#rory's birthday shenanigans.
reivontulet-arch · 2 years
“babe,” sally says gently, rolling from her side of the bed to the other’s to brush a lock of aria’s hair back. with a light peck on her cheek, she whispers, “happy birthday.” ♡
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rory's still not fully awake, but she smiles when she feels sally's warmth in her space, her arm absently moving to drape over her waist. she hums in response and doesn't say much else, clearly content with the brush of sally's fingers against her skin, the touch her lips on her cheek. ❝ happy birthday to you too ... ❞ rory mumbles back sleepily, even though that's not quiet the right response but she sticks with it and keeps her eyes closed, pulling sally closer as she buries her face into her shoulder.
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larz-barz · 7 months
Blog rules
1. I’m a minor so no nsfw stuff in my inbox pls:)
2. I’m not allowed to dm so if you wanna talk, pls do it through my ask box:D
3. No hate please! If you go anon and send hate and I figure out who you are I’ll block you.
Masterlist #2:D
Milo’s character sheet
Milo’s drawing reference
I’m sorry (Basil x Milo)
New Addition (GiYuMiLo)
Teaching an angel (Yuto x Milo)
A knight’s duty (Hachikazu x Milo)
Here for you (Satoshi x Milo)
My persona
Changes (Zeno x Kitari)
Unbearable news (Milo centered)
Your warmth (Hasuki x Milo)
You’re safe now angel (Kaito x Milo)
Comfort cuddles (Yuto x Milo)
It’s ok sweetheart (Obanai x Reader)
Opposite personality (Milo centered)
Sleepy kitty (Hikaru and Milo)
Kitari head-canons
It won’t go away.. (Zeno x Kitari)
Taking risks, saving lives (Milo in Mugen Train)
Updated Milo info post
Brother from another mother (Hikaru and Milo)
How I think Milo’s (hypothetical) death would impact the demon slayer corps
All lies (Yuto x Milo)
Meeting (Hasuki x Milo)
Stomach ache (Yuto x Milo)
Ice cream (Hachikazu x Milo)
Sleepy assistance (Hiroyuki x Milo)
My rp accounts
Argument (Yuto x Milo)
Safe now.. (Yuto x Milo) (part 2 of Argument)
Milo’s thoughts on the other hashiras
Darling (Zeno x Kitari)
Birthday stickering (Hikaru birthday fic)
Birthday struggles (Ayuna birthday fic)
Comfort in your arms (Yuto x Milo)
Sacrifice (Yuto x Milo)
Tag list
Milo in the pint sized pillars au head canons
Lost in a storm (Yuto x Milo)
Separated (Suzuki siblings centered)
Sibling shenanigans (Suzuki siblings and Zeno)
My ocs ages
All of my kny ocs
In each other’s arms (Basil x Milo)
Hype boy (Zeno x Kitari)
The bigger simp (Zeno x Kitari and Tanjiro x Milo)
Injury repair (Sebastian x Yuina)
My tumblr family!!
As if it was fate (Senjuro x Milo)
Tanjmilo stories
Lost bow
At fault
Not an inconvenience
Milorius stories
Unique demons
Picnic date
“Don’t worry, princess.. I’m okay..”
Soft ears (Obanai x Ayuna)
Strong enough (Shinobu and Leah)
Gingerbread house (Basil x Milo)
Library date (Basil x Milo)
First meeting (Obanai x Hanako)
Secret place (Muichiro x Kiyoka)
Katsaridaphobia (Obanai x Ayuna)
A helping hand (Ilona and Milo)
Calm down my love (Giyuu x reader)
Kitty comfort (Milo and big sister! reader)
Falling stars (Basil x Milo)
Wanting to forget (Muichiro x Koname)
Puppet show (Gyomei and Ames)
Silent comfort (Milo and big sister! reader)
Wingwoman (Basil x Milo)
Stress comfort (Ayuna x Obanai) (emergency req)
Comfort from little sis (Milo x older sibling reader) (emergency req)
Lost bow (Tanjiro x Milo)
Hide and seek shenanigans (Michika and Milo centered)
Already gone (Shiina and Milo)
Guilt (Tanjiro x Milo)
Overwhelmed (Zeno x Kitari)
Hide and seek shenanigans: part two (Michika and Milo centered)
Similar but different personalities (Milo and Haruta)
Plushie mischief (Milo and Ames centered)
Comforting flame (Kyojuro x Kaori) (emergency req)
Star-crossed lovers (Hachikazu x Milo)
Girl talk (Shiina and Milo)
Cold day (Obanai x Hanako)
Low energy (Obanai x Ayuna)
Forgotten (Hideaki x Milo)
Nawovuherszki’s lazy day head canons
The hashiras’ thoughts on Kianna
Tiny but mighty (Obanai x Ayuna, tiny 21 trio au)
Taking care of her (Shou x Milo)
Spending time together (Kyojuro x Kaori, and Senjuro)
Anons: 🎈
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frazzledsoul · 4 months
Frazzled's Favorite Gilmore Girls Episodes:
Raincoats and Recipes: Luke and Lorelai finally kiss! I will accept the Dean shenanigans as good drama because it's made clear it is NOT a good idea overall.
Last Week's Fights This Week's Tights: Luke and Lorelai have their cute wedding date, Jess accepts that Luke will always love him unconditionally (even if he messes up sometimes), he awkwardly tries to make things up to Rory and gets shot down which is sad but is a catalyst for everything good that happened to him offscreen. Jess has emo hair throughout the entire episode and Luke is as hot as he's ever looked. Priorities, people.
Written In The Stars: Luke and Lorelai have their first date. Logan shows up right as Rory starts to pity dates Dean and I'm sure she won't be distracted by a bad boy who knows his literary references again! (She totally will). The post coital L/L stuff is as sexy as this show ever gets, unfortunately.
They Shoot Gilmore Don't They: The dance marathon episode. There's L/L tension, Literati eye-fucking, townie shenanigans, and Mama Kim scaring Jess into politeness. Also Dean finally skedaddles. Bye. Don't come back (he does not listen. Damnit).
