#sorry if I sound to harsh I promise I’m not trying to bite your head off or anything
pixiedust-poppers · 2 months
Okay I'm not sure what show this is, but should I start watching it? I'm seeing Peter pan and Captain hook stuff, so I'm guessing it's like, a Disney show?
Oh hello!! The show is Jake and the neverland pirates? It’s another extension of the Peter Pan franchise, made specifically for the Disney junior program. I’m pretty sure it was also made to introduce Peter Pan to a newer generation. It already had its debut in 2011 and for 4 seasons, it ended in 2016.
If you’re expecting EVERYONE to be there (like the the lost boys or native Americans or the other Disney fairies) they will NOT show up. Wendy, her brothers, Peter and tinkerbell are characters who show up in specials.
Should you watch it? You’re asking a person who watched every episode from beginning to end, so ofc I say yes lol! BUT. I need you to know going into it let me reiterate that this show is MADE for PRESCHOOLERS, the show is supposed to teach about basic morals and lessons like teaching others to share, don’t steal, counting, etc (this eventually stops near the end of season 2 and starts to be more about their adventures S3 and onwards) and they do try to be that interactive Dora the explorer type show for maybe 1-2 seasons. Season one is abit stiff but it’s just trying to get its barrings :(.
As for Hook (and smee too I guess) he his dumbed down BECAUSE this is once again for preschoolers so no he will not shoot the kids in broad daylight or smoke a cigar infront of their faces. He isn’t as cruel as his original but he is definitely still a major asshole to the kids and inhabitants as well.
Tdlr; Yes, you should if it interests you! It’s not mind blowing or anything but it’s still enjoyable show even if the on nose lessons will make you eye roll. You just have to be patient with it and remember when a solution comes up that is a little too morally good, that it was made for the preschool demographic back in 2011.
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sugarcoatedstarkey · 1 year
Tear stained pillow case p2
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Pairings- Drew Starkey x Fem!reader
Summary- It doesn’t take Drew long to realise he messed up.
Warnings- language
A/n- thank you to the anons who sent in what they wanted to see happen, apologies I couldn’t give you all what you wanted! There will be another part after this which will be longer 🖤 sorry this one is a bit short.
Part 1
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Drew was struggling, he found it hard to get out of bed most mornings. He wasn’t putting his all into filming, the creators of outer banks had pulled him aside multiple times to try to figure out what was going on with him.
By the end of the month, everyone on set knew he was going through a break up. The boys tried to cheer him up, took him out to parties, and took him to theme parks. Took him anywhere that might get his mind off of you.
But nothing was working, he kept slipping further and further into himself. He knew he has messed up, the moment his lips touched Odessa he knew he fucked up.
He knew he had to suffer the consequences, he couldn’t expect to kiss a cast mate, then go back home and play happy couples, not when you were at home tearing yourself apart from all the hate online.
He was pulled from his thoughts, Austin standing in front of him with a cup of coffee. He hands the cup to Drew who gives him a sad excuse for a smile.
“You need to reach out to her man” Austin states, taking a seat next to his friend. Nobody was game enough to bring you up around him, but Austin was worried about Drew.
“She won’t answer my calls or texts”
“well, let’s go to her then. Go to her mums house and beg her to listen to you”
Drew shook his head, he couldn’t do that to you. He knew you’d hate it if he just showed up, especially when your sister was unwell and resting at home.
“Okay then, let Maddison invite her to dinner with the girls. We can get her alone and you can talk to her”.
Drew wasn’t sure if that was a good idea, it was still showing up unannounced. Something you hated deeply, but it might be the only way for you to listen to him.
He needed to express how sorry he was, beg for you to forgive him. Beg for you back, promise he will work on himself and be a better boyfriend.
He couldn’t throw away 4 years of memories with you, you are the love of his life. You are the one he pictures beside him at red carpets, eating breakfast in the morning, having kids with.
“Okay, let’s do that”
You weren’t going to meet up with the girls, they worked with Drew and you didn’t want to get between that, you considered them dear friends but you just wanted to cut everything out from your life that was associated with or reminded you of Drew.
Yes it was harsh but how was you expected to move on when you surround yourself with everything that reminded you of him. But you couldn’t, you couldn’t even cut Drew from your life. Sure, his texts went answered and your phone was on silent most of the time.
You spent every waking moment thinking about him, looking him up online, checking if he was okay from his parents. It was unhealthy.
So that tiny voice in your head that told you it was a bad idea got pushed further into the back, you found yourself getting ready and hoping they would bring him up in discussion.
It was you, Maddison, Mariah and Carlacia. Madelyn was busy filming at the moment, you all had a glass of wine and was waiting on the food to be brought out.
No conversation of Drew which hadn’t bothered you, no one had brought up the break up. But they had given you individual hugs that were like they were saying I’m sorry about the news.
Conversation was flowing and it was turning out to be a really good night, it felt good getting out of the house. Good having a conversation that didn’t consist of your sick sister, the breakup and work.
It was fun hearing about their projects and how filming of season 3 had been going, you had to bite your tongue a few times to stop yourself asking how Drew was.
You froze at the sound of Drew’s voice, you could tell it apart from anyone. Your eyes widened, meeting the gaze of Maddison in front of you. She gives you an apologetic smile, your body stiffens when his fingers brush over the tattoo on your shoulder.
“Please look at me”
You close your eyes briefly and pull yourself to stand, you couldn’t ignore him. There was an ache in your belly, you needed to see his face. “Hi drew”
“Hey” he breathes a sigh of relief. Tears build in his eyes when you finally turn around, the wind gets knocked out of him when you give him a soft smile. He wants to grab you by the jaw and kiss you, express his undying love to you.
“How are you?” He asks, he can’t help himself and pulls you into a hug. Your body melts under him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
Your breathing in his scent, memories flooding your head. You can hear the thud of his heart against your ear, his arms feel like they are shaking.
“I’m… okay, you?”
“Been better”
Silence falls over the two of you, your eyes searching his. “What are you doing here?”
As he opens his mouth to speak, a group of girls come barging over. “Omg Drew”
“Hi girls, I’m just busy at the moment”
“Just one photo please?”
“Not right now”
Their eyes go to you, silently begging for you to tell him to take the photo. A sickness washes over you, if you didn’t do what they wanted, they would spread more hate on the internet.
“It’s fine, I was just leaving. Take the photo” you give them a polite smile.
“No no, I need to speak to you”
“Another time, girls”
They don’t give him time to speak again and they flutter around him. Shoving their phone into his face, you take this opportunity to grab your bag and jacket.
“I’m sorry…I have to go”.
You're rushing out of the restaurant before anyone can stop you, your shoes hitting the pavement faster than you thought was possible. The rain splashing up against your calves.
Reaching your car you fumble with your keys, his hand grasps yours. A sob escapes your lips as the rain falls around you both, you can feel his body against your back. “Please don’t leave”.
“I don’t know if I can talk to you Drew”
“Please… I need to apologise, I need to fight for us”
You turn and face him, water runs down your face. Your hair clinging to the sides of your face and neck. He can’t help himself and he grabs your cheek, staring down at you as he sorts out all the words flying around his head.
“I’m sorry okay, I shouldn’t have kissed Odessa… fuck I shouldn’t have done a lot of things, I was such a shit boyfriend towards the end”
You can’t find the words to respond, you don’t know if you want to hear this yet. You don’t know if you can forgive him, move on from the events.
“I don’t know Drew”
“Please y/n”
He’s pressing his lips to yours before you can say anything else, you let him slip his tongue inside for a moment before pushing him away roughly.
Rubbing your hands over your face, the rain makes you feel uncomfortable. “You can’t just kiss me Drew!”
“I’m sorry…. Fuck! I’m sorry!”
You shake your head, turning back around to unlock your car. “I have to leave”
“Please don’t.. let’s talk”
“Not right now Drew, give me time”.
He lets you get inside the car, pressing the palm of his hand to the window. You can’t look back at him, you would cave. You’d hop out of the car and kiss him again, you’d forgive him without really overcoming the betrayal you felt.
You're driving away without another word, watching his figure disappear in the rear view mirror. Your body shakes as you sob, tears dripping down your face.
Part 3
🏷️- @vigilanteshitposting @drewstarkeysleftfoot @cameronmedia @pedrisgatorade @teresalesbian @users09 let me know if you’d like to join my Taglist
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inkdrinkerworld · 11 months
For your celebration could you do the prompt
“trying to pretend that some jokes/comments don't bother them until one just finally goes too far” with either Remus or Miguel Ohara please also congrats !!!
oh oh i’m going with miguel! established-ish relationship
miguel’s way of showing affection as of right now is skewed.
it’s hard for him to be open about his affection so instead of being doting, he pokes fun.
sometimes it’s cute- most times- but right now, not so much.
all day he’d been poking and prodding, making jokes about stuff that usually don’t bother you.
but it’s hard to remain stone faced and impartial when he amps it up a little.
“did you do something new with your hair?” he asks, typing away at his computer as he spares you a glance.
you reach a self-conscious hand to your hair. you had- but you’re not sure how it’ll go.
miguel hums, “it would look better down.”
it’s not harsh or anything like that, but it’s the straw that ultimately breaks the camel’s back.
“i’m uh,” you pause, taking a deeper breath so you don’t succumb to your tears. “i’m gonna go.”
miguel pauses, his head snapping up as you stuff your books back in your bag and pull out your headphones.
“alma,” he mumbles, reaching for your hand only for you to pull it back. “mírame, por fa?”
you bite your lip as you meet his gaze and miguel frowns.
there’s tears pooling on your waterline and he knows he’s gone too far.
“i didn’t mean for it to sound like that,” he starts and you nod, wiping away the tears before they fall. “honest.”
you huff and let him pull you to his lap. “you’ve just been at it a lot today.” you say softly and miguel nods.
he feels bad. bad enough that his hands aren’t playful as they hold your waist and pull you closer to him.
“i’m sorry.” he says reverently, forehead pressing to your shoulder. “next time i’m going to far, web my mouth shut.”
you give him a giggle and nod. “i will. promise you i will.”
miguel is grateful for the giggle and the little tease, so much so that his fingers tickle into your side.
“no but seriously, let it down. smells like blood oranges.” you let the claw clip loose and miguel gives you his signature smile- a mix between a flat lipped stare and just a little quirk of the corner of his mouth.
his hands don’t miss a beat before sinking into your hair.
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hiii, i have more ideas!!!
what about if Y/N who is a close worker for scrooge but she's hiding that she's sick and she overworks herself that she collapse outside his office and scrooge is worried and has flashbacks to his sister jen.
so angst to fluff pleaseee
A/n: Yoooo why do you gotta do this to me!
Both of them harbor feelings for one another. Scrooge is just to stubborn / scared and the reader just thinks he hates her.
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You did your best to suppress the chill that ran down your spine. You felt hot, everything was hot and your body ached whenever you moved. You had to suppress the urge to not vomit, to took every will power for you not to just sleep.
Jolting awake you felt your heart race as you looked around the room. You didn’t even realize you dozed off. Looking up you flinched from the hard gaze your boss gave you.
“I don’t pay you to sleep Y/n.”
Opening your mouth you held back a cough, your chest burning as you gave him a weak smile. “I’m sorry sir. I did not get enough sleep last night…I’ll do better I promise.” You whispered lowering you head, gazing at your lap.
Stepping close, Scrooge held his hand out to touch you. He didn’t mean to sound so harsh, he honestly did not know why he even said something so harsh. Quickly pulling his hand back he nodded his head then turned away from you. “I’ll be back.”
He waited for your usual goodbye, that bright smile of yours that always seem to make him feel better but he received nothing. Lowering his gaze he quickly stepped out of the door.
Once he was out the door you let yourself go into another coughing fit, seeing that the fire was about to die out you stood up, legs shaking. Everything seemed foggy. Why was it getting so dizzy, taking step forward you let your hands grasped your desk only for you to slump forward, your legs giving out and that’s when everything went back.
Glancing at the bottle of medicine in his hands Scrooge hoped this would help your cough, he wasn’t stupid he knew you were doing your best to hide your cough, he just couldn’t figure out why you were hiding it from him. He would have let you go home, we’re you scared of him, I mean he was trying to work on himself.
“Y/n?” You should have called back to him or at least greeted him by the door, you always greeted him by the door. Rounding the corner his eyes went wide when he spotted your form right outside his office,his heart dropping into his stomach as the bottle of medicine slipped from his fingers as he rushed to your side.
“Y/n!” Kneeling beside you he pulled his hand back, your skin was ice cold but your head was burning up, he tried to squash the fear building inside of him and suddenly he wasn’t seeing you, he was seeing his seeing his sister. He couldn’t let that happen to you, he couldn’t lose you like he lost her. “I’m not.”Biting his tongue he lifted your body as he wished out of his office. He had to get you some place warm, he had to make sure you would survive this. “I will not lose you too.”
“I do not give a damn!”
Everything felt hazy, like you were trapped in a fog but it was the shouting of a familiar voice that had awoken you.
“I have done all can for her, the rest is up to Y/n. Good Day Mr Scrooge.”
Hearing a closing of a door you flinched then closed your eyes pretending to be sleep as your boss slipped into the room you were sleeping, a room you’ve never seen before”
“Pompous ass.” Muttering under his breath his he knelt beside you. His hand grasping yours gently, seeing you lay in bed like this brought up feelings that he had buried, one’s that didn’t like to think about. He knew he shouldn’t feel this way towards you, his employee but it was so easy to fall for you and now he couldn’t help but think about Belle. His mistake, one of the things he regretted but he was not going to let this chance pass and while you maybe sleeping and while he he would tell you when you were lucid he wanted to get this off his chest.
“Y/n….I am sorry….I am sorry for not noticing your sickness sooner…I’m sorry for being such….for being such a coward…for not admitting my feelings for you…and while you way not be awake to hear this. I love you Y/n.”
You could feel your heart hammering in your chest. You weren’t sure how long you waited for him to fall asleep, how long it was until you listened to his confession but it made you happy. Wincing you shifted your body then glanced over noticing that he had fallen sleep beside the bed you were, the man still clutching your hand and as your eyes adjuster to the darkness you finally spotted Prudence laying by the foot of your bed.
“He took me too his home.” Biting back some laughter you smiled watching him. “I love you too, you silly man.”
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florestmoon · 2 years
What about an Eddie fic inspired from the songs august-cardigan-betty trilogy from Taylor Swift? Absolutely tragic but with a happy ending. (cause my heart can handle angsty angst but cant handle sad endings) 😭😭
OH MY GOD. I saw this and dropped all the drafts I was working on, and couldn’t stop typing away. This is for the swifties </3 this idea. Mwah! Thank you ! This may not be the happiest ending as I struggled with it but I tried lol <3
Warnings: Angst. Angst. Angst. Hurt/some Comfort. Implications of cheating. Breakups. Swearing. Eddie being a total fucking idiot. Rekindling a friendship/relationship. Sort of? Open ending.
“I saw them together.”
It felt like the air had been knocked from your lungs, throat constricting as you tried to swallow down the biting ache that racked through your body. Tears stinging in the corner of your eyes as robins voice continued to bleed in your ear, hands white from gripping onto the phone tightly.
Robins voice wavered, the way it always did when she was on the verge of breaking into her incoherent rambles. “He—at the party last night. Me and Steve caught them, in the kitchen and, it was a split second but still—I’m sorry y/n, I had to tell you. And—“
The name Augustine blurring along with the small details that Robin pushed out. The same name that was introduced to you when a new girl moved into town. Someone who quickly made her spot in Hellfire’s club when she arrived.
You could only mumble a small okay to your friend, quickly thanking her before ending the call that had destroyed your whole being.
The silence that followed was deafening. You couldn’t tell if Robin’s retelling of Eddie’s infidelity was worse than the emptiness that greeted you as you stared into the darkness of your room.
You glanced at your bed, the sight of the white cardigan that Eddie bought you months prior, when Hawkins was still suffering from the harsh winter. Everything hit once you numbly laid down and pulled the soft material against your chest.
The smell of Eddie’s cologne and the smoke that marked his scent breaks the dam, your sobbing cutting through the silence of the room.
He tugs the sleeve of your cardigan up your arm, other hand brushing against your skin, drawing lazily with his fingertips. You stare down at the textbook, trying to ignore the light kisses that followed where his fingers had marked.
“You’re distracting me.” You mumble, giving in to glance at the doe like eyes already boring their way into you. Regretting it immediately when his lips push into a teasing smile.
“So my plan is working.” He hums, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close, between his legs and against his chest. “I thought I would have to throw that textbook out the window.”
“I would have grabbed another one..” You giggle when he nudge your cheeks with his nose, his huff tickling against your chin. “And smacked you with it.”
“Ohhh so we playing dirty now?” He gasp, tugging on a piece of hair. “I’m up for the challenge.”
“Oh shut it.” His hands are pushed off your waist and you reach forward for the textbook he managed to kick away with his foot. “You realize we both should be studying for Ms .O’donells final.”
“Do we have to?” He groans, hiding his face against your shoulder. Eddie tugs on a loose thread on your cardigan, wrapping it around his finger as he enjoys the sound of your voice.
“Yes we do! We made a promise that you would graduate this year, and begin looking into colleges with me.” You poke his head.
“Who will accept someone who had to repeat senior year two times?“ he sighs, allowing you to turn around in his arms and face him.
“Come on, my grades aren’t that great either Eds. My GPA isn’t exactly that of a honor student.”
“Then why are we even stressing over it?” He watches you. “You been wearing yourself thin over this stuff. I mean, seriously. You told me that you didn’t care about any of that college crap before.”
You shrug, looking down at your sleeves as his voice softens. “Your parents again?”
That tugging sensation that accompanied the thoughts of your parents and their plans they placed on you, coming back. Eddie cups your cheek as he notes this. The gesture encouraging so you nod.
“They keep bringing up these fancy universities that I already know I won’t get into.” You sigh and lean against his chest. “I don’t even think I want to get into them.”
“Then what do you want?” He asks softly. “You, not your parents.”
“I don’t know.” You sniff and bask into the warm embrace of his arms wrapping around your body. “I just want to be good enough for them .Not be seen as second place to my sister. For them to not look at me as the usual disappointment they think I am.”
Eddie arms tighten around you and he scoffs next to your ear. “How many times do I tell you that you are not a disappointment? And to stop comparing yourself to your sister.” He smooths his hand down your side.
“It’s hard when it’s all they do.” You groan into his chest. “She’s their favorite. And I’m..just there. It’s been like that my whole freaking life. Always second, never good enough, never the favorite—“
“Hey.” He makes you look at him. “I know this probably doesn’t sound as comforting, considering my reputation, but-“ he pinches your cheek. “You’re my favorite. Always will be my favorite girl.”
You stare up in awe and blush. He continues. “Your parents are clearly idiots and don’t see what a gem you are. Alright? I don’t want you letting their comments get to your head.”
You nod allowing him to bring you in a hug again, the sweet compliments and praises he washes over for the rest of the night push away all those insecurities that’s been built through out the years.
His whispers against your ear and kisses along your skin warming you up more than the cardigan wrapped around you.
“Please.” Eddie begs. His foot blocks your attempt to shut the front door in his face, ringed fingers gripping onto the edge of the door frame as he lets out a shaky breath.
“It was just a kiss.”
“Just a kiss? Wow.” You hiss, trying to push the door closed again. “You’re fucking unbelievable.”
“It was a fucking mistake!” He scans your face, trying to catch anything that wasn’t pure hatred that you threw at him. “I-i wasn’t thinking clearly, I was drunk.”
“Oh. Because that makes things any better.” You say bitterly, looking down at his sneaker. “Move your fucking foot.”
“Jesus. Please just listen to me, we can talk about this.” The panic in his voice and eyes was evident. “I was a fucking idiot ,a-and I never meant to hurt you and- and —“
“But you did. You did hurt me, Eddie.”
It was hard to keep your voice steady, the strong expression you had kept up for most of the confrontation was beginning to falter. Your bottom lip began to shake as a few tears escaped. Eddie expression drops.
“Were you ever going to tell me?” You sniff. Eddie remains silent and you scoff. “Or were you going to act like nothing happened? Like you didn’t do exactly what I was afraid of the moment you brought her into the club.“
You push the door open and push him back, glaring at him through the tears. “You lied. You gave me all this bullshit that I was your favorite girl, and that I was the one for you. All these fucking lies and I believed you. I believed every stupid lie you fed me.”
