#she’s not showing any skin (but then again the zombies in that one don’t even bite anyway)
empress-hancock · 1 year
Okay actually in reference to that Leon post w/ Lara Croft’s outfit someone should also do him in Jill’s outfit from the original RE3 to point out how ridiculous that is too. They actually improved it in the remake, fortunately she’s got jeans and two layers of tank top now. I get that she just rolled out of bed and immediately got chased out of her apartment by a monster, but who wears jean shorts to bed anyway? That’s already unrealistic on its own they could’ve just made it pants! Who wants to be running around a city filled with zombies, running from a massive monster targeting you specifically, falling off of buildings, and trudging through sewers in shorts and a tube top?
Also while I’m on it, Ada, I love you, but a short tank dress & heels (RE2 OG & R), a cheongsam & heels (RE4 OG), thigh high heeled boots (RE4R), business suit with heels (RE6), and a pencil skirt with heels (RE film: Damnation) are all ridiculous. SHE is the one character that goes in fully prepared for everything she does. She’s a mercenary. She wouldn’t be dressing in a way that would hinder her. They’re trying too hard to go for “sneaky double crossing seductress” with her. She’s smarter and more practical than that she would not dress that way
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crossdreamers · 1 year
Bella Ramsey on fighting zombies and being nonbinary
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When the Zombie apocalypse comes, you could do worse than joining nonbinary actor Bella Ramsey, one of the leads in the new HBO TV series the Last of Us.
I have been pretty  fed up with zombies shows, but the Last of Us brought me back on the zombie train again. This TV series is an absolute work of art, and nonbinary actor Bella Ramsey does a great job playing Ellie William, one of the main characters (and a queer one at that).
Watch it!
They did not play the game
People reports that  Ramsey avoided playing the game the TV series is based on when preparing  for the role.
Instead  they watched major gameplay scenes on YouTube, which helped them "to feel confident that the Ellie I felt inside of me, under my skin, was the right one."
Any pronouns will do
They are not particular about the use of pronouns, according to Teen Vogue:
"This is what bothers me more than pronouns: Being called a ‘young woman’ or a ‘powerful young woman’, ‘young lady,’ but I'm just not [that],” Ramsey said. “Catherine Called Birdy, I was in dresses. Young Elizabeth, I was in a corset. And I felt super powerful in that. Playing these more feminine characters is a chance to be something so opposite to myself, and it’s really fun.”
Speaking to the Times, Ramsey said she identifies first as a person, rather than a gender. “I’m very much just a person,” she said. “Being gendered isn’t something that I particularly like."
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Becoming friends with Pedro Pascal
Bella has developed a strong relationship with her co-lead Pedro Pascal.  GameRant reports. She says:
"We didn't get as chance to meet or bond before we started filming. We were very much just thrown in. And that chemistry was just there immediately and just grew and developed as Joel and Ellie's did. As their relationship developed so did ours.”
Supporter of transgender rights
Pedro Pascal is a vocal supporter of transgender rights.  He has a transgender sister. According to GQ Bella and him have had many talks about gender and sexuality.
Bella wore a chest binder for “90 per cent” of shooting The Last of Us. allowing her to focus better on set, GQ reports.
Both the show and the game have several prominent queer and transgender characters. This is exactly the kind of TV series that humanizes LGBTQA+ characters, even when they are  surrounded by the fungus infected undead. We need more productions like this one.
Needless to say, the haters will hate, but the doubters may understand. 
“If you don’t want to watch the show because it has gay storylines, because it has a trans character, that’s on you, and you’re missing out. It isn’t gonna make me afraid. I think that comes from a place of defiance,” Bella says.
Photo: Austin Hargrave/AUGUST/GQ
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realmackross · 4 months
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PARTIES: @wonder-in-wings, @realmackross TIMING: Mid-December after the Season Finale SUMMARY: Not knowing that Parker has been temporarily compromised by a bloodclinger, Mack desperately goes to him for help with removing the goo that had settled in her lungs after becoming Goo Girl IRL, but things don’t quite go as planned…WARNINGS: Unsanitary tw, medical blood tw, surgery tw, under skin tw (just to be safe), vomiting tw
Mackenzie had been uncomfortable for days after the goo had almost taken her undead life from her. The scream that had broken her free had given her her life back, but the repercussions had been that of not being able to force the icky substance that had slipped down her throat and had lingered, even after the corroding scream that had freed her and the shelter. It was as if passing air through her lungs had been nearly impossible now, and without doing so, she hadn’t been able to speak. Only make generic moans and squeaks to anyone who would listen. For a zombie, she had sounded mighty pitiful, and was grateful for technology and even a pen and paper when the moment called for it. But she couldn’t continue on like this, and the only person she knew that she thought might be able to help her had been Parker.
Reluctantly knocking on his door, Mack waited for him to answer. This would be the first time she had ever met the man in person, and to be completely honest, she was a little nervous. They had talked and fought and ignored each other via social media for way too long, but this had not been ideally how she wanted to approach him in person.
It wasn’t as bad as last time. But that didn’t mean that Parker had to like it this time. Thankfully, Rhett was out of his house now - not something that he wanted to admit or even acknowledge - but considering what had been going on with him for the past week now, the younger Warden was relieved about now. He didn’t want to put anyone in the line of any potential misfire, something he had since observed when he got bitten and some part of the tick had gotten lodged into his back. It turned him more irritable, more temperamental. He snapped to himself, cut conversations short. If there was any fortune to be gleaned from this side effect, it was that it wasn’t entirely obvious online; or at least, he didn’t think it was. Nonetheless, Parker had anticipated someone showing up to his house, someone he hadn’t met in person and had a few online arguments with even when he wasn’t suffering under effects from anything; they were just side effects of who he was as a person, he supposed. Mackenzie Ross, ex-actress and current zombie, had buildup in her lungs and the literal best thing Parker could think of was to carefully cut her open and see if he could find a way to get it out. That was, if she wouldn’t turn feral on him. Parker wondered if she had brought a contingency just as he himself had one for his unfortunate affliction, eyeing the opaque bottle that sat on the counter as he stood from his chair and approached the door when he managed to hear a knock on it. As he swung the wood inwards, icy blue eyes fell upon the pale, blond visage of the actress. Parker wasn’t sure what a zombie traditionally looked like but then again, it wasn’t his place to know by looking at one so regardless, he stepped aside and granted her entry. “I understand that you’re incapable of speech.” He said first before clearing his throat, closing the door and turning to face her. “Oh. Hi. I’m… Parker.” He added with a small degree of uncertainty; this was their first meeting in person, after all.
Mackenzie didn’t want to be here, but it was a last ditch effort. She wasn’t entirely sure of what to do. But desperate times called for desperate measures and right now this was it. Hopefully Parker knew what he was doing. Her trust in him had grown exponentially over the period they had been talking. And he seemed to care for her in his own way. But the idea of him possibly cutting into her was a whole new thing, especially since this had been the first time they had ever met in person.
When the door opened, Mack stepped back slightly not knowing what to expect, but upon seeing him, she felt some relief knowing he seemed like just another normal guy. Of course the first words out of his mouth definitely confirmed she was at the right house. Without hesitation, she nodded, before walking inside. As she stepped in, she let her eyes wander around taking in the sights, before letting them fall back on Parker. A squeak of a “hi” and a wave was shot in his direction, before she pulled out the brand new phone she had purchased not too long after the whole having to be rescued from the goo debacle.
What are you going to do? How are you going to fix this? She typed out the words on her phone, before turning it around to show him. Quickly, pulling the phone back to her, Mackenzie typed in something else and turned it back around to face him so he could read it, And don’t drop my phone. It’s new.
Fortunately, whatever he had said assured her that he was who he said he was; he realized shortly after allowing her in that the situation wasn’t entirely normal, a middle-aged man offering for a young, established actor to come inside his house. Parker hoped that their relationship had been able to establish enough that on the off-chance someone objected to it, she would have his back. She seemed like a better public speaker. Well… not now, as there was a pitiable noise that Parker guessed was supposed to be a ‘hi’ accompanied with a wave. She was moving adequately, her mental processing didn’t seem to be delayed. She reacted in an appropriately timely manner. He also didn’t think much of the new phone - she was famous, she was rich. It wouldn’t have surprised him if she bought a new phone as soon as an updated model became available. Assuming she was planning on using this to communicate, he placed his hands on his hips and he leaned in to read what she wrote. He was still chewing on the answer, which he had offered to her before she had graced his doorstep, when she pulled the phone back and wrote up another message. A scoff escaped at the most recent instruction and he straightened up, keeping his icy blue eyes on Mack. “I’m not planning on dropping your phone.” Parker assured her first. “And I… have one potential solution. But I’m not sure how much damage your organs can take before…” He trailed off, starting to pace in his rhythmic way; three steps, turn, three steps, turn. All the while, he kept his stare on the zombie. “Usually, when there’s fluid buildup in the lungs, one can use oxygen or medication to get rid of it.” He explained. “This is obviously a little more… extreme than water, mucus or blood.” He paused. “I can either… operate on you, open your lungs and attempt to extract the fluid.” Parker wasn’t a doctor, nor was he a professional surgeon. That being said, the effects were largely inconvenient to her instead of actively detrimental for her health; if there was someone to experiment on in the name of science, a zombie seemed like a natural option. Well, as “natural” as the concept of undead could be. “Alternatively, I can insert a tube and try to aspirate your lungs that way.” He offered. Neither were ideal, but at least she wasn’t dying from this. He… decided to keep that comment to himself.
Mackenzie quickly turned the phone back around and typed the words Thank you, before flashing it in his direction. She had been lucky enough to get what she needed from her other phone. Contacts, stuff for work, but more importantly, her photos, texts, and voicemails from Brody. It was what she had feared losing the most, when she had first seen her phone was crushed, but the situation didn’t allow her to dwell on it at the time, and instead of letting it fester and linger, the very next day she went and got it all taken care of. She had missed her old phone though, especially since she was still getting used to this new one.
As Mack listened to him explain her options, neither had sounded that great. Cut her open like a frog to dissect and explore or stick a tube down her throat. The tube option did sound like the better option, and it would be less invasive. Plus, it’s not like she really had much of a gag reflex anymore so any fear of her doing her best impression of Linda Blair, he didn’t really have to worry about.
Making her decision, Mackenzie quickly started typing out her answer. Let’s go with the tube. It doesn’t sound as bad or as painful. She showed him her choice before pulling the phone back towards and looking up at him. She was curious what he would think. Would he be excited she wasn’t wanting him to cut into her or would he be disappointed? It was quite the weird conversation, but it was fucking Wicked’s Rest, and nothing here ever seemed to be normal. Wicked’s Rest…the only place in the world that could make Hollywood look sane.
Parker let the ‘thank you’ slide this time since it was him and her and not spoken along with the recognition that it was more of a placeholder instead of an actual thanks, meaning he didn’t need to reciprocate with an awkward response. Instead, he offered a nod of his head in response as he continued his pacing. As she considered the options he suggested, he himself thought about the tools he had and if there were any he would need - he was an amateur surgeon, to be sure, but he wasn’t really prepared for a full-blown surgical procedure. Opening her up and getting straight to the lungs might’ve been easier. He could go through her back and– She interrupted his thoughts with her reply and he paused in his pacing to look at her phone. Tube it was, which wouldn’t have been so much of an issue had Parker actually thought a little further ahead about how he’d go about doing that. It was unusual for him not to have a ready solution in his head when creating suggestions but… ‘you do have a solution.’ Walker said rather cryptically. Yes, Parker had a solution. He just wasn’t sure if Mack would be on board. Without betraying whether or not he would’ve rather operated on her (though he couldn’t deny that a small part of him burned with curiosity to see just how much he could get away with. ‘Oh my god you are a serial killer.’), Parker nodded with affirmation and held up a finger. “Wait here.” He said before retreating around the doorway, into the spare room that Rhett had been staying in. Interestingly, and perhaps unexpectedly, it didn’t take long to clean up after the other Warden had left and he retrieved– ‘You can’t be serious.’ It was a few minutes but Parker returned carrying a vacuum cleaner, a look on his face that suggested that he was serious. It was a rather small thing and decidedly much newer than the rest of the house would imply, with a capsule-like body and a long, thin hose that connected to the brush. “You don’t have a gag reflex, correct?” He asked, still blunt but with a slight inflection to his voice, indicating actual curiosity. —
With Parker requesting for her to wait where she was, Mackenzie let her eyes fall back on her phone. Instagram had been the last thing she had looked at, and she mostly did it just to see what life back in Los Angeles was like. How was her family and her friends? Her fellow actor friends? Would they ever believe what her life had become, if she ever showed her face again on that side of the country? Obscure surgeries weren’t strang in Hollyweird, but when Parker returned proudly carrying a vacuum cleaner, Mack’s face quickly reacted with an obvious What the fuck?
Closing out Instagram, she moved forward to inspect the vacuum cleaner. Was this his grand plan? Pulling the Notes app up again, she quickly typed a message back to him, No gag reflex, but is this your grand plan? A vacuum cleaner? She sighed and thought for a moment. It wasn’t like she had much of a choice in the matter did she? It was: live like this for however many more years she was around, let him cut into her, or try the vacuum cleaner. Whatever. It’s not like I have much of a choice. Let's just do this. Where do I need to go? She once again flashed the phone in his direction. If this is what Mackenzie had to endure to be able to talk again, how bad could it really be?
This was absurd, he knew this. Even as he glanced down from the vacuum to the zombie, the logistics didn’t make a lot of sense. How was he going to insert it? There wasn’t any guarantee that it would even do anything. And Parker really didn’t have the patience to deal with her if he did something to revert her to a shambling, thoughtless mess… the thought itself twinged his brow as he shifted the weight of the vacuum entirely to one hand while the other foolishly reached to massage the lump on his back, knowing full well he couldn’t reach it. So he lowered his arm again and cast another quick glance over to the bottle. This scenario wasn’t preferable. Would her blood even elicit a reaction? What if she had reached a point of regression before any progress could be made? She touched a rock to worse effect. Parker inhaled quietly, glancing around his living room, down at the old wooden floors, at the antique table that peeked out from the doorway to the dining room that came with the house. “Here’s fine.” He suggested. “And apologies; I wasn’t exactly anticipating on… needing to do this. I don’t think a surgical tube will be… as sufficient.” He motioned to the floor absently as he removed the narrow hose from the body of the vacuum to make it easier to attempt an insertion. “My bathroom isn’t large enough for this.” A pause. “And I’m not too worried about–” Parker cut the sentence short, popping his neck as he caught himself before saying that he wasn’t too worried about the blood. “I’m not too worried about the floor.” He rectified awkwardly.
Mackenzie watched Parker closely. She could see the gears turning in his brain, and she was curious as to what he might be thinking? What his ultimate plan was. She had also caught his eyes shift to something, but she couldn’t really tell what it was, so instead of questioning it, she let it go. Instead, she let the focus remain on the matter at hand…the goo residing in her body and what he wanted to do about it. And when he finally picked a spot, she obliged without questioning it; listening as she eyed the perfect spot.
Getting down on the floor, Mackenzie was just about to lay down, when she thought about something else. The floor was cold and as much as she didn’t want to be that person, she was going to be that person. Lifting her phone back up, she quickly typed. The floor is fine. Whatever. But can I at least have a blanket or pillow or something to put my head on? She showed him the phone and looked at him with a bit of a pleading look. She wasn’t sure how any of this was going to go, but if she was going to let him stick a vacuum hose down her throat, she at least wanted to be as comfortable as possible while he did it. Besides, she didn’t think it was too much to ask, considering on the inside, she was screaming bloody murder at the entire idea. Mackenzie had never been fond of doctors, unless they were on tv or her co-stars.
He read the request and caught the look on her face, presuming it to be one of… asking. Pleading. Unsure if she knew that he couldn’t be manipulated with nonverbal cues but also unwilling to make a comment about how she likely couldn’t feel anything anyway because she was dead, Parker set the vacuum down and wordlessly went into the spare room that Rhett had been staying in, grabbing both the pillow and comforter that was draped on the mattress. This was a waste of time. ‘What clued you in on that?’ Walker asked as the Warden motioned for Mack to scoot out of the way so he could arrange the blanket and pillow until he had formed a small pallet for her. “Anything else?” He had asked before pausing and glancing up in brief contemplation. “This isn’t going to… do anything, will it?” Parker found himself asking aloud. “As in, this procedure won’t make you lose your mind?” He felt as though it were just as valid a query as her request for something comfortable to lay on and he was past the point of dancing around terminology.
Watching him leave the room, Mackenzie let out a huge sigh of relief. It was a brief moment to catch her unneeded breath, but this whole situation was insane. Yet, if she wanted to be able to talk and not squeak or grunt or groan (those zombies were soooo last season), she was going to have to let Parker do this. And at least she trusted him. Surely, he had her best interest at heart right? Right?! I mean he was going to get her a pillow. That had to be out of good faith and concern when he could have easily said no. He wasn’t afraid to tell her things she didn’t want to hear, but needed to hear, so this had to be a good first step.
Looking up to see him back with the pillow and a blanket, she did as he wished and moved over. When all was said and done, she moved back to the pallet and got as comfy as she could. At his first question, Mackenzie shook her head no, as content as she could be with what she had. However, she paused on his next inquiry, before shrugging her shoulders slowly with the truth that she didn’t know if this would make her zomb out or not. She hoped it didn’t for his sake, but she couldn’t help but wonder what a brain that brilliant might have tasted like.
They progressed, but even as Parker stood there holding the vacuum cleaner and Mackenzie lowered herself onto the makeshift pallet, something was tugging on him. It was a small, unfamiliar feeling, but one that unsettled him nonetheless. ‘That happens every time you feel something.’ The Warden gave a small shake of his head, as though to loosen whatever that feeling was but it persisted. 
She was dead. Undead. Her nerve endings were numbed at best. She ate raw flesh and brains so her gag reflex was nonexistent. And yet, none of that seemed to assuage some imperceptible part of him. Parker approached the zombie who offered only a shrug in response to his question, almost blase about that as though it wasn’t something to consider. But then, why would she? The ex-actress was clearly under some impression, even now, that she wasn’t responsible for her actions… did she actually care if something were to happen and she’d attack him? Would she blame whatever thing that rested on what was left of her functioning brain, keeping her alive in a stasis? 
The thing inside him flowered from whatever it was to a latent irritation at the idea. She came to him for help, even after their conversations, disagreements, and her moody attitude when Parker treated her like… well, gentler than his own father treated him. ‘Yeah because if I did, you would’ve ended up like her.’ His father scoffed. ‘I taught you responsibility.’ “Do I need to restrain you?” He asked after a pause, still standing but with a new tension in his body, if such a thing were possible given that he always moved with a sort of contradictory stiff grace; always light on his feet, purposeful in his movements yet wound up, waiting for the hook to be released in a tight, controlled action.
Mackenzie could see the apprehension in his face. Feel the hesitation of the entire idea. And to say she wasn’t too thrilled either would be an understatement. She was about to let someone she had only talked to online stick a vacuum cleaner hose down her throat to try and suck out probably the only remainder of goo left in Wicked’s Rest. And the more she laid there and thought about it, the more absurd it started to sound. When had her life taken such a drastic change that she needed to have under the table surgery by someone who clearly wasn’t a medical professional. It was his question that seemed to cement her into this still somewhat new reality.
Pulling up her phone to her face, Mackenzie quickly typed in a response and turned the phone towards him, I don’t know. I’ve never had someone try to vacuum a foreign substance out of my body before. What do you think? She didn’t want to put Parker in danger. That’s not why she had decided to come to him. She just wanted to be able to talk again. Turning the phone back around, she quickly thumbed out another reply, Do you have any other suggestions? Maybe there would be something he would feel more comfortable with. But she didn’t know. It’s not like much could hurt her right? And it usually took a lot for her to lose complete control.
He read her responses, their unspoken anxieties seeming to be communicated well enough between them and with a quiet exhale, he set the vacuum down. “I think… it might be easier for me to attempt a tracheostomy first.” As Parker spoke, he pointed to his neck, the spot just above where his clavicles joined in the middle. “If you’re having trouble speaking, it might be that you have some goo lodged in your windpipe… or maybe your trachea.” He explained. “And if I can’t find any there to extract, then… I’ll consult my medical textbooks and see how it would be best to search your bronchial tubes.” There was a pause. Or rather, another pause, considering it often took him longer than necessary to spit out all the thoughts he had at once in a concise way. “Tracheostomies may have complications for the living but… since you don’t breathe, the risks are lower.” Parker tilted his head slightly. “Would… that be acceptable to you?” He didn’t want to feel like he had to restrain her; irritated as the whole predicament felt, there was still that small part of him that didn’t want to cause her discomfort or pain, if she could feel it.
Mackenzie took in heavy, wheezing breath and let it out slowly; the air catching through the goo pieces causing an eerie sound to leave her mouth. So he was going to cut into her. She had been on medical shows, she somewhat knew how all of this worked thanks to the medical consultants that hung around on set. Closing her eyes, she thought long and hard before typing back a response to him, Do what you have to do, and if things go south…run, Parker. I don’t want to hurt you. She couldn’t make any guarantees, but she knew she wanted him to be safe.
Putting her phone back in her pocket, signaled that she was ready. She wanted to get this over with. Though they had had some pretty lengthy and in-depth conversations online, Mackenzie had oddly felt a strong trust towards him. He didn’t seem like he wanted to hurt her anymore than what she could actually feel. Or that he was some psycho killer (Qu'est-ce que c'est?). But she knew that whatever was about to be done wasn’t going to be pleasant. However, if it actually worked, and she could talk again, that’s all that mattered, right?
It had to have been preferable to forcing a vacuum cleaner hose down her esophagus. It had to be, that was what Parker was banking on as she affirmed his decision, though he could feel her apprehension over the text. Part of him felt like he should’ve dignified it with a verbal response of his own but sometimes, in his experience, words couldn’t convey the feelings behind them. Parker wasn’t emotional. He was so used to not affording himself to be that he was convinced that the only time he could was when he was being affected by something outside his carefully-curated control. But even then, as he gave a silent, but understanding nod to Mack, indicating that they’d cross that bridge if they came to it, there was… emotion behind it. Nevertheless, she had put her phone away, telling Parker that whatever was going to be done was going to be done soon and he didn’t have to leave the room to procure a scalpel from… where, no one but him truly knew. With one final exhale, he closed the space between them and he knelt to a familiar crouch. Two fingers gently and carefully pressed against the spot on her neck where he had motioned to his before, and without further ado, he took the scalpel and started to create an incision. It was immediately strange. Parker cut into the flesh, but it wasn’t like anything he’d dissected before - which was really just an indicator that he didn’t harvest from the dead, and even then, fae were decidedly different from human anatomy. The incision was small and concise, though he felt his gaze get unfocused as he seemed to acknowledge each blood vessel tucked safely in her dermis. Without even realizing what he was doing, he cut wider before using the scalpel to push open one side of the opening and using two fingers to pull the other side, turning the minor laceration into a hole the size of a walnut… and getting bigger as his pupils grew at the sight of her blood just… sitting there. In their veins. Waiting for him. 
As Mackenzie watched Parker grab the tools he needed, she couldn’t help but close her eyes. She didn’t want to watch what came next. It was too much to handle. She had never been one for shots, but here she was presently letting someone cut into her, and when she felt the blade dig into her skin, she winced slightly at the pressure – her eyes still closed.
Trying to occupy herself, Mackenzie started running lines in her head that she could remember from some of her favorite projects. It was a nice little challenge for both her decaying brain and to get her mind off of the idea of someone cutting into her. But curiosity did get the better of her and with one eye open, she watched his fingers come down. It was weird. The sounds she was currently hearing mixed with the pressure and flashes of pain of him tugging and pulling. It had been too late to back out now, and instead, shut her eyes back tightly. But when there wasn’t any further movement, Mackenzie reluctantly opened her eyes back up to see Parker’s eyes and the look that was on his face; a look of hunger.
Furrowing her brow, Mackenzie latched onto Parker’s sleeve and gave it a tug trying to get his attention, since she still didn’t have any means of speaking with him. If something was wrong, she wanted to know. She hadn’t quite felt like she was starting to lose herself, but considering there was still stagnant blood that barely moved through her veins, she knew she’d start fading faster than either of them wanted if he didn’t get to it anytime soon.
The tool was dropped carelessly as it clattered to the floor and skittered across the wood. Parker couldn’t have paid it any less mind, the sound distant and muted as it crashed against his useless ear. His blue eyes, pupils dilated as though he’d been thrust into the dark, stared at the hole he’d made in her chest. A hand on his sleeve. Acknowledged, ignored. He wondered if the hole was large enough.
Without any grace, without any warning or permission or further critical thoughts that were absent from the Warden’s mind, he grasped a handful of the cloth material that made up her shirt, effortlessly lifted her close to him and he made up the distance by leaning forward and biting her neck. Using the hole he’d made as a sort of latch point for one of his canines, he could feel her room-temperature blood slowly filling his mouth, not nearly quickly enough for him and Parker sucked in his breath, willing it from her veins. It tasted vile, immediately churning his stomach and evoking feelings of nausea as he struggled to get the first ounces of it down his esophagus. There was something small in the back of his mind as he struggled to withdraw the still blood from her veins, something that reprimanded and struck at him, telling him to stop but it was ignored in favor of the lasting effects of the bloodclinger that had been removed from his back. 
Mackenzie could only watch silently as Parker did the unthinkable. With any regard for her going out the window, the young zombie started to try and squirm free of his grasp, but it was the way he sank his teeth into her neck and used the opening to begin to drain her of the fermented blood that lingered in her veins that left her helpless. At least in the moment. But the more he drank, the weaker Mackenzie could feel herself getting, and a weakening zombie would eventually mean a hungry and more powerful zombie.
Trying to take in air to speak was a struggle. She had just wanted him to stop for his own good out of the fear that he would be her next meal. She cared for Parker, even loved him like a dad, but the monster inside of her wouldn’t hesitate to wrap her fingers around his neck and beat his head into the hard floor below, if it meant survival. And the more he drank, the more Mackenzie started to lose herself, so much so that she finally managed to gather up enough strength to give him a firm shove forward knowing that whatever meat between his teeth was going with him, but at least he’d be off of her. And at least she’d still have enough of her mind intact to flee if need be.
Stilled blood, inert and thick with disuse, deprived of oxygen, nutrients, seeped down Parker’s throat, pushed by musculature that recoiled with inherent disgust. Dilated pupils darted to the zombie’s face briefly as though searching for Mack’s eyes, but nothing was recognized, not at first anyway. It was insufficient, his mind and pulsing bite near his spine was telling him. It was too slow. Dead. Parker felt her struggling under his bite and his strong hands pressed just a little firmer, almost in a nonverbal gesture for her to hold still long enough for his crimson-dipped mind to fill itself with enough blood to power the machine. She obviously didn’t though, and with each bilious ounce that slithered down his throat unlocked just a little bit of critical thinking. As mentioned before though, it wasn’t quick enough. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately), she had managed to retaliate sufficiently enough and he was forcefully pushed away from her, pulling off a portion of her skin that was caught in his teeth. The burst of strength was unexpected enough that Parker was knocked back against the counter that wasn’t too far from them with a loud ‘thud’. With a shark-eyed glare, he spat out the gobbet of flesh he’d torn from her and his reaction time was almost faster than whatever had been jostled from the counter and knocked over, splashing the floor between them in a spray of thick red liquid. Promptly, the Warden’s glance flew to the counter where the liquid now poured from something, a container. It didn’t matter. Not wasting a second longer, Parker got up so fast he hit his head on the corner of the counter but he couldn’t have cared less as a four-fingered hand, fingertips sticky with dull brown blood, snatched the container up and threw his head back to drink the much fresher liquid. For a moment, nothing else existed but him and the… bottle. It was a bottle, filled with blood that he had… placed on the counter in case this… happened. Each thought, each moment of cognizance was returning to him with each nauseating gulp. And each one making him more and more aware with an increasing dread that he had– Parker dropped the bottle with a shaking hand, blinking erratically as he was brought back to the present, to the churning sensation in his stomach that made him want to double over with discomfort, the feeling of gunk on his fingers causing his breath to catch in his throat. But most importantly, he was brought back to the young woman, someone he considered a friend and that he had completely and unintentionally bit and sucked the blood from. 
Mackenzie could feel herself slipping further and further away. Luckily, the shove had sent the parasite of a man backwards releasing her from his grip, but with it went a chunk of flesh from her throat, only leaving a dull ache from the open wound and missing flesh. It would heal, but it would take a fresh meal of brains to do so. But with each passing minute, Mackenzie knew that if she didn’t get home and get to her supply, some unlucky stranger wouldn’t be going home to their family.
She had been absolutely shocked by Parker’s actions, so much so that instead of retaliating, she wanted nothing more than to flee. She would dig the gunk out of her throat and lungs herself, if she had to. She had a Shop Vac at home. She could do it. Go back to the original plan. But until then, she pushed herself up off the floor gasping in air through the open wound leaving an eerie hiss of air with each struggling breath as her eyes started to become milky.
And without second thought, Mackenzie fumbled for her car keys, before glaring at Parker one last time, watching as he guzzled the blood that was dripping from the counter – disgusted by everything. She would deal with all of this later.
Stumbling out to her car with her hand clasped firmly over the large gaping hole in her neck, she quickly climbed into the Mini Cooper. Whether or not driving had been a good idea, Mackenzie knew fleeing on foot wouldn’t get her to where she needed to be fast enough. And like a bat out of hell, she pressed down on the gas and peeled out of the driveway as fast as she could headed back to Harborside and her refrigerator full of brains.
