#that if you request me smth that isn't a character or doesn't have smth like.. suitable for the middle picture
aquariium-ediits · 1 year
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Cat Paw Themed Stimboard, Requested By 👔 Anon!
Notes; Gasps sm.. Honestly I hate ranking animals by how much I like them bc so many are so cute.. but they are in my top two. Boom. I admitted it. This was actually so so so fun and cute to do, so yayayayaya!!
x x x / x x x / x x x
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sorcerous-caress · 7 months
could u possibly do how companions would treat tav's kid? like in a situation where a tav had a child/younger sibling or smth. fluffy fluff all around
You know how sometimes fate aligns so that your past deeds follow you into the future? This request gave me a flashback to my old writing blog.
Companions reacting to Tav's younger sibling/child
[ bg3, fluff, several characters ]
[ Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Karlach, Laezel, Shadowheart, Minthara ]
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What on earth is that little gremlin following you around? Just make sure that no one feeds it after midnight.
To say he's not a fan is a huge underestimation, he signed up for a camp full of hot available single adults and not a daycare. How are you expecting him to be his usual self when a pg13 warning keeps chasing you around.
Whatever, he will just ignore the goblin-like thing. He can do that, how hard can it be?
Well...actually now that some time has passed, he has to admit that the little menace is really funny at times. Especially that one time he stole Gale's books to build a book throne in the mud, Astarion swears he could still hear Gale's heart shattering into a million pieces, what a fond memory.
What? Pfff, no, he isn't getting attached. He just...well was doing some trick with a coin to make it disappear, and the kid happened to be nearby, Astarion definitely wasn't trying to impress them.
Now the thing about picking locks is that it's better to teach them young. Think of all the small places, nooks, and crannies they could fit into, bringing them some loot and actually be useful.
And since he's already bothering to do it, might as well teach them how to wield a bow. Properly wield a bow, not like how Wyll does it no, it requires elegance only an elf is capable of and Astarion is the most expert here to train them.
Did you see that? They're actually getting better. He genuinely is impressed, so much that he doesn't register the smile of pride adorning his face, the excitement in his voice as he boasts about the kid's accomplishment and how they're clearly superior than the other crotch goblins.
Ah, children, truly the future of mankind. Humanity's hope and the ones who will carry the torch after us.
He is almost giddy at the idea of having an impressionable youth to teach, to steer and to spoil rotten like he was spoiled.
Will show off magic tricks nonchalantly, he definitely has a hidden agenda in trying to make the kid a wizard. After all who is better than him, an arch wizard, to teach a new curious soul about all the wonders of the weave? No magic is too advanced, everything is possible with imagination.
If anything, kids have the best imagination, better than adults do. Which is the argument he uses when you ask him why your little one can shoot invisible fireballs now.
He would love to read to them, he has all kinds of stories about heros, past legends and fables that will guarantee them a safe and sound mind. A healthy mindest to nurture then into a good kind hearted adult.
Even when his books end up the subject of the kid's abuse kind of a lot- Gale is nothing but forgiving. Cut the kid some slack, if anything, Gale is happy they are safe and sound.
Would make special meals for the kid during dinner time a lot, bunny shaped carrot cuts or soup with a sparkly finish. He can even teach them some basic recipes, cooking is a very important life skill afterall.
He is very experienced with kids. Feels a bit concerned for the fact they're at camp all alone and volunteers to stay behind and watch them. And no, unlike the previous two, he doesn't try to indoctrinate them into elf supremacy culture nor tactically manipulate them into being a wizard.
He just lets them be a kid, plays ball with them. Shows them how to play fetch with Scratch. Overall a very cool and laid back older brother.
He definitely takes great inspiration from his own dad and how he raised him, offers the same advice and wisdom his own father shared with him.
Shows the kid that life is so much more than it seems, nothing is truly evil and nothing is truly good. Both can be found in each other. He treats the kid with respect and doesn't pull the older than you card unless necessary.
He wants them to establish their own being, their own character and carve their own path in life.
Definitely does whatever he can to keep Mizora away from the child. That devil cannot be trusted, and even while he knows the kid is smart, he doesn't want to leave it up to fate whether Mizora tricks them into a pact or not.
The kid adores him and all of his animal forms. Halsin indulges them a lot and changes into whatever wildshape they deem the coolest that day to play with them.
When he looks at them, he sees a seed for the future. It requires care and nurturing to grow properly, and he is willing to make this world a better place for them.
Shows them how important nature is, how we should take care of the world just like it takes care of us. How we should respect the plants and the animals, how every meal is a gift and should be treasured.
He has a very fatherly vibe to him. It comes naturally, and he doesn't even have to try. Whenever the kid feels overwhelmed or scared, it's Halsin they run up and hide behind.
Also, when they get in trouble too because they know Halsin will take their side.
And he knows the kid is using him sometimes, but he lets it slide. Takes the kid on walks a lot, helps them make friends with the nearby cat that sometimes frequents the camp.
There is a potted plant they're both growing, a small shared project between the two of them. Halsin adores the look of happiness the kid has whenever the plant sprouts a new leaf and grows taller.
They don't have to know that it was Halsin's powers keeping it alive throughout the frequent changing of their camp and consistent travelling.
Little soldier is what she calls them.
Picks them up a lot after her engine gets fixed, let's them ride on her shoulder and hang on to her horns sometimes. Even indulges them and pretends she is a robot that they're controlling.
Sorry Astarion, she can't stop hugging you. She's a simple robot, and the overlord kid on her shoulders demanded it.
While Wyll is the cool yet dependable older sibling, Karlach is the even cooler one who's very chaotic and would help the kid in their pranks and cause trouble a lot.
Ah, what the hell kid, sure you can pick up her great flaming axe and swing it around. Actually she will use a nearby table as a shield and you should definitely try throwing it at her.
It's not that she means to be a bad influence, it's just that she is extremely indulgent. That it circles back to being a bad influence without meaning to.
They want to only eat sweets for dinner and all day? Hell yeah little soldier she wants the same. They want to do it for the rest of eternity and never eat vegetables again? Sign her the fuck up because she is ride or die.
Oh yeah, your kid/sibling can swear now, thanks to her, you're welcome.
Is the one feeding them the vegetables, after telling Karlach off and putting her in the timeout corner.
It's not enough that she has a gaggle of children back home, but you had to bring another one with you to the camp? Oh cub, you and your own little cub are going to be the death of her.
If Halsin thinks he can hide them behind his bear form he better think twice, Jaheira isn't below putting the both of them in line if she has to.
She demands respect, and the kid definitely ends up giving it to her, begrudgingly or not. They understand she is the true form of authority in this camp and that they better do what she says and finish their chores.
They definitely see her as a grandma. She is secretly touched if they call her that but acts unaffected. She just doesn't want to let the kid down. She has to be strict because medicine never tastes sweet.
They remind her of her own kids backhome sometimes, she does get homesick a lot more with them around.
No, she isn't emo. No, she isn't goth either. What is this kid talking about? They better know that worship of lady Shar is very sacred and not a passing phase she will grow out of.
You know how kids are overly curious and always ask these intrusive questions? Shadowheart is a magnet for that.
They just go up to her ,unannounced, and tell her about the recent camp news. She sips on her wine and gives the kid a glass of grape juice while they gossip.
Yes, she is a half elf. No, she is still as capable as an elf.
Wait, what did Astarion say about her? Really? Well, kid, thanks for being a snitch now. If you'd excuse her, she has urgent business to take care of.
She sees them and wonder if this is how her childhood was supposed to be like, if this is what she was missing out on all her life. Sometimes she can't help the burning envy at the back of her throat as she watches them be showered with love and care for simply existing.
But she doesn't let the bitterness get to her, not with how the kid looks at her in awe and admiration. She vows to be at least a decent example and not disappoint them.
If left unattended, she will start a boot camp. Come one kid, get down, and give her 40 push-ups now.
What? She is just looking out for them. How else are they supposed to join the battlefield if they have no upper body strength?
Yes, the battlefield, why do you ask? Of course, she wants them in the front lines eventually. War is the perfect environment to raise a child, to make them strong and fast. You were very smart for bringing them here with you, she has to admit.
Bah, she scoofs at Karlach and Astarion's ways. It is a danger hazard at best. The kid needs to start with training equipment and not actual weapons. Her companions' lack of braincells does surprise her sometimes.
Well...she also does mention the fact that for them to graduate, they have to actually murder someone from the camp. You know, like how she murdered half her classmates when she was still in training.
She actually...does a good job at training them safely, she evaluates their weakness and strengths and gives them advice based on it on how to improve. She looks out for their well-being and shows them the most efficient way to end a fight.
But she's only joking? Right? Right???
Uh....did anyone see Gale??
To put it in the nicest way possible, they are terrfied of her.
She thinks it's good because any sane person should be afraid of her. Frankly, she'd be concerned for a possibility of brain damage if they weren't.
They avoid her, and she barely pats an eye over it.
Although she was always the first to act whenever they were in danger, completely beheading the enemy with her sword before they could touch a hair on the kid. Still she doesn't care for the fact the child is drenched in blood and just saw someone get murdered.
She thinks they should get over it. The sooner, the better. Life is full of murder and blood, you'd be only dooming them if you don't let them see things for how they really are.
Drow culture for raising their children is very brutal, most of them die young and even the ones who do make it alive, don't live as long as the surface elves do.
Each drow carries deep scars from childhood, both on body and mind. Minthara wasn't the exception.
She tolerates your young out of respect for you. She tolerates what she deems as disobedience and disrespect from them.
You're not sure if they'll ever stop fearing her, but you also know that you can trust her to be there for them. To not hesitate a second in saving their flesh no matter what the cost is.
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eroset · 1 year
hello!! hole ur doing well, can i request top!m reader w beel from OM? smth involving lingeries n feminization maybe? tyyy<3
TYYYY FOR REQUESTING THIS I GOT CARRIED AWAY CZ I LUUUUUUV BEEL + LINGERIE + FEMINIZATION IT MAKES ME CRAZY KISSES KISSES u accidentally hit one of my favvvv things so idc that its outrageously long <33333 the typo is so funny i would be doing better with a hole. anyway i am doing well here is a gift just 4 u my love hee hee i hope u like itttt🙈
cw: chest/nipple play (c. receiving), chestjob (r. receiving), oral (r. receiving), feminization, praise. ended up making reader more of a soft dom than just a top so 4give me if you did not want that <33
minors dni!
"what is this?"
on his knees in front of your closet in the aftermath of a failed stashed snack raid, beelzebub holds up a fine strip of fabric; a shimmering piece from a lingerie set that costed more than your life, probably.
"oh, that's from asmo. he said i could break it in."
beel gives you a blank look as you speak. "break it in?" and you see his hands tense toward the literal, flexing in a manner as if he intends to shred the fabric. your hand shoots out to grab his wrist, though you know your own strength won't stop him.
