#so hestia is taking care of the young siblings
0lympian-c0uncil · 1 year
Hestia: What happened?!
Hades: Do you want the long version or the short version?
Hestia: Sh-short??
Hera: Shit's fucked.
Hestia: Okay, long.
Hera and Hades: Shit's very fucked.
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shipcestuous · 2 months
One thing I used to find kind of funny as a kid just getting into Greek mythology was how Kronos and Rhea had three sons and three daughters... and yet, only two of them got married, rather than everyone pairing up in three divine brother/sister pairs.
I remember I would do little thought experiments to figure out how things might have worked out in an alternate version for the married pairs that could have formed in addition to Zeus/Hera after Kronos' and the Titans' defeat and reached these conclusions about them:
Poseidon/Demeter: this one is kiiiind of canon already, because there is a myth where they have children together, but... Poseidon doesn't exactly care about Demeter's consent there, let's leave it at that. But for the sake of argument, let's just say this wouldn't happen in this AU, and just look at their roles and personality. To oversimplify things a lot, Poseidon is the sea and Demeter is the earth. The sea is often called "barren" in Ancient Greek poetry, while the earth is ideally fertile and generous. These things already make for a potentially fun "uniting the opposites to reach equilibrium" theme. Also, Poseidon is known for causing earthquakes in his wrath as well as punishing mortals who offend him (the Minotaur was born when Minos wouldn't sacrifice his best bull to him so he made Minos' wife go mad...), while Demeter created winter when Persephone got abducted by Hades (creating considerable trouble for the mortals and even the gods themselves) and keeps recreating it whenever her daughter leaves for the Underworld again, which makes me think they're both very emotional and strong-willed. A relationship between them could be as explosive as the one between Zeus and Hera, and while that wouldn't be very healthy, probably, it could be an interesting dynamic!
Hades/Hestia: Hades is the god of the Underworld: people who have done terrible things are punished horribly for eternity in his gloomy realm, he doesn't take people going against him lightly (like when Theseus and Pirithoos tried to kidnap Persephone...), and he usually doesn't allow anyone to come back to the world of the living (though there are a couple of attempted exceptions). However, this doesn't mean he's evil or mindlessly cruel or sadistic, just strict to the point of being ruthless. Hestia is associated with fire, but instead of being a wild, destructive force, she's the patron of hearth and home. They have a similarly "not nearly as bad as they could be considering common views on their domains." And I can also see both of them caring a lot about boundaries and rules, all things considered. But Hestia could have a softness about her that Hades lacks. And Hades, perhaps, could act as a sort of grim protector for her. I also see them both as the quiet, reserved type, personally, which could make them get along pretty great, bonding through the messes of their chaotic family.
Poseidon/Hestia: Water and fire, anyone? It could be a case of "opposites attract" both in terms of elements and personalities... even if in very different ways. Ironically, Hestia, the fire goddess, could calm down Poseidon's wrath and mellow him out, while Poseidon, the sea god, could bring excitement and wildness in Hestia's life.
Hades/Demeter: ... this one always felt so weird to even consider lmao. But they both seem like gods who prefer going off to do their own thing away from the other Olympians, on some level. Plus, they're both connected to earth: Hades is the mysteries hidden under it, while Demeter is the prosperity and beauty that grows out of it. They would inevitably be a little like a variation of Hades/Persephone, I think, but the lack of an age gap would also influence their dynamic and make it a bit different. It wouldn't bea mature man and a young, lively maiden, but two siblings (possibly very close in age) growing together on more or less equal footing. I like to imagine them both as rather indipendent people, but I always end up giving a motherly streak to Demeter and an insecure/withdrawn one to Hades (likely due to my vision of the myth of the abduction of Persephone, I admit) and so I feel that would make for some sweet hurt/comfort.
Now, I'll say that, while I'm a serial multishipper, I don't actually ship these pairings. They're just fun to think about in a "what if" context for this specific AU, but talking more in general, Hades/Persephone is one of my main mythology ships, Poseidon/Demeter has all that canon history I talked about which squicks me out a bit, and I usually see Hestia as someone on the aroace spectrum. Although... that last one doesn't always stop me from shipping her, as sometimes I like to imagine her capable of romantic attraction, so only ace without the aro part.
Actually, I really like shipping her with Hermes, as either a onesided "he has a major crush on her but she's too aromantic to even notice" pairing or something requited depending on the specific types of shenanigans I feel like imagining for them. A lot of it is another "opposites" and "balancing each other out" thing: Hermes is a god of travellers, merchants, and thieves (who presumably also move around quite a bit, lol) as well as one who's able to cross boundaries (he also has a function as a psychopomp, travellling from the world of the living to the Underworld) so I associate him with open spaces and the freedom of going wherever you want to do whatever you want, while Hestia, as I've already said, is home and hearth, so in a way she represents closed, secluded spaces that are also safe and intimate. But there's also the way I see the age difference/generation gap between them. I usually think of Hermes as a sassy, reckless, relatively young god, while I see Hestia as a warm and maternal woman who definitely has a few thousand years on him.
I think Hermes would be attracted to her stability, kindness, and in general just how level-headed and reliable she can be without ever getting boring. (She's still a fire goodess after all, so I do think she has a more "fiery" side, determined and sharp, under the softness. ;)) While Hestia would enjoy (platonically or not) his youthful daring as well as his clever mind, resourcefulness and wit.
Basically, in my head he'd love to be her boytoy and she, his aunt, would occasionally not mind being his mommy, lmao.
This was a really fun post and I love all of the different dynamics that you sent up! They're all intriguing in their own ways but I really like the way you described the potential of Hades and Hestia in particular.
Thanks for sharing your musings with us!
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alexoreality · 2 years
One Piece x Percy Jackson AU
·Hestia never knew she'd fall in love with a man so hell-bent on setting the world free, but here she was, carrying said man's child. She wasn't a Virgin Goddess anymore
·The fact that Zeus hadn't realized was shocking, like wtf?
·The baby... Had inherited a lot of her features She feels something stir in her, was this what mortals called anxiety?
·She watched her son, Luffy, grow up from a far. Making sure she knows she was there but never really showing up, Makino; bless this woman- ah wait, she already did. Anyway, bless this woman again for taking care of her sweet angel.
·Luffy was 17 now, and Hestia is glad she has kept her son's whole existence a secret all this time wait... Ace was Ares' son? His name was Roger here? Ah shi-
·Everything goes the same, but when Ace steps infront of Akainu's attack. That was the mist doing it's work, Roger/Aries knocks Akainu out with Conqueror's haki in his 'human form'
·Ace's first instinct wasn't to punch Roger but to get Luffy tf away from him, Roger is supposed to be dead right? Roger isn't here, right? Roger didn't just appear out of no where and protected him and Luffy, right?
·Ares did, and he couldn't decide whether to sweat drop or laugh at Ace's antics. Luffy was passed out, the adrenaline gone and fatigue catching up to him.
"Let's take you two to Camp Half-blood."
·When they were getting there, Ares literally forced Ace to wear a shirt and some new shorts, they would've gotten Luffy changed but...(they're gentlemen that way)
·Ace kept asking questions about how they got away or what the hell is this camp half-blood anyway, Roger/Ares went over the questions with a lot of patience. Quite ironic for the domains he has.
·Luffy was bundled a blanket, well not really, but he had a haori hanging from his shoulders. It was only used as a blanket though.
·Ares thought about claiming Luffy to cause some drama with Hesita, yes he knows, he's not always hot-headed and brash. He has Athena for a sister for f's sake.
"Luffy looks a lot like his mother, you do know that, right Ace?"
·Meanwhile, Hestia could be seen panicking while she tended to the flames of Olympus. Where was her son? Her sweet angel that could make flowers bloom even if he wasn't a son of Demeter, her son that had eaten a devil fruit and was weak to water? Damn you Poseidon and Hades!
·Poseidon and Hades felt a chill go down their spine, once in their life... They had felt fear.
·When they arrive at Camp Half-blood(via stepping out from a bon fire), Ares was swarmed by his children, kid, teen, and adults alike.
"DAD?!" "OLD MAN?!" "That's Dad? I couldn't recognize him..."
Ares laughs whole-heartedly shocking most demigods along with Mr. D. "Now now, children. I was just here to drop off one of your siblings who didn't get a chance to come here at the right time. Ace?"
When the name was spoken, a hot(according to the children if Aphrodite) young man with black hair and narrowed grey eyes and freckles stepped out from the flames, carrying a sick demigod on his back. Some children of Apollo made their way to check up on the unconscious demigod. They stop when 'Ace' catches fire...? No, when his fist becomes a ball of fire.
"Calm down Ace, they're the closest thing you can get for a Doctor around here." The flames die down, a nervous expression taking over the serious one. "Take care of him... Please..." The child of Apollo nodded wordlessly, first time having such dependency placed onto their name was something.
·Rest of the night was spent with Aries officially claiming Ace and the other children of Ares getting to know Ace.
·With the straw hats, they saw what most didn't. They did see Luffy saying to reunite in two years, no longer three days. But something was off with his image... EHEM THE MIST
·Nami was the daughter of Zeus and the sister of Thalia, Zeus thought she died in the crossfire between marines.
·Zoro was the son of the Goddess Nemesis, he likes his Mom just by hearing her name? Punishment to the undeserving? That reminds him of Celestial Dragons...
·Sanji was the son of Aphrodite, his Mom was alive? She didn't die of some surgery? Oh hell yeah, he's on board joining this camp half-blood! Only two years nothing more, nothing less!
·Usopp was the son of Hephaestus, what the... HE'S A DEMIGOD?!
·Chopper was the straw hats guide, he didn't know that himself, but he's trying to get to all of them.
·Robin was the daughter of Athena who's mortal name was Nico Olivia.
·Franky was the sun of Hephaestus, he can't wait to show off his cyborg body to his old man!
·Brook, unexpectedly, was a deceased son of Apollo. The sun god tried his hardest to allow his deceased son to walk around broad day light even if his shadow was taken
·Nami was first to arrive at camp half-blood, Zeus immediately claimed her the first night she spent there. The Hermes children were sad since they had fun playing chess and learning about the whether with Nami.
·Poseidon was snickering because his brother named her daughter 'Nami' which meant Wave in a certain language
·Second was Zoro, there wasn't a cabin for Nemesis yet and he saw Percy Jackson as a good sparring partner
·Third was Sanji who was brought over by Aphrodite herself, some boys turned to see the Love goddess but looked away when Sanji glared at them.
·Fourth people to come were Usopp and Chopper, like the reindeer he was, Chopper guided Demigod Usopp to camp-half blood.
·The last three came together, the children of Apollo were gushing over their 'cool older brother', Brook was lying if he said he didn't blush out of embarrassment. Even though he didn't have blood to rush to his cheeks anymore, Yohohoho!
·Robin giggled slightly at the antics of the son of Apollo, the Hephaestus kids had stars in their eyes as they realize one of their siblings was a GENUINE CYBORG!!
·Annabeth was the one to greet Robin as her sister, The Archeologist didn't know what it was like being an elder sister but she will try because that is what her captain would want. Speaking of her captain-
·He was in a coma. Although it was determined he would wake up eventually, a worried Ace sitting beside the bed wasn't a good thing.
