#smart brain stupid thoughts
Was the fucking thing on autopilot for years and you just decided to turn the dials to full on retards
Heil Hitler btw.
Mein Kompf
Burn them up, I literally don't care.
All those great value coffins I was warned about
Me: strange but I don't think those are for me
Conspiracy theorists!
Said no mother fucker dead in a coffin ever.
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gremlinwithakeyboard · 9 months
ok so hear me out, superpowers as a metaphor for neurodivergency
but like not in the “neurodivergency is a/gives you superpowers” type way
more in a sort of “everyone acts like it’s a superpower and anyone who doesn’t think so isn’t thinking positively enough”
Oh you don’t like being a telepath? Come on! You’ve got a gift there! You’re lucky! Just please stay away from me so you don’t read my mind.
Your fire powers are awesome! You’d stop accidentally setting things on fire if you just put your mind to it.
What do you mean your super gravity powers being treated like rubbish telekinesis gave you lasting childhood trauma? At least you’ve got powers!
You lost your voice pushing your noise amplification powers to the limit? That’s kinda sad but just don’t do that next time! Your powers are still super and your voice will come back for you to do more cool tricks for us with!
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brawlmetaknight · 8 months
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still thinking about this actually WE WERE SO ROBBED. this would have given some much needed exposition to dedede's role/motives in sse. i could be wrong but i've always imagined he was trying to defeat and put one of his badges on meta knight like he was doing with the other characters, but he sure picked the worst time to start beef lol. judging by the phrase "unwittingly", i assume he didn't mean for meta knight to lose the halberd, but ultimately meta knight couldn't concentrate on defending his ship when he also had dedede attacking him out of nowhere.
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running-in-the-dark · 4 months
it's so funny when I rewatch a show but with a new/different/additional crush. like I'm rewatching the librarians with my partner right now and it just feels soo different lol
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kallasilya22 · 5 months
Aziraphale character meta and thoughts on the end of S2.
Here I am, writing one of these posts.
There are two fundamental Tenets of Aziraphale, equally weighted, and they are:
God is good.
Crowley is good (or at the very least 'not evil')
You will notice that these two facets to Aziraphale's existence are, of course, mutually exclusive; a benevolent God would never have caused Crowley to Fall, a 'Good' Crowley would never have disobeyed a benevolent God and Fallen.
But it is absolutely integral to Aziraphale's very self that he believes equally strongly in both of these things. A kind of double-think is required to achieve this: the tenuous idea that a perfect, omnipotent God made a mistake in allowing Crowley to Fall. Or, in the passive voice as Aziraphale would no doubt phrase it (when he doesn't avoid thinking too hard about the matter altogether): A Mistake Was Made.
A mistake was made, somehow, by a God that is simultaneously incapable of error. Obviously, Crowley never should have Fallen. There was some sort of oversight or administerial miscalculation. This is how his two fundamental beliefs remain in delicate balance, neither disproving the other (mostly because he does a whole lot of Not Thinking About It Too Hard).
To doubt either side would be to absolutely shatter him.
This is my explanation for the final fifteen (and a prediction for S3).
He asks Crowley to come with him to Heaven and become an angel again because he thinks it's perfectly obvious that he never should have Fallen in the first place; reinstatement as an angel (from Aziraphale's point of view) is not a fundamental change in Crowley's nature, but merely the righting of a cosmic wrong, a return to what should be the status quo. He doesn't even see that he's asking Crowley to change anything at all other than perhaps the colour of his robe, because to him, Crowley is already an essentially Good creature ("at heart, just a little bit, a good person").
When he says "We can be together. Angels! Doing good!" - it's because he understands this is basically what they've been openly doing together this whole time, at least since the birth of the Antichrist. To his perspective, nothing changes at all except for the label on the tin.
... The tragedy is that he's wrong, of course. Not about Crowley being Good, but about God.
And Crowley knows this - it's why the line "I understand. I think I understand a whole lot better than you do" is so gentle but so devastating. The audience, not being a victim of Aziraphale's desperately white-knuckled grip on his own double-think, understands just as Crowley does.
(The only thing I think that Crowley doesn't understand - and fair enough - is where his Angel is really coming from here. Hence the heartbreak.)
My season 3 prediction: The delicate balance of The Two Tenets Of Aziraphale will finally be broken beyond any hope of recovery. Aziraphale's self will shatter. He will have to choose.
And I think when it comes down to it, we all know where his faith truly lies.