"as in use!" you breathe out a sigh of relief when he stops.
"why couldn't asmo use it? isn't it his?" he holds it up to inspect it properly. it's a white, lacy thing with a delicate trim that catches in the light. it's transparent and gauzy in places, with silk ribbons to hold it all together. it's pretty.
not functional, though. asmo had been given a boxed promotional set in an array of sizes, many of which were much too big for him, and much too expensive to just brazenly throw out. he'd opted instead to pawn gift them to you.
beel frowns when you explain this. runs a thumb over the fabric, thoughtful. "it doesn't look too big."
you grin. "he said the top half was way too big for him. he doesn't like women's lingerie, says it fits weird on him. it'd probably fit you, though." you stand from your crouched position beside him, ruffling his hair. "your chest is like a girl's, anyway. guess you're luckier than he is."
and something clicks.
it takes months from then for him to work up to this.
for someone like beelzebub, who is simple in his pleasures, who doesn't bother thinking over what he would and wouldn't theoretically like (what's the point?), who is instead content in sticking to what he knows feels good and basks in it, this is a step in a direction he doesn't know what to make of.
but he doesn't see the point thinking too much about it, because if it feels good, then what does it matter?
and it does feel good. it felt good when you said it so easily with him on his knees: your chest is like a girl's, anyway. and when you joked during levi's boring tabletop roleplaying game on your character's twist royal lineage, when asked who your princess would be, your hand flirtily on his knee under the table: beel, i guess. and after one of his work out sessions, when his shirt rode up and you zeroed in on it like a moth to a flame, smoothed a hand thoughtfully over his waist: like one of those bikini models in mammon's fashion magazines.
and it feels good now, when you have him seated on your lap on your couch like something precious, dressed up for you in white lace and silk.
beel doesn't feel self-conscious, even when he's wearing so little. the lingerie fits him well, as you'd predicted. the bralette of the dress clings to his chest, stretched tight over his pecs and fanning out in a pretty skirt that he can't help but fidget with. the suspender belt and stockings were a fight to get on, but they make his legs feel smooth, and he likes the way your eyes darken when you gaze over his skin pudging out of the tight straps crossing up his thighs.
"no," he says with a shake of his head, and he leans forward a little, into you, still towering over you. it's a wonder how you can make him feel small and cherished when he's so much bigger than you are. his thick thighs splay across your hips, and they tense when you run your hands over them.
"you look like a doll," you say with a smile, and that look is in your eye again. it makes his stomach hot. your finger hooks under one of the straps on his thigh and pull it taut. it pops back against his skin with a snap!, and he jumps. you smile at that, too. it makes his stomach hotter.
he sits still while your hands work over him, smoothing and cupping over his body. sometimes over the lingerie and sometimes under, and the touches are long and hot enough for him to end up with him starting to get hard, tense in the way he always gets when he wants friction but wants even more to behave for you. it feels weird to be stroked like this, like you really are admiring the craftmanship of a doll, or maybe just groping him like a pervert, but it's not unpleasant.
"it fits you so well." you pinch and stoke up his waist, just under the hem of the bralette, and he finally realizes your intent when he sees your eyes fix on his chest. "especially here." oh, but he's always too quick to get worked up when you play around with him like this.
"um, wait," he says, hands flying to circle your arms, but your palms are already cupping the meat of his pecs firmly, and he jerks forward without meaning to. instead of pulling them away, all he can do is cling to your forearms when you make a massaging motion. heat coils in him and he releases a heavy sigh. "i..."
you look back up at him, feigning innocence. "is something wrong?"
"no, i just- ah," he mumbles, suddenly embarrassed. his knees try to knock together but only end up squeezing your hips. "my chest..." his tongue sticks to the roof of his mouth.
beelzebub doesn't continue. your hands continue their motions, kneading his pecs with the firm intent of making him blush and shudder in your lap, and of course it works - his chest has always been sensitive. his arms shake when they circle your head to rest his forearms along the back of the couch, leaning into your touch.
he chokes out a sound when your thumbs finally press over his nipples, and his hips stutter into yours. you rub them in short, firm circles that make him purr, boneless against you, feeling much too hot to really lament getting hard so quickly. you've always liked to exploit this weakness of his.
your hips cant up into his hips and he whines against your neck open-mouthed as you roll them between your thumbs. "that was fast."
"uh-huh," he pants. he rolls his hips firmly and without rhythm, just seeking friction - you haven't reprimanded him for it, so he's not doing anything wrong, right? he continues rocking eagerly.
"i was right about what i said before," you coo into his ear, a distraction from your nips and squeezes at his nipples between your fingers. "your chest is like a girl's." and you press down on them again, hard, and buck your hips up just right, and he melts against you with a sweet moan.
it's a short-lived pleasure. he grumbles a confused sound when you push him back, leaning him back in your lap. his cock is hard and heavy, straining up against his white panties, but they must be enchanted to stay in place. he jerks forward without meaning to when you give his chest one final squeeze, a glint in your eyes.
"i wanna see what else i can do with them."
beelzebub sits dutifully between your spread thighs, ignoring the fire in his gut in favor of staring in anticipation at your cock tenting against the zipper of your jeans.
"it tastes weird," he complains as you swipe your thumb under his lower lip, wiping away any wayward pink. but his eyes remain glued to your cock, and he swallows reflexively.
"not about how it tastes. it's supposed to make you look pretty." you cap the lipstick and set it aside. (or was it lip gloss? he doesn't know the difference.)
beel squirms a little and finally tears his gaze from your bulge, hands tentatively squeezing your knees. "do i?" he asks quietly. he looks away when you meet his gaze, bashful. "do i look pretty like a..." you've called him pretty in the past, but this time...
your hand catches on his jaw and force his head back to look at you. "like a girl?" you clarify, and your grip softens with a fond smile when he slowly and bashfully nods. your thumb presses against his lips, despite being so careful in your application of color, and he opens it pliantly. "you look like a very pretty girl, beel."
"oh," he breathes, your thumb pressed firmly on his tongue while your knuckles hold under his chin, keeping his mouth open. he squeezes your knees again and clenches his own together and his eyes once more fall down when your other hand drifts to your zipper.
he should be embarrassed about the way he salivates when your cock springs free, especially since you can feel it when you hold his mouth open. you fist your cock and stroke it slowly, watching as he swallows reflexively around nothing, and his spine tingles when you chuckle lowly.
"sit still, beel." you warn, and pull him toward your cock and angle it properly for him, just enough to almost graze the hot head of it against his tongue. you say something else but just the smell of you so close to him has his brain sparking. all he can do is nod to whatever you said, sharp and jerky, eyes wide and begging.
but you still don't release him. you keep your grip on his chin, holding him in place as you slowly and firmly stroke yourself, head angled toward his tongue, so close, as if you were just going to cum over his tongue and he whines low, now confused. you knew how much he loved you in his mouth- what were you doing?
you smile as beel squirms, this time shifting to angle your hips up a little. but when you pull him forward, you pull him up- away from your cock, and the momentum pulls his chest forward, cushioning it against your stomach. you sigh at the feeling and release his mouth, which is drooling freely.
"like this," you murmur, your hands guiding his to the sides of his chest. he pushes his pecs together as you direct him to, wobbling a little on his knees before he steadies himself.
his eye snap from your cock sandwiched between his pecs to your face a little frantically once he realizes that you aren't, in fact, going to throatfuck him. "but-"
"not yet, baby," you croon, like he's so silly for wanting your cock in his mouth instead of between his tits. "said i wanted to play with your chest more, didn't i? you're doing so good."
one of your hands grips his hair at the back of his head, not enough to hurt, just to steady him. the other wiggles between where you're connected; you fiddle with the ribboned straps of his bralette, feeding your cock underneath it to hug it firmly between his pecs, and he shudders when you rub one of his nipples with a thumb for good measure before you lean back.
like this, you direct, and beel can't help but obey you when you manhandle him in in how to move. it's a much tighter fit than he thought it'd be- the meat of his chest already pops a bit between the ribbons, made all the tighter with the heat of your thick cock pulsing between them. he's clumsy at first, not sure how tight to squeeze or how fast to move, but he gains a slow and steady rhythm after a while, one that makes you coo in approval.
the sight of it is mesmerizing, your fat cockhead thrusting in and out of his pecs with a slick pop every time it reappears. it's hot and sticky from his drool, which makes for an easier glide, and soon he's getting into it too, panting a little every time he goes down.
and with you groaning above him, his own arousal is long forgotten in favor of chasing yours.
you thrust your hips up once when he strokes down and your cock hits his chin, smearing against his lips; he gasps and heat floods him at the taste, the way it always does. his tongue sticks out reflexively, swirling around the head of your cock, and when you don't scold him he moans around it, head bobbing down.
from this position he can't take much, but even just the inch he gets in his mouth is amazing. he sucks it dutifully, reverently, and massages his chest around you, coaxing your cock to spit more delicious precum against his tongue.
"fuck," you wheeze, and beelzebub gargles a moan when you thrust up higher. "your mouth's so fucking hot." your tone makes his hole clench, but before he can really get into it, the grip you have on his hair pulls his head off. he suckles at your head as you pull out, a strand of saliva connecting your pulsing head to his mouth.
he licks his lips greedily, savoring the flavor, and pants open-mouthed when you thrust between his chest. "more," he whines, tongue hanging out to catch your cockhead every time you thrust up. he squeezes his pecs together and bounces them on your cock, eager for your cum, and moans when you hiss in pleasure.
"jus' like that," you slur, rocking your hips with him. "so good, you're doing so good."
he sucks at your head greedily whenever it reaches his mouth, tonguing your slit and laving it with care, all the while pinching and rolling you in his chest. his hips buck against one of your calves clumsily, more of an afterthought to the pleasure of his mouth, and he chokes on his spit when you abruptly shove his head down, feeding your cock in deeper.
"take it," you grunt, and he sucks you into his mouth as deep as he can with his chest in the way. it's wet and sticky from drool and precum, and your balls slap noisily against the underside of his pecs every time he bounces them down. it's lewd but he doesn't care, too caught up in the wet heat of everything to focus on anything else but your voice and your cock throbbing against his chest and the way your free hand thumbs at one of his nipples. "that's it, take it, swallow it all like a good girl."
he does so obediently, moaning all the while, swallowing down the thick load you give him, hot and sticky in his mouth, like a good girl. he can feel everything, every throb of your lipstick-peppered cock between his chest as you thrust into him, every pulse of your heavy balls against the satin ropes crossing his chest as your cock spits rope after rope of sticky cum over his tongue and the back of his throat. he doesn't stop, milking you for as much cum as he can get; swirls his tongue against your head as he sucks, head bobbing, massaging his tits around you. the extra attention makes it last longer than most of your orgasms, and you grunt and roll your hips with him, prolonging it for as much as you can. his eyes roll. he's in heaven.
finally, you eventually pull beel off, this time with more effort- he suckles you all the while, greedy to keep you in, and finally separates with a final yank and a satisfying pop. “tastes so good.” he drools, still panting, rubbing his cheek against your thigh, a slow, satisfied look creeping into his dewy eyes.
he rubs his cheek against your palm happily when you settle it down on him, like a cat, not caring about the smearing of drool or lipstick or cum. the heat in him hasn't quelled, but he's more sated now with a bellyful of your hot cum. his favorite snack. your other hand fidgets with his chest and he squeaks when you tweak his nipples, pulling your cock free from under his lingerie with a lewd, sticky sound.
he almost thinks you're done until you knock your calf up, right against his cock- he moans suddenly and jerks his hips down to meet you, gripping your spit-stained jeans.
