#since i have blue skin paint + a blue wig
seagullcharmer · 1 year
sleepy. tired. achey. grouchy. all shaping up to be a rough week. etc. but at least there's animazement next week
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yukidragon · 2 years
SDJ - New Clues, Theories, and Headcanons
So many new pieces of art and lore teasers have been dropped on the Sunny Day Jack twitter, that I simply must make a post to gush about them, as well as the new thoughts and headcanons they’ve sparked for me.
Strap in, folks, this is going to be a very, very long one. I’ll be throwing in a lot of pictures for evidence, including pieces that were on Jambeebot/Sauce’s public twitter before it went down. On that note, please remember to support them and their game by following their twitter or contributing to their patreon or kickstarter. This beautiful game, art, and ideas wouldn’t be possible without all their hard work.
Also, I know I said it in the headcanon post I made earlier today, but it bears repeating - please don’t repost private images from the patreon. Reposting the images elsewhere, even cropped, is harmful to SnaccPop Studios and everyone working there. It’s fine to gush over what was posted there and direct others to join as well, but the money pledged to the patreon is going to a good cause to make this engaging game.
With that said, let’s start with the picture that is just oozing with lore.
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There’s so much here, so let’s break it down piece by piece.
Jack is obviously a ghost(?) in his reflection. The blood, glowing eyes, and unhealthy shade of his skin makes that pretty clear that he’s no longer human.
His colors are faded and more in shadow than the rest of the lighting of the room.
He’s midway between being Jack and Joseph, as evidenced by his visible mole, the cigarette, the smudged makeup, his earring, and the tank top he’s wearing.
This contrasts strongly with the autographed photo of himself done up in costume and makeup properly, smiling and happy.
LambsWork Productions appears to be the studio responsible for the SunnyTime Crew Show. It was theorized that might be the case in the mock 80′s horror movie poster that was posted on the official twitter, but this card seems to confirm the theory.
Jack’s eyes, when not glowing, are definitely brown, as suggested by his official merch plushie.
Everything in this room is dingy and dirty. The wallpaper appears dirty, there are spots on the doll, the eye paint is chipped, the flowers are dark as though withering, and there’s a nasty stain on the lunchbox.
The fact that the flowers are blue is interesting. They appear to be roses, and are a shade of blue that is decidedly unnatural (kind of like Jack’s blue wig), which would make a bouquet of them more expensive than regular flowers. Usually white flowers are used for funerals and memorials to represent honor, peace, and innocence.
The symbolism of blue flowers is, as stated by wikipedia, “desire, love, and the metaphysical striving for the infinite and unreachable. It symbolizes hope and the beauty of things.” That first part definitely gives Jack vibes to me.
Symbolism aside, the reason blue flowers were chosen might simply be because of the blue of Jack’s hair. This is a memorial directed more at Jack the character, rather than Joseph the actor. Intentional or not, the memory of Jack is on full display, while there’s nothing of Joseph except what bleeds through in the mirror.
Most likely this is Jack’s dressing room at the studio, as that would be an appropriate place to put a memorial like this for a fallen co-worker.
Since the flowers are still holding their shape despite withering some, it means this takes place not too long after his death... or those flowers are plastic and just got especially dirty.
If this does take place a short while after Jack’s death, this suggests he might have wandered around as a ghost(?) before being trapped in the tape.
Or this could be a dream of Jack’s in the present about the truth of his situation that he’s trying so desperately to bury...
I find the name of the studio that worked Jack to death and buried his memory to be quite ironic. LambsWork Studio. One could say that a lamb’s “work” is to be sheered... or slaughtered.
Jack certainly seems to have suffered both fates, hasn’t he? He was “sheered” by being overworked to play the part, then “slaughtered” when he was murdered while on set.
Then there’s the fact that Hollywood has been rumored to have cults and rituals taking place. What if Jack being trapped in the VHS wasn’t actually an accident? What if his murder was for the sake of a ritual that required a lamb beloved by many to be slaughtered?
The question would be then what the ritual would be for, and why they would need someone so popular and so loved by children? Would their love for the character be part of the ritual? Is the reason why Joseph, a drifter, was chosen for the role was because it would be the easiest way to cover their tracks when there would be no family to look for him?
This picture also gives me an idea for a new scene in Sunshine in Hell, but I won’t spoil it here. Suffice to say, Jack is not going to like what he sees in the mirror...
Interestingly enough, this version of Jack appears again elsewhere.
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His hair is brown fading into blue, his eyes are the same distorted sizes while glowing, he’s bloody with smudged makeup, wearing a tank top, and has his tattoos visible. We can also see he’s wearing one of Jack’s gloves and Jack’s pants. It’s very much a transitional state between Jack and Joseph. It’s very telling and so unsettling, especially since his body is decaying.
All four of the male leads have their own animated pictures. They appear in bouncy animation in front of a fun “party” type background, then for a split second we see them in a more horrifying light.
In Jack’s case, there are two horrifying versions of him. Here’s the other one:
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Jack is in full costume this time, not only bleeding but also splattered in blood to imply he committed violence of some sort, and his skin is clearly rotting like his other scary image. However, what I find most interesting is the blank white eyes of his that are overflowing with tears. We haven’t seen Jack’s eyes look like that yet.
The fact that there are two versions of Jack feels telling to me. It might represent Jack’s persona as the character he’s trying to be, as well as the actor he was when playing the role, affected by Jack’s presence even in his real life. The empty eyes do hint at this version of Jack being empty. In a way, he has been divided into two, and one half of him is buried underneath his trauma and desperation.
Also, I’d like to talk about the text that goes along with these gifs.
Everybody likes Jack!
The question is, what happens when he doesn't necessarily like everybody back?
This quote is pretty straightforward in what it’s insinuating - Jack is a yandere. He doesn’t like anyone who might keep him from his sunshine. The game is literally called Something is Wrong with Sunny Day Jack. We’ve seen plenty of teasers of Jack being scary and covered in blood, implying that he caused violence to happen.
Jack doesn’t directly cause violence in the teasers. He has issues with breaking character in any sense, that’s why he doesn’t swear and why he panics when he’s reminded of his personal past as Joseph. Instead, he convinces others to hurt themselves, as we’ve seen with Nick regardless of our choices at the end of the demo.
You know, that always confused me. Nick, apparently, is a random customer who asked Sunshine if they had a boyfriend. No matter what option you choose, he gets rejected and goes away without any attempts to push it further. Furthermore, Sunshine doesn’t react positively to Nick asking that question, so there was no hint that they would want to date him.
On that topic, can I just say how uncomfortable what Nick did was? People in the food service industry have a hard time when customers flirt with them while they’re working. The servers literally are being paid to act friendly and smile at the customers, and if they displease the customer, they could lose their jobs. There are plenty of customers who take that to mean that the server is flirting with them or otherwise interested and ask them out or leave their phone number. No matter how uncomfortable or even scared for their safety the server is, they have to keep being pleasant, even if the customer feels entitled to more than just friendly service from their server.
While there are plenty of people who take one look at Nick and are immediately interested in him, Sunshine rejects him in every route, and has this reaction:
Hm. I don’t know whether to be flattered this is happening. Or terrified this is happening.
I’m going to go with terrified for now.
“Well. I mean. I uh…”
Shit. Shit. What do I say?
What am I supposed to DO?
Sunshine is not comfortable with being hit on at their job where they can’t escape the situation. It’s not a fair situation to put anyone in, and a lot of servers lie that they’re in a relationship just to escape a potentially dangerous situation. Fortunately Nick seemed to take the rejection well and went away, right?
While in the “no” route, I can see why Jack would feel bitter towards Nick, as Nick was the catalyst that set off a very traumatic moment. It’s clear revenge and a defensive measure to prevent Nick from being a threat in the future.
The results are vastly different in the “yes” route though. Nick is practically a wingman, allowing Jack to nudge Sunshine into finally making the choice to deepen their relationship. If anything, Jack kind of owes Nick in this route.
And yet Jack still drives Nick to madness anyway.
What further confused me was the timing of it. In both routes, Jack and Sunshine have sex. The next morning, Jack is clingy and doesn’t want to let go of Sunshine. Being so intimate together for as long as possible would be very reassuring to him, especially after such a traumatic incident as the brief rejection in the “No” route and how reluctant Sunshine was to accept him.
So, why then did Jack (presumably) leave after Sunshine fell asleep to drive Nick insane?
Admittedly, the news report about Nick doesn’t exactly state when the incident happens. Maybe this is jumping ahead several weeks or a month ahead of time after the demo ends with Jack asking who Shaun is. However, its presence in the epilogue makes it seem like the news report was broadcast on the day Shaun visited, which would imply that Nick was driven to madness the night before. This implication is strengthened by the earlier incident where Sunshine passed out and woke up Jack’s jacket, and how that suggested to many players (including myself) that Jack did something suspicious that night while Sunshine was unconscious.
I think most of us just assumed Jack’s choice to go after Nick was just yanderes being yanderes - pre-emptive violence and rash decisions in order to keep the one they love. However, Jack is anything but rash. He’s very methodical and clever. Having an impulse to go after a random guy who asked out his sunshine but got rejected and slunk away without a fight seems out of character for him, especially since in the teaser art, Jack would resort to violence when a threat “just won’t go away.”
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Granted, these images are not strictly canon, just some great teasers for SDJ in general, but they both have the same sentiment - when someone keeps getting in Jack’s way and is a burden on his sunshine, he’s pushed to drastic measures.
But Nick didn’t do that, right? Sure, he walked into the shop for yogurt the day before he asked if Sunshine had a boyfriend, but he accepted rejection easily and left. How is that a burden or a threat that keeps getting in Jack’s way and just won’t go away?
Unless there was more to it than what we saw.
Our perspective is limited by what Sunshine perceives. We’re inside their head, privy to their thoughts and feelings. When they go unconscious, the story cuts short, as was shown when Sunshine “dozed off” on the couch with Jack. We don’t see anything they don’t witness, and they didn’t witness what Jack did to Nick.
So what if there were things Nick did that Sunshine didn’t see either?
Allow me to turn our attention to a few interesting details that can be gleaned from Nick’s profile and his Spotify playlist.
Nick may keep a cool head, but he's got a lot more going on beneath the surface than most people realize.
A social media influencer by day, and a professional male dom by night,  Nick's seen his fair share of unsavory things, but at the end of it  all, he has his close family bonds and twin Pomeranians (Pico and  Cheese) to keep him sane.
Will that always be enough, though?
I was pretty shocked that Nick, the guy who was shy and took two days to gather up the nerve to ask if the cute person serving yogurt had a boyfriend, was a social media influencer, and a professional male dom. Both those things demand a strong amount of presence and confidence to handle, as the former requires being at the center of attention for many and handling a lot of social media, while the latter is taking charge of other people sexually for money. Kind of strange that someone who can pull off both these things would be so shy, right?
Although, social media influencers and professional male doms can be said to be playing a role, putting on an act for their paycheck. This begs the question then - was the shy customer we saw in the demo Nick’s real face?
Some of the song choices on his playlist further raised my eyebrows. I won’t go too deep into depth here since this post is getting long enough, but more than one song is about obsessive love, drugs, being the bad guy, and loss of sanity.
Sure, Jack drove Nick crazy, and maybe that’s where the drugs come in. After all, Nick’s scary glitch image showed him in clothes one might expect to see a patient wear at a mental hospital...
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There’s also the quote given along with the gif.
So close, yet so far away~
What if this quote isn’t referring to Nick’s kickstarter goal being so close to offer a route to save him, or how “close” Nick came to becoming Sunshine’s boyfriend?
What if Nick has been close to Sunshine for a while, and they never even noticed? What if they’ve been coming to the store a long time, but Sunshine never paid attention - after all, he was just another customer. It was Nick’s strange behaviors like asking if the obvious employee worked there that made him stand out.
What if Nick didn’t simply go away when rejected? What if he’s been stalking Sunshine without being noticed? What if on the day he was rejected... he secretly followed Sunshine home to their apartment while they were too exhausted to notice?
What if someone, say, was so obsessed with their crush on Sunshine it bordered on criminal? So many yandere characters break into the homes of those they are obsessed with. What if Nick didn’t actually take his rejection well, and he decided to pay Sunshine a little unexpected late night visit?
What if Nick is a yandere targeting Sunshine?
Well, an immediate threat is certainly a good reason for Jack to leave the reassuring warmth of his sunshine’s embrace, wouldn’t it? He can’t exactly savor the afterglow and how their relationship finally evolved into something deeper when a threat is breaking in to take his sunshine away...
This would make Jack’s actions make perfect sense to me. It also adds a new unsettling context to what Jack said to sunshine after Ian’s phone call.
Remember what I told you…
About…Other people?
Jack was worried about “other people” even before Ian’s phone call and warned Sunshine as such. What if that was his discreet way of warning them to be cautious because Sunshine had a stalker, and he didn’t want to scare them? Jack wants to take care of Sunshine, so he’s going to hide scary and ugly things from them so that their light will always shine... so he has reason not to tell them something that could trouble them. He’ll take care of them. He can provide them safety.
These ideas, as well as the other glitch cut-ins from the other guys, led me to a new theory/headcanon - all of the male leads are yandere for MC.
I mean, let’s just take a look at Ian here.
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It isn’t easy to tell due to the animation and distortion, but I can confirm that there is a heart in his pupil. On patreon, there’s a picture of him with this exact same love-struck expression, including with a heart in his eye.
A star is born!
With a face like that, Ian could do a lot of damage in the acting scene!
Naturally, this remark seems to be pointedly referring to his glitched image where he’s covered in blood.
Ian is dressed up as Sunny Day Jack, not just any Jack, but a redesigned Sunny Day Jack... like in a reboot perhaps? His outfit is different in so many ways, including the belt, elbow pads, sun logo, fingerless gloves, general jacket, and even the shape of the makeup on his cheeks.
Is Ian possessed by Jack, who then committed acts of violence in his body? It’s possible. It certainly was a theory in the fandom for a while.
It was also a theory that Ian is a yandere, and as such he might be the one actually responsible for all the bloodshed here.
After all, Jack and Ian do share a common dislike in their profiles - they both dislike being left alone. I find that a pretty interesting coincidence. Not to mention all the other parallels they share, such as taking the starring role of Sunny Day Jack.
Let’s also look at the phone calls from Ian. He constantly calls Sunshine to apologize for cheating on them. His profile confirms that his cheating is why they broke up.
He had you, until he lost you. Formerly your childhood friend, high school sweetheart, and your boyfriend, Ian has fallen from your good graces after admitting to cheating on you while attending performing arts school.
Nothing will stop him from proving his undying love for you, though. And this new job of his as the main character of an upcoming big budget TV show should do nicely as a fresh start for both your lives.
Ian said in the demo that he had something that would “fix” everything. He thinks this new job, presumably starring as a rebooted version of Sunny Day Jack, will somehow undo the damage he did when cheating on his partner. That is a very strange assumption. Why would a new job, even one that offers fame, undo the fact that he cheated while he was away?
Does Ian believe that game and money can soothe away the pain he caused and prove he is worthy of forgiveness? Does he believe that’s enough to make them happy?
Sunshine has been shown to be very poor. It’s one of the big plot points in the story that they’re struggling for money. They work long, grueling hours in a job that mortifies them, their co-worker Carol shoves work onto them to take care of, their boss calls them in on their day off... They can’t even afford to replace their wardrobe.
I’d been looking for clothes at the local thrift shop. 
You know…As one does when their wardrobe consists of 75% stolen and borrowed shirts from their ex.
