#these pics were taken at the studio right after completion so like
cloudprincesslady · 6 months
got my first tattoo ever yesterday 😄
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I've thought for a long time that I either have an exceptionally good pain tolerance or incredibly bad. my new theory is that I feel pain very intensely but I tolerate it well anyway?
but yes in case it's not obvious: the three symbols represent Laura Bailey's characters in the three main campaigns of critical role! blue arrow for vex (beloved), pink lollipop for jester (beloved), and purple lightning for imogen (beloved)
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soraviie · 1 year
tugging at his hair.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader  ━ navigation
━ about: angst, fluff, (themes of) smut, the holy trifecta  ━ pictures taken from Pinterest
━ a/n: may or may not have seen Yoongi's insta pic...may or may not be feeling very normal about it
━ previously posted on soraviii
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NAMJOON: Atypically, your boyfriend was actually quite the whiny guy. Friday evening, time - 20:30. Thanks to some uncanny miracle, Namjoon was free this night and you’d been eager to soak up each other’s company. You sat largely silent, tucked into his side and openly staring, merely breathing an infrequent “yeah” and “no way” so he wouldn’t suspect you were not listening. Though you were not listening, catching the jumping cadence of his offended voice only with the tip of your ears. Far too engrossed in admiring the glowing shade of his skin and furiously working cheeks, you felt your mind slip. Never before have you thought that someone resting on the couch, passively aggressively minding on chips could make your heart bleed with love. But everything about Namjoon was soft and comfortable. 
Unwittingly, you zeroed in on the tuft of his hair, poking out from underneath his hoodie. Without fully registering, you trailed your fingers down the hood, pulling it down and proceeded to tug at the back of his hair. Namjoon’s cheeks froze and with mouth full, he glanced at your side. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Don’t know,” you shrugged. “You’re compelling like that.”
He returned back to the chips, completely unperturbed by the looks of it. 
“You need to condition them more,” noting absent-mindedly, you played with whatever strand called your fancy. He rolled his eyes, pinching your bare thigh. 
“You should be whispering sweet nothings in my ear,” he grumbled. “Confess how much you adore me, how hot I am.”
“Right,” you agreed, leaning into his expectant expression. “Your hair is also greasy as fuck. You should shower more.”
Violently, he hurled you into the decorative pillows scrunched from your combined weight, frowning at the easy laughter bubbling from your throat.
“I’m dating a bully,” he muttered bitterly, yet when you nosed at his neck, he craned it with no small amount of enthusiasm, playing with the hem of your shirt. 
“Sure are,” you purred. “Can I play with your greasy hair more? Pretty please?” His eyes lingered, firmly set on the playing movie, but you reckoned his neck did grow increasingly warmer. 
“You’ll do it no matter what I say.” 
“‘Cause you’ve never said “no” to me.”
At that, he heaved a tormented sigh. 
“True. I’m but a lowly servant of love.”
You chuckled, pushing the black hair away from his forehead, messing it up. After a moment, with a barely concealed grin, he offered:
“Maybe now I can card through your leg hair.”
“Not funny,” you glared at him but Namjoon merely sniggered further on. 
“A little funny.”
YOONGI: Your hand was practically aching as it laid listlessly by your side, partially sinking into the plush sofa of his studio. Fully drowned in work, he sat by the monitor, one hand coming to rest by his lips, the other - tinkering with the beat. And his hair - the hair - curled around him like a ring of halo. He drew a heavy sigh, reaching up to muss the chief objects of unease further. Yet you couldn’t just follow the delirious caprice. Yoongi was a guarded man, he liked his personal space and, despite how much you longed for it, you couldn’t just tug at his long hair. The relationship was still fresh and had to be trodden like a melting glacier - nice and easy. Crossing the itching arms over your stomach, you huffed in discontent. 
“What?” he suddenly hummed, and you recoiled, assuming he was blissfully ignorant of your lingering stare. 
“Nothing,” you replied, but his chair turned, a pair of disbelieving eyes falling your way.
“Just say it.”
“I want to tug at your hair,” the sentence practically rushed out as though your body was actively disregarding your own orders. 
“Why don’t you just do it?”
You nibbled with your fingers suddenly feeling rather foolish. 
“I want to be respectful,” you muttered underneath the nose, and a second later, you grasped what sound Yoongi was making. Laughing.
He was laughing at you.
Resting his forehead against the desk, you saw his shoulders wag in muffled glee. 
“You know,” he faced you, eyes twinkling in amusement. “Most couples grope each other the first chance they get.”
“Oh, shut it,” groaning, you sank into the sofa, only for all objections to wither into the ether once Yoongi lowered his head with a soft “come ‘ere”. 
Cautiously, fearing the dream could shatter at the moment’s passing, you made your way to where he sat and with bated breath curled your palm around his fluffy curls, giving them a tender yet generous pull. Something akin to instant relief flooded your system, making the tips of your fingers tingle. 
“Enjoying yourself?” Yoongi wondered, the curve of his smile suggesting he was barely holding himself back from teasing you into oblivion. You tugged at his hair once more, this time harder, and a prolonged moan left his lips, startling you both. 
“Not as much as you, it seems,” you smirked down at him, enjoying how his eyes flitted away from you, self-conscious red dusting his cheeks. 
“Just go for it next time,” he grumbled shyly, making no move to pull away. “Before you give yourself an IBS.”
JIN: He knew what you wanted by the frankly terrifying gleam hidden behind your eye. There was something entirely transfixed passing your expression as you stared at his head with steely determination. Ordinarily, Jin was content with your inexplicable obsession. Rather this than pulling at his cheeks, he reckoned, however, now…
“I won’t pry ________ off of me,” he whined, gazing into a mirror. Even to his completely normal and unscrambled brain, the permed curls resting atop his forehead seemed inviting. Fluffy. Moussed. Reasonably asking to be tugged. 
“Oh, what a torture,” Namjoon dragged aridly, perched in the corner, not unlike a sullen owl. “You have someone to go home to who loves to play with your hair. Poor you.”
Graciously ignoring the seeping sarcasm, JIn breathed a tormented sigh. 
“I know right.”
Namjoon merely rolled his eyes, returning back to his quiet moping. 
When Jin crossed the threshold, he found you immersed in laundry, folding it and turning to greet him home like always.
“Hello!” you exclaimed cheerfully. “How was your da-”
Frightfully, he swallowed. Your expression grew distant and in spite of his jerky movements, your attention never wavered from the top of his head. 
“May I eat at least?” he mewled weakly and you nodded just not before actually thinking about it. 
After eating in peace, the last one he’d get for the evening, Jin slowly trodded to the bedroom, shoulders hung low in premature defeat. On the other side of the door, you were waiting for him already, blinking expectantly from underneath the covers. After a prolonged groan, he obliged your whims and settled his head on your lap. To get it over with. 
Instantly, your fingers delved deep into his curls, tugging and twirling them to your heart’s strange desire. 
“How cute,” you gushed. “So fluffy!”
Jin closed his eyes, trying to suppress the blossoming smile. Perhaps, he didn’t entirely hate being coddled in such a fashion but you didn’t need to know that. Unbeknownst, to him, you were more than aware as, in spite of his efforts to mask the pleased grimace, he failed to conceal the ears burning bright red. 
HOSEOK: “Sorry,” he said, squirming and glancing to the side. “But no.”
Well, no was no and you just had to learn how to live with it. Every time your hand subconsciously reached to grasp a strand of his hair between your fingers, not really meaning anything good or bad, just doing so out of instinct, you reigned it back, forcing the treasonous hand to ultimately fall unused. It may or may not have taken you a whole year to timidly wonder aloud:
“Why don’t you like for me to touch your hair?” 
Hoseok was practically asleep - his voice came crackling from the other side of the bed. 
“It’s nothing personal,” he sighed, cracking one eye open, glancing at your demure expression through the dark. “It’s just…” then he fell silent. Only after a pregnant pause, one long enough for you to assume he’d succumbed to sleep, he casually brushed it off:
“It’s just a preference.”
He rolled on the side and the conversation ended there. 
“Hey, ______________!” Jimin greeted you brightly the second you took a step inside the partially hidden makeup studio. Being nearly four in the morning, filming’s end, sparsely anyone was present and even those few people didn’t bother acknowledging you through the haze of insomnia. 
“What are you doing here?” 
He smirked, all cheek as always. 
“Could ask the same for you. It’s really late.”
You shrugged, enjoying the distraction of easy chatter. 
“Couldn’t sleep. Supposed Hoseok would appreciate some company home.”
“Ah, dear ______________,” Jimin snaked a hand around your shoulder. “Geniuses think alike.”
“Oh no,” you laughed, scurrying away from his treacherous hold. “Don’t try to seduce me into being your fangirl. It won’t happen.”
What was with Jimin and his tenacious will to make himself your bias you did not know and you never quite asked either, although it provided plenty of icebreakers across the slew of accidental meetings. 
“Shame,” he drawled. “Maybe better though. Hoseok would kill me.”
To properly lament the wretched situation, Jimin sighed and reached to rake a hand through his hair. Hair that had been growing out and now sat shining with silver highlights. Unwittingly, your hand jolted by the side of your thigh. 
“You want to touch?” he offered, sporting a grin too devious for your peace of mind. You probably shouldn’t but what’s the big deal…It’s just hair…
Doors to the room sprang open with a great bang and you crossed gazes with Hoseok, instantly swallowing in guilt. With expression previously lax, now growing cloudy, he flitted between you and Jimin. 
“What’s going on?” with narrowed glare, he questioned, voice falling in a carefully curated tone which was, of course, far more menacing. 
“Just waiting for you superstar,” Jimin laughed thinly only to wither when placed underneath Hoseok’s chilling frown. “On second thought, I’ll get home on my lonesome. Goodbye!”
And without giving anyone the time to even blink, Jimin had already disappeared into thin air. No, he was definitely not winning any favours from you.  
The drive back home was spent in fraught silence, with Hoseok’s hands gripping the wheel so tight, every now and then it heaved a maltreated scream. Any minute soon the wrath bubbling underneath his skin would surge like pressurised water out of a geyser. However, Hoseok wasn’t a jealous person, even less when it came to the members. Both were trusted explicitly. Was it stress perhaps? 
Finally, he crumbled. 
“What is it with you and hair?” he sneered sharply. Straight away you bristled at the unspoken accusation. 
“Nothing. Better yet what’s with you? I can’t even talk to Jimin now?”
“You went to him with the one thing, I couldn’t give you,” he countered as the car surged with tension.
“I did not go to him!” you squalled in frustration. “Are you even hearing yourself?!”
“It’s our thing!”
“No, it’s mine! You hate -!”
“It’s because of my ex, okay?!”
An awkward silence settled in the space between you. Red light pooled through the windshield.
“She liked to play with my hair,” he explained, anger abating as it was quickly seized by contrite embarrassment. “And I was afraid that if you’d do it, I would unwillingly think of her. You deserve better than that.” 
You bit your lip to stop the growing smile, simply breathing: “I see.” Then - 
“However, how would I know what you’re thinking?”
He stared ahead, lips thinning identical to yours. 
“Probably wouldn’t,” he sighed. “But I’d feel at blame.”
You hummed and gazed outside the window, still battling the blossoming smile, though it was nothing compared to the warmth churning within your chest. A hand reached for yours and Hoseok guided your fingers towards his hair. It was finer than you realized but nice. It was Hoseok after all. 
“Are you thinking of her?” you gently pondered. 
“Not at all,” he whispered in a breathy voice, eyes briefly falling shut. “You’re the only one for me.”
JIMIN: Instead of happiness, his lips pursed into a thin line, gaze becoming evasive. 
“Thank you, but I’m too tired.”
“I’ll help you.”
“I…I’m not in the mood for sex either.”
“It’s not that,” you sighed forlornly, literally feeling him slip through the cracks of your fingers. “Just…get in, and I’ll take care of you,” in a smaller voice, you added. “Like you do of me.”
Standing in the cracked gap of the bathroom door, he contemplated for a second, before breathing a heavy exhale, one expressing the entire weight of the world. Water sloshed as he got in the bath you drew up, and the window soon was covered by a thick layer of condensation, the deep black night growing matted behind it. 
“You don’t have to do this,” he tossed over the bare shoulder, but you brushed his concerns away. 
“I want to.”
“If it's because what I said -”
“It’s not.”
“- then I was out of line.”
“You were not.”
“I take it back.”
“You shouldn’t.”
“But -”
Every time he spoke, his head turned to steal a glimpse of you, perhaps entirely on instinct, the water doused you with a heavy wave, drenching the floor and dumping the rose petals out with it. You grasped his head between your palms, keeping him still at least long enough to apologize sans the pain of his scrutinising gaze. 
“I’m sorry,” you confessed, letting your forehead rest on the back of his neck. “I won’t ever let you feel like taken for granted.” 
He sat unmoving for a long time and you gasped shakily, trying to swallow the budding tears. Well, obviously you would self-sabotage the only good thing in your life. Only naturally at this point in life...
…but this was Jimin and it didn’t matter whether you tucked yourself away in a locked room or an ocean away, he’d extend you the same kindness you were so eager to return. Pulling your arms around his neck, he smiled, laying a tender kiss upon your trembling knuckles. 
“Nothing to forgive,” he muttered. “We were never in the wrong.”
You choked back a sob. Nonetheless, the night was still about him. 
“Right,” you sobered up, pushing him lower in the water. “Just try to relax.”
“Are you planning to kill me?” he teased tiredly. “Besides, it’s a bit difficult given that my cock is just…out here,” he gestured vaguely at his lower part and you chuckled thinly. 
“Nothing new to me. This is just…romantic.”
“Well, you certainly know the befitting aesthetic,” pointedly, he peered across the dozens of scent-free candles littered over every available surface of the bathroom and the pink petals now displayed haphazardly between the bath and the grey mat beside it. 
Pressing a handful of shampoo in his hair, you hissed with mock annoyance: “oh, zip it.”
You kept working in now pleasant silence. Peace was in the house, at least it was until…
His groan was near explicit and watching Jimin throw his head back, nuzzling deeper into your hands, you knew you’d never forget the sight. It didn’t even seem like he’d registered it and soon enough the curiosity overwhelmed you. You rinsed his hair and then scratched lightly across the scalp. Another moan, even longer and somehow so filthy you could swear your entire body flushed. 
“So…” he chuckled, strangely nervous. “Did I just give you a quick way to control my entire nervous system?”
You laid a kiss on his nape and the water rippled from his shudder.
“Sure did.”
The moons now adorning his spine were entirely at fault here or so you insisted, tugging his styled hair between your fingers, occasionally scratching just to see the struggle to keep his eyes open. 
“The stylist is going to kill you,” he warned breathily but Jimin was never more grateful for losing his composure, that day in the bath than he was at this moment. Like grime washed away by a wet towel, your presence eased his worry into the void, while your fingers twirling his hair kept him there. How strange that such a small thing could do so much but then again if it did not, then would Jimin have bought a ring that now laid in his jacket pocket, heavy and searing like the infinite weight of Cosmos.
“Worth it,” you hummed. He couldn’t agree more. 
TAEHYUNG: Frankly, the question of your enjoyment never made it into the equation as before you could even wonder of the idea, Taehyung had shamelessly thrust his head into your lap. 
“I don’t wanna,” you whined by now not needing a verbal order to know what he craved. 
“Too bad,” retorting without so much as an ounce of empathy, he grasped your fingers, bringing them down upon his head. Five minutes later he was snoring on your legs and no amount of force could rouse him, divine or otherwise. It was a language of his, one he talked exclusively with you. 
Trees breezed past the rolling car and sitting still, you watched them blur into wide, rushing lines. At first innocent, his palm intertwined with yours, gaze locked on the road ahead. You hummed. He liked to hold hands, and so did you, only for yours to suddenly be submerged within his dark curls. 
“Seriously?!” you yelped, and he chuckled with no small amount of glee. 
The door smacked behind, or it would have if Taehyung had not been hot on your heels the entire way home. 
“I’m sorry,” Taehyung mumbled, by now so many times it didn’t remotely even sound like a proper sentence. 
“Not accepted,” you sneered, yanking off the jacket, maybe tearing a button or two in the process. “You embarrassed me! And for what?! Some childish caveman display of jealousy?” 
The rest of the insult is expressed through a hardened scowl. As you jostled, enraged and unthinking, to peel off the stifling layers, Taehyung enclosed you into a hug, towering above you, his head lowered into the crook of your neck. 
“Please, don’t be mad at me,” pitifully he muttered, a warm breath ghosting over your collarbone. “Take it out on me but promise you won’t be mad afterwards.”
Without even quite thinking, you wrenched out of his grasp and seized his hair, yanking it harshly towards you. At the back of your mind, panic took root - were you hurting him? Was this not wrong? But Taehyung grew positively limp, pliant, Adam’s apple bobbing nervously as his widened eyes tracked your every movement. 
“I’m really angry,” you whispered with a frown. 
“I’m sorry,” uselessly, he whimpered when you grasped at his locks. “It’s just…”
All you have to do is tug again for a high-pitched squeal to rip from the depths of his chest. “Don’t want to lose you.”
Something in the near incoherent way he breathed it, made your heart soften. 
“Why are you crying?” you asked quietly, wiping the stray tear off his cheek. 
Early morning hued the sky pink as you lay beside each other, relishing in the muted stillness of the room. 
“Don’t know,” Taehyung sniffled. “Felt like it.”
You reached to brush his hair and soon enough he was slumbering again - all tears faded into the dawning cold. 
JUNGKOOK: Frankly, you didn’t grasp why in situations such as these the other partner always offered sex. You were far more willing to simply lug this nightstand at Jungkook’s head. Without knocking you cracked open the doors to his gaming room, discerning the explosive sounds of combat swirling around the room. 
“Jungkook, you promised!” you complained and he held out a hand, gaze locked on the game. 
“I’ll be there soon, babe,” he lied in between strangled curses. “Just one more round.”
He’d muttered that already two fruitless hours ago. 
“No, now!” you threatened, coming to stand by his chair, watching the battle unfold, thoroughly unimpressed by it. He offered some incoherent noise that lacked any meaning, and in a flash of swirling annoyance, you yanked at his hair, forcing his eyes to land upside down upon your face. 