Forgiveness and Stuff: Luke makes Lorelai a Santa burger, which next to Jess writing in the margins is the grandest romantic gesture ever made on this show. Other stuff happens: Richard has a heart attack, Lorelai gives Luke his beloved blue baseball cap, there is graciousness towards the grandparents and poignant emotional moments but blah blah blah, SANTA BURGER.
Lorelai's Graduation Day: The Literati Roman Holiday. It's the episode of dreams, y'all. Also, Lorelai graduates and her parents are proud of her for once.
The Bracebridge Dinner: Rory invites Paris to a party! Dean and Jess fight and totally don't make eyes at one another as a result. All three iconic couples go on sleigh rides! Jess and Luke snark during townie events! It's a classic.
Rory's Birthday Parties: Aw, I love this episode as it has so much S1 charm and yet Dean stays away for most of the entire episode. Also, Richard does a Seventeen quiz and is adorable.
Hay Bale Maze: Yeah, people, get over it, it's a Logan episode. He and Rory are actually at their best here. Plus, Luke and Lorelai apologize to each other and if that had not happened I would have never watched the show again. Unjustly hated.
Nick and Nora Sid and Nancy: Jess shows up, steals Rory's book, and gives his annotated version back to her. Truly a hooligan romantic move for the ages. Classic episode.
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innytoes · 3 years
please tell us about your new au 👉👈
OKAY SO @ot3tropetober has a prompt this year that reads: Crossover AU: Hardison pulls inspiration for their latest aliases from a published work of fiction. (It's very Supernatural of him.) (Yes, this is your blanket crossover permission.)
And my mind immediately went over all my fandoms for something that would actually make a good alias and settled on Gilmore Girls. Oh, that'll be fun and on brand for me, my brain went. I could do a little moodboard. No way this would spiral out of control.
For those who don't know, I have a 57k MCU/Gilmore Girls fusion AU that also started as a joke meme thing.
SO PICTURE THIS: Gilmore Girls AU where Parker and Hardison are both Lorelai, and Eliot is Luke. They got pregnant Way Too Early, there was weird pressure from all sides to Get Married, for Hardison to Take A Job At Archie's Company, etc.
So they run away, etc, etc. Nana isn't exactly thrilled at the living in sin part, but she's proud of Hardison for stepping up and being a good dad. Normal is what works for you, etc.
Fast forward and there's Parker and Hardison, living in Stars Hollow, running an inn together with their clumsy chef friend Peggy. Their super smart kid, Rory (Lorelai Leia instead of GG's Lorelai Leigh because Parker would accept the nerd reference but not as a first name), loves books and writing and also climbing things she shouldn't to take pretty pictures even though it gives her father a heart attack every time.
They drink too much coffee and go have breakfast every day at Eliot's, the diner in the center of town. Eliot has a soft spot a mile wide for Rory and also her two parents. Miss Patty tells him at least once a year to Get On That and he blusters about how they're already a couple and he's not getting in between them and also mind your own business Patty.
There’s the usual town shenanigans. Hardison helps create the paintings for the Festival of Living Art every year. Parker is always down to sow some chaos at the Town Meetings. They both flirt so shamelessly with Eliot that he’s pretty much the only person in town who doesn’t know those two want to get in his pants, bed, life.
But when Rory gets accepted into Chilton and they realize that no, she does not qualify for financial aid, they have to go back and beg Archie for help. He accepts, but on the condition that they show up for Friday Night Dinner every week.
Insert the usual Gilmore Girls shenanigans but Rory probably tasers a few more people (Parker is very proud).
Parker and Hardison compete in the Dance-A-Thon every year and always look snazzy. Parker always celebrates the first snow. Hardison is the one who helps paint Eliot’s diner, and the one who frantically asks Eliot to teach him how to fish because he has to go to some outdoor networking thing and who thought that was a good idea? Eliot? Eliot it’s not funny!
Eliot grumbles that too much coffee is unhealthy several times a week but then makes Rory a coffee cake for her birthday. He gives Parker and Hardison coupons for one afternoon to fix everything wrong in the house for their birthdays that they take full advantage of. He still helps move Rory’s mattress in and out and in of her dorm room seventeen million times because Hardison is useless and Parker keeps wanting to just burn it.
Miss Patty makes a killing on the 12 different running bets when they finally get together. There is probably a town wide party that Taylor makes up some excuse for so it isn’t too obvious.
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juliaswickcrs · 2 years
Please yell at me about Emma Gilmore even more because I’m in love with her, tell me anything you want
YESSS OKAY Let's start with my favorite plot points, most of which take place in season 2
1. During "The Deer Hunter" Emma grows increasingly more frustrated with Rory cause Emma is actually doing really well at Chilton and offered to help Kayla do some extra studying before the Shakespeare test, but for obvious reasons, she can't.
2. The two birthday parties episode is also another rough one for Emma and Rory cause Emma is actually enjoying Emily's party and getting to know some of the Chilton students, and the two sisters get into a very vocal fight in front of everyone else.
3. Emma asks Luke to be her escort to the debutante ball and Luke drags Jess with him. Jess of course, convinces Emma to bail on the ball and they get up to shenanigans together. Mostly underaged drinking and getting to know each other.
4. In there's the rub, Emma invites Jess over when Lorelai is gone but Rory thinks that he's there for her, but he's very much not.
5. Just all of Teach Me Tonight.
6. Due to certain circumstances, Emma decides to run away at the end of season 2 and spend her summer with Jess.
Also more fun facts about Emma:
1. After graduating Chilton, Emma and Paris grow closer and closer until she joins Emma's overall friend group with Jackie, Kayla, Ethan, and Jess.
2. Emma starts to work at the local book store to earn some money of her own so she doesn't have to rely on her grandparents
3. None of the town know this, but Emma wants to become a Doctor after she graduates.
4. Much like Jess, it takes Emma being away and cut off from her family to truly get her act together and start to figure out who she is, which she does with all of her friends helping her along the way.
5. She hates Logan and thinks he's bad for Rory.
6. She majors in pre-med with a minor in English, concentration on Literature and for her final thesis she uses Jess's book as her topic.