“They weren’t lies, I was never lying!” He shouts back. “I meant everything I said, I still do. You are the one for me y/n—“
“Then why did you kiss her?” You look between his eyes. “Tell me then. If any of it was true, why. did. you. kiss. her.”
Eddie opens his mouth but clamps it shut again, grimacing as he finds himself unable to answer.
“I’m sorry” He whispers, voice breaking. “I’m so sorry baby. I don’t know what I was thinking.” He pressed his face against his balled up fist in a pained expression. “I’m so fucking sorry. Let me fix this. Ill do anything. I’ll fix this, I’ll fix us. Please.”
“You can’t.” You shake your head wiping away your tears in anger. “There’s nothing to fix. There’s no us anymore, Eddie.” His name comes out shaky as you cry. “Okay?I’m done.”
Eddie own expressions breaks as he lets out a sob of his own, your words beginning to sink in. “Don’t. Please don’t do this. I can’t lose you.”
His tears only pushed at your anger, he wasn’t the one that was hurting from this. You weren’t the one that cheated, the one to break many promises. You weren’t the one that broke a trust that took so long to build, acted on urges that stabbed at the insecurities that were buried with kisses and declarations of love.
All those kisses left on your skin now leaving a burning reminder, a ghost of a tattoo, of the heart ache that you were sure wasn’t going to go away. No matter how many years passed, it will always linger. Forever haunting you as you try to forget what you and Eddie had.
Because that’s all you were left with now, memories and heartbreak. There was no longer kisses that would make things better, stopping the bleeding that came from deep scars, not when the boy behind them was now the sole reason for why you were breaking apart right now.
That didn’t mean you didn’t want it though. A kiss that would make everything better, but you could only stare at Eddie continued to cry in front of you. His eyes pleading and begging, hands shaking as he tries make eye contact.
You swallow down that lump in your throat and grip onto the door handle tighter. “It’s over Eddie.”
He tries to speak but you cut him off before he could continue to make excuses.
“You need to fucking leave. Now.” You step back into your home, ripping your eyes away from his torn expression. “I don’t want to see you again.”
“Y/N, no please—“
The door slams shut.
It felt like the whole floor was ripped from under him. A dark hole swallowing him whole ever since you closed the door in his face that night. The unanswered calls and your avoidance only sinking him deeper into the hole he made for himself.
It was a mistake. That night at the party, he was so out of it and didn’t know what he was doing. He wasn’t even suppose to be at the party but a quick call from Gareth, mentioning that a few students wanted to buy drugs and he was the only known dealer in town.
He should have denied, but the stress of graduation being around the corner and his grade in Ms. O’donells final still being unknown got to him.
Eddie wouldn’t have been surprised if he failed again, that graduation stage being something he simply wasn’t meant to walk on. But the only thing that made him care about that idea and the disappointment that would have followed if he didn’t, was you.
He wanted to graduate for you, to make you not be disappointed that you’ll have to wait and stay another year in Hawkins just because Eddie couldn’t stop being an immature fuck up.
That’s all he was. But you still saw through that and stuck with him. You knew him in a way that no one else did, or will ever. And what did he do?
He did what he was best at.
He fucked up. He let his worries and stress of being good enough get to him, took that excuse to drink and he royally, incredibly fucked up. He ruined the one good thing in his life and he didn’t know how to deal.
Graduation went by fast, he did end up graduating surprisingly which only made him feel worse, and he hasn’t heard from you. Summer begin and he didn’t know what to do anymore.
He thought maybe if he tried to get glances of you throughout town, driving by your home on random night, he could get the courage to try to speak to you again. But when he did, he was met with a sight that broke him.
It was known you were friends with Robin, so it shouldn’t be too surprising that you would begin hanging out with the blonde. But Steve Harrington? The sight of you two together, hanging out at the local diner was all it took for his hope to be demolished.
The fact that you both looked great together. The preppy and rich boy look that Harrington carried around went perfectly well with your cute sweaters and soft demeanor. Not contradicting like it did with his band tees and metal look.
Even if you always did remind him that you loved it, saying how happy you were with him.
He began torturing himself by walking down familiar streets, Hawkins plaza being a common spot for you both to hang out on slow weekends. His eyes staring down at the cobblestones that made up the side walk, slowly making his way to the hide out. Maybe a few beers will help.
He came to a stop when he nearly ran into a street lamp, groaning as he rubbed his shoulder before noticing a yellow sticker that was loosing its color against the metal pole.
“—and 86’ will be our year baby!” Eddie drunken speech has you giggling, gripping onto the street lamp and spinning around it. The light gives a clear view of the white cardigan that was snug on your figure,his leather jacket thrown over your shoulders as extra protection of the cold that was early February.
Both of the outwear clashing against each other, different in the aesthetics but he loved it. He loved everything about you, especially the way some strands of hair fell over your face as your spinning came to a stop.
Drunken amused expression gazing up at him, standing beneath the street light that wasn’t anything compared to how bright your smile was.
He upped his dramatics, wanting to keep your eyes on him.
“Hawkins will be no longer!” He shakes his head, hair falling out of the lazy ponytail that was held up by your scrunchie. “Me and My royal highness will be leaving behind this shithole and onto a kingdom she deserves!”
“And where exactly will this kingdom be at?” You ask, hugging the street lamp and looking at Eddie with wide puppy eyes. The hopeful expression you throw at him beats the feeling the alcohol in his system was giving him.
He places a hand above yours on the metal pole, on top of a bright yellow smiley face sticker, leaning in and whispering. “You tell me where. Name a place and I’ll take you there in a heartbeat. ”
Your eyes soften as his voice dips into a deeper genuine tone, no longer the dramatics that was Eddie’s overall personality. A tone that was only ever shared between you both.
You ponder then shrug.
“Anywhere.” You answer, smiling and reaching for his hand. “I don’t care where, as long as you’re by my side.”
His heart soars at that and a grin spreads across his face. Unable to hold in that giddiness that only you could give him, he bends down and grabs your waist, throwing you over his shoulder. Your shouts and complains echoing across the empty street.
“Anywhere it is!” He shouts over your laughter. “Once you graduate—“
“We, idiot!”
“ I’m going to take you far far away from here. Away from these peasants. But first..” he hiccups and realizes how empty the street actually was. “We need to find my van. Where the hell are we?”
“I thought you said it was parked this way, Eds!”
“Hey!” A voice calls out, snapping him out of the memory that was making the emptiness in his heart more prominent. He turns to see a car roll up and recognizes the face. “Well, hi stranger.”
Augustine smiles up at him, arm prepped on top of the rolled down window. How the hell did he let that smile reel him that night? It didn’t have the soft edges that yours did, it didn’t bring any type of feeling to him what’s so ever.
“Why the hell are you walking this late at night?” She asks after he only responds with a tense smile, looking down the street.
“Van broke down.” He says, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
It was a lie. He couldn’t handle the smell of your perfume that lingered, the trinkets you put on the dashboard, or your ghost in the passenger seat. The mixtape he made for the both of you to listen to was still in the cars stereo.
“Well shit. That sucks.” She laughs and bites her bottom lip. Her eyes hopeful. The look strikes him that she must have remembered that drunken night, a full memory for her while his was hazy. Bits and pieces he hated thinking about.
She takes in the defeated stance and sits up straighter, hoping her encouraging smile can lift him up.
“Cmon Eddie, get in. Let’s go for a drive.”
He stares back at her for a moment, ready to dismiss and continue his way to the hideout. But then he thought of you and Steve, the match made in heaven, and he finds himself resigning. Hoping this could fill the hole in his heart.
You didn’t think the pain could be any worse than it was, but apparently you were once again wrong. Summer went by agonizing slow. The full time job you got at Scoops Ahoy was the worst decision you could make because it meant having to endure seeing Eddie and Augustine together.
The first time it happened, they had walked into scoop ahoy right a few minutes shy of it closing. Augustine’s loud laughter forcing you to stand up straight, stomach churning when Eddie made eye contact with you.
He seemed as surprise as you were, it was the middle of July and it’s the first time you both ran into each other since graduation.
They looked..perfect together. Augustine always had that rocker vibe to her, something her and Eddie bonded over when she first sat at the lunch table. Their taste in music were the same, they dressed the same. They looked perfect together.
Augustine had a fierce look in her eyes (that would make anyone tense up if she glared at them, something you were jealous of) as she glanced between you two, expression dropping for a split second.
A look of sympathy, or even pity, crossing her expression as she threw you an awkward smile, before she began asking for one cone. Eddie remained silent, never tearing his eyes off you as you replied with your customer service voice, shakily taking his money.
You gave her the ice cream cone and he finally attempted to say something, but before he could fully say your name— Steve came bursting through from the employee room and glared daggers at him.
“Sorry, we’re about to close so you can’t eat in here.” He practically hisses, grabbing you by the shoulders, squeezing them in comfort and lightly pushing you towards the break room. “Can you take the trash out for me?”
You wasted no time to take your exit, leaving Eddie and Steve to their weird stare down. Maybe you cried in the bathroom instead of taking out the trash, but Steve made no comment on it. Driving you home and comforting you the way he has been the entire heartbreak.
July slowly rolled into August, then August transitioned into September. It went by like a breeze for Eddie, his days full of drug deals and doing whatever he could to forget about the missing piece in him.
He thought he could pull himself out of that hole if he simply kept himself distracted the whole summer. But it didn’t do jack shit, because he found himself standing in your front porch, with a hope that he could change this ending that he caused.
The sound of loud laughter, music and multiple people talking over each other can be heard from his spot.
Dustin had let it slipped that Robin was throwing a surprise party for you the day before, somehow the kid still wanted to be around Eddie despite the rest of hellfire not being able to look him in the eye yet. He asked what for, but Dustin went quiet and continued to focus on the campaign they were planning.
He knocks on the door and steps back a bit, willing his body to stay. Would you tell him to fuck off the moment you saw him? Jesus, that was the only way this could go but he had to try.
The door swings open and that familiar whiff of your perfume hits him. If he hadn’t cried his eyes dry the entire summer, he may have teared up at the comforting smell. Your hair was shorter, he notes. He always loved the way it framed your face when it was short. It’s been so long since—
“Eddie?” Your smile drops the second your eyes landed on him. His heart twists at that.
“Hey..” he licks his lips and clears his throat, glancing past your shoulder then at you. “I..uh can..can we talk?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” You continue to stare at him with no expression, seeming ready to shut the door again but he holds his hand out.
“I know. I know you told me you didn’t want to speak to me, or even see me again but.” He lets out a bitter laugh. “Shit y/n. You don’t understand how hard this has been for me—“
“For you.” You deadpan. “Yeah I really can’t imagine how this could hard for you.”
He frowns and shakes his head. “You haven’t spoken a damn word to me since May. You ignored my calls, had your mom tell me to basically fuck off whenever I came by, you didn’t let me at least try-“
“No.” You step out and slam the door shut behind you. “Eddie. You are not going to put this on me. This is your fault. I’m not the one that cheated !”
“I know! You don’t think I fucking know that?” He rubs his face and let’s out a strangled cry. “Fuck. I’ve been beating myself over it since it happened. It eats me alive. Day and night. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever done and I wasn’t thinking clearly that night and I know that doesn’t excuse what I did, but I need you to understand that if I could change what I did, I would do it in a heartbeat. Because losing you—“
He removes his hands from his face and looks at you, your own expression beginning to break. “God, losing you—it’s breaking me. Tearing me apart.”
“Good.” You hoarsely state, crossing your arms and staring down at the ground. “You deserve it, Eddie. You deserve to feel this way.”
Eddie swallows hard and watches you. “Can you ever give me a second chance?”
You begin to shake your head and his heart breaks, his desperation taking over. “Please, why can’t you at least let me try to fix things?”
“Because there’s no coming back from what you did, Eddie. I don’t give two shits about your apologies okay? I’ve moved on.”
“What?” He bitterly laughs, “to fucking Steve the hair Harrington? That preppy asshole we use to hate? “ Your expression twist in confusion and he continues, voice rough dripping with venom. “I saw you all around town with him, all summer. Christ y/n, I never thought-“
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. A choke laugh escaping as you stared at Eddie in bewilderment. “Are you serious right now? You want to give me shit when you been out and about with the same girl you cheated on me with!”
He stammers as you poked his chest roughly. “I can’t believe you had the nerve to come here, begging for forgiveness when you been fucking her all summer.”
“It meant nothing.” He admits, gripping onto your wrist. A few tears rolled down your cheek as you try to pull away. “She doesn’t mean anything to me. I only did it so I could try to forget about you. All those nights..I only thought about you, you wouldn’t leave my mind. She’s not you.”
“I dreamt of you all summer, you know?” He sniffs. “God, I couldn’t even sleep in my room for weeks because you left some of your stuff there. Had to sleep in the couch and Wayne was pissed. Shit, the old man wouldn’t stop asking about you. Kept reminding what a dumbass I was, I thought he missed you more than I did—“
A broken laugh is all he gets from you and he continues. “But no. I missed you like crazy, and..and I mean it when I said I would do anything. Even for you to at least..talk to me? Or to look at me. I can’t handle you not being in my life anymore. And I don’t care how long it takes to build the trust again.”
“I’ll keep trying. Because that’s all I need, I need you to let me at least try. Even if it’s just for us to be friends again.”
“Friends?” You frown.
“Yes. Jesus, you were my best friend. And I miss having you around, I miss making you laugh, I miss hearing you voice pestering me every damn day. I miss everything. I miss us. And I’ll sell my damn soul to be able to get it back.. Shit, I’ll sell my guitar!”
You cry and go weak in his grip, letting for your chest to shake as you let out the tears that never seemed to run out. “God. You fucking idiot. I should fucking hate you Eddie Munson.”
He silently watches you and you get the courage to look up at him. “But I just..can’t. I guess I can never fully hate you.”
“y/n..” he whispers and you close your eyes, a few tears squeezing out. The apologies didn’t do much to soothe the ache in your heart, but you couldn’t deny you had missed him too. The summer was horrible without the usual late night rides you both would go on.
Something crashing in your room brings you out the small moment, Robins rambled apologies bursting the bubble.
“Eddie.” You start, looking back at your home and you frown, the party you seem to have forgotten coming back in mind. You get lost in thought then utter. “There’s no way we can fix things now. We just can’t.”
“Come on. ” His grip tightens. “There has to be, right? It may take a while and it’ll be fucking hard, I know I destroyed a lot but we can take it slow and, and..“
The look you threw him has him trailing off, his eyebrows furrowing as he tries to understand why you looked so..resigned. There’s a few seconds before you finally find your voice.
“I’m leaving Hawkins.”
Eddie feels as if he was drenched in cold water. He freezes, processing your words and can only stare blankly as you continue.
“I got accepted into a university.” You chuckle dryly. “Surprisingly.. but uh yeah. Managed to snatch a scholarship and everything. Go me.”
The surprise party suddenly makes sense—Dustin’s avoidance of his question.
“But..you hate the idea of college.” His mouth feels dry, stuffed with imaginary cotton that makes it difficult to even speak. “You told me that you were planning to tell your parents about our plan—how we..“
We were going to leave together. He wanted to say but the sharp look you gave him made it die on his tongue.
“Yeah well things change, apparently” You glance at him then down at the sleeve of your sweater. “Besides. It may not be the way I wanted to leave but..I don’t have anything that makes me want to stay.”
You have me. He trembles, everything finally setting in. It wasn’t fair for him to say that though, because the reality was— he had you but he ruined it. He thought he lost you before, but this was a whole new level of pain he wasn’t sure he could live with.
He thinks of the fact that it’s the first week of September and takes a deep breath. “When?”
He has a distant look in his eyes and you stay silent. You had hoped you wouldn’t have to say goodbye, didn’t think he deserved one after everything. The kicked puppy look being another reason why you were ready to simply leave and not look back.
“Guess I’ll just keep missing you then.” He says finally, voice wavering as he silently cries. Tears streaming down his face as he tries to force down the complete heartbreak.
“And I’ll keep waiting.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, unable to look at him anymore. “Don’t. This is why I didn’t want to do this.”
“I’ll wait. You may not come back, but I’ll wait.”
“Stop, Eddie. Don’t do that to me or yourself—“
“I love you. You know I love you, and you know I’m never going to feel this way for someone else so I’ll wait—.”
“I knew you. I knew you, Eddie.” you look back at him and sigh. “Things are different now. We both know that.”
The door opens suddenly and Robin drunken grin transforms into shock, and she rambles. “Oh shit—uh, I’ll..uh, sorry! Jonathan was going to take pictures but—I’ll leave you guys alone or actually, no? Y/N, do you need..help?”
You shake your head and glance at the blonde. “No it’s fine, I was heading back inside right now.”
She clamps her mouth shut and nods, glancing at Eddie then disappearing behind the door. He’s unable to stop crying even you look back at him and glance back down. Unable to make eye contact.
“I should go.”
None of you move at first, the ghost of a goodbye hovering over you both. The inevitable end that you both desperately wished was different, finally making itself known.
You welcome it first, giving him one last smile and softly saying.
“Goodbye Eddie.”
He’s forced to watch you hesitate for a split second before turning around and pushing yourself into the home. Closing the door in his face for the second time.
He stares at the door for a few agonizing seconds before breaking down in your door steps, realizing that you telling him to simply fuck off would have been better than this.
You closed the door and press your forward against the wooden panels, trying to ignore the bleeding that seeped through reopened wounds.
The scars lingering, small what ifs already plotting their place into the back of your mind as you force yourself away from the door, away from Eddie—and back to the party.
December 1988
“Eddie! I need you out in the front?” The raspy voice of his insufferable boss, Ted, brings Eddie to roll out from underneath the car he was working on. He lets out a few curses as he sits up, setting down the tools and shouts back.
“I’m busy here, Ted. You deal with it. Didn’t you want me to fix this car before tomorrow morning?”
“I have an important call.” Complete bullshit. “ I have a customer that needs help with her car so get your ass out there.” The older male yells before he makes his way into his small office. He throws his head back and sighs. Of course.
Wiping some grease off his hands, he makes his way out from the back of the shop. He focuses on a certain spot on his wrist as he chirps out, “Fear not, Eddie’s here to fix whatever-“
He stops when he looks up, ready to greet the customer who was facing the other way with his easygoing smile when he’s hit with the sight of a white cardigan. Your head twirling around and his breath catches in his throat, a pathetic sound coming out as a result of it.
Eyes equally as wide, you take in Eddie’s appearance. The dirty blue jump suit hanged off his waist. Grease was not only staining his clothes, but his hands and arms. His hair was still long, something that you couldn’t help but admire, and it was pulled into a half bun.
You both gawk at each other before you finally tore your eyes away and laugh awkwardly. “Wow. I was kinda hoping I had more time before bumping into you.”
“You’re back.” He states once the shock begins to fade, taking in your appearance. The cardigan is what really floored him. You still had it all this time? He often stayed up at night thinking about whether you kept some of his belongs the same way he did.
One of your forgotten things— a sweater never left it’s place from his closet, never washed in fear that it wouldn’t smell like you again. He often was to afraid to touch it or take it out, afraid he cigarette stained fingers would ruin it.
Eddie continued to stare at you and you smile sheepishly, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “Yeah. I’m back.” You chew your bottom lip and shrug. “Hawkins bad luck proves itself again though, my car died right when I got here. Luckily i noticed that there was something new in town..”
You glance around the shop and hug yourself. Eddie stun silence is finally broken as the mention of your car.
“Right. Your car.” He clears his throat. “Uh I’ll check that out for you. Probably the battery or something—“
“Most likely. It’s a piece of junk.” You scoff looking back at your car and kicking one of the wheels. Eddie glances at it and shrugs.
“Nothing compared to mine though.” He whistles, feeling himself began to ease into the light atmosphere. His nerves still had hands trembling.
You snort and follow him to your car, popping the hood open for him and leaning against the car as he begins to check it out. You allow yourself to look down the street, breathing in the cold air and the sight of Hawkins.
Eddie checks the battery. “Jesus how old is this thing?”
“I don’t know.” You raise an eyebrow when Eddie shoots you a look. “What! I’ve never been a car person, you know this.”
