#system discourse
truthfully-system · 2 months
I am an OSDD-1b system who used to be a sysmed/traumascum, and it harmed me. I encourage other systems to avoid being sysmed.
Sysmeds believe all systems suffer from dissociation, should fuse into one, and that the host is most valuable. They often see being a singlet as superior to having alters, and may believe being professionally diagnosed is necessary. They think systemhood can only start from trauma at a very young age- yet if you're 15 or younger and know that you're a system your experience should be doubted. Being a sysmed can lead to hurting your system by abusing alters and seeing them as burdens or less valuable then you as a host.
When I became pro-endo(again), I learned to respect and appreciate my system, while as sysmed- I abused my alters, especially persecutors, because "the host is most important" mentality sysmeds share.
Embrace your DID/OSDD system, it's a part of you that won't go away. Being pro-endo can help shift your mindset from seeing your system as a burden to a positive aspect of who you are as well as gain their support and love. Accept support from those who understand, even if their experience doesn't perfectly match yours.
Endogenic systems deserve respect even if you think they are "confused" or "un-knowingly traumagenic" so let go of any hostility towards them. Trust that their experiences are genuine because frankly- its their right to know what experiences they had, not yours.
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thesleepysystem · 2 months
while we are a traumagenic did system ourselves, we are pro-endo, and i (samuel) wanted to say to any anti-endo's reading this or following us,
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prose-among-the-trees · 5 months
I feel the need finally to bring up introjects in a way that’s going to be a hot take, because good god am I sick of having things that I have experienced physically be told to me by those who haven’t.
I respect whatever an introject remembers or identifies with from their source, and I’d like to say this straight off because this is important. I know of alters and parts for whom source is integral to their identity, specifically the way it relates to day to day trauma and how that intermingles.
That being said, please, as an introject who has had something happen or occur or has some sort of disability from source, do not try to tell me what it is like because I have already experienced it physically.
You got scars in whatever media you were sourced from? Lovely, but as someone who is forced to bear that burden of looking deformed when those scars can be visible every single day, do not try to tell me what that is like.
You have physical disabilities that were gained or you were born with in whatever media you introjected from? Perfect, but as someone who cannot function without my heart being assisted by pacemaker, do not tell me what it’s like to struggle as though I’ve not gone through it and as though I do not continue to bear that weight.
You as an introject are of a certain race in source and remember knowing about the food you consumed of that culture? Do not try to correct me, as someone of that culture, on what I identify with and hold.
You have memories of sexual assault from the media you were sourced from? Do not dare presume you can speak over those who have experienced that bodily.
Source memories, pseudo memories, exo memories, whatever you’d like to call them, are individual to your trauma and your struggle as someone with osdd or did. I understand that.
However, your source does not give you the right to talk over, to one up, or God forbid to “educate” those who have dealt with or experienced those issues on how to live with them.
I spoke to an introject today who had scars in their source and identifies with them as an alter. When I spoke up about my own, I was told that I needed to speak someplace where I would not upset others. Because my scars are not desirable or battle caused, I cannot discuss my own experiences.
This in essence is a lot of the issue I have with fictive heavy online systems on places like discord or even tumblr. These memories, these source associations, which I know are indicative of their own trauma in some way, somehow surpass the validity of someone who has actually experienced the struggle physically because it’s more presentable and more desirable.
It’s not all of them, but it’s enough of them that the fictive heavy/introject heavy syscord systems now have that reputation, and it makes interacting so frustrating.
I should not have to explain why claiming an experience you haven’t physically gone through as though you have because you’re an introject is bad. I shouldn’t have to explain that speaking over individuals who deal with these things physically is actively silencing minority groups.
Again let me note that I have full respect for introjects who identify with memories that did not happen to their body. The only thing I ask is that I’m not spoken over in favor of more desirable or digestible experiences that they claim are just as impactful as me living with the things I do.
I know systems who have these memories and respect others who have experienced them physically. For those of you who fall into this category, thank you. You know who you are.
For those of you who believe in things like alter race, separate disabilities being just as valid as experiencing them physically (to the point that you’re trying to educate bodily disabled people/systems)- please listen to those who are frustrated and angry. Please understand why trying to speak over and educate that group of people or any group of people as though you’ve gone through it physically is damaging.
I understand your memories reflect your trauma, likely indirectly for some of you, and I empathize with that.
Please take the time to be respectful to the voices of the groups that have been silenced and spoken over in favor of an introject’s take on something purely source related.