Watching him realise that is going to be just delicious.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 months
#it's an old frustration. an old pattern of thought.#i just feel that i have a brain that doesn't hold information. that lacks the discipline to gain knowledge. that is incapable of deeper#thought. and i cant teel you how maddening that is. to sit in a room and listen to other people discuss a paper you read in depth 5 times#like it's the 1st time you ever heard anything about it. how is that possible? how do i work with that? i read and nothing sticks.#nothing stays with me. how??? i was talking to a prof recently who ive heard is hard on her students with disability accommodation. and she#was saying how she doesnt see these things as a disability. how we're just different not disabled. ive heard the phrase differently abled#a lot of times. and i get what she's saying. i do. ad i get why she's hard on them. she wants to push them. but there comes a point where#you are quote unquote differently abled and you run into a wall that other people dont have. then what are you supposed to do? work harder?#but what if that doesn't help? what if that just compounds the hurt that's always been there? what if that leaches away all the wonder? what#then? at what point does a thing become too much of a barrier? i think there's a reason i dont run into many other dyslexic grad student.#everyone has adhd. it's a place where those with adhd prosper. but dyslexia not so much. at least not with the level of hanicap i have#and everyone's really nice. they want to help. but there's nothing anyone can do for me at this stage. it's up to me to compensate for my#leaky head. and i kno im not stupid. ive got a piece of paper stating my iq is above average after correcting for uneven intelligence. but#i dont feel very smart most of the time. i feel more like my uncorrected iq score that comes out at just below average even with me trying#my very best. iq is bullshit but there's something to be said for that gap. im smart if unconstrained by language and time. but were bound#by language and we're bound by time so what am i supposed to do? is there anything i can do? im stuck with this forever. theres no getting#better or making it easier. my brain is wired in a way that gives me the reading skills of a child. forever. and i just have to accept that#and im trying to swallow around that idea easier because the only other option is to choke on it. but maybe i chose the wrong career path.#one of my lab mates said she wants challenges all the time and ive chosen a path that's challenges all the time but im jsut trying to do#what everyone else can without a second thought. it's deeply demoralizing. yet here i am. trying to be easier abt it.#maybe im just nit cut out for this. doing a job im not built for.#unrelated
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sceptictank · 4 days
dude it's fyora day and....
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bo0zey · 1 year
when gerard way said “when i grow up i want to be nothing at all” i felt those words in my gdamn soul bro
#cried alone in my car parked in my driveway for like 17 minutes#i feel so hopeless and useless and stupid so so so stupid i’ll never be smart enough like the other nurses#i can’t fucking think im too slow i don’t know anything#it’s the emergency room and god for fucking bid i have an emergent patient i don’t know wtf to do ever#i don’t know how to initiate protocols or contact interdisciplinary or put in complex orders i don’t know anything i’m so useless#everyone thinks i’m stupid i’ve been on orientation for like 2 months know and i’m still the same useless stupid novice airhead new grad#i just get so frazzled i feel like everyone expects so much out of me and i have to be perfect to meet their standards#but im stupid im subpar im not good enough like them like#ever if they’ve been nurses for years and i’ve only been working as one for legit 2 months it’s just i still don’t know how to do anything#it’s like i can’t think i don’t do things how they want me to do them and then i look stupid im the attending doctor thinks i’m so dumb but#she wouldn’t even hear me out like i know you want both fluids running i know it’s important but he only has.1 IV and they aren’t compatible#we’re trying to start a second IV and he had difficult veins like why are you trying to tell me i’m stupid i know why you ordered it thatway#it’s like nobody gets my dumbass brain but that’s not their fault bc they can think clearly and convey their thoughts to people without#sounding like a fucking dumbass i have no critical thinking skills im just useless i hate this so much i don’t want to be here it sucks#i never wanted to be a nurse i never wanted to be anything i was 12 years old hoping i’d be dead by 18#and now i’m 23 and i’m still fucking here but it’s clear i shouldn’t be i don’t fit in im not fit for society#i should be euthanized like an unwanted dog that’s been at the shelter for too long that’s exactly what i am#20min later still crying can’t stop being a fucking crybaby pitypartying myself i’m the worst oh my god grow the fuck up already#why is everything so difficult for me why can’t i just fit in literally everyone knows i don’t belong#i’m the dumbest most useless new grad orientee and EVERYONE knows it even management it’s so embarrassing#i’m so embarrassed to be alive and take up space that could be filled by someone so much better smarter prepared someone meant to be there#i don’t want this i don’t want any of this i never wanted to grow up im just a kid in my head i’m so pathetic#i wish i was smart and good at something i wish people looked at me and thought o wow i respect her bc she’s also a good nurse#nobody likes me i’m such a burden to everyone the doctors my preceptors other nurses who deserve to be there#i’m leaking snot everywhere today wasn’t even that bad but i think it’s all just hitting me now how helpless i am#i’m so tired of myself and waking up and making a fool of myself every shift fucking stupid loser i hate myself i try so hard and it’s not#it’s not enough it’s never enough im not enough im an imposter i’ll never be as good as the other nurses even tho i’m really really trying#i seriously don’t want to do this anymore i don’t want to be here i can’t do it everyone knows i’m not cut out for this they all talk shit#ramblings
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this-should-do · 4 months
ykno i think that only ever being told im physically appealing by drs saying i could be prettier if i did this or that or lost weight or by my mom trying to emphasize how im a pretty GIRL to invalidate my desire to be more masculine most of my life probably affected my ability to feel good about my body
#like genuinely i have not been complimented on my looks for a majority of my life by peers#like ive had friends recently like say im slaying or looking good but like in the face kf yhings it doesnt like do anything i guess like#its what friends do#i had a person j used to be friends comlliment me once about me looking hot and sexy and i started feeling nauseus so i dont know what thats#all about so its like would i even want people tk ckmpliment on looking good? do j need that? how does it work why would i need it#when i dont really desire the types of relationships where being attractive matters#if im in my ideal state of mind i dont even register my body its seperate from me and im just my thoughts so i dktn have to think about#my ohysicality but when i have to register myself i just feel ugly but even more it all just feels wrong to have a body at all and thats#prob where the transness comes in tbh#like i dunno is it better for me to have avoided being told over and over that im worthy becuz im attractice as a woman or is that a symptom#kf me just being ugly that nobody ever commented on my body aside from adults daying how cute and ptetty i am and then my mom telling them#that im actually really smart to help me value my mind over my body becuz she grew up being ugly while also thinking shes stupid#like#like all of this to result in me being ugly no matter what way i cut it and i cant even bring myself to care much about it most of them time#even tho it feels mishapen in my mind as a feeling#its like bad and i look at myself in the mirror and i feel bad i look bad my face is wrong and its like the strongest feeling i feel some#days for those brief seconds i see myself and then j look away and it goes away and im back to having normal bland brain waves#its kinda fucked
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kelin-is-writing · 6 months
albanian men are a fucking pain in the ass i swear to god.