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okay so what about since it’s toms birthday, reader and their kids try their best to be quiet and make tom breakfast in bed but he ends up downstairs and it’s all fluffy🥺
Hello! It’s been a long week and I haven’t had the time to take a breath or even sit down and write and this just.. happened. Also, I have a few more Dad!Tom stuff lined up, so I would just like to close the requests for now, so I don’t pile up things to write. Thank you to everyone who sent in! Literally all of em are so good and I wanna do em all lmao. Enjoy!
Tom may have trouble remembering dates, but he particularly remembers that it’s his birthday today. And as traditions go, he’s fully expecting to be woken up by his little rascals lisping ‘Happy Birthday’ to him while jumping in their big bed, scaring poor Tessa away.
Apparently not this year. This year he wakes up alone.
He can hear cackles downstairs, with your speaking voice muffled through the walls. For a moment, he wonders if they forget. And he wouldn’t admit it, but he is just a tiny bit bummed about that.
But what he finds in the kitchen later on is… certainly not what he expected.
His twin girls, Aria and Harper, have their faces and fingers covered in flour and smears of batter, their pigtails askew, Tessa milling about on their feet. The former is definitely munching on some chocolate chips in a bowl, and the latter has a terrifyingly big bowl of batter and a whisk in her tiny hands. Even your youngest, Rory, is sat on his high chair with his sippy cup, seemingly entertained with his sisters’ shenanigans.
Right in that moment, you return from the bathroom, clocking the mess that wasn’t there when you left them to pee 2 minutes ago.
“Aww, girls! I told you not to play with the flour...” you chide, and then noticing your sleepy husband by the doorway, “Hey, what are you doing up?”
“Bed’s cold. You guys didn’t wake me up,” he pouts, walking over to wrap his arms around you, pressing a soft kiss on your shoulder.
“Well.. we wanted to give you a little surprise,” you motion at the chaos on your kitchen counter.
“It’s a supwise pancake!” Harper beams, whisking the batter too hard that she splashed some on herself.
He quickly helps her steady her grip, and bends down on his knees.
“Happy birthday, Daddy,” she hands him the bowl like it’s a present.
Aria immediately joins in and hands Tom the small bowl of chocolate chips the same way her twin sister did, and Tom decides it’s the best present ever and showers them with kisses until the room echoes with their giggles.
“Thank you, my sweet girls,” he gives them a last kiss on the cheek each (for now). “Now, let’s get these birthday pancakes show on the road!”
You didn’t even notice you’re watching all of this unfold with a stupid smile on your face.
“What?” he asks, clearly as amused.
You shake your head. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
“I love you,” he pulls you in and kisses your nose, making you giggle.
These moments last a literal blink of an eye, though, because Aria and Harper are already tugging at your cardigan, ready to put the batter in the pan.
Rory coos, arms flailing around, and making grabby hands, too, and you elbow him lightly.
“I think the little man wants your attention, too.”
Tom looks at his baby boy with a comical expression, gasping dramatically and putting on his silly voice. “Is that so, little man? Do you want kissies and huggies from Daddy, too? Why, yes! Yes, you do, Rory darling! How about some little bites to because your cheeks look so yummy? Nomnomnomnom!”
Tagging @tommysparker @the-panwitch​ @fuckituplove @notasofti @allegra-writes @junk-n-stufff @spn-assemble-seven @allmyspideys @terrifictomholland @angel-spidey @the-crazy-fanfictionist @phrogtheguitarist @hexorangecounty @tomhollandsmut @tonguetiedholland @kiwi-bitchez @angel-holland @worldoftom @spideygirl2003 @chaoticpete @vanillanestor @crazyshitinmontreal @eridanuswave @danicarosaline @kthemarsian @oh-whatabeautiful-parker @unbelievableholland  @rebekkah4766 @clara-licht @spiderbibby @thatweirdomimic @galaxystern08​ @asonofpeter @allthingsdadtom @hollandsamor​ @vanillanestor​ @witchesinlove @halfblood-princess-505
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speakergame · 4 years
Sebastian seems like a very quietly warm person, and I'm here for it. Out of curiosity, how do the ROs feel about birthday traditions? Do they have any of their own?
Liam/Lily doesn’t have much choice but to have a big birthday party every year. Like, not a Party, but still when your family is technically several families combined into one any celebration becomes a party.
Azalea’s family comes over every year. She makes dinner and they all catch up.
Sebastian calls his parents every year, or they call him, but he doesn’t really know many people in Nivio so he doesn’t really do anything except mark the day.
That’s still more than Rory and Kana do, though. Their birthday is just another day to them.
I will also say that if Li and Speaker were close as kids, they definitely remember your birthday and you will not get to escape Cowles Family Birthday shenanigans ;)
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mrschimpf · 3 years
Longing with a Cherry Tomato on Top | Chapter Twenty-Eight, Part Two | World Upside Down
Title: Longing with a Cherry Tomato on Top | Chapter Twenty-Eight, Part Two | World Upside Down Author: Nate Pairing: Paris/Rory, all Paris POV here Spoilers: Nothing to be spoiled show-wise, as we're well into my alternate universe here. Rating: PG-13 (basic romance, profanity, and over-enthusiasm for the New England Patriots) Disclaimer: Amy Sherman-Palladino still owns the Gilmore Girls, along with Dorothy Parker Drank Here Productions, Hofflund-Polone, and whatever entity in the AT&T Deathstar now owns Warner Bros. Television (currently WarnerMedia). All mentions of real-life places are merely to bring flavor to the story, and no malice is intended towards them. Archiving: AO3, RalSt, FF.net and aff.net. Since I have had so many issues with other sites shutting down after posting my work, from now on you must explicitly contact me to archive this story and promise to maintain your posting venue for more than a year. If you intend me to help start a Prory/Gellmore site, you need to commit to it for the sake of our fandom. Summary: After Paris's revelation of her birthday also being her 'dark day', Rory learns how the past of Harold Gellar brought Paris towards being the young woman she is today. Author's Notes: I'm going to keep this author's note short, as my intention through this week is to put out three parts of this chapter to keep things flowing into Christmas and build to the latest climax. This part is mainly devoted to filling in the blanks on Paris's past involving her father before she was born, and why she never celebrated her birthday (outside of A-SP not wanting to celebrate it in-series). It also further explains my head-canon of Paris's father in my world and how before A-SP took the Gellar family off the rails in S6, I felt he was Paris's greatest advocate even if he was away for so much time during her life. We will resume regular Gellmore shenanigans in the next chapter, but this is mostly a backstory chapter for sure.