Tachypsychia. A word Parker didn’t know and wouldn’t have been able to understand if it had been spoken aloud in his presence without context. When adrenaline pulsed through your system, lending itself to a perception of time slowing down. When the Warden and the zombie exchanged glances, her eyes glazing over juxtaposed against his own pupils that shrank back into tiny pinpricks, it lasted an eternity. And yet, it simultaneously lasted so briefly that even before he could react appropriately, his emotions taking far too long to process what he was feeling, she had grabbed her keys and was fleeing through the front door. “Mackenzie–” One of Parker’s hands reached out to her as though he could telepathically stop her from leaving but of course he couldn’t, and he didn’t understand why he wanted her to stay. The Warden rather clumsily scrambled to his feet in an attempt to pursue her, wanting… to explain himself. Wanting to… 
‘You don’t know what you want, boy.’ 
Unusually for him, he was too slow this time. He heard the faint sound of a car door slamming and his attempt to catch up to her was abandoned. Parker stood in his living room, pressing a bloodslicked hand to his stomach as his insides turned themselves over but it wasn’t just the nausea from ingesting the blood. Managing to close the front door after her clumsily, he then staggered to the bathroom where he painted his porcelain bathtub a ruddy red color as he retched into it. The blood from the bottle, the blood from the zombie… the chunk of flesh in his living room. Her flesh. 
His eyes watered but… somehow, a small part of him knew that it wasn’t only because of his failure to keep the fluid down.
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dirtwatchman · 7 months
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PARTIES: Caleb (@dirtwatchman) and Erin (@corpse-a-diem) TIME: Last week of September, after the goo hit WHERE: Erin's house SUMMARY:  Caleb finds Erin after work and the two of them start checking in with each other. Both are holding back secrets from each other with one of those secrets standing right in front of them. WARNINGS: Eludes to domestic abuse at times, parental death, lots of feels
He’d seen him a few times around the funeral home now. Ever since Mr. Nichol’s death, the man would show up in that ethereal form on occasion as if he was checking in on Caleb to make sure he was doing okay. It was comforting and heartbreaking all at the same time to know that even in death the one person he’d always looked up to was thinking of him. Jack never spoke to him, only appeared for a minute or two before leaving him once again and going off to do whatever ghosts did, something that had always remained a mystery to the zombie.
That night it was hitting Caleb harder than usual though. He’d gone over to the funeral home for a routine check on the sinks down in the basement when he’d spotted Jack hovering around Erin. It took a beat for him to divert his eyes so that Erin didn’t think he was staring at her but seeing him around her again sent a pang of hurt through him he hadn’t been expecting. If he was missing Jack this much, she had to be hurting so much more.
It was all he could think about as he did his checks that night. Of course, he’d checked in on Erin a few times but it had been a little while since he’d asked how she was doing with everything going on with the cemetery and he was feeling like he’d let her down somehow. When he got done with his check, Caleb made sure to search for her, eventually finding the woman outside on the front steps leading to the home. 
“Hey.” He took a seat next to her, the tool box clanging against the concrete as he set it down harder than he’d intended, the numbness in his hands not doing him any favors. The sound made him wince, a grimace on his face as he turned to look at Erin. But soon Caleb was chuckling at himself, knowing his newfound clumsiness was never going away again. “Sorry, I just wanted to check in on you and see how things were going and here I go waking up the dead.”
The night was winding down into a simple silence, a calm after the storm kind of deal. Erin was thankful for the reprieve. The day had been especially busy–death never took a day off, but in Wicked’s Rest, somedays it was like he’d put up shop there right beside them. Her father was better at this. Maybe it was the grace that he’d perfected after decades of navigating this field, in this town, but he made it look easier than she ever could. But her mother was a huge help, as was Caleb, and even to an extent, her dad was a help when he’d pop in. His visits were never expected and neither of them truly knew how long they’d last. She was hoping for a visit today, if she was being honest. It made her wonder if she was leaning too much on his impromptu support. It was more than most people ever got after a loved one passed and she was finding herself becoming weirdly… comfortable with the situation, if that was possible. And that worried her. 
A cool breeze settled over her skin as the sun faded in the distance, temporarily quiet, until familiar footsteps loomed closer. Another welcome visitor. The clang of the toolbox startled her and with a chuckle, she sat up straighter. The warmth in her face froze at his offhand comment. ‘Waking up the dead’. Would have earned him a solid laugh not long ago. It hit different now. But she shook her head and rolled her eyes playfully, scooting over to give him room. “I’ve had a long enough day with the living, don’t subject me to more people to please today,” she quipped with a wry grin. Her eyes glanced back towards the dark town, then back to Caleb. Thank god for Caleb. “Are you still working?” She asked, eyeing the toolbox beside him. “I would’ve thought you were done for the day. I’m beginning to think you sleep less than I do.”
“That’s the thing about the dead, though, they don’t take much.” If he knew anything about the ghosts that roamed around this place it was that they didn’t bother him much. He’d seen his fair share since dying himself, another undead being that wasn’t hard to please, and they’d never once asked him for anything. Most of them just roamed the cemetery looking lost before they disappeared but maybe that was because of his own lifeless heart. As he gazed over at Erin, though, all of the other playful words he had sitting on the tip of his tongue died out. Caleb could have been reading too much into it but she looked tired, worrisome, like she was downplaying how long the day had truly been for her. “You want to talk about it?”
Her question had his head swiveling towards the toolbox and he waved it off as if he hadn’t been working on the preventative stuff all day. He didn’t need the sleep, his body went on without it, just like it went on without the heartbeat that most needed. “Found a problem with one of the sinks earlier but it’s been fixed. I had to go to the hardware store though and ran into an old friend so it held me up.” No, he hadn’t been distracted by a client while he was out, not at all. He’d rather forget about that anyway. Just like he wanted to forget about the fact that he didn’t need sleep anymore. That was the beautiful thing about talking to Erin, his life as a zombie didn’t come into play that often. Caleb could sit and pretend that they were back in the days before he had died a gruesome death, before Jack had passed. Most of the time he spent with Erin was spent in blissful ignorance and he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Don’t they? Erin wanted to bite back. Bits of her childhood and a few chunks of her sanity seemed to have been taken without asking. They needed quite a bit from a young girl who didn’t know any better, if she recalled correctly. She rubbed a hand over her mouth, almost like she was wiping away the words before they slipped out of her in anger. Caleb had been with her family long enough to know that surely something had been not quite ‘right’ with the only Nichols’ child but she had hoped her father had never fully diverged too many details to him. Caleb had been a comforting calm ever since her father had brought him into their lives. “Nah,” she shook her head. “Just one of those days, you know?” Her eyes peered back over the lights twinkling over the town. She always liked that the home stood on a small hill. Even from her room she could watch over the town as it lived and breathed beyond her walls. “It’s been a lot lately, though, hasn’t it? More than usual? More than usual for Wicked’s Rest, anyway. We’ve been… busy.”
She brought her coffee cup to her lips, sucking down the last few cold drops. “Mmm, right. The leaky one. Right? God that thing’s been dripping for days now. Like one of those slow, background drips you don’t realize is driving you mad until you’re already angry and you don’t know why.” She paused, smirking, and gave a nonchalant shrug. “Don’t worry about it. Take your time fixing it. I obviously didn’t notice at all.”
She wasn’t wrong about the influx of the dead and yet Caleb wanted to say it hadn’t been enough. Not enough for him to get what he needed. That was partially his own fault…well, entirely his fault, but at the same time he wished he had more access to the basement when he needed it. Sure, he could come up with excuses all day long but eventually Erin would notice him spending an ungodly amount of time in there to ‘fix’ everything. Not to mention her needing to work down there as well. “I feel like it has something to do with those crystals popping up around the place. People act weird when they’re near them.” Or turn into weird creatures. “But no, you’re right. There’s been a lot lately. With um…” He paused, not really wanting to say what he was about to say. “With Jack gone, do you need me around here more often? I know I’ve been spending most of my time at the cemetery.”
He couldn’t help the smile that appeared at her words but the look he sent Erin was tinged with disbelief. She’d known the sink was leaking for a couple of days now? “You know that’s what I’m here for, right? To call when you need something fixed?” Caleb shook his head at her, still baffled as to why she wouldn’t have told him about the sink sooner. It probably had something to do with the growing amount of funerals around here. “Next time let me know. Wouldn’t want you getting angry and taking it out on some poor unsuspecting armchair or something…wait, what do people take their anger out on? Armchair doesn’t seem right.” He was the rare one who took his anger out on unsuspecting humans…or was that rare around here?
Erin’s brow furrowed at the mention of the crystals. For the most part, she’d avoided them entirely somehow, but it was hard to miss the impact they’d made on the town. When she had said things had been worse than they’d ever been, she hadn’t only meant deaths. Behaviors of even the most mild townsfolk had become erratic. It was no wonder she was exhausted as she was at the end of each day. “You haven’t gone near any of them, have you?” She cast a sudden worried look his way. “I don’t know much but I know enough to stay away. Every time someone tells me about them, they’re just… off. Not quite like they were before.” She gestured towards the town with her empty cup of coffee, wishing suddenly there was something harder inside. “Plus with this… sludge-goo-whatever erupting all over the place…” she shook her head again. This town was becoming a downright hazard. 
She quirked an eyebrow up at him, a teasing lilt to her voice. “So excuse me for forgetting about a leaky sink in the middle of this place falling apart,” she laughed dryly, fumbling with the cup in her hand again. That was when she felt it. Her skin prickling and an internal pull. Her eyes bounced up in front of them. Jack Nichols smiled at the two from the porch like a proud father watching his kids. Not now, dad, she thought nervously, all too aware of Caleb’s presence. 
“The only time I go near them is when landscaping needs to be done around them but I haven’t touched one. There’ve been people that have and they’re…like you said, they’re not right afterwards.” Caleb wouldn’t mention the weirdest parts of those interactions, the ones who basically became different people or didn’t remember where they were. There was no need to alarm Erin further. There was too much going on already. It was funny though. Caleb felt like half of his time was spent trying to shelter her from the harsh realities of this place, of him, while the other half he was doing everything he could to keep her and the other people he cared for around Wicked’s Rest safe. 
“Right, the goo. How could I forget? I guess we’re fortunate that it hasn’t hit Deersprings yet.” And hopefully it wouldn’t. His gaze went to the town as she gestured towards it and Caleb couldn’t help but wonder how a place so pretty from afar could be so ugly through and through. As the thought hit him, Jack suddenly appeared in front of them, the zombie doing his best to show no indication that anything had changed. “Not trying to fuss.” Caleb raised his hands in mock surrender, his eyes locking with the ghost’s before he turned his head to look at Erin again. “Just trying to make sure you’re taken care of. I feel like I owe you guys that much at least.” More. He for sure owed this family everything he could give. 
With the appearance of her father and his current thought process, Caleb deliberately sighed. It was a good way to let her know that a heavy question was coming but also a nice reminder to himself to breathe while in her presence. “How have you been, by the way? I haven’t asked in a while.”
Wicked’s Rest had never been a normal town. Even with Erin’s own personal issues, she’d seen that much. She knew the town had a high death rate growing up but it was their normal. Nothing to be questioned. And she never did. Not really. Now more than ever though it was hard to ignore just how strange this place could be compared to other towns she’d lived in briefly. And what was even worse–how little was being done about it. Was this just their fate? Was this scary strangeness their new normal? Sometimes she thought about packing her and her mother up and taking the business to another town, somewhere safe from mysterious goo and cursed crystals. And maybe she still would. But this was her home and she wasn’t sure her mental state could handle the intricacies of a move like that. So for now it was Wicked’s Rest, and this front porch step, and Caleb. Part of her was more than fine with that. 
“Let’s hope not. We’ve got enough on our plates,” she murmured, her eyes flitting back and forth from the view of the town and her father. When she was sure Caleb wasn’t paying attention, she shirked her head back, trying to signal to the dead man to get out. 
“I’m just trying to–” her dad started, looking at the both of them, suddenly closer than he was before. 
Erin cleared her throat to interrupt him, then tossed on a quick but sincere smile, forcing her attention back to Caleb. “No, I know. And you know I appreciate it. Honestly I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t around.” She wrinkled her nose, shaking her head. “You don’t owe us anything. You’re family, Caleb. You know that right?”
She stilled at the question, staring at her silent but definitely dead dad watching them from just a little down the yard now. “I’m dealing. As much as we all can be. I’m worried about mom mostly. She misses him, we all do. He left big shoes to fill.” She turned her head towards Caleb, resting it in her palm as she watched him carefully, remembering how close him and her father had been. When she’d said they were family, she meant it. It was hard to remember a time when Caleb wasn’t a part of her life at this point. “How are you?”
Jack’s voice cut through like a knife. He’d seen his ghost around plenty of times but the zombie had yet to have a conversation with him, something that Caleb wasn’t even sure he could do. In the five years since he’d been dead he’d heard them speak only a handful of times. With the pang of despair that came with hearing him again, he was almost glad he hadn’t heard him speak before, almost wished he hadn’t heard him this time. Caleb closed his eyes as soon as Jack had spoken, glad that Erin cut him off enough to get him to stop talking. It was hard enough talking to her about him without the man trying to interject knowing full well that she couldn’t hear her dad. It wasn’t fair to her. 
“Probably spend a lot more money on plumbing.” Caleb tried to hide the smirk he had formed, but it was futile, the zombie looking up at Erin again as it spread. The smile turned more genuine with her next words though and he looked down at the step in front of them as a spark of hope burned in his chest. He’d been working for this family for so long that he knew it was logical to feel like they thought of him as such but it wasn’t something he dared hope for. There had been a lot of families that had shunned him or worse throughout his childhood and he couldn’t bear the heartbreak of it happening with the Nichols’ clan. As good as it was to hear her say that he would never truly allow himself to believe it. “That’s what family does, right? Take care of each other? So let me take care of you guys.”
Big shoes was an understatement and he worried about her trying to take on the whole business like this while dealing with the grief of losing a parent. Tack on worrying about her mom and Erin had to be tapped these days. Another reason for Caleb to take on what he could around here. “I’m sure she does. I couldn’t imagine being in either of your shoes right now.” 
The question turning on him shouldn’t have been that much of a surprise but the shock mostly came with not knowing what to say. What could he say? ‘Oh you know, working on becoming a murderer all while trying to navigate a life without your dad, I’m doing great.’ Yea, that would have gone over well. Instead Caleb offered up a meager shrug, not wanting her to worry about him when she had enough going on. “Just taking it a day at a time, I guess. At least we have goo to distract us.”
Erin didn’t want to look at her dad. She didn’t want to hear what he had to say or watch the way he looked at them with a profound sadness in his eyes that made her heart ache. Gone but not. Out of reach but lingering. There were some days she wished she could just… grieve like other people. Maybe then she’d have a chance to move on. Her mother could move on. Even Caleb in some way. She chuckled, shaking her head briefly before letting her head rest against his larger form, something she’d done dozens of times before. “Probably. My bill would be insane.” Fall was in full swing and the weather wasn’t as warm as it had been but– “Are you cold? Do you want to go inside?” She asked, noting the iciness in his skin and she sat up straight again.
Her eyes flickered back to her father one more time, widening them, like a warning. Get out. This wasn’t a moment for him to observe. There were some moments Erin didn’t want a ghost skulking about, family or otherwise. Some moments deserved to be hers alone. Jack seemed to get the hint though. It looked like he had something he wanted to say, to the both of them, but he held his tongue. Just nodded, turned, and disappeared into the horizon. He’d talk to them eventually, if they didn’t figure it out themselves what he knew was obvious. They could both see him. But the denial ran deep in this family. He wasn’t feeling so positive about that possibility. 
Erin wrapped her arms around her legs, glancing over at him. Studying his features as best as he could for what he wasn’t saying. Caleb was good for that. “Yeah. Guess that’s all we can do, huh? But you know if you needed to talk, like for real—I’m here. Don’t ever forget that, okay? Even just to whine or cry or whatever you need. I’m very good at listening.” She paused briefly, glancing one more time to the spot where her father had vanished into thin air. And maybe, just maybe, if there was something her father could part with to help Caleb with his own grief, maybe she could help there too.
 As soon as her head landed on him, Caleb felt his body tense. He’d been careful around most, tried his best to not allow skin to skin contact since he’d died, but it was hard when it came to the people he absolutely did not want to push away. All he could do was hope Erin didn’t notice anything off until she confirmed that she had. “No, not really. Are you cold?” It took everything in him to keep a straight face, allowing his eyebrows to knit together as if he were confused by her question. He’d never really been great at lying but these days he had to try at least. Somewhere in the back of his mind he was sure that most people knew he was keeping secrets but until anyone wanted to confront him directly he wasn’t going to let on about them anymore than he already had.
Again, he turned his head to look forward so Erin didn’t see anything that resembled as such. But spotting Jack again seemed worse. The ghost looked disappointed? It suddenly struck Caleb that maybe the worry that Jack had for Erin had nothing to do with his own death but everything to do with Caleb’s. How stupid could he be? Of course Erin’s dad didn’t want someone who didn’t have a heartbeat hanging around his daughter no matter who it was. Even with how close Caleb was to her there was no guarantee that he wouldn’t end up hurting her one day. Of course, it was all starting to make sense. The ghost didn’t even have to say it before he turned and left them, almost as if he knew the zombie had gotten the hint.
He probably should have left. Should have gotten in his truck and drove until he left the town in his rearview to never be seen again. But then Erin started saying the nicest, most reassuring things, and he couldn’t bring himself to do it. If he left now he’d always be left to wonder if she had lived a happy life or if she was safe and that worry wasn’t something he wanted to carry with him for however long he walked the earth. Caleb kept looking straight ahead, not wanting her to see the prick of tears that had started to form, and nodded his head to show her that he understood. “I know you are. You always have been.” 
Then why couldn’t he open up? It had been this way since he’d met her. At first it had been because she was a little younger than him, still a tween when he’d come into their lives, and he didn’t want her to know the horrors that some people had to face. Then it turned into not wanting to burden her by putting his own problems in her hands. Erin knew a little bit about his home life growing up but he’d never seen any reason to reveal the whole truth when he had her dad to talk to about it all. But now, now that Jack was gone and Caleb needed someone more than ever, the secrets were just too much. Being dead wasn’t something you just blurted out to anyone much less the fact that he was stealing brains from her clients. So, he swallowed it down like always, allowing time for the tears to fade out of his eyes before he gave her a faint smile. “And you know the same goes for you. I’ll always be here if you need to talk about anything.”
As long as Erin had known Caleb, he’d always been a private person. Quiet. Always kind. Not much about those two traits had changed, especially the appreciation she had for that inherent kindness. The silent part could get a little annoying. Like now. She had known him long enough to recognize that there was something going on but she also knew when to leave well enough alone. If he didn’t want to talk, there was no one who could get Caleb to speak. She shrugged, glancing at his arm again. “I mean, a little but–” How was he not cold? He was lying to make her feel better again, wasn’t he? He did that a lot. Inconvenienced himself for her sake. That was the only time his kindness was annoying too. “We can go in if you want. You don’t have to be a strong, tough guy in the face of weather. I won’t judge you. Promise.” She teased, though her tone was a little more serious with those last few words. She would never. Not Caleb. Not about anything.
Even with Caleb’s acknowledgement, he remained quiet, and she felt another string of disappointment tug inside of her. It was hard to talk. She got that. They both preferred to listen. To not have to divulge what was brewing on the inside. It was easier that way, until it wasn’t. But that was later’s problem.
The porch door creaked open behind them and the last member of the Nichols’ family stepped out, a warm smile on Diane’s face. “Oh–Caleb! I was just coming to grab Erin. Join us for dinner? I made my famous homemade chili…” She tilted her head like a warning, pointing at him. “And before you try to say no, I have a fresh bottle of that hot sauce you love so dang much.” Her mother glanced at her, finger jutting in her direction this time. “And no, you are not going to catch up on work. You need to eat. Both of you.”
Erin smiled softly up at her mom, then to Caleb, and something gripped at her chest like a vice. She’d just shooed off the missing piece to this picture, though it wasn’t a complete unit unless everyone could see her father too. It wasn’t the same. It never would be. This was what things would look like from now on. Though from her viewpoint, it wasn’t half bad at all. “Alright, alright,” she laughed out, pushing past the hard block pushing against her chest. She didn’t stand yet but prodded Caleb gently with an elbow. “You heard the lady. Doesn’t sound like we have a choice here.”
‘I won’t judge you. Promise.’ She wouldn’t, would she? Erin had never once judged his way of life or who he was. She’d never been like the people at school or at home who would nit pick at every decision he’d ever made. Never turned her nose up at anything he’d liked like so many had before. She’d done nothing but be that one constant in his life that he’d so desperately needed, just like her father…the whole Nichol’s family, really. All of them had treated him like their own, giving him that love that he’d been deprived of for far too long. Didn’t Caleb owe her the chance to decide whether she wanted to continue having him around? Owe her the trust that she had never broken before? 
He was staring at her after those words, not matching her humor at all. For the first time in five years he wanted so desperately to tell someone what he’d become and let them decide the course of their relationship from there because Erin deserved that much at least. He opened his mouth, the words poised on his tongue, until her mother’s voice cut through his thoughts and Caleb looked behind them to see her smiling face, a smile that in turn lit up his own features despite the disappointment filling him. When would he ever get the courage again?
God, he loved Diane. The woman knew them both so well, Caleb laughing softly as she chastised both of them in the middle of inviting him to dinner. How could he say no to the offer…or, well, demand? “You know I can’t say no to your chili, Diane. Who could?” He pointedly looked at Erin when he said that, nudging her back just the same. He stood and started to walk back toward the house with her but decided to take one last glance at the city, spotting the familiar outline of their missing family member as he faded back in with a smile.
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arandommarvelstan · 2 years
Hank Van Dyne and the Hope Diamond (A Marvel Next-gen short story)
A/N: So...I was thinking about Hope x Scott and I wrote this, It's kinda weird, but I liked it, anyhow, this happens when all the Avengers had kids, and nobody died in Endgame and Infinity war (Wistful thinknig)
When your grandpa works with ants, life isn’t normal.
At least that's what Hank Antony Van Dyne - Lang thought, but he was biased, his mom literally shrunk down and flew around, his grandma had magic powers from the quantum realm, his dad named him and his little sister, Fern Antioanette Lang, after ants, and his grandpa literally invented a shrinking suit and spent his free time making ants drop sugar cubes in his tea.
“You’re going to be late for school Hank! Oh! Hi Antavius!” He heard a perky voice call, Hank groaned in his pillow, of course, Antavius was a random housekeeper ant, how his dad, Scott and his sisters, Cassie and Fern kept them straight, she had no idea.
Hank got up, still bleary eyed “Just a second for the love of god”
“You mean the love of Anton?” Fern clarified 
“No” Hank replied, he glared at the door
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“What did he do now?” Hank asked, his mom had a tired smile like ‘Oh yeah, again’
“According to Woo-”
Fern threw her spoon on the floor “Not Woo!”
“-He sneaked into the Smithsonian and robbed it of the Hope diamond-”
Fern picked up her spoon “Mom, I’m sure you’d look great in it”
“Stop interrupting!” Cassie said, interrupting Hope again, Cassie smiled “Keep going, Hope”
“Cause the cameras reported ants” Hope finished, Hank tilted his head, in many ways he was more Van Dyne than Lang, he had grayish brown hair, a bit like his mom’s, determined look, creamy skin, and hazel eyes, and his grandma always insisted that he won’t be the next ant man, but the next Wasp.
Hank liked that idea, flying was cooler.
“But why would dad steal the Hope necklace thing?” Fern asked, Hope shrugged, Hank sighed, Cassie grinned, Fern was defenrlty a Lang, same expression of ‘I think I did somthing funny but I don’t know what, but I still want to smile’ same brown hair, the knack for getting in massive trouble (Last week, somehow, Antavius ate her homework) and the dumb sense of humor, even at eigth, she wasn’t showing any signs of being as mature as Hank, but thats how birth oder worked
“Maybe cause it’s called the Hope diamond” Cassie suggested
“Or maybe cause he was sleep ordering the ants, the possibilities are endless” Hank waved his hands
“Hank is right, we’ll never know, unless…” Hope started, Hank, Cassie and Fern exchanged a look
“UNless…” Cassie prompted
“We prove them wrong!” Fern finished, Hank nodded
Hope turned to give them a dangerous look “You three have school, you’re not sneaking anywhere” “Oh no, it’s not like one of us is basically seventeen or something and can drive” Fern said subtly, she winked at Cassie and Hank, Hank frowned, Cassie grinned
“You two are very subtle” Hank whispered
“That's why you’re coming too, Hankster” Cassie whispered
Hank sighed “And…what's your plan?”
Fern took a spoonful of cereal “We get proof that daddy didn’t do it, find the diamond, give it back, celebrate with pizza and cake, got it Hankster?”
“Stop calling me that” Hank hissed
“Why? Auntie Ava and Grandma Janet call you that?”
“Yeah, but Janet has a plan and she knew me longer” Hank smirked
Cassie coughed “Where did you get that line from?”
“I made it up”
Fern coughed dramatically “I don’t believe you”
Hank got up “Thanks for the cereal, I’ll go pack my backpack” Hope nodded absentmindedly, adults were zombies when it came to phones, it didn’t spare Hope, she was completely absorbed in the phone, not noticing the three kids who were discussing escape plans, or when Hank grabbed a tiny earpiece, or when Cassie opened a Altoids box and took some small things from it, or how Fern started singing Captain America’s theme song.
Hope drove them to school, the Y.A.A, also known as Young Avengers Academy, Cassie was probably one of the oldest students, like Cooper Barton and Lila Barton, Fern and Hank tended to be a bit lonelier, but in the past months, Hank became great friends with a girl called Edith Barton, or Hawkette, and Fern got along great with Nathaniel Barton, even if he was slightly annoying, but the Barton’s were on holiday, so they’d have a great time to discover the Hope diamond’s location.
“Hey Hank! Hey Fern! How’s it going?” A boy smiled, dark blonde, blue eyes, basically a knight in shining armor, and if that wasn’t enough, he also wore Captain America’s costume and shield
“Hi Joseph!” Fern waved, Hank nodded absentmindedly, he was focusing on EMP communication device, making ants do something simple, like crawl towards him, judging on the extend look on Ferns’ face, he succeeded
“You got an EMP?” 
He nodded “I thing Cassie got us suits” Fern squealed like a little kid (which she was) and jumped around, almost tripping over a racoon
“Hey! Watcha dancing ‘bout?” Rogue called, he hissed, Fern backed up
“Sorry Rogue!” She apologized, Rogue tried to say something else, put a girl with a metal arm pulled him back, she gave them a smile
“Sorry guys, Rogue! We’re going to be late for gadgets”
Rogue spun around “Why Are we waiting’ then Rebbeca?” The two ran off, Fern and Hank went in a corner, Cassie came towards them, she handed them the Altoids box, Fern poked it open
“Wow!” She gasped, Hank was tempted to agree, three small suits, a purple one, a red one, and a grayish-green one, definitely the Wasp one, he snatched it
“I’m keeping the Wasp”
“I’m Ant-Man!” Fern squealed
“I’m Stature!” Cassie excalemed, Hank and Fern frowned “What? I made it up”
Hank shrugged “Suits won’t help If we can’t figure it out”
“I had a idea” Cassie said “Someone needed a EMP controller, which means they must have stolen one from grandpa and grandma, or from our parents”
Fern nodded, she drove towards the bath, almost bumping into a blue cyborg “Sorry Nimbus!”
The son of Nebula muttered a curse and went off, Cassie also went to the bath, Hank rolled his eyes, he clicked a tiny button, the suit became a small gauntlet, he put it on, making sure nobody saw him.
“OMG!” Something said in his ear, Hank gasped “Calm down Hank! It’s just me!” Fern waved, Hank rolled his eyes again
“So” Cassie’s voice said “My plan is to get to the smithsonian”
“Which is hours away” Hank said sourly “That won’t work”
Fern coughed “Ah, brother, trusty convenience, remember?”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Cassie asked, Fern shrugged
“Uh…I don’t know, mayb-”
“A portal?” Hank finished, Cassie looked surprised
“I refuse to let Donna Strange in this”
Fern coughed again, for the sake of coolness “Uh, convenience? Like…stealing a sling ring from a certain sorceress, making a portal while one other reasheses the diamond?”
“Dibs on researchers” Hank said, Cassie became normal size, Fern didn’t, but Hank swore he did see something jump to Cassie
“Cassie, our plan is-” Fern started.
Hank left as quickly as possible, hoping that Fern and Cassie were smart enough to find a way to get in the Sminthsonian and anywhere as soon as possible, and also hoping that his dad didn’t get in jail yet, and that he’d find a book on the Hope diamond
He went to the library, Hank, being a intelligent life being, always put reashars 
“Hank” A girl poked her head away from a book shelf, her blonde hair messed up, she gave him a shy smile “What today?”
