#the occasional three way relationship meme or really all your dreams and then something for rolling along
Was the fucking thing on autopilot for years and you just decided to turn the dials to full on retards
Heil Hitler btw.
Mein Kompf
Burn them up, I literally don't care.
All those great value coffins I was warned about
Me: strange but I don't think those are for me
Conspiracy theorists!
Said no mother fucker dead in a coffin ever.
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talvenhenki · 1 year
how about the last 500 words of your lastest one on ao3 for the dvd commentary meme? :))
Okay so 500 words turned out to be A Lot so here you go (From The Song of Flowers: A 07-Ghost Story):
Shaking his head, Labrador moved a little. He reached out to his nightstand to grab something. A leather-bound journal. It was thick, and it looked like over half of it had been used up already. Castor had never seen that journal before. Neither Labrador nor Frau used any journals that looked like this, although Labrador did like to write things down occasionally. But he used separate slips of paper. Not a journal.
“She ran away after telling me that her brother is a Warsfeil”, Labrador explained, “and she forgot her journal. I took it, but…I don’t think we should read it. Whatever she’s written here must have been painful. She told me that the flower she was having tasted sweet.”
Ah. Labrador’s teas and plants had healing properties, and in particular, the tea flowers could bare someone’s soul entirely. Perhaps Kanon was just another lost lamb after all.
“Well”, said Frau, “I, for one, think it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.”
Frau grabbed the journal and was about to open it, but Castor reacted faster. He snatched the journal and pushed Frau away with his foot, all while still holding Labrador from behind. In the commotion, a photo slipped out from between the pages and landed on Labrador’s lap. He picked it up to study it better.
“Dammit”, Frau muttered, “she really was in the army.”
In the photo, three members of the Barsburg military were smiling at the camera. In the middle was Kanon. Her long lavender-coloured hair was braided around her head, only leaving her wavy bangs down. To her left, there was a smaller person with pink hair and an eyepatch. The person was hugging Kanon from the side, while Kanon had one arm around their shoulders. To Kanon’s right was a young blond man, perhaps a year or two younger than her. His eyes were light brown and he had one arm around Kanon. They looked so happy and carefree, almost like there never had been a worry in their lives.
“She looks so happy”, Labrador breathed, “I wonder what made her turn her back to this memory.”
“It’s no use speculating”, Castor said, “and we certainly should not read her journal without permission. Who knows what secrets it may hold.”
“It’s better if we let her keep her secrets to herself”, Labrador added. “Otherwise, we would have to reveal ours to her. No, she needs safety now. Not some strangers reading her private thoughts.”
“What about that photo?” Frau asked.
“I’ll tell her that it slipped out when I picked up the journal”, Labrador said, “maybe I can ask her about the people in the photo. That way, I could learn more about her.”
Castor nodded, pulling Labrador close once again. Labrador snuggled his head against the spot where Castor’s shoulder met his neck. Sighing, Labrador closed his eyes and seemed to drift off to sleep instantly.
Would Labrador’s dreams show him something of Kanon’s future, Castor wondered.
Writing this made me so happy you have no idea. I grew up with these characters, I was like 13 or 14 when I watched 07-Ghost and started reading it. It was also the time when I started realising that I am not so straight after all. It's been over 10 years and I, now pretty certain that I would like to experience a poly relationship, wrote three of my fave characters (okay Frau is still on thin ice) being soft and poly and idk it just made my heart do things.
I also feel like I got them really in character! There was definitely a more lighthearted tone while the characters still got the plot forward by talking.
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maryellencarter · 2 years
This meme has been going around on my Dreamwidth, so I thought I might as well bring it over. All the "orientation" questions originally asked about sexuality specifically, but as my primary queerness is aromanticism and my sexuality is largely a great big blob of timey-wimey, I changed them. Still pretty amatonormative, but whatever, I've been up all night livetweeting a Castle of Cagliostro themed ACNH dream island tour and I definitely don't have enough brain to rebuild a meme from the ground up.
Orientation: Aromantic, something that isn't completely asexual but might be anywhere from aegosexual to allosexual. Sexual orientation fluctuates vastly, although I'm almost always attracted to men at least to some extent. I tend to be attracted mainly to people of the gender I currently am, which is entertaining and sometimes winds up with me being LGBT all at once, or at least in a very short span of time. Now, whether that's going to be sexual attraction or sensual or aesthetic or one of the others -- your guess is as good as mine in a particular instance. Aromantic is the only identity I've got that doesn't just go completely haywire at irregular intervals.
Gender Pronouns: I usually go by they/them online to facilitate asynchronous interactions (jesus, you can tell I've been up a while, I'm breaking out all the five-dollar words at once). Most of the time, they/them fits best. Sometimes I start feeling strongly he/him or she/her and then everybody gets confused, often including me.
Gender: Genderfluid, usually transmasc. I get very twitchy about being too cis or het, even though... y'know, as several friends have tried to get through my head, it doesn't invalidate my queerness if I sometimes happen to line up with my assigned gender and expected orientation. It just... feels really, really scary, like somebody is going to catch me being a (nearly) straight woman and make me marry that nice Catholic boy and start popping out babies. :P
(I've been feeling very female for a while now and I'm not coping with it well. Brain shit is complicated.)
Relationship Status: Partners and co-authors with @camshaft22 for the last four years and counting.
Celebrity Crush: I don't like having crushes. Occasionally I get one and I never handle it well. They're vastly uncomfortable, they hijack my brain when I need it for other things, they're embarrassing for all concerned, and they need to stop. I haven't had a celebrity crush specifically since my pre-internet days and I hope to god it stays that way.
Crush: No. My last meatspace crush no longer works where I do, thank fuck, and I really fucking hope I can go another twenty years before catching another one. Crushes have no redeeming qualities for me as an experience.
Best Friend: When I was a tiny autistic tortoise and had no friends, I had elaborately ranked lists of all the girls I was told I was friends with / was trying to be friends with. I haven't labeled someone a "best friend" in a really long time. I have a lot of friends, and Leia is my friend and also my primary relationship, which I suppose would count if you wanted it to, but the actual term just doesn't click for me.
When I came out: Hah. Depends what as and who to. Including coming out to myself a whole bunch of times. I knew when I was about two or three that I wasn't a girl and that I didn't want to be a wife. I realized when I was thirteen that I liked girls and scared the shit out of myself so badly that I still haven't entirely dealt with that. I was twenty-seven when I realized I was genderfluid. I still haven't had a chance to find out if I like kissing.
First person I came out to: As anything? Christ, I don't know. It would have been as asexual, that was the first identity I tried on, and it would have been to somebody in my bio-family. It's not a good memory, so I don't think about it.
First GF/BF: Leia. I never dated. Didn't have the chance in high school because I was in a very "wait until marriage", chaperones-and-courting sect of Catholicism, and none of the boys my age were interested in the loud butch with no boundaries. I've been too isolated to try since, and being romance repulsed didn't help. I think I still have profiles on one or two dating websites somewhere, at the behest of some therapist or other, but I was basically feeling like "I'm eventually going to have to suffer through this romance bullshit in order to have any chance of finding someone who might give me some scraps of what I want", and I just never quite got desperate enough to put myself through the extra depression.
Then Leia came along and saw me talking about Hobbie Klivian in a tiny Discord server and went "I want that one", and now she has a me. Sometimes just sitting around waiting for the right person to fall into your lap works just fine. XD
First heartbreak: Uh. Really hard to define when you're aromantic. Also when you're autistic and "none of these people actually like me" is a baseline of your childhood. Also when your mother is aggressively shipping you with every boy in range from the time you're born. I think I'm gonna have to pass on this one.
Crush on a straight person: I've had like maybe three crushes in my life. They're debilitating, years-long messes that I can't seem to get over no matter how hard I try. And crucially, a major component is that I get tongue-tied and can't talk directly to the guy at all. So I don't actually know if they were straight. They weren't out as anything else, to my knowledge.
Fallen for a friend: I'm aromantic. Friendship is as far as I fall. (Okay, that's catchy but doesn't quite answer the question. The less catchy answer is that I just don't have the wiring alloromantics seem to be talking about where... where friendship has a guardrail separating it from "you wanna try this thing together?" Now, I also don't feel attraction to real people that much or that often, and most of my friends are some flavor of aro/ace anyway, but... I guess what I'm saying is that if somebody I like as a friend made a move, it'd be a case-by-case thing, I wouldn't have to be like "can I jump this barrier and start having romantic feelings about you" because that's just nobody.
Cool straight friend: Uh. Do I know any straight people? I think the barbarian at D&D is the token straight person there. Is anybody here straight? ;P
Cool queer friend: Everybody else, obviously.
Person that made me doubt my orientation: One of the people I snurched this from pointed out that this could easily be read as "person who was an asshole and made me worry I was straight/etc", rather than a queer awakening in some sense. In the first way, my bio-family, for many many years. In the second way... I don't really have a "Captain Janeway made me gay" sort of moment, but there were a bunch of really pretty girls at youth group when I was thirteen, and then there was Huttslayer Leia when I was eighteen and that definitely did *something* to me that I truthfully have still not figured out entirely.
Am I proud of my orientation: Mneh. I don't really feel like being proud comes into it. I'm not ashamed of it. Being aromantic is just who I am. I... I also maybe feel a little weird talking about it as the only partnered romance-repulsed aro I know of. It's a lot of complicated shit and I don't completely understand it myself well enough to feel like I can answer the kind of intrusive questions I used to get about trans shit.
Am I comfortable with my orientation: Pretty much. I wouldn't know what to do with myself as anything else, that's for sure.
Describe myself: Like all my identities? Because just me, I'm a turtle who ought to be in bed. But if we wanted to go full microgranular identities, I could say something like... aromantic masc-leaning bisexual gray-ace, transmasc-leaning genderfluid intersex, technically probably polyamorous but very tired, sometimes bi-gender sometimes nonbinary usually gay occasionally lesbian, always queer.
My queer hero: I'd have to say the older bisexual lesbian lady (she used both labels, as one does) who mentored me when I was still a homophobic but well-meaning youngster. I've lost track of her now but she and her wife were my first example of a healthy relationship.
Favorite part of being queer: Definitely the not having to worry about romance anymore. Y'all can have that. It seems tiring.
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kiara-carrera · 3 years
34. Having them as a background/lockscreen with Leah & JJ?
having them as your lock screen/background: leah + jj
By the time Leah’s eyes fluttered open, the sun was already beginning to set. The blinds on the windows weren’t shuttered fully, letting the last bit of evening light stream into the room, painting orange-y gold stripes across everything in its wake. Her body felt heavy, thick with just broken sleep, her eyelids like little lead weights struggling to function.
A few blinks and a half-stifled yawn were all it took for her to blearily peer around the room. She’d spent the day at the Chateau with JJ and now that she was able to pick out her surroundings as the pull out couch in the living room, she figured that she must have fallen asleep at some point. 
They’d had plans to go surfing, their days off from work matching up for the first time in two weeks, but they’d gotten rained out before they could even leave. A bolt of lightning and a crack of thunder to follow had been the final nail in the coffin.
It hadn’t been all bad — John B was out working for most of the day, having picked up some oddball jobs around the island taking care of some Kook’s property. That had left the Chateau to just Leah and JJ and whatever they chose to get up to.
In no particular order, it had been complaining about the rain, raiding the fridge for snacks, a very intense wrestling match for the last cookie in the cabinet that had ended up with JJ making a crude joke about being pinned down, smoking the last of the weed JJ had gotten off his cousin Ricky, and a whole lot of making out. Leah couldn’t exactly what the last thing had been that led them to be passed out on the couch, but she was pretty sure it involved cuddling if the heavy arm draped across her waist had anything to say about it.
JJ’s face was nuzzled into the crook of her neck, half-buried in her hair as his short little breaths tickled the skin of her shoulder. She couldn’t see his face and didn’t want to risk turning back and waking him up just to look at him, but she could already picture the content little expression he’d be wearing. The thought made her smile a little.
He was always peaceful when he slept — well, at least, he was peaceful when he slept with her. There were numerous times over the years where she caught him fidgeting and turning over every five minutes when he slept alone, but he’d never been like that with her, sleeping soundly like a rock. Whether he was holding her or, the more likely option, she was holding him, he’d always sleep well, face free of the little wrinkle he sometimes got between his brows.
Sighing happily, she let her hand drift down to where JJ’s was slumped against her, slipping her fingers between his as she readjusted her position on the pillow. Leah was all for falling back to sleep, dealing with dinner and going home later if it meant getting more time relaxing with her boyfriend.
Just as her eyes started to slip close, a bright flash of light in front of her startled her back awake. Squinting a bit, she could see where they’d tossed their phones earlier on the couch beside them, JJ’s lighting up with a few notifications.
Yawning, Leah gently slipped her hand off of JJ’s, her hand patting across the bed for his phone almost blindly through her bleary, sleep-ridden vision. John B’s name was the first thing she noticed, a few new messages about how he was getting off early and was planning on bringing some pizza back home for the two of them, which was nothing out of the ordinary.
What did catch her eye though, just as she was about to shoot him a message to get enough for three and that she’d spot him some cash if he got some garlic knots as well, was the semi blurred image of JJ’s lock screen behind the notifications.
Leah wasn’t sure when JJ had changed the standard preset factory wallpaper, but she knew for a fact that whatever she was managing to make out behind John B’s texts was not it. The majority of the image was blocked, only the bottom half of a person in a bikini left somewhat visible.
What in the world ...  she thought to herself, eyes narrowing in confusion.
She swiped her thumb across the screen, getting rid of the notifications with the intent to get to them later. When the last one was deleted, the full picture JJ had set as his lock screen was no longer obstructed or blurred. Leah wasn’t exactly sure what she had been picturing she’d find, but it most definitely wasn’t what she was met with.
A picture of herself that she’d never seen before was smiling back at her. Leah could recognize the marsh in the background and the back end of the Pogue where she was seated, dressed in her favorite yellow daisy printed bikini that had cost a little too much, a wide smile on her face as a can of Natural Light was held precariously in her hand. She wasn’t looking directly at the camera, the photo somewhat candid as she appeared to be laughing at something behind the person taking the picture.
The screen went black but she was quick to click it back on, once again staring at herself. Her cheeks felt warm as the reality of the situation set in, a pleasant flush that complimented the sudden fast pace of her heartbeat.
He’d made her his lock screen and she felt a smile threaten to break across her face at the pure surprise of it all.
There were things that JJ was and things that he wasn’t. A mild kleptomaniac, a fierce friend, a scrappy fighter, her best friend, and a damn good boyfriend if her biased opinion meant anything — those were things he was. But the kind of boyfriend that made his significant other his phone’s background? Yeah, that seemed like it bordered more along the lines of cheesy romcom shit that he’d make fun of.
Hell, they barely even took pictures together. There were the occasional Snapchats they’d take lying in bed goofing around late at night and there were some pictures in her bedside table from when they were younger, crinkled at the corners. And she had some pictures that Kie had managed to snap at the last second before either noticed, a few candids of them being “disgustingly adorable” as their friend had put it.
Any other photos she had of JJ were just of him. Some were of him doing stupid shit that she compiled over the years, sometimes with John B or Pope making cameos. Some were the Snaps he’d send her that she deemed either dumb enough or hot enough to be screenshotted (which was always followed up by a teasing text message from him that would get a prompt middle finger emoji in reply).
She wouldn’t be surprised if he had pictures of her on his phone, more than likely of her dumb Snapchats she didn’t want screenshots taken of (she knew for a fact he had the picture of her ugly crying to a Disney movie she watched a month ago because he’d started using it as a meme when texting her). But she wasn’t really sure how many pictures he’d realistically keep of her.
JJ wasn’t romantic in any traditional sense. Making someone their wallpaper just seemed very out of place in their relationship. So yeah, she was definitely thrown for a loop seeing herself on his phone, partially obscured by the clock displaying the late hour.
Her heart fluttered in her chest, though. Leah wasn’t anywhere near complaining. She was mildly confused, but it was a happy little surprise for her as warmth flooded her chest, another bout of pure adoration for the boy behind her at the sweet little gesture he’d done in secret.
Biting down on her lip to contain the wide grin on her face, she tapped in JJ’s ridiculous passcode (yes, it was 42069 for anyone wondering), replying to John B about extra pizza and garlic bread. A thumbs up was sent in response, leading Leah to lock the phone and toss it back beside her own where she’d found it.
Shuffling in JJ’s arms, Leah managed to gently nudge his head from her neck so she could turn herself around until she was facing him. He was still asleep, gentle little breaths escaping him. It was hard not to look at him and have her heart swell. Absentmindedly, her hand drifted up, fingers running through his hair as she silently admired him. She’d just found such a simple little thing that he’d done, but nothing was stopping her insides from melting and becoming all gooey over the boy in front of her.
That was just something so uniquely JJ, the ability to have her just become a puddle from the tiniest sweet gesture. Most of them were always unexpected — she’d been his best friend longer than she’d been his girlfriend and not once had she ever really imagined him being as soft as he was when it was just them alone, but she appreciated every second of it.
She’d looked happy and carefree in that picture on his phone and there was just a rush of emotions knowing he thought the picture was good enough to want to see it every time he went for his phone. It might have been dumb, but it made her feel pretty in a way she normally didn’t and adored in a way she’d only ever seen in fairytales or movies.
“Keep staring like that and it’s gonna cost you,” JJ mumbled suddenly, his tired voice startling her just a bit. One of his eyes was opened just a smidge, a sleepy smug grin spreading across his lips as he caught her eyeing him. “I’ll give you a discount for being hot, though.”
A laugh escaped her, eyes rolling as JJ began tugging her closer into him, head falling to her neck again as he pressed a kiss to the skin of her jaw.