This time, the title is not a Sarah McLachlan song, but from "Layla" by Derek and the Dominos to go with the time period detailed within this part; note I certainly don't endorse Eric Clapton's social views, but "Layla" is an amazing song despite the terrible artist behind it.
AO3 | FF.net
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reivontulet-arch · 2 years
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archer is just going to give rory a small box that holds a bracelet inside that he bought at the markets. “happy birthday, rory.”
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❝ archer .. you didn't have to. ❞ rory's reluctant at first to accept the gift. surely, it couldn't be worth the credits. but she opens the box and the crow's feet crinkle at corners of her eyes as she takes out her bracelet, ❝ it's beautiful. i don't - ❞ her eyes flicker up to his, and she relents. she didn't have a lot things that belonged to her and it was nice to have this. her hand takes hold of his cheek as she leans up to press her lips to his, ❝ thank you. ❞
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jdarm · 5 years
Excerpt from 12 September 2011 interview
If anyone needs proof that Irish actress Katie McGrath’s star is on the rise then they only have to look at the company the Wicklow beauty has kept in recent times. Drinking pints with Sin City star Clive Owen, partying with Madonna at her 52nd birthday bash and being chatted up by Roger Moore — “a roguishly charming man, but in a lovely way” — all go some way towards proving that this 27-year-old isn’t doing too badly.
But for Katie, the one achievement that truly makes her smile is appearing on UK postage stamps. Yes, postage stamps. Just like the Queen. “It’s so weird that my face is on a stamp,” she laughs self-consciously. “It’s even weirder that you can get matching envelopes with me on them as well,” she adds. And while that news might come as a bit of a surprise to us in Northern Ireland, where, relatively, Katie has flown under the radar, in Britain and beyond, the Trinity College Dublin graduate is seen as one of the hottest talents to have emerged from this island in recent years.
There is a dedicated, if slightly intense, online Merlin community that cannot get enough of all things Morgana. Hence the stamps.
But how did a self-professed tomboy, who grew up with posters of grunge rockers Green Day on her walls, achieve such global domination, especially when she only began acting at the relatively late age of 23? “I wasn’t born an actress but I was certainly born dramatic!” Katie giggles, as we sit down together for a breakfast of orange juice, tea and a selection of pastries.
Born the youngest of three children, Katie is the only girl and “daddy’s little princess”, she quips.
She is very close to her older brothers, post-production producer Rory (30), and online media manager Sean (32). In fact, the three siblings shared an apartment for a time while she studied history at Trinity College. Rory was even in her year, although he studied philosophy, while eldest brother Sean studied psychology at UCD. Yet despite living with her adored brothers and having a passion for her chosen area of Russian history — she switches impressively between discussing the best way to film a sex scene, to the emancipation of the serfs in 19th-Century Russia — Katie admits she wasn’t happy at university.
“To be honest, I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to be in college,” she says, absent-mindedly twirling her hair, an endearing habit that she later insists is one of her most annoying traits. “I only went because I didn’t know what else to do. While I was there, I was always looking for ways to get my life going.” These ways included trying out a variety of careers for size, including cocktail barmaid, make-up artist and working in a vintage-clothes shop. Katie even tried her hand as a tattoo artist, which is when she got the word ‘Purity’ inked in large black letters across her lower back, decorated with two black stars on either side.
Meanwhile, after graduating, Katie thought she had found her calling when she was given work experience on Image magazine. “I had this vague notion that one day I might be editor of Vogue China,” she chuckles. “It was a bizarre ambition, as I didn’t speak a word of Chinese. There were flaws in my plan, admittedly.” But nine months later, restlessness struck and Katie left the magazine. “It just wasn’t for me,” she explains. “It was like, ‘I’m not going to be a tattoo artist, now I’m not going to be a fashion journalist either.’ I guess it was another one crossed off the list.
The onscreen shenanigans in the series Tudors bonded the cast closely and soon there was speculation that life was imitating art, after Katie and Jonathan Rhys Meyers were pictured with each other, protesting at the Hill of Tara and partying at Electric Picnic. “We were never together,” Katie insists. “There were stories in the papers at the time but we’re just really good mates. Is Jonny my type? I guess so. He’s really beautiful and smart. And I like smart.” The pair remain close friends, and Katie is clearly upset when I mention Jonathan’s recent struggles.
Katie is single. And even more incredibly, she comes over all self-conscious and shy when I mention dating. “I am really terrible when it comes to guys,” she confides wistfully. “Inside I just see myself as this overweight tomboy with funny-coloured hair and bad skin.”
Ah now, come on. Overweight with bad skin? I don’t think so. “No, seriously,” she insists. “I was really big until I left college and I started to lose all the weight. I don’t know how big I was exactly. Let’s just say when I stopped fitting into a size 14, I stopped counting. Because of that I always saw myself as ‘the friend’ rather than the one that guys wanted to talk to. I was very awkward and guys were always just my mates.
12 September 2011 interview
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areyouscarletcold · 6 years
Chapters: 10/? Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Barry Allen/Leonard Snart, Cisco Ramon/Lisa Snart Characters: Barry Allen, Leonard Snart, Lisa Snart, Cisco Ramon, Mick Rory, Iris West, Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells, Joe West, Hunter Zolomon, Lewis Snart, Sara Lance Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Ella Enchanted Fusion, Drunken Shenanigans, Abuse, Poisoning, Very loosely follows the movie plot but elements of the book are incorporated, Lewis Snart's A+ Parenting, Curse of Obedience, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Leonard & Lisa Snart Sibling Feels, Barry Allen & Iris West Friendship Summary:
Sara Lance had touched his nose then, as his mother explained, with a shake of her head. Magic bled from her fingertips, seeping into his veins. “He’s got a pair of lungs on him, doesn’t he?" Len let out another wail in response and she snorted. "My gift will be obedience. Now, stop crying, Leonard.”
