#rip boar you will be missed
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Op… you make a lot of interesting claims in this post. To get the facts straight before I go on a rant… 1) George claims that Rhaegar was a love struck prince 2) the books don’t mention anything about any marriages being annulled/anyone being set aside 3) seems like Dorne has no issue with Rhaegar and 4) Ned literally never thinks anything bad about Rhaegar… but thinks ill of Robert.
First off, a man trapped in a duty bound marriage and finding love outside that marriage is completely different from a whoremonger shouting about his love while visiting brothels whenever he could. And guess what… Ned straight up thinks that Rhaegar didn’t seem like someone who’d visit brothels. Robert and Rhaegar couldn’t be any more different.
And when did Lyanna want to be wild and free? When is it ever said that Rhaegar locked her in the tower of joy and that Lyanna was a prisoner?
Ned never even alludes to there being any truth in any of these claims. What we do know is that Lyanna greatly resembles Arya in looks and personality… and Arya wants to be a high septon and kings counselor, meaning Arya wants to have a position of power and not be reduced to a baby making machine. Going off of that… it seems like Lyanna didn’t want to be “wild and free,” she just wanted to be treated with respect. The only reason Arya is even treated like she’s wild is because she doesn’t conform to the Westerosi standards for highborn women.
And of course she’d feel miserable when she heard Aerys killed her brother and father. Aerys. Not Rhaegar. I wouldn’t even be surprised if she felt guilt about what happened, but in the end it was Aerys who brutally killed them. And then Rhaegar goes to protect his family and dies, and then Rhaegar’s family is brutally killed and then Lyanna dies. George did claim that the greatest love stories are the tragedies (i may be misremembering but i know he said something along the lines of that lmao).
Op, you claim that Rhaelyas love would’ve died after getting news of the Starks deaths, and then you try to suggest that Rhaegar may have been keeping Lyanna isolated from news in Dorne… like please pick a story to go with! And Rhaelyas love dying or Lyanna not being kept updated on what was going on outside of Dorne just doesn’t seem to be true. When reading Neds chapters, it seems like Lyanna was fully aware of what happened to Rhaegar’s children and Elia… as Lyanna pleaded with Ned like how Sansa pleaded with Ned to not kill Lady (hope i’m not misremembering here lol). And Rhaegar dying with a woman’s name on his lips (likely Lyanna’s name) and Lyanna clutching a winter rose (this may just be symbolism for baby Jon tbh) until she passed away seems to contradict your belief that their love died.
Also, where are you getting the “Rhaegar would suggest to set aside his kids and wife to marry Lyanna” from? The show? You mention how Lyanna would not be okay with this, and I agree that Lyanna would never be fine with setting Elia and Elia’s children aside. But even thinking that Rhaegar would ever even suggest setting aside Elia and his children is bonkers. Like seriously… there was so much tension between Aerys and Rhaegar that the Royal court was said to have begun looking like the situation before the Dance of the Dragons. And Dorne was Rhaegar’s greatest support! Why would it make any sense for him to annul his marriage with Elia? And please remember that during the sack Rhaenys hid under her fathers bed. The text supports him loving his kids/his child who wasn’t a baby seeking to be protected by him so why would he endanger them and their positions? (and no, disappearing with Lyanna for awhile isn’t him endangering his family. Aerys was the one who endangered his family (hot take brandon was the one who endangered the starks like wth was he thinking???). and tbh it seems like Aerys knew exactly where to find Rhaegar so did Rhaegar and Lyanna even disappear? or were they just keeping their location a secret from the rebels? the rebels who ended up killing Rhaegar’s family?)
I will say that how op first started to characterize Lyanna is something I agree with, her being principled, noble, honorable, and just with a sensitive side seems to be true, but then op goes on to continue to claim that Lyanna was wild and that she had little regard as to how other people perceived her. There’s no reason for us to believe that she didn’t care about what others thought of her or that she was wild and wanted freedom more than anything, it just seems like she dared to tread away from what was expected of Westerosi highborn women and that she didn’t want to be married to Robert. And guess what… Robert ended up being an abuser! *gasp* Lyanna dear… you clocked Robert right away.
And seriously… how does any of what op mentioned back up their claim that Lyanna would never resign herself to the position of a mistress? Is being a mistress/paramour really that bad? Does it truly seem like Lyanna would look down on those women? Her mini me Arya doesn’t look down on the courtesans of Braavos who occupy a similar position as mistresses in society. And it seems like plenty of noblewomen have been mistresses in the past and they are still as respected as a woman can be in Westerosi society. Missy Blackwood and Elaena Targaryen are right there. And Op, if Lyanna was Rhaegar’s mistress, why would you think that Lyanna couldn’t have been happy? Are we going to doubt Ellarias happiness and her love of Oberyn because they weren’t married? Should I doubt Rhaenyra and Harwins happiness because Rhaenyra was married to Laenor? Rhaegar and Elias marriage was not a love match. And if Rhaegar and Lyanna did marry… ever wonder if polygamy was introduced as a Valyrian practice by George to hint at Rhaegar taking a second wife? Should I now doubt Rhaenys and Aegons happiness and love because Rhaenys was Aegons second wife?
Now can we please stop acting like two people married due to duty have any reason to love each other? Nedcat seems to be an exception in Westeros. Lyanna and Rhaegar falling in love isn’t ruining Elia and Rhaegar’s marriage when love wasn’t there in the first place.
haha my whole post is a bit messy i just wanted to get my thoughts out :)
fuckkkk i want to tag more (my tags are a mess lmao no i’ve not gone through them and no they will not make any sense)
#robert was a brute#when did lyanna seem disgusted by roberts bastards?#seems like she was just disgusted by roberts behavior of claiming to love her while visiting brothels#say it with me folks: there’s not a single mention of rhaegar loving elia their marriage was for duty#so no rhaegar is not like robert bc rhaegar found love outside of his marriage of duty#robert treated lyanna like an object and never even saw/loved the real her#lyanna clocked that and later fell in love with a man who loved the real her#aka the knight of the laughing tree#yeah the text hasn’t truly confirmed anything yet but at least my version of events isn’t contradicted by the books#omg ppl need to stop acting like being a mistress is some morally corrupt position god damn#nedcat you will always be famous#but jon snow will always be even more famous#bc he’s rhaelyas love child#rip rhaegar lyanna and elia i’ll save you guys from tumblr bad takes#i love that george makes it clear that marriages of duty can be nasty affairs#and tumblr desides to demonize characters who dared to find love instead of criticizing the system of selling daughters off like broodmares#like bruh i would be sooo happy to learn if elia had a paramour on the side#i’m looking at you elia x ashara shippers#tho i don’t think that they had a romantic relationship i do find it hilarious that ppl who claim rhaegar is horrible and endangered his#…family turn around and applaud elia for potentially doing the same…#couldn’t be me tho i pretend that rhaelya and their children are perfectly happy and that elia found love as well#as i think rhaelya were well in their rights to go against the system that tried making them miserable and i hope elia did the same#these tags are a mess and kinda don’t make sense lmao#rhaegar targaryen you will always be famous#asoiaf fandom critical#rip boar you will be missed#robert deserved worse#ppl need to stop acting like rhaelya is homewrecking when george himself calls elia and rhaegar’s marriage complex#jon will learn that his parents were in love and he’ll learn good shit about them and he’ll think good thoughts about them#and then this fandom will go insane and jon will start being hated like dany for daring to love his parents
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idkfitememate · 6 months
Fox!Creator in inazuma at the temple, it could start with just meeting yae, she's being her usual sassy fox self, and then we could meet Raiden who's visiting yae? Or maybe we go with yae to mess with gorou, and in the process meet kokomi? Ooh or we go with her to a meeting and meet the kamisato siblings! Or perhaps kujou Sara went with Raiden? Kirara delivers a package to narukami shrine? Maybe we go with her to yae publishing house and run into itto and shinobu and the arataki gang, in the street beetle fighting? Or they're going with itto to buy the lastest miss hina advice book! Idk just some ideas that sprang to mind as soon as I saw that creator could be fox lol, hope you like at least one of them :D
Welcome to the crew Fox!Creator! ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১
Today there was supposed to be another ‘execution’. (Vision taking)
Instead, there was a small fox sleeping on the Raiden Shogun’s platform, blocking her path.
