stiff shoulders of [F/N] and looked at her with exuberant glee.
[F/N] blinked at the sudden exclamation, But her slight grimace slowly spread into a warm smile.
"..That's a good idea, Actually. I might actually do that.." [F/N] spoke as she looked back down at the candle. Her hand reaching out for the woven basket full of toothpick-like sticks to carve the wax with.
"Ooh! Make sure to wish that we get enough time to see the festival afterwards!" Mitsuri commented as she watched [F/N] lower the sharp point of the stick onto the clay and start to write.
[F/N] rolled her eyes with a smile as she wrote down the kanji like the flow of water, The strokes going up and down and leaving the calculated trail of [F/N]'s engravings.
She did want the mission to go well, She really did. She wanted them to come out of it uninjured with the demons head impaled onto the blade of her sword. [F/N] smiled as she wrote, Sending a small prayer to Inari in her head as she did.
[F/N] lowered the pick, The residue of leftover wax attached to the thin piece of bark was scraped off onto the boulder it was set on. She extended the candle out and up to her eyeline, Examining the kanji delicately described onto the candle.
Mitsuri leaned over, Reading the writing put down.
"May our mission go well with the demon dead by our swords, May our success to be something to ride home about. And may Mitsuri catch many goldfish and eat plentiful food to satisfy her ungodly appetite. Inari Bless her soul."
Mitsuri grinned.
"Perfection, You really captured my essence in there! Now light it so we can all go do that together, 'Kay?" Mitsuri nudged on as her hands lunged from a nearby lit candle in the cluster. Snatching it into her hands and held it up parallel to [F/N]'s unlit one.
[F/N]'s eyes lowered down to the inferno of an ember burning down the candle, Looking at the half-melted wax dripping down the sides and the molten kanji engraved onto the sides. It was about love, About a girl they met in the markets.
[F/N] shook her head and tilted the top of her candle towards the burning wick of the lit one, Her own mingling with the embers for only a split second before the tip started to sizzle and spit.
She watched the small pockets of smoke and the spark glimmer on the top of the wick, She watched as it started to pick up and burn, The remnants of a tiny fire starting to show until it formed into a mature flame.
[F/N] withdrew the candle and lowered it down, Carefully placing it among a bundle of its own kind and nestling it as the newest member. Her hand dropped to the side, Leaving [F/N] to only admire the sparks.
"..And that is how you light a candle!" [F/N] mumbled softly as she watched the dance of the flame, Her smile matching the warmth of the ember perfectly as her face was illuminated by the fire.
"..Huh?" Mitsuri asked, Tilting her head to the side.
"..Erm.. Don't worry about it." [F/N] said shaking her head, She turned back to face Mitsuri with that same smile.
"Come on, Let's go meet up with Shinobu." [F/N] said as she reached a hand over and gently patted Mitsuri's back, Encouraging her to follow as [F/N] started to march off back towards the more urban city.
"Right!" Mitsuri giggled, Taking one last glance towards the field of flames before prancing over to [F/N]'s side.
They walked towards the roaring festival with a newfound confidence, Both in themselves and the success of the mission. How could they not? [F/N] had sent her wishes and her praise to Inari.
And she knew that they were watching over her, In the safe hands of her patron.
[F/N] blinked once, Then twice. The grogginess in her eyes still not worn off from her slumber.
Another dream..
She groaned, She tossed and turned before her hand hit her forehead. As always her sleep was conflicted, A rising headache throbbing in the side of her head. It didn't help how tired and weary her body still felt sprawled across the futon.
Her duvet was hanging off the side of it, Barely clinging onto dear life as it only covered a leg. The pillows weren't much better, They were half-out their cases and were flung around like a wild animal had rummaged through her room and used her pillows as chew toys.
Memories came back to her like a heeling dog, Of yesterday and the dream she had woken up from only moments ago.
The confrontation with Kokushibo. [F/N] groaned slightly but the phantom of a sly smirk was graced upon her face, If she was lucky at all and her prayers were answered Upper six would be taken out of the picture.
If so it would be much easier to escape from now on. [F/N] trusted in Inari that they would take care of it, Help her along and guide her out of the bone-chilling birdcage she was currently locked in.
[F/N] huffed, An arm reaching out and locking around a pillow before pulling it closer to herself. Both of her limbs wrapped around it and she proceeded to bury her head into the comforting cold that it held.
[F/N] sighed, Even though she had slept for at least a good few hours she was still absolutely exhausted. Her body as usual was tied to the bed like an anchor weighing her down, Keeping her trapped.
She wondered how long it would take until she would bite the bullet and get up this time, It was nice in the bed, As much it could be for a worn out mattress and aged pillows. [F/N] inhaled, Taking in the chalky smell of the cushion she clung onto.
Her eyes kept opening and closing, The lasting whisper of her sleep still not erased from her mind. Vison blurry and her eyelids heavy, She strained them open and held them up long enough for her eyeline to hone in on a shape sitting atop the nightstand.
[F/N] groaned, She already knew what it was from the smell underlying the scent of the pillow. It was savoury and earthy, Pungent and enticing. By the aroma alone she could tell that it was decorated ramen.
Great, Kokushibo had been here again and left her breakfast. Routine as usual, The enticement of the aroma was usually enough to get her out of bed. The flavour of the meal being one of the only highlights in her day, As pathetic as it was.
After the first period of only nibbling on her food she had tried to eat more, She'd need her energy to escape after all. It was still difficult to eat all of it though, So she tried to focus on the flavour, The only part she really enjoyed it for.
On the odd occasion that Kokushibo didn't deliver her food, [F/N] would often lie there for minutes if not hours. There wasn't anything to encourage her out from under her covers, So the flimsy comfort of her bedding had to suffice.
Though, The weights tied to her ankles seemed much more heavy today. It didn't prevent the way she hauled her top half into a sitting position, Nor did it prevent the way she draped her legs over the side of the bed.
But the hunch in her posture was noticeable as her hand swiped the food and sat the lukewarm bowl onto her lap, The chopsticks that came with it were quickly snatched and positioned in between her fingers.
With a bit of hesitation she began to slowly push the slimy noodles into her mouth, The salty taste invading her tongue as she started to chew. It was only once she savoured the food on her tongue was when she noticed the note.
It was sat neatly under the plate, A firm outline of the bowls bottom rim was indented to it but as [F/N] picked it up it was still very much readable.
Her eyes scanned over the words.
To [F/N].
Remember, As soon as you wake up you are to eat your food then make your way to the courtyard for your training.
This time, Make sure to wear something much more flexible.
[F/N] groaned, Slumping her hand down to her side as she read. She wondered if he found some sadistic pleasure in kicking her to the ground, Some disgusting joy rooting from his demonic instincts. He disguised it as training but [F/N] guessed that it was more for his own benefit.
Really, Her skills were one of the only redeeming qualities about her. Redeeming, Not the correct word, Maybe something more along the lines of being the silver in the sand. There wasn't really much to describe it as.
Though pummelling her into the ground to show the gap in their craft was more than enough for the silver to rust. It's funny, Silver isn't even chemically able to rust yet somehow he made it work.
Guess that's what you have with such overwhelming strength, It was strange not to be the strongest in the room. So far above your peers that clouds circled your head, A weird existence and one that felt so very empty.
[F/N] chewed up the rest of the noodles, The chicken and beef toppings left lying at the bottom of the bowl along with the residue of the water.
If she was going to get embarrassed again she's going to do it on a full stomach, Doesn't matter if he hits her so hard that she just pukes it up again. Maybe if she time's it right she can really piss him off.
Either way she sat down the empty wooden bowl back onto the nightstand and got up. Her legs still half-asleep wobbled as she tried to secure her footing.
[F/N] sighed. Let's get this over with.
"Gah!" [F/N] yelped, Her body convulsing and the taste of iron sputtered out her mouth.
Her entire form tussled around in the air. Launched back and hurtling until she hit the bare ground with a thump, Near leaving a dent in what seemed concrete hard dirt until now. She layed there sprawled out like a ran-over deer in the road, Her wooden sword laying beside her.
"Your legwork is lacking as usual.. You need to be much faster if you want to land a hit on me.." Kokushibo drawled out. If [F/N] wasn't in pain right now, His taunting voice left her in absolute agony.
Nails on a chalkboard, A silver fork hitting the kitchen floor. Hearing both of those would of been preferable to what he told her. He sounded so smug and she so desperately wanted to punch it off his face.
[F/N] breathed heavily, Her lungs ablaze with exhaustion and exertion. She looked back up at him with a bead of cold sweat running down her brow, Eyes narrowing in distaste.
"..I'm doing it perfectly, It's not my fault you've got demonic speed.." She huffed as she turned over, Rolling onto her back so she could stare up towards the gentle embrace of the light speckling through the tree leaves above.
Kokushibo's frown tightened as he moved over a few steps, A shadow casting over [F/N]'s face as her vision was blocked by the visage of Kokushibo.
"Blaming your faults onto me will do you no good.. While you are agile in your own right, It is your attitude that is holding you back.." Kokushibo remarked, His illuminated eyes from within the darkness honed in on her.
[F/N] felt the spark rise up in her as she stared up into his uncanny eyes, The same one that had been festering inside her like a rapidly growing virus for days now. She bit her tongue. Don't say anything, It isn't worth it.
It isn't worth it.
[F/N] sighed lightly.
"..Yes, Kokushibo-sama.." She said as she hauled herself up onto her knees. The plain ebony Samue she fished out of her closet was now stained with the dirt of both the ground and her defeat, Her feet were bare for ease to move yet somehow that was barely enough to fix her faults.
Kokushibo's hand which was resting lazily upon his sword tightened around the hilt ever so slightly.
"Get up.. We are done here for today." He chuffed. Taking one more scouring look at her before turning to stride off.
[F/N] sighed, Watching as he stopped on the other side of the tree's hill before scowling at him from behind. The bastard, The only grace he had was his ability to declare her beatdowns a wrap.
"Thank Inari.." [F/N] mumbled under her breath, Near heaving as she sent her quiet as a mouse prayer to her patron. Her was strong in her chest along with her expression, Eyelids lowering with a small smile on her face.
She barely caught onto the twitch of Kokushibo's ear, Or the side look he gave her glancing over.
"..I see you're not enjoying our sessions.. Coming from your words.." Her prayers were answered yet their receiver was more demonic than divine. Kokushibo's numerous eyes pierced her from behind his bangs, Which cast a heavy shadow under his face.
[F/N]'s head jerked over as soon as the words left his rotten mouth. Her widened eyes quickly composed into a averted calm towards him, Not quite wanting to engage in conversation yet not quite wanting to engage his ire either.
"..Not really no, I don't understand why I'm doing it in the first place and it feels tedious- Kokushibo-sama. Praying to Inari is just helps me through it." [F/N] said as politely and as shortly as he could, Hoping he doesn't ask anymore questions.
He turned his head a little more to the side, Now letting [F/N] get a better view of his grimace and tight-lipped scowl. His nose was slightly scrunched, [F/N] could almost smell the distaste radiating off him.
And it played on his tongue too, She could tell once he spoke.
"Praying to such a cruel god.. I'd advise against it." It was all Kokushibo said, A line he said like he was stating the weather or stating the sky was blue. Callous and casual, That was his tone.
Yet it was one that made [F/N] freeze. Her eyes expanding and her jaw snapping shut like a mechanised doll. The palm that was half pushed into the ground suddenly tensed up, Clenching a handful of dirt and clumps of grass in-between her fingers.
It was that spark, The one akin to the burning flames of the candles in Osaka. Bundled together and burning like a forests wildfire, Their fuel being the wishes and passion of what was inscribed into it.
It was only an ember though, Only the spritz of a lighter. But it was enough, Enough for her to feel the heat.
"..Excuse me? What do you mean by that?" [F/N] said. Though she was levelled and calm the waters were certainly stirring underneath, Her eyebrows were lowered and vision locked onto him to gauge his form.
Kokushibo fully turned around to face her now, Taking a few calculated steps towards her out from behind the hill.
"…I mean to say that the gods are cruel beings, [F/N].. They are unforgiving and uncaring.. Favouring and rejecting at their will.. They do not care." Kokushibo stated. It wasn't even a debate from how he said it, It was just gospel to him as ironic as that was.