“John B’s on his way home,” she whispered to him, gentle as she brushed back some of his hair from his forehead. “He’s bringing pizza.”
He paused in his ministrations, turning his head to peer up at her. “Did you tell him to get garlic knots?”
“The knots have been secured.”
An appreciative groan left him, another kiss pressed to her throat. “You’re the fucking best.”
She giggled again, happily squirming against him as he returned to kissing every spare inch of skin he could find on her neck and jawline. He was already a bit of an attention whore when they were alone, but sleepy JJ was a whole other level of cuddly and affectionate, a side of him that was reserved only for Leah.
They fell into silence, JJ still leaving little open mouth kisses on her skin, his hand drifting down to rub the exposed strip of skin between her shirt and shorts. The movement was comforting, her heart fluttering even more as she fiddled with his hair.
“I know,” he mumbled against her neck, not stopping his movements. “No hickeys where your dad can see.”
“What? No — wait, actually yes, but that’s not what I was gonna ask ... when did you take that picture of me?”
He paused once again, although this time it seemed more like he froze against her. Leah pursed her lips together, trying her best not to laugh as he awkwardly asked, “What picture?”
Pulling herself back a bit, Leah gave him a knowing look. “The one of me on your lock screen.”
JJ groaned, eyes squeezing shut. The thing about JJ was it took a whole lot to embarrass him. He took most things in stride, letting everything roll off his back. More often than not, he was the one saying things to embarrass other people — usually Leah. Whether they were jokes or dumb innuendos, JJ was the one dishing it out and if something actually did manage to embarrass him, there was a fifty-fifty shot you wouldn’t even know.
But right now, Leah could see a rush of discomfort wash over him as he was caught red-handed being a softie. She thought it was cute.
“Kie took it a few weeks ago,” JJ replied after a moment of thought, slightly sheepish as he began fiddling with a lock of her hair. “Asked her to send it to me.”
He shrugged. “Saw her take it. I don’t know, you looked nice. Liked looking at it.”
His words were brief, but the simple thought behind it made her heart speed up again. JJ wasn’t good with words and emotions, something she knew from their years as just friends, something even he’d told her himself. He wasn’t good with words, but he was great with actions. There were hundreds of little things she could think of that were just purely JJ’s way of showing that he cared. This was one of them and while his reasoning wasn’t the most articulate, Leah’s heart felt like it was going to fucking burst.
“If it’s weird, I can change it.”
JJ’s words caught her off guard, her head shaking rapidly. “What? No, no. I don’t care. It’s sweet,” she told him. And then, almost as an afterthought, she softly added, “Makes me feel pretty.”
Even in his sleep-induced haze, eyes still not quite focused in the dim late evening sun streaming through the blinds, JJ still squinted at her in confusion. “You are pretty.”
Yup, there goes her fucking heart.
She smiled softly at him, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. Leah could feel him smile against her, his hand still twisting her hair around his finger. 
They laid like that for another moment, before a smug little grin crossed Leah’s lips. “So I guess this means you’ve officially earned your simp card.”
JJ groaned at the ruined moment, rolling away from her to flop onto his back. Eyes narrowed, he firmly told her, “I am not a simp.”
“You totally fucking are,” Leah chided. Laughing, she shifted around the couch until she was sitting up. Swinging a leg over him, she promptly deposited herself in his lap, sitting on top of him while he continued to pout at her like a child. Teasingly, she added, “Looks to me like someone has a big fat crush on me.”
“I’m tossing your ass on the floor.”
“I’m sure you will,” she told him dryly, grinning as she swept her hair over one shoulder before leaning down to kiss him.
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from "Chapter Two: The Kithain" in Changeling: The Dreaming (20th anniversary edition) Part One of Two
"Humans define themselves by more than just species. They identify with certain races and cultures, separate themselves by generation or ideology, and express individuality while simultaneously looking for ways to connect with others like them. How they look, who they love, where they live, what they believe — these are all building blocks of identity."
"This desperate aversion to moving on does have its own consequences."
"Though the wisdom to temper the idea is sometimes there, the sheer excitement can sweep anyone off their feet quickly enough to disregard it."
"While these impulses aren’t usually much of a problem, it’s easy to forget that not every dream is a sweet one — nightmares can come to life, too."
"Every teddy bear protector is there to fight something,
after all."
"These things can be distracting at any age, especially for someone working in a dreary office or in a highly repetitive job."
"With little care for consequences or thinking through the details, they don’t consider the harm that will come to others, intentionally or unintentionally, in their pursuits."
"While they don’t have an inherently negative outlook, they are more likely to put their personal interests over those of others."
"Becoming jaded and unwilling to take risks is the death of childhood."
"Something may captivate them for a time, but once all the mystery is gone from it, they’ll just as easily drop one pursuit for another that still has questions to answer."
"Wonder lies in the discovery of a new species or an unexplored biome, and beauty in chemical bonds or lines of code."
"Repetition can quickly become a rut, and make even the most wondrous work commonplace and mundane."
"Whether they fight to preserve or subvert the ruling class as it stands, they all long to make their mark in one way or another."
"Even when caught, they are unlikely apologize for their actions, and instead have a dozen ways to justify them."
"Some enjoy collecting art and creating galleries to inspire others, or amass vast libraries of literature or music to the same purpose."
"They have an innate knack of deciphering relationships and picking up “overheard” tidbits of information."
"They explore the world with wonder in their eyes and will talk to anyone who will sit still long enough to listen and put up with the incessant questions."
"Their reputation for being consummate craftspeople is well learned."
"This does not apply to a sworn enemy."
"Rowdy fools, the lot of them."
"Rowdy fools, the lot of them. Still, they can be quite entertaining. . .so long as you keep them from breaking the china."
"They make wonderful guests and tell the most delightful tales, but they never stay for long."
"Pay heed to their stories and you may learn something."
"Their obsessions tend to make them boring conversationalists."
"Never leave them alone in a room if you want to be able to find anything afterward."
"They are quite entertaining at parties, but never stick around to help clean up."
"Foul mouthed and rude beasties, they are."
"Be careful how much wine you offer them. They can become quite. . . err. . .enthusiastic."
"No place on land, no friendship, and not even love can hold them."
"A selkie’s heart belongs to the sea and to the sea they will always return."
"They still understand the old ways but they do not always understand our ways."
"Things have changed and they are going to need to learn to adapt."
"It seems that they value little other than honor and duty."
"They are strong, yes, but they are more than simple brutes."
"They don’t lie outright, but they do love to tell a tall tale, often embellishing the story for the sake of humor or to build excitement."
"A good donnybrook clears the air, breaks the tension, and reveals hidden passions and personality traits."
"Nothing wrong with cutting loose a bit now and then!"
"Don’t leave them alone with your prize possessions; you’ll never know what’ll come up missing."
"They don’t understand limits — their own or anyone else’s."
"What a bunch of bullies!"
"Don’t underestimate them."
"Graceful, beautiful, mysterious, and always just beyond reach."
"They stayed by us and fought. That’s worth something."
"What we do today will live long after us, carried in the stories told by our children and our children’s children."
"Nothing new to learn here."
"Anger and foul language doesn’t make for a very good tale."
"There’s joy to be found in their revels, but take care!"
"They think themselves the kings and queens of this world, but they’ve never walked its many paths."
"How can they rule what they don’t understand and have never really valued?"
" I’ve heard it said that the real hero is the one who stays."
"I know I know. . .I’ve worked on the damned thing all week and it’s still not right."
"Maybe if you stop breathing down my neck, or better yet, just leave me the fuck alone and I’ll get it done."
"When they are forced to have social contact they are eminently sarcastic with everyone around them, and blazingly critical of anyone in charge."
"Artists, builders, crafters, and even writers all know the torment of “knowing” that their work is not good enough, that it will never be understood."
"People are mercurial, have feelings that can be easily hurt, and once broken they cannot be repaired in the same way as a tool or device."
"They are willing to take chances in order to come up with the newest and most fantastic design, often resulting in catastrophic (and sometimes humorous) failures."
"Rather than seeking the newest and most innovative designs, they have a deep desire for perfection — which, much to their chagrin, they can never attain."
"Sometimes all it takes is a kick and a few harsh words to scare a machine into working again."
"They’re fast, so they’re either cheap or good, too. You don’t get all three."
"Drunks and power tools don’t mix."
"Sorry, was that insensitive? Bite me."
"They just don’t know when to shut up."
"Sometimes they have something important to say, but you have to sift through the meandering drivel to find anything useful."
"Unruly and reckless children."
"Useless furballs!"
"Dangerous folk, but sometimes useful, especially if you want to dispose of some unwanted evid. . .err. . .garbage."
"Hedonistic freaks, the lot of ‘em."
"Don’t fall in love with one."
"Damn dusty in here."
"They think they’re hot stuff, but they don’t understand this world and its workings as we do."
"They want to rule, and who are we to say no."
"They pay well and I’ll happily take their commissions."
"Buncha creepy a-holes, if you ask me."
"Skulking around, up to no good, I’m sure of it."
"They are the strongest and toughest of us all, but their hearts can be surprisingly tender."
"I don’t know how it found its way into my pocket. Of course you can have it back. . .unless you don’t need it right now. I’d be happy to hang onto it for you until you do."
"I can’t imagine being tied down like that."
"We’ll wander many paths together, but in the end, they are who they are, and we never really are anything quite that specific."
"What is truth, but something we all agree upon? So, if we all agree upon a lie, isn’t it then truth?"
"Anything they say is likely to be peppered with lies, half-truths, and misinformation."
"Humans have always dreamed of a better, more carefree life."
"Lazy and reckless. And they keep all of the cake to themselves!"
"Drunken reprobates, every last one of them."
"Not exactly the most even tempered folks. Playing pranks on them can be a lot of fun though."
"It must be wonderful to always be at the center of every political intrigue."
"They start the shit that we have to finish."
"Just don’t get them started on how they’re royalty or some crap."
"You want to pound back a drink or wild out on the town, they’re the place to be."
"Mmm, seafood."
"You’d think such pretty folks would be easy to intimidate, but make that mistake and you’ll bite off more than even you can chew."
"Those nearby may experience a brief frisson of pure lust."
"How can such a simple life be a truly satisfying one?"
"A fight’s only as good as the kissing and making up after."
"So sweet and innocent. Cover their eyes before they see something naughty."
"Their passions are too dark and frightening."
"Someone so beautiful should never want for passion."
"I will return. . .one day. . .I promise."
"The sea gives and the sea takes away."
"A person’s secrets should be their own."
"Sharks that walk on two legs. Trust them at your own peril."
"They too are gifted with great beauty, but they wield their allure like a weapon."
"You think nobility a privilege, and you envy and resent us for it, but you cannot see that it is also a burden few would truly wish to bear."
"They must learn that respect must first be given in order to be received."
"Tremendously useful and occasionally even trustworthy, but beware what you allow them to slip into their pockets. You may never see it again."
"Who are these strange creatures?"
"What they know is invaluable, but can you really be certain they are sharing their knowledge with you alone?"
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tricksterreformed-a · 3 years
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➊ How many ships do you have on this blog?
          I don’t know, let’s count! I’ve been writing some super fun GabrielxBobby stuff with @multimuse-rp, and that good (complicated) GabrielxDean shit with @awaywardboy-andhisangel and actually... that’s all the canonxcanon ship stuff I’m writing right now for some reason. But that’s not all the ships!  Fulfilling a years long dream (for me) @daedaluscried and I are writing GabrielxAri and she has also indulged some excellet (unrequited) GabrielxEve content, @thxwxlf and I have dabbled in some GabrielxKekipi, and @inferniangod has been kind enough to write GabrielxIfrit with me. 
          I’ve discussed, but not actually written GabrielxSam with @smmie, and I think @hellsmother and I are on track to write some GabrielxRowena (but if I’m not sure I should probably check, whoops).  So that’s six total, eight if you count these last two.  Plus a handful of others where Gabriel is just flirting at people and waiting to see what happens.  Nothing has to happen, he’s just like that.  But something could happen with any of them.
➋ Have you ever roleplayed with someone that just left an unforgettable impression on you?
          Of course!  I’ve been doing this for 10+ years and people have made all kinds of impressions, some amazingly good and others downright awful. I can roll through some nicknames/first names only and proably only Anti will know who I’m talking about because a lot of them are from our shared history on gaiaonline!  I could go on and on about every single one of these people but here’s a quick ‘n dirty list instead: Noir, Kathy, Mariah, Moose, Lyss, Berry, and @daedaluscried!  I’m still occasionally in touch with three of these people (one more often than the other two) which I think is kind of wild all things considered. There’s also some not so good impressions, like guy-who-started-nice-and-then-harassed-me-for-nude-pics and the-person-who-broke-my-trust-and-caused-me-to-stop-writing-smut, but i have put them far far behind me.
➌ Which of your ships on this blog is the fluffiest?
          The fluffiest is probaly Gabriel and Ari now that we’ve gotten into the emotional core of the relationship on both ends.  Which isn’t to say that it’s not a spicy ship with a helping of angst, but... I’ve written more hand-holding with them than with any of the others and I guess that’s my definition of fluff. Also I suspect the gratuitous hand-holding will continue even once they’re past the language barrier. So... FLUFF.
➍ Would you say you’re a decent role player or do you have any self doubts?
          I think I’m a decent writer but my roleplay skills vary depending on the day.  I understand how to set a mood and (usually) how to string a decent sentence together but sometimes the craft that goes into bouncing off of another writer and giving them something to bounce off of in return eludes me.
➎ Have you made lots of friends on this blog?
          More than I expected too. But when I set this blog up I thought ‘those days are behind me now’ so... one would be more than I expected.
➏ What’s the one thing you especially love about roleplaying your muse?
          WRITING THE JOKES!  And not just the verbal jokes he makes, I love writing jokes into my narration! Meta jokes! Dick jokes! Bad puns! All of it! I love it!! I also enjoy the way Gabriel interacts with the world around him.  He rarely just stands in a scene and talks, he’s always moving and gesturing and doing stuff. I also love writing his dialogue, even when the things I write make me squinch my face up with shame. He just says stuff sometimes. 
➐ Are there any people you’ve been to afraid of approaching?
          NOPE!  I’m not afraid to reach out. Approaching people is the easy part. You send a meme, you make an ooc comment, you tag them in something, you hit them with an ask or an IM or whatever.  And if they don’t answer that’s a-okay!  Their choice, I’m not hurt or personally offended. What I’m afraid of is what happens after that part if they do answer.  I can usually BS a thread until I find the point of the thing but IMs and asks? Y I K E S ! Now there’s an expectation for me to be cool and witty and have good ideas instead of just mediocre ones. Very scary. The reason I don’t send IMs.
➑ Give us a rough estimate: How much time have you spent on your graphics? (icons, theme, banners, promos, etc)
          My icons/graphics are a visual representation of me learning to use G.I.M.P. and I think you can... very clearly see the learning curve.  More effort went into those old fuzzy icons I have than the new, crisp ones. Plus moodboards and other stuff?   My guess is 40+ hours.
➒ Got any memorable threads on here? Care to mention a few?
          Well now I wish I had thread tags.  Thread tags would be a lifesaver right now.  Anyway, I am once again shouting out @awaywardboy-andhisangel and our original GabexDean thread that has since spiraled and gotten very, very interesting (it’s not over, I just like it).  And @divinitatemxsanguis who has allowed me to indulge in writing Gabriel with Loki post all the betrayl and murder. They have a special place in my heart so thanks for not judging me! I’m getting ready to write the conclusion/endcap to a sad thread with @isclcphobics involving Talia, Gabriel, and a grave. Plus the thread with @downwillow where Gabriel is human and Micheal has forgotten him. And a shoutout to @daedaluscried for our thread series that I have affectionately dubbed the ‘The Nanny’ series ft. October and Gabriel.  Every thread has been a delight.
          I also have some stuff I’m really looking forward to getting into, specifically with @hellsmother​, @cursebcund​, and @magaprima​.
➓ What were some of the most frustrating moments you had with your muse’s interaction with another muse?
          One that’s on me: sometimes I know that a moment in a thread calls for some emotional vunerability, and often when those times roll around the Gabriel voice I use to write dialogue goes all quiet and resistant and just wants to make jokes.  And either one of two things happens, either I write the joke and cringe because I know now the thread is going to go way off track because obviously the other character won’t be thrilled/is about to shut down and shut up. Or I force some emotional vunerability out of him and it never quite sounds right to me.  Sometimes it’s natural, but sometimes he just won’t do the thing and it frustrates me!
          One that I’ve encountered from someone else: sometimes people will try to force a certain motivation or trait on my Gabriel based on their perception of canon/a past interaction they’ve had with another Gabe as portrayed by another RPer. This really grinds my gears because if you want a Gabriel with that motivation to critique/praise/fight with then go find one! I garantee someone out there plays him that way! There are a lot of us out here doing this! I’m not going to change my portrayl for you!!
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sunnomnoms · 4 years
Hi!! I wanted to request an scenario where the reader is a teacher in UA and is also good friends since their school years with Aizawa and Hizashi. She finds her old notes with some doodles and brings it to work so she could revive some memories with her friends. What she didn't remember is that she used to write Aizawa's name in her notebook with hearts around it... Kind of thing.... Thank you in advance ❤️❤️💖💖
AYYYY AN AIZAWA REQUEST yesyesyesyes this is so cute I love this. I hope I wrote him to your liking!! Also I am super sorry for the long wait! I had an unannounced hiatus and everytime I went to write this scenario Tumblr deleted it!!! >:,( but here it is!!
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“It’s been years since I’ve seen one of these things!!” You squealed happily as you flipped through the pages.
“We were probably, what, second years back when I used this? God, that felt like centuries ago!”