And for the first time that night, Len stopped crying.
(In which Leonard is cursed, Lisa has an affinity for shiny things, Barry feels pressured, and Cisco just wants to save Central Kingdom.)
In which ogres like their prey boiled and the boys are, admittedly, idiots.
I really tried to get this one out (and beta-ed by the lovely @writerrain!) before Thanksgiving and my sister's birthday, since I'm visiting family until Monday, so have this gift from me, as thanks for being incredible readers.
And we've officially reached the approximate halfway point for this fic so yay!
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Top 3 headcanons for each past and present member of the Legends (you can't list them just not being dead as any of the headcanons), favorite fic you've written, favorite fic you've read, do you regret writing any fics, if so which ones, which character do you prefer; Leonard or Mick, Sara or Amaya, Ray or Nate, Jax or Wally, Rip or Stein, Zari or Kendra, Carter or Leo; top 5 ships, top 5 BroTP
This is….a lot.
Top 3 headcanons
Rip Hunter
Loves Western movies, hates root beer jelly beans, and tried to get the Bureau to hire a mental health professional.
Forgives Rip for shutting her down when he comes back with Wally, wants Ray to make her an android body, and will troll the team with Asia’s ‘Heat of the Moment’ when things are slow.
Ray Palmer
Does meet adult Gumball at some point in the future, hadn’t spoken to Sydney in three years when he was first introduced on Arrow, and plans out the birthday parties on the ship.
Sara Lance
Listens to a lot of late 90′s/early 2000s songs, has no less than seven knifes lying out visibly around her room, and debates with Gideon about a salmon ladder for the Waverider.
Martin Stein
Wrote at least 3 major papers in college while high, read Harry Potter when the movies started coming out, and loved his families, blood and found.
Jefferson Jackson
Helps his mom make pecan pie at Thanksgiving, finished his degree when he got home for good, and tells Martina cleaner versions of the Legends’ adventures as bedtimes stories.
Carter Hall
Drinks his coffee black, used to be salesman before remembering who he was, and is useless.
Kendra Saunders
Ran track in high school, loves to bake, and started working at a women’s shelter after leaving the Legends.
Mick Rory
Looks at fanart for his book after it gets published, has visited Lux before, and considers the Legends his only family.
Leonard Snart
Had stolen jewelry to give to Lisa when he made it back, always has a pen somewhere (or steals it from someone else), and one of his aliases is Michael Scofield.
Amaya Jiwe
Taught Zari how to make pancakes, has many opinions on 21st century television, and got addicted to Candy Crush briefly.
Nate Heywood
Was on the academic decathlon team in high school, has fallen asleep on Ray, and dressed up as Indiana Jones for Halloween 3 years in a row.
Zari Tomaz
Is a secret XS fan, hates bees, and once fought Mick over a brownie.
Wally West
Will turn off music or skip to the next song when Careless Whisper starts to play, kept his Western outfit when he went back home, and broke his leg when he was nine. 
John Constantine
Sometimes plays guitar on the Waverider, once woke up in Barcelona with no recollection of how he ended up there, and has cooked breakfast for Gary at least twice.
Gary Green (he counts, I’m counting the S4 trailer)
Has TARDIS boxers, Rip was the one who recruited him because he had a gut feeling that Gary would be a good fit for the Bureau, and hates wearing contacts.
Fav fic I’ve ever written
That’s really hard. Probably Becoming a Legend, Five Years, Immortal!Leonard (that deserves a special mention) The Unhappy Birthday, To My Last Breath (I AM NOT READY TO DO THAT AGAIN IN LOS), and Losing Your Memory. I’m proud of a lot of my fics.
Fav fic I’ve ever read
Probably Queen of Mars by @incendiaglacies or 256 Days by @fezwearingjellybananas. Highly recommended reads.
Do I regret writing any fics
YES! I regret every Cartson fic I ever wrote thanks to season 2. Also I regret some of my early AoS stuff.
Which do I prefer?
Leonard or Mick
Sara or Amaya
Ray or Nate 
Jax or Wally
Rip or Stein (Just barely)
Zari or Kendra
Top 5 Ships
Captain Canary
Mulder x Scully 
Top 5 Brotps
10 and Donna Noble (They did that right)
Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows (I will never not cry watching ‘he’s my brother’)
Oliver Queen and John Diggle
Barry Allen and Kara Danvers
Linh Cinder and Carswel Thorne (I need a series, animated or live action. It’d be soooooo good)
Friday Night Shenanigans
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the-roanoke-society · 6 years
parts unknown.
alternatively titled: how charlie learned to stop worrying and love the gate.
just a little something for halloween featuring charlie hesketh, or agent zenith, or roanoke, @agent-nova, and technical officers drake, longma and wyvern. also starring the infamous agent andhrimnir.
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there are some depictions of injury, gore, and sci-fi-induced stressful situations below the cut. proceed with caution.
... i am very sorry.
seraphim closed the front door behind her with a contented sigh, eyes flickering up to one corner of her specs as she did, checking the time in the u.k. merlin was probably dead asleep already, but she quickly typed out a message anyway: home safe. mission a success. love you. going on a food quest. message me when you wake up. next year i promise we’ll celebrate your birthday on the same continent. she winced as her stomach growled and she unzipped her jacket, hanging it up on one of the hooks by the door.
it had been a second since she’d had just a routine, local exorcism call, especially with twins. she made a note to bring that up with carter and parker at some point. ‘did you know you two have a greater chance of being possessed? you remember that the next time you want to fuck with something you shouldn’t be fucking with, carter—‘ ‘oh my g—it was one time!’
it went off without any major hitches. the bridge of her nose was a little sore, but other than feeling she was about to devour the entire manor, no other adverse side-effects, not even the usual cold chills. she still had the father’s business card in her back pocket—he’d offered the estate free plumbing work for life.
some nights, seraphim loved her job.
and she loved it even more as she walked closer to the kitchen. someone was busy, and whatever they were doing smelled wonderful.
