#she's never not thinking about fucking james duh
omg covey i’m thinking about “i'm a sister, i had a brother...his name was jason” and i’m imagining meeting jason when he comes to chb for the first time. like being the only one to know who he is(other than thalia obv but she’s not there and chiron who has to keep the secret duh)
imagine annabeth showing up with ur expecting to be percy(ur baby bro) and instead it’s a boy you thought was gone?? your best friends little brother??? and just being like “no way that is the stapler eater. i thought he was dead”
also having to know he is alive and here but thalia thinks he’s dead and gone??? my heart can’t take this i’m making myself sad at this point i have to go now
✮⋆˙ always someones little brother; the lost hero ft. daughter of poseidon! reader blurb
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content: the beginning of the lost hero ft daughter of poseidon! reader. warning: none! author's note: once again, wrote this instantly. something about this plot line got me foaming at the mouth frfr. ALSO i wanted to fit “no way that is the stapler eater. i thought he was dead” into this so bad, but i couldn't find the right place for it lmao. just know it's here in spirit because that is the BEST fucking line i've ever heard, good lord- ALSO i had negative idea how to tag this one bc like...thalia's not in it so i can't say 'x her' and 'x jason' doesn't really make sense??? so i just went with 'lost hero' ft the reader bc that was the best i could come up with lmao
when that blond boy and his friends washed up to camp, you couldn't help but be the slightest bit disappointed it wasn't percy. it was natural; the big sister in you begging to ensure his safety. during moments like this, you thought of thalia and wondered if she considered herself an older sister after all these years of believing her brother to be dead. and you vaguely wondered if you would ever get to that point too, percy being gone for so long that you lose your title of big sister. a title you wore with so much pride that being stripped of it would surely kill you.
but then you broke through the crowd of campers, telling them to scram and leave the new arrivals alone. you pulled annabeth to her feet, pressing a kiss to her scalp, knowing she was sharing your feeling of disappointment. then you shooed her away too, telling her to get chiron before - finally - turning to the new trio. a beautiful cherokee girl with eyes that were hard to look away from, a scrawny latino boy who's hands were a constant blur of adhd induced motion, and finally was that blonde boy who's eyes left you reeling. a striking blue that you had only ever seen in one other person...thalia. and a scar on his upper lip...roughly the right size for a staple to be the cause. there was no way...the gods could be so cruel sometimes.
"a-are you jason? jason james grace?" you gasped out, eyes locked on the boy as your lip wobbled in sympathy of thalia. she wasn't even here to greet the one boy who never left her mind. jason jolted at you knowing his name, eyes wide and slowly nodding his head.
"do- do i know you? do you know me?" the poor amnesic boy questioned and you half-shook your head and half-nodded.
"no, not really. but...i know your sister, thalia-" and before you could get more out, jason was jolting forwards, a vesical reaction to his sisters name. you leapt forwards, catching him from plummeting to the ground and instead slowly crumbling down there with him, your arms firmly wrapped around him in hopes of providing some comfort. you had the fleeting thought that you hoped someone would be there to catch your baby brother like this if he were to ever need it.
"i...i remember thalia. my big sister," jason whispered against your shoulder, fighting off tears as the memories rushed his brain. and you smiled softly and squeezed the boy a little tighter.
"she'll be so so happy to see you, jason. her baby brother that she thought was dead. you know, she never forgot you, she loved to talk about you to me," you muttered, gently rocking him like you would a baby, despite his grown age. jason pulled back slightly, looking into your eyes in seek of lies.
"she loves talking about how your favorite snack just so happens to be staplers-"
"one time! it was one time!" jason hissed out, isntantly, and you laughed.
"yes, but that scar really doesn't help your arguement," you mused and jason just shook his head, but he seemed more at ease then when he first arrived.
you couldn't help but think that you and thalia had traded places. a daughter of the big three lost their baby brother so the other could have hers back. and you thought, faintly, that you and thalia would always live like this. wretched mirrors of the very things you wanted, but the only way for it to come true was to damage the loving face looking back at you.
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mariana-oconnor · 10 months
The Final Problem pt 1
🎵It's the Fi-inal Proble-em🎶diddle-uh duh! Diddle-uduhduuuh!🎵
And now that's going to be stuck in my head all week.
I have seen multiple adaptations of this story and I believe I have read it twice in the original as well as having used it a few times for reference back in my days hanging out in the Sherlock comms on lj. So I know it pretty well. No rampant speculation this time, although there may be several highly inappropriate memes. I'll see what I can do.
It is with a heavy heart that I take up my pen to write these the last words in which I shall ever record the singular gifts by which my friend Mr Sherlock Holmes was distinguished.
Ah, here we find the true dichotomy of Watsonian vs Doyleist, as depicted in the diagram below.
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My hand has been forced, however, by the recent letters in which Colonel James Moriarty defends the memory of his brother, and I have no choice but to lay the facts before the public exactly as they occurred.
ANOTHER FUCKING COLONEL! Colonels are the worst. I'm sure that at some poitn in his life ACD was in some way drastically wronged by a colonel in the British army whom he never forgot or forgave. Not a Major or a Lieutenant or a Captain, but definitely a Colonel.
Also, I thought Professor Moriarty was also called James. Did their parents just lack imagination? Or could they not be bothered to learn more than one name. Does it matter which child turns up, as long as one of them does? Is James just the name that ACD uses when he can't think of any others?
I alone know the absolute truth of the matter...
Are you sure about that, Watson? I feel like maybe there's like... one tiny thing you don't know. Just one. Absolutely minuscule thing. Not important at all. Barely worth knowing.
It may be remembered that after my marriage, and my subsequent start in private practice, the very intimate relations which had existed between Holmes and myself became to some extent modified.
Literally the other day you were living with him in Baker Street again, and it seems like you spent more time with Holmes in the months after your marriage than you did with your wife or at work, so I'm not sure that starting this true account of events off with a bald-faced lie is the best course of action, but sure.
Reading these stories in this order and seeing with complete clarity that ACD paid no attention to his past writing with regards to timeline and continuity is kind of funny. There were only three cases in 1890? I'm sure we've had more than three cases give us specific dates in 1890. I can't remember exactly when he got married, but it wasn't that long before 1890 (1888 wikipedia tells me, and many stories take place in that nebulous 'months after I was married' period. The timeline is honestly just chaos. One of the last stories was set in 1892, which from the date of this story is clearly impossible, so... Watson just makes up the dates to suit his own agenda?)
I received two notes from Holmes, dated from Narbonne and from Nîmes...
Now that I know he was recently in Nimes, I am going to be picturing Holmes in a pair of jeans for the rest of this story. That's just how it is. Sorry. And before you say it's anachronistic, denim trousers became popular in the 1870s in the states, iirc, so it's entirely plausible.
"...I must further beg you to be so unconventional as to allow me to leave your house presently by scrambling over your back garden wall."
Watson I have come to close your shutters, smoke a cigarette and climb over your backwall, and I'm all out of shutters and cigarettes.
"Is Mrs Watson in?" "She is away upon a visit." "Indeed! You are alone?" "Quite." "Then it makes it the easier for me to propose that you should come away with me for a week to the Continent."
Oh, and also to invite you on an impromptu romantic getaway to the continent, seeing as your wife's not around. I'm in fear for my life, but it's going to be great fun.
Watson suggesting that this is an 'aimless holiday' is odd. Watson, if your friend comes to you and admits that he's afraid of being shot and has been in a fight, wants to leave your house in an unconventional manner that will help him avoid being seen and simultaneously suggests you leave the country. It might be connected. The destination is clearly less important than the departing.
"You have probably never heard of Professor Moriarty?" said he.
This reveal was kind of spoiled for modern readers with the Colonel's name earlier, which is a bit of a shame. But I guess ACD had no idea that Moriarty would become such a household name that just this in itself would be able to make readers a century on go 'Oh!' Still a pity, though. Having that whole 'in danger for his life' thing and THEN the Moriarty reveal would be a better build up for modern readers.
"His career has been an extraordinary one. He is a man of good birth and excellent education, endowed by nature..."
"...with a phenomenal mathematical faculty."
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What is an 'army coach'? I mean, I know what I feel like it means, but I fail to see how it would be a good job for a professor of mathematics. Did he coach them in maths?
"He is the Napoleon of crime, Watson. He is the organiser of half that is evil and of nearly all that is undetected in this great city. He is a genius, a philosopher, an abstract thinker. He has a brain of the first order. He sits motionless, like a spider in the centre of its web, but that web has a thousand radiations, and he knows well every quiver of each of them."
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Me, trying to find the most ridiculous gif of Macavity from Cats (2019): There's so. many. to choose from.
"Again and again he strove to break away, but I as often headed him off. I tell you, my friend, that if a detailed account of that silent contest could be written, it would take its place as the most brilliant bit of thrust-and-parry work in the history of detection."
When I first realised that Moriarty appears in only 1 of the Sherlock Holmes stories, I was kind of astonished, because he always seemed like he must have been a recurring nemesis to have made such an impact on the canon. But no, it really is just this story and ACD gives him a lot of hype. It leaves a lot of space in the narrative, and as we all know, the plot holes are where the fanfic gets in. Sherlock Holmes, I believe, is the most adapted character in English literary history. More than Robin Hood, more than King Arthur, more than any Shakespeare play. And you've got to wonder if part of that is because of the gaps in the narrative that are mentioned, but not fleshed out.
I wonder if, at the time, there were Sherlock Holmes fan groups who pored over past cases trying to find evidence of Moriarty's hand in previous stories. I bet there were people scribbling their own ideas of what happened between Moriarty and Holmes and reading them to their friends and family in the evenings. Just as I bet, after this story, a million fix it stories were written/told. I've never heard of any existing, but it feels like there must have been.
"I was sitting in my room thinking the matter over, when the door opened and Professor Moriarty stood before me."
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"His appearance was quite familiar to me. He is extremely tall and thin, his forehead domes out in a white curve, and his two eyes are deeply sunken in this head. He is clean-shaven, pale, and ascetic-looking, retaining something of the professor in his features. His shoulders are rounded from much study, and his face protrudes forward, and is forever slowly oscillating from side to side in a curiously reptilian fashion."
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Police officers are mammalian and criminal masterminds are reptilian. Good to know.
"'You have less frontal development that I should have expected,' said he, at last. 'It is a dangerous habit to finger loaded firearms in the pocket of one's dressing-gown.'"
"You have a small head." Interesting opening line. Although it is fair to say that he's right about the gun. Not best practice.
"'All that I have to say has already crossed your mind,' said he. "'Then possibly my answer has crossed yours,' I replied."
These lines are iconic, but also, as someone who has written on occasion, also genius. Why bother trying to work out a suitably intelligent and ominous conversation when you can do this instead and have it work ten times better. It's a lovely bit of writing.
"'You crossed my path on the 4th of January,' said he. 'On the 23d you incommoded me; by the middle of February I was seriously inconvenienced by you; at the end of March I was absolutely hampered in my plans; and now, at the close of April, I find myself placed in such a position through your continual persecution that I am in positive danger of losing my liberty. The situation is becoming an impossible one.'"
I do also love this matter of fact little summary, where Moriarty has clearly had his thesaurus open at the word 'blocked' and just picked words at random. The exasperation and yet strange calm of having this all written down in his diary is great. Moriarty is very well constructed as a character.
He goes on to say 'tut, tut' as well, which is just such a supercilious, condescending little thing to say. He is eminently hateable, and yet simultaneously has done nothing actually wrong on page.
Holmes refers to him as Mr Moriarty to his face and Professor Moriarty to Watson, which is a nice little bit of pettiness. Technically he isn't a professor any more, but just that little bit of disrespect to his face. Beautiful.
"I took a cab after that and reached my brother's rooms in Pall Mall, where I spent the day."
Oh hai, Mycroft!
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So far, Holmes has escaped death 3 times today. So he's doing pretty well.
I do find it odd that with so many days advance warning, Moriarty can't find another way to not be arrested on Monday that isn't killing Holmes. Can't he just... stop whatever thing is happening on Monday?
"The practice is quiet," said I, "and I have an accommodating neighbour. I should be glad to come."
The return of Watson's accommodating neighbour, the true unsung hero of these tales. There had better be a fanfic on AO3 that's a bystander POV of Watson's long-suffering doctor neighbour and all the times Waton pops his head in and says 'I have to have adventures today, you don't mind keeping an eye on my practice do you, old chum? Splendid! See you in a week!'
I'm sure all of Holmes instructions about how Watson should get to the station are justified, but they are also very funny.
"...dash through the Arcade, timing yourself to reach the other side at a quarter-past nine."
Ah yes, I know exactly how quickly to run through the arcade to make sure I get to the other side at exactly quarter past nine. Who doesn't?
This is only a two parter, and the next part is due tomorrow, it says, rather than on Tuesday. So, everyone get your mourning bands ready.
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no-punintended · 9 months
good omens season 2 review (spoilers!!!)
okay so this is gonna be a shitshow of a review and mostly word vomit, but here we go:
to no one's surprise, i fucking loved this. adored it. i love how it confirmed so many fan theories (at least…that’s how i saw things) and just...it had so much heart. all the characters were woven together so beautifully and i feel like the writers really have a way with characters in this story. like, for me, good omens has always been about the characters because i'm not a huge fantasy fan. so for a basically all new cast of character's to be introduced and to have that feeling is just...an incredible amount of skill that i can only aspire to have some day.
speaking of characters, let's talk about them! i want to start with muriel. they were just...so charming. like, the actress (Quelin Sepulveda) literally embodied that character and it shone through. every minor movement made muriel so much more of a character, and i hope, if there is a season three, we see some shenanigans with muriel running the bookshop because i want to see more of them.
maggie and nina. i just. i just. to say that i had a minor freakout is an understatement. for starters, i live for broody/sunshine (obviously, i'm writing this post about good fucking omens), and they were just...great. i loved how they started to work together and were mature enough to recognize and respect the fact that nina wasn't quite ready for maggie romantically yet. and i loved the parallels between aziraphale and maggie and crowley and nina that were brought up in the last episode. it was like a "duh!" moment for me, though, can't say i recognized it while watching. also, give me coffee or give me death is the greatest name for a business, like, ever, so shoutout to nina for that one. also also, shoutout to maggie and nina for talking to crowley about his feelings because you know no one's done that for him before. and they were spot on, too, about crowley and aziraphale never talking talking, and it was another "oh!" moment.
gabriel/james/jim was just hilarious. Jon Hamm, similarly to Quelin Sepulveda completely embodied this role. i mean, he did in good omens season one, but that's the thing: it was a massive shift in character and he just...did it. awesomely. amazingly. i think the thing about good omens is that everyone is a little stupid, and you would think the archangel gabriel would be exempt from that, but the fact that he's not is what allows him to fall so seamlessly in with this group (again, character relationships!!!). and the whole thing with beelzebub? just want to say that i called it from season one. like, there was a little too much chemistry between them for me to think "this is going nowhere". and it was very adorable. i loved that they had a song and i loved how it was woven into the story. also beelzebub gave him a fly!!! peak romance right there.
and, of course, aziraphale and crowley. i had this experience once, while watching the musical six for the first time. during "all you wanna do", i got this massive feeling of discomfort while the actress was singing (i had seen nothing of six at the time so i didn't know what the song was about at first). and mentally, i was like "oh, fuck, she's just not selling it. i feel bad for her." BUT! THAT WAS THE POINT! IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE UNCOMFORTABLE! and it was like...wow, that's a damn good actress right there. and that's kind of how i felt about this. especially with crowley. because the whole time, i felt like something was a little...off about crowley. he was crowley, but he wasn't...crowley. he seemed to be a little more wild, a little more loose, but in a serious way? but when it came to episode five and nina started asking him about his relationship (serious questions, too. not like the ongoing assumptions and ribbing from everyone of "ooo you're boyfriends) with aziraphale, i was like oh. he's just confused. and i think trauma kinda played a major role in their characters this season. aziraphale talking about keeping extra fire extinguishers because of the fire in the bookshop. crowley saying to gabriel "you told my only friend to shut his stupid mouth and die...i didn't much care for that". like this shit affected them, and you think it wouldn't after so long, but it does.
and i love that they were together when they were both angels, too. just that entire scene (bonus points for crowley calling the stars beautiful or gorgeous or something and aziraphale thinking he was talking ab him) was amazing because it was like !!! we knew it !!! i loved all the past scenes of them together, really. it just showed how they've really been there for each other all along. all along. and when the callback to the "saving books" scene came up in ep 4 i was like "oh! i know this one!" so that was a pleasant moment.
i love crowley by the way. i don't really have much elaboration on that. i just love him.
AND THE DANCING!!! it was adorable. the apology dance and the like, dancing.
okay i've been avoiding the kiss but let's talk about the kiss. first off, can i just say: most beautiful love confession scene ever. like, crowley. David Tennant. you fucking ate that up. someone give this man an award (he might have awards...i have no clue). the frustration, but the love. the pining. and his faith in aziraphale. the comments about pretending. the parallels to the scene in season one where they fight about sides and aziraphales "i forgive you". fucking just rip my heart straight out of my chest and stomp on it, why don't you? "no nightingales." literally have my brain. just take it. the kiss itself is like...damn. he went for it. the music during that moment??? and Michael Sheen's expressions...i could watch that man act for ages. every minute detail just shows through his face and during and after the kiss just broke my heart. the way he touches his lips when crowley leaves? i feel like that is the moment where he's, for a second, like, "maybe this is better than heaven". (Michael Sheen deserves an award as well, not just for this scene, but for his acting as a whole. (David Tennant also deserves one for his acting as a whole) no one else could be aziraphale. no one. there's just something about that man's face that looks like aziraphale.) weird comment, but his hands, too. crowley kisses him, and his hands hover over his back. after a moment, he relaxes and places his hands on his back, before immediately removing them again and growing frantic. the way they shake afterwards. like, fuck, man, that's how you embody a character.
i would kill for a snapshot into aziraphale's head during that moment because, honestly? i have zero clue what he was thinking. was he like "wow...i missed something vital all this time?". was he like "this doesn't make sense at all?" was he just like "oh?" was he scared of liking it, or scared that it happened in the first place? also...what did he mean when he said he forgave crowley??? for not going to heaven??? for the love??? the kiss??? if i had to put money on it, i would say that it flipped his world upside down. for an angel who can feel love, it's honestly surprising that he didn't notice the giant hole in the ozone layer crowley was burning up. but i honestly think he had zero clue it was like that for crowley. in all fairness, i also think crowley had zero clue it was like that for him until, like, episode five. shoutout to nina!!!
I THINK! IM HAVING A THOUGHT! okay so like...was the kiss kind of a last resort??? so like...crowley says "you idiot. we could've been...us" and i wonder if he read aziraphale as confused in that moment and was like "you know what, fuck it" and kissed him. "let me tell him in the only way i can. let me tell him like this because words aren't enough. nothing is enough, it's too big, but this will put it in a way he'll understand. let me help him understand".
edit: i'm already back for more and i already changed my mind. watched the scene again and realized that aziraphale turns his head away at that moment. and if i had to guess, it looks like he's starting to cry. so. what if...he's booting up his "there is no us crowley" argument and crowley knows it and he's like "i can't fucking take that again" so he just...goes for it. he's like "let me show you us. let me make you hear those damn nightingales. let me show you what we could be."
and then, you know, they separate. honestly, i get it. i'm not angry because it wasn't some bullshit ass bullshit like some movies and shows try to pull. i've always seen crowley as more "human" than aziraphale, so the fact that he confesses makes sense. while, on the other hand, aziraphale still wants to do good, and his good is still in heaven. he's more connected to the divine than he is anything else, and, unfortunately, that includes crowley at this point in time. crowley never would've accepted that position, and it's funny to me how aziraphale didn't seem to realize that. i think there's a chance that he felt like crowley would follow him anywhere. he didn't seem to realize that crowley had limitations, too. in the end, they just...didn't want the same thing. "nothing lasts forever". i don't think it's the end of things. i think the parallels between nina and maggie and aziraphale and crowley were made clear, especially as they are referenced when they split: nina and maggie's relationship is on the fence, and so is aziraphale and crowleys. if there is a season three, it won't exist without those two. they are the heart and soul of the show.
anyway obviously i loved it and i will keep loving it and probably cry about it tonight. i would love a good omens 2 book, though, i don't think that's even been considered. i just like to read lmao. it was handled so magnificently and maturely and i do hope there is a season three but, if not, there's always fanfiction :)
i may add to this post because i focused a lot on ep 6 so if i have more thoughts i'll share. but it's also 100am teehee
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
I'm seeing some stupid arguments about how they said they got permission from Netflix and how Netflix admitted they turned a blind eye and how Netflix promoted them on social media etc etc...however none of that matters? Clearly Netflix let them do this because it was free promo and they even offered selling a licence (or something) to them in order for them to performe the show, which they turned down while also giving fake assurances they weren't making any money off of it. But I'm sorry when they started making money they crossed a big line in this unspoken agreement they made with Netflix.