You had found an old note book of yours that you used to use all the time in high school. You were a teacher now at UA, alongside your high school best friends, Shota and Hizashi. The three of you were often around each other along with other friends you had had. Though it felt so long ago, it’s as if you could remember that chapter of your life clearly...
“When do you plan to tell him?” Hizashi whispered teasingly at you as he peaked over your shoulder. You squeaked, pulling your notebook to your chest as a deep blush crept onto your face.
“C-can you not?? jeez Hizashi!” you whisper-yelled at him, to which he only laughed. The racket you two had caused caught a certain someone’s attention.
“What are you two doing?” Shota asked, turning around in his seat to face the two of you. He placed an elbow on your desk, propping his head on it. The teacher wasn’t in class yet so some students chatted away, it wasn’t a crime for you three to do the same.
Shota shifted his gaze to you, your slightly pink cheeks catching his attention.
“H-he’s flirting again, you know how he is.” You lied through your teeth, holding your notebook to your face to try and cover your blush. Hizashi laughed at the remark, adding a “yeah, okay.” Shota sighed, humming a little as to say “ah, of course” before he let out a small yawn.
“I’m gonna nap. Wake me up when sensei gets here.” He said groggily as he rested his head in his arms on your desk. Before you could even respond, he was fast asleep on your desk. pulling down your notebook a tad, you revealed the heart filled smile you had towards his sleeping form. Hizashi has made some teasing comments here and there, but you hadn’t paid much mind.
It was true, you had a crush on Shota back then. To say your attraction towards him disappeared would be a lie, but the two of you were professionals now, and there was no room for fluffy feelings like that. While occasionally you wished for such a romance between the two of you, you always shook the thoughts away. Shota was your coworker, as well as just your friend.
With that said, you made sure to try and avoid bringing one of your notebooks that had love poems and confessions in them. You had a bad habit of day dreaming back then, and when you’re a teenager, you can imagine what kind of things you day dreamed about.
“You used to draw that little thing on all of my papers, I couldn’t escape it.” Shota said, pointing to a familiar, simple cat doodle you often did. You laughed, flipping a few pages to see the same doodle reappear several times. He chuckled softly as well.
“Oh! And here’s that freaking S!” Hizashi said, pointing to the infamous ‘S’ symbol probably all teenagers drew at one part of their life. “That thing haunts me!! I have no idea what it is or where it came from!!” Hizashi exclaimed over dramatically, earning another laugh from you. “I’m pretty sure everyone drew it.” You added.
The three of you sort of huddled around, reminiscing on old notes and doodles you all once did. Most of them were done by you, but some pages were filled with doodles done by all of you. Hizashi’s doodles usually contained random things, even memes at the time. Shota seemed to write small notes that usually were filled with sarcasm, and would occasionally draw little cats. Your doodles were always all over the place, from things like skulls to bunnies, or sharks and flowers. If hero work wouldn’t have worked so well in your favor, perhaps you would have been an artist. Who knows?
The time came when your off period was up, and the three of you had to go back to class and teach. You had left your notebook in the lobby, expecting to take it home with you when you left.
Unfortunately, you were a bit of a clutz that day, and had started to run late for your train.
“Ah, I’ll talk to you all tomorrow!!! My train is about to be here in ten minutes and it’s usually a fifteen minute walk, I gotta run!!” You called in a panic as you dashed out of the school.
“W-Wait, I could-” Shota called out to you, before stopping himself.
“... just give you a ride...” he sighed as he watched you scurry off without a second thought. He had to stay back for a half an hour anyway to file some paperwork, he would have had no issue bringing you home. But you were quick on your feet, and already too far and too determined to catch that train.
Aizawa laughed softly. You were always like this it seemed. You weren’t an idiot, no, but... an airhead? Sure. You often were oblivious to things going on it seemed. Not to mention how forgetful you could be.
On the topic of your forgetfulness, it seems you had yet again left something at work.
Shota looked over at you desk, noticing the notebook you seemed to have left behind while dashing off for your train. It wasn’t uncommon for this to happen, Shota was basically expecting it at this point. He let out another sigh, picking up the notebook. Upon noticing it was your old notebook from highschool, he opened it up to relive a few memories before getting back to filing papers. It was the same nostalgic things he had seen earlier, some things he didn’t remember, some things he remembered all too well. A small smile played on his lips as he flipped through the pages.
“What are you doing?” Shota inquired as he watched you scribble in your notebook.
“Nothing!! You can’t see yet!!” You giggled as you continued to intently sketch away.
Shota wouldn’t dare say it out loud, but he couldn’t help but find you cute like this. Maybe it was the way your hair fell in your face as you worked, maybe it was the little smile on your face, he couldn’t put his finger one what exactly caught his eye about the familiar sight. And yet, any time you did your little sketches, he’d sneak glances. Not at your notebook, but at you. You were just so cute when you were determined.
“Okay, I’m done. Lookie!” You said, placing your book on the desk for him to see. Shota blinked a few times before he realized what he was looking at. “It’s you!” You giggled.
It was a sketch of a cat, a black one, with the binding cloth around its neck. Shota felt a small smile pull on his lips as he looked at it.
“It’s so cute..” Shota muttered, before realizing what he had said. He looked up to you, expecting some sort of weirded out expression, but instead was met by your flustered expression.
“It’s just a doodle, it isn’t that cute! Haha!” You said sheepishly, waving him off.
As far back as Shota could remember knowing you, he had always recognized you as a strong girl. And yet, when you weren’t busy kicking ass, you found the time to be cute and endearing. Perhaps it was the duality you had that attracted him so much. But with how things have been recently with hero work and teaching, he doubted now was the right time to act on any sort of feelings. Shota couldn’t risk ruining the healthy work relationship the two of you had.
Shota flipped through a few more pages, and was ready to leave his reminiscing session there, until his eyes caught his name in one of the pages he passed. Blinking a few times, he flipped back a few pages, and scanned the page for his name. It didn’t take much scanning at all though. He felt his heart stop.
Not only did he find his name surrounded by hearts, but he found entire heartfelt notes. Little notes about the little details you noticed and loved, notes about how much you loved his long hair, notes about how you adored his love for cats, notes about how you admired his hard work on mastering the binding cloth...
Shota hadn’t felt his heart swell like that in years. It hurt almost, he even almost let out an audible swoon. Sitting down at his desk, he tried to process what he was reading. How many other Shota’s did they go to school with at the time? Was it really him she was talking about?
It had to be. Who else could it be?
Shota closed the notebook and sat back in his chair. His heart pounded against his chest, his head swarmed him with thoughts on what to do now that he had this information. He wanted to just kiss you, call you stupid for not saying anything for long, telling you he felt the same and still does. But that begs the question, do you still feel that way? The idea of your feelings fading away all these years later made his breath hitch. It was totally possible. You were teenagers, what if it was just a little phase? Something you were in and out of within a week?
Shota sighed for the umpteenth time that afternoon, settling for an idea he had. He’d come over to your apartment to drop it off, and he’d ask you about it then, right? Surely that was a fool-proof plan, right?
“What am I, 16?” Shota mocked himself out loud. He was acting like a nervous teenager again. Why?
Packing up and calling it a day (despite not filing a single paper...), Shota set off towards his car.
He held a hope in his heart that things haven’t changed too much from when you two were teenagers.
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youngbounty · 4 years
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I was bored, so I decided to post a meme. I saw someone do this same kind of meme before, but I have a different opinion on the Narumitsu ship. Nothing against thinking differently, but I wanted to share my take. I will explain my reasons for choosing these from top to bottom. But first, I want to make it clear why I placed Asexual for Miles Edgeworth's sexuality instead of gay or bi. He has shown time and time again that he feels no sexual attractions towards the female masses or even males. I also consider sexuality more hormone based. I'm not going to expect Edgeworth to be going home and fantasizing about naked men or a naked man, even if he's in love with him. Also, I believe that you can fall in love with someone that would not fit your sexual preference. It might make the marriage difficult to stay together, but not impossible. Also, just because someone is asexual, that doesn't mean they'll never feel affectionate once in a while. Anyways, now for the choices/preferences for these two:
 1. Miles Edgeworth is not one for pet names and never has been. Even despite his relationship with Phoenix, he's always called him "Wright" professionally. The closest he may get to giving Phoenix a pet name is maybe "Nick" behind closed doors. Even then, he'd have to be in a really good or affectionate mood.
Phoenix Wright is the king of pet names. He called his ex girlfriend "Dollie" and loved it when she called him "Feenie." He even has called Trucy "sweetheart." If he was to ever date Edgeworth, he'd be going for any pet name he can get away with. Not to say he'll call Edgeworth one that he won't like or do so at times that may embarrass him, except maybe in front of friends that will keep it quiet, but if he can get away with it, Phoenix will do it.
As far as when either one of them call each other pet names, Phoenix will likely only use them often in private or in front of friends to tease Edgeworth. He won't do it in public, since he knows Edgeworth gets embarrassed about doing PDA or any affectionate stuff in public. Edgeworth will definitely feel embarrassed and awkward at first, but once he gets used to the pet names, he will enjoy them. He may decide to be affection ant to Phoenix and call him "Nick." He's trying.
 2. Miles Edgeworth has so much self-loathing and low self-esteem that he will not feel worthy of Phoenix's love. This especially doesn't help that he is asexual and does not have any desire to see him naked or have sex with him. As someone who is asexual, I know that it is disheartening to have feelings for someone without any desire to go to bed or do perverted things. There will always be the fear you will never give your loved one the romantic pleasure they deserve and I cannot see Edgeworth not feeling this way. He certainly has proven to feel disheartened by the fact he has no experience with falling in love, finding that special someone he'd spend the rest of his life with or do the impossible to save that loved one, unless it was his dog. Sometimes people wait to be confessed to, because they feel unworthy of their crush's affections and this is how I see Edgeworth feeling about Phoenix.
Phoenix Wright is the kind of person to proclaim his love to the world. He did that with Dahlia/Iris by wearing the necklace given to him on the first meeting, refusing to take it off and showing it to his friends. The only excuse I've heard about why Phoenix couldn't fit Confess First is because it's been 10 years and he hasn't. My argument is that Narumitsu isn't canon or shall not be treated as such by me and, who is to say there aren't any obstacles in the way? During the first three years, Edgeworth was avoiding Phoenix, then taking off to study abroad. By the time he got back, he was busy with the Yatagaratsu Case and dealing with the P.I.C. Afterwards, Phoenix was disbarred and had an extra mouth to feed. By the time Trucy was older and Phoenix was back being a Defense Attorney, he was still busy working on a major case and dealing with stuff in Khura'in. Even then, who is to say Phoenix has never confessed already? Perhaps he has confessed, but Edgeworth either has never responded, rejected his advances or they just never got around to setting up their relationship. Either way, I don't consider ten years of nothing happening being a reason for Phoenix not being the first confessor or the kind that wouldn't scream to the heavens that he's in love.
Now, I don't consider this to have anything to do with their relationship as much as maybe starting it. I'd argue that neither have to confess before starting a relationship. They could just naturally start becoming boyfriends without a single confession or kiss. Either way, as far as confessions go, I see Phoenix being the first confessor. As to if their relationship goes anywhere, I suppose it would depend on their situation and if both parties would be willing.
 3. Miles Edgeworth would certainly not care which spoon he is. He's not the most affectionate person on the planet, so if he is affectionate, he will go for either or. It may depend on his emotional state or if he's out and about, though it would not really matter and the idea of a preference would feel rather silly to him.
Phoenix Wright also doesn't care which spoon he is so long as he gets to love on his significant other. Though, if he had to choose, he'd prefer being big spoon, because he just loves giving affection.
Since Edgeworth would most certainly get embarrassed in showing affection and PDA in public, spooning would only be done behind closed doors, unless they're married. If married, Edgeworth will allow arms around the waist around family and friends, but that's it. As far as who will be the big or little spoon the most, it's a switch. Even if being big spoon is Phoenix's preference, neither man really care which spoon they are. Phoenix will equally love being the little spoon as much as he loves being the big spoon. Besides, spooning isn't Phoenix's preferred way of being affectionate to Edgeworth and he will likely not remember if he was the big or little spoon that day or if they did spoon.
 4. Miles Edgeworth often does favors when it comes to wanting to show his feelings about someone. Whether it would be helping Phoenix get back into law or Kay solving the Yatagaratsu Case, for Edgeworth, doing favors takes more effort and shows how much you're willing to do for this other person out of love. Because of how rich Edgeworth is, just giving gifts isn't enough. Though, it isn't to say he won't give gifts occasionally. Edgeworth also knows that gifts can show sentimentality. He'd just probably give gifts to his lover, if he feels obligated to, such as the holidays, birthdays or anniversaries.
Phoenix Wright will always do favors above all else. Not to say he'll never receive gifts or thinks it'd be too shallow to give gifts. After all, Dahlia gave him a heart-shaped necklace and he accepted it wholeheartedly. Though, Phoenix returned that love by keeping that necklace and showing it to his friends. For Phoenix, actions speak louder than words. If he does give anything to anyone, it would often be against his will such as Maya getting burgers off his tab or allowing Edgeworth to borrow his badge and magatama to defend Iris, because he's too sick and bedridden to do it himself. So, if Edgeworth is about to walk in the rain without a raincoat or umbrella, then he will lend one to him, but giving isn't Phoenix's forte. He'd much rather do favors for people than give them anything he owns or buys, and that would include giving gifts to his lover.
Neither Phoenix or Edgeworth would give gifts to each other, outside of necessity or special occasions. If they do, it won't be anything special. Maybe just cards, money or flowers. I think the most special gift Phoenix would give Edgeworth is a toy for Pess and for Edgeworth to Phoenix, a gift card to Eldoon's. Edgeworth would much rather take Phoenix out on a romantic getaway and Phoenix would rather throw a party or cook for Edgeworth. Both would rather do favors out of gift-giving, so it works for the both of them.
 5. Miles Edgeworth is a big time introvert, so he will prefer not going out in public or anywhere for a date. He'd rather not go out on a date at all. He'd much rather just spend time with his lover through shopping, walking his dog or just hanging out at home and ordering take-out. I will go more into that introvertedness later, but to Edgeworth, going out on a romantic getaway or fancy date would be too stressful and tiring. It isn't to say he wouldn't be willing, but that wouldn't be what would make him romantically affectionate and bubbly, if that was possible. Even going to a private resort or hotel would be stressful.
Phoenix Wright absolutely LOVES romantic dates and getaways. The more romantic and extravagant it is, the happier and wooed he will be. He will likely dream about candlelit dates under the stars and kissing behind fireworks. Of course, he will enjoy hangouts too, but they will feel too much like something he does with his friends. He will get bored after a while.
As far as how Phoenix's and Edgeworth's dates would go, it would depend on who the planner is. If Edgeworth wants to spend time with Phoenix, he will take him out on a romantic date with candle lights, rose petals and the whole shebang, because he knows that's what Phoenix loves. Though, it will be a matter of planning the date. If Phoenix misses Edgeworth and wants to spend time with him, he will ask what he's doing and just go off and join him. Phoenix knows Edgeworth doesn't like going out anywhere and it's much easier on his budget if he just drops by at Edgeworth's office during lunch, take a walk with him while he's walking his dog, help him with his shopping or just spend the night. Even though hangout dates seem boring and too much like something he does with his friends, if it's with Edgeworth, it is never boring and they are already friends anyways. Knowing that Phoenix can always hang out with Edgeworth like when they were kids gives him comfort to know that nothing has to change between them just because they're romantically involved. Even Edgeworth would prefer being the one to set up any romantic date, so him and Phoenix get the best out of their relationship. Phoenix's best dates he'd give Edgeworth would be a place that reminds them of their childhood like an old treehouse or the park they went to after school. Edgeworth's best dates he'd give Phoenix would likely be a cruise or experiencing a new place Phoenix has never been to.
 6. Miles Edgeworth is a big time introvert, just as I said before. Most people tend to think of introverts as people that love being alone and, while there is truth to it, that isn't what being an introvert is. It means that they prefer to not socialize. For every introvert, the idea of socializing and talking with people stresses or tires them out. Not to say they wouldn't, but it will likely be with friends or if it's part of their work, if any socialization was to occur. For Edgeworth, he's only ever been social with his colleagues or friends. Even just talking to witnesses would add another layer of stress. It's likely why he's much more stressed and tired as Chief Prosecutor than High Prosecutor. Edgeworth doesn't want to talk with anyone. He just wants to shut himself from everyone and the world, so he can finally relax and concentrate. He will socialize or plan a social gathering, but only if he feels like he must.
Phoenix Wright is the opposite. I've heard people consider him an introverted, because he isn't very good with socialization and that's not accurate. He doesn't feel weak, stressed or tired from socializing. If anything, he enjoys spending time with people and his friends. The reason Phoenix became a Defense Attorney was to help other people he didn't know. Does that sound like an introvert to you? It doesn't to me. Introverts would rather shut themselves out from strangers. He's an extrovert, which would be someone that gathers strength from socializing and only become stressed and tired from being alone. The moment Phoenix is alone, he falls into pieces. When Maya left during Turnabout Goodbyes, Phoenix was so drained that he couldn't take any clients and had almost declined Ema's offer. When Phoenix was disbarred, he said that Trucy was the only sunshine in his life and, even then, he showed signs of Depression and turned to alcohol, if you read pass the comical censorship. It was only once Apollo started joining that Phoenix started getting some of that valor back. In fact, he is much stronger with Apollo, Trucy and Athena working under him. It's clear that Phoenix is a big time extrovert.
