#thank you for the gold kind stranger !!
azumanga-funnies · 2 years
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64 notes · View notes
ics-cram · 10 months
quite strange
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10 notes · View notes
A random teenage girl complimented my outfit !!
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4 notes · View notes
stiffyck · 2 years
Maybe the real way of getting gold is to simply be a milf
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7 notes · View notes
sliime · 3 months
Greasy straight guy at the gym wearing a shirt that reads "I <3 goth bitches". This is just like the plot of Paprika (2006) if you replaced the dreams seeping into reality with reddit.
0 notes
cosperclick · 7 months
ever since I saw that post that was like "'you can't hide this in the tags' is this website's 'sir, you win the internet today'" I've been fundamentally changed for the worse
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hangmanssunnies · 5 months
The Hangman Special
Summary: On a night out with your friends at a fancy cocktail bar, you are just trying to keep your head down and ignore the girl that your ex cheated on you with. The night only seems like it's going to get worse when you are dared to kiss a stranger at the bar. However, it seems like the odds might finally be in your favor when you notice a familiar set of broad shoulders. If you can be convincing, you think you might just be able to get your brother's friend Jake "Hangman" Seresin to help you out with your little problem.
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Pairings: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Word count: 7k
AO3 Link
Warnings: 18+ only, kissing, hot and heavy make-outs, exs, truth or dare, bad friends.
Author's note: Dreaming about kissing Jake in a bar. Thanks to everyone who looked at earlier drafts of this. I hope you enjoy this if you take a chance to read. My inbox is always open if you want to let me know your thoughts. Reblogs with your thoughts, opinions, and tags are gold to me. I love reading through them.
The bar is buzzing with the loud chatter of patrons, the clinking of glasses, and the rhythmic beat of music. You are sitting at a corner table with your friends, a group with an eclectic mix of personalities. You are known for being more on the shy and reserved side, but tonight, you are even more withdrawn than usual. No one had mentioned that Tassie had also been invited to the evening's hang out at the bar. An oversight you felt was probably intentional since everyone knew Tassie had started dating your ex only a week after your breakup. She went so far as to post a picture of them together on her Instagram. It had been a few months since that happened, and until now, you had managed to avoid running into her. However, it seemed like luck had run out.
"Hey, I've got an idea that would spice up the night," Cece says after the first round of drinks. She is one of your bold and outspoken friends, and you aren't sure you like how she is eyeing you with a mischievous glint. "Let's play truth or dare." 
The whole group groans at the suggestion, and one of your friends vaguely wonders if you're all still in middle school playing that kind of game. Despite the initial lack of enthusiasm, after another round of drinks, the group is laughing and entrenched in the game. 
When Cece sings your name when she finishes her turn, you are nervous by the sly smile she is wearing as she formulates an option for you when you hesitantly concede to doing a dare. "You're the only one of us still single, so I dare you to go over to the bar and give somebody a kiss." 
"Just a quick one, nothing too scandalous," Cece says placatingly. "Come on, live a little! It's just a bit of fun. What's the worst that could happen?"
"I bet they won't do it. They're too chicken for this kind of thing, not one to step out of their comfort zone," Tassie says. It makes your blood freeze in your veins because you know those words. You have heard that criticism thrown at you in the past, but not from her, from your ex. 
Your eyes narrow at her, and you ask, "Too chicken? Seriously?"
"Yeah. Please, prove us wrong. Show us you can do something spontaneous," Tassie taunts, grinning. You feel a surge of defiance welling up. Even though you're reserved, you are not one to back down from a challenge, especially not when the woman who cheated with your boyfriend is acting like you're the one who should be ashamed. Acting like she is better than you. 
"Fine, watch this," You declare, feeling hot with a mixture of embarrassment and determination. As you stand up, your friends exchange amused glances, convinced that you are about to back out of the dare. 
With absolutely no intention of  backing down, though, you scan the bar. After a moment of examination your heart soars because you realize you have this dare in the bag. You have the advantage even, because there is a familiar tall, broad-shouldered blonde at the bar that you know all too well. Jake Seresin, or Hangman, is one of your brother's best friends, and he is looking just as delectable tonight as he always does. The group would undeniably be impressed with you kissing someone so handsome, and you knew one way or another you could convince Jake to help you out. 
"Cece, I'll even let you pick since you made the dare. Point out the hottest man in the bar, and I'll kiss him." You say confidently. There is no doubt that Jake is the most attractive person there, and he is just Cece's type, too. She falls right into what you want, pointing Hangman out for you. The rest of your friend group hoots, making even more comments that you aren't going to follow through with the dare and approach someone who is that drop-dead gorgeous. 
Ignoring their taunts, you square your shoulders and walk with as much confidence as you can summon into sashaying across the bar. Putting mental effort into trying to project some form of hotness onto yourself not only for the confidence boost but also the bit of spite burning in you. 
Reaching the bartop area, the hesitation starts to set in as you admire Jake's profile. He is sitting on a bar stool leaning against the counter, patiently waiting for the bartender in the crowd that is starting to grow. Taking one last breath to steady yourself, you reach out and delicately set a hand on his bulging bicep. 
"Hangman!" You say brightly as if you're surprised to have run into him. Jake turns to face you at your touch, and an easy wide grin spreads across his face. 
"Fancy seeing you here, my dear! How are you?" He asks as his eyes trace you slowly from head to toe and back again, the grin on his face not slipping once. 
"Oh, I’m fine, and I am so glad I ran into you." 
"Most people are," Jake says, winking at you. You are nearly distracted by his handsome face and flirty tone. He looks like he has put on even more muscle since you saw him last. The green button-down he is wearing appears close to bursting at the seams with how it clings to him. "So, what have you been up to these days?" 
"Are you still single?" You blurt quickly, ignoring his question, not wanting to lose your steam. 
"Yes, Ma'am. Last I checked. Why?" 
"Perfect, can you do me a huge favor?" You ask. 
"I'm always happy to help out a friend," Jake says, sounding increasingly suspicious. The smile hasn't dropped from his face, but his eyes have narrowed slightly, examining you. 
Quickly standing on your tip toes, you loop an arm around Jake's neck, appreciating that he is sitting on a stool, helping level your height difference. Wasting no time, you pull him down to meet you in a quick kiss. Once his lips brush yours, you let go of him, stepping back, not even taking a moment to savor the feeling or enjoy having Jake this close. 
With your mission accomplished, you have every intention of making a hasty retreat back to your friends and hoping that you will be able to forget this. You are going to erase knowing you've kissed Jake Seresin from your brain, and then the next time you see him, you're going to pretend this fiasco never happened. It feels like the best and only course of action for you to take. 
However, you don't even get to make a full step away from Jake before large hands and thick arms circle around your waist, pulling you back towards him. He tugs until you are standing between his spread thighs, his hands maintaining their position on your waist. 
"Woah now, where do you think you're going?" He asks, eyes darting around your face, studying you closely. 
Embarrassment at having to explain your actions rushes through you, turning your stomach and overriding or maybe enhancing the butterflies there. You glance away from Jake towards your friends and see them watching with rapt attention. Then his thumb moves in a slow soothing circle, drawing you back towards him. 
"I'm sorry! My friends dared me to kiss someone at the bar, and when I saw you, well, I knew it wasn't a lost cause because you're not a complete stranger." 
You refuse to believe that the frown that flashes on Jake's face is one of disappointment. However, it's hard to ignore when his eyebrows are scrunched together, and his hands are so warm you feel it bleeding through your clothing. 
"You could at least buy someone a drink before stealing a kiss, you know. That's just some common decency." 
"I'm so sorry, Jake," you apologize again. "Let me buy you a beer for your troubles." 
"Naw, you don't got to." 
"Well, now I have to because you made me feel bad," you say, waving your arm to try and flag down a bartender. 
"I didn't take you for one to just kiss someone on a dare," he says conversationally. You try not to wriggle uncomfortably in his hold, but without even trying, he seems to have pulled you even closer. 
"I normally wouldn't be," you agree. "But the girl who I highly suspect of cheating with my ex while we were still together is here. I'm sure she thinks she's better than me and that I'm a boring prude."
"She clearly has never been around when you drink tequila," Jake laughs. You can't believe he would still remember the camping trip from years ago, where you were drinking tequila. Definitely notable because it was probably the last time you had dared have any of the liquor. 
"Can you please forget about that? And tonight, too?" You request. Jake pretends to think it over, humming lightly before shaking his head. 
"Sorry, no can do. It's already burned into my eidetic memory." You huff at his response, avoiding eye contact with him to try and catch sight of the bartender again. "You know, if you just asked me first, I would have given you the friends and family discount." 
"And what is that?" 
"Pretty similar to buy one get one free," he says, his voice dropping a little lower. Your mouth falls open in surprise, but you can't find any words. "Could have given you more than a quick peck, something that would really wow your friends." 
Trying very hard not to imagine what kind of kiss Jake would consider wowing, you decide to deflect. Jokingly saying, "Didn't think you were from one of those kinda southern states. Do you make a habit of kissing family members?" 
Jake throws his head back and laughs full-bellied at you. "The friends and family of my friends discount then," he amends. 
"I already hate being in this situation. I don't want more of a pity handout than I've already taken."
"Darlin," he sighs, shaking his head at you. "I would have even given you the Hangman special. Which is a deal, bargain, and steal. Comes with a kiss that's guaranteed to impress friends, people who cheated with your atrocious ex, everyone in this bar, and has even been known to, on occasion, inspire a standing ovation." 
"Ha.Ha. You're so funny," you say dryly, rolling your eyes. 
"I am, thank you for noticing," Jake says. "However, I think you deserve that kind of kiss to prove a point to your friends over there." 
"They didn't even think I would be able to make it over here to talk to you." You admit to him, glancing over at your friends again, a little displeased that they are still obviously observing your interaction.
"That them over there?" He asks, following the direction you're looking. You hum in acknowledgment. "Which one's the cheater?" He breathes, his lips ghosting the shell of your ear, sending a shudder down your spine. 
You describe Tassie a bit to him, finding yourself shifting closer into his embrace, enjoying how he is somehow able to help most of the chaotic bar disappear from your senses. It's hard to think about the noise or the increasing number of people starting to press in when Jake's touching you. When he picks out who she is, Jake grunts a little. He lowers his face and nearly kisses your neck over the pulse point. His hot breath tickles the spot, causing shivers again as he declares, "I don't see the appeal." 
"Wish my ex felt that way," you sigh. 
"Fuck him," Jake says with conviction. Drawing a bit back from you to make eye contact again. His green eyes are clear, and in the dimmed mood light around you, they seem to shine even brighter than usual. 
"You sure you don't mind me having kissed you to prove a point?" 
"My dear," he laughs like you told him a funny joke. "I can't imagine a situation where I would mind you kissing me. Let alone one where I get to help you out." 
Sliding your hand up his chest to casually rest on his shoulder, you wonder, "Is the Hangman Special still available?"
"Yes, Ma'am."
"Guaranteed to be wowing?" You check. 
"Got a warranty for you and everything," Jake says lowly. 
Your hand curls around Jake's neck again, and you attempt to tug him closer to you. He doesn't even budge, though. One of his hands slowly traces up your side from your waist until he is cupping your cheek. Then Jake leans close, his breath ghosting over your lips, where he lingers for a moment. Your eyes flutter closed, and as soon as they do, his lips press to yours. This time, it's not a quick peck. 
He is slow and deliberate in how he kisses you. Tilting his head to the side to get a slightly better angle, Jake uses his hand on your face to urge your lips to align better with his. Pliable to his touch, you open your mouth to him, seeking even more, and rewarded when Jake's tongue brushes against your own. You never doubted that Jake would be a good kisser, but knowing firsthand is something you know you won't be able to erase from your memory. When the kiss starts to border on indecent, he pulls away. 
You linger in the moment, keeping your eyes closed until your heart doesn't feel like it's going to burst from your chest. While you are in that limbo spot, his thumb slowly strokes your cheekbone. Sea glass green is the first thing you see when opening them again, Jake not making any effort to veil how he is admiring you. His lips are slightly pinker now than they just were, and you can't help but imagine how pink and swollen they would get if you had the opportunity to get this man alone on a couch. 
Just as you consider requesting that he kiss you again, just to really really solidify how good you are to your friends, because obviously, three kisses are much better than the one they dared you to get, you are suddenly bumped from behind. The motion roughly shoves you against Jake's solid chest. Both his hands automatically return to your waist, tightening as he steadies you there. Glaring over your shoulder at whoever bumped you, he asks, "Are you okay?" 
"Yeah, I'm okay," you breathe. Being this close to him, the woodsy scent of his cologne tickles your nose. And you suddenly wonder why exactly he is in this upscale cocktail bar dressed so nicely. 
"I'm glad you decided to kiss me and not any of these other assholes," he mutters darkly, still glaring over your shoulder. 
"Well, it wasn't really a choice." You reveal, which has his eyes snapping back to you in an instant and a frown pulling at his lips. One of his thumbs that's resumed making circles on your waist stops, and the other falls off your waist entirely now. He doesn't move otherwise, but his presence feels less consuming. Tersely, he responds, "I see." 
"I may have skewed the odds. Told my friends to pick the hottest man they could find. What would you know? They picked you." You explain quickly.
"That's some good luck on your part." 
"It wasn't luck, not really."
"How do you mean?" He wonders. 
"I knew they would pick you." 
"What made you so confident?"
"Because, Jake, you are, hands down, the most attractive person here," you reveal to him shyly. Your fingers curling into his silky shirt, where they have found themselves on his chest after being pushed. 
"See now, I don't think that's true," he says, his eyebrows pulling together. The frown is gone though, the edges of his lips quirking up again. 
"Oh please, Jake. Do not pretend you don't know how handsome you are."
"I'm aware. However, that doesn't change the fact that you're the most attractive person in this bar tonight." 
"You're a flirt," you accuse him. 
"I am," he agrees with no argument. "But that don't make me dishonest or mean I'm not genuine. I haven't been flirting with you just for the sake of it." 
Warmth blooms in your center at his words, and you nearly forget all about trying to escape away from him. Right now, you just want to get closer, as close as he will let you. However, you are pulled out of the fantasy when you look away from Jake's intense gaze to see your friends and how most of the table seems shocked and scandalized. Wryly, you notice Cece giving you two thumbs up. It's like you could almost forget that this was just him being flirty and imagine he was kissing you for more than just helping prove a point. "Well, I appreciate your help with the Hangman Special. I know they will all be impressed and jealous when I head back over there." 
"Now, wait a moment. You can't just sneak away. The Hangman Special not only comes with mind-blowing kisses but also a free night out, all expenses paid, and dinner at any restaurant you choose. "
"You just give that away to any random person who asks?"
"No, only the pretty ones I've had my eye on for a long while," Jake says, his eyes intense, the hand still on your waist flexing tighter for a moment.
"You have?" You ask, completely surprised. 
"Yes, Ma'am," he replies with no hesitation. Before you can respond, the bartender finally makes his way over to you two, asking for your order. Jake instantly defers to you before ordering, asking, "What do you want, my dear?" 
"I thought I already told you I'm taking one of the Hangman specials." You say, after taking a moment to think it over. The grin that lights up Jake's face is sunny and bright, and if you weren't being supported by his strong body, you would have probably fallen over swooning. 
Turning back to the bartender, Jake requests two bottles of water and both of your tabs. As you peek over his shoulder while he signs, you see the bill consists of just one beer, the water, and the two drinks you've had tonight. 
"So you want the full experience?" He asks you when you've taken a sip of water, and he has downed half of his in the same time. 
"From what I know about you, Jake, I don't think you're someone who does things by halves," you answer, fiddling with one of the buttons on his silky green shirt. Then you are pushing a bit on his chest, trying to step away. When you do, Jake's hands find themselves on your hips again pulling you closer to him. 
"Where you going?" He pouts. 
"I just need to grab my purse." 
"Whatcha you need your purse for, sweetheart? Don't you know I ain't going to let you pay for nothing?" Jake drawls. 
"I'm sure you want that to come off gentlemanly, but you're close to flirting with misogynistic." You say, playfully poking a finger into his chest.
"No." Grabbing your hand and bringing it up to his lips, Jake brushes a kiss on your pulse point, saying, "I know exactly who I'm flirting with, and that is you, my dear." 
The laugh you let out is slightly involuntary, but it makes Jake look like he won a prize, so you can't be too displeased, especially not when he has resumed drawing circles on your skin, and it feels like some sort of hypnosis you never want to end. "I'll be right back, and you can keep flirting with me for as long as you like." 
"That a promise?" Jake asks.