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE KING OF CUPS get what he deserves?” He is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & OPEN to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → dougal mckinnon pronouns → him/he  identification → cis male year of birth → september 1951 - september 1952 face claim → kendrick sampson blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → senior researcher for the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic future information → married to annabeth pebworth
— he is best described as ;
A LION'S BREATH roaring in the blazing sun, they are the STRENGTH of an OLD OAK yet the waring weight held in its years. The SURE STEP of a WISE MAN, he is the CONSTANCE of day break PROUD and PROTECTIVE in it’s overwhelming MIGHT, yet the quiver of BURDENED RESPONSIBILITY forced into the light of day by UNYIELDED DEVOTION at its amber dawn.
— his story starts with ;
tw: death
Raised on scottish bravery and the freedom of the skies, Dougal is as daring as any Mckinnon that came before him. With his mother a socialite from Paris, she took great care to ensure her children knew etique, language and politics. While their father - who worked for the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau within the Ministry - bolstered courage, with flying lessons and dragon eggs, even for a child of the wizarding world Dougal’s youth was vibrant. The thrills of adventure set him alight. Screaming into the sunset as Hebridean Black dragons dominated the skies, they soared through Scottish valleys and dove into locks exploring the creatures that lurked in their depths. For eight years he grew an only child. Books towered the tables in his room, with wizarding punk posters overlapping pinned anecdotes of muggle folktales; he thrived under the encouragement of his parents' love and the stubborn companionship of his fellow islanders. The eldest of four, with an eight years difference between him and the youngest, he took on an over protective role of MARLENE [sister], NATHAIR [brother] and COINNEACH [brother] often when he didn't need to. He loved them all with pride, fulfilling his big brother duties with compassion as his temperament made them squeal with delight. 
Adamant in his valiance, he longed to be a hero fighting for the voiceless. Following in the footsteps of the fabled heroes he admired; Dougal daydreamed of taking down villains like Robin Hood, bolstering with ROBERT MCGONAGALL [best friend] by his side. Sword fighting like knights, they charted maps of hidden caves, and taught his siblings to fly. Until his brother knocked an unsuspecting young girl off her feet. ANNABETH PEBWORTH [best friend/fiance] was poised with a quick witted remark and disregard of his help. Maddening even from a young age, they were similar in more ways than one. Competitive as they bustled for first place, for a man so used to being right, she had an alarming ability to disarm him. He loved her from the start. While it took time for her love to grow, his affection for her was one thing he couldn’t shake; even as they joined Hogwarts together. Filled with lion hearted pride, Gryffindor boosted his morale as he wrangled with the best of them; FRANK LONGBOTTOM [best friend], ALICE YEN [close friend], HESTIA JONES [friend], IAIN WOOD [best friend] and AMOS DIGGORY [friend]. Eating rogue plants Frank discovered in Herbology to challenging Iain to fly around the Whomping Willow; without the need to be the protector, Dougal thrived with the reckless hearts of youth and merlin did he bask in their glory. 
A chaser for the quidditch team, a Prefect and Slug Club member; achieving greatness was his aim even if his quaking black and white morals left him in detention from dueling whichever pure blood asshole decided to throw a sneering comment that week. Graduating with honors, while his years were spent fixating on the history of the ministry of magic, Annabeth brought entertainment to life. Tightly wound with the pressures of success, she pulled him out of books animatedly recounting 50s horror movies or singing - out of tune - to The Rolling Stones. With his long-eared owl flying notes between them; barely a day passed where they didn’t exchange a glance or a taunting jab from across the room. Until, everything fell apart. Ravaged home land, fire fury scorched the Highlands as dragons cried for their young against wix in search of loot. Dougal and Annabeth dove into action without a moment's thought. Fighting to protect their home alongside CATRIONA MCCORMACK [friend] and the McFusty clan; sparks flew as duels ensued. Paranoid for Annabeth’s safety, he let his guard down for a second when a scream pierced through the cliffs as ISLA PEBWORTH [acquaintance] got caught between a spell and a dragon and vanished. Eggs captured, the raiders fled leaving nothing but devastation in their wake. 
Grieving the loss of her sibling, all he could do was offer Annabeth patience, a shoulder and time. While she blamed herself for their death, Dougal only blamed himself. He’d been weak and he vowed then it wouldn’t be something he possessed. Valuing order and respect he saw The Ministry of Magic as a force of undeniable change. Situating himself within law and order offered Dougal the opportunity to make a lasting impact. Over the next ten years, he established himself as a key member within the Ministry. Years spent hunched over theseus by candlelight, he grew as noble as a knight and as wise as a king. Researching past prosecutions, he found patterns. Just like the maps he’d once made, he plotted tactics, pinned research and devoted time to unraveling cases as if they were the fables he once loved. While others such as RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [co-worker] saw cases as games of victory; Dougal saw the people. Compassionate with a selfless drive, his dedication to actively helping others was his shining quality. And one that didn’t go unnoticed by his best friend's sister, MINERVA MCGONAGALL [acquaintance]. She spoke of The Order of the Phoenix, an underground establishment fighting against blood-purity. He’d signed his name before she’d even finished her sentence. 
But rationality in the establishment wasn't the reality he'd hoped for. Instead of decisive action, he was met with passive evations of truth. With an increasing number of cases letting justice slip, at every turn Wizengamot fell to the whims of the elite as they favored their peers over law. With one being the ruler of that domain; JAE MULCIBER [rival]. In all his arrogance he reigned over prosecution as if he were Merlin’s gift. Sharp arguments combined with his devilish intellect left his smirk even the more bittersweet and Dougal desperately wanting to punch it off his face. For a time NAMARI NGUYEN [best friend/co-worker] agreed, until she fell for that grin. A blunt and direct witch, Dougal appreciated her sarcastic dry humor even if he didn’t approve of her bed fellow. Liberators, having joined The Order together, while his research skills and rational thinking were his assets; her ability to formulate plans and cut through illusions was hers. While in work they became recognised for taking down villains, outside they bartered on wizard chess and battled over their opposing quidditch teams with rolls of their eyes from their peers. Akin with Robert and Annabeth, Namari fit like a puzzle in their trio, until the news of Namari’s death hit The Daily Prophet. 
Labeled a closed case by The Ministry, with wounds matching that of BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest], her death was labeled another murder by the infamous SILAS CRUMP [person of interest]. Convinced the tale was fabricated by BARTEMIUS CROUCH SR [boss/rival] to keep the peace, with the help of The Order, Dougal is set on finding the truth no matter the cost. Seeking Namari’s autopsy from KEIRA GREY [friend] and coming up with no answers, with stolen photographs and CELIA ABBOTT [acquaintance] offering her expertise in wounds inflicted by creatures; he is hoping to begin to unravel the mystery behind her death. With LACHESIS MALFOY [rival], EDRICK SELWYN [rival] and Jae recorded as the last to see her alive; he is holding them as suspects and keeping an eye out for clues about the night of her disappearance. With late nights at the junk shop offering distractions from home conflicts with Nathair’s traditionalist ideas against his engagement to Annabeth, Dougal is trying to focus his mind on what he can control. But is he delusional from guilt, or was that really the lingering white hue of Namari he saw in the corner of his eye down Knockturn Alley?
— he is a LEVEL 8 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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annaizscribbling · 1 year
Okay! I got one ask for Hestia content and that was an excellent choice, thank u shadow (@hyperfixated-homo ). I'm excited to talk about her!
For the uninformed, Hestia is Calypso's older sister! So the one who did not her fake her own death. More info should be in Calypso's tag. (#calypsokimm)
Hestia is similar to Calypso in appearance, with fiery red hair, smooth pale skin, and buttonish features. Though she's a bit taller than Calypso, at about 5'3, and has perfectly straight hair instead of curls. Hestia also has very clear blue eyes instead of Calypso's oddly colored ones.
Hestia is the eldest child, and the family fortune's heir. She's known for being icy in personality, rarely seen expressing any emotion at all. She's cold, formal, professional, dutiful. Hestia rarely reacts with anything but a calculated solution. Each word she speaks is careful and hollow of any warmth. She's not known to be empathetic, or to have any of her own opinions. She asks for little, and she can seemingly take on any task asked of her.
Her entire world revolves around her mother, of whom she bears significant likeness to.
Hestia was perfect, for her mother. She got perfect grades in school, was always entirely polished and dressed to her mother's exact specifications. She never used a word her mother wouldn't choose, she never associated with someone her mother wouldn't like. Hestia never flinched or spoke out of turn, she never resisting her mother's doting or micromanaging. She never asked for anything unnecessary to the goals set for her. Hestia never attempted to be anything besides what her mother desired. She learned and mastered any skill her mother wanted, memorized every book her mother loved, and was even willing to marry the man her mother chose.
Hestia was not a person. At least, not according to Calypso. Even when they were young, it was that way.
Calypso is not sure is Hestia is capable of caring, for her family, for her spouse, for her sister, even for herself. Hestia expresses no emotion, she does what she's told with a cold countenance.
Growing up together was difficult, to say the least. Hestia was not a merciful sibling, she did not create or even expose Calypso, but she offered little sympathy. Hestia received all the praise and adoration while Calypso was shunned and punished day in and day out. Hestia was known for simply watching, with dead eyes and her mouth set in a lifeless line. Like looking at a still warm corpse.
Hestia is supremely competent. Excellent in school and talented at whatever she did. She's graceful as a deer and as ruthless as a snake. No pain ever seemed to sway her. A young Calypso used to wonder if she really could bleed.
Though Calypso's judgment of Hestia is not entirely accurate. For as cunning as Calypso is, her biggest blind spot is Hestia. She despises her parents, she adores her boyfriend, cares deeply for her friends, and considers herself objective with them, but Hestia is far more complicated. There's a five year age gap between the two, so a severely mistreated Calypso looked to her sister, and was met with nothing but a cold gaze in return.
Though Calypso does not know everything. She does not know what happened in the five years before she was born, she does not know what happened behind closed doors. All she ever saw was her cold, cold sister, and her cruel parents who adored her every move.
Hestia was not treated well the first seven years of her life. Rigid standards, an explosive father, an unpredictable mother, and immense pressure even from toddlerhood. Calypso got neglect that turned into violence over the years, Hestia got extreme and irrational discipline from birth. She was the heir. She was their image. She was there for her mother to project on, she was there for her father to release his stress. She was there to anticipate their every need.
There were two severe medical emergencies that remained significant in Hestia's life. One took place before Calypso was born, the second happened when she was too young to recall.
The first was not quite an accident. Hestia was stumbling in front of guests, crying when she fell, fussy towards the end of long dinners and galas. She was struggling that whole week, despite her best efforts to remain stoic and graceful as they were, to her parents immense frustration, she was failing. Her mother screamed, her father strode forward, and Hestia slipped off the stairs. The injury led to a hospital stay.
The second occurred when Calypso was newlyborn, Hestia was clipped by the family car. Multiple bones were broken, and she suffered another concussion among other things. She was hospitalized for some time. Her parents covered it up and had her removed from the hospital sooner than recommended. She was not given permission to speak of either incidents afterwards, and was discreetly given pain medication to calm her in public.