Here's a big fucking lesson for everyone, unless Bear and Barlow have a rabbit in the hat that we're all unaware of--don't think that because someone says it's okay, or tweets about it, or even sends you an email being like heeeey we love it--that they won't change their minds. You need legal documentation, overlooked by their attorneys and yours, which says you have permission. You need every i dotted and t crossed, because the copyright owner can at (from what I understand) any time take you on unless you do.
And I don't want to hear the whining about how Netflix was happy to take the promo. Yeah, duh. That's not just a Netflix thing, babes. When you see David Jenkins retweet OFMD fanart--I'm sure he genuinely loves it. But that's also free promo for his show (and the OFMD fan art has netted them a lot of new viewers, I'd wager, so it works). When you see a teeny tiny author repost shit on TikTok of fans cosplaying as her characters and gives the hearteyes emoji, she's taking advantage of free promo. And I don't begrudge anyone that! If you have paid for a copyright or done the work to create something you own the copyright for, your dues have been paid in that sense--and you're probably (definitely) still paying for more marketing. As long as fans have existed, fans have given free promo and creators have taken it on, because guess what? When you create a fanwork, you are only able to do that because someone else has created the original source material. And if you're really fucking good at creating fanworks, maybe one day you will be able to take your show on the road and sell your own original work, and you got a huge boost by engaging in the fandom that exists because of that original copyright holder, and so the cycle goes on.
If Bear and Barlow had played this right, they could have minimally had a licensing deal with Netflix (which Netflix didn't have to offer, but probably offered because they're averse to bad press at the moment). They could've had a business relationship with Netflix and quite possibly Shonda Rhimes (and Julia Quinn to some extent). If everyone had gotten along, who knows what kind of doors that could've opened? They already have a fanbase, a Grammy win (which they probably won in large part because the show existing was a free campaign) and got to shake hands with people they never would've met otherwise. The natural move would've been to take that and make their own original work and profit off of it.
Any fanfic author worth their salt knows that you can't just start making money off of fanworks without putting yourself in danger. There are minors who would've thought better than to do this, lol. EL James got dangerously close to getting her ass sued by Stephenie Meyer for 50 Shades, and she was in a much better position legally as her work was more transformative, whereas this musical is literally Bridgerton adapted.
I'm already so sick of the "but the little guy" arguments. Sooooo we just allow them to do this because they're the little guy and Netflix is the big guy and set a precedent in which other little guys can get fucked when a big or little guy makes money off shit they didn't pay to adapt?
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the last hours spoilers below the cut
thoughts as i read Chain of Thorns so spoilers duh and it got long so under a read more (also as a safety measure against spoilers and tumblr tags not working) feel free to chat with me about it
In april i will change the tags to something more general (I say April because not all versions of the book are out yet I think Italy doesn’t get their editions until March so)
James honey tell your Dad.
Matthew fight me and get help outside of Cordelia asking you not to drink in Paris
did i mention how much i hate the misunderstanding of chain of iron? yeah still hate it... quick moment
much better
honest about his love for Grace for the love of god Cordelia
Matthew is not keeping to his promise is he? one way or another he is up to something and I don’t like it
23 lmao Will same Magnus i can’t believe it either and lmao James “I haven’t not since last Thursday“
why is Grace arrested? was she arrested? I very vaguely recall her admitting to the shenagins
i love Kamala by the way I hope she goes back to her true name... what was the letter
Lucie is up and atom
*through gritted teeth* what good reason? to dislike Allistair? *eyes twitch*
Thomas’s note *clutches heart* I want to watch that scene in 10 things i hate about you again but also lmao i think the message would get to who its addressed to
Tatiana can fight me... poor Grace
oh Malcolm
Jessamine mention!!!!. finally adults knowing what do. Aww Will singing to James in rusty welsh
back to Matthew and Cordelia *grits teeth* ohh poor faeirie having to deal with this shit. Cordelia admitting that Matthew and Allistair don’t like each other and I loathe it, I loathe her not defending her brother
MADAME DOROTHEA???? oh the waking up theme is back (Madame channeling Elias). wow fun
Malcom don’t steal food... I feel uncomfy please for the love of god grab the poker and impale me with it... Dad has arrived
No you won’t conquer the pain in Paris Matthew. It wouldn’t be that easy to overcome pain WITHOUT THE ONES CAUSING YOU PAIN
.... the truth will out with the Herondale family reunion (Tessa is there we just don’t see her as she’s yelling at Malcolm) and Magnus being upset at not being asked for help as he is the warlock they usually annoy first lmao i love him
73 yes be proud of Jesse “the last bulwark of Englishman under stress. Tea? he suggested“ lol Malcolm
ah the letter Kamala found was blackmail... towards Charlotte maybe?
80 laughing hysterically
Jem is here.... Allistair! i knew the note would be read
97 Matthew are you sure you’re not a idiot
a good plan i suppose... good old Ezekiel
Alexander Bridge (another song coming on)
110 FINALLY SOME DEMONS... fuck off both of you (also I thought Matthew got bitten by the demon?)
Aw Kit/ Christopher best boy
yay back to this hell and now James is here (also looked at later at art so accidently spoiled myself to some dark haired guy wearing a crown)
Thomas I love and LMAO Will and Magnus best bros
I knew Matthew was lying... can i bang Cordelias head off a wall? Oh James... Eugenia! I missed you baby
I don’t wanna go back to Cordelia... yes it was as painful as expected
Matthew shut up. James use your fucking words
Magnus I love you... I wish I was Balios right now
Jesse’s “helpful fellow called brother Zachariah“
Cordellia is annoying me
tell it like it is Allistair they are idiots
@ James (image id: GIF of the Genie from Aladdin in front of white board reading tell her the truth)
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I love you Allistair and Risa never leave me with these three again (Magnus, Efffie and Eugenia as well)
Oh Christopher I love you, Thomas yay
actual footage of Cordelia getting Allistair into the carriage
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image id: dog on a leash being dragged text around it reading “um no/no mean no/ do not want/ heard you say vet/ wow no/ such abuse/ um wtf r u doing/ not wow/ so forceing“ end id
185 Cordelia and Matthew not planning on saying anything yet why
good idea Allistair and plans on how to find out who is being blackmailed. hatred of ducks is a noble cause
Will is being great embarresing James and scolded by Tessa for quoting Charge of the Light Brigade at the table
I like Jesse I think, lemon drops? lemon drops
Albert Pangborn is great... Lucie you’re making me feel cold and Cordelia i know you are going through it but why
With Jesse and Lucie I am kinda hoping for a Pushing Daisies scenario
Oh Kamala why lie to yourself... Poor Grace kinda... 231 happy place Christopher and Alistair talking about books and languages (showing their brain works)
new day
Jesse spill the beans?
yay back with Cordelia *sigh*... poor Jesse.... No Cordelia you do not know what you saw you are a coward who is certain what you saw was the whole truth and nothing but the truth
would love to see the full evil vanity set it has to exist I won’t accept other wise
i do like Hypatia and Jesse is great... Hi Winston and Ari and Aratia is pretty so back to calling her this then
poor Oscar he is such a good boy
James good with words? I am not so sure
I am scared of Tatiana... but also every single time (image id: screenshot from Lion King 2 Simbas Pride song My Lullaby)
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Beliel is making zombies apparently
so close yet so far... lmao Effie
308 if you spoke to your wife you’d know... I thought Letty be possessed good job me
312 Christopher deserves the world honestly. Go on Grace do the things
aww Mama Tessa, never shut up Thomas you’re great to be with. aw Mama Sona... the fear of god that Malcolm just experiences is priceless and relatable
laughing at the things like the weapons tree
parents what to do? oh chatting and we came so close. Also Esme i love you
Anna and Ari finally got that dance
FOR FUCKS SAKE this is the bad place... no its not Alistair and Thomas almost kissed but got interupted by Cecily screaming
it would also cast more suspicion to be honest
pick up a rock or something Cordelia, poor baby Alex and I DO NOT TRUST this
poor denzins of the Cornwall Institute
Alistair was not wrong and not to bring up lion king 2 again but not one of us? fits kinda well
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go on Ari, Jem is bae and I love you guys
Charles might be the one being blackmailed and yes he is a pompous git
Lucie saw Edom I think
please not on the staircase think of your back it would hurt i imagine
what did the door knob do to you (reread that section oh it was jammed) still poor door knob
yeah big bath tubs for the win (dream home item big bath tub and swimming pool if i can’t live by the sea/ sea where it is private then i will have to make do)... oh no the adults are leaving
poor Effie can’t wait to see her opinions on everything
also side note last book James was pracitcally begging Cordelia to top him will that make a return?
aww Grace and here is Tatiana of course who i can’t wait to see die... what is going on
come Matthew tell them, James told them about Grace its your turn
Christopher is too good for this world
Matthew fight me (i was actually warming to him and now its two steps back)
lets go help Charlie. Go on Alistair (update i’ve been tabbing as i go and i am running out of pinks)
I love them feeling about conflicted about Grace and her actions... Grace is here and lets go zombies (or guys from black cauldron?)
there is so much kissing and so many characters
and lets go face Tatiana.. oh wow possession is every where apprently
go on Lucie do what needs to be done which is summon RUPERT buddy I missed you
Grace why are you following your “mother”... hi Lilith
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I saw this picture in the run up it is really cool (side note i do like the illustrations my favourites being the blackstairs beach kiss in queen of air and darkness though- also if TWP does not start with the Clace wedding that we have two full chapters of I will sue)
Tatiana is dead? yay... but Christopher no
poor lady under the milkcart... poor people being possessed by Beliel
oh wow Beliel is... yeah this is a lot
James is going with Beliel, and Beliel took Matthew as well good grief
Lmao the title for the next chapter is Intermission: Grief
what if the escape route is a lie? what if its a trap?
new day?
490 Winston is a pretty bird, Oscar what is it puppy? oh it was planned thank god
girl talk time and James/ Matthew being in Edom is so funny to me for some reason
thomas watering the fairchild plants, watered my plants and cleared my skin
Carstair siblings rise!
Jessamine you good?
sup Lilith... if beliel dies by Cordelia’s blade this is strange wording
I love Jesse and Graces dynamic actually
yes destroy the wound
Anna what’s up?... good point
finally the truth comes about Matthew part 2/ bye Carbos it was fun I will remember you next time I read TMI
I want Christopher back (564 I ran out of pink)
They did! they got the fire messages working! I am so proud
oh Lucie, hi Filomena and are we going to be told this plan?
ahh Beliel wants to crown himself and all I can think is this image
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Image id: Queen Elizabeth the 2 and text from christopher eccleston reading “parasite in chief in her idiot hat“
Go on Charlie *pumps fist*
I love you Eugenia
Statues attack and I am out of green tabs
stay safe everyone... Lucie what do?... aw Anna and Ari
Bridget is god and you can’t change my mind
I did think that wording was strange... bye Lilith see you later
herongraystairs mention... JEM YOU ARE OWED A FAVOR FROM BELIEL I have so many questions like does he still have it in SoBH? will he have it TWP? is this thing something I kinda remember being Ghosts of the Shadow Market? (its been awhile okay)
Aw Alastair I forgot you were blonde for a bit... good for you bud
oh so this is how the things got in the coffin like the gun Christopher made for James :(... I hope the locksmith recovered the bullet from it
Alastair the best big brother
(I didn’t put this in my physical notes so I don’t know where it fits in but i am so glad Matthew told his family)
666 Malcolm is here for a chat and it went well
Eugenia remains the best...  croquet lmao yes
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image id: screenshot of Pall Mall scene from Bridgerton season 2
I like the ending
bonus story: love you Jem... I cannot imagine why people would be twitchy at seeing the robes of Silent Brothers (and I wonder if they feel the same?)... the ghosts made me tear up
random thoughts
- too many characters having povs just made it not work for me? especially when a few of them know things that others don’t (like the Gracelet and the fallout)
- Matthew grew on me which surprised me with how much he irritated me during Choi heck I downright hated him. And the same goes for Grace and Anna
- I don’t think I will ever like the love triangle
- scared for Charlotte and her pregnancy is going to be fun
- I wished we could have seen the trials for Wessa and Jesse (and other random scenes)
- because of things do i think we could potentially have something in between TLH and TMI? yes yes i do (i say things because its just the vibe I got from finishing it. I’ll get a better idea when i reread)
hello people who made it to the end of this long ass post go treat yourself with something nice
2 notes · View notes
punkscowardschampions · 5 months
Java Pt.2
Ava: [biting his lip because it’s one place you really can with no fucks and you gotta because the feels are too damn high now, making a grumpy noise into his mouth because life is so unfair]
James: [moaning her name into her mouth with all the !! because it’s the first chance he’s even had to say it cos couldn’t be namedropping to Jay when Teddy has already namedropped her to Chlo and there’s no telling when he’ll get to chance to say it out loud again because of this bloody holiday, PULLING her hair out of his way and her jacket collar too if needs be, going over the lovebite he gave her again v dramatically because never letting that fade whether she’s wearing his shirt or not]
Ava: [DIGGING your fingers into his shoulders because feeling like you could fall despite both your efforts to be as close together as possible because you’re so turned on you cannot sit still in the slightest, breathing into his neck at the pulse point, breath only getting more erratic however hard you try to calm it down]
James: [such a noise at the contact and how hard it is because it’s the most she can really do and you both know that and fully appreciate that she’s doing it, stopping what he’s doing with his lovebite so that it isn’t muffled, however quiet he has to vaguely keep it for this setting and sleeping Jay’s sake, so she gets to hear and remember it fully, doing the absolute most to let her feel how turned on he is because in no world is he staying still either, the movements getting more insistent and !! as her breathing does, maintaining EYE CONTACT by cupping her face like she did his earlier except it’s much more an intense hold ofc]
Ava: [yes, can’t be waking this baby, also don’t want to be caught by anyone, so we have to have some level of decorum about this, so we’re biting our own lip here as our eyes are rolling to the back of our head for a hot sec before attempting to refocus back on his as we also make a more concerted effort to make our movements rhythmic and in time with his, getting as close as we can without initiating anything here ‘you promise you’ll write?’]