That fox, was you.
Honestly? People thought she’d kick poor you, but instead she gently pushed you with her foot. (‘Still technically a kick.’ Some people in the crowd thought)
But the small fox with a strikingly large tail didn’t budge. In fact, you swatted at her shoe, turning over and… lying. On her shoe.
She glanced at her guards - who shrugged- before nudging you again. This time, however, you made a noise of disagreement, and swatted at her leg.
With your claws.
Effectively ripping the fabric.
…Uh oh.
Her eyes narrowed, and forced you off with a little more force, forcing you to awake. Naturally, you were just a little pissy that you nap was rudely interrupted by some prissy bitch with ass shorts, so you did the only logical thing a god in fox form would do.
Summon ancient yōkai, no duh.
Large oni with red and blue skin emerged from the bushes, their bodies imbedded with the power of geo, causing rampant chaos. Kitsune appeared from the shadows, luring men and women alike away for… let’s just say mischief. Kappa stole children away into the water, forcing them to swim home, laughing at their misery.
What? You didn’t actually want to kill people! Killing causes death, man! That shit kills you!
Glancing back up at the Shogun, you shook your body and licked at your fur, looking for someone.
“HEY!!! LITTLE FOX!!! OVER HERE!!!!” There he was.
Sticking your tail up at the Shogun, you jumped off the platform, and moved onto the Main Street, weaving through the crowd running from oni, and finally making it to your friend.
Arataki Itto. Your numero uno.
Holding a palm out, you quickly scale his body, laying down around his shoulders, resting your head on his. Felling your tail getting scratched, you noted that Shinobu was also here. Neat.
Normally you would’ve taken offense… if you weren’t already asleep again.
And with that, the Itto gang ran off, leaving a now extremely pissed off Shogun. Though a chuckle sounded behind her.
“Well then, a new fox.~ Whatever shall we do?~”
“Not now, Yae.”
All that matters to you was that your little group was safe, and that you could sleep in peace.
Itto Gang normally: 🎉🥳🎈🎁🎁🪅🪩👯‍♂️👯‍♀️👯🍾🎊🎈🎁🎈🍾🥳🍾👯🎊🎊🍾🎁🎁👯‍♂️🍾👯‍♀️🍾🎁🪅🪅🪩🪩🎁🎊🥳
Fox!Creator: 😴
Itto Gang after seeing them asleep: 🎉🥳🎈🎁🎁🪅🪩👯‍♂️👯‍♀️👯🍾🎊🎈🎁🎈🍾🥳🍾👯🎊🎊🍾🎁🎁👯‍♂️🍾👯‍♀️🍾🎁🪅🪅🪩🪩🎁🎊🥳
Hehe. Chaos Boar, pampered Otter, parental Tiger, eepy Fox! All that’s left is Liyue! Let’s see who gets here first!~ ໒꒰ྀི ܸ. .ܸ ꒱ྀི১ !!
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frankcastleonlyfans · 2 years
Hi! Darling, I was wondering if you can make a fic or oneshot where in mom!reader is like eating her pregnancy cravings and dad!daemon like doing everything he can to make pregnancy cravings requests possible and mom!reader is like i want a roasted chicken or barbecue but it has to be cooked by a dragon fire and dad!daemon is like casually requesting caraxes to make fire or cook the chicken or any meat his holding out in front of caraxes to cook it and the guards, dragon keepers and servants are like wtf 😶 because this man is doing everything his lady pregnant wife is requesting! 😂🖤 and also like the mom!reader is like near daemon waiting and excitedly watching because she is excited too eat the roasted meat! 😋🍖🖤 sorry for the long request is fine if you can't make it i enjoy and love the fics you make! 🖤🖤🖤
pairing: dad!daemon targaryen x mom!reader
warnings: just fluff this time, lots and lots of fluff
author's note: hi nonnie, my love!!! i'm so sorry, i tried to make a drabble out of it, but i couldn't write it so i did this headcanon. i hope you still enjoy :( <3
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators 💓 please leave a comment if you like my work, and enjoy your reading.
dad!daemon x mom!reader au masterlist
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· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ୨♡୧ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
During your late pregnancy, you had some weird cravings.
And Daemon, like a good husband, got for you everything you wished for.
So when you craved boar stew, Daemon had to hunt a wild boar just for you.
And when you wished for oysters, but the ones from the coast of Dragonstone, he got it for you.
And when you pratically cried for a huge and spicy mutton, Daemon was there, cutting it in pieces to feed you.
But this time, you woke up with the strangest of wishes.
"Daemon." You called in his ear, stirring him awake, "Daemon, I'm craving roasted pork."
He opened his eyes and stared at you. He wanted to whine for being ripped out of his dreamland, but you were looking at him with your pouty lips and huge begging eyes.
"What's the catch this time?" Daemon questioned.
"...roasted in dragonfire." You murmured in the crook of his neck, hiding your face as he chuckled.
"I can't believe I am actually doing this."
That's how you both ended up inside the dragonpit in the early morning. Daemon requested for a huge pig to be brought, and asked someone to bring him Caraxes.
You gave little jumps excitedly, mostly for the food, but also because the whole situation was so funny.
The dragon keepers brought Caraxes, and stared at you both like you were crazy.
And the pig couldn't stop screaming.
"Hello, boy." You smiled as the dragon stretched its huge neck and leaned its muzzle on you.
"Caraxes, stop snuggling with Y/N and please just burn the pig." Daemon pinched the bridge of his nose, watching you play with the huge animal.
You missed your sweet Vermithor so much, it's been months since you last saw any dragon.
"C'mon boy, make me a roast!" You clapped as the dragon turned towards the swine.
"Dracarys." Daemon commanded, and the dragon spilled his fire so fast that the pig could not react. It was so hot and quick that was painless.
The pig was still in his feet, burned on the outside and deliciously cooked on the inside.
"Ooh, good boy Caraxes!" You praised, hugging his warm muzzle. He huffled in your body.
"Don't I get a hug after all this?" Daemon pouted.
You walked towards Daemon and kissed him sweetly, making the guards and dragon keepers turn around to give you privacy.
"Now, you get a kiss. After I feast in that pork, you get the whole meal." You smirked, biting his lip.