“Well I can get you a new battery, the problem is..” he sighs and looks at you. “I’ll have to order one. With how old this piece of shit is—“
“And it’ll probably take a week.” He finishes, throwing the rag over his shoulder and closing the hood. You groan and slump against the vehicle.
“Great. First day here and I can’t even make it all the way to my house.”
“I can drive you.” He quickly says. “My shift ended 30 minutes, that dickhead just loves having me around so much.”
He rolls his eyes and you can’t stop your own smile from growing. A small pang of hope etching into his chest at the sight. He forgot how much it warmed him up inside. The cold breeze of December had no match against it.
You think for a moment then look back at your car. “You better still have that ugly van because I need space for my suitcases.”
Eddie gasps in offense and holds his heart. “Ugly? You use to say you loved my van?”
“Oops. Secrets out.” You grin before unlocking your trunk and pushing a bag into his arms.
“I honestly thought my ears were playing tricks on me when I heard him yell your name.” You muse, watching the trees become a blur out the window. “Because Eddie? A mechanic?”
“Wayne knew the guy.” Eddie explains, trying not to focus too much on the fact that his passenger seat was finally filled again. “Wouldn’t quit until I agreed to work there. It was easy to learn though.”
“Huh.” You shake your head and laughs. “Wasn’t expecting that at all.”
“What? You thought I would be selling drugs my whole life? Besides, no other place wanted to hire me.”
“No.” You frown, sitting up. “That’s not what I meant. I just mean…I guess I expected you to be gone.”
“Gone?” He throws you a questioning look.
“Yeah like..eventually you would have left Hawkins. Maybe decide that corroded coffin would play somewhere else that wasn’t the hide out.”
Eddie goes quiet at that and you get the courage to look at him. His face was soft, sadness swimming in his eyes. “I told you I would wait.”
You’re struck with that conversation that occurred two years ago. Two years since you forced yourself to leave and attempted to forget your first love, and your first heartbreak. A lump grows in your throat and you stare at the road.
“I meant what I said.” He says sadly. “You may have thought I was just saying that. That it was lies but. I waited. Even if I wanted you to leave and be happy, I still wanted to wait. Just in case.”
“In case I came back.” You mumble. “And I did.“
He slows down to a stop in front of your home and you stare at the front door, exhaling. “You know..I didn’t think I would ever miss it. Hawkins. But I did, couldn’t stop even if I was in some expensive school in New York.”
“Are you on winter break?” He asks cautiously, the mention of college making him realize how temporarily this is. “When are you going back?”
You go quiet. He cuts the engine and waits, watching you as you look at him with a half smile.
“I’m not. I dropped out.”
“You were right Eds.” Eds. Fuck he missed that. “College isn’t for me, I only did it for my parents and I realized in the beginning of my second year that I couldn’t stand following whatever plan they set out for me.”
“But you wanted to leave Hawkins no matter what—“
“You did too.” You cut in, getting defensive. “You also wanted to leave once, but still stayed. Even when I told you to not do that to yourself. So we’re both idiots who never really left their hometown huh?”
He swallows, not really knowing what to say at first.
“I’m taking it that you dad had an aneurysm.” He half jokes but it hits. You laugh, music to his ears and lean back against the seat.
“Oh yeah. That phone call was not pleasant. I’m sure a lecture is waiting for me.” Your smile is easy as you roll your head to look at him. “I can hear it now. Hear them saying that I proved them once again that I was the family disappointment and my sister would never do such a thing—“
“You’re not a disappointment y/n.” Eddie stops you and your voice gets caught in your throat, struggling to not let the tears brim from the look he throws at you.
All those memories of the same comforting words, the same adoration in his eyes whenever he held you and whispered the same words in your bedroom. It came rushing back and you had to refrain yourself from asking him to kiss things better.
Sure, maybe you healed from the initial heartbreak. But that didn’t mean it didn’t leave a scar, and you were afraid you might break if you continued to be in his presence, and ask him to kiss that scar. To trace it with lazy drawings of stars and sweet whispers.
“I should go.”
Eddie looks away, the same words from two years ago haunting him again, and nods, gripping onto the steering. He lets go to follow you to exit the van, grabbing some of your suitcases and helping to carry it to your porch.
He readies himself for the goodbye you will throw his way, confirmation that this small interacting will be all he will get.
But he didn’t want another goodbye. Not again on the same porch. He promised himself that he would wait, he did and you were back. It had to mean something. He told you that he would try. And he will.
“We still do play at the hide out.” You set down the last bag inside your home, keeping the door open with your foot and tilt your head at this. “Corroded coffin. You were right, never left that stupid bar.”
He chuckles and twirls one of the rings around his finger nervously. “Every Tuesday. Guess that’s something else that didn’t change in Hawkins.”
You blink and he rushes out before he loses the courage. “You should come see us. Tomorrow. We could use the usual critiques, you always were the one who could tell us how to be better and all.”
You hum, “Yeah. Gareth always was off with those drums.” You cough, and shrug. “I’ll see. Maybe I’ll stop by.”
Eddie shoulders deflates and nods, “Okay. Yeah, cool. If you don’t, that’s fine!” He begins stepping down the porch steps. “I’ll give you a call once your cars all ready. You know what, I can even drive it here myself. So uh yeah…”
The bye was ready on his lips, his face grimacing at the thought of going back to that emptiness of his van but you speak up. Flinching as though your mouth spoke before you thought clearly.
“I’ll be ready at 8.”
“Tomorrow.” You step into your home and glance back at him, your face now unreadable. “Your gigs always start at 9 right? Pick me up at 8.”
“Pick you..pick you up..right! Yeah, I’ll pick you up at 8.” He stammers, pulling a strand in front of his face as you raise an eyebrow. “That sounds like a plan. Then I’ll see you tomorrow?”
His voice is hopeful and you could only smile, having missed that boyish demeanor on him. “Yes eddie. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You close the door and sigh, leaning back against it. Hoping that you were making the right decision, hoping he was ready to make up on his promise of doing anything.
Eddie stared at the door, but instead of guilt or heartbreak that usually followed, he was met with hope. Something that grew as he walked back to his van, a bump in his step.
A hope that maybe—there could be a different ending for you and him.
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silvermistcosmos · 1 year
▬▬  Phone call Confession - Yang Jungwon
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PAIRING. Jungwon x reader
GENRE. fluff // friends to lovers // drabble
WC. 900+ 
WARNINGS. not proofread
SYNOPSIS. Yang Jungwon stood up his best friend of seven years, y/n after telling you he had something important to tell you. After you start thinking of worst case scenarios through phone call, he blurts out that he likes you. How do you respond to his genuine confession? 
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You raised your brow as you looked at the watch on your wrist. It was almost an hour past the time Jungwon had asked you to meet him and you weren’t going to lie, you were getting pretty full from just drinking water. You didn't order anything, wanting to wait for your best friend to get there and help you decide what to try.
You tried texting him multiple times, but you were left with no answer. You weren’t exactly mad, but more worried about the fact that this was nothing like Jungwon. He isn’t the type of person to stand someone up, especially you. He was the one that said he had to tell you something really important and to meet him here. 
You tapped your nails against the table and you rested your head on your other hand. You jumped when there was a sudden vibration coming from your back pocket along with Jungwon’s meow ringtone. You hurriedly opened the message for Jungwon to say, “I’m so sorry...I lost the courage. Can we talk on the phone?” 
“Why didn’t you tell me this like an hour and a half ago?” You said to yourself before rolling your eyes. 
You called the waiter over and ordered food to go. You grabbed the food’s to go bags and put your phone to your ear, calling Jungwon, who took a few rings to answer. 
“Y/n?” Jungwon answered, voice quiet and shaky. 
“Yeah, Jungwon? Sooo, you stood me up?” You asked as you started your walk home. It was already almost dark and there were only just a few twinkling stars in the sky. 
“Y/n, I’m so sorry. I really wasn’t planning on it. I kept trying to force myself to open the door to the restaurant over and over again and ugh, I just couldn’t.” He apologized, sighing loudly into the phone’s speaker. 
“Wait, so you mean to tell me you were at the restaurant and you didn't come in?!” 
“I wanted to, but-” 
“What are you so nervous to tell me, Jungwon? Are you going off to the military? Or did you find a girlfriend? Or are you going to study overseas? Oh my gosh, or are you not wanting to be friends with me anymore?” You asked, going through any of the situations that he could’ve been in. 
“No! No!” He said louder than you think he intended, “No, it’s nothing like that, I promise.” 
“Then what is it? Cause I have no idea.” 
You heard him take a deep breath from the other side, “Y/n, I...I like you.” 
You froze in your footsteps. Your best friend and crush of seven years just told you that they liked you, but you didn’t know how to react. Was he messing around with you? Was he testing you? But he wasn’t really that type of person. He sounded completely serious. 
“Y/n?” He asked when you didn’t say anything for several seconds, “Hello?”
You laughed, “Of course you do! In a sister-brother kind of way? In a friend kind of way? Or a...” you quietened your voice, just so it was barely audible, but Jungwon heard it, “Or in a more kind of way?” 
“In a more kind of way...” He replied confidently, “And I already prepared myself for rejection, but please don’t be so harsh. I don’t know how much I can handle right now. And I never ever want to ruin our friendsh-” 
“Jungwon, are you at home?” 
You hung up the call and dashed to your best friend’s house, which wasn’t far away at all, allowing the cold air to bite at your cheeks and heels to increasingly make your feet and legs ache. 
You rung the doorbell, taking deep breaths, silently cursing at yourself for being so out of shape. 
The door swung open, revealing Jungwon wearing his black sweatpants and oversized white T-shirt with wide cat eyes, “Y/n, what are you doing here?” He asked, pulling you inside from the cold air. 
You let out a small laugh, but it sounded more like a pant due to your current state, “I brought food. And...” You paused for a few gulps of air, “ I like you too....In a more kind of way.” 
His lips lifted upward as he stepped closer to you, “Aigoo, what are we going to do about you?” He squished your cold cheeks turning you into a fish for a moment before you slapped his hands away. 
“You must have run so much to come see me.” He teased before throwing you a blanket, “Warm up before you actually get sick.” 
“I have a strong immune system, don’t worry about me.” 
“Don’t lie to me. I know how often you get sick. Your nickname in school was even ‘Sicko'’” He rolled his eyes at your lie and you scrunched your face up, annoyed by the fact that he knew everything about you, “You probably didn’t eat, right?” 
“Who says I didn’t? When you didn’t come, I ate to my heart’s content.” You lied, crossing your arms, putting your nose up in the air. 
“Childish.” He whispered to himself with a chuckle, “Then why did you order food to go?”��
“For you!” You blurted out. 
“So much?” He opened the containers of food, “And I see a lot of your favorites here...Are you sure you ate?” He laughed. 
“Okay okay, whatever. I couldn’t get myself to eat without you. I really thought you would come.” 
Jungwon placed down the chopsticks he had originally picked up, “I’m sorry...” 
“No, you’re okay! We can eat now. Consider this our first date even though we’ve done this so many times before.” Your cheeks lifted up as you smiled at him. 
“Our first date, May 15th...”
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A/N. hiiii kalli @cherryeoniis​ !!! I’m the 🪸 anon! this is your fic for the exchange event @kflixnet​ put on! I really hope you like it, it’s not my best :/ and I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to start writing it. I’ve just been so busy recently. ahh well, I hope you have an awesome day/night wherever you are and enjoy this little fluff piece with Wonie. 
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TAGLIST. @love-4-keum @flo-i @deafeningballoonnacho @luveuly @tyunni​ @sulkygyu @quokkasunggie  @niktwazny303​ @jeonghanscumslut
if you want to get tagged when I post new writing pieces, just send me an ask and I’ll add you to my taglist
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jjtheclown555 · 11 months
TW: substance abuse and overdose, please don't read if this may be triggering.
You Promised
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Waking up in a hospital bed surrounded by sterile white walls and the sound of your IV dripping is never fun. Especially when your memories of what happened are so faint. Every inch of your body is burning and you aren’t sure if you’ve ever felt this sick. You just want to sleep, but the urge to vomit is too strong. So, you find yourself leaning over the side of the bed, pushing out the water in your system, a harsh reminder that you haven’t eaten properly in a while.
The splatter of water and bile is stained on the floors, and you pull any remaining energy to lie back again. The door creaks and you expect a nurse, certainly not your boyfriend, whose manic smile had been replaced with tear stains and quivering lips. You mumble something nonsensical at him and motion your hand towards yourself. Goo pulls the chair in the corner of the room to your bed with ease, sitting himself next to you.
“You promised that you were clean. You promised you’d tell me if you were going to use again.” He says, head resting on your bed. He tilts his head up to look at you. “You pinky promised that you were better.” He bites his tongue and grips your hand. Goo doesn’t look disappointed. There’s something, the tiniest tinge, of expectancy. You knew he knew you’d use. You know he knows that relapse is a part of recovery. But you know he didn’t know it’d get this far.
“I’m sorry.” The only words you can get out only moments before he’s holding any stray hairs back while more is pushed from your system. That’s all that was in there now. Water, stomach acid, and whatever pills, powders, crystals, and herbs you could get your hands on. “I’m sorry,” you mumble again and feel him climb into the bed beside you and pull you back.
No matter how comforting his actions are, they aren’t for you. They aren’t to make you feel better about using or overdosing. They’re for him. A reminder that you’re still here. A reminder that he still has you. Keeping you close to keep you safe. “Y’know, it’s funny,” he starts and you know whatever it is, it’ll only make things worse, “I’ve been trying to protect you from my enemies, but all along I should have been protecting you from yourself.” You feel tears begin to stream down your cheeks. “Princess.” You cry silently, the pet name has never felt bitter like now and it hurts. It hurts almost as much as the aching in your joints. “You are so lucky I got home early. If I was even caught in a bit of traffic, you could very well be dead right now.”
Goo runs his fingers through your hair. His words hurt so much more than insults. He wasn’t a parent concerned about their reputation or a friend that doesn’t understand your addiction and claims selfishness. He knows, and he’s scared, and he’s hurt. The fact he understands and isn’t screaming and insulting you. The fact he’s aware that you could have very well died last night. The fact he loves you enough to sit in almost silence rather than berating you. The fact that even now, he still holds you and gently calms you. It hurts when someone loves you enough to care. It means you never go to rock bottom alone, they’ll always be dragged down with you.
The blonde flips you to pull you into his chest. “The old man is really upset with me, y’know.” You smile a little and ask why. “Because I told him I couldn't come into work because someone I loved was hospitalized. But, I wouldn’t tell him who or why out of respect for you and your privacy.” He says and you nuzzle closer, asking why he’d be mad over that and all Goo can say is that he probably assumed that he was lying.
It was nice to talk to him but you knew it was forced. You knew what he wanted to ask, so you answered without question. “It was a lot of things.” You say. “What I took, I mean.” The way he looks at you tells you that’s not enough. “It was a rough day so I finished my stash. Xannies, Molly, weed.” You hesitate. “Coke and…” You try not to cry, the guilt pushes through your throat. “And I drank a lot, whatever we had in the house. I wasn’t thinking, I just wanted to be happy again.” Tears are pulled from your eyes, you can’t quiet your sobs any longer. It’s all slurs of apologies, you can barely speak or function.
Goo doesn’t do much more than hold you. He doesn’t know what to do or what to say. All he can do is hold you close and pray you don’t throw up again. He doesn’t like seeing you like this, it hurts him almost as much as it hurts you. So, he makes you promise one more time. He holds out his pinky, and asks that if you want to relapse that you’ll talk to him first, that if it doesn’t help, you wait until he’s with you so you don’t hurt yourself. That you don’t let it come this far again. You slow your tears, wiping them away and entwining your pinkie with his.
“I promise.”
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gayerthanevertbh · 2 years
apeitheia - part six.
pairings | scarlett johansson x fem!reader
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summary | hollywood’s wealthiest actress, scarlett johansson, is happily married to her comedian husband. that is until she meets one of her staff in her brand-new company and starts to have a long-lasting affair - which is committing adultery and the disobedience that comes within. (THIS IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL!)
warnings | mentions of smut, detailed angst - 18+ YOU’VE BEEN WARNED! age difference, mentions of biphobia, jealous!scarlett, mentions of sexting (sex while texting), argument. 
notes | not my proudest work, this was lazy writing. and i’ve written this a couple of days ago, but chapter seven will be better. i promise!
series masterlist | masterlist | taglist for this series
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“I’m glad you can join me tonight,” says Scott with a whimsical smile, rolling a forkful of pasta and shoving it into his mouth gracefully. I smiled at him but my eyes averted back down to my plate once we had this awkward silence between us. I mean, could you blame me though? I haven’t seen Scott in many years, it’s quite abrupt and all of the sudden to just see his face once again. And what was worse is that he’s my ex-boyfriend, the boy I used to be so in love with many years ago. Although I could truly say that I was just being a teenager, I don’t feel for him that way anymore.
“Well, I had no choice.”
He laughs, amused to be exact.
“You had a choice,” he responded but with more emphasis on the last word. I shook my head stupidly and drank my red wine from the rim of the glass, admiring the restaurant he chose. Well, knowing him, he’d choose something so fancy to clearly impress someone. “Y/N, come on. This is just like… reminiscing the times where we used to be good–”
“Correction,” I interrupted him before he could finish his sentence, almost giving him a grimacing look. “There’s nothing to reminisce about, Scott. You literally broke up with me in the middle of a fucking ball.”
“Harsh, are we now, honey?” he says, stifling his laugh that I could practically see it growing on his chest. I rolled my eyes – not sure if that was a playful matter – and continued to eat my dish, focusing on my taste buds instead of his snarky remarks. Give him another minute, he speaks. But this time, I wish to not listen.
“How are your parents?”
“They’re fine,” I responded to him with a tight-lip smile, brushing the cloth onto my mouth and swirling my wine within my hands; somehow wishing that Scarlett was right in front of me instead of him. “I mean, I haven’t heard from them in a while. They don’t really reach out, so.”
“Oh,” his body deflated as well as his mouth, sort of looking like a pout that he made in an awful way. “I’m sorry, is everything okay?”
“You’re trying to sound empathetic.”
“At least I’m trying.”
“Let’s not pretend you care, Scott,” I say with a rigid voice, almost bursting out with laughter. “You don’t actually care, you just say this because of your intentions for me.”
He leaned against the edge of the white cloth table and looked sideways, biting his lip to make it look like he was anticipating and sexy when that was completely the opposite. He whispers close, “I do have my intentions, Y/N. Though, I’ll keep it slow for you.”
“You have to know that I have a girlfriend,” I say nonchalantly, almost like bringing it up – which was a good thing. I hoped that I had a ring so I could prove it to him, but there were no rings. There was also no proof other than him seeing me and Scarlett at the store a few weeks ago. “I hope you know that I have no intentions of dating you again.”
“Who said I had any intentions of dating you again?” he scrunched his eyebrows with a side smirk, rapping his fingers against the cloth which made me prickle my skin.
He knows what he’s doing, I dated him and made love to him. Of course, I know his intentions.
“I still wanted to let you know, Scott.”
He sighs and nods – rather slowly – as he wipes his mouth with the cloth that was perfectly well made on the table. I could hear soft faded piano music in the background, so I decided to focus on that right now instead of his ragged breathing.
“Is it Scarlett?”
I look up and notice his stare, which I didn’t seem to understand whether it was a good look or a bad one. Either way, I wanted to be away from this dining table as far as I could possibly be. Instead, I shrugged my shoulder and gave him a tight nod. He lets out an Ah voice quietly and plays with his fingers against the table, it was as if he’s interested in my love life.
“You do know she has a husband.”
“I am aware,” I seethed, gritting my teeth as I almost stabbed my fork on the plate and scraped it until his ears were bleeding endlessly. I was fully aware that Scarlett was still married, is still married. And most of the time, I do feel guilty about it. The constant pit on your stomach that rises up from time to time whenever she’s around was not as gleeful as it sounds. I murmured, “She’s getting a divorce, it’s not like we’re doing something wrong.”
“Disobedience is a sin,” says Scott with an edge on his tone as my body felt small with his voice, his dominance over me – which never happens. “What you’re doing will cause trouble for everyone.”
And that hit me like a truck or a train or whatever some sort of vehicle that could possibly strike that in my brain until it’s tainted all over my bones as well as my sanity. I felt my face fall in despair, my limbs start to hurt from the idea of being the homewrecker when I haven’t realized in so long that I am one. I engaged with my encounter with Scarlett, I openly gave her my everything as well as she did with hers. We were utterly insane towards each other, how could I not have thought that through?