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fooltofancy · 1 year
im always so impressed by folk with deep engaging backstories for their wol, esp when mine is basically just sadboy in an idiot suit, but also im finally running the ivalice raids and having Thoughts and ain't that something.
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docholligay · 2 years
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Oh don’t misunderstand me I fucking love my job. I have high job satisfaction like...90-95% of the time. I actively enjoy 80-90% of the activities I do in a work sense. For most people that is wild. I have never liked anything so much. I am lucky as hell. I am most definitely not saying I dislike it!
I’m saying, “My sister is very smart, and I have very smart friends, all with really incredible educational bonafides, and I’m, uh, an anime blogger” ahaha.
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
an idea that i think would be funny: a fic in which nhs wants to Do Something. he is genuinely very bad at it and is flying by the seat of his uhhhh underpants all the time. i repeat: no hidden genius powers. he is not very smart, and struggling all the time. however, because he’s also god’s favourite little comedian, somehow some things happen to have good results, some have bad results but people magically don’t notice, and in some cases his squirming actually helps someone. he is incredibly stressed and tired all the time and nmj is like “what the fuck, he’s not even doing anything” and, yes but he’s Trying (and failing, and it takes energy too)
#i'm talking like. nhs wants A and B (unrelated; some randoms) to get along but in the process he makes A think B is their enemy#therefore A conjures up a wonderfully idiotic slapstick-level assassination plan that nhs now has to stop#but in the process of THAT he somehow helps B voice their feelings for C#it's like. a pouch filled with deadly poison falls from the ceiling aimed precisely at B's head but they lean in to kiss C. danger avoided!#but wait! C seems surprised. do they... not...? B steps away about to apologize for their misunderstanding -- but they step on nhs's hand#and almost fall! only for C to catch them and confess THEIR feelings!#(nhs's hand was there because he wanted to snatch the poison pouch away and dispose of it)#stuff like this. i think it would be neat#idk if it needs to be said again but just in case: i am not calling nhs stupid with the intention of offending him. it is vitally important#for me to have idiot representation. his brain shows the highest immunity to academic/cultivation knowledge lqr has ever seen BUT he can#stay at his rooms and paint for SHICHEN UPON SHICHEN without even noticing the passage of time! isn't it cool!#(no. this is how you get a young master nie who SPRINTS out of his room to find a toilet (has been ignoring his bladder for hours)#but who swoons (because he also forgot about eating) and bangs his head on the wall and a disciple notices him like NIE GONGZI?!#YOU'RE HURT WE NEED TO TAKE YOU TO THE HEALERS' PAVILLION and he's like Oh God OH Fuck No i just wanted to PEE :(((#if he's actually super smart but only pretending then what's the fuckening point. where's the punch that comes with the realization that an#innocent boy who loves art poetry and leisure has turned into a ruthless adult driven by revenge who doesn't even care how many people die#on his path to it!!! if he's protective od nmj and hypercompetent then what's the poooooint!#he must be stupid and in an ideal world Stupid He Remains.#thanks for coming to my insanity. i'm about to have breakfast at 3pm. cheers#shrimp thoughts
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vicsuragi · 2 years
why is my mom simping for elon musk like you didn’t even know his full name until earlier this month why do you assume he’d be witty when i’m telling you he’s getting people’s accounts suspended for criticizing his shit business moves?
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brine-in-my-eyes · 1 year
YALL WHY IS ECONOMICS SO HARD just put the money in da pocket n call it a day smh
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lightspren · 2 years
my brain is sludge and this is so frustrating.
I know the story. it’s right there. but i’m so tired that I have to fight to find words for the simplest thing, much less ideas that are actually complex and creative.
i’m tired.
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