James: [‘I already have’ looking over at wherever the bag he gave her is so that she will too, not at all casual spoilers there but we can’t help giving them considering the decorum he do have to have in other areas which is gonna be proving a difficult task now that y’all’s movements have synched up how they have and it’s making you feel a type of way ‘but I’ll write more’ emphasis on that last word because never over when she said it so we gotta be indecent about it, touching the lip she was biting down on with even more !! than before when he was lingering hardcore pre-kiss]
Ava: [adorably darting your eyes from him to this bag because you can’t look away for long enough the first time to take in exactly what he means, when you have, shaking your head at yourself like get it together ‘I’ll read them later’ speaking against his fingertips with such solemnity because need to give them serious concentration which you are incapable of currently]
James: [a nod like yes you absolutely should, as seriously, because THINKING about her doing that is almost as much fun as he had writing the letters lbr ‘we should order a car, savour the journey taking triple the time in comparison to the route which brought you to me’ because throwback to what she said earlier when shading Teddy lol, because fr, he’s the sort of bear that would give her a lift home even if it wasn’t a shameless ploy to spend more time together with slightly more chance of privacy, which we know it is, guiding her hand to his trouser pocket so she can get his phone out because why do it yourself when it’s saucier that way duh]
Ava: [opening your mouth to make a NOISE but staying silent and grinning at him with the energy you wanted to expend there ‘you can’t possibly be expected to take public transport twice in a day’ like this is FINE and your wife would approve tbh, staying looking for this phone for far longer than is necessary before eventually handing this phone to him like there you go, so helpful, resting your head on his shoulder]
James: [an amused smile of his own at her grin and what she said like mhmm so true bestie and his own lip bite obvs when she is taking her time looking for that phone cos dying about it, has never summoned a car quicker in his life I’m sure whilst on the other hand making no effort to move or move her yet, soz not soz gotta play with her hair very softly for a moment and give her big heart eyes]
Ava: [kissing along his neck to his ear but having to give him the softest lovebite just behind his ear when he bites his lip, it probably won’t leave a mark but right now there is and you’re not okay about it, pressing it slightly harder than you did it like !! doing a faintly shaky sigh too ‘there’ like there we go, that needed to be done]
James: [SQUEEZING her leg the way she did his hand earlier, definitely hard enough to leave a mark himself because he’s as !! about everything she’s doing and her sigh and how her voice must sound, not okay either and can’t decide if he wants this car to hurry the fuck up or if he never wants to leave this bench rn, both are true honestly]
Ava: [this leg grab making you arch yourself into him involuntarily, so you’re face to face again, LOOKING at him before you simply have to launch a full makeout attack because otherwise the sounds you are about to make will be too unhinged and you just gotta, putting both your hands back in his trouser pockets to do the most]
James: [thank god for the makeout cos you need to shh as well sir and there’s no chance you would otherwise with everything that’s occurring and how high your feelings are, she’ll be lucky not to be missing a button herself on her jacket, either that or have a broken zip depending what she’s rocking, because he is PULLING at it with feral levels of !! trying to get her closer to him and moving again and his hands into it to be able to touch her body more without fully undressing her in this park simultaneously]
Ava: [‘I want you’ as something you are incapable of keeping inside, the force of which those words strain out of your mouth as you’re trying to grit your teeth and ride through the feeling, the way we really don’t care right now and can’t be reasonable or sensible]
James: [‘I’m yours’ because he has yet to say it, it’s always that she’s his, and this is the perfect time to, once again everything coming together in that peak romance oh my watch has stopped kinda way for this to be the first time he does and for there to be the level of feeling behind it that there clearly is]
Ava: [will let your car turn up to stop you just fucking in this park because absolutely would now and we’re not thinking of any reason not to, despite the obvious ones, literally all we can think about and care about is that he just said that]
James: [agreed, y’all are welcome for that convenient yet very necessary timing because he totally would too and you don’t need to be caught doing that on this day, get your sleeping child and all the bags in the car sir even though you’re shamelessly LOOKING at her the entire time, doing the most LINGERING touches ever when he shamelessly helps this gal in as well even though she does not need help]
Ava: [you have enough time here to sober up into realising that wouldn’t have been a good idea, even if you still know you would make the same choice given another opportunity lol, soz not soz, am soz how long it takes to get your pushchair into a car seat and into this car though, not an easy task even though you should be pro by now ‘is she asleep for the night?’ almost mouthing this because gotta be quiet because it probably is that sort of o’clock by now, peeping at her like hope you stay asleep even though it won’t be our problem ‘cos just that sort of bear]
James: [I know you’re the sort of bear who’ll make it look easy even though it is very much not because you are well practised and your wife has literally never lifted a finger to help you at any point in her life so you’re essentially a single parent when it comes to tasks like this, giving her a smile back in response as a yes because baby Jay should be and you’d be glad about that even if you weren’t busy af in this moment for the looming holiday moments that have to come after, follow it up with a very relieved big breath when everyone is in this car and you’re all set because this is the most alone java have been and thank god, LOOKING at Ava again for what is a second but would feel like an age because the intensity of it]
Ava: [me worrying about the seating arrangements and whether there’s a baby between y’all or James/Ava has to be in the front but I’m sure you got one of those big cars/the kind that’s almost giving limo but is more a boujee minivan moment so Jay can be facing y’all but not cockblocking so aggressively like that lol, doing the inverse and taking a deep breath in you’re not letting out for again what would feel like forever]
James: [I love that you’ve thought about this long and hard boo, oh the perks of being rich because we simply cannot do a love actually child dressed as octopus moment and cockblock java THAT bad haha, imagine, but no, instead catch this boy taking her hand and holding it while they both dramatically breathe lol, silently asking her if she’s okay and if everything they both shamelessly wanna do in this car rn is]
Ava: [exactly what I was picturing lmao, not today, not when there’s a goodbye to be said without the need for the word, circling his palm the same way you did his cheeks earlier with your thumb, as if you’re doing the thinking you aren’t and don’t need to do before you lean further into him to kiss his cheek indecently yourself ‘it only becomes more true’ as a whisper because feelings have not changed from a hard yes to a no, of course]
James: [touching the lil lovebite she did behind his ear as she kisses his cheek because that’s the only thinking he needs to do about it too, nothing has changed for him either, hence undoing her seatbelt (because I imagine her putting it on automatically when she got in, as I do) and pulling her closer to him, initiating the kind of soft and romantic makeout sesh that the bench one couldn’t be, it goes without saying it’s as intense as that though in its own way]
Ava: [when your hands end up either side of his face so you can press on this lovebite again, though coincidentally, insistently because we would love to cover you in them for all the reasons, lowkey getting so comfortable/into it here you’re laying down on him]
James: [doing a GASP that turns into a soft and quiet NOISE the more she presses on that lovebite herself because not okay about it, taking off her jacket because he could not on that bench and the need to touch her more is as real, being !! and almost rough about getting under however many layers of clothes she has on rn on her top half in contrast to these deep af but still soft kisses because NEED to as well as your bodies also staying as close as they can possibly be, his hands running over every inch of her, memorising again how they do, but also pressing insistently against her skin himself in a mirror move he isn’t even aware of]
Ava: [TORN between trying to help him and enjoying the contrast here and thus letting him continue to be rough about it, getting distracted by the need to try and reach your bag to get a condom because going to need to initiate this hookup immediately, that’s for sure, obviously you can’t actually get in your bag though so this is just a losing battle]
James: [it doesn’t take a genius to work out what she is trying to reach for but cannot because you’re thinking the exact same thing so once again guide her toward your pocket, this time to reach for his wallet instead of his phone because they are always there and slightly easier to get hold of whilst continuing to be this extra]
Ava: [SQUEEZING his thighs, half as a thank you and half because you wanna ‘we can take it slow’ said into a makeout that is proving you absolutely cannot and we both know it]
James: [a noise of agreement like mhmm yep also into the makeout while he’s undressing the bottom half of this gal not at all slowly or casually and starting to touch her, stealing the thumb trick to use indecently on her here, soz not soz it’s gotta be done]
Ava: [when you’re trying SO hard to stay quiet that the only acceptable next step is putting this condom on with your mouth because you literally cannot, getting on your knees on the floor of this car like remember when because all the memories are necessary]
James: [STARING at her exactly like he did when she first did that, not even intentionally echoing it we’re just that !! again that we cannot look away, but reciting something to her because he could not get his words out that day to read anything we all remember but on this occasion he has gotta, I like to think it’s the last line he has written in his fancy notebook, as she’ll find out when she reads it all, because this is a goodbye but not really, it’s only a goodbye for now, a whisper not only because they gotta be quiet but also because his voice is hoarse]
Ava: [when you can’t help but keep LOOKING up at him with big eyes because you really do love listening to him and especially when it’s something he’s written, which just hits different to whenever it’s a quote from another author; trying to concentrate though because you wanna do this properly but also as hot as possible]
James: [aw how adorably blushy he will be from her looking at him like that and from saying something that feels the most finished of any of the stuff he’s told or read to her so far because it’s made it into the fancy notebook, love that for you sir]
Ava: [all the encouragement you need to be honest, out here forgetting that you’re meant to be hooking up because you’re just enjoying watching his reactions and only getting to make your own out of view of this driver/quiet in comparison to how you would]
James: [we love when anyone forgets a time limit or where they are, what a mood, especially for y’all rn as you’re gonna have to go the longest you have since you got together without seeing each other when that time limit hits, live your best lives, including this man once again pulling her hair and PRESSING on the neck lovebite he never leaves alone]
Ava: [not wasted time when you are SO about giving this boy pleasure and seeing him get to lose control, even if you must maintain some here, as much as you can get away with]
James: [he is eventually gonna have to drag her back to him though if only to avoid being LOUD and losing it more than y’all can get away with, I say as if a brazen hookup isn’t about to ensue here lol and clearly in a much more extra position than her just being vaguely subtle in his lap because there’s no chill to be found, he’ll be here throwing this girl onto the seat on her back with her legs raised so dramatically that she’s basically folded in half, nothing casual about any of it, her ankles are as close to her head and shoulders as possible, thank the lord for a privacy screen and a list of car sex positions calling this one the seashell haha]
Ava: [well that’s very appropriate, you sea witch, about that for you, entirely about how shameless it is because you so rarely get to be, at least for now, so have at it lads, lose yourself over it]
James: [he will be trying to run his mouth because feelings are too high, giving her in the moment poetry basically as per, but you’re both welcome that you’re gonna have to kiss so much to shh because I’m not dropping an ILY on this day]
Ava: [we all know y’all are being the most extra, we’re here saying everything but, just all the whispered sweet nothings right now]
James: [you both gotta do what you gotta do rn and we gotta let y’all, within reason, but the driver and sleeping baby Jay are both welcome that you’re somehow managing not to be screaming crying in this car and that it won’t last forever because of how worked up you already were]
Ava: [baby Jay gonna have to sleep through a lot, I’m sure, so you’re safe, we’re allowing that, just like we’re allowing you to both die here without anything stopping y’all, it’s the least we can do considering]
James: [mhmm, they need it and they need the recovery time snuggle he’ll be pulling her into immediately afterwards lying here on this car seat because don’t wanna be separated and it’s getting closer and realer]
Ava: [can’t even think about it because crying is not an option when he already feels bad enough going for all the reasons he doesn’t want to himself, so probably just here being quiet, holding him to us like someone is trying to snatch him right this second]
James: [tea, we all know he wants to cry himself too, for all the reasons, and that there’s so much he wants to tell her about how his entire fam not just his wife suck but cannot bring himself to because where to even start with that and what a miserable convo to have, so here sad as hell, trying to write on her like she’s a piece of paper and his fingertips are a pen but still not knowing what to say so it’s just a few half finished words she wouldn’t be able to decode before he gives up and is just holding her as tight as he can as well]
Ava: [it’s coming but definitely not one you can fit into the now as we sadly redress ourself because can’t get out of this car semi-naked, nor can you put this task off forever when you’ll be there before you know it]
James: [helping her in that effortless like a dad way, so lovingly, whether that’s doing a zip up or some buttons or straightening the clothes, whatever the vibes, just being soft and tender about it, same goes for her hair that he’s really messed up, gently smoothing it off her face and clothes and then tying it up for her because he can, he’s a girl dad (hate that phrase had to use it to make myself lol at the cringe because the vibes are sad atm) passing her the bag he packed for her so even if she doesn’t look in it yet she can hug that to her for the added comfort and reminder she has all that to look forward to]
Ava: [do hug this towards you and also bring your knees up to your chest, resting your head back on him and reaching to find his hand because you can’t verbalise anything right now but you need to be with him for every second you can steal here]
James: [hold her hand and do a lil kiss on her head when she rests it on you, using his other arm to pull her in even closer to him somehow and keeping it wrapped around her, whispering her name with all the feeling ever, savouring the fact he can still say it for now even if there is a massive tinge of sadness in his tone here]
Ava: [shaking your head, slowly so you cut down on some of the drama but you’re like I truly will cry, you can’t do this to me boy lol, hiding in his chest like nope]
James: [letting her hide there because he wouldn’t be able to deal with seeing her face rn, they are both too close to crying, saying ‘I wish I’d picked [insert a flower here that is seasonal and maybe grows in the park they were in]’ because what he’s saying is that if he had they could’ve used it as a countdown for when the flower blooms/she could’ve picked the petals/any of that kind of nonsense, saying this as if he was SUCH a fool not to think of it, despite how clearly distracted in all the ways he was]
Ava: [‘you will have given me a way to count the days’ quiet because of how you’re laying but he’ll be able to hear despite the small voice ‘I’d like to stop until you get back’ like you can just be frozen in space and time and not deal]
James: [‘yes, but’ not finishing his sentence because it doesn’t need to be said that nothing he has given her feels like enough for how big these feelings are rn, besides which he’s then distracted by how much he HATES the idea of her being frozen waiting for him when he feels like he was before he met her, waiting for his life to be less shit and what he loves most about her is how she’s brought him to life and we’re not trying to switch places/drag her down to that, SUCH a frown because cannot express all of this ‘oh’ as small but so no no its tone ‘I’d hate to think of you akin to my broken watch’]
Ava: [giving him a little squeeze, the pressure incomparable to what it usually is, ‘sorry’ still entirely sincere though because we’re trying so hard not to do this, to make it worse ‘I’ll try’]
James: [making a comforting sound to go with the touches he is doing like shh it’s okay ‘don’t be, darling’ as sincerely because gotta feel how we feel ‘you are trying, very hard, I know that, I feel that’ emphasis on the word feel, touching her chest like there]
Ava: [hugging him truly like a child now, sorry about that, digging our fingers into your arms now with a different but still intense as hell energy, the dad energy got to us ‘I’ll be good’ and we really mean it]
James: [we’re not soz, hug it out lads, a nod like I know you will be ‘of course, you’re my good girl’ the first time we’ve ever said my instead of a, because gotta in this moment]
Ava: [🥺 x a billion as we’re making some effort to actually look at you again because can’t not in this moment ‘what do you want?’ in a I will give you whatever you want energy]
James: [‘this’ because she is all he wants and it cannot and will not be overstated ‘you’ as if he needed to make it clearer because the 🥺 are forcing him lol]
Ava: [nodding even though your face is an inch from his right now and you could say it or just kiss him but you need to do the most with this movement and the way you can use it to brush your lips against his because so serious]
James: [me here like don’t you DARE say ILY rn because I nearly typed it then haha, instead brush your cheek against hers with identically slow almost tortuous energy, blowing away a strand of hair that has escaped his updo he did for her already with his !! breathing]
Ava: [my boo says shut your whore mouth, sir, your feels are so dangerously high lads, this is not a safe space rn lol, here fixing his hair with shaky hands because you can’t deal]
James: [honestly, I say not yet bitch it is simply too soon, you will wait goddamn it, not him taking her shaky hands and kissing them over and over like he can fix it, I’m fine]
Ava: [smiling at him, genuinely even if it’s one of those almost crying kind of smiles, shaking your head like you can pull yourself together, ‘when we get to mine, you should just let me go, let this be it’ because you are gonna have to RUN inside your house to not be sobbing on these streets and begging him not to go, you know it]
James: [holding her head so gently in both his hands for a sec, tucking that tricksy strand of hair behind her ear like oh you behave yourself, opening his mouth to disagree but knowing she’s right, a look over at his sleeping child like true because can’t just leave her in the car forever with an unknown man driving it while you scream and cry, reaching to similarly stroke baby Jay’s hair with all the love like okay yes, my mind is made up, that’s what we shall do]
Ava: [doing an even sadder smile because it is what needs to be done, doesn’t mean we’re happy about it]
James: [looking at her like but you aren’t home yet because true, before he’s kissing her again, trying to put all the emotions into it that they don’t know how to/we won’t let them verbalise]
Ava: [literally just passionately kiss until you get to her address because there is nothing else you can say or do lads]
James: [agreed, it’s the mood and it’s the moment, open her car door for her like an old fashioned gentleman when y’all do get there but you gotta just stand there and watch her go inside then you’re not allowed to follow however tempted you are to walk her to her door, those are the rules]
Ava: [sorry to not let you be a full gentleman but we really do have to run, no looking back allowed, praying you can avoid your parents and get to your room before you have your meltdown]
James: [baze like hello??! You sir you get back in the car and you be driven the short distance home, you’ve avoided it for as long as you can unfortunately]
Ava: [me like do I let you message him the minute you’re going through this bag or do I make you wait because you think that’s the right thing to do lol]
James: [I say wait because you’re trying to do the right thing, it feels real]
Ava: [okay, so this is giving the next day, we’ve had a night of being the drama, pining, the full nine yards, he should be there now and thus it’s ‘appropriate’ to check in]
Ava: Have you had chance to check out the spa facilities yet?
Ava: I’ve read [the letter that’s most appropriate for your emo mood], thank you
James: No, thank you for your continued prioritisation of my well-being, unfortunately, I regret to inform you, I haven’t 
James: soon perhaps
James: I’m sorry you felt so [however is letter appropriate] last night
Ava: It’s the only appropriate way for me to feel, however comforting the jumper is, it can only give me so much
Ava: I can’t trust anyone else to prioritise it, I could book you in for treatment myself, I’ve checked their website
James: Jay made me read [the book Ava got her] to her [an insane number of times, idk I don’t have a child I read bedtime stories to], if that’s any consolation
Ava: I am pleased she likes it
Ava: sorry that I did not have enough time to get you a book that’s a bit more challenging though
James: Apologies aren’t necessary, it was a thoughtful gift and the reading of it reminds me of you
Ava: You’re the thoughtful one, I can only aim to be a lacklustre second
James: Your aim would have to be woefully off not to be first in everything, and it isn’t
Ava: That does remind me, are you the second or the third of your name?
James: The third, why?
Ava: I have to know what to call the bear, of course
James: I see
Ava: It would feel wrong to give him another name
James: I can’t argue with that, he was deliberately chosen in my image
Ava: I’ll cover his fuzzy ears if I call you cuter 
James: You must, I insist
Ava: How is it, is it okay?
James: My sister didn’t come, which whilst it feels unjust to me personally, being given no such out, her absence will prevent numerous arguments
Ava: What excuse did she come up with?
James: Her husband-to-be has to work and she can’t possibly holiday without him, especially with us
Ava: Hmm, I do appreciate her sentiment 
Ava: I’d love to have an excuse like that to hand 
James: As do I, alas none of mine carry the same weight
Ava: Doesn’t your sister work for your dad too? I feel like Teddy has said so before now
James: Yes, she went to King’s before that as well, naturally
James: it’s all an enforced family affair
Ava: Wow, that’s all very… close
Ava: Is that how you feel, close to them?
James: My father’s approach to everything is too coercive to feel anything but contrived, be it a career path or what should be legitimate family ties, I’m afraid
James: I keep trying though, to form bonds in spite of him, or perchance to spite him
Ava: That’s clear, I would say you’re where you are now not just for your wife, by any means
James: Thank you
James: but enough about them, which letter are you in the mood to read currently?
Ava: [a happier one because getting to talk to you has made us feel slightly better is the vibe]
James: I’m relieved you’re feeling a little better too, I’ll admit my own mood has been transformed after hearing from you
Ava: I don’t wish to keep you, well, no, I absolutely do but if you have to go, at any point, feel entirely free to
Ava: I don’t know what the rules are here
James: I think the rules are ours to create
Ava: Isn’t that a nice thought
James: It’s a pleasant reminder that freedom does still exist
Ava: This is freedom, to be, textbook definition
Ava: no logic or rationale can be applied to how much I need you
James: It’s not a nice thought how scarce my opportunities are, and will be, to take care of that need for you
James: I’m sorry, I wish I was more available
Ava: Me too but I’ve always understood that you won’t be, so it’s okay
Ava: I don’t entirely hate the idea of being driven mad by the desire, really
James: No, there are worse things to be driven mad by, that’s a good point
Ava: Loneliness and boredom spring to mind, all too readily
James: Yes, they’re determined to be at the forefront
Ava: I’m going to trek to [another obscure bookshop, assumedly] today, on the authority of [the man at the bookshop you sent us to before you left], but that’s as busy as I can bear to be with anything that isn’t related to you and what you left me
James: [nerd out about that bookshop and any others that are nearby because you’re that sort of bear and it’s cute + a good way to show how easily you lose track of time when talking to this gal/don’t wanna be on this fam holiday]
Ava: [likewise join in and tell him how little you’ve read of the book he left for you because can’t concentrate yet for lovesick reasons]
James: [talk to her too about the chapter he read aloud to her because he would’ve sent her that last night/v early this morning as he does every night without fail even though they didn’t have a chance to talk or anything then and always wanna know what she thinks of it]
Ava: [have your little book club, try not to die too hard about how into it you are whenever he reads to you]
James: [it’s deserved while you can cos he’s gonna be killing himself trying to keep his child vaguely entertained on this not kid friendly hol]
Ava: [catch your father inevitably working from the bar/seeing if he can have his own extramarital affair as per, your mother and Chlo having all the spa treatments and Teddy trying to entertain himself any way he can as per, thanks guys lol, at least her parents are helpful]
James: [you’ve nailed it there boo, thank god for Chlo’s parents and the fact she can’t get as wasted as Teddy and his mum will because of being preggo, we take what silver linings we can get]
Ava: [unlucky slag, I’m sure you push your glass of wine to a very big glass undoubtedly but no one wants you fucking with this child so you will not be enabled to be worse than you are]
James: [you could get away with it when nobody knew and I’m sure you did hun but everyone is aware now, except Ava, soz girl]
Ava: [oh the unfortunate drama of it all, would you like to do someone else now, as we’ve got this vibe set?]
James: [I’m down to, lemme just have James leave the chat and then we can decide what we fancy doing]
James: Excuse me, but with the heaviest heart and sincerest apologies imaginable, I have to go
Ava: Ah, not at all
Ava: Perhaps I will get to speak to you tonight?
Ava: Good luck
James: I hope so
James: enjoy [the bookshop and the others he mentioned] until then
Ava: 💙
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sulcrafatejackets · 2 years
Your client had temporary insanity client is autistic mildly perhaps although a very high functioning abuse case shall we say well you know but those doctors they are going to lie circumstantially to take care of people like myself circumstantially of course all those people who are in mental institutions because Doctors want to abuse
Oh wait she’s a new prosecutor she she wanted a word okay no how about go fuck yourself no you know what you’re not taking that like I’m serious you don’t do that what the fuck no I’m the new prosecutor OK so then things get kind of funny Catherine’s laughing and laughing but she won’t be laughing forever necessarily because I believe in peace bitch and also if this bitch is going to steal my work then I am definitely the goddamn new prosecutor and I think they’re a few men can take care of that for me don’t you think so Catherine or have you not learned about pants in this town yet
I don’t know but they gave me some really cool grungy Dennis willcutt pants and I was like I’m too fat to fit in these but of course I have acid reflux so that ha ha I fit into the Dennis willcutt grunge pants it’s like 1994 but kind of cooler
I don’t think they’ll ever do that
The people said it’s the music these kids are listening to well indeed it is the music these kids are listening to
We were supposed to start a revolution duh… But now all of the older adults are trying to take away all of our freedoms our freedom to protest peacefully on the Internet our freedom to gracefully let out what we need to say therapeutically So, We need to investigate the veterinarian situation in the United States so so much because I think that other nations that were once being made fun of are far ahead of the USA
These veterinarians they didn’t scare me before in that way because I assumed that veterinarians had more integrity than what I found out they have and now that I know that these little kids are discouraged from having pets because a veterinarian might kill a black babies animal or a black woman or a black man or a Mexican man or a Latina woman you get the idea people of all races love animals and people of all races are doing excellent excellent things for the world
And you ungrateful terrorists want to destroy the world.
I meant what I said when I called Dr. James Heltsley a terrorist
Unfortunately my method of mess is not always working it’s only a thing that you guys think is great because you can steal from your cash cow except I am not your cash cow and now the United States of America owes $5 trillion to China God knows how much money to India and America actually has the audacity to say well they will never see that I disagree they will see all of that money even if the American people have to starve
0 notes
babyboibucky · 3 years
The Match - Part 8
Pairing: CEO!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: You get a preview of what it’s like to be working with Mackenzie.
Warnings: I apologize as there is no smut in here lmfao but there is a stubborn Bucky lols
A/N: The jitters just never go away whenever I post a new part for this ajkcnjasncakjcnakj I find this part boring tbh but uhh things will start picking up again in the next part I promise
The Match Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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Bucky decided to push through with his partnership with Wilson Enterprises. It was a big one, so it definitely required the entire team's effort and perseverance. Apparently, this is the company's biggest, most major project yet so this was going to look really good in your resume. It would also provide you with more credibility to further excel in your career.
Except that Bucky actually hired a marketing consultant to take over the entire project as his revenge.
"Any questions? About the project or about Kenzie?" Bucky asked, standing in front of the conference room, next to Mackenzie.
You confidently raised your hand when no one else did. Bucky tilted his head, a tiny smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He knew you were affected, of fucking course you were!
"Yes?" he called out.
You stood up and sighed softly, "I mean this in the most respectful way, Mister Barnes." you said, emphasizing his name. "But as the head of marketing, what exactly is my role here? Given that Mackenzie was hired to spearhead the marketing aspect of this project." you said, giving Mackenzie a passive aggressive smile.
