#so that way i can cover it better in the doc. if anyones interested?? i plan on making it public at some point
dropout-if · 10 months
I saw this on another blog, and I had to ask: ROs response to MC holding their face in MC's hands and saying "Look! I can hold the whole world in my hands". And if you can include the polys! Maybe MC holds a cheek of each RO in one hand lol.
My heart😭
I did include the polys! They deserve more attention and that mental image is adorable.
Ignore the poly banners it's a work in progress.
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J's initial reaction is a little snort, then a sly smile, they lean their cheek against the palm of one of your hands, indulging in the moment.
“The whole world, huh?” they say, amused, “Where did that come from?”
Laughter—J’s laughter—is a rare enough sound that it manages to shock you, it fills the space between you warmly. Their hands reach up to gently cover yours.
Softly, J adds, “Well if anyone could hold the world, it would be you.”
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Uma’s eyes widen in surprise, though their lips soon quirk into a small smile, processing your words. They chuckle, “World domination, huh? I knew you had it in you.”
As their smile grows, Uma shifts slightly, eyeing you fondly as they play along. You grin, “Well, you know me too well.”
Uma’s smile grows, their fingers tracing an absent-minded pattern on the back of your hand. There's a familiarity in their touch, an undeniable affection despite not being able to take your compliment a hundred percent seriously.
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Statler raises an eyebrow, amused—in disbelief—and then you smile, and the sight alone is contagious. Statler’s pupils flickering down to your lips as they answer, “You’re amazing, I hope you know that.”
You grin again—kiss them briefly since Statler seems on the bridge of denying themself—and reply, “You can always tell me.”
“I do. And I will. Every day until you get tired of hearing it,” Statler’s eyes crinkle.
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“Look at you!” Wanda gasps playfully “Better not drop it now, Mr./Ms./Mx. Universe!”
You grin at her, squeezing her cheeks together, “Don’t worry, I’ve got a good grip on it.”
Wanda finds herself smiling back, giddy at the prospect of the flirty playfulness, twisting her head until you release your grip on her.
“Well, you better not let go, or else it might just escape,” she teases, voice laced with a mischievous twinkle.
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The words leave your lips just as Kai groans louder than loud, cheeks flushed as they squirm away from your grip.
“Don’t be corny. I’m allergic.”
Kai pouts angrily, rubbing their cheeks before they retaliate by pinching your own together—do they miss the implication, or promptly decide to ignore it?
“That’s why I give you affection in small doses,” you tease.
Kai snorts a little. They kiss you for no reason other than feeling like it, “Whatever you say, Doc.”
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Travis escapes your grip first, and only then does he answer. He raises an eyebrow, expression remaining stoic as he regards you with a hint of bemusement.
“Interesting observation,” Travis says calmly, his voice even.
You grin back in his stead, “Thought you’d like it.”
He sighs a bit, you can see him blushing.
“I don’t. So quit it, okay?”
You don’t believe Travis, of course, and he almost seems satisfied that’s the case.
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Your eyes drift toward J first—if only to save Kai the embarrassment—and you see their sly grin, the way they lean against your hand before addressing Kai.
“They meant me, by the way.”
“What? No, they don’t,” Kai scoffs, tone laced with disbelief.
You pointedly pinch their cheeks, “Don’t fight. I meant both of you.”
“Such bad taste,” J rolls their eyes lightheartedly, only for Kai to mumble a quiet “Dickhead,” under their breath.
“Bad taste or not— I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
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Travis’ eyes shift toward Uma as if begging for them to answer and spare them from the embarrassment.
“Don’t fight it, honey,” is all the defense Travis gets, much to his disappointment.
Travis grumbles, “Seriously? Come on, Uma.”
You can’t help but smile too.
“Don’t fight it,” you repeat sagely.
It‘s eventually too much, Travis can only twist his head away from your grasp, complaining, “This is ridiculous.”
“Ridiculous or not, it’s very true.”
Uma nods along with a content smile, “Don’t fight it.”
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lil-doedoe · 3 months
Hiiii :3
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John Doe side blog for (@misterredroom) (remember! I follow back with @akaiheya-mrr)
As you read you can call me John or Jonjon or even Doe!!! :3 I’m a happy John Doe irl and if you’re not ok with that then feel free to block or leave because I don’t have the time for youuuu!!
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Basic criteria (racist, lgbtphobe, transmed/truscum, anti neos/xenos, anti otherkin/irl/therian etc, anti yandere, ableist)
Antis/antiship/anti fiction/pro censorship (I believe fiction is fiction and it is very important to tell the difference between fiction and reality. And I believe people should not be harassed for things that they like and that censorship does not help but rather hides the fact that horrible things happen in real life)
Minors (remember, this blog can be +18 and I don’t want you to be seeing things you shouldn’t be looking at!! You can always blacklist the tags but better safe than sorry, so please wait until you’re older!!!)
If you make fun of someone for their interests
If you make fun of people for their irl types or forbid people from dating because of their irls/kintypes
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Remember that I am TAKEN!!!! I have my own y/n and I love them so much!!! So if you’re here to get with me then I’m sorry but it’s not happening!!
Again for minors or anyone in general: This blog may contain themes that are extremely violent or even s3xu4l so please tread with caution or don’t look at my account!! Block me, blacklist tags, do anything you need to leave if you feel uncomfortable.
Again, I am a John Doe irl and people who are anti irl are not welcome here!!! (Actually why are you even here??) This is also something I cannot control, so please PLEASE don’t make fun of me for my irl type.
By the way I’m a feminine dude, but don’t be pervy to me!!!
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Here’s a Google doc carrd thing because I can’t be bothered to make a carrd because it’s confusing (and another thing like carrd but I unfortunately forgot the name of it blehhh)
Includes my pronouns page as well so you know what to refer to me as and any other information that you should know :)
And I think that’s all I have to cover!! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy your stay!!!
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tinycowboyart · 2 days
ooooh, I love Doc's new references!!! If you don't mind me asking, can I ask about his curse? I'm sorry if you've talked about it before, but I'm very curious. I fucking LOVE cursed characters, and they're SO MUCH FUN to play with, especially if you have a good DM (especially especially if you have a good DM who likes to "yes, and..." your crazy ideas, akjdsakdas.).
One of my current dnd characters is also cursed, and it's a lot of fun, especially because he's determined to hide it and pretend that he's fine for as long as he physically possibly can, and then keep lying to cover it up. (My boy is a swashbuckler with expertise in both persuasion and deception, and also happens to be more or less a compulsive liar.)
(Oh, speaking of swashbucklers, that one pirate NPC you drew and posted a while back? He is GORGEOUS. I'm about as (aesthetically) in love with him as an aroace person can be. Though I won't deny the fact that he's a pirate makes it even better...)
I’M SO HAPPY YOU ASKED, I’m always down to info dump about my characters!!!!
So Doc was born into a well know adventuring family, whose bloodline were blessed by the gods and divine, leading to everyone having innate magic of some kind, except when he was born, he didn’t get any. All throughout his childhood, he tried to learn magic in a lot of different ways, but to no avail. The lack of magic also led to him being sort of the disappointment child of the family.
Later in Docs life, a few years back from where we’re at in the campaign, he got pretty desperate and conducted an ancient and mysterious ritual, in a last ditch effort to gain any type of magic. The ritual backfired and he gained his curse! At least thats his conclusion, he thinks it’s either a curse of a magical disease of some kind.
Currently Doc absolutely despises magic, he doesn’t want anything cast on him, and he’s always saying whatever magic can do, he can do better with machinery and science. (He knows this isn’t true, but he’s stubborn and arrogant, and refuses to accept it)
Anyways the curse was only up to his wrist when the campaign started, he kept it well hidden from his party members
But then we went into “the nothing”. To understand what that is I have to explain the campaign setting, so; basically, around 500 years ago, a rift opened where the sun was, blocking it out. Then a darkness started pouring out of the rift. This darkness is filled with unimaginable horrors, and few survive going in there, the ones that do come back changed. (They are called the ashfallen, one of our party member, Il, is one)
This darkness, later dubbed the nothing, started expanding, and has been consuming the world slowly over centuries. Currently there’s only one continent left, called Ethnass, a newly discovered, wildly magical land thats now a culture clash filled with conflict
ANYWAYS, long story short, at the ripe level of 2, we went into the nothing. It was wild (and a long story, if anyones interested I’ll talk more about it)
When we eventually got out of the nothing, freshly traumatised, Doc’s curse had grown all the way up to under his shoulder. And when he tried to inspect or look at it, he got a deep feeling of dread and discomfort, like the hand wasn’t his own. So he’s covered it up for now, trying to find a way to get rid of it
Last session we actually met an NPC with the same looking curse, and Doc got to ask him a few questions (it was rushed, he’s going to ask more questions next session). He figured out the curse is called void decay, and it shows up when people find out too much, or get too close magically to the nothing, so I now know it’s connected to the nothing!
Anyways our DM is AMAZING, and such a good storyteller. I’m his biggest fan fr. The way he worldbuilds and drags our characters into the world is absolutely amazing, he really makes out characters connected to the world! We’ve played about 11 sessions so far and I’m so attached to the world and characters
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zirawrites · 1 year
How would companions and faction leaders (+ DLC) react to Ripper Docs?
They are special doctors that can replace any missing limbs from legs, arms, or even specific things like your big toe and eyes.
They are completely unrelated to the Institute as well.
I can’t do the DLC faction leaders because I haven’t played them recently. But I’m happy to add the ones from the main game + Gage.
Cait: Where were these Ripper Docs when Cait was fighting in the Combat Zone? Although they’re sketchy, Cait thinks cheap and fast medical care is better than none at all. And she’d trust them over some fancy-pants quack in Diamond City any day.
Codsworth: Sometimes the Mr. Handy wished replacing human parts was as easy as buying a new limb from General Atomics. Codsworth isn’t happy with Sole choosing some back alley surgeon over a trusted one at a more reputable settlement, but he’s glad Sole is at least getting medical care.
Curie: Curie thinks Ripper Docs are medical marvels. Replacing an entire limb on such limited doctoral knowledge? She’s asked several times to be trained by one. For science, of course.
Danse: Anyone who can implant something into the body that wasn’t there before is part of the Institute. He doesn’t care what anyone else tells him.
Deacon: “Ripper? I hardly know her!” Deacon thinks that joke is way funnier than Sole finds it. Deacon is very familiar with Ripper Docs. Half his face changes have been from them.
Desdemona: Desdemona actually got work done from a Ripper Doc after a botched mission almost took off her finger. She finds them discrete and practical.
Gage: “Shit, you’re telln’ me I never had to wear this stupid eyepatch?” Gage jokes about wanting to see one, but the truth is he’s grown emotionally attached to the cover over his eye.
Hancock: Tells Sole when his limbs start falling off from the radiation, he knows just where to go now. Isn’t joking. Hancock kids about immortality, but he’s always suspected all ghouls either go feral or deteriorate eventually.
MacCready: Mac is wary of anyone who claims they have that kind of medical prowess. Sole jokes they can replace his arms with robot ones, and that actually terrifies him. He won’t let Sole get near one, warning they’d swap them into a synth when they’re under anesthesia.
Maxon: As long as the enhancements made under their services aren’t cyber-related, Maxon doesn’t care. Let the Commonwealth chop itself up and stitch itself back together. He has more important things to worry about.
Preston: He thinks the idea of changing someone’s limbs... or eyes... is creepy, but Preston knows the Commonwealth needs all the healthcare they can get. He’d never personally go to one, but he won’t judge someone for undergoing their services.
Piper: Similarly to Danse, Piper cannot be convinced Ripper Docs aren’t part of the Institute. However, she is quick to interview them for a story on the Commonwealth’s more interesting forms of medical care.
Nick: “Do you think the hands they can replace yours with have fingerprints? Or do they sandpaper them off before loaning them out?” Nick is honestly disgusted by the whole concept. It reminds him of the Institute.
Shaun: Shaun finds Ripper Docs interesting enough to implant one of their memories into a synth so they can teach the Institute scientists how to perform their surgeries.
X6-88: The courser thinks if you’re stupid enough to lose an entire limb, you don’t deserve to get it back.
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systemhead · 7 months
oversharing [gotcha!]
I like oversharing in posts online. I miss the Finsta age of Instagram in 2012-2017 when everyone would do it. It's annoying to sincerity post and go on and on about yourself online. But where else do you do that sort of thing nowadays? And it makes you self conscious when you start doing it 1-on-1 with people too often. Therapists only work for the meta stuff anyway.