Most people would hastily become upset at such a gesture but the little masochist grinned from cheek to cheek, expression gaining a certain twinkle. You groaned at his satisfaction. Couldn’t even playfully torment him. The brat enjoyed it. 
“Okay, folks,” he spoke into the headset, with your hand still firmly latched in his shaggy hair. “It’s been a pleasure, but I’ve got to go.”
Someone hollered in the chat but it went entirely unheard. Pushing the chair away from the desk, he reached to pull your other arm to rest on top of his thundering heart. 
“What’s up, babe?”
For someone who was jerked by the roots of his hair, Jungkook appeared entirely too delighted. 
“I need you -”
“Oh, you need me?”
“To hammer in the nails to the nightstand. Brat,” saying so, your grip on his hair grew harsher. All that came of it was Jungkook’s raspy laughter, eyes briefly fluttering shut and lips carving a sharp line in his dimpled cheeks. 
“Couldn’t you just do it yourself?”
“Well if injury is to happen, I’d prefer it is you, not me.”
“Liar,” he smirked. “You cried when I tripped.”
Traitorous heat snuck its way onto your cheeks. 
“I thought your leg broke,” you muttered before nudging him outside. “Now get to working.”
“Yes, my liege,” he curtsied, proceeding then to wring his tattooed hands around your waist, making you hobble like some sort of overtly humped creature. His nose quickly delved into its reserved spot in the crook of your neck. 
“Always smell so good,” hazily, Jungkook muttered and you shook your head at his antics. 
“You’re so weird.”
“Says the one who's constantly trying to dom me by hair pulling.”
“It’s not a dom thing!”
“Sure, baby,” he rasped, planting a wet kiss against your neck. “Whatever you say. Just remember you now owe me three hair pulls in return.”
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© soraviii/soraviie 2022-2023
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petnews2day · 2 years
Video game console for dogs invented by UK company
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/dog-news/video-game-console-for-dogs-invented-by-uk-company/
Video game console for dogs invented by UK company
Player GoodBoi01 just entered the game (pic: Joipaw)
Your pup might be able to join in on your gaming sessions soon, after a company invented a video game to stimulate dogs’ minds.  
While video games can lead to healthy brain stimulation and relieve stress in humans, their effects on animals, and particularly dogs, haven’t been studied as much, if not at all.  
The image of dogs playing video games sounds like something out of a science fiction film, but it’s much closer to reality than you’d already think.  
Even though your doggo won’t be jumping into Modern Warfare 2 any time soon, you might consider letting it play with an interactive whac-a-mole-style game, that’ll also inform you of the dog’s state of mind. 
UK startup Joipaw is building a series of video games for our four-legged friends, with the goal of helping further research into dementia among dogs. 
So far, the company has made an Apple Health-style tracker that can measure your dog’s health, including the number of steps they’ve taken and their time spent resting, playing, and walking. 
The data is particularly useful if you worry about leaving your dog alone at home, for example, when you’re off to work, but it can also give you updates about your pet’s state of mind. 
The tracker, which can be clipped onto your dog’s collar, can also spot early signs of problems in cognitive health, if it’s worn while they play a series of games on a special console.  
The company has only revealed the whac-a-mole-style game so far, although the console will feature more than just that, to better estimate the health of your dog’s mind. 
Some of the health problems that the data can point to include signs of joint issues or dog dementia, which pet owners could have a hard time spotting quickly. 
If you get notified that something’s not right with your dog’s health, you’ll also be able to present a report to your vet, to improve diagnostics and treatment, according to Joipaw. 
The idea for this product was coined after one of Joipaw’s co-founders, Dersim Avdar and his wife adopted a rescue dog in Hong Kong and were looking for a solution to keep him busy while they were away, according to MyLondon.  
More: Gaming
As they both grew up as gamers, the couple joked that they should buy their dog a video game to keep him occupied throughout the day, but they couldn’t find anything of the sort on the market. 
Joipaw has since started testing with multiple dogs to get feedback on the current version of its products. 
Once testing is complete and the console gets released, more features might be added, such as your dog being able to compete with your neighbour’s dog. 
So, esports for dogs might not be as far-fetched as you’d think.
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dourpeep · 3 years
i have even more ideas now...
what about like the moment you open up about your relationship with kazuxiao the fans who were already seeing that happen were celebrating and on both of y'alls insta or something is where you announce and it's like a picture of all 3 of you chilling together or something
and then when they finally appear on a variety show they're just questioned throughly and they talk about how you guys meet and what they like about you
ok but the moments where you just feel sort of insecure since being an idol is hard and you're technically dating your seniors and you're just hit by the antis who are against yourself relationship so you lock yourself in your room in your dorm by yourself to cope. your roommate (can be whoever) contacts them both and they immediately come over and come in and offer soft kisses and soft murmurs of reassurance that they'll never leave you and that everything's gonna be ok.
side note i can see xiao just being a whole meme without realizing?? for like variety shows he's just known for his dead pan expression and then i can see him being so competitive on shows like running man..mans ripping tags left and right, while kazuhas just hiding in a weird spot or something
kazuha on the other hand i can see him being a troll, he likes to mess around with the hosts of the show and manages to mess up some of their plans, he also likes messing with his group members, where xiao likes to say that kazuha looks innocent but is a part of the devil line with venti
onto albedo i can see him like answering questions in his vlive and fans realize that a lot of his songs are more romantic and sort of pining?? and they're asking where the motivation is from. he answers that it's just something that he saw recently so he felt motivated (it wasn't the fact that he had realized that he was 100% in love with you)
but like all of this mans inspiration comes from you, he's had multiple songs dedicated to you before your relationship was even open to the public, and when your relationship finally does, it just clicks for fans and it suddenly makes sense, your ship name trends worldwide for the day
but how you and albedo met, i can see both of you guys being in the industry already and you guys are sort of know each other but it was for a one time off collab with other artists involved so you didn't really talk with each other. like i said before albedos a solo artist while i can see you being a part of a popular group already. but then both of your companies decided to do another collab and especially picked you two since you guys already worked on a collab before.
at first it was like awkward since albedos really socially awkward but then things click when you guys start writing the song together. everything just matches so well?? and you guys just compliment each other?? and that's when you learn of albedo just staying at the studio so late so you often bring food. this leads to you guys getting closer and albedo even stops his work just to talk to you more. when your song comes out and everyone is waiting for the stage, there's just so much tension?? but the good kinda and everyone is awed by the song and the vocals coming from you and albedo.
i can also see the both of you guys appearing on variety shows together too, like appearing on a show where you two travel to another place and experience the culture there, with albedo being your tour guide and showing you all the famous places (one of the many times where fans were awed by his research and knowledge) and then if you guys were to appear together again after you guys reveal your relationship, a lot of the times they show idols as they wake up, they'll see you and albedo being clingy af to each other.
on another side note, albedos totally a troll on variety shows, he likes messing around with the hosts and other contestants since a lot of the time he's not really interested in the show itself, it's more for publicity. however, when he first appeared on a show with you fans noticed that he actually seemed interested for once and that's where your ship name started.
albedos totally a golden child tho, he's like basically perfect in everything so a lot of the times variety shows don't catch him slipping, however the one time that he did was when you were mentioned, the clip of with his ears bright red was trending for a couple of days :)
I think that this covers everything hehehe so I won't add to-
wait wait I put it all under the cut b/c it's a lot again-
Okay okay but like for the 'announcement' picture, what if it's like those photo booth pics (but like each picture you need to scroll through like on Insta) where it's cute and wholesome! The three of you are having fun wearing some silly glasses or hats, doing peace signs or finger hearts....and the very last photo is the three of you sharing a kiss- or, at least trying to.
It's sweet, a little silly, and most of your fans take it really well! After all, they can see the chemistry that you share and can't deny that the three of you would have a good relationship.
As for the insecurities of dating your seniors, Kazuha and Xiao are quick to knock back any of those worries. They love you so, so much and hate the fact that something like that makes you doubt for a single second. If anyone ever tries to bring it up, you know that they're going to immediately quip back.
Naturally, you're roomed with Venven :D He's technically an up-and-coming after he stopped doing idol stuff for a few years, so not only does he know the ropes, but he's also one of your biggest fans and biggest supports (outside of Kazuha and Xiao).
Though he's silly and light-hearted, he's quick to recognize when things are serious and need handling.
So as soon as he sees that you're not doing so great or if he notices the comments on your posts are going in a bad direction, he speed dials Xiao and the two of your boyfriends are right at the door in under 15.
Not only are they fast about it, but they have all your favorite snacks, a movie or two, some popcorn, and a ton of love and affection because they'll be damned if their love is going to be affected by some asshole's comments about their love life! What do they know anyway??
Actually this all could work too if Kazuha and Xiao are part of 4NEMO-
That'd cause so much more ruckus- not only is half of one of the most popular idol groups are taken, but by the same person??? And each other??? Man, that's wack.
Xiao would most certainly be super intense with those. He just can't help it--competition drives his blood and makes something snap in him. He's dead serious about doing well, regardless of the game. I actually have never watched said game shows, but--
Like...he's out for blood. No one is safe. Not even you or Kazuha if you're on opposing teams, though he'll be a bit more gentle. Maybe even with the hint of a smile while you have an expression of utter shock at the fact that he's just so fast-
Or if it's not a game show and instead you're doing some sort of idol group activity with a few others to get to know each other?
Someone suggests ping pong and, knowing how competitive Xiao gets, he's pitted up against Tartaglia and man. That's scary. There's no doubt that someone would clip the video and make it into an overly-dramatic retelling complete with music.
As for Kazuha! He'd be a bit of a mish mosh! He enjoys poking fun at others, and he's so sly! Those poor hosts don't realize that he's goading them on, but sure enough--he is. Who knew that his charming smile and mild-mannered attitude could be so devastating?
But even then, he's mostly wholesome! There's a lot of little clips, mostly of your doing, of him in a 'kiss the chef' apron getting caught off guard while cooking something up. The videos aren't great because you're giggling while recording and he ends up placing the ladle down calmly before wrapping you up in his arms. Half the video ends up being the two of you laughing and joking while it's pointed at a weird angle towards the counter.
Sometimes it'll point just right and you'll get a half-blurred view of Xiao sitting at the kitchen island with his reading glasses perched on his nose and book forgotten. He tends to get up and join in for a few smooches before reminding Kazuha of the food that's still cooking.
Albedo!! He absolutely is the golden child. He's fantastic handling things under pressure in a cool, calm manner. Handsome, charismatic, incredibly smart--man's hit all the stops and just keeps going.
It's not until it comes out that the two of you are together that his cool façade (hardly one, though) falters and at the mere mention of you, he'll go soft. There's a tenderness in his eyes, a small smile on his lips, and his blush? Absolutely adorable. How can anyone object when he's obviously so in love with you?
And the idea you mentioned with the two of you traveling and experiencing stuff together sounds so cute (':
He particularly enjoys exploring new cuisine, so expect him to feed you some food from his plate-
There's also a few times where you two have gotten lost in the new places, more because you're both so busy taking in the sights to realize you've taken five wrong turns- But then you make it into a whole adventure, foregoing the map and deciding to wander around. What better way to discover and learn about somewhere than getting lost and wandering?
You find quite a few hidden gems this way since otherwise you'd be hitting more popular areas!
Wait- do they really show idols waking up???
Ahh regardless, Albedo's definitely a cuddler. He loves it, can't get enough of it. It's not often that he gets a good night's rest, but with you it seems like he's fully recharged and ready for the day! It's cute too because it doesn't matter--big spoon or little spoon, you on his chest or him resting on yours. Even a few times with you facing each other with your hands intertwined.
I also agree that Albedo would mess with the game show's hosts and contestants. Not only would he, but he'd be entirely smug about it (after all, we need to have that #smugbedo going on).
No doubt, there's been times where the cameras even focus/zoom in on him where he's sitting because he's got that smirk on his face.
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cherryatiny · 3 years
𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲! 𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳: 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭
GIFs are not mine, credit goes to their respective owner
❁ 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠
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It was no secret that your sugar daddy Hongjoong is a born aristocrat, as his rich taste in everything showed up a lot. Ever since a young age, he was taught to love art in all its forms. When his grandparents passed away sadly, he was the chosen one to inherit the prestigious art gallery their family ran for more than 7 decades.
Although he wasn't an artist of the top level, his love to express himself through art never died. So the very first day he took over the gallery, the first thing he ordered his subordinates to do, was to clear out the smaller room in the back of the director's office.
Soon after, he designed the space to an art studio of his liking, where he could freely spend his free time painting, reconstructing clothes, or just rest while stimulating his brain to function more creatively.
Soon after he met you and you two got into the sugar daddy relationship, he found his muse in you. At first, it started by him just taking pics of you at the moments he deemed to be artsy, not long after that he however started calling you to his little studio in the gallery he ran. Always making you sit or lay down on the old valuable settee, that looked like the ones from Renaissance paintings.
Taking you by your hand, he showed you the paintings of the new exhibition he was preparing. The paintings harmonized well, all of them tuned in a dark abstract setting. Loosening your hand out of his grip, you grasped his wrist the same he did with your often, dragging him to the office. He was slightly taken by surprise as he did not expect you to drag him there since you haven't agreed on him painting you today. „Lay down, for today, you'll be my muse Joongie.“
He was laying on the settee, looking up at the ceiling, so his side-profile was fully visible to you, as you painted him on the canvas. Mixing colours to your liking, you made the portrait of your Hongjoong look abstract, as it matched the art style he often used.
After hours of painting, when you did the last line with your paintbrush, you sighed out tiredly, wiping the sweat off your forehead as you observed your creation. „My muse, you can come here and admire yourself on the canvas.“ Standing up swiftly, he came over to you, leaning forward, his arm wrapping around the shoulder of your sitting self as he was all eyes on the painting.
„It's... spectacular. I- I'm at a loss of words, why did you never tell me you had a talent for painting my darling? If I added this painting to the exhibition there, I can guarantee you, that this will be the most favoured painting in my gallery.“
❁ 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐰𝐚
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You don't even know why you applied to become Seonghwa's secretary a few months ago, considering you've never worked in this type of branch. But it was probably the best decision of your life because if you wouldn't have applied for the secretary position, you wouldn't have met your sugar daddy Seonghwa.
At first, the work was a disaster as your relationship with your boss didn't start off very well. He was giving you tons of work to do, the stupidest arrangements that were completely unnecessary to make, or the most boring workshops and meetings to take you to with him.
But after the one night at a business conference in Milan when you two got closer than one would expect you to and got into the sugar daddy relationship, his attitude to you drastically changed.
Your secret relationship also made him give you easier and different tasks to do, he as well deemed you to be more reliable than before, which resulted in him giving you free hand in literally everything. He was actually taken aback by how competent you were at your tasks. Doing everything you were told to do, ten times better than he would have probably done.
One night, as you two were cuddling on the couch in his place while looking out of the large glass wall with the sighting of the whole town, he spoke out, „Y/N why didn't you tell me you had such talent for scheduling, strategic planning and business stuff? I should have made you the director of strategic planning or something like that. But then... I get to be closer to you when you're my secretary, my beautiful baby.“
❁ 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨
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„Ah, shit! The actress who was supposed to play the walk-on in the hospital scene with Yunho, can't get here as something happened to her. What do we do now?“ yelled the director out of frustration as the actress announced she can't arrive just a few minutes before they were supposed to shoot.
You were just finishing your sugar daddy Yunho's outfit for the shoot as you were the main costumer for this k-drama. Yunho stood up from his seat as you finished his stylist, bending down to plant a kiss on your lips, before going over to the director with a worried look on his usually joyful face.
You were clearing off the stuff you used on him back to where it belonged to. Eyeing Yunho talk with the director from distance, the two of them occasionally flashing looks at you. When they stopped talking, Yunho jogged to you with the beaming smile you knew that well on his face. His puppy-like features always flashed out when he had any good news, giving him the look that was asking him what he wanted to say.
„Get changed. You've got the role of the girl who's missing.“ you raised your eyebrows at what he just said, taken aback as you did not really understand what he was talking about. You and acting? „Come on, get dressed, we don't have much time. Here's the script.“ handing you the bunch of papers and the outfit the girl was supposed to wear, he motioned for you to go to the changing room.
You wiped the sweat off your forehead as you went away from the shooting site. „Wow, ms. Y/N, are you sure you didn't study acting? Although it was supposedly your first time acting, it was so natural. Wow, I'm glad Yunho showed you to me, you are for real like a hidden gem. Would you... maybe be interested in any more acting in future?“ asked the director with a glance of hope in his eyes after you finished shooting the small part in the k-drama your sugar daddy was starred in. Looking at him, wondering what Yunho's opinion was, the proud and encouraging smile on his face hinting that he really wanted you to accept the offer made by his boss.
„I'm so proud of you princess. My little talented actress, I love you.“
❁ 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠
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Groaning softly, you rubbed your eyes as you sat up, looking at the empty spot beside you. You were sleeping at Yeosang's home, but as you could see, he didn't seem to be sleeping. Slipping your feet into the fluffy slippers with rabbit eyes, you wrapped your body tighter in Yeosang's shirt you were sleeping in, as the air was rather cool.
Opening the door of his bedroom, you went down the stairs of his apartment, down to the living room where a small table lamp was lit. Your sleepy sugar daddy sitting by the desk covered in many papers that seemed to be related to his prosecutor work.
Approaching him, you caressed his shoulder, which woke him up from his quick nap, „Mhm, Y/N. You can go back to sleep, I'll be there soon, I just have to finish this.“ You knew well that that wasn't the case and he won't be there soon. Sighing, you wrapped your arms around his neck, sitting down on his lap, his hand caressing your exposed thighs. „What are you working on, Yeo?“
„I'm treading through the case files, but I just can't take the next step. The police want me to indict him of murder, but the defendant is justifying himself saying that it was an accident and that he should be only indicted of manslaughter.“ Taking the case files from his hand, you read through them since your unbiased opinion might be of help to him.