The people of color with osdd or did that have been speaking up about others claiming their races as alters have been laughed off or told that they’re overreacting. They are not. Keep fighting the good fight guys. You’re fantastic in every way. As someone who isn’t in that position, I want to uplift your voices and the things that need to be said. You’ve got my support all the way.
In the past I’ve let other systems try to explain why alter race exists and why their ‘alters of color’ are just as valid as actual people of color. I believed them.
An alter who has the memory or individual source created experience of being oppressed but has not been that way bodily cannot claim to struggle in the same way.
If you got this far reading, thanks. I’m glad I was able to share this with someone.
Be safe.
-🧠 🌲 🔭 🫀 (group effort for this post)
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sophieinwonderland · 3 months
An Anti-Endo's Playbook
Hello! Are you an anti-endo looking to convert people to your cause? Well you're in luck because I have the guide for you!
As more studies come out supporting endogenic systems, arguing against pro-endos is becoming harder every day. But let me tell you a secret, people aren't perfectly logical machines. We're emotional and irrational. You don't need science or logic on your side. Instead, your job is to exploit that irrationality.
Let's start with something simple.
Argument by Assertion "Endos Aren't Scientifically Possible."
This is your opening and is possibly the most effective tool in your toolbox. Just say something and repeat it ad nauseum.
See, you don't need to be right. You just need to be confident and state what you want people to believe as a fact. Then repeat it again and again.
Propaganda experts might also call this The Big Lie.
People are social creatures and naturally trusting, so if you say something bold and confidently, they're going to be inclined to believe you. You don't actually need to provide any scientific evidence to support your case, or quotes from doctors, or anything else. Just keep repeating that endos aren't scientifically possible over and over again.
This might not sound effective, but there's a reason a third of the United States still thinks the 2020 election was rigged. If you're confident and don't waver for a moment, and keep repeating the lie, people will believe you.
But... what about the people that don't? What if an endo starts citing actual sources that contradict your claims. Normally, I might suggest finding sources of your own, but given the complete lack of support anti-endos have in academic papers, this may prove impossible. Luckily, we have more tricks up our sleeves.
Appeal to the Masses "Everyone Agrees That Endos Aren't Real."
As we all know, science isn't determined by scientists. Science is a democracy where anyone can vote. That's why even though scientists say we use all of our brains, we can know that the truth is that we only use 10% of our brains, because that's what most people believe and there have even been movies about it and stuff.
This is an the appeal to the masses.
Likewise, most people don't believe in endos. Or at least, that's what you say. See, you probably don't have any reliable polls on hand to back up that assertion, so we're kind of combining techniques here. We're appealing to the masses, but without evidence the masses agree with us, we just kind of have to assert it. As long as it sounds true, then people will believe it.
Like how I bet most people believed me when I said "most" people think we only use 10% of our brain. It SOUNDS like it could be true, and confirms our pre-existing biases that humans are kind of stupid, and that's really good enough isn't it?
What if this still doesn't work though? What if the endos keep demanding evidence?
Well, you can just give them too much of it.
The Gish Gallop: Source Overload
You may be wondering, since I mentioned that there aren't any sources that support anti-endos, how this will work.
First, let's take a moment to understand the Gish Gallop. This debating tactic is most commonly associated with live debates where you throw out a bunch of nonsense claims that your opponent doesn't have time to answer because refuting them would take more time than you're allotted. Then when your claims go unanswered, it tricks spectators into thinking the claims are true.
This isn't generally as effective online where people can take hours to compose a response if they want... except...
The online equivalent of this is to overload your opponent with too many junk sources so that they can't debunk them all.
These do not need to support your point in any way. And you should NEVER screenshot them. Remember, your goal isn't to make the information accessible to your opponent. It's to keep the pro-endo occupied reading a 30-page document to try to figure out what it means and how it relates to what you're saying.
If the pro-endo does debunk your first paper, call them out for not addressing your other 20 articles too. Make them out to be ignoring evidence.
If they do call out this tactic and ask for a screenshot or quote of specific lines that back up your argument, respond by self-righteously telling the endo that it's not your job to educate them.
Speaking of education, what do we do about the endo sources?
Ad Hominems: Attacking the Researchers
Ad hominems are great for combating sources.
At the most basic level, you can get a lot of mileage out of throwing around the word "quack" a lot without finding any dirt on the researchers.
You might want to also claim the research is biased in some way. Say for example that a researcher has a hypothesis and they conducted an experiment to test that hypothesis. You can say that this makes the whole experiment biased and therefore should be dismissed because the research already had an expected outcome. Someone might counter and say that most scientists start with a hypothesis. But luckily, a lot of lay people won't realize that.