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Humans are Space Orcs: Local Wildlife
We thought we had won Earth from it’s residents. Truly, we had thoroughly beaten their military. I had swung the plasma blade on many of the necks of their generals myself, having conquered most of what the humans called a “Texas”. When our patrols started to go missing after the occupation, we had expected insurgency forces. Bullet holes on the bodies, blast burns, the whole six units. Instead, we turned up corpses that looked... chewed. Gored, slashed, and then eaten. The next patrol we sent out, we sent with body cameras. What we saw horrified us. A four hundred pound tank of a beast with tusks like knives made what we only could describe as a screech as it charged impossibly quickly, ripping the first of our kind to shreds with the swords attached to it’s jaw. I... can’t say what happened to the rest. I ran away. Upon my arrival back to headquarters, I went to our only human captive, one we’d been asking questions to about the local flora. He only chuckled and tucked what he called a “cigar” in his mouth, clenching it between his oral bones and taking a deep inhalation of the smoke. 
“Yep. Back home, that there’s what we like to call a problem.”
“Yes, This One can see that clearly, but what is it called?” The human arched his eyebrows and leaned forward on the table, taking the cigar from his mouth and rolling it between his fingers. 
“‘Round this area they’re called hogs, but most’ll call ‘em wild boars. But lemme tell you something.” The alien couldn’t help but match his gesture, intrigued by the words the human was telling it. 
“You let me outta this here pen? You can call that thing supper ‘long as you got enough butter.”
“What is... butter?”
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seijorhi · 3 months
Rhi your tags about the Inarizaki teams as werewolves has got me sweating... you're so smart. that poor reader would never stand a chance
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Okay clearly I hit on smt here so allow me to expand a bit;
Inarizaki as a pack of half feral roaming werewolves. Kita’s a traditionalist, a born werewolf; he believes that’s how they should be; free, unbothered by things like territory and boundary lines. They roam where they like, eat what they like, fuck what they like.
Kill what they like.
It happens. Sometimes they come across a pack who aren’t too pleased about inarizaki encroaching on their territory. There’s only one response to a perceived threat they’ll honour – Kita might not revel in the violence, but viciousness is as much a part of them as the change is. It’s in their nature to fight, and his pack are strong. Savage. Some might even say bloodthirsty.
Their reputation precedes them.
Your pack – your family – on the other hand, are practically tame by comparison. Living apart from humans to avoid the temptation, only hunting and killing as a necessity – deer, boar and other wild animals wherever you can. You outnumber the likes of inarizaki, but you’re not fighters. There’s not a doubt in anyone’s mind that if your pack were to face a challenge, you wouldn’t come away unscathed.
When the scouts first spot the pack crossing the edges of your territory, the response from your elders is immediate. Submission. The inarizaki pack can do what they like, they’ll face no resistance from yours. Eventually they’ll move on, it’s a matter of weathering the intruders until that happens.
Except, certain members of Inarizaki take offence to that. They’ve come to enjoy the promise of a kill to get their blood pumping, and now what, they’re being denied?? You’re just going to roll over and show your belly?
You’re stood by your parents’ side, the rest of the pack behind you as your grandfather delivers the promise of a peaceful passage through your territory. Helpless to do anything but watch as the offer is met with a chorus of harsh, barking laughter and growls, teeth bared and glinting in the firelight.
Standing at the head of his pack, Kita is alone in his lack of an outward reaction. He doesn’t move, doesn’t speak immediately, but you recognise the silence for what it is; he’s communicating with his pack.
And then those cold, sharp eyes flicker towards you.
Ice claws at your heart.
You freeze in place, a metaphorical deer in headlights, as he calmly voices their counter offer. Either your family hands you over to inarizaki, or they’ll slaughter the whole pack. Werewolves don’t tolerate such cowardice.
All the while, his pack stare you down. Hungry. Excited.
In the face of such an offer, your parents, your grandparents, betray you without missing a beat.
Thinking themselves merciful, they bargain for one night, a head start before you’re to be hunted. Kita gives you six hours.
So you run, as fast as your legs will take you – fleeing to put as much distance between you and that pack of monsters as possible.
You think they’re hunting to kill, that the fate that awaits you ends at their maws, ripped apart and consumed.
Unbeknownst to you, they hunger for something else entirely.
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m1d-45 · 2 years
Hi,um this is my first time so I'm sorry if the requests are close.So I read a few genshin sagau and what would happen if the reader get smaller if they don't receive love?Like,they turn younger and younger.And 1 of the character found them but instead if the so called imposter, they find a child?What would happen
Again,im sorry.If the requests are close,then pls ignore me.im more scared of getting a reply😭
the young
a/n: requests are open, don’t worry! personally, i don’t plan on ever properly ‘closing’ them, only delaying / putting them on second priority for whatever reason. thank you for sending in a request, and if this isn’t what you wanted, then feel free to ask again!
word count: ~1.3k
-> warnings: unedited stream of consciousness, but not much else! imposter au. slight mention of addiction, probably obsessive behavior / thoughts… rip to klee / diona / dori / sayu / qiqi mains. mad respect though.
-> lowercase intended!
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky
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at first, you didn’t notice.
teyvat, in its loving kindness, had kept you safe after you’d been run out of the city. boars made sure nobody got too close, cranes kept watch, birds fluttered around your small campsite during the night. your loyal guard, always there, inhuman to some but a blessing to you. the people may not believe you, they may run you out and shout for your capture, but teyvat would always be there.
it would lower the boughs on trees as you mumbled about not being able to reach the fruit, it would send smaller companions as you jumped at the size of a crow, it would lead you to areas with smaller and smaller wildlife, all in the hopes that if it made you happy enough, you would stop shrinking.
when you did notice, you were afraid.
you were sitting on a rock, absentmindedly braiding wildflowers together. they seemed larger than usual in your palms, but so did everything else! your mind told you it was just because teyvat’s plants and animals were bigger than the ones in your world, but you didn’t really believe it.
a large raven carefully landed on the rock besides you, eyes peering at your creation. it was huge, the size of a puppy at least.
…a dog, you correct yourself. no puppy is that large.
the bird hops closer, talons clicking on the stone, beady eyes still watching the wildflowers in your hands. it’s large, unnervingly so, and you swallow before turning back to braiding.
when you reach for another flower, it takes more strength than it should to pull it up.
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grass bends under determined shoes, eyes scanning the undergrowth. ferns part, your main ducking under surprisingly low branches. they’d heard from the locals that the imposter was spotted around here, and they needed to be the one to find you.
they couldn’t let down their god. they couldn’t let them down, not when they’d already been punished by being deprived of their aura. they didn’t know what they did, they didn’t receive an answer no matter how hard they begged, but they were certain this could fix it. after all, they were still the favorite, right? they still had their weapon, and their artifacts that had taken ages to collect, and they could still sweep away enemies with the same strength.
all that was missing was the precious aura of being close to the creator, a feeling they would do anything to get back.
the memory spurred them on, even as the thicket grew denser. they did their best to push through, the golden shimmer of their weapon being summoned making up for the lack of light filtering through the leaves, but it’s like the very earth didn’t want them going here.
the thought made them pause, but only momentarily. if the earth didn’t want them there, then that meant it was dangerous, a threat to the people nearby. at the very least, they had to see whatever it was to ensure they could bring the proper amount of backup.
as they cut through the leaves and bushes—doing their best to preserve as much as they could, unwilling to destroy what their god had so lovingly created—they began to feel the same thrill in their bones that came from being near their god. when they first noticed they had to stop their progress, leaning against a tree to mumble a prayer of thanks.
they’d missed this. they’d missed it so deeply, a hole in their soul that nothing could ever fill. from being surrounded by it daily, in and out of battle and other errands, to being stranded without it for months… it could only be compared to an addiction.