Taking a pen from his desk, you underlined the facts you thought were important in your lay opinion. Handing it to him, he read focused on the underlined sentences, his eyes lighting up in hope. „Oh my god, Y/N. You're the saviour of my life, this is the core issue but it hasn't even struck up to me. I love you so much, my little prosecutor.“
❁ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐧
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„Sannie, could you please tie my swimsuit?“ you held your hair in a ponytail so it did not get into the way as San tied the ribbon on the back of your swimsuit. You smiled at him as a way to say thank you, leaving the hotel suite your sugar daddy San reserved for you two to enjoy your vacation to the fullest.
San took your hand in his, your fingers intertwining as you walked down the hotel's luxurious corridors to the private beach. „Now, what does my beautiful baby plan on doing today?“ questioned san as he pulled you to him as close as possible. „Hm, I don't know, I'll probably do nothing all day long, just lay on the beach and sunbathe.“
„Then I'll keep you company while you do your nothing.“ giggles were leaving you two as you talked more while on the way to the sea. But as you started nearing the beach, loud dance music coming from the speakers. „What's that...?“ As you got to the beach, a group of people was doing dance work-outs there to the rhythm of the music.
„I have no idea what they are doing, but let's try Y/N“ and without giving you a chance to protest, San tugged you there by your wrist, right to the centre of the imaginary dance floor. He started dancing just as the instructor did, gesturing you to do the same.
Soon after you submitted to his nagging, doing the same as him to the rhythm of the energetic music. „Y/N, you're doing so well. Would I have known about your talent to dance, I would have taken you to some studio a long ago.“
❁ 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐢
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After that one ball, you two met together at, you got invited to countless more balls to keep your boss company. Over that many times you two spent together, you get to know each other more and more until eventually, he somehow became your sugar daddy and boyfriend in one.
Tonight was very special, Mingi as the chairman of one of the biggest conglomerates in the country, got invited to the ball held by the president for the most influential people in the country. And when he stopped by your apartment with a beautiful night-robe, a pair of brand-new heels and a golden envelope with the letter of invitation in it, you almost fainted from the delight you felt.
Sometimes he couldn’t help but watch you like a movie on nights like this. Because you seemed so interested in these events, that it truly amazed him how you could act so interested in the talk of the attendants when it bore him to death. You just seemed so natural at attending events like this, you could dance, you knew all the protocol rules, you could pretend interest or know how to answer to the business talk others often held with you. He just couldn’t help but admire the talent you had for the formal events.
Excusing you from their speech, Mingi wrapped his arms around your waist, taking you to the middle of the dance floor as your favourite dance song was playing. Moving slowly, you melted into his touch as you enjoyed each other’s presence dancing the slow dances. „I'm amazed my dear Y/N, I can't bring myself to be interested in talking to these egoistic geezers for more than 5 minutes. Thank god I have you, my talented princess.“
❁ 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠
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When you spent the night at your sugar daddy Wooyoung’s place, you usually weren’t allowed to even be near the kitchen as he insisted “he treats his princess food and she shouldn’t cook, because what if she cuts herself?” so today, as he had to rush to the work early in the morning because of some urgent, leaving you in his immense mansion alone.
And that meant you had a free pass to cook something in his kitchen. But seeing how emptied his fridge was, you opted for something more simple in a form of stir-fried tofu with vegetables. Washing the fresh vegetables thoroughly, you dried them, placing them on the breadboard, to cut them. All of his knives were sharp as Wooyoung was doing his best to keep his kitchen in the best state.
Throwing the tofu cubes onto the pan with a heated droplet of olive oil, you stirred them until they roasted into golden colour, adding the cut vegetables and cooking rice in the meanwhile. Not at all realizing that there was a pair of eyes watching you from the doorframe.
Leaving you like that, Wooyoung in the meanwhile went to change into some sweatpants and a t-shirt, maybe a quick shower. And so when he came back, you were already turning off the stove. „Well, well, well, what do I see? Looks like someone used my kitchen behind my back.“
You jumped in your place lightly, your breathing heavy at how startled you were upon Wooyoung talking to you out of nowhere. „Jung Wooyoung, for how long have you been there?“ he put on a grimace, pretending to be pondering over it. „Probably ever since you added the veggies to eat and started singing to those annoying songs.“
„They’re not annoying, you’re just too old to understand them. Anyway, if you want to nag at me for using your kitchen, do it after you taste my delicious meal. Seems like you were in rush this morning, so you probably haven’t eaten anything“ Placing the plate in front of him, you sat opposite of him, waiting to see what his reaction would be as he had never tasted your cookings before.
„Mhmm, are you sure you’ve cooked it yourself? If so... why have I never let you in my kitchen, when this is so delicious? Gosh, my princess is such a good cook.“ Your smile was full of delight at his compliment as you watched him stuff his mouth full of your food.
❁ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨
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„Y/N, I’m going to the restroom, you’ll wait for me, right?“ you nodded, watching your sugar daddy Jongho leave the studio. Standing up, you sat down on the now-emptied armchair in front of the PC screens, your eyes scanning the colourful music segments on the screen.
You picked up the sheaf of papers with the notes to his newest song, along with the lyrics he’s written himself. Your eyes ran over the notes and the lyrics and as you were re-reading the text for the 3rd time, you started humming to it, trying to get the right melody Jongho was intending on having in the song.
Opening the door to the studio, Jongho noticed you sitting on the chair, your back turned to him and that resulted in you still being oblivious to his presence. And he didn’t dare to make a move, standing in the door-frame and watching you humming to the song in amazement that you weren’t tone-deaf like most non-musical people were, as you hit all the tones.
„Woah Y/N, are you a trained singer or something? Why didn’t you tell me you were good at music? I would have taken you here long time ago...“
❁ taglist : @galaxteez @gyubaby @bobateastay @tinytinyblogs @ateezinmymind @chososchaos @cvtiehoon @a-soft-hornytiny
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bukojuiice · 3 years
ʚ Going to Universal Studios Japan with them (ft. Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto, Denki, Eijirou, Shinsou and Dabi) ɞ *‧.₊˚*੭
—  @bukojuiice’s 720+ followers gift! thank you so so much for supporting my works!  ♡ ily all i never would have thought i would reach this milestone 🥺
—  uni student! izuku, katsuki, shoto, eijirou, denki, shinsou and evil turned good! dabi x reader headcanons ♡
 — To further elaborate, this is a Dabi that turned Good for his bby bro because I know that this is physically impossible in the manga and i found it hard to play around with a cute and fluffy set of hcs within a villain context. so pls let me have a good Dabi just this one time qwq
— if you like to see more from me, i have an ongoing bakugo x fem reader! smau called cuddle buddy! read it here!  for my bnha masterlist check it out here!  ♡
— please reblog, reply and leave like if you enjoyed! it means a lot! c:
—  all universal studios japan photos are taken by me. Most of these headcanons are also based on my experience in Universal Studios Japan!  (๑•͈ᴗ•͈)
—  content warning: slight innuendo/sexual content, strong language and mention of Endeavor
— summary: You spend a wonderful day in one of the most happiest places on earth with your just as wonderful significant other. 
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—  You and Izuku stroll through Hogsmeade of the newly opened Hogwarts area of the Park. Your hand in his and your arms interlocked.
—  Izuku would geek out. As in geek out. He very much loved Harry Potter growing up and being able to go to USJ was a dream come true.
—  “It’s LeviOSA not LeviOSAR.” You continue to make Harry Potter jokes and Izuku was loving every minute of it. He could not stop laughing.
— You loved seeing his laugh as it made your heart feel all fluffy inside. God. why must this boy be so cute?
—  Izuku is just as big of a Potterhead as you. The two of you took the Hogwarts House test online and Izuku was sorted into Gryffindor whilst you were sorted into Slytherin. Two complete opposites yet you guys were the most adorkable couple ever. 
— Even the amusement park goers (the couples in particular) couldn’t help but turn their eyes to the two of you. 
—  The two of you are wearing matching Hogwarts robes, earning compliments from the staff giggling about how cute the two of you are! 
—  You were originally going to hang out with the entire Dekusquad but ofc your friends just decided to play matchmaker and instead collectively backed out and said they were busy bc of uni (obvs a lie)
—  You wonder why they would play matchmaker when the you and Izuku were already together in the first place and they know that very well HSKHSHSKHS 
—  anyways ochaco, tsuyu, shoto and tenya are very supportive wbk
—  Izuku just wanted this day to be very special and to be between the two of you only. 
—  “Izu-kun! Let’s try out the Butterbeer and see if it tastes just as good as the books and movies make them to be!” You point to a food stall that sells the famous beverage seen in the series, with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic kinds.
—  “Of course (Y/N)!-chan Anything for you!” He says sweetly and gingerly hands the money to the food vendor. 
— For fun and because why the hecc not, you decided to order the alcoholic variant of the drink whilst Izuku had purchased the non-alcoholic one.
—  In turn, you ended up becoming a little bit tipsy as the two of you enter the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride.
—  Izuku stares in awe as the waiting line makes you go through the interior of Hogwarts Castle. Both you and Izuku couldn’t help but just stare in amazement. 
—  You smile at the sight of your cute freckled boyfriend admiring the view and the area before him. It was as if he was transported into the actual world of Harry Potter and you couldn’t help but feel the overwhelming emotions he was feeling right now. 
—  The two of you hold hands during the entire attraction as both of you are seated in a 3-seater ride. T’was cute uwu
—  Albeit the fact that you were a little bit tipsy, the entire 4-D ride was magnificent as it literally took you through every adventure Harry Potter and the rest of the cast had experienced. 
— It was probably one of the best rides you’ve been to tbh??
— “The Dementors were so creeeeeeepy.” Izuku shuddered, rubbing his arm. “”They looked so real!” He turns to you, wonder and amazement plastered all over his face.
—  “THE WORST THING ABOUT PRISON WAS THE DEMENTORSSSS.” You howled, your voice practically echoing around the exit area. 
—  Midoriya knew that you got a bit tipsy due to the butterbeer, as soon as he had noticed the body language you were showing, he supports your weight by holding you tightky and then slowly take you to the cafe near the entrance that served hot coffee.
—  Thankfully, you were able to sober up so that the two of you could go around the rest of the park before the Night show took place in Hogwarts Castle. 
—  “You know, I’m so lucky to have you (Y/N)-chan. Just like how lucky Ron is to have Hermione.” He plants a kiss on your forehead, he firmly holds you as the evening light show of Hogwarts Castle begins. 
—  “You’re overreacting Izu-kun. I’m not as smart as Hermione.” You shake your head, trying to avoid eye contact as he just made another cheesy Harry Potter Joke. “More like I’m the Ron to your Hermione. I mess up sometimes yet you’re always there for me to help me up when I’m down.” 
—  “Then I guess we don’t have to compare ourselves to Ron and Hermione then. Because I wouldn’t have a life like this with you any other way. I love you (Y/N)-chan.”
—  “I love you too Izu-kun.” 
—  An array of colorful fireworks pop in the sky and the both of you look deep into each other’s eyes, holding each other tightly til the festivities end.
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— The two of you arrived at Universal Studios Japan earlier than most people. Bakugo always wanted to be first in line even though the two of you had fast passes to specific rides. He just rolls like that.
—  You forced him to wear matching matching elmo and cookie monster headbands with you. You were wearing the Elmo one and he was wearing the Cookie monster design.
  —  He’d spoil you soooooooo bad like he’d be grumpy at first and refuse to buy you this cute little souvenir item you’d probably never use, but he’d still spoil the heck out of you. Just as long as it was mildly reasonable.
—  He was all for thrill rides. As long as he got to show off how bad-ass and brave he is to you. That was until you discovered one of the Jurassic Park rides in the park and HOO BOY...
  —  You were internally squealing at the sight of him wearing the cookie monster that your brain just?? kinda stopped?? You secretly take a pic of your explosive boyfie and then change his contact name to Cookie Monster.
—  You first enter the Jurassic Park area at the insistence of Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina and Sero whomst you were supposedly going to meet after 2 hours
— As you roam around, there’s awkward silence between the two of you until you begin to obnoxiously sing the theme song of the series to try and annoy Bakugo, “TENENENEN TENENENENEN TENENENEN”
—‘’(Y/N) Geez, could you stop singing that stupid song? It fucking annoys me.’’
—‘’No way we’re riding that shitty fucking water ride. I will not get wet today.”
— “Oh really? What if you get wet in different ways?”
—He smirks at you, taking your hand and rubbing your thumb, “Let’s see when we get home.’’
— “OH WAIT BUT FIRST LET’S SHARE A TURKEY LEG!’’ You point to a nearby food stall, selling turkey legs for 980 yen. 
— Katsuki begrudgingly follows you to the stall and buys a turkey leg for the two of you to share. 
—You were deep in thought. Fantasizing if you could eat the Turkey Leg with Katsuki “Lady and Tramp” style. 
— Much to your dismay, Katsuki had finished the Turkey Leg before you could get another bite. You pout and cross your arms, yet he doesn’t notice you silently shooting daggers at him.
— You then quickly forget about the Turkey Leg as soon as the Flying Dinosaur attraction hovered above you. The amusing screams of the people riding it could be heard as it passed at a speed you could have never imagined.
—  ‘’Suki-kun!! Let’s ride that next!’’
— ‘’We just ATE. Are you fucking serious right now?’’
—  ‘’Or are you too chicken?’’ You tease him playfully. ‘’Hmm… Looks like eating the entire turkey leg turned you into a chicken now didn’t it?’’
—  ‘’Fine. Fuck this.’’ He tilts his head, gesturing you to follow suit. ‘’Let’s get into the fast pass line.’’
— You get on the ride and see up close the details of the dinosaur as it’s positioned upright for you two to get on. You take your seats and are instructed to strap yourselves in the seat. 
— You get a wonderful view of the sea as the ride continues to ascend, going up and down, at high speeds. You begin to scream your heart out, the adrenaline rushing through you. Bakugo tries to put up a face, not wanting to scream and show any weakness. You look at him again as the ride arrives at a downwards slope, creating a momentum before it descends again at high speed.
— The ride begins to move, positioning itself like a pterodactyl would. You take Bakugo’s hand and give it a tight squeeze. You look at him for comfort and he nods at you lovingly. You were at ease albeit the fact that the two of you are about to experience one of the most terrifying amusement park rides ever.
The two of you are then positioned to be dangling in mid-air, the safety strap from a while ago being the only thing holding you in place. 
—  ‘’(Y/N)! I LOVE YOU!’’ He screams his lungs out as the ride passes through the ocean again, giving you a clear view of the sea surrounding the wonderful prefecture of Osaka.
—  You smile cheekily and begin to scream from the top of your lungs too. ‘’I LOVE YOU TOO KATSUKI!’’
—  ‘’Did you really mean that I love you?’’ You ask him. Your adrenaline is still pumping you up.
— ‘’Of course I did you nerd. I had to get it out of my chest.’’ He says, avoiding eye contact, scratching the back of his neck.
—  The ride then ends abruptly and you could never feel more grateful. You could practically kiss the floor as your legs shaked once you got off. Katsuki supports you with his arm around yours and the two of you get off the ride.
—  ‘’I want to hear you say that again.’’ You poke his cheek but he doesn’t move an inch.
—  ‘’Come on. We have to go look for Kirishima in the others.’’
—  ‘’One more time Suki-kun! Please?’’ You look at him with your most dramatic puppy eyes and he couldn’t help but give in.
—  ‘’Fine.’’ He says grumpily. ‘’I love you.’’
—  ‘’I love you too. Let’s never ride that again.’’
— ‘’Agreed.’’
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— Shoto made sure that he would make the most of the time with you before the two of you go back to University. Booking the most luxurious hotel available, fine dining every single night you were in Osaka and going on private local tours and taking high-end trips to Nara and Kyoto.  
— He’s spoiling you so so so bad and as much as you didn’t want Shoto to spend too much, he kept on insisting. 
— This is also why he decided your trip near your birthday so that in a sense, this is his birthday surprise for you too!
— He wanted to go all out just for you. 
— You feel like you’re in Cloud 9 every time you’re with Shoto. How much more when you’re going on an extra special trip with him? 
— “This Eren Jeager’s voice sounds familiar. It’s as if we have the same voice.” Todoroki looks at the screen perplexed, putting on the 4-D Glasses and making sure you were already comfortable on your seat.
— ‘’I know right. You’re hotter of course.’’ You whisper, giving him a peck on the cheek.
— Attack on Titan is your all time favorite anime ever.
— Shoto wasn’t too well-versed in anime, so him bringing you to USJ is one of the best things he could ever do for you.
— Especially since the park had a limited time Attack on Titan 4-D Attraction!!
— YOU KNEW you had to go there and it was also a perfect opportunity for you to bond with Shoto
— As long as you were happy and he could support you with your interests, he was happy too.
— Being able to go on the Attack on Titan 4D Ride was a dream come true.
— You brought Shoto to the souvenir shop first and bought matching headbands for the two of you.
— You were wearing a headband that had two little chibi Levis on each side whilst Shoto had little chibi Erens on his uwu
— He’d be spoiling you so so much !!! Any souvenir item you’d set your eyes on, he’d immediately buy it for you!! 
— Before you can even say no, he’s already bought it using his luxurious black credit card. YOUR BOYFIE WAS RICH OFC I MEAN WHAT WOULD YOU EXPECT!?
—  "That was amazing." Todoroki says in awe, still trying to process the thrill he had just experienced. "I wonder what would happen if titans started appearing all of a sudden?"
—  "Let's say a smol titan appears right now. I wonder if you could pierce it with your ice?" You tilt your head, beginning to think about unrealistic scenarios. "Anywhooo, shall we go to the next ride on our list? It's called Hollywood Dream!"
—  "Let's gooooo~" He hums monotonously, earning giggles from you. He wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close as you walk side by side. 
— “Okay... so there are two variants to this ride. There’s one that goes in reverse and the other one goes so high up that we have an overview of the whole park.” You go through a brochure that you picked up at the entrance.
 — “Whichever one you’re more comfortable with (Y/N).” 
—  “Let’s go on the one where we can see our hotel because of how high it is!”
—  “OKAY NVM THIS WAS A BAD IDEA.” You say as the rollercoaster begins to reach it’s momentum, the ride going higher and higher.  Until you can see your hotel and every recognizable landmark from afar. 