Hank nodded, officially, Bruce Banner was the librarian, but he was sure that Bruce must have a coffee break or something, since Gwen usually was his assistant, even if she was a student “Uh…the Hope diamond”
She typed that in the computed “The yellow library, the one near the history aisle, big book about the diamond, hope it helps” She smiled as if she made a clever joke, Hank rushed to the history aisle, and crouched, a large thick book with a large diamond on the cover and the tiele ‘Hope Diamond: The legendary history of a lost gem’ he started reading at top speed
“Hankster” A voice whispered when he was at page two hundred twenty, he dropped his book, a tiny purple thing was holding a ring “We got this thing ring”
“Sling ring”
“That's what I said” Cassie muttered
Fern zoomed near Hank “I think Gwen likes you”
“She likes everyone” Hank rolled his eyes, Fern poked him 
“She likes like like like you” Fern clarified, Hank sighed
“She likes someone else, I like someone else, now use the ring already!” Hank hissedFern shrugged and put it on, she waved her hand, nothing
“Uh…give me a second” She waved her hands again
Cassie sighed and put down her helmet “This could take awhile-”
“I channel my inner Strange! I am superior!” Fern put on a superior expression
Hank facepalmed “Actually, you’re channeling your inner Khan”
“Same difference! I am superior in every way!” To Hank’s and Cassie’s surprise, a sparkly orange thing started to glow
“Keep channeling Khan” Cassie wisepred, she looked behind the shelves “Uh oh, Donna dead straight, hurry up sis” Hank heard the clacking of Donna’s hard boots
“Herring!” Fern added, but the portal opened, the three shrunk down and disappeared  
“Scott, one last time” Woo paced around the interrogation room, Scott sighed “Did you-”
“Steal Hope? I already have a Hope, don’t need another one” Scott pulled a card out of his sleeve and threw it “Why do I need a diamond?”
“Then who did it? Ants, ants, ants, you are literally ANTMAN” Woo banged his fist on the table, and then hopped around
“Uh, maybe some random villain guy stole the ant controller, or-”
“Hank Pym did it” Woo looked in the distance like ‘AHA!’
Scott laughed “Dude, are you insane? Hank Pym? It’s more likely that Luis stole it!”
Woo looked triumphantly “Aha! So-”
“That was a joke man!” Scott waved his hands “Weren’t you smarter about stuff like that?” Woo gave him a weird look
“Anyhow, you are the best-”
“What about Darren Cross?”
“He’s dead” “Uh…Loki?”
“Why would Loki steal a diamond?”
“Why would I steal a diamond?”
“For Hope”
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“Maybe Hope did it”
“We’re superheroes, not thieves”
“Captain America stole his shield”
“I think some agent girl gave it to him”
“Still his fault”
“Cap would never steal” Woo covered his ears “Oh lord! I’m out” He marked out, leaving Scott alone, he sighed and looked to the camera “Hank? Hank? Hope? Janet? Luis? A little help?” He waved to the camera, nothing, Scott sighed “Never-”
A suit dropped in front of him, together with a tiny note, he grinned “Thanks Hop- oh holy Anton”
Hey dad!We’re busting you out of jail so you can help us prove you’re innocent!
Love, Fern, Hank and Cassie
Ps: This wasn’t my idea - Hank
Pss: Hurry up - Hank
Psss: Yeah, what Hank said - Cassie
Pssss: We’re just outside, Hank is in the smithsonian - Fern
“I get it why mom loves this suit” Hank said, Cassie and Fern, being propper Langs, he went to rescue Scott, while Hank, like a proper Van Dyne, went to get proof, the case was empty, and police was milling around, Hank flew to the case quickly and looked around
“We got dad” Cassie reported Hank heard a scufflying sound “Oh, yeah, hi kids, how did you find me?”
“Trackers” Fern’s voice said cheerfully “Hank, did you find the fingerprints? Or anything”
Hank looked around carefully “Ants were here”
“Cool” Fern said “How does that help?”
“A person only stole the EMP earpiece” Hank explained “So, I assume this guy or girl wants money”
“Usually people are more like ‘avenge my dead family’ but…” Scott trailed off
“What dad?” Cassie asked
Hank closed his eyes “I think I can track the ants down”
“It’s too dangerous to go alone” Fern said seriously “And the portals were really wonky, make one, get home, leave me here, I can fly, If I really need, I can call mom or grampa”
“Be careful Hankster” Cassie said finally 
“We’ll be back ASAP” Fern promised
“With Antea! Or Antavious, or Antony the tenth” Scott added Hank breathed in deeply “Thanks, but I better become Sherlock Holmes”
Fern gasped “Sherlock reminds me of Dr Strange!” Scott also gasped, Hank facepaled
“Yeah! He does! That's why I thought it was so weird!” Scott’s voice added “Oh my gods!”
“Please stop” Cassie said, Hank nodded, thankful for Cassie knowing that dad and Fern were weird, the comms went silent “But he does!” Cassie agreed
Hank grounded “I’m leaving the coms” He clicked off, Hank focused working with the EMP “Okay ants, I want you to track down your buddies, like you did in my science experiment for Dr Banner” About a dozen ant crawled towards the exit, a random police man squashed one, Hank flew onto one “Let’s do dad honor and call you Antinus” Hank patted Antinous as the ants crawled as quickly as possible.
Ants use a pheromone as they find food, apparently the guy or girl that made them steal the diamond didn’t pay attention to tell them to not let that go, so Antinus and Co managed easily to follow the trail, if given the choice, Hank would wave summoned fire ants, bullet ants, siafu ants (AKA Army ants) or weaver ants, or all of those species, even if weaver ants weren’t exactly fighters, but glue gun larvae could have been usefully.
The ants moved quickly, but Hank knew that hours could pass before they would get there
“Hey, Antinus, is there a way to get there fast…” Hank stopped, a large building loomed over him and the ants, they stopped and Hank clamped off “Thanks guys” the ants dispersed, Hank was sure that they were Argentine ants, since they were easy to find
Hank flew in, hoping that nobody would step on him, since that would be a bad ending for the Wasp to die.
“We got it boss” Someone said
“Blamed it all on Scott” Another person added
Hank flew in, two normal guys, ugly and big, but the boss was bigger and uglier, wearing weird gray armor “Exactly like I said”
“Uh…actually, that wasn’t you boss”
“Whatever!” Armour dude said “I now have the Hope Diamond! Which I will break apart and sell, immediately after framing the Insects”
“Uh…Boss, Spiderman isn’t with them”
“Nevermind” Hank frowned, gray armor, ugly, strong, and Maybelle kept talking about a guy from another universe, where…
“Rhino…” He whispered
Rhino put his head up “What was that?”
Hank cursed silently
“I think it was a rat boss” A guy said
“Or maybe it’s the Spiderling” THe other one suggested
“It’s not Spiderman, give me the life tracker” Rhino ordered, Hank wanted to curse, he flew as silently as possibly towards Rhino, maybe the tracker wouldn't work if he hi-
“There! It’s a tiny one!” Ugly number one said 
Other ugly nodded “Yeah” “Probably the flappy one” Number one said “Cause it’s moving quick!”
Rhino smiling creepily “Come out Hope Van Dyne” Hank smirked
“Actually…the name’s Hank” He zoomed out right in front of them, they looked shocked “And yeah, I’m the Wasp” 
Everything went great, he turned tiny and punched ugly one in the head, almost knocking him out, then poked him in the eyes, carefully not looking, cause it would be gross
“Ants! Obey me!” Rhino said, about ten thousand argentine ants crawled out of the cracks of the concrete 
“Uh, nope” Hank concentrated, he couldn’t sway the ants, but he could summon more, preferably enemies of the Argentine ants, or even better, ants that could kill them, while trying to get rid of Ugly Guys
“Die Pym!” Rhino cried, he punched Hank in the gut, technically, it should have not hurt that bad, but Hank was small, Rhino was strong, and Hank was distracted
“It’s actually Van Dyne” Hank hissed, he turned small and hid in a small tube, red imported fire ants, Hank thought, he closed his eyes and felt a small group, maybe fifty or one hundred, that wouldn’t be enough, Hank decided, since Argentine ants fought in numbers, so he also added some bullet ants, weaver ants (probably from a shop, since they weren’t supposed to live here)
“What now?” Rhino frowned, the Ants battled each other, trying to get to the adversary, Ugly guy two pucnhed Hank from the back, but Hank turned tiny and blasted him, a dozen bulent ants attacked Ugly guys while the rest battled the Argentine ants, swarming them and ripping their feet off (Hopefully you weren’t eating)
Hank zoomed up “Where’s the diamond?”
Rhino grinned “Where’s Hope?”
Hank’s face slackened, a red herring, he thought, it was home all the time, to frame them, he turned tiny again, just in time to almost get squashed, Hank remembered Sherlock Holmes, and also wished he didn’t catch a red herring
“Hank? Hankster? HANK?” Someone shouted
“He must be here…that's what the tracker said”
“If you say so aunt!” Suddenly three figures apred out of the dark, two girls and one woman dressed in a weird white suit, he grimaced
Cassie coughed “Aunt Ava”
“We’re here to save your ass!” Fern cheered, the three charged forward, Fern and Cassie turned tiny, Ava tackled Rhino down, phasing everytime he punched her, Hank clothes his head
“It’s a herring!” He shouted
Fern repaired on Eye poke ugly, banging him on the head “A herring? What are you talking about?”
“The diamond! It’s at home!” Hank shouted as Cassie pushed other ugly down the window, into a rose bush, hopefully he didn’t die, but then again, it must hurt
“Then go!” Ava shouted “Duh!” She added helpfully 
“Fern! I might need your help!” Hank looked at his younger sister, she nodded
Cassie signed “Well, It’s just Stature and Ghost then”
“Stature? Who’s Stature?” Ava said in a horrified voice, Hank could agree, Stature was a terrible name.
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“Fern, this isn’t working” Hank complained
Fern huffed “Nonsense!”
Hank looked at the sky “We’re never getting home” Fern rolled her eyes
“Dramatic Hanks Thank covered his ears, Fern said something else, but then Hank heard a click on the comms
“Hank Anthony Van Dyne!” Hank gasped, how did his mom get on the comms? “How could you ditch school, sneak in the Smit-”
“Mom! The Hope diamond! It’s at home! We have to find it!” Hank shouted, his mom stopped, and said a really bad curse
“Woo’s coming” His dad’s voice said “At home, he’ll find it, and then we can’t prove otherwise”
Hank wished he knew some family friendly curses, but nope
“STUPID RING! GIVE ME PORTAL!” Fern shouted, three sparks sparked, Fern instituted the ring again (Sling rings don’t have mothers or fathers Fern) and a portal swirled into being, right in the face of Hope Van Dyne
“Mom! We have to find it!” Hank painted “The-”
“On it!” Hope ran up seats, followed by Fern, Hank knew that searching the house wouldn’t saucesce, unless…
“Time for the trusty convenience” Fern shouted, Hank closed his eyes, Hope, the ugly Rhino guy said the Hope diamond is with Hope, where does Hope hide?
“Hey mom” Hank called “Where do you usually hide?” Hope froze in the action of opening a drawer, she turned and looked to Hank slowly
“Wardrobe, red with horses on it” She and Hank rushed out of the house
Hope snatched the Hot Wheels car collection, getting ready for the epic car chase “Fern! We’re leaving to grandpa-” Fern poked her head out 
“Mom, I got a sling ring, we don’t need a car” She waved the ring, Hank sighed
“WORK STUPID RING! YOUR MOTHER WAS A BIRD!” She hollered, the ring (which would probably have nightmares for weeks about Fern) sparked a portal, Fern dashed in, followed by Hope and Hank, the three almost singing superspeed.
Janet and Hank were having their tea peacefully when Hank Jr, Hope and Fern came yelling about diamonds, Hank dropped his tea, almost had a heart attack and then screamed
“What the he-”
“The wardrobe! Quick! Keep the portal open!” Hank shouted, Hope and him ran as fast as possible to the red wardrobe, Hope opened it and Hank gasped “The Hope diamond” Hope picked it up gingerly as the massive dark blue diamond glittered in the weak light
“WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING?” grandpa Hank shouted, Hank sighed
“Oh nothing, just got in a tidbit of trouble, Woo thinks that dad stole the Hope diamond”
Janet coughed “What now?”
“Why does he need another Hope?”
“Hank ple-”
A banging sound was heard “Scott Lang! You-”
“Sup Woo?” Another voice said “Oh My Gosh! You’re actually here! That epic! One time, I had a wood hanging around-” 
“Luis! Shut up!” Scott shouted “Woo? You’re here to arrest me for a crime I didn’t commit?”
“Whats you-” Woo started, someone (probably Luis) coughed
“Buddy, we got like, this epic thingy, like a truth serum! And we use it on Rhino buddies! Ask him yourself!” Luis said happily, Hope and Hank climbed down the stairs, where Janet, Fern and grandpa Hank were 
“The diamond” Hope tossed the diamond to a very confused Jimmy Woo
“Hope Van-”
“You’re under-”
“Hankster what th-”
Fern dropped a teapot on the floor, angering several ants “Shut up Luis, Woo and grandpa! Let Hankster and mom talk! Actually, let Rhino talk!” She nodded towards two women who sighed, Cassie kicked Rhino, who was tied up and looked sleepy
“Did you steal the diamond?” Ava demanded, Rhino yawned
“I stole it, I used the EMP controller to make the ants do it” He yawned again and fell asleep, snoring loudly, making Hank wonder what Cassie and Ava did to him
Cassie nodded and looked at Woo like ‘see that dad didn’t steal it?’
Woo sighed “Well, I shall see you again Scott-”
“Like, on a date?” Scott asked
Woo hesitated “No”
“He’s married” Fern said obliviously
Scott shrugged, “Can we go out for pizza now?”
Hope shook her head “The kids have school”
“But pizza!” Fern, Scott, Luis, Ava and Cassie excaplmed
Hope sighed exasperatedly “No”
Scott stood “I’m getting pizza, you may join me if you want” Fern, Luis, Ava and Cassie all nodded
“I’ll com-” Fern started, just in time for the portal to start shutting down, trapping Hope and Hank in Hank’s grandparents house
“Oh well, I guess I’m not going for pizza” Hank shrugged
Ants can really mess stuff up sometimes.
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veinsfullofstars · 3 months
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-opens wallet and shows you a mile-long photo roll of my babies-
(ID: A compilation of sketches between roughly 2018-2023, featuring a whole host of my original characters as well as some one-off designs, pose practice, AU variants, and filling the empty spaces with eyes. END ID.)
Again, it’s kinda weird seeing the style change happen over the years all in one place. Consistency? Don’t know her. All I know is that I love everyone here so very much, and I feel bad about hurting them in all the stories I imagine for them. You’ll all have happy endings, I promise, I just… need to actually write them down first. Haha, oops.
Also, for anyone interested, I’ve put a very simplified rundown of some of the named recurring characters you see in the sketches below the cut - any excuse to infodump about my brain children.
(OC info updated as of 05/13/24.)
NOTE: This was originally posted on my deleted account on 08/14/23.
Lily (she/her, age unknown): an old ‘sona and one of my first ever OCs, she is an ethereal being with a forgotten past, an obscured face, and the brightest personality you’ve ever seen; her job is to be an imaginary friend to children who need one, the substance coating her arms capable of manifesting shapes and stories that flow and dance through the air like color-shifting ink; she’s also friends with an undead zombie dog named Anthony (not pictured)
Circé Fellbrook (she/they, late 20s): one of my favorite OCs, she is a stoic assassin, carrying your typical tragic backstory rife with fire, loss, kidnapping, and torture, leaving her will cracked (though not broken) and her heart hardened (though not impenetrable); they are forced to work for the Organization (name pending) - a corrupt, cultish sect running much of her world’s political and ruling power from behind the scenes - recently sent with Everett (as his bodyguard, to her utter distaste) to act as moles within the resistance movement, tasked with gathering intel to damage the group from within; she likes to watch the sky on rainy days and dance in forest groves when no one’s looking; she also have a massive sweet tooth and a deep love for animals; in the future, they escape their confines, save the world, and learn to open up again, getting an eye patch, a cool leather jacket, and a queerplatonic relationship with an anarchist objecthead named Suzume, but she’s still a long way off from that; she also travels with a curious wolf she calls Love, who seems innocuous enough, but conceals a troubling secret, one that only Circé knows about, though even she doesn't understand the full extent of his nature...
Tegra Burnpike (she/her, late 60s): a stout, well-muscled woman of many hats - former captain of a not-so-legitimate merchant vessel, retired circuit fighter, one of the faction leaders of the resistance movement (the latter of which gives her the opportunity to befriend Edalisa, Sal, Geth, Everett, and even the standoffish Circé); she is loud, jovial, determined, and compassionate, just as likely to start a brawl as she is to bandage a wound; she loves company both platonic and intimate, happy to lend a patient ear, happier to share tales of her long and storied life (especially if it's over a strong drink); she is also restless, loose on commitment, seeking horizon after horizon for adventure, thrills, anything to quell the itch of standing still in one place for too long, of letting the regrets of the past catch up to her… also, in her free time, she collects little glass-blown animal figurines from all the places she’s been, her collection as vast and storied as she is
Sallion “Sal” Pessier (they/she/he, mid 20s): born of divine lineage (apparent in their sea-foam skin, single curved horn, tail, and dark scleras), they are a gentle being, anxious and bookish with a knack for magic; they endure a troubled childhood within a gated community of devoutly religious folk, resented and mocked by most for their appearance, including their own mother, the fanatical (and hypocritical) high priestess with perhaps more political sway than she should have; in their teen years, they manage to escape this cruel existence on a visiting theater caravan (another ally for the resistance) with the help of their beaten-down father, though he is unable to send the rest of their siblings with them thanks to the youngest ratting them out to their mother; since then, they’ve found sanctuary within the resistance movement as well as the more open-minded religious sects outside of their closed-off hometown, learning about the wider world in ways their old life would've never allowed them, they also gain their first real friends in Tegra, Everett, Circé, and Geth - with the latter eventually blossoming into something more… still, they miss the family they had to leave behind and hope to one day - when they've gotten stronger - return to free them as well before things get any worse...
Geth Evensphere (he/him, early 30s): mute from birth and covered in port-wine stain birthmarks, he is the sweetest, gentlest farm boy you’ll ever meet - a hard worker, good with animals, and a lover of nature and art, painting landscapes in his free time, he is staunchly opposed to violence, more inclined to shield than cause harm, and perhaps a bit too accommodating for his own good sometimes, much to the dismay of those who care about him; though not directly involved with the resistance movement, he and his family do what they can to help, covertly offering supplies and even lodging when necessary; he quickly befriends boisterous Tegra and charismatic Everett, finds a quiet kinship with reluctant Circé, and falls softly in love with gentle Sal; he does not remember his childhood, only that his adoptive parents found him stumbling through the woods one night, alone and disorientated, and took him in; he also has strange recurring bouts of body pain, which seem to have no physical cause beyond being tied to the phases of the moon, worsening as he’s aged…
Everett Stargleam (he/him, late 20s): the most punchable of my OCs, he is a spoiled theater kid from a rich family and an even richer town, his head filled with so much hot air and dreams that it’s a wonder he hasn’t drifted away yet; similar to Sal, he was born with a divine lineage from his absent father’s side, though his features are conveniently more passing (nothing more than odd-colored hair and a strong affinity for magic); though tangentially related to the Organization (his mother being a high-rank politician trying - and failing - to use her darker connections to fix the system from within), he mostly longs for stardom, to perform on stage in theaters around the world and gain the fame (and love) he longs for... though he's only managed to find a few minor roles in local stageplays between his (insufferable) university studies; thanks to his skills in persuasion and deception (and a bit of nepotism), he is sent with Circé to be moles in the resistance movement, which goes smoothly until Everett - confronted with the cruel reality of those affected by the Organization’s actions - starts shifting to the enemy’s side; he also ends up in a long-winded and unbearably snarky will-they-won’t-they with one of the faction leaders, a mystical, strong-willed woman by the name of Edalisa (not pictured), who may be more than she appears…
Amberette (she/her, 8y): a little orphan girl with fiery red hair and a sharper eye than she lets on, she has the ability to teleport short distances thanks to her abnormally high capacity for magic; she and her fellow "gifted" children live in a small, government-owned orphanage in an unassuming, government-owned town, living rather peaceful save for that fact that children routinely go missing for days on end for “check-ups,” returning weakened and sickly, as if the life has been sucked out of them; more furious than frightened, Amber starts looking for an escape, pushing her powers in secret and listening in on conversations between orderlies, hoping to find help before it’s too late; when a few (poorly disguised) members of the resistance come to investigate this very town, she starts subtly guiding them towards the truth until they manage to bring the whole operation down (though not without casualties and a few unexpected surprises); spoiler alert - she and most of her fellow orphans makes it out in the end, the latter receiving shelter within the resistance movement's more secure bases of operations, while she insists on staying with Geth’s family to help however she can, growing fond of both Geth and Sal especially, who fawn over her like doting parents in turn; her journey does not end there, though, for the end of the world will push her powers - and her courage - to their absolute limits…
Amity Georgette Tapia (she/her, 10y): an old Undertale AU OC and another favorite of mine, she is a tiny bundle of joy, pastels, and restless energy, asking a million questions a second and eager to jump into any new experience feet-first (something that might’ve contributed to the fact that she wears a prosthetic in place of her right arm); she loves bubbly music, being outside, and fish (oh, lord, please ask her about fish, she will babble on for days about anything fish-related) - don't show her spiders, though, she will cry; she learns that her SOUL is green while in the Underground, and her magic usually manifests in the form of protective bubbles, swarms of glowing fish, or bursts of bright, blinding light - notably, all more defensive than offensive...
Nerves (they/them, young): a Hollow Knight Vessel OC, they’re named for the fact that they are the most nervous little bug you’ve ever seen, always trembling or wary, their shell - half-cracked open and leaking on one side - always turning this way and that, clutching their vestigial wings around them like an old blanket; they also like to wear costumes, especially hats since they can cover the broken hole in their shell; they better manage their fear over time, growing more curious than careful, finding wonder in the places they see and hope in the distant Lights that call to them (though not every Light has their best interests in mind); they grow close to folks like Iselda and Cornifer (who take them in after a run-in with something bad in Deepnest), Sheo (who helps them discover a deep love for art), Quirrel (whose tales of life outside Hallownest foster their sense of curiosity and wanderlust), the Lost Kin (who was with them when they escaped the Abyss until circumstances separated them), and even Grimm (who teaches them about fear and how to walk alongside it rather than be controlled by it)
The others mentioned (Milagrosa, Riggs, Sandy, Jade, Edmund, Tony, and any unnamed folk) are more one-off designs or from stories I haven’t fully fleshed out yet, though I wouldn’t necessarily mind expanding on them if y'all were interested in the future.
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fandomlit · 3 years
neutral, chap. 4 (dream smp x reader)
series summary (in game!au) when an exiled tommy finally rebels against a manipulative dream, he finds safety in neutral territory, a place owned and guarded by you. staying in your safe haven opens up the younger one’s eyes to your way of life, while also revealing your deeper past before neutral; a past that involved a war for your love.
chapter summary after waking from a taunting nightmare, tommy expels some late night energy on some wandering mobs. you give him another lesson about taking care of himself, even when working hard, and tommy asks if you’ll teach him archery, which, of course, doesn’t go without entertainment.
warnings nightmares, mob killing
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gif cred belongs to @halcyoncraft
he was running again. he didn’t know where or from what, but his legs carried him far and strongly, weaving him through trees and grass and other obstacles along the way. he didn’t know how in danger he was, but he wasn’t going to stop and find out.
then he tripped.
when he flipped onto his back, it was that goddamn mask staring down at him, the lips just under it laughing, “you’re so weak, tommy! did you do anything while you were in neutral?” then his axe came down and tommy braced himself for the pain and release of death.
he woke up instead.
sweating under his covers, tommy sucked in a harsh breath as he sat up. he threw the soft cotton off of him, running a warm hand down his face. it was just a dream; he was safe in neutral.
looking out of the window next to him, he saw the moon still high in the sky, casting a cool light into his bedroom. dream’s words rang through his head like a bell, and he rubbed at his temples with a sigh. was he actually getting weak? was relaxing such a bad thing? at the very least, some part of him must have thought so to conjure a nightmare like that..
with another sigh, tommy lifted himself out of bed and flipped open the ender chest. he drew out his sword before heading to the main floor of the house.
when he reached the bottom of the stairs, a voice called out to him, “tommy?” his heart nearly stopped for a moment, before peeking into the kitchen and realizing it was just y/n. she sat in candlelight, writing in a small journal with a slice of half-eaten pumpkin pie next to her. “are you alright?”
“yeah,” he breathed, his voice still heavy with sleep. “just gonna go kill some mobs.”
she nodded. she looked tired, and a part of tommy felt bad knowing that she was most definitely going to wait for him to return. “okay. have at it, kid.”
he nodded, turning to leave the kitchen. before he did so, he pursed his lips and looked over his shoulder to y/n. “you should go to bed.”
she gave him a smile, scribbling something down in the small journal. “i will, tommy. just gotta finish this up..” his natural curiosity was drawn to the small book, and he almost asked y/n what she was writing. but then dream’s voice rang through his mind again, and tommy silently headed for the doors of the house.
the night air was refreshing on his warm skin, cool and still as the moon illuminated the frontal beauty of neutral territory. he took a deep, calming breath of that crisp air before focusing on the task at hand: proving to himself that dream was wrong. that dream is always wrong.
after about twenty zombies, ten spiders, countless creepers, and a few endermen, tommy finally felt the burn in his arms become nearly too much to bear. he panted as he struck down one last spider, turning and finally deciding to return back to the comfort of y/n’s home.
he sheathed his sword when he finally entered the house, going straight to the kitchen to see that y/n was still awake and writing in her small journal.
“ready to go to bed?” he asked gruffly.
she looked up slowly before nodding, placing her quill down and capping her ink. “any trouble out there?”
“no,” he spoke, shaking his head. “wrote everything you needed to?” y/n blew out her candle and went to join the boy in the doorway to the kitchen.
“as much as i could, anyway,” she shrugged, smiling lazily as they began to walk toward the stairs. “what was your nightmare about?”
tommy was slightly startled, but a little too tired to react drastically to y/n’s deduction. “how’d you know i had a nightmare?”
“i’ve had them before,” she said simply. “and it seemed natural that you’d expel some energy onto mobs after such a thing.”
“you’re smart,” tommy credited.
“thank you,” y/n yawned.
they continued to climb the stairs in silence as tommy considered his words. “i was being hunted by dream again, but this time you weren’t there to save me. he called me weak and killed me.”
“so you wanted to prove to yourself that despite allowing yourself peace, you didn’t have to sacrifice your strength to get there,” y/n summed.
the boy half-smiled. she was spot on, as always. “exactly,” tommy breathed. 
y/n was silent for a moment as she thought. they stopped at the hallway to tommy’s room and it then occurred to tommy’s tired mind that her room was downstairs; she was walking with him because she cared about him. 
“honestly, tommy, if this is a real concern for you, then there is no harm in taking time out of your day to work out and train,” y/n spoke. “but the most important thing is to recognize when enough is enough, and when enough becomes too much. you’ve allowed yourself peace and care for the last two weeks, and achieving such a state doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice fighting or training; it just means that you need to be more aware and in tune with yourself as you’re doing it.” tommy nodded.
“don’t overwork yourself, is the summary here,” she said, picking a cobweb off of his shirt. “let yourself do the things you want, but make sure it’s not wearing you down. that’s taking care of yourself.”
“alright,” tommy spoke quietly. “thank you, y/n.”
“of course, kid,” she smiled. “get some sleep, alright? if you have another nightmare you’re free to bother me.” tommy nodded again. “good night, tommy.”
“good night, y/n,” he yawned as she turned to head down to her room. he made sure he heard her door shut before finally heading to his own room.
“can you teach me archery?” tommy questioned the next morning at breakfast. it was a question that had bugged him since y/n had first revealed her skills just a few days prior, and since he was going to start training, he figured that might be a good place to start.
“sure,” she chuckled as she scooped some more fruit onto his nearly half-eaten plate of french toast.
“why the laugh?” he questioned through a mouthful of berries.
she shrugged to herself. “your curiosity is showing.”
“i’ve been wondering about it since you took out the mob,” tommy admitted. “if i want to get stronger.. i think this is a good way to.”
“perfecting a skill is the perfect way to get stronger,” y/n voiced. “of course i’ll teach you, kid.” she smiled and he turned back to his breakfast with his own grin. “finish up your food and meet me in the basement; we gotta get you a bow first.”
tommy hadn’t been in the basement of the house yet. he opened the heavy, dusty trapdoor and assumed y/n didn’t go down their often either. he slid down the ladder easily and was immediately hit with heat.
y/n had a welding station upstairs in her shop area, but the basement had a more broad and intense version of that area. several anvils, all cracked and rusted and adorned with different materials were scattered in a sort of pattern amongst the space, a fire burning high in a fireplace at the far side of the room. seeing no sign of y/n, tommy moved to the room to his left.
the next room held a large nether portal, as well as a small farm for netherwart. the dark room felt empty to him, and he had to remind himself that he was in fact in y/n’s house still. he remembered she had said that she didn’t like going to the nether.
“i’m in here, tommy!” she called out. he took another left into a small storage room, where y/n was rustling through a chest. “how tall are you, kid?”
“6’1”,” he answered.
y/n smiled. “you’re a lot taller than i’ll ever be.” she took out a pretty oak bow, slightly scratched and obviously old. “you’ll have to use this for now, until i can make you one that’s your size.” he took the bow from her hands, shrugging.
“it’s fine.”
“good,” she hummed, still shuffling through the chest as tommy took the time to look around the small room.
“what’re the dispensers for?” tommy asked, staring at the wall that held the three stone tools.
“im nothing if not prepared, tommy,” y/n spoke as she took out a quiver and began to fill it with arrows for him. “in case of emergency, those dispensers will set off flares to let others know that im in trouble or that neutral is in danger.”
tommy nodded, still looking at the obviously unused dispensers. “smart.”
“i hope so,” she sighed, handing him the quiver of arrows. he strapped it around himself as she continued, “let’s just hope i never have to use them, yeah?”
“yeah,” he chuckled. she gave him a smile, hoisting her bow higher in her grip.
“you ready to shoot some things?”