when they got their wits about them, they shakily drew their weapon once more. this had to be a reward, right? for going out of their way to protect the people? this had to be a sign, acknowledgment from the only one they truly cared about, and it only reinforced their actions. cutting through the brush was hard, a task of which progress seemed slower and slower with every breath, but this made it worth it.
with a final use of their skill—carefully aimed, as they were well aware of how their hands trembled—the foliage gave way, opening into a beautiful meadow. birds chirped and called, butterflies landed on flowers, and a creek bubbled through the center, emptying into a pool on one side. it was beautiful, an area certainly blessed by their god’s love, and they took a moment to look in awe.
the call of a child snapped them from their thoughts, the feeling of a divine aura pulsing in their veins, and they turned to the source.
a small child was sitting in the grass near the edge of the clearing, butterflies and birds surrounding them like a personal guard. in their hands was a braid of flowers, their clothes stained with dirt and grass.
the favored rushed to try and rationalize the situation, thoughts slowed to a drip of honey by the bliss in the air. this… child had to be the reason they were being blessed, right? their god wanted them to save them from whatever the earth didn’t want them to see, right? perhaps the child was one of their vessels as well? though rare, it wasn’t unheard of..
the child stood from the grass, setting down the flowers and attempting to brush some of the dirt off their clothes. it didn’t work as well as they might have hoped.
they cleared their throat, catching the child’s attention. “you should come with me.”
one of the birds besides the child cawed loudly in protest, flapping its wings. neither payed any mind.
‘why’ indeed. they couldn’t exactly explain the entire concept of divinity to somebody so young, and it would surely only give whatever monster lied in wait more time to return. if they were a villager’s kid, they would have heard of them being missing, but they didn’t, so no chance of using the ‘your parent sent me for you’ line…
“somebody very important is looking for you,” they settled, taking a step towards them. “and they’ve sent me to come find you.”
please say yes. please just come with me. i can’t hurt a child. i need you to come with me.
i need their favor once more.
to their relief, the child walked closer to them, and they crouched to meet their eyes. the blessing of their god thudded alongside their own heartbeat, their vision swimming at the edges. this is what they were meant to do. they had to bring this kid to their god. this is how they would be forgiven.
the child said something, something along the lines of trust and belief, but they fell on deaf ears. in an easy motion, the favored picked up the child and stood, walking for where they had entered the meadow.
the kid squirmed in their arms, making themself comfortable, but they didn’t stop marching. exiting was far easier than entering, the leaves no longer seeming to fight them—not that it mattered. they had the key to their god’s favor in their arms, and their blessing in their veins. nothing would stop them from returning to their former position, to where they belonged.
nothing would stop them from returning to their god’s side.
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n0n-sen-se · 10 months
☆ Take A Hi(n)t !
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includes ;; inosuke hashibira x gn!reader, aoi kanzaki synopsis ;; while fighting a demon, inosuke takes a hit for you + the aftermath content ;; fluff. mentions of blood/stitches. hidden confession? wc ;; 1.1k a/n ;; i have a bit too many ideas with inosuke, but i enjoyed writing this because it sounded a little out of character for him to just jump into harms way! i.e very interesting
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All the muscles in your arms had seized up, burning like hellfire under your skin. Everything hurt. Pure potent pain, even your lungs were starting to buzz with exhaustion. . . but demons were relentless. They could fight forever without breaking a sweat. And this devil in front of you, once a man, bubbled with cackles as he attacked and attacked mercilessly. His arms, like blades of their own pushing against your defense.
He's only trying to wear me out! The thought struck white hot fear into your heart. He's not giving me an opening!
You blocked nearly every shot, the metal of your nichirin sword clanging like thunder. Every missed attack sliced your haori like a papercut. What was worse was that your blade was the only thing that could kill this demon. . . and yet your muscles could hardly wield it a moment longer. Its blade vibrated in front of you. Even with two hands on the handle it wanted to clatter to the ground.
What do I do? What do I do!? There was hardly a moment to think, no time between attacks and only instinctive reflexes keeping the demon at bay.
That's when the barrage against you stopped completely. Before your eyes, like a scene played out in slow motion: the demons cheshire grin disappeared in a blur of brown and blue, replaced by the moonlit forest that surrounded you.
"Inosuke. . .?" The name that fled your lips was surreal; and at first, you weren't entirely sure that you'd said it.
"That's right! Lord Inosuke is here to save you!" The boar-boy grunted like a maniac; the demon's arms pinned beneath his two swords and planted into the ground. He laughed triumphantly into the night, made apparent by the frosted breath spilling from his mask.
Your heart jumped, springing forth a premature smile from your lips. The demon roared with anger, planting his feet into Inosuke's chest with a force that sent him flying into the darkness. You reeled, raising your blade in defense as the demon stood and pulled the serrated blades from its shoulders. It's glowing yellow eyes picking out your form, the smell of your blood intoxicating.
Come on, you silently challenged, sipping one last cold breath of air into your lungs in anticipation.
The demon leapt towards you, the earth crumbling under its feet from the force, claws extended. You raised your blade high above your head (the metal still quivering in your grip) and saw not a single opening on its neck. Before it could reach you fully, Inosuke threw himself between you and the demon. In your terror you spotted Inosuke's hand pushing up in the demon's chin, giving you the perfect opening.
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-nosuke! inosuke. . .
"Inooosukee~" You hummed, stretching out the boy's name as quietly- and persistently -as possible. From the side of his hospital bed, you sighed, a sudden weight falling across your heart. That butterfly girl Aoi, she said he should wake up any day now. . . so why wasn't he? You laid your arm across his stomach and rested your head, watching (and feeling) the slow rise and fall of his chest. 
One breath in. Your lashes fell as you listened. One breath out.
"He's still not up?" Aoi set down a tray of food on the nightstand, quirking an eyebrow as you jolted awake. "No! He's uhm, he's not awake." You said sheepishly, hoping that by some miracle she could forget that you dozed off on watch duty.
"Isn't he. . . supposed to?"
The girl huffed, "Well sure, but you have to give his body time. As much time as it needs to heal." Aoi put a hand on the back of your chair, a gesture you supposed was meant to comfort you. "That demon nearly ripped him to shreds."
You nodded, eyes trailing over the sleeping boy's chest where under a layer of sterile clothing lie a heap of bandages and stitches.
Inosuke snorted, his head turning towards the nightstand, sniffing the air. "Gimme. . . Give me that food."
"Inosuke!" You leapt onto the bed, the sheets flying up as you pounced onto it. "You're awake!"
Aoi rolled her eyes, unable to help the small smile as she witnessed the tender moment.
"AH! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! GET OFF ME!" He scrambled unsuccessfully from your grip, your hands thrown over his shoulders and pressing his face into the crook of your neck. Dammit! His whole body hurt and you were squeezing him?!
"I'm so glad you're okay. . ." your voice cracked with pain, and you squeezed your eyes shut, trying to relish the feeling of your fingers tangling into his hair, pulling him close. 
The sound of your voice. . . all vulnerable and. . . genuinely worried for him. He could feel your pain.
Inosuke stopped his thrashing.
"I don't care if I'm hurting you," you forced a laugh and pulled away, his blank face of confusion squished between your hands. "Why the hell did you do that!? Huh?! Why did you take the hit for me!?"
Between Aoi's berating voice and Inosuke's struggled noises, you fought back tears, physically trying to shake an answer out of him.