[F/N] could only stare at him blank faced. What he was spouting was heresy, It was the words of a heretic only devoted to his disdain. Who was he to insult her religion? The one that has had a place in her heart and soul for decades now.
It was nothing she would accept on the regular, Back when she was free. Then she wouldn't hesitate to speak out and call the offender out on their disrespect, Then there would be no question.
But now that she was here it was a much more complicated matter. Weighing both the mass of her faith and her act of compliance on the scale tipped from side to side, Going up and down to determine the outcome.
The scale stilled, The decision had been made.
"..Maybe some of them, I will not deny that.. But Inari has been nothing but kind to me. They are my god and my guide, I wouldn't be alive today if it wasn't for them so I don't see how you could say that about them." [F/N] said, Her voice raised an octave.
By now the palm with a fistful of grass had pushed her to her feet, Her stance was wide and as strong as it could be in the face of him. While it was true in Shintoism that some of the gods weren't portrayed in the brightest of lights, It wasn't like they were all evil and unforgiving beings, Especially not Inari.
Not Inari.
Kokushibo breathed air out of his nose, Coming a few strides closer to meet her stance with an overpowering one of his own. Medallion eyes piercing through her with the sharpness of a thousand of his blades.
His jaw opened, Tongue laced with venom as he spoke.
"Inari is the worst of them all, [F/N].." He started, Taking another step forward. "Inari is cruel and sadistic.. Inari takes what you hold dear and gives you nothing in return.. They are nothing but a cold and unfeeling deity." He hissed.
"It doesn't matter how much you worship them or reveire them.. It doesn't matter if you're bleeding out on their altar and screaming for their help.. They don't care." Kokushibo finalized, The acidity near burning in his mouth.
[F/N] could barely respond. She just stood there, Stone cold as if she had stared into the eyes of an accursed snake. The way he spoke about her patron matched the venom of one too. It baffled her.
One moment she was lightly thanking her deity under her breath, The next it had lit the beginnings of what seemed to be his form of a rant, His words almost alluding to something she wasn't aware of. Why it set such a bonfire in the first place confused her to no end as well.
Though, What she did know is that the spark inside her grew into the one that would light that bonfire. The one that would start to rage on inside her.
"Do not talk about Inari that way. They are nothing but kind and benevolent and the god I have dedicated my life to, They have helped me through it all.." [F/N]'s voice came out as a low hiss. Her previous subservient demeanour on the lower end of the scale now as she spat out her words.
Kokushibo huffed, A mocking and smile starting to contort his face.
"..Really.. Then pray tell where they were when you were dying out in the snow.. Where were they when you needed them the most?" He tilted his head, His question rising in volume as he spoke more.
[F/N] gawked and opened her mouth.
"-You worshiped them back when you were in your first life.. You adored them just as you do now.. Yet they let you wither away in a blizzard with nothing in return.. Though I don't suppose that has changed now, Has it?" Kokushibo cut in, Leaving her no time to respond.
[F/N]'s mouth snapped shut yet the fire swirling around in her eyes kept burning on him. The absolute anger and rage beginning to kick up inside of her was overflowing, It made her fingers curl and her teeth start to grind, Wanting to take a sword and drive it through his neck.
She opened her mouth once again, Ready to rebut him with everything she had.
But as she went to speak, She had found that nothing came out.
[F/N]'s mind was blank, As a devoted worshiper she should have mountains to say about Inari's good grace and their generosity to give, It was only natural.
But there were no words on her tongue, No memory she could pinpoint that would prove as her saving evidence.
A bead of sweat ran down the side of her head.
"You have nothing.. Don't you?" Kokushibo queried as he surveyed her clocked out form. The still shoulders to the frozen face, He could see it all even without transparent world. His eyes concentrating onto her.
"You.. That is.." [F/N] stammered. Her mind searching for the proper words, Something to say, Anything at all. She gulped, Swallowing down both her saliva and her doubt.
The bead of sweat dropped, Hitting the dried out floor.
"I don't have to tell anything to you" [F/N] finalised as she swayed her head to the side and turned away from him. "You wouldn't understand, A demon especially wouldn't understand the grace of a god."
Kokushibo didn't say anything as he watched her stride away. It was swift and fast paced, Almost as if she wanted to get away from him as quickly as she could as she headed towards the courtyard doors.
He hummed as he watched her go. In hindsight Kokushibo figured that he shouldn't of brought it up, He didn't know what came out of him in that moment. Perhaps it was the way she still unknowingly worshipped them after everything that they did to her.
The gods, They were horrible beings, To him anyways. Whatever admiration or faith he had towards them died when she did so long ago, If they let him get to her on time or didn't put her in that situation in the first place.
The only good they had ever done was bring her back, The only grace they held was her reincarnation. What he had done to deserve it in the first place he didn't know, The only thing he did was their reunion.
Either way it didn't change his opinion on them, They did one good thing out of a thousand atrocities. His mind was steel and his opinions adamant.
He huffed at the thought of them, Taking one last look at the courtyard scenery before disappearing into the air. Deciding that she needed to cool down from her anger and off to find a meal.
The creaking of floorboards rung out inside the hallway, The reverberations causing the surrounding spiders and invertebrates to scuttle away from the force of it.
[F/N] was angry, She was offended. In all her life she had never heard such enraging words, Such vile insults to her patron and deity, The one she had been worshipping for so long.
Of course, Religion was always the low hanging fruit for younger kids and ignorant older folk to jab at. That, She could handle. She'd ignore it most of the time, Brush it off her shoulder like it was nothing and move on with her life.
It was just an unfortunate part of being in a religious doctrine, It wasn't a good nor was it an acceptable thing by any means but it was a part of a religious woman's life. She was use to it, She could deal with it.
But this? This was heresy.
Kokushibo spoke nothing but hatred and loathing, Nothing but acidity and venom. Not from any ignorance or youthful inexperience but it was a genuine distaste for Shintoism and that was something [F/N] just couldn't stand.
She didn't know why when it came from him specifically, His insults and his ire, Was what really ticked her off. [F/N] hated it, Hated the disrespect to her religion and by proxy herself. Perhaps it was the all-knowing look he gave her, Or it could've just been him himself as a demonic prescence defying the gods.
His expression burned into her, Stoked the flames of whatever was already festering inside her like a parasite. Her teeth gritted and the veins on the side of her hand started to swell up from how hard she was clenching it.
[F/N] screamed.
It was over in a moment. Bits of wood and lumber exploded out from the destroyed pillar, A hollering reverberation ran throughout the entire building as soon as [F/N]'s fist made impact with it.
[F/N] whined as she saw her fist stuck in the crater left in the pillar. Bits of the wood lodged into her skin, Digging into her and drawing trickles of blood that flowed down her fist.
She was breathing heavily, Sweat starting to dampen her brow. Her scrunched up examined her hands wound, Which started to sharply ache at her nerves and throb painfully.
[F/N] pulled it out with a tug. Letting it fall to the side like the blood droplets falling to the floor. She stood there for a few minutes, The isolating silence flooding in and invading her, Making her feel so small within the expansive halls.
[F/N] was left to her thoughts as the only noise going through her head. Her hand twitched from the pain, But she ignored it in favour of her own inner monologue.
That bastard, How she wished that it was him that she punched. How she envisioned his face beaten and bloody instead of her own hand. Though it hurt and ached, She didn't feel angry anymore, Instead only the aftertaste.
She exhaled, Letting the air turn into vapour in the cold draft.
What if it wasn't him that made her so angry though?
What if it was something else. She had ignored it so well before but then she wasn't in such a place she was. The cold chill running down her spine, The dusty floors and the near decayed foundations all contributed to her raging mood.
As she imagined his visage in her mind, She didn't feel anymore rage and disgust.
[F/N]'s breath hitched in her throat, Eyes suddenly snapping out of whatever train of thought she was enthralled in.
A dark shadow cast over from behind her, A presence becoming aware within her mind in a single moment.
Her head snapped around, Shoulders raising in guard as her body jerked round. Though gratefully her eyes softened from relief once she saw who it was.
"Akaza." [F/N] greeted normally, Well, As normally as she could with a bleeding fist and her clothing drenched in her own sweat. She looked at the demon, Staring into his own kanji-engraved eyes, All of which spoke of intermediate alarm.
"I smelt blood, What the hell happened?!" Akaza demanded as he quickly scanned over her body. His teeth were bared to reveal his fangs and his fists were clenched as if he was ready for a fight.
[F/N] sighed, Drooping her head down to ponder at her bare feet.
"Nothing, I'm not injured if that's what you're asking." She said, Shrugging him off. Her curled up fist was hidden behind her back, Of which was pressed up against the broken pillar to disguise the crater.
Akaza huffed, His nose scrunching up in disgust as his eyes locked onto the limb pushed behind her. In an instant, He threw his arm out and grabbed her shoulder, Making [F/N] yelp in surprise.
"H-Hey! The hell are you doing?!" She exclaimed as Akaza yanked out her hidden arm, Only to reveal the injuries and blood coating her knuckles like dripping paint. It was already swollen, The splinters still lodged within her flesh.
"Not injured?" Akaza drawled as he looked down at her knuckles, Examining the brushes and feeling the uncontrolled twitches and jerks of her hand within his hold. [F/N] wanted to argue back but with the evidence literally in the palm of his hands it was impossible to do so.
[F/N] yanked it away from him, Letting it swash to her side.
"..Fine, I punched a hole into the wall, See?" [F/N] admitted agitatedly as she stepped aside to display the crater. "I got a bit carried away and needed to let out some frustration. Don't worry, You haven't lost your ticket to number one yet."
Akaza rolled his eyes at her words and groaned.
"Good, I'd rather not risk it" Akaza said. [F/N]'s non-injured hand moved to massage her wrist in a half-successful attempt to soothe her pain as she looked at him, Scrutinizing him up and down while she did.
"Since you're here, Kokushibo's gone I assume?" [F/N] asked. Akaza nodded.
"Yeah, Came as soon as I sensed him leaving." He replied in kind. [F/N] sighed. At least he was out of here, Akaza was someone she could tolerate and Kokushibo was someone she couldn't. She could even say she enjoyed his company at times, Rarely, But she could.
"Great to hear that you're bright and early, Almost as if you like spending time with me." [F/N] drawled sarcastically as she looked back up at him, A teasing glint in her eyes that made Akaza scoff.
"Not in the slightest, I'm only here because I need to kill upper one." Akaza corrected for the hundredth time in the row, All shown in the way his voice just excreted exhaustion and annoyance.
[F/N]'s eyes widened however, That glint in here eyes flickering.
"Ah right! That reminds me!" [F/N] exclaimed as she snapped her fingers, His words sparking a sudden recollection inside of her. A smile blooming on her face like the lotuses in the water outside.
"Hm?" Akaza hummed curiously.
"I fixed our upper six problem, We won't need to worry about him anymore." [F/N] answered with her teeth bare in a grin. She stepped a few feet closer to him, The ghost of excitement running in her voice.
Akaza's eyes expanded.
"What?!" He exclaimed, Genuinely shocked.
"I took care of him. I confronted Kokushibo about where I was and I told him Upper six directed me to where the exit was. He won't be around anymore to impede my escape, Kokushibo will handle it." [F/N] explained, Mildly proud of herself.
Akaza blinked a few times, Almost as if he was baffled about what was in front of him. She took Upper six out of the picture? He was nearly impressed. Knowing Kokushibo he wouldn't hesitate to kill him for such insubordination, Especially against him himself.
Thank god. That little brat was barely strong enough for the upperrank's, Let alone the twelve moons in the first place. Besides, There was no one around to snitch on them now. She had skewered the rat, Taken him out and she didn't even need to lift a finger.
"…That's.. That's great." Was all Akaza could say yet his surprise was still evident in his tone, A tone that made [F/N]'s grin sharpen like knives as she looked at him. It was an expression that looked odd on her, Foreign, Like her own face wasn't accustomed to it.
"Of course it is, We'll be free to continue with the bridge construction now without anything to avoid." [F/N] said. She truly did look like the cat who caught the mouse, The moth on the lightbulb or the tiger in the tree.
It was strange. Akaza felt like he was in unfamiliar waters, Somehow out of practice with her mood. He stared at her for a moment or two, One that dragged out before snapping out of it and opening his mouth.
"…Yeah, Good to know. On topic the topic of that, The real reason I came here early is because I brought what you wanted or whatever." Akaza said as his eyes shifted to his pockets, His hands followed suits and shoved themselves into them.