“relax your shoulders,” y/n reminded. tommy did so, his fingers still white with effort against the taut string of the bow. “don’t pull so hard, tommy. you’re shaking.” he sighed as he let the string and arrow go limp, lowering his bow as y/n approached him closer.
it was his second day of archery training, and he was still missing nearly every target. y/n was a calm and collected teacher, offering him advice that was pointed directly for him and reassured him that there was no rush in the learning process. but after missing fifteen or so shots in a row, tommy was getting frustrated.
and it didn’t help with sapnap and george staring at him through the kitchen windows.
“doin’ great, kid,” sapnap encouraged weakly, taking a drink of the lemonade y/n had lovingly prepared for the boys. just watching the older man sip made tommy’s mouth dry, but he was determined to make five shots in a row before taking a break.
tommy glared at the man before turning his gaze back to his mentor. “ignore him, tommy,” y/n spoke gently. “nick couldn’t hit a target if it was three paces away.”
“that’s a lie!”
“im kidding,” y/n laughed, placing a hand on tommy’s shoulder and turning him away from the distraction that was sapnap. “but seriously, there’s almost always going to be someone watching when you shoot. the more you can tune them out, the better. just focus on your aim--and make sure your grip is looser. you’re gonna snap that string in no time otherwise.”
“loose grip, focus on aim,” tommy breathed and she patted his shoulder as he turned back to the target ahead of him. he hoisted the bow up slowly and pulled the string back just enough that it wasn’t fully taut. he made sure his aim was a little higher than his target, and released the whizzing arrow. the arrow pierced just outside of the center ring.
“perfect,” y/n smiled. “now, do it again.” and he did, taking another deep breath and allowing himself to focus in on the feel of the rough wood on his fingertips, and the tight string he was pulling. the arrow hit just beside his last. she nodded encouragingly. “keep going.”
tommy could feel his heart start to thump in his chest from the excitement of his accurate aim. he took another calming breath and watched as the arrow lodged closer to the center.
“great aim,” she complimented and he grinned as he pulled another one back, trying to contain his shaking as he aimed. the arrow shot lower than his previous, but on the target nonetheless. “still a good shot. one more?”
“yeah,” tommy nodded, licking his dry lips as he retrieved another arrow from his quiver. heart still thumping with utter excitement and pride at y/n complimentary words, he quickly released the arrow and his smile dropped as the arrow lodged into the ground before the target.
“hey, that’s fine!” y/n assured as tommy groaned and dropped his head. “four in a row is an amazing improvement, tommy. you should take a break and reward yourself.”
tommy sighed, looking to the shameful arrow. “yeah. alright.” he dropped the bow to the ground along with his quiver. he looked to his slightly splintered fingers. “im gonna go.. wash up.”
“alright,” y/n smiled as tommy scampered away. she entered into the open kitchen, smiling at her guests. “you boys doing alright?”
they nodded. “when did you take up parenting, y/n?” george giggled. she rolled her eyes as she went to pour her and tommy their own glasses of lemonade. “no, seriously! you care for that kid a lot, it-it’s not a bad thing!”
she sighed, leaning against her counter as she sipped at her lemonade. “i know you two haven’t always agreed with him in the past, but i think tommy’s a good kid. i like his ethic, and i think he has a lot of potential. but that being said..” she shook her head. “he’s so young.” the boys nodded. “he’s been thrown into such a life of chaos and destruction, and im not saying he’s at all innocent, but.. i think it’s good for him to learn that there’s more to this world than just war and enemies. there’s...”
“neutral,” sapnap finished for her. she let out a laugh.
“yeah, neutral,” she agreed, tapping her fingers against her cold glass. “but, yeah, if teaching him peace and self care is motherly of me..” she shrugged. “then i guess im alright with being a parent.”
“that’s sweet,” sapnap nodded. “i hate it.” the three of them laughed, y/n laying a light slap on the man’s arm before tommy’s voice called out to her.
“y/n! can i have some help?”
“im coming!” she called back, setting down her glass of lemonade.
“go help your poor son,” george teased, resting his head in his hand as he gazed at y/n amusedly. she rolled her eyes.
“behave, you two,” she laughed before leaving the kitchen.
there was a moment of silence before george spoke, “i do think it’s quite sweet how y/n’s taken tommy in. i think it’s good for both of them.”
“you say that now,” sapnap sighed, leaning back in his chair. “but just wait until tommy’s back to feeling 100% and y/n’s going around saying “pog” all the time.”
tag list!! @vanhakirja @victory-is-here @inkyynki @airiour @sylum @kiritokunuwu @221bee-slytherin @bllatrixcarpnter @soullesstaco @stxrryb1tch @amibismexy @keiarma @akaichi-blog @runningoffofcaffeine @nonetookind @aquilla-favonia @feverish-dove @izuruamme @weeb-bb @bialin @justachillbisexual @kiritokunuwu @natalie-is-a-wall comment below or message me if you would like to be added <3
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sleepysnk · 3 years
here is the sequel to jaegerbomb is streaming! i hope you all enjoy ♡!
Jaegerbomb Has a Guest
Pairings: Streamer!Eren Jaeger x Fem!Reader
Warnings: cursing, small nsfw mention if you squint
part one.
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"Fuck! Oh my god bro,"
Eren leaned back in his chair seeing that he just died again in the game he was playing. He had lost for the third time and he was getting extremely annoyed, a few people in the chat were telling him he was okay and he didn't need to get mad; but it was Eren.. he always got mad.
He grabbed his controller before looking at the chat. "What are you guys up to right now?" he asked. 
Eren put his attention back onto the screen, entering another round of the game he was playing. 
He pressed a few buttons on the controller and scanned his eyes over the targets he had to kill, it was a zombie game everyone was suggesting and he couldn't get past this certain round. It was pissing him off.
He started to press the buttons at a quicker pace but unfortunately, he died again. 
Eren slammed the controller onto his desk. "Bro what the fuck! This shit makes no sense, I'm done. Wack ass game," he said, rubbing his temples. 
He looked over at the chat to see people messaging him.
jaegerist3452: eren just lay off for a bit
iloveeren_: eren is mad again guys
erensimp43: damn it ain't that hard
jaegerbombfan20: better luck next time eren!
He sighed, "It is hard what do you mean? Man.. you don't even know," he said before shaking his head. 
A knock came from the door, Eren averted his attention to where his bedroom door was; he heard it open a bit and saw his girlfriend standing in the doorway. 
"Is everything okay?" she asked in a whisper. 
Eren removed one of the earmuffs to hear her better. "Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine baby." 
She rocked on her heels. "You were yelling really loud and I thought you were mad," she giggled. 
He smiled a bit, "Nah don't worry.." he replied before looking back over at the chat. 
jaegerist45: who was that eren?
iloveeren1010: who were u calling baby?
erensbiggestfan1083: you guys heard that too?
jaegerist3452: omg do u have a gf?
jaegerbombfan20: wait.. weren't u dating that y/n girl? or weren't u talking?
Eren chuckled a bit, "Yeah I have a girlfriend guys.. but I don't think I want to make it known just yet who she is because I don't know if she's comfortable with that," he replied.
He looked over to see (Y/N)'s head cocked to the side. "Do they know?" she asked in a whisper. 
He shook his head, "She's pretty amazing though," he added with a grin. 
erensimp34: wait then what happened to y/n?
jaegerist45: why should it matter? maybe they stopped talking
jaegerbombfan20: idk it's just weird.. she was always in his streams and now she isn't.
iloveeren1010: they probably just faded maybe i dunno
Eren was getting amusement from the chat, it was true that (Y/N) had stopped coming to streams; it was because she lived with Eren now and she was his girlfriend. 
"I dunno what happened to (Y/N).. she and I don't talk very much," he replied, running his fingers through his hair. 
(Y/N) rolled her eyes playfully, Eren was such a sick bastard for that. 
jaegerist45: oh shit 
erensimp43: well damn, i guess shit happens 
jaegerbombfan20: awe :(( omg 
"Yeah I dunno.. but don't worry guys, I bet she's doing well," he smirked, his eyes flickering up at her. 
Eren streamed for another 30 minutes before he decided to get off and chill with (Y/N), he didn't stream as long as before because he wanted to spend time with her. 
"Babe!" Eren yelled as he exited his bedroom. 
He found (Y/N) sitting at the kitchen table, she was on her phone. Her attention averted towards Eren, "Hi baby," she said.
He came over and kissed her head. "Hi princess.. what are you up to?" he asked, nodding his head. 
She sighed, "Not much, I'm just on Instagram. Did you finish your stream?" she asked. 
Eren went towards the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. "Yeah I did.. I wanted to spend some time with you," he replied, taking a sip of the cold drink.
She smiled a bit, "You don't have to babe, really. But I meant to ask," she said. "Are you ever going to tell your fans about me?"
Eren twisted the cap back onto his water bottle. "Yeah.. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with it. I remember you told me that you wanted things to be private, so I respected that."
(Y/N) remembers at the beginning of their relationship when she told Eren about the privacy thing. She was still in college and she didn't want a huge amount of people rushing to her and asking about Eren, it made her feel shy and a little anxious. 
"I mean.. maybe we can be a little more public, you know?" she said, chewing her lip. 
Eren nodded, "Don't worry about it baby, I'll make it known that we're dating." he replied. 
Eren was up streaming at the moment, he was playing Minecraft and his fans were enjoying the way Eren kept yelling if there was a creeper or a zombie nearby.
"Fuck y'all who decided that hardcore was a good idea, I am gonna have a heart attack," he said, his eyes narrowing a few times while staring at the screen. 
He looked at the chat then back at the screen, his mind was too occupied with the thought of dying in the game than answering questions. 
He didn't even notice (Y/N) walk in. 
She was leaning against the wall, she was surprised seeing her boyfriend so focused on a game. It was different than seeing it on a stream, it was kind of cute.
His eyes flickered up, he jumped a bit seeing her there. "Shit.. babe, what are you doing here? I didn't even hear you," he asked, putting his hand on his chest. 
She walked over quietly, "Are you busy?" she asked. 
He looked at her, "Uh not really, I'm just streaming and playing some Minecraft. Why? Is something wrong beautiful?" 
A few people in the chat began to send in messages. 
jaegerist3452: ooo eren's girl is here
jaegerbombfan20: we should meet her eren!
iloveeren1010: can we meet her Eren? 
erensimp43: did u guys see how soft his face got when she showed up? THAT WAS SO CUTE.
iloveeren_: that's so cute, can we see her eren? PLEASEEEE
He looked towards the screen. "I would love to introduce her guys, but I dunno if she's ready. She's a little shy," he replied, smiling at (Y/N).
She giggled a bit, "I'm not that shy! I'm just a little awkward.." she whispered. 
Eren chuckled, "I mean.. they somewhat know you," he whispered.
She rolled her eyes playfully. "Maybe it is time Eren.." she mumbled, looking away from him. 
He shook his head, "Do you guys really want to meet my girl? No gross shit! I'll block you," he said, looking at the camera. 
jaegerist3452: YESSSS
erensimp43: i'd love to see her
jaegerbombfan20: of course eren!
jaegerist45: i'm down i guess
bigerensimp292: sure!!!
Eren muted his mic before walking over to (Y/N). "Are you sure you want to baby? You don't have to," he asked, cupping her cheek. 
She fidgeted with her fingers. "I do but.. what if they make fun of me? I don't even think they know what I look like.." she mumbled. 
Eren tilted her chin upwards. "Princess.. you are stunning, okay? If anyone is rude to you I will whoop their ass," he said. "Okay? You'll only be there for a few seconds."
(Y/N) took a deep breath. "Okay.." she whispered. 
He leaned down to kiss her cheek. "I'll go turn off my camera and then I'll have you sitting on my lap, okay?" he said before making his way towards his setup.
"Okay!" she replied. 
Eren sat down in his chair. "Hold on a sec you guys.. I gotta get the special lady ready," he said, turning off the camera. 
iloveeren1010: this is exciting OMG
erensbiggestfan1083: why do i feel like he's gonna bring an animal in or something
jaegerbombfan20: she's lucky 
jaegerist3452: eren hurry ur ass up i wanna see her
(Y/N) stood in front of Eren, her heart thumped in her chest. "I'm really nervous.." she said, chewing her bottom lip.
Eren held her hand, "Come here.. just take a seat." he said, patting his lap. 
She positioned herself onto his lap, Eren adjusted her legs and kissed her head. "Here we go.." she whispered. 
Eren fixed his mic, "Alright.. no rude shit, okay? If I catch any of you horny fuckers saying something I'll block you," he said. 
(Y/N) watched Eren turn the camera on, she could see herself on his other monitor. "Hi.." she said, waving a little bit. 
Eren kissed her cheek lovingly. "This is my girlfriend.. (Y/N)." 
The chat suddenly began blowing up with messages. 
jaegerbombfan20: OMG OMG IT'S Y/N!!!!
iloveeren1010: she's so pretty Eren!!!
jaegerist45: well would u look at that, you got a winner Eren
erenswife4938: i had a feeling it was her but u guys are so adorable 🥺🥺
(Y/N) giggled as she read the messages. "Thank you guys," she said, a smile forming onto her face. 
Eren drew circles into her thigh. "Yeah she's amazing.. I'm so glad I found her," he said, leaning his head by the crook of her neck. "Be nice okay guys? She's a little shy," he added. 
jaegerist3452: i love this so much 
erensbiggestfan1083: what a simp
iloveeren1010: i shipped it so much from the beginning! i'm so happy for you Eren!!
jaegerist45: GO ERENNN
jaegerbombfan20: eren she's so pretty
Eren looked at his girlfriend. "They think you're pretty babe," he said, smiling. 
She felt her cheeks growing warm. "Thank you guys, really." she replied. 
Eren snuggled her body closer to his, the warmth radiated onto her skin. "She is really pretty.. she's the prettiest girl I've ever seen," he said. 
A smile formed onto her features from his words. Eren was always a sweet guy, he always had ways of making her feel like a princess. 
jaegerist3452: how do u feel about y/n?
"Babe you got a question," she said, nudging his arm.
Eren leaned up a bit to read the question, his eyes narrowing a bit. 
"How do I feel about (Y/N)? Shit.. do you wanna know?" he asked, his eyes averting up towards his girlfriend. 
A bunch of people began spamming yes. Eren decided to answer the question.
"Well being honest.. she's the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. I usually don't go after fans but she was different, I couldn't ask for a better person in my life, I love (Y/N) so much, she doesn't even know how much she means to me. I'm convinced she's my soulmate.." he said, his heart hammering in his chest. 
(Y/N) smiled, she felt like she could cry from what he said. 
jaegerbombfan20: that is so cute 🥺
jaegerist3452: AWWWW
erensimp43: that's so adorable OMG <3
"I love you.." Eren said, looking up at (Y/N).
She put her arms around his neck. "I love you more baby.." she replied, pecking his lips. 
He smiled, his eyes were full of love and happiness. "You make me so happy.. I'm convinced you're my soulmate," he said. 
She cupped his cheek, "You're definitely the one for me Eren.." she whispered. 
He peppered her face with kisses, laughter began to escape her mouth when his lips touched the skin of her face. 
"But yeah guys.. this is my girlfriend," Eren said, a smile on his face. 
erenfan3281: do u dick her down good?
"Okay that's where I end the stream! Goodnight guys!" Eren said before clicking the button to end the stream. 
(Y/N) giggled a bit, "Was that necessary?" she asked. 
He looked at her, "Duh! That's weird to ask.." he mumbled. 
She leaned her head onto his shoulder. "It is weird.. but you do dick me down good," she said, a smirk forming onto her features. 
Eren raised a brow, "Oh? Is that so? I knew I always did." 
She hit his arm playfully. "Shush! But since your stream is over.. Can we cuddle up? I missed you.." she asked, a pout obvious on her lips. 
Eren took off his headset. "Of course we can princess," he replied, kissing her head. He tapped her thigh, "Go lay down and I'll join you in a sec," he added. 
(Y/N) stood up and stretched a bit, she heard a few of her joints cracking as she moved her body around. She made her way to the bed and lied down on the sheets.
Eren turned off his computer and walked to the bed where she was, he smiled seeing the way her body was spread on his bed; the sight made his heart swell. He lied down next to her, opening his arms which she gladly leaned into. 
"Eren..?" she said, her voice in a whisper. 
He looked down, "What's up?" he asked.
"I love you.." 
"I love you more beautiful.."
tagging: @levithestripper
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captains-simp · 3 years
Hi, I was wondering if you could do the angst prompts 9 and 10 for Wanda with a happy ending?
I sure can :) and I'm gonna combine this with @geek-2 request if that's alright with you lovely people
"Do I mean that little to you?"
"Was it all a lie?"
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"Please don't go."
"I can't do this without you."
"I thought you wanted me to move on."
Warnings: lying, injury, me still not being too sure about the how healing works, breakup and Reader and Wanda being useless lesbians
5.7k words
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Buy me a coffee ☕
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You knew when you started dating Wanda that there would be times she couldn't tell you the truth. For the sake of her missions, her own safety, that of her teams and even yours, there were just some things she had to keep secret.
You thought it would be small things like where exactly she was when she went on a mission and who was involved. But after seeing how quickly you grew concerned for your girlfriend, Wanda would start to tell white lies about other things.
It was common for her to get a little scratched up on a mission. She'd let you clean her up and fuss over her for a while over the small injuries. However when things were a little more serious she'd either hide it or make it out to be not that big of a deal. You'd scold her for that when you found out and she always promised to tell you the truth.
Yet when Wanda got shot she did far from it.
Wanda had told you over the phone that her mission had overrun. She assured you she was fine and that she would seen you again soon. In reality? Wanda was laying in the hospital wing in the Avenger's compound, planning to stay there until she was healed enough to be able to conceal her injury with a small bandage and a believable fake injury to explain it.
It had worked at first. Of course it had, you had never had any reason to suspect her of lying about something that serious before.
One night when Wanda was at your appartment she had disappeared into another room for a while. You called out to her a few times but had no response. So you went in search of your girlfriend and in finding her also found out her secret.
You opened your bedroom door after knocking and saw Wanda sitting back on your bed with the plaster dressing at her side as she inspected how her wound was healing. She had been so concentrated on the damaged skin on her stomach she didn't noticed you until she felt your presence in the doorway.
Her head whipped up as she pulled her top down and stood up to face you. You had your mouth slightly agape in shock, already knowing what Wanda was trying to hide but had to ask anyway.
"What was that?" You whispered, frozen in place in the doorway with your hand still on the handle.
"I told you it was just a deep cut." Wanda said as cooly as she could as she put the dressing in the bin.
"That wasn't a cut, Wanda." Wanda laughed lightly as she ran her hand through her hair showing her nervous habit. She couldn't make it any more obvious she was lying.
"It is. Sorry, I just got distracted, let's go back to the movie." The desperation to change the topic stung slightly, telling you just how much Wanda didn't want to tell you the truth.
"Let me see." You said, blocking her exit.
"It's nothing, y/n." Wanda refused to meet your eye.
"So you won't mind me seeing."
"It's not pleasant, y/n." Wanda said, trying to add some humour to lighten the tension.
"Wanda, show me."
"It's not-" but you were already reaching for her top on other side of the injury.
"Y/n, don't." Wanda refused to ever get physical in that way, always so afraid of hurting you. She didn't swat your hand away, she didn't push you or hold your wrist, she just stepped out of your reach over and over until she was backed into a wall.
"There's no point in looking." She defied but you already had ahold of her top and pulled it up to expose the gunshot wound.
Your breath caught in your throat as you saw the area a bullet had hit. The image of it would be one that stayed with you forever. Even if it was partly healed, the signs of trauma were still there.
"That's..." You could barely speak. "That's a... gunshot...mark." You weren't even sure you were speaking properly. Wanda didn't say anything, she only started at a part of the wall behind you.
"When?" You asked, letting her shirt down and picking up the plaster dressing from the bed. You struggled to undo it in your shaking hands.
"The mission." Wanda whispered, knowing she had to tell you the truth. The whole truth.
"It's healing quickly." You murmmered as you gently placed you dressing over the wound. The redhead didn't respond, still figuring out how best to say it.
Wanda had been away for another week after the call. You first assumed it had happened towards the end of that week. As you smoothed the dressing over as softly as you could it dawned on you what had happened.
"You called me after it happened." You said suddenly as you took a step away from her. Wanda looked down at the floor in guilt.
"You lied to me." You said as a tear formed, it was a lot to take in and you were feeling overwhelmed. "I could have helped you."
"You would have worried." Wanda finally said as she stepped towards you and tried to take your hands in her own.
"Of course I would have I'm your girlfriend! I have every right to worry." You fired back.
"Not about this, I was fine. I was being taken care of."
"This is not fine, Wanda. You were shot."
"I know the risks." Wanda assured, as though that was what you were thinking about.
"I know you do, so do I. But you're meant to tell me when bad things happen, I'm meant to be there for you whatever happens."
"Baby." Wanda reached out for you again and this time you let her. "I'm sorry. I just thought it would be better that way. You don't have to worry about what you don't know." She said softly.
"I'm always going to worry."
"I know, it just worked out last time and I thought it would be best now too." She rambled with a slight smile, clearly still anxious.
"Last time?" You stopped smiling when you spoke. Wanda's eyes widened as she realised her slip up.
"No, not last time! That's not- well it kind of-"
"What the fuck do you mean?" You pulled away from Wanda to put distance between you again.
"I just broke my leg once and stayed with the Avengers until it was healed it wasn't that bad-"
"You..." You breathed out heavily and turned around as you put a hand to your forehead, tears whelming in your eyes again. "You broke your leg and didn't tell me." You confirmed to yourself.
"I was honestly fine."
"Stop saying that!" You yelled in anger, beyond frustrated at Wanda for still not understanding you. "You're still lying. Do I mean that little to you?" Wanda rushed over to you quickly and tried to put her hands on yours again but you shook her off.
"No! No I love you so much." Wanda pleaded.
"All those times you told me the missions were extended..." You breathed heavily, starting to spiral as you realised how much there was to question. "Was it all a lie?" You whispered.
"No! Y/n, please you have to listen to me."
"I have been listening to you, and where has it gotten us?" You asked rhetorically, all energy drained from your voice and the distinct salty taste of tears attacked your taste buds, you hadn't even realised you were crying. You trudged like a zombie through the appartment with Wanda hot on your tail, still pleading with you.
"I always thought I could...where are you going?" Wanda asked as she noticed you putting your jacket on. You hadn't even realised you had done that.
"On a walk, I need to think."
"Please don't go." Wanda said, her tearful voice ripping through your heart.
"I need to be alone Wanda. I need to think about us."
"Us?" Wanda's voice was barely audible.
"I don't... I don't think I can do this."
"Y/n please it won't happen again." Tears were streaming down Wanda's face now as she begged you to stay. "I can't do this without you." Your hand hovered over the door handle until it dropped back down to your side. You walked over to Wanda and placed a soft kiss on her cheek before you left.
No longer being Wanda's girlfriend proved hard to adjust to. There were days you wanted to call her and apologise, desperate to make things right, and there were other times the heart ache was too much.
You seemed to always have her on your mind. Wondering what she was doing, if she was thinking about you, if she was taking care of herself, if she was moving on...if she was safe.
The weeks merged together and the pain showed no signs of going away. You didn't talk to Wanda and the Sokovian didn't talk to you. Nat still text you to check up on you but you always found yourself wishing she spent all that energy on Wanda. After all, it was you who broke up with her.
Eventually you were willing to do anything to get Wanda out of your head. You worked harder at your job and put in extra hours, you took up random hobbies that you didn't even enjoy, you even went on a couple of dates. Anything to be at home as little as possible. Your home was where you thought about her most, every room holding countless memories with Wanda, those moments being the ones you lived for with her.
The dates never led to anything, you didn't want them to. You weren't ready to start dating seriously again, you just wanted to be around new people but you always found yourself comparing them to Wanda. That was until the night you felt your heart shatter all over again.
Nat had invited you to a small party at one of Tony's beach houses. You had politely declined at first, making up some excuse about being busy, of course Nat saw right through you. She insisted it would be good for you to get out and while you knew she was right, you also knew Wanda would be there.
You didn't want to make things awkward, you just wanted to heal in peace so you could find some way of moving on. Your excuses were no match for the Black Widow's stubborness.
Not only did Nat persuade you to go after promising things wouldn't be weird, she also told you she would take you. The kind gesture was clearly just a disguise for making sure you really came. But you appreciated it all the same.
You had been anxious all day in the wait for the party. You and Wanda still hadn't talked to each other and you really wished you had. Would it have made the night less awkward?
Nat arrived promptly at the time she said she would and complimented you on your outfit. The drive wasn't filled with any unbearable silences like you had guessed it would be. In fact it made you realise just how intent Nat was on keeping your friendship and you quickly found yourself falling back into the way you used to. All that time spent around new people and it turned out you just needed to be around someone you knew.
"You feeling okay?" Nat enquired after a while.
"Yeah." You lied with a small smile and avoided her searching gaze. She clearly saw right through your lie...again.
"If it gets too much we can go whenever you want." Nat assured and you smiled genuinely.
"Thanks Nat." She shot back her familiar smile before turning her attention to the road again and before you knew it you had arrived.
It was a beautiful place. The house was sitting at the side of a small cliff with the front raised above sea level and the left side and back stepping out onto the sand. It was kind of place you would love to retire to and knew that Tony would probably only ever visit that house a few times. That seemed absurd considering the price and rarity of such a place, but you guessed billionaires never had to worry about that.
There were people scattered around the beach watching the last of the sunset over the sea. It was breathtaking to say the least, you wished you could have just stayed out there for the duration of the party.
What Tony considered to be a small party was one with friends and family. Problem was, Tony had a lot of friends. It just seemed like a much less formal party than you were used to. The atmosphere was welcoming and it put you at ease to see everyone like that.
You spent a while catching up with some of the Avengers you hadn't seen in a while and just like you had with Natasha, you found yourself falling back into old habits and convosations.
You weren't sure how long you had been there when you saw Wanda. She was strolling around the room, eyes roaming over everyone's faces as though she was looking for someone in particular.
She looked beautiful. Her hair was down and mirrored the movements of her short skirt whenever she moved. She had applied a natural look of makeup that reminded you of the few times you had tried to do it for her only for you to both discover she clearly knew what she was doing more than you. She had teased you about that for a while.
The sokovian's concentrated look was one you had always admired. Her focus on one thing, especially when that thing was you, had always made you smile, unable to stop yourself thinking you were the luckiest person alive to be her sole focus. You missed that all so much.
You weren't sure if you should approach her or not. Thankfully the brief moment Wanda caught your eye she smiled warmly and came over to you.
You smiled back before glancing down at your drink and playing with the fabric of your shirt, not really knowing what to do with yourself.
"Hey." Wanda greeted as she approached.
"Hey yourself." You replied with a nervous laugh.
"I'm glad you made it." She said genuinely.
"Yeah well, Nat basically dragged me over here." You laughed again but stopped when you saw Wanda's smile faulter slightly at your words. "Not that I didn't want to come!" You rushed. "I did I just..." You trailed off, not really knowing what to say. God, it was awkward.
Wanda hummed in acknowledgment and a silence fell over you both. You wanted so badly to ask how she was but couldn't get your mouth to form the words.
Wanda watched your conflicted expression and nodded a little to herself, thinking she knew what you were thinking. If she had used her powers she would have known how wrong she was.
"I'll see you around." Wanda said as she turned to leave. You almost called out to her to stop her until you realised you didn't know how to say it.
"Yeah...see you around." But Wanda was already walking away.
You wandered towards one of the balconys and leaned on the railing as you gazed out at the sea. It was getting dark out but there was still enough light to be able to see.
You watched the gentle waves from the sea hit the shore as the wind tickled your face and played with the hair you had spent a while on earlier that night. You had been on a constant battle of wanting to look your best and wanting to look as though you didn't care. You still didn't know what you wanted.
Your convosation with Wanda had left you more confused than ever. She had seemed genuinely happy to see you and yet things were so off. You told yourself that was bound to happen considering the circumstances, but you couldn't forget how quickly Wanda had wanted to go. Would you be able to be just friends with her? Was that something she wanted? Was that something you could even do?
One thing was for sure, you were definetly still inlove with Wanda Maximoff, and breaking up with her was the biggest mistake of your life.
You sighed heavily as you rested your face in your hands and tried to focus on the feeling of the wind against you. Would it be fair of you to say any of this to Wanda? To tell her how conflicted you had been and that you still loved her? To confess all of that to her when there was a chance she had moved on. Maybe you should have made your move before you knew for sure, because it was still unknown to you.
You looked up at the sea again as you rested your chin on your hands. You had to do something, before it was too late.
The familiar sound of giggling that had always brought a smile to your face snapped you out of your trance. You followed the sound of laughter and saw Wanda stumbling about on the beach, holding someone's hand as she guided them further out.
Even from the fair distant you could see the giddy smile on Wanda's face. That had always been a smile reserved for you. A familiar feeling of anxiety started to grow in your chest as you watched Wanda turn around to face the girl and cup her face in her hands.
You knew you shouldn't have watched. You knew it would hurt like hell, but you had to know for sure.
The Sokovian continued to smile at the girl infront of her before leaning forward to kiss her. Not a small kiss. Not a light peck. A slow, passionate kiss. The kind you remembered for a long time. The kind that held a special place because you took your time to familiarise yourself with your partner.
Your guts twisted and a sudden pang to your chest made you finally tear your eyes away only to realise your vision was blurred with tears. Your heart was racing and your breathing was shallow. You were too late.
You turned to go back inside and blinked back your tears in a desperate effort to have clear vision so you could locate Natasha and leave. Wanda's laugh continued to haunt you until you were back inside and the music was able to drown everything out.