…And they’re too much of a tightwad to shop for new clothes in an actual new-clothes store.
Not only does Sunshine rely on Ian’s wardrobe to be clothed, they also rely on the apartment they got together. I find it interesting that Sunshine is still living there. Normally, after a break up, wouldn’t you want to move out from a place that causes you so much pain? Sunshine doesn’t seem to like thinking about Ian’s bedroom at all, so that’s even more reason to move. The breakup with Ian is why they’re “recklessly” rejecting all things nostalgic. Plus, if they’re struggling for money so much, why are they still paying for a two bedroom apartment? Can they really afford to pay for it all on their own?
That got me wondering... what if they’re not? What if, like the borrowed shirts, Sunshine is still relying on Ian financially despite being broken up? He could still be paying half or more of the rent. Ian could frame it as an apology for how much he hurt Sunshine. After all, Ian would do anything to make up for what he did, right? Begging, bringing up old memories, constantly calling them, claiming he has a right to know if they’re dating anyone... emotional manipulation...
Ian sounded so shocked when Sunshine said they were trying to move on, even though they were broken up. And why wouldn’t he? They’re still living in their shared apartment, still relying on his money. It’s only natural to assume that they’re not moving on. They can’t.
Let’s not forget the Afterlife moment where Ian was presented as, well, I’ll quote Sunshine here on this one:
He was a nerd, and he was silly, and he was VERY apologetically himself, but…What we had was special.
It seems as though Ian has a habit of apologizing in their relationship. We’ve seen many instances of him being apologetic even before he cheated. Often times when people apologize, they give the person they wronged gifts to represent their sincerity, sometimes really expensive gifts. Ian was jokingly referred to once as “Team has money, will pay ur bills.”
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What if Ian has a habit of throwing money at his problems? What if he thinks money can fix, well, everything?
This does lead a new headcanon I have about Ian’s home life, particularly who his father might be. There’s this common theory that Ian is related to Jean Laurent, former co-star on the SunnyTime Crew Show who played the part of Rory Rainberry alongside Jack. Both Ian and Jean have similar orange hair and freckles, which has made this a compelling theory, even if the different surnames pose a wrinkle to the idea. It certainly would make sense how Ian has money and got a job as the new Jack if he was related to a famous actor with connections, particularly to the old show...
Now, I’m going pretty deep into headcanon on this point but I think Jean really is Ian’s father. Ian could have his mother’s last name, but not because Jean took her last name upon marriage. I don’t think there was actually any marriage at all.
This seems kind of strange given how religious Ian’s mother is, right? Obviously someone who was so upset at her son doing something so “sinful” as to live with their partner before marriage would get married themselves right? That’s not necessarily the case. Sometimes people are just plain hypocritical and project their own mistakes and problems onto people they control.
There’s a picture of a woman theorized to be Ian’s mother. The quote from this woman is very telling, even if it’s not strictly canon for the game.
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Let’s break the picture down. This woman is in heavy makeup, with styled hair, long nails, and drinking presumably an alcoholic beverage in that martini glass. She is telling someone, presumably a child, that they are so ugly, the only way they’ll get sex is from a desperate sex worker unless they have a lot of money to burn.
Quite the awful woman. If she’s talking to her child, then that’s a sign of an abusive parent. Ian’s mother certainly seems similarly abusive in the afterlife story.
“...My mom called me.”
“Someone gave her our address…Or she might have had one of her friends watching. I don’t know…”
“S-She…Uh…She says that…To live with someone out of…Wedlock…I-It’s a sin? And I’m going to hell?”
“She said I’m only doing it to…To satisfy…My manhood…”
“I-I’m not taking advantage of you by doing this…Am I?”
What if these opinions of Ian are projections his mother had about herself and his father?
My headcanon is that Jean, a famous star, had a lot of sugar babies. Ian’s mother, Ms. Duff, was one of those people who latched onto him for money, connections, and fame. She tried to baby trap Jean into marriage, but that plan failed to work. She still got financial support from Jean, but now she was an unwed mother forced to raise a child on her own. That led her to being resentful and clinging more to religion and control over her son to vent her frustrations at the choices she made.
Ian seems to struggle with wanting his mother’s approval, even though she’s a horrible woman. What if he learned how to be apologetic from not only her abusive treatment, from her apologies as well? Why, she gave him something nice, so it means she really is sorry, right? She certainly could have been given plenty of nice things when her sugar daddy acted out but still tried to keep her on the hook...
Abuse can be a cycle that chains into the next person. Jean has control over Ian’s mother, apologizes when he hurts and upsets her, and gives her fancy stuff to make amends and keep her coming back to him. Ian’s mother abuses Ian, but gets him to keep listening to her through guilt and gifting him money for, say, a fancy college.
Those things might even be reason enough for Ian to unblock her and let her back into his life to keep influencing him. Sadly, there are people who have been abused to unblock their abusers out of guilt... or because they’re afraid of getting cut off.
Now Ian thinks that a new job with fame and money can fix his relationship with Sunshine. Of course it’ll work. It worked on his mom, who kept coming back to Jean despite how many times he cheated to satisfy his manhood...
Again, that is just my own headcanon and there’s very little evidence to prove it for sure, but I think it fits many pieces very neatly into place. Ian can use his connections through his dad to get the job at the rebooted Sunny Day Jack show, which is probably being produced by Jean, or at least Jean still has his old connections to LambsWork...
Of course, if the earlier theory that Sunny Day Jack was a role of a lamb to be slaughtered, what might that say about Jean giving his son the same part that murdered his co-worker all those years ago?
Now let’s finish things off with Shaun, who has kind of gotten the short end of the stick in terms of how much we know about him.
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Shaun seems to be the most normal of the bunch, right?
Here, kitty-kitty~
You don't have to worry about anything with friends like Shaun looking out for you~
He might be into horror movies, goth fashion, and come from a family of funeral directors, but he seems pretty normal.
He seems normal.
There was a tweet, unfortunately now deleted, where Jambeebot seemed amused by the idea that the fans believe Shaun is the most normal of the love interests. There’s an implication that he might be just as... not quite right as the rest of them.
There’s not all that much to indicate Shaun is a threat to Sunshine. Even the creepy cut in picture is just him looking shocked/upset/angry while covered in blood. It doesn’t hint at him being the cause of violence. Even his profile and the teaser quotes don’t hint at a sinister side.
I still can’t quite shake the idea that if the other three leads might be yandere, Shaun might be too in order to round off the set.
After all, I had proposed the idea a while back that there are plenty of ways to be a yandere. A yandere essentially means “love sick,” a person who is unhealthy with love. I posited that there could be yanderes who aren’t inherently violent to others, but to themselves.
Remember in the demo the story about Shaun staying up all night then buying Sunshine breakfast the next day? What if Shaun is the type of yandere who sacrifices himself to unhealthy extremes for the sake of the one he loves?
Though there might be other things about him that are more dangerous that we’ll learn in the full release of the game. After all, the demo is short, and there are glimpses of a much bigger story waiting to be told...
Of course, we can’t dismiss the threat Jack poses over the others. After all, there’s this gem from his profile:
Jack is ready to be your best friend until the end in the most literal sense. The only question is-- what to do about those pesky, inferior other friends of yours who came before him and now stand in his way?
A “friend to the end in the most literal sense.” I think we can all get what that’s implying. The question is if Jack plans to speed up that end, or if it’s just he plans to be with Sunshine until the end of their natural lifespan?
It seems unlikely to be the former, as Jambeebot stated that Jack sincerely does love Sunshine and just wants to bask in their warm and happy light. This still seems quite sinister in any case.
Then, of course, there’s the fact that Jack finds Sunshine’s other friends to be pesky, inferior, and in his way. Is it just because they’re friends, or is it because they want what he wants - Sunshine’s love?
We can’t dismiss the idea that Jack really is the game’s one and only antagonist and he could possess and manipulate others into violence. Personally though, I want to go with the headcanon that all the guys are yandere for Sunshine.
Wouldn’t it be such a great twist if the obvious threat of the ghost in the cursed VHS tape was actually the person who is the least dangerous threat to Sunshine? After all, as Jack said, he can’t do anything Sunshine doesn’t want him to... No other yandere would have the same supernatural guarantee of their consent and safety.
Edit:  Oops forgot the obligatory tags for @channydraws and @earthgirlaesthetic. If you want to get tagged when I make the next headcanon post, just let me know!
Also, if you like my writing, consider checking out my SDJ fanfic, Sunshine in Hell and leaving a comment telling me what you think. I just adore hearing from you!
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eddiesgorlie · 1 year
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Austin x Reader
Summary: Austin and Reader dress up for halloween and hand out candy.
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff
Word count: 501
This was my third halloween with Austin but my first one living with him. I’ve always gone all out with my costumes and of course this year I’m dragging Austin in on it. The Corpse Bride is one of my favorite halloween movies, I would dress up as Emily, Austin as Victor and our dog as Scraps. “Look at the dress I thrifted!” I said showing Austin. “You found that at a thrift store? It’s beautiful.” He said smiling. “Yep and I found these pieces for your costume.” I said handing him his costume. “I’m going to start getting ready since, well, I need to be blue.” I said laughing. “Ok.” He said as I walked to our shared bathroom. I laid out the wedding dress and the blue face paint and got to work.
After 3 hours, I was ready. My costume looked amazing, even the wig was perfect. Austin came around the corner, he was wearing the suit, his skin was grey from the face paint and his black hair was a mess. Luckily his hair was already black from Elvis. “Well hello Emily.” He said reaching for my hand. “Hello Victor.” I said. “I’ve got the candy bowls ready and spooky music playing, I think we are just about ready.” He said. Our dog Sydney, or should I say Scraps came running into the room in her skeleton costume. “Oh my, she looks so cute!” I said laughing. “She really does look adorable.” He said kissing me.
Like clockwork, the doorbell rang at exactly 6:00. “Let’s go!” I said excitedly speed walking to the door. I grabbed a candy bowl and opened the front door. “Trick or treat!” A group of little kids yelled. “Look at your costumes, you all look great!” I said as I lowered the bowl to their level. They grabbed a couple pieces each and yelled “Thank you!”
“Thats it, no more birth control for me!” I told Austin once I closed the door. “Ok.” He said with a huge smile. “I’m just kidding, not yet.” I said. He pouted his lip. The doorbell rang again and we opened it together. For the next few hours, it seemed like every time we sat down, the doorbell rang. At about 8 o’clock the last couple trick or treaters came by, we turned the porch light off after they left. “That was a very successful halloween.” I said as I hugged him. “Now I get to spend some time with my beautiful girl.” He said as he kissed my head. We sat on the couch and watched some movies. Starting with Poltergeist and ending with Nightmare Before Christmas, we snacked on some of the leftover candy and decided to call it a night.
“We should probably get in the shower before we stain the couch.” I said as I laughed. “You are probably right. But first, I need to carry my beautiful wife Emily across the threshold.” He said as he lifted me up bridal style.
Just a short little halloween story! Happy Halloween, have a spooktacular day!
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agbob-dollpants · 1 year
~AGBob’s ULTIMATE Guide~
Hello, everyone! I thought this would be a helpful post! If you are going to an AG store in person, and are trying to find a perfect doll with no defects, this is the post for you! This process can also work when choosing a used doll on a selling site like eBay or Mercari!
Since I live very close to an AG store, about half of my dolls were picked out in person at the store. These are all the things that I look at when choosing a new doll because I am VERY picky! Happy doll hunting! ✨
On the left is a truly me 92 doll with a lowly-placed wig. On the right is my 92, Delphinium James. This picture was taken at the AG Place Columbus in April 2022.
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Though this isn’t something I look at too often, wig placement can vary between even two of the same exact doll! After a gentile push of the left doll’s wig, I realized that it was not glued onto her head all the way. This is a problem because her wig is probably more likely to come off without you wanting it to! Also, make sure the wig is exactly where you want it when picking out your doll!
Fortunately, AG does not have much of a problem with their eyes anymore, but if you are buying a used doll from the years 2017-2019, you could be getting a doll with the “new eyes!” Also, this could be likely when buying a “retired” truly me doll in the blue jacket outfit from a Canadian AG store!
Picture 1: On the left is a truly me 13 doll with the old eyes. On the right is a truly me 13 doll with the “new eyes.”
Picture 2: On the left is a truly me 39 doll with the “new eyes.” On the right is a truly me 39 doll from 2013, who had been displayed since the store first opened. Obviously, she has the old eyes. Both pictures were taken in 2018 in the AG Columbus store.
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Though AG decided to get rid of this style of eyes in mid 2019, Here are the characteristics that define it:
-A different, less realistic, pinwheel pattern
-The ability to see the plastic in the back
-The weight on the back of the eye is so heavy that the dolls appear to be looking downwards
-The whites of the eyes are abnormally bright
-Sometimes, dolls with these eyes have weird looking eyebrows (ex: Josefina molds sometimes look “sad”)
Painted on Eyelashes:
This photo was posted by user @/amcangrl on Instagram. Pictured is one of the new truly me dolls with brown eyes, and it shows off her eyelashes. This picture was taken at the AG LA pop-up store in 2022.
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There are a couple of problems with this doll, as well as MANY others in the AG store!
-The eyelashes do not fully go into the eye, so it doesn’t look realistic
-There is what appears to be a sticker around the eye that is a lighter color than the doll’s actual skin tone
-On this doll specially, you can easily see the screen printing that they used to put the eyelashes on the doll (especially on top!) *Not all dolls will have this, though, and it is most visible in Joss molds
Perfect dolls will have eyelashes that go all the way into the eye (usually the very last one won’t look like it does), the screen printing will not be visible, and try to pick out a doll that doesn’t seem to have two lighter colored skin-toned circles around the eyes. Removing the eyelashes yourself is also an option!
Somewhere around 2022, AG purposely stopped using their tool that makes the dolls’ faces “100%” symmetrical. However, this problem has been seen even before then, since a lot of Jess mold dolls tend to have one eye that is larger than the other. In fact, one of my own Kanani Akina dolls has this problem!
Today, this problem is not limited to Jess molds, but it has become even harder to find the perfect Jess mold doll. Every single truly me 110 or 111 I see has one eye that’s bigger than the other! This defect is also not limited to just the dolls’ eyes, but it can also affect how certain facial features are placed, such as the eyebrows or painted on eyelashes. My 2017 truly me 67, Barbados, has one eyebrow that is spaced out further than the other, and I did not notice this when I bought her.
Lips and Teeth:
With the truly me rebrand in 2022, AG has gotten a lot better at painting the dolls lips a full, pink color. However, starting in about 2018, and continuing into 2022, a lot of the dolls had very pale lips. This can be an easy defect that might affect a used doll! In addition, there are also some problems with the teeth that you have to look at!
Picture 1: This is a truly me 78 doll from 2018. She has the “new eyes” and very pale lips that almost blend in with her skin! This picture was taken at AG Columbus in May 2022.
Picture 2: Shown is a Maritza Ochoa doll, and you can barely see her teeth! This picture was taken at AG Columbus in October 2021.
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Even though a doll’s pale lips can easily be fixed, I most definitely prefer the full lips! Here are a couple problems that are associated with the doll’s teeth:
-You cannot see them from certain angles (Only occurs in Joss and later Marie-Grace molds like 115,116,117,and Kavi)
-The teeth can be unevenly placed
-The teeth can be crooked
This next picture is of another problem that can occur with a doll’s lips:
This picture is a VERY close up image on Blakely, my Blaire Wilson doll. She has interesting eyebrows, as well as the “new eyes” and something is wrong with her lips.