[F/N] let out a small 'Oh' as she watched him rummage around in his pockets for what he had in there, All before he scavenged out a turn of rope and a cluster of spare nails in his coarse hands.
"Here you go, Enjoy whatever you're gonna do with it." Akaza shrugged as he dumped them into [F/N]'s arms, Of which looked down at the pile now stacking in her hold.
Her eyes ran over them, Scouring and examining every molecule of the acquired goods before her lip quirked. Brows furrowing in confusion.
"..This.. This isn't enough." [F/N] said as she looked down at the barely enough rope, Which looked to be cut off halfway and the nails that were few and far between. The rope was near laughably too small and the nails were half rusted and low quality.
Akaza huffed, Shaking his head.
"I told you, The biwa demon knows everything that comes in and out. If I brought anything more in she would've noticed and gotten suspicious." Akaza explained like he was talking to a small child.
[F/N] looked at him, Her face as blank as untouched paper in a pile. She blinked once, Before her lips tightly pursed and a vein swelling out from the side of her forehead.
"But.. But what the hell am I suppose to do with this..?! It's not even enough to get to the first arch" [F/N] exclaimed as her grip on the items grew tighter, Her knuckles popping out from the force as she looked at him.
Akaza scoffed, Looking her up and down.
"I don't know, Get creative? I said I can't bring you anything more, Alright?" Akaza spelt it out for her but she wasn't listening. She took a few steps towards him, Her noise pointing at his figure.
"Akaza.. I can't do shit with this, Inari knows you might as well've brought me string and thumbtacks because this is bloody useless! I don't even have any tools for the nails." [F/N] hissed as she pushed her face near his, Shoulders raised as if she was intimidating a bear.
The injured hand that was clutching the rope so tight started to bleed more profusely, Blood trickling out the splinter's punctures in ounces but [F/N] never felt it. That spark, That raging spark was with her once more.
It was the bonfire in the winters night, It was the storm within the clouds of her hazy mind as she thoughtlessly berated him. Her teeth were bared and she was near foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog.
Akaza stared back at her, This reaction was completely out of the blue. Though she had brought buckets of her own attitude to any of their reactions, Back then it was just sarcasm or annoyance.
But this? This was anger. It was completely unwarranted too, Her reaction did not fit the situation by any means and it made Akaza feel completely out of his own skillset. Though by instinct he raised his shoulders in return, Going to intimidate her right back.
"Well how about you do something about it yourself? How about you scavenge materials of your own instead of bitching about it to me. I don't know why you're so goddamn angry but fucking calm the hell down, You hear?" Akaza hissed, Near spitting in her face as his eyes locked onto hers.
[F/N]'s teeth bared wider, The veins on the side of her forehead starting to burn and pop out of place as she opened her mouth to yell at him.
But she stopped.
[F/N] looked at him, Suddenly freezing in place. Her eyes that held so much anger fell down, Softening to that of their original state. Her shoulders drooped down with her as she slowly stepped away from him.
[F/N] looked back up at him, Looking slightly puzzled.
"I.. I'm sorry. I don't know why I blew up at you there, I haven't really been myself lately.." [F/N] sighed as she pinched her brow with her healthy hand. She breathed in and out, The inordinate anger leaving her body with every rise and fall of her chest.
Akaza blinked. Looking back at her as his own shoulders fell, Yet his stone hard look stayed on him.
"Whatever, Just get it in check." Akaza huffed as he took a few steps away from her, Clenched hands falling to the side.
[F/N] whined as her hand jerked once more. By now, Droplets of blood dripped down onto the cold wooden floorboards and had created a noticeable mess. [F/N] brought her hand up to her lips, Pressing it against them she tasted the pungent iron.
Akaza's eyelids narrowed in on her hand. His lip quirked down at it before he sighed, Tossing his head to the side.
"Come on, We need to clean this up so Kokushibo doesn't think someone injured you." Akaza said, Turning away before walking down the hall. Beckoning her only once with a signalling of his head.
[F/N] blinked, Slightly surprised by him.
"Alright then.." She said. [F/N] took once last look at the blood puddling on the ground before stuffing the rope and nails into a pouch in her haori, Before stumbling on to follow him. Trailing behind him with an aching hand and a lingering thought on her mind about their interaction.
She didn't know why she had such an outburst, Why she had such an explosion of emotion and primal rage at one of the thousands of inconveniences she had faced before. She sighed as she followed Akaza along.
[F/N] would need to find out later.
"Ah-! Easy there! Can't you go any slower?"
"Shut it, I'm trying to do it as painlessly as I can."
"Yeah- Obviously!" [F/N] hissed as Akaza pulled out another splinter from her bloody hand. Her teeth were bared and she sucked in a sharp breath of air with every pluck, Eyes glaring daggers into Akaza.
She sat perched upon the dusty kitchen counter, An old med kit was scattered across it with several needles and bandages overflowing from inside the small bamboo tub. It was obviously opened with very little care or finesse.
The kitchen, One of the rooms [F/N] never frequented often due to the very poor utilization of what a kitchen was suppose to do. It was a room that was longer than it was wide with cupboards lining the back wall, All filled with yarns of cobwebs and a myriad of insects [F/N] couldn't identify.
The grills that were sat below the cupboards above were out of use for a very long time, A glove of dust could appear on your hand if you chose to brush it against the top of it. Both that and the old rusty pans and pots in the cabinets were completely unusable.
There was no food here, Nothing edible anyways. Though the med kit was luckily found under one of the grills, Akaza had to shoo away the spiders who had made their home inside it but it was still usable.
"Ah.. Ah fuck!" And it was made obvious by [F/N]'s winces and whines of pain. It was funny, For a woman who had faced demons bigger than her, Took cuts and stabs to her gut with no reaction she sure did feel a lot of pain.
"Oh calm down, That was the last of it." Akaza exclaimed as he held up the tweezers in his hand, The splinter squeezed tightly in-between the two grips before being tossed away onto the floor by Akaza.
[F/N] groaned, Her free hand moving to her wrist to massage it as Akaza moved over to the splayed out med kit and started to rummage through it again. She sighed, The pain subsiding by only by a pitch.
She glanced over to Akaza as he pulled out a new myriad of items.
[F/N] sighed as she waited for him to finish. The pain was more bearable now, It was down to the levels she could tolerate.
Then, Why did she still feel an ache?
Though the majority of all her pain was gone there was still an undeniable thump in her chest, One that felt like a fist was squeezing her heart for all the bloody juices inside. [F/N] pushed her free hand onto her chest and pressed down, Not knowing why but knowing it wouldn't stop the ache.
It was sore, But didn't hurt her nerves. It was painful, But there was no visible injury to be found. It was strange to say the least.
She barely heard the words that were being spoken to her, Her brows only furrowing before snapping back into the current situation.
"Hey! Did you hear me or not, Give me your damn hand." Akaza barked, His own hand was presented and beckoning [F/N] to place hers in his. Akaza held a damp cloth in his other, His eyes waiting impatiently for her.
[F/N] blinked.
"Oh.. Right, Sorry.." She mumbled as she lain her hand down onto his palm. Akaza took no time in dabbing down the cloth onto her knuckles, Which instantly erupted a new kind of burning agony.
"Ah- Fuck!" [F/N] hissed as her body tensed up. The damp cloth, Which was now revealed to be drenched in some kind of alcohol was painful to the wounds splattered on her hand.
Akaza rolled his eyes and mumbled something about humans being weak under his breath. He shook his head and continued to clean and disinfect her wounds with an impatient streak in his movements.
[F/N] sighed, Trying to relax her shoulders and get use to the burning of the liquor.
"..Hey Akaza, Do you believe in a god?"
Akaza's movements stopped mid swipe. Of what focused attitude had enthralled and captured his attention before was now broken. His eyes darted up to meet [F/N], Whose head was swayed to the side and her gaze far off yonder.
"Where the hell did that come from?" Akaza said as the cloth pressing against her knuckles was suddenly withdrawn as tossed aside onto the counter of which she sat. [F/N] bit the inside of her lip, Thinking to herself for a moment.
"I don't know, I just noticed you had prayer beads around your ankles and thought I'd ask." [F/N] replied mindlessly as her entire self seemed to be somewhere else entirely. She seemed out of it entirely, Making Akaza raise an eyebrow.
He shrugged before continuing to patch up her wounds.
"Stuff from my human life, Might of been a Buddhist. I don't know." He said quickly. [F/N] took a glance to look back at him, Seeing his face dropped down from her higher point and focused right back onto cleaning her wounds.
[F/N]'s closed lips tightened and pursed together into a slight frown. "What about now? Do you still believe in Buddhism?" She asked again as she watched Akaza's form for any jerks or freezes. Akaza only shrugged as he continued his work.
"Don't know, Don't care. Religion isn't something I think about often." Akaza replied. He finished disinfecting her wounds, The sickly iron that was coating her hands before was now gone and the wounds freshly clean.
[F/N] nodded slowly as Akaza went to shuffle around in the med kit once more, Taking in his words.
"Why?" Akaza asked as he pulled out a roll of white bandages, Completely fresh and soft within the grip of the demon. [F/N] turned to look at him, Thinking over her words before speaking.
"I'm just a bit confused is all. I'm a Shintoist, I use to be a shrine maiden before this. I use to be really connected to my patron, Inari, But right now I just feel a bit out of it right now. It's nothing, Really." She commented absentmindedly.
Akaza's eyebrows knitted together as she spoke, He felt like there was a bigger rabbit hole than was being presented. He felt like there was more to dig through, Something underneath but whether he would chase it he didn't know.
So he stopped talking and opened his mouth, Letting that lead him along.
"You're in a literal shrine right now, I don't see how you could be disconnected from your religion" Akaza said as he lightly tugged [F/N]'s hand back into his grasp and started to bandage up her knuckles.
[F/N] sighed.
"..You probably don't know this, But this place is a replica of where I lived beforehand. The other one was better, It was well-kept and not decaying like this one.." She mumbled as she looked at the rotten wood and the spiders running along the side-lines.
"This place has been here for centuries, That's literally impossible." Akaza replied as he rolled the bandages.
"Yeah, I said that too, Akaza." [F/N] said in turn "But as I also said it's confusing, The other one was bigger too after it was fashioned into the kakushi base. It had another floor and much more rooms, It's just a bit of a downgrade.." [F/N] said.
She recalled the warmth of the rooms or the lively chatter which would be found in the halls, All the activities and the singing of crows from the aviary. The smell of fresh food that would come from the kitchen, Now turned into sawdust and sulphur.
Akaza's eyes however widened in recognition.
"..The Kakushi Base?" He questioned, Amber eyes like broken glass now staring up into her own irises. [F/N] blinked, Realising what she had said before she sighed.
"Yeah, It was a base of operations for the slayers. Kokushibo had attacked us a few weeks ago- No, Months now at this point. He had tried to kill me but.. You know" [F/N] said as she pointed down to the bandages around her mid-section, Still there and nearly healed entirely.
Akaza stared at her for a few minutes. His face going blank and something inside his head started to whirr, It started hit and turn before suddenly it clicked.
"Oh goddamnit, No fucking way.." Akaza said. The bandages in his hand were suddenly slammed down onto the kitchen counter, Akaza stepping a good few feet away from her. Looking at her like she had a dozen heads.
[F/N] looked back at him, Thinking for a second before it hit her.
"You heard about it?" She asked tiredly as she picked up the bandages beside her and tore them from the roll, Tying it around her knuckles into a knot and finishing her first aid.
Akaza however just gawked at her, No, Not at her, It was at her haori. The realisation of who this was from the patterns of dragons and cerulean blues painting the fabric, The one that was shown in his masters death warrant for them.
It was the same haori they both wore. Akaza could've just shrugged it off by similar patterns or they just happened to have the same kind, But by the way she reacted? No, She was aware.
[F/N] in turn just sighed and shook her head.
"Yes, I am the one who killed a thousand demons. Yes, I fought Kokushibo back at the real shrine. Any more questions?" [F/N] exasperated as she placed the bandage roll beside her and folded her arms, Looking at him prepared.
Akaza blinked. Back when he had gotten the call from his master to kill this slayer, The flash of who he was. The strong stature and the haori of blue flowing in the rushing winds as he slayed another one of his kind.