Introverts and extroverts ironically attract like magnets. Phoenix and Edgeworth would do well with one being an introvert and the other being an extrovert. Phoenix will be the one to encourage Edgeworth to spend time with him and their friends, while Edgeworth will allow Phoenix the space he needs when needed. Even extroverts need some time to themselves once in a while, just like introverts need a little socializing to not feel alone. Of course, if Edgeworth feels overwhelmed, Phoenix will give him his space and if Phoenix feels the overwhelming need for company, Edgeworth will provide it. Neither one of them will ever want the other to be hurt by being too lonely or overwhelmed by socialization. They will give each other the right amount of balance for alone and social times.
 7. Miles Edgeworth is not one to be affectionate by words. He won't even use pet names. He shows his love through action alone. This goes from returning Phoenix back into law, to taking Kay to Jammin' Ninja Conventions, to paying for Maya's bail when she was arrested for Contempt of Court, to helping Phoenix save Maya from De Killer, to helping out Blackquill, to helping Raymond Shields solve the IS-7 Case. It isn't to say he won't use words to express his feelings, but will only do so if they're the only things he has. He expresses Phoenix's actions and how they affect him in AAI 1 and 2, because Phoenix had affected him to the point where no action he did could express how grateful he is to Phoenix. When Edgeworth expresses love for someone through words, he means them 100%. Edgeworth knows words effect people greatly, so he chooses to use them when he needs to.
Phoenix Wright will go either or when it comes to showing affection through action or words. He had changed his career to save Edgeworth, so it's clear actions mean a lot to Phoenix. Though, words mean just as much. When he says he will protect Maya with his life, he means it from his mouth and actions. When he said he believed in Edgeworth and Larry, never including Maya in the group, he meant it with his whole heart. He trusts Maya, but he trusts his friends much greater. His actions prove it just as much. Speaking of words. Phoenix also said that he considered Kristoph a friend in Turnabout Trump and often dined with him. Kristoph's biggest mistake, in my opinion, was mistaking Phoenix's words and actions for lies. When it comes to the heart, Phoenix is not one to lie about his heart towards someone through action or words. It's not to say he's never lied before, but when it comes to love, it's always going to be truthful through his actions and words.
Affectionate actions will certainly be the core of Phoenix's and Edgeworth's romantic affections, but Phoenix will be the one to include affectionate words. Because it is Phoenix, Edgeworth knows that he means it. Phoenix is fine with Edgeworth not being affectionate with words, because his actions will always do the talking. It isn't to say Edgeworth will never tell Phoenix "I love you" or "you're beautiful," but will use those words sparingly. Like all the other times, Edgeworth will only use words to describe his feelings if there is no other way to show them through action. Words will be the ones that Edgeworth and Phoenix will cherish the most out of each other, because they are a rarity in their relationship.
 8. Miles Edgeworth is always serious and being in a relationship will be no different, especially since he's asexual. He doesn't want the relationship to end in failure. Once it starts, he wants it to grow and mature. He expects responsibility on both ends. Of course, experience will teach Edgeworth to not have too high of expectations, but there will be expectations. The longer Edgeworth stays in the relationship, the more mellow he will become, but will still expect himself and Phoenix to be responsible. This includes dating, keeping contact and getting married. Even saving his virginity for marriage may be part of the deal.
Phoenix Wright also wants a serious relationship, but wants to enjoy it too. He may even consider moving in with Edgeworth or starting a relationship right away without considering how this would affect Conflict of Interest. Phoenix thrives off of affection, but also knows that it comes with responsibility. If Larry Butz has taught Phoenix anything, it's that chasing after love without considering the consequences can lead to disaster. Phoenix also experienced getting his heart broken, because of his reckless actions. Phoenix will still want to enjoy his romantic relationship, but will know that with great love comes great responsibility.
Both Phoenix and Edgeworth will want a serious relationship, but Phoenix will be the one to encourage the fun that comes with it. Of course, Edgeworth will have too high of expectations for Phoenix in the relationship, at first, and that will annoy him greatly. It may even make Edgeworth jealous at how carefree Phoenix will act about their relationship, since he worries about it all the time. Though, after some time of Edgeworth mellowing down, he will enjoy Phoenix being carefree and enjoying their romantic times together. Edgeworth may even find himself enjoying it too and seeing that even enjoying their romantic times together is part of their responsibility of loving each other. The care-free vs serious part will be the rockiest part of their relationship, but not one that can't be worked out. This will just take some time and experience together.
 9. Miles Edgeworth would rather be affectionate when no one is looking. This is because he cares too much about what other people think of him and the fact he gets overwhelmed by people looking at him. It's part of his introverted nature. If he does get publicly affectionate, the most he will do is handholding and, once married, maybe a hug, a peck and a kiss on the hand. Even so, it's only because that was how far his former mentor, Manfred Von Karma, was towards his wife. Manfred Von Karma and his wife are the only examples of a married couple Edgeworth has had in his life. Even if his father was affectionate towards his mother, since they both passed away when he was young, he will barely remember their affectionate times. Of course, when alone, Edgeworth will be more open and affectionate and that will only increase as time passes.
Phoenix Wright is the king of public affection. He was very affectionate towards Dahlia/Iris when in public. To Phoenix, if he is to show his love to his lover, it will be out in public whether his lover likes it or not. Phoenix is an open book when it comes to his feelings. He's not one to hide, at least not all the time. It's not to say he isn't capable of keeping things behind closed doors. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Phoenix will certainly not talk about his sex life and he understands the idea of keeping things personal. Though, when it comes to showing how much he loves and cares about his lover, he will hug, kiss and say sweet nothings in front of the whole world. Of course, that won't keep his colleagues, especially Apollo, from shouting, "get a room!"
As far as affections go, most of them will be done in private and Phoenix will spend the first of the longest time without being allowed to be as close and affectionate as he wants. This is because Phoenix understands that Edgeworth is very self-conscious and believes that respecting your lover's space is more important than his own personal needs. Edgeworth will also know that Phoenix would much prefer using PDA to show his love. He will eventually allow a few displays of affection such as holding hands and maybe a kiss on his hand or cheek, but anything more than that will have to be saved for marriage. Even during marriage, he may allow a few more things to slip by such as lip or neck kissing (no hickeys or tongues touching), long hugs and spooning. Most of Edgeworth's limited affections were because of Von Karma's influence and, if Phoenix could change Edgeworth's thinking from his mentor's teachings, Phoenix can do the same for Edgeworth on romantic affections.
 10. Miles Edgeworth being a slow burn is obvious, but that is mostly because of his asexual nature. He feels no desire to be with anyone sexually, even his lover. He may eventually grow to want that, but not out of pleasure and even the sexual pleasure will only be to make his lover happy. At the same time, he did like and befriended Phoenix from the first time they met and, even though they had known each other for less than a year as children, Edgeworth still cared about him so strongly that he wanted to protect Phoenix from DL-6. Arguably, Edgeworth may've tried to save Phoenix in his own way when he was arrested for murder, thanks to Redd White. I can't say if it's love at first sight, but Edgeworth is capable of feeling love and care for someone within the span of a single moment such as with Phoenix and even Kay Faraday. Though, those moments are saved in small doses.
Phoenix Wright is definitely a love-at-first-sight type of guy, if his romance with Dahlia/Iris isn't proof of anything. He often will grow very close with people in the span of a moment to a day. Him and Kristoph were already hitting it off literally after he voted Phoenix innocent at the Bar Association. Phoenix and Apollo also hit it off pretty quickly, including with Trucy, Larry, Maya, Mia, Pearl, Athena and every client he's ever had. That being said, it isn't to say Phoenix won't start peddling back, if the ball isn't rolling. He's not stupid and he has been hurt, because of his quickness to trust and love someone. If Dahlia and Kristoph had taught Phoenix anything, it's that you don't always know someone in the span of a day or moment. He didn't even know Larry was the one that stole Edgeworth's lunch money during school, which became what started their friendship, for 15 years. So, even if Phoenix may feel love towards someone in the span of a moment, he also knows to not leave himself completely open. After all, it did take time for him to completely trust Maya and, even after knowing her for a full year, he said he trusted Larry and Miles without including Maya. So, for Phoenix, trust is more along the lines of something earned rather than given in a single moment or day.
Some people have theorized that Phoenix had fallen for Edgeworth first, while Edgeworth would've fallen for Phoenix after they reunited. For me, I believe their love for each other, platonic or romantically, were always on an equal spectrum. Phoenix was one of the few people in Miles' life that he grew to love and care for in a single moment. Even when Phoenix was angry at Edgeworth, he still trusted and cared about him. Unlike with Dahlia, that trust and love never left him. Even though Phoenix had claimed in Justice For All that Edgeworth was already dead, it was clear he was lying to himself. He was even shocked by the fact he trusted Edgeworth in Farewell my Turnabout, while Mia said, "yes, you do," like it was the most obvious thing in the world. The reason is because Edgeworth had already earned that trust. Even with Iris, you could argue that Phoenix's trust towards her was already earned too, because he knew that the Dahlia he was in a relationship with and the one in court couldn't have been the same person. Even if Edgeworth is more of a slow-burner and Phoenix is more of a love-at-first-sight guy, their love and trust will always remain the same on equal par from beginning to end.
 11. I think this speaks for itself and I don't need one separately for these two. Both use cheap flip-phones and prefer talking, calling or writing letters to each other. Neither Edgeworth or Phoenix are the most well versed in the latest smart phone the world has to offer. Even if they used a smartphone, it would only be for work purposes. If they did text, it would be short, simple and straight forward. Of course, it isn't to say Phoenix won't shorten the words of his texts, but that's only because his phone is so cheap and it would hurt his thumb to just press the same number three to four times to get his text. Edgeworth may be pickier with using the right words with the right spelling. Though, in truth, both would rather just not text at all and, if they do, it will be straight forward.
 12. Miles Edgeworth was the most difficult to decide if he was a lender or borrower of people's clothes. The only time he's ever given any piece of clothing is when Kay cried on his cravat and he gave it to her. With borrowing, the only time he borrowed anything from anyone was Phoenix's badge and magatama. Edgeworth is not a free lender or borrower. So, for this one, I had to think outside the box or turn my thinking around. Perhaps instead of looking at when he borrowed or lend someone's clothes, I should focus on what could be considered borrow or lending and what would keep him from doing so normally. One of the things I do notice about Edgeworth is that, while he doesn't borrow anyone's clothes, he does borrow their style or gestures. As a child, Edgeworth dressed very similar to his father with the gray suit and shorts with his red bow matching the color of his father's tie. When he first became a prosecutor, his uniform and gestures matched perfectly with his mentor, Manfred Von Karma. Even when he grew older five years later, his suit and gestures were closely based off his mentor's, including the theme song. After AAI2, as a Chief Prosecutor, he began adding some stylistic choices that resembled his father, such as the glasses and longer tail to his coat. Even the ways he solved cases in his spin-off games were based off Phoenix Wright. None of the attorney characters I knew base their style of clothing from their mentors. It occurred to me that maybe Edgeworth was a borrower and seemed to not be borrowing anything from anyone in canon, because he's rich and wouldn't see the point in it. If he was dating or married, he'd likely borrow clothes, since their belongings would belong to the both of them equally. He may even be seen one day on the couch in his lover's house pants and night shirt. Though, he will also lend someone a piece of clothing, especially his lover, if he has extras such as a dress shirt.
Phoenix Wright is 100% a lender of clothing. Unlike with Edgeworth, this one wasn't hard to figure out. Phoenix's stuff gets jacked all the time. Maya's always like "buy me burgers" and he will do it, even though it's milking his money for all his worth. He doesn't often like it, but he'll do it. If one of his friends, especially lover, is seen with one of his shirts or pants, it'll just be another day in paradise. For Phoenix, lending his stuff isn't anything new and it happens to him every single day. It's because of this, he loathes the idea of borrowing someone else's clothes or stuff. He will, if he has to, but the fact he lived seven years caring for a child without stopping by at Edgeworth's place and saying, "hey, think I can crash in at your place and live here, since you'll be going to Europe most of the days anyways?" shows he's not one to freeload off of his friends or anyone.
While Edgeworth isn't someone that will take or borrow someone else's clothing, if it's his husband, it's possible he may. Phoenix may wake up one day and find Edgeworth in the living room with a piece of his clothing watching Steel Samurai. Though, for Phoenix, it will just be another day, another loved one jacking stuff from him. I doubt Phoenix will be all lovey-dovey over it, but he won't object to it either. On the same note, if Phoenix doesn't have enough white dress shirts, Edgeworth would not object to lending one to him, if he has a ton of them. This goes for socks, briefs and what-nots. Lending or borrowing the other's clothing won't be considered romantic to either of them. Not everything in the romantic cliche list won't always be considered romantic to these two and I think it makes their relationship more unique. Lending and borrowing clothing would just be considered one of those.
 This is my interpretation of the ship. I don't consider it to match anyone else's interpretation. Feel free to give your thoughts.