She learned quickly, to focus on a single point until the rest went away, until the pain faded, until her parents relaxed enough for her to breathe properly again. She learned to survive but acting as emotionally distant towards herself as her parents. She raised her own standards as impossibly high as possible, even in private, even as young as she was.
Hestia learned to live in the middle of a completely disassociated state and a hyper aware one. She focuses outward and never inward. She notes each twitch and blink of every person in her sight, while simultaneously carving herself into a hollow shell. She was smart enough, determined enough, dutiful, enough. She had the will, she had the ability to silently grit her teeth and bear it.
Hestia would survive, even if it meant dulling her heart to nothing but an echo. She was willing to barely feel human.
Over twenty years later and she's not sure she's capable of love anymore. She's aware, she's entirely aware. She's aware of everything.
But what does she live for at that point? Not herself. Hestia is silent and aware. That is who she is, and that is what she'll be until the end. She will be what mother requires until the end of mother's life, and when her mother is gone, Hestia will act as her living shadow. That is her life plan, and she has nothing left of herself to wish for more.
Hestia knows that she was abused. She knows that Calypso was too, she is aware that she could have reached down far enough to care, and she knows she never tried to find it, she wonders if she still could have managed it back then. She felt nothing when her six year old bleeding sister looked to her, silently begging for support. She felt nothing when eight year old Calypso stared at her, challenging her, trying to rally support. She felt nothing when she noted the betrayal in her eleven year old sister's eyes.
She knows that she'll never be loved. Hestia knows that she is a terrifying version of what she could have been. She knows her ribs still pang in agony when she thinks too hard about hospitals. She knows she'll never have a real friend. She knows her mother is not stable, that she is codependent, that she is cruel. She knows that her father is unwell too, that he has repressed rage issues and is more stretched thin than healthy.
She knows that she herself is unwell.
Hestia knows that Calypso is probably happier than she will ever be. Hestia knows that Calypso was not in the same position as she was, and that her chances of holding onto hope were always going to be higher. She does not resent her for this, she is not capable, not then or now. Hestia doesn't resent the burned down home. It hardly mattered to her. But she knows what happened that night.
Hestia knows it all. That's her job. That's her talent.
Her humanity dried out years ago. Her heart is barren. Her smile is not real, it is an art.
Hestia is made of stone.
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singofus · 8 months
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@nectaric asked: "i was too young. i didn't know. i tried. i did try. i am sorry." zeus to hestia maybe?
a collection of my own writings … sentence starters | Accepting
Hestia shook her head and placed her hand in theirs as they give her an apology. It wasn't needed, but sometimes she forgot how much this weighed on their mind. It wasn't their experience, but their inability to help was a pain of its own.
"I know that, brother. When I tell you about it, I'm not searching for an apology. Please listen, put your pain to the side for a moment. Please." She gives them a moment then to do so and squeezes their hand.
"When we were trapped, we grew up together. We raised one another, we held one another, we made the best of it together. When sometimes you aren't included, it isn't because we do not like you or do not consider you a sibling, we do. But it is not yet instinct yet to turn to you in time of need. We talk and comfort together because that's how it always was and it's something that will change. But it will take time. Don't let yourself take this personally, I care for you and so do they. But they just haven't learnt to lean on you just yet." She raises their hand to press a kiss to the back of it.
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moa-broke-me · 1 year
Y'know what I could write a whole essay about? How, both in general greco-roman lore and specifically in the Percy Jackson books, the gods are so fundamentally HUMAN.
And like, what makes this interesting is how everyone reacts to that.
Like, there's this expectation for them to be calm, rational, in control, because they're not human, so they're supposed to be 'above' the typical human melodramatics. But they're /not/. If anything, they're more prone to them. And those melodramatics have more explosive, disastrous results.
See, Zeus tries to deny his humanity, his rage and hedonism and selfishness. He spins his lack of care for others around him as being rational and fair, but he is neither of those things. He simply lauds himself as such to justify his title as king among gods.
Poseidon leans into it, leans into his volatility, his rebelliousness, but blames it on his domain so as to stay in the good graces of olympus. 'the sea does not like to be controlled' and that is because of you, earthshaker. Not the other way around.
Hades, already being outcast from Olympus, instead tries to be good by human standards, caring, loving, despite his macabre domain and reputation as evil. But when that love is turned against him, turned into grief and rage, he learns that he cannot achieve goodness, not purely. Decades later, when he finds Zeus has a daughter, Zeus, the man who killed the mother of his children and nearly killed those children himself, he sic's a hellhound on her because how dare he? He's been so good for so long and followed the rules and for what? For his brother, that brat, to flagrantly dismiss them the moment he sees some young pretty blonde?
There are others, too. Ares and Athena being constantly pitted against each other, and Athena always looking better because of her genuine ability to put her emotions aside and think rationally, whereas he's more keen to shoot first, ask questions later. Even Athena, however, is not immune. Knowing how the romans see her, diminishing her to the domain of mere arts and crafts and then inventing an entirely new goddess, Bellona, to take the place she should have- it eats her up inside. It fills her with rage, rage so deep she tries to manipulate her daughter into destroying the roman camp.
More sibling rivalry, spurred on by Zeus himself, in Artemis and Apollo. Artemis earns her father's favor, where Apollo earns his scorn. The domain of Artemis is in the natural world, whereas Apollo's is in civilization, human civilization. He is viewed as weaker, more effeminate, because art, his domain, or at least, one of them, is fundamentally emotional, fundamentally human.
Aphrodite and her children dismissed as ditsy and powerless because her domain-Love-is something deeply human in nature. And Dionysus as an irresponsible party animal for a similar reason.
Hephaestus openly admits to not being good with people, and both this and his disability/deformity are why he was rejected. Even as a baby, he was rejected. And he's only kept because he can make their weapons.
Hestia is ignored and overlooked, because her fire is not destructive, nor is it involved in the creations of destructive weapons, like Hephaestus. Hers is quiet, nurturing, made to cook with. Something only humans use.
There are so many more examples, I can hardly name them all, and I've probably missed so many
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inc0rrectmyths · 2 years
What is Demeter's relationship with her siblings out of curiosity?????
Demeter is closest with Hestia. They both were always the "care takers" of their siblings (even tho Dem is younger). Demeter and Hestia like spending time cooking and baking for their family and their free time is spent while reading and discussing about books or gossiping with their nephews and nieces.
Demeter and Hades are not THAT close. They both are bad at expressing their emotions. They both deeply love each other but are always shy and scared to say. But action speaks louder than words. They almost everyday write letters or send gifts with short notes attached to them. And whenever they meet, they greet each other with the most warm hugs and wide smiles.
Demeter and Poseidon are also the closest. Cuz they are the middle childs. They are almost the same age so they vibe very nice. And they both are associated with nature. So most of their time they spend either at a crop field, running around the open area and laughing loudly or at the beach, relaxing together and playing in the sea. They both also share secrets with each other. And they both are the OG bullies of the gang. They both love bullying their siblings. They both are true soulmates.
Demeter and Hera are like mother and child. Hera always liked Demeter, cuz she was fun and very outgoing compared to their other siblings. Demeter would tell Hera bedtime stories and also sing for her sometimes when they were young. They both like taking long walks in the Olympian gardens and talking about all the things they did that day.
Demeter and Zeus are the definition of Tom and Jerry relationship. Zeus annoys the fuck outta Dem and she is always ready to chop him into pieces. But in times of need, Dem is the first to go and give Zeus a big hug and tell him it's ok and vice versa. And they also share a more intimate and emotional relationship cuz of Persephone.
In short, all six of them are made for each other!
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Okay but… feral/urban legend Rum Tum Tugger and feral/cryptid Mistoffelees 👀
(feat. a seruggoffelees moodboard)
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This is basically the stray cat!Tugger AU (one of my FAVORITE AUs that myself and a few other mutuals came up with last year and wrote about) mixed with the cryptid!Misto AU
Cryptid Mistoffelees’ story is the same, no one’s really sure he exists, but Bustopher and Victoria are always talking about him, so he must exist.
But Tugger?
After Macavity leaves, the Jellicles (sans Munkustrap and Old Deuteronomy), start treating Tugger with a little more trepidation and caution. He was the brother closest to Macavity, they look the most alike, and Tugger even has some magic within him (I really love the hc that all the Deuteronomy brothers have magic, and Tugger’s magic involves emotions).
Deciding it would be best for everyone, Tugger bids farewell to Munkustrap and Old Deuteronomy late at night, and leaves the tribe, resolving to himself to continue to protect his tribe from afar. 
When winter comes, Jellicles find birds, mice, and little parcels of food on their doorsteps. They find extra blankets in front of the chillier dens and dens with kittens and older cats. 
Tugger and Mistoffelees met one afternoon after Tugger chases a few dogs away from the Junkyard. Mistoffelees is curious about the mysterious maine coon, and so the two strike up an unsaid friendship, spending time with one another and chatting with one another quietly. Bustopher, the only one who knows about Tugger and Mistoffelees’ friendship/partnership, offers Tugger food and a place to sleep whenever the weather is too intense for him to stay outside.
When Demeter and Bombalurina finally return back to the tribe, newborn kitten in tow, they tell the Jellicles about their silent guardians, two toms who hid in the darkness tailing their every step and chasing off any would-be attackers. Glowing blue and amber eyes shone from the shadows, and Munkustrap and Victoria knew exactly who the sisters were talking about.
Like in the stray!Tugger AU, Tugger eventually does meet Grizabella again. However, there’s now an added tension between them, as Tugger remembers his mother leaving. Without his brother and father and the rest of the Jellicles around him, however, and with Mistoffelees acting as a buffer and mediator between them, Grizabella and Tugger’s relationship slowly starts to reform. He’s the one who helps to encourage her to approach the Jellicles, since he’s now forgiven her.
And, because I can’t resist adding in a touch of seruggoffelees into my stories, and because I need a fix-it for the angst I created:
Tugger and Mistoffelees are walking around the city (well, Tugger’s walking. Mistoffelees is melded with the shadows and going through the void) going to visit Grizabella at the club she’s staying at (Bustopher was elated to see his old friend again, and immediately offered a home for her within one of the quieter clubs he frequented, and the owner was more than happy to welcome the older queen) when they come upon an alley. Within the alley is a queen who looks half-starved, and five tiny, newborn kittens that she’s curled herself quite protectively around. 
The queen is terrified of the two toms, so they approach slowly. Tugger recognizes the scent on her and her kittens, and realizes that she knows Macavity. She introduces herself as Serafina, and explains that she ran away from Macavity before she gave birth to his kittens. 
Tugger offers her protection, as he wants to keep both her and the kittens safe from his mad older brother, and Mistoffelees’ surprising gentleness with the kittens, particularly the tiniest grey and red one, endears the toms to Serafina. Tugger and Mistoffelees bring Serafina to the club that Grizabella is staying at, and the two queens immediately bond as the little kittens curl up in the warm blankets
Tugger and Mistoffelees continue to visit, along with Bustopher, and the five kittens grow up happy, and Tugger, Mistoffelees, and Serafina slowly grow to care about each other more.
When the time for The Ball comes around, Tugger does show up, much to Munkustrap and Old Deuteronomy’s delight. He usually watches the Ball from the shadows, but he chose to actually participate with his own song that year. To the Jellicles’ surprise, another stranger joins the crowd, a grey queen who laughs and teases Tugger from the side, accompanied by a pair of glowing blue eyes from the shadows. 