The mask, The kitsune mask with such electrifying eyes stared into the view of the vision with such power. He held such otherworldly grace even when taking a life, Akaza was absolutely thrilled.
A strong opponent, A truly strong opponent. As soon as Akaza was delivered the vision he was ecstatic, Finally someone he could battle against to test his own prowess in fighting. He couldn't wait to meet him, Which is why Akaza went straight out to find him.
Akaza had looked for ages, He had went to several towns and villages where the Hashira had been spotted in search of him. He had looked for ages, Scoured and sought after him for months but in the end coming up empty.
But now as that man now woman was sitting atop the kitchen counter infront of him, Hand injured and bandaged by Akaza himself, Akaza had no idea what to do.
"..I don't really know how you feel about this, But if you-"
"How the hell are you him?! How can someone like you kill one thousand demons, You don't even look like a man. How is that possible?!" Akaza yelled as he stepped a heavy foot closer to her, Of what force caused a minor tremor.
[F/N]'s brows furrowed, But she ultimately stayed calm. "Akaza, Look. It's complicated, I can explain it to you if you want alright? But I promise it's not that big of a thing" [F/N] said as she tried to placate his sudden detest towards her. It was surprising, She didn't expect him to react this way at all.
But as she looked at him, Seen his stance and raised shoulders and the way his wolfing eyes looked at her like an injured doe. [F/N] could tell he was enraged.
But why?
"Being the Hashira that killed one thousand demons? A strong swordsman turning out to be just some throwaway shrine-maiden? Not such a big thing.. Bull. Shit." Akaza chided as his eyes locked onto her with a burning fire.
"M-Mind your manners, Akaza-dono-!"
Both Akaza and [F/N] froze.
A voice called out from behind him, A shrill, pubescent tone.
Akaza's body jerked around in a near second, His raised shoulders which were held in anger were now on guard as his eyes met that of the intruder. [F/N] also peered round behind Akaza, Her eyes widening on the unfamiliar figure.
Kaigaku stood within the doorframe. He was hunched over slightly with a nervous grin plastered all over his face, His entire figure was reminiscent of some kind of rodent or hamster on their hind legs.
"I thought you got rid of him." Akaza hissed lowly under his breath, Not taking his eyes off Kaigaku.
"I thought I did." [F/N] hissed back as she recognised the kanji in his eyes.
Kaigaku's nervous grin widened slightly, His posture straightening out as he took a few steps towards the pair. His fingers were fidgety as he moved, [F/N] in turn finally hopped down from the kitchen counter and backed up against it besides Akaza.
"I- I mean I'm sorry to interrupt you, [F/N]-sama. Akaza-dono.." Kaigaku said, Only adding Akaza's name on as an afterthought and keeping his eyes upon [F/N]. Taking a few steps closer, [F/N] pushed herself further against the counter.
"Ah, right-! I should probably introduce myself, I'm sorry. Erm-.." Kaigaku dusted off his old slayer uniform by sticking out a clawed hand towards [F/N].
"M-My name is Kaigaku, I am upper rank six. I-It's great to meet you, Kokushibo-dono has spoke a lot about you-!" Kaigaku said, Lightly bowing down in front of her and ignoring Akaza entirely.
[F/N] stood there, Looking down at Kaigaku for the first time. She had only seen him in black and blue flashes before, Nothing else but seeing him in corporeal form? It wasn't even why she was surprised no, It was why he was here in the first place.
[F/N], She thought he would be dead. Kokushibo, From what little [F/N] knew about him she knew that he would most likely kill him or at least get rid of him. [F/N] thought, She really did.
Her hands grew clammy as she looked down at his taloned hands, Nails shining in the dim kitchen light, Her eyes widened and petrified at the sight of him.
Inari, I thought you'd take care of this..
Kaigaku, Who stood there for a good few seconds hesitantly withdrew his hand after realising she wasn't gonna take it. He raised back up, Fiddling with his hands skittishly as he smiled at her.
"I see.. Well that's fine then! I.. I hope we'll get along!" Kaigaku cheered lowly as his foot tapped rhythmically on the wooden floorboards, Closing his mouth and leaving all three of them in awkward silence.
Akaza on the other hand stood on guard, His teeth bared in preparation of a fight. [F/N] wouldn't lie about getting him out of the picture so Kokushibo must've let him go somehow, Especially if he was here right now. Why? He didn't know.
But as he looked at Kaigaku's new demeanour, His cheery and overly-friendly persona that he wore like a glove. Akaza knew exactly what he was doing.
He was sucking up to [F/N].
"I-I cleaned up the mess you made in the hallway, By the way!" Kaigaku explained as he moved even closer to her. [F/N] seethed through her teeth, Kaigaku becoming way too close for comfort.
"I.. I- Thanks but I-"
"How the hell are you here, Fucking leave you little brat." Akaza interrupted, Not giving [F/N] time to speak. His hands started to ball up into fists, Creating veins. Kaigaku, Only acknowledging his presence now, Peered over to him with the same attitude he gave [F/N].
"Akaza-dono.. I don't think that language is very appropriate.. W-We're all friends here right?" Kaigaku stuttered as he tilted his head towards Akaza, A sharp glint in his ebony eyes revealed everything Akaza needed to know.
But he barely focused on it as he pushed Kaigaku aside away from [F/N].
"Answer me. What the hell are you doing here?" Akaza spat at him as he pushed his face up into Kaigaku's, His taller stature straightened in an attempt to intimidate. The glint grew brighter, More malicious as it became between the two.
"Let me tell you then." Kaigaku hissed.
"Wait no- Ack-!" Kaigaku hissed as he coughed up blood.
His body was launch, Tossing and turning in the air for only a minute before his back slammed against the nearby wall. Cuts of varying sizes littered his body, Barely regenerating under his ruined uniform.
Kaigaku slid down onto the ground, His body twitching and jerking while drenched in his own blood. A shadow was cast upon the wall as heavy footsteps slowly stalked towards him, Thumping loudly with every lowering of his foot.
"Stay quiet.. I don't want to hear your grovelling.. " Kokushibo spat as he looked down at his Tsuguko lying on the ground. His sword was drawn and held so tightly in his hand that his knuckles turned white.
All six of his eyes were locked onto him, Anger coursing through every one of his swollen veins as he looked at the young boy with such malice and disgust. He licked his lips like a lion about to strike the gazelle, His fingers itching to strike Kaigaku down.
Kaigaku's head raised weakly and looked up at his master, Several teeth were missing from his mouth and blood was rapidly flowing out of it. He bit back the tears, Fear enveloping his entire being.
"M-Master, Please wait-! I-It wasn't me.. It was-"
"I told you to stay quiet, Boy.."
A sharp kick to his stomach interrupted his speech. Kaigaku screamed as more blood shot out from his mouth and splattered across the ground. His stomach was on fire, Like all of his intestines were rearranged within his body.
Kaigaku's head fell right back onto the dirty flooring of the abandoned house they were in, His body was near mangled at this point. He had been called by Kokushibo to meet him here, On arrival he had been ambushed by the man.
Kokushibo stalked closer towards him, Getting down onto his knees and looming over the boy. Casting a heavy shadow over him as his taloned hand reached out towards him, Golden eyes gleaming with rage.
Kokushibo's hand firmly gripped Kaigaku by the scalp, His claws digging into the boys raven coloured locks and yanking his head up to meet him. Forcing his eyes to meet his masters own, Fire burning into him.
"You are lucky that I have chosen to spare you.. The only reason you are is because I know you didn't try approach her.. You wouldn't dare" Kokushibo told him, His grip on Kaigaku's scalp tightening making him whine out in pain.
"But.. You did let her spot you.. I told you to remain unseen, Did I not?" Kokushibo tilted his head as he watched Kaigaku's bloody and beaten body squirm within his grasp. He looked down almost sadistically, Almost enjoying his pain.
"I suppose it doesn't matter now.. However." Kokushibo commented as his hold on Kaigaku's hair was let go, Kaigaku falling back down onto the floor with a thump and a yelp as he lay there writhing.
Kokushibo got up from his kneeling position, Sheathing his sword into it's hilt.
"Though.. Let me tell you one thing." Kokushibo said as he turned back to look at Kaigaku, The cold night's air drying up the blood quickly upon both their bodies.
"You treat my sister with respect.. One day she will be your superior, And you will need to answer to her.. You will treat her as you treat me, With fear and submission." Kokushibo hissed as he turned back away and started to walk off, Leaving Kaigaku to suffer.
Akaza let go of Kaigaku, Tossing him to the side like an unwanted children's toy.
"You disgusting brat.." Akaza hissed as he stared knives into the boy who stumbled back into the kitchen wall. Akaza backed off, Though his glare stood strong as he marched away, Swinging the door open and marching away.
It was slammed shut, The force so strong that it shook the foundations of the building. It left the two of them alone, [F/N] glancing nervously at Kaigaku and Kaigaku looking back at her with some faux admiration.
"[F-[F/N]-sama! I- Erm.. I'm so sorry for him.." Kaigaku said as he shuffled towards her with his hands clasped. [F/N], Now that she was up close to him could sense his soul aura much more pungently now. It was vile, It was rotten. It was an apple that was moulding from the inside out, His persona that he put on was completely fake and [F/N] could tell that from the feel of his aura alone.
[F/N] sucked in a deep breath through her nose.
"Yeah.. Um, It's fine.." [F/N] replied quickly as she backed away towards the doorway, Looking at him like he would pounce any second now. She moved slowly, Eyeing him down with a furrowed brow and bared teeth, Trying to mimic what Akaza did.
"Oh.. W-Where are you going?" Kaigaku said, Perking up as he noticed her movements to leave. [F/N] blinked once, Shaking her head before answering him.
"I.. I need to go do some stuff." [F/N] said quickly as her movements picked up, Her body now turning around as she started to make her way towards the door much more swiftly. Only taking a small glance back at him.
Kaigaku blinked, Before slowly nodding.
"Oh.. Okay then, H-Have fun, [F/N]-sama!" Kaigaku called out to her as he watched her stumble out of the kitchen in quick succession. [F/N] didn't dare look back after that, Only focusing on getting out of there.
[F/N] ran.
As soon as [F/N] was out of his line of sight she bolted. She didn't care, She ran down the hallways and didn't dare to look back to see if he was following her at all. Not stopping for a second.
Her lungs burned, It felt as if she was breathing in fire with every breath. Every succession of her feet in front of her made her want to collapse onto the cold wooden floorings and never get back up.
But she continued onwards. [F/N] didn't know where she was going or how long she was going to run for, That didn't matter. It was a matter of escape is what it was. From what she had no clue either.
Why he was here, Upper six. Why it set her into a frenzy confused her, It was all confusing, Everything was. He was suppose to be out of her way entirely, His death was suppose to lighten her load.
But he was here, Kokushibo had let him go for some unknown reason.
Inari, You were suppose to take care of this, You're suppose to take care of me.
[F/N]'s thoughts ran miles per hour along with her legs, Tears speckled at her eyes but didn't dare to fall. Her eyes blinked, Her feet burned. She took in a sharp intake of oxygen, But it wasn't enough and it hurt too.
[F/N]'s sprint stuttered into a run, Then a jog then walk. All until she collapsed against one of the shrines doors in exhaustion.
Her body lain against it, Her lungs rising up and down and up and down. Over and over again to regain her lost stamina. She sighed, Her skin was bathed in sweat and it rolled down her in near buckets.
Things were suppose to go better, She was suppose to get out of here. She had faith that it was going to happen, But now she had no idea at all what she felt.
[F/N]'s hand which was placed against the wooden door lightly trailed along the timber, Her hand feeling the dips and the curves in the architecture until it hit a jut. [F/N] blinked, Taking one more deep breath in before pushing herself to her feet.
It was a sign that she felt, A small bump in the wood with carved out letters. [F/N] read it, Recognition flashing in her eyes.
The Haiden.
[F/N] stared at it for a few minutes, Seemingly breathless as she read the words over and over again like a sutra.
Out of all her time here she hadn't been to the haiden, She had passed it, Passed this room every now and then but never read the sign. Never took a glance towards the door or gain an interest to the contents inside.
But now? It was enticing, Something drawing her eyes to the doorknob. She looked down at it, Nervous as she grimaced.
[F/N]'s fingers twitched, Her hand slowly raising before resting it upon the silver of the doorknob. Her hand gripped onto it, Feeling the cold silver on her skin as she started to turn it.