It's really easy to forget yourself, or versions of yourself, or parts of yourself. I feel like this gets overlooked a lot by people speaking about themselves and addressing any pop psychology concepts. I forget who I am a lot. I forget who I've been to some people. I forget skills I have or things I've done. Maybe it's because knowing all of yourself all at once all the time is unnecessary if not maddening. Sometimes when I remember some of the things I've forgotten about myself I feel like a sleeper agent who has been in deep cover too long, or something. Maybe it's because you lie retroactively, say that you know better now or something, but that was you to some degree.
The only thing I daydream about anymore is getting a bunch of money and giving basically all of it away in the most specific or tax-avoidant way possible and I find that a little depressing.
"Lurker" has been my defining personality trait on the internet, in real life it's "g*y who tries everything, stands out at all parties somehow;" this isn't like, brave or interesting. Silence - Talk too much - Silence as a general pattern. I think of it like 25% curiosity and 75% something else. Anxiety/trepidation. I don't fully understand how people make their internet or irl personalities work to integrate into the hearts, minds, and lives of others. That sounds nefarious. What I mean is, I don't understand how people just get others to listen and share and then keep that rolling. I worry that I am off-putting or intimidating all the time. I signal interest and appreciation very poorly.
I don't expect anyone to read this, especially this far, if you did: wow, incredible. I can start being incredibly cringe now. The above was a test of sorts and I guess we all passed! Huh.
I love everyone I have ever counted as a friend so much and I don't think they realize that I would do anything anything for them if they asked. Only twice in my life have I ever been asked to do something truly serious by a close friend. Money and acts.
I was going to say something here about how a friend and I were being groomed by shadowy forces which is true but sounds like a humblebrag.
I wish I was brave enough to be as brave as the people I know and love. I wish I was more more queer and harder to handle. I would trade any trait I have for courage and confidence. Whatever version of confidence I appear to have is endurance masquerading as surety.
If there was a serious political sect in this country doing mass work right now I would throw everything away in a heartbeat to join them. There isn't, so I haven't. I wasn't built to be an anarchist or a founder of anything. Something in my bones says that we'll be back within 4 to 6 years to that level.
I am not that smart. I am good at improv and putting puzzle pieces together quickly. I have been exposed to very interesting people. This does not make me smart or better than others. If I have ever intimidated you, you have probably intimidated me.
Given the two above though: the level of political discussion in the US has felt permanently stuck in 2016 for years BUT Palestine feels like it could be breaking that trend. 2020-2023 was a regression politically in the way that the early 1980s were. 2016-2020 was truly impressive and felt like something at the time, but fires die down or are put out.
I would do anything to erase the term "tankie" from public record and human knowledge.
This is somethin' new, the casper slide part 2, featuring the platinum band, and this time... (you seriously kept reading? I type like this in my Google doc journal but you actually have the patience for this? kudos)
Transition terrifies me. I wish I felt sure enough to act upon it more decisively. As of now I am taking it at a measured pace that fits into my broader life. The idea of... change makes me giddy. I don't understand how people are so brave. There has been so much I have needed to hear from others. If I knocked back the drinks or just completely removed my oppressive sense of social decorum I would talk off my friends ears until they would probably personally walk me into a doctors office. This happened upon seeing a friend recently by accident. I let something slip and she was accommodating for hours late into the night in the midst of her dealing with more important things and I could not stop apologizing. So many days of feeling like I needed to cry but couldn't, seeing someone in the mirror who I still didn't know. I just wish it were easier to pick a name.
Visiting DC this year felt like being in a radiation zone. That place had such dark energy I just hid in my hotel room. That weekend in NYC last year was the happiest two days of my entire year, and now I think I know why. I'm still in love with Detroit but Michigan can't be home forever.
I hate my voice and that's part of why I love writing like this. So much to say but the moment I start paying attention to my voice I want to shut up forever.
We should just hang out more.
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strixcattus · 9 months
You know what? Babel Text.
I've been working on the conlang Yvelse for... a couple years now, I think? I wouldn't call it a stellar piece of work or a beast or anything, but it's decent-sized and I feel like talking about it, so. No proper gloss as I am tired (this text is straight from the Google Doc, which also does not have a proper gloss, merely a retranslation where I leave the grammar as-is), but I'll annotate. A lot.
SEN. Sa yɾe soɾalnol sen ocremyln meɾen.
Nothing of interest here unless you're really into (completely regular) plural forms. Sentence structure is a firm SOV. Worth noting before we get in any deeper, I am deeply inconsistent with the IPA. "C" is /k/. Vowels are completely regular, except "Y" is /ji/ at the start of a word and /i/ otherwise. All other consonants are as they'd be in English, or if they don't appear in English, in IPA.
LEVY. Sa srēc honym-hoplen sϕu lotseɾen ryn srēc suntly Shynar shu cereln ny evsɾen mansɾen, sa srēc melum ny cyveɾen.
Bit more to unpack here. "Srēc" is a neutral third-person pronoun—long vowels only appear in compound words and pronouns. "Honym-hoplen" translates as "east," but a more literal rendition would be "northeast-southeast" or, better yet, "airward-fireward." Why would anyone do this???
Let's talk history for a moment. From within my writing and notes, there are two very old languages on Deus, created directly by the gods, named Elder and Ancient. These two languages are Latin and Old English respectively, as there were words from both languages sprinkled through the worldbuilding before I ever dreamed Yvelse would be a proper conlang. Elder was clearly named after it went extinct, as when it was created it would have been the only language in existence and thus not needed a name. Ditto for Ancient, no doubt—maybe their original names have been lost to time?
Elder and Ancient blended together and had a kid, Old Dean. Old Dean was pretty much an evolution of Elder with significant Ancient influence. Old Dean gave way to modern Dean, and there we are today.
At least one, maybe both, of Elder and Ancient had nice little direction words based on how the gods saw the world from above, as a square with four sides. These words survived to modern Dean. Yvelse... didn't get that. Its speakers had to make their own direction words, and at the time, the four sides of their flat world were not the most obvious basis for such a thing. Instead, they turned to the four primordial elemental seas, which cover the corners of the world. Hence, such a strange construct for "east."
CON. Sa srēc, sen soɾal nevy nysoɾal, “Eɾan ocurnaɾan βeppōm, sa otēc lumē ansecom” vysɾen. Sa srēc anseɾa ocurnaɾan meɾen.
Not much new here, but we get to see all three kinds of long vowels! There's the return of srēc and a new pronoun, tēc (third-person inanimate plural), as well as the verb βeppe being conjugated with an affix (future tense, -om) that changes its final vowel and makes it long. Lastly, lumē is the adverb form of lume, "whole." Adverbs are formed by lengthening the final vowel.
Kind of nice to get verbs in a tense that isn't distant past (that's why everything ends in -ɾen or -sɾen).
TANTSUTU. Sa srēc, “Eɾan uββer osoɾaly sa ōntme, tsyce shu aϕen tsen ny βōm, nohumom, sa eɾan oweta nylornom, vem oweɾan cerelnol usse hyshelcaɾo taβōm,” vysɾen.
Me βo translates as "to be." Me taβo would be "not to be." I like how English handles infinitives and I wanted to make use of it. There are no infinitives in this text and this paragraph was supposed to be pointing out the negative prefix.
"Shu," which has popped up a couple times and will pop up a couple more, indicates possessiveness.
VLY. Sa tsenvo yɾe uββer osoɾaly sa yɾe ōntme, ϕe yɾe soɾalec nohuɾen, peɾen.
"Tsenvo" specifically means elder god—"tsyvvo" is a lesser god. The guy being ticked off at this tower is a Big Deal. Also, "pyhec" is a new third-person plural pronoun! This one is used only for children. I love how many ways I can translate a word that's only ever "they" in English.
HEVA. Sa yɾe tsenvo, “Shoper, yɾe soɾalnol sen βo, sa pyhecol sen ocremyln men, sa pyhec ceɾorshy, sa syl operc nypyhec emeɾoɾo sɾor fyn βōm, fen pyhec otem sylve,” vysren.
Worth mention at this point that o- is a prefix for direct objects and ny- a prefix for indirect objects. "Yɾe," which has shown up a lot, is a definite article.
POL. Sa βontrun, “En cereln sɾo lunom, sa pyhec shu ocremyln melum ny neϕerom, vem pyhec nevy soɾalec shu hetseɾa tatsushonom,” vysren.
βontrun is the first singular pronoun we get to see. (The plural is βontec.) This one is of course also third-person, and applies to someone of a higher social status than the speaker. In this case, the one of a higher social status is an elder god. (And it's also "they" when retranslated into English, because we can't tell the god's gender from this text! Dang!)
SHONCU. Vem yɾe tsenvo yɾe osoɾalec cerelnol usse hysheloɾa.
The numerical system is very regular in terms of syllables: the word for one is one syllable, the word for two is two syllables, the word for three is one again, the word for four is three... the ABACABA pattern (ABACABAB?) makes it easy for me to guarantee I don't miss a line. It's also a base-eight system (while we humans form our base from our ten fingers, Velsen take theirs from the eight phases of the moon).
SHONSEN. Vem yɾe ōntme wetaɾo Papel βo, βereshe yɾe tsenvo yɾe soɾalec shu hetseɾa melum ny neϕeɾen, sa osrēc cerelnol usse hysheloɾa.
With no B in Yvelse, Babel had to be changed to Papel, because the next closest option was βaβel, and that is clearly suboptimal. "Shonsen" is "shon(cu)" (8) + "sen" (1), or 9, or 11 as it'd be written. Yvelse has its own numerals (and is probably the world's source of a 0, as the other language in play is Latin, leaving the only other possibility to be that Roman numerals are in modern use on Deus, an idea too horrendous to comprehend) to go with its own writing system, but neither is supported by Tumblr. Yet.
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the-missann · 11 months
So, this is to my followers and anyone else who fits the bill.
After reading a post about the chance of Google using google docs in their AI learning, I had a large urge overcome me and I really want to do something as a small ant.
As much as I don't like bugs, ants aren't very strong on their own, but we all know the damage they can do as a group.
So, I've decided to make a writing group and if you're interested keep reading. This also isn't just a writing group, it's a group for anything related to writing. So that can be an artists who draw character concepts.
Again, read more if this piques your curiosity...
The Unserious Writing Group
Writing is a serious craft that needs some fun brought back into it. I've been inspired by several people in the last few years and I want to try something to contribute to my favorite thing to do: writing. I've tried to join other groups and it simply doesn't work since my writing doesn't fit into a neat category, so I feel isolated from the group rather quickly, in order to avoid that feeling I'm making as many of the things I do a part of the group's core. I'll also be considering my anxiety into this knowing how tasking it is for me to interact with a group I'm being overwhelmed by.
Plans: I'm better at organizing than actual execution, so I'm making this list of things I want to expand on (06/15/23)
Monthly (or weekly) Prompts
Shameless sharing
Friendly Discussions
Writing Assistance
Review Swaps
Editing Help
Book Club
Venting about writing
I don't want this group to be just for writers or just for poets, I want to include everyone that I can because I write in almost every genre and include almost every interesting element I can. As long as it's related to writing in some way, you're more than welcome to join!
This includes:
Short Story Writers
Fanfiction writers
Avid readers
Song writers
Hobby writers
And more!
Every aspiring author or published author knows networking is important and with how little accessible support there is for writers, I want to try and create a space for writers to feel as everyone else does in their field. I can only speak for myself but my journey to publication has been nothing but dead ends and it's very discouraging. Nothing I've tried works and I can't find the exact source to the problem and therefore can't fix it—I don't know if I'm a bad writer or if it's just my cover that's bad.
I want writers to feel like they're heard and supported no matter if you're writing the next Star Wars or a story about pieces of paper thinking they were trees in a former life. I want writers to be acknowledged for giving the world their fandoms.
Despite my ambitions, I obviously have some concerns I feel will come up:
I get overwhelmed easily (and guess what I already am overwhelmed and no one has even joined yet 🤢) and I would need someone to assist me as a co-leader essentially. If anyone would be interested in that role, DM me.
If this moves to Discord or some other platform, I will have no idea how to set that up. For now, I was considering just having a large thread.
Unfortunately, until I can get moderators or any other form of help, I can't have the group open to minors. It would be 18+ only until then, I wanna allow people a safe space to discuss anything.
Activity is a big issue in most writing communities. It comes with it, but I want to have something going on whenever possible.