"Answer me!"
"Your-!" You stopped shaking him, waiting for him to spit out the rest. "GET OFF OF ME!" You pouted, sitting back onto his lap whilst he slapped your hands away and rubbed his sore face. "You can't grab him like that! You two will open your wounds again!" Aoi probably would've slapped you both if it wasn't ironic.
"Sorry. . ." you sighed, realizing that Inosuke's shirt was slowly becoming pink. "Aoi?" You asked sheepishly again, turning to her for help.
The poor butterfly girl only rolled her eyes and huffed "You two, I swear! Honestly! Just make him eat something." She turned on her heels (hopefully to get more bandages), remarking with a reassuring smile "Don't worry, Inosuke heals fast. He's a freak of nature." She left, waving the both of you off.
"So- You still go hurt?" Inosuke spoke through a mouthful of rice and vegetables. Already digging into his food, you sighed. "I'm better off than you are. I don't need stitches. . . only a couple hundred bandages." He scoffed, a few pieces of food falling onto the bed. "Without me you'd be dead!"
You scoffed back, snatching the bowl out of his hand "Sit still Inosuke! And by the way, that demon wouldn't be dead without me." You smirked, knowing that it would piss him off, and stuffed a clump of rice into his mouth, making sure he couldn't/wouldn't talk back. "Don't move so much anymore."
It was silent for a while, aside from his chewing.
He huffed in response.
"Why did you do that?"
In the silence, you stuffed another clump of rice into his mouth, failing to notice the burn that rose up from his neck to the tips of his ears.
"You're just weak," he choked.
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ms0milk · 2 months
shapeless anxiety has crept up on you since birth but mr nanami knows its something much more sinister than that, always has been. something he won't lose you to. cw a panic attack in warm stables. surprise relief and a cowboy's hunting knife 1k
farmhand nanami tag <3
It happens, it happens, and you haven’t died yet. Trivial comforts that have long since lost their potency run your heart’s hamster wheel. That’s all your heart is at this point, a skittering thing with a life expectancy of three. Cannibalistic tendencies.
You knock the back of your head on the gate to a rhythm that at least keeps you from crying– limp on the floor of the south stables, back against the door to an empty stall at the end of a row of unsettled horses. They hate that you do this here. You hate that it happens and your riding hat slips over your forehead when you tremble a little too hard.
Nanami’s herding new calves today, playing babysitter in their spring pen. The old boss is away at auction so you’re promised privacy this afternoon to gather yourself and dry your eyes and keep your legs from shaking when you finally stand up again. This is worse than usual and spurred by nothing. Sudden and public, it’s been panic attacks and hiding places since you were school age– since before you got this job tending an old woman’s show animals. A two-woman job on paper and a one-woman show in practice, it’s paradise with housing. And the blessed coincidence of a new blond handyman.
Thank god, you shudder as dark thoughts dance their spirals, thank god for another set of hands. Your boots are too tight even after kicking them off, socks and jacket, skin pulled across your ribs, claustrophobic. It’s been ages since the last time this happened but you still can’t brush boars like this, or watch calves taste grass for the first time. When you think too hard about the heartbeat in your ears it makes you shake, the thought you can’t control its volume or pull the broken pieces out.
Still, the hens will be locked up to roost and the cows will get their babies back. Dogs will be watered and cats will be scratched because Nanami isn’t pitiful. He isn’t dying, surely dying, in a broken straw bale and you thank god again.
Your horses are hungry. The headache is back and you haven’t taken a breath in seventeen seconds. Stop counting. Talulah the white mare, older than you, stretches a sinewy neck over the top of her gate to nip but you’ve sunk out of her reach. Irritation or curiosity? What did you even come to the stables for?
The sun sets in the window behind the saddle hooks and dread begins to drown you. It’s the cumulative weight of every attack since the first, just like always, and always almost too heavy to hold. Like something waiting just out of sight to sink its teeth into your throat. Ghost stories old volunteers used to tell around summer campfires become realities as you rip your hat off your head and hairs with it in an attempt to breathe better, or move better or just be able to fucking see. Hair against your face, straw through the weft of your jeans– legends say they found her body where it laid in the fields, mummified from fear.
“Miss Y/n!”
It’s less his voice and more the knife that startles your face out of your hands. Nanami falls in front of you otherwise silent, kneeling, looming, fist wrapped tight around a knife he’s driven through the wooden stall beside your head.
Immediately, the wheel slows its turning, replaced by nothing, spinning residually under the gaze of a worried cowboy with his hat around his neck. Nanami’s broad chest threatens the seams of his jacket as he measures his breath. His hair has been licked into awkward shiny spikes by happy tongues and he’s still got bribing sorghum in his breast pocket, and you realize too late to stop it, that you’re going to cry.
He drops his hand from the blade but doesn’t move away, scanning and tracing the clammy parts of you. Your cheeks and neck, chest and hands. His eyes dart over empty spaces and return again, “Are you okay?”
“You..” you what? Nanami stares through you like he’s stone until your thought is finished and you still haven’t regained enough sense to right yourself. Your back is flush with wood; hair, jacket and undershirt all riding up behind you where they snagged on the stall door when you sank. Tears spill over your lashes, “you startled me.”
Talulah reaches forward again to get someone’s attention; she’s hungry. Her neighbors stomp in their stalls or snort in your direction, but their frustration is too pretty a symphony to answer yet. You’re alive, the world didn’t stop and doesn’t need you to keep turning it.
Nanami exhales like he’s the survivor and leans forward to gather your things. He brushes straw from the brim of your hat, “I’m sorry.”
“That was scary,” you coo, smiling, melting. Pins and needles of the brain, feeling coming back now. You close your eyes to help the tears fall and lift your hands back to your face.
“I’m sorry, Miss.”
You shake your head and breathe three more times before speaking.“How’d you know?”
Nanami’s shy with his English, but you understand more than he means when he speaks to you. He lowers his gaze to your socks and lifts your boots by their pull straps to sit them beside you– stops short of overstepping– of slipping them on you. “Bad feeling,” he murmurs and fishes a clean handkerchief from his sorghum pocket. A full body shiver and you try to sit up, try to take what the golden hand holds out for you but your fingers meet his warmth trembling and cling to it. His hand is strong and leathered, it’s gentle with you always and he’s never seen you like this. The embarrassment will come later. For now the horses have given up complaining and you curl forward on your knees in a sob when the gentle cowboy lets you hold his hand. He’s quiet. He rests your hat in his lap and leans no closer or farther away as relief runs its course through your veins. He can explain the knife later. Cats, cows, and show ponies can wait five more minutes.
farmhand nanami tag <3
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ragesin · 7 days
melizabeth hc dump
Origibeth introduced Meliodas many things, including human alcohol after learning he never tried it before. She showed him a whole new world and simultaneously opened pandora’s box.
After the new Boar Hat was built, Meliodas did let Elizabeth know that since the bar was much bigger, if she’d like she could have her own room while travelling with the Sins and no longer needed to bunk with him due to space limitations. He left the choice entirely within her hands and told her he’d be fine with whatever she decided on. He woke up in the middle of the night on the second day to find her sleeping next to him, right against his side. Forgive the man if he was smiling a little more genuinely than he normally did for the rest of the week.