"we're not done yet, don't worry." your fist returns to his hair and pulls him up higher and higher, knee firm between his legs, until you can pepper his jaw with kisses. "don't you want me to fuck you like a good girl, too, beel?"
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diagonal-queen · 11 months
omg what if i requested...
okay okay imagine: [character] taking a bath with you and its all cute but GOD DAMN WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY RUBBER DUCKS? like yalls are taking a bath and you just pull out the rubber ducks and dump them in the bath djfbdjdj YES SFW I WE DONT TOLERATE NSFW HERE
characters: ranpo, dazai, chuuya, poe, atsushi, [your favorites] SEPARATE! if you dont wanna do em all you can just do poe and ranpo lol also you can insert blue lock characters if you want to 👍
i hope youre having a good day i am indeed alive!!
- nia
Rubber duckie, you're the one~
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♡ pairing: Ranpo Edogawa, Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara, Edgar Allan Poe, Atsushi Nakajima, Mykola Hohol, Tecchou Suehiro x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: You bring rubber ducks into the bath.
♡ cw: Swearing, nudity I guess??? It's not NSFW lmao but gotta cover my bases
note: HELLO NIA. I want you to know that I AM gonna be doing a BLLK version of this some time after I've finished this one. Also I don't know much about Honkai Star Rail but isn't Caelus basically like that game's equivalent of Aether from Genshin? I'm uncultured T-T These are just crack hcs lol uh yeah apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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Bold of you to assume this mf didn't bring his own rubber ducks
The bathtub is overcome with your shared aquatic fowl. You two are having an absolute field day in there (and not like a regular field day, but like a Magic School Bus field day)
Maybe they have a war or something. Or maybe they establish a peace agreement and the two leaders of your different duck nations get married to form a union
You guys end up staying in the tub until the water is freezing
Honestly though, you probably benefitted from having a little while to both just indulge in childish behaviour without any judgement or consequences. And it was super fun so no regrets
After the first time you guys decide to start having shared baths every now and then when things get too stressful at work, so you could blow off steam in a harmless and fun way
But you two don't tell anybody. I mean Ranpo still brings rubber ducks to public bathhouses because he's just like that but nobody else ever finds out the true extent of your duck-related shenanigans
10/10 would recommend bubble bath rubber duck therapy w/ autistic manchild 👍
He didn't expect it, but he likes it!
Dazai probably never washes himself ever so he was already quite on board with the idea of having a bath with you (he gets to see you nakey and have clean hair for once? Like what a win)
Also I reckon he's the kinda guy who really enjoys bubble baths and plays with them and gets the bathroom all messy with the bubbles (me too Dazai)
So he was pretty hyped for this. But then you dump like fifty rubber ducks into the bath and NOW IT'S TIME TO GET FUNKY
Dazai has definitely never played with them before. He's amused with the way they float, with the fact that they make noise when you squeeze them, their big stupid eyes and everything about them
He initially wants to question why you have so many of them or where you got them from but then he just as quickly decides that he doesn't really wanna know the answer
Is he as invested in the ducks as you are? No, but he's very curious about them and finds it nice that you enjoy them so much
Probably wraps one in bandages and gives it to you so you're always thinking of him or smth 💀 (it's cute though)
If Chuuya has run you a bath he probably intended for it to be romantic and relaxing
And then you bringed in the duckies
After a quick discussion you two do compromise on a romantic bath. With rubber ducks. And it honestly ends up being more perfect than either of you expected
He'd have been willing to just let you do your thing though because he just wants you to be happy but mans works too hard to pass up an opportunity to relax in the bath with you
So what ends up happening is you two just cuddle in the bath and talk about life and romance and stuff, and there's also ducks floating there, entirely out of place
Like Chuuya would have pulled out all the stops. Candles and wine and stuff, so like a pretty mature scene that does not accommodate for rubber ducks, and yet there they are
But he thinks it's really cute how into the ducks you are so he lets you keep them around
He would definitely buy you more rubber ducks in the future just to see you smile. Chuuya is down so bad for you 😌
He's probably never even seen a rubber duck in his 1800s gothic anxietycore life
You might honestly have to explain what they are. He's like 'and they don't do anything? You just have them there for company?' and you're like 'yeah!' and he's just like
Poe would find one singular duck of yours and latch onto it. That one is his duck now and he would keep it nearby because it reminds him of you
Overall though he doesn't really get on board with it. Like after the first two minutes when the novelty fades he's like '...can we please remove them' lol
If you say yes then the bath then continues on exactly as expected. It's nice but Poe's a little insecure and shy (cuddle him pls)
If you say no then he's just gonna learn to deal with them. This man doesn't have the balls to set boundaries with you (ME TOO POE)
That being said, if Karl likes the ducks? ...oh boy he's straight up going to purchase an avalanche of them
It's really up to you whether or not the ducks catch on or not, Poe's just along for the ride whether or not he wants to be
Help him
They didn't have rubber ducks in the orphanage, and Atsushi probably hasn't had a proper nice long bath in years. He did not want nor expect a horde of rubber ducks
But Atsushi loves you so much that he's willing to look past it. And the duckies actually grow on him by the time you guys get out the bath
He's always seen bathing as just that. A way to clean. But you're determined to introduce him to the wonders of bathtime and make up for the childhood he wasn't allowed to have
He mostly just goes along with you and doesn't really match your energy, but he absolutely loves seeing you so excited about the ducks
He would definitely like the idea of baths being a cute couply thing for you guys to do though so whether or not you got your ducks with you is honestly irrelevant
But you do. And so he accepts them as a part of being with you. In sickness and health or whatever idk nobody loves me lmao
Just make sure that you give Atsushi as much attention as you give to the ducks okay?
Mykola has literally never been happier in his entire life
This was the moment when he realised that you were the one for him. His soulmate, his one and only
He doesn't care how many ducks there are, he just cares that there's ducks. And that you're the one who bought them into the bathtub.
The pair of you wreak havoc on the bathroom. Like with Ranpo, y'all were just being a little playful. You and Mykola straight up destroy the whole room
You two spend hours in there coming up with names, extended backstories and lore of each rubber duck and it gets so complicated so fast
He would also give each one of them a different voice while you guys are messing around. Theatre kid moment
You've now given him the idea to just randomly present you with rubber ducks at any time, regardless of the scenario. Your collection grows tenfold due to this bastard and Fyodor is not pleased about it. Not when Mykola is interrupting DOA meetings with fucking ducks
The poor repair guys you hire to fix the bathroom...they're so confused T-T
Straight up just does not react. This shit is a regular Tuesday for him
And he just lets them float there in the bath and pays no mind to them. Doesn't play with them, talk to them or whatever. It's just nice to have some silent, non-judgemental company sometimes
Tecchou doesn't strike me as someone who would suggest that you two take a bath together, so it was most likely your idea. He went along with it because relaxing in a steamy room with you sounded nice, but in reality you just wanted to show him the ducks
And though he might have seemed disinterested he was so happy to know that you and him had a similar interest
You two are so good for each other that way <3 (good = autistic I guess, because Tecchou is canon autism I decided)
So while you play with the ducks or whatever he just sits there content and watches you do so with a little smile. Probably calls you cute at some point entirely catching you offguard
You two make it a regular thing, but Jouno probably finds out somehow and it's just a whole other can of worms I won't go into rn
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Taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fedyushka, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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morallygreyyn · 2 years
Hey! This is my first ask and I am not sure if you have any limits so this is experimental... can I have Illumi and Hisoka making sweet, passionate love with their s/o (fem or gn) and some aftercare fluff 🥺 thank you
passionate love + aftercare with the hxh boys (headcanons)
characters: hisoka, illumi, kurapika x gn!reader
authors note: i think you meant hisoka and illumi seperately (? 👀) so i turned these into headcanons - i hope that's okay anon! also threw kurapika in there for a laugh
warnings: mentions of nsfw content but its minimal
minors dni
requests are open! read my rules here!
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dear lord where do i even begin
this man is nothing if not passionate in everything he does
and boy oh boy does he rock your socks off in bed
i imagine passionate love with hisoka would be rough, messy, all over the place but fun
neither of you can get enough
your hands would be constantly over each others body
good luck prying this man away from you
not that you'd want to
this isn't to say that he's not sweet when he wants to be
while i can't imagine hisoka to ever be the slow and steady type, he definitely knows how to combine both passionate and sweet
on the days where he just wants to chill, i'm sure even someone as deranged as him has them at some point, i can imagine he'd focus more on kissing and dragging out your pleasures for as long as possible
and oh man is he willing to just cuddle for the rest of the day/evening/night literally whenever
he’s hands-down a very physical lover and that includes bundling his lover, aka you, in those big strong arms
“kiss me.”
“my lips hurt hisoka.”
“and that’s a problem?”
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so he's a challenge ngl
this man is the literal definition of a walking beansprout
as much as i love him
his spectacular brain doesn't grasp the meaning of sweet and passionate
i don't think he had a singular passionate bone in his body if that doesn't include his family and even then it's strained and confused
i would imagine illumi to realistically take care of any partner that he has
and that includes the bedroom
sweet and passionate love with illumi would be you managing to sneak a few kisses full on french kissing, or pulling his hair in the heat of the moment which he loves but would never be caught dead admitting that
he's definitely the type to focus on getting the job done rather than drag things out
but i can imagine he would be willing to go at the pace you set if you guide him through
he would prefer this bc he has no idea what he's doing half the time even though he acts the opposite
you wouldn't call it sweet and passionate unless illumi looks as if he's been dragged through several bushes and had a midlife crisis halfway through
i'm talking his lips swollen, hair messed and tangled, love bites scattered across his body 
perhaps even a light flush to his cheeks but i'm being generous here but he’d look so freaking pretty i-
for aftercare you would have to force him to stay with you
this man doesn't want to waste time by just laying there
but if you lay on top of him
and if you wrap his arm around your body, what can he do?
a lot, he can do a lot
but he loves you in his own twisted way so he's not moving unless you want him to
why would he?
you might even catch him as you’re drifting off into sleep plant the barest hint of a kiss on your forehead
would absolutely deny it later
touch starved illumi
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the sweetest lover oml
literal, and i cannot stress this enough, perfection
making love with him would be like floating amongst the clouds
or smth poetic like that
lots of kisses, compliments, and cuddles would be involved both during and afterwards
every time you two would make love it would always be the sweetest, fluffiest and most passionate thing
is absolutely 100% the type to put your needs before his
but lucky for him you’re also the same about him
so it’s always mutual pleasure
adores when you pull his hair lightly or call him pet names or tell him that he’s doing well
i believe aftercare would just be the both of you wrapped in each others arms, basking in the afterglow
would ask if you need anything
you say no
he gets you things anyway
or if you’re both really tired you just lie there and refuse to leave each others side
pls just give kurapika all the cuddles kisses and love that you can he desperately needs it
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southparktegreity · 1 year
south park ; [main 4+ butters] + s/o who draws !