You searched frantically for Nat and when you found her you saw her surrounded by a large group of friends. She was laughing with them and thoroughly enjoying their company, no doubt treasuring the precious time she could spend with them that wasn't work related. You didn't want to take her away from that.
You hurried through the house and called an uber but your hands were shaking and it was proving harder than it should have. When you finally got outside you leant against the wall and tried to steady your breathing but failed.
You leant forward to rest your hands on your knees and stared down at the ground, hoping the new position would help. It didn't.
Defeated, you slumped down against the wall and finally let yourself cry. You cried over your biggest mistake with Wanda. You cried over the relationship you had lost. You cried at the loss of the love of your life. It was gone, and you had no idea what you would do.
You eventually forced yourself to stop crying as you stood up from the ground. The ache in your chest was stronger than ever, but you just had to focus on getting home.
The moment you did, you broke down crying again.
You had texted Nat on the way back to your appartment telling her you had left, but that didn't stop the onslaught of calls you had later that night. You ignored all of them but made sure to text your friend that you were okay. While you didn't want to speak to Nat in fear that you'd tell her everything that was on your mind and the ache in your heart, you didn't want her to worry.
You didn't talk to Wanda either. God, did  you want to.
What you had seen played in your head like a glitchy television that still managed to present in high quality. You remembered that sweet smile, the joyful laugh, the way she only focused on the girl she kissed. Wanda had moved on while you had swerved off of that road and into a ditch, that was how it felt at least.
It was well into Sunday evening when Natasha knocked on your door. You were laying on the couch in your comfiest pajamas surrounded by every blanket you owned as you ate a tub of chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. So of course you weren't about to get up to answer the door.
"I know you're in there, y/n." Natasha called after a while. Your eyes shifted from the TV screen at the sound of Natasha's voice, but you still didn't want to get up.
"If you don't open the door I'm gonna let myself in." You rolled your eyes, nor believing Nat. Boy, you were wrong to.
A second later there was a click from the door before it swung open and Natasha stepped through, at least being nice enough to close it behind her.
"Really?!" You exclaimed. Nat gave you the one over before taking in your surroundings with a concerned look.
"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner." She mumbled as she strolled towards the couch and sat down by your feet.
"I'm fine." You clearly weren't, you were pretty sure your eyes were still puffy from your crying session ten minutes prior.
"What happened at the party?" Nat asked sincerely. You were about to question how she had put that together until you realised even someone who wasn't a superspy could figure that out.
"Nothing." You muttered, stabbing the ice cream with your spoon as you tried to keep your eyes on the screen.
"Y/n." Nat said sternly. You couldn't help but look back at her when she used that voice. You chewed your lip as you attempted to organise your thoughts, having no idea where to start. Luckily, Nat was willing to guide you.
"You talk to Wanda?" She enquired. You nodded as you stared down at the tub.
"It was unbearably awkward." You admitted making Nat chuckle.
"You talked to her since?"
Since my heart shattered again?
"No." You said sadly. "I don't think I can." You admitted, biting your lip in an attempt to keep your breathing and voice steady.
"Why not?" You sighed deeply, glancing between Nat, the TV and your melting ice cream.
"Have you talked to Wanda?" You fired back.
"I work with her, I'm gonna need you to be more specific."
"About...you know how she's doing and if... if she's moved on?" You didn't look at your friend as you spoke.
"No, I don't need to to know. Y/n what's going on?" Nat asked as she moved your feet to put on her lap so some of the blankets coukd cover her too. She proped her elbow up on the back of the couch and resting her head on it as she watched you with a concerned gaze.
"I think- no, I know I made a big mistake breaking up with her." Nat didn't respond so you kept going. "In that moment I just... I don't know I freaked out. I questioned a lot and instead of letting her explain I tried to make everything fit into place by myself, assuming the worst about everything. I should have actually listened to her." Your voice broke as you spoke, tears threatening to spill. "I miss her so much, Nat. I still love her but," You bit your lip so hard you were surprised didn't taste blood. "She's moved on. And now I can't get her back because if wouldn't be fair to do that when she's got someone new." Tears finally streamed down your face as you breathed heavily, the pain in your heart was immense at having to finally say it all aloud. "I've lost her."
Nat quickly moved towards you and enveloped you in a hug, letting you cry into her chest for God knows how long.
"Why do you think she's moved on?" Nat asked softly as she rubbed your back.
"I saw her with someone else. They way she looked at her..." You trailed off, not sure you could finish.
"I don't think that was what you think it was." Nat said.
"You think she was platonically kissing her?" You were surprised you even had it in you to make a sarcastic comment.
"It happens." Nat deadpanned.
"Not with Wanda." There was no arguing with that.
"She could have been tipsy." Nat offered and you finally pulled out of her hug to look at her questioningly.
"Why are you so sure of this?" Nat opened her mouth to speak but closed it soon after as though she thought better of what she was about to say and instead shrugged.
"She's moved on, Nat. I need to let her be and move on too. It's been long enough."
"And how do you plan on doing that?" Nat asked, genuinely curious.
"I'll go on another date." You said simply. The redhead glanced around at the ice cream and the collection of blankets, clearly skeptical that you were ready for that.
You sighed and leaned over to grab your phone and brought up a text message from one of your colleagues. Nat read the message from a few hours prior of them asking you out on a date and how you had accepted.
"I have till Friday to get at least some of my shit together." You said when Nat had done reading.
"Is this the one that asked you out before?" Nat asked with some resistance in her tone, she knew all about that person.
"It is." You tried to ignore the resurfacing memory of that terrible day.
"She doesn't really seem like your type." Nat stated giving you a questioning look. She really wasn't. She was bashful and irritating among many other things. The complete opposite of Wanda. You theory was that if anyone would help you stop thinking about Wanda, even temporarily, it would be her. You were terribly mistaken.
"No harm in trying something new." You said simply, faking satisfaction.
"I guess." Nat muttered, clearly far from convinced but not discouraging you from your date. Turns out she had other plans.
It's not like you had high expectations for that date. The bar was so low and yet Ione still managed to limbo under it.
She turned up half an hour late in a car the reeked of cigarettes. You didn't mind that she smoked, it was more than being in a trapped space with smoke drifting around didn't get on too well with your asthma and she insisted it was too cold to wind the windows down even a little bit.
The restaurant was the only enjoyable part of the date. It was a nice, casual place that had a settling atmosphere, but the moment Ione started the convosation you were reminded of her nature.
She spent most of that dinner talking about herself and her 'amazing hobbies' that you gathered to be a bunch of bullshit. She was committed to it though, you'd give her that. As if her 'hobbies' wouldn't be enough to impress you (they definetly didn't anyway) the taller girl started to casually mention the hookups she had had recently. You were honestly baffled by her. She bragged about them like trophies, always smirking at you as though telling you to feel lucky she was giving you the time of day.
Everytime she said something new the only thing you could think was 'Wanda would never say that.' So in terms of taking your mind off of your ex? Ione failed in that department too.
Throughout the meal she never once stopped to ask about you. Part of you was glad for it, because you never had to talk. You got maybe ten words in that night, all of them completly disregarded. It was hands down the worst date you had ever been on.
"I'm just gonna have a smoke while you pay." Ione said casually as she stood up to leave, leaving no room for any objections. You opened and closed your mouth life a goldfish, somehow still shocked at her antics.
You sighed as you leant back in your chair and motioned to a near by waiter for the bill, thankful the date was finally coming to an end.
You stated down at your empty plates and allowed your mind to wander towards the place it always did. Wanda. You wondered if her dates had been nearly as bad as that one. She had always gone all out for your dates, treasuring those events that were limited by her work.
When you looked up again you felt your breath catch in your throat. It was as though by thinking of Wanda you had somehow conjured her. She stood in the entrance to the restaurant looking frantic. Her hair was frazzled and her clothes were ruffled as though she had exhausted herself going to the restaurant.
When her eyes finally landed on you you were unable to look away. She looked so god damn beautiful. The brown eyes you had come to love stayed fixed on yours as she made her way towards you, a determined look across her face.
"Wanda?" You asked, not quite believing how she was infront of you much less how you seemed to be her sole focus.
"Hey y/n." Wanda smiled weakly as though all confidence had gone. "Can I sit?" She asked, motioning to the chair Ione had been in.
"Err..." You looked towards the window where you could vaguely see your date on her phone while smoking. "Of course." Wanda smiled gratefully and sat down, instantly fiddling with the rings on her fingers, one of her many nervous tells.
"What are you doing here?" You just had to know.
"I um...I wanted to see you. I know this isn't the best time and I'm sorry-"
"But how did you know I'd be here?" You enquired.
"Nat told me." She answered truthfully.
"She what?" Instantly comfused and annoyed at Nat for telling Wanda that, why would she want to know.
"Y/n I know we didn't end in the best way." She started, glancing up at you nervously, the memory of that night reflecting in her eyes as it was in yours. "And I'm still so sorry for lying to you." She said earnestly, you couldn't help but listen to her words. "And I still...I still love you." She admitted and bit her lip as voice wavered slightly.
"I thought you had moved on." You whispered, not believing what you were hearing. You expected to wake up any moment to discover it had been a cruel joke your mind had played on you. It wasn't, Wanda was as real as ever and so were her feelings. "I thought you wanted me to move on."
"I never moved on from you, y/n. I couldn't." Wanda said as she reached out for your hand. You let her but didn't hold it back.
"But that girl at the party." You started.
"I was a bit drunk and just feeling sorry for myself. It was a mistake, and I regretted it as soon as I realised what I was doing." Wanda explained hastily. The frantic look in her eyes was back. It was the same look you had seen the night you broke up with her. This time you didn't disregard it.
You breathed out shakily and looked down at Wanda's hands in your own. Ever so slowly and cautiously, you closed your hands around hers and looked up at her again.
"I still love you too. I never stopped. You made a mistake and so did I." You said as a tear formed in your eye. Wanda smiled back at you and squeezed your hands lightly.
"And I'll spend forever making it up to you if you'll let me. Could we... could we try again?" She asked hopefully. You didn't spare a moment, nodding frantically. You eagerly welcomed Wanda back into your life, immense relief washing over you at the feeling of coming home.
You had missed her so much. You had a lot of lost time to make up for and you didn't want to risk wasting a second of it ever again. You leaned forward across the small table and so did Wanda, her perfume filling your sense and acted as a drug for the butterflies in your stomach. Yes, after all that time, Wanda Maximoff still gave you butterflies.
Whether it was because your thoughts were especially loud or it was just instinct, you didn't know, but it was perfect.
You kissed her slowly and passionately, refamiliarizing yourself with the lips you had never really forgotten. You only pulled away when you felt the bill being placed on the table. You blushed a little and quickly paid for the dinner before getting up from your seat and beckoning Wanda to follow.
When you left the restaurant Ione was about to come back in.
"Hey." You called. "You're welcome for dinner but it's not really working for me, good luck with those hookups though!" You said with a grin before turning on your heels back towards Wanda. Ione didn't say anything back, completly comfused by the encounter and gave a small wave in goodbye as you walked away.
"You want to go back to mine?" You offered with a grin.
"I'd love to but..." Wanda trailed off as she turned you towards her and cupped your face in her hands. She brought her lips down to yours again as you wrapped your arms around her neck to deepen the kiss, relishing in the softness of her lips. "Just had to do that first." Wanda explained with a grin before taking your hand again to walk with you back to your appartment again.
The appartment that you would very soon both call home.
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celestialarchon · 3 years
The Celestial Archon
Chapter One: A Storm of Stars
Genshin Impact x F!reader
In the first chapter, you may find the mystery archon described in a way that doesn’t fit you. That’s okay, it will change to each individual’s own tastes with time. The archon is described a certain way for reasons regarding the story line!
WARNINGS: lots of genshin spoilers, mentions of blood/violence, & mentions of injury.
tag list! @pebblegwn @krexpe @rockinaflock @creation-magician @noythe @weightlessrose @kclremin @vievi @simpinforkirari @red-riots-crocs
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Our story began when Mona, the esteemed astrologist made a bold declaration. The stars foretold the return of a mysterious eighth archon. With this information, the most influential people of Mondstat and Liyue set a plan into action. The beloved traveler and his sidekick were quickly dragged into the preparations for the Celestial Archon. Aether and Paimon were looking forward to resting after weeks of hard work but unfortunately were interrupted by a star falling from the heavens. And so, we continue onward with our adventure.
Aether’s legs were sore, his knees began to buckle as he finally made it to the entrance of dawn winery. He yelped, falling forwards and closed his eyes preparing for the impact. It never came as two sets of hands grasped the boy and steadied him. Diluc, the esteemed owner of Dawn Winery sighed as his brother gently removed the mysterious young woman from Aether’s back. The red headed man scowled as the traveler’s knees buckled once more, catching the now unconscious boy.
The knights of favonious stood outside the winery, watching the two men carry the weakened traveler and mystery lady. With the stars still falling in the distance it was quite a sight to behold. Mona gasped as Kaeya approached, the woman in his arms still still sleeping. Her hair was long and wild, strange silvery tattoos danced on her skin, and her body was frail. Kaeya tried to be gentle with her, holding her bridal style but he could feel her losing strength and the warm blood from a wound staining his shirt.
Noelle rushed forward to remove Aether from Diluc, “My apologies Master Diluc, but this young lady needs a free room immediately.”
Diluc nodded, grimacing at the sight of the wounded woman in his brother’s arms. He pushed the doors to Dawn Winery open, making his way to the nearest guest room. Kaeya followed him and Jean yanked her younger sister along. The room was simple with a bed, night stand, and single chair. Kaeya set the woman down on the bed carefully, and rolled her over to see the back of her top soaked.
“Kaeya, go wash up.” Jean ordered, unsheathing her sword.
Diluc steered his brother out of the room while Jean got to work. With speed and precision, Jean’s sword cut the cloth away from the injury. Her eyes widened and she stepped back as the wound as freed. Barbara peeked around her sister and felt nausea building up. Noelle entered the room to see the two sisters in shock. Jean’s eyes were filled with a mixture of sadness and disgust.
“Did she have wings?” Barbara whispered, eyes never leaving the back of the woman.
“No, this isn’t a tear. Somebody or something did this to her,” Jean gritted her teeth, “they carved it into her.”
Noelle glanced over them to see something incredibly awful. There were two deep and wide gashes starting at her shoulder blades and meeting at her tailbone to make an upside down v symbol. Her breathing was shallow as the air hit the open wound. Barbara made her way to the bedside to infuse the wound with hydro energy and try to help the pain.
“Noelle!” Jean barked, “Find the Alchemists and tell Albedo to set up a direct teleport point here. Bring Sucrose here, we will need all the help we can get.”
Noelle nodded and dashed out the door, nearly colliding with the knight’s librarian. Lisa frowned but ignored the rushed girl and stepped into the room.
“Lisa,” Jean sighed as the woman walked in.
Lisa’s hand found its way to the dandelion knight’s shoulder, “Yes, acting grandmaster?”
“Please send word to Liyue Harbor that we need the aid of their best herbalist right now. This is urgent. You may also inform the adepti and Zhongli of the archon’s arrival but we need aid now.” Jean’s tone was serious, it struck a chord of anxiety in Lisa.
Without a word, Lisa strode out of the room and began to do as she was asked. Barbara continued to ease the pain of the sky goddess but grew more worried each second. The wound was infected. Sucrose burst in soon after, tears forming at the sight before her.
After what seemed like an eternity, Liyue Harbor’s esteemed top herbalist arrived with a small zombie girl. Together, the best healers from both countries began to work hard. They poured all their energy into their work and successfully removed the infection. By the time the sun began to come up, the wound was rapid healed but scarred terribly.
Though morning approached, the temporary residents of Dawn Winery found themselves crawling into bed to get some rest. Jean didn’t want to leave the eight archon’s side but was convinced to by her loving sister. The healers slept all day and all night long, missing the arrival of Liyue’s highest regarded people and adepti. Not a single soul dared to peak at the mysterious goddess as she slept, in fear of interrupting her much needed peace.
24 Hours had passed since the arrival of the eighth archon. The herbalists and knights began to wake finally as morning approached. Unfortunately, when they went to check on the strange woman and her injuries, the room was empty. Dread set over Dawn Winery with the goddess of the stars missing once more.
Noon soon came to pass but there was no sign of the Celestial Archon. Everyone had split up to search for her but had no luck. Aether was frustrated and panicked as he fell onto the grass. Suddenly a large gust of wind blew him over, Paimon clutched to his hair as a winged blue beast shot across their line of vision.
“Dvalin?” Venti stood abruptly, “Could it be..”
Realization hit Aether, “Let’s go! We need to follow him!”
Aether, Venti, Kaeya, and Lisa trailed behind the dragon. Paimon screamed at them to slow down but they were too focused to care. Finally, out of breath, they stopped. Dvalin had landed on the edge of a cliff, his head leaned down to press his snout against the cheek of a beautiful woman. Her hair was still long and wild but not unkempt. Her eyes shone bright like stars and her skin seemed to glow under the sunlight. Aether was awestruck. Was that really the same person he rescued only a day before?
The wind carried her laughter as the majestic beast snuggled up to her. Her hands came up to stroke his scales as her feet left the ground. She truly was floating. Starstruck, Aether and the knights of favonious could only stare. Venti, however, burst forward with a gleeful giggle. The celestial archon turned as the bard crashed into her. Dvalin rested his head atop of hers as her arms wrapped around the childlike god.
“Don’t worry, Barbatos,” She reassured, “I missed you, too.”
“You scared me, you stupid supernova!” Venti nuzzled his face into her chest.
Aether shivered as a growl tore through the air. The noise startled him enough, he fell right on his ass. Xiao shot forwards, ripping the anemo archon off of the celestial archon.
“You bastard drunk,” Xiao’s face was dark, “Don’t touch her as you please.”
“Ehe,” Venti giggled as the adeptus held him by the collar.
Aether stood and sighed, gazing at the shocked woman. He turned, hearing footsteps behind him. Zhongli had found them and the remaining adepti trailed behind him. The eighth archon’s mouth was agape. She flung herself at Xiao, tackling him. Venti escaped the yaksha as the goddess fell ontop of him.
“Oi,” She grinned clutching onto him, “I think I even missed your shitty attitude, pretty boy.”
Xiao’s face was red as he grumbled, “Just shut up, space case.”
Zhongli clicked his tongue, impatient. He pulled the goddess off of the yaksha and embraced her. His sudden affection made her cheeks flush but she returned the hug. Zhongli’s arms tightened around her, fearful that he would wake up from a dream. After a few moments he released her only for the poor bright eyed goddess to be swarmed by the adepti.
She giggled as they each took turns showing her how much she was missed. Even as Cloud Retainer scolded her, the smile never left her face.
“What exactly happened to you anyways?” The female crane adepti grilled the goddess.
A nervous laugh escaped the young woman, “Well, I kept thinking about how my heart was restless. So I guess I kept walking. Eventually this strange darkness consumed me and I couldn’t go anywhere. It was as if all the evil gods I struck down were exacting their revenge. Some time ago, the void I was stuck in opened up a bit and I escaped but was forced into something even worse. There were terrible monsters and powerful beings who sought my abilities I guess. They mistook me as a new goddess and attacked me.”
Aether’s ears perked up. She was talking about the Abyss, he was sure of it. His heart hurt at the way she tried to mask the pain of the endeavor. She reminded him of Lumine a bit.
“So anyways,” She continued, “I ran again and got caught in this space. It wasn’t bad, but nothing happened. I mean nothing, I was actually stuck for real that time and the space seemed to shift around me even though I couldn’t move. Time didn’t pass and my thoughts came to a stop, too. Then I was forced out and I think I was falling? That blonde kid picked me up but I was weakened. Sorry I don’t remember much but that.”
“Forced out, hm..” Cloud Retainer seemed stuck in her thoughts.
“That’s not quite right,” The goddess sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, “It’s more like it shattered? I think I fell with the pieces of it.”
“How strange,” Kaeya started, “It almost sounds like a domain.”
Zhongli nodded, “It does. Let’s not discuss this any further for now, it seems to be a painful topic.”
The celestial archon smiled gently at the geo archon, embracing him again. Zhongli stiffened but wrapped his arms around her again. Aether felt Xiao shift next to him, he glanced at the adeptus and had to restrain his laughter. He didn’t think the rough adeptus could ever pour, but there he was pouting.
After exchanging greetings and parting with Dvalin, the group headed back to Dawn Winery. Paimon had already taken a liking to the goddess of stars. Aether couldn’t blame the chubby fairy, the archon seemed oddly mortal to him. The other Archons carried themselves with grace and authority. The Celestial Archon was strangely human. Her appearance was godly and she did have a sort of divine aura to her but she was far more down to earth then even Venti.
“So why did you leave so suddenly?” Aether’s curious eyes met hers as they hiked back to the winery.
“I, uh, well the sun was calling to me.” A bashful smile formed on her lips.
Aether raised his eyebrows, “Calling to you?”
“Yeah,” her eyes were a bit distant, “It’s as if it was reminding me that the sun is a star, too. It willed me to bask in it I suppose.”
Paimon giggled at the archon’s clumsy wording. Aether pondered over what she said, thinking it was unique. Dawn Winery came into view and the traveler noticed that everybody else had returned. Chaos ensued at their arrival.
“Ahem,” Venti cleared his throat, “This is the eighth archon. The Celestial Archon, Seraphim. I call her supernova though cause she’s beautiful and destructive.”
“Hello! Let’s skip formalities, feel free to call me by my chosen name!” She introduced herself cheerfully.
Everybody chose to ignore Venti’s comment on the goddess being destructive. She was far too kind and gracious to be anything of that sort. Aether was the only one among them who noticed Venti’s words. They filled him with curiosity.
“I’m so hungry,” Paimon groaned.
“Oh, I missed food!” The bubbly goddess yelled, “Let’s eat! Can we eat?”
The dining room was filled with chatter as they celebrated the arrival of the long lost archon. Paimon was stuffing her face as Venti chugged another bottle of dandelion wine, hiccuping. Diluc sighed as Kaeya poured another glass for himself with rosy cheeks. The scarlet haired man found himself looking for the celestial archon again. No matter how heard he tried to distract himself, his thoughts and eyes always found their way to her.
She was levitating above her seat, giggling as people brought her food to try. Xiao was uncharacteristically calm and looked happy even, as he fed her bits of almond tofu. Zhongli was smiling at her as she took sips of tea. The goddess picked up the small zombie girl and sat her in her lap, letting the child introduce “coco goat” milk to her. Things were going well overall.
Diluc watched as the kind hearted goddess set the child down and excused herself. She glided towards the terrace with a lingering sadness in her eyes. The esteemed Ragnvindr swiped the unopened bottle of dandelion his brother was reaching for and uncorked it. For a moment, the man was hesitant but his legs carried him to the open terrace anyways.
“Hello, Mister Diluc,” The goddess greeted him without turning to look at him.
“Pardon me,” He stopped at her side, “I don’t mean to intrude. This is a gift for you, Dawn Winery’s special.”
She glanced at him through her peripheral vision and held out her hand. He sighed and placed the bottle in her slender hand, watching her take a sip. She returned to staring at the stars above, sipping on the wine. The tycoon couldn’t help but stay by her side, seeing the look of longing she had. He felt that if he left her, she might just disappear again.
“It’s good,” She murmured, closing her eyes.
“Thank you,” Diluc tried to hold back the smile growing on his face, “I appreciate that you’re savoring it and not gulping it down like certain alcoholics.”
A snort escaped from the girl, “Barbatos the esteemed anemo archon and local alcoholic.”
Diluc snickered at her comment. She was so surreal. Everything about her felt dreamy, it was truly enchanting.
“I can leave you alone with your thoughts, I am deeply sorry if I disturbed you.” The man sighed and turned, but was stopped by her fingertips grazing his wrist.
“Diluc Ragnvindr, you are not a bother,” She sighed, “I am just a fool who would rather look for answers in constellations than face the reality before me. For me, not much time has passed since the Archon War. So you’ll have to forgive me if I seem cold, I simply am frustrated and depressed by the changes in Teyvat. I missed thousands of years and it will haunt me for a long while.”
Diluc’s jaw nearly hit the floor at the bluntness of the woman in front of him. He was empathetic to her situation, after distancing himself from everyone around him he had moments of sadness as well. He was also fascinated by her adoration for the stars.
“Do the stars give you answers?” He asked quietly.
She laughed, “Not always, but i’m able to read the constellations of an individual, even you Darknight Hero.”
“Oh, fucks sake that’s mortifying!” He groaned and then leaned in, “Wait. I have a constellation? How much do you know?”
“Your constellation is Noctua, and it’s fairly easy to read. I know that you pretend like everybody is bothering you at all times, because you don’t want to be disappointed again as your brother disappointed you after the loss of your father. You feel the need to be strong and never seen as weak, somewhere between inferiority complex and social anxiety.” Her words made his heart pound.
“But,” She continued smiling, “I understand. I also have daddy issues of sorts. And it often feels easier to put up those walls.”
Diluc was speechless. Their conversation was interrupted by clapping, as Kaeya made his way out of the shadows. Any vulnerability left Diluc at his brother’s entrance. He quickly exited the balcony seeing Kaeya’s smug expression.
“You are interesting,” his voice was almost sultry, “Tell me, what do you see from my constellation.”
The goddess gave him a sour look. She was quiet for a minute, eyes narrowed at the man. He waited, expectantly.
“Pavo Ocellus,” She sighed, “A complicated constellation. You do carry a heavy burden savior of Khaenri'ah. So much of you is shrouded in mystery, although that’s fitting isn’t it? I don’t know enough to see you as a threat, however your dishonest habits and constant tests you put people through seems irritating.”
“Oh, you’re bold,” He grinned, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, “Bold, beautiful, and busty. Just my type.”
“And you say things like that so casually,” She pushed his hand away, making her way back to the dining hall.
“Sir Kaeya, you should be careful saying such things. If you aren’t, somebody might fall for you. It’s like a honey trap. Give the wrong person the wrong idea and you’ll find yourself in a pinch.”
With that, she left the calvary captain alone with his thoughts. He was pulled in by her, but knew she was dangerous. His mind shifted back to Venti’s word earlier and he clicked his tongue. The bard may have been onto something.
When Kaeya returned to the banquet, the Celestial Archon was back to eating and being doted on. Xiao’s glare was locked in and targeted as Kaeya sat a short distance from the goddess. Kaeya merely winked at him, sticking his tongue out slightly. The yaksha’s hand flew to the spear by his side as he snarled at the cryo wielder. The goddess noticed the sudden change in the atmosphere and moved to the adepti’s lap. He blushed and scowled, but set his head on her shoulder.
The young woman’s affection towards Xiao didn’t go unnoticed and soon Zhongli was offering her tea while Venti offered her booze. Even Jean was attempting to seek some attention from the goddess. For once, Diluc and Kaeya had the same thought. That woman is troublesome.
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looooooooomis · 4 years
F I N A L  G I R L  |  F O U R
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You were his final girl.  And there was no chance in hell that anyone or anything was going to mess that up.
p a r t   f o u r  |  k e y s
masterlist here
pairing: Billy Loomis x f!reader word count: 4.4k warnings: angst, s m u t, some more s m u t, teasing, finger-licking good billy boy, implied/referenced cheating, def not a healthy, functioning relationship (but like eh we persevere), some more s m u t. 
Despite your best efforts, the last few days had been miserable without Billy.
You hadn’t realized just how much of a routine he’d become over the last seven months, how much you’d both come to rely on each other and, fuck, did you miss him. You missed his smell, you missed that small little cheeky grin of his, you missed curling up beside him and feeling him over every inch of your skin. Your body craved for him in an almost primal way but, while you could live with denying your body its needs, it was your heart that hurt the most.
What was supposed to be a quick release for the two of you had never been that easy. You’d been in love with the idiot since freshman year, seen him through his various ups and downs and he’d seen yours, too. Which was precisely what made this entire situation that much harder. Not only were you dealing with your own heartache, but you were witnessing his, too.
Billy’s grief was more or less a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it sort of thing. Ever the stoic silent type, you hadn’t expected to see much of what he was feeling splayed out on that handsome face of his, but shocking even you, his regret was palpable. And each and every time those brown eyes met yours, that grief that was as clear as day struck you blind.
You’d tried telling yourself that it was for the best because, in all honesty, it was but that didn’t make the pain go away. Nor did it make you miss him any less. You were trapped in a vicious cycle of missing Billy, sticking to your guns, and worrying about him all at once.
God, you’d really fucked up with this one.
“You sure you’re okay?” Tatum asked, narrowing her eyes at you as you shoved a handful of books into your locker. “You’ve been scatterbrained all week.”
“I’m fine,” you shrugged, “why wouldn’t I be?”
“You tell me,” she leaned her hip against the locker. “Is this about Steve?”
You blinked as the question played on loop in your head. “Steve?” You asked, giving the strawberry blonde your full attention. “First of all, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart: ew. Secondly, huh?”
Tatum smirked. “Don’t play dumb, you’ve been acting all weird since Billy went psycho on his ass last week.”
“No, I haven’t,” you hoped your laugh didn’t sound as fake as it felt. “Also, Steve’s an asshole. If the day ever comes when I am interested in that big oaf, feel free to euthanize me.”
“Promise,” she made a motion of crossing her heart, “but in the meantime, you swear nothing is up?”
“Cross my heart,” you mimicked the gesture and shut your locker. “What are you up to after practice tonight? Want to go see that new Brad Pitt movie?”
Her shoulders fell. “Can’t, Stu’s coming over,” she unwrapped a lollipop and shoved it in her mouth. “I’d say ask Sid, but she got into it with Billy last night so she’s in a mood.”