—  Shoto then clasps your hand, giving it a tight squeeze. “It’s okay (Y/N). I’m right here. Just hold my hand okay?” 
—  You nod slowly, taking a deep breath. You close your eyes and feel a fell swoop on your stomach as the wind passes through your face.
—  Justin Timberlake’s Can’t Stop the Feeling begins to play as the rollercoaster begins to descend from roaring heights. They purposefully attached speakers to the ride so that the park goers would feel hyped up and excited instead of being terrified of how high up they are. 
—  Shoto’s hands are still intertwined with yours. You weren’t letting go. 
—  The screams of everyone else in the ride grows louder and louder and you can’t help but sing to the song instead.
—  “I GET THIS FEELINGGG INSIDE MY BONES! IT GOES ELECTRIC, WAVEY WHEN I TURN IT ONN.” You began to sing, raising your arms up high as you slowly begin to enjoy the ride. 
—  Shoto who was sitting on the end yet is still able to keep his calm composure, turns to you, and a small smile flashes on his face when he sees you channel your nervousness through singing. 
—  He begin to sing along with you too! AAAHHH WHAT A CUTIE
—  “All through my city, all through my home, We're flying up, no ceiling, when we in our zone.” He continues. You look at him and ease up a little bit once you see his handsome face and comfortable presence beside you.
— And before you knew it, the ride came to a stop. It was finally over. You take a deep breath and Shoto helps you out of your seat.
— “I got that sunshine in my pocket! Got that good song in my feet. I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops!” You and Shoto begin to duet to the pop and colorful song. You begin to fully enjoy the ride, barely even noticing the ride making sharp and fast turns as it continues to go up and down. 
— “I might have hated it at first but that was exhilarating.” 
— “I knew you could do it.” He says proudly, planting a kiss on your forehead. “You are the bravest person I know after all.” 
— “I wouldn’t have overcome my fears if it weren’t for you though.” You scrunch your nose, and hold on to Shoto’s arm. Your heart still beating so fast. “Thank you for being my safe space Shoto. I’m always at peace whenever I’m with you. Thank you for always being my comfort person.”
— “Of course (Y/N). Why wouldn’t I be?” He tilts his head, clueless. “Are you game enough to ride the reversed one this time?”
— “Of course I am!” 
— He chuckles, “That’s my love. If you feel like you can’t do it, Just know that I’m always here to support you.” 
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— The first attractions on your list were the water rides. More specifically the Jurassic Park Water Ride and the JAWS ride. 
— You and Kirishima would try every ride in the park if you could. He loved to try and experience new things especially if he’s able to do them with you!
— Kiri is a very very fun person and would always be game with anything tbh!!
— You’re wearing matching dinosaur hats with Kirishima!!
— ‘’RAWR!’’ You make cutesy dinosaur gestures at your boyfriend, jumping around in your place. ‘’Can you believe we’re finally here in USJ!?’’ He blushes profusely, pecking your cheek. 
—  ‘’I can’t believe it too.’’ He chuckles then pauses for a moment before...
— ‘’RAWR!’’ He says back, his hands forming into claws, his cute mouth open wide and his sharp shark teeth very much visible. You giggle at his returned gesture, finding it more cuter than you should.
— ‘’(Y/N) you’re adorable! You know that right?’’ He laughs and continues to hold you tightly.
— ‘’Pshh of course I do! I have an equally adorable boyfriend too!’’ You look up at him, beaming.
— The two of you then jump in your place in unison, both mimicking each other’s cute ‘’RAWR!’’ and hand gestures as Kirishima pulls you into a hug.
— ‘’Don’t forget manly!’’ He winks and grabs your hand, taking you to the Jurassic Park Water ride.
— “I actually find it smart that we go on the water rides first so that we can just change clothes immediately after. Good thinkening Kiri!” You remark, patting him on the head.
— THINKENING??? THINKENING??? Eijirou could not think straight right now because of how cute you are
— You looked so excited to go on the rides and he couldn’t be happier seeing you like this 
— The ride begins and the all too familiar theme song of the series begins to play as the gates to the Jurassic Park opens as the water ride begins to move
— Although the ride was very predictable, and you knew the surprise at the end was the T-rex trying to jumpscare you as the ride falls down a high incline, splashing all of the people on the ride. 
— Kirishima still looked like he had lots of fun. 
— He turns to you, a huge cheeky smile plastered upon his face as he tries to dry his clothes. “That was fun!” 
— The ride may seem calm at first, but then the T-Rex begins to secretly appear around the forest-ish area surrounding the water ride. 
— “It was!” You smiled back. You look down on your shirt innocently. “I didn’t expect that I’d get this wet so I thought wearing a white shirt would be-”
— “LET’S BUY YOU A JURASSIC PARK SHIRT IN THE SOUVENIR SHOP OKAY!? SO THAT YOU WON’T WASTE YOUR OTHER CLOTHES AND YOU CAN CHANGE IN THEM FOR THE JAWS RIDE INSTEAD.” Eijirou stands up so suddenly from the boat. He takes you by the hand without shooting you another glance as not to show how flustered he was. 
— “Okay then...” You reply, as Kirishima whisks you away, leading you to the souvenir shop just outside of the attraction.
— Kirishima breathes a sigh of relief as he sees you exit the comfort room. 
— He calls you over, “(Y/N)! While you were changing your clothes, I went back to the souvenir shop and realized that they were actually couple shirts!
— We are so Adora-saurable! was written on both of your shirts along wtih a cute dinosaur couple print on them.
— “Funny how you were able to find a Dinosaur pun on the word adorable! What a coincidence!” You giggle, poking Kirishima’s cheek. “I think we had enough of dinosaurs for now. Shall we check out the other rides?”
— “Right beside ya!” Kiri flashes you his signature smile, taking your hand in his again, swinging it back and forth as the two of you continue to your next destination. 
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— The way you scolded him was more in a joking way though!!
— You guys arrive a bit late because Kaminari ended up sleeping through his alarm 🙃
— When the two of you met up at the entrance you scolded him so bad because you practically lost two hours and HNGGGGG
— All he could do was hug you tightly from behind and say “gomen!” “gomen!” over and over again
— you were loving every second of it!!!! denki was being super cute and you couldn’t help but just go uwu
— OK SO you and Kaminari decided to go to the Despicable Me/Minions area first not just for the memes but also because it was the most popular attraction this season.
— You also wanted to get on the rides there first since it takes 2 hours before you can even get in
— The design of yours was a cute little minion holding a teddy bear whilst his was a special Christmas reindeer edition.
—  “(Y/N)-chan! Look at the line! Should we line up and take a picture with the Minions!?” He points to a meet and greet line for the yellow mascots
—  You weren’t exactly the biggest fan of these abominations but facebook mom memes aside, Denki looked super super excited and you didn’t want to ruin a great start to a perfect day so you just went with it.
—  The staff attendants thought Kaminari looked super excited like cute little sparky puppy seeing the minions so they gave you cute minion button pins!!
— The Despical Me Area pretty much played Happy by Pharell Williams non-stop as people stroll around so you and Denki couldn’t help but dance along to it.
—  It didn’t matter if people looked at the two of you weirdly either!! Just being with denki and being chaotic with him is one of the best feelings ever and he feels the same way too
— You guys did all kinds of funky dances til the two of you got exhausted and decided to try out the other rides. 
— There were also carnival game stands and Kaminari ended up winning you the exact same unicorn stuff toy seen in the Despical Me movies.
— Cotton Candy, Gumballs, Skittes, anything remotely sweet being sold on the stalls, you tried all of them.
— “IT’S SO FLUFFFFFY!!!” You imitate one of the cute characters from the movie, hugging the stuffed toy to your chest. “Thank you Kami-kun! I will cherish this forever!”
— Kaminari grins widely, “I know you aren’t too fond of the Minions but thank you for still going with me to this area first.” You can see the emotion and the appreciation in his eyes. 
— “OMG DENKI OFC! WHY WOULD I NOT ENJOY THIS!?” You say incredulously. “I had such an amazing time! Minions and their annoying voices aside. I always have the best time when I’m with you!”
— Crocodile tears start to form on Denki’s eyes as he pulls you into a hug. “AAAAAAAHH (Y/N)-CHAN I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU. THANK YOU FOR BEARING WITH ME. I’M DOING THIS FOR THE MEMES.” 
— You giggle, patting Kaminari on the back. “It’s alright alright. I love you too! But this time you have to compensate by going on a horror ride with me okay?”
— “Ahahahahahaha what?”
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— Endeavor had sponsored your trip and all expenses to ~try~ and start to mend his broken relationship with his son, although you refused at first, Toya did not. When he went to visit his mother and Enji was there to visit too, He got the money from him, ignored him, and flipped him off (aka gave him the bad finger) before leaving.
His three other siblings were in on this trip too. However, Toya wanted your trip to Universal Studios Japan between the two of you ONLY. His siblings went on a different day.
— He wasn’t the biggest fan of matching outfits or any accessories with you like any couple would and you didn’t want to pry on that. He really wasn’t the type of person to do that to begin with.
— And although on the inside he does feel a bit sorry about not being able to be cutesy with you it just really wasn’t his thing. 
The two of you would most probably make out in a secluded area in the Hogsmeade area that is barely noticed by any other park goers. How daring and how secsy
 ‘’Seriously? Snoopy and Hello Kitty? THIS is the area you want to go in first?’’
—‘’Come on! It’s not everyday you get to loosen up like this. Why not try out the kiddie rides first? Besides, I want to see how long you can last without taking the cuteness anymore.”
— The staff sees you enter the Snoopy and Woodstock ride and couldn’t help but ask a very imprudent question. “The two of you look like such a cute couple! I bet your child is just as precious!”
—“Excuse me… what?” You ask, your eyes widen. “We’re not-”
—“The kid is on it’s way. We’ll have one soon once we return here.” Toya says casually, sending you a flirtatious wink and you feel flushed and slightly embarrassed.
—“Jeeeeeeeeeez. Did you really have to say that?” You try to avoid contact with him so he wouldn’t see the embarrassment or rather the arousal present all over your face.
—“What? It’s true.” He smirks, taking your hand. “Do you not want anything to happen between us?” He teases again.
—“NO NO NO NO ITS NOT THAT.” You yelp in embarrassment, your eyes still cast down on the ground.
—You notice him kneeling down and before you could even react, instead of facing the ground, you were staring down at your boyfriend’s handsome face instead. 
—“Come on… I thought we were going to the Hello Kitty ride next?
— “Oh yeah right! That ahahaha let’s go!” You look up again before he could see your face looking like a tomato.
— You couldn’t help but be flustered by his words time and time again. This time though there was no point in hiding it. He got to you.
— He grabs you by the waist, and whispers into your ear, “Besides, I’m saving matching outfits with you once we bring our child here in the future. We would be the cutest fucking family out there.”
— You’ve already been dating for a year?? and your heart still flutters every time?? anything remotely romantic comes out of his mouth???
— The other couples for some reason never thought of going on the cutesy rides, so as soon as they saw you and Toya going on them, the line for most of the rides got even longer.
— Toya might be lowkey an edgelord  but you guys became trendsetters in a span of an hour!! 
— He still looked hot just wearing a plain dark hoodie but you still couldn’t get the thought of Toya wearing those fits out of your head.
— “Earth to (Y/N)? You’re spacing out again.” He waves a hand in front of your face and you snap back to reality. “We’ve rode every attraction here. I think we should go check out the other rides? The Jaws one next please. I can’t stand all this cute sparkly cuteness anymore.”
—  “AHAH! YOU FINALLY SNAPPED!” You laugh, acting as if you finally got back at Toya for making you such a blushing and stuttering mess just a few minutes ago. Dabi shrugs it off however. 
— “OKIE! Now that I got out of my system, let’s continue to go around shall we?” You huff and pace off to the next ride that you wanted to go on.
— Toya shakes his head and smirks, following you to wherever you were going to take him next. That didn’t stop him from teasing you every few minutes though.
— The two of you did come back to USJ, but only a few days later to accompany Shoto since Fuyumi and Natsuo had to take the train home due to having to attend important matters.
— The same park attendant who complimented you and Dabi was managing the Snoopy ride again. She recognizes the two of you instantly and waves. “Oooh! I didn’t think the two of you would come back again so early! Is this the cute child you were talking about?”
— You and Toya collectively facepalm whilst Shoto looks at the staff with a very puzzled look.
— Hopefully, the next time you come back, you finally have a happy family with Toya and you can finally show off to that sassy ol’ attendant that you have a cute little kid with you to go on rides with.
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—This is officially your 7th date with Shinsou. 
— Although the two of you are already official, you can’t help but feel and notice how cold and distant he is to you still. As if he hasn’t exactly opened up to you.
—  And you didn’t want to end this day without seeing him loosen up and open his shell.
 —  You wanted a relationship with Shinsou in where the two of you could talk to each other about your own problems and help each other out. 
— That was the ideal relationship after all, and you knew for a fact that you could have something special like this with Shinsou. 
—  He did confess to you through a love poem and if that isn’t the most romantic thing ever, then I don’t know what is. 
—  You wanted to be his comfort person after all. Just as he is with you although I think he doesn’t know that yet exactly. 
—  “SOU-KUNNNN you know what else we can do?” 
—  “...What?”
—  “Let’s go on all the boring rides!!” You take his hand and start running to the next attraction. 
—  “T-that’s not actually a bad idea. Let’s go.” He mutters, albeit shy at the touch of your hands at first, he grows comfortable after a few minutes with your hand intertwined with his. 
— It was the middle of the afternoon and the park was less busier than usual, which meant all the time for you and Shinsou to try out every exhilarating ride the park had to offer. 
—  The only ones left were more performance-based attractions where you would be watching a live musical or play. One of those being a Terminator based ride. 
—  The concept of a Terminator live-action retelling was pretty cool but certainly not you or Shinsou’s cup of tea either. However, it was your goal with him to try out every ride in the park. So, eh why not?
—  The two of you sit in the front seat, making Shinsou within range of the stage actors to be affected by his quirk. 
—  “Don’t try to make them do anything bad okay?” You whisper to him. “This live show does look boring and really needs to liven up a little.
—  “I won’t do that of course. Let’s just make this show more entertaining.” 
— He then uses his quirk on the stage actors, making them do fun and entertaining dances. 
— The audience burst out into laughter as Shinsou had unintentionally made a twist to the musical playing before you. 
— “Of course not! You made that Terminator Musical much better! I bet they took notes and try to switch up the acting and the cheesiness for the next show!” 
— “Hopefully they will. Because the show was boring as hell.” He deadpans, putting his hands in his pockets. 
— Everyone in the theatre left in good spirits. 
— He stops in his tracks and looks at you. How lucky he was to have someone like you in his life.
— “Thank you for today too (Y/N). I really enjoy spending time with you like this.” He looks away, yet fails to hide his flustered face. 
— “You’re welcome!” You lean in and tiptoe to kiss him on the cheek. 
—  Despite how cold and straightforward he may be sometimes, you never complained. You accepted him for who he was and who he is. 
— The two of you take the train ride home in peace and solace knowing that slowly but surely, Shinsou becomes more and more comfortable with you and you can’t wait for the time he finally opens up and bears his heart to you. 
Thank you for reading ♡
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression, radio version - Ep.56, Oct 2016 - Jumping on the Halloween bandwagon, Futon maker-turned-fashion maker.
Kaoru starts by talking about the Instagram campaign, saying that practically every photo they uploaded has recieved more than 50 likes, so he's in a posistion where he has to send a sticker to each one. He encourages listeners to keep sending in photos if they want to recieve a sticker. Kaoru is looking at the Instagram page as he speaks, and he mentions that there are a lot of people wearing the yukata that he designed. He supposes they wore it on purpose for this campaign, but he stresses that there is no need to wear that yukata just because he designed it. Wear whatever you like! There are even people who sent in pics of very elaborate nail art. Although many of the fans attending the lives were wearing simple Dir band tshirst, Joe says that some of them did remake them by cutting them in different ways to make them more original.
Kaoru starts his first news topic next, stating that he chose this story because its currently Halloween season. This is the topic of completely unrelated products jumping on the Halloween bandwagon. Packs of eggs, nattō, even ramen are being included in Halloween campaigns run by supermarkets and convenience stores. The article Kaoru found shows a pack of eggs featuring a jack'o'lantern design on the packaging. He can understand sweets and snacks getting in on the Halloween theme, because they are part of the tradition, especially in America, but nattō etc  seems a bit odd. Joe sad he also saw cartons of apple juice featuring Halloween pumpkin decorations, which he finds a bit puzzling. Is it pumpkin flavoured apple juice? He adds that its probably a result of producers wanting to sell as much as possible in light of the fact that Japanese tend to be easily swayed by limited seasonal products. He asks Kaoru whether he buys these kinds of limit seasonal items and Kaoru says he used to buy them, but these days he doesn't bother. Joe says he often does fall for these products. He always travels to this studio in Tennōzu by train, and when he passes through Shinagawa station he sees tonnes of 'limited time only' offers in the stores there. As he loves sweet food, he tends to end up buying a lot of stuff. He does realise, however, that the same store will be selling the same stuff as 'limited', even weeks later. It never ends. This is what makes him think that Japanese are helpless against 'limited' sales.
Kaoru says he thinks no one keeps this kind seasonal packaging anyway. He wonders whether people would be interested in limited releases of CDs with Halloween themed cover jackets. Joe thinks there may just be some positive people out there who want to buy this stuff and savour the packaging.
Kaoru comments on how Halloween celebrations seem to get more and more energetic with each passing year. Joe agrees, and says the streets in places like Shibuya are a sight to be seen at Halloween. He asks Kaoru if he celebrates. Kaoru laughs at this suggestion, and confirms that he does not.
Joe remembers Halloween from the time he used to live in America. He recalls kids trick or treating, and seeing spectacular Halloween parades in the streets. Kaoru says that when Dir were touring the states a few years ago, they were actually there at Halloween, but he hardley noticed anything about it. There were one or two people dressed in costume walking the streets, but that was about it. It was different from what he imagined, although he does admit, it could have just been a result of the location they were staying.