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rosestthorns · 3 months
I want you to know that you expressed a ton of the same thoughts I had about the Epilogues and post canon in general in that post. I thought it was well put, and honestly covers the biggest scope of their issues especially making cheap drama out of resolved character arcs or ignoring original arcs to add in cheap drama. I had a really good friend quote it well too. "The only way you can engage with hs2 is to make excuses for it."
Honestly I didn't even really cover my two biggest gripes with the comic, besides the absolute character assassination of literally everyone. Both the flagrant misuse of the narrative as a story telling tool and the absolute wasted potential of it all.
Let's start with the wasted potential; There are so many stories that have been told by fans in the Homestuck universe, but also plenty of really good official content that delves into stories we didn't see in the comic. I absolutely loved the paradox space comics, I thought they were clever in their use of doomed timelines or showing stories we only ever got the quick anecdote for in the main comic.
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Telling short stories like these are not only funny but it doesn't contradict what we already know! Not only is the paradox space comics an amazing example but so are the games. Friend sim, pesterquest, and Hiveswap are other official examples of better told stories that either don't involve the main cast or tell a story through the lens of a different character. There's absolutely no need to "Go back into Cannon". Just tell a different story, there are so many interesting things within this universe that could lead to hijinks and conflict naturally without forcing characters to generate conflict for the sake of it. I mean hell, I'd even read a story about a second game starting post cannon! It would be so fun to see the descendants of the characters we loved so much go through similar trials, or even having the previous gods being able to guide them along to help save the world they worked so hard to create. There are so many places they could've gone and they chose the worst option.
And moving on to the misuse of the Narrative as a story telling tool. Homestuck as a story is insanely meta, but it's meta with a purpose. Everything in Homestuck serves some sort of purpose, from Doc Scratch, the website, the many iterations of Jack Noire, even Andrew Hussy himself and the MSPA reader serve a purpose! We were all part of that story and that served to push the narrative forward, same with Hussy. The thing about the Narrative though is it's not just some nebulous thing you can take control of if you're "Strong willed" or "My God powers let me", it's literally a physical item. The Narrative is a computer console that very few people have access to, and it's not all powerful.
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The MSPA reader literally names John and he tells you to stuff it.
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Not to mention the numerous instances of shit like this that the characters themselves refuse to do.
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At one point WV took control of the narrative and tried to command John. It seems the narrative just appears as suggestions or thoughts being pumped into your head. Through these panels where WV is commanding John to "DO THE WINDY THING" John actively doesn't know what he means, or where these commands are coming from.
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Even Claiborne takes control of the narrative after talking with Hussy and basically stealing the terminal. But because he doesn't like the story being told, he tells his own story leaving the main story to be told through the "Intermission" of his epic tale.
The point being is: Any time anyone has control of the narrative, they also have access to the computer that's required to control it. Neither Dirk or Jade-Calliope have access to. It completely spits in the face of an established mechanism in the story.
Homestuck was a masterpiece of its time and it still holds up in places. The epilogues and HS^2 don't even try to carry a fraction of the spirit or depth of its predecessor. We deserved better and Viz Media dropped the ball hard and just ditched when the project failed. We lost so much thanks to HS^2 and epilogues. You can't find official Homestuck merch anymore, For Fans by Fans delisted almost all of it. And because of that, I can't help but hate both.
Thank the gods Homestuck fans are dedicated enough to fill the void left behind by HS^2. You're all the real GOATs
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absintheancandle · 2 years
I am OBSESSED with your dolls, it pushes so many of my specific buttons and I want to know more!!! Why does doll society have rules against body modification, and what are they?
HII im glad!! i love these little guys im glad others r too hehe.. i might edit this post later when im less tired if i find i said something weird but if i was too confusing i would not mind anyone asking for better clarification at all
okay so, it's slightly convoluted because its a Society With History:tm: so some things i'll only mention in passing instead of making this post like, a mile long, but:
doll modification laws are mostly put in place due to old social hierarchy of faeries. dolls aren't exactly dolls as we Know them (as toys lol) and are in fact faeries to a degree. they used to be able to do a lot more magic than now and were much more powerful, but over time that dwindled for Reasons (illegal. magic is illegal) but many more high-society folk consider it Important to portray faerie history (ie. horns, pointy ears, certain tattoos and cloth designs) minus the magic bc they literally just dont know how to do it.
so as a result the laws aren't exactly strict in every aspect and more linked directly to unfairly locking historical portrayal to class + wealth. since magic is illegal they don't want to risk people getting more interested in finding a way to Get Into magic by having faerie history more accessible being the reason why they start looking, but people with social standing are what they are. things get waived every now and then. so now faerie traits are ALSO associated with wealthier people and you KNOW how wealthy people just Love to keep Their Things Theirs and not Yours if they dont deem you Worthy
other reasons would include "easy to be used illegally" and "It Just Would Kill The Vibe On My Opinion",
ex 1. sewing pockets into yourself is illegal because you can easily do that to Commit Crimes, since pockets are easy to conceal under clothes and as long as you dont overfill them, youre putting stuff Inside You under your flesh . nobody will know unless it literally just makes you lumpy.
ex 2. man like stuff like giving urself multiple arms or legs or whatever just. while its cool, it also just feels wrong to me in this specific case bc outside of lore reasons, the focus i wanted for them was originally how tiny hands use small human objects as large ones, pixie hollow style. i was obsessed with the joan stiener look-alike books too. theyre Little Humans made of Cloth and thats the Point, makin them look more fantastical Will shift that focus more towards that and i dont want it to :(
anyways, stuff thats less strict would apply to health purposes like sewing up an injury, cotton replacement, replacing broken buttons, etc. (usually free), or stuff considered more Basic Cosmetics like changing your buttons for colour or material, adding or removing tity, sometimes making yourself Taller or Smaller, etc. that all costs money bc of material worth on non-essential alterations, but i won't go into that Now bc like. doll economy is weird since its not capitalistic and their view of Whats Important is complicated
but for both of those the laws are more defined as your tailor are required to register what was used both health and cosmetic, especially if it Was cosmetic in exchange for currency
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dreamertrilogys · 4 years
ways to help protestors if you are unable to protest
everybody has to do their part. as a reference, this was posted on 1 june 2020. if any links are broken or direct to a place they should not, please feel free to add on with corrections. if there is new information with better knowledge, please feel free to share. thank you.
1. donate
do not donate to shaun king. he has repeatedly collected money to “support” black people, but no one knows where the money is.
note: washington dc and new jersey have cashless bail systems.
bail fund google doc (also includes lawyers for protestors)
national bail fund network (directory of community bail funds)
community bail funds masterpost by @keplercryptids
resistance funds (google sheets; lists bail funds around the country)
nationwide bail funds (split a donation to the bail funds listed on the linked page with a single transaction)
atlanta bail fund
brooklyn bail fund
colorado freedom fund
columbus freedom fund
houston chapter of black lives matter
liberty fund (nyc based; focuses services on people from low-income communities)
los angeles freedom fund
louisville community fund
massachusetts bail fund
minnesota freedom fund (as of may 30, 2020, they are encouraging people to donate elsewhere since they have raised enough money; as of may 29, 2020, they do not have a venmo, as some fraudulent accounts have been claiming, source)
philadelphia bail out fund
richmond bail fund
note: more links are listed in the masterposts below.
northstar health collective (healthcare and medical aid for people on the front lines)
reclaim the block (aims to redistribute police funding to help the minneapolis community)
twin cities dsa (provides fresh groceries and hot meals to people in minneapolis)
2. educate yourself
it isn’t enough to sign petitions and reblog/retweet/etc. nonblack people, including people of color, owe it to black people to educate themselves and correct themselves and the people around them on anti-blackness.
note: more links are in the masterposts linked below.
resources and tools regarding racism and anti-blackness (google sheets compilation)
readings on society, racism, the prison system, etc. (twitter thread)
“where do we go after ferguson?” by michael eric dyson
official black lives matter website
3. give out supplies to protestors
people need supplies to protest safely, and even if they bring supplies with them, they can often run out. if you’re able, stock up and hand them out to people protesting. for more supplies to donate, see the “george floyd action” google docs link in section 5.
water bottles (dehydration and heatstroke are not things people should have to deal with alongside bastard cops. if the police in your area are particularly violent or known to use tear gas, get the ones with the sports cap/suction-thing/etc so people can use them as emergency eye-flushes.)
snacks (make sure to take into account that people have allergies of all sorts. foods will have a little label that says “may contain” and then list any potential allergens. write the allergens on the ziploc (or any container you use) in permanent marker, or better yet, write the snacks included in the pack.)
masks (don’t forget there’s still a pandemic going on. also it will aid in deterring facial recognition when the police try to track down protestors,  also part two, if the cops use tear gas, wearing a mask (with the combination of a scarf or bandana) will lessen the adverse effects. lessen, not stop.)
bandanas, scarves, etc. and goggles (ski goggles, swimming goggles, etc.) (see above for explanation on the scarves. same goes for the goggles. anti–tear gas and anti–facial recognition.)
clean shirts (for people who are heavily gassed. also helps deter recognition through clothing.)
wound care supplies (band-aids, packets of neosporin packets or a similar antibiotic, alcohol wipes, etc.; if you can, decant bactine into those little travel bottles.)
a sharpie or another type of marker (for writing bail numbers or emergency contacts on arms, hands, etc. it’s not enough to have your city’s bail fund number stored on your phone; the police won’t give it to you to look it up. give people a marker so they can write it down, preferably not washable so it isn’t easily removed.)
tear gas: if you’re hit, get out as fast and as soon as you can. take anyone you can with you. the longer you’re in the gas, the harder it will be for you to see, and it can irritate your airways, making it hard to breathe. if you’re hit, don’t run; it’ll only make things worse on your lungs. when you leave the area, take a cold shower. don’t use hot water (it will only reactivate the agent); don’t bathe (it will only spread the CS around). (source 1) (source 2) (cdc fact sheet on tear gas)
move them to a clean and ventilated area where it’s as safe as possible.
ask them if they’re wearing contact lenses. have them remove it. if they’re wearing glasses, rinse it with water.
solution of half liquid antacid, half water. spray from the inside going out, with the head tilted back and slightly towards the side being rinsed. if they say it’s okay, open the eye slightly while doing this. (source)
bullet wounds: the most important thing is to stop the bleeding. be sure to check for an exit wound and cover that as well. treat both wounds, but treat the worse one first.
stop the bleed (youtube video by uc san diego health)
first aid in active shooting scenarios
making a tourniquet (a commercial tourniquet is best, but improvised ones can work as well if done properly; the most important things to remember is that tourniquets are for limb injuries and are not meant for the head or torso and that they have to be very tightly wound on the injury.)
how to apply pressure dressings
adult cpr tutorial (youtube video by cincinnati children’s; think of “staying alive” by the beegees or “uptown funk”)
4. be a source of information
be responsible with this. people’s lives are at stake. that being said, the media is a fucking joke and the best way to get accurate information in a grassroots rebellion is amongst ourselves. record everything, but if you are going to share any information at all, be sure to blur people’s faces.
signal (encrypted messenger app; messages delete after x amount of time): app store | google play
tool for scrubbing metadata from images and selectively blurring identifiable features
tech tips to protect yourself while protesting (by rey.nbows on tiktok, via vicent_efl on twitter)
cop spotting 101 (google docs)
know your rights (by personachuu on twitter)
remember to keep phones OFF unless absolutely necessary. cell phone towers, stingrays, location notifs can all be used to track you and other protestors. don’t fuck around. if your phone must be on, keep it on airplane mode as often as possible and only communicate using encrypted methods. no, snapchat doesn’t count. (a twitter thread on stingrays, for those interested)
lawyers assisting protestors pro-bono (by riyakatariax on twitter)
atlanta: 404-689-1519
chicago: 773-309-1198
minneapolis: 612-444-2654
5. miscellaneous links and links for protestors
masterpost of petitions to sign, numbers to call, places to donate, and more (carrd by dehyedration on twitter)
#blacklivesmatter (google docs by ambivaIcnt on twitter; includes information on relevant events, other masterposts, lists of petitions and donation links, how to protest safely and protests to go to, and more)
george floyd action (google docs; includes information on apps to download, supplies to buy and donate, places to donate to, protest safety, resources on unlearning racial bias, and more)
how to get out of ziptie “handcuffs” (by finnianj on tiktok, via katzerax on twitter)
how can i help? by @abbiheartstaylor
how to make a signal-blocking cell phone pouch
tips for protestors by @aurora00boredealis
twitter thread for protestors (by vantaemuseum on twitter)
also, if you’re protesting, change your passcode. make it at least 11 characters long and don’t use facial/thumb recognition.