“hey tony. you’re up late, are that many people in and out right now?” she heard agent andhrimnir hum as she grabbed a magnet shaped like a tiny ufo, putting up rory linn’s aaa plumbing service card on one of the shared refrigerators.
“you that surprised given what day it is? besides, i scored a metric fuckton of squash from the market today. thought it’d be a good idea to get started on meal prep for the week, making up a few things people can just grab and heat up.”
“no, guess it’s not that surprising…” seraphim crossed her arms over her chest, rubbing her biceps as she walked casually—a little too casually—towards andhrimnir, who just shot her a look as he tapped a wooden spoon against the rim of a giant, steel pot he had in front of him on the massive stovetop.
“… morgan.”
“yes, tony.”
“could i interest you in some mexican turkey and squash stew?”
she feigned ugly sobbing, “oh my god please.”
andhrimnir rolled his eyes. “you are so dramatic, go grab a bowl and i—“
they both jumped at the sound of heavy, quick footfalls crashing by the kitchen opening and then fading away. andrhimnir asked first: “… who the hell was that?”
“i—i think that was charlie? uhm, let me—go check on him, save me some of that, i’ll be right back.” people moving at a full sprint through the manor wasn’t exactly out of the ordinary, but seraphim had only recognized charlie briefly, not who was behind him. what was going on?
behind her, andhrimnir just sighed, shaking his head. boys will be boys… but, given the holiday, maybe a little bit of shenanigans couldn’t hurt. he started humming thriller as he turned back to the stew, grabbing a little bit of cayenne pepper from the spice rack.
as soon as seraphim started walking down the hallway, heading towards the nearest door that went downstairs, she could hear muffled shouting. “—ch it!”
and she walked down the stairwell to the tune of longma, charlie and drake’s voices all chiming something like “catch it!” “don’t let it go over there!” “are you sure this is gonna work?” “we’re going to find out!”
“what on god’s good earth are you three doing?”
drake had a small, ornate box in his hands that seraphim was fairly sure he was not supposed to have, and was flanked by longma and charlie, who all just stared at her like deer caught in headlights. drake was on his knees on the floor by a corner, which looked—unnaturally dark.
“—this was drake’s idea.”
“charlie hesketh you traitorous bastard. this is the thanks i get for trying to show a little innovation and initiative.”
longma shrugged, “bro i think we can all admit that we just really wanted to use the box.”
“yeah, morgan, look, we got this gremlin fucker cornered and—“ but drake turned around and the corner was a lot lighter. “… uh-oh.”
charlie lifted his metal hand in a signal, and all four of them stood, listening.
there was a ten-second stretch of silence followed by a skittering noise that sounded like it was coming up by the ceiling. “ohhh shit there it goes!”
“‘shit’ is right.” now all of them were jogging along the wall, staring hard upwards at a vague blob of a shadow that almost wasn’t there, like cats chasing a laser pointer.
and they were jogging towards the gate.
“woah, woah, woah, stop—“ seraphim managed to grab charlie and longma by their arms but drake kept running froward. “drake get away from there, if it turns the gate on—“
“relax, i got this! crowley brought this back after he and andi were in yokohama like all last month. guess the head of the kingdom gave it to him as a thank you gift—“ drake had his eyes up, and wasn’t watching where he was going. they could still sort of see it, trapped up at a new high angle, and it startled them by chittering, like a squirrel. seraphim hadn’t heard one make a noise like that before.
“fergus said that this could trap anything. don’t you wanna see if that includes these little guys?”
longma scoffed, “yeah, and then told you to leave it alone three seconds later—“
“hey, i don’t remember you arguing with me to put it back twenty minutes ago asshole!”
“oh my god, enough! i literally just got home and am not in the mood to play step-mom!” seraphim pulled charlie and longma back a few more steps, “charlie, watch him, drake, get back here!”
“does this make you step-dad?” “shut it.” “yes sir.”
the chittering was getting louder, more rapid-fire. it sounded like nails falling on glass.
and then a hum.
the gate was on.
but seraphim wasn’t the only one who moved forward on instinct to grab drake—charlie did too.
*     *     *
nova and he’d had a—well. he wouldn’t call it a fight, exactly. she was more just a little exasperated. not that charlie could blame her.
“charlie,” she’d groaned, moving his hands off of her waist. “i really, really, re-he-eally, need to get this done for wyvern. he wouldn’t have asked for my help unless it was really important. this math is—hieroglyphic. but i think if we can figure out which of the formulas is the right one, then everything will make a lot more sense.”
“what is it again?” charlie asked, frowning at the endless lines of numbers, figures, scattered across her desk. his hands may have moved from her waist, but they just traveled up to her shoulders. charlie rested his chin against the top of her hair. nova opened her mouth once, closed it, and then just shook her head.
“i’m—i think wyvern’s trying to come up something he called an emergency traceback. probably just as a sort of backup because of all the uh, critters running around downstairs. but this is... sort of some kind of mix of algebraic cartography, divination and like three other kinds of math that i haven’t used in a while.” her voice vibrated through his jaw, before she tilted her head back. “so. i need to concentrate. just—for a bit. okay?”
charlie grinned. “okay.” when he kissed her he was delighted to find that she tasted like the candy corn from earlier—which didn’t give him that good of an impetus to stop…
“mm… charlie, knock it off!” she playfully smacked him. “i just said not to distract me!”
“if you could taste you, you would understand.”
a furious blush overtook her face. “oh my g—go find someone else to bother for a while!”
he’d laughed roughly as he left their bedroom, thinking about going to the kitchen—he was positive that there was some of that oktoberfest craft stuff somewhere, and he’d grown a soft spot for agent andhrimnir, despite his sometimes prickly demeanor—when he had the wind knocked out of by him drake, who slammed into him at what felt like a hundred miles an hour.
as charlie was grunting on the floor, trying to re-inflate his lungs, he could he heard clicking go right by his ear. like a dog running on hardwood. “drake? what the bloody hell—“
“charlie! charlie, my bro, my dude, my buddy, my pal, how would you like to get in on something that i am a hundred percent sure will get us all promoted?”
charlie shook his head, blinking, as longma offered him a hand up.
