#returning to fandom!
Another Update!
Hey, friends! I'm back with another Fandom Update and this one is much happier than the last. After an extended break and a few months to heal, I'm excited and really pleased to announce that I'm coming back to the Shadowhunters fandom!
It's been a really rough few months, but I've managed to get through the worst of it with help and support from my friends, and now I feel ready to jump back into the fray. I've really missed fanfic writing, especially for Shadowhunters, and I'm so happy to be back at it again. Alec Lightwood and I have a lot of time to make up for.
With that being said, asks are open as always and I'm happy to announce that after I answer some prompts in my inbox that I feel I can, I will be opening prompts again! I can't wait to get writing and creating for any of you that may follow me and want to send in prompts and requests <3
As always, I will also be writing for other fandoms, so you can expect to see some Leverage, Criminal Minds, Supernatural, Detroit: Become Human, and various other obsessions bleeding through! I'll also be accepting prompts for those when I open my inbox officially again.
Thank you to all who have supported me this far, and know that I am so fucking excited and happy to be back. It's been a tough year, but I know next year can be a lot better. <3 Your support always has and always will mean the absolute world to me.
That's it for now, and if you have any questions or just want to talk, don't hesitate to drop me an ask or a message! I love you all.
~ Em
Here are some of my new works, for anyone who's interested :)
Jalec Secret Santa fic
Supergirl Secret Santa fic (rare pairs)
Supergirl Secret Santa fic #2 (Supercorp)
New Shadowhunters fic! (Read tags)
Shadowhunters Christmas gift fic for my friend Evi &lt;3
Thank you!
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hansoeii · 10 months
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look at you, you're gorgeous!
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proselles · 13 days
Dungeon meshi ushering in a new era of peace on tumblr. I have a big tidied woman and her horny simp gf kissing across my dash. Autistic monsterfuckers with no game in every nook and cranny. Short king fathers represent. Cat girl in the way that u couldn’t get her ass to the vet. FOOD. Truly a sign of peace and prosperity in a war torn land
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echoesofcamelot · 8 months
Guys bbc merlin is trending. And we’ve made it trend only because the official Merlin twitter changed the bio and tweeted for the first time in ten years. The power of this fandom is unmatched. We feed on literal crumbs and go feral whenever we get the slimmest shred of hope. Now can you imagine if the show actually came back??? Like. Imagine getting to see Arthur and Merlin reunite. The collective madness such an event would unleash. We’d break tumblr for real wouldn’t we.
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mixmangosmangoverse · 5 months
If you ever needed to know the extent of how the I/P conflict is fandomized, there is a popular post going around with a Sailor moon sticker saying Free Palestine and all the comments are talking about how it's their aesthetic and they totally need to buy it
Because this doesn't matter to them, it's just the cool hip and trendy thing
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ghostoftheyear · 6 months
I'm having this conversation with a friend about fandom and I thought it might not hurt to put a reminder out into the world:
Fandom is a two-way street. At one end, you have the creative types: writers, artists, vid makers (a dying art these days), the meta-commentary-writers. At the other end of the street, the folks who read and view and take in. Not everyone in a fandom creates and that's OK. You can just enjoy the fandom.
Ideally, the two feed off of each other. The creatives make their things; the readers/appreciators/enjoyers respond to let the creatives know that their work is being read/appreciated/admired.
But if the readers/appreciators/admirers go silent? If all they do is consume, without commenting or responding or even so much as hitting that "like" button? Well, the creatives are going to stop creating.
If you treat your creatives like nothing more than content creators, without letting them know that you love the things they make, they will disappear. They'll stop creating. Because as good as it feels to write that fic or draw that art or whatever, we don't exist in a vacuum. Fandom is at its heart a community. And if you stop feeding creatives, well. They starve. The creative works you claim to love will stop appearing.
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cacaocheri · 1 year
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pov: ballin
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beanbagstab · 4 months
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Sonamy but they’re scene & emo again
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athena-theunicorn · 5 months
I saw a post abt this the other day but it's been eating me up inside so I gotta get it in writing. Plus it was in meme format when I saw it so I wanna make sure the gravity of this particular thing is out there somewhere bc I said so.
Annabeth was under the impression for most of her life that she had to earn love and respect from those around her. First from her father after he remarried, and she had to earn his attention back from his wife and kids. Then once she got to camp, she had to earn the admiration of the other campers, her siblings, Chiron and Mr. D, and basically everyone but Luke (because she earned his and Thalia's respect by simply surviving so long after running away). AND THEN she had to earn Athena's respect. That was the ultimate reward in her opinion, because that's kinda what I imagine they teach at camp: "You have to earn the respect of the gods to get them to look at you, let alone respect or, heaven forbid, love you." It's fucked up but its true. It's one of the first things Luke tells Percy upon his arrival. It's how you get claimed, earn a quest, and get all these things that Camp deems so important.
And then Annabeth meets Percy.
Percy, who, despite having his own traumas and tough road to hoe, still knows the feeling of an unconditionally loving home and person. He never had to earn Sally's love. She loved him despite him getting kicked out of school every year, despite him being stubborn and kinda an ass sometimes. She loved him despite his own view of himself. She shoved all that aside and loved her son because THATS HOW PARENTING WORKS.
And then you shove these two little kids together who've had wildly different backgrounds and I bet you'd get some interesting conversations (although they aren't shown a lot in the book or the show). Like Annabeth having to explain all the shit she's done to get her mother's attention and Percy being like "well damn."
And then he starts to notice that she applies this to other relationships too. She starts doing certain things that Percy notices as trying to gain his respect and it gets worse as they get closer and he finally has to be like "hey, you know I like you, right? like you don't have to prove yourself to me" and Annabeth has whiplash because she's never not had to earn love.
It just makes their relationship so much better to me.
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kandismon · 25 days
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totally lore accurate swanqueen screencap redraws 1/∞
i'm trying to learn how to draw emma and regina and figured just kinda redrawing some screencaps is the best and most fun way haha
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uzuriartonline · 6 months
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The Return of the King turns 20 today!
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mewcharm · 4 months
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from the river to the sea!
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microvibing · 2 months
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vorpalfae · 1 month
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𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔬𝔱𝔥 𝔡𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔰 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔢 𝔞𝔰𝔶𝔩𝔲𝔪 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔭𝔱 𝔞𝔯𝔱 ༺ᖭི༏ᖫྀ༻
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teethflavoured · 1 year
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restore the earth to a mammalian paradise!
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kaiju-krew · 3 months
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