The door opened with a squeak, One much louder than [F/N] was anticipating and making her wince. Though she didn't stop as she let the door swing open on its own, Letting the dark void of the room inside become visible to her.
[F/N] was hesitant, Looking at the light-devoid room with unfamiliarity before she took a step in slowly.
She walked into the haiden, Looking around at the shadow infested room with a distraught nostalgia. Her eyes ran over every wooden pillar near collapsing in on itself, Every woven basket empty and dusty.
It was cold in here, Freezing like a winters night and leaving a burning frostbite in it's wake. It felt so chilling, Making [F/N] shiver once she felt it run down her spine. At the end was the altar, The one that stood so high before.
But now it was a shell of it's former self. Of what grand and high form it took before was now abolished into a dirty wreck. [F/N] gasped lightly at the sight of it, Was this really how such a sanctity was kept?
There were only puddles of wax within the candle holders atop it, The spiders making home within the crevices. It didn't stop [F/N] as she made her way down to the front of it, Standing before it as she always did but now it was different.
[F/N] felt no more sense of wonder or comfort within the walls, That sense of protection and safety she felt while she was in here was long gone. Replacing it was only a faint remnant of what was, Of what use to be.
[F/N] lowered onto her knees in front of it, In a praying position. She had no proper candles or material to light them with so she decided to do without. She sat there for a few moments, Taking in the derelict room before she spoke.
"Inari.." [F/N] started, Watching as her words turn into mist in the cold air.
"Inari I don't know what I'm doing anymore.. I have served you my entire life, I have been your devoted servant, Your worshipper and your follower." She started to say, Her voice picking up in volume with every word.
She gulped, Swallowing down her hesitancy.
"I don't know why I'm here, In the haiden or in the shrine at all. You were suppose to keep me safe from harm or hurt but you haven't. I've been through so much, I've lost so much. I feel so much pain every second of the day but you aren't fixing that…" [F/N] said, Shaking her head as she remembered.
"Shizuko.. Mitsuri.. M-My siblings.. I.. I don't know why you aren't making it better? T-That's what you're suppose to do, R-Right?" [F/N]'s voice grew shaky, Something blocking her throat as she felt warm water tickle at her eyes.
"..Are you even real, Inari? Have I been following nothing but ink on paper my whole life..? Please, Inari.. Answer me.." [F/N] begged. Her hands pressed in a praying position below the altar, Putting her head down onto the carpet to bow.
The cold draft blew across the haiden, It stayed quiet. Only the scuttling of mice and the settling of the foundation was heard. [F/N] bit her lip, The hot water starting to trickle down her face and sting at her skin.
[F/N] blinked, Sniffling once.
"Why won't you answer me..?" [F/N] asked near pleadingly, Trying her best to keep her lips in a shaky smile as she tried not to cry.
"Please.. Just answer me.." [F/N] whispered, Pressing her hands even tighter together.
But she sat there, Head pressed against the old carpet as she waited for something to happen.
And waited and waited.
Next Chapter
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tsarisfanfiction · 1 month
Beyond Help
Fandom: Trials of Apollo Rating: Gen Genre: Friendship/Hurt/Comfort Characters: Will, Miranda Even Demeter's daughter can't heal the flowers of a god's soul when they start to fade. TOApril day 26 - Wilting Flowers. This one is actually set between BOO and THO. Apollo equates his sense of self to the Curse of Delos, so what would that look like while he's being stripped of his godhood?
“I’m sorry, Will.”  Will swallowed at the despondent sound in Miranda’s voice as he forced himself to look at her.
She still had her fingers buried in the soil of the planter on the window sill, but there was no sign of the usual spark of life the daughter of Demeter could bring.  The flowers stayed drooping and faded, as though they were mere moments from losing their petals and drying up into the shrivelled brown stems of dead plants.
It was normal, a part of nature.  Will was familiar with the seasonal nature of plants the same way most people were, used to different flowers blooming at different times of the year, always with some colour to display proudly somewhere.
He had never, ever, seen these flowers wilt before.  Logically, he knew that they weren’t the exact same flowers that he’d first seen when he was seven – they’d moved around, had different shapes and clusters – but whatever happened to cause those changes always happened without his notice.  Will suspected overnight, when the flowers took on a silvery hue in the moonlight, but he’d never seen them to prove it.
They were his dad’s sacred flowers, as eternal as the god himself.  In eight years, they’d never faltered.
But now they were changing, wilting and losing the inherent life that always thrummed through them, and Will’s heart felt like it was being constricted by an ever-tightening serpent the longer it went on.
He’d known that Miranda probably wouldn’t be able to do it, when he’d finally caved and gone to the Demeter cabin for help.  They could help any plants to grow, revitalise the soil, whatever was needed – but this was different.  This was the flowers of a god, and Will had the horrible, sinking feeling that it was no coincidence.
None of his siblings had heard anything from Apollo since before the Argo II had left camp for the Romans, and their father’s silence had persisted long past the end of the war and Gaia’s defeat.
Still, there was a significant part of him that had hoped she could produce a miracle and restore the life and vitality of Apollo’s flowers.  The fact that she couldn’t wasn’t the resigned dull ache he’d thought, but a far more vicious pain.
“It’s okay,” he told her, pushing past the way his heart felt like it was cracking in two, the separating parts being crushed together by serpentine coils as though an organ could compound fracture.  “Thanks for trying.”
She pulled her fingers out from the soil, dirt clinging to her skin like it couldn’t bear to be parted from her.  Most people would brush it away, but children of Demeter weren’t most people when it came to soil, and Miranda didn’t seem to even notice the specks of brown on her hands.
“Is there still no sign?” she asked him, gently because that was Miranda all over – gentle and caring even if she had a spine of steel behind it.  Will thought the state of the flowers was answer enough for that, but he humoured her and shook his head.
“Nothing,” he admitted, feeling his lip tremble slightly.  “He’s still silent.  The dreams haven’t started again.”
“There must be a reason,” Miranda said.  “I’m sure he wouldn’t go silent without reason.”  She didn’t even know Apollo, but she’d been in camp long enough to know how close Will and his siblings thought they’d got with their father.
“Yeah,” he said, despondently.  “A reason.”
It wasn’t that he thought Apollo suddenly didn’t love them, or had never loved them.  That was a thought process too far, even in the current silence, although Will wondered if that was the better option.
Because the other option was the one that haunted Will.  No-one had heard of Apollo since the giant banes started appearing, and on top of whoever Apollo’s giant bane was, there was also Delphi, and Python – because Python wasn’t a giant.  Delphi was one of Apollo’s seats of power and it had fallen, and no-one had heard anything from Apollo since.
Will liked to think that he’d, somehow, feel it if something had happened to his dad.  That the sun would feel different against his skin, or a feeling with an unmistakable meaning sinking into his bones.
(The hurt that came from the wilting flowers, the squeezing snake around his breaking heart, meant something, but Will ignored them, because he wasn’t strong enough to handle whatever they were trying to tell him.)
Miranda fumbled a little bit, a good friend but not one equipped to deal with Will facing the hell that was the rest of his life without the father that was supposed to be immortal, before resting a dirt-covered hand on his shoulder.
She couldn’t promise everything would be okay.  Neither of them would ever have believed that, not after two wars and the deaths of too many siblings (Will had lost more, yes, but Miranda hadn’t lost none and even one was one too many; grief wasn’t a competition and Will had never let himself fall into one).  “You’ll get through this,” she said instead, with a quiet confidence.  “Whatever has happened, whatever will happen, you’ll get through this.  And if it gets hard, remember you’re not alone.”  She pulled him into a secure hug, and Will felt his shoulders start to shake in companionship with his lip.
He didn’t cry, but it was close.
“I know,” he said instead, with a voice that shook.  “Thank you.”
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pepperycar · 2 months
Set after the movie. Inspired by chapter 7 of “hurt by fire, heal by fire” by @vulpixfairy1985
“The best Power-up?” Part 1.
“Where are we going again?” Luigi asked as Mario guided him through the tall grass, his hands covering his eyes “I told you, it’s a surprise!” Mario teased. After a bit more walking Mario stopped, Luigi stumbled slightly before pulling himself back up “sorry.” Mario snorted “okay... open em!” Mario pulled his hands from Luigi’s eyes, a few seconds later Luigi opened them, he gawked at the sight before him. The sun was setting, leaving a warm pink colour in the sky, just above it the stars started to appear, twinkling as they came, below it a beautiful field with Fire Flowers going as far as the I can see, a big tree with no leaves in the center “Wowie zowie!” Luigi breathed with a open mouth smile “quite a sight, eh Lu?” Mario smiled, taking in his brothers expression. Mario gently but excitedly grabbed his wrist, breaking him out of his thoughts “come on!” Mario smiled, pulling him along “your gonna love this!” “I already do!” Luigi chuckled as they approached the tree. Luigi stopped to see that there was a long, thin table in front of the tree, going from one end to the other, on the table were a bunch of objects put into neat piles all next to each other, all the piles different from one another “what... is all-“ Luigi started, Mario smiled “you felt the power of the Super-Star..” Mario explained “but you never got a chance to see the many other Power-Ups this world has to offer!” “And this ain’t even all of em!” A high, scratchy voice suddenly said. From behind the table, Toad climbed onto it before coming other to the Bros side “I did as you asked Mario! All the ones you were sure he’d like!” “Thanks Toad.” Mario nodded before Looking at Luigi “you wanna try one?” Luigi just glanced at all the Power-Ups, fidgeting his hands nervously “it’s okay bro.” Mario reassured “I can just show you if you want..” “I- O-Okay..” Luigi stammered. Mario smiled and patted Luigi’s back reassuringly before picking up a Fire Flower “let me know.” Toad said to Luigi “which Power-Up suits Mario best!” Luigi watched as Mario activated the fire flower. A swirl of flames engulfed him before parting to reveal his top and hat was now a bright white, the M painted red, his overalls also a dark red and from his open palm, appeared a fireball “Woah!” Luigi whispered in awe “does- does that hurt you?” Luigi asked with a bit of concern in his voice “not at all!” Mario grinned “and it won’t hurt you either! It’ll only hurt who I want it to hurt -cough-cough- Bowser..” Luigi smiled and hesitantly reached for it. Mario plopped it on his hand and Luigi carefully held it “so.. warm.. but like a nice warm like, not too hot and burning in any way!” Luigi smiled “maybe it’s because you’ve got a strong fire in your heart, you’re more immune.” Mario winked. Luigi blushed a little at the complement and the fire in his hands fizzled out. “Can- can I pick the next one?” Luigi asked looking at the spread across the table “of course!” Mario smiled holding his hand outward to the vast array of Power-Ups. Luigi looked down the table, Toad watching eagerly. Luigi stopped at a pile of little bells, they looked like ones a cat would have on its collar, gold with saffron stripes, with two beady little eyes on them “ah, you’ll like this one.” Toad chuckled, Mario rolled his eyes before grabbing one. With a poof, he was now a bright yellow Tabby Cat with white paws in place of gloves and shoes, his face remained unchanged. A small, shy smile appeared on Luigi’s face, Toad could see were this was going “DON’T.” Mario warned, too late- Luigi scooped him up from under his arms, squealing with delight “yeah should’ve seen that coming..” Mario sighed as Luigi squeezedhim, joyfully spinning him around “you were right Toad, I DO love this one!” Luigi squeaked, hugging Mario tighter “you’re lucky I love you cause I would’ve clawed your face by now..” Mario grumbled but relaxed when he felt Luigi patting his head then scratching behind his ear *Purrrr-Purrrr-* “Oh. My. God. Mario are you.. purring?!” Luigi asked trying to sound calm, his big grin and wide eyes saying otherwise.
-To be continued.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 months
Mr Evershed x teen!reader - weight of the world
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Part 2:
A/N: italics will be Dovah
Mr Evershed came to check up on you an hour later, and just like most other times you were sleeping at your desk, head buried in your arms as you used your blazer as a pillow.
Sighing, he walked over.
“(Y/N) wake up.”
You didn’t respond, and he walked behind your chair.
You carried on sleeping, and he reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone and set an alarm.
He set phone right next to you and stepped back, waiting a minute for the alarm to sound.
When it did, you groaned in annoyance, swiping his phone from the desk and sat up, rubbing your eyes and ran a hand through your hair.