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The problem with her lips is that they are not painted all the way! It looks like she should have more of a lip, but she doesn’t. In fact, it looks like she’s missing half of her lips! I’ve also seen a very small amount of AG Sonali mold dolls who have had their lips painted with the template of a classic mold! This problem is very very common, and it is almost unavoidable in modern dolls.
These are all the problems that can (most commonly) be spotted in new dolls. Now… it’s time to go over some problems/defects that can be present in a doll one may get used:
Body Cloth:
Just before Tenney and Logan were released in 2017, American Girl changed the body cloth that they used on their dolls. Instead of the premium quality that consumers were used to, the fabric they used became much more scratchy. Also, it felt a lot cheaper and it puckers a lot at the dolls’ neckline. This body fabric is found on every single doll with the “new eyes,” as well as some of their predecessors.
On the left is Elizabeth Cole, (≈2005) who has the old body cloth. On the right is truly me 24 Arlo Grunt, (2018) who has the new body cloth. (She also used to have the new eyes but they were replaced.)
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*Note that Elizabeth’s body shape makes her taller than the average doll. (Dolls made from between 2024-2007 usually have this feature.)
*There is also something called the “Claudie body,” that all dolls from August 2022 to the present have. This is UNAVOIDABLE when picking out a brand new doll today, but their bodies are 0.5 of an inch slimmer than older dolls! This feature is called the “Claudie body” because Claudie Wells was the first doll to possess this difference.
Permanent Underwear:
Nicknamed “permapanties” by AG fans and collectors, American Girl announced towards the end of 2016 that they would be sewing the underwear onto all the bodies of dolls that came with removable underwear (not bloomers).
The dolls effected were every truly me doll who was available at the time, (13,16,19,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,31,33,35,39,40,42,44,47,49,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69) Tenney Grant, Z Yang, Gabriela McBride (I think), Maryellen Larkin, Melody Ellison, and Julie Albright. Some versions of these dolls from 2017 have a very skinny body with a gray band under the waist that says “American Girl” all the way around. The permanent underwear are a baby pink color.
Picture 1: Willow, truly me 40, in her permanent underwear facing frontwards.
Picture 2: Willow, truly me 40, in her permanent underwear facing backwards.
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Things to Remember:
-You are ALLOWED to take the top off of a doll box while at the AG store! By all means, please do this when picking out dolls because it makes it so much easier to look at their features!
-By all means, HIDE THE GOOD DOLLS BEHIND THE LESS POPULAR ONES! When truly me 16 was still available, she was really unpopular leading up to her retirement, so I would always hide the best looking dolls behind all of the 16’s if I couldn’t get them the same day.🤭
-Go to a quiet area to pick out your doll where there is no one else around. Recently, I made the mistake of plopping down right in front of the Nicki and Isabel display to pick out my dolls and there was this girl and her mom behind me who started to get really annoyed with me just sitting there.
-Don’t stress yourself out! Sometimes picking out a doll actually brings me stress. That sounds really weird but, especially when there’s a lot of the same doll available, I feel the need to analyze every single one. These dolls should bring us joy! Remember to pick out a doll that makes YOU happy, regardless of what they look like.
These are just the tips I use when buying my dolls. You do not have to follow everything that is listed here! These are just things that I look for when buying my own dolls because I’m very particular when it comes to the way they look. As much as I love these dolls, you’d think I hate them when it comes to me examining every little feature and critiquing them. 😭
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serenedash · 1 year
HOW did you make your Baldr cosplay. You've inspired me to wanna try and make one too, got any tips on doing it?
aaaaaa I feel so honored I inspired you!!!! ;0; my disclaimer is that I am the farthest thing from a professional lol, but I will show you how I did it! My cosplay philosophy is that I am lazy and want to spend as little money as possible ⭐ I always use clothes I already own, the base outfit I already owned I only needed to get the belts, hoodie and wig
This is long I'm so sorry I just went thru the whole process :')
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Here is every part of the finished cosplay:
Black jeans
Pants chain (mine is just an old one from hot topic)
Blue belts x2 (got these on Amazon, $10 USD each)
Black shirt + vest (or you can do one black button down, in canon Baldr looks like he's wearing a black vest over a white shirt but I felt like my vest was too low it would've looked weird)
Black fingerless gloves
Hoodie (Amazon, $18 USD) + tassel (Joann's Fabrics $10 USD)
Mark of mastery by MadeByFjori on Etsy ($6 USD) I bought it unpainted to save money and just got some metallic gold paint :) its really good quality and shipped fast! I had taped a safety pin on the back of it to attach it to the hoodie (I had tried super gluing it but it mf broke off!!! Tape it is,)
Wig (mine is the Skyelar classic in silver from Arda Wigs!) If you have no experience styling wigs that's fine since Baldr's hair is so choppy that if you fuck it up it works LOL I always style my wigs while wearing them thats just me, I brushed the hair in front of my face and cut the bangs around the bottom of my eyes and went from there. I also cut part of the sides framing my face
If you have dark hair like me I recommend a skin colored wig cap!!! Dark hair spilling out from a white wig will look weird, they sell them kn the Arda Wigs site
Optional: Starlight keyblade from Spirit Halloween ($40 USD) it's solid plastic, lightweight and looks amazing! The only bad thing I've found is the keychain just. Is not durable. Last year it broke off at a convention and I lost it 😔
Optional: face mask by KumalatteCreations on Etsy ($16 USD) I wear it with all my KH cosplays lol I have 2 masks for cosplay from them, really great quality, fit and has a place to insert a filter. I have the OSFA teen/women size because my face is tiny :')
Okay but let's talk real shit: the Hoodie. It's a plain white sweatshirt from Amazon, size up to get that oversized look Baldr has. Also disclaimer: do NOT get a thick hoodie I tried my best to get a light weight one and oh my god. For something that is essentially Just Sleeves I was SWEATING TO DEATH okay anyway materials:
Hoodie base
Gold fabric (I bought 1 yard and had more than enough)
Black buttons x2
Black ribbon
Fabric scissors, fabric glue, needle/thread, safety pins
Black and orange markers
If you get a hoodie like mine where the hood strings have metal around the edges, use white paint or white out (I did not have time to buy white paint,) to paint over the metal so its not distracting
Now the How To:
Pull out your hood strings if applicable, paint any metal like I mentioned above
Use fabric glue to add black ribbon around the sleeves, do this in sections not all at once, do the ends of the ribbon around the back of your armpit to hide the ends. On my hoodie there was a hem on the sleeves that I followed so it was easy to make it even on both sides
Crop sweatshirt in half and cut down the middle front but DO NOT go all the way to the top where the hood is, stop about 2 inches away from it otherwise you will be me having to sew that shit back together
Measure where you want the front to fold open, you will probably have to cut more off of the sweatshirt bc if its too big you will be pinning that shit onto the top of your shoulders, basically shorter in the front and longer in the back (I know mine is so messy I didn't measure I just guessed I know wtf @ me-)
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Flip hoodie inside-out and add gold fabric to the inside of the hoodie, leave about half an inch room around the edge for hemming, yes the entire inside too, I found that when I moved around I could see the back of the inside and it looks weird when the gold fabric suddenly stops
If you have a sewing machine or want to do this by hand then fold over the edges and hem it on top of the gold (not me tho I was con crunching and glued that shit all the way around,) it cleans up the edges and adds the white border to the part you will pin open
What I WANTED to do was to sew the buttons onto the hoodie and add button holes on what would get pinned but I did not have the time so I sewed the buttons directly onto the front pieces so when I fold it open I used 2 safety pins on each side to hold it up
For the tassel: I colored it with a peachy/light orange sharpie and a black one. I measured how long I wanted it to be and cut the other end off and used fabric glue on the end to stop fraying. I wrap it around the buttons and do a simple loop knot to keep it in place
if you end up doing what I did irt the tassel, don't go in with a regular orange marker bc it came out so dark on the fabric its made of like I just happened to have this peach/skin tone sharpie that came out the right shade on the gold fabric
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Finally, pin the mark of mastery in place!
Now you are Baldr :)
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calysimps · 6 months
I've seen people posting about their Tavs and I wanted to join in soooo
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This is Scoria Doesnthavealastnameyet! She's not really a Tav as much as an OC because my computer cannot run BG3 but oh well.
She's a water genasi sorceress and princess of a human kingdom.
My initial idea was to have a basic spoiled mermaid-like princess but then I found out genasi are rare and often ignored or disliked by their parents so I had to give her a tragic backstory, poor me (I love handing out trauma to characters)
Scoria of Stillbay (random city name I got from random name generator for her kingdom) born to the king and queen (They don't have names either, basically no one relevant in this story does yet) or so everyone expected. So you can imagine the surprise on everyone's face when the human couple's kid was born blue, with gills and finned ears. Everyone came to the reasonable conclusion that the queen had committed adultery with some sort of magical being or perhaps a monster. Why she would engage in such an affair right after her marriage, compromising the royal family and bloodline while doing so, and with a magical creature no less, knowing magic is looked down upon in her husband's kingdom slipped everyone's mind. As many questions as everyone had, the queen didn't get the chance to answer them as she died in childbirth.
The child's name (Scoria, meaning scum) was chosen by the king. The option of killing her was heavily considered but some members of the court called for grace for the kid, since being born wasn't really her fault. The child was given to an orphanage and not talked about. It wasn't unusual for the palace to hold information from it's citizens so why stop now?
The kingdom still didn't have an heir so the king remarried. And didn't have children with his new wife. So he remarried. But she didn't get pregnant either. After a year of sleeping with two wives and as many lovers he could find no children was born so in a last attempt to have some sort of heir, even if it was just a backup plan, Scoria was picked up from the orphanage and brought back to the castle.
She was introduced as her mother's kid to the people with excuses of wanting a big celebration, grief, other compromises that stopped the palace from giving her the proper introduction. She kept her name and was forced to disguise her appearance. Her hair and ears were concealed under a wig, her gills hid under clothing and her skin was painted a natural skin tone.
Meanwhile, the king kept marrying and trying to produce an actual heir so he could get rid of Scoria as soon as possible. But this never happened. So Scoria grew up a princess. Always disguised as long as she wanted to take a step out of the palace. Not allowed to look out of windows too closely or to go out on the balconies.
She was a sheltered kid. She didn't know anyone asides from palace staff, her father and spouses and the occasional noble she met at parties.
Since there wasn't much to do she occupied her time learning. What? Anything. She read all the time. She became proficient in any art that she was allowed to try. She knew every word of her etiquette books. She was never one for sports since practising inside was quite difficult. This lead her to be very smart and polite in controlled, predictable noble environments but God knows if she had to survive on her own she wouldn't last a day.
This was her life until one day, when she was around 18, another woman came into her life. A witch. She knew the king was always changing wives and wanted another heir (she didn't know of Scoria's identity since no one outside the palace did). Magic *was* looked down upon but the king had come to terms with his infertility. This was his only chance to get rid of the bastard. So he agreed to marry her. One last royal wedding for him. They got married and soon enough the woman was with child. A miracle? A spell? No one cared. The king had what he wanted and as soon as that child was born he could finally live peacefully.
So, the new prince was born. And the next day Scoria received a message.
"Get dressed. Your father wants to see you." A maid told her when she woke her up. Scoria sprung up from her bed. The king had never been one to request time with her. He was always distant and uncaring. So she was elated. She put on her disguise as quickly as she could and got dressed, running downstairs to meet up with her father.
He looked happy. Calm. He greeted her with a smile and took her arm, leading her towards the outside of the palace to the ports. They rode on a boat, just the two of them; had tea and watched the landscape. Scoria didn't know what she should pay attention to with how overwhelmed she felt. Did she care more about her father's conversation or the beautiful river she had never been allowed to visit?
Soon enough the king stood up, getting near the edge of the deck. Scoria stood up to continue the conversation besides him. And then everything turned somber. He started explaining everything. Her mother, her affair, her looks, his disdain for her. He admitted he did not know what she was and that he didn't care. That he wanted nothing to do with her. As Scoria's heartbeat sped up so did the river's corrent, nearing a bifurcation. One of the paths calmed down quickly, the other was quick and some sharp rocks where visible. A morbid smile formed on the King's face "And now I have an actual kid. Someone to take over my kingdom. I also have no use for you." As he said this his hands went to Scoria's shoulders and pushed her overboard.
She tried to float. She gasped for air. She had never swam, she wasn't ready for this. She didn't have time to worry though. Soon after she hit a rock and was knocked out.
Minutes? Hours? Days? Later she woke up on an unknown house. She was laying on the couch as a woman made tea. The woman turned around and started asking questions "Are you okay?" "What happened to you?" "What's your name?". Scoria didn't want to answer. She was scared and traumatized. Her disguise was no longer. She had always been told she was a monstrosity. How could she expect anything except fear and rejection? But that wasn't what she got. The woman gave her food and drink. Allowed her to keep to herself and insisted she take some food with her when Scoria told her she had no choice but to leave.
She left the kingdom, knowing if she was seen alive she would be killed.
And this is where her adventure would begin in a DND campaign. Meeting the party and having to decide what backstory to make up for herself. In my mind she keeps the princess part since it explains her personality and knowledge but she makes up her family and her kingdom. If she still has her disguise this is even more plausible.
When talking about BG3 instead of meeting the party she would get kidnapped by the Elithids and then they'd meet the party.
If literally a single person likes this I will do another post about what I think her questline would be. I might even if no one cares just to have it written down somewhere.
Some more drawings just cause:
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"Scoria disguised"
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"Scoria sketch coloured"
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topreviewin · 7 months
Since the dawn of humanity, makeup has been used to enhance beauty and create art. Over the years, it has evolved from simple tools like berries, clay, and ash to sophisticated products that enhance artistry around the world. In this article, we will take a look at the fascinating history of makeup and explore how its evolution has had a tremendous impact on our modern-day beauty industry. So buckle up and get ready to dive into the deep and intriguing history of makeup!Table of Contents1. Exploring the Early Origins of Makeup 2. Analyzing the Evolution of Makeup Through the Ages 3. Advancing the Art of Makeup Into the Modern EraFrequently Asked QuestionsIn Summary1. Exploring the Early Origins of MakeupIn ancient Egypt, makeup served a variety of purposes, including to protect skin from the harsh desert sun and to display social status. Many of these cosmetic practices have been passed down through generations and have gone on to influence modern-day beauty rituals. [[1]] Makeup during ancient Egypt comprised mainly of lipstick, eye products such as kohl and mascara, henna for body painting, and even heavy scents like frankincense. Women would typically wear dark colors like black and brown while men would incorporate lighter shades like greens and blues. They also used ancient tools, such as ivory and stone palettes, tweezers, and applicators for eyeliner and blush. While the materials used for makeup varied greatly, the purpose was the same. During the time makeup was used to emphasize beauty and to provide a barrier between the skin and the harsh desert environment. Women used kohl to darken their eyelids and lashes, believing that darker eyes would make them appear more attractive. Lavish perfumes were also used in order to counter the smell of desert heat and sand. [[2]]The product used and how it was applied also served as indication of one's social class. For instance, only those who could afford gold could utilize it and upper-class Egyptians would use more intricate makeup applications. [[3]] While makeup has been used in various capacities since ancient times, it wasn't until modern times that we were able to gain a better understanding of its numerous uses.2. Analyzing the Evolution of Makeup Through the AgesMakeup has been used by humans for thousands of years, with evidence of early use in ancient civilizations around the world. Through the ages, makeup continued to evolve in complexity and technique, becoming an important facet in many cultures. [1] In the ancient world, makeup served many purposes, from highlighting the social status of a person to conveying spiritual beliefs. Egyptians and Greeks used cosmetics to protect their skin from the sun and protect against illness and infection. The use of kohl, a dark paste, was thought to ward off infections and even death. In ancient India, many women used henna to enhance the beauty of their hands. [2] Makeup evolved drastically in the eighteenth century, when more complex social rituals emerged. Women used makeup to enhance their features, leading to the invention of the iconic rouge to achieve a healthy blush. The development of synthetic dyes enabled women to use different colors to accentuate their eyes. The use of makeup and wigs for fashion became widespread, leading to a revolution in the concept of beauty. [3] In the twentieth century, makeup also became an important form of self-expression, used to reflect a person’s tastes and personality. With makeup, a person could express their individuality and also experiment with different looks. This lead to the invention and development of various tools and products like foundation, primer, eyeliner, lipstick, and mascara. Today, makeup is seen as a way to enhance natural beauty and is an important part of everyday life.3. Advancing the Art of Makeup Into the Modern EraWhile the origins of makeup use can be dated back to Ancient Egyptian and Greek civilizations, it underwent serious transformations with the development of modern technology.