Let's say, for instance, that someone cites this paper on Vineyard Evangelicals who hear the voice of God as an example of non-traumagenic plural-like experiences.
Instead of addressing the merits of this paper or discussing whether hearing an autonomous and seemingly self-conscious voice identifying itself as God is plural or plural-like, you can look up to see if any of the 200,000 members of the Vineyard Church have ever reported negative experiences. Get one article with people calling it cult-like, and then accuse the endo of using "abusive sources."
Other Strategies For Dismissing Papers: Just Make Up Reasons Why Studies Are Invalid
For these, we're going to rely again on our argument by assertion, and assert some qualifiers for why a study should be dismissed.
First, accuse a study of being outdated.
Now, science doesn't actually have an expiration date. There is some research out there that may be outdated in the way that newer research comes out that disproves it. But in the absence of further research, old papers are generally considered useful, and it's not uncommon to see professionals today still cite sources dating back to the 80s or earlier.
But if you just throw out a number of years for research to expire, you can be sure that many people will take it at face value. But be careful with this. People might believe that 20-year-old research is too old. But it will be harder to sell them on something like "any research older than 5 years is outdated." That's going to be a problem when a lot of endogenic research is actually pretty recent, coming out within the last decade.
Another tactic you can try is to Attack the Domain.
As we're all taught in middle school in the US, only .gov and .edu sources are valid.
This is an oversimplification and is no longer applicable in higher education. But luckily, you're not targeting educated individuals. If you're making this argument, the ones you're probably trying to convince will be traumatized children between the ages of 14 and 17. And for this demographic, this argument is perfect. Not only have they never been to college themselves but neither have anyone in their friendgroup.
They have no concept of what counts as valid source in academic settings, and it's your job to keep it that way. Indoctrinate them young, and they'll stay yours forever.
Demonizing The Enemy: "Endos are Harming Real Systems"
This can take many forms.
At the basic level, you can do the anecdotal "endos are bad because they said mean things about me once." (Be sure to remove any context of things you may have said or did to them first.) There are plenty of endogenic systems out there in the world, and some are going to be cruel and abusive. Just like any other group.
These people are useful to your cause. If you ever had contact with abusive endos or pro-endos before, make sure that you write in detail about your bad experiences and specifically make it clear that they weren't an endogenic system who happened to be bad, but they're bad because they're endogenic. Also, if they're a traumagenic pro-endo, be sure that in your post you just refer to them as an "endo." The goal is smearing the entire endogenic community, and differentiating between abusive endos and traumagenic pro-endos will detract from that goal.
A well known example is the term "traumascum." Despite the fact that its coiner is traumagenic and most of the endogenic community dislikes it, it's important that when you make your emotional arguments to show why endos are bad, you only refer to it as being created and used by "endos."
If you really want to go all-in on this, something else you can do is...
Blame Endos For All Ableism
For this part, you want to try to convince people that any fakeclaiming or ableism they've ever experienced is because of this small niche group of systems on the internet.
In actuality, fakeclaiming DID systems has happened for a long time. The Imitated DID narrative was heavily pushed in all the way back in the 90s. And many of the people fakeclaimed today are TikTokers who are IDing as traumagenic DID systems.
Don't let these facts stop you though.
For the first part, the good thing is that, as I said before, many of the people you're trying to convince are children. If you tell them that fakeclaiming is worse today than ever before, who are they to argue? They have no frame of reference. They're usually younger systems who have only known that they're systems for a few years.
For the second, you can just ignore it. Or better yet, just label all the "cringe" systems as endos, regardless of whether they are or not.
Is calling traumagenic systems "endos" fakeclaiming their trauma? Sure.
But really, you fakeclaiming their trauma is really the endos' fault. If they didn't exist, then you wouldn't be able to call people endos, now would you?
See how smoothly that works?
All Anecdotes of People Who Thought They Were Endogenic Are Proof Endos Don't Exist
Anecdotes are your best friend. If you can find a small handful of people who previously thought they were endogenic and turned out to be wrong, you can weaponize this against all endos.
You can use these anecdotes as both proof that endos don't exist AND that they're harmful to real systems at the same time.
This particular tactic has also been used to great effect by anti-transgender groups, using a small handful of detrans people as proof that transitioning doesn't work and as a means of limiting trans rights. The success of these groups at spinning that narrative is how you can know that this tactic is effective!