“This is why I have a screen protector and a case.” He said.
He knelt down, picking his phone up and turned the alarm off.
You turned to look at him, resting your back on the wall, draping your arm over the back of your chair as you gazed at him idly.
“Don’t do that then.” You said.
“Well I wouldn’t have to if somebody didn’t insist on sleeping in resolve.”
“What else am I supposed to do?”
He gestured to the books you had placed on the table next to you.
“The work you were set would be a good start.”
You gave a half shrug, resting your head against the wall, closing your eyes again.
“I’ll do it.”
“I’d like it done before the end of the day (Y/N).”
You just waved your hand dismissively at him, and he sighed, pulling up a chair to sit next to you.
He picked up your books and set them on your desk, taking the first book and set it down, opening it to the work you had to do and he set a pen on it.
“Come on, I know you know this.”
You sat up, looking at the work he wanted you to do.
“Metaphors? Hyperbole? We’re never going to need this stuff.”
“You have to learn it. Let’s go.”
“If I do this will you leave me alone?”
You took the book, and you read over the task before you began to work on it and Mr Evershed went through your other books.
He set another aside on an open page, and looked over at you working, gaze drifting to your arm.
You had a fair few amount of scars, mostly healed ones, they were deep, but aside from one going down the length of your forearm they weren’t big.
He’d noticed them before, and he had asked about it but you just ignored the question, clearly it wasn’t something you wanted to talk about.
He wasn’t all to sure about what caused them, some seemed pretty straight, as if you had been caught by something sharp, but the longer one was jagged, crooked slightly and took a sharp turn halfway through.
“Keep staring, maybe they’ll go away.”
Mr Evershed looked at you.
“Well the last time I asked about them you never answered.”
“Will you answer me now?”
“Go ahead and ask, find out.”
You passed him your English book, and picked up your science book now.
“What happened?”
“Who knows.”
He let out a heavy sigh, picking up your English book and a different colour pen so he could mark your work.
“I just want to know that you’re safe, that’s all. You have to understand it is concerning a student with your behaviour, your attendance, and your constant appearance with fresh bruises and all these scars you seem to be covered in.”
“Like I said, I’m fine. Nobody at home or in school is doing this to me.”
“So what are you doing? Getting into trouble outside of school? Are you involved in something you should be?”
“Does being in school count as something I shouldn’t be involved with?”
“No (Y/N), it doesn’t.”
“Well, then no I’m not.”
You tossed your science book behind you and picked up your math book instead.
“Really? Throwing books?”
You shrugged and he took your math book from you.
“Go get it.”
Pushing your chair back, you walked over to pick up your discarded book, making your way back over with it and you tossed it on the desk.
“Stop throwing it. If you’re struggling with something just ask for help.”
You picked up your math book again, ignoring him.
“(Y/N), are you struggling with your science?”
You refused to answer him, and that confirmed his theory.
He’s learned that when you don’t answer him it’s because it’s a topic you don’t want to walk about it, which usually means he might be right about something.
He took your science book, looking at the work that had been set for you, and he began writing an explanation for you in your book.
You weren’t going to sit there and listen to him as he explained this to you, he hoped maybe you would pay more attention if it was written down for you.
You finished tour math pretty quickly, and you glanced over at what he was demonstrating in your science book.
You watched a little curiously, but you didn’t let him know you were watching, you pretended to be scribbling some some blank paper.
“Mr Evershed, we have an issue down in one of the science rooms.” A teacher said.
“Right, I’m coming.”
Mr Evershed stood up, gesturing to you and to the book.
“I’m coming back, so don’t even think about leaving this room.”
He nodded, leaving the room and you turned to the book, reading what he had written down.
He had given a pretty detailed explanation, even including an example on how to solve the problem.
You copied what he had done with the problems you were supposed to solve.
You were working quietly when you heard your emergency alarm sound on your phone and you looked at the alert, letting out a heavy sigh.
Of course dragons would show up now.
Standing up, you grabbed your blazer and jogged down the hallway among all the panicked students and teachers who were trying to get into the main hall.
You brushed past Tim who had handed you your bag, and you traded it for your blazer.
Reaching into your bag, you rounded a corner and out a fire escape door and pulled out the wooden mask, placing it on your face.
The perk to this mask was it created a multidimensional environment where you kept your best mask, and your other clothes.
Tossing your tie aside, you grabbed the cloak you had dumped on a chest and pulled it on, grabbing the other mask and you took the wooden mask off.
Blinking a few times, you stuffed the wooden mask back into your bag, passing it to Tim.
“Come back here if you can.”
“Be safe.”
You shrugged a little bit, pulling your other mask on, tossing your cloak hood up and sprinted away.
Thankfully it wasn’t hard to find the giant beast that was clawing its way out of the ground, and you held your hand out, tossing a purple orb, catching the sword that fell into your palm.
Walking over the field of the school, you stood there, twirling the sword around in your fingers.
You could hear the loud screech from the beast, you knew it was tracking you so all you had to do was stand there and wait.
The ground beneath you shook as the dragon appeared in front of you, hover in just above the ground as it opened its mouth but you beat him to it.
“Joor Zah Frul!”
A snapping sound echoed through the air, and the dragon roared, trying to fly away but the deep blue swirling around him forcing him to land in front of you.
He tried to snap at you, and you moved back a step, holding up your hand to hold a ward steady as he tried a fire breathing attack next.
“You will die…”
You shrugged slightly.
“I would not be so sure.”
The dragon tried to snap its jaws at you again and this was your chance to attack, you ducked under its jaw, place your palm on its neck, planting a seal there and you rolled out the way just as it exploded, sending lightening all around the dragon.
It rested up in pain, and you spun around, driving your sword through the bottom of its wing, bringing it out the other side.
It roared in pain again, swiping your back with its claws, and you groaned in pain a little, stumbling a few steps but you didn’t pay it much attention.
You held a hand out, gold orb emitting light that swirled around you as you healed yourself.
You spun around, holding your sword in your hand and you looked at the beast.
Again, it breathed fire on you, and you just stood there.
“Where is he?”
The dragon stopped, looking at you.
“The world eater will devour this world…”
“Not while I am here.”
You changed the dragon again, jumping on his back, stabbing your sword into its back, making it rear up trying to throw you off but you just dangled there.
Holding a hand out, you summoned another sword and stabbed it into the side of the dragons neck, and he threw you to the side.
You rolled a few times, but you quickly jumped back up, summoning a bow, shooting arrows thag embedded themselves into the dragon until finally you found that sweet spot.
A small gap in the scales.
The dragons blood steamed up as he hit the ground, evaporating, and he dropped down, letting out a noise of pain.
“The world.. eater comes… dovahkiin…”
You sighed, walking over and you crouched down next to the dragons head, placing your hand on the scales.
“I know. I am so sorry.”
The dragon let out a grumbled, and you stayed there, gently patting his head.
“May you find peace now friend, may you never be disturbed again.”
The dragon died after a few minutes, and you watched as the lights surrounded him, his soul going from his body to your own.
You carried on patting his head until it was just bone, and you watched as the bone slowly crumbled into dust, scattering with the wind.
Standing up you turned your head to the sky to look at the helicopter and the jets that were flying over.
“Useless fuckers…”
Putting your hands in your pockets you made your way back towards the school, fully aware of the news helicopter following you.
Of course it was.
It always did.
It made the job a whole lot harder when you were trying to protect yourself and them all at the same time.
When you were close to the school, you mustered another shout to use.
“Tiid Klo Ul.”
You watched as time slowed down around you until it came to a complete stop, and you walked to the school, making your way to the hall, you grabbed your bag from next to Tim.
Placing your wooden mask on you set your current mask aside, grabbed your blazer and tie to put back on and hide the rips in your shirt, and you took the wooden mask off, hiding it back in your bag just in time.
Everything slowly began up again, and soon the hall was full of whispers and the panicked talking of students.
Tim placed his hand on your head, and he crouched down next to you.
“Are you alright?” He whispered.
“I’ll be fine.”
He sighed a little bit, reaching into the pocket of his blazer, pulling out a small red bottle, and he pressed it into your palm.
You took the lid off, quickly downing the contents of the bottle before you handed it back to him.
He quickly hid it back in his pocket, and you could feel your deeper aches and pains slowly fading away.
Everybody’s phones chimed, and you all pulled them out to have a look at the notification that you were all sent.
“Thank you for your patience everybody! Can we return to our lessons are normal please!”
Everybody groaned in annoyance and you made your way back to resolve with Tim escorting you there.
Everybody in the hallways were whispering about what had happened and showing each other news clips about it that were flying around the internet.
“They’re getting closer.” He said.
You pushed the door to resolve open.
“No shit, it’s because of me. Their goal is to destroy me.”
“What did it say?”
You sighed, sitting back down in your chair.
“He was telling me the world eater is coming, and he’s coming for me.”
Tim nodded his head slightly.
“How’s your back?”
“It’s fine.”
He nodded his head again, sitting down on the table behind you.
“We need to talk about this.”
You gestured to your books.
“And I have to do my school work so if you don’t mind.”
“We will be talking more about this later.”
He got up, leaving the room, passing Mr Evershed along the way.
“Glad to see you decided to stick around.” He smiled.
You shrugged a little bit, turning your attention back to your work.
“That was really something, I think a lot of people are relieved to have the Dragonborn nearby.” He said.
“I don’t see why.”
“You don’t like them?”
You glanced at him before turning back to your work.
“I just don’t see why everybody obsesses over them.”
“Maybe it’s envy, maybe it’s the fascination and curiosity with a masked figure who wields power of the dragons, and ancient magics. There’s many reasons.” He spoke.
“Well it’s stupid.” You spat.
Mr Evershed looked at you, deciding to drop the subject, turning the topic back to your work that you needed to complete.
But he couldn’t completely brush over your angry reaction to the recent event that had taken place
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pinkiepiebones · 1 year
For the kiss prompt, Dracufield with 35. --as a lie
Hi I don't know what I'm doing any more. This one features vampire bites and blood and the ingestion thereof.
Dracula loomed over Mister Renfield. It had been so long since he had a familiar, a true servant, bound to him in word and blood. The blood is the life, Mister Renfield, he had said when they first met. The lawyer had nodded dumbly, chalking the peculiar phrase up to a gap in language- something lost in translation. Now... Now he was learning.
Renfield had given his oath and drank Dracula's blood. He sealed his fate with a kiss on his Master's lips which, while not at all necessary for the process, was entirely not unappreciated by the vampire. Renfield's mind had been easy to read and... guide. A hungry, confused young husband and father who thought he wanted the life he had...
Dracula steered his mind closer to a different sort of truth.
It wasn't lying. Not entirely.
Now he loomed over Renfield, who was on his back in his bed, staring up at Dracula with the wide eyes of a virgin on wedding night, anticipation colouring his cheeks. Dracula descended and Renfield turned, slightly, so Dracula's lips pressed against his throat, the pulse fluttering there.
Over the course of his servitude, Renfield was only bitten by Dracula a handful of times. Most of them were consensual, and all of them hurt like hell. Renfield wondering if the fangs had some sort of venom in them, maybe to incapacitate the vampires less than willing meals. Whatever it was, the bite set every nerve in Renfield's body aflame. It was a dizzying sort of pain that damn near went all the way around to pleasurable. Renfield moaned and put his arms around the vampire, trying to pull him closer, to feel the cool of his Master's body against him, all but begging for his Master to touch him. He would feel ashamed about it, decades and decades later.
Dracula's teeth tore a sizeable piece of flesh and muscle away and he latched on like leech, sucking down mouthfuls of blood. It wouldn't take long for Renfield to go in to shock or panic or whatever humans did when they hit a certain threshold of blood loss. With graceful motions Dracula used his thumb claw to cut his index and middle fingers. He thrust them into Renfield's open, panting mouth, and the familiar immediately began sucking down the inky blood. Dracula and Renfield both knew the healing properties of the vampire's blood would not magically replace the blood being consumed by Dracula, but it would repair the damage from the bite and make Renfield's body ramp up red blood cell production. Just enough to avoid a full system shutdown, at least.