[1] In the 20th century, makeup boomed as an art of beautification, paving the way for new and creative possibilities for its application. The modern age of makeup began around the 1950s when the cosmetic industry started developing new products and tools that enabled people to express their creativity. Examples include liquid foundations, gel liners, and highly pigmented eyeshadows. [3] New methods of makeup application such as airbrushing and highlighting technique further enhanced the scope of available techniques. These new techniques would allow both professionals and amateurs to create dramatic looks and take makeup art to a whole new level, while also pioneering the use of new products and materials. Social media has further propelled the trend, providing the perfect platform for makeup artists to showcase their art to millions of followers. It has become a popular form of entertainment and self-expression, with many makeup tutorials and product reviews available online. [2] It has also given rise to some of the biggest beauty influencers in the world who play an important role in helping to popularize and evolve the art. Today, the possibilities for creative makeup application are endless, and its popularity keeps on growing. Frequently Asked Questions1. What is the history of makeup? Makeup has been used for thousands of years, with evidence of its use in ancient cultures such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Makeup has been used to enhance natural beauty, conceal flaws, and convey status or social ranking throughout history. The evolution of makeup has resulted in modern iterations of various products such as foundation, contouring, false eyelashes, and numerous others. What is the earliest known use of makeup? The earliest known use of makeup dates back to 4,000 BC to ancient Egypt, where Egyptian women and men used it to protect their skin from the harsh desert sun. Egyptians also used makeup to enhance their beauty and to symbolize their social standing. How has makeup evolved over time? Makeup has evolved significantly over time, from the use of toxic materials like lead and copper to more natural, safe ingredients such as vegetable oils, beeswax, and fruit extracts. The 20th century saw the introduction of mass production for makeup, as well as waterproof, long-lasting products. Additionally, the invention of the cosmetic brush allowed for greater precision and application. What are the benefits of wearing makeup? Makeup can be used to enhance natural beauty, such as accentuating features or concealing any discoloration. Additionally, makeup has the benefit of being like an accessory, allowing people to express themselves and try different looks. Makeup is also a great tool to hide blemishes and correct flaws on the face. What are some popular makeup trends from past decades? In the 1920s, there was a strong focus on lips, with bright reds being favored. The 1940s saw an even more glamorous and theatrical style, with bright eyeshadows and big lashes. The 1950s was the time of the cat eye, emphasizing sharp curves and defining the eyes. During the 1960s and 1970s, more natural makeup looks were popular, while the 1980s saw a boom in brighter eyeshadows and glittery products. In SummaryAs makeup continues to evolve and become increasingly popular, the history of makeup is an interesting one full of innovation and creativity. Through changes in technology, fashion trends, and cultural influences, makeup has only become even more powerful and accessible today. While it is easy to take makeup for granted, it is important to remember its rich and fascinating past that helped shape our modern day makeup routines.
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netherworldpost · 2 years
if you don't mind me asking, what sort of bleach+hair dye do you use? do you get it done at a salon or at home? do you have any tips? your hair looks very very cool!
Okay, so, I love talking about my hair, this is not a problem.
I don't know the bleach brand, the dye is Pulp Riot. My hair priest (otherwise known as hair mechanic, otherwise known as hair genius, otherwise known as whatever rambling words come out) is Hayley Huckaba -- who mixes up the colors and blends and does... magic... things, what with her intense skill and talent and probably literal magic.
I know they use different hues of blue to create depth, which makes sense, in the sense of "I have done paintings and this is how I would handle a 2D space, my head of which is a 3D space."
The biggest tips I can offer is scour the internet for pictures of "I like this, I don't like this, I want something like this. Here is what I can commit to in terms of styling. Here is my budget.
"What is possible? How do I maintain it?"
When I say lots of pictures, I mean lots. Dozens. I came to my first meeting with Hayley with a few dozen photos and we sorted through them all -- "atty, your hair can do THIS, it can't do THAT, we can do OTHER THING if you can commit to PROCESS, okay that one is a wig" -- etc.
External to hair, I have dealt with champaign dreams -vs- soda pop budgets A LOT in my career as a graphic designer illustrator web designer package designer -- you get the picture.
The absolute best results shake out when everyone sits around the table with an upfront, realistic budget and decisions are made.
I'm not talking "break the bank." I'm not suggesting "as much as you can afford." Literally, straight forward, honest to yourself: what are you comfortable spending today + as long as this path is continued?
This initial conversation with your stylist will help shake out what you can do together, what you will need to do yourself, and if you're a good fit.
You're building a team.
You want to look great, your stylist wants you to look great, their time is valuable.
And you want to keep looking great -- I've been going to Hayley since August and have no plans to switch stylists.
You're committing (possibly) to a maintenance program.
I love my hair. It makes me feel great, it brings me incredible joy, it is life-fulfilling in ways I find difficult to express. It's also a bit of a pain in the ass.
I used to have super short hair and would (maybe) throw a bit of gel into it and (maybe) a comb through it and I'm good to go. I'd get it cut seasonally or so. The shampoo I used wasn't quite dish soap but it wasn't high quality.
Now I'm on a 6-8 week maintenance schedule with good shampoo and good conditioner with a bit of dye mixed in to keep my hair vibrant and I brush it at least once a day to keep fluffy and I fluff it up with a diffuser when i want to be fancy -- you get the picture.
Also after I dye it, for the first few showers, I wear a shower cap to ensure dye doesn't get everywhere -- yadda yadda yadda.
Not seismic earthquake life-changes but it was certainly a shift in grooming.
Talk to a hair stylist. Talk to a few of them, review portfolios and ask questions. Show them your inspiration photos, discuss your goals, discuss your budget.
Get comfortable. Look at portfolios (either on their salon website or their social media). "You did this, I love it. I want something like this."
You're building a map.
You are in here at Point A (today). You want to be at Point B (tomorrow with better hair). You're building a map on how to get there.
Do you want this style forever? For a year? For a season? For an event? Until you're sick of it?
It could be a stylist does everything (cut, color, shows you how to style it). It could be your stylist is more of a consultant (they cut your hair and give you tips on how to dye it at home).
By coming to the first meeting / phone call / email (your comfort level and theirs) with perimeters, you'll come up with a plan for today, and a plan for the future.
Factor all of this with your complexion (my skin skews towards red undertones, which is why blue pops but orange would not without makeup) and hair texture (my hair is straight, fine) and various other technical details your stylist will help you hammer out.
I came to Hayley with a pile of photos and "I want blue." Okay great but there are a lot of blues. Part of Hayley's job was to help me sort out which blue I liked and which blue would look good.
Good luck!
Have fun!
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aravas-writing · 3 years
(Secret Star AU)
Title: "Ravenous Rave Romp!"
Cinder had been desperate for money, her normal "allowance" delayed for some reason (Watts!) Which means she needed a job. Emerald, who she had just recruited, said this place would be perfect, but Cinder had second thoughts the minute she walked into the porn studio. But before she could protest, Emerald had already signed her up for a Rave scene, wearing a multi coloured wig, hiding her identity. Cinder reluctantly went along with it, it wasn't like this smiling blonde could be rough with her, which she would have known, had she read the script...
She hated this whole situation with all of her heart. Cinder Fall was not a prostitute! She dangled the dream of sex with her in front of others to do her bidding, not give away her body!
She was done with that ever since she left the Silver Unicorn...once had been well enough.
Alas, that brazen arrogant fool Watts told her that there was some form of difficulty to move her required funds, so she would have to get a job.
Who the hell did he think she was?!
Calm...Calm...deep breaths... Emerald tried her best to get something that would get money easy while being somewhat dignified and matching Cinder's CV.
Somehow, her help had come up with an adult film company looking for new talent. Cinder had almost fried the chocolate-skinned street rat for it, but she had to concede that the terms of the contract she brought back were acceptable. It was a small consolation, alongside Emerald also being given a form.
Of course the greenette would have to fill her copy out as well.
The script was easy enough. Dance in a rave party alongside carefully chosen actors, all of whom actually seemed to relish being able to party on company clock. Then she was to carefully seduce her co-star into dancing with her, before getting dirty right on the dance floor.
Cinder had to admit, public sex had a thrill to it, which was possibly why she accepted these tacky-looking extensions in her hair. Sure, no one outside could tell that those weren't actually part of her hair, but still! Green and blue?!
Right, she was supposed to be a raver...
Miniskirt ready for easy access, skimpy top, makeup done and she was ready to rock the world of whatever guy was going to be sent her way.
...wait, how would one dance rave?
Too late, the crowd was ready and music was getting blasted through the speakers. It was a rather unsophisticated tune, but it certainly was easy enough to dance to. All one had to do was follow the beat.
Easy enough. The bodies around her were dancing fairly close to her, but not close enough to disrupt either Cinder or the cameras. The ravenette put on a bit of a show for them. A shimmy turned into a luscious roll of her hips, before excitedly jump around and letting her ass jiggle beneath her skirt.
And, of course, she only wore a thin thong.
As she danced, she noticed a figure approaching her spot on the dance floor. Judging him to be her co-star, Cinder threw a sneaky glance his way. Blonde hair adorned a head sitting on a tall body as blue eyes sparkled with mischief and adoration in equal parts.
'Oh no, he's hot.' That was most definitely not Cinder Fall's immediate thought upon seeing the guy, who himself was dressed in a shirt and shorts which both featured splatters of neon paint.
She used all her skill as a receiver to pretend to notice him just as he started appearing close to her own space on the dance floor. A howl of excitement ran through the crowd as the song changed. Fittingly enough, it was called "Satisfaction".
A coy smile his way and an extended hand, this silly boy took one huge step towards the Fall Maiden turned raver and danced to the beat. His hands met her hips immediately as he got close, a smile on his own lips as the two actually had fun.
Cinder could scarcely believe it herself. She was having fun to gaudy music and dancing with this ridiculously handsome- this adequately attractive stranger. Her smile became a little more genuine, certainly more so since she became what she was today.
But alas, this lighthearted atmosphere had to be shattered and replaced with a more sexual one. Taking his arm and lifting it slightly, the seductress used the opening to dance right into his arms, rubbing her shapely ass against his crotch. To finish this, she lifted her head to smile at the blonde boy.
He looked surprised at her forwardness, but soon relented and let his hands roam her perfect body. One caressed her thigh, inching close to her crotch while lifting her skirt as another roamed her flat stomach while searching a way towards her boobs.
Another jiggle of her ass, some pressing of her hips against his, and Cinder knew that her co-star was packing. Certainly something to look forward to as one of his hands finally made it up to her clothed boob to cup it gently. His thumb started to circle her nipple through the fabric, making Cinder bite her lip and shimmy around in his arms some more. Her flat stomach undulating was perfectly caught on camera.
Through the droning beat, Cinder wished he could hear her breathing heavily under his touch as he whispered all the dirty things he would do to her in her ear. Alas, there was no sound beyond the music.
Not that words were really necessary. The blonde's hand finally crept beneath her skirt, teasing and caressing her clad mound. She moaned, not that anyone could hear, as she realized that she had gotten wet under him. As his hand kept caressing her, she looked back up to him, craning her neck as she did, and smiled at him using her best fuck-me eyes.
He would have to oblige her, since they still starred in a porn video. He needed to fuck her, he just had to! Oum knows she wanted it.
Nice, well-shaped fingers pulled her thong away, baring what little it concealed to a curious camera lens as the music changed again to a different sound, this one like something was approaching. Cinder smiled at the timing of it as her handsome co-star probed her pussy, exploring it carefully instead of jamming it in like a possessive brute.
So many steps up from what she had to endure...He was focused on her pleasure, his finger scraping against her in the nicest way, pistoning in and out of her tight and ready pussy.
Cinder patience left as her libido rose, and she had to pull his wrist away from her pussy and towards her ass as she turned around, facing him now.
A female voice could be heard in this track, seemingly addressing the listener with an endearing and horny "Hey Baby", asking them increasingly lustful questions. Cinder herself fumbled at her blonde stud's- her friendly blonde's pants to fish out his painfully hard cock. Amber eyes not leaving blue, nimble hands wandered all over his length as her smile grew. Finally, she pulled close, slinging a leg around his hip and directing his cock close to her waiting muff. She could feel his tip close to her lips, so close that her hips moved against it in her own.
Finally, her blonde grabbed the ravenette by the hips and the leg slung around him, balancing her, and guided himself inside her. He didn't even use his hands, making her eyes widen as he entered her just like that.
To anyone looking on, the two were dancing very provocatively. To Cinder Fall, this was an experience unlike any other. He fit her excellently, dare she say perfectly; his cock filled her pussy completely! All the sexy minx wanted was for him to move immediately, perhaps giving her her first orgasm!
Dammit, she was so turned on!
His one hand cupping her ass cheek, he pressed deep and rhythmically inside her, then pulling out, then repeat three times before he followed with several shallow thrusts.
Cinder was certain that her juices were glistening in the lights as the speaking part of the song turned overtly sexual and her man fucked her good. Waves of pleasure ran through her, coursing through her veins as he held her close, amber eyes gazing at him with something so close to adoration that she herself wondered...
"Oh my God!" The girl in the song moaned in pretend lust as Cinder gasped it in actual lust as he simply picked her up, arms beneath her kneepits, and fucked her hard and good while standing.
She was getting close as he made his lust for her relentlessly known. Blue eyes and a mouth slightly opened to moan softly mirrored her own expression as she approached her own high; the very first anyone ever gave her!
A head snapped forward in the decisive moment and hungry lips met, tongues battling against one another as their climax rocked their bodies, a deluge if fun filling Cinder as her partner shivered, moaning into her mouth as her own sounds vibrated, letting them both feel it.
Finally, they separated, and Cinder was gently set down on wobbly legs. Not wasting a second, right after his still-hard dick was back in his pants, she pointed off the dance floor, in the vague direction of "private", and took his hand to lead him away...
"Cut!" The director yelled through the sound. "Excellent shoot, you two! Magnificent performance! You led her well, Jamie!"
As the ravenette blinked owlishly, torn out of her horny mode, her partner basically scratched the back of his head. "Thank you, but I'm pretty sure my partner here is the real star," he screamed back over the din of the ongoing party and pointing to the ravenette.