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seijohsremade · 4 years
ways to help protestors if you are unable to protest
everybody has to do their part. as a reference, this was posted on 1 june 2020. if any links are broken or direct to a place they should not, please feel free to add on with corrections. if there is new information with better knowledge, please feel free to share. thank you.
1. donate
do not donate to shaun king. he has repeatedly collected money to “support” black people, but no one knows where the money is.
note: washington dc and new jersey have cashless bail systems.
bail fund google doc (also includes lawyers for protestors)
national bail fund network (directory of community bail funds)
community bail funds masterpost by @keplercryptids
resistance funds (google sheets; lists bail funds around the country)
nationwide bail funds (split a donation to the bail funds listed on the linked page with a single transaction)
atlanta bail fund
brooklyn bail fund
colorado freedom fund
columbus freedom fund
houston chapter of black lives matter
liberty fund (nyc based; focuses services on people from low-income communities)
los angeles freedom fund
louisville community fund
massachusetts bail fund
minnesota freedom fund (as of may 30, 2020, they are encouraging people to donate elsewhere since they have raised enough money; as of may 29, 2020, they do not have a venmo, as some fraudulent accounts have been claiming, source)
philadelphia bail out fund
richmond bail fund
note: more links are listed in the masterposts below.
northstar health collective (healthcare and medical aid for people on the front lines)
reclaim the block (aims to redistribute police funding to help the minneapolis community)
twin cities dsa (provides fresh groceries and hot meals to people in minneapolis)
2. educate yourself
it isn’t enough to sign petitions and reblog/retweet/etc. nonblack people, including people of color, owe it to black people to educate themselves and correct themselves and the people around them on anti-blackness.
note: more links are in the masterposts linked below.
resources and tools regarding racism and anti-blackness (google sheets compilation)
readings on society, racism, the prison system, etc. (twitter thread)
“where do we go after ferguson?” by michael eric dyson
official black lives matter website
3. give out supplies to protestors
people need supplies to protest safely, and even if they bring supplies with them, they can often run out. if you’re able, stock up and hand them out to people protesting. for more supplies to donate, see the “george floyd action” google docs link in section 5.
water bottles (dehydration and heatstroke are not things people should have to deal with alongside bastard cops. if the police in your area are particularly violent or known to use tear gas, get the ones with the sports cap/suction-thing/etc so people can use them as emergency eye-flushes.)
snacks (make sure to take into account that people have allergies of all sorts. foods will have a little label that says “may contain” and then list any potential allergens. write the allergens on the ziploc (or any container you use) in permanent marker, or better yet, write the snacks included in the pack.)
masks (don’t forget there’s still a pandemic going on. also it will aid in deterring facial recognition when the police try to track down protestors,  also part two, if the cops use tear gas, wearing a mask (with the combination of a scarf or bandana) will lessen the adverse effects. lessen, not stop.)
bandanas, scarves, etc. and goggles (ski goggles, swimming goggles, etc.) (see above for explanation on the scarves. same goes for the goggles. anti–tear gas and anti–facial recognition.)
clean shirts (for people who are heavily gassed. also helps deter recognition through clothing.)
wound care supplies (band-aids, packets of neosporin packets or a similar antibiotic, alcohol wipes, etc.; if you can, decant bactine into those little travel bottles.)
a sharpie or another type of marker (for writing bail numbers or emergency contacts on arms, hands, etc. it’s not enough to have your city’s bail fund number stored on your phone; the police won’t give it to you to look it up. give people a marker so they can write it down, preferably not washable so it isn’t easily removed.)
tear gas: if you’re hit, get out as fast and as soon as you can. take anyone you can with you. the longer you’re in the gas, the harder it will be for you to see, and it can irritate your airways, making it hard to breathe. if you’re hit, don’t run; it’ll only make things worse on your lungs. when you leave the area, take a cold shower. don’t use hot water (it will only reactivate the agent); don’t bathe (it will only spread the CS around). (source 1) (source 2) (cdc fact sheet on tear gas)
move them to a clean and ventilated area where it’s as safe as possible.
ask them if they’re wearing contact lenses. have them remove it. if they’re wearing glasses, rinse it with water.
solution of half liquid antacid, half water. spray from the inside going out, with the head tilted back and slightly towards the side being rinsed. if they say it’s okay, open the eye slightly while doing this. (source)
bullet wounds: the most important thing is to stop the bleeding. be sure to check for an exit wound and cover that as well. treat both wounds, but treat the worse one first.
stop the bleed (youtube video by uc san diego health)
first aid in active shooting scenarios
making a tourniquet (a commercial tourniquet is best, but improvised ones can work as well if done properly; the most important things to remember is that tourniquets are for limb injuries and are not meant for the head or torso and that they have to be very tightly wound on the injury.)
how to apply pressure dressings
adult cpr tutorial (youtube video by cincinnati children’s; think of “staying alive” by the beegees or “uptown funk”)
4. be a source of information
be responsible with this. people’s lives are at stake. that being said, the media is a fucking joke and the best way to get accurate information in a grassroots rebellion is amongst ourselves. record everything, but if you are going to share any information at all, be sure to blur people’s faces.
signal (encrypted messenger app; messages delete after x amount of time): app store | google play
tool for scrubbing metadata from images and selectively blurring identifiable features
tech tips to protect yourself while protesting (by rey.nbows on tiktok, via vicent_efl on twitter)
cop spotting 101 (google docs)
know your rights (by personachuu on twitter)
remember to keep phones OFF unless absolutely necessary. cell phone towers, stingrays, location notifs can all be used to track you and other protestors. don’t fuck around. if your phone must be on, keep it on airplane mode as often as possible and only communicate using encrypted methods. no, snapchat doesn’t count. (a twitter thread on stingrays, for those interested)
lawyers assisting protestors pro-bono (by riyakatariax on twitter)
atlanta: 404-689-1519
chicago: 773-309-1198
minneapolis: 612-444-2654
5. miscellaneous links and links for protestors
masterpost of petitions to sign, numbers to call, places to donate, and more (carrd by dehyedration on twitter)
#blacklivesmatter (google docs by ambivaIcnt on twitter; includes information on relevant events, other masterposts, lists of petitions and donation links, how to protest safely and protests to go to, and more)
george floyd action (google docs; includes information on apps to download, supplies to buy and donate, places to donate to, protest safety, resources on unlearning racial bias, and more)
how to get out of ziptie “handcuffs” (by finnianj on tiktok, via katzerax on twitter)
how can i help? by @abbiheartstaylor
how to make a signal-blocking cell phone pouch
tips for protestors by @aurora00boredealis
twitter thread for protestors (by vantaemuseum on twitter)
also, if you’re protesting, change your passcode. make it at least 11 characters long and don’t use facial/thumb recognition.
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godswar · 3 years
how to create a high fantasy politics reference doc (with a template and guide!)
political fantasy is an extremely fun genre to write in, that is, until you have to actually write the politics. in this semi-requested guide, i'm going to explain to you how i virgo-planned my way to a horribly detailed—though also horribly helpful—political reference doc for my one and only wip, a treatise of tyrants and thieves.
if you too would like to use a similar format to what i did (though consequently you will have to change it to fit your own worldbuilding), i have a template for dropbox paper right here.
as a sidenote, i do recommend already having built up a decent amount of your world before jumping into this; this document is meant to help flesh out pre-existing content in such a way that is really hard to do with a wip that's just starting out.
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setting up.
Generally speaking, when I first began writing this doc, I was mostly doing so in relation to the government of the country wherein my WIP takes place and its relationship with other countries (or nations!), with its own people, and within itself. This then lead to my three, aptly-named subcategories; External, Internal, and Personal Relations (I'm very creative as you can see.)
These three subcategories became my main headers, and all of my organization took place within a Dropbox Paper doc—as I am partial to the cleaner interface and very easy creation of a table of contents—but using Word or Google Docs works just as well. With that, and a lot of pain and suffering in the form of preexisting worldbuilding, I started to flesh all the info out.
You should note that the country AToTaT takes place in a country called Vsyhna (vuh-sen-uh) and its government is referred to as the Dual Courts. This is also a forewarning, for the fact that I will probably be talking about my own worldbuilding quite a bit, if not only for purposes of giving proper examples!
So without any more notes from me, let's properly jump into this thing.
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external relations.
The external relations between the Dual Courts and all the other governments within Ashvayr (the continent that Vsyhna is a part of), of which there are eleven, can be described in one of the following ways:
✅ = Allies
⚠️ = Allied by treaty, with tensions
❎ = Not allied, but no real tensions
✴️ = Not allied, but with tensions
⛔️ = Enemies
All of these relations should be taken with a grain of salt, and also adapted to fit your worldbuilding, of course, but as a general consensus, most governments will have one of those relationships with another. The emojis are used so that it's easily identifiable (I'm also insane, let's not forget), but emojis don't replace discussion.
Within each section, I discussed the relationship between these governments but also gave a quick list of bullet points that explained important moments in recent history that have created those tensions—or lack thereof—the current political state in each country, certain cultural tidbits, and cultural differences between Vsyhnians and others.
Generally, this isn't the stuff you want to get lazy with, and while it is fine to say something like "Oh they live across the world my mc's won't know this." It's better to have the ability to even subtly suggest other people, cultures, or ideologies. It deepens your world, and more than this, can be super interesting to readers. You should also note that this information should affect your characters in some way, otherwise the politics are going to be very boring (as they don't relate to anyone.)
This alternated between something as complex as gender politics, to things as simple as cuisine or trade goods. Indeed, you don't have to cover every base with these descriptions, arguably, this is the part you should spend the least amount of time on (unless you're braver than a U.S. marine and do, in fact, wish to take on international relations), but you should cover every important base.
For a slightly more simple example, let's look at the Empire of Sansryn. I wrote: "The Empire of Sansryn ⚠️ is an archipelago that is composed of two main ethnic groups; the Sansrynians, who occupy the northern half of the islands, and the Tarimese, who occupy the southern half of the islands." Then continued to briefly describe the relationship between Sansryn and Tarim.
The next two paragraphs were designated to a) their relationship with Vsyhna (which as you can see with the ⚠️ emoji is not great) and b) their relationship with other countries around them, not forgetting why it's so poor in the first place, which, spoiler, has to do with a number of social issues.
Also in the case of Sansryn, one of my side characters is half Sansrynian, which is something I noted mostly for the purposes of clarifying this character's relationship with this part of their identity and culture.
Realism is, quite frankly, optional in fantasy (or rather, you define what "real" actually means) but I do tend to strive for realism within AToTaT's politics, if not only because it's fun. When delving into (rightfully!) complex issues—like ethnic conflict for example—it's necessary to do your homework (and hire sensitivity readers afterward) if it's not a topic you are familiar with or related to. However, that exact process is not something I will be discussing in this post and I encourage you to do your own research.
You also want to take into consideration how these countries are related to each other. For me personally, I almost exclusively did this for the two current conflicts (i.e. actively disputed treaties, current armed conflicts) within the world, but I did briefly touch on how those relationships came to be, as you can see above.
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internal relations.
Internal relations is where things start to get more complex and also more specific to the world my WIP takes place in. For this section, you need to have already realized a great deal in regards to major political institutions (if you have them!) and most importantly, cultural attitudes.
I split my internal relations section into seven sub-sections, which included: Social Cleavages, Justice System, Garrison, Navy, Cults vs. Church, Crime, and Trade.
For a Wikipedia definition, a social cleavage is "a historically determined social or cultural line which divides citizens within a society into groups with differing political interests, resulting in political conflict among these groups." AKA sexy, sexy plot tension.
The social cleavages of Vsyhna mostly revolve around social class (in-world called "rank"), an urban/rural divide, and nationality, which I note as being "considerably not a social cleavage." It appears I should have listened to my Wikipedia-defined advice. That said, rank was described at length for its importance to the religion, general structure within government, linguistic flavor (dialects!), and laws. It's one of my largest social themes and connects to almost everything within the book, including the magic system.
Speaking of magic, as I didn't mention it within my seven sub-categories above, I should note that however magic works in your society should also be included. In my case, it's heavily intertwined with religion and social class (access to the information that allows people to use magic, I mean) and so I didn't feel the need to clarify its role with an entirely new section, but how you do this is entirely up to you. It's also up to you to include a magic system, as in reality, you don't necessarily need one. I also have a completely separate Dropbox doc for most of these things anyway (re:knowing stuff before you jump into this.)
The justice system is something I find is often not immediately thought about when it comes to fantasy, but from a very general point of view, this also encompasses subjects such as law codes, the punishment for breaking those codes, and what trials look like, if you have them. This can tell us much about your culture, what they value, and more importantly, how much they value it.