Over the course of his servitude, Renfield was given Dracula's blood many times. He only ingested it a few times, and each time it felt the same on his tongue- oddly thick, as like a syrup- but it never tasted the same. The first time he drank it, it was bitter, like rotten fruit, and it burned. Another time, it was almost bubbly sweet. In this particular moment as Master fed on him, it tasted damp-earthy and salty-sour and it went down cold. In the far back corner of his mind Renfield wondered if he was tasting himself in his Master's blood. Did being a familiar affect his flavour? Did Dracula enjoy his flavour? Why was the notion of tasting himself in his Master arousing?
You think too much Master chided in his head.
When Master was sated he raised his head, teeth red, and withdrew his fingers from Renfield's mouth. He smeared his blood and Renfield's saliva over the still-bleeding bite; muscle tissue slowly started reconstructing what has been chewed away. Renfield found himself in an odd state, his brain floating in the brief state of immense bloodloss. He didn't realise he was gripping Master's sleeve tightly.
"Will you stay with me?"
Dracula smiled and pressed a kiss to the familar's pale lips.
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lollipencil · 2 months
A New Norm
@soba-riri, you got the idea of Marc having a Sylveon jammed in my head, so here it is! It is unrelated to Blue Moon, just so you know. Kind of just ends, but I may do more in this universe, seems like an interesting one.
And officially my hundredth post on this blog!
Enjoy and be gentle ---
Marc crept silently down the alleyway, the suit's cape skimming the surface of the puddles littering the ground. It hadn't rained, but he had heard the stories.
About two weeks ago, everyone had woke up to a vast new species running about. All different shapes and sizes and colours, and with various abilities. Turning into a blazing fireball, healing via seeds that sap the strength from another, lifting objects with only their mind, there was no limit it seemed to what they could do.
And no one knew what to do still.
A few of the water-affiliated ones had likely nested nearby. Looking about, Marc sighed as he let the suit dissipate. Khonshu had started sending him on missions to free some of the creatures who's been captured by...unsavory sorts. Turns out, they can be smart. Smart enough to recognise friend from foe, and to free others once free themselves and fight back together. And, he had a feeling, they would likely remember.
Shaking himself, Marc focused on getting home. Until a noise came from behind him. He turned his head, just enough to see from the corner of his eye.
A creature stood at the other mouth of the alley. Brand new to him and about the size of a small to medium dog. Body seemed a smooth mix of a cat, a fox, and a rabbit, coloured in bright cream, with two shades of blue and pink in parts. Large baby blue eyes glistened as they stared him down. Two sets of appendages resembling ribbons (and even attached to things resembling bows) waved in the air from their ear and neck.
They make that sound again. Then began to walk up to Marc.
He just stared. What was the right call here? He recalled some hated eye contact, others would chase if you ran, what would this one do? The answer, was to stop once at his side. Slowly, Marc turned to face them. The "ribbons" began to reach up. Marc instinctively went to shield himself with his arms, and the ribbons wrapped all around the closest arm.
And every trace of anxiety and growing panic vanished under waves of calm that pulsed from his enveloped arm. The creature's velvet soft fur pressed so gently against his skin. Marc lowered his arms. Looking down at the creature, he had to admit it was kinda cute. He reached down and brushed his fingers over their head. They cooed and butt up into his hand. Marc chuckled as he began to pet in earnest. The creature looked up at him, and made the sound right back with sincerity. "Layla would love you," he muttered idly, still marveling over the softness of the creature's fur, "Everyone would." Their ears twitched but they showed no other reaction.
Marc paused and thought for a moment. He'd seen more interactions with these creatures then most. They were still unknown, hell, no one knew how many there are in the world now. But this one, meant no harm. Could probably do a fair bit themself, but was choosing not to.
Mind made up, he began to walk out of the alley, tugging the arm still wrapped in ribbons slightly. The creature's ears perked up and they seemd to smile as they followed him, both settling into a stroll. Vaguely, Marc could tell that people were taking pictures and videos as they passed but he didn't care.
He wondered what they could eat.
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master-k0hga · 3 months
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| Y G G D R A |
[ Category: The Promised Land ]
| Before I quickly talk more about him, I'll just re-list the things I wrote in his quick ref since I didn't realize how hard I made it to look after I started trying to read through it... Oops;
70 years old
Adopted (along with 5 others); The oldest sibling
Part of a tribe who are guardians of the sea; Water Guardians to be obvious
He is the oldest step sibling to Caligo, he is very loving and protective over them. Almost motherly
Hates being called 'old' and being asked his age
His parents were murdered by rogue sailors; Gouged their eyes out for value and them dumped back into the oceans when he was only 12. His parents were King and Queen of the oceans so he now takes their place when he eventually "moved out" from his adopted home, he is now very protective of his people and his found family
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Anyways that's the quick bio; This is Yggdra, a shortened name for the tree of Life Yggdrasil, so in a sense he does has healing capabilities and can in fact bring people back from the dead to an extent however refuses to do so cuz that brings so much mental trauma along with it. The premise of his character is still the same, except he's no longer a Yiga leader and Kohga's oldest brother, just Caligo's and with a different reason now.. He was also still adopted by the same wicked man who forcefully took in Caligo and married their mother (who I'll need to re-do in a sense cuz their bio isn't entirely set either. Some reason Caligo and Katsumi are just difficult to put in place) and Yggdra was definitely brought into this "Father's" family roughly before he took in Caligo and a couple others (which I've given him a name, it's just in my drafts on my laptop when I was trying to re-purpose all of my former Yigas so it's not yet)
His tribe consist of mer-people, their fins shimmer so they can be like a ray of colours at the same time. Yggdra's here mainly of pinks, purples and blues; His mother's of pinks, yellows and greens while his father's were of reds, oranges and dark blues. The tails DO have a "base colour" but overall they are literally just "blue", "pink", "purple", "green", and a lighter "red"
They can actually produce their own pearls; They're made from their tears, after a couple hours they solidify into pearls. The pearls he wears are the tears for his parents when they were killed
In the water they have their fins, however they are able to come to land as well; Their fins can actually morph into legs at will. Once on land, from their feet to their shins are blue tinted like the rest of them, and their toes are slightly webbed like their fingers; It took Yggdra a month after he was born to willingly shift from sea to land and back
Their jewellery tends to range from pearls (as stated previously) and a specific kind of opal, to which is very common to find in the waters of their home however rare or almost non existent everywhere else. So it is a must for their home to stay protected
Despite having both indirect and direct connections with the outer waters of his home, he wishes to protect it from the threats of outsiders; Especially some time where the "Purge of the defiers" took place in the secluded village, Yggdra and Caligo were preparing to escape together before getting separated in the massacre, this found sibling bond seem to always be at the wrong place at the wrong time, just about missing each other every time... To which pains Yggdra's heart
The time he takes over as king of the "Oceans of Paradise" would have at least been a few years since the incident, he doesn't leave the underwater kingdom so much these days; Of course with the exception of, as stated previously, if he is on the lookout for his youngest sibling
Underwater Kingdom; " Oceans of Paradise "
As mentioned, the kingdom consists of mer-people who are the main occupiers of this tribe, sea creatures and the like of course live amongst them in harmony
They are capable of communicating directly to the waters, the creatures that reside, even the bacteria and other smaller living organisms that live the ocean
Tridents, blades made of the strongest minerals and opal, are their weapons and defences; Yggdra uses a trident that was passed down from his father after his sudden passing. Practically a family heirloom
The kingdom is also known as the "Kingdom of healing" due to how many healing remedies, potions and other technologies and spells that originated from there; With thanks and help from the resources that reside with healing capabilities and sea creatures who are blessed or born with natural resources
The diet is mainly vegetarian with the exception of eating small invasive critters such as crabs that attack or horrendously infest their home; Although minor, does become such an inconvenience if not regulated properly
Sharks and giant rideable seahorses are their defences along with the soldiers, when not in battle they are actually social and very kind to allies/friendly visitors. They sort of act like puppies, Yggdra has a baby seahorse that he calls his baby
💙 🤍 💙 🤍 💙 🤍 💙 🤍 💙 🤍 💙 🤍 💙
And that's it I guess, a lot of this is mostly improvisation because I didn't have that detail for him besides the basics, but it did start piecing together rather nicely when I did get what I want re-purposed for him... He's still a loveable person who considers one of his siblings to be his own and would love to reunite with them someday to be the big brother for them, so Yggdra would be very over the moon to find out Caligo has been brought into a safer place and having a kid with their saviour.
Anyways, as much as I would love to draw the landscapes and as mentioned cities/towns and such after working on these guys, they however suffer the same fate as my Zarean and Molterious species; The "artist" is unable to draw anything that isn't a person.. Even with the help of softwares and programs that help give the idea, I'm unable to implement environments onto a digital or traditional canvas, never have been. They always look shit.
... Oh well, maybe some other day..
. Yggdra, Art © Me . DON’T RE-POST .
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writteninscarlet · 4 months
What If? ....Wanda told you she loved you (accepting) ;; @webxfshame
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“It’s called MAGIC, and it’s actually rather useful,” she said, with a teasing lilt to the end of her sentence.
Though slightly in pain - alright, more than slightly but not anything she was going to show - she ran her right hand over her injured left arm. Cut rather badly to begin with, by the time her hand finished its slow movement and the red, wispy glow around her fingers had disappeared, the cut was gone. Minor bruising remained but that was something she was rather used to. It was acceptable.
Sat on the rooftop looking out over the city, she felt a sinking feeling for a moment as the energy drained from her. However, it was fleeting. A quick drop before back to normal. Healing was not something she’d been good with at the start. Her hexes had only brought around bad luck and she’d hardly any control. For better or worse, Wanda had control now and a near infinite amount of spells to draw on. Of course, the ‘worse’ part was that she’d learnt them from experience. Her teammates, and herself, became injured far too often.
She could heal him, too, if he wanted. One glance at Peter, even with that suit on, was enough to tell he was feeling worse for wear after that fight, too. Wanda wouldn’t do so without consent though, that go ahead to heal. It wasn’t harmful, there were no lasting effects. But she’d learnt not everyone cared for magic.
Wanda gazed back over the city, watching the lights and colours change as the sun began to set. If not for the pain and general dishevelment from having been in a fight, to the chill in the air and the fact they hadn’t chosen their position wisely (far below their feet was merely an alleyway and it was hardly the nicest smelling place), it could have been romantic. Then again, perhaps all Wanda needed for there to be romance was HIM.
She could cast her mind back and think about their early interactions. When they first met, or when they assisted one another first (or rather, Spider-Man assisted the Avengers or vice versa) but really what was the point? They’d both grown and developed over the years.
She’d been a teenager when she first joined the Avnegers, he a teen when he first began this. They were hardly the same people now. So what counted was the recent last. These last months where they had grown closer. Wanda hadn’t set out with any intentions at all or expectations for what would happen. Why would she? She interacted with heroes and vigilantes on an almost daily basis. He was someone she’d worked alongside in the past. He could be a pain (but so was Barton), but he was GOOD. Genuinely just a good person. So being around him more wasn’t a hardship. He was simply nice company.
When had that changed?
There had just been a moment when being allies and friends with common goals had deepened, and when some fluttering feeling of attraction had begun. Again, Wanda didn’t think she had any real intentions. She liked him and believed he liked her. A kiss or two wouldn’t hurt them - it was fun and he was enjoyable. It felt good to know someone was thinking of her and to have someone she wanted to spend time with. There had been movie nights, there had been fights just like today where they could assist one another. There had been FUN together in all sorts of ways.
Wanda liked him, she’d known that already. But she couldn’t pinpoint when her attraction had begun or the feelings really sank their claws into her. When did she begin to find that she liked him a lot? And when did those feelings change?
There were so many different sides to him, she was sure there was plenty she didn’t yet know. He was dedicated and worked far too hard - but that’s just how he was and she wasn’t going to try and change him. There was nothing wrong with trying to save everyone. He was kind and caring and he could get worked up at times, but she liked when he was passionate. Sometimes he spoke about things she didn’t understand - she wasn’t an idiot, they shared some interests and had their own ones too. That was okay. She still enjoyed listening to him speak, and she could learn.
He’d somehow become quite a staple in her life without even trying. Wanda found herself looking forward to their stolen moments together and to the plans they actually made. There were plenty of obstacles and missed dates, but… that was life. It was frustrating, but they both understood. Their ‘job’ was important. It wasn’t a priority system, just if they could help they had to do so. Wanda got a little upset maybe, a little frustrated when things were cancelled - but would she love him if he wasn’t the way he was?