"Ah, certainly!" The director nodded to her. "We'll wire you your payment for this gig ASAP! You can go to the showers now; just-"
As soon as Cinder heard the word "showers" and saw the hand pointing in the direction, her trek continued, pulling this "Jamie" along undeterredly.
As soon as they arrived, her clothes practically flew off of her while she hungrily glared at the blonde. "I want a second round, Jamie," she clarified.
"Jaune, actually; Jamie is my stage-"
"Jaune, then." He was almost adorably nervous. "Get those extensions out if my hair and I'll make it worth it," Cinder commanded in her best seductress voice, beckoning him to follow as she headed to the shower.
She would definitely sign up to exclusively work with him...
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donutdrawsthings · 3 years
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I thought I had already been clear on what my stance was on the matter, but after today I feel like I need to yell it off the top of my lungs. I SUPPORT ROETVEEG PIET AND BLM. LISTEN TO BLACK VOICES AND ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR WRONGS.
(Information about the Dutch holiday and why it’s racist under the cut! includes extern sources and images!)
Sinterklaas is a Dutch tradition that starts at the first Saturday after 11 November and ends at 5 December. A figure called Sint Nicholaas comes on a boat from Spain to the Netherlands to celebrate his birthday on the 5th with his little helpers, the Zwarte Pieten. The Zwarte Pieten give candy to the kids and on the 5th kids get a gift from Sinterklaas.
The Racism (Black Pete)
All sounds fairly innocent, until you see what the Zwarte Pieten look like.
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These are the traditional Zwarte Pieten (it translates to Black Petes btw). These individuals are usually played by white people and are purposely darkened to black with red lipstick, black curly hair and sometimes golden earrings. I have always been told the dark skin was to represent “soot” from the chimneys, however, up until recent years there was no effort made to actually appear as smeared. In fact, a lot of effort was put into making sure not a single speck of light skin was visible because that could ruin the illusion. (the illusion being, hiding your identity behind blackface.)
These characters are also played to be playful, hyperactive, carefree, happy to do their work and often praise Sinterklaas himself. Which are all traits often depicted alongside the “happy slave” stereotype from way back when and the S*mbo stereotype.
other racist depictions are also on display in stores and houses (often on display near a window for kids to see) in the form of little Black Petes, most of them resembling the G*lliw*g. (first image is a common window prop during Sinterklaas, the second image is the racist G*lliw*g)
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This very outdated depiction of black people only really started being questioned in the early 2010′s. However, support for questioning Black Pete only started to become somewhat acceptable around 2016/2017... And even then the public has been largely Pro Black Pete until 2020, after the Black Lives Matter movement also started to become a valid topic of discussion in the Netherlands.
The Transition
Between 2010 and 2020 a lot happened since Black Pete officially got taken into question and talk about whether or not Black Pete should be changed started to become a genuine topic of discussion. When the question first rang, the majority of the Dutch folk were against the change. I was against this change as well. I think I should note that I was around 13 at the time and it is a very common phenomenon for kids to mimic the opinion of their parents and teachers. But this indeed a genuine opinion I had at some point and I acknowledge that with full responsibility. 
The main reasons everyone was against this change was because we did not see it as racist and were convinced the “goal” with this movement was to entirely remove Pete from the holiday or remove the holiday as a whole from the list.
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I would also like to note that the Dutch folk’s opinion on what is and isn’t racist is very outdated as well. (As I write this now in 2020 it is still not a whole lot better but around the 2010′s it was definitely worse.) As this topic gained attraction, jokes about black men having huge dicks (the m*and*ngo stereotype), “watering the Africans” and much more were made to me and other people regularly enough to be normal or at the very least, were seen as a bit of a cheeky thing to say. And despite being a multicultural country, Asian people were still referred to as “Chinese”, Native Americans as “Indians” and Islamic women as “Penguins” as well.
But back on the topic. As the years went on, more and more protests against Black Pete gained attraction and by now parents started to use these protests as another reason to be against the change because “they are ruining it for the kids”  White parents would also start to praise the word of their 1 black colleague/friend for being against the change as well.
When the topic started to become more prominent, people made the attempt to change the Black of a Black Pete to another colour. This created the short lived bizarre creation of Rainbow Pete. (also seen in the picture above)
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Rainbow Pete was a very short lived idea and was considered weird by many. However, I personally do believe this was an important step in the transition. Rainbow Pete took the depersonalisation tied to Black Pete and quite literally, showed its true colours. It’s ehhh hard to explain what “A Pete” is in English. But growing up I never considered them as human, nor were they ever explained to me as ACTUALLY being human. They are just described as a Pete, and a Pete is all they are. They aren’t people who can have other jobs in Spain or can travel the world to find something else to do. They are a Pete, and therefore they will always be with Sinterklaas in Spain, making toys for us, giving us candy and then going back to Spain with Sinterklaas again.
And that’s why I think this odd colour change was so important. Because by making them green or blue or pink it properly showed how ALIEN Petes felt. Like a whole other species. It tied a certain uncomfortable environment to the depersonalisation and after it’s short lived appearance, Soot Smudge Pete was a much easier step to make
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Soot Smudge Pete, or in Dutch known as Roetveeg Pete, is the most recent and most inclusive variant of the Petes. This Pete only requires a few dark smudges to mimic actual soot and can be played by all races.
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in 2018/19 Soot Petes started to become more present in the official parades, which a lot of parents were rather disgusted about. I personally think this is the period in which a lot of people just straight up outed themselves as racist, actively being against “White Pete” and actively longing for the “Real Petes” to return. Even with these Petes slowly becoming more popular, it is still not safe for most people who are against Black Pete to discuss the matter with Pro Black Pete individuals in this time period. Pro Black Pete individuals (often family or coworkers) more often than not become very heated when the topic arises and I cannot say I’ve ever seen the same attitude from people who are against Black Pete.
Present Day
In 2020, thanks to the Black Lives Matter movement, it has become way more socially acceptable to support Soot Smudge Pete. Parents who are still Pro Black Pete are still vocally voicing their disgust every time Soot Petes are present instead of Black Petes and much like what happened to me back then, their opinions also seep through onto their children. With these people still present in Sinterklaas spaces it also sadly occurs they press their believes on Soot Petes by giving them too much soot and still giving them a black, curly wig.
However, with the way things are going right now and the positive, multicultural depiction present in the media, I believe we are finally on our way to a more positive environment for kids of all kinds of backgrounds!
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This whole post sparked after I dealt with a nasty situation myself while playing a Soot Pete at my old Elementary school. I really wanted to play this role to tie a more positive view on Soot Petes with all the parents creating such a negative environment around the Sinterklaas times and thought I could take matters into my own hands. However, I was Sooted up by a Pro Black Pete mother and thus, nearly got as dark as my brown hair. (besides that I also have gender issues and despite the school knowing I’m called Josh, put me in a dress outfit,, but that’s a more personal issue) I was able to wipe most of it off by the time the kids came in, but not without sharing some discouraging words with my mother, who told me to “just suck it up”.
It’s really important to me for people to know how Bad stuff like that still is in this country and I just... don’t understand why people would still support Black Pete after all this time. These people are either friends, family, or just kind people I know and love who around November open their mouths to say the most vile things and create such a sour situation for everyone involved. And after Black Pete is proven to be racist time and time again, still supporting it... It makes me wonder if this has to do with pride more than anything.
No one wants to be called a racist, but is it really that hard to acknowledge some of the shit you said and did was just plain wrong to the point that you’re taking your opinion to new extremes and decide to die on a sinking ship..?
I’ve said racist things. I have compared the curly black hair of a Black Pete to black classmates. I have compared Black Pete to black classmates. I have joked about them not needing to be face painted to be just like Black Pete. I have made those connections and I’m ashamed I did. But you do what you can to deal with it and become better for those around you. You listen to black voices, support black artists and black businesses and become better as a person. We need to start acknowledging how much our society is actually structured to belittle and undervalue black people and you can’t do that when you’re THAT far up your own ass. 
phew... anyways. Black Lives Matter! Don’t use tradition to defend racism! Fijne Pakjesavond!!
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inky-duchess · 4 years
Fantasy Guide to Hair
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Hair is one of the facets of the characters' look as well as worldbuilding. Hair has always been important to many cultures such as the Vikings and Native Americans. So here is the Fantasy Guide to hair @cat-inthe-corner
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I am always asked what styles historical women wore. The truth is we can't exactly know for sure. Besides, if you spend your time describing a character's hairdo you will put your audience to sleep. Really you can paint a vague picture for your audience and that'll do.
Down and unadorned: Girls of every class wore their hair down to show they were unwed. Married women always wore their hair up and covered it. Only prostitutes wore their hair down and uncovered.
Braid/Plait: Braids were an easy tidy away hair. Braids were pinned to the head and set under headdresses. Braids lasted longer that any other hairstyle.
Wigs: Some historical women and men wore wigs. Wigs were seen as cleaner and easier to maintain. The Egyptians shaved their heads and wore wigs. The Renaissance revived wigs. Wigs were rather gross and most wearers carried long pins to scratch their heads.
Bob: The humble bob was a popular haircut throughout the Mediaeval period for men. Bobs came back into fashion in the 20s for women seen as a daring rebellion against the patriarchy.
Historical Hair Care
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Women have been obsessed with having perfect hair for centuries. Women have always sought to find anything to help make their hair smoother, curlier, bigger and shinier.
The Egyptians often used castor oil and almond oil on their hair. It smoothed their hair as well as protected it. The Egyptians were rather into wigs and to keep them smelling fresh, they melted soft perfumed wax comes onto the wigs.
Tudor and Elizabethan women would use animal fat or lard in their hair. It would keep the hair in the shape it was teased into (historical hairspray) as well as smooth it. However, it drew lice and flies and must have smelt ghastly after a few days.
Assyrian women and men curled their hair by using hot iron bars and oil. Sound familiar? This was the predecessor of the curling iron (or as I call it-that-very-hot-stick-my-sister-leaves-on-the-table).
The Ancient Indians oiled their hair to prevent baldness which is still used today in parts of India.
As hair was not often washed in the 17th & 18th centuries, people turned to powders and pomades. The powder were made of flour and starch to soak up grease from the hair. Pomades were to make the hair smell nicer.
A popular conditioner of the times was made from bacon fat. Since women didn't want to go about smelling like breakfast, the fat was often cut with rosewater or lavender or another scent.
Women would have combed their hair with brushes and lice combs. Most women pre-19th century would keep their hair styled for days or weeks on end. After the 19th century, women began to brush and comb their hair regularly.
Mediaeval women washed their hair with soap made from animal fat mixed with ashes and vinegar.
Victorian/Edwardian women often washed their hair with eggwhites to get shinier hair. The Empress Sisi famously had a head of gorgeous hair which she was obsessed with. “Every three weeks it was washed with raw eggs and brandy, a procedure which took an entire day, including drying. After washing her hair, the Empress would don a long, waterproof silk dressing gown and walk up and down until her hair dried.”- Ludwig Merkle.
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Hair was dyed throughout history just like it is today. Some colours were easily found, some not.
Blonde hair was the most desirable colour for Mediaeval/Renaissance women. Blonde hair was often obtained by using a concoction of olive oil, white wine, alum. Other ways of obtaining blonde locks involved using saffron, tumeric and skins of onions. It could also be washed with limes and dried in the sun.
Red hair was not a popular hair colour in mediaeval times but it became popular after Elizabeth I. The Romans often scalped Celts to make wigs from their hair. Red hair could be made from using Henna which is orange in colour.
Brown hair can be obtained by mixing indigo and henna. It is not permanent but can be after a few rinses. This is likely what Sansa Stark is currently using in ASOIAF. (Green hair like Wylla Manderly's would be obtained by either fucking up a dye job or mixing the blonde with blue.)
Blue hair if you want to go wild could likely be made from woad leaves and blackcurrants skins.
Accessories & Headresses
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Pins: Most hair pins looked rather like pens. Hair would be wrapped about it and then pinned up on the head of the wearer, really not so different to bobby pins today. Pins were a favourite gift to give women of most time often made of wood, ivory, metal and were worn by ladies of all classes.
Ribbon: Ribbons were used by both classes. Thin strips of material would be woven through the hair in order to keep it neat as well as look great. Upper classes had the ribbons made of silk and other fine fabrics.
Feathers: Feathers were worn in all time periods. Elaborate towering do's were often graced with plumes to add extra height.
Headbands: Headbands have been about for years throughout most of civilization. From slim ribbons across brows to jewelled headbands of the 20s, headbands were a simple yet classic look.
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Sherlock x Mute!Reader •Part 7•
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Metal crashed against metal as you yanked wildly at the handcuff around your wrist until you felt warm blood running down your ice-cold hand.
Silently sobbing you sank back on the bed. The sudden lack of noise made the dark room even scarier.
How have you ended here? What happened and why the hell can't you remember?!
These thoughts got stuck in your head, drove a rollercoaster, and made you feel sick.
Helpless you tried to remember what had happened, tried to puzzle everything together but the last thing you remember was going to bed alone in your flat.
The word echoed in your head.
Something in the back of your mind told you that this wasn't right.
There was this feeling, this feeling of being watched. You had it right before you fell asleep.
Suddenly you remember that something was being pressed on your face. You couldn't breathe anymore and smelled something sweet. Panicking you had woken up and saw someone standing next to your bed. He was pressing you down and covered your mouth and nose with a piece of cloth.
It was Jonathan.
You screamed inside your head, wanted to punch yourself for your stupidity of trusting a man you barely knew instead of trusting Sherlock.
Your eyes darted to your left as a door was opened with a loud squeaking sound and bright blue light fell into the room.
A man was standing in the frame and threw a large shadow on the ground.
"Finally awake?", a deep voice asked with a sarcastic undertone and his heavy steps resounded through the room as he walked towards you.
"Oh, it was so easy to twist you around my little finger", he hummed as he tugged on his black curls, pulling down the wig from his head and revealing short blonde hair.
He chuckled as he saw the scared look on your face.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm not gonna harm you.", Jonathan pulled a phone out of his pockets and stood there for a while, typing something, before he sat beside you on the bed and turned the camera on, holding the phone away so that you both were visible on the screen.
"As long as Sherlock does what I want."
"Let's play a game, Sherlock.", the man in the video said and grinned evilly.
Watson heard this sentence for at least the 20th time in a row now since Sherlock kept restarting the video which he received 10 minutes ago on his phone.
"Watching it over and over again won't get (y/n) back here.", Mycroft said, trying to bring his little brother back to his senses but Sherlock completely ignored him, restarting the video again.
Annoyed Watson stood up from his chair and snatched the phone out of Sherlock's hand: "That's enough now."
"I should've stayed with her.", Sherlock mumbled under his breath and ran his hands over his face, his black shirt stretched over his back and arms as every muscle in his body tensioned.
Suddenly he stood up and threw his hands in the air: "For god's sake I should've stayed with her!"
"It's not your fault.", Watson tried to calm him down, shook from his unusual behavior.
"Don't fool yourself, Watson, of course, it is! That lunatic is just kidnapping her because of me."
On Sherlock's phone popped up a message from an unknown number and Watson gave it back to Sherlock. He swiftly opened it, just to nearly drop it as he saw the content of the message.
It was a picture of you sitting on the bed, a blanket half over your shoulders and your right hand was laid over the left. It was dark but Sherlock still noticed the handcuffs and the bloody strains underneath them on your skin. Your hair was parted to both sides of your face and you had a smile on your face. A forced smile, your lips were curled up but your eyes showed fear.
The phone rang loudly and Watson jumped.
Sherlock answered the call with a cold expression.