"Sure thing," you agree, but Jake still hasn't let go of you. 
"Do you want some company?" 
"You don't have to." 
"Little worried you're going to try and sneak away," he admits. 
"But Jake, I am sneaking away," you say in a fake whisper as if sharing a secret. "Sneaking away with you from my friends and this bar." It makes him smile again, just like you were hoping it would. "Just wait here for me. Okay?"
"Okay," he reluctantly agrees. Despite agreeing, the hold he has on your hand actually slightly tightens. "One more kiss?"
"I'm starting to get the feeling that you're always going to want one more kiss."
"You already know me so well," Jake grins. You press your lips against his again in a quick kiss, careful not to get caught up in it, before slipping out of his grasp. When free, you practically skip away from Jake to grab your things. 
Arriving back to your friends, you're greeted with loud whooping and even some clapping thrown in. Cece is practically giggling as she says, "I really didn't think you had that in you." 
"What were you talking about for so long?" Another one of the group asks.
"Was that kiss as hot as he is?" Someone else wonders, and then questions are coming from every direction before you can answer any of them. 
"It was great, he's great." You manage to get in. When they start to flood you with even more questions, you cut them off. "I would love to talk all about it, but I'm sorry y'all, I'm actually just over here to grab my purse." 
"There is no way you are leaving with that guy," Tassie says incredulously. 
Irritation and anger flares up in you as you turn to glare at her. "Really, there's no way? And why would that be Tassie?" 
"Come on," she says, clearly surprised that you've decided to call her out. "You're just not the kind of person to go home with someone from the bar, and he doesn't really seem like your type." 
"I don't know how tall, handsome, funny, and phenomenal kisser could not be someone's type," You say harshly, snatching your purse and jacket from where you had been sitting. 
"I'm just trying to look out for you," she responds sharply. 
"I don't think that's true," you snap back. 
"Hey now, why don't we all chill out," your friend Marv cuts in placatingly. 
"Sorry to interrupt," a familiar southern drawl says from behind as a warm arm wraps around your shoulder. You nearly sag into Jake. The urge to explode on your friends, more specifically Tassie, instantly absorbed by his presence. "But I was promised I could take this one out on a date tonight." 
"We can't let our friend just leave with a stranger," Cece says, and you turn to narrow your eyes at her, frowning that she is butting in when she is the one who set all this into motion in the first place. 
"While I respect that, I don't think you get to make that decision," Jake says lightly and a lot nicer than you would have in that moment. 
"You could be a crazy serial killer or something," Tassie says. 
"While I am a killer, that's normally just how people describe me in bed," he answers in a flirty, exaggerated way. That has you nearly coughing, you suck in air so hard. He gently pats your back and continues on. "If you're really worried though, you can look me up on Instagram. That's at LT.H_ANGM_N. I hope y'all have a good night. I know we will be," Jake punctuates the sentence with a kiss to the side of your head. 
Stuck between laughing and balking you glance around at everyone’s surprised faces at Jake’s boldness. You know exactly what Jake's last Instagram post was, having spent several minutes the other day debating whether you should like the shirtless picture of him on the beach. 
"Are you ready, sweetheart?" Jake asks you, practically muttering the words in your ear. All he needs is your nod before he confidently starts to turn you and lead you out the door. You manage to throw your friends a small wave goodbye, but it only takes a few steps for them to be out of your mind. 
"Did you drive?" Jake asks you as the fresh evening air rushes over you both. 
"No.” And you’re glad you didn’t when it means Hangman will be driving you home.  
"Good," he grins, "do you mind me driving?" 
"I don't," you answer easily, completely content to follow Jake to wherever he is going to lead you. 
He stops in front of a Jeep Gladiator, and you aren't overly surprised by his taste in vehicles. He goes to open the passenger side door for you, but you don't immediately take his offered hand to get inside. Instead, you tug it as you lean against the side of the truck. Jake follows the motion easily, not hesitating to bend down and mold his lips to yours. 
Jake looms over you, one of his hands balancing his weight against the side of the truck just over your head. The other on your side pulling you a bit closer to him. Looping your arm around his neck for some leverage, you let Jake take over your senses. The softness of his tongue paired with how he nibbles at your lower lip pulls a little whine from you.
When you have to pull away for a ragged breath, Jake groans low in his throat as you press teasing kisses down the column of his neck to the V of skin his shirt shows off. The hand on your waist slides up to cup your cheek and pulls you back to his lips. Kissing Jake is easy, he doesn't leave enough room for you to question if he's enjoying it. Nor do you have the capacity to overthink it as Jake's lips move surely and confidently with your own. All there is is him, his warm strong body, soft lips, and the calluses of his fingers. 
Leaning backward, you pull Jake with you wanting to have him pressed flush because even though you're tasting him, caged in, surrounded by him it still isn't close enough. However, the motion presses one of the Jeep’s jutting door hinges sharply into your back. You can't help but gasp a small "ow" as you try to shift. Concern creases Jake's features, and he pulls you away from his truck into his chest, glowering at the vehicle as if it had somehow betrayed him. 
"You okay, darlin?" He asks, his hands tracing down your back checking for injury. You lean more into his chest even though you don't really need the support, it's just nice to be in his arms. 
"I'm fine," you reassure him. 
"Let's get you out of harms way." He says pulling open the passenger side door. As you start to heave yourself into the tall truck Jake is practically picking you up and easily setting you in the seat. You blink at him in surprise at his show of strength. He remains there, standing in the open door, leaning closer and placing his hand just above your knee, his thumb drawing circles there. Then he asks, "So, where would you like to grab some dinner, my dear?" 
"I've heard of this really great restaurant I've been dying to go to."
"Yeah? Let's make it happen then." 
"Mhmm," you hum in confirmation. "It's called Hangman's House." 
Jake's thumb immediately stops moving and the smile on his face seems to shift. The genuine glint there slipping away, to something hard for you to really identify, practiced or guarded. Whatever the change was you don't find yourself liking it and immediately wonder where you misstepped. 
"So, Hangman's House, that's a pretty exclusive place. They don't usually do unplanned reservations," Jake says after what's nearly an awkward silence. 
"That's too bad. I heard that they have great service." You say a little dejected but glad he told you no in a casual manner that you can play off. 
"You're in luck though, my dear, because I know the owner. I think he would be willing to make an exception for us sometime, but they are better known for their breakfast menu." Jake responds upbeat again. 
"I like breakfast." You mutter in what you think is a flirty way. However, it's obvious that you've missed the mark when Jake's hand drops off your leg completely now. 
"Listen, if this is just a one-night thing, just some making out and fun stuff, where you are going to leave in the morning and pretend it never happened next time we see each other," he says seriously. Pausing, he runs a hand through his hair taking a measured breath, and you watch as the muscle in his jaw flexes. "That's fine, but I need to know it now." 
As you study his face intently it occurs to you that maybe even men like Jake Seresin have insecurities. Maybe he was used to interacting with people where more often than not they only saw him as a handsome face with a nice body. People who were ready to leave the next morning. The realization that a one night stand isn’t the series of events he is interested in with regards to you twists a pit of uncertainty in your stomach. You feel a little uneasy not sure exactly where you stand or what he wants with you. 
Reaching to catch Jake's lost hand and tangling your fingers, you start playing with the big class ring he is wearing. He allows the movement and relaxes his hand further, giving you additional leeway. The distraction of Jake's fingers gives you the courage to say, "I guess maybe I misunderstood that this was going to just be a nice fun night with you. Is that not what you were looking for?" 
"I do want that," Jake says adamantly. " However, I don't just want that." 
"What do you mean?" 
"I want to bring you flowers, dance with you, write you love letters. I want to explore every inch of your body and heart until I know what makes you tick. I want you to forget that any other man besides me even exists." Jake presses himself close to you again, and he turns his hand to thread your fingers tightly together. "Now I'm good, and I mean really good my dear, but those aren't goals I can make happen in one evening. So I want to start with tonight, taking you out and giving you a good time. And then I want to do the same thing tomorrow or whenever you have free time. I want to do that for as long as you will let me." 
"Oh wow," you breathe, taken aback by his declaration. "That's kind of a lot." 
"I know, but I don't want my intentions to be unclear. I wasn't lying when I said I've had my eye on you for a while. I'm happy to go at whatever pace you need; I'll do whatever you want. However, if this was all just getting back at your ex and proving a point. If you can't see yourself wanting anything more with me past tonight again, I need to know." Now, Jake takes his turn playing with your fingers as he breaks eye contact to stare at where you're intertwined. "I'll happily let you break my heart, but I don't want to be blindsided by it. 
Surging forward, you pull Jake in to kiss you again. It's an awkward angle, and the way the truck makes you taller than him feels odd. However, none of that matters when his lips are so pliable against yours. 
"I don't want to break your heart," you tell him between kisses. "I want to go on dates with you, and I want to go home with you. I want to go to bed with you and do it more than once if we find out we are compatible." 
"Are you doubting our compatibility?" Jake asks, raising an eyebrow. 
"Not really, but you know it's better to make sure with these things. Have to double check, I think." 
"That makes sense," he concedes. 
"Now let's get some food so you can take me home and then to bed. Show me these killer skills you mentioned earlier." 
"We can do a lot tonight, but we can't sleep together," Jake says mournfully.
"Why not?" You ask confused. 
"Everyone knows you don't sleep together until the third date," Jake drawls.
"That's a cliche. Plus, why does it really matter?" 
"Because I've been dreaming about forever with you, and when you want forever with someone, you don't want to skip any steps." Jake answers, dead serious and earnestly. It makes you wish you weren't in such an awkward position in the truck. If you were still outside pressed against it, or in the bar even, it would be so much easier to show him the appreciation and affection burning inside. 
"We've got to be somewhere near the third date by now. We have tonight and that camping trip we went on. Oh, and that one time that everyone went bowling. Plus, there was that bonfire a few months ago!" You say, trying to think of occasions you and Jake had spent a good amount of time together. While considering it, you also realize he has nearly always gravitated to your side during group interactions, and going off tonight, that clearly wasn't as coincidental as you had previously thought. 
"You deserve real dates," Jake responds with conviction, and the look in his eye really isn't something you can or even want to argue with. There isn't anything wrong with someone wanting to act like a gentleman with you; it's actually flattering, especially when it's clear Jake isn't going to play any guessing games with you concerning his feelings. 
"Well, then we are wasting time when we could be on our first date," you say, pressing another peck to his lips and lightly pushing him away from you. 
"One last kiss," Jake whispers as he lurches close again for another peck. Then, he gently closes your door and jogs over to the driver's seat, asking where you want to get a bite to eat. 
The two of you end up at a fancy Italian restaurant where you share an appetizer, bottle of wine, and dessert. During dessert, Jake insists you pose for a picture. Despite your initial resistance, he convinces you, and then, nearly as soon as he takes it, your phone lights up with a notification telling you that you’ve tagged you in his story. He tells you before you even ask that he hopes your friends looked him up on Instagram but requests that you repost it on your own just in case they didn't. He claimed it's so they know he's not kidnapped you, but you suspect that it's more likely he wants to prove a point. And it's something you don't mind one bit, especially when he easily lets you post a picture of him on your own story. 
After the restaurant, Jake drives you both out of town a bit to where the sky is much clearer and the stars are visible. The evening isn't warm enough to cuddle in the truck bed like he wanted, so instead, you end up in the backseat with the moon roof completely rolled back. You manage to pretend to be looking at the stars for about three whole minutes before crawlingl into Jake's lap to kiss him. 
Before the making out can get too heated, Jake grips your chin, urging your face upwards to look through the moonroof. Gruffly, he mutters into your ear, telling you to behave. Words that only make you squirm in your newfound place sitting on his lap. He lets you stay there, though, his hands steady on your hips, and his lips leisurely brushing yours or your neck whenever inspiration strikes. 
"What were you doing out tonight looking so nice?" You wonder absentmindedly, unbuttoning the top button of Jake's shirt. It's not with an ulterior motive. Really, it's because Jake's shirt is so soft, and the top of it is hiding his dog tags from you, which you have suddenly decided is unacceptable. The new skin exposed to you is just an added benefit. 
"Ah, nothing to worry about darlin'." 
"Common, you can tell me," you say, pressing a kiss to the underside of his jaw. 
"You know, whinnies?" 
It takes you a moment to place the restaurant and remember that it's across the street from the bar where you met up with your friends. "The wine bar?" 
"Yeah," Jake confirms. "Well, I was on a date there." 
"Oh." When Jake doesn't say anything, you decide you have to push the conversation forward. "So, what happened to your date? Were they not nice?"
"No, she was real sweet," Jake says, and you feel your stomach drop as if you aren't in the back of his truck and sitting in his lap right now.
"So why did you end up at Gem's?" 
"I was checking Instagram before she got there, and I saw you post that you were at Gems, right across the street. And no matter how nice she was, I knew it wasn't fair that I was thinking of a different person the whole time. So, we didn't even make it through appetizers before I had to be honest with her about that, and then I swung by Gems, hoping I would bump into you." 
"You were at the bar just to see me?"
"Sure was. So imagine my surprise when you found and approached me first."
"How would it have gone if you had approached me first?" You wonder. 
"For one, I would have offered to buy you a drink before stealing a kiss," Jake says teasingly. 
"You're not going to let that go, are you?" 
"Probably not for a while," he tells you. You groan and hide your face in his neck as if that will save you from some of the embarrassment. Feeling his chuckles in his throat and rumble in his chest is soothing, and you pepper more kisses to his neck and collarbone as if you were tracing the sound.
"You wouldn't have left without a kiss, though?" 
"I wouldn't have left without seeing you, and I would have done everything to try and convince you to give me one," Jake promises. 
"How would you have kissed me for the first time?" 
"Are you asking for another demonstration?" he wonders. As soon as you nod in affirmation, he pulls you close, repositioning you on his lap so you're straddling him. The darkness of the truck makes it so you can't quite see how green his eyes are, despite that they are still somehow bright.  He holds eye contact with you for a long moment. His hand cups your cheek, and like earlier in the night, he pauses, not closing the gap, observing you close. When you try to lean forward and seal your lips, he backs his head away. Then he chastises you while wearing a smirk, "I'm goin' to kiss you, baby. Now, let me do it how I want." 
Anticipation tingles in you as Jake leans close; however, at the last minute, he swerves, pressing a kiss to your cheek, then the other cheek, your forehead, and your nose. Finally, his lips meet yours firmly. Closing your eyes, you sigh into the kiss. The feeling of being intimately connected to Jake again is nearly the same as relief. When your mouth opens, Jake licks into you, searching out your tongue with his own. 
There no longer seems to be any will in Jake to tamper down the heat of your kissing. He allows you each time you push the envelope of the moment being just the soft sweet first date kissing he initially claimed to want. As he sucks on the sweet spot, her discovers on your neck, the way you grind downwards is involuntary and completely by accident. A low moan comes from Jake, and you like the way it sounds. So, the next time you grind down on him, it's completely intentional. 
The dark slacks he is wearing don't do much to conceal his hardened length. After a few more rolls of your hips, Jake's hands tightly grip your waist helping you grind against him. He urges you into a rhythm that has whimpers, moans, and gasps passing from both your mouths between hot kisses. As you try to speed up, frantic lust beating so loud you can hear it in your ear, he doesn't let you. Though you are on top of him, there is no doubt that Jake is in complete control. 
Just from this night, it's not difficult to imagine how he will be in the bedroom. Strong,  consuming, and in control. You can picture how he will confidently lead you exactly where you want to go, and you will get there because just a back of the car's make-out shouldn’t cause someone to be as turned on as you are right now. You unbutton his shirt and let your hands roam over his chest. Dragging your nails along his abs causes a full body shudder and Jake to grip your ass so hard you think you might bruise. It doesn't bother you, though, because how can anything that gets you closer to his cock be a bad thing? 
“Jake,” you say in a sudden moment of clarity. He hums his acknowledgment but keeps kissing at your neck and squeezing at your ass. A particularly hard thrust upwards from him nearly has your brain going fuzzy as you desperately try to hold yourself together.  “Jake,” you repeat more forcefully, “we need to stop.” 
“What’s wrong?” He asks concerned, detaching his lips from your skin and losing his hold so he is barely touching you. 
“If we keep at this I'm going to beg you to fuck me right here right now,” you answer. He makes a strangled groan. With his swollen lips, lust filled eyes, and hard dick you're sure he wouldn't actually mind. “Which would be amazing but you told me about a three date rule and I agreed.” 
“I did say three dates,” he responds and looks like he hates himself for it. 