For example, continuing with my themes of classism, sumptuary laws are a large part of Vsyhnian society, i.e. laws that forbid the usage of certain goods to lower classes. Given that it's illegal for someone of lowborn status to have, let's say silk, it creates a) a prime criminal market (trading "illegal" goods), b) a need to crack down on this market, and c) further severs the relationship between upper and lower classes, given that the fairness of the justice system is then put under scrutiny. Indeed, the fact that it's the Church that controls the justice system, you have a similar tension in the department of faith, and I haven't even begun to talk about how the treatment during trials differs.
I often find military to be the greatest emphasis within quite a lot of political fantasy, that being, the mobility of large land armies or prowess at sea. For me personally, I find this to be rather boring (both on accounts of reading and writing) so I did come at this with a lens of interest in the personal relationships of these people and actual organization within the military. Mostly, I used what I knew from external relationships and current conflicts to create something that could be used later on if I needed it, as it's not heavily featured (at least not in the first book!) Treaties, blockades, relationships between commanding officers, and relationships with piracy.
On notes of realism, I went with the very classic These Island People Have A Great Navy, as, historically, they tend to.
We should all know by now how important religion, or lack thereof, is in epic fantasy, and while I could go on about this for several hours, this is a political relations doc, so I focussed on the tension between sects of the main religion. How different leaders within the religion interacted with other members of government is a topic for personal relations, however, if not only because they're heavily featured, and there are several (about nine actual descriptions.)
This culminated by way of cults vs. the Church, differing ideologies within fundamental concepts of the religion, and generally how they're seen by Vsyhnian society (and—you guessed it—social class.) As an example, I wrote, "All of these organizations consider the Holy Book Rovnokh to be canon and true within their faiths, though it is the Codex Drkha that is often disputed in validity. This is the result of their own written dogma, which may convey entirely different personalities and oblation tales, or emphasis on a very specific aspect of the mortal godchild then how they are presented in the Codex."
It is important to consider, before even delving into differences, what the fundamentals of each sect or division within your religion are speaking on. Think of the historical context that may have brought about such a concept, or even fuzzy lines within canon texts. Here's another example, "The seventh mortal godchild is not mentioned within the Codex and therefore not considered a valid mortal godchild, though Vrah’s appearance in the Holy Book and the Children of the Bone’s own text—which are older than the Codex—say otherwise. 'Vrah' is more used as a term to describe magic and not at all a person, when it is mentioned in the Codex."
Crime and trade, as you can imagine in a society plagued by rules that dictate trade—and in many cases make the trade of certain items a crime—is quite important. As I hinted earlier in the justice system section, the "illegal" trade of certain goods, which goes against sumptuary laws. That said, crime happens for a number of different reasons, and I took the time here to think about partner organizations, illegal magic producers, and gangs.
Crime can actually be an excellent tool of worldbuilding, if not only for the fact that it is so specific to the country and history it resides in. Why does something need to be stolen? Fabricated? Spied on? And who is getting the most out of it?
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Trade was something I rather lazily did with the above Vsyhnian roadmap—I don't plan on discussing economics at all, nor following merchants as they move goods though the country.
I want to note once more that all of this is extremely relative information; what you need to write about to create political tension is entirely up to you and your story. As a general bit of advice, however, it is helpful to ensure that everything can come back around to your characters—if not now, then at some point within the series or story as a whole. Politics can become boring very easily, especially when not personal.
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personal relations.
For our final and most interesting section, I did two, somewhat important things before actually writing anything out; that being creating two charts. The first is a political alignment chart, the second is a chart that defines the different positions of government. While again, this is totally relative, this is what I came up with:
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Take the time to think about and research other forms of government, what each "branch" might do, and how they do it. More importantly though, think about how the culture and religion would, can, or do influence the government, and how the government has responded to such action. Look to history especially!
The charts allowed me to very easily place my main characters, their families, and all the previous groups of people (gangs, cults, social classes) into categories that can then, more or less, directly define their relationships with one another. This made the process that I will now describe to you a little less tedious.
I divided this category into three sections: Nobleborn Houses (that being houses of great import and high rank), the Prelacy (leaders of the Church), and Others of Note.
There are ten nobleborn houses, however, I only did mass amounts of details for five of the most important. I should also note that two of my four main characters are a part of two of these houses, and it's for that reason that I felt I needed to be as in-depth as possible. For Houses, the organization went something like this:
House Name:
A general description of the house, its history, and how it rose to power, as well as what they generally control within the government or country and how long they've had this position.
Try to be as diverse as possible within these descriptions—cover a lot of different bases and don't be afraid to do it! A family rising to power as a result of the money they, for example, gained from growing roses says a lot about the culture and commerce of a particular country.
Public Opinion:
What the people think of this family, given all social standings and occupations. Naturally, when I say all, I don't mean think about what every carpenter thinks of the royal family, I just made sure it was a general consensus!
Opinion of the Other Five Houses:
This, I tended to keep as short as possible, but like the external relations above, I wanted to know what and how the relationship was what it was. For several, I already had an idea, but for...so many more I did not (hear the pain in my voice? there's pain in my voice.)
Opinion of the Remaining Houses:
Shorter than even short as possible, but the same idea as before.
Main Members:
Probably one of the more important sections; I listed out all the members of the main part of the family, that is, the immediate family of the person involved in government (or main character.) This not only defines your side characters—of which there are bound to be many—but also clarifies the conflicting motives of the people in charge. And they should conflict, hopefully with the motives of your main characters. Extended family was discussed when important, such as prominent aunts, uncles, or grandparents, but for sake of simplicity, lengthy descriptions were kept for parents and children.
I also included charts after this about minor houses sworn to these noble houses, but to be completely honest, I didn't fill out most. That said, I did repeat this process for all five houses, and the good news, is that after you talk about the relationship with one of the other five, you're done completely, so, yay one less bullet point each time. Also, don't feel pressured to have a name for everyone or everything! In fact, I mostly skip over names of people unless I really have to know them in text, far more characters are simply [BROTHER] or [PARENT], though this could be a laziness thing. Or a conlang one.
A worldbuilding note: I also included house colors, sigils, and heads in this instance, as well as their connection to certain magical oaths.
For the remaining five nobleborn houses, I only listed house heads, sigils, and colors, if not only because I described their relationship with everyone else, earlier. That said, I also included house heir and extra notes, if I needed them.
The Prelacy was organized slightly differently, as important members of the Church, they don't necessarily have family members interacting with them. Instead, I focussed on backstories, their relationships with the Arkan (the monarch, sort of), and once more, motive (and personalities, given that I don't give side characters a full oc profile.)
As shown in the chart above, there is one High Vokhsv and six Vokhvs that work under them; the former had a more in-depth section of text, however, the six got just about as much detail as the lesser five noble houses.
My last and final section was short and sweet (thank God) and covered two topics very briefly, that are so world-specific I won't even bother explaining them. That said! That's what this section is for; anything else that you might have missed.
I won't lie, the personal relations section was probably the most time-consuming part of this entire doc, but in the end, it did pay off. The entire thing took about from the 22nd of February to the 18th of April, and came out to around 30k. Do I suggest you also write this much? Not unless you feel like you need it. I don't really plan out plot, so for me, this was my plan, hence the length and detail.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this far too long breakdown of my political reference doc of my WIP, A Treatise of Tyrants and Thieves and good luck with your own process, writing, and research <3
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Some links I found helpful:
The template link, once more ($1).
Brandon Sanderson's 2020 creative writing lectures (YouTube)
Designing a fantasy legal system (Worldbuilding Stack Exchange)
Unpacking Folk Tales/Motif Index (Uni. of Alberta)
Real Inequality in Europe since 1500 (Journal, PDF)
Diplomacy (Wikipedia)
Public Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe (Journal)
The Spy Chiefs or Renaissance Venice: Intelligence Leadership in the Early Modern World (Oxford Brookes Uni., PDF)
Branches of the U.S. military (SOU)
those who were interested.
@chovansjtsjina @zielenheil @lord-fallen @ninazeniks @viesceral @introverteddumbass @wisteria-eventide & anyone else, feel free to reply, send an ask, or dm me about questions!
1K notes · View notes
cryspymf · 2 years
spoilers : 2.7 quest stuff in general
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In case anyone is wondering, my favorite part of genshin lore is mostly the Liyue related stuff, yakshas in particular. I love angst, it’s the first thing I look for in game storylines, books, fanfics, characters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Gives me a nice fuzzy feeling lol The whole story of the yaksha and Xiao’s ✨traumatic✨ life draws me in so easily. I have a whole google doc that’s all just my yaksha theory stuff (a lot that was either confirmed or debunked(?) when I did the quest today lol) BUT that’s not the point! THIS EVENT FILLED SOMETHING IN MY HEART IVE BEEN WAITING SO LONG FOR AH I love the yakshas so this entire event has been a blast knowing what it’s about.
I very much so enjoyed each tiny cutscene, all the characters I never thought would interact interacting. I’m sad Itto and Xiao didn’t have a bigger interaction. I love Itto’s whole big brother vibe towards Xiao and I would enjoy a relationship with them where Itto kinda fills a bit of the hole that Xiao’s yaksha siblings left behind after they died.
I really felt like the whole time Xiao was kinda just over it. He wanted to either save or have closure with Bosacius leaving. He didn’t want his friends (a word I think he’s slowly getting comfortable with once again) to die, so he felt like the easiest solution was to sacrifice himself.
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I feel like I shouldn’t be saying this because it’s literally Xiao contemplating death but uh he looks so fucking pretty at this part. The way he looks up, lowkey majestic, I love him.
That aside you can tell he thought for a quick moment, probably more “I wonder if I can do it.” rather than “I wonder if I should sacrifice myself to do it.” Mans do not care about himself and he makes it obvious to everyone.
I really enjoyed the moment when Yelan just went ham on him for even considering to sacrifice himself. She didn’t hold back and didn’t try the whole “bUt PeOpLe WiLL miSs YoU!” shit. She said it like a slap to the face and it clearly got through to him. Your sacrifice isn’t worth it if everybody can’t get out, including you. She even pointed out his whole tough exterior being a cover up. While it’s obvious Xiao is a strong much more elite being than others, despite not being a human, he’s still a person, someone with thoughts a feelings and Yelan indirectly pointing that out did make me appreciate her character a little more. She has an interesting approach with those she cares about and knows she can trust that I can somewhat respect.
For some context, I don’t enjoy Yelan’s attitude, her whole “I’m better than everyone because I have experience and trauma” vibes bothers me, but there are things here and there that make me appreciate the tiny details in her character. I’ve yet to do her story quest so mayhaps I will change my mind if it gives us a bit of a better glimpse into her character.
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That also brings me to this. WHEN I TELL YOU I ALMOST SOBBED- Again, I don’t like Yelan, but this look on her face made me b r e a k- She barley knows Xiao, but the thought of losing an ally, someone she recognizes her friends value, makes her crumble. It felt very unusual to see her make that face, even though we the players also haven’t known her very long. Xiao u heart breaker smh
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The entire cutscene was fucking gorgeous, I loved every moment (kind of, the red blobs were kinda confusing and I was like bro ok I get it they’re fighting while doing this, move on). Aether animated in cutscenes always makes me happy lol he’s so bouncy and excited, ready to fight. Paimon just chillin cause she don’t know wtf to do. Zhongli saving Xiao actually didn’t happen how I thought or wanted it to,,, I had it spoiled for me that he saved him but the way he saved him was kinda lackluster to me ig. While I do think it was really pretty and well done, still a great way for that scene to end, I was still kind of hoping for a lil more dramatics on Zhongli’s side. I suppose he’s not much of a show off anymore  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think the whole Xiao’s father figure being Zhongli was in my head and I was like “What? No coming to his aid and heroically rescuing him in the same manner he saved us?
I do think it’s quite poetic to see the way he made no effort to prove it was him who helped other than looking down on Xiao before leaving. I bet he had a tiny smile on his face just as Xiao looked over at him. Xiao’s face looked so sweet. I can’t put a word to the face he made honestly. There was a hint of confusion, disbelief, surprise. Many emotions running thru his tiny little brain. I like seeing him properly animated, it’s nice to see actual expressions rather than the dull face he has as an npc most of the time. I hope we get some sort of scene where we (or even just Xiao) have another interaction about the whole event.