"Such a pretty girl, don't you think?", the man on the other side chuckled darkly.
Sherlock's hand tightened around his cellphone: "Don't you dare to touch her.", his voice had a deadly sound and even Watson needed to gulp since he never heard him talk like this.
"Oh, I won't, what are you thinking of me? But you should hurry.", the man made a dramatic pause. "It's getting really cold in here."
He chuckled again before he hung up.
Slowly Sherlock lowered his hand with the phone and stared blankly out of the window.
Watson didn't dare to speak and waited for Sherlock to tell him what was up, but he stayed silent and the only noise was the beeping of the disconnected phone call.
Without a word, Sherlock turned around, threw his coat over and rushed with fast and heavy steps past Microft and Watson and down the stairs. Watson followed him to the street and just about made it into the cab in which Sherlock had hopped in.
"Where are we going?", Watson asked as the car started driving.
"The national gallery."
Your shaking ice-cold fingers were wrapped around each other, your knees were tugged under your chin and your arms were pressed at your body to keep the warmth inside.
Your teeth silently chattering was the only sound in the room, beside the rattles of your handcuffs around the bed frame sometimes when you shifted your weight.
Jonathan had left you alone hours ago, he said that he needed to prepare something for Sherlock and you were scared of what he had planned, scared of what he might do to him.
His evil laugh still echoed in your head and made you shiver more than the cold air around you.
"If you're ever scared, my love, then count to three and think of me, count to ten and think of a friend, count to a hundred and your fear will be tamed"
You remembered your mum saying this to you whenever you were scared after what had happened to you as a child. After you lost your voice.
Warm tears rolled over your cheeks as you counted to three and thought of her smile and laugh, her warm embrace and her soft voice.
More and more tears rolled down your cheeks and you began sobbing as you thought about Sherlock.
Thought about him taking care of you on the day you had burned your hand in the café.
Thought about this proud smile he had on his face when you kept the keys for the register.
You remembered the day when he got you out of the hospital to eat some chips together.
And then took a ride with you on the London Eye. You knew that he had watched you and had a smile on his face as he saw you being so amazed by the night view.
You thought about the days you had tried to ignore and allure him since he wouldn't talk to you about the case and ended up being followed by a slightly sad and jealous Sherlock. Now you were sure that he hadn't understood his own feelings at this time and probably was really confused why you made him feel like this.
You chuckled slightly. When you would get out of here alive you would try to seduce him even more, you loved the look on his face when he was too confused about his own feelings.
The picture of you sitting on Sherlock's lap, both of you sleeping, popped up in your mind.
This was the moment you got aware of that you really loved him. You never felt so safe and like home before, then in his arms.
The thought of this brought a warm feeling back and you noticed that you had stopped sobbing and shivering.
You remembered him entering the café after not having seen or heard from him for over three months and that smile that crawled on his face as he saw you.
He had pulled you in this tight hug instead of saying hello and made your heart melt.
A loud bang ripped you out of your thoughts and brought you back to the dark and cold reality.
You held your breath and listened to if there were any other noises but everything remained silent.
Just as you gave up on listening a bright light suddenly flooded the room and you had to cover your eyes, pressing your face into the stinky mattress.
Blinking you tried to get used to the lack of darkness and it took you some seconds to see the big tv on the opposite wall.
It showed Sherlock and Watson who just came running into a big white room with paintings on the walls and you immediately noticed that it was a room from the national gallery.
"Will you tell me now why we needed to go here?", Watson asked out of breath as he watched Sherlock examining every painting in the big room.
"The picture.", Sherlock just answered and walked into the next room. "He made her look like the Mona Lisa and where do we usually find paintings?"
"The national gallery", Watson sighted.
Suddenly Sherlock's phone rang and he hesitated for a second to pick up.
"Where's (y/n)?", he asked straight out.
"Oh Sherlock, I'm not gonna make it so easy for you. Don't you remember that I wanted to play a game?", the voice on the other side said with amusement.
Sherlock tried hard to keep a straight face: "I already solved your little puzzle to get here and I don't want to keep on playing."
A loud laugh suddenly echoed out of the speakers from every corner of the room and Watson whirled around.
"If you don't want to play the game then you won't be able to safe (y/n). Aren't you having fun? I thought you liked puzzles, Sherlock."
The voice filled the room with a dangerous atmosphere.
Sherlock remained silent, grinding his teeth.
"I see, good choice.", the voice chuckled. "You know, I'll give you something to think about: she's here, somewhere, and I already told you where."
Sherlock narrowed his eyebrows, he couldn't think of anything right now, the feeling of fear for you had crawled into him and wouldn't let go anymore.
He took a deep breath and placed his hands in a praying position to his lips.
His eyes darted fast over the paintings on the wall to find anything that would show him where you were captured.
But he couldn't find anything.
"There got to be something!", Sherlock muttered and ruffled his hand through his hair in frustration.
A chuckle echoed out of the speakers again: "Oh Sherlock, don't make it so hard for yourself. I said that I already told you where she is."
Sherlock stopped in his actions and his eyes widened.
"Stupid!", he suddenly scoffed. "My god, Watson, why didn't we notice that earlier?"
"What? What didn't we notice earlier? Sherlock!"; Watson shouted after Sherlock who already ran down the hall.
A swear escaped Watson as he chased after Sherlock's flapping coat...
Next chapter will be up next weekend!
Thank you all so much for reading and your nice comments 🥺 ❤
Tag list ❤
@misselsbells06 @fictionalhoomanofnowhere @a-paper-cut @viviace
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gureishi · 3 years
Hey! This is the anon from before with a MysticMessenger HC request!
From what I understand, it is very uncommon (almost impossible) for Koreans to have natural blonde hair and blue eyes. What would the RFA or GE saeran or V's reaction be to an American MC (she/her) with extremely long (natural) blonde hair and really bright blue eyes?
You can choose what MM characters you want to write a reaction for! I'm not picky!
-🦋 anon
Hello, lovely butterfly anon!
So, we know that the Mystic Messenger world isn't quite like ours: V's hair is naturally turquoise, after all! That said, let's assume that blonde hair and blue eyes are still not very common traits in Korea, even in their world.
Zen thinks you are the most beautiful person he's ever laid eyes on, no matter the color of your hair and eyes and skin—no matter your body type or weight or height. He thinks you are absolutely resplendent. It’s also true that his own unusual hair and eye color have been a source of both joy and pain for him: he's received so much attention because of his uncommon beauty, and not all of that attention has been positive. So he feels a sense of kinship with you. He knows that people probably stare at you on the street, because you stand out—and he gets it (perhaps more than anyone else). Hold my hand, he'll say. Let them look; they could learn something from us. No one is in love quite like we are.
Jaehee had to cut her hair because of her job, and she's absolutely enraptured with your long hair. She'd love to grow hers out like that; she'd love to stop wearing her fake glasses so she can finally show off her beautiful eyes. So perhaps you can encourage her: let's grow our hair, you'll say, together. She loves this idea—and you can encourage her when the growing-out process is discouraging; you can tell her she's beautiful. Oh, and she feels that way: with you at her side, she’s more sure of herself than she’s ever been before.
Yoosung might feel strange about your hair color at first. He dyed his hair blonde to look more like Rika, of course—and falling in love with someone who's got hair like hers might make him a little bit sad, since he is still grieving her. Ah, but it doesn't take long for him to see the differences more than he sees the similarities—and you are the loveliest person he's ever laid eyes on. Oh, and how absolutely adorable: the two of you on a date together, with your matching hair and bright eyes. You'll get stopped a lot—everyone wants to take your photo. Smile and wrap your arms around him; you look so good together.
Jumin doesn't really have a preferred hair color. He knows that you are gorgeous, of course—he is taken aback right away by your heart-shattering beauty. Since he’s traveled a lot, he doesn’t find your hair so unusual. It is not the unconventionality that is striking to him, but everything else about you: the way you move; the sound of your voice; the feeling of your fingertips on his cheek. From now on, his favorite color is blue: he only wants to own things that remind him of your eyes.
Saeyoung falls in love with your voice, in the beginning. He’s head-over-heels by the end of that very first phone call. And he knows how you look before anyone else does—and his heart pounds, of course, when he sees your face. But it is the way you speak to him that does him in—it is the sound of your laugh that makes him feel as though he's falling off the face of the earth. He isn't particularly fazed by the color of your hair or eyes: it is the way you are around him that utterly destroys him. Ah: but he will buy a long blonde wig, just so he can dress up like you. And it will be easy for him to mislead his friends: his you costume will be perfect—of course it will.
Jihyun is used to unusual hair colors—though it's odd for him at first that you've got the same color hair as Rika. It's not that he minds, necessarily—but it's unsettling when he is first getting to know you. But oh, your hair is the color of a candle flame or liquid honey or a field of buttercups. He wants to photograph you at sunset; he wants to paint you in every color of the rainbow. You inspire him; all of a sudden, he finds the whole world more beautiful than it ever was before.
GE Saeran has spent much of his life trying to become someone he could stand to face in the mirror. He loathed his own appearance; he loved when his eyes were no longer gold, and he buried his hair under layers of poorly-applied bleach. But it is with you that he discovers who he is. And you are spectacular, he thinks—everything about you. Your eyes are the color of the sky, and he feels like he's falling into them. Perhaps he will want to grow out his hair, in time—or if he continues to dye it, it is because it is his choice (and no one else’s). You are perfect just the way you are; perhaps he can be that way, too.
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maria-scribbles · 4 years
we’re just like kevin bacon!
prompt: for @bricksatanakinswindow​ ‘s halloween writing challenge! this was initially inspired by "mortal enemies accidentally showing up in matching costumes every fucking year" but once i started writing it kind of snowballed from there and i ended up with this lmao
ship: jj maybank x fem!reader
word count: 4.6k+ (i think this is the shortest thing i’ve ever written lol)
warnings n stuff: childhood enemies to lovers, swearing, mention of underage drinking, halloween shenanigans, makin' out, smut (not too explicit but i still think it's spicy enough to need an 18+ warning), jj and the reader being cute lil nerds and quoting movies back and forth, the author blatantly using some of her personal favorite movies/shows as inspiration for costumes, the author also making her opinions on ghostbusters clear (instead of the human trash can peter venkman, stan the adorable dork known as ray stantz for clear skin)
a/n: this was hella fun to write and i already have so many more halloween fic ideas bouncing around in my head (it's spoopy season, y'all!). title of this fic comes from guardians of the galaxy 😊
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Of three things in life you were certain.
One, you loved Halloween more than any other holiday of the year; after all, you and your twin brother Mason were born just after one AM on October 31st so you could say a penchant for all things spooky was in your blood.
Two, Sarah Cameron was your best friend. Being neighbors your whole lives, the two of you were thick as thieves and spent almost every day together, much to the annoyance of both your brother and hers; as much as you loved Mason, sometimes you wished Sarah was your twin instead of him and you knew without question the blonde girl would trade Rafe for you in a heartbeat (with little to no guilt, in fact.). 
And three, you absolutely hated JJ Maybank. You'd been at the top of each other's shit lists ever since you were both six years old, when he made fun of you for the stutter you'd had back then and you dumped a full milkshake over his head as payback, and even as time passed and you grew out of your stutter, your disdain for the blond pogue only grew stronger. He was infuriating, plain and simple, and the mere mention of his name made steam come out of your ears. 
The boy was just good at being annoying and seemed to love pushing everyone's buttons, yours especially, and always found ways to get under your skin without fail every single time your paths crossed (which was way too often for your liking, but running in the same friend group made it hard to avoid each other). It became an unspoken thing, the great Y/L/N-Maybank feud, with both of you trying your hardest to piss the other off until one of your mutual friends or your brother broke it up and pulled you to opposite corners of the metaphorical ring to take a breather before the next round.
You'd never admit it but deep down you kind of liked it. You liked being at the center of his attention (granted, it was antagonistic in nature but it was attention all the same), his bright blue eyes following your every move whenever you were within his sights and you liked that you were in his thoughts even when you weren't around, a fact proven to you by the tiny notebook Kiara carried around in her pocket recording how many times he mentioned your name. Knowing you lived rent free in his mind brought you an embarrassingly high level of satisfaction that you'd absolutely deny feeling if anyone ever asked, just as you'd deny the fact that he lived rent free in your mind, too.
...At least for most of the year. Everyone, including JJ, knew that to you Halloween was a damn-near sacred time. He knew never to mess with you during the weeks leading up to the holiday and definitely never on the day itself, lest he want yet another milkshake dumped over his blond head. He knew that, the whole damn island knew he did and yet...somehow, some way, he managed to get your blood boiling every. single. year. And you, like a masochistic idiot, let him. 
It all started when you were twelve.
You, Mason, and your friends were finally old enough to go to the annual youth party held on the sprawling lawn of the Island Club, an event you'd been looking forward to attending every Halloween since you were eight. Of course, you were excited for the dancing and games and food but the thing you couldn't wait the most for was the costume contest, a chance to show off your skills and prove to everyone on the island that Y/N Y/L/N was the undisputed queen of Halloween.
So what if your hopes were a little too high (considering you were only twelve and going up against kids ranging from your age to fifteen), you were still gonna give it your all; you spent weeks perfecting not only your costume but your brother's as well with your mom, helping her cut fabric and sew zippers, styling wigs and painting props until everything was perfect. 
"Oh my God, Y/N!" Sarah, dressed as Cinderella, yelled from the passenger seat of her dad's SUV when they swung by to pick you up. "You look amazing!"
"So do you!" You said, slipping into the back seat in between a miserable-looking Rafe as Sarah Sanderson ("I lost a bet," he explained with a scowl) and Mason, holding your mini R2-D2 on your lap. Was it kind of cheesy, dressing up as the most iconic twins in movie history? Probably, but you really didn't care because Leia Organa was a total boss bitch and Mason was practically over the moon that he got to be his ultimate silver screen hero and swing around his very own lightsaber as Luke Skywalker.
"The Force is strong with you two." Ward joked, earning an eye roll from both of his children as he drove to the Island Club to drop you off. Rafe immediately disappeared into the crowd to meet up with Topper and Kelce and the three of you went off to find your own friends, skirting around the edge of the party toward the snack tables, also known as the most likely place for them to be.  
You spotted Kiara first, looking like an actual princess in her Tiana costume and waved, smiling when she waved back and beckoned you over as she said something to Pope, dressed as Albert Einstein, that made him start laughing hysterically.
"What's so funny?" You asked, reaching between them to grab two handfuls of pretzels and immediately dropping one into your brother's outstretched palm, careful to keep the sleeve of your white dress away from the bright orange-iced cupcakes on the table. 
The two of them exchanged a look that instantly made you realize something was Up™ but before either of them could answer, Mason asked around a mouthful of pretzels, "Where're Tweedledee and Tweedledum?"
"J, why didn't we think of that?" John B's voice came from somewhere over your shoulder and when you turned to face him, you nearly dropped both the droid cradled in the crook of your elbow and the snacks in your hand. Not because of John B and his hilarious Chewbacca costume but because of the fact that JJ Maybank, the one person you hated the most on the whole entire island, was dressed as Han freakin' Solo. 
"Yikes." Someone muttered behind you -it sounded like Sarah but you weren't really sure- and Mason nearly choked on his pretzels as he tried and failed miserably to keep himself from laughing. 
"You've gotta be kidding me." You huffed, rolling your eyes as JJ crossed his arms and glared in your direction, blaster hanging from the holster on his hip.
"Listen, Princess, I'm not too happy about this, either."
"Oh, shut up, you nerfherder."