More Ad Hominems: Attacking the Opposition
Yup. We're bringing in more ad hominems. This is one of the most important tools in your belt. If you feel like you're losing an argument, you can just attack the person you're arguing with. Actually, you should do this before the argument even starts.
Discrediting your enemy right at the beginning, making people see them as a bad person, will immediately make people not want to associate with them and even make them inclined to disagree with whatever they say.
So try to dredge up anything you can on them to weaponize. Or just casually accuse them of being something-phobic or something-ist.
Calling them ableist is easy. You can shout out ableism accusations right from the start just on the merits of being pro-endo.
If they're a spiritual plural, you can call them racist. This works easiest with tulpamancers since tulpa has a Tibetan etymology. (And don't worry; you won't need to pretend to care about appropriation outside of this context, such as the tulpa appearing in creepypastas or media like Supernatural or X-Files, or Genshin Impact's Hydro Tulpa boss. This is about winning an argument, not being morally consistent.) But it can work with any sort of spiritual system. If you're feeling particularly bold, you can actually claim that all possession states around the world are closed practices and anyone who claims spiritual plurality is appropriating these cultures.
Also, if they use the word "sysmed," because this is derived from transmed, be sure to call them transphobic because they're appropriating trans words. Pay no mind to if they're transgender themselves, or how little sense it would make to appropriate their own language.
Bully into Submission
If simple ad hominems don't work, dogpile and bully them into silence. Invite your friends to join in. Bombard them with constant hate posts and harassment.
The goal here is not to convert people to your side, but to remove them from the conversation. Keep the accusations going. Make up rumors about them. Try to falsely report them to get them banned. You want to make them suffer so much that they never want to post again. To ensure, one way or another, that there is one less pro-endo in the world.
This will work best on people who themselves are traumatized and vulnerable. Luckily, there are a lot of people like that in the pro-endo community you can silence this way.
Be warned though of the emotional tank.
These people have personalities that can tank a shocking amount of abuse and emotional damage, and even turn abuse they receive around and use it as a talking point against your side. They take the old adage of "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" to heart.
If you try to harass an emotional tank, rather than silencing them, you're likely to only make them stronger and more determined.
Speaking of traumatized people...
Try To Make People Associate Endos With Trauma
Remember to know your audience. And your audience is a group of trauma survivors.
If you really, really want to ensnare them, play on that.
Use it to your advantage. One super simple way to do this is to throw around cult accusations. Just saying endos are a cult will immediately trigger cult survivors and make them want to avoid the pro-endo community.
A more complicated version of this can be done if an endo mentions that we don't have proof that DID or OSDD forms from trauma 100% of the time.
What you want to say in this situation is that "to prove all cases of DID come from trauma, you would need to traumatize children."
You can add a line specifically accusing the endo of wanting to traumatize children, or just let the implication hang in the air.
Now, someone paying attention might recognize that such a study couldn't prove what it claims to. Just like if you did a study where you hit a bunch of people in the arm with a hammer and broke their arms, you couldn't prove that 'all broken arms are caused by hammers.'
But you aren't saying this because you think it's logical. You're saying this because you're trying to get your audience of survivors of childhood trauma to think of endos as people who want to traumatize children.
If you can properly trigger them, then that rational part of their brain will just shutoff and they won't question your premise or logic too much.
How to Keep People Once Indoctrinated
Remember, the conversion process is only the beginning. After that, you want to make sure that they stay anti-endo. A good place to start is to...
Make Sure Friendship is Contingent on Them Being Anti-Endo
Pull people into anti-endo servers that have strict rules against pro-endos and even neutrals. Post "pro-endos" in your DNI to make it known that you don't ever want to interact with any pro-endos.
At the same time, encourage them to cutoff pro-endo friends and avoid pro-endo spaces. Ideally, you want the convert isolated from anyone who might be able to change their minds in the future.
Once you've cut them off from all pro-endos, their only system friends will be in the anti-endo community. And if they ever step outside of that box, they'll be instantly banned from their anti-endo servers and blocked by their anti-endo "friends."
With this, not only have you converted them, but you can reliably keep them on your side forever. Or at least, until they're willing to destroy all their relationships with other systems online in order to get out.
Just Let The Endos Do It For You
Endos thesmelves will actually be your secret weapon in this endeavor.
It's a well-known fact that hate breeds more hate. If you fakeclaim someone, they're going to be angry, and will likely resort to personal attacks. Once your newly-converted anti-endo has been successfully indoctrinated, get them to make some public anti-endo posts. The more hateful and invalidating, the better. Preferably where pro-endos can see.