They then go back to point about areas like Shibuya and Roppongi going crazy at Halloween. Joe says he actually dressed up, and walked the streets in costume in Roppongi 2 years ago. He was invited to a Halloween party there by a foreign friend of his, and won a load of Halloween goods while he was there, so he put them on, and subsequently went home in them. He fit right in while he was still in Roppongi, but after getting off the train at Yoyogi and nearing his house, he didn't feel so great being dressed up.
Kaoru comes to the conclusion that jumping on the Halloween bandwagon doesn't do any harm, although he personally would still not buy a Halloween themed pack of eggs. Joe says things like this could be a catalyst for people to find out more about the cultures and traditions of other countries.
Tasai joins them next and introduces some news about how the long-estblished futon maker 'Nishikawa' has started making fashion. They have teamed up with Uniqlo designer Takizawa Naoki for the project. Tasai thinks the clothes produced look amazing and really wants listeners to have a look online for them. He explains that before the Age of Civil War in Japan (1467-1615), there were no futons. People just slept on folded up kimonos. The business 'Nishikawa' has been operating since just after that time period, for 450 years, but realised that in this age they need to challenge themselves if they are going to continue to stay in business, hence this move into fashion. Tasai repeats his plea for listeners to check out these items and explains that the selling price is much less than the materials are actually worth. He asks Kaoru and Joe what they think after seeing photos of some of the pieces. Joe says its an important thing for Japanese traditional customs be adapted like this to widen their scope. Tasai explains that animal print, like leopard print or wild cat print, has traditionally been revered in Japan as a form of respect towards an animal's power, and people have worn it wishing to become as strong. The same principle applies to warriors traditional helmets, which were designed to be symbolic of powerful animals. Tasai himself also learned this info about animal print in Japanese culture after reading this news. Kaoru says he is interested to see how fashion evolves from now on. Joe asks Kaoru whether he would consider collaborating with this futon business. Kaoru says he's not sure about that, but if he buys any items, Joe should copy him and buy the same thing (This is a joke about the time Joe arrived at the studio accidentally wearing the same outfit as Kaoru). Joe says if Kaoru wore a wild cat print outfit, he would be cheap and wear underwear with the same print (*I think*) - lots of laughing at this.
To finish, Kaoru plugs his upcoming tours, including the date at his home town again, which is at the venue Amashin Archaic Hall in Amagasaki city. He also announces plans for a  two day date during the Mode of Kisou tour which will consist of male only on day one, and female only on day two. Joe and Tasai say they both want to attend, but care will have to be taken to ensure Hiranabe doesn't turn up at the female only live. They had best not tell him about it. Joe suggests telling him to go on a business trip or a trip to Atami etc on that day. 
Songs - Dir en grey/24ko cylinder, Björk/Pluto, Dir en grey/Kūkoku ni kyōon.
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iotiamohd · 4 years
@iotiamo follow for follow? <3
Schrödinger’s Leak
We’re extremely sorry to say: this is fake. We made it because we’re agents of chaos  to prove that it was possible to do something like this in two days. It took a lot of work at the sacrifice of our sanity, but we did it, and filmed on a phone like the original leak was, it could pass off as real. (Look through this blog if you want to see the ugly truth of the HD version.)
The problem is...we were originally doing this to prove that the leak was real, because “no way someone would do this in two day, especially without getting paid”, and instead not only we realized it’s possible, but we’re left with more doubts than before. Keep on reading if you’re interested in what we (didn’t) find out, and what we did to put this together. 
We could have posted this a bit earlier, but we didn’t want to distract from the #SomethingToSay campaign.
Guys. Guys, we wish we could explain the sheer amount of things Vittorio Guerrieri, Cas’ voice actor, has been in. This man is in every anime dub ever, it’s impressive—we knew finding that specific “Io ti amo” was a losing battle, but we still tried. 
Oh, God, did we try. We went through English scripts of all the rom-coms he’s dubbed; compared that to the Italian subtitles of those same movies, looked for working links to stream the Italian dub and check if the “I love you”s we found were the right one....brain cells were lost. Progress was not made. 
We settled on using the one in Marley & I (lmao), that Owen Wilson’s character says to the dog  to his wife. It’s even better than the one in the leak, in our humble opinion, @ og leaker, suck our collective dicks.
Pictured here: Owen Wilson confessing his undying love for Dean Winchester (as he should).
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The closest match we had is Dean's Anch'io, (me too).
Although it wasn't a Supernatural "exclusive" line, we decided to search within the original scripts and look for an Italian corrispondance. We found it.
2x20 [9.54] - What Is And What Should Never Be It not only was a perfect match in terms of sounds, but after analyzing the file with Audacity we had no doubt about it. Furthermore, if you overlap the OG leak's "me too" with the one we found, they seem to perfectly fit. 
Listen to the cleaned and compared audios here, and stay tuned for our mixtape, it’s gonna be straight fire. 
Here are the graphs. The “Anche io” from 2x20:
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“Anche io” from the leak:
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Obviously we didn’t expect them to look the same, considering the differences in audio quality, but they’re still very similar. It was listening to the audios side by side that convinced us. 
...Is this proof that the leak is fake? Idk. Probably yes. But what if it’s a coincidence that they’re so similar? How different could the two graphs for two small words said by the same person possibly be, after all. And what about all the other lines that we couldn’t find a match for? You see now why we’re conflicted. 
The original idea was to go through every. single. time. Dean says “Castiel” in the Italian dub, hoping to find a perfect match for the one in the leak. We figured every other line could have been taken from the voice actors’ older works (both Castiel’s and Dean’s are very popular here in Italy, and their voices have appeared in...everything, basically)—but that “Castiel” had to come form Supernatural. 
We didn’t find it. We went through a lot of the episodes with Castiel in them, the ones with more emotional scenes first, and found nothing...we ended up getting distracted by the search for Mi dispiace, Dean, when we realized that also had to come from Supernatural. We settled on using the first close match we thought of: the scene in 09x01 where Dean is praying in the hospital’s chapel. 
This is not the “Castiel” used in the leak, so we can’t prove that it’s a recycled line stoled from an older episode of the Italian dub. For all we now, Stefano recorded it for 15x18. 
“Castiel” from 09x01:
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“Castiel” from the leak:
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Does this prove anything, considering how bad the audio quality of the leak is? We wouldn’t get the same exact graph even if it was the same snippet of audio. (By the way, when we started this we thought that Dean had rarely said Castiel’s name like that in the dub. We’d forgotten than Italian!Dean never calls him Cas, the asshole.)
The same problem remains: did the leaker find some obscure anime episode where Guerrieri says Io ti amo and used it to dub Castiel, or is this all very real, and that’s why we couldn’t find it anywhere? We don’t know, we just don’t know. 
Apart from the very wistful "Castiel..." right before Dean gets chucked on the ground (lol get rekt), the other line that came without a doubt from Supernatural is "Mi dispiace, Dean."
I'm sorry, Dean, a sentence that Cas doesn't say that often throughout the show: we checked the English scripts, and we found only three instances where it happens (we only have up until season 13 dubbed in Italian, so if he ever says it in the remaining two seasons, it certainly doesn't have an Italian version). 
5x22 - Swan Song: Cas says it, and it's very obviously not the one in the leak. The tone is completely different. 6x22 - Meet the new boss: again, close but no cigar. 7x01 - Reading is fundamental: at first we thought it was the exact same one, and that's why this particular Mi dispiace, Dean is the one you can hear in our fake leak. After checking with Audacity, the one in the episode and the one in the og leak don't correspond. It's just the closest we could find. 
So...? What does this mean? We don't know. It's very possible that Italian!Castiel does say Mi dispiace, Dean somewhere in another episode, straying away from the original English script, but without transcriptions of the Italian dub available online, we had no idea where to start. 
It's also possible that the leak is real, and that's why we found no doubles for this line. 
Also: we've seen people in various posts about the leak saying that the change from "Goodbye, Dean" to "I'm sorry, Dean" is suspicious. It's not uncommon to change lines if it means lipsinking them better, and considering what was happening in the scene, it's not out of place to have Cas apologize to Dean. It wouldn't sound weird to someone who has never watched the original episode. 
But, there's another argument to make...Cas has never said goodbye, Dean in older episodes (as far as we could find), and the og leaker was forced to use the next best thing they could find in the Italian dub. 
That monitor in the leak looked so sus at first. Is it normal for professional studios to use equipment older than some people on this hell site?
Apparently yes. 
We've found a bunch of photos of voice actors in front of the screen they use at work, and they all look like that. Dusty. 
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These pictures also confirmed that the punctuation in the frame rate changes—sometimes it's all :, sometimes it's all ; (like in the case of the OG leak), sometimes it's mixed. Once again, we can't prove anything one way or another.
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This is a pic from 2009 of Davide Chevalier, Sam's voice actor, and the framerate looks different from the one in the leak...then again, it's from 2009. What does it mean? What does it all mean?
If you know more than us, please tell us:
Did we read the Audacity graphs correctly? Do they prove/disprove anything that we didn’t mention?
Does the framerate make any sense? Are we being bamboozled?
Do you have any insight on whether or not season 15 is already been dubbed? We know that season 14 will go on air in bundles of three episodes starting from the 12th of December, so it’s not crazy to think season 15 is already in the works.
Was this worth it? Was any of this worth it? We slept very few hours last night. 
tl;dr: in conclusion, we CAN’T affirm with absolute certainty if the Italian leak is fake or not, since we have evidences leading both way. Sadly, the final word will be when the episode will actually air next year.
IRTF - Internet Research Italian Rogue Task Force
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eregyrn-falls-art · 4 years
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Week 1: Childhood 
I spent childhood summers on the Jersey shore.  My favorite time of day was dusk.  After 5pm the lifeguards went off duty and most people left the beach.�� After dinner, there were still several good hours of light left, and it cooled off. I loved the quality of the light, too, especially when the sunset was reflected on the eastern horizon, and the ocean was a bright blue reflecting the sky, and the wet stretch of sand left by the waves reflected the sunset colors.  That sand within the tideline was more packed down and it was a lot easier to run on.
Our house was only a couple of houses from the beach, so I could go down there whenever I wanted. There were a lot of evening walks on the beach, maybe looking for shells, or playing frisbee, or playing catch or wiffleball. And if the wind was just right, it was the perfect place for flying kites. 
Back in the 70s, the Gayla kite company made cheap plastic delta-wing kites.  They were *the* most common kites for kids, because they were pretty forgiving, but mostly because they were so cheap.  They had a plastic keel that the string was attached to, which was supposed to make them easier to steer.  In my experience, sometimes you could get them up in the air, and sometimes all they wanted to do was repeatedly nosedive into the sand.  Every once in a while you could get them WAY up there, paying out all the string on the roll.  And sometimes there was the excitement of you losing hold of the kite, and away it would go, the cardboard roll bouncing along the sand as you chased after it. If you were really lucky, your brother could catch up with it and get it back for you. 
Gayla started making kites in 1961, so that was undoubtedly the kind of kite the Stans would have flown.  The smallest ones cost $1 (the equivalent of about $9 today), and they were sold in every drugstore and five and dime in every beach town.  One of their kites was a batwing shape. (I never got that one, I just had the plain ones.)  I figure they got this kite for their birthday (but Filbrick is cheap enough that they had to share the one kite), and they painted it themselves to look like the Jersey Devil.
I based the background here on pics of Long Beach Island’s beaches (looking north), mostly pics I’ve taken over the years, and a couple of others showing good sunset colors.  LBI was where I lived; I headcanon the Stans’ town as being further north, but really, most NJ beaches look like this.  (Plus or minus a boardwalk here, or more hotel development there.)  And I looked up the Gayla kites for reference, and that sure was a trip down memory lane. (They never made a Jersey Devil kite though; what a missed opportunity!) 
All done in Clip Studio Paint on iPad.  Not completely satisfied with the background, but it was a good experiment and practice.  I am NOT going to do something this elaborate for all of the weeks! But once I got this in my head I couldn’t NOT try to do it.
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currentfandomkick · 4 years
Marinette did Not sign up for this part 5
so, this happened. i would feel bad, but the characters hijacked this story after chapter 1 and i’m just along for the ride and checking that words makes sense.
First part here Previous Here ao3 Here
“Hey Alya, you haven’t been getting more hits on your blog from Gotham lately, have you?” Marinette asked.
Alya rolled her eyes as honestly, could her bestie be any less obvious? She could see the “new” necklace. The one that only shows up when Multimouse is on call. Honestly—why is it everyone keeps thinking she doesn’t know who’s who? She’s the Fox—Illusions and Truth are her bread and butter.
“Now that you mention it,” Alya pulled up her latest stats. “Yes. The whole site—jeez these guys must have just found out and want the scoop from the best source in Paris,” Alya preened.
Marinette acted… different after she got that answer. Moved in on herself. Alya could feel the attempt at a cover-up before she even asked.
“Hey, is something up?”
“Nothing! Nothing is up, why would something be up! Ha, that’s a good one Alya!”
Ah, the miraculous-related tic was in full swing then. Marinette isn’t exactly the most in-the-know miraculous user, and the Mouse is always taken back after its been used. She could be forgiven for assuming Alya, the expert in all things Miraculous second only to the Original duo and their boss, would not know that something was going on in a certain spotted heroine’s life, and it was all hands on deck.
“Okay,” Alya switched to her theory notes, “Any new names to add to the ‘would not be surprised if they were Hawkmoth’ list?” Marinette is a goldmine on this topic, and while miraculous adjacent, definitely able to ease the whole ‘not in control’ and helpless feelings this situation was probably stirring in her girl. She knew it was for herself atleast.
Marinette perked up with a familiar ‘I know what you will say, but lets do this anyway’ type of sly smile. “Okay, so we do agree that it has to be someone that knows Gabriel’s schedule and doesn’t want to interfere with it for the most part, right?”
“Well,” Alya wasn’t letting this hunch go anytime soon, no matter what LB and Chat said about evidence against. She knew she was onto something with it, and for all she knew, some miraculous magic could be interfering. “I still say it could be him and Natalie taking turns, but that doesn’t rule them both out.”
Marinette shot Alya a look, of the ‘I strongly disagree, but feel it is futile to remind you why’ variety.
“I’m kidding, your boss isn’t Hawkmoth, I know… He’d totally have better designs for akumas if he was.”
Marinette leaned forward conspiratorially. “You should have seen him tear into the Bubbler one when I brought it up as an example of horrible design. His face was perfect!”
Alya would love to imagine the many, many ways to torment Gabriel after what she and Nino have come to understand about the man from their friends. Ranging from negligent and uninvolved control freak at best to manipulative, victim-blaming, and abusive POS. If Adrien and Marinette were a little less attached (re: not pedestalling the man so much), then she could get them to see the truth and they could go over the pair’s options to get them both away from his BS and make the man pay for the all the crap he put Adrien through, and was starting to put Marinette through. Why else would the girl be running herself ragged—especially the past week—if the man wasn’t a demanding asshole boss?
“That’s great, next time, get a pic or vid and share the love.”
“I will, so I met another one of his suppliers and…” Alya began to take vicious notes, glad for Marinette’s attention to detail on these things. It made looking for possible Hawkmoths much easier on her and Max—yes she knows who Pegasus and Cowboy are, Markov in a hat is still Markov in a hat. It was a wonder that no one else noticed.
Alya grinned when she saw Trixx peek out of her hiding place, a wide smile that reminded her exactly why Alya could catch everyone’s identity while her friends still hadn’t put together she’s Rena; a Fox casts illusions. To do that well, you have to learn to seek and see the truth, and get your evidence. And Alya? Is a damn good fox.
Tim hates his stupid insane list of designers. He managed to knock of half by using his own damn filters, thank you very much for dominant genes from the Wayne side that could be seen visually. It knocked out a good chunk (about two thousand out of five thousand) on hair alone. He decided he would let it keep running for those that linked their socials to their psueds and aliases.
The problem was the handful (about ten) that didn’t. He’d have to meet them in person, used his glasses to get pictures, and run those against social media posts in Paris to find out who these more private designers were—all to find out if they really are in the right age range, and if their natural features do put them in the ‘likely a Wayne’ category for Wayne dominant traits (and those possible given Bruce’s own DNA makeup, which he doesn’t know Tim has. Hey, he’s the Robin that Gets Shit Done, never said he was the polite one. That’s Dick’s job, not his.)
Adrien hates not having Plagg with him. Not that Tikki isn’t great and all! Really! Just… he misses him and his stinky cheese, okay?
“Adrien,” Natalie knocked on the door.
“Come in.”
Natalie entered the doorway, but no further. “When is Marinette free for consultations next? we have a high end client who would like to commission her as soon as possible.”
“Give me a minute…” Adrien checked his ‘overseeing Marinette’ schedule on his phone. “Uh, she has walk-ins around four until five tomorrow.”
“Excellent. Will she be at her home or the studio Gabriel has provided for consultations?” By her tone, he could tell which Natalie and Father would prefer.
“Let me check with her.”
“See that you do.”
Adrien sent a lipstick, X arm lady, and house emoji to Marinette.
In a minute she sent back a thumbs up and apartment building emoji.
“Studio it is.”
Natalie nodded. “Excellent choice. I will let them know to be there at four ten, given Marinette’s… difficulty arriving on time.”
Adrien grimaced a bit on that as yeah… no longer having a Danger sense meant her punctuality was… not very good.  “Are they speaking to Marinette or MDC?”
He’d need to know if he should just pick her up or not. MDC didn’t have to get picked up—designers to celebrities are allowed to be late and can blame it on getting caught up in a few details on a commission design for a walk-in consultation. Marinette was tied to the Gabriel Brand and needed to reflect that, therefore, be there on time and ready.
“Marinette for now, though they expressed an interest in MDC as a budding designer, and they are well within the MDC price range,” Natalie hinted.
Adrien kept the hiss growing in the back of throat quiet. Marinette chooses who MDC works with, not his Father.
Stephanie is both delighted and upset when she sees Cass. As its Cass—she probably figured it out already damn it!—but its Cass and she missed her since she left a few months back for a mission and got caught up in the Chinese crime scene again.
“Hey Cass!”
Cass grinned when she saw Steph and made her way over.
“Found her!”