“But if it doesn't actually matter I would like to suck your cock at least once before we fuck.” You boldly tell him, twisting his dog tags in your fingers pulling them taut against Jake’s neck until the release beads give away. The chain falls into your grasp, and you use the warm metal to distract yourself. 
“Fuck me,” he breathes throwing an arm over his eyes and leaning back. “You're perfect, you know that?” 
“I'm not.” 
“You are. So perfect, so hot.” He kisses you like he's about to ignore what you just said. Hot and a little sloppy with tongue and a bit at your lower lip. When he pulls away he rests his forehead against yours saying, “We are going to stop now  because I don't want there to ever be a doubt in your mind that I'll keep the promises I make to you.”
Your stomach flips with affection, and you sag, leaning heavily into Jake, just hugging him tightly, waiting for the lust that's sparked to cool. The two of you even manage to get some actual stargazing in where hands roam but in more so in an exploratory way than sexual. 
Holding hands driving back into the city you can’t stop staring at Jake’s profile, or admiring his fingers or tracing the veins of his forearms. You are focusing on trying to convince yourself that this isn’t a dream, you're definitely going to wake up with hickies in the morning, and another date with Jake Seresin scheduled tomorrow. It’s something that if you had been told at the start of your evening, you would have laughed at the absurdity of the idea. 
"I know it's really soon, but do you think that if you asked me again in a few weeks if I'm still single, we'll be able to change my answer?" Jake asks you after a bit breaking the comfortable silence you two had been in. 
"I think that's possible. What do you think about that?" You wonder. 
"I would change my answer tonight if you wanted me to."
"Listen, I really like you, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. So as soon as you give me the okay, I will bring you flowers with a promise ring and ask if you want to go steady with me." Jake's thumb rubs along your pulse affectionately, "I'll change my Facebook relationship status. I'll get a nice little charm with your name on it for my dog tags. I'll take you to meet my friends and brag about how amazing you are." Jake leans over at a red light to press a soft kiss to your lips. "The whole shebang." 
"That sounds nice. Does that deal have a special name, too?" 
"Yeah, we can call it the Jake special. It is a whole package, long-term, all-inclusive deal." 
"Extended warranty?" You check jokingly.
"It actually has a no-return, no-refund policy," Jake answers.
"That's a pretty big commitment," you whisper back, even though the idea of keeping Jake all to yourself sounds nothing but appealing. 
"It's not something that expires. So how about tonight, we just worry about getting you home where you're going to let me walk you to your front door and give you a kiss goodnight."
"Just one kiss?" You ask in a pretend pout. 
"Let's shoot for two, but don't be surprised if it's three, maybe even four." 
"I want five," you declare stubbornly.
"Then I'll give you six," he easily offers. 
You try to hide your smile but don't quite manage it. It's a permanent fixture the whole drive home and during all seven of the goodnight kisses you get. They aren't the best kisses in the world because Jake is smiling through them, too. It's okay, though, because you both know there's going to be more in the future, a lot more. 
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auteurdelabre · 7 months
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A place to find whatever suits your tastes. Perhaps you're in the mood for a little romance with Dieter Bravo? Or maybe you're looking for an erotic thriller with Dave York? Alternatively you might be drawn to a deliciously dark drama starring Joel Miller? Whatever your tastes, we have it here.
Just make sure you have your membership card ready.
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How I imagine Joel Miller falls in love
How I imagine Javier Peña falls in love
A Secret Kind of Pain [Frankie Morales x f!reader] (rated 18+)
Poker night over at Benny’s tests the amazing burgeoning relationship you have been hiding with Frankie Morales.
Joel's Eyes (rated 18+)
based on the prompt by ashleyfilm: I don’t know if you take requests but I love your writing and I’m dying for a slow burn in post outbreak Jackson. Joel and fem reader strangers to friends to eventual lovers. Reader is in love with Joel from the beginning and is like him strong silent type but with a heart of gold. Lots of pinning and then a surprise when it turns out Joel pines for her too and Tommy and Ellie know that he loves her. Maybe some jealousy thrown in before soft dom Joel to sub reader smut. Then a snippet of them together after confession of love so you can hear what other towns folk think about them. Anyway, if you don’t take asks that’s totally cool and I look forward to reading whatever you write! :)
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PALPATION (rated 18+)
Say, Thank You. [Dave York x F!Reader] (Rated 18+)
After driving you home from babysitting his kids, Dave York has a proposition for you that you just can’t refuse.
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honeydjarin · 8 months
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You owe Sanji a dance and he intends to have it Or A flirt is going to flirt (that doesn’t mean he’s not yours)
genre: fluff, mild angst
warnings: smoking, drinking
word count: 1,500
a/n: I wasn’t expecting the first part to receive so much love! Thank you everyone who took the time to leave such kind comments. This fic takes place after Bring Me the Sun, but it was planned as a separate one shot and can be read as such.
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You stand on the back deck of the Going Merry, the round faces of Nami’s tangerines staring at you from either side. The moon joins in, its face glowing more gold than silver where it hangs just above the horizon. You think it’s a full moon.
Maybe that’s why you feel like you're losing yourself. 
You’re alone on the ship—or you’re supposed to be—while the rest of the Straw Hat Crew are out at a bar, enjoying a little downtime between wild adventures. Yet even here, surrounded by only the sound of water lapping at the stern, the sweet tangerines swaying in the low breeze, and the silent gaze of the moon, you are haunted by the man that consumes your head and your heart. 
You can still feel the heat of his hand against your lower back, the curve of his fingers on the nape of your neck, the weight of his arm across your shoulders. You can still feel the brush of his hair against your cheek as he leaned in close for you to hear him over the music. Despite the fresh air, the smoke of his cigarette still fills your nose (or maybe that’s a phantom too). Even now, with so much distance between you, Sanji’s touch still lingers. 
It’s so easy to feel like you’re special when he’s near you, like you’re the only one he sees when he turns his soft gaze your way, lips curling in an easy smile. The way he speaks makes you feel like you’re the only one in the world he could ever have eyes for. Like you’re the person he holds closest to his heart—just as haunted as you are. 
And then he stands up, offers to get you another drink, saying: “It’s the least I can do for someone so beautiful.” 
You’re left watching as he turns that smile towards a stranger getting a drink next to him, eyes gleaming as he laughs, and you wonder if you’re just another one of his friendly flirtations. Maybe that gentle fondness that softens his features when he looks your way isn’t that at all, but merely the familiarity of being with a friend.   
You want to be his friend. You also want to be so much more. 
You couldn’t stay at the bar tonight, despite leaving Sanji with a full glass and a broken promise that you half hope he remembers. You needed space to think, to breathe. Sanji would have made his way back to you, he always does, but your mood had soured too much to play it off as simply being tired. You walked past a drunkenly dancing Usopp on your way out the door and wished you could be as carefree as him. 
The chill of the night air starts to seep into your skin, raising goosebumps on your flesh. Still, you remain. You stay there when you hear the rest of the crew return, voices loud in their drunken haze, carrying across the ship even as they descend to the sleeping quarters. You’re still there when silence settles once again. 
Footsteps trail up the stairs, coming to a halt not far behind you. When you turn, you see Sanji standing there, his hands tucked into the pockets of his trousers, eyes taking you in. It’s impossible to tell what he’s feeling in the low light. 
“What are you doing out here?” you ask. “It’s late, you should get some rest.”
“I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight,” he says. 
“I don’t think I will either,” you admit. You turn your attention back to the moon. It’s higher now, glowing bright enough to drown out the stars around it. 
Sanji steps closer, closing the distance between you. He leans against the railing beside you, staring out at the moon. The heat of his arm inches from yours is enough to remind you of how cool the air really is, and you shiver. 
“You’re cold,” he says, and you nod, unable to face him. Without a word, he takes off his jacket and places it over your shoulders, the fabric helping to chase some of the chill away, but not all. Once again you’re left wondering if this is just a friendly gesture, or if it could ever mean something more. 
“Thanks,” you mumble. 
“Will you look at me?” Sanji asks. You nod again, but turning to face the man who is always in your thoughts is more difficult than you expect. Instead you clutch his jacket closer, seeking comfort for a problem of your own making. 
When you still don’t move, Sanji takes your cheeks in his hands, thumbs stroking gently along their curve, guiding you to look at him. His hold prevents you from turning away. 
His hair glows silver in the low light, like a halo—beautiful. Your skin warms beneath his touch despite the ache in your heart. The chef’s own cheeks burn red, the wine he drank throughout the night settling just beneath his skin in a rosy flush that you long to press your lips to, if only to feel the heat of him. 
It takes all of your willpower to keep from leaning forward and kissing him right then and there. Liquid courage leaves you sticky with affection and with inhibitions dulled just enough to risk acting on your desires. It’s the little voice in the back of your head that reminds you you’re just a friend that keeps you from pulling him closer. 
“You promised me a dance tonight,” Sanji says, words laced in disappointment. 
“Did I?” you play dumb. You can’t help but hope the wine has stained his memory, not just his cheeks. It’s merely wishful thinking—a couple of glasses isn’t enough for Sanji to get drunk, just enough to go soft around the edges.
He hums. “You did. And then you left before we could.” 
“I needed to get some air,” you claim. 
“I thought things were going well, that we were having a good time. Together.” All traces of flirtation and charm have vanished from the chef’s features, leaving nothing but unclouded honesty behind. His usually crystalline eyes are dark in the night, their usual light gone and instead filled with confusion as he looks into your own. 
Guilt settles in your stomach like a stone. Of course your actions hurt him. 
“We were,” you admit. “But I got scared.” 
Even in the dark, you can see the moment your words sink in, recognition sparking in Sanji’s eyes, and then something more, something softer. Your favorite smile curls on his lips and you can’t help but stare. 
Sanji starts to remove one of his hands from your cheek, but before he can your own hand reaches up, keeping it there. It’s selfish, you hurt him—hurt yourself too, with all of your overthinking. 
He looks at you so fondly. He always does.  
“You know I mean it, right darling? Every word. You’re beautiful.”
The ache that held itself in your heart since leaving the bar eases, fading into a mere whisper. He isn’t looking at you like a friend, or some stranger in a bar. He’s too honest right now, and it’s all the reassurance you need. At least for a little while.   
Once again you’re overcome with the need to kiss him, and this time you do. You lean in, and before you have a chance to doubt your decision, Sanji meets you halfway. 
His lips are soft and warm against yours, better than you imagined. He tastes like the smoke of his cigarettes. Not a phantom—this is real. It’s like a balm for your heart that dreamed of this moment for so long.
When you finally pull back, his eyes are shining bright enough that you swear you can see the moon in them. Or maybe it’s you who is moonstruck. Either way, you can’t stop your own lips from curling into a smile, a laugh bubbling up your throat and spilling out into the night. 
You want to kiss him again, so you do. When you pull back this time, Sanji’s lips find your cheek, pressing a kiss there too with a murmur of “you really are too sweet to me.” 
When Sanji pulls back again, just enough to take in your lovesick state, he adds, “You promised me a dance.”
He sways you slowly, barely rocking more than the boat’s natural rhythm in the tide, his smile never dropping for a minute. There’s no music to guide you, but you’re too caught up in each other to care. 
“I’m pretty sure the music at the bar was faster,” you joke.
“Was it? I think I prefer this speed.” As if to emphasize his point, Sanji pulls you even closer, tucking you against his solid form. 
When you left the bar, you didn’t expect your night to end so perfectly. Surrounded by only the sound of water lapping at the stern, the sweet tangerines swaying in the low breeze, and the silent gaze of the moon—there is nowhere else you would rather be. 
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a/n: I think Sanji would still be a charmer even if he was interested in someone/in a relationship. That doesn't mean he wouldn't be loyal to his love.
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I have something fluffy to give you🥰🩷
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Bucky sees Single Mom!Reader at the local grocery store and Bucky being the gentleman he is offers to help her with her crying baby🥺
"Guess I'm Just Good With Them"
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PAIRINGS: James "Bucky" Barnes x SingleMom!Reader
WARNINGS: Bucky being good with babies.
*not proof-read*
"Leila, honey. I know, but- Shh, shh," you pull your cart over to sit next to the toy aisle as you bounce your, now wailing, one-year-old girl on your arm.
"My love, I know, I know. But we gotta keep quiet," you wince as you feel the glares of the other ongoing shoppers on you and your child.
Being a single mom has its ups and downs, the ups are the highlights of your life. Witnessing the mini-you walk for the first time, saying "mama" for the first time, seeing her give you that gummy smile you love so much.
The others aren't your defining lows, but they hover in that range. The late nights, the screams, the tantrums, the picky eating. You had to do it yourself because your ass of an ex left you immediately when you said that you were pregnant.
"Leila, baby. Mama doesn't know what you want, honey," you have tried everything, but your girl wouldn't calm down to anything and nothing works. Your anxiety just increases as the number of glares doesn't stop rising.
You're on the verge of tears when suddenly you feel a tap on your shoulder.
"Ma'am, do you need some help?" a rough voice says behind you.
You turn and see this big, broad man with this sheepish look on his face, and the bluest eyes.
"I- uh," you stutter unsure what to do, you can't randomly dump your baby on some random stranger.
He shifts his weight from side to side, looking at your baby with a small smile. Leila whines harder and it slightly pierces your ears, you cringe and bounce her quicker than before.
The man picks out a Piglet stuffed animal from the toy aisle and shakes it in front of Leila. Her wail quiets down, and she reaches for the stuffed cartoon character.
Soon, it's just her flushed puffy face and dried tears on her cheeks as she holds the toy close.
"I-oh my god, thank you," you tell the stranger, he gives a tight-lipped smile and nods at your words.
"I can hold on to her and follow you around, while you do your shopping," he suggests, and you hesitate slightly but give in eventually knowing that this won't go anywhere if you don't take action now.
You hand Leila to the man, and he softly coos at the little girl. Leila seems fascinated by his gold and dark green metal arm.
"What's her name?" he asks, looking at you. "Oh uh, Leila," you say, pulling your cart closer to you. "And your's?" You blink at his question, before offering your with a timid voice.
"I'm James," he smiles softly.
You finally paid for everything in your cart, and the tension in your shoulders seems to ease at the idea of you finally being able to get home.
Putting everything in the trunk of your car was easily done, with the weight of your child in James' arms.
Turning back to James, you see Leila still holding the stuffed Piglet.
"Leila, no, we didn't pay for that," you try to reach for the toy, but your stubborn little girl refuses to budge.
James chuckles, and he shakes his head, "it's alright, I paid for it. She can have it."
You're silent.
You're gobsmacked.
Did this man, this random stranger buy your child a toy?
That's more than your ex ever did.
"I-huh?-wha- James, you didn't have to do that," you quickly reach for your wallet, adamant about paying him back.
He grabs your wrist with one hand, his metal one carrying a tired Leila, "really, you don't have to."
You sigh and smile tiredly at him.
Sometimes, you underestimate the kindness of strangers. And as a single mom, you really are grateful for anything that comes your way.
You take Leila back into your arms and she's whipped. She immediately finds comfort in your arms and closes her eyes.
"Well, I guess we should get going."
Why did you say it like that?
Why did you say it like you didn't want to leave yet?
Like you didn't want to leave him yet.
You can see a sadness flash through James's face as he nods slowly, "yes, guess I should go too."
You both nod but remain standing at the Walmart parking lot.
"I should really go," you nod your head over your shoulder.
He nods as well.
As you turn to leave, he calls out your name.
"Is there a chance that I could grab your number?" He scratches the back of his neck. "I would like to see you and Leila again."
You blush at his words.
He wants to see you again?
You nod slightly and type your number into his flip-phone, you laughed when he first pulled it out.
You chuckle unable to wrap your mind around the idea of this gorgeous man wanting to ask for your number, "I still don't have a clue on how you managed to get her to quiet down back in there."
He laughs lightly and saves your name with a small heart next to it, you don't have to know that he did that. "Guess I'm just good with them."
Bucky + children = me being super horny
I just wanna have a life, where this man is really 😩😩
Till' then
Stay Coquette-y,
Anya 🫶🏽🕊️🎀
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jeonstellate · 4 months
my future in your eyes
mingyu still holds onto you, even after all this time.
๑彡 kim mingyu x gender neutral!reader
๑彡 divorced!au/ex-husband!au, post-break up!au, exes-to-lovers!au — fluff
๑彡 paragraph format — 1.1K words
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[gif’s full credit belongs solely to its owner]
๑彡 title is taken from zack tabudlo’s as you are.
๑彡 i’m lowk proud of this ngl bc— it’s fluff, but it took me relatively quick to finish?? usually i get stuck for weeks if the wip’s fluff ><
Kim Mingyu is a man of confidence.