When endos respond respond to the convert's hate post by sending hate of their own, it will only confirm that endos are actually hateful. It doesn't matter who started it. It only matters that you get an angry reaction out of the endos.
And the more the endos react to hate with more hate, the more the convert will double down.
The absolute worst thing for you as an anti-endo would be if endos stopped responding to hate with more hate of their own, and took a moment to consider if how they're reacting is actually in the best interest of their cause, of if they're just being baited into lashing out from hurt and anger themselves.
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enbyhyena · 2 months
ah, so this hasn't happened in a few years. nothing quite like getting publicly mocked by a bunch of ableist strangers online.
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lots of aphobia in the comments, as i'm sure you can imagine. and people calling my diagnosed disorder(s) fake. saying i'm entitled, a kid, a danger to myself, etc.
but when i come to my (very polite) defense...
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you won't guess what happened.
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"white knighting". for coming to my own defense, and doing so in a very polite and mature way, mind you. the mods *know* this is just a cover-up to silence the voices of the people they're trying to oppress, so that their audience can remain in their little echo chamber.
i was at peace with my comment and was going to simply feel vindicated and let myself forget about it. but now i'm fucking angry. i already had to go to bat against r/systemcringe years ago, and i got their post of us nuked off the face of the earth. i am *not* afraid to do it again.
so yeah. if you see this post, please report theirs for hate/harassment. hopefully if we mass-report it, it'll get taken down like it has been in the past.
i'm too tired and apathetic to be hurt by what random strangers think, but i'm not going to take blatant defamation and cyberbullying laying down. if not for my own dignity, then at least for the people who end up on this pathetic subreddit and aren't as jaded as i am. (because this can be legitimately traumatizing.)
here's the original post. go hogwild.
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number-1-anomaly · 4 months
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not giving the url because i dont want them to get harassed. but thats clown behavior. you are opposing yourself
the original post dont have the "unless you say you don't have trauma." bit, to clarify
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manyminded · 5 months
I think origin-discourse is stupid.
I’ve known I was plural for 4 years now. In the “real world” (If there is such a thing) I am afraid. I never speak about it outside closed doors. I have never met another system irl. I long, desperately, clawing at the floor with wet eyes begging the gods that someone like me is out there.
This is a large terror. All encompassing. Plurality is my whole life, yet it’s impossible to talk about it in the world. It’s not safe. Never was.
So - what. What? What if the first system I meet is anti-endo? What if we have different opinions on this discourse?
Do you understand how small this is? It’s such a small trait in the grand scheme of things. I do not care if you’re pro- or anti-endo. I care that you’re alive and here. No one cares about your origin! No one gives a shit! You’re stuck in an echo chamber! Stop hating others to feel safety!
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plural/system tumblr is p cool but unfortunately it is full of Posters with no poetic sensibility. it's all "which OSDD subtype do you have" and discourse about "the validity of endogenic systems." i want to ask everybody about whether or not [ENTERING THE STATIC OCEAN] relieves or worsens [THE RATTLING] for them but like nobody is gonna know what im talking about
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thexspiral · 2 months
Btw it is actually so common for people to believe they're endogenic as a coping mechanism over actually being endogenic, ESPECIALLY using the mixed origins label.
I am a traumagenic system. Diagnosed with DID, all alters existence can be traced back to trauma. But for YEARS I identified myself as being mixed origins. Reason being that I didn't want to accept that all of this could have been from trauma. I wanted to believe that my system was a good thing, that it wasn't just the response to trauma. I wanted to believe so bad that it wasn't as bad as I thought it was.
It was a coping mechanism. These alters weren't coming from hyperfixations, or being neurodivergent, or from nowhere even. They were coming from trauma. I was traumatized.
And I really wish people, on either side of these arguments, would just understand that so many people who claim to be endogenic are COPING because they aren't ready yet to process that their system is from trauma. Whether or not you believe endogenic systems are real is a whole other conversation. But there are truly people who believe they are endogenic solely as a way to distance from trauma.