Ah, and there it was. LOVE. She found that the feeling had crept up on her. Of course she’d been in love before and she knew she enjoyed his company, but the love just seemed to easily mix with everything and so comfortably become part of her everyday thoughts that she hadn’t really noticed.
Now that she had?
She’d been staring at him. She’s not meant to, she’d been lost in thoughts. Before he could ask her what she was staring at or why or crack a joke, she leant in to kiss him. Wanda’s lips probably tasted of the coffee they’d had, or the pizza they’d maybe shared. She focused on the warmth and closeness of him.
Breaking away to catch breath, her forehead gently against his, she softly said, “I love you, Peter.”
Those three words could be trouble, she knew. They could weigh on people. She didn’t say it expecting to hear a reply straight away, nor to put pressure on him. Wanda said it because it was true. It was how she felt, and the feeling was great. She wanted him to know. Some feelings were better kept hidden, they served no purpose and weren’t for the better. But love? Wasn’t it just… nice to know you were loved? She hoped so. She hoped her words were taken well. They were said now and she couldn’t take them back.
Wanda stole one more quick kiss from him, before leaning back with a warm, bright smile on her features. However things went - whatever the reaction - the words meant something to her, and she was glad she’d said them.
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"Memory: Read Error"
'Hyaaa! How's THAT, nerd?'
Susie thrust her palms outward, releasing the magical energy gathered there into a luminant green sphere. Then, with a soul-curdling roar, she launched the ball outwards, directly towards Ralsei. It struck him full-force in the chest, exploding into a shower of green fireworks that lit up the room with an eerie glow.
'Yeah! Direct hit!' she called out, pumping her fist.
The prince sniffed, taking stock of the aftermath. Three hitpoints this time. She was definitely improving.
'I... can't help but feel like we need to work on your, um... temperament, Susie,' he said with a weary smile. 'For a healer, it's a little... well... adverserial.'
'You mean AWESOME!' she shot back. ''Sides, I gotta put everything I have into it, else what's the point?'
Ralsei considered this. 'Erm, yes... that... makes sense! I-in any case, you're really making progress with your healing - I'm very proud of you, Susie!'
This unfettered praise threw the dragoness, and she turned her back to him, running a claw through her tangled mane. 'Y-yeah, whatever dude... Heh... y'know, I'll be a better healer than you one day!'
To her irritation, he only seemed happier to hear that, clapping his hands together excitedly. 'I'm certain you will! I can't wait to see you reach your potential!'
Her smug grin fell slightly. 'Y'know, dude, when someone makes fun of you, you're not supposed to- ahh, forget it.'
She threw herself on the floor with a harrumph, nodding to the side to indicate Ralsei should join her. He set himself gently down opposite her, propped on his knees in a very prim manner befitting a prince.
'I'd kill for some more of that cotton candy they had back in Cyber City,' said Susie after a short while. 'That was the good stuff, all neon pink and fluffy like a cloud... remember that, Ralsei?'
He nodded enthusiastically. 'Of course! It sure was yummy, wasn't it? I can see if-'
'Yeah, and that time I saved you from gettin' pancaked by all them cars?'
'Haha, yes... I do recall that,' he said, turning his head away slightly. 'Although... well, as I remember it, it was you that tripped me in the first place...'
'It was a JOKE, man!' she grunted. 'I wouldn't have actually let you... y'know.'
'Haha, it's okay.'
Yes, he did know she'd never let anything bad happen to him. That's... just the sort of person Susie was. And it wasn't like he was ever in any real danger, anyway.
Even if it actually had happened like she remembered it.
'You ok, dude?' said Susie, tapping Ralsei's head with a hooked claw. 'You seem a little bit... lost?'
The prince turned to her with a reassuring smile. 'Oh, no, I'm alright! I was just, um. Thinking about how funny memories can be, sometimes.'
'...what, like funny ha-ha, or...?'
''No, more like... how two people can remember the same thing differently. Almost like there's two versions of it that happened. Does... that make any sense?'
Susie contemplated this for a moment. 'That's deep stuff, man. Like, can we ever know if we ever see the same thing the same way?'
The prince's eyes widended. 'Susie, you...'
'Like the cotton candy,' she went on. 'When I look at it, it's pink, right? But what if you saw it as, like... green, or somethin'?'
Ralsei raised a finger in weak protest. 'Well, it'd be green then... w-wouldn't it...?'
'No, see! You'd SEE green, but you'd still CALL it pink!' The dragoness gestured excitedly towards him, waving her arms erratically to underscore her assertion. 'So your ACTUAL green might look like blue to me, an' all the other colours would be swapped around and stuff! Ain't that crazy, Ralsei?'
'B-but how would either of us, um...' he started, but then gave up attempting to argue. Susie's enthusiasm was starting to rub off on him, and he smiled warmly at how much she was enjoying the discussion. '...yeah, that would be something to see, alright.'
'Hell yeah it would!' she said. 'Like, I think I just make a new scientific discovery or something, you know? Hey, maybe Kris and I could make it the topic of our group project? That'd be SICK!'
'Haha, it certainly would be!' said Ralsei warmly. 'But... all this talk of cotton candy has made me awfully hungry. Shall I get us some more to eat before we resume training?'
'Whuh...?' Susie grumbled, forehead furrowed with thought.
'You, um... didn't forget we were training... did you?'
'I, uh, NO,' she lied.
'...okay,' said Ralsei. 'I'll be right back then! Did you want pink or green flavour?'
The dragoness looked up at him to see he was sticking out his tongue and winking. She snorted and turned away, but couldn't completely hide her goofy grin from him.
'Smartass,' she said. '...but, uh, thanks man. It's... been a blast hangin' out with you.'
Ralsei's smile went all wobbly. 'Aww, Susie! That's so sweet!'
Her head snapped towards him, teeth bared. 'YEAH YEAH DON'T MILK IT OKAY?'
'Y-yes, sorry!' he laughed, skipping away with a spring.
Once he was certain she couldn't see or hear him anymore, Ralsei clutched at his chest with both hands, his breathing laboured, and slumped against the nearby wall, its uneven brickwork harsh and grating against his back.
She... she really believed that, didn't she? That all they'd done was hang out, eat cotton candy, and practiced healing magic. And he was happy that she thought that, happy that she looked back on that time so fondly. It cracked his heart in two to think that.
He could imagine it like that, if he tried. Walking through the bustling streets, enduring her practical jokes, the sumptuously sweet taste and fibery, cloudlike texture of cotton candy. In fact, he wasn't entirely sure it didn't actually happen like that.
...but he knew that it didn't. He knew.
White space stretched out in his memory, so absolute and infinite that it was almost impossible to tell down from up. There he stood, frozen in this timeless limbo, gazing outward into oblivion with hands clasped firmly behind his back and a puppetlike rictus grin upon his face.
He could feel other presences in that void. Other Ralseis. One for each action he could take, frozen mid-pose like a morbid rogue's gallery. Each experiencing the exact same hell he was, each asking themselves the same question, and receiving exactly the same dead silence in response.
They were him, and he was them. He found that he could flick through their heads like pages of a flipbook, his body contorting to match their posture. Too slowly to simulate actual movement. Each Ralsei also had a name, though to call it a name was... strings of letters, numbers and dashes, incomprehensable to his feeble mind, like the language of calculating, unsentimental gods. Each called upon when needed, and returned like index cards when they'd served their purpose.
And somewhere else, he knew, was Susie. That lively, boisterous presence, larger-than-life, fragmented and scattered across this digital easel. Yet she did not know. He'd been aware of that, even before she'd confirmed it earlier. Her mind, unattuned as it was to the secrets of their world, had painted itself a sanctuary, a version of what could likely have happened in Kris's absence. A veneer of sanity stretched out across the blank canvas of cold, maddening reality.
All Ralsei knew for certain was that everything depended on the sight of their gods. To be regarded by them was to be permitted to exist, to move and act in accordance with the script you were given. But their viewpoint was tied to Kris... or more accurately, the shining red SOUL piloting Kris. Should anyone stray from their side, they and the world around them would vanish, banished to some primordial memory-scape until such a time as they were required for the continued functioning of the world.
But the gods were capricious beings, and did not always follow the rules they were supposed to. This moment was one of those times. Someone or something had called both he and Susie from that sea of tranquility, to serve some as-yet-unknown purpose. Was this in service of the prophecy? Or merely to sate their unknowable curiosity? The latter thought made the prince shudder. What hope had any of them, when subject to the whims of such unaccountable powers?
...yet such burdens were his to carry. He had known this from the moment of his inception. When viewed within the greater scope of his mission, when seen as trials to overcome, obstacles to test his conviction, such terrors loosened their grip upon his heart. He had conquered them before, and he could do so again. As many times as needed.
And in the meantime, there were friends to spend time with, and cotton candy to retrieve. And nothing, not even these nameless, unknowable entities, would stop Ralsei from being the best friend he could be to them.
...besides, Susie would probably yank his scarf if he took too long.
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thesuncitysworld · 2 years
This is my work and I would appreciate it if you didn’t steal it for your own use!
Character: Eddie Munson X Henderson!reader
Summary: Instead of waiting outside for Dustin and his friends you decide to go in for the first time and meet the D&D master and he accuses you of being there babysitter!
Warning: None.
The gif isn’t mine
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They always came out at the same time, today was different because Dustin has been in there for 30 minutes extra. I did the only logical thing a person would do, I went in.
I haven’t been to this school for some time after I graduated I have never entered the building before. I made my way to the theatre, where Dustin had previously mentioned they hang out.
I have never seen the set up for hellfire all I’ve ever done is wait outside. I guess this means I get to meet the infamous hellfire leader that Dustin worships so much. Almost as much as Steve but not the close.
As I near the theatre I hear shouts from someone, it makes me nervous for some reason. I don’t bother knocking due to them probably not hearing me over the loud noises.
My foot steps tho put a zip on all there lips because it dropped quite. The curtains were drawn so I couldn’t see anyone.
“Dustin?” I spoke, raising my voice slightly. My hand made my way to curtains pulling them back. The light were different colours shining onto the table with all the game pieces on them.
“Um hi?” The person at the head of the table spoke up. His hair reaching his shoulders, big puppy eyes staring at me a ring being tossed between his hands.
“I’m sorry for interrupting-“ I got cut of by Dustin who I only seemed to notice when I took my eyes of the incredibly beautiful young man in front of me.
“Y/n, what are you doing in here?” He whisper shouted, slightly embarrassed that his sister was in his nerd club.
“Well you’re 30 minutes late so I came to collect you and your nerd friends.” I heard a snort and moved my eyes to who it was and low and behold the gorgeous boy.
“Just go and wait outside…..please.” His face held one of a desperate look.
“Henderson! You have a babysitter!” The person once again through his head and let out a loud laugh.
“Eddie, really! Babysitter? You really think that I am irresponsible” I shook my head a began to speak up.
“I mean you are, remember the time you set a bag of popcorn on fire in the microwave? See you and your nerd friends out side. Bye dusty “
As I left I heard mumbles behind me. I made my way outside loving the feeling of the cold air on my bare arms.
20 minutes passed before I heard the doors of the building crash open with load of cheers. A couple of them separated and Mike, Dustin and Lucas began to walk towards me.
There leader stood behind them staring at me, Eddie I believe his name is.
“Hey Dustin, you win?” He nodded excitedly and jumped in to the front shouting something about being shotgun.
“Dustin’s sister right?” Eddie said approaching me. I nodded wrapping my arm around my body hugging myself.
“ you pick em up all the time?” He said staying where he was standing sliding his hands in his front pocket.
“Yeah, but it ran over today and got bored of waiting so..” I shrugged and he smiled back at me.
“I mean I could always drive em back home yknow.” He was in the year above me but got held back, he never knew I existed till now.
“How kind of you. You don’t live up to Eddie the freak.”
“How do you know my name?” A smile spread across his flawless face.
I tried to reply but Dustin butted in.
“Hell no! Eddie you back away from my sister, no flirting!” Eddie put his hands up in surrender and backed away.
“Got it no flirting.” He saluted to him and began to walk towards his van.
“See you next time Henderson and we can finish this conversation.” He blew a kiss my way and turned on his heal.
“NO NO NO. EDDIE I SAID NO.” I only heard the muffled noise as I got into the car and that’s all I heard on the way home. Dustin talking about how me and Eddie are forbidden. 
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