"Who you calling-" Mason and John B cut in and pulled you both in opposite directions before either of you could turn it into a shouting match, your brother physically grabbing you around the waist and carrying you off while the latter caught the back of JJ's vest and dragged him away. Despite their best efforts to keep you apart, you ran into each other more times than you could count and spent a minute or two squabbling like cats and dogs each time until one of them intervened once again. It was childish, it was immature, and it was fun, even though you'd never, ever admit it. Ever.
You didn't win the costume contest that year in the way you'd imagined at all. Still, first place in the group category was a win in your book and it felt good, even if one of the members of your unintentional Star Wars posse was someone who tested every bit of patience you had. The four of you split the cash prize and you went home 25 bucks richer, stashing it away for next year's costume and pushing the thought of accidentally matching with your mortal enemy from your mind. 
You had no idea this thing was only just beginning.
The next year, you let Sarah and Kiara convince you to match with them and the three of you rolled up to the party as the Pink Ladies -you as Rizzo, Sarah as Sandy, Kiara as Frenchy- only to run right into the boys, your brother included, dressed as the T-Birds. John B, perfectly in character as Danny, immediately whisked Sarah off to dance while Pope, the most adorably awkward Doody you'd ever seen, went to grab some snacks with Kiara, leaving you stuck with the bane of your existence as, of course, fucking Kenickie (Mason, as Sonny, dipped sometime before then without you noticing). The two of you spent the whole evening glaring at each other and hurling insults back and forth at breakneck speed, more in character than either of you'd ever want to acknowledge and for the second year in a row, you won first place in the group costume category.
At fourteen, you went as Princess Buttercup and JJ showed up as Westley, fake sword in hand as he followed you around all night like an annoying fly, sarcastically drawling "as you wish" every time you so much as glanced in his direction. Your brother, dressed as Inigo Montoya, nearly pissed himself laughing and you wanted to snatch both of their prop swords and shove them up their asses. You came in first again in the group costume contest and begrudgingly split the prize three ways. 
At fifteen, you worked hard on a Dr. Ellie Sattler costume from Jurassic Park, he strolled in as a disheveled Dr. Alan Grant with mud splattered boots and tattered clothes, and you really regretted not taking the offer to be the Tai to Sarah's Cher and Kiara's Dionne. Once again, Mason laughed so hard his face turned red and you were tempted to grab the sword he was holding and beat him over the head with it, not just for laughing at you but also for the completely atrocious Jack Sparrow costume he wore. To your absolute horror, you and JJ won the contest in the duo category and you wanted to melt into the ground when they called you onto the makeshift stage to collect your reward. 
When you were sixteen, you and your friends "graduated" to the party held for the older teens inside the club itself. With costume rules a little more lax than they were for the younger kids, you decided to go as (an only slightly sexy) Janine Melnitz, complete with a prop telephone you answered every so often with a loud "Ghostbusters, whaddya want?!" much to the embarrassment of Mason, who was once again dressed as Luke Skywalker, this time in the fatigues he wore while training on Dagobah in The Empire Strikes Back.
You strutted into the party in your heels and pencil skirt only to nearly fall flat on your face when you caught sight of JJ in a terrible black wig and glasses, proton pack strapped to his back and 'Spengler' printed on the front of his jumpsuit. Your brother winced when you all but screeched "Again?!" right into his ear and grabbed your elbow, dragging you over to an empty table and depositing you into an open chair.
"There's no way this is a coincidence anymore! He could've picked Venkman, with all the womanizing and lowkey being a creep and thinking he's God's gift to mankind? It would've been the perfect choice! He's not nearly adorable or dorky enough to be Stantz or sassy enough to be Winston-"
"Jesus, you have a lot of feelings about Ghostbusters," Mason muttered, rolling his eyes when you shot him a withering glare.
"Shut up! Listen to me, there's no way in hell Maybank randomly decided to be, out of alllll the 'Busters, Egon fuckin' Spengler, okay? He had to have somehow known I was coming as Janine and did it just to piss me off!"
Your brother heaved a deep, heavy sigh that made you want to smack him and fixed you with a deadpan stare. "Or, have you pulled your head out of your own ass long enough to think that maybe you're just becoming...predictable?"
You really did smack him then, hard on his exposed shoulder and he yelped, scowling as he rubbed at the red mark you left behind. "Ow! What the hell, bitch?!"
"Don't you dare call me predictable, you dickhead! I pride myself on my costumes being very unique and unexpected -you know, out of the box!"
"Hate to break it to you but they're not really out of the box if Maybank shows up in a matching one every single year." He said with an infuriating, shit-eating grin, patting your shoulder before straightening the plush Yoda strapped to his back. "I'm gonna go get some food, wanna come with?"
Still miffed at his comment, you shoved his arm away and glanced down at your lap, ignoring your brother's sassy "your loss" as he headed toward the snack tables. Not even a minute passed by before his empty seat was taken and you groaned when you looked up to see who it was, your eyes meeting a pair of bright blues behind tacky, oversized glasses. 
"Hi, Janine."
The two of you sat in silence after that, watching the dancing crowd under the flashing neon lights and sparkling disco ball until you saw him turn to face you out of the corner of your eye.
"Why Janine?" 
"Huh?" You turned to face him, too, one eyebrow raised in a perfect arch as he gestured toward your costume.
"Why did you dress up as Janine, Y/L/N?"
"I've always liked her sassiness and 'I like to play racquetball.'" You offered a casual shrug of your shoulders and carefully stuck a finger under your wig to scratch an annoying itch above your ear. "Why'd you pick Egon, Maybank?"
"He's my favorite." He answered simply with his own shrug, shooting you a genuine, real smile that you, for who knows what reason, found yourself returning without a second thought. "Smart, hilarious -plus, 'I like to collect spores, mold, and fungus.'"
For the first time in your life, your eyes rolled out of amusement and not annoyance at something that JJ Maybank said and, to your complete surprise, it kind of felt...right. "Really? I'd have pegged you for a Venkman stan."
"Are you kidding? He's the worst!" 
Never in your wildest dreams did you ever think you'd sit across from your hated enemy, not only having a civil -hell, downright enjoyable- conversation but actually smiling right along with him, laughing at his jokes and doing your best to ignore the sudden flutter in your stomach each time you caught sight of his slightly crooked teeth when he grinned. You didn't even notice when your brother returned with Kiara, dressed as Moana, at his side and two heaping plates of snacks in his hands until his chair scraped gratingly across the hardwood floor. 
"Kie, are you seeing this? Pigs must be flying 'cause they're actually smiling at each other." Mason said, cackling as Kiara turned to squint out the window.
"Yeah, I think I see one or two soaring around out there." She giggled and sent a mischievous wink in your direction. With your face feeling like it was on fire, you flipped them both the bird and took off, disappearing into the crowd and leaving all your traitorous, confusing thoughts about JJ behind with the boy himself; it was Rafe's last party at the Club and he owed you a dance anyway, but even as your best friend's older brother, cute as hell in his Thor costume, playfully twirled you around the floor to the Ghostbusters theme song, you felt more than your partner's blue eyes on you.
To no one's surprise, you and JJ won the duo category for the second year in a row and when you joined him onstage to collect your prize and didn't feel like you'd rather die than be up there by his side, you suddenly realized you were only certain about two things in life instead of three. 
At seventeen, you were confident you and JJ wouldn't be matching for once (after last year, though, you were kind of thinking it wouldn't be that bad of a thing). You'd gone cult classic for your costume, pulling inspiration from your mom's favorite move, 1999's The Mummy, and put together a screen-accurate Evelyn Carnahan in her iconic black dress, including a handmade Book of the Dead and matching key. You blackmailed Mason with pictures of him, drunk as a skunk and dressed in your Janine costume from the previous year, and got him to go as Jonathan, complete with a pith helmet and prop bottle of The Glenlivet.  
But, as always, JJ managed to surprise you. You literally ran right into his chest and if it wasn't for his arms instantly wrapping tight around your waist, you would've bit it hard.
"Whoa, careful there," He said, one hand keeping you close while the other moved to help you hold the book in your arms. "'The Book of the Dead? Are you sure you wanna be messing around with this thing?'"
Of course he'd make the perfect Rick O'Connell, you thought as you playfully raised one eyebrow and curled your fingers around the strap of the gun holster draped over his shoulder. "'It's just a book. No harm ever came from reading a book.'"
Mason was a little too in character as well as he dramatically rolled his eyes and wandered off, muttering "puh-lease" under his breath and shooting Sarah a conspiratorial wink that you didn't see. The blonde girl glanced between the two of you -arms still around each other and identical smiles on your faces- and grinned. The party flew by in a blur of movie quotes, laughs, and more dances than you could count and by the time you made it home, 50 bucks in the pocket of your dress and another group costume win under your belt, you were almost positive you never actually hated JJ Maybank in the first place.
Now at eighteen, you pulled out all the stops for your last party at the Island Club. You'd spent the last few months slaving over your costume, sewing custom pieces, hand-crafting your prop, and spending way too much money on body makeup and a wig but when you saw the final product in the mirror, you knew it was all worth it. You were ready to slay the competition this year and take home first place for the final time.
Mason, indifferent as always about the contest but willing to do anything to keep those pictures from seeing the light of day, didn't protest one bit when you forced him into the matching costume you'd made for him -in typical Mason fashion, he liked that he didn't have to wear a shirt and could show off his muscles- and spent a few hours perfecting his makeup.
You felt on top of the world when you walked into the party that night as Gamora, a replica of her Godslayer sword in hand and skin painted a perfect shade of green, followed by your brother as Drax, already flexing for anyone and everyone looking his way. The rest of your friends came to win as well: John B and Sarah as Flynn Rider and Rapunzel, Kiara as Eleven, Pope as T'Challa, and, of course, JJ as Peter Quill, Baby Groot perched on his shoulder and twin blasters at his hips. 
"Lookin' good, Gamora!" He called over the music, shimmying his way over to you with some dance moves that would impress Star-Lord himself.
"Flattery will get you nowhere, Quill." You replied in a sing-song voice, even as you took his outstretched hand and let him pull you into the crowd of bodies hopping up and down to some terrible EDM beat under the twirling disco ball.
"It got you out here with me, didn't it?"
You rolled your eyes and hooked the sword to your belt before stepping closer and draping your arms around his neck, twirling your painted fingers in his hair. "Just remember, 'I know who you are, Peter Quill. And I'm not some starry-eyed waif here to succumb to your pelvic sorcery.'"
You should've known you spoke too soon the second you saw the spark in JJ's eyes that all but screamed 'wanna bet?'
And that's how you found yourself in the middle of the single hottest make out session you'd ever had the pleasure of participating in an hour later: back pressed against the locked door of someone's deserted office, legs wrapped tight around his waist and his hands hooked under your ass, both your sword and his blasters abandoned on the floor at his feet, and he was either a sinfully good kisser or trying really, really hard to blow your mind.  
"I'm not gonna end up green after this, am I?" He mumbled against your mouth before trailing his lips along your jaw and you breathed a laugh, tightening your grip on his hair.
"This is professional makeup, dumbass. It's gonna take more than some kissing to smudge it."
"I'm down for some smudging if you are." 
You pulled him back for another kiss in response and gasped into his mouth when he walked across the room, one strong arm reaching out to sweep whatever was on the desk to the floor before setting you down on it.
"Confident, are we?" 
JJ smirked at your breathless question and the way you hooked your ankles around the backs of his thighs to pull him closer. "So is that a yes to the smudging?"
"Just shut up and kiss me." 
He did -very well, you might add- and you kissed him back, untangling your hands from his hair to slide them under his jacket instead; you helped him push it off his shoulders and it had barely hit the ground along with poor Baby Groot before your fingers were tugging his shirt from the waistband of his pants.  
"Someone's impatient." He teased, leaning back just far enough to let you pull it over his head and toss it somewhere behind you.
"Someone doesn't know how to stop talking." You whispered your reply low in his ear and then trailed your lips down his neck, smiling in satisfaction at the tremble in his voice when you kissed the purple mark you'd left behind earlier.
"N-never was very good at that." 
"'You should've learned.'"
"'I don't learn, it's one of my issues.'"
One of his hands gripped your wig, pulling your head back a little roughly -you'd have so been into that if it had been your real hair he pulled- and you winced at the way the bobby pins holding it it place tugged painfully at your roots. "Ow, not so hard!"
"Wait, what the fuck? I thought you were wearing a wig!" 
"I am but it's still pinned to my actual hair!"
"Sorry, but how the hell was I supposed to know that?"
The sight of JJ's face slowly turning red made the butterflies in your stomach go haywire and so you just shook your head, mumbling "don't worry about it," before pressing your lips to his once again. He was gentler this time with the pulling and you dug your nails into his bare shoulders at the thrill of his mouth against the exposed column of your throat, leaning back further and further until you laid flat on the desk.
His fingers had just unbuttoned your pants when your phone started to ring from your pocket, blaring the Star Wars theme you had set as your twin's ringtone. 
"Mason's timing is impeccable," JJ said sarcastically, chuckling as you clamped a palm over his mouth and answered the call.
"What the hell do you want?"
"Jesus, no need to be pissy!" Mason loudly replied over the applause crackling through the phone's speaker. "I just thought you'd like to know that we just won best group costume with Maybank. Again." 
The blond winked at the mention of his last name and pulled your hand away from his mouth, pinning it to the desk beside you with one of his while the other started tugging your pants down over your hips.
"Oh, that's cool, Mase-" You inhaled sharply when his lips touched the edge of your underwear, so close to where you wanted him most but at the same time so far away, and your fingers held your phone in a white-knuckled grip. "But I-I'm kind of in the middle of doing someone -something!- right now."
"Smooth," JJ said, not even trying to be quiet as he released your pinned hand to finish pulling your boots off, along with your tight leather pants that he casually tossed aside. "And I knew you weren't green under these!" 
Your laugh quickly turned into a gasp when his fingers hooked under your panties and pulled those off, too, and the touch of his tongue against the skin of your inner thigh sent white-hot lightning racing through your veins; the phone slipped from your grip, falling with a clunk onto the desk as your fingers tangled in his hair and he lifted one of your knees over his shoulder.
"Okay, I'm hanging up now! I already know you're getting laid but I don't need to hear it." Mason's loud grumble drifted up through the speaker and if you weren't so preoccupied with the boy between your thighs doing some downright wicked things to you with his mouth, you might've noticed that your brother didn't actually sound that grumpy before he ended the call and your phone's screen went dark, right as you lost control of your voice.
"Fuck me."
"Funny, I thought that's what I was doing?" You felt more than heard his response against you and a shiver ran down your spine when his bright blue eyes flicked up to met yours in the dim light of the office.
"You know what I meant, Maybank."
"Trust me, Y/L/N, I know. Question is: where do you want me?"
You tugged on his hair, grinning wolfishly at the way his eyes fluttered closed and a low moan rose from his throat. "Everywhere in this damn room, starting right here."
"I was hoping you’d say that.”
- Back at the party, Mason looked up and met Sarah's gaze, both of her eyebrows raised expectantly as she asked, "Well?"
He took his time slipping his phone back into his pocket before giving her a quick nod, grinning triumphantly when she immediately burst into gleeful giggles.  
"Yes! I just knew they had a thing for each other! Mortal enemies, my ass."
"I think that was the very first time in my sister's life that she didn't give a shit about the contest." Mason said and reached over to snag a cookie from her plate, chuckling when she pushed his hand away from the chocolate chip ones and toward the peanut butter. "We couldn't have pulled this off without you. I mean, making sure they showed up in matching costumes every year? Genius, Sarah. Absolutely genius." 
