#strange loyalties
trashcanalienist · 1 year
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TONY: Stephen and I--
PETER: Are getting married?
STEPHEN: No, we--
HARLEY, PULLING OUT A GIANT BINDER: Sit down. We've planned out the entire thing.
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pinazee · 11 months
I think i finally figured out why disco/SNW Spock interpretation irks me. I couldnt figure it out because Peck is a good actor and his character hasnt diverged so much that it should anger my TOS loyalty. Plus im usually pretty open minded about creatives doing their thing.
TOS gave the impression that spock only ever let his guard down with Kirk. He was his best friend minimum. He was the most human, the most emotional because of Kirk. And SNW is nearly retconning their relationship. So you see, its my loyalty to spirk thats getting in the way. I want to preserve his special relationship with jim so im struggling to allow spock to show his humanity with anyone but him.
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cosmicdenro · 8 months
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i love dst i love rhm and reginald so it was only meant to be
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dctrlover1969 · 2 months
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memehayes · 9 months
cory’s reads are solid but jared remains a scary blindspot … if he would just connect the dots he has an infinitely better chance of not getting clipped prematurely
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neuxue · 9 months
Xiao Jingyan: 你一定要把自己做的事都说得如此狠绝吗?// Must you speak so ruthlessly of everything you do? Mei Changsu: 我本来就是一个狠绝之人。人素来只会被朋友出卖,敌人是永远没有出卖和背叛的机会的。// I am a ruthless person. One can only be sold out by a friend; an enemy will never have the opportunity to sell or betray you. Xiao Jingyan: 这个我信。但你可知,你若如此待人,人必如此待你。先生如此聪慧,这个道理不会不懂吧。// That, I believe. But you must know that if you treat people this way, that is how they will treat you. With your intelligence, surely you must understand this. Mei Changsu: 我明白……可是我不在乎。殿下尽可以用任何的手段来试探我、考验我,我都无所谓。因为我知道自己心里忠于的是什么。我从来都没有想过要背叛。// I understand… but I don’t care. Your Highness may use any method you like to test me, examine me; it doesn’t matter. Because I know where my own heart's loyalties lie. And I have never held thoughts of betrayal.
anyway let's just add this to the 'conversations that are going to fucking haunt Xiao Jingyan once he realises who he was having them with' list
(it's like the langya list but with more knives)
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kicktwine · 5 months
I have done my yearly "look through Kick's stuff and fall in love with the Knight Ven promising Way Too Much to Sora" comic, and mmmmmmmmm, the implications that Sora just GETS and the subtle horror as he knows that Ventus is Extremely Serious about "anything"
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anon sorry it took me a month but I have been just looking at this in my inbox and kicking my feet like :3<-< like hehehe… you’re right. You’re right! Keep talking I don’t have anything to say let me kick my feet some more. im very slowly pulling the kintsugi heart out of my bag would you like to stay for lunch
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xamaxenta · 10 months
something about stripper Ace who’s also an angel who wears combat boots
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falllpoutboy · 14 days
hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby
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rin-enjoyer · 6 months
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behold my totally sensical dynamic diagram. from aus that everyone knows about. yeah
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absylphe · 2 months
♡ dave and dork
○○○○○ | ATTRACTION ●●●●○ | AFFECTION ●●●●○ | INTEREST ●●●●○ | LOYALTY ●●●●○ | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
○○○○○ | ATTRACTION ●●●●● | AFFECTION ●●●●○ | INTEREST ●●●●○ | LOYALTY ●●●○○ | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
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providnce · 5 months
new CATB accs who've followed my blog in the past week expecting Van pics, get ready for the absolute whiplash of when it’s too early in the morning and I’m frothing at the mouth over some tiny greek dude in that foal band you’ve probably heard of with a total of 4 people in the fandom
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mariocki · 1 year
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Brian Croucher stars as the mysterious Gordon in The Jensen Code (ATV, 1973). Is he a secret service man? A traitor? Or just a potholing good time boy?
Although shot and transmitted in colour, the series master tapes were wiped and it now exists as black and white copies, barring an incomplete and damaged print of episode six.
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One can not understand how important loyalty is until he doesn't have it
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
it's so interesting how klaus handles his romances. taking the loyalty from stephan when he wouldn't give it willingly. and then when it came to caroline when he craved her loyalty as well instead this time he confessed he adored her and would wait until the end of time for her to give it to him. which is just a wild jump from one end to the other. this man truly only works in extremes.
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No but fr. I was watching more episodes and having thinky thoughts about this. Sorry took me a bit to get back to you, nonnie! I think when Klaus decided to pursue Caroline, he thought he might stick around for the long run. His mother was back, his whole family was there, Mikael was gone. They were all about starting over or whatever. I think in that very naive moment, he thought he might actually settle down in Mystic Falls for a bit and try to rebuild what he'd lost in New Orleans, so he tried a different approach with Caroline, seeing as things with Stefan had kinda gone all sorts of wrong.
You can see he loses his shit a few times, but then holds back just before he does something rash. It was pretty clear things wouldn't work with Caroline the way they did with Stefan before. She wasn't gonna fall for his bad attitude, wasn't gonna let his bs slide and was also not gonna join the dark side of the force with him. And I think he respected Caroline for that. He always saw how strong she was, how much character she had, and that was truly what drew him to her. Klaus may be whatever Klaus may be, but I don't think he would've ruined something he thought was beautiful (in every sense of the way). He *fancied* her, as he said. It was more than just physical attraction, he genuinely thought she was interesting. If he tried to compel her loyalty, he would kill everything he liked about her. So he didn't.
But I also think there might be a thing there to be said about honesty. He liked that Caroline was not just honest, but unafraid to speak her truth, which is something not a lot of people did in front of Klaus. Not even Stefan back in the 20s. Stefan was sly AF. He was there for a good time, not for any realness. And if you consider Klaus' whole fear of abandonment issues, the way he treated his family, how he wanted to build himself a hybrid army to surround himself with undestructible immortals, it implies he was a very lonely person, and in spite of his bravado and the face he put forward, how he wanted people to believe he was above all these things, it wasn't something he appreciated. Seeing the Scooby gang fighting for each other, seeing Rebekah and Elijah becoming tight again and hating on him, seeing how totally devoted to Elena Stefan was, and also how Caroline was just willing to fight for her friends, I think Klaus might have envied that. He probably wanted to have that too, people who would fight tooth and nail for him because they wanted, not because he compelled them to, or because they were sired to him. He valued family a lot, and that's what family was. So I also think there might have been a part of him that wished Caroline would come to feel that way for him, and knew that he would never have it if he tried to pry it from her by force.
For all his mistakes and flaws, Klaus was very generous towards Caroline, in a way. He saw her, understood her, knew there was a part of her that longed for more than the small town life, but also knew that she was a very young vampire who still had some human life to burn before she was truly free. And he was just willing to wait for her to be ready.
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