"I don't want to overstep on some boundaries here, that's why I'm asking. I just want clarity, that's all." you said.
Bucky was about to respond when Mackenzie stopped him, grabbing his arm and squeezing it before taking over the floor. You narrowed your eyes at how her slender fingers were wrapped around Bucky's arm.
"Honey..." Mackenzie started. "There's nothing to worry about, this is a collaborative work between you and I. So think of yourself as my assistant, someone to help me out with the project." she responded.
"I'm not an assistant, Mackenzie." you said, smiling at her.
Mackenzie laughed, "I'm sorry, my bad. I shouldn't have used that term. Oops." she said. "Although, I believe I have more experience in this area so maybe consider me a mentor?" she suggested.
Bucky cleared his throat, "If you have certain ideas, you can discuss it with her. She is a consultant after all. Given her impressive experience in the field, I'm sure you'll learn a thing or two from her."
The meeting was wrapped up by noon and you simply couldn't wait to get yourself out of the conference room. You didn't feel like talking to Bucky anymore in all honesty, not after what he was doing. You knew this was just to spite you, get you to cave in first and give in to him.
All the more that you wouldn't, especially not when he actually used your job against you.
Everyone started rushing out of the conference room, ready to head out for lunch. As soon as you reached the doorway, you overheard the short conversation between Bucky and Mackenzie.
"Hey Bucky, we still up for lunch?"
The bathroom was empty when you stepped inside and thank god for that because you couldn't hold back your emotions any further. Tears gathered in the corner of your eyes, not because you were hurt. Fuck no, you were angry and frustrated. So fucking angry at yourself for getting into this mess, at Bucky for being such an entitled prick, at the entire world for plotting against you.
You groaned in irritation as you wiped away your tears, sniffing as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
You worked your ass off for this job, for your position. You risked your dignity when you let Bucky fuck you. You weren't going to let someone take that away from you.
You quickly fixed yourself when the door opened, followed by the loud clacking of someone's heels.
"Omg, are you crying?" Beverly gasped, rushing over to you.
You snickered, "No." you lied, "My eyes are itchy." you huffed out before noticing that Beverly was holding a sandwich in her hand.
"Why did you bring your sandwich here?" you curiously asked.
Beverly shrugged, "The pantry's full and the other girls don't exactly seem to like me...so..."
You shook your head and sighed, "Come with me, let's have lunch out. I need to get out of this fucking place anyway."
"Yay, omg! I knew you were nice! You're like, the only girl who actually talked to me nicely." Beverly said, tagging behind you as you exited the bathroom.
"Oh, there you are!" Mark called out. "I was looking for you. Wanna grab lunch? Oh...who's this?" he asked, noticing the blonde girl trailing behind you.
"I'm Beverly! I'm Sir James' new secretary." she introduced excitedly.
You sighed, "Don't ask me why." you said when Mark turned to you with a confused look, still not sure what happened to Bucky's previous secretary.
"So, lunch out? With Bev?" you asked.
You were completely zoning out during lunch despite the ongoing conversation between Mark and Bev, something about yoga? You honestly couldn't care less, not when you were feeling so conflicted about your current situation.
Would Bucky actually go that far just to get you back? Or does he actually hate you for saying no to him and is basically using his authority to make your life a living hell?
"So I heard about the new girl." Mark said, that snapped you out of your trance.
"Huh?" you asked.
"I find it weird for Mister Barnes to hire someone when you're here." Mark pointed out. "I mean, are you okay with that or..."
You snorted, "Fuck no. Look, I'm not gonna be the bigger person here. I was offended as fuck." you admitted.
"Yeah, it's super weird because she was hired through Tinder or something. Is that even legal?" Beverly pointed out as she scrolled through her phone.
You and Mark turned to her abruptly, "Tinder? Wait, what?" you asked.
Beverly chuckled, "I heard them talking this morning and Kenzie was like, 'It's so funny that we matched on Tinder and ended up doing business there you know' and I'm like omg Sir James has Tinder and I have one too but I never saw him there, bummer."
"Motherfucker." you hissed out.
Mark made a face, "Are you okay?" he carefully asked. "You've been really tensed since last week."
Apparently, Bucky never deleted his Tinder and have been swiping right on women. And that's how he met Mackenzie who just happened to be a marketing consultant. Now you were just furious, was he fucking her too? Has he been fucking other women this entire time?
"Hey, Bev..." you said, a plan hatching inside your mind. "Can I ask you a favor?" you asked nicely.
Beverly nodded, "Um duh, you're basically my office BFF now."
"If you ever hear Mister Barnes and Mackenzie talk about hmm, I don't know...something interesting. Maybe about the project...me 'cause you know, I'm the head of marketing and Mackenzie’s in the same field...let me know, will ya?" you asked.
Mark chuckled nervously, "I don't know what's going on but isn't that an invasion of privacy?"
"She's not going to eavesdrop, Mark. She'll just...listen closely." you explained.
"Bev might get in trouble if Mister Barnes finds out." Mark warned.
You waved a hand, "She'll be fine, Mark. She's his secretary, she has to know everything. Besides, I'm not going to let her get in trouble, if she does then I'll take care of it."
Beverly squealed in delight, "Omg, you are not my office BFF. You're like my office mom! You and Mark are literally my office parents." she said, lifting her phone up in the air.
"Selfie! This one goes to the 'gram." she said, taking a quick photo of the three of you.
She then proceeded to edit the photo while you and Mark continued eating lunch.
"Bev, you should really put your phone away and eat first. We have less than half an hour left for lunch break." Mark called out.
Beverly groaned and rolled her eyes, "Way to get into the role, Mark. You're such a dad."
You snorted, "Yeah. Loosen up, daddy." you teased.
"Playing family after just one date, huh."
Bucky's presence in the same restaurant should've really intimidated you, most especially that he just witnessed you tease Mark like that. But you were too mad at him to even care, what was the point even? He didn't believe you even when you told him the truth that Mark was just a friend.
Why even try now?
"Hi Sir James." Beverly greeted happily.
"Mister Barnes." Mark acknowledged.
Bucky ignored them and kept his eyes on you. You didn't falter under his gaze and simply stared back at him with blank eyes. It's as if a staring competition took place when the both of you merely looked at each other, neither of you looking away nor attempting to do so.
"How was that date last Friday, Jim?" Bucky asked, his eyes still trained on yours.
Mark made a funny face at the name that Bucky called him but shrugged anyway. Before he could even respond, you decided to answer on his behalf. If Bucky wanted to spite you, you'd give him a taste of his own medicine.
"It was actually great. We might go on another one this Friday." you said.
"We are?" Mark asked in a whisper.
Bucky's hand landed on Mark's shoulder, "Don't count on it, Andrew. She's going to be doing a lot of work on Friday due to the project." he said through gritted teeth.
You shrugged, "Oh, but I thought Mackenzie's doing all my work?"
"I'm ready to head back, Buck."
Speak of the devil herself. Mackenzie weaved through the tables and approached Bucky, her face brightening up when she saw you, Mark and Beverly.
"Oh, hey you." she greeted you. "Look, I think we may have started off on the wrong foot earlier. I'm not here to take your job, just here to spice things up a bit. Improve your ideas, give Bucky some assistance." she chuckled, holding onto Bucky's arm yet again.
You fought back the urge to grab your glass of water and throw it at her face. As the saying goes, kill them with kindness. So you merely shrugged and extended an arm for a handshake.
"Of course. I would love to improve your ideas as well, you know. Just a healthy discourse between two marketing professionals. We good?" you said.
Mackenzie forced out a chuckle and reached for your hand, "We’re good. I look forward to working with you." she said before turning back to Bucky who was still gazing at you.
"Let's go?" she asked sweetly.
Bucky smirked at you before wrapping an arm around Mackenzie's waist, guiding her out of the restaurant the same way he did to you. You were too focused on Bucky's body language around Mackenzie that you failed to notice that Mark was watching you closely, your expressions and how you reacted towards Bucky.
"I think I know what's happening."
"You what?!"
"Shhh!" you hushed Mark and peeked out of the empty pantry to make sure the coast was clear.
Mark noticed the tension between you and Bucky and he came to a conclusion that the both of you dated at one point. He wasn't really wrong but he wasn't right either. So you decided to tell him everything, from the moment you matched with Bucky on Tinder until your last conversation with him last Saturday.
"I honestly thought you were dating, I didn't know there was sex involved. No wonder he had been calling me weird names." he said incredulously. "Was that you and Mister Barnes that Janet reported to the HR?" he asked, stifling his laughter.
You groaned, "Yes. Ugh, gave me a panic attack when I found out about that incident report." you said.
"Hey..." Mark called out. "Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me this. Your secret is safe with me." he reassured.
You nodded, "I think it was about time that I told someone about us anyway. This whole situation is driving me crazy and I don't know what to do next. And I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess, I shouldn't have said that we were going out again. I don't want you or your job getting compromised because of our petty fight." you exhaled.
You had to admit, you felt so much better now after confiding with Mark. It somewhat alleviated the weight on your shoulders, knowing that there was someone aware of what you were going through. Who would've thought that this person would end up being Mark? You did have friends outside of work of course, but you felt like they all wouldn't really understand the situation.
Half would hate you for rejecting Bucky and the other half would hate you for even swiping right on him.
"Do you mind an unsolicited advice?" Mark asked.
"Not at all." you said.
"Ignore him. Don't let him or Mackenzie get to you. Do what you do best, you're great at your job and you'll be fine. That might get him to realize that you're not a prize to be won. And if he still doesn't see that, then that's his loss. You're more than just that hot marketing girl at work." Mark said.
You laughed at his last statement, "Hot marketing girl at work?" you asked, shaking your head.
"It's true. So if in any case you decide to ditch the CEO and move on, you know where to find me." he joked, throwing a wink your way.
You wanted to finish all your reports so you could focus on the huge project so you decided to work until around nine in the evening. The floor was already empty by the time you were done. Bucky seemed to be working too, given that he was still replying to e-mails at this hour. Wanting to get all the reports over with, you decided to submit it to him before going home.
During the elevator ride to Bucky’s floor, you couldn’t help but wonder whether he was alone in the office. Would Mackenzie be there with him? Even at this hour? Your grip on the folder tightened at the thought of catching them in the act.
But did you have any right to feel this way though?
Brushing off the thoughts, you exhaled loudly and prepared yourself for whatever it was you were to witness. Upon reaching the door to Bucky’s office, you slightly turned your head to listen to anything. It was quiet. No hushed whispers nor strained grunts-- they weren’t fucking, thank goodness for that.
You decided not to knock and just walk inside like you used to, reminding yourself of Mark’s advice.
Don’t let Bucky get to you.
When you saw Bucky hunched over his desk, typing away on his e-mails instead of bending a certain brunette somewhere in his office, you had to admit that you were relieved. He looked up and his eyes looked dead tired, you almost felt sorry for him. Almost.
“You should really learn how to knock.” Bucky called out, slamming his laptop shut.
“Look, Bucky. I was just rushing to submit these reports so I can go home.” you explained and placed the folder on top of his desk.
Bucky frowned, “I said to call me Mister Barnes.”
You huffed out, “I honestly don’t care, Bucky. I’m not playing your damn games anymore.” you said and turned around.
A hand on your arm pulled you back, harshly turning you around to face Bucky. He was fuming, as usual. At this point, you were no longer fazed.
“You think I don’t know what you’re trying to do?” he asked.
You clenched your jaw and pulled your arm back, “I’m not doing anything. You bring in Beverly or Mackenzie or whoever it is that you have up your sleeve. I don’t fucking care. I just want to focus on work.” you said and stepped away.
“And you should too, Bucky.” you added.
“I don’t believe you.” he said.
You sighed, your shoulders dropping from exhaustion at this whole shenanigan. “I’m done, Bucky.”
And with that you turned around to exit his office, leaving Bucky unsure whether you truly meant what you said. A victorious smirk graced your lips as you walked back to the elevator.
You were far from done.
The Match Special Tags:
@marvelslag​​ @weird-mumbling​​ @propertyofpoeandbucky​​ @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​​ @mostly-marvel-musings​​ @squishybabies​​ @megzdoodle​​ @suchababie​​ @annathesillyfriend​​ @xhollycowx​​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​​ @5-seconds-of-mendes​​ @gogolucky13​​ @countonthesun​​ @iloveshawnieboi​​ @learisa​​ @borikenlove​​ @scarlet-natasha89​​
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii​​ @jessou893​​ @stealapizzamyheart​​ @bagelofthelord​​ @mxnt​​ @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky​​ @ohladymacbeth​​ @wildflowergubler​​ @supraveng​​ @twinerd14​​ @buckysmar @bakugouswh0r3​​ @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm​​ @charminivy​​ @amelia-song-pond​​ @iamvalentinaconstanza​​ @mcubqrnes @im-squished​​ @tcc-gizmachine​​ @sipsteacasually​​ @prettyintopeerpressure​​ @weloveyasmin​ @est19xxshit​ @bloodhon3yx​ @dressed-in-prada​ @lizette50​ @thatfangirl42​ @sunflowerbunny2​ @unmagically​ @okiegirl24​ @sugarpunch-princess​ @enlyume​ @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp​ @lyoongx​ @just-deka​ @nobody-will​ @jaziona92 @elisebuitron​ @dpaccione​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x​ @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes​ @iloveangstposts​ @weenersoldierr​ @asemistablehundredyearoldman​ @reidbuck​ @lizzarooni​ @girlfriday007​ @bonkywobble​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @its-yasbxtch​ @whoth3hellisbucky​
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Dance, Dance
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Summary: there’s been too much going on ever since you started messing around with your best friend.
Pairings: Colin Shea x Black!Best Friend!Reader
Warnings: minors dni, smut, angst, fluff
(A/N: yaaaay it’s done. This was a fun little series. I loved writing it. Titled after the song Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy. Thanks everyone that enjoyed. Like, follow, reblog, and comment ☺️)
»»——————————- ♡ —————-————-««
You didn’t even know it was possible for you to fake smile for this long. As much as you enjoyed doing the whole music thing, industry shit was kind of the worse. You’d been overdue for at least a glass of champagne, but now you needed something stronger like whisky.
Things had been hectic lately. Just getting stuff ready and playing ball. The label that signed you was a smaller offshoot of a bigger one and so now you were here watching Colin take one for the team and schmooze it up since he knew the rest of you hated this part.
It wasn’t like you were bad at the whole thing. It’s just there was only so much you could deal with before finally reaching your limit. And all the old men ogling you was definitely something you could live without.
“Hey,” Ryan, your bass player, greeted as he sat beside you. It was kind of funny seeing the rest of them in suits and shit. You didn’t think they could wear anything but jeans and converse.
Hell for Colin clothing was already optional. Now he was there wearing a suit. Playing the part. And doing it well. You couldn’t lie, though. He looked good as hell. Obviously you weren’t the only one to notice. The woman whispering in his ear right no clearly saw it too.
“Hey,” you said with a sigh. This dress was scratchy as hell, but it was cute. It was probably worth more than your rent so you were really trying to not mess it up. Fuck you felt awkward.
So, yeah things had been a little weird since they’d walked in on you on Colin’s lap. Not that they could see that his pants had been undone from how you were but let’s just say the rest of the band had been doing this thing where they’d been trying to figure out your couple name ever since.
Still you didn’t know how to act around them. Especially since you’d left like your ass was on fire. Unlike with the whole girlfriend thing, the two of you didn’t get the chance to talk even a little after that. It felt like life was pulling the both of you in so many directions what were you even supposed to say. Sure the guys managed to squeeze their jokes in but other than that nothing.
You’d had photo shoots and meetings and just all kinds of shit. Sure this was definitely the life you wanted and you kind of appreciated the distraction. Didn’t mean you wanted to keep living in limbo with him. So it’s not like you’d been avoiding him so much as finding the time to have serious conversations was kind of not there.
At the same time it’s like were you even prepared for whatever he had to say. You don’t give a guy head and then make out with him for him to stop and start with ‘I just don’t think-‘ and expect him to say something not terrible. Especially not a guy like Colin. Even if you were holding out hope.
You knew his track record going into it. Which is why those rules had been in place. You’d been around a thousand Colin’s. You knew how it went. It was hit it and quit it every time. What made you different. If he really wanted to talk he would have. Nothing had ever kept him from telling you dumb shit all the time. Suddenly he couldn’t text?
Whatever. You didn’t even want to care. This was about the music. It was your fault anyway. You’d known better than to get tangled up in him but you’d done it anyway. You’d just have to live with that.
“So what are we doing tomorrow?” He asked.
You shrugged with a sigh. “I dunno. Was just thinking about keeping a low profile. I’m not really feeling it right now.”
Ryan frowned. “You know Colin doesn’t care,” he replied with a chuckle. “You know how he gets.”
“That’s fine,” you replied with a small smile with a shrug, bringing your glass of whiskey up to your lips. Thank goddess for an open bar, though, right. At least that would help you through the night.
“Okay so,” Colin said finally coming over to plop down beside you on a barstool,“how we feeling about an after party?”
You shrugged while him and Ryan started talking it over. If anything you’d probably go back to the hotel but whatever.
You rested your chin on your fists as the boys talked. It’s not that you wanted to be sad girl right now. You should be the happiest you’d ever been and you were but fuck this is gonna sound so lame but you missed your best friend. But no you forgot to wear underwear and now apparently neither of you knew how to act around each other.
“What about you?” He asked. “You know we’re no good without our fearless leader.”
“I thought this was a party,” you said setting your glass down. “I didn’t realize I was leading you into battle.”
Colin chuckled. “Oh it’s us against the world, Baby. There’s always a war.” He winked as he grabbed your glass. Not even phased when you protested and made grabby hands for it. “I’ll get you a new one if you say yes.”
“Eat a dick,” you grumbled then tried to get the bartender’s attention.
“Who pissed in your iced coffee?” He asked with a chuckle. “Come on. It’ll be fun. Better than whatever the fuck this is.” Can’t argue with that.
You shrugged. “I’ll see. I’m kinda tired.”
He pouted. “Don’t be a party pooper. Come on. Don’t you wanna hang with us. Keep us out of trouble.”
“Keep him out of trouble,” Ryan corrected making you laugh.
“Yes. Fine. Keep me out of trouble.” He rolled his eyes dramatically. “Come on. I’ll make it worth it.”
“How?” You asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Well,” he started as he thought, “I’m already taking you out for breakfast tomorrow so that’s out.”
“You are?” You asked with a chuckle. This was news to you.
“Um, duh,” he said before poking your side. “Why wouldn’t I?”
You shrugged. “I dunno. It’s not that serious.”
Colin sighed, rolling his eyes. “Come on. I promise it’ll be fun.” He nudged you. Then his face softened. “Do you really not wanna go?”
No, but even though you were irritated with him you still felt like a lovesick puppy. And his eyes had gotten all romantic looking. It was so hard not giving in to him.
That’s how you found yourself out in the New York air. Crossing your arms in front of you. “What’s this?” You asked as you walked up to a limo.
“Our ride,” he said, into your ear.
“Hey, Colin,” the woman greeted him with a smile as she walked passed to get in. “You coming?”
He had the nerve to smile at you all brightly as he grabbed your arm. “Isn’t this cool,” he said as he sat beside her. You on the other side of him. Why didn’t you just go back to the fucking hotel when you had the chance.
The entire way to the party was filled with them laughing and talking. The entire time you were thinking say something, anything, but no you sat there awkward as hell. Ryan and your drummer James were sort of trying to include you while your rhythm guitarist Parker had decided to go to the hotel. You wish you’d just gone with him. You knew that’d be your first mistake.
You hated being in such a sour mood. Especially with so many people around. “You want a drink or something?” Colin asked into your ear, trying to talk over the loud music. You sighed, putting on another smile on as you nodded.
You tried to follow behind him, but this place was crowded. Looking back you saw that Ryan and James were no longer next to you either. Shit. Way to make this situation better, right.
Well Colin was right at least. This was better than that place crawling in suits. You walked along trying to find at least one of the men you came with and you were officially over it. Then you saw the balcony and decided to check out there next.
The fresh air was kind of nice. Maybe you just needed to clear your head for a minute. Hell you were ready to go to bed anyway.
Maybe tomorrow you’ll spend the day in the city. Doing whatever you wandered upon. No thinking about the next few months and how everything’s going to go from zero to one hundred. Not that you weren’t looking forward to it, but for now you wanted to welcome a little bit of peace.