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florbelles · 4 years
otp questions meme
tagged by @nightwingshero and @returnofthepd3​, thanks loves! doing this for john x lyra since that’s the shared fandom
tagging (and i sincerely apologize if you’ve done it or been tagged several times i haven’t been online today) @overboss @fillianore @callmeredhood @sharky-broshaw @chuckhansen @softmillers @tommymillers @spicevalleys @chyrstis @theoutlawdiaries @stvnningstrike @risenlucifer @smithandrogers and anyone else who has otps to talk about (let me know if you would or would not like to be tagged in these things, i feel like pretty much revert to the same list)
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who is more likely to raise their voice? lyra’s usually the first but both of them do it who threatens to leave but never actually does? neither during arguments tbh who actually keeps their word and leaves? neither who trashes the house? lyra while john just stands back pointing screaming WRATH. WRATH WAY TO GO WRATHY NICE JOB do either of them get physical? not the way this means  how often do they argue/disagree? at first they're both kind of constantly testing/pushing each other because the concept of unconditional love is foreign to them so there's a constant undercurrent of deliberate provocation or extreme overcompensation but it's something they learn to move past. by the time they're well established and comfortable in their relationship it becomes a fairly rare thing who is the first to apologize? they would both claim the other person does but they usually just end up blowing off steam and circling back to it when they can discuss things more calmly (but tbh most of their fights are incredibly petty have you met them)
(full questionnaire under the cut -- cw for sex, drugs & alcohol references)
who is on top? either/or who is on the bottom? same who has the strangest desires? lyra tends to have the more inopportune impulses or ill-advised ideas but that’s more of a “no lyra we are not having sex right now you are severely injured that is an entire gunshot wound what happened” “well clearly i got shot john take off your clothes” than anything else  any kinks? i mean. nothing that would be unexpected. since it’s them. who’s dominant in bed? it’s either/or tbh they’re both enthusiasts is head ever in the equation? of course if so, who is better at performing it? they’ve both been around the block many many times sex isn’t a problem for them ever had sex in public? yes, occasionally to unfortunate results. rip to that resistance man who walked by at the wrong time who moans the most? the guards at the ranch hate their job next question who leaves the most marks? both of them honestly they’re rabid who is the more experienced of the two? john (because, lyra would explain, he’s older, he’s an old man, not for lack of effort on her part) do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? fuck initially because it’s what they’re used to, make love later, still do both rough or soft? it’s situational tbh, softer when they’re lazy in the mornings and just want to be together and rough when they’re in the mood how long do they usually last? it’s more a matter of how long they have honestly is protection used? lyra has it covered iud wise does it ever get boring? like i said this is like the one (1) intimacy area they’re fucking great with so no where is the strangest place they’d have sex? i mean. they’ve attempted most places tbh their family and flock live in constant fear of what they’ll walk in on at any given moment
do they plan on having children/or have children? in the alternate cult wins the holy war timeline only; lyra didn’t really want to have them before they left the bunker but it ended up happening five years in anyway since she ran through the preventatives if so, how many children do they want/have? they have twins and a younger son, so three; in my main canon they have none
who likes to cuddle? both but john’s needier about it who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? both of them  who struggles to keep their hands to themself? both of them, have you met them, they’re not chill dudes how long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? it’s much easier for lyra to express affection physically than verbally so it’s their main outlet honestly, comfort is secondary who gives the most kisses? like i said it’s really the only way lyra can say i love you so it’s definitely lyra what is their favourite non-sexual activity? hot baths, they’ve had a long day harvesting saving souls where is their favourite place to cuddle? they like to sit in those stupid rocking chairs outside the ranch, by the fire pit in their yard or on their couch by the fireplace how often do they get time to themselves? less as the conflict they call the holy war escalates tbh, but they take it where they can
who snores? john if both do, who snores the loudest? if lyra’s snoring it’s because she’s sick and she’s an entire freight train do they share a bed or sleep separately? share a bed if they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? they fully sleep on top of each other, NO breathing ONLY crushing weight of partner >:(((( what do they wear to bed? they don’t tbh, unless they’re trying to nap in the middle of the day because their sleep schedules were ruined by that pesky war they started are either of them insomniacs? sleep is increasingly a luxury for them but no, not really. lyra has more trouble sleeping alone/in general because she’ll down like five cups of coffee immediately before bed and then be like why is sleep evading me. how could this happen what kind of twisted joke is this i cannot believe the heretics have done this can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? no do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? they’re a tangled mess lbr who wakes up with bed hair? both but lyra has a ridiculous amount of hair so she’s more visibly A Mess who wakes up first? lyra but she usually immediately wakes john up so everyone loses who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? neither. lyra will bring coffee up for both of them and then get back in bed with him and end up passing out so. thanks for the cold useless coffee lyra good job what is their favourite sleeping position? i think i’ve established “position” is an optimistic way to describe the twined up sleeping mess that is them do they set an alarm each night? not usually, lyra’s up with the sun no matter what so it’s only if they have to be up earlier than that for something project-related can a television be found in their bedroom? no tbh who has nightmares? john about the past, lyra about the future who has ridiculous dreams? lyra  who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? this usually isn’t an issue tbh. they’ll accuse each other of it but if it happens it’s usually more of a “someone shifted in their sleep and took the sheets with them” situation who makes the bed? neither of them, lyra’s more likely to remember to strip the sheets off what time is bed time? oh to have a consistent bed time again. they sleep when and where they can, honestly. neither of them are proud of the desk incident. or the fire pit incident. or -- any routines/rituals before bed? they’ll wash up while they recap but nothing unusual (if you ignore the blood they’re scrubbing out of their nail beds) who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? john because if he’d known he was signing up for sadistic disney princess leaning her head out the window at 5:30 am every day he might have reconsidered the sleeping arrangements
who is the busiest? both of them have a lot going on, who rakes in the highest income? john. lyra was also rich before the cult but if Most of john’s money came from ethically questionable means nearly All of lyra’s did. does pawning the apology diamonds you stole off a philanderer count as ‘income?’ are any of them unemployed? no, the sinners keep them busy who takes the most sick days? john. lyra shows up holding her guts in with her hand like heyyyy who we hunting!!! oh this no it’s fine i’m fine who is more likely to turn up late to work? if they’re late they’re both late, you get me, but it doesn’t happen since work is a life or death situation for them who sucks up to their boss? john. lyra respects joseph but she isn’t desperate for his love and approval, so. you know. what are their jobs? the baptist & judge of eden’s gate. insert truly horrifying job descriptions here who stresses the most? john about the short term (joseph’s disapproval, lyra got stabbed again and decided not to mention it), lyra about the long term do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? they love what they do! how lovely for them! ignore the screaming and the antlered corpse you get used to it are they financially stable? yes
who does the washing? neither. out of the generosity of their hearts they give others the chance to atone by doing everything for them! acts of service! yes! who takes out the trash? their kindness and generosity knows no bounds who do you think takes out the trash who does the ironing? oh lyra actually does this sometimes because she doesn’t trust anyone else with an iron around her clothes who does the cooking? all jokes aside, neither of them, the project takes care of that who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? neither, they’re more likely to burn the house down because they got distracted~ and left the oven on who is messier? i mean have you seen the ranch have you seen the bunker they live in chaos but lyra carries the added threat of lipstick and mascara and bleeding on the table because she’s trying to stitch herself up who leaves the toilet roll empty? neither  who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? they both shed them in a hurry but lyra i guess who forgets to flush the toilet? neither who is the prankster around the house? lyra’s more likely to start it but honestly they do so much shit to fuck with each other who even remembers how it began at this point what matters is lyra’s wanted: sinner poster was over the fireplace for a week who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? lyra is more likely to lose the key to john’s hangar oh no baby guess you can’t fly today (i jest, the answer is neither, they care deeply about their vehicles and more importantly need to be ready to Go at any given moment) who mows the lawn? the peggies. the flock, i mean. their beloved flock. bless them. who answers the telephone? either. usually john. who does the vacuuming? neither who does the groceries? neither, but since lyra’s undercover she can smuggle things back from town sometimes who takes the longest to shower? both of them are menaces but lyra’s hair weighs two tons soaking wet so the whole Process is a bit longer for her (but not by as much as it should be)
is money a problem? not at all how many cars do they own? they have their personal cars and then de facto ownership/use of any of the project’s vehicles so. too many do they own their home or do they rent? they own their home and one way or another they’re gonna own your home, too do they live in the city or in the country? country do they enjoy their surroundings? they do now. they’ll talk about their favorite places that are tragically going to get toasted by god’s cleansing fire but they’re happy so it doesn’t matter what’s their song? rabid by nicole dollanganger but don’t tell them they will be deeply offended what do they do when they’re away from each other? when they’re not together they’re usually either working or catching up with their other family members. un project-relatedly, lyra sends a lot of time with faith or going for walks across the henbane (often both), john pets affirmation lovingly where did they first meet? an eden’s gate service lyra attended because she wished to be a menace to scope the situation out, it was very brief and john was extremely wary because joseph was very intrigued by this rando who spends the most money when out shopping? both, someone help them who’s more likely to flash their assets? lyra, but both lbr who finds it amusing when the other trips over? ten minute montage of them pointing and laughing at each other’s failed dramatic exits and getting salty about it any mental issues? oh my god. oh my god who’s terrified of bugs? they got bigger problems who kills the spiders around the house? both their favourite place? the ranch, the yes sign because they’re like that who pays the bills? john deals with the accounts do they have any fears for their future? they’re not overly Worried about the collapse honestly they think they have things more under control than they actually do and in many ways are looking forward to it and that sweet sweet vindication but john is chronically worried by joseph’s concerns about him not making it to new eden and lyra is checks notes chronically worried by joseph’s concerns about john not making it to new eden who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? lyra and it’s a surprise because wtf you’ve been able to cook this whole time we’ve been eating lyle’s food for months who’s the tallest? john when they’re barefoot but i mean. lyra loves her heels who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? they both do this pretty much any time one’s in the shower tbh who wanders around in their underwear? lyra. she loves clothes for the aesthetic but she lives in lingerie and dressing gowns at home who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? lyra always what do they tease each other about? lyra teases john about being older like ah yes john, how is at 32, the age that you totally are, the actual age of 32 called and it’s holding your ass hostage. makes fun of oh john, thinks it’s ridiculous. pitches her voice three octaves higher when she repeats anything he says to anyone. john makes fun of her impractical hair and that time she killed a dude in idaho for threatening her at a gas station and then threw together the worst cover up known to man like wow lie-ruh what a great serial killer you are whoa your competence is astounding your sheer talent your brilliant mind you planted your own gun at the scene iT dIdnT hAVe sERiaL NumBERs JOhn pffffft ridiculous  who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? they’re glorious extra dramatic disasters with their fashion sense and they embrace it in each other tbh who crushed first? john but he was desperately gathering dirt on her to be like “see joseph she sucks 0/10 we do not need” so it was a complicated process for him any alcohol or substance related problems? oh yeah i mean they both have a history of addiction (john moreso than lyra drug-wise, she used them but it didn’t get to his level since seeing seeing how it affected her mother made her wary) and harmfully self-medicating so while they’re theoretically clean(er) they’re never going to have healthy relationships with addictive substances who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? lyra. i had to johnatthew the rethitanth wath takin shots i’m undercoverrr who swears the most? john when he’s upset, lyra in casual conversations
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paintedrecs · 4 years
I was going to name a different one, but: the scene between Owen and Demona at the beginning of "All Is Mended" chapter three. :-D
That’s 800 words, so you’re cheating. Also what other one were you gonna name hmmmm.
For this meme.
Excerpt from this fic. (Gargoyles, Owen Burnett/David Xanatos, 11k, Owen POV, canon compliant.) Discussion under the cut.
“I don’t understand you,” Demona said.
Owen watched her approach; he’d heard her glide down to the castle but hadn’t bothered to move from his seat on the edge of a wide stone wall, overlooking the bright lights of the city stretching out far below. She was an ally for the present, working with Xanatos on his latest attempt at immortality. That didn’t mean Owen trusted her.
“You’re not human,” Demona said, folding her wings as she perched beside him—graceful, and dangerous, but not someone he wasted effort fearing. “Yet you act like one. Why.”
“I made a promise,” Owen said. He could’ve left it there, but he swept a sidelong look at her, then added, dryly, “Perhaps you need the word defined.”
“Funny,” she said, in a tone so casually uncaring that he could tell he’d poked at a particularly tender spot, one she’d spent centuries ignoring.
“So I’ve been told,” he said.
Demona’s lips pulled back slightly as she spoke through her fangs. “That’s what I mean, Puck. Why do you persist in masquerading in this skin, when we both know who you are?”
“I’m Owen,” he replied, adjusting the glasses that had slipped a little down his nose. The frames didn’t fit right around his ears anymore; he should have the screws tightened, when he had the time.
“You’re pining,” she spat, as though she’d never heard a fouler word.
That, he hadn’t expected. He didn’t bother denying it; Demona was many things, but never a fool. “I don’t see what relevance that has to you,” he said. “You wish to gain immortality; I’m doing my part. Owen is perfectly capable of playing his role.”
“And Puck has powers Owen could never dream of.” Demona tilted her head, watching him thoughtfully. It was unpleasant, but he let her eyes scrape over him. “When you were last in your true form, as Puck—” she began.
Owen let out a sudden, scoffing breath. “When you held me in chains and made me do your bidding.”
She shrugged, lightly. “You said something to me then. You told me that if I wished, you could make Goliath love me again. Was that true?”
“I bend the truth,” he said. “When the mood strikes me. I do not lie.”
“So it was possible.”
“Yes,” he said. He narrowed his eyes at her, unsure where she was heading. “Titania’s mirror is beyond your reach now. Even if you had it in your grasp, you know full well I wouldn’t carry out the wish the way you wanted.”
“Because you’re a trickster,” she said, with annoyance that bordered on grudging respect. It was clear that she hadn’t often run into someone who could best her. “But my point, Puck, is that you have this power. You could make David Xanatos love you.”
Owen’s lip curled in disgust; he turned away from her.
“Don’t pretend you have a human’s misguided sense of honor,” Demona chided, human sounding like the darkest expletive she could harness. “You’ve done worse, over the centuries, as have I.”
He didn’t bother dignifying her with a response.
“Answer me, Puck,” she demanded, then, dripping with disdain, when he remained silent: “Owen.”
“You think ill of humans,” Owen said, each word precise, biting. “You blame them for all your errors, for the foul deeds only you were responsible for carrying out. You think yourself above them, and you assume that I, as someone who has lived far longer than you, who has seen worlds you cannot fathom, will treat humans with as little esteem.”
Demona rose to her feet, towering over him, her eyes flashing red in fury.
Owen cast her a look that carried the full weight of his contempt. “Yes, I have the power to do as you say, and far beyond that. What you don’t see—what I suspect you’ve never seen—is that forcing someone to bend to your will is meaningless. All it does is show how weak, how petty, you are.”
Demona hissed at him, but did not approach. She unfurled her wings, and as she dropped from the turret, she cast back her parting shot. “You should know, then, that Fox is pregnant.”
“I know,” he said, to the now-empty sky. He watched as she followed the currents across the city, well past the clock tower where her former love resided, no longer thinking of her.
Xanatos hadn’t told him yet, but Owen was familiar with the signs. He’d seen, too, the way Xanatos had grown more careful with her, how his hands would instinctively stray, now, to her waist, her still-flat belly, not yet swollen with life. How he looked at her, with a light in his eyes that would’ve burned one less worthy to cinders.
“I know,” he repeated quietly and, adjusting his glasses and briskly dusting off his suit, returned to his work.
Commentary! Oof we’ll see if this gets long. Character limits on twitter make it easier to be concise. And please please let the read more actually work this time, tumblr.
So this is actually one of my favorite parts of that fic.
In general, I reach an Avoidance Point with my own writing; I edit obsessively, post, edit the posted fic a little more, then panic and stop rereading it. If you don’t check your bank account, it’ll never be empty. If you don’t reread your fics after you’ve posted them, you’ll never find out that (a) they’re terrible (b) there are a dozen more areas that could use more editing.
Nevertheless, I’m still, I think, really proud of this one. This particular section isn’t something that’s terribly new for me, not like other parts of the fic that stretched me beyond my usual comfort levels, but it is an interaction between two characters I’d never written before.
I’m really pleased with Demona’s voice here. The way she spits out Owen’s name, the hatred she shows for anything human, her very dubious (and self-centered) morality, the hints of lingering heartbreak over Goliath, her deep confusion over Puck choosing to take on human form. It’s the worst curse she can imagine - and since this scene takes place after “The Mirror,” you’ve seen how horrified she is at seeing herself as a human, a “gift” Puck bestowed upon her so she won’t turn to stone during the day.
Demona pissed Puck off, so he gave her what she asked for, but at a price he knew she would absolutely despise.
But Puck loves being a human. He loves being Owen. It’s something Demona can’t ever understand, and here she’s trying to, as much as Demona ever tries to truly understand anything that doesn’t directly benefit her.
Why would Puck spend his days in a form where he doesn’t have ready access to his exceptional powers? Why would he allow himself to continue serving a human - when he broke away from her so quickly, so easily? Demona might occasionally work with Xanatos, but she doesn’t like or trust him, and she’d readily destroy him alongside the rest of humanity, after she’s gotten what she wants/needs from him.
Why would Puck fall in love with a human - something that’s become obvious even to Demona, from working alongside the two of them. Worse: why the hell won’t he do anything about it, when he clearly has the power to make Xanatos do whatever he wants?
These were all questions I wanted to pull out of the story, and Demona - as someone who actually knows who Owen truly is - was a natural choice to press hard for some answers.
I layered a bunch of stuff into this interaction, but here are three main concepts:
1. Love isn’t selfish.
I don’t think Puck would’ve actually cast a love spell on Goliath if Demona had asked - not without throwing in a few twists and tricks. But the fact remains that he could have, and that it would’ve been comparatively easy. Demona didn’t ask for and didn’t really want that, but she did love Goliath for a long time, as much as she’s capable of loving anyone, so that offer would stick with her.
And Demona...well, Demona already used one free-will-spell against Goliath, so it’s not like it’s an idea she’s entirely adverse to.
Owen, on the other hand, would never consider making Xanatos do something against his will. (This is, in fact, something he and Xanatos share - Xanatos’s immense caution against pushing Owen into something he might not want contributes to that stupidly long gap before they resolve their relationship.)
If Xanatos doesn’t love Owen, that’s his choice. Owen is heartbroken about it, and he’s out here on the rooftop indulging in some quiet reflection on how it feels for a human heart to shatter, but he’ll shake it off and go back inside before long. Demona’s an unwelcome intrusion, and he’s understandably sharp with her.
2. Puck is a trickster, not a villain.
I have a lot of thoughts about Xanatos, too. While it’s not entirely relevant to get too into depth with here, I do think that a huge part of Puck’s attachment and loyalty to Xanatos comes from the fact that Xanatos is fascinating - not dull and full of preachy speeches like Renard - without being actually evil.
Demona is interesting, sure - she’s lived a long and exciting life - but Puck would never, ever willingly serve her. She’s selfish. She’s cruel. She’s vindictive. Puck doesn’t want to destroy humanity; he likes humans. He likes Xanatos best, yes, but he enjoys being in this world with the rest of them.
In the City of Stone episode, Owen stands toe-to-toe with Elisa and says, “Mr. Xanatos is trying to fix things. What are you doing to help?”
And that, I think, is the crux of the relationship between Owen and Xanatos. Owen sees Xanatos’s delightful trickster spirit, and he also sees the good in him. They’d both upend a city but would be careful to put it back to rights if things went too far. Demona would gladly stand back and watch it burn to the ground.
Demona can only see reflections of her own cruelty now. She hates humanity because they’re the easiest target to blame for her own flaws. Owen sees humans’ complexities and loves them for it.
And because he isn’t truly human - because he’s a fae who’s wandered the earth as long as Demona has, and has lived longer, with a much wider perspective on the world and all of reality - he has no reason to listen to her petty whining. And she might actually, for the barest moment, listen to what he says to her.
Of course, she has to get in one last dig before flying away in her usual dramatic huff, but he already knows that, too. Demona can’t hurt him; Owen made his own choices, knowing the consequences. And, unlike Demona, he’s willing to live with those consequences without trying to reflect the blame elsewhere.
3. You can choose your own identity.
Demona has very rigid ideas about...well, about pretty much everything. Humans are bad. Gargoyles are good. (As long as they side with her.) Her human form is something that’s useful to her now, but she’ll never stop loathing it or wishing she could shake it off.
She thinks everyone sees the world the way she does, and she assumes that Puck is (a) not entirely happy being trapped as a human, chained to Xanatos by a contract, like she attempted with the mirror (b) “pretending” to be someone else when he’s wearing his Owen shape.
But what I wanted to show throughout this fic is that Puck is Owen. And that even a fae subject to Oberon’s Rule can choose his own identity, his own name, his own place in a life that he wants to lead.
At one point here, Owen refuses to respond to Demona until she calls him by his proper name. She spits it out, hating it, but he’s already told her once that’s who he is. He gave himself that name; it’s the one he wishes to use.
Owen was born into a specific life. This life - with Xanatos, as Owen Burnett, glasses and suits and clunky flip phones and all - is the one he’s chosen for himself. And he’ll do everything in his power to keep it.
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getreadytosmash · 4 years
][All questions for otp meme for Samuel + Rhys][
Coffee shop AU: Who is the barista, and who frequents the coffee shop?
Rhys is a barista trying to pay bills and a rundown coffee shop and it SUCKS until Samuel walks in and asks for enough coffee to kill every loving human on earth. Well. Ok. It definitely weirds Rhys out with how Samuel goes into lengthy speeches about his inventions or incredibly depressing talk about hell.
But god he's cute and Rhys loves how Samuel purrs when he gets coffee and the amount of cash Rhys gets when he leaves. It gets better when Samuel mostly comes at night and stutters and walks into a wall thr first time Rhys flirts with him.
Highschool/College AU: Who is the straight-A student, and who’s the backrow slacker?
Samuel is that prick who always reminds the teacher of due homework. Yeah sure, that history paper was only three pages but who cares if he did ten? He wants to do well so that Phil isn't the one who his father is most proud of in the family. He wants to be noticed, needs to be noticed for what he could be one day.
Rhys hates him. God, is there nothing worse than a know it all? The only thing that makes it worse is the fact that Samuel is a cute nerd that makes Rhys wanna bully or kiss him. They get assigned a project together and its hell until Samuel starts to realise why Rhys hates school, the pressure of being a mutant and being seen as stupid. Similarly Rhys sees the pressure Samuel puts himself under to be good enough and well...at least there's a chance of finally being able to shit the nerd up in a kiss.