When Grizabella shows up, five kittens trail behind her, the smaller red tom glaring at anyone who attempts to come close to Grizabella to hiss or scratch at her. The five kittens go to sit with Tugger and the grey queen once Grizabella leaves. Another major surprise of the night is when Bustopher shows up for his song, and greets both Tugger and the grey queen with a warm smile and a pat on the shoulder, and chuckles as the five kittens swarm around him as they listen to his song. 
Tugger spends the entire night sitting beside the grey queen, his arms wrapped around her with the kittens curled around the duo. It’s the first time Munkustrap and Old Deuteronomy have seen Tugger so relaxed, the maine coon actually smiling and laughing along to Skimbleshanks’ song as the five kittens are pulled in by Jemima and the other younger Jellicles.
When Macavity shows up and kidnaps Old Deuteronomy, Tugger and the grey queen immediately gather up all the young Jellicles around them as Munkustrap takes on his older brother.
Serafina and Tugger sing Mistoffelees’ song together, and they can’t stop smiling becaause they love their mate so much.
When Grizabella shows up again, it’s still Victoria accepting her (though Hestia is clinging to her nana’s other paw), and the rest of the Jellicles slowly and hesitantly accept her back. Hestia and her siblings all but smother their nana in a massive hug, making her laugh and smile and kiss all of them as they try not to cry, and Serafina and Mistoffelees both embrace the old queen before stepping back so Tugger and Grizabella can say goodbye to one another.
That night is the beginning of Tugger slowly returning back to the tribe, first visiting every week, then every few days, and then every day. After a few weeks of going alone, Serafina, Mistoffelees, and their kittens join Tugger.
Victoria immediately takes to Serafina, and the queens bond instantly. Serafina also becomes close friends with Demeter, having met each other during their time with Macavity. They both absolutely tear up when meeting, and Jemima takes it upon herself to latch onto her cousins/half-siblings, and introduces them to Tumblebrutus, Pouncival, Etcetera, and Electra.
The family continues to stay with Bustopher, who adores his grandkittens, and both he and Old Deuteronomy absolutely spoil them rotten.
Tugger and Munkustrap grow closer again, and Tugger even tells his older brother about his own time with their mother before she was Chosen, and then tells him about how he met Mistoffelees and Serafina.
Mistoffelees just floats about, talking with his sister, or watching his kittens and mates from the shadows.
Just 🥺 thinking about Sera and Tugger absolutely adoring their cryptid husband, loving his little quirks and Mistoffelees defending the only cats he loves more than his uncle and sister 🥺 and the kittens thinking their papa is the coolest cat in the entire world, and all of them thinking that Tugger’s the bravest cat, and he’s their hero, and Tugger just cuddling his family close 🥺 and Sera watching her kittens and mates and being unable to imagine life without any of them, and making sure she tells her mates how much she loves them every single day just in case 🥺
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ssaltbending · 3 years
Ok, guys, hear me out: Zuko is a Capricorn, Katara is a Cancer —and here’s why (it would be so poetic).
Part 1: Zuko
TW: explicit mentions of child abuse.
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I know this statement might seem weird and out of place, but in the last couple weeks I’ve been digging a lot into astrology and, in order not to forget my roots, I thoroughly felt the need to combine both of my most recent obsessions in one post, given that this headcanon hasn’t been able to leave my mind ever since I came up with it: if we applied astrology to the Avatar world, I’m sure Cancer and Capricorn would be Katara and Zuko’s signs, respectively. And I don’t say this in a superficial way, just by looking at zodiac memes and associating Katara with the crybabies Cancers are portrayed as or saying Zuko is a Capricorn buzzkill as people who know astrology on a surface level would assume they are —those are some of the most common stereotypes about the signs. No, I’m saying that they embody those signs on an archetypal leve: in the way their stories, especially Zuko’s, resemble the myths that originate the zodiac signs and their respective traits.
Therefore, without further ado, let me explain.
The Capricorn archetype: the sins of the father...
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As any casual astrology enthusiast may probably know, the sign of Capricorn is connected to qualities such as perseverance, integrity, resilience and ambition, typically treated as the CEO or boss of the zodiac. However, the sign itself has a richer and much more complex story as we look at the deities it is associated with as well as the planet that rules it: Saturn, linked to the Roman god of the same name and the greek gods Cronus, Zeus, Hestia and Pan. Some astrologers choose Cronus as Capricorn’s patron god and others prefer his children, but that can be explained very easily.
The myth goes like this: Cronus, a giant and father of what we would know as some of the main greek gods (Hestia, Demeter, Hades, Poseidon, Hera and Zeus), was actually the son of Uranos, who he subverted thanks to the advice of his mother Gaia to use an agricultural tool to kill him. But as time went by and Cronus had started having children with his partner, Rhea, the fear of his descendants becoming stronger than him and doing the same thing he had done to his father took over him, which led to his decision of swallowing them all whole. He started with Hestia all the way back to Zeus, whom he couldn’t swallow right after he was born, unlike his other children, because this time Rhea had hid him in the island of Crete to protect him from his father. To deceive him, Rhea then covered a rock in cloth to make it resemble a baby for Cronus to eat it, thinking that it was a newborn Zeus.
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Time passed and Zeus grew stronger until he was ready to confront his father and save his siblings from his womb, and when he finally did it, he managed to force Cronus into disgorge them one by one, in the reverse order they had been swallowed —which left Hestia as the last sibling to be disgorged.
After that, Zeus was left with a prophecy, where he would also be possibly overthrown by a son of his. And after Métis, the woman he was told would bear said child, gave birth he swallowed the newborn whole just like Cronus had done with his brothers and sisters. The child in question, however, started giving him headaches as it grew older and bigger inside of him and would become the goddess we know as Athena. What Zeus did with her was the repetition of a cycle perpetuated by his forefathers, a cycle of abuse and trauma that seems inescapable. What this part of the duality of the Capricorn archetype shows one of the ways in which those ideas of tradition and legacy can be carried on (a very negative one, to be honest), but that’s not the only way they can manifest, which gives the archetype this… almost cinematic quality, in my opinion. (And if we take this into account, I might headcanon Azula as a Capricorn rising due not only to the archetypal coincidences but the overall mastermind outlook she has and how much of a natural, domineering and calculating leader she is, but that’s besides the point.)
Now, let’s talk about the other side of the archetype, which gives it this incredible dual quality: Hestia’s path. Unlike her brother Zeus, Hestia was the one who not only had been devoured by her father, but she had spent the most time inside him as well. This is often associated with the emotional isolation many Capricorns experience in their youth, the lack of warmth and love by one of their parents, along with the desire not to become the abusive parent they were exposed to. Hestia is the other side of the story, the unspoken leader of the Olympians, the one who broke the toxic cycle running in her family for generations, vowing to become an eternal virgin and protector of the earth. Besides, Hestia means “hearth”: the inner fire, the one that is never allowed to go out.
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(art by @elisebrave​)
That is the soul of the Capricorn archetype: the crossroads of destiny, the moment when the child decides whether to become like their parents, or forge their own path like Hestia did. Do you guys see what I see now? Are the similarities clear enough?
As my dear friend @persephobeee​ points out in her Capricorn essay (a crucial source for this one): “The Capricorn archetype is a cycle of stuck parents putting stress on their children at such a young age so then their kid ends up making money in retaliation, but then treat their kids the same as well due to the lack of warmth and freedom they had in their own childhood. The intense pressure put onto them as a child [then] leads to isolation and depression. It’s a cycle. ‘I don’t want to be my parent, but also… how they have ruined me’. The chain can continue with Zeus (projecting sorrows and nightmares onto their own children) or it could break with Hestia (the path of love, light and protection).”
This is why Capricorn’s planetary ruler, Saturn, is also associated with ideas found in this myth: restriction, limitation, order, boundaries, leadership, responsibility… pretty much dad vibes, to be honest. Do you guys see what I see or do I have to dig deeper?
“But isn’t zuko a firebender?? Why would he be an earth sign??”, you may ask.
The way that I might be making headcanons about the Gaang’s western zodiac signs isn’t gonna be based on which element they bend, because that would be quite reductive and restrictive for me as an astrology junkie, but their similarities to each sign’s archetype and overall characteristics. And yes, I do see Zuko as an earth sun, but that wouldn’t be his only sign, there is also the moon and the rising sign, which also have an important impact on the individual. In my opinion, Zuko’s personality embodies the qualities of fire signs as well: competitiveness, drive, passion, impulsiveness and loyalty. But to me those qualities are better shown in his character through his moon sign: an Aries moon, to be specific. See those anger outbursts? The “I don’t need any [fucking] calming tea!!”? The “you never think these things through”? Aries moon behavior, right there. But I’m not going to focus on moon signs right now. Let’s get back to the behavior I am the most well-versed at: Capricorn behavior.
So, the sign of Capricorn is also a cardinal sign, a leader, since they are the ones that begin each season. In the Northern Hemisphere, Capricorn season starts right on the winter solstice, and the opposite happens in the South. However, since all the astrology lore comes from the North thanks to the Greeks, Babylonians and more, the seasonal connections are related to the seasons there. As a consequence, Capricorn is the cardinal sign that brings the coldest, darkest season of the year: winter. And incorporating that into Zuko’s character would be incredibly fitting, in my opinion, because of some stuff I’ve read here on Tumblr saying that making him being born during the coldest time of the year would make it a terrible omen for a firebender, worse in this case due to him being born into the royal family, symbols of the power and “supremacy” of the Fire Nation. The fact that he would be born in winter, if we follow this reasoning, would have made him seem as a disappointment to his father ever since birth. 
… or maybe I’m just cruel, guys.
Moreover, I think Zuko embodies many of the Capricorn qualities in the way he carries himself (because no, not all Capricorns are confident managers with the world in our hands) and how hard he has to work to earn everything he gets. A key part of what this sign represents is “the path of hardships the goat has to overcome in order to reach the top of the mountain”, which along with the myth I have described before, could easily be applied to Zuko. It describes values of endurance, hard work, discipline and drive in order to achieve your goals, something that can be seen in Zuko all throughout the series, but changes its focus as the seasons go by. Besides, uhm… have you guys seen “The Day of Black Sun, Part 2”? That is literally the positive outcome of the Capricorn myth made into animation: the confrontation between an abusive father figure and his abused child who has decided to part ways with him in order to become a better person.
On another note, I think it is important to highlight how the Capricorn in Zuko could be seen based on how the rest of the Gaang treats him as well when he changes sides and he’s accepted into the group. How?, you may be wondering: as a father figure, but in a positive way. In many scenes it can be noticed how he naturally takes a position of leadership within the group as well as he takes care of the younger members such as Aang and Toph but, especially in Aang’s case, tries to ground them and teach them. As examples, take the following: Zuko reminding Aang that soon he will have to face the fact that he might have to kill Ozai, him trying to get everyone to train when the comet is about to arrive; how when Aang gets lost, it is him the one people look to in order to lead the group, etc.