NOTICE : all characters are aged up to their 19/20's!
CW : mentions of drinking (stans part), otherwise none
stan :
i get the impression stan would be really supportive! i feel like he would help you come up with things creatively
he would definitely ask you to draw like the skeleton hands on his hands
out of all the boys, i think he'd be the most interested in learning how to draw or alternatively learning how to draw specific things
i feel like it might end up being a healthy way to express his emotions, ie through vent art instead of drinking
i also think he'd like to paint more than any other medium, probably oil painting? but he uses the cheap acrylic ones whenever he's making vent art since oil paint is expensive
"hey... thanks again y/n for teaching me how to paint.. - it's really helped me."
kyle :
again, very supportive
though he probably would have minor concerns if you started to consider being an artist as your main job? i think he'd be worried about you making money so he might try and help you start an etsy shop or a redbubble or something so people could support you on something other than commissions :)
if you did that with him he'd definitely help you package and ship things out to your customers
whenever you and him babysit ike, you guys all three play pictionary !!!
they both think you're cheating lol
"isn't this like - cheating?! you're too good at this!"
kenny :
i feel like kenny would also want to learn like stan, specifically because he wants to draw you and karen together with him ! he’d probably wanna give it to you and her as a gift since he can’t afford other things
would definitely want you to draw on him, anywhere you want. i could definitely see him wanting you to make him some tattoo art or smth
karen would also probably want you to teach her how to draw
so you and kenny and karen all sit down together and teach them some simple stuff !!
kenny ends up drawing the life he imagines for you and karen, beautiful house - pretty garden - all the works. and of course, most importantly - you both with him
"well... here's the garden, and here's the house... and if you look inside this window right here... you can find you me and karen."
cartman :
as with everything you do, cartman will probably make fun of you, saying something about your “gay drawings”
we all know he secretly loves watching you draw
i feel like he would really like watching the process of you drawing? like he doesn’t care about what it is, but rather the whole process itself
if you take too long though he’ll start to complain
will probably beg you to draw either ‘the racoon’ fanart OR making him x kyles mom fanart
he'll end up commissioning you if you say no
"um. y/nnn. are your requests open? you see, there's this really neat superhero - you'd love him - that i want you to draw for me. he's VERY kewl.... you should - like.. draw him for me... what do you mean i have to pay you?"
butters :
butters DEFINITELY loves it!
i feel like you both would do art trades, except he'd feel a bit bad since he doesn't have the best skill - so he'd make it up to you by buying you a sketchbook or something
i think he also loves the feeling of being drawn on, and looking down at his hands and stuff to find drawings of hello kitty and him that you made ! he would practically MELT - but he’d probably be too shy to ask you to do it
definitely has gotten grounded for your drawings on him
i also feel like he totally shows off all your drawings to cartman and everyone
"well, heya fellas! look at what my partner drew on me! ain't it pretty? :)"
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Hihi! I saw you were taking requests and so I was wondering if I could have Poe or Sigma fluff (and maybe angst if you're up for it, you don't have to!) hcs? Like where you are sick or smth and they take care of you? And possibly how they make you feel better? Can I also be 🍥 anon if you're okay with it?
Whew, back to writing requests. Sorry for the long wait, but my brain shut down after I finally finished that Christmas event. I'll try to get on with the requests still waiting in my inbox!
Anyway, fluff is absolutely my specialty, and these two dorks are the perfect characters to take care of a sick s/o! I had the idea floating around in my brain, so I added an accidental confession for Poe as well <3
Edgar Allen Poe and Sigma taking care of a sick reader~
As usual, snatched the images off Pinterest
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🤎🦝 Poor Poe freaked out when he heard you were sick. He immediately rushed over to your house and insisted on taking care of you! It doesn't matter how many times you try to push him away and tell him he'll get sick too, he's determined to take care of you!
🤎🦝 The reason for this is that Ranpo gave him the idea. Poe wanted to know how he could win your affections, and Ranpo suggested that he should go and see if you needed care, since you called in sick that morning.
🤎🦝 So now you're being forced to lay on the couch while Poe spoon-feeds you soup that he made himself. I don't see why you would complain, except if you're one of those Akutagawa kinnies that won't admit you're sick until you're dead.
🤎🦝 Poe insists on doing everything for you. To be fair, he is a pretty big help, considering it feels like someone fucked with the Earth's gravity settings and turned them all the way up. Oh, and you're delirious with fever, so no amount of willpower is going to make you able to do chores.
🤎🦝 As you feared, Poe gets sick too. Somehow, he still managed to drag himself to your place, so now you're both lying inert on different couches with a bad flu. You have some absolutely hilarious conversations while you're both completely out of it with fever hallucinations. Unfortunately, you probably won't remember them.
🤎🦝 After a few days of this bullshit, you're starting to feel better. Poe isn't, but your head is starting to clear. One night, you wake up to him rambling on and on about something to Karl. As you listen, you realize he's talking about you.
🤎🦝 "Oh Karl... What am I to do?" *Karl noises* "Yes I suppose you're right... You're so wise, Karl!" *More Karl noises*
🤎🦝 If he didn't talk to Karl like this all the time, you'd probably suspect that the fever had addled his brain to the point of no return. You decide to speak up and see what this nonsense is all about.
🤎🦝 "Hey, Poe, what are you going on about?" "Y/N! You're awake?" "Obviously. Now what are you asking Karl about?" "Oh, I was just trying to figure out what to do about my feelings for you." "...your what?"
🤎🦝 It takes a moment for Poe to realize what he just said. Once he does, he hides under the the blanket for ages. He refuses to come back out and speak to you for the rest of the day. He won't even eat! He's going to need lots of reassurance after such an embarrassing mishap!
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🤍🎰 Sigma doesn't really have a lot of time on his hands, being the manager of the casino and all. So, when he hears that you're sick, he has an existential crisis. Should he take care of you? Stay? What if he gets sick too? Can the casino run smoothly without him?
🤍🎰 Seeing how worried he is, some of the people working directly under him (I couldn't think of a good word, ok? Leave me alone-) convince him to go look after you. They can handle running the casino in his absence.
🤍🎰 Let's get one thing straight: Sigma is a fabulous caretaker. He just has the instinct for it, I guess. You'll be perfectly fine under his care. He gets you any medicine you need, cooks for you, does chores, and anything else you need. He has absurd multitasking skills, and will keep everything neat and orderly to ensure your speedy recovery.
🤍🎰 He is an absolute sucker for you, so you could probably get away with a lot while sick. You want him to read to you? On it. You want him to sing you to sleep? He'll try his best. He won't do anything that could get him sick, though, so no physical contact. Sorry, but he can't afford to get sick too.
🤍🎰 He is rigorous about keeping your stress to a minimum. He sets limits on who can visit you, how often they can visit, and for how long. He's like your nurse or something. You know Madam Pomfrey from the Harry Potter series? Yeah he's like that.
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manlicker69 · 11 months
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★ Characters involved :: Post mafia Dazai Osamu; BSD/ Bungou Stray Dogs, male reader/self insert (sorry i'm super gay lolzies)
★ Genre :: sfw, angst, nsfw
★ Contains :: sexy , romantic love and sex , anxiety/panic attacks, depression, self harm, suicide (thoughts,attempts,ideations) , dead dove do not eat? , softy dazai , you can tell I'm extremely mentally ill :skull:
★ A/N :: If you're struggling with any aspect of your mental health or self harm, please seek help. I know what those dark times, thoughts, and feelings feel like. It's scary reaching out to people, but it is such a big help for your mental health and safety. Please be careful reading the "angst" section if you continue. | Have any suggestions or requests? Hit me up in my inbox! I will review anything you have to say!! :3
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loves playing with your hair
like he'll be doing anything and he'll twirl your hair, braid it, play with it, anything
will unconsciously nibble or suck on your skin or smth
You'll be cuddling and he'll just suck on your fingers or arms like a baby
post pm dazai is such a cuddler like it's crazy
he'll embrace you in your arms like it's the last day on earth
you two would be at work and he gets withdraws just from not being next to you
such a praiser
he loves everything about you, and needs you to understand that
loves listening to music with you, your energy gives him more life than anyone else he's met
(for fellow autistic folks out there)
stimming? HE'LL STIM WITH YOU!!!! respectfully!!!
grrr you want to info dump abt your special interets(s) ???? he's so in love with the way you get excited and talk, he'll listen for hours
overstimulated???? will get everything you need to create a nest of comfort until the war passes
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cuddles your struggles away
panic/anxiety attack? he'll cradle you until the world stops spinning
once you're calm enough and you've given him consent, he would give slow, soft pecks and kisses to your face
self harm struggles? he knows how you feel
will talk with you about what's going through your mind
would bandage you up with lots of kisses and praise
he might even draw on your bandages so you wouldn't think of the pain when looking at them
late night talks
suicidal thoughts? he knows how to talk to you in this state
it's hard for him to see you suffer through things that he's been through
holds you no matter what through dark times
suicide attempts? he'll be your biggest supporter in life no matter what
he would never leave your side for a while (as if he isn't clingy enough)
wouldn't blame you, would only try to make your life happier, as he wish others did to him
depressed? cuddles and late night talks will help!
he understands everything you say, and knows how to make you feel better
self image issues? baby boy you're so handsome
kisses you in his favorite spots on your body
praises you non stop when he can tell you're not in a good mood
experienced S/A? will comfort you however he can to help you cope
its a depressing and harsh process to treat PTSD, so dazai lets you go at your own pace
only if you're determined enough to go through it
if you don't, he will constantly make sure he doesn't trigger you in any way
listens to mitski with you
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holy shit he's so hot
constantly asks for consent, because he should AND he always needs to know you're enjoying him
scars? embraces the fuck out of them
sometimes he'll even give you hickies over healed scars so all you'll think about is him
if he's feeling playful, maybe he'll even tickle you
everything's about you pretty boy
small dick/t-dick? he doesn't care, you're still just as handsome
he'll play with your sensitive areas as much as he wants, but he does it for his and your pleasure
loves seeing you squirm and hearing you whimper, moan, all that jazz
when he's inside you? oh my god
grab your hair, hips, anything, he's deathly attracted to your everything
usually he takes stuff slow and romantic, but if you two are feeling it then hell yeah you'll fuck to the moon!
you didn't come yet? do you wanna talk about it, or just let him fuck you into oblivion until you do?
lovesssss feeling you up, like good god you were gifted with such a beautiful body
kisses kisses kisses
loves when you kiss him too, finds it adorable when you drool on him lol
nipples?!??1/?!?!?!? it's his fav lollipop flavor
he's so romantic asjhskjks he can just make you hard doing pretty much anythinggg
stim during sex? he doesn't mind, he might even participate with you if he's feeling playful
stimming while giving him head? he loves seeing you enjoy yourself, stim on his cock all you want!
vocal stims/tics during sex? finds it hotter than normal because he's just ramming himself inside of you and you're enjoying yourself so much!!
mute? the sounds you make when he thrusts into you is enough for him, he’ll love you however you are!!!!