Stephanie was gutted. She really wanted to win, just this once, at a detective thing. You know, be the normal one that managed to out-do the prodigies and geniuses. Not to be again. “Oh, that’s great. Where is the baby bat?”
Cass shook her head. “Not her, Soup Girl.”
Stephanie opened and shut her mouth. Then lit up as she still has a chance! “Oh, right—right! You said you wanted to meet her a while back.”
Cass nodded. “Her family is nice.”
“Did you talk to her or…”
Cass shook her head. “Busy.”
“Ah.” That made sense. “Well, uh, still competing?”
Cass raised an eyebrow. That was a yes.
“Maybe we should work on helping her on the hero side of things together, you know, so we don’t freak her out when we all swarm her place. Make the whole thing a bit less…”
Stephanie nodded. It would help ease the girl into the family, and keep Cass on that case instead of finding Baby Bat for a bit. Win-Win for Stephanie and Baby Bat.
Chatte Noire really, really hates dealing with akumas. She's built for strategy, to see tricky parts and work out how to make them safer for the team and minimize risk. She is not made to be Chatte Noire. Yet here she is, in an akuma attack, trying to play the role of a Black Cat—identify and destroy threats to the team. Problem is, she lacks Chat Noir's heightened ability to sense danger. In fact, she lacks it completely--and she knows the team isn't happy.
The attack is taking longer than it would if she was Ladybug. This would be over if she had just managed to keep her big mouth shut and not talked to Aquaman. Then the Justice League wouldn’t be involved. Then the whole promise to Murder Robin would not be broken and Paris would already be saved for the day instead of dealing with another Sandboy attack going on well into the night, with a cure that won’t be able to handle fatigue, energy renewal or relax the body for sleep post ‘I’m scared out of my mind’ fear.
She made sure to avoid this Sandboy’s attacks and she would save whoever got caught. Her Cataclysms may not be as strong as Chat’s (his do make the whole thing go away) but she is just as quick on her feet and just as good at getting civilians out of danger.
“On it Buggaboy! And not yet!”
It was too off for the Lucky Charm. They’d need Viperion, and he was stuck underwater with Aquaman trying to get him out at the moment. Until then, she just had to minimize damage, keep civilians away from their nightmares hunting them down, and keep moving and planning and work everything out while playing bodyguard for the team at Cha—At Mr. Bug’s call.
She hopes things turn out okay.
Then she sees a bat symbol and the world vanishes.
Red Hood blinked when he saw some girl running around on rooftops in… Isn’t Chat Noir supposed to be the cat one? Where the hell is Ladybug—and why is some guy in her place? Shit, did the baby bat lose her miraculous or was it stolen? Damnit, now he has to steal it back for her!
“Okay, how did LB get hit when she isn’t even here?” The fox girl groaned as she dodged another attack. “Aren’t these guys supposed to go after who’s scared of them?”
The bee girl rolled her eyes. “More than just Ladybug can be terrified of the bats. They’re the Ghosts, remember?”
“Hey, can we argue about fears and who has rights to them some other time?” fake ladybug asked, flinching and moving closer to the Turtle guy. “Uh, Chatte, that way!”
Cat girl—Chatte— said something he didn’t catch and grabbed a kid stuck in a mob and bounce out.
“I—” the boy threw his hands up. “We’re screwed. She really, really isn’t getting the whole Cat thing.”
Red Hood pulled out his guns, checking that the darts were loaded and aiming for Spots.
“Chatte---guy with a gun!”
This time cat girl managed to look over and froze. She started… hyperventilating? Shit—kid’s having an attack.  
Red Hood lowered his gun and made sure to get closer to her---seeing as the other heroes—Dragon girl, Monkey boy and Snake Guy were busy with the bee and fox girls trying to circle some kid on a pillow. No clue where the other kid in black was, but the cat girl losing it? that was his current focus.
“Kid, come on, breathe.”
“Oh my—” the kid looked at him like he was the threat. “Fuck, no—I shouldn’t have talked back to---shit. Shit, now I’m gonna—”
Just like that, Red Hood was dropped into Gotham harbor. Jason didn’t even get to look around to see what happened. He did manage to tread water and work out which was to go to get to shore.
“Jesus Hood—sending Robin to your location. What happened?”
“Some kids stole baby bats’ jewels, some akuma attack, the actual cat thief was hyperventilating and then I end up here.”
“Oh, B is not going to like this.”
“I already don’t like it.” Batman growled out over comms. “Did someone say voyage?”
Red Hood wracked his somewhat waterlogged brain. “In French, yes.”
“One of the local heroes.” Jason could feel Bruce’s annoyance. “Why were you in Paris.”
“Well,” Red Hood kept swimming to shore. “When you find out a long lost bat is in life threatening danger, one must locate and meet this possible winner of the ‘avoided having crappy parents raise me’ lottery to give a well-earned ‘congrats, you’re a well-adjusted person in a family of crimefighter! Mazel tav.”
“Hood.” Robin began on a private channel. “We need to talk.”
“Gotta go B, life to live, baby bat to find.”
“Red Hood!”
“Bye!” Red Hood climbed out of the harbor, finding his baby brother on his motorcycle that was definitely not Bruce-Approved.
“What’s up buttercup, didja miss me?”
Robin scowled at him. “Of course not, the world is more peaceful without the drivel that falls out of your mouth.”
Red Hood snorted. “Yeah, and that’s why you hide in my room all the time.”
Robin refused to make eye contact, shoving Red Hood onto his bike. “Is it true, did my sister lose her miraculous?”
“Unless she’s B and Catwoman’s lovechild and she decided to embrace it.”
Robin was quiet on the way to the cave. “…how long would it take to get the pilot to return and take me to Paris?”
“…you’d make it there around their in time for dessert.”
Robin frowned. “that’s not soon enough.”
“Closest you’ll get. And don’t’ think you’re going alone.”
Robin frowned. “I am not exposing my sister to you.”
“She’s our sister first of all,” Red Hood corrected. “and second of all, I have a bet to win, and I’m behind thanks to this portal guy. So I’m coming.”
Robin rolled his eyes. “Only if you get past Father and Alfred.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
Robin smirked as they pulled into the Batcave.
“Father, I believe Red Hood needs your full attention given he was in the harbor for so long, and we all know how cold they are this time of year.”
Jason decided Damian was by and far his least favorite sibling in that moment. “Wait, B, no, look—no signs of hypothermia, no shaking, just need to change and—”
“I will check and ensure you don’t develop it with Alfred on standby.”
Jason glared at Damian, already stripping from his Robin gear with that self-satisfied smirk. “Traitor!”
“I simply want what is best for my siblings, how is that wrong?”
I hope this gave you all a good idea of what’s going to happen next… I do love the Batfam and all, but some of their approaches here… no good and need to have that hit over their head.
And if I’m screwing up ladybats characterization, feel free to let me know so I can fix it---going off what I could find from DC fans and lore but I also do not know these characters inside and out, and want to do them justice.
OH and for anytime i refrence princess Justice, got a refrence for you now! picture the one made by @tinymelonbug right here with the only (maybe?) change being that below the cut it is cut off as a romper: Here 
@heldtogetherbysafetypins @laurcad123 @raisuke06 @chaosace @jeminiikrystal @toodaloo-kangaroo @kris-pines04
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dollsorwhatever · 4 years
Tarina Tarantino Barbie OOAK  2008
I can’t believe how surreal this is for me LOL story and photos below the cut!! In 2008, jewelry designer Tarina Tarantino collaborated with Mattel to create a collection of Barbie jewelry pieces... and a Barbie Collector doll:
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Let me tell you, this doll was EVERYTHING to me. I was thirteen, about to be fourteen, and this doll was the only thing I wanted for my birthday, period. I spent hours just looking at her online; the fluffy, curly pink hair, the incredibly detailed jewelry, all of those amazing clothing pieces and the stunning box, her gorgeous face.. I would have died for this doll lol. To this day, she’s my favorite Barbie Collector doll ever released, and one of my favorite Barbie dolls to ever exist, I was so giddy when I got her! The good parts are below the cut:
When the doll was launched at Tarina Tarantino’s studio in 2008, there were six OOAK custom dolls on display at the party as well, to be auctioned off for charity. They’re the same base doll as the general release Tarina, but the hair and jewelry are unique and they each came with a fully bedazzled car (or a Moped in one example), and a piece of jewelry from the collection.  The six dolls were: Candy Cameo Barbie 
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Sparkling Star Barbie
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Peace, Love and Sparkle Barbie
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Hippie Princess Barbie
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Glam Rock Barbie
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And finally, the subject of this post, Popstar Barbie
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I can’t even describe how much I LOVED these dolls, particularly Popstar and Sparkling Star. I had their pictures saved on my computer and I would just look at them all the time, google pictures of them from the launch party and think about how lucky I would be to own one of them.  Sadly I wasn’t very careful with my dolls when I was 14, and eventually my Tarina became a little busted and I got rid of her. I did get a second one at Big Lots when I was 15, but I kinda destroyed her too lol.   What’s funny is that Tarina is actually the #1 reason why I became a member of the online doll community; I tried washing her (curly, kanekalon) hair, ruined it, and in searching for ways to fix it I found and joined the Flickr doll community, without which I never would have learned about doll photography, hair restyling or any of the amazing dolls I discovered through this community. She quite literally changed my life when I was 14 lol.  Anyways, I’ve always wanted to get a new Tarina to leave NIB but it was never the right time, until last week when I decided to go looking at pictures of her...and then, at the top of Google Images, was a listing for Popstar Barbie, with her Swarovski encrusted Corvette, on a secondhand designer clothing website for about 340$.
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I can’t even describe how FRANTIC I became lmfao. I had to wait about 4 days to buy her, until I got paid, and then I bought her as quickly as I could.  She just got here today and frankly, I can die happy now. Sorry for these rough pics lol I have a migraine and didn’t want to set up to take good photos today. She came in a plain white cardboard box with a Tarina Tarantino sticker on the top, wrapped in pink tissue paper:
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She is in EXCELLENT condition, even her hair looks completely untouched.  Here’s a photo of her that was taken around the time of the launch:
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She’s in the same condition as she was, all those years ago when this photo was taken! As previously mentioned, her base is identical to the general release; the only differences are that her hair is rooted with a side part and (expertly) cut and styled into a Farrah wave, her jewelry is entirely different and custom made, and her purse is covered with little rhinestones to match.   Also her stand is signed by Tarina!! She’s incredibly beautiful, ughh
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I think her jewelry might actually be Swarovski, since Tarina really likes to work with their stones. She’s absolutely pristine, actually I’m quite certain she was put in the box immediately after the auction and never touched again.  Much to my delight and surprise, she also came with the original auction card, the pedestal it stood on, and her COA, all wrapped in official Tarina Tarantino tissue paper (as well as the necklace, still in the little drawstring baggy):
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This was SO exciting for me to see as I never expected the card to be included, but I’m so pleased to have it! And last but not least, the car!!
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It was fully wrapped in plastic in the shipping box, and I re-wrapped it after taking this quick/messy photo.  It’s the 2008 TRU exclusive Corvette, but absolutely SOAKED in crystals. The rims and tires, the headlights, even the seatbelts and windshield edges are just absolutely covered in different, individually placed stones (mostly Swarovski AB crystals I believe) Also! That black thing on the front is a resin SKULL with gemstone eyes!!!! Absolutely incredible.  I find it absolutely, completely 100% unbelievable that I own this doll, this doll that I’ve coveted since I was 14 and NEVER thought I would own in a million years, this one of a kind doll that was physically displayed at Tarina Tarantino’s studio and signed by Tarina herself...and she’s mine. It frankly feels like destiny considering how much I love the original doll, and how big a part she’s played in my life as a doll collector.  I also purchased a general release Tarina Barbie shortly after getting her, to keep NIB and display with the OOAK (and also because I really, really, really missed owning her lol)
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The current plan is to keep this doll NIB, and then purchase another NIB Tarina- that way I’ll have one to debox and restyle, and I can repackage the OOAK in her box for permanent safekeeping and display. Actually I plan on purchasing two more Tarinas haha; one NIB to steal her box and leave stock, and a loose one to restyle and rebody lol.  As for the car, I plan on packaging it to remain pristine and safe, perhaps in a clear acrylic case, and putting it in my closet for safekeeping when it’s not on display in my room. I plan on setting up my lightbox (the one I’ve owned for years and literally never use) and taking a shit ton of detailed, HQ photos of both Barbie and her Corvette for documentation purposes; I feel absolutely honored to own this doll and I really want to capture every detail for people to see.  Anyway long post, thanks for reading sksksks
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n5md · 3 years
In our newly relaunched "Learn more about..." interviews, we switch up the continuity slightly and focus on just one release: Gimmik's Cloudwalker. Martin kindly agreed to answer a few questions to kick off what we'll refer to as v2 of the "Learn More About..." blog.
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While Entre Les Chambres was the actual return of Gimmik to the public eye, Cloudwalker is more of a return to form. It is undeniably Gimmik; however, Cloudwalker treads some new ground for you. Can you shed some light on how the creative process changed from Entre Les Chambres / Deux Nouvelles and how those two albums might have influenced Cloudwalker?
Very well observed - they did influence Cloudwalker! Entre Les Chambres and Deux Nouvelles were both produced under technically limited circumstances. On top of that, I thought that no one will ever hear this material. Luckily it was not the case, and I got the chance to become a member of the n5MD family. When you produce with the idea that the material will never get released, it gives you a lot of room and space. You are not concerned about expectations. The music can flow and evolve freely. The calm nature of those albums helped that process. It was research where I experienced myself more as a witness than a composer. For me, that is a new approach. This approach was still the same when I produced Cloudwalker. That is the reason why the tracks are so diverse. Short Wave Memories and In My Family do not have anything in common, but that is the way they evolved, without me constructing anything. The most significant difference is that Cloudwalker was produced in a proper studio environment. Plus, I took a step into eurorack, which brings a very unpredictable element. And yes, that is Mutable Elements "Rings'' what you hear on In My Family. I was working on a self-generative patch with "Marbles'' when all of a sudden, the melody appeared...
I think you sent me In My Family shortly after you finished it, and it was one of the darkest days of the early pandemic; where our local government-issued curfews and such. It was the track that I needed at that moment; it brightened my day. It's very cool that the melody was a generative experiment gone right. I seem to remember you have quite a bit of the Mutable Instruments modules. Modular, to me, seems like a bit of a wormhole of experimentation. So, how do you stay focused when experimenting with new sounds and textures to bring, say, one of your Modular Nature tracks, which you have on your Youtube channel, to life.
Working with a modular system is entirely different. My approach is always a question. What will happen if I connect this with that and modulate with this? Then you start patching, and the results are entirely different from what I expected - a lot more exciting and better! In the beginning, I thought modular was about rebuilding synth voices. So I started emulating the signal-flow path of a 101 for a start. I missed the whole point of modular... A system has a life of its own and takes you to completely different places, and sometimes I do not even understand the results. (-: But that is not important. The decision to work with modular is to avoid walking down paths I have taken too many times when composing. What keeps you focused is your ear. The trick is to learn when to stop. In the beginning, I lost a lot of great patches when the result was already at 90%. When trying to reach 100%, my tweaks destroyed that patch's beauty, and I never found a way back to 90%. That happened a lot of times in the beginning. A modular system really helps to learn when to let go… (laughing). I chose Mutable Instruments because those modules are very focused on musical and harmonic results.
So, going back to Cloudwalker, how did it feel getting back to basics as far as Gimmik goes. People may not know that Entre Les Chambres and Deux Nouvelles were made for very personal listening. Care to shed a little light on those two, and more importantly, what made you want to go past those themes and bring Gimmik full circle for Cloudwalker?
Entre Les Chambres and Deux Nouvelles were NOT a conscious decision. Those were a necessity! The title Entre Les Chambres means "between two rooms", the space that is between two rooms. That is nowhere! It mirrors how I felt at that moment. There were many significant changes in my life, luckily nothing concerning my family, but still major changes. In order to cope with it all, I started making ambient tracks. It was the only thing that helped me to cope and focus again. The tracks happened by themselves. Listening to them and working on those albums was a calming experience. When they were finished, I played them to Chris, and he convinced me that he liked them. That led to the decision to make those first tapes. Later I sent them to you. Your reaction was very motivating because the music got released. With that motivation and getting back into a studio environment, the Cloudwalker tracks just poured out of me very quickly - it felt terrific to go back to the studio. My family gave me the time to work in my studio, and you and Chris gave very motivating feedback! From my perspective, this makes Cloudwalker my most important album so far, and I am very thankful for this chance! Another key element is that you gave me total freedom regarding artwork, choosing tracks, and their order. Just great!
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Well, I knew going in that you know what you are doing. So I shouldn't have needed to step in and manage such details. For release prep, I'm available to take care of the details that an artist doesn't have access to or the working knowledge. You and Chris ran Toytronics, and you are a graphic artist as well, so I knew that you know the drill. If something was glaring or didn't work under the n5 stylistic umbrella, it is my job to say something, but I was pretty confident that wouldn't happen. I also know that after you completed the tracks, you took a great deal of time to get them to flow perfectly and also fit on four LP sides—your care in craft shows, and it's been great to work with you.
You brought up Chris, and there is an Abfahrt Hinwl remix on Cloudwalker, so; I'm going to ask. Are we going to hear some new Abfahrt Hinwl soon?
Thank you, as I said, that means a lot to me. And I still think that it is a fortunate situation. The AH RMX of Sailing Everest on Cloudwalker was just me, to be honest. That is why I used an abbreviation - AH. It is more a hint. It has a lot of the Abfahrt Hinwil ingredients. We tried to revive the project and realized that working over a distance via the internet does not work for either of us. The key of Abfahrt Hinwil was that we worked in the same room, at the same time, with the same equipment - listening to what the other one does - giving an immediate reaction. The most important point is communication, which has to happen immediately - you need to respond straight away, not with a delay. Today we find ourselves in two different life situations. We both would like to continue. After an online experiment, we realized it would be only possible when we visit each other and then work in the same studio. That is not possible at the moment, and Covid plays a significant role in that.