Goddesses have a thing where they gift one of their feathers to their partner, imbued with magic so that it will never rot, resist damage and hold its form. You can liken it to a ring the humans use. Meliodas still has the one given to him by Origibeth thousands of years ago. Whether worn as a pin, tucked in his hair, hanging around his neck, curled around his wrist, or simply sitting in his pocket, it’s almost always on his person even if not visible to others and very rarely will he go without it. Knowing the feather is there, that he has something left of the original Elizabeth always with him not tainted by the curse, helps ground him. Highly advise against trying to take it from him.
Like how Meliodas plays rock, paper, scissors with Zeldris and patty cake/arm wrestling with Ban, he also played hand games with Origibeth that revolved around giving high fives as quick as you can while switching to different creative positions and trying to make the other miss. Up high down low too slow. It could get crazy though. More than once they found themselves in craters. He will boast about having a higher number of wins. Elizabeth was just happy to see him having fun.
Due to soul reasons, Meliodas will know if Elizabeth dies even if she’s not immediately in his vicinity or line of view but he can’t determine anything else about her status ( ex, sick, in pain, if she’s currently in the process of dying ). Only after she’s dead does he get the mental notification of what happened.
Occasionally during the initial meeting, Meliodas can recognize Elizabeth on sight no matter what form she takes, but most of the time it is a guessing game. Elizabeth’s features are uncommon but it’s not completely unique, and she’s almost never been 1:1 with her original goddess incarnation, so he’s had false flags before. Sometimes he reliably gets it on the second or third try but eventually after a bit of time acclimating to the person’s presence he does 100% determine if someone is her reincarnation or not.
This is why my Meliodas doesn’t harass Elizabeth Liones off rip before they even had a proper conversation during canon. Her appearance sets off instant alarm bells but he doesn’t know for sure. As far as he’s concerned, this is a stranger and he doesn’t know her anymore than she knows him. Course that changes with time once he confirms to himself she is Elizabeth. He starts off more oneshot behaviour, then as time passes he gradually slides down the scale to his more canon behaviour and makes it about 60% there in the end, so while he has his bad moments that other people can and should kick his ass for, he doesn’t take it nearly as far or quite as often as canon.
His recognition of Elizabeth gets more precise the more time he spends around her. It’s the difference between Meliodas having some difficulty early on picking out Elizabeth from the hide and seeks vs him looking at her carbon copy in Ellatte and immediately pegging her as Not Elizabeth. On that note, he was very unnerved by the appearance of Ellatte and all the implications that comes with it.
He has snuck Origibeth into certain parts of the Demon Realm for secret dates, because while it lives up to the reputation it has among other races, his birthplace has places he does consider beautiful and wanted to share those experiences with her after everything new she stepped up to show him. It was nerve wracking but worth it in the end.
Meliodas is the little spoon with Origibeth and big spoon with Elizabeth Liones.
He falls in love with Elizabeth that little much more each time an incarnation steps up for him because someone going out of their way to be protective of him instead of the other way around is just an alien concept to him and damn it he’s supposed to be squaring up but Elizabeth stunlocked him by announcing that for everyone in earshot to hear what is he supposed to do with this full heart throwing him off his game.
Meliodas used to have several scars. They were present when he met Origibeth and throughout his relationship with her. Her healing is capable of removing scars and she offered once or twice but Meliodas always declined so she left it at that. However when Meliodas collapsed after taking another hit meant for her, the gods looming over them, and he just wasn't moving wasn't breathing, she poured her remaining power into him. It stitched up the physical wounds, dug deep enough to wash away the scars, but there was nothing to jog back to life. The limitless healing at her disposal can't revive the dead. After the curse took hold of his body, dragged him back to the land of the living, Meliodas was left all of his hearts beating, not a wound or scar marring his flesh, and a dead Elizabeth beside him in a pool of their blood.
Goddess bodies are like fairies in the sense that they don't decay. Origibeth's body is around somewhere, and Meliodas hasn’t let anyone know that it is, not even Elizabeth.
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nol0nqerhuman · 11 months
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one fateful day a student from JYP University goes missing. Lee Minho is a dance major, on October 31, 2023 he goes missing. Luckily for him a journalism student cares enough to look for him with the victim’s friends.
master list
October 31, 2023, students were rushing out classrooms and study halls to get ready for parties or get-together’s, others were going to cafes with friends to get a warm coffee as the cold was starting to settle in. Minho on the other hand was going to his dorm, staying in deciding to work on whatever he felt like even after multiple attempts from his friends trying to get him to go to some stupid party.
‘Come on Minho, you never go out anywhere’ Hyunjin begged, ‘If you don’t I will literally die.’ Please, pretty pretty pretty please with a cherry on top’ Changbin dragged out. Minho could only look at him with a pout and said no. ‘Alright man see you tomorrow I guess’ Chan said as they walk away leaving him alone.
By the time he reached his dorm it was sunset, as he walked in he felt a shiver down his spine….like something bad was about to happen. “Felix are you here?” he called out but quickly realized he said he was going to the party at Yeji’s house. He dropped his stuff down and went to his room. There was really nothing to see; a bed, desk and night stand. He went into the bathroom and began to undress himself, stepping into the shower he felt water flow on his body, it was nights like these he enjoyed most, his thoughts being drowned out by the calming sensation of the water, comfort that came with being alone, he felt so at peace but he couldn’t get rid of the nagging feeling that something was wrong. Stepping out of the shower and getting dressed, he went into the kitchen and opened it the fridge. Empty. He groaned in annoyance and took out his phone to message Felix.
| theres nothing to eat
| oh mb i forgot it was my turn to get groceries
| it’s fine i’ll just get them myself
| omg ty i owe you
seen 9:55pm
He quickly put on some slippers and left for the supermarket. Walking down the sidewalk which was empty because of all the parties accruing, it was relatively easy to get to the store. Grabbing a hand-held cart he skimmed through isles getting the things he needed. By the time he left it was 10:20 and it was dark outside, light only being available from the flickering streetlights. Halfway back to his dorm though, his bag ripped and all his stuff spilled. a majority of it however was thrown into the forest which was much more farther away. Walking around he had managed to find most of his stuff except for his noodles which was the only ‘meal’ he bought. He walked deeper into the forest but couldn’t help but feel as thought it was wrong, he brushed it off ‘I’m just being paranoid, there’s nothing except deer in here’, he began to walk more but he didn’t even walk two steps before he heard rustling, he was in a clearing but surrounded by trees, whatever was there could see him but he couldn’t see it. Suddenly he heard a high pitched ringing, so loud he dropped everything to cover his hears and began to squint his eyes, not wanting to close them unless something was there. The noise was unusual, instead of coming from a specific direction it surrounded him and suffocated him. His heart was racing, his senses were overwhelmed. Then it stopped. The ringing stopped but what came was worse a seven foot tall being came to his view, it was made of charred flesh and bone, it’s head was what belongs on a boar and it’s fingers were long and sharp, sharp enough to kill….Minho couldn’t find it in him to move, to run to Yeji’s house and join the party even if his mind was scarred, he should have gone, he should have never stayed at home, he should have gone with Chan, Changbin, Hyunjin, and Felix. But he didn’t and now he was here, facing a monster. He felt cold so extremely cold, like all the blood left his body, he just stared, stared in fear as he wondered why he couldn’t move or why he didn’t go to they party. He stared as he saw the figure lunge at him and claw at his body, tearing his flesh and taking his life, he just stared, motionless, lifeless, dead. He didn’t even scream….
©️nol0nqerhuman 2023
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razor-dragon · 2 years
The Afterlife
Warnings: None that I know of.