Not that he uses his confidence to swindle strangers, as the dictionary suggests the title means. Rather, he exudes confidence — regardless of what he does.
There is always an air confidence around him. He can be in clothes that don’t fit the event’s theme and he’ll still seem perfectly dressed. He can be barely conversant in another language and he’ll still sound like he knows what he’s saying. He can just be standing there, doing nothing, and he’ll still appear like he’s doing something right.
Some people mistake his confidence for arrogance. Most find it admirable. But, in truth, Mingyu hardly cares.
Especially if his so-called confidence vanishes whenever you are in the vicinity and within his line of sight. Just like now.
He sees you in a table with Seokmin. Your back is towards him but he recognizes you, anyway. Despite the distance, he has no problem witnessing how animatedly you talk with your common friend.
It’s almost like he is back in college: you and Seokmin in one row, him and Minghao a few rows back. He can almost hear Minghao state matter-of-factly, "You’re staring," like he often does back then.
Really, all that’s different is Minghao’s currently preoccupied being the groom to comment on his staring. (There are definitely more things that are different now, but he doesn’t want to even begin thinking about them.)
Seokmin catches his stare. Not soon after, specifically before Mingyu can even look away, he sees him leave the table. Seokmin throws him a familiar meaningful look before disappearing into the dance floor.
Truth be told, Mingyu’s confidence comes naturally. It isn’t something that he purposely channels. It’s just always there . . . unless you are involved. Then, suddenly, he has to painstakingly gather the confidence to be near you.
"Is this seat taken?" He tries his hardest to mask his awestruck look with one of kind politeness as he waits your response.
He almost forgot how to breathe when your eyes lock into his. "You may sit if you wish," you offer him a small, polite smile. "I don’t think he’ll be back anytime soon."
"Thanks." He effortlessly returns your gesture before situating himself on the chair your common friend abandoned. "How are you enjoying the party?"
"Really well, actually. I didn’t expect to recognize a lot of people from college." Your eyes don’t leave his as you answer. He tries not to stare back too intently, to look within your eyes to see something . . . anything. "And you?"
Mingyu waits for a beat, gathering enough confidence to say what he wants to. "Better now that you’re here." With me.
He lets out a barely audible embarrassed laugh. He has half a mind to take it back, but quickly changes his mind when he sees you biting your lower lip — an obvious attempt to stop yourself from laughing.
A ghost of a smile plays on his lips. There’s pride in knowing he’s still able to make you laugh, despite it being your first meeting in literal years.
You look down in a presumable attempt to calm yourself down. He doesn’t take his eyes off of you, though, as he refuses to lose you from his sight. As such, he immediately notices the sudden shift in your expression.
"You’re still wearing it." Mingyu follows your line of sight — and ends up looking at the source of your comment. His hand on the table, specifically the band of gold adorning his ring finger. "Our ring."
Our wedding ring.
You and Mingyu married soon after graduating from college. It had been a blissful marriage, one that filled a home with nothing but love and support.
Your divorce was on the basis of irreconcilable differences. It was a mutual decision, for the interest of your career paths diverging too far. There was never a bad blood.
"Ye— yeah." Mingyu stutters involuntarily. He clears his throat before continuing, "It’s a great conversational piece."
Although the divorce has been finalized years ago, Mingyu still plays the faithful and loving husband role in front of strangers. He uses the ring on his finger to his advantage: may that be to wordlessly signal that he’s already taken or to gain the favor of a potential sponsor.
Likewise, even if he knows the ring might be a disadvantage, he refuses to take it off — nor to purposely hide it from sight. The same way he never tells a stranger that he is no longer tied to someone else.
"Does it work?" You ask in wonder.
"We are conversing now, aren’t we?"
You chuckle, "Touché."
Mingyu wants to tell you that he hasn’t taken the ring off since you slipped it on his finger during your wedding. Not even after your divorce has been finalized all those years ago.
He wants to tell you his ring finger is thinner near his palm because of his adamant refusal to take his wedding ring off once in a while. Not willing to separate from the only physical reminder of your marriage, not even for a second.
He wants to tell you the ring is more than a conversational piece. He wants to tell you it’s his lifeline, something he can’t bear to lose. But he doesn’t.
Instead, Mingyu uses all the confidence he has gathered to ask you a simple question. "Dance with me?"
He offers you the hand adorned by his wedding ring. He tries not to show the uncertainty he feels by masking it behind a smile.
He almost lets out a relieved sigh when you place your hand on top of his. But he stops breathing momentarily when he catches sight of the sole jewelry adorning your hand.
"You’re still wearing it," Mingyu echoes your comment breathlessly. "Our ring."
He snaps his eyes back to your face, just in time to witness your smile widen. "Yeah," you say. "It’s a great talisman to ward off potential suitors."
He leads you to the dance floor, silently marveling at how your hand still fits perfectly with his. "Does it work?"
"It’s very effective," you assure him. "Although I don’t think it works well against ex-husbands."
Another slow song starts playing right when you reach the dance floor. You and Mingyu unconsciously claim your respective hand placements during your first dance — and for any waltz you danced after.
Then, suddenly, it’s like you traveled back in time.
Mingyu pulls you closer, a ghost of a smirk is at the edge of his lips. "I think it works well attracting ex-husbands."
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beskarandblasters · 1 month
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Illicit Affairs
Part One of Time, Wondrous Time
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x F!Reader
Main Masterlist | Cooper Howard Masterlist | AO3
Series summary: You’re California Crest Studios’ newest production assistant, getting the opportunity to work on the hit movie, The Man From Deadhorse. But when you meet the movie’s lead, Cooper Howard, you fall head-first into a secret affair. Enter a war, a cryogenic freezer, and a two-hundred-year time jump. And yet despite all that, you just might run into him again.
Chapter summary: The fateful night where it all starts with Cooper Howard.
Word count: 3.6k
Warnings: unspecified age gap, infidelity, reader is able-bodied and wears a skirt, workplace romance, secret mutual pining, fingering, one pussy slap, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, pull out method, pet names (sweetheart), no use of y/n
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A new beginning. A foot in the door in the industry you’ve been dying to get into– Hollywood. You’re California Crest Studios' newest production assistant and you get to work on the upcoming movie, The Man From Deadhorse. Although you’re not typically a fan of Westerns, you’re grateful for any experience you can get. 
You’re hiding in the bathroom, killing time until production starts after getting to the studio rather early; LA traffic is unpredictable and your anxiety got the best of you this morning. You make sure your makeup is perfect and smooth down your skirt before walking to the soundstage. California Crest Studios is huge. It’s going to take forever to get used to not only the layout but also the hustle and bustle of a living, breathing set. 
The soundstage is overwhelming to put it plainly. Everyone’s talking in pockets of well-established groups and you feel like an outsider looking in, trying desperately to look like you belong here. You search the room for a familiar face but there are so many people around it’s overwhelming. You met the director, Emil, at your interview but other than him, everyone here is a stranger. 
Are you supposed to interrupt a conversation and ask what you’re supposed to do? Are you supposed to wait until you’re addressed? Are you supposed to–
“First day on set?” 
You look to your left and find a man, stunning you with his bright smile. One look at his attire tells you he’s in costume, donning a blue shirt with gold fringe. He must be an extra or something. Whoever he is, you can’t deny that he’s devilishly handsome, could even be considered leading man type of handsome. 
“That obvious, huh?”
He chuckles, placing his hands on his hips. “You’ll get the hang of it. Are you one of Emil’s new assistants?”
“I am,” you sigh, “I’m not sure where he is, though.”
“I’ll go find him for you,” he smiles, walking away before you can protest. Fuck, you’re not trying to bring any unnecessary attention to yourself. Not on your first day.
The man disappears within the pocket of people and eventually returns with Emil. He greets you with a smile and says, “Welcome to your first day on set! I see you’ve met Cooper, our leading man.”
He continues to talk but it turns into white noise. Your mind is too focused on the words: leading man. 
You vaguely hear Emil talk about what his expectations of you are, but he finishes with “For now you can just go to the studio’s cafe and get us coffee.”
Sigh. Comes with the territory you suppose. 
He goes to grab you a pen and paper, leaving you alone with Cooper. You awkwardly shift your weight between your feet, wanting desperately to make conversation with him but fearing that you’ll just annoy him. 
“Don’t be so nervous,” he says. “I’m sure you’ll do great.”
“Thanks,” you smile. 
“I never caught your name.”
You introduce yourself and he does the same, adding, “But I suppose Emil already did that for me.” 
He chuckles and extends his hand out, you shake his hand and determine he has a nice firm handshake. The kind where you can just tell he’s a confident man. 
Emil returns with a pad and a pen and immediately starts shooting off coffee orders for him and some of the other people on set. 
“By the end of this week, you won’t need to jot these down. You’ll have them all memorized.”
“Is that a challenge?” you ask playfully. 
He laughs and says, “Sounds like you’ll fit in here,” before walking back into the set. 
You turn towards Cooper and ask, “And what about you, Mr. Howard?” ready to take down his order. 
“Please, Miss, call me Cooper. I’ll just have a black coffee.”
“You got it, Cooper,” you smile before familiarizing yourself with the set and crew, taking down everyone’s coffee orders before heading to the studio cafe. 
You walk back to the soundstage with a large paper bag in hand, walking extra carefully to ensure the copious cups of coffee don’t spill. It’s already been an eventful morning but your mind keeps circling back to Cooper Howard. The first person you met on set, the first person to show you an act of kindness. You’re practically swooning over him. 
A small part of you wants to believe that he was flirting with you. But you quickly push that out of your mind. He’s an actor. He’s naturally charismatic. And besides, he wouldn’t want anything to do with a production assistant for fuck’s sake. 
You pass out everyone’s coffee back at the soundstage, surprised by just how nice most of the crew are. Of course, some people couldn’t be bothered to give you the time of day. To them, you’re someone who’s at the bottom of the barrel, someone they don’t have to treat with respect. 
As for Cooper… God, he knows how to make you feel special, graciously accepting his coffee and thanking you up and down. But quickly enough it’s time to shoot and you’re tasked with making sure no one accidentally walks into the shot. It seems easy enough. For the most part, you just watch Cooper act and find yourself captivated by him. You’re not typically into Westerns but he has such a commanding aura about him that’s impossible to ignore. 
After a few hours, the crew breaks for lunch. You learn lunch is catered most days which is nice. But now you’re in the first-day predicament where you must decide if you’re going to eat alone or encroach on an already established group. 
You sit on the concrete with your legs straight out in front of you, eating the lunch you packed. All around you groups of people socialize and chatter. You can only hope that one day you’ll have your own group like this on set. As you’re about to take a bite of your sandwich, a voice above you asks, “Need a lunch buddy?”
You can tell just by his voice that it’s Cooper. But you can’t help but wonder… Why does he want to have lunch with you? 
Doesn’t he have friends? Or even… a girlfriend? A wife? 
“Sure,” you smile, scooching over so he can sit next to you. 
“How’s your first day going so far?” 
“Not bad. I’m sure I’ll get the flow of everything soon.”
“You’ll be a natural in no time. I’m sure of it.” 
“Thanks,” you respond, starting to soften up. “What about you? How long have you been an actor?” 
“Quite a while now. But I wasn’t always an actor. I was in the Marines before.” 
You thank him for your service and it falls silent between you two. You assume this is where the conversation ends but to your surprise, he says, “Enough about me. Tell me about yourself.” 
You share more details of your background, telling him things that range from where you went to college, what your family’s like, and where you grew up. He listens with such care and respect, occasionally nodding along. You didn’t expect to make any friends on your first day, let alone with the leading man. And yet here he is, listening to your stories as if you’re the most interesting person in the world. 
Except it’s ripped away from you too soon. 
Just as the conversation hits a lull again, someone catches his attention. He gets up and walks away, to a beautiful woman standing by the food table. Your heart sinks. You knew it was too good to be true. 
Hang on. She could be a studio executive. She could be a coworker, a fellow actress even. 
But the way he kisses and pulls her close tells you otherwise. You watch them interact, hopefully in a way that’s not painfully obvious as you finish your lunch. He caresses her face, listening to her talk in a way that reminds you of how he listened to you. You should’ve known better. He’s just naturally charismatic. He’s an actor for crying out loud. It was staring you right in the face. 
They kiss goodbye and part ways. You look away and pretend to pack up your lunch. He stands before you and says, “Sorry, that was my wife. I should’ve introduced you two. That was rude of me.”
“No worries,” you smile.
He offers you his hand and helps you up, smiling at you again as he says, “Let’s get back to work, shall we?”
You nod and notice he’s still holding your hand. He squeezes it before he lets go, making your stomach do a flip. God, he gives you whiplash. 
The workday wraps up rather uneventfully. And you’re left feeling exhausted, wondering how long it’ll take your body to get used to this new schedule. 
Before you leave for the day Cooper places a hand on your shoulder; he’s out of costume, wearing a white t-shirt that’s a little too tight around his biceps, with his jacket slung over his shoulder.
He looks you in the eye, telling you, “Good job today. Glad to have you on board.” He smiles at you again and tells you good night before walking to his car and driving off. 
You sit in your car and mentally talk yourself down, reminding yourself that he probably just does this with all the new hires, that he’s just a nice guy. But most importantly, he’s married. He’s off-limits. And before lunches together become a regular thing, you’re going to stop it while you can. 
You’re going to try your hardest to not fall for Cooper Howard. 
It’s the end of your first workweek and lunches alone have already proved to be a failure. Every time you tried to sneak away to your car or the studio cafe, Cooper would catch you and ask, “Mind if I join you?”
How could you ever try to say no to him? How could you ever deny yourself alone time with him? Your gut would swirl with guilt. But you never understood why. The act of getting lunch together is inherently innocent. You know he views it that way. But why can’t you? Until Friday night when you finally place your finger on why… 
It’s because the more he opens up, the more you learn about him, you can’t help but fall for him harder. He told you about his childhood, his time in the Marines, how he was honorably discharged, and most importantly, his daughter. 
If he wasn’t already off-limits before, he most certainly is now. 
You spend your weekend thinking about him whenever your mind is idle. You’re treading into dangerous waters now. This is more than a silly workplace crush. This is full-on infatuation now. When you’re alone in bed, your hand slips down your pants, teasing your entrance as you close your eyes, picturing that Cooper’s above you, playing with your body. The fantasies are dangerous, feeling entirely too real. Even though you don’t know what it’s like to be pleasured by him, your imagination runs wild. You moan his name, thankful that you live alone for once. But once the self-induced orgasm subsides you’re left with guilt. And you’re conflicted about that guilt. You’re picturing these things that have never happened, that will never happen. What’s the harm in that? And yet, your kind keeps circling back to the unfortunate reality; he’s married. The guilt doesn’t seem to go away. 
Sunday night rolls around and as you go to bed, you remind yourself that you need to be better about distancing yourself. Hopefully, you’ll listen for once. 
No lunch together on Monday.
The same goes for Tuesday. 
You managed to get to your car in time on Wednesday. 
The week is just about halfway over and you’d consider it a success. 
But as you walk to your car on this warm night, he catches you off guard. 
“Hi,” you respond, startled a bit.
“I don’t mean to bother you but I can’t help but wonder… Did I do something wrong?”
You glance at your surroundings, trying to gauge who’s near before you speak. He picks up on your nervousness and says, “We can talk somewhere private if that’s easier.”
“Sure,” you choke out, feeling the adrenaline already start to course through your body.
You awkwardly walk side by side to his trailer, both of you stiff as a board. Thankfully, most if not everyone has gone home for the night. But you can’t help but wonder if there’s someone around catching a glimpse at the star Cooper Howard, inviting a young production assistant to his trailer. 
It isn’t until you’re behind closed doors do you actually relax, but not by much. He sits you down on the sofa in his trailer, telling you to take your time as you awkwardly twiddle your thumbs. 
“You didn’t… do anything to upset me.”
“Well, that’s a relief,” he sighs. “But it doesn’t explain why you’ve been avoiding me like the plague.”
“I…” you trail off. “It was to get my feelings to go away.”
God, you can’t believe you just said that. 
You put your head in your hands and feel your cheeks heat up out of embarrassment. That was a terrible idea. Your job that’s barely two weeks old flashes before your eyes. You picture him telling his wife, laughing about the silly girl who thought she could take her man. 
He places a hand on your back, rubbing it softly and catching you off guard. 
“Someone’s got a little crush, huh?”
“I know. I know. It’s embarrassing,” you sigh, trying your hardest not to cry. 