Rivals to loves AU: Who takes their rivalry seriously, and who is half in it just to push the other’s buttons? 
Rhys thinks that the Leader is just an undersized loser who tries too hard. Yes he's brilliant but he ain't tough shit, Rhys has seen Leader without his heeled shoes before. Of course, Rhys knows that he isn't that impressive either, but it's still funny to tease Leader and to hear the other man squawk in offence.
Leader....oh boy he is determined to show Rhys that he is the true superior mastermind, not Magneto or Mystique. Rhys is a fool who should recognise the fact that Samuel is a very impressive villain and therefore should stop teasing and flirting with him! They're enemies! Can Rhys stop smiling so sweetly and making innuendos of everything??? God, he makes Samuel want to press the absolute dolt to a wall and make him see that Leader clearly someone to not mess around and flirt carelessly with.
Enemies to lovers AU: Which one switches sides? 
Hitting it a bit different here!! Rhys is a master thief, someone trained to use his shadows and cute face to get anything he wants. Samuel is a hard cracking detective who is determined to work long nights and to finally figure out who this apprentice thief is. Little does he know that said thief often likes to come and visit the agency, doing some filework and essentially being the reason that Samuel still lives thanks to coffee and the occasional healthy meal.
Of course, Rhys knows that Samuel is both highly intelligent and....a dumbass. Which shouldn't be as cute or appealing as it is, but Rhys finds himself...actually wanting to be helpful when Samuel has a migraine or blushing when Samuel says that he's going to marry Rhys for bringing him coffee. And maybe Rhys sends Samuel a mysterious bouquet that's from the "Midnight Stealer" and perhaps he lives to hear the flustered shriek when Samuel finds them.
Soulmate AU: Who is eager to meet their soulmate? Who absolutely does not want to meet their soulmate? 
It sounds a bit silly to say that Rhys held out onto the idea of a soulmate, more so when Blue died and she hadn't been his soulmate. Fuck fate and all that, but it's still something that runs on his brain when he's alone. Honestly, I think it would be really neat if it was one of those soulmate aus where you can feel your soulmate die and Rhys is the lucky ass who gets a soulmate that dies multiple times.
Anyway, Samuel sees the flaws in soulmates. He's been to hell and back and he rules it with a green fists. Soulmates are for the living and he lost that a long time ago. It doesn't stop fate from giving him Rhys though and Samuel now spends most of his time panicked and staying away from the other man, less Rhys somehow picks up that they're meant to be together as nature has decreed. He does a pretty good job of it until Rhys, stubborn beloved brat, decides that enough is enough and he will confront Samuel on why he always seems to avoid him.
Samuel wishes deprately he wasn't attracted to such stubbornness.
Single parent AU: Which one is the single parent? (Alt. if they’re both single parents: Which one is open to starting a new relationship from the start? Which one is never planning on finding love again… Until they meet the other and are instantly smitten?)
Rhys really isn't...prepared for the little mute girl to start following him about but. Ok. In his defense he does try to loose her but then the worry of a lost child sets in, especially when said little girl opens her mouth and a small noise of surprise is enough to almost make the windows shatter. Rhys is an early father at the age of meeting his new daughter for five seconds.
Of course, Samuel comes running, out pf breath and now seriously considering doing some of those exercises Red keeps telling him about. He isn't even suspicious of Rhys at first because...well, the man looks like a human Daisy and he can smell the intentions off him. Rhys gasps in offense and Coral is just having a wonderful time right now until she gets grounded for wondering off from her uncle.
Samuel is rather smitten by the man who handled a mute 8 year old rather well and...coffee is always a good way to repay people. Rhys is more than happy to get to know the cute man who is still slightly wheezing, especially when he learn that this isn't the first time his niece Coral has wondered away from him. Samuel is cute and more than willing to do anything reasonable to repay Rhys for looking after someone so precious to him and of course Rhys wants dinner with Samuel because he isn't a clown much and knows not to resist a cute guy who wears leather pants in his free time?
Doctor AU: Which one is the longsuffering doctor? Which one is the patient? 
People in the institute aren't well. Rhys knows that so far it has been the doctors, ever since the new guy has shown up, deadly quiet but malice practically written into the air. People get sick and they die and only a few patients have suffered this fate but almost every doctor has gotten ill. He keeps hearing about how they need to use stronger collars or medicines to keep Sterns calm but nothing seems to work. The only time he sees Sterns is when they roll past a body bag that has the man's shape and even then it couldnt have been him, Sterns was walked past Rhys's cell later that night!
They eventually get out. Rhys's own doctor can't lay a single finger on him before he starts vomiting and dies after Rhys kills him for all the previous pain he was forced to be induced to. Everyone is free and Blue dies but then Sterns is there, keeping the collar and bracelets and anklets on for whatever reason and he's telling Rhys he can bring her back. He isn't sure if he believes Samuel but then when the other man starts muttering about how he's going to have to travel and blow himself up again, Rhys needs to come with him.
He isn't quite sure what Samuel is yet. But he definitely isn't human and he isn't good for anyone involved. Which is why Rhys deems him the best choice to tag along with. Samuel seems to know what he's doing and when Rhys let's loose the raccoon eyes...well, he kinda likes the way Samuel suddenly stutters and looks away while letting Rhys do what he wants. He's already been charmed for weeks now.
Bodyguard AU: Who is the bodyguard? Who are they protecting? Which one is secretly pining for the other? 
Samuel disagrees with the idea that he needs a bodyguard. His body gives off enough radiation and be can come back from the dead! But apparently that isn't good enough for being left alone in an entire X-men college isn't acceptable. Cue Rhys being left with Samuel since he's nocturnal and now he's faced with someone he might not see or hear for three hours and then find out that Samuel was fast asleep in the lab where he's helping develop Krakoa flowers.
Samuel on the other hand? Holy shit. Cute man they told was to protect him or to make sure that he doesn't do anything shady. He doesn't seem to get weirded out when Samuel purrs or falls asleep midway through work, only concerned. That's why it comes to his attention that obviously Rhys perhaps needs to be charmed or convinced that Samuel, everthe brilliant light he is, should try and get Rhys to come to Vista Verde with him, where the beautiful man would be muh more appeared there!
Pirate AU: Who is the pirate? Who is the member of the royal family who did not sign up for this? 
The plan that ends with prince Rhys being kidnapped is brilliant and some of Samuel's best work alongside Red. The only thing he didn't account for was how thrilled Rhys actually is once the other man realises that he was on a pirate ship. Freedom! Adventure! Pretty men in beautiful pirate clothes! Its every horny prince's dream and Rhys makes quick work of letting Samuel know that.
God help Samuel when Rhys gets something more befitting of a pirate when they all realise that his family aren't going to pay the fees. He looks so cute AND hot in tight pants and bellowy shirts and know Samuel is going to wheeze over the ship, but not long before Rhys starts wanting sword fighting lessons from Samuel....personal close lessons.
Childhood best friends AU: Which one was super obviously in love with the other the whole time? Who was oblivious until they were older?
Rhys was very adoring of Samuel as a kid. He didn't seem to care about what Rhys is and he was just thrilled that he had someone close to his own age that he could sit down with and share animal facts. They were close friends for years before Samuel's mother went "missing" and he moved back to Hawaii for his father's work.
And it isn't years later that Rhys tuns into a short green man who is seemingly delighted to see him for whatever reason. Samuel on the other hand can't stop purring as he rambles because Rhys is beautiful and he smells wonderful and Samuel only snort-purrs harder when it finally clicks and his face lights up at his only childhood friend.
Red chucks a pillow and tells them to get a room while Leader shrieks and Rhys giggles.
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crystal-snowing · 6 years
fake dating | bang chan
summary: in order to generate publicity for your group’s comeback stray kids’ comeback, jyp entertainment decides it’s a good idea for the leaders of both groups to “fake date”—but they have one condition in mind, don’t fall in love. 
genre: fluff, slight angst, idol! reader
pairing: bang chan x reader 
word count: 3.3k 
other members: | felix | jisung | jeongin | minho | changbin | seungmin | hyunjin | 
a/n: guess who’s starting another series, i’m sorry but i can’t help myself :))
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in your defense this whole plan was concocted by the company, and you felt as if it was their responsibility to take care of the fallout caused by this action.
never has the thought of dating bang chan ever crossed your mind, in fact you barely knew the guy, and if it wasn’t for the fact that the two of you were under the same company you would doubt that you would have ever known of his existence.
the plan was simple really, since stray kids was having a comeback soon and your group’s comeback happened a few weeks ago, why not generate publicity by releasing a story that one member from your group and one from his announce that they are dating?
of course it was all for show, both of you still on your three year dating ban from company, but as long as this “relationship” was under the company’s jurisdiction, what could possibly go wrong?
apparently a lot.
and when deciding the members of each group, you and chan seemed to draw the short end of the stick.
there was no way either of you could possibly say no, after fall this was your company, your group—everything that the both of you have ever worked for was on the line here, and both of you were not willing to sacrifice anything.
after finalizing all the details with jyp, and casually leaking this information to the press, in a couple of hours everything went viral—the media and the entire world had its eyes on the two of you.  
headlines flooded the press, naming the two rookie idols that have begun dating and were working on “maintaining their relationship while making their dreams a reality” every headline worse than the last one.
the two of you taking center stage as the industry’s new and hottest, “it couple.”
the two of you have never met before the endless amount of meetings and occasionally passing each other in the vast company building.
you were both as close as strangers and yet you were now expected to become so much more than that.
for a couple of days after the news broke his phone number sat untouched on your phone, most of time when you were not attending practices with your members, you often stared at, wondering if you should make the first move.
you needed to make this convincing, the company would have your heads if all their hard work fell through, and it was hard to pretend that you like someone/been dating someone when the two of you barely knew each other.
by the end of your third night simply staring at the piece of technology, you grabbed it in a haste and typed a quick text—and before you could chicken out, you pressed send.
even though it was only a few seconds, you were anxious awaiting his reply and for some reason, even though you barely knew him, he made you palms sweaty and heart race.
the ding of your cellphone signalled his response, and you lunged for it, reading the reply and letting out a long await sigh of relief.
of course he agreed to your proposal to grab some coffee and talk about your “relationship” and in hindsight it was stupid of you to fret about this issue in the first place.
it wasn’t like he was going to say no, as far as you knew bang chan was definitely not an unreasonable guy, but you didn’t know how to describe it in words—there was just something about him that made you feel on the edge.
and at the moment, you weren’t necessarily sure if that was a good or bad thing.
the two of you met at this coffee shop that was definitely out of the way, wanting to draw as little attention as you possibly could.
while it wouldn’t be a big deal if the press caught the two you together, since it was already announced that the two of you were dating and the company confirmed this statement, you wanted to keep this meeting private in order for the two of you to talk in peace.
you had gotten there before him, ordering your favorite drink and one for him, keeping in mind that he doesn’t like coffee before picking a secluded table in the back.
fiddling with your cardboard cup, your mind began to wander about your “boyfriend” as irrational thoughts and fears began to cloud your mind.
those “what if” questions consumed your thoughts, the biggest one being that perhaps this was all a mistake and that maybe he wanted to only put on a half-assed show for the media, and that he didn’t really care at all.
but, your incessant rambling was soon quelled as soon as the man in question stepped out in front of you, giving you a small and shy smile before sitting down across from you.
well hot diggity damn, he was absolutely gorgeous.
definitely his pictures on the internet did not do him justice, even with that horrible shade of green in his hair, you could swear that he was the most beautiful human being that you have ever laid your eyes on.
“hi, i’m [y/n].”
and immediately after saying that you wanted to smack yourself upside the head, of course he knew who you were, this wasn’t the first time that the two of you have met—but you couldn’t help yourself from saying some pretty dumb things around absolutely breathtaking guys.
god, his laugh was so cute.
likewise, he introduced himself in the same manner that you did, and gosh his accent was so cute.
the way that he accented certain words or pronounced them, had your cheeks hurting from how much you were beaming.
it made you want to melt into a puddle right then and there, wow, but that's besides the point and you needed to focus on the task at hand and oh god, there he goes again smiling at you.
it wasn’t halfway through the meeting yet and you were already hella whipped for this boy.
somehow you managed to contain yourself and get through what you wanted to say, the both of you agreeing that you would meet up again, this time officially and in front of the cameras to solidify your relationship in front of the public.
the two of you then spent the rest of your time together getting to know one another, the conversation flowing freely and the two of you clicking so easily—but soon it was time for the both of you to part.
he thanked you for the drink and promised you that he would pay next time, bang chan the ultimate gentleman before saying goodbye and walking out of the shop.
as he disappeared from your line of sight, you released a breath that you didn’t notice that you were holding.
perhaps this arrangement wouldn’t be as bad as you initially assumed.
oh boy oh boy, you have to really stop jinxing things.
despite being extremely busy promoting your group’s recent comeback and chan being busy preparing for stray kid’s comeback, the two of you still managed to text each other every spare second that you got—and in a couple of days those awkward and formal texts soon turned into ones of just memes being sent back and forth.
it was a couple of weeks before the two of you could meet again, and after getting it approved by the company you both decided that a park date would be nice.
after an abundance of chaos and squealing from your group mates, and articles of clothing and makeup flying around your shared dorm room—you were finally ready for your date.
you couldn’t help but still feel that nervousness build up in the pit of your stomach as you sat on a bench in the park waiting for him.
so far the media was not aware of your date nor has anyone recognized you, which was both a good sign and perhaps a bad sign.
while it was your job to get noticed by the media and your fans, you also couldn’t help but wish that the two of you could maybe spend an afternoon alone, without the presence of fans or the intrusive press.
your group members did a fantastic job, and while you normally looked amazing, today you looked absolutely breathtaking.
and chan certainly agreed after spotting you on the bench, and he could swear that his jaw dropped to the floor.
he could feel his cheeks warm as he approached you, a small yet bashful smile on his lips.
the two of you spent your day walking idly around the park, enjoying the scenery and the serenity of being alone together.
you both made pleasant conversation, from your favorites parts of being an idol to funny stories about your other members.
every time he smiled and laughed, his eyes forming those little crescents that you loved so much and his little dimple popping out on the right side of his cheek, your stomach couldn’t help but fill up with butterflies—your body being to feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
there were these feelings that were beginning to rise and you couldn’t explain the sensation that you felt when you were with him.
he made you feel safe, warm and comfortable, and just for a second could you forget that you were both on a fake date and imagine that this was real and he was genuinely interested in you.
however, that fantasy came crashing down as soon as the paparazzi arrived, shattering the illusion that you worked so hard on creating.
to you, bang chan will never be more than a colleague, someone that you would occasionally run into at the company and in public—and certainly nothing more.
you had to dutifully remind yourself that no matter what strange feelings that you were currently experiencing, your profession as an idol came first and that this was nothing more than a publicity stunt and part of your job.
as expected, the press soon found the two of you, and your peace was soon broken with the shouting of questions from reporters and the flashes of cameras.
and in the middle of all this chaos, chan reached over and grabbed your hand, giving it a reaffirming squeeze and the mob of reporters and photographers went mad over that small gesture of affection.
as soon as his hand touched your own, you could immediately feel sparks shoot up your arm, and you wanted to know if he felt it too, as you glanced at him, looking for any type of reaction—yet, he didn’t acknowledge it, instead giving you a smile and refocusing his attention on shielding you from the press.
maybe he didn’t feel the same electricity that you did, but in all honesty you couldn’t really blame him for that after all, his feelings were his own and perhaps some things were not meant to be.
this heavy realization stuck with you as the two of you continued to “date” and the more time the two of you spent together the more it weighed down on you.
it took a bit of persuading from your group members for you to explain what was going on, before they knocked some sense into you that those feelings that kept festering was love—you, [y/n] [l/n] are in love with bang chan.
oh, oh damn—and just like that, you broke the golden rule that the company set for the two of you when you had begun “dating”—you had both agreed that you would not fall in love, and signed a contract agreeing that your relationship was strictly for business purposes only and not for pleasure.
well shit.
and for a while after this new realization did you learn to live with it, but lately it’s been painful to be around him.
he kept doing this stupid thing, slipping his stupidly warm hand into your own, or pulling you into his stupid chest and wrapping his stupid arm over your shoulder as you walked down the street.
every time he touched you it felt as if your skin was on fire, but you didn’t pull away—in fear of one, upsetting the cameras and two, despite the pain you enjoyed being close to him.
so you let yourself burn, and you kept burning until till you practically couldn’t stand it anymore.
this when you began pulling away from him, sheltering yourself from being hurt and protecting yourself from experiencing any more pain.
and you were a fool to think that he wouldn’t notice.
as much attention that you have been giving him, he has given you back, but it seemed that you were not paying as close attention as you assumed—if you were, you would have noticed the same lovestruck expression on his face, the one that mirrored your own.
sure, the company set up this rule, yet they couldn’t stop the longings of the human heart and the connections that two individuals may share.
and goddamnit, he was in love with you.
damn the company, damn jyp for setting up this idiotic publicity stunt, in this moment all he cared about was you and trying not to lose one of his most meaningful relationships.
you were practically slipping out of his fingers, barely answering his calls or texts and only hanging out with him whenever you were ordered by the company to go on a mandatory “date”.
chan knew that time with you was fleeting and that any time the company could decide to call off the entire relationship, the two of you soon returning to strangers in the eyes of the public.
he couldn’t let that happen, after all you meant much more than that to him and he was willing to do everything in his power to prevent that from happening.
which is why after leaving one of his most recent texts on read, he decided that he has had enough—opting to confront you and demand an answer.
luckily for him, both stray kids and your group were attending the same award show and since the two of you were a “couple” he was allowed to stay by your side practically the entire night.
and his luck only seemed to get better, after its announced that the two of you will presenting an award together.
that night you looked absolutely breathtaking, dressed in your favorite color which complimented your eyes, and he looked like a prince dressed in a suit—the two of you walking down the red carpet like royalty.
his hand never left the small of your back or your waist that entire night, not only enjoying the feeling of showing the world that you were all his but also making sure that you had no chance to escape from his grasp.
after presenting the award, the two of you were lead off stage with your hands intertwined together—and immediately after you both disappeared from the line of vision from the cameras and audience, you wrestled your hand away from his grasp and attempted to stalk away.
but no matter how fast you could walk, chan’s reflexes were faster, and he grabbed onto your wrist, spinning you around to face him, and pulling you up against his chest.
you were flustered to say the least, and knowing that there was no way to escape his grip, you focused your eyes on looking everywhere backstage except for his face.
he’s cornered you and everything that you have worked so hard to build up in the last few months has suddenly come crashing down.