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the-save-star-anomaly · 3 months
I think dividing system spaces by trauma/endo is a bit shit, and thats why I like the emmengards rings of system origins better
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wxrmeaterz · 2 months
for a skim read, just look at the parts in red <3
how can u b trans and say "sysmed" with a straight face
surely that is ur first red flag against endos no?
i am anti endo because i have researched this disorder and know systems cannot form without trauma and endos are frequently ableist
( eg "wah i wish i had ur disabling disorder so imma will it into existence" )
i despise the term "sysmed" cus its transphobic and ableist to compare ppl being anti-misinformation and pro-research to being a bigot
this is not to spread hate. apologies if some parts come off that way I just have no spoons to add tonetags or b polite
this post is directed at that last reblog after we checked the dni n blocked + deleted reblog
-a very upset Lilac :( (they/he/ram) + Sorine protector (hate/flesh)
edit: edited tags out of decency, no i will not be nice about this fucking read our DNI shut up its 4:30am as i write this -Cri (hate/death/kill)
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deakwithit · 7 months
Sysmed is a very stupid term.
ill never get over how stupid of a term "sysmed" is
its taken from transmed, which is a terrible term within itself as transmeds fucking suck
it makes no sense
transmed means: "Transmed, short for transmedicalist, refers to trans people who believe that dysphoria is required to identify as transgender."
Being transgender and having a mental disorder like DID/OSDD are two very different things. Comparing those two seperate experiences is asinine.
Gender is a complex thing that cant be defined by dysphoric or non dysphoric, it doesn't boil down to gender dysphoria. It's the wonderful euphoria you get from finally understanding yourself, its the euphoria and joy you get from being seen as your true self for the first time. Equating being transgender to suffering is inherently bad, which is why pushing the idea that you NEED to have dysphoria to be trans is bad.
But DID/OSDD are disorders *caused* by suffering. They are nothing even nearly comparable to being transgender.
Being a system cannot be defined by euphoria. Why anyone would be euphoric over dissociation, confusion, amnesia, splitting, etc is beyond me. It just isn't a thing.
Sysmeds are sysmeds because DID and OSDD are clinical disorders proven to be caused by childhood trauma.
Sysmeds are sysmeds because were tired of people using mental disorders as fun little terms.
You don't have to suffer because you CHOOSE this. Plain and simple.
If you don't suffer because you're a system, then you're not a system. It is inherently disabling and causes suffering, or atleast impacts and impairs your daily life.
Sysmedicalists are people with common sense who listen to science. That is all
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Twitter Dot Com when being used for internet discussions about irl stuff and fandom online as a social media platform nowadays is crazy because someone could say "The point of the label of being a lesbian is that it's about loving women and non-men as a woman or non-man esp in a society that forces cishet white male dominance over different marginalized groups and that saying that those who identify as men/the male gender can identity with the lesbian sexuality label is not only wrong but harmful and erasing queer history which is problematic" or "Dissociative Identity Disorder and Other Specified Dissociative Disorder is literally a medical condition thats origins are caused by trauma and that identifying as an 'Endogenic system' or any other sort of 'non-traumagenic' system is not only factually incorrect but hurts the plural community" while literally being a lesbian or a medically recognized system and people would still disagree with them. Please send help, the kids are infact not okay sadly/Neg.
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tucuteboything · 1 year
anyways :)
all systems/plurals/collectives are valid and that includes ones with origins you don't like :)
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
In syscourse news today, Aimkid continues to be harassed and slandered for supporting endogenic systems.
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The part about Aimkid being endogenic is just a another anti-endo lie. Last I checked, Aimkid is a traumagenic DID system.
But when have anti-endos ever cared about truth? 🤷‍♀️
And there's more:
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Remember, having a complex relationship with gender and sexuality as a trans person is literally transphobia now. /s
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That seems like a perfectly reasonable reaction to finding out someone is accepting and supports the existence of other people. /s
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That's just not at all how reclaiming works... 🙄
I wonder how many of the people attacking a DID systems for supporting endogenic systems are even systems themselves and how many are singlets looking for excuses to spread hate against systems for being different.
Anyway, here's a shout out to Aimkid for standing firm by her principles, and not letting herself be bullied into silence, even in the face of overwhelming hate!
The plural community appreciates it!
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number-1-anomaly · 3 months
this probably will be the only time ill be tagging most of you. some of your posts have been stolen. there is information on this link
@0th3rw0rldl1n3ss @awful-roffle @cerebralabyss @collectivecorie @countingsheepsys @fictive-culture @fossys @ghoulspawns @glitch72 @inclusiveplurality @interstellarsystem @lynx-landau @neuroticboyfriend @rottenslvtcemetery @sillayguy-system @strawberry-graveyard @systempositive @terry-prachett-big-naturals (i think i cant tag them) @timetokrill @t0bysrants @therainbowrollsystem @thestarpletsystem
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