The blonde girl grabbed her own cookie with a wink. "Think they'll ever figure it out?"
Your brother just threw his head back and laughed. "I hope not! I wanna save that story for my best man speech at their wedding."
taglist: @sinkbeneathwaves @cordeliascrown @maysbanks @jjpogueprincess @jiaraendgame @alexa-playafricabytoto @sexualparkour @agirlwholovescoffee​ 
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rainsongdean · 3 years
you’re always golden to me
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post-mockingjay / pre-epilogue everlark healing together, appreciating the sunset, and maybe even falling in love
"We should head back before it gets dark." Peeta's words rang out in the open air between them, but they were not enough to pull Katniss from her trance-like state.
It had been a rough day. Not enough so to be classified as a bad day, seeing as Katniss had found the motivation to move from the bed to the couch at some point in the afternoon. Now, though, watching the clouds paint watercolors in the sky seemed to bring her back to life. She was encapsulated by the sight.
"Not yet," she eventually spoke, her voice somewhat hoarse from not using it for a while. "I want to stay until it's over. Besides, we could walk home blindfolded from here."
It was true. Katniss had discovered the hill nestled in the woods behind Victor's Village not long after returning from the Capitol. She found solace in being embraced by the wilderness rather than being suffocated in her old home, so when she accidentally stumbled upon the tall mount that overlooked the wide plains and open sky, she knew she had found what she had subconsciously been searching for.
It had taken a few months before she brought Peeta to her secret spot. He'd only returned to District 12 a few days before she had found the hill, and they both needed some time to warm up to each other again. But one day, after suffering through a particularly vivid flashback that ended with him handcuffed to one of Haymitch's spare cages for his geese, Katniss figured it would do them both good to escape into the forest for a while.
That was the first night they watched the sunset from the hill. It had been slightly uncomfortable, sitting inches apart on the dewy grass, no attempt at conversation made by either party. Eventually, Peeta suggested they return home to make dinner before it got too late, but Katniss insisted that she could tell by the shape of the clouds that they would put on an impressive show.
As usual, she was not wrong.
It was the most vibrant spectacle either of them had seen - far more breathtaking than any Capitol party or fireworks display. Sure, they had both watched the sun go down in 12 before, but their view had always been clouded by the thick layer of dust in the air from the mines or obstructed by the cluster of buildings stacked practically on top of one another. Here on their hill, nothing stood between them and the sky. Beyond that, the best part was they got to share it together, just the two of them. 
Since that night, the pair made an effort to hike the two-mile trek to the hill at least once a week, though they typically found themselves there more often than that. Katniss still liked to visit the spot alone, sometimes using the safe space to speak aloud to Prim or Finnick and imagine what they would say back. Other times she just enjoyed the silence.
Peeta, too, ventured to the hill a few times by himself. He had tried on several occasions to paint the landscape, and while he was able to perfect the morning glow and mid-afternoon sun, he couldn't capture the colors of nightfall that he most desired to paint.
Despite the significance that the holy ground held for each of them individually, neither one could deny that they preferred to visit the hill together. Katniss had been unofficially living with Peeta for weeks now, and they even shared a bed most nights, but there was a different breed of intimacy that came with being in the woods, nestled in their own little corner of the universe. 
"Fine," Peeta sighed contentedly, breaking the silence again. "We can stay as long as you'd like." With that, he leaned toward the picnic basket they had brought and reached in, shoving aside the empty containers that once held a selection of berries, cheeses, and breads to reveal a neatly folded fleece blanket he had stashed in the bottom. "I came prepared," he announced with a sense of pride.
Katniss briefly pulled her gaze from the view for the first time since the sun had begun its descent to offer Peeta a small smile of gratitude. The gesture warmed his heart with the blaze of ten thousand sunsets.
Taking care to wrap the soft cover around their legs, Peeta pulled the fabric up to their chests and then eased his back to the ground until he was laying horizontal on the hill. Katniss followed suit so they were both engulfed by the blanket.
Their new angle only served to better showcase the colors stretching endlessly above them. One hue in particular transported Katniss back to a seemingly ancient memory of the two of them.
"Orange. Muted... like a sunset." Katniss didn't break her eye contact with the sky but smirked to herself as she spoke.
Peeta nudged her shoulder playfully in response, easily picking up on what she was referring to. Their conversation on the train about favorite colors was one of the first to come back to him after he had been rescued from the Capitol. Shifting slightly toward Katniss, he reached out and twisted his finger gently around a stray strand of hair that had escaped from her braid. "You're so poetic when you quote me," he mused sarcastically.
"Well, your choice of favorite color is much more poetic than Effie’s choice of wig," she quipped. It was ironic how some of her and Peeta's best conversations had happened in the midst of some of the worst times of their lives. And yet, there they were: safe and relatively happy, just two kids trying to piece themselves back together with some pastel paints, cheese buns, and hidden hills. It may not have been anything profound, but it was living, and Katniss figured that, for time being, that would be enough.
She inhaled deeply, trying to absorb the moment. They had reached the peak of the sunset when every particle in the air seemed to glisten from the giant star's final attempt to remain on the topside of the world. There was only one word to describe it.
"Everything is golden."
And, for an instant, it was.
But as the sun succumbed to the pull of dusk, the raging reds and oranges that had scorched the sky swiftly turned to delicate pinks and purples, paving the way for the black of night.
It was then that Katniss realized Peeta had been uncharacteristically quiet, his sunset commentary usually being much more prolific than hers. When she turned her head to the left to face him, she found he was already staring back at her, still toying with her hair. His deep blue eyes twinkled like he knew a secret and was about to let her in on it.
When they first met, that kind of look from Peeta overwhelmed her. Sometimes Katniss would catch him staring at her like she carried the world in her hands, or spun threads of gold with her words. It puzzled her, annoyed her, and at times even enraged her. But after his hijacking, it had been so rare for that young, innocent Peeta to reappear and give her that look which spelled out his love for her so plainly on his face, and she had grown to cherish it.
"I change my mind." For the third time that night, Peeta's voice sliced open the veil of silence that covered them. 
Katniss abruptly rose to a sitting position, an expression of confusion clouding her face as she leaned over Peeta's resting form. "What do you mean?"
"I change my mind," He repeated calmly, shrugging as if the answer to her question was obvious. "The sunset isn't my favorite shade of orange anymore."
Katniss bit her lip and furrowed her eyebrows, causing the wrinkles on her forehead to deepen. Peeta could tell she was trying to keep herself from challenging him, so he decided not to torture her any longer.
"You are my favorite shade of orange," he reached his hand up to caress her cheek, easing away the signs of worry that had risen on her face. "You, sitting here with the sun reflecting in your eyes, your skin glowing in the light." He lowered his voice to a whisper and retracted his hand, slowly guiding Katniss's head to rest on his chest so she could hear his heart beating. "The way you make me feel like I'm on fire inside, all the time."
Girl on fire. The words echoed in his mind and, although he did not dare speak them, he internally admitted they rang true. And it was in moments like those, as he held her under the night sky with millions of stars blazing above them, that he saw Katniss burn the brightest.
"Oh, shut up," she exhaled, turning away from him in an attempt to conceal the blush that had overtaken her smiling face, but Peeta didn't have to see it to know it was there. "You're so cheesy."
"Hey now," he feigned a hurt expression, "I thought you liked my cheese."
Katniss couldn't hide her outburst at his nonsense and they both fell into a fit of laughter together. They hadn't spoken much about what exactly their relationship status was at the moment, hesitant to put labels on anything, but he still wanted her to know how he felt about her. And while Katniss had never been proficient in using her words to convey her love, the way that she clung to Peeta, burying her head in his arm while gasping to regain her breath from laughing so hard, told him everything he needed to know.
"Come on, we should really head back before Haymitch gets worried." Peeta attempted once again to persuade Katniss to return home after they had both calmed down. His stomach was beginning to growl - the small rations of their picnic earlier weren't nearly enough to tide over his appetite until morning - and now that the sun had set, he'd much rather snuggle up with Katniss on their couch than on the cold, hard ground. And besides, while he didn't really think their mentor would be waiting up for them, he figured the argument might be enough to persuade her.
"Seeing as it's past 3 p.m., I think it's safe to say that Haymitch is passed out on his couch," Katniss countered, but her actions said otherwise as she began to gather herself up off the ground. Peeta knew she had a soft spot for the old man.
It took them a little over half an hour to walk home, leisurely following the path that their own footprints had created over time. Upon entering the house, Peeta made a beeline to the kitchen to heat up some leftover stew from the night before. While he ate, Katniss headed to Haymitch's house, opening the unlocked door to find him asleep in his living room as she had predicted. She pried the half-empty bottle from the arm that hung off the couch and set it on a nearby table before turning the lights out and closing his front door behind her.
She had recently made a habit of checking in on her friend, especially during the weeks when Effie travelled back to the Capitol for work. She knew he had done the same for her countless times. Haymitch never seemed to question why he would sometimes wake up with a blanket draped over him or a pillow propped beneath his head, and Katniss didn't plan on bringing it up. Like most things between the two of them, it went unsaid.
Later that evening, tucked under the covers of Peeta's bed - their bed - Katniss felt more at ease than she did most nights. Maybe it was the serenity of the particularly striking sunset, or maybe it was Peeta's roundabout confession of the feelings he still had for her. Either way, she was pleasantly content. 
On the other side of the mattress, as Peeta danced on the cusp of sleep, his mind dragged him back to something Katniss had said on the hill. Everything is golden. He knew what she meant; that the landscape had been blanketed by the radiance of the sunset. But he felt it was true in another sense, and that maybe this new phrase was an even more appropriate way to describe the true essence of Katniss Everdeen.
Before drifting off herself, Katniss heard Peeta mumble one last line of admiration, causing her to fall asleep with a smile ingrained on her lips.
"You're always golden to me."
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littlemisslipbalm · 3 years
hi so i just thought of this scrolling through tik tok and a vid popped with the song sleepwalk playing and i was wonder if you could write a one shot or something where harry styles and y/n meet at a halloween party and y/n is dressed as the corpse bride and harry is dressed as victor and they dance to the song sleepwalk
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS REQUEST!! I love the corpse bride and also have been meaning to get some writing up so I really grinded to get this out bc im literally busy 99.99% of the time at college so I hope you all enjoy and happy halloween OH AND BE SAFE AND COVID CONSCIOUS this would take place when covid is gone/doesn’t exist. LOVE YALL remember to like, reblog and whatever
(i dont usually take requests but always feel free to message me bc i just might do it!!)
On October 30th, she ascended the grand stairs that led to the entrance of the mansion. Within said mansion, there was the Halloween party of the year raging within. She hadn’t thought too much about what was going to happen when she arrived. The host was a colleague from work… that usually means it’s casual.  Except for when you work in Hollywood and your colleague from work is actually famous and invited all of their elite celebrity friends.
As it was her first Halloween in Los Angeles the rules weren’t exactly crystal clear. She strode up the stairs and was greeted by her friend from work. He was dressed as Quentin Tarantino and she laughed at the inside joke from work that surrounded that costume. They hugged and kissed and then he directed her into the room and pointed out the bar at her request.
When she reached the bar, eager for a drink, she was greeted with many smiling faces. A celebrity party was so strange. She saw actors and actresses commingling with musicians and other random celebrities you would have never guessed would know each other. Then, on top of that, they were all in the most elaborate costumes money could buy.
A specific costume stood out to her. A tall slender man, painted with rather pale skin and gaunt features, was dressed as Victor from the Corpse Bride. It wasn’t a particularly uncommon costume as the movie was particularly popular and it was relatively easy. Why it caught her eye? She was dressed as Victor’s counterpart, the namesake of the movie, the Corpse Bride Emily. She had felt a little self conscious about the revealing and torn wedding dress she had found. Her blue wig and makeup made her stand out enough, she didn’t feel like being the center of attention.
Luckily for her, celebrities are self-involved so she didn’t have to worry about that all. But, now she wondered about the man across the way from her. He was laughing and casually sipping a beverage with his presumed friends. As she waited for her drink, she watched him. The way he moved was entrancing. He seemed much more lively than the character he was portraying and it made her smile.
With her drink in hand, she took a sip and glanced around the room she was in. The dj was in the corner, spinning music that was Halloween and others. It had only been upbeat since she got there. About three songs had passed and just as it began to finally change to something slow, her eyes roamed to her Victor once more. This time though she wasn’t just looking at the side of his smiling face or the glint of his jawline as he listened to his friend. This time she was met with his wild eyes. They were piercing and strong. They were entrancing. Normally she would look away quickly when accidentally making eye contact with a stranger, but she couldn’t with him.
Sleepwalk began to play and it felt like the world began spinning in slow motion. Her Victor crossed the room towards her and she took a shaky sip of her drink, unsure what she was supposed to do as the man approached her. Like we said, she wasn’t exactly well-versed in how celebrities acted at parties. Was it normal for people to introduce themselves to absolute strangers. Plus, she couldn’t quite make out who this guy was under all the makeup he had on.
“Hello there, Emily,” he says as he stands closely to her. Not alarmingly so, simply close in an inviting and comforting way.
She’s not nervous anymore. His smile and presence calm her instantly.
“Victor,” she gives a curt yet flirty nod of her head.
“Would you like to dance with me, my bride?”
She laughs, unable to stop herself. “I’d love to, my darling!”
He extended his hand to her and she took it graciously, following his lead to the center of the room, where couples had begun to pair up and sway.
The somber tune floods the room as he takes her in his arms, pulling her close to his warm body. The fabric of his suit felt expensive underneath her hand that rested on his strong shoulder. His hands were big and warm too, full of rings and painted black. She felt utterly safe and welcomed despite just meeting him.
She leaned in and breathed in his cologne. Up close she felt like she recognized the man under the makeup, but she still wasn’t sure. As she studied him, he smiled down at her with an amused smirk on his face.
“What’s on your mind?” His voice sounds gravelly over the old-timey guitar strumming in the background.
“I can’t figure out who you are for the life of me.”
“I’m Victor,” He grins.
“Who you really are,” she pats his shoulder, swaying with him, following his movements gracefully despite the heels she had on.  
“Does it matter?” He leans down and looks in her eyes, a smile still resting on his beautiful lips. His eyes once again are piercing and she swears she recognizes them from somewhere.
She knows it shouldn't, she just hates the nagging feeling that she should know who he is.
“No...so how do you know the host?”
“I don’t remember agreeing to play twenty questions. Do you?”
She laughs into his shoulder, her head deciding to rest there, rather than be entranced by his face.
“Fine, silence it is, my darling.”
He snorts and nestles his head on top of hers.
“Don’t be mad, pet. It’s Halloween.”
She smiles at the nickname and his soothing voice.
The song begins to fade just as they really feel like it’s going to last forever. She lifts her head as another song comes on. He looks at her, expectantly.
“It was lovely having this dance with you, Emily,” He says when she’s silent.
“My name is Y/N. But yes it was really nice dancing with you...whoever you are.”
“It’s Harry. I’m Harry.” He finally admits and it all dawns on her, but she keeps calm. The pieces fall together easily in her head, how she knows him, why he’s here.
“It’s nice to meet you, Harry. I hope you have a nice rest of your night.”
She begins to walk away but he grabs her forearm and she turns around to see a grinning Harry. “It’ll only be nice if I get to keep seeing your face. You’re dressed as Emily, not Cinderella, so don’t run away darling.”
Tonight was going to be unforgettable.
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