At some point, he’s right. It is a sin, disobedience. It was a silly term but as soon as you deepen the word, it hits you hard.
“Can we just finish our food and go home?” I said with a grumbling voice and almost dunked the wine into my throat, desperately trying to feel something else other than guilt and shame. Scott just sighs and ate his food quietly, only to remember that Scarlett was waiting outside of the restaurant at this hour.
I sat quietly in the front seat beside Scarlett, noticing that her eyes were hooded and her hands were cold when I touched them. I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek, which made me smile a little when I could almost sense her flustering. “Hey,” I whispered close to her face. “How was the meeting?”
“It was great,” her voice was soft but I could tell that she was a little on edge today. She starts the ignition and quickly drives away from the parking lot, her eyes sticking to the road and her hands gripping the steering wheel. I sighed quietly and sat back, laying on the side of my head against the window as rain pours down softly above us. I hear her asking, “What happened with your little date with Scott?”
Again, there was an edge in her voice. But this time, it was like you could see it through a glass. I watched her movements intently and began to notice that her breathing had changed, becoming thicker. I gulped and tried to remember what happened at that dinner before I could muster out stupid words that she might not understand. It clearly shows that she wasn’t fond of Scott.
“We didn’t really talk a lot.”
“Is that the last time you’ll be seeing him again?” a tinge of hope was in her tone as her eyes lit up with the idea of not coming across with Scott again. But knowing his intentions and his recklessness, there is a big chance that I could see him all the time.
“I mean, I hope not intentionally.”
She chuckles to herself, making a left to the Hamptons area. “What does that suppose to mean?”
“It means the dinner went awful, Scarlett. I do not want to see him again, but I hope not intentionally because he can be everywhere.”
“Then let’s move to another fucking household, yeah?” she responded with a seep of anger in her voice and hit the breaks, not caring if she didn’t park her car properly. I watched as she stomped her way to the door and it was my cue to follow her, clearly feeling horrible from what I’ve said. When we got to the middle room, I dropped the car keys onto the silver plate and watched intently at the way she sits on the couch – placing her palm against her forehead, looking distraught. My heart started to ache with the sight and began to walk closer to my girlfriend, kneeling on the floor as I tried to look her in the eyes.
“Lovie?” I call out the nickname that I made for her, wondering if that would mend her jealous heart. But she looked away from me and stood up, brushing me off. I was a little hurt by the action that she caused, but decided to stay on the floor, whispering: “Are you jealous of Scott?”
Scarlett shakes her head and puts her hands on her hips, turning around with slightly puffed eyes with tears that almost made me want to cry. She sniffles, pinching her nose bridge that looked like she was practically annoyed as she asked: “Do you still like this boy?”
“What are you talking about–”
“Answer my fucking question please,” her voice was so quiet that I could barely hear her but I heard them crystal clear, she was in fact jealous of Scott.
“Scarlett, I don’t like Scott…” I tell her, standing up as I try to reach for her arms, but she completely brushed me away, again! She walks around in a circle and mumbles something that I cannot comprehend to know or to even think, but it shows that she was clearly upset with the situation. I never intended to hurt her nor even make it this far, I just didn’t realize how badly she would react to this.
“He likes you,” she whispers and turns around to face me, her eyes now red with glimmering tears in her eyes that flow down onto her cheek effortlessly. I wish I could wipe them away but my hands were so still. “He fucking–he wants you, Y/N. He wants you and he needs you, just like how I need you!”
“Do not fucking,” she raises her hands in the air and lets out a muffled sob, covering her mouth with her left hand as her other one was on her waist – trying to hold herself, keeping it all together. All I could offer was being present with her resentment toward Scott, and comfort in the near future. “Scott is your age, he’s young and handsome and could possibly relate to you more than I can. He’s a perfect man, is he Y/N? So perfect that–”
“Now you’re being biphobic,” I stated, my eyes narrowing towards her as I could see a flash of anger in her green eyes. “If this was anyone else, you wouldn’t be this upset!”
She scoffs and scratches the back of her head irritably, making a loud tsk sound, and says in almost a high voice that completely shudders me. “I’m not trying to be biphobic, Y/N! I’m just–god, I am jealous of Scott! Okay? Is that what you want to fucking hear? He’s so young and he’s perfect for you. And I’m just this fucking old woman who is in love with a younger person. I could barely relate to any of your jokes, I don’t understand the way you text me sometimes, or how your family reacted once they found out that you’re dating me, or maybe I didn’t go to the same school with you and had a relationship with you at such a young age! God–Fuck! I don’t know.”
I held a hand on my neck, trying not to let out a loud sob. I quietly whispered that she could barely hear me, “Now you’re just hurting my feelings.”
“Well, you’re hurting mine too!” her voice sounded more defeated than mine, her body ached more than mine. And her face looked paler than mine, I felt guiltier than she did. It almost made me feel like some huge slut that couldn’t stop having an affair with a married woman, it was sickening to my stomach. She sits on the edge of the couch, sobbing through her hand as her blonde hair shields her face away from me – almost making me want to tie them up just to cup her face and say: I love you, and I’m sorry.
I slowly sat down beside her and tried to brush her hair away from her face, trying to get a glimpse of her beautiful eyes but she looked away from me and continued to sob onto her hand. I whispered with a croak in my voice, “I’m sorry, lovie. I didn’t know that you would be–Scott is no better than you, I’d still choose you at the end of the day. You know that… we vowed to that.”
Scarlett looks up and her eyes travel to the living room, looking at every object except my eyes. She took a deep shuddering breath and whispered close to my mouth, “I just want you to be mine.”
“And I’m yours completely.”
“Not yet,” she murmured, eyeing my finger and imagining a silver diamond ring that was wrapped around my skin. She almost smiled at the idea, the thought of her proposing to me was the only thing she’d ever wanted – that she’d ever needed. She can’t do that right now because of her divorce, but she made a promise to herself that she will marry me. I even knew that myself. Her fingers played with my ring finger and brought it to her lips, pecking on it which made me giggle.
“I hope Scott will never show up again,” there was a slight edge on her tone but quickly dismissed me as she looked at me in the eyes, smiling to herself – making me press my forehead against hers. “I’m sorry for hurting you, petal. I got too aggressive.”
“It’s not your fault,” I responded, resting my head against her soft chest as she held me there while kissing my head with the comfort and love that I always seek from her. It really wasn’t her fault, and we’ve never fought like that ever since we started dating. “I love you, okay Scar?”
“I love you more, lovebug. Always.”
She made love to me in the middle of a Sunday morning, the skies were still pitch black as the rain heavily poured down from the sky. Our bodies felt so scandalized but safe, she held my hand on my chest as she thrust her strap inside of me, whispering to my ear that she was so in love with my body and with my whole self. I began to think that she was becoming obsessed with the fact that I exist in front of her, but that’s just me being narcissistic; even though that’s not my character trait.
Scarlett kisses my ear, then to my neck until her head is buried in it. Her pace was starting to get rough, her grunts were becoming more evident as my silent screams became more like screams of pleasure. When she finally releases, she holds me tight until I can barely breathe. It was like her saying: I don’t think I’ll ever let you go. I was saying the same thing when I clenched around the faux dick that was inside of me and we were both connected. She finally kissed my lips but in a sloppy way, which I didn’t mind, and continued to thrust inside of me relentlessly until we were both tired.
With each touch and every kiss that we pondered with each other, I finally began to realize that this was the woman that I wanted to say yes to. To have my future with, even though there could be numerous people that don’t support our relationships. Scarlett was the type of person who would run away and be happy as long as her happy pills were with her, and I was her happy pill.
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“So, that flower shop in Cannes,” I say while shoving both of my hands in my coat pockets, inhaling the fall air while we both walked quietly to a forest which god knows where it’ll take us. “I think I have something to say about that.”
Y/N immediately stops in her tracks and her face goes pale, her eyes widen, and says with a shuddering voice, “Please don’t tell me you bought a flower shop there, please don’t–”
“Well, I may have bought a land that is your floral shop.”
Her jaw drops and I could see her face forming into this cute scrunch that makes me want to cup her cheeks together. I almost laughed when I could see her squirming onto her feet, jumping twice in the air before she wraps her arms around my neck and gives me many pecks on the face – which I never complain about.
“You didn’t have to do that,” she says with a whine as I kiss her on the lips, sadly briefly. “Scarlett, I promise that you didn’t have to do that. I’m saving money so that I can repay you back.”
“Hush,” I tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear and kissed the corner of her mouth softly, my fingers holding her jaw and pulling away with the sound of our lips smacking. “Consider it as an early birthday present, petal. You know I love spending my money on you.”
“That ‘I love spending my money on you.' is seriously getting out of hand,” she says while tugging me close with her hands on my coat, pulling me utterly close to her until I could feel her breath trickling down my lip. “I want to give too, honey. Let me get you something–”
Before she could even finish that sentence, I added, “You being with me is the best gift of all, baby girl. I don’t need anything else when I can have you.”
She rolls her eyes playfully and continued to walk to the path that we don’t know where it’ll take us, but if I could get lost with her – it would be so worth it. That means I get more time with petal than anyone else can. It’s not me being selfish, well I do sound like a selfish prick but I do love spending my time with Y/N because we never get to do something like this in public. And even if we do, I’d have to wear a mask and cover most of my tattoos so that I could at least hold her hand, even though I’m wearing a glove.
But sometimes, love just has to work like this for now. As I said, I’d do anything for petal. Although there is this thought inside of me that I do not want to get caught, not because I could lose my career but maybe because I like my relationship with my petal to be private. That no one else has to know our relationship except us, which makes me think if that makes me an ass.
“You’re thinking really hard, aren’t you lovie?” she calls out my nickname like it was natural for her, and my stomach would not stop fluttering from it. I nodded but held her hand tight, stomping our way out of the woods.
“I’m just thinking about us living in Cannes, that’s all.”
“Wouldn’t that be a splendid thought?” she laughs, leans her head against my shoulder while I drop her hand just to wrap my arms around her tiny waist; feeling like our walk was inevitable, wishing it was inevitable.
“It would be, baby. It would.”
(12:56 am): I can’t visit you later morning. I’m sorry, but Colin has been suspicious of me and my phone. He thinks that I’m spending way too much on it because I was never the type of person that would spend a lot on their phone. Anyway, give me a couple of days. Okay? I love you, my baby girl. I can’t text much longer.
(12:58 am): it’s okay, scar. i understand, no worries. you can mute me if you’d like, i don’t really mind.
(1:30 am): He just fell asleep. Baby, I might not see you for a week. I have to go to Argentina with Colin, I asked if I could stay but he needs me there. I love you so much, I’ll come to visit you once I’m back. Also with the floral shop, could we go to Cannes by next month? You’re going to love it there.
(1:30 am): sounds amazing, honey. i miss you already :( do you want me to send you something? it usually helps you sleep, right?
(1:32 am): God damn baby… Just thinking about you being naked. I want my hands all over your fucking tits, my fingers buried deep inside of you.
(1:33 am): i wish i could help with the hormones but i gotta sleep now lovie :(
(1:33 am): You are a tease. Don’t worry, going to fuck you dumb once I come home. Maybe we can do it in the car, we always fantasize about that, don’t we?
(1:34 am): that we do, baby. but seriously, go to bed. i love you, text me when you’re up. goodnight :)
(1:35 am): Goodnight, petal. I love you more and more, always.
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taglist: @when-wolves-howl  @disappointment99 @mysticalcandyking @onetruwhore @d14n4ol @aliancvnas @princess-kennys-rats @aru-son @just-another-ant1 @blinkmuch @natashalovers @natasharomanoffswifeyyy @mrsromanoff @monaekelis @anxiousgoldengirl @nanathebb @bipolar-ride @blckwidowsbf @lizzieolsen89 @mrsrushman @simpforolderwomen @silverstarr13 @gryffindorkromanoff  @untitled7717 @daddynatasha @simp4nat @natasharomanoffswife17 @scarlettsnat @splatashaizgay @mrs-johansson @agent99galanzo @aeroae @sweet12sorrow @mmmmokdok​
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fandomfluffandfuck · 9 months
not sure what to qualify this as, but I read the following in "getting where your face won't spoil the view" by notlucy and it's been stuck in my brain ever since
(tw for like implied cannibalism/vore I think?)
they were initially talking about rimming but then bucky went too stupid (affectionate)
“Eat you out for days.” He fists a hand in Bucky’s hair, yanking his head back and exposing the column of his throat. Grinning, he goes in for a bite, sucking the rough, stubbled skin. “You need a shave.”
“Eat… me… “
It’s not an insult—he’s too spacey to be witty—but the way he says it makes Steve laugh all the same, and he kisses his jaw, his neck, the space beneath his ear. “Yeah, eat you up. Inside and out. Cut off pieces of you, just for me.” Bucky licks his lips; Steve takes advantage of an open mouth and shoves his thumb in, forcing Bucky’s tongue down, gratified when he gags. “You want that, Buck?”
A frantic nod, head moving as much as it’s able. God, he’s pretty like this.
do you have any thoughts like this about them?? idk if it falls under primal but it just scratches my brain well and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it some!!
ps. I don't like it in a gore way, more like the concept of consumption itself, on a brain sense more than the body? * insert Steve Kemp's speech about eating/consuming/being consumed being a form of love * I really don't know if this ask makes any sense anymore lmao thanks for reading this
"getting where your face won't spoil the view" by notlucy
Another line/idea from that series that makes me feral that's also, if you think realistically, very graphic is:
“What’d I say about moving, genius?” he growls, jerking his arm higher and oh, Jesus, Steve’s strong, he’s so strong and he could break the bone if he wanted to, but Bucky doesn’t want him to, doesn’t think he would, except that he could, and probably that’s the point. “I didn’t—ow, fuck, I’m sorry, but…” “No buts. No excuses. Next time I’ll nail your hand to the wall. Got me?” Bucky shivers and whines, caught between pure fantasy and harsh reality as he gasps out, “please don’t do that…” “No?” Steve’s grip tightens on his wrist, the pain a bright spark. “Why shouldn’t I? Because you’re in charge?” “Shouldn’t…” He drinks in a lungful of air, desperate and yowling, both loving and hating the threat. “Not… shouldn’t. You can but please don’t because I’m sorry and I’m…” “That’s right. I could. But I won’t. Because I believe in second chances.”
That excerpt is from "those clinging vines that had me bound, well i don't need them" by notlucy
I have many asks I need to get to, and I try to go in order of when they were sent in, but... maybe it's just my barely disguised teeth fetish talking (or maybe it's the vague religious undertone, nailing a hand to a cross that gets me, oops)... I could not resist this one.
All credit for inspiration goes to notlucy. This particular AU of Steve and Bucky, I am not claiming as mine! I'm just writing a general, darker d/s stucky pairing.
Content warning for non-gore, non-graphic mentions of dismemberment, death, etc. I promise it's not as dark as it sounds?? I don't know. This just came out of me 💀💀
"E-eat me," Bucky whimpers, voice strung out and pathetic.
"Yeah, yeah, I know, sweetheart," Steve teases him, just the right amount of bite to his words as he prowls circles around Bucky's strung up, helpless form.
Bucky's wrists are encircled by thick, padded cuffs. Attached via chain to the anchor points in the ceiling, his arms are held straight up above his body. Not too unforgiving, not too relaxed. Meanwhile, Bucky's legs are forced embarrassingly wide by a spreader bar at his ankles, attached via matching, snug ankle cuffs. He's not going anywhere. All he can do to squirm is shiver.
Just like Steve likes him.
He grins meanly, "you're so desperate for me."
Bucky whimpers in agreement, running out of words as he gets deeper and deeper into subspace. The expression on his face is stupid. Slack and empty-eyed. So precious.
"You just want to be in my mouth," Steve's upper lip curls up as he says it, almost snarling the words out.
Bucky's head lulls back between his shoulders, collared throat fully exposed, crumbling under his words, his voice, his promises. Wanting it just as badly as Steve is claiming he does. Slut.
Steve grabs his throat, standing in front of him, big and imposing, "you just wanna serve me, huh?" He shakes him around. Just a little. Enough to make him choke and sputter, glowing red under the attention. "Give into your higher purpose, yeah? Yeah. I know, sweetheart, you can't hide it, you want me to take little pieces of you, keep you close, so all I have to is reach over when I'm starting to feel hungry and..." Steve rakes his nails down his sides, unkind, "get a little piece of you to satisfy my appetite. More and more until there's nothing left."
"Hhuh, please!" Bucky keens.
His dick is so hard, jutting up obvious and obscene and wet between his trembling, lithe thighs. He already must've been on fire before Steve grated him with his nails, but as a result of the treatment... he burns hotter. His flesh turns even more pink. Red. Stained from his hairline, all down his face, neck, and chest, to his heaving stomach. The shape of his ribcage expanding and contracting, gleaming with sweat, as he struggles to breathe is fuckin' poetry in motion.
Steve bites down a groan, barely resisting taking the moment to himself to jerk off or to stand behind Bucky and fuck up into his exposed backside. Maybe not even his hole. Bucky is for him, after all. He could fuck his thighs instead. Deny him everything, but the glide of his throbbing, hard dick between those sweet thighs.
"You're so inspiring, baby," Steve waltzes behind him, dragging his nails across the canvas of his skin as if he wants to paint a masterpiece. All desire and lust. Art. "The way you cry and writhe," he lets out a hungry sound, "God, I don't know if I wouldn't be able to resist and I would eat you up right away, devour you like the starving man I am, or if I would have to drag it out and savor the taste, the thrill, because you beg and squirm and cry so prettily. Dinner and a show. How about that?" Steve chuckles, slapping his side hard enough to leave a handprint.
"God! G-AH!"
Steve cuts his second adorable little wail right in half, with a few equally had slaps to his ass. More handprints. One on each cheek, then a few overlapping prints. More claims. Like a brand on a prized piece of cattle.
And, huh, isn't that a thought?
Maybe he'll bend Bucky over, put him in a stockade so he can't go anywhere, and carve his initials into him. SGR. Maybe he'll make a custom brand, heat it, and listen to him squeal and cry as it sizzles. SGR. Although...
His Ma did always tell him not to play with his food before eating.
Glossing over that delicous idea, for now, Steve pinches Bucky right where it hurts, if his chest rattling sob is anything to go by. Yet, he conversationally speaks over his struggles, "what if I strung you up, tied you up all pretty, and just took little bites out of my new piece of artwork?"
Bucky makes a wordless caterwaul that sounds like assent. Or please. He's squirming, he's crying, and he's enjoying himself. It's hard to tell. Completely incoherent.
"Or, maybe I decide to bring over some friends and show off my catch, hm?" Catch. As if Bucky is some kind of game--fish, deer, elk--and Steve the hunter. "I know their mouths would water just looking at you. You look so delicious. Tender and juicy, huh?" Steve gropes his pointedly tender (from the spanks) ass, unashamed and filthy.
"AH!" Bucky keens.
"Don't worry, though, sweetheart," Steve smoothly purrs, "you're all mine." He bares his teeth. Wolfish.
"St-Steeve," Bucky whimpers. Cute.
"Mine. I'd never let them have a taste," he grabs him hard. His hips. He wants to leave fingerprint bruises behind. "They'll just have to hunger from afar. Admiring all the marks in you--chunks taken out by my teeth." Steve bites his shoulder, smelling his dark musk. He's sweating badly. Glistening. Beautiful. Steve licks his lips and goes on, "aaaall these marks because I couldn't help but steal bites while waiting for them to show. You're irresistible, sweetheart," he inhales deeply, as if he's wafting a fine wine, taking in the notes. "Want you so bad. I want you in me. All of you. 'M gonna eat you."
"Eat me!" Bucky begs, pathetic, mouth open and lips trembling.
"Yeah, yeah," Steve encourages, his mouth is split in such a wide grin that his face aches. He can't stop, though. "You're gonna be begging for it right up until you're swallowed whole, aren't you? You just can't help yourself," Steve pulls his head up just to grab at his chin and pinch his sweet dimpled chin. Shaking his head around. He looks so silly. Yet, Steve really does want to eat him. He makes him so hungry. "You want it so bad."
"Y's!" Bucky slurs, crying out.