Ah, I see; Abfahrt Hinwil was you and Chris basically feeding off one another; also, there are cheques and balances, which is great to have. I completely understand why it would not be feasible to do it from a distance effectively. So, I'd like to pivot to these little builds I see on your Instagram. You recently sent me a pic of a peculiar little box that looks to be a synth. Assuming this is something you built (loving the stickering, by the way). What is this, and does it appear on Cloudwalker?
(laughing) That is a drone box handmade by a guy in Russia. Six oscillators, each one with a kill switch. Three standard range oscillators and 3 Sub. A very rough-sounding machine, great for drones. The filter sounds very nasty, just great. There is a little bit in the track Cloudwalker itself but washed out by Big Sky. The downside is that there is no midi, trigger gate, or voltage control. It is more of an experiment tool. The important parts of the track Cloudwalker have Mutable Instruments: Plaits and Tides 1, using the Sheep mode. Both outputs went into Warps, modulated by Stages. The little melody was played live on the Yamaha DX Reface, going into the Big Sky. It was all recorded live onto tape to 4 tracks to a Tascam 234. Then it was mixed the classic way, patchbay, fx, analog mixer main out to digital. 75% of the album was recorded to a Sound Devices MixPre-3 II.
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It sounds like your Big Sky gets some action! Strymon makes some exceptional pedals. It seems like you can almost entirely make music out of the box if you needed to, which is excellent. So one last question: When we collaborated on the Cloudwalker one sheet text, you added something about the production tools "representing technology from 1958 to 2019," and I asked if 1958 was a type-o that needed to be corrected to 1985 when it was not. When people read that, I think they will be very curious as to what technology you utilized from that far back…
Yes, it is a great pedal, I love the sound and the fact that you get nice results very quickly.
1958- (laughing) There is an on oscilloscope from Russia, which can be seen in some of the videos on HIDDEN REALITY, and 2 vintage function generators. I got those old function generators from a close friend, he is an electronic engineer and professor for physics at a university. They got rid of all their old equipment, and he asked if I wanted to have something. He could not throw those old machines away, so he rescued them to his cellar. He changed the connections for me, so I can use them with the modular environment, using my standard patch cables. I used them a lot as modulation sources, as they can modulate extremely slow (like MI tides). But I have to admit that I got them for their looks in the first place…(laughing) - Those machines look like the machinery you see in Qs research center in old James Bond movies...
Order Cloudwalker now: US / UK / EU
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blazinbeautywrites · 4 years
Band Wars: Rise of the Phoenix
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Note: Due to the rampant uprising of plagiarism on this site and others I am stating once and once only that this is my ORIGINAL work. If I find out that you have stolen/taken any part of my work I will handle you and the situation the way I see fit.
None of the pics or gifs I use belong to me so full credit goes to the originators of said gifs and pics.
Length: 2,356 words
A/N: Sorry it took me so long to get this out guys. I was not happy with the final results and when I was I still was unsure so I rewrote it again and decided to just post it. I’ll let yall be the judge lol.
Genre: Honestly idk lmao
Chapter 1
 Universal Music Group (UMG) decides to debut a new girl group, PHOENIX on their first ever reality show “Next Big Thing.” The winners of the show get a 5 year, 5 album recording contract and will tour with CNCO 1 year after they debut. The winner of the show was Zania Reye Bloom, followed by London Monroe Jones, Jolene Maria Sanchez, Siane Rei Choi, and Avery Lynn O'Reilly. The band is composed of 5 talented women with different ethnic backgrounds, ages 24-25. 
Since the show served as the girl’s training they were immediately thrusted into the spotlight after the show ended. They went to work on their debut album and as the release date approached the girls were getting antsy. Now only were they about to release their baby onto the world, but they were finally meeting CNCO today and discussing ideas for their tour.
*UMG headquarters in LA*
“Yoooo I’m fucking excited! Can yall believe our debut album is coming out in a couple days?” London said as she led a couple of her members to the elevators.
“Girl this tour bout to be lit as fuck. Bruuuh we’re going to fucking Sweden. I didn’t even think we had fans out there.” Zania said.
“Yeah you can thank that girl Astrid who made the finals. She was Swedish.” Avery said.
The girls finally heard the elevator ding at their floor and immediately got out. The girls walked into a meeting room where they saw their other 2 members Jolene and Siane bonding with the boys of CNCO.
“Finally you bitches show up. What took yall so long?” Siane asked.
“Avery thinks she’s still in Ireland and almost drove us into a damn ditch.” Zania said.
“You’re alive aren’t you? So quit complaining.” Avery said as she took a seat opposite Erick.
“Anyways if yall are done….THIS is CNCO ladies. This is Zabdiel, Christopher, Erick, Joel, and this is Richard.” Siane said as she pointed to each boy as she introduced them. Richard definitely caught Zania’s eye and she quickly averted her eyes so he wouldn’t catch her ogling him. Little did she know, he was checking her out too.
“And I’m Zania, and of course yall met Jolene and Siane. This is London and Avery.” She said as she gestured to her other bandmates. She was about to say something else when a tall, slender woman walked into the room followed by a man wearing the loudest shade of yellow and another woman dressed in all black.
“Okay let’s make this short and sweet. I’m Veronica Pierce, you can call me Vee or Ms. Pierce, never Veronica. Get it? Got it? Good. I am your tour  creative director. I’ll be working closely with you all to design your tour. And please, let’s all collectively agree on a specific concept. I will not have my people designing 2 separate stages. To my left is Chez Moa, your set designer. And to my right is Mel Carter she and her team will be styling you all so meet with her some time this week so she can get an idea of what you guys want and need. And ladies you have a busy weekend ahead. Friday you have your album release, press runs, then your album release party later that night. Saturday you’ll be on Good Day LA where you’ll be interviewed and then perform your lead single. Sunday you have a mini showcase where yall will perform some fan fave covers from the show and a few songs from the album, including your single with CNCO. You’ll have tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday to learn choreo for both performances. You’ll meet your choreographer tomorrow. Any questions?” 
The whole room was silent as both groups stared at Veronica and her associates. Zania raised her hand and the other members of Phoenix sighed. They knew how this shit was about to play out.
“So do we get to breathe? Or do we have to pencil that in too?” Zania asked. She knew she was being an asshole but this shit was ridiculous.
“Hmmmm you must be Zania Bloom. They told me you had a mouth on you. Listen up sweetie this my show. I call the shots and if they bother you, you can leave.” Veronica said. Zania smirked at her and leaned back in her chair.
“Nah I’m good. You may continue, Ms. Pierce.” Zana said. Sarcasm dripping from her words.
“Anyways that’s all for now. And remember this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. It can be taken away in the blink of an eye so watch yourselves.” Veronica spoke. She eyed the room but everyone knew exactly who that was meant for. She, Mel, and Chez exited the room in silence. Once they left, Siane burst out laughing.
“Yo I was clenching my fucking ass cheeks. She’s soo fucking hot.” Siane said.
“Keep it in your pants Siane. And Zania, girl why did you do that? You made that shit more intense than it needed to be.” London asked.
“You know me, I just had to say something. She was a bitch to us when we did the show, now they’re making her the tour director, wtf?” Zania said.
“Am I the only one who noticed that guy had on too much yellow?” Chris said. Everyone turned to him and started laughing.
“Look, I ain’t wanna say anything but he was so wrong for that. And it was a complete contrast to Mel who had on all black.” Jolene said.
“But real shit Vee ain’t no joke, she can make or break you. So just be careful.” Richard said. He made eye contact with Zania and she smiled at him.
“Oh I’m not afraid of her. She’s on a power trip so I’ll entertain her mess for the sake of this tour. You don’t have to worry bout me baby boy.” Zania said. Everyone got up to leave but on her way to the door she was stopped by Richard.
“I don’t know if you realized but I’m a grown ass man so that baby boy shit not gon fly with me.” Richard said. Zania was amused.
“Oh did I bruise your whittle ego babe? Look it’s not that serious-”
“But it is that serious so treat me with respect or keep it moving baby girl.” Richard said as he cut her off. He walked away leaving Zania stunned in silence. She walked back to her group and chuckled.
“Yall…...that guy Richard just lowkey put me in my fucking place. Oh this tour is gonna be so damn fun.” Zania said. She and her bandmates went to find their stylists to get started on designing their perfect tour outfits.
It had been a full 5 hours and the girls were hard at work on their choreo. They were thankful that most of the songs they performed were their covers from their reality show so the moves were ingrained in their heads. They breezed through their choreo for their own singles and just finished running through them a final time before Laurieann Gibson called for lunch. The girls were beyond starved and as they walked to the cafe area of the upscale dance studio they saw CNCO walk through the door.
“Oop the boys are here.” Jolene said as she fixed her slightly messy hair. She made eye contact with Zabdiel as he and the other boys walked into the dance studio they’s just left.
“Ooooohhh do I sense a little crush? London teased.
“See that tall one, Zabdiel? I promise you, I will climb him like a fucking tree.” Jolene said, much to the amusement of her group. 
“Woah. Down girl, we have a whole ass tour to get through.” Avery said.
“Look if I can’t fuck Vee, you can’t fuck Zabdiel.” Siane argued.
“Girl. Zabdiel is fair game, Vee is our fucking boss. There’s a difference.” Zania said as the girls found a table near the back of the cafe. Avery went to order them some food and soon a waiter came back with a tray of fruit, some finger sandwiches, and a basket of the cafe’s homemade potato chips.
“This looks so good and I’m starving.” London said. As the girls ate they discussed the difficult choreo.
“I really thought Laureiann was gonna throw her shoe or some shit at you cuz you couldn’t get that one move down.” Siane said.
“I wish she would throw some shit at me.” Jolene said while the others laughed at her.
“What kind of shit yall think they’ll have us do with the boys?” London asked.
“Probably something sexy, ya kno to pander to the fans.” Avery answered.
“I heard that they’re partnering us up with them for the collab so whomever we pick is our dance partner for the song.” Siane added.
“Well. this should be fun.” Zania said. The girls chat a little bit longer before cleaning up and heading back into the dance studio. When they arrived they heard their song with CNCO playing. Laurieann was teaching them their choreo and once saw the girls she turned the music off and immediately began assigning pairs.
“Okay London you’re with Joel, Jolene with Eric, Zabdiel and Siane, Avery and Chris are partners and lastly, Zania, you’re with Richard. Everyone please stand with your partner. I’m only gonna do the dance two times and then you’re gonna do it and we’ll fine tune everything afterwards” Lauriann said as she read off her list. Before the girls could even process anything they quickly got into formation to do the choreo.
A few hours later, both Phoenix and CNCO were spread out on the floor, exasperated. Lauriann told them to rest up and that she’d see them in the morning before she left them all a sweaty mess in the studio.
“I swear there are parts of me that are sweating I ain’t know could sweat.” Siane said as she attempted to lift her head to no avail.
“Girl I feel like my fucking feet are gonna fall off.” Zania said.
“I can’t feel my left asss cheek.” Jolene mumbled.
“Bruh at least yall voices aren’t hoarse as fuck.” Richard said.
“We should probably start heading out because I need an ice bath or some shit.” Avery said as she willed her body to move. Everyone followed suit and struggled getting to their feet. When the girls began packing up to leave, Zabdiel strolled on over to pull Jolene to the side. Zania looked on and smirked to herself. All she hoped was that whatever they had going on didn’t get in the way of her group’s path to success. She snapped out of her little daze just as Jolene made it back.
“Well, what was that about?” Zania asked.
“Girl he asked for my number. I was like no and he said can you really say no to this face. I almost fucking melted so I gave him my number. He’s so fucking cocky. I love it.” Jolene beamed. Zania could tell her friend was happy so she chose to keep her mouth shut. The girls finally made it to the elevator when Zania realized she’d left her phone in the dance studio.
“Shut yall I left my phone. Yall go on I’ll text yall once I get home.” Zania said.
“Girl we’ll wait, just hurry up.” London said. Zania jogged back to the building and ran up the stairs to be quicker. Once she got to the door of the studio she heard the boys talking.
“I really like that girl London. She’s classy, yet has a sexy side. I like that.” Joel said.
“Now see Jolene….them lips. I bet her head game on point.” Zabdiel said.
“Ew bro what the hell!” Eric exclaimed.
“I know you of all people are not talking.” Richard said.
“Even though I think she’s kind of a bitch, Zania fine as fuck too.” Christopher said.
“Yeah she is fine. Yall seen that ass? I’d love to get behind that.” Richard said. Zania had heard enough and walked into the room.
“Yall should really make sure that the door is completely closed before you talk about us. Anyways I left my phone and just came back to get it. Oh and Richard, Zabdiel? I understand that Jolene and I are attractive but please don’t talk about us like we’re pieces of meat mkay?” With that she grabbed her phone and walked out, leaving the boys a little dumbfounded. Once she got back outside she filled her girls on what she heard.
“You know. We should teach them a lesson.” Jolene said.
“Oop I sense an infamous Jolene Sanchez prank.” Siane said.
“Yep. Okay so here’s the plan.” Jolene explains the little prank they’ll play on the boys at the showcase. They’d messed with the wrong girls.
The rest of the week went by in a blur and before they knew it, their album release day was finally here. It’d only been a few hours and their album was already number 1 on a few of the urban and pop album charts. Siane screenshot the Billboard charts where their album was number 1 and sent it to their group chat. She then called them all on a video chat.
“WAKE UP BITCHES! WE NUMBER 1 BABYYYYYY!!!!1!” She yelled into the phone. The others, as groggy as they were, laughed at how hyped their member was.
“Girl you are so lucky I was up getting ready or I’d curse you the fuck out.” Zania said. 
“Bitch whatever. Anyways I love yall so much! We’ve officially ARRIVED! Like we in the fucking building forreal now. WHEW! Let me start getting my shit together. See yall soon. Love ya! Siane said as she hung up the video call. The girls were buzzing and couldn’t be any happier that after almost 6 months, their hard work has finally paid off and that their fans love their album as much as they do. They couldn’t wait to see what lie ahead for them. They knew whatever it was, it was gonna be big.
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nealcassatiel · 4 years
just to cover an argument I've been seeing here, would the network control how sets should look like (in this case, sam's living room not having a single pic of people not named winchester)?
Hey there :) So normally, they wouldn’t as a network control things like that. Of course this is all conjecture on my part, but it seems to me that the c*w/Warner execs didn’t have too much influence up until ep 19/20. With covid happening and so many of their shows going out of production for a while, it seems that maybe even during production of certainly episode 20 they could have been around set and involved in pre-production (which would include preparing set design, or of saying ‘take out those photos of cas’ when in production). 
At the moment in the industry, producers and top dogs are a bit more under pressure because if they’re filming right now, and a main actor or the director tests positive for covid, the amount of money it would cost to halt production would be major. Likewise, insurance for crews and actors right now is really high and studios and producers are having to balance ‘how much can we chance putting our crews and cast in danger and risk them getting hospitalised from covid because we asked them to work’ with ‘how much are we willing to take out high insurance to cover going into production at extra cost’ with ‘how much do we chance spending money on crew and cast and studio space and sets if covid could stop it’ with ‘we want our shows to continue’. These are problems that will be dealt with by producers - and by producers I mean the person in charge of literally making sure it’s all filmed - not EPs (Executive Producers) but the people in the credits whose name is beside ‘Produced by:’ . Producers also tend to be the ones who are in contact with studios/the companies which finance the show, like The C*W. Their job balances making the show and keeping it on track with making sure the financiers/co-producers/distributers are happy and everything is on budget. So due to covid, now more than ever The studios are being looped in to shows. Up until covid caused a heap of complex issues, the c*w could just let the shows they co-produce be run how they were always run by their partners i.e. Supernatural Films. Now theyre risking extra money to make shows during covid whilst also risking not having any show to broadcast on their network if series don’t get made, also the PR nightmare if someone gets seriously ill from covid if they forced people to go back to work in a pandemic. Top people would be looped in to how the show is being made, how the cast and crew are, how they’re all keeping to health and safety regs, how they’re keeping to state guidelines on working during a pandemic, how much more everything is costing, and what stage is production at.
So, prior to 19 and certainly 20, the c*w were just letting SPN get made like the well oiled machine it was. Suddenly covid hits, all their shows are stopping production and they need to make sure they have shows to run on their network this year. So they go to the producers of their shows and get involved and make  sure their investments (their shows) are protected and can continue to run and make profits. The C*W may have had discussions with Supernatural Films and say they’ll shoulder the cost if crew/cast get sick and production halts. Prior to this, the c*w were (almost certainly) getting involved and asking for rewrites of the spn script, with profits and w*lker and homophobia/biphobia in mind. But i doubt they were always on set getting into the nitty gritty prior to filming during covid. Now with covid, c*w people may well be on set and even more involved.  This is all about The C*W as a Network - as a company who has investment in SPN and also distributes it and broadcasts it.
There is also the complex thing, which is that The C*W essentially co-produces Supernatural. Listed as one of the companies who makes SPN is Warner Bros. Television. However, Warner Bros. Television is The C*W’s production company. So The C*W, when they want to air a series, they use their production company: Warner Bros. Television. Essentially, they’re one and the same company, so the C*W isn’t just the network - they co-produce the show. They can literally help make it. 
What I assumed happened before, is that many seasons in, Supernatural’s production was taken over by Kripke Enterprises, Wonderland, and the CW made essentially their own production company, Supernatural Films, just for the show. So this meant that The C*W could step back and be less involved. They would probably have contracts which would state that they shoulder the cost of some things, but the day to day stuff would be taken on by the other production companies. However, they would be able to have a final say in final cuts and big plot decisions. So, what I’m saying is, is that The C*W has always been the people who have been helping to literally make the show. They may have stepped back from creative stuff for a while, but them (in the guise of Warner Bros. Television) have always been allowed to meddle in developing episodes, making episodes, as well as airing them.
There is also the possibility that some of Sam’s old-life montage sequences were extra pick up days when everyone realised that they wouldn't be able to fill a full episode after the c*w had cut everything out. 
And another possibility, is that the production crew like the props and art department as well as the writers and Dabb were so angry and broken after their finale had been completely ruined by the c*w, so they just went along with the shit message. 