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I want to say it’s my favorite part but it’s not lol The story of the yakshas just fueled my love for them though and it was so excited to actually get to learn more canon information about them. Watching theories get confirmed and sparking even more in the process was neat. I hope we eventually get to learn which yaksha is which other than Bosacius and Xiao of course. My favorite has to be the geo yaksha. Don’t know why ngl I actually thought he was quite ugly the first time I saw him and I was obsessed with the pyro one for the longest time but now he’s growing on me. I think he’s quite pretty and his voice is very calming (despite that we only got like a second of a voiceline from him, I tell you I overanalyze anything and this guys voice is included).
Tbh Bosacius ugliest sibling- no shame. The rest of them are so pretty and Bosacius....... pyro yaksha got me on my knees I swear. The hydro one is cute too I love her she sounds like a sweetheart.
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Alright I’m lowkey tired so that’s all I’ve got to say about the quest. I enjoyed it a lot and hope we get another yaksha centered quest to learn more!
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elias-code · 3 years
The Swine’s Scribe
Characters: c!Technoblade x gn!reader, an appearance by Philza
Background: You're in Techno's cabin after getting the rest of his wolves from L’Manburg after the second war. You were originally rescued by Techno from a blizzard after running from the first L'Manburg explosion (your house was among those destroyed.)
Summary: When Techno gets back from the second L'Manburg war, he lets go of a lot of emotions by ranting to you. You, being concerned about his mental wellbeing, ask if you can do anything for him, and eventually, he kisses you, which leads to some close-calls with Phil and a whole lot of smut and fluff.
Wordcount: 3291 (according to google docs lmao)
Warnings: NSFW, swearing, blood/wounds, biting, getting caught
-------------------------------- Enjoy :) ----------------------------------
Ever since Techno brought you in from the cold months ago, you've been doing little chores for him in a way to repay his kindness. Even though he was the one who summoned the withers after the initial explosions, you felt safe around him. It had been hard to get used to at first, but now you felt comforted by his presence.
For the past week, you've been writing his journal for him after he broke his hand sparring with Phil. His hand has since healed, but you insisted that you do it for him, and he put up little protest.
"It was stressful, seeing your friends leave like that, in the blink of an eye. I don't trust anyone anymore, not after Tommy betrayed me. I gave him a roof over his head, hid him from Dream, one of the most powerful people on the server, AND I trusted him with my Axe of Peace." Technoblade's tone was strained and he let out a huff.
"Techno," you empathised, "are you sure you're okay after today?"
"I'm fine, please keep writing." He only ever said please when he was really serious, clearly, he was not interested in talking.
"Now, I refuse to bow to the voices. They want blood and I won't let them. Too many allies have died for me or have disappeared onto the other side, only to reemerge when they need ME, never when I need THEM."
Again, you piped in, "Techno, you're clearly not ok," his pale skin was flushed red and his eyebrows knit together into a grimace, "If there's anything I can do to help, please tell me."
He went silent.
"You don't have to talk about it if it's really getting to you... Or you could let it out. Either way, I'm here to help," You said.
"I'll think about it. For now, keep writing,"
For another half hour, he ranted about the destruction of L'Manburg and his dramatic reenactment was accented by occasional yelling and hand gestures. Suddenly, he stops speaking and gets a puzzled look on his face, "Um, what- what's the correct phrasing for - I guess - 'horny for violence'?" The tips of his ears were bright red, matching the blush now forming on his cheeks.
You chuckle, "I think it's hungry for violence..."
"Ah, that's it," Techno states, and then he completed his recounting of events. There's a bubble of silence in the air and he bursts it by asking, "Do you have any thoughts?"
"You know my thoughts, Techno..."
"I think I know, but give me words, I can't read minds."
"You're not healthy, you need help. You need better friends and a proper support system. Right now you really only have Phil, and I guess me if I even count."
"You count."
Now it was your turn to blush, but you continue, "Either way, that's not enough! You deserve more than you're getting. I can tell that even without the things you've had me write down. You're carrying so much weight, Tech."
"I didn't know you cared," he seems touched by your words, "I suppose I don't know a whole lot about you."
"And yet, you trust me with your deepest, darkest secrets, Technoblade."
"One thing I can trust you to do is help me with my armour."
He was still wearing the enchanted netherite chestplate and pants, both of which you started fumbling with. The leather straps were clasped tightly, as to not come off in battle, but you managed to manoeuvre them enough to get them to let go.
As the chestplate was lifted off of him, he hissed and then grunted. You look at the spot his hand flew to on his back, where his shirt had torn to reveal a big gash in his shoulder. It ran from his shoulder blade to his left pec, one of the only places where he was unarmoured.
"Holy shit Tech, why didn't you tell me this was here?!"
"I didn't want to worry you," He chuckled and then hissed again, "I guess that plan failed."
You did not find it funny. You immediately went to get the supplies Phil kept in his house, knowing that Techno didn't keep anything but healing potions in his chests. Phil was eager to help and he handed some bandages and rubbing alcohol to you so you could clean the wound. You also grabbed a spare scrap of leather for him to bite down on.
When you returned, Techno had moved to sit on his bed where he had already removed the greaves and discarded them beside him. You came to his side, putting down the alcohol, rag, and bandage.
"This is probably going to hurt, so I need you to bite down on this," you said, handing him the leather scrap.
"Ok," he said, watching you grab the alcohol and rag from the floor, "Just- just tell me when,"
"Alright," He put the leather in between his teeth, biting lightly, "you ready?"
He nodded, you put the alcohol rag onto the blood-crusted gash. He let out a sharp, low hiss, tightening his jaw on the leather to release some of the pain. You cleaned up quickly to minimise the pain and then wrapped it in the bandage, leaving some so you could clean and replace it later.
"All done, you ok?" You looked at him, one of his eyes was watering.
"Yeah, the pain's much worse when you're not pumped full of adrenaline."
"You better not be hiding any more gashes under all of those clothes,"
"Wanna find out?" He flashed you a smirk, amused by his own confidence.
"I'll take your word for it, but you're going to need to change that shirt, it's covered in blood."
"At least it's not my blood," you shivered a bit at that remark and helped him take his shirt off, careful not to remove the fresh bandages along with it.
For the first time, you saw him without a shirt off. He seemed surprisingly slender for being as strong as he is. There were numerous scars that etched every battle and lesson learned into his skin. Lots of them looked older than you expected and you suddenly realised that he must have been fighting for a long time before coming to the server.
"Like what you see?" he asked, and you rushed to put the shirt down and find an excuse.
"Um, I- I was just looking at your scars, I'll bring this downstairs,"
You rushed away, turning bright red, embarrassed that he had noticed your stares. You absent-mindedly tossed the shirt into the 'wash pile' and then you remembered, in your rush, you had forgotten his greaves. With a huff, you climbed the ladder back to his room.
Techno sat in front of the fireplace, now roaring with renewed vigour from the log he'd tossed in. His pink hair had been undone from the messy braid he had put in that morning. It was almost dyed red and black by the blood and soot in it. He was playing with it, picking out debris and running his fingers through the more knotted bits.
“Hmm?” he looked up at you, still fiddling with the hair in his hands.
You sat down next to him and he relaxed into a cross-legged position, with one knee tucked under his chin. His free hand is right next to yours and he doesn’t look at you. His face is red, probably from the fire.
“You looked like you were in a trance? Are you ok?”
Silence filled the room again,"
“You don’t have to tell me but just know I’m here if you need to talk. Obviously, I haven’t tattled about anything yet or Tommy and the Butchers would be knocking your door down by now.”
“The voices are quieter than normal. I can hear myself think.”
You try to be encouraging “So? What are you thinking about?”
He looks you in the eyes, they’re deep, his pupils adjusting makes you feel like he’s looking into your soul.
“Um, I’m not sure you’d want to know.”
You frown and protest since you’re now more curious than ever but still a bit freaked out. "C'mon now you've got me curious,"
Techno looked away, solemnly gazing at the fire “I meant what I said about you being a trusted friend. I don't get many of those so, thanks. As for why this is coming up now, well, I guess I’m lonely.”
You hesitated, “Me too, Tech. You're kind of the only one I trust, and I guess Phil, too, but I'd trust you with my life.”
He blushes, looks away, and tucks a strand of hair behind his ear before turning back to you and putting his hand on yours.
You immediately flush and you see a grin seep onto his face.
"I'm not really talking about friends anymore. I want... someone..." he almost whispers
"You mean?" he nods, "I guess I've never had anyone before. I think it'd be nice to see what it'd be like."
“I think we can kill two birds with one stone here, don’t you?”
Now you're both bright red, nervous, schoolkids who gingerly lean into each other's faces, gaze fixed on the other's lips. Your hearts beat hard while your brains rush to make sure you feel insecure, the voices in Techno's mind screaming excitedly.
“You good up there Techno? Your light is still on, it's far past midnight, mate!” Phil shouts from the bottom of the ladder.
“I’m fine, just," He pulls away from you, "reading. Goodnight Phil,”
Techno's ears perk up to listen to the receding footsteps. You’re both standing now, he's standing over the trapdoor, making sure Phil had gone. Once he was sure, he comes over and kisses you hard.
“Is this ok? I’m not doing anything wrong am I?”
You think He’s clearly never done this before, as you respond "Yeah, I like it..." you continue, stumbling towards his bed where you’re initially just kissing like two teenagers as if it were your first time, desperate, but awkward.
Your hand was pressing against his chest as you laid next to him, tasting each other's spit, learning the ropes since neither of you had ever done this before.
The light from the fire made your shadows dance across the wall, arms moving to hold each other closer, legs wrapping around Techno's, bodies shifting so he's on top of you. Only the roar and crackle of the fire and the occasional grunt or gasp from you or Techno could be heard.
--- Smut begins here ---
As you both part to take a breath, he pulls your shirt over his head. When he leans into the crook of your neck, you notice the tent in his pants pressing against your inner thigh. In between your own legs, there was a pool of slick forming.
You moan, loud, fully knowing that would send Techno wild. He pushes further towards you and holds your arms above your head so he could press his mouth against your neck, leaving red, hot, sticky marks leading from your collarbone to your abdomen.
You're both panting as he lets go of your arms and you wrap them around his neck, pulling his head in for a long, deep kiss. His hot breath warms your cheeks as he repositions himself.
"Hey, is this still ok?" He asks between breaths.
He fully loses himself, taking his hand from your cheek and moving it to your pants, never losing eye contact. You nod and he pushes his hand into the spot between your legs which was now drenched in slick. He found his way to your hole and pushed his index finger into it, creating a sensation you'd never felt before.
Instinctually, you gasp and then moan, harder than before. You rock your hips to his rhythm while he continues to press bruises into your torso. Eventually, he brings his face back to yours and kisses you. You let out another moan into his mouth. He grunts and then chuckles, kissing your cheek before pulling his finger out and then going back in with two.
Now, you're whining, pulling on his long, pink hair. You notice everything in those moments, his rhythmic breaths into your neck and pumping of his finger in and out of your sex, his other hand holding your waist, pushing upwards to caress you, his soft hair in your hand.
"Is it my turn now?" He gruffs.
You hum in affirmation as he pulls away and you kick off your pants as he undoes his own. You immediately notice his size. Compared to his fingers, which were pretty long and thick, to begin with, due to his big hands, his member was a giant. His hand that had previously been half inside of you was now working his dick, its head coated in pre-cum.
While you had seen other penises before, mostly in study, you had never seen one up close, and you'd only seen ones on humans. The hybrid piglin-shapeshifter was sporting a human-like head and shaft, 9 inches (at least) all the way down to a knot... he had a knot...
He notices you gaping at his dick and grins, leaning into you again. "Wanna help me with this, or... should I help m'self?"
Eager to please, you lightly push him forward so you're both sitting up while your hand inspects the new acquaintance. You look up at Techno for guidance. He nods and pushes your hand down with his own. He guides your hand up and down the shaft until he’s no longer guiding you and you’re doing it all yourself.
He does the same with you. The space between your legs was now, simply put, slippery. He did his best to please you, eventually managing three fingers easily.
The pants and gasps were syncing, the knot in your stomach growing stronger while you danced your mouth on the head of his member. He lets out a particularly loud grunt and removes his fingers from your sex. You suddenly feel empty, and he pushes you over onto your stomach.
He puts himself under you, his dick under your mouth. You lick the ever-present pre-cum off of the head of his dick once again and then begin to bob your head up and down, managing to fit him halfway before choking on him. His groans were now louder than yours, becoming more frequent.
"Ughh- fuck," he moans.
Now he holds your head and gently begins to fuck your mouth. Your bobbing was no longer enough, he wanted more. He thrust his hips into you, managing to get a third of the way into you and then it turns into deepthroating after every thrust.
