#studying witchcraft
bruxasdebolso · 26 days
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coinandcandle · 1 year
Witchy Assignment #7
Witchy assignments are bi-weekly things you can do to further your practice. They are more hands-on but don't usually involve much physical exertion. These are personal assignments and you shouldn't feel obliged to share them, though I'm always happy to see what you come up with! <3
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For this week's assignment, obtain a book about magic or witchcraft. You can buy it, or borrow it from a friend or the library.
Once you've obtained the book read and annotate it (sticky notes work great for those who don’t like to write on the books themselves).
Not a reader? Consider audiobooks or podcasts and modify the assignment as needed.
Answer the following questions:
What are your favorite--and least favorite--things about the book?
In what ways do you agree, disagree, or partially agree with the author?
What citations or references, if any, did the author have to back up their claims?
Did the book make you want to learn more about the topic?
Did your opinion of the book change thought-out the reading? Does your initial opinion differ from your current opinion of the book?
If you could talk to the author, what questions would you ask and why?
Have you learned anything new that you’ll incorporate into your practice?
If you feel comfortable sharing, let us know in the tags, reblog, or replies which book you read!
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desenhosdebolso · 8 months
CW // Witchcraft / Religion / Paranormal - LONG POST - I was listening to a podcast about paranormal and psychic stuff and the presenters said something that really got to me - in a positive way
They were talking about the Warrens and how they influenced the general idea we have nowadays about the spiritual world, specially about ghosts and demons, and how much of their teachings were heavily based on christian beliefs
So why did that get to me? Because I actually thought those things were true, without knowing they influenced by a belief system I'm not part of anymore, and that was creating a barrier in my spiritual journey (as I'm a beginner witch)
The presenters explained how the Warrens were very religious, from catholic households, and how the idea that "demons and ghosts are all evil and scary and will hurt you" came from that catholic belief they had. And as they got famous and had such a heavy influence on the paranormal and spiritual community, those ideas started to be seen as the truth
Things like "don't use a Ouija board or you'll open yourself to demons" or "don't use tarot cards because evil beings will get to you" and things like that, often related to some type of divination method, would be seen as real and 100% true and people would actually be scared of these practices
What is the problem with that? Well... the problem is that creating that fear about these practices and these spiritual beings is actually what makes them "get to you". They feed from that fear, they want you to be scared
If you use anything as a divination tool* (ghost equipment included) with the idea that "you will get spooky stuff" or "you will talk to a negative entity" or anything like that, the negative beings will use that
And I believed in that. A lot. But I didn't know why, because it was such a common sense thing that I didn't really thought about it much
But, as they were explaining on the podcast, if you put your intention, while using the divination tool, into something positive, without being scared of it and only allowing positive beings to talk to you, bad stuff won't happen
I'm not saying that everybody should try divination out of nowhere.
Even tho it might sound easy to just "be positive and do it", it's not like that. If you wanna try divination you should learn how to do it properly and how to protect yourself spiritually. However, being scared of divination tools will only make things worse if you come to use one in the future.
And listening to that episode of the podcast is what made me actually realize that I didn't (and shouldn't) be scared of doing divination, and it helped me break some of the barriers I had in my spiritual journey
* Divination Tool? Divination Tools are objects or tools used to communicate with the spiritual world in many ways, such as talking to deities/entities/spirits, predicting the future, interpreting dreams, etc.
They can be objects designed specifically for that (like, tarot cards, Ouija boards, oracle cards, crafted pendulums, etc.) or be made with normal daily objects (like dice, stones with runes, necklaces as pendulums, etc.) and can be used for more simple answers, as yes/no questions, or more complex answer, like the meaning of a tarot card. Both options require interpretation, as they're often not direct answers
Ghost equipment can be considered a divination tool since they're often used by the ghost hunters to get answers from the entities in a haunted location. For example:
Yes/No answers with flashlights
Yes/No answer with REM-POD
Yes/No answers through Music Box (motion sensor)
Answers through the Spirit Box
Answers through the ghost recorders
NOTE: I'm not an expert witch, always check your information on multiple sources.
PODCAST: Meta PsycKicks - Episode: "The 7 Wonders of Ed and Lorain Warren's Case Files"
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the-evil-clergyman · 9 months
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Study of a Witch by Luis Ricardo Falero (19th Century)
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reggieblackdiary · 1 month
Study as if you were reviewing with Remus, Lily and Reggie at Hogwarts and didn’t want to look dumb.
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ddeck · 8 months
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leyendecker was onto something with that painting technique
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lavenderamadea · 9 months
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Not all days are gonna be good days.
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janeaustengirl · 5 months
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maddiviner · 9 months
Well, everyone. It turns out Christians have been lining their Bible pages with washi tape to create tabs that make it easier to find the different books and sections! Gasp! I just found out because my YouTube recommendations are 99% bujo supply videos. Naturally, pagans and occultists need to steal this idea for our notebooks immediately.
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I already did this to my reading journal, dividing out the sections, and it works incredibly well. I didn't even use different varieties of washi, just one (matching) kind, which was what I had on hand, but it still made it much easier to find things. Depending on how many sections your book has, you could use different colors of washi tape, though.
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darkforesttarot · 10 months
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Definitely an ace, or court card of wands. The colors, the staff, and the look of confidence and determination remind me of the suit of fire.
Note the water mark for artist credit.
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onyxheartbeat · 10 months
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Details from my study of Falero’s ‘Witches Going to Their Sabbath.’