I hope some of that made sense? Warner Media is a complicated beast and they go under so many different names - Warner Bros. Television, The C*W, Warner Bros. Distribution, and are the major investors in Supernatural Films and almost certainly Kripke Enterprises. They own EVERYTHING to do with Supernatural, from the companies who make it to the right to the show itself, to the right to make final creative decisions. Would they be allowed to alter props on set? Yeh, for sure. Would they? Maybe now during covid filming? Who knows. I wouldn't put anything past them.
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some-cookie-crumbz · 4 years
Meet Cute prompts, 47" w TodoDeku???
OOOhhhh boi~! This was a real fun one~!
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Prompt: Texting the wrong number but continuing the conversation.
"Get a studio apartment!" Natsuo had insisted. "You don't need a lot of space and it'll be more cost efficient!" He said.
Shouto made a mental note to inform Fuyumi that she was his only sibling now.
He groaned as he dropped his school bag and umbrella by the door, then kicked off his shoes. A loud clattering came from the small half-wall that separated the living room space from the bedroom space, watching as a cream colored cat tower toppled right over with a black and white lump fluffed to about twice his normal size clutching the side of it. He winced at the loud clatter it made, knowing that his neighbors would have words with him about that later, and let his head fall back. "Punchy," he breathed out, barely restraining the frustration in his tone.
An excited mewl came from the cat and, when he glanced back down, he'd abandoned the tree and was making a beeline for Shouto. His tail was up high and his yellow eyes gleamed with excitement.
"Punchy," he said, kneeling down to scoop him up, "why do you do this? Do you hate your tree?" He knew he was just talking to himself, but it helped to relax him. When he first got his apartment, he had been surprised by how lonely he felt. Fuyumi had suggested he get a pet, to help keep him company. Looking into it, he found that cats were listed as the best apartment animal, since they were typically pretty independent and could handle long stretches of time alone better than most breeds of dog.
Except, as fate would have it, Shouto had picked the clingiest, neediest kitten to ever exist. Not that he minded, really. He appreciated how affectionate and chatty his four-legged friend was. He just wished that his apartment was a little bit bigger, since it seemed that his rambunctious feline might need more room. 
Punchy let out a chirping little mew in response to his question before headbutting up against his chin. Shouto snorted a bit, bringing one hand up to gently scratch right between his eyes, then gave a few right between his shoulder blades and set him down. He propped the cat tree back up before changing out of his wet clothes and into something dry and warm.
Once that was done, he settled on the couch, his cat right behind him, and started reading articles on his phone. Punchy curled up on his stomach and he dropped one hand to gently pet his head and back, smiling at the rumbly purrs he was awarded. Things were all quiet for about fifteen minutes before his phone pinged with a new text messaging from an unfamiliar number. Which was followed almost immediately by another.
Shouto scowled and toggled over to his messages, clicking on the unread texts.
xxxx-xxx-xxx (5:34 P.M.):
He blinked slowly, tilting his head curiously at the message. He wanted to say they were excited, but they could also be panicked and looking to ask a friend for help. He figured he should let them know, so they could make sure the tiny kittens were well taken care of.
Me (5:36 P.M.):
Sorry, wrong #
He then paused for a few moments, considering his next move carefully as interest took over, before jotting down another message.
Me (5:38 P.M.):
But pics or it didn't happen
He waited a full ten minutes, waiting to see if he heard back, before settling his phone aside and going to make himself dinner. By the time he was done preparing his own meal and serving Punchy's evening serving of wet food, his phone chimed again several times in a row. He set his plate down on the small table, slid to sitting, and pulled up the message.
He was greeted by several pictures. The first was a picture of five bundled up little fur balls, all squished together in a big and fluffy towel, being cradled by a lightly tanned arm littered in scars. All five had their heads tilted up to stare at the camera and he let out a small whine at how cute and tiny they all were. They were even smaller than Punchy when he brought him home eight months ago! And all their eyes were still that foggy blue-grey all kittens had until their natural color developed. They probably weren't any older than four, maybe five, weeks.
The pictures to follow were of the kittens individually, carefully held up in individual towels so that their markings could be better seen as well as to perhaps determine their genders. The first was mostly brown, but had white mittens on all four paws, the tip of its tail and ears, and it’s little chin. The second was of a little orange tabby kitten, but they seemed to be wiggling about too much and a portion of the green towel the mystery texter had bundled them in was covering the top of their little head. The next was of another tabby, but this one was grey; light grey over most of the body with darker grey stripes and little white paws just like the first. The fourth kitten was another brown and white mix, with the same white markings on their paws and tail as the first, but there was more white along their face, with a strip of brown leading from their little pink nose and getting wider and arching around his eyes and head. The last kitten was a tuxedo, much like Shouto’s own Punchy was, and had markings that seemed to be a sort of hod-podge of the first and fourth. Number five had the same white on its paws and tail as they did, but there was a bit more mottling on its paws where the fur colored changed from black to white - while the divide was clear on the other kittens - and there was more white markings on its face with a thin strip of black under each eye.
All in all, a ridiculously adorable litter of kittens.
Me (6:24 P.M.):
Oh no
They cute
He set his phone aside as he started to eat, turning the television on and switching it over to a crime show for background noise. His phone pinged two more times in the minutes to follow, but he waited until he was mostly done with his food to check again.
xxxx-xxx-xxx (6:27 P.M.):
xxxx-xxx-xxx (6:33 P.M.):
I mom now
The picture was of all five kittens, nestled in their towels and being held between what seemed to be a heating pad and what was clearly a well-defined chest. And that chest was attached to a face, too. He seemed to be about Shouto’s age with wild green curls and big, bright, wide green eyes. His cheeks were covered in freckles and his lower lip was jutted out slightly, clearly melting over the five furry babies in his arm. Shouto’s heart gave a quick jolt in his chest.
Oh no, he was cute, too.
Me (6:44 P.M.):
I want them on the weekends and holidays.
xxxx-xxx-xxx (6:46 P.M.):
I am a strong, independent single cat mom who don’t need no man.
Shouto chuckled to himself at the response. He looked down at Punchy, who had clamored back into his lap and dozed off, as he came up with his response.
Me (6:49 P.M.):
You're breaking the family up.
They need their older brother.
xxxx-xxx-xxx (6:50 P.M.):
u hav kitty???
Shouto laughed before clicking over to his gallery. He had plenty of pictures of Punchy, but it was determining which ones to send. He shifted through before selecting three. He picked one from when he first brought him home, when he was still just a teeny fuzzball, and put "Smol knockout" underneath. The next one he picked was from about two months ago, when his friends Tenya and Momo had come to hang out one evening. Momo had purchased a little red and black striped tie for him and, not wanting to miss a good photo op, they had put it on him and taken a few pictures. He added the notation of "Business casual Punchy" to that one. Last was from two weeks ago, when he'd come out to see Punchy sitting on the couch like a little person, back legs spread wide to completely expose his pudgy white tum, and one of his front paws resting on the remote as if he was about to change the channel. "It's been a week, hooman," he added to that one.
He grinned and scratched under the aforementioned cat's chin as he watched the little dots appear as the stranger formulated a response. After a moment, he was blown up with emojis and gifs expressing how much he adored the pictures. Then, after a moment, he actually strung words together.
xxxx-xxx-xxx (6:58 P.M.):
Me (6:59 P.M.):
His name is Punchy
xxxx-xxx-xxx (7:00 P.M.):
Me (7:00 P.M.):
xxxx-xxx-xxx (7:01 P.M.):
Me (7:02 P.M.):
He is
From there, they wound up chatting about Animal Crossing, their favorite villagers, favorite games and their opinions on the changes made in New Horizons. They also ended up naming the five found kittens after five more villagers. They chose the names Kitty, Tangy, Lolly, Rudy and Tom for the little babies, given their color patterns and genders. Shouto himself wondered if perhaps he could take Tangy once she was a little bit bigger. Maybe having a little friend would help keep Punchy from going full lunatic when Shouto was away.
But if he wanted to do that, he’d need to know the stranger’s name.
Me (7:48 P.M.):
Btw, I still need to know your name
So I know where to send the custody paperwork
xxxx-xxx-xxx (7:50 P.M.):
u do kno i can counter sue rite?
And then, a second later, he got his actual answer.
xxxx-xxx-xxx (7:51):
Midoriya Izuku
Shouto blinked then chuckled to himself. Midoriya? Really? That felt like a bit of irony, considering the guy was pure green. He added him to his contacts quickly, grateful to have a name to apply to the hot kitten-saving man.
Me (7:53 P.M.):
Todoroki Shouto
Also, wanna come to my island?
I have Raymond
Midoriya Izuku (7:56 P.M.):
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brittanafics · 4 years
Life With The Lopez-Pierce’s (Chapters 1 and 2)
Chapter 1: 
Life for Santana and Brittany couldn’t have been more blissful and joyous ever since their wedding day. Once they returned from their honeymoon, they decided to get their shit together and commit to college … without dropping out this time.
Brittany applied to NYADA as a dance major. Brittany moved Carmen Tibideaux with her contemporary dance number to the Pretenders’ “I’ll Stand By You”. She was there with Mercedes when Finn told her about how his mom walked in on him singing that song to the hologram of the fetus he thought was his baby, and she wanted to do something in his honor, even if it was just an audition that only one person was going to be there for. Almost immediately after graduation, she ended up being a backup dancer for Sony Entertainment and all their artists. She even was Mercedes’ backup dancer for her first headline tour.
Santana also enrolled in NYADA. She didn’t know why she was so hesitant to apply there when Kurt and Rachel were both students there, but deep down she knew that she didn’t think she was talented enough at the time and didn’t want to humiliate herself with a rejection letter. Surprisingly though, Rachel put a good word in with Carmen Tibideaux for her and Brittany, which she wasn’t going to lie, helped a lot. Even with the good word Rachel put in though, at the end of the day they got in because of their talent. Santana wouldn’t have gotten in without her moving cover of Adele’s “Set Fire To The Rain”. Kurt told her all about how she needs to sing something emotional and not go overboard with props, because he definitely didn’t want her to repeat his mistake. After graduation, Santana went back to Broadway, and even played Fanny Brice in “Funny Girl”. Permanently this time.
Once they got employed after graduation, Brittany and Santana both agreed that they wanted to start a family. They decided to go with adoption because one, Brittany is a dancer and didn’t want to jeopardize her career with a pregnancy that would seriously affect her body forever, and two, Santana knew that she wouldn’t be able to handle a pregnancy. All those hormones … did not sound appealing to her. Plus, Brittany also felt bad about all the kids in the foster care system who needed parents. These kids needed parents and a home, and Brittany and Santana needed kids to give a home to. So, adoption it is. The adoption process was incredibly frustrating and long to say the least, but after a couple of months they adopted their three-month-old baby, Jacob Lopez-Pierce.
Fifteen years later, Jacob Lopez-Pierce is the captain of the chess club at the public high school right next to their house. Jacob unfortunately isn’t as popular as his moms were in high school. It’s bad enough that everyone in school knows who his moms are, and that he even has two moms in the first place but being the captain of the chess club is even worse than being in the glee club, and the kids in New York still like to throw slushies too. He doesn’t mention any of this to his moms though. He doesn’t figure that his moms would take it well that they were the most popular girls in high school and he’s at the bottom of the high school food chain. It makes him feel like a disappointment, like he’s the complete opposite of what his moms expected him to be. The simple solution would be to quit chess club, but he loves it too much to do that. If there’s one thing his moms taught him, it’s that he shouldn’t stop doing what he loves just because it’s considered “lame”. His moms told him all about glee club.
Chess was his glee club. He first fell in love with it when Brittany taught him how to play a couple of years ago. It was one of the few things she enjoyed doing during her short-lived time at MIT. It was one of the first things that him and his mom connected over. He couldn’t hit a note to save his life, and he was an even worse dancer than Finn. He wasn’t artistic in anyway. He wasn’t as athletic as his cheerleading moms were either. He tried out for the football team and didn’t get in … and the lacrosse team, ice hockey, rugby, etc. He even tried out for the cheerleading team too. The one thing he was good at though was chess. And math. Those things came easy to him.
However, his mom found out about this secret when he came come one day drenched in whatever was in those slushies. Earlier that day, about a dozen jocks slushied him at once … and this time he couldn’t clean it off before he got home. Santana was about to lose it.
“Jacob, who the fuck did this to you because I am about to go all Lima Heights!”
“Just a couple of guys on the football team it’s no big deal.” Jacob tried to explain. All he wanted was to go take a shower and study for the history exam he has tomorrow, but he knows that his mom was not going to let this go.
“No big deal?? No big deal?? Are you fucking kidding me Jacob! I’m gonna need names because I’m not gonna let whoever did this to you get away with this!” Santana exclaimed
“What are you and mom going to do? Go to the principal and tell him all about how this is bullying and you’re not going tolerate that.” Jacob said, mocking his other mom.
“What the fuck did you just say. No, you don’t get to disrespect your mother like that. Just go to your room and we’ll deal with this once your mom gets back home from the studio” Santana said. She knew her son wasn’t the most popular guy at school but she had no idea that this is how he was being treated.
Chapter 2:
When Brittany got back home from the dance studio, Santana didn’t waste a minute. She immediately told her about the fight she had with their son. She was furious at him for making fun of Brittany and mocking her, but she was also angry at herself for not protecting him for the bullying he’s experiencing at school. She’s his mother, it’s her job to shelter him from all the bad shit. Since Santana hasn’t calmed down, Brittany was going to be the one to talk to Jacob about all of this and try to figure out what happened.
She opens the bedroom door to find him on the phone with none other than Barbra St. James, Rachel and Jesse’s kid. They’re around the same age and have been best friends ever since they were born, even though they have almost nothing in common. Rachel and Santana have been in a lot of the same Broadway shows over the years, so they would always bring their kids to watch rehearsals when they were younger. If you would’ve told Brittany and Santana in high school that their child would be Rachel Berry’s daughter’s best friend, they would not have believed it.
“I’ve got to go I’ll call you later B.” Jacob said as he hung up on his best friend. He was telling her all about what happened with his Mami earlier.
“So, you’re back from work?” He asked awkwardly. The last thing he wants right now is to have this conversation. He just wants to get it done and over with so he could go back to talking to Barbra.
“Yeah. Mami told me what happened at school today, and also about the comment you made about me. If you’re going to make fun of me, at least make an attempt to make it a bit funny.” Brittany said jokingly.
“Mom I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to be so rude. You know I care a lot about you mom and I’m never making fun of you again. I shouldn’t have in the first place.” As angry as he was about what happened to him at school, his mom had nothing to do with it and he shouldn’t have taken out his anger on her. He realizes that now
“Honestly, between me and you it seems like Mami is angrier about that than I am. But still, we’re worried about you. What’s going on at school and why didn’t you tell us baby.” Brittany asked.
“People at school don’t like me that much like I told Mami it’s really not that big of a deal. I didn’t want you guys because I didn’t want you disappoint you. I’ve seen the pics in your high school yearbook. You two were the most popular girls in school. And then there’s me, the biggest loser at school. I’m the complete opposite of the son you and Mami want me to be.” Jacob said. It was always easy for him to open up to his mother. She was one of the most understanding and empathetic people he knew.
“Well, have you ever seen the pictures of us from Junior Prom?” Brittany asked. Jacob did not know what this had to do with the conversation they were having but he’s assuming it’s going to make sense eventually.
“No.” Jacob replied
A few minutes later, Brittany pulled out a picture of Santana and Dave Karofsky from that night and showed it to her son.
“Mami’s bisexual?” Jacob asked, being genuinely confused. He had no idea why his mom went to her junior prom with a man. Before today he didn’t even think it was a possibly for his mom to be interested in men.
Brittany chuckled at that question. “No, I am but she’s definitely a lesbian.” Brittany explained.
“Then why did she go to her junior prom with this random guy?”
“That guy is Dave Karofsky. I asked your Mami to go to the prom with me, but she wouldn’t even let me ask her on the popular internet talk show I used to have, Fondue for Two. I should show you some of the episodes one day but yeah she didn’t go to her junior prom with me.”
“Why wouldn’t she go to the prom with you, you two love each other.” Jacob considered himself smart, but he had no idea what was going on.
“That guy in the picture? He made uncle Kurt transfer schools and that’s how he met Uncle Blaine. He used to bully Kurt for being the most unicorn of them all at our high school. But he met his soulmate because of that. Mami wasn’t as brave as you are now when she was your age. That’s why she pretended to date Dave Karofsky instead of going to the prom with me. She cared more about being popular than being herself. She wanted to be prom queen so badly, but do you know who was prom queen that year?”
Jacob shook his head.
“Uncle Kurt! They voted for him to make fun of him, but he still had something that all the girls at school wanted because he wasn’t afraid to be himself. He even slow danced with Uncle Blaine. It was so romantic. At the end of the day, it wasn’t better for her to pretend she was someone she wasn’t, even if it made her popular and saved her from bullying. We don’t care if you’re considered a loser. We’re all losers, you’re just brave enough to show it. Your Mami and I couldn’t be prouder to have a son like you.” Brittany explained.
Jacob understands the point his mom is making, and he had to admit that it makes sense. It’s good to know that his moms don’t care that he’s such a loser, even though he knows that his moms would’ve totally bullied him if they went to high school together. He actually finds that hilarious. Despite that however, he still has pent up anger inside of him from being bullied every day in school.
“We’re still going to have to talk to your principal though because what happened is mean, it’s bullying, and I won’t accept it.”
Jacob just nodded and agreed. He figured it’s better to pretend that he feels okay now than having a longer conversation with his mother about his problems. And she did actually make him feel like he doesn’t hide the fact that he’s getting bullied anymore. This conversation wasn’t completely useless.
“Finish your conversation with Barbra because your Mami and I are going to order dinner soon okay?” Brittany said before she felt the room.
Santana was outside the bedroom eavesdropping on the whole conversation. “My pep talks are starting to get better than Mr. Schue’s, right?” Brittany asked Santana excitedly.
Santana gave Brittany the biggest genuine smile her face could possibly make. She’s never been so in love with her wife. “When did you get so smart?” Santana asked before she leaned in to kiss Brittany.
“Gross!” Jacob exclaimed as he opened his bedroom door and saw his moms kissing.
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