Hopefully there’d be no thoughts about a certain guitar player either. That you doubt, but you could try. You yawned and groaned. Fuck it you’re leaving.
“Of all the people I thought I might see tonight,” a familiar voice said before you could get inside.
That voice made you stiffen. Then you started groaning as you turned to face him. “As if my night couldn’t get any worse. What are you even doing here?”
“What you think you’re the only one that gets invited to parties?” He asked.
When you’d parted from your last band, it wasn’t exactly the nicest situation. You always made your rule clear even if you’d broke it with Colin. Even with him it’s not like he did what Andrew did.
Things had been going okay with them, but it was nothing like now. This time around it felt so real. Like musically you were meant to be. Maybe that’s why you didn’t want to ruin things by blowing up even if Colin was sending you enough mixed signals to write an album about.
Back then though. It wasn’t like this. Yeah you liked your other bandmates back then, but with Colin, Ryan, and James it almost felt like a family. You all meshed. You all got along. Despite everything going on you loved them.
With Andrew’s band there was never a connection. You played. You went home. Over and done with. So the night he corned you, trying to kiss you it came out of nowhere. When you told the rest of them didn’t care. You were replaceable. Then you saw that flyer and decided to say fuck it and quit.
“What are you doing here?” He asked now, taking out a cigarette.
You shrugged. “That’s none of your business.”
He scoffed. “Heard you guys got signed. Who’d you sleep with to manage that?”
“Well, it wasn’t you.”
He rolled his eyes. “Who you here with? The new guys you’re blowing?”
You clenched your jaw before taking a deep breath. He didn’t know. Who the fuck cares. So you started walking away because you really did not give two shits.
“Yeah, my friend Dina was telling me you fucked her ex,” he said.
Your back stiffened as you stopped. Closing your eyes. God you wanted to scream at him, but he wasn’t worth the trouble. Wasn’t worth causing a scene. That’s what you told yourself last time and that’s what you were telling yourself now.
“Yeah said she walked in on you too,” he said coming up behind you.
“Dina doesn’t know what what she’s talking about.” You took a deep breath then bit your tongue, but still didn’t turn to face him.
“Well she sure had a lot to say. About how much of a whore you turned into after being a little tease.”
You closed your eyes suddenly feeling sick. You shouldn’t let it get to you. You knew it but fuck. This is why you didn’t do this. You didn’t need the drama.
“Dude, fuck off,” you finally said wrapping your arms around yourself as tried walking away again, trying to tune out whatever shit was spewing out of his mouth.
Promising yourself that you wouldn’t cry. Eyes finally catching Colin’s as he did a grin spread and then quickly fell from his face. Standing around the same girl from earlier. At least he managed to keep up with her.
He started walking towards you without a word and seeing his way was the only way towards the exit there was no avoiding him. That’s when you felt fingers grabbing at your wrist. Twisting your arm so you had no choice but to face him.
In between the, “you little sl-“ and Colin pushing him away from you, you’d ended knocking into someone. Beer spilling on the front of your dress. Way to make a shitty moment even worse guys. This was a fucking loan. Thanks for that. Fuck tonight just wasn’t your night huh.
“I’m so sorry,” a drunk girl slurred, putting her hands on your shoulders.
“No it’s okay,” you sighed feeling your eyes prickle with tears. Fuck you hated it. Your chest suddenly feeling tight. You had to get the fuck out of here.
As soon as you made it to the elevator you took a deep breath. Closing your eyes and leaning down the wall as the doors closed.
“What the hell was that?” Colin said. You squeezed your eyelids. The little bit of frustration that had left, coming back in an instant. “Did he hurt you?” He asked, grabbing your hand. “What the hell happened?”
“Stop,” you said, snatching it away. “Just… stop.” Your heart felt like it was sinking into your chest. You just wanted to eat and shower snd sleep. Fine fuck it. Shower and sleep. You’ll eat in the morning. You just wanted Colin to stop following you and for him to shut up.
“Hey!” He stopped you as soon as you got off. “What’s wrong? Just tell me what happened.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “You don’t have to pretend to care okay.” You shrugged. “You weren’t thinking about me ten minutes ago.”
“What do you mean I was looking all over for you,” he said furrowing his eyebrow.
You rolled your eyes again. Ugh it felt like you couldn’t stop. “Yeah, it sure looked like it.”
“I was. You can ask Ryan and James. Alyssa was helping me.”
“Do you think I’m fucking stupid, Colin?” You asked raising your eyebrow. “I get it. We messed around and you’re a fuckboy or whatever. It’s not like I was expecting to be different or something. You do this all the time. That’s fine but you don’t have to pretend like you give a shit. And I’m the fucking idiot for thinking you would because I thougt-” your voice broke as you just shook your head and walked away.
Colin stood there looking stunned. Feeling like he was one second away from puking. Finally taking a deep breath when he realized that if he didn’t catch up to you know you’d get into a taxi without him.
“Wait, Y/N,” he called out.
But you didn’t turn around. Heart thumping in your chest. You blew out your cheeks and rested your head against the window. Feeling there was a lump in your throat.
You felt like such a baby. All teary eyed in a cab. Red eyed as you made your way to your room. Crying in the shower. Then not stopping as you settled into bed. And for what. You fucking up the one thing you always told yourself. Listening to your stupid vagina. And your heart as much as you hated to admit it.
Not only was it stressful to think about what this would do for the band, but you and Colin had really built up the best connection. Now what happens. You’re not gonna get that with someone else. And that was the worst part.
Your eyes were so heavy, but you were suddenly so awake. All that complaining about being tired. Now look you can’t even sleep. Your head felt too heavy. Nose too stuffy, too.
You scrolled through your phone. And may or may not have done a small dive into who this Alyssa girl could be. Then message after message started rolling in now that it was a little passed midnight. You’d get to them in the morning. You’d also stole his weed pen so you could relax a little bit.
So. Sucks to be him.
That’s when you heard the door open. Stomach flipping and mouthing, ‘fuck.’ Dropping your phone because if you could pretend you were asleep maybe he’d leave you fuck alone. Ugh he probably got the key from the front desk.
The television was still on and it’s not like he’d never walked in on you sleep in front of the TV before so he’d think nothing of it. Your back was facing the door so it’s not like he could see you. You’ll take your chances.
You heard crinkling and him shuffling a little, but you were mostly trying to be quiet. A few moments later you heard him getting down on his knees beside you. “Hey,” he whispered into your ear before kissing your temple.
Nope. Go away.
“I know you’re awake you little thief.” He chuckled, but then stopped when he realized you clearly weren’t giving in. Turning over away from him. Colin took a deep breath. “Babe, I’m sorry.”
Your eyebrow raised. Okay so maybe you weren’t expecting that.
“I’m sorry I lost you tonight,” he sighed. “I’m sorry for not talking about things sooner. And if I made you think there was anything going on with me and Alyssa. Who does not like me by the way. She’s into Ryan,” he added, with a chuckle.
You snorted out a laugh. “Seriously?” Finally breaking your silence.
“Uh huh.” He laughed. “I know right. They kept dragging me between them once he found out. I felt like I was in fucking middle school.”
Then it got quiet.
“I’m sorry if I made you think you were just a booty call,” he finally said.
Your eyes opened, but you still didn’t turn to face him. You weren’t really sure what you were supposed to say or do if you did.
“You have always been more than a booty call. I get that I’ve done things before, but I’d never treat you like that. Why do you think we haven’t had sex. I couldn’t have our first time be on that gross fucking couch.”
… fair.
You wanted to pull his hair. Not even in the sexy way. He was so annoying. Why couldn’t you just have been asleep so you could have been mad at him for a little longer.
Colin didn’t wait for you to respond as he got in behind you. Scooping you into his arms from behind. “You’re my best friend, Baby. I’d never fuck us up. I don’t wanna lose you.” Then he started kissing your cheek softly.
“You’re so annoying,” you mumbled, but still didn’t turn over.
“Maybe,” he said. “But it’s cuz I can’t stand when you’re mad at me.” He sighed wrapping you up in his arms. “Remember that one time? And it was just over lyrics.” He chuckle. Then when he realized you weren’t laughing he sighed again. “I promise I’ll make tomorrow better. Well today. Or whatever. You know what I mean.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t run in here on some I have to be the first shit.” You finally turned to look at him and he was quick to kiss your forehead. Eyes ask puffy. Nosy really stuffy. He didn’t care. Just wanted to have his lips on you.
“I am, but now I can’t stop apologizing.” He chuckled. “I really am sorry.”
“We can work on your road to forgiveness plan.”
“As long as you’re the one paving it I’ll do whatever it takes.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re so corny.”
“Maybe.” He chuckled. “I’m just trying to get you to smile.”
You sniffled. God he was so annoying. “I know.”
He looked at you softly before swiping his lips across yours. “Okay now I’m gonna be the first person. Happy birthday, Baby.”
Another sniffle as you couldn’t stop yourself from chuckling softly. “Thank you. How do you know you’re the first?”
“Oh you’re cool because all our little fan girls are wishing you a happy birthday,” he said with a laugh.
“You’re just jealous.”
“Never. You deserve it.”
“Stop being such a fucking sap right now.” You whined pushing him away.
“Nope. I actually have a surprise for you,” he said, letting go so he could get out of bed. “No peeking!” Then he kissed your cheek again.
Of course you weren’t gonna listen, but since he wasn’t made of glass you couldn’t see. His body blocking whatever view you may have had. Just heard the flicker of a lighter.
“So, I was gonna go with the old fashioned flowers and chocolate for an apology,” he started. “But since it’s your birthday,” he said as he turned around with a little cake in his hands, freshly lit numeral candles on top.
As he softly started to sing happy birthday you felt yourself tearing up again. Of course he had to do something like this. Sappy asshole. Just had to make it impossible to stay mad at him.
Now you were sitting with your legs criss crossed applesauce across from him. Not being able to help the smile that spread across your face.
“Make a wish, Baby,” he said. As you blew out the flame he looked at you softly. That same stupid romantic look in his eyes. And it was like you couldn’t help yourself as you started to lean in. Lips connecting and it almost felt relieving. 
Colin pulled away for a minute to set the cake on the night stand. Going back to you he pull you onto his lap. Lips moving against yours as you wrapped your arms around his neck then put your hands in his hair.
He laid you down. Thumb stroking your cheek. Tongues finally meeting. Kisses deep. Now sleep was the farthest thing from your mind. You just wanted to feel him.
All of the thoughts about how that was it had melted away. If he was going to be serious about this than you wanted it. Wanted him. “Colin,” you whimpered. His lips going against your throat.
“What do you want, Baby?” He asked in a whisper.
Clothes started to be removed. Hands and lips going to intimate spots. Like between your legs as he made sure your pussy would be ready for him. His mouth touching you just how you needed. Moans and sighs spilling from your lips.
“Y/N, Baby,” he whispered as he wrapped his arm around your leg so he could spread you open for him. Getting snug between your thighs as he lined himself up. “You sure? We don’t have-“
You cut him off with a kiss. He obviously got the message as he started to push into you. The head of his cock already making your head spin.
“Colin,” you whimpered against his lips.
“That’s it,” he said. “It’s okay. I got you.”
You nodded and moaned, foreheads resting against each other. Looking into those soft blue eyes as he inched in. “Ah,” you squeaked.
“You’ve got this,” he whispered into your ear as he finally bottomed out. Staying still for a moment so you could could used to him. Fuck he was big. You don’t think you’d ever felt this full before.
Hips rocking slowly as his lips went back to yours again. “Colin,” you whimpered again.
“So fucking beautiful,” he whispered as he looked down at you.
“Tell me what you do want, Baby. I’ll do anything you want.”
“Harder. Please.” Fuck you felt desperate. He was just filling you up so good. Just how you needed him.
He pressed his lips to yours as he started getting deeper. Rolling his hips into yours. Then pushing your arm above your head with his hands holding yours down.
“Right there!” You pulled away with a gasp.
“Where?” He asked into your ear not stopping what he was doing before pulling your earlobe between his teeth. Nibbling on it. Making your eyes go blurry.
“Oh,” you let out another little squeak. That wasn’t good enough for Colin, though. He wanted you to scream his name.
He raised up off of you. Getting on his knees and pushing your legs up by your ears. Hands on the back of your thighs.
Every time he went in, your body bounced from the force. Pussy squeezing him tight. He looked between you seeing the way your wetness covered him. “Fuck,” he groaned. “Pussy even prettier with my dick in it.”
Why was he doing this to you. Was it not enough that he was about to turn you inside out? He had to talk to you like that too. Why was he trying to ruin you like this. He was fucking you like he wanted to be the only man to fuck you. Maybe he did. Maybe you wanted him to be.
“Ah, ah, ah, ah!” You cried out
“That’s it. That’s what I like to fucking hear. Doing so good for me, Baby,” he groaned. “Gonna fuck you all night. Keep you full a me. Want that?”
“Uh huh,” was all you could say. Your orgasm was hitting you so hard. “Colin. I’m cumming.” It was like you were weeping. “Oh my god.”
“Fuck yeah,” he groaned as your pussy tightened around him. Orgasm gushing out of you. “That’s my girl,” he said as he put his hand on your clit. Coaxing it out even more. “Keep cumming for me, Baby. That’s it.”
It happened so quickly. One minute he was fucking into you and then the next his face was between your thighs. If he was trying to make you squirt he got his wish. Your legs shaking, body spasming as he forced you there.
You covered your eyes with your hand just as he pushed back into you. Where he grabbed your arm to push it up so you were no longer covered. “Don’t you ever cover yourself, you hear me,” he said as he started fucking into you again. “I want you to look at me when I make you cum.” He put his lips against your chin.
Fuck. This was gonna be a long night.
You don’t know how many times you’d orgasmed. Just that it felt like once they started they didn’t stop. Just the way he was getting you there and trying to keep you there was almost too much. As soon as he came in you, you were ready to pass out. Your body officially worn out. But forced yourself to use the bathroom before bed even though walking really didn’t seem like a great option at the moment.
Then you got back in his arms. Snuggling into him. Colin holding you tight. It felt like where you were supposed to be.
As the sunlight broke, you were so worn out that you stayed like that for a minute. Him waking up first with your head tucked under his chin. Yawning and checking the time. Not that he cared. He’d stay like this for as long as you wanted him to.
When you started to stir, he nuzzled you with his nose. Kissing your forehead gently. “Morning, Birthday Girl,” he whispered in a raspy voice.
You moaned and stretched. Putting your head in his neck again. “Not yet.”
He chuckled. “We have to get to brunch.”
“There’s always dinner. I’m tired.”
He smacked your butt. “No, no, no. I’m not letting you sleep the day away. I gotta make up for yesterday.”
“Make up for yesterday by being my pillow. And we can have sex in between.”
Colin laughed softly. “As tempting as that is, we gotta get up.”
You took a deep breath out your nose. “Fine, but I get to pick off your plate.”
“When do you not?” He rubbed your back. Colin reached over to grab his phone to check the time. “Wait, what the fuck,” he chuckled.
“What?” You asked, with a yawn.
“James said, ‘I’m happy for you guys really but we’re going to breakfast without you if you don’t hurry up. Happy birthday y/n.”
You laughed. “What?”
“The one before it was stop having sex we’re hungry. Ryan said, ‘Colin stop being the Yoko Ono of this ba-‘I’m the Yoko On- oh now they’re fighting about it.”
You snorted. “They’re gonna argue about this all day, aren’t they?”
“Yeah probably.” Colin laughed.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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mendesbadrepuation · 3 years
Truth Serum //\\// Bucky Barnes
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Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Gif creds to da the owner!
This is a Part One to a two part series :)
Warnings: talks of anxiety, talks of self hatred, mentions of a panic attack, there’s a smitten kitten of angst, mild like Taco Bell sauce mild language, TRIGGER WARNING FOR SURE! So be warned. Readers thoughts may be a little dark for some. Also definitely not proofread. Mistakes are all mine.
You and Bucky are out on a mission to retrieve Hydra files. What happens when you both get hit with a dart filled with truth serum? In the midst of you going through a mental health crisis the truth serum only adds on to you. Well, Bucky has a few choice words for you. Some words even may surprise you. Fuck anxiety for being such a pain in your ass!
Oh yeah! Reader also has superpowers. I don’t say what kind so that’s free for you to interpret. She does however have an assassin background! This is late night, night shift working thoughts. I don’t make the rules around here.
Please do not use any of my works without permission. These are my thoughts and my writing!
Enjoy ya cuties! Cuties like the orange… DUH!
You would think that having superpowers and being a highly trained assassin would have it’s perks. Great stamina, great skills, strong, fearless and well you get the picture. In all realness that was never the case. They always show the earths mightiest heroes at their best. Occasionally they get a moment where they have to overcome some great obstacle. A Hero’s Journey if we were referring to literature. All of that made even the smallest of humans feel powerful. In your case it was just a constant battle of trying to achieve greatness. You had the strongest urgency to never let your team down. A part of you felt like if it wasn’t for your powers then the Avengers would never even speak to you. You couldn’t help the negative thoughts from always circling your brain. It was your human side letting you know that you’ll never escape what’s going on in the inside. You appreciated that aspect and it even kept you grounded.
Days like the one you were having today was when it completely consumed you. This mission particularly became a huge, let’s say, bottle opener. Around the team you never really expressed your feelings. Feelings in general were a sensitive subject for you. There’s been multiple times where your feelings were expressed and it only let you down in the end. It left you guarded with walls high enough to reach the stars.
It was just as simple as Torrez explained it to the group. There were several old files that needed to be collected from an abandoned Hydra base. Each of them in different locations with different ways of retrieving them. Your files in particular were on a software system. Located in the basement of the building and surrounded by old traps.
And just like normal you were partnered with Bucky. You two got along seemingly well from the first time Sam even suggested it. Your skills and tactics aligned very well. You two had an easy bond from the get go. Most of the time you got along. But days where the old man was tired from lack of sleep and a little hungry was when you two but heads. It wasn’t always him starting the argument either. It was you a lot of the time. He pushed more buttons than you could count. Part of you believed it was because you had a soft spot for James Barnes. Ever since you met him and those blue eyes of his landed on you. He said your name just once. It sounded like a melody of your favorite tune. You didn’t like the way he made you turn to mush and blush on command. It drove your stubborn self mad.
Something about being with him though felt natural. It was just easy. So this mission sounded like a walk in the park for the two of you. Sam needed to stay on the outside to guide you through the maze of this building. He paired himself with Torrez to retrieve files from the other side of the camp. Sam felt as if Bucky and you would have what it takes to get it efficiently. That’s what everyone thought.
Just as you were in the middle of retrieving the files there was a commotion going on with Sam and Torrez. A few Hydra agents discovered your plans and in an effort to stop you guys they began firing on them. The other agents hadn’t found you two yet. You were hacking into the system the fastest you could. Bucky was pressuring you to hurry as he heard some loud thuds outside the walls. Which meant they were close. You were growing frustrated with him being so hasty and you two were already bickering before this. On top of chaos of this mission the bickering only made you more upset. If you’re upset then you can’t entirely focus.
Just as you retrieved the files on to the flash drive the door bursts open. Smoke fills the air and shots were fired. Bucky took it upon himself to be a human shield for you. It was him who was hit first with the special dart. The way he plucked the dart off his shoulder was nothing. He didn’t feel light headed or queasy. It only confused him more. You yourself was just as confused. If it was a sedative he should be knocked out cold. For a moment it was just silence and the sounds of heavy breathing. His arms were tangled around your body so tightly. He begins to grunt in pain from something unknown.
“Bucky what’s wrong?” You kept yourself composed but deep down you were worried.
“I think I know what was in that dart now.” He replies and his breathing was only getting heavier. It was like he was trying to fight something off.
“Wh-what- What is it?” You slightly stuttered out. He checks around to see if the coast was clear after the smoke lifted enough. He gets up quickly with you following behind. With the flash drive in your hand you two began making your way through the building. He still wouldn’t answer you.
You two turn the corner and a dart lands perfectly on your shoulder. Bucky takes his hands pushing you into the wall in an effort to protect you again. Before you had time to even register the words that came out of your mouth they flew out.
“That was hot.” You blurted out. Instantly you felt the heat go to your cheeks. Your heart rate picks up along with your breathing.
“Truth serum. That’s what it is in the darts.” He says as he looks down at you. “The more you fight it the more painful it gets.” He steps away from you and a low grunt leaves his mouth. You felt another comment coming up but instantly you fight the urge. Your chest begins to tighten and a sharp pain pierces your head.