“Don’t be embarrassed, sweetheart. Can I tell you a secret?”
You barely heard what he said after sweetheart. Your ears are ringing with white noise but you can’t bring yourself to look at him just yet. He leans in close, whispering in your ear, “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a crush, too.”
“Oh yeah?” you scoff. “And who might that be?”
“I’ll give you a hint. She’s sittin’ in my trailer right now.”
You look at him with a bewildered expression on your face and say, “You’re joking.”
His face is impossibly close to yours. 
“Cross my heart and hope to die, sweetheart.”
You’re cut off with a kiss, warm and inviting. It tastes like the cinnamon gum you noticed that he chews after each meal. You’re startled at first before you melt into the kiss. His hands envelop your face, keeping you close. But it’s not close enough. You want more. You need more. 
You move into his lap, straddling him and being sure to never break the kiss. His hands move from your face to your waist, holding onto you for dear life. You roll your hips into him and feel a bulge grow in his pants. You can’t believe your mind. You weren’t imagining it. There was something there all along. 
It doesn’t take long for his hands to migrate to your skirt, lifting it before he squeezes your ass, moaning into the kiss before pulling away and cursing under his breath. 
“Underwear off. Now,” he commands. 
You happily oblige, pulling yourself off him to remove your underwear before you straddle him again. He brings his fingers to his mouth, sucking them before playing with your entrance. You lean forward to kiss him again but he stops you, grabbing your chin with his other hand.
“Not so fast. Tell me, when did this crush start?”
“The day we met,” you say in between labored breaths as he teases you. 
“Oh yeah? What was going through that pretty little head of yours?”
“Well, at first I thought you were an extra,” you smirk. 
“You did not,” he says.
“Oh yes, I did.”
“Guess I went from some extra to the man you can’t seem to forget about real quick, huh?” he says.
But before you can answer he slaps your pussy, eliciting a sharp gasp from you.
“Stop teasing me already,” you plead.
“Are you whining?”
“Fuck… Yes.”
“Naughty girl.”
He finally gives in, plunging one finger inside of your already dripping cunt. It doesn’t go unnoticed.
“So wet for me already,” he teases, curling his finger against your walls. 
You place your hands on his shoulders as you roll your hips into him. He watches the physical evidence of your pleasure– your slack jaw, your wide eyes, your chest rising and falling, your cute gasps and moans. All thanks to him. 
He adds a second finger and tells you, “That’s right. Fuck yourself on my fingers.”
You rock your hips back and forth, feeling his fingers push against your g-spot. Your pleasure comes to a head, the floodgates threaten to burst. He can sense it, too, the way your walls tense up around his fingers. 
“Gonna cum?”
“Mhm,” you choke out.
“Let me feel it,” he commands. 
With one last movement of your hips, you cum around his fingers. Your moans fill his trailer but you do your best to bite them back, unsure of who’s lurking outside. Your wetness seeps out of you and runs down his hand, coating your inner thighs in the process. His pupils are wide, looking at you with all of the lust in the world. 
When you’re done coming down from your high, he coaxes you down on your back, thighs spread wide apart. He can’t get his cock out of his pants fast enough, hovering over you as he spreads your wetness on it with a few strokes.
“Such a good girl for me,” he praises, leaning down and pressing kisses along your jawline. All you can do is moan in response, aching for his cock to be inside you already. He slowly thrusts himself inside you and you grip onto his shirt for purchase. A deep moan gets caught in your throat, coming out as a choked-up sob as he draws his hips back and slams into you. He trails kisses from your jawline to your earlobe and down your neck while he repeatedly slams in and out of you. 
“Takin’ my cock like such an angel,” he mutters, nipping at your skin. 
Your second orgasm of the night is imminent, teetering on the edge as his cock hits the most perfect angles inside you. He props himself up on his hand, placing them by either side of your hand. He wants to watch your face as you cum on his cock. And when you do it nearly pulls his own orgasm from him, feeling your warmth clench and release his cock. Tears spring in the corners of your eyes due to the intense high you’re feeling. He watches as the pretty little moans slip past your lips. 
He pulls out and rests on the back of his heels, letting his cum coat your stomach. He cums with a deep groan, sweat glistening on his forehead. The only sound in the trailer is your labored breaths, both of you coming down from your respective highs. He leans forward and grabs a box of tissues on the side table and cleans up the mess he just made before putting his cock away. 
You reach for your underwear and stand up with shaky legs, looking at him as if you’re unsure if you should stay or go because the truth is, you don’t know what to do. At all.
“Should I…?”
He pats on the couch and says, “You don’t have to go just yet.”
You smooth down your skirt and notice a cum stain he left and suddenly feel sick to your stomach. You gingerly sit beside him, keeping your posture tight and controlled as he looks at you. He notices it right away. 
“Are you okay?”
“I’m… fine. Just intimidated I guess?”
“You can’t possibly be intimidated by me after that,” he chuckles. But then he adds, “Here, let me try to calm you down. Do you want to know what I thought of you when I first saw you?”
You turn towards him and say, “Sure.”
“I thought you were absolutely beautiful. Still do.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Mhm. But I also thought you seemed nervous.”
“I was.”
“But then I thought… What is she doing paying attention to me?”
“I could say the same for you,” you smile.
He leans in closer and kisses you again, hands enveloping your face once more. His breath is warm and his skin is slick with sweat. But you also realize… he smells like you and you wonder how he’s going to explain that to his wife. 
He pulls away and glances at the clock on the wall. 
“We should probably go. Gotta be here early tomorrow.”
“Right,” you say, standing up. “Should we go separately?”
“No need. There’s no one here this late.”
“You do this often?” you joke.
“No. Never,” he says nervously. 
He opens the door and starts leading you back to the parking lot. He was right. The studio’s dead at this hour. The tension hangs heavy in the air and an awkward silence falls between you two. 
“You know… I’m not going to tell anyone,” you say, not looking at him.
“Thank you,” he says in a small voice. 
Once you’re back at your car, you can’t help but ask him, “So… What are you going to tell her?”
“I’ll just tell her a shoot ran late. It happens here and there.”
“Okay,” you nod, starting to get in your car. You secretly hope he’ll kiss you good night but in your heart, you know he won’t. 
And you were right. He doesn’t. 
“Good night,” he whispers.
“Good night,” you whisper back before he walks back to his car. 
While you’re left alone, reeling from what just happened. A strange feeling swirls around inside you. But you’re not quite sure if it’s a sense of achievement or regret. 
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Part two
End note: If you’d like to be added to the tag list, comment or shoot me an ask!!
If you like my work, consider supporting me on Ko-fi 🤍
Check out the series playlist! 🎶
Fic notifs: @beskarandblastersfics
Dividers: @saradika-graphics
Tag list: @widowmakerow @bisasterbisexual @wowitsem @vegetarianvamp @celestial-vomit
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llamagoddessofficial · 4 months
In today's age of magic, shapeshifting has never been easier or more frequent. Have you started to notice your partner has some strange quirks? Does your husband, wife, spouse or significant other demonstrate some odd behaviours that you've only started to take real notice of after significant time together? Accidentally getting into a relationship with a nonhuman is more common than you might think. Here's a handy guide on some entities your partner might be, in case you feel you need to approach that topic.
1 - Fae Fae are a very diverse race, ranging wildly in appearance and power, and disguising themselves as humans is an everyday occurrence. You most likely grew up on stories about not giving your name to strangers, in case they are Fae - unknowingly marrying a Fae is shockingly common, the Bureau of Nonhuman Entities (BoNE) estimates that anywhere between 0.5 to 2% of human marriages actually include one or more Fae in disguise. Here are the signs your partner may be Fae.
A 'green thumb', very knowledgeable about highly local plants and fungi
Strong aptitude for poetry and instruments, a very beautiful singing voice. They highly enjoy writing songs for you, composing poems about you, and singing together.
Enjoys singing you to sleep.
Wild animals are completely unafraid of them, and often approach both of you
Loves gold jewellery, but abjectly refuses to wear anything silver.
Sees suspiciously well in the dark
Cannot get drunk - Fae are often immune to human poisons
Acquaintances of yours describe your partner as 'ethereal', 'enchanting', or 'hypnotising'. You may hear comments that your partner seems out of your league.
They place a very heavy emphasis on manners and politeness, and can quickly grow upset when social rules are not followed.
When frustrated, they use swear words you've never heard before
Fae are frequently attracted to neurodivergent humans. If you're neurodivergent the likelihood is even higher.
2 - Deity Again, more common than you might think. Deities both minor and major often find themselves attracted to humans, and stories of these romances are baked into our histories. Your spouse may be the God of anything from a very specific kind of flower, to a certain weather pattern, to (rarely) something very big like knowledge or the ocean itself. They're harder to spot than Fae, often indistinguishable from a normal human thanks to their many years observing people.
The biggest clue is that they don't notice pain, and never seem to get hurt. They'll have invulnerability or high resistance to things such as burning, freezing, drowning, cutting, and blunt force trauma. They might not notice they've put their hand on a hot burner, for example.
Speaks in strangely archaic language, often misunderstanding modern trends and linguistics. Oddly knowledgeable around ancient subjects.
They may randomly smell like blood and/or smoke. This is often a sign they've just received an offering, and the intensity of the smell is stronger with more powerful deities.
They can immediately tell when someone is lying, usually without giving a cause for the knowledge.
The two of you share pet names of a celestial nature, such as "star", "nova", "sun", "moon", "comet".
When upset, they have a highly commanding voice that can shake glass or cause bizarre events to happen (ie; mist indoors, words on a page scrambling, lights changing colour).
Heightened interest in the topic of immortality - particularly your views on it. Frequently asking you 'how you would feel' if you would live forever.
3 - Dragon A very rare (but not impossible) phenomena, most people have no idea that dragons are intelligent and emotionally complex beings that can very convincingly disguise themselves. Living in caves isn't for everyone and loneliness is not just a human feeling.
Very wealthy, but with no clear sign of where the wealth originates from. They may say their money comes from a 'long-term investment'.
Highly passionate lover. Deeply devoted and affectionate, sometimes to the point of it being inappropriate in public. Enjoys big displays of affection and physical intimacy. May need to be told to slow down.
Abandonment issues. This often stems from the highly violent childhood many dragons experience, and the frequent loss of loved ones to dragonslayers. They might be reluctant to be separated too long.
Has a particular item they enjoy hoarding. This could be clothes, trinkets, plushies, shoes, anything at all. You may find that they're very easygoing about you touching their collection, maybe they even actively make you part of the hoard. They may dress you in collected clothes, sort their collected plushies around your bed, or ask you to wear jewellery they've found. But they'll become extremely agitated and aggressive if anyone other than you tries to interact with 'their things'.
Prone to anger, quick-tempered.
Frequently concerned about your health, seems to perceive you as delicate and easily injured.
Please remember that if your partner IS nonhuman, they almost certainly didn't intentionally lie. Human relationships will seem very fast to other entities. Many transform into humans for a fun year out, find themselves head over heels in love, and then can't figure out the right time to tell their human lover the truth. Try not to hold it against them, everyone has their quirks!
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queen-of-reptiles · 6 months
description: in which Leah and Lessi take the Arsenal lot out to their favourite bar, and katie's crush suddenly becomes not so secret
katie mccabe x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction do not take any of this seriously !
warnings: swearing, slightly suggestive and sexual, a few make-outs
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Katie had always liked to go out on a morning walk. Ever since she broke up with her girlfriend of seven years just over a year ago, Katie had made a good habit of getting up before 8am to go for a walk.
It used to help her think things through and try and get herself together before training. Now it just relaxes her, and let her see her.
The girl in question was someone who Katie had been watching for nearly four months now. Every weekday. Creepy, she was aware. But the gorgeous girl was just so intimidating.
She walked through London Colney with a coffee in one hand, a cigarette in the other and constantly listening to music on her rose gold beats.
Her outfits were fantastic and every time Katie watched her pass by, she would always send a kind smile from her perfectly painted lips.
Her skin was flawless, her hair like something form a L'Oreal commercial and her eyes were the most invasive and hauntingly beautiful things Katie had ever seen.
In conclusion, Katie was down bad. She loved the way her head bobbed to her music or the way the stranger would move her cigarette away from Katie, so she couldn't smell it as much.
And as Katie woke up today, Thursday, tomorrow would be the day before the Chelsea vs Arsenal match, she made herself a promise that she was going to speak to this girl today.
Katie made her way out of her apartment, happily humming along to the music as she walked her head down as she tried to think about where she could speak to the girl.
Just as Katie looked up there was a force into her chest and a squeak. There is a crash on the floor as iced coffee splashes onto the pavement.
Katie looks down and gulps as she realises the girl who has been occupying her thoughts all morning stood pressed against her chest, her coffee now scattered over the street.
"I'm so sorry lass, I wasn't lookin'." Katie apologises. The girl sends her a bright smile, shaking her head as she bends down and picks up the coffee cup and bins it.
"Please, it was my fault, in my own head this morning it seems." The girl denies, pulling her beats down to rest around her head, the faint sound of Hozier coming from them.
"What'cha in your own head about?" Katie questions kindly, the girl smiles.
"How to get you to come and speak to me." She giggles, her London accent pushing through her words.
Katie can't help the chuckle which escapes her lips, her secret admiring from afar clearly having been noticed by the beauty stood in front of her.
"Ahh, ya got me." Katie smiles. "Katie." She introduces, holding her hand out.
"I'm aware." The girl smiles, but shakes her hand anyway. "y/n." She adds.
"Beautiful name for a stunnin' girl." Katie beams and y/n smiles again, laughing lightly. She leans over and stubs out the cigarette, smiling softly.
"Apologies for the smoke, I'm sure you footballers try and steer clear." y/n hums.
"They kill ya, y'know?" Katie asks and y/n raises a brow.
"Really?" She gasps mockingly. "Thanks for the warning, I'll stop right away." She nods and Katie chuckles at the sarcasm.
"Ok ok, I was just sayin'." Katie surrenders and y/n laughs again, suddenly her phone vibrates, the Harry Potter theme tune echoing as she smiles apologetically at Katie and answers it.
"Alrigh' alrigh', I'm coming you prick!" She says lightly into the phone. She laughs at whatever is said. "I'll see you in a second babe." She hums.
Katie's heart sinks at the use of the pet-name, her once racing heart now slowing as the beautiful girl laughs again and hangs up the phone, Katie clear her throat.
"Boyfriend?" She asks, trying to not so subtly see if the girl was taken.
"Best friend." y/n hums at her and Katie's heart lifts slightly. "There's no one if that is what you're trying to figure out." y/n adds. "Besides, it wouldn't be a boyfriend." She adds.
At that confirmation Katie's heart leaps, she felt as if she had just scored against Chelsea already and it took everything in her not to whisper a small 'yes'.
"I have to go Katie love." y/n hums, the nickname making Katie almost shiver.
"Can I get your number?" Katie asks.
"Meet me here tomorrow, 8:15, iced caramel latte." y/n winks, before she sidesteps the woman and walks off, Katie turns but y/n just looks back and sends a wink before disappearing into a crowd of people.
The next morning, Katie was stood at 8:10 with an iced caramel latte which she thought was far too cold for the already crisp morning, her head was up and waiting for the shorter girl who had occupied her thoughts for months.
"I'm impressed." y/n hummed, as she slid next to Katie, the woman's head snapping to her and a smile over-taking her features.
"M'lady." Katie grinned, handing her the drink.
y/n laughed, the sound as sweet as angels singing to Katie and the Irishwoman made a promise to herself to keep y/n laughing as long as she could, because the sound warmed her blood.
"Thank you." y/n smiled, her beats were resting around her neck once more and she began to walk and Katie followed quickly after, almost jolting into action.
"So, where are we going?" Katie asks.
"You are walking me to work, then I am assuming you have training before the big game tomorrow." y/n hums and Katie looks down at her.
"Okay." Katie nods. "You clearly know football." Katie adds and y/n chuckles as she moves through the crowd of people who were leaving from a tube station.
"You could say that, yeah." y/n nods as she checks the road, her spare hand, free of a cigarette today Katie noted, reaching down for Katie's.
y/n gripped it lightly and pulled her across the quiet road before dropping her hand once they got back onto the pavement. Katie found herself clenching and unclenching a fist to try and rid herself of the sparks which were left in y/n's wake.
The two made small talk for the next ten minutes, learning about each other's favourite colours and music tastes, laughs were shared more often that not.
However, the laughs shared were only due to the fact Katie was trying her best to be as funny as possible, desperate to hear the laugh from the stunning girl stood beside her.