Technoblade slowly awoke. He winced; his head was throbbing. What happened? He sat up, taking in his surroundings. It looked like the SMP, but it was silent. No swords being drawn, no loud children screaming, not even the sound of the voices in his own head. Wait a minute... where were the voices? There was never a point in time where they were silent, but now there was no trace of them. Not even a whisper.
Techno stood up and started to walk around. He needed answers, but this place seemed to be a ghost town. No one in the castle, nor Las Navadas, nor Kinoko Kingdom, not even the blonde racoon he saw as his little brother taking refuge under his home. No one was here. He was alone. Thats when he noticed that when he was traveling, no matter where he went it was cold. Not unbearably so, but cold enough to show that there was definitely something wrong.
The boar hybrid started to worry a little. He had never been truly alone like this before. Had something happened to the others? Was there some sort of tragedy where he was the only survivor somehow? Techno sat down on his knees and rubbed his temples. “Come on, Technoblade. Remember. What happened before you woke up here?” he asked himself.
It took a good few minutes of trying to remember, but he finally pieced everything together. There was the sound of war, he wasn’t sure over what, but it was definitely war. He heard Wilbur’s voice calling out for Dream, he sounded angry. Techno caught sight of Wilbur rushing over to Dream, and in a panic, Techno ran over into the crossfire. He felt the blade rip his chest open, and he fell. Tommy and a few others screamed his name. Wilbur stood over him, horrified. And Dream stood there, slowly sliding his mask off to reveal his surprised expression.
Techno didn’t necessarily like Dream, but he jumped in front of the masked man because the voices told him to. The voices wanted to show everyone that he wasn’t just the destroyer of tyranny, The Blood God, or The Blade. They wanted to show that he just wanted peace. A world without government, without war. He hadn’t quite realized how low on hearts he was, until he fell. His last canon life being ripped from him. He was dead. This was his limbo.
He knew it had only been a few minutes in the real world, but he had been in limbo for a couple months now. He had met Shlatt, Ghostbur, some kid named Slimecicle, and a few others. He avoided most of them as much as possible but stayed with Ghostbur. The poor guy was sad, and they both knew that there was no second chance for him. So, Techno did everything he could to make his friend feel better.
He was just casually strolling through the empty SMP, when he saw something in the distance. He turned towards it and was met with a familiar smiling mask and green hoodie. “You saved me, so I’m bringing you back home.” Dream said and extended his hand outward. Techno stared at the man for a moment, before taking his hand. The man’s pale skin looked strange next to his own ghostly blue tinted skin. With that, Dream led him away. Techno’s vision started to blur, then it was completely clouded by white.
When Techno came to, he was laying on the ground. There were figures all around him, but he couldn’t make out a single one with how blurred his vision was. He sat up and slowly shook his head, clearing the fog from his mind. That’s when he noticed small whispers, they weren’t from the now present figures surrounding him, but from his own head. Saying things like “Rest” “Heal up” and so on.
Techno then dragged himself to his feet, with the assistance of a familiar winged friend. Who then hugged him when he was standing upright. He hugged back, having missed his friend during the months he was gone. He then was hugged by a few of his other friends and acquaintances. He then noticed Wilbur, standing nervously to the side. He might have just been killed, but he was still The Blade and one of the most powerful people on the server. He just sighed and opened his arms to Wilbur, who gratefully took the hug. Wil was obviously glad to not be on Techno’s bad side.
He then looked at Dream. They both just nodded at each other, and Dream walked off. The war had temporarily come to a standstill, not because the conflict had been resolved, but because Techno was a decent acquaintance to just about everyone. He was also very powerful and would have found out how to come back on his own for revenge one way or another.
As the sun set, Techno sat on the grass with Phil, Tommy, Wilbur, Tubbo, and Ranboo. With his long pink hair blowing in the light breeze, he tucked the white strand behind his ear and began to tell them the story of his limbo and the people he met.
Technoblade Never Dies. Fly high king.
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sullina · 2 years
Meliodas decides its too big of a risk right now, Gelda won't be gone long enough and he won't be able to get out fast enough with his broken arm. He'll have to just keep his guard up, especially around Gelda now. He knows Gelda will keep her promise, but he's still uncomfortable she had managed to get so much information out of him at all. He may even be able to use this as an opportunity to learn what the Commandments were planning if he waits untol his injuries are healed, afterall they're bound to leave him alone at some point!
So he waits patiently as Gelda returns with another set of clothing, this time a shortsleeve green tunic, still open collared, but with a string tied at the collarbone into a gold decorative bead necklace and a pair of tan trousers. Once again he was allowed to keep his shoes. Gelda gave him a satisfied once over as she adjusted his clothes bit, having turned for a few minutes to allow hin to change his pants and helped him into his shirt.
"There, looking like a proper little prince now."
"I don't see why i need to wear this..." Meliodas grumbled a bit, missing his bar uniform, "What's wrong with what I had before?"
"Meliodas... it's was ripped to shreds and made you look like some second rate bartender."
'I am a bartender though.' Meliodas thought to himself as he thought back to the Boar Hat, wondering what the Son's were doing now. The thought made his frown deepen as he remembered how he'd left his friends, 'Or at least... I used to be.'
With mothing else to do, he let Gelda lead him back out to the dining room, bracing himself as he stepped in. Within seconds of stepping foot withing the room, he found himself being lifted up by Estarossa, much to his distaste.
"Meliodas! You shouldn't be walking after a fall like that!"
"Wha- Put me down!!!"
"No." Estarossa started walking him back to the table, unimpressed by Meliodas' struggles and protests.
Galand was petrified, metaphorically. "What did I just say, Estarossa!" The damn brat of a prince broke his promise. The other commandments weren't thrilled either, although for a different reason. After what they heard from Drole and Gloxinia, they all just wanted to cuddle and comfort Meliodas. They all could imagine what Meliodas had gone through in the past 3000 years and it might as well be a miracle he was even still alive.
When Estarossa finally let Meliodas go, he sat him in the same chair from before, ignoring how his older brother glared at him. Well, at least it was good to know that not all of him was gone.
Meliodas inspected the table and evertyhing once more. The spilled stew had been cleaned up and a new tablecloth had been put on the table where Meliodas had spilled, making him wonder just how recently exactly this place had been abandoned.
"You must still be hungry. Here", Zeldris served him a new bowl of hot dusk bull stew. He glared at the stew like it was at fault for the situation he was in, but the more he stared at the floating pieces, the more he was reminded of how Ban would get him to eat enough with his delicious dishes.
...he missed Ban. And the other sins. Even if he were to get out of here, he had nowhere to go. There's no way they would accept him back and even if he did show himself to them, they would only look at him with hatred in their eyes. His hearts couldn't take that. Not again.
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savvylikeapirate · 8 months
Maybe I'll get hate for this, but I'd like to tell a story about dogs, and the people who love them. Tw: written description of gore under the cut. The gore is not something that happens to the dogs.
My great-grandather, who we all called Pepaw, loved dogs. Dogs were his life and sometimes, I think, the only thing that made his life worth living.
He raised and kept hunting dogs since he was a boy during the great depression. When he taught my dad how hunting worked, how dogs worked, he made it clear that each dog had a purpose. He had dogs to track and tree, dogs to point, dogs to retrieve, and dogs to chase.
He also had dogs to kill.