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Another thing that is well-known in Capricorns is our resilience and perseverance and, honestly: do I even need to explain that? When it comes to the guy who would get his ass beaten again and again and again for one season straight in order to get what he wanted which would also give him the approval of his father, what he craved most? It screams earth sign behavior to me, but with a heavy saturnian influence due to Zuko’s background which, to me, can be quite an interesting reflection of the Saturn/Cronus myth with his children. Said tenacity could also be exacerbated by the willpower and energy brought by the possibility of him having a fire moon, I don’t know, think about it. I stick to that headcanon.
That perseverance can also be seen when it comes to Zuko’s firebending, given how much he’s always trying to improve his skills. Although it could be argued that in reality he’s doing so due to the expectations put on him to be a proficient bender just like his sister in order to be accepted by his father, and his constant training to the point of exhaustion is just a manifestation of that toxic behavior. I am sorry to tell you, but that’s textbook Capricorn behavior, associated with the symbolism of the hardworking goat in general: working the hardest in order to get what you want is always on-brand when it comes to important Capricorn placements, and in my opinion Zuko is no exception.
Final thoughts.
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Anyway, what I think would be most relevant is what I mentioned before about the Capricorn archetype and how it could tie in nicely to Zuko’s character arc with him as a representation of Hestia, who could grow out of the abuse she experienced and got a chance not to make her father’s mistakes and break that horrendous cycle she had been a victim of. I would go into this more deeply, but I think it has been enough for now. However, I’ll be back soon with a part two, talking about my water queen Katara. What do you think about this headcanon? Do you agree? If not, why? 
Thanks for coming to my weird-ass TedTalk at 1am. I needed to vent and I haven’t been able to put the computer down since 9pm, I literally only stopped to eat, lol.
See you soon, 
a Capricorn sun.
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celestialices · 3 years
Greek Mythology x Haikyuu
Haikyuu!Ensemble x Reader
Summary: You were just a perfectly normal student at The University of Tokyo, when suddenly a bunch of 'normal boys', as they call themselves, appeared in your life and started to squeeze themselves into your life. Always saying something like "You're a goddess, we need to take you back to Olympus" (you brushed it off, saying that it was just a silly compliment) and even absurd sentences such as "You got Medusa's eyes" and "You're really Medusa's daughter!"
You really want a peaceful school year, but the universe beg to differ.
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Kuroo could never get use to Underworld’s atmosphere. It is currently his second time visiting this week, it was unsettling. He never visits the Underworld unless it is need to, which is usually once a year.  The air was rotten and stuffy, contrasting to Mt. Olympus’ refreshing winds, it makes it hard to breathe. The acid red-blooded lakes, tall trees without leaves hiding the eerie sinners, and nerve-racking animals who seems to watch his every step. It was a hair-raising place. Although Kuroo can’t lie, it is the perfect abode for evil-doers.  “Where the... Where’s Suna?” Kuroo complains, he’s getting fidgety for standing in one place. Unlike the stares he gets in Mt. Olympus, he doesn’t enjoy this at all. It feels like they’ll eat him alive any time by now. “I’m here.” Suna appeared before his eyes, making Kuroo quiver in fear. Suna snickered, totally enjoying scaring deities off using his helm of invisibility. “Sorry, got caught up with Cerberus.”  “It’s fine. Let’s go to Asami before we leave.” Kuroo suggested. Today was the day where they’ll descend on Earth. Everything feels rushed; they just started discussing this matter three days ago. Kuroo feels like they’re catching time, but he accepts the hurry, after all, Medusa’s daughter is dubbed to be a dangerous goddess.  It took a lot of walking to get to Asami’s ‘prison.’ Oddly enough, it was not placed in Hades’ Palace, but next to Nyx’s cave. He doesn’t really understand why, but it’s probably for the better security, is it not? Nyx is one of the most powerful goddesses, Zeus even feared her himself. Because of her mysterious and dark aura, a lot see her as more of a villain frame than she ever seem to be. She is actually kind and loving, so Kuroo didn’t be inquisitive about it any longer. He sighs. My mind never got to relax in the past three days. As soon as they reached Asami’s (hopefully) temporary accommodation, Suna knocked at the door. Not even a minute passed, Nyx opened the door. It made the two stiffened, totally not expecting to face the goddess of night. “Visiting Asami?” Her voice is low and sinister, terrifying enough to make the two gods rethink their decisions and just run away. She glanced at Kuroo, who just sheepishly smiled at her. The two bowed, saying their greetings. Nyx is actually a respected goddess, a beautiful one, may I add. She made an impact to everyone, whether good or bad.  “Come in, Asami would be happy to see you.” Nyx smiled and made a way for them to enter.  “Thank you, Goddess Nyx.” Kuroo said, the amount of respect he has for her was immeasurable. Despite being portrayed as a dangerous goddess, it was all baseless rumors. If only she’d visit Mt. Olympus, maybe the deities impression of her would’ve been different.
“No worries. I thank you for visiting Asami. Poor girl, really.” She uttered, sorrow all over her voice. The two god could see the sincerity in her face. She really cares. “I’ll be going now. Pay her a visit whenever you please, Akagi will take you here.”  “I could never get use to Nyx’s kindness.” Suna said shortly after Nyx left. Hearing made up stories about her since he was young took a toll on how he sees her, so when he really met her after straying away from Persephone, he was shocked. 
“Yeah. She’s really kind-hearted.” Kuroo admiringly remarked. “Let’s go in, Asami is probably waiting for us.”  Kuroo and Suna entered the dark and strange house, staring at each accessory displayed. Dead flowers in a vase, paintings of Cerberus, Nyx and the Underworld, and the pale walls were not helping. How could one live in this?  “Tetsuro? Rintarou?” The two gods stopped in their tracks and stared at Asami before them. She actually looks good and healthy, a clear evidence that Nyx is taking good care of her. “Asami.” Suna called and stretched out his arms, asking for a hug.  Asami sprinted into Suna’s arms, the tight hug made it evident on how they’ve missed each other. It’s been a rough week for the both of them, oh how they’re glad to see a familiar face again.  “Thank you for visiting.” Asami expressed how happy she’s feeling with a smile. “Kuroo, you’re here again.” Beaming, she hugged Kuroo for a minute, already missed his presence despite the fact that they saw each other yesterday.  “We’re just here to say that..” Kuroo hesitated for a bit, unable to find the right words in such manner where Asami won’t get hurt or worried. “We’re leaving today, after we visit you.”  Silence.  “Oh.” Asami couldn’t hide her disappointment, but it was for the best. Finding the real daughter of her mother.. of Medusa was the top priority. She should still feel glad that they made time for all. Even if she’s just a mere human with no connections to the deities at all. “Oh! I wish you the best of luck.” She says, genuinely  Immediately sensing her dismay, Kuroo held her hand. “It’ll be better soon, Asami. Plus, I told Kenma and the others to visit you often, you won’t be lonely.” He assured her.  “We’ll handle this quickly, Asami. Then you’ll be free to wander around Mt. Olympus again.” Suna added. At the end of the day, Asami is always their top priority. No goddess could absolutely replace her. “I promise we’ll be back as soon as possible,” Kuroo grinned, ruffling Asami’s shining hair in the process. “We’ll chat with you for a while before we leave. But first of all, are you doing well?”  Asami giggled. “I’m doing great because of Nyx. How about the two of you? How is Mount Olympus? How’s my siblings? How’s.. Father?” She was dying to ask these questions, but restrained herself.  “Mount Olympus is fine. The information of Medusa’s.. daughter on Earth is kept within the superior gods, and some of our friends. It’s better that way.” Kuroo answered. It’s supposed to be kept within the superior gods only, but the news spread like a wildfire, until Zeus stepped in. “Your family is good. Shimizu said she’ll make time to visit you soon.” He glanced at Suna, motioning for him to continue.  “Iwaizumi is one of the deities to look for.. her.” Suna awkwardly mentioned, still not used to this whole ‘Asami-is-not-a-deity’ situation. “Kuroo, Suna. They’re already looking for you.” Nyx appeared out of the blue, startling the three of them. Seriously, what’s with the goddesses appearing out of nowhere? “My apologies for interrupting.” “No, not at all, Goddess Nyx.” Kuroo glimpsed at Asami before sighing. “Thank you for informing us. Suna, we better go.”  Suna only nodded, embracing Asami for the last time. “Take good care of yourself.”  They started walking towards the door, when Asami suddenly spoke.  “If you ever find her...” 
Kuroo and Suna looked at her with curious eyes, waiting for her to continue.  “Take good care of her, okay?”  Iwaizumi never felt more uneasy in his whole life. Kuroo and Suna returned from the Underworld a few moments ago, and after what Asami just said? It was upsetting. Asami doesn’t deserve the treatment she’s getting right now. “She’ll be okay.” Oikawa whispered to Iwaizumi. He knows empty words like “she’ll be fine” will not help at all, but at times like this, no one can ever be too sure. “Come on, we all know Asami.”  This at least made Iwaizumi feel a bit better. “I know.” Iwaizumi answered, feeling a bit bummed out that he pitied Asami for a moment. Out of all deities, he should’ve been the first to know that she’s a strong girl.  “The Olympians will arrive soon. We better prepare ourselves.” Kita announced, loud enough to let the other eleven hear. Everyone has been anxious for the past week, all because of the Medusa’s daughter issue. Especially the Twelve Greek Gods who were assigned to find the wanted goddess who’s currently living on Earth.  The wanted goddess who is either aware of who she is or has been raised as a human all her life. A goddess who might probably surpass Zeus’ powers with her ability to stay hidden. Everybody is afraid, no one can tell how things will turn out.  “They’re here.”  Suna sensed the immense ambience coming from the Olympians behind doors. It was powerful, so much energy gathered in one place that could destroy the human world.  The Olympians entered the chambers, all in their glory. Zeus with Hera beside him lead the group, making their way to the long table prepared for them. Their slow walking, in all probability that they’re thinking this as a red carpet, only caused distressed to the other deities present.  After what felt like a whole year, the Olympians finally made their way to their assigned chairs. Their chosen representatives stood before them, just like how they’re asked to. The only ones without someone behind them was Artemis. “Just as planned, what we discussed a few days ago will immediately relied to Sakusa Kiyoomi.” Athena started, a chorus of ‘yes’ was followed. “Do your best, gods. Earth is placed into your hands.”  “Make sure to take care of yourselves.” Hestia worriedly said. “Kunimi, come back right away if something that’s out of your hands happens. I’ll be with you right away.” The representatives’ hearts warmed because of what Hestia said. She truly lives up to her name.  “I forgot to mention.” All eyes were pierced to Zeus in a second. “The deity who’ll get her back here first will be rewarded.”  The representatives frowned. “A.. reward?” Kageyama Tobio, the representative of Aphrodite, asked. He’s unsure if he had heard it right, actually everyone is. He’s a brave soul for asking on behalf of them. Rewards were uncommon for deities, they’re the ones who usually gives rewards to humans. So hearing that is a bit..  “Yes, a reward.” Zeus repeated himself. “I will tell you once things settle down. For now, focus on your quest.” He reminded. His voice was clear and authoritative, it sent shivers to Kageyama’s spine.  Hades (replaced Hephaestus since the god didn’t send any) peeked at his son, both of them sharing a knowing glance at each other. Hades nodded at him before looking away. Even though he, too, doesn’t know what reward Zeus was talking about, he still wants Suna to win it. As long as Suna wins, he’ll be happy.  “As expected, my son, Kuroo, will take the lead.” Hera declared. No one really wants to go against her, so her companions stayed silent, letting her do what she wants.  “Shouldn’t we.. leave now?” Sugawara murmured to Akaashi who has beside him. Every time the Olympians gather was like stepping into Underworld. It is extremely suffocating.  Akaashi looked like he was uncomfortable too. He slowly leaned to Ares’ ear, “Father, you should suggest that we leave now if they want to find her sooner.” He reasoned, hopefully it’ll work on Ares.  Ares cleared his throat after Akaashi finished what he was saying. “My incredibly smart son wants to leave now so the search would be done in a heartbeat.” Ares boasted. Akaashi internally screamed, embarrassed by his father’s actions.  “I suppose you’re right, Keiji.” Aphrodite replied. “Go on now. Kunimi, do your thing.” She added, referring to the portal Kunimi will create in order to get to Earth. Hermes could do it too, but they agreed to let Kunimi practice his abilities.  Kunimi Akira stepped forward, claiming the center. He closed his eyes for better concentration, and slowly moved his hand in a circle motion in order to start the portal. You already practiced this, Kunimi. Calm down.  The blue circle Kunimi was creating gets bigger and bigger, a glimpse of trees is already showing. It is working! His concentration was broke for a bit, but immediately prioritized his attention to the portal he’s making.  A few minutes passed before Kunimi completed making the portal, him sighing in both relief and satisfaction because of what he did. He’s already pretty good at this, he’ll ace it in no time. “Well, it’s time.” Poseidon announced. “Do well, chosen ones.” Each deity entered one by one, from Kunimi to the last one, Iwaizumi. He’s walking towards the portal but didn’t forget to give a glance to his father one last time.  “I’ll bring her back.” 