"So, what do you do?" Katie asks, looking down at the girl sipping her coffee.
"I'm a barista and bartender." y/n explains as they near a coffee shop which Katie walked past everyday.
It was on the corner of her street, a relatively big venue which she remembered turned into a bar once evening settled over London. She'd never been in, having liked to stick to her favourite places.
If y/n worked here, she was kicking herself for being so bad at trying something new.
There were cute pastel wooden tables and chairs out the front, only a few since not many people sat outside during the winter. Inside were booths and comfy chairs.
Cushions, blankets and a long bar decorated the coffee shop, a window of pastries and cakes sat out as well. A girl was bustling around, mouthing along to the music as she waved at y/n through the window.
y/n waved back and turned to Katie, who she noticed was looking at the six cats lying lazily inside the coffee shop and she chuckled as Katie then looked at her.
"We are not supposed to be a cat cafe, but they were all rescues and people love them so they stay." y/n explains.
She then smiles as Katie looks at her watch, sighing at the fact that she would have to get back to her place, which luckily wasn't far and head over for their long day of training.
"Thanks for walking me." y/n adds, she leans up and pecks Katie's cheek, leaving the woman slightly stunned for a moment. "See you soon!" y/n calls.
"Wait, what does that mean?" Katie asks, but y/n just ignores her as her friend lets her in and they begin to set up the open for nine am. Katie sighs, but know she is going to be late if she doesn't go.
So, with one last fleeting look at the gorgeous girl who was laughing at something, Katie touched her cheek and set off home.
The next day, Katie's head was far to focused to let many thoughts of y/n slip through, a few had, she wasn't afraid to admit, in fact the idea of the smiling girl was keeping her rather calm.
As they stepped out onto the pitch, Katie could hardly hear her heartbeat over the screams of the Arsenal fans, but she rolled her shoulders back and waited.
As soon as the whistle went for kick off Katie's blood pumped and the fire in her heart roared as she ran, she hardly payed attention to the people shouting her name.
The clock ban to tick, minutes running from them as Katie crossed the ball into the box, Beth Mead finding it and burying it in the back of the net.
Shouts of excitement echoed, Katie launching at Beth and shouting in happiness as they were surrounded. The group runs back to reset and Katie looks over to the crowd.
People jumped and cheered for her, for Beth, for them, a suddenly determination pushed through her to play the game at the same level or better.
As the half time whistle blew, the group couldn't believe they were three - one up against Chelsea. Katie was walking toward the tunnel when she saw her.
Leah was next to her the two talking animatedly about something, she was in a black puffer coat zipped and had an Arsenal beanie on her head.
Leah saw Katie watching and waved at her sending her a proud nod, then y/n turned, a wink sent Katie's way before she turned back to Leah and the continued talking.
As Katie got into the changing room, her heart continued to race, the cheeky eyes of y/n pushing through her body, the name ringing in her head.
Of course. Leah and Alessia often talked about their joint friend, the one who Leah had said she owed her happiness too, the girl having met her when Leah was crying drunk in the bar about her ACL.
Leah who was alone, was helped by y/n who let the blonde stay the night, cooked her breakfast in the morning and then answered Alessia's worried phone call.
Once Alessia finally came to Arsenal Leah had happily introduced to the girl she had described her angel, and while the team had never met her, she was often talked about.
Of course the girl Katie was crushing on was her, of course it bloody was. And as Katie stepped outside for the second half, suddenly her determination grew.
y/n felt awful, she truly did, but just after Alessia had scored her penalty her best friend had called and asked her into work explaining they had a newbie call in sick.
Leah promised her it was okay and that she would see the golden retriever of a human later. y/n had left Leah with a kind hug and ran off, and as she left the stands, she saw Katie's shoulders deflate.
However, y/n couldn't think about that, she changed into a red jumpsuit and quickly switched into work mode, her make-up done in twenty minutes and her hair scraped back into a long ponytail.
Several hours passed, y/n doing her job when her best friend and boss, Jamie came over, the woman placing her hand on y/n's shoulders.
"Haley's here now y/n/n, you can go and get ready for your fist set of the night." Jamie said as y/n served another drink, Haley nodding at y/n kindly as she slid onto the bar.
"Sure Mimi, Leah here yet?" y/n asked and Jamie nodded, pointing over to the VIP section where the group stood.
"You okay with serving them when you're not playing?" Jamie asked and y/n nodded as she moved around Adam, another server of the night.
"Yeah course." y/n grinned, the VIP section had it's own bar so the VIP's didn't need to wait in line.
y/n checked her face in the mirror, noticing Katie stood slightly out of eyeline in her jeans and tight black tank top, her arms almost making y/n choke.
y/n then slid over to the section, her arms wrapping around the familiar blonde who had played so well in the match. Recognising the feeling Alessia beamed.
"Angel!" Leah cheered noticing her as Alessia turned and bear-hugged the girl.
"Hi my loves." y/n hummed. "You were so good today, I am so sorry I had to leave early." y/n praised to Alessia who smiled brightly.
"It's okay, Lee explained." She promised her friend who smiled before sliding under the bar.
"Right ladies, this is the angel y/n we go on about." Leah said, as she quickly went around the group that had come out.
"Kim, Kyra, Cloe, Caitlin, Katie." Alessia began.
"Lotta hard k's." y/n joked and Leah chuckled.
"Lotte, Manu, Jen, Steph, Laura, Laia, Amanda, Frida, Lia, Victoria, Lina, Stina." Leah continued.
"And you obviously know Beth and Viv." Alessia finished, the couple the only two to have met y/n in the recent months.
"Yes, hi all, I'm y/n, I am your bartender tonight so yay me, and I know all of your names anyway." y/n added. "Also, great game today." She adds.
A chorus of thank yous echo before y/n sighs and looks out at the sea of 21 players and rubbed her hands together before opening the till and getting ready to start the tab.
"What we drinking?" She asks. After about twenty minutes, each player had a drink, other than Katie who waited patiently.
Leah had noticed the way Katie had lingered around the bar, the way her eyes followed y/n's every move as she made the drinks, somewhere in the back of her mind she realised what a good couple the two could make.
"Let me guess? A Guinness?" y/n asked, rolling her eyes as Katie grinned. "Of course you have the longest pouring drink last." She adds.
Usually, if people ordered a Guinness last on their orders y/n would rage, because it meant she would have to wait for it to settle before moving on, but as she looked at Katie, she didn't care.
"Why didn't ya mention you knew Lee and Less, oh and Beth and Viv?" Katie asks and y/n shrugs.
"You never asked." She tells Katie as she stops the Guinness letting the liquor settle.
"Fair enough." Katie chuckled, y/n smiled softly her head turning briefly to check the clock.
"You played well today." y/n said quietly. "I didn't realise you could be so violent." She adds and Katie smirks.
"I'm as scary as they come me." Katie grins and y/n laughs which widens Katie's grin.
"Well, you're alright. I'll give you that." y/n chuckles, Katie leans forward on the bar, her arms tensing.
y/n's gaze moves down to the tanned skin which sat there and she gulped before looking away and finishing the Guinness. Katie notices her gaze and smirks.
"Just alrigh'?" She asks teasingly but y/n just places the Guinness on the bar.
"Order up." She smiles before moving to where Jamie stood, Katie smirked at the girl's flustered cheeks and turned to lean on the bar, her eyes catching Leah's who sent her a knowing wink and a smile.
She'd been given permission, that was what Leah had given her there, she had said with her eyes 'I see it, I'm okay with it.' and Katie relaxed with that.
"Yes!" Alessia suddenly said, and the group turned to see y/n suddenly on the stage with the DJ and a live band.
"Right, yes yes, hello." y/n said into the mic, the crowd suddenly screaming and Katie furrowed her brows. "Okay, it's a Saturday night, most here are gooners, I know." y/n continued.
The crowd got louder at that and y/n laughed, the cheers were directed toward the VIP section, but Katie was impressed at the way no one had tried to sneak to them.
She loved the fans, she did, but they could be crazy, so the fact none of them had tried to approach just showed how good this bar really was she supposed.
"Not all of us." The guitarist suddenly chimed in, his long hair pushing out of his face as he nodded his head at y/n who laughed.
"Come on you irons!" She cheered, several loud cheers ringing out.
"She's a Hammers fan?" Jen asked Leah in shock and Leah laughed, nodding her head.
"Hammer-head yeah." Leah grinned and the Arsenal group shared a laugh.
"Anyway, let's fucking party." y/n said before the song kicked in. Katie almost jumped at the trumpets playing from the recording and as the drum began people danced.
"Well there is something going down! Like the storm in the sky. Oh." y/n sang, her voice powerful.
Katie's eyes widened at her live voice, so good, so powerful, so free and as her teammates began to dance to the song Katie couldn't help but watch y/n as she performed into the chorus.
"Mama knows best when, times get a hard! And papa always has a joke, to make me laugh. See mama knows best when, I feel down, to pick me up and always keep my feet on solid ground." y/n continued.
Katie didn't think she could have fallen any harder, but the second y/n started singing, she realised how wrong she was.
After an hour of Katie's teammates dancing around her while she stared in shock at y/n who was performing as if she was at Wembley. The singer thanked the crowd and said she would be back in an hour.
She then disappeared into the sea of people and despite trying, Katie could no longer see her. She sighed and shook her head when Leah slid next to her.
"So, you seem to know y/n somewhat?" Leah asks Katie, a relaxed tone in her voice.
"It's all a bit confusin' really." Katie admitted. "We pass each other on our morning walks and then the other day we just crashed into each other, talked and then I walked her to work yesterday." Katie explains.
"Right, and how long have you been seeing her on your walks?" Leah asks, raising a brow.
"4 months, and I know it sounds bad, and I had no idea who she was before it clicked at the game, but I've continued those walks, just to see her." Katie winces.
"She's like that. Totally addictive." Leah nods and Katie pauses.
"Have you and her - uh..." Katie begins, Leah bursts into laughter, shaking her head.
"No, god no!" Leah denies. "She's just my friend, my best friend really, but she just has this way about her, I can't explain it." Leah hums.
"She fuckin' stunnin' as well." Katie sighs and Leah chuckles.
"I think you'd be good together." Leah adds to Katie who smiles at her in thanks. "She's never really been one for relationships, her last one ended well, but I think she just got scared of it again." Leah adds.
"I didn't think she'd be scared of a thing." Katie hummed and Leah chuckles.
"Wait til you see her around a spider." She warns and Katie laughs as she looks around for her.
"Looking for someone?" A call asks, the two turning around to see y/n pouring Caitlin another drink, the footballer cheering when it's passed to her.
"Angel, as fantastic as always." Leah grins and y/n laughs sending a wink her way.
"Had to impress tonight, we had some VIP's in the house." y/n grins and Leah chuckles.
"Katie's got something to ask you." Leah nods, before walking away leaving Katie silently panicking as she tries to play it off cool.
"Do you?" y/n asks Katie.
"Date me!" Katie says suddenly, before wincing and sighing as she tries not to hit herself in the face. "I mean, go on a date with me?" Katie asks. "Please?" She adds.
"I'd love to." y/n smiles and Katie grins.
"Really?" She asks.
"Of course Katie." y/n smiles. "Now, give me your phone while I pour you another drink." She orders and Katie does so, watching as y/n taps her number in, stopping the Guinness pouring without looking up so she can let it settle.
"I didn't know you could sing either." Katie adds before y/n sends her a look. "Right, didn't ask." Katie nods again.
"Come on." y/n hums as Jamie takes her place, handing her a coat.
"Where are we goin'?" Katie asks, but she takes y/n's outstretched hand never-the-less and lets her pull her out the back and to a small covered area with two heat lamps and a table.
"Smoking shed." y/n says obviously as she lights a cigarette up and turns the heat lamps on.
"You sing and you smoke." Katie says. "Isn't that like oxymoronic?" She asks and y/n shrugs.
Katie moves forward to take the cigarette from the girl but hisses when a harsh slap is placed on the back of her hand.
"Bleedin' woman!" Katie curses and y/n grins happily as she inhales once more on the cigarette. "What'cha do that for?" Katie adds.
"You tried to take my cigarette." y/n says simply, and Katie huffs before darting forward again, trying to reach for the stick, y/n shrieks and skirts around the table, trying to run away.
Katie however is already quicker than her and isn't wearing heels like she is and wraps her arms tightly around y/n so she can grip the cigarette carefully and throw it onto the floor.
"Katie!" y/n whines out in annoyance, turning around to face the footballer who kept a tight grip on her waist. "I wanted that." She huffs.
"I want you." Katie says without thinking. y/n looks at her a small smile on her face before she lets out a laugh, Katie smiling sheepishly as y/n grips her shoulders as she giggles.
"Somehow, that was both smooth and terrible." y/n giggles and Katie chuckles with her.
"I'm not usually this shit at flirtin'." She promises and y/n chuckles.
"Well, let's see if your better at kissing." She mutters before her lips are on Katie's.
The Irishwoman was definitely better at kissing than she was flirting, her lips softly pressing against y/n's before she pushed her hips forward, causing y/n to stumble back into the table.
At the move, y/n gasped, her mouth opening just enough for Katie to dive her tongue in and her hands came up to keep y/n's head in place. Suddenly she was everywhere in her mouth.
It was as if she was mapping y/n's mouth with her own, every inch she could reach being touched by her tongue which finally came to clash into y/n's with the passion of four months of obsession.
Katie didn't slow down as she slid her hands down, lifting y/n onto the table so she could work at a better angle. Her hands pawing at her waist, thighs and hips.
The two parted briefly before diving back in, y/n's hands holding tightly onto Katie's shoulders, her grip tightening further when Katie's lips wondered down her neck, burning the skin she touched.
Katie bit down against y/n's shoulder as she kissed back up, y/n letting out a soft whimper at the action which was better than Katie could have dreamed of.
"If I don't stop now, I'll fuck you into this table." Katie whispered breathlessly against y/n's ear and she sighed, the two pulling away breathless and aroused.
"Definitely better at kissing." y/n breathed, eyes wide and pupils dilated. Katie laughed at that, pressing another chaste kiss to her lips before sighing.
"Come on, lets get inside." She hums and y/n nods. "So, I'll pick you up tomorrow at six?" She asks as they move to the door.
"Only if you stay the night." y/n counters back and Katie smirks.
"I intend on it." She promises lowly and y/n grins as they re-join the bar.
y/n's eyes find Leah's and the blonde smirks at her before smiling and y/n smiles back as she slides back under the bar and finishes off Katie's Guinness which had been more than settled, the woman waiting for it with a smirk.
"Order up!"
this is my christmas gift to you all! you get three fics from me today - so look out for the third later on xoxoxox
Queenie x
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mayullla · 3 months
Hello hello, good day/evening to you, hope ur week has been fine!
May I request (if its still open?) Yan!Baizhu with fem reader? It's rare to see someone write for him after all 🦋🌷 thank you
Title: Gold Rings
Character(s): Baizhu (Genshin Impact) Summary: You didn't remember your fiance after you fell from the cliff and were rescued but he continued to stay by your side as your doctor. Warnings/tags: Yandere Baizhu x amnesia fem!reader, manipulation, 2k word count
[ - A little present~! Event - Closed - ]
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You stared at the ceiling, made of brown wood, but found nothing interesting. Awake with nothing to do, you could not help but raise your left hand at the ceiling, reaching for something that wasn't there.
You weren't sure what you were reaching for.
But all you could do was stare at the ring on your finger. A thin gold band reflected the sunset light from the window.
You remember nothing. Nothing at all.
You were still healing; your body ached in pain if you moved too suddenly, even when most of it was somewhat healed. It was hard to stay still, frustrating as you tried to remember the past, as if you were trying to reach the fringes of the past yet barely able to touch it.
"You should rest, my dear." You almost jumped, startled at the calm yet disappointed voice. It wasn't loud, but after staying in the room alone for a long time, your ears were sensitive to his voice. "I brought you some food. Have you slept well?" the voice asked.
You recognized that voice somewhat, not as a voice that you heard in the past that you could not remember, but it was the first voice you heard after waking up in this room. Dropping your hand to the side of the mattress, you pushed yourself up slowly with his help. Sudden movements made you dizzy, which you had to learn the hard way. Looking up again, you looked into his golden eyes, slit pupils. His eyes almost reminded you of that of a snake.
"Y-yes," you told him, nodding your head slowly, which prompted a smile on his lips and a crinkle in his eyes. "Ah, that is good. A good rest is always needed when you are sick," he told you as he took the stool that was beside your bed and took a seat on it, placing the food tray on his lap. You had to think for a moment... What was his name..? He had told you before, but it had escaped your mind for a moment as you blinked owlishly at him.