You gag, unable to take him all the way, and so he decides enough is enough and you both rush to get him inside of you. He gets up, moving to position himself above you. You continue to stay in the position he left you in, on your hands and knees.
"Turn around," Techno says.
And so you do, you lay on your back, full of anticipation and covered in juices. He puts his hand on your stomach, leaning in to kiss you lightly, pressing more red marks into your sides, slowly turning you so you face the wall.
He pulls away and holds your leg away from the other, practically putting you into the splits.
"Techno..." You whisper.
"Is this gonna hurt?"
"Dunno, darlin'," He leans in again, "let me know if it gets too hard, ok? I'll stop if you say so."
You nod and kiss for confirmation, reaching to hold your own leg up to give him full access.
He inserts the head and you can already feel the stretch, slightly painful but you push on, your fingers grasping the sheets to keep yourself grounded. He’s pushing into you slowly, making sure you're not getting in over your head. You hold the sheet tighter, groaning from the stretch.
He pulls out slightly and the pressure releases. You moan hard, making sure Techno knows that you like what you feel. He pushes in again and begins to thrust into you. Techno is getting further and further with every thrust, and you moan between every breath. He's three-fifths of the way in and he's only getting harder.
Techno's hand replaces yours, keeping your leg raised as you move your hand to work yourself along with him. Your heart beats faster and he picks up the pace. He can get all the way to the knot before pulling out and thrusting in again.
"Tech... Fuck, it's so gooood..."
Now he's becoming sparattic and his face goes into your neck, biting softly, barely enough for blood to form. The knot in your stomach tightens and you scream into the pillow as he pushes all the way in, his skin hitting yours as his knot slips into you.
He moans and thrusts lightly into you, coming inside of you. You feel the pressure inside of you release as you come with him. You're being filled with his sperm, eventually spilling out along with your own come onto the sheet.
He continues to work you with his hand, breathing heavily into your neck. Your heartbeats are in sync and his juices continue to spill out of you, soaking everything below you. You try to look him in the eye as he shakes slightly, somehow still coming.
"Tech? You're still..." you gasp. "I know, sorry... it might be a while..." He grunts out.
Techno's ears perk up and he shoves you under the blanket, still stuck inside of you with the knot.
He puts a hand over your mouth as you quiver underneath him, overstimulated by the pressure and his hand which still rested in between your thighs. What the hell is he doing?! The non-stop cum is weird enough, what-
Soon enough, your questions were answered when you heard the footsteps downstairs.
“Do you have my hat?” Phil's voice yells from the base of the ladder.
“Can't you-" he breathes, "you get it in the morning?”
“No, I'm going out super early tomorrow to scout out and make sure we haven’t been followed back.”
“Uh," fuck "it’s on the chair next to my desk up here? I’m in bed…”
Phil comes up the ladder and opens the hatch, eventually finding his hat while techno covers your mouth and lays belly to belly with you, he’s still dribbling a bit, so are you. You’re whimpering slightly.
Phil stops at the trapdoor. “Did you mean to leave the fire on mate?”
“Uh, yeah I was gonna let it burn… I was cold”
“Where’s your friend, loverboy?”
You feel Techno blush above you, his warmth suddenly radiating out from him.
“Um. They went to trade with some piglins since we’re almost out of spectral arrows.”
“Alright let me know when they get back, I just want to make sure they’re ok. Ever since you found them in the snow you’ve been doing better, it seems. Almost like you two are a... thing?”
The question lingered momentarily and you could almost hear Phil's eyebrow raise before Techno answered.
“Hmm, thank you, Phil. Close the trapdoor when you leave, I don’t want the warmth to leave.”
Finally, the footsteps were gone. He pulls the blanket off of them and he takes his hand off of your mouth. You gasp for dramatic effect, laughing quietly to yourselves at the close call.
"Can I tell you something?" Techno whispers into your ear.
"Yes, you're literally deep inside of me, I'm guaranteed to be interested in what you have to say,"
"I love you"
"I love you, too..."
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dumdumsun · 2 years
Lost and Found
A/N: I promise I'm not intentionally making these chapters shorter. Next chapter will be a lot longer than this
Warnings: homophobia
Word Count: 1850
Chapter Eight: In Contact
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The double doors of the school’s entrance opened with a whoosh, the four children walking, one skating, down the tiled floors. Mike glanced at his group over his shoulder. “Okay, remember, if anyone sees us, look sad.” He reminded as they continued down the hall. El turned to the others to see them pretending to cry. She mimicked them as a voice sounded over the intercom.
“Attention students, there will be an assembly to honor Will Byers in the gymnasium now. Do not go to fourth period.”
When they reached the door to the AV room, Mike grabbed the handle and pushed on the door, sighing when it didn’t give. “It’s locked.”
“What?” Lucas frowned and tried as well. Doc rolled her eyes as Dustin turned to El.
“Hey, do you think you can open it? With your powers?”
El didn’t have time to answer before Mr Clarke came around the corner. “Boys?” He called, the five jumping. “Oh. And girls. Assembly’s about to start.”
“We know,” Mike feigned sadness. “We’re just, you know…”
“Upset.” Lucas smiled, but quickly dropped it into a frown.
Dustin stammered and placed a hand on Doc’s shoulder, who was staring down at her shoes. “Yeah. Definitely upset.”
“We just needed some alone time.”
“To… cry.”
Mr Clarke nodded. “Yeah, listen… I get it. I do. I know how hard this is, but let’s just be there for Will, huh? And then,” He reached into his pocket, tossing a set of keys to Mike. “-the Heathkit is all yours for the rest of the day. What do you say?”
“Thanks, Mr Clarke.” Doc grinned.
“My pleasure, (Y/N),” He smiled before turning to El. “Uh- I don’t believe we’ve met. What’s your name?”
All eyes fell on El, who stared at the teacher like a deer in headlights. “Eleven-”
“Eleanor!” Mike covered. “She’s my, uh-”
“Cousin!” Lucas answered.
“Second cousin.” Dustin added.
Doc gently rubbed El’s back comfortingly. “She’s here for the funeral. She’s really shy.”
Mr Clarke sighed. “Ah, well, welcome to Hawkins Middle, Eleanor. I wish you were here under better circumstances.”
El glanced over at Doc, who gave her a reassuring smile. “Thank you.” She replied once her gaze returned to Mr Clarke.
“Uh, where are you from exactly?”
Four sets of eyes widened, the kids having not planned for this scenario to play out. El shook her head slowly. “Bad place-”
“I have a lot of Swedish family.”
“She hates it there.”
Mr Clarke tried to keep up with their outbursts with furrowed brows. When he was sure they were done, his eyes lingered on them for a second before he swallowed. “Shall we?”
“Yup!” Lucas nodded before pushing off the door, the group making their way to the gymnasium. From beside her, Doc could feel El’s tense posture, so she gently held her arm. El slightly relaxed in her hold, grateful for her friend.
When they reached the gym, Dustin swung the doors open, one of them slamming against the wall. A sea of students from the bleachers all turned to the group at the sound of the bang. Their principal stopped his speech as he and the teachers watched them as well. Dustin looked around before whispering an ‘abort’ and turning around. Before he could run off, Doc and Lucas turned him back around and pushed him forward.
Throughout the assembly, Doc couldn’t help but be disgusted by her classmates, listening to their principal drone on in disinterest. While she knew Will wasn’t actually dead, it didn’t sit right with her that so many cared so little about him. Especially the two in the row above them. Troy and James giggled to each other. “Who is interested in this? This is so stupid.” Troy snickered before mimicking the principal as he spoke. “‘Oh, he was such a good student’.”
Doc clenched her jaw as her eye twitched, pupils zeroing on Troy.
“‘He’s gonna leave a hole in the community’.”
Her fists tightened harshly, shaking with rage. Even from where she was sitting, she could see the vein bulging from Troy’s temple, the boy hissing in pain. He felt the side of his head as James asked what was wrong. Satisfied, Doc turned forward again in time to hear El.
“Mouth breather.”
Doc smirked at her words and crossed her arms. When the assembly came to an end, the dismissal bell rang, signaling the students to leave. Careful of her wheels, Doc climbed down the bleachers, Dustin grabbing her hands and helping her down. Wordlessly, she and Mike followed behind Troy and James, burning mad. “Hey! Hey! Hey, Troy!” Mike called, his voice drowned out by the sea of chatter. Doc quietly cleared her throat.
At her exclamation, the majority of students stopped their walking, including the two bullies. When Troy turned around, his gaze locked on Doc. Mike pushed his sister behind him and stepped closer. “You… You think this is funny?”
“What’d you say, Wheeler?”
“I-I saw you guys laughing over there. And I think that’s a real messed up thing to do.”
James decided to speak up, “Didn’t you listen to the counselor, Wheeler? Grief shows itself in funny ways.”
“Besides,” Troy sneered. “What’s there to be sad about, anyway? Will’s in fairyland now, right? Flying around with all the other little fairies. All happy and gay!”
Then, just to anger them further, Troy began dancing and singing to imitate a fairy. Growling, Doc tried to push past Mike to punch Troy’s face in, but he held her back. “Piece of shit!”
“Whoa!” James laughed alongside his friend. “You got her years ago and still haven’t trained her?”
“Yeah, keep your bitch on a leash, Wheeler,” Troy winked to Doc. “Cheer up, slut. Your gay little boyfriend’s in a better place.”
And with that, the two turned and walked away. As much as Doc wanted to take care of him, she could feel the steam rising off of Mike’s shoulders and decided to let him take the wheel. Without a word, he rushed up behind Troy and shoved him to the ground, just as his sister had done. Doc skated to El’s side as the crowd exclaimed in shock. Troy turned to Mike, livid. “You’re dead, Wheeler.” He fumed and stood to his feet. “Dead!”
Troy ran up to Mike, fist raised to punch, then froze. Doc’s head throbbed a bit in pain, and she soon realized why. At the sound of rapid pitter patter, she looked down to find Troy standing in a puddle of his own urine, the front of his pants soiled.
“Dude, Troy peed himself!” Some kid laughed, triggering the rest of the students to do so as well. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a bit of blood leaking from El’s nose. Her eyes focused forward again, watching as Troy stood in frozen embarrassment. 
As good as it felt to watch him suffer, Doc couldn’t find it in herself to join in the laughter. Her anger hadn’t simmered, bubbling up too much to allow any type of amusement. Without looking, she felt El squeeze her fingertips between her own. When their gazes met, she wiped her nose and pulled Doc out of the gym.
“Holy shit!” Dustin exclaimed once the boys caught up with them. “She made him piss himself. That was genius! Doc, wasn’t that fucking amazing?!”
Doc scoffed as the halls began to clear. “Whatever. It was whatever. You all laughed so the job got done, right?” The hallway silenced, so she looked up to find her friends being the only ones with her, all wearing looks of confusion. She cleared her throat and shook her head. “I’m sorry. It was awesome, El, seriously. I just, uh…”
“I understand.” El whispered, offering a smile that was returned almost immediately. Mike looked between the two before guiding the group to the AV room.
“Come on.” He whispered after unlocking the door and leading them inside. Doc flicked on the light as the others walked to the desk, El sitting in the chair before the Heathkit.
“Now what?” Dustin asked.
“She’ll find him. Right, El?” Mike looked to said girl as his sister made it over to his side. Leaning over, he tuned the Heathkit to the right channel before turning back to El. Doc braced her hands on the desk as El closed her eyes. Just as she expected, a pressure weighed on her head and chest as El concentrated harder.
Mike smiled at Dustin. “She’s doing it. She’s finding him.”
“This is crazy.”
“Calm down,” Lucas shook his head. “She just closed her eyes.”
Above them, the light went out, shrouding them in darkness. Doc quietly whimpered and placed her head on the desk, a white hot pain striking her temple. From the radio and through the static, clanging could be heard. Again. And again. And again.
“What is that?” Dustin whispered, the radio singing as El tuned it. Mike felt his sister bump him, but his eyes were glued to the Heathkit.
The boys froze. “No way!” Lucas gasped.
“Mom…” Will’s voice whimpered. “Please… Mom! Mom!”
“Will!” Mike shouted.
“Will, it’s us!” Lucas joined. “Are you there?!”
Dustin leaned forward. “Can you hear us?! We’re here!”
“Hello? Mom?”
“Why can’t he hear us?” Lucas frowned.
“I don’t know!” Mike yelled.