Not knowing anything about this serum or it’s purpose it could be dangerous. So you two managed to get out with minimal obstacles. Only a few agents tried to stop you and it wasn’t a great difficulty to push past them. Once you were recovered by Sam and Torrez things got worse. Sam urgently rushed you guys to the lab to get some tests done on the serum. You and Bucky were both fighting it off so much that any time a thought came you had to let several groans of pain out.
Tony was working as fast as he could to find information. It wasn’t fast enough. You had several confessions lined up ready to be shot out like a water faucet. The thought of the relief from confessing was becoming more appealing. However, you had one confession that was detrimental to the relationship of you and Bucky. He couldn’t find out about your feelings for him. Everything would be ruined because everything you touch becomes broken. That’s just how you felt.
“Whatever it is that you two are fighting you need to confess. It’s not going to leave your system until you get it out. It’s going to kill you if you don’t act fast.” Tony explains to the two of you. You shake your head in disagreement.
“There has to be another way.” You spoke through gritted teeth.
“It can’t be that bad.” Sam cuts into the conversation. You gripped on to the chair so tight your nails indented the wood. Bucky was fighting so hard just as you were. He was seated almost directly across from you in a similar chair. His body was coaxed in sweat.
“Just-“ Spitting words out was getting harder. “Just say it Buck.” You finally form a sentence without spilling the beans on anything else. At least if he went first and told his confession then yours wouldn’t be as bad. If you let the confession run it’s course then maybe you could find a way to sugar coat it.
“No. You go first!” His jaw was set tight and you were fighting the urge to say so many things about him. It only made it worse.
“This is ridiculous! Both of you just say what you need to say at the same time!” Tony intervenes. You felt your eyes gloss over as the pain got much worse.
You take in a deep breath and the words fly out of your mouth. “I feel like I’m never enough for this team and sometimes feel as if I don’t belong.” The burning in your blood subsided for a moment from the confession. Sam, Tony, and Bucky were dead silent as they stared at you. They knew that was a confession from the way your breathing was slowing down. When the tears surfaced your eyes again all you could do is shut them tightly. You wanted this nightmare to be over with.
The pain had subsided so much that you thought you would get away without telling the other one. You did your best to not think about it and tuck it under the rug. If it didn’t surface then it couldn’t be discovered.
“I just got the message about Buck and Y/n. What’s going-“ Steve bursts through the door stopping dead in his tracks when he sees the group. Your eyes were still screwed shut as you were fighting back the tears. When you opened them again everyone was now looking directly at you.
“Oh please don’t look at me that way. Like I ever wanted anyone to find out about this? You guys have gave me everything and treat me so amazingly. I should have nothing to complain about. I can’t help my negative thoughts. I’m insecure when it comes to the Earths mightiest heroes! I mean look at all of you guys.” Your words kept flowing out and with each word more relief washed over your body.
“Y/n.” Steve says your name so calmly. You shake your head at him and just drop it to hide the shame.
“You can save me from the speech I know you’re about to say. I’ve heard it all. My therapist has heard it all.” You say to him. The silence in the room was deafening.
“You go to therapy?” You look up to meet Bucky’s eyes from his question. Instead of responding you just nod your head at him. Your body was exhausted from fighting the confessions. Bucky was still fighting his. Something about your truth though shocked him to his very core.
“My therapist has been trying to get me to say these things out loud for a long time. Words I thought I could never say, not even to my best friends.” Bucky looks between Sam and Steve. His breathing was still heavy and with your powers you could hear his rapid heart beat.
“I’m in love with this girl. I never thought I would feel those things again. The idea is ridiculous to me. I damn sure know I’m not good enough for her. That’s why I can’t ever tell her. I want her to be happy and everyday I see her she’s just her own ray of sunshine. She became the stars that light of the sky in my life.” Bucky spoke straight from the heart. Tony was fighting the urge to laugh and honestly I think Sam was too. Steve was too in shock to even form an expression. Poor guy had no idea what he was walking in on.
When you heard his heart rate slow down and breathing lighten you knew that was his confession. What kind of truth serum is this and why doesn’t it say names? So many things were not making sense to you in this moment. The only thing you felt was heartache. You thought that Bucky would never love you like that. He definitely wasn’t referring to someone like you. Your head was swarming with so many negative thoughts that all it did was make you nauseous.
Without another word you bolted out of your seat and brushed past Steve still standing by the door in shock. You hear the men begin to mumble things but chose to block it out. You felt as if the walls were caving in. That’s when you knew what was coming down over you. Anxiety, fear, self-hatred, and panic. The thoughts that pushed you over the edge. Those human emotions that never have the decency to leave you alone.
Your hands began to shake along with your legs. The blood in your body was running hot and you felt the rush to your head. It took everything in you to find your temporary room. How convenient was it that you shared it with James Barnes for the time being? While they builded his new room you let him stay in with you. You never really minded in the first place. So now your room was set up like a dorm room from your Uni days. Never once did you think it would come back and bite your ass this way.
When you took a look around the room you saw two different sides. His was that manly dark vibe while yours was brighter with more whites. You had to beg him to use gray sheets so the room wouldn’t be so dark all the time. Even got him a few gray pictures to match his theme. You thought he never really cared much for them. He never took them down or tried to replace them though. In a weird way, as you looked around the room, it was calming to see his bed not made. His sheets barely on the bed. It was calming to you that he slept so closely beside you last night.
Someone clears their throat and you felt your heart leap. Quickly you wipe the tears that had fallen on your cheeks. You turn around to see Bucky leaning against the door frame. He looks at you cautiously. Even from the spot you were standing in you could see his stunning blue eyes. It left you frozen in your spot as he continues to look at you.
“I already said I don’t want a speech.” You said to him. A smile forms on his face from those words.
“Speeches aren’t my thing.” He says.
“Then what are you doing here?” This time his smile turns into a smirk. It left your insides in shambles.
“I kinda sleep here too.” He replies and instantly your cheeks were on fire.
“R-right.” You stutter again. You hated the way he made you fall apart without even trying. No man has ever made you speechless or nervous like he does. It’s only because you know he could flip your world upside down with a simple smile. Or at least that’s what you keep telling yourself. You literally just went through a painful experience just to avoid telling him your feelings.
“Yeah.” He says nonchalantly. His shoulders brush past yours ever so slightly and you hold in your breath. When you felt him out of your personal bubble you slowly let out the breath. Right now was not a good time for you to be talking to him. In your opinion, both of you were vulnerable.
Instead of sitting in the awkward silence that was bound to happen you grab your phone quickly so you could step out of the room. You needed to talk to someone important about this. Someone that has cared for you and helped you through this crazy journey you called life. From the very beginning she has.
Just as you reach the doorframe Bucky speaks up. “You don’t have to leave. I wasn’t going to bother you. I know what it feels like to be bothered when you’re upset.” He says to you. His voice was calming to you and he was trying to be so understanding. You weren’t sure if your presence helped him after the confessions he said. You had a way of talking him down. Even from his terrible nightmares.
You sigh heavily. “I just need to talk to someone about this.” At first the words didn’t have any meaning behind them. Or so you thought. You turned around from the silence of Bucky and he is staring at you with the most heartbreaking look. As if he wasn’t good enough to be that person. You physically felt your heart shatter after you thought about the words you just said.
“N-no! No! Not like that Buck. I- I didn’t mean it li-like that.” You put your hand up to your forehead out of frustration. In a motion you press your palm against your forehead and push up through your hair. A nervous habit of yours was playing with your hair or brushing through it. You were even more frustrated you couldn’t say that sentence clearly. How does he do this to you?
“Then what did you mean?” He questions you intently.
The tears surface your eyes again and you sniffle. “I just meant I wanted to talk to someone who can relate a little more to me. I just figured we were both vulnerable from our confessions and you wouldn’t want to hear me cry it out or pace the fucking room until I collapse.” It wasn’t hard to tell how frustrated you were becoming.
“What makes you think I can’t relate to you? I had the entire government in the country I fought for come together and pardon me for actions I couldn’t control. I should have been sent to death row for those things. Everyday people look at me for what I did and not what I’m trying to do! Being enough for someone is basically a joke for me.” Your hands drop to your side slowly as you look at him with watery eyes. Before you knew it one single tear fell down your cheek. “So don’t tell me I can’t relate to you. And do not tell me I wouldn’t be there for you when your vulnerable like this. You are the one team member that anyone in this compound can lean on and COUNT on.” His voice became so stern it made your small body flinch just a hair. Only because Bucky never raises his voice at you. Not intentionally or harmfully for sure. The sound sent chills down your back.
“I’m s-sorry.” You barely whisper out to him and he sighs out in frustration. In one quick movement he was standing right in front of you.
“Don’t be sorry doll.” His hand gently comes up to your cheek and wipes the tears away. “I just want you to know that I’m here for you. You’ve been there for me more times than I can count. You’re not alone and I just want you to see that. I know how bad you’re hurting right now.I want you to know that you are so loved around here. By everyone in such a unique way.” He wipes another tear from your cheek and you just couldn’t stop them at this point. It just showed you how hopelessly devoted you were to him.
“You make everyone in the room light up with your glowing personality. It’s intoxicatingly beautiful.” He adds on and your heart flutters in your chest.
“I don’t even know what to say Bucky. That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. I know I’m selfish for the things I say and think. I’m working on it and I want you to know that your kindness never goes unnoticed. That heart of yours stayed golden through all the terrible shit you’ve been through.” You stare up into his glistening eyes. When you saw the way he softens up right in front of you. It grounded you in an instant.
“Just-“ He swipes his thumb across your cheek in a soothing motion. You didn’t notice but you leaned into his touch. “Do what you need to do. Talk to who you need to. Just know that I’m here for you.” He states. You nod your head into his hand and he gently pulls it back from your cheek.
“Thank you.” You whisper softly to him.
“I know you’re not going to like this but don’t forget. Tony’s having that Gala tonight for his big tech release. He expects all of us to be there. Especially you. Tony doesn’t call you his long lost daughter for nothing.” Bucky reminds you of the special event and the special nickname. He had such a point there. The more he spoke the more stupid you felt for the things you thought.
Anxiety. She does that to you.
Part two will be uploaded soon! Thank you for reading :)
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divinerulerluvr · 3 years
Let Me Violate You
Summary - in 1985 after taking some funny coke at a recording studio, she finds herself at the Cortez and meets Mr. James Patrick March only to meet her fate, as well
Warnings - smut (duh), bondage, coercion, murder, bondage, drugs, power kink, james is a dom per ush, idk its very dark dare i say
Words - 2.7k
Inspired by the song Closer by Nine Inch Nails ;)
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The world was blurry as i stumbled into a random hotel in Downtown LA. I had been recording a new song at the studio just a few minutes away and the idiots i work with gave me some fucked up coke and now here i am, barely lucid and tripping out of my mind.
Leaning against the receptionist counter for support, i look up to the woman who reads a book. She peers at me over it, a certain look of disappointment in her eyes as she sets it down. “I-I would like a room,” i ask, blinking quickly.
“Fifteen dollars for the night,” she says flatly. I give her a twenty, too high to care about change. She smiles at me before standing up and grabbing a key from the wall and handing it to me. The key had a ‘64’ chain on it.
“Room sixty-four. Sixth floor,”
I nod before stumbling to the elevator, getting to the sixth floor, and walking through the halls until i got to room 64. Unlocking the door, i push it open and walk into the large suite. Going straight to the bed, i lay back on it with an exasperated sigh.
I am too high for this.
Staring at the ceiling that looks like it was twirling and twisting, i feel eyes on me. Sitting up, my eyes glance around the room. My eyes land on a man who stands at the end of the bed, a cigarette in his hand.
I jump, trying to confirm whether he was real or not with the state i was in. “W-Who are you?” i stutter nervously, my eyes wide with fear. The man smiles, drawing at his cigarette to build some sort of anticipation.
“I should be asking who are you? This is my suite,” he says in return, his voice coated with a thick 20’s accent. He was an attractive man. His dark hair was styled perfectly and in the dark of the room i could make out his sharp jawline and piercing eyes.
“I paid for this room,” i argue, confused to who this strange man is.
He grins a predatory and evil grin that made my stomach twist. “Would you like a drink?” he offers, ignoring the previous conflict. “I’d like you to get out of my room,” i bite back. He turns his back to me, pouring something into a glass.
Turning back to face me, he extends a glass of the drink to me. “No need to be so rude, darling,” he advises, his head tilted patronizingly. He takes a slow step towards me, his eyes dead on mine. Swallowing thickly, i accept the drink.
Suspiciously, i drink from the glass. The alcohol burned down my throat and the drugs already in me didn’t help. Finding it wasn’t poisoned, i chugged the rest of it down.
He sips from his own glass, his eyes never leaving mine. “Who are you?” i ask yet again. “James March,” he replies simply. I just nod, finding that i had this strange fuzzy feeling in my mouth.
I had already finished the drink he’d offered and it was too late to go back. I had jinxed the fact that it was drugged. Because i know what being drugged feels like.
Before i could do anything, i was out like a fucking light.
I woke up after god knows how long. I felt rope rubbing my wrists raw and rope that kept my feet tied to the bed. Panic fills me as i look around the room frantically. It was that James guy who fucking drugged me and fuck knows what he’s going to do to me.
I breathe out quietly, trying to calm myself as i pull at the ropes that keep my arms tied apart to either post of the bedframe. I was in a starfish position, rendering me completely helpless.
“You really should never take a drink from a stranger, my sweet Y/n,” i hear James’ voice say from beside me, startling me at his sudden appearance. “Fuck off. Let me go,” i complain, glaring up at him.
He chuckles, reaching his hand down and petting my hair. I recoil from his touch, my heart beating quicker than if i was on acid. He notices my reaction to his touch, a look of anger crossing his face right before he slaps me.
Not a playful smack, either. A real smack. It stung my cheek, a groan leaving my lips. He exhales sharply, his ominously black eyes glaring at me with disgust. “I think you forget who’s the one tied up and the one who did the tying,” he says, walking away from me.
I still fight against the ropes, my wrists burning like hell. I was lucky i was still clothed. But with this man, i wasn’t sure what he wanted from me.
“Why are you doing this?” i ask him, watching as he takes off his belt. My heart jumps, my thighs instinctually trying to push together but failing due to my position. He glances up at me as he starts unbuttoning his shirt.
“You were just so beautiful, dear. I had to have you for myself,” he says with a charismatic smile. His white button-down sits loosely on his shoulders, exposing his toned chest and abs to me. “That’s fucking creepy,” i scoff, watching his every move with precision.
He shrugs. “I think it’s romantic. When i’m done, you’ll never leave the confines of this hotel again,” he counters.
“Yeah right,” i mumble to myself, moving around on the bed still trying to free myself from the bonds keeping me at his mercy. He glares at me. “You have a horrible habit of talking back,” he points out, running his hand up my bare leg and playing with the hem of my skirt.
I swallow thickly, a dull heartbeat growing between my legs as his soft touch trails further up my leg and under my skirt. His hand cold but his touch was warm. Bunching up my skirt, his eyes fall onto my black panties.
“Maybe i should do something about it, hm?”
Keeping quiet, my cheeks burn in embarrassment as his eyes rake over my bare legs. He walks away from me, retrieving something from a drawer and coming back to me with it in hand. He presents a ball gag and i feel my breathing pick up.
Placing the pink plastic ball of the gag in my mouth, James buckles the strap around my head and i could feel myself lose every last ounce of power i had.
He reaches into his back pocket, pulling out a hand knife and placing it to the waistband of my skirt. In one fluid motion, he cuts it into two pieces and tears it off of me. He does the same to the top i wore, shredding it and discarding it carelessly.
His eyes fall on my now bare chest. I never wore bras. Softly, he runs his fingers over my breasts, enjoying how my skin breaks out into goosebumps at his feather-light touch. He runs his hand down my stomach, feeling how i pant with anticipation.
Cutting off my panties, i was completely exposed to him. He sees how wet i am, a proud smirk spreading on his lips. “I’ve barely even touched your pretty body yet, doll. And yet look at this,” he taunts, running his finger through my slick folds.
I whimper, my hips bucking back at the sensation of his touching me. He uses his free hand to hold down my hips, keeping me flat on the bed. “I thought you didn’t want this,” he teases, his eyes admiring my naked body.
Unable to speak, i just furrow my brows pathetically. He smiles, enjoying how mindless i look. He rubs slow and teasing circles over my clit, his touch gentle as he stimulates me.
Weak moans leave my lips but are ultimately silenced by the gag in my mouth. My legs tremble slightly as i occasionally jolt with pleasure. He was giving me the bare minimum but it felt so fucking good.
Spit falls from the corner of my mouth, my eyes watering with the pain of him only touching me lightly. I could see the bulge in his pants and i knew i was in for quite the night. Men like him didn’t like vanilla sex. I would know. I’m in a goddamn rock band and it’s the eighties.
His hand leaves between my legs and instead uses his already wet fingers to wipe the spit that had left my mouth. His dark eyes meet mine as he returns his hand to my pussy, this time pushing his middle finger into me.
I arch my back, my head pressed into the pillow i lay on as i feel his finger curl inside of me. Not caring, he pushes a second finger into me and starts an even rhythm of finger fucking me
My whimpers sound pathetic and tears fill my eyes. I beg internally for more pleasure. But i was unable to actually ask for it which i knew was his entire point. I was wetter than i’ve ever been before. His fingers were like heaven inside of me.
His palm every once in a while grazes my clit, making my body shudder from the brief stimulation. “Look at you. How pitiful you are,” he degrades, his eyes taking in the way my eyes water and how a squirm on the bed.
“Little girls like you need to be taught a lesson,” he clicks his tongue, his fingers slowing down from their rhythm before he pulls them out. I groan at the loss, my eyes locked on his. “They need to be put to good use, for once,”
I watch with doe eyes as he throws off his shirt and takes off his pants. He gets on top of me, staring at me like i was prey and he was a starving predator. “You look positively beautiful tied to my bed," he compliments, caressing my hot cheek.
“To be fair, it is also very beautiful to watch you squirm with pleasure, my pet,” he says with a grin, repositioning so he was kneeling between my legs. He runs his hand up my stomach, reaching my breasts and massaging them. Giving special attention to my sensitive nipples.
His clothed boner rubs against my sensitive pussy, making me want him even more. My hands pull against their restraints, causing the red marks on my wrist to hurt more. He sees this, noticing how raw my skin was. “You know better than that,” he tsks, trailing his hand down my body and running it along my leg.
I didn’t know how to convey to him that i wanted him to absolutely destroy me, so instead, i just push myself against him, grinding my hips against his clothed dick.
He smirks, pushing my hips flat against the bed to stop me. “Patience, my pet,” he warns, feeling every inch of my naked body with a tender and almost caring touch. My eyes fall shut in irritation, trying to just enjoy his teasing touches that continue to lead me on.
His hand runs up my thigh, following the curve of my body and stopping at my neck where he lightly wraps his hand around it. I whimper, knowing full well he could feel my pulse against his hand.
“Do you think you’ve earned the privilege of pleasure?” he questions, his eyes dark with lust. I nod rapidly, my pussy practically hurting due to the lack of stimulation. He smiles, tightening his grip on my neck so he’s squeezing the sides.
His hand leaves my neck and i watch as he pulls off his boxers. Getting excited, i let him pull me down to meet him, the ropes pulled tautly and rubbing on my ligature marks even more. The sting was damn near unbearable but the pain would soon be forgiven.
Without mercy, he pushes himself into me. I cry out, my pitiful cries muted by the gag. It hurt. Of course it did. I may have been wet, but his dick was too big to just pull that shit. My nails dig into my palms as he bottoms out in me, his tip pressed into my g-spot deliciously.
The tears in my eyes fall down my cheeks, causing black streaks to trace down my face in the trail of the tears. I pull my hips back a little, his dick hitting unmarked territory inside me. He places his hands on my hips, pulling them down even closer to him as a way to punish me.
The ropes were now extremely painful. He pulls his hips back and starts fucking me rough without warning and especially without care. The pain quickly blossomed into pleasure. His hands dig into the flesh of my hips as he holds me steady so he can use and abuse me.
His hair had fallen out of its pristine style. A curl falling in front of his face as his eyes took in my body as he destroyed it. Soft grunts and groans would leave his lips, his thrusting pace harsh and deep.
If there wasn’t a gag in my mouth, i’d be so fucking loud right now.