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A/N:  I just edited the previous chapters a while ago, but you don’t have to re-read it! I only added a few more sentences and details (that will be mentioned in the upcoming chapters) here and there, nothing important.  Again, comments, notes, and reblogs are very much appreciated! It motivates me to know that you are enjoying my story :) Forgive me if there are typographical errors in this chapter. :3  Send an ask if you have any questions! I’d be happy to answer them. Thank you so much for reading! I hope everyone stays safe and stay healthy. Take care of yourselves <3
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theheavenlymoon · 3 years
A flower’s growth 🌸
I just realized that Hanako is technically a self-insert oc because I use her for more than just twst i-
Also, this is my number one resource https://camp-halfblood-fanon.fandom.com/wiki/Hestia_Cabin
Its mentions one important thing that is critical in Hanako's back story. I'll show you the important thing but I recommend reading it all because its really interesting!
"i.e. Hestia takes some essence of a mortal man she takes a liking to and create her child by fire from the hearth with her essence fused to that mortal's. Hestia then proceeds to notify the father as she cannot raise the child." (13 in 'powers and traits')
Also to give you some visuals (I’ll explain the two boys later on)
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So with that being said..let's👏talk👏trauma! More specifically Hanako's trauma.
(The writing style might change so just ignore it-)
WARNING: Suicidal thoughts
Virginal Goddesses like Hestia don't really have kids. Athena children are born from their mother's head. So how would a Hestia child be born? Let me explain.
A man caught Hestia's attention. He was compassionate and energetic and always tried to help when he could. Even though he had very little money, even though he had some hard times, he was still compassionate and that intrigued Hestia.
When he was more financial stable, Hestia decided to gift him a child. A perfect gift for a family man like him. Hestia took some of his essence and mixed it with her’s and with the help of some fire from the hearth, Hanako was born.
A small knock could be heard through the small house. Fumihito goes to open the door only for a baby to staring up at him while making cooing noises. Rapped in a purple blanket with flowers on it, the baby had a small name tag that said ‘Hanako’
“Welcome home Hanako.” The man said with a small smile
When Hanako was about 4, Fumihito married his best friend and moved to America. A few months later triplets were born. All of them being male. First is Kaji, Hinote, and Yakeru. Most people would think Hana would hate to have siblings, but it’s quite the opposite. Hanako was ecstatic to have siblings she could play with.
When she was told she was going to be a big sister and had to take her role seriously, that’s exactly what she did. She read the boys to sleep and keeped them entertained as best as she could. When they were a little older Hana liked to make them wear dress and have tea parties. In return she took part in everything the boys did. Sports, video games, music, art you name it she would try it at least once.
Hana grew in grace and compassion. She truly was a great balance between her parents. It was funny hearing advice that sounds like something a sage would give only for it to be a child talking. She was a bright, energetic girl and never could stay in one place for very long. She was very social and was friends with almost everyone in her school.
But some stories can’t always be fairytales and rainbows...
Hanako’s step-mother fell ill and passed away when she was about 10. Everyone was devastated but life doesn’t stop when people fall. So they didn’t either. Obviously they still mourned but they tried to have a positive outlook even though a family member is gone.
(Fast forward to where Hana is 11)
In the dead of night, when everyone was in a deep slumber, there’s a small crash. At the sound, Hana jerks up in a sweat. Call it intuition, but she had a horrible feeling something was going to go wrong.
She snuck into her brother’s rooms and hid them in a small closet in one of their rooms. As Hana was about to go wake her father she heard a noise. Hana turned around only to see a woman holding what look to be like a sword.
Without warning the woman grabbed Hana’s hair and threw her into a bookshelf. Hana let out a small shriek. The bookshelf itself was unstable and the added force made it fall. Luckily Hana was fast enough to move most of her body. Let’s just say her left leg wasn’t as lucky as her other limbs.
The woman had a feeling the father could come out any minute so she ran around the corner and waited for the perfect opportunity to strike
At the sudden noises that we’re going outside his room, Hana’s father slams the door open only to see Hana stuck under the unstable bookshelf.
In at state of panics he rushed over to her. “Hana are you alright?!?!” But Hana didn’t answer. She was to focused on the woman who was still behind the corner.
“I’m calling the police! Just hang on!” Fumihito yelled. After Fumihito called 911 he tried to move the bookshelf. While he was doing so the woman kept stalking closer. “DADDY LOOK OUT-“ but it was to late. In one swipe Fumihito’s head was cut clean off, his body falling limp right beside Hanako. No one in that neighborhood could ever forget the Bloodcurdling scream that came from Hanako’s house. Eyes wide with horror and despair Hana couldn’t keep her tears in.
Before the woman could do any more damage they heard police sirens. “We will meet again someday demigod.” And with that the woman disappeared.
After a full check of the house they concluded that only the children were left. Once they found Hana, nothing was left of the lively girl. After helping her get out from under the bookshelf the police immediately sent her to the hospital. The police told the triplets to pack stuff that was most important to them and follow the police. (The triplets also packed stuff for Hana as well. One of the things being a photo album of the family.)
The police concluded that the children didn’t have any other adults to care for them so they would have to be put in an orphanage. However there wasn’t an orphanage where they lived so they would have to be put in a new town.
It was hard adjusting to this new life. There was barely enough food for everyone, you had to share rooms with other kids. Hanako had to use crutches for a while until her leg healed. Her new school wasn’t that great either. Hana, not being as social as she once was, was bullied for being too quiet. Not to mention, no one had ever seen a kid with natural yellow eyes and violet hair.
From beating her almost to death, to threatening to cut her hair and gouge her eyes out because she was ‘too pretty’
On terms of Hana in general, she wasn’t acting like her normal self. She had gotten more reserved and became a cry baby. You could easily tell she had eye bags and her anxiety was always threatening to go through the roof. You can only assume those eye bags were because of nightmares from that night. She talked much quieter and always wore a frown with her eye brows scrunched in a worried way.
The other three were to young to understand what happened. The police had to lie to them saying “your dad is on a special trip right now.”
About 6 months later the triplets were adopted by a man who looked like he was the head of some company. Hana tried her best to run after them but the staff had to hold her back. All the while the three were screaming for her to come and save them.
What no one knew is that the triplets would be forced to become assassins. It’s not like they wanted to! The man said if they didn’t he would kill their sister! The night after the adoption they all made a promise to keep Hana safe no matter what.
So there Hana sat all alone on the swings of a play ground, with no one around to comfort her. Surrounded by people who have families and are happy. It’s like the universe was taunting her.
The only thing that didn’t change is her older sibling nature. Giving her food to the little ones. Playing dress up or soccer. Her smiles were always fake. Maybe to the blind eye she seems happy but some could easily tell she was anything but happy.
6 months later Hana finally gets her cast takin off. At this time Hanako is 12 and is at her breaking point. After another day of school, and another day of almost getting beat to death, something snaps inside of her.
You have to understand, Hanako didn’t have anybody to talk to. Everyone was either to busy or didn’t bother to care. Which left her all by herself. It felt like she was trapped almost. No one there to listen or laugh with.
The scissors on her dresser looked quite tempting. The relief of not having to go through any more of this pain and loneliness was very appealing, but before she could touch them a huge gust of wind blew into her room. Taking the scissors away from her while she was distracted.
If that couldn’t work then running away would be the next best option. That night Hana packed her things (including the photo album) and drew out her plan. It was quite simple really.
She would skip school and go behind it, where a cliff is, to get a good view of where she could go from there.
After running around the school and into a forest, Hana reached a stream. Cupping some water to drink, Hana got caught up in how refreshing the water was. A snap of a branch snapped her out of her state and made her look around. That’s when she saw the manticore out of the corner of her eye.
Hana quickly got up and started backing away only to forget that there’s a cliff and slips. Plummeting to her presumed death tears start to seep out once again. Out of no where a boy that looks to be about 15, swoops in to save her, but the weirdest thing is that his shoes have wings on them, But she was to tired to care. So acting like she didn’t have a care in the world, she rapped her arms around him and snuggled into his neck.
The last thing she could make out was something like “ Let’s get out of here before that manticore decides it wants a 3 course Demi-god meal!” Or something like that.
When Hana woke up, she looked around and realized she was in an infirmary room. The same boy she saw was sleeping on the bed next to her. A knock on the door was heard, and in came girl who looked about the same age as the boy. “You two have been out for a while.” She said “I would’ve never suspected that a tiny demigod like you could cause so much trouble.” Hana looked confused “Do I know you? And what do you mean by demigod?” She asked.
The older girl let out a small chuckle before walking up an sitting next to Hana. “I’m Jane, daughter of Aphrodite! The reason why I called you a demigod is because, well... you’re half god half mortal.” The younger girl couldn’t believe her ears. “B-but how do we know I’m a demigod?” “Have you seen your other parent before? Can you never be in one place for to long? Those are all signs my dear, of course if you don’t believe me we can wait till your godly parent claims you as their kid.”
After that small encounter Jane took Hanako on a tour of where she’d be staying the whole summer. “W-why are we at a camp? And who was that boy w-who saved me?” The younger girl asked in a quiet voice. “This camp houses demigods, there a two from what everyone knows. One for Greek gods and one for Roman gods. The boy who saved you is my best friend Chase, he’s a child of Hermes! Speaking of Hermes, you’ll be staying in that cabin until your godly parent claims you.” The elder girl pointed at the Hermes cabin. “The gods have specific cabins for them and their children, and depending on your mom or dad you could end up housing with me or Chase.”