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(might add if I think of more)
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the-kr8tor · 3 months
I'm not gonna specially make this into a ¿request? but hear me out on the plot.
So yk, how there's several different multi-verses blah blah blah etc etc etc. So like... then there's the REAL World. Earth-0 (or sumn like that) and that's OUR world, as irl if you get what I mean.
So what if it goes like R is doing work in their room, playing a game, literally anything, maybe even watching the ATSV movie when suddenly-
The orange portal/Multi-verse portal — which looks more glitchy than usual — opens up and suddenly spits out Hobie with maybe others like Miles, Pavitr, Gwen, sumn like that. And now R's just in shock they are in the so-called "fictional characters" ACTUALLY exist, have lives, family and are real people. Hobie surprised, by things like maybe the fan merch(which Hobie barely approves off unless they made it or bought it from a small company etc yk, anarchy, government and all that shit) that R owns cuz for them ofc they didn't know this existed since they had never been to this earth(it's not allowed). How their lives can just easily be read on the fuckin' phone 'n shit, movies of them and you get the point. Now Hobie has to find a way to get out of the dimension — The reason he is there in the first place is maybe like, he was maybe fighting an anomaly or sumn who glitched his watch and now the watch isn't properly working anymore(not opening portals) but it is preventing him from glitching. 'Course the pairing gonna be Hobie/SpiderPunk x Reader.
So yeah... 🤷‍♂️ Idk- I really got into the moment and yeah, I mean... it sounds like smth interesting to read yk.
He'd be so weirded out at first like with all the merch all over the room and his face plastered on the walls would give him the creeps and would most definitely bolt out of there but oh no what's this? Watch doesn't work anymore? Oh well now Hobie needs to stay with you until he can figure it out but how would you survive when the love of your life is sitting on your bed tinkering away on his watch? Oh the agony!
He'd be bored until you show him all the music he doesn't have in his universe and now he's adding earth -0 to his watch so he can visit you whenever he wants
(the amount of atsv fanfic he reads would have him rolling on the floor either grimacing or kicking his legs at the fic 🤣)
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sugar-omi · 10 months
Is it ok to make a request after the last one? Like everything about the eloping was just a dream in this one. And Mc is still married to Cove but after getting that nightmare they get all guilty over something that didn't happen and fear if they'd actually do something that would hurt everyone, especially Cove that badly. So they decided to isolate themselves somewhere no one would find them for a while with little explanation to Cove when they leave. Any location really like a cabin in the woods idk. They were supposed to be only there for a week then a woopsie happens and now they get stranded for more than a week. You're choice on how it ends and whether they tell Cove or not about the dream.
Seeing Cove suffer hurts me so I wanna see the MC suffer (more) :)
HAHA I LOVE IT, YESSS LET MC SUFFER !!!! also ik i wrote it as a "y/n" post but i was like imagining jamie as MC/"y/n" and inserting myself in cove's happy ending <3 lmaooo no one said "y/n" couldn't be someone else 😋 i imagine a lotta ppl read y/n fanfics with their oc's or the default name though too but yes tysm for this ask bc this heals my heart, this is smth i would do!!! one time i read 2 separate fics with character A died and in the other fic character B died n i was like "oh okay theyre happy together now<333" ITS SILLY BUT IT MADE MY HEART FEEL BETTER
[read the post mentioned above: "leaving cove for baxter"]
tags : Hurt/(No) Comfort, step 4/wedding dlc, nightmare about cheating, running away, keeping secrets, arguing <3 (cove snaps abt you leaving)
synopsis : you have a nightmare about leaving cove, so you run away to calm down. maybe you should've taken a different approach...
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you wake up in a cold sweat that night.
you're shaking and trying not to wake up cove because his arms are wrapped tightly around you but you can't help the tears running down your face.
somehow you shake yourself from your husbands hold and go to the bathroom to cry...
that morning you're very distant, and since cove has to leave for work as he's been away for awhile for your wedding and honeymoon, he just kisses you and tells you that you will talk later.
when he comes home you sit him down and tell him that you've just going through a bit of depression and burn out, and that you're going to go visit lee for a week and come back.
cove frowns up, of course he understands what you're going through and he understands that things are hard but do you really need to go away?
"y/n, please. i understand you're going through something but, can't you stay? isn't there anything i can do for you?"
you shake your head, "i'm sorry, it's just 5 days and then i'm coming back. i just.. i just need some time."
cove feels a bit angry now, you just got married and everything was fine, you were happy yesterday and now you've done a total 180 overnight and won't let him help you!
"y/n you can't just leave, i really don't understand what's going on."
you shake your head, standing up and releasing your intertwined hands. "i just need a little break, i promise i'll be back soon."
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you do go visit lee like you said, but after the 2nd day she leaving town for a show.
"i'm gonna miss you!" lee squeezes you in her arms, not wanting to let you go. "you just showed up, its gonna be forever before we see each other~" lee whines.
you laugh, patting her back. "its okay lee, we'll get together soon."
she pulls away, needing to leave soon if she doesn't want to miss the train. "okay.. i'll call you everyday! have fun on the rest of your trip, okay?" a worried look comes on lee's face, taking your hand in a soothing manner. "i hope you can work through that burn out."
you nod. yeah, burn out...
lee sticks her hand out the window, waving the whole way (thank god someone else is driving) until you can't see each other.
you sigh, walking to your car and make your way to the hotel you booked for the rest of the week...
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the beach reminds you of your honeymoon... you aren't sure why you're torturing yourself like this.
you sigh, thinking about the dream. well, nightmare to be correct.
there was nothing inherently scary. but since it was from a first-person point of view, your mouth moving out of tune with your thoughts and everything happening so vividly, it was scary enough.
you feel tears well up in your eyes as you think about everyone's reaction.
would your ma really tell you to stay away from the house like that? and lee.. you can't imagine not talking to her.
fuck, you're crying... just thinking about everyone's disappointment and the scorn on everyone's face is enough to send chills down your spine.
you cringe, thinking about cliff and krya, their messages and how cliff looked so distraught when he saw you when he came for the last of cove's things on your nightmare.
you couldn't bare your in-laws hating you. cliff has always been someone important to you, and now he's your father-in-law. he's a sensitive soul as well, and he loves cove so much. of what had happened was real... oh man, the simple idea of how much regret cliff would have makes your body shake with sobs.
and even though you try not to think about cove's reaction to you leaving, its so prominent in your mind.
you start wiping at your tears, even though there's no one around since this is a little edge of beach off the edge of a hiking trail near your hotel, you feel so ridiculous for crying over this.
you sniffle and go to stand up.
it's getting dark, you've off the trail, and you have an early day tomorrow.
the only problem is... you're a bit lost.
you didn't realize how far you were. you're back on the trail but do you go left or right? does it matter if it all leads back to the hotel?
you swallow, you're so fucked.
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everything is just going wrong.
first, you get lost on the shitty trail and don't find your way back until daybreak, and now your car isn't starting up, and the mechanic said it'll be a few days before they get it up and running.
you sigh loudly and fall back into the bed. thankfully, the hotel let you extend your stay so at least you have that going for you...
you startle from the sound of your phone ringing... it's cove.
you hesitate to pick up, you still feel sensitive, but you miss cove, and you've already texted him about the situation for the most part..
"hey, cove.."
"y/n! are you okay?" cove's worried voice crackles over the phone.
"yeah, i'm alright, uh.. listen, cove."
you trace the stitch pattern of the quilt on your bed. "apparently, it'll be a few days before the car is up and running. something about a busted something, i don't know what he said. i wasn't, uh, paying attention very well..."
cove sighs. "y/n... I'll come get you or something, and then we can talk about this, okay?"
you feel your heart pick up. "no! th-theres no need for all that, you just hold down the fort, tell the fish I said hi." you laugh shakily.
you can practically hear the frown in his voice. "y/n. why did you go on this trip, seriously. what are you hiding from me?"
cove's voice is rising and cracking with tears at the same time.
it breaks your heart. you can't answer him and it just makes cove more upset.
"do you regret marrying me or something? is that why-!"
"no!" you exclaim. suddenly regretting your outburst but you can't help but deny it since that's not it and you don't want cove to think that...
"then fucking tell me!" cove is obviously crying at this point. "all I know is my spouse left for a 'break' and is now telling me they don't want me to pick them up? be fucking serious y/n!"
you exhale shakily, wiping your own tears.
"i'm sorry..." you whisper, burying your face in your hand.
"sorry for what, y/n? leaving me after we just got married? lying to me? shutting me out?"
cove's voice is deep and his words have an edge.
he's right though, what are you apologizing for? you're acting out and letting your problem consume you...
there's silence, and then cove mutters over the phone.
"... do you not love me anymore?"
you snap up, sliding off the edge of the bed as you snatch up the phone. "no! it's not that! don't say that!" you cry, "I love you so much, cove! don't even think otherwise!"
cove is silent. since you can't see his face you can't decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
"you know what i... i can't take this right now. I'll call you later."
the phone clicks.
now all you're left with is silence and your own thoughts...
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when you finally come home it's 11:47 at night.
cove should be asleep but instead he greets you from the door.
you swallow, psyching yourself up to go to him.
something about the way he watches you from the moment you came into view on the street, to watching you pull your bags out the trunk and then maintaining eye contact (more like boring holes into you since you can't look him in the eye.) as you creep up the pathway to the door of your marital home.
he's silent. just watching. no "hi" or "I love you" or "I missed you, I barely survived while you were gone", just.. silence...
you finally look at him. his eyes are hooded with lack of sleep if the eye bags are any tellers, and yet he stands in front of the illuminated doorway like an unmoveable wall.
your heart skips and clenched. what if he doesn't want to let you back in?
you go to speak and he talks over you.
"was it worth it?"
you gape at him, frowning at his question.
"of course you can't say anything. what did I expect..." cove pinches his temples between his thumb and forefinger.
you gather up some words, uselessly trying to grasp for forgiveness.