He uses one of his hands and slithers it up my body, dragging some of the spit on my face down my chin and neck. His eyes lock on mine, a sort of animalistic starvation in them. He felt so good that i thought i would cum right now.
I wanted to touch him. To run my hands down his back and pull his hair. But then again, i couldn’t. Because i was tied up. Powerless. I knew his game and i knew it well. But i also fucking love the game.
My walls contract around him and i can already predict his reaction. He clicks his tongue, slowing his hips just a bit as to pull me back from the edge of an orgasm. I groan, my eyes falling shut and my head laying back.
He reaches and grabs my neck, startling my eyes open. “I want you to watch me use you, darling,” he instructs. I have no choice but to obey. My eyes trail down his toned torso to where he fucks me roughly.
It was so hot. Watching him go in and out of me. My wetness coating my pussy and even his dick. How you could see how deep he was hitting inside me due to the way my stomach pushes out in sync with each snap of his hips.
My eyes water even more, making it hard to keep them open to watch the scene before me. “Be a good girl for me and listen to my instructions,” he comments, noticing how my blinks got longer with each close of my eyes.
I try my best, my eyes flicking up to meet his. His hand that was around my neck moves to my pussy, rubbing circles on my clit with his thumb. I shudder, my entire body writhing at the new sensation.
The pleasure got to the point where i couldn’t take it anymore.
I attempt to pull my hips back, my body overwhelmed with pleasure to the point where it is borderline painful. “Uh uh,” he hums, reaching his hand up and smacking my cheek hard enough to make the previous mark sting even more.
With a dull cry, i stop trying to resist and give up every last ounce of power i had left to him, letting my body go limp so he could have his way with me.
He uses this to his advantage, fucking me harder than before. My breasts bounce with each merciless thrust, my eyes rolled into the back of my head as the mix between his touch on my clit and how he fucks me brings me to an orgasm.
Surprisingly, he lets me have my orgasm. My ears ring and i can feel every single drop of blood that runs through my veins. All my senses were heightened as he fucks me through my orgasm. With my eyes closed, i feel a sharp pain in my chest.
I open my eyes to see he had stabbed me, a proud look on his face. I begin to bleed as he removes the knife from my chest. “Now you’ll be with me forever. Like i said,” he comments as i feel his cum fill me up.
He collapses on top of me, my blood coating his pale skin as i take my last breath.
And i was dead.
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trampohlena · 3 years
Okay, so after last night’s episode I would just like to say that Supercorp IS Endgame. I’d also like to point out the various reasons as to why Kara and Lena are not only soulmates but true twin flames.
For those reading this post who have never heard of the term twin flame: “A twin flame is your own soul, shared across what appears to be two physical beings. It’s one soul, split into two bodies.” -Google’s definition.
For those who are spiritually inclined and have a proclivity for indulging esoteric philosophies; Lena and Kara are ABSOLUTELY twin FUCKING flames 🔥🔥🔥!!
Here are the reasons why:
1. Their drastically different childhoods that resulted in remarkably similar trauma.
Both Kara and Lena have experienced great loss throughout their life. Both mourned the death of their parents, and life as they knew it, at a very early age. Both were shipped off to a foreign land, forced to leave behind everything they knew, in hopes for a brighter/safer future.
Albeit, Lena got the shorter end of the stick in regards to unconditional love, but both were given a second chance and a new start...and yet, they still never fit in, or felt like they truly belonged.
Although they individually have dealt with said trauma in different ways (Lena by pushing away those who try to get too close, and Kara by holding on tightly to those she holds dear) both of their actions are motivated by the same subconscious fear that they HAVE never and WILL never TRULY belong. All while yearning for a sense of “home”.
2. They are opposite reflections of each other; true “mirror souls”, if you will.
Physically, aesthetically, economically, and emotionally—they are complete “mirrors” of one another.
Kara is strong, physically powerful, cut from marble, all hard edges and sharp lines—except for her face. Lena is clearly not as physically powerful, she is soft, all curves, and exudes the grace of the Devine feminine energy—except for her face, which is hard edges and sharp jaw lines. You see what I’m saying?
Aesthetically and economically go hand in hand of course. Lena’s exorbitant wealth is evident in her high-end designer appearance; whereas Kara’s aesthetic is more humble and grounded, and prioritizes comfort over “fashion”. (Let’s admit it. Some of Kara’s fashion choices have been questionable. She clearly rocks the chinos and button-downs better than anything else in that eclectic closet of hers she refuses to come out of 😏)
Emotionally...oh honey. Do I need to say more? I won’t say much but I will say this: Kara is the sun and Lena is the moon. They compliment each other in a way that ensures the world keeps turning.
3. Their individual strengths are the other’s individual weakness and vice versa.
Goes along with the aforementioned “opposite reflection” point above but I’ll expand a bit further in regards to their specific personality traits.
Lena is predominately analytically driven, whereas Kara is emotionally driven. Lena is good in crowds, Kara is not (overwhelmed). Lena is introverted, Kara is extroverted. Lena is detail oriented and has the memory of an elephant, Kara is clumsy and as forgetful as a Pisces (but hey, she has a lot on her plate and barely any free time to balance it). Lena eats like a rabbit-bird-hybrid and Kara eats like a garbage disposal. Kara loves giving and receiving hugs and other forms of physical affection whereas Lena does not (UNLESS it’s from Kara, of course). Etc. Etc. you get the picture.
4. Now this one is the DEAD GIVEAWAY. Undeniable, irrefutable PROOF that Lena and Kara are twin flames.
They are LITERALLY completing what is know as the Twin Flame Journey or the Twin Flame Union.
The stages of Twin Flame Union are roughly as follows:
1. Yearning for “the one”. I think every human being that believes in love experiences this whether it’s throughout their entire life, or only their adult life until they meet this person but yeah. You get it. Kara has always wanted that “Wapow!” moment.
2. Glimpsing/meeting “the one”. Whether it’s only for a short moment, an extended meeting, or perhaps merely locking eyes with them as you pass each other by...you feel immediately connected. There is an instant soul recognition when meeting them, so much so that you could have sworn you’ve met them before or that it’s as if you’ve known each other your whole lives.
Remember when Kara met Lena? And she was gaga-eyed over Lena? Or when Lena felt so comfortable around a new acquaintance that she granted an almost stranger unbridled access to her office? Or how about when Red Daughter flew to America (the country she was taught to hate), with no recollection/memories of Kara’s relationship with Lena (again, the woman she was taught to hate), all because she felt PULLED to do so. And then when she did meet Lena she looked at her and practically drooled over her as if Lena was a double XL cheeseburger with extra special sauce from Big Belly Burger? Like, biiiitch 👀
3. Falling in love. Need I say more? Fine, again, I will. You CANNOT tell me that there is no way in hell that these two morons are anything BUT in love with each other. That’s a lot of double negatives and I appplogize so let me reiterate for clarification: THEY ARE IN LOVE AND YOU CAN’T CHANGE MY MIND!
And at this point is it so freaking BEYOND platonic love, the show cannot explain it away or sweep it under the “just close friends” rug. No. Kara used her Fifth Dimensional Wish (she literally could have wished her entire planet didn’t explode) and she said “make Lena not mad at me, I’m sad 😔” 👀. Mmmkay. Not to mention Lena picking Supergirl over Jack, her former lover. Or the plethora of other times Lena chose Kara/Supergirl over everyone else she knew. Mmkay.
4. The fairytale relationship/friendship. Lena has finally found someone she can depend on, be vulnerable with, support her without judgement, trust with her life etc. and Kara has finally found a true best friend, not her sister, not Kenny who she didn’t realize was her best friend till after he passed? And now he’s not dead?? But her one true best friend that she felt she didn’t need to be neither Supergirl, nor Kara Danvers, but rather Kara Zor-El around (despite Lena not knowing that little tidbit of information).
They were each other’s best friend. Each other’s person. They were happy.
5. Outer Turmoil and Inner Purging—Supergirl and Lena fight. Lena still does not know that Kara is indeed Supergirl and does not pick up on the brewing tension between herself and Kara.
Kara of course is riddled with guilt and her relationship with Lena becomes strained. This outer turmoil creates inner purging by bringing out negative traits in each other. I.E. Lena hiding kryptonite and also Kara asking James to spy on her. Shit gets messy but they still try to make it work.
6. The Runner and the Chaser/Separation Stage—Tensions mount between the two and Lena FINALLY learns about Kara’s secret. And she has a choice to make. So what does she do? She runs. Not physically but emotionally. She completely withdraws from not only Kara and their friends but also withdraws from herself.
She literally experiences cognitive dissonance and becomes someone she is not. Someone other people made her believe she was on the inside, even though Kara knows that it isn’t. And so, Kara chases her.
Lena becomes the runner and Kara becomes the chaser as they navigate this separation stage.
Continuously running and continuously chasing.
7. The Surrender and dissolution stage—they’re fucking done. They’re tired. They’re exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally after all the bullshit they put each other through as well as all the bullshit Lex and the Phantom Zone put them through.
They come to an impasse in regards to Lex and realize the only way to defeat him is to work together, as a team. (El Mayarah anyone?)
They surrender to their emotions and to each other as their egos dissolve and their souls expand after having learned invaluable life lessons. The major one being: THEY CANNOT LIVE HAPPILY WITHOUT EACH OTHER!
8. The last stage that we have yet to see but we fucking better or else I’m gonna January 6 the CW studio building—“Oneness”.
This time, I’m not gonna say more.
So, in conclusion: Supercorp is Endgame because Lena Luthor and Kara Zor-El Danvers are the literal definition of a twin flame, soulmate connection. They are the same soul, manifested in two physical forms, for the sole purpose of expanding their soul’s consciousness.
They deserve to be happy, they deserve to be together. Not only does their union parallel some of the greatest love stories throughout history, i.e. Romeo and Juliet, Darcy and Bennet, Superman and Lois (duh) it would also break the curse of generational karma and illustrate to anybody who watches the show that the only person who defines who you are is YOU. Not a name, not a legacy, not society’s expectations, YOU. And most importantly of ALL...it would showcase that love truly does conquer all.
I rest my case.
TPTB, make Supercorp Endgame or kick rocks ✌️😘
An empassioned fan with way too much time on her hands.
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thequibblah · 2 years
hi idk if anyone else has mentioned this but i was rereading the lily slytherin au (yes REreading because you are so damn talented i couldn’t do it just once) and i felt like it was really intentional the way you had james call her magic and the way she reacted to it bc 1. obviously horny but 2. she’s been told her whole life she doesn’t belong in this place and feeling like she has to prove herself and him calling her magic when it’s the thing that these awful bigots tell her she doesn’t deserve and shouldn’t have is just super impactful and significant??? and i am losing my mind?? idk if I’m reading too much into it but holy shit. like. Holy Shit™️
ah thank you you're a sweetheart!!! and im so glad you picked out that line, it's definitely one of my fav bits
and not to respond to your comment with a fucking essay but 1. short answer you are not reading into it, of course that is why it affects her A Lot 2. "obviously horny" made me laugh so thank you for that
but also
here is the essay
part of the reason i was like oh it would be fun to have him say this isn't just that it would mean so much to lily although that was a consideration. it was (as some commenters have pointed out) a very easy, almost thoughtless thing for him to say!
it's not even like this is a deeply considered compliment he gives her, after having picked up on an insecurity, which is the way/reason he says "you're sweet, lily" — he knows this running thread that preoccupies her all the way from "i'm glad i'm not the only bad influence on your life." he knows that his moral worldview is very binary (a classic james potter trait) but hers can't be and that shows in all their arguments about the slytherins (even in canon when she defends sn*pe to him). but here he also realises she wants goodness to be easy and inherent in respect to herself. which is why he tells her — and he believes it, ofc — she's sweet!
but this, you're magic, is totally the opposite of that. for one he's not really. Thinking much in the situation LOL so it literally slips out, but also magic to him is so different from magic to her. to her magic is unattainable as much as it's within her grasp, it's special but it's so difficult, it's something she has to try at, it's something she has to hold onto for dear life for fear that itll be taken from her. being told you're magic is like being told you are deserving of that specialness.
but for james — magic is a fact of his life. he's never not had it. he's never not known it. that doesn't make magic mundane, though — it just means every clever trick, every illusion, everything that takes effort to accomplish requires magic and the patience to understand it or to figure it out. magic just is, and it's so much more straightforward to him, and when he says lily is magic he means she's just... her presence in his life is right. like, duh, of course. it's less about being special (to him this literally doesn't matter, not just because well of course she's special but because he's grown up having been told he's special, the spoiled brat, and the idea doesn't hold much shine to him) and more about being something he can look at and feel arrested by, and want to puzzle out, as opposed to the muggle view of magic as better when it's unexplained. you love something more after you know it
(sidenote, i feel like the popular james is into transfiguration hc originally came about because of mcgonagall and the animagi, but now i love it for its thematic reasons: that this entire discipline is about change and conservation, how much can you change something with magic, can you change it entirely, can you alter its nature? it is just so lovely to me that this character who grows so much as a teenager might be drawn to the magic of transformation. and yet at the same time there's a certain level of pseudoscience to it in a different way from potions — transfig is almost like physics in that it's easier to change something into something similar, there are laws governing how it works, etc. — and you can kind of feel out the logic to this, and see him as a problem-solver, someone who takes things apart to figure out how to put them back together)
anyway, this is a dynamic i like playing with a lot with these two in all universes — opinion and fact and what compliments mean to each of them coming from the other. like, to lily what is so charming about james giving her a compliment is that it's almost impatiently delivered, like keep up, of course you're brilliant, everyone knows. it's almost like he's complimenting her on behalf of everything. and since she's so often (in canon and in my AUs anyway) coming into a world that he's familiar with, it's like a welcome from that world at large. james on the other hand, as you might expect from someone with outsize self-confidence, doesn't really give a shit about what everyone else thinks — what does she, specifically, think?
wow i really just went the fuck on huh
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Please know that if we ever met in person, I would literally lift you off your feet and hug you for suggesting this. My afternoon was filled with adorable puppy videos because of this!
Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
“Can I have them?” Remus asked softly, staring at the person behind the camera with big, pleading eyes. “Please?”
“Do the introduction and then we’ll set ‘em loose,” Marlene said.
“Fine. Hey, everyone, welcome back to Lion Pride! I’m Remus Lupin and I’m here today to play with puppies.”
“And answer questions.”
“And answer questions,” he added. “Maybe, like, one or two in between snuggles.”
“You’re going to answer all of them,” Marlene said more firmly.
He rolled his eyes and took the lid off the jar of paper slips. “Can I have the puppies now?”
A door clicked open behind the camera and Remus lit up as four puppies tumbled into frame, racing straight for him. “Hello, babies!” he laughed as a tiny golden retriever jumped on his chest. “Oh, I love you so much. Come here, come here, let me give you kisses.”
“Question number one?” Marlene prompted as he began playing with them and rolling their toys around.
Remus sighed and pulled a question out. “What would I be doing if I didn’t become a hockey player? Physical therapy for su—ope, okay, you can have that one.”
The Irish Setter puppy growled playfully as they played a short game of tug-of-war until the paper tore.
“Oh no, it broke!” Remus exclaimed, giving the pup a scratch behind the ears while it chewed on the leftover scraps. “Yes, that’s all yours now. Next one: what is the best part about playing professional hockey? I get to do interviews like this.” One of the puppies, a medium-sized black one, began chewing on one of the laces of his Converse. “Excuse me—excuse me, young man, that’s my shoelace. Are you chewing it because it’s rainbow? Is this homophobia?”
“Sorry.” He lifted the puppy into his arms and kissed his head. “Okay, munchkin, what’s next? What’s next? You’re so fucking cute, I just wanna squish you. Um, what’s the most common thing fans say when they meet me?” He laughed and the puppy licked his cheek. “Usually they look at me and go, ‘god, you’re tall’, which surprises people because I’m always around these gigantic guys. Do these dogs have names?”
“If I tell you their names, you’re going to get attached.”
“We have crossed, salted, and burned that bridge, Marley.”
“The one you’re holding is Mercutio, the red one is Juliet, the retriever is Pip, and the fluffy one on your lap is Lucie, after Lucie Manette.”
Remus’ jaw went slack. “They’re named after book characters?” he asked in a small voice.
“Oh, no.” He reached out and pulled Juliet and Pip into his arms for a moment. “Oh, no, you all have to come home with me now. The next question is…would I ever do drag? Probably not, but I looked hot as fuck in eyeliner, so do with that what you will.”
“Which video was that?”
“It was the fear pong one, which I played with my fiancé and my friends James and Lily!” His voice pitched up as he turned to talk to Mercutio. “I did, buddy! It was so fun! Yes, it was!”
“Remus. Questions.”
“Right. What’s one of my weirdest or funniest fan encounters? There was this one lady, she was like forty-something, and she came up to me while I was at the post office and asks ‘are you Remus Lupin?’ and I said, ‘yes, that’s me’ and she’s like ‘from the Gryffindor Lions?’ and I said yes again and then she went—” He narrowed his eyes and nodded his head slowly. “—‘I knew you were gay. Good for you, kiddo’ and then left. It was the weirdest fucking thing, especially considering I had played, like, one game with the team by that point.”
“Are you serious?” Marlene asked.
“Totally honest. I never saw her again, either.” Juliet put her paws on the front of his Lions hoodie and began licking the edge of his jaw. “Hey, sweet girl, thank you for the kisses. Can I grab another question? No? Okay, we can stay here.”
Pip began yipping and Mercutio wiggled out of Remus’ hold, launching himself at the other dog with a tiny growl.
“Mercutio, no!” Remus gasped, scooting Juliet aside so he could put the two puppies under his arms. His hands were big enough to almost cover their whole bellies. “We’re not here to start fights, you two. Apologize.” They turned their heads to lick his cheeks. “I didn’t mean apologize to me, but okay. You’re so soft and warm, what the hell?”
“Next question?”
“What’s the craziest rumor I’ve heard about myself? A solid group of people thought I asked to be on the team, which isn’t true. I didn’t even know people were considering it until James and Lily’s wedding. Coach wanted it to be a surprise while he cleared it with the organization.” Remus shook his head and slowly petted Lucie as she napped on his thigh. “Is there a celebrity I’ve met that left me starstruck? Ha! Yes. There was a fundraiser a few months ago and Sam Neill was there, which I didn’t know until I turned around and he was about two feet away.”
“What did you do?”
Remus laughed and turned faintly pink. “Um, I made a sort of squeaking noise and he kinda chuckled, which was mortifying in and of itself. He goes, ‘hi, I’m Sam’ and I nodded because duh, he’s Sam fucking Neill, and then I mumbled something about Jurassic Park and he smiled and said, ‘son, you’re blocking the water’ and I just about died on the spot.”
“Did anyone see you?”
“Sirius was standing next to me the entire time and silently laughing his ass off. I saw them talking later, and when were about to drive home he hands me this napkin and it has Sam Neill’s autograph on it.”
“He didn’t,” Marlene gasped.
Remus nodded. “He did.”
“That’s the smoothest move I’ve ever heard of.”
“It was incredible.” Juliet waddled closer and nudged a red ball out from under Remus’ knee, which he picked up and tossed before taking out another question. “Do I appreciate when fans come up to me in public or is it annoying? Oh, it’s never annoying. It’s a little weird if I’m eating lunch somewhere or running errands and someone tries to sneak a picture, though. I love all the fans and it’s super fun talking to everyone, so please just come over and say hello instead of failing to be sneaky while I’ve got pizza grease on my face.”
“Even if you’re on a date?”
Remus snorted. “Okay, well, use some common sense. Pip—babycakes, stop trying to eat the questions. There we go.” He settled the puppy into his lap and rolled the ball for Juliet again. “In a movie about my life, who would I want to play me and Sirius?” He paused and looked at the camera. “I would want us to play ourselves, but only because neither of us can act and it would be so fucking funny to make the absolute worst movie.”
“Come on,” Marlene groaned.
“I’m being a hundred percent honest right now! I think it would be hilarious. We’d be terrible.” Juliet pawed at his arm insistently until he grabbed the ball, but she wouldn’t let it go and they ended up playing tug-of-war despite the fact that she had no traction on the floor and kept sliding around. “Aren’t you a feisty one, sweet girl! What is the most memorable moment of my life that I want to cherish forever? This. Right here, right now.”