You tried not to care, you really did, but her words hit you like a freight train. “They did?” You asked, hoping beyond hope that your voice didn’t sound quite as high pitched as it sounded in your head. “What happened?”
“Who knows,” Tatum shrugged, “Billy’s always been a little intense and Sid’s been a little cagey since…well, you know – so, it’s bound to happen.”
You swallowed hard and continued to nod along to Tatum’s words. Were you nodding too frequently? Did you appear too interested all of the sudden? Catching yourself, you focused on the leftover gum on the locker just behind your friend’s head and cleared your throat. “That’s shitty.”
“Relationships,” Tatum waved off, “they’re all pretty shitty sometimes.”
Before you could finish putting your foot in your mouth any further, the third bell rang out signaling your next class. Your most dreaded class: Biology. With a groan you tossed your bag over your shoulder and frowned across at Tatum. “See you at practice?”
With a nod, Tatum took off towards her class as you slowly sauntered towards your own. You were halfway down the hall when you heard a set of heavy footfalls running towards you from behind. Glancing over your shoulder, you barely had time to register Stu’s smiling face before he threw an arm around your shoulders. “How ya doing, pal?”
“Peachy,” you scraped your eyes along his profile and blinked. “If you’re about to play the rule of dutiful henchman for you know who, I’ve got a class to flunk.”
“Harsh,” Stu beamed, “I see why our boy’s so smitten.”
With a roll of your eyes, you glanced around at the people around you and glowered up at him. “Stu,” you warned, “I’m not in the mood for this.”
“For what?” He feigned innocence. “I haven’t said a word.”
“But you want to,” you mused. “And I don’t want to hear it.”
Stu chuckled. “All I was going to say is, like, I get it.”
You shouldn’t have taken his bait. What you should have done was push him off of you and continue on your merry way to class. That would have been the smart thing to do, the responsible thing to do.
Too bad you were neither of those two things.
Roped in, you sighed in defeat. “Get what?”
“I’ll be the first to admit,” he began, “when Bill told me that you and him were…you know, I laughed. I mean, two broads, man? I can barely handle the one how’s he going to deal with two of you?”
“I’m hoping there’s a point coming,” you groused.
“Right,” he laughed again, “my point is that I get it. I get why you two work. Why he’s knee deep in this big fucking mess because of it. You two work.”
“Stu,” you threw your head back and glared at the ceiling. “Stop.”
“What?” He asked. “Am I wrong?”
You gently pushed him away from you and dropped your voice into a whisper. “That’s not the point. He’s with Sid.”
“So?” Stu made a face. “Her mom just died, what do you want him to do? Dump her and break her heart? Her mom just died, that’d callous, man.”
“We’re breaking her heart either way, whether she knows it or not.”
Stu stopped walking and there was a compassion in his stare that left you reeling. For as long as you’d known him, Stu Macher had always been the goof. The reckless, chaotic idiot that seemed to fit just perfectly into your little mish mash of a group. But the sincerity in his blue eyes as the two of you stood in the emptying hallway was a look you’d never seen before.
“And by doing this, you’re breaking yours.” He limply shrugged. “Billy’s, too.”
Your shoulders fell as the weight of Stu’s words sank in. You couldn’t exactly say much in terms of a rebuttal, naturally, because he was right. There were no happy endings for either of you at this point in the charade. Sid had still been lied to and cheated on, Billy was still trapped in a relationship he no longer wished to be in in fear of hurting the girl he once loved and you were stuck in the middle, watching two people you cared for fall to bits while having to remain stoic in fear of showing your hand.
What a fucking mess.
After another minute of silence, Stu wriggled his eyebrows and squeezed your shoulder reassuringly. “Just something to think about.”
Taking off down the hall, Stu left you to your own devices as you stood in the middle of an empty hallway with far too much on your mind. In an almost zombie-like trance, you took off in the direction of your biology class, not quite caring that you were about to be marked as tardy for the third time that week. But, before you got to that god-forsaken class, you heard the click of a door not far off before a pair of arms encircled around your middle, yanking you into the nearest classroom. A surprise yelp tore out of your mouth, but the full-fledged scream died in your throat as soon as you realized just who it was who had grabbed you.
“Jesus, Billy, you scared the hell out of me.” You grasped your chest and took in the dark, empty classroom around you. He was still holding you against the nearest wall, you could feel the heat of those large hands through your thin shirt. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Sorry,” despite the desperation in those brown eyes, his voice never wavered. It was still as calm and collected as ever. “I’d go to your house, but it’s been like Fort Knox for the last week or so.”
You chewed on your lip for a moment before averting your eyes to the ground, not quite being able to stomach the weight of his stare just yet. “Billy, unless anything’s changed, I—”
“In case anything’s changed?” He reiterated with raised brows. “Everything’s changed. I miss you, Y/N, more than you can even comprehend. I know I’ve fucked up, I know that, but I need you. The last nine days without being able to really see you or feel you or kiss you or—”
“I get it,” you held your hands up and gently pushed him away. “And it’s been hard on me, too, Billy. But it doesn’t change anything.”
For a few, long, agonizing moments, Billy remained still as a thousand different emotions splayed out across his face. There was anger and grief, sadness and desperation. But the look you got as he dropped to his knees in front of you was pure, unadulterated fear. “I promise you, Y/N, the second I can, when the time is right, Sid and I will be no more. But me and you are it, sweetheart,” his hands gently circled around your hips before embracing you around your middle. “I’m so fucking sorry that this is how it has to be right now. And I’m sorry that I’m too fucking selfish to let this go, but I can’t. I need you. I need us. You’re everything good in my life and I know I need to start proving that to you.”
Still, you remained quiet. Your fingers itched to reach out and run your fingers through that slightly greasy, unruly mop of hair, but instead you kept them pinned down at your side as you considered his words. There was no doubt in your mind that he meant them, the desperation on his face said as much, but you had your reservations. Taking your silence in stride, however, Billy simply reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, velvet box.
Your heart nearly stopped.
“Oh, jesus,” you grumbled, burying your head in your hands. “You better not be doing what I think you’re fucking doing.”
“Open the box, Y/N.”
“No,” you held your hands up. “Not if it’s…that.”
Billy sighed. The muscle in his cheek twitched. “It’s not a fucking engagement ring.”
Somewhat relieved, you continued to stare down at the box in slight disdain. “So, what is it?”
Billy sighed. “Fucking open it and you’ll see.”
“Buying the ‘other woman’ jewelry, Billy?” You shook your head. “You’re like a walking cliché at this point.”
“Shut-up and open the goddamn box.” Standing up to his full height, he continued to hold the box out towards you and breathed out a quiet laugh when you remained unwavering. “It’s not a fucking bomb, Y/N, open it.”
With a sigh, you snatched the box out of his hand and, rather unceremoniously, opened it up to reveal a key. Not a fancy skeleton key or a charm in the shape of a key but a regular, run of the mill house key. You blinked, mildly surprised. “Okay, I’ll give you a point for creativity with the box,” you pulled the key out and observed it. “But what is it?”
“It’s a key,” Billy said, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
“I see that,” a small smile pulled at your lips as you looked across at him. “What’s it for?”
“It’s a key to my parents’ cabin.”
If you were meant to understand the significance, the story was lost on you. Looking back down at the key, you surveyed its tiny ridges briefly before nodding. “And what’s that have to do with me?”
He took a step towards you and grabbed the hand still clutching onto the key. “My dad doesn’t go up there much ever since my mother left and I figure we could both use a place where we can just…be.” His raked his thumbnail along your knuckles. “No Sid, no anyone. Just you and me.”
You were trying to remain unfazed by the sentiment, to remain icy and cool to the man you were supposed to be pulling away from, but between the softness in those warm brown eyes and the weight of the key still clutched in your hand, you could feel your defenses waning. “You expect Sid to just not care that you’re disappearing up north every once in a while?”
“I’ll make it work,” he shrugged it off. “And, to be honest, I don’t care what she thinks.”
Your answer came in the form of a long, drawn out sigh. “Billy,” you began, but before you could dive into the rest of your speech, his large hands slid up your arms and neck to cradle your face.
Slowly, he backed you into a nearby desk and traced the apple of your cheek with his thumb. “We can sneak up there whenever we want. Spend a whole weekend up there, just the two of us. I can worship this fucking body of yours in every square inch of that cabin. I can go into town and hold your fucking hand in public. We can do whatever the hell it is we want to do up there, whenever we want, without worrying about any of our idiot friends seeing us.”
Your pulse quickened at the thought of being able to parade around like a normal couple in a town where not a single soul knew who you were. You swallowed, trying to steady your excitement with a dose of realism. “It’s still not fair to Sidney.”
“Fuck Sidney!” Billy’s voice echoed out around the vast, empty classroom, alarming you with just how angry he sounded. His chest heaved with a white-hot rage that you couldn’t fully comprehend, and his jaw was wound shut as his nostrils flared with each and every heavy, uneven breath he took. You swallowed hard and watched the man steady his nerves, unsure of your next move. You’d seen Billy angry before, but that level of emotion was definitely new.
You weren’t sure whether to be terrified or turned on by the sudden outburst.
But, just as quickly as it happened, Billy’s eyes slowly opened to reveal those molasses coloured eyes again. “Sorry, sweetheart,” he appeased. “But I can’t have her stand in the way of this. I won’t.”
You remained silent as you shimmied on top of the desk that had been poking into your ass for the last few seconds and tried not to focus on the way your body seemed to melt into Billy’s as he stepped in between your legs, still looking at you with all the intensity of the world.
“If we do this,” you found yourself muttering, “there’s going to be some ground rules.”
A sense of hope blossomed in Billy’s chest as he vigorously nodded his head. “Anything you want,” sliding his hands up the sides your stomach, he gently held your waist and gave it a small squeeze. “You name it.”
“When we go up to the aforementioned cabin, we go out.” You told him. “While I’m more than happy to blow you in the living room without worrying about your dad walking in, it would be nice to go on an actual fucking date.”
Billy nodded and, with his hands still on your waist, he tried not to focus on the thin cotton of your shirt bunching between his fingers as his thumb danced along your ribcage. There was so little between you in the empty classroom, barely any space as the two of you were practically nose to nose. And between that short little skirt you had on and your pert nipples beneath your thin tank top, it was enough to make his cock twitch inside of his pants. “Anything else?” He asked, his voice husky as he nudged his nose against yours.
“Yeah,” you ran your tongue along your now parched lips as you sat with Billy standing between your thighs, holding you in place as his thumb traced agonizingly close to your tit. Were you even breathing? It didn’t feel like it. You were wet, too, which made his inhumanly close proximity almost too much to bear. “Lock the fucking door this time.”
A roguish grin enveloped his features as he stepped out from between your legs. Crossing the threshold of the classroom in two seconds flat, Billy locked the door and made his way back to you with that same mischievous glimmer in his eye. His eyes were hungry and, as his hands shifted down to your ass, he tugged you even closer to the edge of the desk. Closer to him. With your legs still open and on either side of his hips, you just about died when your clit managed to rub against the zipper of his jeans.
A quiet, low moan tore out of your throat from the sensation.
“Anything else?” He asked, leaning his forehead against yours.
“Yeah,” your breathing was ragged as Billy’s slow, methodical fingers, trailed up the side of your stomach. He was being extraordinarily temperate and slow to further tease you but, despite knowing how risky this was, you were putty in his hands. “Touch me.”
His nose brushed against yours again as he shifted his hips just enough for the zipper of his jeans to rub against your clit again. The bastard knew what he was doing.
“This feel good?” He asked as his hips toiled into you again.  
You were practically dry fucking against the desk, you could have been caught any second. But, fuck, when he pulled you in a little more and slowly gyrated his jean-clad pelvis against your clit again, you couldn’t care less. “Mhmm,” you hummed.
Slowly, Billy’s dept fingers slid up from your waist towards your breasts. Raking his thumb against the swollen bud, he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on the side of your neck.
He knew his jeans were rubbing against your clit and, as he looked down and saw the visible wet patch on your blue thong, he wanted nothing more than to rip them off of you and bury his face in between your legs. “God, I’ve fucking missed you.”
When his hand squeezed your breast, you arched into his grasp. “I bet you did.”
Billy smirked and rolled your nipples between his fingers through the fabric of your shirt. With every roll of your hips, the strap of your shirt slipped down just enough to expose your breast. Without missing a beat, Billy leaned into your chest and allowed his mouth to consume your nipple, swirling his tongue around it expertly before biting down. You hissed as a combination of both pain and pleasure ripped through your body.
Your fingers curled around the hair along the nape of his neck and gave it a firm tug as is hands held you firmly in place. “Fuck, Billy” you moaned, breathless.
He released your nipple slowly, nipping at it one final time before leaning his forehead against yours again. You wanted like hell to close the distance between you. You wanted to feel his lips on yours. Feel the tickle of his stubble along your upper lip and have that expert tongue brush against yours.
But you also wanted to make him sweat a little.  
You weren’t sure what had come over you as you slid your hand down your torso. Maybe it was adrenaline of being caught or the relief of having Billy in your arms again but as you allowed your fingers to dip beneath the hem of your exposed thong, the look on Billy’s face made it all worth it.
“What are you doing?” His Adams apple bobbed up and down as he watched you touch yourself. You were in an awkward angle, but as your finger circled your clit and you watched the bulge in his pants grow, you were coasting high.
“What’s it look like I’m doing?” You hummed, feigning innocence. “When I say touch me, I mean it, Billy. I’m taking matters into my own hands.” You pinched your clit and arched your naked chest into him. “Fuck.”
You heard him swear under his breath as his lips ghosted over yours. “You’re doing my head in, woman,” he growled, sliding his fingers beneath your panties. You gasped when his thumb began to circle your clit. And when he slid two fingers inside of you, you nearly saw stars.
His mouth found yours, mid-moan. Reaching the hand that had just been down the waistband of your shorts, you ran your fingers through his hair as his tongue coaxed yours. Everything about this man was electric. His fingers quickened their pace and before you knew it, you were thrusting into his hand. Placing sloppy kisses down from your mouth and along your jaw, Billy nipped at your ear. “How’s this for touching you, sweetheart?” He hissed, licking and biting his way across your neck.
Your breathing was rampant as you felt yourself edging closer and closer. “It’s alright,” you teased with a cloudy grin.
“So stubborn,” he laughed into your neck and curled his fingers so that he hit an area inside you that felt almost primal. The moan he got in return made him bite down on your collarbone. He curled his fingers again and you nearly choked. “You sure?”
Pulling his hair, you steered his face back to yours and crashed your lips against his. “Fuck me.” You mumbled into his mouth.
He applied the smallest bit of pressure to your clit and flicked his fingers one final time, sending you over the cliff. With a long, shaky moan, you bucked your hips uncontrollably as you came into his hand. Every inch of you felt as though it was on fire as Billy made you ride out your orgasm, not for a second easing up on your clit as you writhed beneath him.
“Play with your tits,” he barked out through hooded eyes.
“You play with them,” you argued, but the resolve in your voice was gone. You weren’t entirely sure if you knew your name at that point. All you could focus on was the feeling of his finger pinching your highly sensitive clit and that was it. Everything else was a blur.
“God, you’re so fucking stubborn.”
You were so wet and so turned on you could barely think straight. “Billy,” you pleaded, your entire body heating up almost unbearably so. When he ignored you and instead continued his attack on your clit, you whimpered. “I need you to fuck me.”
With a bruising kiss, Billy released your clit and, in seconds flat, tugged his jeans far enough down his hips before slipping inside of you. The moan that escaped your lips was undeniable as he pumped into you. Reaching up, he grabbed your tit and squeezed as he bit down on your exposed neck. It was a sensory overload coming from all angles.
“Fuck,” Billy’s hoarse voice was in your ear as he pumped into you. “You feel so fucking good, Y/N.” He reached for your face and tilted your chin up towards him, meeting you halfway with a sloppy kiss. Moaning into his mouth, you managed lose yourself in that instance.
Gone was the room around you.
Hell, gone was everything up until this point.
All you could focus on was the feeling of Billy inside of you. Biting down on his lip, you tugged it back as he rolled his hips in a way that made you quiver. He was thrusting, hard, in an almost animalistic that made your entire body shake with the velocity of every desperate push. He moved between kissing your lips, to biting them to suckling your neck as he continued to rail into you with all of passion in the world. He was a man, unhinged, and you weren’t sure if you’d ever seen him so sexy.
Not surprising in the least, it didn’t take him long to come. You’d riled him up to the point of no return and, as you felt him come inside of you, you all but laughed when his forehead dramatically fell against your own.
For a few minutes, neither of you moved, simply just remained still and firmly pressed against one another. But, as the weight of your current whereabouts slowly dawned on either of you, you both slowly pulled away from each other, both wearing a small smile as you re-dressed yourselves.
Once his pants were done up, Billy stepped into you once again and placed a kiss on your forehead. “Cabin this weekend, okay?”
You nodded and hopped down from the desk. “Yeah, maybe,” you teased, fixing your skirt.
Billy’s eyebrows rose. “Oh, maybe, eh?”
“Yeah,” you winked, “I’ll think about it.”
“Smart ass,” Billy smirked. “That mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble one of these days.”
“I’m counting on it.” Once you were both fixed up, you nodded towards his hand which was still slicked with your juices. You laughed. “Oops.”
But Billy didn’t seem fazed. Instead, your breath hitched in your throat when he raised his hand to his lips and licked your slick clear off, relishing in the taste of it with a knowing smirk on his face. “This weekend.” He reiterated, driving the point home.
“This weekend,” you agreed, walking towards the door. Ensuring nobody saw the two of you leave an empty classroom together, you unlocked the door and gave Billy a small, knowing smile. “See you at lunch, lover boy.”
1K notes · View notes
nothing left ~ 10k;z nation
word count: 2229
request?: no
description: he accompanies her back to her childhood home to find nothing left besides the memories of times before the zombies, and they decide to leave some new memories there
pairing: 10k x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut
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(Y/N) kept a straight face as they drove past the sig with her hometown’s name displayed in bold, black letters against the stark white background. It was the first time she had been there since she and her parents had escaped during the initial Z outbreak. Since then, she had lost everything, but managed to find a new family within the small group that took her in.
They came to a stop at an empty parking lot of an abandoned supermarket. Everyone got out, weapons in tow.
“This place is a ghost town,” Doc commented.
“Almost everyone vacated when the infection started,” (Y/N) explained. “I don’t even think there would be any Zs here. It’s probably only been ransacked lately.”
“It’s the only town for miles, it’s our best bet for resources,” Warren said. “We search the place where we can and see what we can find.” She turned to (Y/N) to add, “Do you want to go home? Just to see the place if nothing else?”
(Y/N) was dying to get home, but she didn’t want anyone on the team to see her as weak or fragile. Although she knew they wouldn’t think any different of her if she did show some weakness, in this day and age, your biggest threat was to be perceived as weak to anyone.
Before she could respond, 10k spoke up. “I think you should. It’ll give you a break from everything, and you can be closer to your parents for even just a moment.”
(Y/N) had a hard time saying no to 10k, especially when parents were involved. She knew he wanted nothing more than to be close to his own father again, but, like (Y/N), 10k hadn’t been home in nearly a year. He didn’t even know if his own home was still standing. If she turned down this opportunity that she knew 10k wanted so bad in front of him, she’d never forgive herself.
“It would be nice,” she admitted.
“You go then honey,” Warren said, her voice soft and kind. “10k, you go with her for protection. Meet us back here before sundown. We’ll wait a little while, but not too long.”
The two youngest members left in the opposite direction of the group. (Y/N) led 10k down the still familiar roads. They weren’t too far from the house and, before she knew it, (Y/N) was stood in front of her childhood home. Her eyes widened at the sight of it.
All the windows were smashed and the door was practically ripped off of the hinges. They entered with weapons raised in case of a Z attack. (Y/N)’s heart broke to see the place ransacked and destroyed. Every picture her parents had hung were smashed to pieces. Only one remained partially in tact, one of (Y/N) and her parents when she was barley a year old. They were on their first vacation as a family to visit someone in another state. The picture was of the three of them on the beach together. Baby (Y/N) was in her mother’s arms, taken by the sand in her tiny hands while her parents were smiling brightly at the camera.
10k looked over her shoulder as her eyes began to water. “You look a lot like your mom.”
“I got that a lot,” she said. “We were basically twins. Dad said I got lucky with mom’s genes.”
She held the picture close to her chest as she moved up the stairs to where the bedrooms and main bathroom was. Whoever had broken in must’ve found what they wanted on the first floor because the bedrooms were relatively untouched. Every poster and picture (Y/N) had on her walls were still there. Her old laptop was even still there, although she doubted that it worked anymore.
“It’s weird,” she said. “It feels like I’ve been gone for years, but this room looks exactly the way I left it, like not a day has past.”
“Anything here you want to take with you?” 10k asked.
(Y/N) shook her head. “I took most of the important stuff when we left first. There’s nothing but memories here now.”
She was so lost in her own thoughts - memories of when things were good - that she didn’t hear 10k leave the room to walk into the bathroom until he spoke again. “The water still runs.”
She walked into the bathroom to find clean water running from the tap. She put a hand under the water, feeling it go from freezing cold to comfortably warm in seconds.
“The power and stuff must still be running,” she said. “Good news for us. I haven’t showered in ages.”
“You think it’s safe?” 10k asked, but (Y/N) was already placing her weapons on the bathroom counter and shedding herself of her top layers.
“I’m willing to take one for the team if it means I’ll be clean when I die,” she joked. “You can watch the door and make sure no Zs or no more looters come in. I’ll leave my gun close enough that I can use it if need be.”
10k nodded. Before he could get the chance to turn back on, (Y/N) grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. For a split second, 10k saw the black bra she was wearing. It was old and worn, probably one of the only ones she had left. Due to this, it was basically falling apart, so when he got a brief glance of the bra, he also got a glance of one of her breasts.
10k’s eyes widened as he quickly turned his back so that (Y/N) didn’t know. He stood in the doorway, listening over the sound of the shower running for any indication of someone, or something, breaking into the house.
The warm water running over (Y/N) caused her to let out a moan of relief. It had been so long since she had properly bathed. The warm water of the familiar shower felt like heaven to her.
Outside the shower, 10k was shuffling awkwardly. He and (Y/N) had been close since they had first met, but they had only ever viewed each other as friends and Z fighting colleagues. He didn’t understand why he was starting to have this feeling about her. Maybe it was just boy hormones and the fact that she was a naked girl just a few feet away from him. But it felt like more than that. Maybe it had always been more than that but he was just afraid to admit it.
Before he could stop himself, 10k silently placed his gun next to hers on the toilet cover. He began to shed himself of his own clothes, working quickly and quietly as to not disturb her. (Y/N) had her head back with the water running over her hair and body when 10k pulled the curtain back and stepped in. She opened her eyes to look at him, shocked by his sudden appearance. She looked him up and down for a moment, her face giving away nothing.
“Gotta save water,” 10k said, trying to lighten the mood.
A smile broke out across (Y/N)’s face as a small giggle came from her lips. “Come here, 10k.”
She put a hand on the back of his neck at the same time that his hands found her waist. Their lips collided and it felt like the most right thing in the terrible, fucked up world around them. 10k’s lips moved against (Y/N)’s perfectly, as if they were supposed to be there, to be kissing her so deeply. His hands wandered over her dripping body, touching every inch of her soft skin with his calloused hands.
(Y/N) let out a sudden squeal as 10k lifted her effortlessly, wrapping her legs around his waist. She was shocked at his strength. Sure, he wasn’t as scrawny and wimpy as he may have looked, but he certainly wasn’t the strongest person in the world. He’s just full of surprises, (Y/N) noted as his lips connected with hers again.
His hard boner was against her aching core, teasing her ever so slightly with every gently brush against her. She whimpered against his lips when she felt him brush against her opening, trying to ground her hips against his to feel her inside of him. Knowing that she wanted this as much as he did made him even more turned on. He was almost afraid that he wouldn’t be able to make this moment last long enough.
He helped to guide her down onto his hard length, causing (Y/N) to gasp as he filled her entirely.
“Am I hurting you?” he asked her, suddenly realizing that he had no idea what (Y/N)’s sexual past was like.
“No,” she responded, her voice breathless and airy. “I just haven’t had sex in a very long time. I forgot how good it felt.”
10k smiled at her and pressed his lips against hers again. He pressed her back against the nearest wall and slowly began to thrust himself into her. (Y/N)’s back arched against the wall, trying to get as close to 10k as she possibly could.
He was slow and gentle, which drove (Y/N) even more wild. She held on around his neck as if her life depended on it, moaning and gasping against his lips with every thrust he pushed into her. She could barley even think straight, her mind focusing only on the pleasure that 10k was providing her.
“Is this alright?” he asked, his voice soft.
(Y/N) couldn’t help but smile. Sweet 10k, always thinking of the comfort of others, even when he was in the middle of the most intense shower sex (Y/N) had ever had.
“It’s more than alright,” she responded. “God, it feels so fucking good.”
10k had heard (Y/N) swearing many times, but hearing the expletive word slip from her breathless voice in that moment drove him wild. He rested his head against her shoulder, groaning as he pushed his hips against hers again, filling her completely.
“You feel so good,” he told her. “You’re so soft and warm, fuck.”
“Who would’ve thought that sweet 10k had a dirty side?” (Y/N) giggled.
“You must not know me well enough, then.”
“Maybe I don’t.”
Her thought was cut short as 10k pulled almost completely out of her then filled her again. Her mind was clouded with lust as she tried to rock her hips against his, begging for the release she wanted.
Noticing her desperation, 10k wrapped one arm around her lower back and slipped his free hand between them. (Y/N) gasped as his fingers connected with her swollen nerves and began to rub circles in them. She could feel a familiar pressure building inside of her. She clung to 10k’s shoulders, curses falling from her mouth in between moans of pleasure. Her legs began to shake as she felt herself hitting her climax. She threw her head back and called 10k’s name - his real name - in pleasure.
Feeling her walls contracting around him caused 10k to feel his own climax approaching. He held on to her hips as his thrusts became a little faster. Before he knew it, his eyes were nearly rolling back into his head as he felt himself filling her with his warm cum. The feeling of the warmth inside of her was enough to almost turn (Y/N) on again.
They stayed tangled together for a moment, completely forgetting about the running water cascading down onto them. It wasn’t until the warm water started to turn cold that they realized it was probably time for the two of them to get out.
Luckily for them, whoever looted the house also didn’t think to take any of the towels in the upstairs linen closet, so they had a way to dry themselves off. Before she started pulling her clothes on, 10k wrapped his arms around (Y/N) again and kissed her exposed shoulders and neck before placing one last sweet kiss against her lips.
“We should tell the others about the running water,” he said as he pulled his clothes back on. “If this place is relatively Z-less, we could probably get away with staying here for a while.”
“We’ve stayed in worst looking places,” (Y/N) agreed. “I’m sure everyone else is dying to clean themselves, too. There’s enough room for everyone to sleep with all the bedrooms and the couch downstairs.”
The reminder of the wreckage when they first entered caused a melancholy mood to wash over (Y/N) again. Noticing this, 10k brought her into his arms and held her tightly.
“I’m sorry about your house,” he said. “I’m sorry someone did this to you, that they took all the memories of this place.”
(Y/N) shook her head. “They didn’t take the memories. No one could ever take that from this place. Besides, I’d like to make some new memories here...with you.”
10k smiled and kissed the top of her head. “I think we’ve already started with that.”
(Y/N) giggled and pulled away from him. “Let’s go find everyone to tell them before they leave us abandoned.”
667 notes · View notes
Yellow Carnations (Destiny Written in Begonias Part 1)
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Summary: After hearing something deep within the woods, you give into curiosity and investigate. Who knows, whatever you find could be a prize.
Warnings: Swearing, slightly graphic violence (just some zombies getting dismembered)
Word count: 3,715
(A/N): So, welcome to my new series! I have so many ideas for this that I’d love to write. This story will be very gay, fluffy, and sorta angsty, so buckle up my children!
So just a lil background info: the reader is Techno’s adopted daughter. She is a piglin hybrid, but she is more human looking than piglin. This takes place about eighteen years after the most recent events of the SMP.
                                           ✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
“Techno, I think we have enough ender pearls for tonight.” You glanced to your side to look at your father and Philza, the enchantments of their armor glowing dimly in the moonlight and the orange light of the torches in their hands. Philza stretched his body and his wings out, a small groan escaping his mouth and small cracks sounding from his joints.
“The night’s still young, Phil!” Technoblade grinned, his gold capped canines glinting slightly. His hand moved to gently rest on the handle of his sword.
You snorted to yourself, “you two, however, aren’t.” A small shove came from your side making you stumble slightly, laughter bubbling from your throat.
“I’m just going to pretend that I didn’t hear anything,” Philza crossed his arms and looked off to the side. Though, you could hear a smile in his tone and the beginnings of a chuckle.
“I’m sorry,” you chuckled, “Dad set me up for that one. The opportunity was too good to pass up.”
“I’ll set you up for longer training sessions if you keep going for… ‘opportunities’ like that.” He glanced down at you with amusement glinting in his eyes and tugging at the corner of his lips.
His statement, though lighthearted, immediately made you stop laughing. You knew him well enough to know that he wasn’t joking; the last time you laughed it off you had to endure two extra hours on top of the four hour sessions you had daily. By the end of the punishment, your arms felt like they were going to fall off.
“No! I take it back, you guys are young! Not a single-”
“You’re digging yourself an early grave if you finish that sentence, kid. Besides, you can’t pass up opportunities like these!”
“I think I’m good for now,” you shivered slightly when a breeze blew past you. It was starting to grow colder as the night dragged on. Technoblade, noticing this, wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to him securely. Though the Blood God never shows mercy, he couldn’t let his only child succumb to a head cold; that’d just be barbaric.