"i.. i thought it'd be better if i worked things out on my own... i'm sorry.." you fiddle with the keychain on your luggage. "i shouldn't have done that and uh.. I'll deal with my problems without running away.."
cove watches you blankly. he can't believe you're serious.
"you're not gonna tell me, are you?"
you don't nod or shake your head. you just look at the ground and pray he forgives you.
he stands in front of the door for awhile longer, before he takes your luggage, a little more like snatching it since he grabs it by the side of the handle and tugs it out of your hands, pulling you forward.
"come inside. did you eat?"
you gape a bit, wondering how cove can care for you in a time like this but it reminds you more of a mother who's making sure her naughty child doesn't need anything else before they receive their punishment..
you shake your head. "i'm not hungry right now.."
cove doesn't nod or insist you eat like he normally would. "shower and go to bed then. I'll join you later."
you nod, letting cove's orders sink in.
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the bath water is getting cold. and the sound of the echoed sound of water clapping against the edge of the tub makes you self-conscious.
you stand up, letting the water run off of you and robotically dry yourself with a towel before slipping into the clothes cove threw on top of the sink for you.
when you slip out of your bathroom, the bedroom is dark except for the moonlight coming through the window.
you tenderly tuck yourself into bed and close your eyes. waiting for something. anything. maybe for everything to become undone or for time to move past this.
just while you start to get deep into your thoughts, tears pooling in your eyes, cove's footsteps thump against the floor, and you halt your breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
the bed dips on his side. you don't feel him leaning over you or getting into bed and so you turn around, looking at the broad expanse of his back and waiting.
"you're not gonna tell me, are you?"
you say nothing.
"not what's wrong? what happened? how can I help?" cove's desperate at this point. "nothing?"
you pause, fingers twitching because you want to reach out to him but if you did he'll just shrink away from you for sure.
"I don't know.." you finally mumble.
cove hangs his head, fiddling with something in his hand and he lays down without looking at you, flipping over once he's gotten under the covers.
you're both awake, there's no way he isn't and you touch his back.
he doesn't flinch like you thought, nor shake or tell you to fuck off.
so you creep closer. maybe that's a bad idea, wrapping your arms around him as the worst he can do is reject you but you missed him. and everything is eating you up that you just want his comfort..
he let's you, surprisingly.
you rest your forehead between his shoulder blades, curving your body against his.
you reach for his hands, finding them clenched weakly around something.
you wanna shake and cry when you realize it's his wedding band...
he let's you take it from him, and he holds onto your other hand that's tucked under his body.
you shakily slip the ring back on his finger.
maybe, maybe one day you'll tell him.
but when the next morning comes, and cove greets you with a bright smile and "good morning" that only has half his usual cheer, and he continues it for weeks until months have passed since then and it's as if nothing happened, you aren't sure you ever will.
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pardis-dhyai · 1 year
Hihi!! I got so excited when I found ur blog, I love your headcanons so much and I can never get enough chubby!reader content, ur out here doing gods work fr 🙏 could I please request wanderer, xiao, venti, and tighnari wearing/putting on like one of chubby!reader's hoodies or smth when they're away and reader finding them wearing it?? Could be fluffy or spicy, I'm not picky 🤭 thank you so much!!
hello hello hello!!! thank you so much <3 we deserve more love dammit! and this is an adorable request. I am on it! hope you enjoy!
wearing their chubby partner's clothing
characters featured: wanderer/scaramouche, xiao, venti, tighnari
pronouns used: none--second person perspective.
warnings: mentions of alcohol in venti's, but...i think you figured that would happen.
notes: written with a chubby reader in mind. still perfectly readable if you aren't chubby. assumed modern au!
wanderer/scaramouche is lonely. he would rather DIE than admit it, but he is. he misses you, your touch, your voice...and you've only been gone three hours. he sighs to himself, grumbling as he makes his way over to where you store your clothes and grabbing a hoodie he's seen you wear countless times. no matter how many times you wash it, it always smells like your soap, and you come home to find your boyfriend curled up with his nose snuggled inside the collar, peacefully snoozing away wearing your sweatshirt. he almost reminds you of a feral kitten finally starting to become socialized. he wakes up when you take a picture. he instantly starts swearing.
xiao finds himself getting cold at night. he already struggles with chronic pain and insomnia--he does NOT need to be shivering through the night to make his life even harder. so, one night as you both are getting ready for bed, he simply grabs one of your fuzzy pajama sets from the drawer and pulls it on. when you pause brushing your teeth to question what he's doing, his face just goes scarlet. "I've been getting cold, and your clothes are comfortable and smell nice. this is a normal thing partners do, isn't it? it's not a big deal..." he somehow blushes even harder when you comment on how cute he looks in them. he can't say he hates the attention...maybe he'll do this more often even when he's not cold.
venti is prone to mixing up your clothes when hungover. dude is a stumbling bumbling mess who hates mornings on top of the likely liver poisoning, so it's actually pretty common for him to grab one of your shirts and wear it out like it's no big deal because he didn't even notice it was yours, sending you a text halfway through the work day with a video of him giggling in the bathroom pointing it out. he's even the type to go all in styling them--and he will always ask you first before he actually modifies any clothing. wearing clothes too big for him does not help with the "being mistaken for a child" issue he has going on, though...because people assume they're hand-me-downs from some older sibling he doesn't have. "This is my PARTNER'S! I know I have skin as soft as a baby's but I'm not ACTUALLY one!"
tighnari is a horrible, horrible sweatpants stealer. because of how your pants fit on him, he can actually get his tail inside the waistband comfortably so it doesn't snag on things. it's not uncommon to find him curled up on the couch with a documentary on and in your sweatpants. he does not give a single shit if you catch him, either. "well, they're comfortable, and I like wearing clothes that belong to you. if you don't like it, I'll stop, but...I really don't want to." if you tell him you like it, he'll just grin, patting the couch cushion next to him so you'll join him watching whatever nature documentary he found this week.
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binsoojun · 2 years
I wanted to be sure if I could request for more than two characters first! Headcanons of how Jay, June, (The Windbreaker) and Hwajin (Get Schooled) would react if their pacifist s/o can fight well?
OHHH LMFAO I WAS SO CONFUSED BY THE FIRST ASK, yes you can request more than two characters!! only 1-3 if im able to <//3 my first ever windbreaker ask im so excited omg IDK JUNE AND JAY'S PERSONALITY WELL SO THEY MIGHT BE OOC 💔 also this was very short so i apologize for that !!
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— absolutely in awe when he saw you fight for the first time, his jaw was on the floor
"i thought you were a pacifist.." he mumbled, loud enough for you to hear him. you chuckled and replied, "that doesn't mean that i don't know how to defend myself, i still get dragged into fights sometimes."
— was embarrassed when he saw you helping him fight 💔💔 mans was giving you silent treatment bc he felt bad
— was picked on dom and minu saying that he should take fighting lessons from you
"i can't believe you're a pacifist,, you literally fight better than vinny??" minu says eyeing vinny then shifting his sight to you, vinny irked by what he commented. "leave me alone from your conversation."
"jay should really take lessons from you!" shouted dom, yuna slapping the back of his head saying that he should leave jay alone.
'am i,, really a bad fighter..?'
— his brother once saw you trying to train him probably (WHILE HE WAS GOING HOME AFTER SCHOOL)
"i should visit jack again.. i miss him—" just as he was about to finish his sentence, a familiar face appeared in his view.
it was his brother jay jo, fighting or rather, training with someone.
"is my brother a punk already,, ;;" kay jo mumbled, trying to ignore his older brother who was struggling to fight back.
he tried his best to ignore jay, stealing small glances at the person whom he was fighting with.
jay definitely had explaining to do after he went home that day.
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— just like jay, he was also shocked seeing you fight off some punks that were targeting the hummingbird team (by that i mean you protecting him from being injured by the gangsters)
— if you got any injuries from the fighting, he'd tend your wounds <33 bf material how r u not married to this man yet
"i shouldn't have made you fight them off," he sighed, applying rubbing alcohol on your cut that was located on the back of your hand. you immediately cut him off saying that you were fine and that he shouldn't blame himself over your actions
— is extremely gentle with you after seeing the bruises when u fought :(
— cue dom and minu making fun of him (part 2)
— probably cursed himself to sleep that day bc he thought he was a bad bf for making his s/o fight
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— this man i tell you, he kept asking you how you knew how to fight and questioned about who taught you to
"how did you fight them off,,??" he was startled by how you easily fought off some guys he was fighting earlier. your hands being bloody from the process.
"i never thought you could fight, didn't you say violence is never the answer or smth 🤨⁉️" spoiler alert: you didn't say that "did you think id piss my pants if i saw someone trying to fight me"
"if you knew how to fight, then who the hell taught you to⁉️ you never asked me to train u"
— tried to train with you but you kept declining in doing so (you had to give up eventually bc this little shit won't stop bugging you during your free time)
— hanrim also has asked you to train with her!!
"you do know that i'm doing this because you wouldn't stop bugging me" if he thought that he was definitely the strongest one in the relationship, he was wrong 🙄👊
(ps he lost bc of you being mad at him fr)
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marsbar17 · 6 months
Do you have any love for Darksparks and/or Lobalore?/gen
Thank you for requesting btw!
Contains: NSFW further below, nothing too bad tho
• You'd think that Wraith would be the jealous and protective one in the relationship but Wattson will subject you to hell for eternity if you wrong her girlfriend
• Wraith is completely infatuated with Wattson, she studies her features and loves tracing her Lichtenberg scar
• Wattson's only insecurity is the scar, but seeing Wraith trace it or place kisses along it makes her feel better about it
• Wraith is big spoon because she needs to cuddle smth to fall asleep
• Wattson plays with Wraith's hair to calm her down when times are hard
• Wattson will call Wraith mon amour, ma chérie, and mon ange
• Wriath will call Wattson dear, hun, small things like that, and around others she just calls her Natalie
• Wraith isn't one for pda, she lets Wattson kiss her cheeks or hold her hand but she won't go out of her way to be affectionate with her girlfriend when others are around
• Wattson is fine with that^^^ she knows it's not because Wraith is embarrassed of her or anything, it's just not something she does
• They read books together and quote lines that are interesting, and Wattson will accidentally blurt out spoilers before Wraith can get to that part, but Wraith doesn't mind
• "Renée.... (insert character here) just died..."
"....I haven't gotten to that part yet hun."