“hey, look at me,” his voice held no malice in it, instead it was soft and comforting—the same chan that you had fallen in love with all those months ago.
gingerly you lifted your head to meet his eyes, and while you expected to see anger and frustration, you only saw his soft features and a questioning look.
“why have you been avoiding me?”
his question caused you to immediately turn away, of course he deserved an answer to his simple question, but it was not one that you wanted to give.
after all, how are you supposed to explain your less than fitting behavior without exposing yourself, or sounding like a complete fool in front of him.
instead, you did what you have been doing best for the past few months and denied everything that he was saying, muttering some excuse about being busy with your group members.
and not for a single second did chan buy that crappy excuse, instead he gently cupped your cheeks with his large hands and looked you directly in the eyes.
“come on, [y/n], i miss talking to you okay, when you would laugh and my corny jokes and send me memes of your members whenever we were texting—what changed?” he sighed, “why do you have to keep pushing me away?”
you bit down hard on your lower lip and drawing some blood, but at the moment the metallic taste in your mouth didn’t phase you—instead, it was his words that currently moved you.
for the most part you were so caught up in your own feelings and protecting yourself from experiencing any more pain that you failed to realize the possibility of him hurting as well.
your voice came out meager and weak, completely different from a few moments ago on stage, but nevertheless you knew that you needed to get this off your chest—no matter the consequences.
“because it was easier to push you away than accept the fact that i am in love with you.”
the shock on his face was evident, his brain running a mile a minute trying to process exactly what you were saying.
these overwhelming emotions of love and adoration that have been festering within in for the past few months have not been in vain, in fact by some miracle you felt the same as him, and his eyes gleamed showing his joy.
you could only assume that he was either in shock or felt the same way since he didn’t let go of your cheeks for a few seconds, before shifting his arms to wrap around your neck and closing the already small amount of space between you.
“can i kiss you?”his breath was hot against your face and you could distinctly smell his expensive cologne, the smell soon becoming one of your favorite scents.
if your face wasn’t flushed already, it was now, as he leaned in closer and you sputtered attempting to come up with a response.
as his plump lip was about to collide with your own, you turned away at the last second, your face hot and pink with embarrassment as he kissed your cheek instead.
opening his eyes and looking at you with confusion and a twinge of hurt, you immediately glanced down at your shoes as you untangled yourself from him, murmuring an apology.
“don’t get me wrong, i want to kiss you too, but our careers and the company and everyone back here, if they got word that we were dating everything would be over and i don’t—” your explanation was cut short as chan once again leaned into kiss you, and this time he was  successful—his sweet lips melding perfectly with your own.
after savoring the moment for a few seconds, he pulled away and gave you his infamous dimpled smile.
“you worry too much, for now everyone thinks that we’re dating, so they won’t think much of it if we have a few more pda moments and the company, we’ll worry about them when the time comes,” he offered you his hand, “let’s relax and head back to our seats, alright?”
you gladly took in as he pulled you into his chest and placed a comforting kiss on your forehead, before leading you back to your seats.
and in that moment you knew that no matter what happened in the future between the two of you, that chan will always have your back—for better and for worse.
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thought-loop · 5 years
An Irresponsibly Long and Occasionally Corny Love Letter
Okay, so this is going to be a long one. I’ve found myself in a situation where my life is the best it’s ever been, and it feels so incredibly surreal waking up to it every morning. I’ve been wanting to talk about it for a while now, and I want to make sure I get it all down on record before the memory is too distant.
If you found your way here through a link I sent you, this is written for you in particular. This is an extended thank you to you, and I want you to know how you’ve touched my life.
Fall 2019 was my 7th semester in college. It was a dark time in my life. College burnout was hitting me hard, and my mental health suffered as a result. I routinely skipped my classes and slept in until 2pm. I felt like a stranger in my own college, and I dreaded studying. I had no friends in the CS department that I regularly talked to, and this made me feel like an island. My grades in the fall were abysmal, and my grades in the spring were even worse.  By the time May came around, I was in jeopardy of failing out after 4 years.
I was determined to finish what I started. I picked up 18 credits over the summer, and three of the classes were my third and final attempt to pass them. Summer of 2019 was do or die. I was in too deep to give up, so I kicked things into high gear.  When summer session began, I hit the ground running.  I spent the first few weeks getting waaaay ahead wherever I could.  I studied like I had something to prove, because I did.
As a result, I became an active member in class GroupMes answering questions and helping others (in addition to ranting and posting memes).  I had always loved these groups, and they made up most of my social interactions.  As an introvert, I generally have a hard time putting myself out there and making friends.  But these groups felt very approachable, and they gave me a place where I felt comfortable reaching out. I took better notes if I knew someone else would see them, and the study guides I posted were lauded.  Helping others in the class not only kept my understanding sharp, but it also energized me. I had inadvertently made a name for myself in these forums.  Around exams and project due dates, I was regularly getting 5-10 DMs a day from various people.  This was a massive and welcome change to how I’d been studying for the past year.  It made me feel like I had something to offer as a person.  For the first time in a long time, I felt valued and validated.
But it went a step further than that.  Eventually I wasn’t just getting messages from people with homework questions.  I was getting messages about everything. I know a lot of people who were hit with AI violations for McDaniel’s second project, because a lot of them reached out to me about it seeking advice and comfort.  I’ve had people consult me about switching majors before they spoke with an advisor.  Hell, I’ve been asked for relationship advice in a GroupMe DM from someone I had never met in the flesh.  I don’t know how or why, but somehow I had become a confidante for a significant number of people who I’d never even met.  And I was (and still am) always happy to talk with people about the things they’re dealing with.  As the daughter of a therapist, I feel energized by opportunities to help others with their problems.
In any case, I was taken aback.  It’s hard to accurately describe the gravity of what I experienced without coming across as factitious posturing, but it’s difficult not to when the people around me have made me feel like I’m on one.  I brought it up with other friends who were active in these groups, and they said they didn’t have this experience of having their peers message them out-of-the-blue to talk about their thoughts, problems, dreams.  I recognized that lot of people began to see me as someone they respect, someone they can trust with their baggage, someone who they can open up to _even _about their more embarrassing predicaments.  It felt like I was given a special role that no one else knew about, and one that was really hard to explain.
Even describing it now, it sounds like I’m blowing smoke up my own ass.  But I just want to make it known that this has been a borderline religious experience for me.  During the months leading up to this point I felt completely alone.  I felt like a failure.  I felt like a waste of space.  I stopped taking care of myself.  When I started posting study guides and answering question in GroupMe, I was doing it for my own benefit as a last-ditch effort to stay in the major.  I had no idea that so many people would huddle around me in the way they did.  I’ve shed tears reflecting on the overwhelming amount of support and love I’ve received from people I’ve never met, DMing me spontaneously to just check in on me and see how I was doing.  It’s an incredible feeling knowing there are people who think of me and are looking out for me, and I’ve never experienced anything like it in my 23 years on this earth--at least anything of this magnitude.
So that was my motivation for writing this.  It’s a difficult experience to talk about (it doesn’t really work in casual conversation), but I had to find a way to let the people who’ve impacted me know how much they’ve impacted me.  I’ve had conversations with so many amazing people, and I want them to know how amazing they are in my eyes. My life has been changed in a way that I could never imagined, and I will think back on this experience fondly for years to come.
I want to take a moment to get sappy and name some people in particular, for various reasons, as individuals who I’m especially grateful for or that I have particularly fond memories of.
Nate:  You were the first friend I made in those forums back in fall semester, and even though we only briefly see each other, I still consider you a close friend of mine.  You were the only person I talked to in my classes for a long time.  You were there when I felt most alone, and I’ll always remember that.
Jimmy: Between you, Nate, and I, we’ve always been the Meme Gang in our groups, probably annoying the shit out of everyone else.  We’ve become sort of partners in crime in our classes this semester, and it’s been a wonderful partnership.  You’ve become my study buddy of choice if I ever need help because I know I can count on you.
Vernika: I remember you messaging me back before summer session even started to establish a friendship, and I’m so glad you did.  I would never leave my house if it weren’t for you inviting me over between classes, letting me sleep on your couch because of my nightmarish sleep schedule, and otherwise being an awesome person to hang out with.  If it weren’t for you I also wouldn’t have met Evelynn or Kyle who I literally owe giant chunks of my grade to. 
Ajinkya: We haven’t spoke in a while, but I still wanted to thank you in particular.  Back when I was doing McDaniel’s third project, you stayed up for hours with me helping me debug my code.  It probably seemed like nothing to you, but I still have fond memories of working with you.
Chris: When Evelynn first introduced us, the first thing you said to me was, “Wait, you’re not _the _Chloe are you? The one from the GroupMes?” You made me feel like a rockstar then, and you _always _make me feel like a rockstar to this day.   Even when I’m bombing hard, your positivity is infectious.  You have a unique style of communicating that motivates me to act and keeps me from being too self-deprecating.
There are so many more people I could talk about and so many other experiences that impacted me, but this post is already getting monstrously long and I’d actually like for people to read it.  But I just wanted to express how fondly I think of you all in particular. Most of you had stuck your necks out for me long before you had even met me and made me feel welcome in a way I hadn’t felt in years.
To those reading this, thank you for indulging me.  These are things that I’ve been holding inside for a while, and it feels good to finally get it out there.  If any of you ever need someone to lean on, even years from now, for whatever reason, you know where to find me.  I wish you all the best.
From me to you,
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heartconvict · 4 years
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💌 Disney Headcanon Meme—— !! 💌 @imherebecauseyourehere​​ mailed: Moana, Tarzan, Alice in Wonderland
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     So yeah not only is this a SUUUUPER LATE response but it also got stupid long I’m sorry akldns but TYSM for sending this in !! I’ve had it drafted for forever because I got stuck on words but I really enjoyed working on it whenever I had little breakthroughs !
          Here’s what the three address though in case anyone doesn’t wanna click and scroll just to see if they’re interested— !! I did answer them in order.
MOANA - Does your muse believe in fate or destiny? What is theirs?
TARZAN - How did the place your muse grew up in affect them?
ALICE IN WONDERLAND - What does your muse often dream of? Do they have strange dreams? Pleasant ones? Nightmares?
Moana - Does your muse believe in fate or destiny? What is theirs?
     This one is interesting to think about given that Arsène  ISN’T  a religious man and therefore isn’t very spiritual either. He might know things for fun such as zodiacs and whatnot and look into things when it’s necessary ( for heists, disguises, etc. ), but he isn’t steadfast in them. In the case that these things prove ‘ real ’ he still chooses to loosely acknowledge them at best and ‘ files it away ’ where it doesn’t affect his day-to-day. So something  INCREDIBLY  spiritual in nature like fate or destiny is something that he wouldn’t  WANT  to believe in because those specifically feel very set in stone to him. Freedom is important to Arsène and he’d hate to think that everything has been thought out or ultimately leads toward  ONE  goal and it being something he can’t change or mold for himself. However, just because he doesn’t want to believe in it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t. There’s a part of him that does think some things were premeditated and admittedly he tries to  SHOVE  that part down because it scares him to think it’s true.
          As for his fate / destiny ? To mix personal hc with the novels and this interpretation of Arsène, it’s no more than to go down in history as the best thief of his  CENTURY,  amassing more achievements and skills far beyond the average person or any thief to come after, and eventually settling down peacefully with a  FAMILY  of his own ( as has been his desire for very long ). In fact, he settles so kindly that no one actually knows what came of him when he retired. Ahem, he took up gardening. But that isn’t to say his final heist wasn’t dramatic and glorious. To tie in the game even more though, since Arsène is the ‘ true route ’ you could even say that his destiny was to put a  STOP  to the terrorist plot of Finis and co..
Tarzan - How did the place your muse grew up in affect them? 
      In short it  MORPHED  him into the thief he is today. His earliest years involved him being raised by a wet nurse with only so few visits from his parents until his mother ultimately left his father and he was orphaned by age six. So he has no  REAL  connection to his parents despite any claims he may make on loving them. ( Though he holds much respect and love even now for Victoire— the wet nurse ). During the brief time of living with his mother’s side of the family, he’d come to be  DISTANT  from them due to the way they treated his mother. It’s precisely what sparked his first theft and influenced the incredible soft spot he has for women.
          While in time he grew to hold no animosity towards them he also doesn’t harbor much care for them and will even use the identities of the  DECEASED  among his repertoire of personas. A bit much perhaps, but his memories aren’t fond and Arsène is all but disowned by his extended family due to their disapproval of his  FATHER.  Another fact he cares not for and as such doesn’t bother to say he has any family whatsoever. This disconnect from so many people so young could have some influence as to why, despite being such an outspoken and theatrical man, he struggles when it comes to  PERSONAL  relationships. He’s both great and kinda bad at communication. While unaffected when it comes to giving others attention ( i.e. affection, praise, leadership, etc. ), he can occasionally experience some difficulties when it comes to sharing parts of  HIMSELF  with others.
     He tries to think about appropriate levels of  COMFORT— how close is he to the other ? Would it be too much to open up right then ? Is it okay ? And then when it comes to timing it’s an even greater issue. He waited too long to tell his first love he was a thief, she found out on her own, and that relationship dissolved quickly after. But then what would be too  SOON ?  Sometimes he doesn’t even realize there’s things about him that  ARE  secret because he appears relatively open most times and doesn’t even mind sharing his fears.
          Growing up on the streets for a while toughened him up a bit and essentially served as a breeding / training ground for his thievery. Something that was  DESTINED  to happen with him but I like to think that because it was for survival, he was able avoid it becoming a selfish pastime. In other words, he’s  NOT  a kleptomaniac because he wasn’t overcome by greed and as such didn’t take more than he needed. Especially when he was only one of  MANY  kids and adults trying to catch the next sunrise. Then came the only father figure he remembers— a man he’d met while pick-pocketing him. The very one that  TRAINED  him to be a thief and instilled a strong belief of justice in him. ( Not required but here’s a hc related to it ! )
         It’s both his background and his teachings that make him the man he is today. Someone that is  LEAGUES  different from who he used to be— and he’s not necessarily ashamed of it because he knows he’s beyond it now. He knows that without it, he wouldn’t be so great and so is somewhat humble to himself. He worked  HARD  rather than had anything given to him and he’ll continue to work hard to be someone his younger self could look up to and be proud of. Someone that could’ve  HELPED  his mom or served as an older brother. Overall, someone he needed when he was alone and without a direction.
Alice in Wonderland - What does your muse often dream of? Do they have strange dreams? Pleasant ones? Nightmares?
     Overall I think Arsène has  PLEASANT  dreams he doesn’t often remember. They’re not strange but they would do that thing where the settings change suddenly and you don’t really think about why and the dream just continues on and before you know it, you’re in phase two of the dream and it’s  COMPLETELY  unrelated to phase one. But his are usually kind of like snapshots of life. Less of things that actually happened at some point and  MORE  things that could happen. Simple things, adventures, maybe a retelling of some of his own moments in life. It’s not always him taking the role of himself though. It  VARIES.
          Because he tends not to remember them, I want to say he also isn’t a lucid dreamer. And he doesn’t get nightmares a lot but there  ARE  times when his dreams replay sad scenes from his past or come up with their own and these do wake him up.
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atlasxnine · 5 years
▲ five time my muse thought about kissing yours, and the one time they did. (raven & beast boy)
MEME → five times / one time
( garfield & rach )
It happens when they first meet each other, and Garfield isn’t too proud to admit that. But her hair is half purple and her eyes sparkle under moonlight and he’s not fooled by the bored tone in her voice. 
She’s beautiful, and he’s mesmerized. He wonders what it would be like to kiss her, and he pushes the thought from his mind as quick as it came. No point daydreaming like that – not at the risk of ruining his presence in yet another group. They’re all welcoming to him, even if they’re skeptical, and he feels at home. This could be his new family.
He could get used to this.
Garfield would never want to be on the opposing side of their fight, because Rachel is maybe the most powerful person he’s ever met. They’re all a great team, and they all have their assets, but she’s something else and they all know it, too. When her eyes grow dark and her feet float above the ground, he can’t look at anything else. 
The first time she saves him in battle, it hits him, then. He understands why there are always dramatic kisses in the middle of action sequences in movies – he vows to never again roll his eyes at how unrealistic and inappropriate they look. He’s so grateful and so in awe that all he can imagine himself doing is gripping her shoulders and pulling her close into a desperate kiss.
He just chokes out a thank you instead.
He thinks about it the first time they’re alone.
It’s almost impossible to really be alone in this tower, there’s always at least three people roaming around at all times. He doesn’t see it coming, but suddenly they’re both in the kitchen, no one else around. Every other teammate is either asleep already or off doing something else. It’s uncharacteristically quiet in the quarters.