“I have two dogs on my lap, one under my arm, and the other slobbering all over my hand. This is the best possible place to be. Wait, hang on a second.” Remus carefully lifted Lucie up and laid down, settling her on his abdomen as the other three clambered over to flop on him. “Oh, yeah, this is the peak of my entire life.”
“You’re not going to say your engagement? Maybe the day you started playing for the Lions?”
“Nope. The engagement was incredible and one of my favorite memories for sure, but I was shaking in my skates.”
“Just read the next question.”
“Okay! What’s my go-to karaoke song?” He hummed for a moment, then laughed as Lucie scooted up to rest her head under his chin. “I think it’s probably ‘I Wanna Dance with Somebody’ by Whitney Houston. Lily and I did a duet of that a year or so ago, and it rocked.”
Pip began gnawing on the cuff of his sweatshirt. “Pip,” Marlene scolded; her foot appeared in frame until Remus waved her off with a smile.
“It’s okay, he can chew if he wants to. It’s an old sweater anyway, and it’s not even mine!” He scratched behind Pip’s ears. “No, it’s not, peach-a-keen! You can go nuts with that as long as you’re cozy. What is…my favorite behind-the-scenes Lions moment? Our groupchat, no contest.”
“Does it have the whole team?”
“Most of us, yeah. You have to earn your spot.” Remus looked over at the camera and Lucie put her head on his neck. “Looks like I’ve been banned from turning my head now, huh?”
“Are you comfortable?”
“Marley, there are very few things that would make me happier than I am right now. I’m being slowly crushed by puppies and I get to cuddle them for free.” He reached blindly into the question jar. “This is a two-part question. Do I prefer big dogs or small dogs, and how is Hattie doing? I love all dogs, but I think I prefer big ones because they’re always so much fun, and I don’t feel like I’m accidentally going to break them if I move wrong. Hattie’s doing well! She’s almost eighty pounds and she’s at home with Sirius right now, probably getting snuggled within an inch of her fuzzy little life.”
“That’s the dream right there.”
“Tell me about it. Alright, sorry ladies and gents, but I have to sit up to get to the questions.” All four puppies made noises of protest when he started sitting up and he sighed, eyebrows pitching upward. “I know, I know, it’s really hard. Here, how about we…” Remus carefully gathered them until he held all four against his chest; their tiny faces looked out over his forearms and he placed a kiss on each of their heads. “Much better.”
“Can you get to the jar?”
It took a bit of maneuvering, but he managed to reach in. “Do you want to read it?” he asked Mercutio as the puppy tried to bite the slip. “No? Okay. What is my favorite thing about playing on the same team as my fiancé? That is an excellent question. My favorite thing is that we finally have the same schedule, so we can build in time to hang out more easily. It was hard to do that when we were doing different things.”
Pip yawned and the entire camera crew ‘awww’ed; Remus made a soft noise and nuzzled his floppy ear.
“I adore you,” he murmured. “I really do. Last question: What is my advice to those who want to follow their dreams? Oh, jeez.”
“You can take a minute to think.”
Remus crossed his legs and lifted his knees up so he could hug all the puppies at once while still looking at the camera. “The only reason I got big and strong is so that I can hold four puppies at once. Just thought people should know that. Uh, my advice to those who want to follow their dreams is to persevere. I never in a million years thought that I would get to play on a professional hockey team, but I worked really hard to overcome my injury and stay connected to the sport because I love it. If there’s something you love, don’t be afraid to hold on to it.”
“Wise words,” Marlene remarked. “Do you want to tell the fans where they can find the puppies?”
“At my house,” Remus joked. “But if that doesn’t work, they are up for adoption at Friendly Paws Animal Shelter, which is just south of downtown Gryffindor and has tons of adorable friends like these guys. Can I call Sirius real quick?”
“Sure,” Marlene laughed.
Remus gingerly lowered Lucie into his lap and pulled his phone out of his pocket, dialing a quick number before putting it on speakerphone and setting it down to pick her up again. “Re?” Sirius sounded confused. “Aren’t you still with Marlene?”
“…did something happen?”
“Nope, all good. Can we get another dog?”
There was a beat of silence on the other end of the line. “Marlene, what did you do?”
“It’s just an interview!” she called.
“What kind of interview?”
“Baby, they gave me puppies,” Remus said gleefully, burying his face in Lucie’s fluff for a moment. “Like, really good puppies.”
A long-suffering sigh came through the phone. “How many are you holding?” Remus hesitated. “Sweetheart, how many dogs are currently in your arms?”
“Holy shit, Marlene! You gave him four dogs?!”
“They named them, too,” Remus added. “Pip, Juliet, Lucie Manette, and Mercutio. Baby, they named him Mercutio.”
“This was a recipe for disaster.” Despite his protests, Sirius sounded intrigued. “How old are they?”
Remus glanced up at Marlene. “They’re all six to eight months old,” she said.
Sirius blew out a slow breath. “So they’re babies.”
“They’re all up for adoption.”
“We have Hattie already.” Sirius was wavering. “But…she might possibly need a friend. Maybe.”
“You already love these dogs and you haven’t even seen them,” Remus said with a grin.
“The names are perfect! What was I supposed to do?”
“I’m going to sign the video off and then call you back, okay?”
“Okay. Don’t let go of the dogs until I get there, please.”
“Wasn’t planning on it. Love you!”
“Love you, too.”
Once the call ended, Remus faced the camera with a smile. Juliet and Pip had already fallen asleep. “Thanks for tuning in, Lions! Be sure to like and subscribe for more content. Endless thanks to Marlene McKinnon for allowing me to spend an hour holding tiny dogs. Have a great day!”
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phantomphangphucker · 3 years
Phic Phight - The Weird Little Shit
For: @darks-ink
A class discussion held by Wes about Danny’s weirdness was never not going to be an absolute cluster fuck
Wes smacks the board, “alright, fuckers, thank you for coming-”.
“We’re only here because we lost a bet”.
“Shut up, Dash. You shouldn’t have to be strong-armed into learning the truth”. Everyone rolls their eyes at Wes pretty actively. “Anyway, since you all refuse to see or even listen to the truth of what Danny Fenton is. Instead, this. Weird shit about Danny Fenton one oh one”.
Dash snorts, “now this I can get behind, little shit weighs, like, ten pounds or some shit”. Wes points at him aggressively, “exactly”. Scribbling down ‘weighs less than a sack of potatoes' on the board. Star throwing in her two cents, “yeah and I’ve seen Sam just pick him up under her arm and run off”.
Brittney smacks her desk, “half the time he makes food directly in home ec it’s fucking cold, which ew, but also really weird”.
“Oh yeah he does that with his drinks too. He whole ass ‘drank’ a solid chunk of ice, major power move honestly”.
“And remember that snowball fight? I don’t think he ever actually made any snowballs, he just kept acquiring them”.
“Kid made for a great air conditioner when all the windows got stuck shut though; guy runs cold as fuck”.
Wes is just aggressively scribbling more down with a mildly manic grin.
“We should totally invite him to parties so he can keep the fucking beer cold”.
Dash laughs loudly and smacks Dale on the arm, “now there’s an idea!”, deadpanning, “still not inviting freaky Fenton though”. Dale chuckles very awkwardly.
“Well he’s an ice sculptor so that’s not surprising”.
“What the fuck do you mean ‘ice sculptor’? He clearly lifts weights in his spare time”.
“Oh yeah, he lowkey picked up the back end of my car once”.
“James, your car is a tiny little piece of shit. I could lift that damn thing”.
“Anyway. Like I was saying, people who handle cold shit all the time, you know, like ice sculptors, usually have cold hands”.
“He lifts weights! Not ice sculpts!”.
“Here I though he was a painter”.
“Why the fuck would he be doing that?”.
“Well he’s always randomly splattered in green paint”.
Basically everyone pauses to look at Hanna. Kwan blinking, “the green is ectoplasm, duh”. Emilie shrugging and nodding, “everyone knows that”.
“Well I thought it was paint”.
“Well you’re clearly stupid”.
“Shut up”.
Dash waves everyone off, “so clearly not a painter or weight lifter, because have you seen his goddamn noodle arms?”.
“He lifts weights!”.
“No he doesn’t!”.
“Who cares! Have you seen his dad? Of course he’s a strong little shit! What really gets me is him getting out of locked rooms”.
“Oh he whole ass climbs out windows and shit”.
“All that ecto that gets on his skin makes his hands all sticky, hence why he can climb the side of buildings”.
“When the heck did you see him doing that?”.
“Oh I totally saw him showing off knife swallowing to some elementary kids”.
“I think he hangs out and does drugs or some shit on the roof”.
“So he climbs up the school building to do drugs? Why wouldn’t he just use the hidden steps like a normal person?”,
“I’m pretty sure the kitchen staff actually include him in their budget for missing utensils cause he eats so many of them”.
“Julie, no one’s saying Danny’s close to normal. Also kids got an iron stomach damn”.
Dash has to jump in there, “I totally made him eat my underwear once”. Earning him a round of judging glances. “What? I didn’t expect him to actually do it. I was planning to mock him for pussying out. But then the little fucker went and did it”.
“Power move”.
“Shut up”.
“You fed your underwear to a guy who builds guns?”.
“Excuse me but what?”.
“Maybe him doing so much dangerous shit is why his heartbeats all slow and stuff”.
“Again, excuse?”.
“Well we totally tested everyone’s heart rates and breathing and shit and he’s super low. He blamed his corn supper”.
“That’s stupid”.
“His corn supper had teeth, Todd”.
“Back to the gun making because what?”.
“FentonWorks is a weapon company what do you expect?”.
“James, he made a shotgun out of a pencil, two toothpicks, an elastic band, and a snapped in half penny. The thing was magically welded together”.
“You can’t weld a fucking pencil. It’s wood, moron”.
“Well it was goddamn wielded”.
Wes grumbles, “yeah he welded my binder zipper together once, stupid pyrokinesis”. Star glares at him, “I thought this wasn’t about your crazy conspiracy crap?”. Wes glares at her like she’s stupid.
“Ignoring Wes being crazy again. You guys do know he has laser beam lipstick right? He could totally weld stuff with that”.
“Didn’t he have a tail that one day?”.
“That lipstick of his is the plasma peach one right? Because girl I so need some, it makes amazing blush”.
“Oh no a dog just crawled under his shirt. I think he was trying to hide the treats or some shit?”.
“Fucking where? in his shoulder blades?!?”.
“Oh my god that’s right, he can totally pop all his joints out so probably yeah”.
“Since when could he do that? Better yet, why? Fucking ow”.
“His fingers also glow green when he cracks them”.
“Right Right I remember that! We also got him under a black light, totally wild”.
“I wish I could pop out my joints randomly”.
“He probably just eats glow sticks and they leaked into his joints and shit”.
“Who cares, take him to a rave”.
“Oh my god yes he does amazing makeup”.
“Wait Fenton does makeup now too?”.
Wes points at Dash, “he’s got to cover up the dead parlour to his skin somehow”. With half the class shouting, “HE’S NOT DEAD”.
Emilie pursing her lips, “but what if he was, that would be hot”.
“Oh get off your vanilla basic bitch high horse, Karen”.
Wes rubs his forehead, “not this shit again”. Smacking the board, “weird shit about Fenton, people! Not y’alls weird necrophilia fetish!”.
“Hey that’s just Emilie”.
Jesse looks genuinely offended, “bitch what? Have you seen a ghost? That glow? Mmmmmh yeah, daddy”.
Star chokes, “oh my god. I love our town”.
Wes sighs, “I should just start blocking you people from seeing ghosts at all. Cover those eyes until you stop BEING FUCKING BLIND”.
“Eyes never stop seeing, they just get covered”.
“NO! NO! BAD!“.
“That weirdly reminds me that Danny can totally walk with his eyes closed”.
“That’s weird how?”.
“How ‘bout you fucking try it then!”.
Dash shrugs, “well his eyes go glowy green all the time so no surprise he can just see through his eyelids”. More than a few people look to him, “why did you not add that to the weird list?”.
“Because it’s not weird”.
“Dash... do you know anyone with goddamn glowing eyes... besides ghosts”.
“Uhhh the entire Defect Quartet”.
“Honestly him biting open pop-cans is weirder”.
“Oh god yeah, that’s horrible to hear”.
“He dead ass cut his lip up once doing that and just... kept doing it. There was blood all over his neck”.
“Why the heck didn’t anyone take an edgy aesthetic photo of that? Goddamn”.
“I feel like this is more an off-the-books class on discovering that Danny might actually be hot”.
“You wanna say Fenton’s hot again? I’ll goddamn choke you, motherfucker”.
“Do it you fake ass bear dom”.
A couple of people shuffle out of their desks and away when Dash actually throws a punch at Jasper.
“On a side note, once saw Danny sleeping in a trash can”.
“How is that weird”.
“How isn’t it? It’s a trashcan”.
“And he’s trash, your point”.
“FUCK YOU!!!”.
“Huh, he did survive falling from the ceiling multiple times and that drowning once”.
“Fucker wasn’t drowned, he can breathe underwater”.
“Excuse me?”.
Dash snapping his head around, “IM TEACHING HIM A LESSON!”. Jasper just smirks, “I DON’T NEED BREATH PLAY TIPS FROM YOU!”. Dash tries punching him again.
“This is ridiculous, I mean really, Danny would be the dom”. That silenced the entire room.
“Come on, he ate Skulker once ‘cause the guy was coping him an attitude”.
Wes turns around and slams his head on the board, “God fuck this is such a cluster fuck”.
“You’re hosting this and holding us hostage here”.
“Oh suck my toes”.
“While Wes loses his mind for the fifth time this week, what we’ve got is he’s icy as shit, likes welding and makeup and ice sculptures and weight lifting, weighs fuck all, just vores goddamn everything, and climbs shit weirdly well?”.
“You’re forgetting all the glow shit”.
“HA! Glowing shit”.
“Fuck Todd, you are a dumbass”.
Just then Danny Fenton opens up the door, the class going dead silent while he glances around slowly. Him looking to the whiteboard, then slowly back to his fellow teens, speaking “Oh no. Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no, no”, while slowly backing out and closing the door.
At first, no one says anything before Star snickers, “pffft”; the entire classroom bursting out into laughter directly afterwards.
Wes turning around and smacking his head on the board once again, “why. Just. Why me”.
Prompt: Wacky reveals (ex: Danny drying up too quickly bc intangibility, Danny's drink stays cool way too long, people's electronic devices are always more charged when they've been near Danny, etc)
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Snapchat Memories and Dead People | The Avengers
Hey my lovelies. As per usual, I can only write when I'm in crises.
Today I woke up and was assaulted by Snapchat with a video of someone I miss laughing; someone whom I know I will never hear laugh again. I think I've watched the video about a hundred times. It's the stupidest fucking video. But the laugh isn't stupid. It's just heartbreaking and fleeting— like the video— and it feels like when the snap memory disappears then he will too and I needed to do something with my thoughts to keep from feeling like I'm going to disappear too.
I hate Snapchat, and I hate missing him, and I hate death, and I hope you all like this piece.
Synopsis: Peter with a camera is either the best or worst thing to ever happen //OR// Snapchat is run by the devil himself
Characters: Peter Parker, James Rhodes, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes (mentioned: Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Vision, Steve Rogers)
Warnings: Angst, mentions of death (nothing graphic), general spoilers of the movies (duh), feelings
Word count: 1.1k
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They’re Avengers.
They’re the toughest of the tough.
They’re Earth’s mightiest heroes.
And they’re all huddled around Peter Parker— a teenager, sixteen, just barely an Avenger himself— because he’s the one with a Snapchat and so he’s the one with the video of Tony laughing.
It’s nothing professional— just a flimsily shot picture much too zoomed in and shaking in Peter’s unsteady hands— but he’s there and somehow his laugh is so clear that it’s like it’s coming from right next to them. It’s like Tony’s there too, laughing once more over whatever it is Rhodey had said. They can’t remember anymore— not even Rhodey himself. But they— Earth’s mightiest heroes— are all sure for one long moment that if they turn around then they’ll see Tony, death be damned.
So they don’t turn around— because death be damned or not they don’t want him to leave again.
“That laugh used to drive me mental in the labs. Could never think when he was around.” Bruce doesn’t finish his thought— now he can’t even go back in to get his research because it’s too quiet.
“It was even worse in the air. I’ve never heard another person laugh while getting nuked at.” Rhodey adds. He leaves out the part where he hasn’t flown since he died because he’s afraid of the silence.
Everyone else just hums because the video has restarted and Tony’s laugh is like a command— listen to me while you still can.
They do. For once, they do.
After the fifth loop, Rhodey breaks the reverence. “You got anymore videos, kid?”
Peter does. Peter has a lot of them.
The next video is worse— it’s better. They’re not sure what it is but it’s Clint who talks first this time. After all, it's only fitting when it’s his best friend on the screen this time.
“Kid is that—” he can’t even finish his thought— he doesn’t think he ever had one.
His eyes are locked on the flashes of red hair that twirl and twirl and twirl across the screen. It’s like flames lapping at the camera, so close that Clint takes a breath that is echoed through every other person next to him. He feels like he’s going to get burned— he feels like he’s dead too. Dead people can’t be burned, though, and his entire body is definitely on fire. How the Parker boy had managed to capture one of the rare moments of Natasha dancing he has no idea but he’s never been more willing to pay a teenager for his phone.
“Yeah.” Peter’s voice is airy, not quite as rough as Clint’s, still lost all the same. “This was at the movie marathon we had last summer. Well— five summers ago, I guess.”
No one answers when he trails off. They’re all too busy thinking about time. Too busy thinking about death. They’re Earth’s mightiest heroes and not even they can stop either of the two. They all may as well be sixteen too because that’s how they feel. Scared and tired and sixteen.
Peter— scared and tired and actually sixteen— swipes to the next video.
“So the woman turns the turkey into a cat and the audience laughs? That is funny?”
Wanda flinches so hard that she bumps into Sam. The soldier doesn’t say anything and she doesn’t either. Usually she would apologize but not today. She can’t find it in herself to say sorry these days, not when he’s alive and Vis isn’t. It has nothing to do with Sam— nothing to do with her— everything to do with how little she cares about the minor inconveniences of life when all she’s done is obsess over the major inconvenience of death.
“Yes, essentially. It’s easier if you don’t think about it.” Wanda mouths over her own words as they come— she remembers that day vividly.
It’s all she thinks about sometimes.
“What shall I do instead?”
By this point her heart has stopped— the only thing keeping her upright is the love of her life captured on the tiny screen of Peter’s Iphone. She didn’t even hear him taking the video when it happened. She had been too engrossed in Bewitched and in the man next to her. Some people have tried to tell her that he wasn’t a man but the facts are there. The facts being death. He’s dead and only living things can die so he was alive and he was a man and—
Holy shit why is she thinking about this right now!
“Laugh, Vis. You should laugh!”
Wanda walks away. She runs away. Because it doesn’t take being a witch or woman or alive to remember what’s coming next and she doesn’t think she can handle hearing him laugh. She can’t decide if this is an inconvenience of life or of death— or if she’s just a coward. Someone will hear Vis laugh today but it won’t be her.
Peter swipes again and this time it’s not a video.
It’s a picture.
It’s Bucky Barnes. But Bucky Barnes isn’t dead. He should be. By all means Bucky Barnes should be dead. As dead as his best friend, Steve Rogers, is. But he’s not— clearly. A lot of things that should be, aren’t, though. Like how if Peter had only held his thumb down longer then Bucky could have heard Steve tell him it’ll be alright again. It should be a video.
But it’s not a video— it’s a picture, one of Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers with a timestamp of two months ago sitting in the top corner. They’re hugging and if Bucky squints he can see Bruce in the background. Even if he couldn’t see Bruce he would know that moment anywhere. He will always remember the day Steve left, and then came back, and then died. Well, no, he died a few weeks later. But he may as well have died that day.
Bucky didn’t die that day either but he feels like he did so he may as well have too. He may as well be back in Austria with how little he still understands of the world and of Steve Rogers. And of photographs that should be videos. He’s one hundred and six, in a thirty year old body, but no better than a sixteen year old with an okay camera and quiet footsteps.
It’s not Peter’s fault, though, so he pats his shoulders with a huff. “Good shot, kid.”
Maybe it’s better it wasn’t a video anyway, because no matter how many times he hears it he knows that it won’t be alright.
Lies are still lies when they’re told by Earth’s mightiest heroes.
Death is still death— death is still unstoppable— when it comes to the toughest of the tough.
And even the Avengers get Snapchat memories at the worst possible time.
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