"Thats okay Nat <3"
• Their relationship is so healthy they don't even know the meaning of the word toxic
• They're both switches, but Wattson tops more often
• Plus this woman gets satisfaction and joy from electric shocking her enemies, she would love to find all the spots that make Wraith squirm
• Wattson is probably the type of person who doesn't need to cum to get satisfaction from sex, probably doesn't even need to be touched, as long as she's making her partner cum enough for both of them
• But she's gentle with it, always making sure that Wraith is okay and enjoying herself
• Wraith is absolutely loving it, and by the end she's so relaxed you'd think she just took 10 melatonin gummies like she's ready to sleep for a whole year
• There's always blankets and pillows and candles when they have sex, and Wattson is always ready to scoop Wraith up and hold her close if she doesn't want anymore
• I can't even think of anything super kinky they'd do man, this ship is just the most wholesome things and they just take care of eachother
• That gave me an idea tho, mommy kink
• Wraith occasionally calls Wattson mommy, but not because she's told to, it just feels right and then she cries
I hope you liked it! I might do some Lobalore later too. Have a good day all you wonderful people!
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amethystina · 3 months
Dear Amethystina,
How could you do this to me????? I think I'm going to perish. PERISH. You posted about Mad Dog and twinky Woo Do Hwan and??? How could I not watch it???? And now I've just finished episode 12.
And let me tell you. I have suffered. The PAIN of watching Jang Ha Ri (who I really want to like, mind you) and Kim Min Joon doing their stupid flirty thing. Maybe it's because I haven't finished the drama, but I feel like Ha Ri is being done dirty. And without even mentioning the surprisingly homoerotic bromance of said Kim Min Joon and Choi Kang Woo.
Since you are the reason I started watching Mad Dog in the 1st place (curse my similar taste), I'm ranting to you. I know you have no particular obligation to reply. :) But these are my thoughts, and I must tell them to someone because I don't know anyone else who watches this drama, and the tumblr tag for it is a vacuum. Let the rant commence.
How could the writers do this to Jang Ha Ri's character?? Maybe it's just bc I haven't gotten to that part yet, but she barely got any backstory, and I'm 3/4 of the way through this drama. Just a couple lines abt her father being saved by Kang Woo. And that's it. That's it! Even Cheetah got a friggin flashback. Even though he's a less significant character. (Pardon me, Cheetah, but it's true.) Since she has no backstory, her character feels rather ungrounded. We, the audience, don't really know who she is w/o the two main leads. With every other character, we know who they are on their own, because they got a rather thorough backstory.
But Jang Ha Ri has barely any, which I think is strange, since she's pretty important. Therefore, whenever I see her on screen, I just can't connect with her. In the beginning of the drama, I was like "wow, this is such a good setup for her character! i can't wait to see what the writers do with her". But now I'm 3/4 of the way through this drama, and she's got almost nothing. That causes me to feel like she's been shortchanged, and that her relationship with the other characters (especially Min Joon) is built on a foundation of sand. They told us abt her background, but they didn't show it, which kinda invalidates her relationships w/ other characters, because she's barely a character by herself. That's not to say that she doesn't have personality, but we don't understand her on her own, we can only access her thoughts when she's with the two male leads, or doing smth for them, etc.
She can't have a romantic relationship with someone else if the audience doesn't know who she is on her own. (Kinda like how, in real life, you have to know who you are and love yourself before you can love someone else.) That's why her and Min Joon's relationship feels so insincere, because in it she's basically just Min Joon's love interest. As you can tell, I'm a lil salty.
And on top of all that, Min Joon and Kang Woo have such promise as a couple!!!!! Kang Woo choked Min Joon up against a wall. (parallels to the Devil Judge) They were living together. For God's sake, Min Joon cooked Kang Woo a thank-you meal for caring enough about him to check on him when he was in trouble, for saving his life. How Min Joon looked so crushed when Kang Woo told him they weren't living together! And I can't even read any fanfics about it, since there's literally only 3 fanfics for their pairing on ao3! And none of them are written the way I think the characters should be written. So I may have to write a fanfic for them myself, since I need them to kiss.
For my ask, I request a few words of comfort involving Min Joon and Kang Woo. I would ask for a short lil drabble where they're happy together, but if that isn't smth you want to do, just pretend I never asked. Just say "They kissed and lived happily ever after. The end." Those words from you would bring me great happiness in my time of sorrow.
Ever your faithful reader,
(P.S. And btw 39 of WHTD was heartwrenching and I loved it sm and I cried why do you do this to me)
I'm sorry this took a little longer to answer than usual but when I got this ask, you were actually ahead of me in the drama since I've been putting it off for so long x'D So I had to wait until I had also finished episode 12, just in case there was some important information there that might influence my reply.
Also, I want to point out that I never actually told anyone to watch Mad Dog since I still haven't finished it myself. So you only have yourself to blame, my friend ;)
ANYHOW. Your feelings about Ha Ri mirror my own. She is done SO dirty. I was SO EXCITED when she first showed up because it seemed like she was going to be a really interesting character, but, pretty soon, I realised how wrong I was. I agree that they've given her almost no backstory whatsoever and so nothing she says or does feels truly anchored in anything. And she fluctuates wildly between confident badass and flustered damsel in distress in a way that's genuinely baffling to me.
Like, in episode 12 when she got chased into a dead-end by the baddie and everyone was freaking out — including her. But, like, my dudes. Did you all forget how she literally parkoured her way down a three-story building in episode 1? Her ability to climb and acrobat her way out of trouble has been firmly established. But now she can't even climb the pile of rubble in front of the one-story house she's caught next to? What the actual fuck is going on?
I am FURIOUS on her behalf.
And that is actually one of the reasons why I'm having trouble getting through this drama. That and the general inconsistent characterisation (not just Ha Ri), plus the shoehorned flirting. The general plot and setup of the drama are fine and I like quite a lot the characters and their relationships, but it's also forcing a lot of confusing and contradicting information in my face in a way that instantly makes my hackles rise. It feels almost clumsily unprofessional?
Like, don't get me wrong — I'm still enjoying most of this drama and I'm pretty sure I'll finish it — but dear LORD is the characterisation bad in some cases. At this point, I think I can say I'm pretty good at characters without that being taken as bragging, yeah? I have a pretty easy time pinning down their personalities, behaviour etc. etc. And when I can't it's usually a bad sign because, nine times out of ten, that means your characters are inconsistent. Either because the writer doesn't have a clear picture of who they are, or because they keep making the characters do things they usually wouldn't because they want to advance the plot (poor Ha Ri suffers from both, I'm afraid to say).
That's not to say that a character has to be predictable. Kang Yo Han is a good example of a character who was unpredictable enough that I couldn't say for sure I understood him until I had watched the whole thing. I needed all the information before I could form a clear picture. But, even then, he was consistent in his characterisation throughout the entire drama. To be honest, he's one of the most consistent characters I've ever seen, especially since, even on a rewatch, his actions don't change. You understand his motivations better, sure, but his actions are exactly the same and that, right there, is something I am in awe of. Even the impulsivity, recklessness, viciousness, sudden swings in direction — all of it was consistent in the end because his core personality and values were. Kang Yo Han is a marvellous character from a craft perspective.
But in Mad Dog? Shit's all over the place for the majority of the characters. The most solid ones are the bad guys since their core personality trait is "hilariously evil." Which might not be a very nuanced personality, but at least it's consistent. Almost everyone else has been forced to be out of character for convenient plot purposes at some point.
And the worst crimes by far are committed against Ha Ri and Min Joon in order to force their romance. Now, don't get me wrong — I LOVE romance and the actors have some pretty nice chemistry — but none of it really fits. Not with the rest of the story, the pacing of the rest of the story, the (small amount of) backstory we get for the two of them, the tone of the rest of the story, or the initial characterisation we were given. It feels like a literal case of "here is a male and a female of roughly the same age and now we need to make them kiss because heteronormativity" with no thought to how to actually make it believable. So they cram in cutesy and supposedly romantic scenes (often with Min Joon feeling a really confusing need to protect Ha Ri? Even if she could literally kick his ass? But because she's a woman he has to I guess?) that either happen out of the blue or just way too early in their relationship for it to be believable and it just annoys me so much.
I swear, after the car explosion thing in... can't remember the episode. But Kang Woo drags Min Joon out of the burning car, yeah? And Ha Ri shows up and FOR SOME GODDAMN REASON pulls the unconscious and clearly injured Min Joon into her arms? Ma'am. Girlfriend. Bestie. He's got a bleeding head injury — possibly also a neck injury. Maybe don't move him more than necessary? Also, isn't he a conman? As in, the type of person you claim to hate most because of your tragic past? Why are you suddenly pulling him into your arms like he's your injured boyfriend? He was fine just lying on the ground, I promise. This really isn't necessary.
And THEN you find out it's because she needed to get blood on her jacket so that Min Joon could get worried and ask her about it when he was at the hospital later and she could tell him she was fine because it was all his but ooooh loooook, he caaaares about her! Isn't that cuuuuuute?
Someone please put me out of my misery.
I legit had to pause the episode and just stare out into space for a couple of seconds when that happened because that's just SUCH TERRIBLE WRITING. I can do better than that and writing isn't even my job! It made NO sense for her to act the way she did and it honestly just made her look stupid. All for a clumsy attempt at furthering her romance with Min Joon? I am FUMING.
(Is the script forcing you to be stupid, Ha Ri? Blink twice if you need me to come save you)
And the forced romance between Ha Ri and Min Joon is only made more hilarious by how effortless his connection is with Kang Woo. It's more consistent with their characters, consistent with the overall pacing, and genuinely more interesting. And it just baffles me how completely off the mark the writer was since Kang Woo is getting all the important emotional scenes with Min Joon, not Ha Ri.
Like, the scenes where Min Joon is vulnerable and talking about his childhood and dead brother? Which would be great in order to build trust between him and Ha Ri? He's having all of those scenes with Kang Woo. Which I don't mind, of course (it's HILARIOUSLY gay) but that just proves that the romance between Min Joon and Ha Ri was an afterthought and the build-up of it was just slapped on without much thought to the characters. It's romance for the romance's sake. Because the actual building of a relationship, sharing of emotions, of grief and painful memories? Min Joon doesn't do that nearly enough with Ha Ri to make the romance stick, especially due to the aforementioned problem with her having too little backstory and firm ground to stand on. He honestly has more connection, more in common, AND more chemistry with Kang Woo.
So, long story short, I feel your pain. Ha Ri is being treated so, so unfairly and it makes me so angry. But, on the other hand, I find the gay romance brewing between Kang Woo and Min Joon absolutely amazing. And, to my surprise, I might just have to retract my earlier statement about the writer not having any idea about how gay this is. Because I actually went to check who the screenwriter was and turns out it's the same woman who worked on Beyond Evil. Which I have not seen but reports tell me it's hella gay. So, tbh, the gay might not be as unintentional as I first thought?
Like, I obviously don't know this woman but it would be HILARIOUS if she's just sneaking gay shit into her shows and subtly sabotaging the straight romances by making them this shitty. I know we're reaching conspiracy theory levels here but I would definitely do that if I were her.
Thank you for your service, ma'am.