“uh—why does this sound one of your normal ‘good intentions bad idea’ bits?”
“that’s because it is.” longma answered for him. “but in his defense, it did all come together like magic.”
“uh, yeah, like a gremlin just so happened to be down in the archives, which never happens, and we just so happened to like, rediscover this box that we can use to finally solve this issue? guys.” drake just made a grand gesture with his arms as soon as he stood up. “… it’s providence. like. we have to. it’s like god gave it to us with a big red halloween bow on it. c’mon, charlie, please?”
right at the second that charlie found himself with both the officers looking at him expectantly, he had two thoughts alongside each other.
one was that he hadn’t thought of his own brother in about a week. the stretches of time were getting longer.
the second was that the word ‘brother’ brought only muted images of james to mind now. pictures of drake, wyvern, longma—that is, drake, cody, and jeremy—were much clearer. more reflexive. much in the same way he realized that when he looked at seraphim, or succubus, he thought ‘sister.’ as natural as a rainstorm.
and when he looked at nova—at ellie—the first word was ‘love.’ and that was even more effortless these days.
strange, how this place had sort of rewritten his mental dictionary.
“… all right, i’m in. … what are we doing?”
drake clapped him on the shoulder, and opened his mouth to speak, before glancing and then staring down the hallway.
charlie followed his gaze and his eyes landed on what looked like a tiny puff of charcoal smoke, hiding behind the leg of a side table.
and it would’ve continue to just look like a bit of darkness, until two bits of dim light blinked at him.
“what the fuck—“
“step one,” drake interrupted, whispering. “we have to catch that thing—“
as if on cue, it bolted,
and the chase was on.
*     *     *
the humming got louder, a pitch too deep. seraphim grabbed drake by the collar and flung him backward—straight into charlie, who basically caught him and tossed him.
and tendrils, like normal, formed in the gate’s mouth. but they weren’t the soft white that spawned from a normal jump. they were more of a milky pink, like the whites of an infected eye.
oh, this was bad. get out, get out, get out—
seraphim tried to sprint forward, stuck a hand out and tried to push charlie too.
but they both got caught.
longma and drake watched in muted horror as these pastel strands wrapped around both agents, starting from the base of their chest cavities and moving out in both directions. seraphim could not stop the panic building in her stomach, even as charlie was very gently lifted up and pulled to stand next to her.
they had seconds.
her eyes were wide and focused on drake’s face. he had tears in his eyes.
he couldn’t hear her. but he could read her lips.
go find jeremy and ellie. find us. ... it’s okay. it’s going to be okay.
seraphim wasn’t the only one whose heart was hammering. charlie was visibly trembling, his breath coming out in shaky gasps.
there was nothing they could do now.
“what—morgan, what’s happening—“
so she gripped his hand as hard as she could, as silence surrounded them, and they were torn line by line from home. “brace yourself. don’t let go of me. it’s going to be f—“
longma and drake stood staring at the spot where they’d been for approximately four seconds before getting up and sprinting to the monitors to try to find their signal in the aether, to try and track them as far as they could.
in the five minutes it took for them to find an estimate of where their exit split might have been—which was surrounded by coordinates that they hadn’t ever even touched—charlie and seraphim landed. and by ‘landed’ it was more ‘thrown into the side of a mountain hard enough to knock them out.’
*     *     *
seraphim wasn’t sure how much time had passed when she opened her eyes, blinking them a few times.
the sensation of an intense, dry heat made it hard to move. it was like she was lying in a tanning bed, or in direct sunlight on some lazy afternoon outside. and she almost closed her eyes and let herself be taken back under until she remembered how they got there. deep breaths. deep breaths.
charlie was lying next to her, blood oozing from his nose. it had formed a small pool by his mouth on the ground. her glasses were cracked, but—
no signal. just power. she grunted, lifting herself gingerly into a sitting position.
she didn’t wake charlie. not right away.
she didn’t want to scare him, so she took a few minutes while he stayed in the blackness to compose herself and try to get the fear off of her face as the weight of it hit her.
she was unable to tear her eyes away from the sky, and as she stared at it, she wondered what merlin would do.
charlie came to slower than she had, and seraphim turned as she heard him murmur, “ellie.”
“hey there big guy.” she prayed it didn’t sound like she’d been crying. “you ready to join me in this waking reality?”
his eyebrows went into a frown and seraphim sighed, feeling sweat form around her hairline. not the voice he wanted to hear. “don’t get up too fast—“
she didn’t have to tell him twice, as soon as he was on his knees he let out this long, low groan, his good hand going to the socket where his metal arm met his flesh. he glanced down at his side, “shit…”
“charlie? what is it?” he shifted around and she gasped.
the exit split had thrown him into the rock and right onto his arm. he hadn’t been able curl and protect himself from the machinery, there hadn’t been enough time. the socket had been driven upwards and inwards, tearing his skin open in places. he had a veinwork of blood going down his side, soaking into his v-neck. “okay… okay.” seraphim said quietly. “on a scale of one to ten, ten being it’s so bad you can’t walk, where’s your pain?”
charlie was taking huge, gulps of air, but it burned all the way down into his chest, and he coughed. “let’s say a very strong seven. i can—i can move. it’s fine. and i—“ there were whirs and clicks as he moved his arm, although he tried to hide from her that his range of motion was a little more limited than he was used to. “—can still use it. not broken. ellie can fix it when we…” his voice trailed off as his eyes lifted to the horizon. “… get home.”
seraphim was calm as he took in where they were.
the rocks beneath them were milk white, aside from where they’d been stained by blood. and they went on and on forever towards the skyline, equal parts rolling and jagged. whatever mountain range this was, they’d landed in the foothills.
if there anything else alive here, it was nowhere near them. the silence was thick.
“it’s—it’s really hot—“ he shook his head, trying to pull himself together, find any kind of solidity in his mind. his hand went to his face, rubbing it, wiping at the sweat. “morgan, are we—are we in hell?”
when seraphim didn’t answer him right away, he turned to her in time to see her gazing upward.
the sky—wasn’t a sky at all.
it was a city, hung upside-down, black, violet, and solid. it glittered overheard like a palace ceiling. a tower spiraled towards them in the center, with rings and rings of buildings going outward from it, mimicking, charlie thought ruefully, the mouth of the gate.
the light they were seeing it by was bright white. it seemed to be coming from the line in between both halves of the world, where they didn’t—couldn’t?—touch.