“Hmmm?” He looked at you, tilting his head as if wondering why you were staring at him like that.
Baizhu... you thought to yourself, a hidden delight that you were able to remember his name when you didn't remember much else. He... he was your doctor.
And the man to whom you were engaged.
He was the first person you saw when you opened your eyes, right beside you, sleeping on the chair with his head on top of his crossed arms on top of the bed. You saw the dark circles under his eyes and his pitiful state. Yet your awkward movements caused him to get up, his eyes wide like saucers as he held your hand, crying and pained.
You didn't remember much after that, forced to go back to sleep still too tired. But you remembered the shock and pain in his eyes when he saw the confusion in your eyes as you looked at him. The question of who he was looked like you had shattered him greatly, yet he kept up the act of someone strong. Asking you questions like your name and who you were, most of which you were able to answer. He asked you if you knew how you ended up here, but you didn't remember that.
He tried to be as gentle as possible with the news. Amnesia. You were out and about collecting herbs in horrible weather in the high cliffs of Liyue, where you had a slip and fell, tumbling down a small cliff. Thankfully, you were just smart enough not to head to the steep cliffs, for if you fell from the high mountains, you would have probably died.
Baizhu was kind... too kind, in fact, you thought to yourself, feeling nothing more than a stranger. You didn't understand his kindness when there were no memories to back up the overly kind gestures. Most doctors would not go to this point, to be fair, kind... They didn't try to see their patients almost every hour, every day.
But you also felt guilty.
Because even though you didn't understand the reason, there was a reason why he acted like this. You still remember the pain in his eyes when he realized that you didn't remember the time spent with him, his love, or your own love towards him. He barely covered up all his pain with a smile and his glasses, with the snake around his neck observing him as you looked at him with guilt.
You lived alone in the harbor of Liyue, having moved here and stayed for a long while now. Baizhu told you that you worked for him, with Qiqi collecting herbs and medicinal flowers for ingredients for medicines and remedies. Baizhu said that you were a hard-working person and that sometimes you would help at the pharmacy too.
"I could make some time and head to your home again today. I tried to look for your diary, but even when I looked everywhere, I wasn't able to find it," Baizhu said with a sorrowful expression. You had asked him to send someone to fetch your diary so that you could see your own past that you had written.
However, it was not found.
You shook your head, telling Baizhu that it was okay. Maybe the diary was with you when you were up in the mountains, as you sometimes took it with you outside. Baizhu looked heartbroken, unable to look at you in the eyes, as the proof that you and he were lovers, other than the rings, was gone. The snake that was wrapped around his neck was not there to cover up the awkward silence between the two of you.
You felt guilty that you didn't remember, unable to remember something that was almost like it didn't happen. Looking at his hand, a ring shined under the light from the candlestick. The sun was setting, and before it got too dark, Baizhu had lit the candle. A simple band, yet the same color as yours. You wondered what your relationship with him was like, how much you showed it outside to the public and inside, how long you had feelings for him, or who confessed first. You do not remember even one thing. Reaching out, you placed your hand on top of his, smiling at him.
You wondered if you should trust him. It would be awkward if not hard to start everything again, but if your relationship with him was real, then you thought that it would not be hard to bring those feelings back again. You remembered the people who visited you, Qiqi, who you remembered was a zombie and had a hard time remembering, talked to you in a way that showed she knew you. She would often hand you some flowers that she picked at the mountain, hoping that you would get well soon. Clearly, that was enough to tell you that you were at the pharmacy often or had multiple trips to the mountain with her collecting herbs.
Not only that, the people who knew you also visited, some friends who stayed by your side. While a little awkward at first, having a hard time sinking in the fact that their friend may not be remembered, many of the memories spent together, while some others were more mature about it and tried to help you whenever they could. They all said the same thing, though, that you were a private person when it came to love, but they were also not surprised by the ring on your hand. Some said that they noticed it before the accident but didn't have the time to comment on it before, as you looked very busy to stop and have a chat about it back then.
They didn't look all that surprised when you told them that Baizhu was your fiancé, as he had told them a little while ago before coming here. They also thought that it was highly likely that it was him of all people. They had seen you two together multiple times before, after all, though not announced as a couple, there was certainly chemistry there, one of them commented.
When you were finally able to go out, many regulars who had to visit the pharmacy often greeted you in surprise when they finally saw you. They had heard of what happened and could only feel sorry as they asked if you were alright. It was there too that people talked about you and Baizhu being together. "It was horrible that such a thing had happened to such a lovely couple," an old grandmother commented. When you asked them to go into more detail, the granny and older ladies all told you in enthusiasm of how cute the two of you were while they watched from the side waiting for their medication.
It was hard to believe, yet the more people talked, the easier it became to believe that you and him were lovers. Your engagement was recent, and you didn't have enough time to tell others about it before the incident.
Baizhu watched as you talked to the elderly who told you many stories of what they saw between you and Baizhu as you listened to them, hesitantly wondering if this was the truth or not. Other than the engagement rings, it must have been difficult to believe that you and him were lovers with hardly enough physical proof. All you had to go with was him and the people's words.
How splendidly did this work in his favor.
You see, you were never his to begin with. You had a lover who lived deep in the mountains, whom you would visit often on your trips. You kept it a secret from everyone. The only reason why he knew when it would have been difficult for him to follow you up high mountains was Qiqi.
Qiqi, after all, was very fond of you and more often than not tried her best to remember moments by writing them in her diary to keep. It wasn't him looking at the small girl's diary that he knew that, but more so a slip of the tongue of some sort. Whenever it was the two of you who went on a trip, Qiqi always came back telling that she had remembered someone talking to you often, also helping her get to flowers that were a little difficult to grab easily due to her height.
It seemed that you had started to take an interest in another man. Baizhu wasn't happy, annoyed more than anything that you had fallen for someone else. Changsheng mocked him for his frustrations, but was startled by his irritated demeanor. It wasn't supposed to show, and most didn't notice, but he supposed those who knew him knew that he was in a very bad mood right now and learned to avoid him unless it was something very important.
Yet before he could do anything drastic, it seemed that the archons had done everything for him instead. You just had to go to him in this heavy storm and hurt yourself. You knew of the storm, yet the feeling just didn't sit right with you as you continued to think about that man. Something was wrong. You left the pharmacy even when Baizhu told you not to leave.
How shocked he was when you came back very injured and with amnesia. Even if he was saddened, scared even, that you were in pain, Baizhu could not help but become a little delighted.
When you looked so worried, your poor, soft, lovely heart was unable to stand the idea that he was hurt when it was all a lie in the first place that he was your fiancé. Changsheng pointed out sarcastically that he was deranged in the head when it came to you. Too sly already, yet when it came to you, it seemed that he was greedy.
And maybe he was, when you were placed right in front of him, how could he not consume his precious little thing’s mind?
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seokgyuu · 11 months
Hello beloved 💕 please give me best friend Dino who helps you get the attention of your crush (any member surprise me) and it results in a messy, hot threesome 😭😭 as rough and as mean as you can muster.
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a/n: well, well nana... you kind of did this to yourself! but i'll gladly write this for you <3 love you, hope you like it my beloved! thank you @playmetheclassics for the banner ily <3
PAIRING: BestFriend!Richboy!Chan x Richgirl!Reader x TennisInstructor!Mingyu
WARNINGS: chan has dirty thoughts, fingering, finger sucking, bit of exhibitionism, once again chan and reader in an elevator, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, mean dom!chan, kinda mean dom!mingyu, degradation (usage of the words: slut, whore), pet names (baby, princess, good girl, baby girl), orgasm denial, tit job, cum eating, creampie
WORDCOUNT: 5.6k (woops)
Requests are open! Check out my 1k special!
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Chan knows you incredibly well. He knows when you’re happy and when you’re sad. Knows when you like to be left alone or when you crave attention. That’s what being a best friend is all about, he thinks. He also thinks that you’re extremely oblivious to the huge amount of attraction he feels towards you. Because besides all those things he knows, there are more things he knows. It’s comical, really, how little you understand what effect you have on him, or anyone really. You don’t know that Chan dies a little every time you take off your clothes in front of him when you change into something comfier. You don’t know how many nights Chan had fought himself not to press himself against your backside when he slept over at your place - in your bed. Maybe it’s his own fault for not telling you, but Chan is content with where he is standing in your life and isn’t exactly keen on confessing he’d like to fuck you. 
“You really think this looks fine?” Chan is sitting on one of the armchairs in the boutique you’re currently in trying on dozens of dresses for one of your Dad’s charity galas. The dress you have on now is off shoulder, long and gold and it fits you so perfectly Chan once again feels the need to drag you anywhere to just… he shifts in his seat.
“You look beautiful in every dress you’ve tried on before, Y/N. Just… pick one.”
“But I don’t know which one!” You turn around to face your best friend, pout on your lips and Chan sighs, closing the incredibly bland fashion magazine he had open on his lap.
“How about the most expensive one? I bet Daddy would be thrilled to see his little girl spend all his money on a dress again.”
Scoffing, you roll your eyes at Chan and look back at the mirror. Maybe this is the one. It’s a bit extravagant, but after all you are the daughter of the host. Chewing on your bottom lip, head tilted to the side, you think about why you’re even trying so hard in the first place. You think of thick arms, of polo shirts that strain against said thick arms, you think of tennis shorts barely able to cover the thighs you would love to sit on or between. 
“Earth to Y/N,” Chan frowns, “will you take this or not? Our lunch reservation is in fifteen minutes!” 
Bringing your head back to its normal position, you sigh dramatically again, throwing your hands up in the air.
“Fine! I’ll get this one.” Hurrying back into the changing room, you don’t notice Chan’s eyes following you, don’t notice the little crack between the curtain, that is supposed to hide your body from stranger’s eyes, and the frame. You don’t notice the hunger in his eyes when he sees the dress slide down your body, nothing but your pink thong adjourning your silhouette. 
Fuck. Chan licks his lips, not able to take his eyes off you. He doesn’t see much, just a bit of your right side and yet it is enough to get his blood stream down south. Ridiculous, he thinks, he is getting absolutely ridiculous. Finally averting his gaze, he gets up, wiping his sweaty hands off on his jeans and looks up when you come out, the dress hanging inside the changing room still as you wave over an employee that gladly takes it to the front with you. 
“I’ll wait in the car.” Chan says now and you nod, giving him a smile as you follow the lady to the cashier, your Dad’s credit card already in your hand and ready to solve its main purpose: make you happy. 
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Lunch is uneventful, except for the fact you finally come clean about your crush on your Dad’s tennis instructor. Chan stares at you, his cute forehead in cute little frowns. Most about Chan is cute. Or at least it used to be. Ever since he started hitting the gym things have been different, but you had decided a long time ago that no dirty thoughts about your best friend were supposed to enter your head, ever. 
“Wait, his tennis instructor? Jesus, Y/N, you know your dad would never ever let you date him.”
“That’s the fun in it!” You beam at him, bringing your glass to your lips and taking a sip.
“You’re unbelievable. And… and wait, he is coming to the charity event? How on earth did you get your father to invite him?”
“Oh, that was easy. I just told him it would be a fun idea to mix the crowds. You know, get all the instructors and managers from the club to the party, have them take place, feel as if they are actually a part of high society for once instead of just working for us. He was pleased by my innovative.”
Chan blinks at you, watches how you giggle and put your glass back down, how your tongue licks over your lips to catch some left-over ginger ale. He decided he really needs to get someone to fuck in the next few days or else he is going to explode.
“I can only repeat myself: You’re unbelievable.” 
“Thank you. Anyways, I’ll need you to help me out at the gala.”
Chan’s ears perk up at that and so do his eyebrows.
“My help? With what?”
And here comes the reason why you really told him about your crush. 
“I need you to talk to him, About me. You know, just… play wingman. Tell him what a great girl I am, how much I do for charity, that I always keep up with the news, that I read a lot-,”
“So, you want me to lie to a man I’ve never met? Gotcha.”
You shoot him an angered look.
“No, I want you to… exaggerate the truth a little, that’s all.” You pick up a cherry tomato with your fork, while Chan shakes his head, laughing.
“I haven’t seen you pick up a book in years, not to mention the news? Please, do you even know there is a war going on?”
“Shut it.” You throw your napkin at him.
“I am serious, Chan. I want him. And you’re my best friend, so you’re gonna help me get him, isn’t that right?”
Something inside Chan shifts. He feels something like jealousy roam through him and another frown appears on his face. Jealousy? Since when did he feel jealous about you and any guy? He had watched you go home with tons of dudes before, had even seen you give head to one (it was involuntarily and not on purpose and to this day he hadn’t told you (it had also been the main point of many of his fantasies since then)), so why on earth was he feeling this way right now?
“Right. And what’s in it for me?”
“My love and affection?” You grin and Chan rolls his eyes, a small smirk still playing on his lips.
“Fine, I’ll help you,” he stops for a second, contemplating something in his head, his smirk turns bigger and his head tilts to the side, “I’ll help you under one condition.”
“And what’s that?” You lean back, attentive look on your face. Chan copies your movement. Then, his smirk turns smug.
“I’ll let you know at the night of the party. Alright?”
And because you would have never thought of what his condition turned out to be, you happily agreed.
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The night of the gala comes sooner than anticipated. You find yourself in your golden gown at the front of the room on stage with your parents, you and your mother standing by your father’s side as he welcomes everyone to the event and thanks them for coming. You barely listen to him, eyes roaming the room for one special person - only to be greeted with something, or more, someone else.
Chan is standing at the back of the room, a glass of champagne in his hands. He looks absolutely incredible. Black tux fitting like a glove, a slim tie around his neck. There is a vest underneath his jacket, the white dress shirt seemingly glowing in the light of the room. His hair is blonde. It wasn’t blonde two days ago. Your mouth is dry and a traitorous throbbing is right there between your legs. To make matters worse, he is turning around to someone you hadn’t noticed before even though you had been looking for him. 
Mingyu nods at something Chan says, his gelled back dark hair showing off his sculptured face. He was also wearing a black tux, definitely not as expensive as the one Chan was wearing, but definitely not less expensive looking. Your head is droning. How did Chan find Mingyu already? And how do they look so good together? 
Meanwhile, Chan is talking to Mingyu. He had recognised him from a picture on the club’s website. Posing with your Dad, shaking his hand as he smiles into the camera. Chan knew right then that this guy was right up your alley. 
“You’re friends with Mr.Y/L/N’s daughter?” Mingyu asks as he looks over at the stage where he spots you. His eyes are taking in your body in that dress, drinking in every single bit of you he can for as long as he can without it being obvious. Chan nods, a small grin on his face.
“Yes. We’ve been friends for years.” He confirms and Mingyu, even though he doesn’t want to take his eyes off you, looks back at him.
“I see. So you go to these things often?” The hand that is holding his glass is moving in a circle, as if to underline what he was talking about. Chan nodded, bringing his glass to his lips.
“Unfortunately, yeah. My parents are here somewhere too, they have been doing business with Y/N’s family for as long as I can remember.”
Mingyu nods again, following Chan’s movement and sipping from his glass as well. Then, his eyes fall back on you. You, who is standing next to your mother, your one hand holding your clutch beside your body and the other holding the glass of champagne that he is also currently drinking. He wonders if it would taste better from your lips.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Chan suddenly asks and Mingyu feels caught. Clearing his throat, he slowly looks at the man next to him.
“Well, yes.”
“I’m glad you think so. She actually has her eyes on you, you know.”
Mingyu thinks he heard wrong. His eyebrows shoot up.
“She has what now?”
“Her eyes on you. She’s the reason you’re here tonight. Made her Dad invite all the instructors and managers from the club, just so she could get a chance to see you here.”
Heat shoots through Mingyu, heat that is somewhat a mixture of flattery and embarrassment. He decided to focus on the former and lets a small grin spread on his lips.
“Is that right?” 
“Yup.” Chan drinks again before falling into friendly applause like the rest of the room when your father ends his speech. He doesn’t think he even caught a single word of it aside from “Welcome everyone”. 
“She wants to fuck you.” 
Mingyu goes still at that, his hands freezing mid clap. Again, he lets his eyes settle on you and how you kiss your father on the cheek, how you then continue to walk down the steps of the stage. He can see the slit in your dress, the way your leg looks, the high heel accentuating it even more and making Mingyu lick his lips. 