(Too bad you write such shitty female characters, at least in this drama)
Anyway. I'm genuinely confused by the tone of Mad Dog because they play it very straight (pun intended). I mean, looking at The Devil Judge I think it's pretty clear that there's a cheeky little undertone of "we know what we're doing but we're not going to say outright what it is — if you know, you know ;)" But in Mad Dog? They don't even really address the fact that Kang Woo and Min Joon have all the deep, emotional scenes while Min Joon and Ha Ri only get cringey and clumsy "romantic" scenes. But Min Joon and Ha Ri is the endgame?
While Kang Woo is probably meant to become a substitute older brother to Min Joon or something? But I really question why they had that whole "whoops, Min Joon accidentally impersonated Kang Woo's wife there for a second" plotline in that case. Man, I was laughing so hard x'D Like, Kang Woo outright says that Min Joon is the first person to cook for him and share a meal with him in that apartment since his wife died.
Sir. I... don't think you realise how unintentionally gay that sounds.
(But maybe your writer does. I'm keeping my eyes on you, ma'am)
Because if Min Joon had been a woman? That admission would have been taken as a hint of something romantic possibly brewing between them. Not necessarily that Min Joon was taking Kang Woo's wife's place, but stepping up as the next candidate, at the very least. And I find that absolutely HILARIOUS.
Okay, this is getting really, really long. As you can see, I also have A LOT of thoughts on Mad Dog x'D But also, as mentioned, I haven't finished it yet and if I ever were to write anything (which I honestly can't promise since it depends on how the drama ends and what my (already packed) schedule looks like) it wouldn't be able to until I have. But trust me when I say that I am quite intrigued to see where this goes — even if it means I have to suffer through the shoehorned flirting between Min Joon and Ha Ri.
(For the record, I am ANNOYED by how much I dislike those scenes. I WANT to like their romance! But it just feels so, so incredibly clumsy and forced and I, unfortunately, have standards. So it's a no from me so far)
Also, fun fact: I started Mad Dog as a palette cleanser after a lot of gay romance dramas, wanting something different. And, I mean, a story about life insurance fraud can't be gay, can it? So I went in with the best and purest intentions.
But then I started watching and somewhere around the point where Kang Woo slams Min Joon up against a wall for the first time I just put my head in my hands. Because I could see where this was going.
And then I made the mistake of looking up the poster for the drama and, I swear, I was beginning to have war flashbacks.
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That's not gay at all.
And this isn't even the first time this has happened to me
Or even the second, third, fourth, or fifth. I think I'm up to seven or something? At this point, there's a joke amongst my friends that I have a gaydar meant specifically to locate gay dramas that aren't actually gay dramas — especially when I'm not actually looking for them.
It's a weird superpower to have, but there you go.
ANYHOW. Yes. Good luck with finishing this drama, I guess? I'll try to do the same but, considering my current pace, I can't say when I will. It's a bit of a drag sometimes, not going to lie. But I do like the plot and characters enough to want to see through to the end.
Also, I'm so glad you liked chapter 39 of Who Holds the Devil! Thank you! Now take care, darling 💜
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linabirb · 3 months
okay i think ive looked through linagram masterlist here is my review
not going to review these who im completely neutral towards like they're... just here... they exist
miki - i like her design and the savior complex is funny
akio - skrunkly, i think his average ass design is his charm point👍 also sorry about the homosexuality
aimi - i like her design and the ideas with bullying are interesting to me, also you should redraw her to a frame from carrie
shun - i find him interesting as a character, neutral about him as a person, a lot of things wrong with him for sure
naomi - gorgeous t2 design and i like her personality, i like the idea of a sort of childish adult. FUCK THEM KIDS 💥 i love when adult women go fuck them kids this is hilairous
eiko - the woman ever 👍👍 thank you for e-dating representation
asahi - skrunkly, happy that i got to draw him out of all people for the new year requests
yurika - i like her, idk why you all people are so mean to her, girls must be covered in blood at all times
riku - boy situationship with a person you're sick of much 👍👍 get it 👍👍 being idolized and because of that isolated since you're not Just a Person like everyone but also not ready to let go of being idolized since you cant experience affection in normal ways👍👍
i think my top of those i like the most would be like ... asahi > naomi > akio > riku > yurika maybes?
also i really like the idea with two (well now three) wardens, that makes the vds much more lively, and the verdicts more, thought through? since you can actually see how the arguments went in their conversations, and you dont have to twist the warden's personality to adapt to the verdict since each represents only one verdict
have you ever made smth like a popularity poll i want to know what is the general rating among the linagrammers im new to the fandom
"sorry about the homosexuality" made me scream you're so right.. sometimes i think about how if akio was straight maybe all of this wouldn't have happened /j
and yes, when i started thinking about naomi's character more, i actually had this idea that like.. "what if we had a character who's an adult woman and who doesn't like children, but she has no idea that she's actually still a child on the inside". her third mv will focus a lot on that too..
thank you for summarizing riku's character 😌😌 the guy actually probably has a god complex that's worse than akio's but his story isn't about that. he's also a god who's kinda tired of his followers but knows he won't be able to do anything without them so.. what a dilemma.. kurae ban ban ban..
actually yes, i kinda went with multiple guards bc i did have only one guard oc at first but when i started to think about the vds the conversations sounded very awkward.. so i was like two guards it is! well now three. it's okay to forget hinode exists btw i forget about him sometimes too writing him is agonizing bc this guy is just linagram komaeda
i think i haven't really made any polls like that and i don't think linagram has like. a really big fandom hdjkskssk i think people were more active when i just started, but i remember making a poll that was like "hey if linagram was a dating sim, who would you date" and kei and eiji got the most votes. sanada brothers are overall very popular i think? and i think if i made a poll like that kei and/or yurika would win djsksls
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various-fandom-edits · 9 months
Request Rules, Info, FAQ, DNI
Requests Are Currently: OPEN
Unfinished Requests: 6
Transparent Images
Any kind of exclusionist to the LGBTQ+ Community
Ship anything pedophillic/incestuous
Judge others for harmless things/participate in "cringe culture"
Just the type of person to be rude to others for no reason
About Me:
You can call me Mod Klein or Mod Shiver
I'm also Mod Shiver on @splatoon-edits
Any pronouns are good w me :3
Soul Eater
Madoka Magica
Mlp (any gen, but please specify what gen a character is from)
Pokemon(any gen, but please specify what gen if its a human character)
Invader Zim
Wander Over Yonder
Honkai Impact 3rd (i'm on 'thus spoke apocalypse' rn no spoilers past that pls!)
Animal Crossing
Ruby Gloom
Vocaloid/Utauloid/Vocal Synths in general(I might not know some obscure ones but ill try my best)
Sailor Moon
*sighs*..... TF2.....
A Hat In Time
The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack
Obey Me! Shall We Date?
Love Nikki
Steven Universe
Umaru Chan
Panty and Stocking (will pretty much only do panty and stocking, not any other characters. oh wait scanty n kneesocks can be included as well)
Awful Hospital
Over The Garden Wall
Final Fantasy 13 (never finished the game but i got pretty far)
Princess Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina(not rlly any other mario characters tho)
Fairy Tail
Hands Up
Wakfu(show and game)
Vtubers(i don't know every single one but i watch too many to list individually)
Hermitcraft (specify which skin when it comes to a cc!)
Chainsaw Man
And a lot of other things that i will add as i remember they exist. Feel free to ask if i'll do smth.
How to Request?
Just send me an ask on this blog detailing what you what like! It's that simple. Include as little or as much info as you would like. The more specific you are, the more likely you are to get exactly what you want. But vague requests aren't necessarily a problem. And anon asks ARE turned on, so don't feel shy!
What Can You Request?
Icons of a specific character
Icons of a specific character with a pride flag/s
Send me a screenshot and i'll edit out the background for you
Themed icons(webcore, a specific color scheme, glittery, etc)
Wallpapers/lock screens of a certain dimension/ratio
A past thing I made but edited in some way
Transparents of a certain character i haven't done yet
Matching icons with 2 or more characters. I'll try to make them look as similar as possible/give them a cohesive theme.
Color picked pride flags
If something seems like i could do it, feel free to request it even if it may not be listed here. Worst thing that happens is i politely let you know i can't do it.
Userboxes stating you kin a character/are that character
Userboxes saying a character is your comfort character
Userboxes saying a character is your F/O
What Info Should I Include In My Request?
The following are extra pieces info you could include in your request to make it easier on me:
What size to make a wallpaper. This can be exact measurements or if you have an image that is the right size than feel to send that to me as well. (I'm not sure if you can send media through requests, but if not then feel free to dm this blog. If you want to remain anonymous on the request then i won't share your blog)
If the character you are requesting has multiple outfits, specify which ones you do/don't want. If you don't specify, i'll usually just use a mix.
What icon/edit i've done in the past do you want me to base it on? This isn't required, but if you want a guarantee that it will turn out a certain way then feel free to give the link to a specific thing i've done in the past. If nothing is specified i'll do what i usually do: whatever i want. Which i like to think usually doesn't turn out bad but it does mean you get a certain level of unpredictability when it comes to the little details.
What pride flag to use if there are multiple version.(ex. The sunset aroace flag vs both the aro and ace flags)
What Happens If I Don't Like How My Request Turns Out?
Simply let me know! Send another ask politely letting me know what I did wrong and i'll fix it!
When Do Requests Close?
Requests will close whenever i am busy/overwhelmed with my life. I will also probably close requests once i reach a certain amount so that i can catch up before getting new ones. Remember that i am a real person and have others things to do than just run this blog.
How Long Will My Request Take?
Depends on how interested i am in it. I will try to get to every request when i can, and the amount of requests i currently have affects that. If it is something I find very fun to work on it will probably get done faster. ;3 Of course after I finish the request It will be thrown in the queue. I sometimes have a backlog of posts but i try to queue requests to pop up within a couple days of me finishing them.
Can I Request More Than Once?
Yep! There is no limit whatsoever on how many requests you can submit. So go wild :)
Do I Have To Credit You?
You never have to directly credit me if you use something i've made, but rebloging it IS appreciated! It's how my work gets spread around to other people. But if you do want to credit me in your bio or whatever because you're using one of my icons i will always appreciate it :) THE EXCEPTION IS MY ICONS/EDITS USING ANOTHER PERSON'S ARTWORK! It is imperative that if another artist has been gracious enough to let me use their work that you properly credit them if using something i've made with it!!! Just a simple "credits to: link to artist" in your bio or pinned post should be enough!
What Do You Use To Make These?
A combination of Canva and Ibis Paint X!
Can Reblog With "Kin/Me/F/O" Tags?
Yep yep!! That's 100% allowed!
#Icons- Icons
#Wallpapers- Wallpapers
#Userboxes- Userboxes
#Transparents- Transparent Edits of characters
#Misc Edits- Anything Else that doesn't fit into those categories
#Mod Speaks- Posts that aren't edits
#Others Work- stuff i reblog
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