Steve licks up his tears, swallows, then licks his teeth and shuts his eyes as he makes a humming sound like he's a delectable dessert. Like he's never tasted anything sweeter.
He hasn't.
"After I'm done with you," Steve whispers harshly, "I'm never gonna forget it." He bites at Bucky's jaw, moaning despite himself because poor Bucky is completely limp. His head is up because Steve's holding it that way. "I'll taste you on my tongue forever. And I'm gonna tell everyone about it."
Bucky moans hoarsely, and he swoons in bonds. Feet giving from under him. Falling onto Steve's solid chest.
Steve chuckles, pleased, but pushes him back to standing, lips to Bucky's ear, "'m gonna say how there was this adorable, sweet sub that wanted me so bad he cried and begged and plead until I just ate him up like the big, bad wolf."
Bucky whimpers, a tiny, desperate sound.
"My sweet little bunny..." Steve licks his tongue up Bucky's throat, over his Adam's apple as he swallows, broad and hot, "I'm gonna tell them about how stupid you went whenever I sunk my teeth into your neck." He does it now. Bucky shakes, silently screaming. "And they're gonna stare at my teeth and know. They'll know how sweet you were. Too bad I had you all to myself."
Bucky can't speak. He can't stop shaking. He just stays there limp, whining, crying, wanting. The want rolls off of him in waves. Steve's going to devour him. Mouth on his throat, sucking bruises and leaving behind teeth indents, and hand tight around his cock. It doesn't even take him three strokes before he's giving in. Cumming right in Steve's palm. Steve licks it all up. His mess. Every part of Bucky is delicious and demands to be savored.
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P.S. I have a playlist specifically themed around teeth that I was unashamedly blasting as I wrote this 😏 (and yes, I have a problem. I just like teeth, okay?)
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
"I’m sorry—" "No, don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault" for houlihawk 👀
this. got away from me a bit in terms of length but the dialogue started writing itself so who can blame me
The rain has softened from a vicious downpour to a peaceful pattering, the sound filling the empty OR. Hawkeye tries to focus on that and not on what's to come, looking away as Margaret takes a swab soaked with alcohol to the cut in his palm, sliced just underneath his fingers.
The calming pitter-patter of the rain is, unfortunately, not enough of a distraction. He still hisses sharply the second the alcohol touches the wound, clenching and unclenching his free fist a few times to fight the urge to jerk his injured hand out of Margaret's grasp.
"Sorry," Margaret winces, even as she continues to dab at the bloody cut and he continues to whine, "Sorry, I'm sorry-"
"No-" Hawkeye cuts in before she can get another apology in, "No, don't be sorry. It's not your fault,” She doesn’t look up at him, her eyes fixed stubbornly on the task at hand, her mouth set in a deep scowl. That makes a little red flag go a-waving in his head, so he tries, “You do know it wasn’t your fault, right?”
“Of course it was my fault,” Margaret’s tone bites as it comes out, though he can tell the harshness isn’t directed at him, “I’m the one who stabbed you.”
“Stabbed?” Hawkeye echoes incredulously, “Woah, woah, pump the brakes, Margaret. I know I’m being a big baby about it, but let’s not get dramatic. This is a nick!” He exclaims, gesturing at the cut with his free hand for emphasis, “It’s really not that bad! I could still operate with it, remember?” It hurt like a bitch to do so, of course, but he keeps that tidbit to himself, “It’ll be a funny story in a few days, I promise.” 
Margaret shakes her head, still refusing to meet his eyes. “Don’t try to make me feel better, not when I made a stupid mistake like this,” She says, scrubbing a bit harder at the blood that had managed to dry in the lines of his palm, “I could’ve seriously hurt you, and why?” She asks, and then, not waiting for an answer, supplies, “Because I couldn’t keep myself under control.”
“C’mon, Margaret, don’t be so hard on yourself,” Hawkeye pleads, “It was the perfect storm. Literally. The perfect storm to take out our generator, make it so dark you couldn't see properly, and then scare you half to death with thunder so loud you'd think we were being bombed. Half the OR jumped out of their skin, it could’ve happened to anybody!” He insists, “You just happened to be giving me a scalpel and my hand just happened to be within slicing range,” She glares at him and he winces, “Ok, sorry, not my best choice of words. But you get my point- it was an accident.” He presses.
Margaret inspects her work for a moment, examining the cleaned wound. “It won’t need stitches,” She tells him, completely avoiding everything he just said, “But I still need to dress it. Hold still.” She advises, looking away to rummage through his medical bag, which sits between them on the operating table.
“Margaret,” He says. When she doesn’t reply, he tries again, “Margaret.” 
“What?” Margaret shoots another glare at him as she opens a dressing pad, “There’s no excuse for it! What kind of nurse hurts her doctor because she can’t handle a little thunder? What kind of-“ She folds the dressing around the wound and presses it in place a bit harder than necessary, drawing another painful hiss out of him, “Sorry! Sorry,” She’s quick to relax her grip, “I don’t know what’s gotten into me, I’m such a mess…” 
“It’s alright,” Hawkeye reassures her. She doesn’t look convinced, quickly looking away from him and grabbing out a roll of bandages, “But to answer your question, I know exactly what kind of nurse does that,” Her eyes flick to him, unsure, and he tells her, “The human kind.”
Margaret rolls her eyes. "Don't even try that with me, Hawkeye," She turns her attention back to his hand as she starts to wrap. “I should be better than that.”
Hawkeye raises a brow at her. “Better than human?” He asks.
“Yes,” She snips, then quickly corrects, “No. I..." She sighs, her hands coming to a pause, "I don’t know.”
It’s Hawkeye’s turn to frown. “This is really bothering you, isn’t it?” She doesn’t answer. He leans forward into her space, tapping his knee against hers, “What’s going on? Talk to me.” He invites.
"Everything's fine." Margaret replies, automatic.
Hawkeye ducks down, trying to angle himself under her to force the eye contact. "Try again." He prompts.
Margaret closes her eyes, then sighs heavily. "Fine," She meets his eyes at last, “I wouldn’t let what happened today fly if it was one of my nurses who did it. So, I can’t let it fly for me,” She admits, “I’m supposed to be setting an example for them. What kind of example am I setting when I can’t control myself over some thunder? What kind of example will I be setting if this happens during shelling?” She resumes wrapping his injured hand, looping the bandage around his wrist a few times, “I should be able to just… power through. Get over it.” She insists.
Hawkeye can understand where she’s coming from. The weights on their shoulders are different, but similar enough in some ways that he can really feel for her here. He knows how it feels to need to set an example. He knows how it feels when he can’t meet the standard he’s set. He knows how it feels to need to get over something that can’t be gotten over. He knows fear.
But he also knows that the soft, relating approach he would usually employ won’t work with her. She doesn't respond to softness, not when she's feeling like this. The best way to get through to her is to be blunt, direct.
So he asks, “Would you tell me to just get over my claustrophobia?”
Margaret’s eyes snap up to his face again. Her brow furrows in confusion. “What?”
“My claustrophobia,” Hawkeye repeats, “You know, the thing that made it so I couldn’t stay in a cave for more than a few seconds. The totally irrational fear that if the place I’m in is small enough, it’ll just run out of air. Would you tell me to just get over that?” He asks.
“Of course not.” Margaret’s reply is immediate, she looks almost offended at the question.
“Alright,” Hawkeye leans in a bit more, “Then why do you think you ‘just need’ to get over your fear of loud noises?” 
She stares at him for a moment. “Because…” She starts, but trails off, “Because… well, because…” A couple more attempts bear nothing. She looks back at his hand, “That’s different.”
He’s not letting her off that easily. “How so?”
“It just is.” She replies stubbornly.
“Explain it to me.” He challenges.
Margaret opens her mouth. Closes it. Then she sighs. “Alright, I see your point,” She concedes, “I suppose I’m being a bit unfair on myself.”
“Only a bit,” Hawkeye agrees, unable to help a little smirk. That quickly softens as he continues, “The only example you’re setting for the nurses is that you’re as human as they are. Because like it or not, Margaret, you’re only human. They won’t think any less of you for that. I know I don’t,” He taps his knee against hers again, this time playfully, “In fact, I think it’s one of your best features.” He cracks, trying to inject some levity.
Margaret considers him for a moment, her eyes searching his face. Then that frown of hers finally softens, her shoulder visibly relaxing as some tension leaves her body. “Thank you, Hawkeye,” She murmurs. She looks down at his hand as she finishes wrapping, holding it gently in both of her own, “I… I am sorry, though. Really.” She adds.
Hawkeye raises a wry brow at her. “It’s gonna be no fun to use this to extort you if you keep acting like a kicked puppy about it,” He informs her. When that doesn’t get a smile on her face, he continues, “It’s fine, Margaret. Really. You did worse to me with the whip that one-“
Her eyes immediately widen like saucers. "Hawkeye!" She hisses, scandalized, quickly looking around the empty OR as if someone might pop up from the shadows to catch them.
Hawkeye laughs, unable to help himself at the sight of the red quickly colouring her cheeks. "Sorry, sorry," He says, even though he's not really sorry at all, “But really- I'm fine. Like I said, it’ll be a funny story a few days from now. And I promise to only use it to get attention from you once per day. Cross my heart,” He crosses his hand over his heart with a teasing grin, “Wouldn’t want to worry you, after all. Even if you fussing over me like this is kinda sweet.” He admits.
Margaret harrumphs, sitting back with a frown, but it quickly becomes obvious she's fighting a smile and losing. "I'm not sweet." She tells him.
"Mm," Hawkeye hums, "Course not, that's why you're still holding my hand," He holds it up to demonstrate, as both her hands follow where they're looped around his wrist, "Kiss it better?" He requests, just to be cheeky.
Margaret raises a brow at him. Then she rolls her eyes, shaking her head as that fond smile he's been trying to draw out finally graces her face. "I bet you think you're cute." She says.
"I'm adorable," He agrees, "C'mon, one little kiss. You know boo-boos can't get better without kisses." He waves his injured hand a little for emphasis.
"Is that your professional opinion, doctor?" She asks. At his eager nod, she giggles quietly, "Alright, alright," And then she brings his hand up to press a quick, delicate kiss to his palm, "There. All better." She says as she lowers his hand back down, covering it with both of her own. 
“Think I could convince you to give me one of those right here?” Hawkeye asks, pointing at his lips. 
Margaret smiles oh-so-sweetly at him. “Not unless you’ve got an injury that needs attention.” She replies. 
“Gimme two minutes to find Charles, I bet I can get him to punch me in the mouth.” He presses.
Margaret laughs, a proper laugh this time. Bright against the gloomy backdrop of the rain outside. "You're ridiculous!" She cackles.
Hawkeye just smiles. "Yeah." He agrees. He's already won his victory- her sunbeam smile, warm and glowing and all too easy to bask in.
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harveyhawkscripts · 6 months
[A4A] Holiday Party Breakdown Comfort [Jock Speaker] [Shy Listener] [Comfort] [Mini Script] [12 Days of Scriptmas]
Google Doc
- Okay for monetization
- Please credit me as Harvey Hawk :)
- Tweaks, improv, and pronoun changes are okay! Just please do not rewrite the script completely.
Synopsis: The listener, a shy college student, is nervous about going home for the holidays to their judgemental family. The speaker, the jock party host, finds them crying and tries to help them feel better. 
[SFX and Action]
Break - Listener response
(...) Longer pause
(Voice instruction)
Word Count: 572
[Music, people chattering; party noises]
Whoo! Go, Badgers! Hey Seth, great playing tonight! Yeah, man, drink up!
Ladies, happy holidays! How are the refreshments hitting?
Awesome. Make sure you try the cheese dip. Seth made it, and it’s mwah! Chef’s kiss.
Hey –! Oh.
(Worried) Oh, oh man. You’re crying. This is a holiday party, no one should be crying. What’s up?
Hey, c’mon, you can tell me. Was it a boy? You want me to beat ‘em up for you?
Not a boy. Um, is it finals? If you totally bombed, I know some students who are great tutors. Amy helped me pull my biology grade up to a B. I could put in a good word for you.
It’s not that either, huh? Then what’s got you so upset? This is supposed to be a happy time.
You’re going back home for the holidays? And that’s a bad thing?
Aw, geez. That really bites, bud. But I understand. I mean, my mom is great, but my dad…
Yeah, I know what it’s like to not feel accepted.
Why don’t you just stay here, then? I mean, they can’t really make you go, can they?
So, you want to be there for your siblings? I get that. I have two brothers and I wouldn’t want to leave them alone on the holidays. But still, parents can be harsh.
Wow, that’s a big family! Are you sure you’ll be okay?
Aw man, bad question. Hey, it’s alright. C’mere, do you want a hug?
Shh, it’s okay. I’ve got you.
(To another partygoer) Yeah, man. They’re cool, just give us a few minutes.
(To listener) No way, you’re not bringing the party down. He was just concerned. Come on, how about we move somewhere with less people. Wanna go to my room?
I promise, I’m not getting fresh with you. We can leave the door open if that would make you more comfortable.
Alright, sounds good.
[Party noise dies down as they move rooms]
There, that’s better. Now we can just chill. Do you want a blanket?
Here you go, let me wrap you up… There.
Don’t be sorry. This is my party, so I’m responsible for my guests having a good time. That includes you, bud.
 Why did I invite you? Because you always look so lonely, and you never go to any of the campus functions. I only ever see you when you’re in class or working in the library. I figured you could use some down time and good company. I didn’t misread the situation, did I? I would feel bad if you just wanted to be left alone but I, like, forced you to come to my party.
(Relieved) You did? Well, there’s still time to enjoy it, if you’re up for it.
You’re still worried about going home? Maybe I can help with that. Here, hand me your phone.
There. Now you have my number. You can text me over the break whenever you want, that way you’ll have some support while dealing with your parents. Sound good?
Awesome. Feeling a bit better now?
That’s what I like to hear. So, how about we head to the snack table? You look like you could use a soda, and I have got to get some of that cheese dip before it’s gone.
No problem, bud. Now come on, the night is still young. There’s still plenty of party left!
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purple-babygirl · 3 years
request if open; daddy!bucky had a bad day and little!reader is just trying to comfort him but he accidently lashes out and yells at her/pushes her and immediately feels guilty but she regresses even more into her little space and is scared of him, you can kinda play around w this and figure out how it ends! xx
Pairing: Mafia!Daddy!Bucky Barnes x f!little!reader
Word Count: 3,423 (you know you love me)
Warnings: ddlg dynamics, yelling, harsh treatment, crying, angst turned fluff?
A/N: thank you so much for sending this in, nonnie. i took your request and ran with it to angst land. Hope you enjoy xx💜
signature needed
She could see Bucky’s frown, the lines on his forehead wrinkling his handsome face up. She knew it meant he was upset and she never wanted Daddy to be upset. She knew he never left her upset.
Bucky’s been looking like that since he walked through the mansion door that morning, barely acknowledging her when she greeted him. He almost forgot to give her her welcome-home kiss even.
“Not now, angel,” Bucky murmured, proceeding to flip through the papers covering his desk, huffing and puffing every now and then at the mess he was stuck trying to fix.
“Wanna show you somethin’,” she whispered, biting back a smile.
“Later, angel. I’m busy right now.”
He regretted telling her to come in. He should’ve known she’d be nothing but a distraction.
“Dada, jus’ take one look,” she bounced on her feet before slipping a neat sheet of paper on top of Bucky’s desk, momentarily blocking his view of the contracts he was angrily staring at. Now that made Bucky mad.
“I said I was busy!” Bucky shouted as his head snapped to her, his hand slamming down on the paper without even seeing it, blindly crumpling it and throwing it on the floor at her feet. She flinched at the sudden outburst, taking a step back.
“Dada,” tears filled her eyes as she looked at her discarded paper. Bucky just broke her heart.
“Why don’t you ever listen!” Bucky grabbed her arm tighter than usual, pulling her back to him, “How many times do I need to repeat the words for you to understand! I said not now, didn’t I?!” He let go of her arm with more force than he’d intended, making her stumble a little.
She was terrified now. Her heart pounded in her chest as she looked at Bucky with wide eyes. He has never lashed out on her like that, not even when she was big. She was scared. As her breath picked up, she wished she’d never left her playroom.
“Get out and don’t step into this office again until I tell you you can, you hear me?” Bucky growled, oblivious to the signs of regression and horror showing on her face.
Her quick nods set off no alarms in his head as he watched her run out of his office.
Bucky felt bad about taking his anger out on her the second she fled the room. He flopped back down with a huff, flipping through the contracts again and again with no focus. He threw them down carelessly, running his fingers through his hair, tugging at the roots in frustration.
Cracking his hurting neck, Bucky regretted raising his voice at her. He couldn’t see the words on the contracts; her teary eyes flashing through his mind every time he tried reading.
Why did he have to yell? He could’ve just looked at her paper. She was likely trying to show him a drawing. Why couldn’t he just go with it? He’s sworn he’d never let anybody hurt his angel and then he goes and does this?
Bucky was ashamed. What kind of Daddy was he if he treated his little like that? It was no excuse that he was still getting used to being a Daddy. Bucky knew that wasn’t how a man should treat his girl.
He bowed forward, picking up the balled paper by his desk. He carefully straightened it, deciding to fix his angel’s damaged drawing and make it up to her.
Only it wasn’t a drawing; the paper was a handwritten Daddy-Angel contract. It even had colourful flowers, bees and butterflies decorating the paper and everything.
She was probably trying to play office with him; probably just wanted Bucky to pretend he was signing her paper too.
A sad smile spread across Bucky’s lips as he read the paper. The contract stated that
- Dada will smile
- Dada will not be angry no more
- Dada will let me sit on his lap (will be quiet pp)
- Dada will play with me after work
Dada: ……………..
The paper ended with a free space for Bucky to sign in case of agreement to the ‘terms’.
There were a lot of moments where Bucky wished he could turn back time, but not being able to do so in this very moment seemed to torture him the most. He was an asshole.
She just wanted him to calm down. She respected that he was working and she wasn’t trying to interrupt, she merely wanted him to smile. She even pinky promised to sit quietly in his lap.
Bucky has messed up and it was for nothing because the damage to his work has already been done. He shouted at her like she was responsible when she was just trying to help him feel better.
Bucky got his pen out of his pocket, signing the empty place by his name, remorsefully sighing at his utter stupidity.
“Angel,” Bucky called, knocking on the door before opening it.
She wasn’t in her playroom, but Bucky could see her round table full of similar papers to the one he had folded in his pocket.
She’s made at least 6 of these ‘contracts’, some of them were written in different colours or had spelling mistakes.
She’d obviously worked hard until she settled on the paper to give him and he ended up throwing it on the floor.
Bucky’s hand rubbed his face, frustrated at himself and his lack of control. An asshole was what he was. An asshole.
“Angel, where are you, baby?” Bucky sighed, opening the bedroom door to see her sitting, hugging her knees on the large bed.
She looked too tiny bundled up like that and her muffled sniffles punched at Bucky’s heart.
She only lifted her head up when she felt the bed dip under Bucky’s weight and panic flashed over her delicate features.
“Baby, don’t cry,” Bucky said, his hand instinctively moving to wipe her tears only to have her flinch back, squeezing her eyes shut as if she was awaiting a blow.
Bucky’s heart stopped beating for a second when he realized what had just happened.
She was scared of him. His angel had flinched away from his touch. A huge lump formed in Bucky’s throat as she opened her eyes again, “angel?”
“Please don’ hurt me. Won’ come to the office. Won’ leave the room.” She shook her head and sobbed, scurrying back on the bed and away from Bucky.
This pained Bucky more than any punishment he thought he deserved. The look on her face was enough for him to want the walls to open up and swallow him.
“Angel, I would never hurt you. You know that.” Bucky whispered, sniffing back the tears about to spill down his bearded cheeks.
He needed to hear her say she did. He needed to know she knew Bucky could never hurt her.
She looked from Bucky to her left arm where his metal hand had grabbed her earlier. His fingers had left a mark around her arm. The skin was still pulsing as if his hold on her never loosened.
It was too late and it didn’t matter what he said because he’d already hurt her and the evidence was on her body.
Bucky’s mouth opened and closed as he swallowed again. He didn’t know what to say. He was supposed to be the one protecting her, not the one hurting her. How could he do such a thing to his angel?