He wasn't a fancy man who went on fancy hunts. He went into the woods for food, and he was good at finding it. The reason why he had dogs that kill instead of just trusting his rifle to do it was that sometimes the prey was big enough that anything but a perfect shot would only piss it off. Prey like wild pigs.
If you've ever seen an american wild pig yourself, then you know what I mean. They are massive, strong, and aggressive. They have, can, and will kill humans if those humans aren't careful.
My dad went into the woods one day with Pepaw. The dogs were bouncing alongside them, sniffing and searching, save for two oversized pit bulls on a leash.
My father told me this story. He told me about the way the leaves crunched underfoot, of how the woods smelled. The tracking dogs let out echoing bays through the holler as they picked up a sent. The catching dogs gave chase. The two men rushed after them through the undergrowth, and found that the pack had discovered a wild boar. Even though they were hunting dogs, made to chase down and sometimes catch, they only barked and circled the pig. Not letting it run, but not getting near.
Pepaw undid the leash of his kill dogs, while the rest got out of the way.
My father didn't linger on how they did it. He didn't give me too many details, save one: One of the dogs, when faced with a foe five times his weight, went for the pig's throat. He missed, but grabbed ahold of the pig's lower jaw and ripped it off.
I think of that sometimes. I think of that when high-drive breeds stalk or lunge after my own dog. I think of that when I hear about bites on people, about dog park tragedies. I know that they don't mean it, that dogs aren't capable of having ethics. They're just being what they are. People made some dogs this way, made them better at killing than even their ancestors. And it's people who sometimes forget the strength of square jaws and the power of lean bodies until they are suddenly reminded. Harshly.
But this is sometimes what it means when dogs have a purpose. They cannot escape it. They cannot choose it. Sometimes for humans it means being overly cautious over being naive. And I am very very tired of being a villain because I cannot love certain dogs while also trusting them.
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ebonmournecomics · 10 months
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Take a look in three alternate dimensions at what my dear Ibex could have been, courtesy of Ebonmourne Labs' Space and Time Division: Universe #A315-B, also known as "The Bear Zone", or the Bear-woman Timeline. [Notes:] -Attempts at communications have failed on multiple occasions. The "Bear-Beatrix", as so named by Dr. Book, seems to only communicate in exceedingly loud roars and growls, and has attacked our researchers "maul"-tiple times. :) -Upon inspection of her den, at least 7 cowboy hats were found, along with a collection of belt buckles bought from various roadside country stores. At least one of these belt buckles said "Taxation is Theft", and another read "Trucks, Bucks, and Tax Evasion". Presumably, the pile of skeletons outside were from the Internal Revenue Service. -Bear-Beatrix is notably better looking than other discovered Beatrix-es. What, you expected me not to notice? Universe #A627-C, also known as "The Multi-Dimensional Dump". [Notes:] -Attempts to communicate have been confusing at best. Somehow, every possible topic of conversation becomes a speech on the existence of UFOs. We know, Possum-Beatrix, we're the Space and Time Division. -Failed both psyche and drug tests. -Indescribable smell. Universe #S997-B, also known as "The Fat Lady Sings". [Notes:] -Attempts to communicate have ended poorly on all occasions. The river of vulgarity that can flow from the snout of Wild Boar-Beatrix is truly otherworldly. -The musical tastes of Boar-Beatrix range anywhere from discordant and poorly executed folk-metal to soul-destroying, ear drum-ripping black metal. Last time she performed on stage, she dove into the crowd, crushing 5 women and narrowly missing 7 more. -Collects delicate china in her spare time.
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SIKE I made it almost perfectly. A boar I shot died on the tracks and I had to hit it, but I regained good standing quickly.
I like how Zelda freaked out about a lot of money when she is literally a princess. You're loaded, girl, shut up!
Linebecks being Linebecks. RIP Senior, I will always love you.
See, Zelda, this is what I mean. Us poors, we "go on vacation." Only y'all rich people "summer." *rolls eyes* Anyway, this is one of the things I hate about games: I had stopped at Papuchia Village -- and why wouldn't I? It's right there! -- but I still had to go to the Sanctuary, then come back to the village. I thought I missed something in the village that wasn't letting me progress and wasted a lot of time. I got through it, but, augh, what a pain.
And then pirates happened, an even bigger pain! Nah, I'll just leave that for tomorrow.
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wpdariacutnes · 2 years
chapter 11 seson 4 (hyba 11 because this is nothing interesting, just some cut scene with others like behind the scenes or something like that, that's why muwie hyba 11)
but it just brings you other swings like a sham, and the truth is that it is a computer and cul technology is long
Someone: deam is no techologi long stret takes yes im knows hole shit
wanila: (this is a wild boar baby) I don't like you because you have a small ass
Dogo:cool, young, I don't have to just miszleś what to make and you baby ar... * child with a gun in her face (solar moon scene "omg pink get gun")
Wanila: you can write my gun like your old man
dogo: ohhh wona FINE * take a kid a leg and over the bridge he will throw right away*
Wanila: And before you chew me, what a long or short roll?
Dogo: *mett katsune face but dog ver and das smile* I heard that children with speed alta will be able to throw a bridge on the subject of swimming, so * chewing vanilla without this bridge and 6 houses further away * and now swim my moron baby from idiot
And this mistolet is not her "little slut", he would see the older a gun near his face
( someone: hot woman dog and meister suny glas queen)
someone: im neber Wall a seson 4 a chapter 1/2/3/4/5 and 6/7/8/9 and little bit 10 so enifing okey dar in going more
Me: so canda final chapter 12 yeah a sesno 4 and dys going more new a seson 5 but im not sure a help me
Someone: dogo_bot im total help you a seson 5 oso im play game a zero now on das knows going one so cute and hot a 20 years old kids
Me: hehehehe
"Final boss room a seson 4"(im make dys numer a das not miss sowing)
Sara:and what do I have won now because I know that * she is older that she is all maybe *
dogo: * she grabbed too bad and trusty her just * goof it you bitch
"they fight so much that they tear the laundry that the pathology is still missing for the eyes to grow out " (even worse that it is recording without a bird, the camera of this robot bird with a camera)
dogo: * a little bit of confidence that her eyes were swollen *
finally Jesus, I won for Jesus
* all zest crystal gold snow but sara still take her sade to sebie that she got a face from dogo *
let me go, because you will rolls right away
Sara: oh shut up is mine
Dogo: hell no
* two oozed that the sky was a broken window that Sarah was chewing on those windows *
Sara: hey bitch
Dogo: * attack her leg a das funny look "cute"*
Dogo: WHAT NOW Grrr
Sara: wer a gem
Dogo: what * look a dys widow* what the heppynt now nooo is bruken is not use aaaa what you done
Sara: *poke face a dogo* Me how but you high
Dogo: *🖕* a you what did me now hmmm??
Megaman (mega): * she just flew there to the outside of the mesca and landed on the plase now* gril chill im get dys gem oso dress up plis because buns masta sees the hose buns naked that it flies as if they were horny
Sara and dogo: how but shut the hell up and sucking self you only fult a not fatching now!?
Megaman (mega):* raises rence but she showed the crystal to sebie to muselum this lost* okey okey but im not dys a das rip dress off
dogo: hmh but you do not roo ooo we fought and you white shoe without a broken chimp and you were pounded that you did not get neither me nor sara you dys face
Sara: old woman closed morede because as much as you can is waving a big bush you knows
End here a seson 4
Offical epic note: 30.07.2022.r
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