He’s been on his computer all evening, lounging around in the kitchen, she came around to get a glass of water. He cracks a horrible joke and she’ll refuse to admit she laughed, but she chokes on her water for a second.
They talk, they tease, and it’s easy. As easy as it would be to lean in and kiss her.
It seems like the perfect setup. The dim light in the kitchen, the silence around the tower, no one around to pester or interrupt the moment. He thinks about it for so long that his stomach is doing flips in anticipation, his feet frozen in place as he looks at her and tries to find the confidence in him to do it.
She walks away with a hushed goodnight before he can get himself to move.
He’s laying in her bed beside her, after a pretty terrible dream that sent him seeking her comfort in the middle of the night. They just lay there, in silence, whenever this happens. Her presence is enough to sooth him – and he doesn’t think that’s just because of her empath powers, though he’s sure he can’t keep her from using them on him.
“You’re my knight in shining armor,” he jokes, a broken whisper into the quiet room, and the chuckle that follows shakes his shoulders, the way it always does on a night like this. When he’s so far into his own nightmares that he’s grasping at anything for a good laugh. When everything sounds funny because it has to. When he bares his teeth because it’s easier than saying sometimes I feel like dying is the easy way out.
She smiles, but she doesn’t laugh. “I think we’re a pair of knights,” she adds, her voice not as quiet as his. He’s usually so loud. And when he can’t be, like tonight, her voice is the one to fill up the whole room. He could listen to her all night. “We have better odds if we go at this dragon together.”
He laughs again, and when he turns his head to look at her, he wants to kiss her. The thought immediately feels inappropriate, because his head is too clouded, too dark to get near her like that. He knows if they touch, she’ll just taste all the bitterness and despair in his head and he doesn’t want her to.
So he turns his eyes back to the ceiling, and grows quiet as he lets sleep take him.
Heʻs accepted, by now, that he has a serious crush.
He’s been trying to tell himself maybe it was just loneliness, maybe she just happened to be there and he was desperate, maybe it didn’t have to be her, but no. That’s not the case at all. It is about her, as much as it hurts to admit. It hurts because it’s unrequited. Because having a relationship inside the group is probably the last thing she wants and he’s probably the last guy she would look at like that – I mean, jesus, Victor lives in this tower.
Except it doesn’t feel like that, this time. They’re sitting by the edge of the pool with their feet in the water. It’s too cold to go in, but it’s nice to hang out here sometimes, it’s quiet in the winter time. He bumps his shoulder against hers, and her chuckle echoes through the room. When he looks at her, she stares back.
And he feels like he might be delusional, for a second. Because her eyes are flickering down to his lips as her smile fades, and she’s leaning closer. As far as signs go, he’s pretty sure she’s sending a big one. He leans in, and he swears he’s close enough to hear her breath hitch and their noses brush together.
And then Dick bursts into the room, yelling something or another about dinner being ready. It’s so unexpected that they jump like they’re getting caught doing something wrong, and Dick is oblivious enough not to notice it. Before Gar can even let out the breath he’d been holding, she’s already hurrying away.
& i.
It happens before he even knows he’s decided to do it.
He doesn’t give himself time to back off, he doesn’t give himself a chance to hesitate. This time, for once, he trusts his gut.
They’ve gone to a gala event earlier in the evening, and he’s been thinking about her nonstop. It’s nothing new, he thinks about her all the time anyway, but it’s different tonight. She looks stunning -- specially now, when they’ve all made their way back to the tower, the girls with worn off makeup and the guys with loose ties. Everyone probably with blisters in their feet.
But it’s fun. Alcohol still buzzes in his system, a tiny hum that makes him looser than usual. One could argue that’s a dangerous state for someone already as loose as he is.
Dick and Kori have gone off to skinny dip, Victor has gone to bed, that leaves the two of them in the living room of their living quarters. The lights are low and the TV is off, but Garfield’s grin is wide as he tugs Rachel from the couch and into his chest to swing around the couches as if he can still hear music playing.
“Gar, I’m tired,” she protests, but there’s a giggle in her voice that begs to differ as her feet move with him.
It’s clumsy and ungraceful, no one ever taught him how to slow dance, but it’s still fun. He has an arm around her waist, and her hair smells like flowers, and he tries to hum some classic Sinatra song under his breath to offer them a rhythm, but it’s not like they’re really trying to dance well. They’re just swinging, pressed together, to their rhythm of their heartbeats and the occasional laughter when they almost step on each other’s feet.
He steps back to twirl her around, and when he pulls her back in, he just can’t help it.
There’s no bigger thought, nothing planned about it, no room for doubt. He ducks down and kisses her, because it’s the only thing he wants to do. The only thing in his mind. The doubt only creeps in about two seconds later, when they have their lips pressed together and she seems frozen in place. He’s about to pull back, apologize and make a joke and try to forget, but then her arms are creeping up to lock around his neck and she’s pressing against him and it’s pure bliss.
He can get used to this.
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wonderlustlucas · 6 years
dancing through our house - kim yugyeom
⇢ prompt Feet don’t dance like they did with you.—“ghost of you” by 5 seconds of summer ⇢ pairing yugyeom x female reader ⇢ word count 2.5k ⇢ genre some fluff, but mainly heavy angst ⇢ warnings main character death; descriptions of anxiety & depression ⇢ summary In which some things are impossible to forget. ⇢ a/n this be hella sad i think i cried the whole time writing this. listen to the song for optimum sadness. my friend read this earlier and told me to quote what she said sooo: BUT LIKE EVEN THOUGH IT HITS YOU AT THE CORE AND YOUR LIKE WOW THIS IS SO GOOD YOUR ALSO LIKE FUCK THIS AUTHOR CAUSE WOW IM CRYIN
“You’re too pretty for a shitty place like this,” you commented boldly; however, no trace of humor laced your tone and, casual as ever, you took a long gulp from your red plastic cup as Yugyeom leaned against the marble island, speechless because he was the one that spent hours planning for this moment. He was the one that had an insufferable crush on your pretty face from the moment he tumbled headfirst, literally, into your life. Days had rolled into weeks which rolled into months and he simply could never bottle up all his feelings and serve them as they were, “Today’s the day,” he told himself practically every morning, yet as soon as he marched into the lecture hall with the courage of an ex-One Direction fan slash current K-pop fan and found you so, so effortlessly beautiful amongst your circle of friends, his tail shot between his legs and, alas, “Tomorrow. Tomorrow’s the day.”
And so, when Yugyeom’s first ever university end of year party rolled around, BamBam, Jeongguk, and Mingyu thrust an absurd amount of shots down his esophagus and propelled him like a rocket to where you concocted some sort of drink, he was ready this time. He was going to grab the bull—no, not a bull, you’re too pretty to even be labeled as some sort of animal—by the horns and spill out every last ounce of his emotions until his lungs collapsed, whether you remembered him from the first day of freshman orientation nearly six months ago when he oh-so-gracefully smacked your iced coffee right out of your hands or not. He was here now, prepared to do whatever it took to sweep you off your feet, not vice versa.
“You didn’t give me a chance to get to the good part of this conversation,” Yugyeom grumbled, ruffling his hair with his hands, he saw—he saw your eyes follow the motion and his heart absolutely picked up to a detrimental rate. “Wait,” you smiled—or was that a smirk you were hiding?—and added an ungodly amount of rum to your cup, “I think this is where you’re finally going to tell me how you feel and I’d rather embarrass myself drunk than embarrass myself sober because, I’ll have you know, I nearly shit my pants every time I see you.”
Suddenly Yugyeom’s tongue was pulsing like a heart in his very dry mouth and he most definitely misheard you—right? “Is that a good shit, or a bad shit?”
You laughed, a sound so sickly sweet he fleetingly considered smashing his head through the wall until your answer blessed his ears, “Nah, it’s a good shit. I heard you were head over heels for me, or something like that, back in January and I thought you’d come talk to me but—ah, never mind. Needless to say, we were both dumb for not just speaking up.”
“Does this mean if I ask you on a date you won’t reject me?” Yugyeom let out a shaky laugh, mesmerized with the way your skin glowed under the kitchen’s dimmed lights, he fought the urge not to cup your face and instead opted for stepping closer, breathing in your rosy perfume and nearly losing his shit, when you responded with a bashful smile.
“Yeah,” you sighed, much more breathless than you’d like to be, “you don’t have to worry about that anytime soon. Unless, of course, you’re a total dickhead or a terrible kisser,” you snorted, a noise usually found unpleasant but Yugyeom wanted nothing more than to prove to the world no fresh-out-of-the-pussy puppy was cuter than you; however, his prize-winning grin faltered when you went on, “which by the way, I think we should totally test that out. You know, in case you are a terrible kisser and I have time to back out of this dating proposition.”
Yugyeom didn’t need to be asked twice and yanked you forward so quickly you yelped, but, the gentleman he is, steadied you against his chest and dipped down to kiss you without a single drop of hesitation. His lips found yours effortlessly, heart singing with joy when you gasped against his mouth but melted into his arms nevertheless, his tongue ran along the seam of your lips, and he could just barely taste a hint of Doritos cheese as—
The shrieking of his cellphone like an angry rattlesnake renders Yugyeom’s peaceful dreaming of the beginning of his relationship with you nearly 3 years ago cut short-lived, he lets out an aggravated groan, slapping around the mattress aimlessly for the device before pressing down on the off button to shut the annoying blaring off.
Brain still clouded with sleep, Yugyeom flips onto his stomach and sighs blissfully, stretching his arm out to the pillows on the left side in order to determine whether you’ve already left for work or not.
Upon feeling the icy touch of the sheets Yugyeom rolls over to your side, relishing in mornings like these: he’s home, you’ll be home soon, he can spend the rest of the day—the whole day!—with you. Cheek pressed against your pillows, Yugyeom inhales a hefty breath of your scent, filling his lungs and brain with the jasmine and vanilla perfume from your shampoo. He smiles into the coolness of the downy pillow, contemplating whether he wants to send you good morning meme until, like a shit ton of bricks dumped on his head, the weight of the world falling on his shoulders, the realization hits Yugyeom slowly, cruelly.
He realizes, upon impact, that whether he texted your phone or not—you won’t answer. He could text you a million times a minute, call you even, and you wouldn’t answer because you’re not here. Eyelids fluttering open within milliseconds, Yugyeom jerks away from your side of the bed with a choke, clawing the sheets as he flies from the bed, nearly crumbling to the floor but catching a grip against the windowsill. You’re gone.
Breathless and with your smell multiplying like cells in his senses, Yugyeom reaches for the closest thing—one of his pillows hanging lopsided off the mattress—and pelts it to the wall across from where he stands, heaving, watching with disappointment as it thumps against the brick lightly and, consequently, not unleashing any of his pent-up emotions. Your beautiful heart isn’t even beating.
But he knows if you were here, you’d tell him he would be just fine.
The red and black and white grain muddling Yugyeom’s vision begins to clear as he chokes on air, the briny taste of tears enters his mouth when he licks his chapped lips and when did he start crying?
Six feet underground. Like the past thirty-three days, Yugyeom blinks away the rest of his tears and waits until they’re dribbling down his cheeks to wipe them, he lets out a shaky breath and proceeds with his day, plucking up the pillow and setting it back on the bed like you would’ve asked him to.
When he leaves the bedroom and makes way for the kitchen, he winces at the eerie silence of the apartment aside from the incessant percussion of birds singing outside the living room window and occasional creaking of the attendants an apartment above and decides some Chris Brown could do. Swinging open the refrigerator door, Yugyeom sighs at what’s inside—or, better, there lack of—and decides, he really needs to go grocery shopping; a half-empty gallon of milk, three eggs left in the carton, what’s left of the sliced bread, and four bottles of soju that has turned into medicine to cure his headaches and panic attacks rather than a way to enjoy nights like he used to with you.
Despite the persistent growling from his gut, Yugyeom only reaches for the milk, sets it down on the counter and hums—he hums!—something so insignificant but something he hasn’t done since your accident as he reaches for the dishwasher and pulls the door open. His humming stops when he catches sight of your coffee cup inside, mauve lipstick stain faded even more from the day before and he knows if he wants it to stay he has to stop using it every morning, but a part of him cannot help but reach for it because it’s just another part of you.
His stomach churns and keeps churning and suddenly Yugyeom’s head is heavy and saliva is flooding his mouth and he’s burning hotter than the star that keeps our planet alive and he scrambles to the stainless steel and heaves into the sink, expelling everything from his belly, which, ultimately, is nothing. Yugyeom dry-heaves, once, twice, before inhaling a shuddering breath, drool dripping from his lips and down his chin until he hastily wipes it away. With his appetite stolen like a rug whipped away from beneath his feet, Yugyeom slams the dishwasher door closed, the contents angrily rattling inside, and leaves the milk on the counter for he could not give less of a shit.
A cold shower fixes everything, love, you would say, the cold-shower freak yourself, he nods to himself, a cold shower will do, Yugyeom makes way for the bathroom and strips from his clothes that seem to stick to his sweaty body, twists the shower knob just slightly so the stream is at its coldest possible temperature before whipping aside the curtain and stepping inside. Yugyeom shudders at the contact of water against his skin, goosebumps spreading across his body head to toe and he presses himself against the wall, shivers wracking his body, squeezing his eyes tighttighttightuntil it all goes away, until he’s numb, until your standing beside him again.
His body, at some point, numbs to the frigid water and he finally backs away from the wall to stand underneath the shower head, running his hands through his raven hair, rubbing the crust away from his eyes, washing up quickly and using your body cleanser instead of his own. When Yugyeom’s finished, he dries off quickly and wraps the towel low on his hip, but frowns when he enters your bedroom because you’re not there to tell him how hot he is and how lucky you are, in which he would tackle your cute ass and smother your face in kisses, which, eventually, lead to his towel on the floor and your clothes dropped next to it.
A dinging notification from Yugyeom’s phone still buried beneath his pillows snaps him back to reality and he wanders over, scrolling through his notifications from the newest to the oldest.
DabDab🤮– 1:42 PM Hey bud. Hope ur getting there. Call me
Missed Call from DabDab🤮 – 11:23 AM
Missed Call from 🅱️eon 🅱️eongguk – 10:14 AM
Yugyeom sighs—he knows he should be grateful his friends care, but he simply does not care enough for himself to constantly answer their nagging questions. He contemplates ignoring it, he could shove the device back under the pillows and answer it tomorrow like he usually does, but he’s gone three days without talking to one of them and so, guilt makes up his mind and he’s tapping away until BamBam’s voice disturbs the deadened ambiance Yugyeom’s created in your bedroom.
“Hey! You called,” BamBam’s voice fills the hair, Yugyeom can almost see the smile, and falls back onto the mattress.
“I called.”
“I know you don’t want to talk, which I understand. But I want you to do me a favor,” BamBam goes on, Yugyeom pinches the bridge of his nose, biting back a sharp retort, “I want you to use that damn well-spent studio the two of you have in your apartment and freestyle. Just an hour. I know you were coming up for a choreo to something, I don’t know, but go do that.”
Yugyeom pauses, considering the idea, but shuts it down quickly because he does not want to do anything but lie here, “I can’t. Not today.”
“Yugyeom, you’ve said that to everything. I know you’re not doing anything, and I don’t blame you. But if there’s one thing you still have and love, that’s dancing. And I’m not arguing with you over this. Please, just do this. For me.”
Yugyeom hears the crack in his best friend’s voice, he can feel the pain through the phone, another ache to add to his poor heart, “I can’t go in that room without her, Bam.”
“You’ve had dance before you had ___, Yugyeom. You shared dance with her, you grew with her from it. You can do it without her. Do it for her, she’d be proud. Okay?”
Yugyeom swallows the lump in his throat, the tears threatening to spill from his burning eyes and his bottom lip trembles, “Okay.”
“Okay. Don’t say okay again, I’m not Augustus Waters,” BamBam chuckles, sniffling on his line and Yugyeom knows he’s crying too but manages to crack a smile, ��okay. Fuck! I said it again. Alright, go dance your heart out for a little and take care of yourself. Also, don’t be a stranger. Please.”
Yugyeom nods, digging his knuckle into his eye to stop the tears, he croaks out, “Okay. Thanks, man. See you.”
He hangs up a moment later to let the tears spill freely.
An hour later, Yugyeom stands in the doorway of his—your—dance room, glaring questioningly at the mirrored walls around him, his pitiful reflection staring back at him. Do it for you, he tells himself, stepping inside and clicking the door shut behind him.
Yugyeom stretches his tense muscles, avoiding looking at himself in the mirror in fear he’ll back out or conjure up a mental image of your bruised and bloodied body in the hospital, he mustn’t think about it or else it’ll only get worse. He scrolls through his downloaded songs, zoned in on something other than you for the first time in weeks, going back and forth between a few options before caving in to another Chris Brown bop he cannot get away from.
Just like before, Yugyeom tells himself after his first slip-up, swinging his leg too far to the side and so he begins again, carrying himself with utmost grace and sharp, fluid movements but he shakes his head a minute and a half in—not good enough. “One, two, three, four,” he whispers to himself, starting from the top for the seventh time, he glides and twists and pulls and—
And he blanks hardly thirty seconds in, pausing, staring into his reflection, shuddering for oxygen, long hair tousled from the quick movements, limbs screaming at the sudden usage, and he can’t wrap his mind around what follows next.
“I can’t do it,” Yugyeom says to no one in particular, balling his fists at his sides before collapsing onto the smooth laminate, he looks to the corner of the room and if he squints hard enough, he can imagine you standing there, telling him he can do it, but his tears blur his vision so he buries his head between his knees, “I can’t do it without you.”
And Yugyeom cries for the thirty-third day, for his feet don’t dance like they used to with you.
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