“no, charlie. we’re not in hell. i uh—“ she didn’t want to lie. “i think we might be somewhere worse.”
*     *     *
drake knew just from glancing at the map that they’d been ripped out of the general continuity. he knew that where they’d gone—time did not flow there like it did here.
they had still been asleep where wyvern came barreling down the stairs, out of breath, with ellie close behind him.
“my glasses went off, what happened?” he demanded, his accent coarse in his panic. he found his anger evaporating when he saw the looks on drake and longma’s faces.
at first, neither of them could speak.
until ellie broke their cautious quiet with a question.
“… drake? drake, where’s charlie?”
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ao3feed-riversong · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QJS4X1
by zombeesknees
The Roaring Twenties. Chicago. The Doctor, Amy, Rory, and River cross paths with Captain Jack at Al Capone's birthday party — shenanigans ensue. | Written many moons ago on LJ.
Words: 4539, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Doctor Who, Doctor Who (2005)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: The Doctor (Doctor Who), Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams, River Song, Jack Harkness
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QJS4X1
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kimsgoeun · 6 years
I have only 8 more days of work before my summer vacation, so under the cut is plots and fcs I wouldn’t mind having! Feel free to message me or like this post if you’re interested!
a ship based off of tristan dugray x rory gilmore (gilmore girls, can be m/f or f/f); rich, entitled douchebad against the small town, academic golden girl 
a ship based off paris gellar x rory gilmore (gilmore girls)
f/f jim x pam from the office ship based off of this
f/f jess x rory from gilmore girls plot!!! 
kind of want to play killer frost!caitlin snow (the flash) against anyone pls and thanks
a cute friends to lovers plot~ 
any kind of supernatural plot (aliens, vampires, ghosts, zombies, whatever)
any kind of horror plot! 
“Instead of having a guardian angel, you have a guardian Demon. Their methods are often much more violent. But much more straightforward.”
“okay so you know the soulmate au where on your 21st birthday you wake up in your soulmate’s body? imagine if you were dating someone for a long time and on your birthday you wake up and you’re in their apartment so you’re like “yes it’s them!!!” and then you look in a mirror and you’re in the body of their roommate
a cute youtuber/social media based ship”
“During a bank robbery you’re surprised when the criminals seem to recognize you and retreat in fear. Only later do you learn that your high school sweet-heart now runs a global crime syndicate and has you placed on a “No Harm” list. You decide to pay them a visit after all these years.”
(as f/f!!) someone give me “you’re my best friend’s innocent little sister and i’ve known you since you were in like 4th grade but somehow you got super fucking hot and you live next door and have a habit of dancing in front of your window in your underwear.” 
“a plot with two people who work at a trashy psychic shop. one is a full-blown phony psychic who makes shit up for profit, and the other genuinely believes in their “gift” and in the world beyond the veil. (whether or not the “gift” is real depends on the thread.) shenanigans ensue.”
“a plot about a college student on the verge of losing her scholarship. with a full schedule and no free time, she has no shot at finding a job. so in a last ditch attempt she puts herself on sugarbabies.com and searches through sugardaddy.com. a week passed by. many blind meetings with ceos, doctors, lawyers, even a few actors. yet nothing pans out. one day, late at night. a message pops up. inside waiting is a message from her favorite professor.”
(as f/f!!)  “ give me a plot of “i’m your father’s mistress && and was nearly caught sneaking out early one morning but you saved the day by introducing me as your girlfriend && now your mother invited me to spend the summer at your vacation home so we have to spend the entire summer pretending to be in love.” this works for literally any of my girls. gimme. “
“A woman is cursed by the Gods to kill any man she falls in love with. She falls in love with a man who was cursed by the gods with immortality.”
fc ships
aly michalka x candice patton
amber heard x katie cassidy
ashley benson x troian bellisario
caity lotz x shay mitchell
lucy liu x rosamund pike
margot robbie x phoebe tonkin
rachel mccadams x rachel weisz
fcs (to use or as opposites; obviously it can be fcs outside of this list though!)
aldis hodge
alexis bledel
alisha boe
alisha wainwright
alona tal
amanda seyfried
anna kendrick
antonia thomas
brittany snow
camilla luddington
elliot knight
jennifer morrison
jessica parker kennedy
ji chang-wook
jodie comer
joel kinnaman
john krasinski
krysten ritter
lee ji-eun
lee jong-suk
lee sung-kyung
nam joo-hyuk
rahul kohli
riz ahmed
rose mciver
sarah gadon
seo kang-joon
son na-eun
song ji-eun
song ji-hyo
tiffany hwang
woo do-hwan
yoo in-na
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duncedgoofball · 6 years
DuncedGoofball Masterlist
Dean Winchester x Reader - Baby
Lucifer x Reader - Right Place Wrong Time
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy x Reader - No Regrets
George Weasley x Reader -  That Wasn’t A Part Of The Plan
Remus Lupin x Reader - Under The Full Moon
Weasley Twins x Reader - Late Night Therapy
Sirius Black x Reader - New Memories
Charlie Weasley x Reader - Dragon Hearts
Charlie Weasley x Reader - Charlie Boy
General Reader Inserts
Quiz Show
Happy Birthday
Breaking The Record
Mirror Of Erised
I Don’t Know What Happened
Outlast 2
Dog House
Star Trek
Spock x Reader - Uncharted Territory Part 1 / Uncharted Territory Part 2
Doctor Who
Doctor Who x Reader - A Date With Time
Rory Williams x Reader - Rory Williams
Chris Evans x Reader - Where’s Your Shirt
Leeteuk x Reader - Being A Leader
Chris Evans x Reader - Premiere Shenanigans
Chris Evans x Reader - Morning Bliss
Chris Evans x Reader - Office Hours
BBC Sherlock
Sherlock Holmes x Reader - For The Love of Science
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