“Oh, baby,” he breathed, shaking his head regretfully before trying to get closer to her.
Her instant reaction was to crawl back further and Bucky’s heart sank to his stomach. He felt his soul leaving his body when he looked her in the eyes and saw fear.
A tear betrayed him, falling down, gliding by his lips. Bucky wiped it away quickly, sniffing and clearing his throat.
“I signed your contract, angel.” Bucky got the paper out of his pocket, opening it and putting it on the bed for her to see.
Her eyes looked down and more tears left them at the sight of her once fine work now ruined.
“I’m so sorry, angel. Daddy was bad, baby. I’m sorry,” Bucky pleaded, his fingers reaching out for hers.
She pulled her hand away quickly, hiding it behind her back and Bucky knew he had really messed up. It was no use trying.
She was scared of him. His touch frightened her and was no longer a symbol of comfort to her.
He took his hand away, straightening his back and getting off the bed.
“I-I’ll see you at lunch then.” Bucky sniffed again.
“And angel?” he called from the door, getting her attention.
“Thank you for caring for daddy. I love you.” Bucky has never heard his voice as weak as he did in that moment and he felt even worse when she didn’t say it back.
When the table was set and Bucky came out of his office to find her chair empty, another lump was quick to form in his throat.
He wasn’t even hungry. He had no appetite to eat; he just wanted to see her but didn’t have the guts to peek into their bedroom again.
“Angel?” Bucky was ready to knock on the bedroom door but it was already open.
He carefully pushed it and took a look inside to find the bed empty. He tried not to freak out as he knocked the en suite bathroom door and got no answer. When he opened it, she wasn’t there either.
Bucky could hear his own blood pumping in his ears because she was no where to be found in her playroom as well.
She left. She left him and she had every right to. How could he lose her? How could he lose the one good thing in his life?
Tears distorted Bucky’s vision as his hand clutched the side of the door. His heart clenched at the thought of never seeing her again, never hearing her sweet voice call for him again; never getting to smell her on his pillow again.
The sound of her feet padding on the floor behind him pulled Bucky out of his head and he thought he’d imagined it for a second. He turned around and she froze when his eyes fell on her.
She shifted on her feet, hiding one behind the other and internally hoping Bucky wouldn’t notice she was roaming around with bare feet when he’d specifically asked her not to before.
That was the last of Bucky’s concerns at the moment though. He was just relieved she didn’t leave him even if he deserved it.
“Where were you, angel?” the tenderness of Bucky’s tone let her know he wasn’t mad at her for walking around shoeless.
“Couldn’ fin’ PinePine,” she replied softly, referring to the white feline, “’s lunch time.” Her eyes remained fixed on her feet as she avoided Bucky’s.
He was secretly thankful for that, not wanting her to see him in tears twice in the same day.
She was so pure; so caring and loving to everyone around. Bucky found himself slightly jealous of his own cat for a second there.
“Where did you find, PinePine?” He asked calmly, just wanting to hear her speak to him.
“Downstairs,” she answered shortly, leaving Bucky disappointed.
“Let’s go then. The table’s set.” Bucky smiled, hesitantly offering her his hand.
She stood unmoving for a few seconds, eyes still casted down, before she decided to hold onto Bucky’s pointer.
He sighed, knowing she was still scared but didn’t want to reject him. She was so sweet on him even when he least deserved it.
When lunch was over, Bucky let her know she could come to the office whenever she wanted, although he doubted she would. She gave a small nod before running back to the other room as Bucky shouted an “I’ll get back to work then.” behind her.
He didn’t actually get back to work. He couldn’t focus. He couldn’t think of anything but the way she pulled away from his touch every single time he tried to come near her, or the way she forced herself to hold one of his fingers as they walked less than 10 steps together to the dining room. She'd even begged him not to hurt her earlier.
How did he let himself fuck up so bad? When did they get there? What was he going to do now? How does one get forgiven after being this awful?
A lamp lit above the mafia boss’ head and he grabbed a clean sheet of paper before he could lose the idea.
Bucky was going to write his angel a contract. A pardon contract.
His Daddy-Angel 2.0 contract stated that:
- Angel will forgive Daddy
- Angel will not be sad with Daddy no more
- Angel will sit on Daddy’s lap (even if she doesn’t wanna be quiet)
- Angel will play with Daddy after work if she still wants to
Angel: …………….
Bucky sighed as he tried to draw anything other than sloppy hearts in the empty places around the words to decorate the paper but he was terrible at this. He was desperately in need of his angel’s forgiveness though so he scratched his beard and kept working.
Bucky needed to know she wasn’t actually scared of him; not her. Anyone but her. He wouldn’t be able to take it. He wouldn’t be able to ever tolerate himself if she didn’t forgive him.
Bucky’s tongue was hanging outside the side of his mouth as he drew another birdie on the bottom of the contract. It didn’t really look like a bird, unless of course that bird was struck by lightning a hundred times before, but Bucky thought it would do. After all, he was no artist. He didn’t draw. He didn’t deal with colours; he dealt with weapons. His hands were rough for a reason. But he would do anything for his angel. Anything to win her over again.
A knock on his door cut off his focus and Bucky groaned.
“Come in.”
He felt sorry for whoever had the bad luck of interrupting him during his contract-making, ready to yell at someone.
Bucky looked up from his desk when he didn’t hear anyone speaking, and his face has never softened so fast.
It was his girl who’d come into the office. She had her folded contract in her hand and her eyes were looking kind of puffy from crying.
Bucky just stared at her in remorse, pushing his chair back a bit as he watched her walk closer to his seat.
He wanted to tell her he was sorry. He was so sorry. He’s never been sorrier in his life. He wanted nothing more than to take every word and every harsh touch back.
She stood there for a second, waiting to see if Bucky was going to kick her out this time too. When he didn’t, she rounded the desk and stopped by Bucky’s chair.
Bucky remained speechless, not wanting to scare her away again. She came to him. She came on her own. Unless she came to throw the contract in his face and break up with him, that should be a good sign.
Her tongue peeked outside, wetting her lips nervously before she stretched an arm out, ever so carefully nearing it to Bucky’s thigh. Her gaze was glued to Bucky’s face, gauging his reaction. When Bucky’s frown didn’t show up she let her palm touch Bucky’s leg.
Bucky didn’t understand what she was doing but he wouldn’t dream of questioning her. He was just glad she was okay with touching him again at all after what he’d done, even if she was doing it so cautiously it broke his heart to a thousand pieces.
With her stare trained on Bucky, she stepped forward, slotting herself in the small space between Bucky’s chair and his desk, facing him. Her hands moved to grab on Bucky’s strong shoulders, still watching his face. She swallowed before effortlessly climbing on, cozily curling herself on his lap.
Bucky’s heart swelled as he felt her nose nuzzle his shirt. His own emotions overwhelmed him and tears gathered in his eyes.
“Angel?” his voice was barely a whisper as he looked down to her, careful not to startle her.
She looked up at him worriedly, thinking he didn’t want her where she was.
Her eyes showed fear for a short second before she unfolded the scrunched paper in her hand, a finger pointing to the third term.
“Dada signed,” she said, her eyes so innocent and Bucky couldn’t contain himself anymore.
“Oh, angel,” Bucky’s tears uncontrollably rolled down, wetting his beard.
He held her so close, she could hear his heartbeats drumming in his chest.
“Baby, I’m so sorry.” Bucky cried, wetly kissing her forehead over and over.
“I’m sorry, my angel. Forgive me,” he repeated, leaning down to kiss her bruised shoulder before lifting both hands to his lips and kissing them, “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.”
“Dada,” her smaller hands cupped Bucky’s cheeks as sadness covered her features.
She’s never seen Bucky like that. Not even at his father’s funeral did he sob like that.
She didn’t know it but to Bucky, the thought of losing her hurt more than the actual loss of a family member who never gave two shits about him.
She was Bucky’s everything. His love, his partner, his companion, his baby angel. She was the one who stole his heart and took good care of it. Bucky would give up anything and everything in life and choose her to forever keep, protect and love.
Her short thumbs wiped under Bucky’s eyes, pushing his tears away. She turned to straddle him and wrapped her arms around his neck, laying her cheek on his shoulder.
The smell of her hair calmed Bucky’s heart down as he turned his face to kiss her head, hands settling on her back, “I will never hurt you, angel. Please tell me you know that, my love.”
Bucky’s hoarse voice had her pulling away from the hug. She sat back and looked her man in the eyes, her thumb brushing his chin, “I know,” she whispered and Bucky could see it in her eyes. She did. She believed him. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her.
She stroked Bucky’s cheeks as he sniffled, smiling gratefully at her reply. And his whole world lit up again when she smiled back, timidly pecking the corner of his pink lips.
Oh she was a real angel. No one’s ever been this kind to Bucky before, only her. Bucky kissed her hand one more time, quietly thanking her for forgiving him.
“I made you a contract too,” Bucky told her with a chuckle, pointing to the desk behind her as he wiped his face with the back of his hand.
Her mouth opened in a silent gasp, her smile reaching her wide eyes. She turned around in Bucky’s lap, planting her knees on the chair between Bucky’s open legs and stood on them to take a look.
She took her time reading the words and then she was off Bucky’s lap and bolting out of the room.
The man was about to lose it again, thinking she’d remembered his cruelty towards her and changed her mind when she came running back inside the office.
She climbed back on the chair between Bucky’s thighs, her glitter pen in hand.
Bucky sighed in relief, his lips spreading with an adoring smile as he watched her write her name letter by letter in glittery ink where her signature was needed. Bucky held her waist, kissing her back as he admired how focused she was.
She closed the cap on the pen, placing it on the desk before picking up the contract to show Bucky.
“Angel signed,” she beamed, plopping herself against Bucky’s chest and clinging to him, earning a hearty chuckle from him.
“I love you so much, angel. More than anything in the world.” Bucky gently held her face by the chin, giving her lips a short kiss.
“I love you too, dada.” She smiled, blushing as she hid her face in his chest again.
Bucky wrapped his arms around her, holding her to him and closing his eyes, just enjoying the feel of her body against his once more, silently promising his angel to never hurt her ever again.
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mindninjax · 2 years
To Shape a Home (14)
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Winter- Chapter 14
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Last Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter
Bakugo x Reader
Warnings: A little Angst, Smut
WC: 4K
a/n: Ok so yeah there had to be some angst to tie the rest of the story together alright!?!?!? BUT it's not ALL angst it's only for a few seconds and that's it. PROMISE.
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The peak of winter rears its ugly head with a nasty snow storm that rages for an entire week. Luckily, you were able to get the barn fixed and set up for winter weather for Faitima with Hanta’s help. The winds have been slipping through the holes in the wood but with a bit of insulation, you were able to make Fatima’s home warm and comfy.
She’s warmed up to you a lot and there have been many days where you and Frenchie have gone out to spend the entire day with her in the barn. Frenchie loves the snow and it’s almost impossible to get him to come back in whenever you take him out for a walk.
Neijire sends updated emails every day with details about the art show as the day draws nearer. Whoever’s idea it was to have an art show in the middle of winter was nuts. But you keep yourself from becoming too stressed about it by thinking about how this will be the last time you have to do this.
You haven’t seen Katsuki in days, and it almost feels like you’re missing a part of yourself. Your days don’t feel complete if you don’t see him and it kind of scares you how much he’s become part of your life. He’d told you to stay safe and indoors and not to risk driving to see him,(even though you’re pretty sure you could make it).
He’s unable to come to you when he finds out Sweet Mama is indisposed with a swollen hoof. He was moodier than usual, feeling hopeless because there wasn’t much he could do until the storm stopped. Not to mention with the off season, more shops in town are going out of business. Joja Mart was sweeping them under the rug, no longer interested in selling products at lower costs. They’d apparently moved on to purchasing businesses. That was enough to make Katsuki’s mood sour even more.
When the snow isn’t blocking the phone lines you’re able to call and chat with him. When you do, he sounds on edge, harsh clipped sentences when you ask him about his day.
“How’s Sweet Mama?” you ask one day while slicing sausage for Frenchie.
“Still shitty,” he grumbles on the phone. In the background you can hear something clattering in anger. “And with the fuckin’ storm no vet can get out here to check her out.”
You sigh, “It’ll be alright Katsu. She’s a stubborn gal, remember? Like hell something like this will get her spirits down,” you say trying to cheer him up.
He doesn’t buy it. He only grumbles again to himself and snaps, “She fucking needs medical help. And I can't do shit about it. Your frilly words ain’t gonna help her.”
The bite in his voice throws you off. It’s not the usual teasing tone he uses when he’s trying to act like he’s a hard ass but really he’s being soft. This time it almost sounds like he means it. You pause mid-slice and Frenchie, who’s sitting at your feet gazing up at you with big begging eyes, nudges your knee with his head. Your silence is enough of a hint for Katsuki and you hear him sigh.
“Fuck, I’m sorry Sweets I’m just…”
“Stressed. It’s ok. I understand,” you reply, cutting him off with a gentle tone. You hear him blow out an exasperated breath and you can picture the way he’s running his fingers through his spiky blonde hair.
“Have you been sleeping?” you ask, feeding a piece of sausage to Frenchie and rubbing between his ears.
“Slept a bit in the barn last night,” he grunts.
“The barn?” you ask, placing the knife down and walking toward the living room to sit on the couch.
“Been sleeping out there with her. Can’t just leave her all alone and shit,” he mutters and you can hear the exhaustion in his voice, the helplessness he feels. You picture him out in the barn, lying on the hay next to Sweet Mama, wrapped in a blanket as the storm rages outside. It warms you and you wish you could be there with him.
As if he’s inside your head he says in a voice thick with emotion, “Wish you were here. You’d do your weird talking thing with her and make her feel better.”
You chuckle, “Wish I was there too. I miss you,” you reply and your heart aches at how true the statement is. God, when did you become the girl who can’t go a week without seeing her boyfriend?
He hums over the phone, and you hear rustling as he settles onto his couch. “Mmm say it again. I like when you tell me you miss me,” he says in a husky voice.
You giggle and bite your lip. “I miss you Katsuki.”
“I miss you too,” he replies almost instantly. His voice always makes your heart skip a beat.
Something crashes to the floor in your kitchen and it makes you jump in fright. Frenchie scatters from the scene as you get up and run toward the knife now on the floor and the half-eaten sausage.
“Frenchie! You know better!” you shout and Katsuki guffaws in your ear.
You roll your eyes. “I gotta go and make sure he didn’t eat my entire supply. Make sure you’re warm if you’re sleeping in the barn Katsu. And you should try singing or humming to her. Fatima likes when I hum while I milk her. Try it out,” you say quickly before saying good bye and hanging up quickly.
The snowstorm is definitely putting a damper on things. You hope for his sake, the storm eases up soon.
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It’s finally clear enough to drive a few days later and you’re ecstatic. Shouta and Hizashi came by your place as soon as the storm ended to exchange gifts and help you install snow chains on your car. You spend all day making Katsuki’s favorite meal, Pepper Poppers and finally perfecting your grandmother’s peach crumble recipe. You even bring a tiny painting of Sweet Mama you worked on while stuck in the house.
Surprising Katsuki is going to be great! It’s crazy how much you missed him. You can clearly imagine the shock on his face when he sees you come into the house, how it’ll change to joy. Maybe he’ll run and pick you up and spin you around like in the movies.
Yes, it’s silly but you do wear your twirliest dress, just in case.
It takes most of the day for you to get the crumble and the pepper poppers together but you want it to be perfect. You’re a bit surprised that Katsuki didn’t call as soon as it stopped snowing. You’d thought you might have to talk him out of hurrying over to your house after the storm stopped but you hadn’t heard from him. It was a bit strange but considering how worried he’d been about Sweet Mama you’d thought perhaps his first priority was going to get the vet so they could check her out.
Either way you’re vibrating with excitement when you pull into his driveway. The sun has set and the sky is littered with thousands of sparkling stars. It’s a clear calm night and you take a big gulp of the cool air before hopping out of your truck and gathering the food.
You tiptoe up the stairs of his porch, fiddling in your pocket for the key when something catches your eye. The door is slightly ajar, a sliver of light is peeking through the opening, cutting through the dark night. You pause, staring in confusion at the door. Why’s the door open? Katsuki wouldn’t leave it open, even if he was running out to the barn for a second. Plus if that were the case, he’d go out the back door.
You take a step forward and a shiver of fear shoots up your spine.What’s going on? Is someone here? Is there an intruder? Your heart races, your throat becomes dry. Should you call someone? Maybe Eiji? It would take too long for him to get here. What if Katsuki was hurt? All of your thoughts move too fast in your mind and start to ramble together to form nonsense.
There’s suddenly a crash, something smashes and shatters inside the house and you hear grunting and panting, like there’s a struggle. You race into the house, dropping the food and running into the living room screaming his name.
The house is a mess. Furniture is flipped over, vases and glasses are shattered all over the floor. The pots and pans you got him as a gift are strewn about all over the place. There’s a path of disarray that leads you to the living room where Katsuki is standing, or more so swaying, as he throws a book at the wall.
You’re confused, trying to look around for an intruder but the only one here is him.
“Katsuki?” you pant trying to figure out what’s happening. He whips around at the sound of your voice and instantly you know when you see his eyes. Bloodshot, hazy and misty, slow blinks and dark circles under his eyes. You don’t even have to look at the bottle in his hand to know.
Katsuki is drunk.
He glares at you, like you’re his enemy and it’s more intense than when he first showed up at your home that day you two met. He takes a swig of beer from the bottle he’s holds tight in his fist, then wipes his mouth with the sleeve of his black sweater he’s wearing and slurs, “Get the fuck out.”
It takes you a minute to fully grasp the situation. You stand there with squinted eyes as you take in your surroundings. Investigating Katsuki, he’s barefoot, black sweatpants hanging from his waist sloppily. His sweat shirt is damp, maybe from a spill or from sweat, you’re not sure but it clings to his chest. He sways with his hands out to his sides to keep his balance and there’s streaks of red pouring down his arm where his sleeve is pulled up to show an injury.
“Katsuki….you… you’re bleeding.” you enunciate each word carefully so he can understand you and take a step toward him with your arm outstretched toward him.
He winces and steps back away from you. “I said get the fuck out!”
You watch him for a long time, trying to piece together what might’ve happened. Did something happen to Sweet Mama? It…couldn't be that. He wouldn’t start drinking again because of that. You shake your head. You’ll figure it out later, right now, you need to take care of his arm.
“No,” you reply simply.
He looks like a bull ready to charge you. “You’re in my fucking house, on MY property and I want you to GET THE FUCK OUT.”
You’re frightened but you stand your ground. “I said no, Katsuki,” you reply firmly.
The look he gives you is one you’ve never seen on his face, even back when you thought he hated you. This expression is one of extreme disdain and it is all directed at you.
“You think you finally belong? That doing all of this shit will make your grandpa come back? Sorry to be the only real one here to tell you that’s not how it fucking works. He’s dead and nothin’ you do now will erase the fact that you left him.”
He spits those words at you like poison. He emphasizes every syllable. He wants it to hurt, to sting like salt in a wound. His eyes are so red he looks like an enraged beast standing there staring at you. His words hit you square in the chest, like they’re solid and heavy. It hurts so much you gasp like the wind has been knocked violently from your lungs and for a second all you can think is: Is this how Gramps felt?
Tears you no longer can bite back and hide from him spill down your cheeks as you clutch at your chest and stare at him in disbelief. He falters for only a second, hints of regret displayed in his cold stare but then his expression changes back to that twisted snarl and he’s spewing venom again, eager to pound the final nail in the coffin.
“Why don’t you ever know how to mind your fucking business? Ya think anyone wants you here? Ya think I want you here? You were just a good fuck. I hadn’t had any pussy in a while and you happened to be the best candidate. That’s it. So why don’t you fuck off and go back to the trash heap where you came from.”
If you were smart, you’d leave. If you were smart, you’d yell at him and cry and run out of there and leave him alone to wallow in his anger and self pity.
If you were the woman you used to be, you would’ve.
But you’re not. You're the woman your grandfather always knew you were and that’s why he never gave up on you. And now why you won’t run away from him. You take another step toward him, head held high, shoulders pulled back and proud. You close your eyes, take a deep breath, and wipe the tears from your cheeks. His shoulders tense and his limbs lock as you come closer to him. He takes a step back and he almost looks frightened. You make sure to stay focused on his eyes, make sure he can see how much you care, how much you love him and when you can see the smallest crack in his angry exterior you take another wary step.