You jumped at the feeling of the freezing netherite making contact with your bare arm. “Sorry,” he murmured sheepishly, “forgot how cold the armor is… We should probably head back, it’s getting cold.”
As your family started to make their way back towards the tundra, banter was exchanged between the three. The journey out of the forest was uneventful, only a few mobs had attempted to attack or sneak behind you. Just as you reached the edge of the forest, a noise caught your attention.
It sounded like it was only a couple of minutes away; so faint that if you weren’t actively listening for it, it would have nearly been lost in the night. If you strained your ears, you could hear the trampling of dry leaves making you assume that there were several people or animals in that area. Alongside it, there was a faint whimpering.
Your curiosity was piqued, just what was making that noise?
“(Y/n), is everything alright?” You looked back at Philza. It seemed that they walked a bit away from you while you stopped at the forest’s edge to listen to the sound.
You absentmindedly nodded, “yeah, Uncle Phil. I think I left my bow back in that clearing when we were taking a break so I’m just going to go grab that. You guys can keep going home, I’ll be right behind you.”
“We can go with you-”
“No, you don’t have to. I’m old enough to go alone.”
Philza and Technoblade then spoke at the same time, “alright, we’ll just meet you there.” “Absolutely not.”
Philza elbowed Technoblade’s side lightly and looked up at him. They were silently communicating with pointed looks and pursed lips, every expression understood completely by the other. You never understood how they did that, even if they raised you. You could remember making a journal dedicated to deciphering their expressions, but you never could truly understand it (that, and ‘nose scrunch and eye narrow’ meant multiple things).
Eventually, Technoblade’s shoulders slumped and he ran a hand down his face tiredly, “you know the rules?”
You rolled your eyes, “of course I do. Fight to win, go for the throat, if you lose your weapon go for the pressure points. You remind me daily.”
He stared at you for a moment before his ear flicked, “don’t take long, we’ll be waiting.” They both turned and started to trudge towards the spruce forest in the distance.
Without a second thought, you ran into the forest with your ears perked. Following the noise was easy, the whimpers had turned into high pitched whines. You leapt over stumps and ducked under low hanging branches as they blocked your way; nothing was going to stop you from finding out what was making that noise.
Eventually, you broke through the trees and found yourself in a grassy clearing surrounded by large stones. If it were spring, you’d imagine wildflowers sprouting everywhere you stepped. A small spring sat in the furthest corner of it, waterfalls cascading over the jagged stones and crashing into the water below. Near the cliffside, a hoard of groaning zombies swarmed something and they were closing in on it. Now, what was it they were attacking?
You quickly unsheathed your golden sword and sprinted towards the hoard. The crunching of the dried, colorful leaves under your feet was enough to drag the zombies’ attention to you.
Adrenaline coursed through your veins as you made your first swipe at one of their torsos. In an instant, the zombie was bisected and fell to the ground. With a twirl, you slashed at multiple zombies at once. They all collapsed to the ground as their rotting flesh was torn and couldn’t support their crumbling bodies any longer.
As soon as all of the zombies were laying dead on the ground, you wiped your blade off on one of their torn tunics and sheathed it. Taking a step back to look at the bodies littered on the floor, you smirked; this was too easy.
Now, without the obstacles, your prize awaits you. Eagerly, you looked over to see what the zombies were swarming. Instead of the scared villager you were expecting, the person that stood there completely took your breath away.
The woman was wearing a simple white dress with a baby blue shawl shadowing the upper part of her face. Her skin was fair and her face was round, a button nose laid in the center of her face and plump pink lips slightly parted showing off straight white teeth. Curly dark brown hair framed the sides of her face and spiraled down to rest on her shoulders.
She was tall for a human, about five-foot-ten if you were to estimate. Her hands moved to clasp in front of her elegantly, your eyes catching sight of light blue nailpolish decorating her perfectly shaped nails.
Red was starting to dust her cheeks and her breathing was starting to return to normal. That was good, at least she wasn’t going into shock. For someone who nearly got eaten alive by the undead, she looked relatively calm and well put together.
“Are you alright?” You tried to keep your voice even, but there was a light wobble to it. You thickly swallowed, cursing yourself for showing any emotion in front of this stranger. The mask that hid the upper part of your face gave you a sense of security and safety, it hid most of your emotion.
You saw her lips move, but no sound came out. Were you going deaf like your father? You shouldn’t be; you haven’t blown up an entire nation yet. You stepped closer in hopes of hearing her better, “excuse me?”
Her lips curled up into a smile, dimples appearing on her cheeks, “Oh, I just said that I’m fine, nothing else. May I get the name of my knight in shining armor?”
Her voice was soft and light. Though it was on the deeper side, it had feminine, euphonious undertones; it was like honey was dripping out with every word she spoke. Just by the way she spoke, you assumed that she came from the nearby kingdom.
You smirked, playing along with the small game she was setting up. Stepping closer and kneeling, you grabbed her hand and brought it to your lips. Her hands were soft and velvety, a part of you longed to hold it in yours all day long.
Against her knuckles, you spoke, “(Y/n) Blade at your service. And you, my fairest lady?”
“Princess Helen Dahlia Eret, but please, call me Dahlia; Helen was my mother. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
You snorted, she was really dedicated to this game. You’d just play along with her, why not? It’s not like you have anything else to do. “Well, princess, it’s about time for you to head back to your castle.”
You looked up at her through your eyelashes and caught sight of the outline of her shadowed features. You could see her purse her lips, “you think I’m lying, don’t you?”
“Forgive me for thinking so, your highness!” You snickered, “the princess shall not step foot outside of her chambers, lest a scrape shall mar her flawless skin!”
She smirked before placing a delicate finger underneath your chin, tilting it upwards. You could feel your face grow hot as she removed her shawl. Ivory white eyes stared back at you smugly, sending a shock through your body. You weren’t sure if the jolt you felt was from her beauty or from the fact that she wasn’t lying.
“Would you like to try again, my knight?” She cooed to you, her other hand coming down to rest on your cheek. You stood up and gaped at her, “oh fuck, you’re actually the princess.”
A part of you wanted to dislike her for her title and for the royal blood that coursed through her veins. That blood tainted her, filling every nook and cranny with vile corruption. “All governments are bad,” Technoblade had taught you early on in your life, “they should, under no circumstances, be trusted.”
Though her parent Eret had been a fair king, always attending to the needs of their people, you were anticipating their corruption. If your memory serves you right, they were the one that betrayed the revolutionaries during the L’manberg Revolution simply because of their thirst for power. If they were a power hungry traitor before, who’s to say that they won’t be blinded by it again?
Every fiber in your body screamed at you to sink your sword through her abdomen to put her down, just like the bloodthirsty hounds that hailed long before her. You could just end her right now, make it quick and just leave her body here. It’d be easy and it would bring chaos to the SMP Kingdom, causing mass paranoia and tearing it apart from within. It’d be delicious, something that would give you a high you’d ride for years. You wanted to paint the grass with her blood, but something deep within you protested.
Filthy blood nourished her body, but that didn’t take away from her sheer and complete beauty or the way she covered her mouth with a delicate hand to hide her laugh. That did not take away from how she had cupped your cheek moments before, your skin still tingled where her hand was. That didn’t suppress the butterflies that fluttered wildly in your stomach when she stepped into the moonlight.
She put her hand out and smiled, “won’t you accompany me to my castle, my faithful warrior?” You merely put on a cold, uncaring facade and side stepped her.
“...You got yourself here, yes? You can find your way back.”
“Well you see,” she moved to rub the back of her neck and awkwardly chuckled, “I was hoping you know the way back?”
You couldn’t stop the snort that escaped your mouth, something about her made her irresistible. “You’ve got to be kidding me, you just ran blindly into a forest?”
“Hey, you would too if you were being chased by zombies!”
“Excuse me, who was the one that just slaughtered said zombies in under a minute?” You raised an eyebrow and looked down at her.
“I don’t have a sword like you do,” she crossed her arms over her chest and glared up at you.
“Even then, I doubt you know how to use one. Here,” you unsheathed the large sword and held it out to her, “I bet you can’t even hold it up.”
“Can too!” She protested before snatching the sword out of your hands. She grunted slightly at the heavy weight, almost dropping it, but she quickly steadied it. Looking up at you with a smug, slightly reddened face, she shook slightly. “See? It’s not that hard.”
You quirked an eyebrow beneath your mask, “oh really?”
“Y-yep,” was all she managed to choke out before she stepped back and dropped the tip. It swung down and buried itself inside the dirt below, scouring the earth as it made contact.
Smirking at her, you took it back with ease, putting it back into its sheath slung around your back. You once again stepped around her and started walking in the other direction.
“Where are you going?!”
“To the castle, you said you wanted me to take you home.”  
She rushed to your side and grabbed your arm with both of her hands. They snaked around your bicep and tangled themselves in your cape. You could feel yourself soar at the contact; you had to fight against every instinct to hook your arm with hers. You ripped yourself out of her embrace and put some distance between the both of you.
She crossed her arms and hugged herself, shivering slightly, “how are you not cold?!”
“It’s barely cold out here,” you mentally scolded yourself for being a hypocrite, “you’ll be fine.”
She said nothing and continued to walk. As you got further and further into the forest, she merely started shivering more. You could hear her teeth chattering loudly and could see goosebumps decorating the skin on her bare arms. Sighing, you unhooked your cape and slung it over her shoulders.
She squeaked in surprise at the feeling before realizing that you gave her your cape. She grabbed the edges and pulled it closer to her before snuggling deeper into the cloth; you could feel your heart explode at the small sigh that she let out and the content hum that left her mouth. Just as she looked up at you, you made quick work of looking away. The ground was very fascinating at the moment.
“Thank you,” she murmured. You just curtly nodded, avoiding looking at her.
The walk to the castle was short, luckily she hadn’t run far from her home. Just as the castle walls were in your sights, she tried holding your arm again. Once again, you stepped away from her.
“C’mon,” she chuckled, “I don’t bite.”
“Well I do. You really need to learn not to trust a stranger, princess.”
“Well, we aren’t strangers. We know each other’s names, do we not? And besides, I bet you’re just a massive teddy bear.”
“I don’t know what your teddy bears looked like as a kid, but they certainly weren’t me. If I wanted to, I could take your hand clean off with a single twist and pull,” you growled out. She was silent once more as she led you towards a specific part of the castle.
“...Why are you so defensive? At least treat me like you did before we knew each other!” She unhooked the cape and shoved it towards you. You gladly took it and put it back on. To your sheer embarrassment, you felt joy as you caught a whiff of books and expensive perfume. It smelled like her.
“...I could’ve just left you back there if I wanted to, consider this a favor. Respect is earned, not given. Even to royalty.”
You turned to leave, you cape swishing behind you as you turned. Before you could walk off, a hand on your arm stopped you. “Wait. Even if you’re a massive jerk,” she sighed out, “I still have to thank you. So, thank you for saving my life; I’m indebted to you, my douchey knight.”
She leant up on the tips of her toes and gently placed her lips on your cheek. You froze and watched as she turned on her heel. She walked towards the entrance with several glances back at you, some of them being smug and others being questioning. It was like you were entranced underneath the veil of a spell, unable to move until she disappeared from sight.
The walk home was quiet with no mobs sneaking up on you. The entire time, the memory of her kissing your cheek replayed endlessly in your head. Though the very thing you disliked more than anything was embodied in her, you couldn’t help but fall for the natural charm she had. You were probably just tired, it was getting late into the night after all.
As you walked through the door, you could see Technoblade impatiently waiting for you on the couch. He had a book open in his hand and his half-rimmed glasses were perched on the bridge of his snout.
“You’re late.”
“Sorry, I just ran into more mobs than I anticipated.”
Technoblade said nothing as his eyes flickered over your body, looking for even the smallest of scrapes. When he didn’t find anything, he nodded to himself and stood up. Tiredly, he walked over to you and ruffled your hair before trudging to his room.
“Are you sure the only thing you ran into was mobs?”
“Yeah,” you cleared your throat, “just a lot of zombies.”
He rolled his eyes and gave you a knowing smile before walking over to you. He swiped his thumb across your cheek and showed it to you. It was stained with a light pink color. “In all of the centuries I spent living in this world, not once have I seen a zombie wearing pink lipstick or,” he took your cape in his hand and sniffed it slightly, “cherry scented perfume.”
Your face exploded in heat as you made hasty work of scrubbing your cheek making the older man laugh quietly at you, “all you’re doing is smudging it all over your face. Some warm water and soap will get it off fast… Now, wanna tell me who gave you that?”
You stared at his smug expression and quickly came to the realization that he wouldn’t let this go unless you told him. Or, at least until you told him what happened.
You sighed and started to remove your armor, placing it on the armor stand situated between Philza’s and Technoblade’s armor. You had insisted that the armor stands were in this specific order, it just made sense with the height differences between the members of the household. Since you were between Philza’s and Technoblade’s height at 6’4 (and still growing), it made sense with the order of the armor in terms of size.
You made your way over to the couch and sat down with a sigh, Philza following suit. He gave you a reassuring smile, “whenever you’re ready.”
So you told him everything that had happened that day. Needless to say, Philza was happy for you, asking you questions about the interaction.
“It sounds like she’s perfect for you, kiddo.”
“That’s the thing, Uncle Phil. She isn’t,” you ran a hand down your face and leaned back onto the back of the couch, your head resting on the top of the cushion. You heard Philza shift slightly before he grabbed your hand.
“Now,” he asked gently, “what makes you think that?”
“She’s King Eret’s daughter. Helen Dahlia Eret,” you sardonically chuckled, “I really thought she was just joking when she said ‘princess’.” Every part of you wished that that was a joke. That she would laugh and tell you that it was part of the game she was playing. But no, she just had to be royalty.
“Eret’s better than most, they are a good king,” he reminded you.
“Still, there’s royal blood in her. She’s actively a part of a government… I wanted to kill her on the spot; hell everything in my body was screaming at me to slaughter her, but I didn’t. I couldn’t.”
“Sometimes, someone is more than the blood inside of them; maybe she isn’t as bad as you think she is. Someone could be born into a family of saints and still destroy everything they touch. On the other hand, someone could be born surrounded by the lowest of humanity and grow up to become the best person you’ll ever meet. You have to understand that blood isn’t everything to a person’s character.”
You didn’t say anything, contemplating what he said. She didn’t seem like someone to rule with an iron fist, and neither did her parent. Tubbo was the first person to come to mind. He was raised by a malicious, tyrannical idiot, a man that had valued absolute power and booze over anything else. Your uncle turned out to be the most caring person you’ve ever met, always making sure that those around him are in a good mood even if he himself wasn’t.
However, it’s best to be cautious of somebody. Your mind flashed back to Wilbur and Dream, the two men rotting away in Pandora’s Vault together until either their time alive is up or time itself expires. They were charismatic and kind on the outside, but on the inside, they are two of the most heinous men you’ve ever met. 
It seemed like your mind was running in circles, bouncing between both conclusions like it was being slammed between two surfaces.
“...Do you think you’ll see her again?” Philza asked you, rubbing a thumb over your knuckles and squeezing it comfortingly when you didn’t respond immediately.
You sighed, standing up and walking out of the room, “if the odds are in our favor, we won’t see each other any time soon.”
                                          ✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
First Date with Chrollo (Human Diary)
Hello everyone! I am back with another “First Date” post featuring the Prince of Darkness. This was an anon post but I can't find the ask anywhere! I have been watching JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures lately and it is a very interesting show. Dio turned into a zombie and he’s so mean to Joseph. Anyway, let’s get into the post. The end is a bit angst-y but I did that to take a slight turn from all Fluff. I hope you enjoy! Part 2 coming sometime this week.m
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It is common knowledge that Chrollo loves to read many books. When he was a child, he had time to read and that provided a great source of comfort. Although he seems to be ruthless, every human has the ability to seek compatibility and compassion. Both Hisoka and Chrollo enjoy the romance genre except Hisoka prefers to watch movies while Chrollo loves to read stories. You've known Chrollo since elementary school. You were fortunate enough to be able to move out of Meteor City and attend a better elementary school. As a child, you were an outcast and made few friends but on occasion, Chrollo would see you at a local arcade. Of course, your mother paid for the both of you to have fun but once it was over, it broke your heart because you knew about the conditions he’d return to once he left.
As time went on, you entered college and decided to invite Chrollo on campus so he could be something like a driving force for future success. You’ve been accepted into Yorknew University planning on majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Digital Art. Reaching Chrollo posed a challenge. He never responded to a few messages but on the third try, he answered with an excited response.
“Please forgive me y/n for not responding soon enough. I am more than happy to visit you. I am proud of you and your accomplishments. I do not see myself as a college man but, hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it right? I’ll be in touch.”
At exactly 7 PM on a calm Fall night, standing outside of the campus’ most prominent book store, you began to sweat and your makeup began to drip. Just as you were about to wipe it off, you heard a voice call your name.
“Y/n? Is that you?” He chuckled as he questioned your appearance.
Turning around, you jumped a little at the sight before you. This wasn’t the same Chrollo you remember, of course. He had grown several feet, his face was much sharper, his arms were much bigger, had a bandana tied on his forehead, and he had a few rings on. He was dressed in a white polo shirt, black pressed slacks and black dress shoes. It’s weird. It felt like an arrow was shot through your heart.
“Are you ok? You act as if you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I’m fine! I’m just---You--look…”
“Ah, I see. There’s no need to be flustered. I am the same as when we were kids.”
The Yorknew Sailor Store was designed something exactly like a Barnes and Noble except the walls were painted to match the school’s colors.
The bookstore had a perfectly designed Starbucks, with a wooden finish, black and brown metal tables, beige tile floor, and glass doors.
Chrollo immediately noticed the change in behavior, one he wasn’t used to.
The students were snooty according to him and reminded him of how the city council would act towards him, his family, and those who were like him.
First, you offered to buy him a drink. The good thing about Chrollo is that if you or anyone else offers to buy something, He will not reject it. There is no such thing as having too much pride regarding him.
“Do you drink coffee?”
“Of course I do,” he replied. “But I don’t think I’ve had any of these drinks. A Caramel Macchiato? That sounds good.”
“Order it then! That will give you just the right amount of energy for today’s reading!”
To you, this was just two friends reuniting with each other but something else told you that Chrollo thought it was something more. He only dressed up like this if he was going out with someone special and even then it wasn’t an expensive Polo Short, It was his best t-shirt and jeans.
It boggles your mind how Chrollo acquired his expensive clothing but maybe he obtained a great job and is able to make a living for himself.
“I’d like to order a Caramel Macchiato.”
“What’s the name for this drink?”
“Chrollo,” you responded.
“And for you?”
“I would like a caramel Frappuccino with soy milk and no whip cream.”
“Alright. That’ll be $15.00.”
Chrollo glanced at you wide-eyed.
“It’s ok. I got it.”
You take out your card to pay and as you move out of line you bend over to whisper in his ear. “Maybe you can pay for dinner though.”
He laughed and smiled. “Of course, y/n.”
The bookstore was full of comfortable furniture ranging from light blue, dark blue, white in the lounge area. Both of you decided to sit across from each other on the blue chairs that swallowed you both as you sat.
As he read, he’d point out any interesting points in the book. He got tired of yelling across the table, so he decided to share a chair with you. He could feel the heat radiating from your body.
It was almost obvious that you all were involuntarily flirting with each other. The school was full of couples but occasionally seeing the goofy couple was the highlight of everyone’s day.
“This man was so devoted to a woman that does not know that he exists.”
“Sounds pointless,” you say, still trying to read your book.
“Well, she knows he exists but she is ignoring him and making him look like a fool in front of everyone. He says that there is something about her that he has never seen in any woman.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s her eyes, smile, intelligence, the shape of her lips, and her perfume powder aroma. Those are things that drive men wild.”
You smiled and laughed but came to a quick halt when you felt something along the ridge of your neck made you still. The hair on your neck stood up still as the invading force came in contact with your skin. It was Chrollo grazing his nose against your skin, slightly sniffing in your aroma; slowly breathing in and out.
Closing your eyes couldn’t make your sudden arousal fade. At this point, nearly everybody was looking at you both and looked away. This behavior was innocent for college culture, but it was taken as a cute gesture rather than naughty.
You blush. It was quite surprising that your childhood friend viewed you as something of the sort. It was both flattering and scary.
There’s no denying that Chrollo is handsome but if you dated him and the relationship didn't last, it could ruin your friendship.
At this point, Chrollo had his right arm resting lazily behind your back as his head and next aimed in a position that would allow his nose to lay carelessly on your neck.
“You smell delightful. I didn’t know you wore such expensive perfume. Is it….,” He sniffs again, “Flower Rose?”
“Yes! How did you know? Does your mother wear it?”
“She does now. I bought it for her a week ago and now the guys in the city can’t stay off her.”
Wow. The City. Even though it was a hell hole, it was your hell hole. How is everything? How is your mother? How did you manage to have such an expensive taste in clothing and fragrance?
Chrollo enjoys making others flustered. It's amusing to see them stutter when they’re either aroused or nervous.
On the flip side, seeing Chrollo flustered was the highlight of the century! The bad guys are used to being “bad” but expressing softer emotions makes it amazing and a reminder that they can experience them too.
Grabbing Chrollo’s left hand, you gently kiss it a few times and wink at him. He smiled, hiding his dumbfounded expression, and blushed slightly.
“I see you catch on quick.”
“I was raised in Meteor City. Just because I’m here doesn't mean I have forgotten where I come from. But I didn’t know you liked me.”
“You were the only one that trusted me and played with me when no one would.”
It felt like two magnets were pulling you closer. If he kissed you right here right now, you could just melt into a puddle but before anything happened, Chrollo’s phone rang loud and echoed throughout the bookstore.
Glancing at his phone, you saw an unknown number call, and judging from his actions he stood quickly to his feet.
“I’ll only be gone for a second.”
Hmm. That was odd. During this short intermission, you continue to read your book. Ironic enough, you weren’t into romance novels per se, you enjoyed action and comedy books!
Once Chrollo returned, his face was flushed and his soft demeanor had suddenly disappeared. He looked as if he was going to punch a wall.
“What’s wrong, Chrollo?”
He glanced at you with a somber smile, hoping to convince you that he was alright. “I am fine, y/n.”
“Are you sure?”
“Well, if you count my mother being seriously injured, then yes.”
“Oh no! We can leave now, it’s fine.”
“No, it's ok. She wouldn’t want me to leave you all by yourself at this time of day.” He pointed to the night sky.
Wow! That was quick!
“What do you mean?”
“My mother predicted that I could end up with you...she also predicted that someone would be hurt or in danger if that prophecy was fulfilled. It’s sort of like give or take. In order to make someone happy, someone has to surrender their happiness and I guess it was her.”
A single tear dropped down his cheek and nothing more. He didn’t care if other men singled out his “weakness” because he’d destroy them all and he didn’t want y/n to know about his abilities until later.
The comfort of your warmth against his head provided more than comfort. He felt safe, welcomed, not judged, and vulnerable. He knew that you wouldn’t make him out to be a bad person but instead welcome him home with open arms. You were his human diary.
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mister-supernova · 3 years
Trust In Me
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Pairing: Hope Mikaelson x Reader
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“You’re joking. You’re telling me, ME,--your oh so dearest best friend in this universe--that you’re not going to help us play against the Timberwolves even though you’re a freaking tribrid? You have all the powerups you can get and you’re choosing not to use them! What kind of madness is that, Marshall?”
“Professor Saltzman doesn’t let any of you use your abilities anyways, so there’s no real point in me helping the team, is there?”
You feel your eyes roll so far back you're surprised they didn’t fall out, “Come on! Do you have any idea what kind of badass duo we’d be out there?”
“Nope and I don’t intend on finding-”
“We’d be unstoppable! Those asshat Timberwolves won’t know what hit them on that field! You have to play at least one game while you’re at school here! Please!”
Hope responds to your argument with silence and a look on her face that you clearly read as, I’m not playing no matter how much you beg.
You knew there wasn’t any way of getting through to her thick skin, so you accepted your defeat. “Okay, fine,” you huff, taking a seat right next to Hope at the edge of your bed, “You’re still going to cheer me on though, right? I mean, it’s the least you could do.”
She takes an agonizingly long time thinking of her answer while looking at the hopeful ‘puppy dog’ look in your eyes. The longer she took, the bigger you made your eyes which eventually broke Hope into giving you a heartwarming smile, “Yes, I’ll be silently cheering you on.”
You smile back, “That’s all I need, Marshall.”
The alarm tone from your phone jolts you awake from another one of your vivid dreams. After meeting Hope outside the Grill the other night, your dreams have become more realistic than ever before.
They’re almost beginning to feel too real. Maybe the clarification of you knowing Hope is real influenced your brain into putting her into more lifelike dream scenarios.
It didn’t surprise you that the topic of conversation in the dream was about the annual Stallions versus Timberwolves game since it’s happening today. Even though your team has been notorious for losing on purpose every single year, you still liked the not-so-friendly competition between the rival schools.
At this morning's assembly, you were happy to hear your new headmaster’s announcement about banning the ‘throw the game’ rule. Josie seemed to be the only teammate who was hesitant about the sudden change, but everyone else was ecstatic.
The thing that threw you off the most during the assembly was Vardamus assigning Landon as the quarterback. See, you loved the guy and he’s one of your good friends here at the school, but you know damn well that his athletic ability is as good as a decapitated zombie--on either half--and even that was saying much.
You weren’t just saying this to bash on your friend because he was proving your analysis of him correct on the field as the team was warming up. You and Josie were helplessly trying to help him catch the ball after a snap.
Thankfully she has more patience with Landon than you because at this rate it didn’t look like you guys were winning this game either.
“Sorry. Foster care didn’t have a football team.” Landon grumbles after having the ball bounce off his chest.
“At least you didn’t let it hit you in the face this time,” you shrug, earning a searing glare from Josie, “I’ll go warm up over here now.”
You quickly excused yourself and ended up jogging over to Lizzie who was sitting on the bench with a stack of books by her side. First, Landon is your quarterback for the day and now you see Lizzie reading right now instead of warming up.
“What’s going on here? I thought you’d be pissed at Vardamus for giving Landon your QB spot.”
“I’m on a different kind of mission today, Y/n,” she says as you watch her flip through a book of monsters and that gives you the information you needed to know what this was about.
Coincidentally enough, Lizzie also met a new and mysterious stranger the same day you met Hope. The two of you bonded for the past few days over your slightly similar situations which you felt was very weird but also kind of cool.
“There’s no way Sebastian is like us and I’m determined to figure out just what he is.”
“And you couldn’t do this--hm, I don’t know--after the game today?” You ask in urgency for her to play today, “I mean, seriously Lizzie, this could be huge for us.”
“What’s wrong with Landon being your QB?”
Your eyes widen in shock, “Are you kidding? Just look at him!”
The both of you direct your attention to Landon on the field as Josie hands him the football. You prepare yourself for disaster as he winds his arm back, but then you find yourself proven wrong as you watch the distance the ball was being thrown. It seemed to soar through the sky for what felt like hours before bouncing off of a window from the Timberwolves’ bus.
“Looks like he has the magic touch now,” Lizzie says knowingly before returning to her book while you continue to stare at the bus in shock.
Right before you decided it was the best time to look away, a familiar someone seems to catch your eye instead. Walking down the steps of your rival school’s bus was none other than Hope Marshall.
“No way,” you muttered to yourself, unsure if you should be happy to see her again or concerned that she’s on the team you’re playing against.
Absentmindedly, you slowly started drifting away from your spot by Lizzie and felt yourself being pulled in Hope’s direction. You had to get closer to clarify that she was who you were seeing and not some sick mirage you’ve created in your brain.
“L/n!” Dorian jumps in front of you, breaking your trance and blocking your path towards the opposing team, “Save any trash talk for the game. I don’t need you picking a fight with the other players before we even start.”
You had built yourself a reputation for these annual games and were known for getting kicked out due to foul plays off the field, “But Mr. Williams I was just-”
“That’s Coach Williams today, L/n. Back to your side. Go on!” He rushes you away and though you are strong enough to push past him, you’d rather play then be a benchwarmer for the rest of the day.
An annoyed growl rumbles in the back of your throat as you try to catch one more glimpse of Hope, but you were blocked by Dorian’s clipboard.
Josie can clearly see the longing anticipation in your eyes as you join your team’s side of the field. You looked like a lost kid in a mall looking for their parents, “Everything okay, Y/n?”
“Do you remember those drawings from my sketchbook this summer? The ones of that girl, but all you can really see are her eyes and hair?” You ask her in a hushed voice.
She nods, “Yeah, the one you said you’ve been seeing in your dreams.”
“Okay, well I met her the night of our first day back at school. She’s real and she’s here with the Timberwolves,” Josie furrows her eyebrows at you.
“So you met her before your dreams?”
“No. That’s the thing, I’ve never seen her in town before the other night and after all my dreams. I know for damn sure that I’d remember her being on our rival school’s football team given how many times I’ve tried kicking their asses every year.”
“Maybe she’s a new student this year? You very well could’ve seen her at the Grill this summer without even realizing it. Our brains only need to see a face once for them to show up in our dreams.”
“Josie, I swear on everything in my life that it’s-”
The referee’s whistle rings your ears as he calls for everyone’s attention, “Stallions! Timberwolves! Both teams meet in the middle for the coin toss!”
You and Josie sigh knowing that you’d have to put a pin in this conversation, “You ready?” She asks.
You nod, doing a few quick stretches since you didn’t get a lot of warm up time and to prepare yourself for seeing Hope again, “Yeah. Let’s do this.”