Doc attempted to claw at something, anything to try and bear the pain thumping within her skull as Will continued to wail over the radio. “Mom! Mom, it’s coming! It’s like home, but it’s so dark… It’s so dark and empty. And it’s cold! Mom? Mom! Mom, please!”
The poor boy’s screaming ended when the fuse of the Heathkit blew and sparked, the boys jumping back. Just as the light turned back on, the fire alarm outside the room began ringing. Thinking quickly, Dustin ran to the back of the room and grabbed the fire extinguisher, putting out the flame that engulfed Mr Clarke’s Heathkit. Mike crouched in front of El and turned her to face him. “El, are you okay? Can you move?”
Blood leaked from her nose, her skin so pale that her veins were peeking through. Mike frowned just before a thump was heard behind him. He and Lucas whirled around to find Doc slumped on the ground. “Doc?!” He panicked, rushing to her side and shaking her gently. “Doc! Lucas, you and Dustin get El! I got Doc!” He ordered before lifting his sister and draping her arm over his shoulders. Lucas and Dustin lifted El by her underarms, carrying her out of the room as Mike dragged his sister behind them.
Students fled the building in a hurry as the boys snuck the two unconscious girls down the opposite direction. “Here’s some carts!” Lucas called out. He and Dustin placed El in one while Mike laid his sister in the other. Simultaneously, Lucas and Mike wheeled the girls down the hall with Dustin following close behind. Both girls had an arm dangling off the side of their carts. And, in unconscious comfort, their fingertips brushed.
Taglist: @yurtletheturtlehenderson @crybabyalex @sapphicsyn @shydestinymoonalexa @nailbatbitch @that-one-multifandom-chick @ariyabella  @uncompletemasterpiece  @bilesxbilinskixlahey @onlyveryslightlysane
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do any of the mercs play board games?
Mercopoly (Board Game
You think he has enough of an attention span to play something that doesn’t involve sweating out his energy drinks?
Hell no!
He gets very bored very quickly, especially with something complex like chess.
He’ll play cards sometimes, but only Crazy Eights and Go Fish - that’s all he knows how to play.
However, there is one true board game he plays occasionally: Candy Land.
It’s one of the few board games that you don’t really have to read the rules for, and there isn’t any writing on the cards.
However, he only asks to play it when he’s not feeling very well.
Medic even has a page in his medical journal for the mercs that says, and I quote:
“The Scout has an extremely short attention span, and if an activity isn’t active or immersive, he will not stay long. If at any point he chooses a sedentary activity, a check-up is in order.”
As sad as it is, a request to play Candyland is a good way to know if Scout needs a little extra reassurance or support.
By the end of the game, Scout usually feels more himself, whether he wins or not.
Engie is especially good with Scout when he’s this way, being the one of the most emotionally sensitive of the group. But he also knows Scout would never admit straight-away how he was feeling, so he usually has a more fun way of getting answers.
“You feelin’ more like a King Candy or a Lord Licorice?”
“...Fudge Monster.”
“That bad, huh?”
If you ask him, he will most likely go off on a tangent about chess, and how it’s a game of strategy, deception, and crushing your enemy with your wit.
He scoffs at any other game, and constantly makes fun of several of his more intelligent peers for finding interest in them.
“You are mercenaries. Blood-thirsty killers of men. And you are playing ‘Hungry, Hungry Hippos’ like a hoarde of kindergartners?”
But one thing he cannot resist is Sorry.
He considers it above normal board games because it has strategy - or at least that what he says.
He actually just likes it because it’s a game of revenge, which is like a drug to him.
He’s gotten so good at it that if he asks you to play Sorry with him, it’s almost guaranteed that he’s mad at you and just wants to let off some steam by giving you a horrendous loss. However, occasionally, he’s the one who loses.
Spy isn’t a poor sport, exactly - he’s too cultured for that - but sometimes his pride outweighs his manners and he convinces himself that the other player cheated through made up signs of deception.
He simply “allows” them to win because he “doesn’t want to make a fuss.”
But god help the unfortunate soul who decides to rub their win in his face.
Sniper had won five games in a row, and it was clear Spy was getting hot under the collar.
Sniper ended their games with a mischievous, “You’ll get ‘em next time, tiger.” and a small pat on his shoulder.
Spy immediately saw red, grabbed Sniper’s hand, and before the aussie knew it, he was against a concrete wall with a butterfly knife to his throat.
“I could kill you right now. Your final cry for Medic will be drowned in blood, and I would leave you here to die a painful, dramatic death. You’ll be replaced with a rusted trash can of a bot until they could grow another clone of you. Every memory will be gone. The team will be shrouded in grief, not because of losing you, but losing what the clone can never have. And I shall bide my time, ask the clone to play the same game, and kill them when they win. Another clone, another kill. And again. And again. And again. You think the Manns give a damn as long as their work is getting done? You will never be able to form a single thought before I spill your blood - caught in an eternal prisoner’s dilemma where you always lose.”
After gathering his bearings, Sniper finally spoke.
“Is this about your takeout?”
Spy scoffed.
“Do you really think - !”
“Tonight, my treat if you don’t kill me.”
Spy squinted.
“Egg rolls?”
“And an extra order of crab rangoon.”
“Your treat?”
“How do I know you won’t poison me?”
“Chemical test before and after the food arrives.”
“How do I know Medic isn’t in on it?”
“Miss Pauling as a witness and Scout as an overseer. Pauling’s main objective is to keep us alive, and Scout can’t do bloody anything subtle, even if he wanted to. You can also play back the cameras in the lab, if the mood really struck ya.”
Spy held Sniper against the wall for a minute or two while he thought it all over, then let Sniper fall to the ground.
“I don’t need your sympathy, bushman. But you had better keep your end of the deal. I am the only backstabber around here.”
Can’t even stay awake long enough to play most board games.
On the rare chance that he’s sober, he, Engie, and Medic like to play Monopoly.
Here’s the thing: you should never ask a drunkard, an engineer, and a sadist genius to play Monopoly together. It will not end well.
They have been playing the same game for years, with new rules in place and physical extensions to the board in order to try and end the game. Every other Friday, they take the weekend to try and finish it.
However, it all ends up fruitless.
Demo is usually the one keeping the peace, since he is the least competitive out of the three. That isn’t to say he isn’t clawing for the win as much as the other two, but he is definitely the least invested. He’s mostly staying out of principle.
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned, ‘s ta ne’er give up, e’en when the goin’s gettin’ tough. Roll the dice, doc.”
Despite his confidence, he’s not even sure what he would do if he or anyone else won. It would seem more like a relief than a celebration.
He’s the one who started the Eternal Monopoly game, which has led to some theories that the game itself came straight from hell, and is one of the many punishments used on sinners. The box does smell a bit of brimstone…
He seems to enjoy the chaos that each round brings and the challenge of coming up with new rules to the game. To any outsider, his commentary and directions are complete nonsense.
“According to zhe ‘Calvinball Rule,’ as stated by Engineer, and the ‘Double Kill,’ as stated by myself, since the current time ends vis a three and ve all received at least two kills zhis veek, ve need to double every other roll and whomever loses zhe resulting game of ‘Bim Bum’ vill have to go to zhe Purple Jail.”
The rules and mechanics are like an unholy amalgamation of Monpoly, Sorry, chess, D&D, Bluff, and poker.
However, when Medic isn’t stapling pages of rules together, he likes to play a nice, relaxing game of checkers with Heavy.
Both of them are excellent checker players, but neither of them care who wins.
In fact, they usually talk over the game, taking the other player’s pieces as one of them shares a story from that day’s battle.
They’ve even played while Heavy was in surgery - leading to many unfortunate times when Medic had to fish a piece out of Heavy’s intestines.
One would think that a genius doctor would also have a passion for chess, but he expresses his disdain for it almost every time the checker board is brought out.
“Ach, people think chess is such an intelligent sport. Let me tell you, liebling, it is terribly overrated. If zhe devil can play chess, anyvun can. He might as vell just give souls avay, vis those shaky claws of his.”
Being the engineer, he is usually the one to add to the Eternal Monopoly.
Pieces, board extensions, cards, trivia - it gives him a nice break from all the weaponry.
He’s usually the one who remembers all the mechanics and rules, and serves as the judge if rules contradict each other.
“Alright, now let’s see here…we’ve got the Infinity Loop over here, but now you’ve got the Time Travel card…how many years? Infinite? Ho boy…looks like I’m gonna have to add a Hilbert’s Hotel square somewhere. Hold on…”
Despite his affinity for Eternal Monopoly, Engineer will play almost any board game. He learns new rules and figures quickly, and enjoys the challenges that brings.
However, if he’s particularly burnt out, he likes to take a break by playing Jenga. He and Spy have a friendly rivalry, since Engie can tell which blocks are supporting and Spy has quick fingers.
Spy, oddly, is a lot more amiable losing in Jenga - he knows Engie won’t think less of him - but Engineer hates when the bricks fall over. Not because it means he lost, but because, to him, it’s a failure on his part…even if it was someone else that knocked it over.
He’s made several blueprints for the perfect Jenga game, but has concluded that no human hand could put it into practice.
During one particularly bad day, Engie bumped the table, causing the whole column to come crashing down. Spy had already recovered from the noise, but Engie was still standing there, stone-faced.
His eyes were covered by his goggles, but it was clear he was crying.
Several of his machines had broken on the job, and to him, this was just another egregious mistake.
Spy carefully put the blocks back in the container, and Engie came to his senses.
“I’m real sorry, Spy. Maybe another time…?”
Spy only nodded. He was thinking.
The next time they played, Spy brought out a different container.
Instead of wood, the bricks seemed to be made of a sturdy foam.
“They fall a bit more…quietly,” Spy explained. He dropped one, and it only made a small bouncing sound. “Pyro uses these, but they allowed me to borrow it.”
Engie was a bit skeptical at first, since it was a new material, but he got the hang of it rather quickly. He was almost ecstatic the first time it fell - the blocks barely made any sound at all!
After a few games, Spy had to leave for an assignment. Engie put a hand on their arm.
“Thank ya, Spy. Maybe you ain’t the cold-blooded backstabber I thought you were.”
Spy chuckled, but said little else. He didn’t want to admit that noise sensitivity plagued him as well.
Pyro loves board games, and has quite the collection in their room.
Each plastic piece is at least a little melted, and all the boxes have two or three scorch marks.
Hungry Hungry Hippos, Candyland, and Uno are among her favorites.
He is an absolute beast at Uno, though.
They take each game very seriously, especially when they can convince the whole team to play.
As you can imagine, it’s pure chaos - it even led to a rule in the Merc Guidebook: “When playing Uno with three or more players with the inclusion of a Pyro, at least one Mann Co. representative and/or a mediating Medic must be present.”
Pyro has been known the hide cards, bribe players, or even try to set flame to competition. Playing Uno is almost like a mission, with weapon preparation and Spy posing as other players.
The mercs even have a betting stand that Sniper runs. All parties have lost a lot of money that way.
It’s pretty much the only time outside of battle that the team remembers how cruel and malicious Pyro can be.
Conventional board games aren’t exactly his forté, but he does enjoy a bit of cards every once in a while - Solitaire being his favorite.
He even has a pack of cards in his Sniper Square for that exact purpose. It allows him the pass the time without having to look away from his targets too often.
On occasion, he could be pressed to play poker, but only if the stakes weren’t monetary (i.e candy pieces, crackers, duties, etc.).
His favorite part of every match is shuffling the cards. Pretty much every merc could shuffle cards, but Sniper could make them almost float with how quick his fingers and wrists moved. He always began the game with a new trick he learned, which delighted his fellow players (usually Spy, Engineer, Medic, and Demo).
You could always tell if he had a busy day because he would avoid tricks with too much movement, which would be murder on his sore fingers and hands.
Pyro is currently learning card tricks from Sniper, and show off what they learn at the beginning of every Uno game.
He isn’t a huge fan of the bright, plastic-y board games that Pyro has, although he will play them if asked.
It’s mostly because of how complicated the rules are and the fact there are almost never a Russian translation for the directions.
He always prefers checkers, cards, or mancala, which he almost exclusively plays with Medic because he’s the only one who speaks fluent Russian.
Heavy can play a mean game of mancala, though, and it’s the only game he can beat Medic at.
The only games he will play are Battleship and Uno - but only after Miss Pauling convinced him it was “American enough” because the game had red, white, and blue cards.
He prefers the electronic Battleship because of the sound effects and voices. However, if it’s out of batteries, he’ll make his own sound effects.
Miss Pauling is the best at pretending to be a commander, so she’s usually the one playing with him - but, sometimes, Demo gets in on the action, too.
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