He couldn’t lie - whenever you came to the club to either visit your dad, take your own lessons (which he was still about not being able to take over) or to simply sit by the pool up top; Mingyu would always sneak looks at you. You definitely were on his mind more than you probably should’ve considering your Dad tipped him more than any other person he trained. But he couldn’t help himself, not with the way you looked in your tennis skirt, in your polo shirts, in your bikini. He had to stop himself more than once from going to the next bathroom to jerk off to the fresh image of you in his head. Pathetic, really.
And now, here he is with your best friend who tells him you want him just as much. Mingyu’s grin turns cockier.
“How convenient,” he says, “I really want to fuck her, too.”
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Chan takes you by the arm, leading you outside approximately five minutes later. The gala is, conveniently, held in one of the top hotels of the city and Chan had been kind enough to book nothing less but the penthouse for you and Mingyu… and him. Mingyu is already up there, waiting for the two of you.
(“You won’t mind if I join, right?” Chan looks at Mingyu with one crooked eyebrow. Mingyu chuckles.
“Oh, absolutely not. I actually think that’s a brilliant idea. Did you have her before?”
“Nope, it’s about time, though.” Mingyu nods, clinking his glass against Chan’s.
“Well, I am looking forward to fucking her with you.”)
“Chan, what-”, but you don’t get far because the second you’re out of sight from the room, Chan has you pressed against one of the grand pillars, knocking the air right out of you.
“Mingyu is upstairs waiting for you.” His breath hits your face and you feel goosebumps erupt all over your body. With wide eyes you can’t help but stare at him, his voice ringing in your ears.
“And I think I’m ready to tell you my condition, baby.”
Baby. Your thighs press together.
“W-What is it?” You stumble out, feeling Chan suddenly part those pressed together thighs with his own. You gasp. He smirks.
“The condition is,” his lips are right by your ear, his hands gripping your hips, “I get to join.”
When you suck in a breath, Chan kisses you roughly. Your eyes roll back before squeezing shut, your hands automatically finding his neck as his tongue slides into your mouth, a breathy moan slipping from your mouth into his. Chan feels himself grow hard already and he moves his one hand down, over your thigh to the slit of your dress and you whimper when you feel his fingers gliding over your core. 
“You think that’s a good idea, baby? Me coming upstairs with you? Me fucking your pretty little pussy like I should have done ages ago, hm? What do you say?” 
Honestly, you’re not sure how he expects you to answer with his fingers shoving your underwear to the side and sliding them through your folds. So, instead of using your voice, you nod your head, chasing his lips with yours again. Chan chuckles lowly, moving his head back, leaving you without his kisses. 
“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” he makes, “so, so needy. Tell me, Y/N, are you a slut?” You bite down on your lip, your hips moving against his fingers that are still seemingly aimlessly roaming your pussy. But you know better. Know that he is teasing you. Even though you’ve never been intimate - you know.
“Answer me. Are you a slut?” His index and thumb find your clit, pinching it right then and you moan out loud, your head falling into yet another rapid nod.
“Y-Yes, I am. I am a slut, Chan.”
“That’s what I thought.” He pulls you close again, lips crashing into yours at the same time as his fingers find your sopping entrance, pushing in two right away, your leg moving to wrap around his thigh.
“F-fuck, Ch-Chan!” You cry out, breaking the kiss and Chan’s other hand is right there underneath your chin, holding it up.
“Shut it, slut. Or do you want someone to hear Daddy’s perfect little girl getting finger fucked in the hallway of his oh-so important business event?” 
His fingers work at merciless speed and you shake your head, pressing your lips together to somehow maintain your moans inside. Chan takes the opportunity to kiss your neck, bite at your shoulder and suck a pretty red mark onto your collarbone, all while you stay quiet with your pussy sucking in his fingers like a starved man eats his bread. 
“God, you’re so tight, can’t wait to feel your pussy squeeze my cock like that.” Chan whispers into your ear before pulling his fingers out and bringing them to his face, sucking them clean. The view makes your mouth drop and your pussy cry. 
“Channie…” The reality of how hot you find your best friend is suddenly crashing down on you. There he is; his fingers that were just inside of you in his mouth, his eyes dark and his hair blonde. This is crazy. You are crazy.
“Mingyu is waiting, baby. Don’t you want to go upstairs?” His voice is sultry and has you swallowing as you nod, Chan taking your hand and leading you to the elevator. As much as you probably should think about what this is going to mean for your friendship, you decide that you’ll have time to figure this out later. Tomorrow, maybe. Or next week. Right now you just want to hold his hand and feel the throbbing of your pussy and think about what Chan and Mingyu will do to you. Together.
Behind you, a group of what are presumably tourists come to a halt, Chan’s hand creeping around your waist, your hand left vacant. His fingers feel hot even through your dress and when he pulls you closer, you suppress the urge to let out a pathetic little moan. You wonder if Chan knows how insanely turned on you are - until you remember he literally just felt your wetness. 
The ping of the elevator makes you and the group of people move, you and Chan ending up at the end of it, the group pressing their respective buttons, while Chan kindly asks one of them to press the one for the highest floor. The penthouse. You almost chuckle at that because of course he would get the penthouse to do this. The people don’t seem to care much, or at least they don’t show you if you do and just continue their talking. The heat radiating from Chan mixed with the smell of his perfume almost drives you insane. And when you suddenly feel the hand that had been around your waist move, sliding up the slit of your dress, over the inside of your thigh, to then slip into your panties, thumb pressing down on your clit, massaging it sensually, you can already hear the van coming to pick you up to the psychiatric ward. 
“Don’t make a noise, pretty baby, you don’t want all of them knowing what a little slut you are, hm?” He is right there, lips so close to your ear and you slightly nod, pressing your legs together, but Chan’s hand is in the way, his movements becoming harsher. Stars seem to be appearing in front of your eyes and you feel like your knees are about to give in. You try to concentrate on anything else, failing miserably. Chan’s breath keeps hitting your neck, his quiet voice continuing to say dirty things to you that make your pussy clench around nothing. He quickens his pace as more and more of the people leave the elevator and you are holding on for dear life, trying hard to stay put, to not make a sound, to not let anyone know what Chan is doing to you. 
When finally there is no one left but you, Chan presses you against the wall, kissing you hard as his fingers slip inside you like they did back on the ground floor. He is fast and hard and his tongue is in your mouth, licking against yours like a madman. He swallows your moans and you lift your leg up, once again wrapping it around his thigh and you feel your orgasm closing in on you. When he brushes his thumb against your clit, just barely really, you cry out in pleasure, lips leaving him as your head bounces against the wall behind you, your moan loud and needy, his name dropping off your lips like a song. The doors of the elevator open with another ping and you come hard, Chan fucking you through your orgasm with your fingers. 
“I see you already opened her up for us, how nice of you.”
Mingyu’s voice is something you should have expected but hadn’t. Still feeling the aftermath of your orgasm, you blink a few times, seeing Mingyu standing right in front of the elevator, a diamond glass filled with what you presumed to be whiskey in his hand. His tie was already loosened around his neck, a few buttons open and, fuck, just the sight of him made your pussy clench around Chan’s fingers. Chuckling, he pulled them out of you, once again sucking them clean. 
“Common, go over to him, I know you want to.” Chan takes your hand, softly pulling you towards the opened doors of the elevator, Mingyu’s eyes set on you. You can see the fire burning in them already, sensing the heat coming from him even before you stand right there in his space. 
“Hi.” You whisper, eyes looking up at the tall man, who smiles and tilts his head.
“Hi, pretty girl.” 
It feels like a rush is going through you when you find yourself grinding on Mingyu’s lap with Chan sitting on the armchair next to the couch, a glass of gin in his hand as he watches you. Mingyu has his hands on your ass, guiding your hips against his crotch. 
“N-Need it inside.” You cry out and Mingyu smirks, hands tightening their grip on your ass. 
“Is that right? Do you need my cock to split you open, princess?” You nod rapidly, making him chuckle. He leaned forward, kissing your jaw, not moving to take out his cock at all. You whine. 
“M-Mingyu, pl-please.” Never had you ever wanted a cock inside you as much as right now. You want to feel him, want to squeeze him. But Mingyu still doesn’t budge. His pants are open already and when you look down you can see the clear outline of his apparently huge cock and your mouth is watering. 
“I think you need to learn a bit about patience, baby. Didn’t you already cum? And you are still being greedy?” His hand shoots down, slapping your ass and your head falls back as you moan, Mingyu licking his lips as he watches your body shake. 
“You should suck him off, don’t you want his cock in your mouth, slut?” Chan chimes in, legs crossed as he watches attentively. Mingyu looks over at him, grinning.
“What a great idea, Chan,” he says, before looking back at you, “what do you say, will you be a good little slut and get on your knees for me?” 
You do it. Of course you do it. Your mind is blank except for the need to please and be pleased. Your nimble fingers shove down his pants and briefs, them now pooling at his ankles and your eyes seem to pop out as you look at his cock, his leaking, throbbing cock, that makes your mouth water and more of your slick drip into your panties. You let your hand grab the base, your eyes wandering over the prominent vein at the side and the slit glistening with pre, then you look up at Mingyu who feels like he could probably shoot his load right onto your face if you just continued to look at him like that.
“Now, now. Get to it.” He orders and you nod, eyes back on his length in your hand. First, you stretch out your tongue, let it slide over his red tip and Mingyu groans quietly. He tastes salty and still somehow good enough for you to suck his tip into your mouth, hoping to milk more of him. The sounds he makes spur you on, causing you to begin bobbing your head, your hand jerking off the part your mouth can reach. Mingyu’s breathing grows labored and his hand finds the back of your head, gripping a fistful of your hair.
“Fuck, such a good girl, common, take more, I know you can.” He begins to shove you down and you gag when his tip hits the back of your throat. He revels in the sound you make, his hips bucking up. 
Meanwhile, Chan has his cock out, stroking it lazily as he watches you on Mingyu’s cock. He imagines it’s his you’re choking on and wonders how wet you are right now. Precum leaks out of his cock and he uses it to rub himself with more ease. 
“Can I fuck your throat?” Mingyu breathes out, his cock now in all the way and you nod to the best of your abilities. Immediately, he thrusts up, his head spinning from the way it feels to have your tight heat around him. He feels your throat restrict, sees the way tears build up in your eyes and he can’t help but move again, quicker this time. He loses himself in the pleasure, head thrown back as he moans your name, both hands on the sides of your face, holding you in place as he uses you like a toy. You love it. Love the tears that now stream down your face as you breathe through your nose, love the way he feels inside your throat, the way he will probably leave bruises. His moans make your core throb harder with every passing second and you sneakily let your hand move down, pressing down and circling your clit, the moan you let out having Mingyu’s cock twitch.
“Oh fuck, b-baby, gonna cum, can I cum down your throat?” He is still frantically fucking your mouth and you again nod as best as you can, having him shoot his load down your abused throat three seconds later.
“God, yeah, sh-shit, swallow it all for me, my perfect whore, swallow it, common.” He is riding out his orgasm, eyes squeezed shut as you do swallow it all, every last drop of his pleasure. 
Chan now sees your hand, sees the way you try to make yourself come and he gets up, cock hanging in the air as his hands both grab you from Mingyu, who is recovering from his high.
“Think you can just touch yourself without us noticing? Stupid slut, come on.” He bends you over, your hands finding the small coffee table and without any warning, Chan tears off your panties, dress shoved above your ass and his cock rams into your needy core at godspeed. You scream his name, hands grasping the edges of the table and Chan slaps down on your ass cheek, eyes focused on the way his cock slides in and out of you over and over again. Mingyu watches from the couch, his spent cock twitching at the sight. He leans back, grabbing the glass he had discarded on the side table earlier, taking a sip as he watches Chan fuck into you.
“Ch-Chan!” You moan again, your hips trying to move, but he holds you steady.
“Don’t you dare cum, slut, you cum only when I allow you, got it?” Chan pulls your hair with his one hand, pulls you up against his chest, both of you standing up right as he fucks into you, your eyes rolling back, legs spreading lightly. 
Soon, Chan changes the position, has you kneeling on the armchair he previously sat on, your torso hanging over the backrest as he fucks into you from behind. He grunts, rutting his cock into you quick and hard and it takes everything in you not to come undone.
“Pl-please let me cum, need to cum s-so bad!” You cry out, more and more tears streaming over your face, but Chan just spanks you once again, shaking his head.
“Shut up, only moan my name, got it? Don’t wanna hear another word.” He feels your pussy clench around him, feels the way you squeeze him, how you want to milk him and he chuckles evilly. 
“God, you really are a whore, such a dirty fucking whore, likes to get her throat fucked and told what to do. Bet you’d be able to fuck yourself on my cock for hours, baby.”
You whimper, nodding as your body jolts forward every few seconds, Chan’s thrusts hard with no mercy in sight. 
“Get her over here, I shall use those pretty tits for my entertainment.” Mingyu is fully hard again by now, and Chan nods, his cock slipping out of you and you sob, missing him already. Chan wraps his arm around your waist and softly pulls you off the chair, instead letting your dress fall off your frame, finally having you completely bare in front of him.
“Shit, you’re gorgeous, baby,” he mumbles, hands groping your tits only for a second before Mingyu clears his throat. Grinning, Chan moves you back to the couch. You get on all fours, Chan kneeling behind you, his hands massaging and slapping down on your ass, instead of his cock, his fingers find their way inside your sopping hole. There are stars dancing around your head at this point. 
Mingyu licks his lips, he is leaning against the armrest, his cock in his hand. He watches the way your face contours in nothing but pleasure as Chan fucks his fingers in and out of you. 
“Chan’s right, you are gorgeous.” The words make you clench and whimper and when Mingyu reaches for your arms, basically having you cage him in, Chan moving with your body, fingers pulled out of you so his hands could hold your hips in place. Your tits are hanging right over Mingyu’s cock now and he bites his lip, before bringing his hands to them, thumb pressing down on your stiff nipples. He can’t really reach them with his mouth right now, but fuck, the urge to put his lips around them is making his cock leak again.
“You wanna fuck her tits?” Chan asked then and Mingyu nodded, your hips moving against Chan's groin. 
“You’re gonna let me fuck your pretty tits, baby?” Mingyu squeezes them hard and you nod frantically.
“Y-yes, pl-please fuck my tits, want your cum all over them.” Mingyu moans at that and soon enough his cock is engulfed by your breasts, the feeling of the slick from sweat skin around him almost too much at once. He begins to thrust almost at the same time as Chan fucks his cock back into you. 
The two men have their way with you, fucking your respective body parts at their own speed and you feel like you’re about to explode. Your moans don’t stop, saying both of their names repeatedly, and only when Chan wraps his arm around you, thumb beginning to circle your clit do you realize how close to release you are.
“Ch-Chan, f-fuck, I’m so cl-close.” You stutter out and Chan smirks, pinching your clit with his thumb and index.
“Yeah? Is our little slut close? Do you think you deserve to cum yet?” Chan moves to slap your clit, a wave of pleasure shooting through you and when he does it again, you feel yourself leaking into the couch, your cum dripping down your thighs, leaving a stain. Chan twitches inside of you, realizing he just got you to squirt - even before your orgasm. He curses under his breath.
“Fuck, Mingyu, look, our dirty slut squirted all over the couch.” He feels his balls tightening, feels his head spinning, his vision going blurry as he comes, thick white ropes of his juice landing inside your pussy, getting fucked into you repeatedly by Chan.
Mingyu cries out, seeing the stain behind you and his eyes roll back as he slips his cock out of your tits and instead jerks himself off, his load landing all over your tits and collarbone the next second. Both of them climaxing in and on you gets you over the edge and your already overstimulated pussy squeezes Chan as you cum, exhaustion mixed with euphoria filling you, your eyes falling shut as you found yourself pressed against Mingyu, his arms around you as his cum now lands on his clothed torso. He doesn’t care in the slightest. 
“Holy fuck.” Chan pulls out of you, sinking into the soft cushions of the couch, wiping the sweat of his forehead with the back of his hand. He watches you on top of Mingyu, your naked body, his cum dripping out of your core and he stares at it for a moment, fascinated by the way how pretty your pussy looks when it’s spent like that.
“You did you well.” Mingyu kisses the top of your head and you sniff against his neck, feeling like all energy has left your body all while you’ve never felt this satisfied in your life.
“Let’s get you into the shower, baby girl.” He continues then, helping you sit up, your chest still smeared full of his cum. He sighed at the view.
“Fuck, you’re so hot.”
He gets up and pulls you with him, picking you up into his arms bridal style and you giggle as you look over at Chan who still seems frozen in place.
“Wanna join?” You ask tiredly and Chan nods, sure that there was nowhere else he’d rather be than in the sower with you and Mingyu right now.
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