You’ve already decided. You’re not leaving anyone you love behind ever again.
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Why did he say that to you? Why did he do that to you? Why does he want to hurt someone like you? Someone he’d finally been able to open up to. Someone who understood him. Who didn’t shy away from him when he yelled or got angry.
Why did he say that to someone he loves?
“You finished?” you ask in a small but steady voice and he hesitates.
What do you mean? Will you leave? He wouldn’t blame you after the shit he just said. His vision is blurred, from the alcohol or the tears, he’s not sure. In the confusion he doesn’t know if he’s hearing correctly either.
“What?” he barks.
“I asked if you were finished, Katsuki,” you say sternly.
He doesn’t understand. You don’t even look angry. How could you not be angry with him? If the situation had been reversed, if you’d said such terrible things to him, he’d shatter then destroy you with the most evil words he could think of.
You’re way too good for him and now you must know it. Katsuki doesn’t respond. He stands in the middle of the room still glaring on wobbly legs as he tries to keep his balance. You sigh and take a wary step toward him.
“I am not going to leave you Katsuki. You can stand there and scream all the terrible shit you want at me. Go for it, get it all out. But I’m not leaving. If there’s one thing I learned from my Gramps, it’s patience. He never stopped trying with me, even though I said terrible shit to him, even though he sat dying in a hospital and I never visited him. He still left me his farm, his pride and joy.”
You’re walking toward him, crunching over the shattered glass and dodging the overturned tables as you speak. Your voice wavers when you mention your grandfather and all of his limbs react to it instantly, wanting to reach out and hold you, but he doesn’t.
“I’m not letting him down again. I’m not running away and hiding like I did before. So, I'm not leaving. Keep yelling if you have to, but at least lemme stop the bleeding on your arm before you pass out,” you explain, reaching out to him.
You never take your eyes from his and he wishes you would. He wishes you would stop looking at him like that. It’s not what he deserves, not after what he just said to you. Everything in the room is fuzzy, clouded by the alcohol pumping through his veins.
Everything is fuzzy, except you.
You’re standing directly in front of him now, he grinds his teeth, trying not to cry in front of you. His fists are clenched so tightly at his sides he knows his fingernails are piercing the skin of his palms. It only makes the blood oozing from the wound cascade down the muscles of his arm faster.
Why won’t you go away? Why won’t you go and find someone worth doing all this shit for? If you leave, it only cements the fact that there must be something wrong with him. Camie left him and now you will too. So why don’t you?
He shuts his eyes, he doesn’t want to look at you anymore. He doesn’t want to see the pain on your face. He doesn’t want to see how beautiful you look despite the pain. He doesn’t want to see the way you still look at him like he’s the greatest thing to ever happen to you.
“Why?” is the only thing he can muster up to ask. It’s the only thing he has the courage to ask.
He hears you sniffle and chuckle. “Because I love you, stupid.”
Your tiny hand wraps around his and you unfurl his fists. As soon as he feels your warmth, he lets go, collapses on his knees in front of you and cries out in agony. He clutches your legs, presses his ear against your stomach and lets the tears flow like a babbling river down his face. It feels good to let go, but it feels even better to let go when you bend down with him and pull his head into your chest.
He tightens his grip on your dress when he wraps his arms around your back. You’re so warm. You smell like home. You feel so right, like one of his favorite days on the farm, when clouds are in the sky but the sun is still out and he can see the blue of the sky. And even in this drunken pitiful state he knows he’d have been the world’s biggest idiot to let you leave out the door.
You run your fingers through his hair as sobs wrack his body and he tries to focus on nothing but you. The way your heart is beating, the way your chest moves slowly up and down as you take deep breaths. Your nimble fingers are scratching his scalp. Your gentle hums—it’s that same song as before— as you calm him and your sweet swelling breath as you place a heated kiss to his forehead.
He loves you. He should tell you. He should tell you just how much but it’s caught in his throat again. He wants to feel your lips on his. He has to. He’s never needed anything more than your lips right now. So he pulls back from burying his face in your chest, cranes his neck up and presses his lips against yours. It’s hard, desperate, and the second he feels how soft and plush and warm they are, his hands are reaching up to hold your face and keep you there.
You part your lips and his tongue enters smoothly to taste you. It’s a heavenly sound when you whimper against his lips. You pull his hair and groan and he knows you want him just as much as he wants you.
He pulls away from your lips and opens his eyes to gaze at you only long enough to whisper against your lips, in a voice thick with sadness and admiration.
“I love you.”
There isn’t enough time to fully undress, so he pushes the debris and glass out of the way to make a clear patch of floor for him to lay you down. He has enough foresight to grab a blanket that’s nearby, shake it off and drape it over the floor before picking you up and gently lowering you on your back.
Your legs part automatically when he slots himself between them, he’s already unbuttoning his pants as he litters sloppy open mouthed kisses down your jaw. You lift your dress and both his hands and yours find the loop of your panties and drag them down your legs.
The cool air in the room swirls around his heated cock and it makes him shiver. You’re panting, mewling desperately as you arch your back and pull him closer. Neither of you speak, communicating only through the fevered caresses, heavy breathing and moaning as he readies himself at your entrance. He slides the tip of his cock through your folds, drenching him in your slick before he finally pushes into your tight heat and your cunt sucks him.
Both of you cry out in relief, him a long winded “Yes” as he drags the last syllable out and you a pretty little gasp of his name. He nestles his face into your neck, pulls out and snaps his hips against yours. The room swells with the sounds of your moans, his grunts, and the shifting of the damaged property surrounding the two of you as he pounds into your cunt. The heat between you is burning, his heavy balls slap against your thighs and with every slap Katsuki feels an increasing amount of admiration for you.
Right now, while buried to the hilt inside of you, nothing else matters. Not the pain in his arm, not the farm, the mess of glass and splintered wood littered around his home, not his past, not the girls or his garden, nor Ei or Camie or anyone.
Nothing feels as good as being with you and having your pussy squeeze him and your nails dig into his skin as you beg him for more. He fucks you hard and deep, panting and growling like some feral lovesick beast. He can’t get enough of you, and he desperately tries to feel all of you as he presses your legs against your chest. He knows you’re close because you're shaking, probably from the way his cock knocks against your cervix with every push of his hips.
He feels you come, feels the way your cunt spasms and he welcomes it proudly, happy to have gotten you to ecstasy. When you pull the hair at the nape of neck he growls out, “Fuck!” before he’s thrusting back into you one last time and spilling a load of cum, thick, creamy and hot inside of you.
He collapses down on top of you and you both stay there for what feels like hours, catching your breath as you rub his back softly. He’s exhausted, on the brink of sleep as he rolls off of you and onto his back. He still holds your hand, the room spinning as a liquor headache forms behind his eyes. All he wants is to sleep next to you and maybe all of the pain will go away.
Panic settles deep into his gut when you push him off of you and pull your dress back down to fall around your ankles. You move to get up but he tightens his grip around your wrist. His limbs are too relaxed and he only has enough strength to tug your sleeve.
He slurs in a voice too vulnerable for anyone’s ears but yours, "Don't...don’t leave me.”
You lean down to press your lips softly to his and again he feels that everything will be ok as long as he’s able to keep kissing you like this, for the rest of his life.
“I told you I'm not leaving you. But I need to get something for your arm. Stay. I’ll be back,” you say against his lips.
You take off the sweater you’re wearing and drape it over him. It’s warm and it smells like you and when he inhales your scent, it enraptures him and sobers the drunken hazy thoughts in his mind. He stays conscious just long enough to see you return to him with a wet rag before he passes out and his world becomes dark.
Thanks for reading!
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min-jpg · 3 years
Haii! Can I request a oneshot of a adepti reader having unresolved sexual tensions with Zhongli? like the reader visits him at the parlor only to confront him about his death and the gnosis then they have rough/angry sex hehe can it also be fluff at the end? hehe sorry if its a bit confusing thank u in advance tho and have a great day! 💖
Note: no need to be sorry, anon! 💖 This was quite fun to write. I'm making the reader gender neutral since it's not mentioned. Enjoy!
take me whole
Characters: Zhongli x Adeptus GN!reader
Genre: smut/NSFW, established relationship, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, penetration (reader receiving), cussing, fingering, biting, size kink, breeding kink, dacryphilia, overstimulation (contains spoiler of Liyue's archon quest)
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The sun began to depart. Orange and purple hues that adorned the sky will soon dissipate when night settles in. It was already closing time for Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. After Zhongli finished his delegated duties, he got ready to leave for the day.
Zhongli shuts the door behind him. As he was about to turn around, your hands slammed beside him, confining him in between. Turning fully to look at you, he donned a calm demeanor as usual. Your eyes, practically seething with anger, stared back at his gentle eyes, "How could you do this without discussing it with any of us?"
Crashing both your fists on his chest and throwing a petulant tantrum, your eyes began to flood with tears. Lowering your gaze to deter Zhongli from seeing them, "Did you think we- I wouldn't be worried? When I heard about your death, my mind went deranged. And your gnosis? What were you thinking of giving it away like a free gift?!" Your fist drums in frustration, trying to pursue after the rhythm of your ramble.
Zhongli reached out to catch your wrists, causing you to flinch and trying to wriggle them away. His gloved fingers slid up to meet yours and lacing them together, "I must honor my contract with the Tsaritsa."
"Cut the bullshit. You're just making an excuse. You're nothing but a coward." Glaring at him, you knew it was irrational to have your anger influence you when he had his reasons. But your turmoil continues to accumulate. You needed something or someone to condemn it all on. Bearing so much exasperation caused your mind to be hazy, you failed to notice that your tears began to scatter.
Zhongli leaned down, kissing away your beads of tears like they were so precious to him. He then lowered to give you a proper kiss, having you taste the lingering saltiness from your tears. He pulled away, "Have you had enough and calmed down, love?"
Grabbing his hand, your feet tread heavily to the side of the building engulfed by shadows as night descends, dragging Zhongli along with, "You're going to have to give me more than that to make up for what you've done."
You wasted no time. After pushing him back to the wall, you stripped away your lower garment to display your eager sex that desperately pleaded for Zhongli. As you pulled down the latter's pants, "In public? Are you sure?" Zhongli placed his hand on your shoulder.
Propping one of your legs up beside his hip, you seized his cock to align it with your throbbing mess, "Shut up." You hissed as you pressed the tip up your entrance without proper preparation.
Your yearning outweighs any patience left in you to wait any longer. Jolts of pain shot up your body as your entrance strived to cater for something that large. Tears welled up again, both due to the discomfort and your neediness.
Zhongli sighs as he could no longer watch. After he helped your leg down back to the ground, he bit the end of his glove to slip it off, "Turn around for me."
You did as told, huffing that you even took orders from him. Zhongli's arm made its way around your waist to hold you firmly as you feel him lean closer, breath brushing your neck. His fingers roamed around your aching hole before inserting two in, "You should have patience. That would make the experience more pleasant for the both of us."
"Don't tell me what to do- ahh!" A gasp of pleasure is induced from you when his finger hits a favorable spot. It finally registered in your head that you stood on the streets of Liyue Harbor half-naked. Embarrassment settled in, having your hands hover to your mouth to push back the noises.
Zhongli's harden cock grinds against the back of your thigh as his fingers tortured your sensitive hole, spreading his fingers apart to loosen it up. He removed your hands away from your face, "Why are you suddenly shy now, hmm?" His low voice grumbles, sending your body shivering in anticipation. You knew he wants this as much as you do.
Your words integrated with moans that you tried to overcome, "Who said I'm-" Zhongli hindered you with his other fingers shoved into your mouth, retaining them broad open, "Then let people hear."
Before you could protest, Zhongli withdrew out his fingers from your hole before he bent you over to load you up with his erection without granting you a moment to accommodate. Whining as his full length railed into you, your lower half contradicted by clenching tightly around his girth. As pain harmonized with pleasure washing over you, gritting your teeth resulted in sinking them into his fingers instead.
As you occasionally sucked on his fingers, Zhongli worked his way to accelerate his thrusts. Your muffled moans and saliva drenched them. Zhongli groans, "Mm, you feel so good." His amber orbs glowed dimly in the dark as he watched his cock glistening with your wet arousal each time he moved in and out.
Your back arched, panting out obscene sounds and producing squelches every time he ramps his huge cock strenuously into you. Incoherently, you wailed out your frustration, "I.. hate you!" Cheeks stained with your tears.
You hear Zhongli heave a sigh of contentment behind you, "I love you."
Feeling your stomach churn with pleasure and hearing his words, your voice gradually amplified in volume, no longer caring if any citizens passing by could overhear how dirty you are, "I said, ngh, I hate you."
"Haa, your body disagrees." Your reaction was a trigger for him to exert more force in his thrusts, baring himself from any constraints of holding back.
Your body jerked forward, nails jabbing into his arm, "Wait! T-too much!" You lolled out your tongue, only able to afford for your body to convulse and succumb your whole being to Zhongli, "Fuck! I can't-"
Zhongli pressed kisses on your nape, lapping away the film of sweat and leaving harsh bites to imprint your skin, "Yes, you can."
Nearing climax, your body trembles uncontrollably with honest mewls making their way to Zhongli's ears. He was catching up as well, feeling his thrusts growing sloppy.
Grunting, he kept his cock burrowed deep in you as he ejaculated, presenting his seed inside you. Your eyes rolled back, body going through a series of spasms with the sensation of his semen warming and saturating you to the brim. His cum leaked, trickling down in between your quivering legs.
Zhongli squeezed your body lovingly with both arms, continuing to thrust into you with a fervent pace even after the both of you came, hoping to plunge his seed further inside you, "I love you." He repeats earnestly. Your body turned restless with your voice becoming hoarse, "E-enough..."
"I thought you wanted more? I'm giving you what you want until you forgive me." Zhongli had you face him by drawing your chin gently.
"Enough already, idiot. I don't actually hate you... I'm sorry." Your confidence and voice drop. Averting your gaze, your lips tightened together when he stared at you.
Giving a fond smile, he gave you a quick peck, "What say you, we continue this back at home?"
Kissing back, "Only if you promise to take care of me later on."
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aetheternity · 3 years
So sweet, just for me
Synopsis: Just some stories where reader takes care of Virgin! Armin.
Disclaimer: Unprotected sex, blowjobs, Sub Armin and sexually experienced Y/N are all present in this. Minors exit now.
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☆☆Just Summer Things☆☆
Sweat coursed down the expanse of every inch of your body. Or maybe it was water you weren't really sure. A set of carefully trimmed nails shivered and shook beside your head, digging into the grimy tree bark. Locks of sun kissed blonde hair stuck to parts of your neck, face and collarbone as you coaxed Armin's breathing down. Forehead resting uncomfortably against the bark and your ass firmly seated against his hips.
"How do you feel sweet boy?"
"I-I.." He panted, pulling his face back a little. Blue doe eyes full of lust and the sweet shine of tears.
His cock currently pressed delicately against your g-spot during what started out as a normal water balloon fight. Between the boys and the girls of course. You guys had all come out during late afternoon, Sasha and Connie started tossing water balloons and teams formed accordingly.
At some point you'd run off to what you thought was a safe zone only to find Armin perched in the bushes. Contemplation etched into his soft features.
"Move slowly ok." You encourage. You were surprised by how big he was sure but the warning was more so this could last for a while.
He nodded where you were still holding the back of his head. His nails cautiously unlatching from the tree moving instead to sink into the fat of your hips while at the same time his once snugly nestled cock began to move. The sweet drag forcing your toes to curl and your eyes to shut. A small exhale cresting off your lips.
A breathy moan fell from his trembling lips as he pulls you in closer. Wrapping his arms around your waist and squeezing around you like a lifeline.
You'd met Armin only two years ago through Jean and continued to crush on him for the entirety of those two years. Until today when he'd admitted to you that he was a little ashamed of being a virgin while consistently having to listen to Eren, Connie and Jean's conquests.
You told him they were probably lying about at least half of those stories but it only got you a small smile. So you decided to do him one better and offer to take his virginity.
It wasn't selfish. It was a win win. He would receive a conquest story to tell and you would get what you'd been craving since you'd first seen him in Jean's apartment shirtless and trying to help fix the messed up drain.
"Feels good?" You chuckle huskily
"Oh my God.." He huffs into your skin. 
His hips worked themselves up a little faster. A slightly clumsy pace forming but he was new at this so you weren't mad.
"Armin slow down baby, I don't want you to get ahead of yourself."
"I-i'm sorry.. j-ust feels amazing.."
One of his hands hesitantly snaked up your shirt. Skittish in the way he palmed at your breast. Though he quickly eased up when you replied to the affection with a little mewl.  
It felt surprisingly amazing for you as well. Considering the situation and the fact that Armin had never done this with anyone. This really was his first time.. What a weird thing to tell people. My first time was at a water balloon fight against a tree.
You hummed when the pleasure started to sit in your stomach. Legs trembling a bit as he pumped inside you a little faster. Any other time you would've just thrown your head back and relaxed, especially since his dick was so perfectly filling right now but-
"Armin, slow down." Your breathing was a little raspy.
He replied with a whimpery moan, thighs shaking against your sides. You reached an arm around grabbing his hips with your hand to slow them. It seemed to catch his attention because those soft doe eyes were wide.
"You'll get to cum baby I promise you, ease up a bit it's not a race." He nodded in affirmation and you smiled warmly.
Silk strands warm under your guided fingers as he pulled all the way out and slowly eased back in. A collective united moan exiting both your mouths. You'd shut your eyes but they worked themselves back open at the almost unnoticeable twitch of his cock head.
Your favorite part.
"Mm baby so close.." You whisper, your lip coming to tuck itself under your teeth.
A small chorus of yes's and little gasps fall from his open mouth. His skin somehow easing out of tomato red and into surface of the sun red.
You pull him close making sure his eyes were open. "I need you to cum for me ok? But make sure no one hears you." You say, and fuck is it gorgeous watching him come undone. Just like you'd imagined so many times before.
The tears once welling in his eyes spilled over like a faucet. Choked moans and harsh gasps worked their way off his lips. One of his hands flew back up to the tree where his nails soon dug the bark clean off. His hips stuttering through his entire orgasm. You were almost worried when his climax ended. The way he went silent except for his wild breathing.
"Fuck.." He sighed
You couldn't help but giggle. "How was your first time?"
He gasps and rolls his eyes still stuck in euphoria. When he pulls out you take the opportunity to turn around. Working your panties up over your hips and pulling your fluttery skirt back down.
"Please, please let me do that again sometime.." He huffs finally managing words. You bring his lips to yours in a chaste kiss that honestly doesn't last long enough for you.
"Only if you promise to stay my good boy." You reply pulling his shorts up till they rest comfortably on his hips.
"I promise." He remarks, almost too eager. "Oh! Wait you didn't get to c-"
"Hey, where did you guys go?" Armin practically separates from his skin as Connie and Jean round the corner. Water guns tucked in their grasp.
"When did you guys get those?" You asked nonchalantly.
Jean shrugged, "We made the game more interesting."
Connie shook his head running back around the corner as Sasha's battle cry sounded.
"Hurry and get back we need you out there Armin." And with that Jean was gone too.
You picked up Armin's discarded water balloon, placing it in his open palm. "See you out there, lover boy."
☆☆Showing Armin how to do Yoga☆☆
"Why's Armin coming over here so early again?" Sasha asked rolling over onto her side. The bag of cotton candy once perched on her thighs flopping over and nearly spilling its contents.
"To do Yoga!" You replied with a laugh sitting the bag upright next to her.
She groaned dramatically. "But it's six thirty am on a Saturday."
"No one told you to get up with me." You remark, pushing the coffee table to the edge of the room.
She holds her once displaced bag up for you to see. "It was calling out to me." She sighs, hugging it to her chest.
A knock on the door takes your concentration. As you pull it open you call back to her, "Well since you're up, you might as well join us."
"Nope!" She quickly scurries away with a wave of her hand. Cotton candy stuffed under her arm.
You shut the door behind Armin as he stares down the hall that Sasha had disappeared down. Your grin is bright almost devilish as it slowly spreads across your face.
"Seems like it's just the two of us." You mutter, loud enough for him to hear.