After the tour, there was dinner, after dinner it was time for everyone to sit around the big campfire. Everyone was laughing, talking, and telling stories. One kid asked Hana if she knew her godly parent yet, but before she could answer something flashed above her head.
The warm glow of a fireplace hung over her head. Everyone stopped talking, looking shocked. Hana was the first ever child of Hestia! From the back of all the campers you can hear someone yell “All hail Hanako! Daughter of Hestia!” And just like that everyone bowed.
After all that craziness, Hanako was escorted to her own cabin. She let out a small thank you before going inside. To her surprise there was a woman waiting inside, but this woman felt oddly familiar. Almost as if Hana saw her before! The woman turned around and said “We have quite a lot to catch up on, Hanako.” With a welcoming smile. Just like that Hana dropped her bag and ran to the woman. It didn’t take long to figure out that she was her godly parent.
That night the two girls talked and talked till midnight. That’s when Hestia tucked Hana into bed. For the first time in a year she finally felt happy, and that night she went to sleep wearing a smile. The next day Hana sat by a tree relaxing when suddenly two boy came out of nowhere! One had black hair, blue eyes, and he had some freckles on his nose. The other had light brown hair and cyan blue eyes and wore a black baseball hat.
“We h-heard you were the daughter of Hestia and w-we were w-wondering i-if you would like to-“ “What he’s trying to say, is that we wondering if you to be friends!” The brunette interrupted. “A-are you sure you want a crybaby like me to be your friend??” The boys looked at each other and smiled (the brunette smiling more brighter and the blackette smile more small)
They nodded and reached out their hands to her’s. At first she hesitated but quickly grabbed their hands, afraid they might disappear. When she grabbed their hand it was like weights were lifted off her chest. She never realized until now, how important friends and family are until recently . “I’m Xavier and the dork with the freckles is Kai!” “I AM NOT A DORK!! I’m just not that great when it comes to ladies!” “Right, Right.” The brunette said sarcastically. “Anyway my godly parent is Hermes and Kai’s Mother is Athena!”
Maybe thing we’re starting to take a turn for the better.
Once she met those two Hanako started coming out of her shell more. She was still quiet and anxious but it isn’t as bad as before. Not to mention she gets more loud and energetic with Xavier and Kai around!
Hanako HATES libraries and bookshelf. She’ll go in a library if she has to, but she avoids them as best she can. If she’s ever in a vicinity of a bookshelf she’ll distance herself as much as possible. Let’s just say she gets very anxious and nervous when she around them.
If you ever asked about Hana’s past she would never be ashamed to tell you what happened. She isn’t happy about the events that took place but there’s nothing she can do about it know. So know matter what Hanako always tries to keep her head up high when it comes to her past.
(More visuals)
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🌸Some side notes here🌸
(Don’t mind the last one’s eyes being blue. I was trying to decide if I wanted to stick with yellow or try something new-)
(I can go more into depth on Hanako’s two besties if anyone would be interested)
(I’m also thinking of reintroducing her because the first one is her in twst but she’s like that in every fandom basically. Obviously I won’t delete the first one I just wanna talk about everything she’s in and what her relations are to everyone!)
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slightlymore · 4 years
wayv as greek mythological characters
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kun - hera
mom, has to take care of everyone (mother of gods, queen of olympus)
nurturing (goddess of marriage and family)
siblings with all the moms demeter (ty), hestia (jm) and also the cool kids zeus, hades and poseidon, hera makes everyone shake in their panties if she wants to
whoops your ass (revengeful)
very handsome ("gorgeous hair" "delicate arms" "queen of the golden throne")
can fly a fucking plane (queen of the sky)
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ten - hypnos
dark sexy vibes (god of the sleep, son of nyx - the night, and twin brother of thanatos - god of death)
has power over everyone (is able to make even the mightier gods fall asleep, sends the gods of the dreams over people)
is actually hypnotizing 👁️👄👁️
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winwin - artemis
vibes with jaehyun a lot 97 line shenanigans (artemis is apollo's twin)
doesn't like physical contact too much and will cut your hands (goddess of virginity, hates men)
strong and sexy (goddess of hunt)
people love him (goddess of vegetation, good green vibes and the forest)
ethereal looks (goddess of the moon)
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lucas - poseidon
daddy aha
you look at him and you die (god of the seas and earthquakes)
strong and good at many different things (god of water but also horses lmao)
witty and a little annoying in a good way (was the protector of the oracle before apollo said hey lemme do that okay, has the ability to make people legit lose their minds)
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hendery - momus
very lit (god of mockery, sarcasm and harmless fun)
dark and sexy (son of nyx - night)
witty and talented (able to find loopholes in everything)
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xiaojun - persephone
soft but also dark (goddess of spring and summer but also of the underworld)
very pretty (flowers and colours, aphrodite was jelous of her beauty)
has a poetic side
is lit af when he wants to (hades is shocked to see persephone so at home in the underworld lmao)
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yangyang - caerus
very cute (young and handsome god, the last son of zeus)
bright and energetic (god of luck, opportunity and favorable moments)
very fun to have around (similar to hermes, has wings to his feet and flies around quickly since he's the personification of opportunities)
if hermes is the protector of thieves, caerus is their maker
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chrysanthemumgames · 4 years
Are there any routes that process faster or slower than others? Also who suggested the marriage, was it zeus?
Well it is in some sense sliiiightly early for me to answer the first question with any confidence, but I can tell you what the current plan is for that, with the understanding that my characters tend to reach a point where they write themselves and I'm mostly just along for the ride (like not even shotgun; I'm stuffed in the trunk with no idea where they're going.)
But anyway, plans:
The Hades route is your fairly 'traditional' slow burn, in part because that's just sort of the speed at which his emotions work (he’s... I think the oldest god in this story and the oldest being who isn’t a titan). Also he's demi so being friends first is sort of a prerequisite, and his social awkwardness makes that somewhat long as a process, heh. Also he's very conscious of the fact that the PC is not willingly in his realm (at first), and will be very careful not to try and impose anything on them, a caution only further necessitated by just how powerful he is. Like, if actual death asks you to do something, how comfortable are you saying no? This is the kind of thing he thinks about when trying to figure out how to approach other people.
Hermes is quite flirty from go if the PC is at all receptive, and depending on player decisions things could move pretty quickly, at least physically speaking. He is, however, allergic to Actual Feelings(tm), so if the PC is looking for something romantic as well as sexual, that'll take longer. 
Charon is almost the opposite. He's the type to catch feelings pretty quick if it happens at all, but due to his history and some self-esteem issues, he's unlikely to ever act on this or even express much of it unless coaxed into it by the PC, or with enough time and general encouragement, if PC is not forward either.
Pyri is actually ace, and furthermore oblivious, so they'll mostly start off confused as hell. Once they figure out their feelings, and the PC's feelings, though, they'll be on board. I think the tone of that route is going to be quite sweet, and plan to put the emphasis on the developing relationship as like... helpful for their and PC's personal development as well. Pyri is young, compared to the others, and sometimes confused about their place in everything, and I think the feel of the route will end up being kind of a mellow, softer one.
Alekto is the classic rivals-to-lovers schtick, as she begins the story not especially trusting or welcoming of the PC, who is to her basically an intruder in her family. So those wishing to go her route should expect it to be slower but not exactly steady, I don't think. She's all heart, that one, and when she falls she falls hard. It just might take her a while to be willing to admit it.
Hekate is honestly the member of the cast who most has her shit together, and I expect the pacing of her route will reflect it. She knows what she wants and isn't afraid to ask for it, but she also likes to kind of take her time with these things and really get to know someone, savor each step of the whole process without hurrying too much. She'll flirt pretty much from onset, though—banter is like her favorite thing.
At present I think there will be two poly options, both involving Hekate, who is generally inclined that way (though not to the point that she's unwilling to commit to someone exclusively): Hekate/PC/Pyri, and Hekate/PC/Hermes, which I think will have pretty different feels to them, though I'm still pinning down the details on those.
As to the second question: yeah this is totally Zeus's idea. He did it because he's ticked at Demeter (which he often is). Hades was roped into it in part by "you don't disobey Zeus" pressure and in part because he was very intentionally given the impression that PC was actively willing to do this. (He figured out quite quickly that this was not the case.)
Oh, and, side note: out of a desire to avoid a certain (high) level of ick factor, the older gods are not all siblings/related. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are brothers, Demeter and Hestia are sisters, and that is it. I'm willing to leave in a lot of stuff that's kinda weird because of the source material, but not that.
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eumadd · 3 years
⟨ NAOMI SCOTT. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, MADDY DESAI is actually a descendent of H E S T I A. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-FOUR year old PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR from BANGALORE, KARNATAKA, INDIA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite THOUGHTFUL & CONFLICT-ADVERSE. 
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hello! i’m joe (he/him, gmt+8) and i’m also playing ved singh (dev patel) in eoniahq! feel free to DM me if you’d like to plot. i’m on the server as a cup of coffee emoji (because cup of joe. get it?). keep reading for more stuff on maddy desai (naomi scott), daughter of hestia. (updated bio | wanted connections)
madeline desai first exhibited her divine power of serenity inducement as a young girl when she accidentally prevented a fight between her parents. since then, it has become her strongest ability, though she rarely uses it these days. something about being ethical and stuff. 
the same goes for her bond manipulation, though it’s most likely lesser in strength than the former.
the ability she’s most confident using is actually her ability to summon food, as it has saved her life countless of times. or so she likes to exaggerate. it is very handy and practical, which is most likely why she can’t get enough of the power. with a snap of her fingers? tacos. with another snap? dumplings. it’s definitely something she would rather not live without. 
maddy has barely scratched the surface of her immunities, and although she has trained in the use of pyrokinesis, she only uses it when absolutely necessary.
Most people who know Madeline “Maddy” Desai take to her as a very hopeful, very positive, and very caring young girl who only appears quiet or sometimes even shy but never towards her loved ones, her deeper relationships. Always wearing authenticity and empathy on her sleeves, Maddy acts with the best of intentions, all to foster harmony in everything she does, in everyone she comes in contact with, though she often feels discouraged when others don’t immediately share her idealism, which actually happens a lot.
There is a curiosity in Maddy when it comes to human nature, the depths of it, which is perhaps why she goes to great lengths to understand other people’s true feelings. Her capability to demonstrate great empathy enables her to communicate in ways that are quite moving for others, though she has a tendency to daydream and fantasize rather than take action. For Madeline, connections are very important, especially between herself and a sense of purpose. Otherwise, she fears she would become directionless and stuck. Often, that purpose ends up having something to do with helping and uplifting others. Her motivation to be of service is strong because she often feels other people’s suffering as if it were her own.
Madeline’s incessant desire to help everyone often overwhelms her, however, especially when she gets saddled with a lot of problems she can’t fix. Only then will she ever feel tempted to give up on trying, which might be even more demoralizing for her friends who depend on her hopeful, positive outlook. Thankfully, Madeline’s idealism will always survive even through the darkest of nights. Although Maddy knows the world will never be perfect, she still cares about making it better in whatever way she can. This quiet belief in doing the right thing may explain why she so often inspires compassion and kindness wherever she goes.