A wave of excitement filled your chest as you walked with Josie towards the middle of the field. The bashful smile on your face was hard to contain once your eyes landed back on Hope who you could clarify was very much real and very much here in front of you once more.
“Oh, wow,” Josie mutters with surprise from beside you.
“I told you I liked my chances, Marshall,” you smirk, gaining a small tight lipped smile from Hope in return.
“I guess today was your lucky day, then. Not for long, though,” she challenged, playfully squinting her eyes at you.
You lean your body slightly forward with a confident grin, “We’ll see about that.”
Your teammates share a confused look at the interaction they were witnessing between you two. “I see you’re... familiar with each other,” Hope’s teammate chimes in.
With a shrug you say, “We’re practically married. Isn’t that right, Marshall?”
Hope shakes her head at you, biting her lip to keep her mouth shut long enough for Vardamus to stand between your two teams and break your friendly banter.
With a little sprinkle of magic from Josie, your team won the coin toss with ease so the Stallions would be receiving the ball at the start.
“Okay, what was that?” Josie asks as the two of you walk back to your side of the field.
“What? Did you want me to call heads instead?”
“No! Not that. You and that girl.”
“I told you we met the other night,” you shrug, “and her name is Hope for your information.”
“That was not an interaction from two people who’ve only had one conversation, Y/n. Not to mention she really does look like the girl from your drawings. Are you sure you haven’t met before?”
“That’s what I was telling you and yes, I’m positive that I’ve never interacted with her prior to the other night. You think that if I hadn’t seen or met her at the Grill during the summer that we wouldn’t be best friends by now?”
“Well, you could’ve fooled me! I know you’re labeled as the social butterfly and all, but that must’ve been some long conversation if that’s how you’re acting around each other.”
You pause to think about it for a moment, “Actually it was only about ten minutes.”
The conversation was cut short by the sound of the ref’s whistle signaling you all to line up for kickoff. You jog away to your position before Josie can interrogate you any longer and wait for the game to begin.
Stallions were able to use magic to their advantage and gain points within the first play which was something you never thought you’d see during your time here. As everyone repositions into defense, you notice that Hope is the quarterback for the Timberwolves.
“Okay, Y/n. I’m about to suggest something you may or may not like,” Josie says from next to you.
“Don’t worry, I got the QB,” you grin, gaining Hope’s attention. She notices the mischievous look in your eyes and almost looks as if she knows what you’re up to, making her a little nervous.
“Like it is, I guess,” Jo huffs.
Once the football reached Hope’s hands, you made a b-line towards her, quick to avoid any other players who were blocking your way. Careful not to crush her during the fall, you took Hope by the waist and spun the both of you to the ground.
Your tackle didn’t do much good given that she was still able to pass the ball. Whether it got to her teammate or not you weren’t too sure of at the moment because Hope’s body was literally tangled with yours.
With her one hand against your chest and the other keeping her propped up on the grass, Hope’s face was almost an inch away from you. Feeling her breathing heavily on your face, you oddly felt like you’ve been in this exact position before.
“Bet you enjoyed doing that, huh?” Hope speaks up, getting you to huff out a chuckle.
“Well it wasn’t the preferred way I wanted to take you out, per say, but a little bit, yeah,” you smile, getting her to laugh in return.
Being in this position with someone you’ve talked to so briefly should feel awkward, but for whatever reason it just felt right. If it weren’t for the fact that you were playing in a football match, you’d probably want to stay like this for a while longer.
Suddenly, Hope’s eyes widen as she quickly rolls off you and begins wincing in pain while grabbing at her ankle.
“Are you okay?” You ask while sitting up.
“Ah, I don’t know. I-I think it’s sprained,” she lightly groans, scrunching up her face.
“Shit, Marshall. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that I-” you shake your head, pushing yourself to your feet before reaching out to help Hope up, “here, I can help take you to the nurse if you want.”
“It’s okay. I can find it,” she shakes her head and she takes note of the worried look in your eye knowing that you had hurt her, “Hey, seriously Y/n, it’s fine. I’ll be okay.” Hope squeezes your arm and gives you a reassuring look before limping off the field.
You watched as she walked away, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion. You were sure that you were careful while pulling her to the ground. Hope didn’t seem to be in any sort of pain for the first few seconds after tackling her.
“You know she faked her injury right?” Josie pops in out of nowhere, making your heart nearly burst out of your chest.
“Jesus, Jo,” you take a deep breath before taking in her inquisition, “And you think so?”
“Yeah and I don’t know why, but maybe you should keep an eye on her.”
“Why? Do you think she’ll steal some snacks from the kitchen?” You jokingly ask.
“Well, you started having dreams of her after Malivore was destroyed and now she seems to be oddly gravitated to this town and our school. I’m just saying that you should be a little more careful about trusting her so fast.”
Though you haven’t felt anything off-putting about Hope, Josie had an annoyingly excellent point. “I guess I’m on watch duty, then. Find a sub for me.”
It was shocking to see that Hope had gotten so far ahead of you that you weren’t even in running distance from her. Oddly fishy for someone who just sprained their ankle. Even as you walked into the school, there was no sign of her in the halls or the nurse’s office.
There was one thing that stuck out--a familiar scent that you had smelled in that vacant dorm room this summer. Only this time it was a lot stronger than when you first caught it.
Out of curiosity, you followed the smell just to see if it would lead you anywhere. Crazily enough, it didn’t take you to the vacant room like you thought it would, but to Landon and Raf’s dorm room instead.
Your eyes widen to the size of saucers when you see Hope sitting cross-legged in front of a map that she was currently dripping her own blood onto.
She quickly turns around and stands, startled by the sound of your voice, “Y/n! Uh, I um, this isn’t what it--”
“Isn’t what it looks like? Right. Well, it looks like you faked an injury to sneak into the school. It looks like you forgot to mention you were a witch the other night. It also looks like you’re doing a locator spell in my missing friend’s room.”
Hope remains silent for a couple of seconds, almost taken back by the passive way you were speaking to her, “Okay, maybe it’s exactly what it looks like.”
You huff out a sigh in disbelief, letting Josie’s suspicions about Hope sink into your head now.
“I’m not here to hurt you or anyone else here, Y/n. I promise, I’m trying to help. Dr. Saltzman asked me to do a locator spell on Rafael so that I can help him return to his human form.”
You give her a questioning look, “We’ve been looking for a way to turn him back for months now. What makes you think you can?”
“Because I know more about the Crescent Wolf Clan than anyone else here.”
You raise a brow, “That wolf pack in New Orleans? If you know so much about it, wouldn’t that make you a…” then the realization sets in.
Hope sees that you’re still skeptical, “Look, I can’t explain everything right now, but I really need you to trust me, Y/n.”
Most of the context clues told you that trusting someone you’ve only known for less than a day was a terrible, terrible idea, but your heart wouldn’t let you believe that.
As much as you shouldn’t, you trusted Hope more than anything.
You exhale, “Okay, Marshall. I’m trusting you. Is there anything you need me to do?”
Hope gives you a grateful smile, “Keep an eye on Landon. There’s a werewolf-eating monster out in the woods and I have no idea if it will be after him, too,” she says, walking past you and into the hallway.
Again, you’re confused with even more new information, “Wait, there’s a what in the woods? And how do you know the monster would be after Landon?” Hope ignores your questions, continuing to speed walk in front of you, “Marshall!”
A lot of events took place within the next couple of hours. You did as Hope asked and watched Landon back at the game which seemed pretty boring at first.
Josie took you by surprise as you witnessed her break another player’s arm with a spell mid-play, but to be fair it didn’t look like she realized what she was doing until the damage was done.
If that wasn't physically violent enough, there was a huge mosh fight between both schools after the game was over. You tried getting out of the crossfire because the last thing you needed was detention for being involved in something you didn’t mean to be a part of.
That didn’t go as planned seeing as one of the Timberwolves was able to punch a mean hook on your right cheek before you could scramble out of there. Most of the redness faded by the end of the night, but it was still a little sore whenever you poked at it.
Hope was able to return Raf back to his human form just like she said she would. He explained how this “mysterious girl” saved his life then you and your friends gave him a warm welcome back to humanity.
After cleaning yourself up, you snuck out of the school’s building to find Hope sitting out at one of the piers where she told you to meet her before parting ways earlier.
You could tell she had cleaned up as well judging by the change of clothes and seeing that her hair was no longer tied up in braids, but now flowing down over her shoulders.
“Well, today was eventful, huh?” You speak up, groaning as you take a seat next to her.
“Oh, my God. Y/n, your face!” Hope exclaims.
“You know you can just call me ugly, Marshall. There’s no need for you to act all aghast about it.” You tease.
“No, I mean the gash on your cheek.” She reaches for your face to observe your wound more clearly.
You let her lightly trace along the edge of the bump, almost unfazed by the contact, “Oh right, that.”
“What kind of altercation did you get yourself into?”
You scoff, looking more hurt by the question rather than the punch to your face, “Bold of you to assume it was me who initiated the altercation, Marshall.”
“Well, you just seem like the type is all.” She looks at you with a teasing look in her eyes.
“What a kind and accurate assumption you have of me there, but for the record I wasn’t the one who started the fight. Everyone just started going at each other after the game and I got caught in the crossfire.”
There’s a very noticeable shift in Hope’s mood and you can tell that she was genuinely worried about you getting hurt. All she could think about was the last time you were caught in the crossfire and how it nearly cost you your life. You didn’t know that, of course, but you felt the need to reassure her.
“You’re cute when you’re worried, Marshall, but I’m fine. I promise, a punch to the face is like a slap on the wrist. You should know the healing process is quite fast for a werewolf.” You give her a knowing look.
Hope’s eyes widen in realization, making her finally pull her hand away from your face. “You caught onto that, huh?”
“I figured it out once you mentioned the Crescent Wolves. Raf only confirmed it when he explained how this mysterious werewitch saved his life,” Hope looks down at her lap looking like a kid who got caught in a lie, “Thank you, by the way. For bringing my friend back.”
She meets your gaze again, giving you a tight lipped smile, “You’re welcome.”
“You know it’s too bad you didn’t have me helping you out there. Given that we’ve got a pretty good thing going on here, we could’ve made a badass team.”
“You got punched in the face by a human. How do you think you would’ve stood against a monster that actively wanted to kill you?”
“That’s the whole point of being a team. One runs around failing miserably while the other pulls the weight.”
Hope scrunches her eyebrows together, “That’s literally not what being a team is supposed to be like at all.”
“Seriously?” You ask cluelessly, “Damn, well I guess I’ve been doing it wrong all this time.”
She laughs and for the first time you notice the way her eyes squint together when she really lets herself smile. It sparked a feeling in you that you hadn’t felt before.
“You’re just full of surprises today, aren’t you, Marshall?” You speak up in a playful tone, lightly bumping her shoulder, “Has our 24-hour friendship meant nothing to you? I mean, seriously, how could you not tell me you were a hybrid?”
Hope gives you an appalled scoff, “You didn’t tell me you were a werewolf. Looks like we both hid something from each other last night.”
You stare at her for a second, squinting your eyes as you analyze her, “Hmm. Touche, Marshall.”
She lets out another laugh and this time you swear you can feel your heart begin to grow.
Gosh, she’s really beautiful.
You wished you could say the words aloud. Part of you was surprised that you couldn’t given how bold you’ve been with Hope regardless of the little amount of time you’ve known her.
As much as you wanted to make some sort of move now, you felt you had to draw the line somewhere.
“Y/n, you’re staring.” Hope tells you in a voice that was just above a whisper.
You blink yourself back to reality, “Sorry,” you say with your voice just as hushed, “It’s just that… I think…” For the first time in your life you have no idea what to say. No witty comment or dumb remark.
You searched her deep blue eyes for an answer you couldn’t find. If anything you felt even more lost the longer you looked into them.
I really want to kiss you right now. Your mouth was open, but no words were willing to come out.
For a second you swore you saw Hope begin to lean forward, but the moment ended rather abruptly thanks to your cell phone ringer.
“Jesus,” you flinch yourself back into reality once again before picking up the phone, “Hello?”
“Y/n, where the hell are you? Vardamus has done a room check twice now and says you haven’t been answering your door.” Lizzie frantically asks you.
“I’ll be there in a second. Just cover for me if he’s still lurking in the halls and tell him I’m knocked out from today’s game.”
“Fine, just hurry your ass up!” She whisper-shouts before hanging up.
You let out a deep and exaggerated sigh, “Well, fun’s over, Marshall,” you grin sadly, “It’s pumpkin time.”
She returns a soft smile back at you, “I guess this is goodbye.”
“I’ll only say goodbye if it means we’re gonna say hello again,” you tell her as you rise to your feet.
“Well, then let's not say goodbye,” she says while you help her up, “Maybe if we just say goodnight instead, that's gotta mean we'll see each other again.”
You look down at her with a smirk, “That's all I need, Marshall.”
Hope rolls her eyes with a smile she couldn't contain. Just when you thought she’d walk away, she takes you by surprise as she presses a small kiss on your wounded cheek, “Goodnight, Y/n.”
You bite the sides of your cheeks to keep your smirk from turning into the goofiest looking smile you could possibly imagine, “Goodnight, Hope,” you say, finally turning back to make your way towards the school.
At this point, you couldn’t tell if the heat in your face was from the kiss or the punch.
taglist: @chicken-wang09 @trikruismybitch @sodangtired @idek-5
heyooo i know it's been a minute, but i hope you enjoyed this slightly longer chapter... again, i can't say how long it'll be until part 7 but i'll get to working on it as soon as possible! thanks for all your love and support for this series everyone, it really means a lot to me <3
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readyplayerhobi · 3 years
Jung Hoseok and the Magic to Happiness | 05
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; Hufflepuff Teacher!Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, angst, future smut
; Word Count: 3.5k
; Synopsis: An unexpected issue with your Ministry of Magic job leads to you taking the role of Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts. It’s here that you meet your best friend’s younger brother for the first time in years, the Hufflepuff Head of House, Jung Hoseok. While you contend with seeing him once again, Hoseok tries to show you that he’s very much a man and no longer the gangly teenager you once knew.
; A/N: Not as much of an ‘interesting’ chapter as the last one, but hopefully you’ll enjoy it all the same! I know some of you have been hoping to see this character and what their thoughts are all about what’s going on. This chapter is more of one that’s just self-assessing!
Last Chapter ; Next Chapter
You don’t go to breakfast the next morning. Not because you’re trying to avoid Hoseok or anything, but because you didn’t fall asleep until the early hours of the morning and so slept through the morning meal. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what had kept your mind occupied instead of letting you drift off.
Thankfully, no one questions your absence. It might be because most of the castle is likely sleeping in today or is packing for the Hogwarts Express. You don’t have to be present when the students begin their journey back to London and you feel that’s probably a good thing at the moment. 
The awkwardness between Hoseok and you would be excruciating for anyone to be around, particularly yourself. So you’d burrowed into your duvet when the usual alarm went off and only woke up properly around noon. 
You’re still in bed though, the covers pulled up to your chin and helping you to feel snug and warm against the constant coolness of your stone room. Which means that you’re staring up at the ceiling of your bedroom intently, brows furrowed as you think over the night before once more.
As if you haven’t already replayed every moment in excruciating detail, latching onto the most ridiculous things. For instance, you couldn’t stop thinking of what Hoseok’s lips looked like up close or the heady scent of him that no longer inspired only safety and friendship in you. How hot his hands had felt against you.
It was embarrassing how often that thought morphed into you imagining the same scenario but minus any clothes. Would his hands be warmer? Would they be as gentle as they’d been on your back last night? Would his hands feel soft on your bare skin or would you be able to feel the subtle callouses formed from years of caring for magical animals?
Groaning out loud, you roll onto your side and bury your face into your pillow. How are you meant to face him when all you can think about is the taste of him on your lips? 
A delicate chiming causes you to peek at your bedside cabinet, eyes narrowing as the noise repeats itself. You don’t even need to check to see who it is; you know already. So you reach out and blindly grasp for the magic mirror, eventually feeling your fingertips pressing against the smooth, reflective surface.
Now your grimace is more because you know that you’ve just smeared fingerprints all over. But you don’t get a chance to clean it because as soon as you look at the hand-sized surface, it activates with a gentle tinkling. The silver mirror shimmers slightly and you’re left looking at the image of Jisoo’s pretty face, smiling at you.
For a moment, you forget that you’ve not even bothered to get out of bed yet. You’ve not been able to shower, and the crustiness of your eyes tells you that your makeup wasn’t removed either. You’d obviously been in more of a fugue state than you’d realised when you’d gotten back to your quarters.
Normally it wouldn’t bother you as Jisoo has seen you in much worse states. But this had been caused by Hoseok, her brother. Her little brother. Her little brother who was incredibly attractive, a great kisser and had looked at you like you’d hung the stars when you’d pulled away from him.
As you think that, you immediately remember his annoyance at any topic relating to age and feel like hitting your forehead. Chaeyoung was right; he did like you. Merlin, how stupid were you to miss all those obvious signs he’d been giving? The poor guy had been practically shouting it from the rooftop for weeks now.
“I’m so stupid!” You curse, spitting out a few more severe swear words after that to the surprise of Jisoo. It’s not helped when you notice how similar they look, maturity making the familial genes even more prominent between the two. Just your luck.
“Hi...are you okay?” She asks, her brow furrowing in concern and you sigh deeply. Ignoring her question for a few seconds, you take the time to push yourself up the bed and fluff up the pillows, letting them act as a backrest for you to prop yourself up. A quick spell cleans your face and mouth, studiously ignoring the fact that it’s considered lazy to use magic for these kinds of tasks.
Still, you feel a little more refreshed and not like one of those zombies from muggle television shows.
Taking a deep breath, alongside a few swallows of water from the glass you always keep by your bed, you pick up the mirror once more and smile at Jisoo. It’s pretty obvious that she doesn’t buy it though and you didn’t expect her to. She’s known you too long to let you get away with pretending, so you drop it quickly.
“I’m...okay, I promise. I just...I’m a little confused about something.” You’re not entirely sure that you want to admit the fact that you might fancy her little brother just yet. Jisoo is very open-minded and she’d always thought Hoseok’s obvious feelings when he was younger had been cute. But the unrequited emotions of your teenage brother are very different from the mutual attraction between your adult brother and your adult best friend.
“Oh? Did something happen last night? Hoseok was acting a little strange as well when I talked to him earlier.” The urge to sink under the covers is very strong when you hear that, but you use pure will to remain in place.
Of course, they’d already talked. 
Scanning Jisoo’s face closely, you try to use your own best friend's sixth sense to see if she already knows that you’d kissed him last night. But she’s either a master of acting or she has no idea because there’s only genuine concern in her expression.
You feel the need to talk though and you want to do that with your best friend, even if she is Hoseok’s sister. The feelings you have are confused and you just want to try to sort through them all. 
“I kissed Hoseok last night.” The words rush out in a breath, almost mumbling with how quiet they are. Still, Jisoo hears them perfectly thanks to the spell on the mirror. From the way her eyes widen in shock, you know that Hoseok hasn’t revealed that little tidbit to her. Part of you wonder if that’s to protect your privacy, but you don’t get a chance to consider it further.
“Merlin...so that’s why you’re both being odd! What happened? It was the Winter Solstice Ball, right?” Relaxing back, you nod and make an affirmative noise while chewing on your lips.
“Yeah, it was. It was all going fine, the students were having a good time and all that but then Hoseok finally arrived and-” Pausing, you frown before groaning out and running a hand across your face. “You don’t want to hear this! This is your brother.”
“Ignore that. As long as you don’t give me...descriptive details then it’s fine. This is one time that I have no interest in hearing about how well he kisses or what he’s like in bed, so keep that to yourself. Otherwise, keep talking.” Mortification runs through you at Jisoo’s mischievous smile and she laughs in delight.
“We didn’t do that! I swear.” Muttering, you reach for your glass and take another swig in an attempt to give yourself time to get yourself under control. Partially because you’re embarrassed about Jisoo thinking you’d slept with her brother so quickly but also because you’re feeling a little warm at the thought of sex with him.
A thought that you’d likely come back to at a later time but isn’t something to consider right now.
“I didn’t think you had. Firstly, you’ve never been the kind of person to shag someone on the first date. Or before the first date, I guess, as you’ve not even had a date. Secondly, neither is Hoseok. Don’t ask how I know, I’m surprised he didn’t blurt this news out this morning.” One of your eyes narrows in contemplation at that and you realise that you don’t want to ask.
The idea of Hoseok sleeping with someone else causes an unpleasant sensation to bubble in your stomach. Something else you don’t feel like analysing at the moment.
“Okay...well...firstly, I hate the word ‘shag’ and you know it. Secondly, I’m really confused right now. I mean, objectively I’ve known Hoseok is hot. Like, I’m not stupid. I have eyes and he’s well...yeah. But I think I’d always managed to have some kind of barrier between us, you know? Like...he was your little brother and he was just my friend here. But then last night he came into the hall and Merlin. It was like something switched in my mind, and I finally realised that he’s not just attractive, but he’s...he’s my kind of attractive.” You realise halfway through talking that you’re just telling Jisoo your thought process as you go through it.
She doesn’t respond though, just gives a considerate look with her lips slightly pursed before taking a sip of her drink. You don’t know what she’s drinking as it’s a mug, the image on the front just a generic cat. The fact it’s not moving gives away that it’s a muggle creation.
“And then we just kept talking, all night. Even when we had duties, we kept meeting back up and it felt so natural and normal. It’s like I’ve known him for all my life or something, our conversation is so easy and I don’t feel uncomfortable around him. You ever have that with someone?”
“Once or twice. It’s a good sign though. I know you’ve become pretty good friends over the last few months so maybe that’s why it’s all clicking now. Relationships that start from a solid friendship usually end up being some of the best. Maybe that’s why it’s all feeling a little more natural than normal. You’ve found someone that makes you feel comfortable and safe.” You wonder how many times you’d told Jisoo that her brother inspired those feelings within you since being here at Hogwarts.
As that runs through your mind, you suddenly become distracted with an entirely different thought.
“Hang on, did you suspect that I might like him? You’ve always been very accepting of my friendship with him and if I remember right, you’ve been the one encouraging me to spend time with him. Is that why you’re not surprised at this?” Jisoo’s cheeks blush a pretty pink, so like her brother that you can’t help but smile.
“I may have suspected something. I am your best friend, after all. And his sister. When you’re close to both sides, you notice things.” Her voice is teasing and you wonder if other people have been suspecting this as well. 
Suddenly, all the times your fellow professors had arranged for events and Hoseok had happened to just be attending as well began running through your mind. Was everyone scheming?!
You’d never considered yourself a suspicious person before but you certainly were now. Seokjin and Chaeyoung, in particular, were going to be at the end of a very serious set of questions whenever you next saw them.
“In all seriousness, I didn’t think that you might like him. I just thought you were enjoying having a good friend at Hogwarts as Hoseok is someone you already know, so you at least had a link with him. You finding him nice to look at was expected; I’m not stupid, I know he’s pretty. He’s my brother and I’m gorgeous,” There’s a slight smirk to her smile, and you roll your eyes at her ego, fully recognising that she’s trying to cheer you up. “But you never really gave the inclination that you wanted anything romantic with him, so I didn’t suspect too much with you.”
Humming, your nose wrinkles as you look away from the mirror and contemplate her words. She’s not wrong, mainly because you hadn’t considered that with him until last night. Hoseok had been firmly in the friend box in your mind. It’s only now that you realise he’d been subtly creeping into the romantic box without you noticing.
“That’s because I didn’t realise I wanted that. I feel like I missed something really obvious, and everyone around me knew. I’m pretty sure Chaeyoung and Seokjin knew; there’s no way that they wouldn’t try to interfere. They’re those kinds of people, you know?” Jisoo giggles lightly, running her hand through long, silky black hair.
“Sounds like my kinda folk. Seriously though, don’t stress over it. All you’re going to do by over analysing things is get yourself tied up into knots. I know you and you’ll just talk yourself out of anything that could potentially happen. There’s nothing wrong with going for what you want if it’s going to be good for you. As his big sister, I can safely say that Hoseok will be very good for you and to you. He’s a good guy and I don’t want you to throw away a chance at happiness.” 
You groan yet again, pulling one of your spare pillows to stuff your face into. Even if you’re feeling completely confused about what to think or do, you’re glad that you get to talk it through with Jisoo. She always knows just what to say and how to help you come to decisions that felt right.
Shifting, you sit up straight and look at Jisoo’s image in the mirror, feeling even more thankful that she’s willing to talk about this particular subject. At that thought you frown, knowing that she’s close with her brother.
“Did you suspect anything with Hoseok? You said that you got to notice things from both sides…” Trailing off, your eyes narrow as you watch the way she bites her lip in an almost coy way. It wouldn’t surprise you as she knows her brother far better than she knows you.
“Yes, I did with him. He fancied you so much when he was a teenager and I thought he’d just...grown out of it, you know? Neither of you saw each other for ages so I just assumed his hormones had finally settled down. But then he practically jumped at the chance to help you apply for the job and...well, he’s being very obvious lately. I swear, every conversation has to include you in some way and he gets this look on his face.” Jisoo says, brow creasing as she thinks back.
“What look? Does he get a look? What kind of look?” The questions pepper her but she doesn’t look annoyed by them. Instead, she just smiles before laughing lightly, taking another sip from her mug before taking her time nibbling on a milk chocolate covered digestive biscuit. It makes you scowl, realising you’d given yourself away once more.
“Yes, he gets a look. I don’t know how to describe it to you but it’s like...he gets this smile and I swear his eyes get all shiny. He’d be appalled to know I’d noticed this as he’s never come out and said anything but I know what he looks like when he likes something. Hoseok talks about you the same way he talks about anything else he loves.” The last word makes your eyes widen and you’re thankful Jisoo doesn’t comment on it.
She’s noticed though, you know that she has. 
“Oh, okay. Well...I haven’t noticed.” What a stupid thing to say, but you don’t have anything else.
“Obviously.” Jisoo gives you a droll look, causing you to glare at her. It’s probably not as effective as you’d like given the two of you are hundreds of miles away and only visible through a reflective surface. Still, it makes her laugh at least.
Not the reaction you wanted but you’ll take it.
The conversation between you both falls into a lull, the silence of your room almost deafening. It lets you start to think once more and you don’t think that’s a good idea. Jisoo is right in that you tend to talk yourself out of things that might have a big impact on your life.
You’d taken a whole month to finally apply for the job here at Hogwarts and even then, you’d had to have Jisoo convince you that you should accept the offer when they made it. A good choice now, but you had a constant fear that big change might have negative effects on you.
The possibility of beginning something romantic with Hoseok was perhaps the biggest change you could do and it had the potential for so many repercussions if it went wrong. He was your work colleague, your friend and your best friend’s brother. It wasn’t like if you tried dating him then you could just never see him again.
Hoseok was likely to always be a part of your life in some way.
But he was such a good person and he could be something positive in your life, too. You found him to be charming and kind, funny and thoughtful, intelligent and attractive. There were a lot of reasons against trying a relationship with him, but there were so many more reasons for it.
“Would it not bother you? If anything happened then you’d be stuck between us, and he’s your brother so you’d have to take his side.” Your words are quiet, almost reluctant. Jisoo doesn’t respond immediately though, giving you the benefit of thinking seriously about your question before shaking her head.
“I would be stuck between you both if it ended badly. But I don’t either of you are the kinds of people to make me choose something like that. More importantly, I have high hopes that kind of scenario won’t even happen. I have a good feeling about this, for both of you. You both have to decide what’s right for you but...I don’t have any issue with it. If anything, it’d be great. My best friend and my brother getting together? If you married him then you’d be my sister-in-law and your kids would be my nieces and nephews!” There’s palpable excitement in her voice now, matched by the way she almost vibrates as her imagination runs wild.
You, on the other hand, feel your cheeks going warm with embarrassment as you try to follow where her mind is running. It feels a little overwhelming if you’re being honest, but you just push those thoughts away.
The last thing you needed was to start fantasising about marriage when you’d only kissed the man once.
“Jisoo!” You scold.
“What? I don’t get to live this life of romance so let me have my dreams. I’d rather you marry him than anyone else. Your babies would be so cute.” She wriggles in her seat, hands clapping and you’re reminded once more how similar the siblings are.
“Jisoo,” Whining, you pout at her before rubbing at your temple. “Don’t marry us off before we’ve even talked after last night.”
“Fine, fine, spoilsport. Anyway, it’s your decision. Yours and his. But just know that I think you’d both be good together. Don’t push him away because you’re scared, he’s a good guy. Not saying that just because he’s my brother, either. If you decide no, then don’t be afraid of that either. I know him, he’ll be a gentleman and will accept it.” You know she’s right and it makes you feel a little better as you take a deep breath.
Nodding slowly, you give her a weak smile before wincing when your stomach gurgles almost painfully. A glance at the clock shows that it’s been a very, very long time since you last ate and your stomach is not happy with that. 
“I’ll think it through, I promise. I won’t make any rash decisions. For now, I need to just analyse my feelings and thoughts regarding him before thinking about anything else. But I’ll admit that I’m not opposed to the idea. As much as I’d like to continue this conversation though, I need to go get something to eat or my stomach might eat itself. I’ll talk to you again later, okay?” It’s only a few minutes later before you’re ending the spell on the mirror, watching as it turns into a reflective surface once more.
Placing it onto your bedside table carefully, you let yourself fall back onto the mound of pillows and simply stare up at the ceiling. 
Of all the decisions you’ve made in your life, this one seemed to be the most daunting. Yet just the thought of his bright smile makes your lips quirk automatically, causing you to let out a breathy laugh.
Yes, he’d be good for you.
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