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coinandcandle · 1 year
Witchy Assignment # 4
Witchy assignments are bi-weekly things you can do to further your practice. They are usually more hands-on but don't usually involve much physical exertion. Feel free to modify the assignments as necessary! These are personal assignments and you shouldn't feel obliged to share them, though I'm always happy to see what you come up with! <3
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For tips on research, check out my post Witchy Research Tips!
Look into at least one of the following and answer the following questions. Feel free to answer all of these if you'd like!
Planetary magic
Where did the idea of planetary magic originate?
What cultures used (or still use) these ideas?
How is planetary magic used in modern-day magic?
Is this something you plan to add to your practice?
Elemental magic
Where did the idea of elemental magic originate?
What cultures used (or still use) these ideas?
How is elemental magic used in modern-day magic?
Is this something you plan to add to your practice?
Where did the idea of numerology originate?
What cultures used (or still use) these ideas?
How is numerology used in modern-day magic?
Is this something you plan to add to your practice?
Bonus questions:
What is planetary timing?
What are the biggest differences in elemental magic across cultures?
What is the biggest difference in numerology across cultures?
Who are the biggest/most well-known users of planetary magic/ elemental magic/ numerology? How did they get this spot?
Happy witching!
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desenhosdebolso · 3 months
I really wanted to be able to share some knowledge about witchcraft and also help break some of the negative stereotypes that were created about the practice.
So I've created the Bruxas de Bolso ("Pocket Witches")!
If you're interested, you can find it "@bruxasdebolso" on Instagram or through this link:
I'm also finishing adjusting the tumblr account, so stay tuned!
Hope yall like the content! 💜✨️
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rhapsoddity · 1 year
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what happens when I want to make Witchcraft SMP fanart, but also want to an art study? this apparently lol
this based on Gustav Klimpt’s The Kiss :) 
it’s Scott and his potential dead boyfriend :D
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March Week 4 - Deeper Ancestry
We touched the surface of ancestry a couple times. But now it’s time to really dig. It goes beyond just the family you know of already, grandparents and great grandparents. It goes back further and further, to the very point you can no longer trace your origins. If you don't know your ancestry, the easiest way is to ask. Ask your parents, your grandparents and your great grandparents about where your family is from. Beyond that, you could always do a geneology test. Ancestry.com or something similar, to get a generalized idea of where your bloodline stems from.
Here are some basic steps to genealogical research.
Start with yourself
Look for names, dates, places and relationships - this comes from asking family members about their lives before you were around.
Begin at home - does your family keep personal records of any kind? Journals or diaries passed down? Heirlooms of any kind? My aunt sent me some books a few years ago with historical records of my family in Texas. It contained some journal and diary entires, pictures, and a few personal effects.
Use relatives as sources - ask. My grandmother and I spent one summer doing nothing but family research and literally making a family tree.
County, State, and Federal records (births, marriages, deaths) - These are literal records you can look into to discover more about your family For example, when researching with my grandmother, we discovered that our last name used to be different, and there was a misunderstanding of the spelling when our ancestors arrived in America, and so the first letter changed when they arrived.
Libraries and other archives - Once you're aware of some of the dates and names in your lineage, look up their records of events that correspond and coincide with those names and dates.
Monday - Explore your Culture/ Cultural Practices
Research/ New Page - If you feel so inclined, make a page for your cultural practices, and how they influence and are a part of your witchcraft practice. If not, just do some research. It can be good to know these kinds of things to understand oneself.
Practical -If there are nay practices that your culture has, that you have never taken part of, or that you take part of regularly, do it! Anything from foraging, to writing, to cooking, to singing... whatever it is, do it!
Tuesday - Connecting/ Disconnecting
Research - How does one connect or disconnect, depending on the individual ancestor and situation, from one ancestor or group of ancestors? Why do we connect with them? When do we connect with them? Same goes for disconnecting. Not all of our ancestors, or their actions, are worthy of holding in high regard, or acknowledging at all.
Journal/ Introspection - Looking into one's family history can be... heavy. Discovering things about the people we already know, and those that we don't know, is not always a pleasant experience. Holding people in a certain light because of how we feel about them can change dramatically when we discover truths we didn't already know. Journal about your feelings on the things you've discovered about your culture and ancestors. Be honest about how you feel about them, their lives, and their actions.
Wednesday - Honoring/ Disavowing/ Ignoring
Research - What are some ways to honor your ancestors, those worth honoring? How do you disavow, or separate yourself from those ancestors not worthy of connection or veneration? How does one ignore culture and ancestry when the need arises?
Research - Herbal Study - Pick another herb from your list and go to town learning all you can about, magical, mundane and practical uses, associations, and so on!
Thursday - Family Tree/ History
Practical/ Lab Notebook -make a page or get your lab notebook out and make yourself a little family tree or log of the family history you’ve learned. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, thought it certainly can. It can be as simple as names connected by lines. Or it can be a more literal family tree, with branches and leaves. Either way, make it!
Research - Gemstone/ magic/ tarot/ other - make a new page dedicated to whatever topic you’ve chosen to research here. Be it a gemstone and where it comes from, how it is formed and its uses or a specific tarot suit or card.
Friday - Ancestral Work
New Page/ Definition - What is ancestral work? Look up what it is, how it is done, how you already do it, how you can do it in the future, when, where and why to do. Do you already work with ancestors, knowingly or unknowingly?
Here are some links from a quick search to help you.
Intro to Ancestral Work
Ancestral Work
Ancestor Worship
Ancestor Work
Well this was a heavy and full week! Take time at the end of it to rest!
Good luck and happy casting witches!
-Mod Hazel
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devieboii · 13 days
Shout out Lady Athena for getting me to stop sitting on my ass and actually study
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