You watch as he thickly gulps with a nod. Bite able Adam's apple bouncing but you pretend you don't notice. Your mat is already laid out on the floor but you can't stop yourself from bending over to smooth out the corners. Barely paying attention to Armin until you hear a small cough or maybe him choking it's not very clear.
He's holding his mat in his arms defensively across his chest. Silk strands of blond hair fluttering when he blinks. His cheeks a beautifully vibrant pink.
"I-I wanted to th-thank you.." He says, blue eyes trained where they stared at your mat. "For.. the- um.." He gestures and you can't help but giggle.
"The sex?"
Now his eyes find you. Blown wide as his pink lips part over a word that never succeeds in leaving his mouth. Your feet pat over the floor as you close the distance between the two of you. His cheeks warm under your delicate grasp and you hold his face almost as though you're sure he'll shatter.
"You're so cute, please never change."
You're almost scared it sounds condescending but the soft rosy color trudging up to the tips of Armin's ears says he doesn't agree.
You turn back to your mat with a smile but just before you sit on it you add, "And you never have to thank me for sex, I'd do it with you anytime."
He nods once as if responding to you and then twice as if he's confirming that you did indeed say what he heard. The soft plap of his mat on the floor reminding you of what you were both here for.
"Ok, let's begin then." You take a deep breath, adjusting the scrunchie holding your hair in place. "First we wanna stretch alright, so I just need you to reach up above your head with both hands and reposition your feet."
You demonstrate using yourself and Armin awkwardly copies. Slender fingers curling towards the sky as he slowly relaxes his shoulders. You can't help but let your mind wander a little as a glint of light flickers off the steel rings decorating three of his gorgeous digits.
You had fingered yourself last time the two of you were together and now you were craving him. Wondering what the warmth of just one of those inside you would feel like.
"Spread your legs more." You encourage, meanwhile it nearly has Armin doubling back. "Dirty boy." You tease
You stand in front of him gently kicking his legs apart. Easy enough. And he responds to every bit of your touch like he craved you too.
And well you wanna tell yourself that you had actually had completely innocent intentions when you'd invited Armin over here today. He genuinely had never done Yoga before and you knew Sasha was gonna be here. So yeah, you'd love to say you wanted nothing but to relax Armin in this encounter.
But you couldn't even keep a straight face while thinking it.
"Can you bend your knees a little?" He squats, carefully coming back up. Arms reaching out on both sides as you coaxed him. "A little lower sweetie." You say as his ass hovers inches over the mat.
And oh to be the mat.
You step back until you're completely back on your mat. "I'm sure your arms are tired, you can put them down now." You wave him off and he lets out a smooth exhale. "Feel relaxed yet?"
"A little." He replies with a confident smile.
"Then you're ready for the next part." You clap "I need you to bend over and touch your toes alright."
He shuts his eyes, pretty lips parting over your choice of words. What you wouldn’t give right at this second to be a mind reader. His back arches, ankles locking together as you demonstrated. "Good, good boy. Back straight." You sink your thumb into his black athletic shirt to touch his spine. And he hardens with your touch. "Don't be shy, it's just me." You mutter, breath heavy.
Fuck! Touching his back muscles this up close and personal made you wanna sink your nails into them. Leave lines up and down his soft supple skin as a mark that you'd always be his first. No one else would ever get that privilege. 
"Ok, you can stand."
You pretend not to notice the way he shifts his sweats as he stands. This time you vow to actually stay on your mat.
"You should know this position." Your legs spread on one end of the mat while your hands came down to lay flat near the opposite end. "Try it."
Carefully he gets into the position you're currently doing but not without peaking at your figure. His blond hair dipping towards the mat and you can't help but smile at how cute he looks.
"Now we're gonna slowly curve our bodies down until our pelvis touches the floor." You say, head curving up toward the ceiling. For once Armin has immediate trouble, hips dangling weirdly over the ground. His arms trying and failing to steady himself.
"What's the matter? Wanna try a different position?"
"N-no it's nothing.."
You plop down on your mat, crossing your legs and gesturing for him to do the same and even without his reluctance you already know what's wrong. He slowly but surely rotates his hips, spreading his legs. His hardened dick print on full display.
You don't even try to hide the slow slither of your tongue wetting your lips. You quickly turn your head before crawling your way over to a very very flushed Armin. Sweat glistening perfectly over his pale skin.
"W-wait Sasha!" He panics, his arms flailing a bit as he backs up slightly.
"Shh it's ok, she definitely fell back asleep the second she went back in her room." You reply crawling towards him again.
"But you know I c-can't keep q-uiet. Wh-what if she h-hears!"
Your hands inched past his now loosened sweats to gently squeeze his hardened cock through his boxers. Both his hands flew to his mouth giving you a new gorgeous view of those pretty rings.
His eyes roll unfocused with every sweet glide of your hand. Tears already starting to brim along the edges of his warm eyes.
“Do you always wear those rings for physical activities or is it just for me?” 
“I-I just forgot to take them off..” 
“Did you?” You can tell your smile is shitty. Just from the way his eyes dart away from yours "You've never been blown either have you?" You ask getting back on topic.
"N-no." It's a muffled response but it hits your ears loud and clear.
"Another story for the growing journal then." You tease
You honestly can't help yourself. Lips curving and confining his tip like a vise. Precum salty where it stains your tongue. His gasp bouncing off the wall so elegantly. So fucking perfect. But even though Sasha is a heavy sleeper you were still worried she'd wake up before you finished.
So as much as you wanted to tease.
"Can I pull these down baby? I know your dick wants some relief."
He complies, oddly quickly. And you pull his sweats and boxers down just enough to hug the tops of his thighs. 
And his dick is gorgeous. You hadn't actually seen it before but fuck was it pretty, standing tall and leaking before you.
You inch forward spit dribbling from your lips to be collected in the hand that was working his slender shaft. It had Armin's hips bucking up to greet you. His sweet whines egging you on.
And slowly but surely.... "Oh my fucking god."
It was an adjustment. Not as smooth as you would've liked because of the weird angle but you'd taken a little more than half of his dick in your mouth. A mildly painful fit made up for by the angelic cries of Armin just above you.
"Pl-please.. oh God please.."
He couldn't tell what he wanted to hold, hands shifting to the top of your head, the floor and his rolled up sweats all in less than a minute. You swore you could hear his heartbeat through his chest every time you swallowed his cock again.
You wanted to speed ahead so bad, see him just as flustered as he had been last week when he had his cock buried deep inside your pussy but it was obvious he wasn't going to last long either way.
Disorganized syllables flooding off his lips with the occasional whimper of "thank you" and "yes". His throat heavy with every curse word he knew stuck in it. Breaths quick and uneven as you coaxed him down your throat. Vibrations coursing past your lips to meet his already sensitive sex.
"I-i'm.. gonna cum.. mmm soooo close! Gonna cum!"
His choked breaths fell over your forehead and in the next second he was emptying every bit of his stress into your mouth. Eyes clouded like Armin wasn't even in there anymore. And you drained him of every drop, reaching between his legs to squeeze his balls.
When you pulled off of him he let out a deep exhale. Body still shaking as he looked at you.
"Thank you so much." He grinned hazily
"God, I wanna be as many of your firsts as possible." You breathe out a laugh.
☆☆The one where Eren walks in☆☆
It wasn't often you came back to the same guy. Every now and then you had one night stands and that's all it ended up being. You'd always been fine with that.
But Armin made you stay. His shaky fingers, nervous tongue and tear stained cheeks so oddly addictive. Intoxicating in how innocent he stayed despite having two sexual encounters with you.
And now here you both were having your third in his bed. Bodies melded together in the heat of both your sweat. Eyes fixated on only each other as his head tilted up like a hungry baby bird to pull you back in every time you fled.
And you indulged him as much as possible because fuck he was the cutest thing. Your hands gliding over his back and up to his shoulders to pull him impossibly closer. Spine curving deliciously when he grazed over your g-spot.
"Armin.. there." You breathed
Your free hand slid between your bodies making space for those slender fingers to work over your clit.
"Flick it." You encouraged, he immediately did as he was told earning a moan of approval.
"Good boy." You hum, lip trembling where it curves under your teeth.
The once soft pink of his face deepened with the compliment. A little smile decorating his gorgeous features. Just another thing to add to your growing folder of mental images.
"There honey.. keep going." You cooed over the little whimper fluttering off his lips as you hugged his cock. "You remember that spot right? The one that you hit when we were outside?"
"Yeah.. I think it was.." His hips remained delicate as he slid right into place. One leg up as he slotted his cock inside you. Heat pooled in the lowest depths of your stomach with the hesitant prodding of his tip to your g-spot. Eyes curving up to yours for further instruction.
"Mmhm that's it.. hit it a little harder ok."
It was all sorts of clumsy but he rammed your g-spot full force. An apology made its way to his throat but eye contact and the choked gasp that left your mouth soon proved it wasn't needed. You spread your legs a little further for him and he grabbed your waist smoothly working your hips over his dick.
"You're doing so well." You giggled taking a hold of his face. "And you're holding out much longer this time."
"Y-yeah but I'm almost there.." He sighed, fingers working at your clit a little faster. Right in time with the faster tempo of his hips.
"Fuck, you feel soooo good." He drawls
His lips parted, eyes flying north. You hugged him a little tighter as his chest pushed you up and down with each thrust. The once gentle drag of your nails now much rougher. As you let it slip just how much you were enjoying this.
Let your mouth fall open for the words circling your brain. Stomach heavy as Armin fucked you with intention. You brushed beads of sweat back from his face. His hair going up with it, clumping together atop his head.
"Mm gonna cum.." He moaned, head lolling with the intensity of his full body tremor.
"Hey Armin-"
"Eren!" Armin nearly shot up as Eren pushed the door open with zero warning.
Armin's free hand stayed on your clit completely stagnant. Tip twitching inside you, he didn't even have time to cover his mouth. Moans and whimpers pouring out from his still parted lips. Every bit of your fifteen minute effort now seen and heard by Eren who stood in the doorway with a raised eyebrow.
"Hey Eren.." You greeted, pulling your hand away from your upturned lips. Meanwhile Armin's face is buried deep in your shoulder blade. Where you already assumed he'd be staying for the next hour.
"Uh huh.." Eren replied, slamming the door shut. "Mikasa, he's busy let's go!" You heard him call as his boots clicked down the hall.
You don’t say a word till you hear the front door open and close, “You ok?” 
“Any chance Eren didn’t hear that?..” He whispered 
“Not in hell or on Earth love.” 
‘Then no..” 
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bl00dgutsgl0ry · 3 years
Just a Little Reminder
Pairing - Xiao x Fem!Reader
Warnings - 18+ NSFW SMUT DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE A MINOR, blood mentions, degradation, VERY SLIGHT dollification (like I mean it’s mentioned maybe ONCE), spitting, face fucking, this is just some nasty** sex man.
Word Count - 2.2k
Other Comments - It’s been so long since I wrote a good smut fic so this was nice and refreshing to write. It’s a break from all the angst you guys have been requesting for some ungodly reason. Anyway hehe enjoy you freaky weirdos.
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      Xiao’s day could not get any worse. Something happened overnight that caused the gods to curse his day. Nothing was going correctly. He didn’t know why he felt so restless, maybe because he hasn’t seen you in a couple of months. Being an Adeptus had some drawbacks, one of them being that they could never leave Liyue. That didn’t exactly work well with your carefree spirit dragging you all over Teyvat, rightfully earning the title of a Traveler. That meant you left his side for an unknown amount of time, you always came back of course but you leaving never got any easier on Xiao. He was protective of you, and you not being in Liyue where he could secretly keep an eye on you made him anxious. The feeling of anxiety was not something new to Xiao, but it was different from the anxiety he had experience with. He was never anxious over a mortal's safety and well being. It almost made him unnerved how much you had already subconsciously changed in him.
      Xiao never really had much need to venture out of Wangshu Inn, so when he did he always wanted to immediately relax on the balcony at the top of the inn he resided in. Some days Verr Goldet would bring him some freshly made almond tofu, when he gratefully accepted once the young woman made it back downstairs. As he was staring out past the railing, he saw a familiar silhouette approaching the inn. Something sparked in him when he saw the way you limped up the stairs of the ground floor towards the elevator. Within seconds, before you could step onto the elevator Xiao grabbed you suddenly jumping back up to the top of the balcony. You squealed quietly, your arms quickly finding their way around Xiao’s slender neck, absentmindedly remembering to avoid the large spikes coming off of one of his shoulders.
      Before you could even think, you felt your back land on the soft bed the two of you shared at night. Sure Xiao never really slept much but the sentiment was nice. It also worked for these little moments. Xiao’s sharp canines poked the side of your throat causing a soft gasp to escape your lips.
      “Xiao- Hey wait… I just got here.” Your voice a little bit above a whisper as you bashfully looked at the man hovering above of you. 
      “When you were leaving for this little expedition, you promised me you would return uninjured. Are you really that stupid that you would break such a promise to me? I guess I have to remind you what happens when you make me upset (y/n).” The way Xiao’s voice rumbled low in his chest made warmth bloom in your chest, as everything slowly began to get warmer. Your face was beat red as you felt Xiao’s callused hand grab your cheeks and push your face to the side; giving himself better access to your throat. You once again felt Xiao’s sharp canines graze your throat, alongside his long tongue lapping at the delicate skin. Suddenly a sharp pain shot from your neck as he bit down, immediately licking your blood away, pleasure beginning to  bloom from the mark. 
    Xiao slowly slid down your body, undoing your shoes and tossing them away. After that was done he rose back up, roughly undoing your skirt and pulling it off before once again throwing it away somewhere, much of the same work was done on your top and before you knew it you were left in nothing but your undergarments; while Xiao was fully clothed. Your cheeks got even redder as you felt a little embarrassed, trying to cover your face with your arms. Xiao’s hand shot to grab both of your wrists and slam them onto the bed above your head, a loud growl coming from him.
     “Don’t you even dare try and hide your face from me. You are going to face your punishment head on. Oh and don’t even think about making any noise lest you want an even worse punishment.” His sharp gaze softened for a moment, eyes silently making sure you actually wanted to do this. When you gave him a quick small nod his eyes immediately snapped back to the cold harsh glare he wore mere moments before. He began attacking your neck and collarbones with harsh hickies and sore bites. Your breath began to hitch in your throat, as you tried to hold back whimpers of pleasure.
     Agonizingly slowly Xiao made his way down your body, leaving bruises and bloody bite marks all the way down. You were shaking from the pure ecstasy coursing through your veins. Xiao ripped your panties with his teeth exposing your most vulnerable spot. The cold air that hits your hot wet lips, causing a shiver to wrack its way through your body, your clit pulsing with excitement. You looked down to see Xiao’s piercing auburn eyes staring back into yours, head so close to your core.
     “Don’t you dare cum tonight you filthy whore.” Was all that left his his lips, before his head was shoved between your thighs, his long tongue diving deep into your dripping cunt. Your hand flew to your mouth as you tried to hold back loud moans. You were so desperate and needy from not seeing Xiao for so long. Xiao lifted your legs above his shoulders, hooking both of his arms around your thighs, his hands roughly kneading at the soft flesh; his tongue getting deeper from the new position. Soft muffled moans were beginning to fall from your covered mouth, your free hand trying desperately not to grab at his head, instead gripping the sheeting as tightly as possible. The noises coming from the man below you were obscene, loud slurps and laps being amplified by the otherwise silent room.
     Your nerves were on fire, the familiar coil in your stomach beginning to tighten. Despite tightly covering your mouth, your moans were as clear as day. Xiao pulled away from your pussy, lips shining from the slick of your arousal. His hand quickly gripped your wrist and ripped it away from your mouth.
     “Stop embarrassing yourself by trying to muffle your moans. If your gonna sound so much like a whore you might as well let it be known that your my whore to all of Liyue.” With that Xiao went back to attack your clit with his tongue, occasionally fucking it in and out of your cunt. Loud moans began falling out of your mouth, almost shocking yourself with how loud you were, and how you couldn’t care less about who heard you; you were flooded with euphoria and oxytocin. Your moans spurred Xiao on as his pace on your clit was relentless, not only that but he had unwound one of his arms and inserted a couple of fingers into you.
     You were getting finger fucked and eaten out at the same time, your breathing was beginning to get incredibly labored as your moans rose in pitch and volume. Your free thigh began to tremble against your lover's head as you got closer and closer to the edge; trying desperately to hold yourself back from cumming. Xiao felt the familiar flutter of your walls as you got closer and closer to cumming, and he suddenly pulled them out of you as he halted all actions. You whimpered loudly, thighs shaking desperately yearning for release.
     “Xiao please… please Xiao please let me cum… I’m sorry I broke the promise I won't do it again please Xiao.” Your voice was already wrecked and you sounded pitiful as you saw a smirk pull on your lovers lips. He was fucking laughing.
     “You are fucking disgusting you know? You are so desperate for me you are making yourself look stupid. You aren’t cumming yet. Now shut up and be my useless little fuck toy hm?” You opened your mouth to beg again, but Xiao shut you up by spitting in your mouth and closing it with his hand; forcing you to swallow. That action shot right down to your clit, and you needed him inside you now.
     You opened your leg wide open, hoping that would incentivize him to get on with it already. He knew what you were trying to do and rolled his eyes before standing up and beginning to disrobe. Your eyes were glued to him as his toned pale chest shone with a soft gleam of sweat. Then he began taking his pants off, letting the now loose waistband fall to the ground. Your mouth was basically watering from how horny you were.
     Xiao tightly gripped you thighs and pulled you towards the edge of the bed, which caused you to think he was finally going to fuck you; much to your surprise though he straddled your head as he looked down at you expectantly. Xiao’s cock was just one of those that you could only describe as pretty. It was long yet a little slender, and he kept himself well groomed.
     You eagerly took his dick in your mouth, trying your best to fit him all the way in; reminding yourself to keep breathing through your nose. Then Xiao started moving, harshly shoving his dick deep into your throat, your nose pressed against his body. Before you could get your bearings of you now deep throating Xiao, he just as harshly pulled out them thrusted back in; beginning to ruthlessly face fuck you. You were desperately trying to maintain your breathing but you just couldn’t with how hard Xiao was fucking into your mouth, so you tried your best to hold your breath and hollow your cheeks; trying and failing to suppress your gags. Xiao loved the choking and gagging sounds you made, his animalistic movements becoming erratic and uneven.
     He quickly pulled out of your mouth and fell back to the side of you before he came, not wanting to cum just yet. You coughed as you took in loud gulps of air, before attempting to even your breathing out. Xiao maneuvered your body and flipped you onto your stomach, hand coming down to rub your ass. You felt Xiao line up the tip of his dick to your entrance. You whimpered and wiggled your hips, and suddenly felt that same hand that was just gingerly rubbing your ass, come down and smack hard against it. You yelped and gasped at the sudden pain and pleasure that shot through you. Then while you were still in shock he shoved himself deep inside of you, ripping a pornstar-esque moan from your throat. Xiao groaned low in his chest, struggling to see straight from how tight you were.
     “You’re so fucking tight (y/n) relax you slut.” Despite his words, Xiao was pistoning in and out of you at an ungodly speed, your moans unabashedly flowing throughout the inn. Loud grunts could be heard coming from behind you as Xiao kept fucking your brains out. You were so blissed out, eyes rolled into the back of your head, and tongue lolling out of your mouth. Your mind was so clouded, as tears fell from your eyes. There was some twisted part of Xiao that relished in seeing you cry, you just looked so pretty and wrecked. He knew you were gone when all that would come from you were calls of his names and incoherent babbling.
     Both of you were reaching your limits, and you were reaching them fast. Blaring white hot pleasure filled yours and Xiao’s senses, overwhelming the both of you as you came. You wall clamping around Xiao forcing a loud snarl to come from behind you felt a final sharp bite on the back of your shoulder.
     Xiao stayed in you, rocking his hips lightly; gently letting the both of you ride out the rest of your highs. After that he pulls out before walking into the bathroom and running a rag under some warm water and cleaning himself off. He grabs another clean rag to dampen and come back over to your crumpled form, your mind still foggy and completely blissed out. Xiao gently cleans you up and tucks you into bed, before grabbing a glass of water for you and setting it on your side table. He then slinks into bed next to you and pulls you close to him. He’ll take a look at your “injuries” in the morning.
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