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maddy was born on 6 may 1996 in bangalore, karnataka, india. 
her mother was born in uganda while his father was born in england, both of indian gujarati descent. 
she has an older brother named suraj.
her family moved to woodford in redbridge, north east london just a year ago, where her parents found work as pastors.
maddy is a member of the eonia choir, the model un, and radio eonia where she shares advice and play songs through her 1-hour radio show called maddbeatz.
she works part-time at kabob palace.
“sibling from the same god parent”. maddy takes to her fellow children of hestia as if they were her own siblings, whether they like it or not.
“major mafia”. maddy would like to be close friends with her fellow psychology major students. they can even share notes and stuff.
“choir muses”. maddy would try to be close friends with her fellow eonia choir members.
“model un models”. maddy would try to be close friends with her fellow un model members. 
“radio eonia staff stuff.” maddy would try to be close friends with her fellow radio eonia members.
“radio eonia: listen here, listener!” maddy would probably have an avid listener or two.  
“kabob palace crew.” please tip your maddys.
“more to come.” i know, i know. this is so basic at the moment but maddy is very open to any and all relationships, especially where she gets to act like someone’s savior for real, so feel free to dm me and stuff for plotting!
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corinthbayrpg · 3 years
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NAME. Elene Petrakis (Helen)  AGE & BIRTH DATE.   Unknown, 3,000+ GENDER & PRONOUNS. Female & She/her SPECIES. Rift  OCCUPATION. Archivist at the Museum of Corinth FACE CLAIM. Emilia Clarke
(Tw abduction, war, death, hanging) They thought she was going to be a monster. A queen gave birth to two eggs, and whispers had abound of what horrors could lay inside. Everyone had see what had become of Pasiphaë’s child, the ferocious creature that tormented the island of Crete until it was slain. They looked at the eggs and feared creatures of equal terror would emerge to plague this world. Perhaps they had even been right. But what emerged instead was a babe, bright and beautiful even in the cradle, along with her siblings, every one of them humans with ten fingers and ten toes. To the child they gave the name Helen, a princess of Sparta and daughter of both a king and the mightiest of the gods. She grew quick and strong, her earthly father ensuring her capabilities with any weapon that could be fit into her small hands. Perhaps in another life, she would’ve been a warrior, more comfortable sat atop a horse with a bow in hand than others would grow to be in their entire lives. She wrestled against other children in the palaestra, and frequently went hunting with her brothers. But even as a child, Helen was golden, and so her fate was tainted.
The first lesson she learnt that beauty could be as much a curse as it was a boon befell the princess in her girlhood. She was merely thirteen, when Helen was abducted from her home in Sparta. Theseus and his companion Pirithous had decided that they would take wives, but only those great enough in stature to themselves. As a daughter of Zeus, Helen became Theseus’s choice, taken to his mother Aethra to be watched over in Athens, while the pair descended into the Underworld to claim Persephone for Pirithous’s bride. That was the last time she laid eyes on either man, for her rescue came long before the sole survivor’s return from the failed abduction. It was her brothers Castor and Pollux who came for Helen, leading an invasion into the city for the return of their sister, whisking her away back to Sparta.
After the abduction, King Tyndareus became concerned with the safety of his daughter, that others may attempt to follow in suit. A closer guard was kept on the princess, and when the time came for Helen to marry, a great contest was put forth. Men from across Greece came to compete for her hand, including the man that would eventually be married to her cousin. It was Odysseus who suggested that an oath be sworn by all the suitors, a pledge to uphold and defend the union of Helen and whomever her husband was to be, should quarrel ever arise. With his daughter’s best interest in mind, Tyndareus agreed to the idea, unknowing of the trouble it would eventually bring.
Menelaus had not been her choice, but at the time of their marriage, Helen had no cause to protest the arrangement. His attention was flattery, the greatest of the great many who had come for her, and for a girl of fifteen, it was easy to allow herself to be swept up in the fantasy. But real life is hardly ever so idyllic, and her husband soon proved to be far removed from what she had wanted. Lust and love are so easily confused for each other, but the want of a person is not the same as to see their soul. To Menelaus, Helen was a trophy; the most beautiful woman in the world, the daughter of Zeus and Spartan royalty, a coveted possession that he had won and displayed proudly. Even as she sat beside him, Queen of the land that had always been her home, she found no value in her life anymore, and none that took her more seriously than a girl with a pretty face.
It was not the life Helen had wanted for herself. A golden cage is still a cage, no matter how much finery decorates it’s bars. She gave Menelaus a daughter, gave him years of her life, and yet received little in return. Bored, lonely and wistful, it was then that Paris appeared in her life. First came Aphrodite, who informed her of the Trojan prince’s impending arrival. She promised Helen the connection she had always yearned for, an understanding that would never be found with Menelaus, and bid for the young queen to go with him when he came for her.
Paris was everything that he had been promised to be. Kind, attentive, and genuine, unlike her husband. He cared to hear Helen’s thoughts and opinions, her desire for independence from the marriage she had become trapped in, and a close knit bond formed between the pair in a short amount of time. They made plans to run away from Sparta, to return to Paris’s home of Troy and live amongst the dryads in the land beyond the city, where they would be safe and Helen would have the chance to be free. It was a selfish decision, and one she would not make again if given the chance to rewrite history, knowing all the grief that was to follow.
Menelaus was not a man to let his bride go so easily, Helen knew that. Still, never in her dreams did she imagine he would call upon her once suitors to uphold their oath, and lead them across the sea to reclaim his wayward life. They never got the chance to reach the trees, before the city was besieged by Greeks. War had broken out, and thousands upon thousands of people would die before it came to an end. The Trojans that housed her did so with spite, blaming her for the death that arrived at their doorstep, and though she had the company of Paris and Hector to shield her from the mass of their anger, Troy became just as lonely a place as Sparta had once been.
Both the Trojan princes would lose their lives in the war, and it was meant to be Helen’s fate as well. She was shunned by the women of the city as the walls were breached and Troy burned around her. The daughter of Zeus, a trained fighter in her own right, and yet she had been reduced to a state of fear and desperation, surrounded by people on both sides that reviled her. Trojans and Greeks alike wanted her blood, prepared to stone her to death for the role she had played in such a great destruction, but it was for Menelaus that their hands were stayed. The king had declared he would be the only one to kill his runaway wife, and so she was brought forth before him and his blade. But at the sight of Helen, dropped to her knees in subjugation, he was once again taken by the sight of her great beauty. Though the rest of Troy would not be so lucky, the once and again Spartan Queen’s life was spared, and she was taken back to her homeland along with the victorious Greek army.
Sparta no longer offered a comforting home to the woman either now, however. The image of her as a wanton adulteress had spread across the Greek land, never mind the truth of the matter, and the remaining years of her human life were no more happy. After Menelaus’s death, Helen was chased from the land by the anger of Nicostratus and Megapenthes, who still harbored hatred for their stepmother that had simmered across the years. She fled to Rhodes for sanctuary, where a woman she thought to be her friend resided. Polyxo had been the queen of the island for a number of years, after the death of her husband, and so Helen mistakenly thought the place to be safe to her.
But though Polyxo received her warmly, inside she held a desire for vengeance. She, along with many others, blamed Helen for the events of the Trojan war, where her husband died on the first day of fighting. When the former queen came to her for protection, she saw the opportunity she had waited on for years, placed right onto her lap. And so it came about that while Helen had been bathing in her chambers, Polyxo had the handmaidens she had given to her dress up under the guise of furies, to drag her out of the tub and through the city. She was taken into the public of the island, amongst it’s people, and hung by rope on a tree branch for everyone to see, until her once pink lips turned a shade of blue.
Perhaps death had been kinder to Helen than her life ever had. As Zeus’s child, she had been taken to Elysium for her eternal rest, a land of paradise and splendor. And yet even so, she had not been happy. It was during this time that she had made a companion of the goddess Hestia, one of the few friends she had found even in such a utopia. She could see the sadness that resided in Helen’s soul, the feeling of loss that she had never truly gotten to live as she desired, and so the goddess offered her a gift; a second chance at life, to return to the earth as an immortal. It was a decision she made with ease, and so Helen was sent back to the land of the living, no longer a mortal woman, but as a rift.
But she could not be Helen anymore. No, her name had now become synonymous with the great and terrible war that left the city of Troy in shambles. In order to be truly free with a new beginning, she had to be someone new, too. The infamous women went through an abundance of names at first, trying them on like the dresses she wore, but never back to her own. It was during this time that she returned to the destroyed city, to the hills beyond where the dryads Paris had spoken of lived. It was with them she found a feeling of true peace, maybe even for the first time. There was a kinship with the dryads that the former queen had been missing, the feeling of belonging amongst a people that for the first time, did not see her for only her beauty. But nothing can last forever, not even for immortals.
She loved the dryads greatly, and remained with them until the very last had returned to their tree, to slip into a slumber that would last for thousands of years. Alone again, Helen slowly reformed herself to fit into the world she was left with. Elene Petrakis was a name she adopted centuries later, when the story of Helen of Troy was more myth than history. It was close enough to remain familiar, and yet not so much that to hear it felt like reopening the wound that never quite healed inside her chest. A life as Helen had lead to a great destruction, and so Helen she would no longer be.
That was how Elene’s story began; she was a wanderer, who moved across continent to continent, never settling anywhere for more than a few years. She used the new talents she had gained as a rift to help those wherever she ended up. Women in particular, she found herself protective of — perhaps it was too much like looking into a mirror, the reflection of everything that used to shackle her in her human life. But she was still a Spartan princess before she was ever known as the face that launched a thousand ships, and she could swing a sword just as well as any man. And swing she would, in the defense of those who could not defend themselves. It was not a righteous crusade so much as her inability to watch others suffer as she once did. Greater conflict it was easy to steer from, to turn away and let the world become what it would, and the greater humanity she cares little for the fate of. But individual people in suffering, Elene has found, it is much harder to walk away from.
It’s surprisingly easy to be a ghost, even when the entire world thinks it knows your story. Who would ever connect the pretty blonde they saw in a crowd to the woman of legend? Her name became a cautionary tale, a treacherous and wicked woman or an unfortunate victim, even a cheesy pickup line for those bold enough to spin it, all depending on from whose lips it fell. After awhile, she learnt how to shut it all out. Elene learnt how to keep her head down, and not include herself in the rabble that existed around her, whether supernatural or human. She intended to keep on living that way, maybe even for the rest of her immortal life, until the fall of magic came.
It happened suddenly, and returned just as quick, as if the world had been reset. Though the two week period in-between was a strange adjustment time, Elene had been prepared to return to her life as usual, until the whisperings reached her ears. It was an impossibility, and yet, talk of the dryads resurfacing was not something she could ignore. She remembered the days of living among the trees, the last time that she had truly been happy. It was an ache so sharp, that’s led her straight to Corinth Bay to see for herself. It’s a city she’s been avoiding since the veil first tore, evading the pull it had on the supernatural creatures of this world, that it might would bring a chaos into her life that Elene sought to avoid. But at the chance of seeing her friends again, there is little she would not do, even if it means stepping into an unknown danger.
+ protective, generous, observant -  defensive, contrite, withdrawn
PLAYED BY Abby. CDT. She/Her.
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